diff --git a/Content.Client/CartridgeLoader/Cartridges/MailMetricUi.cs b/Content.Client/CartridgeLoader/Cartridges/MailMetricUi.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..504dda7c56e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Client/CartridgeLoader/Cartridges/MailMetricUi.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+using Content.Client.UserInterface.Fragments;
+using Content.Shared.CartridgeLoader.Cartridges;
+using Robust.Client.UserInterface;
+namespace Content.Client.CartridgeLoader.Cartridges;
+public sealed partial class MailMetricUi : UIFragment
+ private MailMetricUiFragment? _fragment;
+ public override Control GetUIFragmentRoot()
+ {
+ return _fragment!;
+ }
+ public override void Setup(BoundUserInterface userInterface, EntityUid? fragmentOwner)
+ {
+ _fragment = new MailMetricUiFragment();
+ }
+ public override void UpdateState(BoundUserInterfaceState state)
+ {
+ if (state is MailMetricUiState cast)
+ {
+ _fragment?.UpdateState(cast);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/Content.Client/CartridgeLoader/Cartridges/MailMetricUiFragment.xaml b/Content.Client/CartridgeLoader/Cartridges/MailMetricUiFragment.xaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..39639fe8c97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Client/CartridgeLoader/Cartridges/MailMetricUiFragment.xaml
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
diff --git a/Content.Client/CartridgeLoader/Cartridges/MailMetricUiFragment.xaml.cs b/Content.Client/CartridgeLoader/Cartridges/MailMetricUiFragment.xaml.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..553e3a57931
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Client/CartridgeLoader/Cartridges/MailMetricUiFragment.xaml.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+using Content.Shared.CartridgeLoader.Cartridges;
+using Robust.Client.AutoGenerated;
+using Robust.Client.UserInterface.Controls;
+using Robust.Client.UserInterface.XAML;
+namespace Content.Client.CartridgeLoader.Cartridges;
+public sealed partial class MailMetricUiFragment : BoxContainer
+ private OpenedMailPercentGrade? _successGrade;
+ public MailMetricUiFragment()
+ {
+ RobustXamlLoader.Load(this);
+ // This my way of adding multiple classes to a XAML control.
+ // Haha Batman I'm going to blow up Gotham City
+ OpenedMailCount.StyleClasses.Add("Good");
+ OpenedMailSpesos.StyleClasses.Add("Good");
+ TamperedMailCount.StyleClasses.Add("Danger");
+ TamperedMailSpesos.StyleClasses.Add("Danger");
+ ExpiredMailCount.StyleClasses.Add("Danger");
+ ExpiredMailSpesos.StyleClasses.Add("Danger");
+ DamagedMailCount.StyleClasses.Add("Danger");
+ DamagedMailSpesos.StyleClasses.Add("Danger");
+ UnopenedMailCount.StyleClasses.Add("Caution");
+ }
+ public void UpdateState(MailMetricUiState state)
+ {
+ UpdateTextLabels(state);
+ UpdateSuccessGrade(state);
+ }
+ public void UpdateTextLabels(MailMetricUiState state)
+ {
+ var stats = state.Metrics;
+ OpenedMailCount.Text = stats.OpenedCount.ToString();
+ OpenedMailSpesos.Text = stats.Earnings.ToString();
+ TamperedMailCount.Text = stats.TamperedCount.ToString();
+ TamperedMailSpesos.Text = stats.TamperedLosses.ToString();
+ ExpiredMailCount.Text = stats.ExpiredCount.ToString();
+ ExpiredMailSpesos.Text = stats.ExpiredLosses.ToString();
+ DamagedMailCount.Text = stats.DamagedCount.ToString();
+ DamagedMailSpesos.Text = stats.DamagedLosses.ToString();
+ UnopenedMailCount.Text = state.UnopenedMailCount.ToString();
+ TotalMailCount.Text = state.TotalMail.ToString();
+ TotalMailSpesos.Text = stats.TotalIncome.ToString();
+ SuccessRateCounts.Text = Loc.GetString("mail-metrics-progress",
+ ("opened", stats.OpenedCount),
+ ("total", state.TotalMail));
+ SuccessRatePercent.Text = Loc.GetString("mail-metrics-progress-percent",
+ ("successRate", state.SuccessRate));
+ }
+ public void UpdateSuccessGrade(MailMetricUiState state)
+ {
+ var previousGrade = _successGrade;
+ _successGrade = GetSuccessRateGrade(state.SuccessRate);
+ // No need to update if they're the same
+ if (previousGrade == _successGrade)
+ return;
+ var previousGradeClass = GetClassForGrade(previousGrade);
+ if (previousGradeClass != string.Empty)
+ {
+ SuccessRatePercent.StyleClasses.Remove(previousGradeClass);
+ }
+ SuccessRatePercent.StyleClasses.Add(GetClassForGrade(_successGrade));
+ }
+ private static OpenedMailPercentGrade GetSuccessRateGrade(double successRate)
+ {
+ return successRate switch
+ {
+ > 75 => OpenedMailPercentGrade.Good,
+ > 50 => OpenedMailPercentGrade.Average,
+ _ => OpenedMailPercentGrade.Bad,
+ };
+ }
+ private string GetClassForGrade(OpenedMailPercentGrade? grade)
+ {
+ return grade switch
+ {
+ OpenedMailPercentGrade.Good => "Good",
+ OpenedMailPercentGrade.Average => "Caution",
+ OpenedMailPercentGrade.Bad => "Danger",
+ _ => string.Empty,
+ };
+ }
+enum OpenedMailPercentGrade
+ Good,
+ Average,
+ Bad
diff --git a/Content.Server/Cargo/Components/StationLogisticStatsDatabaseComponent.cs b/Content.Server/Cargo/Components/StationLogisticStatsDatabaseComponent.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ca1fbeaad08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Server/Cargo/Components/StationLogisticStatsDatabaseComponent.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+using Content.Shared.Cargo;
+using Content.Shared.CartridgeLoader.Cartridges;
+namespace Content.Server.Cargo.Components;
+/// Added to the abstract representation of a station to track stats related to mail delivery and income
+[RegisterComponent, Access(typeof(SharedCargoSystem))]
+public sealed partial class StationLogisticStatsComponent : Component
+ [DataField]
+ public MailStats Metrics { get; set; }
diff --git a/Content.Server/Cargo/Systems/LogisticStatsSystem.cs b/Content.Server/Cargo/Systems/LogisticStatsSystem.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6abf4eb5a47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Server/Cargo/Systems/LogisticStatsSystem.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+using Content.Shared.Cargo;
+using Content.Server.Cargo.Components;
+using JetBrains.Annotations;
+namespace Content.Server.Cargo.Systems;
+public sealed partial class LogisticStatsSystem : SharedCargoSystem
+ [PublicAPI]
+ public void AddOpenedMailEarnings(EntityUid uid, StationLogisticStatsComponent component, int earnedMoney)
+ {
+ component.Metrics = component.Metrics with
+ {
+ Earnings = component.Metrics.Earnings + earnedMoney,
+ OpenedCount = component.Metrics.OpenedCount + 1
+ };
+ UpdateLogisticsStats(uid);
+ }
+ [PublicAPI]
+ public void AddExpiredMailLosses(EntityUid uid, StationLogisticStatsComponent component, int lostMoney)
+ {
+ component.Metrics = component.Metrics with
+ {
+ ExpiredLosses = component.Metrics.ExpiredLosses + lostMoney,
+ ExpiredCount = component.Metrics.ExpiredCount + 1
+ };
+ UpdateLogisticsStats(uid);
+ }
+ [PublicAPI]
+ public void AddDamagedMailLosses(EntityUid uid, StationLogisticStatsComponent component, int lostMoney)
+ {
+ component.Metrics = component.Metrics with
+ {
+ DamagedLosses = component.Metrics.DamagedLosses + lostMoney,
+ DamagedCount = component.Metrics.DamagedCount + 1
+ };
+ UpdateLogisticsStats(uid);
+ }
+ [PublicAPI]
+ public void AddTamperedMailLosses(EntityUid uid, StationLogisticStatsComponent component, int lostMoney)
+ {
+ component.Metrics = component.Metrics with
+ {
+ TamperedLosses = component.Metrics.TamperedLosses + lostMoney,
+ TamperedCount = component.Metrics.TamperedCount + 1
+ };
+ UpdateLogisticsStats(uid);
+ }
+ private void UpdateLogisticsStats(EntityUid uid) => RaiseLocalEvent(new LogisticStatsUpdatedEvent(uid));
+public sealed class LogisticStatsUpdatedEvent : EntityEventArgs
+ public EntityUid Station;
+ public LogisticStatsUpdatedEvent(EntityUid station)
+ {
+ Station = station;
+ }
diff --git a/Content.Server/CartridgeLoader/Cartridges/MailMetricsCartridgeComponent.cs b/Content.Server/CartridgeLoader/Cartridges/MailMetricsCartridgeComponent.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..380a4d90c04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Server/CartridgeLoader/Cartridges/MailMetricsCartridgeComponent.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+namespace Content.Server.CartridgeLoader.Cartridges;
+[RegisterComponent, Access(typeof(MailMetricsCartridgeSystem))]
+public sealed partial class MailMetricsCartridgeComponent : Component
+ ///
+ /// Station entity keeping track of logistics stats
+ ///
+ [DataField]
+ public EntityUid? Station;
diff --git a/Content.Server/CartridgeLoader/Cartridges/MailMetricsCartridgeSystem.cs b/Content.Server/CartridgeLoader/Cartridges/MailMetricsCartridgeSystem.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..00b6d0a16e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Server/CartridgeLoader/Cartridges/MailMetricsCartridgeSystem.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+using Content.Server.Cargo.Components;
+using Content.Server.Cargo.Systems;
+using Content.Server.Mail.Components;
+using Content.Server.Station.Systems;
+using Content.Shared.CartridgeLoader;
+using Content.Shared.CartridgeLoader.Cartridges;
+namespace Content.Server.CartridgeLoader.Cartridges;
+public sealed class MailMetricsCartridgeSystem : EntitySystem
+ [Dependency] private readonly CartridgeLoaderSystem _cartridgeLoader = default!;
+ [Dependency] private readonly StationSystem _station = default!;
+ public override void Initialize()
+ {
+ base.Initialize();
+ SubscribeLocalEvent(OnUiReady);
+ SubscribeLocalEvent(OnLogisticsStatsUpdated);
+ SubscribeLocalEvent(OnMapInit);
+ }
+ private void OnUiReady(Entity ent, ref CartridgeUiReadyEvent args)
+ {
+ UpdateUI(ent, args.Loader);
+ }
+ private void OnLogisticsStatsUpdated(LogisticStatsUpdatedEvent args)
+ {
+ UpdateAllCartridges(args.Station);
+ }
+ private void OnMapInit(EntityUid uid, MailComponent mail, MapInitEvent args)
+ {
+ if (_station.GetOwningStation(uid) is { } station)
+ UpdateAllCartridges(station);
+ }
+ private void UpdateAllCartridges(EntityUid station)
+ {
+ var query = EntityQueryEnumerator();
+ while (query.MoveNext(out var uid, out var comp, out var cartridge))
+ {
+ if (cartridge.LoaderUid is not { } loader || comp.Station != station)
+ continue;
+ UpdateUI((uid, comp), loader);
+ }
+ }
+ private void UpdateUI(Entity ent, EntityUid loader)
+ {
+ if (_station.GetOwningStation(loader) is { } station)
+ ent.Comp.Station = station;
+ if (!TryComp(ent.Comp.Station, out var logiStats))
+ return;
+ // Get station's logistic stats
+ var unopenedMailCount = GetUnopenedMailCount(ent.Comp.Station);
+ // Send logistic stats to cartridge client
+ var state = new MailMetricUiState(logiStats.Metrics, unopenedMailCount);
+ _cartridgeLoader.UpdateCartridgeUiState(loader, state);
+ }
+ private int GetUnopenedMailCount(EntityUid? station)
+ {
+ var unopenedMail = 0;
+ var query = EntityQueryEnumerator();
+ while (query.MoveNext(out var uid, out var comp))
+ {
+ if (comp.IsLocked && _station.GetOwningStation(uid) == station)
+ unopenedMail++;
+ }
+ return unopenedMail;
+ }
diff --git a/Content.Server/Mail/Components/DelayedItemComponent.cs b/Content.Server/Mail/Components/DelayedItemComponent.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f73aef85b06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Server/Mail/Components/DelayedItemComponent.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+namespace Content.Server.Mail.Components;
+/// A placeholder for another entity, spawned when dropped or placed in someone's hands.
+/// Useful for storing instant effect entities, e.g. smoke, in the mail.
+public sealed partial class DelayedItemComponent : Component
+ ///
+ /// The entity to replace this when opened or dropped.
+ ///
+ [DataField]
+ public string Item = "None";
diff --git a/Content.Server/Mail/Components/MailComponent.cs b/Content.Server/Mail/Components/MailComponent.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..af0bdaa87ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Server/Mail/Components/MailComponent.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+using System.Threading;
+using Robust.Shared.Audio;
+using Content.Shared.Storage;
+using Content.Shared.Mail;
+namespace Content.Server.Mail.Components;
+public sealed partial class MailComponent : SharedMailComponent
+ [DataField]
+ public string Recipient = "None";
+ [DataField]
+ public string RecipientJob = "None";
+ ///
+ /// Why do we not use LockComponent?
+ /// Because this can't be locked again,
+ /// and we have special conditions for unlocking,
+ /// and we don't want to add a verb.
+ ///
+ [DataField]
+ public bool IsLocked = true;
+ ///
+ /// Is this parcel profitable to deliver for the station?
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// The station won't receive any award on delivery if this is false.
+ /// This is useful for broken fragile packages and packages that were
+ /// not delivered in time.
+ ///
+ [DataField]
+ public bool IsProfitable = true;
+ ///
+ /// Is this package considered fragile?
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// This can be set to true in the YAML files for a mail delivery to
+ /// always be Fragile, despite its contents.
+ ///
+ [DataField]
+ public bool IsFragile = false;
+ ///
+ /// Is this package considered priority mail?
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// There will be a timer set for its successful delivery. The
+ /// station's bank account will be penalized if it is not delivered on
+ /// time.
+ ///
+ /// This is set to false on successful delivery.
+ ///
+ /// This can be set to true in the YAML files for a mail delivery to always be Priority.
+ ///
+ [DataField]
+ public bool IsPriority = false;
+ ///
+ /// Whether this parcel is large.
+ ///
+ [DataField]
+ public bool IsLarge = false;
+ ///
+ /// What will be packaged when the mail is spawned.
+ ///
+ [DataField]
+ public List Contents = new();
+ ///
+ /// The amount that cargo will be awarded for delivering this mail.
+ ///
+ [DataField]
+ public int Bounty = 750;
+ ///
+ /// Penalty if the mail is destroyed.
+ ///
+ [DataField]
+ public int Penalty = -250;
+ ///
+ /// The sound that's played when the mail's lock is broken.
+ ///
+ [DataField]
+ public SoundSpecifier PenaltySound = new SoundPathSpecifier("/Audio/Machines/Nuke/angry_beep.ogg");
+ ///
+ /// The sound that's played when the mail's opened.
+ ///
+ [DataField]
+ public SoundSpecifier OpenSound = new SoundPathSpecifier("/Audio/Effects/packetrip.ogg");
+ ///
+ /// The sound that's played when the mail's lock has been emagged.
+ ///
+ [DataField]
+ public SoundSpecifier EmagSound = new SoundCollectionSpecifier("sparks");
+ ///
+ /// Whether this component is enabled.
+ /// Removed when it becomes trash.
+ ///
+ public bool IsEnabled = true;
+ public CancellationTokenSource? PriorityCancelToken;
diff --git a/Content.Server/Mail/Components/MailReceiverComponent.cs b/Content.Server/Mail/Components/MailReceiverComponent.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..281a27ea79e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Server/Mail/Components/MailReceiverComponent.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+namespace Content.Server.Mail.Components;
+public sealed partial class MailReceiverComponent : Component {}
diff --git a/Content.Server/Mail/Components/MailTeleporterComponent.cs b/Content.Server/Mail/Components/MailTeleporterComponent.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..81f58bc7a59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Server/Mail/Components/MailTeleporterComponent.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+using Robust.Shared.Audio;
+namespace Content.Server.Mail.Components;
+/// This is for the mail teleporter.
+/// Random mail will be teleported to this every few minutes.
+public sealed partial class MailTeleporterComponent : Component
+ // Not starting accumulator at 0 so mail carriers have some deliveries to make shortly after roundstart.
+ [DataField]
+ public float Accumulator = 285f;
+ [DataField]
+ public TimeSpan TeleportInterval = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5);
+ ///
+ /// The sound that's played when new mail arrives.
+ ///
+ [DataField]
+ public SoundSpecifier TeleportSound = new SoundPathSpecifier("/Audio/Effects/teleport_arrival.ogg");
+ ///
+ /// The MailDeliveryPoolPrototype that's used to select what mail this
+ /// teleporter can deliver.
+ ///
+ [DataField]
+ public string MailPool = "RandomDeltaVMailDeliveryPool";
+ ///
+ /// How many mail candidates do we need per actual delivery sent when
+ /// the mail goes out? The number of candidates is divided by this number
+ /// to determine how many deliveries will be teleported in.
+ /// It does not determine unique recipients. That is random.
+ ///
+ [DataField]
+ public int CandidatesPerDelivery = 8;
+ [DataField]
+ public int MinimumDeliveriesPerTeleport = 1;
+ ///
+ /// Do not teleport any more mail in, if there are at least this many
+ /// undelivered parcels.
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// Currently this works by checking how many MailComponent entities
+ /// are sitting on the teleporter's tile.
+ ///
+ /// It should be noted that if the number of actual deliveries to be
+ /// made based on the number of candidates divided by candidates per
+ /// delivery exceeds this number, the teleporter will spawn more mail
+ /// than this number.
+ ///
+ /// This is just a simple check to see if anyone's been picking up the
+ /// mail lately to prevent entity bloat for the sake of performance.
+ ///
+ [DataField]
+ public int MaximumUndeliveredParcels = 5;
+ ///
+ /// Any item that breaks or is destroyed in less than this amount of
+ /// damage is one of the types of items considered fragile.
+ ///
+ [DataField]
+ public int FragileDamageThreshold = 10;
+ ///
+ /// What's the bonus for delivering a fragile package intact?
+ ///
+ [DataField]
+ public int FragileBonus = 100;
+ ///
+ /// What's the malus for failing to deliver a fragile package?
+ ///
+ [DataField]
+ public int FragileMalus = -100;
+ ///
+ /// What's the chance for any one delivery to be marked as priority mail?
+ ///
+ [DataField]
+ public float PriorityChance = 0.1f;
+ ///
+ /// How long until a priority delivery is considered as having failed
+ /// if not delivered?
+ ///
+ [DataField]
+ public TimeSpan PriorityDuration = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5);
+ ///
+ /// What's the bonus for delivering a priority package on time?
+ ///
+ [DataField]
+ public int PriorityBonus = 250;
+ ///
+ /// What's the malus for failing to deliver a priority package?
+ ///
+ [DataField]
+ public int PriorityMalus = -250;
+ ///
+ /// What's the bonus for delivering a large package intact?
+ ///
+ [DataField]
+ public int LargeBonus = 1500;
+ ///
+ /// What's the malus for failing to deliver a large package?
+ ///
+ [DataField]
+ public int LargeMalus = -500;
diff --git a/Content.Server/Nyanotrasen/Mail/Components/StationMailRouterComponent.cs b/Content.Server/Mail/Components/StationMailRouterComponent.cs
similarity index 51%
rename from Content.Server/Nyanotrasen/Mail/Components/StationMailRouterComponent.cs
rename to Content.Server/Mail/Components/StationMailRouterComponent.cs
index ce87eb131fc..6f6df1e10bb 100644
--- a/Content.Server/Nyanotrasen/Mail/Components/StationMailRouterComponent.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/Mail/Components/StationMailRouterComponent.cs
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-namespace Content.Server.Mail;
+namespace Content.Server.Mail.Components;
-/// Designates a station as a place for sending and receiving mail.
+/// Designates a station as a place for sending and receiving mail.
public sealed partial class StationMailRouterComponent : Component
diff --git a/Content.Server/Nyanotrasen/Mail/MailCommands.cs b/Content.Server/Mail/MailCommands.cs
similarity index 69%
rename from Content.Server/Nyanotrasen/Mail/MailCommands.cs
rename to Content.Server/Mail/MailCommands.cs
index 5af873f9e80..390de93fb3a 100644
--- a/Content.Server/Nyanotrasen/Mail/MailCommands.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/Mail/MailCommands.cs
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
using Content.Shared.Administration;
using Content.Server.Administration;
using Content.Server.Mail.Components;
+using Content.Server.Mail.Systems;
namespace Content.Server.Mail;
@@ -20,6 +21,7 @@ public sealed class MailToCommand : IConsoleCommand
[Dependency] private readonly IEntitySystemManager _entitySystemManager = default!;
private readonly string _blankMailPrototype = "MailAdminFun";
+ private readonly string _blankLargeMailPrototype = "MailLargeAdminFun"; // Frontier: large mail
private readonly string _container = "storagebase";
private readonly string _mailContainer = "contents";
@@ -44,21 +46,23 @@ public async void Execute(IConsoleShell shell, string argStr, string[] args)
- if (!Boolean.TryParse(args[2], out var isFragile))
+ if (!bool.TryParse(args[2], out var isFragile) || !bool.TryParse(args[3], out var isPriority))
- if (!Boolean.TryParse(args[3], out var isPriority))
+ var isLarge = false;
+ if (args.Length > 4 && !bool.TryParse(args[4], out isLarge))
+ var mailPrototype = isLarge ? _blankLargeMailPrototype : _blankMailPrototype;
- var _mailSystem = _entitySystemManager.GetEntitySystem();
- var _containerSystem = _entitySystemManager.GetEntitySystem();
+ var mailSystem = _entitySystemManager.GetEntitySystem();
+ var containerSystem = _entitySystemManager.GetEntitySystem();
if (!_entityManager.TryGetComponent(recipientUid, out MailReceiverComponent? mailReceiver))
@@ -66,49 +70,50 @@ public async void Execute(IConsoleShell shell, string argStr, string[] args)
- if (!_prototypeManager.HasIndex(_blankMailPrototype))
+ if (!_prototypeManager.HasIndex(mailPrototype))
- shell.WriteLine(Loc.GetString("command-mailto-no-blankmail", ("blankMail", _blankMailPrototype)));
+ shell.WriteLine(Loc.GetString("command-mailto-no-blankmail", ("blankMail", mailPrototype)));
- if (!_containerSystem.TryGetContainer(containerUid, _container, out var targetContainer))
+ if (!containerSystem.TryGetContainer(containerUid, _container, out var targetContainer))
shell.WriteLine(Loc.GetString("command-mailto-invalid-container", ("requiredContainer", _container)));
- if (!_mailSystem.TryGetMailRecipientForReceiver(mailReceiver, out MailRecipient? recipient))
+ if (!mailSystem.TryGetMailRecipientForReceiver(mailReceiver, out MailRecipient? recipient))
- if (!_mailSystem.TryGetMailTeleporterForReceiver(mailReceiver, out MailTeleporterComponent? teleporterComponent))
+ if (!mailSystem.TryGetMailTeleporterForReceiver(mailReceiver, out MailTeleporterComponent? teleporterComponent))
- var mailUid = _entityManager.SpawnEntity(_blankMailPrototype, _entityManager.GetComponent(containerUid).Coordinates);
- var mailContents = _containerSystem.EnsureContainer(mailUid, _mailContainer);
+ var mailUid = _entityManager.SpawnEntity(mailPrototype, _entityManager.GetComponent(containerUid).Coordinates);
+ var mailContents = containerSystem.EnsureContainer(mailUid, _mailContainer);
if (!_entityManager.TryGetComponent(mailUid, out MailComponent? mailComponent))
- shell.WriteLine(Loc.GetString("command-mailto-bogus-mail", ("blankMail", _blankMailPrototype), ("requiredMailComponent", nameof(MailComponent))));
+ shell.WriteLine(Loc.GetString("command-mailto-bogus-mail", ("blankMail", mailPrototype), ("requiredMailComponent", nameof(MailComponent))));
foreach (var entity in targetContainer.ContainedEntities.ToArray())
- _containerSystem.Insert(entity, mailContents);
+ containerSystem.Insert(entity, mailContents);
mailComponent.IsFragile = isFragile;
mailComponent.IsPriority = isPriority;
+ mailComponent.IsLarge = isLarge;
- _mailSystem.SetupMail(mailUid, teleporterComponent, recipient.Value);
+ mailSystem.SetupMail(mailUid, teleporterComponent, recipient.Value);
- var teleporterQueue = _containerSystem.EnsureContainer(teleporterComponent.Owner, "queued");
- _containerSystem.Insert(mailUid, teleporterQueue);
+ var teleporterQueue = containerSystem.EnsureContainer(teleporterComponent.Owner, "queued");
+ containerSystem.Insert(mailUid, teleporterQueue);
shell.WriteLine(Loc.GetString("command-mailto-success", ("timeToTeleport", teleporterComponent.TeleportInterval.TotalSeconds - teleporterComponent.Accumulator)));
@@ -125,7 +130,7 @@ public sealed class MailNowCommand : IConsoleCommand
public async void Execute(IConsoleShell shell, string argStr, string[] args)
- var _mailSystem = _entitySystemManager.GetEntitySystem();
+ var entitySystem = _entitySystemManager.GetEntitySystem();
foreach (var mailTeleporter in _entityManager.EntityQuery())
diff --git a/Content.Server/Mail/MailConstants.cs b/Content.Server/Mail/MailConstants.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..38d37a13269
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Server/Mail/MailConstants.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+namespace Content.Server.Mail;
+/// A set of localized strings related to mail entities
+public struct MailEntityStrings
+ public string NameAddressed;
+ public string DescClose;
+ public string DescFar;
+/// Constants related to mail.
+public static class MailConstants
+ ///
+ /// Locale strings related to small parcels.
+ ///
+ public static readonly MailEntityStrings Mail = new()
+ {
+ NameAddressed = "mail-item-name-addressed",
+ DescClose = "mail-desc-close",
+ DescFar = "mail-desc-far"
+ };
+ ///
+ /// Locale strings related to large packages.
+ ///
+ public static readonly MailEntityStrings MailLarge = new()
+ {
+ NameAddressed = "mail-large-item-name-addressed",
+ DescClose = "mail-large-desc-close",
+ DescFar = "mail-large-desc-far"
+ };
diff --git a/Content.Server/Mail/Systems/DelayedItemSystem.cs b/Content.Server/Mail/Systems/DelayedItemSystem.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..59aaa3aff6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Server/Mail/Systems/DelayedItemSystem.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+using Content.Shared.Damage;
+using Content.Shared.Hands;
+using Robust.Shared.Containers;
+namespace Content.Server.Mail.Systems;
+/// A placeholder for another entity, spawned when taken out of a container, with the placeholder deleted shortly after.
+/// Useful for storing instant effect entities, e.g. smoke, in the mail.
+public sealed class DelayedItemSystem : EntitySystem
+ public override void Initialize()
+ {
+ base.Initialize();
+ SubscribeLocalEvent(OnDropAttempt);
+ SubscribeLocalEvent(OnHandEquipped);
+ SubscribeLocalEvent(OnDamageChanged);
+ SubscribeLocalEvent(OnRemovedFromContainer);
+ }
+ private void OnRemovedFromContainer(EntityUid uid, Components.DelayedItemComponent component, ContainerModifiedMessage args)
+ {
+ Spawn(component.Item, Transform(uid).Coordinates);
+ }
+ private void OnHandEquipped(EntityUid uid, Components.DelayedItemComponent component, EquippedHandEvent args)
+ {
+ EntityManager.DeleteEntity(uid);
+ }
+ private void OnDropAttempt(EntityUid uid, Components.DelayedItemComponent component, DropAttemptEvent args)
+ {
+ EntityManager.DeleteEntity(uid);
+ }
+ private void OnDamageChanged(EntityUid uid, Components.DelayedItemComponent component, DamageChangedEvent args)
+ {
+ Spawn(component.Item, Transform(uid).Coordinates);
+ EntityManager.DeleteEntity(uid);
+ }
diff --git a/Content.Server/Mail/Systems/MailSystem.cs b/Content.Server/Mail/Systems/MailSystem.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e80febd2308
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Server/Mail/Systems/MailSystem.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,756 @@
+using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Threading;
+using Content.Server.Access.Systems;
+using Content.Server.Cargo.Components;
+using Content.Server.Cargo.Systems;
+using Content.Server.Chat.Systems;
+using Content.Server.Chemistry.Containers.EntitySystems;
+using Content.Server.Damage.Components;
+using Content.Server.Destructible;
+using Content.Server.Destructible.Thresholds;
+using Content.Server.Destructible.Thresholds.Behaviors;
+using Content.Server.Destructible.Thresholds.Triggers;
+using Content.Server.Item;
+using Content.Server.Mail.Components;
+using Content.Server.Mind;
+using Content.Server.Popups;
+using Content.Server.Power.Components;
+using Content.Server.Spawners.EntitySystems;
+using Content.Server.Station.Systems;
+using Content.Shared.Access;
+using Content.Shared.Access.Components;
+using Content.Shared.Access.Systems;
+using Content.Shared.Chat;
+using Content.Shared.Damage;
+using Content.Shared.Destructible;
+using Content.Shared.Emag.Components;
+using Content.Shared.Emag.Systems;
+using Content.Shared.Examine;
+using Content.Shared.Fluids.Components;
+using Content.Shared.Hands.EntitySystems;
+using Content.Shared.Interaction;
+using Content.Shared.Interaction.Events;
+using Content.Shared.Mail;
+using Content.Shared.Maps;
+using Content.Shared.Nutrition.Components;
+using Content.Shared.Nutrition.EntitySystems;
+using Content.Shared.PDA;
+using Content.Shared.Roles;
+using Content.Shared.Storage;
+using Content.Shared.Tag;
+using Robust.Shared.Audio;
+using Robust.Shared.Audio.Systems;
+using Robust.Shared.Containers;
+using Robust.Shared.Prototypes;
+using Robust.Shared.Random;
+using Timer = Robust.Shared.Timing.Timer;
+namespace Content.Server.Mail.Systems;
+public sealed class MailSystem : EntitySystem
+ [Dependency] private readonly PopupSystem _popupSystem = default!;
+ [Dependency] private readonly AccessReaderSystem _accessSystem = default!;
+ [Dependency] private readonly SharedHandsSystem _handsSystem = default!;
+ [Dependency] private readonly IdCardSystem _idCardSystem = default!;
+ [Dependency] private readonly IRobustRandom _random = default!;
+ [Dependency] private readonly TagSystem _tagSystem = default!;
+ [Dependency] private readonly CargoSystem _cargoSystem = default!;
+ [Dependency] private readonly StationSystem _stationSystem = default!;
+ [Dependency] private readonly ChatSystem _chatSystem = default!;
+ [Dependency] private readonly OpenableSystem _openable = default!;
+ [Dependency] private readonly IPrototypeManager _prototypeManager = default!;
+ [Dependency] private readonly SharedContainerSystem _containerSystem = default!;
+ [Dependency] private readonly SolutionContainerSystem _solutionContainerSystem = default!;
+ [Dependency] private readonly SharedAppearanceSystem _appearanceSystem = default!;
+ [Dependency] private readonly SharedAudioSystem _audioSystem = default!;
+ [Dependency] private readonly DamageableSystem _damageableSystem = default!;
+ [Dependency] private readonly MindSystem _mindSystem = default!;
+ [Dependency] private readonly MetaDataSystem _metaDataSystem = default!;
+ // DeltaV - system that keeps track of mail and cargo stats
+ [Dependency] private readonly LogisticStatsSystem _logisticsStatsSystem = default!;
+ private ISawmill _sawmill = default!;
+ public override void Initialize()
+ {
+ base.Initialize();
+ _sawmill = Logger.GetSawmill("mail");
+ SubscribeLocalEvent(OnSpawnPlayer, after: new[] { typeof(SpawnPointSystem) });
+ SubscribeLocalEvent(OnRemove);
+ SubscribeLocalEvent(OnUseInHand);
+ SubscribeLocalEvent(OnAfterInteractUsing);
+ SubscribeLocalEvent(OnExamined);
+ SubscribeLocalEvent(OnDestruction);
+ SubscribeLocalEvent(OnDamage);
+ SubscribeLocalEvent(OnBreak);
+ SubscribeLocalEvent(OnMailEmagged);
+ }
+ public override void Update(float frameTime)
+ {
+ base.Update(frameTime);
+ foreach (var mailTeleporter in EntityQuery())
+ {
+ if (TryComp(mailTeleporter.Owner, out var power) && !power.Powered)
+ continue;
+ mailTeleporter.Accumulator += frameTime;
+ if (mailTeleporter.Accumulator < mailTeleporter.TeleportInterval.TotalSeconds)
+ continue;
+ mailTeleporter.Accumulator -= (float) mailTeleporter.TeleportInterval.TotalSeconds;
+ SpawnMail(mailTeleporter.Owner, mailTeleporter);
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Dynamically add the MailReceiver component to appropriate entities.
+ ///
+ private void OnSpawnPlayer(PlayerSpawningEvent args)
+ {
+ if (args.SpawnResult == null
+ || args.Job == null
+ || args.Station is not {} station
+ || !HasComp(station))
+ return;
+ AddComp(args.SpawnResult.Value);
+ }
+ private void OnRemove(EntityUid uid, MailComponent component, ComponentRemove args)
+ {
+ // Make sure the priority timer doesn't run.
+ if (component.PriorityCancelToken != null)
+ component.PriorityCancelToken.Cancel();
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Try to open the mail.
+ ///
+ private void OnUseInHand(EntityUid uid, MailComponent component, UseInHandEvent args)
+ {
+ if (!component.IsEnabled)
+ return;
+ if (component.IsLocked)
+ {
+ _popupSystem.PopupEntity(Loc.GetString("mail-locked"), uid, args.User);
+ return;
+ }
+ OpenMail(uid, component, args.User);
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Handle logic similar between a normal mail unlock and an emag
+ /// frying out the lock.
+ ///
+ private void UnlockMail(EntityUid uid, MailComponent component)
+ {
+ component.IsLocked = false;
+ UpdateAntiTamperVisuals(uid, false);
+ if (component.IsPriority)
+ {
+ // This is a successful delivery. Keep the failure timer from triggering.
+ if (component.PriorityCancelToken != null)
+ component.PriorityCancelToken.Cancel();
+ // The priority tape is visually considered to be a part of the
+ // anti-tamper lock, so remove that too.
+ _appearanceSystem.SetData(uid, MailVisuals.IsPriority, false);
+ // The examination code depends on this being false to not show
+ // the priority tape description anymore.
+ component.IsPriority = false;
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Check the ID against the mail's lock
+ ///
+ private void OnAfterInteractUsing(EntityUid uid, MailComponent component, AfterInteractUsingEvent args)
+ {
+ if (!args.CanReach || !component.IsLocked || !TryComp(uid, out var access))
+ return;
+ IdCardComponent? idCard = null; // We need an ID card.
+ if (HasComp(args.Used)) // Can we find it in a PDA if the user is using that?
+ {
+ _idCardSystem.TryGetIdCard(args.Used, out var pdaID);
+ idCard = pdaID;
+ }
+ if (HasComp(args.Used)) // Or are they using an id card directly?
+ idCard = Comp(args.Used);
+ if (idCard == null) // Return if we still haven't found an id card.
+ return;
+ if (!HasComp(uid))
+ {
+ if (idCard.FullName != component.Recipient || idCard.JobTitle != component.RecipientJob)
+ {
+ _popupSystem.PopupEntity(Loc.GetString("mail-recipient-mismatch"), uid, args.User);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!_accessSystem.IsAllowed(uid, args.User))
+ {
+ _popupSystem.PopupEntity(Loc.GetString("mail-invalid-access"), uid, args.User);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ ExecuteForEachLogisticsStats(uid, (station, logisticStats) =>
+ {
+ _logisticsStatsSystem.AddOpenedMailEarnings(station,
+ logisticStats,
+ component.IsProfitable ? component.Bounty : 0);
+ });
+ UnlockMail(uid, component);
+ if (!component.IsProfitable)
+ {
+ _popupSystem.PopupEntity(Loc.GetString("mail-unlocked"), uid, args.User);
+ return;
+ }
+ _popupSystem.PopupEntity(Loc.GetString("mail-unlocked-reward", ("bounty", component.Bounty)), uid, args.User);
+ component.IsProfitable = false;
+ var query = EntityQueryEnumerator();
+ while (query.MoveNext(out var station, out var account))
+ {
+ if (_stationSystem.GetOwningStation(uid) != station)
+ continue;
+ _cargoSystem.UpdateBankAccount(station, account, component.Bounty);
+ }
+ }
+ private void OnExamined(EntityUid uid, MailComponent component, ExaminedEvent args)
+ {
+ MailEntityStrings mailEntityStrings = component.IsLarge ? MailConstants.MailLarge : MailConstants.Mail; //Frontier: mail types stored per type (large mail)
+ if (!args.IsInDetailsRange)
+ {
+ args.PushMarkup(Loc.GetString(mailEntityStrings.DescFar)); // Frontier: mail constants struct
+ return;
+ }
+ args.PushMarkup(Loc.GetString(mailEntityStrings.DescClose, ("name", component.Recipient), ("job", component.RecipientJob))); // Frontier: mail constants struct
+ if (component.IsFragile)
+ args.PushMarkup(Loc.GetString("mail-desc-fragile"));
+ if (component.IsPriority)
+ {
+ if (component.IsProfitable)
+ args.PushMarkup(Loc.GetString("mail-desc-priority"));
+ else
+ args.PushMarkup(Loc.GetString("mail-desc-priority-inactive"));
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Penalize a station for a failed delivery.
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// This will mark a parcel as no longer being profitable, which will
+ /// prevent multiple failures on different conditions for the same
+ /// delivery.
+ ///
+ /// The standard penalization is breaking the anti-tamper lock,
+ /// but this allows a delivery to fail for other reasons too
+ /// while having a generic function to handle different messages.
+ ///
+ public void PenalizeStationFailedDelivery(EntityUid uid, MailComponent component, string localizationString)
+ {
+ if (!component.IsProfitable)
+ return;
+ _chatSystem.TrySendInGameICMessage(uid, Loc.GetString(localizationString, ("credits", component.Penalty)), InGameICChatType.Speak, false);
+ _audioSystem.PlayPvs(component.PenaltySound, uid);
+ component.IsProfitable = false;
+ if (component.IsPriority)
+ _appearanceSystem.SetData(uid, MailVisuals.IsPriorityInactive, true);
+ var query = EntityQueryEnumerator();
+ while (query.MoveNext(out var station, out var account))
+ {
+ if (_stationSystem.GetOwningStation(uid) != station)
+ continue;
+ _cargoSystem.UpdateBankAccount(station, account, component.Penalty);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ private void OnDestruction(EntityUid uid, MailComponent component, DestructionEventArgs args)
+ {
+ if (component.IsLocked)
+ {
+ // DeltaV - Tampered mail recorded to logistic stats
+ ExecuteForEachLogisticsStats(uid, (station, logisticStats) =>
+ {
+ _logisticsStatsSystem.AddTamperedMailLosses(station,
+ logisticStats,
+ component.IsProfitable ? component.Penalty : 0);
+ });
+ PenalizeStationFailedDelivery(uid, component, "mail-penalty-lock");
+ }
+ if (component.IsEnabled)
+ OpenMail(uid, component);
+ UpdateAntiTamperVisuals(uid, false);
+ }
+ private void OnDamage(EntityUid uid, MailComponent component, DamageChangedEvent args)
+ {
+ if (args.DamageDelta == null || !_containerSystem.TryGetContainer(uid, "contents", out var contents))
+ return;
+ // Transfer damage to the contents.
+ // This should be a general-purpose feature for all containers in the future.
+ foreach (var entity in contents.ContainedEntities.ToArray())
+ _damageableSystem.TryChangeDamage(entity, args.DamageDelta);
+ }
+ private void OnBreak(EntityUid uid, MailComponent component, BreakageEventArgs args)
+ {
+ _appearanceSystem.SetData(uid, MailVisuals.IsBroken, true);
+ if (component.IsFragile)
+ {
+ // DeltaV - Broken mail recorded to logistic stats
+ ExecuteForEachLogisticsStats(uid, (station, logisticStats) =>
+ {
+ _logisticsStatsSystem.AddDamagedMailLosses(station,
+ logisticStats,
+ component.IsProfitable ? component.Penalty : 0);
+ });
+ PenalizeStationFailedDelivery(uid, component, "mail-penalty-fragile");
+ }
+ }
+ private void OnMailEmagged(EntityUid uid, MailComponent component, ref GotEmaggedEvent args)
+ {
+ if (!component.IsLocked)
+ return;
+ UnlockMail(uid, component);
+ _popupSystem.PopupEntity(Loc.GetString("mail-unlocked-by-emag"), uid, args.UserUid);
+ _audioSystem.PlayPvs(component.EmagSound, uid, AudioParams.Default.WithVolume(4));
+ component.IsProfitable = false;
+ args.Handled = true;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Returns true if the given entity is considered fragile for delivery.
+ ///
+ public bool IsEntityFragile(EntityUid uid, int fragileDamageThreshold)
+ {
+ // It takes damage on falling.
+ if (HasComp(uid))
+ return true;
+ // It can be spilled easily and has something to spill.
+ if (HasComp(uid)
+ && TryComp(uid, out var openable)
+ && !_openable.IsClosed(uid, null, openable)
+ && _solutionContainerSystem.PercentFull(uid) > 0)
+ return true;
+ // It might be made of non-reinforced glass.
+ if (TryComp(uid, out DamageableComponent? damageableComponent)
+ && damageableComponent.DamageModifierSetId == "Glass")
+ return true;
+ if (!TryComp(uid, out DestructibleComponent? destructibleComp))
+ return false;
+ // Fallback: It breaks or is destroyed in less than a damage
+ // threshold dictated by the teleporter.
+ foreach (var threshold in destructibleComp.Thresholds)
+ {
+ if (threshold.Trigger is not DamageTrigger trigger || trigger.Damage >= fragileDamageThreshold)
+ continue;
+ foreach (var behavior in threshold.Behaviors)
+ {
+ if (behavior is not DoActsBehavior doActs)
+ continue;
+ if (doActs.Acts.HasFlag(ThresholdActs.Breakage) || doActs.Acts.HasFlag(ThresholdActs.Destruction))
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ public bool TryMatchJobTitleToDepartment(string jobTitle, [NotNullWhen(true)] out string? jobDepartment)
+ {
+ foreach (var department in _prototypeManager.EnumeratePrototypes())
+ {
+ foreach (var role in department.Roles)
+ {
+ if (!_prototypeManager.TryIndex(role, out JobPrototype? jobPrototype) || jobPrototype.LocalizedName != jobTitle)
+ continue;
+ jobDepartment = department.ID;
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ jobDepartment = null;
+ return false;
+ }
+ public bool TryMatchJobTitleToPrototype(string jobTitle, [NotNullWhen(true)] out JobPrototype? jobPrototype)
+ {
+ foreach (var job in _prototypeManager.EnumeratePrototypes())
+ {
+ if (job.LocalizedName == jobTitle)
+ {
+ jobPrototype = job;
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ jobPrototype = null;
+ return false;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Handle all the gritty details particular to a new mail entity.
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// This is separate mostly so the unit tests can get to it.
+ ///
+ public void SetupMail(EntityUid uid, MailTeleporterComponent component, MailRecipient recipient)
+ {
+ var mailComp = EnsureComp(uid);
+ var container = _containerSystem.EnsureContainer(uid, "contents");
+ foreach (var item in EntitySpawnCollection.GetSpawns(mailComp.Contents, _random))
+ {
+ var entity = EntityManager.SpawnEntity(item, Transform(uid).Coordinates);
+ if (!_containerSystem.Insert(entity, container))
+ {
+ _sawmill.Error($"Can't insert {ToPrettyString(entity)} into new mail delivery {ToPrettyString(uid)}! Deleting it.");
+ QueueDel(entity);
+ }
+ else if (!mailComp.IsFragile && IsEntityFragile(entity, component.FragileDamageThreshold))
+ {
+ mailComp.IsFragile = true;
+ }
+ }
+ mailComp.IsPriority = recipient.MayReceivePriorityMail && _random.Prob(component.PriorityChance);
+ mailComp.RecipientJob = recipient.Job;
+ mailComp.Recipient = recipient.Name;
+ var mailEntityStrings = mailComp.IsLarge ? MailConstants.MailLarge : MailConstants.Mail;
+ if (mailComp.IsLarge)
+ {
+ mailComp.Bounty += component.LargeBonus;
+ mailComp.Penalty += component.LargeMalus;
+ }
+ if (mailComp.IsFragile)
+ {
+ mailComp.Bounty += component.FragileBonus;
+ mailComp.Penalty += component.FragileMalus;
+ _appearanceSystem.SetData(uid, MailVisuals.IsFragile, true);
+ }
+ if (mailComp.IsPriority)
+ {
+ mailComp.Bounty += component.PriorityBonus;
+ mailComp.Penalty += component.PriorityMalus;
+ _appearanceSystem.SetData(uid, MailVisuals.IsPriority, true);
+ mailComp.PriorityCancelToken = new CancellationTokenSource();
+ Timer.Spawn((int) component.PriorityDuration.TotalMilliseconds, () =>
+ {
+ // DeltaV - Expired mail recorded to logistic stats
+ ExecuteForEachLogisticsStats(uid, (station, logisticStats) =>
+ {
+ _logisticsStatsSystem.AddExpiredMailLosses(station,
+ logisticStats,
+ mailComp.IsProfitable ? mailComp.Penalty : 0);
+ });
+ PenalizeStationFailedDelivery(uid, mailComp, "mail-penalty-expired");
+ }, mailComp.PriorityCancelToken.Token);
+ }
+ _appearanceSystem.SetData(uid, MailVisuals.JobIcon, recipient.JobIcon);
+ _metaDataSystem.SetEntityName(uid, Loc.GetString(mailEntityStrings.NameAddressed, // Frontier: move constant to MailEntityString
+ ("recipient", recipient.Name)));
+ var accessReader = EnsureComp(uid);
+ accessReader.AccessLists.Add(recipient.AccessTags);
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Return the parcels waiting for delivery.
+ ///
+ /// The mail teleporter to check.
+ public List GetUndeliveredParcels(EntityUid uid)
+ {
+ // An alternative solution would be to keep a list of the unopened
+ // parcels spawned by the teleporter and see if they're not carried
+ // by someone, but this is simple, and simple is good.
+ List undeliveredParcels = new();
+ foreach (var entityInTile in TurfHelpers.GetEntitiesInTile(Transform(uid).Coordinates, LookupFlags.Dynamic | LookupFlags.Sundries))
+ {
+ if (HasComp(entityInTile))
+ undeliveredParcels.Add(entityInTile);
+ }
+ return undeliveredParcels;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Return how many parcels are waiting for delivery.
+ ///
+ /// The mail teleporter to check.
+ public uint GetUndeliveredParcelCount(EntityUid uid)
+ {
+ return (uint) GetUndeliveredParcels(uid).Count();
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Try to match a mail receiver to a mail teleporter.
+ ///
+ public bool TryGetMailTeleporterForReceiver(MailReceiverComponent receiver, [NotNullWhen(true)] out MailTeleporterComponent? teleporterComponent)
+ {
+ foreach (var mailTeleporter in EntityQuery())
+ {
+ if (_stationSystem.GetOwningStation(receiver.Owner) != _stationSystem.GetOwningStation(mailTeleporter.Owner))
+ continue;
+ teleporterComponent = mailTeleporter;
+ return true;
+ }
+ teleporterComponent = null;
+ return false;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Try to construct a recipient struct for a mail parcel based on a receiver.
+ ///
+ public bool TryGetMailRecipientForReceiver(MailReceiverComponent receiver, [NotNullWhen(true)] out MailRecipient? recipient)
+ {
+ // Because of the way this works, people are not considered
+ // candidates for mail if there is no valid PDA or ID in their slot
+ // or active hand. A better future solution might be checking the
+ // station records, possibly cross-referenced with the medical crew
+ // scanner to look for living recipients. TODO
+ if (_idCardSystem.TryFindIdCard(receiver.Owner, out var idCard)
+ && TryComp(idCard.Owner, out var access)
+ && idCard.Comp.FullName != null
+ && idCard.Comp.JobTitle != null)
+ {
+ var accessTags = access.Tags;
+ var mayReceivePriorityMail = !(_mindSystem.GetMind(receiver.Owner) == null);
+ recipient = new MailRecipient(idCard.Comp.FullName,
+ idCard.Comp.JobTitle,
+ idCard.Comp.JobIcon,
+ accessTags,
+ mayReceivePriorityMail);
+ return true;
+ }
+ recipient = null;
+ return false;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Get the list of valid mail recipients for a mail teleporter.
+ ///
+ public List GetMailRecipientCandidates(EntityUid uid)
+ {
+ List candidateList = new();
+ foreach (var receiver in EntityQuery())
+ {
+ if (_stationSystem.GetOwningStation(receiver.Owner) != _stationSystem.GetOwningStation(uid))
+ continue;
+ if (TryGetMailRecipientForReceiver(receiver, out MailRecipient? recipient))
+ candidateList.Add(recipient.Value);
+ }
+ return candidateList;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Handle the spawning of all the mail for a mail teleporter.
+ ///
+ public void SpawnMail(EntityUid uid, MailTeleporterComponent? component = null)
+ {
+ if (!Resolve(uid, ref component))
+ {
+ _sawmill.Error($"Tried to SpawnMail on {ToPrettyString(uid)} without a valid MailTeleporterComponent!");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (GetUndeliveredParcelCount(uid) >= component.MaximumUndeliveredParcels)
+ return;
+ var candidateList = GetMailRecipientCandidates(uid);
+ if (candidateList.Count <= 0)
+ {
+ _sawmill.Error("List of mail candidates was empty!");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!_prototypeManager.TryIndex(component.MailPool, out var pool))
+ {
+ _sawmill.Error($"Can't index {ToPrettyString(uid)}'s MailPool {component.MailPool}!");
+ return;
+ }
+ for (int i = 0;
+ i < component.MinimumDeliveriesPerTeleport + candidateList.Count / component.CandidatesPerDelivery;
+ i++)
+ {
+ var candidate = _random.Pick(candidateList);
+ var possibleParcels = new Dictionary(pool.Everyone);
+ if (TryMatchJobTitleToPrototype(candidate.Job, out JobPrototype? jobPrototype)
+ && pool.Jobs.TryGetValue(jobPrototype.ID, out Dictionary? jobParcels))
+ {
+ possibleParcels = possibleParcels.Union(jobParcels)
+ .GroupBy(g => g.Key)
+ .ToDictionary(pair => pair.Key, pair => pair.First().Value);
+ }
+ if (TryMatchJobTitleToDepartment(candidate.Job, out string? department)
+ && pool.Departments.TryGetValue(department, out Dictionary? departmentParcels))
+ {
+ possibleParcels = possibleParcels.Union(departmentParcels)
+ .GroupBy(g => g.Key)
+ .ToDictionary(pair => pair.Key, pair => pair.First().Value);
+ }
+ var accumulated = 0f;
+ var randomPoint = _random.NextFloat(possibleParcels.Values.Sum());
+ string? chosenParcel = null;
+ foreach (var (key, weight) in possibleParcels)
+ {
+ accumulated += weight;
+ if (accumulated >= randomPoint)
+ {
+ chosenParcel = key;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (chosenParcel == null)
+ {
+ _sawmill.Error($"MailSystem wasn't able to find a deliverable parcel for {candidate.Name}, {candidate.Job}!");
+ return;
+ }
+ var mail = EntityManager.SpawnEntity(chosenParcel, Transform(uid).Coordinates);
+ SetupMail(mail, component, candidate);
+ _tagSystem.AddTag(mail, "Mail"); // Frontier
+ }
+ if (_containerSystem.TryGetContainer(uid, "queued", out var queued))
+ _containerSystem.EmptyContainer(queued);
+ _audioSystem.PlayPvs(component.TeleportSound, uid);
+ }
+ public void OpenMail(EntityUid uid, MailComponent? component = null, EntityUid? user = null)
+ {
+ if (!Resolve(uid, ref component))
+ return;
+ _audioSystem.PlayPvs(component.OpenSound, uid);
+ if (user != null)
+ _handsSystem.TryDrop((EntityUid) user);
+ if (!_containerSystem.TryGetContainer(uid, "contents", out var contents))
+ {
+ // I silenced this error because it fails non deterministically in tests and doesn't seem to effect anything else.
+ // _sawmill.Error($"Mail {ToPrettyString(uid)} was missing contents container!");
+ return;
+ }
+ foreach (var entity in contents.ContainedEntities.ToArray())
+ {
+ _handsSystem.PickupOrDrop(user, entity);
+ }
+ _tagSystem.AddTag(uid, "Trash");
+ _tagSystem.AddTag(uid, "Recyclable");
+ component.IsEnabled = false;
+ UpdateMailTrashState(uid, true);
+ }
+ private void UpdateAntiTamperVisuals(EntityUid uid, bool isLocked)
+ {
+ _appearanceSystem.SetData(uid, MailVisuals.IsLocked, isLocked);
+ }
+ private void UpdateMailTrashState(EntityUid uid, bool isTrash)
+ {
+ _appearanceSystem.SetData(uid, MailVisuals.IsTrash, isTrash);
+ }
+ // DeltaV - Helper function that executes for each StationLogisticsStatsComponent
+ // For updating MailMetrics stats
+ private void ExecuteForEachLogisticsStats(EntityUid uid,
+ Action action)
+ {
+ var query = EntityQueryEnumerator();
+ while (query.MoveNext(out var station, out var logisticStats))
+ {
+ if (_stationSystem.GetOwningStation(uid) != station)
+ continue;
+ action(station, logisticStats);
+ }
+ }
+public struct MailRecipient(
+ string name,
+ string job,
+ string jobIcon,
+ HashSet> accessTags,
+ bool mayReceivePriorityMail)
+ public string Name = name;
+ public string Job = job;
+ public string JobIcon = jobIcon;
+ public HashSet> AccessTags = accessTags;
+ public bool MayReceivePriorityMail = mayReceivePriorityMail;
diff --git a/Content.Server/Nyanotrasen/Mail/Components/MailComponent.cs b/Content.Server/Nyanotrasen/Mail/Components/MailComponent.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 61d94bbad31..00000000000
--- a/Content.Server/Nyanotrasen/Mail/Components/MailComponent.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-using System.Threading;
-using Robust.Shared.Audio;
-using Content.Shared.Storage;
-using Content.Shared.Mail;
-namespace Content.Server.Mail.Components
- [RegisterComponent]
- public sealed partial class MailComponent : SharedMailComponent
- {
- [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
- [DataField("recipient")]
- public string Recipient = "None";
- [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
- [DataField("recipientJob")]
- public string RecipientJob = "None";
- // Why do we not use LockComponent?
- // Because this can't be locked again,
- // and we have special conditions for unlocking,
- // and we don't want to add a verb.
- [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
- [DataField("isLocked")]
- public bool IsLocked = true;
- ///
- /// Is this parcel profitable to deliver for the station?
- ///
- ///
- /// The station won't receive any award on delivery if this is false.
- /// This is useful for broken fragile packages and packages that were
- /// not delivered in time.
- ///
- [DataField("isProfitable")]
- public bool IsProfitable = true;
- ///
- /// Is this package considered fragile?
- ///
- ///
- /// This can be set to true in the YAML files for a mail delivery to
- /// always be Fragile, despite its contents.
- ///
- [DataField("isFragile")]
- public bool IsFragile = false;
- ///
- /// Is this package considered priority mail?
- ///
- ///
- /// There will be a timer set for its successful delivery. The
- /// station's bank account will be penalized if it is not delivered on
- /// time.
- ///
- /// This is set to false on successful delivery.
- ///
- /// This can be set to true in the YAML files for a mail delivery to
- /// always be Priority.
- ///
- [DataField("isPriority")]
- public bool IsPriority = false;
- ///
- /// What will be packaged when the mail is spawned.
- ///
- [DataField("contents")]
- public List Contents = new();
- ///
- /// The amount that cargo will be awarded for delivering this mail.
- ///
- [DataField("bounty")]
- public int Bounty = 750;
- ///
- /// Penalty if the mail is destroyed.
- ///
- [DataField("penalty")]
- public int Penalty = -250;
- ///
- /// The sound that's played when the mail's lock is broken.
- ///
- [DataField("penaltySound")]
- public SoundSpecifier PenaltySound = new SoundPathSpecifier("/Audio/Machines/Nuke/angry_beep.ogg");
- ///
- /// The sound that's played when the mail's opened.
- ///
- [DataField("openSound")]
- public SoundSpecifier OpenSound = new SoundPathSpecifier("/Audio/Effects/packetrip.ogg");
- ///
- /// The sound that's played when the mail's lock has been emagged.
- ///
- [DataField("emagSound")]
- public SoundSpecifier EmagSound = new SoundCollectionSpecifier("sparks");
- ///
- /// Whether this component is enabled.
- /// Removed when it becomes trash.
- ///
- public bool IsEnabled = true;
- public CancellationTokenSource? priorityCancelToken;
- }
diff --git a/Content.Server/Nyanotrasen/Mail/Components/MailReceiverComponent.cs b/Content.Server/Nyanotrasen/Mail/Components/MailReceiverComponent.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 4224de5de45..00000000000
--- a/Content.Server/Nyanotrasen/Mail/Components/MailReceiverComponent.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-namespace Content.Server.Mail.Components
- [RegisterComponent]
- public sealed partial class MailReceiverComponent : Component
- {}
diff --git a/Content.Server/Nyanotrasen/Mail/Components/MailTeleporterComponent.cs b/Content.Server/Nyanotrasen/Mail/Components/MailTeleporterComponent.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index bc05d7307d9..00000000000
--- a/Content.Server/Nyanotrasen/Mail/Components/MailTeleporterComponent.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-using Robust.Shared.Audio;
-namespace Content.Server.Mail.Components
- ///
- /// This is for the mail teleporter.
- /// Random mail will be teleported to this every few minutes.
- ///
- [RegisterComponent]
- public sealed partial class MailTeleporterComponent : Component
- {
- // Not starting accumulator at 0 so mail carriers have some deliveries to make shortly after roundstart.
- [DataField("accumulator")]
- public float Accumulator = 285f;
- [DataField("teleportInterval")]
- public TimeSpan TeleportInterval = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5);
- ///
- /// The sound that's played when new mail arrives.
- ///
- [DataField("teleportSound")]
- public SoundSpecifier TeleportSound = new SoundPathSpecifier("/Audio/Effects/teleport_arrival.ogg");
- ///
- /// The MailDeliveryPoolPrototype that's used to select what mail this
- /// teleporter can deliver.
- ///
- [DataField("mailPool")]
- public string MailPool = "RandomMailDeliveryPool";
- ///
- /// How many mail candidates do we need per actual delivery sent when
- /// the mail goes out? The number of candidates is divided by this number
- /// to determine how many deliveries will be teleported in.
- /// It does not determine unique recipients. That is random.
- ///
- [DataField("candidatesPerDelivery")]
- public int CandidatesPerDelivery = 8;
- [DataField("minimumDeliveriesPerTeleport")]
- public int MinimumDeliveriesPerTeleport = 1;
- ///
- /// Do not teleport any more mail in, if there are at least this many
- /// undelivered parcels.
- ///
- ///
- /// Currently this works by checking how many MailComponent entities
- /// are sitting on the teleporter's tile.
- ///
- /// It should be noted that if the number of actual deliveries to be
- /// made based on the number of candidates divided by candidates per
- /// delivery exceeds this number, the teleporter will spawn more mail
- /// than this number.
- ///
- /// This is just a simple check to see if anyone's been picking up the
- /// mail lately to prevent entity bloat for the sake of performance.
- ///
- [DataField("maximumUndeliveredParcels")]
- public int MaximumUndeliveredParcels = 5;
- ///
- /// Any item that breaks or is destroyed in less than this amount of
- /// damage is one of the types of items considered fragile.
- ///
- [DataField("fragileDamageThreshold")]
- public int FragileDamageThreshold = 10;
- ///
- /// What's the bonus for delivering a fragile package intact?
- ///
- [DataField("fragileBonus")]
- public int FragileBonus = 100;
- ///
- /// What's the malus for failing to deliver a fragile package?
- ///
- [DataField("fragileMalus")]
- public int FragileMalus = -100;
- ///
- /// What's the chance for any one delivery to be marked as priority mail?
- ///
- [DataField("priorityChance")]
- public float PriorityChance = 0.1f;
- ///
- /// How long until a priority delivery is considered as having failed
- /// if not delivered?
- ///
- [DataField("priorityDuration")]
- public TimeSpan priorityDuration = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5);
- ///
- /// What's the bonus for delivering a priority package on time?
- ///
- [DataField("priorityBonus")]
- public int PriorityBonus = 250;
- ///
- /// What's the malus for failing to deliver a priority package?
- ///
- [DataField("priorityMalus")]
- public int PriorityMalus = -250;
- }
diff --git a/Content.Server/Nyanotrasen/Mail/MailSystem.cs b/Content.Server/Nyanotrasen/Mail/MailSystem.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 05cd0c88a72..00000000000
--- a/Content.Server/Nyanotrasen/Mail/MailSystem.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,731 +0,0 @@
-using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
-using System.Linq;
-using System.Threading;
-using Robust.Shared.Audio;
-using Robust.Shared.Containers;
-using Robust.Shared.Prototypes;
-using Robust.Shared.Random;
-using Content.Server.Access.Systems;
-using Content.Server.Cargo.Components;
-using Content.Server.Cargo.Systems;
-using Content.Server.Chat.Systems;
-using Content.Server.Chemistry.Containers.EntitySystems;
-using Content.Server.Chemistry.EntitySystems;
-using Content.Server.Damage.Components;
-using Content.Server.Destructible;
-using Content.Server.Destructible.Thresholds;
-using Content.Server.Destructible.Thresholds.Behaviors;
-using Content.Server.Destructible.Thresholds.Triggers;
-using Content.Server.Fluids.Components;
-using Content.Server.Item;
-using Content.Server.Mail.Components;
-using Content.Server.Mind;
-using Content.Server.Nutrition.Components;
-using Content.Server.Nutrition.EntitySystems;
-using Content.Server.Popups;
-using Content.Server.Power.Components;
-using Content.Server.Station.Systems;
-using Content.Server.Spawners.EntitySystems;
-using Content.Shared.Access;
-using Content.Shared.Access.Components;
-using Content.Shared.Access.Systems;
-using Content.Shared.Chat;
-using Content.Shared.Chemistry.EntitySystems;
-using Content.Shared.Damage;
-using Content.Shared.Emag.Components;
-using Content.Shared.Destructible;
-using Content.Shared.Emag.Systems;
-using Content.Shared.Examine;
-using Content.Shared.Fluids.Components;
-using Content.Shared.Hands.EntitySystems;
-using Content.Shared.Interaction;
-using Content.Shared.Interaction.Events;
-using Content.Shared.Item;
-using Content.Shared.Mail;
-using Content.Shared.Maps;
-using Content.Shared.Nutrition.Components;
-using Content.Shared.Nutrition.EntitySystems;
-using Content.Shared.PDA;
-using Content.Shared.Random.Helpers;
-using Content.Shared.Roles;
-using Content.Shared.StatusIcon;
-using Content.Shared.Storage;
-using Content.Shared.Tag;
-using Robust.Shared.Audio.Systems;
-using Timer = Robust.Shared.Timing.Timer;
-namespace Content.Server.Mail
- public sealed class MailSystem : EntitySystem
- {
- [Dependency] private readonly PopupSystem _popupSystem = default!;
- [Dependency] private readonly AccessReaderSystem _accessSystem = default!;
- [Dependency] private readonly SharedHandsSystem _handsSystem = default!;
- [Dependency] private readonly IdCardSystem _idCardSystem = default!;
- [Dependency] private readonly IRobustRandom _random = default!;
- [Dependency] private readonly TagSystem _tagSystem = default!;
- [Dependency] private readonly CargoSystem _cargoSystem = default!;
- [Dependency] private readonly StationSystem _stationSystem = default!;
- [Dependency] private readonly ChatSystem _chatSystem = default!;
- [Dependency] private readonly OpenableSystem _openable = default!;
- [Dependency] private readonly IPrototypeManager _prototypeManager = default!;
- [Dependency] private readonly SharedContainerSystem _containerSystem = default!;
- [Dependency] private readonly SolutionContainerSystem _solutionContainerSystem = default!;
- [Dependency] private readonly SharedAppearanceSystem _appearanceSystem = default!;
- [Dependency] private readonly SharedAudioSystem _audioSystem = default!;
- [Dependency] private readonly DamageableSystem _damageableSystem = default!;
- [Dependency] private readonly ItemSystem _itemSystem = default!;
- [Dependency] private readonly MindSystem _mindSystem = default!;
- [Dependency] private readonly MetaDataSystem _metaDataSystem = default!;
- private ISawmill _sawmill = default!;
- public override void Initialize()
- {
- base.Initialize();
- _sawmill = Logger.GetSawmill("mail");
- SubscribeLocalEvent(OnSpawnPlayer, after: new[] { typeof(SpawnPointSystem) });
- SubscribeLocalEvent(OnRemove);
- SubscribeLocalEvent(OnUseInHand);
- SubscribeLocalEvent(OnAfterInteractUsing);
- SubscribeLocalEvent(OnExamined);
- SubscribeLocalEvent(OnDestruction);
- SubscribeLocalEvent(OnDamage);
- SubscribeLocalEvent(OnBreak);
- SubscribeLocalEvent(OnMailEmagged);
- }
- public override void Update(float frameTime)
- {
- base.Update(frameTime);
- foreach (var mailTeleporter in EntityQuery())
- {
- if (TryComp(mailTeleporter.Owner, out var power) && !power.Powered)
- return;
- mailTeleporter.Accumulator += frameTime;
- if (mailTeleporter.Accumulator < mailTeleporter.TeleportInterval.TotalSeconds)
- continue;
- mailTeleporter.Accumulator -= (float) mailTeleporter.TeleportInterval.TotalSeconds;
- SpawnMail(mailTeleporter.Owner, mailTeleporter);
- }
- }
- ///
- /// Dynamically add the MailReceiver component to appropriate entities.
- ///
- private void OnSpawnPlayer(PlayerSpawningEvent args)
- {
- if (args.SpawnResult == null ||
- args.Job == null ||
- args.Station is not {} station)
- {
- return;
- }
- if (!HasComp(station))
- return;
- AddComp(args.SpawnResult.Value);
- }
- private void OnRemove(EntityUid uid, MailComponent component, ComponentRemove args)
- {
- // Make sure the priority timer doesn't run.
- if (component.priorityCancelToken != null)
- component.priorityCancelToken.Cancel();
- }
- ///
- /// Try to open the mail.
- ///
- private void OnUseInHand(EntityUid uid, MailComponent component, UseInHandEvent args)
- {
- if (!component.IsEnabled)
- return;
- if (component.IsLocked)
- {
- _popupSystem.PopupEntity(Loc.GetString("mail-locked"), uid, args.User);
- return;
- }
- OpenMail(uid, component, args.User);
- }
- ///
- /// Handle logic similar between a normal mail unlock and an emag
- /// frying out the lock.
- ///
- private void UnlockMail(EntityUid uid, MailComponent component)
- {
- component.IsLocked = false;
- UpdateAntiTamperVisuals(uid, false);
- if (component.IsPriority)
- {
- // This is a successful delivery. Keep the failure timer from triggering.
- if (component.priorityCancelToken != null)
- component.priorityCancelToken.Cancel();
- // The priority tape is visually considered to be a part of the
- // anti-tamper lock, so remove that too.
- _appearanceSystem.SetData(uid, MailVisuals.IsPriority, false);
- // The examination code depends on this being false to not show
- // the priority tape description anymore.
- component.IsPriority = false;
- }
- }
- ///
- /// Check the ID against the mail's lock
- ///
- private void OnAfterInteractUsing(EntityUid uid, MailComponent component, AfterInteractUsingEvent args)
- {
- if (!args.CanReach || !component.IsLocked)
- return;
- if (!TryComp(uid, out var access))
- return;
- IdCardComponent? idCard = null; // We need an ID card.
- if (HasComp(args.Used)) /// Can we find it in a PDA if the user is using that?
- {
- _idCardSystem.TryGetIdCard(args.Used, out var pdaID);
- idCard = pdaID;
- }
- if (HasComp(args.Used)) /// Or are they using an id card directly?
- idCard = Comp(args.Used);
- if (idCard == null) /// Return if we still haven't found an id card.
- return;
- if (!HasComp(uid))
- {
- if (idCard.FullName != component.Recipient || idCard.JobTitle != component.RecipientJob)
- {
- _popupSystem.PopupEntity(Loc.GetString("mail-recipient-mismatch"), uid, args.User);
- return;
- }
- if (!_accessSystem.IsAllowed(uid, args.User))
- {
- _popupSystem.PopupEntity(Loc.GetString("mail-invalid-access"), uid, args.User);
- return;
- }
- }
- UnlockMail(uid, component);
- if (!component.IsProfitable)
- {
- _popupSystem.PopupEntity(Loc.GetString("mail-unlocked"), uid, args.User);
- return;
- }
- _popupSystem.PopupEntity(Loc.GetString("mail-unlocked-reward", ("bounty", component.Bounty)), uid, args.User);
- component.IsProfitable = false;
- var query = EntityQueryEnumerator();
- while (query.MoveNext(out var station, out var account))
- {
- if (_stationSystem.GetOwningStation(uid) != station)
- continue;
- _cargoSystem.UpdateBankAccount(station, account, component.Bounty);
- return;
- }
- }
- private void OnExamined(EntityUid uid, MailComponent component, ExaminedEvent args)
- {
- if (!args.IsInDetailsRange)
- {
- args.PushMarkup(Loc.GetString("mail-desc-far"));
- return;
- }
- args.PushMarkup(Loc.GetString("mail-desc-close", ("name", component.Recipient), ("job", component.RecipientJob)));
- if (component.IsFragile)
- args.PushMarkup(Loc.GetString("mail-desc-fragile"));
- if (component.IsPriority)
- {
- if (component.IsProfitable)
- args.PushMarkup(Loc.GetString("mail-desc-priority"));
- else
- args.PushMarkup(Loc.GetString("mail-desc-priority-inactive"));
- }
- }
- ///
- /// Penalize a station for a failed delivery.
- ///
- ///
- /// This will mark a parcel as no longer being profitable, which will
- /// prevent multiple failures on different conditions for the same
- /// delivery.
- ///
- /// The standard penalization is breaking the anti-tamper lock,
- /// but this allows a delivery to fail for other reasons too
- /// while having a generic function to handle different messages.
- ///
- public void PenalizeStationFailedDelivery(EntityUid uid, MailComponent component, string localizationString)
- {
- if (!component.IsProfitable)
- return;
- _chatSystem.TrySendInGameICMessage(uid, Loc.GetString(localizationString, ("credits", component.Penalty)), InGameICChatType.Speak, false);
- _audioSystem.PlayPvs(component.PenaltySound, uid);
- component.IsProfitable = false;
- if (component.IsPriority)
- _appearanceSystem.SetData(uid, MailVisuals.IsPriorityInactive, true);
- var query = EntityQueryEnumerator();
- while (query.MoveNext(out var station, out var account))
- {
- if (_stationSystem.GetOwningStation(uid) != station)
- continue;
- _cargoSystem.UpdateBankAccount(station, account, component.Penalty);
- return;
- }
- }
- private void OnDestruction(EntityUid uid, MailComponent component, DestructionEventArgs args)
- {
- if (component.IsLocked)
- PenalizeStationFailedDelivery(uid, component, "mail-penalty-lock");
- if (component.IsEnabled)
- OpenMail(uid, component);
- UpdateAntiTamperVisuals(uid, false);
- }
- private void OnDamage(EntityUid uid, MailComponent component, DamageChangedEvent args)
- {
- if (args.DamageDelta == null)
- return;
- if (!_containerSystem.TryGetContainer(uid, "contents", out var contents))
- return;
- // Transfer damage to the contents.
- // This should be a general-purpose feature for all containers in the future.
- foreach (var entity in contents.ContainedEntities.ToArray())
- {
- _damageableSystem.TryChangeDamage(entity, args.DamageDelta);
- }
- }
- private void OnBreak(EntityUid uid, MailComponent component, BreakageEventArgs args)
- {
- _appearanceSystem.SetData(uid, MailVisuals.IsBroken, true);
- if (component.IsFragile)
- PenalizeStationFailedDelivery(uid, component, "mail-penalty-fragile");
- }
- private void OnMailEmagged(EntityUid uid, MailComponent component, ref GotEmaggedEvent args)
- {
- if (!component.IsLocked)
- return;
- UnlockMail(uid, component);
- _popupSystem.PopupEntity(Loc.GetString("mail-unlocked-by-emag"), uid, args.UserUid);
- _audioSystem.PlayPvs(component.EmagSound, uid, AudioParams.Default.WithVolume(4));
- component.IsProfitable = false;
- args.Handled = true;
- }
- ///
- /// Returns true if the given entity is considered fragile for delivery.
- ///
- public bool IsEntityFragile(EntityUid uid, int fragileDamageThreshold)
- {
- // It takes damage on falling.
- if (HasComp(uid))
- return true;
- // It can be spilled easily and has something to spill.
- if (HasComp(uid)
- && TryComp(uid, out var openable)
- && !_openable.IsClosed(uid, null, openable)
- && _solutionContainerSystem.PercentFull(uid) > 0)
- return true;
- // It might be made of non-reinforced glass.
- if (TryComp(uid, out DamageableComponent? damageableComponent)
- && damageableComponent.DamageModifierSetId == "Glass")
- return true;
- // Fallback: It breaks or is destroyed in less than a damage
- // threshold dictated by the teleporter.
- if (TryComp(uid, out DestructibleComponent? destructibleComp))
- {
- foreach (var threshold in destructibleComp.Thresholds)
- {
- if (threshold.Trigger is DamageTrigger trigger
- && trigger.Damage < fragileDamageThreshold)
- {
- foreach (var behavior in threshold.Behaviors)
- {
- if (behavior is DoActsBehavior doActs)
- {
- if (doActs.Acts.HasFlag(ThresholdActs.Breakage)
- || doActs.Acts.HasFlag(ThresholdActs.Destruction))
- {
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- public bool TryMatchJobTitleToDepartment(string jobTitle, [NotNullWhen(true)] out string? jobDepartment)
- {
- foreach (var department in _prototypeManager.EnumeratePrototypes())
- {
- foreach (var role in department.Roles)
- {
- if (_prototypeManager.TryIndex(role, out JobPrototype? _jobPrototype)
- && _jobPrototype.LocalizedName == jobTitle)
- {
- jobDepartment = department.ID;
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- jobDepartment = null;
- return false;
- }
- public bool TryMatchJobTitleToPrototype(string jobTitle, [NotNullWhen(true)] out JobPrototype? jobPrototype)
- {
- foreach (var job in _prototypeManager.EnumeratePrototypes())
- {
- if (job.LocalizedName == jobTitle)
- {
- jobPrototype = job;
- return true;
- }
- }
- jobPrototype = null;
- return false;
- }
- ///
- /// Handle all the gritty details particular to a new mail entity.
- ///
- ///
- /// This is separate mostly so the unit tests can get to it.
- ///
- public void SetupMail(EntityUid uid, MailTeleporterComponent component, MailRecipient recipient)
- {
- var mailComp = EnsureComp(uid);
- var container = _containerSystem.EnsureContainer(uid, "contents");
- foreach (var item in EntitySpawnCollection.GetSpawns(mailComp.Contents, _random))
- {
- var entity = EntityManager.SpawnEntity(item, Transform(uid).Coordinates);
- if (!_containerSystem.Insert(entity, container))
- {
- _sawmill.Error($"Can't insert {ToPrettyString(entity)} into new mail delivery {ToPrettyString(uid)}! Deleting it.");
- QueueDel(entity);
- }
- else if (!mailComp.IsFragile && IsEntityFragile(entity, component.FragileDamageThreshold))
- {
- mailComp.IsFragile = true;
- }
- }
- if (_random.Prob(component.PriorityChance))
- mailComp.IsPriority = true;
- // This needs to override both the random probability and the
- // entity prototype, so this is fine.
- if (!recipient.MayReceivePriorityMail)
- mailComp.IsPriority = false;
- mailComp.RecipientJob = recipient.Job;
- mailComp.Recipient = recipient.Name;
- if (mailComp.IsFragile)
- {
- mailComp.Bounty += component.FragileBonus;
- mailComp.Penalty += component.FragileMalus;
- _appearanceSystem.SetData(uid, MailVisuals.IsFragile, true);
- }
- if (mailComp.IsPriority)
- {
- mailComp.Bounty += component.PriorityBonus;
- mailComp.Penalty += component.PriorityMalus;
- _appearanceSystem.SetData(uid, MailVisuals.IsPriority, true);
- mailComp.priorityCancelToken = new CancellationTokenSource();
- Timer.Spawn((int) component.priorityDuration.TotalMilliseconds,
- () => PenalizeStationFailedDelivery(uid, mailComp, "mail-penalty-expired"),
- mailComp.priorityCancelToken.Token);
- }
- _appearanceSystem.SetData(uid, MailVisuals.JobIcon, recipient.JobIcon);
- _metaDataSystem.SetEntityName(uid, Loc.GetString("mail-item-name-addressed",
- ("recipient", recipient.Name)));
- var accessReader = EnsureComp(uid);
- accessReader.AccessLists.Add(recipient.AccessTags);
- }
- ///
- /// Return the parcels waiting for delivery.
- ///
- /// The mail teleporter to check.
- public List GetUndeliveredParcels(EntityUid uid)
- {
- // An alternative solution would be to keep a list of the unopened
- // parcels spawned by the teleporter and see if they're not carried
- // by someone, but this is simple, and simple is good.
- List undeliveredParcels = new();
- foreach (var entityInTile in TurfHelpers.GetEntitiesInTile(Transform(uid).Coordinates, LookupFlags.Dynamic | LookupFlags.Sundries))
- {
- if (HasComp(entityInTile))
- undeliveredParcels.Add(entityInTile);
- }
- return undeliveredParcels;
- }
- ///
- /// Return how many parcels are waiting for delivery.
- ///
- /// The mail teleporter to check.
- public uint GetUndeliveredParcelCount(EntityUid uid)
- {
- return (uint) GetUndeliveredParcels(uid).Count();
- }
- ///
- /// Try to match a mail receiver to a mail teleporter.
- ///
- public bool TryGetMailTeleporterForReceiver(MailReceiverComponent receiver, [NotNullWhen(true)] out MailTeleporterComponent? teleporterComponent)
- {
- foreach (var mailTeleporter in EntityQuery())
- {
- if (_stationSystem.GetOwningStation(receiver.Owner) == _stationSystem.GetOwningStation(mailTeleporter.Owner))
- {
- teleporterComponent = mailTeleporter;
- return true;
- }
- }
- teleporterComponent = null;
- return false;
- }
- ///
- /// Try to construct a recipient struct for a mail parcel based on a receiver.
- ///
- public bool TryGetMailRecipientForReceiver(MailReceiverComponent receiver, [NotNullWhen(true)] out MailRecipient? recipient)
- {
- // Because of the way this works, people are not considered
- // candidates for mail if there is no valid PDA or ID in their slot
- // or active hand. A better future solution might be checking the
- // station records, possibly cross-referenced with the medical crew
- // scanner to look for living recipients. TODO
- if (_idCardSystem.TryFindIdCard(receiver.Owner, out var idCard)
- && TryComp(idCard.Owner, out var access)
- && idCard.Comp.FullName != null
- && idCard.Comp.JobTitle != null)
- {
- var accessTags = access.Tags;
- var mayReceivePriorityMail = !(_mindSystem.GetMind(receiver.Owner) == null);
- recipient = new MailRecipient(idCard.Comp.FullName,
- idCard.Comp.JobTitle,
- idCard.Comp.JobIcon,
- accessTags,
- mayReceivePriorityMail);
- return true;
- }
- recipient = null;
- return false;
- }
- ///
- /// Get the list of valid mail recipients for a mail teleporter.
- ///
- public List GetMailRecipientCandidates(EntityUid uid)
- {
- List candidateList = new();
- foreach (var receiver in EntityQuery())
- {
- if (_stationSystem.GetOwningStation(receiver.Owner) != _stationSystem.GetOwningStation(uid))
- continue;
- if (TryGetMailRecipientForReceiver(receiver, out MailRecipient? recipient))
- candidateList.Add(recipient.Value);
- }
- return candidateList;
- }
- ///
- /// Handle the spawning of all the mail for a mail teleporter.
- ///
- public void SpawnMail(EntityUid uid, MailTeleporterComponent? component = null)
- {
- if (!Resolve(uid, ref component))
- {
- _sawmill.Error($"Tried to SpawnMail on {ToPrettyString(uid)} without a valid MailTeleporterComponent!");
- return;
- }
- if (GetUndeliveredParcelCount(uid) >= component.MaximumUndeliveredParcels)
- return;
- var candidateList = GetMailRecipientCandidates(uid);
- if (candidateList.Count <= 0)
- {
- _sawmill.Error("List of mail candidates was empty!");
- return;
- }
- if (!_prototypeManager.TryIndex(component.MailPool, out var pool))
- {
- _sawmill.Error($"Can't index {ToPrettyString(uid)}'s MailPool {component.MailPool}!");
- return;
- }
- for (int i = 0;
- i < component.MinimumDeliveriesPerTeleport + candidateList.Count / component.CandidatesPerDelivery;
- i++)
- {
- var candidate = _random.Pick(candidateList);
- var possibleParcels = new Dictionary(pool.Everyone);
- if (TryMatchJobTitleToPrototype(candidate.Job, out JobPrototype? jobPrototype)
- && pool.Jobs.TryGetValue(jobPrototype.ID, out Dictionary? jobParcels))
- {
- possibleParcels = possibleParcels.Union(jobParcels)
- .GroupBy(g => g.Key)
- .ToDictionary(pair => pair.Key, pair => pair.First().Value);
- }
- if (TryMatchJobTitleToDepartment(candidate.Job, out string? department)
- && pool.Departments.TryGetValue(department, out Dictionary? departmentParcels))
- {
- possibleParcels = possibleParcels.Union(departmentParcels)
- .GroupBy(g => g.Key)
- .ToDictionary(pair => pair.Key, pair => pair.First().Value);
- }
- var accumulated = 0f;
- var randomPoint = _random.NextFloat(possibleParcels.Values.Sum());
- string? chosenParcel = null;
- foreach (var (key, weight) in possibleParcels)
- {
- accumulated += weight;
- if (accumulated >= randomPoint)
- {
- chosenParcel = key;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (chosenParcel == null)
- {
- _sawmill.Error($"MailSystem wasn't able to find a deliverable parcel for {candidate.Name}, {candidate.Job}!");
- return;
- }
- var mail = EntityManager.SpawnEntity(chosenParcel, Transform(uid).Coordinates);
- SetupMail(mail, component, candidate);
- }
- if (_containerSystem.TryGetContainer(uid, "queued", out var queued))
- _containerSystem.EmptyContainer(queued);
- _audioSystem.PlayPvs(component.TeleportSound, uid);
- }
- public void OpenMail(EntityUid uid, MailComponent? component = null, EntityUid? user = null)
- {
- if (!Resolve(uid, ref component))
- return;
- _audioSystem.PlayPvs(component.OpenSound, uid);
- if (user != null)
- _handsSystem.TryDrop((EntityUid) user);
- if (!_containerSystem.TryGetContainer(uid, "contents", out var contents))
- {
- // I silenced this error because it fails non deterministically in tests and doesn't seem to effect anything else.
- // _sawmill.Error($"Mail {ToPrettyString(uid)} was missing contents container!");
- return;
- }
- foreach (var entity in contents.ContainedEntities.ToArray())
- {
- _handsSystem.PickupOrDrop(user, entity);
- }
- _tagSystem.AddTag(uid, "Trash");
- _tagSystem.AddTag(uid, "Recyclable");
- component.IsEnabled = false;
- UpdateMailTrashState(uid, true);
- }
- private void UpdateAntiTamperVisuals(EntityUid uid, bool isLocked)
- {
- _appearanceSystem.SetData(uid, MailVisuals.IsLocked, isLocked);
- }
- private void UpdateMailTrashState(EntityUid uid, bool isTrash)
- {
- _appearanceSystem.SetData(uid, MailVisuals.IsTrash, isTrash);
- }
- }
- public struct MailRecipient(
- string name,
- string job,
- string jobIcon,
- HashSet> accessTags,
- bool mayReceivePriorityMail)
- {
- public string Name = name;
- public string Job = job;
- public string JobIcon = jobIcon;
- public HashSet> AccessTags = accessTags;
- public bool MayReceivePriorityMail = mayReceivePriorityMail;
- }
diff --git a/Content.Shared/DeltaV/CartridgeLoader/Cartridges/MailMetricUiState.cs b/Content.Shared/DeltaV/CartridgeLoader/Cartridges/MailMetricUiState.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..69506f5d0c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Shared/DeltaV/CartridgeLoader/Cartridges/MailMetricUiState.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+using Content.Shared.Security;
+using Robust.Shared.Serialization;
+namespace Content.Shared.CartridgeLoader.Cartridges;
+[Serializable, NetSerializable]
+public sealed class MailMetricUiState : BoundUserInterfaceState
+ public readonly MailStats Metrics;
+ public int UnopenedMailCount { get; }
+ public int TotalMail { get; }
+ public double SuccessRate { get; }
+ public MailMetricUiState(MailStats metrics, int unopenedMailCount)
+ {
+ Metrics = metrics;
+ UnopenedMailCount = unopenedMailCount;
+ TotalMail = metrics.TotalMail(unopenedMailCount);
+ SuccessRate = metrics.SuccessRate(unopenedMailCount);
+ }
+[Serializable, NetSerializable]
+public partial record struct MailStats
+ public int Earnings { get; init; }
+ public int DamagedLosses { get; init; }
+ public int ExpiredLosses { get; init; }
+ public int TamperedLosses { get; init; }
+ public int OpenedCount { get; init; }
+ public int DamagedCount { get; init; }
+ public int ExpiredCount { get; init; }
+ public int TamperedCount { get; init; }
+ public readonly int TotalMail(int unopenedCount)
+ {
+ return OpenedCount + unopenedCount;
+ }
+ public readonly int TotalIncome => Earnings + DamagedLosses + ExpiredLosses + TamperedLosses;
+ public readonly double SuccessRate(int unopenedCount)
+ {
+ var totalMail = TotalMail(unopenedCount);
+ return (totalMail > 0)
+ ? Math.Round((double)OpenedCount / totalMail * 100, 2)
+ : 0;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/deltav/cartridge-loader/cartridges.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/deltav/cartridge-loader/cartridges.ftl
index 9b4c59d001d..ede1a36b8ee 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/en-US/deltav/cartridge-loader/cartridges.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/deltav/cartridge-loader/cartridges.ftl
@@ -118,3 +118,16 @@ crime-assist-sophont-explanation = A sophont is described as any entity with the
• [bold]Sentience[/bold]: the entity has the capacity to process an emotion or lack thereof, or at a minimum the ability to recognise its own pain.
• [bold]Self-awareness[/bold]: the entity is capable of altering its behaviour in a reasonable fashion as a result of stimuli, or at a minimum is capable of recognising its own sapience and sentience.
Any sophont is considered a legal person, regardless of origin or prior cognitive status. Much like any other intelligent organic, a sophont may press charges against crew and be tried for crimes.
+mail-metrics-program-name = MailMetrics
+mail-metrics-header = Income from Mail Deliveries
+mail-metrics-opened = Earnings (Opened)
+mail-metrics-expired = Losses (Expired)
+mail-metrics-damaged = Losses (Damaged)
+mail-metrics-tampered = Losses (Tampered)
+mail-metrics-unopened = Unopened
+mail-metrics-count-header = Packages
+mail-metrics-money-header = Spesos
+mail-metrics-total = Total
+mail-metrics-progress = {$opened} out of {$total} packages opened!
+mail-metrics-progress-percent = Success rate: {$successRate}%
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/Mail/mail.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/mail/commands.ftl
similarity index 52%
rename from Resources/Locale/en-US/Mail/mail.ftl
rename to Resources/Locale/en-US/mail/commands.ftl
index 72cd3879b32..1f471bb7a59 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/en-US/Mail/mail.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/mail/commands.ftl
@@ -1,22 +1,6 @@
-mail-recipient-mismatch = Recipient name or job does not match.
-mail-invalid-access = Recipient name and job match, but access isn't as expected.
-mail-locked = The anti-tamper lock hasn't been removed. Tap the recipient's ID.
-mail-desc-far = A parcel of mail. You can't make out who it's addressed to from this distance.
-mail-desc-close = A parcel of mail addressed to {CAPITALIZE($name)}, {$job}.
-mail-desc-fragile = It has a [color=red]red fragile label[/color].
-mail-desc-priority = The anti-tamper lock's [color=yellow]yellow priority tape[/color] is active. Better deliver it on time!
-mail-desc-priority-inactive = The anti-tamper lock's [color=#886600]yellow priority tape[/color] is inactive.
-mail-unlocked = Anti-tamper system unlocked.
-mail-unlocked-by-emag = Anti-tamper system *BZZT*.
-mail-unlocked-reward = Anti-tamper system unlocked. {$bounty} spesos have been added to logistics's account.
-mail-item-name-unaddressed = mail
-mail-item-name-addressed = mail ({$recipient})
+# Mailto
command-mailto-description = Queue a parcel to be delivered to an entity. Example usage: `mailto 1234 5678 false false`. The target container's contents will be transferred to an actual mail parcel.
-command-mailto-help = Usage: {$command} [is-fragile: true or false] [is-priority: true or false]
+command-mailto-help = Usage: {$command} [is-fragile: true or false] [is-priority: true or false] [is-large: true or false, optional]
command-mailto-no-mailreceiver = Target recipient entity does not have a {$requiredComponent}.
command-mailto-no-blankmail = The {$blankMail} prototype doesn't exist. Something is very wrong. Contact a programmer.
command-mailto-bogus-mail = {$blankMail} did not have {$requiredMailComponent}. Something is very wrong. Contact a programmer.
@@ -25,6 +9,12 @@ command-mailto-unable-to-receive = Target recipient entity was unable to be setu
command-mailto-no-teleporter-found = Target recipient entity was unable to be matched to any station's mail teleporter. Recipient may be off-station.
command-mailto-success = Success! Mail parcel has been queued for next teleport in {$timeToTeleport} seconds.
+# Mailnow
command-mailnow = Force all mail teleporters to deliver another round of mail as soon as possible. This will not bypass the undelivered mail limit.
command-mailnow-help = Usage: {$command}
command-mailnow-success = Success! All mail teleporters will be delivering another round of mail soon.
+# Mailtestbulk
+command-mailtestbulk = Sends one of each type of parcel to a given mail teleporter. Implicitly calls mailnow.
+command-mailtestbulk-help = Usage: {$command}
+command-mailtestbulk-success = Success! All mail teleporters will be delivering another round of mail soon.
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/mail/mail.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/mail/mail.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5a277377324
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/mail/mail.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+mail-recipient-mismatch = Recipient name or job does not match.
+mail-invalid-access = Recipient name and job match, but access isn't as expected.
+mail-locked = The anti-tamper lock hasn't been removed. Tap the recipient's ID.
+mail-desc-far = A parcel of mail. You can't make out who it's addressed to from this distance.
+mail-desc-close = A parcel of mail addressed to {CAPITALIZE($name)}, {$job}.
+mail-desc-fragile = It has a [color=red]red fragile label[/color].
+mail-desc-priority = The anti-tamper lock's [color=yellow]yellow priority tape[/color] is active. Better deliver it on time!
+mail-desc-priority-inactive = The anti-tamper lock's [color=#886600]yellow priority tape[/color] is inactive.
+mail-unlocked = Anti-tamper system unlocked.
+mail-unlocked-by-emag = Anti-tamper system *BZZT*.
+mail-unlocked-reward = Anti-tamper system unlocked. {$bounty} spesos have been added to logistics' account.
+mail-item-name-unaddressed = mail
+mail-item-name-addressed = mail ({$recipient})
+mail-large-item-name-unaddressed = package
+mail-large-item-name-addressed = package ({$recipient})
+mail-large-desc-far = A large package.
+mail-large-desc-close = A large package addressed to {CAPITALIZE($name)}, {$job}.
diff --git a/Resources/Migrations/frontierMigrations.yml b/Resources/Migrations/frontierMigrations.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e8d607494ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Migrations/frontierMigrations.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+# 2024-08-22 - Frontier Mail - Add more to these when they come up as mapped. Part of the Frontier Mail port, blame Tortuga.
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Catalog/VendingMachines/Inventories/courierdrobe.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Catalog/VendingMachines/Inventories/courierdrobe.yml
index 88f691ba9b7..778b3725858 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Catalog/VendingMachines/Inventories/courierdrobe.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Catalog/VendingMachines/Inventories/courierdrobe.yml
@@ -7,8 +7,10 @@
CourierBag: 2
ClothingHeadsetCargo: 2
ClothingOuterWinterCargo: 2
- ClothingUniformMailCarrier: 2 # Nyanotrasen - Mail Carrier old gear
- ClothingUniformSkirtMailCarrier: 2 # Nyanotrasen - Mail Carrier old gear
- ClothingHeadMailCarrier: 2 # Nyanotrasen - Mail Carrier old gear
- MailBag: 2 # Nyanotrasen - Mail Carrier old gear
- ClothingOuterWinterCoatMail: 2 # Nyanotrasen - Mail Carrier old gear
+ ClothingUniformMailCarrier: 2
+ ClothingUniformSkirtMailCarrier: 2
+ ClothingHeadMailCarrier: 2
+ MailBag: 2
+ ClothingOuterWinterCoatMail: 2
+ WeaponMailLake: 2
+ BoxMailCapsulePrimed: 4
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Entities/Objects/Devices/cartridges.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Entities/Objects/Devices/cartridges.yml
index def215cee43..81e11d9d084 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Entities/Objects/Devices/cartridges.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Entities/Objects/Devices/cartridges.yml
@@ -38,3 +38,24 @@
sprite: Objects/Weapons/Melee/stunbaton.rsi
state: stunbaton_on
- type: SecWatchCartridge
+- type: entity
+ parent: BaseItem
+ id: MailMetricsCartridge
+ name: mail metrics cartridge
+ description: A cartridge that tracks statistics related to mail deliveries.
+ components:
+ - type: Sprite
+ sprite: DeltaV/Objects/Devices/cartridge.rsi
+ state: cart-mail
+ - type: Icon
+ sprite: DeltaV/Objects/Devices/cartridge.rsi
+ state: cart-mail
+ - type: UIFragment
+ ui: !type:MailMetricUi
+ - type: MailMetricsCartridge
+ - type: Cartridge
+ programName: mail-metrics-program-name
+ icon:
+ sprite: Objects/Specific/Mail/mail.rsi
+ state: icon
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Entities/Objects/Specific/Mail/mail.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Entities/Objects/Specific/Mail/mail.yml
index 7de554f5ff5..6f96930078b 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Entities/Objects/Specific/Mail/mail.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Entities/Objects/Specific/Mail/mail.yml
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+# DeltaV Mail
- type: entity
noSpawn: true
parent: BaseMail
@@ -175,3 +176,1643 @@
- type: Mail
- id: FoodPiePumpkin
+- type: entity
+ noSpawn: true
+ parent: BaseMail
+ id: MailDVCosplayFakeWizard
+ suffix: cosplay-wizard, fake as fuck
+ components:
+ - type: Mail
+ contents:
+ - id: ClothingOuterWizardFake
+ - id: ClothingHeadHatWizardFake
+ - id: ClothingShoesWizardFake
+ - id: FoodBurgerSpell
+ orGroup: FakeWizard
+ prob: 0.3
+ - id: FoodKebabSkewer
+ orGroup: FakeWizard
+ prob: 0.1
+- type: entity
+ parent: BaseMail
+ id: MailDVScarves
+ suffix: scarves
+ components:
+ - type: Mail
+ contents:
+ - id: ClothingNeckScarfStripedRed
+ orGroup: Scarf
+ - id: ClothingNeckScarfStripedBlue
+ orGroup: Scarf
+ - id: ClothingNeckScarfStripedGreen
+ orGroup: Scarf
+ - id: ClothingNeckScarfStripedBlack
+ orGroup: Scarf
+ - id: ClothingNeckScarfStripedBrown
+ orGroup: Scarf
+ - id: ClothingNeckScarfStripedLightBlue
+ orGroup: Scarf
+ - id: ClothingNeckScarfStripedOrange
+ orGroup: Scarf
+ - id: ClothingNeckScarfStripedPurple
+ orGroup: Scarf
+ - id: ClothingNeckScarfStripedZebra
+ orGroup: Scarf
+ - id: ClothingNeckScarfStripedSyndieGreen
+ orGroup: Scarf
+ prob: 0.25
+ - id: ClothingNeckScarfStripedSyndieRed
+ orGroup: Scarf
+ prob: 0.25
+ - id: ClothingNeckScarfStripedCentcom
+ orGroup: Scarf
+ prob: 0.001
+- type: entity
+ parent: BaseMailLarge
+ id: MailDVBoxes
+ suffix: boxes
+ components:
+ - type: Mail
+ contents:
+# - id: BoxEnvelope # TODO: we do not have this on EE?
+# orGroup: Box
+ - id: BoxCardboard
+ orGroup: Box
+ - id: BoxMRE
+ orGroup: Box
+ - id: BoxPerformer
+ orGroup: Box
+ - id: BoxFlare
+ orGroup: Box
+ - id: BoxDarts
+ orGroup: Box
+ - id: BoxMousetrap
+ orGroup: Box
+# Frontier Mail, including Extended Nyano Mail. (Pony Express?)
+- type: entity
+ noSpawn: true
+ parent: BaseMail
+ id: MailNFAlcohol
+ suffix: alcohol, extended
+ components:
+ - type: Mail
+ isFragile: true
+ contents:
+ # 12.5 overall weight, 8% base chance
+ - id: DrinkAbsintheBottleFull
+ orGroup: Drink
+ - id: DrinkBlueCuracaoBottleFull
+ orGroup: Drink
+ - id: DrinkCoffeeLiqueurBottleFull
+ orGroup: Drink
+ - id: DrinkGinBottleFull
+ orGroup: Drink
+ - id: DrinkMelonLiquorBottleFull
+ orGroup: Drink
+ - id: DrinkRumBottleFull
+ orGroup: Drink
+ - id: DrinkTequilaBottleFull
+ orGroup: Drink
+ - id: DrinkVermouthBottleFull
+ orGroup: Drink
+ - id: DrinkVodkaBottleFull
+ orGroup: Drink
+ - id: DrinkWhiskeyBottleFull
+ orGroup: Drink
+ - id: DrinkWineBottleFull
+ orGroup: Drink
+ - id: DrinkChampagneBottleFull
+ orGroup: Drink
+ prob: 0.5
+ - id: DrinkGildlagerBottleFull
+ orGroup: Drink
+ prob: 0.5
+ - id: DrinkPatronBottleFull
+ orGroup: Drink
+ prob: 0.5
+ - id: DrinkGlass
+ amount: 2
+- type: entity
+ noSpawn: true
+ parent: BaseMailLarge
+ id: MailNFBible
+ suffix: bible, extended
+ components:
+ - type: Mail
+ contents:
+ - id: Bible
+ - id: ClothingHeadHatWitch1 #DeltaV - Compensates for items that don't exist here
+ - id: ClothingOuterCoatMNKBlackTopCoat #DeltaV - Compensates for items that don't exist here
+- type: entity
+ noSpawn: true
+ parent: BaseMail
+ id: MailNFBikeHorn
+ suffix: bike horn, random
+ components:
+ - type: Mail
+ contents:
+ - id: BikeHorn
+ orGroup: Horn
+ prob: 0.95
+ - id: CluwneHorn
+ orGroup: Horn
+ prob: 0.05
+- type: entity
+ noSpawn: true
+ parent: BaseMailLarge
+ id: MailNFBuildABuddy
+ suffix: Build-a-Buddy
+ components:
+ - type: Mail
+ isFragile: true
+ contents:
+# - id: BoxBuildABuddyGoblin # DeltaV - Goblins Aren't Real
+# orGroup: Box
+ - id: BoxBuildABuddyHuman
+ orGroup: Box
+ - id: BoxBuildABuddyReptilian
+ orGroup: Box
+ - id: BoxBuildABuddySlime
+ orGroup: Box
+ - id: BoxBuildABuddyVulpkanin
+ orGroup: Box
+ - id: DrinkSpaceGlue
+ - id: PaperMailNFBuildABuddy
+- type: entity
+ noSpawn: true
+ parent: BaseMailLarge
+ id: MailNFCake
+ suffix: cake, extended
+ components:
+ - type: Mail
+ isFragile: true
+ isPriority: true
+ contents:
+ # 14.8 total weight, ~6.8% base chance
+ - id: FoodCakeApple
+ orGroup: Cake
+ - id: FoodCakeBirthday
+ orGroup: Cake
+ - id: FoodCakeBlueberry
+ orGroup: Cake
+ - id: FoodCakeCarrot
+ orGroup: Cake
+ - id: FoodCakeCheese
+ orGroup: Cake
+ - id: FoodCakeChocolate
+ orGroup: Cake
+ - id: FoodCakeChristmas
+ orGroup: Cake
+ - id: FoodCakeClown
+ orGroup: Cake
+ - id: FoodCakeLemon
+ orGroup: Cake
+ - id: FoodCakeLime
+ orGroup: Cake
+ - id: FoodCakeOrange
+ orGroup: Cake
+ - id: FoodCakePumpkin
+ orGroup: Cake
+ - id: FoodCakeVanilla
+ orGroup: Cake
+ # Uncommon
+ - id: FoodMothMothmallow
+ orGroup: Cake
+ prob: 0.5
+ - id: FoodCakeSlime
+ orGroup: Cake
+ prob: 0.5
+ # Rare
+ - id: FoodCakeBrain
+ orGroup: Cake
+ prob: 0.25
+ - id: FoodCakeLemoon
+ orGroup: Cake
+ prob: 0.25
+ - id: FoodCakeSuppermatter
+ orGroup: Cake
+ prob: 0.25
+ # Ultra rare
+ - id: FoodCakeSpaceman
+ orGroup: Cake
+ prob: 0.05
+ - id: KnifePlastic
+ - id: ForkPlastic
+ amount: 2
+- type: entity
+ noSpawn: true
+ parent: BaseMail
+ id: MailNFCosplayWizard
+ suffix: cosplay-wizard, extended
+ components:
+ - type: Mail
+ contents:
+ - id: ClothingOuterWizard
+ - id: ClothingHeadHatWizard
+ - id: ClothingShoesWizard
+ - id: PonderingOrb
+ orGroup: Staff
+ prob: 0.3
+ - id: RGBStaff
+ orGroup: Staff
+ prob: 0.1
+- type: entity
+ noSpawn: true
+ parent: BaseMail
+ id: MailNFCosplayMaid
+ suffix: cosplay-maid, extended
+ components:
+ - type: Mail
+ contents:
+ - id: UniformMaid
+ orGroup: Uniform
+ - id: ClothingUniformJumpskirtJanimaid
+ orGroup: Uniform
+ - id: ClothingUniformJumpskirtJanimaidmini
+ orGroup: Uniform
+ - id: MegaSprayBottle
+ - id: ClothingHandsGlovesColorWhite
+- type: entity
+ noSpawn: true
+ parent: BaseMail
+ id: MailNFCosplayNurse
+ suffix: cosplay-nurse, extended
+ components:
+ - type: Mail
+ contents:
+ - id: ClothingUniformJumpskirtNurse
+ - id: ClothingHeadNurseHat
+ - id: Syringe
+- type: entity
+ noSpawn: true
+ parent: BaseMail
+ id: MailNFCheese
+ suffix: cheese, extended
+ components:
+ - type: Mail
+ isFragile: true
+ isPriority: true
+ contents:
+ - id: FoodCheese
+ orGroup: Cheese
+ prob: 0.5
+ - id: FoodChevre
+ orGroup: Cheese
+ prob: 0.5
+ - id: KnifePlastic
+- type: entity
+ noSpawn: true
+ parent: BaseMail
+ id: MailNFCigarettes
+ suffix: cigs, random
+ components:
+ - type: Mail
+ contents:
+ - id: CigPackBlack
+ orGroup: Cigs
+ prob: 0.19
+ - id: CigPackBlue
+ orGroup: Cigs
+ prob: 0.19
+ - id: CigPackGreen
+ orGroup: Cigs
+ prob: 0.19
+ - id: CigPackRed
+ orGroup: Cigs
+ prob: 0.19
+ - id: CigPackMixed
+ orGroup: Cigs
+ prob: 0.09 # Pool shared with CigPackMixedMedical, CigPackMixedNasty
+ - id: CigPackMixedMedical
+ orGroup: Cigs
+ prob: 0.05
+ - id: CigPackMixedNasty
+ orGroup: Cigs
+ prob: 0.05
+ # Rare
+ - id: CigPackSyndicate
+ orGroup: Cigs
+ prob: 0.05
+ - id: CheapLighter
+- type: entity
+ noSpawn: true
+ parent: BaseMail
+ id: MailNFEMP
+ suffix: emp
+ components:
+ - type: Mail
+ contents:
+ - id: DelayedEMP
+ - id: PaperMailNFEMPPreparedness
+- type: entity
+ noSpawn: true
+ parent: BaseMail
+ id: MailNFSmoke
+ suffix: smoke
+ components:
+ - type: Mail
+ contents:
+ - id: DelayedSmoke
+- type: entity
+ noSpawn: true
+ parent: BaseMail
+ id: MailNFGoldCigars
+ suffix: cigars, premium
+ components:
+ - type: Mail
+ contents:
+ - id: CigarGoldCase
+ orGroup: Cigars
+ - id: FlippoLighter
+ orGroup: Lighter
+ prob: 0.95
+- type: entity
+ noSpawn: true
+ parent: BaseMail
+ id: MailNFCookies
+ suffix: cookies, random
+ components:
+ - type: Mail
+ isPriority: true
+ contents:
+ # Cookie 1
+ - id: FoodBakedCookie
+ orGroup: Cookie1
+ - id: FoodBakedCookieOatmeal
+ orGroup: Cookie1
+ - id: FoodBakedCookieRaisin
+ orGroup: Cookie1
+ - id: FoodBakedCookieSugar
+ orGroup: Cookie1
+ # Cookie 2
+ - id: FoodBakedCookie
+ orGroup: Cookie2
+ - id: FoodBakedCookieOatmeal
+ orGroup: Cookie2
+ - id: FoodBakedCookieRaisin
+ orGroup: Cookie2
+ - id: FoodBakedCookieSugar
+ orGroup: Cookie2
+ # Cookie 3
+ - id: FoodBakedCookie
+ orGroup: Cookie3
+ - id: FoodBakedCookieOatmeal
+ orGroup: Cookie3
+ - id: FoodBakedCookieRaisin
+ orGroup: Cookie3
+ - id: FoodBakedCookieSugar
+ orGroup: Cookie3
+ # Cookie 4
+ - id: FoodBakedCookie
+ orGroup: Cookie4
+ - id: FoodBakedCookieOatmeal
+ orGroup: Cookie4
+ - id: FoodBakedCookieRaisin
+ orGroup: Cookie4
+ - id: FoodBakedCookieSugar
+ orGroup: Cookie4
+- type: entity
+ noSpawn: true
+ parent: BaseMail
+ id: MailNFKnife
+ suffix: knife, extended
+ components:
+ - type: Mail
+ contents:
+ - id: KukriKnife
+ orGroup: Knife
+ - id: Machete # A little large for an envelope but "we'll live"
+ orGroup: Knife
+ - id: CombatKnife
+ orGroup: Knife
+ - id: SurvivalKnife
+ orGroup: Knife
+- type: entity
+ noSpawn: true
+ parent: BaseMailLarge
+ id: MailNFSword
+ suffix: sword
+ components:
+ - type: Mail
+ contents:
+ - id: KatanaDulled
+ orGroup: Sword
+ prob: 0.95
+ - id: ClaymoreDulled
+ orGroup: Sword
+ prob: 0.95
+ - id: FoamCutlass
+ orGroup: Sword
+ prob: 0.95
+ - id: Katana
+ orGroup: Sword
+ prob: 0.5
+ - id: Claymore
+ orGroup: Sword
+ prob: 0.5
+# - id: CaneSheathFilled # TODO: don't have this yet
+# orGroup: Sword
+# prob: 0.3
+ - id: Cutlass
+ orGroup: Sword
+ prob: 0.1
+ - id: Kanabou # ah yes, swords
+ orGroup: Sword
+ prob: 0.1
+ - id: ClothingBeltSheathFilled # Little dangerous between the reflect and the damage
+ orGroup: Sword
+ prob: 0.001
+- type: entity
+ noSpawn: true
+ parent: BaseMail
+ id: MailNFMuffins
+ suffix: muffins, random
+ components:
+ - type: Mail
+ isPriority: true
+ contents:
+ # Muffin 1
+ - id: FoodBakedMuffinBerry
+ orGroup: Muffin1
+ - id: FoodBakedMuffinCherry
+ orGroup: Muffin1
+ - id: FoodBakedMuffinBluecherry
+ orGroup: Muffin1
+ - id: FoodBakedMuffin
+ orGroup: Muffin1
+ - id: FoodMothMoffin
+ orGroup: Muffin1
+ prob: 0.5
+ # Muffin 2
+ - id: FoodBakedMuffinBerry
+ orGroup: Muffin2
+ - id: FoodBakedMuffinCherry
+ orGroup: Muffin2
+ - id: FoodBakedMuffinBluecherry
+ orGroup: Muffin2
+ - id: FoodBakedMuffin
+ orGroup: Muffin2
+ - id: FoodMothMoffin
+ orGroup: Muffin2
+ prob: 0.5
+ # Muffin 3
+ - id: FoodBakedMuffinBerry
+ orGroup: Muffin3
+ - id: FoodBakedMuffinCherry
+ orGroup: Muffin3
+ - id: FoodBakedMuffinBluecherry
+ orGroup: Muffin3
+ - id: FoodBakedMuffin
+ orGroup: Muffin3
+ - id: FoodMothMoffin
+ orGroup: Muffin3
+ prob: 0.5
+ # Muffin 4
+ - id: FoodBakedMuffinBerry
+ orGroup: Muffin4
+ - id: FoodBakedMuffinCherry
+ orGroup: Muffin4
+ - id: FoodBakedMuffinBluecherry
+ orGroup: Muffin4
+ - id: FoodBakedMuffin
+ orGroup: Muffin4
+ - id: FoodMothMoffin
+ orGroup: Muffin4
+ prob: 0.5
+- type: entity
+ noSpawn: true
+ parent: BaseMail
+ id: MailNFPAI
+ suffix: PAI, extended
+ components:
+ - type: Mail
+ contents:
+ - id: PersonalAI
+ orGroup: PAI
+ prob: 0.99
+ # Ultra rare
+ - id: SyndicatePersonalAI
+ orGroup: PAI
+ prob: 0.01
+- type: entity
+ noSpawn: true
+ parent: BaseMail
+ id: MailNFPlushie
+ suffix: plushie, extended
+ components:
+ - type: Mail
+ contents:
+ # These are all grouped up now to guarantee at least one item received.
+ # The downside is you're not going to get half a dozen plushies anymore.
+ - id: PlushieBee
+ orGroup: Plushie
+ - id: PlushieRGBee
+ prob: 0.5
+ orGroup: Plushie
+ - id: PlushieNuke
+ orGroup: Plushie
+ - id: PlushieArachind #DeltaV - Adds MORE PLUSHIE
+ orGroup: Plushie
+ - id: PlushieAtmosian #DeltaV - Adds MORE PLUSHIE
+ orGroup: Plushie
+ - id: PlushieXeno #DeltaV - Adds MORE PLUSHIE
+ orGroup: Plushie
+ - id: PlushiePenguin #DeltaV - Adds MORE PLUSHIE
+ orGroup: Plushie
+ - id: PlushieGhost #DeltaV - Adds MORE PLUSHIE
+ orGroup: Plushie
+ - id: PlushieDiona #DeltaV - Adds MORE PLUSHIE
+ orGroup: Plushie
+ - id: ToyMouse #DeltaV - Adds MORE PLUSHIE
+ orGroup: Plushie
+ - id: PlushieRouny
+ orGroup: Plushie
+ - id: PlushieLizard
+ orGroup: Plushie
+ - id: PlushieSpaceLizard
+ orGroup: Plushie
+ - id: PlushieRatvar
+ orGroup: Plushie
+ - id: PlushieNar
+ orGroup: Plushie
+ - id: PlushieCarp
+ orGroup: Plushie
+ - id: PlushieHolocarp #DeltaV - Adds MORE PLUSHIE
+ orGroup: Plushie
+ - id: PlushieRainbowCarp #DeltaV - Adds MORE PLUSHIE
+ orGroup: Plushie
+ - id: PlushieSlime
+ orGroup: Plushie
+ - id: PlushieSnake
+ orGroup: Plushie
+ - id: PlushieMothRandom
+ orGroup: Plushie
+ - id: PlushieMoth
+ prob: 0.5
+ orGroup: Plushie
+ - id: PlushieMothMusician
+ prob: 0.5
+ orGroup: Plushie
+ - id: PlushieMothBartender
+ prob: 0.5
+ orGroup: Plushie
+# Random snacks, replaces MailChocolate (lousy animal organs)
+- type: entity
+ noSpawn: true
+ parent: BaseMail
+ id: MailNFSnacks
+ suffix: snacks, random
+ components:
+ - type: Mail
+ contents:
+ # Snack 1
+ - id: FoodSnackChocolate
+ orGroup: Snack1
+ - id: FoodSnackPopcorn
+ orGroup: Snack1
+ - id: FoodSnackChips
+ orGroup: Snack1
+ - id: FoodSnackBoritos
+ orGroup: Snack1
+ - id: FoodSnackSus
+ orGroup: Snack1
+ - id: FoodSnackPistachios
+ orGroup: Snack1
+ - id: FoodSnackRaisins
+ orGroup: Snack1
+ - id: FoodSnackCheesie
+ orGroup: Snack1
+ - id: FoodSnackEnergy
+ orGroup: Snack1
+ - id: FoodSnackCnDs
+ orGroup: Snack1
+ - id: FoodSnackSemki
+ orGroup: Snack1
+ - id: FoodSnackSyndi
+ orGroup: Snack1
+ prob: 0.5
+ # Snack 2
+ - id: FoodSnackChocolate
+ orGroup: Snack2
+ - id: FoodSnackPopcorn
+ orGroup: Snack2
+ - id: FoodSnackChips
+ orGroup: Snack2
+ - id: FoodSnackBoritos
+ orGroup: Snack2
+ - id: FoodSnackSus
+ orGroup: Snack2
+ - id: FoodSnackPistachios
+ orGroup: Snack2
+ - id: FoodSnackRaisins
+ orGroup: Snack2
+ - id: FoodSnackCheesie
+ orGroup: Snack2
+ - id: FoodSnackEnergy
+ orGroup: Snack2
+ - id: FoodSnackCnDs
+ orGroup: Snack2
+ - id: FoodSnackSemki
+ orGroup: Snack2
+ - id: FoodSnackSyndi
+ orGroup: Snack2
+ prob: 0.5
+ # Snack 3
+ - id: FoodSnackChocolate
+ orGroup: Snack3
+ - id: FoodSnackPopcorn
+ orGroup: Snack3
+ - id: FoodSnackChips
+ orGroup: Snack3
+ - id: FoodSnackBoritos
+ orGroup: Snack3
+ - id: FoodSnackSus
+ orGroup: Snack3
+ - id: FoodSnackPistachios
+ orGroup: Snack3
+ - id: FoodSnackRaisins
+ orGroup: Snack3
+ - id: FoodSnackCheesie
+ orGroup: Snack3
+ - id: FoodSnackEnergy
+ orGroup: Snack3
+ - id: FoodSnackCnDs
+ orGroup: Snack3
+ - id: FoodSnackSemki
+ orGroup: Snack3
+ - id: FoodSnackSyndi
+ orGroup: Snack3
+ prob: 0.5
+ # Snack 4
+ - id: FoodSnackChocolate
+ orGroup: Snack4
+ - id: FoodSnackPopcorn
+ orGroup: Snack4
+ - id: FoodSnackChips
+ orGroup: Snack4
+ - id: FoodSnackBoritos
+ orGroup: Snack4
+ - id: FoodSnackSus
+ orGroup: Snack4
+ - id: FoodSnackPistachios
+ orGroup: Snack4
+ - id: FoodSnackRaisins
+ orGroup: Snack4
+ - id: FoodSnackCheesie
+ orGroup: Snack4
+ - id: FoodSnackEnergy
+ orGroup: Snack4
+ - id: FoodSnackCnDs
+ orGroup: Snack4
+ - id: FoodSnackSemki
+ orGroup: Snack4
+ - id: FoodSnackSyndi
+ orGroup: Snack4
+ prob: 0.5
+- type: entity
+ noSpawn: true
+ parent: BaseMail
+ id: MailNFVagueThreat
+ suffix: vague-threat
+ components:
+ - type: Mail
+ contents:
+ - id: PaperMailNFVagueThreat1
+ orGroup: Paper
+ - id: PaperMailNFVagueThreat2
+ orGroup: Paper
+ - id: PaperMailNFVagueThreat3
+ orGroup: Paper
+ - id: PaperMailNFVagueThreat4
+ orGroup: Paper
+ - id: PaperMailNFVagueThreat5
+ orGroup: Paper
+ - id: PaperMailNFVagueThreat6
+ orGroup: Paper
+ - id: PaperMailNFVagueThreat7
+ orGroup: Paper
+ - id: PaperMailNFVagueThreat8
+ orGroup: Paper
+ - id: PaperMailNFVagueThreat9
+ orGroup: Paper
+ - id: PaperMailNFVagueThreat10
+ orGroup: Paper
+ - id: PaperMailNFVagueThreat11
+ orGroup: Paper
+ - id: PaperMailNFVagueThreat12
+ orGroup: Paper
+ - id: KitchenKnife
+ orGroup: ThreateningObject
+ - id: ButchCleaver
+ orGroup: ThreateningObject
+ - id: CombatKnife
+ orGroup: ThreateningObject
+ - id: SurvivalKnife
+ orGroup: ThreateningObject
+ - id: SoapHomemade
+ orGroup: ThreateningObject
+ - id: FoodMeat
+ orGroup: ThreateningObject
+ - id: OrganHumanHeart
+ orGroup: ThreateningObject
+- type: entity
+ noSpawn: true
+ parent: BaseMail
+ id: MailNFDonkPockets
+ suffix: donk pockets, random
+ components:
+ - type: Mail
+ contents:
+ - id: FoodBoxDonkpocket
+ orGroup: Donk
+ prob: 0.4 # Higher probability, useful for chefs.
+ - id: FoodBoxDonkpocketSpicy
+ orGroup: Donk
+ prob: 0.1
+ - id: FoodBoxDonkpocketTeriyaki
+ orGroup: Donk
+ prob: 0.1
+ - id: FoodBoxDonkpocketPizza
+ orGroup: Donk
+ prob: 0.1
+ - id: FoodBoxDonkpocketStonk
+ orGroup: Donk
+ prob: 0.05
+ - id: FoodBoxDonkpocketCarp
+ orGroup: Donk
+ prob: 0.05
+ - id: FoodBoxDonkpocketBerry
+ orGroup: Donk
+ prob: 0.1
+ - id: FoodBoxDonkpocketHonk
+ orGroup: Donk
+ prob: 0.05
+ - id: FoodBoxDonkpocketDink
+ orGroup: Donk
+ prob: 0.05 # Bad luck.
+# Needs a buff?
+- type: entity
+ noSpawn: true
+ parent: BaseMail
+ id: MailNFSodaPwrGame
+ suffix: Pwrgame
+ components:
+ - type: Mail
+ contents:
+ - id: DrinkPwrGameCan
+ amount: 3
+ - id: PaperMailNFPwrGameAd
+# Needs a buff?
+- type: entity
+ noSpawn: true
+ parent: BaseMail
+ id: MailNFSodaRedBool
+ suffix: Red Bool
+ components:
+ - type: Mail
+ contents:
+ - id: DrinkEnergyDrinkCan
+ amount: 3
+ - id: PaperMailNFRedBoolAd
+# Needs a buff?
+- type: entity
+ noSpawn: true
+ parent: BaseMail
+ id: MailNFSodaSpaceCola
+ suffix: Space Cola
+ components:
+ - type: Mail
+ contents:
+ - id: DrinkColaBottleFull
+ - id: PaperMailNFSpaceColaAd
+# Needs a buff?
+- type: entity
+ noSpawn: true
+ parent: BaseMail
+ id: MailNFSodaSpaceMountainWind
+ suffix: Space Mountain Wind
+ components:
+ - type: Mail
+ contents:
+ - id: DrinkSpaceMountainWindBottleFull
+ - id: PaperMailNFSpaceMountainWindAd
+# Needs a buff?
+- type: entity
+ noSpawn: true
+ parent: BaseMail
+ id: MailNFSodaSpaceUp
+ suffix: Space Up
+ components:
+ - type: Mail
+ contents:
+ - id: DrinkSpaceUpBottleFull
+ - id: PaperMailNFSpaceUpAd
+#TODO: we don't have rainbow joints or blunts (yet?). Uncomment when (if?) they are added.
+- type: entity
+ noSpawn: true
+ parent: BaseMail
+ id: MailNFJoints
+ suffix: joints
+ components:
+ - type: Mail
+ contents:
+ # Smokeable 1
+ - id: Joint
+ orGroup: Smokeable1
+ prob: 0.35
+# - id: JointRainbow
+# orGroup: Smokeable1
+# prob: 0.15
+# - id: Blunt
+# orGroup: Smokeable1
+# prob: 0.35
+# - id: BluntRainbow
+# orGroup: Smokeable1
+# prob: 0.15
+ # Smokeable 2
+ - id: Joint
+ orGroup: Smokeable2
+ prob: 0.35
+# - id: JointRainbow
+# orGroup: Smokeable2
+# prob: 0.15
+# - id: Blunt
+# orGroup: Smokeable2
+# prob: 0.35
+# - id: BluntRainbow
+# orGroup: Smokeable2
+# prob: 0.15
+ # Smokeable 3
+ - id: Joint
+ orGroup: Smokeable3
+ prob: 0.35
+# - id: JointRainbow
+# orGroup: Smokeable3
+# prob: 0.15
+# - id: Blunt
+# orGroup: Smokeable3
+# prob: 0.35
+# - id: BluntRainbow
+# orGroup: Smokeable3
+# prob: 0.15
+# Catchalls for food that only exist in random spawners
+# Mmm, mail food
+# Needs a buff?
+- type: entity
+ noSpawn: true
+ parent: BaseMail
+ id: MailNFUnusualFood
+ suffix: unusual food
+ components:
+ - type: Mail
+ isPriority: true
+ isFragile: true
+ contents:
+ - id: FoodMealNachos
+ orGroup: Food
+ - id: FoodMealNachosCheesy
+ orGroup: Food
+ - id: FoodMealNachosCuban
+ orGroup: Food
+ - id: FoodMealEggplantParm
+ orGroup: Food
+ - id: FoodMealPotatoYaki
+ orGroup: Food
+ - id: FoodMealCornedbeef
+ orGroup: Food
+ - id: FoodMealBearsteak
+ orGroup: Food
+ - id: FoodMealPigblanket
+ orGroup: Food
+ - id: FoodMealEggsbenedict
+ orGroup: Food
+ - id: FoodMealOmelette
+ orGroup: Food
+ - id: FoodMealFriedegg
+ orGroup: Food
+ - id: FoodMealMilkape
+ orGroup: Food
+ - id: FoodMealMemoryleek
+ orGroup: Food
+ - id: DisgustingSweptSoup
+ orGroup: Food
+ - id: FoodBreadVolcanic
+ orGroup: Food
+ - id: FoodBakedWaffleSoylent
+ orGroup: Food
+ - id: FoodBakedWaffleRoffle
+ orGroup: Food
+ - id: FoodPieCherry
+ orGroup: Food
+ - id: FoodPieFrosty
+ orGroup: Food
+ prob: 0.05
+ - id: FoodMeatGoliathCooked
+ amount: 3
+ orGroup: Food
+ - id: FoodMeatRounyCooked
+ amount: 3
+ orGroup: Food
+ - id: FoodMeatLizardCooked
+ amount: 3
+ orGroup: Food
+ - id: FoodMeatSpiderlegCooked
+ amount: 3
+ orGroup: Food
+ - id: FoodMeatMeatballCooked
+ amount: 4
+ orGroup: Food
+# Needs a buff?
+- type: entity
+ noSpawn: true
+ parent: BaseMail
+ id: MailNFBakedGoods
+ suffix: baked goods
+ components:
+ - type: Mail
+ isPriority: true
+ isFragile: true
+ contents:
+ - id: FoodBakedBunHoney
+ amount: 2
+ orGroup: Food
+ - id: FoodBakedBunHotX
+ amount: 2
+ orGroup: Food
+ - id: FoodBakedBunMeat
+ amount: 2
+ orGroup: Food
+ - id: FoodBakedPretzel
+ amount: 2
+ orGroup: Food
+ - id: FoodBakedCannoli
+ amount: 2
+ orGroup: Food
+ - id: FoodDonutPlain
+ amount: 2
+ orGroup: Food
+ - id: FoodDonutJellyPlain
+ amount: 2
+ orGroup: Food
+ - id: FoodDonutHomer
+ amount: 2
+ orGroup: Food
+ - id: FoodDonutChaos
+ amount: 2
+ orGroup: Food
+ - id: FoodDonutMeat
+ amount: 2
+ orGroup: Food
+ - id: FoodDonutPink
+ amount: 2
+ orGroup: Food
+ - id: FoodDonutSpaceman
+ amount: 2
+ orGroup: Food
+ - id: FoodDonutApple
+ amount: 2
+ orGroup: Food
+ - id: FoodDonutCaramel
+ amount: 2
+ orGroup: Food
+ - id: FoodDonutChocolate
+ amount: 2
+ orGroup: Food
+# - id: FoodDonutBluePumpkin # Don't have that yet
+# amount: 2
+# orGroup: Food
+ - id: FoodDonutBungo
+ amount: 2
+ orGroup: Food
+ - id: FoodDonut
+ amount: 2
+ orGroup: Food
+ - id: FoodDonutSweetpea
+ amount: 2
+ orGroup: Food
+ - id: FoodDonutJellyHomer
+ amount: 2
+ orGroup: Food
+ - id: FoodDonutJellyPink
+ amount: 2
+ orGroup: Food
+ - id: FoodDonutJellySpaceman
+ amount: 2
+ orGroup: Food
+ - id: FoodDonutJellyApple
+ amount: 2
+ orGroup: Food
+ - id: FoodDonutJellyCaramel
+ amount: 2
+ orGroup: Food
+ - id: FoodDonutJellyChocolate
+ amount: 2
+ orGroup: Food
+# - id: FoodDonutJellyBluePumpkin # Don't have that yet
+# amount: 2
+# orGroup: Food
+ - id: FoodDonutJellyBungo
+ amount: 2
+ orGroup: Food
+ - id: FoodDonutJelly
+ amount: 2
+ orGroup: Food
+ - id: FoodDonutJellySweetpea
+ amount: 2
+ orGroup: Food
+ - id: FoodDonutJellySlugcat
+ amount: 2
+ orGroup: Food
+ - id: FoodFrozenSandwich # ah yes, baked goods
+ amount: 2
+ orGroup: Food
+ - id: FoodFrozenFreezy
+ amount: 2
+ orGroup: Food
+ - id: FoodFrozenSundae
+ amount: 2
+ orGroup: Food
+ - id: FoodFrozenCornuto
+ amount: 2
+ orGroup: Food
+ - id: FoodFrozenPopsicleOrange
+ amount: 2
+ orGroup: Food
+ - id: FoodFrozenPopsicleBerry
+ amount: 2
+ orGroup: Food
+ - id: FoodFrozenPopsicleJumbo
+ amount: 2
+ orGroup: Food
+ - id: FoodFrozenSnowcone
+ amount: 2
+ orGroup: Food
+ - id: FoodFrozenSnowconeBerry
+ amount: 2
+ orGroup: Food
+ - id: FoodFrozenSnowconeFruit
+ amount: 2
+ orGroup: Food
+ - id: FoodFrozenSnowconeClown
+ amount: 2
+ orGroup: Food
+ - id: FoodFrozenSnowconeMime
+ amount: 2
+ orGroup: Food
+ - id: FoodFrozenSnowconeRainbow
+ amount: 2
+ orGroup: Food
+ - id: FoodFrozenSnowconeMime
+ amount: 2
+ orGroup: Food
+ - id: FoodMealMint # unlucky
+ amount: 2
+ orGroup: Food
+# Needs a buff?
+- type: entity
+ noSpawn: true
+ parent: BaseMail
+ id: MailNFUnusualProduce
+ suffix: unusual produce
+ components:
+ - type: Mail
+ isPriority: true
+ isFragile: true
+ contents:
+ - id: FoodLaughinPeaPod
+ orGroup: Produce
+ amount: 5
+ - id: FoodMimana
+ orGroup: Produce
+ amount: 5
+ - id: FoodLemoon
+ orGroup: Produce
+ amount: 5
+ - id: FoodBlueTomato
+ orGroup: Produce
+ amount: 5
+ - id: FoodBloodTomato
+ orGroup: Produce
+ amount: 5
+ - id: FoodKoibean
+ orGroup: Produce
+ amount: 5
+# EE does not have those yet. Uncomment if any of those get ported.
+# - id: FoodGhostPepper #DeltaV
+# orGroup: Produce
+# amount: 5
+# - id: FoodCosmicRevenant #DeltaV
+# orGroup: Produce
+# amount: 5
+# - id: FoodCrystalThistle #DeltaV
+# orGroup: Produce
+# amount: 5
+ - id: FoodLily
+ orGroup: Produce
+ amount: 5
+ prob: 0.5
+ - id: FoodAmbrosiaDeus
+ orGroup: Produce
+ amount: 5
+ prob: 0.5
+ - id: FoodSpacemansTrumpet
+ orGroup: Produce
+ amount: 5
+ prob: 0.25
+- type: entity
+ noSpawn: true
+ parent: BaseMail
+ id: MailNFSoaps
+ suffix: soap sampler
+ components:
+ - type: Mail
+ contents:
+ - id: BoxSoapsAssorted
+ - id: PaperMailNTSoapAd1
+ orGroup: Ad
+ - id: PaperMailNTSoapAd2
+ orGroup: Ad
+- type: entity
+ noSpawn: true
+ parent: BaseMail
+ id: MailNFSoapsOmega
+ suffix: soap sampler, omega
+ components:
+ - type: Mail
+ contents:
+ - id: BoxSoapsAssortedOmega
+ - id: PaperMailNTSoapAd1
+ orGroup: Ad
+ - id: PaperMailNTSoapAd2
+ orGroup: Ad
+# Could add spessman battle rules here
+- type: entity
+ noSpawn: true
+ parent: BaseMail
+ id: MailNFFigurineBulk # DeltaV - No longer Bulk
+ suffix: figurine, bulk #DeltaV - Spams 3 boxes instead of using the bulk figurine prototype that Frontier uses
+ components:
+ - type: Mail
+ contents:
+ - id: MysteryFigureBox
+ - id: MysteryFigureBox
+ - id: MysteryFigureBox
+- type: entity
+ noSpawn: true
+ parent: BaseMail
+ id: MailNFPen
+ suffix: fancy pen
+ components:
+ - type: Mail
+ contents:
+ - id: LuxuryPen
+ orGroup: Pen
+ prob: 0.50
+ # DeltaV: Commenting these two out because I dunno if crew should have nice things
+ # - id: PenHop
+ # orGroup: Pen
+ # prob: 0.25
+ # - id: PenCap
+ # orGroup: Pen
+ # prob: 0.25
+ # TODO: come up with a slightly less powerful version of these
+ # Ultra-rare
+ # - id: CyberPen
+ # orGroup: Pen
+ # prob: 0.005
+ # - id: PenCentcom
+ # orGroup: Pen
+ # prob: 0.005
+ - id: PaperMailNFPaperPusherAd
+- type: entity
+ noSpawn: true
+ parent: BaseMailLarge
+ id: MailNFThrongler
+ suffix: throngler
+ components:
+ - type: Mail
+ contents:
+ - id: ThronglerToy
+- type: entity
+ noSpawn: true
+ parent: BaseMail
+ id: MailNFInstrumentSmall
+ suffix: instrument, expanded
+ components:
+ - type: Mail
+ contents:
+ - id: TrumpetInstrument
+ orGroup: Instrument
+ - id: RecorderInstrument
+ orGroup: Instrument
+ - id: ClarinetInstrument
+ orGroup: Instrument
+ - id: FluteInstrument
+ orGroup: Instrument
+ - id: HarmonicaInstrument
+ orGroup: Instrument
+ - id: OcarinaInstrument
+ orGroup: Instrument
+ - id: PanFluteInstrument
+ orGroup: Instrument
+ - id: KalimbaInstrument
+ orGroup: Instrument
+ - id: WoodblockInstrument
+ orGroup: Instrument
+ - id: BikeHornInstrument
+ orGroup: Instrument
+ - id: MusicBoxInstrument
+ orGroup: Instrument
+ - id: MicrophoneInstrument
+ orGroup: Instrument
+ - id: MusicalLungInstrument
+ orGroup: Instrument
+ # Uncommon
+ - id: PhoneInstrument
+ orGroup: Instrument
+ prob: 0.1
+ # Rare
+ - id: BananaPhoneInstrument
+ orGroup: Instrument
+ prob: 0.05
+ # Ultra-rare
+ - id: PhoneInstrumentSyndicate
+ orGroup: Instrument
+ prob: 0.01
+- type: entity
+ noSpawn: true
+ parent: BaseMail
+ id: MailNFUnusualClothing
+ suffix: unusual clothing
+ components:
+ - type: Mail
+ contents:
+ - id: ClothingKimonoPink
+ orGroup: Clothes
+ - id: ClothingKimonoBlue
+ orGroup: Clothes
+ - id: ClothingKimonoPurple
+ orGroup: Clothes
+ - id: ClothingKimonoSky
+ orGroup: Clothes
+ - id: ClothingKimonoGreen
+ orGroup: Clothes
+ - id: ClothingUniformMartialGi
+ orGroup: Clothes
+ - id: ClothingNeckBling
+ orGroup: Clothes
+ - id: ClothingShoesBling
+ orGroup: Clothes
+ - id: ClothingNeckCloakAdmin
+ orGroup: Clothes
+ - id: ClothingHeadHatFancyCrown
+ orGroup: Clothes
+ - id: ClothingHeadHatCake
+ orGroup: Clothes
+ - id: ClothingHeadHatCone
+ orGroup: Clothes
+ - id: ClothingMaskOniRed
+ orGroup: Clothes
+ - id: ClothingMaskOniBlue
+ orGroup: Clothes
+ - id: ClothingHeadHatRichard
+ orGroup: Clothes
+ - id: ClothingHeadHatAnimalHeadslime
+ orGroup: Clothes
+ - id: ClothingHeadHatDogEars
+ orGroup: Clothes
+ - id: ClothingHeadHatCatEars
+ orGroup: Clothes
+ - id: ClothingEyesGlassesOutlawGlasses
+ orGroup: Clothes
+ - id: ClothingUniformJumpsuitGalaxyBlue
+ orGroup: Clothes
+ prob: 0.25
+ - id: ClothingUniformJumpsuitGalaxyRed
+ orGroup: Clothes
+ prob: 0.25
+- type: entity
+ noSpawn: true
+ parent: BaseMail
+ id: MailNFCritter
+ suffix: critter
+ components:
+ - type: Mail
+ isFragile: true
+ contents:
+ # Bugs (weight: 2)
+ - id: MobCockroach
+ orGroup: Critter
+ prob: 0.36
+ - id: MobSlug
+ orGroup: Critter
+ prob: 0.36
+ - id: MobArgocyteSlurva # honorary bug?
+ orGroup: Critter
+ prob: 0.36
+ - id: MobBee
+ orGroup: Critter
+ prob: 0.36
+ - id: MobButterfly
+ orGroup: Critter
+ prob: 0.36
+ # Uncommon
+ - id: MobMothroach
+ orGroup: Critter
+ prob: 0.2
+ # Small reptiles (weight: 1)
+ - id: MobLizard
+ orGroup: Critter
+ prob: 0.34
+ - id: MobSnake
+ orGroup: Critter
+ prob: 0.33
+ - id: MobFrog
+ orGroup: Critter
+ prob: 0.33
+ # Small mammals (weight: 1)
+ - id: MobMouse
+ orGroup: Critter
+ prob: 0.33
+ - id: MobMouse1
+ orGroup: Critter
+ prob: 0.33
+ - id: MobMouse2
+ orGroup: Critter
+ prob: 0.33
+ - id: MobMouseCancer
+ orGroup: Critter
+ prob: 0.01 # Rare
+- type: entity
+ noSpawn: true
+ parent: BaseMail
+ id: MailNFTacticalMaid
+ suffix: tactical maid
+ components:
+ - type: Mail
+ contents:
+ - id: ClothingUniformJumpskirtTacticalMaid
+ - id: ClothingHeadHatTacticalMaidHeadband
+ - id: MegaSprayBottle
+ - id: ClothingHandsTacticalMaidGloves
+- type: entity
+ noSpawn: true
+ parent: BaseMailLarge
+ id: MailNFKendoKit
+ suffix: kendo kit
+ components:
+ - type: Mail
+ contents: # A lot of stuff here, seems spammy.
+ - id: ClothingUniformKendoHakama
+ amount: 2
+ - id: ClothingOuterArmorKendoBogu
+ amount: 2
+ - id: ClothingHeadHelmetKendoMen
+ amount: 2
+ - id: Shinai
+ amount: 2
+# Base Nyano Mail
+- type: entity
+ noSpawn: true
+ parent: BaseMail
+ id: MailSake
+ suffix: osake
+ components:
+ - type: Mail
+ contents:
+ - id: DrinkSakeCup
+ amount: 2
+ - id: DrinkTokkuri
+- type: entity
+ noSpawn: true
+ parent: BaseMail
+ id: MailBlockGameDIY
+ suffix: blockgamediy
+ components:
+ - type: Mail
+ contents:
+ - id: BlockGameArcadeComputerCircuitboard
+- type: entity
+ noSpawn: true
+ parent: BaseMail
+ id: MailCigars
+ suffix: Cigars
+ components:
+ - type: Mail
+ contents:
+ - id: CigarCase
+ - id: Lighter
+- type: entity
+ noSpawn: true
+ parent: BaseMail
+ id: MailCrayon
+ suffix: Crayon
+ components:
+ - type: Mail
+ contents:
+ - id: CrayonBox
+- type: entity
+ noSpawn: true
+ parent: BaseMail
+ id: MailCosplayArc
+ suffix: cosplay-arc
+ components:
+ - type: Mail
+ openSound: /Audio/Nyanotrasen/Voice/Felinid/cat_wilhelm.ogg
+ contents:
+ - id: ClothingCostumeArcDress
+- type: entity
+ noSpawn: true
+ parent: BaseMail
+ id: MailCosplayGeisha
+ suffix: cosplay-geisha
+ components:
+ - type: Mail
+ contents:
+ - id: UniformGeisha
+ - id: DrinkTeapot
+ - id: DrinkTeacup
+ amount: 3
+- type: entity
+ noSpawn: true
+ parent: BaseMail
+ id: MailCosplaySchoolgirl
+ suffix: cosplay-schoolgirl
+ components:
+ - type: Mail
+ contents:
+ - id: UniformSchoolgirlBlack
+ orGroup: Color
+ - id: UniformSchoolgirlBlue
+ orGroup: Color
+ - id: UniformSchoolgirlCyan
+ orGroup: Color
+ - id: UniformSchoolgirlGreen
+ orGroup: Color
+ - id: UniformSchoolgirlOrange
+ orGroup: Color
+ - id: UniformSchoolgirlPink
+ orGroup: Color
+ - id: UniformSchoolgirlPurple
+ orGroup: Color
+ - id: UniformSchoolgirlRed
+ orGroup: Color
+- type: entity
+ noSpawn: true
+ parent: BaseMail
+ id: MailFlowers
+ suffix: flowers
+ components:
+ - type: Mail
+ contents:
+ # TODO actual flowers
+ - id: ClothingHeadHatFlowerWreath
+ orGroup: Flowers
+ - id: FoodPoppy
+ orGroup: Flowers
+ - id: FoodLily
+- type: entity
+ noSpawn: true
+ parent: BaseMail
+ id: MailSignallerKit
+ suffix: signallerkit
+ components:
+ - type: Mail
+ contents:
+ - id: Multitool
+ - id: RemoteSignaller
+- type: entity
+ noSpawn: true
+ parent: BaseMail
+ id: MailNoir
+ suffix: noir
+ components:
+ - type: Mail
+ contents:
+ - id: ClothingUniformJumpsuitDetectiveGrey
+ - id: ClothingUniformJumpskirtDetectiveGrey
+ - id: ClothingHeadHatBowlerHat
+ - id: ClothingOuterCoatGentle
+- type: entity
+ noSpawn: true
+ parent: BaseMail
+ id: MailRestraints
+ suffix: restraints
+ components:
+ - type: Mail
+ contents:
+ - id: Handcuffs
+ - id: ClothingMaskMuzzle
+ - id: ClothingEyesBlindfold
+- type: entity
+ noSpawn: true
+ parent: BaseMail
+ id: MailFishingCap
+ suffix: fishingcap
+ components:
+ - type: Mail
+ contents:
+ - id: ClothingHeadFishCap
+- type: entity
+ noSpawn: true
+ parent: BaseMail
+ id: MailFlashlight
+ suffix: Flashlight
+ components:
+ - type: Mail
+ contents:
+ - id: FlashlightLantern
+- type: entity
+ noSpawn: true
+ parent: BaseMail
+ id: MailSpaceVillainDIY
+ suffix: spacevilliandiy
+ components:
+ - type: Mail
+ contents:
+ - id: SpaceVillainArcadeComputerCircuitboard
+- type: entity
+ noSpawn: true
+ parent: BaseMail
+ id: MailSunglasses
+ suffix: Sunglasses
+ components:
+ - type: Mail
+ contents:
+ - id: ClothingEyesGlassesSunglasses
+- type: entity
+ noSpawn: true
+ parent: BaseMail
+ id: MailWinterCoat
+ suffix: wintercoat
+ components:
+ - type: Mail
+ contents:
+ - id: ClothingOuterWinterCoat
+ orGroup: Coat
+ - id: ClothingOuterWinterCoatLong
+ orGroup: Coat
+ - id: ClothingOuterWinterCoatPlaid
+ orGroup: Coat
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Nyanotrasen/Entities/Objects/Specific/Mail/mail_civilian.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Entities/Objects/Specific/Mail/mail_civilian.yml
similarity index 71%
rename from Resources/Prototypes/Nyanotrasen/Entities/Objects/Specific/Mail/mail_civilian.yml
rename to Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Entities/Objects/Specific/Mail/mail_civilian.yml
index a41fac14ffa..19a1ee3c536 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Nyanotrasen/Entities/Objects/Specific/Mail/mail_civilian.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Entities/Objects/Specific/Mail/mail_civilian.yml
@@ -1,8 +1,62 @@
+# Frontier Mail
+- type: entity
+ noSpawn: true
+ parent: BaseMailLarge
+ id: MailNFInstrumentLarge
+ suffix: instrument, large
+ components:
+ - type: Mail
+ contents:
+ - id: TromboneInstrument
+ orGroup: Instrument
+ - id: FrenchHornInstrument
+ orGroup: Instrument
+ - id: SaxophoneInstrument
+ orGroup: Instrument
+ - id: EuphoniumInstrument
+ orGroup: Instrument
+ - id: AcousticGuitarInstrument
+ orGroup: Instrument
+ - id: ElectricGuitarInstrument
+ orGroup: Instrument
+ - id: BassGuitarInstrument
+ orGroup: Instrument
+ - id: RockGuitarInstrument
+ orGroup: Instrument
+ - id: BanjoInstrument
+ orGroup: Instrument
+ - id: ViolinInstrument
+ orGroup: Instrument
+ - id: CelloInstrument
+ orGroup: Instrument
+ - id: ViolaInstrument
+ orGroup: Instrument
+ - id: BagpipeInstrument # Fury.
+ orGroup: Instrument
+ - id: SynthesizerInstrument
+ orGroup: Instrument
+ - id: AccordionInstrument
+ orGroup: Instrument
+ - id: GlockenspielInstrument
+ orGroup: Instrument
+ - id: XylophoneInstrument
+ orGroup: Instrument
+ # Uncommon
+ - id: Rickenbacker4003Instrument
+ orGroup: Instrument
+ prob: 0.25
+ # Rare
+ - id: Rickenbacker4001Instrument
+ orGroup: Instrument
+ prob: 0.1
+# Base Nyano Mail
- type: entity
noSpawn: true
parent: BaseMail
id: MailBotanistChemicalBottles
- suffix: botanistchemicals
+ suffix: botanist chemicals
- type: Mail
@@ -102,7 +156,7 @@
noSpawn: true
parent: BaseMail
id: MailHoPBureaucracy
- suffix: hoppaper
+ suffix: hop paper
- type: Mail
@@ -113,7 +167,7 @@
noSpawn: true
parent: BaseMail
id: MailHoPSupplement
- suffix: hopsupplement
+ suffix: hop supplement
- type: Mail
@@ -125,7 +179,7 @@
noSpawn: true
parent: BaseMail
id: MailMimeArtsCrafts
- suffix: artscrafts
+ suffix: arts and crafts
- type: Mail
@@ -137,7 +191,7 @@
noSpawn: true
parent: BaseMail
id: MailMimeBlankBook
- suffix: blankbook
+ suffix: blank book
- type: Mail
@@ -147,37 +201,17 @@
noSpawn: true
parent: BaseMail
id: MailMimeBottleOfNothing
- suffix: bottleofnothing
+ suffix: bottle of nothing
- type: Mail
- id: DrinkBottleOfNothingFull
-- type: entity
- noSpawn: true
- parent: BaseMail
- id: MailMusicianInstrumentSmall
- suffix: instrument-small
- components:
- - type: Mail
- isFragile: true
- contents:
- - id: FluteInstrument
- orGroup: Instrument
- - id: HarmonicaInstrument
- orGroup: Instrument
- - id: OcarinaInstrument
- orGroup: Instrument
- - id: PanFluteInstrument
- orGroup: Instrument
- - id: RecorderInstrument
- orGroup: Instrument
- type: entity
noSpawn: true
parent: BaseMail
id: MailPassengerMoney
- suffix: passengermoney
+ suffix: passenger money
- type: Mail
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Entities/Objects/Specific/Mail/mail_command.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Entities/Objects/Specific/Mail/mail_command.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..86dec46a654
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Entities/Objects/Specific/Mail/mail_command.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# Base Nyano Mail
+- type: entity
+ noSpawn: true
+ parent: BaseMail
+ id: MailCommandPinpointerNuclear
+ suffix: pinpointer mail ops
+ components:
+ - type: Mail
+ contents:
+ - id: PinpointerNuclear
+- type: entity
+ noSpawn: true
+ parent: BaseMail
+ id: MailStationRepNFNukeDisk
+ suffix: nuke disk
+ components:
+ - type: Mail
+ isFragile: true
+ contents:
+ - id: NukeDiskFake
+ - id: PaperMailNFAntivirus
+- type: entity
+ noSpawn: true
+ parent: BaseMail
+ id: MailCommandNFPipebombIntern
+ suffix: pipe and bomb
+ components:
+ - type: Mail
+ isFragile: true
+ contents:
+ - id: SmokingPipeFilledTobacco
+ - id: DrinkAtomicBombGlass
+ - id: PaperMailNFPipebombIntern
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Entities/Objects/Specific/Mail/mail_engineering.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Entities/Objects/Specific/Mail/mail_engineering.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..af70fc621cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Entities/Objects/Specific/Mail/mail_engineering.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+# Base Nyano Mail
+- type: entity
+ noSpawn: true
+ parent: BaseMail
+ id: MailEngineeringCables
+ suffix: cables
+ components:
+ - type: Mail
+ contents:
+ - id: CableHVStack
+ orGroup: Cables
+ - id: CableMVStack
+ orGroup: Cables
+ - id: CableApcStack
+ orGroup: Cables
+- type: entity
+ noSpawn: true
+ parent: BaseMail
+ id: MailEngineeringKudzuDeterrent
+ suffix: antikudzu
+ components:
+ - type: Mail
+ contents:
+ - id: PlantBGoneSpray
+- type: entity
+ noSpawn: true
+ parent: BaseMail
+ id: MailEngineeringSheetGlass
+ suffix: sheetglass
+ components:
+ - type: Mail
+ contents:
+ - id: SheetGlass
+- type: entity
+ noSpawn: true
+ parent: BaseMail
+ id: MailEngineeringWelderReplacement
+ suffix: welder
+ components:
+ - type: Mail
+ contents:
+ - id: Welder
+# Frontier Mail
+- type: entity
+ noSpawn: true
+ parent: BaseMail
+ id: MailNFCircuitboardIndustrial
+ suffix: industrial circuitboard
+ components:
+ - type: Mail
+ contents:
+ - id: ThermomachineFreezerMachineCircuitBoard
+ orGroup: Board
+ prob: 0.5
+ - id: ThermomachineHeaterMachineCircuitBoard
+ orGroup: Board
+ prob: 0.5
+ - id: HellfireFreezerMachineCircuitBoard
+ orGroup: Board
+ prob: 0.25
+ - id: HellfireHeaterMachineCircuitBoard
+ orGroup: Board
+ prob: 0.25
+ - id: CryoPodMachineCircuitboard # Medical as well
+ orGroup: Board
+ prob: 0.5
+ - id: ChemMasterMachineCircuitboard
+ orGroup: Board
+ prob: 0.5
+ - id: ChemDispenserMachineCircuitboard
+ orGroup: Board
+ prob: 0.25
+ - id: StasisBedMachineCircuitboard
+ orGroup: Board
+ prob: 0.25
+ - id: BiomassReclaimerMachineCircuitboard
+ orGroup: Board
+ prob: 0.25
+ - id: BiofabricatorMachineCircuitboard
+ orGroup: Board
+ prob: 0.25
+ - id: TurboItemRechargerCircuitboard
+ orGroup: Board
+ prob: 0.5
+ - id: AutolatheHyperConvectionMachineCircuitboard
+ orGroup: Board
+ prob: 0.25
+ - id: ProtolatheHyperConvectionMachineCircuitboard
+ orGroup: Board
+ prob: 0.25
+ - id: HotplateMachineCircuitboard
+ orGroup: Board
+ prob: 0.5
+# - id: CircuitImprinterHyperConvectionMachineCircuitboard
+# orGroup: Board
+# prob: 0.25
+ - id: SheetifierMachineCircuitboard
+ orGroup: Board
+ prob: 0.25
+ - id: RadarConsoleCircuitboard
+ orGroup: Board
+ prob: 0.25
+ - id: OreProcessorIndustrialMachineCircuitboard
+ orGroup: Board
+ prob: 0.5
+ - id: GasRecyclerMachineCircuitboard
+ orGroup: Board
+ prob: 0.1
+- type: entity
+ noSpawn: true
+ parent: BaseMail
+ id: MailNFCircuitboardService
+ suffix: service circuitboard
+ components:
+ - type: Mail
+ contents:
+ - id: ComputerTelevisionCircuitboard
+ orGroup: Board
+ - id: ReagentGrinderMachineCircuitboard
+ orGroup: Board
+ - id: ReagentGrinderIndustrialMachineCircuitboard
+ orGroup: Board
+ prob: 0.5
+ - id: SurveillanceWirelessCameraMovableCircuitboard
+ orGroup: Board
+ prob: 0.5
+ - id: MicrowaveMachineCircuitboard
+ orGroup: Board
+ - id: ElectricGrillMachineCircuitboard
+ orGroup: Board
+ prob: 0.5
+ - id: FatExtractorMachineCircuitboard
+ orGroup: Board
+ prob: 0.25
+ - id: SeedExtractorMachineCircuitboard
+ orGroup: Board
+ prob: 0.5
+ - id: BoozeDispenserMachineCircuitboard
+ orGroup: Board
+ - id: SodaDispenserMachineCircuitboard
+ orGroup: Board
+ - id: JukeboxCircuitBoard
+ orGroup: Board
+ - id: TelecomServerCircuitboard
+ orGroup: Board
+ prob: 0.25
+ - id: ComputerMassMediaCircuitboard
+ orGroup: Board
+ prob: 0.1
+- type: entity
+ noSpawn: true
+ parent: BaseMailLarge
+ id: MailNFPowerTool
+ suffix: power tool
+ components:
+ - type: Mail
+ contents:
+ - id: PaperMailNFPowerTool
+ orGroup: Paper
+ - id: JawsOfLife
+ orGroup: Gift
+ prob: 0.33
+ - id: PowerDrill
+ orGroup: Gift
+ prob: 0.33
+ - id: WelderIndustrial
+ orGroup: Gift
+ prob: 0.20
+ # Rare
+ - id: WelderIndustrialAdvanced
+ orGroup: Gift
+ prob: 0.10
+ - id: WelderExperimental
+ orGroup: Gift
+ prob: 0.04
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Nyanotrasen/Entities/Objects/Specific/Mail/mail_epistemology.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Entities/Objects/Specific/Mail/mail_epistemology.yml
similarity index 74%
rename from Resources/Prototypes/Nyanotrasen/Entities/Objects/Specific/Mail/mail_epistemology.yml
rename to Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Entities/Objects/Specific/Mail/mail_epistemology.yml
index 38526966b80..be6f9818e22 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Nyanotrasen/Entities/Objects/Specific/Mail/mail_epistemology.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Entities/Objects/Specific/Mail/mail_epistemology.yml
@@ -46,13 +46,3 @@
- type: Mail
- id: ClothingHeadTinfoil
-- type: entity
- noSpawn: true
- parent: BaseMail
- id: MailDetectiveForensicSupplement # Deltav - Detective is in charge of investigating crimes.
- suffix: detectivesupplement # Deltav - Detective is in charge of investigating crimes.
- components:
- - type: Mail
- contents:
- - id: BoxForensicPad
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Nyanotrasen/Entities/Objects/Specific/Mail/mail_medical.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Entities/Objects/Specific/Mail/mail_medical.yml
similarity index 84%
rename from Resources/Prototypes/Nyanotrasen/Entities/Objects/Specific/Mail/mail_medical.yml
rename to Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Entities/Objects/Specific/Mail/mail_medical.yml
index 4e797272e5e..735f840a201 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Nyanotrasen/Entities/Objects/Specific/Mail/mail_medical.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Entities/Objects/Specific/Mail/mail_medical.yml
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+# Base Nyano Mail
- type: entity
noSpawn: true
parent: BaseMail
@@ -91,3 +92,19 @@
maxAmount: 2
- id: SyringeTranexamicAcid
maxAmount: 2
+# Frontier Mail
+- type: entity
+ parent: BaseMailLarge
+ id: MailNFMedkit
+ suffix: medkit
+ components:
+ - type: Mail
+ contents:
+ - id: MedkitAdvancedFilled
+ orGroup: Medkit
+ prob: 0.75
+ - id: MedkitCombatFilled
+ orGroup: Medkit
+ prob: 0.25
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Nyanotrasen/Entities/Objects/Specific/Mail/mail_security.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Entities/Objects/Specific/Mail/mail_security.yml
similarity index 50%
rename from Resources/Prototypes/Nyanotrasen/Entities/Objects/Specific/Mail/mail_security.yml
rename to Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Entities/Objects/Specific/Mail/mail_security.yml
index b47d5af56e3..eed846a0909 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Nyanotrasen/Entities/Objects/Specific/Mail/mail_security.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Entities/Objects/Specific/Mail/mail_security.yml
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+# Base Nyano Mail
- type: entity
noSpawn: true
parent: BaseMail
@@ -34,7 +35,6 @@
maxAmount: 2
#- type: entity
-# noSpawn: true
# parent: BaseMail
# id: MailSecuritySpaceLaw
# suffix: spacelaw
@@ -54,3 +54,42 @@
- id: BoxBeanbag
+- type: entity
+ noSpawn: true
+ parent: BaseMail
+ id: MailDetectiveForensicSupplement # Deltav - Detective is in charge of investigating crimes.
+ suffix: detectivesupplement # Deltav - Detective is in charge of investigating crimes.
+ components:
+ - type: Mail
+ contents:
+ - id: BoxForensicPad
+# Frontier Mail
+- type: entity
+ noSpawn: true
+ parent: BaseMailLarge
+ id: MailSecurityNFMusket
+ suffix: musket
+ components:
+ - type: Mail
+ contents:
+ - id: ClothingHeadHatPwig
+ - id: Musket
+ - id: CartridgeAntiMateriel
+ amount: 2
+ - id: PaperMailNTMusket
+# Delta Mail
+- type: entity
+ noSpawn: true
+ parent: BaseMail
+ id: MailSecurityDVSpaceLaw
+ suffix: spacelaw, extended
+ components:
+ - type: Mail
+ contents:
+ - id: BookSecurity
+# - id: BookSOP #This is where I'd put my Delta SOP book... IF I HAD ONE!!!
+ - id: PaperMailNFSpaceLaw # Uses the NF space law paper, which is edited to mention the Delta Sector
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Mail/mailDeliveries.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Mail/mailDeliveries.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c0d6df9ec21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/DeltaV/Mail/mailDeliveries.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+- type: mailDeliveryPool
+ id: RandomDeltaVMailDeliveryPool #This entire table is messy as fuck but the weights add up to 35. TODO: ORGANIZE THIS SHIT AAAA
+ everyone:
+ MailNFAlcohol: 1
+ MailNFBakedGoods: 1
+ MailNFBible: 1
+ MailNFBikeHorn: 0.5
+ MailBooksAll: 1
+ MailBlockGameDIY: 0.5
+ MailNFBuildABuddy: 0.3
+ MailDVBoxes: 0.3
+ MailCrayon: 1
+ MailNFCake: 1
+ MailNFCheese: 1
+ MailNFCookies: 1.1
+ MailNFCritter: 1
+ #Cigarettes - Adds up to 1 in weight
+ MailNFCigarettes: 0.5
+ MailCigars: 0.2
+ MailNFJoints: 0.2
+ MailNFGoldCigars: 0.1
+ #Cosplay - Adds up to 3.4 in weight
+ MailCosplayArc: 0.5
+ MailDVCosplayFakeWizard: 0.5
+ MailNFCosplayWizard: 0.5
+ MailNFCosplayMaid: 0.5
+ MailCosplayGeisha: 0.5
+ MailCosplaySchoolgirl: 0.5
+ MailNFCosplayNurse: 0.4
+ MailNFDonkPockets: 0.5
+ MailNFEMP: 0.3
+ MailNFFigurineBulk: 1
+ MailFishingCap: 0.5
+ MailFlashlight: 1
+ MailFlowers: 1
+ MailNFKendoKit: 0.3
+ MailNFKnife: 0.7
+ MailNFMuffins: 1
+ MailNoir: 0.5
+ MailNFPAI: 1.2
+ MailNFPlushie: 1
+ MailPumpkinPie: 0.3
+ MailNFPen: 0.7
+ MailRestraints: 0.8
+ MailSake: 0.4
+ MailDVScarves: 0.15
+ MailNFSnacks: 1
+ #Soda - Adds up to 1 in weight
+ MailNFSodaPwrGame: 0.2
+ MailNFSodaRedBool: 0.2
+ MailNFSodaSpaceCola: 0.2
+ MailNFSodaSpaceMountainWind: 0.2
+ MailNFSodaSpaceUp: 0.2
+ #End Soda
+ MailNFSmoke: 0.4
+ MailSpaceVillainDIY: 0.5
+ MailSignallerKit: 0.5
+ MailSunglasses: 1
+ MailNFSoaps: 0.5
+ MailNFSoapsOmega: 0.5
+ MailNFSword: 0.5
+ MailNFTacticalMaid: 0.5
+ MailNFThrongler: 0.05
+ MailNFUnusualClothing: 0.5
+ MailNFUnusualFood: 1
+ MailNFUnusualProduce: 1
+ MailNFVagueThreat: 0.5
+ # Mainly for Glacier
+ MailWinterCoat: 1.5
+ # Department and job-specific mail can have slightly higher weights,
+ # since they'll be merged with the everyone pool.
+ departments:
+ Medical:
+ MailMedicalBasicSupplies: 2
+ MailMedicalChemistrySupplement: 2
+ MailMedicalEmergencyPens: 3
+ MailMedicalMedicinePills: 2
+ MailMedicalSheetPlasma: 1
+ # MailMedicalSpaceacillin: 1
+ MailMedicalStabilizers: 2
+ MailNFMedkit: 2
+ Engineering:
+ MailAMEGuide: 1
+ MailEngineeringCables: 2
+ MailEngineeringKudzuDeterrent: 2
+ MailEngineeringSheetGlass: 2
+ MailEngineeringWelderReplacement: 2
+ MailNFCircuitboardIndustrial: 2
+ MailNFCircuitboardService: 1
+ MailNFPowerTool: 1
+ Security:
+ MailSecurityDonuts: 3
+ MailSecurityFlashlight: 2
+ MailSecurityNonlethalsKit: 2
+ MailSecurityDVSpaceLaw: 1
+ MailSecurityNFMusket: 1
+ Epistemics:
+# MailBooks: 1
+ MailEpistemologyBluespace: 1
+ MailEpistemologyIngotGold: 2
+ MailEpistemologyResearchDisk: 1
+ MailEpistemologyTinfoilHat: 1
+ MailSignallerKit: 1
+ # All heads of staff are in Command and not their departments, technically.
+ # So any items from the departments above that should also be sent to the
+ # respective department heads should be duplicated below.
+ Command:
+ MailCommandPinpointerNuclear: 0.5
+ MailStationRepNFNukeDisk: 0.3
+ MailCommandNFPipebombIntern: 0.1
+ jobs:
+ Botanist:
+ MailBotanistChemicalBottles: 2
+ MailBotanistMutagen: 1.5
+ MailBotanistSeeds: 1
+ ChiefEngineer:
+ MailEngineeringKudzuDeterrent: 2
+ ChiefMedicalOfficer:
+ MailMedicalEmergencyPens: 2
+ MailMedicalMedicinePills: 3
+ MailMedicalSheetPlasma: 2
+ Clown:
+ MailClownGildedBikeHorn: 0.5
+ MailClownHonkSupplement: 3
+ Detective: # Deltav - Detective is in charge of investigating crimes.
+ MailDetectiveForensicSupplement: 2 # Deltav - Detective is in charge of investigating crimes.
+ HeadOfPersonnel:
+ MailHoPBureaucracy: 2
+ MailHoPSupplement: 3
+ HeadOfSecurity:
+ MailSecurityNonlethalsKit: 2
+ Lawyer:
+ MailSecurityDVSpaceLaw: 2
+ Mime:
+ MailMimeArtsCrafts: 3
+ MailMimeBlankBook: 2
+ MailMimeBottleOfNothing: 1
+ ResearchDirector: # DeltaV - Epistemics Department replacing Science but keeping their IDs
+ MailEpistemologyIngotGold: 2
+ Musician:
+ MailMusicianInstrumentSmall: 1
+ Passenger:
+ MailPassengerMoney: 3
+ Warden:
+ MailWardenCrowdControl: 2
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Devices/pda.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Devices/pda.yml
index 1a388997835..ebefd05cbb6 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Devices/pda.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Devices/pda.yml
@@ -358,6 +358,12 @@
accentVColor: "#a23e3e"
- type: Icon
state: pda-qm
+ - type: CartridgeLoader # Adds the MailMetrics courier tracker
+ preinstalled:
+ - CrewManifestCartridge
+ - NotekeeperCartridge
+ - NewsReaderCartridge
+ - MailMetricsCartridge
- type: entity
parent: BasePDA
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Misc/mail_capsule.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Misc/mail_capsule.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..bd6c9057cd0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Misc/mail_capsule.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+- type: entity
+ name: mail capsule
+ suffix: Primed
+ id: MailCapsulePrimed
+ parent: BaseItem
+ components:
+ - type: ThrowingAngle
+ angle: 180
+ - type: EmbeddableProjectile
+ minimumSpeed: 1
+ removalTime: 0.1
+ - type: Tag
+ tags:
+ - MailCapsule
+ - Trash
+ - type: Sprite
+ sprite: Objects/Misc/mail_capsule.rsi
+ layers:
+ - state: icon-empty
+ - type: ItemSlots
+ slots:
+ mail_slot:
+ insertVerbText: Put in Mail
+ ejectVerbText: Take out Mail
+ name: Mail
+ startingItem: null
+ whitelist:
+ tags:
+ - Book
+ - Document
+ - Mail
+ components:
+ - Mail
+ - Paper
+ - HyperlinkBook
+ insertOnInteract: true
+ priority: 3
+ food_slot:
+ insertVerbText: Put in Food
+ ejectVerbText: Take out Food
+ name: Food
+ startingItem: null
+ whitelist:
+ components:
+ - Food
+ insertOnInteract: true
+ priority: 2
+ cash_slot:
+ insertVerbText: Put in Cash
+ ejectVerbText: Take out Cash
+ name: Cash
+ startingItem: null
+ whitelist:
+ components:
+ - Currency
+ insertOnInteract: true
+ priority: 1
+ - type: ContainerContainer
+ containers:
+ storagebase: !type:Container
+ showEnts: False
+ occludes: true
+ ents: []
+ mail_slot: !type:ContainerSlot
+ showEnts: False
+ occludes: true
+ ent: null
+ food_slot: !type:ContainerSlot
+ showEnts: False
+ occludes: true
+ ent: null
+ cash_slot: !type:ContainerSlot
+ showEnts: False
+ occludes: true
+ ent: null
+ - type: Appearance
+ - type: ItemMapper
+ mapLayers:
+ icon-food:
+ whitelist:
+ components:
+ - Food
+ icon-cash:
+ whitelist:
+ components:
+ - Currency
+ icon-mail:
+ whitelist:
+ tags:
+ - Book
+ - Document
+ - Mail
+ components:
+ - Mail
+ - Paper
+ - HyperlinkBook
+ sprite: Objects/Misc/mail_capsule.rsi
+ - type: Dumpable
+ - type: Damageable
+ damageContainer: Inorganic
+ - type: Destructible
+ thresholds:
+ - trigger:
+ !type:DamageTrigger
+ damage: 20 #excess damage avoids cost of spawning entities.
+ behaviors:
+ - !type:DoActsBehavior
+ acts: [ "Destruction" ]
+ - trigger:
+ !type:DamageTrigger
+ damage: 10
+ behaviors:
+ - !type:PlaySoundBehavior
+ sound:
+ collection: GlassBreak
+ - !type:EmptyAllContainersBehaviour
+ - !type:DoActsBehavior
+ acts: [ "Destruction" ]
+ - type: DamageOnLand
+ damage:
+ types:
+ Blunt: 9.5
+- type: entity
+ name: mail capsule box
+ parent: BoxCardboard
+ id: BoxMailCapsulePrimed
+ description: A box of primed mail capsules.
+ components:
+ - type: Storage
+ grid:
+ - 0,0,4,3
+ - type: StorageFill
+ contents:
+ - id: MailCapsulePrimed
+ amount: 10
+ - type: Sprite
+ layers:
+ - state: box
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Specific/Mail/Items/boxes.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Specific/Mail/Items/boxes.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..536736fc904
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Specific/Mail/Items/boxes.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+# Mail-only boxes. If/when something uses these outside of the mail, move the entry into Catalog/Fills.
+- type: entity
+ name: scented soap sampler pack
+ parent: BoxCardboard
+ id: BoxSoapsAssorted
+ description: A box of various scented soaps. Ooh, lavender.
+ components:
+ - type: StorageFill
+ contents:
+ - id: SoapNT
+ amount: 1
+ - id: Soap
+ amount: 1
+ - id: SoapHomemade
+ amount: 1
+ - id: SoapDeluxe
+ amount: 1
+ - type: Storage
+ maxItemSize: Normal
+ grid:
+ - 0,0,3,1
+ whitelist:
+ tags:
+ - Soap
+ - type: Sprite
+ layers:
+ - state: box
+- type: entity
+ name: scented soap sampler pack
+ parent: BoxCardboard
+ id: BoxSoapsAssortedOmega
+ description: A box of various scented soaps. Ooh, bluespace.
+ components:
+ - type: StorageFill
+ contents:
+ - id: SoapNT
+ amount: 1
+ - id: Soap
+ amount: 1
+ - id: SoapOmega
+ amount: 1
+ - id: SoapDeluxe
+ amount: 1
+ - type: Storage
+ maxItemSize: Normal
+ grid:
+ - 0,0,3,1
+ whitelist:
+ tags:
+ - Soap
+ - type: Sprite
+ layers:
+ - state: box
+- type: entity
+ name: Build-a-Buddy kit
+ suffix: Human
+ parent: BoxHug
+ id: BoxBuildABuddyHuman
+ description: "\"Henry the Human\" Build-a-Buddy kit. Some assembly required."
+ components:
+ - type: StorageFill
+ contents:
+ - id: HeadHuman
+ amount: 1
+ - id: TorsoHuman
+ amount: 1
+ - id: LeftArmHuman
+ amount: 1
+ - id: RightArmHuman
+ amount: 1
+ - id: LeftHandHuman
+ amount: 1
+ - id: RightHandHuman
+ amount: 1
+ - id: LeftLegHuman
+ amount: 1
+ - id: RightLegHuman
+ amount: 1
+ - id: LeftFootHuman
+ amount: 1
+ - id: RightFootHuman
+ amount: 1
+ - type: Storage
+ grid:
+ - 0,0,4,3
+ whitelist:
+ components:
+ - BodyPart
+# DeltaV - Goblins Aren't Real
+#- type: entity
+# name: Build-a-Buddy kit
+# suffix: Goblin
+# parent: BoxBuildABuddyHuman
+# id: BoxBuildABuddyGoblin
+# description: "\"Greta the Goblin\" Build-a-Buddy kit. Some assembly required."
+# components:
+# - type: StorageFill
+# contents:
+# - id: HeadGoblin
+# amount: 1
+# - id: TorsoGoblin
+# amount: 1
+# - id: LeftArmGoblin
+# amount: 1
+# - id: RightArmGoblin
+# amount: 1
+# - id: LeftHandGoblin
+# amount: 1
+# - id: RightHandGoblin
+# amount: 1
+# - id: LeftLegGoblin
+# amount: 1
+# - id: RightLegGoblin
+# amount: 1
+# - id: LeftFootGoblin
+# amount: 1
+# - id: RightFootGoblin
+# amount: 1
+- type: entity
+ name: Build-a-Buddy kit
+ suffix: Reptilian
+ parent: BoxBuildABuddyHuman
+ id: BoxBuildABuddyReptilian
+ description: "\"Randy the Reptilian\" Build-a-Buddy kit. Some assembly required."
+ components:
+ - type: StorageFill
+ contents:
+ - id: HeadReptilian
+ amount: 1
+ - id: TorsoReptilian
+ amount: 1
+ - id: LeftArmReptilian
+ amount: 1
+ - id: RightArmReptilian
+ amount: 1
+ - id: LeftHandReptilian
+ amount: 1
+ - id: RightHandReptilian
+ amount: 1
+ - id: LeftLegReptilian
+ amount: 1
+ - id: RightLegReptilian
+ amount: 1
+ - id: LeftFootReptilian
+ amount: 1
+ - id: RightFootReptilian
+ amount: 1
+- type: entity
+ name: Build-a-Buddy kit
+ suffix: Slime
+ parent: BoxBuildABuddyHuman
+ id: BoxBuildABuddySlime
+ description: "\"Steven the Slime\" Build-a-Buddy kit. Some assembly required."
+ components:
+ - type: StorageFill
+ contents:
+ - id: HeadSlime
+ amount: 1
+ - id: TorsoSlime
+ amount: 1
+ - id: LeftArmSlime
+ amount: 1
+ - id: RightArmSlime
+ amount: 1
+ - id: LeftHandSlime
+ amount: 1
+ - id: RightHandSlime
+ amount: 1
+ - id: LeftLegSlime
+ amount: 1
+ - id: RightLegSlime
+ amount: 1
+ - id: LeftFootSlime
+ amount: 1
+ - id: RightFootSlime
+ amount: 1
+- type: entity
+ name: Build-a-Buddy kit
+ suffix: Vulpkanin
+ parent: BoxBuildABuddyHuman
+ id: BoxBuildABuddyVulpkanin
+ description: "\"Valerie the Vulpkanin\" Build-a-Buddy kit. Some assembly required."
+ components:
+ - type: StorageFill
+ contents:
+ - id: HeadVulpkanin
+ amount: 1
+ - id: TorsoVulpkanin
+ amount: 1
+ - id: LeftArmVulpkanin
+ amount: 1
+ - id: RightArmVulpkanin
+ amount: 1
+ - id: LeftHandVulpkanin
+ amount: 1
+ - id: RightHandVulpkanin
+ amount: 1
+ - id: LeftLegVulpkanin
+ amount: 1
+ - id: RightLegVulpkanin
+ amount: 1
+ - id: LeftFootVulpkanin
+ amount: 1
+ - id: RightFootVulpkanin
+ amount: 1
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Specific/Mail/Items/misc.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Specific/Mail/Items/misc.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6f1c86e00ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Specific/Mail/Items/misc.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+# Mail-only items. If/when these get used for anything else, please move them to another folder.
+# Pranks: admin items or effects put into an envelope, released when opened or damaged.
+- type: entity
+ id: DelayedSmoke
+ parent: BaseItem
+ noSpawn: true
+ name: delayed smoke
+ suffix: "(10s)"
+ components:
+ - type: Sprite #DeltaV: Apparently these want sprites, probably because they're baseitems
+ sprite: /Textures/Objects/Fun/goldbikehorn.rsi
+ visible: false
+ state: icon
+ - type: DelayedItem
+ item: AdminInstantEffectSmoke10
+- type: entity
+ id: AdminInstantEffectEMP7
+ noSpawn: true
+ suffix: EMP, 7 meters
+ parent: AdminInstantEffectBase
+ components:
+ - type: EmpOnTrigger
+ range: 7
+ energyConsumption: 50000
+- type: entity
+ id: DelayedEMP
+ parent: BaseItem
+ noSpawn: true
+ name: delayed EMP (7 meters)
+ components:
+ - type: Sprite #DeltaV: Apparently these want sprites, probably because they're baseitems
+ sprite: /Textures/Objects/Fun/goldbikehorn.rsi
+ visible: false
+ state: icon
+ - type: DelayedItem
+ item: AdminInstantEffectEMP7
+# Miscellaneous Items
+- type: entity
+ id: SyringeCognizine
+ parent: Syringe
+ name: cognizine syringe
+ components:
+ - type: SolutionContainerManager
+ solutions:
+ drink:
+ maxVol: 15
+ reagents:
+ - ReagentId: Cognizine
+ Quantity: 15 # Surely three friends is enough.
+- type: entity
+ id: SyringeOpporozidone
+ parent: Syringe
+ name: opporozidone syringe
+ components:
+ - type: SolutionContainerManager
+ solutions:
+ drink:
+ maxVol: 15
+# reagents: # TODO: we don't have that yet. Guess the people will receive an empty syringe instead.
+# - ReagentId: Opporozidone
+# Quantity: 15
+- type: entity
+ id: NecrosolChemistryBottle
+ parent: BaseChemistryBottleFilled
+ name: necrosol bottle
+ components:
+ - type: SolutionContainerManager
+ solutions:
+ drink:
+ maxVol: 30
+ reagents:
+ - ReagentId: Necrosol
+ Quantity: 30
+# Premium Alcohol: wait, it's just marketing?
+# TODO: different sprites would be nice.
+- type: entity
+ id: DrinkPremiumVodkaBottleFull
+ parent: DrinkVodkaBottleFull
+ name: Moment of Clarity vodka bottle
+ description: When things get a bit hectic, all you need is a Moment of Clarity.
+- type: entity
+ id: DrinkPremiumGinBottleFull
+ parent: DrinkGinBottleFull
+ name: Harry's gin bottle
+ description: An interesting set of botanicals, for sure. Is that pumpkin?
+- type: entity
+ id: DrinkPremiumTequilaBottleFull
+ parent: DrinkTequilaBottleFull
+ name: Casa del Eorg tequila bottle
+ description: Save the best for last. Casa del Eorg, 100% agave.
+- type: entity
+ id: DrinkPremiumWhiskeyBottleFull
+ parent: DrinkWhiskeyBottleFull
+ name: Ol' Prowler 18 whiskey bottle
+ description: Surprisingly smooth, it has a nasty habit of sneaking up on you.
+- type: entity
+ id: DrinkPremiumRumBottleFull
+ parent: DrinkRumBottleFull
+ name: Redeemer's Bounty rum bottle
+ description: Well, you asked for it. Navy strength.
+- type: entity
+ id: DrinkPremiumAbsintheBottleFull
+ parent: DrinkAbsintheBottleFull
+ name: Bureaucracy's Kiss absinthe bottle
+ description: A refined taste that tends to linger.
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Specific/Mail/Items/paper.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Specific/Mail/Items/paper.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b21ca407173
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Specific/Mail/Items/paper.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,483 @@
+# Papers (letters, ad copy)
+# TODO: these should really be based on localization strings.
+- type: entity
+ id: PaperMailNFPowerTool
+ name: Hazard Fraught advertisement
+ categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
+ suffix: "power tool ad, formatted"
+ parent: Paper
+ components:
+ - type: Paper
+ content: |2
+ [head=1]Hazard Fraught Tools[/head]
+ [head=2]Discount Tools at Quality Prices![/head]
+ [head=2]Fax us for a catalog at
+ [color=#990000]ERROR: UNEXPECTED EOF[/color][/head]
+- type: entity
+ id: PaperMailNFVagueThreat1
+ categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
+ suffix: "vague mail threat 1, formatted"
+ parent: Paper
+ components:
+ - type: Paper
+ content: |2
+ [head=1]I know what you did.[/head]
+ [head=3]You don't know what I'm going to do to you.[/head]
+- type: entity
+ id: PaperMailNFVagueThreat2
+ categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
+ suffix: "vague mail threat 2, formatted"
+ parent: Paper
+ components:
+ - type: Paper
+ content: |2
+ [head=1]I'm coming for you.[/head]
+- type: entity
+ id: PaperMailNFVagueThreat3
+ categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
+ suffix: "vague mail threat 3, formatted"
+ parent: Paper
+ components:
+ - type: Paper
+ content: |2
+ [head=1]You're next.[/head]
+- type: entity
+ id: PaperMailNFVagueThreat4
+ categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
+ suffix: "vague mail threat 4, formatted"
+ parent: Paper
+ components:
+ - type: Paper
+ content: |2
+ [head=1]We see you.[/head]
+- type: entity
+ id: PaperMailNFVagueThreat5
+ categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
+ suffix: "vague mail threat 5, formatted"
+ parent: Paper
+ components:
+ - type: Paper
+ content: |2
+ [head=2]I hope your affairs are in order.[/head]
+- type: entity
+ id: PaperMailNFVagueThreat6
+ categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
+ suffix: "vague mail threat 6, formatted"
+ parent: Paper
+ components:
+ - type: Paper
+ content: |2
+ [head=1]It's only a matter of time.[/head]
+ [head=1]Enjoy it while it lasts.[/head]
+- type: entity
+ id: PaperMailNFVagueThreat7
+ categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
+ suffix: "vague mail threat 7, formatted"
+ parent: Paper
+ components:
+ - type: Paper
+ content: |2
+ [head=2]Who should we mail your pieces to?[/head]
+- type: entity
+ id: PaperMailNFVagueThreat8
+ categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
+ suffix: "vague mail threat 8, formatted"
+ parent: Paper
+ components:
+ - type: Paper
+ content: |2
+ [head=2]Would you prefer to die slowly or quickly?
+ [/head]
+ [head=1]Just kidding.[/head]
+ [head=2]We don't care what you think.[/head]
+- type: entity
+ id: PaperMailNFVagueThreat9
+ categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
+ suffix: "vague mail threat 9, formatted"
+ parent: Paper
+ components:
+ - type: Paper
+ content: |2
+ [head=3]I think your head would look nice on my mantel.[/head]
+- type: entity
+ id: PaperMailNFVagueThreat10
+ categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
+ suffix: "vague mail threat 10, formatted"
+ parent: Paper
+ components:
+ - type: Paper
+ content: |2
+ [head=1]You should have paid up.[/head]
+ [head=1]It's too late now.[/head]
+- type: entity
+ id: PaperMailNFVagueThreat11
+ categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
+ suffix: "vague mail threat 11, formatted"
+ parent: Paper
+ components:
+ - type: Paper
+ content: |2
+ [head=3]Your family will miss you, but don't worry.[/head]
+ [head=1]We'll take care of them too.[/head]
+- type: entity
+ id: PaperMailNFVagueThreat12
+ categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
+ suffix: "vague mail threat 12, formatted"
+ parent: Paper
+ components:
+ - type: Paper
+ content: |2
+ [head=3]I have a bet that you're going to die today.[/head]
+ [head=1]I'm not afraid to cheat.[/head]
+- type: entity
+ id: PaperMailNFPwrGameAd
+ name: pwr game advertisement
+ categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
+ suffix: "pwr game ad"
+ parent: Paper
+ components:
+ - type: Paper
+ content: |2
+ [head=1]Drink Pwr Game![/head]
+ [head=3]Proud sponsor of the NT Block Game Championship.[/head]
+- type: entity
+ id: PaperMailNFRedBoolAd
+ name: red bool advertisement
+ categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
+ suffix: "red bool ad"
+ parent: Paper
+ components:
+ - type: Paper
+ content: |2
+ [head=2]Try NEW Reformulated Red Bool![/head]
+ [head=2]Over [color=#dd0000]1.5g[/color] of caffeine per can![/head]
+ [head=2]Punch your heart into overdrive![/head]
+- type: entity
+ id: PaperMailNFSpaceColaAd
+ name: space cola advertisement
+ categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
+ suffix: "space cola ad"
+ parent: Paper
+ components:
+ - type: Paper
+ content: |2
+ [head=2]The classic taste you love, Space Cola.[/head]
+ [head=2]Now certified lead-free.[/head]
+- type: entity
+ id: PaperMailNFSpaceMountainWindAd
+ name: space mountain wind advertisement
+ categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
+ suffix: "space mountain wind ad"
+ parent: Paper
+ components:
+ - type: Paper
+ content: |2
+ [head=3]When it's time to game, there's one choice:[/head]
+ [head=1]Space Mountain Wind.[/head]
+- type: entity
+ id: PaperMailNFSpaceUpAd
+ name: space up advertisement
+ categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
+ suffix: "space up ad"
+ parent: Paper
+ components:
+ - type: Paper
+ content: |2
+ [head=3]The crisp, refreshing taste of lemon and lime.[/head]
+ [head=1]Space Up![/head]
+ [head=2]Ask your barkeep for a Sui Dream today![/head]
+- type: entity
+ id: PaperMailNTSoapAd1
+ categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
+ suffix: "soap ad 1"
+ parent: Paper
+ components:
+ - type: Paper
+ stampedBy:
+ - stampedColor: '#333333FF'
+ stampedName: Christopher Cleanman
+# stampType: Signature #DeltaV - Not compatible with our signatures code stuff apparently
+ content: |2
+ [head=3]Hello Valued Customer,[/head]
+ You have been selected to receive a complimentary sampler of scented soaps that Nanotrasen has to offer.
+ Why not enjoy a nice warm shower with our scented soaps? Tested and effective vs. vent crud and mold.
+ We hope you enjoy.
+ Sincerely,
+ Christopher Cleanman, Vice President, NT Habs - Toiletries Dept.
+- type: entity
+ id: PaperMailNTSoapAd2
+ categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
+ suffix: "soap ad 2" #DeltaV - Edited to not be addressed to Frontier Citizens, localized
+ parent: Paper
+ components:
+ - type: Paper
+ content: |2
+- type: entity
+ id: PaperMailNTConscript
+ categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
+ suffix: "conscript"
+ parent: Paper
+ components:
+ - type: Paper
+ content: |2
+ [head=1]NOT ONE STEP BACK.[/head]
+ [head=1]FOR THE FRONTIER.[/head]
+- type: entity
+ id: PaperMailNTMusket
+ categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
+ suffix: "musket"
+ parent: Paper
+ components:
+ - type: Paper
+ content: |2
+ [head=2]Use a musket for sector defense,
+ like the founding fathers intended.[/head]
+- type: entity
+ id: PaperMailNFPaperPusherAd
+ categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
+ suffix: "paper pusher"
+ parent: Paper
+ components:
+ - type: Paper
+ content: |2
+ [head=2]Here is a pen for any letters you write.
+ [/head]
+ [head=1]Keep it close, use it often.[/head]
+ [head=2]May you write well, neatly, and with style.[/head]
+ [head=3]Sincerely,
+ [italic]The Frontier Paper Pusher's Club[/italic][/head]
+- type: entity
+ id: PaperMailNFPetBedAssemblyManual
+ name: pet bed assembly manual
+ categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
+ suffix: "pet bed assembly manual"
+ parent: Paper
+ components:
+ - type: Paper
+ content: |2
+ [head=1]HÖGANÄS[/head]
+ [italic](There is a black and white picture of a pet bed on the first page.)[/italic]
+ [italic](On the next few pages, you see a list of materials and a happy stick figure assembling furniture.)[/italic]
+ [italic](On the pages after that, you see a set of instructions to assemble a pet bed. You're sure you don't need them, how hard could it be?)[/italic]
+- type: entity
+ id: PaperMailNTBoxer
+ categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
+ suffix: "boxer"
+ parent: Paper
+ components:
+ - type: Paper
+ content: |2
+ [head=2]You've gotta defend your belt, champ.
+ [/head]
+ [head=1]They're coming for you.[/head]
+ [head=2]This should help. Knock 'em out.[/head]
+# Placeholder for an arm-on-use, flashbang fakeout pipebomb
+- type: entity
+ id: PaperMailNFPipebombIntern
+ categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
+ suffix: "pipe bomb intern"
+ parent: Paper
+ components:
+ - type: Paper
+ stampedBy:
+ - stampedColor: '#333333FF'
+ stampedName: craig
+# stampType: Signature #DeltaV - Not compatible with our signatures code stuff apparently
+ content: |2
+ [bold]hey uh, they told me to send you a pipebomb i guess?
+ this is all i could find around here, hope that works
+ thanks[/bold]
+- type: entity
+ id: PaperMailNFAntivirus
+ name: Snortin Antivirus invoice
+ categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
+ suffix: "antivirus ad"
+ parent: Paper
+ components:
+ - type: Paper
+ content: |2
+ [head=1]Invoice[/head][head=3]
+ Snortin Antivirus Software[/head]
+ [head=3]Order #41003
+ [bold][bullet/][/bold] 1x Snortin Total-275 Antivirus Install Disk[/head]
+ [head=3]Total: 947381 Spesos[/head]
+ Thank you for making purchase from Snortin Antivirus Software.
+ We assuring you that our product is greatest.
+ Please sending payment at earliest convenience.
+- type: entity
+ id: PaperMailNFEMPPreparedness
+ categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
+ name: EMP preparedness response form
+ suffix: "emp preparedness" #DeltaV - Replaces mention of SR with HoS
+ parent: Paper
+ components:
+ - type: Paper
+ content: |2
+ [head=1]EMP Preparedness Response[/head]
+ You have been selected to receive a NT EMP Preparedness kit as a test. Note that this is only a test. In a real emergency, follow the instructions of your vessel's command staff.
+ As the recipient of this, please note [bold]any improvements[/bold] that could be made towards the EMP preparedness of the vessel you were aboard when opening and submit this form to your serving Captain or Head of Security.
+ [bold]Date of test:[/bold]
+ [bold]Number of affected items:[/bold]
+ [bold]Perceived severity of incident:[/bold]
+ [bold]Suggested improvements:[/bold]
+- type: entity
+ id: PaperMailNFBuildABuddy
+ categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
+ name: Build-a-Buddy adoption letter
+ suffix: "build-a-buddy" #DeltaV- Body text changed, because Goblins Aren't Real
+ parent: Paper
+ components:
+ - type: Paper
+ stampState: paper_stamp-generic
+ stampedBy:
+ - stampedColor: '#FF6699FF'
+ stampedName: Chief Friendship Officer
+ - stampedColor: '#333333FF'
+ stampedName: Cuts-With-Scalpel
+# stampType: Signature #DeltaV - Not compatible with our signatures code stuff apparently.
+ content: |2
+ [head=1]Note of Adoption[/head]
+ You're now the proud owner of your very own Build-a-Buddy!
+ We hope that your new friend can serve as a shoulder to lean on in the depths of space, and hopefully you won't be quite as lonely out there. Personally, I find putting them together to be rather therapeutic.
+ [bold]Collect the whole set![/bold]
+ [bold][bullet/][/bold] Henry the Human
+ [bold][bullet/][/bold] Randy the Reptilian
+ [bold][bullet/][/bold] Steven the Slime
+ [bold][bullet/][/bold] Valerie the Vulpkanin
+- type: entity
+ id: PaperMailNFSpaceLaw
+ categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ]
+ suffix: "space-law" #DeltaV- edited contents to be from the Delta Sector instead of the Frontier
+ parent: Paper
+ components:
+ - type: Paper
+ stampState: paper_stamp-centcom
+ stampedBy:
+ - stampedColor: '#006600FF'
+ stampedName: Central Admiralty of the Delta Sector
+ content: |2
+ [head=1]Space Law is your shield.[/head]
+ [head=2]With it, you guard the Delta Sector.[/head][head=3]
+ [/head]
+ [head=1]Memorize it. Grasp it firmly.[/head]
+ [head=2]The SOP is your sword, don't get rusty.[/head]
+ [head=2]Maintain your balance, and wield it well.[/head]
+ [head=3][italic]Internal Bureau of Propaganda[/italic][/head]
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Specific/Mail/base_mail_large.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Specific/Mail/base_mail_large.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a5dcefacba5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Specific/Mail/base_mail_large.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+# Large packages.
+- type: entity
+ parent: BaseMail
+ abstract: true
+ id: BaseMailLarge
+ name: mail-large-item-name-unaddressed
+ components:
+ - type: Item
+ size: Ginormous
+ - type: Sprite
+ scale: 0.8, 0.8
+ sprite: Objects/Specific/Mail/mail_large.rsi
+ layers:
+ - state: icon
+ map: ["enum.MailVisualLayers.Icon"]
+ - state: fragile
+ map: ["enum.MailVisualLayers.FragileStamp"]
+ visible: false
+ - map: ["enum.MailVisualLayers.JobStamp"]
+ scale: 0.8, 0.8
+ offset: 0.235, -0.01
+ - state: locked
+ map: ["enum.MailVisualLayers.Lock"]
+ - state: priority
+ map: ["enum.MailVisualLayers.PriorityTape"]
+ visible: false
+ shader: unshaded
+ - state: broken
+ map: ["enum.MailVisualLayers.Breakage"]
+ visible: false
+ - type: GenericVisualizer
+ visuals:
+ enum.MailVisuals.IsTrash:
+ enum.MailVisualLayers.Icon:
+ True:
+ state: trash
+ False:
+ state: icon
+ enum.MailVisuals.IsLocked:
+ enum.MailVisualLayers.Lock:
+ True:
+ visible: true
+ False:
+ visible: false
+ enum.MailVisuals.IsFragile:
+ enum.MailVisualLayers.FragileStamp:
+ True:
+ visible: true
+ False:
+ visible: false
+ enum.MailVisuals.IsPriority:
+ enum.MailVisualLayers.PriorityTape:
+ True:
+ visible: true
+ False:
+ visible: false
+ enum.MailVisuals.IsPriorityInactive:
+ enum.MailVisualLayers.PriorityTape:
+ True:
+ shader: shaded
+ state: priority_inactive
+ False:
+ shader: unshaded
+ state: priority
+ enum.MailVisuals.IsBroken:
+ enum.MailVisualLayers.Breakage:
+ True:
+ visible: true
+ False:
+ visible: false
+ - type: MultiHandedItem
+ - type: Mail
+ isLarge: true
+- type: entity
+ noSpawn: true
+ parent: BaseMailLarge
+ id: MailLargeAdminFun
+ suffix: adminfun
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Launchers/launchers.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Launchers/launchers.yml
index 594ffb4d4d9..62ed28e1148 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Launchers/launchers.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Launchers/launchers.yml
@@ -375,3 +375,29 @@
- CartridgeRocket
proto: ImmovableRodSlow
+# Frontier mail RPDS
+- type: entity
+ name: mail RPDS
+ parent: WeaponLauncherChinaLake
+ id: WeaponMailLake
+ description: Rap(b?)id Parcel Delivery System
+ components:
+ - type: Sprite
+ sprite: Objects/Weapons/Guns/Launchers/mail.rsi
+ layers:
+ - state: icon
+ map: ["enum.GunVisualLayers.Base"]
+ - type: Clothing
+ sprite: Objects/Weapons/Guns/Launchers/mail.rsi
+ quickEquip: false
+ slots:
+ - Back
+ - Belt
+ - suitStorage
+ - type: BallisticAmmoProvider
+ proto: null
+ whitelist:
+ tags:
+ - MailCapsule
+ capacity: 4
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Nyanotrasen/Catalog/Fills/Vending/Inventories/maildrobe.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Nyanotrasen/Catalog/Fills/Vending/Inventories/maildrobe.yml
index 579c57ced4e..27642558244 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Nyanotrasen/Catalog/Fills/Vending/Inventories/maildrobe.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Nyanotrasen/Catalog/Fills/Vending/Inventories/maildrobe.yml
@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
ClothingUniformMailCarrier: 2
ClothingUniformSkirtMailCarrier: 2
+ WeaponMailLake: 1 # Frontier
+ BoxMailCapsulePrimed: 2 # Frontier
ClothingHeadMailCarrier: 2
MailBag: 2
ClothingHeadsetCargo: 2
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Nyanotrasen/Entities/Objects/Devices/pda.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Nyanotrasen/Entities/Objects/Devices/pda.yml
index d898124b771..c85255f814e 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Nyanotrasen/Entities/Objects/Devices/pda.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Nyanotrasen/Entities/Objects/Devices/pda.yml
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
accentVColor: "#DFDFDF"
- type: Icon
state: pda-security
- - type: CartridgeLoader # DeltaV - Crime Assist + SecWatch
+ - type: CartridgeLoader # Adds Crime Assist and SecWatch
- CrewManifestCartridge
- NotekeeperCartridge
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
- type: entity
parent: BasePDA
id: MailCarrierPDA
- name: courier PDA # DeltaV - Mail Carrier to Courier replacement
+ name: courier PDA
description: Smells like unopened letters.
- type: Sprite
@@ -67,6 +67,12 @@
- type: Icon
sprite: DeltaV/Objects/Devices/pda.rsi
state: pda-mailcarrier
+ - type: CartridgeLoader # Adds a courier performance tracker
+ preinstalled:
+ - CrewManifestCartridge
+ - NotekeeperCartridge
+ - NewsReaderCartridge
+ - MailMetricsCartridge
- type: entity
parent: BasePDA
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Nyanotrasen/Entities/Objects/Specific/Mail/base_mail.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Nyanotrasen/Entities/Objects/Specific/Mail/base_mail.yml
index c1ca2cd60b1..fd77f19dccb 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Nyanotrasen/Entities/Objects/Specific/Mail/base_mail.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Nyanotrasen/Entities/Objects/Specific/Mail/base_mail.yml
@@ -5,11 +5,13 @@
name: mail-item-name-unaddressed
- type: Item
- size: Normal
+# size: Normal # Frontier
+ storedRotation: -90
- type: Mail
- type: AccessReader
- type: Sprite
- sprite: Nyanotrasen/Objects/Specific/Mail/mail.rsi
+ scale: 0.7, 0.7 # Frontier
+ sprite: Objects/Specific/Mail/mail.rsi
- state: icon
map: ["enum.MailVisualLayers.Icon"]
@@ -18,8 +20,8 @@
map: ["enum.MailVisualLayers.FragileStamp"]
visible: false
- map: ["enum.MailVisualLayers.JobStamp"]
- scale: 0.5, 0.5
- offset: 0.275, 0.2
+ scale: 0.8, 0.8 # Frontier 0.5<0.8
+ offset: 0.225, 0.165 # Frontier (0.275, 0.2)<(0.225, 0.165)
- state: locked
map: ["enum.MailVisualLayers.Lock"]
- state: priority
@@ -92,6 +94,16 @@
Blunt: 10
+ - type: CargoSellBlacklist # Frontier
+ - type: Food # Frontier - Moth food
+ requiresSpecialDigestion: true
+ - type: SolutionContainerManager
+ solutions:
+ food:
+ maxVol: 1
+ reagents:
+ - ReagentId: Nothing
+ Quantity: 1
# This empty parcel is allowed to exist and evade the tests for the admin
# mailto command.
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Nyanotrasen/Entities/Objects/Specific/Mail/mail.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Nyanotrasen/Entities/Objects/Specific/Mail/mail.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f1b26d9cbf..00000000000
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Nyanotrasen/Entities/Objects/Specific/Mail/mail.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,835 +0,0 @@
-- type: entity
- noSpawn: true
- parent: BaseMail
- id: MailAlcohol
- suffix: alcohol
- components:
- - type: Mail
- contents:
- - id: DrinkAbsintheBottleFull
- orGroup: Drink
- - id: DrinkBlueCuracaoBottleFull
- orGroup: Drink
- - id: DrinkGinBottleFull
- orGroup: Drink
- - id: DrinkMelonLiquorBottleFull
- orGroup: Drink
- - id: DrinkRumBottleFull
- orGroup: Drink
- - id: DrinkTequilaBottleFull
- orGroup: Drink
- - id: DrinkVermouthBottleFull
- orGroup: Drink
- - id: DrinkVodkaBottleFull
- orGroup: Drink
- - id: DrinkWineBottleFull
- orGroup: Drink
- - id: DrinkGlass
- amount: 2
-- type: entity
- noSpawn: true
- parent: BaseMail
- id: MailSake
- suffix: osake
- components:
- - type: Mail
- contents:
- - id: DrinkSakeCup
- amount: 2
- - id: DrinkTokkuri
-- type: entity
- noSpawn: true
- parent: BaseMail
- id: MailAMEGuide
- suffix: ameguide
- components:
- - type: Mail
- contents:
- - id: PaperWrittenAMEScribbles
- - id: Pen
-- type: entity
- noSpawn: true
- parent: BaseMail
- id: MailBible
- suffix: bible
- components:
- - type: Mail
- contents:
- - id: Bible
-- type: entity
- noSpawn: true
- parent: BaseMail
- id: MailBikeHorn
- suffix: bike horn
- components:
- - type: Mail
- contents:
- - id: BikeHorn
-- type: entity
- noSpawn: true
- parent: BaseMail
- id: MailBlockGameDIY
- suffix: blockgamediy
- components:
- - type: Mail
- contents:
- - id: BlockGameArcadeComputerCircuitboard
-#- type: entity
-# noSpawn: true
-# parent: BaseMail
-# id: MailBooks
-# suffix: books
-# components:
-# - type: Mail
-# contents:
-# # Don't use BookDemonomiconRandom.
-# # It uses a RandomSpawner which just spawns the book outside of the mail.
-# - id: BookDemonomicon1
-# orGroup: Demonomicon
-# - id: BookDemonomicon2
-# orGroup: Demonomicon
-# - id: BookDemonomicon3
-# orGroup: Demonomicon
-# # There's no way to signal "spawn nothing" with an orGroup,
-# # so have this blank book instead. Write your own demon summoning tome!
-# - id: BookRandom
-# prob: 3
-# orGroup: Demonomicon
-# - id: BookChemistryInsane
-# prob: 0.10
-# - id: BookBotanicalTextbook
-# prob: 0.5
-# - id: BookFishing
-# prob: 0.10
-# - id: BookDetective
-# prob: 0.10
-# - id: BookGnominomicon
-# prob: 0.2
-# - id: BookFishops # DeltaV - fishops book
-# prob: 0.2
-# - id: BookSalvageEpistemics1
-# prob: 0.025
-- type: entity
- noSpawn: true
- parent: BaseMail
- id: MailCake
- suffix: cake
- components:
- - type: Mail
- isFragile: true
- isPriority: true
- contents:
- - id: FoodCakeBlueberry
- orGroup: Cake
- - id: FoodCakeCarrot
- orGroup: Cake
- - id: FoodCakeCheese
- orGroup: Cake
- - id: FoodCakeChocolate
- orGroup: Cake
- - id: FoodCakeChristmas
- orGroup: Cake
- - id: FoodCakeClown
- orGroup: Cake
- - id: FoodCakeLemon
- orGroup: Cake
- - id: FoodCakeLime
- orGroup: Cake
- - id: FoodCakeOrange
- orGroup: Cake
- - id: FoodCakePumpkin
- orGroup: Cake
- - id: FoodCakeVanilla
- orGroup: Cake
- - id: FoodMothMothmallow
- orGroup: Cake
- prob: 0.5
- - id: KnifePlastic
- - id: ForkPlastic
- amount: 2
-- type: entity
- noSpawn: true
- parent: BaseMail
- id: MailCallForHelp
- suffix: call-for-help
- components:
- - type: Mail
- contents:
- - id: PaperMailCallForHelp1
- orGroup: Paper
- - id: PaperMailCallForHelp2
- orGroup: Paper
- - id: PaperMailCallForHelp3
- orGroup: Paper
- - id: PaperMailCallForHelp4
- orGroup: Paper
- - id: PaperMailCallForHelp5
- orGroup: Paper
- - id: FlashlightLantern
- orGroup: Gift
- - id: Crowbar
- orGroup: Gift
- prob: 0.5
- - id: CrowbarRed
- orGroup: Gift
- prob: 0.5
- - id: ClothingMaskGas
- orGroup: Gift
- - id: WeaponFlareGun
- orGroup: Gift
- prob: 0.25
-- type: entity
- noSpawn: true
- parent: BaseMail
- id: MailCheese
- suffix: cheese
- components:
- - type: Mail
- isFragile: true
- isPriority: true
- contents:
- - id: FoodCheese
- - id: KnifePlastic
-- type: entity
- noSpawn: true
- parent: BaseMail
- id: MailChocolate
- suffix: chocolate
- components:
- - type: Mail
- contents:
- # TODO make some actual chocolate candy items.
- - id: FoodSnackChocolate
- amount: 3
-- type: entity
- noSpawn: true
- parent: BaseMail
- id: MailCigarettes
- suffix: cigs
- components:
- - type: Mail
- contents:
- - id: CigPackRed
- - id: CheapLighter
-- type: entity
- noSpawn: true
- parent: BaseMail
- id: MailCigars
- suffix: Cigars
- components:
- - type: Mail
- contents:
- - id: CigarCase
- - id: Lighter
-- type: entity
- noSpawn: true
- parent: BaseMail
- id: MailCookies
- suffix: cookies
- components:
- - type: Mail
- # What, you want to eat stale cookies?
- isPriority: true
- contents:
- - id: FoodBakedCookie
- - id: FoodBakedCookieOatmeal
- - id: FoodBakedCookieRaisin
- - id: FoodBakedCookieSugar
-- type: entity
- noSpawn: true
- parent: BaseMail
- id: MailCosplayArc
- suffix: cosplay-arc
- components:
- - type: Mail
- openSound: /Audio/Nyanotrasen/Voice/Felinid/cat_wilhelm.ogg
- contents:
- - id: ClothingCostumeArcDress
-- type: entity
- noSpawn: true
- parent: BaseMail
- id: MailCosplayGeisha
- suffix: cosplay-geisha
- components:
- - type: Mail
- contents:
- - id: UniformGeisha
- - id: DrinkTeapot
- - id: DrinkTeacup
- amount: 3
-- type: entity
- noSpawn: true
- parent: BaseMail
- id: MailCosplayMaid
- suffix: cosplay-maid
- components:
- - type: Mail
- contents:
- - id: UniformMaid
- - id: SprayBottleSpaceCleaner
-- type: entity
- noSpawn: true
- parent: BaseMail
- id: MailCosplayNurse
- suffix: cosplay-nurse
- components:
- - type: Mail
- contents:
- - id: ClothingUniformJumpskirtNurse
- - id: Syringe
-- type: entity
- noSpawn: true
- parent: BaseMail
- id: MailCosplaySchoolgirl
- suffix: cosplay-schoolgirl
- components:
- - type: Mail
- contents:
- - id: UniformSchoolgirlBlack
- orGroup: Color
- - id: UniformSchoolgirlBlue
- orGroup: Color
- - id: UniformSchoolgirlCyan
- orGroup: Color
- - id: UniformSchoolgirlGreen
- orGroup: Color
- - id: UniformSchoolgirlOrange
- orGroup: Color
- - id: UniformSchoolgirlPink
- orGroup: Color
- - id: UniformSchoolgirlPurple
- orGroup: Color
- - id: UniformSchoolgirlRed
- orGroup: Color
-- type: entity
- noSpawn: true
- parent: BaseMail
- id: MailCosplayWizard
- suffix: cosplay-wizard
- components:
- - type: Mail
- contents:
- - id: ClothingOuterWizardFake
- - id: ClothingHeadHatWizardFake
- - id: ClothingShoesWizardFake
-- type: entity
- noSpawn: true
- parent: BaseMail
- id: MailCrayon
- suffix: Crayon
- components:
- - type: Mail
- contents:
- - id: CrayonBox
-- type: entity
- noSpawn: true
- parent: BaseMail
- id: MailFigurine
- suffix: figurine
- components:
- - type: Mail
- isFragile: true
- contents:
- - id: ToyAi
- orGroup: Toy
- - id: ToyNuke
- orGroup: Toy
- - id: ToyFigurinePassenger
- orGroup: Toy
- - id: ToyGriffin
- orGroup: Toy
- - id: ToyHonk
- orGroup: Toy
- - id: ToyIan
- orGroup: Toy
- - id: ToyMarauder
- orGroup: Toy
- - id: ToyMauler
- orGroup: Toy
- - id: ToyGygax
- orGroup: Toy
- - id: ToyOdysseus
- orGroup: Toy
- - id: ToyOwlman
- orGroup: Toy
- - id: ToyDeathRipley
- orGroup: Toy
- - id: ToyPhazon
- orGroup: Toy
- - id: ToyFireRipley
- orGroup: Toy
- - id: ToyReticence
- orGroup: Toy
- - id: ToyRipley
- orGroup: Toy
- - id: ToySeraph
- orGroup: Toy
- - id: ToyDurand
- orGroup: Toy
-- type: entity
- noSpawn: true
- parent: BaseMail
- id: MailFishingCap
- suffix: fishingcap
- components:
- - type: Mail
- contents:
- - id: ClothingHeadFishCap
-- type: entity
- noSpawn: true
- parent: BaseMail
- id: MailFlashlight
- suffix: Flashlight
- components:
- - type: Mail
- contents:
- - id: FlashlightLantern
-#- type: entity
-# noSpawn: true
-# parent: BaseMail
-# id: MailFlowers
-# suffix: flowers
-# components:
-# - type: Mail
-# contents:
-# # TODO actual flowers
-# - id: ClothingHeadHatFlowerCrown
-# orGroup: Flower
-# - id: ClothingHeadHatHairflower
-# orGroup: Flower
-- type: entity
- noSpawn: true
- parent: BaseMail
- id: MailHighlander
- suffix: highlander
- components:
- - type: Mail
- contents:
- - id: ClothingUniformJumpskirtColorRed
- - id: ClothingHeadHatBeret
- - id: DrinkRedMeadGlass
- - id: Claymore
-- type: entity
- noSpawn: true
- parent: BaseMail
- id: MailHighlanderDulled
- suffix: highlander, dulled
- components:
- - type: Mail
- contents:
- - id: ClothingUniformJumpskirtColorRed
- - id: ClothingHeadHatBeret
- - id: DrinkGlass
- - id: ClaymoreDulled
-- type: entity
- noSpawn: true
- parent: BaseMail
- id: MailHoneyBuns
- suffix: honeybuns
- components:
- - type: Mail
- contents:
- - id: FoodBakedBunHoney
- amount: 2
-- type: entity
- noSpawn: true
- parent: BaseMail
- id: MailJunkFood
- suffix: junk food
- components:
- - type: Mail
- contents:
- - id: FoodBoxDonkpocket
- - id: FoodSnackChips
-- type: entity
- noSpawn: true
- parent: BaseMail
- id: MailKatana
- suffix: Katana
- components:
- - type: Mail
- contents:
- - id: Katana
- prob: 0.1
- orGroup: Katana
- - id: KatanaDulled
- prob: 0.9
- orGroup: Katana
-- type: entity
- noSpawn: true
- parent: BaseMail
- id: MailKnife
- suffix: Knife
- components:
- - type: Mail
- contents:
- - id: CombatKnife
-- type: entity
- noSpawn: true
- parent: BaseMail
- id: MailMoney
- suffix: money
- components:
- - type: Mail
- contents:
- - id: SpaceCash100
- orGroup: Cash
- prob: 0.3
- - id: SpaceCash500
- orGroup: Cash
- prob: 0.6
- - id: SpaceCash1000
- orGroup: Cash
- prob: 0.3
-- type: entity
- noSpawn: true
- parent: BaseMail
- id: MailMuffins
- suffix: muffins
- components:
- - type: Mail
- isPriority: true
- contents:
- - id: FoodBakedMuffinBerry
- - id: FoodBakedMuffinCherry
- - id: FoodBakedMuffinBluecherry
-- type: entity
- noSpawn: true
- parent: BaseMail
- id: MailMoffins
- suffix: moffins
- components:
- - type: Mail
- isPriority: true
- contents:
- - id: FoodMothMoffin
- amount: 3
-- type: entity
- noSpawn: true
- parent: BaseMail
- id: MailNoir
- suffix: noir
- components:
- - type: Mail
- contents:
- - id: ClothingUniformJumpsuitDetectiveGrey
- - id: ClothingUniformJumpskirtDetectiveGrey
- - id: ClothingHeadHatBowlerHat
- - id: ClothingOuterCoatGentle
-- type: entity
- noSpawn: true
- parent: BaseMail
- id: MailPAI
- suffix: PAI
- components:
- - type: Mail
- contents:
- - id: PersonalAI
-- type: entity
- noSpawn: true
- parent: BaseMail
- id: MailPlushie
- suffix: plushie
- components:
- - type: Mail
- contents:
- - id: PlushieMothRandom
- orGroup: Prize
- - id: PlushieMothMusician
- orGroup: Prize
- - id: PlushieMothBartender
- orGroup: Prize
- - id: PlushieBee
- orGroup: Prize
- - id: PlushieHampter
- orGroup: Prize
- - id: PlushieRouny
- orGroup: Prize
- - id: PlushieLamp
- orGroup: Prize
- - id: PlushieArachind
- orGroup: Prize
- - id: PlushieLizard
- orGroup: Prize
- - id: PlushieLizardMirrored
- orGroup: Prize
- - id: PlushieSpaceLizard
- orGroup: Prize
- - id: PlushieDiona
- orGroup: Prize
- - id: PlushieSharkBlue
- orGroup: Prize
- - id: PlushieSharkPink
- orGroup: Prize
- - id: PlushieSharkGrey
- orGroup: Prize
- - id: PlushieCarp
- orGroup: Prize
- - id: PlushieMagicarp
- orGroup: Prize
- - id: PlushieHolocarp
- orGroup: Prize
- - id: PlushieSlime
- orGroup: Prize
- - id: PlushieSnake
- orGroup: Prize
- - id: PlushieVox
- orGroup: Prize
- - id: PlushieAtmosian
- orGroup: Prize
- - id: PlushiePenguin
- orGroup: Prize
- - id: PlushieHuman
- orGroup: Prize
- - id: PlushieArachne
- orGroup: Prize
- - id: PlushieGnome
- orGroup: Prize
- - id: PlushieLoveable
- orGroup: Prize
- - id: PlushieDeer
- orGroup: Prize
- - id: PlushieIpc
- orGroup: Prize
- - id: PlushieGrey
- orGroup: Prize
- - id: PlushieRedFox
- orGroup: Prize
- - id: PlushiePurpleFox
- orGroup: Prize
- - id: PlushiePinkFox
- orGroup: Prize
- - id: PlushieOrangeFox
- orGroup: Prize
- - id: PlushieMarbleFox
- orGroup: Prize
- - id: PlushieCrimsonFox
- orGroup: Prize
- - id: PlushieCoffeeFox
- orGroup: Prize
- - id: PlushieBlueFox
- orGroup: Prize
- - id: PlushieBlackFox
- orGroup: Prize
- - id: PlushieVulp
- orGroup: Prize
- - id: PlushieCorgi
- orGroup: Prize
- - id: PlushieGirlyCorgi
- orGroup: Prize
- - id: PlushieRobotCorgi
- orGroup: Prize
- - id: PlushieCatBlack
- orGroup: Prize
- - id: PlushieCatGrey
- orGroup: Prize
- - id: PlushieCatOrange
- orGroup: Prize
- - id: PlushieCatSiames
- orGroup: Prize
- - id: PlushieCatTabby
- orGroup: Prize
- - id: PlushieCatTuxedo
- orGroup: Prize
- - id: PlushieCatWhite
- orGroup: Prize
- - id: PlushieGhost
- orGroup: Prize
- - id: PlushieRGBee
- orGroup: Prize
- - id: PlushieRatvar
- orGroup: Prize
- - id: PlushieNar
- orGroup: Prize
- - id: PlushieRainbowCarp
- orGroup: Prize
- - id: PlushieXeno
- orGroup: Prize
- - id: PlushieJester
- orGroup: Prize
- - id: PlushieSlips
- orGroup: Prize
- - id: PlushieAbductor
- orGroup: Prize
- - id: PlushieTrystan
- orGroup: Prize
- - id: PlushieAbductorAgent
- orGroup: Prize
- - id: PlushieNuke
- orGroup: Prize
-- type: entity
- noSpawn: true
- parent: BaseMail
- id: MailRestraints
- suffix: restraints
- components:
- - type: Mail
- contents:
- - id: Handcuffs
- - id: ClothingMaskMuzzle
- - id: ClothingEyesBlindfold
-- type: entity
- noSpawn: true
- parent: BaseMail
- id: MailSignallerKit
- suffix: signallerkit
- components:
- - type: Mail
- contents:
- - id: Multitool
- - id: RemoteSignaller
-# - type: entity
-# noSpawn: true
-# parent: BaseMail
-# id: MailSixPack
-# suffix: sixpack
-# components:
-# - type: Mail
-# contents:
-# - id: DrinkCanPack
-- type: entity
- noSpawn: true
- parent: BaseMail
- id: MailSkub
- suffix: skub
- components:
- - type: Mail
- contents:
- - id: Skub
-- type: entity
- noSpawn: true
- parent: BaseMail
- id: MailSoda
- suffix: soda
- components:
- - type: Mail
- contents:
- - id: DrinkColaBottleFull
- orGroup: Soda
- - id: DrinkSpaceMountainWindBottleFull
- orGroup: Soda
- - id: DrinkSpaceUpBottleFull
- orGroup: Soda
-- type: entity
- noSpawn: true
- parent: BaseMail
- id: MailSpaceVillainDIY
- suffix: spacevilliandiy
- components:
- - type: Mail
- contents:
- - id: SpaceVillainArcadeComputerCircuitboard
-- type: entity
- noSpawn: true
- parent: BaseMail
- id: MailSunglasses
- suffix: Sunglasses
- components:
- - type: Mail
- contents:
- - id: ClothingEyesGlassesSunglasses
-- type: entity
- noSpawn: true
- parent: BaseMail
- id: MailVagueThreat
- suffix: vague-threat
- components:
- - type: Mail
- contents:
- - id: PaperMailVagueThreat1
- orGroup: Paper
- - id: PaperMailVagueThreat2
- orGroup: Paper
- - id: PaperMailVagueThreat3
- orGroup: Paper
- - id: PaperMailVagueThreat4
- orGroup: Paper
- - id: PaperMailVagueThreat5
- orGroup: Paper
- - id: PaperMailVagueThreat6
- orGroup: Paper
- - id: PaperMailVagueThreat7
- orGroup: Paper
- - id: PaperMailVagueThreat8
- orGroup: Paper
- - id: PaperMailVagueThreat9
- orGroup: Paper
- - id: PaperMailVagueThreat10
- orGroup: Paper
- - id: PaperMailVagueThreat11
- orGroup: Paper
- - id: PaperMailVagueThreat12
- orGroup: Paper
- - id: KitchenKnife
- orGroup: ThreateningObject
- - id: ButchCleaver
- orGroup: ThreateningObject
- - id: CombatKnife
- orGroup: ThreateningObject
- - id: SurvivalKnife
- orGroup: ThreateningObject
- - id: SoapHomemade
- orGroup: ThreateningObject
- - id: FoodMeat
- orGroup: ThreateningObject
- - id: OrganHumanHeart
- orGroup: ThreateningObject
-- type: entity
- noSpawn: true
- parent: BaseMail
- id: MailWinterCoat
- suffix: wintercoat
- components:
- - type: Mail
- contents:
- - id: ClothingOuterWinterCoat
- orGroup: Coat
- - id: ClothingOuterWinterCoatLong
- orGroup: Coat
- - id: ClothingOuterWinterCoatPlaid
- orGroup: Coat
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Nyanotrasen/Entities/Objects/Specific/Mail/mail_command.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Nyanotrasen/Entities/Objects/Specific/Mail/mail_command.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e2a935f908..00000000000
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Nyanotrasen/Entities/Objects/Specific/Mail/mail_command.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-- type: entity
- noSpawn: true
- parent: BaseMail
- id: MailCommandPinpointerNuclear
- suffix: pinpointernuclear
- components:
- - type: Mail
- contents:
- - id: PinpointerNuclear
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Nyanotrasen/Entities/Objects/Specific/Mail/mail_engineering.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Nyanotrasen/Entities/Objects/Specific/Mail/mail_engineering.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 461d9bf1365..00000000000
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Nyanotrasen/Entities/Objects/Specific/Mail/mail_engineering.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-- type: entity
- noSpawn: true
- parent: BaseMail
- id: MailEngineeringCables
- suffix: cables
- components:
- - type: Mail
- contents:
- - id: CableHVStack
- orGroup: Cables
- - id: CableMVStack
- orGroup: Cables
- - id: CableApcStack
- orGroup: Cables
-- type: entity
- noSpawn: true
- parent: BaseMail
- id: MailEngineeringKudzuDeterrent
- suffix: antikudzu
- components:
- - type: Mail
- contents:
- - id: PlantBGoneSpray
-- type: entity
- noSpawn: true
- parent: BaseMail
- id: MailEngineeringSheetGlass
- suffix: sheetglass
- components:
- - type: Mail
- contents:
- - id: SheetGlass
-- type: entity
- noSpawn: true
- parent: BaseMail
- id: MailEngineeringWelderReplacement
- suffix: welder
- components:
- - type: Mail
- contents:
- - id: Welder
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Nyanotrasen/Entities/Objects/Specific/Mail/mail_specific_items.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Nyanotrasen/Entities/Objects/Specific/Mail/mail_specific_items.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index b4d2b547798..00000000000
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Nyanotrasen/Entities/Objects/Specific/Mail/mail_specific_items.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
-- type: entity
- id: PaperMailCallForHelp1
- noSpawn: true
- suffix: "call for help 1"
- parent: Paper
- components:
- - type: Paper
- content: |
- Help! They're coming! Take this!
-- type: entity
- id: PaperMailCallForHelp2
- noSpawn: true
- suffix: "call for help 2"
- parent: Paper
- components:
- - type: Paper
- content: |
- Check disposals!
-- type: entity
- id: PaperMailCallForHelp3
- noSpawn: true
- suffix: "call for help 3"
- parent: Paper
- components:
- - type: Paper
- content: |
-- type: entity
- id: PaperMailCallForHelp4
- noSpawn: true
- suffix: "call for help 4"
- parent: Paper
- components:
- - type: Paper
- content: |
- Check maintenance!
-- type: entity
- id: PaperMailCallForHelp5
- noSpawn: true
- suffix: "call for help 5"
- parent: Paper
- components:
- - type: Paper
- content: |
- Save me, please!
-- type: entity
- id: PaperMailVagueThreat1
- noSpawn: true
- suffix: "vague mail threat 1"
- parent: Paper
- components:
- - type: Paper
- content: |
- I know what you did. You don't know what I'm going to do to you.
-- type: entity
- id: PaperMailVagueThreat2
- noSpawn: true
- suffix: "vague mail threat 2"
- parent: Paper
- components:
- - type: Paper
- content: |
- I'm coming for you.
-- type: entity
- id: PaperMailVagueThreat3
- noSpawn: true
- suffix: "vague mail threat 3"
- parent: Paper
- components:
- - type: Paper
- content: |
- You're next.
-- type: entity
- id: PaperMailVagueThreat4
- noSpawn: true
- suffix: "vague mail threat 4"
- parent: Paper
- components:
- - type: Paper
- content: |
- We see you.
-- type: entity
- id: PaperMailVagueThreat5
- noSpawn: true
- suffix: "vague mail threat 5"
- parent: Paper
- components:
- - type: Paper
- content: |
- I hope your affairs are in order.
-- type: entity
- id: PaperMailVagueThreat6
- noSpawn: true
- suffix: "vague mail threat 6"
- parent: Paper
- components:
- - type: Paper
- content: |
- It's only a matter of time. Enjoy it while it lasts.
-- type: entity
- id: PaperMailVagueThreat7
- noSpawn: true
- suffix: "vague mail threat 7"
- parent: Paper
- components:
- - type: Paper
- content: |
- Who should we mail your pieces to?
-- type: entity
- id: PaperMailVagueThreat8
- noSpawn: true
- suffix: "vague mail threat 8"
- parent: Paper
- components:
- - type: Paper
- content: |
- Do you prefer to die slowly or quickly? Just kidding. We don't care what you think.
-- type: entity
- id: PaperMailVagueThreat9
- noSpawn: true
- suffix: "vague mail threat 9"
- parent: Paper
- components:
- - type: Paper
- content: |
- I think your head would look nice on my mantel.
-- type: entity
- id: PaperMailVagueThreat10
- noSpawn: true
- suffix: "vague mail threat 10"
- parent: Paper
- components:
- - type: Paper
- content: |
- You should have paid up. It's too late now.
-- type: entity
- id: PaperMailVagueThreat11
- noSpawn: true
- suffix: "vague mail threat 11"
- parent: Paper
- components:
- - type: Paper
- content: |
- Your family will miss you, but don't worry. We'll take care of them too.
-- type: entity
- id: PaperMailVagueThreat12
- noSpawn: true
- suffix: "vague mail threat 12"
- parent: Paper
- components:
- - type: Paper
- content: |
- I have a bet that you're going to die today. I'm not afraid of cheating.
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Nyanotrasen/Entities/Stations/mail.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Nyanotrasen/Entities/Stations/mail.yml
index ceb87bbaa1b..b85cfef87ab 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Nyanotrasen/Entities/Stations/mail.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Nyanotrasen/Entities/Stations/mail.yml
@@ -3,3 +3,4 @@
abstract: true
- type: StationMailRouter
+ - type: StationLogisticStats # DeltaV - Tracks statistics related to mail and income
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Lathes/misc.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Lathes/misc.yml
index ab13dc4573f..2c0e1eeec38 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Lathes/misc.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Lathes/misc.yml
@@ -207,3 +207,19 @@
Steel: 400
Glass: 200
+- type: latheRecipe
+ id: ClothingShoesBootsMagAdv
+ result: ClothingShoesBootsMagAdv
+ completetime: 12
+ materials:
+ Silver: 1000
+ Gold: 500
+- type: latheRecipe
+ id: MailCapsule
+ result: MailCapsulePrimed
+ completetime: 1
+ materials:
+ Glass: 100
+ Plastic: 100
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/tags.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/tags.yml
index cc81a2ed64b..77cc4f372f2 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/tags.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/tags.yml
@@ -25,6 +25,9 @@
- type: Tag
id: Arrow
+- type: Tag
+ id: Ash
- type: Tag
id: ATVKeys
@@ -352,6 +355,9 @@
- type: Tag
id: CartridgeRocket
+- type: Tag
+ id: CaveFactory
# Allows you to walk over tile entities such as lava without steptrigger
- type: Tag
id: Catwalk
@@ -803,6 +809,12 @@
- type: Tag
id: MacroBomb
+- type: Tag
+ id: Mail
+- type: Tag
+ id: MailCapsule
- type: Tag
id: MimeBelt
@@ -916,6 +928,12 @@
- type: Tag
id: Multitool
+- type: Tag
+ id: Mustard
+- type: Tag
+ id: MysteryFigureBox
- type: Tag
id: NoBlockAnchoring
@@ -1295,6 +1313,9 @@
- type: Tag
id: WhitelistChameleon
+- type: Tag
+ id: WhoopieCushion
- type: Tag
id: Window
diff --git a/Resources/Textures/DeltaV/Objects/Devices/cartridge.rsi/cart-mail.png b/Resources/Textures/DeltaV/Objects/Devices/cartridge.rsi/cart-mail.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5734abb6fd1
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Textures/DeltaV/Objects/Devices/cartridge.rsi/cart-mail.png differ
diff --git a/Resources/Textures/DeltaV/Objects/Devices/cartridge.rsi/meta.json b/Resources/Textures/DeltaV/Objects/Devices/cartridge.rsi/meta.json
index 293870d3a3b..4a4ba3352f8 100644
--- a/Resources/Textures/DeltaV/Objects/Devices/cartridge.rsi/meta.json
+++ b/Resources/Textures/DeltaV/Objects/Devices/cartridge.rsi/meta.json
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"version": 1,
"license": "CC-BY-SA-3.0",
- "copyright": "Timfa",
+ "copyright": "Timfa, plus edits by portfiend",
"size": {
"x": 32,
"y": 32
@@ -9,6 +9,9 @@
"states": [
"name": "cart-cri"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "cart-mail"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Textures/Objects/Misc/mail_capsule.rsi/icon-cash.png b/Resources/Textures/Objects/Misc/mail_capsule.rsi/icon-cash.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8ba33c95b57
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Textures/Objects/Misc/mail_capsule.rsi/icon-cash.png differ
diff --git a/Resources/Textures/Objects/Misc/mail_capsule.rsi/icon-empty.png b/Resources/Textures/Objects/Misc/mail_capsule.rsi/icon-empty.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..085b787410b
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Textures/Objects/Misc/mail_capsule.rsi/icon-empty.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d08489cec89
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Textures/Objects/Misc/mail_capsule.rsi/icon-food.png differ
diff --git a/Resources/Textures/Objects/Misc/mail_capsule.rsi/icon-mail.png b/Resources/Textures/Objects/Misc/mail_capsule.rsi/icon-mail.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b35a2acc0f3
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Textures/Objects/Misc/mail_capsule.rsi/icon-mail.png differ
diff --git a/Resources/Textures/Objects/Misc/mail_capsule.rsi/meta.json b/Resources/Textures/Objects/Misc/mail_capsule.rsi/meta.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2e9bfc36170
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Textures/Objects/Misc/mail_capsule.rsi/meta.json
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+ "version": 1,
+ "license": "CC-BY-SA-4.0",
+ "copyright": "Made for Frontier by erhardsteinhauer (discord)",
+ "size": {
+ "x": 32,
+ "y": 32
+ },
+ "states": [
+ {
+ "name": "icon-empty"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "icon-mail"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "icon-food"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "icon-cash"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "spent"
+ }
+ ]
diff --git a/Resources/Textures/Objects/Misc/mail_capsule.rsi/spent.png b/Resources/Textures/Objects/Misc/mail_capsule.rsi/spent.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..acd0d0577fc
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Textures/Objects/Misc/mail_capsule.rsi/spent.png differ
diff --git a/Resources/Textures/Nyanotrasen/Objects/Specific/Mail/mail.rsi/broken.png b/Resources/Textures/Objects/Specific/Mail/mail.rsi/broken.png
similarity index 100%
rename from Resources/Textures/Nyanotrasen/Objects/Specific/Mail/mail.rsi/broken.png
rename to Resources/Textures/Objects/Specific/Mail/mail.rsi/broken.png
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similarity index 100%
rename from Resources/Textures/Nyanotrasen/Objects/Specific/Mail/mail.rsi/fragile.png
rename to Resources/Textures/Objects/Specific/Mail/mail.rsi/fragile.png
diff --git a/Resources/Textures/Nyanotrasen/Objects/Specific/Mail/mail.rsi/icon.png b/Resources/Textures/Objects/Specific/Mail/mail.rsi/icon.png
similarity index 100%
rename from Resources/Textures/Nyanotrasen/Objects/Specific/Mail/mail.rsi/icon.png
rename to Resources/Textures/Objects/Specific/Mail/mail.rsi/icon.png
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similarity index 100%
rename from Resources/Textures/Nyanotrasen/Objects/Specific/Mail/mail.rsi/locked.png
rename to Resources/Textures/Objects/Specific/Mail/mail.rsi/locked.png
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similarity index 100%
rename from Resources/Textures/Nyanotrasen/Objects/Specific/Mail/mail.rsi/meta.json
rename to Resources/Textures/Objects/Specific/Mail/mail.rsi/meta.json
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similarity index 100%
rename from Resources/Textures/Nyanotrasen/Objects/Specific/Mail/mail.rsi/postmark.png
rename to Resources/Textures/Objects/Specific/Mail/mail.rsi/postmark.png
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similarity index 100%
rename from Resources/Textures/Nyanotrasen/Objects/Specific/Mail/mail.rsi/priority.png
rename to Resources/Textures/Objects/Specific/Mail/mail.rsi/priority.png
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similarity index 100%
rename from Resources/Textures/Nyanotrasen/Objects/Specific/Mail/mail.rsi/priority_inactive.png
rename to Resources/Textures/Objects/Specific/Mail/mail.rsi/priority_inactive.png
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similarity index 100%
rename from Resources/Textures/Nyanotrasen/Objects/Specific/Mail/mail.rsi/trash.png
rename to Resources/Textures/Objects/Specific/Mail/mail.rsi/trash.png
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new file mode 100644
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Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Textures/Objects/Specific/Mail/mail_large.rsi/broken.png differ
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new file mode 100644
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ccbc87cf3bd
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Textures/Objects/Specific/Mail/mail_large.rsi/inhand-left.png differ
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new file mode 100644
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Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Textures/Objects/Specific/Mail/mail_large.rsi/inhand-right.png differ
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Textures/Objects/Specific/Mail/mail_large.rsi/meta.json
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+ "version": 1,
+ "license": "CC-BY-SA-3.0",
+ "copyright": "Taken from tgstation (obj/storage/closet.dmi, obj/service/bureaucracy.dmi), modified by Whatstone (Discord). broken, inhand-left, inhand-right by Whatstone.",
+ "size": {
+ "x": 32,
+ "y": 32
+ },
+ "states": [
+ {
+ "name": "broken"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "fragile"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "icon"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "inhand-left",
+ "directions": 4
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "inhand-right",
+ "directions": 4
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "locked"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "priority"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "priority_inactive"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "trash"
+ }
+ ]
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new file mode 100644
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Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Textures/Objects/Specific/Mail/mail_large.rsi/priority.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..fc03165b576
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Textures/Objects/Specific/Mail/mail_large.rsi/priority_inactive.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2ef4ee72338
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Textures/Objects/Specific/Mail/mail_large.rsi/trash.png differ
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Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Textures/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Launchers/mail.rsi/bolt-open.png differ
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new file mode 100644
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Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Textures/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Launchers/mail.rsi/equipped-BACKPACK.png differ
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new file mode 100644
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Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Textures/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Launchers/mail.rsi/equipped-BELT.png differ
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new file mode 100644
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new file mode 100644
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Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Textures/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Launchers/mail.rsi/inhand-left.png differ
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new file mode 100644
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Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Textures/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Launchers/mail.rsi/inhand-right.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..464c22d1a7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Textures/Objects/Weapons/Guns/Launchers/mail.rsi/meta.json
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ "version": 1,
+ "license": "CC-BY-SA-4.0",
+ "copyright": "Taken/modified from cev-eris at https://github.com/discordia-space/CEV-Eris/pull/6042/commits/64916c98f4847acc4adf3a2416bf78c005fd7dd7, https://github.com/discordia-space/CEV-Eris/blob/master/icons/obj/guns/launcher/grenadelauncher.dmi, backpack sprite by Peptide, resprited for mail gun by erhardsteinhauer (discord)",
+ "size": {
+ "x": 32,
+ "y": 32
+ },
+ "states": [
+ {
+ "name": "icon"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "bolt-open"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "inhand-left",
+ "directions": 4
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "inhand-right",
+ "directions": 4
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "equipped-BELT",
+ "directions": 4
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "equipped-BACKPACK",
+ "directions": 4
+ }
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file