diff --git a/descent/tests/utils/test_reporting.py b/descent/tests/utils/test_reporting.py
index 0fa140a..065790f 100644
--- a/descent/tests/utils/test_reporting.py
+++ b/descent/tests/utils/test_reporting.py
@@ -1,7 +1,15 @@
+import openff.interchange
+import openff.toolkit
+import smee.converters
from matplotlib import pyplot
from rdkit import Chem
-from descent.utils.reporting import _mol_from_smiles, figure_to_img, mols_to_img
+from descent.utils.reporting import (
+ _mol_from_smiles,
+ figure_to_img,
+ mols_to_img,
+ print_force_field_summary,
def test_mol_from_smiles():
@@ -22,3 +30,27 @@ def test_figure_to_img():
assert img.startswith('
+def test_print_force_field_summary(capsys):
+ interchange = openff.interchange.Interchange.from_smirnoff(
+ openff.toolkit.ForceField("tip4p_fb.offxml"),
+ openff.toolkit.Molecule.from_smiles("O").to_topology(),
+ )
+ force_field, _ = smee.converters.convert_interchange(interchange)
+ print_force_field_summary(force_field)
+ captured = capsys.readouterr().out
+ assert "ID distance [Å] inPlaneAngle [rad] outOfPlaneAngle [rad]" in captured
+ assert (
+ "[#1:2]-[#8X2H2+0:1]-[#1:3] EP -0.1053 "
+ "3.1416 0.0000" in captured
+ )
+ assert "fn=4*epsilon*((sigma/r)**12-(sigma/r)**6)" in captured
+ assert "scale_12 scale_13 scale_14 scale_15 cutoff [Å] switch_width [Å]" in captured
+ assert "ID epsilon [kcal/mol] sigma [Å]" in captured
+ assert "[#1:2]-[#8X2H2+0:1]-[#1:3] EP 0.0000 1.0000" in captured
diff --git a/descent/utils/reporting.py b/descent/utils/reporting.py
index f128d56..e27e294 100644
--- a/descent/utils/reporting.py
+++ b/descent/utils/reporting.py
@@ -4,6 +4,9 @@
import itertools
import typing
+import openff.units
+import smee
if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
from matplotlib import pyplot
from rdkit import Chem
@@ -71,3 +74,96 @@ def figure_to_img(figure: "pyplot.Figure") -> str:
data = base64.b64encode(stream.getvalue()).decode()
return f'
+def _format_unit(unit: openff.units.Unit | None) -> str:
+ """Format a unit for display in a table."""
+ if unit is None or unit == openff.units.unit.dimensionless:
+ return ""
+ return f" [{unit: ~P}]"
+def _format_parameter_id(id_: typing.Any) -> str:
+ """Format a parameter ID for display in a table."""
+ id_str = id_ if "EP" not in id_ else id_[: id_.index("EP") + 2]
+ return id_str[:60] + (id_str[60:] and "...")
+def print_potential_summary(potential: smee.TensorPotential):
+ """Print a summary of the potential parameters to the terminal.
+ Args:
+ potential: The potential.
+ """
+ import pandas
+ parameter_rows = []
+ for key, value in zip(potential.parameter_keys, potential.parameters.detach()):
+ row = {"ID": _format_parameter_id(key.id)}
+ row.update(
+ {
+ f"{col}{_format_unit(potential.parameter_units[idx])}": f"{value[idx].item():.4f}"
+ for idx, col in enumerate(potential.parameter_cols)
+ }
+ )
+ parameter_rows.append(row)
+ print(f" {potential.type} ".center(88, "="), flush=True)
+ print(f"fn={potential.fn}", flush=True)
+ if potential.attributes is not None:
+ attribute_rows = [
+ {
+ f"{col}{_format_unit(potential.attribute_units[idx])}": f"{potential.attributes[idx].item():.4f} "
+ for idx, col in enumerate(potential.attribute_cols)
+ }
+ ]
+ print("")
+ print("attributes=", flush=True)
+ print("")
+ print(pandas.DataFrame(attribute_rows).to_string(index=False), flush=True)
+ print("")
+ print("parameters=", flush=True)
+ print("")
+ print(pandas.DataFrame(parameter_rows).to_string(index=False), flush=True)
+def print_v_site_summary(v_sites: smee.TensorVSites):
+ import pandas
+ parameter_rows = []
+ for key, value in zip(v_sites.keys, v_sites.parameters.detach()):
+ row = {"ID": _format_parameter_id(key.id)}
+ row.update(
+ {
+ f"{col}{_format_unit(unit)}": f"{value[idx].item():.4f}"
+ for idx, (col, unit) in enumerate(v_sites.parameter_units.items())
+ }
+ )
+ parameter_rows.append(row)
+ print(" v-sites ".center(88, "="), flush=True)
+ print("parameters:", flush=True)
+ print(pandas.DataFrame(parameter_rows).to_string(index=False), flush=True)
+def print_force_field_summary(force_field: smee.TensorForceField):
+ """Print a summary of the force field parameters to the terminal.
+ Args:
+ force_field: The force field.
+ """
+ if force_field.v_sites is not None:
+ print_v_site_summary(force_field.v_sites)
+ print("")
+ for potential in force_field.potentials:
+ print_potential_summary(potential)
+ print("")