Remotely perform a dextrous manipulation task using a robot that shadows the user's arm and hand motion.
- The robot is anthropomorphic to mirror the user's human arm anatomy.
- The robot shadows the user's joint flexion and extension (shoulder [2 DoF], elbow [1 DoF], wrist [1 DoF], MCP joint and fingers [6 DoF])
- The robot uses a mechanical linkage-based transmission actuated by DC servo motors and is controlled using an Arduino Nano and Servo Driver.
- The Robot frame, linkages and exoskeleton controller are prototyped using 3D-printed PLA filament.
- The user's joint rotational positions are measured using potentiometers connected to a linkage-based exoskeleton.
- The robot and controller are interfaced via a physical wire connection
- The robot is powered by a 5V 20A power supply.
- 1x Arduino Nano microcontroller
- 1x PCA9685 Servo Driver
- 6x MG90S DC Servo Motors
- 4x DSS32 25kg DC Servo Motors
- 1x Multiplexor
- 1x Breadboard
- Jumper wires
- 3D-printed exoskeleton
- 3D-printed robot frame
- 10x 10k Ohm Potentiometers
- Screws and nuts for joint pins and assembly
- 5V 20A power supply.
- Arduino IDE -
- Servo Driver Library