This repository was created and built on CoreOS. It was the intention of this project to not only run Oracle RAC in Docker containers but to have all of the supporting elements running in Docker containers as well. Other than the Docker and shared storage, there is nothing on the host OS that cannot easily be recreated.
Once the VM is running, the IP you will use to connect an ssh client will be displayed on the VM console. If you are following the instructions below and using port forwarding, you will connect to on port 2222. Connect to the VM over SSH with the username core
using shared key authentication.
The configuration file for CoreOS needs to be mounted as an ISO to the VM which means you will need a utility to create an ISO. The recommendation is to use mkisofs which is part of the open source cdrtools. This is in most Linux repos and can be added to Cygwin. If you are on Windows, it can be downloaded from [here] (
The cloud config file must be named user_data
and the path to the user_data file on the ISO must be /openstack/latest/user_data
. Download the cloud-config file from this repository and modify the ssh_authorized_keys to reflect your SSH public key.
Execute these steps to create the ISO on Windows.
mkdir coreos\cloud-config\openstack\latest\
copy cloud-config coreos\cloud-config\openstack\latest\user_data
mkisofs.exe -R -V config-2 -o mycoreos.iso coreos/cloud-config
Execute these steps to create the ISO on Linux or Cygwin.
mkdir -p coreos/cloud-config/openstack/latest/
cp cloud-config coreos/cloud-config/openstack/latest/user_data
mkisofs -R -V config-2 -o mycoreos.iso coreos/cloud-config
CoreOS can be deployed on a number of different platforms. This project at a minimum will require the VM have these specifications.
- 1 network interface accessible from SSH client
- Memory 8 GB
- Two additional 100 GB thin provisioned hard disks
- Three additional 8 GB thin provisioned hard disks
Download the latest stable release of the virtual disk image.
Set environment variables in Windows CLI
REM Set the VBOXMANAGE variable to the full path of VBoxManage.exe
set VBOXMANAGE="C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\VBoxManage.exe"
REM Set the MACHINE_FOLDER variable to the VirtualBox Machine Folder setting
REM By default the machine folder setting is "%HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%\VirtualBox VMs"
REM Set the COREOS_VM_NAME variable to the name of the VM you are going to create
set COREOS_VM_NAME=mycoreos
REM Set the CLOUD_CONFIG variable to the full path of the cloud-config ISO
set CLOUD_CONFIG=C:\coreos\mycoreos.iso
Unzip the download file using the open source bzip2 library. 7zip does not work for this. If you are using windows, a precompiled bzip2 download can be found [here] (
bunzip2 coreos_production_image.bin.bz2
Convert the bin to a virtual disk image (VDI) using VBoxManage.
%VBOXMANAGE% convertfromraw coreos_production_image.bin coreos_production_image.vdi
Create the VM.
%VBOXMANAGE% createvm --name %COREOS_VM_NAME% --register --ostype "Linux26_64"
Clone the downloaded CoreOS image into the VM folder.
%VBOXMANAGE% clonemedium coreos_production_image.vdi "%MACHINE_FOLDER%\%COREOS_VM_NAME%\%COREOS_VM_NAME%_production_image.vdi"
Optionally resize the disk to 10 GB. This will leave room to add modifications to the OS.
%VBOXMANAGE% modifymedium "%MACHINE_FOLDER%\%COREOS_VM_NAME%\%COREOS_VM_NAME%_production_image.vdi" --resize 10240
Create an additional thin provisioned disk for Docker storage.
%VBOXMANAGE% createmedium disk --filename "%MACHINE_FOLDER%\%COREOS_VM_NAME%\%COREOS_VM_NAME%_docker.vdi" --size 102400
Create an additional thin provisioned disk for Oracle installation file storage.
%VBOXMANAGE% createmedium disk --filename "%MACHINE_FOLDER%\%COREOS_VM_NAME%\%COREOS_VM_NAME%_oracledata.vdi" --size 102400
Create additional thin provisioned disks for ASM disk devices.
%VBOXMANAGE% createmedium disk --filename "%MACHINE_FOLDER%\%COREOS_VM_NAME%\%COREOS_VM_NAME%_ASM_DATA1.vdi" --size 8192
%VBOXMANAGE% createmedium disk --filename "%MACHINE_FOLDER%\%COREOS_VM_NAME%\%COREOS_VM_NAME%_ASM_DATA2.vdi" --size 8192
%VBOXMANAGE% createmedium disk --filename "%MACHINE_FOLDER%\%COREOS_VM_NAME%\%COREOS_VM_NAME%_ASM_DATA3.vdi" --size 8192
Add a storage controller to the VM.
%VBOXMANAGE% storagectl %COREOS_VM_NAME% --name "SATA" --add sata
Add an additional IDE storage controller to the VM
%VBOXMANAGE% storagectl %COREOS_VM_NAME% --name "IDE" --add ide
Attach the disks to the SATA storage controller.
%VBOXMANAGE% storageattach %COREOS_VM_NAME% --storagectl "SATA" --type hdd --port 0 --medium "%MACHINE_FOLDER%\%COREOS_VM_NAME%\%COREOS_VM_NAME%_production_image.vdi"
%VBOXMANAGE% storageattach %COREOS_VM_NAME% --storagectl "SATA" --type hdd --port 1 --medium "%MACHINE_FOLDER%\%COREOS_VM_NAME%\%COREOS_VM_NAME%_docker.vdi"
%VBOXMANAGE% storageattach %COREOS_VM_NAME% --storagectl "SATA" --type hdd --port 2 --medium "%MACHINE_FOLDER%\%COREOS_VM_NAME%\%COREOS_VM_NAME%_oracledata.vdi"
%VBOXMANAGE% storageattach %COREOS_VM_NAME% --storagectl "SATA" --type hdd --port 3 --medium "%MACHINE_FOLDER%\%COREOS_VM_NAME%\%COREOS_VM_NAME%_ASM_DATA1.vdi"
%VBOXMANAGE% storageattach %COREOS_VM_NAME% --storagectl "SATA" --type hdd --port 4 --medium "%MACHINE_FOLDER%\%COREOS_VM_NAME%\%COREOS_VM_NAME%_ASM_DATA2.vdi"
%VBOXMANAGE% storageattach %COREOS_VM_NAME% --storagectl "SATA" --type hdd --port 5 --medium "%MACHINE_FOLDER%\%COREOS_VM_NAME%\%COREOS_VM_NAME%_ASM_DATA3.vdi"
Attach the cloud-config ISO to the IDE storage controller
%VBOXMANAGE% storageattach %COREOS_VM_NAME% --storagectl "IDE" --type dvddrive --port 0 --medium %CLOUD_CONFIG% --device 0
Change the VM memory to a minimum of 8 GB
%VBOXMANAGE% modifyvm %COREOS_VM_NAME% --memory 8192
Create a port forwarding rule to connect a local ssh client to the NAT network
%VBOXMANAGE% modifyvm %COREOS_VM_NAME% --natpf1 "guestssh,tcp,,2222,,22"
An alternative to using cloud-config for the configuration of CoreOS is to use Container Linux Configuration and Ignition. Ignition allows for more flexibility in most cases because the configuration is done earlier in the boot process and has deeper hooks into the operating system.
The CoreOS toolbox is a method of using tools not installed in CoreOS by creating a container and namespace where these tools can be installed and used. Use the CoreOS toolbox to build the config transpiler (ct).
toolbox yum --nogpgcheck -y install go git
toolbox git clone
toolbox --chdir=/container-linux-config-transpiler ./build
The ct
utility is now available in the CoreOS toolbox. The ct utility can read the configuration from stdin and will print the ignition config in JSON format on stdout. Here is an example with a config that just has the ssh authorized keys for the core user.
# ct.config
- name: core
core ~ $ cat ct.config | toolbox /container-linux-config-transpiler/bin/ct
Spawning container core-fedora-latest on /var/lib/toolbox/core-fedora-latest.
Press ^] three times within 1s to kill container.
{"ignition":{"version":"2.0.0","config":{}},"storage":{},"systemd":{},"networkd":{},"passwd":{"users":[{"name":"core","sshAuthorizedKeys":["ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABJQAAAQEA4giEY9NfIhEd16jBxAYSDAx+Drc"]}]}}
Container core-fedora-latest exited successfully.
For VMware vApp, we need the base64 encoded version of the ignition file.
cat ct.config | toolbox /container-linux-config-transpiler/bin/ct 2>/dev/null | base64 -w0 && echo
CoreOS provides pre-built OVA templates for VMware which makes it tremendously easy to both deploy and configure. Refer to the CoreOS documentation for additional details
Download the latest stable release of the OVA.
Use the vSphere Client to deploy the VM as follows:
- In the menu, click
>Deploy OVF Template...
- In the wizard, specify the location of the OVA file downloaded earlier
- Name your VM
- Choose "thin provision" for the disk format
- Choose your network settings
- Confirm the settings, then click "Finish"