About: A web-based game for CUNY students to develop their soft skills and encourage students to market themselves while aiding in career development. Improves the sense of community between CUNY schools and shift the student culture from a commuter school mentality to a close-knit, connected network of students. Students are motivated by daily and weekly tasks that allow them to feed their school mascots. At the end of a semester or year, a major battle will ensue, and the CUNY with the strongest spirit wins!
Built With: Vite.js, Supabase, Bcrypt, Blender
Framework: ReactJS
Video Demo: https://youtu.be/-as8p4ouGjw
Make sure to install the dependencies:
# yarn
yarn install
# npm
npm install
cd Battle of the CUNYs
Start the development server on http://localhost:5173
npm run dev
Build the application for production:
npm run build
Locally preview production build:
npm run preview
- Pull Requests from different branches
- Shift from databases on local machines to Supabase
- Shift from 8th Wall Augmented Reality to Adobe Aero
- Time crunch to design (from scratch) mascot and shape on Blender
The purpose of this file is to provide overview, setup instructions and background information of the project. If you have joined this project as a part of the development team, please ensure this file is up to date.
Note : Any dependencies added / modified to this project which affect the running of the code in this git repository must be listed in this file. All developers must ensure that the instructions mentioned in this file are sufficient to enable a new developer to obtain a executable copy of the lastest code in this repository, without involvement from any other human assistance.
App Name : Battle of the CUNYs
Users : CUNY Students
Client: CUNY
Development Team :
Selina Zheng (Lead Frontend Developer, Lead UI/UX Designer),
Daraus Zhang (Lead Backend Developer, Frontend Developer),
Donaye Solo (Audio Engineer, 3D Character Designer)
Louis Cubero (Augmented Reality Researcher, UI/UX Co-designer)
Web URL : tbd