The MSSlidingPanelController
is a library which allows to easily integrate in your iOS 7 project a sliding panel controller mechanism.
Either for the left and right panel, it is possible to set:
- the width,
- the status bar color,
- the status bar color transition,
- the opening gestures,
- the closing gestures,
- the interaction with the center view.
The status bar color transition can be:
- abrupt,
- smoothly.
The panels can be opened by:
- dragging the navigation bar of the center view (if there is one),
- dragging the content of the center view.
The panels can be closed by:
- dragging the navigation bar of the center view (if there is one),
- dragging the content of the center view,
- tapping the navigation bar of the center view (if there is one),
- tapping the content of the center view.
The interactions with the center view can be:
- nonexistent,
- only with the navigation bar (if there is one),
- with the entire center view.
The protocol MSSlidingPanelControllerDelegate
allows to know when:
- a panel begins to bring out,
- a panel has been closed,
- a panel has been opened.
This extension allows view controllers to easily get a pointer on a sliding panel controller if this one is a parent.
There are two ways to use MSSlidingPanelController
in your project.
The first one is to manually add these files to your project:
- MSSlidingPanelController.h
- MSSlidingPanelController.m
- MSViewControllerSlidingPanel.h (optional)
- MSViewControllerSlidingPanel.m (optional)
The second way is by using CocoaPods.
pod 'MSSlidingPanelController'
The documentation of MSSlidingPanelController
can be found on CocoaDoc.
That's very easy to create a MSSlidingPanelController
. Only write this few lines et voila!
UIViewController *centerViewController;
UIViewController *leftPanelController;
UIViewController *rightPanelController;
MSSlidingPanelController *slidingPanelController;
centerViewController = [[UIViewController alloc] init];
leftPanelController = [[UIViewController alloc] init];
rightPanelController = [[UIViewController alloc] init];
slidingPanelController = [[MSSlidingPanelController alloc] initWithCenterViewController:centerViewController
You can also create it by using Storyboard. Take a look at the examples to see how it works !
The library and the examples are developed and designed by Sébastien MICHOY.
If you find a bug, feel free to create Github issues!
is available under the BSD license. Please see the LICENSE file for more information.