How to build a cheap Hotdog.
If you have access to a 3D printer and use a cheap
Nano clone with CH340
, the whole thing will run
you around $20
, not counting the sleeve itself.
Transparent Sleeve
I use This one.
3D Printed
Arduino Nano
2 x Single row 15 pin female header
2 x Universal PCB
50mm x 100mm
Such as:
5 x
Photoresistor -
3 x
LEDsThese are actually overkill, you could also
go with dimmer LEDs and a smaller resistor -
resistor -
Long USB cable
For the Arduino Nano
Mini zip ties
Less than
in width -
Rubber bands
Solder and hook-up wire
Upload the Firmware to the micro-controller.
Check out the Guide if you have never done this.
Place the photo-resistors on the back side of the
PCB at equal distances along the middle line.The exact distance between them is not that
important, but try to place them evenly.Solder them in position.
This is easier if your PCB is plated on both sides, if it
isn't, then take extra care not to burn the photocells.
Wire up the photocells as shown diagram, except
with the wires on the front side of the board.The front side should look something like this:
Put the sockets on the Nano and solder them
onto the board in the below orientation.Leave at least one row space at the top ↓
You don't have to solder each and every pin
in, but at the bare minimum, do the corners.Make sure you don't solder any adjacent pins together.
Now connect the photocells to the
Nano according to the diagram.Do NOT solder the wires directly onto
the Nano, solder them to the sockets.I couldn't find a way to illustrate this in
Fritzing, so also see the photo for reference.After the photocells are connected, you can trim off all the legs.
Mount the LEDs on the second PCB and
hook them up to the Nano to each other.Black wire to cathodes.
Don't forget the resistor.
Tie the casings together at the back with zip-ties.
Leave them loose and don't tighten them until the sleeve is in.
Slide the PCBs in, secure each with a zip-tie
and the clipped off end of another zip-tie.
Add the sleeve, hold it down with rubber bands
at the front and tighten the zip-ties at the back.Make sure all sides of the casing press down on the sleeve evenly.
Serve hot.