Video : Start at 10 min
On focused mindset, the mind is concentrating on one thing. While on diffused mindset, the thought is rather spread. The best of learning at the crossover between these two mindsets.
The idea is to focus intensively on something and then take a short break. Then come back to it again.
Set different timer and get a break after intensive focus. Use
Just like how Linux deals with system interrupts, the chunking helps grouping similar kinds of task and completing that at a part of day. Like all the problems in the morning, Cooking at noon and outdoor at evening and then study at night.
Take down brief notes of key points to concrete the understanding on a topic. Also take a couple of minutes to summarize the topic you are learning and correct yourself.
Interleaving : jumping back and forth problems requiring different techniques to solve and solidify the techniques.
Every habit has 4 sections. The cue, routine, reward and belief. If cue is removed, it distroys everything else. The cue is the reminder to do somethings, like a notification, the routine is the process we go through to complete that task, the reward is mostly dopamine and the belief is the realization that we are someone who does that task. So if we remove the cue, nothing else would occur.
Memory have only 4 slots. We can only think about 4 things at a time. Probably only 2 for you austin. Best done at night before.
Excercise is crutial to learning. Have periodical excercises. There is not need for genius envy, anyone who is good at something has put up a lot of work on that.