diff --git a/.idea/workspace.xml b/.idea/workspace.xml
index 04521e489..0f07e2e54 100644
--- a/.idea/workspace.xml
+++ b/.idea/workspace.xml
@@ -28,16 +28,8 @@
@@ -134,51 +126,51 @@
- {
+ "keyToString": {
+ "Git.Branch.Popup.ShowAllRemotes": "true",
+ "MATLAB_INTERPRETER": "/usr/local/MATLAB/R2018a/bin/matlab",
+ "Python tests.Nosetests for test_power_flow.test_zip.executor": "Debug",
+ "Python tests.Nosetests for tests.test_hydro.executor": "Run",
+ "Python tests.Nosetests for tests.test_opf_time_series.test_opf_ts.executor": "Run",
+ "Python tests.Nosetests for tests.test_topology_processor.executor": "Run",
+ "Python tests.Nosetests in admittance_matrix_test.py.executor": "Run",
+ "Python tests.Nosetests in deep_copy_test.py.executor": "Run",
+ "Python tests.Nosetests in tests.executor": "Run",
+ "Python tests.pytest for src.tests.test_admittance_matrix.test1.executor": "Run",
+ "Python tests.pytest for src.tests.test_contingency.test_contingency.executor": "Run",
+ "Python tests.pytest for src.tests.test_derivatives.test_m_derivatives.executor": "Run",
+ "Python tests.pytest for test_power_flow.test_voltage_control_with_ltc.executor": "Run",
+ "Python tests.pytest in tests.executor": "Run",
+ "Python.AnalysisDialogue.executor": "Run",
+ "Python.ExecuteGridCal.executor": "Run",
+ "Python.acdc_generalized_1.executor": "Run",
+ "Python.adm_primites_test.executor": "Run",
+ "Python.cgmes_rdfs_graph.executor": "Run",
+ "Python.matpower_chart.executor": "Run",
+ "Python.matpower_grids.executor": "Run",
+ "Python.new_circuit_objects.executor": "Run",
+ "Python.node_widget.executor": "Run",
+ "Python.pymoo_example.executor": "Debug",
+ "Python.update_gui_file (1).executor": "Run",
+ "Python.update_gui_file.executor": "Run",
+ "Python.upload_to_pypi.executor": "Run",
+ "RunOnceActivity.OpenProjectViewOnStart": "true",
+ "RunOnceActivity.ShowReadmeOnStart": "true",
+ "WebServerToolWindowFactoryState": "false",
+ "git-widget-placeholder": "199__finalize__cgmes__import",
+ "last_opened_file_path": "/home/santi/Documentos/Git/GitHub/GridCal/Grids_and_profiles/matpower_benchmark",
+ "node.js.detected.package.eslint": "true",
+ "node.js.selected.package.eslint": "(autodetect)",
+ "node.js.selected.package.tslint": "(autodetect)",
+ "nodejs_package_manager_path": "npm",
+ "run.code.analysis.last.selected.profile": "aDefault",
+ "settings.editor.selected.configurable": "preferences.lookFeel",
+ "two.files.diff.last.used.file": "C:/WorkProjects/PycharmProjects/GridCal/src/trunk/cgmes_py_generator/cgmes_v2_4_15/cgmes_enums.py",
+ "vue.rearranger.settings.migration": "true"
@@ -1794,7 +1786,6 @@
@@ -1819,7 +1810,8 @@
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 27433a871..581007e88 100755
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ All of these are industry tested algoriths, some of which surpass most comemerci
The aim is to be a drop-in replacement for the expensive and less usable commercial
software, so that you can work, research and learn with it.
-### Resources
+## Resources
In an effort to ease the simulation and construction of grids,
We have included extra materials to work with. These are included in the standalone setups.
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ We have included extra materials to work with. These are included in the standal
- [Equipment catalogue](https://gridcal.readthedocs.io/en/latest/data_sheets.html) (Wires, Cables and Transformers)
ready to use in GridCal.
-### Tutorials and examples
+## Tutorials and examples
- [Tutorials](https://gridcal.readthedocs.io/en/latest/rst_source/tutorials/tutorials_module.html)
@@ -151,6 +151,25 @@ We have included extra materials to work with. These are included in the standal
- [The tests](https://github.com/SanPen/GridCal/tree/master/src/tests) may serve as a valuable source of examples.
+## Matpower grids
+Matpower's excellent formulations and consistency has allowed this and other
+projects to develop, relying on its sound math. That is why GridCal reads Matpower
+cases out of the box, without you having to do anything special.
+And of course, GridCal solves all Matpower 8 provided grids, solving the continental USA case in about 1 second:
+Find the results: [All matpower grids.xlsx](Grids_and_profiles/matpower_benchmark/All%20matpower%20grids.xlsx),
+and the benchmark code [matpower_grids.py](Grids_and_profiles/matpower_benchmark/matpower_grids.py).
+_Results simulated with AMD 9750x and 64 GB of RAM under Ubuntu 24.04.
+All solved using Newton-Raphson, and only using the provided solution
+that comes with the files when the flat start fails.
+Cool right?
## API
Since day one, GridCal was meant to be used as a library as much as it was meant
@@ -194,6 +213,8 @@ which are fast. This steps benefits greatly the efficiency of the numerical calc
aligned in memory. The GridCal data model is object-oriented, while the numerical circuit is array-oriented
(despite beign packed into objects)
### Loading a grid
@@ -1138,23 +1159,7 @@ reply_from_server = asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(
-## Matpower grids
-Matpower's excellent formulations and consistency has allowed this and other
-projects to develop, relying on its sound math. That is why GridCal reads Matpower
-cases out of the box, without you having to do anything special.
-And of course, GridCal solves all Matpower 8 provided grids, solving the continental USA case in about 1 second:
-Find the results: [All matpower grids.xlsx](Grids_and_profiles/matpower_benchmark/All%20matpower%20grids.xlsx),
-and the benchmark code [matpower_grids.py](Grids_and_profiles/matpower_benchmark/matpower_grids.py).
-_Results simulated with AMD 9750x and 64 GB of RAM under Ubuntu 24.04.
-All solved using Newton-Raphson, and only using the provided solution
-that comes with the files when the flat start fails.
-Cool right?
## Tests