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Application Transformation Exercise



  • form teams of 3-4 people
    • try to make the teams cross-functional, so you have technical and business expertise in your team
  • let us know who is in your team and indicate the desired time slots for your team for:
    • Milestone "Cloud Scope" (max. 1 hour after beginning the exercise)
    • Review (towards the end of the exercise, before final presentations)

First Phase: Milestone "Cloud Scope" & Backlog

  • define the "Cloud Scope" of your application transformation
  • sketch a high-level architecture including
    • components to be transformed/migrated
    • integration and interfaces between customer systems, other Paketblitz services, and the new components in the cloud
    • required adjustments/transformations of the PC-WS application
  • prepare an initial backlog for a cloud evaluation PoC: try to get the even more simplified PC-WS (see below) running on a cloud platform of your choice (you may also choose to work with containers, e.g., docker-compose or Kubernetes).
    • feel free to add further topics as listed below
  • present the items above to the lecturers during your chosen timeslot before proceeding to the next phase

Second Phase: "Cloud Evaluation" & Review

  • work on your backlog, i.e., try to get a PoC running
    • if you discover further things to be done along the way, take note of them and add them to the backlog
  • prepare a short presentation (max. 5 minutes) for your fellow students with 2-3 of the following topics:
    • learnings
    • "aha!" moments
    • observations
    • open questions
    • where did we get lucky? where not?
    • risks?
    • demo of running service
    • etc.
  • prepare a brief review of the things you worked on for the lecturers and present them in your chosen timeslot (we will mainly focus on the presentation)
  • send your presentation to the lecturer
    • the presentation should at least contain an architecture diagram for your target architecture on the cloud provider of your choice


  1. Focus on getting the web service itself running first
    • PC-WS has various configuration options based on environment variables to easily mock dependencies
    • initially, you may want to work with SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE set to mock, this enables mocks for all external dependencies
  2. Once you have the web service up and running, we recommend adding a database
    • for this, set SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE to real
    • set USE_DATALOG_SERVICE_MOCK to true, this way, the datalog service part will still be mocked
    • in this profile, USE_CODE_SERVICE_MOCK is has default value false, so the database will be used for generating unique IDs
  3. Finally, you can address the datalog service integration
    • set USE_DATALOG_SERVICE_MOCK to false or simply do not set this value at all (false is the default)

Possible Further Topics to Work On

Based on your interests or if you have some time left over after having managed to run PC-WS, you may be interested in looking into some of the following topics:

  • IT Organization, Operations, and Support including CI/CD and DevOps: How would you organize this? What needs to be done? What do we need to look out for? Principles? Guidelines? Technical aspects?
  • TCO Analysis including a closer look at the business case: Calculate/estimate the cost of different variants. What kind of investements are justified? (You may want to combine this with the question below)
  • Transformation Estimation including a detailled analysis of the initial transformation: What steps are necessary? What is the required engineering effort?
  • The Far Future: Where could the cloud journey lead to? What are some new opportunities we gain after the initial transformation? What further optimizations or even new business cases would be possible?



PCWS Components


PCWS Sequences

The Services