- Added Kubernetes integration (#72 continued)
- Added support for custom SVG icons (#73)
- Added Deezer and Tidal to search queries
- Fixed changelog link
- Added support for Docker API (#14)
- Added option to upload custom icons for bookmarks (#52)
- Fixed custom icons not updating (#58)
- Added changelog file
- Added support for Steam URLs (#62)
- Fixed bug with custom CSS not persisting (#64)
- Added option to set default prefix for search bar (#65)
- Added ability to set custom CSS from settings (#8 and #17) (experimental)
- Added option to upload custom icons (#12)
- Added option to open links in a new or the same tab (#27)
- Added Search bar with support for 3 search engines and 4 services (#44)
- Added option to hide applications and categories (#48)
- Improved Logger
- Added more sorting options. User can now choose to sort apps and categories by name, creation time or to use custom order (#13)
- Added reordering functionality. User can now set custom order for apps and categories from their 'edit tables' (#13)
- Changed get all controllers for applications and categories to use case-insensitive ordering (#36)
- New apps will be placed correctly in the array depending on used sorting settings (#37)
- Added app version to settings with option to check for updates manually (#38)
- Added update check on app start (#38)
- Fixed bug with decimal input values in Safari browser (#40)
- Added reverse proxy support (#23 and #24)
- Added support for more url formats (#26)
- Added ability to hide main header (#28)
- Fixed settings not being synchronized (#29)
- Added auto-refresh for greeting and date (#34)
- Added simple check to the weather module settings to inform user if the api key is missing (#2)
- Added ability to set optional icons to the bookmarks (#7)
- Added option to pin new applications and categories to the homescreen by default (#11)
- Added background highlight while hovering over application card (#15)
- Created CRON job to clear old weather data from the database (#16)
- Added proxy for websocket instead of using hard coded host (#18)
- Fixed bug with overwriting opened tabs (#20)
- Added custom favicon and changed page title (#3)
- Added functionality to set custom page title (#3)
- Changed messages on the homescreen when there are apps/bookmarks created but not pinned to the homescreen (#4)
- Added 'warnings' to apps and bookmarks forms about supported url formats (#5)
Initial release of Flame - self-hosted startpage using Node.js on backend and React on frontend.