At Samsung Internet, we believe that the web is a powerful place to share information and use it for good, therefore we’ve decided to bring Global Goals to the web, making it a cross-platform web app and available for everybody. Even further, we believe that users deserve a good experience regardless of the platform they are using or the connection available, say hello to Samsung Global Goals PWA!
Pre-requisites: node installed and Firebase Cli. Set up the .env file properly.
# Clone this repository
$ git clone
# Install package.json
$ cd functions
$ npm install
# Run the project locally
$ cd global goals
$ node app.js
Then open http://localhost:8080 in your browser.
# Run the project with Firebase Hosting
$ cd functions
$ node index.js
$ firebase deploy
Depending on your configuration this will deploy the code to the proper environment: dev, stage, prod
The following articles are related to the project and the technologies used: Progressive Web Apps, One UI, Firebase etc.