Python library to communicate with the Longan Labs I2C CAN Bus Module
Also sold as the SEEED STUDIO 113020111 I2C CAN-BUS Module
This library is nowhere near as safe, good, advanced, robust OR SAFE as so don't use it to drive a car.
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- tbc
Install the TPMS library using pip:
pip install i2c_can
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pip install i2c_can
from i2c_can import I2C_CAN, CAN_500KBPS, CAN_OK, CAN_MSGAVAIL
import time
def initialize_can():
i2c_can = I2C_CAN(0x25) # Replace with the actual I2C address
print("begin to init can")
while True:
if i2c_can.begin_CAN(CAN_500KBPS) == CAN_OK:
print("CAN BUS FAIL!")
print("CAN BUS OK!")
return i2c_can
def send_obd2_request(i2c_can, pid):
request = [0x02, 0x01, pid, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]
i2c_can.send_msg_buf(0x7DF, 0, 0, 8, request)
print(f"Sent OBD2 request for PID {pid:02X}")
def receive_obd2_response(i2c_can):
if i2c_can.check_receive() == CAN_MSGAVAIL:
length, buf = i2c_can.read_msg_buf()
if length:
can_id = i2c_can.get_can_id()
print(f"Received CAN ID: {can_id:X}")
print("Data: ", ' '.join(f"{byte:02X}" for byte in buf))
return buf
return None
def parse_response(pid, response):
if pid == 0x0C: # Engine RPM
rpm = ((response[3] * 256) + response[4]) / 4
print(f"Engine RPM: {rpm}")
elif pid == 0x0D: # Vehicle Speed
speed = response[3]
print(f"Vehicle Speed: {speed} km/h")
elif pid == 0x05: # Engine Coolant Temperature
temp = response[3] - 40
print(f"Engine Coolant Temperature: {temp} °C")
def main():
i2c_can = initialize_can()
# List of PIDs to monitor
pids = [0x0C, 0x0D, 0x05] # Engine RPM, Vehicle Speed, Engine Coolant Temperature
while True:
for pid in pids:
send_obd2_request(i2c_can, pid)
response = receive_obd2_response(i2c_can)
if response:
if response[2] == pid:
parse_response(pid, response)
time.sleep(1) # Delay between requests for different PIDs
if __name__ == "__main__":
Check it actually works...
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.