# Are You Sure?

![build status](https://github.com/SStorm/areyousure/actions/workflows/build.yml/badge.svg)

``areyousure`` is a command-line utility that can be used to intercept 
sensitive commands and ask the user whether they are sure about executing them. 
This can save your bacon when accidentally doing a `git push -f` on the wrong branch
or a `kubectl delete namespace production`.

### Example

$ kubectl delete namespace somenamespace
😮 DANGER. You are about to execute: 

👉 kubectl delete namespace somenamespace

🤔 Are you sure? [Yy] n
👍 Stopping
$ kubectl delete namespace somenamespace
😮 DANGER. You are about to execute: 

👉 kubectl delete namespace somenamespace

🤔 Are you sure? [Yy] y
namespace "somenamespace" deleted

## Usage

Suppose you want to intercept all `kubectl delete` commands, add the following to your
`~/.zshrc` / `~/.bashrc` or similar:

kubectl() {
  if [[ "$@" =~ "delete" ]]; then
      command areyousure "$0" "$@"
      command kubectl "$@"

You probably know what you're doing if you're using another shell.

## Installation

Grab the latest build from the releases section, or follow the build instructions below.

You will need cmake, make and a C compiler for this. On a Debian-based distro
something like this is like going to work:

apt install cmake make gcc
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
sudo make install # Will copy to /usr/local/bin


1. Timer (i.e. will execute in 5s)
2. `--install` which builds a shell script to wrap command (`areyousure --install kubectl delete`)
3. Config options / file (i.e. whether to use emojis)
4. Automatic build in GitHub
5. Pre-defined list of sensitive commands that can be auto-installed