diff --git a/SQLUndercoverInspector/SQLUndercoverinspectorV2.sql b/SQLUndercoverInspector/SQLUndercoverinspectorV2.sql index d398746..19dcf62 100644 --- a/SQLUndercoverInspector/SQLUndercoverinspectorV2.sql +++ b/SQLUndercoverInspector/SQLUndercoverinspectorV2.sql @@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ GO Author: Adrian Buckman Created Date: 15/07/2017 -Revision date: 12/11/2021 +Revision date: 15/11/2021 Version: 2.7 Description: SQLUndercover Inspector setup script Case sensitive compatible. @@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ SET ANSI_NULLS ON; SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON; SET CONCAT_NULL_YIELDS_NULL ON; -DECLARE @Revisiondate DATE = '20211112'; +DECLARE @Revisiondate DATE = '20211115'; DECLARE @Build VARCHAR(6) ='2.7' DECLARE @JobID UNIQUEIDENTIFIER; @@ -2336,6 +2336,37 @@ END; VALUES('MemoryDumps','Recent Memory dumps found'); END + IF OBJECT_ID('Inspector.AgentJobsDesiredState') IS NULL + BEGIN + CREATE TABLE [Inspector].[AgentJobsDesiredState] ( + [Servername] NVARCHAR(128) NOT NULL, + [JobName] NVARCHAR(128) NOT NULL, + [DesiredState] BIT NOT NULL, + [Enabled] BIT NOT NULL, + [LastChecked] DATETIME NULL + ); + END + + IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM sys.indexes WHERE [object_id] = OBJECT_ID('Inspector.AgentJobsDesiredState') AND [name] = N'CIX_AgentJobsDesiredState_Servername_JobName') + BEGIN + CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX [CIX_AgentJobsDesiredState_Servername_JobName] ON [Inspector].[AgentJobsDesiredState] ( + [Servername] ASC, + [JobName] ASC + ); + END + + IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM [Inspector].[Modules] WHERE [Modulename] = 'AgentJobsDesiredState') + BEGIN + INSERT INTO [Inspector].[Modules] ([ModuleConfig_Desc],[Modulename],[CollectionProcedurename],[ReportProcedurename],[ReportOrder],[WarningLevel],[ServerSpecific],[Debug],[IsActive],[HeaderText],[Frequency],[StartTime],[EndTime]) + VALUES('Default','AgentJobsDesiredState',N'AgentJobsDesiredStateInsert',N'AgentJobsDesiredStateReport',24,2,1,0,1,NULL,1440,'08:00','17:30'); + END + + IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM [Inspector].[DefaultHeaderText] WHERE [Modulename] = 'AgentJobsDesiredState') + BEGIN + INSERT INTO [Inspector].[DefaultHeaderText] ([Modulename], [HeaderText]) + VALUES('AgentJobsDesiredState','Agent jobs where desired state not met'); + END + IF OBJECT_ID('Inspector.PSConfig') IS NULL BEGIN CREATE TABLE [Inspector].[PSConfig]( @@ -2596,7 +2627,8 @@ VALUES(''Default'',''ADHocDatabaseCreations'',''ADHocDatabaseCreationsInsert'',' (''Default'',''DatacollectionsOverdue'',''DatacollectionsOverdueInsert'',''DatacollectionsOverdueReport'',21,1,0,0,1,NULL,1440,@StartTime,@EndTime), (''Default'',''TempDB'',''TempDBInsert'',''TempDBReport'',22,2,1,0,1,NULL,5,@StartTime,@EndTime), (''PeriodicBackupCheck'',''BackupsCheck'',''BackupsCheckInsert'',''BackupsCheckReport'',1,1,0,1,1,NULL,120,DATEADD(HOUR,2,@StartTime),@EndTime), -(''Default'',''MemoryDumps'',N''MemoryDumpsInsert'',N''MemoryDumpsReport'',23,2,1,0,1,NULL,1440,@StartTime),@EndTime); +(''Default'',''MemoryDumps'',N''MemoryDumpsInsert'',N''MemoryDumpsReport'',23,2,1,0,1,NULL,1440,@StartTime,@EndTime), +(''Default'',''AgentJobsDesiredState'',N''AgentJobsDesiredStateInsert'',N''AgentJobsDesiredStateReport'',24,2,1,0,1,NULL,1440,@StartTime,@EndTime); INSERT INTO [Inspector].[DefaultHeaderText] ([Modulename], [HeaderText]) VALUES(''ADHocDatabaseCreations'',''Potential ADhoc database creations''), @@ -2619,7 +2651,8 @@ VALUES(''ADHocDatabaseCreations'',''Potential ADhoc database creations''), (''ServerSettings'',''Cost Threshold for parallelism, MAXDOP or Max Server memory set to default values''), (''SuspectPages'',''Suspect database pages found''), (''UnusedLogshipConfig'',''Unused log shipping config found''), -(''TempDB'',''TempDB file usage higher than your threshold''); +(''TempDB'',''TempDB file usage higher than your threshold''), +(''AgentJobsDesiredState'',''Agent jobs where desired state not met''); INSERT INTO [Inspector].[EmailConfig] (ModuleConfig_Desc,EmailSubject) VALUES (''Default'',''SQLUndercover Inspector check ''),(''PeriodicBackupCheck'',''SQLUndercover Backups Report''); @@ -11784,6 +11817,185 @@ BEGIN @PSCollection AS ''@PSCollection'' END'; +IF OBJECT_ID('Inspector.AgentJobsDesiredStateInsert') IS NULL +BEGIN + EXEC sp_executesql N'CREATE PROCEDURE [Inspector].[AgentJobsDesiredStateInsert] AS;'; +END + +EXEC sp_executesql N'ALTER PROCEDURE [Inspector].[AgentJobsDesiredStateInsert] +AS +SET NOCOUNT ON; +DECLARE @Servername NVARCHAR(128) = @@SERVERNAME; + +/* Insert jobs that do not exist in the Inspector table , assume that the current enabled flag is the desiredstate */ +INSERT INTO [Inspector].[AgentJobsDesiredState] ([Servername],[JobName],[DesiredState],[Enabled],[LastChecked]) +SELECT + @Servername, + [name], + CAST([enabled] AS BIT), + CAST([enabled] AS BIT), + GETDATE() +FROM [msdb].[dbo].[sysjobs] +WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 + FROM [Inspector].[AgentJobsDesiredState] + WHERE [AgentJobsDesiredState].[JobName] = [sysjobs].[name] + AND [Servername] = @Servername + ); + +/* Update the MsdbEnabled column with the current enabled value in msdb */ +UPDATE DesiredState +SET [Enabled] = CAST([enabled] AS BIT), + [LastChecked] = GETDATE() +FROM [Inspector].[AgentJobsDesiredState] DesiredState +INNER JOIN [msdb].[dbo].[sysjobs] ON [DesiredState].[JobName] = [sysjobs].[name] +WHERE [Servername] = @Servername; +'; + + + +IF OBJECT_ID('Inspector.AgentJobsDesiredStateReport') IS NULL +BEGIN + EXEC sp_executesql N'CREATE PROCEDURE [Inspector].[AgentJobsDesiredStateReport] AS;'; +END + +EXEC sp_executesql N'ALTER PROCEDURE [Inspector].[AgentJobsDesiredStateReport] ( +@Servername NVARCHAR(128), +@Modulename VARCHAR(50), +@TableHeaderColour VARCHAR(7) = ''#E6E6FA'', +@WarningHighlight VARCHAR(7), +@AdvisoryHighlight VARCHAR(7), +@InfoHighlight VARCHAR(7), +@ModuleConfig VARCHAR(20), +@WarningLevel TINYINT, +@ServerSpecific BIT, +@NoClutter BIT, +@TableTail VARCHAR(256), +@HtmlOutput VARCHAR(MAX) OUTPUT, +@CollectionOutOfDate BIT OUTPUT, +@PSCollection BIT, +@Debug BIT = 0 +) +AS + +DECLARE @HtmlTableHead VARCHAR(2000); +DECLARE @LastReportDate DATETIME = [Inspector].[GetLastReportDateTime](@ModuleConfig); +DECLARE @LastCollection DATETIME = [Inspector].[GetLastCollectionDateTime] (@Modulename); + +SET @Debug = [Inspector].[GetDebugFlag](@Debug,@ModuleConfig,@Modulename); + +--Set columns names for the Html table +SET @HtmlTableHead = (SELECT [Inspector].[GenerateHtmlTableheader] ( + @Servername, + @Modulename, + @ServerSpecific, + ''Agent jobs not matching your desired state'', + @TableHeaderColour, + ''Server name,Job name,Desired state,Enabled in msdb,Last checked,Code to enable'') +); + +/* if there has been a data collection since the last report frequency minutes ago then run the report */ + IF(@LastCollection >= @LastReportDate) + BEGIN + SET @HtmlOutput =( + SELECT + CASE + WHEN @WarningLevel IS NULL THEN @AdvisoryHighlight + WHEN @WarningLevel = 1 THEN @WarningHighlight + WHEN @WarningLevel = 2 THEN @AdvisoryHighlight + WHEN @WarningLevel = 3 THEN @InfoHighlight + END AS [@bgcolor], + [Servername] AS ''td'','''', + + [JobName] AS ''td'','''', + + [DesiredState] AS ''td'','''', + + [Enabled] AS ''td'','''', + + CONVERT(VARCHAR(17),[LastChecked],113) AS ''td'','''', + + ''EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_update_job @job_name = N''''''+[JobName]+'''''', @enabled = ''+CAST([DesiredState] AS CHAR)+'';'' AS ''td'','''' + FROM [Inspector].[AgentJobsDesiredState] + WHERE Servername = @Servername + AND [LastChecked] > @LastReportDate + AND [Enabled] != [DesiredState] + ORDER BY [JobName] ASC + FOR XML PATH(''tr''),ELEMENTS); + + IF @HtmlOutput IS NULL + BEGIN + SET @HtmlOutput =( + SELECT + ''#FFFFFF'' AS [@bgcolor], + @Servername AS ''td'','''', + + ''No Agent jobs not matching your desired state'' AS ''td'','''', + + ''N/A'' AS ''td'','''',+ + ''N/A'' AS ''td'','''',+ + ''N/A'' AS ''td'','''',+ + ''N/A'' AS ''td'','''' + FOR XML PATH(''tr''),ELEMENTS); + END + + --If @NoClutter is on we do not want to show the table if it has @InfoHighlight against the row/s + IF (@NoClutter = 1) + BEGIN + IF (@HtmlOutput LIKE ''%No Agent jobs not matching your desired state%'') + BEGIN + SET @HtmlOutput = NULL; + END + END + + IF (@HtmlOutput IS NOT NULL) + BEGIN + SET @HtmlOutput = + @HtmlTableHead + + @HtmlOutput + + @TableTail + +''

'' + END + END + ELSE + BEGIN + SET @HtmlOutput = + (SELECT + CASE + WHEN @WarningLevel IS NULL THEN @AdvisoryHighlight + WHEN @WarningLevel = 1 THEN @WarningHighlight + WHEN @WarningLevel = 2 THEN @AdvisoryHighlight + WHEN @WarningLevel = 3 THEN @InfoHighlight + END AS [@bgcolor], + @Servername AS ''td'','''', + + ''Data Collection out of date'' AS ''td'','''', + + ''N/A'' AS ''td'','''', + + ''N/A'' AS ''td'','''', + + ''N/A'' AS ''td'','''', + + ''N/A'' AS ''td'','''' + FOR XML PATH(''tr''),Elements); + + --Mark Collection as out of date + SET @CollectionOutOfDate = 1; + + SET @HtmlOutput = + @HtmlTableHead + + @HtmlOutput + + @TableTail + +''

'' + END + +IF (@Debug = 1) +BEGIN + SELECT + OBJECT_NAME(@@PROCID) AS ''Procname'', + @Servername AS ''@Servername'', + @Modulename AS ''@Modulename'', + @TableHeaderColour AS ''@TableHeaderColour'', + @WarningHighlight AS ''@WarningHighlight'', + @AdvisoryHighlight AS ''@AdvisoryHighlight'', + @InfoHighlight AS ''@InfoHighlight'', + @ModuleConfig AS ''@ModuleConfig'', + @WarningLevel AS ''@WarningLevel'', + @NoClutter AS ''@NoClutter'', + @TableTail AS ''@TableTail'', + @HtmlOutput AS ''@HtmlOutput'', + @HtmlTableHead AS ''@HtmlTableHead'', + @CollectionOutOfDate AS ''@CollectionOutOfDate'', + @PSCollection AS ''@PSCollection'' +END'; IF OBJECT_ID('Inspector.InspectorDataCollection') IS NULL EXEC('CREATE PROCEDURE [Inspector].[InspectorDataCollection] AS;');