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Legal Issues

aomer03 edited this page Nov 6, 2023 · 11 revisions

Licensing Agreements and Third-Party Software:

Javascript, HTML/CSS:

These are open standard technologies and do not typically have direct licensing restrictions. However, some JavaScript libraries or CSS frameworks might have their own licenses but typically use open-source licenses.

Frameworks and Libraries:

React Native, and other libraries like React-native-calendars, Axios, expo/vector-icons, react-navigation/bottom-tabs, npm packages (such as react-native-image-picker, @react-native-async-storage/async-storage, @react-navigation/native, React-native-linear-gradient) use open-source licenses.


Firebase: Firebase has its own terms of service and licensing agreements. After Reviewing Firebase's terms we saw that Firebase offers a no-cost tier pricing plan for all its products.


Exercise API and Meals API from API Ninjas: The APIs that load workouts and meals into the app are free to use for non-commercial use and if you have a premium plan you are allowed to use it for commercial use

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