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Automate Versioning and Releases

Greg Smith edited this page Jan 31, 2019 · 23 revisions

Setting Up a New Repository

Convert develop to master branch

  1. Delete master branch
  2. Rename develop branch to master

Environmental Variables

In, add:

NOTE: Remember to escape special characters.

System/Automated User Setup

  • Log into fundamental-bot and sign CLA for the repo you will be pushing to.
  • Add fundamental-bot to your team.

Repository Settings

IMPORTANT: Add fundamental-bot as an admin.


Branch Protection Rules

  1. Require pull request reviews before merging
  2. Require status checks to pass - Travis CI & CLA
  3. Restrict who can push to matching branches (add team here)

Code Changes

NOTE: Change the first job/stage to whatever the repo specifically needs in way of linting and testing.

  1. Add:
    "bin": {
        "create-release": "ci-scripts/create-release.js"
  2. Add to "scripts":
    "release": "./ci-scripts/",
    "release:create": "./ci-scripts/create-release.js",
    "std-version": "standard-version -m \"chore(release): version %s build ${TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER} [ci skip]\"",

Install dev dependencies:

npm i -D standard-version github-api yargs


Current Version

The current release is where most changes will occur. This will include features, fixes, chores and breaking changes. All merges to master will generate a release candidate (rc) version. Breaking changes need to be handled in a specific way when merging the pull request. See Generate a Breaking Change Release. These "rc" versions will accumulate until a major release cycle when the non-rc version will be released. See Publishing Releases.

Generate a Breaking Change Release on the master Branch

  1. Create a branch from master locally
  2. Make necessary code changes
  3. Commit changes and push branch to GitHub
  4. Create a pull request
  5. Merge pull request and add BREAKING CHANGE: Version <major-version-number> in the description of the merge message.

NOTE: The key to the breaking change is BREAKING CHANGE: (colon included) in the description (not title) of the merge message.

Publishing Releases

  1. Checkout either the master or archive-v# branch locally that you wish to release from.
  2. Run the following command to start the release process:
    npm run release

This will kick off Travis to run standard-version, updating the version to a non-"rc" version, push the changes and the new tag and publish the package to npm and github pages when it's complete.

NOTE: Publishing releases can only be done from master and archive-v# branches that currently have an "rc" version.

Creating an Archive Branch (Past Version)

NOTE: Only create archive branches once a new breaking change release has been created on master.

Create Branch

  1. On GitHub, look up the latest release from the previous major version and make a note of the tag associated with it.
  2. Checkout the tag locally
    git checkout <tag-name>
  3. Create the archive branch
    git checkout -b archive-v<previous-major-version>        # Example: archive-v3
  4. Make a small change to (add blank line, remove extra blank line, etc.)
  5. Commit change and make sure to include [ci skip] in commit message
  6. Push branch
    git push --set-upstream origin <archive-branch>

Protect Branch

  1. Go to the repository on GitHub
  2. Select Settings tab
  3. Select Branches
  4. Under Branch protection rules, select the new branch that was pushed (archive-v#)
  5. Select the appropriate options (use master branch as a template) and save the changes
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