The classic.
Game I used to play in game aggregators with my niece. It has some features like rideable everything (pets, cars, etc) and some cool weapons outside of bombs. Some game modes too. You could buy outfits with money you got battling.
Online game from the creators of Transformice. I like their bomb variety. There are many pros, I can't hold a candle :(
Old classic game, simple but fun. It's really cool, trust me. There aren't many fancy features, but it has just the essential to let you have fun.
Mobile online bomber game, I'd call it the Clash Royale of the Bomberman genre. One of its cool features is that the bombs have a number on them, which represents the blast power of the bomb, so people can plan their movements better (well, if you manage to keep a fast reaction time even after reading the bombs' associated numbers). It also has a lot of customization, having items of different rarities but without any gameplay effect (That's good).
It's not a bomber game, but for some reason I think it fits here. The different game modes and the settings customizations are really cool, and it's a really fun game.
I'd be pretty happy if my game could be like Playing with Fire but with local + online multiplayer. Also, some player and settings customizations would be very welcomed, along with many game modes.