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Releases: RockLib/RockLib.Logging

RockLib.Logging version 2.0.0-alpha10

05 Apr 18:56
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  • Adds support for RockLib_Logging config section

RockLib.Logging.AspNetCore version 2.0.0-alpha02

27 Mar 04:10
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  • Removes unnecessary parameters from UseRockLibLogging extension methods.
  • Improvements to the UseRockLibLogging extension method that creates an ILogger fro LoggerFactory.
    • The ILogger is registered as transient so that implementations of IContextProvider are created fresh for each instance of Logger. This will allow an implementation to be created that uses the current HttpContext to add context to LogEntry objects.
    • Registers a BackgroundLogProcessor as a singleton ILogProcessor so that instances of Logger can share the same log processor.
    • Since the lifecycle of the Logger is short, don't create it as a reloading proxy.
  • Updates packages to latest versions.

RockLib.Logging version 2.0.0-alpha09

27 Mar 03:40
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Reorders the extendedProperties parameter in the various logger extensions.

RockLib.Logging version 2.0.0-alpha08

26 Mar 21:36
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Adds log processor feature. This allows instances of Logger to be cheaply created depending on the need of the application.

RockLib.Logging version 2.0.0-alpha07

21 Mar 18:09
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Adds assembly-level [ConfigSection] attribute.

RockLib.Logging version 2.0.0-alpha06

04 Mar 19:18
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Renames the Error event in the Logger class to LogProviderError.

RockLib.Logging version 2.0.0-alpha05

01 Mar 18:20
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Adds a collection of IContextProvider objects to the Logger class that modify the LogEntry objects passed to its Log method before the log providers send them.

RockLib.Logging verions 2.0.0-alpha04

28 Feb 15:43
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  • Implements new fields in LogEntry
  • Add ErrorEvent in Logger
  • Fix Github suggested vulnerability

RockLib.Logging.AspNetCore version 2.0.0-alpha01

08 Jan 18:54
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  • Updates RockLib.Logging to version 2.0.0-alpha03
  • Exposes new optional parameters from ConfigurationObjectFactory

RockLib.Logging version 2.0.0-alpha03

04 Jan 21:28
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Make ILogger disposable