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Installation guide

Clone repositories

git clone


Currently plugin can be built against the v2.25.0 release.

The build under the earlier versions, down to the the v2.19.0 is also supported. But you will need to use the compatibility mode. Such an option is described below later on down this page. Search for the "PLUGIN_INTERFACE_VERSION" keyword.

Make sure, that you've checked out the compatible base-line and used required build options.

  • Clone DLT-Message-Analyzer's git repository ( the one which you are observing right now ) as a nested one inside the "./dlt-viewer/plugin" location. Your target path to the plugin should look like "./dlt-viewer/plugin/DLT-Message-Analyzer":
cd ./dlt-viewer/plugin
git clone

Screenshot of DLT Message Analyzer plugin location inside the dlt-viewer project

  • modify also the "./dlt-viewer/plugin/CMakeLists.txt":

Screenshot of cmakelists.txt modification

Linux console build

  • Open console in the "./dlt-viewer" folder:

    Screenshot of console

  • Run the following set of commands in it:

    # Install the 'libqt5svg5-dev' or 'libqt6svg6-dev' dependency
    sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -yq install libqt5svg5-dev
    # create build directory
    mkdir build
    # Enter the build directory
    cd build
    # Run cmake
    cmake ..
    # Build the project
    make -j4
    # Install dlt-viewer into the system
    sudo make install .
    # update the cache for the linker
    sudo ldconfig
  • Then you can run the dlt-viewer from the following location:


Qt Creator build

Qt Creator IDE set up

  • Specify the location of CMake in QT Creator:

Screenshot of "Specify CMake location" menu in QT Creator

Afterward, open the dlt-viewer's CMake project, which is located in the root of the dlt-viewer repo:

Screenshot of "Open project" context menu in the Qt Creator

Screenshot of project file selection in the Qt Creator

Important note for Linux compilation!

On Linux the compilation might fail, if you do not have installed uuid-dev package. That one is used by antlr, which is used by the DLT-Message-Analyzer.

Thus, please, install it before making attempt to build the project: sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -yq install uuid-dev

Important note!

Compilation might fail, if you do not have installed libqt5svg5-dev ( for Qt5 ) or libqt6svg6-dev ( for Qt6 ). Those are used by the QCustomPlot dependency, which is used by the DLT-Message-Analyzer.

Thus, please, install it before making attempt to build the project: sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -yq install libqt5svg5-dev ( or libqt6svg6-dev )

qmake *.pro based build

Such a build option was dropped. DLT-Message-Analyzer has started to use antlr generator, which has only CMake support. Thus the decision was finally made to support ONLY CMake builds for all supported platforms. As of now, they are Linux and Windows.

Linux and Windows QT creator build

  • Select build type:

Screenshot of a selection of the build type in the Qt Creator

  • Clear CMake configuration:

Screenshot of "Clear CMake configuration" option in the Qt Creator

  • Run CMake:

Screenshot of "Run CMake" option in the Qt Creator

  • Press build button:

Screenshot of build button in QT Creator

Run dlt-viewer and enable the plugin

  • Run the dlt-viewer. It should already include and load the dynamic library of the DLT-Message-Analyzer plugin
  • Enable and show the DLT-Message-Analyzer plugin:

Screenshot of enabling the plugin

Build dependencies and settings

Build dependencies


For Linux build you will need to install the uuid-dev package. It is required to build the antlr4 runtime library. To do that you can use the following commands:

sudo apt update
sudo apt-get install uuid-dev


If you want to have a compatible build with PLUGIN_INTERFACE_VERSION "1.0.0", enable the following define in the ./dlt-viewer/plugin/ DLT-Message-Analyzer/ dltmessageanalyzerplugin/ src/ CMakeLists.txt:

Screenshot enable 1.0.0 compatibility define in CMakeLists.txt


To run dlt-viewer and DLT_Message-Analyzer, which are built with msvc, you will need to install the corresponding version of the Visual C++ Redistributable package.

Here is a link, by which you can find such packages for 2015, 2017, 2019 versions of the msvc -

In case if the link will become irrelevant, just google for the "Visual C++ Redistributable package" keyword in your browser.

Build settings


If build fails due to missing qt5serialport5 package, perform the following commands:

sudo apt-get install libqt5serialport5
sudo apt-get install libqt5serialport5-dev

For Qt6 qtserialport module needs to be installed.


sevketcaba has developed a useful tool, which allows to build and run dlt-viewer + DMA inside the Docker container. The approach is based on *.sh scripts, so it can be used only for Linux.

The usage is quite simple:

  • Clone this repository
  • cd to qt5, or qt6, depending on which version of QT you want to use
  • Run ./ in order to build the Docker image
  • Run ./ in order to start the corresponding Docker container and start the dlt-viewer with preinstalled DMA

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