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Hire Me! |
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Last Updated - {{ page.last_modified_at | date: '%Y %B %d' }}
Hey. My name is Robert Randolph. If you've read [one of my recent posts]({% post_url 2018-06-09-Lets-talk-about-me-and-my-future %}) then you may realize that I'm looking for work.
I can provide a portfolio for interested employers on request, but here's a quick overview of what I can provide you:
- Decades of software testing experience
- Largely Audio-Based software
- I enjoy writing detailed reports. (just look at this site, this is what I do for fun)
- Decades of management experience
- Software development
- Hardware development
- Manufacturing
- Delivery logistics
- Over a dozen years of international sales experience
- Extensive technical support capability on multiple platforms
- Development experience both as a hobby and on a professional scale
- Clojure
- Common Lisp
- Java
- C
- X86
- Javascript
- Node
- Client-side
- Lua
- Perl
- DSP - release of multiple audio plugin products both personally and via contract
- Familiar with prototyping and manufacturing methods in a variety of materials
My previous work experience includes manufacturing management, international sales and support, running a recording studio and regional management of a large food chain.
The only caveat is that I need to work remotely.
If you are interested in acquiring me as a contractor or employee please contact me via audiolabs
at google's email service.