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Spotify API .NET Core

Lightweight .NET Core wrapper for the Spotify Web API.

Build status

Build Status


  • Targets .NET Standard 2.0
  • async by default
  • BYO HttpClient
  • Authorization support (App and User flows)
  • MIT license
  • Fully documented


> dotnet add package SpotifyApi.NetCore

Basic usage

Set Environment variables:

// HttpClient and AccountsService can be reused. 
// Tokens are automatically cached and refreshed
var http = new HttpClient();
var accounts = new AccountsService(http);

// Get an artist by Spotify Artist Id
var artists = new ArtistsApi(http, accounts);
Artist artist = await artists.GetArtist("1tpXaFf2F55E7kVJON4j4G");
string artistName = artist.Name;
Trace.WriteLine($"Artist.Name = {artistName}");

// Get recommendations based on seed Artist Ids
var browse = new BrowseApi(http, accounts);
RecommendationsResult result = await browse.GetRecommendations(new[] { "1tpXaFf2F55E7kVJON4j4G", "4Z8W4fKeB5YxbusRsdQVPb" }, null, null);
string firstTrackName = result.Tracks[0].Name;
Trace.WriteLine($"First recommendation = {firstTrackName}");

// Page through a list of tracks in a Playlist
var playlists = new PlaylistsApi(http, accounts);
int limit = 100;
PlaylistPaged playlist = await playlists.GetTracks("4h4urfIy5cyCdFOc1Ff4iN", limit: limit);
int offset = 0;
int j = 0;
// using System.Linq
while (playlist.Items.Any())
    for (int i = 0; i < playlist.Items.Length; i++)
        Trace.WriteLine($"Track #{j += 1}: {playlist.Items[i].Track.Artists[0].Name} / {playlist.Items[i].Track.Name}");
    offset += limit;
    playlist = await playlists.GetTracks("4h4urfIy5cyCdFOc1Ff4iN", limit: limit, offset: offset);

User Authorization

// Get a list of a User's devices
// This requires User authentication and authorization. 
// A `UserAccountsService` is provided to help with this.

// HttpClient and UserAccountsService can be reused. 
// Tokens can be cached by your code
var http = new HttpClient();
var accounts = new UserAccountsService(http);

// See
//  for an explanation of the Authorization code flow

// Generate a random state value to use in the Auth request
string state = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N");
// Accounts service will derive the Auth URL for you
string url = accounts.AuthorizeUrl(state, new[] { "user-read-playback-state" });

    Redirect the user to `url` and when they have auth'ed Spotify will redirect to your reply URL
    The response will include two query parameters: `state` and `code`.
    For a full working example see `SpotifyApi.NetCore.Samples`.

// Check that the request has not been tampered with by checking the `state` value matches
if (state != query["state"]) throw new ArgumentException();

// Use the User accounts service to swap `code` for a Refresh token
BearerAccessRefreshToken token = await accounts.RequestAccessRefreshToken(query["code"]);

// Use the Bearer (Access) Token to call the Player API
var player = new PlayerApi(http, accounts);
Device[] devices = await player.GetDevices(accessToken: token.AccessToken);

foreach(Device device in devices)
    Trace.WriteLine($"Device {device.Name} Status = {device.Type} Active = {device.IsActive}");

See tests and SpotifyApi.NetCore.Samples for more usage examples.

There is a working demo using the sample project here:

Spotify Web API Coverage

Spotify API Endpoints Implemented %
Albums 3 3 100%
Artists 5 4 80%
Browse 7 1 14%
Follow 7 0 0%
Library 8 0 0%
Personalization 1 0 0%
Player 13 10 77%
Playlists 12 2 17%
Search 1 1 100%
Tracks 5 5 100%
Users Profile 2 0 0%
Total 64 26 41%

Feature requests welcomed! (log an issue)


Thanks to @aevansme for his contributions!

Contributions welcomed. Read