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ROSVOT: Robust Singing Voice Transcription and MIDI Extraction


This is the official PyTorch implementation of ROSVOT (ACL'24), a robust automatic singing voice transcription (AST) model that serves singing voice synthesis (SVS). We provide the original design and implementation of this method, along with the model weights. We are still working on this project, feel free to create an issue if you find any problem.

What ROSVOT can do

  1. Automatically transcribe singing voices, i.e., turn a waveform of singing voice into a sequence of note events, in the form of MIDI.
  2. Transcribe noisy or accompanied singing voices. In practice, you may have to deal with noisy singing voices separated from songs or movies. As a robust AST model, ROSVOT can work under noisy environments and even transcribe raw songs with accompaniments.
  3. Integrated note-word alignment. If word boundaries are given (typically generated from MFA or other ASR/forced aligner tools), the output MIDI notes are aligned with word timestamps.
  4. Multi-lingual processing. The checkpoint we provided was trained with Mandarin datasets. However, we find that (mostly empirically) it works pretty well in other languages. Feel free to try different languages!
  5. Bulk processing. We provide parallel transcription with multiprocessing and batched inference.
  6. Memory-efficient transcription.

Note: This method still has plenty of rooms for improvement! Therefore, we are continuing to optimize it and will release version 2.0 in the near future.


ROSVOT is tested in python3.9, torch 2.1.1, CUDA 11.8. Experiences have shown us that directly sharing requirements.txt is prone to dependency issues, so we now provide a series of install commands ( for easier installation:

conda create -n rosvot python==3.9
conda activate rosvot
pip install torch torchvision torchaudio --index-url
pip install tensorflow==2.9.0 tensorflow-estimator==2.9.0 tensorboardX==2.5
pip install pyyaml matplotlib==3.5 pandas pyworld==0.2.12 librosa torchmetrics
pip install mir_eval pretty_midi pyloudnorm scikit-image textgrid g2p_en npy_append_array einops webrtcvad

The commands above are for training and redundant for inference. If you only use ROSVOT for inference, refer to the following commands:

conda create -n rosvot python==3.9
conda activate rosvot
pip install torch torchvision torchaudio --index-url
pip install librosa tqdm matplotlib==3.5 pyyaml pretty_midi pyworld==0.2.12

Model Weights

We provide a checkpoint of necessary model weights in here. Download the and unzip it under the project root. The zip file contains the following model weights:

Model Discription Position
ROSVOT MIDI extraction model checkpoints/rosvot
RWBD word boundary prediction model checkpoints/rwbd
RMVPE pitch extraction model checkpoints/rmvpe

Note that the provided checkpoints are trained with M4Singer only, for better reproduction.


We provide both single-run and batched inference, where the latter is for bulk data annotation for SVS tasks. For detailed instruction, run python inference/ --help or check the source code.

For single-run inference, just run:

python inference/ -o [path-to-result-directory] -p [path-to-the-wave-file]

Don't forget to replace [path-to-result-directory] with the output directory and [path-to-the-wave-file] with the target waveform file. Add --save_plot flag if you want visualizations. For a detailed output, add -v. In this mode, a word boundary predictor is automatically applied to extract potential word boundaries.

For batched parallel extraction, you need to provide a manifest .json file that contains the paths of waveforms. The .json file should contain a list of dicts, where each dict has at least two attributes: item_name and wav_fn, where the former is the unique identifier of this file and the latter is the audio path. An optional attribute word_durs is used to provide desired word boundaries. In other words, if word_durs is absent, the word boundary predictor will be automatically applied. An example manifest file looks like this:

    "item_name": "Alto-1#newboy#0000",
    "wav_fn": "~/datasets/m4singer/Alto-1#newboy/0000.wav",
    "word_durs":  [0.1, 0.17, 0.65, 0.19, 0.33, 0.23, 0.14, 0.5, 0.5, 0.34, 0.49, 0.39, 0.39, 0.48, 0.1]

Once the manifest is available, run the following command for bulk extraction:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=[your-gpus] python inference/ -o [path-to-result-directory] --metadata [path-to-manifest-file]

You can use flags --bsz and --max_tokens to control memory usage of each GPU, while --ds_workers can be used to accelerate data preprocessing on the CPU side. Note that since we use DDP for bulk processing, the initialization of the process is pretty slow (slower with more ds_workers). You can override the word boundary condition using --apply_rwbd.


Data Preparation

We provide a data preprocessing pipeline that uses M4Singer as an example. The pipeline can be transferred to arbitrary datasets as long as they contain similar annotations. Once you download and unzip the M4Singer dataset, run the preprocessing script to generate a manifest file for training:

python scripts/ --dir [path-to-m4singer] --output data/processed/m4/metadata.json

Once you have the manifest file data/processed/m4/metadata.json, you can start binarizing the dataset. However, you may want to take a look at configs/rosvot.yaml first, where the test_prefixes attribute indicates the prefixes of item_names of the desired test samples. Feel free to change it. In our setting, the valid set and test set could be the same, since the actual test set is OOD. To binarize the dataset into a single file, run:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=[your-gpus] python data_gen/ --config configs/rosvot.yaml

Additionally, we need external noise datasets for robust training (you can disable noise injection by simply setting the noise_prob hyper-parameter in configs/rosvot.yaml to 0.0). We use MUSAN dataset as the noise source. Once you download and unzip the dataset, replace the value of the raw_data_dir attribute in configs/musan.yaml with the current path of MUSAN, and run the following command to binarize the noise source:

python data_gen/ --config configs/musan.yaml


To train a MIDI extraction model, run:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=[your-gpus] python tasks/ --config configs/rosvot.yaml --exp_name [your-exp-name] --reset

where the --exp_name is the experiment tag. The checkpoints and logs are saved in checkpoints/[your-exp-name]/.

To train a word boundary prediction model, run:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=[your-gpus] python tasks/ --config configs/rwbd.yaml --exp_name [your-exp-name] --reset


This implementation uses parts of the code from the following GitHub repos: NATSpeech, DiffSinger.


If you find this code useful in your research, please cite our work:

      title={Robust Singing Voice Transcription Serves Synthesis}, 
      author={Ruiqi Li and Yu Zhang and Yongqi Wang and Zhiqing Hong and Rongjie Huang and Zhou Zhao},


Any organization or individual is prohibited from using any technology mentioned in this paper to generate someone's speech/singing without his/her consent, including but not limited to government leaders, political figures, and celebrities. If you do not comply with this item, you could be in violation of copyright laws.