- Speaker : Pedro Frazão
- Length : 30 mins
- Language : English
To use the Tor network or not isn't only question of privacy. You can gain privacy (but not necessarily) and you will lose speed, accessibility and functionality. This presentation will show what you will lose.
I've been working in telecommunication since 1997 (at EUnet). In this path I worked as: system administrator (mainly Linux); services administrator (DNS; HTTP; FTP; IRC; etc); networker (OSPF; BGP; etc) and as developer of NMS. As developed I designed and developed, some times with a couple of other developers, systems to: make massive SNMP collection and store; process and summarize RTP packages from video service; perdition service of IPTV service quality on a DSL network, based on geographic referenced data; webservices for provisioning and troubleshooting for technologies like DSL and GPON using SNMP, TL1 and CLI interfaces. Almost all systems developed with Perl and using technologies as: Linux; MySQL and Redis.
- Blog: https://fuzzyrecall.wordpress.com/
- Company: http://www.nos.pt/
- Github: http://github.com/pedrofrazao/
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