The following is a set of rules and guidelines for contributing to this repo. Please feel free to propose changes to this document in a pull request.
If you have questions about how to use Uniswap V2, please direct these to the related discord channels and do not file an issue:
If you have feature enhancements or other requests, please feel free to file issues.
- Please search the existing issues first, it's likely that your issue was already reported or even fixed.
- Go to the main page of the repository, click "issues" and type any word in the top search/command bar.
- You can also filter by appending e. g. "state:open" to the search string.
- More info on search syntax within GitHub
All contributions to this repository from September 9, 2021 on are considered to be licensed under MIT License.
Workflow for bug fixes:
- Check open issues and unmerged pull requests to make sure the topic is not already covered elsewhere
- Fork the repository
- Do your changes on your fork
- Make sure to add or update relevant test cases
- Create a pull request, with a suitable title and description, referring to the related issue