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+''' + +__all__ = ["RecaptchaWidget"] + + +class RecaptchaWidget(object): + + def recaptcha_html(self, public_key): + html = current_app.config.get('RECAPTCHA_HTML') + if html: + return Markup(html) + params = current_app.config.get('RECAPTCHA_PARAMETERS') + script = RECAPTCHA_SCRIPT + if params: + script += u'?' + url_encode(params) + + attrs = current_app.config.get('RECAPTCHA_DATA_ATTRS', {}) + attrs['sitekey'] = public_key + snippet = u' '.join([u'data-%s="%s"' % (k, attrs[k]) for k in attrs]) + return Markup(RECAPTCHA_TEMPLATE % (script, snippet)) + + def __call__(self, field, error=None, **kwargs): + """Returns the recaptcha input HTML.""" + + try: + public_key = current_app.config['RECAPTCHA_PUBLIC_KEY'] + except KeyError: + raise RuntimeError("RECAPTCHA_PUBLIC_KEY config not set") + + return self.recaptcha_html(public_key) diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/__init__.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..01c1739 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +# mako/__init__.py +# Copyright (C) 2006-2016 the Mako authors and contributors +# +# This module is part of Mako and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + + +__version__ = '1.0.7' diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d85b14f Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/__pycache__/_ast_util.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/__pycache__/_ast_util.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f996fb4 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/__pycache__/_ast_util.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/__pycache__/ast.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/__pycache__/ast.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..55ca78a Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/__pycache__/ast.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/__pycache__/cache.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/__pycache__/cache.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dff3c7a Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/__pycache__/cache.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/__pycache__/cmd.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/__pycache__/cmd.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a8dec42 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/__pycache__/cmd.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/__pycache__/codegen.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/__pycache__/codegen.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6e211a6 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/__pycache__/codegen.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/__pycache__/compat.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/__pycache__/compat.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7a0b2f8 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/__pycache__/compat.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/__pycache__/exceptions.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/__pycache__/exceptions.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..86579cc Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/__pycache__/exceptions.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/__pycache__/filters.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/__pycache__/filters.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a0af9a1 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/__pycache__/filters.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/__pycache__/lexer.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/__pycache__/lexer.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c93f799 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/__pycache__/lexer.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/__pycache__/lookup.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/__pycache__/lookup.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4c4de00 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/__pycache__/lookup.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/__pycache__/parsetree.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/__pycache__/parsetree.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ae1d49d Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/__pycache__/parsetree.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/__pycache__/pygen.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/__pycache__/pygen.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..31dca4d Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/__pycache__/pygen.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/__pycache__/pyparser.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/__pycache__/pyparser.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e127683 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/__pycache__/pyparser.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/__pycache__/runtime.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/__pycache__/runtime.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6af029a Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/__pycache__/runtime.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/__pycache__/template.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/__pycache__/template.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fdc836f Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/__pycache__/template.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/__pycache__/util.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/__pycache__/util.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..55e71e9 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/__pycache__/util.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/_ast_util.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/_ast_util.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c410287 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/_ast_util.py @@ -0,0 +1,851 @@ +# mako/_ast_util.py +# Copyright (C) 2006-2016 the Mako authors and contributors +# +# This module is part of Mako and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +""" + ast + ~~~ + + The `ast` module helps Python applications to process trees of the Python + abstract syntax grammar. The abstract syntax itself might change with + each Python release; this module helps to find out programmatically what + the current grammar looks like and allows modifications of it. + + An abstract syntax tree can be generated by passing `ast.PyCF_ONLY_AST` as + a flag to the `compile()` builtin function or by using the `parse()` + function from this module. The result will be a tree of objects whose + classes all inherit from `ast.AST`. + + A modified abstract syntax tree can be compiled into a Python code object + using the built-in `compile()` function. + + Additionally various helper functions are provided that make working with + the trees simpler. The main intention of the helper functions and this + module in general is to provide an easy to use interface for libraries + that work tightly with the python syntax (template engines for example). + + + :copyright: Copyright 2008 by Armin Ronacher. + :license: Python License. +""" +from _ast import * # noqa +from mako.compat import arg_stringname + +BOOLOP_SYMBOLS = { + And: 'and', + Or: 'or' +} + +BINOP_SYMBOLS = { + Add: '+', + Sub: '-', + Mult: '*', + Div: '/', + FloorDiv: '//', + Mod: '%', + LShift: '<<', + RShift: '>>', + BitOr: '|', + BitAnd: '&', + BitXor: '^' +} + +CMPOP_SYMBOLS = { + Eq: '==', + Gt: '>', + GtE: '>=', + In: 'in', + Is: 'is', + IsNot: 'is not', + Lt: '<', + LtE: '<=', + NotEq: '!=', + NotIn: 'not in' +} + +UNARYOP_SYMBOLS = { + Invert: '~', + Not: 'not', + UAdd: '+', + USub: '-' +} + +ALL_SYMBOLS = {} +ALL_SYMBOLS.update(BOOLOP_SYMBOLS) +ALL_SYMBOLS.update(BINOP_SYMBOLS) +ALL_SYMBOLS.update(CMPOP_SYMBOLS) +ALL_SYMBOLS.update(UNARYOP_SYMBOLS) + + +def parse(expr, filename='', mode='exec'): + """Parse an expression into an AST node.""" + return compile(expr, filename, mode, PyCF_ONLY_AST) + + +def to_source(node, indent_with=' ' * 4): + """ + This function can convert a node tree back into python sourcecode. This + is useful for debugging purposes, especially if you're dealing with custom + asts not generated by python itself. + + It could be that the sourcecode is evaluable when the AST itself is not + compilable / evaluable. The reason for this is that the AST contains some + more data than regular sourcecode does, which is dropped during + conversion. + + Each level of indentation is replaced with `indent_with`. Per default this + parameter is equal to four spaces as suggested by PEP 8, but it might be + adjusted to match the application's styleguide. + """ + generator = SourceGenerator(indent_with) + generator.visit(node) + return ''.join(generator.result) + + +def dump(node): + """ + A very verbose representation of the node passed. This is useful for + debugging purposes. + """ + def _format(node): + if isinstance(node, AST): + return '%s(%s)' % (node.__class__.__name__, + ', '.join('%s=%s' % (a, _format(b)) + for a, b in iter_fields(node))) + elif isinstance(node, list): + return '[%s]' % ', '.join(_format(x) for x in node) + return repr(node) + if not isinstance(node, AST): + raise TypeError('expected AST, got %r' % node.__class__.__name__) + return _format(node) + + +def copy_location(new_node, old_node): + """ + Copy the source location hint (`lineno` and `col_offset`) from the + old to the new node if possible and return the new one. + """ + for attr in 'lineno', 'col_offset': + if attr in old_node._attributes and attr in new_node._attributes \ + and hasattr(old_node, attr): + setattr(new_node, attr, getattr(old_node, attr)) + return new_node + + +def fix_missing_locations(node): + """ + Some nodes require a line number and the column offset. Without that + information the compiler will abort the compilation. Because it can be + a dull task to add appropriate line numbers and column offsets when + adding new nodes this function can help. It copies the line number and + column offset of the parent node to the child nodes without this + information. + + Unlike `copy_location` this works recursive and won't touch nodes that + already have a location information. + """ + def _fix(node, lineno, col_offset): + if 'lineno' in node._attributes: + if not hasattr(node, 'lineno'): + node.lineno = lineno + else: + lineno = node.lineno + if 'col_offset' in node._attributes: + if not hasattr(node, 'col_offset'): + node.col_offset = col_offset + else: + col_offset = node.col_offset + for child in iter_child_nodes(node): + _fix(child, lineno, col_offset) + _fix(node, 1, 0) + return node + + +def increment_lineno(node, n=1): + """ + Increment the line numbers of all nodes by `n` if they have line number + attributes. This is useful to "move code" to a different location in a + file. + """ + for node in zip((node,), walk(node)): + if 'lineno' in node._attributes: + node.lineno = getattr(node, 'lineno', 0) + n + + +def iter_fields(node): + """Iterate over all fields of a node, only yielding existing fields.""" + # CPython 2.5 compat + if not hasattr(node, '_fields') or not node._fields: + return + for field in node._fields: + try: + yield field, getattr(node, field) + except AttributeError: + pass + + +def get_fields(node): + """Like `iter_fields` but returns a dict.""" + return dict(iter_fields(node)) + + +def iter_child_nodes(node): + """Iterate over all child nodes or a node.""" + for name, field in iter_fields(node): + if isinstance(field, AST): + yield field + elif isinstance(field, list): + for item in field: + if isinstance(item, AST): + yield item + + +def get_child_nodes(node): + """Like `iter_child_nodes` but returns a list.""" + return list(iter_child_nodes(node)) + + +def get_compile_mode(node): + """ + Get the mode for `compile` of a given node. If the node is not a `mod` + node (`Expression`, `Module` etc.) a `TypeError` is thrown. + """ + if not isinstance(node, mod): + raise TypeError('expected mod node, got %r' % node.__class__.__name__) + return { + Expression: 'eval', + Interactive: 'single' + }.get(node.__class__, 'expr') + + +def get_docstring(node): + """ + Return the docstring for the given node or `None` if no docstring can be + found. If the node provided does not accept docstrings a `TypeError` + will be raised. + """ + if not isinstance(node, (FunctionDef, ClassDef, Module)): + raise TypeError("%r can't have docstrings" % node.__class__.__name__) + if node.body and isinstance(node.body[0], Str): + return node.body[0].s + + +def walk(node): + """ + Iterate over all nodes. This is useful if you only want to modify nodes in + place and don't care about the context or the order the nodes are returned. + """ + from collections import deque + todo = deque([node]) + while todo: + node = todo.popleft() + todo.extend(iter_child_nodes(node)) + yield node + + +class NodeVisitor(object): + + """ + Walks the abstract syntax tree and call visitor functions for every node + found. The visitor functions may return values which will be forwarded + by the `visit` method. + + Per default the visitor functions for the nodes are ``'visit_'`` + + class name of the node. So a `TryFinally` node visit function would + be `visit_TryFinally`. This behavior can be changed by overriding + the `get_visitor` function. If no visitor function exists for a node + (return value `None`) the `generic_visit` visitor is used instead. + + Don't use the `NodeVisitor` if you want to apply changes to nodes during + traversing. For this a special visitor exists (`NodeTransformer`) that + allows modifications. + """ + + def get_visitor(self, node): + """ + Return the visitor function for this node or `None` if no visitor + exists for this node. In that case the generic visit function is + used instead. + """ + method = 'visit_' + node.__class__.__name__ + return getattr(self, method, None) + + def visit(self, node): + """Visit a node.""" + f = self.get_visitor(node) + if f is not None: + return f(node) + return self.generic_visit(node) + + def generic_visit(self, node): + """Called if no explicit visitor function exists for a node.""" + for field, value in iter_fields(node): + if isinstance(value, list): + for item in value: + if isinstance(item, AST): + self.visit(item) + elif isinstance(value, AST): + self.visit(value) + + +class NodeTransformer(NodeVisitor): + + """ + Walks the abstract syntax tree and allows modifications of nodes. + + The `NodeTransformer` will walk the AST and use the return value of the + visitor functions to replace or remove the old node. If the return + value of the visitor function is `None` the node will be removed + from the previous location otherwise it's replaced with the return + value. The return value may be the original node in which case no + replacement takes place. + + Here an example transformer that rewrites all `foo` to `data['foo']`:: + + class RewriteName(NodeTransformer): + + def visit_Name(self, node): + return copy_location(Subscript( + value=Name(id='data', ctx=Load()), + slice=Index(value=Str(s=node.id)), + ctx=node.ctx + ), node) + + Keep in mind that if the node you're operating on has child nodes + you must either transform the child nodes yourself or call the generic + visit function for the node first. + + Nodes that were part of a collection of statements (that applies to + all statement nodes) may also return a list of nodes rather than just + a single node. + + Usually you use the transformer like this:: + + node = YourTransformer().visit(node) + """ + + def generic_visit(self, node): + for field, old_value in iter_fields(node): + old_value = getattr(node, field, None) + if isinstance(old_value, list): + new_values = [] + for value in old_value: + if isinstance(value, AST): + value = self.visit(value) + if value is None: + continue + elif not isinstance(value, AST): + new_values.extend(value) + continue + new_values.append(value) + old_value[:] = new_values + elif isinstance(old_value, AST): + new_node = self.visit(old_value) + if new_node is None: + delattr(node, field) + else: + setattr(node, field, new_node) + return node + + +class SourceGenerator(NodeVisitor): + + """ + This visitor is able to transform a well formed syntax tree into python + sourcecode. For more details have a look at the docstring of the + `node_to_source` function. + """ + + def __init__(self, indent_with): + self.result = [] + self.indent_with = indent_with + self.indentation = 0 + self.new_lines = 0 + + def write(self, x): + if self.new_lines: + if self.result: + self.result.append('\n' * self.new_lines) + self.result.append(self.indent_with * self.indentation) + self.new_lines = 0 + self.result.append(x) + + def newline(self, n=1): + self.new_lines = max(self.new_lines, n) + + def body(self, statements): + self.new_line = True + self.indentation += 1 + for stmt in statements: + self.visit(stmt) + self.indentation -= 1 + + def body_or_else(self, node): + self.body(node.body) + if node.orelse: + self.newline() + self.write('else:') + self.body(node.orelse) + + def signature(self, node): + want_comma = [] + + def write_comma(): + if want_comma: + self.write(', ') + else: + want_comma.append(True) + + padding = [None] * (len(node.args) - len(node.defaults)) + for arg, default in zip(node.args, padding + node.defaults): + write_comma() + self.visit(arg) + if default is not None: + self.write('=') + self.visit(default) + if node.vararg is not None: + write_comma() + self.write('*' + arg_stringname(node.vararg)) + if node.kwarg is not None: + write_comma() + self.write('**' + arg_stringname(node.kwarg)) + + def decorators(self, node): + for decorator in node.decorator_list: + self.newline() + self.write('@') + self.visit(decorator) + + # Statements + + def visit_Assign(self, node): + self.newline() + for idx, target in enumerate(node.targets): + if idx: + self.write(', ') + self.visit(target) + self.write(' = ') + self.visit(node.value) + + def visit_AugAssign(self, node): + self.newline() + self.visit(node.target) + self.write(BINOP_SYMBOLS[type(node.op)] + '=') + self.visit(node.value) + + def visit_ImportFrom(self, node): + self.newline() + self.write('from %s%s import ' % ('.' * node.level, node.module)) + for idx, item in enumerate(node.names): + if idx: + self.write(', ') + self.write(item) + + def visit_Import(self, node): + self.newline() + for item in node.names: + self.write('import ') + self.visit(item) + + def visit_Expr(self, node): + self.newline() + self.generic_visit(node) + + def visit_FunctionDef(self, node): + self.newline(n=2) + self.decorators(node) + self.newline() + self.write('def %s(' % node.name) + self.signature(node.args) + self.write('):') + self.body(node.body) + + def visit_ClassDef(self, node): + have_args = [] + + def paren_or_comma(): + if have_args: + self.write(', ') + else: + have_args.append(True) + self.write('(') + + self.newline(n=3) + self.decorators(node) + self.newline() + self.write('class %s' % node.name) + for base in node.bases: + paren_or_comma() + self.visit(base) + # XXX: the if here is used to keep this module compatible + # with python 2.6. + if hasattr(node, 'keywords'): + for keyword in node.keywords: + paren_or_comma() + self.write(keyword.arg + '=') + self.visit(keyword.value) + if getattr(node, "starargs", None): + paren_or_comma() + self.write('*') + self.visit(node.starargs) + if getattr(node, "kwargs", None): + paren_or_comma() + self.write('**') + self.visit(node.kwargs) + self.write(have_args and '):' or ':') + self.body(node.body) + + def visit_If(self, node): + self.newline() + self.write('if ') + self.visit(node.test) + self.write(':') + self.body(node.body) + while True: + else_ = node.orelse + if len(else_) == 1 and isinstance(else_[0], If): + node = else_[0] + self.newline() + self.write('elif ') + self.visit(node.test) + self.write(':') + self.body(node.body) + else: + self.newline() + self.write('else:') + self.body(else_) + break + + def visit_For(self, node): + self.newline() + self.write('for ') + self.visit(node.target) + self.write(' in ') + self.visit(node.iter) + self.write(':') + self.body_or_else(node) + + def visit_While(self, node): + self.newline() + self.write('while ') + self.visit(node.test) + self.write(':') + self.body_or_else(node) + + def visit_With(self, node): + self.newline() + self.write('with ') + self.visit(node.context_expr) + if node.optional_vars is not None: + self.write(' as ') + self.visit(node.optional_vars) + self.write(':') + self.body(node.body) + + def visit_Pass(self, node): + self.newline() + self.write('pass') + + def visit_Print(self, node): + # XXX: python 2.6 only + self.newline() + self.write('print ') + want_comma = False + if node.dest is not None: + self.write(' >> ') + self.visit(node.dest) + want_comma = True + for value in node.values: + if want_comma: + self.write(', ') + self.visit(value) + want_comma = True + if not node.nl: + self.write(',') + + def visit_Delete(self, node): + self.newline() + self.write('del ') + for idx, target in enumerate(node): + if idx: + self.write(', ') + self.visit(target) + + def visit_TryExcept(self, node): + self.newline() + self.write('try:') + self.body(node.body) + for handler in node.handlers: + self.visit(handler) + + def visit_TryFinally(self, node): + self.newline() + self.write('try:') + self.body(node.body) + self.newline() + self.write('finally:') + self.body(node.finalbody) + + def visit_Global(self, node): + self.newline() + self.write('global ' + ', '.join(node.names)) + + def visit_Nonlocal(self, node): + self.newline() + self.write('nonlocal ' + ', '.join(node.names)) + + def visit_Return(self, node): + self.newline() + self.write('return ') + self.visit(node.value) + + def visit_Break(self, node): + self.newline() + self.write('break') + + def visit_Continue(self, node): + self.newline() + self.write('continue') + + def visit_Raise(self, node): + # XXX: Python 2.6 / 3.0 compatibility + self.newline() + self.write('raise') + if hasattr(node, 'exc') and node.exc is not None: + self.write(' ') + self.visit(node.exc) + if node.cause is not None: + self.write(' from ') + self.visit(node.cause) + elif hasattr(node, 'type') and node.type is not None: + self.visit(node.type) + if node.inst is not None: + self.write(', ') + self.visit(node.inst) + if node.tback is not None: + self.write(', ') + self.visit(node.tback) + + # Expressions + + def visit_Attribute(self, node): + self.visit(node.value) + self.write('.' + node.attr) + + def visit_Call(self, node): + want_comma = [] + + def write_comma(): + if want_comma: + self.write(', ') + else: + want_comma.append(True) + + self.visit(node.func) + self.write('(') + for arg in node.args: + write_comma() + self.visit(arg) + for keyword in node.keywords: + write_comma() + self.write(keyword.arg + '=') + self.visit(keyword.value) + if getattr(node, "starargs", None): + write_comma() + self.write('*') + self.visit(node.starargs) + if getattr(node, "kwargs", None): + write_comma() + self.write('**') + self.visit(node.kwargs) + self.write(')') + + def visit_Name(self, node): + self.write(node.id) + + def visit_NameConstant(self, node): + self.write(str(node.value)) + + def visit_arg(self, node): + self.write(node.arg) + + def visit_Str(self, node): + self.write(repr(node.s)) + + def visit_Bytes(self, node): + self.write(repr(node.s)) + + def visit_Num(self, node): + self.write(repr(node.n)) + + def visit_Tuple(self, node): + self.write('(') + idx = -1 + for idx, item in enumerate(node.elts): + if idx: + self.write(', ') + self.visit(item) + self.write(idx and ')' or ',)') + + def sequence_visit(left, right): + def visit(self, node): + self.write(left) + for idx, item in enumerate(node.elts): + if idx: + self.write(', ') + self.visit(item) + self.write(right) + return visit + + visit_List = sequence_visit('[', ']') + visit_Set = sequence_visit('{', '}') + del sequence_visit + + def visit_Dict(self, node): + self.write('{') + for idx, (key, value) in enumerate(zip(node.keys, node.values)): + if idx: + self.write(', ') + self.visit(key) + self.write(': ') + self.visit(value) + self.write('}') + + def visit_BinOp(self, node): + self.write('(') + self.visit(node.left) + self.write(' %s ' % BINOP_SYMBOLS[type(node.op)]) + self.visit(node.right) + self.write(')') + + def visit_BoolOp(self, node): + self.write('(') + for idx, value in enumerate(node.values): + if idx: + self.write(' %s ' % BOOLOP_SYMBOLS[type(node.op)]) + self.visit(value) + self.write(')') + + def visit_Compare(self, node): + self.write('(') + self.visit(node.left) + for op, right in zip(node.ops, node.comparators): + self.write(' %s ' % CMPOP_SYMBOLS[type(op)]) + self.visit(right) + self.write(')') + + def visit_UnaryOp(self, node): + self.write('(') + op = UNARYOP_SYMBOLS[type(node.op)] + self.write(op) + if op == 'not': + self.write(' ') + self.visit(node.operand) + self.write(')') + + def visit_Subscript(self, node): + self.visit(node.value) + self.write('[') + self.visit(node.slice) + self.write(']') + + def visit_Slice(self, node): + if node.lower is not None: + self.visit(node.lower) + self.write(':') + if node.upper is not None: + self.visit(node.upper) + if node.step is not None: + self.write(':') + if not (isinstance(node.step, Name) and node.step.id == 'None'): + self.visit(node.step) + + def visit_ExtSlice(self, node): + for idx, item in node.dims: + if idx: + self.write(', ') + self.visit(item) + + def visit_Yield(self, node): + self.write('yield ') + self.visit(node.value) + + def visit_Lambda(self, node): + self.write('lambda ') + self.signature(node.args) + self.write(': ') + self.visit(node.body) + + def visit_Ellipsis(self, node): + self.write('Ellipsis') + + def generator_visit(left, right): + def visit(self, node): + self.write(left) + self.visit(node.elt) + for comprehension in node.generators: + self.visit(comprehension) + self.write(right) + return visit + + visit_ListComp = generator_visit('[', ']') + visit_GeneratorExp = generator_visit('(', ')') + visit_SetComp = generator_visit('{', '}') + del generator_visit + + def visit_DictComp(self, node): + self.write('{') + self.visit(node.key) + self.write(': ') + self.visit(node.value) + for comprehension in node.generators: + self.visit(comprehension) + self.write('}') + + def visit_IfExp(self, node): + self.visit(node.body) + self.write(' if ') + self.visit(node.test) + self.write(' else ') + self.visit(node.orelse) + + def visit_Starred(self, node): + self.write('*') + self.visit(node.value) + + def visit_Repr(self, node): + # XXX: python 2.6 only + self.write('`') + self.visit(node.value) + self.write('`') + + # Helper Nodes + + def visit_alias(self, node): + self.write(node.name) + if node.asname is not None: + self.write(' as ' + node.asname) + + def visit_comprehension(self, node): + self.write(' for ') + self.visit(node.target) + self.write(' in ') + self.visit(node.iter) + if node.ifs: + for if_ in node.ifs: + self.write(' if ') + self.visit(if_) + + def visit_excepthandler(self, node): + self.newline() + self.write('except') + if node.type is not None: + self.write(' ') + self.visit(node.type) + if node.name is not None: + self.write(' as ') + self.visit(node.name) + self.write(':') + self.body(node.body) diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/ast.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/ast.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8d2d150 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/ast.py @@ -0,0 +1,191 @@ +# mako/ast.py +# Copyright (C) 2006-2016 the Mako authors and contributors +# +# This module is part of Mako and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +"""utilities for analyzing expressions and blocks of Python +code, as well as generating Python from AST nodes""" + +from mako import exceptions, pyparser, compat +import re + + +class PythonCode(object): + + """represents information about a string containing Python code""" + + def __init__(self, code, **exception_kwargs): + self.code = code + + # represents all identifiers which are assigned to at some point in + # the code + self.declared_identifiers = set() + + # represents all identifiers which are referenced before their + # assignment, if any + self.undeclared_identifiers = set() + + # note that an identifier can be in both the undeclared and declared + # lists. + + # using AST to parse instead of using code.co_varnames, + # code.co_names has several advantages: + # - we can locate an identifier as "undeclared" even if + # its declared later in the same block of code + # - AST is less likely to break with version changes + # (for example, the behavior of co_names changed a little bit + # in python version 2.5) + if isinstance(code, compat.string_types): + expr = pyparser.parse(code.lstrip(), "exec", **exception_kwargs) + else: + expr = code + + f = pyparser.FindIdentifiers(self, **exception_kwargs) + f.visit(expr) + + +class ArgumentList(object): + + """parses a fragment of code as a comma-separated list of expressions""" + + def __init__(self, code, **exception_kwargs): + self.codeargs = [] + self.args = [] + self.declared_identifiers = set() + self.undeclared_identifiers = set() + if isinstance(code, compat.string_types): + if re.match(r"\S", code) and not re.match(r",\s*$", code): + # if theres text and no trailing comma, insure its parsed + # as a tuple by adding a trailing comma + code += "," + expr = pyparser.parse(code, "exec", **exception_kwargs) + else: + expr = code + + f = pyparser.FindTuple(self, PythonCode, **exception_kwargs) + f.visit(expr) + + +class PythonFragment(PythonCode): + + """extends PythonCode to provide identifier lookups in partial control + statements + + e.g. + for x in 5: + elif y==9: + except (MyException, e): + etc. + """ + + def __init__(self, code, **exception_kwargs): + m = re.match(r'^(\w+)(?:\s+(.*?))?:\s*(#|$)', code.strip(), re.S) + if not m: + raise exceptions.CompileException( + "Fragment '%s' is not a partial control statement" % + code, **exception_kwargs) + if m.group(3): + code = code[:m.start(3)] + (keyword, expr) = m.group(1, 2) + if keyword in ['for', 'if', 'while']: + code = code + "pass" + elif keyword == 'try': + code = code + "pass\nexcept:pass" + elif keyword == 'elif' or keyword == 'else': + code = "if False:pass\n" + code + "pass" + elif keyword == 'except': + code = "try:pass\n" + code + "pass" + elif keyword == 'with': + code = code + "pass" + else: + raise exceptions.CompileException( + "Unsupported control keyword: '%s'" % + keyword, **exception_kwargs) + super(PythonFragment, self).__init__(code, **exception_kwargs) + + +class FunctionDecl(object): + + """function declaration""" + + def __init__(self, code, allow_kwargs=True, **exception_kwargs): + self.code = code + expr = pyparser.parse(code, "exec", **exception_kwargs) + + f = pyparser.ParseFunc(self, **exception_kwargs) + f.visit(expr) + if not hasattr(self, 'funcname'): + raise exceptions.CompileException( + "Code '%s' is not a function declaration" % code, + **exception_kwargs) + if not allow_kwargs and self.kwargs: + raise exceptions.CompileException( + "'**%s' keyword argument not allowed here" % + self.kwargnames[-1], **exception_kwargs) + + def get_argument_expressions(self, as_call=False): + """Return the argument declarations of this FunctionDecl as a printable + list. + + By default the return value is appropriate for writing in a ``def``; + set `as_call` to true to build arguments to be passed to the function + instead (assuming locals with the same names as the arguments exist). + """ + + namedecls = [] + + # Build in reverse order, since defaults and slurpy args come last + argnames = self.argnames[::-1] + kwargnames = self.kwargnames[::-1] + defaults = self.defaults[::-1] + kwdefaults = self.kwdefaults[::-1] + + # Named arguments + if self.kwargs: + namedecls.append("**" + kwargnames.pop(0)) + + for name in kwargnames: + # Keyword-only arguments must always be used by name, so even if + # this is a call, print out `foo=foo` + if as_call: + namedecls.append("%s=%s" % (name, name)) + elif kwdefaults: + default = kwdefaults.pop(0) + if default is None: + # The AST always gives kwargs a default, since you can do + # `def foo(*, a=1, b, c=3)` + namedecls.append(name) + else: + namedecls.append("%s=%s" % ( + name, pyparser.ExpressionGenerator(default).value())) + else: + namedecls.append(name) + + # Positional arguments + if self.varargs: + namedecls.append("*" + argnames.pop(0)) + + for name in argnames: + if as_call or not defaults: + namedecls.append(name) + else: + default = defaults.pop(0) + namedecls.append("%s=%s" % ( + name, pyparser.ExpressionGenerator(default).value())) + + namedecls.reverse() + return namedecls + + @property + def allargnames(self): + return tuple(self.argnames) + tuple(self.kwargnames) + + +class FunctionArgs(FunctionDecl): + + """the argument portion of a function declaration""" + + def __init__(self, code, **kwargs): + super(FunctionArgs, self).__init__("def ANON(%s):pass" % code, + **kwargs) diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/cache.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/cache.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1af17dd --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/cache.py @@ -0,0 +1,240 @@ +# mako/cache.py +# Copyright (C) 2006-2016 the Mako authors and contributors +# +# This module is part of Mako and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +from mako import compat, util + +_cache_plugins = util.PluginLoader("mako.cache") + +register_plugin = _cache_plugins.register +register_plugin("beaker", "mako.ext.beaker_cache", "BeakerCacheImpl") + + +class Cache(object): + + """Represents a data content cache made available to the module + space of a specific :class:`.Template` object. + + .. versionadded:: 0.6 + :class:`.Cache` by itself is mostly a + container for a :class:`.CacheImpl` object, which implements + a fixed API to provide caching services; specific subclasses exist to + implement different + caching strategies. Mako includes a backend that works with + the Beaker caching system. Beaker itself then supports + a number of backends (i.e. file, memory, memcached, etc.) + + The construction of a :class:`.Cache` is part of the mechanics + of a :class:`.Template`, and programmatic access to this + cache is typically via the :attr:`.Template.cache` attribute. + + """ + + impl = None + """Provide the :class:`.CacheImpl` in use by this :class:`.Cache`. + + This accessor allows a :class:`.CacheImpl` with additional + methods beyond that of :class:`.Cache` to be used programmatically. + + """ + + id = None + """Return the 'id' that identifies this cache. + + This is a value that should be globally unique to the + :class:`.Template` associated with this cache, and can + be used by a caching system to name a local container + for data specific to this template. + + """ + + starttime = None + """Epochal time value for when the owning :class:`.Template` was + first compiled. + + A cache implementation may wish to invalidate data earlier than + this timestamp; this has the effect of the cache for a specific + :class:`.Template` starting clean any time the :class:`.Template` + is recompiled, such as when the original template file changed on + the filesystem. + + """ + + def __init__(self, template, *args): + # check for a stale template calling the + # constructor + if isinstance(template, compat.string_types) and args: + return + self.template = template + self.id = template.module.__name__ + self.starttime = template.module._modified_time + self._def_regions = {} + self.impl = self._load_impl(self.template.cache_impl) + + def _load_impl(self, name): + return _cache_plugins.load(name)(self) + + def get_or_create(self, key, creation_function, **kw): + """Retrieve a value from the cache, using the given creation function + to generate a new value.""" + + return self._ctx_get_or_create(key, creation_function, None, **kw) + + def _ctx_get_or_create(self, key, creation_function, context, **kw): + """Retrieve a value from the cache, using the given creation function + to generate a new value.""" + + if not self.template.cache_enabled: + return creation_function() + + return self.impl.get_or_create( + key, + creation_function, + **self._get_cache_kw(kw, context)) + + def set(self, key, value, **kw): + r"""Place a value in the cache. + + :param key: the value's key. + :param value: the value. + :param \**kw: cache configuration arguments. + + """ + + self.impl.set(key, value, **self._get_cache_kw(kw, None)) + + put = set + """A synonym for :meth:`.Cache.set`. + + This is here for backwards compatibility. + + """ + + def get(self, key, **kw): + r"""Retrieve a value from the cache. + + :param key: the value's key. + :param \**kw: cache configuration arguments. The + backend is configured using these arguments upon first request. + Subsequent requests that use the same series of configuration + values will use that same backend. + + """ + return self.impl.get(key, **self._get_cache_kw(kw, None)) + + def invalidate(self, key, **kw): + r"""Invalidate a value in the cache. + + :param key: the value's key. + :param \**kw: cache configuration arguments. The + backend is configured using these arguments upon first request. + Subsequent requests that use the same series of configuration + values will use that same backend. + + """ + self.impl.invalidate(key, **self._get_cache_kw(kw, None)) + + def invalidate_body(self): + """Invalidate the cached content of the "body" method for this + template. + + """ + self.invalidate('render_body', __M_defname='render_body') + + def invalidate_def(self, name): + """Invalidate the cached content of a particular ``<%def>`` within this + template. + + """ + + self.invalidate('render_%s' % name, __M_defname='render_%s' % name) + + def invalidate_closure(self, name): + """Invalidate a nested ``<%def>`` within this template. + + Caching of nested defs is a blunt tool as there is no + management of scope -- nested defs that use cache tags + need to have names unique of all other nested defs in the + template, else their content will be overwritten by + each other. + + """ + + self.invalidate(name, __M_defname=name) + + def _get_cache_kw(self, kw, context): + defname = kw.pop('__M_defname', None) + if not defname: + tmpl_kw = self.template.cache_args.copy() + tmpl_kw.update(kw) + elif defname in self._def_regions: + tmpl_kw = self._def_regions[defname] + else: + tmpl_kw = self.template.cache_args.copy() + tmpl_kw.update(kw) + self._def_regions[defname] = tmpl_kw + if context and self.impl.pass_context: + tmpl_kw = tmpl_kw.copy() + tmpl_kw.setdefault('context', context) + return tmpl_kw + + +class CacheImpl(object): + + """Provide a cache implementation for use by :class:`.Cache`.""" + + def __init__(self, cache): + self.cache = cache + + pass_context = False + """If ``True``, the :class:`.Context` will be passed to + :meth:`get_or_create <.CacheImpl.get_or_create>` as the name ``'context'``. + """ + + def get_or_create(self, key, creation_function, **kw): + r"""Retrieve a value from the cache, using the given creation function + to generate a new value. + + This function *must* return a value, either from + the cache, or via the given creation function. + If the creation function is called, the newly + created value should be populated into the cache + under the given key before being returned. + + :param key: the value's key. + :param creation_function: function that when called generates + a new value. + :param \**kw: cache configuration arguments. + + """ + raise NotImplementedError() + + def set(self, key, value, **kw): + r"""Place a value in the cache. + + :param key: the value's key. + :param value: the value. + :param \**kw: cache configuration arguments. + + """ + raise NotImplementedError() + + def get(self, key, **kw): + r"""Retrieve a value from the cache. + + :param key: the value's key. + :param \**kw: cache configuration arguments. + + """ + raise NotImplementedError() + + def invalidate(self, key, **kw): + r"""Invalidate a value in the cache. + + :param key: the value's key. + :param \**kw: cache configuration arguments. + + """ + raise NotImplementedError() diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/cmd.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/cmd.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8db1346 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/cmd.py @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ +# mako/cmd.py +# Copyright (C) 2006-2016 the Mako authors and contributors +# +# This module is part of Mako and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php +from argparse import ArgumentParser +from os.path import isfile, dirname +import sys +from mako.template import Template +from mako.lookup import TemplateLookup +from mako import exceptions + + +def varsplit(var): + if "=" not in var: + return (var, "") + return var.split("=", 1) + + +def _exit(): + sys.stderr.write(exceptions.text_error_template().render()) + sys.exit(1) + + +def cmdline(argv=None): + + parser = ArgumentParser("usage: %prog [FILENAME]") + parser.add_argument( + "--var", default=[], action="append", + help="variable (can be used multiple times, use name=value)") + parser.add_argument( + "--template-dir", default=[], action="append", + help="Directory to use for template lookup (multiple " + "directories may be provided). If not given then if the " + "template is read from stdin, the value defaults to be " + "the current directory, otherwise it defaults to be the " + "parent directory of the file provided.") + parser.add_argument('input', nargs='?', default='-') + + options = parser.parse_args(argv) + if options.input == '-': + lookup_dirs = options.template_dir or ["."] + lookup = TemplateLookup(lookup_dirs) + try: + template = Template(sys.stdin.read(), lookup=lookup) + except: + _exit() + else: + filename = options.input + if not isfile(filename): + raise SystemExit("error: can't find %s" % filename) + lookup_dirs = options.template_dir or [dirname(filename)] + lookup = TemplateLookup(lookup_dirs) + try: + template = Template(filename=filename, lookup=lookup) + except: + _exit() + + kw = dict([varsplit(var) for var in options.var]) + try: + sys.stdout.write(template.render(**kw)) + except: + _exit() + + +if __name__ == "__main__": + cmdline() diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/codegen.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/codegen.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d4ecbe8 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/codegen.py @@ -0,0 +1,1255 @@ +# mako/codegen.py +# Copyright (C) 2006-2016 the Mako authors and contributors +# +# This module is part of Mako and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +"""provides functionality for rendering a parsetree constructing into module +source code.""" + +import time +import re +from mako.pygen import PythonPrinter +from mako import util, ast, parsetree, filters, exceptions +from mako import compat + + +MAGIC_NUMBER = 10 + +# names which are hardwired into the +# template and are not accessed via the +# context itself +TOPLEVEL_DECLARED = set(["UNDEFINED", "STOP_RENDERING"]) +RESERVED_NAMES = set(['context', 'loop']).union(TOPLEVEL_DECLARED) + + +def compile(node, + uri, + filename=None, + default_filters=None, + buffer_filters=None, + imports=None, + future_imports=None, + source_encoding=None, + generate_magic_comment=True, + disable_unicode=False, + strict_undefined=False, + enable_loop=True, + reserved_names=frozenset()): + """Generate module source code given a parsetree node, + uri, and optional source filename""" + + # if on Py2K, push the "source_encoding" string to be + # a bytestring itself, as we will be embedding it into + # the generated source and we don't want to coerce the + # result into a unicode object, in "disable_unicode" mode + if not compat.py3k and isinstance(source_encoding, compat.text_type): + source_encoding = source_encoding.encode(source_encoding) + + buf = util.FastEncodingBuffer() + + printer = PythonPrinter(buf) + _GenerateRenderMethod(printer, + _CompileContext(uri, + filename, + default_filters, + buffer_filters, + imports, + future_imports, + source_encoding, + generate_magic_comment, + disable_unicode, + strict_undefined, + enable_loop, + reserved_names), + node) + return buf.getvalue() + + +class _CompileContext(object): + + def __init__(self, + uri, + filename, + default_filters, + buffer_filters, + imports, + future_imports, + source_encoding, + generate_magic_comment, + disable_unicode, + strict_undefined, + enable_loop, + reserved_names): + self.uri = uri + self.filename = filename + self.default_filters = default_filters + self.buffer_filters = buffer_filters + self.imports = imports + self.future_imports = future_imports + self.source_encoding = source_encoding + self.generate_magic_comment = generate_magic_comment + self.disable_unicode = disable_unicode + self.strict_undefined = strict_undefined + self.enable_loop = enable_loop + self.reserved_names = reserved_names + + +class _GenerateRenderMethod(object): + + """A template visitor object which generates the + full module source for a template. + + """ + + def __init__(self, printer, compiler, node): + self.printer = printer + self.compiler = compiler + self.node = node + self.identifier_stack = [None] + self.in_def = isinstance(node, (parsetree.DefTag, parsetree.BlockTag)) + + if self.in_def: + name = "render_%s" % node.funcname + args = node.get_argument_expressions() + filtered = len(node.filter_args.args) > 0 + buffered = eval(node.attributes.get('buffered', 'False')) + cached = eval(node.attributes.get('cached', 'False')) + defs = None + pagetag = None + if node.is_block and not node.is_anonymous: + args += ['**pageargs'] + else: + defs = self.write_toplevel() + pagetag = self.compiler.pagetag + name = "render_body" + if pagetag is not None: + args = pagetag.body_decl.get_argument_expressions() + if not pagetag.body_decl.kwargs: + args += ['**pageargs'] + cached = eval(pagetag.attributes.get('cached', 'False')) + self.compiler.enable_loop = self.compiler.enable_loop or eval( + pagetag.attributes.get( + 'enable_loop', 'False') + ) + else: + args = ['**pageargs'] + cached = False + buffered = filtered = False + if args is None: + args = ['context'] + else: + args = [a for a in ['context'] + args] + + self.write_render_callable( + pagetag or node, + name, args, + buffered, filtered, cached) + + if defs is not None: + for node in defs: + _GenerateRenderMethod(printer, compiler, node) + + if not self.in_def: + self.write_metadata_struct() + + def write_metadata_struct(self): + self.printer.source_map[self.printer.lineno] = \ + max(self.printer.source_map) + struct = { + "filename": self.compiler.filename, + "uri": self.compiler.uri, + "source_encoding": self.compiler.source_encoding, + "line_map": self.printer.source_map, + } + self.printer.writelines( + '"""', + '__M_BEGIN_METADATA', + compat.json.dumps(struct), + '__M_END_METADATA\n' + '"""' + ) + + @property + def identifiers(self): + return self.identifier_stack[-1] + + def write_toplevel(self): + """Traverse a template structure for module-level directives and + generate the start of module-level code. + + """ + inherit = [] + namespaces = {} + module_code = [] + + self.compiler.pagetag = None + + class FindTopLevel(object): + + def visitInheritTag(s, node): + inherit.append(node) + + def visitNamespaceTag(s, node): + namespaces[node.name] = node + + def visitPageTag(s, node): + self.compiler.pagetag = node + + def visitCode(s, node): + if node.ismodule: + module_code.append(node) + + f = FindTopLevel() + for n in self.node.nodes: + n.accept_visitor(f) + + self.compiler.namespaces = namespaces + + module_ident = set() + for n in module_code: + module_ident = module_ident.union(n.declared_identifiers()) + + module_identifiers = _Identifiers(self.compiler) + module_identifiers.declared = module_ident + + # module-level names, python code + if self.compiler.generate_magic_comment and \ + self.compiler.source_encoding: + self.printer.writeline("# -*- coding:%s -*-" % + self.compiler.source_encoding) + + if self.compiler.future_imports: + self.printer.writeline("from __future__ import %s" % + (", ".join(self.compiler.future_imports),)) + self.printer.writeline("from mako import runtime, filters, cache") + self.printer.writeline("UNDEFINED = runtime.UNDEFINED") + self.printer.writeline("STOP_RENDERING = runtime.STOP_RENDERING") + self.printer.writeline("__M_dict_builtin = dict") + self.printer.writeline("__M_locals_builtin = locals") + self.printer.writeline("_magic_number = %r" % MAGIC_NUMBER) + self.printer.writeline("_modified_time = %r" % time.time()) + self.printer.writeline("_enable_loop = %r" % self.compiler.enable_loop) + self.printer.writeline( + "_template_filename = %r" % self.compiler.filename) + self.printer.writeline("_template_uri = %r" % self.compiler.uri) + self.printer.writeline( + "_source_encoding = %r" % self.compiler.source_encoding) + if self.compiler.imports: + buf = '' + for imp in self.compiler.imports: + buf += imp + "\n" + self.printer.writeline(imp) + impcode = ast.PythonCode( + buf, + source='', lineno=0, + pos=0, + filename='template defined imports') + else: + impcode = None + + main_identifiers = module_identifiers.branch(self.node) + module_identifiers.topleveldefs = \ + module_identifiers.topleveldefs.\ + union(main_identifiers.topleveldefs) + module_identifiers.declared.update(TOPLEVEL_DECLARED) + if impcode: + module_identifiers.declared.update(impcode.declared_identifiers) + + self.compiler.identifiers = module_identifiers + self.printer.writeline("_exports = %r" % + [n.name for n in + main_identifiers.topleveldefs.values()] + ) + self.printer.write_blanks(2) + + if len(module_code): + self.write_module_code(module_code) + + if len(inherit): + self.write_namespaces(namespaces) + self.write_inherit(inherit[-1]) + elif len(namespaces): + self.write_namespaces(namespaces) + + return list(main_identifiers.topleveldefs.values()) + + def write_render_callable(self, node, name, args, buffered, filtered, + cached): + """write a top-level render callable. + + this could be the main render() method or that of a top-level def.""" + + if self.in_def: + decorator = node.decorator + if decorator: + self.printer.writeline( + "@runtime._decorate_toplevel(%s)" % decorator) + + self.printer.start_source(node.lineno) + self.printer.writelines( + "def %s(%s):" % (name, ','.join(args)), + # push new frame, assign current frame to __M_caller + "__M_caller = context.caller_stack._push_frame()", + "try:" + ) + if buffered or filtered or cached: + self.printer.writeline("context._push_buffer()") + + self.identifier_stack.append( + self.compiler.identifiers.branch(self.node)) + if (not self.in_def or self.node.is_block) and '**pageargs' in args: + self.identifier_stack[-1].argument_declared.add('pageargs') + + if not self.in_def and ( + len(self.identifiers.locally_assigned) > 0 or + len(self.identifiers.argument_declared) > 0 + ): + self.printer.writeline("__M_locals = __M_dict_builtin(%s)" % + ','.join([ + "%s=%s" % (x, x) for x in + self.identifiers.argument_declared + ])) + + self.write_variable_declares(self.identifiers, toplevel=True) + + for n in self.node.nodes: + n.accept_visitor(self) + + self.write_def_finish(self.node, buffered, filtered, cached) + self.printer.writeline(None) + self.printer.write_blanks(2) + if cached: + self.write_cache_decorator( + node, name, + args, buffered, + self.identifiers, toplevel=True) + + def write_module_code(self, module_code): + """write module-level template code, i.e. that which + is enclosed in <%! %> tags in the template.""" + for n in module_code: + self.printer.start_source(n.lineno) + self.printer.write_indented_block(n.text) + + def write_inherit(self, node): + """write the module-level inheritance-determination callable.""" + + self.printer.writelines( + "def _mako_inherit(template, context):", + "_mako_generate_namespaces(context)", + "return runtime._inherit_from(context, %s, _template_uri)" % + (node.parsed_attributes['file']), + None + ) + + def write_namespaces(self, namespaces): + """write the module-level namespace-generating callable.""" + self.printer.writelines( + "def _mako_get_namespace(context, name):", + "try:", + "return context.namespaces[(__name__, name)]", + "except KeyError:", + "_mako_generate_namespaces(context)", + "return context.namespaces[(__name__, name)]", + None, None + ) + self.printer.writeline("def _mako_generate_namespaces(context):") + + for node in namespaces.values(): + if 'import' in node.attributes: + self.compiler.has_ns_imports = True + self.printer.start_source(node.lineno) + if len(node.nodes): + self.printer.writeline("def make_namespace():") + export = [] + identifiers = self.compiler.identifiers.branch(node) + self.in_def = True + + class NSDefVisitor(object): + + def visitDefTag(s, node): + s.visitDefOrBase(node) + + def visitBlockTag(s, node): + s.visitDefOrBase(node) + + def visitDefOrBase(s, node): + if node.is_anonymous: + raise exceptions.CompileException( + "Can't put anonymous blocks inside " + "<%namespace>", + **node.exception_kwargs + ) + self.write_inline_def(node, identifiers, nested=False) + export.append(node.funcname) + vis = NSDefVisitor() + for n in node.nodes: + n.accept_visitor(vis) + self.printer.writeline("return [%s]" % (','.join(export))) + self.printer.writeline(None) + self.in_def = False + callable_name = "make_namespace()" + else: + callable_name = "None" + + if 'file' in node.parsed_attributes: + self.printer.writeline( + "ns = runtime.TemplateNamespace(%r," + " context._clean_inheritance_tokens()," + " templateuri=%s, callables=%s, " + " calling_uri=_template_uri)" % + ( + node.name, + node.parsed_attributes.get('file', 'None'), + callable_name, + ) + ) + elif 'module' in node.parsed_attributes: + self.printer.writeline( + "ns = runtime.ModuleNamespace(%r," + " context._clean_inheritance_tokens()," + " callables=%s, calling_uri=_template_uri," + " module=%s)" % + ( + node.name, + callable_name, + node.parsed_attributes.get( + 'module', 'None') + ) + ) + else: + self.printer.writeline( + "ns = runtime.Namespace(%r," + " context._clean_inheritance_tokens()," + " callables=%s, calling_uri=_template_uri)" % + ( + node.name, + callable_name, + ) + ) + if eval(node.attributes.get('inheritable', "False")): + self.printer.writeline("context['self'].%s = ns" % (node.name)) + + self.printer.writeline( + "context.namespaces[(__name__, %s)] = ns" % repr(node.name)) + self.printer.write_blanks(1) + if not len(namespaces): + self.printer.writeline("pass") + self.printer.writeline(None) + + def write_variable_declares(self, identifiers, toplevel=False, limit=None): + """write variable declarations at the top of a function. + + the variable declarations are in the form of callable + definitions for defs and/or name lookup within the + function's context argument. the names declared are based + on the names that are referenced in the function body, + which don't otherwise have any explicit assignment + operation. names that are assigned within the body are + assumed to be locally-scoped variables and are not + separately declared. + + for def callable definitions, if the def is a top-level + callable then a 'stub' callable is generated which wraps + the current Context into a closure. if the def is not + top-level, it is fully rendered as a local closure. + + """ + + # collection of all defs available to us in this scope + comp_idents = dict([(c.funcname, c) for c in identifiers.defs]) + to_write = set() + + # write "context.get()" for all variables we are going to + # need that arent in the namespace yet + to_write = to_write.union(identifiers.undeclared) + + # write closure functions for closures that we define + # right here + to_write = to_write.union( + [c.funcname for c in identifiers.closuredefs.values()]) + + # remove identifiers that are declared in the argument + # signature of the callable + to_write = to_write.difference(identifiers.argument_declared) + + # remove identifiers that we are going to assign to. + # in this way we mimic Python's behavior, + # i.e. assignment to a variable within a block + # means that variable is now a "locally declared" var, + # which cannot be referenced beforehand. + to_write = to_write.difference(identifiers.locally_declared) + + if self.compiler.enable_loop: + has_loop = "loop" in to_write + to_write.discard("loop") + else: + has_loop = False + + # if a limiting set was sent, constraint to those items in that list + # (this is used for the caching decorator) + if limit is not None: + to_write = to_write.intersection(limit) + + if toplevel and getattr(self.compiler, 'has_ns_imports', False): + self.printer.writeline("_import_ns = {}") + self.compiler.has_imports = True + for ident, ns in self.compiler.namespaces.items(): + if 'import' in ns.attributes: + self.printer.writeline( + "_mako_get_namespace(context, %r)." + "_populate(_import_ns, %r)" % + ( + ident, + re.split(r'\s*,\s*', ns.attributes['import']) + )) + + if has_loop: + self.printer.writeline( + 'loop = __M_loop = runtime.LoopStack()' + ) + + for ident in to_write: + if ident in comp_idents: + comp = comp_idents[ident] + if comp.is_block: + if not comp.is_anonymous: + self.write_def_decl(comp, identifiers) + else: + self.write_inline_def(comp, identifiers, nested=True) + else: + if comp.is_root(): + self.write_def_decl(comp, identifiers) + else: + self.write_inline_def(comp, identifiers, nested=True) + + elif ident in self.compiler.namespaces: + self.printer.writeline( + "%s = _mako_get_namespace(context, %r)" % + (ident, ident) + ) + else: + if getattr(self.compiler, 'has_ns_imports', False): + if self.compiler.strict_undefined: + self.printer.writelines( + "%s = _import_ns.get(%r, UNDEFINED)" % + (ident, ident), + "if %s is UNDEFINED:" % ident, + "try:", + "%s = context[%r]" % (ident, ident), + "except KeyError:", + "raise NameError(\"'%s' is not defined\")" % + ident, + None, None + ) + else: + self.printer.writeline( + "%s = _import_ns.get" + "(%r, context.get(%r, UNDEFINED))" % + (ident, ident, ident)) + else: + if self.compiler.strict_undefined: + self.printer.writelines( + "try:", + "%s = context[%r]" % (ident, ident), + "except KeyError:", + "raise NameError(\"'%s' is not defined\")" % + ident, + None + ) + else: + self.printer.writeline( + "%s = context.get(%r, UNDEFINED)" % (ident, ident) + ) + + self.printer.writeline("__M_writer = context.writer()") + + def write_def_decl(self, node, identifiers): + """write a locally-available callable referencing a top-level def""" + funcname = node.funcname + namedecls = node.get_argument_expressions() + nameargs = node.get_argument_expressions(as_call=True) + + if not self.in_def and ( + len(self.identifiers.locally_assigned) > 0 or + len(self.identifiers.argument_declared) > 0): + nameargs.insert(0, 'context._locals(__M_locals)') + else: + nameargs.insert(0, 'context') + self.printer.writeline("def %s(%s):" % (funcname, ",".join(namedecls))) + self.printer.writeline( + "return render_%s(%s)" % (funcname, ",".join(nameargs))) + self.printer.writeline(None) + + def write_inline_def(self, node, identifiers, nested): + """write a locally-available def callable inside an enclosing def.""" + + namedecls = node.get_argument_expressions() + + decorator = node.decorator + if decorator: + self.printer.writeline( + "@runtime._decorate_inline(context, %s)" % decorator) + self.printer.writeline( + "def %s(%s):" % (node.funcname, ",".join(namedecls))) + filtered = len(node.filter_args.args) > 0 + buffered = eval(node.attributes.get('buffered', 'False')) + cached = eval(node.attributes.get('cached', 'False')) + self.printer.writelines( + # push new frame, assign current frame to __M_caller + "__M_caller = context.caller_stack._push_frame()", + "try:" + ) + if buffered or filtered or cached: + self.printer.writelines( + "context._push_buffer()", + ) + + identifiers = identifiers.branch(node, nested=nested) + + self.write_variable_declares(identifiers) + + self.identifier_stack.append(identifiers) + for n in node.nodes: + n.accept_visitor(self) + self.identifier_stack.pop() + + self.write_def_finish(node, buffered, filtered, cached) + self.printer.writeline(None) + if cached: + self.write_cache_decorator(node, node.funcname, + namedecls, False, identifiers, + inline=True, toplevel=False) + + def write_def_finish(self, node, buffered, filtered, cached, + callstack=True): + """write the end section of a rendering function, either outermost or + inline. + + this takes into account if the rendering function was filtered, + buffered, etc. and closes the corresponding try: block if any, and + writes code to retrieve captured content, apply filters, send proper + return value.""" + + if not buffered and not cached and not filtered: + self.printer.writeline("return ''") + if callstack: + self.printer.writelines( + "finally:", + "context.caller_stack._pop_frame()", + None + ) + + if buffered or filtered or cached: + if buffered or cached: + # in a caching scenario, don't try to get a writer + # from the context after popping; assume the caching + # implemenation might be using a context with no + # extra buffers + self.printer.writelines( + "finally:", + "__M_buf = context._pop_buffer()" + ) + else: + self.printer.writelines( + "finally:", + "__M_buf, __M_writer = context._pop_buffer_and_writer()" + ) + + if callstack: + self.printer.writeline("context.caller_stack._pop_frame()") + + s = "__M_buf.getvalue()" + if filtered: + s = self.create_filter_callable(node.filter_args.args, s, + False) + self.printer.writeline(None) + if buffered and not cached: + s = self.create_filter_callable(self.compiler.buffer_filters, + s, False) + if buffered or cached: + self.printer.writeline("return %s" % s) + else: + self.printer.writelines( + "__M_writer(%s)" % s, + "return ''" + ) + + def write_cache_decorator(self, node_or_pagetag, name, + args, buffered, identifiers, + inline=False, toplevel=False): + """write a post-function decorator to replace a rendering + callable with a cached version of itself.""" + + self.printer.writeline("__M_%s = %s" % (name, name)) + cachekey = node_or_pagetag.parsed_attributes.get('cache_key', + repr(name)) + + cache_args = {} + if self.compiler.pagetag is not None: + cache_args.update( + ( + pa[6:], + self.compiler.pagetag.parsed_attributes[pa] + ) + for pa in self.compiler.pagetag.parsed_attributes + if pa.startswith('cache_') and pa != 'cache_key' + ) + cache_args.update( + ( + pa[6:], + node_or_pagetag.parsed_attributes[pa] + ) for pa in node_or_pagetag.parsed_attributes + if pa.startswith('cache_') and pa != 'cache_key' + ) + if 'timeout' in cache_args: + cache_args['timeout'] = int(eval(cache_args['timeout'])) + + self.printer.writeline("def %s(%s):" % (name, ','.join(args))) + + # form "arg1, arg2, arg3=arg3, arg4=arg4", etc. + pass_args = [ + "%s=%s" % ((a.split('=')[0],) * 2) if '=' in a else a + for a in args + ] + + self.write_variable_declares( + identifiers, + toplevel=toplevel, + limit=node_or_pagetag.undeclared_identifiers() + ) + if buffered: + s = "context.get('local')."\ + "cache._ctx_get_or_create("\ + "%s, lambda:__M_%s(%s), context, %s__M_defname=%r)" % ( + cachekey, name, ','.join(pass_args), + ''.join(["%s=%s, " % (k, v) + for k, v in cache_args.items()]), + name + ) + # apply buffer_filters + s = self.create_filter_callable(self.compiler.buffer_filters, s, + False) + self.printer.writelines("return " + s, None) + else: + self.printer.writelines( + "__M_writer(context.get('local')." + "cache._ctx_get_or_create(" + "%s, lambda:__M_%s(%s), context, %s__M_defname=%r))" % + ( + cachekey, name, ','.join(pass_args), + ''.join(["%s=%s, " % (k, v) + for k, v in cache_args.items()]), + name, + ), + "return ''", + None + ) + + def create_filter_callable(self, args, target, is_expression): + """write a filter-applying expression based on the filters + present in the given filter names, adjusting for the global + 'default' filter aliases as needed.""" + + def locate_encode(name): + if re.match(r'decode\..+', name): + return "filters." + name + elif self.compiler.disable_unicode: + return filters.NON_UNICODE_ESCAPES.get(name, name) + else: + return filters.DEFAULT_ESCAPES.get(name, name) + + if 'n' not in args: + if is_expression: + if self.compiler.pagetag: + args = self.compiler.pagetag.filter_args.args + args + if self.compiler.default_filters: + args = self.compiler.default_filters + args + for e in args: + # if filter given as a function, get just the identifier portion + if e == 'n': + continue + m = re.match(r'(.+?)(\(.*\))', e) + if m: + ident, fargs = m.group(1, 2) + f = locate_encode(ident) + e = f + fargs + else: + e = locate_encode(e) + assert e is not None + target = "%s(%s)" % (e, target) + return target + + def visitExpression(self, node): + self.printer.start_source(node.lineno) + if len(node.escapes) or \ + ( + self.compiler.pagetag is not None and + len(self.compiler.pagetag.filter_args.args) + ) or \ + len(self.compiler.default_filters): + + s = self.create_filter_callable(node.escapes_code.args, + "%s" % node.text, True) + self.printer.writeline("__M_writer(%s)" % s) + else: + self.printer.writeline("__M_writer(%s)" % node.text) + + def visitControlLine(self, node): + if node.isend: + self.printer.writeline(None) + if node.has_loop_context: + self.printer.writeline('finally:') + self.printer.writeline("loop = __M_loop._exit()") + self.printer.writeline(None) + else: + self.printer.start_source(node.lineno) + if self.compiler.enable_loop and node.keyword == 'for': + text = mangle_mako_loop(node, self.printer) + else: + text = node.text + self.printer.writeline(text) + children = node.get_children() + # this covers the three situations where we want to insert a pass: + # 1) a ternary control line with no children, + # 2) a primary control line with nothing but its own ternary + # and end control lines, and + # 3) any control line with no content other than comments + if not children or ( + compat.all(isinstance(c, (parsetree.Comment, + parsetree.ControlLine)) + for c in children) and + compat.all((node.is_ternary(c.keyword) or c.isend) + for c in children + if isinstance(c, parsetree.ControlLine))): + self.printer.writeline("pass") + + def visitText(self, node): + self.printer.start_source(node.lineno) + self.printer.writeline("__M_writer(%s)" % repr(node.content)) + + def visitTextTag(self, node): + filtered = len(node.filter_args.args) > 0 + if filtered: + self.printer.writelines( + "__M_writer = context._push_writer()", + "try:", + ) + for n in node.nodes: + n.accept_visitor(self) + if filtered: + self.printer.writelines( + "finally:", + "__M_buf, __M_writer = context._pop_buffer_and_writer()", + "__M_writer(%s)" % + self.create_filter_callable( + node.filter_args.args, + "__M_buf.getvalue()", + False), + None + ) + + def visitCode(self, node): + if not node.ismodule: + self.printer.start_source(node.lineno) + self.printer.write_indented_block(node.text) + + if not self.in_def and len(self.identifiers.locally_assigned) > 0: + # if we are the "template" def, fudge locally + # declared/modified variables into the "__M_locals" dictionary, + # which is used for def calls within the same template, + # to simulate "enclosing scope" + self.printer.writeline( + '__M_locals_builtin_stored = __M_locals_builtin()') + self.printer.writeline( + '__M_locals.update(__M_dict_builtin([(__M_key,' + ' __M_locals_builtin_stored[__M_key]) for __M_key in' + ' [%s] if __M_key in __M_locals_builtin_stored]))' % + ','.join([repr(x) for x in node.declared_identifiers()])) + + def visitIncludeTag(self, node): + self.printer.start_source(node.lineno) + args = node.attributes.get('args') + if args: + self.printer.writeline( + "runtime._include_file(context, %s, _template_uri, %s)" % + (node.parsed_attributes['file'], args)) + else: + self.printer.writeline( + "runtime._include_file(context, %s, _template_uri)" % + (node.parsed_attributes['file'])) + + def visitNamespaceTag(self, node): + pass + + def visitDefTag(self, node): + pass + + def visitBlockTag(self, node): + if node.is_anonymous: + self.printer.writeline("%s()" % node.funcname) + else: + nameargs = node.get_argument_expressions(as_call=True) + nameargs += ['**pageargs'] + self.printer.writeline( + "if 'parent' not in context._data or " + "not hasattr(context._data['parent'], '%s'):" + % node.funcname) + self.printer.writeline( + "context['self'].%s(%s)" % (node.funcname, ",".join(nameargs))) + self.printer.writeline("\n") + + def visitCallNamespaceTag(self, node): + # TODO: we can put namespace-specific checks here, such + # as ensure the given namespace will be imported, + # pre-import the namespace, etc. + self.visitCallTag(node) + + def visitCallTag(self, node): + self.printer.writeline("def ccall(caller):") + export = ['body'] + callable_identifiers = self.identifiers.branch(node, nested=True) + body_identifiers = callable_identifiers.branch(node, nested=False) + # we want the 'caller' passed to ccall to be used + # for the body() function, but for other non-body() + # <%def>s within <%call> we want the current caller + # off the call stack (if any) + body_identifiers.add_declared('caller') + + self.identifier_stack.append(body_identifiers) + + class DefVisitor(object): + + def visitDefTag(s, node): + s.visitDefOrBase(node) + + def visitBlockTag(s, node): + s.visitDefOrBase(node) + + def visitDefOrBase(s, node): + self.write_inline_def(node, callable_identifiers, nested=False) + if not node.is_anonymous: + export.append(node.funcname) + # remove defs that are within the <%call> from the + # "closuredefs" defined in the body, so they dont render twice + if node.funcname in body_identifiers.closuredefs: + del body_identifiers.closuredefs[node.funcname] + + vis = DefVisitor() + for n in node.nodes: + n.accept_visitor(vis) + self.identifier_stack.pop() + + bodyargs = node.body_decl.get_argument_expressions() + self.printer.writeline("def body(%s):" % ','.join(bodyargs)) + + # TODO: figure out best way to specify + # buffering/nonbuffering (at call time would be better) + buffered = False + if buffered: + self.printer.writelines( + "context._push_buffer()", + "try:" + ) + self.write_variable_declares(body_identifiers) + self.identifier_stack.append(body_identifiers) + + for n in node.nodes: + n.accept_visitor(self) + self.identifier_stack.pop() + + self.write_def_finish(node, buffered, False, False, callstack=False) + self.printer.writelines( + None, + "return [%s]" % (','.join(export)), + None + ) + + self.printer.writelines( + # push on caller for nested call + "context.caller_stack.nextcaller = " + "runtime.Namespace('caller', context, " + "callables=ccall(__M_caller))", + "try:") + self.printer.start_source(node.lineno) + self.printer.writelines( + "__M_writer(%s)" % self.create_filter_callable( + [], node.expression, True), + "finally:", + "context.caller_stack.nextcaller = None", + None + ) + + +class _Identifiers(object): + + """tracks the status of identifier names as template code is rendered.""" + + def __init__(self, compiler, node=None, parent=None, nested=False): + if parent is not None: + # if we are the branch created in write_namespaces(), + # we don't share any context from the main body(). + if isinstance(node, parsetree.NamespaceTag): + self.declared = set() + self.topleveldefs = util.SetLikeDict() + else: + # things that have already been declared + # in an enclosing namespace (i.e. names we can just use) + self.declared = set(parent.declared).\ + union([c.name for c in parent.closuredefs.values()]).\ + union(parent.locally_declared).\ + union(parent.argument_declared) + + # if these identifiers correspond to a "nested" + # scope, it means whatever the parent identifiers + # had as undeclared will have been declared by that parent, + # and therefore we have them in our scope. + if nested: + self.declared = self.declared.union(parent.undeclared) + + # top level defs that are available + self.topleveldefs = util.SetLikeDict(**parent.topleveldefs) + else: + self.declared = set() + self.topleveldefs = util.SetLikeDict() + + self.compiler = compiler + + # things within this level that are referenced before they + # are declared (e.g. assigned to) + self.undeclared = set() + + # things that are declared locally. some of these things + # could be in the "undeclared" list as well if they are + # referenced before declared + self.locally_declared = set() + + # assignments made in explicit python blocks. + # these will be propagated to + # the context of local def calls. + self.locally_assigned = set() + + # things that are declared in the argument + # signature of the def callable + self.argument_declared = set() + + # closure defs that are defined in this level + self.closuredefs = util.SetLikeDict() + + self.node = node + + if node is not None: + node.accept_visitor(self) + + illegal_names = self.compiler.reserved_names.intersection( + self.locally_declared) + if illegal_names: + raise exceptions.NameConflictError( + "Reserved words declared in template: %s" % + ", ".join(illegal_names)) + + def branch(self, node, **kwargs): + """create a new Identifiers for a new Node, with + this Identifiers as the parent.""" + + return _Identifiers(self.compiler, node, self, **kwargs) + + @property + def defs(self): + return set(self.topleveldefs.union(self.closuredefs).values()) + + def __repr__(self): + return "Identifiers(declared=%r, locally_declared=%r, "\ + "undeclared=%r, topleveldefs=%r, closuredefs=%r, "\ + "argumentdeclared=%r)" %\ + ( + list(self.declared), + list(self.locally_declared), + list(self.undeclared), + [c.name for c in self.topleveldefs.values()], + [c.name for c in self.closuredefs.values()], + self.argument_declared) + + def check_declared(self, node): + """update the state of this Identifiers with the undeclared + and declared identifiers of the given node.""" + + for ident in node.undeclared_identifiers(): + if ident != 'context' and\ + ident not in self.declared.union(self.locally_declared): + self.undeclared.add(ident) + for ident in node.declared_identifiers(): + self.locally_declared.add(ident) + + def add_declared(self, ident): + self.declared.add(ident) + if ident in self.undeclared: + self.undeclared.remove(ident) + + def visitExpression(self, node): + self.check_declared(node) + + def visitControlLine(self, node): + self.check_declared(node) + + def visitCode(self, node): + if not node.ismodule: + self.check_declared(node) + self.locally_assigned = self.locally_assigned.union( + node.declared_identifiers()) + + def visitNamespaceTag(self, node): + # only traverse into the sub-elements of a + # <%namespace> tag if we are the branch created in + # write_namespaces() + if self.node is node: + for n in node.nodes: + n.accept_visitor(self) + + def _check_name_exists(self, collection, node): + existing = collection.get(node.funcname) + collection[node.funcname] = node + if existing is not None and \ + existing is not node and \ + (node.is_block or existing.is_block): + raise exceptions.CompileException( + "%%def or %%block named '%s' already " + "exists in this template." % + node.funcname, **node.exception_kwargs) + + def visitDefTag(self, node): + if node.is_root() and not node.is_anonymous: + self._check_name_exists(self.topleveldefs, node) + elif node is not self.node: + self._check_name_exists(self.closuredefs, node) + + for ident in node.undeclared_identifiers(): + if ident != 'context' and \ + ident not in self.declared.union(self.locally_declared): + self.undeclared.add(ident) + + # visit defs only one level deep + if node is self.node: + for ident in node.declared_identifiers(): + self.argument_declared.add(ident) + + for n in node.nodes: + n.accept_visitor(self) + + def visitBlockTag(self, node): + if node is not self.node and not node.is_anonymous: + + if isinstance(self.node, parsetree.DefTag): + raise exceptions.CompileException( + "Named block '%s' not allowed inside of def '%s'" + % (node.name, self.node.name), **node.exception_kwargs) + elif isinstance(self.node, + (parsetree.CallTag, parsetree.CallNamespaceTag)): + raise exceptions.CompileException( + "Named block '%s' not allowed inside of <%%call> tag" + % (node.name, ), **node.exception_kwargs) + + for ident in node.undeclared_identifiers(): + if ident != 'context' and \ + ident not in self.declared.union(self.locally_declared): + self.undeclared.add(ident) + + if not node.is_anonymous: + self._check_name_exists(self.topleveldefs, node) + self.undeclared.add(node.funcname) + elif node is not self.node: + self._check_name_exists(self.closuredefs, node) + for ident in node.declared_identifiers(): + self.argument_declared.add(ident) + for n in node.nodes: + n.accept_visitor(self) + + def visitTextTag(self, node): + for ident in node.undeclared_identifiers(): + if ident != 'context' and \ + ident not in self.declared.union(self.locally_declared): + self.undeclared.add(ident) + + def visitIncludeTag(self, node): + self.check_declared(node) + + def visitPageTag(self, node): + for ident in node.declared_identifiers(): + self.argument_declared.add(ident) + self.check_declared(node) + + def visitCallNamespaceTag(self, node): + self.visitCallTag(node) + + def visitCallTag(self, node): + if node is self.node: + for ident in node.undeclared_identifiers(): + if ident != 'context' and \ + ident not in self.declared.union( + self.locally_declared): + self.undeclared.add(ident) + for ident in node.declared_identifiers(): + self.argument_declared.add(ident) + for n in node.nodes: + n.accept_visitor(self) + else: + for ident in node.undeclared_identifiers(): + if ident != 'context' and \ + ident not in self.declared.union( + self.locally_declared): + self.undeclared.add(ident) + + +_FOR_LOOP = re.compile( + r'^for\s+((?:\(?)\s*[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9]*' + r'(?:\s*,\s*(?:[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*),??)*\s*(?:\)?))\s+in\s+(.*):' +) + + +def mangle_mako_loop(node, printer): + """converts a for loop into a context manager wrapped around a for loop + when access to the `loop` variable has been detected in the for loop body + """ + loop_variable = LoopVariable() + node.accept_visitor(loop_variable) + if loop_variable.detected: + node.nodes[-1].has_loop_context = True + match = _FOR_LOOP.match(node.text) + if match: + printer.writelines( + 'loop = __M_loop._enter(%s)' % match.group(2), + 'try:' + # 'with __M_loop(%s) as loop:' % match.group(2) + ) + text = 'for %s in loop:' % match.group(1) + else: + raise SyntaxError("Couldn't apply loop context: %s" % node.text) + else: + text = node.text + return text + + +class LoopVariable(object): + + """A node visitor which looks for the name 'loop' within undeclared + identifiers.""" + + def __init__(self): + self.detected = False + + def _loop_reference_detected(self, node): + if 'loop' in node.undeclared_identifiers(): + self.detected = True + else: + for n in node.get_children(): + n.accept_visitor(self) + + def visitControlLine(self, node): + self._loop_reference_detected(node) + + def visitCode(self, node): + self._loop_reference_detected(node) + + def visitExpression(self, node): + self._loop_reference_detected(node) diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/compat.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/compat.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a2ab243 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/compat.py @@ -0,0 +1,201 @@ +import sys +import time + +py3k = sys.version_info >= (3, 0) +py33 = sys.version_info >= (3, 3) +py2k = sys.version_info < (3,) +py26 = sys.version_info >= (2, 6) +py27 = sys.version_info >= (2, 7) +jython = sys.platform.startswith('java') +win32 = sys.platform.startswith('win') +pypy = hasattr(sys, 'pypy_version_info') + +if py3k: + # create a "getargspec" from getfullargspec(), which is not deprecated + # in Py3K; getargspec() has started to emit warnings as of Py3.5. + # As of Py3.4, now they are trying to move from getfullargspec() + # to "signature()", but getfullargspec() is not deprecated, so stick + # with that for now. + + import collections + ArgSpec = collections.namedtuple( + "ArgSpec", + ["args", "varargs", "keywords", "defaults"]) + from inspect import getfullargspec as inspect_getfullargspec + + def inspect_getargspec(func): + return ArgSpec( + *inspect_getfullargspec(func)[0:4] + ) +else: + from inspect import getargspec as inspect_getargspec # noqa + + +if py3k: + from io import StringIO + import builtins as compat_builtins + from urllib.parse import quote_plus, unquote_plus + from html.entities import codepoint2name, name2codepoint + string_types = str, + binary_type = bytes + text_type = str + + from io import BytesIO as byte_buffer + + def u(s): + return s + + def b(s): + return s.encode("latin-1") + + def octal(lit): + return eval("0o" + lit) + +else: + import __builtin__ as compat_builtins # noqa + try: + from cStringIO import StringIO + except: + from StringIO import StringIO + + byte_buffer = StringIO + + from urllib import quote_plus, unquote_plus # noqa + from htmlentitydefs import codepoint2name, name2codepoint # noqa + string_types = basestring, # noqa + binary_type = str + text_type = unicode # noqa + + def u(s): + return unicode(s, "utf-8") # noqa + + def b(s): + return s + + def octal(lit): + return eval("0" + lit) + + +if py33: + from importlib import machinery + + def load_module(module_id, path): + return machinery.SourceFileLoader(module_id, path).load_module() +else: + import imp + + def load_module(module_id, path): + fp = open(path, 'rb') + try: + return imp.load_source(module_id, path, fp) + finally: + fp.close() + + +if py3k: + def reraise(tp, value, tb=None, cause=None): + if cause is not None: + value.__cause__ = cause + if value.__traceback__ is not tb: + raise value.with_traceback(tb) + raise value +else: + exec("def reraise(tp, value, tb=None, cause=None):\n" + " raise tp, value, tb\n") + + +def exception_as(): + return sys.exc_info()[1] + +try: + import threading + if py3k: + import _thread as thread + else: + import thread +except ImportError: + import dummy_threading as threading # noqa + if py3k: + import _dummy_thread as thread + else: + import dummy_thread as thread # noqa + +if win32 or jython: + time_func = time.clock +else: + time_func = time.time + +try: + from functools import partial +except: + def partial(func, *args, **keywords): + def newfunc(*fargs, **fkeywords): + newkeywords = keywords.copy() + newkeywords.update(fkeywords) + return func(*(args + fargs), **newkeywords) + return newfunc + + +all = all +import json # noqa + + +def exception_name(exc): + return exc.__class__.__name__ + +try: + from inspect import CO_VARKEYWORDS, CO_VARARGS + + def inspect_func_args(fn): + if py3k: + co = fn.__code__ + else: + co = fn.func_code + + nargs = co.co_argcount + names = co.co_varnames + args = list(names[:nargs]) + + varargs = None + if co.co_flags & CO_VARARGS: + varargs = co.co_varnames[nargs] + nargs = nargs + 1 + varkw = None + if co.co_flags & CO_VARKEYWORDS: + varkw = co.co_varnames[nargs] + + if py3k: + return args, varargs, varkw, fn.__defaults__ + else: + return args, varargs, varkw, fn.func_defaults +except ImportError: + import inspect + + def inspect_func_args(fn): + return inspect.getargspec(fn) + +if py3k: + def callable(fn): + return hasattr(fn, '__call__') +else: + callable = callable + + +################################################ +# cross-compatible metaclass implementation +# Copyright (c) 2010-2012 Benjamin Peterson +def with_metaclass(meta, base=object): + """Create a base class with a metaclass.""" + return meta("%sBase" % meta.__name__, (base,), {}) +################################################ + + +def arg_stringname(func_arg): + """Gets the string name of a kwarg or vararg + In Python3.4 a function's args are + of _ast.arg type not _ast.name + """ + if hasattr(func_arg, 'arg'): + return func_arg.arg + else: + return str(func_arg) diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/exceptions.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/exceptions.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cb6fb3f --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/exceptions.py @@ -0,0 +1,394 @@ +# mako/exceptions.py +# Copyright (C) 2006-2016 the Mako authors and contributors +# +# This module is part of Mako and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +"""exception classes""" + +import traceback +import sys +from mako import util, compat + + +class MakoException(Exception): + pass + + +class RuntimeException(MakoException): + pass + + +def _format_filepos(lineno, pos, filename): + if filename is None: + return " at line: %d char: %d" % (lineno, pos) + else: + return " in file '%s' at line: %d char: %d" % (filename, lineno, pos) + + +class CompileException(MakoException): + + def __init__(self, message, source, lineno, pos, filename): + MakoException.__init__( + self, + message + _format_filepos(lineno, pos, filename)) + self.lineno = lineno + self.pos = pos + self.filename = filename + self.source = source + + +class SyntaxException(MakoException): + + def __init__(self, message, source, lineno, pos, filename): + MakoException.__init__( + self, + message + _format_filepos(lineno, pos, filename)) + self.lineno = lineno + self.pos = pos + self.filename = filename + self.source = source + + +class UnsupportedError(MakoException): + + """raised when a retired feature is used.""" + + +class NameConflictError(MakoException): + + """raised when a reserved word is used inappropriately""" + + +class TemplateLookupException(MakoException): + pass + + +class TopLevelLookupException(TemplateLookupException): + pass + + +class RichTraceback(object): + + """Pull the current exception from the ``sys`` traceback and extracts + Mako-specific template information. + + See the usage examples in :ref:`handling_exceptions`. + + """ + + def __init__(self, error=None, traceback=None): + self.source, self.lineno = "", 0 + + if error is None or traceback is None: + t, value, tback = sys.exc_info() + + if error is None: + error = value or t + + if traceback is None: + traceback = tback + + self.error = error + self.records = self._init(traceback) + + if isinstance(self.error, (CompileException, SyntaxException)): + self.source = self.error.source + self.lineno = self.error.lineno + self._has_source = True + + self._init_message() + + @property + def errorname(self): + return compat.exception_name(self.error) + + def _init_message(self): + """Find a unicode representation of self.error""" + try: + self.message = compat.text_type(self.error) + except UnicodeError: + try: + self.message = str(self.error) + except UnicodeEncodeError: + # Fallback to args as neither unicode nor + # str(Exception(u'\xe6')) work in Python < 2.6 + self.message = self.error.args[0] + if not isinstance(self.message, compat.text_type): + self.message = compat.text_type(self.message, 'ascii', 'replace') + + def _get_reformatted_records(self, records): + for rec in records: + if rec[6] is not None: + yield (rec[4], rec[5], rec[2], rec[6]) + else: + yield tuple(rec[0:4]) + + @property + def traceback(self): + """Return a list of 4-tuple traceback records (i.e. normal python + format) with template-corresponding lines remapped to the originating + template. + + """ + return list(self._get_reformatted_records(self.records)) + + @property + def reverse_records(self): + return reversed(self.records) + + @property + def reverse_traceback(self): + """Return the same data as traceback, except in reverse order. + """ + + return list(self._get_reformatted_records(self.reverse_records)) + + def _init(self, trcback): + """format a traceback from sys.exc_info() into 7-item tuples, + containing the regular four traceback tuple items, plus the original + template filename, the line number adjusted relative to the template + source, and code line from that line number of the template.""" + + import mako.template + mods = {} + rawrecords = traceback.extract_tb(trcback) + new_trcback = [] + for filename, lineno, function, line in rawrecords: + if not line: + line = '' + try: + (line_map, template_lines) = mods[filename] + except KeyError: + try: + info = mako.template._get_module_info(filename) + module_source = info.code + template_source = info.source + template_filename = info.template_filename or filename + except KeyError: + # A normal .py file (not a Template) + if not compat.py3k: + try: + fp = open(filename, 'rb') + encoding = util.parse_encoding(fp) + fp.close() + except IOError: + encoding = None + if encoding: + line = line.decode(encoding) + else: + line = line.decode('ascii', 'replace') + new_trcback.append((filename, lineno, function, line, + None, None, None, None)) + continue + + template_ln = 1 + + source_map = mako.template.ModuleInfo.\ + get_module_source_metadata( + module_source, full_line_map=True) + line_map = source_map['full_line_map'] + + template_lines = [line_ for line_ in + template_source.split("\n")] + mods[filename] = (line_map, template_lines) + + template_ln = line_map[lineno - 1] + + if template_ln <= len(template_lines): + template_line = template_lines[template_ln - 1] + else: + template_line = None + new_trcback.append((filename, lineno, function, + line, template_filename, template_ln, + template_line, template_source)) + if not self.source: + for l in range(len(new_trcback) - 1, 0, -1): + if new_trcback[l][5]: + self.source = new_trcback[l][7] + self.lineno = new_trcback[l][5] + break + else: + if new_trcback: + try: + # A normal .py file (not a Template) + fp = open(new_trcback[-1][0], 'rb') + encoding = util.parse_encoding(fp) + fp.seek(0) + self.source = fp.read() + fp.close() + if encoding: + self.source = self.source.decode(encoding) + except IOError: + self.source = '' + self.lineno = new_trcback[-1][1] + return new_trcback + + +def text_error_template(lookup=None): + """Provides a template that renders a stack trace in a similar format to + the Python interpreter, substituting source template filenames, line + numbers and code for that of the originating source template, as + applicable. + + """ + import mako.template + return mako.template.Template(r""" +<%page args="error=None, traceback=None"/> +<%! + from mako.exceptions import RichTraceback +%>\ +<% + tback = RichTraceback(error=error, traceback=traceback) +%>\ +Traceback (most recent call last): +% for (filename, lineno, function, line) in tback.traceback: + File "${filename}", line ${lineno}, in ${function or '?'} + ${line | trim} +% endfor +${tback.errorname}: ${tback.message} +""") + + +def _install_pygments(): + global syntax_highlight, pygments_html_formatter + from mako.ext.pygmentplugin import syntax_highlight # noqa + from mako.ext.pygmentplugin import pygments_html_formatter # noqa + + +def _install_fallback(): + global syntax_highlight, pygments_html_formatter + from mako.filters import html_escape + pygments_html_formatter = None + + def syntax_highlight(filename='', language=None): + return html_escape + + +def _install_highlighting(): + try: + _install_pygments() + except ImportError: + _install_fallback() +_install_highlighting() + + +def html_error_template(): + """Provides a template that renders a stack trace in an HTML format, + providing an excerpt of code as well as substituting source template + filenames, line numbers and code for that of the originating source + template, as applicable. + + The template's default ``encoding_errors`` value is + ``'htmlentityreplace'``. The template has two options. With the + ``full`` option disabled, only a section of an HTML document is + returned. With the ``css`` option disabled, the default stylesheet + won't be included. + + """ + import mako.template + return mako.template.Template(r""" +<%! + from mako.exceptions import RichTraceback, syntax_highlight,\ + pygments_html_formatter +%> +<%page args="full=True, css=True, error=None, traceback=None"/> +% if full: + + + Mako Runtime Error +% endif +% if css: + +% endif +% if full: + + +% endif + +

Error !

+<% + tback = RichTraceback(error=error, traceback=traceback) + src = tback.source + line = tback.lineno + if src: + lines = src.split('\n') + else: + lines = None +%> +

${tback.errorname}: ${tback.message|h}

+ +% if lines: +
+% for index in range(max(0, line-4),min(len(lines), line+5)): + <% + if pygments_html_formatter: + pygments_html_formatter.linenostart = index + 1 + %> + % if index + 1 == line: + <% + if pygments_html_formatter: + old_cssclass = pygments_html_formatter.cssclass + pygments_html_formatter.cssclass = 'error ' + old_cssclass + %> + ${lines[index] | syntax_highlight(language='mako')} + <% + if pygments_html_formatter: + pygments_html_formatter.cssclass = old_cssclass + %> + % else: + ${lines[index] | syntax_highlight(language='mako')} + % endif +% endfor +
+% endif + +
+% for (filename, lineno, function, line) in tback.reverse_traceback: +
${filename}, line ${lineno}:
+ <% + if pygments_html_formatter: + pygments_html_formatter.linenostart = lineno + %> +
${line | syntax_highlight(filename)}
+% endfor +
+ +% if full: + + +% endif +""", output_encoding=sys.getdefaultencoding(), + encoding_errors='htmlentityreplace') diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/ext/__init__.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/ext/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/ext/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/ext/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1023872 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/ext/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/ext/__pycache__/autohandler.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/ext/__pycache__/autohandler.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8b33d41 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/ext/__pycache__/autohandler.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/ext/__pycache__/babelplugin.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/ext/__pycache__/babelplugin.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4afa52d Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/ext/__pycache__/babelplugin.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/ext/__pycache__/beaker_cache.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/ext/__pycache__/beaker_cache.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a4db555 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/ext/__pycache__/beaker_cache.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/ext/__pycache__/extract.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/ext/__pycache__/extract.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ecce08a Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/ext/__pycache__/extract.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/ext/__pycache__/linguaplugin.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/ext/__pycache__/linguaplugin.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0c92e26 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/ext/__pycache__/linguaplugin.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/ext/__pycache__/preprocessors.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/ext/__pycache__/preprocessors.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ee73fe2 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/ext/__pycache__/preprocessors.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/ext/__pycache__/pygmentplugin.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/ext/__pycache__/pygmentplugin.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ee4cd75 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/ext/__pycache__/pygmentplugin.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/ext/__pycache__/turbogears.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/ext/__pycache__/turbogears.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8b1db02 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/ext/__pycache__/turbogears.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/ext/autohandler.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/ext/autohandler.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9d1c911 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/ext/autohandler.py @@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ +# ext/autohandler.py +# Copyright (C) 2006-2016 the Mako authors and contributors +# +# This module is part of Mako and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +"""adds autohandler functionality to Mako templates. + +requires that the TemplateLookup class is used with templates. + +usage: + +<%! + from mako.ext.autohandler import autohandler +%> +<%inherit file="${autohandler(template, context)}"/> + + +or with custom autohandler filename: + +<%! + from mako.ext.autohandler import autohandler +%> +<%inherit file="${autohandler(template, context, name='somefilename')}"/> + +""" + +import posixpath +import os +import re + + +def autohandler(template, context, name='autohandler'): + lookup = context.lookup + _template_uri = template.module._template_uri + if not lookup.filesystem_checks: + try: + return lookup._uri_cache[(autohandler, _template_uri, name)] + except KeyError: + pass + + tokens = re.findall(r'([^/]+)', posixpath.dirname(_template_uri)) + [name] + while len(tokens): + path = '/' + '/'.join(tokens) + if path != _template_uri and _file_exists(lookup, path): + if not lookup.filesystem_checks: + return lookup._uri_cache.setdefault( + (autohandler, _template_uri, name), path) + else: + return path + if len(tokens) == 1: + break + tokens[-2:] = [name] + + if not lookup.filesystem_checks: + return lookup._uri_cache.setdefault( + (autohandler, _template_uri, name), None) + else: + return None + + +def _file_exists(lookup, path): + psub = re.sub(r'^/', '', path) + for d in lookup.directories: + if os.path.exists(d + '/' + psub): + return True + else: + return False diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/ext/babelplugin.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/ext/babelplugin.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0b5e84f --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/ext/babelplugin.py @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ +# ext/babelplugin.py +# Copyright (C) 2006-2016 the Mako authors and contributors +# +# This module is part of Mako and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +"""gettext message extraction via Babel: http://babel.edgewall.org/""" +from babel.messages.extract import extract_python +from mako.ext.extract import MessageExtractor + + +class BabelMakoExtractor(MessageExtractor): + + def __init__(self, keywords, comment_tags, options): + self.keywords = keywords + self.options = options + self.config = { + 'comment-tags': u' '.join(comment_tags), + 'encoding': options.get('input_encoding', + options.get('encoding', None)), + } + super(BabelMakoExtractor, self).__init__() + + def __call__(self, fileobj): + return self.process_file(fileobj) + + def process_python(self, code, code_lineno, translator_strings): + comment_tags = self.config['comment-tags'] + for lineno, funcname, messages, python_translator_comments \ + in extract_python(code, + self.keywords, comment_tags, self.options): + yield (code_lineno + (lineno - 1), funcname, messages, + translator_strings + python_translator_comments) + + +def extract(fileobj, keywords, comment_tags, options): + """Extract messages from Mako templates. + + :param fileobj: the file-like object the messages should be extracted from + :param keywords: a list of keywords (i.e. function names) that should be + recognized as translation functions + :param comment_tags: a list of translator tags to search for and include + in the results + :param options: a dictionary of additional options (optional) + :return: an iterator over ``(lineno, funcname, message, comments)`` tuples + :rtype: ``iterator`` + """ + extractor = BabelMakoExtractor(keywords, comment_tags, options) + for message in extractor(fileobj): + yield message diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/ext/beaker_cache.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/ext/beaker_cache.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c7c260d --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/ext/beaker_cache.py @@ -0,0 +1,76 @@ +"""Provide a :class:`.CacheImpl` for the Beaker caching system.""" + +from mako import exceptions + +from mako.cache import CacheImpl + +try: + from beaker import cache as beaker_cache +except: + has_beaker = False +else: + has_beaker = True + +_beaker_cache = None + + +class BeakerCacheImpl(CacheImpl): + + """A :class:`.CacheImpl` provided for the Beaker caching system. + + This plugin is used by default, based on the default + value of ``'beaker'`` for the ``cache_impl`` parameter of the + :class:`.Template` or :class:`.TemplateLookup` classes. + + """ + + def __init__(self, cache): + if not has_beaker: + raise exceptions.RuntimeException( + "Can't initialize Beaker plugin; Beaker is not installed.") + global _beaker_cache + if _beaker_cache is None: + if 'manager' in cache.template.cache_args: + _beaker_cache = cache.template.cache_args['manager'] + else: + _beaker_cache = beaker_cache.CacheManager() + super(BeakerCacheImpl, self).__init__(cache) + + def _get_cache(self, **kw): + expiretime = kw.pop('timeout', None) + if 'dir' in kw: + kw['data_dir'] = kw.pop('dir') + elif self.cache.template.module_directory: + kw['data_dir'] = self.cache.template.module_directory + + if 'manager' in kw: + kw.pop('manager') + + if kw.get('type') == 'memcached': + kw['type'] = 'ext:memcached' + + if 'region' in kw: + region = kw.pop('region') + cache = _beaker_cache.get_cache_region(self.cache.id, region, **kw) + else: + cache = _beaker_cache.get_cache(self.cache.id, **kw) + cache_args = {'starttime': self.cache.starttime} + if expiretime: + cache_args['expiretime'] = expiretime + return cache, cache_args + + def get_or_create(self, key, creation_function, **kw): + cache, kw = self._get_cache(**kw) + return cache.get(key, createfunc=creation_function, **kw) + + def put(self, key, value, **kw): + cache, kw = self._get_cache(**kw) + cache.put(key, value, **kw) + + def get(self, key, **kw): + cache, kw = self._get_cache(**kw) + return cache.get(key, **kw) + + def invalidate(self, key, **kw): + cache, kw = self._get_cache(**kw) + cache.remove_value(key, **kw) diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/ext/extract.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/ext/extract.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d777ea8 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/ext/extract.py @@ -0,0 +1,108 @@ +import re +from mako import compat +from mako import lexer +from mako import parsetree + + +class MessageExtractor(object): + + def process_file(self, fileobj): + template_node = lexer.Lexer( + fileobj.read(), + input_encoding=self.config['encoding']).parse() + for extracted in self.extract_nodes(template_node.get_children()): + yield extracted + + def extract_nodes(self, nodes): + translator_comments = [] + in_translator_comments = False + input_encoding = self.config['encoding'] or 'ascii' + comment_tags = list( + filter(None, re.split(r'\s+', self.config['comment-tags']))) + + for node in nodes: + child_nodes = None + if in_translator_comments and \ + isinstance(node, parsetree.Text) and \ + not node.content.strip(): + # Ignore whitespace within translator comments + continue + + if isinstance(node, parsetree.Comment): + value = node.text.strip() + if in_translator_comments: + translator_comments.extend( + self._split_comment(node.lineno, value)) + continue + for comment_tag in comment_tags: + if value.startswith(comment_tag): + in_translator_comments = True + translator_comments.extend( + self._split_comment(node.lineno, value)) + continue + + if isinstance(node, parsetree.DefTag): + code = node.function_decl.code + child_nodes = node.nodes + elif isinstance(node, parsetree.BlockTag): + code = node.body_decl.code + child_nodes = node.nodes + elif isinstance(node, parsetree.CallTag): + code = node.code.code + child_nodes = node.nodes + elif isinstance(node, parsetree.PageTag): + code = node.body_decl.code + elif isinstance(node, parsetree.CallNamespaceTag): + code = node.expression + child_nodes = node.nodes + elif isinstance(node, parsetree.ControlLine): + if node.isend: + in_translator_comments = False + continue + code = node.text + elif isinstance(node, parsetree.Code): + in_translator_comments = False + code = node.code.code + elif isinstance(node, parsetree.Expression): + code = node.code.code + else: + continue + + # Comments don't apply unless they immediately precede the message + if translator_comments and \ + translator_comments[-1][0] < node.lineno - 1: + translator_comments = [] + + translator_strings = [ + comment[1] for comment in translator_comments] + + if isinstance(code, compat.text_type): + code = code.encode(input_encoding, 'backslashreplace') + + used_translator_comments = False + # We add extra newline to work around a pybabel bug + # (see python-babel/babel#274, parse_encoding dies if the first + # input string of the input is non-ascii) + # Also, because we added it, we have to subtract one from + # node.lineno + code = compat.byte_buffer(compat.b('\n') + code) + + for message in self.process_python( + code, node.lineno - 1, translator_strings): + yield message + used_translator_comments = True + + if used_translator_comments: + translator_comments = [] + in_translator_comments = False + + if child_nodes: + for extracted in self.extract_nodes(child_nodes): + yield extracted + + @staticmethod + def _split_comment(lineno, comment): + """Return the multiline comment at lineno split into a list of + comment line numbers and the accompanying comment line""" + return [(lineno + index, line) for index, line in + enumerate(comment.splitlines())] diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/ext/linguaplugin.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/ext/linguaplugin.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..46b0d6a --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/ext/linguaplugin.py @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +import io +from lingua.extractors import Extractor +from lingua.extractors import Message +from lingua.extractors import get_extractor +from mako.ext.extract import MessageExtractor +from mako import compat + + +class LinguaMakoExtractor(Extractor, MessageExtractor): + + '''Mako templates''' + extensions = ['.mako'] + default_config = { + 'encoding': 'utf-8', + 'comment-tags': '', + } + + def __call__(self, filename, options, fileobj=None): + self.options = options + self.filename = filename + self.python_extractor = get_extractor('x.py') + if fileobj is None: + fileobj = open(filename, 'rb') + return self.process_file(fileobj) + + def process_python(self, code, code_lineno, translator_strings): + source = code.getvalue().strip() + if source.endswith(compat.b(':')): + if source in (compat.b('try:'), compat.b('else:')) or source.startswith(compat.b('except')): + source = compat.b('') # Ignore try/except and else + elif source.startswith(compat.b('elif')): + source = source[2:] # Replace "elif" with "if" + source += compat.b('pass') + code = io.BytesIO(source) + for msg in self.python_extractor( + self.filename, self.options, code, code_lineno -1): + if translator_strings: + msg = Message(msg.msgctxt, msg.msgid, msg.msgid_plural, + msg.flags, + compat.u(' ').join( + translator_strings + [msg.comment]), + msg.tcomment, msg.location) + yield msg diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/ext/preprocessors.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/ext/preprocessors.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9b700d1 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/ext/preprocessors.py @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +# ext/preprocessors.py +# Copyright (C) 2006-2016 the Mako authors and contributors +# +# This module is part of Mako and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +"""preprocessing functions, used with the 'preprocessor' +argument on Template, TemplateLookup""" + +import re + + +def convert_comments(text): + """preprocess old style comments. + + example: + + from mako.ext.preprocessors import convert_comments + t = Template(..., preprocessor=convert_comments)""" + return re.sub(r'(?<=\n)\s*#[^#]', "##", text) diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/ext/pygmentplugin.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/ext/pygmentplugin.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4057caa --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/ext/pygmentplugin.py @@ -0,0 +1,127 @@ +# ext/pygmentplugin.py +# Copyright (C) 2006-2016 the Mako authors and contributors +# +# This module is part of Mako and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +from pygments.lexers.web import \ + HtmlLexer, XmlLexer, JavascriptLexer, CssLexer +from pygments.lexers.agile import PythonLexer, Python3Lexer +from pygments.lexer import DelegatingLexer, RegexLexer, bygroups, \ + include, using +from pygments.token import \ + Text, Comment, Operator, Keyword, Name, String, Other +from pygments.formatters.html import HtmlFormatter +from pygments import highlight +from mako import compat + + +class MakoLexer(RegexLexer): + name = 'Mako' + aliases = ['mako'] + filenames = ['*.mao'] + + tokens = { + 'root': [ + (r'(\s*)(\%)(\s*end(?:\w+))(\n|\Z)', + bygroups(Text, Comment.Preproc, Keyword, Other)), + (r'(\s*)(\%(?!%))([^\n]*)(\n|\Z)', + bygroups(Text, Comment.Preproc, using(PythonLexer), Other)), + (r'(\s*)(##[^\n]*)(\n|\Z)', + bygroups(Text, Comment.Preproc, Other)), + (r'''(?s)<%doc>.*?''', Comment.Preproc), + (r'(<%)([\w\.\:]+)', + bygroups(Comment.Preproc, Name.Builtin), 'tag'), + (r'()', + bygroups(Comment.Preproc, Name.Builtin, Comment.Preproc)), + (r'<%(?=([\w\.\:]+))', Comment.Preproc, 'ondeftags'), + (r'(<%(?:!?))(.*?)(%>)(?s)', + bygroups(Comment.Preproc, using(PythonLexer), Comment.Preproc)), + (r'(\$\{)(.*?)(\})', + bygroups(Comment.Preproc, using(PythonLexer), Comment.Preproc)), + (r'''(?sx) + (.+?) # anything, followed by: + (?: + (?<=\n)(?=%(?!%)|\#\#) | # an eval or comment line + (?=\#\*) | # multiline comment + (?=', Comment.Preproc, '#pop'), + (r'\s+', Text), + ], + 'attr': [ + ('".*?"', String, '#pop'), + ("'.*?'", String, '#pop'), + (r'[^\s>]+', String, '#pop'), + ], + } + + +class MakoHtmlLexer(DelegatingLexer): + name = 'HTML+Mako' + aliases = ['html+mako'] + + def __init__(self, **options): + super(MakoHtmlLexer, self).__init__(HtmlLexer, MakoLexer, + **options) + + +class MakoXmlLexer(DelegatingLexer): + name = 'XML+Mako' + aliases = ['xml+mako'] + + def __init__(self, **options): + super(MakoXmlLexer, self).__init__(XmlLexer, MakoLexer, + **options) + + +class MakoJavascriptLexer(DelegatingLexer): + name = 'JavaScript+Mako' + aliases = ['js+mako', 'javascript+mako'] + + def __init__(self, **options): + super(MakoJavascriptLexer, self).__init__(JavascriptLexer, + MakoLexer, **options) + + +class MakoCssLexer(DelegatingLexer): + name = 'CSS+Mako' + aliases = ['css+mako'] + + def __init__(self, **options): + super(MakoCssLexer, self).__init__(CssLexer, MakoLexer, + **options) + + +pygments_html_formatter = HtmlFormatter(cssclass='syntax-highlighted', + linenos=True) + + +def syntax_highlight(filename='', language=None): + mako_lexer = MakoLexer() + if compat.py3k: + python_lexer = Python3Lexer() + else: + python_lexer = PythonLexer() + if filename.startswith('memory:') or language == 'mako': + return lambda string: highlight(string, mako_lexer, + pygments_html_formatter) + return lambda string: highlight(string, python_lexer, + pygments_html_formatter) diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/ext/turbogears.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/ext/turbogears.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..eaa2d78 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/ext/turbogears.py @@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ +# ext/turbogears.py +# Copyright (C) 2006-2016 the Mako authors and contributors +# +# This module is part of Mako and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +from mako import compat +from mako.lookup import TemplateLookup +from mako.template import Template + + +class TGPlugin(object): + + """TurboGears compatible Template Plugin.""" + + def __init__(self, extra_vars_func=None, options=None, extension='mak'): + self.extra_vars_func = extra_vars_func + self.extension = extension + if not options: + options = {} + + # Pull the options out and initialize the lookup + lookup_options = {} + for k, v in options.items(): + if k.startswith('mako.'): + lookup_options[k[5:]] = v + elif k in ['directories', 'filesystem_checks', 'module_directory']: + lookup_options[k] = v + self.lookup = TemplateLookup(**lookup_options) + + self.tmpl_options = {} + # transfer lookup args to template args, based on those available + # in getargspec + for kw in compat.inspect_getargspec(Template.__init__)[0]: + if kw in lookup_options: + self.tmpl_options[kw] = lookup_options[kw] + + def load_template(self, templatename, template_string=None): + """Loads a template from a file or a string""" + if template_string is not None: + return Template(template_string, **self.tmpl_options) + # Translate TG dot notation to normal / template path + if '/' not in templatename: + templatename = '/' + templatename.replace('.', '/') + '.' +\ + self.extension + + # Lookup template + return self.lookup.get_template(templatename) + + def render(self, info, format="html", fragment=False, template=None): + if isinstance(template, compat.string_types): + template = self.load_template(template) + + # Load extra vars func if provided + if self.extra_vars_func: + info.update(self.extra_vars_func()) + + return template.render(**info) diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/filters.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/filters.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c082690 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/filters.py @@ -0,0 +1,209 @@ +# mako/filters.py +# Copyright (C) 2006-2016 the Mako authors and contributors +# +# This module is part of Mako and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + + +import re +import codecs + +from mako.compat import quote_plus, unquote_plus, codepoint2name, \ + name2codepoint + +from mako import compat + +xml_escapes = { + '&': '&', + '>': '>', + '<': '<', + '"': '"', # also " in html-only + "'": ''' # also ' in html-only +} + +# XXX: " is valid in HTML and XML +# ' is not valid HTML, but is valid XML + + +def legacy_html_escape(s): + """legacy HTML escape for non-unicode mode.""" + s = s.replace("&", "&") + s = s.replace(">", ">") + s = s.replace("<", "<") + s = s.replace('"', """) + s = s.replace("'", "'") + return s + + +try: + import markupsafe + html_escape = markupsafe.escape +except ImportError: + html_escape = legacy_html_escape + + +def xml_escape(string): + return re.sub(r'([&<"\'>])', lambda m: xml_escapes[m.group()], string) + + +def url_escape(string): + # convert into a list of octets + string = string.encode("utf8") + return quote_plus(string) + + +def legacy_url_escape(string): + # convert into a list of octets + return quote_plus(string) + + +def url_unescape(string): + text = unquote_plus(string) + if not is_ascii_str(text): + text = text.decode("utf8") + return text + + +def trim(string): + return string.strip() + + +class Decode(object): + + def __getattr__(self, key): + def decode(x): + if isinstance(x, compat.text_type): + return x + elif not isinstance(x, compat.binary_type): + return decode(str(x)) + else: + return compat.text_type(x, encoding=key) + return decode +decode = Decode() + + +_ASCII_re = re.compile(r'\A[\x00-\x7f]*\Z') + + +def is_ascii_str(text): + return isinstance(text, str) and _ASCII_re.match(text) + +################################################################ + + +class XMLEntityEscaper(object): + + def __init__(self, codepoint2name, name2codepoint): + self.codepoint2entity = dict([(c, compat.text_type('&%s;' % n)) + for c, n in codepoint2name.items()]) + self.name2codepoint = name2codepoint + + def escape_entities(self, text): + """Replace characters with their character entity references. + + Only characters corresponding to a named entity are replaced. + """ + return compat.text_type(text).translate(self.codepoint2entity) + + def __escape(self, m): + codepoint = ord(m.group()) + try: + return self.codepoint2entity[codepoint] + except (KeyError, IndexError): + return '&#x%X;' % codepoint + + __escapable = re.compile(r'["&<>]|[^\x00-\x7f]') + + def escape(self, text): + """Replace characters with their character references. + + Replace characters by their named entity references. + Non-ASCII characters, if they do not have a named entity reference, + are replaced by numerical character references. + + The return value is guaranteed to be ASCII. + """ + return self.__escapable.sub(self.__escape, compat.text_type(text) + ).encode('ascii') + + # XXX: This regexp will not match all valid XML entity names__. + # (It punts on details involving involving CombiningChars and Extenders.) + # + # .. __: http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/REC-xml-20001006#NT-EntityRef + __characterrefs = re.compile(r'''& (?: + \#(\d+) + | \#x([\da-f]+) + | ( (?!\d) [:\w] [-.:\w]+ ) + ) ;''', + re.X | re.UNICODE) + + def __unescape(self, m): + dval, hval, name = m.groups() + if dval: + codepoint = int(dval) + elif hval: + codepoint = int(hval, 16) + else: + codepoint = self.name2codepoint.get(name, 0xfffd) + # U+FFFD = "REPLACEMENT CHARACTER" + if codepoint < 128: + return chr(codepoint) + return chr(codepoint) + + def unescape(self, text): + """Unescape character references. + + All character references (both entity references and numerical + character references) are unescaped. + """ + return self.__characterrefs.sub(self.__unescape, text) + + +_html_entities_escaper = XMLEntityEscaper(codepoint2name, name2codepoint) + +html_entities_escape = _html_entities_escaper.escape_entities +html_entities_unescape = _html_entities_escaper.unescape + + +def htmlentityreplace_errors(ex): + """An encoding error handler. + + This python `codecs`_ error handler replaces unencodable + characters with HTML entities, or, if no HTML entity exists for + the character, XML character references. + + >>> u'The cost was \u20ac12.'.encode('latin1', 'htmlentityreplace') + 'The cost was €12.' + """ + if isinstance(ex, UnicodeEncodeError): + # Handle encoding errors + bad_text = ex.object[ex.start:ex.end] + text = _html_entities_escaper.escape(bad_text) + return (compat.text_type(text), ex.end) + raise ex + +codecs.register_error('htmlentityreplace', htmlentityreplace_errors) + + +# TODO: options to make this dynamic per-compilation will be added in a later +# release +DEFAULT_ESCAPES = { + 'x': 'filters.xml_escape', + 'h': 'filters.html_escape', + 'u': 'filters.url_escape', + 'trim': 'filters.trim', + 'entity': 'filters.html_entities_escape', + 'unicode': 'unicode', + 'decode': 'decode', + 'str': 'str', + 'n': 'n' +} + +if compat.py3k: + DEFAULT_ESCAPES.update({ + 'unicode': 'str' + }) + +NON_UNICODE_ESCAPES = DEFAULT_ESCAPES.copy() +NON_UNICODE_ESCAPES['h'] = 'filters.legacy_html_escape' +NON_UNICODE_ESCAPES['u'] = 'filters.legacy_url_escape' diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/lexer.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/lexer.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cf4187f --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/lexer.py @@ -0,0 +1,449 @@ +# mako/lexer.py +# Copyright (C) 2006-2016 the Mako authors and contributors +# +# This module is part of Mako and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +"""provides the Lexer class for parsing template strings into parse trees.""" + +import re +import codecs +from mako import parsetree, exceptions, compat +from mako.pygen import adjust_whitespace + +_regexp_cache = {} + + +class Lexer(object): + + def __init__(self, text, filename=None, + disable_unicode=False, + input_encoding=None, preprocessor=None): + self.text = text + self.filename = filename + self.template = parsetree.TemplateNode(self.filename) + self.matched_lineno = 1 + self.matched_charpos = 0 + self.lineno = 1 + self.match_position = 0 + self.tag = [] + self.control_line = [] + self.ternary_stack = [] + self.disable_unicode = disable_unicode + self.encoding = input_encoding + + if compat.py3k and disable_unicode: + raise exceptions.UnsupportedError( + "Mako for Python 3 does not " + "support disabling Unicode") + + if preprocessor is None: + self.preprocessor = [] + elif not hasattr(preprocessor, '__iter__'): + self.preprocessor = [preprocessor] + else: + self.preprocessor = preprocessor + + @property + def exception_kwargs(self): + return {'source': self.text, + 'lineno': self.matched_lineno, + 'pos': self.matched_charpos, + 'filename': self.filename} + + def match(self, regexp, flags=None): + """compile the given regexp, cache the reg, and call match_reg().""" + + try: + reg = _regexp_cache[(regexp, flags)] + except KeyError: + if flags: + reg = re.compile(regexp, flags) + else: + reg = re.compile(regexp) + _regexp_cache[(regexp, flags)] = reg + + return self.match_reg(reg) + + def match_reg(self, reg): + """match the given regular expression object to the current text + position. + + if a match occurs, update the current text and line position. + + """ + + mp = self.match_position + + match = reg.match(self.text, self.match_position) + if match: + (start, end) = match.span() + if end == start: + self.match_position = end + 1 + else: + self.match_position = end + self.matched_lineno = self.lineno + lines = re.findall(r"\n", self.text[mp:self.match_position]) + cp = mp - 1 + while (cp >= 0 and cp < self.textlength and self.text[cp] != '\n'): + cp -= 1 + self.matched_charpos = mp - cp + self.lineno += len(lines) + # print "MATCHED:", match.group(0), "LINE START:", + # self.matched_lineno, "LINE END:", self.lineno + # print "MATCH:", regexp, "\n", self.text[mp : mp + 15], \ + # (match and "TRUE" or "FALSE") + return match + + def parse_until_text(self, watch_nesting, *text): + startpos = self.match_position + text_re = r'|'.join(text) + brace_level = 0 + paren_level = 0 + bracket_level = 0 + while True: + match = self.match(r'#.*\n') + if match: + continue + match = self.match(r'(\"\"\"|\'\'\'|\"|\')[^\\]*?(\\.[^\\]*?)*\1', + re.S) + if match: + continue + match = self.match(r'(%s)' % text_re) + if match and not (watch_nesting + and (brace_level > 0 or paren_level > 0 + or bracket_level > 0)): + return \ + self.text[startpos: + self.match_position - len(match.group(1))],\ + match.group(1) + elif not match: + match = self.match(r"(.*?)(?=\"|\'|#|%s)" % text_re, re.S) + if match: + brace_level += match.group(1).count('{') + brace_level -= match.group(1).count('}') + paren_level += match.group(1).count('(') + paren_level -= match.group(1).count(')') + bracket_level += match.group(1).count('[') + bracket_level -= match.group(1).count(']') + continue + raise exceptions.SyntaxException( + "Expected: %s" % + ','.join(text), + **self.exception_kwargs) + + def append_node(self, nodecls, *args, **kwargs): + kwargs.setdefault('source', self.text) + kwargs.setdefault('lineno', self.matched_lineno) + kwargs.setdefault('pos', self.matched_charpos) + kwargs['filename'] = self.filename + node = nodecls(*args, **kwargs) + if len(self.tag): + self.tag[-1].nodes.append(node) + else: + self.template.nodes.append(node) + # build a set of child nodes for the control line + # (used for loop variable detection) + # also build a set of child nodes on ternary control lines + # (used for determining if a pass needs to be auto-inserted + if self.control_line: + control_frame = self.control_line[-1] + control_frame.nodes.append(node) + if not (isinstance(node, parsetree.ControlLine) and + control_frame.is_ternary(node.keyword)): + if self.ternary_stack and self.ternary_stack[-1]: + self.ternary_stack[-1][-1].nodes.append(node) + if isinstance(node, parsetree.Tag): + if len(self.tag): + node.parent = self.tag[-1] + self.tag.append(node) + elif isinstance(node, parsetree.ControlLine): + if node.isend: + self.control_line.pop() + self.ternary_stack.pop() + elif node.is_primary: + self.control_line.append(node) + self.ternary_stack.append([]) + elif self.control_line and \ + self.control_line[-1].is_ternary(node.keyword): + self.ternary_stack[-1].append(node) + elif self.control_line and \ + not self.control_line[-1].is_ternary(node.keyword): + raise exceptions.SyntaxException( + "Keyword '%s' not a legal ternary for keyword '%s'" % + (node.keyword, self.control_line[-1].keyword), + **self.exception_kwargs) + + _coding_re = re.compile(r'#.*coding[:=]\s*([-\w.]+).*\r?\n') + + def decode_raw_stream(self, text, decode_raw, known_encoding, filename): + """given string/unicode or bytes/string, determine encoding + from magic encoding comment, return body as unicode + or raw if decode_raw=False + + """ + if isinstance(text, compat.text_type): + m = self._coding_re.match(text) + encoding = m and m.group(1) or known_encoding or 'ascii' + return encoding, text + + if text.startswith(codecs.BOM_UTF8): + text = text[len(codecs.BOM_UTF8):] + parsed_encoding = 'utf-8' + m = self._coding_re.match(text.decode('utf-8', 'ignore')) + if m is not None and m.group(1) != 'utf-8': + raise exceptions.CompileException( + "Found utf-8 BOM in file, with conflicting " + "magic encoding comment of '%s'" % m.group(1), + text.decode('utf-8', 'ignore'), + 0, 0, filename) + else: + m = self._coding_re.match(text.decode('utf-8', 'ignore')) + if m: + parsed_encoding = m.group(1) + else: + parsed_encoding = known_encoding or 'ascii' + + if decode_raw: + try: + text = text.decode(parsed_encoding) + except UnicodeDecodeError: + raise exceptions.CompileException( + "Unicode decode operation of encoding '%s' failed" % + parsed_encoding, + text.decode('utf-8', 'ignore'), + 0, 0, filename) + + return parsed_encoding, text + + def parse(self): + self.encoding, self.text = self.decode_raw_stream( + self.text, + not self.disable_unicode, + self.encoding, + self.filename) + + for preproc in self.preprocessor: + self.text = preproc(self.text) + + # push the match marker past the + # encoding comment. + self.match_reg(self._coding_re) + + self.textlength = len(self.text) + + while (True): + if self.match_position > self.textlength: + break + + if self.match_end(): + break + if self.match_expression(): + continue + if self.match_control_line(): + continue + if self.match_comment(): + continue + if self.match_tag_start(): + continue + if self.match_tag_end(): + continue + if self.match_python_block(): + continue + if self.match_text(): + continue + + if self.match_position > self.textlength: + break + raise exceptions.CompileException("assertion failed") + + if len(self.tag): + raise exceptions.SyntaxException("Unclosed tag: <%%%s>" % + self.tag[-1].keyword, + **self.exception_kwargs) + if len(self.control_line): + raise exceptions.SyntaxException( + "Unterminated control keyword: '%s'" % + self.control_line[-1].keyword, + self.text, + self.control_line[-1].lineno, + self.control_line[-1].pos, self.filename) + return self.template + + def match_tag_start(self): + match = self.match(r''' + \<% # opening tag + + ([\w\.\:]+) # keyword + + ((?:\s+\w+|\s*=\s*|".*?"|'.*?')*) # attrname, = \ + # sign, string expression + + \s* # more whitespace + + (/)?> # closing + + ''', + + re.I | re.S | re.X) + + if match: + keyword, attr, isend = match.groups() + self.keyword = keyword + attributes = {} + if attr: + for att in re.findall( + r"\s*(\w+)\s*=\s*(?:'([^']*)'|\"([^\"]*)\")", attr): + key, val1, val2 = att + text = val1 or val2 + text = text.replace('\r\n', '\n') + attributes[key] = text + self.append_node(parsetree.Tag, keyword, attributes) + if isend: + self.tag.pop() + else: + if keyword == 'text': + match = self.match(r'(.*?)(?=\)', re.S) + if not match: + raise exceptions.SyntaxException( + "Unclosed tag: <%%%s>" % + self.tag[-1].keyword, + **self.exception_kwargs) + self.append_node(parsetree.Text, match.group(1)) + return self.match_tag_end() + return True + else: + return False + + def match_tag_end(self): + match = self.match(r'\') + if match: + if not len(self.tag): + raise exceptions.SyntaxException( + "Closing tag without opening tag: " % + match.group(1), + **self.exception_kwargs) + elif self.tag[-1].keyword != match.group(1): + raise exceptions.SyntaxException( + "Closing tag does not match tag: <%%%s>" % + (match.group(1), self.tag[-1].keyword), + **self.exception_kwargs) + self.tag.pop() + return True + else: + return False + + def match_end(self): + match = self.match(r'\Z', re.S) + if match: + string = match.group() + if string: + return string + else: + return True + else: + return False + + def match_text(self): + match = self.match(r""" + (.*?) # anything, followed by: + ( + (?<=\n)(?=[ \t]*(?=%|\#\#)) # an eval or line-based + # comment preceded by a + # consumed newline and whitespace + | + (?=\${) # an expression + | + (?=') + # the trailing newline helps + # compiler.parse() not complain about indentation + text = adjust_whitespace(text) + "\n" + self.append_node( + parsetree.Code, + text, + match.group(1) == '!', lineno=line, pos=pos) + return True + else: + return False + + def match_expression(self): + match = self.match(r"\${") + if match: + line, pos = self.matched_lineno, self.matched_charpos + text, end = self.parse_until_text(True, r'\|', r'}') + if end == '|': + escapes, end = self.parse_until_text(True, r'}') + else: + escapes = "" + text = text.replace('\r\n', '\n') + self.append_node( + parsetree.Expression, + text, escapes.strip(), + lineno=line, pos=pos) + return True + else: + return False + + def match_control_line(self): + match = self.match( + r"(?<=^)[\t ]*(%(?!%)|##)[\t ]*((?:(?:\\r?\n)|[^\r\n])*)" + r"(?:\r?\n|\Z)", re.M) + if match: + operator = match.group(1) + text = match.group(2) + if operator == '%': + m2 = re.match(r'(end)?(\w+)\s*(.*)', text) + if not m2: + raise exceptions.SyntaxException( + "Invalid control line: '%s'" % + text, + **self.exception_kwargs) + isend, keyword = m2.group(1, 2) + isend = (isend is not None) + + if isend: + if not len(self.control_line): + raise exceptions.SyntaxException( + "No starting keyword '%s' for '%s'" % + (keyword, text), + **self.exception_kwargs) + elif self.control_line[-1].keyword != keyword: + raise exceptions.SyntaxException( + "Keyword '%s' doesn't match keyword '%s'" % + (text, self.control_line[-1].keyword), + **self.exception_kwargs) + self.append_node(parsetree.ControlLine, keyword, isend, text) + else: + self.append_node(parsetree.Comment, text) + return True + else: + return False + + def match_comment(self): + """matches the multiline version of a comment""" + match = self.match(r"<%doc>(.*?)", re.S) + if match: + self.append_node(parsetree.Comment, match.group(1)) + return True + else: + return False diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/lookup.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/lookup.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0d3f304 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/lookup.py @@ -0,0 +1,369 @@ +# mako/lookup.py +# Copyright (C) 2006-2016 the Mako authors and contributors +# +# This module is part of Mako and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +import os +import stat +import posixpath +import re +from mako import exceptions, util +from mako.template import Template + +try: + import threading +except: + import dummy_threading as threading + + +class TemplateCollection(object): + + """Represent a collection of :class:`.Template` objects, + identifiable via URI. + + A :class:`.TemplateCollection` is linked to the usage of + all template tags that address other templates, such + as ``<%include>``, ``<%namespace>``, and ``<%inherit>``. + The ``file`` attribute of each of those tags refers + to a string URI that is passed to that :class:`.Template` + object's :class:`.TemplateCollection` for resolution. + + :class:`.TemplateCollection` is an abstract class, + with the usual default implementation being :class:`.TemplateLookup`. + + """ + + def has_template(self, uri): + """Return ``True`` if this :class:`.TemplateLookup` is + capable of returning a :class:`.Template` object for the + given ``uri``. + + :param uri: String URI of the template to be resolved. + + """ + try: + self.get_template(uri) + return True + except exceptions.TemplateLookupException: + return False + + def get_template(self, uri, relativeto=None): + """Return a :class:`.Template` object corresponding to the given + ``uri``. + + The default implementation raises + :class:`.NotImplementedError`. Implementations should + raise :class:`.TemplateLookupException` if the given ``uri`` + cannot be resolved. + + :param uri: String URI of the template to be resolved. + :param relativeto: if present, the given ``uri`` is assumed to + be relative to this URI. + + """ + raise NotImplementedError() + + def filename_to_uri(self, uri, filename): + """Convert the given ``filename`` to a URI relative to + this :class:`.TemplateCollection`.""" + + return uri + + def adjust_uri(self, uri, filename): + """Adjust the given ``uri`` based on the calling ``filename``. + + When this method is called from the runtime, the + ``filename`` parameter is taken directly to the ``filename`` + attribute of the calling template. Therefore a custom + :class:`.TemplateCollection` subclass can place any string + identifier desired in the ``filename`` parameter of the + :class:`.Template` objects it constructs and have them come back + here. + + """ + return uri + + +class TemplateLookup(TemplateCollection): + + """Represent a collection of templates that locates template source files + from the local filesystem. + + The primary argument is the ``directories`` argument, the list of + directories to search: + + .. sourcecode:: python + + lookup = TemplateLookup(["/path/to/templates"]) + some_template = lookup.get_template("/index.html") + + The :class:`.TemplateLookup` can also be given :class:`.Template` objects + programatically using :meth:`.put_string` or :meth:`.put_template`: + + .. sourcecode:: python + + lookup = TemplateLookup() + lookup.put_string("base.html", ''' + ${self.next()} + ''') + lookup.put_string("hello.html", ''' + <%include file='base.html'/> + + Hello, world ! + ''') + + + :param directories: A list of directory names which will be + searched for a particular template URI. The URI is appended + to each directory and the filesystem checked. + + :param collection_size: Approximate size of the collection used + to store templates. If left at its default of ``-1``, the size + is unbounded, and a plain Python dictionary is used to + relate URI strings to :class:`.Template` instances. + Otherwise, a least-recently-used cache object is used which + will maintain the size of the collection approximately to + the number given. + + :param filesystem_checks: When at its default value of ``True``, + each call to :meth:`.TemplateLookup.get_template()` will + compare the filesystem last modified time to the time in + which an existing :class:`.Template` object was created. + This allows the :class:`.TemplateLookup` to regenerate a + new :class:`.Template` whenever the original source has + been updated. Set this to ``False`` for a very minor + performance increase. + + :param modulename_callable: A callable which, when present, + is passed the path of the source file as well as the + requested URI, and then returns the full path of the + generated Python module file. This is used to inject + alternate schemes for Python module location. If left at + its default of ``None``, the built in system of generation + based on ``module_directory`` plus ``uri`` is used. + + All other keyword parameters available for + :class:`.Template` are mirrored here. When new + :class:`.Template` objects are created, the keywords + established with this :class:`.TemplateLookup` are passed on + to each new :class:`.Template`. + + """ + + def __init__(self, + directories=None, + module_directory=None, + filesystem_checks=True, + collection_size=-1, + format_exceptions=False, + error_handler=None, + disable_unicode=False, + bytestring_passthrough=False, + output_encoding=None, + encoding_errors='strict', + + cache_args=None, + cache_impl='beaker', + cache_enabled=True, + cache_type=None, + cache_dir=None, + cache_url=None, + + modulename_callable=None, + module_writer=None, + default_filters=None, + buffer_filters=(), + strict_undefined=False, + imports=None, + future_imports=None, + enable_loop=True, + input_encoding=None, + preprocessor=None, + lexer_cls=None, + include_error_handler=None): + + self.directories = [posixpath.normpath(d) for d in + util.to_list(directories, ()) + ] + self.module_directory = module_directory + self.modulename_callable = modulename_callable + self.filesystem_checks = filesystem_checks + self.collection_size = collection_size + + if cache_args is None: + cache_args = {} + # transfer deprecated cache_* args + if cache_dir: + cache_args.setdefault('dir', cache_dir) + if cache_url: + cache_args.setdefault('url', cache_url) + if cache_type: + cache_args.setdefault('type', cache_type) + + self.template_args = { + 'format_exceptions': format_exceptions, + 'error_handler': error_handler, + 'include_error_handler': include_error_handler, + 'disable_unicode': disable_unicode, + 'bytestring_passthrough': bytestring_passthrough, + 'output_encoding': output_encoding, + 'cache_impl': cache_impl, + 'encoding_errors': encoding_errors, + 'input_encoding': input_encoding, + 'module_directory': module_directory, + 'module_writer': module_writer, + 'cache_args': cache_args, + 'cache_enabled': cache_enabled, + 'default_filters': default_filters, + 'buffer_filters': buffer_filters, + 'strict_undefined': strict_undefined, + 'imports': imports, + 'future_imports': future_imports, + 'enable_loop': enable_loop, + 'preprocessor': preprocessor, + 'lexer_cls': lexer_cls + } + + if collection_size == -1: + self._collection = {} + self._uri_cache = {} + else: + self._collection = util.LRUCache(collection_size) + self._uri_cache = util.LRUCache(collection_size) + self._mutex = threading.Lock() + + def get_template(self, uri): + """Return a :class:`.Template` object corresponding to the given + ``uri``. + + .. note:: The ``relativeto`` argument is not supported here at + the moment. + + """ + + try: + if self.filesystem_checks: + return self._check(uri, self._collection[uri]) + else: + return self._collection[uri] + except KeyError: + u = re.sub(r'^\/+', '', uri) + for dir in self.directories: + # make sure the path seperators are posix - os.altsep is empty + # on POSIX and cannot be used. + dir = dir.replace(os.path.sep, posixpath.sep) + srcfile = posixpath.normpath(posixpath.join(dir, u)) + if os.path.isfile(srcfile): + return self._load(srcfile, uri) + else: + raise exceptions.TopLevelLookupException( + "Cant locate template for uri %r" % uri) + + def adjust_uri(self, uri, relativeto): + """Adjust the given ``uri`` based on the given relative URI.""" + + key = (uri, relativeto) + if key in self._uri_cache: + return self._uri_cache[key] + + if uri[0] != '/': + if relativeto is not None: + v = self._uri_cache[key] = posixpath.join( + posixpath.dirname(relativeto), uri) + else: + v = self._uri_cache[key] = '/' + uri + else: + v = self._uri_cache[key] = uri + return v + + def filename_to_uri(self, filename): + """Convert the given ``filename`` to a URI relative to + this :class:`.TemplateCollection`.""" + + try: + return self._uri_cache[filename] + except KeyError: + value = self._relativeize(filename) + self._uri_cache[filename] = value + return value + + def _relativeize(self, filename): + """Return the portion of a filename that is 'relative' + to the directories in this lookup. + + """ + + filename = posixpath.normpath(filename) + for dir in self.directories: + if filename[0:len(dir)] == dir: + return filename[len(dir):] + else: + return None + + def _load(self, filename, uri): + self._mutex.acquire() + try: + try: + # try returning from collection one + # more time in case concurrent thread already loaded + return self._collection[uri] + except KeyError: + pass + try: + if self.modulename_callable is not None: + module_filename = self.modulename_callable(filename, uri) + else: + module_filename = None + self._collection[uri] = template = Template( + uri=uri, + filename=posixpath.normpath(filename), + lookup=self, + module_filename=module_filename, + **self.template_args) + return template + except: + # if compilation fails etc, ensure + # template is removed from collection, + # re-raise + self._collection.pop(uri, None) + raise + finally: + self._mutex.release() + + def _check(self, uri, template): + if template.filename is None: + return template + + try: + template_stat = os.stat(template.filename) + if template.module._modified_time < \ + template_stat[stat.ST_MTIME]: + self._collection.pop(uri, None) + return self._load(template.filename, uri) + else: + return template + except OSError: + self._collection.pop(uri, None) + raise exceptions.TemplateLookupException( + "Cant locate template for uri %r" % uri) + + def put_string(self, uri, text): + """Place a new :class:`.Template` object into this + :class:`.TemplateLookup`, based on the given string of + ``text``. + + """ + self._collection[uri] = Template( + text, + lookup=self, + uri=uri, + **self.template_args) + + def put_template(self, uri, template): + """Place a new :class:`.Template` object into this + :class:`.TemplateLookup`, based on the given + :class:`.Template` object. + + """ + self._collection[uri] = template diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/parsetree.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/parsetree.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e129916 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/parsetree.py @@ -0,0 +1,616 @@ +# mako/parsetree.py +# Copyright (C) 2006-2016 the Mako authors and contributors +# +# This module is part of Mako and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +"""defines the parse tree components for Mako templates.""" + +from mako import exceptions, ast, util, filters, compat +import re + + +class Node(object): + + """base class for a Node in the parse tree.""" + + def __init__(self, source, lineno, pos, filename): + self.source = source + self.lineno = lineno + self.pos = pos + self.filename = filename + + @property + def exception_kwargs(self): + return {'source': self.source, 'lineno': self.lineno, + 'pos': self.pos, 'filename': self.filename} + + def get_children(self): + return [] + + def accept_visitor(self, visitor): + def traverse(node): + for n in node.get_children(): + n.accept_visitor(visitor) + + method = getattr(visitor, "visit" + self.__class__.__name__, traverse) + method(self) + + +class TemplateNode(Node): + + """a 'container' node that stores the overall collection of nodes.""" + + def __init__(self, filename): + super(TemplateNode, self).__init__('', 0, 0, filename) + self.nodes = [] + self.page_attributes = {} + + def get_children(self): + return self.nodes + + def __repr__(self): + return "TemplateNode(%s, %r)" % ( + util.sorted_dict_repr(self.page_attributes), + self.nodes) + + +class ControlLine(Node): + + """defines a control line, a line-oriented python line or end tag. + + e.g.:: + + % if foo: + (markup) + % endif + + """ + + has_loop_context = False + + def __init__(self, keyword, isend, text, **kwargs): + super(ControlLine, self).__init__(**kwargs) + self.text = text + self.keyword = keyword + self.isend = isend + self.is_primary = keyword in ['for', 'if', 'while', 'try', 'with'] + self.nodes = [] + if self.isend: + self._declared_identifiers = [] + self._undeclared_identifiers = [] + else: + code = ast.PythonFragment(text, **self.exception_kwargs) + self._declared_identifiers = code.declared_identifiers + self._undeclared_identifiers = code.undeclared_identifiers + + def get_children(self): + return self.nodes + + def declared_identifiers(self): + return self._declared_identifiers + + def undeclared_identifiers(self): + return self._undeclared_identifiers + + def is_ternary(self, keyword): + """return true if the given keyword is a ternary keyword + for this ControlLine""" + + return keyword in { + 'if': set(['else', 'elif']), + 'try': set(['except', 'finally']), + 'for': set(['else']) + }.get(self.keyword, []) + + def __repr__(self): + return "ControlLine(%r, %r, %r, %r)" % ( + self.keyword, + self.text, + self.isend, + (self.lineno, self.pos) + ) + + +class Text(Node): + + """defines plain text in the template.""" + + def __init__(self, content, **kwargs): + super(Text, self).__init__(**kwargs) + self.content = content + + def __repr__(self): + return "Text(%r, %r)" % (self.content, (self.lineno, self.pos)) + + +class Code(Node): + + """defines a Python code block, either inline or module level. + + e.g.:: + + inline: + <% + x = 12 + %> + + module level: + <%! + import logger + %> + + """ + + def __init__(self, text, ismodule, **kwargs): + super(Code, self).__init__(**kwargs) + self.text = text + self.ismodule = ismodule + self.code = ast.PythonCode(text, **self.exception_kwargs) + + def declared_identifiers(self): + return self.code.declared_identifiers + + def undeclared_identifiers(self): + return self.code.undeclared_identifiers + + def __repr__(self): + return "Code(%r, %r, %r)" % ( + self.text, + self.ismodule, + (self.lineno, self.pos) + ) + + +class Comment(Node): + + """defines a comment line. + + # this is a comment + + """ + + def __init__(self, text, **kwargs): + super(Comment, self).__init__(**kwargs) + self.text = text + + def __repr__(self): + return "Comment(%r, %r)" % (self.text, (self.lineno, self.pos)) + + +class Expression(Node): + + """defines an inline expression. + + ${x+y} + + """ + + def __init__(self, text, escapes, **kwargs): + super(Expression, self).__init__(**kwargs) + self.text = text + self.escapes = escapes + self.escapes_code = ast.ArgumentList(escapes, **self.exception_kwargs) + self.code = ast.PythonCode(text, **self.exception_kwargs) + + def declared_identifiers(self): + return [] + + def undeclared_identifiers(self): + # TODO: make the "filter" shortcut list configurable at parse/gen time + return self.code.undeclared_identifiers.union( + self.escapes_code.undeclared_identifiers.difference( + set(filters.DEFAULT_ESCAPES.keys()) + ) + ).difference(self.code.declared_identifiers) + + def __repr__(self): + return "Expression(%r, %r, %r)" % ( + self.text, + self.escapes_code.args, + (self.lineno, self.pos) + ) + + +class _TagMeta(type): + + """metaclass to allow Tag to produce a subclass according to + its keyword""" + + _classmap = {} + + def __init__(cls, clsname, bases, dict): + if getattr(cls, '__keyword__', None) is not None: + cls._classmap[cls.__keyword__] = cls + super(_TagMeta, cls).__init__(clsname, bases, dict) + + def __call__(cls, keyword, attributes, **kwargs): + if ":" in keyword: + ns, defname = keyword.split(':') + return type.__call__(CallNamespaceTag, ns, defname, + attributes, **kwargs) + + try: + cls = _TagMeta._classmap[keyword] + except KeyError: + raise exceptions.CompileException( + "No such tag: '%s'" % keyword, + source=kwargs['source'], + lineno=kwargs['lineno'], + pos=kwargs['pos'], + filename=kwargs['filename'] + ) + return type.__call__(cls, keyword, attributes, **kwargs) + + +class Tag(compat.with_metaclass(_TagMeta, Node)): + + """abstract base class for tags. + + <%sometag/> + + <%someothertag> + stuff + + + """ + __keyword__ = None + + def __init__(self, keyword, attributes, expressions, + nonexpressions, required, **kwargs): + r"""construct a new Tag instance. + + this constructor not called directly, and is only called + by subclasses. + + :param keyword: the tag keyword + + :param attributes: raw dictionary of attribute key/value pairs + + :param expressions: a set of identifiers that are legal attributes, + which can also contain embedded expressions + + :param nonexpressions: a set of identifiers that are legal + attributes, which cannot contain embedded expressions + + :param \**kwargs: + other arguments passed to the Node superclass (lineno, pos) + + """ + super(Tag, self).__init__(**kwargs) + self.keyword = keyword + self.attributes = attributes + self._parse_attributes(expressions, nonexpressions) + missing = [r for r in required if r not in self.parsed_attributes] + if len(missing): + raise exceptions.CompileException( + "Missing attribute(s): %s" % + ",".join([repr(m) for m in missing]), + **self.exception_kwargs) + self.parent = None + self.nodes = [] + + def is_root(self): + return self.parent is None + + def get_children(self): + return self.nodes + + def _parse_attributes(self, expressions, nonexpressions): + undeclared_identifiers = set() + self.parsed_attributes = {} + for key in self.attributes: + if key in expressions: + expr = [] + for x in re.compile(r'(\${.+?})', + re.S).split(self.attributes[key]): + m = re.compile(r'^\${(.+?)}$', re.S).match(x) + if m: + code = ast.PythonCode(m.group(1).rstrip(), + **self.exception_kwargs) + # we aren't discarding "declared_identifiers" here, + # which we do so that list comprehension-declared + # variables aren't counted. As yet can't find a + # condition that requires it here. + undeclared_identifiers = \ + undeclared_identifiers.union( + code.undeclared_identifiers) + expr.append('(%s)' % m.group(1)) + else: + if x: + expr.append(repr(x)) + self.parsed_attributes[key] = " + ".join(expr) or repr('') + elif key in nonexpressions: + if re.search(r'\${.+?}', self.attributes[key]): + raise exceptions.CompileException( + "Attibute '%s' in tag '%s' does not allow embedded " + "expressions" % (key, self.keyword), + **self.exception_kwargs) + self.parsed_attributes[key] = repr(self.attributes[key]) + else: + raise exceptions.CompileException( + "Invalid attribute for tag '%s': '%s'" % + (self.keyword, key), + **self.exception_kwargs) + self.expression_undeclared_identifiers = undeclared_identifiers + + def declared_identifiers(self): + return [] + + def undeclared_identifiers(self): + return self.expression_undeclared_identifiers + + def __repr__(self): + return "%s(%r, %s, %r, %r)" % (self.__class__.__name__, + self.keyword, + util.sorted_dict_repr(self.attributes), + (self.lineno, self.pos), + self.nodes + ) + + +class IncludeTag(Tag): + __keyword__ = 'include' + + def __init__(self, keyword, attributes, **kwargs): + super(IncludeTag, self).__init__( + keyword, + attributes, + ('file', 'import', 'args'), + (), ('file',), **kwargs) + self.page_args = ast.PythonCode( + "__DUMMY(%s)" % attributes.get('args', ''), + **self.exception_kwargs) + + def declared_identifiers(self): + return [] + + def undeclared_identifiers(self): + identifiers = self.page_args.undeclared_identifiers.\ + difference(set(["__DUMMY"])).\ + difference(self.page_args.declared_identifiers) + return identifiers.union(super(IncludeTag, self). + undeclared_identifiers()) + + +class NamespaceTag(Tag): + __keyword__ = 'namespace' + + def __init__(self, keyword, attributes, **kwargs): + super(NamespaceTag, self).__init__( + keyword, attributes, + ('file',), + ('name', 'inheritable', + 'import', 'module'), + (), **kwargs) + + self.name = attributes.get('name', '__anon_%s' % hex(abs(id(self)))) + if 'name' not in attributes and 'import' not in attributes: + raise exceptions.CompileException( + "'name' and/or 'import' attributes are required " + "for <%namespace>", + **self.exception_kwargs) + if 'file' in attributes and 'module' in attributes: + raise exceptions.CompileException( + "<%namespace> may only have one of 'file' or 'module'", + **self.exception_kwargs + ) + + def declared_identifiers(self): + return [] + + +class TextTag(Tag): + __keyword__ = 'text' + + def __init__(self, keyword, attributes, **kwargs): + super(TextTag, self).__init__( + keyword, + attributes, (), + ('filter'), (), **kwargs) + self.filter_args = ast.ArgumentList( + attributes.get('filter', ''), + **self.exception_kwargs) + + def undeclared_identifiers(self): + return self.filter_args.\ + undeclared_identifiers.\ + difference(filters.DEFAULT_ESCAPES.keys()).union( + self.expression_undeclared_identifiers + ) + + +class DefTag(Tag): + __keyword__ = 'def' + + def __init__(self, keyword, attributes, **kwargs): + expressions = ['buffered', 'cached'] + [ + c for c in attributes if c.startswith('cache_')] + + super(DefTag, self).__init__( + keyword, + attributes, + expressions, + ('name', 'filter', 'decorator'), + ('name',), + **kwargs) + name = attributes['name'] + if re.match(r'^[\w_]+$', name): + raise exceptions.CompileException( + "Missing parenthesis in %def", + **self.exception_kwargs) + self.function_decl = ast.FunctionDecl("def " + name + ":pass", + **self.exception_kwargs) + self.name = self.function_decl.funcname + self.decorator = attributes.get('decorator', '') + self.filter_args = ast.ArgumentList( + attributes.get('filter', ''), + **self.exception_kwargs) + + is_anonymous = False + is_block = False + + @property + def funcname(self): + return self.function_decl.funcname + + def get_argument_expressions(self, **kw): + return self.function_decl.get_argument_expressions(**kw) + + def declared_identifiers(self): + return self.function_decl.allargnames + + def undeclared_identifiers(self): + res = [] + for c in self.function_decl.defaults: + res += list(ast.PythonCode(c, **self.exception_kwargs). + undeclared_identifiers) + return set(res).union( + self.filter_args. + undeclared_identifiers. + difference(filters.DEFAULT_ESCAPES.keys()) + ).union( + self.expression_undeclared_identifiers + ).difference( + self.function_decl.allargnames + ) + + +class BlockTag(Tag): + __keyword__ = 'block' + + def __init__(self, keyword, attributes, **kwargs): + expressions = ['buffered', 'cached', 'args'] + [ + c for c in attributes if c.startswith('cache_')] + + super(BlockTag, self).__init__( + keyword, + attributes, + expressions, + ('name', 'filter', 'decorator'), + (), + **kwargs) + name = attributes.get('name') + if name and not re.match(r'^[\w_]+$', name): + raise exceptions.CompileException( + "%block may not specify an argument signature", + **self.exception_kwargs) + if not name and attributes.get('args', None): + raise exceptions.CompileException( + "Only named %blocks may specify args", + **self.exception_kwargs + ) + self.body_decl = ast.FunctionArgs(attributes.get('args', ''), + **self.exception_kwargs) + + self.name = name + self.decorator = attributes.get('decorator', '') + self.filter_args = ast.ArgumentList( + attributes.get('filter', ''), + **self.exception_kwargs) + + is_block = True + + @property + def is_anonymous(self): + return self.name is None + + @property + def funcname(self): + return self.name or "__M_anon_%d" % (self.lineno, ) + + def get_argument_expressions(self, **kw): + return self.body_decl.get_argument_expressions(**kw) + + def declared_identifiers(self): + return self.body_decl.allargnames + + def undeclared_identifiers(self): + return (self.filter_args. + undeclared_identifiers. + difference(filters.DEFAULT_ESCAPES.keys()) + ).union(self.expression_undeclared_identifiers) + + +class CallTag(Tag): + __keyword__ = 'call' + + def __init__(self, keyword, attributes, **kwargs): + super(CallTag, self).__init__(keyword, attributes, + ('args'), ('expr',), ('expr',), **kwargs) + self.expression = attributes['expr'] + self.code = ast.PythonCode(self.expression, **self.exception_kwargs) + self.body_decl = ast.FunctionArgs(attributes.get('args', ''), + **self.exception_kwargs) + + def declared_identifiers(self): + return self.code.declared_identifiers.union(self.body_decl.allargnames) + + def undeclared_identifiers(self): + return self.code.undeclared_identifiers.\ + difference(self.code.declared_identifiers) + + +class CallNamespaceTag(Tag): + + def __init__(self, namespace, defname, attributes, **kwargs): + super(CallNamespaceTag, self).__init__( + namespace + ":" + defname, + attributes, + tuple(attributes.keys()) + ('args', ), + (), + (), + **kwargs) + + self.expression = "%s.%s(%s)" % ( + namespace, + defname, + ",".join(["%s=%s" % (k, v) for k, v in + self.parsed_attributes.items() + if k != 'args']) + ) + self.code = ast.PythonCode(self.expression, **self.exception_kwargs) + self.body_decl = ast.FunctionArgs( + attributes.get('args', ''), + **self.exception_kwargs) + + def declared_identifiers(self): + return self.code.declared_identifiers.union(self.body_decl.allargnames) + + def undeclared_identifiers(self): + return self.code.undeclared_identifiers.\ + difference(self.code.declared_identifiers) + + +class InheritTag(Tag): + __keyword__ = 'inherit' + + def __init__(self, keyword, attributes, **kwargs): + super(InheritTag, self).__init__( + keyword, attributes, + ('file',), (), ('file',), **kwargs) + + +class PageTag(Tag): + __keyword__ = 'page' + + def __init__(self, keyword, attributes, **kwargs): + expressions = \ + ['cached', 'args', 'expression_filter', 'enable_loop'] + \ + [c for c in attributes if c.startswith('cache_')] + + super(PageTag, self).__init__( + keyword, + attributes, + expressions, + (), + (), + **kwargs) + self.body_decl = ast.FunctionArgs(attributes.get('args', ''), + **self.exception_kwargs) + self.filter_args = ast.ArgumentList( + attributes.get('expression_filter', ''), + **self.exception_kwargs) + + def declared_identifiers(self): + return self.body_decl.allargnames diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/pygen.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/pygen.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8514e02 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/pygen.py @@ -0,0 +1,303 @@ +# mako/pygen.py +# Copyright (C) 2006-2016 the Mako authors and contributors +# +# This module is part of Mako and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +"""utilities for generating and formatting literal Python code.""" + +import re +from mako import exceptions + + +class PythonPrinter(object): + + def __init__(self, stream): + # indentation counter + self.indent = 0 + + # a stack storing information about why we incremented + # the indentation counter, to help us determine if we + # should decrement it + self.indent_detail = [] + + # the string of whitespace multiplied by the indent + # counter to produce a line + self.indentstring = " " + + # the stream we are writing to + self.stream = stream + + # current line number + self.lineno = 1 + + # a list of lines that represents a buffered "block" of code, + # which can be later printed relative to an indent level + self.line_buffer = [] + + self.in_indent_lines = False + + self._reset_multi_line_flags() + + # mapping of generated python lines to template + # source lines + self.source_map = {} + + def _update_lineno(self, num): + self.lineno += num + + def start_source(self, lineno): + if self.lineno not in self.source_map: + self.source_map[self.lineno] = lineno + + def write_blanks(self, num): + self.stream.write("\n" * num) + self._update_lineno(num) + + def write_indented_block(self, block): + """print a line or lines of python which already contain indentation. + + The indentation of the total block of lines will be adjusted to that of + the current indent level.""" + self.in_indent_lines = False + for l in re.split(r'\r?\n', block): + self.line_buffer.append(l) + self._update_lineno(1) + + def writelines(self, *lines): + """print a series of lines of python.""" + for line in lines: + self.writeline(line) + + def writeline(self, line): + """print a line of python, indenting it according to the current + indent level. + + this also adjusts the indentation counter according to the + content of the line. + + """ + + if not self.in_indent_lines: + self._flush_adjusted_lines() + self.in_indent_lines = True + + if ( + line is None or + re.match(r"^\s*#", line) or + re.match(r"^\s*$", line) + ): + hastext = False + else: + hastext = True + + is_comment = line and len(line) and line[0] == '#' + + # see if this line should decrease the indentation level + if ( + not is_comment and + (not hastext or self._is_unindentor(line)) + ): + + if self.indent > 0: + self.indent -= 1 + # if the indent_detail stack is empty, the user + # probably put extra closures - the resulting + # module wont compile. + if len(self.indent_detail) == 0: + raise exceptions.SyntaxException( + "Too many whitespace closures") + self.indent_detail.pop() + + if line is None: + return + + # write the line + self.stream.write(self._indent_line(line) + "\n") + self._update_lineno(len(line.split("\n"))) + + # see if this line should increase the indentation level. + # note that a line can both decrase (before printing) and + # then increase (after printing) the indentation level. + + if re.search(r":[ \t]*(?:#.*)?$", line): + # increment indentation count, and also + # keep track of what the keyword was that indented us, + # if it is a python compound statement keyword + # where we might have to look for an "unindent" keyword + match = re.match(r"^\s*(if|try|elif|while|for|with)", line) + if match: + # its a "compound" keyword, so we will check for "unindentors" + indentor = match.group(1) + self.indent += 1 + self.indent_detail.append(indentor) + else: + indentor = None + # its not a "compound" keyword. but lets also + # test for valid Python keywords that might be indenting us, + # else assume its a non-indenting line + m2 = re.match(r"^\s*(def|class|else|elif|except|finally)", + line) + if m2: + self.indent += 1 + self.indent_detail.append(indentor) + + def close(self): + """close this printer, flushing any remaining lines.""" + self._flush_adjusted_lines() + + def _is_unindentor(self, line): + """return true if the given line is an 'unindentor', + relative to the last 'indent' event received. + + """ + + # no indentation detail has been pushed on; return False + if len(self.indent_detail) == 0: + return False + + indentor = self.indent_detail[-1] + + # the last indent keyword we grabbed is not a + # compound statement keyword; return False + if indentor is None: + return False + + # if the current line doesnt have one of the "unindentor" keywords, + # return False + match = re.match(r"^\s*(else|elif|except|finally).*\:", line) + if not match: + return False + + # whitespace matches up, we have a compound indentor, + # and this line has an unindentor, this + # is probably good enough + return True + + # should we decide that its not good enough, heres + # more stuff to check. + # keyword = match.group(1) + + # match the original indent keyword + # for crit in [ + # (r'if|elif', r'else|elif'), + # (r'try', r'except|finally|else'), + # (r'while|for', r'else'), + # ]: + # if re.match(crit[0], indentor) and re.match(crit[1], keyword): + # return True + + # return False + + def _indent_line(self, line, stripspace=''): + """indent the given line according to the current indent level. + + stripspace is a string of space that will be truncated from the + start of the line before indenting.""" + + return re.sub(r"^%s" % stripspace, self.indentstring + * self.indent, line) + + def _reset_multi_line_flags(self): + """reset the flags which would indicate we are in a backslashed + or triple-quoted section.""" + + self.backslashed, self.triplequoted = False, False + + def _in_multi_line(self, line): + """return true if the given line is part of a multi-line block, + via backslash or triple-quote.""" + + # we are only looking for explicitly joined lines here, not + # implicit ones (i.e. brackets, braces etc.). this is just to + # guard against the possibility of modifying the space inside of + # a literal multiline string with unfortunately placed + # whitespace + + current_state = (self.backslashed or self.triplequoted) + + if re.search(r"\\$", line): + self.backslashed = True + else: + self.backslashed = False + + triples = len(re.findall(r"\"\"\"|\'\'\'", line)) + if triples == 1 or triples % 2 != 0: + self.triplequoted = not self.triplequoted + + return current_state + + def _flush_adjusted_lines(self): + stripspace = None + self._reset_multi_line_flags() + + for entry in self.line_buffer: + if self._in_multi_line(entry): + self.stream.write(entry + "\n") + else: + entry = entry.expandtabs() + if stripspace is None and re.search(r"^[ \t]*[^# \t]", entry): + stripspace = re.match(r"^([ \t]*)", entry).group(1) + self.stream.write(self._indent_line(entry, stripspace) + "\n") + + self.line_buffer = [] + self._reset_multi_line_flags() + + +def adjust_whitespace(text): + """remove the left-whitespace margin of a block of Python code.""" + + state = [False, False] + (backslashed, triplequoted) = (0, 1) + + def in_multi_line(line): + start_state = (state[backslashed] or state[triplequoted]) + + if re.search(r"\\$", line): + state[backslashed] = True + else: + state[backslashed] = False + + def match(reg, t): + m = re.match(reg, t) + if m: + return m, t[len(m.group(0)):] + else: + return None, t + + while line: + if state[triplequoted]: + m, line = match(r"%s" % state[triplequoted], line) + if m: + state[triplequoted] = False + else: + m, line = match(r".*?(?=%s|$)" % state[triplequoted], line) + else: + m, line = match(r'#', line) + if m: + return start_state + + m, line = match(r"\"\"\"|\'\'\'", line) + if m: + state[triplequoted] = m.group(0) + continue + + m, line = match(r".*?(?=\"\"\"|\'\'\'|#|$)", line) + + return start_state + + def _indent_line(line, stripspace=''): + return re.sub(r"^%s" % stripspace, '', line) + + lines = [] + stripspace = None + + for line in re.split(r'\r?\n', text): + if in_multi_line(line): + lines.append(line) + else: + line = line.expandtabs() + if stripspace is None and re.search(r"^[ \t]*[^# \t]", line): + stripspace = re.match(r"^([ \t]*)", line).group(1) + lines.append(_indent_line(line, stripspace)) + return "\n".join(lines) diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/pyparser.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/pyparser.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..15d0da6 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/pyparser.py @@ -0,0 +1,233 @@ +# mako/pyparser.py +# Copyright (C) 2006-2016 the Mako authors and contributors +# +# This module is part of Mako and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +"""Handles parsing of Python code. + +Parsing to AST is done via _ast on Python > 2.5, otherwise the compiler +module is used. +""" + +from mako import exceptions, util, compat +from mako.compat import arg_stringname +import operator + +if compat.py3k: + # words that cannot be assigned to (notably + # smaller than the total keys in __builtins__) + reserved = set(['True', 'False', 'None', 'print']) + + # the "id" attribute on a function node + arg_id = operator.attrgetter('arg') +else: + # words that cannot be assigned to (notably + # smaller than the total keys in __builtins__) + reserved = set(['True', 'False', 'None']) + + # the "id" attribute on a function node + arg_id = operator.attrgetter('id') + +import _ast +util.restore__ast(_ast) +from mako import _ast_util + + +def parse(code, mode='exec', **exception_kwargs): + """Parse an expression into AST""" + + try: + return _ast_util.parse(code, '', mode) + except Exception: + raise exceptions.SyntaxException( + "(%s) %s (%r)" % ( + compat.exception_as().__class__.__name__, + compat.exception_as(), + code[0:50] + ), **exception_kwargs) + + +class FindIdentifiers(_ast_util.NodeVisitor): + + def __init__(self, listener, **exception_kwargs): + self.in_function = False + self.in_assign_targets = False + self.local_ident_stack = set() + self.listener = listener + self.exception_kwargs = exception_kwargs + + def _add_declared(self, name): + if not self.in_function: + self.listener.declared_identifiers.add(name) + else: + self.local_ident_stack.add(name) + + def visit_ClassDef(self, node): + self._add_declared(node.name) + + def visit_Assign(self, node): + + # flip around the visiting of Assign so the expression gets + # evaluated first, in the case of a clause like "x=x+5" (x + # is undeclared) + + self.visit(node.value) + in_a = self.in_assign_targets + self.in_assign_targets = True + for n in node.targets: + self.visit(n) + self.in_assign_targets = in_a + + if compat.py3k: + + # ExceptHandler is in Python 2, but this block only works in + # Python 3 (and is required there) + + def visit_ExceptHandler(self, node): + if node.name is not None: + self._add_declared(node.name) + if node.type is not None: + self.visit(node.type) + for statement in node.body: + self.visit(statement) + + def visit_Lambda(self, node, *args): + self._visit_function(node, True) + + def visit_FunctionDef(self, node): + self._add_declared(node.name) + self._visit_function(node, False) + + def _expand_tuples(self, args): + for arg in args: + if isinstance(arg, _ast.Tuple): + for n in arg.elts: + yield n + else: + yield arg + + def _visit_function(self, node, islambda): + + # push function state onto stack. dont log any more + # identifiers as "declared" until outside of the function, + # but keep logging identifiers as "undeclared". track + # argument names in each function header so they arent + # counted as "undeclared" + + inf = self.in_function + self.in_function = True + + local_ident_stack = self.local_ident_stack + self.local_ident_stack = local_ident_stack.union([ + arg_id(arg) for arg in self._expand_tuples(node.args.args) + ]) + if islambda: + self.visit(node.body) + else: + for n in node.body: + self.visit(n) + self.in_function = inf + self.local_ident_stack = local_ident_stack + + def visit_For(self, node): + + # flip around visit + + self.visit(node.iter) + self.visit(node.target) + for statement in node.body: + self.visit(statement) + for statement in node.orelse: + self.visit(statement) + + def visit_Name(self, node): + if isinstance(node.ctx, _ast.Store): + # this is eqiuvalent to visit_AssName in + # compiler + self._add_declared(node.id) + elif node.id not in reserved and node.id \ + not in self.listener.declared_identifiers and node.id \ + not in self.local_ident_stack: + self.listener.undeclared_identifiers.add(node.id) + + def visit_Import(self, node): + for name in node.names: + if name.asname is not None: + self._add_declared(name.asname) + else: + self._add_declared(name.name.split('.')[0]) + + def visit_ImportFrom(self, node): + for name in node.names: + if name.asname is not None: + self._add_declared(name.asname) + else: + if name.name == '*': + raise exceptions.CompileException( + "'import *' is not supported, since all identifier " + "names must be explicitly declared. Please use the " + "form 'from import , , " + "...' instead.", **self.exception_kwargs) + self._add_declared(name.name) + + +class FindTuple(_ast_util.NodeVisitor): + + def __init__(self, listener, code_factory, **exception_kwargs): + self.listener = listener + self.exception_kwargs = exception_kwargs + self.code_factory = code_factory + + def visit_Tuple(self, node): + for n in node.elts: + p = self.code_factory(n, **self.exception_kwargs) + self.listener.codeargs.append(p) + self.listener.args.append(ExpressionGenerator(n).value()) + self.listener.declared_identifiers = \ + self.listener.declared_identifiers.union( + p.declared_identifiers) + self.listener.undeclared_identifiers = \ + self.listener.undeclared_identifiers.union( + p.undeclared_identifiers) + + +class ParseFunc(_ast_util.NodeVisitor): + + def __init__(self, listener, **exception_kwargs): + self.listener = listener + self.exception_kwargs = exception_kwargs + + def visit_FunctionDef(self, node): + self.listener.funcname = node.name + + argnames = [arg_id(arg) for arg in node.args.args] + if node.args.vararg: + argnames.append(arg_stringname(node.args.vararg)) + + if compat.py2k: + # kw-only args don't exist in Python 2 + kwargnames = [] + else: + kwargnames = [arg_id(arg) for arg in node.args.kwonlyargs] + if node.args.kwarg: + kwargnames.append(arg_stringname(node.args.kwarg)) + self.listener.argnames = argnames + self.listener.defaults = node.args.defaults # ast + self.listener.kwargnames = kwargnames + if compat.py2k: + self.listener.kwdefaults = [] + else: + self.listener.kwdefaults = node.args.kw_defaults + self.listener.varargs = node.args.vararg + self.listener.kwargs = node.args.kwarg + + +class ExpressionGenerator(object): + + def __init__(self, astnode): + self.generator = _ast_util.SourceGenerator(' ' * 4) + self.generator.visit(astnode) + + def value(self): + return ''.join(self.generator.result) diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/runtime.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/runtime.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..769541c --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/runtime.py @@ -0,0 +1,918 @@ +# mako/runtime.py +# Copyright (C) 2006-2016 the Mako authors and contributors +# +# This module is part of Mako and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +"""provides runtime services for templates, including Context, +Namespace, and various helper functions.""" + +from mako import exceptions, util, compat +from mako.compat import compat_builtins +import sys + + +class Context(object): + + """Provides runtime namespace, output buffer, and various + callstacks for templates. + + See :ref:`runtime_toplevel` for detail on the usage of + :class:`.Context`. + + """ + + def __init__(self, buffer, **data): + self._buffer_stack = [buffer] + + self._data = data + + self._kwargs = data.copy() + self._with_template = None + self._outputting_as_unicode = None + self.namespaces = {} + + # "capture" function which proxies to the + # generic "capture" function + self._data['capture'] = compat.partial(capture, self) + + # "caller" stack used by def calls with content + self.caller_stack = self._data['caller'] = CallerStack() + + def _set_with_template(self, t): + self._with_template = t + illegal_names = t.reserved_names.intersection(self._data) + if illegal_names: + raise exceptions.NameConflictError( + "Reserved words passed to render(): %s" % + ", ".join(illegal_names)) + + @property + def lookup(self): + """Return the :class:`.TemplateLookup` associated + with this :class:`.Context`. + + """ + return self._with_template.lookup + + @property + def kwargs(self): + """Return the dictionary of top level keyword arguments associated + with this :class:`.Context`. + + This dictionary only includes the top-level arguments passed to + :meth:`.Template.render`. It does not include names produced within + the template execution such as local variable names or special names + such as ``self``, ``next``, etc. + + The purpose of this dictionary is primarily for the case that + a :class:`.Template` accepts arguments via its ``<%page>`` tag, + which are normally expected to be passed via :meth:`.Template.render`, + except the template is being called in an inheritance context, + using the ``body()`` method. :attr:`.Context.kwargs` can then be + used to propagate these arguments to the inheriting template:: + + ${next.body(**context.kwargs)} + + """ + return self._kwargs.copy() + + def push_caller(self, caller): + """Push a ``caller`` callable onto the callstack for + this :class:`.Context`.""" + + self.caller_stack.append(caller) + + def pop_caller(self): + """Pop a ``caller`` callable onto the callstack for this + :class:`.Context`.""" + + del self.caller_stack[-1] + + def keys(self): + """Return a list of all names established in this :class:`.Context`.""" + + return list(self._data.keys()) + + def __getitem__(self, key): + if key in self._data: + return self._data[key] + else: + return compat_builtins.__dict__[key] + + def _push_writer(self): + """push a capturing buffer onto this Context and return + the new writer function.""" + + buf = util.FastEncodingBuffer() + self._buffer_stack.append(buf) + return buf.write + + def _pop_buffer_and_writer(self): + """pop the most recent capturing buffer from this Context + and return the current writer after the pop. + + """ + + buf = self._buffer_stack.pop() + return buf, self._buffer_stack[-1].write + + def _push_buffer(self): + """push a capturing buffer onto this Context.""" + + self._push_writer() + + def _pop_buffer(self): + """pop the most recent capturing buffer from this Context.""" + + return self._buffer_stack.pop() + + def get(self, key, default=None): + """Return a value from this :class:`.Context`.""" + + return self._data.get(key, compat_builtins.__dict__.get(key, default)) + + def write(self, string): + """Write a string to this :class:`.Context` object's + underlying output buffer.""" + + self._buffer_stack[-1].write(string) + + def writer(self): + """Return the current writer function.""" + + return self._buffer_stack[-1].write + + def _copy(self): + c = Context.__new__(Context) + c._buffer_stack = self._buffer_stack + c._data = self._data.copy() + c._kwargs = self._kwargs + c._with_template = self._with_template + c._outputting_as_unicode = self._outputting_as_unicode + c.namespaces = self.namespaces + c.caller_stack = self.caller_stack + return c + + def _locals(self, d): + """Create a new :class:`.Context` with a copy of this + :class:`.Context`'s current state, + updated with the given dictionary. + + The :attr:`.Context.kwargs` collection remains + unaffected. + + + """ + + if not d: + return self + c = self._copy() + c._data.update(d) + return c + + def _clean_inheritance_tokens(self): + """create a new copy of this :class:`.Context`. with + tokens related to inheritance state removed.""" + + c = self._copy() + x = c._data + x.pop('self', None) + x.pop('parent', None) + x.pop('next', None) + return c + + +class CallerStack(list): + + def __init__(self): + self.nextcaller = None + + def __nonzero__(self): + return self.__bool__() + + def __bool__(self): + return len(self) and self._get_caller() and True or False + + def _get_caller(self): + # this method can be removed once + # codegen MAGIC_NUMBER moves past 7 + return self[-1] + + def __getattr__(self, key): + return getattr(self._get_caller(), key) + + def _push_frame(self): + frame = self.nextcaller or None + self.append(frame) + self.nextcaller = None + return frame + + def _pop_frame(self): + self.nextcaller = self.pop() + + +class Undefined(object): + + """Represents an undefined value in a template. + + All template modules have a constant value + ``UNDEFINED`` present which is an instance of this + object. + + """ + + def __str__(self): + raise NameError("Undefined") + + def __nonzero__(self): + return self.__bool__() + + def __bool__(self): + return False + +UNDEFINED = Undefined() +STOP_RENDERING = "" + + +class LoopStack(object): + + """a stack for LoopContexts that implements the context manager protocol + to automatically pop off the top of the stack on context exit + """ + + def __init__(self): + self.stack = [] + + def _enter(self, iterable): + self._push(iterable) + return self._top + + def _exit(self): + self._pop() + return self._top + + @property + def _top(self): + if self.stack: + return self.stack[-1] + else: + return self + + def _pop(self): + return self.stack.pop() + + def _push(self, iterable): + new = LoopContext(iterable) + if self.stack: + new.parent = self.stack[-1] + return self.stack.append(new) + + def __getattr__(self, key): + raise exceptions.RuntimeException("No loop context is established") + + def __iter__(self): + return iter(self._top) + + +class LoopContext(object): + + """A magic loop variable. + Automatically accessible in any ``% for`` block. + + See the section :ref:`loop_context` for usage + notes. + + :attr:`parent` -> :class:`.LoopContext` or ``None`` + The parent loop, if one exists. + :attr:`index` -> `int` + The 0-based iteration count. + :attr:`reverse_index` -> `int` + The number of iterations remaining. + :attr:`first` -> `bool` + ``True`` on the first iteration, ``False`` otherwise. + :attr:`last` -> `bool` + ``True`` on the last iteration, ``False`` otherwise. + :attr:`even` -> `bool` + ``True`` when ``index`` is even. + :attr:`odd` -> `bool` + ``True`` when ``index`` is odd. + """ + + def __init__(self, iterable): + self._iterable = iterable + self.index = 0 + self.parent = None + + def __iter__(self): + for i in self._iterable: + yield i + self.index += 1 + + @util.memoized_instancemethod + def __len__(self): + return len(self._iterable) + + @property + def reverse_index(self): + return len(self) - self.index - 1 + + @property + def first(self): + return self.index == 0 + + @property + def last(self): + return self.index == len(self) - 1 + + @property + def even(self): + return not self.odd + + @property + def odd(self): + return bool(self.index % 2) + + def cycle(self, *values): + """Cycle through values as the loop progresses. + """ + if not values: + raise ValueError("You must provide values to cycle through") + return values[self.index % len(values)] + + +class _NSAttr(object): + + def __init__(self, parent): + self.__parent = parent + + def __getattr__(self, key): + ns = self.__parent + while ns: + if hasattr(ns.module, key): + return getattr(ns.module, key) + else: + ns = ns.inherits + raise AttributeError(key) + + +class Namespace(object): + + """Provides access to collections of rendering methods, which + can be local, from other templates, or from imported modules. + + To access a particular rendering method referenced by a + :class:`.Namespace`, use plain attribute access: + + .. sourcecode:: mako + + ${some_namespace.foo(x, y, z)} + + :class:`.Namespace` also contains several built-in attributes + described here. + + """ + + def __init__(self, name, context, + callables=None, inherits=None, + populate_self=True, calling_uri=None): + self.name = name + self.context = context + self.inherits = inherits + if callables is not None: + self.callables = dict([(c.__name__, c) for c in callables]) + + callables = () + + module = None + """The Python module referenced by this :class:`.Namespace`. + + If the namespace references a :class:`.Template`, then + this module is the equivalent of ``template.module``, + i.e. the generated module for the template. + + """ + + template = None + """The :class:`.Template` object referenced by this + :class:`.Namespace`, if any. + + """ + + context = None + """The :class:`.Context` object for this :class:`.Namespace`. + + Namespaces are often created with copies of contexts that + contain slightly different data, particularly in inheritance + scenarios. Using the :class:`.Context` off of a :class:`.Namespace` one + can traverse an entire chain of templates that inherit from + one-another. + + """ + + filename = None + """The path of the filesystem file used for this + :class:`.Namespace`'s module or template. + + If this is a pure module-based + :class:`.Namespace`, this evaluates to ``module.__file__``. If a + template-based namespace, it evaluates to the original + template file location. + + """ + + uri = None + """The URI for this :class:`.Namespace`'s template. + + I.e. whatever was sent to :meth:`.TemplateLookup.get_template()`. + + This is the equivalent of :attr:`.Template.uri`. + + """ + + _templateuri = None + + @util.memoized_property + def attr(self): + """Access module level attributes by name. + + This accessor allows templates to supply "scalar" + attributes which are particularly handy in inheritance + relationships. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`inheritance_attr` + + :ref:`namespace_attr_for_includes` + + """ + return _NSAttr(self) + + def get_namespace(self, uri): + """Return a :class:`.Namespace` corresponding to the given ``uri``. + + If the given ``uri`` is a relative URI (i.e. it does not + contain a leading slash ``/``), the ``uri`` is adjusted to + be relative to the ``uri`` of the namespace itself. This + method is therefore mostly useful off of the built-in + ``local`` namespace, described in :ref:`namespace_local`. + + In + most cases, a template wouldn't need this function, and + should instead use the ``<%namespace>`` tag to load + namespaces. However, since all ``<%namespace>`` tags are + evaluated before the body of a template ever runs, + this method can be used to locate namespaces using + expressions that were generated within the body code of + the template, or to conditionally use a particular + namespace. + + """ + key = (self, uri) + if key in self.context.namespaces: + return self.context.namespaces[key] + else: + ns = TemplateNamespace(uri, self.context._copy(), + templateuri=uri, + calling_uri=self._templateuri) + self.context.namespaces[key] = ns + return ns + + def get_template(self, uri): + """Return a :class:`.Template` from the given ``uri``. + + The ``uri`` resolution is relative to the ``uri`` of this + :class:`.Namespace` object's :class:`.Template`. + + """ + return _lookup_template(self.context, uri, self._templateuri) + + def get_cached(self, key, **kwargs): + """Return a value from the :class:`.Cache` referenced by this + :class:`.Namespace` object's :class:`.Template`. + + The advantage to this method versus direct access to the + :class:`.Cache` is that the configuration parameters + declared in ``<%page>`` take effect here, thereby calling + up the same configured backend as that configured + by ``<%page>``. + + """ + + return self.cache.get(key, **kwargs) + + @property + def cache(self): + """Return the :class:`.Cache` object referenced + by this :class:`.Namespace` object's + :class:`.Template`. + + """ + return self.template.cache + + def include_file(self, uri, **kwargs): + """Include a file at the given ``uri``.""" + + _include_file(self.context, uri, self._templateuri, **kwargs) + + def _populate(self, d, l): + for ident in l: + if ident == '*': + for (k, v) in self._get_star(): + d[k] = v + else: + d[ident] = getattr(self, ident) + + def _get_star(self): + if self.callables: + for key in self.callables: + yield (key, self.callables[key]) + + def __getattr__(self, key): + if key in self.callables: + val = self.callables[key] + elif self.inherits: + val = getattr(self.inherits, key) + else: + raise AttributeError( + "Namespace '%s' has no member '%s'" % + (self.name, key)) + setattr(self, key, val) + return val + + +class TemplateNamespace(Namespace): + + """A :class:`.Namespace` specific to a :class:`.Template` instance.""" + + def __init__(self, name, context, template=None, templateuri=None, + callables=None, inherits=None, + populate_self=True, calling_uri=None): + self.name = name + self.context = context + self.inherits = inherits + if callables is not None: + self.callables = dict([(c.__name__, c) for c in callables]) + + if templateuri is not None: + self.template = _lookup_template(context, templateuri, + calling_uri) + self._templateuri = self.template.module._template_uri + elif template is not None: + self.template = template + self._templateuri = template.module._template_uri + else: + raise TypeError("'template' argument is required.") + + if populate_self: + lclcallable, lclcontext = \ + _populate_self_namespace(context, self.template, + self_ns=self) + + @property + def module(self): + """The Python module referenced by this :class:`.Namespace`. + + If the namespace references a :class:`.Template`, then + this module is the equivalent of ``template.module``, + i.e. the generated module for the template. + + """ + return self.template.module + + @property + def filename(self): + """The path of the filesystem file used for this + :class:`.Namespace`'s module or template. + """ + return self.template.filename + + @property + def uri(self): + """The URI for this :class:`.Namespace`'s template. + + I.e. whatever was sent to :meth:`.TemplateLookup.get_template()`. + + This is the equivalent of :attr:`.Template.uri`. + + """ + return self.template.uri + + def _get_star(self): + if self.callables: + for key in self.callables: + yield (key, self.callables[key]) + + def get(key): + callable_ = self.template._get_def_callable(key) + return compat.partial(callable_, self.context) + for k in self.template.module._exports: + yield (k, get(k)) + + def __getattr__(self, key): + if key in self.callables: + val = self.callables[key] + elif self.template.has_def(key): + callable_ = self.template._get_def_callable(key) + val = compat.partial(callable_, self.context) + elif self.inherits: + val = getattr(self.inherits, key) + + else: + raise AttributeError( + "Namespace '%s' has no member '%s'" % + (self.name, key)) + setattr(self, key, val) + return val + + +class ModuleNamespace(Namespace): + + """A :class:`.Namespace` specific to a Python module instance.""" + + def __init__(self, name, context, module, + callables=None, inherits=None, + populate_self=True, calling_uri=None): + self.name = name + self.context = context + self.inherits = inherits + if callables is not None: + self.callables = dict([(c.__name__, c) for c in callables]) + + mod = __import__(module) + for token in module.split('.')[1:]: + mod = getattr(mod, token) + self.module = mod + + @property + def filename(self): + """The path of the filesystem file used for this + :class:`.Namespace`'s module or template. + """ + return self.module.__file__ + + def _get_star(self): + if self.callables: + for key in self.callables: + yield (key, self.callables[key]) + for key in dir(self.module): + if key[0] != '_': + callable_ = getattr(self.module, key) + if compat.callable(callable_): + yield key, compat.partial(callable_, self.context) + + def __getattr__(self, key): + if key in self.callables: + val = self.callables[key] + elif hasattr(self.module, key): + callable_ = getattr(self.module, key) + val = compat.partial(callable_, self.context) + elif self.inherits: + val = getattr(self.inherits, key) + else: + raise AttributeError( + "Namespace '%s' has no member '%s'" % + (self.name, key)) + setattr(self, key, val) + return val + + +def supports_caller(func): + """Apply a caller_stack compatibility decorator to a plain + Python function. + + See the example in :ref:`namespaces_python_modules`. + + """ + + def wrap_stackframe(context, *args, **kwargs): + context.caller_stack._push_frame() + try: + return func(context, *args, **kwargs) + finally: + context.caller_stack._pop_frame() + return wrap_stackframe + + +def capture(context, callable_, *args, **kwargs): + """Execute the given template def, capturing the output into + a buffer. + + See the example in :ref:`namespaces_python_modules`. + + """ + + if not compat.callable(callable_): + raise exceptions.RuntimeException( + "capture() function expects a callable as " + "its argument (i.e. capture(func, *args, **kwargs))" + ) + context._push_buffer() + try: + callable_(*args, **kwargs) + finally: + buf = context._pop_buffer() + return buf.getvalue() + + +def _decorate_toplevel(fn): + def decorate_render(render_fn): + def go(context, *args, **kw): + def y(*args, **kw): + return render_fn(context, *args, **kw) + try: + y.__name__ = render_fn.__name__[7:] + except TypeError: + # < Python 2.4 + pass + return fn(y)(context, *args, **kw) + return go + return decorate_render + + +def _decorate_inline(context, fn): + def decorate_render(render_fn): + dec = fn(render_fn) + + def go(*args, **kw): + return dec(context, *args, **kw) + return go + return decorate_render + + +def _include_file(context, uri, calling_uri, **kwargs): + """locate the template from the given uri and include it in + the current output.""" + + template = _lookup_template(context, uri, calling_uri) + (callable_, ctx) = _populate_self_namespace( + context._clean_inheritance_tokens(), + template) + kwargs = _kwargs_for_include(callable_, context._data, **kwargs) + if template.include_error_handler: + try: + callable_(ctx, **kwargs) + except Exception: + result = template.include_error_handler(ctx, compat.exception_as()) + if not result: + compat.reraise(*sys.exc_info()) + else: + callable_(ctx, **kwargs) + + +def _inherit_from(context, uri, calling_uri): + """called by the _inherit method in template modules to set + up the inheritance chain at the start of a template's + execution.""" + + if uri is None: + return None + template = _lookup_template(context, uri, calling_uri) + self_ns = context['self'] + ih = self_ns + while ih.inherits is not None: + ih = ih.inherits + lclcontext = context._locals({'next': ih}) + ih.inherits = TemplateNamespace("self:%s" % template.uri, + lclcontext, + template=template, + populate_self=False) + context._data['parent'] = lclcontext._data['local'] = ih.inherits + callable_ = getattr(template.module, '_mako_inherit', None) + if callable_ is not None: + ret = callable_(template, lclcontext) + if ret: + return ret + + gen_ns = getattr(template.module, '_mako_generate_namespaces', None) + if gen_ns is not None: + gen_ns(context) + return (template.callable_, lclcontext) + + +def _lookup_template(context, uri, relativeto): + lookup = context._with_template.lookup + if lookup is None: + raise exceptions.TemplateLookupException( + "Template '%s' has no TemplateLookup associated" % + context._with_template.uri) + uri = lookup.adjust_uri(uri, relativeto) + try: + return lookup.get_template(uri) + except exceptions.TopLevelLookupException: + raise exceptions.TemplateLookupException(str(compat.exception_as())) + + +def _populate_self_namespace(context, template, self_ns=None): + if self_ns is None: + self_ns = TemplateNamespace('self:%s' % template.uri, + context, template=template, + populate_self=False) + context._data['self'] = context._data['local'] = self_ns + if hasattr(template.module, '_mako_inherit'): + ret = template.module._mako_inherit(template, context) + if ret: + return ret + return (template.callable_, context) + + +def _render(template, callable_, args, data, as_unicode=False): + """create a Context and return the string + output of the given template and template callable.""" + + if as_unicode: + buf = util.FastEncodingBuffer(as_unicode=True) + elif template.bytestring_passthrough: + buf = compat.StringIO() + else: + buf = util.FastEncodingBuffer( + as_unicode=as_unicode, + encoding=template.output_encoding, + errors=template.encoding_errors) + context = Context(buf, **data) + context._outputting_as_unicode = as_unicode + context._set_with_template(template) + + _render_context(template, callable_, context, *args, + **_kwargs_for_callable(callable_, data)) + return context._pop_buffer().getvalue() + + +def _kwargs_for_callable(callable_, data): + argspec = compat.inspect_func_args(callable_) + # for normal pages, **pageargs is usually present + if argspec[2]: + return data + + # for rendering defs from the top level, figure out the args + namedargs = argspec[0] + [v for v in argspec[1:3] if v is not None] + kwargs = {} + for arg in namedargs: + if arg != 'context' and arg in data and arg not in kwargs: + kwargs[arg] = data[arg] + return kwargs + + +def _kwargs_for_include(callable_, data, **kwargs): + argspec = compat.inspect_func_args(callable_) + namedargs = argspec[0] + [v for v in argspec[1:3] if v is not None] + for arg in namedargs: + if arg != 'context' and arg in data and arg not in kwargs: + kwargs[arg] = data[arg] + return kwargs + + +def _render_context(tmpl, callable_, context, *args, **kwargs): + import mako.template as template + # create polymorphic 'self' namespace for this + # template with possibly updated context + if not isinstance(tmpl, template.DefTemplate): + # if main render method, call from the base of the inheritance stack + (inherit, lclcontext) = _populate_self_namespace(context, tmpl) + _exec_template(inherit, lclcontext, args=args, kwargs=kwargs) + else: + # otherwise, call the actual rendering method specified + (inherit, lclcontext) = _populate_self_namespace(context, tmpl.parent) + _exec_template(callable_, context, args=args, kwargs=kwargs) + + +def _exec_template(callable_, context, args=None, kwargs=None): + """execute a rendering callable given the callable, a + Context, and optional explicit arguments + + the contextual Template will be located if it exists, and + the error handling options specified on that Template will + be interpreted here. + """ + template = context._with_template + if template is not None and \ + (template.format_exceptions or template.error_handler): + try: + callable_(context, *args, **kwargs) + except Exception: + _render_error(template, context, compat.exception_as()) + except: + e = sys.exc_info()[0] + _render_error(template, context, e) + else: + callable_(context, *args, **kwargs) + + +def _render_error(template, context, error): + if template.error_handler: + result = template.error_handler(context, error) + if not result: + compat.reraise(*sys.exc_info()) + else: + error_template = exceptions.html_error_template() + if context._outputting_as_unicode: + context._buffer_stack[:] = [ + util.FastEncodingBuffer(as_unicode=True)] + else: + context._buffer_stack[:] = [util.FastEncodingBuffer( + error_template.output_encoding, + error_template.encoding_errors)] + + context._set_with_template(error_template) + error_template.render_context(context, error=error) diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/template.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/template.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..329632c --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/template.py @@ -0,0 +1,746 @@ +# mako/template.py +# Copyright (C) 2006-2016 the Mako authors and contributors +# +# This module is part of Mako and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +"""Provides the Template class, a facade for parsing, generating and executing +template strings, as well as template runtime operations.""" + +from mako.lexer import Lexer +from mako import runtime, util, exceptions, codegen, cache, compat +import os +import re +import shutil +import stat +import sys +import tempfile +import types +import weakref + + +class Template(object): + + r"""Represents a compiled template. + + :class:`.Template` includes a reference to the original + template source (via the :attr:`.source` attribute) + as well as the source code of the + generated Python module (i.e. the :attr:`.code` attribute), + as well as a reference to an actual Python module. + + :class:`.Template` is constructed using either a literal string + representing the template text, or a filename representing a filesystem + path to a source file. + + :param text: textual template source. This argument is mutually + exclusive versus the ``filename`` parameter. + + :param filename: filename of the source template. This argument is + mutually exclusive versus the ``text`` parameter. + + :param buffer_filters: string list of filters to be applied + to the output of ``%def``\ s which are buffered, cached, or otherwise + filtered, after all filters + defined with the ``%def`` itself have been applied. Allows the + creation of default expression filters that let the output + of return-valued ``%def``\ s "opt out" of that filtering via + passing special attributes or objects. + + :param bytestring_passthrough: When ``True``, and ``output_encoding`` is + set to ``None``, and :meth:`.Template.render` is used to render, + the `StringIO` or `cStringIO` buffer will be used instead of the + default "fast" buffer. This allows raw bytestrings in the + output stream, such as in expressions, to pass straight + through to the buffer. This flag is forced + to ``True`` if ``disable_unicode`` is also configured. + + .. versionadded:: 0.4 + Added to provide the same behavior as that of the previous series. + + :param cache_args: Dictionary of cache configuration arguments that + will be passed to the :class:`.CacheImpl`. See :ref:`caching_toplevel`. + + :param cache_dir: + + .. deprecated:: 0.6 + Use the ``'dir'`` argument in the ``cache_args`` dictionary. + See :ref:`caching_toplevel`. + + :param cache_enabled: Boolean flag which enables caching of this + template. See :ref:`caching_toplevel`. + + :param cache_impl: String name of a :class:`.CacheImpl` caching + implementation to use. Defaults to ``'beaker'``. + + :param cache_type: + + .. deprecated:: 0.6 + Use the ``'type'`` argument in the ``cache_args`` dictionary. + See :ref:`caching_toplevel`. + + :param cache_url: + + .. deprecated:: 0.6 + Use the ``'url'`` argument in the ``cache_args`` dictionary. + See :ref:`caching_toplevel`. + + :param default_filters: List of string filter names that will + be applied to all expressions. See :ref:`filtering_default_filters`. + + :param disable_unicode: Disables all awareness of Python Unicode + objects. See :ref:`unicode_disabled`. + + :param enable_loop: When ``True``, enable the ``loop`` context variable. + This can be set to ``False`` to support templates that may + be making usage of the name "``loop``". Individual templates can + re-enable the "loop" context by placing the directive + ``enable_loop="True"`` inside the ``<%page>`` tag -- see + :ref:`migrating_loop`. + + :param encoding_errors: Error parameter passed to ``encode()`` when + string encoding is performed. See :ref:`usage_unicode`. + + :param error_handler: Python callable which is called whenever + compile or runtime exceptions occur. The callable is passed + the current context as well as the exception. If the + callable returns ``True``, the exception is considered to + be handled, else it is re-raised after the function + completes. Is used to provide custom error-rendering + functions. + + .. seealso:: + + :paramref:`.Template.include_error_handler` - include-specific + error handler function + + :param format_exceptions: if ``True``, exceptions which occur during + the render phase of this template will be caught and + formatted into an HTML error page, which then becomes the + rendered result of the :meth:`.render` call. Otherwise, + runtime exceptions are propagated outwards. + + :param imports: String list of Python statements, typically individual + "import" lines, which will be placed into the module level + preamble of all generated Python modules. See the example + in :ref:`filtering_default_filters`. + + :param future_imports: String list of names to import from `__future__`. + These will be concatenated into a comma-separated string and inserted + into the beginning of the template, e.g. ``futures_imports=['FOO', + 'BAR']`` results in ``from __future__ import FOO, BAR``. If you're + interested in using features like the new division operator, you must + use future_imports to convey that to the renderer, as otherwise the + import will not appear as the first executed statement in the generated + code and will therefore not have the desired effect. + + :param include_error_handler: An error handler that runs when this template + is included within another one via the ``<%include>`` tag, and raises an + error. Compare to the :paramref:`.Template.error_handler` option. + + .. versionadded:: 1.0.6 + + .. seealso:: + + :paramref:`.Template.error_handler` - top-level error handler function + + :param input_encoding: Encoding of the template's source code. Can + be used in lieu of the coding comment. See + :ref:`usage_unicode` as well as :ref:`unicode_toplevel` for + details on source encoding. + + :param lookup: a :class:`.TemplateLookup` instance that will be used + for all file lookups via the ``<%namespace>``, + ``<%include>``, and ``<%inherit>`` tags. See + :ref:`usage_templatelookup`. + + :param module_directory: Filesystem location where generated + Python module files will be placed. + + :param module_filename: Overrides the filename of the generated + Python module file. For advanced usage only. + + :param module_writer: A callable which overrides how the Python + module is written entirely. The callable is passed the + encoded source content of the module and the destination + path to be written to. The default behavior of module writing + uses a tempfile in conjunction with a file move in order + to make the operation atomic. So a user-defined module + writing function that mimics the default behavior would be: + + .. sourcecode:: python + + import tempfile + import os + import shutil + + def module_writer(source, outputpath): + (dest, name) = \\ + tempfile.mkstemp( + dir=os.path.dirname(outputpath) + ) + + os.write(dest, source) + os.close(dest) + shutil.move(name, outputpath) + + from mako.template import Template + mytemplate = Template( + filename="index.html", + module_directory="/path/to/modules", + module_writer=module_writer + ) + + The function is provided for unusual configurations where + certain platform-specific permissions or other special + steps are needed. + + :param output_encoding: The encoding to use when :meth:`.render` + is called. + See :ref:`usage_unicode` as well as :ref:`unicode_toplevel`. + + :param preprocessor: Python callable which will be passed + the full template source before it is parsed. The return + result of the callable will be used as the template source + code. + + :param lexer_cls: A :class:`.Lexer` class used to parse + the template. The :class:`.Lexer` class is used by + default. + + .. versionadded:: 0.7.4 + + :param strict_undefined: Replaces the automatic usage of + ``UNDEFINED`` for any undeclared variables not located in + the :class:`.Context` with an immediate raise of + ``NameError``. The advantage is immediate reporting of + missing variables which include the name. + + .. versionadded:: 0.3.6 + + :param uri: string URI or other identifier for this template. + If not provided, the ``uri`` is generated from the filesystem + path, or from the in-memory identity of a non-file-based + template. The primary usage of the ``uri`` is to provide a key + within :class:`.TemplateLookup`, as well as to generate the + file path of the generated Python module file, if + ``module_directory`` is specified. + + """ + + lexer_cls = Lexer + + def __init__(self, + text=None, + filename=None, + uri=None, + format_exceptions=False, + error_handler=None, + lookup=None, + output_encoding=None, + encoding_errors='strict', + module_directory=None, + cache_args=None, + cache_impl='beaker', + cache_enabled=True, + cache_type=None, + cache_dir=None, + cache_url=None, + module_filename=None, + input_encoding=None, + disable_unicode=False, + module_writer=None, + bytestring_passthrough=False, + default_filters=None, + buffer_filters=(), + strict_undefined=False, + imports=None, + future_imports=None, + enable_loop=True, + preprocessor=None, + lexer_cls=None, + include_error_handler=None): + if uri: + self.module_id = re.sub(r'\W', "_", uri) + self.uri = uri + elif filename: + self.module_id = re.sub(r'\W', "_", filename) + drive, path = os.path.splitdrive(filename) + path = os.path.normpath(path).replace(os.path.sep, "/") + self.uri = path + else: + self.module_id = "memory:" + hex(id(self)) + self.uri = self.module_id + + u_norm = self.uri + if u_norm.startswith("/"): + u_norm = u_norm[1:] + u_norm = os.path.normpath(u_norm) + if u_norm.startswith(".."): + raise exceptions.TemplateLookupException( + "Template uri \"%s\" is invalid - " + "it cannot be relative outside " + "of the root path." % self.uri) + + self.input_encoding = input_encoding + self.output_encoding = output_encoding + self.encoding_errors = encoding_errors + self.disable_unicode = disable_unicode + self.bytestring_passthrough = bytestring_passthrough or disable_unicode + self.enable_loop = enable_loop + self.strict_undefined = strict_undefined + self.module_writer = module_writer + + if compat.py3k and disable_unicode: + raise exceptions.UnsupportedError( + "Mako for Python 3 does not " + "support disabling Unicode") + elif output_encoding and disable_unicode: + raise exceptions.UnsupportedError( + "output_encoding must be set to " + "None when disable_unicode is used.") + if default_filters is None: + if compat.py3k or self.disable_unicode: + self.default_filters = ['str'] + else: + self.default_filters = ['unicode'] + else: + self.default_filters = default_filters + self.buffer_filters = buffer_filters + + self.imports = imports + self.future_imports = future_imports + self.preprocessor = preprocessor + + if lexer_cls is not None: + self.lexer_cls = lexer_cls + + # if plain text, compile code in memory only + if text is not None: + (code, module) = _compile_text(self, text, filename) + self._code = code + self._source = text + ModuleInfo(module, None, self, filename, code, text) + elif filename is not None: + # if template filename and a module directory, load + # a filesystem-based module file, generating if needed + if module_filename is not None: + path = module_filename + elif module_directory is not None: + path = os.path.abspath( + os.path.join( + os.path.normpath(module_directory), + u_norm + ".py" + ) + ) + else: + path = None + module = self._compile_from_file(path, filename) + else: + raise exceptions.RuntimeException( + "Template requires text or filename") + + self.module = module + self.filename = filename + self.callable_ = self.module.render_body + self.format_exceptions = format_exceptions + self.error_handler = error_handler + self.include_error_handler = include_error_handler + self.lookup = lookup + + self.module_directory = module_directory + + self._setup_cache_args( + cache_impl, cache_enabled, cache_args, + cache_type, cache_dir, cache_url + ) + + @util.memoized_property + def reserved_names(self): + if self.enable_loop: + return codegen.RESERVED_NAMES + else: + return codegen.RESERVED_NAMES.difference(['loop']) + + def _setup_cache_args(self, + cache_impl, cache_enabled, cache_args, + cache_type, cache_dir, cache_url): + self.cache_impl = cache_impl + self.cache_enabled = cache_enabled + if cache_args: + self.cache_args = cache_args + else: + self.cache_args = {} + + # transfer deprecated cache_* args + if cache_type: + self.cache_args['type'] = cache_type + if cache_dir: + self.cache_args['dir'] = cache_dir + if cache_url: + self.cache_args['url'] = cache_url + + def _compile_from_file(self, path, filename): + if path is not None: + util.verify_directory(os.path.dirname(path)) + filemtime = os.stat(filename)[stat.ST_MTIME] + if not os.path.exists(path) or \ + os.stat(path)[stat.ST_MTIME] < filemtime: + data = util.read_file(filename) + _compile_module_file( + self, + data, + filename, + path, + self.module_writer) + module = compat.load_module(self.module_id, path) + del sys.modules[self.module_id] + if module._magic_number != codegen.MAGIC_NUMBER: + data = util.read_file(filename) + _compile_module_file( + self, + data, + filename, + path, + self.module_writer) + module = compat.load_module(self.module_id, path) + del sys.modules[self.module_id] + ModuleInfo(module, path, self, filename, None, None) + else: + # template filename and no module directory, compile code + # in memory + data = util.read_file(filename) + code, module = _compile_text( + self, + data, + filename) + self._source = None + self._code = code + ModuleInfo(module, None, self, filename, code, None) + return module + + @property + def source(self): + """Return the template source code for this :class:`.Template`.""" + + return _get_module_info_from_callable(self.callable_).source + + @property + def code(self): + """Return the module source code for this :class:`.Template`.""" + + return _get_module_info_from_callable(self.callable_).code + + @util.memoized_property + def cache(self): + return cache.Cache(self) + + @property + def cache_dir(self): + return self.cache_args['dir'] + + @property + def cache_url(self): + return self.cache_args['url'] + + @property + def cache_type(self): + return self.cache_args['type'] + + def render(self, *args, **data): + """Render the output of this template as a string. + + If the template specifies an output encoding, the string + will be encoded accordingly, else the output is raw (raw + output uses `cStringIO` and can't handle multibyte + characters). A :class:`.Context` object is created corresponding + to the given data. Arguments that are explicitly declared + by this template's internal rendering method are also + pulled from the given ``*args``, ``**data`` members. + + """ + return runtime._render(self, self.callable_, args, data) + + def render_unicode(self, *args, **data): + """Render the output of this template as a unicode object.""" + + return runtime._render(self, + self.callable_, + args, + data, + as_unicode=True) + + def render_context(self, context, *args, **kwargs): + """Render this :class:`.Template` with the given context. + + The data is written to the context's buffer. + + """ + if getattr(context, '_with_template', None) is None: + context._set_with_template(self) + runtime._render_context(self, + self.callable_, + context, + *args, + **kwargs) + + def has_def(self, name): + return hasattr(self.module, "render_%s" % name) + + def get_def(self, name): + """Return a def of this template as a :class:`.DefTemplate`.""" + + return DefTemplate(self, getattr(self.module, "render_%s" % name)) + + def list_defs(self): + """return a list of defs in the template. + + .. versionadded:: 1.0.4 + + """ + return [i[7:] for i in dir(self.module) if i[:7] == 'render_'] + + def _get_def_callable(self, name): + return getattr(self.module, "render_%s" % name) + + @property + def last_modified(self): + return self.module._modified_time + + +class ModuleTemplate(Template): + + """A Template which is constructed given an existing Python module. + + e.g.:: + + t = Template("this is a template") + f = file("mymodule.py", "w") + f.write(t.code) + f.close() + + import mymodule + + t = ModuleTemplate(mymodule) + print t.render() + + """ + + def __init__(self, module, + module_filename=None, + template=None, + template_filename=None, + module_source=None, + template_source=None, + output_encoding=None, + encoding_errors='strict', + disable_unicode=False, + bytestring_passthrough=False, + format_exceptions=False, + error_handler=None, + lookup=None, + cache_args=None, + cache_impl='beaker', + cache_enabled=True, + cache_type=None, + cache_dir=None, + cache_url=None, + include_error_handler=None, + ): + self.module_id = re.sub(r'\W', "_", module._template_uri) + self.uri = module._template_uri + self.input_encoding = module._source_encoding + self.output_encoding = output_encoding + self.encoding_errors = encoding_errors + self.disable_unicode = disable_unicode + self.bytestring_passthrough = bytestring_passthrough or disable_unicode + self.enable_loop = module._enable_loop + + if compat.py3k and disable_unicode: + raise exceptions.UnsupportedError( + "Mako for Python 3 does not " + "support disabling Unicode") + elif output_encoding and disable_unicode: + raise exceptions.UnsupportedError( + "output_encoding must be set to " + "None when disable_unicode is used.") + + self.module = module + self.filename = template_filename + ModuleInfo(module, + module_filename, + self, + template_filename, + module_source, + template_source) + + self.callable_ = self.module.render_body + self.format_exceptions = format_exceptions + self.error_handler = error_handler + self.include_error_handler = include_error_handler + self.lookup = lookup + self._setup_cache_args( + cache_impl, cache_enabled, cache_args, + cache_type, cache_dir, cache_url + ) + + +class DefTemplate(Template): + + """A :class:`.Template` which represents a callable def in a parent + template.""" + + def __init__(self, parent, callable_): + self.parent = parent + self.callable_ = callable_ + self.output_encoding = parent.output_encoding + self.module = parent.module + self.encoding_errors = parent.encoding_errors + self.format_exceptions = parent.format_exceptions + self.error_handler = parent.error_handler + self.include_error_handler = parent.include_error_handler + self.enable_loop = parent.enable_loop + self.lookup = parent.lookup + self.bytestring_passthrough = parent.bytestring_passthrough + + def get_def(self, name): + return self.parent.get_def(name) + + +class ModuleInfo(object): + + """Stores information about a module currently loaded into + memory, provides reverse lookups of template source, module + source code based on a module's identifier. + + """ + _modules = weakref.WeakValueDictionary() + + def __init__(self, + module, + module_filename, + template, + template_filename, + module_source, + template_source): + self.module = module + self.module_filename = module_filename + self.template_filename = template_filename + self.module_source = module_source + self.template_source = template_source + self._modules[module.__name__] = template._mmarker = self + if module_filename: + self._modules[module_filename] = self + + @classmethod + def get_module_source_metadata(cls, module_source, full_line_map=False): + source_map = re.search( + r"__M_BEGIN_METADATA(.+?)__M_END_METADATA", + module_source, re.S).group(1) + source_map = compat.json.loads(source_map) + source_map['line_map'] = dict( + (int(k), int(v)) + for k, v in source_map['line_map'].items()) + if full_line_map: + f_line_map = source_map['full_line_map'] = [] + line_map = source_map['line_map'] + + curr_templ_line = 1 + for mod_line in range(1, max(line_map)): + if mod_line in line_map: + curr_templ_line = line_map[mod_line] + f_line_map.append(curr_templ_line) + return source_map + + @property + def code(self): + if self.module_source is not None: + return self.module_source + else: + return util.read_python_file(self.module_filename) + + @property + def source(self): + if self.template_source is not None: + if self.module._source_encoding and \ + not isinstance(self.template_source, compat.text_type): + return self.template_source.decode( + self.module._source_encoding) + else: + return self.template_source + else: + data = util.read_file(self.template_filename) + if self.module._source_encoding: + return data.decode(self.module._source_encoding) + else: + return data + + +def _compile(template, text, filename, generate_magic_comment): + lexer = template.lexer_cls(text, + filename, + disable_unicode=template.disable_unicode, + input_encoding=template.input_encoding, + preprocessor=template.preprocessor) + node = lexer.parse() + source = codegen.compile(node, + template.uri, + filename, + default_filters=template.default_filters, + buffer_filters=template.buffer_filters, + imports=template.imports, + future_imports=template.future_imports, + source_encoding=lexer.encoding, + generate_magic_comment=generate_magic_comment, + disable_unicode=template.disable_unicode, + strict_undefined=template.strict_undefined, + enable_loop=template.enable_loop, + reserved_names=template.reserved_names) + return source, lexer + + +def _compile_text(template, text, filename): + identifier = template.module_id + source, lexer = _compile(template, text, filename, + generate_magic_comment=template.disable_unicode) + + cid = identifier + if not compat.py3k and isinstance(cid, compat.text_type): + cid = cid.encode() + module = types.ModuleType(cid) + code = compile(source, cid, 'exec') + + # this exec() works for 2.4->3.3. + exec(code, module.__dict__, module.__dict__) + return (source, module) + + +def _compile_module_file(template, text, filename, outputpath, module_writer): + source, lexer = _compile(template, text, filename, + generate_magic_comment=True) + + if isinstance(source, compat.text_type): + source = source.encode(lexer.encoding or 'ascii') + + if module_writer: + module_writer(source, outputpath) + else: + # make tempfiles in the same location as the ultimate + # location. this ensures they're on the same filesystem, + # avoiding synchronization issues. + (dest, name) = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=os.path.dirname(outputpath)) + + os.write(dest, source) + os.close(dest) + shutil.move(name, outputpath) + + +def _get_module_info_from_callable(callable_): + if compat.py3k: + return _get_module_info(callable_.__globals__['__name__']) + else: + return _get_module_info(callable_.func_globals['__name__']) + + +def _get_module_info(filename): + return ModuleInfo._modules[filename] diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/util.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/util.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2f089ff --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mako/util.py @@ -0,0 +1,382 @@ +# mako/util.py +# Copyright (C) 2006-2016 the Mako authors and contributors +# +# This module is part of Mako and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +import re +import collections +import codecs +import os +from mako import compat +import operator + + +def update_wrapper(decorated, fn): + decorated.__wrapped__ = fn + decorated.__name__ = fn.__name__ + return decorated + + +class PluginLoader(object): + + def __init__(self, group): + self.group = group + self.impls = {} + + def load(self, name): + if name in self.impls: + return self.impls[name]() + else: + import pkg_resources + for impl in pkg_resources.iter_entry_points( + self.group, + name): + self.impls[name] = impl.load + return impl.load() + else: + from mako import exceptions + raise exceptions.RuntimeException( + "Can't load plugin %s %s" % + (self.group, name)) + + def register(self, name, modulepath, objname): + def load(): + mod = __import__(modulepath) + for token in modulepath.split(".")[1:]: + mod = getattr(mod, token) + return getattr(mod, objname) + self.impls[name] = load + + +def verify_directory(dir): + """create and/or verify a filesystem directory.""" + + tries = 0 + + while not os.path.exists(dir): + try: + tries += 1 + os.makedirs(dir, compat.octal("0775")) + except: + if tries > 5: + raise + + +def to_list(x, default=None): + if x is None: + return default + if not isinstance(x, (list, tuple)): + return [x] + else: + return x + + +class memoized_property(object): + + """A read-only @property that is only evaluated once.""" + + def __init__(self, fget, doc=None): + self.fget = fget + self.__doc__ = doc or fget.__doc__ + self.__name__ = fget.__name__ + + def __get__(self, obj, cls): + if obj is None: + return self + obj.__dict__[self.__name__] = result = self.fget(obj) + return result + + +class memoized_instancemethod(object): + + """Decorate a method memoize its return value. + + Best applied to no-arg methods: memoization is not sensitive to + argument values, and will always return the same value even when + called with different arguments. + + """ + + def __init__(self, fget, doc=None): + self.fget = fget + self.__doc__ = doc or fget.__doc__ + self.__name__ = fget.__name__ + + def __get__(self, obj, cls): + if obj is None: + return self + + def oneshot(*args, **kw): + result = self.fget(obj, *args, **kw) + memo = lambda *a, **kw: result + memo.__name__ = self.__name__ + memo.__doc__ = self.__doc__ + obj.__dict__[self.__name__] = memo + return result + oneshot.__name__ = self.__name__ + oneshot.__doc__ = self.__doc__ + return oneshot + + +class SetLikeDict(dict): + + """a dictionary that has some setlike methods on it""" + + def union(self, other): + """produce a 'union' of this dict and another (at the key level). + + values in the second dict take precedence over that of the first""" + x = SetLikeDict(**self) + x.update(other) + return x + + +class FastEncodingBuffer(object): + + """a very rudimentary buffer that is faster than StringIO, + but doesn't crash on unicode data like cStringIO.""" + + def __init__(self, encoding=None, errors='strict', as_unicode=False): + self.data = collections.deque() + self.encoding = encoding + if as_unicode: + self.delim = compat.u('') + else: + self.delim = '' + self.as_unicode = as_unicode + self.errors = errors + self.write = self.data.append + + def truncate(self): + self.data = collections.deque() + self.write = self.data.append + + def getvalue(self): + if self.encoding: + return self.delim.join(self.data).encode(self.encoding, + self.errors) + else: + return self.delim.join(self.data) + + +class LRUCache(dict): + + """A dictionary-like object that stores a limited number of items, + discarding lesser used items periodically. + + this is a rewrite of LRUCache from Myghty to use a periodic timestamp-based + paradigm so that synchronization is not really needed. the size management + is inexact. + """ + + class _Item(object): + + def __init__(self, key, value): + self.key = key + self.value = value + self.timestamp = compat.time_func() + + def __repr__(self): + return repr(self.value) + + def __init__(self, capacity, threshold=.5): + self.capacity = capacity + self.threshold = threshold + + def __getitem__(self, key): + item = dict.__getitem__(self, key) + item.timestamp = compat.time_func() + return item.value + + def values(self): + return [i.value for i in dict.values(self)] + + def setdefault(self, key, value): + if key in self: + return self[key] + else: + self[key] = value + return value + + def __setitem__(self, key, value): + item = dict.get(self, key) + if item is None: + item = self._Item(key, value) + dict.__setitem__(self, key, item) + else: + item.value = value + self._manage_size() + + def _manage_size(self): + while len(self) > self.capacity + self.capacity * self.threshold: + bytime = sorted(dict.values(self), + key=operator.attrgetter('timestamp'), reverse=True) + for item in bytime[self.capacity:]: + try: + del self[item.key] + except KeyError: + # if we couldn't find a key, most likely some other thread + # broke in on us. loop around and try again + break + +# Regexp to match python magic encoding line +_PYTHON_MAGIC_COMMENT_re = re.compile( + r'[ \t\f]* \# .* coding[=:][ \t]*([-\w.]+)', + re.VERBOSE) + + +def parse_encoding(fp): + """Deduce the encoding of a Python source file (binary mode) from magic + comment. + + It does this in the same way as the `Python interpreter`__ + + .. __: http://docs.python.org/ref/encodings.html + + The ``fp`` argument should be a seekable file object in binary mode. + """ + pos = fp.tell() + fp.seek(0) + try: + line1 = fp.readline() + has_bom = line1.startswith(codecs.BOM_UTF8) + if has_bom: + line1 = line1[len(codecs.BOM_UTF8):] + + m = _PYTHON_MAGIC_COMMENT_re.match(line1.decode('ascii', 'ignore')) + if not m: + try: + import parser + parser.suite(line1.decode('ascii', 'ignore')) + except (ImportError, SyntaxError): + # Either it's a real syntax error, in which case the source + # is not valid python source, or line2 is a continuation of + # line1, in which case we don't want to scan line2 for a magic + # comment. + pass + else: + line2 = fp.readline() + m = _PYTHON_MAGIC_COMMENT_re.match( + line2.decode('ascii', 'ignore')) + + if has_bom: + if m: + raise SyntaxError( + "python refuses to compile code with both a UTF8" + " byte-order-mark and a magic encoding comment") + return 'utf_8' + elif m: + return m.group(1) + else: + return None + finally: + fp.seek(pos) + + +def sorted_dict_repr(d): + """repr() a dictionary with the keys in order. + + Used by the lexer unit test to compare parse trees based on strings. + + """ + keys = list(d.keys()) + keys.sort() + return "{" + ", ".join(["%r: %r" % (k, d[k]) for k in keys]) + "}" + + +def restore__ast(_ast): + """Attempt to restore the required classes to the _ast module if it + appears to be missing them + """ + if hasattr(_ast, 'AST'): + return + _ast.PyCF_ONLY_AST = 2 << 9 + m = compile("""\ +def foo(): pass +class Bar(object): pass +if False: pass +baz = 'mako' +1 + 2 - 3 * 4 / 5 +6 // 7 % 8 << 9 >> 10 +11 & 12 ^ 13 | 14 +15 and 16 or 17 +-baz + (not +18) - ~17 +baz and 'foo' or 'bar' +(mako is baz == baz) is not baz != mako +mako > baz < mako >= baz <= mako +mako in baz not in mako""", '', 'exec', _ast.PyCF_ONLY_AST) + _ast.Module = type(m) + + for cls in _ast.Module.__mro__: + if cls.__name__ == 'mod': + _ast.mod = cls + elif cls.__name__ == 'AST': + _ast.AST = cls + + _ast.FunctionDef = type(m.body[0]) + _ast.ClassDef = type(m.body[1]) + _ast.If = type(m.body[2]) + + _ast.Name = type(m.body[3].targets[0]) + _ast.Store = type(m.body[3].targets[0].ctx) + _ast.Str = type(m.body[3].value) + + _ast.Sub = type(m.body[4].value.op) + _ast.Add = type(m.body[4].value.left.op) + _ast.Div = type(m.body[4].value.right.op) + _ast.Mult = type(m.body[4].value.right.left.op) + + _ast.RShift = type(m.body[5].value.op) + _ast.LShift = type(m.body[5].value.left.op) + _ast.Mod = type(m.body[5].value.left.left.op) + _ast.FloorDiv = type(m.body[5].value.left.left.left.op) + + _ast.BitOr = type(m.body[6].value.op) + _ast.BitXor = type(m.body[6].value.left.op) + _ast.BitAnd = type(m.body[6].value.left.left.op) + + _ast.Or = type(m.body[7].value.op) + _ast.And = type(m.body[7].value.values[0].op) + + _ast.Invert = type(m.body[8].value.right.op) + _ast.Not = type(m.body[8].value.left.right.op) + _ast.UAdd = type(m.body[8].value.left.right.operand.op) + _ast.USub = type(m.body[8].value.left.left.op) + + _ast.Or = type(m.body[9].value.op) + _ast.And = type(m.body[9].value.values[0].op) + + _ast.IsNot = type(m.body[10].value.ops[0]) + _ast.NotEq = type(m.body[10].value.ops[1]) + _ast.Is = type(m.body[10].value.left.ops[0]) + _ast.Eq = type(m.body[10].value.left.ops[1]) + + _ast.Gt = type(m.body[11].value.ops[0]) + _ast.Lt = type(m.body[11].value.ops[1]) + _ast.GtE = type(m.body[11].value.ops[2]) + _ast.LtE = type(m.body[11].value.ops[3]) + + _ast.In = type(m.body[12].value.ops[0]) + _ast.NotIn = type(m.body[12].value.ops[1]) + + +def read_file(path, mode='rb'): + fp = open(path, mode) + try: + data = fp.read() + return data + finally: + fp.close() + + +def read_python_file(path): + fp = open(path, "rb") + try: + encoding = parse_encoding(fp) + data = fp.read() + if encoding: + data = data.decode(encoding) + return data + finally: + fp.close() diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pip-10.0.1-py3.6.egg/pip/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pip-10.0.1-py3.6.egg/pip/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0d0d7af Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pip-10.0.1-py3.6.egg/pip/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pip-10.0.1-py3.6.egg/pip/_internal/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pip-10.0.1-py3.6.egg/pip/_internal/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..de28716 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pip-10.0.1-py3.6.egg/pip/_internal/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pip-10.0.1-py3.6.egg/pip/_internal/__pycache__/basecommand.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pip-10.0.1-py3.6.egg/pip/_internal/__pycache__/basecommand.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c0a5177 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pip-10.0.1-py3.6.egg/pip/_internal/__pycache__/basecommand.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pip-10.0.1-py3.6.egg/pip/_internal/__pycache__/baseparser.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pip-10.0.1-py3.6.egg/pip/_internal/__pycache__/baseparser.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..52397f0 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pip-10.0.1-py3.6.egg/pip/_internal/__pycache__/baseparser.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pip-10.0.1-py3.6.egg/pip/_internal/__pycache__/build_env.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pip-10.0.1-py3.6.egg/pip/_internal/__pycache__/build_env.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a148d97 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pip-10.0.1-py3.6.egg/pip/_internal/__pycache__/build_env.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pip-10.0.1-py3.6.egg/pip/_internal/__pycache__/cache.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pip-10.0.1-py3.6.egg/pip/_internal/__pycache__/cache.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2b3a773 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pip-10.0.1-py3.6.egg/pip/_internal/__pycache__/cache.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pip-10.0.1-py3.6.egg/pip/_internal/__pycache__/cmdoptions.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pip-10.0.1-py3.6.egg/pip/_internal/__pycache__/cmdoptions.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8e910ef Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pip-10.0.1-py3.6.egg/pip/_internal/__pycache__/cmdoptions.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pip-10.0.1-py3.6.egg/pip/_internal/__pycache__/compat.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pip-10.0.1-py3.6.egg/pip/_internal/__pycache__/compat.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2e12d8a Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pip-10.0.1-py3.6.egg/pip/_internal/__pycache__/compat.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pip-10.0.1-py3.6.egg/pip/_internal/__pycache__/configuration.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pip-10.0.1-py3.6.egg/pip/_internal/__pycache__/configuration.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7eb6bb8 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pip-10.0.1-py3.6.egg/pip/_internal/__pycache__/configuration.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pip-10.0.1-py3.6.egg/pip/_internal/__pycache__/download.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pip-10.0.1-py3.6.egg/pip/_internal/__pycache__/download.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..23e23e0 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pip-10.0.1-py3.6.egg/pip/_internal/__pycache__/download.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git 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a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pip-10.0.1-py3.6.egg/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pip-10.0.1-py3.6.egg/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4c6e83f Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pip-10.0.1-py3.6.egg/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pip-10.0.1-py3.6.egg/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/check.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pip-10.0.1-py3.6.egg/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/check.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..73b57c1 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pip-10.0.1-py3.6.egg/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/check.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pip-10.0.1-py3.6.egg/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/completion.cpython-36.pyc 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b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pip-10.0.1-py3.6.egg/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/download.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b089892 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pip-10.0.1-py3.6.egg/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/download.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pip-10.0.1-py3.6.egg/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/freeze.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pip-10.0.1-py3.6.egg/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/freeze.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5b88141 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pip-10.0.1-py3.6.egg/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/freeze.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pip-10.0.1-py3.6.egg/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/hash.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pip-10.0.1-py3.6.egg/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/hash.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..baad60f Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pip-10.0.1-py3.6.egg/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/hash.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pip-10.0.1-py3.6.egg/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/help.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pip-10.0.1-py3.6.egg/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/help.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b899fce Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pip-10.0.1-py3.6.egg/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/help.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pip-10.0.1-py3.6.egg/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/install.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pip-10.0.1-py3.6.egg/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/install.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7949dbf Binary files /dev/null and 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b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/python_dateutil-2.7.5.dist-info/INSTALLER @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +pip diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/python_dateutil-2.7.5.dist-info/LICENSE.txt b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/python_dateutil-2.7.5.dist-info/LICENSE.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1e65815 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/python_dateutil-2.7.5.dist-info/LICENSE.txt @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +Copyright 2017- Paul Ganssle +Copyright 2017- dateutil contributors (see AUTHORS file) + + Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); + you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. + You may obtain a copy of the License at + + http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 + + Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, + WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. + See the License for the specific language governing permissions and + limitations under the License. + +The above license applies to all contributions after 2017-12-01, as well as +all contributions that have been re-licensed (see AUTHORS file for the list of +contributors who have re-licensed their code). +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +dateutil - Extensions to the standard Python datetime module. + +Copyright (c) 2003-2011 - Gustavo Niemeyer +Copyright (c) 2012-2014 - Tomi Pieviläinen +Copyright (c) 2014-2016 - Yaron de Leeuw +Copyright (c) 2015- - Paul Ganssle +Copyright (c) 2015- - dateutil contributors (see AUTHORS file) + +All rights reserved. + +Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: + + * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, + this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. + * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, + this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation + and/or other materials provided with the distribution. + * Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its + contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from + this software without specific prior written permission. + +THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS +"AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT +LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR +A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR +CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, +EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR +PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF +LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING +NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS +SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. + +The above BSD License Applies to all code, even that also covered by Apache 2.0. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/python_dateutil-2.7.5.dist-info/METADATA b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/python_dateutil-2.7.5.dist-info/METADATA new file mode 100644 index 0000000..aab133f --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/python_dateutil-2.7.5.dist-info/METADATA @@ -0,0 +1,190 @@ +Metadata-Version: 2.1 +Name: python-dateutil +Version: 2.7.5 +Summary: Extensions to the standard Python datetime module +Home-page: https://dateutil.readthedocs.io +Author: Gustavo Niemeyer +Author-email: gustavo@niemeyer.net +Maintainer: Paul Ganssle +Maintainer-email: dateutil@python.org +License: Dual License +Platform: UNKNOWN +Classifier: Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable +Classifier: Intended Audience :: Developers +Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License +Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License +Classifier: Programming Language :: Python +Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2 +Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7 +Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3 +Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.3 +Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.4 +Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5 +Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6 +Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7 +Classifier: Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries +Requires: six +Requires-Python: >=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.* +Description-Content-Type: text/x-rst +Requires-Dist: six (>=1.5) + +dateutil - powerful extensions to datetime +========================================== + +|pypi| |support| |licence| + +|gitter| |readthedocs| + +|travis| |appveyor| |coverage| + +.. |pypi| image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/python-dateutil.svg?style=flat-square + :target: https://pypi.org/project/python-dateutil/ + :alt: pypi version + +.. |support| image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/pyversions/python-dateutil.svg?style=flat-square + :target: https://pypi.org/project/python-dateutil/ + :alt: supported Python version + +.. |travis| image:: https://img.shields.io/travis/dateutil/dateutil/master.svg?style=flat-square&label=Travis%20Build + :target: https://travis-ci.org/dateutil/dateutil + :alt: travis build status + +.. |appveyor| image:: https://img.shields.io/appveyor/ci/dateutil/dateutil/master.svg?style=flat-square&logo=appveyor + :target: https://ci.appveyor.com/project/dateutil/dateutil + :alt: appveyor build status + +.. |coverage| image:: https://codecov.io/github/dateutil/dateutil/coverage.svg?branch=master + :target: https://codecov.io/github/dateutil/dateutil?branch=master + :alt: Code coverage + +.. |gitter| image:: https://badges.gitter.im/dateutil/dateutil.svg + :alt: Join the chat at https://gitter.im/dateutil/dateutil + :target: https://gitter.im/dateutil/dateutil + +.. |licence| image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/l/python-dateutil.svg?style=flat-square + :target: https://pypi.org/project/python-dateutil/ + :alt: licence + +.. |readthedocs| image:: https://img.shields.io/readthedocs/dateutil/latest.svg?style=flat-square&label=Read%20the%20Docs + :alt: Read the documentation at https://dateutil.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ + :target: https://dateutil.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ + +The `dateutil` module provides powerful extensions to +the standard `datetime` module, available in Python. + + +Download +======== +dateutil is available on PyPI +https://pypi.org/project/python-dateutil/ + +The documentation is hosted at: +https://dateutil.readthedocs.io/en/stable/ + +Code +==== +The code and issue tracker are hosted on Github: +https://github.com/dateutil/dateutil/ + +Features +======== + +* Computing of relative deltas (next month, next year, + next monday, last week of month, etc); +* Computing of relative deltas between two given + date and/or datetime objects; +* Computing of dates based on very flexible recurrence rules, + using a superset of the `iCalendar `_ + specification. Parsing of RFC strings is supported as well. +* Generic parsing of dates in almost any string format; +* Timezone (tzinfo) implementations for tzfile(5) format + files (/etc/localtime, /usr/share/zoneinfo, etc), TZ + environment string (in all known formats), iCalendar + format files, given ranges (with help from relative deltas), + local machine timezone, fixed offset timezone, UTC timezone, + and Windows registry-based time zones. +* Internal up-to-date world timezone information based on + Olson's database. +* Computing of Easter Sunday dates for any given year, + using Western, Orthodox or Julian algorithms; +* A comprehensive test suite. + +Quick example +============= +Here's a snapshot, just to give an idea about the power of the +package. For more examples, look at the documentation. + +Suppose you want to know how much time is left, in +years/months/days/etc, before the next easter happening on a +year with a Friday 13th in August, and you want to get today's +date out of the "date" unix system command. Here is the code: + +.. code-block:: python3 + + >>> from dateutil.relativedelta import * + >>> from dateutil.easter import * + >>> from dateutil.rrule import * + >>> from dateutil.parser import * + >>> from datetime import * + >>> now = parse("Sat Oct 11 17:13:46 UTC 2003") + >>> today = now.date() + >>> year = rrule(YEARLY,dtstart=now,bymonth=8,bymonthday=13,byweekday=FR)[0].year + >>> rdelta = relativedelta(easter(year), today) + >>> print("Today is: %s" % today) + Today is: 2003-10-11 + >>> print("Year with next Aug 13th on a Friday is: %s" % year) + Year with next Aug 13th on a Friday is: 2004 + >>> print("How far is the Easter of that year: %s" % rdelta) + How far is the Easter of that year: relativedelta(months=+6) + >>> print("And the Easter of that year is: %s" % (today+rdelta)) + And the Easter of that year is: 2004-04-11 + +Being exactly 6 months ahead was **really** a coincidence :) + +Contributing +============ + +We welcome many types of contributions - bug reports, pull requests (code, infrastructure or documentation fixes). For more information about how to contribute to the project, see the ``CONTRIBUTING.md`` file in the repository. + + +Author +====== +The dateutil module was written by Gustavo Niemeyer +in 2003. + +It is maintained by: + +* Gustavo Niemeyer 2003-2011 +* Tomi Pieviläinen 2012-2014 +* Yaron de Leeuw 2014-2016 +* Paul Ganssle 2015- + +Starting with version 2.4.1, all source and binary distributions will be signed +by a PGP key that has, at the very least, been signed by the key which made the +previous release. A table of release signing keys can be found below: + +=========== ============================ +Releases Signing key fingerprint +=========== ============================ +2.4.1- `6B49 ACBA DCF6 BD1C A206 67AB CD54 FCE3 D964 BEFB`_ (|pgp_mirror|_) +=========== ============================ + + +Contact +======= +Our mailing list is available at `dateutil@python.org `_. As it is hosted by the PSF, it is subject to the `PSF code of +conduct `_. + +License +======= + +All contributions after December 1, 2017 released under dual license - either `Apache 2.0 License `_ or the `BSD 3-Clause License `_. Contributions before December 1, 2017 - except those those explicitly relicensed - are released only under the BSD 3-Clause License. + + +.. _6B49 ACBA DCF6 BD1C A206 67AB CD54 FCE3 D964 BEFB: + https://pgp.mit.edu/pks/lookup?op=vindex&search=0xCD54FCE3D964BEFB + +.. |pgp_mirror| replace:: mirror +.. _pgp_mirror: https://sks-keyservers.net/pks/lookup?op=vindex&search=0xCD54FCE3D964BEFB + + diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/python_dateutil-2.7.5.dist-info/RECORD b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/python_dateutil-2.7.5.dist-info/RECORD new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c3b33dc --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/python_dateutil-2.7.5.dist-info/RECORD @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +dateutil/__init__.py,sha256=lXElASqwYGwqlrSWSeX19JwF5Be9tNecDa9ebk-0gmk,222 +dateutil/_common.py,sha256=77w0yytkrxlYbSn--lDVPUMabUXRR9I3lBv_vQRUqUY,932 +dateutil/_version.py,sha256=kAw-ljL4Y1I-mPgMXHmIKI-BVVHHuSKVqKhH298FFDg,116 +dateutil/easter.py,sha256=0liVsgqSx-NPhaFevOJaYgEbrSu2oQQ2o9m_OEBdc-s,2684 +dateutil/relativedelta.py,sha256=ZJj33WexdbkXbPqS4jvyRby1v3NeNOvAgw_YEofKxQM,24418 +dateutil/rrule.py,sha256=w9v8mTO_YF6OM4kgsN1KwukBqQRFGntDBPsSXrfNUww,64802 +dateutil/tzwin.py,sha256=7Ar4vdQCnnM0mKR3MUjbIKsZrBVfHgdwsJZc_mGYRew,59 +dateutil/utils.py,sha256=wG0nPh2fS274tUSsgywKAz3Ahq8m_-oKWwDtYeOPJuU,1963 +dateutil/parser/__init__.py,sha256=efFZ9gA3I85X8IgQ_Rq6icz4rYdkUevfK8Oxekn3uYU,1727 +dateutil/parser/_parser.py,sha256=nxl6E6a3C4EsyTL7Npp_to68JoX05BJl3-FUnRag_VM,57607 +dateutil/parser/isoparser.py,sha256=N--NyotwfEShxeOoW5CvpmLRNgJIKIHYv6XgsqlYqDY,12902 +dateutil/tz/__init__.py,sha256=xkeNSDRpsFSeqSaaGuLPmhyTfhjZ7W7BZnKcNfFKYUA,551 +dateutil/tz/_common.py,sha256=VAR-3Wd2f4FYZyKg09e6PFnflcGhNEABLYBv_wjS-T8,12892 +dateutil/tz/_factories.py,sha256=JUnlX9efOpuhTnp5fDSM_e62cwNy7W5kHcZpJHDhbFE,1434 +dateutil/tz/tz.py,sha256=2s3vRGHL1d48_TGr5kEwVxVMq4tJCHMMLg0SR91AZH4,60472 +dateutil/tz/win.py,sha256=M67X4b3x6RIveSR0Dl19B30Ow8No7Lkc-Hd4xdvNz8Q,11318 +dateutil/zoneinfo/__init__.py,sha256=KYg0pthCMjcp5MXSEiBJn3nMjZeNZav7rlJw5-tz1S4,5889 +dateutil/zoneinfo/dateutil-zoneinfo.tar.gz,sha256=jb1AuNt64a9o4qtPyDVDtl261ppgLaYeOUCzGCIAGoc,154226 +dateutil/zoneinfo/rebuild.py,sha256=2uFJQiW3Fl8fVogrSXisJMpLeHI1zGwpvBFF43QdeF0,1719 +python_dateutil-2.7.5.dist-info/LICENSE.txt,sha256=ugD1Gg2SgjtaHN4n2LW50jIeZ-2NqbwWPv-W1eF-V34,2889 +python_dateutil-2.7.5.dist-info/METADATA,sha256=z7JUfEBz52VuV_sAunCrQs5SSe45P7BouyyaFbvQDE8,7486 +python_dateutil-2.7.5.dist-info/RECORD,, +python_dateutil-2.7.5.dist-info/WHEEL,sha256=gduuPyBvFJQSQ0zdyxF7k0zynDXbIbvg5ZBHoXum5uk,110 +python_dateutil-2.7.5.dist-info/top_level.txt,sha256=4tjdWkhRZvF7LA_BYe_L9gB2w_p2a-z5y6ArjaRkot8,9 +python_dateutil-2.7.5.dist-info/zip-safe,sha256=AbpHGcgLb-kRsJGnwFEktk7uzpZOCcBY74-YBdrKVGs,1 +python_dateutil-2.7.5.dist-info/INSTALLER,sha256=zuuue4knoyJ-UwPPXg8fezS7VCrXJQrAP7zeNuwvFQg,4 +dateutil/zoneinfo/__pycache__/rebuild.cpython-36.pyc,, +dateutil/zoneinfo/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc,, +dateutil/__pycache__/rrule.cpython-36.pyc,, +dateutil/__pycache__/_version.cpython-36.pyc,, +dateutil/__pycache__/tzwin.cpython-36.pyc,, +dateutil/__pycache__/_common.cpython-36.pyc,, +dateutil/__pycache__/utils.cpython-36.pyc,, +dateutil/__pycache__/relativedelta.cpython-36.pyc,, +dateutil/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc,, +dateutil/__pycache__/easter.cpython-36.pyc,, +dateutil/parser/__pycache__/isoparser.cpython-36.pyc,, +dateutil/parser/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc,, +dateutil/parser/__pycache__/_parser.cpython-36.pyc,, +dateutil/tz/__pycache__/tz.cpython-36.pyc,, +dateutil/tz/__pycache__/_factories.cpython-36.pyc,, +dateutil/tz/__pycache__/_common.cpython-36.pyc,, +dateutil/tz/__pycache__/win.cpython-36.pyc,, +dateutil/tz/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc,, diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/python_dateutil-2.7.5.dist-info/WHEEL b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/python_dateutil-2.7.5.dist-info/WHEEL new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1316c41 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/python_dateutil-2.7.5.dist-info/WHEEL @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +Wheel-Version: 1.0 +Generator: bdist_wheel (0.31.1) +Root-Is-Purelib: true +Tag: py2-none-any +Tag: py3-none-any + diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/python_dateutil-2.7.5.dist-info/top_level.txt b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/python_dateutil-2.7.5.dist-info/top_level.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6650148 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/python_dateutil-2.7.5.dist-info/top_level.txt @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +dateutil diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/python_dateutil-2.7.5.dist-info/zip-safe b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/python_dateutil-2.7.5.dist-info/zip-safe new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8b13789 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/python_dateutil-2.7.5.dist-info/zip-safe @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/python_editor-1.0.3-py3.6.egg-info/PKG-INFO b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/python_editor-1.0.3-py3.6.egg-info/PKG-INFO new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ae1a1ae --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/python_editor-1.0.3-py3.6.egg-info/PKG-INFO @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +Metadata-Version: 1.1 +Name: python-editor +Version: 1.0.3 +Summary: Programmatically open an editor, capture the result. +Home-page: https://github.com/fmoo/python-editor +Author: Peter Ruibal +Author-email: ruibalp@gmail.com +License: Apache +Description: UNKNOWN +Keywords: editor library vim emacs +Platform: UNKNOWN +Classifier: Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable +Classifier: Intended Audience :: Developers +Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License +Classifier: Operating System :: OS Independent +Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2 +Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2.6 +Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7 +Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3 +Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.3 +Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.4 +Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5 +Classifier: Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/python_editor-1.0.3-py3.6.egg-info/SOURCES.txt b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/python_editor-1.0.3-py3.6.egg-info/SOURCES.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b575dad --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/python_editor-1.0.3-py3.6.egg-info/SOURCES.txt @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +LICENSE +MANIFEST.in +README.md +editor.py +setup.cfg +setup.py +test.py +python_editor.egg-info/PKG-INFO +python_editor.egg-info/SOURCES.txt +python_editor.egg-info/dependency_links.txt +python_editor.egg-info/top_level.txt \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/python_editor-1.0.3-py3.6.egg-info/dependency_links.txt b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/python_editor-1.0.3-py3.6.egg-info/dependency_links.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8b13789 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/python_editor-1.0.3-py3.6.egg-info/dependency_links.txt @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/python_editor-1.0.3-py3.6.egg-info/installed-files.txt b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/python_editor-1.0.3-py3.6.egg-info/installed-files.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e0e7dfe --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/python_editor-1.0.3-py3.6.egg-info/installed-files.txt @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +../__pycache__/editor.cpython-36.pyc +../editor.py +PKG-INFO +SOURCES.txt +dependency_links.txt +top_level.txt diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/python_editor-1.0.3-py3.6.egg-info/top_level.txt b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/python_editor-1.0.3-py3.6.egg-info/top_level.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..85042ac --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/python_editor-1.0.3-py3.6.egg-info/top_level.txt @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +editor diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/six-1.12.0.dist-info/INSTALLER b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/six-1.12.0.dist-info/INSTALLER new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a1b589e --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/six-1.12.0.dist-info/INSTALLER @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +pip diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/six-1.12.0.dist-info/LICENSE b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/six-1.12.0.dist-info/LICENSE new file mode 100644 index 0000000..365d107 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/six-1.12.0.dist-info/LICENSE @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +Copyright (c) 2010-2018 Benjamin Peterson + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of +this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in +the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to +use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of +the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, +subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all +copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS +FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR +COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER +IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN +CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/six-1.12.0.dist-info/METADATA b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/six-1.12.0.dist-info/METADATA new file mode 100644 index 0000000..df8db11 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/six-1.12.0.dist-info/METADATA @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +Metadata-Version: 2.1 +Name: six +Version: 1.12.0 +Summary: Python 2 and 3 compatibility utilities +Home-page: https://github.com/benjaminp/six +Author: Benjamin Peterson +Author-email: benjamin@python.org +License: MIT +Platform: UNKNOWN +Classifier: Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable +Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2 +Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3 +Classifier: Intended Audience :: Developers +Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License +Classifier: Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries +Classifier: Topic :: Utilities +Requires-Python: >=2.6, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.* + +.. image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/six.svg + :target: https://pypi.org/project/six/ + :alt: six on PyPI + +.. image:: https://travis-ci.org/benjaminp/six.svg?branch=master + :target: https://travis-ci.org/benjaminp/six + :alt: six on TravisCI + +.. image:: https://readthedocs.org/projects/six/badge/?version=latest + :target: https://six.readthedocs.io/ + :alt: six's documentation on Read the Docs + +.. image:: https://img.shields.io/badge/license-MIT-green.svg + :target: https://github.com/benjaminp/six/blob/master/LICENSE + :alt: MIT License badge + +Six is a Python 2 and 3 compatibility library. It provides utility functions +for smoothing over the differences between the Python versions with the goal of +writing Python code that is compatible on both Python versions. See the +documentation for more information on what is provided. + +Six supports every Python version since 2.6. It is contained in only one Python +file, so it can be easily copied into your project. (The copyright and license +notice must be retained.) + +Online documentation is at https://six.readthedocs.io/. + +Bugs can be reported to https://github.com/benjaminp/six. The code can also +be found there. + +For questions about six or porting in general, email the python-porting mailing +list: https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-porting + + diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/six-1.12.0.dist-info/RECORD b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/six-1.12.0.dist-info/RECORD new file mode 100644 index 0000000..631d4ab --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/six-1.12.0.dist-info/RECORD @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +six.py,sha256=h9jch2pS86y4R36pKRS3LOYUCVFNIJMRwjZ4fJDtJ44,32452 +six-1.12.0.dist-info/LICENSE,sha256=5zL1TaWPPpzwxI6LUSlIk2_Pc2G9WK-mOpo8OSv3lK0,1066 +six-1.12.0.dist-info/METADATA,sha256=CRdYkKPKCFJr7-qA8PDpBklGXfXJ3xu4mu5tkLBDL04,1940 +six-1.12.0.dist-info/WHEEL,sha256=_wJFdOYk7i3xxT8ElOkUJvOdOvfNGbR9g-bf6UQT6sU,110 +six-1.12.0.dist-info/top_level.txt,sha256=_iVH_iYEtEXnD8nYGQYpYFUvkUW9sEO1GYbkeKSAais,4 +six-1.12.0.dist-info/RECORD,, +six-1.12.0.dist-info/INSTALLER,sha256=zuuue4knoyJ-UwPPXg8fezS7VCrXJQrAP7zeNuwvFQg,4 +__pycache__/six.cpython-36.pyc,, diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/six-1.12.0.dist-info/WHEEL b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/six-1.12.0.dist-info/WHEEL new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c4bde30 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/six-1.12.0.dist-info/WHEEL @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +Wheel-Version: 1.0 +Generator: bdist_wheel (0.32.3) +Root-Is-Purelib: true +Tag: py2-none-any +Tag: py3-none-any + diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/six-1.12.0.dist-info/top_level.txt b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/six-1.12.0.dist-info/top_level.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ffe2fce --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/six-1.12.0.dist-info/top_level.txt @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +six diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/six.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/six.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..89b2188 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/six.py @@ -0,0 +1,952 @@ +# Copyright (c) 2010-2018 Benjamin Peterson +# +# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy +# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal +# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights +# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell +# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is +# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: +# +# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all +# copies or substantial portions of the Software. +# +# THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +# IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +# AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +# LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, +# OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE +# SOFTWARE. + +"""Utilities for writing code that runs on Python 2 and 3""" + +from __future__ import absolute_import + +import functools +import itertools +import operator +import sys +import types + +__author__ = "Benjamin Peterson " +__version__ = "1.12.0" + + +# Useful for very coarse version differentiation. +PY2 = sys.version_info[0] == 2 +PY3 = sys.version_info[0] == 3 +PY34 = sys.version_info[0:2] >= (3, 4) + +if PY3: + string_types = str, + integer_types = int, + class_types = type, + text_type = str + binary_type = bytes + + MAXSIZE = sys.maxsize +else: + string_types = basestring, + integer_types = (int, long) + class_types = (type, types.ClassType) + text_type = unicode + binary_type = str + + if sys.platform.startswith("java"): + # Jython always uses 32 bits. + MAXSIZE = int((1 << 31) - 1) + else: + # It's possible to have sizeof(long) != sizeof(Py_ssize_t). + class X(object): + + def __len__(self): + return 1 << 31 + try: + len(X()) + except OverflowError: + # 32-bit + MAXSIZE = int((1 << 31) - 1) + else: + # 64-bit + MAXSIZE = int((1 << 63) - 1) + del X + + +def _add_doc(func, doc): + """Add documentation to a function.""" + func.__doc__ = doc + + +def _import_module(name): + """Import module, returning the module after the last dot.""" + __import__(name) + return sys.modules[name] + + +class _LazyDescr(object): + + def __init__(self, name): + self.name = name + + def __get__(self, obj, tp): + result = self._resolve() + setattr(obj, self.name, result) # Invokes __set__. + try: + # This is a bit ugly, but it avoids running this again by + # removing this descriptor. + delattr(obj.__class__, self.name) + except AttributeError: + pass + return result + + +class MovedModule(_LazyDescr): + + def __init__(self, name, old, new=None): + super(MovedModule, self).__init__(name) + if PY3: + if new is None: + new = name + self.mod = new + else: + self.mod = old + + def _resolve(self): + return _import_module(self.mod) + + def __getattr__(self, attr): + _module = self._resolve() + value = getattr(_module, attr) + setattr(self, attr, value) + return value + + +class _LazyModule(types.ModuleType): + + def __init__(self, name): + super(_LazyModule, self).__init__(name) + self.__doc__ = self.__class__.__doc__ + + def __dir__(self): + attrs = ["__doc__", "__name__"] + attrs += [attr.name for attr in self._moved_attributes] + return attrs + + # Subclasses should override this + _moved_attributes = [] + + +class MovedAttribute(_LazyDescr): + + def __init__(self, name, old_mod, new_mod, old_attr=None, new_attr=None): + super(MovedAttribute, self).__init__(name) + if PY3: + if new_mod is None: + new_mod = name + self.mod = new_mod + if new_attr is None: + if old_attr is None: + new_attr = name + else: + new_attr = old_attr + self.attr = new_attr + else: + self.mod = old_mod + if old_attr is None: + old_attr = name + self.attr = old_attr + + def _resolve(self): + module = _import_module(self.mod) + return getattr(module, self.attr) + + +class _SixMetaPathImporter(object): + + """ + A meta path importer to import six.moves and its submodules. + + This class implements a PEP302 finder and loader. It should be compatible + with Python 2.5 and all existing versions of Python3 + """ + + def __init__(self, six_module_name): + self.name = six_module_name + self.known_modules = {} + + def _add_module(self, mod, *fullnames): + for fullname in fullnames: + self.known_modules[self.name + "." + fullname] = mod + + def _get_module(self, fullname): + return self.known_modules[self.name + "." + fullname] + + def find_module(self, fullname, path=None): + if fullname in self.known_modules: + return self + return None + + def __get_module(self, fullname): + try: + return self.known_modules[fullname] + except KeyError: + raise ImportError("This loader does not know module " + fullname) + + def load_module(self, fullname): + try: + # in case of a reload + return sys.modules[fullname] + except KeyError: + pass + mod = self.__get_module(fullname) + if isinstance(mod, MovedModule): + mod = mod._resolve() + else: + mod.__loader__ = self + sys.modules[fullname] = mod + return mod + + def is_package(self, fullname): + """ + Return true, if the named module is a package. + + We need this method to get correct spec objects with + Python 3.4 (see PEP451) + """ + return hasattr(self.__get_module(fullname), "__path__") + + def get_code(self, fullname): + """Return None + + Required, if is_package is implemented""" + self.__get_module(fullname) # eventually raises ImportError + return None + get_source = get_code # same as get_code + +_importer = _SixMetaPathImporter(__name__) + + +class _MovedItems(_LazyModule): + + """Lazy loading of moved objects""" + __path__ = [] # mark as package + + +_moved_attributes = [ + MovedAttribute("cStringIO", "cStringIO", "io", "StringIO"), + MovedAttribute("filter", "itertools", "builtins", "ifilter", "filter"), + MovedAttribute("filterfalse", "itertools", "itertools", "ifilterfalse", "filterfalse"), + MovedAttribute("input", "__builtin__", "builtins", "raw_input", "input"), + MovedAttribute("intern", "__builtin__", "sys"), + MovedAttribute("map", "itertools", "builtins", "imap", "map"), + MovedAttribute("getcwd", "os", "os", "getcwdu", "getcwd"), + MovedAttribute("getcwdb", "os", "os", "getcwd", "getcwdb"), + MovedAttribute("getoutput", "commands", "subprocess"), + MovedAttribute("range", "__builtin__", "builtins", "xrange", "range"), + MovedAttribute("reload_module", "__builtin__", "importlib" if PY34 else "imp", "reload"), + MovedAttribute("reduce", "__builtin__", "functools"), + MovedAttribute("shlex_quote", "pipes", "shlex", "quote"), + MovedAttribute("StringIO", "StringIO", "io"), + MovedAttribute("UserDict", "UserDict", "collections"), + MovedAttribute("UserList", "UserList", "collections"), + MovedAttribute("UserString", "UserString", "collections"), + MovedAttribute("xrange", "__builtin__", "builtins", "xrange", "range"), + MovedAttribute("zip", "itertools", "builtins", "izip", "zip"), + MovedAttribute("zip_longest", "itertools", "itertools", "izip_longest", "zip_longest"), + MovedModule("builtins", "__builtin__"), + MovedModule("configparser", "ConfigParser"), + MovedModule("copyreg", "copy_reg"), + MovedModule("dbm_gnu", "gdbm", "dbm.gnu"), + MovedModule("_dummy_thread", "dummy_thread", "_dummy_thread"), + MovedModule("http_cookiejar", "cookielib", "http.cookiejar"), + MovedModule("http_cookies", "Cookie", "http.cookies"), + MovedModule("html_entities", "htmlentitydefs", "html.entities"), + MovedModule("html_parser", "HTMLParser", "html.parser"), + MovedModule("http_client", "httplib", "http.client"), + MovedModule("email_mime_base", "email.MIMEBase", "email.mime.base"), + MovedModule("email_mime_image", "email.MIMEImage", "email.mime.image"), + MovedModule("email_mime_multipart", "email.MIMEMultipart", "email.mime.multipart"), + MovedModule("email_mime_nonmultipart", "email.MIMENonMultipart", "email.mime.nonmultipart"), + MovedModule("email_mime_text", "email.MIMEText", "email.mime.text"), + MovedModule("BaseHTTPServer", "BaseHTTPServer", "http.server"), + MovedModule("CGIHTTPServer", "CGIHTTPServer", "http.server"), + MovedModule("SimpleHTTPServer", "SimpleHTTPServer", "http.server"), + MovedModule("cPickle", "cPickle", "pickle"), + MovedModule("queue", "Queue"), + MovedModule("reprlib", "repr"), + MovedModule("socketserver", "SocketServer"), + MovedModule("_thread", "thread", "_thread"), + MovedModule("tkinter", "Tkinter"), + MovedModule("tkinter_dialog", "Dialog", "tkinter.dialog"), + MovedModule("tkinter_filedialog", "FileDialog", "tkinter.filedialog"), + MovedModule("tkinter_scrolledtext", "ScrolledText", "tkinter.scrolledtext"), + MovedModule("tkinter_simpledialog", "SimpleDialog", "tkinter.simpledialog"), + MovedModule("tkinter_tix", "Tix", "tkinter.tix"), + MovedModule("tkinter_ttk", "ttk", "tkinter.ttk"), + MovedModule("tkinter_constants", "Tkconstants", "tkinter.constants"), + MovedModule("tkinter_dnd", "Tkdnd", "tkinter.dnd"), + MovedModule("tkinter_colorchooser", "tkColorChooser", + "tkinter.colorchooser"), + MovedModule("tkinter_commondialog", "tkCommonDialog", + "tkinter.commondialog"), + MovedModule("tkinter_tkfiledialog", "tkFileDialog", "tkinter.filedialog"), + MovedModule("tkinter_font", "tkFont", "tkinter.font"), + MovedModule("tkinter_messagebox", "tkMessageBox", "tkinter.messagebox"), + MovedModule("tkinter_tksimpledialog", "tkSimpleDialog", + "tkinter.simpledialog"), + MovedModule("urllib_parse", __name__ + ".moves.urllib_parse", "urllib.parse"), + MovedModule("urllib_error", __name__ + ".moves.urllib_error", "urllib.error"), + MovedModule("urllib", __name__ + ".moves.urllib", __name__ + ".moves.urllib"), + MovedModule("urllib_robotparser", "robotparser", "urllib.robotparser"), + MovedModule("xmlrpc_client", "xmlrpclib", "xmlrpc.client"), + MovedModule("xmlrpc_server", "SimpleXMLRPCServer", "xmlrpc.server"), +] +# Add windows specific modules. +if sys.platform == "win32": + _moved_attributes += [ + MovedModule("winreg", "_winreg"), + ] + +for attr in _moved_attributes: + setattr(_MovedItems, attr.name, attr) + if isinstance(attr, MovedModule): + _importer._add_module(attr, "moves." + attr.name) +del attr + +_MovedItems._moved_attributes = _moved_attributes + +moves = _MovedItems(__name__ + ".moves") +_importer._add_module(moves, "moves") + + +class Module_six_moves_urllib_parse(_LazyModule): + + """Lazy loading of moved objects in six.moves.urllib_parse""" + + +_urllib_parse_moved_attributes = [ + MovedAttribute("ParseResult", "urlparse", "urllib.parse"), + MovedAttribute("SplitResult", "urlparse", "urllib.parse"), + MovedAttribute("parse_qs", "urlparse", "urllib.parse"), + MovedAttribute("parse_qsl", "urlparse", "urllib.parse"), + MovedAttribute("urldefrag", "urlparse", "urllib.parse"), + MovedAttribute("urljoin", "urlparse", "urllib.parse"), + MovedAttribute("urlparse", "urlparse", "urllib.parse"), + MovedAttribute("urlsplit", "urlparse", "urllib.parse"), + MovedAttribute("urlunparse", "urlparse", "urllib.parse"), + MovedAttribute("urlunsplit", "urlparse", "urllib.parse"), + MovedAttribute("quote", "urllib", "urllib.parse"), + MovedAttribute("quote_plus", "urllib", "urllib.parse"), + MovedAttribute("unquote", "urllib", "urllib.parse"), + MovedAttribute("unquote_plus", "urllib", "urllib.parse"), + MovedAttribute("unquote_to_bytes", "urllib", "urllib.parse", "unquote", "unquote_to_bytes"), + MovedAttribute("urlencode", "urllib", "urllib.parse"), + MovedAttribute("splitquery", "urllib", "urllib.parse"), + MovedAttribute("splittag", "urllib", "urllib.parse"), + MovedAttribute("splituser", "urllib", "urllib.parse"), + MovedAttribute("splitvalue", "urllib", "urllib.parse"), + MovedAttribute("uses_fragment", "urlparse", "urllib.parse"), + MovedAttribute("uses_netloc", "urlparse", "urllib.parse"), + MovedAttribute("uses_params", "urlparse", "urllib.parse"), + MovedAttribute("uses_query", "urlparse", "urllib.parse"), + MovedAttribute("uses_relative", "urlparse", "urllib.parse"), +] +for attr in _urllib_parse_moved_attributes: + setattr(Module_six_moves_urllib_parse, attr.name, attr) +del attr + +Module_six_moves_urllib_parse._moved_attributes = _urllib_parse_moved_attributes + +_importer._add_module(Module_six_moves_urllib_parse(__name__ + ".moves.urllib_parse"), + "moves.urllib_parse", "moves.urllib.parse") + + +class Module_six_moves_urllib_error(_LazyModule): + + """Lazy loading of moved objects in six.moves.urllib_error""" + + +_urllib_error_moved_attributes = [ + MovedAttribute("URLError", "urllib2", "urllib.error"), + MovedAttribute("HTTPError", "urllib2", "urllib.error"), + MovedAttribute("ContentTooShortError", "urllib", "urllib.error"), +] +for attr in _urllib_error_moved_attributes: + setattr(Module_six_moves_urllib_error, attr.name, attr) +del attr + +Module_six_moves_urllib_error._moved_attributes = _urllib_error_moved_attributes + +_importer._add_module(Module_six_moves_urllib_error(__name__ + ".moves.urllib.error"), + "moves.urllib_error", "moves.urllib.error") + + +class Module_six_moves_urllib_request(_LazyModule): + + """Lazy loading of moved objects in six.moves.urllib_request""" + + +_urllib_request_moved_attributes = [ + MovedAttribute("urlopen", "urllib2", "urllib.request"), + MovedAttribute("install_opener", "urllib2", "urllib.request"), + MovedAttribute("build_opener", "urllib2", "urllib.request"), + MovedAttribute("pathname2url", "urllib", "urllib.request"), + MovedAttribute("url2pathname", "urllib", "urllib.request"), + MovedAttribute("getproxies", "urllib", "urllib.request"), + MovedAttribute("Request", "urllib2", "urllib.request"), + MovedAttribute("OpenerDirector", "urllib2", "urllib.request"), + MovedAttribute("HTTPDefaultErrorHandler", "urllib2", "urllib.request"), + MovedAttribute("HTTPRedirectHandler", "urllib2", "urllib.request"), + MovedAttribute("HTTPCookieProcessor", "urllib2", "urllib.request"), + MovedAttribute("ProxyHandler", "urllib2", "urllib.request"), + MovedAttribute("BaseHandler", "urllib2", "urllib.request"), + MovedAttribute("HTTPPasswordMgr", "urllib2", "urllib.request"), + MovedAttribute("HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm", "urllib2", "urllib.request"), + MovedAttribute("AbstractBasicAuthHandler", "urllib2", "urllib.request"), + MovedAttribute("HTTPBasicAuthHandler", "urllib2", "urllib.request"), + MovedAttribute("ProxyBasicAuthHandler", "urllib2", "urllib.request"), + MovedAttribute("AbstractDigestAuthHandler", "urllib2", "urllib.request"), + MovedAttribute("HTTPDigestAuthHandler", "urllib2", "urllib.request"), + MovedAttribute("ProxyDigestAuthHandler", "urllib2", "urllib.request"), + MovedAttribute("HTTPHandler", "urllib2", "urllib.request"), + MovedAttribute("HTTPSHandler", "urllib2", "urllib.request"), + MovedAttribute("FileHandler", "urllib2", "urllib.request"), + MovedAttribute("FTPHandler", "urllib2", "urllib.request"), + MovedAttribute("CacheFTPHandler", "urllib2", "urllib.request"), + MovedAttribute("UnknownHandler", "urllib2", "urllib.request"), + MovedAttribute("HTTPErrorProcessor", "urllib2", "urllib.request"), + MovedAttribute("urlretrieve", "urllib", "urllib.request"), + MovedAttribute("urlcleanup", "urllib", "urllib.request"), + MovedAttribute("URLopener", "urllib", "urllib.request"), + MovedAttribute("FancyURLopener", "urllib", "urllib.request"), + MovedAttribute("proxy_bypass", "urllib", "urllib.request"), + MovedAttribute("parse_http_list", "urllib2", "urllib.request"), + MovedAttribute("parse_keqv_list", "urllib2", "urllib.request"), +] +for attr in _urllib_request_moved_attributes: + setattr(Module_six_moves_urllib_request, attr.name, attr) +del attr + +Module_six_moves_urllib_request._moved_attributes = _urllib_request_moved_attributes + +_importer._add_module(Module_six_moves_urllib_request(__name__ + ".moves.urllib.request"), + "moves.urllib_request", "moves.urllib.request") + + +class Module_six_moves_urllib_response(_LazyModule): + + """Lazy loading of moved objects in six.moves.urllib_response""" + + +_urllib_response_moved_attributes = [ + MovedAttribute("addbase", "urllib", "urllib.response"), + MovedAttribute("addclosehook", "urllib", "urllib.response"), + MovedAttribute("addinfo", "urllib", "urllib.response"), + MovedAttribute("addinfourl", "urllib", "urllib.response"), +] +for attr in _urllib_response_moved_attributes: + setattr(Module_six_moves_urllib_response, attr.name, attr) +del attr + +Module_six_moves_urllib_response._moved_attributes = _urllib_response_moved_attributes + +_importer._add_module(Module_six_moves_urllib_response(__name__ + ".moves.urllib.response"), + "moves.urllib_response", "moves.urllib.response") + + +class Module_six_moves_urllib_robotparser(_LazyModule): + + """Lazy loading of moved objects in six.moves.urllib_robotparser""" + + +_urllib_robotparser_moved_attributes = [ + MovedAttribute("RobotFileParser", "robotparser", "urllib.robotparser"), +] +for attr in _urllib_robotparser_moved_attributes: + setattr(Module_six_moves_urllib_robotparser, attr.name, attr) +del attr + +Module_six_moves_urllib_robotparser._moved_attributes = _urllib_robotparser_moved_attributes + +_importer._add_module(Module_six_moves_urllib_robotparser(__name__ + ".moves.urllib.robotparser"), + "moves.urllib_robotparser", "moves.urllib.robotparser") + + +class Module_six_moves_urllib(types.ModuleType): + + """Create a six.moves.urllib namespace that resembles the Python 3 namespace""" + __path__ = [] # mark as package + parse = _importer._get_module("moves.urllib_parse") + error = _importer._get_module("moves.urllib_error") + request = _importer._get_module("moves.urllib_request") + response = _importer._get_module("moves.urllib_response") + robotparser = _importer._get_module("moves.urllib_robotparser") + + def __dir__(self): + return ['parse', 'error', 'request', 'response', 'robotparser'] + +_importer._add_module(Module_six_moves_urllib(__name__ + ".moves.urllib"), + "moves.urllib") + + +def add_move(move): + """Add an item to six.moves.""" + setattr(_MovedItems, move.name, move) + + +def remove_move(name): + """Remove item from six.moves.""" + try: + delattr(_MovedItems, name) + except AttributeError: + try: + del moves.__dict__[name] + except KeyError: + raise AttributeError("no such move, %r" % (name,)) + + +if PY3: + _meth_func = "__func__" + _meth_self = "__self__" + + _func_closure = "__closure__" + _func_code = "__code__" + _func_defaults = "__defaults__" + _func_globals = "__globals__" +else: + _meth_func = "im_func" + _meth_self = "im_self" + + _func_closure = "func_closure" + _func_code = "func_code" + _func_defaults = "func_defaults" + _func_globals = "func_globals" + + +try: + advance_iterator = next +except NameError: + def advance_iterator(it): + return it.next() +next = advance_iterator + + +try: + callable = callable +except NameError: + def callable(obj): + return any("__call__" in klass.__dict__ for klass in type(obj).__mro__) + + +if PY3: + def get_unbound_function(unbound): + return unbound + + create_bound_method = types.MethodType + + def create_unbound_method(func, cls): + return func + + Iterator = object +else: + def get_unbound_function(unbound): + return unbound.im_func + + def create_bound_method(func, obj): + return types.MethodType(func, obj, obj.__class__) + + def create_unbound_method(func, cls): + return types.MethodType(func, None, cls) + + class Iterator(object): + + def next(self): + return type(self).__next__(self) + + callable = callable +_add_doc(get_unbound_function, + """Get the function out of a possibly unbound function""") + + +get_method_function = operator.attrgetter(_meth_func) +get_method_self = operator.attrgetter(_meth_self) +get_function_closure = operator.attrgetter(_func_closure) +get_function_code = operator.attrgetter(_func_code) +get_function_defaults = operator.attrgetter(_func_defaults) +get_function_globals = operator.attrgetter(_func_globals) + + +if PY3: + def iterkeys(d, **kw): + return iter(d.keys(**kw)) + + def itervalues(d, **kw): + return iter(d.values(**kw)) + + def iteritems(d, **kw): + return iter(d.items(**kw)) + + def iterlists(d, **kw): + return iter(d.lists(**kw)) + + viewkeys = operator.methodcaller("keys") + + viewvalues = operator.methodcaller("values") + + viewitems = operator.methodcaller("items") +else: + def iterkeys(d, **kw): + return d.iterkeys(**kw) + + def itervalues(d, **kw): + return d.itervalues(**kw) + + def iteritems(d, **kw): + return d.iteritems(**kw) + + def iterlists(d, **kw): + return d.iterlists(**kw) + + viewkeys = operator.methodcaller("viewkeys") + + viewvalues = operator.methodcaller("viewvalues") + + viewitems = operator.methodcaller("viewitems") + +_add_doc(iterkeys, "Return an iterator over the keys of a dictionary.") +_add_doc(itervalues, "Return an iterator over the values of a dictionary.") +_add_doc(iteritems, + "Return an iterator over the (key, value) pairs of a dictionary.") +_add_doc(iterlists, + "Return an iterator over the (key, [values]) pairs of a dictionary.") + + +if PY3: + def b(s): + return s.encode("latin-1") + + def u(s): + return s + unichr = chr + import struct + int2byte = struct.Struct(">B").pack + del struct + byte2int = operator.itemgetter(0) + indexbytes = operator.getitem + iterbytes = iter + import io + StringIO = io.StringIO + BytesIO = io.BytesIO + _assertCountEqual = "assertCountEqual" + if sys.version_info[1] <= 1: + _assertRaisesRegex = "assertRaisesRegexp" + _assertRegex = "assertRegexpMatches" + else: + _assertRaisesRegex = "assertRaisesRegex" + _assertRegex = "assertRegex" +else: + def b(s): + return s + # Workaround for standalone backslash + + def u(s): + return unicode(s.replace(r'\\', r'\\\\'), "unicode_escape") + unichr = unichr + int2byte = chr + + def byte2int(bs): + return ord(bs[0]) + + def indexbytes(buf, i): + return ord(buf[i]) + iterbytes = functools.partial(itertools.imap, ord) + import StringIO + StringIO = BytesIO = StringIO.StringIO + _assertCountEqual = "assertItemsEqual" + _assertRaisesRegex = "assertRaisesRegexp" + _assertRegex = "assertRegexpMatches" +_add_doc(b, """Byte literal""") +_add_doc(u, """Text literal""") + + +def assertCountEqual(self, *args, **kwargs): + return getattr(self, _assertCountEqual)(*args, **kwargs) + + +def assertRaisesRegex(self, *args, **kwargs): + return getattr(self, _assertRaisesRegex)(*args, **kwargs) + + +def assertRegex(self, *args, **kwargs): + return getattr(self, _assertRegex)(*args, **kwargs) + + +if PY3: + exec_ = getattr(moves.builtins, "exec") + + def reraise(tp, value, tb=None): + try: + if value is None: + value = tp() + if value.__traceback__ is not tb: + raise value.with_traceback(tb) + raise value + finally: + value = None + tb = None + +else: + def exec_(_code_, _globs_=None, _locs_=None): + """Execute code in a namespace.""" + if _globs_ is None: + frame = sys._getframe(1) + _globs_ = frame.f_globals + if _locs_ is None: + _locs_ = frame.f_locals + del frame + elif _locs_ is None: + _locs_ = _globs_ + exec("""exec _code_ in _globs_, _locs_""") + + exec_("""def reraise(tp, value, tb=None): + try: + raise tp, value, tb + finally: + tb = None +""") + + +if sys.version_info[:2] == (3, 2): + exec_("""def raise_from(value, from_value): + try: + if from_value is None: + raise value + raise value from from_value + finally: + value = None +""") +elif sys.version_info[:2] > (3, 2): + exec_("""def raise_from(value, from_value): + try: + raise value from from_value + finally: + value = None +""") +else: + def raise_from(value, from_value): + raise value + + +print_ = getattr(moves.builtins, "print", None) +if print_ is None: + def print_(*args, **kwargs): + """The new-style print function for Python 2.4 and 2.5.""" + fp = kwargs.pop("file", sys.stdout) + if fp is None: + return + + def write(data): + if not isinstance(data, basestring): + data = str(data) + # If the file has an encoding, encode unicode with it. + if (isinstance(fp, file) and + isinstance(data, unicode) and + fp.encoding is not None): + errors = getattr(fp, "errors", None) + if errors is None: + errors = "strict" + data = data.encode(fp.encoding, errors) + fp.write(data) + want_unicode = False + sep = kwargs.pop("sep", None) + if sep is not None: + if isinstance(sep, unicode): + want_unicode = True + elif not isinstance(sep, str): + raise TypeError("sep must be None or a string") + end = kwargs.pop("end", None) + if end is not None: + if isinstance(end, unicode): + want_unicode = True + elif not isinstance(end, str): + raise TypeError("end must be None or a string") + if kwargs: + raise TypeError("invalid keyword arguments to print()") + if not want_unicode: + for arg in args: + if isinstance(arg, unicode): + want_unicode = True + break + if want_unicode: + newline = unicode("\n") + space = unicode(" ") + else: + newline = "\n" + space = " " + if sep is None: + sep = space + if end is None: + end = newline + for i, arg in enumerate(args): + if i: + write(sep) + write(arg) + write(end) +if sys.version_info[:2] < (3, 3): + _print = print_ + + def print_(*args, **kwargs): + fp = kwargs.get("file", sys.stdout) + flush = kwargs.pop("flush", False) + _print(*args, **kwargs) + if flush and fp is not None: + fp.flush() + +_add_doc(reraise, """Reraise an exception.""") + +if sys.version_info[0:2] < (3, 4): + def wraps(wrapped, assigned=functools.WRAPPER_ASSIGNMENTS, + updated=functools.WRAPPER_UPDATES): + def wrapper(f): + f = functools.wraps(wrapped, assigned, updated)(f) + f.__wrapped__ = wrapped + return f + return wrapper +else: + wraps = functools.wraps + + +def with_metaclass(meta, *bases): + """Create a base class with a metaclass.""" + # This requires a bit of explanation: the basic idea is to make a dummy + # metaclass for one level of class instantiation that replaces itself with + # the actual metaclass. + class metaclass(type): + + def __new__(cls, name, this_bases, d): + return meta(name, bases, d) + + @classmethod + def __prepare__(cls, name, this_bases): + return meta.__prepare__(name, bases) + return type.__new__(metaclass, 'temporary_class', (), {}) + + +def add_metaclass(metaclass): + """Class decorator for creating a class with a metaclass.""" + def wrapper(cls): + orig_vars = cls.__dict__.copy() + slots = orig_vars.get('__slots__') + if slots is not None: + if isinstance(slots, str): + slots = [slots] + for slots_var in slots: + orig_vars.pop(slots_var) + orig_vars.pop('__dict__', None) + orig_vars.pop('__weakref__', None) + if hasattr(cls, '__qualname__'): + orig_vars['__qualname__'] = cls.__qualname__ + return metaclass(cls.__name__, cls.__bases__, orig_vars) + return wrapper + + +def ensure_binary(s, encoding='utf-8', errors='strict'): + """Coerce **s** to six.binary_type. + + For Python 2: + - `unicode` -> encoded to `str` + - `str` -> `str` + + For Python 3: + - `str` -> encoded to `bytes` + - `bytes` -> `bytes` + """ + if isinstance(s, text_type): + return s.encode(encoding, errors) + elif isinstance(s, binary_type): + return s + else: + raise TypeError("not expecting type '%s'" % type(s)) + + +def ensure_str(s, encoding='utf-8', errors='strict'): + """Coerce *s* to `str`. + + For Python 2: + - `unicode` -> encoded to `str` + - `str` -> `str` + + For Python 3: + - `str` -> `str` + - `bytes` -> decoded to `str` + """ + if not isinstance(s, (text_type, binary_type)): + raise TypeError("not expecting type '%s'" % type(s)) + if PY2 and isinstance(s, text_type): + s = s.encode(encoding, errors) + elif PY3 and isinstance(s, binary_type): + s = s.decode(encoding, errors) + return s + + +def ensure_text(s, encoding='utf-8', errors='strict'): + """Coerce *s* to six.text_type. + + For Python 2: + - `unicode` -> `unicode` + - `str` -> `unicode` + + For Python 3: + - `str` -> `str` + - `bytes` -> decoded to `str` + """ + if isinstance(s, binary_type): + return s.decode(encoding, errors) + elif isinstance(s, text_type): + return s + else: + raise TypeError("not expecting type '%s'" % type(s)) + + + +def python_2_unicode_compatible(klass): + """ + A decorator that defines __unicode__ and __str__ methods under Python 2. + Under Python 3 it does nothing. + + To support Python 2 and 3 with a single code base, define a __str__ method + returning text and apply this decorator to the class. + """ + if PY2: + if '__str__' not in klass.__dict__: + raise ValueError("@python_2_unicode_compatible cannot be applied " + "to %s because it doesn't define __str__()." % + klass.__name__) + klass.__unicode__ = klass.__str__ + klass.__str__ = lambda self: self.__unicode__().encode('utf-8') + return klass + + +# Complete the moves implementation. +# This code is at the end of this module to speed up module loading. +# Turn this module into a package. +__path__ = [] # required for PEP 302 and PEP 451 +__package__ = __name__ # see PEP 366 @ReservedAssignment +if globals().get("__spec__") is not None: + __spec__.submodule_search_locations = [] # PEP 451 @UndefinedVariable +# Remove other six meta path importers, since they cause problems. This can +# happen if six is removed from sys.modules and then reloaded. (Setuptools does +# this for some reason.) +if sys.meta_path: + for i, importer in enumerate(sys.meta_path): + # Here's some real nastiness: Another "instance" of the six module might + # be floating around. Therefore, we can't use isinstance() to check for + # the six meta path importer, since the other six instance will have + # inserted an importer with different class. + if (type(importer).__name__ == "_SixMetaPathImporter" and + importer.name == __name__): + del sys.meta_path[i] + break + del i, importer +# Finally, add the importer to the meta path import hook. +sys.meta_path.append(_importer) diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/__init__.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c7d20f1 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1,145 @@ +# sqlalchemy/__init__.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +from . import util as _util # noqa +from .inspection import inspect # noqa +from .schema import BLANK_SCHEMA # noqa +from .schema import CheckConstraint # noqa +from .schema import Column # noqa +from .schema import ColumnDefault # noqa +from .schema import Constraint # noqa +from .schema import DDL # noqa +from .schema import DefaultClause # noqa +from .schema import FetchedValue # noqa +from .schema import ForeignKey # noqa +from .schema import ForeignKeyConstraint # noqa +from .schema import Index # noqa +from .schema import MetaData # noqa +from .schema import PassiveDefault # noqa +from .schema import PrimaryKeyConstraint # noqa +from .schema import Sequence # noqa +from .schema import Table # noqa +from .schema import ThreadLocalMetaData # noqa +from .schema import UniqueConstraint # noqa +from .sql import alias # noqa +from .sql import all_ # noqa +from .sql import and_ # noqa +from .sql import any_ # noqa +from .sql import asc # noqa +from .sql import between # noqa +from .sql import bindparam # noqa +from .sql import case # noqa +from .sql import cast # noqa +from .sql import collate # noqa +from .sql import column # noqa +from .sql import delete # noqa +from .sql import desc # noqa +from .sql import distinct # noqa +from .sql import except_ # noqa +from .sql import except_all # noqa +from .sql import exists # noqa +from .sql import extract # noqa +from .sql import false # noqa +from .sql import func # noqa +from .sql import funcfilter # noqa +from .sql import insert # noqa +from .sql import intersect # noqa +from .sql import intersect_all # noqa +from .sql import join # noqa +from .sql import lateral # noqa +from .sql import literal # noqa +from .sql import literal_column # noqa +from .sql import modifier # noqa +from .sql import not_ # noqa +from .sql import null # noqa +from .sql import nullsfirst # noqa +from .sql import nullslast # noqa +from .sql import or_ # noqa +from .sql import outerjoin # noqa +from .sql import outparam # noqa +from .sql import over # noqa +from .sql import select # noqa +from .sql import subquery # noqa +from .sql import table # noqa +from .sql import tablesample # noqa +from .sql import text # noqa +from .sql import true # noqa +from .sql import tuple_ # noqa +from .sql import type_coerce # noqa +from .sql import union # noqa +from .sql import union_all # noqa +from .sql import update # noqa +from .sql import within_group # noqa +from .types import ARRAY # noqa +from .types import BIGINT # noqa +from .types import BigInteger # noqa +from .types import BINARY # noqa +from .types import Binary # noqa +from .types import BLOB # noqa +from .types import BOOLEAN # noqa +from .types import Boolean # noqa +from .types import CHAR # noqa +from .types import CLOB # noqa +from .types import DATE # noqa +from .types import Date # noqa +from .types import DATETIME # noqa +from .types import DateTime # noqa +from .types import DECIMAL # noqa +from .types import Enum # noqa +from .types import FLOAT # noqa +from .types import Float # noqa +from .types import INT # noqa +from .types import INTEGER # noqa +from .types import Integer # noqa +from .types import Interval # noqa +from .types import JSON # noqa +from .types import LargeBinary # noqa +from .types import NCHAR # noqa +from .types import NUMERIC # noqa +from .types import Numeric # noqa +from .types import NVARCHAR # noqa +from .types import PickleType # noqa +from .types import REAL # noqa +from .types import SMALLINT # noqa +from .types import SmallInteger # noqa +from .types import String # noqa +from .types import TEXT # noqa +from .types import Text # noqa +from .types import TIME # noqa +from .types import Time # noqa +from .types import TIMESTAMP # noqa +from .types import TypeDecorator # noqa +from .types import Unicode # noqa +from .types import UnicodeText # noqa +from .types import VARBINARY # noqa +from .types import VARCHAR # noqa + +from .engine import create_engine # noqa nosort +from .engine import engine_from_config # noqa nosort + + +__version__ = "1.2.16" + + +def __go(lcls): + global __all__ + + from . import events # noqa + from . import util as _sa_util + + import inspect as _inspect + + __all__ = sorted( + name + for name, obj in lcls.items() + if not (name.startswith("_") or _inspect.ismodule(obj)) + ) + + _sa_util.dependencies.resolve_all("sqlalchemy") + + +__go(locals()) diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..43fd1d6 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/__pycache__/events.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/__pycache__/events.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3cfeec2 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/__pycache__/events.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/__pycache__/exc.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/__pycache__/exc.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dd56a90 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/__pycache__/exc.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/__pycache__/inspection.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/__pycache__/inspection.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..af7e90d Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/__pycache__/inspection.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/__pycache__/interfaces.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/__pycache__/interfaces.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..16de9ca Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/__pycache__/interfaces.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/__pycache__/log.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/__pycache__/log.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6291b94 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/__pycache__/log.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/__pycache__/pool.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/__pycache__/pool.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..abc936e Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/__pycache__/pool.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/__pycache__/processors.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/__pycache__/processors.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5cfe2ec Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/__pycache__/processors.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/__pycache__/schema.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/__pycache__/schema.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..12e7a7f Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/__pycache__/schema.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/__pycache__/types.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/__pycache__/types.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9326454 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/__pycache__/types.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/connectors/__init__.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/connectors/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ed63f1e --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/connectors/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +# connectors/__init__.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + + +class Connector(object): + pass diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/connectors/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/connectors/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7987cb8 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/connectors/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/connectors/__pycache__/mxodbc.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/connectors/__pycache__/mxodbc.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c9abb95 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/connectors/__pycache__/mxodbc.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/connectors/__pycache__/pyodbc.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/connectors/__pycache__/pyodbc.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e71e2fa Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/connectors/__pycache__/pyodbc.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/connectors/__pycache__/zxJDBC.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/connectors/__pycache__/zxJDBC.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..98f139d Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/connectors/__pycache__/zxJDBC.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/connectors/mxodbc.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/connectors/mxodbc.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7ce82ab --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/connectors/mxodbc.py @@ -0,0 +1,154 @@ +# connectors/mxodbc.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +""" +Provide a SQLALchemy connector for the eGenix mxODBC commercial +Python adapter for ODBC. This is not a free product, but eGenix +provides SQLAlchemy with a license for use in continuous integration +testing. + +This has been tested for use with mxODBC 3.1.2 on SQL Server 2005 +and 2008, using the SQL Server Native driver. However, it is +possible for this to be used on other database platforms. + +For more info on mxODBC, see http://www.egenix.com/ + +""" + +import re +import sys +import warnings + +from . import Connector + + +class MxODBCConnector(Connector): + driver = "mxodbc" + + supports_sane_multi_rowcount = False + supports_unicode_statements = True + supports_unicode_binds = True + + supports_native_decimal = True + + @classmethod + def dbapi(cls): + # this classmethod will normally be replaced by an instance + # attribute of the same name, so this is normally only called once. + cls._load_mx_exceptions() + platform = sys.platform + if platform == "win32": + from mx.ODBC import Windows as Module + # this can be the string "linux2", and possibly others + elif "linux" in platform: + from mx.ODBC import unixODBC as Module + elif platform == "darwin": + from mx.ODBC import iODBC as Module + else: + raise ImportError("Unrecognized platform for mxODBC import") + return Module + + @classmethod + def _load_mx_exceptions(cls): + """ Import mxODBC exception classes into the module namespace, + as if they had been imported normally. This is done here + to avoid requiring all SQLAlchemy users to install mxODBC. + """ + global InterfaceError, ProgrammingError + from mx.ODBC import InterfaceError + from mx.ODBC import ProgrammingError + + def on_connect(self): + def connect(conn): + conn.stringformat = self.dbapi.MIXED_STRINGFORMAT + conn.datetimeformat = self.dbapi.PYDATETIME_DATETIMEFORMAT + conn.decimalformat = self.dbapi.DECIMAL_DECIMALFORMAT + conn.errorhandler = self._error_handler() + + return connect + + def _error_handler(self): + """ Return a handler that adjusts mxODBC's raised Warnings to + emit Python standard warnings. + """ + from mx.ODBC.Error import Warning as MxOdbcWarning + + def error_handler(connection, cursor, errorclass, errorvalue): + if issubclass(errorclass, MxOdbcWarning): + errorclass.__bases__ = (Warning,) + warnings.warn( + message=str(errorvalue), category=errorclass, stacklevel=2 + ) + else: + raise errorclass(errorvalue) + + return error_handler + + def create_connect_args(self, url): + r"""Return a tuple of \*args, \**kwargs for creating a connection. + + The mxODBC 3.x connection constructor looks like this: + + connect(dsn, user='', password='', + clear_auto_commit=1, errorhandler=None) + + This method translates the values in the provided uri + into args and kwargs needed to instantiate an mxODBC Connection. + + The arg 'errorhandler' is not used by SQLAlchemy and will + not be populated. + + """ + opts = url.translate_connect_args(username="user") + opts.update(url.query) + args = opts.pop("host") + opts.pop("port", None) + opts.pop("database", None) + return (args,), opts + + def is_disconnect(self, e, connection, cursor): + # TODO: eGenix recommends checking connection.closed here + # Does that detect dropped connections ? + if isinstance(e, self.dbapi.ProgrammingError): + return "connection already closed" in str(e) + elif isinstance(e, self.dbapi.Error): + return "[08S01]" in str(e) + else: + return False + + def _get_server_version_info(self, connection): + # eGenix suggests using conn.dbms_version instead + # of what we're doing here + dbapi_con = connection.connection + version = [] + r = re.compile(r"[.\-]") + # 18 == pyodbc.SQL_DBMS_VER + for n in r.split(dbapi_con.getinfo(18)[1]): + try: + version.append(int(n)) + except ValueError: + version.append(n) + return tuple(version) + + def _get_direct(self, context): + if context: + native_odbc_execute = context.execution_options.get( + "native_odbc_execute", "auto" + ) + # default to direct=True in all cases, is more generally + # compatible especially with SQL Server + return False if native_odbc_execute is True else True + else: + return True + + def do_executemany(self, cursor, statement, parameters, context=None): + cursor.executemany( + statement, parameters, direct=self._get_direct(context) + ) + + def do_execute(self, cursor, statement, parameters, context=None): + cursor.execute(statement, parameters, direct=self._get_direct(context)) diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/connectors/pyodbc.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/connectors/pyodbc.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2e26c84 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/connectors/pyodbc.py @@ -0,0 +1,164 @@ +# connectors/pyodbc.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +import re + +from . import Connector +from .. import util + + +class PyODBCConnector(Connector): + driver = "pyodbc" + + supports_sane_rowcount_returning = False + supports_sane_multi_rowcount = False + + supports_unicode_statements = True + supports_unicode_binds = True + + supports_native_decimal = True + default_paramstyle = "named" + + # for non-DSN connections, this *may* be used to + # hold the desired driver name + pyodbc_driver_name = None + + def __init__(self, supports_unicode_binds=None, **kw): + super(PyODBCConnector, self).__init__(**kw) + if supports_unicode_binds is not None: + self.supports_unicode_binds = supports_unicode_binds + + @classmethod + def dbapi(cls): + return __import__("pyodbc") + + def create_connect_args(self, url): + opts = url.translate_connect_args(username="user") + opts.update(url.query) + + keys = opts + + query = url.query + + connect_args = {} + for param in ("ansi", "unicode_results", "autocommit"): + if param in keys: + connect_args[param] = util.asbool(keys.pop(param)) + + if "odbc_connect" in keys: + connectors = [util.unquote_plus(keys.pop("odbc_connect"))] + else: + + def check_quote(token): + if ";" in str(token): + token = "'%s'" % token + return token + + keys = dict((k, check_quote(v)) for k, v in keys.items()) + + dsn_connection = "dsn" in keys or ( + "host" in keys and "database" not in keys + ) + if dsn_connection: + connectors = [ + "dsn=%s" % (keys.pop("host", "") or keys.pop("dsn", "")) + ] + else: + port = "" + if "port" in keys and "port" not in query: + port = ",%d" % int(keys.pop("port")) + + connectors = [] + driver = keys.pop("driver", self.pyodbc_driver_name) + if driver is None: + util.warn( + "No driver name specified; " + "this is expected by PyODBC when using " + "DSN-less connections" + ) + else: + connectors.append("DRIVER={%s}" % driver) + + connectors.extend( + [ + "Server=%s%s" % (keys.pop("host", ""), port), + "Database=%s" % keys.pop("database", ""), + ] + ) + + user = keys.pop("user", None) + if user: + connectors.append("UID=%s" % user) + connectors.append("PWD=%s" % keys.pop("password", "")) + else: + connectors.append("Trusted_Connection=Yes") + + # if set to 'Yes', the ODBC layer will try to automagically + # convert textual data from your database encoding to your + # client encoding. This should obviously be set to 'No' if + # you query a cp1253 encoded database from a latin1 client... + if "odbc_autotranslate" in keys: + connectors.append( + "AutoTranslate=%s" % keys.pop("odbc_autotranslate") + ) + + connectors.extend(["%s=%s" % (k, v) for k, v in keys.items()]) + + return [[";".join(connectors)], connect_args] + + def is_disconnect(self, e, connection, cursor): + if isinstance(e, self.dbapi.ProgrammingError): + return "The cursor's connection has been closed." in str( + e + ) or "Attempt to use a closed connection." in str(e) + else: + return False + + # def initialize(self, connection): + # super(PyODBCConnector, self).initialize(connection) + + def _dbapi_version(self): + if not self.dbapi: + return () + return self._parse_dbapi_version(self.dbapi.version) + + def _parse_dbapi_version(self, vers): + m = re.match(r"(?:py.*-)?([\d\.]+)(?:-(\w+))?", vers) + if not m: + return () + vers = tuple([int(x) for x in m.group(1).split(".")]) + if m.group(2): + vers += (m.group(2),) + return vers + + def _get_server_version_info(self, connection, allow_chars=True): + # NOTE: this function is not reliable, particularly when + # freetds is in use. Implement database-specific server version + # queries. + dbapi_con = connection.connection + version = [] + r = re.compile(r"[.\-]") + for n in r.split(dbapi_con.getinfo(self.dbapi.SQL_DBMS_VER)): + try: + version.append(int(n)) + except ValueError: + if allow_chars: + version.append(n) + return tuple(version) + + def set_isolation_level(self, connection, level): + # adjust for ConnectionFairy being present + # allows attribute set e.g. "connection.autocommit = True" + # to work properly + if hasattr(connection, "connection"): + connection = connection.connection + + if level == "AUTOCOMMIT": + connection.autocommit = True + else: + connection.autocommit = False + super(PyODBCConnector, self).set_isolation_level(connection, level) diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/connectors/zxJDBC.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/connectors/zxJDBC.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..49e5b74 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/connectors/zxJDBC.py @@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ +# connectors/zxJDBC.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +import sys + +from . import Connector + + +class ZxJDBCConnector(Connector): + driver = "zxjdbc" + + supports_sane_rowcount = False + supports_sane_multi_rowcount = False + + supports_unicode_binds = True + supports_unicode_statements = sys.version > "2.5.0+" + description_encoding = None + default_paramstyle = "qmark" + + jdbc_db_name = None + jdbc_driver_name = None + + @classmethod + def dbapi(cls): + from com.ziclix.python.sql import zxJDBC + + return zxJDBC + + def _driver_kwargs(self): + """Return kw arg dict to be sent to connect().""" + return {} + + def _create_jdbc_url(self, url): + """Create a JDBC url from a :class:`~sqlalchemy.engine.url.URL`""" + return "jdbc:%s://%s%s/%s" % ( + self.jdbc_db_name, + url.host, + url.port is not None and ":%s" % url.port or "", + url.database, + ) + + def create_connect_args(self, url): + opts = self._driver_kwargs() + opts.update(url.query) + return [ + [ + self._create_jdbc_url(url), + url.username, + url.password, + self.jdbc_driver_name, + ], + opts, + ] + + def is_disconnect(self, e, connection, cursor): + if not isinstance(e, self.dbapi.ProgrammingError): + return False + e = str(e) + return "connection is closed" in e or "cursor is closed" in e + + def _get_server_version_info(self, connection): + # use connection.connection.dbversion, and parse appropriately + # to get a tuple + raise NotImplementedError() diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/cprocessors.cpython-36m-darwin.so b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/cprocessors.cpython-36m-darwin.so new file mode 100755 index 0000000..f06b24d Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/cprocessors.cpython-36m-darwin.so differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/cresultproxy.cpython-36m-darwin.so b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/cresultproxy.cpython-36m-darwin.so new file mode 100755 index 0000000..c6edc29 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/cresultproxy.cpython-36m-darwin.so differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/cutils.cpython-36m-darwin.so b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/cutils.cpython-36m-darwin.so new file mode 100755 index 0000000..f8633a8 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/cutils.cpython-36m-darwin.so differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/databases/__init__.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/databases/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0c98afe --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/databases/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +# databases/__init__.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +"""Include imports from the sqlalchemy.dialects package for backwards +compatibility with pre 0.6 versions. + +""" +from ..dialects.firebird import base as firebird +from ..dialects.mssql import base as mssql +from ..dialects.mysql import base as mysql +from ..dialects.oracle import base as oracle +from ..dialects.postgresql import base as postgresql +from ..dialects.sqlite import base as sqlite +from ..dialects.sybase import base as sybase + + +postgres = postgresql + + +__all__ = ( + "firebird", + "mssql", + "mysql", + "postgresql", + "sqlite", + "oracle", + "sybase", +) diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/databases/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/databases/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1920e53 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/databases/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/__init__.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ebf6c90 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ +# dialects/__init__.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +__all__ = ( + "firebird", + "mssql", + "mysql", + "oracle", + "postgresql", + "sqlite", + "sybase", +) + +from .. import util + +_translates = {"postgres": "postgresql"} + + +def _auto_fn(name): + """default dialect importer. + + plugs into the :class:`.PluginLoader` + as a first-hit system. + + """ + if "." in name: + dialect, driver = name.split(".") + else: + dialect = name + driver = "base" + + if dialect in _translates: + translated = _translates[dialect] + util.warn_deprecated( + "The '%s' dialect name has been " + "renamed to '%s'" % (dialect, translated) + ) + dialect = translated + try: + module = __import__("sqlalchemy.dialects.%s" % (dialect,)).dialects + except ImportError: + return None + + module = getattr(module, dialect) + if hasattr(module, driver): + module = getattr(module, driver) + return lambda: module.dialect + else: + return None + + +registry = util.PluginLoader("sqlalchemy.dialects", auto_fn=_auto_fn) + +plugins = util.PluginLoader("sqlalchemy.plugins") diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..af00e0f Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/firebird/__init__.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/firebird/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4c5d427 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/firebird/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +# firebird/__init__.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +from sqlalchemy.dialects.firebird.base import BIGINT +from sqlalchemy.dialects.firebird.base import BLOB +from sqlalchemy.dialects.firebird.base import CHAR +from sqlalchemy.dialects.firebird.base import DATE +from sqlalchemy.dialects.firebird.base import FLOAT +from sqlalchemy.dialects.firebird.base import NUMERIC +from sqlalchemy.dialects.firebird.base import SMALLINT +from sqlalchemy.dialects.firebird.base import TEXT +from sqlalchemy.dialects.firebird.base import TIME +from sqlalchemy.dialects.firebird.base import TIMESTAMP +from sqlalchemy.dialects.firebird.base import VARCHAR +from . import base # noqa +from . import fdb # noqa +from . import kinterbasdb # noqa + +base.dialect = dialect = fdb.dialect + +__all__ = ( + "SMALLINT", + "BIGINT", + "FLOAT", + "FLOAT", + "DATE", + "TIME", + "TEXT", + "NUMERIC", + "FLOAT", + "TIMESTAMP", + "VARCHAR", + "CHAR", + "BLOB", + "dialect", +) diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/firebird/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/firebird/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f1e3608 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/firebird/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/firebird/__pycache__/base.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/firebird/__pycache__/base.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8a6ed0b Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/firebird/__pycache__/base.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/firebird/__pycache__/fdb.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/firebird/__pycache__/fdb.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..33e6d0b Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/firebird/__pycache__/fdb.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/firebird/__pycache__/kinterbasdb.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/firebird/__pycache__/kinterbasdb.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ce89c48 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/firebird/__pycache__/kinterbasdb.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/firebird/base.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/firebird/base.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7ae198f --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/firebird/base.py @@ -0,0 +1,970 @@ +# firebird/base.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +r""" + +.. dialect:: firebird + :name: Firebird + +Firebird Dialects +----------------- + +Firebird offers two distinct dialects_ (not to be confused with a +SQLAlchemy ``Dialect``): + +dialect 1 + This is the old syntax and behaviour, inherited from Interbase pre-6.0. + +dialect 3 + This is the newer and supported syntax, introduced in Interbase 6.0. + +The SQLAlchemy Firebird dialect detects these versions and +adjusts its representation of SQL accordingly. However, +support for dialect 1 is not well tested and probably has +incompatibilities. + +Locking Behavior +---------------- + +Firebird locks tables aggressively. For this reason, a DROP TABLE may +hang until other transactions are released. SQLAlchemy does its best +to release transactions as quickly as possible. The most common cause +of hanging transactions is a non-fully consumed result set, i.e.:: + + result = engine.execute("select * from table") + row = result.fetchone() + return + +Where above, the ``ResultProxy`` has not been fully consumed. The +connection will be returned to the pool and the transactional state +rolled back once the Python garbage collector reclaims the objects +which hold onto the connection, which often occurs asynchronously. +The above use case can be alleviated by calling ``first()`` on the +``ResultProxy`` which will fetch the first row and immediately close +all remaining cursor/connection resources. + +RETURNING support +----------------- + +Firebird 2.0 supports returning a result set from inserts, and 2.1 +extends that to deletes and updates. This is generically exposed by +the SQLAlchemy ``returning()`` method, such as:: + + # INSERT..RETURNING + result = table.insert().returning(table.c.col1, table.c.col2).\ + values(name='foo') + print result.fetchall() + + # UPDATE..RETURNING + raises = empl.update().returning(empl.c.id, empl.c.salary).\ + where(empl.c.sales>100).\ + values(dict(salary=empl.c.salary * 1.1)) + print raises.fetchall() + + +.. _dialects: http://mc-computing.com/Databases/Firebird/SQL_Dialect.html + +""" + +import datetime + +from sqlalchemy import exc +from sqlalchemy import sql +from sqlalchemy import types as sqltypes +from sqlalchemy import util +from sqlalchemy.engine import default +from sqlalchemy.engine import reflection +from sqlalchemy.sql import compiler +from sqlalchemy.sql import expression +from sqlalchemy.sql.elements import quoted_name +from sqlalchemy.types import BIGINT +from sqlalchemy.types import BLOB +from sqlalchemy.types import DATE +from sqlalchemy.types import FLOAT +from sqlalchemy.types import INTEGER +from sqlalchemy.types import Integer +from sqlalchemy.types import NUMERIC +from sqlalchemy.types import SMALLINT +from sqlalchemy.types import TEXT +from sqlalchemy.types import TIME +from sqlalchemy.types import TIMESTAMP + + +RESERVED_WORDS = set( + [ + "active", + "add", + "admin", + "after", + "all", + "alter", + "and", + "any", + "as", + "asc", + "ascending", + "at", + "auto", + "avg", + "before", + "begin", + "between", + "bigint", + "bit_length", + "blob", + "both", + "by", + "case", + "cast", + "char", + "character", + "character_length", + "char_length", + "check", + "close", + "collate", + "column", + "commit", + "committed", + "computed", + "conditional", + "connect", + "constraint", + "containing", + "count", + "create", + "cross", + "cstring", + "current", + "current_connection", + "current_date", + "current_role", + "current_time", + "current_timestamp", + "current_transaction", + "current_user", + "cursor", + "database", + "date", + "day", + "dec", + "decimal", + "declare", + "default", + "delete", + "desc", + "descending", + "disconnect", + "distinct", + "do", + "domain", + "double", + "drop", + "else", + "end", + "entry_point", + "escape", + "exception", + "execute", + "exists", + "exit", + "external", + "extract", + "fetch", + "file", + "filter", + "float", + "for", + "foreign", + "from", + "full", + "function", + "gdscode", + "generator", + "gen_id", + "global", + "grant", + "group", + "having", + "hour", + "if", + "in", + "inactive", + "index", + "inner", + "input_type", + "insensitive", + "insert", + "int", + "integer", + "into", + "is", + "isolation", + "join", + "key", + "leading", + "left", + "length", + "level", + "like", + "long", + "lower", + "manual", + "max", + "maximum_segment", + "merge", + "min", + "minute", + "module_name", + "month", + "names", + "national", + "natural", + "nchar", + "no", + "not", + "null", + "numeric", + "octet_length", + "of", + "on", + "only", + "open", + "option", + "or", + "order", + "outer", + "output_type", + "overflow", + "page", + "pages", + "page_size", + "parameter", + "password", + "plan", + "position", + "post_event", + "precision", + "primary", + "privileges", + "procedure", + "protected", + "rdb$db_key", + "read", + "real", + "record_version", + "recreate", + "recursive", + "references", + "release", + "reserv", + "reserving", + "retain", + "returning_values", + "returns", + "revoke", + "right", + "rollback", + "rows", + "row_count", + "savepoint", + "schema", + "second", + "segment", + "select", + "sensitive", + "set", + "shadow", + "shared", + "singular", + "size", + "smallint", + "snapshot", + "some", + "sort", + "sqlcode", + "stability", + "start", + "starting", + "starts", + "statistics", + "sub_type", + "sum", + "suspend", + "table", + "then", + "time", + "timestamp", + "to", + "trailing", + "transaction", + "trigger", + "trim", + "uncommitted", + "union", + "unique", + "update", + "upper", + "user", + "using", + "value", + "values", + "varchar", + "variable", + "varying", + "view", + "wait", + "when", + "where", + "while", + "with", + "work", + "write", + "year", + ] +) + + +class _StringType(sqltypes.String): + """Base for Firebird string types.""" + + def __init__(self, charset=None, **kw): + self.charset = charset + super(_StringType, self).__init__(**kw) + + +class VARCHAR(_StringType, sqltypes.VARCHAR): + """Firebird VARCHAR type""" + + __visit_name__ = "VARCHAR" + + def __init__(self, length=None, **kwargs): + super(VARCHAR, self).__init__(length=length, **kwargs) + + +class CHAR(_StringType, sqltypes.CHAR): + """Firebird CHAR type""" + + __visit_name__ = "CHAR" + + def __init__(self, length=None, **kwargs): + super(CHAR, self).__init__(length=length, **kwargs) + + +class _FBDateTime(sqltypes.DateTime): + def bind_processor(self, dialect): + def process(value): + if type(value) == datetime.date: + return datetime.datetime(value.year, value.month, value.day) + else: + return value + + return process + + +colspecs = {sqltypes.DateTime: _FBDateTime} + +ischema_names = { + "SHORT": SMALLINT, + "LONG": INTEGER, + "QUAD": FLOAT, + "FLOAT": FLOAT, + "DATE": DATE, + "TIME": TIME, + "TEXT": TEXT, + "INT64": BIGINT, + "DOUBLE": FLOAT, + "TIMESTAMP": TIMESTAMP, + "VARYING": VARCHAR, + "CSTRING": CHAR, + "BLOB": BLOB, +} + + +# TODO: date conversion types (should be implemented as _FBDateTime, +# _FBDate, etc. as bind/result functionality is required) + + +class FBTypeCompiler(compiler.GenericTypeCompiler): + def visit_boolean(self, type_, **kw): + return self.visit_SMALLINT(type_, **kw) + + def visit_datetime(self, type_, **kw): + return self.visit_TIMESTAMP(type_, **kw) + + def visit_TEXT(self, type_, **kw): + return "BLOB SUB_TYPE 1" + + def visit_BLOB(self, type_, **kw): + return "BLOB SUB_TYPE 0" + + def _extend_string(self, type_, basic): + charset = getattr(type_, "charset", None) + if charset is None: + return basic + else: + return "%s CHARACTER SET %s" % (basic, charset) + + def visit_CHAR(self, type_, **kw): + basic = super(FBTypeCompiler, self).visit_CHAR(type_, **kw) + return self._extend_string(type_, basic) + + def visit_VARCHAR(self, type_, **kw): + if not type_.length: + raise exc.CompileError( + "VARCHAR requires a length on dialect %s" % self.dialect.name + ) + basic = super(FBTypeCompiler, self).visit_VARCHAR(type_, **kw) + return self._extend_string(type_, basic) + + +class FBCompiler(sql.compiler.SQLCompiler): + """Firebird specific idiosyncrasies""" + + ansi_bind_rules = True + + # def visit_contains_op_binary(self, binary, operator, **kw): + # cant use CONTAINING b.c. it's case insensitive. + + # def visit_notcontains_op_binary(self, binary, operator, **kw): + # cant use NOT CONTAINING b.c. it's case insensitive. + + def visit_now_func(self, fn, **kw): + return "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP" + + def visit_startswith_op_binary(self, binary, operator, **kw): + return "%s STARTING WITH %s" % ( + binary.left._compiler_dispatch(self, **kw), + binary.right._compiler_dispatch(self, **kw), + ) + + def visit_notstartswith_op_binary(self, binary, operator, **kw): + return "%s NOT STARTING WITH %s" % ( + binary.left._compiler_dispatch(self, **kw), + binary.right._compiler_dispatch(self, **kw), + ) + + def visit_mod_binary(self, binary, operator, **kw): + return "mod(%s, %s)" % ( + self.process(binary.left, **kw), + self.process(binary.right, **kw), + ) + + def visit_alias(self, alias, asfrom=False, **kwargs): + if self.dialect._version_two: + return super(FBCompiler, self).visit_alias( + alias, asfrom=asfrom, **kwargs + ) + else: + # Override to not use the AS keyword which FB 1.5 does not like + if asfrom: + alias_name = ( + isinstance(alias.name, expression._truncated_label) + and self._truncated_identifier("alias", alias.name) + or alias.name + ) + + return ( + self.process(alias.original, asfrom=asfrom, **kwargs) + + " " + + self.preparer.format_alias(alias, alias_name) + ) + else: + return self.process(alias.original, **kwargs) + + def visit_substring_func(self, func, **kw): + s = self.process(func.clauses.clauses[0]) + start = self.process(func.clauses.clauses[1]) + if len(func.clauses.clauses) > 2: + length = self.process(func.clauses.clauses[2]) + return "SUBSTRING(%s FROM %s FOR %s)" % (s, start, length) + else: + return "SUBSTRING(%s FROM %s)" % (s, start) + + def visit_length_func(self, function, **kw): + if self.dialect._version_two: + return "char_length" + self.function_argspec(function) + else: + return "strlen" + self.function_argspec(function) + + visit_char_length_func = visit_length_func + + def function_argspec(self, func, **kw): + # TODO: this probably will need to be + # narrowed to a fixed list, some no-arg functions + # may require parens - see similar example in the oracle + # dialect + if func.clauses is not None and len(func.clauses): + return self.process(func.clause_expr, **kw) + else: + return "" + + def default_from(self): + return " FROM rdb$database" + + def visit_sequence(self, seq, **kw): + return "gen_id(%s, 1)" % self.preparer.format_sequence(seq) + + def get_select_precolumns(self, select, **kw): + """Called when building a ``SELECT`` statement, position is just + before column list Firebird puts the limit and offset right + after the ``SELECT``... + """ + + result = "" + if select._limit_clause is not None: + result += "FIRST %s " % self.process(select._limit_clause, **kw) + if select._offset_clause is not None: + result += "SKIP %s " % self.process(select._offset_clause, **kw) + if select._distinct: + result += "DISTINCT " + return result + + def limit_clause(self, select, **kw): + """Already taken care of in the `get_select_precolumns` method.""" + + return "" + + def returning_clause(self, stmt, returning_cols): + columns = [ + self._label_select_column(None, c, True, False, {}) + for c in expression._select_iterables(returning_cols) + ] + + return "RETURNING " + ", ".join(columns) + + +class FBDDLCompiler(sql.compiler.DDLCompiler): + """Firebird syntactic idiosyncrasies""" + + def visit_create_sequence(self, create): + """Generate a ``CREATE GENERATOR`` statement for the sequence.""" + + # no syntax for these + # http://www.firebirdsql.org/manual/generatorguide-sqlsyntax.html + if create.element.start is not None: + raise NotImplementedError( + "Firebird SEQUENCE doesn't support START WITH" + ) + if create.element.increment is not None: + raise NotImplementedError( + "Firebird SEQUENCE doesn't support INCREMENT BY" + ) + + if self.dialect._version_two: + return "CREATE SEQUENCE %s" % self.preparer.format_sequence( + create.element + ) + else: + return "CREATE GENERATOR %s" % self.preparer.format_sequence( + create.element + ) + + def visit_drop_sequence(self, drop): + """Generate a ``DROP GENERATOR`` statement for the sequence.""" + + if self.dialect._version_two: + return "DROP SEQUENCE %s" % self.preparer.format_sequence( + drop.element + ) + else: + return "DROP GENERATOR %s" % self.preparer.format_sequence( + drop.element + ) + + +class FBIdentifierPreparer(sql.compiler.IdentifierPreparer): + """Install Firebird specific reserved words.""" + + reserved_words = RESERVED_WORDS + illegal_initial_characters = compiler.ILLEGAL_INITIAL_CHARACTERS.union( + ["_"] + ) + + def __init__(self, dialect): + super(FBIdentifierPreparer, self).__init__(dialect, omit_schema=True) + + +class FBExecutionContext(default.DefaultExecutionContext): + def fire_sequence(self, seq, type_): + """Get the next value from the sequence using ``gen_id()``.""" + + return self._execute_scalar( + "SELECT gen_id(%s, 1) FROM rdb$database" + % self.dialect.identifier_preparer.format_sequence(seq), + type_, + ) + + +class FBDialect(default.DefaultDialect): + """Firebird dialect""" + + name = "firebird" + + max_identifier_length = 31 + + supports_sequences = True + sequences_optional = False + supports_default_values = True + postfetch_lastrowid = False + + supports_native_boolean = False + + requires_name_normalize = True + supports_empty_insert = False + + statement_compiler = FBCompiler + ddl_compiler = FBDDLCompiler + preparer = FBIdentifierPreparer + type_compiler = FBTypeCompiler + execution_ctx_cls = FBExecutionContext + + colspecs = colspecs + ischema_names = ischema_names + + construct_arguments = [] + + # defaults to dialect ver. 3, + # will be autodetected off upon + # first connect + _version_two = True + + def initialize(self, connection): + super(FBDialect, self).initialize(connection) + self._version_two = ( + "firebird" in self.server_version_info + and self.server_version_info >= (2,) + ) or ( + "interbase" in self.server_version_info + and self.server_version_info >= (6,) + ) + + if not self._version_two: + # TODO: whatever other pre < 2.0 stuff goes here + self.ischema_names = ischema_names.copy() + self.ischema_names["TIMESTAMP"] = sqltypes.DATE + self.colspecs = {sqltypes.DateTime: sqltypes.DATE} + + self.implicit_returning = self._version_two and self.__dict__.get( + "implicit_returning", True + ) + + def normalize_name(self, name): + # Remove trailing spaces: FB uses a CHAR() type, + # that is padded with spaces + name = name and name.rstrip() + if name is None: + return None + elif name.upper() == name and not ( + self.identifier_preparer._requires_quotes + )(name.lower()): + return name.lower() + elif name.lower() == name: + return quoted_name(name, quote=True) + else: + return name + + def denormalize_name(self, name): + if name is None: + return None + elif name.lower() == name and not ( + self.identifier_preparer._requires_quotes + )(name.lower()): + return name.upper() + else: + return name + + def has_table(self, connection, table_name, schema=None): + """Return ``True`` if the given table exists, ignoring + the `schema`.""" + + tblqry = """ + SELECT 1 AS has_table FROM rdb$database + WHERE EXISTS (SELECT rdb$relation_name + FROM rdb$relations + WHERE rdb$relation_name=?) + """ + c = connection.execute(tblqry, [self.denormalize_name(table_name)]) + return c.first() is not None + + def has_sequence(self, connection, sequence_name, schema=None): + """Return ``True`` if the given sequence (generator) exists.""" + + genqry = """ + SELECT 1 AS has_sequence FROM rdb$database + WHERE EXISTS (SELECT rdb$generator_name + FROM rdb$generators + WHERE rdb$generator_name=?) + """ + c = connection.execute(genqry, [self.denormalize_name(sequence_name)]) + return c.first() is not None + + @reflection.cache + def get_table_names(self, connection, schema=None, **kw): + # there are two queries commonly mentioned for this. + # this one, using view_blr, is at the Firebird FAQ among other places: + # http://www.firebirdfaq.org/faq174/ + s = """ + select rdb$relation_name + from rdb$relations + where rdb$view_blr is null + and (rdb$system_flag is null or rdb$system_flag = 0); + """ + + # the other query is this one. It's not clear if there's really + # any difference between these two. This link: + # http://www.alberton.info/firebird_sql_meta_info.html#.Ur3vXfZGni8 + # states them as interchangeable. Some discussion at [ticket:2898] + # SELECT DISTINCT rdb$relation_name + # FROM rdb$relation_fields + # WHERE rdb$system_flag=0 AND rdb$view_context IS NULL + + return [self.normalize_name(row[0]) for row in connection.execute(s)] + + @reflection.cache + def get_view_names(self, connection, schema=None, **kw): + # see http://www.firebirdfaq.org/faq174/ + s = """ + select rdb$relation_name + from rdb$relations + where rdb$view_blr is not null + and (rdb$system_flag is null or rdb$system_flag = 0); + """ + return [self.normalize_name(row[0]) for row in connection.execute(s)] + + @reflection.cache + def get_view_definition(self, connection, view_name, schema=None, **kw): + qry = """ + SELECT rdb$view_source AS view_source + FROM rdb$relations + WHERE rdb$relation_name=? + """ + rp = connection.execute(qry, [self.denormalize_name(view_name)]) + row = rp.first() + if row: + return row["view_source"] + else: + return None + + @reflection.cache + def get_pk_constraint(self, connection, table_name, schema=None, **kw): + # Query to extract the PK/FK constrained fields of the given table + keyqry = """ + SELECT se.rdb$field_name AS fname + FROM rdb$relation_constraints rc + JOIN rdb$index_segments se ON rc.rdb$index_name=se.rdb$index_name + WHERE rc.rdb$constraint_type=? AND rc.rdb$relation_name=? + """ + tablename = self.denormalize_name(table_name) + # get primary key fields + c = connection.execute(keyqry, ["PRIMARY KEY", tablename]) + pkfields = [self.normalize_name(r["fname"]) for r in c.fetchall()] + return {"constrained_columns": pkfields, "name": None} + + @reflection.cache + def get_column_sequence( + self, connection, table_name, column_name, schema=None, **kw + ): + tablename = self.denormalize_name(table_name) + colname = self.denormalize_name(column_name) + # Heuristic-query to determine the generator associated to a PK field + genqry = """ + SELECT trigdep.rdb$depended_on_name AS fgenerator + FROM rdb$dependencies tabdep + JOIN rdb$dependencies trigdep + ON tabdep.rdb$dependent_name=trigdep.rdb$dependent_name + AND trigdep.rdb$depended_on_type=14 + AND trigdep.rdb$dependent_type=2 + JOIN rdb$triggers trig ON + trig.rdb$trigger_name=tabdep.rdb$dependent_name + WHERE tabdep.rdb$depended_on_name=? + AND tabdep.rdb$depended_on_type=0 + AND trig.rdb$trigger_type=1 + AND tabdep.rdb$field_name=? + AND (SELECT count(*) + FROM rdb$dependencies trigdep2 + WHERE trigdep2.rdb$dependent_name = trigdep.rdb$dependent_name) = 2 + """ + genr = connection.execute(genqry, [tablename, colname]).first() + if genr is not None: + return dict(name=self.normalize_name(genr["fgenerator"])) + + @reflection.cache + def get_columns(self, connection, table_name, schema=None, **kw): + # Query to extract the details of all the fields of the given table + tblqry = """ + SELECT r.rdb$field_name AS fname, + r.rdb$null_flag AS null_flag, + t.rdb$type_name AS ftype, + f.rdb$field_sub_type AS stype, + f.rdb$field_length/ + COALESCE(cs.rdb$bytes_per_character,1) AS flen, + f.rdb$field_precision AS fprec, + f.rdb$field_scale AS fscale, + COALESCE(r.rdb$default_source, + f.rdb$default_source) AS fdefault + FROM rdb$relation_fields r + JOIN rdb$fields f ON r.rdb$field_source=f.rdb$field_name + JOIN rdb$types t + ON t.rdb$type=f.rdb$field_type AND + t.rdb$field_name='RDB$FIELD_TYPE' + LEFT JOIN rdb$character_sets cs ON + f.rdb$character_set_id=cs.rdb$character_set_id + WHERE f.rdb$system_flag=0 AND r.rdb$relation_name=? + ORDER BY r.rdb$field_position + """ + # get the PK, used to determine the eventual associated sequence + pk_constraint = self.get_pk_constraint(connection, table_name) + pkey_cols = pk_constraint["constrained_columns"] + + tablename = self.denormalize_name(table_name) + # get all of the fields for this table + c = connection.execute(tblqry, [tablename]) + cols = [] + while True: + row = c.fetchone() + if row is None: + break + name = self.normalize_name(row["fname"]) + orig_colname = row["fname"] + + # get the data type + colspec = row["ftype"].rstrip() + coltype = self.ischema_names.get(colspec) + if coltype is None: + util.warn( + "Did not recognize type '%s' of column '%s'" + % (colspec, name) + ) + coltype = sqltypes.NULLTYPE + elif issubclass(coltype, Integer) and row["fprec"] != 0: + coltype = NUMERIC( + precision=row["fprec"], scale=row["fscale"] * -1 + ) + elif colspec in ("VARYING", "CSTRING"): + coltype = coltype(row["flen"]) + elif colspec == "TEXT": + coltype = TEXT(row["flen"]) + elif colspec == "BLOB": + if row["stype"] == 1: + coltype = TEXT() + else: + coltype = BLOB() + else: + coltype = coltype() + + # does it have a default value? + defvalue = None + if row["fdefault"] is not None: + # the value comes down as "DEFAULT 'value'": there may be + # more than one whitespace around the "DEFAULT" keyword + # and it may also be lower case + # (see also http://tracker.firebirdsql.org/browse/CORE-356) + defexpr = row["fdefault"].lstrip() + assert defexpr[:8].rstrip().upper() == "DEFAULT", ( + "Unrecognized default value: %s" % defexpr + ) + defvalue = defexpr[8:].strip() + if defvalue == "NULL": + # Redundant + defvalue = None + col_d = { + "name": name, + "type": coltype, + "nullable": not bool(row["null_flag"]), + "default": defvalue, + "autoincrement": "auto", + } + + if orig_colname.lower() == orig_colname: + col_d["quote"] = True + + # if the PK is a single field, try to see if its linked to + # a sequence thru a trigger + if len(pkey_cols) == 1 and name == pkey_cols[0]: + seq_d = self.get_column_sequence(connection, tablename, name) + if seq_d is not None: + col_d["sequence"] = seq_d + + cols.append(col_d) + return cols + + @reflection.cache + def get_foreign_keys(self, connection, table_name, schema=None, **kw): + # Query to extract the details of each UK/FK of the given table + fkqry = """ + SELECT rc.rdb$constraint_name AS cname, + cse.rdb$field_name AS fname, + ix2.rdb$relation_name AS targetrname, + se.rdb$field_name AS targetfname + FROM rdb$relation_constraints rc + JOIN rdb$indices ix1 ON ix1.rdb$index_name=rc.rdb$index_name + JOIN rdb$indices ix2 ON ix2.rdb$index_name=ix1.rdb$foreign_key + JOIN rdb$index_segments cse ON + cse.rdb$index_name=ix1.rdb$index_name + JOIN rdb$index_segments se + ON se.rdb$index_name=ix2.rdb$index_name + AND se.rdb$field_position=cse.rdb$field_position + WHERE rc.rdb$constraint_type=? AND rc.rdb$relation_name=? + ORDER BY se.rdb$index_name, se.rdb$field_position + """ + tablename = self.denormalize_name(table_name) + + c = connection.execute(fkqry, ["FOREIGN KEY", tablename]) + fks = util.defaultdict( + lambda: { + "name": None, + "constrained_columns": [], + "referred_schema": None, + "referred_table": None, + "referred_columns": [], + } + ) + + for row in c: + cname = self.normalize_name(row["cname"]) + fk = fks[cname] + if not fk["name"]: + fk["name"] = cname + fk["referred_table"] = self.normalize_name(row["targetrname"]) + fk["constrained_columns"].append(self.normalize_name(row["fname"])) + fk["referred_columns"].append( + self.normalize_name(row["targetfname"]) + ) + return list(fks.values()) + + @reflection.cache + def get_indexes(self, connection, table_name, schema=None, **kw): + qry = """ + SELECT ix.rdb$index_name AS index_name, + ix.rdb$unique_flag AS unique_flag, + ic.rdb$field_name AS field_name + FROM rdb$indices ix + JOIN rdb$index_segments ic + ON ix.rdb$index_name=ic.rdb$index_name + LEFT OUTER JOIN rdb$relation_constraints + ON rdb$relation_constraints.rdb$index_name = + ic.rdb$index_name + WHERE ix.rdb$relation_name=? AND ix.rdb$foreign_key IS NULL + AND rdb$relation_constraints.rdb$constraint_type IS NULL + ORDER BY index_name, ic.rdb$field_position + """ + c = connection.execute(qry, [self.denormalize_name(table_name)]) + + indexes = util.defaultdict(dict) + for row in c: + indexrec = indexes[row["index_name"]] + if "name" not in indexrec: + indexrec["name"] = self.normalize_name(row["index_name"]) + indexrec["column_names"] = [] + indexrec["unique"] = bool(row["unique_flag"]) + + indexrec["column_names"].append( + self.normalize_name(row["field_name"]) + ) + + return list(indexes.values()) diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/firebird/fdb.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/firebird/fdb.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..04671bf --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/firebird/fdb.py @@ -0,0 +1,116 @@ +# firebird/fdb.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +""" +.. dialect:: firebird+fdb + :name: fdb + :dbapi: pyodbc + :connectstring: firebird+fdb://user:password@host:port/path/to/db[?key=value&key=value...] + :url: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/fdb/ + + fdb is a kinterbasdb compatible DBAPI for Firebird. + + .. versionadded:: 0.8 - Support for the fdb Firebird driver. + + .. versionchanged:: 0.9 - The fdb dialect is now the default dialect + under the ``firebird://`` URL space, as ``fdb`` is now the official + Python driver for Firebird. + +Arguments +---------- + +The ``fdb`` dialect is based on the +:mod:`sqlalchemy.dialects.firebird.kinterbasdb` dialect, however does not +accept every argument that Kinterbasdb does. + +* ``enable_rowcount`` - True by default, setting this to False disables + the usage of "cursor.rowcount" with the + Kinterbasdb dialect, which SQLAlchemy ordinarily calls upon automatically + after any UPDATE or DELETE statement. When disabled, SQLAlchemy's + ResultProxy will return -1 for result.rowcount. The rationale here is + that Kinterbasdb requires a second round trip to the database when + .rowcount is called - since SQLA's resultproxy automatically closes + the cursor after a non-result-returning statement, rowcount must be + called, if at all, before the result object is returned. Additionally, + cursor.rowcount may not return correct results with older versions + of Firebird, and setting this flag to False will also cause the + SQLAlchemy ORM to ignore its usage. The behavior can also be controlled on a + per-execution basis using the ``enable_rowcount`` option with + :meth:`.Connection.execution_options`:: + + conn = engine.connect().execution_options(enable_rowcount=True) + r = conn.execute(stmt) + print r.rowcount + +* ``retaining`` - False by default. Setting this to True will pass the + ``retaining=True`` keyword argument to the ``.commit()`` and ``.rollback()`` + methods of the DBAPI connection, which can improve performance in some + situations, but apparently with significant caveats. + Please read the fdb and/or kinterbasdb DBAPI documentation in order to + understand the implications of this flag. + + .. versionadded:: 0.8.2 - ``retaining`` keyword argument specifying + transaction retaining behavior - in 0.8 it defaults to ``True`` + for backwards compatibility. + + .. versionchanged:: 0.9.0 - the ``retaining`` flag defaults to ``False``. + In 0.8 it defaulted to ``True``. + + .. seealso:: + + http://pythonhosted.org/fdb/usage-guide.html#retaining-transactions + - information on the "retaining" flag. + +""" # noqa + +from .kinterbasdb import FBDialect_kinterbasdb +from ... import util + + +class FBDialect_fdb(FBDialect_kinterbasdb): + def __init__(self, enable_rowcount=True, retaining=False, **kwargs): + super(FBDialect_fdb, self).__init__( + enable_rowcount=enable_rowcount, retaining=retaining, **kwargs + ) + + @classmethod + def dbapi(cls): + return __import__("fdb") + + def create_connect_args(self, url): + opts = url.translate_connect_args(username="user") + if opts.get("port"): + opts["host"] = "%s/%s" % (opts["host"], opts["port"]) + del opts["port"] + opts.update(url.query) + + util.coerce_kw_type(opts, "type_conv", int) + + return ([], opts) + + def _get_server_version_info(self, connection): + """Get the version of the Firebird server used by a connection. + + Returns a tuple of (`major`, `minor`, `build`), three integers + representing the version of the attached server. + """ + + # This is the simpler approach (the other uses the services api), + # that for backward compatibility reasons returns a string like + # LI-V6.3.3.12981 Firebird 2.0 + # where the first version is a fake one resembling the old + # Interbase signature. + + isc_info_firebird_version = 103 + fbconn = connection.connection + + version = fbconn.db_info(isc_info_firebird_version) + + return self._parse_version_info(version) + + +dialect = FBDialect_fdb diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/firebird/kinterbasdb.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/firebird/kinterbasdb.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9880ee8 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/firebird/kinterbasdb.py @@ -0,0 +1,200 @@ +# firebird/kinterbasdb.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +""" +.. dialect:: firebird+kinterbasdb + :name: kinterbasdb + :dbapi: kinterbasdb + :connectstring: firebird+kinterbasdb://user:password@host:port/path/to/db[?key=value&key=value...] + :url: http://firebirdsql.org/index.php?op=devel&sub=python + +Arguments +---------- + +The Kinterbasdb backend accepts the ``enable_rowcount`` and ``retaining`` +arguments accepted by the :mod:`sqlalchemy.dialects.firebird.fdb` dialect. +In addition, it also accepts the following: + +* ``type_conv`` - select the kind of mapping done on the types: by default + SQLAlchemy uses 200 with Unicode, datetime and decimal support. See + the linked documents below for further information. + +* ``concurrency_level`` - set the backend policy with regards to threading + issues: by default SQLAlchemy uses policy 1. See the linked documents + below for further information. + +.. seealso:: + + http://sourceforge.net/projects/kinterbasdb + + http://kinterbasdb.sourceforge.net/dist_docs/usage.html#adv_param_conv_dynamic_type_translation + + http://kinterbasdb.sourceforge.net/dist_docs/usage.html#special_issue_concurrency + +""" # noqa + +import decimal +from re import match + +from .base import FBDialect +from .base import FBExecutionContext +from ... import types as sqltypes +from ... import util + + +class _kinterbasdb_numeric(object): + def bind_processor(self, dialect): + def process(value): + if isinstance(value, decimal.Decimal): + return str(value) + else: + return value + + return process + + +class _FBNumeric_kinterbasdb(_kinterbasdb_numeric, sqltypes.Numeric): + pass + + +class _FBFloat_kinterbasdb(_kinterbasdb_numeric, sqltypes.Float): + pass + + +class FBExecutionContext_kinterbasdb(FBExecutionContext): + @property + def rowcount(self): + if self.execution_options.get( + "enable_rowcount", self.dialect.enable_rowcount + ): + return self.cursor.rowcount + else: + return -1 + + +class FBDialect_kinterbasdb(FBDialect): + driver = "kinterbasdb" + supports_sane_rowcount = False + supports_sane_multi_rowcount = False + execution_ctx_cls = FBExecutionContext_kinterbasdb + + supports_native_decimal = True + + colspecs = util.update_copy( + FBDialect.colspecs, + { + sqltypes.Numeric: _FBNumeric_kinterbasdb, + sqltypes.Float: _FBFloat_kinterbasdb, + }, + ) + + def __init__( + self, + type_conv=200, + concurrency_level=1, + enable_rowcount=True, + retaining=False, + **kwargs + ): + super(FBDialect_kinterbasdb, self).__init__(**kwargs) + self.enable_rowcount = enable_rowcount + self.type_conv = type_conv + self.concurrency_level = concurrency_level + self.retaining = retaining + if enable_rowcount: + self.supports_sane_rowcount = True + + @classmethod + def dbapi(cls): + return __import__("kinterbasdb") + + def do_execute(self, cursor, statement, parameters, context=None): + # kinterbase does not accept a None, but wants an empty list + # when there are no arguments. + cursor.execute(statement, parameters or []) + + def do_rollback(self, dbapi_connection): + dbapi_connection.rollback(self.retaining) + + def do_commit(self, dbapi_connection): + dbapi_connection.commit(self.retaining) + + def create_connect_args(self, url): + opts = url.translate_connect_args(username="user") + if opts.get("port"): + opts["host"] = "%s/%s" % (opts["host"], opts["port"]) + del opts["port"] + opts.update(url.query) + + util.coerce_kw_type(opts, "type_conv", int) + + type_conv = opts.pop("type_conv", self.type_conv) + concurrency_level = opts.pop( + "concurrency_level", self.concurrency_level + ) + + if self.dbapi is not None: + initialized = getattr(self.dbapi, "initialized", None) + if initialized is None: + # CVS rev 1.96 changed the name of the attribute: + # http://kinterbasdb.cvs.sourceforge.net/viewvc/kinterbasdb/ + # Kinterbasdb-3.0/__init__.py?r1=1.95&r2=1.96 + initialized = getattr(self.dbapi, "_initialized", False) + if not initialized: + self.dbapi.init( + type_conv=type_conv, concurrency_level=concurrency_level + ) + return ([], opts) + + def _get_server_version_info(self, connection): + """Get the version of the Firebird server used by a connection. + + Returns a tuple of (`major`, `minor`, `build`), three integers + representing the version of the attached server. + """ + + # This is the simpler approach (the other uses the services api), + # that for backward compatibility reasons returns a string like + # LI-V6.3.3.12981 Firebird 2.0 + # where the first version is a fake one resembling the old + # Interbase signature. + + fbconn = connection.connection + version = fbconn.server_version + + return self._parse_version_info(version) + + def _parse_version_info(self, version): + m = match( + r"\w+-V(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)( \w+ (\d+)\.(\d+))?", version + ) + if not m: + raise AssertionError( + "Could not determine version from string '%s'" % version + ) + + if m.group(5) != None: + return tuple([int(x) for x in m.group(6, 7, 4)] + ["firebird"]) + else: + return tuple([int(x) for x in m.group(1, 2, 3)] + ["interbase"]) + + def is_disconnect(self, e, connection, cursor): + if isinstance( + e, (self.dbapi.OperationalError, self.dbapi.ProgrammingError) + ): + msg = str(e) + return ( + "Unable to complete network request to host" in msg + or "Invalid connection state" in msg + or "Invalid cursor state" in msg + or "connection shutdown" in msg + ) + else: + return False + + +dialect = FBDialect_kinterbasdb diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mssql/__init__.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mssql/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1d894a2 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mssql/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ +# mssql/__init__.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +from . import adodbapi # noqa +from . import base # noqa +from . import mxodbc # noqa +from . import pymssql # noqa +from . import pyodbc # noqa +from . import zxjdbc # noqa +from .base import BIGINT +from .base import BINARY +from .base import BIT +from .base import CHAR +from .base import DATE +from .base import DATETIME +from .base import DATETIME2 +from .base import DATETIMEOFFSET +from .base import DECIMAL +from .base import FLOAT +from .base import IMAGE +from .base import INTEGER +from .base import MONEY +from .base import NCHAR +from .base import NTEXT +from .base import NUMERIC +from .base import NVARCHAR +from .base import REAL +from .base import ROWVERSION +from .base import SMALLDATETIME +from .base import SMALLINT +from .base import SMALLMONEY +from .base import SQL_VARIANT +from .base import TEXT +from .base import TIME +from .base import TIMESTAMP +from .base import TINYINT +from .base import UNIQUEIDENTIFIER +from .base import VARBINARY +from .base import VARCHAR +from .base import XML + +base.dialect = dialect = pyodbc.dialect + + +__all__ = ( + "INTEGER", + "BIGINT", + "SMALLINT", + "TINYINT", + "VARCHAR", + "NVARCHAR", + "CHAR", + "NCHAR", + "TEXT", + "NTEXT", + "DECIMAL", + "NUMERIC", + "FLOAT", + "DATETIME", + "DATETIME2", + "DATETIMEOFFSET", + "DATE", + "TIME", + "SMALLDATETIME", + "BINARY", + "VARBINARY", + "BIT", + "REAL", + "IMAGE", + "TIMESTAMP", + "ROWVERSION", + "MONEY", + "SMALLMONEY", + "UNIQUEIDENTIFIER", + "SQL_VARIANT", + "XML", + "dialect", +) diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mssql/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mssql/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9fefef4 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mssql/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mssql/__pycache__/adodbapi.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mssql/__pycache__/adodbapi.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e14bd13 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mssql/__pycache__/adodbapi.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mssql/__pycache__/base.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mssql/__pycache__/base.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4b0fe64 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mssql/__pycache__/base.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mssql/__pycache__/information_schema.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mssql/__pycache__/information_schema.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..69286ff Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mssql/__pycache__/information_schema.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mssql/__pycache__/mxodbc.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mssql/__pycache__/mxodbc.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..657b126 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mssql/__pycache__/mxodbc.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mssql/__pycache__/pymssql.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mssql/__pycache__/pymssql.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ec76a50 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mssql/__pycache__/pymssql.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mssql/__pycache__/pyodbc.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mssql/__pycache__/pyodbc.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..76401ab Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mssql/__pycache__/pyodbc.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mssql/__pycache__/zxjdbc.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mssql/__pycache__/zxjdbc.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ee09e6b Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mssql/__pycache__/zxjdbc.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mssql/adodbapi.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mssql/adodbapi.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0b8cc01 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mssql/adodbapi.py @@ -0,0 +1,90 @@ +# mssql/adodbapi.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +""" +.. dialect:: mssql+adodbapi + :name: adodbapi + :dbapi: adodbapi + :connectstring: mssql+adodbapi://:@ + :url: http://adodbapi.sourceforge.net/ + +.. note:: + + The adodbapi dialect is not implemented SQLAlchemy versions 0.6 and + above at this time. + +""" +import datetime +import sys + +from sqlalchemy import types as sqltypes +from sqlalchemy import util +from sqlalchemy.dialects.mssql.base import MSDateTime +from sqlalchemy.dialects.mssql.base import MSDialect + + +class MSDateTime_adodbapi(MSDateTime): + def result_processor(self, dialect, coltype): + def process(value): + # adodbapi will return datetimes with empty time + # values as datetime.date() objects. + # Promote them back to full datetime.datetime() + if type(value) is datetime.date: + return datetime.datetime(value.year, value.month, value.day) + return value + + return process + + +class MSDialect_adodbapi(MSDialect): + supports_sane_rowcount = True + supports_sane_multi_rowcount = True + supports_unicode = sys.maxunicode == 65535 + supports_unicode_statements = True + driver = "adodbapi" + + @classmethod + def import_dbapi(cls): + import adodbapi as module + + return module + + colspecs = util.update_copy( + MSDialect.colspecs, {sqltypes.DateTime: MSDateTime_adodbapi} + ) + + def create_connect_args(self, url): + def check_quote(token): + if ";" in str(token): + token = "'%s'" % token + return token + + keys = dict((k, check_quote(v)) for k, v in url.query.items()) + + connectors = ["Provider=SQLOLEDB"] + if "port" in keys: + connectors.append( + "Data Source=%s, %s" % (keys.get("host"), keys.get("port")) + ) + else: + connectors.append("Data Source=%s" % keys.get("host")) + connectors.append("Initial Catalog=%s" % keys.get("database")) + user = keys.get("user") + if user: + connectors.append("User Id=%s" % user) + connectors.append("Password=%s" % keys.get("password", "")) + else: + connectors.append("Integrated Security=SSPI") + return [[";".join(connectors)], {}] + + def is_disconnect(self, e, connection, cursor): + return isinstance( + e, self.dbapi.adodbapi.DatabaseError + ) and "'connection failure'" in str(e) + + +dialect = MSDialect_adodbapi diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mssql/base.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mssql/base.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4fbbc26 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mssql/base.py @@ -0,0 +1,2599 @@ +# mssql/base.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php +""" +.. dialect:: mssql + :name: Microsoft SQL Server + + +Auto Increment Behavior +----------------------- + +SQL Server provides so-called "auto incrementing" behavior using the +``IDENTITY`` construct, which can be placed on an integer primary key. +SQLAlchemy considers ``IDENTITY`` within its default "autoincrement" behavior, +described at :paramref:`.Column.autoincrement`; this means +that by default, the first integer primary key column in a :class:`.Table` +will be considered to be the identity column and will generate DDL as such:: + + from sqlalchemy import Table, MetaData, Column, Integer + + m = MetaData() + t = Table('t', m, + Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True), + Column('x', Integer)) + m.create_all(engine) + +The above example will generate DDL as: + +.. sourcecode:: sql + + CREATE TABLE t ( + id INTEGER NOT NULL IDENTITY(1,1), + x INTEGER NULL, + PRIMARY KEY (id) + ) + +For the case where this default generation of ``IDENTITY`` is not desired, +specify ``autoincrement=False`` on all integer primary key columns:: + + m = MetaData() + t = Table('t', m, + Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=False), + Column('x', Integer)) + m.create_all(engine) + +.. note:: + + An INSERT statement which refers to an explicit value for such + a column is prohibited by SQL Server, however SQLAlchemy will detect this + and modify the ``IDENTITY_INSERT`` flag accordingly at statement execution + time. As this is not a high performing process, care should be taken to + set the ``autoincrement`` flag appropriately for columns that will not + actually require IDENTITY behavior. + +Controlling "Start" and "Increment" +^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ + +Specific control over the parameters of the ``IDENTITY`` value is supported +using the :class:`.schema.Sequence` object. While this object normally +represents an explicit "sequence" for supporting backends, on SQL Server it is +re-purposed to specify behavior regarding the identity column, including +support of the "start" and "increment" values:: + + from sqlalchemy import Table, Integer, Sequence, Column + + Table('test', metadata, + Column('id', Integer, + Sequence('blah', start=100, increment=10), + primary_key=True), + Column('name', String(20)) + ).create(some_engine) + +would yield: + +.. sourcecode:: sql + + CREATE TABLE test ( + id INTEGER NOT NULL IDENTITY(100,10) PRIMARY KEY, + name VARCHAR(20) NULL, + ) + +Note that the ``start`` and ``increment`` values for sequences are +optional and will default to 1,1. + +INSERT behavior +^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ + +Handling of the ``IDENTITY`` column at INSERT time involves two key +techniques. The most common is being able to fetch the "last inserted value" +for a given ``IDENTITY`` column, a process which SQLAlchemy performs +implicitly in many cases, most importantly within the ORM. + +The process for fetching this value has several variants: + +* In the vast majority of cases, RETURNING is used in conjunction with INSERT + statements on SQL Server in order to get newly generated primary key values: + + .. sourcecode:: sql + + INSERT INTO t (x) OUTPUT inserted.id VALUES (?) + +* When RETURNING is not available or has been disabled via + ``implicit_returning=False``, either the ``scope_identity()`` function or + the ``@@identity`` variable is used; behavior varies by backend: + + * when using PyODBC, the phrase ``; select scope_identity()`` will be + appended to the end of the INSERT statement; a second result set will be + fetched in order to receive the value. Given a table as:: + + t = Table('t', m, Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True), + Column('x', Integer), + implicit_returning=False) + + an INSERT will look like: + + .. sourcecode:: sql + + INSERT INTO t (x) VALUES (?); select scope_identity() + + * Other dialects such as pymssql will call upon + ``SELECT scope_identity() AS lastrowid`` subsequent to an INSERT + statement. If the flag ``use_scope_identity=False`` is passed to + :func:`.create_engine`, the statement ``SELECT @@identity AS lastrowid`` + is used instead. + +A table that contains an ``IDENTITY`` column will prohibit an INSERT statement +that refers to the identity column explicitly. The SQLAlchemy dialect will +detect when an INSERT construct, created using a core :func:`.insert` +construct (not a plain string SQL), refers to the identity column, and +in this case will emit ``SET IDENTITY_INSERT ON`` prior to the insert +statement proceeding, and ``SET IDENTITY_INSERT OFF`` subsequent to the +execution. Given this example:: + + m = MetaData() + t = Table('t', m, Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True), + Column('x', Integer)) + m.create_all(engine) + + engine.execute(t.insert(), {'id': 1, 'x':1}, {'id':2, 'x':2}) + +The above column will be created with IDENTITY, however the INSERT statement +we emit is specifying explicit values. In the echo output we can see +how SQLAlchemy handles this: + +.. sourcecode:: sql + + CREATE TABLE t ( + id INTEGER NOT NULL IDENTITY(1,1), + x INTEGER NULL, + PRIMARY KEY (id) + ) + + COMMIT + SET IDENTITY_INSERT t ON + INSERT INTO t (id, x) VALUES (?, ?) + ((1, 1), (2, 2)) + SET IDENTITY_INSERT t OFF + COMMIT + + + +This +is an auxiliary use case suitable for testing and bulk insert scenarios. + +MAX on VARCHAR / NVARCHAR +------------------------- + +SQL Server supports the special string "MAX" within the +:class:`.sqltypes.VARCHAR` and :class:`.sqltypes.NVARCHAR` datatypes, +to indicate "maximum length possible". The dialect currently handles this as +a length of "None" in the base type, rather than supplying a +dialect-specific version of these types, so that a base type +specified such as ``VARCHAR(None)`` can assume "unlengthed" behavior on +more than one backend without using dialect-specific types. + +To build a SQL Server VARCHAR or NVARCHAR with MAX length, use None:: + + my_table = Table( + 'my_table', metadata, + Column('my_data', VARCHAR(None)), + Column('my_n_data', NVARCHAR(None)) + ) + + +Collation Support +----------------- + +Character collations are supported by the base string types, +specified by the string argument "collation":: + + from sqlalchemy import VARCHAR + Column('login', VARCHAR(32, collation='Latin1_General_CI_AS')) + +When such a column is associated with a :class:`.Table`, the +CREATE TABLE statement for this column will yield:: + + login VARCHAR(32) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NULL + +.. versionadded:: 0.8 Character collations are now part of the base string + types. + +LIMIT/OFFSET Support +-------------------- + +MSSQL has no support for the LIMIT or OFFSET keywords. LIMIT is +supported directly through the ``TOP`` Transact SQL keyword:: + + select.limit + +will yield:: + + SELECT TOP n + +If using SQL Server 2005 or above, LIMIT with OFFSET +support is available through the ``ROW_NUMBER OVER`` construct. +For versions below 2005, LIMIT with OFFSET usage will fail. + +.. _mssql_isolation_level: + +Transaction Isolation Level +--------------------------- + +All SQL Server dialects support setting of transaction isolation level +both via a dialect-specific parameter +:paramref:`.create_engine.isolation_level` +accepted by :func:`.create_engine`, +as well as the :paramref:`.Connection.execution_options.isolation_level` +argument as passed to +:meth:`.Connection.execution_options`. This feature works by issuing the +command ``SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL `` for +each new connection. + +To set isolation level using :func:`.create_engine`:: + + engine = create_engine( + "mssql+pyodbc://scott:tiger@ms_2008", + isolation_level="REPEATABLE READ" + ) + +To set using per-connection execution options:: + + connection = engine.connect() + connection = connection.execution_options( + isolation_level="READ COMMITTED" + ) + +Valid values for ``isolation_level`` include: + +* ``AUTOCOMMIT`` - pyodbc / pymssql-specific +* ``READ COMMITTED`` +* ``READ UNCOMMITTED`` +* ``REPEATABLE READ`` +* ``SERIALIZABLE`` +* ``SNAPSHOT`` - specific to SQL Server + +.. versionadded:: 1.1 support for isolation level setting on Microsoft + SQL Server. + +.. versionadded:: 1.2 added AUTOCOMMIT isolation level setting + +Nullability +----------- +MSSQL has support for three levels of column nullability. The default +nullability allows nulls and is explicit in the CREATE TABLE +construct:: + + name VARCHAR(20) NULL + +If ``nullable=None`` is specified then no specification is made. In +other words the database's configured default is used. This will +render:: + + name VARCHAR(20) + +If ``nullable`` is ``True`` or ``False`` then the column will be +``NULL`` or ``NOT NULL`` respectively. + +Date / Time Handling +-------------------- +DATE and TIME are supported. Bind parameters are converted +to datetime.datetime() objects as required by most MSSQL drivers, +and results are processed from strings if needed. +The DATE and TIME types are not available for MSSQL 2005 and +previous - if a server version below 2008 is detected, DDL +for these types will be issued as DATETIME. + +.. _mssql_large_type_deprecation: + +Large Text/Binary Type Deprecation +---------------------------------- + +Per +`SQL Server 2012/2014 Documentation `_, +the ``NTEXT``, ``TEXT`` and ``IMAGE`` datatypes are to be removed from SQL +Server in a future release. SQLAlchemy normally relates these types to the +:class:`.UnicodeText`, :class:`.Text` and :class:`.LargeBinary` datatypes. + +In order to accommodate this change, a new flag ``deprecate_large_types`` +is added to the dialect, which will be automatically set based on detection +of the server version in use, if not otherwise set by the user. The +behavior of this flag is as follows: + +* When this flag is ``True``, the :class:`.UnicodeText`, :class:`.Text` and + :class:`.LargeBinary` datatypes, when used to render DDL, will render the + types ``NVARCHAR(max)``, ``VARCHAR(max)``, and ``VARBINARY(max)``, + respectively. This is a new behavior as of the addition of this flag. + +* When this flag is ``False``, the :class:`.UnicodeText`, :class:`.Text` and + :class:`.LargeBinary` datatypes, when used to render DDL, will render the + types ``NTEXT``, ``TEXT``, and ``IMAGE``, + respectively. This is the long-standing behavior of these types. + +* The flag begins with the value ``None``, before a database connection is + established. If the dialect is used to render DDL without the flag being + set, it is interpreted the same as ``False``. + +* On first connection, the dialect detects if SQL Server version 2012 or + greater is in use; if the flag is still at ``None``, it sets it to ``True`` + or ``False`` based on whether 2012 or greater is detected. + +* The flag can be set to either ``True`` or ``False`` when the dialect + is created, typically via :func:`.create_engine`:: + + eng = create_engine("mssql+pymssql://user:pass@host/db", + deprecate_large_types=True) + +* Complete control over whether the "old" or "new" types are rendered is + available in all SQLAlchemy versions by using the UPPERCASE type objects + instead: :class:`.NVARCHAR`, :class:`.VARCHAR`, :class:`.types.VARBINARY`, + :class:`.TEXT`, :class:`.mssql.NTEXT`, :class:`.mssql.IMAGE` will always + remain fixed and always output exactly that type. + +.. versionadded:: 1.0.0 + +.. _multipart_schema_names: + +Multipart Schema Names +---------------------- + +SQL Server schemas sometimes require multiple parts to their "schema" +qualifier, that is, including the database name and owner name as separate +tokens, such as ``mydatabase.dbo.some_table``. These multipart names can be set +at once using the :paramref:`.Table.schema` argument of :class:`.Table`:: + + Table( + "some_table", metadata, + Column("q", String(50)), + schema="mydatabase.dbo" + ) + +When performing operations such as table or component reflection, a schema +argument that contains a dot will be split into separate +"database" and "owner" components in order to correctly query the SQL +Server information schema tables, as these two values are stored separately. +Additionally, when rendering the schema name for DDL or SQL, the two +components will be quoted separately for case sensitive names and other +special characters. Given an argument as below:: + + Table( + "some_table", metadata, + Column("q", String(50)), + schema="MyDataBase.dbo" + ) + +The above schema would be rendered as ``[MyDataBase].dbo``, and also in +reflection, would be reflected using "dbo" as the owner and "MyDataBase" +as the database name. + +To control how the schema name is broken into database / owner, +specify brackets (which in SQL Server are quoting characters) in the name. +Below, the "owner" will be considered as ``MyDataBase.dbo`` and the +"database" will be None:: + + Table( + "some_table", metadata, + Column("q", String(50)), + schema="[MyDataBase.dbo]" + ) + +To individually specify both database and owner name with special characters +or embedded dots, use two sets of brackets:: + + Table( + "some_table", metadata, + Column("q", String(50)), + schema="[MyDataBase.Period].[MyOwner.Dot]" + ) + + +.. versionchanged:: 1.2 the SQL Server dialect now treats brackets as + identifier delimeters splitting the schema into separate database + and owner tokens, to allow dots within either name itself. + +.. _legacy_schema_rendering: + +Legacy Schema Mode +------------------ + +Very old versions of the MSSQL dialect introduced the behavior such that a +schema-qualified table would be auto-aliased when used in a +SELECT statement; given a table:: + + account_table = Table( + 'account', metadata, + Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True), + Column('info', String(100)), + schema="customer_schema" + ) + +this legacy mode of rendering would assume that "customer_schema.account" +would not be accepted by all parts of the SQL statement, as illustrated +below:: + + >>> eng = create_engine("mssql+pymssql://mydsn", legacy_schema_aliasing=True) + >>> print(account_table.select().compile(eng)) + SELECT account_1.id, account_1.info + FROM customer_schema.account AS account_1 + +This mode of behavior is now off by default, as it appears to have served +no purpose; however in the case that legacy applications rely upon it, +it is available using the ``legacy_schema_aliasing`` argument to +:func:`.create_engine` as illustrated above. + +.. versionchanged:: 1.1 the ``legacy_schema_aliasing`` flag introduced + in version 1.0.5 to allow disabling of legacy mode for schemas now + defaults to False. + + +.. _mssql_indexes: + +Clustered Index Support +----------------------- + +The MSSQL dialect supports clustered indexes (and primary keys) via the +``mssql_clustered`` option. This option is available to :class:`.Index`, +:class:`.UniqueConstraint`. and :class:`.PrimaryKeyConstraint`. + +To generate a clustered index:: + + Index("my_index", table.c.x, mssql_clustered=True) + +which renders the index as ``CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX my_index ON table (x)``. + +To generate a clustered primary key use:: + + Table('my_table', metadata, + Column('x', ...), + Column('y', ...), + PrimaryKeyConstraint("x", "y", mssql_clustered=True)) + +which will render the table, for example, as:: + + CREATE TABLE my_table (x INTEGER NOT NULL, y INTEGER NOT NULL, + PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (x, y)) + +Similarly, we can generate a clustered unique constraint using:: + + Table('my_table', metadata, + Column('x', ...), + Column('y', ...), + PrimaryKeyConstraint("x"), + UniqueConstraint("y", mssql_clustered=True), + ) + +To explicitly request a non-clustered primary key (for example, when +a separate clustered index is desired), use:: + + Table('my_table', metadata, + Column('x', ...), + Column('y', ...), + PrimaryKeyConstraint("x", "y", mssql_clustered=False)) + +which will render the table, for example, as:: + + CREATE TABLE my_table (x INTEGER NOT NULL, y INTEGER NOT NULL, + PRIMARY KEY NONCLUSTERED (x, y)) + +.. versionchanged:: 1.1 the ``mssql_clustered`` option now defaults + to None, rather than False. ``mssql_clustered=False`` now explicitly + renders the NONCLUSTERED clause, whereas None omits the CLUSTERED + clause entirely, allowing SQL Server defaults to take effect. + + +MSSQL-Specific Index Options +----------------------------- + +In addition to clustering, the MSSQL dialect supports other special options +for :class:`.Index`. + +INCLUDE +^^^^^^^ + +The ``mssql_include`` option renders INCLUDE(colname) for the given string +names:: + + Index("my_index", table.c.x, mssql_include=['y']) + +would render the index as ``CREATE INDEX my_index ON table (x) INCLUDE (y)`` + +.. versionadded:: 0.8 + +Index ordering +^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ + +Index ordering is available via functional expressions, such as:: + + Index("my_index", table.c.x.desc()) + +would render the index as ``CREATE INDEX my_index ON table (x DESC)`` + +.. versionadded:: 0.8 + +.. seealso:: + + :ref:`schema_indexes_functional` + +Compatibility Levels +-------------------- +MSSQL supports the notion of setting compatibility levels at the +database level. This allows, for instance, to run a database that +is compatible with SQL2000 while running on a SQL2005 database +server. ``server_version_info`` will always return the database +server version information (in this case SQL2005) and not the +compatibility level information. Because of this, if running under +a backwards compatibility mode SQAlchemy may attempt to use T-SQL +statements that are unable to be parsed by the database server. + +Triggers +-------- + +SQLAlchemy by default uses OUTPUT INSERTED to get at newly +generated primary key values via IDENTITY columns or other +server side defaults. MS-SQL does not +allow the usage of OUTPUT INSERTED on tables that have triggers. +To disable the usage of OUTPUT INSERTED on a per-table basis, +specify ``implicit_returning=False`` for each :class:`.Table` +which has triggers:: + + Table('mytable', metadata, + Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True), + # ..., + implicit_returning=False + ) + +Declarative form:: + + class MyClass(Base): + # ... + __table_args__ = {'implicit_returning':False} + + +This option can also be specified engine-wide using the +``implicit_returning=False`` argument on :func:`.create_engine`. + +.. _mssql_rowcount_versioning: + +Rowcount Support / ORM Versioning +--------------------------------- + +The SQL Server drivers may have limited ability to return the number +of rows updated from an UPDATE or DELETE statement. + +As of this writing, the PyODBC driver is not able to return a rowcount when +OUTPUT INSERTED is used. This impacts the SQLAlchemy ORM's versioning feature +in many cases where server-side value generators are in use in that while the +versioning operations can succeed, the ORM cannot always check that an UPDATE +or DELETE statement matched the number of rows expected, which is how it +verifies that the version identifier matched. When this condition occurs, a +warning will be emitted but the operation will proceed. + +The use of OUTPUT INSERTED can be disabled by setting the +:paramref:`.Table.implicit_returning` flag to ``False`` on a particular +:class:`.Table`, which in declarative looks like:: + + class MyTable(Base): + __tablename__ = 'mytable' + id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) + stuff = Column(String(10)) + timestamp = Column(TIMESTAMP(), default=text('DEFAULT')) + __mapper_args__ = { + 'version_id_col': timestamp, + 'version_id_generator': False, + } + __table_args__ = { + 'implicit_returning': False + } + +Enabling Snapshot Isolation +--------------------------- + +SQL Server has a default transaction +isolation mode that locks entire tables, and causes even mildly concurrent +applications to have long held locks and frequent deadlocks. +Enabling snapshot isolation for the database as a whole is recommended +for modern levels of concurrency support. This is accomplished via the +following ALTER DATABASE commands executed at the SQL prompt:: + + ALTER DATABASE MyDatabase SET ALLOW_SNAPSHOT_ISOLATION ON + + ALTER DATABASE MyDatabase SET READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT ON + +Background on SQL Server snapshot isolation is available at +http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms175095.aspx. + +""" # noqa + +import codecs +import datetime +import operator +import re + +from . import information_schema as ischema +from ... import engine +from ... import exc +from ... import schema as sa_schema +from ... import sql +from ... import types as sqltypes +from ... import util +from ...engine import default +from ...engine import reflection +from ...sql import compiler +from ...sql import expression +from ...sql import quoted_name +from ...sql import util as sql_util +from ...types import BIGINT +from ...types import BINARY +from ...types import CHAR +from ...types import DATE +from ...types import DATETIME +from ...types import DECIMAL +from ...types import FLOAT +from ...types import INTEGER +from ...types import NCHAR +from ...types import NUMERIC +from ...types import NVARCHAR +from ...types import SMALLINT +from ...types import TEXT +from ...types import VARCHAR +from ...util import update_wrapper + +# http://sqlserverbuilds.blogspot.com/ +MS_2016_VERSION = (13,) +MS_2014_VERSION = (12,) +MS_2012_VERSION = (11,) +MS_2008_VERSION = (10,) +MS_2005_VERSION = (9,) +MS_2000_VERSION = (8,) + +RESERVED_WORDS = set( + [ + "add", + "all", + "alter", + "and", + "any", + "as", + "asc", + "authorization", + "backup", + "begin", + "between", + "break", + "browse", + "bulk", + "by", + "cascade", + "case", + "check", + "checkpoint", + "close", + "clustered", + "coalesce", + "collate", + "column", + "commit", + "compute", + "constraint", + "contains", + "containstable", + "continue", + "convert", + "create", + "cross", + "current", + "current_date", + "current_time", + "current_timestamp", + "current_user", + "cursor", + "database", + "dbcc", + "deallocate", + "declare", + "default", + "delete", + "deny", + "desc", + "disk", + "distinct", + "distributed", + "double", + "drop", + "dump", + "else", + "end", + "errlvl", + "escape", + "except", + "exec", + "execute", + "exists", + "exit", + "external", + "fetch", + "file", + "fillfactor", + "for", + "foreign", + "freetext", + "freetexttable", + "from", + "full", + "function", + "goto", + "grant", + "group", + "having", + "holdlock", + "identity", + "identity_insert", + "identitycol", + "if", + "in", + "index", + "inner", + "insert", + "intersect", + "into", + "is", + "join", + "key", + "kill", + "left", + "like", + "lineno", + "load", + "merge", + "national", + "nocheck", + "nonclustered", + "not", + "null", + "nullif", + "of", + "off", + "offsets", + "on", + "open", + "opendatasource", + "openquery", + "openrowset", + "openxml", + "option", + "or", + "order", + "outer", + "over", + "percent", + "pivot", + "plan", + "precision", + "primary", + "print", + "proc", + "procedure", + "public", + "raiserror", + "read", + "readtext", + "reconfigure", + "references", + "replication", + "restore", + "restrict", + "return", + "revert", + "revoke", + "right", + "rollback", + "rowcount", + "rowguidcol", + "rule", + "save", + "schema", + "securityaudit", + "select", + "session_user", + "set", + "setuser", + "shutdown", + "some", + "statistics", + "system_user", + "table", + "tablesample", + "textsize", + "then", + "to", + "top", + "tran", + "transaction", + "trigger", + "truncate", + "tsequal", + "union", + "unique", + "unpivot", + "update", + "updatetext", + "use", + "user", + "values", + "varying", + "view", + "waitfor", + "when", + "where", + "while", + "with", + "writetext", + ] +) + + +class REAL(sqltypes.REAL): + __visit_name__ = "REAL" + + def __init__(self, **kw): + # REAL is a synonym for FLOAT(24) on SQL server + kw["precision"] = 24 + super(REAL, self).__init__(**kw) + + +class TINYINT(sqltypes.Integer): + __visit_name__ = "TINYINT" + + +# MSSQL DATE/TIME types have varied behavior, sometimes returning +# strings. MSDate/TIME check for everything, and always +# filter bind parameters into datetime objects (required by pyodbc, +# not sure about other dialects). + + +class _MSDate(sqltypes.Date): + def bind_processor(self, dialect): + def process(value): + if type(value) == datetime.date: + return datetime.datetime(value.year, value.month, value.day) + else: + return value + + return process + + _reg = re.compile(r"(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+)") + + def result_processor(self, dialect, coltype): + def process(value): + if isinstance(value, datetime.datetime): + return value.date() + elif isinstance(value, util.string_types): + m = self._reg.match(value) + if not m: + raise ValueError( + "could not parse %r as a date value" % (value,) + ) + return datetime.date(*[int(x or 0) for x in m.groups()]) + else: + return value + + return process + + +class TIME(sqltypes.TIME): + def __init__(self, precision=None, **kwargs): + self.precision = precision + super(TIME, self).__init__() + + __zero_date = datetime.date(1900, 1, 1) + + def bind_processor(self, dialect): + def process(value): + if isinstance(value, datetime.datetime): + value = datetime.datetime.combine( + self.__zero_date, value.time() + ) + elif isinstance(value, datetime.time): + value = datetime.datetime.combine(self.__zero_date, value) + return value + + return process + + _reg = re.compile(r"(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)(?:\.(\d{0,6}))?") + + def result_processor(self, dialect, coltype): + def process(value): + if isinstance(value, datetime.datetime): + return value.time() + elif isinstance(value, util.string_types): + m = self._reg.match(value) + if not m: + raise ValueError( + "could not parse %r as a time value" % (value,) + ) + return datetime.time(*[int(x or 0) for x in m.groups()]) + else: + return value + + return process + + +_MSTime = TIME + + +class _DateTimeBase(object): + def bind_processor(self, dialect): + def process(value): + if type(value) == datetime.date: + return datetime.datetime(value.year, value.month, value.day) + else: + return value + + return process + + +class _MSDateTime(_DateTimeBase, sqltypes.DateTime): + pass + + +class SMALLDATETIME(_DateTimeBase, sqltypes.DateTime): + __visit_name__ = "SMALLDATETIME" + + +class DATETIME2(_DateTimeBase, sqltypes.DateTime): + __visit_name__ = "DATETIME2" + + def __init__(self, precision=None, **kw): + super(DATETIME2, self).__init__(**kw) + self.precision = precision + + +# TODO: is this not an Interval ? +class DATETIMEOFFSET(sqltypes.TypeEngine): + __visit_name__ = "DATETIMEOFFSET" + + def __init__(self, precision=None, **kwargs): + self.precision = precision + + +class _StringType(object): + + """Base for MSSQL string types.""" + + def __init__(self, collation=None): + super(_StringType, self).__init__(collation=collation) + + +class TIMESTAMP(sqltypes._Binary): + """Implement the SQL Server TIMESTAMP type. + + Note this is **completely different** than the SQL Standard + TIMESTAMP type, which is not supported by SQL Server. It + is a read-only datatype that does not support INSERT of values. + + .. versionadded:: 1.2 + + .. seealso:: + + :class:`.mssql.ROWVERSION` + + """ + + __visit_name__ = "TIMESTAMP" + + # expected by _Binary to be present + length = None + + def __init__(self, convert_int=False): + """Construct a TIMESTAMP or ROWVERSION type. + + :param convert_int: if True, binary integer values will + be converted to integers on read. + + .. versionadded:: 1.2 + + """ + self.convert_int = convert_int + + def result_processor(self, dialect, coltype): + super_ = super(TIMESTAMP, self).result_processor(dialect, coltype) + if self.convert_int: + + def process(value): + value = super_(value) + if value is not None: + # https://stackoverflow.com/a/30403242/34549 + value = int(codecs.encode(value, "hex"), 16) + return value + + return process + else: + return super_ + + +class ROWVERSION(TIMESTAMP): + """Implement the SQL Server ROWVERSION type. + + The ROWVERSION datatype is a SQL Server synonym for the TIMESTAMP + datatype, however current SQL Server documentation suggests using + ROWVERSION for new datatypes going forward. + + The ROWVERSION datatype does **not** reflect (e.g. introspect) from the + database as itself; the returned datatype will be + :class:`.mssql.TIMESTAMP`. + + This is a read-only datatype that does not support INSERT of values. + + .. versionadded:: 1.2 + + .. seealso:: + + :class:`.mssql.TIMESTAMP` + + """ + + __visit_name__ = "ROWVERSION" + + +class NTEXT(sqltypes.UnicodeText): + + """MSSQL NTEXT type, for variable-length unicode text up to 2^30 + characters.""" + + __visit_name__ = "NTEXT" + + +class VARBINARY(sqltypes.VARBINARY, sqltypes.LargeBinary): + """The MSSQL VARBINARY type. + + This type is present to support "deprecate_large_types" mode where + either ``VARBINARY(max)`` or IMAGE is rendered. Otherwise, this type + object is redundant vs. :class:`.types.VARBINARY`. + + .. versionadded:: 1.0.0 + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`mssql_large_type_deprecation` + + + + """ + + __visit_name__ = "VARBINARY" + + +class IMAGE(sqltypes.LargeBinary): + __visit_name__ = "IMAGE" + + +class XML(sqltypes.Text): + """MSSQL XML type. + + This is a placeholder type for reflection purposes that does not include + any Python-side datatype support. It also does not currently support + additional arguments, such as "CONTENT", "DOCUMENT", + "xml_schema_collection". + + .. versionadded:: 1.1.11 + + """ + + __visit_name__ = "XML" + + +class BIT(sqltypes.TypeEngine): + __visit_name__ = "BIT" + + +class MONEY(sqltypes.TypeEngine): + __visit_name__ = "MONEY" + + +class SMALLMONEY(sqltypes.TypeEngine): + __visit_name__ = "SMALLMONEY" + + +class UNIQUEIDENTIFIER(sqltypes.TypeEngine): + __visit_name__ = "UNIQUEIDENTIFIER" + + +class SQL_VARIANT(sqltypes.TypeEngine): + __visit_name__ = "SQL_VARIANT" + + +# old names. +MSDateTime = _MSDateTime +MSDate = _MSDate +MSReal = REAL +MSTinyInteger = TINYINT +MSTime = TIME +MSSmallDateTime = SMALLDATETIME +MSDateTime2 = DATETIME2 +MSDateTimeOffset = DATETIMEOFFSET +MSText = TEXT +MSNText = NTEXT +MSString = VARCHAR +MSNVarchar = NVARCHAR +MSChar = CHAR +MSNChar = NCHAR +MSBinary = BINARY +MSVarBinary = VARBINARY +MSImage = IMAGE +MSBit = BIT +MSMoney = MONEY +MSSmallMoney = SMALLMONEY +MSUniqueIdentifier = UNIQUEIDENTIFIER +MSVariant = SQL_VARIANT + +ischema_names = { + "int": INTEGER, + "bigint": BIGINT, + "smallint": SMALLINT, + "tinyint": TINYINT, + "varchar": VARCHAR, + "nvarchar": NVARCHAR, + "char": CHAR, + "nchar": NCHAR, + "text": TEXT, + "ntext": NTEXT, + "decimal": DECIMAL, + "numeric": NUMERIC, + "float": FLOAT, + "datetime": DATETIME, + "datetime2": DATETIME2, + "datetimeoffset": DATETIMEOFFSET, + "date": DATE, + "time": TIME, + "smalldatetime": SMALLDATETIME, + "binary": BINARY, + "varbinary": VARBINARY, + "bit": BIT, + "real": REAL, + "image": IMAGE, + "xml": XML, + "timestamp": TIMESTAMP, + "money": MONEY, + "smallmoney": SMALLMONEY, + "uniqueidentifier": UNIQUEIDENTIFIER, + "sql_variant": SQL_VARIANT, +} + + +class MSTypeCompiler(compiler.GenericTypeCompiler): + def _extend(self, spec, type_, length=None): + """Extend a string-type declaration with standard SQL + COLLATE annotations. + + """ + + if getattr(type_, "collation", None): + collation = "COLLATE %s" % type_.collation + else: + collation = None + + if not length: + length = type_.length + + if length: + spec = spec + "(%s)" % length + + return " ".join([c for c in (spec, collation) if c is not None]) + + def visit_FLOAT(self, type_, **kw): + precision = getattr(type_, "precision", None) + if precision is None: + return "FLOAT" + else: + return "FLOAT(%(precision)s)" % {"precision": precision} + + def visit_TINYINT(self, type_, **kw): + return "TINYINT" + + def visit_DATETIMEOFFSET(self, type_, **kw): + if type_.precision is not None: + return "DATETIMEOFFSET(%s)" % type_.precision + else: + return "DATETIMEOFFSET" + + def visit_TIME(self, type_, **kw): + precision = getattr(type_, "precision", None) + if precision is not None: + return "TIME(%s)" % precision + else: + return "TIME" + + def visit_TIMESTAMP(self, type_, **kw): + return "TIMESTAMP" + + def visit_ROWVERSION(self, type_, **kw): + return "ROWVERSION" + + def visit_DATETIME2(self, type_, **kw): + precision = getattr(type_, "precision", None) + if precision is not None: + return "DATETIME2(%s)" % precision + else: + return "DATETIME2" + + def visit_SMALLDATETIME(self, type_, **kw): + return "SMALLDATETIME" + + def visit_unicode(self, type_, **kw): + return self.visit_NVARCHAR(type_, **kw) + + def visit_text(self, type_, **kw): + if self.dialect.deprecate_large_types: + return self.visit_VARCHAR(type_, **kw) + else: + return self.visit_TEXT(type_, **kw) + + def visit_unicode_text(self, type_, **kw): + if self.dialect.deprecate_large_types: + return self.visit_NVARCHAR(type_, **kw) + else: + return self.visit_NTEXT(type_, **kw) + + def visit_NTEXT(self, type_, **kw): + return self._extend("NTEXT", type_) + + def visit_TEXT(self, type_, **kw): + return self._extend("TEXT", type_) + + def visit_VARCHAR(self, type_, **kw): + return self._extend("VARCHAR", type_, length=type_.length or "max") + + def visit_CHAR(self, type_, **kw): + return self._extend("CHAR", type_) + + def visit_NCHAR(self, type_, **kw): + return self._extend("NCHAR", type_) + + def visit_NVARCHAR(self, type_, **kw): + return self._extend("NVARCHAR", type_, length=type_.length or "max") + + def visit_date(self, type_, **kw): + if self.dialect.server_version_info < MS_2008_VERSION: + return self.visit_DATETIME(type_, **kw) + else: + return self.visit_DATE(type_, **kw) + + def visit_time(self, type_, **kw): + if self.dialect.server_version_info < MS_2008_VERSION: + return self.visit_DATETIME(type_, **kw) + else: + return self.visit_TIME(type_, **kw) + + def visit_large_binary(self, type_, **kw): + if self.dialect.deprecate_large_types: + return self.visit_VARBINARY(type_, **kw) + else: + return self.visit_IMAGE(type_, **kw) + + def visit_IMAGE(self, type_, **kw): + return "IMAGE" + + def visit_XML(self, type_, **kw): + return "XML" + + def visit_VARBINARY(self, type_, **kw): + return self._extend("VARBINARY", type_, length=type_.length or "max") + + def visit_boolean(self, type_, **kw): + return self.visit_BIT(type_) + + def visit_BIT(self, type_, **kw): + return "BIT" + + def visit_MONEY(self, type_, **kw): + return "MONEY" + + def visit_SMALLMONEY(self, type_, **kw): + return "SMALLMONEY" + + def visit_UNIQUEIDENTIFIER(self, type_, **kw): + return "UNIQUEIDENTIFIER" + + def visit_SQL_VARIANT(self, type_, **kw): + return "SQL_VARIANT" + + +class MSExecutionContext(default.DefaultExecutionContext): + _enable_identity_insert = False + _select_lastrowid = False + _result_proxy = None + _lastrowid = None + + def _opt_encode(self, statement): + if not self.dialect.supports_unicode_statements: + return self.dialect._encoder(statement)[0] + else: + return statement + + def pre_exec(self): + """Activate IDENTITY_INSERT if needed.""" + + if self.isinsert: + tbl = self.compiled.statement.table + seq_column = tbl._autoincrement_column + insert_has_sequence = seq_column is not None + + if insert_has_sequence: + self._enable_identity_insert = ( + seq_column.key in self.compiled_parameters[0] + ) or ( + self.compiled.statement.parameters + and ( + ( + self.compiled.statement._has_multi_parameters + and seq_column.key + in self.compiled.statement.parameters[0] + ) + or ( + not self.compiled.statement._has_multi_parameters + and seq_column.key + in self.compiled.statement.parameters + ) + ) + ) + else: + self._enable_identity_insert = False + + self._select_lastrowid = ( + not self.compiled.inline + and insert_has_sequence + and not self.compiled.returning + and not self._enable_identity_insert + and not self.executemany + ) + + if self._enable_identity_insert: + self.root_connection._cursor_execute( + self.cursor, + self._opt_encode( + "SET IDENTITY_INSERT %s ON" + % self.dialect.identifier_preparer.format_table(tbl) + ), + (), + self, + ) + + def post_exec(self): + """Disable IDENTITY_INSERT if enabled.""" + + conn = self.root_connection + if self._select_lastrowid: + if self.dialect.use_scope_identity: + conn._cursor_execute( + self.cursor, + "SELECT scope_identity() AS lastrowid", + (), + self, + ) + else: + conn._cursor_execute( + self.cursor, "SELECT @@identity AS lastrowid", (), self + ) + # fetchall() ensures the cursor is consumed without closing it + row = self.cursor.fetchall()[0] + self._lastrowid = int(row[0]) + + if ( + self.isinsert or self.isupdate or self.isdelete + ) and self.compiled.returning: + self._result_proxy = engine.FullyBufferedResultProxy(self) + + if self._enable_identity_insert: + conn._cursor_execute( + self.cursor, + self._opt_encode( + "SET IDENTITY_INSERT %s OFF" + % self.dialect.identifier_preparer.format_table( + self.compiled.statement.table + ) + ), + (), + self, + ) + + def get_lastrowid(self): + return self._lastrowid + + def handle_dbapi_exception(self, e): + if self._enable_identity_insert: + try: + self.cursor.execute( + self._opt_encode( + "SET IDENTITY_INSERT %s OFF" + % self.dialect.identifier_preparer.format_table( + self.compiled.statement.table + ) + ) + ) + except Exception: + pass + + def get_result_proxy(self): + if self._result_proxy: + return self._result_proxy + else: + return engine.ResultProxy(self) + + +class MSSQLCompiler(compiler.SQLCompiler): + returning_precedes_values = True + + extract_map = util.update_copy( + compiler.SQLCompiler.extract_map, + { + "doy": "dayofyear", + "dow": "weekday", + "milliseconds": "millisecond", + "microseconds": "microsecond", + }, + ) + + def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): + self.tablealiases = {} + super(MSSQLCompiler, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) + + def _with_legacy_schema_aliasing(fn): + def decorate(self, *arg, **kw): + if self.dialect.legacy_schema_aliasing: + return fn(self, *arg, **kw) + else: + super_ = getattr(super(MSSQLCompiler, self), fn.__name__) + return super_(*arg, **kw) + + return decorate + + def visit_now_func(self, fn, **kw): + return "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP" + + def visit_current_date_func(self, fn, **kw): + return "GETDATE()" + + def visit_length_func(self, fn, **kw): + return "LEN%s" % self.function_argspec(fn, **kw) + + def visit_char_length_func(self, fn, **kw): + return "LEN%s" % self.function_argspec(fn, **kw) + + def visit_concat_op_binary(self, binary, operator, **kw): + return "%s + %s" % ( + self.process(binary.left, **kw), + self.process(binary.right, **kw), + ) + + def visit_true(self, expr, **kw): + return "1" + + def visit_false(self, expr, **kw): + return "0" + + def visit_match_op_binary(self, binary, operator, **kw): + return "CONTAINS (%s, %s)" % ( + self.process(binary.left, **kw), + self.process(binary.right, **kw), + ) + + def get_select_precolumns(self, select, **kw): + """ MS-SQL puts TOP, it's version of LIMIT here """ + + s = "" + if select._distinct: + s += "DISTINCT " + + if select._simple_int_limit and not select._offset: + # ODBC drivers and possibly others + # don't support bind params in the SELECT clause on SQL Server. + # so have to use literal here. + s += "TOP %d " % select._limit + + if s: + return s + else: + return compiler.SQLCompiler.get_select_precolumns( + self, select, **kw + ) + + def get_from_hint_text(self, table, text): + return text + + def get_crud_hint_text(self, table, text): + return text + + def limit_clause(self, select, **kw): + # Limit in mssql is after the select keyword + return "" + + def visit_select(self, select, **kwargs): + """Look for ``LIMIT`` and OFFSET in a select statement, and if + so tries to wrap it in a subquery with ``row_number()`` criterion. + + """ + if ( + (not select._simple_int_limit and select._limit_clause is not None) + or ( + select._offset_clause is not None + and not select._simple_int_offset + or select._offset + ) + ) and not getattr(select, "_mssql_visit", None): + + # to use ROW_NUMBER(), an ORDER BY is required. + if not select._order_by_clause.clauses: + raise exc.CompileError( + "MSSQL requires an order_by when " + "using an OFFSET or a non-simple " + "LIMIT clause" + ) + + _order_by_clauses = [ + sql_util.unwrap_label_reference(elem) + for elem in select._order_by_clause.clauses + ] + + limit_clause = select._limit_clause + offset_clause = select._offset_clause + kwargs["select_wraps_for"] = select + select = select._generate() + select._mssql_visit = True + select = ( + select.column( + sql.func.ROW_NUMBER() + .over(order_by=_order_by_clauses) + .label("mssql_rn") + ) + .order_by(None) + .alias() + ) + + mssql_rn = sql.column("mssql_rn") + limitselect = sql.select( + [c for c in select.c if c.key != "mssql_rn"] + ) + if offset_clause is not None: + limitselect.append_whereclause(mssql_rn > offset_clause) + if limit_clause is not None: + limitselect.append_whereclause( + mssql_rn <= (limit_clause + offset_clause) + ) + else: + limitselect.append_whereclause(mssql_rn <= (limit_clause)) + return self.process(limitselect, **kwargs) + else: + return compiler.SQLCompiler.visit_select(self, select, **kwargs) + + @_with_legacy_schema_aliasing + def visit_table(self, table, mssql_aliased=False, iscrud=False, **kwargs): + if mssql_aliased is table or iscrud: + return super(MSSQLCompiler, self).visit_table(table, **kwargs) + + # alias schema-qualified tables + alias = self._schema_aliased_table(table) + if alias is not None: + return self.process(alias, mssql_aliased=table, **kwargs) + else: + return super(MSSQLCompiler, self).visit_table(table, **kwargs) + + @_with_legacy_schema_aliasing + def visit_alias(self, alias, **kw): + # translate for schema-qualified table aliases + kw["mssql_aliased"] = alias.original + return super(MSSQLCompiler, self).visit_alias(alias, **kw) + + @_with_legacy_schema_aliasing + def visit_column(self, column, add_to_result_map=None, **kw): + if ( + column.table is not None + and (not self.isupdate and not self.isdelete) + or self.is_subquery() + ): + # translate for schema-qualified table aliases + t = self._schema_aliased_table(column.table) + if t is not None: + converted = expression._corresponding_column_or_error( + t, column + ) + if add_to_result_map is not None: + add_to_result_map( + column.name, + column.name, + (column, column.name, column.key), + column.type, + ) + + return super(MSSQLCompiler, self).visit_column(converted, **kw) + + return super(MSSQLCompiler, self).visit_column( + column, add_to_result_map=add_to_result_map, **kw + ) + + def _schema_aliased_table(self, table): + if getattr(table, "schema", None) is not None: + if table not in self.tablealiases: + self.tablealiases[table] = table.alias() + return self.tablealiases[table] + else: + return None + + def visit_extract(self, extract, **kw): + field = self.extract_map.get(extract.field, extract.field) + return "DATEPART(%s, %s)" % (field, self.process(extract.expr, **kw)) + + def visit_savepoint(self, savepoint_stmt): + return "SAVE TRANSACTION %s" % self.preparer.format_savepoint( + savepoint_stmt + ) + + def visit_rollback_to_savepoint(self, savepoint_stmt): + return "ROLLBACK TRANSACTION %s" % self.preparer.format_savepoint( + savepoint_stmt + ) + + def visit_binary(self, binary, **kwargs): + """Move bind parameters to the right-hand side of an operator, where + possible. + + """ + if ( + isinstance(binary.left, expression.BindParameter) + and binary.operator == operator.eq + and not isinstance(binary.right, expression.BindParameter) + ): + return self.process( + expression.BinaryExpression( + binary.right, binary.left, binary.operator + ), + **kwargs + ) + return super(MSSQLCompiler, self).visit_binary(binary, **kwargs) + + def returning_clause(self, stmt, returning_cols): + + if self.isinsert or self.isupdate: + target = stmt.table.alias("inserted") + else: + target = stmt.table.alias("deleted") + + adapter = sql_util.ClauseAdapter(target) + + columns = [ + self._label_select_column( + None, adapter.traverse(c), True, False, {} + ) + for c in expression._select_iterables(returning_cols) + ] + + return "OUTPUT " + ", ".join(columns) + + def get_cte_preamble(self, recursive): + # SQL Server finds it too inconvenient to accept + # an entirely optional, SQL standard specified, + # "RECURSIVE" word with their "WITH", + # so here we go + return "WITH" + + def label_select_column(self, select, column, asfrom): + if isinstance(column, expression.Function): + return column.label(None) + else: + return super(MSSQLCompiler, self).label_select_column( + select, column, asfrom + ) + + def for_update_clause(self, select): + # "FOR UPDATE" is only allowed on "DECLARE CURSOR" which + # SQLAlchemy doesn't use + return "" + + def order_by_clause(self, select, **kw): + order_by = self.process(select._order_by_clause, **kw) + + # MSSQL only allows ORDER BY in subqueries if there is a LIMIT + if order_by and (not self.is_subquery() or select._limit): + return " ORDER BY " + order_by + else: + return "" + + def update_from_clause( + self, update_stmt, from_table, extra_froms, from_hints, **kw + ): + """Render the UPDATE..FROM clause specific to MSSQL. + + In MSSQL, if the UPDATE statement involves an alias of the table to + be updated, then the table itself must be added to the FROM list as + well. Otherwise, it is optional. Here, we add it regardless. + + """ + return "FROM " + ", ".join( + t._compiler_dispatch(self, asfrom=True, fromhints=from_hints, **kw) + for t in [from_table] + extra_froms + ) + + def delete_table_clause(self, delete_stmt, from_table, extra_froms): + """If we have extra froms make sure we render any alias as hint.""" + ashint = False + if extra_froms: + ashint = True + return from_table._compiler_dispatch( + self, asfrom=True, iscrud=True, ashint=ashint + ) + + def delete_extra_from_clause( + self, delete_stmt, from_table, extra_froms, from_hints, **kw + ): + """Render the DELETE .. FROM clause specific to MSSQL. + + Yes, it has the FROM keyword twice. + + """ + return "FROM " + ", ".join( + t._compiler_dispatch(self, asfrom=True, fromhints=from_hints, **kw) + for t in [from_table] + extra_froms + ) + + +class MSSQLStrictCompiler(MSSQLCompiler): + + """A subclass of MSSQLCompiler which disables the usage of bind + parameters where not allowed natively by MS-SQL. + + A dialect may use this compiler on a platform where native + binds are used. + + """ + + ansi_bind_rules = True + + def visit_in_op_binary(self, binary, operator, **kw): + kw["literal_binds"] = True + return "%s IN %s" % ( + self.process(binary.left, **kw), + self.process(binary.right, **kw), + ) + + def visit_notin_op_binary(self, binary, operator, **kw): + kw["literal_binds"] = True + return "%s NOT IN %s" % ( + self.process(binary.left, **kw), + self.process(binary.right, **kw), + ) + + def render_literal_value(self, value, type_): + """ + For date and datetime values, convert to a string + format acceptable to MSSQL. That seems to be the + so-called ODBC canonical date format which looks + like this: + + yyyy-mm-dd hh:mi:ss.mmm(24h) + + For other data types, call the base class implementation. + """ + # datetime and date are both subclasses of datetime.date + if issubclass(type(value), datetime.date): + # SQL Server wants single quotes around the date string. + return "'" + str(value) + "'" + else: + return super(MSSQLStrictCompiler, self).render_literal_value( + value, type_ + ) + + +class MSDDLCompiler(compiler.DDLCompiler): + def get_column_specification(self, column, **kwargs): + colspec = ( + self.preparer.format_column(column) + + " " + + self.dialect.type_compiler.process( + column.type, type_expression=column + ) + ) + + if column.nullable is not None: + if ( + not column.nullable + or column.primary_key + or isinstance(column.default, sa_schema.Sequence) + ): + colspec += " NOT NULL" + else: + colspec += " NULL" + + if column.table is None: + raise exc.CompileError( + "mssql requires Table-bound columns " + "in order to generate DDL" + ) + + # install an IDENTITY Sequence if we either a sequence or an implicit + # IDENTITY column + if isinstance(column.default, sa_schema.Sequence): + if column.default.start == 0: + start = 0 + else: + start = column.default.start or 1 + + colspec += " IDENTITY(%s,%s)" % ( + start, + column.default.increment or 1, + ) + elif column is column.table._autoincrement_column: + colspec += " IDENTITY(1,1)" + else: + default = self.get_column_default_string(column) + if default is not None: + colspec += " DEFAULT " + default + + return colspec + + def visit_create_index(self, create, include_schema=False): + index = create.element + self._verify_index_table(index) + preparer = self.preparer + text = "CREATE " + if index.unique: + text += "UNIQUE " + + # handle clustering option + clustered = index.dialect_options["mssql"]["clustered"] + if clustered is not None: + if clustered: + text += "CLUSTERED " + else: + text += "NONCLUSTERED " + + text += "INDEX %s ON %s (%s)" % ( + self._prepared_index_name(index, include_schema=include_schema), + preparer.format_table(index.table), + ", ".join( + self.sql_compiler.process( + expr, include_table=False, literal_binds=True + ) + for expr in index.expressions + ), + ) + + # handle other included columns + if index.dialect_options["mssql"]["include"]: + inclusions = [ + index.table.c[col] + if isinstance(col, util.string_types) + else col + for col in index.dialect_options["mssql"]["include"] + ] + + text += " INCLUDE (%s)" % ", ".join( + [preparer.quote(c.name) for c in inclusions] + ) + + return text + + def visit_drop_index(self, drop): + return "\nDROP INDEX %s ON %s" % ( + self._prepared_index_name(drop.element, include_schema=False), + self.preparer.format_table(drop.element.table), + ) + + def visit_primary_key_constraint(self, constraint): + if len(constraint) == 0: + return "" + text = "" + if constraint.name is not None: + text += "CONSTRAINT %s " % self.preparer.format_constraint( + constraint + ) + text += "PRIMARY KEY " + + clustered = constraint.dialect_options["mssql"]["clustered"] + if clustered is not None: + if clustered: + text += "CLUSTERED " + else: + text += "NONCLUSTERED " + + text += "(%s)" % ", ".join( + self.preparer.quote(c.name) for c in constraint + ) + text += self.define_constraint_deferrability(constraint) + return text + + def visit_unique_constraint(self, constraint): + if len(constraint) == 0: + return "" + text = "" + if constraint.name is not None: + text += "CONSTRAINT %s " % self.preparer.format_constraint( + constraint + ) + text += "UNIQUE " + + clustered = constraint.dialect_options["mssql"]["clustered"] + if clustered is not None: + if clustered: + text += "CLUSTERED " + else: + text += "NONCLUSTERED " + + text += "(%s)" % ", ".join( + self.preparer.quote(c.name) for c in constraint + ) + text += self.define_constraint_deferrability(constraint) + return text + + +class MSIdentifierPreparer(compiler.IdentifierPreparer): + reserved_words = RESERVED_WORDS + + def __init__(self, dialect): + super(MSIdentifierPreparer, self).__init__( + dialect, + initial_quote="[", + final_quote="]", + quote_case_sensitive_collations=False, + ) + + def _escape_identifier(self, value): + return value + + def quote_schema(self, schema, force=None): + """Prepare a quoted table and schema name.""" + + dbname, owner = _schema_elements(schema) + if dbname: + result = "%s.%s" % ( + self.quote(dbname, force), + self.quote(owner, force), + ) + elif owner: + result = self.quote(owner, force) + else: + result = "" + return result + + +def _db_plus_owner_listing(fn): + def wrap(dialect, connection, schema=None, **kw): + dbname, owner = _owner_plus_db(dialect, schema) + return _switch_db( + dbname, + connection, + fn, + dialect, + connection, + dbname, + owner, + schema, + **kw + ) + + return update_wrapper(wrap, fn) + + +def _db_plus_owner(fn): + def wrap(dialect, connection, tablename, schema=None, **kw): + dbname, owner = _owner_plus_db(dialect, schema) + return _switch_db( + dbname, + connection, + fn, + dialect, + connection, + tablename, + dbname, + owner, + schema, + **kw + ) + + return update_wrapper(wrap, fn) + + +def _switch_db(dbname, connection, fn, *arg, **kw): + if dbname: + current_db = connection.scalar("select db_name()") + connection.execute("use %s" % dbname) + try: + return fn(*arg, **kw) + finally: + if dbname: + connection.execute("use %s" % current_db) + + +def _owner_plus_db(dialect, schema): + if not schema: + return None, dialect.default_schema_name + elif "." in schema: + return _schema_elements(schema) + else: + return None, schema + + +def _schema_elements(schema): + if isinstance(schema, quoted_name) and schema.quote: + return None, schema + + push = [] + symbol = "" + bracket = False + for token in re.split(r"(\[|\]|\.)", schema): + if not token: + continue + if token == "[": + bracket = True + elif token == "]": + bracket = False + elif not bracket and token == ".": + push.append(symbol) + symbol = "" + else: + symbol += token + if symbol: + push.append(symbol) + if len(push) > 1: + return push[0], "".join(push[1:]) + elif len(push): + return None, push[0] + else: + return None, None + + +class MSDialect(default.DefaultDialect): + name = "mssql" + supports_default_values = True + supports_empty_insert = False + execution_ctx_cls = MSExecutionContext + use_scope_identity = True + max_identifier_length = 128 + schema_name = "dbo" + + colspecs = { + sqltypes.DateTime: _MSDateTime, + sqltypes.Date: _MSDate, + sqltypes.Time: TIME, + } + + engine_config_types = default.DefaultDialect.engine_config_types.union( + [("legacy_schema_aliasing", util.asbool)] + ) + + ischema_names = ischema_names + + supports_native_boolean = False + non_native_boolean_check_constraint = False + supports_unicode_binds = True + postfetch_lastrowid = True + + server_version_info = () + + statement_compiler = MSSQLCompiler + ddl_compiler = MSDDLCompiler + type_compiler = MSTypeCompiler + preparer = MSIdentifierPreparer + + construct_arguments = [ + (sa_schema.PrimaryKeyConstraint, {"clustered": None}), + (sa_schema.UniqueConstraint, {"clustered": None}), + (sa_schema.Index, {"clustered": None, "include": None}), + ] + + def __init__( + self, + query_timeout=None, + use_scope_identity=True, + max_identifier_length=None, + schema_name="dbo", + isolation_level=None, + deprecate_large_types=None, + legacy_schema_aliasing=False, + **opts + ): + self.query_timeout = int(query_timeout or 0) + self.schema_name = schema_name + + self.use_scope_identity = use_scope_identity + self.max_identifier_length = ( + int(max_identifier_length or 0) or self.max_identifier_length + ) + self.deprecate_large_types = deprecate_large_types + self.legacy_schema_aliasing = legacy_schema_aliasing + + super(MSDialect, self).__init__(**opts) + + self.isolation_level = isolation_level + + def do_savepoint(self, connection, name): + # give the DBAPI a push + connection.execute("IF @@TRANCOUNT = 0 BEGIN TRANSACTION") + super(MSDialect, self).do_savepoint(connection, name) + + def do_release_savepoint(self, connection, name): + # SQL Server does not support RELEASE SAVEPOINT + pass + + _isolation_lookup = set( + [ + "SERIALIZABLE", + "READ UNCOMMITTED", + "READ COMMITTED", + "REPEATABLE READ", + "SNAPSHOT", + ] + ) + + def set_isolation_level(self, connection, level): + level = level.replace("_", " ") + if level not in self._isolation_lookup: + raise exc.ArgumentError( + "Invalid value '%s' for isolation_level. " + "Valid isolation levels for %s are %s" + % (level, self.name, ", ".join(self._isolation_lookup)) + ) + cursor = connection.cursor() + cursor.execute("SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL %s" % level) + cursor.close() + + def get_isolation_level(self, connection): + if self.server_version_info < MS_2005_VERSION: + raise NotImplementedError( + "Can't fetch isolation level prior to SQL Server 2005" + ) + + last_error = None + + views = ("sys.dm_exec_sessions", "sys.dm_pdw_nodes_exec_sessions") + for view in views: + cursor = connection.cursor() + try: + cursor.execute( + """ + SELECT CASE transaction_isolation_level + WHEN 0 THEN NULL + WHEN 1 THEN 'READ UNCOMMITTED' + WHEN 2 THEN 'READ COMMITTED' + WHEN 3 THEN 'REPEATABLE READ' + WHEN 4 THEN 'SERIALIZABLE' + WHEN 5 THEN 'SNAPSHOT' END AS TRANSACTION_ISOLATION_LEVEL + FROM %s + where session_id = @@SPID + """ + % view + ) + val = cursor.fetchone()[0] + except self.dbapi.Error as err: + # Python3 scoping rules + last_error = err + continue + else: + return val.upper() + finally: + cursor.close() + else: + util.warn( + "Could not fetch transaction isolation level, " + "tried views: %s; final error was: %s" % (views, last_error) + ) + + raise NotImplementedError( + "Can't fetch isolation level on this particular " + "SQL Server version" + ) + + def initialize(self, connection): + super(MSDialect, self).initialize(connection) + self._setup_version_attributes() + + def on_connect(self): + if self.isolation_level is not None: + + def connect(conn): + self.set_isolation_level(conn, self.isolation_level) + + return connect + else: + return None + + def _setup_version_attributes(self): + if self.server_version_info[0] not in list(range(8, 17)): + util.warn( + "Unrecognized server version info '%s'. Some SQL Server " + "features may not function properly." + % ".".join(str(x) for x in self.server_version_info) + ) + if ( + self.server_version_info >= MS_2005_VERSION + and "implicit_returning" not in self.__dict__ + ): + self.implicit_returning = True + if self.server_version_info >= MS_2008_VERSION: + self.supports_multivalues_insert = True + if self.deprecate_large_types is None: + self.deprecate_large_types = ( + self.server_version_info >= MS_2012_VERSION + ) + + def _get_default_schema_name(self, connection): + if self.server_version_info < MS_2005_VERSION: + return self.schema_name + else: + query = sql.text("SELECT schema_name()") + default_schema_name = connection.scalar(query) + if default_schema_name is not None: + return util.text_type(default_schema_name) + else: + return self.schema_name + + @_db_plus_owner + def has_table(self, connection, tablename, dbname, owner, schema): + columns = ischema.columns + + whereclause = columns.c.table_name == tablename + + if owner: + whereclause = sql.and_( + whereclause, columns.c.table_schema == owner + ) + s = sql.select([columns], whereclause) + c = connection.execute(s) + return c.first() is not None + + @reflection.cache + def get_schema_names(self, connection, **kw): + s = sql.select( + [ischema.schemata.c.schema_name], + order_by=[ischema.schemata.c.schema_name], + ) + schema_names = [r[0] for r in connection.execute(s)] + return schema_names + + @reflection.cache + @_db_plus_owner_listing + def get_table_names(self, connection, dbname, owner, schema, **kw): + tables = ischema.tables + s = sql.select( + [tables.c.table_name], + sql.and_( + tables.c.table_schema == owner, + tables.c.table_type == "BASE TABLE", + ), + order_by=[tables.c.table_name], + ) + table_names = [r[0] for r in connection.execute(s)] + return table_names + + @reflection.cache + @_db_plus_owner_listing + def get_view_names(self, connection, dbname, owner, schema, **kw): + tables = ischema.tables + s = sql.select( + [tables.c.table_name], + sql.and_( + tables.c.table_schema == owner, tables.c.table_type == "VIEW" + ), + order_by=[tables.c.table_name], + ) + view_names = [r[0] for r in connection.execute(s)] + return view_names + + @reflection.cache + @_db_plus_owner + def get_indexes(self, connection, tablename, dbname, owner, schema, **kw): + # using system catalogs, don't support index reflection + # below MS 2005 + if self.server_version_info < MS_2005_VERSION: + return [] + + rp = connection.execute( + sql.text( + "select ind.index_id, ind.is_unique, ind.name " + "from sys.indexes as ind join sys.tables as tab on " + "ind.object_id=tab.object_id " + "join sys.schemas as sch on sch.schema_id=tab.schema_id " + "where tab.name = :tabname " + "and sch.name=:schname " + "and ind.is_primary_key=0 and ind.type != 0", + bindparams=[ + sql.bindparam( + "tabname", + tablename, + sqltypes.String(convert_unicode=True), + ), + sql.bindparam( + "schname", owner, sqltypes.String(convert_unicode=True) + ), + ], + typemap={"name": sqltypes.Unicode()}, + ) + ) + indexes = {} + for row in rp: + indexes[row["index_id"]] = { + "name": row["name"], + "unique": row["is_unique"] == 1, + "column_names": [], + } + rp = connection.execute( + sql.text( + "select ind_col.index_id, ind_col.object_id, col.name " + "from sys.columns as col " + "join sys.tables as tab on tab.object_id=col.object_id " + "join sys.index_columns as ind_col on " + "(ind_col.column_id=col.column_id and " + "ind_col.object_id=tab.object_id) " + "join sys.schemas as sch on sch.schema_id=tab.schema_id " + "where tab.name=:tabname " + "and sch.name=:schname", + bindparams=[ + sql.bindparam( + "tabname", + tablename, + sqltypes.String(convert_unicode=True), + ), + sql.bindparam( + "schname", owner, sqltypes.String(convert_unicode=True) + ), + ], + typemap={"name": sqltypes.Unicode()}, + ) + ) + for row in rp: + if row["index_id"] in indexes: + indexes[row["index_id"]]["column_names"].append(row["name"]) + + return list(indexes.values()) + + @reflection.cache + @_db_plus_owner + def get_view_definition( + self, connection, viewname, dbname, owner, schema, **kw + ): + rp = connection.execute( + sql.text( + "select definition from sys.sql_modules as mod, " + "sys.views as views, " + "sys.schemas as sch" + " where " + "mod.object_id=views.object_id and " + "views.schema_id=sch.schema_id and " + "views.name=:viewname and sch.name=:schname", + bindparams=[ + sql.bindparam( + "viewname", + viewname, + sqltypes.String(convert_unicode=True), + ), + sql.bindparam( + "schname", owner, sqltypes.String(convert_unicode=True) + ), + ], + ) + ) + + if rp: + view_def = rp.scalar() + return view_def + + @reflection.cache + @_db_plus_owner + def get_columns(self, connection, tablename, dbname, owner, schema, **kw): + # Get base columns + columns = ischema.columns + if owner: + whereclause = sql.and_( + columns.c.table_name == tablename, + columns.c.table_schema == owner, + ) + else: + whereclause = columns.c.table_name == tablename + s = sql.select( + [columns], whereclause, order_by=[columns.c.ordinal_position] + ) + + c = connection.execute(s) + cols = [] + while True: + row = c.fetchone() + if row is None: + break + ( + name, + type_, + nullable, + charlen, + numericprec, + numericscale, + default, + collation, + ) = ( + row[columns.c.column_name], + row[columns.c.data_type], + row[columns.c.is_nullable] == "YES", + row[columns.c.character_maximum_length], + row[columns.c.numeric_precision], + row[columns.c.numeric_scale], + row[columns.c.column_default], + row[columns.c.collation_name], + ) + coltype = self.ischema_names.get(type_, None) + + kwargs = {} + if coltype in ( + MSString, + MSChar, + MSNVarchar, + MSNChar, + MSText, + MSNText, + MSBinary, + MSVarBinary, + sqltypes.LargeBinary, + ): + if charlen == -1: + charlen = None + kwargs["length"] = charlen + if collation: + kwargs["collation"] = collation + + if coltype is None: + util.warn( + "Did not recognize type '%s' of column '%s'" + % (type_, name) + ) + coltype = sqltypes.NULLTYPE + else: + if ( + issubclass(coltype, sqltypes.Numeric) + and coltype is not MSReal + ): + kwargs["scale"] = numericscale + kwargs["precision"] = numericprec + + coltype = coltype(**kwargs) + cdict = { + "name": name, + "type": coltype, + "nullable": nullable, + "default": default, + "autoincrement": False, + } + cols.append(cdict) + # autoincrement and identity + colmap = {} + for col in cols: + colmap[col["name"]] = col + # We also run an sp_columns to check for identity columns: + cursor = connection.execute( + "sp_columns @table_name = '%s', " + "@table_owner = '%s'" % (tablename, owner) + ) + ic = None + while True: + row = cursor.fetchone() + if row is None: + break + (col_name, type_name) = row[3], row[5] + if type_name.endswith("identity") and col_name in colmap: + ic = col_name + colmap[col_name]["autoincrement"] = True + colmap[col_name]["sequence"] = dict( + name="%s_identity" % col_name + ) + break + cursor.close() + + if ic is not None and self.server_version_info >= MS_2005_VERSION: + table_fullname = "%s.%s" % (owner, tablename) + cursor = connection.execute( + "select ident_seed('%s'), ident_incr('%s')" + % (table_fullname, table_fullname) + ) + + row = cursor.first() + if row is not None and row[0] is not None: + colmap[ic]["sequence"].update( + {"start": int(row[0]), "increment": int(row[1])} + ) + return cols + + @reflection.cache + @_db_plus_owner + def get_pk_constraint( + self, connection, tablename, dbname, owner, schema, **kw + ): + pkeys = [] + TC = ischema.constraints + C = ischema.key_constraints.alias("C") + + # Primary key constraints + s = sql.select( + [C.c.column_name, TC.c.constraint_type, C.c.constraint_name], + sql.and_( + TC.c.constraint_name == C.c.constraint_name, + TC.c.table_schema == C.c.table_schema, + C.c.table_name == tablename, + C.c.table_schema == owner, + ), + ) + c = connection.execute(s) + constraint_name = None + for row in c: + if "PRIMARY" in row[TC.c.constraint_type.name]: + pkeys.append(row[0]) + if constraint_name is None: + constraint_name = row[C.c.constraint_name.name] + return {"constrained_columns": pkeys, "name": constraint_name} + + @reflection.cache + @_db_plus_owner + def get_foreign_keys( + self, connection, tablename, dbname, owner, schema, **kw + ): + RR = ischema.ref_constraints + C = ischema.key_constraints.alias("C") + R = ischema.key_constraints.alias("R") + + # Foreign key constraints + s = sql.select( + [ + C.c.column_name, + R.c.table_schema, + R.c.table_name, + R.c.column_name, + RR.c.constraint_name, + RR.c.match_option, + RR.c.update_rule, + RR.c.delete_rule, + ], + sql.and_( + C.c.table_name == tablename, + C.c.table_schema == owner, + RR.c.constraint_schema == C.c.table_schema, + C.c.constraint_name == RR.c.constraint_name, + R.c.constraint_name == RR.c.unique_constraint_name, + R.c.constraint_schema == RR.c.unique_constraint_schema, + C.c.ordinal_position == R.c.ordinal_position, + ), + order_by=[RR.c.constraint_name, R.c.ordinal_position], + ) + + # group rows by constraint ID, to handle multi-column FKs + fkeys = [] + fknm, scols, rcols = (None, [], []) + + def fkey_rec(): + return { + "name": None, + "constrained_columns": [], + "referred_schema": None, + "referred_table": None, + "referred_columns": [], + } + + fkeys = util.defaultdict(fkey_rec) + + for r in connection.execute(s).fetchall(): + scol, rschema, rtbl, rcol, rfknm, fkmatch, fkuprule, fkdelrule = r + + rec = fkeys[rfknm] + rec["name"] = rfknm + if not rec["referred_table"]: + rec["referred_table"] = rtbl + if schema is not None or owner != rschema: + if dbname: + rschema = dbname + "." + rschema + rec["referred_schema"] = rschema + + local_cols, remote_cols = ( + rec["constrained_columns"], + rec["referred_columns"], + ) + + local_cols.append(scol) + remote_cols.append(rcol) + + return list(fkeys.values()) diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mssql/information_schema.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mssql/information_schema.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..54797fe --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mssql/information_schema.py @@ -0,0 +1,164 @@ +# mssql/information_schema.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +# TODO: should be using the sys. catalog with SQL Server, not information +# schema + +from ... import cast +from ... import Column +from ... import MetaData +from ... import Table +from ... import util +from ...ext.compiler import compiles +from ...sql import expression +from ...types import Integer +from ...types import String +from ...types import TypeDecorator +from ...types import Unicode + +ischema = MetaData() + + +class CoerceUnicode(TypeDecorator): + impl = Unicode + + def process_bind_param(self, value, dialect): + if util.py2k and isinstance(value, util.binary_type): + value = value.decode(dialect.encoding) + return value + + def bind_expression(self, bindvalue): + return _cast_on_2005(bindvalue) + + +class _cast_on_2005(expression.ColumnElement): + def __init__(self, bindvalue): + self.bindvalue = bindvalue + + +@compiles(_cast_on_2005) +def _compile(element, compiler, **kw): + from . import base + + if ( + compiler.dialect.server_version_info is None + or compiler.dialect.server_version_info < base.MS_2005_VERSION + ): + return compiler.process(element.bindvalue, **kw) + else: + return compiler.process(cast(element.bindvalue, Unicode), **kw) + + +schemata = Table( + "SCHEMATA", + ischema, + Column("CATALOG_NAME", CoerceUnicode, key="catalog_name"), + Column("SCHEMA_NAME", CoerceUnicode, key="schema_name"), + Column("SCHEMA_OWNER", CoerceUnicode, key="schema_owner"), + schema="INFORMATION_SCHEMA", +) + +tables = Table( + "TABLES", + ischema, + Column("TABLE_CATALOG", CoerceUnicode, key="table_catalog"), + Column("TABLE_SCHEMA", CoerceUnicode, key="table_schema"), + Column("TABLE_NAME", CoerceUnicode, key="table_name"), + Column("TABLE_TYPE", String(convert_unicode=True), key="table_type"), + schema="INFORMATION_SCHEMA", +) + +columns = Table( + "COLUMNS", + ischema, + Column("TABLE_SCHEMA", CoerceUnicode, key="table_schema"), + Column("TABLE_NAME", CoerceUnicode, key="table_name"), + Column("COLUMN_NAME", CoerceUnicode, key="column_name"), + Column("IS_NULLABLE", Integer, key="is_nullable"), + Column("DATA_TYPE", String, key="data_type"), + Column("ORDINAL_POSITION", Integer, key="ordinal_position"), + Column( + "CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH", Integer, key="character_maximum_length" + ), + Column("NUMERIC_PRECISION", Integer, key="numeric_precision"), + Column("NUMERIC_SCALE", Integer, key="numeric_scale"), + Column("COLUMN_DEFAULT", Integer, key="column_default"), + Column("COLLATION_NAME", String, key="collation_name"), + schema="INFORMATION_SCHEMA", +) + +constraints = Table( + "TABLE_CONSTRAINTS", + ischema, + Column("TABLE_SCHEMA", CoerceUnicode, key="table_schema"), + Column("TABLE_NAME", CoerceUnicode, key="table_name"), + Column("CONSTRAINT_NAME", CoerceUnicode, key="constraint_name"), + Column( + "CONSTRAINT_TYPE", String(convert_unicode=True), key="constraint_type" + ), + schema="INFORMATION_SCHEMA", +) + +column_constraints = Table( + "CONSTRAINT_COLUMN_USAGE", + ischema, + Column("TABLE_SCHEMA", CoerceUnicode, key="table_schema"), + Column("TABLE_NAME", CoerceUnicode, key="table_name"), + Column("COLUMN_NAME", CoerceUnicode, key="column_name"), + Column("CONSTRAINT_NAME", CoerceUnicode, key="constraint_name"), + schema="INFORMATION_SCHEMA", +) + +key_constraints = Table( + "KEY_COLUMN_USAGE", + ischema, + Column("TABLE_SCHEMA", CoerceUnicode, key="table_schema"), + Column("TABLE_NAME", CoerceUnicode, key="table_name"), + Column("COLUMN_NAME", CoerceUnicode, key="column_name"), + Column("CONSTRAINT_NAME", CoerceUnicode, key="constraint_name"), + Column("CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA", CoerceUnicode, key="constraint_schema"), + Column("ORDINAL_POSITION", Integer, key="ordinal_position"), + schema="INFORMATION_SCHEMA", +) + +ref_constraints = Table( + "REFERENTIAL_CONSTRAINTS", + ischema, + Column("CONSTRAINT_CATALOG", CoerceUnicode, key="constraint_catalog"), + Column("CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA", CoerceUnicode, key="constraint_schema"), + Column("CONSTRAINT_NAME", CoerceUnicode, key="constraint_name"), + # TODO: is CATLOG misspelled ? + Column( + "UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT_CATLOG", + CoerceUnicode, + key="unique_constraint_catalog", + ), + Column( + "UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA", + CoerceUnicode, + key="unique_constraint_schema", + ), + Column( + "UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT_NAME", CoerceUnicode, key="unique_constraint_name" + ), + Column("MATCH_OPTION", String, key="match_option"), + Column("UPDATE_RULE", String, key="update_rule"), + Column("DELETE_RULE", String, key="delete_rule"), + schema="INFORMATION_SCHEMA", +) + +views = Table( + "VIEWS", + ischema, + Column("TABLE_CATALOG", CoerceUnicode, key="table_catalog"), + Column("TABLE_SCHEMA", CoerceUnicode, key="table_schema"), + Column("TABLE_NAME", CoerceUnicode, key="table_name"), + Column("VIEW_DEFINITION", CoerceUnicode, key="view_definition"), + Column("CHECK_OPTION", String, key="check_option"), + Column("IS_UPDATABLE", String, key="is_updatable"), + schema="INFORMATION_SCHEMA", +) diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mssql/mxodbc.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mssql/mxodbc.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0fc0726 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mssql/mxodbc.py @@ -0,0 +1,146 @@ +# mssql/mxodbc.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +""" +.. dialect:: mssql+mxodbc + :name: mxODBC + :dbapi: mxodbc + :connectstring: mssql+mxodbc://:@ + :url: http://www.egenix.com/ + +Execution Modes +--------------- + +mxODBC features two styles of statement execution, using the +``cursor.execute()`` and ``cursor.executedirect()`` methods (the second being +an extension to the DBAPI specification). The former makes use of a particular +API call specific to the SQL Server Native Client ODBC driver known +SQLDescribeParam, while the latter does not. + +mxODBC apparently only makes repeated use of a single prepared statement +when SQLDescribeParam is used. The advantage to prepared statement reuse is +one of performance. The disadvantage is that SQLDescribeParam has a limited +set of scenarios in which bind parameters are understood, including that they +cannot be placed within the argument lists of function calls, anywhere outside +the FROM, or even within subqueries within the FROM clause - making the usage +of bind parameters within SELECT statements impossible for all but the most +simplistic statements. + +For this reason, the mxODBC dialect uses the "native" mode by default only for +INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements, and uses the escaped string mode for +all other statements. + +This behavior can be controlled via +:meth:`~sqlalchemy.sql.expression.Executable.execution_options` using the +``native_odbc_execute`` flag with a value of ``True`` or ``False``, where a +value of ``True`` will unconditionally use native bind parameters and a value +of ``False`` will unconditionally use string-escaped parameters. + +""" + + +from .base import _MSDate +from .base import _MSDateTime +from .base import _MSTime +from .base import MSDialect +from .base import VARBINARY +from .pyodbc import _MSNumeric_pyodbc +from .pyodbc import MSExecutionContext_pyodbc +from ... import types as sqltypes +from ...connectors.mxodbc import MxODBCConnector + + +class _MSNumeric_mxodbc(_MSNumeric_pyodbc): + """Include pyodbc's numeric processor. + """ + + +class _MSDate_mxodbc(_MSDate): + def bind_processor(self, dialect): + def process(value): + if value is not None: + return "%s-%s-%s" % (value.year, value.month, value.day) + else: + return None + + return process + + +class _MSTime_mxodbc(_MSTime): + def bind_processor(self, dialect): + def process(value): + if value is not None: + return "%s:%s:%s" % (value.hour, value.minute, value.second) + else: + return None + + return process + + +class _VARBINARY_mxodbc(VARBINARY): + + """ + mxODBC Support for VARBINARY column types. + + This handles the special case for null VARBINARY values, + which maps None values to the mx.ODBC.Manager.BinaryNull symbol. + """ + + def bind_processor(self, dialect): + if dialect.dbapi is None: + return None + + DBAPIBinary = dialect.dbapi.Binary + + def process(value): + if value is not None: + return DBAPIBinary(value) + else: + # should pull from mx.ODBC.Manager.BinaryNull + return dialect.dbapi.BinaryNull + + return process + + +class MSExecutionContext_mxodbc(MSExecutionContext_pyodbc): + """ + The pyodbc execution context is useful for enabling + SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY in cases where OUTPUT clause + does not work (tables with insert triggers). + """ + + # todo - investigate whether the pyodbc execution context + # is really only being used in cases where OUTPUT + # won't work. + + +class MSDialect_mxodbc(MxODBCConnector, MSDialect): + + # this is only needed if "native ODBC" mode is used, + # which is now disabled by default. + # statement_compiler = MSSQLStrictCompiler + + execution_ctx_cls = MSExecutionContext_mxodbc + + # flag used by _MSNumeric_mxodbc + _need_decimal_fix = True + + colspecs = { + sqltypes.Numeric: _MSNumeric_mxodbc, + sqltypes.DateTime: _MSDateTime, + sqltypes.Date: _MSDate_mxodbc, + sqltypes.Time: _MSTime_mxodbc, + VARBINARY: _VARBINARY_mxodbc, + sqltypes.LargeBinary: _VARBINARY_mxodbc, + } + + def __init__(self, description_encoding=None, **params): + super(MSDialect_mxodbc, self).__init__(**params) + self.description_encoding = description_encoding + + +dialect = MSDialect_mxodbc diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mssql/pymssql.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mssql/pymssql.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b46c0a3 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mssql/pymssql.py @@ -0,0 +1,117 @@ +# mssql/pymssql.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +""" +.. dialect:: mssql+pymssql + :name: pymssql + :dbapi: pymssql + :connectstring: mssql+pymssql://:@/?charset=utf8 + :url: http://pymssql.org/ + +pymssql is a Python module that provides a Python DBAPI interface around +`FreeTDS `_. Compatible builds are available for +Linux, MacOSX and Windows platforms. + +Modern versions of this driver work very well with SQL Server and +FreeTDS from Linux and is highly recommended. + +""" # noqa +import re + +from .base import MSDialect +from .base import MSIdentifierPreparer +from ... import processors +from ... import types as sqltypes +from ... import util + + +class _MSNumeric_pymssql(sqltypes.Numeric): + def result_processor(self, dialect, type_): + if not self.asdecimal: + return processors.to_float + else: + return sqltypes.Numeric.result_processor(self, dialect, type_) + + +class MSIdentifierPreparer_pymssql(MSIdentifierPreparer): + def __init__(self, dialect): + super(MSIdentifierPreparer_pymssql, self).__init__(dialect) + # pymssql has the very unusual behavior that it uses pyformat + # yet does not require that percent signs be doubled + self._double_percents = False + + +class MSDialect_pymssql(MSDialect): + supports_native_decimal = True + driver = "pymssql" + + preparer = MSIdentifierPreparer_pymssql + + colspecs = util.update_copy( + MSDialect.colspecs, + {sqltypes.Numeric: _MSNumeric_pymssql, sqltypes.Float: sqltypes.Float}, + ) + + @classmethod + def dbapi(cls): + module = __import__("pymssql") + # pymmsql < 2.1.1 doesn't have a Binary method. we use string + client_ver = tuple(int(x) for x in module.__version__.split(".")) + if client_ver < (2, 1, 1): + # TODO: monkeypatching here is less than ideal + module.Binary = lambda x: x if hasattr(x, "decode") else str(x) + + if client_ver < (1,): + util.warn( + "The pymssql dialect expects at least " + "the 1.0 series of the pymssql DBAPI." + ) + return module + + def _get_server_version_info(self, connection): + vers = connection.scalar("select @@version") + m = re.match(r"Microsoft .*? - (\d+).(\d+).(\d+).(\d+)", vers) + if m: + return tuple(int(x) for x in m.group(1, 2, 3, 4)) + else: + return None + + def create_connect_args(self, url): + opts = url.translate_connect_args(username="user") + opts.update(url.query) + port = opts.pop("port", None) + if port and "host" in opts: + opts["host"] = "%s:%s" % (opts["host"], port) + return [[], opts] + + def is_disconnect(self, e, connection, cursor): + for msg in ( + "Adaptive Server connection timed out", + "Net-Lib error during Connection reset by peer", + "message 20003", # connection timeout + "Error 10054", + "Not connected to any MS SQL server", + "Connection is closed", + "message 20006", # Write to the server failed + "message 20017", # Unexpected EOF from the server + ): + if msg in str(e): + return True + else: + return False + + def set_isolation_level(self, connection, level): + if level == "AUTOCOMMIT": + connection.autocommit(True) + else: + connection.autocommit(False) + super(MSDialect_pymssql, self).set_isolation_level( + connection, level + ) + + +dialect = MSDialect_pymssql diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mssql/pyodbc.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mssql/pyodbc.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..81646bb --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mssql/pyodbc.py @@ -0,0 +1,334 @@ +# mssql/pyodbc.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +r""" +.. dialect:: mssql+pyodbc + :name: PyODBC + :dbapi: pyodbc + :connectstring: mssql+pyodbc://:@ + :url: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/pyodbc/ + +Connecting to PyODBC +-------------------- + +The URL here is to be translated to PyODBC connection strings, as +detailed in `ConnectionStrings `_. + +DSN Connections +^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ + +A DSN-based connection is **preferred** overall when using ODBC. A +basic DSN-based connection looks like:: + + engine = create_engine("mssql+pyodbc://scott:tiger@some_dsn") + +Which above, will pass the following connection string to PyODBC:: + + dsn=mydsn;UID=user;PWD=pass + +If the username and password are omitted, the DSN form will also add +the ``Trusted_Connection=yes`` directive to the ODBC string. + +Hostname Connections +^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ + +Hostname-based connections are **not preferred**, however are supported. +The ODBC driver name must be explicitly specified:: + + engine = create_engine("mssql+pyodbc://scott:tiger@myhost:port/databasename?driver=SQL+Server+Native+Client+10.0") + +.. versionchanged:: 1.0.0 Hostname-based PyODBC connections now require the + SQL Server driver name specified explicitly. SQLAlchemy cannot + choose an optimal default here as it varies based on platform + and installed drivers. + +Other keywords interpreted by the Pyodbc dialect to be passed to +``pyodbc.connect()`` in both the DSN and hostname cases include: +``odbc_autotranslate``, ``ansi``, ``unicode_results``, ``autocommit``. + +Pass through exact Pyodbc string +^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ + +A PyODBC connection string can also be sent exactly as specified in +`ConnectionStrings `_ +into the driver using the parameter ``odbc_connect``. The delimeters must be +URL escaped, however, as illustrated below using ``urllib.quote_plus``:: + + import urllib + params = urllib.quote_plus("DRIVER={SQL Server Native Client 10.0};SERVER=dagger;DATABASE=test;UID=user;PWD=password") + + engine = create_engine("mssql+pyodbc:///?odbc_connect=%s" % params) + + +Driver / Unicode Support +------------------------- + +PyODBC works best with Microsoft ODBC drivers, particularly in the area +of Unicode support on both Python 2 and Python 3. + +Using the FreeTDS ODBC drivers on Linux or OSX with PyODBC is **not** +recommended; there have been historically many Unicode-related issues +in this area, including before Microsoft offered ODBC drivers for Linux +and OSX. Now that Microsoft offers drivers for all platforms, for +PyODBC support these are recommended. FreeTDS remains relevant for +non-ODBC drivers such as pymssql where it works very well. + + +Rowcount Support +---------------- + +Pyodbc only has partial support for rowcount. See the notes at +:ref:`mssql_rowcount_versioning` for important notes when using ORM +versioning. + +""" # noqa + +import decimal +import re + +from .base import BINARY +from .base import MSDialect +from .base import MSExecutionContext +from .base import VARBINARY +from ... import exc +from ... import types as sqltypes +from ... import util +from ...connectors.pyodbc import PyODBCConnector + + +class _ms_numeric_pyodbc(object): + + """Turns Decimals with adjusted() < 0 or > 7 into strings. + + The routines here are needed for older pyodbc versions + as well as current mxODBC versions. + + """ + + def bind_processor(self, dialect): + + super_process = super(_ms_numeric_pyodbc, self).bind_processor(dialect) + + if not dialect._need_decimal_fix: + return super_process + + def process(value): + if self.asdecimal and isinstance(value, decimal.Decimal): + adjusted = value.adjusted() + if adjusted < 0: + return self._small_dec_to_string(value) + elif adjusted > 7: + return self._large_dec_to_string(value) + + if super_process: + return super_process(value) + else: + return value + + return process + + # these routines needed for older versions of pyodbc. + # as of 2.1.8 this logic is integrated. + + def _small_dec_to_string(self, value): + return "%s0.%s%s" % ( + (value < 0 and "-" or ""), + "0" * (abs(value.adjusted()) - 1), + "".join([str(nint) for nint in value.as_tuple()[1]]), + ) + + def _large_dec_to_string(self, value): + _int = value.as_tuple()[1] + if "E" in str(value): + result = "%s%s%s" % ( + (value < 0 and "-" or ""), + "".join([str(s) for s in _int]), + "0" * (value.adjusted() - (len(_int) - 1)), + ) + else: + if (len(_int) - 1) > value.adjusted(): + result = "%s%s.%s" % ( + (value < 0 and "-" or ""), + "".join([str(s) for s in _int][0 : value.adjusted() + 1]), + "".join([str(s) for s in _int][value.adjusted() + 1 :]), + ) + else: + result = "%s%s" % ( + (value < 0 and "-" or ""), + "".join([str(s) for s in _int][0 : value.adjusted() + 1]), + ) + return result + + +class _MSNumeric_pyodbc(_ms_numeric_pyodbc, sqltypes.Numeric): + pass + + +class _MSFloat_pyodbc(_ms_numeric_pyodbc, sqltypes.Float): + pass + + +class _ms_binary_pyodbc(object): + """Wraps binary values in dialect-specific Binary wrapper. + If the value is null, return a pyodbc-specific BinaryNull + object to prevent pyODBC [and FreeTDS] from defaulting binary + NULL types to SQLWCHAR and causing implicit conversion errors. + """ + + def bind_processor(self, dialect): + if dialect.dbapi is None: + return None + + DBAPIBinary = dialect.dbapi.Binary + + def process(value): + if value is not None: + return DBAPIBinary(value) + else: + # pyodbc-specific + return dialect.dbapi.BinaryNull + + return process + + +class _VARBINARY_pyodbc(_ms_binary_pyodbc, VARBINARY): + pass + + +class _BINARY_pyodbc(_ms_binary_pyodbc, BINARY): + pass + + +class MSExecutionContext_pyodbc(MSExecutionContext): + _embedded_scope_identity = False + + def pre_exec(self): + """where appropriate, issue "select scope_identity()" in the same + statement. + + Background on why "scope_identity()" is preferable to "@@identity": + http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms190315.aspx + + Background on why we attempt to embed "scope_identity()" into the same + statement as the INSERT: + http://code.google.com/p/pyodbc/wiki/FAQs#How_do_I_retrieve_autogenerated/identity_values? + + """ + + super(MSExecutionContext_pyodbc, self).pre_exec() + + # don't embed the scope_identity select into an + # "INSERT .. DEFAULT VALUES" + if ( + self._select_lastrowid + and self.dialect.use_scope_identity + and len(self.parameters[0]) + ): + self._embedded_scope_identity = True + + self.statement += "; select scope_identity()" + + def post_exec(self): + if self._embedded_scope_identity: + # Fetch the last inserted id from the manipulated statement + # We may have to skip over a number of result sets with + # no data (due to triggers, etc.) + while True: + try: + # fetchall() ensures the cursor is consumed + # without closing it (FreeTDS particularly) + row = self.cursor.fetchall()[0] + break + except self.dialect.dbapi.Error as e: + # no way around this - nextset() consumes the previous set + # so we need to just keep flipping + self.cursor.nextset() + + self._lastrowid = int(row[0]) + else: + super(MSExecutionContext_pyodbc, self).post_exec() + + +class MSDialect_pyodbc(PyODBCConnector, MSDialect): + + execution_ctx_cls = MSExecutionContext_pyodbc + + colspecs = util.update_copy( + MSDialect.colspecs, + { + sqltypes.Numeric: _MSNumeric_pyodbc, + sqltypes.Float: _MSFloat_pyodbc, + BINARY: _BINARY_pyodbc, + # SQL Server dialect has a VARBINARY that is just to support + # "deprecate_large_types" w/ VARBINARY(max), but also we must + # handle the usual SQL standard VARBINARY + VARBINARY: _VARBINARY_pyodbc, + sqltypes.VARBINARY: _VARBINARY_pyodbc, + sqltypes.LargeBinary: _VARBINARY_pyodbc, + }, + ) + + def __init__(self, description_encoding=None, **params): + if "description_encoding" in params: + self.description_encoding = params.pop("description_encoding") + super(MSDialect_pyodbc, self).__init__(**params) + self.use_scope_identity = ( + self.use_scope_identity + and self.dbapi + and hasattr(self.dbapi.Cursor, "nextset") + ) + self._need_decimal_fix = self.dbapi and self._dbapi_version() < ( + 2, + 1, + 8, + ) + + def _get_server_version_info(self, connection): + try: + # "Version of the instance of SQL Server, in the form + # of 'major.minor.build.revision'" + raw = connection.scalar( + "SELECT CAST(SERVERPROPERTY('ProductVersion') AS VARCHAR)" + ) + except exc.DBAPIError: + # SQL Server docs indicate this function isn't present prior to + # 2008. Before we had the VARCHAR cast above, pyodbc would also + # fail on this query. + return super(MSDialect_pyodbc, self)._get_server_version_info( + connection, allow_chars=False + ) + else: + version = [] + r = re.compile(r"[.\-]") + for n in r.split(raw): + try: + version.append(int(n)) + except ValueError: + pass + return tuple(version) + + def is_disconnect(self, e, connection, cursor): + if isinstance(e, self.dbapi.Error): + for code in ( + "08S01", + "01002", + "08003", + "08007", + "08S02", + "08001", + "HYT00", + "HY010", + "10054", + ): + if code in str(e): + return True + return super(MSDialect_pyodbc, self).is_disconnect( + e, connection, cursor + ) + + +dialect = MSDialect_pyodbc diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mssql/zxjdbc.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mssql/zxjdbc.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..930bf56 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mssql/zxjdbc.py @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ +# mssql/zxjdbc.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +""" +.. dialect:: mssql+zxjdbc + :name: zxJDBC for Jython + :dbapi: zxjdbc + :connectstring: mssql+zxjdbc://user:pass@host:port/dbname[?key=value&key=value...] + :driverurl: http://jtds.sourceforge.net/ + + .. note:: Jython is not supported by current versions of SQLAlchemy. The + zxjdbc dialect should be considered as experimental. + +""" # noqa +from .base import MSDialect +from .base import MSExecutionContext +from ... import engine +from ...connectors.zxJDBC import ZxJDBCConnector + + +class MSExecutionContext_zxjdbc(MSExecutionContext): + + _embedded_scope_identity = False + + def pre_exec(self): + super(MSExecutionContext_zxjdbc, self).pre_exec() + # scope_identity after the fact returns null in jTDS so we must + # embed it + if self._select_lastrowid and self.dialect.use_scope_identity: + self._embedded_scope_identity = True + self.statement += "; SELECT scope_identity()" + + def post_exec(self): + if self._embedded_scope_identity: + while True: + try: + row = self.cursor.fetchall()[0] + break + except self.dialect.dbapi.Error: + self.cursor.nextset() + self._lastrowid = int(row[0]) + + if ( + self.isinsert or self.isupdate or self.isdelete + ) and self.compiled.returning: + self._result_proxy = engine.FullyBufferedResultProxy(self) + + if self._enable_identity_insert: + table = self.dialect.identifier_preparer.format_table( + self.compiled.statement.table + ) + self.cursor.execute("SET IDENTITY_INSERT %s OFF" % table) + + +class MSDialect_zxjdbc(ZxJDBCConnector, MSDialect): + jdbc_db_name = "jtds:sqlserver" + jdbc_driver_name = "net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver" + + execution_ctx_cls = MSExecutionContext_zxjdbc + + def _get_server_version_info(self, connection): + return tuple( + int(x) for x in connection.connection.dbversion.split(".") + ) + + +dialect = MSDialect_zxjdbc diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/__init__.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e676208 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1,99 @@ +# mysql/__init__.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +from . import base # noqa +from . import cymysql # noqa +from . import gaerdbms # noqa +from . import mysqlconnector # noqa +from . import mysqldb # noqa +from . import oursql # noqa +from . import pymysql # noqa +from . import pyodbc # noqa +from . import zxjdbc # noqa +from .base import BIGINT +from .base import BINARY +from .base import BIT +from .base import BLOB +from .base import BOOLEAN +from .base import CHAR +from .base import DATE +from .base import DATETIME +from .base import DECIMAL +from .base import DOUBLE +from .base import ENUM +from .base import FLOAT +from .base import INTEGER +from .base import JSON +from .base import LONGBLOB +from .base import LONGTEXT +from .base import MEDIUMBLOB +from .base import MEDIUMINT +from .base import MEDIUMTEXT +from .base import NCHAR +from .base import NUMERIC +from .base import NVARCHAR +from .base import REAL +from .base import SET +from .base import SMALLINT +from .base import TEXT +from .base import TIME +from .base import TIMESTAMP +from .base import TINYBLOB +from .base import TINYINT +from .base import TINYTEXT +from .base import VARBINARY +from .base import VARCHAR +from .base import YEAR +from .dml import Insert +from .dml import insert + + +# default dialect +base.dialect = dialect = mysqldb.dialect + + +__all__ = ( + "BIGINT", + "BINARY", + "BIT", + "BLOB", + "BOOLEAN", + "CHAR", + "DATE", + "DATETIME", + "DECIMAL", + "DOUBLE", + "ENUM", + "DECIMAL", + "FLOAT", + "INTEGER", + "INTEGER", + "JSON", + "LONGBLOB", + "LONGTEXT", + "MEDIUMBLOB", + "MEDIUMINT", + "MEDIUMTEXT", + "NCHAR", + "NVARCHAR", + "NUMERIC", + "SET", + "SMALLINT", + "REAL", + "TEXT", + "TIME", + "TIMESTAMP", + "TINYBLOB", + "TINYINT", + "TINYTEXT", + "VARBINARY", + "VARCHAR", + "YEAR", + "dialect", + "insert", + "Insert", +) diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b38fb62 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/__pycache__/base.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/__pycache__/base.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3cde017 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/__pycache__/base.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/__pycache__/cymysql.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/__pycache__/cymysql.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..578ad05 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/__pycache__/cymysql.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/__pycache__/dml.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/__pycache__/dml.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6a6c274 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/__pycache__/dml.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/__pycache__/enumerated.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/__pycache__/enumerated.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b9fcf19 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/__pycache__/enumerated.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/__pycache__/gaerdbms.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/__pycache__/gaerdbms.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9ab3c0a Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/__pycache__/gaerdbms.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/__pycache__/json.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/__pycache__/json.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3ba4c31 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/__pycache__/json.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/__pycache__/mysqlconnector.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/__pycache__/mysqlconnector.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b9b166b Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/__pycache__/mysqlconnector.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/__pycache__/mysqldb.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/__pycache__/mysqldb.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e2ba28a Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/__pycache__/mysqldb.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/__pycache__/oursql.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/__pycache__/oursql.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..716b719 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/__pycache__/oursql.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/__pycache__/pymysql.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/__pycache__/pymysql.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..89f2178 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/__pycache__/pymysql.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/__pycache__/pyodbc.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/__pycache__/pyodbc.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ed9f62e Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/__pycache__/pyodbc.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/__pycache__/reflection.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/__pycache__/reflection.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ab08ac5 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/__pycache__/reflection.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/__pycache__/types.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/__pycache__/types.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a521cf7 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/__pycache__/types.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/__pycache__/zxjdbc.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/__pycache__/zxjdbc.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..caab805 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/__pycache__/zxjdbc.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/base.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/base.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bccb846 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/base.py @@ -0,0 +1,2835 @@ +# mysql/base.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +r""" + +.. dialect:: mysql + :name: MySQL + +Supported Versions and Features +------------------------------- + +SQLAlchemy supports MySQL starting with version 4.1 through modern releases. +However, no heroic measures are taken to work around major missing +SQL features - if your server version does not support sub-selects, for +example, they won't work in SQLAlchemy either. + +See the official MySQL documentation for detailed information about features +supported in any given server release. + +.. _mysql_connection_timeouts: + +Connection Timeouts and Disconnects +----------------------------------- + +MySQL features an automatic connection close behavior, for connections that +have been idle for a fixed period of time, defaulting to eight hours. +To circumvent having this issue, use +the :paramref:`.create_engine.pool_recycle` option which ensures that +a connection will be discarded and replaced with a new one if it has been +present in the pool for a fixed number of seconds:: + + engine = create_engine('mysql+mysqldb://...', pool_recycle=3600) + +For more comprehensive disconnect detection of pooled connections, including +accommodation of server restarts and network issues, a pre-ping approach may +be employed. See :ref:`pool_disconnects` for current approaches. + +.. seealso:: + + :ref:`pool_disconnects` - Background on several techniques for dealing + with timed out connections as well as database restarts. + +.. _mysql_storage_engines: + +CREATE TABLE arguments including Storage Engines +------------------------------------------------ + +MySQL's CREATE TABLE syntax includes a wide array of special options, +including ``ENGINE``, ``CHARSET``, ``MAX_ROWS``, ``ROW_FORMAT``, +``INSERT_METHOD``, and many more. +To accommodate the rendering of these arguments, specify the form +``mysql_argument_name="value"``. For example, to specify a table with +``ENGINE`` of ``InnoDB``, ``CHARSET`` of ``utf8mb4``, and ``KEY_BLOCK_SIZE`` +of ``1024``:: + + Table('mytable', metadata, + Column('data', String(32)), + mysql_engine='InnoDB', + mysql_charset='utf8mb4', + mysql_key_block_size="1024" + ) + +The MySQL dialect will normally transfer any keyword specified as +``mysql_keyword_name`` to be rendered as ``KEYWORD_NAME`` in the +``CREATE TABLE`` statement. A handful of these names will render with a space +instead of an underscore; to support this, the MySQL dialect has awareness of +these particular names, which include ``DATA DIRECTORY`` +(e.g. ``mysql_data_directory``), ``CHARACTER SET`` (e.g. +``mysql_character_set``) and ``INDEX DIRECTORY`` (e.g. +``mysql_index_directory``). + +The most common argument is ``mysql_engine``, which refers to the storage +engine for the table. Historically, MySQL server installations would default +to ``MyISAM`` for this value, although newer versions may be defaulting +to ``InnoDB``. The ``InnoDB`` engine is typically preferred for its support +of transactions and foreign keys. + +A :class:`.Table` that is created in a MySQL database with a storage engine +of ``MyISAM`` will be essentially non-transactional, meaning any +INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE statement referring to this table will be invoked as +autocommit. It also will have no support for foreign key constraints; while +the ``CREATE TABLE`` statement accepts foreign key options, when using the +``MyISAM`` storage engine these arguments are discarded. Reflecting such a +table will also produce no foreign key constraint information. + +For fully atomic transactions as well as support for foreign key +constraints, all participating ``CREATE TABLE`` statements must specify a +transactional engine, which in the vast majority of cases is ``InnoDB``. + +.. seealso:: + + `The InnoDB Storage Engine + `_ - + on the MySQL website. + +Case Sensitivity and Table Reflection +------------------------------------- + +MySQL has inconsistent support for case-sensitive identifier +names, basing support on specific details of the underlying +operating system. However, it has been observed that no matter +what case sensitivity behavior is present, the names of tables in +foreign key declarations are *always* received from the database +as all-lower case, making it impossible to accurately reflect a +schema where inter-related tables use mixed-case identifier names. + +Therefore it is strongly advised that table names be declared as +all lower case both within SQLAlchemy as well as on the MySQL +database itself, especially if database reflection features are +to be used. + +.. _mysql_isolation_level: + +Transaction Isolation Level +--------------------------- + +All MySQL dialects support setting of transaction isolation level both via a +dialect-specific parameter :paramref:`.create_engine.isolation_level` accepted +by :func:`.create_engine`, as well as the +:paramref:`.Connection.execution_options.isolation_level` argument as passed to +:meth:`.Connection.execution_options`. This feature works by issuing the +command ``SET SESSION TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL `` for each new +connection. For the special AUTOCOMMIT isolation level, DBAPI-specific +techniques are used. + +To set isolation level using :func:`.create_engine`:: + + engine = create_engine( + "mysql://scott:tiger@localhost/test", + isolation_level="READ UNCOMMITTED" + ) + +To set using per-connection execution options:: + + connection = engine.connect() + connection = connection.execution_options( + isolation_level="READ COMMITTED" + ) + +Valid values for ``isolation_level`` include: + +* ``READ COMMITTED`` +* ``READ UNCOMMITTED`` +* ``REPEATABLE READ`` +* ``SERIALIZABLE`` +* ``AUTOCOMMIT`` + +The special ``AUTOCOMMIT`` value makes use of the various "autocommit" +attributes provided by specific DBAPIs, and is currently supported by +MySQLdb, MySQL-Client, MySQL-Connector Python, and PyMySQL. Using it, +the MySQL connection will return true for the value of +``SELECT @@autocommit;``. + +.. versionadded:: 1.1 - added support for the AUTOCOMMIT isolation level. + +AUTO_INCREMENT Behavior +----------------------- + +When creating tables, SQLAlchemy will automatically set ``AUTO_INCREMENT`` on +the first :class:`.Integer` primary key column which is not marked as a +foreign key:: + + >>> t = Table('mytable', metadata, + ... Column('mytable_id', Integer, primary_key=True) + ... ) + >>> t.create() + CREATE TABLE mytable ( + id INTEGER NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, + PRIMARY KEY (id) + ) + +You can disable this behavior by passing ``False`` to the +:paramref:`~.Column.autoincrement` argument of :class:`.Column`. This flag +can also be used to enable auto-increment on a secondary column in a +multi-column key for some storage engines:: + + Table('mytable', metadata, + Column('gid', Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=False), + Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True) + ) + +.. _mysql_ss_cursors: + +Server Side Cursors +------------------- + +Server-side cursor support is available for the MySQLdb and PyMySQL dialects. +From a MySQL point of view this means that the ``MySQLdb.cursors.SSCursor`` or +``pymysql.cursors.SSCursor`` class is used when building up the cursor which +will receive results. The most typical way of invoking this feature is via the +:paramref:`.Connection.execution_options.stream_results` connection execution +option. Server side cursors can also be enabled for all SELECT statements +unconditionally by passing ``server_side_cursors=True`` to +:func:`.create_engine`. + +.. versionadded:: 1.1.4 - added server-side cursor support. + +.. _mysql_unicode: + +Unicode +------- + +Charset Selection +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + +Most MySQL DBAPIs offer the option to set the client character set for +a connection. This is typically delivered using the ``charset`` parameter +in the URL, such as:: + + e = create_engine( + "mysql+pymysql://scott:tiger@localhost/test?charset=utf8mb4") + +This charset is the **client character set** for the connection. Some +MySQL DBAPIs will default this to a value such as ``latin1``, and some +will make use of the ``default-character-set`` setting in the ``my.cnf`` +file as well. Documentation for the DBAPI in use should be consulted +for specific behavior. + +The encoding used for Unicode has traditionally been ``'utf8'``. However, +for MySQL versions 5.5.3 on forward, a new MySQL-specific encoding +``'utf8mb4'`` has been introduced, and as of MySQL 8.0 a warning is emitted +by the server if plain ``utf8`` is specified within any server-side +directives, replaced with ``utf8mb3``. The rationale for this new encoding +is due to the fact that MySQL's legacy utf-8 encoding only supports +codepoints up to three bytes instead of four. Therefore, +when communicating with a MySQL database +that includes codepoints more than three bytes in size, +this new charset is preferred, if supported by both the database as well +as the client DBAPI, as in:: + + e = create_engine( + "mysql+pymysql://scott:tiger@localhost/test?charset=utf8mb4") + +All modern DBAPIs should support the ``utf8mb4`` charset. + +In order to use ``utf8mb4`` encoding for a schema that was created with legacy +``utf8``, changes to the MySQL schema and/or server configuration may be +required. + +.. seealso:: + + `The utf8mb4 Character Set \ + `_ - \ + in the MySQL documentation + +.. _mysql_binary_introducer: + +Dealing with Binary Data Warnings and Unicode +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + +MySQL versions 5.6, 5.7 and later (not MariaDB at the time of this writing) now +emit a warning when attempting to pass binary data to the database, while a +character set encoding is also in place, when the binary data itself is not +valid for that encoding:: + + default.py:509: Warning: (1300, "Invalid utf8mb4 character string: + 'F9876A'") + cursor.execute(statement, parameters) + +This warning is due to the fact that the MySQL client library is attempting to +interpret the binary string as a unicode object even if a datatype such +as :class:`.LargeBinary` is in use. To resolve this, the SQL statement requires +a binary "character set introducer" be present before any non-NULL value +that renders like this:: + + INSERT INTO table (data) VALUES (_binary %s) + +These character set introducers are provided by the DBAPI driver, assuming the +use of mysqlclient or PyMySQL (both of which are recommended). Add the query +string parameter ``binary_prefix=true`` to the URL to repair this warning:: + + # mysqlclient + engine = create_engine( + "mysql+mysqldb://scott:tiger@localhost/test?charset=utf8mb4&binary_prefix=true") + + # PyMySQL + engine = create_engine( + "mysql+pymysql://scott:tiger@localhost/test?charset=utf8mb4&binary_prefix=true") + + +The ``binary_prefix`` flag may or may not be supported by other MySQL drivers. + +SQLAlchemy itself cannot render this ``_binary`` prefix reliably, as it does +not work with the NULL value, which is valid to be sent as a bound parameter. +As the MySQL driver renders parameters directly into the SQL string, it's the +most efficient place for this additional keyword to be passed. + +.. seealso:: + + `Character set introducers `_ - on the MySQL website + + +Ansi Quoting Style +------------------ + +MySQL features two varieties of identifier "quoting style", one using +backticks and the other using quotes, e.g. ```some_identifier``` vs. +``"some_identifier"``. All MySQL dialects detect which version +is in use by checking the value of ``sql_mode`` when a connection is first +established with a particular :class:`.Engine`. This quoting style comes +into play when rendering table and column names as well as when reflecting +existing database structures. The detection is entirely automatic and +no special configuration is needed to use either quoting style. + +.. versionchanged:: 0.6 detection of ANSI quoting style is entirely automatic, + there's no longer any end-user ``create_engine()`` options in this regard. + +MySQL SQL Extensions +-------------------- + +Many of the MySQL SQL extensions are handled through SQLAlchemy's generic +function and operator support:: + + table.select(table.c.password==func.md5('plaintext')) + table.select(table.c.username.op('regexp')('^[a-d]')) + +And of course any valid MySQL statement can be executed as a string as well. + +Some limited direct support for MySQL extensions to SQL is currently +available. + +* INSERT..ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE: See + :ref:`mysql_insert_on_duplicate_key_update` + +* SELECT pragma:: + + select(..., prefixes=['HIGH_PRIORITY', 'SQL_SMALL_RESULT']) + +* UPDATE with LIMIT:: + + update(..., mysql_limit=10) + +.. _mysql_insert_on_duplicate_key_update: + +INSERT...ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE (Upsert) +------------------------------------------ + +MySQL allows "upserts" (update or insert) +of rows into a table via the ``ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE`` clause of the +``INSERT`` statement. A candidate row will only be inserted if that row does +not match an existing primary or unique key in the table; otherwise, an UPDATE +will be performed. The statement allows for separate specification of the +values to INSERT versus the values for UPDATE. + +SQLAlchemy provides ``ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE`` support via the MySQL-specific +:func:`.mysql.dml.insert()` function, which provides +the generative method :meth:`~.mysql.dml.Insert.on_duplicate_key_update`:: + + from sqlalchemy.dialects.mysql import insert + + insert_stmt = insert(my_table).values( + id='some_existing_id', + data='inserted value') + + on_duplicate_key_stmt = insert_stmt.on_duplicate_key_update( + data=insert_stmt.inserted.data, + status='U' + ) + + conn.execute(on_duplicate_key_stmt) + +Unlike PostgreSQL's "ON CONFLICT" phrase, the "ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE" +phrase will always match on any primary key or unique key, and will always +perform an UPDATE if there's a match; there are no options for it to raise +an error or to skip performing an UPDATE. + +``ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE`` is used to perform an update of the already +existing row, using any combination of new values as well as values +from the proposed insertion. These values are specified using +keyword arguments passed to the +:meth:`~.mysql.dml.Insert.on_duplicate_key_update` +given column key values (usually the name of the column, unless it +specifies :paramref:`.Column.key`) as keys and literal or SQL expressions +as values:: + + on_duplicate_key_stmt = insert_stmt.on_duplicate_key_update( + data="some data" + updated_at=func.current_timestamp() + ) + +.. warning:: + + The :meth:`.Insert.on_duplicate_key_update` method does **not** take into + account Python-side default UPDATE values or generation functions, e.g. + e.g. those specified using :paramref:`.Column.onupdate`. + These values will not be exercised for an ON DUPLICATE KEY style of UPDATE, + unless they are manually specified explicitly in the parameters. + +In order to refer to the proposed insertion row, the special alias +:attr:`~.mysql.dml.Insert.inserted` is available as an attribute on +the :class:`.mysql.dml.Insert` object; this object is a +:class:`.ColumnCollection` which contains all columns of the target +table:: + + from sqlalchemy.dialects.mysql import insert + + stmt = insert(my_table).values( + id='some_id', + data='inserted value', + author='jlh') + do_update_stmt = stmt.on_duplicate_key_update( + data="updated value", + author=stmt.inserted.author + ) + conn.execute(do_update_stmt) + +When rendered, the "inserted" namespace will produce the expression +``VALUES()``. + +.. versionadded:: 1.2 Added support for MySQL ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE clause + + + +rowcount Support +---------------- + +SQLAlchemy standardizes the DBAPI ``cursor.rowcount`` attribute to be the +usual definition of "number of rows matched by an UPDATE or DELETE" statement. +This is in contradiction to the default setting on most MySQL DBAPI drivers, +which is "number of rows actually modified/deleted". For this reason, the +SQLAlchemy MySQL dialects always add the ``constants.CLIENT.FOUND_ROWS`` +flag, or whatever is equivalent for the target dialect, upon connection. +This setting is currently hardcoded. + +.. seealso:: + + :attr:`.ResultProxy.rowcount` + + +CAST Support +------------ + +MySQL documents the CAST operator as available in version 4.0.2. When using +the SQLAlchemy :func:`.cast` function, SQLAlchemy +will not render the CAST token on MySQL before this version, based on server +version detection, instead rendering the internal expression directly. + +CAST may still not be desirable on an early MySQL version post-4.0.2, as it +didn't add all datatype support until 4.1.1. If your application falls into +this narrow area, the behavior of CAST can be controlled using the +:ref:`sqlalchemy.ext.compiler_toplevel` system, as per the recipe below:: + + from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import Cast + from sqlalchemy.ext.compiler import compiles + + @compiles(Cast, 'mysql') + def _check_mysql_version(element, compiler, **kw): + if compiler.dialect.server_version_info < (4, 1, 0): + return compiler.process(element.clause, **kw) + else: + return compiler.visit_cast(element, **kw) + +The above function, which only needs to be declared once +within an application, overrides the compilation of the +:func:`.cast` construct to check for version 4.1.0 before +fully rendering CAST; else the internal element of the +construct is rendered directly. + + +.. _mysql_indexes: + +MySQL Specific Index Options +---------------------------- + +MySQL-specific extensions to the :class:`.Index` construct are available. + +Index Length +~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + +MySQL provides an option to create index entries with a certain length, where +"length" refers to the number of characters or bytes in each value which will +become part of the index. SQLAlchemy provides this feature via the +``mysql_length`` parameter:: + + Index('my_index', my_table.c.data, mysql_length=10) + + Index('a_b_idx', my_table.c.a, my_table.c.b, mysql_length={'a': 4, + 'b': 9}) + +Prefix lengths are given in characters for nonbinary string types and in bytes +for binary string types. The value passed to the keyword argument *must* be +either an integer (and, thus, specify the same prefix length value for all +columns of the index) or a dict in which keys are column names and values are +prefix length values for corresponding columns. MySQL only allows a length for +a column of an index if it is for a CHAR, VARCHAR, TEXT, BINARY, VARBINARY and +BLOB. + +.. versionadded:: 0.8.2 ``mysql_length`` may now be specified as a dictionary + for use with composite indexes. + +Index Prefixes +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + +MySQL storage engines permit you to specify an index prefix when creating +an index. SQLAlchemy provides this feature via the +``mysql_prefix`` parameter on :class:`.Index`:: + + Index('my_index', my_table.c.data, mysql_prefix='FULLTEXT') + +The value passed to the keyword argument will be simply passed through to the +underlying CREATE INDEX, so it *must* be a valid index prefix for your MySQL +storage engine. + +.. versionadded:: 1.1.5 + +.. seealso:: + + `CREATE INDEX `_ - MySQL documentation + +Index Types +~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + +Some MySQL storage engines permit you to specify an index type when creating +an index or primary key constraint. SQLAlchemy provides this feature via the +``mysql_using`` parameter on :class:`.Index`:: + + Index('my_index', my_table.c.data, mysql_using='hash') + +As well as the ``mysql_using`` parameter on :class:`.PrimaryKeyConstraint`:: + + PrimaryKeyConstraint("data", mysql_using='hash') + +The value passed to the keyword argument will be simply passed through to the +underlying CREATE INDEX or PRIMARY KEY clause, so it *must* be a valid index +type for your MySQL storage engine. + +More information can be found at: + +http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/create-index.html + +http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/create-table.html + +.. _mysql_foreign_keys: + +MySQL Foreign Keys +------------------ + +MySQL's behavior regarding foreign keys has some important caveats. + +Foreign Key Arguments to Avoid +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + +MySQL does not support the foreign key arguments "DEFERRABLE", "INITIALLY", +or "MATCH". Using the ``deferrable`` or ``initially`` keyword argument with +:class:`.ForeignKeyConstraint` or :class:`.ForeignKey` will have the effect of +these keywords being rendered in a DDL expression, which will then raise an +error on MySQL. In order to use these keywords on a foreign key while having +them ignored on a MySQL backend, use a custom compile rule:: + + from sqlalchemy.ext.compiler import compiles + from sqlalchemy.schema import ForeignKeyConstraint + + @compiles(ForeignKeyConstraint, "mysql") + def process(element, compiler, **kw): + element.deferrable = element.initially = None + return compiler.visit_foreign_key_constraint(element, **kw) + +.. versionchanged:: 0.9.0 - the MySQL backend no longer silently ignores + the ``deferrable`` or ``initially`` keyword arguments of + :class:`.ForeignKeyConstraint` and :class:`.ForeignKey`. + +The "MATCH" keyword is in fact more insidious, and is explicitly disallowed +by SQLAlchemy in conjunction with the MySQL backend. This argument is +silently ignored by MySQL, but in addition has the effect of ON UPDATE and ON +DELETE options also being ignored by the backend. Therefore MATCH should +never be used with the MySQL backend; as is the case with DEFERRABLE and +INITIALLY, custom compilation rules can be used to correct a MySQL +ForeignKeyConstraint at DDL definition time. + +.. versionadded:: 0.9.0 - the MySQL backend will raise a + :class:`.CompileError` when the ``match`` keyword is used with + :class:`.ForeignKeyConstraint` or :class:`.ForeignKey`. + +Reflection of Foreign Key Constraints +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + +Not all MySQL storage engines support foreign keys. When using the +very common ``MyISAM`` MySQL storage engine, the information loaded by table +reflection will not include foreign keys. For these tables, you may supply a +:class:`~sqlalchemy.ForeignKeyConstraint` at reflection time:: + + Table('mytable', metadata, + ForeignKeyConstraint(['other_id'], ['othertable.other_id']), + autoload=True + ) + +.. seealso:: + + :ref:`mysql_storage_engines` + +.. _mysql_unique_constraints: + +MySQL Unique Constraints and Reflection +--------------------------------------- + +SQLAlchemy supports both the :class:`.Index` construct with the +flag ``unique=True``, indicating a UNIQUE index, as well as the +:class:`.UniqueConstraint` construct, representing a UNIQUE constraint. +Both objects/syntaxes are supported by MySQL when emitting DDL to create +these constraints. However, MySQL does not have a unique constraint +construct that is separate from a unique index; that is, the "UNIQUE" +constraint on MySQL is equivalent to creating a "UNIQUE INDEX". + +When reflecting these constructs, the :meth:`.Inspector.get_indexes` +and the :meth:`.Inspector.get_unique_constraints` methods will **both** +return an entry for a UNIQUE index in MySQL. However, when performing +full table reflection using ``Table(..., autoload=True)``, +the :class:`.UniqueConstraint` construct is +**not** part of the fully reflected :class:`.Table` construct under any +circumstances; this construct is always represented by a :class:`.Index` +with the ``unique=True`` setting present in the :attr:`.Table.indexes` +collection. + + +.. _mysql_timestamp_null: + +TIMESTAMP Columns and NULL +-------------------------- + +MySQL historically enforces that a column which specifies the +TIMESTAMP datatype implicitly includes a default value of +CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, even though this is not stated, and additionally +sets the column as NOT NULL, the opposite behavior vs. that of all +other datatypes:: + + mysql> CREATE TABLE ts_test ( + -> a INTEGER, + -> b INTEGER NOT NULL, + -> c TIMESTAMP, + -> d TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, + -> e TIMESTAMP NULL); + Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.03 sec) + + mysql> SHOW CREATE TABLE ts_test; + +---------+----------------------------------------------------- + | Table | Create Table + +---------+----------------------------------------------------- + | ts_test | CREATE TABLE `ts_test` ( + `a` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, + `b` int(11) NOT NULL, + `c` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, + `d` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, + `e` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL + ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 + +Above, we see that an INTEGER column defaults to NULL, unless it is specified +with NOT NULL. But when the column is of type TIMESTAMP, an implicit +default of CURRENT_TIMESTAMP is generated which also coerces the column +to be a NOT NULL, even though we did not specify it as such. + +This behavior of MySQL can be changed on the MySQL side using the +`explicit_defaults_for_timestamp +`_ configuration flag introduced in +MySQL 5.6. With this server setting enabled, TIMESTAMP columns behave like +any other datatype on the MySQL side with regards to defaults and nullability. + +However, to accommodate the vast majority of MySQL databases that do not +specify this new flag, SQLAlchemy emits the "NULL" specifier explicitly with +any TIMESTAMP column that does not specify ``nullable=False``. In order to +accommodate newer databases that specify ``explicit_defaults_for_timestamp``, +SQLAlchemy also emits NOT NULL for TIMESTAMP columns that do specify +``nullable=False``. The following example illustrates:: + + from sqlalchemy import MetaData, Integer, Table, Column, text + from sqlalchemy.dialects.mysql import TIMESTAMP + + m = MetaData() + t = Table('ts_test', m, + Column('a', Integer), + Column('b', Integer, nullable=False), + Column('c', TIMESTAMP), + Column('d', TIMESTAMP, nullable=False) + ) + + + from sqlalchemy import create_engine + e = create_engine("mysql://scott:tiger@localhost/test", echo=True) + m.create_all(e) + +output:: + + CREATE TABLE ts_test ( + a INTEGER, + b INTEGER NOT NULL, + c TIMESTAMP NULL, + d TIMESTAMP NOT NULL + ) + +.. versionchanged:: 1.0.0 - SQLAlchemy now renders NULL or NOT NULL in all + cases for TIMESTAMP columns, to accommodate + ``explicit_defaults_for_timestamp``. Prior to this version, it will + not render "NOT NULL" for a TIMESTAMP column that is ``nullable=False``. + +""" # noqa + +from array import array as _array +from collections import defaultdict +import re +import sys + +from . import reflection as _reflection +from .enumerated import ENUM +from .enumerated import SET +from .json import JSON +from .json import JSONIndexType +from .json import JSONPathType +from .types import _FloatType +from .types import _IntegerType +from .types import _MatchType +from .types import _NumericType +from .types import _StringType +from .types import BIGINT +from .types import BIT +from .types import CHAR +from .types import DATETIME +from .types import DECIMAL +from .types import DOUBLE +from .types import FLOAT +from .types import INTEGER +from .types import LONGBLOB +from .types import LONGTEXT +from .types import MEDIUMBLOB +from .types import MEDIUMINT +from .types import MEDIUMTEXT +from .types import NCHAR +from .types import NUMERIC +from .types import NVARCHAR +from .types import REAL +from .types import SMALLINT +from .types import TEXT +from .types import TIME +from .types import TIMESTAMP +from .types import TINYBLOB +from .types import TINYINT +from .types import TINYTEXT +from .types import VARCHAR +from .types import YEAR +from ... import exc +from ... import log +from ... import schema as sa_schema +from ... import sql +from ... import types as sqltypes +from ... import util +from ...engine import default +from ...engine import reflection +from ...sql import compiler +from ...sql import elements +from ...types import BINARY +from ...types import BLOB +from ...types import BOOLEAN +from ...types import DATE +from ...types import VARBINARY +from ...util import topological + + +RESERVED_WORDS = set( + [ + "accessible", + "add", + "all", + "alter", + "analyze", + "and", + "as", + "asc", + "asensitive", + "before", + "between", + "bigint", + "binary", + "blob", + "both", + "by", + "call", + "cascade", + "case", + "change", + "char", + "character", + "check", + "collate", + "column", + "condition", + "constraint", + "continue", + "convert", + "create", + "cross", + "current_date", + "current_time", + "current_timestamp", + "current_user", + "cursor", + "database", + "databases", + "day_hour", + "day_microsecond", + "day_minute", + "day_second", + "dec", + "decimal", + "declare", + "default", + "delayed", + "delete", + "desc", + "describe", + "deterministic", + "distinct", + "distinctrow", + "div", + "double", + "drop", + "dual", + "each", + "else", + "elseif", + "enclosed", + "escaped", + "exists", + "exit", + "explain", + "false", + "fetch", + "float", + "float4", + "float8", + "for", + "force", + "foreign", + "from", + "fulltext", + "grant", + "group", + "having", + "high_priority", + "hour_microsecond", + "hour_minute", + "hour_second", + "if", + "ignore", + "in", + "index", + "infile", + "inner", + "inout", + "insensitive", + "insert", + "int", + "int1", + "int2", + "int3", + "int4", + "int8", + "integer", + "interval", + "into", + "is", + "iterate", + "join", + "key", + "keys", + "kill", + "leading", + "leave", + "left", + "like", + "limit", + "linear", + "lines", + "load", + "localtime", + "localtimestamp", + "lock", + "long", + "longblob", + "longtext", + "loop", + "low_priority", + "master_ssl_verify_server_cert", + "match", + "mediumblob", + "mediumint", + "mediumtext", + "middleint", + "minute_microsecond", + "minute_second", + "mod", + "modifies", + "natural", + "not", + "no_write_to_binlog", + "null", + "numeric", + "on", + "optimize", + "option", + "optionally", + "or", + "order", + "out", + "outer", + "outfile", + "precision", + "primary", + "procedure", + "purge", + "range", + "read", + "reads", + "read_only", + "read_write", + "real", + "references", + "regexp", + "release", + "rename", + "repeat", + "replace", + "require", + "restrict", + "return", + "revoke", + "right", + "rlike", + "schema", + "schemas", + "second_microsecond", + "select", + "sensitive", + "separator", + "set", + "show", + "smallint", + "spatial", + "specific", + "sql", + "sqlexception", + "sqlstate", + "sqlwarning", + "sql_big_result", + "sql_calc_found_rows", + "sql_small_result", + "ssl", + "starting", + "straight_join", + "table", + "terminated", + "then", + "tinyblob", + "tinyint", + "tinytext", + "to", + "trailing", + "trigger", + "true", + "undo", + "union", + "unique", + "unlock", + "unsigned", + "update", + "usage", + "use", + "using", + "utc_date", + "utc_time", + "utc_timestamp", + "values", + "varbinary", + "varchar", + "varcharacter", + "varying", + "when", + "where", + "while", + "with", + "write", + "x509", + "xor", + "year_month", + "zerofill", # 5.0 + "columns", + "fields", + "privileges", + "soname", + "tables", # 4.1 + "accessible", + "linear", + "master_ssl_verify_server_cert", + "range", + "read_only", + "read_write", # 5.1 + "general", + "ignore_server_ids", + "master_heartbeat_period", + "maxvalue", + "resignal", + "signal", + "slow", # 5.5 + "get", + "io_after_gtids", + "io_before_gtids", + "master_bind", + "one_shot", + "partition", + "sql_after_gtids", + "sql_before_gtids", # 5.6 + "generated", + "optimizer_costs", + "stored", + "virtual", # 5.7 + "admin", + "cume_dist", + "empty", + "except", + "first_value", + "grouping", + "function", + "groups", + "json_table", + "last_value", + "nth_value", + "ntile", + "of", + "over", + "percent_rank", + "persist", + "persist_only", + "rank", + "recursive", + "role", + "row", + "rows", + "row_number", + "system", + "window", # 8.0 + ] +) + +AUTOCOMMIT_RE = re.compile( + r"\s*(?:UPDATE|INSERT|CREATE|DELETE|DROP|ALTER|LOAD +DATA|REPLACE)", + re.I | re.UNICODE, +) +SET_RE = re.compile( + r"\s*SET\s+(?:(?:GLOBAL|SESSION)\s+)?\w", re.I | re.UNICODE +) + + +# old names +MSTime = TIME +MSSet = SET +MSEnum = ENUM +MSLongBlob = LONGBLOB +MSMediumBlob = MEDIUMBLOB +MSTinyBlob = TINYBLOB +MSBlob = BLOB +MSBinary = BINARY +MSVarBinary = VARBINARY +MSNChar = NCHAR +MSNVarChar = NVARCHAR +MSChar = CHAR +MSString = VARCHAR +MSLongText = LONGTEXT +MSMediumText = MEDIUMTEXT +MSTinyText = TINYTEXT +MSText = TEXT +MSYear = YEAR +MSTimeStamp = TIMESTAMP +MSBit = BIT +MSSmallInteger = SMALLINT +MSTinyInteger = TINYINT +MSMediumInteger = MEDIUMINT +MSBigInteger = BIGINT +MSNumeric = NUMERIC +MSDecimal = DECIMAL +MSDouble = DOUBLE +MSReal = REAL +MSFloat = FLOAT +MSInteger = INTEGER + +colspecs = { + _IntegerType: _IntegerType, + _NumericType: _NumericType, + _FloatType: _FloatType, + sqltypes.Numeric: NUMERIC, + sqltypes.Float: FLOAT, + sqltypes.Time: TIME, + sqltypes.Enum: ENUM, + sqltypes.MatchType: _MatchType, + sqltypes.JSON: JSON, + sqltypes.JSON.JSONIndexType: JSONIndexType, + sqltypes.JSON.JSONPathType: JSONPathType, +} + +# Everything 3.23 through 5.1 excepting OpenGIS types. +ischema_names = { + "bigint": BIGINT, + "binary": BINARY, + "bit": BIT, + "blob": BLOB, + "boolean": BOOLEAN, + "char": CHAR, + "date": DATE, + "datetime": DATETIME, + "decimal": DECIMAL, + "double": DOUBLE, + "enum": ENUM, + "fixed": DECIMAL, + "float": FLOAT, + "int": INTEGER, + "integer": INTEGER, + "json": JSON, + "longblob": LONGBLOB, + "longtext": LONGTEXT, + "mediumblob": MEDIUMBLOB, + "mediumint": MEDIUMINT, + "mediumtext": MEDIUMTEXT, + "nchar": NCHAR, + "nvarchar": NVARCHAR, + "numeric": NUMERIC, + "set": SET, + "smallint": SMALLINT, + "text": TEXT, + "time": TIME, + "timestamp": TIMESTAMP, + "tinyblob": TINYBLOB, + "tinyint": TINYINT, + "tinytext": TINYTEXT, + "varbinary": VARBINARY, + "varchar": VARCHAR, + "year": YEAR, +} + + +class MySQLExecutionContext(default.DefaultExecutionContext): + def should_autocommit_text(self, statement): + return AUTOCOMMIT_RE.match(statement) + + def create_server_side_cursor(self): + if self.dialect.supports_server_side_cursors: + return self._dbapi_connection.cursor(self.dialect._sscursor) + else: + raise NotImplementedError() + + +class MySQLCompiler(compiler.SQLCompiler): + + render_table_with_column_in_update_from = True + """Overridden from base SQLCompiler value""" + + extract_map = compiler.SQLCompiler.extract_map.copy() + extract_map.update({"milliseconds": "millisecond"}) + + def visit_random_func(self, fn, **kw): + return "rand%s" % self.function_argspec(fn) + + def visit_sysdate_func(self, fn, **kw): + return "SYSDATE()" + + def visit_json_getitem_op_binary(self, binary, operator, **kw): + return "JSON_EXTRACT(%s, %s)" % ( + self.process(binary.left, **kw), + self.process(binary.right, **kw), + ) + + def visit_json_path_getitem_op_binary(self, binary, operator, **kw): + return "JSON_EXTRACT(%s, %s)" % ( + self.process(binary.left, **kw), + self.process(binary.right, **kw), + ) + + def visit_on_duplicate_key_update(self, on_duplicate, **kw): + cols = self.statement.table.c + + clauses = [] + # traverse in table column order + for column in cols: + val = on_duplicate.update.get(column.key) + if val is None: + continue + elif elements._is_literal(val): + val = elements.BindParameter(None, val, type_=column.type) + value_text = self.process(val.self_group(), use_schema=False) + elif isinstance(val, elements.BindParameter) and val.type._isnull: + val = val._clone() + val.type = column.type + value_text = self.process(val.self_group(), use_schema=False) + elif ( + isinstance(val, elements.ColumnClause) + and val.table is on_duplicate.inserted_alias + ): + value_text = "VALUES(" + self.preparer.quote(column.name) + ")" + else: + value_text = self.process(val.self_group(), use_schema=False) + name_text = self.preparer.quote(column.name) + clauses.append("%s = %s" % (name_text, value_text)) + + non_matching = set(on_duplicate.update) - set(cols.keys()) + if non_matching: + util.warn( + "Additional column names not matching " + "any column keys in table '%s': %s" + % ( + self.statement.table.name, + (", ".join("'%s'" % c for c in non_matching)), + ) + ) + + return "ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE " + ", ".join(clauses) + + def visit_concat_op_binary(self, binary, operator, **kw): + return "concat(%s, %s)" % ( + self.process(binary.left, **kw), + self.process(binary.right, **kw), + ) + + def visit_match_op_binary(self, binary, operator, **kw): + return "MATCH (%s) AGAINST (%s IN BOOLEAN MODE)" % ( + self.process(binary.left, **kw), + self.process(binary.right, **kw), + ) + + def get_from_hint_text(self, table, text): + return text + + def visit_typeclause(self, typeclause, type_=None, **kw): + if type_ is None: + type_ = typeclause.type.dialect_impl(self.dialect) + if isinstance(type_, sqltypes.TypeDecorator): + return self.visit_typeclause(typeclause, type_.impl, **kw) + elif isinstance(type_, sqltypes.Integer): + if getattr(type_, "unsigned", False): + return "UNSIGNED INTEGER" + else: + return "SIGNED INTEGER" + elif isinstance(type_, sqltypes.TIMESTAMP): + return "DATETIME" + elif isinstance( + type_, + ( + sqltypes.DECIMAL, + sqltypes.DateTime, + sqltypes.Date, + sqltypes.Time, + ), + ): + return self.dialect.type_compiler.process(type_) + elif isinstance(type_, sqltypes.String) and not isinstance( + type_, (ENUM, SET) + ): + adapted = CHAR._adapt_string_for_cast(type_) + return self.dialect.type_compiler.process(adapted) + elif isinstance(type_, sqltypes._Binary): + return "BINARY" + elif isinstance(type_, sqltypes.JSON): + return "JSON" + elif isinstance(type_, sqltypes.NUMERIC): + return self.dialect.type_compiler.process(type_).replace( + "NUMERIC", "DECIMAL" + ) + else: + return None + + def visit_cast(self, cast, **kw): + # No cast until 4, no decimals until 5. + if not self.dialect._supports_cast: + util.warn( + "Current MySQL version does not support " + "CAST; the CAST will be skipped." + ) + return self.process(cast.clause.self_group(), **kw) + + type_ = self.process(cast.typeclause) + if type_ is None: + util.warn( + "Datatype %s does not support CAST on MySQL; " + "the CAST will be skipped." + % self.dialect.type_compiler.process(cast.typeclause.type) + ) + return self.process(cast.clause.self_group(), **kw) + + return "CAST(%s AS %s)" % (self.process(cast.clause, **kw), type_) + + def render_literal_value(self, value, type_): + value = super(MySQLCompiler, self).render_literal_value(value, type_) + if self.dialect._backslash_escapes: + value = value.replace("\\", "\\\\") + return value + + # override native_boolean=False behavior here, as + # MySQL still supports native boolean + def visit_true(self, element, **kw): + return "true" + + def visit_false(self, element, **kw): + return "false" + + def get_select_precolumns(self, select, **kw): + """Add special MySQL keywords in place of DISTINCT. + + .. note:: + + this usage is deprecated. :meth:`.Select.prefix_with` + should be used for special keywords at the start + of a SELECT. + + """ + if isinstance(select._distinct, util.string_types): + return select._distinct.upper() + " " + elif select._distinct: + return "DISTINCT " + else: + return "" + + def visit_join(self, join, asfrom=False, **kwargs): + if join.full: + join_type = " FULL OUTER JOIN " + elif join.isouter: + join_type = " LEFT OUTER JOIN " + else: + join_type = " INNER JOIN " + + return "".join( + ( + self.process(join.left, asfrom=True, **kwargs), + join_type, + self.process(join.right, asfrom=True, **kwargs), + " ON ", + self.process(join.onclause, **kwargs), + ) + ) + + def for_update_clause(self, select, **kw): + if select._for_update_arg.read: + return " LOCK IN SHARE MODE" + else: + return " FOR UPDATE" + + def limit_clause(self, select, **kw): + # MySQL supports: + # LIMIT + # LIMIT , + # and in server versions > 3.3: + # LIMIT OFFSET + # The latter is more readable for offsets but we're stuck with the + # former until we can refine dialects by server revision. + + limit_clause, offset_clause = ( + select._limit_clause, + select._offset_clause, + ) + + if limit_clause is None and offset_clause is None: + return "" + elif offset_clause is not None: + # As suggested by the MySQL docs, need to apply an + # artificial limit if one wasn't provided + # http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/select.html + if limit_clause is None: + # hardwire the upper limit. Currently + # needed by OurSQL with Python 3 + # (https://bugs.launchpad.net/oursql/+bug/686232), + # but also is consistent with the usage of the upper + # bound as part of MySQL's "syntax" for OFFSET with + # no LIMIT + return " \n LIMIT %s, %s" % ( + self.process(offset_clause, **kw), + "18446744073709551615", + ) + else: + return " \n LIMIT %s, %s" % ( + self.process(offset_clause, **kw), + self.process(limit_clause, **kw), + ) + else: + # No offset provided, so just use the limit + return " \n LIMIT %s" % (self.process(limit_clause, **kw),) + + def update_limit_clause(self, update_stmt): + limit = update_stmt.kwargs.get("%s_limit" % self.dialect.name, None) + if limit: + return "LIMIT %s" % limit + else: + return None + + def update_tables_clause(self, update_stmt, from_table, extra_froms, **kw): + return ", ".join( + t._compiler_dispatch(self, asfrom=True, **kw) + for t in [from_table] + list(extra_froms) + ) + + def update_from_clause( + self, update_stmt, from_table, extra_froms, from_hints, **kw + ): + return None + + def delete_table_clause(self, delete_stmt, from_table, extra_froms): + """If we have extra froms make sure we render any alias as hint.""" + ashint = False + if extra_froms: + ashint = True + return from_table._compiler_dispatch( + self, asfrom=True, iscrud=True, ashint=ashint + ) + + def delete_extra_from_clause( + self, delete_stmt, from_table, extra_froms, from_hints, **kw + ): + """Render the DELETE .. USING clause specific to MySQL.""" + return "USING " + ", ".join( + t._compiler_dispatch(self, asfrom=True, fromhints=from_hints, **kw) + for t in [from_table] + extra_froms + ) + + +class MySQLDDLCompiler(compiler.DDLCompiler): + def get_column_specification(self, column, **kw): + """Builds column DDL.""" + + colspec = [ + self.preparer.format_column(column), + self.dialect.type_compiler.process( + column.type, type_expression=column + ), + ] + + is_timestamp = isinstance(column.type, sqltypes.TIMESTAMP) + + if not column.nullable: + colspec.append("NOT NULL") + + # see: http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/latest/dialects/ + # mysql.html#mysql_timestamp_null + elif column.nullable and is_timestamp: + colspec.append("NULL") + + default = self.get_column_default_string(column) + if default is not None: + colspec.append("DEFAULT " + default) + + comment = column.comment + if comment is not None: + literal = self.sql_compiler.render_literal_value( + comment, sqltypes.String() + ) + colspec.append("COMMENT " + literal) + + if ( + column.table is not None + and column is column.table._autoincrement_column + and column.server_default is None + ): + colspec.append("AUTO_INCREMENT") + + return " ".join(colspec) + + def post_create_table(self, table): + """Build table-level CREATE options like ENGINE and COLLATE.""" + + table_opts = [] + + opts = dict( + (k[len(self.dialect.name) + 1 :].upper(), v) + for k, v in table.kwargs.items() + if k.startswith("%s_" % self.dialect.name) + ) + + if table.comment is not None: + opts["COMMENT"] = table.comment + + partition_options = [ + "PARTITION_BY", + "PARTITIONS", + "SUBPARTITIONS", + "SUBPARTITION_BY", + ] + + nonpart_options = set(opts).difference(partition_options) + part_options = set(opts).intersection(partition_options) + + for opt in topological.sort( + [ + ("DEFAULT_CHARSET", "COLLATE"), + ("DEFAULT_CHARACTER_SET", "COLLATE"), + ], + nonpart_options, + ): + arg = opts[opt] + if opt in _reflection._options_of_type_string: + + arg = self.sql_compiler.render_literal_value( + arg, sqltypes.String() + ) + + if opt in ( + "DATA_DIRECTORY", + "INDEX_DIRECTORY", + "DEFAULT_CHARACTER_SET", + "CHARACTER_SET", + "DEFAULT_CHARSET", + "DEFAULT_COLLATE", + ): + opt = opt.replace("_", " ") + + joiner = "=" + if opt in ( + "TABLESPACE", + "DEFAULT CHARACTER SET", + "CHARACTER SET", + "COLLATE", + ): + joiner = " " + + table_opts.append(joiner.join((opt, arg))) + + for opt in topological.sort( + [ + ("PARTITION_BY", "PARTITIONS"), + ("PARTITION_BY", "SUBPARTITION_BY"), + ("PARTITION_BY", "SUBPARTITIONS"), + ("PARTITIONS", "SUBPARTITIONS"), + ("PARTITIONS", "SUBPARTITION_BY"), + ("SUBPARTITION_BY", "SUBPARTITIONS"), + ], + part_options, + ): + arg = opts[opt] + if opt in _reflection._options_of_type_string: + arg = self.sql_compiler.render_literal_value( + arg, sqltypes.String() + ) + + opt = opt.replace("_", " ") + joiner = " " + + table_opts.append(joiner.join((opt, arg))) + + return " ".join(table_opts) + + def visit_create_index(self, create, **kw): + index = create.element + self._verify_index_table(index) + preparer = self.preparer + table = preparer.format_table(index.table) + columns = [ + self.sql_compiler.process( + expr, include_table=False, literal_binds=True + ) + for expr in index.expressions + ] + + name = self._prepared_index_name(index) + + text = "CREATE " + if index.unique: + text += "UNIQUE " + + index_prefix = index.kwargs.get("mysql_prefix", None) + if index_prefix: + text += index_prefix + " " + + text += "INDEX %s ON %s " % (name, table) + + length = index.dialect_options["mysql"]["length"] + if length is not None: + + if isinstance(length, dict): + # length value can be a (column_name --> integer value) + # mapping specifying the prefix length for each column of the + # index + columns = ", ".join( + "%s(%d)" % (expr, length[col.name]) + if col.name in length + else ( + "%s(%d)" % (expr, length[expr]) + if expr in length + else "%s" % expr + ) + for col, expr in zip(index.expressions, columns) + ) + else: + # or can be an integer value specifying the same + # prefix length for all columns of the index + columns = ", ".join( + "%s(%d)" % (col, length) for col in columns + ) + else: + columns = ", ".join(columns) + text += "(%s)" % columns + + using = index.dialect_options["mysql"]["using"] + if using is not None: + text += " USING %s" % (preparer.quote(using)) + + return text + + def visit_primary_key_constraint(self, constraint): + text = super(MySQLDDLCompiler, self).visit_primary_key_constraint( + constraint + ) + using = constraint.dialect_options["mysql"]["using"] + if using: + text += " USING %s" % (self.preparer.quote(using)) + return text + + def visit_drop_index(self, drop): + index = drop.element + + return "\nDROP INDEX %s ON %s" % ( + self._prepared_index_name(index, include_schema=False), + self.preparer.format_table(index.table), + ) + + def visit_drop_constraint(self, drop): + constraint = drop.element + if isinstance(constraint, sa_schema.ForeignKeyConstraint): + qual = "FOREIGN KEY " + const = self.preparer.format_constraint(constraint) + elif isinstance(constraint, sa_schema.PrimaryKeyConstraint): + qual = "PRIMARY KEY " + const = "" + elif isinstance(constraint, sa_schema.UniqueConstraint): + qual = "INDEX " + const = self.preparer.format_constraint(constraint) + else: + qual = "" + const = self.preparer.format_constraint(constraint) + return "ALTER TABLE %s DROP %s%s" % ( + self.preparer.format_table(constraint.table), + qual, + const, + ) + + def define_constraint_match(self, constraint): + if constraint.match is not None: + raise exc.CompileError( + "MySQL ignores the 'MATCH' keyword while at the same time " + "causes ON UPDATE/ON DELETE clauses to be ignored." + ) + return "" + + def visit_set_table_comment(self, create): + return "ALTER TABLE %s COMMENT %s" % ( + self.preparer.format_table(create.element), + self.sql_compiler.render_literal_value( + create.element.comment, sqltypes.String() + ), + ) + + def visit_drop_table_comment(self, create): + return "ALTER TABLE %s COMMENT ''" % ( + self.preparer.format_table(create.element) + ) + + def visit_set_column_comment(self, create): + return "ALTER TABLE %s CHANGE %s %s" % ( + self.preparer.format_table(create.element.table), + self.preparer.format_column(create.element), + self.get_column_specification(create.element), + ) + + +class MySQLTypeCompiler(compiler.GenericTypeCompiler): + def _extend_numeric(self, type_, spec): + "Extend a numeric-type declaration with MySQL specific extensions." + + if not self._mysql_type(type_): + return spec + + if type_.unsigned: + spec += " UNSIGNED" + if type_.zerofill: + spec += " ZEROFILL" + return spec + + def _extend_string(self, type_, defaults, spec): + """Extend a string-type declaration with standard SQL CHARACTER SET / + COLLATE annotations and MySQL specific extensions. + + """ + + def attr(name): + return getattr(type_, name, defaults.get(name)) + + if attr("charset"): + charset = "CHARACTER SET %s" % attr("charset") + elif attr("ascii"): + charset = "ASCII" + elif attr("unicode"): + charset = "UNICODE" + else: + charset = None + + if attr("collation"): + collation = "COLLATE %s" % type_.collation + elif attr("binary"): + collation = "BINARY" + else: + collation = None + + if attr("national"): + # NATIONAL (aka NCHAR/NVARCHAR) trumps charsets. + return " ".join( + [c for c in ("NATIONAL", spec, collation) if c is not None] + ) + return " ".join( + [c for c in (spec, charset, collation) if c is not None] + ) + + def _mysql_type(self, type_): + return isinstance(type_, (_StringType, _NumericType)) + + def visit_NUMERIC(self, type_, **kw): + if type_.precision is None: + return self._extend_numeric(type_, "NUMERIC") + elif type_.scale is None: + return self._extend_numeric( + type_, + "NUMERIC(%(precision)s)" % {"precision": type_.precision}, + ) + else: + return self._extend_numeric( + type_, + "NUMERIC(%(precision)s, %(scale)s)" + % {"precision": type_.precision, "scale": type_.scale}, + ) + + def visit_DECIMAL(self, type_, **kw): + if type_.precision is None: + return self._extend_numeric(type_, "DECIMAL") + elif type_.scale is None: + return self._extend_numeric( + type_, + "DECIMAL(%(precision)s)" % {"precision": type_.precision}, + ) + else: + return self._extend_numeric( + type_, + "DECIMAL(%(precision)s, %(scale)s)" + % {"precision": type_.precision, "scale": type_.scale}, + ) + + def visit_DOUBLE(self, type_, **kw): + if type_.precision is not None and type_.scale is not None: + return self._extend_numeric( + type_, + "DOUBLE(%(precision)s, %(scale)s)" + % {"precision": type_.precision, "scale": type_.scale}, + ) + else: + return self._extend_numeric(type_, "DOUBLE") + + def visit_REAL(self, type_, **kw): + if type_.precision is not None and type_.scale is not None: + return self._extend_numeric( + type_, + "REAL(%(precision)s, %(scale)s)" + % {"precision": type_.precision, "scale": type_.scale}, + ) + else: + return self._extend_numeric(type_, "REAL") + + def visit_FLOAT(self, type_, **kw): + if ( + self._mysql_type(type_) + and type_.scale is not None + and type_.precision is not None + ): + return self._extend_numeric( + type_, "FLOAT(%s, %s)" % (type_.precision, type_.scale) + ) + elif type_.precision is not None: + return self._extend_numeric( + type_, "FLOAT(%s)" % (type_.precision,) + ) + else: + return self._extend_numeric(type_, "FLOAT") + + def visit_INTEGER(self, type_, **kw): + if self._mysql_type(type_) and type_.display_width is not None: + return self._extend_numeric( + type_, + "INTEGER(%(display_width)s)" + % {"display_width": type_.display_width}, + ) + else: + return self._extend_numeric(type_, "INTEGER") + + def visit_BIGINT(self, type_, **kw): + if self._mysql_type(type_) and type_.display_width is not None: + return self._extend_numeric( + type_, + "BIGINT(%(display_width)s)" + % {"display_width": type_.display_width}, + ) + else: + return self._extend_numeric(type_, "BIGINT") + + def visit_MEDIUMINT(self, type_, **kw): + if self._mysql_type(type_) and type_.display_width is not None: + return self._extend_numeric( + type_, + "MEDIUMINT(%(display_width)s)" + % {"display_width": type_.display_width}, + ) + else: + return self._extend_numeric(type_, "MEDIUMINT") + + def visit_TINYINT(self, type_, **kw): + if self._mysql_type(type_) and type_.display_width is not None: + return self._extend_numeric( + type_, "TINYINT(%s)" % type_.display_width + ) + else: + return self._extend_numeric(type_, "TINYINT") + + def visit_SMALLINT(self, type_, **kw): + if self._mysql_type(type_) and type_.display_width is not None: + return self._extend_numeric( + type_, + "SMALLINT(%(display_width)s)" + % {"display_width": type_.display_width}, + ) + else: + return self._extend_numeric(type_, "SMALLINT") + + def visit_BIT(self, type_, **kw): + if type_.length is not None: + return "BIT(%s)" % type_.length + else: + return "BIT" + + def visit_DATETIME(self, type_, **kw): + if getattr(type_, "fsp", None): + return "DATETIME(%d)" % type_.fsp + else: + return "DATETIME" + + def visit_DATE(self, type_, **kw): + return "DATE" + + def visit_TIME(self, type_, **kw): + if getattr(type_, "fsp", None): + return "TIME(%d)" % type_.fsp + else: + return "TIME" + + def visit_TIMESTAMP(self, type_, **kw): + if getattr(type_, "fsp", None): + return "TIMESTAMP(%d)" % type_.fsp + else: + return "TIMESTAMP" + + def visit_YEAR(self, type_, **kw): + if type_.display_width is None: + return "YEAR" + else: + return "YEAR(%s)" % type_.display_width + + def visit_TEXT(self, type_, **kw): + if type_.length: + return self._extend_string(type_, {}, "TEXT(%d)" % type_.length) + else: + return self._extend_string(type_, {}, "TEXT") + + def visit_TINYTEXT(self, type_, **kw): + return self._extend_string(type_, {}, "TINYTEXT") + + def visit_MEDIUMTEXT(self, type_, **kw): + return self._extend_string(type_, {}, "MEDIUMTEXT") + + def visit_LONGTEXT(self, type_, **kw): + return self._extend_string(type_, {}, "LONGTEXT") + + def visit_VARCHAR(self, type_, **kw): + if type_.length: + return self._extend_string(type_, {}, "VARCHAR(%d)" % type_.length) + else: + raise exc.CompileError( + "VARCHAR requires a length on dialect %s" % self.dialect.name + ) + + def visit_CHAR(self, type_, **kw): + if type_.length: + return self._extend_string( + type_, {}, "CHAR(%(length)s)" % {"length": type_.length} + ) + else: + return self._extend_string(type_, {}, "CHAR") + + def visit_NVARCHAR(self, type_, **kw): + # We'll actually generate the equiv. "NATIONAL VARCHAR" instead + # of "NVARCHAR". + if type_.length: + return self._extend_string( + type_, + {"national": True}, + "VARCHAR(%(length)s)" % {"length": type_.length}, + ) + else: + raise exc.CompileError( + "NVARCHAR requires a length on dialect %s" % self.dialect.name + ) + + def visit_NCHAR(self, type_, **kw): + # We'll actually generate the equiv. + # "NATIONAL CHAR" instead of "NCHAR". + if type_.length: + return self._extend_string( + type_, + {"national": True}, + "CHAR(%(length)s)" % {"length": type_.length}, + ) + else: + return self._extend_string(type_, {"national": True}, "CHAR") + + def visit_VARBINARY(self, type_, **kw): + return "VARBINARY(%d)" % type_.length + + def visit_JSON(self, type_, **kw): + return "JSON" + + def visit_large_binary(self, type_, **kw): + return self.visit_BLOB(type_) + + def visit_enum(self, type_, **kw): + if not type_.native_enum: + return super(MySQLTypeCompiler, self).visit_enum(type_) + else: + return self._visit_enumerated_values("ENUM", type_, type_.enums) + + def visit_BLOB(self, type_, **kw): + if type_.length: + return "BLOB(%d)" % type_.length + else: + return "BLOB" + + def visit_TINYBLOB(self, type_, **kw): + return "TINYBLOB" + + def visit_MEDIUMBLOB(self, type_, **kw): + return "MEDIUMBLOB" + + def visit_LONGBLOB(self, type_, **kw): + return "LONGBLOB" + + def _visit_enumerated_values(self, name, type_, enumerated_values): + quoted_enums = [] + for e in enumerated_values: + quoted_enums.append("'%s'" % e.replace("'", "''")) + return self._extend_string( + type_, {}, "%s(%s)" % (name, ",".join(quoted_enums)) + ) + + def visit_ENUM(self, type_, **kw): + return self._visit_enumerated_values( + "ENUM", type_, type_._enumerated_values + ) + + def visit_SET(self, type_, **kw): + return self._visit_enumerated_values( + "SET", type_, type_._enumerated_values + ) + + def visit_BOOLEAN(self, type_, **kw): + return "BOOL" + + +class MySQLIdentifierPreparer(compiler.IdentifierPreparer): + + reserved_words = RESERVED_WORDS + + def __init__(self, dialect, server_ansiquotes=False, **kw): + if not server_ansiquotes: + quote = "`" + else: + quote = '"' + + super(MySQLIdentifierPreparer, self).__init__( + dialect, initial_quote=quote, escape_quote=quote + ) + + def _quote_free_identifiers(self, *ids): + """Unilaterally identifier-quote any number of strings.""" + + return tuple([self.quote_identifier(i) for i in ids if i is not None]) + + +@log.class_logger +class MySQLDialect(default.DefaultDialect): + """Details of the MySQL dialect. + Not used directly in application code. + """ + + name = "mysql" + supports_alter = True + + # MySQL has no true "boolean" type; we + # allow for the "true" and "false" keywords, however + supports_native_boolean = False + + # identifiers are 64, however aliases can be 255... + max_identifier_length = 255 + max_index_name_length = 64 + + supports_native_enum = True + + supports_sane_rowcount = True + supports_sane_multi_rowcount = False + supports_multivalues_insert = True + + supports_comments = True + inline_comments = True + default_paramstyle = "format" + colspecs = colspecs + + cte_follows_insert = True + + statement_compiler = MySQLCompiler + ddl_compiler = MySQLDDLCompiler + type_compiler = MySQLTypeCompiler + ischema_names = ischema_names + preparer = MySQLIdentifierPreparer + + # default SQL compilation settings - + # these are modified upon initialize(), + # i.e. first connect + _backslash_escapes = True + _server_ansiquotes = False + + construct_arguments = [ + (sa_schema.Table, {"*": None}), + (sql.Update, {"limit": None}), + (sa_schema.PrimaryKeyConstraint, {"using": None}), + (sa_schema.Index, {"using": None, "length": None, "prefix": None}), + ] + + def __init__( + self, + isolation_level=None, + json_serializer=None, + json_deserializer=None, + **kwargs + ): + kwargs.pop("use_ansiquotes", None) # legacy + default.DefaultDialect.__init__(self, **kwargs) + self.isolation_level = isolation_level + self._json_serializer = json_serializer + self._json_deserializer = json_deserializer + + def on_connect(self): + if self.isolation_level is not None: + + def connect(conn): + self.set_isolation_level(conn, self.isolation_level) + + return connect + else: + return None + + _isolation_lookup = set( + [ + "SERIALIZABLE", + "READ UNCOMMITTED", + "READ COMMITTED", + "REPEATABLE READ", + ] + ) + + def set_isolation_level(self, connection, level): + level = level.replace("_", " ") + + # adjust for ConnectionFairy being present + # allows attribute set e.g. "connection.autocommit = True" + # to work properly + if hasattr(connection, "connection"): + connection = connection.connection + + self._set_isolation_level(connection, level) + + def _set_isolation_level(self, connection, level): + if level not in self._isolation_lookup: + raise exc.ArgumentError( + "Invalid value '%s' for isolation_level. " + "Valid isolation levels for %s are %s" + % (level, self.name, ", ".join(self._isolation_lookup)) + ) + cursor = connection.cursor() + cursor.execute("SET SESSION TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL %s" % level) + cursor.execute("COMMIT") + cursor.close() + + def get_isolation_level(self, connection): + cursor = connection.cursor() + if self._is_mysql and self.server_version_info >= (5, 7, 20): + cursor.execute("SELECT @@transaction_isolation") + else: + cursor.execute("SELECT @@tx_isolation") + val = cursor.fetchone()[0] + cursor.close() + if util.py3k and isinstance(val, bytes): + val = val.decode() + return val.upper().replace("-", " ") + + def _get_server_version_info(self, connection): + # get database server version info explicitly over the wire + # to avoid proxy servers like MaxScale getting in the + # way with their own values, see #4205 + dbapi_con = connection.connection + cursor = dbapi_con.cursor() + cursor.execute("SELECT VERSION()") + val = cursor.fetchone()[0] + cursor.close() + if util.py3k and isinstance(val, bytes): + val = val.decode() + + version = [] + r = re.compile(r"[.\-]") + for n in r.split(val): + try: + version.append(int(n)) + except ValueError: + version.append(n) + return tuple(version) + + def do_commit(self, dbapi_connection): + """Execute a COMMIT.""" + + # COMMIT/ROLLBACK were introduced in 3.23.15. + # Yes, we have at least one user who has to talk to these old + # versions! + # + # Ignore commit/rollback if support isn't present, otherwise even + # basic operations via autocommit fail. + try: + dbapi_connection.commit() + except Exception: + if self.server_version_info < (3, 23, 15): + args = sys.exc_info()[1].args + if args and args[0] == 1064: + return + raise + + def do_rollback(self, dbapi_connection): + """Execute a ROLLBACK.""" + + try: + dbapi_connection.rollback() + except Exception: + if self.server_version_info < (3, 23, 15): + args = sys.exc_info()[1].args + if args and args[0] == 1064: + return + raise + + def do_begin_twophase(self, connection, xid): + connection.execute(sql.text("XA BEGIN :xid"), xid=xid) + + def do_prepare_twophase(self, connection, xid): + connection.execute(sql.text("XA END :xid"), xid=xid) + connection.execute(sql.text("XA PREPARE :xid"), xid=xid) + + def do_rollback_twophase( + self, connection, xid, is_prepared=True, recover=False + ): + if not is_prepared: + connection.execute(sql.text("XA END :xid"), xid=xid) + connection.execute(sql.text("XA ROLLBACK :xid"), xid=xid) + + def do_commit_twophase( + self, connection, xid, is_prepared=True, recover=False + ): + if not is_prepared: + self.do_prepare_twophase(connection, xid) + connection.execute(sql.text("XA COMMIT :xid"), xid=xid) + + def do_recover_twophase(self, connection): + resultset = connection.execute("XA RECOVER") + return [row["data"][0 : row["gtrid_length"]] for row in resultset] + + def is_disconnect(self, e, connection, cursor): + if isinstance( + e, (self.dbapi.OperationalError, self.dbapi.ProgrammingError) + ): + return self._extract_error_code(e) in ( + 2006, + 2013, + 2014, + 2045, + 2055, + ) + elif isinstance( + e, (self.dbapi.InterfaceError, self.dbapi.InternalError) + ): + # if underlying connection is closed, + # this is the error you get + return "(0, '')" in str(e) + else: + return False + + def _compat_fetchall(self, rp, charset=None): + """Proxy result rows to smooth over MySQL-Python driver + inconsistencies.""" + + return [_DecodingRowProxy(row, charset) for row in rp.fetchall()] + + def _compat_fetchone(self, rp, charset=None): + """Proxy a result row to smooth over MySQL-Python driver + inconsistencies.""" + + row = rp.fetchone() + if row: + return _DecodingRowProxy(row, charset) + else: + return None + + def _compat_first(self, rp, charset=None): + """Proxy a result row to smooth over MySQL-Python driver + inconsistencies.""" + + row = rp.first() + if row: + return _DecodingRowProxy(row, charset) + else: + return None + + def _extract_error_code(self, exception): + raise NotImplementedError() + + def _get_default_schema_name(self, connection): + return connection.execute("SELECT DATABASE()").scalar() + + def has_table(self, connection, table_name, schema=None): + # SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE and SHOW TABLES LIKE do not function properly + # on macosx (and maybe win?) with multibyte table names. + # + # TODO: if this is not a problem on win, make the strategy swappable + # based on platform. DESCRIBE is slower. + + # [ticket:726] + # full_name = self.identifier_preparer.format_table(table, + # use_schema=True) + + full_name = ".".join( + self.identifier_preparer._quote_free_identifiers( + schema, table_name + ) + ) + + st = "DESCRIBE %s" % full_name + rs = None + try: + try: + rs = connection.execution_options( + skip_user_error_events=True + ).execute(st) + have = rs.fetchone() is not None + rs.close() + return have + except exc.DBAPIError as e: + if self._extract_error_code(e.orig) == 1146: + return False + raise + finally: + if rs: + rs.close() + + def initialize(self, connection): + self._connection_charset = self._detect_charset(connection) + self._detect_sql_mode(connection) + self._detect_ansiquotes(connection) + self._detect_casing(connection) + if self._server_ansiquotes: + # if ansiquotes == True, build a new IdentifierPreparer + # with the new setting + self.identifier_preparer = self.preparer( + self, server_ansiquotes=self._server_ansiquotes + ) + + default.DefaultDialect.initialize(self, connection) + + self._needs_correct_for_88718 = ( + not self._is_mariadb and self.server_version_info >= (8,) + ) + + self._warn_for_known_db_issues() + + def _warn_for_known_db_issues(self): + if self._is_mariadb: + mdb_version = self._mariadb_normalized_version_info + if mdb_version > (10, 2) and mdb_version < (10, 2, 9): + util.warn( + "MariaDB %r before 10.2.9 has known issues regarding " + "CHECK constraints, which impact handling of NULL values " + "with SQLAlchemy's boolean datatype (MDEV-13596). An " + "additional issue prevents proper migrations of columns " + "with CHECK constraints (MDEV-11114). Please upgrade to " + "MariaDB 10.2.9 or greater, or use the MariaDB 10.1 " + "series, to avoid these issues." % (mdb_version,) + ) + + @property + def _is_mariadb(self): + return "MariaDB" in self.server_version_info + + @property + def _is_mysql(self): + return "MariaDB" not in self.server_version_info + + @property + def _is_mariadb_102(self): + return self._is_mariadb and self._mariadb_normalized_version_info > ( + 10, + 2, + ) + + @property + def _mariadb_normalized_version_info(self): + # MariaDB's wire-protocol prepends the server_version with + # the string "5.5"; now that we use @@version we no longer see this. + + if self._is_mariadb: + idx = self.server_version_info.index("MariaDB") + return self.server_version_info[idx - 3 : idx] + else: + return self.server_version_info + + @property + def _supports_cast(self): + return ( + self.server_version_info is None + or self.server_version_info >= (4, 0, 2) + ) + + @reflection.cache + def get_schema_names(self, connection, **kw): + rp = connection.execute("SHOW schemas") + return [r[0] for r in rp] + + @reflection.cache + def get_table_names(self, connection, schema=None, **kw): + """Return a Unicode SHOW TABLES from a given schema.""" + if schema is not None: + current_schema = schema + else: + current_schema = self.default_schema_name + + charset = self._connection_charset + if self.server_version_info < (5, 0, 2): + rp = connection.execute( + "SHOW TABLES FROM %s" + % self.identifier_preparer.quote_identifier(current_schema) + ) + return [ + row[0] for row in self._compat_fetchall(rp, charset=charset) + ] + else: + rp = connection.execute( + "SHOW FULL TABLES FROM %s" + % self.identifier_preparer.quote_identifier(current_schema) + ) + + return [ + row[0] + for row in self._compat_fetchall(rp, charset=charset) + if row[1] == "BASE TABLE" + ] + + @reflection.cache + def get_view_names(self, connection, schema=None, **kw): + if self.server_version_info < (5, 0, 2): + raise NotImplementedError + if schema is None: + schema = self.default_schema_name + if self.server_version_info < (5, 0, 2): + return self.get_table_names(connection, schema) + charset = self._connection_charset + rp = connection.execute( + "SHOW FULL TABLES FROM %s" + % self.identifier_preparer.quote_identifier(schema) + ) + return [ + row[0] + for row in self._compat_fetchall(rp, charset=charset) + if row[1] in ("VIEW", "SYSTEM VIEW") + ] + + @reflection.cache + def get_table_options(self, connection, table_name, schema=None, **kw): + + parsed_state = self._parsed_state_or_create( + connection, table_name, schema, **kw + ) + return parsed_state.table_options + + @reflection.cache + def get_columns(self, connection, table_name, schema=None, **kw): + parsed_state = self._parsed_state_or_create( + connection, table_name, schema, **kw + ) + return parsed_state.columns + + @reflection.cache + def get_pk_constraint(self, connection, table_name, schema=None, **kw): + parsed_state = self._parsed_state_or_create( + connection, table_name, schema, **kw + ) + for key in parsed_state.keys: + if key["type"] == "PRIMARY": + # There can be only one. + cols = [s[0] for s in key["columns"]] + return {"constrained_columns": cols, "name": None} + return {"constrained_columns": [], "name": None} + + @reflection.cache + def get_foreign_keys(self, connection, table_name, schema=None, **kw): + + parsed_state = self._parsed_state_or_create( + connection, table_name, schema, **kw + ) + default_schema = None + + fkeys = [] + + for spec in parsed_state.fk_constraints: + ref_name = spec["table"][-1] + ref_schema = len(spec["table"]) > 1 and spec["table"][-2] or schema + + if not ref_schema: + if default_schema is None: + default_schema = connection.dialect.default_schema_name + if schema == default_schema: + ref_schema = schema + + loc_names = spec["local"] + ref_names = spec["foreign"] + + con_kw = {} + for opt in ("onupdate", "ondelete"): + if spec.get(opt, False): + con_kw[opt] = spec[opt] + + fkey_d = { + "name": spec["name"], + "constrained_columns": loc_names, + "referred_schema": ref_schema, + "referred_table": ref_name, + "referred_columns": ref_names, + "options": con_kw, + } + fkeys.append(fkey_d) + + if self._needs_correct_for_88718: + self._correct_for_mysql_bug_88718(fkeys, connection) + + return fkeys + + def _correct_for_mysql_bug_88718(self, fkeys, connection): + # Foreign key is always in lower case (MySQL 8.0) + # https://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=88718 + # issue #4344 for SQLAlchemy + + # for lower_case_table_names=2, information_schema.columns + # preserves the original table/schema casing, but SHOW CREATE + # TABLE does not. this problem is not in lower_case_table_names=1, + # but use case-insensitive matching for these two modes in any case. + if self._casing in (1, 2): + lower = str.lower + else: + # if on case sensitive, there can be two tables referenced + # with the same name different casing, so we need to use + # case-sensitive matching. + def lower(s): + return s + + default_schema_name = connection.dialect.default_schema_name + col_tuples = [ + ( + lower(rec["referred_schema"] or default_schema_name), + lower(rec["referred_table"]), + col_name, + ) + for rec in fkeys + for col_name in rec["referred_columns"] + ] + + if col_tuples: + + correct_for_wrong_fk_case = connection.execute( + sql.text( + """ + select table_schema, table_name, column_name + from information_schema.columns + where (table_schema, table_name, lower(column_name)) in + :table_data; + """ + ).bindparams(sql.bindparam("table_data", expanding=True)), + table_data=col_tuples, + ) + + # in casing=0, table name and schema name come back in their + # exact case. + # in casing=1, table name and schema name come back in lower + # case. + # in casing=2, table name and schema name come back from the + # information_schema.columns view in the case + # that was used in CREATE DATABASE and CREATE TABLE, but + # SHOW CREATE TABLE converts them to *lower case*, therefore + # not matching. So for this case, case-insensitive lookup + # is necessary + d = defaultdict(dict) + for schema, tname, cname in correct_for_wrong_fk_case: + d[(lower(schema), lower(tname))][cname.lower()] = cname + + for fkey in fkeys: + fkey["referred_columns"] = [ + d[ + ( + lower( + fkey["referred_schema"] or default_schema_name + ), + lower(fkey["referred_table"]), + ) + ][col.lower()] + for col in fkey["referred_columns"] + ] + + @reflection.cache + def get_check_constraints(self, connection, table_name, schema=None, **kw): + + parsed_state = self._parsed_state_or_create( + connection, table_name, schema, **kw + ) + + return [ + {"name": spec["name"], "sqltext": spec["sqltext"]} + for spec in parsed_state.ck_constraints + ] + + @reflection.cache + def get_table_comment(self, connection, table_name, schema=None, **kw): + parsed_state = self._parsed_state_or_create( + connection, table_name, schema, **kw + ) + return {"text": parsed_state.table_options.get("mysql_comment", None)} + + @reflection.cache + def get_indexes(self, connection, table_name, schema=None, **kw): + + parsed_state = self._parsed_state_or_create( + connection, table_name, schema, **kw + ) + + indexes = [] + for spec in parsed_state.keys: + unique = False + flavor = spec["type"] + if flavor == "PRIMARY": + continue + if flavor == "UNIQUE": + unique = True + elif flavor in (None, "FULLTEXT", "SPATIAL"): + pass + else: + self.logger.info( + "Converting unknown KEY type %s to a plain KEY", flavor + ) + pass + index_d = {} + index_d["name"] = spec["name"] + index_d["column_names"] = [s[0] for s in spec["columns"]] + index_d["unique"] = unique + if flavor: + index_d["type"] = flavor + indexes.append(index_d) + return indexes + + @reflection.cache + def get_unique_constraints( + self, connection, table_name, schema=None, **kw + ): + parsed_state = self._parsed_state_or_create( + connection, table_name, schema, **kw + ) + + return [ + { + "name": key["name"], + "column_names": [col[0] for col in key["columns"]], + "duplicates_index": key["name"], + } + for key in parsed_state.keys + if key["type"] == "UNIQUE" + ] + + @reflection.cache + def get_view_definition(self, connection, view_name, schema=None, **kw): + + charset = self._connection_charset + full_name = ".".join( + self.identifier_preparer._quote_free_identifiers(schema, view_name) + ) + sql = self._show_create_table( + connection, None, charset, full_name=full_name + ) + return sql + + def _parsed_state_or_create( + self, connection, table_name, schema=None, **kw + ): + return self._setup_parser( + connection, + table_name, + schema, + info_cache=kw.get("info_cache", None), + ) + + @util.memoized_property + def _tabledef_parser(self): + """return the MySQLTableDefinitionParser, generate if needed. + + The deferred creation ensures that the dialect has + retrieved server version information first. + + """ + if self.server_version_info < (4, 1) and self._server_ansiquotes: + # ANSI_QUOTES doesn't affect SHOW CREATE TABLE on < 4.1 + preparer = self.preparer(self, server_ansiquotes=False) + else: + preparer = self.identifier_preparer + return _reflection.MySQLTableDefinitionParser(self, preparer) + + @reflection.cache + def _setup_parser(self, connection, table_name, schema=None, **kw): + charset = self._connection_charset + parser = self._tabledef_parser + full_name = ".".join( + self.identifier_preparer._quote_free_identifiers( + schema, table_name + ) + ) + sql = self._show_create_table( + connection, None, charset, full_name=full_name + ) + if re.match(r"^CREATE (?:ALGORITHM)?.* VIEW", sql): + # Adapt views to something table-like. + columns = self._describe_table( + connection, None, charset, full_name=full_name + ) + sql = parser._describe_to_create(table_name, columns) + return parser.parse(sql, charset) + + def _detect_charset(self, connection): + raise NotImplementedError() + + def _detect_casing(self, connection): + """Sniff out identifier case sensitivity. + + Cached per-connection. This value can not change without a server + restart. + + """ + # http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/name-case-sensitivity.html + + charset = self._connection_charset + row = self._compat_first( + connection.execute("SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'lower_case_table_names'"), + charset=charset, + ) + if not row: + cs = 0 + else: + # 4.0.15 returns OFF or ON according to [ticket:489] + # 3.23 doesn't, 4.0.27 doesn't.. + if row[1] == "OFF": + cs = 0 + elif row[1] == "ON": + cs = 1 + else: + cs = int(row[1]) + self._casing = cs + return cs + + def _detect_collations(self, connection): + """Pull the active COLLATIONS list from the server. + + Cached per-connection. + """ + + collations = {} + if self.server_version_info < (4, 1, 0): + pass + else: + charset = self._connection_charset + rs = connection.execute("SHOW COLLATION") + for row in self._compat_fetchall(rs, charset): + collations[row[0]] = row[1] + return collations + + def _detect_sql_mode(self, connection): + row = self._compat_first( + connection.execute("SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'sql_mode'"), + charset=self._connection_charset, + ) + + if not row: + util.warn( + "Could not retrieve SQL_MODE; please ensure the " + "MySQL user has permissions to SHOW VARIABLES" + ) + self._sql_mode = "" + else: + self._sql_mode = row[1] or "" + + def _detect_ansiquotes(self, connection): + """Detect and adjust for the ANSI_QUOTES sql mode.""" + + mode = self._sql_mode + if not mode: + mode = "" + elif mode.isdigit(): + mode_no = int(mode) + mode = (mode_no | 4 == mode_no) and "ANSI_QUOTES" or "" + + self._server_ansiquotes = "ANSI_QUOTES" in mode + + # as of MySQL 5.0.1 + self._backslash_escapes = "NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES" not in mode + + def _show_create_table( + self, connection, table, charset=None, full_name=None + ): + """Run SHOW CREATE TABLE for a ``Table``.""" + + if full_name is None: + full_name = self.identifier_preparer.format_table(table) + st = "SHOW CREATE TABLE %s" % full_name + + rp = None + try: + rp = connection.execution_options( + skip_user_error_events=True + ).execute(st) + except exc.DBAPIError as e: + if self._extract_error_code(e.orig) == 1146: + raise exc.NoSuchTableError(full_name) + else: + raise + row = self._compat_first(rp, charset=charset) + if not row: + raise exc.NoSuchTableError(full_name) + return row[1].strip() + + return sql + + def _describe_table(self, connection, table, charset=None, full_name=None): + """Run DESCRIBE for a ``Table`` and return processed rows.""" + + if full_name is None: + full_name = self.identifier_preparer.format_table(table) + st = "DESCRIBE %s" % full_name + + rp, rows = None, None + try: + try: + rp = connection.execution_options( + skip_user_error_events=True + ).execute(st) + except exc.DBAPIError as e: + code = self._extract_error_code(e.orig) + if code == 1146: + raise exc.NoSuchTableError(full_name) + elif code == 1356: + raise exc.UnreflectableTableError( + "Table or view named %s could not be " + "reflected: %s" % (full_name, e) + ) + else: + raise + rows = self._compat_fetchall(rp, charset=charset) + finally: + if rp: + rp.close() + return rows + + +class _DecodingRowProxy(object): + """Return unicode-decoded values based on type inspection. + + Smooth over data type issues (esp. with alpha driver versions) and + normalize strings as Unicode regardless of user-configured driver + encoding settings. + + """ + + # Some MySQL-python versions can return some columns as + # sets.Set(['value']) (seriously) but thankfully that doesn't + # seem to come up in DDL queries. + + _encoding_compat = { + "koi8r": "koi8_r", + "koi8u": "koi8_u", + "utf16": "utf-16-be", # MySQL's uft16 is always bigendian + "utf8mb4": "utf8", # real utf8 + "eucjpms": "ujis", + } + + def __init__(self, rowproxy, charset): + self.rowproxy = rowproxy + self.charset = self._encoding_compat.get(charset, charset) + + def __getitem__(self, index): + item = self.rowproxy[index] + if isinstance(item, _array): + item = item.tostring() + + if self.charset and isinstance(item, util.binary_type): + return item.decode(self.charset) + else: + return item + + def __getattr__(self, attr): + item = getattr(self.rowproxy, attr) + if isinstance(item, _array): + item = item.tostring() + if self.charset and isinstance(item, util.binary_type): + return item.decode(self.charset) + else: + return item diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/cymysql.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/cymysql.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..47bdbbc --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/cymysql.py @@ -0,0 +1,76 @@ +# mysql/cymysql.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php +r""" + +.. dialect:: mysql+cymysql + :name: CyMySQL + :dbapi: cymysql + :connectstring: mysql+cymysql://:@/[?] + :url: https://github.com/nakagami/CyMySQL + +""" # noqa + +from .base import BIT +from .base import MySQLDialect +from .mysqldb import MySQLDialect_mysqldb +from ... import util + + +class _cymysqlBIT(BIT): + def result_processor(self, dialect, coltype): + """Convert a MySQL's 64 bit, variable length binary string to a long. + """ + + def process(value): + if value is not None: + v = 0 + for i in util.iterbytes(value): + v = v << 8 | i + return v + return value + + return process + + +class MySQLDialect_cymysql(MySQLDialect_mysqldb): + driver = "cymysql" + + description_encoding = None + supports_sane_rowcount = True + supports_sane_multi_rowcount = False + supports_unicode_statements = True + + colspecs = util.update_copy(MySQLDialect.colspecs, {BIT: _cymysqlBIT}) + + @classmethod + def dbapi(cls): + return __import__("cymysql") + + def _detect_charset(self, connection): + return connection.connection.charset + + def _extract_error_code(self, exception): + return exception.errno + + def is_disconnect(self, e, connection, cursor): + if isinstance(e, self.dbapi.OperationalError): + return self._extract_error_code(e) in ( + 2006, + 2013, + 2014, + 2045, + 2055, + ) + elif isinstance(e, self.dbapi.InterfaceError): + # if underlying connection is closed, + # this is the error you get + return True + else: + return False + + +dialect = MySQLDialect_cymysql diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/dml.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/dml.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..235278f --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/dml.py @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +from ... import util +from ...sql.base import _generative +from ...sql.dml import Insert as StandardInsert +from ...sql.elements import ClauseElement +from ...sql.expression import alias +from ...util.langhelpers import public_factory + +__all__ = ("Insert", "insert") + + +class Insert(StandardInsert): + """MySQL-specific implementation of INSERT. + + Adds methods for MySQL-specific syntaxes such as ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE. + + .. versionadded:: 1.2 + + """ + + @property + def inserted(self): + """Provide the "inserted" namespace for an ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE statement + + MySQL's ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE clause allows reference to the row + that would be inserted, via a special function called ``VALUES()``. + This attribute provides all columns in this row to be referenaceable + such that they will render within a ``VALUES()`` function inside the + ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE clause. The attribute is named ``.inserted`` + so as not to conflict with the existing :meth:`.Insert.values` method. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`mysql_insert_on_duplicate_key_update` - example of how + to use :attr:`.Insert.inserted` + + """ + return self.inserted_alias.columns + + @util.memoized_property + def inserted_alias(self): + return alias(self.table, name="inserted") + + @_generative + def on_duplicate_key_update(self, **kw): + r""" + Specifies the ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE clause. + + :param \**kw: Column keys linked to UPDATE values. The + values may be any SQL expression or supported literal Python + values. + + .. warning:: This dictionary does **not** take into account + Python-specified default UPDATE values or generation functions, + e.g. those specified using :paramref:`.Column.onupdate`. + These values will not be exercised for an ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE + style of UPDATE, unless values are manually specified here. + + .. versionadded:: 1.2 + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`mysql_insert_on_duplicate_key_update` + + """ + inserted_alias = getattr(self, "inserted_alias", None) + self._post_values_clause = OnDuplicateClause(inserted_alias, kw) + return self + + +insert = public_factory(Insert, ".dialects.mysql.insert") + + +class OnDuplicateClause(ClauseElement): + __visit_name__ = "on_duplicate_key_update" + + def __init__(self, inserted_alias, update): + self.inserted_alias = inserted_alias + if not update or not isinstance(update, dict): + raise ValueError("update parameter must be a non-empty dictionary") + self.update = update diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/enumerated.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/enumerated.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dccfca9 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/enumerated.py @@ -0,0 +1,314 @@ +# mysql/enumerated.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +import re + +from .types import _StringType +from ... import exc +from ... import sql +from ... import util +from ...sql import sqltypes + + +class _EnumeratedValues(_StringType): + def _init_values(self, values, kw): + self.quoting = kw.pop("quoting", "auto") + + if self.quoting == "auto" and len(values): + # What quoting character are we using? + q = None + for e in values: + if len(e) == 0: + self.quoting = "unquoted" + break + elif q is None: + q = e[0] + + if len(e) == 1 or e[0] != q or e[-1] != q: + self.quoting = "unquoted" + break + else: + self.quoting = "quoted" + + if self.quoting == "quoted": + util.warn_deprecated( + "Manually quoting %s value literals is deprecated. Supply " + "unquoted values and use the quoting= option in cases of " + "ambiguity." % self.__class__.__name__ + ) + + values = self._strip_values(values) + + self._enumerated_values = values + length = max([len(v) for v in values] + [0]) + return values, length + + @classmethod + def _strip_values(cls, values): + strip_values = [] + for a in values: + if a[0:1] == '"' or a[0:1] == "'": + # strip enclosing quotes and unquote interior + a = a[1:-1].replace(a[0] * 2, a[0]) + strip_values.append(a) + return strip_values + + +class ENUM(sqltypes.NativeForEmulated, sqltypes.Enum, _EnumeratedValues): + """MySQL ENUM type.""" + + __visit_name__ = "ENUM" + + native_enum = True + + def __init__(self, *enums, **kw): + """Construct an ENUM. + + E.g.:: + + Column('myenum', ENUM("foo", "bar", "baz")) + + :param enums: The range of valid values for this ENUM. Values will be + quoted when generating the schema according to the quoting flag (see + below). This object may also be a PEP-435-compliant enumerated + type. + + .. versionadded: 1.1 added support for PEP-435-compliant enumerated + types. + + :param strict: This flag has no effect. + + .. versionchanged:: The MySQL ENUM type as well as the base Enum + type now validates all Python data values. + + :param charset: Optional, a column-level character set for this string + value. Takes precedence to 'ascii' or 'unicode' short-hand. + + :param collation: Optional, a column-level collation for this string + value. Takes precedence to 'binary' short-hand. + + :param ascii: Defaults to False: short-hand for the ``latin1`` + character set, generates ASCII in schema. + + :param unicode: Defaults to False: short-hand for the ``ucs2`` + character set, generates UNICODE in schema. + + :param binary: Defaults to False: short-hand, pick the binary + collation type that matches the column's character set. Generates + BINARY in schema. This does not affect the type of data stored, + only the collation of character data. + + :param quoting: Defaults to 'auto': automatically determine enum value + quoting. If all enum values are surrounded by the same quoting + character, then use 'quoted' mode. Otherwise, use 'unquoted' mode. + + 'quoted': values in enums are already quoted, they will be used + directly when generating the schema - this usage is deprecated. + + 'unquoted': values in enums are not quoted, they will be escaped and + surrounded by single quotes when generating the schema. + + Previous versions of this type always required manually quoted + values to be supplied; future versions will always quote the string + literals for you. This is a transitional option. + + """ + + kw.pop("strict", None) + self._enum_init(enums, kw) + _StringType.__init__(self, length=self.length, **kw) + + @classmethod + def adapt_emulated_to_native(cls, impl, **kw): + """Produce a MySQL native :class:`.mysql.ENUM` from plain + :class:`.Enum`. + + """ + kw.setdefault("validate_strings", impl.validate_strings) + kw.setdefault("values_callable", impl.values_callable) + return cls(**kw) + + def _setup_for_values(self, values, objects, kw): + values, length = self._init_values(values, kw) + return super(ENUM, self)._setup_for_values(values, objects, kw) + + def _object_value_for_elem(self, elem): + # mysql sends back a blank string for any value that + # was persisted that was not in the enums; that is, it does no + # validation on the incoming data, it "truncates" it to be + # the blank string. Return it straight. + if elem == "": + return elem + else: + return super(ENUM, self)._object_value_for_elem(elem) + + def __repr__(self): + return util.generic_repr( + self, to_inspect=[ENUM, _StringType, sqltypes.Enum] + ) + + +class SET(_EnumeratedValues): + """MySQL SET type.""" + + __visit_name__ = "SET" + + def __init__(self, *values, **kw): + """Construct a SET. + + E.g.:: + + Column('myset', SET("foo", "bar", "baz")) + + + The list of potential values is required in the case that this + set will be used to generate DDL for a table, or if the + :paramref:`.SET.retrieve_as_bitwise` flag is set to True. + + :param values: The range of valid values for this SET. + + :param convert_unicode: Same flag as that of + :paramref:`.String.convert_unicode`. + + :param collation: same as that of :paramref:`.String.collation` + + :param charset: same as that of :paramref:`.VARCHAR.charset`. + + :param ascii: same as that of :paramref:`.VARCHAR.ascii`. + + :param unicode: same as that of :paramref:`.VARCHAR.unicode`. + + :param binary: same as that of :paramref:`.VARCHAR.binary`. + + :param quoting: Defaults to 'auto': automatically determine set value + quoting. If all values are surrounded by the same quoting + character, then use 'quoted' mode. Otherwise, use 'unquoted' mode. + + 'quoted': values in enums are already quoted, they will be used + directly when generating the schema - this usage is deprecated. + + 'unquoted': values in enums are not quoted, they will be escaped and + surrounded by single quotes when generating the schema. + + Previous versions of this type always required manually quoted + values to be supplied; future versions will always quote the string + literals for you. This is a transitional option. + + .. versionadded:: 0.9.0 + + :param retrieve_as_bitwise: if True, the data for the set type will be + persisted and selected using an integer value, where a set is coerced + into a bitwise mask for persistence. MySQL allows this mode which + has the advantage of being able to store values unambiguously, + such as the blank string ``''``. The datatype will appear + as the expression ``col + 0`` in a SELECT statement, so that the + value is coerced into an integer value in result sets. + This flag is required if one wishes + to persist a set that can store the blank string ``''`` as a value. + + .. warning:: + + When using :paramref:`.mysql.SET.retrieve_as_bitwise`, it is + essential that the list of set values is expressed in the + **exact same order** as exists on the MySQL database. + + .. versionadded:: 1.0.0 + + + """ + self.retrieve_as_bitwise = kw.pop("retrieve_as_bitwise", False) + values, length = self._init_values(values, kw) + self.values = tuple(values) + if not self.retrieve_as_bitwise and "" in values: + raise exc.ArgumentError( + "Can't use the blank value '' in a SET without " + "setting retrieve_as_bitwise=True" + ) + if self.retrieve_as_bitwise: + self._bitmap = dict( + (value, 2 ** idx) for idx, value in enumerate(self.values) + ) + self._bitmap.update( + (2 ** idx, value) for idx, value in enumerate(self.values) + ) + kw.setdefault("length", length) + super(SET, self).__init__(**kw) + + def column_expression(self, colexpr): + if self.retrieve_as_bitwise: + return sql.type_coerce( + sql.type_coerce(colexpr, sqltypes.Integer) + 0, self + ) + else: + return colexpr + + def result_processor(self, dialect, coltype): + if self.retrieve_as_bitwise: + + def process(value): + if value is not None: + value = int(value) + + return set(util.map_bits(self._bitmap.__getitem__, value)) + else: + return None + + else: + super_convert = super(SET, self).result_processor(dialect, coltype) + + def process(value): + if isinstance(value, util.string_types): + # MySQLdb returns a string, let's parse + if super_convert: + value = super_convert(value) + return set(re.findall(r"[^,]+", value)) + else: + # mysql-connector-python does a naive + # split(",") which throws in an empty string + if value is not None: + value.discard("") + return value + + return process + + def bind_processor(self, dialect): + super_convert = super(SET, self).bind_processor(dialect) + if self.retrieve_as_bitwise: + + def process(value): + if value is None: + return None + elif isinstance(value, util.int_types + util.string_types): + if super_convert: + return super_convert(value) + else: + return value + else: + int_value = 0 + for v in value: + int_value |= self._bitmap[v] + return int_value + + else: + + def process(value): + # accept strings and int (actually bitflag) values directly + if value is not None and not isinstance( + value, util.int_types + util.string_types + ): + value = ",".join(value) + + if super_convert: + return super_convert(value) + else: + return value + + return process + + def adapt(self, impltype, **kw): + kw["retrieve_as_bitwise"] = self.retrieve_as_bitwise + return util.constructor_copy(self, impltype, *self.values, **kw) diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/gaerdbms.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/gaerdbms.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d26f944 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/gaerdbms.py @@ -0,0 +1,104 @@ +# mysql/gaerdbms.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php +r""" +.. dialect:: mysql+gaerdbms + :name: Google Cloud SQL + :dbapi: rdbms + :connectstring: mysql+gaerdbms:///?instance= + :url: https://developers.google.com/appengine/docs/python/cloud-sql/developers-guide + + This dialect is based primarily on the :mod:`.mysql.mysqldb` dialect with + minimal changes. + + .. versionadded:: 0.7.8 + + .. deprecated:: 1.0 This dialect is **no longer necessary** for + Google Cloud SQL; the MySQLdb dialect can be used directly. + Cloud SQL now recommends creating connections via the + mysql dialect using the URL format + + ``mysql+mysqldb://root@/?unix_socket=/cloudsql/:`` + + +Pooling +------- + +Google App Engine connections appear to be randomly recycled, +so the dialect does not pool connections. The :class:`.NullPool` +implementation is installed within the :class:`.Engine` by +default. + +""" # noqa + +import os +import re + +from sqlalchemy.util import warn_deprecated +from .mysqldb import MySQLDialect_mysqldb +from ...pool import NullPool + + +def _is_dev_environment(): + return os.environ.get("SERVER_SOFTWARE", "").startswith("Development/") + + +class MySQLDialect_gaerdbms(MySQLDialect_mysqldb): + @classmethod + def dbapi(cls): + + warn_deprecated( + "Google Cloud SQL now recommends creating connections via the " + "MySQLdb dialect directly, using the URL format " + "mysql+mysqldb://root@/?unix_socket=/cloudsql/" + ":" + ) + + # from django: + # http://code.google.com/p/googleappengine/source/ + # browse/trunk/python/google/storage/speckle/ + # python/django/backend/base.py#118 + # see also [ticket:2649] + # see also http://stackoverflow.com/q/14224679/34549 + from google.appengine.api import apiproxy_stub_map + + if _is_dev_environment(): + from google.appengine.api import rdbms_mysqldb + + return rdbms_mysqldb + elif apiproxy_stub_map.apiproxy.GetStub("rdbms"): + from google.storage.speckle.python.api import rdbms_apiproxy + + return rdbms_apiproxy + else: + from google.storage.speckle.python.api import rdbms_googleapi + + return rdbms_googleapi + + @classmethod + def get_pool_class(cls, url): + # Cloud SQL connections die at any moment + return NullPool + + def create_connect_args(self, url): + opts = url.translate_connect_args() + if not _is_dev_environment(): + # 'dsn' and 'instance' are because we are skipping + # the traditional google.api.rdbms wrapper + opts["dsn"] = "" + opts["instance"] = url.query["instance"] + return [], opts + + def _extract_error_code(self, exception): + match = re.compile(r"^(\d+)L?:|^\((\d+)L?,").match(str(exception)) + # The rdbms api will wrap then re-raise some types of errors + # making this regex return no matches. + code = match.group(1) or match.group(2) if match else None + if code: + return int(code) + + +dialect = MySQLDialect_gaerdbms diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/json.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/json.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b575001 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/json.py @@ -0,0 +1,76 @@ +# mysql/json.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +from __future__ import absolute_import + +from ... import types as sqltypes + + +class JSON(sqltypes.JSON): + """MySQL JSON type. + + MySQL supports JSON as of version 5.7. Note that MariaDB does **not** + support JSON at the time of this writing. + + The :class:`.mysql.JSON` type supports persistence of JSON values + as well as the core index operations provided by :class:`.types.JSON` + datatype, by adapting the operations to render the ``JSON_EXTRACT`` + function at the database level. + + .. versionadded:: 1.1 + + """ + + pass + + +class _FormatTypeMixin(object): + def _format_value(self, value): + raise NotImplementedError() + + def bind_processor(self, dialect): + super_proc = self.string_bind_processor(dialect) + + def process(value): + value = self._format_value(value) + if super_proc: + value = super_proc(value) + return value + + return process + + def literal_processor(self, dialect): + super_proc = self.string_literal_processor(dialect) + + def process(value): + value = self._format_value(value) + if super_proc: + value = super_proc(value) + return value + + return process + + +class JSONIndexType(_FormatTypeMixin, sqltypes.JSON.JSONIndexType): + def _format_value(self, value): + if isinstance(value, int): + value = "$[%s]" % value + else: + value = '$."%s"' % value + return value + + +class JSONPathType(_FormatTypeMixin, sqltypes.JSON.JSONPathType): + def _format_value(self, value): + return "$%s" % ( + "".join( + [ + "[%s]" % elem if isinstance(elem, int) else '."%s"' % elem + for elem in value + ] + ) + ) diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/mysqlconnector.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/mysqlconnector.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..90bb95d --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/mysqlconnector.py @@ -0,0 +1,259 @@ +# mysql/mysqlconnector.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +r""" +.. dialect:: mysql+mysqlconnector + :name: MySQL Connector/Python + :dbapi: myconnpy + :connectstring: mysql+mysqlconnector://:@[:]/ + :url: http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/connector/python/ + + +Current Issues +-------------- + +The mysqlconnector driver has many issues that have gone unresolved +for many years and it recommended that mysqlclient or pymysql be used +if possible; as of June 27, 2018: + +* the values in cursor.description are randomly sent as either bytes + or text with no discernible pattern, so the dialect must test these + individually and attempt to decode + +* has been observed to leak interpreter memory (likely at the C code level) + under scenarios that do not leak memory when using mysqlclient + +* Under Python 2, the driver does not support SQL statements that contain + non-ascii characters within the SQL text, making it impossible to support + schema objects with non-ascii names; an ascii encoding error is raised. + +* additional random bytes-returned issues occur when running under MySQL 8.0 + only + +* The driver does not accept the "utf8mb4" or "utf8mb3" charset parameters, + only "utf8", even though MySQL itself has deprecated this symbol + +* The driver produces deadlocks when trying to make use of SELECT..FOR UPDATE, + the reason is unknown. + +This list should be updated as these issues are resolved either in the +upstream mysql-connector-python driver or if appropriate usage patterns +are contributed to SQLAlchemy. + +""" # noqa + +import re + +from .base import BIT +from .base import MySQLCompiler +from .base import MySQLDialect +from .base import MySQLExecutionContext +from .base import MySQLIdentifierPreparer +from ... import processors +from ... import util + + +class MySQLExecutionContext_mysqlconnector(MySQLExecutionContext): + def get_lastrowid(self): + return self.cursor.lastrowid + + +class MySQLCompiler_mysqlconnector(MySQLCompiler): + def visit_mod_binary(self, binary, operator, **kw): + if self.dialect._mysqlconnector_double_percents: + return ( + self.process(binary.left, **kw) + + " %% " + + self.process(binary.right, **kw) + ) + else: + return ( + self.process(binary.left, **kw) + + " % " + + self.process(binary.right, **kw) + ) + + def post_process_text(self, text): + if self.dialect._mysqlconnector_double_percents: + return text.replace("%", "%%") + else: + return text + + def escape_literal_column(self, text): + if self.dialect._mysqlconnector_double_percents: + return text.replace("%", "%%") + else: + return text + + +class MySQLIdentifierPreparer_mysqlconnector(MySQLIdentifierPreparer): + @property + def _double_percents(self): + return self.dialect._mysqlconnector_double_percents + + @_double_percents.setter + def _double_percents(self, value): + pass + + def _escape_identifier(self, value): + value = value.replace(self.escape_quote, self.escape_to_quote) + if self.dialect._mysqlconnector_double_percents: + return value.replace("%", "%%") + else: + return value + + +class _myconnpyBIT(BIT): + def result_processor(self, dialect, coltype): + """MySQL-connector already converts mysql bits, so.""" + + return None + + +class MySQLDialect_mysqlconnector(MySQLDialect): + driver = "mysqlconnector" + + supports_unicode_binds = True + + supports_sane_rowcount = True + supports_sane_multi_rowcount = True + + supports_native_decimal = True + + default_paramstyle = "format" + execution_ctx_cls = MySQLExecutionContext_mysqlconnector + statement_compiler = MySQLCompiler_mysqlconnector + + preparer = MySQLIdentifierPreparer_mysqlconnector + + colspecs = util.update_copy(MySQLDialect.colspecs, {BIT: _myconnpyBIT}) + + def __init__(self, *arg, **kw): + super(MySQLDialect_mysqlconnector, self).__init__(*arg, **kw) + + # hack description encoding since mysqlconnector randomly + # returns bytes or not + self._description_decoder = ( + processors.to_conditional_unicode_processor_factory + )(self.description_encoding) + + def _check_unicode_description(self, connection): + # hack description encoding since mysqlconnector randomly + # returns bytes or not + return False + + @property + def description_encoding(self): + # total guess + return "latin-1" + + @util.memoized_property + def supports_unicode_statements(self): + return util.py3k or self._mysqlconnector_version_info > (2, 0) + + @classmethod + def dbapi(cls): + from mysql import connector + + return connector + + def create_connect_args(self, url): + opts = url.translate_connect_args(username="user") + + opts.update(url.query) + + util.coerce_kw_type(opts, "allow_local_infile", bool) + util.coerce_kw_type(opts, "autocommit", bool) + util.coerce_kw_type(opts, "buffered", bool) + util.coerce_kw_type(opts, "compress", bool) + util.coerce_kw_type(opts, "connection_timeout", int) + util.coerce_kw_type(opts, "connect_timeout", int) + util.coerce_kw_type(opts, "consume_results", bool) + util.coerce_kw_type(opts, "force_ipv6", bool) + util.coerce_kw_type(opts, "get_warnings", bool) + util.coerce_kw_type(opts, "pool_reset_session", bool) + util.coerce_kw_type(opts, "pool_size", int) + util.coerce_kw_type(opts, "raise_on_warnings", bool) + util.coerce_kw_type(opts, "raw", bool) + util.coerce_kw_type(opts, "ssl_verify_cert", bool) + util.coerce_kw_type(opts, "use_pure", bool) + util.coerce_kw_type(opts, "use_unicode", bool) + + # unfortunately, MySQL/connector python refuses to release a + # cursor without reading fully, so non-buffered isn't an option + opts.setdefault("buffered", True) + + # FOUND_ROWS must be set in ClientFlag to enable + # supports_sane_rowcount. + if self.dbapi is not None: + try: + from mysql.connector.constants import ClientFlag + + client_flags = opts.get( + "client_flags", ClientFlag.get_default() + ) + client_flags |= ClientFlag.FOUND_ROWS + opts["client_flags"] = client_flags + except Exception: + pass + return [[], opts] + + @util.memoized_property + def _mysqlconnector_version_info(self): + if self.dbapi and hasattr(self.dbapi, "__version__"): + m = re.match(r"(\d+)\.(\d+)(?:\.(\d+))?", self.dbapi.__version__) + if m: + return tuple(int(x) for x in m.group(1, 2, 3) if x is not None) + + @util.memoized_property + def _mysqlconnector_double_percents(self): + return not util.py3k and self._mysqlconnector_version_info < (2, 0) + + def _detect_charset(self, connection): + return connection.connection.charset + + def _extract_error_code(self, exception): + return exception.errno + + def is_disconnect(self, e, connection, cursor): + errnos = (2006, 2013, 2014, 2045, 2055, 2048) + exceptions = (self.dbapi.OperationalError, self.dbapi.InterfaceError) + if isinstance(e, exceptions): + return ( + e.errno in errnos + or "MySQL Connection not available." in str(e) + ) + else: + return False + + def _compat_fetchall(self, rp, charset=None): + return rp.fetchall() + + def _compat_fetchone(self, rp, charset=None): + return rp.fetchone() + + _isolation_lookup = set( + [ + "SERIALIZABLE", + "READ UNCOMMITTED", + "READ COMMITTED", + "REPEATABLE READ", + "AUTOCOMMIT", + ] + ) + + def _set_isolation_level(self, connection, level): + if level == "AUTOCOMMIT": + connection.autocommit = True + else: + connection.autocommit = False + super(MySQLDialect_mysqlconnector, self)._set_isolation_level( + connection, level + ) + + +dialect = MySQLDialect_mysqlconnector diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/mysqldb.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/mysqldb.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..707032c --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/mysqldb.py @@ -0,0 +1,225 @@ +# mysql/mysqldb.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +""" + +.. dialect:: mysql+mysqldb + :name: MySQL-Python + :dbapi: mysqldb + :connectstring: mysql+mysqldb://:@[:]/ + :url: http://sourceforge.net/projects/mysql-python + +.. _mysqldb_unicode: + +Unicode +------- + +Please see :ref:`mysql_unicode` for current recommendations on unicode +handling. + +Py3K Support +------------ + +Currently, MySQLdb only runs on Python 2 and development has been stopped. +`mysqlclient`_ is fork of MySQLdb and provides Python 3 support as well +as some bugfixes. + +.. _mysqlclient: https://github.com/PyMySQL/mysqlclient-python + +Using MySQLdb with Google Cloud SQL +----------------------------------- + +Google Cloud SQL now recommends use of the MySQLdb dialect. Connect +using a URL like the following:: + + mysql+mysqldb://root@/?unix_socket=/cloudsql/: + +Server Side Cursors +------------------- + +The mysqldb dialect supports server-side cursors. See :ref:`mysql_ss_cursors`. + +""" + +from .base import MySQLCompiler +from .base import MySQLDialect +from .base import MySQLExecutionContext +from .base import MySQLIdentifierPreparer +from .base import TEXT +from ... import sql +from ... import util + + +class MySQLExecutionContext_mysqldb(MySQLExecutionContext): + @property + def rowcount(self): + if hasattr(self, "_rowcount"): + return self._rowcount + else: + return self.cursor.rowcount + + +class MySQLCompiler_mysqldb(MySQLCompiler): + pass + + +class MySQLIdentifierPreparer_mysqldb(MySQLIdentifierPreparer): + pass + + +class MySQLDialect_mysqldb(MySQLDialect): + driver = "mysqldb" + supports_unicode_statements = True + supports_sane_rowcount = True + supports_sane_multi_rowcount = True + + supports_native_decimal = True + + default_paramstyle = "format" + execution_ctx_cls = MySQLExecutionContext_mysqldb + statement_compiler = MySQLCompiler_mysqldb + preparer = MySQLIdentifierPreparer_mysqldb + + def __init__(self, server_side_cursors=False, **kwargs): + super(MySQLDialect_mysqldb, self).__init__(**kwargs) + self.server_side_cursors = server_side_cursors + + @util.langhelpers.memoized_property + def supports_server_side_cursors(self): + try: + cursors = __import__("MySQLdb.cursors").cursors + self._sscursor = cursors.SSCursor + return True + except (ImportError, AttributeError): + return False + + @classmethod + def dbapi(cls): + return __import__("MySQLdb") + + def do_executemany(self, cursor, statement, parameters, context=None): + rowcount = cursor.executemany(statement, parameters) + if context is not None: + context._rowcount = rowcount + + def _check_unicode_returns(self, connection): + # work around issue fixed in + # https://github.com/farcepest/MySQLdb1/commit/cd44524fef63bd3fcb71947392326e9742d520e8 + # specific issue w/ the utf8mb4_bin collation and unicode returns + + has_utf8mb4_bin = self.server_version_info > ( + 5, + ) and connection.scalar( + "show collation where %s = 'utf8mb4' and %s = 'utf8mb4_bin'" + % ( + self.identifier_preparer.quote("Charset"), + self.identifier_preparer.quote("Collation"), + ) + ) + if has_utf8mb4_bin: + additional_tests = [ + sql.collate( + sql.cast( + sql.literal_column("'test collated returns'"), + TEXT(charset="utf8mb4"), + ), + "utf8mb4_bin", + ) + ] + else: + additional_tests = [] + return super(MySQLDialect_mysqldb, self)._check_unicode_returns( + connection, additional_tests + ) + + def create_connect_args(self, url): + opts = url.translate_connect_args( + database="db", username="user", password="passwd" + ) + opts.update(url.query) + + util.coerce_kw_type(opts, "compress", bool) + util.coerce_kw_type(opts, "connect_timeout", int) + util.coerce_kw_type(opts, "read_timeout", int) + util.coerce_kw_type(opts, "write_timeout", int) + util.coerce_kw_type(opts, "client_flag", int) + util.coerce_kw_type(opts, "local_infile", int) + # Note: using either of the below will cause all strings to be + # returned as Unicode, both in raw SQL operations and with column + # types like String and MSString. + util.coerce_kw_type(opts, "use_unicode", bool) + util.coerce_kw_type(opts, "charset", str) + + # Rich values 'cursorclass' and 'conv' are not supported via + # query string. + + ssl = {} + keys = ["ssl_ca", "ssl_key", "ssl_cert", "ssl_capath", "ssl_cipher"] + for key in keys: + if key in opts: + ssl[key[4:]] = opts[key] + util.coerce_kw_type(ssl, key[4:], str) + del opts[key] + if ssl: + opts["ssl"] = ssl + + # FOUND_ROWS must be set in CLIENT_FLAGS to enable + # supports_sane_rowcount. + client_flag = opts.get("client_flag", 0) + if self.dbapi is not None: + try: + CLIENT_FLAGS = __import__( + self.dbapi.__name__ + ".constants.CLIENT" + ).constants.CLIENT + client_flag |= CLIENT_FLAGS.FOUND_ROWS + except (AttributeError, ImportError): + self.supports_sane_rowcount = False + opts["client_flag"] = client_flag + return [[], opts] + + def _extract_error_code(self, exception): + return exception.args[0] + + def _detect_charset(self, connection): + """Sniff out the character set in use for connection results.""" + + try: + # note: the SQL here would be + # "SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'character_set%%'" + cset_name = connection.connection.character_set_name + except AttributeError: + util.warn( + "No 'character_set_name' can be detected with " + "this MySQL-Python version; " + "please upgrade to a recent version of MySQL-Python. " + "Assuming latin1." + ) + return "latin1" + else: + return cset_name() + + _isolation_lookup = set( + [ + "SERIALIZABLE", + "READ UNCOMMITTED", + "READ COMMITTED", + "REPEATABLE READ", + "AUTOCOMMIT", + ] + ) + + def _set_isolation_level(self, connection, level): + if level == "AUTOCOMMIT": + connection.autocommit(True) + else: + connection.autocommit(False) + super(MySQLDialect_mysqldb, self)._set_isolation_level( + connection, level + ) + + +dialect = MySQLDialect_mysqldb diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/oursql.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/oursql.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4120cd2 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/oursql.py @@ -0,0 +1,255 @@ +# mysql/oursql.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +""" + +.. dialect:: mysql+oursql + :name: OurSQL + :dbapi: oursql + :connectstring: mysql+oursql://:@[:]/ + :url: http://packages.python.org/oursql/ + +Unicode +------- + +Please see :ref:`mysql_unicode` for current recommendations on unicode +handling. + + +""" + +from .base import BIT +from .base import MySQLDialect +from .base import MySQLExecutionContext +from ... import types as sqltypes +from ... import util + + +class _oursqlBIT(BIT): + def result_processor(self, dialect, coltype): + """oursql already converts mysql bits, so.""" + + return None + + +class MySQLExecutionContext_oursql(MySQLExecutionContext): + @property + def plain_query(self): + return self.execution_options.get("_oursql_plain_query", False) + + +class MySQLDialect_oursql(MySQLDialect): + driver = "oursql" + + if util.py2k: + supports_unicode_binds = True + supports_unicode_statements = True + + supports_native_decimal = True + + supports_sane_rowcount = True + supports_sane_multi_rowcount = True + execution_ctx_cls = MySQLExecutionContext_oursql + + colspecs = util.update_copy( + MySQLDialect.colspecs, {sqltypes.Time: sqltypes.Time, BIT: _oursqlBIT} + ) + + @classmethod + def dbapi(cls): + return __import__("oursql") + + def do_execute(self, cursor, statement, parameters, context=None): + """Provide an implementation of + *cursor.execute(statement, parameters)*.""" + + if context and context.plain_query: + cursor.execute(statement, plain_query=True) + else: + cursor.execute(statement, parameters) + + def do_begin(self, connection): + connection.cursor().execute("BEGIN", plain_query=True) + + def _xa_query(self, connection, query, xid): + if util.py2k: + arg = connection.connection._escape_string(xid) + else: + charset = self._connection_charset + arg = connection.connection._escape_string( + xid.encode(charset) + ).decode(charset) + arg = "'%s'" % arg + connection.execution_options(_oursql_plain_query=True).execute( + query % arg + ) + + # Because mysql is bad, these methods have to be + # reimplemented to use _PlainQuery. Basically, some queries + # refuse to return any data if they're run through + # the parameterized query API, or refuse to be parameterized + # in the first place. + def do_begin_twophase(self, connection, xid): + self._xa_query(connection, "XA BEGIN %s", xid) + + def do_prepare_twophase(self, connection, xid): + self._xa_query(connection, "XA END %s", xid) + self._xa_query(connection, "XA PREPARE %s", xid) + + def do_rollback_twophase( + self, connection, xid, is_prepared=True, recover=False + ): + if not is_prepared: + self._xa_query(connection, "XA END %s", xid) + self._xa_query(connection, "XA ROLLBACK %s", xid) + + def do_commit_twophase( + self, connection, xid, is_prepared=True, recover=False + ): + if not is_prepared: + self.do_prepare_twophase(connection, xid) + self._xa_query(connection, "XA COMMIT %s", xid) + + # Q: why didn't we need all these "plain_query" overrides earlier ? + # am i on a newer/older version of OurSQL ? + def has_table(self, connection, table_name, schema=None): + return MySQLDialect.has_table( + self, + connection.connect().execution_options(_oursql_plain_query=True), + table_name, + schema, + ) + + def get_table_options(self, connection, table_name, schema=None, **kw): + return MySQLDialect.get_table_options( + self, + connection.connect().execution_options(_oursql_plain_query=True), + table_name, + schema=schema, + **kw + ) + + def get_columns(self, connection, table_name, schema=None, **kw): + return MySQLDialect.get_columns( + self, + connection.connect().execution_options(_oursql_plain_query=True), + table_name, + schema=schema, + **kw + ) + + def get_view_names(self, connection, schema=None, **kw): + return MySQLDialect.get_view_names( + self, + connection.connect().execution_options(_oursql_plain_query=True), + schema=schema, + **kw + ) + + def get_table_names(self, connection, schema=None, **kw): + return MySQLDialect.get_table_names( + self, + connection.connect().execution_options(_oursql_plain_query=True), + schema, + ) + + def get_schema_names(self, connection, **kw): + return MySQLDialect.get_schema_names( + self, + connection.connect().execution_options(_oursql_plain_query=True), + **kw + ) + + def initialize(self, connection): + return MySQLDialect.initialize( + self, connection.execution_options(_oursql_plain_query=True) + ) + + def _show_create_table( + self, connection, table, charset=None, full_name=None + ): + return MySQLDialect._show_create_table( + self, + connection.contextual_connect( + close_with_result=True + ).execution_options(_oursql_plain_query=True), + table, + charset, + full_name, + ) + + def is_disconnect(self, e, connection, cursor): + if isinstance(e, self.dbapi.ProgrammingError): + return ( + e.errno is None + and "cursor" not in e.args[1] + and e.args[1].endswith("closed") + ) + else: + return e.errno in (2006, 2013, 2014, 2045, 2055) + + def create_connect_args(self, url): + opts = url.translate_connect_args( + database="db", username="user", password="passwd" + ) + opts.update(url.query) + + util.coerce_kw_type(opts, "port", int) + util.coerce_kw_type(opts, "compress", bool) + util.coerce_kw_type(opts, "autoping", bool) + util.coerce_kw_type(opts, "raise_on_warnings", bool) + + util.coerce_kw_type(opts, "default_charset", bool) + if opts.pop("default_charset", False): + opts["charset"] = None + else: + util.coerce_kw_type(opts, "charset", str) + opts["use_unicode"] = opts.get("use_unicode", True) + util.coerce_kw_type(opts, "use_unicode", bool) + + # FOUND_ROWS must be set in CLIENT_FLAGS to enable + # supports_sane_rowcount. + opts.setdefault("found_rows", True) + + ssl = {} + for key in [ + "ssl_ca", + "ssl_key", + "ssl_cert", + "ssl_capath", + "ssl_cipher", + ]: + if key in opts: + ssl[key[4:]] = opts[key] + util.coerce_kw_type(ssl, key[4:], str) + del opts[key] + if ssl: + opts["ssl"] = ssl + + return [[], opts] + + def _extract_error_code(self, exception): + return exception.errno + + def _detect_charset(self, connection): + """Sniff out the character set in use for connection results.""" + + return connection.connection.charset + + def _compat_fetchall(self, rp, charset=None): + """oursql isn't super-broken like MySQLdb, yaaay.""" + return rp.fetchall() + + def _compat_fetchone(self, rp, charset=None): + """oursql isn't super-broken like MySQLdb, yaaay.""" + return rp.fetchone() + + def _compat_first(self, rp, charset=None): + return rp.first() + + +dialect = MySQLDialect_oursql diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/pymysql.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/pymysql.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a2bb522 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/pymysql.py @@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ +# mysql/pymysql.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +r""" + +.. dialect:: mysql+pymysql + :name: PyMySQL + :dbapi: pymysql + :connectstring: mysql+pymysql://:@/[?] + :url: https://pymysql.readthedocs.io/ + +Unicode +------- + +Please see :ref:`mysql_unicode` for current recommendations on unicode +handling. + +MySQL-Python Compatibility +-------------------------- + +The pymysql DBAPI is a pure Python port of the MySQL-python (MySQLdb) driver, +and targets 100% compatibility. Most behavioral notes for MySQL-python apply +to the pymysql driver as well. + +""" # noqa + +from .mysqldb import MySQLDialect_mysqldb +from ...util import langhelpers +from ...util import py3k + + +class MySQLDialect_pymysql(MySQLDialect_mysqldb): + driver = "pymysql" + + description_encoding = None + + # generally, these two values should be both True + # or both False. PyMySQL unicode tests pass all the way back + # to 0.4 either way. See [ticket:3337] + supports_unicode_statements = True + supports_unicode_binds = True + + def __init__(self, server_side_cursors=False, **kwargs): + super(MySQLDialect_pymysql, self).__init__(**kwargs) + self.server_side_cursors = server_side_cursors + + @langhelpers.memoized_property + def supports_server_side_cursors(self): + try: + cursors = __import__("pymysql.cursors").cursors + self._sscursor = cursors.SSCursor + return True + except (ImportError, AttributeError): + return False + + @classmethod + def dbapi(cls): + return __import__("pymysql") + + if py3k: + + def _extract_error_code(self, exception): + if isinstance(exception.args[0], Exception): + exception = exception.args[0] + return exception.args[0] + + +dialect = MySQLDialect_pymysql diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/pyodbc.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/pyodbc.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e8d2034 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/pyodbc.py @@ -0,0 +1,83 @@ +# mysql/pyodbc.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +""" + + +.. dialect:: mysql+pyodbc + :name: PyODBC + :dbapi: pyodbc + :connectstring: mysql+pyodbc://:@ + :url: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/pyodbc/ + + .. note:: The PyODBC for MySQL dialect is not well supported, and + is subject to unresolved character encoding issues + which exist within the current ODBC drivers available. + (see http://code.google.com/p/pyodbc/issues/detail?id=25). + Other dialects for MySQL are recommended. + +""" + +import re + +from .base import MySQLDialect +from .base import MySQLExecutionContext +from ... import util +from ...connectors.pyodbc import PyODBCConnector + + +class MySQLExecutionContext_pyodbc(MySQLExecutionContext): + def get_lastrowid(self): + cursor = self.create_cursor() + cursor.execute("SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()") + lastrowid = cursor.fetchone()[0] + cursor.close() + return lastrowid + + +class MySQLDialect_pyodbc(PyODBCConnector, MySQLDialect): + supports_unicode_statements = False + execution_ctx_cls = MySQLExecutionContext_pyodbc + + pyodbc_driver_name = "MySQL" + + def __init__(self, **kw): + # deal with http://code.google.com/p/pyodbc/issues/detail?id=25 + kw.setdefault("convert_unicode", True) + super(MySQLDialect_pyodbc, self).__init__(**kw) + + def _detect_charset(self, connection): + """Sniff out the character set in use for connection results.""" + + # Prefer 'character_set_results' for the current connection over the + # value in the driver. SET NAMES or individual variable SETs will + # change the charset without updating the driver's view of the world. + # + # If it's decided that issuing that sort of SQL leaves you SOL, then + # this can prefer the driver value. + rs = connection.execute("SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'character_set%%'") + opts = {row[0]: row[1] for row in self._compat_fetchall(rs)} + for key in ("character_set_connection", "character_set"): + if opts.get(key, None): + return opts[key] + + util.warn( + "Could not detect the connection character set. " + "Assuming latin1." + ) + return "latin1" + + def _extract_error_code(self, exception): + m = re.compile(r"\((\d+)\)").search(str(exception.args)) + c = m.group(1) + if c: + return int(c) + else: + return None + + +dialect = MySQLDialect_pyodbc diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/reflection.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/reflection.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..261a246 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/reflection.py @@ -0,0 +1,522 @@ +# mysql/reflection.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +import re + +from .enumerated import _EnumeratedValues +from .enumerated import SET +from .types import DATETIME +from .types import TIME +from .types import TIMESTAMP +from ... import log +from ... import types as sqltypes +from ... import util + + +class ReflectedState(object): + """Stores raw information about a SHOW CREATE TABLE statement.""" + + def __init__(self): + self.columns = [] + self.table_options = {} + self.table_name = None + self.keys = [] + self.fk_constraints = [] + self.ck_constraints = [] + + +@log.class_logger +class MySQLTableDefinitionParser(object): + """Parses the results of a SHOW CREATE TABLE statement.""" + + def __init__(self, dialect, preparer): + self.dialect = dialect + self.preparer = preparer + self._prep_regexes() + + def parse(self, show_create, charset): + state = ReflectedState() + state.charset = charset + for line in re.split(r"\r?\n", show_create): + if line.startswith(" " + self.preparer.initial_quote): + self._parse_column(line, state) + # a regular table options line + elif line.startswith(") "): + self._parse_table_options(line, state) + # an ANSI-mode table options line + elif line == ")": + pass + elif line.startswith("CREATE "): + self._parse_table_name(line, state) + # Not present in real reflection, but may be if + # loading from a file. + elif not line: + pass + else: + type_, spec = self._parse_constraints(line) + if type_ is None: + util.warn("Unknown schema content: %r" % line) + elif type_ == "key": + state.keys.append(spec) + elif type_ == "fk_constraint": + state.fk_constraints.append(spec) + elif type_ == "ck_constraint": + state.ck_constraints.append(spec) + else: + pass + return state + + def _parse_constraints(self, line): + """Parse a KEY or CONSTRAINT line. + + :param line: A line of SHOW CREATE TABLE output + """ + + # KEY + m = self._re_key.match(line) + if m: + spec = m.groupdict() + # convert columns into name, length pairs + # NOTE: we may want to consider SHOW INDEX as the + # format of indexes in MySQL becomes more complex + spec["columns"] = self._parse_keyexprs(spec["columns"]) + return "key", spec + + # FOREIGN KEY CONSTRAINT + m = self._re_fk_constraint.match(line) + if m: + spec = m.groupdict() + spec["table"] = self.preparer.unformat_identifiers(spec["table"]) + spec["local"] = [c[0] for c in self._parse_keyexprs(spec["local"])] + spec["foreign"] = [ + c[0] for c in self._parse_keyexprs(spec["foreign"]) + ] + return "fk_constraint", spec + + # CHECK constraint + m = self._re_ck_constraint.match(line) + if m: + spec = m.groupdict() + return "ck_constraint", spec + + # PARTITION and SUBPARTITION + m = self._re_partition.match(line) + if m: + # Punt! + return "partition", line + + # No match. + return (None, line) + + def _parse_table_name(self, line, state): + """Extract the table name. + + :param line: The first line of SHOW CREATE TABLE + """ + + regex, cleanup = self._pr_name + m = regex.match(line) + if m: + state.table_name = cleanup(m.group("name")) + + def _parse_table_options(self, line, state): + """Build a dictionary of all reflected table-level options. + + :param line: The final line of SHOW CREATE TABLE output. + """ + + options = {} + + if not line or line == ")": + pass + + else: + rest_of_line = line[:] + for regex, cleanup in self._pr_options: + m = regex.search(rest_of_line) + if not m: + continue + directive, value = m.group("directive"), m.group("val") + if cleanup: + value = cleanup(value) + options[directive.lower()] = value + rest_of_line = regex.sub("", rest_of_line) + + for nope in ("auto_increment", "data directory", "index directory"): + options.pop(nope, None) + + for opt, val in options.items(): + state.table_options["%s_%s" % (self.dialect.name, opt)] = val + + def _parse_column(self, line, state): + """Extract column details. + + Falls back to a 'minimal support' variant if full parse fails. + + :param line: Any column-bearing line from SHOW CREATE TABLE + """ + + spec = None + m = self._re_column.match(line) + if m: + spec = m.groupdict() + spec["full"] = True + else: + m = self._re_column_loose.match(line) + if m: + spec = m.groupdict() + spec["full"] = False + if not spec: + util.warn("Unknown column definition %r" % line) + return + if not spec["full"]: + util.warn("Incomplete reflection of column definition %r" % line) + + name, type_, args = spec["name"], spec["coltype"], spec["arg"] + + try: + col_type = self.dialect.ischema_names[type_] + except KeyError: + util.warn( + "Did not recognize type '%s' of column '%s'" % (type_, name) + ) + col_type = sqltypes.NullType + + # Column type positional arguments eg. varchar(32) + if args is None or args == "": + type_args = [] + elif args[0] == "'" and args[-1] == "'": + type_args = self._re_csv_str.findall(args) + else: + type_args = [int(v) for v in self._re_csv_int.findall(args)] + + # Column type keyword options + type_kw = {} + + if issubclass(col_type, (DATETIME, TIME, TIMESTAMP)): + if type_args: + type_kw["fsp"] = type_args.pop(0) + + for kw in ("unsigned", "zerofill"): + if spec.get(kw, False): + type_kw[kw] = True + for kw in ("charset", "collate"): + if spec.get(kw, False): + type_kw[kw] = spec[kw] + if issubclass(col_type, _EnumeratedValues): + type_args = _EnumeratedValues._strip_values(type_args) + + if issubclass(col_type, SET) and "" in type_args: + type_kw["retrieve_as_bitwise"] = True + + type_instance = col_type(*type_args, **type_kw) + + col_kw = {} + + # NOT NULL + col_kw["nullable"] = True + # this can be "NULL" in the case of TIMESTAMP + if spec.get("notnull", False) == "NOT NULL": + col_kw["nullable"] = False + + # AUTO_INCREMENT + if spec.get("autoincr", False): + col_kw["autoincrement"] = True + elif issubclass(col_type, sqltypes.Integer): + col_kw["autoincrement"] = False + + # DEFAULT + default = spec.get("default", None) + + if default == "NULL": + # eliminates the need to deal with this later. + default = None + + comment = spec.get("comment", None) + + if comment is not None: + comment = comment.replace("\\\\", "\\").replace("''", "'") + + col_d = dict( + name=name, type=type_instance, default=default, comment=comment + ) + col_d.update(col_kw) + state.columns.append(col_d) + + def _describe_to_create(self, table_name, columns): + """Re-format DESCRIBE output as a SHOW CREATE TABLE string. + + DESCRIBE is a much simpler reflection and is sufficient for + reflecting views for runtime use. This method formats DDL + for columns only- keys are omitted. + + :param columns: A sequence of DESCRIBE or SHOW COLUMNS 6-tuples. + SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM rows must be rearranged for use with + this function. + """ + + buffer = [] + for row in columns: + (name, col_type, nullable, default, extra) = [ + row[i] for i in (0, 1, 2, 4, 5) + ] + + line = [" "] + line.append(self.preparer.quote_identifier(name)) + line.append(col_type) + if not nullable: + line.append("NOT NULL") + if default: + if "auto_increment" in default: + pass + elif col_type.startswith("timestamp") and default.startswith( + "C" + ): + line.append("DEFAULT") + line.append(default) + elif default == "NULL": + line.append("DEFAULT") + line.append(default) + else: + line.append("DEFAULT") + line.append("'%s'" % default.replace("'", "''")) + if extra: + line.append(extra) + + buffer.append(" ".join(line)) + + return "".join( + [ + ( + "CREATE TABLE %s (\n" + % self.preparer.quote_identifier(table_name) + ), + ",\n".join(buffer), + "\n) ", + ] + ) + + def _parse_keyexprs(self, identifiers): + """Unpack '"col"(2),"col" ASC'-ish strings into components.""" + + return self._re_keyexprs.findall(identifiers) + + def _prep_regexes(self): + """Pre-compile regular expressions.""" + + self._re_columns = [] + self._pr_options = [] + + _final = self.preparer.final_quote + + quotes = dict( + zip( + ("iq", "fq", "esc_fq"), + [ + re.escape(s) + for s in ( + self.preparer.initial_quote, + _final, + self.preparer._escape_identifier(_final), + ) + ], + ) + ) + + self._pr_name = _pr_compile( + r"^CREATE (?:\w+ +)?TABLE +" + r"%(iq)s(?P(?:%(esc_fq)s|[^%(fq)s])+)%(fq)s +\($" % quotes, + self.preparer._unescape_identifier, + ) + + # `col`,`col2`(32),`col3`(15) DESC + # + self._re_keyexprs = _re_compile( + r"(?:" + r"(?:%(iq)s((?:%(esc_fq)s|[^%(fq)s])+)%(fq)s)" + r"(?:\((\d+)\))?(?: +(ASC|DESC))?(?=\,|$))+" % quotes + ) + + # 'foo' or 'foo','bar' or 'fo,o','ba''a''r' + self._re_csv_str = _re_compile(r"\x27(?:\x27\x27|[^\x27])*\x27") + + # 123 or 123,456 + self._re_csv_int = _re_compile(r"\d+") + + # `colname` [type opts] + # (NOT NULL | NULL) + # DEFAULT ('value' | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP...) + # COMMENT 'comment' + # COLUMN_FORMAT (FIXED|DYNAMIC|DEFAULT) + # STORAGE (DISK|MEMORY) + self._re_column = _re_compile( + r" " + r"%(iq)s(?P(?:%(esc_fq)s|[^%(fq)s])+)%(fq)s +" + r"(?P\w+)" + r"(?:\((?P(?:\d+|\d+,\d+|" + r"(?:'(?:''|[^'])*',?)+))\))?" + r"(?: +(?PUNSIGNED))?" + r"(?: +(?PZEROFILL))?" + r"(?: +CHARACTER SET +(?P[\w_]+))?" + r"(?: +COLLATE +(?P[\w_]+))?" + r"(?: +(?P(?:NOT )?NULL))?" + r"(?: +DEFAULT +(?P" + r"(?:NULL|'(?:''|[^'])*'|[\w\(\)]+" + r"(?: +ON UPDATE [\w\(\)]+)?)" + r"))?" + r"(?: +(?PAUTO_INCREMENT))?" + r"(?: +COMMENT +'(?P(?:''|[^'])*)')?" + r"(?: +COLUMN_FORMAT +(?P\w+))?" + r"(?: +STORAGE +(?P\w+))?" + r"(?: +(?P.*))?" + r",?$" % quotes + ) + + # Fallback, try to parse as little as possible + self._re_column_loose = _re_compile( + r" " + r"%(iq)s(?P(?:%(esc_fq)s|[^%(fq)s])+)%(fq)s +" + r"(?P\w+)" + r"(?:\((?P(?:\d+|\d+,\d+|\x27(?:\x27\x27|[^\x27])+\x27))\))?" + r".*?(?P(?:NOT )NULL)?" % quotes + ) + + # (PRIMARY|UNIQUE|FULLTEXT|SPATIAL) INDEX `name` (USING (BTREE|HASH))? + # (`col` (ASC|DESC)?, `col` (ASC|DESC)?) + # KEY_BLOCK_SIZE size | WITH PARSER name + self._re_key = _re_compile( + r" " + r"(?:(?P\S+) )?KEY" + r"(?: +%(iq)s(?P(?:%(esc_fq)s|[^%(fq)s])+)%(fq)s)?" + r"(?: +USING +(?P\S+))?" + r" +\((?P.+?)\)" + r"(?: +USING +(?P\S+))?" + r"(?: +KEY_BLOCK_SIZE *[ =]? *(?P\S+))?" + r"(?: +WITH PARSER +(?P\S+))?" + r"(?: +COMMENT +(?P(\x27\x27|\x27([^\x27])*?\x27)+))?" + r",?$" % quotes + ) + + # CONSTRAINT `name` FOREIGN KEY (`local_col`) + # REFERENCES `remote` (`remote_col`) + # MATCH FULL | MATCH PARTIAL | MATCH SIMPLE + # ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE RESTRICT + # + # unique constraints come back as KEYs + kw = quotes.copy() + kw["on"] = "RESTRICT|CASCADE|SET NULL|NOACTION" + self._re_fk_constraint = _re_compile( + r" " + r"CONSTRAINT +" + r"%(iq)s(?P(?:%(esc_fq)s|[^%(fq)s])+)%(fq)s +" + r"FOREIGN KEY +" + r"\((?P[^\)]+?)\) REFERENCES +" + r"(?P%(iq)s[^%(fq)s]+%(fq)s" + r"(?:\.%(iq)s[^%(fq)s]+%(fq)s)?) +" + r"\((?P[^\)]+?)\)" + r"(?: +(?PMATCH \w+))?" + r"(?: +ON DELETE (?P%(on)s))?" + r"(?: +ON UPDATE (?P%(on)s))?" % kw + ) + + # CONSTRAINT `CONSTRAINT_1` CHECK (`x` > 5)' + # testing on MariaDB 10.2 shows that the CHECK constraint + # is returned on a line by itself, so to match without worrying + # about parenthesis in the expresion we go to the end of the line + self._re_ck_constraint = _re_compile( + r" " + r"CONSTRAINT +" + r"%(iq)s(?P(?:%(esc_fq)s|[^%(fq)s])+)%(fq)s +" + r"CHECK +" + r"\((?P.+)\),?" % kw + ) + + # PARTITION + # + # punt! + self._re_partition = _re_compile(r"(?:.*)(?:SUB)?PARTITION(?:.*)") + + # Table-level options (COLLATE, ENGINE, etc.) + # Do the string options first, since they have quoted + # strings we need to get rid of. + for option in _options_of_type_string: + self._add_option_string(option) + + for option in ( + "ENGINE", + "TYPE", + "AUTO_INCREMENT", + "AVG_ROW_LENGTH", + "CHARACTER SET", + "DEFAULT CHARSET", + "CHECKSUM", + "COLLATE", + "DELAY_KEY_WRITE", + "INSERT_METHOD", + "MAX_ROWS", + "MIN_ROWS", + "PACK_KEYS", + "ROW_FORMAT", + "KEY_BLOCK_SIZE", + ): + self._add_option_word(option) + + self._add_option_regex("UNION", r"\([^\)]+\)") + self._add_option_regex("TABLESPACE", r".*? STORAGE DISK") + self._add_option_regex( + "RAID_TYPE", + r"\w+\s+RAID_CHUNKS\s*\=\s*\w+RAID_CHUNKSIZE\s*=\s*\w+", + ) + + _optional_equals = r"(?:\s*(?:=\s*)|\s+)" + + def _add_option_string(self, directive): + regex = r"(?P%s)%s" r"'(?P(?:[^']|'')*?)'(?!')" % ( + re.escape(directive), + self._optional_equals, + ) + self._pr_options.append( + _pr_compile( + regex, lambda v: v.replace("\\\\", "\\").replace("''", "'") + ) + ) + + def _add_option_word(self, directive): + regex = r"(?P%s)%s" r"(?P\w+)" % ( + re.escape(directive), + self._optional_equals, + ) + self._pr_options.append(_pr_compile(regex)) + + def _add_option_regex(self, directive, regex): + regex = r"(?P%s)%s" r"(?P%s)" % ( + re.escape(directive), + self._optional_equals, + regex, + ) + self._pr_options.append(_pr_compile(regex)) + + +_options_of_type_string = ( + "COMMENT", + "DATA DIRECTORY", + "INDEX DIRECTORY", + "PASSWORD", + "CONNECTION", +) + + +def _pr_compile(regex, cleanup=None): + """Prepare a 2-tuple of compiled regex and callable.""" + + return (_re_compile(regex), cleanup) + + +def _re_compile(regex): + """Compile a string to regex, I and UNICODE.""" + + return re.compile(regex, re.I | re.UNICODE) diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/types.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/types.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d498b67 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/types.py @@ -0,0 +1,786 @@ +# mysql/types.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +import datetime + +from ... import exc +from ... import types as sqltypes +from ... import util + + +class _NumericType(object): + """Base for MySQL numeric types. + + This is the base both for NUMERIC as well as INTEGER, hence + it's a mixin. + + """ + + def __init__(self, unsigned=False, zerofill=False, **kw): + self.unsigned = unsigned + self.zerofill = zerofill + super(_NumericType, self).__init__(**kw) + + def __repr__(self): + return util.generic_repr( + self, to_inspect=[_NumericType, sqltypes.Numeric] + ) + + +class _FloatType(_NumericType, sqltypes.Float): + def __init__(self, precision=None, scale=None, asdecimal=True, **kw): + if isinstance(self, (REAL, DOUBLE)) and ( + (precision is None and scale is not None) + or (precision is not None and scale is None) + ): + raise exc.ArgumentError( + "You must specify both precision and scale or omit " + "both altogether." + ) + super(_FloatType, self).__init__( + precision=precision, asdecimal=asdecimal, **kw + ) + self.scale = scale + + def __repr__(self): + return util.generic_repr( + self, to_inspect=[_FloatType, _NumericType, sqltypes.Float] + ) + + +class _IntegerType(_NumericType, sqltypes.Integer): + def __init__(self, display_width=None, **kw): + self.display_width = display_width + super(_IntegerType, self).__init__(**kw) + + def __repr__(self): + return util.generic_repr( + self, to_inspect=[_IntegerType, _NumericType, sqltypes.Integer] + ) + + +class _StringType(sqltypes.String): + """Base for MySQL string types.""" + + def __init__( + self, + charset=None, + collation=None, + ascii=False, # noqa + binary=False, + unicode=False, + national=False, + **kw + ): + self.charset = charset + + # allow collate= or collation= + kw.setdefault("collation", kw.pop("collate", collation)) + + self.ascii = ascii + self.unicode = unicode + self.binary = binary + self.national = national + super(_StringType, self).__init__(**kw) + + def __repr__(self): + return util.generic_repr( + self, to_inspect=[_StringType, sqltypes.String] + ) + + +class _MatchType(sqltypes.Float, sqltypes.MatchType): + def __init__(self, **kw): + # TODO: float arguments? + sqltypes.Float.__init__(self) + sqltypes.MatchType.__init__(self) + + +class NUMERIC(_NumericType, sqltypes.NUMERIC): + """MySQL NUMERIC type.""" + + __visit_name__ = "NUMERIC" + + def __init__(self, precision=None, scale=None, asdecimal=True, **kw): + """Construct a NUMERIC. + + :param precision: Total digits in this number. If scale and precision + are both None, values are stored to limits allowed by the server. + + :param scale: The number of digits after the decimal point. + + :param unsigned: a boolean, optional. + + :param zerofill: Optional. If true, values will be stored as strings + left-padded with zeros. Note that this does not effect the values + returned by the underlying database API, which continue to be + numeric. + + """ + super(NUMERIC, self).__init__( + precision=precision, scale=scale, asdecimal=asdecimal, **kw + ) + + +class DECIMAL(_NumericType, sqltypes.DECIMAL): + """MySQL DECIMAL type.""" + + __visit_name__ = "DECIMAL" + + def __init__(self, precision=None, scale=None, asdecimal=True, **kw): + """Construct a DECIMAL. + + :param precision: Total digits in this number. If scale and precision + are both None, values are stored to limits allowed by the server. + + :param scale: The number of digits after the decimal point. + + :param unsigned: a boolean, optional. + + :param zerofill: Optional. If true, values will be stored as strings + left-padded with zeros. Note that this does not effect the values + returned by the underlying database API, which continue to be + numeric. + + """ + super(DECIMAL, self).__init__( + precision=precision, scale=scale, asdecimal=asdecimal, **kw + ) + + +class DOUBLE(_FloatType): + """MySQL DOUBLE type.""" + + __visit_name__ = "DOUBLE" + + def __init__(self, precision=None, scale=None, asdecimal=True, **kw): + """Construct a DOUBLE. + + .. note:: + + The :class:`.DOUBLE` type by default converts from float + to Decimal, using a truncation that defaults to 10 digits. + Specify either ``scale=n`` or ``decimal_return_scale=n`` in order + to change this scale, or ``asdecimal=False`` to return values + directly as Python floating points. + + :param precision: Total digits in this number. If scale and precision + are both None, values are stored to limits allowed by the server. + + :param scale: The number of digits after the decimal point. + + :param unsigned: a boolean, optional. + + :param zerofill: Optional. If true, values will be stored as strings + left-padded with zeros. Note that this does not effect the values + returned by the underlying database API, which continue to be + numeric. + + """ + super(DOUBLE, self).__init__( + precision=precision, scale=scale, asdecimal=asdecimal, **kw + ) + + +class REAL(_FloatType, sqltypes.REAL): + """MySQL REAL type.""" + + __visit_name__ = "REAL" + + def __init__(self, precision=None, scale=None, asdecimal=True, **kw): + """Construct a REAL. + + .. note:: + + The :class:`.REAL` type by default converts from float + to Decimal, using a truncation that defaults to 10 digits. + Specify either ``scale=n`` or ``decimal_return_scale=n`` in order + to change this scale, or ``asdecimal=False`` to return values + directly as Python floating points. + + :param precision: Total digits in this number. If scale and precision + are both None, values are stored to limits allowed by the server. + + :param scale: The number of digits after the decimal point. + + :param unsigned: a boolean, optional. + + :param zerofill: Optional. If true, values will be stored as strings + left-padded with zeros. Note that this does not effect the values + returned by the underlying database API, which continue to be + numeric. + + """ + super(REAL, self).__init__( + precision=precision, scale=scale, asdecimal=asdecimal, **kw + ) + + +class FLOAT(_FloatType, sqltypes.FLOAT): + """MySQL FLOAT type.""" + + __visit_name__ = "FLOAT" + + def __init__(self, precision=None, scale=None, asdecimal=False, **kw): + """Construct a FLOAT. + + :param precision: Total digits in this number. If scale and precision + are both None, values are stored to limits allowed by the server. + + :param scale: The number of digits after the decimal point. + + :param unsigned: a boolean, optional. + + :param zerofill: Optional. If true, values will be stored as strings + left-padded with zeros. Note that this does not effect the values + returned by the underlying database API, which continue to be + numeric. + + """ + super(FLOAT, self).__init__( + precision=precision, scale=scale, asdecimal=asdecimal, **kw + ) + + def bind_processor(self, dialect): + return None + + +class INTEGER(_IntegerType, sqltypes.INTEGER): + """MySQL INTEGER type.""" + + __visit_name__ = "INTEGER" + + def __init__(self, display_width=None, **kw): + """Construct an INTEGER. + + :param display_width: Optional, maximum display width for this number. + + :param unsigned: a boolean, optional. + + :param zerofill: Optional. If true, values will be stored as strings + left-padded with zeros. Note that this does not effect the values + returned by the underlying database API, which continue to be + numeric. + + """ + super(INTEGER, self).__init__(display_width=display_width, **kw) + + +class BIGINT(_IntegerType, sqltypes.BIGINT): + """MySQL BIGINTEGER type.""" + + __visit_name__ = "BIGINT" + + def __init__(self, display_width=None, **kw): + """Construct a BIGINTEGER. + + :param display_width: Optional, maximum display width for this number. + + :param unsigned: a boolean, optional. + + :param zerofill: Optional. If true, values will be stored as strings + left-padded with zeros. Note that this does not effect the values + returned by the underlying database API, which continue to be + numeric. + + """ + super(BIGINT, self).__init__(display_width=display_width, **kw) + + +class MEDIUMINT(_IntegerType): + """MySQL MEDIUMINTEGER type.""" + + __visit_name__ = "MEDIUMINT" + + def __init__(self, display_width=None, **kw): + """Construct a MEDIUMINTEGER + + :param display_width: Optional, maximum display width for this number. + + :param unsigned: a boolean, optional. + + :param zerofill: Optional. If true, values will be stored as strings + left-padded with zeros. Note that this does not effect the values + returned by the underlying database API, which continue to be + numeric. + + """ + super(MEDIUMINT, self).__init__(display_width=display_width, **kw) + + +class TINYINT(_IntegerType): + """MySQL TINYINT type.""" + + __visit_name__ = "TINYINT" + + def __init__(self, display_width=None, **kw): + """Construct a TINYINT. + + :param display_width: Optional, maximum display width for this number. + + :param unsigned: a boolean, optional. + + :param zerofill: Optional. If true, values will be stored as strings + left-padded with zeros. Note that this does not effect the values + returned by the underlying database API, which continue to be + numeric. + + """ + super(TINYINT, self).__init__(display_width=display_width, **kw) + + +class SMALLINT(_IntegerType, sqltypes.SMALLINT): + """MySQL SMALLINTEGER type.""" + + __visit_name__ = "SMALLINT" + + def __init__(self, display_width=None, **kw): + """Construct a SMALLINTEGER. + + :param display_width: Optional, maximum display width for this number. + + :param unsigned: a boolean, optional. + + :param zerofill: Optional. If true, values will be stored as strings + left-padded with zeros. Note that this does not effect the values + returned by the underlying database API, which continue to be + numeric. + + """ + super(SMALLINT, self).__init__(display_width=display_width, **kw) + + +class BIT(sqltypes.TypeEngine): + """MySQL BIT type. + + This type is for MySQL 5.0.3 or greater for MyISAM, and 5.0.5 or greater + for MyISAM, MEMORY, InnoDB and BDB. For older versions, use a + MSTinyInteger() type. + + """ + + __visit_name__ = "BIT" + + def __init__(self, length=None): + """Construct a BIT. + + :param length: Optional, number of bits. + + """ + self.length = length + + def result_processor(self, dialect, coltype): + """Convert a MySQL's 64 bit, variable length binary string to a long. + + TODO: this is MySQL-db, pyodbc specific. OurSQL and mysqlconnector + already do this, so this logic should be moved to those dialects. + + """ + + def process(value): + if value is not None: + v = 0 + for i in value: + if not isinstance(i, int): + i = ord(i) # convert byte to int on Python 2 + v = v << 8 | i + return v + return value + + return process + + +class TIME(sqltypes.TIME): + """MySQL TIME type. """ + + __visit_name__ = "TIME" + + def __init__(self, timezone=False, fsp=None): + """Construct a MySQL TIME type. + + :param timezone: not used by the MySQL dialect. + :param fsp: fractional seconds precision value. + MySQL 5.6 supports storage of fractional seconds; + this parameter will be used when emitting DDL + for the TIME type. + + .. note:: + + DBAPI driver support for fractional seconds may + be limited; current support includes + MySQL Connector/Python. + + .. versionadded:: 0.8 The MySQL-specific TIME + type as well as fractional seconds support. + + """ + super(TIME, self).__init__(timezone=timezone) + self.fsp = fsp + + def result_processor(self, dialect, coltype): + time = datetime.time + + def process(value): + # convert from a timedelta value + if value is not None: + microseconds = value.microseconds + seconds = value.seconds + minutes = seconds // 60 + return time( + minutes // 60, + minutes % 60, + seconds - minutes * 60, + microsecond=microseconds, + ) + else: + return None + + return process + + +class TIMESTAMP(sqltypes.TIMESTAMP): + """MySQL TIMESTAMP type. + + """ + + __visit_name__ = "TIMESTAMP" + + def __init__(self, timezone=False, fsp=None): + """Construct a MySQL TIMESTAMP type. + + :param timezone: not used by the MySQL dialect. + :param fsp: fractional seconds precision value. + MySQL 5.6.4 supports storage of fractional seconds; + this parameter will be used when emitting DDL + for the TIMESTAMP type. + + .. note:: + + DBAPI driver support for fractional seconds may + be limited; current support includes + MySQL Connector/Python. + + .. versionadded:: 0.8.5 Added MySQL-specific :class:`.mysql.TIMESTAMP` + with fractional seconds support. + + """ + super(TIMESTAMP, self).__init__(timezone=timezone) + self.fsp = fsp + + +class DATETIME(sqltypes.DATETIME): + """MySQL DATETIME type. + + """ + + __visit_name__ = "DATETIME" + + def __init__(self, timezone=False, fsp=None): + """Construct a MySQL DATETIME type. + + :param timezone: not used by the MySQL dialect. + :param fsp: fractional seconds precision value. + MySQL 5.6.4 supports storage of fractional seconds; + this parameter will be used when emitting DDL + for the DATETIME type. + + .. note:: + + DBAPI driver support for fractional seconds may + be limited; current support includes + MySQL Connector/Python. + + .. versionadded:: 0.8.5 Added MySQL-specific :class:`.mysql.DATETIME` + with fractional seconds support. + + """ + super(DATETIME, self).__init__(timezone=timezone) + self.fsp = fsp + + +class YEAR(sqltypes.TypeEngine): + """MySQL YEAR type, for single byte storage of years 1901-2155.""" + + __visit_name__ = "YEAR" + + def __init__(self, display_width=None): + self.display_width = display_width + + +class TEXT(_StringType, sqltypes.TEXT): + """MySQL TEXT type, for text up to 2^16 characters.""" + + __visit_name__ = "TEXT" + + def __init__(self, length=None, **kw): + """Construct a TEXT. + + :param length: Optional, if provided the server may optimize storage + by substituting the smallest TEXT type sufficient to store + ``length`` characters. + + :param charset: Optional, a column-level character set for this string + value. Takes precedence to 'ascii' or 'unicode' short-hand. + + :param collation: Optional, a column-level collation for this string + value. Takes precedence to 'binary' short-hand. + + :param ascii: Defaults to False: short-hand for the ``latin1`` + character set, generates ASCII in schema. + + :param unicode: Defaults to False: short-hand for the ``ucs2`` + character set, generates UNICODE in schema. + + :param national: Optional. If true, use the server's configured + national character set. + + :param binary: Defaults to False: short-hand, pick the binary + collation type that matches the column's character set. Generates + BINARY in schema. This does not affect the type of data stored, + only the collation of character data. + + """ + super(TEXT, self).__init__(length=length, **kw) + + +class TINYTEXT(_StringType): + """MySQL TINYTEXT type, for text up to 2^8 characters.""" + + __visit_name__ = "TINYTEXT" + + def __init__(self, **kwargs): + """Construct a TINYTEXT. + + :param charset: Optional, a column-level character set for this string + value. Takes precedence to 'ascii' or 'unicode' short-hand. + + :param collation: Optional, a column-level collation for this string + value. Takes precedence to 'binary' short-hand. + + :param ascii: Defaults to False: short-hand for the ``latin1`` + character set, generates ASCII in schema. + + :param unicode: Defaults to False: short-hand for the ``ucs2`` + character set, generates UNICODE in schema. + + :param national: Optional. If true, use the server's configured + national character set. + + :param binary: Defaults to False: short-hand, pick the binary + collation type that matches the column's character set. Generates + BINARY in schema. This does not affect the type of data stored, + only the collation of character data. + + """ + super(TINYTEXT, self).__init__(**kwargs) + + +class MEDIUMTEXT(_StringType): + """MySQL MEDIUMTEXT type, for text up to 2^24 characters.""" + + __visit_name__ = "MEDIUMTEXT" + + def __init__(self, **kwargs): + """Construct a MEDIUMTEXT. + + :param charset: Optional, a column-level character set for this string + value. Takes precedence to 'ascii' or 'unicode' short-hand. + + :param collation: Optional, a column-level collation for this string + value. Takes precedence to 'binary' short-hand. + + :param ascii: Defaults to False: short-hand for the ``latin1`` + character set, generates ASCII in schema. + + :param unicode: Defaults to False: short-hand for the ``ucs2`` + character set, generates UNICODE in schema. + + :param national: Optional. If true, use the server's configured + national character set. + + :param binary: Defaults to False: short-hand, pick the binary + collation type that matches the column's character set. Generates + BINARY in schema. This does not affect the type of data stored, + only the collation of character data. + + """ + super(MEDIUMTEXT, self).__init__(**kwargs) + + +class LONGTEXT(_StringType): + """MySQL LONGTEXT type, for text up to 2^32 characters.""" + + __visit_name__ = "LONGTEXT" + + def __init__(self, **kwargs): + """Construct a LONGTEXT. + + :param charset: Optional, a column-level character set for this string + value. Takes precedence to 'ascii' or 'unicode' short-hand. + + :param collation: Optional, a column-level collation for this string + value. Takes precedence to 'binary' short-hand. + + :param ascii: Defaults to False: short-hand for the ``latin1`` + character set, generates ASCII in schema. + + :param unicode: Defaults to False: short-hand for the ``ucs2`` + character set, generates UNICODE in schema. + + :param national: Optional. If true, use the server's configured + national character set. + + :param binary: Defaults to False: short-hand, pick the binary + collation type that matches the column's character set. Generates + BINARY in schema. This does not affect the type of data stored, + only the collation of character data. + + """ + super(LONGTEXT, self).__init__(**kwargs) + + +class VARCHAR(_StringType, sqltypes.VARCHAR): + """MySQL VARCHAR type, for variable-length character data.""" + + __visit_name__ = "VARCHAR" + + def __init__(self, length=None, **kwargs): + """Construct a VARCHAR. + + :param charset: Optional, a column-level character set for this string + value. Takes precedence to 'ascii' or 'unicode' short-hand. + + :param collation: Optional, a column-level collation for this string + value. Takes precedence to 'binary' short-hand. + + :param ascii: Defaults to False: short-hand for the ``latin1`` + character set, generates ASCII in schema. + + :param unicode: Defaults to False: short-hand for the ``ucs2`` + character set, generates UNICODE in schema. + + :param national: Optional. If true, use the server's configured + national character set. + + :param binary: Defaults to False: short-hand, pick the binary + collation type that matches the column's character set. Generates + BINARY in schema. This does not affect the type of data stored, + only the collation of character data. + + """ + super(VARCHAR, self).__init__(length=length, **kwargs) + + +class CHAR(_StringType, sqltypes.CHAR): + """MySQL CHAR type, for fixed-length character data.""" + + __visit_name__ = "CHAR" + + def __init__(self, length=None, **kwargs): + """Construct a CHAR. + + :param length: Maximum data length, in characters. + + :param binary: Optional, use the default binary collation for the + national character set. This does not affect the type of data + stored, use a BINARY type for binary data. + + :param collation: Optional, request a particular collation. Must be + compatible with the national character set. + + """ + super(CHAR, self).__init__(length=length, **kwargs) + + @classmethod + def _adapt_string_for_cast(self, type_): + # copy the given string type into a CHAR + # for the purposes of rendering a CAST expression + type_ = sqltypes.to_instance(type_) + if isinstance(type_, sqltypes.CHAR): + return type_ + elif isinstance(type_, _StringType): + return CHAR( + length=type_.length, + charset=type_.charset, + collation=type_.collation, + ascii=type_.ascii, + binary=type_.binary, + unicode=type_.unicode, + national=False, # not supported in CAST + ) + else: + return CHAR(length=type_.length) + + +class NVARCHAR(_StringType, sqltypes.NVARCHAR): + """MySQL NVARCHAR type. + + For variable-length character data in the server's configured national + character set. + """ + + __visit_name__ = "NVARCHAR" + + def __init__(self, length=None, **kwargs): + """Construct an NVARCHAR. + + :param length: Maximum data length, in characters. + + :param binary: Optional, use the default binary collation for the + national character set. This does not affect the type of data + stored, use a BINARY type for binary data. + + :param collation: Optional, request a particular collation. Must be + compatible with the national character set. + + """ + kwargs["national"] = True + super(NVARCHAR, self).__init__(length=length, **kwargs) + + +class NCHAR(_StringType, sqltypes.NCHAR): + """MySQL NCHAR type. + + For fixed-length character data in the server's configured national + character set. + """ + + __visit_name__ = "NCHAR" + + def __init__(self, length=None, **kwargs): + """Construct an NCHAR. + + :param length: Maximum data length, in characters. + + :param binary: Optional, use the default binary collation for the + national character set. This does not affect the type of data + stored, use a BINARY type for binary data. + + :param collation: Optional, request a particular collation. Must be + compatible with the national character set. + + """ + kwargs["national"] = True + super(NCHAR, self).__init__(length=length, **kwargs) + + +class TINYBLOB(sqltypes._Binary): + """MySQL TINYBLOB type, for binary data up to 2^8 bytes.""" + + __visit_name__ = "TINYBLOB" + + +class MEDIUMBLOB(sqltypes._Binary): + """MySQL MEDIUMBLOB type, for binary data up to 2^24 bytes.""" + + __visit_name__ = "MEDIUMBLOB" + + +class LONGBLOB(sqltypes._Binary): + """MySQL LONGBLOB type, for binary data up to 2^32 bytes.""" + + __visit_name__ = "LONGBLOB" diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/zxjdbc.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/zxjdbc.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..81ea7eb --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/zxjdbc.py @@ -0,0 +1,120 @@ +# mysql/zxjdbc.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +r""" + +.. dialect:: mysql+zxjdbc + :name: zxjdbc for Jython + :dbapi: zxjdbc + :connectstring: mysql+zxjdbc://:@[:]/ + :driverurl: http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/connector/j/ + + .. note:: Jython is not supported by current versions of SQLAlchemy. The + zxjdbc dialect should be considered as experimental. + +Character Sets +-------------- + +SQLAlchemy zxjdbc dialects pass unicode straight through to the +zxjdbc/JDBC layer. To allow multiple character sets to be sent from the +MySQL Connector/J JDBC driver, by default SQLAlchemy sets its +``characterEncoding`` connection property to ``UTF-8``. It may be +overridden via a ``create_engine`` URL parameter. + +""" # noqa +import re + +from .base import BIT +from .base import MySQLDialect +from .base import MySQLExecutionContext +from ... import types as sqltypes +from ... import util +from ...connectors.zxJDBC import ZxJDBCConnector + + +class _ZxJDBCBit(BIT): + def result_processor(self, dialect, coltype): + """Converts boolean or byte arrays from MySQL Connector/J to longs.""" + + def process(value): + if value is None: + return value + if isinstance(value, bool): + return int(value) + v = 0 + for i in value: + v = v << 8 | (i & 0xFF) + value = v + return value + + return process + + +class MySQLExecutionContext_zxjdbc(MySQLExecutionContext): + def get_lastrowid(self): + cursor = self.create_cursor() + cursor.execute("SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()") + lastrowid = cursor.fetchone()[0] + cursor.close() + return lastrowid + + +class MySQLDialect_zxjdbc(ZxJDBCConnector, MySQLDialect): + jdbc_db_name = "mysql" + jdbc_driver_name = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" + + execution_ctx_cls = MySQLExecutionContext_zxjdbc + + colspecs = util.update_copy( + MySQLDialect.colspecs, {sqltypes.Time: sqltypes.Time, BIT: _ZxJDBCBit} + ) + + def _detect_charset(self, connection): + """Sniff out the character set in use for connection results.""" + # Prefer 'character_set_results' for the current connection over the + # value in the driver. SET NAMES or individual variable SETs will + # change the charset without updating the driver's view of the world. + # + # If it's decided that issuing that sort of SQL leaves you SOL, then + # this can prefer the driver value. + rs = connection.execute("SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'character_set%%'") + opts = {row[0]: row[1] for row in self._compat_fetchall(rs)} + for key in ("character_set_connection", "character_set"): + if opts.get(key, None): + return opts[key] + + util.warn( + "Could not detect the connection character set. " + "Assuming latin1." + ) + return "latin1" + + def _driver_kwargs(self): + """return kw arg dict to be sent to connect().""" + return dict(characterEncoding="UTF-8", yearIsDateType="false") + + def _extract_error_code(self, exception): + # e.g.: DBAPIError: (Error) Table 'test.u2' doesn't exist + # [SQLCode: 1146], [SQLState: 42S02] 'DESCRIBE `u2`' () + m = re.compile(r"\[SQLCode\: (\d+)\]").search(str(exception.args)) + c = m.group(1) + if c: + return int(c) + + def _get_server_version_info(self, connection): + dbapi_con = connection.connection + version = [] + r = re.compile(r"[.\-]") + for n in r.split(dbapi_con.dbversion): + try: + version.append(int(n)) + except ValueError: + version.append(n) + return tuple(version) + + +dialect = MySQLDialect_zxjdbc diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/oracle/__init__.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/oracle/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..71fa89f --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/oracle/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +# oracle/__init__.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +from . import base # noqa +from . import cx_oracle # noqa +from . import zxjdbc # noqa +from .base import BFILE +from .base import BINARY_DOUBLE +from .base import BINARY_FLOAT +from .base import BLOB +from .base import CHAR +from .base import CLOB +from .base import DATE +from .base import DOUBLE_PRECISION +from .base import FLOAT +from .base import INTERVAL +from .base import LONG +from .base import NCLOB +from .base import NUMBER +from .base import NVARCHAR +from .base import NVARCHAR2 +from .base import RAW +from .base import ROWID +from .base import TIMESTAMP +from .base import VARCHAR +from .base import VARCHAR2 + +base.dialect = dialect = cx_oracle.dialect + +__all__ = ( + "VARCHAR", + "NVARCHAR", + "CHAR", + "DATE", + "NUMBER", + "BLOB", + "BFILE", + "CLOB", + "NCLOB", + "TIMESTAMP", + "RAW", + "FLOAT", + "DOUBLE_PRECISION", + "BINARY_DOUBLE", + "BINARY_FLOAT", + "LONG", + "dialect", + "INTERVAL", + "VARCHAR2", + "NVARCHAR2", + "ROWID", +) diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/oracle/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/oracle/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7b728e3 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/oracle/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/oracle/__pycache__/base.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/oracle/__pycache__/base.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a84fd1f Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/oracle/__pycache__/base.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/oracle/__pycache__/cx_oracle.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/oracle/__pycache__/cx_oracle.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..667cf38 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/oracle/__pycache__/cx_oracle.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/oracle/__pycache__/zxjdbc.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/oracle/__pycache__/zxjdbc.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..761d571 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/oracle/__pycache__/zxjdbc.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/oracle/base.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/oracle/base.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c9a0a47 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/oracle/base.py @@ -0,0 +1,1976 @@ +# oracle/base.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +r""" +.. dialect:: oracle + :name: Oracle + + Oracle version 8 through current (11g at the time of this writing) are + supported. + +Connect Arguments +----------------- + +The dialect supports several :func:`~sqlalchemy.create_engine()` arguments +which affect the behavior of the dialect regardless of driver in use. + +* ``use_ansi`` - Use ANSI JOIN constructs (see the section on Oracle 8). + Defaults to ``True``. If ``False``, Oracle-8 compatible constructs are used + for joins. + +* ``optimize_limits`` - defaults to ``False``. see the section on + LIMIT/OFFSET. + +* ``use_binds_for_limits`` - defaults to ``True``. see the section on + LIMIT/OFFSET. + +Auto Increment Behavior +----------------------- + +SQLAlchemy Table objects which include integer primary keys are usually +assumed to have "autoincrementing" behavior, meaning they can generate their +own primary key values upon INSERT. Since Oracle has no "autoincrement" +feature, SQLAlchemy relies upon sequences to produce these values. With the +Oracle dialect, *a sequence must always be explicitly specified to enable +autoincrement*. This is divergent with the majority of documentation +examples which assume the usage of an autoincrement-capable database. To +specify sequences, use the sqlalchemy.schema.Sequence object which is passed +to a Column construct:: + + t = Table('mytable', metadata, + Column('id', Integer, Sequence('id_seq'), primary_key=True), + Column(...), ... + ) + +This step is also required when using table reflection, i.e. autoload=True:: + + t = Table('mytable', metadata, + Column('id', Integer, Sequence('id_seq'), primary_key=True), + autoload=True + ) + +Identifier Casing +----------------- + +In Oracle, the data dictionary represents all case insensitive identifier +names using UPPERCASE text. SQLAlchemy on the other hand considers an +all-lower case identifier name to be case insensitive. The Oracle dialect +converts all case insensitive identifiers to and from those two formats during +schema level communication, such as reflection of tables and indexes. Using +an UPPERCASE name on the SQLAlchemy side indicates a case sensitive +identifier, and SQLAlchemy will quote the name - this will cause mismatches +against data dictionary data received from Oracle, so unless identifier names +have been truly created as case sensitive (i.e. using quoted names), all +lowercase names should be used on the SQLAlchemy side. + + +LIMIT/OFFSET Support +-------------------- + +Oracle has no support for the LIMIT or OFFSET keywords. SQLAlchemy uses +a wrapped subquery approach in conjunction with ROWNUM. The exact methodology +is taken from +http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/issue-archive/2006/06-sep/o56asktom-086197.html . + +There are two options which affect its behavior: + +* the "FIRST ROWS()" optimization keyword is not used by default. To enable + the usage of this optimization directive, specify ``optimize_limits=True`` + to :func:`.create_engine`. +* the values passed for the limit/offset are sent as bound parameters. Some + users have observed that Oracle produces a poor query plan when the values + are sent as binds and not rendered literally. To render the limit/offset + values literally within the SQL statement, specify + ``use_binds_for_limits=False`` to :func:`.create_engine`. + +Some users have reported better performance when the entirely different +approach of a window query is used, i.e. ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY), to +provide LIMIT/OFFSET (note that the majority of users don't observe this). +To suit this case the method used for LIMIT/OFFSET can be replaced entirely. +See the recipe at +http://www.sqlalchemy.org/trac/wiki/UsageRecipes/WindowFunctionsByDefault +which installs a select compiler that overrides the generation of limit/offset +with a window function. + +.. _oracle_returning: + +RETURNING Support +----------------- + +The Oracle database supports a limited form of RETURNING, in order to retrieve +result sets of matched rows from INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE statements. +Oracle's RETURNING..INTO syntax only supports one row being returned, as it +relies upon OUT parameters in order to function. In addition, supported +DBAPIs have further limitations (see :ref:`cx_oracle_returning`). + +SQLAlchemy's "implicit returning" feature, which employs RETURNING within an +INSERT and sometimes an UPDATE statement in order to fetch newly generated +primary key values and other SQL defaults and expressions, is normally enabled +on the Oracle backend. By default, "implicit returning" typically only +fetches the value of a single ``nextval(some_seq)`` expression embedded into +an INSERT in order to increment a sequence within an INSERT statement and get +the value back at the same time. To disable this feature across the board, +specify ``implicit_returning=False`` to :func:`.create_engine`:: + + engine = create_engine("oracle://scott:tiger@dsn", + implicit_returning=False) + +Implicit returning can also be disabled on a table-by-table basis as a table +option:: + + # Core Table + my_table = Table("my_table", metadata, ..., implicit_returning=False) + + + # declarative + class MyClass(Base): + __tablename__ = 'my_table' + __table_args__ = {"implicit_returning": False} + +.. seealso:: + + :ref:`cx_oracle_returning` - additional cx_oracle-specific restrictions on + implicit returning. + +ON UPDATE CASCADE +----------------- + +Oracle doesn't have native ON UPDATE CASCADE functionality. A trigger based +solution is available at +http://asktom.oracle.com/tkyte/update_cascade/index.html . + +When using the SQLAlchemy ORM, the ORM has limited ability to manually issue +cascading updates - specify ForeignKey objects using the +"deferrable=True, initially='deferred'" keyword arguments, +and specify "passive_updates=False" on each relationship(). + +Oracle 8 Compatibility +---------------------- + +When Oracle 8 is detected, the dialect internally configures itself to the +following behaviors: + +* the use_ansi flag is set to False. This has the effect of converting all + JOIN phrases into the WHERE clause, and in the case of LEFT OUTER JOIN + makes use of Oracle's (+) operator. + +* the NVARCHAR2 and NCLOB datatypes are no longer generated as DDL when + the :class:`~sqlalchemy.types.Unicode` is used - VARCHAR2 and CLOB are + issued instead. This because these types don't seem to work correctly on + Oracle 8 even though they are available. The + :class:`~sqlalchemy.types.NVARCHAR` and + :class:`~sqlalchemy.dialects.oracle.NCLOB` types will always generate + NVARCHAR2 and NCLOB. + +* the "native unicode" mode is disabled when using cx_oracle, i.e. SQLAlchemy + encodes all Python unicode objects to "string" before passing in as bind + parameters. + +Synonym/DBLINK Reflection +------------------------- + +When using reflection with Table objects, the dialect can optionally search +for tables indicated by synonyms, either in local or remote schemas or +accessed over DBLINK, by passing the flag ``oracle_resolve_synonyms=True`` as +a keyword argument to the :class:`.Table` construct:: + + some_table = Table('some_table', autoload=True, + autoload_with=some_engine, + oracle_resolve_synonyms=True) + +When this flag is set, the given name (such as ``some_table`` above) will +be searched not just in the ``ALL_TABLES`` view, but also within the +``ALL_SYNONYMS`` view to see if this name is actually a synonym to another +name. If the synonym is located and refers to a DBLINK, the oracle dialect +knows how to locate the table's information using DBLINK syntax(e.g. +``@dblink``). + +``oracle_resolve_synonyms`` is accepted wherever reflection arguments are +accepted, including methods such as :meth:`.MetaData.reflect` and +:meth:`.Inspector.get_columns`. + +If synonyms are not in use, this flag should be left disabled. + +.. _oracle_constraint_reflection: + +Constraint Reflection +--------------------- + +The Oracle dialect can return information about foreign key, unique, and +CHECK constraints, as well as indexes on tables. + +Raw information regarding these constraints can be acquired using +:meth:`.Inspector.get_foreign_keys`, :meth:`.Inspector.get_unique_constraints`, +:meth:`.Inspector.get_check_constraints`, and :meth:`.Inspector.get_indexes`. + +.. versionchanged:: 1.2 The Oracle dialect can now reflect UNIQUE and + CHECK constraints. + +When using reflection at the :class:`.Table` level, the :class:`.Table` +will also include these constraints. + +Note the following caveats: + +* When using the :meth:`.Inspector.get_check_constraints` method, Oracle + builds a special "IS NOT NULL" constraint for columns that specify + "NOT NULL". This constraint is **not** returned by default; to include + the "IS NOT NULL" constraints, pass the flag ``include_all=True``:: + + from sqlalchemy import create_engine, inspect + + engine = create_engine("oracle+cx_oracle://s:t@dsn") + inspector = inspect(engine) + all_check_constraints = inspector.get_check_constraints( + "some_table", include_all=True) + +* in most cases, when reflecting a :class:`.Table`, a UNIQUE constraint will + **not** be available as a :class:`.UniqueConstraint` object, as Oracle + mirrors unique constraints with a UNIQUE index in most cases (the exception + seems to be when two or more unique constraints represent the same columns); + the :class:`.Table` will instead represent these using :class:`.Index` + with the ``unique=True`` flag set. + +* Oracle creates an implicit index for the primary key of a table; this index + is **excluded** from all index results. + +* the list of columns reflected for an index will not include column names + that start with SYS_NC. + +Table names with SYSTEM/SYSAUX tablespaces +------------------------------------------- + +The :meth:`.Inspector.get_table_names` and +:meth:`.Inspector.get_temp_table_names` +methods each return a list of table names for the current engine. These methods +are also part of the reflection which occurs within an operation such as +:meth:`.MetaData.reflect`. By default, these operations exclude the ``SYSTEM`` +and ``SYSAUX`` tablespaces from the operation. In order to change this, the +default list of tablespaces excluded can be changed at the engine level using +the ``exclude_tablespaces`` parameter:: + + # exclude SYSAUX and SOME_TABLESPACE, but not SYSTEM + e = create_engine( + "oracle://scott:tiger@xe", + exclude_tablespaces=["SYSAUX", "SOME_TABLESPACE"]) + +.. versionadded:: 1.1 + +DateTime Compatibility +---------------------- + +Oracle has no datatype known as ``DATETIME``, it instead has only ``DATE``, +which can actually store a date and time value. For this reason, the Oracle +dialect provides a type :class:`.oracle.DATE` which is a subclass of +:class:`.DateTime`. This type has no special behavior, and is only +present as a "marker" for this type; additionally, when a database column +is reflected and the type is reported as ``DATE``, the time-supporting +:class:`.oracle.DATE` type is used. + +.. versionchanged:: 0.9.4 Added :class:`.oracle.DATE` to subclass + :class:`.DateTime`. This is a change as previous versions + would reflect a ``DATE`` column as :class:`.types.DATE`, which subclasses + :class:`.Date`. The only significance here is for schemes that are + examining the type of column for use in special Python translations or + for migrating schemas to other database backends. + +.. _oracle_table_options: + +Oracle Table Options +------------------------- + +The CREATE TABLE phrase supports the following options with Oracle +in conjunction with the :class:`.Table` construct: + + +* ``ON COMMIT``:: + + Table( + "some_table", metadata, ..., + prefixes=['GLOBAL TEMPORARY'], oracle_on_commit='PRESERVE ROWS') + +.. versionadded:: 1.0.0 + +* ``COMPRESS``:: + + Table('mytable', metadata, Column('data', String(32)), + oracle_compress=True) + + Table('mytable', metadata, Column('data', String(32)), + oracle_compress=6) + + The ``oracle_compress`` parameter accepts either an integer compression + level, or ``True`` to use the default compression level. + +.. versionadded:: 1.0.0 + +.. _oracle_index_options: + +Oracle Specific Index Options +----------------------------- + +Bitmap Indexes +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + +You can specify the ``oracle_bitmap`` parameter to create a bitmap index +instead of a B-tree index:: + + Index('my_index', my_table.c.data, oracle_bitmap=True) + +Bitmap indexes cannot be unique and cannot be compressed. SQLAlchemy will not +check for such limitations, only the database will. + +.. versionadded:: 1.0.0 + +Index compression +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + +Oracle has a more efficient storage mode for indexes containing lots of +repeated values. Use the ``oracle_compress`` parameter to turn on key c +ompression:: + + Index('my_index', my_table.c.data, oracle_compress=True) + + Index('my_index', my_table.c.data1, my_table.c.data2, unique=True, + oracle_compress=1) + +The ``oracle_compress`` parameter accepts either an integer specifying the +number of prefix columns to compress, or ``True`` to use the default (all +columns for non-unique indexes, all but the last column for unique indexes). + +.. versionadded:: 1.0.0 + +""" # noqa + +from itertools import groupby +import re + +from ... import schema as sa_schema +from ... import sql +from ... import types as sqltypes +from ... import util +from ...engine import default +from ...engine import reflection +from ...sql import compiler +from ...sql import expression +from ...sql import util as sql_util +from ...sql import visitors +from ...sql.elements import quoted_name +from ...types import BLOB +from ...types import CHAR +from ...types import CLOB +from ...types import FLOAT +from ...types import INTEGER +from ...types import NVARCHAR +from ...types import TIMESTAMP +from ...types import VARCHAR + + +RESERVED_WORDS = set( + "SHARE RAW DROP BETWEEN FROM DESC OPTION PRIOR LONG THEN " + "DEFAULT ALTER IS INTO MINUS INTEGER NUMBER GRANT IDENTIFIED " + "ALL TO ORDER ON FLOAT DATE HAVING CLUSTER NOWAIT RESOURCE " + "ANY TABLE INDEX FOR UPDATE WHERE CHECK SMALLINT WITH DELETE " + "BY ASC REVOKE LIKE SIZE RENAME NOCOMPRESS NULL GROUP VALUES " + "AS IN VIEW EXCLUSIVE COMPRESS SYNONYM SELECT INSERT EXISTS " + "NOT TRIGGER ELSE CREATE INTERSECT PCTFREE DISTINCT USER " + "CONNECT SET MODE OF UNIQUE VARCHAR2 VARCHAR LOCK OR CHAR " + "DECIMAL UNION PUBLIC AND START UID COMMENT CURRENT LEVEL".split() +) + +NO_ARG_FNS = set( + "UID CURRENT_DATE SYSDATE USER " "CURRENT_TIME CURRENT_TIMESTAMP".split() +) + + +class RAW(sqltypes._Binary): + __visit_name__ = "RAW" + + +OracleRaw = RAW + + +class NCLOB(sqltypes.Text): + __visit_name__ = "NCLOB" + + +class VARCHAR2(VARCHAR): + __visit_name__ = "VARCHAR2" + + +NVARCHAR2 = NVARCHAR + + +class NUMBER(sqltypes.Numeric, sqltypes.Integer): + __visit_name__ = "NUMBER" + + def __init__(self, precision=None, scale=None, asdecimal=None): + if asdecimal is None: + asdecimal = bool(scale and scale > 0) + + super(NUMBER, self).__init__( + precision=precision, scale=scale, asdecimal=asdecimal + ) + + def adapt(self, impltype): + ret = super(NUMBER, self).adapt(impltype) + # leave a hint for the DBAPI handler + ret._is_oracle_number = True + return ret + + @property + def _type_affinity(self): + if bool(self.scale and self.scale > 0): + return sqltypes.Numeric + else: + return sqltypes.Integer + + +class DOUBLE_PRECISION(sqltypes.Float): + __visit_name__ = "DOUBLE_PRECISION" + + +class BINARY_DOUBLE(sqltypes.Float): + __visit_name__ = "BINARY_DOUBLE" + + +class BINARY_FLOAT(sqltypes.Float): + __visit_name__ = "BINARY_FLOAT" + + +class BFILE(sqltypes.LargeBinary): + __visit_name__ = "BFILE" + + +class LONG(sqltypes.Text): + __visit_name__ = "LONG" + + +class DATE(sqltypes.DateTime): + """Provide the oracle DATE type. + + This type has no special Python behavior, except that it subclasses + :class:`.types.DateTime`; this is to suit the fact that the Oracle + ``DATE`` type supports a time value. + + .. versionadded:: 0.9.4 + + """ + + __visit_name__ = "DATE" + + def _compare_type_affinity(self, other): + return other._type_affinity in (sqltypes.DateTime, sqltypes.Date) + + +class INTERVAL(sqltypes.TypeEngine): + __visit_name__ = "INTERVAL" + + def __init__(self, day_precision=None, second_precision=None): + """Construct an INTERVAL. + + Note that only DAY TO SECOND intervals are currently supported. + This is due to a lack of support for YEAR TO MONTH intervals + within available DBAPIs (cx_oracle and zxjdbc). + + :param day_precision: the day precision value. this is the number of + digits to store for the day field. Defaults to "2" + :param second_precision: the second precision value. this is the + number of digits to store for the fractional seconds field. + Defaults to "6". + + """ + self.day_precision = day_precision + self.second_precision = second_precision + + @classmethod + def _adapt_from_generic_interval(cls, interval): + return INTERVAL( + day_precision=interval.day_precision, + second_precision=interval.second_precision, + ) + + @property + def _type_affinity(self): + return sqltypes.Interval + + +class ROWID(sqltypes.TypeEngine): + """Oracle ROWID type. + + When used in a cast() or similar, generates ROWID. + + """ + + __visit_name__ = "ROWID" + + +class _OracleBoolean(sqltypes.Boolean): + def get_dbapi_type(self, dbapi): + return dbapi.NUMBER + + +colspecs = { + sqltypes.Boolean: _OracleBoolean, + sqltypes.Interval: INTERVAL, + sqltypes.DateTime: DATE, +} + +ischema_names = { + "VARCHAR2": VARCHAR, + "NVARCHAR2": NVARCHAR, + "CHAR": CHAR, + "DATE": DATE, + "NUMBER": NUMBER, + "BLOB": BLOB, + "BFILE": BFILE, + "CLOB": CLOB, + "NCLOB": NCLOB, + "TIMESTAMP": TIMESTAMP, + "TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE": TIMESTAMP, + "INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND": INTERVAL, + "RAW": RAW, + "FLOAT": FLOAT, + "DOUBLE PRECISION": DOUBLE_PRECISION, + "LONG": LONG, + "BINARY_DOUBLE": BINARY_DOUBLE, + "BINARY_FLOAT": BINARY_FLOAT, +} + + +class OracleTypeCompiler(compiler.GenericTypeCompiler): + # Note: + # Oracle DATE == DATETIME + # Oracle does not allow milliseconds in DATE + # Oracle does not support TIME columns + + def visit_datetime(self, type_, **kw): + return self.visit_DATE(type_, **kw) + + def visit_float(self, type_, **kw): + return self.visit_FLOAT(type_, **kw) + + def visit_unicode(self, type_, **kw): + if self.dialect._supports_nchar: + return self.visit_NVARCHAR2(type_, **kw) + else: + return self.visit_VARCHAR2(type_, **kw) + + def visit_INTERVAL(self, type_, **kw): + return "INTERVAL DAY%s TO SECOND%s" % ( + type_.day_precision is not None + and "(%d)" % type_.day_precision + or "", + type_.second_precision is not None + and "(%d)" % type_.second_precision + or "", + ) + + def visit_LONG(self, type_, **kw): + return "LONG" + + def visit_TIMESTAMP(self, type_, **kw): + if type_.timezone: + return "TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE" + else: + return "TIMESTAMP" + + def visit_DOUBLE_PRECISION(self, type_, **kw): + return self._generate_numeric(type_, "DOUBLE PRECISION", **kw) + + def visit_BINARY_DOUBLE(self, type_, **kw): + return self._generate_numeric(type_, "BINARY_DOUBLE", **kw) + + def visit_BINARY_FLOAT(self, type_, **kw): + return self._generate_numeric(type_, "BINARY_FLOAT", **kw) + + def visit_FLOAT(self, type_, **kw): + # don't support conversion between decimal/binary + # precision yet + kw["no_precision"] = True + return self._generate_numeric(type_, "FLOAT", **kw) + + def visit_NUMBER(self, type_, **kw): + return self._generate_numeric(type_, "NUMBER", **kw) + + def _generate_numeric( + self, type_, name, precision=None, scale=None, no_precision=False, **kw + ): + if precision is None: + precision = type_.precision + + if scale is None: + scale = getattr(type_, "scale", None) + + if no_precision or precision is None: + return name + elif scale is None: + n = "%(name)s(%(precision)s)" + return n % {"name": name, "precision": precision} + else: + n = "%(name)s(%(precision)s, %(scale)s)" + return n % {"name": name, "precision": precision, "scale": scale} + + def visit_string(self, type_, **kw): + return self.visit_VARCHAR2(type_, **kw) + + def visit_VARCHAR2(self, type_, **kw): + return self._visit_varchar(type_, "", "2") + + def visit_NVARCHAR2(self, type_, **kw): + return self._visit_varchar(type_, "N", "2") + + visit_NVARCHAR = visit_NVARCHAR2 + + def visit_VARCHAR(self, type_, **kw): + return self._visit_varchar(type_, "", "") + + def _visit_varchar(self, type_, n, num): + if not type_.length: + return "%(n)sVARCHAR%(two)s" % {"two": num, "n": n} + elif not n and self.dialect._supports_char_length: + varchar = "VARCHAR%(two)s(%(length)s CHAR)" + return varchar % {"length": type_.length, "two": num} + else: + varchar = "%(n)sVARCHAR%(two)s(%(length)s)" + return varchar % {"length": type_.length, "two": num, "n": n} + + def visit_text(self, type_, **kw): + return self.visit_CLOB(type_, **kw) + + def visit_unicode_text(self, type_, **kw): + if self.dialect._supports_nchar: + return self.visit_NCLOB(type_, **kw) + else: + return self.visit_CLOB(type_, **kw) + + def visit_large_binary(self, type_, **kw): + return self.visit_BLOB(type_, **kw) + + def visit_big_integer(self, type_, **kw): + return self.visit_NUMBER(type_, precision=19, **kw) + + def visit_boolean(self, type_, **kw): + return self.visit_SMALLINT(type_, **kw) + + def visit_RAW(self, type_, **kw): + if type_.length: + return "RAW(%(length)s)" % {"length": type_.length} + else: + return "RAW" + + def visit_ROWID(self, type_, **kw): + return "ROWID" + + +class OracleCompiler(compiler.SQLCompiler): + """Oracle compiler modifies the lexical structure of Select + statements to work under non-ANSI configured Oracle databases, if + the use_ansi flag is False. + """ + + compound_keywords = util.update_copy( + compiler.SQLCompiler.compound_keywords, + {expression.CompoundSelect.EXCEPT: "MINUS"}, + ) + + def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): + self.__wheres = {} + self._quoted_bind_names = {} + super(OracleCompiler, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) + + def visit_mod_binary(self, binary, operator, **kw): + return "mod(%s, %s)" % ( + self.process(binary.left, **kw), + self.process(binary.right, **kw), + ) + + def visit_now_func(self, fn, **kw): + return "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP" + + def visit_char_length_func(self, fn, **kw): + return "LENGTH" + self.function_argspec(fn, **kw) + + def visit_match_op_binary(self, binary, operator, **kw): + return "CONTAINS (%s, %s)" % ( + self.process(binary.left), + self.process(binary.right), + ) + + def visit_true(self, expr, **kw): + return "1" + + def visit_false(self, expr, **kw): + return "0" + + def get_cte_preamble(self, recursive): + return "WITH" + + def get_select_hint_text(self, byfroms): + return " ".join("/*+ %s */" % text for table, text in byfroms.items()) + + def function_argspec(self, fn, **kw): + if len(fn.clauses) > 0 or fn.name.upper() not in NO_ARG_FNS: + return compiler.SQLCompiler.function_argspec(self, fn, **kw) + else: + return "" + + def default_from(self): + """Called when a ``SELECT`` statement has no froms, + and no ``FROM`` clause is to be appended. + + The Oracle compiler tacks a "FROM DUAL" to the statement. + """ + + return " FROM DUAL" + + def visit_join(self, join, **kwargs): + if self.dialect.use_ansi: + return compiler.SQLCompiler.visit_join(self, join, **kwargs) + else: + kwargs["asfrom"] = True + if isinstance(join.right, expression.FromGrouping): + right = join.right.element + else: + right = join.right + return ( + self.process(join.left, **kwargs) + + ", " + + self.process(right, **kwargs) + ) + + def _get_nonansi_join_whereclause(self, froms): + clauses = [] + + def visit_join(join): + if join.isouter: + # https://docs.oracle.com/database/121/SQLRF/queries006.htm#SQLRF52354 + # "apply the outer join operator (+) to all columns of B in + # the join condition in the WHERE clause" - that is, + # unconditionally regardless of operator or the other side + def visit_binary(binary): + if isinstance( + binary.left, expression.ColumnClause + ) and join.right.is_derived_from(binary.left.table): + binary.left = _OuterJoinColumn(binary.left) + elif isinstance( + binary.right, expression.ColumnClause + ) and join.right.is_derived_from(binary.right.table): + binary.right = _OuterJoinColumn(binary.right) + + clauses.append( + visitors.cloned_traverse( + join.onclause, {}, {"binary": visit_binary} + ) + ) + else: + clauses.append(join.onclause) + + for j in join.left, join.right: + if isinstance(j, expression.Join): + visit_join(j) + elif isinstance(j, expression.FromGrouping): + visit_join(j.element) + + for f in froms: + if isinstance(f, expression.Join): + visit_join(f) + + if not clauses: + return None + else: + return sql.and_(*clauses) + + def visit_outer_join_column(self, vc, **kw): + return self.process(vc.column, **kw) + "(+)" + + def visit_sequence(self, seq, **kw): + return ( + self.dialect.identifier_preparer.format_sequence(seq) + ".nextval" + ) + + def get_render_as_alias_suffix(self, alias_name_text): + """Oracle doesn't like ``FROM table AS alias``""" + + return " " + alias_name_text + + def returning_clause(self, stmt, returning_cols): + columns = [] + binds = [] + + for i, column in enumerate( + expression._select_iterables(returning_cols) + ): + if column.type._has_column_expression: + col_expr = column.type.column_expression(column) + else: + col_expr = column + + outparam = sql.outparam("ret_%d" % i, type_=column.type) + self.binds[outparam.key] = outparam + binds.append( + self.bindparam_string(self._truncate_bindparam(outparam)) + ) + columns.append(self.process(col_expr, within_columns_clause=False)) + + self._add_to_result_map( + getattr(col_expr, "name", col_expr.anon_label), + getattr(col_expr, "name", col_expr.anon_label), + ( + column, + getattr(column, "name", None), + getattr(column, "key", None), + ), + column.type, + ) + + return "RETURNING " + ", ".join(columns) + " INTO " + ", ".join(binds) + + def _TODO_visit_compound_select(self, select): + """Need to determine how to get ``LIMIT``/``OFFSET`` into a + ``UNION`` for Oracle. + """ + pass + + def visit_select(self, select, **kwargs): + """Look for ``LIMIT`` and OFFSET in a select statement, and if + so tries to wrap it in a subquery with ``rownum`` criterion. + """ + + if not getattr(select, "_oracle_visit", None): + if not self.dialect.use_ansi: + froms = self._display_froms_for_select( + select, kwargs.get("asfrom", False) + ) + whereclause = self._get_nonansi_join_whereclause(froms) + if whereclause is not None: + select = select.where(whereclause) + select._oracle_visit = True + + limit_clause = select._limit_clause + offset_clause = select._offset_clause + if limit_clause is not None or offset_clause is not None: + # See http://www.oracle.com/technology/oramag/oracle/06-sep/\ + # o56asktom.html + # + # Generalized form of an Oracle pagination query: + # select ... from ( + # select /*+ FIRST_ROWS(N) */ ...., rownum as ora_rn from + # ( select distinct ... where ... order by ... + # ) where ROWNUM <= :limit+:offset + # ) where ora_rn > :offset + # Outer select and "ROWNUM as ora_rn" can be dropped if + # limit=0 + + kwargs["select_wraps_for"] = select + select = select._generate() + select._oracle_visit = True + + # Wrap the middle select and add the hint + limitselect = sql.select([c for c in select.c]) + if ( + limit_clause is not None + and self.dialect.optimize_limits + and select._simple_int_limit + ): + limitselect = limitselect.prefix_with( + "/*+ FIRST_ROWS(%d) */" % select._limit + ) + + limitselect._oracle_visit = True + limitselect._is_wrapper = True + + # add expressions to accommodate FOR UPDATE OF + for_update = select._for_update_arg + if for_update is not None and for_update.of: + for_update = for_update._clone() + for_update._copy_internals() + + for elem in for_update.of: + select.append_column(elem) + + adapter = sql_util.ClauseAdapter(select) + for_update.of = [ + adapter.traverse(elem) for elem in for_update.of + ] + + # If needed, add the limiting clause + if limit_clause is not None: + if not self.dialect.use_binds_for_limits: + # use simple int limits, will raise an exception + # if the limit isn't specified this way + max_row = select._limit + + if offset_clause is not None: + max_row += select._offset + max_row = sql.literal_column("%d" % max_row) + else: + max_row = limit_clause + if offset_clause is not None: + max_row = max_row + offset_clause + limitselect.append_whereclause( + sql.literal_column("ROWNUM") <= max_row + ) + + # If needed, add the ora_rn, and wrap again with offset. + if offset_clause is None: + limitselect._for_update_arg = for_update + select = limitselect + else: + limitselect = limitselect.column( + sql.literal_column("ROWNUM").label("ora_rn") + ) + limitselect._oracle_visit = True + limitselect._is_wrapper = True + + offsetselect = sql.select( + [c for c in limitselect.c if c.key != "ora_rn"] + ) + offsetselect._oracle_visit = True + offsetselect._is_wrapper = True + + if for_update is not None and for_update.of: + for elem in for_update.of: + if limitselect.corresponding_column(elem) is None: + limitselect.append_column(elem) + + if not self.dialect.use_binds_for_limits: + offset_clause = sql.literal_column( + "%d" % select._offset + ) + offsetselect.append_whereclause( + sql.literal_column("ora_rn") > offset_clause + ) + + offsetselect._for_update_arg = for_update + select = offsetselect + + return compiler.SQLCompiler.visit_select(self, select, **kwargs) + + def limit_clause(self, select, **kw): + return "" + + def for_update_clause(self, select, **kw): + if self.is_subquery(): + return "" + + tmp = " FOR UPDATE" + + if select._for_update_arg.of: + tmp += " OF " + ", ".join( + self.process(elem, **kw) for elem in select._for_update_arg.of + ) + + if select._for_update_arg.nowait: + tmp += " NOWAIT" + if select._for_update_arg.skip_locked: + tmp += " SKIP LOCKED" + + return tmp + + +class OracleDDLCompiler(compiler.DDLCompiler): + def define_constraint_cascades(self, constraint): + text = "" + if constraint.ondelete is not None: + text += " ON DELETE %s" % constraint.ondelete + + # oracle has no ON UPDATE CASCADE - + # its only available via triggers + # http://asktom.oracle.com/tkyte/update_cascade/index.html + if constraint.onupdate is not None: + util.warn( + "Oracle does not contain native UPDATE CASCADE " + "functionality - onupdates will not be rendered for foreign " + "keys. Consider using deferrable=True, initially='deferred' " + "or triggers." + ) + + return text + + def visit_drop_table_comment(self, drop): + return "COMMENT ON TABLE %s IS ''" % self.preparer.format_table( + drop.element + ) + + def visit_create_index(self, create): + index = create.element + self._verify_index_table(index) + preparer = self.preparer + text = "CREATE " + if index.unique: + text += "UNIQUE " + if index.dialect_options["oracle"]["bitmap"]: + text += "BITMAP " + text += "INDEX %s ON %s (%s)" % ( + self._prepared_index_name(index, include_schema=True), + preparer.format_table(index.table, use_schema=True), + ", ".join( + self.sql_compiler.process( + expr, include_table=False, literal_binds=True + ) + for expr in index.expressions + ), + ) + if index.dialect_options["oracle"]["compress"] is not False: + if index.dialect_options["oracle"]["compress"] is True: + text += " COMPRESS" + else: + text += " COMPRESS %d" % ( + index.dialect_options["oracle"]["compress"] + ) + return text + + def post_create_table(self, table): + table_opts = [] + opts = table.dialect_options["oracle"] + + if opts["on_commit"]: + on_commit_options = opts["on_commit"].replace("_", " ").upper() + table_opts.append("\n ON COMMIT %s" % on_commit_options) + + if opts["compress"]: + if opts["compress"] is True: + table_opts.append("\n COMPRESS") + else: + table_opts.append("\n COMPRESS FOR %s" % (opts["compress"])) + + return "".join(table_opts) + + +class OracleIdentifierPreparer(compiler.IdentifierPreparer): + + reserved_words = {x.lower() for x in RESERVED_WORDS} + illegal_initial_characters = {str(dig) for dig in range(0, 10)}.union( + ["_", "$"] + ) + + def _bindparam_requires_quotes(self, value): + """Return True if the given identifier requires quoting.""" + lc_value = value.lower() + return ( + lc_value in self.reserved_words + or value[0] in self.illegal_initial_characters + or not self.legal_characters.match(util.text_type(value)) + ) + + def format_savepoint(self, savepoint): + name = savepoint.ident.lstrip("_") + return super(OracleIdentifierPreparer, self).format_savepoint( + savepoint, name + ) + + +class OracleExecutionContext(default.DefaultExecutionContext): + def fire_sequence(self, seq, type_): + return self._execute_scalar( + "SELECT " + + self.dialect.identifier_preparer.format_sequence(seq) + + ".nextval FROM DUAL", + type_, + ) + + +class OracleDialect(default.DefaultDialect): + name = "oracle" + supports_alter = True + supports_unicode_statements = False + supports_unicode_binds = False + max_identifier_length = 30 + + supports_simple_order_by_label = False + cte_follows_insert = True + + supports_sequences = True + sequences_optional = False + postfetch_lastrowid = False + + default_paramstyle = "named" + colspecs = colspecs + ischema_names = ischema_names + requires_name_normalize = True + + supports_comments = True + supports_default_values = False + supports_empty_insert = False + + statement_compiler = OracleCompiler + ddl_compiler = OracleDDLCompiler + type_compiler = OracleTypeCompiler + preparer = OracleIdentifierPreparer + execution_ctx_cls = OracleExecutionContext + + reflection_options = ("oracle_resolve_synonyms",) + construct_arguments = [ + ( + sa_schema.Table, + {"resolve_synonyms": False, "on_commit": None, "compress": False}, + ), + (sa_schema.Index, {"bitmap": False, "compress": False}), + ] + + def __init__( + self, + use_ansi=True, + optimize_limits=False, + use_binds_for_limits=True, + exclude_tablespaces=("SYSTEM", "SYSAUX"), + **kwargs + ): + default.DefaultDialect.__init__(self, **kwargs) + self.use_ansi = use_ansi + self.optimize_limits = optimize_limits + self.use_binds_for_limits = use_binds_for_limits + self.exclude_tablespaces = exclude_tablespaces + + def initialize(self, connection): + super(OracleDialect, self).initialize(connection) + self.implicit_returning = self.__dict__.get( + "implicit_returning", self.server_version_info > (10,) + ) + + if self._is_oracle_8: + self.colspecs = self.colspecs.copy() + self.colspecs.pop(sqltypes.Interval) + self.use_ansi = False + + @property + def _is_oracle_8(self): + return self.server_version_info and self.server_version_info < (9,) + + @property + def _supports_table_compression(self): + return self.server_version_info and self.server_version_info >= (10, 1) + + @property + def _supports_table_compress_for(self): + return self.server_version_info and self.server_version_info >= (11,) + + @property + def _supports_char_length(self): + return not self._is_oracle_8 + + @property + def _supports_nchar(self): + return not self._is_oracle_8 + + def do_release_savepoint(self, connection, name): + # Oracle does not support RELEASE SAVEPOINT + pass + + def has_table(self, connection, table_name, schema=None): + if not schema: + schema = self.default_schema_name + cursor = connection.execute( + sql.text( + "SELECT table_name FROM all_tables " + "WHERE table_name = :name AND owner = :schema_name" + ), + name=self.denormalize_name(table_name), + schema_name=self.denormalize_name(schema), + ) + return cursor.first() is not None + + def has_sequence(self, connection, sequence_name, schema=None): + if not schema: + schema = self.default_schema_name + cursor = connection.execute( + sql.text( + "SELECT sequence_name FROM all_sequences " + "WHERE sequence_name = :name AND " + "sequence_owner = :schema_name" + ), + name=self.denormalize_name(sequence_name), + schema_name=self.denormalize_name(schema), + ) + return cursor.first() is not None + + def normalize_name(self, name): + if name is None: + return None + if util.py2k: + if isinstance(name, str): + name = name.decode(self.encoding) + if name.upper() == name and not ( + self.identifier_preparer._requires_quotes + )(name.lower()): + return name.lower() + elif name.lower() == name: + return quoted_name(name, quote=True) + else: + return name + + def denormalize_name(self, name): + if name is None: + return None + elif name.lower() == name and not ( + self.identifier_preparer._requires_quotes + )(name.lower()): + name = name.upper() + if util.py2k: + if not self.supports_unicode_binds: + name = name.encode(self.encoding) + else: + name = unicode(name) # noqa + return name + + def _get_default_schema_name(self, connection): + return self.normalize_name( + connection.execute("SELECT USER FROM DUAL").scalar() + ) + + def _resolve_synonym( + self, + connection, + desired_owner=None, + desired_synonym=None, + desired_table=None, + ): + """search for a local synonym matching the given desired owner/name. + + if desired_owner is None, attempts to locate a distinct owner. + + returns the actual name, owner, dblink name, and synonym name if + found. + """ + + q = ( + "SELECT owner, table_owner, table_name, db_link, " + "synonym_name FROM all_synonyms WHERE " + ) + clauses = [] + params = {} + if desired_synonym: + clauses.append("synonym_name = :synonym_name") + params["synonym_name"] = desired_synonym + if desired_owner: + clauses.append("owner = :desired_owner") + params["desired_owner"] = desired_owner + if desired_table: + clauses.append("table_name = :tname") + params["tname"] = desired_table + + q += " AND ".join(clauses) + + result = connection.execute(sql.text(q), **params) + if desired_owner: + row = result.first() + if row: + return ( + row["table_name"], + row["table_owner"], + row["db_link"], + row["synonym_name"], + ) + else: + return None, None, None, None + else: + rows = result.fetchall() + if len(rows) > 1: + raise AssertionError( + "There are multiple tables visible to the schema, you " + "must specify owner" + ) + elif len(rows) == 1: + row = rows[0] + return ( + row["table_name"], + row["table_owner"], + row["db_link"], + row["synonym_name"], + ) + else: + return None, None, None, None + + @reflection.cache + def _prepare_reflection_args( + self, + connection, + table_name, + schema=None, + resolve_synonyms=False, + dblink="", + **kw + ): + + if resolve_synonyms: + actual_name, owner, dblink, synonym = self._resolve_synonym( + connection, + desired_owner=self.denormalize_name(schema), + desired_synonym=self.denormalize_name(table_name), + ) + else: + actual_name, owner, dblink, synonym = None, None, None, None + if not actual_name: + actual_name = self.denormalize_name(table_name) + + if dblink: + # using user_db_links here since all_db_links appears + # to have more restricted permissions. + # http://docs.oracle.com/cd/B28359_01/server.111/b28310/ds_admin005.htm + # will need to hear from more users if we are doing + # the right thing here. See [ticket:2619] + owner = connection.scalar( + sql.text( + "SELECT username FROM user_db_links " "WHERE db_link=:link" + ), + link=dblink, + ) + dblink = "@" + dblink + elif not owner: + owner = self.denormalize_name(schema or self.default_schema_name) + + return (actual_name, owner, dblink or "", synonym) + + @reflection.cache + def get_schema_names(self, connection, **kw): + s = "SELECT username FROM all_users ORDER BY username" + cursor = connection.execute(s) + return [self.normalize_name(row[0]) for row in cursor] + + @reflection.cache + def get_table_names(self, connection, schema=None, **kw): + schema = self.denormalize_name(schema or self.default_schema_name) + + # note that table_names() isn't loading DBLINKed or synonym'ed tables + if schema is None: + schema = self.default_schema_name + + sql_str = "SELECT table_name FROM all_tables WHERE " + if self.exclude_tablespaces: + sql_str += ( + "nvl(tablespace_name, 'no tablespace') " + "NOT IN (%s) AND " + % (", ".join(["'%s'" % ts for ts in self.exclude_tablespaces])) + ) + sql_str += ( + "OWNER = :owner " "AND IOT_NAME IS NULL " "AND DURATION IS NULL" + ) + + cursor = connection.execute(sql.text(sql_str), owner=schema) + return [self.normalize_name(row[0]) for row in cursor] + + @reflection.cache + def get_temp_table_names(self, connection, **kw): + schema = self.denormalize_name(self.default_schema_name) + + sql_str = "SELECT table_name FROM all_tables WHERE " + if self.exclude_tablespaces: + sql_str += ( + "nvl(tablespace_name, 'no tablespace') " + "NOT IN (%s) AND " + % (", ".join(["'%s'" % ts for ts in self.exclude_tablespaces])) + ) + sql_str += ( + "OWNER = :owner " + "AND IOT_NAME IS NULL " + "AND DURATION IS NOT NULL" + ) + + cursor = connection.execute(sql.text(sql_str), owner=schema) + return [self.normalize_name(row[0]) for row in cursor] + + @reflection.cache + def get_view_names(self, connection, schema=None, **kw): + schema = self.denormalize_name(schema or self.default_schema_name) + s = sql.text("SELECT view_name FROM all_views WHERE owner = :owner") + cursor = connection.execute(s, owner=self.denormalize_name(schema)) + return [self.normalize_name(row[0]) for row in cursor] + + @reflection.cache + def get_table_options(self, connection, table_name, schema=None, **kw): + options = {} + + resolve_synonyms = kw.get("oracle_resolve_synonyms", False) + dblink = kw.get("dblink", "") + info_cache = kw.get("info_cache") + + (table_name, schema, dblink, synonym) = self._prepare_reflection_args( + connection, + table_name, + schema, + resolve_synonyms, + dblink, + info_cache=info_cache, + ) + + params = {"table_name": table_name} + + columns = ["table_name"] + if self._supports_table_compression: + columns.append("compression") + if self._supports_table_compress_for: + columns.append("compress_for") + + text = ( + "SELECT %(columns)s " + "FROM ALL_TABLES%(dblink)s " + "WHERE table_name = :table_name" + ) + + if schema is not None: + params["owner"] = schema + text += " AND owner = :owner " + text = text % {"dblink": dblink, "columns": ", ".join(columns)} + + result = connection.execute(sql.text(text), **params) + + enabled = dict(DISABLED=False, ENABLED=True) + + row = result.first() + if row: + if "compression" in row and enabled.get(row.compression, False): + if "compress_for" in row: + options["oracle_compress"] = row.compress_for + else: + options["oracle_compress"] = True + + return options + + @reflection.cache + def get_columns(self, connection, table_name, schema=None, **kw): + """ + + kw arguments can be: + + oracle_resolve_synonyms + + dblink + + """ + + resolve_synonyms = kw.get("oracle_resolve_synonyms", False) + dblink = kw.get("dblink", "") + info_cache = kw.get("info_cache") + + (table_name, schema, dblink, synonym) = self._prepare_reflection_args( + connection, + table_name, + schema, + resolve_synonyms, + dblink, + info_cache=info_cache, + ) + columns = [] + if self._supports_char_length: + char_length_col = "char_length" + else: + char_length_col = "data_length" + + params = {"table_name": table_name} + text = """ + SELECT col.column_name, col.data_type, col.%(char_length_col)s, + col.data_precision, col.data_scale, col.nullable, + col.data_default, com.comments\ + FROM all_tab_columns%(dblink)s col + LEFT JOIN all_col_comments%(dblink)s com + ON col.table_name = com.table_name + AND col.column_name = com.column_name + AND col.owner = com.owner + WHERE col.table_name = :table_name + """ + if schema is not None: + params["owner"] = schema + text += " AND col.owner = :owner " + text += " ORDER BY col.column_id" + text = text % {"dblink": dblink, "char_length_col": char_length_col} + + c = connection.execute(sql.text(text), **params) + + for row in c: + colname = self.normalize_name(row[0]) + orig_colname = row[0] + coltype = row[1] + length = row[2] + precision = row[3] + scale = row[4] + nullable = row[5] == "Y" + default = row[6] + comment = row[7] + + if coltype == "NUMBER": + if precision is None and scale == 0: + coltype = INTEGER() + else: + coltype = NUMBER(precision, scale) + elif coltype == "FLOAT": + # TODO: support "precision" here as "binary_precision" + coltype = FLOAT() + elif coltype in ("VARCHAR2", "NVARCHAR2", "CHAR"): + coltype = self.ischema_names.get(coltype)(length) + elif "WITH TIME ZONE" in coltype: + coltype = TIMESTAMP(timezone=True) + else: + coltype = re.sub(r"\(\d+\)", "", coltype) + try: + coltype = self.ischema_names[coltype] + except KeyError: + util.warn( + "Did not recognize type '%s' of column '%s'" + % (coltype, colname) + ) + coltype = sqltypes.NULLTYPE + + cdict = { + "name": colname, + "type": coltype, + "nullable": nullable, + "default": default, + "autoincrement": "auto", + "comment": comment, + } + if orig_colname.lower() == orig_colname: + cdict["quote"] = True + + columns.append(cdict) + return columns + + @reflection.cache + def get_table_comment( + self, + connection, + table_name, + schema=None, + resolve_synonyms=False, + dblink="", + **kw + ): + + info_cache = kw.get("info_cache") + (table_name, schema, dblink, synonym) = self._prepare_reflection_args( + connection, + table_name, + schema, + resolve_synonyms, + dblink, + info_cache=info_cache, + ) + + COMMENT_SQL = """ + SELECT comments + FROM user_tab_comments + WHERE table_name = :table_name + """ + + c = connection.execute(sql.text(COMMENT_SQL), table_name=table_name) + return {"text": c.scalar()} + + @reflection.cache + def get_indexes( + self, + connection, + table_name, + schema=None, + resolve_synonyms=False, + dblink="", + **kw + ): + + info_cache = kw.get("info_cache") + (table_name, schema, dblink, synonym) = self._prepare_reflection_args( + connection, + table_name, + schema, + resolve_synonyms, + dblink, + info_cache=info_cache, + ) + indexes = [] + + params = {"table_name": table_name} + text = ( + "SELECT a.index_name, a.column_name, " + "\nb.index_type, b.uniqueness, b.compression, b.prefix_length " + "\nFROM ALL_IND_COLUMNS%(dblink)s a, " + "\nALL_INDEXES%(dblink)s b " + "\nWHERE " + "\na.index_name = b.index_name " + "\nAND a.table_owner = b.table_owner " + "\nAND a.table_name = b.table_name " + "\nAND a.table_name = :table_name " + ) + + if schema is not None: + params["schema"] = schema + text += "AND a.table_owner = :schema " + + text += "ORDER BY a.index_name, a.column_position" + + text = text % {"dblink": dblink} + + q = sql.text(text) + rp = connection.execute(q, **params) + indexes = [] + last_index_name = None + pk_constraint = self.get_pk_constraint( + connection, + table_name, + schema, + resolve_synonyms=resolve_synonyms, + dblink=dblink, + info_cache=kw.get("info_cache"), + ) + pkeys = pk_constraint["constrained_columns"] + uniqueness = dict(NONUNIQUE=False, UNIQUE=True) + enabled = dict(DISABLED=False, ENABLED=True) + + oracle_sys_col = re.compile(r"SYS_NC\d+\$", re.IGNORECASE) + + index = None + for rset in rp: + if rset.index_name != last_index_name: + index = dict( + name=self.normalize_name(rset.index_name), + column_names=[], + dialect_options={}, + ) + indexes.append(index) + index["unique"] = uniqueness.get(rset.uniqueness, False) + + if rset.index_type in ("BITMAP", "FUNCTION-BASED BITMAP"): + index["dialect_options"]["oracle_bitmap"] = True + if enabled.get(rset.compression, False): + index["dialect_options"][ + "oracle_compress" + ] = rset.prefix_length + + # filter out Oracle SYS_NC names. could also do an outer join + # to the all_tab_columns table and check for real col names there. + if not oracle_sys_col.match(rset.column_name): + index["column_names"].append( + self.normalize_name(rset.column_name) + ) + last_index_name = rset.index_name + + def upper_name_set(names): + return {i.upper() for i in names} + + pk_names = upper_name_set(pkeys) + if pk_names: + + def is_pk_index(index): + # don't include the primary key index + return upper_name_set(index["column_names"]) == pk_names + + indexes = [idx for idx in indexes if not is_pk_index(idx)] + + return indexes + + @reflection.cache + def _get_constraint_data( + self, connection, table_name, schema=None, dblink="", **kw + ): + + params = {"table_name": table_name} + + text = ( + "SELECT" + "\nac.constraint_name," # 0 + "\nac.constraint_type," # 1 + "\nloc.column_name AS local_column," # 2 + "\nrem.table_name AS remote_table," # 3 + "\nrem.column_name AS remote_column," # 4 + "\nrem.owner AS remote_owner," # 5 + "\nloc.position as loc_pos," # 6 + "\nrem.position as rem_pos," # 7 + "\nac.search_condition," # 8 + "\nac.delete_rule" # 9 + "\nFROM all_constraints%(dblink)s ac," + "\nall_cons_columns%(dblink)s loc," + "\nall_cons_columns%(dblink)s rem" + "\nWHERE ac.table_name = :table_name" + "\nAND ac.constraint_type IN ('R','P', 'U', 'C')" + ) + + if schema is not None: + params["owner"] = schema + text += "\nAND ac.owner = :owner" + + text += ( + "\nAND ac.owner = loc.owner" + "\nAND ac.constraint_name = loc.constraint_name" + "\nAND ac.r_owner = rem.owner(+)" + "\nAND ac.r_constraint_name = rem.constraint_name(+)" + "\nAND (rem.position IS NULL or loc.position=rem.position)" + "\nORDER BY ac.constraint_name, loc.position" + ) + + text = text % {"dblink": dblink} + rp = connection.execute(sql.text(text), **params) + constraint_data = rp.fetchall() + return constraint_data + + @reflection.cache + def get_pk_constraint(self, connection, table_name, schema=None, **kw): + resolve_synonyms = kw.get("oracle_resolve_synonyms", False) + dblink = kw.get("dblink", "") + info_cache = kw.get("info_cache") + + (table_name, schema, dblink, synonym) = self._prepare_reflection_args( + connection, + table_name, + schema, + resolve_synonyms, + dblink, + info_cache=info_cache, + ) + pkeys = [] + constraint_name = None + constraint_data = self._get_constraint_data( + connection, + table_name, + schema, + dblink, + info_cache=kw.get("info_cache"), + ) + + for row in constraint_data: + ( + cons_name, + cons_type, + local_column, + remote_table, + remote_column, + remote_owner, + ) = row[0:2] + tuple([self.normalize_name(x) for x in row[2:6]]) + if cons_type == "P": + if constraint_name is None: + constraint_name = self.normalize_name(cons_name) + pkeys.append(local_column) + return {"constrained_columns": pkeys, "name": constraint_name} + + @reflection.cache + def get_foreign_keys(self, connection, table_name, schema=None, **kw): + """ + + kw arguments can be: + + oracle_resolve_synonyms + + dblink + + """ + requested_schema = schema # to check later on + resolve_synonyms = kw.get("oracle_resolve_synonyms", False) + dblink = kw.get("dblink", "") + info_cache = kw.get("info_cache") + + (table_name, schema, dblink, synonym) = self._prepare_reflection_args( + connection, + table_name, + schema, + resolve_synonyms, + dblink, + info_cache=info_cache, + ) + + constraint_data = self._get_constraint_data( + connection, + table_name, + schema, + dblink, + info_cache=kw.get("info_cache"), + ) + + def fkey_rec(): + return { + "name": None, + "constrained_columns": [], + "referred_schema": None, + "referred_table": None, + "referred_columns": [], + "options": {}, + } + + fkeys = util.defaultdict(fkey_rec) + + for row in constraint_data: + ( + cons_name, + cons_type, + local_column, + remote_table, + remote_column, + remote_owner, + ) = row[0:2] + tuple([self.normalize_name(x) for x in row[2:6]]) + + cons_name = self.normalize_name(cons_name) + + if cons_type == "R": + if remote_table is None: + # ticket 363 + util.warn( + ( + "Got 'None' querying 'table_name' from " + "all_cons_columns%(dblink)s - does the user have " + "proper rights to the table?" + ) + % {"dblink": dblink} + ) + continue + + rec = fkeys[cons_name] + rec["name"] = cons_name + local_cols, remote_cols = ( + rec["constrained_columns"], + rec["referred_columns"], + ) + + if not rec["referred_table"]: + if resolve_synonyms: + ( + ref_remote_name, + ref_remote_owner, + ref_dblink, + ref_synonym, + ) = self._resolve_synonym( + connection, + desired_owner=self.denormalize_name(remote_owner), + desired_table=self.denormalize_name(remote_table), + ) + if ref_synonym: + remote_table = self.normalize_name(ref_synonym) + remote_owner = self.normalize_name( + ref_remote_owner + ) + + rec["referred_table"] = remote_table + + if ( + requested_schema is not None + or self.denormalize_name(remote_owner) != schema + ): + rec["referred_schema"] = remote_owner + + if row[9] != "NO ACTION": + rec["options"]["ondelete"] = row[9] + + local_cols.append(local_column) + remote_cols.append(remote_column) + + return list(fkeys.values()) + + @reflection.cache + def get_unique_constraints( + self, connection, table_name, schema=None, **kw + ): + resolve_synonyms = kw.get("oracle_resolve_synonyms", False) + dblink = kw.get("dblink", "") + info_cache = kw.get("info_cache") + + (table_name, schema, dblink, synonym) = self._prepare_reflection_args( + connection, + table_name, + schema, + resolve_synonyms, + dblink, + info_cache=info_cache, + ) + + constraint_data = self._get_constraint_data( + connection, + table_name, + schema, + dblink, + info_cache=kw.get("info_cache"), + ) + + unique_keys = filter(lambda x: x[1] == "U", constraint_data) + uniques_group = groupby(unique_keys, lambda x: x[0]) + + index_names = { + ix["name"] + for ix in self.get_indexes(connection, table_name, schema=schema) + } + return [ + { + "name": name, + "column_names": cols, + "duplicates_index": name if name in index_names else None, + } + for name, cols in [ + [ + self.normalize_name(i[0]), + [self.normalize_name(x[2]) for x in i[1]], + ] + for i in uniques_group + ] + ] + + @reflection.cache + def get_view_definition( + self, + connection, + view_name, + schema=None, + resolve_synonyms=False, + dblink="", + **kw + ): + info_cache = kw.get("info_cache") + (view_name, schema, dblink, synonym) = self._prepare_reflection_args( + connection, + view_name, + schema, + resolve_synonyms, + dblink, + info_cache=info_cache, + ) + + params = {"view_name": view_name} + text = "SELECT text FROM all_views WHERE view_name=:view_name" + + if schema is not None: + text += " AND owner = :schema" + params["schema"] = schema + + rp = connection.execute(sql.text(text), **params).scalar() + if rp: + if util.py2k: + rp = rp.decode(self.encoding) + return rp + else: + return None + + @reflection.cache + def get_check_constraints( + self, connection, table_name, schema=None, include_all=False, **kw + ): + resolve_synonyms = kw.get("oracle_resolve_synonyms", False) + dblink = kw.get("dblink", "") + info_cache = kw.get("info_cache") + + (table_name, schema, dblink, synonym) = self._prepare_reflection_args( + connection, + table_name, + schema, + resolve_synonyms, + dblink, + info_cache=info_cache, + ) + + constraint_data = self._get_constraint_data( + connection, + table_name, + schema, + dblink, + info_cache=kw.get("info_cache"), + ) + + check_constraints = filter(lambda x: x[1] == "C", constraint_data) + + return [ + {"name": self.normalize_name(cons[0]), "sqltext": cons[8]} + for cons in check_constraints + if include_all or not re.match(r"..+?. IS NOT NULL$", cons[8]) + ] + + +class _OuterJoinColumn(sql.ClauseElement): + __visit_name__ = "outer_join_column" + + def __init__(self, column): + self.column = column diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/oracle/cx_oracle.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/oracle/cx_oracle.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..09d2f28 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/oracle/cx_oracle.py @@ -0,0 +1,1078 @@ +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +r""" +.. dialect:: oracle+cx_oracle + :name: cx-Oracle + :dbapi: cx_oracle + :connectstring: oracle+cx_oracle://user:pass@host:port/dbname[?key=value&key=value...] + :url: http://cx-oracle.sourceforge.net/ + +Additional Connect Arguments +---------------------------- + +When connecting with the ``dbname`` URL token present, the ``hostname``, +``port``, and ``dbname`` tokens are converted to a TNS name using the +``cx_Oracle.makedsn()`` function. The URL below:: + + e = create_engine("oracle+cx_oracle://user:pass@hostname/dbname") + +Will be used to create the DSN as follows:: + + >>> import cx_Oracle + >>> cx_Oracle.makedsn("hostname", 1521, sid="dbname") + '(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=hostname)(PORT=1521))(CONNECT_DATA=(SID=dbname)))' + +The ``service_name`` parameter, also consumed by ``cx_Oracle.makedsn()``, may +be specified in the URL query string, e.g. ``?service_name=my_service``. + +If ``dbname`` is not present, then the value of ``hostname`` in the +URL is used directly as the DSN passed to ``cx_Oracle.connect()``. + +Additional connection arguments may be sent to the ``cx_Oracle.connect()`` +function using the :paramref:`.create_engine.connect_args` dictionary. +Any cx_Oracle parameter value and/or constant may be passed, such as:: + + import cx_Oracle + e = create_engine( + "oracle+cx_oracle://user:pass@dsn", + connect_args={ + "mode": cx_Oracle.SYSDBA, + "events": True + } + ) + +There are also options that are consumed by the SQLAlchemy cx_oracle dialect +itself. These options are always passed directly to :func:`.create_engine`, +such as:: + + e = create_engine( + "oracle+cx_oracle://user:pass@dsn", coerce_to_unicode=False) + +The parameters accepted by the cx_oracle dialect are as follows: + +* ``arraysize`` - set the cx_oracle.arraysize value on cursors, defaulted + to 50. This setting is significant with cx_Oracle as the contents of LOB + objects are only readable within a "live" row (e.g. within a batch of + 50 rows). + +* ``auto_convert_lobs`` - defaults to True; See :ref:`cx_oracle_lob`. + +* ``coerce_to_unicode`` - see :ref:`cx_oracle_unicode` for detail. + +* ``coerce_to_decimal`` - see :ref:`cx_oracle_numeric` for detail. + +* ``threaded`` - this parameter is passed as the value of "threaded" to + ``cx_Oracle.connect()`` and defaults to True, which is the opposite of + cx_Oracle's default. This parameter is deprecated and will default to + ``False`` in version 1.3 of SQLAlchemy. + +.. _cx_oracle_unicode: + +Unicode +------- + +The cx_Oracle DBAPI as of version 5 fully supports unicode, and has the +ability to return string results as Python unicode objects natively. + +When used in Python 3, cx_Oracle returns all strings as Python unicode objects +(that is, plain ``str`` in Python 3). In Python 2, it will return as Python +unicode those column values that are of type ``NVARCHAR`` or ``NCLOB``. For +column values that are of type ``VARCHAR`` or other non-unicode string types, +it will return values as Python strings (e.g. bytestrings). + +The cx_Oracle SQLAlchemy dialect presents several different options for the use +case of receiving ``VARCHAR`` column values as Python unicode objects under +Python 2: + +* When using Core expression objects as well as the ORM, SQLAlchemy's + unicode-decoding services are available, which are established by + using either the :class:`.Unicode` datatype or by using the + :class:`.String` datatype with :paramref:`.String.convert_unicode` set + to True. + +* When using raw SQL strings, typing behavior can be added for unicode + conversion using the :func:`.text` construct:: + + from sqlalchemy import text, Unicode + result = conn.execute( + text("select username from user").columns(username=Unicode)) + +* Otherwise, when using raw SQL strings sent directly to an ``.execute()`` + method without any Core typing behavior added, the flag + ``coerce_to_unicode=True`` flag can be passed to :func:`.create_engine` + which will add an unconditional unicode processor to cx_Oracle for all + string values:: + + engine = create_engine("oracle+cx_oracle://dsn", coerce_to_unicode=True) + + The above approach will add significant latency to result-set fetches + of plain string values. + +Sending String Values as Unicode or Non-Unicode +^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ + +As of SQLAlchemy 1.2.2, the cx_Oracle dialect unconditionally calls +``setinputsizes()`` for bound values that are passed as Python unicode objects. +In Python 3, all string values are Unicode; for cx_Oracle, this corresponds to +``cx_Oracle.NCHAR`` being passed to ``setinputsizes()`` for that parameter. +In some edge cases, such as passing format specifiers for +the ``trunc()`` function, Oracle does not accept these as NCHAR:: + + from sqlalchemy import func + + conn.execute( + func.trunc(func.sysdate(), 'dd') + ) + +In these cases, an error as follows may be raised:: + + ORA-01899: bad precision specifier + +When this error is encountered, it may be necessary to pass the string value +with an explicit non-unicode type:: + + from sqlalchemy import func + from sqlalchemy import literal + from sqlalchemy import String + + conn.execute( + func.trunc(func.sysdate(), literal('dd', String)) + ) + +For full control over this ``setinputsizes()`` behavior, see the section +:ref:`cx_oracle_setinputsizes` + +.. _cx_oracle_setinputsizes: + +Fine grained control over cx_Oracle data binding performance with setinputsizes +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +The cx_Oracle DBAPI has a deep and fundamental reliance upon the usage of the +DBAPI ``setinputsizes()`` call. The purpose of this call is to establish the +datatypes that are bound to a SQL statement for Python values being passed as +parameters. While virtually no other DBAPI assigns any use to the +``setinputsizes()`` call, the cx_Oracle DBAPI relies upon it heavily in its +interactions with the Oracle client interface, and in some scenarios it is not +possible for SQLAlchemy to know exactly how data should be bound, as some +settings can cause profoundly different performance characteristics, while +altering the type coercion behavior at the same time. + +Users of the cx_Oracle dialect are **strongly encouraged** to read through +cx_Oracle's list of built-in datatype symbols at +http://cx-oracle.readthedocs.io/en/latest/module.html#types. +Note that in some cases, signficant performance degradation can occur when +using these types vs. not, in particular when specifying ``cx_Oracle.CLOB``. + +On the SQLAlchemy side, the :meth:`.DialectEvents.do_setinputsizes` event can +be used both for runtime visibliity (e.g. logging) of the setinputsizes step as +well as to fully control how ``setinputsizes()`` is used on a per-statement +basis. + +.. versionadded:: 1.2.9 Added :meth:`.DialectEvents.setinputsizes` + + +Example 1 - logging all setinputsizes calls +^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ + +The following example illustrates how to log the intermediary values from a +SQLAlchemy perspective before they are converted to the raw ``setinputsizes()`` +parameter dictionary. The keys of the dictionary are :class:`.BindParameter` +objects which have a ``.key`` and a ``.type`` attribute:: + + from sqlalchemy import create_engine, event + + engine = create_engine("oracle+cx_oracle://scott:tiger@host/xe") + + @event.listens_for(engine, "do_setinputsizes") + def _log_setinputsizes(inputsizes, cursor, statement, parameters, context): + for bindparam, dbapitype in inputsizes.items(): + log.info( + "Bound parameter name: %s SQLAlchemy type: %r " + "DBAPI object: %s", + bindparam.key, bindparam.type, dbapitype) + +Example 2 - remove all bindings to CLOB +^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ + +The ``CLOB`` datatype in cx_Oracle incurs a significant performance overhead, +however is set by default for the ``Text`` type within the SQLAlchemy 1.2 +series. This setting can be modified as follows:: + + from sqlalchemy import create_engine, event + from cx_Oracle import CLOB + + engine = create_engine("oracle+cx_oracle://scott:tiger@host/xe") + + @event.listens_for(engine, "do_setinputsizes") + def _remove_clob(inputsizes, cursor, statement, parameters, context): + for bindparam, dbapitype in list(inputsizes.items()): + if dbapitype is CLOB: + del inputsizes[bindparam] + + +.. _cx_oracle_returning: + +RETURNING Support +----------------- + +The cx_Oracle dialect implements RETURNING using OUT parameters. +The dialect supports RETURNING fully, however cx_Oracle 6 is recommended +for complete support. + +.. _cx_oracle_lob: + +LOB Objects +----------- + +cx_oracle returns oracle LOBs using the cx_oracle.LOB object. SQLAlchemy +converts these to strings so that the interface of the Binary type is +consistent with that of other backends, which takes place within a cx_Oracle +outputtypehandler. + +cx_Oracle prior to version 6 would require that LOB objects be read before +a new batch of rows would be read, as determined by the ``cursor.arraysize``. +As of the 6 series, this limitation has been lifted. Nevertheless, because +SQLAlchemy pre-reads these LOBs up front, this issue is avoided in any case. + +To disable the auto "read()" feature of the dialect, the flag +``auto_convert_lobs=False`` may be passed to :func:`.create_engine`. Under +the cx_Oracle 5 series, having this flag turned off means there is the chance +of reading from a stale LOB object if not read as it is fetched. With +cx_Oracle 6, this issue is resolved. + +.. versionchanged:: 1.2 the LOB handling system has been greatly simplified + internally to make use of outputtypehandlers, and no longer makes use + of alternate "buffered" result set objects. + +Two Phase Transactions Not Supported +------------------------------------- + +Two phase transactions are **not supported** under cx_Oracle due to poor +driver support. As of cx_Oracle 6.0b1, the interface for +two phase transactions has been changed to be more of a direct pass-through +to the underlying OCI layer with less automation. The additional logic +to support this system is not implemented in SQLAlchemy. + +.. _cx_oracle_numeric: + +Precision Numerics +------------------ + +SQLAlchemy's numeric types can handle receiving and returning values as Python +``Decimal`` objects or float objects. When a :class:`.Numeric` object, or a +subclass such as :class:`.Float`, :class:`.oracle.DOUBLE_PRECISION` etc. is in +use, the :paramref:`.Numeric.asdecimal` flag determines if values should be +coerced to ``Decimal`` upon return, or returned as float objects. To make +matters more complicated under Oracle, Oracle's ``NUMBER`` type can also +represent integer values if the "scale" is zero, so the Oracle-specific +:class:`.oracle.NUMBER` type takes this into account as well. + +The cx_Oracle dialect makes extensive use of connection- and cursor-level +"outputtypehandler" callables in order to coerce numeric values as requested. +These callables are specific to the specific flavor of :class:`.Numeric` in +use, as well as if no SQLAlchemy typing objects are present. There are +observed scenarios where Oracle may sends incomplete or ambiguous information +about the numeric types being returned, such as a query where the numeric types +are buried under multiple levels of subquery. The type handlers do their best +to make the right decision in all cases, deferring to the underlying cx_Oracle +DBAPI for all those cases where the driver can make the best decision. + +When no typing objects are present, as when executing plain SQL strings, a +default "outputtypehandler" is present which will generally return numeric +values which specify precision and scale as Python ``Decimal`` objects. To +disable this coercion to decimal for performance reasons, pass the flag +``coerce_to_decimal=False`` to :func:`.create_engine`:: + + engine = create_engine("oracle+cx_oracle://dsn", coerce_to_decimal=False) + +The ``coerce_to_decimal`` flag only impacts the results of plain string +SQL staements that are not otherwise associated with a :class:`.Numeric` +SQLAlchemy type (or a subclass of such). + +.. versionchanged:: 1.2 The numeric handling system for cx_Oracle has been + reworked to take advantage of newer cx_Oracle features as well + as better integration of outputtypehandlers. + +""" # noqa + +from __future__ import absolute_import + +import collections +import decimal +import random +import re + +from . import base as oracle +from .base import OracleCompiler +from .base import OracleDialect +from .base import OracleExecutionContext +from ... import exc +from ... import processors +from ... import types as sqltypes +from ... import util +from ...engine import result as _result + + +class _OracleInteger(sqltypes.Integer): + def get_dbapi_type(self, dbapi): + # see https://github.com/oracle/python-cx_Oracle/issues/ + # 208#issuecomment-409715955 + return int + + def _cx_oracle_var(self, dialect, cursor): + cx_Oracle = dialect.dbapi + return cursor.var( + cx_Oracle.STRING, 255, arraysize=cursor.arraysize, outconverter=int + ) + + def _cx_oracle_outputtypehandler(self, dialect): + def handler(cursor, name, default_type, size, precision, scale): + return self._cx_oracle_var(dialect, cursor) + + return handler + + +class _OracleNumeric(sqltypes.Numeric): + is_number = False + + def bind_processor(self, dialect): + if self.scale == 0: + return None + elif self.asdecimal: + processor = processors.to_decimal_processor_factory( + decimal.Decimal, self._effective_decimal_return_scale + ) + + def process(value): + if isinstance(value, (int, float)): + return processor(value) + elif value is not None and value.is_infinite(): + return float(value) + else: + return value + + return process + else: + return processors.to_float + + def result_processor(self, dialect, coltype): + return None + + def _cx_oracle_outputtypehandler(self, dialect): + cx_Oracle = dialect.dbapi + + is_cx_oracle_6 = dialect._is_cx_oracle_6 + has_native_int = dialect._has_native_int + + def handler(cursor, name, default_type, size, precision, scale): + outconverter = None + if precision: + if self.asdecimal: + if default_type == cx_Oracle.NATIVE_FLOAT: + # receiving float and doing Decimal after the fact + # allows for float("inf") to be handled + type_ = default_type + outconverter = decimal.Decimal + elif is_cx_oracle_6: + type_ = decimal.Decimal + else: + type_ = cx_Oracle.STRING + outconverter = dialect._to_decimal + else: + if self.is_number and scale == 0: + if has_native_int: + type_ = cx_Oracle.NATIVE_INT + else: + type_ = cx_Oracle.NUMBER + outconverter = int + else: + type_ = cx_Oracle.NATIVE_FLOAT + else: + if self.asdecimal: + if default_type == cx_Oracle.NATIVE_FLOAT: + type_ = default_type + outconverter = decimal.Decimal + elif is_cx_oracle_6: + type_ = decimal.Decimal + else: + type_ = cx_Oracle.STRING + outconverter = dialect._to_decimal + else: + if self.is_number and scale == 0: + if has_native_int: + type_ = cx_Oracle.NATIVE_INT + else: + type_ = cx_Oracle.NUMBER + outconverter = int + else: + type_ = cx_Oracle.NATIVE_FLOAT + + return cursor.var( + type_, + 255, + arraysize=cursor.arraysize, + outconverter=outconverter, + ) + + return handler + + +class _OracleBinaryFloat(_OracleNumeric): + def get_dbapi_type(self, dbapi): + return dbapi.NATIVE_FLOAT + + +class _OracleBINARY_FLOAT(_OracleBinaryFloat, oracle.BINARY_FLOAT): + pass + + +class _OracleBINARY_DOUBLE(_OracleBinaryFloat, oracle.BINARY_DOUBLE): + pass + + +class _OracleNUMBER(_OracleNumeric): + is_number = True + + +class _OracleDate(sqltypes.Date): + def bind_processor(self, dialect): + return None + + def result_processor(self, dialect, coltype): + def process(value): + if value is not None: + return value.date() + else: + return value + + return process + + +class _OracleChar(sqltypes.CHAR): + def get_dbapi_type(self, dbapi): + return dbapi.FIXED_CHAR + + +class _OracleNVarChar(sqltypes.NVARCHAR): + def get_dbapi_type(self, dbapi): + return dbapi.NCHAR + + +class _OracleText(sqltypes.Text): + def get_dbapi_type(self, dbapi): + return dbapi.CLOB + + +class _OracleLong(oracle.LONG): + def get_dbapi_type(self, dbapi): + return dbapi.LONG_STRING + + +class _OracleString(sqltypes.String): + pass + + +class _OracleEnum(sqltypes.Enum): + def bind_processor(self, dialect): + enum_proc = sqltypes.Enum.bind_processor(self, dialect) + + def process(value): + raw_str = enum_proc(value) + return raw_str + + return process + + +class _OracleUnicodeText(sqltypes.UnicodeText): + def get_dbapi_type(self, dbapi): + return dbapi.NCLOB + + +class _OracleBinary(sqltypes.LargeBinary): + def get_dbapi_type(self, dbapi): + return dbapi.BLOB + + def bind_processor(self, dialect): + return None + + def result_processor(self, dialect, coltype): + if not dialect.auto_convert_lobs: + return None + else: + return super(_OracleBinary, self).result_processor( + dialect, coltype + ) + + +class _OracleInterval(oracle.INTERVAL): + def get_dbapi_type(self, dbapi): + return dbapi.INTERVAL + + +class _OracleRaw(oracle.RAW): + pass + + +class _OracleRowid(oracle.ROWID): + def get_dbapi_type(self, dbapi): + return dbapi.ROWID + + +class OracleCompiler_cx_oracle(OracleCompiler): + _oracle_cx_sql_compiler = True + + def bindparam_string(self, name, **kw): + quote = getattr(name, "quote", None) + if ( + quote is True + or quote is not False + and self.preparer._bindparam_requires_quotes(name) + ): + if kw.get("expanding", False): + raise exc.CompileError( + "Can't use expanding feature with parameter name " + "%r on Oracle; it requires quoting which is not supported " + "in this context." % name + ) + quoted_name = '"%s"' % name + self._quoted_bind_names[name] = quoted_name + return OracleCompiler.bindparam_string(self, quoted_name, **kw) + else: + return OracleCompiler.bindparam_string(self, name, **kw) + + +class OracleExecutionContext_cx_oracle(OracleExecutionContext): + out_parameters = None + + def _setup_quoted_bind_names(self): + quoted_bind_names = self.compiled._quoted_bind_names + if quoted_bind_names: + for param in self.parameters: + for fromname, toname in quoted_bind_names.items(): + param[toname] = param[fromname] + del param[fromname] + + def _handle_out_parameters(self): + # if a single execute, check for outparams + if len(self.compiled_parameters) == 1: + quoted_bind_names = self.compiled._quoted_bind_names + for bindparam in self.compiled.binds.values(): + if bindparam.isoutparam: + name = self.compiled.bind_names[bindparam] + type_impl = bindparam.type.dialect_impl(self.dialect) + if hasattr(type_impl, "_cx_oracle_var"): + self.out_parameters[name] = type_impl._cx_oracle_var( + self.dialect, self.cursor + ) + else: + dbtype = type_impl.get_dbapi_type(self.dialect.dbapi) + if dbtype is None: + raise exc.InvalidRequestError( + "Cannot create out parameter for parameter " + "%r - its type %r is not supported by" + " cx_oracle" % (bindparam.key, bindparam.type) + ) + self.out_parameters[name] = self.cursor.var(dbtype) + self.parameters[0][ + quoted_bind_names.get(name, name) + ] = self.out_parameters[name] + + def _generate_cursor_outputtype_handler(self): + output_handlers = {} + + for (keyname, name, objects, type_) in self.compiled._result_columns: + handler = type_._cached_custom_processor( + self.dialect, + "cx_oracle_outputtypehandler", + self._get_cx_oracle_type_handler, + ) + + if handler: + denormalized_name = self.dialect.denormalize_name(keyname) + output_handlers[denormalized_name] = handler + + if output_handlers: + default_handler = self._dbapi_connection.outputtypehandler + + def output_type_handler( + cursor, name, default_type, size, precision, scale + ): + if name in output_handlers: + return output_handlers[name]( + cursor, name, default_type, size, precision, scale + ) + else: + return default_handler( + cursor, name, default_type, size, precision, scale + ) + + self.cursor.outputtypehandler = output_type_handler + + def _get_cx_oracle_type_handler(self, impl): + if hasattr(impl, "_cx_oracle_outputtypehandler"): + return impl._cx_oracle_outputtypehandler(self.dialect) + else: + return None + + def pre_exec(self): + if not getattr(self.compiled, "_oracle_cx_sql_compiler", False): + return + + self.out_parameters = {} + + if self.compiled._quoted_bind_names: + self._setup_quoted_bind_names() + + self.set_input_sizes( + self.compiled._quoted_bind_names, + include_types=self.dialect._include_setinputsizes, + ) + + self._handle_out_parameters() + + self._generate_cursor_outputtype_handler() + + def create_cursor(self): + c = self._dbapi_connection.cursor() + if self.dialect.arraysize: + c.arraysize = self.dialect.arraysize + + return c + + def get_result_proxy(self): + if self.out_parameters and self.compiled.returning: + returning_params = [ + self.dialect._returningval(self.out_parameters["ret_%d" % i]) + for i in range(len(self.out_parameters)) + ] + return ReturningResultProxy(self, returning_params) + + result = _result.ResultProxy(self) + + if self.out_parameters: + if ( + self.compiled_parameters is not None + and len(self.compiled_parameters) == 1 + ): + result.out_parameters = out_parameters = {} + + for bind, name in self.compiled.bind_names.items(): + if name in self.out_parameters: + type_ = bind.type + impl_type = type_.dialect_impl(self.dialect) + dbapi_type = impl_type.get_dbapi_type( + self.dialect.dbapi + ) + result_processor = impl_type.result_processor( + self.dialect, dbapi_type + ) + if result_processor is not None: + out_parameters[name] = result_processor( + self.dialect._paramval( + self.out_parameters[name] + ) + ) + else: + out_parameters[name] = self.dialect._paramval( + self.out_parameters[name] + ) + else: + result.out_parameters = dict( + (k, self._dialect._paramval(v)) + for k, v in self.out_parameters.items() + ) + + return result + + +class ReturningResultProxy(_result.FullyBufferedResultProxy): + """Result proxy which stuffs the _returning clause + outparams + into the fetch.""" + + def __init__(self, context, returning_params): + self._returning_params = returning_params + super(ReturningResultProxy, self).__init__(context) + + def _cursor_description(self): + returning = self.context.compiled.returning + return [ + (getattr(col, "name", col.anon_label), None) for col in returning + ] + + def _buffer_rows(self): + return collections.deque([tuple(self._returning_params)]) + + +class OracleDialect_cx_oracle(OracleDialect): + execution_ctx_cls = OracleExecutionContext_cx_oracle + statement_compiler = OracleCompiler_cx_oracle + + supports_sane_rowcount = True + supports_sane_multi_rowcount = True + + supports_unicode_statements = True + supports_unicode_binds = True + + driver = "cx_oracle" + + colspecs = { + sqltypes.Numeric: _OracleNumeric, + sqltypes.Float: _OracleNumeric, + oracle.BINARY_FLOAT: _OracleBINARY_FLOAT, + oracle.BINARY_DOUBLE: _OracleBINARY_DOUBLE, + sqltypes.Integer: _OracleInteger, + oracle.NUMBER: _OracleNUMBER, + sqltypes.Date: _OracleDate, + sqltypes.LargeBinary: _OracleBinary, + sqltypes.Boolean: oracle._OracleBoolean, + sqltypes.Interval: _OracleInterval, + oracle.INTERVAL: _OracleInterval, + sqltypes.Text: _OracleText, + sqltypes.String: _OracleString, + sqltypes.UnicodeText: _OracleUnicodeText, + sqltypes.CHAR: _OracleChar, + sqltypes.Enum: _OracleEnum, + oracle.LONG: _OracleLong, + oracle.RAW: _OracleRaw, + sqltypes.Unicode: _OracleNVarChar, + sqltypes.NVARCHAR: _OracleNVarChar, + oracle.ROWID: _OracleRowid, + } + + execute_sequence_format = list + + def __init__( + self, + auto_convert_lobs=True, + threaded=True, + coerce_to_unicode=False, + coerce_to_decimal=True, + arraysize=50, + **kwargs + ): + + self._pop_deprecated_kwargs(kwargs) + + OracleDialect.__init__(self, **kwargs) + self.threaded = threaded + self.arraysize = arraysize + self.auto_convert_lobs = auto_convert_lobs + self.coerce_to_unicode = coerce_to_unicode + self.coerce_to_decimal = coerce_to_decimal + + cx_Oracle = self.dbapi + + if cx_Oracle is None: + self._include_setinputsizes = {} + self.cx_oracle_ver = (0, 0, 0) + else: + self.cx_oracle_ver = self._parse_cx_oracle_ver(cx_Oracle.version) + if self.cx_oracle_ver < (5, 2) and self.cx_oracle_ver > (0, 0, 0): + raise exc.InvalidRequestError( + "cx_Oracle version 5.2 and above are supported" + ) + + self._has_native_int = hasattr(cx_Oracle, "NATIVE_INT") + + self._include_setinputsizes = { + cx_Oracle.NCLOB, + cx_Oracle.CLOB, + cx_Oracle.LOB, + cx_Oracle.NCHAR, + cx_Oracle.FIXED_NCHAR, + cx_Oracle.BLOB, + cx_Oracle.FIXED_CHAR, + cx_Oracle.TIMESTAMP, + _OracleInteger, + _OracleBINARY_FLOAT, + _OracleBINARY_DOUBLE, + } + + self._paramval = lambda value: value.getvalue() + + # https://github.com/oracle/python-cx_Oracle/issues/176#issuecomment-386821291 + # https://github.com/oracle/python-cx_Oracle/issues/224 + self._values_are_lists = self.cx_oracle_ver >= (6, 3) + if self._values_are_lists: + cx_Oracle.__future__.dml_ret_array_val = True + + def _returningval(value): + try: + return value.values[0][0] + except IndexError: + return None + + self._returningval = _returningval + else: + self._returningval = self._paramval + + self._is_cx_oracle_6 = self.cx_oracle_ver >= (6,) + + def _pop_deprecated_kwargs(self, kwargs): + auto_setinputsizes = kwargs.pop("auto_setinputsizes", None) + exclude_setinputsizes = kwargs.pop("exclude_setinputsizes", None) + if auto_setinputsizes or exclude_setinputsizes: + util.warn_deprecated( + "auto_setinputsizes and exclude_setinputsizes are deprecated. " + "Modern cx_Oracle only requires that LOB types are part " + "of this behavior, and these parameters no longer have any " + "effect." + ) + allow_twophase = kwargs.pop("allow_twophase", None) + if allow_twophase is not None: + util.warn.deprecated( + "allow_twophase is deprecated. The cx_Oracle dialect no " + "longer supports two-phase transaction mode." + ) + + def _parse_cx_oracle_ver(self, version): + m = re.match(r"(\d+)\.(\d+)(?:\.(\d+))?", version) + if m: + return tuple(int(x) for x in m.group(1, 2, 3) if x is not None) + else: + return (0, 0, 0) + + @classmethod + def dbapi(cls): + import cx_Oracle + + return cx_Oracle + + def initialize(self, connection): + super(OracleDialect_cx_oracle, self).initialize(connection) + if self._is_oracle_8: + self.supports_unicode_binds = False + + self._detect_decimal_char(connection) + + def _detect_decimal_char(self, connection): + # we have the option to change this setting upon connect, + # or just look at what it is upon connect and convert. + # to minimize the chance of interference with changes to + # NLS_TERRITORY or formatting behavior of the DB, we opt + # to just look at it + + self._decimal_char = connection.scalar( + "select value from nls_session_parameters " + "where parameter = 'NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS'" + )[0] + if self._decimal_char != ".": + _detect_decimal = self._detect_decimal + _to_decimal = self._to_decimal + + self._detect_decimal = lambda value: _detect_decimal( + value.replace(self._decimal_char, ".") + ) + self._to_decimal = lambda value: _to_decimal( + value.replace(self._decimal_char, ".") + ) + + def _detect_decimal(self, value): + if "." in value: + return self._to_decimal(value) + else: + return int(value) + + _to_decimal = decimal.Decimal + + def _generate_connection_outputtype_handler(self): + """establish the default outputtypehandler established at the + connection level. + + """ + + dialect = self + cx_Oracle = dialect.dbapi + + number_handler = _OracleNUMBER( + asdecimal=True + )._cx_oracle_outputtypehandler(dialect) + float_handler = _OracleNUMBER( + asdecimal=False + )._cx_oracle_outputtypehandler(dialect) + + def output_type_handler( + cursor, name, default_type, size, precision, scale + ): + if default_type == cx_Oracle.NUMBER: + if not dialect.coerce_to_decimal: + return None + elif precision == 0 and scale in (0, -127): + # ambiguous type, this occurs when selecting + # numbers from deep subqueries + return cursor.var( + cx_Oracle.STRING, + 255, + outconverter=dialect._detect_decimal, + arraysize=cursor.arraysize, + ) + elif precision and scale > 0: + return number_handler( + cursor, name, default_type, size, precision, scale + ) + else: + return float_handler( + cursor, name, default_type, size, precision, scale + ) + + # allow all strings to come back natively as Unicode + elif dialect.coerce_to_unicode and default_type in ( + cx_Oracle.STRING, + cx_Oracle.FIXED_CHAR, + ): + return cursor.var(util.text_type, size, cursor.arraysize) + elif dialect.auto_convert_lobs and default_type in ( + cx_Oracle.CLOB, + cx_Oracle.NCLOB, + cx_Oracle.BLOB, + ): + return cursor.var( + default_type, + size, + cursor.arraysize, + outconverter=lambda value: value.read(), + ) + + return output_type_handler + + def on_connect(self): + + output_type_handler = self._generate_connection_outputtype_handler() + + def on_connect(conn): + conn.outputtypehandler = output_type_handler + + return on_connect + + def create_connect_args(self, url): + dialect_opts = dict(url.query) + + for opt in ( + "use_ansi", + "auto_setinputsizes", + "auto_convert_lobs", + "threaded", + "allow_twophase", + ): + if opt in dialect_opts: + util.coerce_kw_type(dialect_opts, opt, bool) + setattr(self, opt, dialect_opts[opt]) + + database = url.database + service_name = dialect_opts.get("service_name", None) + if database or service_name: + # if we have a database, then we have a remote host + port = url.port + if port: + port = int(port) + else: + port = 1521 + + if database and service_name: + raise exc.InvalidRequestError( + '"service_name" option shouldn\'t ' + 'be used with a "database" part of the url' + ) + if database: + makedsn_kwargs = {"sid": database} + if service_name: + makedsn_kwargs = {"service_name": service_name} + + dsn = self.dbapi.makedsn(url.host, port, **makedsn_kwargs) + else: + # we have a local tnsname + dsn = url.host + + opts = dict(threaded=self.threaded) + + if dsn is not None: + opts["dsn"] = dsn + if url.password is not None: + opts["password"] = url.password + if url.username is not None: + opts["user"] = url.username + + if "mode" in url.query: + opts["mode"] = url.query["mode"] + if isinstance(opts["mode"], util.string_types): + mode = opts["mode"].upper() + if mode == "SYSDBA": + opts["mode"] = self.dbapi.SYSDBA + elif mode == "SYSOPER": + opts["mode"] = self.dbapi.SYSOPER + else: + util.coerce_kw_type(opts, "mode", int) + return ([], opts) + + def _get_server_version_info(self, connection): + return tuple(int(x) for x in connection.connection.version.split(".")) + + def is_disconnect(self, e, connection, cursor): + error, = e.args + if isinstance( + e, (self.dbapi.InterfaceError, self.dbapi.DatabaseError) + ) and "not connected" in str(e): + return True + + if hasattr(error, "code"): + # ORA-00028: your session has been killed + # ORA-03114: not connected to ORACLE + # ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel + # ORA-03135: connection lost contact + # ORA-01033: ORACLE initialization or shutdown in progress + # ORA-02396: exceeded maximum idle time, please connect again + # TODO: Others ? + return error.code in (28, 3114, 3113, 3135, 1033, 2396) + else: + return False + + def create_xid(self): + """create a two-phase transaction ID. + + this id will be passed to do_begin_twophase(), do_rollback_twophase(), + do_commit_twophase(). its format is unspecified. + + .. deprecated:: two-phase transaction support is no longer functional + in SQLAlchemy's cx_Oracle dialect as of cx_Oracle 6.0b1 + + """ + + id_ = random.randint(0, 2 ** 128) + return (0x1234, "%032x" % id_, "%032x" % 9) + + def do_executemany(self, cursor, statement, parameters, context=None): + if isinstance(parameters, tuple): + parameters = list(parameters) + cursor.executemany(statement, parameters) + + def do_begin_twophase(self, connection, xid): + connection.connection.begin(*xid) + + def do_prepare_twophase(self, connection, xid): + result = connection.connection.prepare() + connection.info["cx_oracle_prepared"] = result + + def do_rollback_twophase( + self, connection, xid, is_prepared=True, recover=False + ): + self.do_rollback(connection.connection) + + def do_commit_twophase( + self, connection, xid, is_prepared=True, recover=False + ): + if not is_prepared: + self.do_commit(connection.connection) + else: + oci_prepared = connection.info["cx_oracle_prepared"] + if oci_prepared: + self.do_commit(connection.connection) + + def do_recover_twophase(self, connection): + connection.info.pop("cx_oracle_prepared", None) + + +dialect = OracleDialect_cx_oracle diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/oracle/zxjdbc.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/oracle/zxjdbc.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3ce37a1 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/oracle/zxjdbc.py @@ -0,0 +1,254 @@ +# oracle/zxjdbc.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +""" +.. dialect:: oracle+zxjdbc + :name: zxJDBC for Jython + :dbapi: zxjdbc + :connectstring: oracle+zxjdbc://user:pass@host/dbname + :driverurl: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/database/features/jdbc/index-091264.html + + .. note:: Jython is not supported by current versions of SQLAlchemy. The + zxjdbc dialect should be considered as experimental. + +""" # noqa +import collections +import decimal +import re + +from .base import OracleCompiler +from .base import OracleDialect +from .base import OracleExecutionContext +from ... import sql +from ... import types as sqltypes +from ... import util +from ...connectors.zxJDBC import ZxJDBCConnector +from ...engine import result as _result +from ...sql import expression + + +SQLException = zxJDBC = None + + +class _ZxJDBCDate(sqltypes.Date): + def result_processor(self, dialect, coltype): + def process(value): + if value is None: + return None + else: + return value.date() + + return process + + +class _ZxJDBCNumeric(sqltypes.Numeric): + def result_processor(self, dialect, coltype): + # XXX: does the dialect return Decimal or not??? + # if it does (in all cases), we could use a None processor as well as + # the to_float generic processor + if self.asdecimal: + + def process(value): + if isinstance(value, decimal.Decimal): + return value + else: + return decimal.Decimal(str(value)) + + else: + + def process(value): + if isinstance(value, decimal.Decimal): + return float(value) + else: + return value + + return process + + +class OracleCompiler_zxjdbc(OracleCompiler): + def returning_clause(self, stmt, returning_cols): + self.returning_cols = list( + expression._select_iterables(returning_cols) + ) + + # within_columns_clause=False so that labels (foo AS bar) don't render + columns = [ + self.process(c, within_columns_clause=False) + for c in self.returning_cols + ] + + if not hasattr(self, "returning_parameters"): + self.returning_parameters = [] + + binds = [] + for i, col in enumerate(self.returning_cols): + dbtype = col.type.dialect_impl(self.dialect).get_dbapi_type( + self.dialect.dbapi + ) + self.returning_parameters.append((i + 1, dbtype)) + + bindparam = sql.bindparam( + "ret_%d" % i, value=ReturningParam(dbtype) + ) + self.binds[bindparam.key] = bindparam + binds.append( + self.bindparam_string(self._truncate_bindparam(bindparam)) + ) + + return "RETURNING " + ", ".join(columns) + " INTO " + ", ".join(binds) + + +class OracleExecutionContext_zxjdbc(OracleExecutionContext): + def pre_exec(self): + if hasattr(self.compiled, "returning_parameters"): + # prepare a zxJDBC statement so we can grab its underlying + # OraclePreparedStatement's getReturnResultSet later + self.statement = self.cursor.prepare(self.statement) + + def get_result_proxy(self): + if hasattr(self.compiled, "returning_parameters"): + rrs = None + try: + try: + rrs = self.statement.__statement__.getReturnResultSet() + next(rrs) + except SQLException as sqle: + msg = "%s [SQLCode: %d]" % ( + sqle.getMessage(), + sqle.getErrorCode(), + ) + if sqle.getSQLState() is not None: + msg += " [SQLState: %s]" % sqle.getSQLState() + raise zxJDBC.Error(msg) + else: + row = tuple( + self.cursor.datahandler.getPyObject(rrs, index, dbtype) + for index, dbtype in self.compiled.returning_parameters + ) + return ReturningResultProxy(self, row) + finally: + if rrs is not None: + try: + rrs.close() + except SQLException: + pass + self.statement.close() + + return _result.ResultProxy(self) + + def create_cursor(self): + cursor = self._dbapi_connection.cursor() + cursor.datahandler = self.dialect.DataHandler(cursor.datahandler) + return cursor + + +class ReturningResultProxy(_result.FullyBufferedResultProxy): + + """ResultProxy backed by the RETURNING ResultSet results.""" + + def __init__(self, context, returning_row): + self._returning_row = returning_row + super(ReturningResultProxy, self).__init__(context) + + def _cursor_description(self): + ret = [] + for c in self.context.compiled.returning_cols: + if hasattr(c, "name"): + ret.append((c.name, c.type)) + else: + ret.append((c.anon_label, c.type)) + return ret + + def _buffer_rows(self): + return collections.deque([self._returning_row]) + + +class ReturningParam(object): + + """A bindparam value representing a RETURNING parameter. + + Specially handled by OracleReturningDataHandler. + """ + + def __init__(self, type_): + self.type = type_ + + def __eq__(self, other): + if isinstance(other, ReturningParam): + return self.type == other.type + return NotImplemented + + def __ne__(self, other): + if isinstance(other, ReturningParam): + return self.type != other.type + return NotImplemented + + def __repr__(self): + kls = self.__class__ + return "<%s.%s object at 0x%x type=%s>" % ( + kls.__module__, + kls.__name__, + id(self), + self.type, + ) + + +class OracleDialect_zxjdbc(ZxJDBCConnector, OracleDialect): + jdbc_db_name = "oracle" + jdbc_driver_name = "oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver" + + statement_compiler = OracleCompiler_zxjdbc + execution_ctx_cls = OracleExecutionContext_zxjdbc + + colspecs = util.update_copy( + OracleDialect.colspecs, + {sqltypes.Date: _ZxJDBCDate, sqltypes.Numeric: _ZxJDBCNumeric}, + ) + + def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): + super(OracleDialect_zxjdbc, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) + global SQLException, zxJDBC + from java.sql import SQLException + from com.ziclix.python.sql import zxJDBC + from com.ziclix.python.sql.handler import OracleDataHandler + + class OracleReturningDataHandler(OracleDataHandler): + """zxJDBC DataHandler that specially handles ReturningParam.""" + + def setJDBCObject(self, statement, index, object_, dbtype=None): + if type(object_) is ReturningParam: + statement.registerReturnParameter(index, object_.type) + elif dbtype is None: + OracleDataHandler.setJDBCObject( + self, statement, index, object_ + ) + else: + OracleDataHandler.setJDBCObject( + self, statement, index, object_, dbtype + ) + + self.DataHandler = OracleReturningDataHandler + + def initialize(self, connection): + super(OracleDialect_zxjdbc, self).initialize(connection) + self.implicit_returning = connection.connection.driverversion >= "10.2" + + def _create_jdbc_url(self, url): + return "jdbc:oracle:thin:@%s:%s:%s" % ( + url.host, + url.port or 1521, + url.database, + ) + + def _get_server_version_info(self, connection): + version = re.search( + r"Release ([\d\.]+)", connection.connection.dbversion + ).group(1) + return tuple(int(x) for x in version.split(".")) + + +dialect = OracleDialect_zxjdbc diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/postgresql/__init__.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/postgresql/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2b8ee6a --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/postgresql/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1,115 @@ +# postgresql/__init__.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +from . import base +from . import pg8000 # noqa +from . import psycopg2 # noqa +from . import psycopg2cffi # noqa +from . import pygresql # noqa +from . import pypostgresql # noqa +from . import zxjdbc # noqa +from .array import All +from .array import Any +from .array import ARRAY +from .array import array +from .base import BIGINT +from .base import BIT +from .base import BOOLEAN +from .base import BYTEA +from .base import CHAR +from .base import CIDR +from .base import CreateEnumType +from .base import DATE +from .base import DOUBLE_PRECISION +from .base import DropEnumType +from .base import ENUM +from .base import FLOAT +from .base import INET +from .base import INTEGER +from .base import INTERVAL +from .base import MACADDR +from .base import MONEY +from .base import NUMERIC +from .base import OID +from .base import REAL +from .base import REGCLASS +from .base import SMALLINT +from .base import TEXT +from .base import TIME +from .base import TIMESTAMP +from .base import TSVECTOR +from .base import UUID +from .base import VARCHAR +from .dml import Insert +from .dml import insert +from .ext import aggregate_order_by +from .ext import array_agg +from .ext import ExcludeConstraint +from .hstore import HSTORE +from .hstore import hstore +from .json import JSON +from .json import JSONB +from .ranges import DATERANGE +from .ranges import INT4RANGE +from .ranges import INT8RANGE +from .ranges import NUMRANGE +from .ranges import TSRANGE +from .ranges import TSTZRANGE + +base.dialect = dialect = psycopg2.dialect + + +__all__ = ( + "INTEGER", + "BIGINT", + "SMALLINT", + "VARCHAR", + "CHAR", + "TEXT", + "NUMERIC", + "FLOAT", + "REAL", + "INET", + "CIDR", + "UUID", + "BIT", + "MACADDR", + "MONEY", + "OID", + "REGCLASS", + "DOUBLE_PRECISION", + "TIMESTAMP", + "TIME", + "DATE", + "BYTEA", + "BOOLEAN", + "INTERVAL", + "ARRAY", + "ENUM", + "dialect", + "array", + "HSTORE", + "hstore", + "INT4RANGE", + "INT8RANGE", + "NUMRANGE", + "DATERANGE", + "TSVECTOR", + "TSRANGE", + "TSTZRANGE", + "JSON", + "JSONB", + "Any", + "All", + "DropEnumType", + "CreateEnumType", + "ExcludeConstraint", + "aggregate_order_by", + "array_agg", + "insert", + "Insert", +) diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/postgresql/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/postgresql/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..017c59d Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/postgresql/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/postgresql/__pycache__/array.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/postgresql/__pycache__/array.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..17c2b29 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/postgresql/__pycache__/array.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/postgresql/__pycache__/base.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/postgresql/__pycache__/base.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..544b835 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/postgresql/__pycache__/base.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/postgresql/__pycache__/dml.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/postgresql/__pycache__/dml.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..96cfd14 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/postgresql/__pycache__/dml.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/postgresql/__pycache__/ext.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/postgresql/__pycache__/ext.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..32422d0 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/postgresql/__pycache__/ext.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/postgresql/__pycache__/hstore.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/postgresql/__pycache__/hstore.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a18089a Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/postgresql/__pycache__/hstore.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/postgresql/__pycache__/json.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/postgresql/__pycache__/json.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..39bd48e Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/postgresql/__pycache__/json.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/postgresql/__pycache__/pg8000.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/postgresql/__pycache__/pg8000.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4dedbda Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/postgresql/__pycache__/pg8000.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/postgresql/__pycache__/psycopg2.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/postgresql/__pycache__/psycopg2.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a72e573 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/postgresql/__pycache__/psycopg2.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/postgresql/__pycache__/psycopg2cffi.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/postgresql/__pycache__/psycopg2cffi.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d8fd114 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/postgresql/__pycache__/psycopg2cffi.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/postgresql/__pycache__/pygresql.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/postgresql/__pycache__/pygresql.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..943a327 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/postgresql/__pycache__/pygresql.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/postgresql/__pycache__/pypostgresql.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/postgresql/__pycache__/pypostgresql.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fcb41e9 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/postgresql/__pycache__/pypostgresql.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/postgresql/__pycache__/ranges.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/postgresql/__pycache__/ranges.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b5f5e56 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/postgresql/__pycache__/ranges.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/postgresql/__pycache__/zxjdbc.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/postgresql/__pycache__/zxjdbc.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b3f413f Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/postgresql/__pycache__/zxjdbc.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/postgresql/array.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/postgresql/array.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fe9c81e --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/postgresql/array.py @@ -0,0 +1,330 @@ +# postgresql/array.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +from .base import colspecs +from .base import ischema_names +from ... import types as sqltypes +from ...sql import expression +from ...sql import operators + +try: + from uuid import UUID as _python_UUID # noqa +except ImportError: + _python_UUID = None + + +def Any(other, arrexpr, operator=operators.eq): + """A synonym for the :meth:`.ARRAY.Comparator.any` method. + + This method is legacy and is here for backwards-compatibility. + + .. seealso:: + + :func:`.expression.any_` + + """ + + return arrexpr.any(other, operator) + + +def All(other, arrexpr, operator=operators.eq): + """A synonym for the :meth:`.ARRAY.Comparator.all` method. + + This method is legacy and is here for backwards-compatibility. + + .. seealso:: + + :func:`.expression.all_` + + """ + + return arrexpr.all(other, operator) + + +class array(expression.Tuple): + + """A PostgreSQL ARRAY literal. + + This is used to produce ARRAY literals in SQL expressions, e.g.:: + + from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import array + from sqlalchemy.dialects import postgresql + from sqlalchemy import select, func + + stmt = select([ + array([1,2]) + array([3,4,5]) + ]) + + print stmt.compile(dialect=postgresql.dialect()) + + Produces the SQL:: + + SELECT ARRAY[%(param_1)s, %(param_2)s] || + ARRAY[%(param_3)s, %(param_4)s, %(param_5)s]) AS anon_1 + + An instance of :class:`.array` will always have the datatype + :class:`.ARRAY`. The "inner" type of the array is inferred from + the values present, unless the ``type_`` keyword argument is passed:: + + array(['foo', 'bar'], type_=CHAR) + + .. versionadded:: 0.8 Added the :class:`~.postgresql.array` literal type. + + See also: + + :class:`.postgresql.ARRAY` + + """ + + __visit_name__ = "array" + + def __init__(self, clauses, **kw): + super(array, self).__init__(*clauses, **kw) + self.type = ARRAY(self.type) + + def _bind_param(self, operator, obj, _assume_scalar=False, type_=None): + if _assume_scalar or operator is operators.getitem: + # if getitem->slice were called, Indexable produces + # a Slice object from that + assert isinstance(obj, int) + return expression.BindParameter( + None, + obj, + _compared_to_operator=operator, + type_=type_, + _compared_to_type=self.type, + unique=True, + ) + + else: + return array( + [ + self._bind_param( + operator, o, _assume_scalar=True, type_=type_ + ) + for o in obj + ] + ) + + def self_group(self, against=None): + if against in (operators.any_op, operators.all_op, operators.getitem): + return expression.Grouping(self) + else: + return self + + +CONTAINS = operators.custom_op("@>", precedence=5) + +CONTAINED_BY = operators.custom_op("<@", precedence=5) + +OVERLAP = operators.custom_op("&&", precedence=5) + + +class ARRAY(sqltypes.ARRAY): + + """PostgreSQL ARRAY type. + + .. versionchanged:: 1.1 The :class:`.postgresql.ARRAY` type is now + a subclass of the core :class:`.types.ARRAY` type. + + The :class:`.postgresql.ARRAY` type is constructed in the same way + as the core :class:`.types.ARRAY` type; a member type is required, and a + number of dimensions is recommended if the type is to be used for more + than one dimension:: + + from sqlalchemy.dialects import postgresql + + mytable = Table("mytable", metadata, + Column("data", postgresql.ARRAY(Integer, dimensions=2)) + ) + + The :class:`.postgresql.ARRAY` type provides all operations defined on the + core :class:`.types.ARRAY` type, including support for "dimensions", + indexed access, and simple matching such as + :meth:`.types.ARRAY.Comparator.any` and + :meth:`.types.ARRAY.Comparator.all`. :class:`.postgresql.ARRAY` class also + provides PostgreSQL-specific methods for containment operations, including + :meth:`.postgresql.ARRAY.Comparator.contains` + :meth:`.postgresql.ARRAY.Comparator.contained_by`, and + :meth:`.postgresql.ARRAY.Comparator.overlap`, e.g.:: + + mytable.c.data.contains([1, 2]) + + The :class:`.postgresql.ARRAY` type may not be supported on all + PostgreSQL DBAPIs; it is currently known to work on psycopg2 only. + + Additionally, the :class:`.postgresql.ARRAY` type does not work directly in + conjunction with the :class:`.ENUM` type. For a workaround, see the + special type at :ref:`postgresql_array_of_enum`. + + .. seealso:: + + :class:`.types.ARRAY` - base array type + + :class:`.postgresql.array` - produces a literal array value. + + """ + + class Comparator(sqltypes.ARRAY.Comparator): + + """Define comparison operations for :class:`.ARRAY`. + + Note that these operations are in addition to those provided + by the base :class:`.types.ARRAY.Comparator` class, including + :meth:`.types.ARRAY.Comparator.any` and + :meth:`.types.ARRAY.Comparator.all`. + + """ + + def contains(self, other, **kwargs): + """Boolean expression. Test if elements are a superset of the + elements of the argument array expression. + """ + return self.operate(CONTAINS, other, result_type=sqltypes.Boolean) + + def contained_by(self, other): + """Boolean expression. Test if elements are a proper subset of the + elements of the argument array expression. + """ + return self.operate( + CONTAINED_BY, other, result_type=sqltypes.Boolean + ) + + def overlap(self, other): + """Boolean expression. Test if array has elements in common with + an argument array expression. + """ + return self.operate(OVERLAP, other, result_type=sqltypes.Boolean) + + comparator_factory = Comparator + + def __init__( + self, item_type, as_tuple=False, dimensions=None, zero_indexes=False + ): + """Construct an ARRAY. + + E.g.:: + + Column('myarray', ARRAY(Integer)) + + Arguments are: + + :param item_type: The data type of items of this array. Note that + dimensionality is irrelevant here, so multi-dimensional arrays like + ``INTEGER[][]``, are constructed as ``ARRAY(Integer)``, not as + ``ARRAY(ARRAY(Integer))`` or such. + + :param as_tuple=False: Specify whether return results + should be converted to tuples from lists. DBAPIs such + as psycopg2 return lists by default. When tuples are + returned, the results are hashable. + + :param dimensions: if non-None, the ARRAY will assume a fixed + number of dimensions. This will cause the DDL emitted for this + ARRAY to include the exact number of bracket clauses ``[]``, + and will also optimize the performance of the type overall. + Note that PG arrays are always implicitly "non-dimensioned", + meaning they can store any number of dimensions no matter how + they were declared. + + :param zero_indexes=False: when True, index values will be converted + between Python zero-based and PostgreSQL one-based indexes, e.g. + a value of one will be added to all index values before passing + to the database. + + .. versionadded:: 0.9.5 + + + """ + if isinstance(item_type, ARRAY): + raise ValueError( + "Do not nest ARRAY types; ARRAY(basetype) " + "handles multi-dimensional arrays of basetype" + ) + if isinstance(item_type, type): + item_type = item_type() + self.item_type = item_type + self.as_tuple = as_tuple + self.dimensions = dimensions + self.zero_indexes = zero_indexes + + @property + def hashable(self): + return self.as_tuple + + @property + def python_type(self): + return list + + def compare_values(self, x, y): + return x == y + + def _proc_array(self, arr, itemproc, dim, collection): + if dim is None: + arr = list(arr) + if ( + dim == 1 + or dim is None + and ( + # this has to be (list, tuple), or at least + # not hasattr('__iter__'), since Py3K strings + # etc. have __iter__ + not arr + or not isinstance(arr[0], (list, tuple)) + ) + ): + if itemproc: + return collection(itemproc(x) for x in arr) + else: + return collection(arr) + else: + return collection( + self._proc_array( + x, + itemproc, + dim - 1 if dim is not None else None, + collection, + ) + for x in arr + ) + + def bind_processor(self, dialect): + item_proc = self.item_type.dialect_impl(dialect).bind_processor( + dialect + ) + + def process(value): + if value is None: + return value + else: + return self._proc_array( + value, item_proc, self.dimensions, list + ) + + return process + + def result_processor(self, dialect, coltype): + item_proc = self.item_type.dialect_impl(dialect).result_processor( + dialect, coltype + ) + + def process(value): + if value is None: + return value + else: + return self._proc_array( + value, + item_proc, + self.dimensions, + tuple if self.as_tuple else list, + ) + + return process + + +colspecs[sqltypes.ARRAY] = ARRAY +ischema_names["_array"] = ARRAY diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/postgresql/base.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/postgresql/base.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..02ece37 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/postgresql/base.py @@ -0,0 +1,3481 @@ +# postgresql/base.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +r""" +.. dialect:: postgresql + :name: PostgreSQL + +.. _postgresql_sequences: + +Sequences/SERIAL/IDENTITY +------------------------- + +PostgreSQL supports sequences, and SQLAlchemy uses these as the default means +of creating new primary key values for integer-based primary key columns. When +creating tables, SQLAlchemy will issue the ``SERIAL`` datatype for +integer-based primary key columns, which generates a sequence and server side +default corresponding to the column. + +To specify a specific named sequence to be used for primary key generation, +use the :func:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Sequence` construct:: + + Table('sometable', metadata, + Column('id', Integer, Sequence('some_id_seq'), primary_key=True) + ) + +When SQLAlchemy issues a single INSERT statement, to fulfill the contract of +having the "last insert identifier" available, a RETURNING clause is added to +the INSERT statement which specifies the primary key columns should be +returned after the statement completes. The RETURNING functionality only takes +place if PostgreSQL 8.2 or later is in use. As a fallback approach, the +sequence, whether specified explicitly or implicitly via ``SERIAL``, is +executed independently beforehand, the returned value to be used in the +subsequent insert. Note that when an +:func:`~sqlalchemy.sql.expression.insert()` construct is executed using +"executemany" semantics, the "last inserted identifier" functionality does not +apply; no RETURNING clause is emitted nor is the sequence pre-executed in this +case. + +To force the usage of RETURNING by default off, specify the flag +``implicit_returning=False`` to :func:`.create_engine`. + +Postgresql 10 IDENTITY columns +^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ + +Postgresql 10 has a new IDENTITY feature that supersedes the use of SERIAL. +Built-in support for rendering of IDENTITY is not available yet, however the +following compilation hook may be used to replace occurrences of SERIAL with +IDENTITY:: + + from sqlalchemy.schema import CreateColumn + from sqlalchemy.ext.compiler import compiles + + + @compiles(CreateColumn, 'postgresql') + def use_identity(element, compiler, **kw): + text = compiler.visit_create_column(element, **kw) + text = text.replace("SERIAL", "INT GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY") + return text + +Using the above, a table such as:: + + t = Table( + 't', m, + Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True), + Column('data', String) + ) + +Will generate on the backing database as:: + + CREATE TABLE t ( + id INT GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY NOT NULL, + data VARCHAR, + PRIMARY KEY (id) + ) + +.. _postgresql_isolation_level: + +Transaction Isolation Level +--------------------------- + +All PostgreSQL dialects support setting of transaction isolation level +both via a dialect-specific parameter +:paramref:`.create_engine.isolation_level` accepted by :func:`.create_engine`, +as well as the :paramref:`.Connection.execution_options.isolation_level` +argument as passed to :meth:`.Connection.execution_options`. +When using a non-psycopg2 dialect, this feature works by issuing the command +``SET SESSION CHARACTERISTICS AS TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL `` for +each new connection. For the special AUTOCOMMIT isolation level, +DBAPI-specific techniques are used. + +To set isolation level using :func:`.create_engine`:: + + engine = create_engine( + "postgresql+pg8000://scott:tiger@localhost/test", + isolation_level="READ UNCOMMITTED" + ) + +To set using per-connection execution options:: + + connection = engine.connect() + connection = connection.execution_options( + isolation_level="READ COMMITTED" + ) + +Valid values for ``isolation_level`` include: + +* ``READ COMMITTED`` +* ``READ UNCOMMITTED`` +* ``REPEATABLE READ`` +* ``SERIALIZABLE`` +* ``AUTOCOMMIT`` - on psycopg2 / pg8000 only + +.. seealso:: + + :ref:`psycopg2_isolation_level` + + :ref:`pg8000_isolation_level` + +.. _postgresql_schema_reflection: + +Remote-Schema Table Introspection and PostgreSQL search_path +------------------------------------------------------------ + +**TL;DR;**: keep the ``search_path`` variable set to its default of ``public``, +name schemas **other** than ``public`` explicitly within ``Table`` definitions. + +The PostgreSQL dialect can reflect tables from any schema. The +:paramref:`.Table.schema` argument, or alternatively the +:paramref:`.MetaData.reflect.schema` argument determines which schema will +be searched for the table or tables. The reflected :class:`.Table` objects +will in all cases retain this ``.schema`` attribute as was specified. +However, with regards to tables which these :class:`.Table` objects refer to +via foreign key constraint, a decision must be made as to how the ``.schema`` +is represented in those remote tables, in the case where that remote +schema name is also a member of the current +`PostgreSQL search path +`_. + +By default, the PostgreSQL dialect mimics the behavior encouraged by +PostgreSQL's own ``pg_get_constraintdef()`` builtin procedure. This function +returns a sample definition for a particular foreign key constraint, +omitting the referenced schema name from that definition when the name is +also in the PostgreSQL schema search path. The interaction below +illustrates this behavior:: + + test=> CREATE TABLE test_schema.referred(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY); + CREATE TABLE + test=> CREATE TABLE referring( + test(> id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, + test(> referred_id INTEGER REFERENCES test_schema.referred(id)); + CREATE TABLE + test=> SET search_path TO public, test_schema; + test=> SELECT pg_catalog.pg_get_constraintdef(r.oid, true) FROM + test-> pg_catalog.pg_class c JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n + test-> ON n.oid = c.relnamespace + test-> JOIN pg_catalog.pg_constraint r ON c.oid = r.conrelid + test-> WHERE c.relname='referring' AND r.contype = 'f' + test-> ; + pg_get_constraintdef + --------------------------------------------------- + FOREIGN KEY (referred_id) REFERENCES referred(id) + (1 row) + +Above, we created a table ``referred`` as a member of the remote schema +``test_schema``, however when we added ``test_schema`` to the +PG ``search_path`` and then asked ``pg_get_constraintdef()`` for the +``FOREIGN KEY`` syntax, ``test_schema`` was not included in the output of +the function. + +On the other hand, if we set the search path back to the typical default +of ``public``:: + + test=> SET search_path TO public; + SET + +The same query against ``pg_get_constraintdef()`` now returns the fully +schema-qualified name for us:: + + test=> SELECT pg_catalog.pg_get_constraintdef(r.oid, true) FROM + test-> pg_catalog.pg_class c JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n + test-> ON n.oid = c.relnamespace + test-> JOIN pg_catalog.pg_constraint r ON c.oid = r.conrelid + test-> WHERE c.relname='referring' AND r.contype = 'f'; + pg_get_constraintdef + --------------------------------------------------------------- + FOREIGN KEY (referred_id) REFERENCES test_schema.referred(id) + (1 row) + +SQLAlchemy will by default use the return value of ``pg_get_constraintdef()`` +in order to determine the remote schema name. That is, if our ``search_path`` +were set to include ``test_schema``, and we invoked a table +reflection process as follows:: + + >>> from sqlalchemy import Table, MetaData, create_engine + >>> engine = create_engine("postgresql://scott:tiger@localhost/test") + >>> with engine.connect() as conn: + ... conn.execute("SET search_path TO test_schema, public") + ... meta = MetaData() + ... referring = Table('referring', meta, + ... autoload=True, autoload_with=conn) + ... + + +The above process would deliver to the :attr:`.MetaData.tables` collection +``referred`` table named **without** the schema:: + + >>> meta.tables['referred'].schema is None + True + +To alter the behavior of reflection such that the referred schema is +maintained regardless of the ``search_path`` setting, use the +``postgresql_ignore_search_path`` option, which can be specified as a +dialect-specific argument to both :class:`.Table` as well as +:meth:`.MetaData.reflect`:: + + >>> with engine.connect() as conn: + ... conn.execute("SET search_path TO test_schema, public") + ... meta = MetaData() + ... referring = Table('referring', meta, autoload=True, + ... autoload_with=conn, + ... postgresql_ignore_search_path=True) + ... + + +We will now have ``test_schema.referred`` stored as schema-qualified:: + + >>> meta.tables['test_schema.referred'].schema + 'test_schema' + +.. sidebar:: Best Practices for PostgreSQL Schema reflection + + The description of PostgreSQL schema reflection behavior is complex, and + is the product of many years of dealing with widely varied use cases and + user preferences. But in fact, there's no need to understand any of it if + you just stick to the simplest use pattern: leave the ``search_path`` set + to its default of ``public`` only, never refer to the name ``public`` as + an explicit schema name otherwise, and refer to all other schema names + explicitly when building up a :class:`.Table` object. The options + described here are only for those users who can't, or prefer not to, stay + within these guidelines. + +Note that **in all cases**, the "default" schema is always reflected as +``None``. The "default" schema on PostgreSQL is that which is returned by the +PostgreSQL ``current_schema()`` function. On a typical PostgreSQL +installation, this is the name ``public``. So a table that refers to another +which is in the ``public`` (i.e. default) schema will always have the +``.schema`` attribute set to ``None``. + +.. versionadded:: 0.9.2 Added the ``postgresql_ignore_search_path`` + dialect-level option accepted by :class:`.Table` and + :meth:`.MetaData.reflect`. + + +.. seealso:: + + `The Schema Search Path + `_ + - on the PostgreSQL website. + +INSERT/UPDATE...RETURNING +------------------------- + +The dialect supports PG 8.2's ``INSERT..RETURNING``, ``UPDATE..RETURNING`` and +``DELETE..RETURNING`` syntaxes. ``INSERT..RETURNING`` is used by default +for single-row INSERT statements in order to fetch newly generated +primary key identifiers. To specify an explicit ``RETURNING`` clause, +use the :meth:`._UpdateBase.returning` method on a per-statement basis:: + + # INSERT..RETURNING + result = table.insert().returning(table.c.col1, table.c.col2).\ + values(name='foo') + print result.fetchall() + + # UPDATE..RETURNING + result = table.update().returning(table.c.col1, table.c.col2).\ + where(table.c.name=='foo').values(name='bar') + print result.fetchall() + + # DELETE..RETURNING + result = table.delete().returning(table.c.col1, table.c.col2).\ + where(table.c.name=='foo') + print result.fetchall() + +.. _postgresql_insert_on_conflict: + +INSERT...ON CONFLICT (Upsert) +------------------------------ + +Starting with version 9.5, PostgreSQL allows "upserts" (update or insert) of +rows into a table via the ``ON CONFLICT`` clause of the ``INSERT`` statement. A +candidate row will only be inserted if that row does not violate any unique +constraints. In the case of a unique constraint violation, a secondary action +can occur which can be either "DO UPDATE", indicating that the data in the +target row should be updated, or "DO NOTHING", which indicates to silently skip +this row. + +Conflicts are determined using existing unique constraints and indexes. These +constraints may be identified either using their name as stated in DDL, +or they may be *inferred* by stating the columns and conditions that comprise +the indexes. + +SQLAlchemy provides ``ON CONFLICT`` support via the PostgreSQL-specific +:func:`.postgresql.dml.insert()` function, which provides +the generative methods :meth:`~.postgresql.dml.Insert.on_conflict_do_update` +and :meth:`~.postgresql.dml.Insert.on_conflict_do_nothing`:: + + from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import insert + + insert_stmt = insert(my_table).values( + id='some_existing_id', + data='inserted value') + + do_nothing_stmt = insert_stmt.on_conflict_do_nothing( + index_elements=['id'] + ) + + conn.execute(do_nothing_stmt) + + do_update_stmt = insert_stmt.on_conflict_do_update( + constraint='pk_my_table', + set_=dict(data='updated value') + ) + + conn.execute(do_update_stmt) + +Both methods supply the "target" of the conflict using either the +named constraint or by column inference: + +* The :paramref:`.Insert.on_conflict_do_update.index_elements` argument + specifies a sequence containing string column names, :class:`.Column` + objects, and/or SQL expression elements, which would identify a unique + index:: + + do_update_stmt = insert_stmt.on_conflict_do_update( + index_elements=['id'], + set_=dict(data='updated value') + ) + + do_update_stmt = insert_stmt.on_conflict_do_update( + index_elements=[my_table.c.id], + set_=dict(data='updated value') + ) + +* When using :paramref:`.Insert.on_conflict_do_update.index_elements` to + infer an index, a partial index can be inferred by also specifying the + use the :paramref:`.Insert.on_conflict_do_update.index_where` parameter:: + + from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import insert + + stmt = insert(my_table).values(user_email='a@b.com', data='inserted data') + stmt = stmt.on_conflict_do_update( + index_elements=[my_table.c.user_email], + index_where=my_table.c.user_email.like('%@gmail.com'), + set_=dict(data=stmt.excluded.data) + ) + conn.execute(stmt) + +* The :paramref:`.Insert.on_conflict_do_update.constraint` argument is + used to specify an index directly rather than inferring it. This can be + the name of a UNIQUE constraint, a PRIMARY KEY constraint, or an INDEX:: + + do_update_stmt = insert_stmt.on_conflict_do_update( + constraint='my_table_idx_1', + set_=dict(data='updated value') + ) + + do_update_stmt = insert_stmt.on_conflict_do_update( + constraint='my_table_pk', + set_=dict(data='updated value') + ) + +* The :paramref:`.Insert.on_conflict_do_update.constraint` argument may + also refer to a SQLAlchemy construct representing a constraint, + e.g. :class:`.UniqueConstraint`, :class:`.PrimaryKeyConstraint`, + :class:`.Index`, or :class:`.ExcludeConstraint`. In this use, + if the constraint has a name, it is used directly. Otherwise, if the + constraint is unnamed, then inference will be used, where the expressions + and optional WHERE clause of the constraint will be spelled out in the + construct. This use is especially convenient + to refer to the named or unnamed primary key of a :class:`.Table` using the + :attr:`.Table.primary_key` attribute:: + + do_update_stmt = insert_stmt.on_conflict_do_update( + constraint=my_table.primary_key, + set_=dict(data='updated value') + ) + +``ON CONFLICT...DO UPDATE`` is used to perform an update of the already +existing row, using any combination of new values as well as values +from the proposed insertion. These values are specified using the +:paramref:`.Insert.on_conflict_do_update.set_` parameter. This +parameter accepts a dictionary which consists of direct values +for UPDATE:: + + from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import insert + + stmt = insert(my_table).values(id='some_id', data='inserted value') + do_update_stmt = stmt.on_conflict_do_update( + index_elements=['id'], + set_=dict(data='updated value') + ) + conn.execute(do_update_stmt) + +.. warning:: + + The :meth:`.Insert.on_conflict_do_update` method does **not** take into + account Python-side default UPDATE values or generation functions, e.g. + e.g. those specified using :paramref:`.Column.onupdate`. + These values will not be exercised for an ON CONFLICT style of UPDATE, + unless they are manually specified in the + :paramref:`.Insert.on_conflict_do_update.set_` dictionary. + +In order to refer to the proposed insertion row, the special alias +:attr:`~.postgresql.dml.Insert.excluded` is available as an attribute on +the :class:`.postgresql.dml.Insert` object; this object is a +:class:`.ColumnCollection` which alias contains all columns of the target +table:: + + from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import insert + + stmt = insert(my_table).values( + id='some_id', + data='inserted value', + author='jlh') + do_update_stmt = stmt.on_conflict_do_update( + index_elements=['id'], + set_=dict(data='updated value', author=stmt.excluded.author) + ) + conn.execute(do_update_stmt) + +The :meth:`.Insert.on_conflict_do_update` method also accepts +a WHERE clause using the :paramref:`.Insert.on_conflict_do_update.where` +parameter, which will limit those rows which receive an UPDATE:: + + from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import insert + + stmt = insert(my_table).values( + id='some_id', + data='inserted value', + author='jlh') + on_update_stmt = stmt.on_conflict_do_update( + index_elements=['id'], + set_=dict(data='updated value', author=stmt.excluded.author) + where=(my_table.c.status == 2) + ) + conn.execute(on_update_stmt) + +``ON CONFLICT`` may also be used to skip inserting a row entirely +if any conflict with a unique or exclusion constraint occurs; below +this is illustrated using the +:meth:`~.postgresql.dml.Insert.on_conflict_do_nothing` method:: + + from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import insert + + stmt = insert(my_table).values(id='some_id', data='inserted value') + stmt = stmt.on_conflict_do_nothing(index_elements=['id']) + conn.execute(stmt) + +If ``DO NOTHING`` is used without specifying any columns or constraint, +it has the effect of skipping the INSERT for any unique or exclusion +constraint violation which occurs:: + + from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import insert + + stmt = insert(my_table).values(id='some_id', data='inserted value') + stmt = stmt.on_conflict_do_nothing() + conn.execute(stmt) + +.. versionadded:: 1.1 Added support for PostgreSQL ON CONFLICT clauses + +.. seealso:: + + `INSERT .. ON CONFLICT + `_ + - in the PostgreSQL documentation. + +.. _postgresql_match: + +Full Text Search +---------------- + +SQLAlchemy makes available the PostgreSQL ``@@`` operator via the +:meth:`.ColumnElement.match` method on any textual column expression. +On a PostgreSQL dialect, an expression like the following:: + + select([sometable.c.text.match("search string")]) + +will emit to the database:: + + SELECT text @@ to_tsquery('search string') FROM table + +The PostgreSQL text search functions such as ``to_tsquery()`` +and ``to_tsvector()`` are available +explicitly using the standard :data:`.func` construct. For example:: + + select([ + func.to_tsvector('fat cats ate rats').match('cat & rat') + ]) + +Emits the equivalent of:: + + SELECT to_tsvector('fat cats ate rats') @@ to_tsquery('cat & rat') + +The :class:`.postgresql.TSVECTOR` type can provide for explicit CAST:: + + from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import TSVECTOR + from sqlalchemy import select, cast + select([cast("some text", TSVECTOR)]) + +produces a statement equivalent to:: + + SELECT CAST('some text' AS TSVECTOR) AS anon_1 + +Full Text Searches in PostgreSQL are influenced by a combination of: the +PostgresSQL setting of ``default_text_search_config``, the ``regconfig`` used +to build the GIN/GiST indexes, and the ``regconfig`` optionally passed in +during a query. + +When performing a Full Text Search against a column that has a GIN or +GiST index that is already pre-computed (which is common on full text +searches) one may need to explicitly pass in a particular PostgresSQL +``regconfig`` value to ensure the query-planner utilizes the index and does +not re-compute the column on demand. + +In order to provide for this explicit query planning, or to use different +search strategies, the ``match`` method accepts a ``postgresql_regconfig`` +keyword argument:: + + select([mytable.c.id]).where( + mytable.c.title.match('somestring', postgresql_regconfig='english') + ) + +Emits the equivalent of:: + + SELECT mytable.id FROM mytable + WHERE mytable.title @@ to_tsquery('english', 'somestring') + +One can also specifically pass in a `'regconfig'` value to the +``to_tsvector()`` command as the initial argument:: + + select([mytable.c.id]).where( + func.to_tsvector('english', mytable.c.title )\ + .match('somestring', postgresql_regconfig='english') + ) + +produces a statement equivalent to:: + + SELECT mytable.id FROM mytable + WHERE to_tsvector('english', mytable.title) @@ + to_tsquery('english', 'somestring') + +It is recommended that you use the ``EXPLAIN ANALYZE...`` tool from +PostgresSQL to ensure that you are generating queries with SQLAlchemy that +take full advantage of any indexes you may have created for full text search. + +FROM ONLY ... +------------------------ + +The dialect supports PostgreSQL's ONLY keyword for targeting only a particular +table in an inheritance hierarchy. This can be used to produce the +``SELECT ... FROM ONLY``, ``UPDATE ONLY ...``, and ``DELETE FROM ONLY ...`` +syntaxes. It uses SQLAlchemy's hints mechanism:: + + # SELECT ... FROM ONLY ... + result = table.select().with_hint(table, 'ONLY', 'postgresql') + print result.fetchall() + + # UPDATE ONLY ... + table.update(values=dict(foo='bar')).with_hint('ONLY', + dialect_name='postgresql') + + # DELETE FROM ONLY ... + table.delete().with_hint('ONLY', dialect_name='postgresql') + + +.. _postgresql_indexes: + +PostgreSQL-Specific Index Options +--------------------------------- + +Several extensions to the :class:`.Index` construct are available, specific +to the PostgreSQL dialect. + +.. _postgresql_partial_indexes: + +Partial Indexes +^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ + +Partial indexes add criterion to the index definition so that the index is +applied to a subset of rows. These can be specified on :class:`.Index` +using the ``postgresql_where`` keyword argument:: + + Index('my_index', my_table.c.id, postgresql_where=my_table.c.value > 10) + +Operator Classes +^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ + +PostgreSQL allows the specification of an *operator class* for each column of +an index (see +http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.3/interactive/indexes-opclass.html). +The :class:`.Index` construct allows these to be specified via the +``postgresql_ops`` keyword argument:: + + Index( + 'my_index', my_table.c.id, my_table.c.data, + postgresql_ops={ + 'data': 'text_pattern_ops', + 'id': 'int4_ops' + }) + +Note that the keys in the ``postgresql_ops`` dictionary are the "key" name of +the :class:`.Column`, i.e. the name used to access it from the ``.c`` +collection of :class:`.Table`, which can be configured to be different than +the actual name of the column as expressed in the database. + +If ``postgresql_ops`` is to be used against a complex SQL expression such +as a function call, then to apply to the column it must be given a label +that is identified in the dictionary by name, e.g.:: + + Index( + 'my_index', my_table.c.id, + func.lower(my_table.c.data).label('data_lower'), + postgresql_ops={ + 'data_lower': 'text_pattern_ops', + 'id': 'int4_ops' + }) + + +Index Types +^^^^^^^^^^^ + +PostgreSQL provides several index types: B-Tree, Hash, GiST, and GIN, as well +as the ability for users to create their own (see +http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.3/static/indexes-types.html). These can be +specified on :class:`.Index` using the ``postgresql_using`` keyword argument:: + + Index('my_index', my_table.c.data, postgresql_using='gin') + +The value passed to the keyword argument will be simply passed through to the +underlying CREATE INDEX command, so it *must* be a valid index type for your +version of PostgreSQL. + +.. _postgresql_index_storage: + +Index Storage Parameters +^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ + +PostgreSQL allows storage parameters to be set on indexes. The storage +parameters available depend on the index method used by the index. Storage +parameters can be specified on :class:`.Index` using the ``postgresql_with`` +keyword argument:: + + Index('my_index', my_table.c.data, postgresql_with={"fillfactor": 50}) + +.. versionadded:: 1.0.6 + +PostgreSQL allows to define the tablespace in which to create the index. +The tablespace can be specified on :class:`.Index` using the +``postgresql_tablespace`` keyword argument:: + + Index('my_index', my_table.c.data, postgresql_tablespace='my_tablespace') + +.. versionadded:: 1.1 + +Note that the same option is available on :class:`.Table` as well. + +.. _postgresql_index_concurrently: + +Indexes with CONCURRENTLY +^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ + +The PostgreSQL index option CONCURRENTLY is supported by passing the +flag ``postgresql_concurrently`` to the :class:`.Index` construct:: + + tbl = Table('testtbl', m, Column('data', Integer)) + + idx1 = Index('test_idx1', tbl.c.data, postgresql_concurrently=True) + +The above index construct will render DDL for CREATE INDEX, assuming +PostgreSQL 8.2 or higher is detected or for a connection-less dialect, as:: + + CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY test_idx1 ON testtbl (data) + +For DROP INDEX, assuming PostgreSQL 9.2 or higher is detected or for +a connection-less dialect, it will emit:: + + DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY test_idx1 + +.. versionadded:: 1.1 support for CONCURRENTLY on DROP INDEX. The + CONCURRENTLY keyword is now only emitted if a high enough version + of PostgreSQL is detected on the connection (or for a connection-less + dialect). + +When using CONCURRENTLY, the Postgresql database requires that the statement +be invoked outside of a transaction block. The Python DBAPI enforces that +even for a single statement, a transaction is present, so to use this +construct, the DBAPI's "autocommit" mode must be used:: + + metadata = MetaData() + table = Table( + "foo", metadata, + Column("id", String)) + index = Index( + "foo_idx", table.c.id, postgresql_concurrently=True) + + with engine.connect() as conn: + with conn.execution_options(isolation_level='AUTOCOMMIT'): + table.create(conn) + +.. seealso:: + + :ref:`postgresql_isolation_level` + +.. _postgresql_index_reflection: + +PostgreSQL Index Reflection +--------------------------- + +The PostgreSQL database creates a UNIQUE INDEX implicitly whenever the +UNIQUE CONSTRAINT construct is used. When inspecting a table using +:class:`.Inspector`, the :meth:`.Inspector.get_indexes` +and the :meth:`.Inspector.get_unique_constraints` will report on these +two constructs distinctly; in the case of the index, the key +``duplicates_constraint`` will be present in the index entry if it is +detected as mirroring a constraint. When performing reflection using +``Table(..., autoload=True)``, the UNIQUE INDEX is **not** returned +in :attr:`.Table.indexes` when it is detected as mirroring a +:class:`.UniqueConstraint` in the :attr:`.Table.constraints` collection. + +.. versionchanged:: 1.0.0 - :class:`.Table` reflection now includes + :class:`.UniqueConstraint` objects present in the :attr:`.Table.constraints` + collection; the PostgreSQL backend will no longer include a "mirrored" + :class:`.Index` construct in :attr:`.Table.indexes` if it is detected + as corresponding to a unique constraint. + +Special Reflection Options +-------------------------- + +The :class:`.Inspector` used for the PostgreSQL backend is an instance +of :class:`.PGInspector`, which offers additional methods:: + + from sqlalchemy import create_engine, inspect + + engine = create_engine("postgresql+psycopg2://localhost/test") + insp = inspect(engine) # will be a PGInspector + + print(insp.get_enums()) + +.. autoclass:: PGInspector + :members: + +.. _postgresql_table_options: + +PostgreSQL Table Options +------------------------ + +Several options for CREATE TABLE are supported directly by the PostgreSQL +dialect in conjunction with the :class:`.Table` construct: + +* ``TABLESPACE``:: + + Table("some_table", metadata, ..., postgresql_tablespace='some_tablespace') + + The above option is also available on the :class:`.Index` construct. + +* ``ON COMMIT``:: + + Table("some_table", metadata, ..., postgresql_on_commit='PRESERVE ROWS') + +* ``WITH OIDS``:: + + Table("some_table", metadata, ..., postgresql_with_oids=True) + +* ``WITHOUT OIDS``:: + + Table("some_table", metadata, ..., postgresql_with_oids=False) + +* ``INHERITS``:: + + Table("some_table", metadata, ..., postgresql_inherits="some_supertable") + + Table("some_table", metadata, ..., postgresql_inherits=("t1", "t2", ...)) + + .. versionadded:: 1.0.0 + +* ``PARTITION BY``:: + + Table("some_table", metadata, ..., + postgresql_partition_by='LIST (part_column)') + + .. versionadded:: 1.2.6 + +.. seealso:: + + `PostgreSQL CREATE TABLE options + `_ + +ARRAY Types +----------- + +The PostgreSQL dialect supports arrays, both as multidimensional column types +as well as array literals: + +* :class:`.postgresql.ARRAY` - ARRAY datatype + +* :class:`.postgresql.array` - array literal + +* :func:`.postgresql.array_agg` - ARRAY_AGG SQL function + +* :class:`.postgresql.aggregate_order_by` - helper for PG's ORDER BY aggregate + function syntax. + +JSON Types +---------- + +The PostgreSQL dialect supports both JSON and JSONB datatypes, including +psycopg2's native support and support for all of PostgreSQL's special +operators: + +* :class:`.postgresql.JSON` + +* :class:`.postgresql.JSONB` + +HSTORE Type +----------- + +The PostgreSQL HSTORE type as well as hstore literals are supported: + +* :class:`.postgresql.HSTORE` - HSTORE datatype + +* :class:`.postgresql.hstore` - hstore literal + +ENUM Types +---------- + +PostgreSQL has an independently creatable TYPE structure which is used +to implement an enumerated type. This approach introduces significant +complexity on the SQLAlchemy side in terms of when this type should be +CREATED and DROPPED. The type object is also an independently reflectable +entity. The following sections should be consulted: + +* :class:`.postgresql.ENUM` - DDL and typing support for ENUM. + +* :meth:`.PGInspector.get_enums` - retrieve a listing of current ENUM types + +* :meth:`.postgresql.ENUM.create` , :meth:`.postgresql.ENUM.drop` - individual + CREATE and DROP commands for ENUM. + +.. _postgresql_array_of_enum: + +Using ENUM with ARRAY +^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ + +The combination of ENUM and ARRAY is not directly supported by backend +DBAPIs at this time. In order to send and receive an ARRAY of ENUM, +use the following workaround type:: + + class ArrayOfEnum(ARRAY): + + def bind_expression(self, bindvalue): + return sa.cast(bindvalue, self) + + def result_processor(self, dialect, coltype): + super_rp = super(ArrayOfEnum, self).result_processor( + dialect, coltype) + + def handle_raw_string(value): + inner = re.match(r"^{(.*)}$", value).group(1) + return inner.split(",") if inner else [] + + def process(value): + if value is None: + return None + return super_rp(handle_raw_string(value)) + return process + +E.g.:: + + Table( + 'mydata', metadata, + Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True), + Column('data', ArrayOfEnum(ENUM('a', 'b, 'c', name='myenum'))) + + ) + +This type is not included as a built-in type as it would be incompatible +with a DBAPI that suddenly decides to support ARRAY of ENUM directly in +a new version. + +.. _postgresql_array_of_json: + +Using JSON/JSONB with ARRAY +^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ + +Similar to using ENUM, for an ARRAY of JSON/JSONB we need to render the +appropriate CAST, however current psycopg2 drivers seem to handle the result +for ARRAY of JSON automatically, so the type is simpler:: + + + class CastingArray(ARRAY): + def bind_expression(self, bindvalue): + return sa.cast(bindvalue, self) + +E.g.:: + + Table( + 'mydata', metadata, + Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True), + Column('data', CastingArray(JSONB)) + ) + + +""" +from collections import defaultdict +import datetime as dt +import re + +from ... import exc +from ... import schema +from ... import sql +from ... import util +from ...engine import default +from ...engine import reflection +from ...sql import compiler +from ...sql import elements +from ...sql import expression +from ...sql import sqltypes +from ...types import BIGINT +from ...types import BOOLEAN +from ...types import CHAR +from ...types import DATE +from ...types import FLOAT +from ...types import INTEGER +from ...types import NUMERIC +from ...types import REAL +from ...types import SMALLINT +from ...types import TEXT +from ...types import VARCHAR + + +try: + from uuid import UUID as _python_UUID # noqa +except ImportError: + _python_UUID = None + + +AUTOCOMMIT_REGEXP = re.compile( + r"\s*(?:UPDATE|INSERT|CREATE|DELETE|DROP|ALTER|GRANT|REVOKE|" + "IMPORT FOREIGN SCHEMA|REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW|TRUNCATE)", + re.I | re.UNICODE, +) + +RESERVED_WORDS = set( + [ + "all", + "analyse", + "analyze", + "and", + "any", + "array", + "as", + "asc", + "asymmetric", + "both", + "case", + "cast", + "check", + "collate", + "column", + "constraint", + "create", + "current_catalog", + "current_date", + "current_role", + "current_time", + "current_timestamp", + "current_user", + "default", + "deferrable", + "desc", + "distinct", + "do", + "else", + "end", + "except", + "false", + "fetch", + "for", + "foreign", + "from", + "grant", + "group", + "having", + "in", + "initially", + "intersect", + "into", + "leading", + "limit", + "localtime", + "localtimestamp", + "new", + "not", + "null", + "of", + "off", + "offset", + "old", + "on", + "only", + "or", + "order", + "placing", + "primary", + "references", + "returning", + "select", + "session_user", + "some", + "symmetric", + "table", + "then", + "to", + "trailing", + "true", + "union", + "unique", + "user", + "using", + "variadic", + "when", + "where", + "window", + "with", + "authorization", + "between", + "binary", + "cross", + "current_schema", + "freeze", + "full", + "ilike", + "inner", + "is", + "isnull", + "join", + "left", + "like", + "natural", + "notnull", + "outer", + "over", + "overlaps", + "right", + "similar", + "verbose", + ] +) + +_DECIMAL_TYPES = (1231, 1700) +_FLOAT_TYPES = (700, 701, 1021, 1022) +_INT_TYPES = (20, 21, 23, 26, 1005, 1007, 1016) + + +class BYTEA(sqltypes.LargeBinary): + __visit_name__ = "BYTEA" + + +class DOUBLE_PRECISION(sqltypes.Float): + __visit_name__ = "DOUBLE_PRECISION" + + +class INET(sqltypes.TypeEngine): + __visit_name__ = "INET" + + +PGInet = INET + + +class CIDR(sqltypes.TypeEngine): + __visit_name__ = "CIDR" + + +PGCidr = CIDR + + +class MACADDR(sqltypes.TypeEngine): + __visit_name__ = "MACADDR" + + +PGMacAddr = MACADDR + + +class MONEY(sqltypes.TypeEngine): + + """Provide the PostgreSQL MONEY type. + + .. versionadded:: 1.2 + + """ + + __visit_name__ = "MONEY" + + +class OID(sqltypes.TypeEngine): + + """Provide the PostgreSQL OID type. + + .. versionadded:: 0.9.5 + + """ + + __visit_name__ = "OID" + + +class REGCLASS(sqltypes.TypeEngine): + + """Provide the PostgreSQL REGCLASS type. + + .. versionadded:: 1.2.7 + + """ + + __visit_name__ = "REGCLASS" + + +class TIMESTAMP(sqltypes.TIMESTAMP): + def __init__(self, timezone=False, precision=None): + super(TIMESTAMP, self).__init__(timezone=timezone) + self.precision = precision + + +class TIME(sqltypes.TIME): + def __init__(self, timezone=False, precision=None): + super(TIME, self).__init__(timezone=timezone) + self.precision = precision + + +class INTERVAL(sqltypes.NativeForEmulated, sqltypes._AbstractInterval): + + """PostgreSQL INTERVAL type. + + The INTERVAL type may not be supported on all DBAPIs. + It is known to work on psycopg2 and not pg8000 or zxjdbc. + + """ + + __visit_name__ = "INTERVAL" + native = True + + def __init__(self, precision=None, fields=None): + """Construct an INTERVAL. + + :param precision: optional integer precision value + :param fields: string fields specifier. allows storage of fields + to be limited, such as ``"YEAR"``, ``"MONTH"``, ``"DAY TO HOUR"``, + etc. + + .. versionadded:: 1.2 + + """ + self.precision = precision + self.fields = fields + + @classmethod + def adapt_emulated_to_native(cls, interval, **kw): + return INTERVAL(precision=interval.second_precision) + + @property + def _type_affinity(self): + return sqltypes.Interval + + @property + def python_type(self): + return dt.timedelta + + +PGInterval = INTERVAL + + +class BIT(sqltypes.TypeEngine): + __visit_name__ = "BIT" + + def __init__(self, length=None, varying=False): + if not varying: + # BIT without VARYING defaults to length 1 + self.length = length or 1 + else: + # but BIT VARYING can be unlimited-length, so no default + self.length = length + self.varying = varying + + +PGBit = BIT + + +class UUID(sqltypes.TypeEngine): + + """PostgreSQL UUID type. + + Represents the UUID column type, interpreting + data either as natively returned by the DBAPI + or as Python uuid objects. + + The UUID type may not be supported on all DBAPIs. + It is known to work on psycopg2 and not pg8000. + + """ + + __visit_name__ = "UUID" + + def __init__(self, as_uuid=False): + """Construct a UUID type. + + + :param as_uuid=False: if True, values will be interpreted + as Python uuid objects, converting to/from string via the + DBAPI. + + """ + if as_uuid and _python_UUID is None: + raise NotImplementedError( + "This version of Python does not support " + "the native UUID type." + ) + self.as_uuid = as_uuid + + def bind_processor(self, dialect): + if self.as_uuid: + + def process(value): + if value is not None: + value = util.text_type(value) + return value + + return process + else: + return None + + def result_processor(self, dialect, coltype): + if self.as_uuid: + + def process(value): + if value is not None: + value = _python_UUID(value) + return value + + return process + else: + return None + + +PGUuid = UUID + + +class TSVECTOR(sqltypes.TypeEngine): + + """The :class:`.postgresql.TSVECTOR` type implements the PostgreSQL + text search type TSVECTOR. + + It can be used to do full text queries on natural language + documents. + + .. versionadded:: 0.9.0 + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`postgresql_match` + + """ + + __visit_name__ = "TSVECTOR" + + +class ENUM(sqltypes.NativeForEmulated, sqltypes.Enum): + + """PostgreSQL ENUM type. + + This is a subclass of :class:`.types.Enum` which includes + support for PG's ``CREATE TYPE`` and ``DROP TYPE``. + + When the builtin type :class:`.types.Enum` is used and the + :paramref:`.Enum.native_enum` flag is left at its default of + True, the PostgreSQL backend will use a :class:`.postgresql.ENUM` + type as the implementation, so the special create/drop rules + will be used. + + The create/drop behavior of ENUM is necessarily intricate, due to the + awkward relationship the ENUM type has in relationship to the + parent table, in that it may be "owned" by just a single table, or + may be shared among many tables. + + When using :class:`.types.Enum` or :class:`.postgresql.ENUM` + in an "inline" fashion, the ``CREATE TYPE`` and ``DROP TYPE`` is emitted + corresponding to when the :meth:`.Table.create` and :meth:`.Table.drop` + methods are called:: + + table = Table('sometable', metadata, + Column('some_enum', ENUM('a', 'b', 'c', name='myenum')) + ) + + table.create(engine) # will emit CREATE ENUM and CREATE TABLE + table.drop(engine) # will emit DROP TABLE and DROP ENUM + + To use a common enumerated type between multiple tables, the best + practice is to declare the :class:`.types.Enum` or + :class:`.postgresql.ENUM` independently, and associate it with the + :class:`.MetaData` object itself:: + + my_enum = ENUM('a', 'b', 'c', name='myenum', metadata=metadata) + + t1 = Table('sometable_one', metadata, + Column('some_enum', myenum) + ) + + t2 = Table('sometable_two', metadata, + Column('some_enum', myenum) + ) + + When this pattern is used, care must still be taken at the level + of individual table creates. Emitting CREATE TABLE without also + specifying ``checkfirst=True`` will still cause issues:: + + t1.create(engine) # will fail: no such type 'myenum' + + If we specify ``checkfirst=True``, the individual table-level create + operation will check for the ``ENUM`` and create if not exists:: + + # will check if enum exists, and emit CREATE TYPE if not + t1.create(engine, checkfirst=True) + + When using a metadata-level ENUM type, the type will always be created + and dropped if either the metadata-wide create/drop is called:: + + metadata.create_all(engine) # will emit CREATE TYPE + metadata.drop_all(engine) # will emit DROP TYPE + + The type can also be created and dropped directly:: + + my_enum.create(engine) + my_enum.drop(engine) + + .. versionchanged:: 1.0.0 The PostgreSQL :class:`.postgresql.ENUM` type + now behaves more strictly with regards to CREATE/DROP. A metadata-level + ENUM type will only be created and dropped at the metadata level, + not the table level, with the exception of + ``table.create(checkfirst=True)``. + The ``table.drop()`` call will now emit a DROP TYPE for a table-level + enumerated type. + + """ + + native_enum = True + + def __init__(self, *enums, **kw): + """Construct an :class:`~.postgresql.ENUM`. + + Arguments are the same as that of + :class:`.types.Enum`, but also including + the following parameters. + + :param create_type: Defaults to True. + Indicates that ``CREATE TYPE`` should be + emitted, after optionally checking for the + presence of the type, when the parent + table is being created; and additionally + that ``DROP TYPE`` is called when the table + is dropped. When ``False``, no check + will be performed and no ``CREATE TYPE`` + or ``DROP TYPE`` is emitted, unless + :meth:`~.postgresql.ENUM.create` + or :meth:`~.postgresql.ENUM.drop` + are called directly. + Setting to ``False`` is helpful + when invoking a creation scheme to a SQL file + without access to the actual database - + the :meth:`~.postgresql.ENUM.create` and + :meth:`~.postgresql.ENUM.drop` methods can + be used to emit SQL to a target bind. + + .. versionadded:: 0.7.4 + + """ + self.create_type = kw.pop("create_type", True) + super(ENUM, self).__init__(*enums, **kw) + + @classmethod + def adapt_emulated_to_native(cls, impl, **kw): + """Produce a Postgresql native :class:`.postgresql.ENUM` from plain + :class:`.Enum`. + + """ + kw.setdefault("validate_strings", impl.validate_strings) + kw.setdefault("name", impl.name) + kw.setdefault("schema", impl.schema) + kw.setdefault("inherit_schema", impl.inherit_schema) + kw.setdefault("metadata", impl.metadata) + kw.setdefault("_create_events", False) + kw.setdefault("values_callable", impl.values_callable) + return cls(**kw) + + def create(self, bind=None, checkfirst=True): + """Emit ``CREATE TYPE`` for this + :class:`~.postgresql.ENUM`. + + If the underlying dialect does not support + PostgreSQL CREATE TYPE, no action is taken. + + :param bind: a connectable :class:`.Engine`, + :class:`.Connection`, or similar object to emit + SQL. + :param checkfirst: if ``True``, a query against + the PG catalog will be first performed to see + if the type does not exist already before + creating. + + """ + if not bind.dialect.supports_native_enum: + return + + if not checkfirst or not bind.dialect.has_type( + bind, self.name, schema=self.schema + ): + bind.execute(CreateEnumType(self)) + + def drop(self, bind=None, checkfirst=True): + """Emit ``DROP TYPE`` for this + :class:`~.postgresql.ENUM`. + + If the underlying dialect does not support + PostgreSQL DROP TYPE, no action is taken. + + :param bind: a connectable :class:`.Engine`, + :class:`.Connection`, or similar object to emit + SQL. + :param checkfirst: if ``True``, a query against + the PG catalog will be first performed to see + if the type actually exists before dropping. + + """ + if not bind.dialect.supports_native_enum: + return + + if not checkfirst or bind.dialect.has_type( + bind, self.name, schema=self.schema + ): + bind.execute(DropEnumType(self)) + + def _check_for_name_in_memos(self, checkfirst, kw): + """Look in the 'ddl runner' for 'memos', then + note our name in that collection. + + This to ensure a particular named enum is operated + upon only once within any kind of create/drop + sequence without relying upon "checkfirst". + + """ + if not self.create_type: + return True + if "_ddl_runner" in kw: + ddl_runner = kw["_ddl_runner"] + if "_pg_enums" in ddl_runner.memo: + pg_enums = ddl_runner.memo["_pg_enums"] + else: + pg_enums = ddl_runner.memo["_pg_enums"] = set() + present = (self.schema, self.name) in pg_enums + pg_enums.add((self.schema, self.name)) + return present + else: + return False + + def _on_table_create(self, target, bind, checkfirst=False, **kw): + if ( + checkfirst + or ( + not self.metadata + and not kw.get("_is_metadata_operation", False) + ) + and not self._check_for_name_in_memos(checkfirst, kw) + ): + self.create(bind=bind, checkfirst=checkfirst) + + def _on_table_drop(self, target, bind, checkfirst=False, **kw): + if ( + not self.metadata + and not kw.get("_is_metadata_operation", False) + and not self._check_for_name_in_memos(checkfirst, kw) + ): + self.drop(bind=bind, checkfirst=checkfirst) + + def _on_metadata_create(self, target, bind, checkfirst=False, **kw): + if not self._check_for_name_in_memos(checkfirst, kw): + self.create(bind=bind, checkfirst=checkfirst) + + def _on_metadata_drop(self, target, bind, checkfirst=False, **kw): + if not self._check_for_name_in_memos(checkfirst, kw): + self.drop(bind=bind, checkfirst=checkfirst) + + +colspecs = {sqltypes.Interval: INTERVAL, sqltypes.Enum: ENUM} + +ischema_names = { + "integer": INTEGER, + "bigint": BIGINT, + "smallint": SMALLINT, + "character varying": VARCHAR, + "character": CHAR, + '"char"': sqltypes.String, + "name": sqltypes.String, + "text": TEXT, + "numeric": NUMERIC, + "float": FLOAT, + "real": REAL, + "inet": INET, + "cidr": CIDR, + "uuid": UUID, + "bit": BIT, + "bit varying": BIT, + "macaddr": MACADDR, + "money": MONEY, + "oid": OID, + "regclass": REGCLASS, + "double precision": DOUBLE_PRECISION, + "timestamp": TIMESTAMP, + "timestamp with time zone": TIMESTAMP, + "timestamp without time zone": TIMESTAMP, + "time with time zone": TIME, + "time without time zone": TIME, + "date": DATE, + "time": TIME, + "bytea": BYTEA, + "boolean": BOOLEAN, + "interval": INTERVAL, + "tsvector": TSVECTOR, +} + + +class PGCompiler(compiler.SQLCompiler): + def visit_array(self, element, **kw): + return "ARRAY[%s]" % self.visit_clauselist(element, **kw) + + def visit_slice(self, element, **kw): + return "%s:%s" % ( + self.process(element.start, **kw), + self.process(element.stop, **kw), + ) + + def visit_json_getitem_op_binary(self, binary, operator, **kw): + kw["eager_grouping"] = True + return self._generate_generic_binary(binary, " -> ", **kw) + + def visit_json_path_getitem_op_binary(self, binary, operator, **kw): + kw["eager_grouping"] = True + return self._generate_generic_binary(binary, " #> ", **kw) + + def visit_getitem_binary(self, binary, operator, **kw): + return "%s[%s]" % ( + self.process(binary.left, **kw), + self.process(binary.right, **kw), + ) + + def visit_aggregate_order_by(self, element, **kw): + return "%s ORDER BY %s" % ( + self.process(element.target, **kw), + self.process(element.order_by, **kw), + ) + + def visit_match_op_binary(self, binary, operator, **kw): + if "postgresql_regconfig" in binary.modifiers: + regconfig = self.render_literal_value( + binary.modifiers["postgresql_regconfig"], sqltypes.STRINGTYPE + ) + if regconfig: + return "%s @@ to_tsquery(%s, %s)" % ( + self.process(binary.left, **kw), + regconfig, + self.process(binary.right, **kw), + ) + return "%s @@ to_tsquery(%s)" % ( + self.process(binary.left, **kw), + self.process(binary.right, **kw), + ) + + def visit_ilike_op_binary(self, binary, operator, **kw): + escape = binary.modifiers.get("escape", None) + + return "%s ILIKE %s" % ( + self.process(binary.left, **kw), + self.process(binary.right, **kw), + ) + ( + " ESCAPE " + self.render_literal_value(escape, sqltypes.STRINGTYPE) + if escape + else "" + ) + + def visit_notilike_op_binary(self, binary, operator, **kw): + escape = binary.modifiers.get("escape", None) + return "%s NOT ILIKE %s" % ( + self.process(binary.left, **kw), + self.process(binary.right, **kw), + ) + ( + " ESCAPE " + self.render_literal_value(escape, sqltypes.STRINGTYPE) + if escape + else "" + ) + + def render_literal_value(self, value, type_): + value = super(PGCompiler, self).render_literal_value(value, type_) + + if self.dialect._backslash_escapes: + value = value.replace("\\", "\\\\") + return value + + def visit_sequence(self, seq, **kw): + return "nextval('%s')" % self.preparer.format_sequence(seq) + + def limit_clause(self, select, **kw): + text = "" + if select._limit_clause is not None: + text += " \n LIMIT " + self.process(select._limit_clause, **kw) + if select._offset_clause is not None: + if select._limit_clause is None: + text += " \n LIMIT ALL" + text += " OFFSET " + self.process(select._offset_clause, **kw) + return text + + def format_from_hint_text(self, sqltext, table, hint, iscrud): + if hint.upper() != "ONLY": + raise exc.CompileError("Unrecognized hint: %r" % hint) + return "ONLY " + sqltext + + def get_select_precolumns(self, select, **kw): + if select._distinct is not False: + if select._distinct is True: + return "DISTINCT " + elif isinstance(select._distinct, (list, tuple)): + return ( + "DISTINCT ON (" + + ", ".join( + [self.process(col, **kw) for col in select._distinct] + ) + + ") " + ) + else: + return ( + "DISTINCT ON (" + + self.process(select._distinct, **kw) + + ") " + ) + else: + return "" + + def for_update_clause(self, select, **kw): + + if select._for_update_arg.read: + if select._for_update_arg.key_share: + tmp = " FOR KEY SHARE" + else: + tmp = " FOR SHARE" + elif select._for_update_arg.key_share: + tmp = " FOR NO KEY UPDATE" + else: + tmp = " FOR UPDATE" + + if select._for_update_arg.of: + tables = util.OrderedSet( + c.table if isinstance(c, expression.ColumnClause) else c + for c in select._for_update_arg.of + ) + tmp += " OF " + ", ".join( + self.process(table, ashint=True, use_schema=False, **kw) + for table in tables + ) + + if select._for_update_arg.nowait: + tmp += " NOWAIT" + if select._for_update_arg.skip_locked: + tmp += " SKIP LOCKED" + + return tmp + + def returning_clause(self, stmt, returning_cols): + + columns = [ + self._label_select_column(None, c, True, False, {}) + for c in expression._select_iterables(returning_cols) + ] + + return "RETURNING " + ", ".join(columns) + + def visit_substring_func(self, func, **kw): + s = self.process(func.clauses.clauses[0], **kw) + start = self.process(func.clauses.clauses[1], **kw) + if len(func.clauses.clauses) > 2: + length = self.process(func.clauses.clauses[2], **kw) + return "SUBSTRING(%s FROM %s FOR %s)" % (s, start, length) + else: + return "SUBSTRING(%s FROM %s)" % (s, start) + + def _on_conflict_target(self, clause, **kw): + + if clause.constraint_target is not None: + target_text = "ON CONSTRAINT %s" % clause.constraint_target + elif clause.inferred_target_elements is not None: + target_text = "(%s)" % ", ".join( + ( + self.preparer.quote(c) + if isinstance(c, util.string_types) + else self.process(c, include_table=False, use_schema=False) + ) + for c in clause.inferred_target_elements + ) + if clause.inferred_target_whereclause is not None: + target_text += " WHERE %s" % self.process( + clause.inferred_target_whereclause, + include_table=False, + use_schema=False, + ) + else: + target_text = "" + + return target_text + + def visit_on_conflict_do_nothing(self, on_conflict, **kw): + + target_text = self._on_conflict_target(on_conflict, **kw) + + if target_text: + return "ON CONFLICT %s DO NOTHING" % target_text + else: + return "ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING" + + def visit_on_conflict_do_update(self, on_conflict, **kw): + + clause = on_conflict + + target_text = self._on_conflict_target(on_conflict, **kw) + + action_set_ops = [] + + set_parameters = dict(clause.update_values_to_set) + # create a list of column assignment clauses as tuples + + insert_statement = self.stack[-1]["selectable"] + cols = insert_statement.table.c + for c in cols: + col_key = c.key + if col_key in set_parameters: + value = set_parameters.pop(col_key) + if elements._is_literal(value): + value = elements.BindParameter(None, value, type_=c.type) + + else: + if ( + isinstance(value, elements.BindParameter) + and value.type._isnull + ): + value = value._clone() + value.type = c.type + value_text = self.process(value.self_group(), use_schema=False) + + key_text = self.preparer.quote(col_key) + action_set_ops.append("%s = %s" % (key_text, value_text)) + + # check for names that don't match columns + if set_parameters: + util.warn( + "Additional column names not matching " + "any column keys in table '%s': %s" + % ( + self.statement.table.name, + (", ".join("'%s'" % c for c in set_parameters)), + ) + ) + for k, v in set_parameters.items(): + key_text = ( + self.preparer.quote(k) + if isinstance(k, util.string_types) + else self.process(k, use_schema=False) + ) + value_text = self.process( + elements._literal_as_binds(v), use_schema=False + ) + action_set_ops.append("%s = %s" % (key_text, value_text)) + + action_text = ", ".join(action_set_ops) + if clause.update_whereclause is not None: + action_text += " WHERE %s" % self.process( + clause.update_whereclause, include_table=True, use_schema=False + ) + + return "ON CONFLICT %s DO UPDATE SET %s" % (target_text, action_text) + + def update_from_clause( + self, update_stmt, from_table, extra_froms, from_hints, **kw + ): + return "FROM " + ", ".join( + t._compiler_dispatch(self, asfrom=True, fromhints=from_hints, **kw) + for t in extra_froms + ) + + def delete_extra_from_clause( + self, delete_stmt, from_table, extra_froms, from_hints, **kw + ): + """Render the DELETE .. USING clause specific to PostgreSQL.""" + return "USING " + ", ".join( + t._compiler_dispatch(self, asfrom=True, fromhints=from_hints, **kw) + for t in extra_froms + ) + + +class PGDDLCompiler(compiler.DDLCompiler): + def get_column_specification(self, column, **kwargs): + + colspec = self.preparer.format_column(column) + impl_type = column.type.dialect_impl(self.dialect) + if isinstance(impl_type, sqltypes.TypeDecorator): + impl_type = impl_type.impl + + if ( + column.primary_key + and column is column.table._autoincrement_column + and ( + self.dialect.supports_smallserial + or not isinstance(impl_type, sqltypes.SmallInteger) + ) + and ( + column.default is None + or ( + isinstance(column.default, schema.Sequence) + and column.default.optional + ) + ) + ): + if isinstance(impl_type, sqltypes.BigInteger): + colspec += " BIGSERIAL" + elif isinstance(impl_type, sqltypes.SmallInteger): + colspec += " SMALLSERIAL" + else: + colspec += " SERIAL" + else: + colspec += " " + self.dialect.type_compiler.process( + column.type, type_expression=column + ) + default = self.get_column_default_string(column) + if default is not None: + colspec += " DEFAULT " + default + + if not column.nullable: + colspec += " NOT NULL" + return colspec + + def visit_drop_table_comment(self, drop): + return "COMMENT ON TABLE %s IS NULL" % self.preparer.format_table( + drop.element + ) + + def visit_create_enum_type(self, create): + type_ = create.element + + return "CREATE TYPE %s AS ENUM (%s)" % ( + self.preparer.format_type(type_), + ", ".join( + self.sql_compiler.process(sql.literal(e), literal_binds=True) + for e in type_.enums + ), + ) + + def visit_drop_enum_type(self, drop): + type_ = drop.element + + return "DROP TYPE %s" % (self.preparer.format_type(type_)) + + def visit_create_index(self, create): + preparer = self.preparer + index = create.element + self._verify_index_table(index) + text = "CREATE " + if index.unique: + text += "UNIQUE " + text += "INDEX " + + if self.dialect._supports_create_index_concurrently: + concurrently = index.dialect_options["postgresql"]["concurrently"] + if concurrently: + text += "CONCURRENTLY " + + text += "%s ON %s " % ( + self._prepared_index_name(index, include_schema=False), + preparer.format_table(index.table), + ) + + using = index.dialect_options["postgresql"]["using"] + if using: + text += "USING %s " % preparer.quote(using) + + ops = index.dialect_options["postgresql"]["ops"] + text += "(%s)" % ( + ", ".join( + [ + self.sql_compiler.process( + expr.self_group() + if not isinstance(expr, expression.ColumnClause) + else expr, + include_table=False, + literal_binds=True, + ) + + ( + (" " + ops[expr.key]) + if hasattr(expr, "key") and expr.key in ops + else "" + ) + for expr in index.expressions + ] + ) + ) + + withclause = index.dialect_options["postgresql"]["with"] + + if withclause: + text += " WITH (%s)" % ( + ", ".join( + [ + "%s = %s" % storage_parameter + for storage_parameter in withclause.items() + ] + ) + ) + + tablespace_name = index.dialect_options["postgresql"]["tablespace"] + + if tablespace_name: + text += " TABLESPACE %s" % preparer.quote(tablespace_name) + + whereclause = index.dialect_options["postgresql"]["where"] + + if whereclause is not None: + where_compiled = self.sql_compiler.process( + whereclause, include_table=False, literal_binds=True + ) + text += " WHERE " + where_compiled + return text + + def visit_drop_index(self, drop): + index = drop.element + + text = "\nDROP INDEX " + + if self.dialect._supports_drop_index_concurrently: + concurrently = index.dialect_options["postgresql"]["concurrently"] + if concurrently: + text += "CONCURRENTLY " + + text += self._prepared_index_name(index, include_schema=True) + return text + + def visit_exclude_constraint(self, constraint, **kw): + text = "" + if constraint.name is not None: + text += "CONSTRAINT %s " % self.preparer.format_constraint( + constraint + ) + elements = [] + for expr, name, op in constraint._render_exprs: + kw["include_table"] = False + elements.append( + "%s WITH %s" % (self.sql_compiler.process(expr, **kw), op) + ) + text += "EXCLUDE USING %s (%s)" % ( + constraint.using, + ", ".join(elements), + ) + if constraint.where is not None: + text += " WHERE (%s)" % self.sql_compiler.process( + constraint.where, literal_binds=True + ) + text += self.define_constraint_deferrability(constraint) + return text + + def post_create_table(self, table): + table_opts = [] + pg_opts = table.dialect_options["postgresql"] + + inherits = pg_opts.get("inherits") + if inherits is not None: + if not isinstance(inherits, (list, tuple)): + inherits = (inherits,) + table_opts.append( + "\n INHERITS ( " + + ", ".join(self.preparer.quote(name) for name in inherits) + + " )" + ) + + if pg_opts["partition_by"]: + table_opts.append("\n PARTITION BY %s" % pg_opts["partition_by"]) + + if pg_opts["with_oids"] is True: + table_opts.append("\n WITH OIDS") + elif pg_opts["with_oids"] is False: + table_opts.append("\n WITHOUT OIDS") + + if pg_opts["on_commit"]: + on_commit_options = pg_opts["on_commit"].replace("_", " ").upper() + table_opts.append("\n ON COMMIT %s" % on_commit_options) + + if pg_opts["tablespace"]: + tablespace_name = pg_opts["tablespace"] + table_opts.append( + "\n TABLESPACE %s" % self.preparer.quote(tablespace_name) + ) + + return "".join(table_opts) + + +class PGTypeCompiler(compiler.GenericTypeCompiler): + def visit_TSVECTOR(self, type_, **kw): + return "TSVECTOR" + + def visit_INET(self, type_, **kw): + return "INET" + + def visit_CIDR(self, type_, **kw): + return "CIDR" + + def visit_MACADDR(self, type_, **kw): + return "MACADDR" + + def visit_MONEY(self, type_, **kw): + return "MONEY" + + def visit_OID(self, type_, **kw): + return "OID" + + def visit_REGCLASS(self, type_, **kw): + return "REGCLASS" + + def visit_FLOAT(self, type_, **kw): + if not type_.precision: + return "FLOAT" + else: + return "FLOAT(%(precision)s)" % {"precision": type_.precision} + + def visit_DOUBLE_PRECISION(self, type_, **kw): + return "DOUBLE PRECISION" + + def visit_BIGINT(self, type_, **kw): + return "BIGINT" + + def visit_HSTORE(self, type_, **kw): + return "HSTORE" + + def visit_JSON(self, type_, **kw): + return "JSON" + + def visit_JSONB(self, type_, **kw): + return "JSONB" + + def visit_INT4RANGE(self, type_, **kw): + return "INT4RANGE" + + def visit_INT8RANGE(self, type_, **kw): + return "INT8RANGE" + + def visit_NUMRANGE(self, type_, **kw): + return "NUMRANGE" + + def visit_DATERANGE(self, type_, **kw): + return "DATERANGE" + + def visit_TSRANGE(self, type_, **kw): + return "TSRANGE" + + def visit_TSTZRANGE(self, type_, **kw): + return "TSTZRANGE" + + def visit_datetime(self, type_, **kw): + return self.visit_TIMESTAMP(type_, **kw) + + def visit_enum(self, type_, **kw): + if not type_.native_enum or not self.dialect.supports_native_enum: + return super(PGTypeCompiler, self).visit_enum(type_, **kw) + else: + return self.visit_ENUM(type_, **kw) + + def visit_ENUM(self, type_, **kw): + return self.dialect.identifier_preparer.format_type(type_) + + def visit_TIMESTAMP(self, type_, **kw): + return "TIMESTAMP%s %s" % ( + "(%d)" % type_.precision + if getattr(type_, "precision", None) is not None + else "", + (type_.timezone and "WITH" or "WITHOUT") + " TIME ZONE", + ) + + def visit_TIME(self, type_, **kw): + return "TIME%s %s" % ( + "(%d)" % type_.precision + if getattr(type_, "precision", None) is not None + else "", + (type_.timezone and "WITH" or "WITHOUT") + " TIME ZONE", + ) + + def visit_INTERVAL(self, type_, **kw): + text = "INTERVAL" + if type_.fields is not None: + text += " " + type_.fields + if type_.precision is not None: + text += " (%d)" % type_.precision + return text + + def visit_BIT(self, type_, **kw): + if type_.varying: + compiled = "BIT VARYING" + if type_.length is not None: + compiled += "(%d)" % type_.length + else: + compiled = "BIT(%d)" % type_.length + return compiled + + def visit_UUID(self, type_, **kw): + return "UUID" + + def visit_large_binary(self, type_, **kw): + return self.visit_BYTEA(type_, **kw) + + def visit_BYTEA(self, type_, **kw): + return "BYTEA" + + def visit_ARRAY(self, type_, **kw): + + # TODO: pass **kw? + inner = self.process(type_.item_type) + return re.sub( + r"((?: COLLATE.*)?)$", + ( + r"%s\1" + % ( + "[]" + * (type_.dimensions if type_.dimensions is not None else 1) + ) + ), + inner, + count=1, + ) + + +class PGIdentifierPreparer(compiler.IdentifierPreparer): + + reserved_words = RESERVED_WORDS + + def _unquote_identifier(self, value): + if value[0] == self.initial_quote: + value = value[1:-1].replace( + self.escape_to_quote, self.escape_quote + ) + return value + + def format_type(self, type_, use_schema=True): + if not type_.name: + raise exc.CompileError("PostgreSQL ENUM type requires a name.") + + name = self.quote(type_.name) + effective_schema = self.schema_for_object(type_) + + if ( + not self.omit_schema + and use_schema + and effective_schema is not None + ): + name = self.quote_schema(effective_schema) + "." + name + return name + + +class PGInspector(reflection.Inspector): + def __init__(self, conn): + reflection.Inspector.__init__(self, conn) + + def get_table_oid(self, table_name, schema=None): + """Return the OID for the given table name.""" + + return self.dialect.get_table_oid( + self.bind, table_name, schema, info_cache=self.info_cache + ) + + def get_enums(self, schema=None): + """Return a list of ENUM objects. + + Each member is a dictionary containing these fields: + + * name - name of the enum + * schema - the schema name for the enum. + * visible - boolean, whether or not this enum is visible + in the default search path. + * labels - a list of string labels that apply to the enum. + + :param schema: schema name. If None, the default schema + (typically 'public') is used. May also be set to '*' to + indicate load enums for all schemas. + + .. versionadded:: 1.0.0 + + """ + schema = schema or self.default_schema_name + return self.dialect._load_enums(self.bind, schema) + + def get_foreign_table_names(self, schema=None): + """Return a list of FOREIGN TABLE names. + + Behavior is similar to that of :meth:`.Inspector.get_table_names`, + except that the list is limited to those tables tha report a + ``relkind`` value of ``f``. + + .. versionadded:: 1.0.0 + + """ + schema = schema or self.default_schema_name + return self.dialect._get_foreign_table_names(self.bind, schema) + + def get_view_names(self, schema=None, include=("plain", "materialized")): + """Return all view names in `schema`. + + :param schema: Optional, retrieve names from a non-default schema. + For special quoting, use :class:`.quoted_name`. + + :param include: specify which types of views to return. Passed + as a string value (for a single type) or a tuple (for any number + of types). Defaults to ``('plain', 'materialized')``. + + .. versionadded:: 1.1 + + """ + + return self.dialect.get_view_names( + self.bind, schema, info_cache=self.info_cache, include=include + ) + + +class CreateEnumType(schema._CreateDropBase): + __visit_name__ = "create_enum_type" + + +class DropEnumType(schema._CreateDropBase): + __visit_name__ = "drop_enum_type" + + +class PGExecutionContext(default.DefaultExecutionContext): + def fire_sequence(self, seq, type_): + return self._execute_scalar( + ( + "select nextval('%s')" + % self.dialect.identifier_preparer.format_sequence(seq) + ), + type_, + ) + + def get_insert_default(self, column): + if column.primary_key and column is column.table._autoincrement_column: + if column.server_default and column.server_default.has_argument: + + # pre-execute passive defaults on primary key columns + return self._execute_scalar( + "select %s" % column.server_default.arg, column.type + ) + + elif column.default is None or ( + column.default.is_sequence and column.default.optional + ): + + # execute the sequence associated with a SERIAL primary + # key column. for non-primary-key SERIAL, the ID just + # generates server side. + + try: + seq_name = column._postgresql_seq_name + except AttributeError: + tab = column.table.name + col = column.name + tab = tab[0 : 29 + max(0, (29 - len(col)))] + col = col[0 : 29 + max(0, (29 - len(tab)))] + name = "%s_%s_seq" % (tab, col) + column._postgresql_seq_name = seq_name = name + + if column.table is not None: + effective_schema = self.connection.schema_for_object( + column.table + ) + else: + effective_schema = None + + if effective_schema is not None: + exc = 'select nextval(\'"%s"."%s"\')' % ( + effective_schema, + seq_name, + ) + else: + exc = "select nextval('\"%s\"')" % (seq_name,) + + return self._execute_scalar(exc, column.type) + + return super(PGExecutionContext, self).get_insert_default(column) + + def should_autocommit_text(self, statement): + return AUTOCOMMIT_REGEXP.match(statement) + + +class PGDialect(default.DefaultDialect): + name = "postgresql" + supports_alter = True + max_identifier_length = 63 + supports_sane_rowcount = True + + supports_native_enum = True + supports_native_boolean = True + supports_smallserial = True + + supports_sequences = True + sequences_optional = True + preexecute_autoincrement_sequences = True + postfetch_lastrowid = False + + supports_comments = True + supports_default_values = True + supports_empty_insert = False + supports_multivalues_insert = True + default_paramstyle = "pyformat" + ischema_names = ischema_names + colspecs = colspecs + + statement_compiler = PGCompiler + ddl_compiler = PGDDLCompiler + type_compiler = PGTypeCompiler + preparer = PGIdentifierPreparer + execution_ctx_cls = PGExecutionContext + inspector = PGInspector + isolation_level = None + + construct_arguments = [ + ( + schema.Index, + { + "using": False, + "where": None, + "ops": {}, + "concurrently": False, + "with": {}, + "tablespace": None, + }, + ), + ( + schema.Table, + { + "ignore_search_path": False, + "tablespace": None, + "partition_by": None, + "with_oids": None, + "on_commit": None, + "inherits": None, + }, + ), + ] + + reflection_options = ("postgresql_ignore_search_path",) + + _backslash_escapes = True + _supports_create_index_concurrently = True + _supports_drop_index_concurrently = True + + def __init__( + self, + isolation_level=None, + json_serializer=None, + json_deserializer=None, + **kwargs + ): + default.DefaultDialect.__init__(self, **kwargs) + self.isolation_level = isolation_level + self._json_deserializer = json_deserializer + self._json_serializer = json_serializer + + def initialize(self, connection): + super(PGDialect, self).initialize(connection) + self.implicit_returning = self.server_version_info > ( + 8, + 2, + ) and self.__dict__.get("implicit_returning", True) + self.supports_native_enum = self.server_version_info >= (8, 3) + if not self.supports_native_enum: + self.colspecs = self.colspecs.copy() + # pop base Enum type + self.colspecs.pop(sqltypes.Enum, None) + # psycopg2, others may have placed ENUM here as well + self.colspecs.pop(ENUM, None) + + # http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.3/static/release-9-2.html#AEN116689 + self.supports_smallserial = self.server_version_info >= (9, 2) + + self._backslash_escapes = ( + self.server_version_info < (8, 2) + or connection.scalar("show standard_conforming_strings") == "off" + ) + + self._supports_create_index_concurrently = ( + self.server_version_info >= (8, 2) + ) + self._supports_drop_index_concurrently = self.server_version_info >= ( + 9, + 2, + ) + + def on_connect(self): + if self.isolation_level is not None: + + def connect(conn): + self.set_isolation_level(conn, self.isolation_level) + + return connect + else: + return None + + _isolation_lookup = set( + [ + "SERIALIZABLE", + "READ UNCOMMITTED", + "READ COMMITTED", + "REPEATABLE READ", + ] + ) + + def set_isolation_level(self, connection, level): + level = level.replace("_", " ") + if level not in self._isolation_lookup: + raise exc.ArgumentError( + "Invalid value '%s' for isolation_level. " + "Valid isolation levels for %s are %s" + % (level, self.name, ", ".join(self._isolation_lookup)) + ) + cursor = connection.cursor() + cursor.execute( + "SET SESSION CHARACTERISTICS AS TRANSACTION " + "ISOLATION LEVEL %s" % level + ) + cursor.execute("COMMIT") + cursor.close() + + def get_isolation_level(self, connection): + cursor = connection.cursor() + cursor.execute("show transaction isolation level") + val = cursor.fetchone()[0] + cursor.close() + return val.upper() + + def do_begin_twophase(self, connection, xid): + self.do_begin(connection.connection) + + def do_prepare_twophase(self, connection, xid): + connection.execute("PREPARE TRANSACTION '%s'" % xid) + + def do_rollback_twophase( + self, connection, xid, is_prepared=True, recover=False + ): + if is_prepared: + if recover: + # FIXME: ugly hack to get out of transaction + # context when committing recoverable transactions + # Must find out a way how to make the dbapi not + # open a transaction. + connection.execute("ROLLBACK") + connection.execute("ROLLBACK PREPARED '%s'" % xid) + connection.execute("BEGIN") + self.do_rollback(connection.connection) + else: + self.do_rollback(connection.connection) + + def do_commit_twophase( + self, connection, xid, is_prepared=True, recover=False + ): + if is_prepared: + if recover: + connection.execute("ROLLBACK") + connection.execute("COMMIT PREPARED '%s'" % xid) + connection.execute("BEGIN") + self.do_rollback(connection.connection) + else: + self.do_commit(connection.connection) + + def do_recover_twophase(self, connection): + resultset = connection.execute( + sql.text("SELECT gid FROM pg_prepared_xacts") + ) + return [row[0] for row in resultset] + + def _get_default_schema_name(self, connection): + return connection.scalar("select current_schema()") + + def has_schema(self, connection, schema): + query = ( + "select nspname from pg_namespace " "where lower(nspname)=:schema" + ) + cursor = connection.execute( + sql.text( + query, + bindparams=[ + sql.bindparam( + "schema", + util.text_type(schema.lower()), + type_=sqltypes.Unicode, + ) + ], + ) + ) + + return bool(cursor.first()) + + def has_table(self, connection, table_name, schema=None): + # seems like case gets folded in pg_class... + if schema is None: + cursor = connection.execute( + sql.text( + "select relname from pg_class c join pg_namespace n on " + "n.oid=c.relnamespace where " + "pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible(c.oid) " + "and relname=:name", + bindparams=[ + sql.bindparam( + "name", + util.text_type(table_name), + type_=sqltypes.Unicode, + ) + ], + ) + ) + else: + cursor = connection.execute( + sql.text( + "select relname from pg_class c join pg_namespace n on " + "n.oid=c.relnamespace where n.nspname=:schema and " + "relname=:name", + bindparams=[ + sql.bindparam( + "name", + util.text_type(table_name), + type_=sqltypes.Unicode, + ), + sql.bindparam( + "schema", + util.text_type(schema), + type_=sqltypes.Unicode, + ), + ], + ) + ) + return bool(cursor.first()) + + def has_sequence(self, connection, sequence_name, schema=None): + if schema is None: + cursor = connection.execute( + sql.text( + "SELECT relname FROM pg_class c join pg_namespace n on " + "n.oid=c.relnamespace where relkind='S' and " + "n.nspname=current_schema() " + "and relname=:name", + bindparams=[ + sql.bindparam( + "name", + util.text_type(sequence_name), + type_=sqltypes.Unicode, + ) + ], + ) + ) + else: + cursor = connection.execute( + sql.text( + "SELECT relname FROM pg_class c join pg_namespace n on " + "n.oid=c.relnamespace where relkind='S' and " + "n.nspname=:schema and relname=:name", + bindparams=[ + sql.bindparam( + "name", + util.text_type(sequence_name), + type_=sqltypes.Unicode, + ), + sql.bindparam( + "schema", + util.text_type(schema), + type_=sqltypes.Unicode, + ), + ], + ) + ) + + return bool(cursor.first()) + + def has_type(self, connection, type_name, schema=None): + if schema is not None: + query = """ + SELECT EXISTS ( + SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_type t, pg_catalog.pg_namespace n + WHERE t.typnamespace = n.oid + AND t.typname = :typname + AND n.nspname = :nspname + ) + """ + query = sql.text(query) + else: + query = """ + SELECT EXISTS ( + SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_type t + WHERE t.typname = :typname + AND pg_type_is_visible(t.oid) + ) + """ + query = sql.text(query) + query = query.bindparams( + sql.bindparam( + "typname", util.text_type(type_name), type_=sqltypes.Unicode + ) + ) + if schema is not None: + query = query.bindparams( + sql.bindparam( + "nspname", util.text_type(schema), type_=sqltypes.Unicode + ) + ) + cursor = connection.execute(query) + return bool(cursor.scalar()) + + def _get_server_version_info(self, connection): + v = connection.execute("select version()").scalar() + m = re.match( + r".*(?:PostgreSQL|EnterpriseDB) " + r"(\d+)\.?(\d+)?(?:\.(\d+))?(?:\.\d+)?(?:devel|beta)?", + v, + ) + if not m: + raise AssertionError( + "Could not determine version from string '%s'" % v + ) + return tuple([int(x) for x in m.group(1, 2, 3) if x is not None]) + + @reflection.cache + def get_table_oid(self, connection, table_name, schema=None, **kw): + """Fetch the oid for schema.table_name. + + Several reflection methods require the table oid. The idea for using + this method is that it can be fetched one time and cached for + subsequent calls. + + """ + table_oid = None + if schema is not None: + schema_where_clause = "n.nspname = :schema" + else: + schema_where_clause = "pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible(c.oid)" + query = ( + """ + SELECT c.oid + FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c + LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace + WHERE (%s) + AND c.relname = :table_name AND c.relkind in ('r', 'v', 'm', 'f') + """ + % schema_where_clause + ) + # Since we're binding to unicode, table_name and schema_name must be + # unicode. + table_name = util.text_type(table_name) + if schema is not None: + schema = util.text_type(schema) + s = sql.text(query).bindparams(table_name=sqltypes.Unicode) + s = s.columns(oid=sqltypes.Integer) + if schema: + s = s.bindparams(sql.bindparam("schema", type_=sqltypes.Unicode)) + c = connection.execute(s, table_name=table_name, schema=schema) + table_oid = c.scalar() + if table_oid is None: + raise exc.NoSuchTableError(table_name) + return table_oid + + @reflection.cache + def get_schema_names(self, connection, **kw): + result = connection.execute( + sql.text( + "SELECT nspname FROM pg_namespace " + "WHERE nspname NOT LIKE 'pg_%' " + "ORDER BY nspname" + ).columns(nspname=sqltypes.Unicode) + ) + return [name for name, in result] + + @reflection.cache + def get_table_names(self, connection, schema=None, **kw): + result = connection.execute( + sql.text( + "SELECT c.relname FROM pg_class c " + "JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace " + "WHERE n.nspname = :schema AND c.relkind = 'r'" + ).columns(relname=sqltypes.Unicode), + schema=schema if schema is not None else self.default_schema_name, + ) + return [name for name, in result] + + @reflection.cache + def _get_foreign_table_names(self, connection, schema=None, **kw): + result = connection.execute( + sql.text( + "SELECT c.relname FROM pg_class c " + "JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace " + "WHERE n.nspname = :schema AND c.relkind = 'f'" + ).columns(relname=sqltypes.Unicode), + schema=schema if schema is not None else self.default_schema_name, + ) + return [name for name, in result] + + @reflection.cache + def get_view_names( + self, connection, schema=None, include=("plain", "materialized"), **kw + ): + + include_kind = {"plain": "v", "materialized": "m"} + try: + kinds = [include_kind[i] for i in util.to_list(include)] + except KeyError: + raise ValueError( + "include %r unknown, needs to be a sequence containing " + "one or both of 'plain' and 'materialized'" % (include,) + ) + if not kinds: + raise ValueError( + "empty include, needs to be a sequence containing " + "one or both of 'plain' and 'materialized'" + ) + + result = connection.execute( + sql.text( + "SELECT c.relname FROM pg_class c " + "JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace " + "WHERE n.nspname = :schema AND c.relkind IN (%s)" + % (", ".join("'%s'" % elem for elem in kinds)) + ).columns(relname=sqltypes.Unicode), + schema=schema if schema is not None else self.default_schema_name, + ) + return [name for name, in result] + + @reflection.cache + def get_view_definition(self, connection, view_name, schema=None, **kw): + view_def = connection.scalar( + sql.text( + "SELECT pg_get_viewdef(c.oid) view_def FROM pg_class c " + "JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace " + "WHERE n.nspname = :schema AND c.relname = :view_name " + "AND c.relkind IN ('v', 'm')" + ).columns(view_def=sqltypes.Unicode), + schema=schema if schema is not None else self.default_schema_name, + view_name=view_name, + ) + return view_def + + @reflection.cache + def get_columns(self, connection, table_name, schema=None, **kw): + + table_oid = self.get_table_oid( + connection, table_name, schema, info_cache=kw.get("info_cache") + ) + SQL_COLS = """ + SELECT a.attname, + pg_catalog.format_type(a.atttypid, a.atttypmod), + (SELECT pg_catalog.pg_get_expr(d.adbin, d.adrelid) + FROM pg_catalog.pg_attrdef d + WHERE d.adrelid = a.attrelid AND d.adnum = a.attnum + AND a.atthasdef) + AS DEFAULT, + a.attnotnull, a.attnum, a.attrelid as table_oid, + pgd.description as comment + FROM pg_catalog.pg_attribute a + LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_description pgd ON ( + pgd.objoid = a.attrelid AND pgd.objsubid = a.attnum) + WHERE a.attrelid = :table_oid + AND a.attnum > 0 AND NOT a.attisdropped + ORDER BY a.attnum + """ + s = sql.text( + SQL_COLS, + bindparams=[sql.bindparam("table_oid", type_=sqltypes.Integer)], + typemap={"attname": sqltypes.Unicode, "default": sqltypes.Unicode}, + ) + c = connection.execute(s, table_oid=table_oid) + rows = c.fetchall() + + # dictionary with (name, ) if default search path or (schema, name) + # as keys + domains = self._load_domains(connection) + + # dictionary with (name, ) if default search path or (schema, name) + # as keys + enums = dict( + ((rec["name"],), rec) + if rec["visible"] + else ((rec["schema"], rec["name"]), rec) + for rec in self._load_enums(connection, schema="*") + ) + + # format columns + columns = [] + + for ( + name, + format_type, + default_, + notnull, + attnum, + table_oid, + comment, + ) in rows: + column_info = self._get_column_info( + name, + format_type, + default_, + notnull, + domains, + enums, + schema, + comment, + ) + columns.append(column_info) + return columns + + def _get_column_info( + self, + name, + format_type, + default, + notnull, + domains, + enums, + schema, + comment, + ): + def _handle_array_type(attype): + return ( + # strip '[]' from integer[], etc. + re.sub(r"\[\]$", "", attype), + attype.endswith("[]"), + ) + + # strip (*) from character varying(5), timestamp(5) + # with time zone, geometry(POLYGON), etc. + attype = re.sub(r"\(.*\)", "", format_type) + + # strip '[]' from integer[], etc. and check if an array + attype, is_array = _handle_array_type(attype) + + # strip quotes from case sensitive enum or domain names + enum_or_domain_key = tuple(util.quoted_token_parser(attype)) + + nullable = not notnull + + charlen = re.search(r"\(([\d,]+)\)", format_type) + if charlen: + charlen = charlen.group(1) + args = re.search(r"\((.*)\)", format_type) + if args and args.group(1): + args = tuple(re.split(r"\s*,\s*", args.group(1))) + else: + args = () + kwargs = {} + + if attype == "numeric": + if charlen: + prec, scale = charlen.split(",") + args = (int(prec), int(scale)) + else: + args = () + elif attype == "double precision": + args = (53,) + elif attype == "integer": + args = () + elif attype in ("timestamp with time zone", "time with time zone"): + kwargs["timezone"] = True + if charlen: + kwargs["precision"] = int(charlen) + args = () + elif attype in ( + "timestamp without time zone", + "time without time zone", + "time", + ): + kwargs["timezone"] = False + if charlen: + kwargs["precision"] = int(charlen) + args = () + elif attype == "bit varying": + kwargs["varying"] = True + if charlen: + args = (int(charlen),) + else: + args = () + elif attype.startswith("interval"): + field_match = re.match(r"interval (.+)", attype, re.I) + if charlen: + kwargs["precision"] = int(charlen) + if field_match: + kwargs["fields"] = field_match.group(1) + attype = "interval" + args = () + elif charlen: + args = (int(charlen),) + + while True: + # looping here to suit nested domains + if attype in self.ischema_names: + coltype = self.ischema_names[attype] + break + elif enum_or_domain_key in enums: + enum = enums[enum_or_domain_key] + coltype = ENUM + kwargs["name"] = enum["name"] + if not enum["visible"]: + kwargs["schema"] = enum["schema"] + args = tuple(enum["labels"]) + break + elif enum_or_domain_key in domains: + domain = domains[enum_or_domain_key] + attype = domain["attype"] + attype, is_array = _handle_array_type(attype) + # strip quotes from case sensitive enum or domain names + enum_or_domain_key = tuple(util.quoted_token_parser(attype)) + # A table can't override whether the domain is nullable. + nullable = domain["nullable"] + if domain["default"] and not default: + # It can, however, override the default + # value, but can't set it to null. + default = domain["default"] + continue + else: + coltype = None + break + + if coltype: + coltype = coltype(*args, **kwargs) + if is_array: + coltype = self.ischema_names["_array"](coltype) + else: + util.warn( + "Did not recognize type '%s' of column '%s'" % (attype, name) + ) + coltype = sqltypes.NULLTYPE + # adjust the default value + autoincrement = False + if default is not None: + match = re.search(r"""(nextval\(')([^']+)('.*$)""", default) + if match is not None: + if issubclass(coltype._type_affinity, sqltypes.Integer): + autoincrement = True + # the default is related to a Sequence + sch = schema + if "." not in match.group(2) and sch is not None: + # unconditionally quote the schema name. this could + # later be enhanced to obey quoting rules / + # "quote schema" + default = ( + match.group(1) + + ('"%s"' % sch) + + "." + + match.group(2) + + match.group(3) + ) + + column_info = dict( + name=name, + type=coltype, + nullable=nullable, + default=default, + autoincrement=autoincrement, + comment=comment, + ) + return column_info + + @reflection.cache + def get_pk_constraint(self, connection, table_name, schema=None, **kw): + table_oid = self.get_table_oid( + connection, table_name, schema, info_cache=kw.get("info_cache") + ) + + if self.server_version_info < (8, 4): + PK_SQL = """ + SELECT a.attname + FROM + pg_class t + join pg_index ix on t.oid = ix.indrelid + join pg_attribute a + on t.oid=a.attrelid AND %s + WHERE + t.oid = :table_oid and ix.indisprimary = 't' + ORDER BY a.attnum + """ % self._pg_index_any( + "a.attnum", "ix.indkey" + ) + + else: + # unnest() and generate_subscripts() both introduced in + # version 8.4 + PK_SQL = """ + SELECT a.attname + FROM pg_attribute a JOIN ( + SELECT unnest(ix.indkey) attnum, + generate_subscripts(ix.indkey, 1) ord + FROM pg_index ix + WHERE ix.indrelid = :table_oid AND ix.indisprimary + ) k ON a.attnum=k.attnum + WHERE a.attrelid = :table_oid + ORDER BY k.ord + """ + t = sql.text(PK_SQL, typemap={"attname": sqltypes.Unicode}) + c = connection.execute(t, table_oid=table_oid) + cols = [r[0] for r in c.fetchall()] + + PK_CONS_SQL = """ + SELECT conname + FROM pg_catalog.pg_constraint r + WHERE r.conrelid = :table_oid AND r.contype = 'p' + ORDER BY 1 + """ + t = sql.text(PK_CONS_SQL, typemap={"conname": sqltypes.Unicode}) + c = connection.execute(t, table_oid=table_oid) + name = c.scalar() + + return {"constrained_columns": cols, "name": name} + + @reflection.cache + def get_foreign_keys( + self, + connection, + table_name, + schema=None, + postgresql_ignore_search_path=False, + **kw + ): + preparer = self.identifier_preparer + table_oid = self.get_table_oid( + connection, table_name, schema, info_cache=kw.get("info_cache") + ) + + FK_SQL = """ + SELECT r.conname, + pg_catalog.pg_get_constraintdef(r.oid, true) as condef, + n.nspname as conschema + FROM pg_catalog.pg_constraint r, + pg_namespace n, + pg_class c + + WHERE r.conrelid = :table AND + r.contype = 'f' AND + c.oid = confrelid AND + n.oid = c.relnamespace + ORDER BY 1 + """ + # http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.0/static/sql-createtable.html + FK_REGEX = re.compile( + r"FOREIGN KEY \((.*?)\) REFERENCES (?:(.*?)\.)?(.*?)\((.*?)\)" + r"[\s]?(MATCH (FULL|PARTIAL|SIMPLE)+)?" + r"[\s]?(ON UPDATE " + r"(CASCADE|RESTRICT|NO ACTION|SET NULL|SET DEFAULT)+)?" + r"[\s]?(ON DELETE " + r"(CASCADE|RESTRICT|NO ACTION|SET NULL|SET DEFAULT)+)?" + r"[\s]?(DEFERRABLE|NOT DEFERRABLE)?" + r"[\s]?(INITIALLY (DEFERRED|IMMEDIATE)+)?" + ) + + t = sql.text( + FK_SQL, + typemap={"conname": sqltypes.Unicode, "condef": sqltypes.Unicode}, + ) + c = connection.execute(t, table=table_oid) + fkeys = [] + for conname, condef, conschema in c.fetchall(): + m = re.search(FK_REGEX, condef).groups() + + ( + constrained_columns, + referred_schema, + referred_table, + referred_columns, + _, + match, + _, + onupdate, + _, + ondelete, + deferrable, + _, + initially, + ) = m + + if deferrable is not None: + deferrable = True if deferrable == "DEFERRABLE" else False + constrained_columns = [ + preparer._unquote_identifier(x) + for x in re.split(r"\s*,\s*", constrained_columns) + ] + + if postgresql_ignore_search_path: + # when ignoring search path, we use the actual schema + # provided it isn't the "default" schema + if conschema != self.default_schema_name: + referred_schema = conschema + else: + referred_schema = schema + elif referred_schema: + # referred_schema is the schema that we regexp'ed from + # pg_get_constraintdef(). If the schema is in the search + # path, pg_get_constraintdef() will give us None. + referred_schema = preparer._unquote_identifier(referred_schema) + elif schema is not None and schema == conschema: + # If the actual schema matches the schema of the table + # we're reflecting, then we will use that. + referred_schema = schema + + referred_table = preparer._unquote_identifier(referred_table) + referred_columns = [ + preparer._unquote_identifier(x) + for x in re.split(r"\s*,\s", referred_columns) + ] + fkey_d = { + "name": conname, + "constrained_columns": constrained_columns, + "referred_schema": referred_schema, + "referred_table": referred_table, + "referred_columns": referred_columns, + "options": { + "onupdate": onupdate, + "ondelete": ondelete, + "deferrable": deferrable, + "initially": initially, + "match": match, + }, + } + fkeys.append(fkey_d) + return fkeys + + def _pg_index_any(self, col, compare_to): + if self.server_version_info < (8, 1): + # http://www.postgresql.org/message-id/10279.1124395722@sss.pgh.pa.us + # "In CVS tip you could replace this with "attnum = ANY (indkey)". + # Unfortunately, most array support doesn't work on int2vector in + # pre-8.1 releases, so I think you're kinda stuck with the above + # for now. + # regards, tom lane" + return "(%s)" % " OR ".join( + "%s[%d] = %s" % (compare_to, ind, col) for ind in range(0, 10) + ) + else: + return "%s = ANY(%s)" % (col, compare_to) + + @reflection.cache + def get_indexes(self, connection, table_name, schema, **kw): + table_oid = self.get_table_oid( + connection, table_name, schema, info_cache=kw.get("info_cache") + ) + + # cast indkey as varchar since it's an int2vector, + # returned as a list by some drivers such as pypostgresql + + if self.server_version_info < (8, 5): + IDX_SQL = """ + SELECT + i.relname as relname, + ix.indisunique, ix.indexprs, ix.indpred, + a.attname, a.attnum, NULL, ix.indkey%s, + %s, am.amname + FROM + pg_class t + join pg_index ix on t.oid = ix.indrelid + join pg_class i on i.oid = ix.indexrelid + left outer join + pg_attribute a + on t.oid = a.attrelid and %s + left outer join + pg_am am + on i.relam = am.oid + WHERE + t.relkind IN ('r', 'v', 'f', 'm') + and t.oid = :table_oid + and ix.indisprimary = 'f' + ORDER BY + t.relname, + i.relname + """ % ( + # version 8.3 here was based on observing the + # cast does not work in PG 8.2.4, does work in 8.3.0. + # nothing in PG changelogs regarding this. + "::varchar" if self.server_version_info >= (8, 3) else "", + "i.reloptions" + if self.server_version_info >= (8, 2) + else "NULL", + self._pg_index_any("a.attnum", "ix.indkey"), + ) + else: + IDX_SQL = """ + SELECT + i.relname as relname, + ix.indisunique, ix.indexprs, ix.indpred, + a.attname, a.attnum, c.conrelid, ix.indkey::varchar, + i.reloptions, am.amname + FROM + pg_class t + join pg_index ix on t.oid = ix.indrelid + join pg_class i on i.oid = ix.indexrelid + left outer join + pg_attribute a + on t.oid = a.attrelid and a.attnum = ANY(ix.indkey) + left outer join + pg_constraint c + on (ix.indrelid = c.conrelid and + ix.indexrelid = c.conindid and + c.contype in ('p', 'u', 'x')) + left outer join + pg_am am + on i.relam = am.oid + WHERE + t.relkind IN ('r', 'v', 'f', 'm') + and t.oid = :table_oid + and ix.indisprimary = 'f' + ORDER BY + t.relname, + i.relname + """ + + t = sql.text( + IDX_SQL, + typemap={"relname": sqltypes.Unicode, "attname": sqltypes.Unicode}, + ) + c = connection.execute(t, table_oid=table_oid) + + indexes = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(dict)) + + sv_idx_name = None + for row in c.fetchall(): + ( + idx_name, + unique, + expr, + prd, + col, + col_num, + conrelid, + idx_key, + options, + amname, + ) = row + + if expr: + if idx_name != sv_idx_name: + util.warn( + "Skipped unsupported reflection of " + "expression-based index %s" % idx_name + ) + sv_idx_name = idx_name + continue + + if prd and not idx_name == sv_idx_name: + util.warn( + "Predicate of partial index %s ignored during reflection" + % idx_name + ) + sv_idx_name = idx_name + + has_idx = idx_name in indexes + index = indexes[idx_name] + if col is not None: + index["cols"][col_num] = col + if not has_idx: + index["key"] = [int(k.strip()) for k in idx_key.split()] + index["unique"] = unique + if conrelid is not None: + index["duplicates_constraint"] = idx_name + if options: + index["options"] = dict( + [option.split("=") for option in options] + ) + + # it *might* be nice to include that this is 'btree' in the + # reflection info. But we don't want an Index object + # to have a ``postgresql_using`` in it that is just the + # default, so for the moment leaving this out. + if amname and amname != "btree": + index["amname"] = amname + + result = [] + for name, idx in indexes.items(): + entry = { + "name": name, + "unique": idx["unique"], + "column_names": [idx["cols"][i] for i in idx["key"]], + } + if "duplicates_constraint" in idx: + entry["duplicates_constraint"] = idx["duplicates_constraint"] + if "options" in idx: + entry.setdefault("dialect_options", {})[ + "postgresql_with" + ] = idx["options"] + if "amname" in idx: + entry.setdefault("dialect_options", {})[ + "postgresql_using" + ] = idx["amname"] + result.append(entry) + return result + + @reflection.cache + def get_unique_constraints( + self, connection, table_name, schema=None, **kw + ): + table_oid = self.get_table_oid( + connection, table_name, schema, info_cache=kw.get("info_cache") + ) + + UNIQUE_SQL = """ + SELECT + cons.conname as name, + cons.conkey as key, + a.attnum as col_num, + a.attname as col_name + FROM + pg_catalog.pg_constraint cons + join pg_attribute a + on cons.conrelid = a.attrelid AND + a.attnum = ANY(cons.conkey) + WHERE + cons.conrelid = :table_oid AND + cons.contype = 'u' + """ + + t = sql.text(UNIQUE_SQL, typemap={"col_name": sqltypes.Unicode}) + c = connection.execute(t, table_oid=table_oid) + + uniques = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(dict)) + for row in c.fetchall(): + uc = uniques[row.name] + uc["key"] = row.key + uc["cols"][row.col_num] = row.col_name + + return [ + {"name": name, "column_names": [uc["cols"][i] for i in uc["key"]]} + for name, uc in uniques.items() + ] + + @reflection.cache + def get_table_comment(self, connection, table_name, schema=None, **kw): + table_oid = self.get_table_oid( + connection, table_name, schema, info_cache=kw.get("info_cache") + ) + + COMMENT_SQL = """ + SELECT + pgd.description as table_comment + FROM + pg_catalog.pg_description pgd + WHERE + pgd.objsubid = 0 AND + pgd.objoid = :table_oid + """ + + c = connection.execute(sql.text(COMMENT_SQL), table_oid=table_oid) + return {"text": c.scalar()} + + @reflection.cache + def get_check_constraints(self, connection, table_name, schema=None, **kw): + table_oid = self.get_table_oid( + connection, table_name, schema, info_cache=kw.get("info_cache") + ) + + CHECK_SQL = """ + SELECT + cons.conname as name, + cons.consrc as src + FROM + pg_catalog.pg_constraint cons + WHERE + cons.conrelid = :table_oid AND + cons.contype = 'c' + """ + + c = connection.execute(sql.text(CHECK_SQL), table_oid=table_oid) + + return [ + {"name": name, "sqltext": src[1:-1]} for name, src in c.fetchall() + ] + + def _load_enums(self, connection, schema=None): + schema = schema or self.default_schema_name + if not self.supports_native_enum: + return {} + + # Load data types for enums: + SQL_ENUMS = """ + SELECT t.typname as "name", + -- no enum defaults in 8.4 at least + -- t.typdefault as "default", + pg_catalog.pg_type_is_visible(t.oid) as "visible", + n.nspname as "schema", + e.enumlabel as "label" + FROM pg_catalog.pg_type t + LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = t.typnamespace + LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_enum e ON t.oid = e.enumtypid + WHERE t.typtype = 'e' + """ + + if schema != "*": + SQL_ENUMS += "AND n.nspname = :schema " + + # e.oid gives us label order within an enum + SQL_ENUMS += 'ORDER BY "schema", "name", e.oid' + + s = sql.text( + SQL_ENUMS, + typemap={"attname": sqltypes.Unicode, "label": sqltypes.Unicode}, + ) + + if schema != "*": + s = s.bindparams(schema=schema) + + c = connection.execute(s) + + enums = [] + enum_by_name = {} + for enum in c.fetchall(): + key = (enum["schema"], enum["name"]) + if key in enum_by_name: + enum_by_name[key]["labels"].append(enum["label"]) + else: + enum_by_name[key] = enum_rec = { + "name": enum["name"], + "schema": enum["schema"], + "visible": enum["visible"], + "labels": [enum["label"]], + } + enums.append(enum_rec) + return enums + + def _load_domains(self, connection): + # Load data types for domains: + SQL_DOMAINS = """ + SELECT t.typname as "name", + pg_catalog.format_type(t.typbasetype, t.typtypmod) as "attype", + not t.typnotnull as "nullable", + t.typdefault as "default", + pg_catalog.pg_type_is_visible(t.oid) as "visible", + n.nspname as "schema" + FROM pg_catalog.pg_type t + LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = t.typnamespace + WHERE t.typtype = 'd' + """ + + s = sql.text(SQL_DOMAINS, typemap={"attname": sqltypes.Unicode}) + c = connection.execute(s) + + domains = {} + for domain in c.fetchall(): + # strip (30) from character varying(30) + attype = re.search(r"([^\(]+)", domain["attype"]).group(1) + # 'visible' just means whether or not the domain is in a + # schema that's on the search path -- or not overridden by + # a schema with higher precedence. If it's not visible, + # it will be prefixed with the schema-name when it's used. + if domain["visible"]: + key = (domain["name"],) + else: + key = (domain["schema"], domain["name"]) + + domains[key] = { + "attype": attype, + "nullable": domain["nullable"], + "default": domain["default"], + } + + return domains diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/postgresql/dml.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/postgresql/dml.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e733caf --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/postgresql/dml.py @@ -0,0 +1,225 @@ +# postgresql/on_conflict.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +from . import ext +from ... import util +from ...sql import schema +from ...sql.base import _generative +from ...sql.dml import Insert as StandardInsert +from ...sql.elements import ClauseElement +from ...sql.expression import alias +from ...util.langhelpers import public_factory + +__all__ = ("Insert", "insert") + + +class Insert(StandardInsert): + """PostgreSQL-specific implementation of INSERT. + + Adds methods for PG-specific syntaxes such as ON CONFLICT. + + .. versionadded:: 1.1 + + """ + + @util.memoized_property + def excluded(self): + """Provide the ``excluded`` namespace for an ON CONFLICT statement + + PG's ON CONFLICT clause allows reference to the row that would + be inserted, known as ``excluded``. This attribute provides + all columns in this row to be referenceable. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`postgresql_insert_on_conflict` - example of how + to use :attr:`.Insert.excluded` + + """ + return alias(self.table, name="excluded").columns + + @_generative + def on_conflict_do_update( + self, + constraint=None, + index_elements=None, + index_where=None, + set_=None, + where=None, + ): + r""" + Specifies a DO UPDATE SET action for ON CONFLICT clause. + + Either the ``constraint`` or ``index_elements`` argument is + required, but only one of these can be specified. + + :param constraint: + The name of a unique or exclusion constraint on the table, + or the constraint object itself if it has a .name attribute. + + :param index_elements: + A sequence consisting of string column names, :class:`.Column` + objects, or other column expression objects that will be used + to infer a target index. + + :param index_where: + Additional WHERE criterion that can be used to infer a + conditional target index. + + :param set\_: + Required argument. A dictionary or other mapping object + with column names as keys and expressions or literals as values, + specifying the ``SET`` actions to take. + If the target :class:`.Column` specifies a ".key" attribute distinct + from the column name, that key should be used. + + .. warning:: This dictionary does **not** take into account + Python-specified default UPDATE values or generation functions, + e.g. those specified using :paramref:`.Column.onupdate`. + These values will not be exercised for an ON CONFLICT style of + UPDATE, unless they are manually specified in the + :paramref:`.Insert.on_conflict_do_update.set_` dictionary. + + :param where: + Optional argument. If present, can be a literal SQL + string or an acceptable expression for a ``WHERE`` clause + that restricts the rows affected by ``DO UPDATE SET``. Rows + not meeting the ``WHERE`` condition will not be updated + (effectively a ``DO NOTHING`` for those rows). + + .. versionadded:: 1.1 + + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`postgresql_insert_on_conflict` + + """ + self._post_values_clause = OnConflictDoUpdate( + constraint, index_elements, index_where, set_, where + ) + return self + + @_generative + def on_conflict_do_nothing( + self, constraint=None, index_elements=None, index_where=None + ): + """ + Specifies a DO NOTHING action for ON CONFLICT clause. + + The ``constraint`` and ``index_elements`` arguments + are optional, but only one of these can be specified. + + :param constraint: + The name of a unique or exclusion constraint on the table, + or the constraint object itself if it has a .name attribute. + + :param index_elements: + A sequence consisting of string column names, :class:`.Column` + objects, or other column expression objects that will be used + to infer a target index. + + :param index_where: + Additional WHERE criterion that can be used to infer a + conditional target index. + + .. versionadded:: 1.1 + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`postgresql_insert_on_conflict` + + """ + self._post_values_clause = OnConflictDoNothing( + constraint, index_elements, index_where + ) + return self + + +insert = public_factory(Insert, ".dialects.postgresql.insert") + + +class OnConflictClause(ClauseElement): + def __init__(self, constraint=None, index_elements=None, index_where=None): + + if constraint is not None: + if not isinstance(constraint, util.string_types) and isinstance( + constraint, + (schema.Index, schema.Constraint, ext.ExcludeConstraint), + ): + constraint = getattr(constraint, "name") or constraint + + if constraint is not None: + if index_elements is not None: + raise ValueError( + "'constraint' and 'index_elements' are mutually exclusive" + ) + + if isinstance(constraint, util.string_types): + self.constraint_target = constraint + self.inferred_target_elements = None + self.inferred_target_whereclause = None + elif isinstance(constraint, schema.Index): + index_elements = constraint.expressions + index_where = constraint.dialect_options["postgresql"].get( + "where" + ) + elif isinstance(constraint, ext.ExcludeConstraint): + index_elements = constraint.columns + index_where = constraint.where + else: + index_elements = constraint.columns + index_where = constraint.dialect_options["postgresql"].get( + "where" + ) + + if index_elements is not None: + self.constraint_target = None + self.inferred_target_elements = index_elements + self.inferred_target_whereclause = index_where + elif constraint is None: + self.constraint_target = ( + self.inferred_target_elements + ) = self.inferred_target_whereclause = None + + +class OnConflictDoNothing(OnConflictClause): + __visit_name__ = "on_conflict_do_nothing" + + +class OnConflictDoUpdate(OnConflictClause): + __visit_name__ = "on_conflict_do_update" + + def __init__( + self, + constraint=None, + index_elements=None, + index_where=None, + set_=None, + where=None, + ): + super(OnConflictDoUpdate, self).__init__( + constraint=constraint, + index_elements=index_elements, + index_where=index_where, + ) + + if ( + self.inferred_target_elements is None + and self.constraint_target is None + ): + raise ValueError( + "Either constraint or index_elements, " + "but not both, must be specified unless DO NOTHING" + ) + + if not isinstance(set_, dict) or not set_: + raise ValueError("set parameter must be a non-empty dictionary") + self.update_values_to_set = [ + (key, value) for key, value in set_.items() + ] + self.update_whereclause = where diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/postgresql/ext.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/postgresql/ext.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..49b5e0e --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/postgresql/ext.py @@ -0,0 +1,228 @@ +# postgresql/ext.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +from .array import ARRAY +from ...sql import elements +from ...sql import expression +from ...sql import functions +from ...sql.schema import ColumnCollectionConstraint + + +class aggregate_order_by(expression.ColumnElement): + """Represent a PostgreSQL aggregate order by expression. + + E.g.:: + + from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import aggregate_order_by + expr = func.array_agg(aggregate_order_by(table.c.a, table.c.b.desc())) + stmt = select([expr]) + + would represent the expression:: + + SELECT array_agg(a ORDER BY b DESC) FROM table; + + Similarly:: + + expr = func.string_agg( + table.c.a, + aggregate_order_by(literal_column("','"), table.c.a) + ) + stmt = select([expr]) + + Would represent:: + + SELECT string_agg(a, ',' ORDER BY a) FROM table; + + .. versionadded:: 1.1 + + .. versionchanged:: 1.2.13 - the ORDER BY argument may be multiple terms + + .. seealso:: + + :class:`.array_agg` + + """ + + __visit_name__ = "aggregate_order_by" + + def __init__(self, target, *order_by): + self.target = elements._literal_as_binds(target) + + _lob = len(order_by) + if _lob == 0: + raise TypeError("at least one ORDER BY element is required") + elif _lob == 1: + self.order_by = elements._literal_as_binds(order_by[0]) + else: + self.order_by = elements.ClauseList( + *order_by, _literal_as_text=elements._literal_as_binds + ) + + def self_group(self, against=None): + return self + + def get_children(self, **kwargs): + return self.target, self.order_by + + def _copy_internals(self, clone=elements._clone, **kw): + self.target = clone(self.target, **kw) + self.order_by = clone(self.order_by, **kw) + + @property + def _from_objects(self): + return self.target._from_objects + self.order_by._from_objects + + +class ExcludeConstraint(ColumnCollectionConstraint): + """A table-level EXCLUDE constraint. + + Defines an EXCLUDE constraint as described in the `postgres + documentation`__. + + __ http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.0/static/sql-createtable.html#SQL-CREATETABLE-EXCLUDE + + """ # noqa + + __visit_name__ = "exclude_constraint" + + where = None + + def __init__(self, *elements, **kw): + r""" + Create an :class:`.ExcludeConstraint` object. + + E.g.:: + + const = ExcludeConstraint( + (Column('period'), '&&'), + (Column('group'), '='), + where=(Column('group') != 'some group') + ) + + The constraint is normally embedded into the :class:`.Table` construct + directly, or added later using :meth:`.append_constraint`:: + + some_table = Table( + 'some_table', metadata, + Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True), + Column('period', TSRANGE()), + Column('group', String) + ) + + some_table.append_constraint( + ExcludeConstraint( + (some_table.c.period, '&&'), + (some_table.c.group, '='), + where=some_table.c.group != 'some group', + name='some_table_excl_const' + ) + ) + + :param \*elements: + A sequence of two tuples of the form ``(column, operator)`` where + "column" is a SQL expression element or a raw SQL string, most + typically a :class:`.Column` object, + and "operator" is a string containing the operator to use. + + .. note:: + + A plain string passed for the value of "column" is interpreted + as an arbitrary SQL expression; when passing a plain string, + any necessary quoting and escaping syntaxes must be applied + manually. In order to specify a column name when a + :class:`.Column` object is not available, while ensuring that + any necessary quoting rules take effect, an ad-hoc + :class:`.Column` or :func:`.sql.expression.column` object may + be used. + + :param name: + Optional, the in-database name of this constraint. + + :param deferrable: + Optional bool. If set, emit DEFERRABLE or NOT DEFERRABLE when + issuing DDL for this constraint. + + :param initially: + Optional string. If set, emit INITIALLY when issuing DDL + for this constraint. + + :param using: + Optional string. If set, emit USING when issuing DDL + for this constraint. Defaults to 'gist'. + + :param where: + Optional SQL expression construct or literal SQL string. + If set, emit WHERE when issuing DDL + for this constraint. + + .. note:: + + A plain string passed here is interpreted as an arbitrary SQL + expression; when passing a plain string, any necessary quoting + and escaping syntaxes must be applied manually. + + """ + columns = [] + render_exprs = [] + self.operators = {} + + expressions, operators = zip(*elements) + + for (expr, column, strname, add_element), operator in zip( + self._extract_col_expression_collection(expressions), operators + ): + if add_element is not None: + columns.append(add_element) + + name = column.name if column is not None else strname + + if name is not None: + # backwards compat + self.operators[name] = operator + + expr = expression._literal_as_text(expr) + + render_exprs.append((expr, name, operator)) + + self._render_exprs = render_exprs + ColumnCollectionConstraint.__init__( + self, + *columns, + name=kw.get("name"), + deferrable=kw.get("deferrable"), + initially=kw.get("initially") + ) + self.using = kw.get("using", "gist") + where = kw.get("where") + if where is not None: + self.where = expression._literal_as_text(where) + + def copy(self, **kw): + elements = [(col, self.operators[col]) for col in self.columns.keys()] + c = self.__class__( + *elements, + name=self.name, + deferrable=self.deferrable, + initially=self.initially, + where=self.where, + using=self.using + ) + c.dispatch._update(self.dispatch) + return c + + +def array_agg(*arg, **kw): + """PostgreSQL-specific form of :class:`.array_agg`, ensures + return type is :class:`.postgresql.ARRAY` and not + the plain :class:`.types.ARRAY`, unless an explicit ``type_`` + is passed. + + .. versionadded:: 1.1 + + """ + kw["_default_array_type"] = ARRAY + return functions.func.array_agg(*arg, **kw) diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/postgresql/hstore.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/postgresql/hstore.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2d19f33 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/postgresql/hstore.py @@ -0,0 +1,454 @@ +# postgresql/hstore.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +import re + +from .array import ARRAY +from .base import ischema_names +from ... import types as sqltypes +from ... import util +from ...sql import functions as sqlfunc +from ...sql import operators + + +__all__ = ("HSTORE", "hstore") + +idx_precedence = operators._PRECEDENCE[operators.json_getitem_op] + +GETITEM = operators.custom_op( + "->", + precedence=idx_precedence, + natural_self_precedent=True, + eager_grouping=True, +) + +HAS_KEY = operators.custom_op( + "?", + precedence=idx_precedence, + natural_self_precedent=True, + eager_grouping=True, +) + +HAS_ALL = operators.custom_op( + "?&", + precedence=idx_precedence, + natural_self_precedent=True, + eager_grouping=True, +) + +HAS_ANY = operators.custom_op( + "?|", + precedence=idx_precedence, + natural_self_precedent=True, + eager_grouping=True, +) + +CONTAINS = operators.custom_op( + "@>", + precedence=idx_precedence, + natural_self_precedent=True, + eager_grouping=True, +) + +CONTAINED_BY = operators.custom_op( + "<@", + precedence=idx_precedence, + natural_self_precedent=True, + eager_grouping=True, +) + + +class HSTORE(sqltypes.Indexable, sqltypes.Concatenable, sqltypes.TypeEngine): + """Represent the PostgreSQL HSTORE type. + + The :class:`.HSTORE` type stores dictionaries containing strings, e.g.:: + + data_table = Table('data_table', metadata, + Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True), + Column('data', HSTORE) + ) + + with engine.connect() as conn: + conn.execute( + data_table.insert(), + data = {"key1": "value1", "key2": "value2"} + ) + + :class:`.HSTORE` provides for a wide range of operations, including: + + * Index operations:: + + data_table.c.data['some key'] == 'some value' + + * Containment operations:: + + data_table.c.data.has_key('some key') + + data_table.c.data.has_all(['one', 'two', 'three']) + + * Concatenation:: + + data_table.c.data + {"k1": "v1"} + + For a full list of special methods see + :class:`.HSTORE.comparator_factory`. + + For usage with the SQLAlchemy ORM, it may be desirable to combine + the usage of :class:`.HSTORE` with :class:`.MutableDict` dictionary + now part of the :mod:`sqlalchemy.ext.mutable` + extension. This extension will allow "in-place" changes to the + dictionary, e.g. addition of new keys or replacement/removal of existing + keys to/from the current dictionary, to produce events which will be + detected by the unit of work:: + + from sqlalchemy.ext.mutable import MutableDict + + class MyClass(Base): + __tablename__ = 'data_table' + + id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) + data = Column(MutableDict.as_mutable(HSTORE)) + + my_object = session.query(MyClass).one() + + # in-place mutation, requires Mutable extension + # in order for the ORM to detect + my_object.data['some_key'] = 'some value' + + session.commit() + + When the :mod:`sqlalchemy.ext.mutable` extension is not used, the ORM + will not be alerted to any changes to the contents of an existing + dictionary, unless that dictionary value is re-assigned to the + HSTORE-attribute itself, thus generating a change event. + + .. versionadded:: 0.8 + + .. seealso:: + + :class:`.hstore` - render the PostgreSQL ``hstore()`` function. + + + """ + + __visit_name__ = "HSTORE" + hashable = False + text_type = sqltypes.Text() + + def __init__(self, text_type=None): + """Construct a new :class:`.HSTORE`. + + :param text_type: the type that should be used for indexed values. + Defaults to :class:`.types.Text`. + + .. versionadded:: 1.1.0 + + """ + if text_type is not None: + self.text_type = text_type + + class Comparator( + sqltypes.Indexable.Comparator, sqltypes.Concatenable.Comparator + ): + """Define comparison operations for :class:`.HSTORE`.""" + + def has_key(self, other): + """Boolean expression. Test for presence of a key. Note that the + key may be a SQLA expression. + """ + return self.operate(HAS_KEY, other, result_type=sqltypes.Boolean) + + def has_all(self, other): + """Boolean expression. Test for presence of all keys in jsonb + """ + return self.operate(HAS_ALL, other, result_type=sqltypes.Boolean) + + def has_any(self, other): + """Boolean expression. Test for presence of any key in jsonb + """ + return self.operate(HAS_ANY, other, result_type=sqltypes.Boolean) + + def contains(self, other, **kwargs): + """Boolean expression. Test if keys (or array) are a superset + of/contained the keys of the argument jsonb expression. + """ + return self.operate(CONTAINS, other, result_type=sqltypes.Boolean) + + def contained_by(self, other): + """Boolean expression. Test if keys are a proper subset of the + keys of the argument jsonb expression. + """ + return self.operate( + CONTAINED_BY, other, result_type=sqltypes.Boolean + ) + + def _setup_getitem(self, index): + return GETITEM, index, self.type.text_type + + def defined(self, key): + """Boolean expression. Test for presence of a non-NULL value for + the key. Note that the key may be a SQLA expression. + """ + return _HStoreDefinedFunction(self.expr, key) + + def delete(self, key): + """HStore expression. Returns the contents of this hstore with the + given key deleted. Note that the key may be a SQLA expression. + """ + if isinstance(key, dict): + key = _serialize_hstore(key) + return _HStoreDeleteFunction(self.expr, key) + + def slice(self, array): + """HStore expression. Returns a subset of an hstore defined by + array of keys. + """ + return _HStoreSliceFunction(self.expr, array) + + def keys(self): + """Text array expression. Returns array of keys.""" + return _HStoreKeysFunction(self.expr) + + def vals(self): + """Text array expression. Returns array of values.""" + return _HStoreValsFunction(self.expr) + + def array(self): + """Text array expression. Returns array of alternating keys and + values. + """ + return _HStoreArrayFunction(self.expr) + + def matrix(self): + """Text array expression. Returns array of [key, value] pairs.""" + return _HStoreMatrixFunction(self.expr) + + comparator_factory = Comparator + + def bind_processor(self, dialect): + if util.py2k: + encoding = dialect.encoding + + def process(value): + if isinstance(value, dict): + return _serialize_hstore(value).encode(encoding) + else: + return value + + else: + + def process(value): + if isinstance(value, dict): + return _serialize_hstore(value) + else: + return value + + return process + + def result_processor(self, dialect, coltype): + if util.py2k: + encoding = dialect.encoding + + def process(value): + if value is not None: + return _parse_hstore(value.decode(encoding)) + else: + return value + + else: + + def process(value): + if value is not None: + return _parse_hstore(value) + else: + return value + + return process + + +ischema_names["hstore"] = HSTORE + + +class hstore(sqlfunc.GenericFunction): + """Construct an hstore value within a SQL expression using the + PostgreSQL ``hstore()`` function. + + The :class:`.hstore` function accepts one or two arguments as described + in the PostgreSQL documentation. + + E.g.:: + + from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import array, hstore + + select([hstore('key1', 'value1')]) + + select([ + hstore( + array(['key1', 'key2', 'key3']), + array(['value1', 'value2', 'value3']) + ) + ]) + + .. versionadded:: 0.8 + + .. seealso:: + + :class:`.HSTORE` - the PostgreSQL ``HSTORE`` datatype. + + """ + + type = HSTORE + name = "hstore" + + +class _HStoreDefinedFunction(sqlfunc.GenericFunction): + type = sqltypes.Boolean + name = "defined" + + +class _HStoreDeleteFunction(sqlfunc.GenericFunction): + type = HSTORE + name = "delete" + + +class _HStoreSliceFunction(sqlfunc.GenericFunction): + type = HSTORE + name = "slice" + + +class _HStoreKeysFunction(sqlfunc.GenericFunction): + type = ARRAY(sqltypes.Text) + name = "akeys" + + +class _HStoreValsFunction(sqlfunc.GenericFunction): + type = ARRAY(sqltypes.Text) + name = "avals" + + +class _HStoreArrayFunction(sqlfunc.GenericFunction): + type = ARRAY(sqltypes.Text) + name = "hstore_to_array" + + +class _HStoreMatrixFunction(sqlfunc.GenericFunction): + type = ARRAY(sqltypes.Text) + name = "hstore_to_matrix" + + +# +# parsing. note that none of this is used with the psycopg2 backend, +# which provides its own native extensions. +# + +# My best guess at the parsing rules of hstore literals, since no formal +# grammar is given. This is mostly reverse engineered from PG's input parser +# behavior. +HSTORE_PAIR_RE = re.compile( + r""" +( + "(?P (\\ . | [^"])* )" # Quoted key +) +[ ]* => [ ]* # Pair operator, optional adjoining whitespace +( + (?P NULL ) # NULL value + | "(?P (\\ . | [^"])* )" # Quoted value +) +""", + re.VERBOSE, +) + +HSTORE_DELIMITER_RE = re.compile( + r""" +[ ]* , [ ]* +""", + re.VERBOSE, +) + + +def _parse_error(hstore_str, pos): + """format an unmarshalling error.""" + + ctx = 20 + hslen = len(hstore_str) + + parsed_tail = hstore_str[max(pos - ctx - 1, 0) : min(pos, hslen)] + residual = hstore_str[min(pos, hslen) : min(pos + ctx + 1, hslen)] + + if len(parsed_tail) > ctx: + parsed_tail = "[...]" + parsed_tail[1:] + if len(residual) > ctx: + residual = residual[:-1] + "[...]" + + return "After %r, could not parse residual at position %d: %r" % ( + parsed_tail, + pos, + residual, + ) + + +def _parse_hstore(hstore_str): + """Parse an hstore from its literal string representation. + + Attempts to approximate PG's hstore input parsing rules as closely as + possible. Although currently this is not strictly necessary, since the + current implementation of hstore's output syntax is stricter than what it + accepts as input, the documentation makes no guarantees that will always + be the case. + + + + """ + result = {} + pos = 0 + pair_match = HSTORE_PAIR_RE.match(hstore_str) + + while pair_match is not None: + key = pair_match.group("key").replace(r"\"", '"').replace("\\\\", "\\") + if pair_match.group("value_null"): + value = None + else: + value = ( + pair_match.group("value") + .replace(r"\"", '"') + .replace("\\\\", "\\") + ) + result[key] = value + + pos += pair_match.end() + + delim_match = HSTORE_DELIMITER_RE.match(hstore_str[pos:]) + if delim_match is not None: + pos += delim_match.end() + + pair_match = HSTORE_PAIR_RE.match(hstore_str[pos:]) + + if pos != len(hstore_str): + raise ValueError(_parse_error(hstore_str, pos)) + + return result + + +def _serialize_hstore(val): + """Serialize a dictionary into an hstore literal. Keys and values must + both be strings (except None for values). + + """ + + def esc(s, position): + if position == "value" and s is None: + return "NULL" + elif isinstance(s, util.string_types): + return '"%s"' % s.replace("\\", "\\\\").replace('"', r"\"") + else: + raise ValueError( + "%r in %s position is not a string." % (s, position) + ) + + return ", ".join( + "%s=>%s" % (esc(k, "key"), esc(v, "value")) for k, v in val.items() + ) diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/postgresql/json.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/postgresql/json.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b8e3ac2 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/postgresql/json.py @@ -0,0 +1,318 @@ +# postgresql/json.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php +from __future__ import absolute_import + +from .base import colspecs +from .base import ischema_names +from ... import types as sqltypes +from ... import util +from ...sql import operators + + +__all__ = ("JSON", "JSONB") + +idx_precedence = operators._PRECEDENCE[operators.json_getitem_op] + +ASTEXT = operators.custom_op( + "->>", + precedence=idx_precedence, + natural_self_precedent=True, + eager_grouping=True, +) + +JSONPATH_ASTEXT = operators.custom_op( + "#>>", + precedence=idx_precedence, + natural_self_precedent=True, + eager_grouping=True, +) + + +HAS_KEY = operators.custom_op( + "?", + precedence=idx_precedence, + natural_self_precedent=True, + eager_grouping=True, +) + +HAS_ALL = operators.custom_op( + "?&", + precedence=idx_precedence, + natural_self_precedent=True, + eager_grouping=True, +) + +HAS_ANY = operators.custom_op( + "?|", + precedence=idx_precedence, + natural_self_precedent=True, + eager_grouping=True, +) + +CONTAINS = operators.custom_op( + "@>", + precedence=idx_precedence, + natural_self_precedent=True, + eager_grouping=True, +) + +CONTAINED_BY = operators.custom_op( + "<@", + precedence=idx_precedence, + natural_self_precedent=True, + eager_grouping=True, +) + + +class JSONPathType(sqltypes.JSON.JSONPathType): + def bind_processor(self, dialect): + super_proc = self.string_bind_processor(dialect) + + def process(value): + assert isinstance(value, util.collections_abc.Sequence) + tokens = [util.text_type(elem) for elem in value] + value = "{%s}" % (", ".join(tokens)) + if super_proc: + value = super_proc(value) + return value + + return process + + def literal_processor(self, dialect): + super_proc = self.string_literal_processor(dialect) + + def process(value): + assert isinstance(value, util.collections_abc.Sequence) + tokens = [util.text_type(elem) for elem in value] + value = "{%s}" % (", ".join(tokens)) + if super_proc: + value = super_proc(value) + return value + + return process + + +colspecs[sqltypes.JSON.JSONPathType] = JSONPathType + + +class JSON(sqltypes.JSON): + """Represent the PostgreSQL JSON type. + + This type is a specialization of the Core-level :class:`.types.JSON` + type. Be sure to read the documentation for :class:`.types.JSON` for + important tips regarding treatment of NULL values and ORM use. + + .. versionchanged:: 1.1 :class:`.postgresql.JSON` is now a PostgreSQL- + specific specialization of the new :class:`.types.JSON` type. + + The operators provided by the PostgreSQL version of :class:`.JSON` + include: + + * Index operations (the ``->`` operator):: + + data_table.c.data['some key'] + + data_table.c.data[5] + + + * Index operations returning text (the ``->>`` operator):: + + data_table.c.data['some key'].astext == 'some value' + + * Index operations with CAST + (equivalent to ``CAST(col ->> ['some key'] AS )``):: + + data_table.c.data['some key'].astext.cast(Integer) == 5 + + * Path index operations (the ``#>`` operator):: + + data_table.c.data[('key_1', 'key_2', 5, ..., 'key_n')] + + * Path index operations returning text (the ``#>>`` operator):: + + data_table.c.data[('key_1', 'key_2', 5, ..., 'key_n')].astext == 'some value' + + .. versionchanged:: 1.1 The :meth:`.ColumnElement.cast` operator on + JSON objects now requires that the :attr:`.JSON.Comparator.astext` + modifier be called explicitly, if the cast works only from a textual + string. + + Index operations return an expression object whose type defaults to + :class:`.JSON` by default, so that further JSON-oriented instructions + may be called upon the result type. + + Custom serializers and deserializers are specified at the dialect level, + that is using :func:`.create_engine`. The reason for this is that when + using psycopg2, the DBAPI only allows serializers at the per-cursor + or per-connection level. E.g.:: + + engine = create_engine("postgresql://scott:tiger@localhost/test", + json_serializer=my_serialize_fn, + json_deserializer=my_deserialize_fn + ) + + When using the psycopg2 dialect, the json_deserializer is registered + against the database using ``psycopg2.extras.register_default_json``. + + .. seealso:: + + :class:`.types.JSON` - Core level JSON type + + :class:`.JSONB` + + """ # noqa + + astext_type = sqltypes.Text() + + def __init__(self, none_as_null=False, astext_type=None): + """Construct a :class:`.JSON` type. + + :param none_as_null: if True, persist the value ``None`` as a + SQL NULL value, not the JSON encoding of ``null``. Note that + when this flag is False, the :func:`.null` construct can still + be used to persist a NULL value:: + + from sqlalchemy import null + conn.execute(table.insert(), data=null()) + + .. versionchanged:: 0.9.8 - Added ``none_as_null``, and :func:`.null` + is now supported in order to persist a NULL value. + + .. seealso:: + + :attr:`.JSON.NULL` + + :param astext_type: the type to use for the + :attr:`.JSON.Comparator.astext` + accessor on indexed attributes. Defaults to :class:`.types.Text`. + + .. versionadded:: 1.1 + + """ + super(JSON, self).__init__(none_as_null=none_as_null) + if astext_type is not None: + self.astext_type = astext_type + + class Comparator(sqltypes.JSON.Comparator): + """Define comparison operations for :class:`.JSON`.""" + + @property + def astext(self): + """On an indexed expression, use the "astext" (e.g. "->>") + conversion when rendered in SQL. + + E.g.:: + + select([data_table.c.data['some key'].astext]) + + .. seealso:: + + :meth:`.ColumnElement.cast` + + """ + + if isinstance(self.expr.right.type, sqltypes.JSON.JSONPathType): + return self.expr.left.operate( + JSONPATH_ASTEXT, + self.expr.right, + result_type=self.type.astext_type, + ) + else: + return self.expr.left.operate( + ASTEXT, self.expr.right, result_type=self.type.astext_type + ) + + comparator_factory = Comparator + + +colspecs[sqltypes.JSON] = JSON +ischema_names["json"] = JSON + + +class JSONB(JSON): + """Represent the PostgreSQL JSONB type. + + The :class:`.JSONB` type stores arbitrary JSONB format data, e.g.:: + + data_table = Table('data_table', metadata, + Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True), + Column('data', JSONB) + ) + + with engine.connect() as conn: + conn.execute( + data_table.insert(), + data = {"key1": "value1", "key2": "value2"} + ) + + The :class:`.JSONB` type includes all operations provided by + :class:`.JSON`, including the same behaviors for indexing operations. + It also adds additional operators specific to JSONB, including + :meth:`.JSONB.Comparator.has_key`, :meth:`.JSONB.Comparator.has_all`, + :meth:`.JSONB.Comparator.has_any`, :meth:`.JSONB.Comparator.contains`, + and :meth:`.JSONB.Comparator.contained_by`. + + Like the :class:`.JSON` type, the :class:`.JSONB` type does not detect + in-place changes when used with the ORM, unless the + :mod:`sqlalchemy.ext.mutable` extension is used. + + Custom serializers and deserializers + are shared with the :class:`.JSON` class, using the ``json_serializer`` + and ``json_deserializer`` keyword arguments. These must be specified + at the dialect level using :func:`.create_engine`. When using + psycopg2, the serializers are associated with the jsonb type using + ``psycopg2.extras.register_default_jsonb`` on a per-connection basis, + in the same way that ``psycopg2.extras.register_default_json`` is used + to register these handlers with the json type. + + .. versionadded:: 0.9.7 + + .. seealso:: + + :class:`.JSON` + + """ + + __visit_name__ = "JSONB" + + class Comparator(JSON.Comparator): + """Define comparison operations for :class:`.JSON`.""" + + def has_key(self, other): + """Boolean expression. Test for presence of a key. Note that the + key may be a SQLA expression. + """ + return self.operate(HAS_KEY, other, result_type=sqltypes.Boolean) + + def has_all(self, other): + """Boolean expression. Test for presence of all keys in jsonb + """ + return self.operate(HAS_ALL, other, result_type=sqltypes.Boolean) + + def has_any(self, other): + """Boolean expression. Test for presence of any key in jsonb + """ + return self.operate(HAS_ANY, other, result_type=sqltypes.Boolean) + + def contains(self, other, **kwargs): + """Boolean expression. Test if keys (or array) are a superset + of/contained the keys of the argument jsonb expression. + """ + return self.operate(CONTAINS, other, result_type=sqltypes.Boolean) + + def contained_by(self, other): + """Boolean expression. Test if keys are a proper subset of the + keys of the argument jsonb expression. + """ + return self.operate( + CONTAINED_BY, other, result_type=sqltypes.Boolean + ) + + comparator_factory = Comparator + + +ischema_names["jsonb"] = JSONB diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/postgresql/pg8000.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/postgresql/pg8000.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e4fc0a9 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/postgresql/pg8000.py @@ -0,0 +1,327 @@ +# postgresql/pg8000.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php +r""" +.. dialect:: postgresql+pg8000 + :name: pg8000 + :dbapi: pg8000 + :connectstring: postgresql+pg8000://user:password@host:port/dbname[?key=value&key=value...] + :url: https://pythonhosted.org/pg8000/ + + +.. _pg8000_unicode: + +Unicode +------- + +pg8000 will encode / decode string values between it and the server using the +PostgreSQL ``client_encoding`` parameter; by default this is the value in +the ``postgresql.conf`` file, which often defaults to ``SQL_ASCII``. +Typically, this can be changed to ``utf-8``, as a more useful default:: + + #client_encoding = sql_ascii # actually, defaults to database + # encoding + client_encoding = utf8 + +The ``client_encoding`` can be overridden for a session by executing the SQL: + +SET CLIENT_ENCODING TO 'utf8'; + +SQLAlchemy will execute this SQL on all new connections based on the value +passed to :func:`.create_engine` using the ``client_encoding`` parameter:: + + engine = create_engine( + "postgresql+pg8000://user:pass@host/dbname", client_encoding='utf8') + + +.. _pg8000_isolation_level: + +pg8000 Transaction Isolation Level +------------------------------------- + +The pg8000 dialect offers the same isolation level settings as that +of the :ref:`psycopg2 ` dialect: + +* ``READ COMMITTED`` +* ``READ UNCOMMITTED`` +* ``REPEATABLE READ`` +* ``SERIALIZABLE`` +* ``AUTOCOMMIT`` + +.. versionadded:: 0.9.5 support for AUTOCOMMIT isolation level when using + pg8000. + +.. seealso:: + + :ref:`postgresql_isolation_level` + + :ref:`psycopg2_isolation_level` + + +""" # noqa +import decimal +import re + +from .base import _DECIMAL_TYPES +from .base import _FLOAT_TYPES +from .base import _INT_TYPES +from .base import PGCompiler +from .base import PGDialect +from .base import PGExecutionContext +from .base import PGIdentifierPreparer +from .base import UUID +from .json import JSON +from ... import exc +from ... import processors +from ... import types as sqltypes +from ... import util +from ...sql.elements import quoted_name + + +try: + from uuid import UUID as _python_UUID # noqa +except ImportError: + _python_UUID = None + + +class _PGNumeric(sqltypes.Numeric): + def result_processor(self, dialect, coltype): + if self.asdecimal: + if coltype in _FLOAT_TYPES: + return processors.to_decimal_processor_factory( + decimal.Decimal, self._effective_decimal_return_scale + ) + elif coltype in _DECIMAL_TYPES or coltype in _INT_TYPES: + # pg8000 returns Decimal natively for 1700 + return None + else: + raise exc.InvalidRequestError( + "Unknown PG numeric type: %d" % coltype + ) + else: + if coltype in _FLOAT_TYPES: + # pg8000 returns float natively for 701 + return None + elif coltype in _DECIMAL_TYPES or coltype in _INT_TYPES: + return processors.to_float + else: + raise exc.InvalidRequestError( + "Unknown PG numeric type: %d" % coltype + ) + + +class _PGNumericNoBind(_PGNumeric): + def bind_processor(self, dialect): + return None + + +class _PGJSON(JSON): + def result_processor(self, dialect, coltype): + if dialect._dbapi_version > (1, 10, 1): + return None # Has native JSON + else: + return super(_PGJSON, self).result_processor(dialect, coltype) + + +class _PGUUID(UUID): + def bind_processor(self, dialect): + if not self.as_uuid: + + def process(value): + if value is not None: + value = _python_UUID(value) + return value + + return process + + def result_processor(self, dialect, coltype): + if not self.as_uuid: + + def process(value): + if value is not None: + value = str(value) + return value + + return process + + +class PGExecutionContext_pg8000(PGExecutionContext): + pass + + +class PGCompiler_pg8000(PGCompiler): + def visit_mod_binary(self, binary, operator, **kw): + return ( + self.process(binary.left, **kw) + + " %% " + + self.process(binary.right, **kw) + ) + + def post_process_text(self, text): + if "%%" in text: + util.warn( + "The SQLAlchemy postgresql dialect " + "now automatically escapes '%' in text() " + "expressions to '%%'." + ) + return text.replace("%", "%%") + + +class PGIdentifierPreparer_pg8000(PGIdentifierPreparer): + def _escape_identifier(self, value): + value = value.replace(self.escape_quote, self.escape_to_quote) + return value.replace("%", "%%") + + +class PGDialect_pg8000(PGDialect): + driver = "pg8000" + + supports_unicode_statements = True + + supports_unicode_binds = True + + default_paramstyle = "format" + supports_sane_multi_rowcount = True + execution_ctx_cls = PGExecutionContext_pg8000 + statement_compiler = PGCompiler_pg8000 + preparer = PGIdentifierPreparer_pg8000 + description_encoding = "use_encoding" + + colspecs = util.update_copy( + PGDialect.colspecs, + { + sqltypes.Numeric: _PGNumericNoBind, + sqltypes.Float: _PGNumeric, + JSON: _PGJSON, + sqltypes.JSON: _PGJSON, + UUID: _PGUUID, + }, + ) + + def __init__(self, client_encoding=None, **kwargs): + PGDialect.__init__(self, **kwargs) + self.client_encoding = client_encoding + + def initialize(self, connection): + self.supports_sane_multi_rowcount = self._dbapi_version >= (1, 9, 14) + super(PGDialect_pg8000, self).initialize(connection) + + @util.memoized_property + def _dbapi_version(self): + if self.dbapi and hasattr(self.dbapi, "__version__"): + return tuple( + [ + int(x) + for x in re.findall( + r"(\d+)(?:[-\.]?|$)", self.dbapi.__version__ + ) + ] + ) + else: + return (99, 99, 99) + + @classmethod + def dbapi(cls): + return __import__("pg8000") + + def create_connect_args(self, url): + opts = url.translate_connect_args(username="user") + if "port" in opts: + opts["port"] = int(opts["port"]) + opts.update(url.query) + return ([], opts) + + def is_disconnect(self, e, connection, cursor): + return "connection is closed" in str(e) + + def set_isolation_level(self, connection, level): + level = level.replace("_", " ") + + # adjust for ConnectionFairy possibly being present + if hasattr(connection, "connection"): + connection = connection.connection + + if level == "AUTOCOMMIT": + connection.autocommit = True + elif level in self._isolation_lookup: + connection.autocommit = False + cursor = connection.cursor() + cursor.execute( + "SET SESSION CHARACTERISTICS AS TRANSACTION " + "ISOLATION LEVEL %s" % level + ) + cursor.execute("COMMIT") + cursor.close() + else: + raise exc.ArgumentError( + "Invalid value '%s' for isolation_level. " + "Valid isolation levels for %s are %s or AUTOCOMMIT" + % (level, self.name, ", ".join(self._isolation_lookup)) + ) + + def set_client_encoding(self, connection, client_encoding): + # adjust for ConnectionFairy possibly being present + if hasattr(connection, "connection"): + connection = connection.connection + + cursor = connection.cursor() + cursor.execute("SET CLIENT_ENCODING TO '" + client_encoding + "'") + cursor.execute("COMMIT") + cursor.close() + + def do_begin_twophase(self, connection, xid): + connection.connection.tpc_begin((0, xid, "")) + + def do_prepare_twophase(self, connection, xid): + connection.connection.tpc_prepare() + + def do_rollback_twophase( + self, connection, xid, is_prepared=True, recover=False + ): + connection.connection.tpc_rollback((0, xid, "")) + + def do_commit_twophase( + self, connection, xid, is_prepared=True, recover=False + ): + connection.connection.tpc_commit((0, xid, "")) + + def do_recover_twophase(self, connection): + return [row[1] for row in connection.connection.tpc_recover()] + + def on_connect(self): + fns = [] + + def on_connect(conn): + conn.py_types[quoted_name] = conn.py_types[util.text_type] + + fns.append(on_connect) + + if self.client_encoding is not None: + + def on_connect(conn): + self.set_client_encoding(conn, self.client_encoding) + + fns.append(on_connect) + + if self.isolation_level is not None: + + def on_connect(conn): + self.set_isolation_level(conn, self.isolation_level) + + fns.append(on_connect) + + if len(fns) > 0: + + def on_connect(conn): + for fn in fns: + fn(conn) + + return on_connect + else: + return None + + +dialect = PGDialect_pg8000 diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/postgresql/psycopg2.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/postgresql/psycopg2.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..12d8664 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/postgresql/psycopg2.py @@ -0,0 +1,776 @@ +# postgresql/psycopg2.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php +r""" +.. dialect:: postgresql+psycopg2 + :name: psycopg2 + :dbapi: psycopg2 + :connectstring: postgresql+psycopg2://user:password@host:port/dbname[?key=value&key=value...] + :url: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/psycopg2/ + +psycopg2 Connect Arguments +----------------------------------- + +psycopg2-specific keyword arguments which are accepted by +:func:`.create_engine()` are: + +* ``server_side_cursors``: Enable the usage of "server side cursors" for SQL + statements which support this feature. What this essentially means from a + psycopg2 point of view is that the cursor is created using a name, e.g. + ``connection.cursor('some name')``, which has the effect that result rows + are not immediately pre-fetched and buffered after statement execution, but + are instead left on the server and only retrieved as needed. SQLAlchemy's + :class:`~sqlalchemy.engine.ResultProxy` uses special row-buffering + behavior when this feature is enabled, such that groups of 100 rows at a + time are fetched over the wire to reduce conversational overhead. + Note that the :paramref:`.Connection.execution_options.stream_results` + execution option is a more targeted + way of enabling this mode on a per-execution basis. + +* ``use_native_unicode``: Enable the usage of Psycopg2 "native unicode" mode + per connection. True by default. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`psycopg2_disable_native_unicode` + +* ``isolation_level``: This option, available for all PostgreSQL dialects, + includes the ``AUTOCOMMIT`` isolation level when using the psycopg2 + dialect. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`psycopg2_isolation_level` + +* ``client_encoding``: sets the client encoding in a libpq-agnostic way, + using psycopg2's ``set_client_encoding()`` method. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`psycopg2_unicode` + +* ``use_batch_mode``: This flag allows ``psycopg2.extras.execute_batch`` + for ``cursor.executemany()`` calls performed by the :class:`.Engine`. + It is currently experimental but + may well become True by default as it is critical for executemany + performance. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`psycopg2_batch_mode` + +Unix Domain Connections +------------------------ + +psycopg2 supports connecting via Unix domain connections. When the ``host`` +portion of the URL is omitted, SQLAlchemy passes ``None`` to psycopg2, +which specifies Unix-domain communication rather than TCP/IP communication:: + + create_engine("postgresql+psycopg2://user:password@/dbname") + +By default, the socket file used is to connect to a Unix-domain socket +in ``/tmp``, or whatever socket directory was specified when PostgreSQL +was built. This value can be overridden by passing a pathname to psycopg2, +using ``host`` as an additional keyword argument:: + + create_engine("postgresql+psycopg2://user:password@/dbname?host=/var/lib/postgresql") + +.. seealso:: + + `PQconnectdbParams \ + `_ + +.. _psycopg2_execution_options: + +Per-Statement/Connection Execution Options +------------------------------------------- + +The following DBAPI-specific options are respected when used with +:meth:`.Connection.execution_options`, :meth:`.Executable.execution_options`, +:meth:`.Query.execution_options`, in addition to those not specific to DBAPIs: + +* ``isolation_level`` - Set the transaction isolation level for the lifespan + of a :class:`.Connection` (can only be set on a connection, not a statement + or query). See :ref:`psycopg2_isolation_level`. + +* ``stream_results`` - Enable or disable usage of psycopg2 server side + cursors - this feature makes use of "named" cursors in combination with + special result handling methods so that result rows are not fully buffered. + If ``None`` or not set, the ``server_side_cursors`` option of the + :class:`.Engine` is used. + +* ``max_row_buffer`` - when using ``stream_results``, an integer value that + specifies the maximum number of rows to buffer at a time. This is + interpreted by the :class:`.BufferedRowResultProxy`, and if omitted the + buffer will grow to ultimately store 1000 rows at a time. + + .. versionadded:: 1.0.6 + +.. _psycopg2_batch_mode: + +Psycopg2 Batch Mode (Fast Execution) +------------------------------------ + +Modern versions of psycopg2 include a feature known as +`Fast Execution Helpers \ +`_, +which have been shown in benchmarking to improve psycopg2's executemany() +performance with INSERTS by multiple orders of magnitude. SQLAlchemy +allows this extension to be used for all ``executemany()`` style calls +invoked by an :class:`.Engine` when used with multiple parameter sets, +by adding the ``use_batch_mode`` flag to :func:`.create_engine`:: + + engine = create_engine( + "postgresql+psycopg2://scott:tiger@host/dbname", + use_batch_mode=True) + +Batch mode is considered to be **experimental** at this time, however may +be enabled by default in a future release. + + +.. versionadded:: 1.2.0 + + + +.. _psycopg2_unicode: + +Unicode with Psycopg2 +---------------------- + +By default, the psycopg2 driver uses the ``psycopg2.extensions.UNICODE`` +extension, such that the DBAPI receives and returns all strings as Python +Unicode objects directly - SQLAlchemy passes these values through without +change. Psycopg2 here will encode/decode string values based on the +current "client encoding" setting; by default this is the value in +the ``postgresql.conf`` file, which often defaults to ``SQL_ASCII``. +Typically, this can be changed to ``utf8``, as a more useful default:: + + # postgresql.conf file + + # client_encoding = sql_ascii # actually, defaults to database + # encoding + client_encoding = utf8 + +A second way to affect the client encoding is to set it within Psycopg2 +locally. SQLAlchemy will call psycopg2's +:meth:`psycopg2:connection.set_client_encoding` method +on all new connections based on the value passed to +:func:`.create_engine` using the ``client_encoding`` parameter:: + + # set_client_encoding() setting; + # works for *all* PostgreSQL versions + engine = create_engine("postgresql://user:pass@host/dbname", + client_encoding='utf8') + +This overrides the encoding specified in the PostgreSQL client configuration. +When using the parameter in this way, the psycopg2 driver emits +``SET client_encoding TO 'utf8'`` on the connection explicitly, and works +in all PostgreSQL versions. + +Note that the ``client_encoding`` setting as passed to :func:`.create_engine` +is **not the same** as the more recently added ``client_encoding`` parameter +now supported by libpq directly. This is enabled when ``client_encoding`` +is passed directly to ``psycopg2.connect()``, and from SQLAlchemy is passed +using the :paramref:`.create_engine.connect_args` parameter:: + + engine = create_engine( + "postgresql://user:pass@host/dbname", + connect_args={'client_encoding': 'utf8'}) + + # using the query string is equivalent + engine = create_engine("postgresql://user:pass@host/dbname?client_encoding=utf8") + +The above parameter was only added to libpq as of version 9.1 of PostgreSQL, +so using the previous method is better for cross-version support. + +.. _psycopg2_disable_native_unicode: + +Disabling Native Unicode +^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ + +SQLAlchemy can also be instructed to skip the usage of the psycopg2 +``UNICODE`` extension and to instead utilize its own unicode encode/decode +services, which are normally reserved only for those DBAPIs that don't +fully support unicode directly. Passing ``use_native_unicode=False`` to +:func:`.create_engine` will disable usage of ``psycopg2.extensions.UNICODE``. +SQLAlchemy will instead encode data itself into Python bytestrings on the way +in and coerce from bytes on the way back, +using the value of the :func:`.create_engine` ``encoding`` parameter, which +defaults to ``utf-8``. +SQLAlchemy's own unicode encode/decode functionality is steadily becoming +obsolete as most DBAPIs now support unicode fully. + +Bound Parameter Styles +---------------------- + +The default parameter style for the psycopg2 dialect is "pyformat", where +SQL is rendered using ``%(paramname)s`` style. This format has the limitation +that it does not accommodate the unusual case of parameter names that +actually contain percent or parenthesis symbols; as SQLAlchemy in many cases +generates bound parameter names based on the name of a column, the presence +of these characters in a column name can lead to problems. + +There are two solutions to the issue of a :class:`.schema.Column` that contains +one of these characters in its name. One is to specify the +:paramref:`.schema.Column.key` for columns that have such names:: + + measurement = Table('measurement', metadata, + Column('Size (meters)', Integer, key='size_meters') + ) + +Above, an INSERT statement such as ``measurement.insert()`` will use +``size_meters`` as the parameter name, and a SQL expression such as +``measurement.c.size_meters > 10`` will derive the bound parameter name +from the ``size_meters`` key as well. + +.. versionchanged:: 1.0.0 - SQL expressions will use :attr:`.Column.key` + as the source of naming when anonymous bound parameters are created + in SQL expressions; previously, this behavior only applied to + :meth:`.Table.insert` and :meth:`.Table.update` parameter names. + +The other solution is to use a positional format; psycopg2 allows use of the +"format" paramstyle, which can be passed to +:paramref:`.create_engine.paramstyle`:: + + engine = create_engine( + 'postgresql://scott:tiger@localhost:5432/test', paramstyle='format') + +With the above engine, instead of a statement like:: + + INSERT INTO measurement ("Size (meters)") VALUES (%(Size (meters))s) + {'Size (meters)': 1} + +we instead see:: + + INSERT INTO measurement ("Size (meters)") VALUES (%s) + (1, ) + +Where above, the dictionary style is converted into a tuple with positional +style. + + +Transactions +------------ + +The psycopg2 dialect fully supports SAVEPOINT and two-phase commit operations. + +.. _psycopg2_isolation_level: + +Psycopg2 Transaction Isolation Level +------------------------------------- + +As discussed in :ref:`postgresql_isolation_level`, +all PostgreSQL dialects support setting of transaction isolation level +both via the ``isolation_level`` parameter passed to :func:`.create_engine`, +as well as the ``isolation_level`` argument used by +:meth:`.Connection.execution_options`. When using the psycopg2 dialect, these +options make use of psycopg2's ``set_isolation_level()`` connection method, +rather than emitting a PostgreSQL directive; this is because psycopg2's +API-level setting is always emitted at the start of each transaction in any +case. + +The psycopg2 dialect supports these constants for isolation level: + +* ``READ COMMITTED`` +* ``READ UNCOMMITTED`` +* ``REPEATABLE READ`` +* ``SERIALIZABLE`` +* ``AUTOCOMMIT`` + +.. versionadded:: 0.8.2 support for AUTOCOMMIT isolation level when using + psycopg2. + +.. seealso:: + + :ref:`postgresql_isolation_level` + + :ref:`pg8000_isolation_level` + + +NOTICE logging +--------------- + +The psycopg2 dialect will log PostgreSQL NOTICE messages +via the ``sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql`` logger:: + + import logging + logging.getLogger('sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql').setLevel(logging.INFO) + +.. _psycopg2_hstore: + +HSTORE type +------------ + +The ``psycopg2`` DBAPI includes an extension to natively handle marshalling of +the HSTORE type. The SQLAlchemy psycopg2 dialect will enable this extension +by default when psycopg2 version 2.4 or greater is used, and +it is detected that the target database has the HSTORE type set up for use. +In other words, when the dialect makes the first +connection, a sequence like the following is performed: + +1. Request the available HSTORE oids using + ``psycopg2.extras.HstoreAdapter.get_oids()``. + If this function returns a list of HSTORE identifiers, we then determine + that the ``HSTORE`` extension is present. + This function is **skipped** if the version of psycopg2 installed is + less than version 2.4. + +2. If the ``use_native_hstore`` flag is at its default of ``True``, and + we've detected that ``HSTORE`` oids are available, the + ``psycopg2.extensions.register_hstore()`` extension is invoked for all + connections. + +The ``register_hstore()`` extension has the effect of **all Python +dictionaries being accepted as parameters regardless of the type of target +column in SQL**. The dictionaries are converted by this extension into a +textual HSTORE expression. If this behavior is not desired, disable the +use of the hstore extension by setting ``use_native_hstore`` to ``False`` as +follows:: + + engine = create_engine("postgresql+psycopg2://scott:tiger@localhost/test", + use_native_hstore=False) + +The ``HSTORE`` type is **still supported** when the +``psycopg2.extensions.register_hstore()`` extension is not used. It merely +means that the coercion between Python dictionaries and the HSTORE +string format, on both the parameter side and the result side, will take +place within SQLAlchemy's own marshalling logic, and not that of ``psycopg2`` +which may be more performant. + +""" # noqa +from __future__ import absolute_import + +import decimal +import logging +import re + +from .base import _DECIMAL_TYPES +from .base import _FLOAT_TYPES +from .base import _INT_TYPES +from .base import ENUM +from .base import PGCompiler +from .base import PGDialect +from .base import PGExecutionContext +from .base import PGIdentifierPreparer +from .base import UUID +from .hstore import HSTORE +from .json import JSON +from .json import JSONB +from ... import exc +from ... import processors +from ... import types as sqltypes +from ... import util +from ...engine import result as _result + + +try: + from uuid import UUID as _python_UUID # noqa +except ImportError: + _python_UUID = None + + +logger = logging.getLogger("sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql") + + +class _PGNumeric(sqltypes.Numeric): + def bind_processor(self, dialect): + return None + + def result_processor(self, dialect, coltype): + if self.asdecimal: + if coltype in _FLOAT_TYPES: + return processors.to_decimal_processor_factory( + decimal.Decimal, self._effective_decimal_return_scale + ) + elif coltype in _DECIMAL_TYPES or coltype in _INT_TYPES: + # pg8000 returns Decimal natively for 1700 + return None + else: + raise exc.InvalidRequestError( + "Unknown PG numeric type: %d" % coltype + ) + else: + if coltype in _FLOAT_TYPES: + # pg8000 returns float natively for 701 + return None + elif coltype in _DECIMAL_TYPES or coltype in _INT_TYPES: + return processors.to_float + else: + raise exc.InvalidRequestError( + "Unknown PG numeric type: %d" % coltype + ) + + +class _PGEnum(ENUM): + def result_processor(self, dialect, coltype): + if util.py2k and self.convert_unicode is True: + # we can't easily use PG's extensions here because + # the OID is on the fly, and we need to give it a python + # function anyway - not really worth it. + self.convert_unicode = "force_nocheck" + return super(_PGEnum, self).result_processor(dialect, coltype) + + +class _PGHStore(HSTORE): + def bind_processor(self, dialect): + if dialect._has_native_hstore: + return None + else: + return super(_PGHStore, self).bind_processor(dialect) + + def result_processor(self, dialect, coltype): + if dialect._has_native_hstore: + return None + else: + return super(_PGHStore, self).result_processor(dialect, coltype) + + +class _PGJSON(JSON): + def result_processor(self, dialect, coltype): + if dialect._has_native_json: + return None + else: + return super(_PGJSON, self).result_processor(dialect, coltype) + + +class _PGJSONB(JSONB): + def result_processor(self, dialect, coltype): + if dialect._has_native_jsonb: + return None + else: + return super(_PGJSONB, self).result_processor(dialect, coltype) + + +class _PGUUID(UUID): + def bind_processor(self, dialect): + if not self.as_uuid and dialect.use_native_uuid: + + def process(value): + if value is not None: + value = _python_UUID(value) + return value + + return process + + def result_processor(self, dialect, coltype): + if not self.as_uuid and dialect.use_native_uuid: + + def process(value): + if value is not None: + value = str(value) + return value + + return process + + +_server_side_id = util.counter() + + +class PGExecutionContext_psycopg2(PGExecutionContext): + def create_server_side_cursor(self): + # use server-side cursors: + # http://lists.initd.org/pipermail/psycopg/2007-January/005251.html + ident = "c_%s_%s" % (hex(id(self))[2:], hex(_server_side_id())[2:]) + return self._dbapi_connection.cursor(ident) + + def get_result_proxy(self): + # TODO: ouch + if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.INFO): + self._log_notices(self.cursor) + + if self._is_server_side: + return _result.BufferedRowResultProxy(self) + else: + return _result.ResultProxy(self) + + def _log_notices(self, cursor): + for notice in cursor.connection.notices: + # NOTICE messages have a + # newline character at the end + logger.info(notice.rstrip()) + + cursor.connection.notices[:] = [] + + +class PGCompiler_psycopg2(PGCompiler): + pass + + +class PGIdentifierPreparer_psycopg2(PGIdentifierPreparer): + pass + + +class PGDialect_psycopg2(PGDialect): + driver = "psycopg2" + if util.py2k: + supports_unicode_statements = False + + supports_server_side_cursors = True + + default_paramstyle = "pyformat" + # set to true based on psycopg2 version + supports_sane_multi_rowcount = False + execution_ctx_cls = PGExecutionContext_psycopg2 + statement_compiler = PGCompiler_psycopg2 + preparer = PGIdentifierPreparer_psycopg2 + psycopg2_version = (0, 0) + + FEATURE_VERSION_MAP = dict( + native_json=(2, 5), + native_jsonb=(2, 5, 4), + sane_multi_rowcount=(2, 0, 9), + array_oid=(2, 4, 3), + hstore_adapter=(2, 4), + ) + + _has_native_hstore = False + _has_native_json = False + _has_native_jsonb = False + + engine_config_types = PGDialect.engine_config_types.union( + [("use_native_unicode", util.asbool)] + ) + + colspecs = util.update_copy( + PGDialect.colspecs, + { + sqltypes.Numeric: _PGNumeric, + ENUM: _PGEnum, # needs force_unicode + sqltypes.Enum: _PGEnum, # needs force_unicode + HSTORE: _PGHStore, + JSON: _PGJSON, + sqltypes.JSON: _PGJSON, + JSONB: _PGJSONB, + UUID: _PGUUID, + }, + ) + + def __init__( + self, + server_side_cursors=False, + use_native_unicode=True, + client_encoding=None, + use_native_hstore=True, + use_native_uuid=True, + use_batch_mode=False, + **kwargs + ): + PGDialect.__init__(self, **kwargs) + self.server_side_cursors = server_side_cursors + self.use_native_unicode = use_native_unicode + self.use_native_hstore = use_native_hstore + self.use_native_uuid = use_native_uuid + self.supports_unicode_binds = use_native_unicode + self.client_encoding = client_encoding + self.psycopg2_batch_mode = use_batch_mode + if self.dbapi and hasattr(self.dbapi, "__version__"): + m = re.match(r"(\d+)\.(\d+)(?:\.(\d+))?", self.dbapi.__version__) + if m: + self.psycopg2_version = tuple( + int(x) for x in m.group(1, 2, 3) if x is not None + ) + + def initialize(self, connection): + super(PGDialect_psycopg2, self).initialize(connection) + self._has_native_hstore = ( + self.use_native_hstore + and self._hstore_oids(connection.connection) is not None + ) + self._has_native_json = ( + self.psycopg2_version >= self.FEATURE_VERSION_MAP["native_json"] + ) + self._has_native_jsonb = ( + self.psycopg2_version >= self.FEATURE_VERSION_MAP["native_jsonb"] + ) + + # http://initd.org/psycopg/docs/news.html#what-s-new-in-psycopg-2-0-9 + self.supports_sane_multi_rowcount = ( + self.psycopg2_version + >= self.FEATURE_VERSION_MAP["sane_multi_rowcount"] + and not self.psycopg2_batch_mode + ) + + @classmethod + def dbapi(cls): + import psycopg2 + + return psycopg2 + + @classmethod + def _psycopg2_extensions(cls): + from psycopg2 import extensions + + return extensions + + @classmethod + def _psycopg2_extras(cls): + from psycopg2 import extras + + return extras + + @util.memoized_property + def _isolation_lookup(self): + extensions = self._psycopg2_extensions() + return { + "AUTOCOMMIT": extensions.ISOLATION_LEVEL_AUTOCOMMIT, + "READ COMMITTED": extensions.ISOLATION_LEVEL_READ_COMMITTED, + "READ UNCOMMITTED": extensions.ISOLATION_LEVEL_READ_UNCOMMITTED, + "REPEATABLE READ": extensions.ISOLATION_LEVEL_REPEATABLE_READ, + "SERIALIZABLE": extensions.ISOLATION_LEVEL_SERIALIZABLE, + } + + def set_isolation_level(self, connection, level): + try: + level = self._isolation_lookup[level.replace("_", " ")] + except KeyError: + raise exc.ArgumentError( + "Invalid value '%s' for isolation_level. " + "Valid isolation levels for %s are %s" + % (level, self.name, ", ".join(self._isolation_lookup)) + ) + + connection.set_isolation_level(level) + + def on_connect(self): + extras = self._psycopg2_extras() + extensions = self._psycopg2_extensions() + + fns = [] + if self.client_encoding is not None: + + def on_connect(conn): + conn.set_client_encoding(self.client_encoding) + + fns.append(on_connect) + + if self.isolation_level is not None: + + def on_connect(conn): + self.set_isolation_level(conn, self.isolation_level) + + fns.append(on_connect) + + if self.dbapi and self.use_native_uuid: + + def on_connect(conn): + extras.register_uuid(None, conn) + + fns.append(on_connect) + + if self.dbapi and self.use_native_unicode: + + def on_connect(conn): + extensions.register_type(extensions.UNICODE, conn) + extensions.register_type(extensions.UNICODEARRAY, conn) + + fns.append(on_connect) + + if self.dbapi and self.use_native_hstore: + + def on_connect(conn): + hstore_oids = self._hstore_oids(conn) + if hstore_oids is not None: + oid, array_oid = hstore_oids + kw = {"oid": oid} + if util.py2k: + kw["unicode"] = True + if ( + self.psycopg2_version + >= self.FEATURE_VERSION_MAP["array_oid"] + ): + kw["array_oid"] = array_oid + extras.register_hstore(conn, **kw) + + fns.append(on_connect) + + if self.dbapi and self._json_deserializer: + + def on_connect(conn): + if self._has_native_json: + extras.register_default_json( + conn, loads=self._json_deserializer + ) + if self._has_native_jsonb: + extras.register_default_jsonb( + conn, loads=self._json_deserializer + ) + + fns.append(on_connect) + + if fns: + + def on_connect(conn): + for fn in fns: + fn(conn) + + return on_connect + else: + return None + + def do_executemany(self, cursor, statement, parameters, context=None): + if self.psycopg2_batch_mode: + extras = self._psycopg2_extras() + extras.execute_batch(cursor, statement, parameters) + else: + cursor.executemany(statement, parameters) + + @util.memoized_instancemethod + def _hstore_oids(self, conn): + if self.psycopg2_version >= self.FEATURE_VERSION_MAP["hstore_adapter"]: + extras = self._psycopg2_extras() + oids = extras.HstoreAdapter.get_oids(conn) + if oids is not None and oids[0]: + return oids[0:2] + return None + + def create_connect_args(self, url): + opts = url.translate_connect_args(username="user") + if "port" in opts: + opts["port"] = int(opts["port"]) + opts.update(url.query) + return ([], opts) + + def is_disconnect(self, e, connection, cursor): + if isinstance(e, self.dbapi.Error): + # check the "closed" flag. this might not be + # present on old psycopg2 versions. Also, + # this flag doesn't actually help in a lot of disconnect + # situations, so don't rely on it. + if getattr(connection, "closed", False): + return True + + # checks based on strings. in the case that .closed + # didn't cut it, fall back onto these. + str_e = str(e).partition("\n")[0] + for msg in [ + # these error messages from libpq: interfaces/libpq/fe-misc.c + # and interfaces/libpq/fe-secure.c. + "terminating connection", + "closed the connection", + "connection not open", + "could not receive data from server", + "could not send data to server", + # psycopg2 client errors, psycopg2/conenction.h, + # psycopg2/cursor.h + "connection already closed", + "cursor already closed", + # not sure where this path is originally from, it may + # be obsolete. It really says "losed", not "closed". + "losed the connection unexpectedly", + # these can occur in newer SSL + "connection has been closed unexpectedly", + "SSL SYSCALL error: Bad file descriptor", + "SSL SYSCALL error: EOF detected", + "SSL error: decryption failed or bad record mac", + "SSL SYSCALL error: Operation timed out", + ]: + idx = str_e.find(msg) + if idx >= 0 and '"' not in str_e[:idx]: + return True + return False + + +dialect = PGDialect_psycopg2 diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/postgresql/psycopg2cffi.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/postgresql/psycopg2cffi.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d2c28a5 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/postgresql/psycopg2cffi.py @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ +# testing/engines.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php +r""" +.. dialect:: postgresql+psycopg2cffi + :name: psycopg2cffi + :dbapi: psycopg2cffi + :connectstring: postgresql+psycopg2cffi://user:password@host:port/dbname[?key=value&key=value...] + :url: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/psycopg2cffi/ + +``psycopg2cffi`` is an adaptation of ``psycopg2``, using CFFI for the C +layer. This makes it suitable for use in e.g. PyPy. Documentation +is as per ``psycopg2``. + +.. versionadded:: 1.0.0 + +.. seealso:: + + :mod:`sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql.psycopg2` + +""" # noqa +from .psycopg2 import PGDialect_psycopg2 + + +class PGDialect_psycopg2cffi(PGDialect_psycopg2): + driver = "psycopg2cffi" + supports_unicode_statements = True + + # psycopg2cffi's first release is 2.5.0, but reports + # __version__ as 2.4.4. Subsequent releases seem to have + # fixed this. + + FEATURE_VERSION_MAP = dict( + native_json=(2, 4, 4), + native_jsonb=(2, 7, 1), + sane_multi_rowcount=(2, 4, 4), + array_oid=(2, 4, 4), + hstore_adapter=(2, 4, 4), + ) + + @classmethod + def dbapi(cls): + return __import__("psycopg2cffi") + + @classmethod + def _psycopg2_extensions(cls): + root = __import__("psycopg2cffi", fromlist=["extensions"]) + return root.extensions + + @classmethod + def _psycopg2_extras(cls): + root = __import__("psycopg2cffi", fromlist=["extras"]) + return root.extras + + +dialect = PGDialect_psycopg2cffi diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/postgresql/pygresql.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/postgresql/pygresql.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6df77a2 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/postgresql/pygresql.py @@ -0,0 +1,259 @@ +# postgresql/pygresql.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php +""" +.. dialect:: postgresql+pygresql + :name: pygresql + :dbapi: pgdb + :connectstring: postgresql+pygresql://user:password@host:port/dbname[?key=value&key=value...] + :url: http://www.pygresql.org/ +""" # noqa + +import decimal +import re + +from .base import _DECIMAL_TYPES +from .base import _FLOAT_TYPES +from .base import _INT_TYPES +from .base import PGCompiler +from .base import PGDialect +from .base import PGIdentifierPreparer +from .base import UUID +from .hstore import HSTORE +from .json import JSON +from .json import JSONB +from ... import exc +from ... import processors +from ... import util +from ...sql.elements import Null +from ...types import JSON as Json +from ...types import Numeric + + +class _PGNumeric(Numeric): + def bind_processor(self, dialect): + return None + + def result_processor(self, dialect, coltype): + if not isinstance(coltype, int): + coltype = coltype.oid + if self.asdecimal: + if coltype in _FLOAT_TYPES: + return processors.to_decimal_processor_factory( + decimal.Decimal, self._effective_decimal_return_scale + ) + elif coltype in _DECIMAL_TYPES or coltype in _INT_TYPES: + # PyGreSQL returns Decimal natively for 1700 (numeric) + return None + else: + raise exc.InvalidRequestError( + "Unknown PG numeric type: %d" % coltype + ) + else: + if coltype in _FLOAT_TYPES: + # PyGreSQL returns float natively for 701 (float8) + return None + elif coltype in _DECIMAL_TYPES or coltype in _INT_TYPES: + return processors.to_float + else: + raise exc.InvalidRequestError( + "Unknown PG numeric type: %d" % coltype + ) + + +class _PGHStore(HSTORE): + def bind_processor(self, dialect): + if not dialect.has_native_hstore: + return super(_PGHStore, self).bind_processor(dialect) + hstore = dialect.dbapi.Hstore + + def process(value): + if isinstance(value, dict): + return hstore(value) + return value + + return process + + def result_processor(self, dialect, coltype): + if not dialect.has_native_hstore: + return super(_PGHStore, self).result_processor(dialect, coltype) + + +class _PGJSON(JSON): + def bind_processor(self, dialect): + if not dialect.has_native_json: + return super(_PGJSON, self).bind_processor(dialect) + json = dialect.dbapi.Json + + def process(value): + if value is self.NULL: + value = None + elif isinstance(value, Null) or ( + value is None and self.none_as_null + ): + return None + if value is None or isinstance(value, (dict, list)): + return json(value) + return value + + return process + + def result_processor(self, dialect, coltype): + if not dialect.has_native_json: + return super(_PGJSON, self).result_processor(dialect, coltype) + + +class _PGJSONB(JSONB): + def bind_processor(self, dialect): + if not dialect.has_native_json: + return super(_PGJSONB, self).bind_processor(dialect) + json = dialect.dbapi.Json + + def process(value): + if value is self.NULL: + value = None + elif isinstance(value, Null) or ( + value is None and self.none_as_null + ): + return None + if value is None or isinstance(value, (dict, list)): + return json(value) + return value + + return process + + def result_processor(self, dialect, coltype): + if not dialect.has_native_json: + return super(_PGJSONB, self).result_processor(dialect, coltype) + + +class _PGUUID(UUID): + def bind_processor(self, dialect): + if not dialect.has_native_uuid: + return super(_PGUUID, self).bind_processor(dialect) + uuid = dialect.dbapi.Uuid + + def process(value): + if value is None: + return None + if isinstance(value, (str, bytes)): + if len(value) == 16: + return uuid(bytes=value) + return uuid(value) + if isinstance(value, int): + return uuid(int=value) + return value + + return process + + def result_processor(self, dialect, coltype): + if not dialect.has_native_uuid: + return super(_PGUUID, self).result_processor(dialect, coltype) + if not self.as_uuid: + + def process(value): + if value is not None: + return str(value) + + return process + + +class _PGCompiler(PGCompiler): + def visit_mod_binary(self, binary, operator, **kw): + return ( + self.process(binary.left, **kw) + + " %% " + + self.process(binary.right, **kw) + ) + + def post_process_text(self, text): + return text.replace("%", "%%") + + +class _PGIdentifierPreparer(PGIdentifierPreparer): + def _escape_identifier(self, value): + value = value.replace(self.escape_quote, self.escape_to_quote) + return value.replace("%", "%%") + + +class PGDialect_pygresql(PGDialect): + + driver = "pygresql" + + statement_compiler = _PGCompiler + preparer = _PGIdentifierPreparer + + @classmethod + def dbapi(cls): + import pgdb + + return pgdb + + colspecs = util.update_copy( + PGDialect.colspecs, + { + Numeric: _PGNumeric, + HSTORE: _PGHStore, + Json: _PGJSON, + JSON: _PGJSON, + JSONB: _PGJSONB, + UUID: _PGUUID, + }, + ) + + def __init__(self, **kwargs): + super(PGDialect_pygresql, self).__init__(**kwargs) + try: + version = self.dbapi.version + m = re.match(r"(\d+)\.(\d+)", version) + version = (int(m.group(1)), int(m.group(2))) + except (AttributeError, ValueError, TypeError): + version = (0, 0) + self.dbapi_version = version + if version < (5, 0): + has_native_hstore = has_native_json = has_native_uuid = False + if version != (0, 0): + util.warn( + "PyGreSQL is only fully supported by SQLAlchemy" + " since version 5.0." + ) + else: + self.supports_unicode_statements = True + self.supports_unicode_binds = True + has_native_hstore = has_native_json = has_native_uuid = True + self.has_native_hstore = has_native_hstore + self.has_native_json = has_native_json + self.has_native_uuid = has_native_uuid + + def create_connect_args(self, url): + opts = url.translate_connect_args(username="user") + if "port" in opts: + opts["host"] = "%s:%s" % ( + opts.get("host", "").rsplit(":", 1)[0], + opts.pop("port"), + ) + opts.update(url.query) + return [], opts + + def is_disconnect(self, e, connection, cursor): + if isinstance(e, self.dbapi.Error): + if not connection: + return False + try: + connection = connection.connection + except AttributeError: + pass + else: + if not connection: + return False + try: + return connection.closed + except AttributeError: # PyGreSQL < 5.0 + return connection._cnx is None + return False + + +dialect = PGDialect_pygresql diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/postgresql/pypostgresql.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/postgresql/pypostgresql.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fdb66f2 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/postgresql/pypostgresql.py @@ -0,0 +1,103 @@ +# postgresql/pypostgresql.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php +""" +.. dialect:: postgresql+pypostgresql + :name: py-postgresql + :dbapi: pypostgresql + :connectstring: postgresql+pypostgresql://user:password@host:port/dbname[?key=value&key=value...] + :url: http://python.projects.pgfoundry.org/ + + +""" # noqa + +from .base import PGDialect +from .base import PGExecutionContext +from ... import processors +from ... import types as sqltypes +from ... import util + + +class PGNumeric(sqltypes.Numeric): + def bind_processor(self, dialect): + return processors.to_str + + def result_processor(self, dialect, coltype): + if self.asdecimal: + return None + else: + return processors.to_float + + +class PGExecutionContext_pypostgresql(PGExecutionContext): + pass + + +class PGDialect_pypostgresql(PGDialect): + driver = "pypostgresql" + + supports_unicode_statements = True + supports_unicode_binds = True + description_encoding = None + default_paramstyle = "pyformat" + + # requires trunk version to support sane rowcounts + # TODO: use dbapi version information to set this flag appropriately + supports_sane_rowcount = True + supports_sane_multi_rowcount = False + + execution_ctx_cls = PGExecutionContext_pypostgresql + colspecs = util.update_copy( + PGDialect.colspecs, + { + sqltypes.Numeric: PGNumeric, + # prevents PGNumeric from being used + sqltypes.Float: sqltypes.Float, + }, + ) + + @classmethod + def dbapi(cls): + from postgresql.driver import dbapi20 + + return dbapi20 + + _DBAPI_ERROR_NAMES = [ + "Error", + "InterfaceError", + "DatabaseError", + "DataError", + "OperationalError", + "IntegrityError", + "InternalError", + "ProgrammingError", + "NotSupportedError", + ] + + @util.memoized_property + def dbapi_exception_translation_map(self): + if self.dbapi is None: + return {} + + return dict( + (getattr(self.dbapi, name).__name__, name) + for name in self._DBAPI_ERROR_NAMES + ) + + def create_connect_args(self, url): + opts = url.translate_connect_args(username="user") + if "port" in opts: + opts["port"] = int(opts["port"]) + else: + opts["port"] = 5432 + opts.update(url.query) + return ([], opts) + + def is_disconnect(self, e, connection, cursor): + return "connection is closed" in str(e) + + +dialect = PGDialect_pypostgresql diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/postgresql/ranges.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/postgresql/ranges.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1ddd506 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/postgresql/ranges.py @@ -0,0 +1,179 @@ +# Copyright (C) 2013-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +from .base import ischema_names +from ... import types as sqltypes + +__all__ = ("INT4RANGE", "INT8RANGE", "NUMRANGE") + + +class RangeOperators(object): + """ + This mixin provides functionality for the Range Operators + listed in Table 9-44 of the `postgres documentation`__ for Range + Functions and Operators. It is used by all the range types + provided in the ``postgres`` dialect and can likely be used for + any range types you create yourself. + + __ http://www.postgresql.org/docs/devel/static/functions-range.html + + No extra support is provided for the Range Functions listed in + Table 9-45 of the postgres documentation. For these, the normal + :func:`~sqlalchemy.sql.expression.func` object should be used. + + .. versionadded:: 0.8.2 Support for PostgreSQL RANGE operations. + + """ + + class comparator_factory(sqltypes.Concatenable.Comparator): + """Define comparison operations for range types.""" + + def __ne__(self, other): + "Boolean expression. Returns true if two ranges are not equal" + if other is None: + return super(RangeOperators.comparator_factory, self).__ne__( + other + ) + else: + return self.expr.op("<>")(other) + + def contains(self, other, **kw): + """Boolean expression. Returns true if the right hand operand, + which can be an element or a range, is contained within the + column. + """ + return self.expr.op("@>")(other) + + def contained_by(self, other): + """Boolean expression. Returns true if the column is contained + within the right hand operand. + """ + return self.expr.op("<@")(other) + + def overlaps(self, other): + """Boolean expression. Returns true if the column overlaps + (has points in common with) the right hand operand. + """ + return self.expr.op("&&")(other) + + def strictly_left_of(self, other): + """Boolean expression. Returns true if the column is strictly + left of the right hand operand. + """ + return self.expr.op("<<")(other) + + __lshift__ = strictly_left_of + + def strictly_right_of(self, other): + """Boolean expression. Returns true if the column is strictly + right of the right hand operand. + """ + return self.expr.op(">>")(other) + + __rshift__ = strictly_right_of + + def not_extend_right_of(self, other): + """Boolean expression. Returns true if the range in the column + does not extend right of the range in the operand. + """ + return self.expr.op("&<")(other) + + def not_extend_left_of(self, other): + """Boolean expression. Returns true if the range in the column + does not extend left of the range in the operand. + """ + return self.expr.op("&>")(other) + + def adjacent_to(self, other): + """Boolean expression. Returns true if the range in the column + is adjacent to the range in the operand. + """ + return self.expr.op("-|-")(other) + + def __add__(self, other): + """Range expression. Returns the union of the two ranges. + Will raise an exception if the resulting range is not + contigous. + """ + return self.expr.op("+")(other) + + +class INT4RANGE(RangeOperators, sqltypes.TypeEngine): + """Represent the PostgreSQL INT4RANGE type. + + .. versionadded:: 0.8.2 + + """ + + __visit_name__ = "INT4RANGE" + + +ischema_names["int4range"] = INT4RANGE + + +class INT8RANGE(RangeOperators, sqltypes.TypeEngine): + """Represent the PostgreSQL INT8RANGE type. + + .. versionadded:: 0.8.2 + + """ + + __visit_name__ = "INT8RANGE" + + +ischema_names["int8range"] = INT8RANGE + + +class NUMRANGE(RangeOperators, sqltypes.TypeEngine): + """Represent the PostgreSQL NUMRANGE type. + + .. versionadded:: 0.8.2 + + """ + + __visit_name__ = "NUMRANGE" + + +ischema_names["numrange"] = NUMRANGE + + +class DATERANGE(RangeOperators, sqltypes.TypeEngine): + """Represent the PostgreSQL DATERANGE type. + + .. versionadded:: 0.8.2 + + """ + + __visit_name__ = "DATERANGE" + + +ischema_names["daterange"] = DATERANGE + + +class TSRANGE(RangeOperators, sqltypes.TypeEngine): + """Represent the PostgreSQL TSRANGE type. + + .. versionadded:: 0.8.2 + + """ + + __visit_name__ = "TSRANGE" + + +ischema_names["tsrange"] = TSRANGE + + +class TSTZRANGE(RangeOperators, sqltypes.TypeEngine): + """Represent the PostgreSQL TSTZRANGE type. + + .. versionadded:: 0.8.2 + + """ + + __visit_name__ = "TSTZRANGE" + + +ischema_names["tstzrange"] = TSTZRANGE diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/postgresql/zxjdbc.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/postgresql/zxjdbc.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3aedcc9 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/postgresql/zxjdbc.py @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +# postgresql/zxjdbc.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +""" +.. dialect:: postgresql+zxjdbc + :name: zxJDBC for Jython + :dbapi: zxjdbc + :connectstring: postgresql+zxjdbc://scott:tiger@localhost/db + :driverurl: http://jdbc.postgresql.org/ + + +""" +from .base import PGDialect +from .base import PGExecutionContext +from ...connectors.zxJDBC import ZxJDBCConnector + + +class PGExecutionContext_zxjdbc(PGExecutionContext): + def create_cursor(self): + cursor = self._dbapi_connection.cursor() + cursor.datahandler = self.dialect.DataHandler(cursor.datahandler) + return cursor + + +class PGDialect_zxjdbc(ZxJDBCConnector, PGDialect): + jdbc_db_name = "postgresql" + jdbc_driver_name = "org.postgresql.Driver" + + execution_ctx_cls = PGExecutionContext_zxjdbc + + supports_native_decimal = True + + def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): + super(PGDialect_zxjdbc, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) + from com.ziclix.python.sql.handler import PostgresqlDataHandler + + self.DataHandler = PostgresqlDataHandler + + def _get_server_version_info(self, connection): + parts = connection.connection.dbversion.split(".") + return tuple(int(x) for x in parts) + + +dialect = PGDialect_zxjdbc diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/sqlite/__init__.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/sqlite/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..34e1e9c --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/sqlite/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +# sqlite/__init__.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +from . import base # noqa +from . import pysqlcipher # noqa +from . import pysqlite # noqa +from .base import BLOB +from .base import BOOLEAN +from .base import CHAR +from .base import DATE +from .base import DATETIME +from .base import DECIMAL +from .base import FLOAT +from .base import INTEGER +from .base import NUMERIC +from .base import REAL +from .base import SMALLINT +from .base import TEXT +from .base import TIME +from .base import TIMESTAMP +from .base import VARCHAR + + +# default dialect +base.dialect = dialect = pysqlite.dialect + + +__all__ = ( + "BLOB", + "BOOLEAN", + "CHAR", + "DATE", + "DATETIME", + "DECIMAL", + "FLOAT", + "INTEGER", + "NUMERIC", + "SMALLINT", + "TEXT", + "TIME", + "TIMESTAMP", + "VARCHAR", + "REAL", + "dialect", +) diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/sqlite/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/sqlite/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0108517 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/sqlite/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/sqlite/__pycache__/base.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/sqlite/__pycache__/base.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9ffa613 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/sqlite/__pycache__/base.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/sqlite/__pycache__/pysqlcipher.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/sqlite/__pycache__/pysqlcipher.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..820e365 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/sqlite/__pycache__/pysqlcipher.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/sqlite/__pycache__/pysqlite.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/sqlite/__pycache__/pysqlite.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e0022e3 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/sqlite/__pycache__/pysqlite.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/sqlite/base.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/sqlite/base.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..64bcaad --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/sqlite/base.py @@ -0,0 +1,1804 @@ +# sqlite/base.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +r""" +.. dialect:: sqlite + :name: SQLite + +.. _sqlite_datetime: + +Date and Time Types +------------------- + +SQLite does not have built-in DATE, TIME, or DATETIME types, and pysqlite does +not provide out of the box functionality for translating values between Python +`datetime` objects and a SQLite-supported format. SQLAlchemy's own +:class:`~sqlalchemy.types.DateTime` and related types provide date formatting +and parsing functionality when SQlite is used. The implementation classes are +:class:`~.sqlite.DATETIME`, :class:`~.sqlite.DATE` and :class:`~.sqlite.TIME`. +These types represent dates and times as ISO formatted strings, which also +nicely support ordering. There's no reliance on typical "libc" internals for +these functions so historical dates are fully supported. + +Ensuring Text affinity +^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ + +The DDL rendered for these types is the standard ``DATE``, ``TIME`` +and ``DATETIME`` indicators. However, custom storage formats can also be +applied to these types. When the +storage format is detected as containing no alpha characters, the DDL for +these types is rendered as ``DATE_CHAR``, ``TIME_CHAR``, and ``DATETIME_CHAR``, +so that the column continues to have textual affinity. + +.. seealso:: + + `Type Affinity `_ - + in the SQLite documentation + +.. _sqlite_autoincrement: + +SQLite Auto Incrementing Behavior +---------------------------------- + +Background on SQLite's autoincrement is at: http://sqlite.org/autoinc.html + +Key concepts: + +* SQLite has an implicit "auto increment" feature that takes place for any + non-composite primary-key column that is specifically created using + "INTEGER PRIMARY KEY" for the type + primary key. + +* SQLite also has an explicit "AUTOINCREMENT" keyword, that is **not** + equivalent to the implicit autoincrement feature; this keyword is not + recommended for general use. SQLAlchemy does not render this keyword + unless a special SQLite-specific directive is used (see below). However, + it still requires that the column's type is named "INTEGER". + +Using the AUTOINCREMENT Keyword +^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ + +To specifically render the AUTOINCREMENT keyword on the primary key column +when rendering DDL, add the flag ``sqlite_autoincrement=True`` to the Table +construct:: + + Table('sometable', metadata, + Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True), + sqlite_autoincrement=True) + +Allowing autoincrement behavior SQLAlchemy types other than Integer/INTEGER +^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ + +SQLite's typing model is based on naming conventions. Among other things, this +means that any type name which contains the substring ``"INT"`` will be +determined to be of "integer affinity". A type named ``"BIGINT"``, +``"SPECIAL_INT"`` or even ``"XYZINTQPR"``, will be considered by SQLite to be +of "integer" affinity. However, **the SQLite autoincrement feature, whether +implicitly or explicitly enabled, requires that the name of the column's type +is exactly the string "INTEGER"**. Therefore, if an application uses a type +like :class:`.BigInteger` for a primary key, on SQLite this type will need to +be rendered as the name ``"INTEGER"`` when emitting the initial ``CREATE +TABLE`` statement in order for the autoincrement behavior to be available. + +One approach to achieve this is to use :class:`.Integer` on SQLite +only using :meth:`.TypeEngine.with_variant`:: + + table = Table( + "my_table", metadata, + Column("id", BigInteger().with_variant(Integer, "sqlite"), primary_key=True) + ) + +Another is to use a subclass of :class:`.BigInteger` that overrides its DDL +name to be ``INTEGER`` when compiled against SQLite:: + + from sqlalchemy import BigInteger + from sqlalchemy.ext.compiler import compiles + + class SLBigInteger(BigInteger): + pass + + @compiles(SLBigInteger, 'sqlite') + def bi_c(element, compiler, **kw): + return "INTEGER" + + @compiles(SLBigInteger) + def bi_c(element, compiler, **kw): + return compiler.visit_BIGINT(element, **kw) + + + table = Table( + "my_table", metadata, + Column("id", SLBigInteger(), primary_key=True) + ) + +.. seealso:: + + :meth:`.TypeEngine.with_variant` + + :ref:`sqlalchemy.ext.compiler_toplevel` + + `Datatypes In SQLite Version 3 `_ + +.. _sqlite_concurrency: + +Database Locking Behavior / Concurrency +--------------------------------------- + +SQLite is not designed for a high level of write concurrency. The database +itself, being a file, is locked completely during write operations within +transactions, meaning exactly one "connection" (in reality a file handle) +has exclusive access to the database during this period - all other +"connections" will be blocked during this time. + +The Python DBAPI specification also calls for a connection model that is +always in a transaction; there is no ``connection.begin()`` method, +only ``connection.commit()`` and ``connection.rollback()``, upon which a +new transaction is to be begun immediately. This may seem to imply +that the SQLite driver would in theory allow only a single filehandle on a +particular database file at any time; however, there are several +factors both within SQlite itself as well as within the pysqlite driver +which loosen this restriction significantly. + +However, no matter what locking modes are used, SQLite will still always +lock the database file once a transaction is started and DML (e.g. INSERT, +UPDATE, DELETE) has at least been emitted, and this will block +other transactions at least at the point that they also attempt to emit DML. +By default, the length of time on this block is very short before it times out +with an error. + +This behavior becomes more critical when used in conjunction with the +SQLAlchemy ORM. SQLAlchemy's :class:`.Session` object by default runs +within a transaction, and with its autoflush model, may emit DML preceding +any SELECT statement. This may lead to a SQLite database that locks +more quickly than is expected. The locking mode of SQLite and the pysqlite +driver can be manipulated to some degree, however it should be noted that +achieving a high degree of write-concurrency with SQLite is a losing battle. + +For more information on SQLite's lack of write concurrency by design, please +see +`Situations Where Another RDBMS May Work Better - High Concurrency +`_ near the bottom of the page. + +The following subsections introduce areas that are impacted by SQLite's +file-based architecture and additionally will usually require workarounds to +work when using the pysqlite driver. + +.. _sqlite_isolation_level: + +Transaction Isolation Level +---------------------------- + +SQLite supports "transaction isolation" in a non-standard way, along two +axes. One is that of the +`PRAGMA read_uncommitted `_ +instruction. This setting can essentially switch SQLite between its +default mode of ``SERIALIZABLE`` isolation, and a "dirty read" isolation +mode normally referred to as ``READ UNCOMMITTED``. + +SQLAlchemy ties into this PRAGMA statement using the +:paramref:`.create_engine.isolation_level` parameter of :func:`.create_engine`. +Valid values for this parameter when used with SQLite are ``"SERIALIZABLE"`` +and ``"READ UNCOMMITTED"`` corresponding to a value of 0 and 1, respectively. +SQLite defaults to ``SERIALIZABLE``, however its behavior is impacted by +the pysqlite driver's default behavior. + +The other axis along which SQLite's transactional locking is impacted is +via the nature of the ``BEGIN`` statement used. The three varieties +are "deferred", "immediate", and "exclusive", as described at +`BEGIN TRANSACTION `_. A straight +``BEGIN`` statement uses the "deferred" mode, where the database file is +not locked until the first read or write operation, and read access remains +open to other transactions until the first write operation. But again, +it is critical to note that the pysqlite driver interferes with this behavior +by *not even emitting BEGIN* until the first write operation. + +.. warning:: + + SQLite's transactional scope is impacted by unresolved + issues in the pysqlite driver, which defers BEGIN statements to a greater + degree than is often feasible. See the section :ref:`pysqlite_serializable` + for techniques to work around this behavior. + +SAVEPOINT Support +---------------------------- + +SQLite supports SAVEPOINTs, which only function once a transaction is +begun. SQLAlchemy's SAVEPOINT support is available using the +:meth:`.Connection.begin_nested` method at the Core level, and +:meth:`.Session.begin_nested` at the ORM level. However, SAVEPOINTs +won't work at all with pysqlite unless workarounds are taken. + +.. warning:: + + SQLite's SAVEPOINT feature is impacted by unresolved + issues in the pysqlite driver, which defers BEGIN statements to a greater + degree than is often feasible. See the section :ref:`pysqlite_serializable` + for techniques to work around this behavior. + +Transactional DDL +---------------------------- + +The SQLite database supports transactional :term:`DDL` as well. +In this case, the pysqlite driver is not only failing to start transactions, +it also is ending any existing transction when DDL is detected, so again, +workarounds are required. + +.. warning:: + + SQLite's transactional DDL is impacted by unresolved issues + in the pysqlite driver, which fails to emit BEGIN and additionally + forces a COMMIT to cancel any transaction when DDL is encountered. + See the section :ref:`pysqlite_serializable` + for techniques to work around this behavior. + +.. _sqlite_foreign_keys: + +Foreign Key Support +------------------- + +SQLite supports FOREIGN KEY syntax when emitting CREATE statements for tables, +however by default these constraints have no effect on the operation of the +table. + +Constraint checking on SQLite has three prerequisites: + +* At least version 3.6.19 of SQLite must be in use +* The SQLite library must be compiled *without* the SQLITE_OMIT_FOREIGN_KEY + or SQLITE_OMIT_TRIGGER symbols enabled. +* The ``PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON`` statement must be emitted on all + connections before use. + +SQLAlchemy allows for the ``PRAGMA`` statement to be emitted automatically for +new connections through the usage of events:: + + from sqlalchemy.engine import Engine + from sqlalchemy import event + + @event.listens_for(Engine, "connect") + def set_sqlite_pragma(dbapi_connection, connection_record): + cursor = dbapi_connection.cursor() + cursor.execute("PRAGMA foreign_keys=ON") + cursor.close() + +.. warning:: + + When SQLite foreign keys are enabled, it is **not possible** + to emit CREATE or DROP statements for tables that contain + mutually-dependent foreign key constraints; + to emit the DDL for these tables requires that ALTER TABLE be used to + create or drop these constraints separately, for which SQLite has + no support. + +.. seealso:: + + `SQLite Foreign Key Support `_ + - on the SQLite web site. + + :ref:`event_toplevel` - SQLAlchemy event API. + + :ref:`use_alter` - more information on SQLAlchemy's facilities for handling + mutually-dependent foreign key constraints. + +.. _sqlite_type_reflection: + +Type Reflection +--------------- + +SQLite types are unlike those of most other database backends, in that +the string name of the type usually does not correspond to a "type" in a +one-to-one fashion. Instead, SQLite links per-column typing behavior +to one of five so-called "type affinities" based on a string matching +pattern for the type. + +SQLAlchemy's reflection process, when inspecting types, uses a simple +lookup table to link the keywords returned to provided SQLAlchemy types. +This lookup table is present within the SQLite dialect as it is for all +other dialects. However, the SQLite dialect has a different "fallback" +routine for when a particular type name is not located in the lookup map; +it instead implements the SQLite "type affinity" scheme located at +http://www.sqlite.org/datatype3.html section 2.1. + +The provided typemap will make direct associations from an exact string +name match for the following types: + +:class:`~.types.BIGINT`, :class:`~.types.BLOB`, +:class:`~.types.BOOLEAN`, :class:`~.types.BOOLEAN`, +:class:`~.types.CHAR`, :class:`~.types.DATE`, +:class:`~.types.DATETIME`, :class:`~.types.FLOAT`, +:class:`~.types.DECIMAL`, :class:`~.types.FLOAT`, +:class:`~.types.INTEGER`, :class:`~.types.INTEGER`, +:class:`~.types.NUMERIC`, :class:`~.types.REAL`, +:class:`~.types.SMALLINT`, :class:`~.types.TEXT`, +:class:`~.types.TIME`, :class:`~.types.TIMESTAMP`, +:class:`~.types.VARCHAR`, :class:`~.types.NVARCHAR`, +:class:`~.types.NCHAR` + +When a type name does not match one of the above types, the "type affinity" +lookup is used instead: + +* :class:`~.types.INTEGER` is returned if the type name includes the + string ``INT`` +* :class:`~.types.TEXT` is returned if the type name includes the + string ``CHAR``, ``CLOB`` or ``TEXT`` +* :class:`~.types.NullType` is returned if the type name includes the + string ``BLOB`` +* :class:`~.types.REAL` is returned if the type name includes the string + ``REAL``, ``FLOA`` or ``DOUB``. +* Otherwise, the :class:`~.types.NUMERIC` type is used. + +.. versionadded:: 0.9.3 Support for SQLite type affinity rules when reflecting + columns. + + +.. _sqlite_partial_index: + +Partial Indexes +--------------- + +A partial index, e.g. one which uses a WHERE clause, can be specified +with the DDL system using the argument ``sqlite_where``:: + + tbl = Table('testtbl', m, Column('data', Integer)) + idx = Index('test_idx1', tbl.c.data, + sqlite_where=and_(tbl.c.data > 5, tbl.c.data < 10)) + +The index will be rendered at create time as:: + + CREATE INDEX test_idx1 ON testtbl (data) + WHERE data > 5 AND data < 10 + +.. versionadded:: 0.9.9 + +.. _sqlite_dotted_column_names: + +Dotted Column Names +------------------- + +Using table or column names that explicitly have periods in them is +**not recommended**. While this is generally a bad idea for relational +databases in general, as the dot is a syntactically significant character, +the SQLite driver up until version **3.10.0** of SQLite has a bug which +requires that SQLAlchemy filter out these dots in result sets. + +.. versionchanged:: 1.1 + + The following SQLite issue has been resolved as of version 3.10.0 + of SQLite. SQLAlchemy as of **1.1** automatically disables its internal + workarounds based on detection of this version. + +The bug, entirely outside of SQLAlchemy, can be illustrated thusly:: + + import sqlite3 + + assert sqlite3.sqlite_version_info < (3, 10, 0), "bug is fixed in this version" + + conn = sqlite3.connect(":memory:") + cursor = conn.cursor() + + cursor.execute("create table x (a integer, b integer)") + cursor.execute("insert into x (a, b) values (1, 1)") + cursor.execute("insert into x (a, b) values (2, 2)") + + cursor.execute("select x.a, x.b from x") + assert [c[0] for c in cursor.description] == ['a', 'b'] + + cursor.execute(''' + select x.a, x.b from x where a=1 + union + select x.a, x.b from x where a=2 + ''') + assert [c[0] for c in cursor.description] == ['a', 'b'], \ + [c[0] for c in cursor.description] + +The second assertion fails:: + + Traceback (most recent call last): + File "test.py", line 19, in + [c[0] for c in cursor.description] + AssertionError: ['x.a', 'x.b'] + +Where above, the driver incorrectly reports the names of the columns +including the name of the table, which is entirely inconsistent vs. +when the UNION is not present. + +SQLAlchemy relies upon column names being predictable in how they match +to the original statement, so the SQLAlchemy dialect has no choice but +to filter these out:: + + + from sqlalchemy import create_engine + + eng = create_engine("sqlite://") + conn = eng.connect() + + conn.execute("create table x (a integer, b integer)") + conn.execute("insert into x (a, b) values (1, 1)") + conn.execute("insert into x (a, b) values (2, 2)") + + result = conn.execute("select x.a, x.b from x") + assert result.keys() == ["a", "b"] + + result = conn.execute(''' + select x.a, x.b from x where a=1 + union + select x.a, x.b from x where a=2 + ''') + assert result.keys() == ["a", "b"] + +Note that above, even though SQLAlchemy filters out the dots, *both +names are still addressable*:: + + >>> row = result.first() + >>> row["a"] + 1 + >>> row["x.a"] + 1 + >>> row["b"] + 1 + >>> row["x.b"] + 1 + +Therefore, the workaround applied by SQLAlchemy only impacts +:meth:`.ResultProxy.keys` and :meth:`.RowProxy.keys()` in the public API. In +the very specific case where an application is forced to use column names that +contain dots, and the functionality of :meth:`.ResultProxy.keys` and +:meth:`.RowProxy.keys()` is required to return these dotted names unmodified, +the ``sqlite_raw_colnames`` execution option may be provided, either on a +per-:class:`.Connection` basis:: + + result = conn.execution_options(sqlite_raw_colnames=True).execute(''' + select x.a, x.b from x where a=1 + union + select x.a, x.b from x where a=2 + ''') + assert result.keys() == ["x.a", "x.b"] + +or on a per-:class:`.Engine` basis:: + + engine = create_engine("sqlite://", execution_options={"sqlite_raw_colnames": True}) + +When using the per-:class:`.Engine` execution option, note that +**Core and ORM queries that use UNION may not function properly**. + +""" # noqa + +import datetime +import re + +from ... import exc +from ... import processors +from ... import schema as sa_schema +from ... import sql +from ... import types as sqltypes +from ... import util +from ...engine import default +from ...engine import reflection +from ...sql import compiler +from ...types import BLOB # noqa +from ...types import BOOLEAN # noqa +from ...types import CHAR # noqa +from ...types import DECIMAL # noqa +from ...types import FLOAT # noqa +from ...types import INTEGER # noqa +from ...types import NUMERIC # noqa +from ...types import REAL # noqa +from ...types import SMALLINT # noqa +from ...types import TEXT # noqa +from ...types import TIMESTAMP # noqa +from ...types import VARCHAR # noqa + + +class _DateTimeMixin(object): + _reg = None + _storage_format = None + + def __init__(self, storage_format=None, regexp=None, **kw): + super(_DateTimeMixin, self).__init__(**kw) + if regexp is not None: + self._reg = re.compile(regexp) + if storage_format is not None: + self._storage_format = storage_format + + @property + def format_is_text_affinity(self): + """return True if the storage format will automatically imply + a TEXT affinity. + + If the storage format contains no non-numeric characters, + it will imply a NUMERIC storage format on SQLite; in this case, + the type will generate its DDL as DATE_CHAR, DATETIME_CHAR, + TIME_CHAR. + + .. versionadded:: 1.0.0 + + """ + spec = self._storage_format % { + "year": 0, + "month": 0, + "day": 0, + "hour": 0, + "minute": 0, + "second": 0, + "microsecond": 0, + } + return bool(re.search(r"[^0-9]", spec)) + + def adapt(self, cls, **kw): + if issubclass(cls, _DateTimeMixin): + if self._storage_format: + kw["storage_format"] = self._storage_format + if self._reg: + kw["regexp"] = self._reg + return super(_DateTimeMixin, self).adapt(cls, **kw) + + def literal_processor(self, dialect): + bp = self.bind_processor(dialect) + + def process(value): + return "'%s'" % bp(value) + + return process + + +class DATETIME(_DateTimeMixin, sqltypes.DateTime): + r"""Represent a Python datetime object in SQLite using a string. + + The default string storage format is:: + + "%(year)04d-%(month)02d-%(day)02d %(hour)02d:%(min)02d:%(second)02d.%(microsecond)06d" + + e.g.:: + + 2011-03-15 12:05:57.10558 + + The storage format can be customized to some degree using the + ``storage_format`` and ``regexp`` parameters, such as:: + + import re + from sqlalchemy.dialects.sqlite import DATETIME + + dt = DATETIME(storage_format="%(year)04d/%(month)02d/%(day)02d " + "%(hour)02d:%(min)02d:%(second)02d", + regexp=r"(\d+)/(\d+)/(\d+) (\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+)" + ) + + :param storage_format: format string which will be applied to the dict + with keys year, month, day, hour, minute, second, and microsecond. + + :param regexp: regular expression which will be applied to incoming result + rows. If the regexp contains named groups, the resulting match dict is + applied to the Python datetime() constructor as keyword arguments. + Otherwise, if positional groups are used, the datetime() constructor + is called with positional arguments via + ``*map(int, match_obj.groups(0))``. + + """ # noqa + + _storage_format = ( + "%(year)04d-%(month)02d-%(day)02d " + "%(hour)02d:%(minute)02d:%(second)02d.%(microsecond)06d" + ) + + def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): + truncate_microseconds = kwargs.pop("truncate_microseconds", False) + super(DATETIME, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) + if truncate_microseconds: + assert "storage_format" not in kwargs, ( + "You can specify only " + "one of truncate_microseconds or storage_format." + ) + assert "regexp" not in kwargs, ( + "You can specify only one of " + "truncate_microseconds or regexp." + ) + self._storage_format = ( + "%(year)04d-%(month)02d-%(day)02d " + "%(hour)02d:%(minute)02d:%(second)02d" + ) + + def bind_processor(self, dialect): + datetime_datetime = datetime.datetime + datetime_date = datetime.date + format_ = self._storage_format + + def process(value): + if value is None: + return None + elif isinstance(value, datetime_datetime): + return format_ % { + "year": value.year, + "month": value.month, + "day": value.day, + "hour": value.hour, + "minute": value.minute, + "second": value.second, + "microsecond": value.microsecond, + } + elif isinstance(value, datetime_date): + return format_ % { + "year": value.year, + "month": value.month, + "day": value.day, + "hour": 0, + "minute": 0, + "second": 0, + "microsecond": 0, + } + else: + raise TypeError( + "SQLite DateTime type only accepts Python " + "datetime and date objects as input." + ) + + return process + + def result_processor(self, dialect, coltype): + if self._reg: + return processors.str_to_datetime_processor_factory( + self._reg, datetime.datetime + ) + else: + return processors.str_to_datetime + + +class DATE(_DateTimeMixin, sqltypes.Date): + r"""Represent a Python date object in SQLite using a string. + + The default string storage format is:: + + "%(year)04d-%(month)02d-%(day)02d" + + e.g.:: + + 2011-03-15 + + The storage format can be customized to some degree using the + ``storage_format`` and ``regexp`` parameters, such as:: + + import re + from sqlalchemy.dialects.sqlite import DATE + + d = DATE( + storage_format="%(month)02d/%(day)02d/%(year)04d", + regexp=re.compile("(?P\d+)/(?P\d+)/(?P\d+)") + ) + + :param storage_format: format string which will be applied to the + dict with keys year, month, and day. + + :param regexp: regular expression which will be applied to + incoming result rows. If the regexp contains named groups, the + resulting match dict is applied to the Python date() constructor + as keyword arguments. Otherwise, if positional groups are used, the + date() constructor is called with positional arguments via + ``*map(int, match_obj.groups(0))``. + """ + + _storage_format = "%(year)04d-%(month)02d-%(day)02d" + + def bind_processor(self, dialect): + datetime_date = datetime.date + format_ = self._storage_format + + def process(value): + if value is None: + return None + elif isinstance(value, datetime_date): + return format_ % { + "year": value.year, + "month": value.month, + "day": value.day, + } + else: + raise TypeError( + "SQLite Date type only accepts Python " + "date objects as input." + ) + + return process + + def result_processor(self, dialect, coltype): + if self._reg: + return processors.str_to_datetime_processor_factory( + self._reg, datetime.date + ) + else: + return processors.str_to_date + + +class TIME(_DateTimeMixin, sqltypes.Time): + r"""Represent a Python time object in SQLite using a string. + + The default string storage format is:: + + "%(hour)02d:%(minute)02d:%(second)02d.%(microsecond)06d" + + e.g.:: + + 12:05:57.10558 + + The storage format can be customized to some degree using the + ``storage_format`` and ``regexp`` parameters, such as:: + + import re + from sqlalchemy.dialects.sqlite import TIME + + t = TIME(storage_format="%(hour)02d-%(minute)02d-" + "%(second)02d-%(microsecond)06d", + regexp=re.compile("(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+)-(?:-(\d+))?") + ) + + :param storage_format: format string which will be applied to the dict + with keys hour, minute, second, and microsecond. + + :param regexp: regular expression which will be applied to incoming result + rows. If the regexp contains named groups, the resulting match dict is + applied to the Python time() constructor as keyword arguments. Otherwise, + if positional groups are used, the time() constructor is called with + positional arguments via ``*map(int, match_obj.groups(0))``. + """ + + _storage_format = "%(hour)02d:%(minute)02d:%(second)02d.%(microsecond)06d" + + def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): + truncate_microseconds = kwargs.pop("truncate_microseconds", False) + super(TIME, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) + if truncate_microseconds: + assert "storage_format" not in kwargs, ( + "You can specify only " + "one of truncate_microseconds or storage_format." + ) + assert "regexp" not in kwargs, ( + "You can specify only one of " + "truncate_microseconds or regexp." + ) + self._storage_format = "%(hour)02d:%(minute)02d:%(second)02d" + + def bind_processor(self, dialect): + datetime_time = datetime.time + format_ = self._storage_format + + def process(value): + if value is None: + return None + elif isinstance(value, datetime_time): + return format_ % { + "hour": value.hour, + "minute": value.minute, + "second": value.second, + "microsecond": value.microsecond, + } + else: + raise TypeError( + "SQLite Time type only accepts Python " + "time objects as input." + ) + + return process + + def result_processor(self, dialect, coltype): + if self._reg: + return processors.str_to_datetime_processor_factory( + self._reg, datetime.time + ) + else: + return processors.str_to_time + + +colspecs = { + sqltypes.Date: DATE, + sqltypes.DateTime: DATETIME, + sqltypes.Time: TIME, +} + +ischema_names = { + "BIGINT": sqltypes.BIGINT, + "BLOB": sqltypes.BLOB, + "BOOL": sqltypes.BOOLEAN, + "BOOLEAN": sqltypes.BOOLEAN, + "CHAR": sqltypes.CHAR, + "DATE": sqltypes.DATE, + "DATE_CHAR": sqltypes.DATE, + "DATETIME": sqltypes.DATETIME, + "DATETIME_CHAR": sqltypes.DATETIME, + "DOUBLE": sqltypes.FLOAT, + "DECIMAL": sqltypes.DECIMAL, + "FLOAT": sqltypes.FLOAT, + "INT": sqltypes.INTEGER, + "INTEGER": sqltypes.INTEGER, + "NUMERIC": sqltypes.NUMERIC, + "REAL": sqltypes.REAL, + "SMALLINT": sqltypes.SMALLINT, + "TEXT": sqltypes.TEXT, + "TIME": sqltypes.TIME, + "TIME_CHAR": sqltypes.TIME, + "TIMESTAMP": sqltypes.TIMESTAMP, + "VARCHAR": sqltypes.VARCHAR, + "NVARCHAR": sqltypes.NVARCHAR, + "NCHAR": sqltypes.NCHAR, +} + + +class SQLiteCompiler(compiler.SQLCompiler): + extract_map = util.update_copy( + compiler.SQLCompiler.extract_map, + { + "month": "%m", + "day": "%d", + "year": "%Y", + "second": "%S", + "hour": "%H", + "doy": "%j", + "minute": "%M", + "epoch": "%s", + "dow": "%w", + "week": "%W", + }, + ) + + def visit_now_func(self, fn, **kw): + return "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP" + + def visit_localtimestamp_func(self, func, **kw): + return 'DATETIME(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, "localtime")' + + def visit_true(self, expr, **kw): + return "1" + + def visit_false(self, expr, **kw): + return "0" + + def visit_char_length_func(self, fn, **kw): + return "length%s" % self.function_argspec(fn) + + def visit_cast(self, cast, **kwargs): + if self.dialect.supports_cast: + return super(SQLiteCompiler, self).visit_cast(cast, **kwargs) + else: + return self.process(cast.clause, **kwargs) + + def visit_extract(self, extract, **kw): + try: + return "CAST(STRFTIME('%s', %s) AS INTEGER)" % ( + self.extract_map[extract.field], + self.process(extract.expr, **kw), + ) + except KeyError: + raise exc.CompileError( + "%s is not a valid extract argument." % extract.field + ) + + def limit_clause(self, select, **kw): + text = "" + if select._limit_clause is not None: + text += "\n LIMIT " + self.process(select._limit_clause, **kw) + if select._offset_clause is not None: + if select._limit_clause is None: + text += "\n LIMIT " + self.process(sql.literal(-1)) + text += " OFFSET " + self.process(select._offset_clause, **kw) + else: + text += " OFFSET " + self.process(sql.literal(0), **kw) + return text + + def for_update_clause(self, select, **kw): + # sqlite has no "FOR UPDATE" AFAICT + return "" + + def visit_is_distinct_from_binary(self, binary, operator, **kw): + return "%s IS NOT %s" % ( + self.process(binary.left), + self.process(binary.right), + ) + + def visit_isnot_distinct_from_binary(self, binary, operator, **kw): + return "%s IS %s" % ( + self.process(binary.left), + self.process(binary.right), + ) + + +class SQLiteDDLCompiler(compiler.DDLCompiler): + def get_column_specification(self, column, **kwargs): + coltype = self.dialect.type_compiler.process( + column.type, type_expression=column + ) + colspec = self.preparer.format_column(column) + " " + coltype + default = self.get_column_default_string(column) + if default is not None: + colspec += " DEFAULT " + default + + if not column.nullable: + colspec += " NOT NULL" + + if column.primary_key: + if ( + column.autoincrement is True + and len(column.table.primary_key.columns) != 1 + ): + raise exc.CompileError( + "SQLite does not support autoincrement for " + "composite primary keys" + ) + + if ( + column.table.dialect_options["sqlite"]["autoincrement"] + and len(column.table.primary_key.columns) == 1 + and issubclass(column.type._type_affinity, sqltypes.Integer) + and not column.foreign_keys + ): + colspec += " PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT" + + return colspec + + def visit_primary_key_constraint(self, constraint): + # for columns with sqlite_autoincrement=True, + # the PRIMARY KEY constraint can only be inline + # with the column itself. + if len(constraint.columns) == 1: + c = list(constraint)[0] + if ( + c.primary_key + and c.table.dialect_options["sqlite"]["autoincrement"] + and issubclass(c.type._type_affinity, sqltypes.Integer) + and not c.foreign_keys + ): + return None + + return super(SQLiteDDLCompiler, self).visit_primary_key_constraint( + constraint + ) + + def visit_foreign_key_constraint(self, constraint): + + local_table = constraint.elements[0].parent.table + remote_table = constraint.elements[0].column.table + + if local_table.schema != remote_table.schema: + return None + else: + return super(SQLiteDDLCompiler, self).visit_foreign_key_constraint( + constraint + ) + + def define_constraint_remote_table(self, constraint, table, preparer): + """Format the remote table clause of a CREATE CONSTRAINT clause.""" + + return preparer.format_table(table, use_schema=False) + + def visit_create_index( + self, create, include_schema=False, include_table_schema=True + ): + index = create.element + self._verify_index_table(index) + preparer = self.preparer + text = "CREATE " + if index.unique: + text += "UNIQUE " + text += "INDEX %s ON %s (%s)" % ( + self._prepared_index_name(index, include_schema=True), + preparer.format_table(index.table, use_schema=False), + ", ".join( + self.sql_compiler.process( + expr, include_table=False, literal_binds=True + ) + for expr in index.expressions + ), + ) + + whereclause = index.dialect_options["sqlite"]["where"] + if whereclause is not None: + where_compiled = self.sql_compiler.process( + whereclause, include_table=False, literal_binds=True + ) + text += " WHERE " + where_compiled + + return text + + +class SQLiteTypeCompiler(compiler.GenericTypeCompiler): + def visit_large_binary(self, type_, **kw): + return self.visit_BLOB(type_) + + def visit_DATETIME(self, type_, **kw): + if ( + not isinstance(type_, _DateTimeMixin) + or type_.format_is_text_affinity + ): + return super(SQLiteTypeCompiler, self).visit_DATETIME(type_) + else: + return "DATETIME_CHAR" + + def visit_DATE(self, type_, **kw): + if ( + not isinstance(type_, _DateTimeMixin) + or type_.format_is_text_affinity + ): + return super(SQLiteTypeCompiler, self).visit_DATE(type_) + else: + return "DATE_CHAR" + + def visit_TIME(self, type_, **kw): + if ( + not isinstance(type_, _DateTimeMixin) + or type_.format_is_text_affinity + ): + return super(SQLiteTypeCompiler, self).visit_TIME(type_) + else: + return "TIME_CHAR" + + +class SQLiteIdentifierPreparer(compiler.IdentifierPreparer): + reserved_words = set( + [ + "add", + "after", + "all", + "alter", + "analyze", + "and", + "as", + "asc", + "attach", + "autoincrement", + "before", + "begin", + "between", + "by", + "cascade", + "case", + "cast", + "check", + "collate", + "column", + "commit", + "conflict", + "constraint", + "create", + "cross", + "current_date", + "current_time", + "current_timestamp", + "database", + "default", + "deferrable", + "deferred", + "delete", + "desc", + "detach", + "distinct", + "drop", + "each", + "else", + "end", + "escape", + "except", + "exclusive", + "explain", + "false", + "fail", + "for", + "foreign", + "from", + "full", + "glob", + "group", + "having", + "if", + "ignore", + "immediate", + "in", + "index", + "indexed", + "initially", + "inner", + "insert", + "instead", + "intersect", + "into", + "is", + "isnull", + "join", + "key", + "left", + "like", + "limit", + "match", + "natural", + "not", + "notnull", + "null", + "of", + "offset", + "on", + "or", + "order", + "outer", + "plan", + "pragma", + "primary", + "query", + "raise", + "references", + "reindex", + "rename", + "replace", + "restrict", + "right", + "rollback", + "row", + "select", + "set", + "table", + "temp", + "temporary", + "then", + "to", + "transaction", + "trigger", + "true", + "union", + "unique", + "update", + "using", + "vacuum", + "values", + "view", + "virtual", + "when", + "where", + ] + ) + + def format_index(self, index, use_schema=True, name=None): + """Prepare a quoted index and schema name.""" + + if name is None: + name = index.name + result = self.quote(name, index.quote) + if ( + not self.omit_schema + and use_schema + and getattr(index.table, "schema", None) + ): + result = ( + self.quote_schema(index.table.schema, index.table.quote_schema) + + "." + + result + ) + return result + + +class SQLiteExecutionContext(default.DefaultExecutionContext): + @util.memoized_property + def _preserve_raw_colnames(self): + return ( + not self.dialect._broken_dotted_colnames + or self.execution_options.get("sqlite_raw_colnames", False) + ) + + def _translate_colname(self, colname): + # TODO: detect SQLite version 3.10.0 or greater; + # see [ticket:3633] + + # adjust for dotted column names. SQLite + # in the case of UNION may store col names as + # "tablename.colname", or if using an attached database, + # "database.tablename.colname", in cursor.description + if not self._preserve_raw_colnames and "." in colname: + return colname.split(".")[-1], colname + else: + return colname, None + + +class SQLiteDialect(default.DefaultDialect): + name = "sqlite" + supports_alter = False + supports_unicode_statements = True + supports_unicode_binds = True + supports_default_values = True + supports_empty_insert = False + supports_cast = True + supports_multivalues_insert = True + + default_paramstyle = "qmark" + execution_ctx_cls = SQLiteExecutionContext + statement_compiler = SQLiteCompiler + ddl_compiler = SQLiteDDLCompiler + type_compiler = SQLiteTypeCompiler + preparer = SQLiteIdentifierPreparer + ischema_names = ischema_names + colspecs = colspecs + isolation_level = None + + supports_cast = True + supports_default_values = True + + construct_arguments = [ + (sa_schema.Table, {"autoincrement": False}), + (sa_schema.Index, {"where": None}), + ] + + _broken_fk_pragma_quotes = False + _broken_dotted_colnames = False + + def __init__(self, isolation_level=None, native_datetime=False, **kwargs): + default.DefaultDialect.__init__(self, **kwargs) + self.isolation_level = isolation_level + + # this flag used by pysqlite dialect, and perhaps others in the + # future, to indicate the driver is handling date/timestamp + # conversions (and perhaps datetime/time as well on some hypothetical + # driver ?) + self.native_datetime = native_datetime + + if self.dbapi is not None: + self.supports_right_nested_joins = ( + self.dbapi.sqlite_version_info >= (3, 7, 16) + ) + self._broken_dotted_colnames = self.dbapi.sqlite_version_info < ( + 3, + 10, + 0, + ) + self.supports_default_values = self.dbapi.sqlite_version_info >= ( + 3, + 3, + 8, + ) + self.supports_cast = self.dbapi.sqlite_version_info >= (3, 2, 3) + self.supports_multivalues_insert = ( + # http://www.sqlite.org/releaselog/3_7_11.html + self.dbapi.sqlite_version_info + >= (3, 7, 11) + ) + # see http://www.sqlalchemy.org/trac/ticket/2568 + # as well as http://www.sqlite.org/src/info/600482d161 + self._broken_fk_pragma_quotes = self.dbapi.sqlite_version_info < ( + 3, + 6, + 14, + ) + + _isolation_lookup = {"READ UNCOMMITTED": 1, "SERIALIZABLE": 0} + + def set_isolation_level(self, connection, level): + try: + isolation_level = self._isolation_lookup[level.replace("_", " ")] + except KeyError: + raise exc.ArgumentError( + "Invalid value '%s' for isolation_level. " + "Valid isolation levels for %s are %s" + % (level, self.name, ", ".join(self._isolation_lookup)) + ) + cursor = connection.cursor() + cursor.execute("PRAGMA read_uncommitted = %d" % isolation_level) + cursor.close() + + def get_isolation_level(self, connection): + cursor = connection.cursor() + cursor.execute("PRAGMA read_uncommitted") + res = cursor.fetchone() + if res: + value = res[0] + else: + # http://www.sqlite.org/changes.html#version_3_3_3 + # "Optional READ UNCOMMITTED isolation (instead of the + # default isolation level of SERIALIZABLE) and + # table level locking when database connections + # share a common cache."" + # pre-SQLite 3.3.0 default to 0 + value = 0 + cursor.close() + if value == 0: + return "SERIALIZABLE" + elif value == 1: + return "READ UNCOMMITTED" + else: + assert False, "Unknown isolation level %s" % value + + def on_connect(self): + if self.isolation_level is not None: + + def connect(conn): + self.set_isolation_level(conn, self.isolation_level) + + return connect + else: + return None + + @reflection.cache + def get_schema_names(self, connection, **kw): + s = "PRAGMA database_list" + dl = connection.execute(s) + + return [db[1] for db in dl if db[1] != "temp"] + + @reflection.cache + def get_table_names(self, connection, schema=None, **kw): + if schema is not None: + qschema = self.identifier_preparer.quote_identifier(schema) + master = "%s.sqlite_master" % qschema + else: + master = "sqlite_master" + s = ("SELECT name FROM %s " "WHERE type='table' ORDER BY name") % ( + master, + ) + rs = connection.execute(s) + return [row[0] for row in rs] + + @reflection.cache + def get_temp_table_names(self, connection, **kw): + s = ( + "SELECT name FROM sqlite_temp_master " + "WHERE type='table' ORDER BY name " + ) + rs = connection.execute(s) + + return [row[0] for row in rs] + + @reflection.cache + def get_temp_view_names(self, connection, **kw): + s = ( + "SELECT name FROM sqlite_temp_master " + "WHERE type='view' ORDER BY name " + ) + rs = connection.execute(s) + + return [row[0] for row in rs] + + def has_table(self, connection, table_name, schema=None): + info = self._get_table_pragma( + connection, "table_info", table_name, schema=schema + ) + return bool(info) + + @reflection.cache + def get_view_names(self, connection, schema=None, **kw): + if schema is not None: + qschema = self.identifier_preparer.quote_identifier(schema) + master = "%s.sqlite_master" % qschema + else: + master = "sqlite_master" + s = ("SELECT name FROM %s " "WHERE type='view' ORDER BY name") % ( + master, + ) + rs = connection.execute(s) + + return [row[0] for row in rs] + + @reflection.cache + def get_view_definition(self, connection, view_name, schema=None, **kw): + if schema is not None: + qschema = self.identifier_preparer.quote_identifier(schema) + master = "%s.sqlite_master" % qschema + s = ("SELECT sql FROM %s WHERE name = '%s'" "AND type='view'") % ( + master, + view_name, + ) + rs = connection.execute(s) + else: + try: + s = ( + "SELECT sql FROM " + " (SELECT * FROM sqlite_master UNION ALL " + " SELECT * FROM sqlite_temp_master) " + "WHERE name = '%s' " + "AND type='view'" + ) % view_name + rs = connection.execute(s) + except exc.DBAPIError: + s = ( + "SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE name = '%s' " + "AND type='view'" + ) % view_name + rs = connection.execute(s) + + result = rs.fetchall() + if result: + return result[0].sql + + @reflection.cache + def get_columns(self, connection, table_name, schema=None, **kw): + info = self._get_table_pragma( + connection, "table_info", table_name, schema=schema + ) + + columns = [] + for row in info: + (name, type_, nullable, default, primary_key) = ( + row[1], + row[2].upper(), + not row[3], + row[4], + row[5], + ) + + columns.append( + self._get_column_info( + name, type_, nullable, default, primary_key + ) + ) + return columns + + def _get_column_info(self, name, type_, nullable, default, primary_key): + coltype = self._resolve_type_affinity(type_) + + if default is not None: + default = util.text_type(default) + + return { + "name": name, + "type": coltype, + "nullable": nullable, + "default": default, + "autoincrement": "auto", + "primary_key": primary_key, + } + + def _resolve_type_affinity(self, type_): + """Return a data type from a reflected column, using affinity tules. + + SQLite's goal for universal compatibility introduces some complexity + during reflection, as a column's defined type might not actually be a + type that SQLite understands - or indeed, my not be defined *at all*. + Internally, SQLite handles this with a 'data type affinity' for each + column definition, mapping to one of 'TEXT', 'NUMERIC', 'INTEGER', + 'REAL', or 'NONE' (raw bits). The algorithm that determines this is + listed in http://www.sqlite.org/datatype3.html section 2.1. + + This method allows SQLAlchemy to support that algorithm, while still + providing access to smarter reflection utilities by regcognizing + column definitions that SQLite only supports through affinity (like + DATE and DOUBLE). + + """ + match = re.match(r"([\w ]+)(\(.*?\))?", type_) + if match: + coltype = match.group(1) + args = match.group(2) + else: + coltype = "" + args = "" + + if coltype in self.ischema_names: + coltype = self.ischema_names[coltype] + elif "INT" in coltype: + coltype = sqltypes.INTEGER + elif "CHAR" in coltype or "CLOB" in coltype or "TEXT" in coltype: + coltype = sqltypes.TEXT + elif "BLOB" in coltype or not coltype: + coltype = sqltypes.NullType + elif "REAL" in coltype or "FLOA" in coltype or "DOUB" in coltype: + coltype = sqltypes.REAL + else: + coltype = sqltypes.NUMERIC + + if args is not None: + args = re.findall(r"(\d+)", args) + try: + coltype = coltype(*[int(a) for a in args]) + except TypeError: + util.warn( + "Could not instantiate type %s with " + "reflected arguments %s; using no arguments." + % (coltype, args) + ) + coltype = coltype() + else: + coltype = coltype() + + return coltype + + @reflection.cache + def get_pk_constraint(self, connection, table_name, schema=None, **kw): + constraint_name = None + table_data = self._get_table_sql(connection, table_name, schema=schema) + if table_data: + PK_PATTERN = r"CONSTRAINT (\w+) PRIMARY KEY" + result = re.search(PK_PATTERN, table_data, re.I) + constraint_name = result.group(1) if result else None + + cols = self.get_columns(connection, table_name, schema, **kw) + pkeys = [] + for col in cols: + if col["primary_key"]: + pkeys.append(col["name"]) + + return {"constrained_columns": pkeys, "name": constraint_name} + + @reflection.cache + def get_foreign_keys(self, connection, table_name, schema=None, **kw): + # sqlite makes this *extremely difficult*. + # First, use the pragma to get the actual FKs. + pragma_fks = self._get_table_pragma( + connection, "foreign_key_list", table_name, schema=schema + ) + + fks = {} + + for row in pragma_fks: + (numerical_id, rtbl, lcol, rcol) = (row[0], row[2], row[3], row[4]) + + if rcol is None: + rcol = lcol + + if self._broken_fk_pragma_quotes: + rtbl = re.sub(r"^[\"\[`\']|[\"\]`\']$", "", rtbl) + + if numerical_id in fks: + fk = fks[numerical_id] + else: + fk = fks[numerical_id] = { + "name": None, + "constrained_columns": [], + "referred_schema": schema, + "referred_table": rtbl, + "referred_columns": [], + "options": {}, + } + fks[numerical_id] = fk + + fk["constrained_columns"].append(lcol) + fk["referred_columns"].append(rcol) + + def fk_sig(constrained_columns, referred_table, referred_columns): + return ( + tuple(constrained_columns) + + (referred_table,) + + tuple(referred_columns) + ) + + # then, parse the actual SQL and attempt to find DDL that matches + # the names as well. SQLite saves the DDL in whatever format + # it was typed in as, so need to be liberal here. + + keys_by_signature = dict( + ( + fk_sig( + fk["constrained_columns"], + fk["referred_table"], + fk["referred_columns"], + ), + fk, + ) + for fk in fks.values() + ) + + table_data = self._get_table_sql(connection, table_name, schema=schema) + if table_data is None: + # system tables, etc. + return [] + + def parse_fks(): + FK_PATTERN = ( + r"(?:CONSTRAINT (\w+) +)?" + r"FOREIGN KEY *\( *(.+?) *\) +" + r'REFERENCES +(?:(?:"(.+?)")|([a-z0-9_]+)) *\((.+?)\) *' + r"((?:ON (?:DELETE|UPDATE) " + r"(?:SET NULL|SET DEFAULT|CASCADE|RESTRICT|NO ACTION) *)*)" + ) + for match in re.finditer(FK_PATTERN, table_data, re.I): + ( + constraint_name, + constrained_columns, + referred_quoted_name, + referred_name, + referred_columns, + onupdatedelete, + ) = match.group(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) + constrained_columns = list( + self._find_cols_in_sig(constrained_columns) + ) + if not referred_columns: + referred_columns = constrained_columns + else: + referred_columns = list( + self._find_cols_in_sig(referred_columns) + ) + referred_name = referred_quoted_name or referred_name + options = {} + + for token in re.split(r" *\bON\b *", onupdatedelete.upper()): + if token.startswith("DELETE"): + options["ondelete"] = token[6:].strip() + elif token.startswith("UPDATE"): + options["onupdate"] = token[6:].strip() + yield ( + constraint_name, + constrained_columns, + referred_name, + referred_columns, + options, + ) + + fkeys = [] + + for ( + constraint_name, + constrained_columns, + referred_name, + referred_columns, + options, + ) in parse_fks(): + sig = fk_sig(constrained_columns, referred_name, referred_columns) + if sig not in keys_by_signature: + util.warn( + "WARNING: SQL-parsed foreign key constraint " + "'%s' could not be located in PRAGMA " + "foreign_keys for table %s" % (sig, table_name) + ) + continue + key = keys_by_signature.pop(sig) + key["name"] = constraint_name + key["options"] = options + fkeys.append(key) + # assume the remainders are the unnamed, inline constraints, just + # use them as is as it's extremely difficult to parse inline + # constraints + fkeys.extend(keys_by_signature.values()) + return fkeys + + def _find_cols_in_sig(self, sig): + for match in re.finditer(r'(?:"(.+?)")|([a-z0-9_]+)', sig, re.I): + yield match.group(1) or match.group(2) + + @reflection.cache + def get_unique_constraints( + self, connection, table_name, schema=None, **kw + ): + + auto_index_by_sig = {} + for idx in self.get_indexes( + connection, + table_name, + schema=schema, + include_auto_indexes=True, + **kw + ): + if not idx["name"].startswith("sqlite_autoindex"): + continue + sig = tuple(idx["column_names"]) + auto_index_by_sig[sig] = idx + + table_data = self._get_table_sql( + connection, table_name, schema=schema, **kw + ) + if not table_data: + return [] + + unique_constraints = [] + + def parse_uqs(): + UNIQUE_PATTERN = r'(?:CONSTRAINT "?(.+?)"? +)?UNIQUE *\((.+?)\)' + INLINE_UNIQUE_PATTERN = ( + r'(?:(".+?")|([a-z0-9]+)) ' r"+[a-z0-9_ ]+? +UNIQUE" + ) + + for match in re.finditer(UNIQUE_PATTERN, table_data, re.I): + name, cols = match.group(1, 2) + yield name, list(self._find_cols_in_sig(cols)) + + # we need to match inlines as well, as we seek to differentiate + # a UNIQUE constraint from a UNIQUE INDEX, even though these + # are kind of the same thing :) + for match in re.finditer(INLINE_UNIQUE_PATTERN, table_data, re.I): + cols = list( + self._find_cols_in_sig(match.group(1) or match.group(2)) + ) + yield None, cols + + for name, cols in parse_uqs(): + sig = tuple(cols) + if sig in auto_index_by_sig: + auto_index_by_sig.pop(sig) + parsed_constraint = {"name": name, "column_names": cols} + unique_constraints.append(parsed_constraint) + # NOTE: auto_index_by_sig might not be empty here, + # the PRIMARY KEY may have an entry. + return unique_constraints + + @reflection.cache + def get_check_constraints(self, connection, table_name, schema=None, **kw): + table_data = self._get_table_sql( + connection, table_name, schema=schema, **kw + ) + if not table_data: + return [] + + CHECK_PATTERN = r"(?:CONSTRAINT (\w+) +)?" r"CHECK *\( *(.+) *\),? *" + check_constraints = [] + # NOTE: we aren't using re.S here because we actually are + # taking advantage of each CHECK constraint being all on one + # line in the table definition in order to delineate. This + # necessarily makes assumptions as to how the CREATE TABLE + # was emitted. + for match in re.finditer(CHECK_PATTERN, table_data, re.I): + check_constraints.append( + {"sqltext": match.group(2), "name": match.group(1)} + ) + + return check_constraints + + @reflection.cache + def get_indexes(self, connection, table_name, schema=None, **kw): + pragma_indexes = self._get_table_pragma( + connection, "index_list", table_name, schema=schema + ) + indexes = [] + + include_auto_indexes = kw.pop("include_auto_indexes", False) + for row in pragma_indexes: + # ignore implicit primary key index. + # http://www.mail-archive.com/sqlite-users@sqlite.org/msg30517.html + if not include_auto_indexes and row[1].startswith( + "sqlite_autoindex" + ): + continue + indexes.append(dict(name=row[1], column_names=[], unique=row[2])) + + # loop thru unique indexes to get the column names. + for idx in list(indexes): + pragma_index = self._get_table_pragma( + connection, "index_info", idx["name"] + ) + + for row in pragma_index: + if row[2] is None: + util.warn( + "Skipped unsupported reflection of " + "expression-based index %s" % idx["name"] + ) + indexes.remove(idx) + break + else: + idx["column_names"].append(row[2]) + return indexes + + @reflection.cache + def _get_table_sql(self, connection, table_name, schema=None, **kw): + if schema: + schema_expr = "%s." % ( + self.identifier_preparer.quote_identifier(schema) + ) + else: + schema_expr = "" + try: + s = ( + "SELECT sql FROM " + " (SELECT * FROM %(schema)ssqlite_master UNION ALL " + " SELECT * FROM %(schema)ssqlite_temp_master) " + "WHERE name = '%(table)s' " + "AND type = 'table'" + % {"schema": schema_expr, "table": table_name} + ) + rs = connection.execute(s) + except exc.DBAPIError: + s = ( + "SELECT sql FROM %(schema)ssqlite_master " + "WHERE name = '%(table)s' " + "AND type = 'table'" + % {"schema": schema_expr, "table": table_name} + ) + rs = connection.execute(s) + return rs.scalar() + + def _get_table_pragma(self, connection, pragma, table_name, schema=None): + quote = self.identifier_preparer.quote_identifier + if schema is not None: + statement = "PRAGMA %s." % quote(schema) + else: + statement = "PRAGMA " + qtable = quote(table_name) + statement = "%s%s(%s)" % (statement, pragma, qtable) + cursor = connection.execute(statement) + if not cursor._soft_closed: + # work around SQLite issue whereby cursor.description + # is blank when PRAGMA returns no rows: + # http://www.sqlite.org/cvstrac/tktview?tn=1884 + result = cursor.fetchall() + else: + result = [] + return result diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/sqlite/pysqlcipher.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/sqlite/pysqlcipher.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6f92853 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/sqlite/pysqlcipher.py @@ -0,0 +1,137 @@ +# sqlite/pysqlcipher.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +""" +.. dialect:: sqlite+pysqlcipher + :name: pysqlcipher + :dbapi: pysqlcipher + :connectstring: sqlite+pysqlcipher://:passphrase/file_path[?kdf_iter=] + :url: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pysqlcipher + + ``pysqlcipher`` is a fork of the standard ``pysqlite`` driver to make + use of the `SQLCipher `_ backend. + + ``pysqlcipher3`` is a fork of ``pysqlcipher`` for Python 3. This dialect + will attempt to import it if ``pysqlcipher`` is non-present. + + .. versionadded:: 1.1.4 - added fallback import for pysqlcipher3 + + .. versionadded:: 0.9.9 - added pysqlcipher dialect + +Driver +------ + +The driver here is the +`pysqlcipher `_ +driver, which makes use of the SQLCipher engine. This system essentially +introduces new PRAGMA commands to SQLite which allows the setting of a +passphrase and other encryption parameters, allowing the database +file to be encrypted. + +`pysqlcipher3` is a fork of `pysqlcipher` with support for Python 3, +the driver is the same. + +Connect Strings +--------------- + +The format of the connect string is in every way the same as that +of the :mod:`~sqlalchemy.dialects.sqlite.pysqlite` driver, except that the +"password" field is now accepted, which should contain a passphrase:: + + e = create_engine('sqlite+pysqlcipher://:testing@/foo.db') + +For an absolute file path, two leading slashes should be used for the +database name:: + + e = create_engine('sqlite+pysqlcipher://:testing@//path/to/foo.db') + +A selection of additional encryption-related pragmas supported by SQLCipher +as documented at https://www.zetetic.net/sqlcipher/sqlcipher-api/ can be passed +in the query string, and will result in that PRAGMA being called for each +new connection. Currently, ``cipher``, ``kdf_iter`` +``cipher_page_size`` and ``cipher_use_hmac`` are supported:: + + e = create_engine('sqlite+pysqlcipher://:testing@/foo.db?cipher=aes-256-cfb&kdf_iter=64000') + + +Pooling Behavior +---------------- + +The driver makes a change to the default pool behavior of pysqlite +as described in :ref:`pysqlite_threading_pooling`. The pysqlcipher driver +has been observed to be significantly slower on connection than the +pysqlite driver, most likely due to the encryption overhead, so the +dialect here defaults to using the :class:`.SingletonThreadPool` +implementation, +instead of the :class:`.NullPool` pool used by pysqlite. As always, the pool +implementation is entirely configurable using the +:paramref:`.create_engine.poolclass` parameter; the :class:`.StaticPool` may +be more feasible for single-threaded use, or :class:`.NullPool` may be used +to prevent unencrypted connections from being held open for long periods of +time, at the expense of slower startup time for new connections. + + +""" # noqa + +from __future__ import absolute_import + +from .pysqlite import SQLiteDialect_pysqlite +from ... import pool +from ...engine import url as _url + + +class SQLiteDialect_pysqlcipher(SQLiteDialect_pysqlite): + driver = "pysqlcipher" + + pragmas = ("kdf_iter", "cipher", "cipher_page_size", "cipher_use_hmac") + + @classmethod + def dbapi(cls): + try: + from pysqlcipher import dbapi2 as sqlcipher + except ImportError as e: + try: + from pysqlcipher3 import dbapi2 as sqlcipher + except ImportError: + raise e + return sqlcipher + + @classmethod + def get_pool_class(cls, url): + return pool.SingletonThreadPool + + def connect(self, *cargs, **cparams): + passphrase = cparams.pop("passphrase", "") + + pragmas = dict((key, cparams.pop(key, None)) for key in self.pragmas) + + conn = super(SQLiteDialect_pysqlcipher, self).connect( + *cargs, **cparams + ) + conn.execute('pragma key="%s"' % passphrase) + for prag, value in pragmas.items(): + if value is not None: + conn.execute('pragma %s="%s"' % (prag, value)) + + return conn + + def create_connect_args(self, url): + super_url = _url.URL( + url.drivername, + username=url.username, + host=url.host, + database=url.database, + query=url.query, + ) + c_args, opts = super( + SQLiteDialect_pysqlcipher, self + ).create_connect_args(super_url) + opts["passphrase"] = url.password + return c_args, opts + + +dialect = SQLiteDialect_pysqlcipher diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/sqlite/pysqlite.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/sqlite/pysqlite.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c84a734 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/sqlite/pysqlite.py @@ -0,0 +1,390 @@ +# sqlite/pysqlite.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +r""" +.. dialect:: sqlite+pysqlite + :name: pysqlite + :dbapi: sqlite3 + :connectstring: sqlite+pysqlite:///file_path + :url: http://docs.python.org/library/sqlite3.html + + Note that ``pysqlite`` is the same driver as the ``sqlite3`` + module included with the Python distribution. + +Driver +------ + +When using Python 2.5 and above, the built in ``sqlite3`` driver is +already installed and no additional installation is needed. Otherwise, +the ``pysqlite2`` driver needs to be present. This is the same driver as +``sqlite3``, just with a different name. + +The ``pysqlite2`` driver will be loaded first, and if not found, ``sqlite3`` +is loaded. This allows an explicitly installed pysqlite driver to take +precedence over the built in one. As with all dialects, a specific +DBAPI module may be provided to :func:`~sqlalchemy.create_engine()` to control +this explicitly:: + + from sqlite3 import dbapi2 as sqlite + e = create_engine('sqlite+pysqlite:///file.db', module=sqlite) + + +Connect Strings +--------------- + +The file specification for the SQLite database is taken as the "database" +portion of the URL. Note that the format of a SQLAlchemy url is:: + + driver://user:pass@host/database + +This means that the actual filename to be used starts with the characters to +the **right** of the third slash. So connecting to a relative filepath +looks like:: + + # relative path + e = create_engine('sqlite:///path/to/database.db') + +An absolute path, which is denoted by starting with a slash, means you +need **four** slashes:: + + # absolute path + e = create_engine('sqlite:////path/to/database.db') + +To use a Windows path, regular drive specifications and backslashes can be +used. Double backslashes are probably needed:: + + # absolute path on Windows + e = create_engine('sqlite:///C:\\path\\to\\database.db') + +The sqlite ``:memory:`` identifier is the default if no filepath is +present. Specify ``sqlite://`` and nothing else:: + + # in-memory database + e = create_engine('sqlite://') + +Compatibility with sqlite3 "native" date and datetime types +----------------------------------------------------------- + +The pysqlite driver includes the sqlite3.PARSE_DECLTYPES and +sqlite3.PARSE_COLNAMES options, which have the effect of any column +or expression explicitly cast as "date" or "timestamp" will be converted +to a Python date or datetime object. The date and datetime types provided +with the pysqlite dialect are not currently compatible with these options, +since they render the ISO date/datetime including microseconds, which +pysqlite's driver does not. Additionally, SQLAlchemy does not at +this time automatically render the "cast" syntax required for the +freestanding functions "current_timestamp" and "current_date" to return +datetime/date types natively. Unfortunately, pysqlite +does not provide the standard DBAPI types in ``cursor.description``, +leaving SQLAlchemy with no way to detect these types on the fly +without expensive per-row type checks. + +Keeping in mind that pysqlite's parsing option is not recommended, +nor should be necessary, for use with SQLAlchemy, usage of PARSE_DECLTYPES +can be forced if one configures "native_datetime=True" on create_engine():: + + engine = create_engine('sqlite://', + connect_args={'detect_types': + sqlite3.PARSE_DECLTYPES|sqlite3.PARSE_COLNAMES}, + native_datetime=True + ) + +With this flag enabled, the DATE and TIMESTAMP types (but note - not the +DATETIME or TIME types...confused yet ?) will not perform any bind parameter +or result processing. Execution of "func.current_date()" will return a string. +"func.current_timestamp()" is registered as returning a DATETIME type in +SQLAlchemy, so this function still receives SQLAlchemy-level result +processing. + +.. _pysqlite_threading_pooling: + +Threading/Pooling Behavior +--------------------------- + +Pysqlite's default behavior is to prohibit the usage of a single connection +in more than one thread. This is originally intended to work with older +versions of SQLite that did not support multithreaded operation under +various circumstances. In particular, older SQLite versions +did not allow a ``:memory:`` database to be used in multiple threads +under any circumstances. + +Pysqlite does include a now-undocumented flag known as +``check_same_thread`` which will disable this check, however note that +pysqlite connections are still not safe to use in concurrently in multiple +threads. In particular, any statement execution calls would need to be +externally mutexed, as Pysqlite does not provide for thread-safe propagation +of error messages among other things. So while even ``:memory:`` databases +can be shared among threads in modern SQLite, Pysqlite doesn't provide enough +thread-safety to make this usage worth it. + +SQLAlchemy sets up pooling to work with Pysqlite's default behavior: + +* When a ``:memory:`` SQLite database is specified, the dialect by default + will use :class:`.SingletonThreadPool`. This pool maintains a single + connection per thread, so that all access to the engine within the current + thread use the same ``:memory:`` database - other threads would access a + different ``:memory:`` database. +* When a file-based database is specified, the dialect will use + :class:`.NullPool` as the source of connections. This pool closes and + discards connections which are returned to the pool immediately. SQLite + file-based connections have extremely low overhead, so pooling is not + necessary. The scheme also prevents a connection from being used again in + a different thread and works best with SQLite's coarse-grained file locking. + + .. versionchanged:: 0.7 + Default selection of :class:`.NullPool` for SQLite file-based databases. + Previous versions select :class:`.SingletonThreadPool` by + default for all SQLite databases. + + +Using a Memory Database in Multiple Threads +^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ + +To use a ``:memory:`` database in a multithreaded scenario, the same +connection object must be shared among threads, since the database exists +only within the scope of that connection. The +:class:`.StaticPool` implementation will maintain a single connection +globally, and the ``check_same_thread`` flag can be passed to Pysqlite +as ``False``:: + + from sqlalchemy.pool import StaticPool + engine = create_engine('sqlite://', + connect_args={'check_same_thread':False}, + poolclass=StaticPool) + +Note that using a ``:memory:`` database in multiple threads requires a recent +version of SQLite. + +Using Temporary Tables with SQLite +^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ + +Due to the way SQLite deals with temporary tables, if you wish to use a +temporary table in a file-based SQLite database across multiple checkouts +from the connection pool, such as when using an ORM :class:`.Session` where +the temporary table should continue to remain after :meth:`.Session.commit` or +:meth:`.Session.rollback` is called, a pool which maintains a single +connection must be used. Use :class:`.SingletonThreadPool` if the scope is +only needed within the current thread, or :class:`.StaticPool` is scope is +needed within multiple threads for this case:: + + # maintain the same connection per thread + from sqlalchemy.pool import SingletonThreadPool + engine = create_engine('sqlite:///mydb.db', + poolclass=SingletonThreadPool) + + + # maintain the same connection across all threads + from sqlalchemy.pool import StaticPool + engine = create_engine('sqlite:///mydb.db', + poolclass=StaticPool) + +Note that :class:`.SingletonThreadPool` should be configured for the number +of threads that are to be used; beyond that number, connections will be +closed out in a non deterministic way. + +Unicode +------- + +The pysqlite driver only returns Python ``unicode`` objects in result sets, +never plain strings, and accommodates ``unicode`` objects within bound +parameter values in all cases. Regardless of the SQLAlchemy string type in +use, string-based result values will by Python ``unicode`` in Python 2. +The :class:`.Unicode` type should still be used to indicate those columns that +require unicode, however, so that non-``unicode`` values passed inadvertently +will emit a warning. Pysqlite will emit an error if a non-``unicode`` string +is passed containing non-ASCII characters. + +.. _pysqlite_serializable: + +Serializable isolation / Savepoints / Transactional DDL +------------------------------------------------------- + +In the section :ref:`sqlite_concurrency`, we refer to the pysqlite +driver's assortment of issues that prevent several features of SQLite +from working correctly. The pysqlite DBAPI driver has several +long-standing bugs which impact the correctness of its transactional +behavior. In its default mode of operation, SQLite features such as +SERIALIZABLE isolation, transactional DDL, and SAVEPOINT support are +non-functional, and in order to use these features, workarounds must +be taken. + +The issue is essentially that the driver attempts to second-guess the user's +intent, failing to start transactions and sometimes ending them prematurely, in +an effort to minimize the SQLite databases's file locking behavior, even +though SQLite itself uses "shared" locks for read-only activities. + +SQLAlchemy chooses to not alter this behavior by default, as it is the +long-expected behavior of the pysqlite driver; if and when the pysqlite +driver attempts to repair these issues, that will be more of a driver towards +defaults for SQLAlchemy. + +The good news is that with a few events, we can implement transactional +support fully, by disabling pysqlite's feature entirely and emitting BEGIN +ourselves. This is achieved using two event listeners:: + + from sqlalchemy import create_engine, event + + engine = create_engine("sqlite:///myfile.db") + + @event.listens_for(engine, "connect") + def do_connect(dbapi_connection, connection_record): + # disable pysqlite's emitting of the BEGIN statement entirely. + # also stops it from emitting COMMIT before any DDL. + dbapi_connection.isolation_level = None + + @event.listens_for(engine, "begin") + def do_begin(conn): + # emit our own BEGIN + conn.execute("BEGIN") + +Above, we intercept a new pysqlite connection and disable any transactional +integration. Then, at the point at which SQLAlchemy knows that transaction +scope is to begin, we emit ``"BEGIN"`` ourselves. + +When we take control of ``"BEGIN"``, we can also control directly SQLite's +locking modes, introduced at +`BEGIN TRANSACTION `_, +by adding the desired locking mode to our ``"BEGIN"``:: + + @event.listens_for(engine, "begin") + def do_begin(conn): + conn.execute("BEGIN EXCLUSIVE") + +.. seealso:: + + `BEGIN TRANSACTION `_ - + on the SQLite site + + `sqlite3 SELECT does not BEGIN a transaction `_ - + on the Python bug tracker + + `sqlite3 module breaks transactions and potentially corrupts data `_ - + on the Python bug tracker + + +""" # noqa + +import os + +from .base import DATE +from .base import DATETIME +from .base import SQLiteDialect +from ... import exc +from ... import pool +from ... import types as sqltypes +from ... import util + + +class _SQLite_pysqliteTimeStamp(DATETIME): + def bind_processor(self, dialect): + if dialect.native_datetime: + return None + else: + return DATETIME.bind_processor(self, dialect) + + def result_processor(self, dialect, coltype): + if dialect.native_datetime: + return None + else: + return DATETIME.result_processor(self, dialect, coltype) + + +class _SQLite_pysqliteDate(DATE): + def bind_processor(self, dialect): + if dialect.native_datetime: + return None + else: + return DATE.bind_processor(self, dialect) + + def result_processor(self, dialect, coltype): + if dialect.native_datetime: + return None + else: + return DATE.result_processor(self, dialect, coltype) + + +class SQLiteDialect_pysqlite(SQLiteDialect): + default_paramstyle = "qmark" + + colspecs = util.update_copy( + SQLiteDialect.colspecs, + { + sqltypes.Date: _SQLite_pysqliteDate, + sqltypes.TIMESTAMP: _SQLite_pysqliteTimeStamp, + }, + ) + + if not util.py2k: + description_encoding = None + + driver = "pysqlite" + + def __init__(self, **kwargs): + SQLiteDialect.__init__(self, **kwargs) + + if self.dbapi is not None: + sqlite_ver = self.dbapi.version_info + if sqlite_ver < (2, 1, 3): + util.warn( + ( + "The installed version of pysqlite2 (%s) is out-dated " + "and will cause errors in some cases. Version 2.1.3 " + "or greater is recommended." + ) + % ".".join([str(subver) for subver in sqlite_ver]) + ) + + @classmethod + def dbapi(cls): + try: + from pysqlite2 import dbapi2 as sqlite + except ImportError: + try: + from sqlite3 import dbapi2 as sqlite # try 2.5+ stdlib name. + except ImportError as e: + raise e + return sqlite + + @classmethod + def get_pool_class(cls, url): + if url.database and url.database != ":memory:": + return pool.NullPool + else: + return pool.SingletonThreadPool + + def _get_server_version_info(self, connection): + return self.dbapi.sqlite_version_info + + def create_connect_args(self, url): + if url.username or url.password or url.host or url.port: + raise exc.ArgumentError( + "Invalid SQLite URL: %s\n" + "Valid SQLite URL forms are:\n" + " sqlite:///:memory: (or, sqlite://)\n" + " sqlite:///relative/path/to/file.db\n" + " sqlite:////absolute/path/to/file.db" % (url,) + ) + filename = url.database or ":memory:" + if filename != ":memory:": + filename = os.path.abspath(filename) + + opts = url.query.copy() + util.coerce_kw_type(opts, "timeout", float) + util.coerce_kw_type(opts, "isolation_level", str) + util.coerce_kw_type(opts, "detect_types", int) + util.coerce_kw_type(opts, "check_same_thread", bool) + util.coerce_kw_type(opts, "cached_statements", int) + + return ([filename], opts) + + def is_disconnect(self, e, connection, cursor): + return isinstance( + e, self.dbapi.ProgrammingError + ) and "Cannot operate on a closed database." in str(e) + + +dialect = SQLiteDialect_pysqlite diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/sybase/__init__.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/sybase/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cfc66ed --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/sybase/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ +# sybase/__init__.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +from . import base # noqa +from . import pyodbc # noqa +from . import pysybase # noqa +from .base import BIGINT +from .base import BINARY +from .base import BIT +from .base import CHAR +from .base import DATE +from .base import DATETIME +from .base import FLOAT +from .base import IMAGE +from .base import INT +from .base import INTEGER +from .base import MONEY +from .base import NCHAR +from .base import NUMERIC +from .base import NVARCHAR +from .base import SMALLINT +from .base import SMALLMONEY +from .base import TEXT +from .base import TIME +from .base import TINYINT +from .base import UNICHAR +from .base import UNITEXT +from .base import UNIVARCHAR +from .base import VARBINARY +from .base import VARCHAR + +# default dialect +base.dialect = dialect = pyodbc.dialect + + +__all__ = ( + "CHAR", + "VARCHAR", + "TIME", + "NCHAR", + "NVARCHAR", + "TEXT", + "DATE", + "DATETIME", + "FLOAT", + "NUMERIC", + "BIGINT", + "INT", + "INTEGER", + "SMALLINT", + "BINARY", + "VARBINARY", + "UNITEXT", + "UNICHAR", + "UNIVARCHAR", + "IMAGE", + "BIT", + "MONEY", + "SMALLMONEY", + "TINYINT", + "dialect", +) diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/sybase/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/sybase/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..55923ea Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/sybase/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/sybase/__pycache__/base.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/sybase/__pycache__/base.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6196211 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/sybase/__pycache__/base.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/sybase/__pycache__/mxodbc.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/sybase/__pycache__/mxodbc.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7a867f8 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/sybase/__pycache__/mxodbc.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/sybase/__pycache__/pyodbc.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/sybase/__pycache__/pyodbc.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a07add8 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/sybase/__pycache__/pyodbc.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/sybase/__pycache__/pysybase.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/sybase/__pycache__/pysybase.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e02ca1e Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/sybase/__pycache__/pysybase.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/sybase/base.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/sybase/base.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0bba199 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/sybase/base.py @@ -0,0 +1,1094 @@ +# sybase/base.py +# Copyright (C) 2010-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# get_select_precolumns(), limit_clause() implementation +# copyright (C) 2007 Fisch Asset Management +# AG http://www.fam.ch, with coding by Alexander Houben +# alexander.houben@thor-solutions.ch +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +""" + +.. dialect:: sybase + :name: Sybase + +.. note:: + + The Sybase dialect functions on current SQLAlchemy versions + but is not regularly tested, and may have many issues and + caveats not currently handled. + +""" + +import re + +from sqlalchemy import exc +from sqlalchemy import schema as sa_schema +from sqlalchemy import types as sqltypes +from sqlalchemy import util +from sqlalchemy.engine import default +from sqlalchemy.engine import reflection +from sqlalchemy.sql import compiler +from sqlalchemy.sql import text +from sqlalchemy.types import BIGINT +from sqlalchemy.types import BINARY +from sqlalchemy.types import CHAR +from sqlalchemy.types import DATE +from sqlalchemy.types import DATETIME +from sqlalchemy.types import DECIMAL +from sqlalchemy.types import FLOAT +from sqlalchemy.types import INT # noqa +from sqlalchemy.types import INTEGER +from sqlalchemy.types import NCHAR +from sqlalchemy.types import NUMERIC +from sqlalchemy.types import NVARCHAR +from sqlalchemy.types import REAL +from sqlalchemy.types import SMALLINT +from sqlalchemy.types import TEXT +from sqlalchemy.types import TIME +from sqlalchemy.types import TIMESTAMP +from sqlalchemy.types import Unicode +from sqlalchemy.types import VARBINARY +from sqlalchemy.types import VARCHAR + +RESERVED_WORDS = set( + [ + "add", + "all", + "alter", + "and", + "any", + "as", + "asc", + "backup", + "begin", + "between", + "bigint", + "binary", + "bit", + "bottom", + "break", + "by", + "call", + "capability", + "cascade", + "case", + "cast", + "char", + "char_convert", + "character", + "check", + "checkpoint", + "close", + "comment", + "commit", + "connect", + "constraint", + "contains", + "continue", + "convert", + "create", + "cross", + "cube", + "current", + "current_timestamp", + "current_user", + "cursor", + "date", + "dbspace", + "deallocate", + "dec", + "decimal", + "declare", + "default", + "delete", + "deleting", + "desc", + "distinct", + "do", + "double", + "drop", + "dynamic", + "else", + "elseif", + "encrypted", + "end", + "endif", + "escape", + "except", + "exception", + "exec", + "execute", + "existing", + "exists", + "externlogin", + "fetch", + "first", + "float", + "for", + "force", + "foreign", + "forward", + "from", + "full", + "goto", + "grant", + "group", + "having", + "holdlock", + "identified", + "if", + "in", + "index", + "index_lparen", + "inner", + "inout", + "insensitive", + "insert", + "inserting", + "install", + "instead", + "int", + "integer", + "integrated", + "intersect", + "into", + "iq", + "is", + "isolation", + "join", + "key", + "lateral", + "left", + "like", + "lock", + "login", + "long", + "match", + "membership", + "message", + "mode", + "modify", + "natural", + "new", + "no", + "noholdlock", + "not", + "notify", + "null", + "numeric", + "of", + "off", + "on", + "open", + "option", + "options", + "or", + "order", + "others", + "out", + "outer", + "over", + "passthrough", + "precision", + "prepare", + "primary", + "print", + "privileges", + "proc", + "procedure", + "publication", + "raiserror", + "readtext", + "real", + "reference", + "references", + "release", + "remote", + "remove", + "rename", + "reorganize", + "resource", + "restore", + "restrict", + "return", + "revoke", + "right", + "rollback", + "rollup", + "save", + "savepoint", + "scroll", + "select", + "sensitive", + "session", + "set", + "setuser", + "share", + "smallint", + "some", + "sqlcode", + "sqlstate", + "start", + "stop", + "subtrans", + "subtransaction", + "synchronize", + "syntax_error", + "table", + "temporary", + "then", + "time", + "timestamp", + "tinyint", + "to", + "top", + "tran", + "trigger", + "truncate", + "tsequal", + "unbounded", + "union", + "unique", + "unknown", + "unsigned", + "update", + "updating", + "user", + "using", + "validate", + "values", + "varbinary", + "varchar", + "variable", + "varying", + "view", + "wait", + "waitfor", + "when", + "where", + "while", + "window", + "with", + "with_cube", + "with_lparen", + "with_rollup", + "within", + "work", + "writetext", + ] +) + + +class _SybaseUnitypeMixin(object): + """these types appear to return a buffer object.""" + + def result_processor(self, dialect, coltype): + def process(value): + if value is not None: + return str(value) # decode("ucs-2") + else: + return None + + return process + + +class UNICHAR(_SybaseUnitypeMixin, sqltypes.Unicode): + __visit_name__ = "UNICHAR" + + +class UNIVARCHAR(_SybaseUnitypeMixin, sqltypes.Unicode): + __visit_name__ = "UNIVARCHAR" + + +class UNITEXT(_SybaseUnitypeMixin, sqltypes.UnicodeText): + __visit_name__ = "UNITEXT" + + +class TINYINT(sqltypes.Integer): + __visit_name__ = "TINYINT" + + +class BIT(sqltypes.TypeEngine): + __visit_name__ = "BIT" + + +class MONEY(sqltypes.TypeEngine): + __visit_name__ = "MONEY" + + +class SMALLMONEY(sqltypes.TypeEngine): + __visit_name__ = "SMALLMONEY" + + +class UNIQUEIDENTIFIER(sqltypes.TypeEngine): + __visit_name__ = "UNIQUEIDENTIFIER" + + +class IMAGE(sqltypes.LargeBinary): + __visit_name__ = "IMAGE" + + +class SybaseTypeCompiler(compiler.GenericTypeCompiler): + def visit_large_binary(self, type_, **kw): + return self.visit_IMAGE(type_) + + def visit_boolean(self, type_, **kw): + return self.visit_BIT(type_) + + def visit_unicode(self, type_, **kw): + return self.visit_NVARCHAR(type_) + + def visit_UNICHAR(self, type_, **kw): + return "UNICHAR(%d)" % type_.length + + def visit_UNIVARCHAR(self, type_, **kw): + return "UNIVARCHAR(%d)" % type_.length + + def visit_UNITEXT(self, type_, **kw): + return "UNITEXT" + + def visit_TINYINT(self, type_, **kw): + return "TINYINT" + + def visit_IMAGE(self, type_, **kw): + return "IMAGE" + + def visit_BIT(self, type_, **kw): + return "BIT" + + def visit_MONEY(self, type_, **kw): + return "MONEY" + + def visit_SMALLMONEY(self, type_, **kw): + return "SMALLMONEY" + + def visit_UNIQUEIDENTIFIER(self, type_, **kw): + return "UNIQUEIDENTIFIER" + + +ischema_names = { + "bigint": BIGINT, + "int": INTEGER, + "integer": INTEGER, + "smallint": SMALLINT, + "tinyint": TINYINT, + "unsigned bigint": BIGINT, # TODO: unsigned flags + "unsigned int": INTEGER, # TODO: unsigned flags + "unsigned smallint": SMALLINT, # TODO: unsigned flags + "numeric": NUMERIC, + "decimal": DECIMAL, + "dec": DECIMAL, + "float": FLOAT, + "double": NUMERIC, # TODO + "double precision": NUMERIC, # TODO + "real": REAL, + "smallmoney": SMALLMONEY, + "money": MONEY, + "smalldatetime": DATETIME, + "datetime": DATETIME, + "date": DATE, + "time": TIME, + "char": CHAR, + "character": CHAR, + "varchar": VARCHAR, + "character varying": VARCHAR, + "char varying": VARCHAR, + "unichar": UNICHAR, + "unicode character": UNIVARCHAR, + "nchar": NCHAR, + "national char": NCHAR, + "national character": NCHAR, + "nvarchar": NVARCHAR, + "nchar varying": NVARCHAR, + "national char varying": NVARCHAR, + "national character varying": NVARCHAR, + "text": TEXT, + "unitext": UNITEXT, + "binary": BINARY, + "varbinary": VARBINARY, + "image": IMAGE, + "bit": BIT, + # not in documentation for ASE 15.7 + "long varchar": TEXT, # TODO + "timestamp": TIMESTAMP, + "uniqueidentifier": UNIQUEIDENTIFIER, +} + + +class SybaseInspector(reflection.Inspector): + def __init__(self, conn): + reflection.Inspector.__init__(self, conn) + + def get_table_id(self, table_name, schema=None): + """Return the table id from `table_name` and `schema`.""" + + return self.dialect.get_table_id( + self.bind, table_name, schema, info_cache=self.info_cache + ) + + +class SybaseExecutionContext(default.DefaultExecutionContext): + _enable_identity_insert = False + + def set_ddl_autocommit(self, connection, value): + """Must be implemented by subclasses to accommodate DDL executions. + + "connection" is the raw unwrapped DBAPI connection. "value" + is True or False. when True, the connection should be configured + such that a DDL can take place subsequently. when False, + a DDL has taken place and the connection should be resumed + into non-autocommit mode. + + """ + raise NotImplementedError() + + def pre_exec(self): + if self.isinsert: + tbl = self.compiled.statement.table + seq_column = tbl._autoincrement_column + insert_has_sequence = seq_column is not None + + if insert_has_sequence: + self._enable_identity_insert = ( + seq_column.key in self.compiled_parameters[0] + ) + else: + self._enable_identity_insert = False + + if self._enable_identity_insert: + self.cursor.execute( + "SET IDENTITY_INSERT %s ON" + % self.dialect.identifier_preparer.format_table(tbl) + ) + + if self.isddl: + # TODO: to enhance this, we can detect "ddl in tran" on the + # database settings. this error message should be improved to + # include a note about that. + if not self.should_autocommit: + raise exc.InvalidRequestError( + "The Sybase dialect only supports " + "DDL in 'autocommit' mode at this time." + ) + + self.root_connection.engine.logger.info( + "AUTOCOMMIT (Assuming no Sybase 'ddl in tran')" + ) + + self.set_ddl_autocommit( + self.root_connection.connection.connection, True + ) + + def post_exec(self): + if self.isddl: + self.set_ddl_autocommit(self.root_connection, False) + + if self._enable_identity_insert: + self.cursor.execute( + "SET IDENTITY_INSERT %s OFF" + % self.dialect.identifier_preparer.format_table( + self.compiled.statement.table + ) + ) + + def get_lastrowid(self): + cursor = self.create_cursor() + cursor.execute("SELECT @@identity AS lastrowid") + lastrowid = cursor.fetchone()[0] + cursor.close() + return lastrowid + + +class SybaseSQLCompiler(compiler.SQLCompiler): + ansi_bind_rules = True + + extract_map = util.update_copy( + compiler.SQLCompiler.extract_map, + {"doy": "dayofyear", "dow": "weekday", "milliseconds": "millisecond"}, + ) + + def get_select_precolumns(self, select, **kw): + s = select._distinct and "DISTINCT " or "" + # TODO: don't think Sybase supports + # bind params for FIRST / TOP + limit = select._limit + if limit: + # if select._limit == 1: + # s += "FIRST " + # else: + # s += "TOP %s " % (select._limit,) + s += "TOP %s " % (limit,) + offset = select._offset + if offset: + raise NotImplementedError("Sybase ASE does not support OFFSET") + return s + + def get_from_hint_text(self, table, text): + return text + + def limit_clause(self, select, **kw): + # Limit in sybase is after the select keyword + return "" + + def visit_extract(self, extract, **kw): + field = self.extract_map.get(extract.field, extract.field) + return 'DATEPART("%s", %s)' % (field, self.process(extract.expr, **kw)) + + def visit_now_func(self, fn, **kw): + return "GETDATE()" + + def for_update_clause(self, select): + # "FOR UPDATE" is only allowed on "DECLARE CURSOR" + # which SQLAlchemy doesn't use + return "" + + def order_by_clause(self, select, **kw): + kw["literal_binds"] = True + order_by = self.process(select._order_by_clause, **kw) + + # SybaseSQL only allows ORDER BY in subqueries if there is a LIMIT + if order_by and (not self.is_subquery() or select._limit): + return " ORDER BY " + order_by + else: + return "" + + def delete_table_clause(self, delete_stmt, from_table, extra_froms): + """If we have extra froms make sure we render any alias as hint.""" + ashint = False + if extra_froms: + ashint = True + return from_table._compiler_dispatch( + self, asfrom=True, iscrud=True, ashint=ashint + ) + + def delete_extra_from_clause( + self, delete_stmt, from_table, extra_froms, from_hints, **kw + ): + """Render the DELETE .. FROM clause specific to Sybase.""" + return "FROM " + ", ".join( + t._compiler_dispatch(self, asfrom=True, fromhints=from_hints, **kw) + for t in [from_table] + extra_froms + ) + + +class SybaseDDLCompiler(compiler.DDLCompiler): + def get_column_specification(self, column, **kwargs): + colspec = ( + self.preparer.format_column(column) + + " " + + self.dialect.type_compiler.process( + column.type, type_expression=column + ) + ) + + if column.table is None: + raise exc.CompileError( + "The Sybase dialect requires Table-bound " + "columns in order to generate DDL" + ) + seq_col = column.table._autoincrement_column + + # install a IDENTITY Sequence if we have an implicit IDENTITY column + if seq_col is column: + sequence = ( + isinstance(column.default, sa_schema.Sequence) + and column.default + ) + if sequence: + start, increment = sequence.start or 1, sequence.increment or 1 + else: + start, increment = 1, 1 + if (start, increment) == (1, 1): + colspec += " IDENTITY" + else: + # TODO: need correct syntax for this + colspec += " IDENTITY(%s,%s)" % (start, increment) + else: + default = self.get_column_default_string(column) + if default is not None: + colspec += " DEFAULT " + default + + if column.nullable is not None: + if not column.nullable or column.primary_key: + colspec += " NOT NULL" + else: + colspec += " NULL" + + return colspec + + def visit_drop_index(self, drop): + index = drop.element + return "\nDROP INDEX %s.%s" % ( + self.preparer.quote_identifier(index.table.name), + self._prepared_index_name(drop.element, include_schema=False), + ) + + +class SybaseIdentifierPreparer(compiler.IdentifierPreparer): + reserved_words = RESERVED_WORDS + + +class SybaseDialect(default.DefaultDialect): + name = "sybase" + supports_unicode_statements = False + supports_sane_rowcount = False + supports_sane_multi_rowcount = False + + supports_native_boolean = False + supports_unicode_binds = False + postfetch_lastrowid = True + + colspecs = {} + ischema_names = ischema_names + + type_compiler = SybaseTypeCompiler + statement_compiler = SybaseSQLCompiler + ddl_compiler = SybaseDDLCompiler + preparer = SybaseIdentifierPreparer + inspector = SybaseInspector + + construct_arguments = [] + + def _get_default_schema_name(self, connection): + return connection.scalar( + text( + "SELECT user_name() as user_name", + typemap={"user_name": Unicode}, + ) + ) + + def initialize(self, connection): + super(SybaseDialect, self).initialize(connection) + if ( + self.server_version_info is not None + and self.server_version_info < (15,) + ): + self.max_identifier_length = 30 + else: + self.max_identifier_length = 255 + + def get_table_id(self, connection, table_name, schema=None, **kw): + """Fetch the id for schema.table_name. + + Several reflection methods require the table id. The idea for using + this method is that it can be fetched one time and cached for + subsequent calls. + + """ + + table_id = None + if schema is None: + schema = self.default_schema_name + + TABLEID_SQL = text( + """ + SELECT o.id AS id + FROM sysobjects o JOIN sysusers u ON o.uid=u.uid + WHERE u.name = :schema_name + AND o.name = :table_name + AND o.type in ('U', 'V') + """ + ) + + if util.py2k: + if isinstance(schema, unicode): # noqa + schema = schema.encode("ascii") + if isinstance(table_name, unicode): # noqa + table_name = table_name.encode("ascii") + result = connection.execute( + TABLEID_SQL, schema_name=schema, table_name=table_name + ) + table_id = result.scalar() + if table_id is None: + raise exc.NoSuchTableError(table_name) + return table_id + + @reflection.cache + def get_columns(self, connection, table_name, schema=None, **kw): + table_id = self.get_table_id( + connection, table_name, schema, info_cache=kw.get("info_cache") + ) + + COLUMN_SQL = text( + """ + SELECT col.name AS name, + t.name AS type, + (col.status & 8) AS nullable, + (col.status & 128) AS autoincrement, + com.text AS 'default', + col.prec AS precision, + col.scale AS scale, + col.length AS length + FROM systypes t, syscolumns col LEFT OUTER JOIN syscomments com ON + col.cdefault = com.id + WHERE col.usertype = t.usertype + AND col.id = :table_id + ORDER BY col.colid + """ + ) + + results = connection.execute(COLUMN_SQL, table_id=table_id) + + columns = [] + for ( + name, + type_, + nullable, + autoincrement, + default_, + precision, + scale, + length, + ) in results: + col_info = self._get_column_info( + name, + type_, + bool(nullable), + bool(autoincrement), + default_, + precision, + scale, + length, + ) + columns.append(col_info) + + return columns + + def _get_column_info( + self, + name, + type_, + nullable, + autoincrement, + default, + precision, + scale, + length, + ): + + coltype = self.ischema_names.get(type_, None) + + kwargs = {} + + if coltype in (NUMERIC, DECIMAL): + args = (precision, scale) + elif coltype == FLOAT: + args = (precision,) + elif coltype in (CHAR, VARCHAR, UNICHAR, UNIVARCHAR, NCHAR, NVARCHAR): + args = (length,) + else: + args = () + + if coltype: + coltype = coltype(*args, **kwargs) + # is this necessary + # if is_array: + # coltype = ARRAY(coltype) + else: + util.warn( + "Did not recognize type '%s' of column '%s'" % (type_, name) + ) + coltype = sqltypes.NULLTYPE + + if default: + default = default.replace("DEFAULT", "").strip() + default = re.sub("^'(.*)'$", lambda m: m.group(1), default) + else: + default = None + + column_info = dict( + name=name, + type=coltype, + nullable=nullable, + default=default, + autoincrement=autoincrement, + ) + return column_info + + @reflection.cache + def get_foreign_keys(self, connection, table_name, schema=None, **kw): + + table_id = self.get_table_id( + connection, table_name, schema, info_cache=kw.get("info_cache") + ) + + table_cache = {} + column_cache = {} + foreign_keys = [] + + table_cache[table_id] = {"name": table_name, "schema": schema} + + COLUMN_SQL = text( + """ + SELECT c.colid AS id, c.name AS name + FROM syscolumns c + WHERE c.id = :table_id + """ + ) + + results = connection.execute(COLUMN_SQL, table_id=table_id) + columns = {} + for col in results: + columns[col["id"]] = col["name"] + column_cache[table_id] = columns + + REFCONSTRAINT_SQL = text( + """ + SELECT o.name AS name, r.reftabid AS reftable_id, + r.keycnt AS 'count', + r.fokey1 AS fokey1, r.fokey2 AS fokey2, r.fokey3 AS fokey3, + r.fokey4 AS fokey4, r.fokey5 AS fokey5, r.fokey6 AS fokey6, + r.fokey7 AS fokey7, r.fokey1 AS fokey8, r.fokey9 AS fokey9, + r.fokey10 AS fokey10, r.fokey11 AS fokey11, r.fokey12 AS fokey12, + r.fokey13 AS fokey13, r.fokey14 AS fokey14, r.fokey15 AS fokey15, + r.fokey16 AS fokey16, + r.refkey1 AS refkey1, r.refkey2 AS refkey2, r.refkey3 AS refkey3, + r.refkey4 AS refkey4, r.refkey5 AS refkey5, r.refkey6 AS refkey6, + r.refkey7 AS refkey7, r.refkey1 AS refkey8, r.refkey9 AS refkey9, + r.refkey10 AS refkey10, r.refkey11 AS refkey11, + r.refkey12 AS refkey12, r.refkey13 AS refkey13, + r.refkey14 AS refkey14, r.refkey15 AS refkey15, + r.refkey16 AS refkey16 + FROM sysreferences r JOIN sysobjects o on r.tableid = o.id + WHERE r.tableid = :table_id + """ + ) + referential_constraints = connection.execute( + REFCONSTRAINT_SQL, table_id=table_id + ).fetchall() + + REFTABLE_SQL = text( + """ + SELECT o.name AS name, u.name AS 'schema' + FROM sysobjects o JOIN sysusers u ON o.uid = u.uid + WHERE o.id = :table_id + """ + ) + + for r in referential_constraints: + reftable_id = r["reftable_id"] + + if reftable_id not in table_cache: + c = connection.execute(REFTABLE_SQL, table_id=reftable_id) + reftable = c.fetchone() + c.close() + table_info = {"name": reftable["name"], "schema": None} + if ( + schema is not None + or reftable["schema"] != self.default_schema_name + ): + table_info["schema"] = reftable["schema"] + + table_cache[reftable_id] = table_info + results = connection.execute(COLUMN_SQL, table_id=reftable_id) + reftable_columns = {} + for col in results: + reftable_columns[col["id"]] = col["name"] + column_cache[reftable_id] = reftable_columns + + reftable = table_cache[reftable_id] + reftable_columns = column_cache[reftable_id] + + constrained_columns = [] + referred_columns = [] + for i in range(1, r["count"] + 1): + constrained_columns.append(columns[r["fokey%i" % i]]) + referred_columns.append(reftable_columns[r["refkey%i" % i]]) + + fk_info = { + "constrained_columns": constrained_columns, + "referred_schema": reftable["schema"], + "referred_table": reftable["name"], + "referred_columns": referred_columns, + "name": r["name"], + } + + foreign_keys.append(fk_info) + + return foreign_keys + + @reflection.cache + def get_indexes(self, connection, table_name, schema=None, **kw): + table_id = self.get_table_id( + connection, table_name, schema, info_cache=kw.get("info_cache") + ) + + INDEX_SQL = text( + """ + SELECT object_name(i.id) AS table_name, + i.keycnt AS 'count', + i.name AS name, + (i.status & 0x2) AS 'unique', + index_col(object_name(i.id), i.indid, 1) AS col_1, + index_col(object_name(i.id), i.indid, 2) AS col_2, + index_col(object_name(i.id), i.indid, 3) AS col_3, + index_col(object_name(i.id), i.indid, 4) AS col_4, + index_col(object_name(i.id), i.indid, 5) AS col_5, + index_col(object_name(i.id), i.indid, 6) AS col_6, + index_col(object_name(i.id), i.indid, 7) AS col_7, + index_col(object_name(i.id), i.indid, 8) AS col_8, + index_col(object_name(i.id), i.indid, 9) AS col_9, + index_col(object_name(i.id), i.indid, 10) AS col_10, + index_col(object_name(i.id), i.indid, 11) AS col_11, + index_col(object_name(i.id), i.indid, 12) AS col_12, + index_col(object_name(i.id), i.indid, 13) AS col_13, + index_col(object_name(i.id), i.indid, 14) AS col_14, + index_col(object_name(i.id), i.indid, 15) AS col_15, + index_col(object_name(i.id), i.indid, 16) AS col_16 + FROM sysindexes i, sysobjects o + WHERE o.id = i.id + AND o.id = :table_id + AND (i.status & 2048) = 0 + AND i.indid BETWEEN 1 AND 254 + """ + ) + + results = connection.execute(INDEX_SQL, table_id=table_id) + indexes = [] + for r in results: + column_names = [] + for i in range(1, r["count"]): + column_names.append(r["col_%i" % (i,)]) + index_info = { + "name": r["name"], + "unique": bool(r["unique"]), + "column_names": column_names, + } + indexes.append(index_info) + + return indexes + + @reflection.cache + def get_pk_constraint(self, connection, table_name, schema=None, **kw): + table_id = self.get_table_id( + connection, table_name, schema, info_cache=kw.get("info_cache") + ) + + PK_SQL = text( + """ + SELECT object_name(i.id) AS table_name, + i.keycnt AS 'count', + i.name AS name, + index_col(object_name(i.id), i.indid, 1) AS pk_1, + index_col(object_name(i.id), i.indid, 2) AS pk_2, + index_col(object_name(i.id), i.indid, 3) AS pk_3, + index_col(object_name(i.id), i.indid, 4) AS pk_4, + index_col(object_name(i.id), i.indid, 5) AS pk_5, + index_col(object_name(i.id), i.indid, 6) AS pk_6, + index_col(object_name(i.id), i.indid, 7) AS pk_7, + index_col(object_name(i.id), i.indid, 8) AS pk_8, + index_col(object_name(i.id), i.indid, 9) AS pk_9, + index_col(object_name(i.id), i.indid, 10) AS pk_10, + index_col(object_name(i.id), i.indid, 11) AS pk_11, + index_col(object_name(i.id), i.indid, 12) AS pk_12, + index_col(object_name(i.id), i.indid, 13) AS pk_13, + index_col(object_name(i.id), i.indid, 14) AS pk_14, + index_col(object_name(i.id), i.indid, 15) AS pk_15, + index_col(object_name(i.id), i.indid, 16) AS pk_16 + FROM sysindexes i, sysobjects o + WHERE o.id = i.id + AND o.id = :table_id + AND (i.status & 2048) = 2048 + AND i.indid BETWEEN 1 AND 254 + """ + ) + + results = connection.execute(PK_SQL, table_id=table_id) + pks = results.fetchone() + results.close() + + constrained_columns = [] + if pks: + for i in range(1, pks["count"] + 1): + constrained_columns.append(pks["pk_%i" % (i,)]) + return { + "constrained_columns": constrained_columns, + "name": pks["name"], + } + else: + return {"constrained_columns": [], "name": None} + + @reflection.cache + def get_schema_names(self, connection, **kw): + + SCHEMA_SQL = text("SELECT u.name AS name FROM sysusers u") + + schemas = connection.execute(SCHEMA_SQL) + + return [s["name"] for s in schemas] + + @reflection.cache + def get_table_names(self, connection, schema=None, **kw): + if schema is None: + schema = self.default_schema_name + + TABLE_SQL = text( + """ + SELECT o.name AS name + FROM sysobjects o JOIN sysusers u ON o.uid = u.uid + WHERE u.name = :schema_name + AND o.type = 'U' + """ + ) + + if util.py2k: + if isinstance(schema, unicode): # noqa + schema = schema.encode("ascii") + + tables = connection.execute(TABLE_SQL, schema_name=schema) + + return [t["name"] for t in tables] + + @reflection.cache + def get_view_definition(self, connection, view_name, schema=None, **kw): + if schema is None: + schema = self.default_schema_name + + VIEW_DEF_SQL = text( + """ + SELECT c.text + FROM syscomments c JOIN sysobjects o ON c.id = o.id + WHERE o.name = :view_name + AND o.type = 'V' + """ + ) + + if util.py2k: + if isinstance(view_name, unicode): # noqa + view_name = view_name.encode("ascii") + + view = connection.execute(VIEW_DEF_SQL, view_name=view_name) + + return view.scalar() + + @reflection.cache + def get_view_names(self, connection, schema=None, **kw): + if schema is None: + schema = self.default_schema_name + + VIEW_SQL = text( + """ + SELECT o.name AS name + FROM sysobjects o JOIN sysusers u ON o.uid = u.uid + WHERE u.name = :schema_name + AND o.type = 'V' + """ + ) + + if util.py2k: + if isinstance(schema, unicode): # noqa + schema = schema.encode("ascii") + views = connection.execute(VIEW_SQL, schema_name=schema) + + return [v["name"] for v in views] + + def has_table(self, connection, table_name, schema=None): + try: + self.get_table_id(connection, table_name, schema) + except exc.NoSuchTableError: + return False + else: + return True diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/sybase/mxodbc.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/sybase/mxodbc.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8fcacb9 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/sybase/mxodbc.py @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +# sybase/mxodbc.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php +""" + +.. dialect:: sybase+mxodbc + :name: mxODBC + :dbapi: mxodbc + :connectstring: sybase+mxodbc://:@ + :url: http://www.egenix.com/ + +.. note:: + + This dialect is a stub only and is likely non functional at this time. + + +""" +from sqlalchemy.connectors.mxodbc import MxODBCConnector +from sqlalchemy.dialects.sybase.base import SybaseDialect +from sqlalchemy.dialects.sybase.base import SybaseExecutionContext + + +class SybaseExecutionContext_mxodbc(SybaseExecutionContext): + pass + + +class SybaseDialect_mxodbc(MxODBCConnector, SybaseDialect): + execution_ctx_cls = SybaseExecutionContext_mxodbc + + +dialect = SybaseDialect_mxodbc diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/sybase/pyodbc.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/sybase/pyodbc.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b723063 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/sybase/pyodbc.py @@ -0,0 +1,85 @@ +# sybase/pyodbc.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +""" +.. dialect:: sybase+pyodbc + :name: PyODBC + :dbapi: pyodbc + :connectstring: sybase+pyodbc://:@[/] + :url: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/pyodbc/ + + +Unicode Support +--------------- + +The pyodbc driver currently supports usage of these Sybase types with +Unicode or multibyte strings:: + + CHAR + NCHAR + NVARCHAR + TEXT + VARCHAR + +Currently *not* supported are:: + + UNICHAR + UNITEXT + UNIVARCHAR + +""" # noqa + +import decimal + +from sqlalchemy import processors +from sqlalchemy import types as sqltypes +from sqlalchemy.connectors.pyodbc import PyODBCConnector +from sqlalchemy.dialects.sybase.base import SybaseDialect +from sqlalchemy.dialects.sybase.base import SybaseExecutionContext + + +class _SybNumeric_pyodbc(sqltypes.Numeric): + """Turns Decimals with adjusted() < -6 into floats. + + It's not yet known how to get decimals with many + significant digits or very large adjusted() into Sybase + via pyodbc. + + """ + + def bind_processor(self, dialect): + super_process = super(_SybNumeric_pyodbc, self).bind_processor(dialect) + + def process(value): + if self.asdecimal and isinstance(value, decimal.Decimal): + + if value.adjusted() < -6: + return processors.to_float(value) + + if super_process: + return super_process(value) + else: + return value + + return process + + +class SybaseExecutionContext_pyodbc(SybaseExecutionContext): + def set_ddl_autocommit(self, connection, value): + if value: + connection.autocommit = True + else: + connection.autocommit = False + + +class SybaseDialect_pyodbc(PyODBCConnector, SybaseDialect): + execution_ctx_cls = SybaseExecutionContext_pyodbc + + colspecs = {sqltypes.Numeric: _SybNumeric_pyodbc} + + +dialect = SybaseDialect_pyodbc diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/sybase/pysybase.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/sybase/pysybase.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..26e94e9 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/sybase/pysybase.py @@ -0,0 +1,104 @@ +# sybase/pysybase.py +# Copyright (C) 2010-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +""" +.. dialect:: sybase+pysybase + :name: Python-Sybase + :dbapi: Sybase + :connectstring: sybase+pysybase://:@/[database name] + :url: http://python-sybase.sourceforge.net/ + +Unicode Support +--------------- + +The python-sybase driver does not appear to support non-ASCII strings of any +kind at this time. + +""" # noqa + +from sqlalchemy import processors +from sqlalchemy import types as sqltypes +from sqlalchemy.dialects.sybase.base import SybaseDialect +from sqlalchemy.dialects.sybase.base import SybaseExecutionContext +from sqlalchemy.dialects.sybase.base import SybaseSQLCompiler + + +class _SybNumeric(sqltypes.Numeric): + def result_processor(self, dialect, type_): + if not self.asdecimal: + return processors.to_float + else: + return sqltypes.Numeric.result_processor(self, dialect, type_) + + +class SybaseExecutionContext_pysybase(SybaseExecutionContext): + def set_ddl_autocommit(self, dbapi_connection, value): + if value: + # call commit() on the Sybase connection directly, + # to avoid any side effects of calling a Connection + # transactional method inside of pre_exec() + dbapi_connection.commit() + + def pre_exec(self): + SybaseExecutionContext.pre_exec(self) + + for param in self.parameters: + for key in list(param): + param["@" + key] = param[key] + del param[key] + + +class SybaseSQLCompiler_pysybase(SybaseSQLCompiler): + def bindparam_string(self, name, **kw): + return "@" + name + + +class SybaseDialect_pysybase(SybaseDialect): + driver = "pysybase" + execution_ctx_cls = SybaseExecutionContext_pysybase + statement_compiler = SybaseSQLCompiler_pysybase + + colspecs = {sqltypes.Numeric: _SybNumeric, sqltypes.Float: sqltypes.Float} + + @classmethod + def dbapi(cls): + import Sybase + + return Sybase + + def create_connect_args(self, url): + opts = url.translate_connect_args(username="user", password="passwd") + + return ([opts.pop("host")], opts) + + def do_executemany(self, cursor, statement, parameters, context=None): + # calling python-sybase executemany yields: + # TypeError: string too long for buffer + for param in parameters: + cursor.execute(statement, param) + + def _get_server_version_info(self, connection): + vers = connection.scalar("select @@version_number") + # i.e. 15500, 15000, 12500 == (15, 5, 0, 0), (15, 0, 0, 0), + # (12, 5, 0, 0) + return (vers / 1000, vers % 1000 / 100, vers % 100 / 10, vers % 10) + + def is_disconnect(self, e, connection, cursor): + if isinstance( + e, (self.dbapi.OperationalError, self.dbapi.ProgrammingError) + ): + msg = str(e) + return ( + "Unable to complete network request to host" in msg + or "Invalid connection state" in msg + or "Invalid cursor state" in msg + ) + else: + return False + + +dialect = SybaseDialect_pysybase diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/__init__.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cb08729 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1,481 @@ +# engine/__init__.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +"""SQL connections, SQL execution and high-level DB-API interface. + +The engine package defines the basic components used to interface +DB-API modules with higher-level statement construction, +connection-management, execution and result contexts. The primary +"entry point" class into this package is the Engine and its public +constructor ``create_engine()``. + +This package includes: + +base.py + Defines interface classes and some implementation classes which + comprise the basic components used to interface between a DB-API, + constructed and plain-text statements, connections, transactions, + and results. + +default.py + Contains default implementations of some of the components defined + in base.py. All current database dialects use the classes in + default.py as base classes for their own database-specific + implementations. + +strategies.py + The mechanics of constructing ``Engine`` objects are represented + here. Defines the ``EngineStrategy`` class which represents how + to go from arguments specified to the ``create_engine()`` + function, to a fully constructed ``Engine``, including + initialization of connection pooling, dialects, and specific + subclasses of ``Engine``. + +threadlocal.py + The ``TLEngine`` class is defined here, which is a subclass of + the generic ``Engine`` and tracks ``Connection`` and + ``Transaction`` objects against the identity of the current + thread. This allows certain programming patterns based around + the concept of a "thread-local connection" to be possible. + The ``TLEngine`` is created by using the "threadlocal" engine + strategy in conjunction with the ``create_engine()`` function. + +url.py + Defines the ``URL`` class which represents the individual + components of a string URL passed to ``create_engine()``. Also + defines a basic module-loading strategy for the dialect specifier + within a URL. +""" + +from . import strategies +from . import util # noqa +from .base import Connection # noqa +from .base import Engine # noqa +from .base import NestedTransaction # noqa +from .base import RootTransaction # noqa +from .base import Transaction # noqa +from .base import TwoPhaseTransaction # noqa +from .interfaces import Compiled # noqa +from .interfaces import Connectable # noqa +from .interfaces import CreateEnginePlugin # noqa +from .interfaces import Dialect # noqa +from .interfaces import ExceptionContext # noqa +from .interfaces import ExecutionContext # noqa +from .interfaces import TypeCompiler # noqa +from .result import BaseRowProxy # noqa +from .result import BufferedColumnResultProxy # noqa +from .result import BufferedColumnRow # noqa +from .result import BufferedRowResultProxy # noqa +from .result import FullyBufferedResultProxy # noqa +from .result import ResultProxy # noqa +from .result import RowProxy # noqa +from .util import connection_memoize # noqa +from ..sql import ddl # noqa + + +default_strategy = "plain" + + +def create_engine(*args, **kwargs): + """Create a new :class:`.Engine` instance. + + The standard calling form is to send the URL as the + first positional argument, usually a string + that indicates database dialect and connection arguments:: + + + engine = create_engine("postgresql://scott:tiger@localhost/test") + + Additional keyword arguments may then follow it which + establish various options on the resulting :class:`.Engine` + and its underlying :class:`.Dialect` and :class:`.Pool` + constructs:: + + engine = create_engine("mysql://scott:tiger@hostname/dbname", + encoding='latin1', echo=True) + + The string form of the URL is + ``dialect[+driver]://user:password@host/dbname[?key=value..]``, where + ``dialect`` is a database name such as ``mysql``, ``oracle``, + ``postgresql``, etc., and ``driver`` the name of a DBAPI, such as + ``psycopg2``, ``pyodbc``, ``cx_oracle``, etc. Alternatively, + the URL can be an instance of :class:`~sqlalchemy.engine.url.URL`. + + ``**kwargs`` takes a wide variety of options which are routed + towards their appropriate components. Arguments may be specific to + the :class:`.Engine`, the underlying :class:`.Dialect`, as well as the + :class:`.Pool`. Specific dialects also accept keyword arguments that + are unique to that dialect. Here, we describe the parameters + that are common to most :func:`.create_engine()` usage. + + Once established, the newly resulting :class:`.Engine` will + request a connection from the underlying :class:`.Pool` once + :meth:`.Engine.connect` is called, or a method which depends on it + such as :meth:`.Engine.execute` is invoked. The :class:`.Pool` in turn + will establish the first actual DBAPI connection when this request + is received. The :func:`.create_engine` call itself does **not** + establish any actual DBAPI connections directly. + + .. seealso:: + + :doc:`/core/engines` + + :doc:`/dialects/index` + + :ref:`connections_toplevel` + + :param case_sensitive=True: if False, result column names + will match in a case-insensitive fashion, that is, + ``row['SomeColumn']``. + + .. versionchanged:: 0.8 + By default, result row names match case-sensitively. + In version 0.7 and prior, all matches were case-insensitive. + + :param connect_args: a dictionary of options which will be + passed directly to the DBAPI's ``connect()`` method as + additional keyword arguments. See the example + at :ref:`custom_dbapi_args`. + + :param convert_unicode=False: if set to True, causes + all :class:`.String` datatypes to act as though the + :paramref:`.String.convert_unicode` flag has been set to ``True``, + regardless of a setting of ``False`` on an individual :class:`.String` + type. This has the effect of causing all :class:`.String` -based + columns to accommodate Python Unicode objects directly as though the + datatype were the :class:`.Unicode` type. + + .. note:: + + SQLAlchemy's unicode-conversion flags and features only apply + to Python 2; in Python 3, all string objects are Unicode objects. + For this reason, as well as the fact that virtually all modern + DBAPIs now support Unicode natively even under Python 2, + the :paramref:`.Engine.convert_unicode` flag is inherently a + legacy feature. + + .. note:: + + This flag does **not** imply that SQLAlchemy's unicode-conversion + services will be used, as all modern DBAPIs already handle + unicode natively; in most cases it only indicates that the + :class:`.String` datatype will return Python unicode objects, + rather than plain strings. The :class:`.String` datatype itself + has additional options to force the usage of SQLAlchemy's unicode + converters. + + .. note:: + + This flag does **not** impact "raw" SQL statements that have no + typing information set up; that is, if the :class:`.String` + datatype is not used, no unicode behavior is implied. + + .. seealso:: + + :paramref:`.String.convert_unicode` - the flag local to the + :class:`.String` datatype has additional options + which can force unicode handling on a per-type basis. + + + :param creator: a callable which returns a DBAPI connection. + This creation function will be passed to the underlying + connection pool and will be used to create all new database + connections. Usage of this function causes connection + parameters specified in the URL argument to be bypassed. + + :param echo=False: if True, the Engine will log all statements + as well as a repr() of their parameter lists to the engines + logger, which defaults to sys.stdout. The ``echo`` attribute of + ``Engine`` can be modified at any time to turn logging on and + off. If set to the string ``"debug"``, result rows will be + printed to the standard output as well. This flag ultimately + controls a Python logger; see :ref:`dbengine_logging` for + information on how to configure logging directly. + + :param echo_pool=False: if True, the connection pool will log + all checkouts/checkins to the logging stream, which defaults to + sys.stdout. This flag ultimately controls a Python logger; see + :ref:`dbengine_logging` for information on how to configure logging + directly. + + :param empty_in_strategy: The SQL compilation strategy to use when + rendering an IN or NOT IN expression for :meth:`.ColumnOperators.in_` + where the right-hand side + is an empty set. This is a string value that may be one of + ``static``, ``dynamic``, or ``dynamic_warn``. The ``static`` + strategy is the default, and an IN comparison to an empty set + will generate a simple false expression "1 != 1". The ``dynamic`` + strategy behaves like that of SQLAlchemy 1.1 and earlier, emitting + a false expression of the form "expr != expr", which has the effect + of evaluting to NULL in the case of a null expression. + ``dynamic_warn`` is the same as ``dynamic``, however also emits a + warning when an empty set is encountered; this because the "dynamic" + comparison is typically poorly performing on most databases. + + .. versionadded:: 1.2 Added the ``empty_in_strategy`` setting and + additionally defaulted the behavior for empty-set IN comparisons + to a static boolean expression. + + :param encoding: Defaults to ``utf-8``. This is the string + encoding used by SQLAlchemy for string encode/decode + operations which occur within SQLAlchemy, **outside of + the DBAPI.** Most modern DBAPIs feature some degree of + direct support for Python ``unicode`` objects, + what you see in Python 2 as a string of the form + ``u'some string'``. For those scenarios where the + DBAPI is detected as not supporting a Python ``unicode`` + object, this encoding is used to determine the + source/destination encoding. It is **not used** + for those cases where the DBAPI handles unicode + directly. + + To properly configure a system to accommodate Python + ``unicode`` objects, the DBAPI should be + configured to handle unicode to the greatest + degree as is appropriate - see + the notes on unicode pertaining to the specific + target database in use at :ref:`dialect_toplevel`. + + Areas where string encoding may need to be accommodated + outside of the DBAPI include zero or more of: + + * the values passed to bound parameters, corresponding to + the :class:`.Unicode` type or the :class:`.String` type + when ``convert_unicode`` is ``True``; + * the values returned in result set columns corresponding + to the :class:`.Unicode` type or the :class:`.String` + type when ``convert_unicode`` is ``True``; + * the string SQL statement passed to the DBAPI's + ``cursor.execute()`` method; + * the string names of the keys in the bound parameter + dictionary passed to the DBAPI's ``cursor.execute()`` + as well as ``cursor.setinputsizes()`` methods; + * the string column names retrieved from the DBAPI's + ``cursor.description`` attribute. + + When using Python 3, the DBAPI is required to support + *all* of the above values as Python ``unicode`` objects, + which in Python 3 are just known as ``str``. In Python 2, + the DBAPI does not specify unicode behavior at all, + so SQLAlchemy must make decisions for each of the above + values on a per-DBAPI basis - implementations are + completely inconsistent in their behavior. + + :param execution_options: Dictionary execution options which will + be applied to all connections. See + :meth:`~sqlalchemy.engine.Connection.execution_options` + + :param implicit_returning=True: When ``True``, a RETURNING- + compatible construct, if available, will be used to + fetch newly generated primary key values when a single row + INSERT statement is emitted with no existing returning() + clause. This applies to those backends which support RETURNING + or a compatible construct, including PostgreSQL, Firebird, Oracle, + Microsoft SQL Server. Set this to ``False`` to disable + the automatic usage of RETURNING. + + :param isolation_level: this string parameter is interpreted by various + dialects in order to affect the transaction isolation level of the + database connection. The parameter essentially accepts some subset of + these string arguments: ``"SERIALIZABLE"``, ``"REPEATABLE_READ"``, + ``"READ_COMMITTED"``, ``"READ_UNCOMMITTED"`` and ``"AUTOCOMMIT"``. + Behavior here varies per backend, and + individual dialects should be consulted directly. + + Note that the isolation level can also be set on a + per-:class:`.Connection` basis as well, using the + :paramref:`.Connection.execution_options.isolation_level` + feature. + + .. seealso:: + + :attr:`.Connection.default_isolation_level` - view default level + + :paramref:`.Connection.execution_options.isolation_level` + - set per :class:`.Connection` isolation level + + :ref:`SQLite Transaction Isolation ` + + :ref:`PostgreSQL Transaction Isolation ` + + :ref:`MySQL Transaction Isolation ` + + :ref:`session_transaction_isolation` - for the ORM + + :param label_length=None: optional integer value which limits + the size of dynamically generated column labels to that many + characters. If less than 6, labels are generated as + "_(counter)". If ``None``, the value of + ``dialect.max_identifier_length`` is used instead. + + :param listeners: A list of one or more + :class:`~sqlalchemy.interfaces.PoolListener` objects which will + receive connection pool events. + + :param logging_name: String identifier which will be used within + the "name" field of logging records generated within the + "sqlalchemy.engine" logger. Defaults to a hexstring of the + object's id. + + :param max_overflow=10: the number of connections to allow in + connection pool "overflow", that is connections that can be + opened above and beyond the pool_size setting, which defaults + to five. this is only used with :class:`~sqlalchemy.pool.QueuePool`. + + :param module=None: reference to a Python module object (the module + itself, not its string name). Specifies an alternate DBAPI module to + be used by the engine's dialect. Each sub-dialect references a + specific DBAPI which will be imported before first connect. This + parameter causes the import to be bypassed, and the given module to + be used instead. Can be used for testing of DBAPIs as well as to + inject "mock" DBAPI implementations into the :class:`.Engine`. + + :param paramstyle=None: The `paramstyle `_ + to use when rendering bound parameters. This style defaults to the + one recommended by the DBAPI itself, which is retrieved from the + ``.paramstyle`` attribute of the DBAPI. However, most DBAPIs accept + more than one paramstyle, and in particular it may be desirable + to change a "named" paramstyle into a "positional" one, or vice versa. + When this attribute is passed, it should be one of the values + ``"qmark"``, ``"numeric"``, ``"named"``, ``"format"`` or + ``"pyformat"``, and should correspond to a parameter style known + to be supported by the DBAPI in use. + + :param pool=None: an already-constructed instance of + :class:`~sqlalchemy.pool.Pool`, such as a + :class:`~sqlalchemy.pool.QueuePool` instance. If non-None, this + pool will be used directly as the underlying connection pool + for the engine, bypassing whatever connection parameters are + present in the URL argument. For information on constructing + connection pools manually, see :ref:`pooling_toplevel`. + + :param poolclass=None: a :class:`~sqlalchemy.pool.Pool` + subclass, which will be used to create a connection pool + instance using the connection parameters given in the URL. Note + this differs from ``pool`` in that you don't actually + instantiate the pool in this case, you just indicate what type + of pool to be used. + + :param pool_logging_name: String identifier which will be used within + the "name" field of logging records generated within the + "sqlalchemy.pool" logger. Defaults to a hexstring of the object's + id. + + :param pool_pre_ping: boolean, if True will enable the connection pool + "pre-ping" feature that tests connections for liveness upon + each checkout. + + .. versionadded:: 1.2 + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`pool_disconnects_pessimistic` + + :param pool_size=5: the number of connections to keep open + inside the connection pool. This used with + :class:`~sqlalchemy.pool.QueuePool` as + well as :class:`~sqlalchemy.pool.SingletonThreadPool`. With + :class:`~sqlalchemy.pool.QueuePool`, a ``pool_size`` setting + of 0 indicates no limit; to disable pooling, set ``poolclass`` to + :class:`~sqlalchemy.pool.NullPool` instead. + + :param pool_recycle=-1: this setting causes the pool to recycle + connections after the given number of seconds has passed. It + defaults to -1, or no timeout. For example, setting to 3600 + means connections will be recycled after one hour. Note that + MySQL in particular will disconnect automatically if no + activity is detected on a connection for eight hours (although + this is configurable with the MySQLDB connection itself and the + server configuration as well). + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`pool_setting_recycle` + + :param pool_reset_on_return='rollback': set the + :paramref:`.Pool.reset_on_return` parameter of the underlying + :class:`.Pool` object, which can be set to the values + ``"rollback"``, ``"commit"``, or ``None``. + + .. seealso:: + + :paramref:`.Pool.reset_on_return` + + :param pool_timeout=30: number of seconds to wait before giving + up on getting a connection from the pool. This is only used + with :class:`~sqlalchemy.pool.QueuePool`. + + :param plugins: string list of plugin names to load. See + :class:`.CreateEnginePlugin` for background. + + .. versionadded:: 1.2.3 + + :param strategy='plain': selects alternate engine implementations. + Currently available are: + + * the ``threadlocal`` strategy, which is described in + :ref:`threadlocal_strategy`; + * the ``mock`` strategy, which dispatches all statement + execution to a function passed as the argument ``executor``. + See `example in the FAQ + `_. + + :param executor=None: a function taking arguments + ``(sql, *multiparams, **params)``, to which the ``mock`` strategy will + dispatch all statement execution. Used only by ``strategy='mock'``. + + """ # noqa + + strategy = kwargs.pop("strategy", default_strategy) + strategy = strategies.strategies[strategy] + return strategy.create(*args, **kwargs) + + +def engine_from_config(configuration, prefix="sqlalchemy.", **kwargs): + """Create a new Engine instance using a configuration dictionary. + + The dictionary is typically produced from a config file. + + The keys of interest to ``engine_from_config()`` should be prefixed, e.g. + ``sqlalchemy.url``, ``sqlalchemy.echo``, etc. The 'prefix' argument + indicates the prefix to be searched for. Each matching key (after the + prefix is stripped) is treated as though it were the corresponding keyword + argument to a :func:`.create_engine` call. + + The only required key is (assuming the default prefix) ``sqlalchemy.url``, + which provides the :ref:`database URL `. + + A select set of keyword arguments will be "coerced" to their + expected type based on string values. The set of arguments + is extensible per-dialect using the ``engine_config_types`` accessor. + + :param configuration: A dictionary (typically produced from a config file, + but this is not a requirement). Items whose keys start with the value + of 'prefix' will have that prefix stripped, and will then be passed to + :ref:`create_engine`. + + :param prefix: Prefix to match and then strip from keys + in 'configuration'. + + :param kwargs: Each keyword argument to ``engine_from_config()`` itself + overrides the corresponding item taken from the 'configuration' + dictionary. Keyword arguments should *not* be prefixed. + + """ + + options = dict( + (key[len(prefix) :], configuration[key]) + for key in configuration + if key.startswith(prefix) + ) + options["_coerce_config"] = True + options.update(kwargs) + url = options.pop("url") + return create_engine(url, **options) + + +__all__ = ("create_engine", "engine_from_config") diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3b07085 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/__pycache__/base.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/__pycache__/base.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..324001c Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/__pycache__/base.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/__pycache__/default.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/__pycache__/default.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..76455b7 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/__pycache__/default.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/__pycache__/interfaces.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/__pycache__/interfaces.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6f7513f Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/__pycache__/interfaces.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/__pycache__/reflection.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/__pycache__/reflection.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..816a124 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/__pycache__/reflection.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/__pycache__/result.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/__pycache__/result.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..610496e Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/__pycache__/result.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/__pycache__/strategies.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/__pycache__/strategies.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8bf0a5d Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/__pycache__/strategies.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/__pycache__/threadlocal.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/__pycache__/threadlocal.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d3d2b39 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/__pycache__/threadlocal.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/__pycache__/url.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/__pycache__/url.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0ff4413 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/__pycache__/url.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/__pycache__/util.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/__pycache__/util.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dac8cf6 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/__pycache__/util.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/base.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/base.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1573766 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/base.py @@ -0,0 +1,2300 @@ +# engine/base.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php +from __future__ import with_statement + +import contextlib +import sys + +from .interfaces import Connectable +from .interfaces import ExceptionContext +from .util import _distill_params +from .. import exc +from .. import interfaces +from .. import log +from .. import util +from ..sql import schema +from ..sql import util as sql_util + + +"""Defines :class:`.Connection` and :class:`.Engine`. + +""" + + +class Connection(Connectable): + """Provides high-level functionality for a wrapped DB-API connection. + + Provides execution support for string-based SQL statements as well as + :class:`.ClauseElement`, :class:`.Compiled` and :class:`.DefaultGenerator` + objects. Provides a :meth:`begin` method to return :class:`.Transaction` + objects. + + The Connection object is **not** thread-safe. While a Connection can be + shared among threads using properly synchronized access, it is still + possible that the underlying DBAPI connection may not support shared + access between threads. Check the DBAPI documentation for details. + + The Connection object represents a single dbapi connection checked out + from the connection pool. In this state, the connection pool has no affect + upon the connection, including its expiration or timeout state. For the + connection pool to properly manage connections, connections should be + returned to the connection pool (i.e. ``connection.close()``) whenever the + connection is not in use. + + .. index:: + single: thread safety; Connection + + """ + + schema_for_object = schema._schema_getter(None) + """Return the ".schema" attribute for an object. + + Used for :class:`.Table`, :class:`.Sequence` and similar objects, + and takes into account + the :paramref:`.Connection.execution_options.schema_translate_map` + parameter. + + .. versionadded:: 1.1 + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`schema_translating` + + """ + + def __init__( + self, + engine, + connection=None, + close_with_result=False, + _branch_from=None, + _execution_options=None, + _dispatch=None, + _has_events=None, + ): + """Construct a new Connection. + + The constructor here is not public and is only called only by an + :class:`.Engine`. See :meth:`.Engine.connect` and + :meth:`.Engine.contextual_connect` methods. + + """ + self.engine = engine + self.dialect = engine.dialect + self.__branch_from = _branch_from + self.__branch = _branch_from is not None + + if _branch_from: + self.__connection = connection + self._execution_options = _execution_options + self._echo = _branch_from._echo + self.should_close_with_result = False + self.dispatch = _dispatch + self._has_events = _branch_from._has_events + self.schema_for_object = _branch_from.schema_for_object + else: + self.__connection = ( + connection + if connection is not None + else engine.raw_connection() + ) + self.__transaction = None + self.__savepoint_seq = 0 + self.should_close_with_result = close_with_result + self.__invalid = False + self.__can_reconnect = True + self._echo = self.engine._should_log_info() + + if _has_events is None: + # if _has_events is sent explicitly as False, + # then don't join the dispatch of the engine; we don't + # want to handle any of the engine's events in that case. + self.dispatch = self.dispatch._join(engine.dispatch) + self._has_events = _has_events or ( + _has_events is None and engine._has_events + ) + + assert not _execution_options + self._execution_options = engine._execution_options + + if self._has_events or self.engine._has_events: + self.dispatch.engine_connect(self, self.__branch) + + def _branch(self): + """Return a new Connection which references this Connection's + engine and connection; but does not have close_with_result enabled, + and also whose close() method does nothing. + + The Core uses this very sparingly, only in the case of + custom SQL default functions that are to be INSERTed as the + primary key of a row where we need to get the value back, so we have + to invoke it distinctly - this is a very uncommon case. + + Userland code accesses _branch() when the connect() or + contextual_connect() methods are called. The branched connection + acts as much as possible like the parent, except that it stays + connected when a close() event occurs. + + """ + if self.__branch_from: + return self.__branch_from._branch() + else: + return self.engine._connection_cls( + self.engine, + self.__connection, + _branch_from=self, + _execution_options=self._execution_options, + _has_events=self._has_events, + _dispatch=self.dispatch, + ) + + @property + def _root(self): + """return the 'root' connection. + + Returns 'self' if this connection is not a branch, else + returns the root connection from which we ultimately branched. + + """ + + if self.__branch_from: + return self.__branch_from + else: + return self + + def _clone(self): + """Create a shallow copy of this Connection. + + """ + c = self.__class__.__new__(self.__class__) + c.__dict__ = self.__dict__.copy() + return c + + def __enter__(self): + return self + + def __exit__(self, type_, value, traceback): + self.close() + + def execution_options(self, **opt): + r""" Set non-SQL options for the connection which take effect + during execution. + + The method returns a copy of this :class:`.Connection` which references + the same underlying DBAPI connection, but also defines the given + execution options which will take effect for a call to + :meth:`execute`. As the new :class:`.Connection` references the same + underlying resource, it's usually a good idea to ensure that the copies + will be discarded immediately, which is implicit if used as in:: + + result = connection.execution_options(stream_results=True).\ + execute(stmt) + + Note that any key/value can be passed to + :meth:`.Connection.execution_options`, and it will be stored in the + ``_execution_options`` dictionary of the :class:`.Connection`. It + is suitable for usage by end-user schemes to communicate with + event listeners, for example. + + The keywords that are currently recognized by SQLAlchemy itself + include all those listed under :meth:`.Executable.execution_options`, + as well as others that are specific to :class:`.Connection`. + + :param autocommit: Available on: Connection, statement. + When True, a COMMIT will be invoked after execution + when executed in 'autocommit' mode, i.e. when an explicit + transaction is not begun on the connection. Note that DBAPI + connections by default are always in a transaction - SQLAlchemy uses + rules applied to different kinds of statements to determine if + COMMIT will be invoked in order to provide its "autocommit" feature. + Typically, all INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE statements as well as + CREATE/DROP statements have autocommit behavior enabled; SELECT + constructs do not. Use this option when invoking a SELECT or other + specific SQL construct where COMMIT is desired (typically when + calling stored procedures and such), and an explicit + transaction is not in progress. + + :param compiled_cache: Available on: Connection. + A dictionary where :class:`.Compiled` objects + will be cached when the :class:`.Connection` compiles a clause + expression into a :class:`.Compiled` object. + It is the user's responsibility to + manage the size of this dictionary, which will have keys + corresponding to the dialect, clause element, the column + names within the VALUES or SET clause of an INSERT or UPDATE, + as well as the "batch" mode for an INSERT or UPDATE statement. + The format of this dictionary is not guaranteed to stay the + same in future releases. + + Note that the ORM makes use of its own "compiled" caches for + some operations, including flush operations. The caching + used by the ORM internally supersedes a cache dictionary + specified here. + + :param isolation_level: Available on: :class:`.Connection`. + Set the transaction isolation level for + the lifespan of this :class:`.Connection` object (*not* the + underlying DBAPI connection, for which the level is reset + to its original setting upon termination of this + :class:`.Connection` object). + + Valid values include + those string values accepted by the + :paramref:`.create_engine.isolation_level` + parameter passed to :func:`.create_engine`. These levels are + semi-database specific; see individual dialect documentation for + valid levels. + + Note that this option necessarily affects the underlying + DBAPI connection for the lifespan of the originating + :class:`.Connection`, and is not per-execution. This + setting is not removed until the underlying DBAPI connection + is returned to the connection pool, i.e. + the :meth:`.Connection.close` method is called. + + .. warning:: The ``isolation_level`` execution option should + **not** be used when a transaction is already established, that + is, the :meth:`.Connection.begin` method or similar has been + called. A database cannot change the isolation level on a + transaction in progress, and different DBAPIs and/or + SQLAlchemy dialects may implicitly roll back or commit + the transaction, or not affect the connection at all. + + .. versionchanged:: 0.9.9 A warning is emitted when the + ``isolation_level`` execution option is used after a + transaction has been started with :meth:`.Connection.begin` + or similar. + + .. note:: The ``isolation_level`` execution option is implicitly + reset if the :class:`.Connection` is invalidated, e.g. via + the :meth:`.Connection.invalidate` method, or if a + disconnection error occurs. The new connection produced after + the invalidation will not have the isolation level re-applied + to it automatically. + + .. seealso:: + + :paramref:`.create_engine.isolation_level` + - set per :class:`.Engine` isolation level + + :meth:`.Connection.get_isolation_level` - view current level + + :ref:`SQLite Transaction Isolation ` + + :ref:`PostgreSQL Transaction Isolation ` + + :ref:`MySQL Transaction Isolation ` + + :ref:`SQL Server Transaction Isolation ` + + :ref:`session_transaction_isolation` - for the ORM + + :param no_parameters: When ``True``, if the final parameter + list or dictionary is totally empty, will invoke the + statement on the cursor as ``cursor.execute(statement)``, + not passing the parameter collection at all. + Some DBAPIs such as psycopg2 and mysql-python consider + percent signs as significant only when parameters are + present; this option allows code to generate SQL + containing percent signs (and possibly other characters) + that is neutral regarding whether it's executed by the DBAPI + or piped into a script that's later invoked by + command line tools. + + .. versionadded:: 0.7.6 + + :param stream_results: Available on: Connection, statement. + Indicate to the dialect that results should be + "streamed" and not pre-buffered, if possible. This is a limitation + of many DBAPIs. The flag is currently understood only by the + psycopg2, mysqldb and pymysql dialects. + + :param schema_translate_map: Available on: Connection, Engine. + A dictionary mapping schema names to schema names, that will be + applied to the :paramref:`.Table.schema` element of each + :class:`.Table` encountered when SQL or DDL expression elements + are compiled into strings; the resulting schema name will be + converted based on presence in the map of the original name. + + .. versionadded:: 1.1 + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`schema_translating` + + """ # noqa + c = self._clone() + c._execution_options = c._execution_options.union(opt) + if self._has_events or self.engine._has_events: + self.dispatch.set_connection_execution_options(c, opt) + self.dialect.set_connection_execution_options(c, opt) + return c + + @property + def closed(self): + """Return True if this connection is closed.""" + + return ( + "_Connection__connection" not in self.__dict__ + and not self.__can_reconnect + ) + + @property + def invalidated(self): + """Return True if this connection was invalidated.""" + + return self._root.__invalid + + @property + def connection(self): + """The underlying DB-API connection managed by this Connection. + + .. seealso:: + + + :ref:`dbapi_connections` + + """ + + try: + return self.__connection + except AttributeError: + # escape "except AttributeError" before revalidating + # to prevent misleading stacktraces in Py3K + pass + try: + return self._revalidate_connection() + except BaseException as e: + self._handle_dbapi_exception(e, None, None, None, None) + + def get_isolation_level(self): + """Return the current isolation level assigned to this + :class:`.Connection`. + + This will typically be the default isolation level as determined + by the dialect, unless if the + :paramref:`.Connection.execution_options.isolation_level` + feature has been used to alter the isolation level on a + per-:class:`.Connection` basis. + + This attribute will typically perform a live SQL operation in order + to procure the current isolation level, so the value returned is the + actual level on the underlying DBAPI connection regardless of how + this state was set. Compare to the + :attr:`.Connection.default_isolation_level` accessor + which returns the dialect-level setting without performing a SQL + query. + + .. versionadded:: 0.9.9 + + .. seealso:: + + :attr:`.Connection.default_isolation_level` - view default level + + :paramref:`.create_engine.isolation_level` + - set per :class:`.Engine` isolation level + + :paramref:`.Connection.execution_options.isolation_level` + - set per :class:`.Connection` isolation level + + """ + try: + return self.dialect.get_isolation_level(self.connection) + except BaseException as e: + self._handle_dbapi_exception(e, None, None, None, None) + + @property + def default_isolation_level(self): + """The default isolation level assigned to this :class:`.Connection`. + + This is the isolation level setting that the :class:`.Connection` + has when first procured via the :meth:`.Engine.connect` method. + This level stays in place until the + :paramref:`.Connection.execution_options.isolation_level` is used + to change the setting on a per-:class:`.Connection` basis. + + Unlike :meth:`.Connection.get_isolation_level`, this attribute is set + ahead of time from the first connection procured by the dialect, + so SQL query is not invoked when this accessor is called. + + .. versionadded:: 0.9.9 + + .. seealso:: + + :meth:`.Connection.get_isolation_level` - view current level + + :paramref:`.create_engine.isolation_level` + - set per :class:`.Engine` isolation level + + :paramref:`.Connection.execution_options.isolation_level` + - set per :class:`.Connection` isolation level + + """ + return self.dialect.default_isolation_level + + def _revalidate_connection(self): + if self.__branch_from: + return self.__branch_from._revalidate_connection() + if self.__can_reconnect and self.__invalid: + if self.__transaction is not None: + raise exc.InvalidRequestError( + "Can't reconnect until invalid " + "transaction is rolled back" + ) + self.__connection = self.engine.raw_connection(_connection=self) + self.__invalid = False + return self.__connection + raise exc.ResourceClosedError("This Connection is closed") + + @property + def _connection_is_valid(self): + # use getattr() for is_valid to support exceptions raised in + # dialect initializer, where the connection is not wrapped in + # _ConnectionFairy + + return getattr(self.__connection, "is_valid", False) + + @property + def _still_open_and_connection_is_valid(self): + return ( + not self.closed + and not self.invalidated + and getattr(self.__connection, "is_valid", False) + ) + + @property + def info(self): + """Info dictionary associated with the underlying DBAPI connection + referred to by this :class:`.Connection`, allowing user-defined + data to be associated with the connection. + + The data here will follow along with the DBAPI connection including + after it is returned to the connection pool and used again + in subsequent instances of :class:`.Connection`. + + """ + + return self.connection.info + + def connect(self): + """Returns a branched version of this :class:`.Connection`. + + The :meth:`.Connection.close` method on the returned + :class:`.Connection` can be called and this + :class:`.Connection` will remain open. + + This method provides usage symmetry with + :meth:`.Engine.connect`, including for usage + with context managers. + + """ + + return self._branch() + + def contextual_connect(self, **kwargs): + """Returns a branched version of this :class:`.Connection`. + + The :meth:`.Connection.close` method on the returned + :class:`.Connection` can be called and this + :class:`.Connection` will remain open. + + This method provides usage symmetry with + :meth:`.Engine.contextual_connect`, including for usage + with context managers. + + """ + + return self._branch() + + def invalidate(self, exception=None): + """Invalidate the underlying DBAPI connection associated with + this :class:`.Connection`. + + The underlying DBAPI connection is literally closed (if + possible), and is discarded. Its source connection pool will + typically lazily create a new connection to replace it. + + Upon the next use (where "use" typically means using the + :meth:`.Connection.execute` method or similar), + this :class:`.Connection` will attempt to + procure a new DBAPI connection using the services of the + :class:`.Pool` as a source of connectivity (e.g. a "reconnection"). + + If a transaction was in progress (e.g. the + :meth:`.Connection.begin` method has been called) when + :meth:`.Connection.invalidate` method is called, at the DBAPI + level all state associated with this transaction is lost, as + the DBAPI connection is closed. The :class:`.Connection` + will not allow a reconnection to proceed until the + :class:`.Transaction` object is ended, by calling the + :meth:`.Transaction.rollback` method; until that point, any attempt at + continuing to use the :class:`.Connection` will raise an + :class:`~sqlalchemy.exc.InvalidRequestError`. + This is to prevent applications from accidentally + continuing an ongoing transactional operations despite the + fact that the transaction has been lost due to an + invalidation. + + The :meth:`.Connection.invalidate` method, just like auto-invalidation, + will at the connection pool level invoke the + :meth:`.PoolEvents.invalidate` event. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`pool_connection_invalidation` + + """ + + if self.invalidated: + return + + if self.closed: + raise exc.ResourceClosedError("This Connection is closed") + + if self._root._connection_is_valid: + self._root.__connection.invalidate(exception) + del self._root.__connection + self._root.__invalid = True + + def detach(self): + """Detach the underlying DB-API connection from its connection pool. + + E.g.:: + + with engine.connect() as conn: + conn.detach() + conn.execute("SET search_path TO schema1, schema2") + + # work with connection + + # connection is fully closed (since we used "with:", can + # also call .close()) + + This :class:`.Connection` instance will remain usable. When closed + (or exited from a context manager context as above), + the DB-API connection will be literally closed and not + returned to its originating pool. + + This method can be used to insulate the rest of an application + from a modified state on a connection (such as a transaction + isolation level or similar). + + """ + + self.__connection.detach() + + def begin(self): + """Begin a transaction and return a transaction handle. + + The returned object is an instance of :class:`.Transaction`. + This object represents the "scope" of the transaction, + which completes when either the :meth:`.Transaction.rollback` + or :meth:`.Transaction.commit` method is called. + + Nested calls to :meth:`.begin` on the same :class:`.Connection` + will return new :class:`.Transaction` objects that represent + an emulated transaction within the scope of the enclosing + transaction, that is:: + + trans = conn.begin() # outermost transaction + trans2 = conn.begin() # "nested" + trans2.commit() # does nothing + trans.commit() # actually commits + + Calls to :meth:`.Transaction.commit` only have an effect + when invoked via the outermost :class:`.Transaction` object, though the + :meth:`.Transaction.rollback` method of any of the + :class:`.Transaction` objects will roll back the + transaction. + + See also: + + :meth:`.Connection.begin_nested` - use a SAVEPOINT + + :meth:`.Connection.begin_twophase` - use a two phase /XID transaction + + :meth:`.Engine.begin` - context manager available from + :class:`.Engine`. + + """ + if self.__branch_from: + return self.__branch_from.begin() + + if self.__transaction is None: + self.__transaction = RootTransaction(self) + return self.__transaction + else: + return Transaction(self, self.__transaction) + + def begin_nested(self): + """Begin a nested transaction and return a transaction handle. + + The returned object is an instance of :class:`.NestedTransaction`. + + Nested transactions require SAVEPOINT support in the + underlying database. Any transaction in the hierarchy may + ``commit`` and ``rollback``, however the outermost transaction + still controls the overall ``commit`` or ``rollback`` of the + transaction of a whole. + + See also :meth:`.Connection.begin`, + :meth:`.Connection.begin_twophase`. + """ + if self.__branch_from: + return self.__branch_from.begin_nested() + + if self.__transaction is None: + self.__transaction = RootTransaction(self) + else: + self.__transaction = NestedTransaction(self, self.__transaction) + return self.__transaction + + def begin_twophase(self, xid=None): + """Begin a two-phase or XA transaction and return a transaction + handle. + + The returned object is an instance of :class:`.TwoPhaseTransaction`, + which in addition to the methods provided by + :class:`.Transaction`, also provides a + :meth:`~.TwoPhaseTransaction.prepare` method. + + :param xid: the two phase transaction id. If not supplied, a + random id will be generated. + + See also :meth:`.Connection.begin`, + :meth:`.Connection.begin_twophase`. + + """ + + if self.__branch_from: + return self.__branch_from.begin_twophase(xid=xid) + + if self.__transaction is not None: + raise exc.InvalidRequestError( + "Cannot start a two phase transaction when a transaction " + "is already in progress." + ) + if xid is None: + xid = self.engine.dialect.create_xid() + self.__transaction = TwoPhaseTransaction(self, xid) + return self.__transaction + + def recover_twophase(self): + return self.engine.dialect.do_recover_twophase(self) + + def rollback_prepared(self, xid, recover=False): + self.engine.dialect.do_rollback_twophase(self, xid, recover=recover) + + def commit_prepared(self, xid, recover=False): + self.engine.dialect.do_commit_twophase(self, xid, recover=recover) + + def in_transaction(self): + """Return True if a transaction is in progress.""" + return self._root.__transaction is not None + + def _begin_impl(self, transaction): + assert not self.__branch_from + + if self._echo: + self.engine.logger.info("BEGIN (implicit)") + + if self._has_events or self.engine._has_events: + self.dispatch.begin(self) + + try: + self.engine.dialect.do_begin(self.connection) + if self.connection._reset_agent is None: + self.connection._reset_agent = transaction + except BaseException as e: + self._handle_dbapi_exception(e, None, None, None, None) + + def _rollback_impl(self): + assert not self.__branch_from + + if self._has_events or self.engine._has_events: + self.dispatch.rollback(self) + + if self._still_open_and_connection_is_valid: + if self._echo: + self.engine.logger.info("ROLLBACK") + try: + self.engine.dialect.do_rollback(self.connection) + except BaseException as e: + self._handle_dbapi_exception(e, None, None, None, None) + finally: + if ( + not self.__invalid + and self.connection._reset_agent is self.__transaction + ): + self.connection._reset_agent = None + self.__transaction = None + else: + self.__transaction = None + + def _commit_impl(self, autocommit=False): + assert not self.__branch_from + + if self._has_events or self.engine._has_events: + self.dispatch.commit(self) + + if self._echo: + self.engine.logger.info("COMMIT") + try: + self.engine.dialect.do_commit(self.connection) + except BaseException as e: + self._handle_dbapi_exception(e, None, None, None, None) + finally: + if ( + not self.__invalid + and self.connection._reset_agent is self.__transaction + ): + self.connection._reset_agent = None + self.__transaction = None + + def _savepoint_impl(self, name=None): + assert not self.__branch_from + + if self._has_events or self.engine._has_events: + self.dispatch.savepoint(self, name) + + if name is None: + self.__savepoint_seq += 1 + name = "sa_savepoint_%s" % self.__savepoint_seq + if self._still_open_and_connection_is_valid: + self.engine.dialect.do_savepoint(self, name) + return name + + def _rollback_to_savepoint_impl(self, name, context): + assert not self.__branch_from + + if self._has_events or self.engine._has_events: + self.dispatch.rollback_savepoint(self, name, context) + + if self._still_open_and_connection_is_valid: + self.engine.dialect.do_rollback_to_savepoint(self, name) + self.__transaction = context + + def _release_savepoint_impl(self, name, context): + assert not self.__branch_from + + if self._has_events or self.engine._has_events: + self.dispatch.release_savepoint(self, name, context) + + if self._still_open_and_connection_is_valid: + self.engine.dialect.do_release_savepoint(self, name) + self.__transaction = context + + def _begin_twophase_impl(self, transaction): + assert not self.__branch_from + + if self._echo: + self.engine.logger.info("BEGIN TWOPHASE (implicit)") + if self._has_events or self.engine._has_events: + self.dispatch.begin_twophase(self, transaction.xid) + + if self._still_open_and_connection_is_valid: + self.engine.dialect.do_begin_twophase(self, transaction.xid) + + if self.connection._reset_agent is None: + self.connection._reset_agent = transaction + + def _prepare_twophase_impl(self, xid): + assert not self.__branch_from + + if self._has_events or self.engine._has_events: + self.dispatch.prepare_twophase(self, xid) + + if self._still_open_and_connection_is_valid: + assert isinstance(self.__transaction, TwoPhaseTransaction) + self.engine.dialect.do_prepare_twophase(self, xid) + + def _rollback_twophase_impl(self, xid, is_prepared): + assert not self.__branch_from + + if self._has_events or self.engine._has_events: + self.dispatch.rollback_twophase(self, xid, is_prepared) + + if self._still_open_and_connection_is_valid: + assert isinstance(self.__transaction, TwoPhaseTransaction) + try: + self.engine.dialect.do_rollback_twophase( + self, xid, is_prepared + ) + finally: + if self.connection._reset_agent is self.__transaction: + self.connection._reset_agent = None + self.__transaction = None + else: + self.__transaction = None + + def _commit_twophase_impl(self, xid, is_prepared): + assert not self.__branch_from + + if self._has_events or self.engine._has_events: + self.dispatch.commit_twophase(self, xid, is_prepared) + + if self._still_open_and_connection_is_valid: + assert isinstance(self.__transaction, TwoPhaseTransaction) + try: + self.engine.dialect.do_commit_twophase(self, xid, is_prepared) + finally: + if self.connection._reset_agent is self.__transaction: + self.connection._reset_agent = None + self.__transaction = None + else: + self.__transaction = None + + def _autorollback(self): + if not self._root.in_transaction(): + self._root._rollback_impl() + + def close(self): + """Close this :class:`.Connection`. + + This results in a release of the underlying database + resources, that is, the DBAPI connection referenced + internally. The DBAPI connection is typically restored + back to the connection-holding :class:`.Pool` referenced + by the :class:`.Engine` that produced this + :class:`.Connection`. Any transactional state present on + the DBAPI connection is also unconditionally released via + the DBAPI connection's ``rollback()`` method, regardless + of any :class:`.Transaction` object that may be + outstanding with regards to this :class:`.Connection`. + + After :meth:`~.Connection.close` is called, the + :class:`.Connection` is permanently in a closed state, + and will allow no further operations. + + """ + if self.__branch_from: + try: + del self.__connection + except AttributeError: + pass + finally: + self.__can_reconnect = False + return + try: + conn = self.__connection + except AttributeError: + pass + else: + + conn.close() + if conn._reset_agent is self.__transaction: + conn._reset_agent = None + + # the close() process can end up invalidating us, + # as the pool will call our transaction as the "reset_agent" + # for rollback(), which can then cause an invalidation + if not self.__invalid: + del self.__connection + self.__can_reconnect = False + self.__transaction = None + + def scalar(self, object_, *multiparams, **params): + """Executes and returns the first column of the first row. + + The underlying result/cursor is closed after execution. + """ + + return self.execute(object_, *multiparams, **params).scalar() + + def execute(self, object_, *multiparams, **params): + r"""Executes a SQL statement construct and returns a + :class:`.ResultProxy`. + + :param object: The statement to be executed. May be + one of: + + * a plain string + * any :class:`.ClauseElement` construct that is also + a subclass of :class:`.Executable`, such as a + :func:`~.expression.select` construct + * a :class:`.FunctionElement`, such as that generated + by :data:`.func`, will be automatically wrapped in + a SELECT statement, which is then executed. + * a :class:`.DDLElement` object + * a :class:`.DefaultGenerator` object + * a :class:`.Compiled` object + + :param \*multiparams/\**params: represent bound parameter + values to be used in the execution. Typically, + the format is either a collection of one or more + dictionaries passed to \*multiparams:: + + conn.execute( + table.insert(), + {"id":1, "value":"v1"}, + {"id":2, "value":"v2"} + ) + + ...or individual key/values interpreted by \**params:: + + conn.execute( + table.insert(), id=1, value="v1" + ) + + In the case that a plain SQL string is passed, and the underlying + DBAPI accepts positional bind parameters, a collection of tuples + or individual values in \*multiparams may be passed:: + + conn.execute( + "INSERT INTO table (id, value) VALUES (?, ?)", + (1, "v1"), (2, "v2") + ) + + conn.execute( + "INSERT INTO table (id, value) VALUES (?, ?)", + 1, "v1" + ) + + Note above, the usage of a question mark "?" or other + symbol is contingent upon the "paramstyle" accepted by the DBAPI + in use, which may be any of "qmark", "named", "pyformat", "format", + "numeric". See `pep-249 `_ + for details on paramstyle. + + To execute a textual SQL statement which uses bound parameters in a + DBAPI-agnostic way, use the :func:`~.expression.text` construct. + + """ + if isinstance(object_, util.string_types[0]): + return self._execute_text(object_, multiparams, params) + try: + meth = object_._execute_on_connection + except AttributeError: + raise exc.ObjectNotExecutableError(object_) + else: + return meth(self, multiparams, params) + + def _execute_function(self, func, multiparams, params): + """Execute a sql.FunctionElement object.""" + + return self._execute_clauseelement(func.select(), multiparams, params) + + def _execute_default(self, default, multiparams, params): + """Execute a schema.ColumnDefault object.""" + + if self._has_events or self.engine._has_events: + for fn in self.dispatch.before_execute: + default, multiparams, params = fn( + self, default, multiparams, params + ) + + try: + try: + conn = self.__connection + except AttributeError: + # escape "except AttributeError" before revalidating + # to prevent misleading stacktraces in Py3K + conn = None + if conn is None: + conn = self._revalidate_connection() + + dialect = self.dialect + ctx = dialect.execution_ctx_cls._init_default(dialect, self, conn) + except BaseException as e: + self._handle_dbapi_exception(e, None, None, None, None) + + ret = ctx._exec_default(None, default, None) + if self.should_close_with_result: + self.close() + + if self._has_events or self.engine._has_events: + self.dispatch.after_execute( + self, default, multiparams, params, ret + ) + + return ret + + def _execute_ddl(self, ddl, multiparams, params): + """Execute a schema.DDL object.""" + + if self._has_events or self.engine._has_events: + for fn in self.dispatch.before_execute: + ddl, multiparams, params = fn(self, ddl, multiparams, params) + + dialect = self.dialect + + compiled = ddl.compile( + dialect=dialect, + schema_translate_map=self.schema_for_object + if not self.schema_for_object.is_default + else None, + ) + ret = self._execute_context( + dialect, + dialect.execution_ctx_cls._init_ddl, + compiled, + None, + compiled, + ) + if self._has_events or self.engine._has_events: + self.dispatch.after_execute(self, ddl, multiparams, params, ret) + return ret + + def _execute_clauseelement(self, elem, multiparams, params): + """Execute a sql.ClauseElement object.""" + + if self._has_events or self.engine._has_events: + for fn in self.dispatch.before_execute: + elem, multiparams, params = fn(self, elem, multiparams, params) + + distilled_params = _distill_params(multiparams, params) + if distilled_params: + # ensure we don't retain a link to the view object for keys() + # which links to the values, which we don't want to cache + keys = list(distilled_params[0].keys()) + else: + keys = [] + + dialect = self.dialect + if "compiled_cache" in self._execution_options: + key = ( + dialect, + elem, + tuple(sorted(keys)), + self.schema_for_object.hash_key, + len(distilled_params) > 1, + ) + compiled_sql = self._execution_options["compiled_cache"].get(key) + if compiled_sql is None: + compiled_sql = elem.compile( + dialect=dialect, + column_keys=keys, + inline=len(distilled_params) > 1, + schema_translate_map=self.schema_for_object + if not self.schema_for_object.is_default + else None, + ) + self._execution_options["compiled_cache"][key] = compiled_sql + else: + compiled_sql = elem.compile( + dialect=dialect, + column_keys=keys, + inline=len(distilled_params) > 1, + schema_translate_map=self.schema_for_object + if not self.schema_for_object.is_default + else None, + ) + + ret = self._execute_context( + dialect, + dialect.execution_ctx_cls._init_compiled, + compiled_sql, + distilled_params, + compiled_sql, + distilled_params, + ) + if self._has_events or self.engine._has_events: + self.dispatch.after_execute(self, elem, multiparams, params, ret) + return ret + + def _execute_compiled(self, compiled, multiparams, params): + """Execute a sql.Compiled object.""" + + if self._has_events or self.engine._has_events: + for fn in self.dispatch.before_execute: + compiled, multiparams, params = fn( + self, compiled, multiparams, params + ) + + dialect = self.dialect + parameters = _distill_params(multiparams, params) + ret = self._execute_context( + dialect, + dialect.execution_ctx_cls._init_compiled, + compiled, + parameters, + compiled, + parameters, + ) + if self._has_events or self.engine._has_events: + self.dispatch.after_execute( + self, compiled, multiparams, params, ret + ) + return ret + + def _execute_text(self, statement, multiparams, params): + """Execute a string SQL statement.""" + + if self._has_events or self.engine._has_events: + for fn in self.dispatch.before_execute: + statement, multiparams, params = fn( + self, statement, multiparams, params + ) + + dialect = self.dialect + parameters = _distill_params(multiparams, params) + ret = self._execute_context( + dialect, + dialect.execution_ctx_cls._init_statement, + statement, + parameters, + statement, + parameters, + ) + if self._has_events or self.engine._has_events: + self.dispatch.after_execute( + self, statement, multiparams, params, ret + ) + return ret + + def _execute_context( + self, dialect, constructor, statement, parameters, *args + ): + """Create an :class:`.ExecutionContext` and execute, returning + a :class:`.ResultProxy`.""" + + try: + try: + conn = self.__connection + except AttributeError: + # escape "except AttributeError" before revalidating + # to prevent misleading stacktraces in Py3K + conn = None + if conn is None: + conn = self._revalidate_connection() + + context = constructor(dialect, self, conn, *args) + except BaseException as e: + self._handle_dbapi_exception( + e, util.text_type(statement), parameters, None, None + ) + + if context.compiled: + context.pre_exec() + + cursor, statement, parameters = ( + context.cursor, + context.statement, + context.parameters, + ) + + if not context.executemany: + parameters = parameters[0] + + if self._has_events or self.engine._has_events: + for fn in self.dispatch.before_cursor_execute: + statement, parameters = fn( + self, + cursor, + statement, + parameters, + context, + context.executemany, + ) + + if self._echo: + self.engine.logger.info(statement) + self.engine.logger.info( + "%r", sql_util._repr_params(parameters, batches=10) + ) + + evt_handled = False + try: + if context.executemany: + if self.dialect._has_events: + for fn in self.dialect.dispatch.do_executemany: + if fn(cursor, statement, parameters, context): + evt_handled = True + break + if not evt_handled: + self.dialect.do_executemany( + cursor, statement, parameters, context + ) + elif not parameters and context.no_parameters: + if self.dialect._has_events: + for fn in self.dialect.dispatch.do_execute_no_params: + if fn(cursor, statement, context): + evt_handled = True + break + if not evt_handled: + self.dialect.do_execute_no_params( + cursor, statement, context + ) + else: + if self.dialect._has_events: + for fn in self.dialect.dispatch.do_execute: + if fn(cursor, statement, parameters, context): + evt_handled = True + break + if not evt_handled: + self.dialect.do_execute( + cursor, statement, parameters, context + ) + except BaseException as e: + self._handle_dbapi_exception( + e, statement, parameters, cursor, context + ) + + if self._has_events or self.engine._has_events: + self.dispatch.after_cursor_execute( + self, + cursor, + statement, + parameters, + context, + context.executemany, + ) + + if context.compiled: + context.post_exec() + + if context.is_crud or context.is_text: + result = context._setup_crud_result_proxy() + else: + result = context.get_result_proxy() + if result._metadata is None: + result._soft_close() + + if context.should_autocommit and self._root.__transaction is None: + self._root._commit_impl(autocommit=True) + + # for "connectionless" execution, we have to close this + # Connection after the statement is complete. + if self.should_close_with_result: + # ResultProxy already exhausted rows / has no rows. + # close us now + if result._soft_closed: + self.close() + else: + # ResultProxy will close this Connection when no more + # rows to fetch. + result._autoclose_connection = True + return result + + def _cursor_execute(self, cursor, statement, parameters, context=None): + """Execute a statement + params on the given cursor. + + Adds appropriate logging and exception handling. + + This method is used by DefaultDialect for special-case + executions, such as for sequences and column defaults. + The path of statement execution in the majority of cases + terminates at _execute_context(). + + """ + if self._has_events or self.engine._has_events: + for fn in self.dispatch.before_cursor_execute: + statement, parameters = fn( + self, cursor, statement, parameters, context, False + ) + + if self._echo: + self.engine.logger.info(statement) + self.engine.logger.info("%r", parameters) + try: + for fn in ( + () + if not self.dialect._has_events + else self.dialect.dispatch.do_execute + ): + if fn(cursor, statement, parameters, context): + break + else: + self.dialect.do_execute(cursor, statement, parameters, context) + except BaseException as e: + self._handle_dbapi_exception( + e, statement, parameters, cursor, context + ) + + if self._has_events or self.engine._has_events: + self.dispatch.after_cursor_execute( + self, cursor, statement, parameters, context, False + ) + + def _safe_close_cursor(self, cursor): + """Close the given cursor, catching exceptions + and turning into log warnings. + + """ + try: + cursor.close() + except Exception: + # log the error through the connection pool's logger. + self.engine.pool.logger.error( + "Error closing cursor", exc_info=True + ) + + _reentrant_error = False + _is_disconnect = False + + def _handle_dbapi_exception( + self, e, statement, parameters, cursor, context + ): + exc_info = sys.exc_info() + + if context and context.exception is None: + context.exception = e + + is_exit_exception = not isinstance(e, Exception) + + if not self._is_disconnect: + self._is_disconnect = ( + isinstance(e, self.dialect.dbapi.Error) + and not self.closed + and self.dialect.is_disconnect( + e, + self.__connection if not self.invalidated else None, + cursor, + ) + ) or (is_exit_exception and not self.closed) + + if context: + context.is_disconnect = self._is_disconnect + + invalidate_pool_on_disconnect = not is_exit_exception + + if self._reentrant_error: + util.raise_from_cause( + exc.DBAPIError.instance( + statement, + parameters, + e, + self.dialect.dbapi.Error, + dialect=self.dialect, + ), + exc_info, + ) + self._reentrant_error = True + try: + # non-DBAPI error - if we already got a context, + # or there's no string statement, don't wrap it + should_wrap = isinstance(e, self.dialect.dbapi.Error) or ( + statement is not None + and context is None + and not is_exit_exception + ) + + if should_wrap: + sqlalchemy_exception = exc.DBAPIError.instance( + statement, + parameters, + e, + self.dialect.dbapi.Error, + connection_invalidated=self._is_disconnect, + dialect=self.dialect, + ) + else: + sqlalchemy_exception = None + + newraise = None + + if ( + self._has_events or self.engine._has_events + ) and not self._execution_options.get( + "skip_user_error_events", False + ): + # legacy dbapi_error event + if should_wrap and context: + self.dispatch.dbapi_error( + self, cursor, statement, parameters, context, e + ) + + # new handle_error event + ctx = ExceptionContextImpl( + e, + sqlalchemy_exception, + self.engine, + self, + cursor, + statement, + parameters, + context, + self._is_disconnect, + invalidate_pool_on_disconnect, + ) + + for fn in self.dispatch.handle_error: + try: + # handler returns an exception; + # call next handler in a chain + per_fn = fn(ctx) + if per_fn is not None: + ctx.chained_exception = newraise = per_fn + except Exception as _raised: + # handler raises an exception - stop processing + newraise = _raised + break + + if self._is_disconnect != ctx.is_disconnect: + self._is_disconnect = ctx.is_disconnect + if sqlalchemy_exception: + sqlalchemy_exception.connection_invalidated = ( + ctx.is_disconnect + ) + + # set up potentially user-defined value for + # invalidate pool. + invalidate_pool_on_disconnect = ( + ctx.invalidate_pool_on_disconnect + ) + + if should_wrap and context: + context.handle_dbapi_exception(e) + + if not self._is_disconnect: + if cursor: + self._safe_close_cursor(cursor) + with util.safe_reraise(warn_only=True): + self._autorollback() + + if newraise: + util.raise_from_cause(newraise, exc_info) + elif should_wrap: + util.raise_from_cause(sqlalchemy_exception, exc_info) + else: + util.reraise(*exc_info) + + finally: + del self._reentrant_error + if self._is_disconnect: + del self._is_disconnect + if not self.invalidated: + dbapi_conn_wrapper = self.__connection + if invalidate_pool_on_disconnect: + self.engine.pool._invalidate(dbapi_conn_wrapper, e) + self.invalidate(e) + if self.should_close_with_result: + self.close() + + @classmethod + def _handle_dbapi_exception_noconnection(cls, e, dialect, engine): + exc_info = sys.exc_info() + + is_disconnect = dialect.is_disconnect(e, None, None) + + should_wrap = isinstance(e, dialect.dbapi.Error) + + if should_wrap: + sqlalchemy_exception = exc.DBAPIError.instance( + None, + None, + e, + dialect.dbapi.Error, + connection_invalidated=is_disconnect, + ) + else: + sqlalchemy_exception = None + + newraise = None + + if engine._has_events: + ctx = ExceptionContextImpl( + e, + sqlalchemy_exception, + engine, + None, + None, + None, + None, + None, + is_disconnect, + True, + ) + for fn in engine.dispatch.handle_error: + try: + # handler returns an exception; + # call next handler in a chain + per_fn = fn(ctx) + if per_fn is not None: + ctx.chained_exception = newraise = per_fn + except Exception as _raised: + # handler raises an exception - stop processing + newraise = _raised + break + + if sqlalchemy_exception and is_disconnect != ctx.is_disconnect: + sqlalchemy_exception.connection_invalidated = ( + is_disconnect + ) = ctx.is_disconnect + + if newraise: + util.raise_from_cause(newraise, exc_info) + elif should_wrap: + util.raise_from_cause(sqlalchemy_exception, exc_info) + else: + util.reraise(*exc_info) + + def transaction(self, callable_, *args, **kwargs): + r"""Execute the given function within a transaction boundary. + + The function is passed this :class:`.Connection` + as the first argument, followed by the given \*args and \**kwargs, + e.g.:: + + def do_something(conn, x, y): + conn.execute("some statement", {'x':x, 'y':y}) + + conn.transaction(do_something, 5, 10) + + The operations inside the function are all invoked within the + context of a single :class:`.Transaction`. + Upon success, the transaction is committed. If an + exception is raised, the transaction is rolled back + before propagating the exception. + + .. note:: + + The :meth:`.transaction` method is superseded by + the usage of the Python ``with:`` statement, which can + be used with :meth:`.Connection.begin`:: + + with conn.begin(): + conn.execute("some statement", {'x':5, 'y':10}) + + As well as with :meth:`.Engine.begin`:: + + with engine.begin() as conn: + conn.execute("some statement", {'x':5, 'y':10}) + + See also: + + :meth:`.Engine.begin` - engine-level transactional + context + + :meth:`.Engine.transaction` - engine-level version of + :meth:`.Connection.transaction` + + """ + + trans = self.begin() + try: + ret = self.run_callable(callable_, *args, **kwargs) + trans.commit() + return ret + except: + with util.safe_reraise(): + trans.rollback() + + def run_callable(self, callable_, *args, **kwargs): + r"""Given a callable object or function, execute it, passing + a :class:`.Connection` as the first argument. + + The given \*args and \**kwargs are passed subsequent + to the :class:`.Connection` argument. + + This function, along with :meth:`.Engine.run_callable`, + allows a function to be run with a :class:`.Connection` + or :class:`.Engine` object without the need to know + which one is being dealt with. + + """ + return callable_(self, *args, **kwargs) + + def _run_visitor(self, visitorcallable, element, **kwargs): + visitorcallable(self.dialect, self, **kwargs).traverse_single(element) + + +class ExceptionContextImpl(ExceptionContext): + """Implement the :class:`.ExceptionContext` interface.""" + + def __init__( + self, + exception, + sqlalchemy_exception, + engine, + connection, + cursor, + statement, + parameters, + context, + is_disconnect, + invalidate_pool_on_disconnect, + ): + self.engine = engine + self.connection = connection + self.sqlalchemy_exception = sqlalchemy_exception + self.original_exception = exception + self.execution_context = context + self.statement = statement + self.parameters = parameters + self.is_disconnect = is_disconnect + self.invalidate_pool_on_disconnect = invalidate_pool_on_disconnect + + +class Transaction(object): + """Represent a database transaction in progress. + + The :class:`.Transaction` object is procured by + calling the :meth:`~.Connection.begin` method of + :class:`.Connection`:: + + from sqlalchemy import create_engine + engine = create_engine("postgresql://scott:tiger@localhost/test") + connection = engine.connect() + trans = connection.begin() + connection.execute("insert into x (a, b) values (1, 2)") + trans.commit() + + The object provides :meth:`.rollback` and :meth:`.commit` + methods in order to control transaction boundaries. It + also implements a context manager interface so that + the Python ``with`` statement can be used with the + :meth:`.Connection.begin` method:: + + with connection.begin(): + connection.execute("insert into x (a, b) values (1, 2)") + + The Transaction object is **not** threadsafe. + + See also: :meth:`.Connection.begin`, :meth:`.Connection.begin_twophase`, + :meth:`.Connection.begin_nested`. + + .. index:: + single: thread safety; Transaction + """ + + def __init__(self, connection, parent): + self.connection = connection + self._actual_parent = parent + self.is_active = True + + @property + def _parent(self): + return self._actual_parent or self + + def close(self): + """Close this :class:`.Transaction`. + + If this transaction is the base transaction in a begin/commit + nesting, the transaction will rollback(). Otherwise, the + method returns. + + This is used to cancel a Transaction without affecting the scope of + an enclosing transaction. + + """ + if not self._parent.is_active: + return + if self._parent is self: + self.rollback() + + def rollback(self): + """Roll back this :class:`.Transaction`. + + """ + if not self._parent.is_active: + return + self._do_rollback() + self.is_active = False + + def _do_rollback(self): + self._parent.rollback() + + def commit(self): + """Commit this :class:`.Transaction`.""" + + if not self._parent.is_active: + raise exc.InvalidRequestError("This transaction is inactive") + self._do_commit() + self.is_active = False + + def _do_commit(self): + pass + + def __enter__(self): + return self + + def __exit__(self, type_, value, traceback): + if type_ is None and self.is_active: + try: + self.commit() + except: + with util.safe_reraise(): + self.rollback() + else: + self.rollback() + + +class RootTransaction(Transaction): + def __init__(self, connection): + super(RootTransaction, self).__init__(connection, None) + self.connection._begin_impl(self) + + def _do_rollback(self): + if self.is_active: + self.connection._rollback_impl() + + def _do_commit(self): + if self.is_active: + self.connection._commit_impl() + + +class NestedTransaction(Transaction): + """Represent a 'nested', or SAVEPOINT transaction. + + A new :class:`.NestedTransaction` object may be procured + using the :meth:`.Connection.begin_nested` method. + + The interface is the same as that of :class:`.Transaction`. + + """ + + def __init__(self, connection, parent): + super(NestedTransaction, self).__init__(connection, parent) + self._savepoint = self.connection._savepoint_impl() + + def _do_rollback(self): + if self.is_active: + self.connection._rollback_to_savepoint_impl( + self._savepoint, self._parent + ) + + def _do_commit(self): + if self.is_active: + self.connection._release_savepoint_impl( + self._savepoint, self._parent + ) + + +class TwoPhaseTransaction(Transaction): + """Represent a two-phase transaction. + + A new :class:`.TwoPhaseTransaction` object may be procured + using the :meth:`.Connection.begin_twophase` method. + + The interface is the same as that of :class:`.Transaction` + with the addition of the :meth:`prepare` method. + + """ + + def __init__(self, connection, xid): + super(TwoPhaseTransaction, self).__init__(connection, None) + self._is_prepared = False + self.xid = xid + self.connection._begin_twophase_impl(self) + + def prepare(self): + """Prepare this :class:`.TwoPhaseTransaction`. + + After a PREPARE, the transaction can be committed. + + """ + if not self._parent.is_active: + raise exc.InvalidRequestError("This transaction is inactive") + self.connection._prepare_twophase_impl(self.xid) + self._is_prepared = True + + def _do_rollback(self): + self.connection._rollback_twophase_impl(self.xid, self._is_prepared) + + def _do_commit(self): + self.connection._commit_twophase_impl(self.xid, self._is_prepared) + + +class Engine(Connectable, log.Identified): + """ + Connects a :class:`~sqlalchemy.pool.Pool` and + :class:`~sqlalchemy.engine.interfaces.Dialect` together to provide a + source of database connectivity and behavior. + + An :class:`.Engine` object is instantiated publicly using the + :func:`~sqlalchemy.create_engine` function. + + See also: + + :doc:`/core/engines` + + :ref:`connections_toplevel` + + """ + + _execution_options = util.immutabledict() + _has_events = False + _connection_cls = Connection + + schema_for_object = schema._schema_getter(None) + """Return the ".schema" attribute for an object. + + Used for :class:`.Table`, :class:`.Sequence` and similar objects, + and takes into account + the :paramref:`.Connection.execution_options.schema_translate_map` + parameter. + + .. versionadded:: 1.1 + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`schema_translating` + + """ + + def __init__( + self, + pool, + dialect, + url, + logging_name=None, + echo=None, + proxy=None, + execution_options=None, + ): + self.pool = pool + self.url = url + self.dialect = dialect + if logging_name: + self.logging_name = logging_name + self.echo = echo + self.engine = self + log.instance_logger(self, echoflag=echo) + if proxy: + interfaces.ConnectionProxy._adapt_listener(self, proxy) + if execution_options: + self.update_execution_options(**execution_options) + + def update_execution_options(self, **opt): + r"""Update the default execution_options dictionary + of this :class:`.Engine`. + + The given keys/values in \**opt are added to the + default execution options that will be used for + all connections. The initial contents of this dictionary + can be sent via the ``execution_options`` parameter + to :func:`.create_engine`. + + .. seealso:: + + :meth:`.Connection.execution_options` + + :meth:`.Engine.execution_options` + + """ + self._execution_options = self._execution_options.union(opt) + self.dispatch.set_engine_execution_options(self, opt) + self.dialect.set_engine_execution_options(self, opt) + + def execution_options(self, **opt): + """Return a new :class:`.Engine` that will provide + :class:`.Connection` objects with the given execution options. + + The returned :class:`.Engine` remains related to the original + :class:`.Engine` in that it shares the same connection pool and + other state: + + * The :class:`.Pool` used by the new :class:`.Engine` is the + same instance. The :meth:`.Engine.dispose` method will replace + the connection pool instance for the parent engine as well + as this one. + * Event listeners are "cascaded" - meaning, the new :class:`.Engine` + inherits the events of the parent, and new events can be associated + with the new :class:`.Engine` individually. + * The logging configuration and logging_name is copied from the parent + :class:`.Engine`. + + The intent of the :meth:`.Engine.execution_options` method is + to implement "sharding" schemes where multiple :class:`.Engine` + objects refer to the same connection pool, but are differentiated + by options that would be consumed by a custom event:: + + primary_engine = create_engine("mysql://") + shard1 = primary_engine.execution_options(shard_id="shard1") + shard2 = primary_engine.execution_options(shard_id="shard2") + + Above, the ``shard1`` engine serves as a factory for + :class:`.Connection` objects that will contain the execution option + ``shard_id=shard1``, and ``shard2`` will produce :class:`.Connection` + objects that contain the execution option ``shard_id=shard2``. + + An event handler can consume the above execution option to perform + a schema switch or other operation, given a connection. Below + we emit a MySQL ``use`` statement to switch databases, at the same + time keeping track of which database we've established using the + :attr:`.Connection.info` dictionary, which gives us a persistent + storage space that follows the DBAPI connection:: + + from sqlalchemy import event + from sqlalchemy.engine import Engine + + shards = {"default": "base", shard_1: "db1", "shard_2": "db2"} + + @event.listens_for(Engine, "before_cursor_execute") + def _switch_shard(conn, cursor, stmt, + params, context, executemany): + shard_id = conn._execution_options.get('shard_id', "default") + current_shard = conn.info.get("current_shard", None) + + if current_shard != shard_id: + cursor.execute("use %s" % shards[shard_id]) + conn.info["current_shard"] = shard_id + + .. versionadded:: 0.8 + + .. seealso:: + + :meth:`.Connection.execution_options` - update execution options + on a :class:`.Connection` object. + + :meth:`.Engine.update_execution_options` - update the execution + options for a given :class:`.Engine` in place. + + """ + return OptionEngine(self, opt) + + @property + def name(self): + """String name of the :class:`~sqlalchemy.engine.interfaces.Dialect` + in use by this :class:`Engine`.""" + + return self.dialect.name + + @property + def driver(self): + """Driver name of the :class:`~sqlalchemy.engine.interfaces.Dialect` + in use by this :class:`Engine`.""" + + return self.dialect.driver + + echo = log.echo_property() + + def __repr__(self): + return "Engine(%r)" % self.url + + def dispose(self): + """Dispose of the connection pool used by this :class:`.Engine`. + + This has the effect of fully closing all **currently checked in** + database connections. Connections that are still checked out + will **not** be closed, however they will no longer be associated + with this :class:`.Engine`, so when they are closed individually, + eventually the :class:`.Pool` which they are associated with will + be garbage collected and they will be closed out fully, if + not already closed on checkin. + + A new connection pool is created immediately after the old one has + been disposed. This new pool, like all SQLAlchemy connection pools, + does not make any actual connections to the database until one is + first requested, so as long as the :class:`.Engine` isn't used again, + no new connections will be made. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`engine_disposal` + + """ + self.pool.dispose() + self.pool = self.pool.recreate() + self.dispatch.engine_disposed(self) + + def _execute_default(self, default): + with self.contextual_connect() as conn: + return conn._execute_default(default, (), {}) + + @contextlib.contextmanager + def _optional_conn_ctx_manager(self, connection=None): + if connection is None: + with self.contextual_connect() as conn: + yield conn + else: + yield connection + + def _run_visitor( + self, visitorcallable, element, connection=None, **kwargs + ): + with self._optional_conn_ctx_manager(connection) as conn: + conn._run_visitor(visitorcallable, element, **kwargs) + + class _trans_ctx(object): + def __init__(self, conn, transaction, close_with_result): + self.conn = conn + self.transaction = transaction + self.close_with_result = close_with_result + + def __enter__(self): + return self.conn + + def __exit__(self, type_, value, traceback): + if type_ is not None: + self.transaction.rollback() + else: + self.transaction.commit() + if not self.close_with_result: + self.conn.close() + + def begin(self, close_with_result=False): + """Return a context manager delivering a :class:`.Connection` + with a :class:`.Transaction` established. + + E.g.:: + + with engine.begin() as conn: + conn.execute("insert into table (x, y, z) values (1, 2, 3)") + conn.execute("my_special_procedure(5)") + + Upon successful operation, the :class:`.Transaction` + is committed. If an error is raised, the :class:`.Transaction` + is rolled back. + + The ``close_with_result`` flag is normally ``False``, and indicates + that the :class:`.Connection` will be closed when the operation + is complete. When set to ``True``, it indicates the + :class:`.Connection` is in "single use" mode, where the + :class:`.ResultProxy` returned by the first call to + :meth:`.Connection.execute` will close the :class:`.Connection` when + that :class:`.ResultProxy` has exhausted all result rows. + + .. versionadded:: 0.7.6 + + See also: + + :meth:`.Engine.connect` - procure a :class:`.Connection` from + an :class:`.Engine`. + + :meth:`.Connection.begin` - start a :class:`.Transaction` + for a particular :class:`.Connection`. + + """ + conn = self.contextual_connect(close_with_result=close_with_result) + try: + trans = conn.begin() + except: + with util.safe_reraise(): + conn.close() + return Engine._trans_ctx(conn, trans, close_with_result) + + def transaction(self, callable_, *args, **kwargs): + r"""Execute the given function within a transaction boundary. + + The function is passed a :class:`.Connection` newly procured + from :meth:`.Engine.contextual_connect` as the first argument, + followed by the given \*args and \**kwargs. + + e.g.:: + + def do_something(conn, x, y): + conn.execute("some statement", {'x':x, 'y':y}) + + engine.transaction(do_something, 5, 10) + + The operations inside the function are all invoked within the + context of a single :class:`.Transaction`. + Upon success, the transaction is committed. If an + exception is raised, the transaction is rolled back + before propagating the exception. + + .. note:: + + The :meth:`.transaction` method is superseded by + the usage of the Python ``with:`` statement, which can + be used with :meth:`.Engine.begin`:: + + with engine.begin() as conn: + conn.execute("some statement", {'x':5, 'y':10}) + + See also: + + :meth:`.Engine.begin` - engine-level transactional + context + + :meth:`.Connection.transaction` - connection-level version of + :meth:`.Engine.transaction` + + """ + + with self.contextual_connect() as conn: + return conn.transaction(callable_, *args, **kwargs) + + def run_callable(self, callable_, *args, **kwargs): + r"""Given a callable object or function, execute it, passing + a :class:`.Connection` as the first argument. + + The given \*args and \**kwargs are passed subsequent + to the :class:`.Connection` argument. + + This function, along with :meth:`.Connection.run_callable`, + allows a function to be run with a :class:`.Connection` + or :class:`.Engine` object without the need to know + which one is being dealt with. + + """ + with self.contextual_connect() as conn: + return conn.run_callable(callable_, *args, **kwargs) + + def execute(self, statement, *multiparams, **params): + """Executes the given construct and returns a :class:`.ResultProxy`. + + The arguments are the same as those used by + :meth:`.Connection.execute`. + + Here, a :class:`.Connection` is acquired using the + :meth:`~.Engine.contextual_connect` method, and the statement executed + with that connection. The returned :class:`.ResultProxy` is flagged + such that when the :class:`.ResultProxy` is exhausted and its + underlying cursor is closed, the :class:`.Connection` created here + will also be closed, which allows its associated DBAPI connection + resource to be returned to the connection pool. + + """ + + connection = self.contextual_connect(close_with_result=True) + return connection.execute(statement, *multiparams, **params) + + def scalar(self, statement, *multiparams, **params): + return self.execute(statement, *multiparams, **params).scalar() + + def _execute_clauseelement(self, elem, multiparams=None, params=None): + connection = self.contextual_connect(close_with_result=True) + return connection._execute_clauseelement(elem, multiparams, params) + + def _execute_compiled(self, compiled, multiparams, params): + connection = self.contextual_connect(close_with_result=True) + return connection._execute_compiled(compiled, multiparams, params) + + def connect(self, **kwargs): + """Return a new :class:`.Connection` object. + + The :class:`.Connection` object is a facade that uses a DBAPI + connection internally in order to communicate with the database. This + connection is procured from the connection-holding :class:`.Pool` + referenced by this :class:`.Engine`. When the + :meth:`~.Connection.close` method of the :class:`.Connection` object + is called, the underlying DBAPI connection is then returned to the + connection pool, where it may be used again in a subsequent call to + :meth:`~.Engine.connect`. + + """ + + return self._connection_cls(self, **kwargs) + + def contextual_connect(self, close_with_result=False, **kwargs): + """Return a :class:`.Connection` object which may be part of some + ongoing context. + + By default, this method does the same thing as :meth:`.Engine.connect`. + Subclasses of :class:`.Engine` may override this method + to provide contextual behavior. + + :param close_with_result: When True, the first :class:`.ResultProxy` + created by the :class:`.Connection` will call the + :meth:`.Connection.close` method of that connection as soon as any + pending result rows are exhausted. This is used to supply the + "connectionless execution" behavior provided by the + :meth:`.Engine.execute` method. + + """ + + return self._connection_cls( + self, + self._wrap_pool_connect(self.pool.connect, None), + close_with_result=close_with_result, + **kwargs + ) + + def table_names(self, schema=None, connection=None): + """Return a list of all table names available in the database. + + :param schema: Optional, retrieve names from a non-default schema. + + :param connection: Optional, use a specified connection. Default is + the ``contextual_connect`` for this ``Engine``. + """ + + with self._optional_conn_ctx_manager(connection) as conn: + if not schema: + schema = self.dialect.default_schema_name + return self.dialect.get_table_names(conn, schema) + + def has_table(self, table_name, schema=None): + """Return True if the given backend has a table of the given name. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`metadata_reflection_inspector` - detailed schema inspection + using the :class:`.Inspector` interface. + + :class:`.quoted_name` - used to pass quoting information along + with a schema identifier. + + """ + return self.run_callable(self.dialect.has_table, table_name, schema) + + def _wrap_pool_connect(self, fn, connection): + dialect = self.dialect + try: + return fn() + except dialect.dbapi.Error as e: + if connection is None: + Connection._handle_dbapi_exception_noconnection( + e, dialect, self + ) + else: + util.reraise(*sys.exc_info()) + + def raw_connection(self, _connection=None): + """Return a "raw" DBAPI connection from the connection pool. + + The returned object is a proxied version of the DBAPI + connection object used by the underlying driver in use. + The object will have all the same behavior as the real DBAPI + connection, except that its ``close()`` method will result in the + connection being returned to the pool, rather than being closed + for real. + + This method provides direct DBAPI connection access for + special situations when the API provided by :class:`.Connection` + is not needed. When a :class:`.Connection` object is already + present, the DBAPI connection is available using + the :attr:`.Connection.connection` accessor. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`dbapi_connections` + + """ + return self._wrap_pool_connect( + self.pool.unique_connection, _connection + ) + + +class OptionEngine(Engine): + _sa_propagate_class_events = False + + def __init__(self, proxied, execution_options): + self._proxied = proxied + self.url = proxied.url + self.dialect = proxied.dialect + self.logging_name = proxied.logging_name + self.echo = proxied.echo + log.instance_logger(self, echoflag=self.echo) + + # note: this will propagate events that are assigned to the parent + # engine after this OptionEngine is created. Since we share + # the events of the parent we also disallow class-level events + # to apply to the OptionEngine class directly. + # + # the other way this can work would be to transfer existing + # events only, using: + # self.dispatch._update(proxied.dispatch) + # + # that might be more appropriate however it would be a behavioral + # change for logic that assigns events to the parent engine and + # would like it to take effect for the already-created sub-engine. + self.dispatch = self.dispatch._join(proxied.dispatch) + + self._execution_options = proxied._execution_options + self.update_execution_options(**execution_options) + + def _get_pool(self): + return self._proxied.pool + + def _set_pool(self, pool): + self._proxied.pool = pool + + pool = property(_get_pool, _set_pool) + + def _get_has_events(self): + return self._proxied._has_events or self.__dict__.get( + "_has_events", False + ) + + def _set_has_events(self, value): + self.__dict__["_has_events"] = value + + _has_events = property(_get_has_events, _set_has_events) diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/default.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/default.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b3d7ac3 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/default.py @@ -0,0 +1,1443 @@ +# engine/default.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +"""Default implementations of per-dialect sqlalchemy.engine classes. + +These are semi-private implementation classes which are only of importance +to database dialect authors; dialects will usually use the classes here +as the base class for their own corresponding classes. + +""" + +import codecs +import random +import re +import weakref + +from . import interfaces +from . import reflection +from . import result +from .. import event +from .. import exc +from .. import pool +from .. import processors +from .. import types as sqltypes +from .. import util +from ..sql import compiler +from ..sql import expression +from ..sql import schema + +AUTOCOMMIT_REGEXP = re.compile( + r"\s*(?:UPDATE|INSERT|CREATE|DELETE|DROP|ALTER)", re.I | re.UNICODE +) + +# When we're handed literal SQL, ensure it's a SELECT query +SERVER_SIDE_CURSOR_RE = re.compile(r"\s*SELECT", re.I | re.UNICODE) + + +class DefaultDialect(interfaces.Dialect): + """Default implementation of Dialect""" + + statement_compiler = compiler.SQLCompiler + ddl_compiler = compiler.DDLCompiler + type_compiler = compiler.GenericTypeCompiler + preparer = compiler.IdentifierPreparer + supports_alter = True + supports_comments = False + inline_comments = False + + # the first value we'd get for an autoincrement + # column. + default_sequence_base = 1 + + # most DBAPIs happy with this for execute(). + # not cx_oracle. + execute_sequence_format = tuple + + supports_views = True + supports_sequences = False + sequences_optional = False + preexecute_autoincrement_sequences = False + postfetch_lastrowid = True + implicit_returning = False + + supports_right_nested_joins = True + cte_follows_insert = False + + supports_native_enum = False + supports_native_boolean = False + non_native_boolean_check_constraint = True + + supports_simple_order_by_label = True + + engine_config_types = util.immutabledict( + [ + ("convert_unicode", util.bool_or_str("force")), + ("pool_timeout", util.asint), + ("echo", util.bool_or_str("debug")), + ("echo_pool", util.bool_or_str("debug")), + ("pool_recycle", util.asint), + ("pool_size", util.asint), + ("max_overflow", util.asint), + ("pool_threadlocal", util.asbool), + ] + ) + + # if the NUMERIC type + # returns decimal.Decimal. + # *not* the FLOAT type however. + supports_native_decimal = False + + if util.py3k: + supports_unicode_statements = True + supports_unicode_binds = True + returns_unicode_strings = True + description_encoding = None + else: + supports_unicode_statements = False + supports_unicode_binds = False + returns_unicode_strings = False + description_encoding = "use_encoding" + + name = "default" + + # length at which to truncate + # any identifier. + max_identifier_length = 9999 + + # length at which to truncate + # the name of an index. + # Usually None to indicate + # 'use max_identifier_length'. + # thanks to MySQL, sigh + max_index_name_length = None + + supports_sane_rowcount = True + supports_sane_multi_rowcount = True + colspecs = {} + default_paramstyle = "named" + supports_default_values = False + supports_empty_insert = True + supports_multivalues_insert = False + + supports_server_side_cursors = False + + server_version_info = None + + construct_arguments = None + """Optional set of argument specifiers for various SQLAlchemy + constructs, typically schema items. + + To implement, establish as a series of tuples, as in:: + + construct_arguments = [ + (schema.Index, { + "using": False, + "where": None, + "ops": None + }) + ] + + If the above construct is established on the PostgreSQL dialect, + the :class:`.Index` construct will now accept the keyword arguments + ``postgresql_using``, ``postgresql_where``, nad ``postgresql_ops``. + Any other argument specified to the constructor of :class:`.Index` + which is prefixed with ``postgresql_`` will raise :class:`.ArgumentError`. + + A dialect which does not include a ``construct_arguments`` member will + not participate in the argument validation system. For such a dialect, + any argument name is accepted by all participating constructs, within + the namespace of arguments prefixed with that dialect name. The rationale + here is so that third-party dialects that haven't yet implemented this + feature continue to function in the old way. + + .. versionadded:: 0.9.2 + + .. seealso:: + + :class:`.DialectKWArgs` - implementing base class which consumes + :attr:`.DefaultDialect.construct_arguments` + + + """ + + # indicates symbol names are + # UPPERCASEd if they are case insensitive + # within the database. + # if this is True, the methods normalize_name() + # and denormalize_name() must be provided. + requires_name_normalize = False + + reflection_options = () + + dbapi_exception_translation_map = util.immutabledict() + """mapping used in the extremely unusual case that a DBAPI's + published exceptions don't actually have the __name__ that they + are linked towards. + + .. versionadded:: 1.0.5 + + """ + + def __init__( + self, + convert_unicode=False, + encoding="utf-8", + paramstyle=None, + dbapi=None, + implicit_returning=None, + supports_right_nested_joins=None, + case_sensitive=True, + supports_native_boolean=None, + empty_in_strategy="static", + label_length=None, + **kwargs + ): + + if not getattr(self, "ported_sqla_06", True): + util.warn( + "The %s dialect is not yet ported to the 0.6 format" + % self.name + ) + + self.convert_unicode = convert_unicode + self.encoding = encoding + self.positional = False + self._ischema = None + self.dbapi = dbapi + if paramstyle is not None: + self.paramstyle = paramstyle + elif self.dbapi is not None: + self.paramstyle = self.dbapi.paramstyle + else: + self.paramstyle = self.default_paramstyle + if implicit_returning is not None: + self.implicit_returning = implicit_returning + self.positional = self.paramstyle in ("qmark", "format", "numeric") + self.identifier_preparer = self.preparer(self) + self.type_compiler = self.type_compiler(self) + if supports_right_nested_joins is not None: + self.supports_right_nested_joins = supports_right_nested_joins + if supports_native_boolean is not None: + self.supports_native_boolean = supports_native_boolean + self.case_sensitive = case_sensitive + + self.empty_in_strategy = empty_in_strategy + if empty_in_strategy == "static": + self._use_static_in = True + elif empty_in_strategy in ("dynamic", "dynamic_warn"): + self._use_static_in = False + self._warn_on_empty_in = empty_in_strategy == "dynamic_warn" + else: + raise exc.ArgumentError( + "empty_in_strategy may be 'static', " + "'dynamic', or 'dynamic_warn'" + ) + + if label_length and label_length > self.max_identifier_length: + raise exc.ArgumentError( + "Label length of %d is greater than this dialect's" + " maximum identifier length of %d" + % (label_length, self.max_identifier_length) + ) + self.label_length = label_length + + if self.description_encoding == "use_encoding": + self._description_decoder = ( + processors.to_unicode_processor_factory + )(encoding) + elif self.description_encoding is not None: + self._description_decoder = ( + processors.to_unicode_processor_factory + )(self.description_encoding) + self._encoder = codecs.getencoder(self.encoding) + self._decoder = processors.to_unicode_processor_factory(self.encoding) + + @util.memoized_property + def _type_memos(self): + return weakref.WeakKeyDictionary() + + @property + def dialect_description(self): + return self.name + "+" + self.driver + + @property + def supports_sane_rowcount_returning(self): + return self.supports_sane_rowcount + + @classmethod + def get_pool_class(cls, url): + return getattr(cls, "poolclass", pool.QueuePool) + + def initialize(self, connection): + try: + self.server_version_info = self._get_server_version_info( + connection + ) + except NotImplementedError: + self.server_version_info = None + try: + self.default_schema_name = self._get_default_schema_name( + connection + ) + except NotImplementedError: + self.default_schema_name = None + + try: + self.default_isolation_level = self.get_isolation_level( + connection.connection + ) + except NotImplementedError: + self.default_isolation_level = None + + self.returns_unicode_strings = self._check_unicode_returns(connection) + + if ( + self.description_encoding is not None + and self._check_unicode_description(connection) + ): + self._description_decoder = self.description_encoding = None + + self.do_rollback(connection.connection) + + def on_connect(self): + """return a callable which sets up a newly created DBAPI connection. + + This is used to set dialect-wide per-connection options such as + isolation modes, unicode modes, etc. + + If a callable is returned, it will be assembled into a pool listener + that receives the direct DBAPI connection, with all wrappers removed. + + If None is returned, no listener will be generated. + + """ + return None + + def _check_unicode_returns(self, connection, additional_tests=None): + if util.py2k and not self.supports_unicode_statements: + cast_to = util.binary_type + else: + cast_to = util.text_type + + if self.positional: + parameters = self.execute_sequence_format() + else: + parameters = {} + + def check_unicode(test): + statement = cast_to( + expression.select([test]).compile(dialect=self) + ) + try: + cursor = connection.connection.cursor() + connection._cursor_execute(cursor, statement, parameters) + row = cursor.fetchone() + cursor.close() + except exc.DBAPIError as de: + # note that _cursor_execute() will have closed the cursor + # if an exception is thrown. + util.warn( + "Exception attempting to " + "detect unicode returns: %r" % de + ) + return False + else: + return isinstance(row[0], util.text_type) + + tests = [ + # detect plain VARCHAR + expression.cast( + expression.literal_column("'test plain returns'"), + sqltypes.VARCHAR(60), + ), + # detect if there's an NVARCHAR type with different behavior + # available + expression.cast( + expression.literal_column("'test unicode returns'"), + sqltypes.Unicode(60), + ), + ] + + if additional_tests: + tests += additional_tests + + results = {check_unicode(test) for test in tests} + + if results.issuperset([True, False]): + return "conditional" + else: + return results == {True} + + def _check_unicode_description(self, connection): + # all DBAPIs on Py2K return cursor.description as encoded, + # until pypy2.1beta2 with sqlite, so let's just check it - + # it's likely others will start doing this too in Py2k. + + if util.py2k and not self.supports_unicode_statements: + cast_to = util.binary_type + else: + cast_to = util.text_type + + cursor = connection.connection.cursor() + try: + cursor.execute( + cast_to( + expression.select( + [expression.literal_column("'x'").label("some_label")] + ).compile(dialect=self) + ) + ) + return isinstance(cursor.description[0][0], util.text_type) + finally: + cursor.close() + + def type_descriptor(self, typeobj): + """Provide a database-specific :class:`.TypeEngine` object, given + the generic object which comes from the types module. + + This method looks for a dictionary called + ``colspecs`` as a class or instance-level variable, + and passes on to :func:`.types.adapt_type`. + + """ + return sqltypes.adapt_type(typeobj, self.colspecs) + + def reflecttable( + self, connection, table, include_columns, exclude_columns, **opts + ): + insp = reflection.Inspector.from_engine(connection) + return insp.reflecttable( + table, include_columns, exclude_columns, **opts + ) + + def get_pk_constraint(self, conn, table_name, schema=None, **kw): + """Compatibility method, adapts the result of get_primary_keys() + for those dialects which don't implement get_pk_constraint(). + + """ + return { + "constrained_columns": self.get_primary_keys( + conn, table_name, schema=schema, **kw + ) + } + + def validate_identifier(self, ident): + if len(ident) > self.max_identifier_length: + raise exc.IdentifierError( + "Identifier '%s' exceeds maximum length of %d characters" + % (ident, self.max_identifier_length) + ) + + def connect(self, *cargs, **cparams): + return self.dbapi.connect(*cargs, **cparams) + + def create_connect_args(self, url): + opts = url.translate_connect_args() + opts.update(url.query) + return [[], opts] + + def set_engine_execution_options(self, engine, opts): + if "isolation_level" in opts: + isolation_level = opts["isolation_level"] + + @event.listens_for(engine, "engine_connect") + def set_isolation(connection, branch): + if not branch: + self._set_connection_isolation(connection, isolation_level) + + if "schema_translate_map" in opts: + getter = schema._schema_getter(opts["schema_translate_map"]) + engine.schema_for_object = getter + + @event.listens_for(engine, "engine_connect") + def set_schema_translate_map(connection, branch): + connection.schema_for_object = getter + + def set_connection_execution_options(self, connection, opts): + if "isolation_level" in opts: + self._set_connection_isolation(connection, opts["isolation_level"]) + + if "schema_translate_map" in opts: + getter = schema._schema_getter(opts["schema_translate_map"]) + connection.schema_for_object = getter + + def _set_connection_isolation(self, connection, level): + if connection.in_transaction(): + util.warn( + "Connection is already established with a Transaction; " + "setting isolation_level may implicitly rollback or commit " + "the existing transaction, or have no effect until " + "next transaction" + ) + self.set_isolation_level(connection.connection, level) + connection.connection._connection_record.finalize_callback.append( + self.reset_isolation_level + ) + + def do_begin(self, dbapi_connection): + pass + + def do_rollback(self, dbapi_connection): + dbapi_connection.rollback() + + def do_commit(self, dbapi_connection): + dbapi_connection.commit() + + def do_close(self, dbapi_connection): + dbapi_connection.close() + + @util.memoized_property + def _dialect_specific_select_one(self): + return str(expression.select([1]).compile(dialect=self)) + + def do_ping(self, dbapi_connection): + cursor = None + try: + cursor = dbapi_connection.cursor() + try: + cursor.execute(self._dialect_specific_select_one) + finally: + cursor.close() + except self.dbapi.Error as err: + if self.is_disconnect(err, dbapi_connection, cursor): + return False + else: + raise + else: + return True + + def create_xid(self): + """Create a random two-phase transaction ID. + + This id will be passed to do_begin_twophase(), do_rollback_twophase(), + do_commit_twophase(). Its format is unspecified. + """ + + return "_sa_%032x" % random.randint(0, 2 ** 128) + + def do_savepoint(self, connection, name): + connection.execute(expression.SavepointClause(name)) + + def do_rollback_to_savepoint(self, connection, name): + connection.execute(expression.RollbackToSavepointClause(name)) + + def do_release_savepoint(self, connection, name): + connection.execute(expression.ReleaseSavepointClause(name)) + + def do_executemany(self, cursor, statement, parameters, context=None): + cursor.executemany(statement, parameters) + + def do_execute(self, cursor, statement, parameters, context=None): + cursor.execute(statement, parameters) + + def do_execute_no_params(self, cursor, statement, context=None): + cursor.execute(statement) + + def is_disconnect(self, e, connection, cursor): + return False + + def reset_isolation_level(self, dbapi_conn): + # default_isolation_level is read from the first connection + # after the initial set of 'isolation_level', if any, so is + # the configured default of this dialect. + self.set_isolation_level(dbapi_conn, self.default_isolation_level) + + +class StrCompileDialect(DefaultDialect): + + statement_compiler = compiler.StrSQLCompiler + ddl_compiler = compiler.DDLCompiler + type_compiler = compiler.StrSQLTypeCompiler + preparer = compiler.IdentifierPreparer + + supports_sequences = True + sequences_optional = True + preexecute_autoincrement_sequences = False + implicit_returning = False + + supports_native_boolean = True + + supports_simple_order_by_label = True + + +class DefaultExecutionContext(interfaces.ExecutionContext): + isinsert = False + isupdate = False + isdelete = False + is_crud = False + is_text = False + isddl = False + executemany = False + compiled = None + statement = None + result_column_struct = None + returned_defaults = None + _is_implicit_returning = False + _is_explicit_returning = False + + # a hook for SQLite's translation of + # result column names + _translate_colname = None + + _expanded_parameters = util.immutabledict() + + @classmethod + def _init_ddl(cls, dialect, connection, dbapi_connection, compiled_ddl): + """Initialize execution context for a DDLElement construct.""" + + self = cls.__new__(cls) + self.root_connection = connection + self._dbapi_connection = dbapi_connection + self.dialect = connection.dialect + + self.compiled = compiled = compiled_ddl + self.isddl = True + + self.execution_options = compiled.execution_options + if connection._execution_options: + self.execution_options = dict(self.execution_options) + self.execution_options.update(connection._execution_options) + + if not dialect.supports_unicode_statements: + self.unicode_statement = util.text_type(compiled) + self.statement = dialect._encoder(self.unicode_statement)[0] + else: + self.statement = self.unicode_statement = util.text_type(compiled) + + self.cursor = self.create_cursor() + self.compiled_parameters = [] + + if dialect.positional: + self.parameters = [dialect.execute_sequence_format()] + else: + self.parameters = [{}] + + return self + + @classmethod + def _init_compiled( + cls, dialect, connection, dbapi_connection, compiled, parameters + ): + """Initialize execution context for a Compiled construct.""" + + self = cls.__new__(cls) + self.root_connection = connection + self._dbapi_connection = dbapi_connection + self.dialect = connection.dialect + + self.compiled = compiled + + # this should be caught in the engine before + # we get here + assert compiled.can_execute + + self.execution_options = compiled.execution_options.union( + connection._execution_options + ) + + self.result_column_struct = ( + compiled._result_columns, + compiled._ordered_columns, + compiled._textual_ordered_columns, + ) + + self.unicode_statement = util.text_type(compiled) + if not dialect.supports_unicode_statements: + self.statement = self.unicode_statement.encode( + self.dialect.encoding + ) + else: + self.statement = self.unicode_statement + + self.isinsert = compiled.isinsert + self.isupdate = compiled.isupdate + self.isdelete = compiled.isdelete + self.is_text = compiled.isplaintext + + if not parameters: + self.compiled_parameters = [compiled.construct_params()] + else: + self.compiled_parameters = [ + compiled.construct_params(m, _group_number=grp) + for grp, m in enumerate(parameters) + ] + + self.executemany = len(parameters) > 1 + + self.cursor = self.create_cursor() + + if self.isinsert or self.isupdate or self.isdelete: + self.is_crud = True + self._is_explicit_returning = bool(compiled.statement._returning) + self._is_implicit_returning = bool( + compiled.returning and not compiled.statement._returning + ) + + if self.compiled.insert_prefetch or self.compiled.update_prefetch: + if self.executemany: + self._process_executemany_defaults() + else: + self._process_executesingle_defaults() + + processors = compiled._bind_processors + + if compiled.contains_expanding_parameters: + positiontup = self._expand_in_parameters(compiled, processors) + elif compiled.positional: + positiontup = self.compiled.positiontup + + # Convert the dictionary of bind parameter values + # into a dict or list to be sent to the DBAPI's + # execute() or executemany() method. + parameters = [] + if compiled.positional: + for compiled_params in self.compiled_parameters: + param = [] + for key in positiontup: + if key in processors: + param.append(processors[key](compiled_params[key])) + else: + param.append(compiled_params[key]) + parameters.append(dialect.execute_sequence_format(param)) + else: + encode = not dialect.supports_unicode_statements + for compiled_params in self.compiled_parameters: + + if encode: + param = dict( + ( + dialect._encoder(key)[0], + processors[key](compiled_params[key]) + if key in processors + else compiled_params[key], + ) + for key in compiled_params + ) + else: + param = dict( + ( + key, + processors[key](compiled_params[key]) + if key in processors + else compiled_params[key], + ) + for key in compiled_params + ) + + parameters.append(param) + + self.parameters = dialect.execute_sequence_format(parameters) + + return self + + def _expand_in_parameters(self, compiled, processors): + """handle special 'expanding' parameters, IN tuples that are rendered + on a per-parameter basis for an otherwise fixed SQL statement string. + + """ + if self.executemany: + raise exc.InvalidRequestError( + "'expanding' parameters can't be used with " "executemany()" + ) + + if self.compiled.positional and self.compiled._numeric_binds: + # I'm not familiar with any DBAPI that uses 'numeric' + raise NotImplementedError( + "'expanding' bind parameters not supported with " + "'numeric' paramstyle at this time." + ) + + self._expanded_parameters = {} + + compiled_params = self.compiled_parameters[0] + if compiled.positional: + positiontup = [] + else: + positiontup = None + + replacement_expressions = {} + to_update_sets = {} + + for name in ( + self.compiled.positiontup + if compiled.positional + else self.compiled.binds + ): + parameter = self.compiled.binds[name] + if parameter.expanding: + if name in replacement_expressions: + to_update = to_update_sets[name] + else: + # we are removing the parameter from compiled_params + # because it is a list value, which is not expected by + # TypeEngine objects that would otherwise be asked to + # process it. the single name is being replaced with + # individual numbered parameters for each value in the + # param. + values = compiled_params.pop(name) + + if not values: + raise exc.InvalidRequestError( + "'expanding' parameters with an empty list not " + "supported until SQLAlchemy 1.3." + ) + elif isinstance(values[0], (tuple, list)): + to_update = to_update_sets[name] = [ + ("%s_%s_%s" % (name, i, j), value) + for i, tuple_element in enumerate(values, 1) + for j, value in enumerate(tuple_element, 1) + ] + replacement_expressions[name] = ", ".join( + "(%s)" + % ", ".join( + self.compiled.bindtemplate + % { + "name": to_update[ + i * len(tuple_element) + j + ][0] + } + for j, value in enumerate(tuple_element) + ) + for i, tuple_element in enumerate(values) + ) + else: + to_update = to_update_sets[name] = [ + ("%s_%s" % (name, i), value) + for i, value in enumerate(values, 1) + ] + replacement_expressions[name] = ", ".join( + self.compiled.bindtemplate % {"name": key} + for key, value in to_update + ) + + compiled_params.update(to_update) + processors.update( + (key, processors[name]) + for key, value in to_update + if name in processors + ) + if compiled.positional: + positiontup.extend(name for name, value in to_update) + self._expanded_parameters[name] = [ + expand_key for expand_key, value in to_update + ] + elif compiled.positional: + positiontup.append(name) + + def process_expanding(m): + return replacement_expressions[m.group(1)] + + self.statement = re.sub( + r"\[EXPANDING_(\S+)\]", process_expanding, self.statement + ) + return positiontup + + @classmethod + def _init_statement( + cls, dialect, connection, dbapi_connection, statement, parameters + ): + """Initialize execution context for a string SQL statement.""" + + self = cls.__new__(cls) + self.root_connection = connection + self._dbapi_connection = dbapi_connection + self.dialect = connection.dialect + self.is_text = True + + # plain text statement + self.execution_options = connection._execution_options + + if not parameters: + if self.dialect.positional: + self.parameters = [dialect.execute_sequence_format()] + else: + self.parameters = [{}] + elif isinstance(parameters[0], dialect.execute_sequence_format): + self.parameters = parameters + elif isinstance(parameters[0], dict): + if dialect.supports_unicode_statements: + self.parameters = parameters + else: + self.parameters = [ + {dialect._encoder(k)[0]: d[k] for k in d} + for d in parameters + ] or [{}] + else: + self.parameters = [ + dialect.execute_sequence_format(p) for p in parameters + ] + + self.executemany = len(parameters) > 1 + + if not dialect.supports_unicode_statements and isinstance( + statement, util.text_type + ): + self.unicode_statement = statement + self.statement = dialect._encoder(statement)[0] + else: + self.statement = self.unicode_statement = statement + + self.cursor = self.create_cursor() + return self + + @classmethod + def _init_default(cls, dialect, connection, dbapi_connection): + """Initialize execution context for a ColumnDefault construct.""" + + self = cls.__new__(cls) + self.root_connection = connection + self._dbapi_connection = dbapi_connection + self.dialect = connection.dialect + self.execution_options = connection._execution_options + self.cursor = self.create_cursor() + return self + + @util.memoized_property + def engine(self): + return self.root_connection.engine + + @util.memoized_property + def postfetch_cols(self): + return self.compiled.postfetch + + @util.memoized_property + def prefetch_cols(self): + if self.isinsert: + return self.compiled.insert_prefetch + elif self.isupdate: + return self.compiled.update_prefetch + else: + return () + + @util.memoized_property + def returning_cols(self): + self.compiled.returning + + @util.memoized_property + def no_parameters(self): + return self.execution_options.get("no_parameters", False) + + @util.memoized_property + def should_autocommit(self): + autocommit = self.execution_options.get( + "autocommit", + not self.compiled + and self.statement + and expression.PARSE_AUTOCOMMIT + or False, + ) + + if autocommit is expression.PARSE_AUTOCOMMIT: + return self.should_autocommit_text(self.unicode_statement) + else: + return autocommit + + def _execute_scalar(self, stmt, type_): + """Execute a string statement on the current cursor, returning a + scalar result. + + Used to fire off sequences, default phrases, and "select lastrowid" + types of statements individually or in the context of a parent INSERT + or UPDATE statement. + + """ + + conn = self.root_connection + if ( + isinstance(stmt, util.text_type) + and not self.dialect.supports_unicode_statements + ): + stmt = self.dialect._encoder(stmt)[0] + + if self.dialect.positional: + default_params = self.dialect.execute_sequence_format() + else: + default_params = {} + + conn._cursor_execute(self.cursor, stmt, default_params, context=self) + r = self.cursor.fetchone()[0] + if type_ is not None: + # apply type post processors to the result + proc = type_._cached_result_processor( + self.dialect, self.cursor.description[0][1] + ) + if proc: + return proc(r) + return r + + @property + def connection(self): + return self.root_connection._branch() + + def should_autocommit_text(self, statement): + return AUTOCOMMIT_REGEXP.match(statement) + + def _use_server_side_cursor(self): + if not self.dialect.supports_server_side_cursors: + return False + + if self.dialect.server_side_cursors: + use_server_side = self.execution_options.get( + "stream_results", True + ) and ( + ( + self.compiled + and isinstance( + self.compiled.statement, expression.Selectable + ) + or ( + ( + not self.compiled + or isinstance( + self.compiled.statement, expression.TextClause + ) + ) + and self.statement + and SERVER_SIDE_CURSOR_RE.match(self.statement) + ) + ) + ) + else: + use_server_side = self.execution_options.get( + "stream_results", False + ) + + return use_server_side + + def create_cursor(self): + if self._use_server_side_cursor(): + self._is_server_side = True + return self.create_server_side_cursor() + else: + self._is_server_side = False + return self._dbapi_connection.cursor() + + def create_server_side_cursor(self): + raise NotImplementedError() + + def pre_exec(self): + pass + + def post_exec(self): + pass + + def get_result_processor(self, type_, colname, coltype): + """Return a 'result processor' for a given type as present in + cursor.description. + + This has a default implementation that dialects can override + for context-sensitive result type handling. + + """ + return type_._cached_result_processor(self.dialect, coltype) + + def get_lastrowid(self): + """return self.cursor.lastrowid, or equivalent, after an INSERT. + + This may involve calling special cursor functions, + issuing a new SELECT on the cursor (or a new one), + or returning a stored value that was + calculated within post_exec(). + + This function will only be called for dialects + which support "implicit" primary key generation, + keep preexecute_autoincrement_sequences set to False, + and when no explicit id value was bound to the + statement. + + The function is called once, directly after + post_exec() and before the transaction is committed + or ResultProxy is generated. If the post_exec() + method assigns a value to `self._lastrowid`, the + value is used in place of calling get_lastrowid(). + + Note that this method is *not* equivalent to the + ``lastrowid`` method on ``ResultProxy``, which is a + direct proxy to the DBAPI ``lastrowid`` accessor + in all cases. + + """ + return self.cursor.lastrowid + + def handle_dbapi_exception(self, e): + pass + + def get_result_proxy(self): + if self._is_server_side: + return result.BufferedRowResultProxy(self) + else: + return result.ResultProxy(self) + + @property + def rowcount(self): + return self.cursor.rowcount + + def supports_sane_rowcount(self): + return self.dialect.supports_sane_rowcount + + def supports_sane_multi_rowcount(self): + return self.dialect.supports_sane_multi_rowcount + + def _setup_crud_result_proxy(self): + if self.isinsert and not self.executemany: + if ( + not self._is_implicit_returning + and not self.compiled.inline + and self.dialect.postfetch_lastrowid + ): + + self._setup_ins_pk_from_lastrowid() + + elif not self._is_implicit_returning: + self._setup_ins_pk_from_empty() + + result = self.get_result_proxy() + + if self.isinsert: + if self._is_implicit_returning: + row = result.fetchone() + self.returned_defaults = row + self._setup_ins_pk_from_implicit_returning(row) + result._soft_close() + result._metadata = None + elif not self._is_explicit_returning: + result._soft_close() + result._metadata = None + elif self.isupdate and self._is_implicit_returning: + row = result.fetchone() + self.returned_defaults = row + result._soft_close() + result._metadata = None + + elif result._metadata is None: + # no results, get rowcount + # (which requires open cursor on some drivers + # such as kintersbasdb, mxodbc) + result.rowcount + result._soft_close() + return result + + def _setup_ins_pk_from_lastrowid(self): + key_getter = self.compiled._key_getters_for_crud_column[2] + table = self.compiled.statement.table + compiled_params = self.compiled_parameters[0] + + lastrowid = self.get_lastrowid() + if lastrowid is not None: + autoinc_col = table._autoincrement_column + if autoinc_col is not None: + # apply type post processors to the lastrowid + proc = autoinc_col.type._cached_result_processor( + self.dialect, None + ) + if proc is not None: + lastrowid = proc(lastrowid) + self.inserted_primary_key = [ + lastrowid + if c is autoinc_col + else compiled_params.get(key_getter(c), None) + for c in table.primary_key + ] + else: + # don't have a usable lastrowid, so + # do the same as _setup_ins_pk_from_empty + self.inserted_primary_key = [ + compiled_params.get(key_getter(c), None) + for c in table.primary_key + ] + + def _setup_ins_pk_from_empty(self): + key_getter = self.compiled._key_getters_for_crud_column[2] + table = self.compiled.statement.table + compiled_params = self.compiled_parameters[0] + self.inserted_primary_key = [ + compiled_params.get(key_getter(c), None) for c in table.primary_key + ] + + def _setup_ins_pk_from_implicit_returning(self, row): + if row is None: + self.inserted_primary_key = None + return + + key_getter = self.compiled._key_getters_for_crud_column[2] + table = self.compiled.statement.table + compiled_params = self.compiled_parameters[0] + self.inserted_primary_key = [ + row[col] if value is None else value + for col, value in [ + (col, compiled_params.get(key_getter(col), None)) + for col in table.primary_key + ] + ] + + def lastrow_has_defaults(self): + return (self.isinsert or self.isupdate) and bool( + self.compiled.postfetch + ) + + def set_input_sizes( + self, translate=None, include_types=None, exclude_types=None + ): + """Given a cursor and ClauseParameters, call the appropriate + style of ``setinputsizes()`` on the cursor, using DB-API types + from the bind parameter's ``TypeEngine`` objects. + + This method only called by those dialects which require it, + currently cx_oracle. + + """ + + if not hasattr(self.compiled, "bind_names"): + return + + inputsizes = {} + for bindparam in self.compiled.bind_names: + + dialect_impl = bindparam.type._unwrapped_dialect_impl(self.dialect) + dialect_impl_cls = type(dialect_impl) + dbtype = dialect_impl.get_dbapi_type(self.dialect.dbapi) + if ( + dbtype is not None + and ( + not exclude_types + or dbtype not in exclude_types + and dialect_impl_cls not in exclude_types + ) + and ( + not include_types + or dbtype in include_types + or dialect_impl_cls in include_types + ) + ): + inputsizes[bindparam] = dbtype + else: + inputsizes[bindparam] = None + + if self.dialect._has_events: + self.dialect.dispatch.do_setinputsizes( + inputsizes, self.cursor, self.statement, self.parameters, self + ) + + if self.dialect.positional: + positional_inputsizes = [] + for key in self.compiled.positiontup: + bindparam = self.compiled.binds[key] + dbtype = inputsizes.get(bindparam, None) + if dbtype is not None: + if key in self._expanded_parameters: + positional_inputsizes.extend( + [dbtype] * len(self._expanded_parameters[key]) + ) + else: + positional_inputsizes.append(dbtype) + try: + self.cursor.setinputsizes(*positional_inputsizes) + except BaseException as e: + self.root_connection._handle_dbapi_exception( + e, None, None, None, self + ) + else: + keyword_inputsizes = {} + for bindparam, key in self.compiled.bind_names.items(): + dbtype = inputsizes.get(bindparam, None) + if dbtype is not None: + if translate: + # TODO: this part won't work w/ the + # expanded_parameters feature, e.g. for cx_oracle + # quoted bound names + key = translate.get(key, key) + if not self.dialect.supports_unicode_binds: + key = self.dialect._encoder(key)[0] + if key in self._expanded_parameters: + keyword_inputsizes.update( + (expand_key, dbtype) + for expand_key in self._expanded_parameters[key] + ) + else: + keyword_inputsizes[key] = dbtype + try: + self.cursor.setinputsizes(**keyword_inputsizes) + except BaseException as e: + self.root_connection._handle_dbapi_exception( + e, None, None, None, self + ) + + def _exec_default(self, column, default, type_): + if default.is_sequence: + return self.fire_sequence(default, type_) + elif default.is_callable: + self.current_column = column + return default.arg(self) + elif default.is_clause_element: + # TODO: expensive branching here should be + # pulled into _exec_scalar() + conn = self.connection + if not default._arg_is_typed: + default_arg = expression.type_coerce(default.arg, type_) + else: + default_arg = default.arg + c = expression.select([default_arg]).compile(bind=conn) + return conn._execute_compiled(c, (), {}).scalar() + else: + return default.arg + + current_parameters = None + """A dictionary of parameters applied to the current row. + + This attribute is only available in the context of a user-defined default + generation function, e.g. as described at :ref:`context_default_functions`. + It consists of a dictionary which includes entries for each column/value + pair that is to be part of the INSERT or UPDATE statement. The keys of the + dictionary will be the key value of each :class:`.Column`, which is usually + synonymous with the name. + + Note that the :attr:`.DefaultExecutionContext.current_parameters` attribute + does not accommodate for the "multi-values" feature of the + :meth:`.Insert.values` method. The + :meth:`.DefaultExecutionContext.get_current_parameters` method should be + preferred. + + .. seealso:: + + :meth:`.DefaultExecutionContext.get_current_parameters` + + :ref:`context_default_functions` + + """ + + def get_current_parameters(self, isolate_multiinsert_groups=True): + """Return a dictionary of parameters applied to the current row. + + This method can only be used in the context of a user-defined default + generation function, e.g. as described at + :ref:`context_default_functions`. When invoked, a dictionary is + returned which includes entries for each column/value pair that is part + of the INSERT or UPDATE statement. The keys of the dictionary will be + the key value of each :class:`.Column`, which is usually synonymous + with the name. + + :param isolate_multiinsert_groups=True: indicates that multi-valued + INSERT contructs created using :meth:`.Insert.values` should be + handled by returning only the subset of parameters that are local + to the current column default invocation. When ``False``, the + raw parameters of the statement are returned including the + naming convention used in the case of multi-valued INSERT. + + .. versionadded:: 1.2 added + :meth:`.DefaultExecutionContext.get_current_parameters` + which provides more functionality over the existing + :attr:`.DefaultExecutionContext.current_parameters` + attribute. + + .. seealso:: + + :attr:`.DefaultExecutionContext.current_parameters` + + :ref:`context_default_functions` + + """ + try: + parameters = self.current_parameters + column = self.current_column + except AttributeError: + raise exc.InvalidRequestError( + "get_current_parameters() can only be invoked in the " + "context of a Python side column default function" + ) + if ( + isolate_multiinsert_groups + and self.isinsert + and self.compiled.statement._has_multi_parameters + ): + if column._is_multiparam_column: + index = column.index + 1 + d = {column.original.key: parameters[column.key]} + else: + d = {column.key: parameters[column.key]} + index = 0 + keys = self.compiled.statement.parameters[0].keys() + d.update( + (key, parameters["%s_m%d" % (key, index)]) for key in keys + ) + return d + else: + return parameters + + def get_insert_default(self, column): + if column.default is None: + return None + else: + return self._exec_default(column, column.default, column.type) + + def get_update_default(self, column): + if column.onupdate is None: + return None + else: + return self._exec_default(column, column.onupdate, column.type) + + def _process_executemany_defaults(self): + key_getter = self.compiled._key_getters_for_crud_column[2] + + scalar_defaults = {} + + insert_prefetch = self.compiled.insert_prefetch + update_prefetch = self.compiled.update_prefetch + + # pre-determine scalar Python-side defaults + # to avoid many calls of get_insert_default()/ + # get_update_default() + for c in insert_prefetch: + if c.default and c.default.is_scalar: + scalar_defaults[c] = c.default.arg + for c in update_prefetch: + if c.onupdate and c.onupdate.is_scalar: + scalar_defaults[c] = c.onupdate.arg + + for param in self.compiled_parameters: + self.current_parameters = param + for c in insert_prefetch: + if c in scalar_defaults: + val = scalar_defaults[c] + else: + val = self.get_insert_default(c) + if val is not None: + param[key_getter(c)] = val + for c in update_prefetch: + if c in scalar_defaults: + val = scalar_defaults[c] + else: + val = self.get_update_default(c) + if val is not None: + param[key_getter(c)] = val + + del self.current_parameters + + def _process_executesingle_defaults(self): + key_getter = self.compiled._key_getters_for_crud_column[2] + self.current_parameters = ( + compiled_parameters + ) = self.compiled_parameters[0] + + for c in self.compiled.insert_prefetch: + if c.default and not c.default.is_sequence and c.default.is_scalar: + val = c.default.arg + else: + val = self.get_insert_default(c) + + if val is not None: + compiled_parameters[key_getter(c)] = val + + for c in self.compiled.update_prefetch: + val = self.get_update_default(c) + + if val is not None: + compiled_parameters[key_getter(c)] = val + del self.current_parameters + + +DefaultDialect.execution_ctx_cls = DefaultExecutionContext diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/interfaces.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/interfaces.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..32e9827 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/interfaces.py @@ -0,0 +1,1311 @@ +# engine/interfaces.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +"""Define core interfaces used by the engine system.""" + +from .. import util +from ..sql.compiler import Compiled # noqa +from ..sql.compiler import TypeCompiler # noqa + + +class Dialect(object): + """Define the behavior of a specific database and DB-API combination. + + Any aspect of metadata definition, SQL query generation, + execution, result-set handling, or anything else which varies + between databases is defined under the general category of the + Dialect. The Dialect acts as a factory for other + database-specific object implementations including + ExecutionContext, Compiled, DefaultGenerator, and TypeEngine. + + All Dialects implement the following attributes: + + name + identifying name for the dialect from a DBAPI-neutral point of view + (i.e. 'sqlite') + + driver + identifying name for the dialect's DBAPI + + positional + True if the paramstyle for this Dialect is positional. + + paramstyle + the paramstyle to be used (some DB-APIs support multiple + paramstyles). + + convert_unicode + True if Unicode conversion should be applied to all ``str`` + types. + + encoding + type of encoding to use for unicode, usually defaults to + 'utf-8'. + + statement_compiler + a :class:`.Compiled` class used to compile SQL statements + + ddl_compiler + a :class:`.Compiled` class used to compile DDL statements + + server_version_info + a tuple containing a version number for the DB backend in use. + This value is only available for supporting dialects, and is + typically populated during the initial connection to the database. + + default_schema_name + the name of the default schema. This value is only available for + supporting dialects, and is typically populated during the + initial connection to the database. + + execution_ctx_cls + a :class:`.ExecutionContext` class used to handle statement execution + + execute_sequence_format + either the 'tuple' or 'list' type, depending on what cursor.execute() + accepts for the second argument (they vary). + + preparer + a :class:`~sqlalchemy.sql.compiler.IdentifierPreparer` class used to + quote identifiers. + + supports_alter + ``True`` if the database supports ``ALTER TABLE``. + + max_identifier_length + The maximum length of identifier names. + + supports_unicode_statements + Indicate whether the DB-API can receive SQL statements as Python + unicode strings + + supports_unicode_binds + Indicate whether the DB-API can receive string bind parameters + as Python unicode strings + + supports_sane_rowcount + Indicate whether the dialect properly implements rowcount for + ``UPDATE`` and ``DELETE`` statements. + + supports_sane_multi_rowcount + Indicate whether the dialect properly implements rowcount for + ``UPDATE`` and ``DELETE`` statements when executed via + executemany. + + preexecute_autoincrement_sequences + True if 'implicit' primary key functions must be executed separately + in order to get their value. This is currently oriented towards + PostgreSQL. + + implicit_returning + use RETURNING or equivalent during INSERT execution in order to load + newly generated primary keys and other column defaults in one execution, + which are then available via inserted_primary_key. + If an insert statement has returning() specified explicitly, + the "implicit" functionality is not used and inserted_primary_key + will not be available. + + colspecs + A dictionary of TypeEngine classes from sqlalchemy.types mapped + to subclasses that are specific to the dialect class. This + dictionary is class-level only and is not accessed from the + dialect instance itself. + + supports_default_values + Indicates if the construct ``INSERT INTO tablename DEFAULT + VALUES`` is supported + + supports_sequences + Indicates if the dialect supports CREATE SEQUENCE or similar. + + sequences_optional + If True, indicates if the "optional" flag on the Sequence() construct + should signal to not generate a CREATE SEQUENCE. Applies only to + dialects that support sequences. Currently used only to allow PostgreSQL + SERIAL to be used on a column that specifies Sequence() for usage on + other backends. + + supports_native_enum + Indicates if the dialect supports a native ENUM construct. + This will prevent types.Enum from generating a CHECK + constraint when that type is used. + + supports_native_boolean + Indicates if the dialect supports a native boolean construct. + This will prevent types.Boolean from generating a CHECK + constraint when that type is used. + + dbapi_exception_translation_map + A dictionary of names that will contain as values the names of + pep-249 exceptions ("IntegrityError", "OperationalError", etc) + keyed to alternate class names, to support the case where a + DBAPI has exception classes that aren't named as they are + referred to (e.g. IntegrityError = MyException). In the vast + majority of cases this dictionary is empty. + + .. versionadded:: 1.0.5 + + """ + + _has_events = False + + def create_connect_args(self, url): + """Build DB-API compatible connection arguments. + + Given a :class:`~sqlalchemy.engine.url.URL` object, returns a tuple + consisting of a `*args`/`**kwargs` suitable to send directly + to the dbapi's connect function. + + """ + + raise NotImplementedError() + + @classmethod + def type_descriptor(cls, typeobj): + """Transform a generic type to a dialect-specific type. + + Dialect classes will usually use the + :func:`.types.adapt_type` function in the types module to + accomplish this. + + The returned result is cached *per dialect class* so can + contain no dialect-instance state. + + """ + + raise NotImplementedError() + + def initialize(self, connection): + """Called during strategized creation of the dialect with a + connection. + + Allows dialects to configure options based on server version info or + other properties. + + The connection passed here is a SQLAlchemy Connection object, + with full capabilities. + + The initialize() method of the base dialect should be called via + super(). + + """ + + pass + + def reflecttable( + self, connection, table, include_columns, exclude_columns + ): + """Load table description from the database. + + Given a :class:`.Connection` and a + :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Table` object, reflect its columns and + properties from the database. + + The implementation of this method is provided by + :meth:`.DefaultDialect.reflecttable`, which makes use of + :class:`.Inspector` to retrieve column information. + + Dialects should **not** seek to implement this method, and should + instead implement individual schema inspection operations such as + :meth:`.Dialect.get_columns`, :meth:`.Dialect.get_pk_constraint`, + etc. + + """ + + raise NotImplementedError() + + def get_columns(self, connection, table_name, schema=None, **kw): + """Return information about columns in `table_name`. + + Given a :class:`.Connection`, a string + `table_name`, and an optional string `schema`, return column + information as a list of dictionaries with these keys: + + name + the column's name + + type + [sqlalchemy.types#TypeEngine] + + nullable + boolean + + default + the column's default value + + autoincrement + boolean + + sequence + a dictionary of the form + {'name' : str, 'start' :int, 'increment': int, 'minvalue': int, + 'maxvalue': int, 'nominvalue': bool, 'nomaxvalue': bool, + 'cycle': bool, 'cache': int, 'order': bool} + + Additional column attributes may be present. + """ + + raise NotImplementedError() + + def get_primary_keys(self, connection, table_name, schema=None, **kw): + """Return information about primary keys in `table_name`. + + + Deprecated. This method is only called by the default + implementation of :meth:`.Dialect.get_pk_constraint`. Dialects should + instead implement the :meth:`.Dialect.get_pk_constraint` method + directly. + + """ + + raise NotImplementedError() + + def get_pk_constraint(self, connection, table_name, schema=None, **kw): + """Return information about the primary key constraint on + table_name`. + + Given a :class:`.Connection`, a string + `table_name`, and an optional string `schema`, return primary + key information as a dictionary with these keys: + + constrained_columns + a list of column names that make up the primary key + + name + optional name of the primary key constraint. + + """ + raise NotImplementedError() + + def get_foreign_keys(self, connection, table_name, schema=None, **kw): + """Return information about foreign_keys in `table_name`. + + Given a :class:`.Connection`, a string + `table_name`, and an optional string `schema`, return foreign + key information as a list of dicts with these keys: + + name + the constraint's name + + constrained_columns + a list of column names that make up the foreign key + + referred_schema + the name of the referred schema + + referred_table + the name of the referred table + + referred_columns + a list of column names in the referred table that correspond to + constrained_columns + """ + + raise NotImplementedError() + + def get_table_names(self, connection, schema=None, **kw): + """Return a list of table names for `schema`.""" + + raise NotImplementedError() + + def get_temp_table_names(self, connection, schema=None, **kw): + """Return a list of temporary table names on the given connection, + if supported by the underlying backend. + + """ + + raise NotImplementedError() + + def get_view_names(self, connection, schema=None, **kw): + """Return a list of all view names available in the database. + + schema: + Optional, retrieve names from a non-default schema. + """ + + raise NotImplementedError() + + def get_temp_view_names(self, connection, schema=None, **kw): + """Return a list of temporary view names on the given connection, + if supported by the underlying backend. + + """ + + raise NotImplementedError() + + def get_view_definition(self, connection, view_name, schema=None, **kw): + """Return view definition. + + Given a :class:`.Connection`, a string + `view_name`, and an optional string `schema`, return the view + definition. + """ + + raise NotImplementedError() + + def get_indexes(self, connection, table_name, schema=None, **kw): + """Return information about indexes in `table_name`. + + Given a :class:`.Connection`, a string + `table_name` and an optional string `schema`, return index + information as a list of dictionaries with these keys: + + name + the index's name + + column_names + list of column names in order + + unique + boolean + """ + + raise NotImplementedError() + + def get_unique_constraints( + self, connection, table_name, schema=None, **kw + ): + r"""Return information about unique constraints in `table_name`. + + Given a string `table_name` and an optional string `schema`, return + unique constraint information as a list of dicts with these keys: + + name + the unique constraint's name + + column_names + list of column names in order + + \**kw + other options passed to the dialect's get_unique_constraints() + method. + + .. versionadded:: 0.9.0 + + """ + + raise NotImplementedError() + + def get_check_constraints(self, connection, table_name, schema=None, **kw): + r"""Return information about check constraints in `table_name`. + + Given a string `table_name` and an optional string `schema`, return + check constraint information as a list of dicts with these keys: + + name + the check constraint's name + + sqltext + the check constraint's SQL expression + + \**kw + other options passed to the dialect's get_check_constraints() + method. + + .. versionadded:: 1.1.0 + + """ + + raise NotImplementedError() + + def get_table_comment(self, connection, table_name, schema=None, **kw): + r"""Return the "comment" for the table identified by `table_name`. + + Given a string `table_name` and an optional string `schema`, return + table comment information as a dictionary with this key: + + text + text of the comment + + Raises ``NotImplementedError`` for dialects that don't support + comments. + + .. versionadded:: 1.2 + + """ + + raise NotImplementedError() + + def normalize_name(self, name): + """convert the given name to lowercase if it is detected as + case insensitive. + + this method is only used if the dialect defines + requires_name_normalize=True. + + """ + raise NotImplementedError() + + def denormalize_name(self, name): + """convert the given name to a case insensitive identifier + for the backend if it is an all-lowercase name. + + this method is only used if the dialect defines + requires_name_normalize=True. + + """ + raise NotImplementedError() + + def has_table(self, connection, table_name, schema=None): + """Check the existence of a particular table in the database. + + Given a :class:`.Connection` object and a string + `table_name`, return True if the given table (possibly within + the specified `schema`) exists in the database, False + otherwise. + """ + + raise NotImplementedError() + + def has_sequence(self, connection, sequence_name, schema=None): + """Check the existence of a particular sequence in the database. + + Given a :class:`.Connection` object and a string + `sequence_name`, return True if the given sequence exists in + the database, False otherwise. + """ + + raise NotImplementedError() + + def _get_server_version_info(self, connection): + """Retrieve the server version info from the given connection. + + This is used by the default implementation to populate the + "server_version_info" attribute and is called exactly + once upon first connect. + + """ + + raise NotImplementedError() + + def _get_default_schema_name(self, connection): + """Return the string name of the currently selected schema from + the given connection. + + This is used by the default implementation to populate the + "default_schema_name" attribute and is called exactly + once upon first connect. + + """ + + raise NotImplementedError() + + def do_begin(self, dbapi_connection): + """Provide an implementation of ``connection.begin()``, given a + DB-API connection. + + The DBAPI has no dedicated "begin" method and it is expected + that transactions are implicit. This hook is provided for those + DBAPIs that might need additional help in this area. + + Note that :meth:`.Dialect.do_begin` is not called unless a + :class:`.Transaction` object is in use. The + :meth:`.Dialect.do_autocommit` + hook is provided for DBAPIs that need some extra commands emitted + after a commit in order to enter the next transaction, when the + SQLAlchemy :class:`.Connection` is used in its default "autocommit" + mode. + + :param dbapi_connection: a DBAPI connection, typically + proxied within a :class:`.ConnectionFairy`. + + """ + + raise NotImplementedError() + + def do_rollback(self, dbapi_connection): + """Provide an implementation of ``connection.rollback()``, given + a DB-API connection. + + :param dbapi_connection: a DBAPI connection, typically + proxied within a :class:`.ConnectionFairy`. + + """ + + raise NotImplementedError() + + def do_commit(self, dbapi_connection): + """Provide an implementation of ``connection.commit()``, given a + DB-API connection. + + :param dbapi_connection: a DBAPI connection, typically + proxied within a :class:`.ConnectionFairy`. + + """ + + raise NotImplementedError() + + def do_close(self, dbapi_connection): + """Provide an implementation of ``connection.close()``, given a DBAPI + connection. + + This hook is called by the :class:`.Pool` when a connection has been + detached from the pool, or is being returned beyond the normal + capacity of the pool. + + .. versionadded:: 0.8 + + """ + + raise NotImplementedError() + + def create_xid(self): + """Create a two-phase transaction ID. + + This id will be passed to do_begin_twophase(), + do_rollback_twophase(), do_commit_twophase(). Its format is + unspecified. + """ + + raise NotImplementedError() + + def do_savepoint(self, connection, name): + """Create a savepoint with the given name. + + :param connection: a :class:`.Connection`. + :param name: savepoint name. + + """ + + raise NotImplementedError() + + def do_rollback_to_savepoint(self, connection, name): + """Rollback a connection to the named savepoint. + + :param connection: a :class:`.Connection`. + :param name: savepoint name. + + """ + + raise NotImplementedError() + + def do_release_savepoint(self, connection, name): + """Release the named savepoint on a connection. + + :param connection: a :class:`.Connection`. + :param name: savepoint name. + """ + + raise NotImplementedError() + + def do_begin_twophase(self, connection, xid): + """Begin a two phase transaction on the given connection. + + :param connection: a :class:`.Connection`. + :param xid: xid + + """ + + raise NotImplementedError() + + def do_prepare_twophase(self, connection, xid): + """Prepare a two phase transaction on the given connection. + + :param connection: a :class:`.Connection`. + :param xid: xid + + """ + + raise NotImplementedError() + + def do_rollback_twophase( + self, connection, xid, is_prepared=True, recover=False + ): + """Rollback a two phase transaction on the given connection. + + :param connection: a :class:`.Connection`. + :param xid: xid + :param is_prepared: whether or not + :meth:`.TwoPhaseTransaction.prepare` was called. + :param recover: if the recover flag was passed. + + """ + + raise NotImplementedError() + + def do_commit_twophase( + self, connection, xid, is_prepared=True, recover=False + ): + """Commit a two phase transaction on the given connection. + + + :param connection: a :class:`.Connection`. + :param xid: xid + :param is_prepared: whether or not + :meth:`.TwoPhaseTransaction.prepare` was called. + :param recover: if the recover flag was passed. + + """ + + raise NotImplementedError() + + def do_recover_twophase(self, connection): + """Recover list of uncommitted prepared two phase transaction + identifiers on the given connection. + + :param connection: a :class:`.Connection`. + + """ + + raise NotImplementedError() + + def do_executemany(self, cursor, statement, parameters, context=None): + """Provide an implementation of ``cursor.executemany(statement, + parameters)``.""" + + raise NotImplementedError() + + def do_execute(self, cursor, statement, parameters, context=None): + """Provide an implementation of ``cursor.execute(statement, + parameters)``.""" + + raise NotImplementedError() + + def do_execute_no_params( + self, cursor, statement, parameters, context=None + ): + """Provide an implementation of ``cursor.execute(statement)``. + + The parameter collection should not be sent. + + """ + + raise NotImplementedError() + + def is_disconnect(self, e, connection, cursor): + """Return True if the given DB-API error indicates an invalid + connection""" + + raise NotImplementedError() + + def connect(self): + """return a callable which sets up a newly created DBAPI connection. + + The callable accepts a single argument "conn" which is the + DBAPI connection itself. It has no return value. + + This is used to set dialect-wide per-connection options such as + isolation modes, unicode modes, etc. + + If a callable is returned, it will be assembled into a pool listener + that receives the direct DBAPI connection, with all wrappers removed. + + If None is returned, no listener will be generated. + + """ + return None + + def reset_isolation_level(self, dbapi_conn): + """Given a DBAPI connection, revert its isolation to the default. + + Note that this is a dialect-level method which is used as part + of the implementation of the :class:`.Connection` and + :class:`.Engine` + isolation level facilities; these APIs should be preferred for + most typical use cases. + + .. seealso:: + + :meth:`.Connection.get_isolation_level` - view current level + + :attr:`.Connection.default_isolation_level` - view default level + + :paramref:`.Connection.execution_options.isolation_level` - + set per :class:`.Connection` isolation level + + :paramref:`.create_engine.isolation_level` - + set per :class:`.Engine` isolation level + + """ + + raise NotImplementedError() + + def set_isolation_level(self, dbapi_conn, level): + """Given a DBAPI connection, set its isolation level. + + Note that this is a dialect-level method which is used as part + of the implementation of the :class:`.Connection` and + :class:`.Engine` + isolation level facilities; these APIs should be preferred for + most typical use cases. + + .. seealso:: + + :meth:`.Connection.get_isolation_level` - view current level + + :attr:`.Connection.default_isolation_level` - view default level + + :paramref:`.Connection.execution_options.isolation_level` - + set per :class:`.Connection` isolation level + + :paramref:`.create_engine.isolation_level` - + set per :class:`.Engine` isolation level + + """ + + raise NotImplementedError() + + def get_isolation_level(self, dbapi_conn): + """Given a DBAPI connection, return its isolation level. + + When working with a :class:`.Connection` object, the corresponding + DBAPI connection may be procured using the + :attr:`.Connection.connection` accessor. + + Note that this is a dialect-level method which is used as part + of the implementation of the :class:`.Connection` and + :class:`.Engine` isolation level facilities; + these APIs should be preferred for most typical use cases. + + + .. seealso:: + + :meth:`.Connection.get_isolation_level` - view current level + + :attr:`.Connection.default_isolation_level` - view default level + + :paramref:`.Connection.execution_options.isolation_level` - + set per :class:`.Connection` isolation level + + :paramref:`.create_engine.isolation_level` - + set per :class:`.Engine` isolation level + + + """ + + raise NotImplementedError() + + @classmethod + def get_dialect_cls(cls, url): + """Given a URL, return the :class:`.Dialect` that will be used. + + This is a hook that allows an external plugin to provide functionality + around an existing dialect, by allowing the plugin to be loaded + from the url based on an entrypoint, and then the plugin returns + the actual dialect to be used. + + By default this just returns the cls. + + .. versionadded:: 1.0.3 + + """ + return cls + + @classmethod + def engine_created(cls, engine): + """A convenience hook called before returning the final :class:`.Engine`. + + If the dialect returned a different class from the + :meth:`.get_dialect_cls` + method, then the hook is called on both classes, first on + the dialect class returned by the :meth:`.get_dialect_cls` method and + then on the class on which the method was called. + + The hook should be used by dialects and/or wrappers to apply special + events to the engine or its components. In particular, it allows + a dialect-wrapping class to apply dialect-level events. + + .. versionadded:: 1.0.3 + + """ + pass + + +class CreateEnginePlugin(object): + """A set of hooks intended to augment the construction of an + :class:`.Engine` object based on entrypoint names in a URL. + + The purpose of :class:`.CreateEnginePlugin` is to allow third-party + systems to apply engine, pool and dialect level event listeners without + the need for the target application to be modified; instead, the plugin + names can be added to the database URL. Target applications for + :class:`.CreateEnginePlugin` include: + + * connection and SQL performance tools, e.g. which use events to track + number of checkouts and/or time spent with statements + + * connectivity plugins such as proxies + + Plugins are registered using entry points in a similar way as that + of dialects:: + + entry_points={ + 'sqlalchemy.plugins': [ + 'myplugin = myapp.plugins:MyPlugin' + ] + + A plugin that uses the above names would be invoked from a database + URL as in:: + + from sqlalchemy import create_engine + + engine = create_engine( + "mysql+pymysql://scott:tiger@localhost/test?plugin=myplugin") + + Alternatively, the :paramref:`.create_engine.plugins" argument may be + passed as a list to :func:`.create_engine`:: + + engine = create_engine( + "mysql+pymysql://scott:tiger@localhost/test", + plugins=["myplugin"]) + + .. versionadded:: 1.2.3 plugin names can also be specified + to :func:`.create_engine` as a list + + The ``plugin`` argument supports multiple instances, so that a URL + may specify multiple plugins; they are loaded in the order stated + in the URL:: + + engine = create_engine( + "mysql+pymysql://scott:tiger@localhost/" + "test?plugin=plugin_one&plugin=plugin_twp&plugin=plugin_three") + + A plugin can receive additional arguments from the URL string as + well as from the keyword arguments passed to :func:`.create_engine`. + The :class:`.URL` object and the keyword dictionary are passed to the + constructor so that these arguments can be extracted from the url's + :attr:`.URL.query` collection as well as from the dictionary:: + + class MyPlugin(CreateEnginePlugin): + def __init__(self, url, kwargs): + self.my_argument_one = url.query.pop('my_argument_one') + self.my_argument_two = url.query.pop('my_argument_two') + self.my_argument_three = kwargs.pop('my_argument_three', None) + + Arguments like those illustrated above would be consumed from the + following:: + + from sqlalchemy import create_engine + + engine = create_engine( + "mysql+pymysql://scott:tiger@localhost/" + "test?plugin=myplugin&my_argument_one=foo&my_argument_two=bar", + my_argument_three='bat') + + The URL and dictionary are used for subsequent setup of the engine + as they are, so the plugin can modify their arguments in-place. + Arguments that are only understood by the plugin should be popped + or otherwise removed so that they aren't interpreted as erroneous + arguments afterwards. + + When the engine creation process completes and produces the + :class:`.Engine` object, it is again passed to the plugin via the + :meth:`.CreateEnginePlugin.engine_created` hook. In this hook, additional + changes can be made to the engine, most typically involving setup of + events (e.g. those defined in :ref:`core_event_toplevel`). + + .. versionadded:: 1.1 + + """ + + def __init__(self, url, kwargs): + """Contruct a new :class:`.CreateEnginePlugin`. + + The plugin object is instantiated individually for each call + to :func:`.create_engine`. A single :class:`.Engine` will be + passed to the :meth:`.CreateEnginePlugin.engine_created` method + corresponding to this URL. + + :param url: the :class:`.URL` object. The plugin should inspect + what it needs here as well as remove its custom arguments from the + :attr:`.URL.query` collection. The URL can be modified in-place + in any other way as well. + :param kwargs: The keyword arguments passed to :func`.create_engine`. + The plugin can read and modify this dictionary in-place, to affect + the ultimate arguments used to create the engine. It should + remove its custom arguments from the dictionary as well. + + """ + self.url = url + + def handle_dialect_kwargs(self, dialect_cls, dialect_args): + """parse and modify dialect kwargs""" + + def handle_pool_kwargs(self, pool_cls, pool_args): + """parse and modify pool kwargs""" + + def engine_created(self, engine): + """Receive the :class:`.Engine` object when it is fully constructed. + + The plugin may make additional changes to the engine, such as + registering engine or connection pool events. + + """ + + +class ExecutionContext(object): + """A messenger object for a Dialect that corresponds to a single + execution. + + ExecutionContext should have these data members: + + connection + Connection object which can be freely used by default value + generators to execute SQL. This Connection should reference the + same underlying connection/transactional resources of + root_connection. + + root_connection + Connection object which is the source of this ExecutionContext. This + Connection may have close_with_result=True set, in which case it can + only be used once. + + dialect + dialect which created this ExecutionContext. + + cursor + DB-API cursor procured from the connection, + + compiled + if passed to constructor, sqlalchemy.engine.base.Compiled object + being executed, + + statement + string version of the statement to be executed. Is either + passed to the constructor, or must be created from the + sql.Compiled object by the time pre_exec() has completed. + + parameters + bind parameters passed to the execute() method. For compiled + statements, this is a dictionary or list of dictionaries. For + textual statements, it should be in a format suitable for the + dialect's paramstyle (i.e. dict or list of dicts for non + positional, list or list of lists/tuples for positional). + + isinsert + True if the statement is an INSERT. + + isupdate + True if the statement is an UPDATE. + + should_autocommit + True if the statement is a "committable" statement. + + prefetch_cols + a list of Column objects for which a client-side default + was fired off. Applies to inserts and updates. + + postfetch_cols + a list of Column objects for which a server-side default or + inline SQL expression value was fired off. Applies to inserts + and updates. + """ + + exception = None + """A DBAPI-level exception that was caught when this ExecutionContext + attempted to execute a statement. + + This attribute is meaningful only within the + :meth:`.ConnectionEvents.dbapi_error` event. + + .. versionadded:: 0.9.7 + + .. seealso:: + + :attr:`.ExecutionContext.is_disconnect` + + :meth:`.ConnectionEvents.dbapi_error` + + """ + + is_disconnect = None + """Boolean flag set to True or False when a DBAPI-level exception + is caught when this ExecutionContext attempted to execute a statement. + + This attribute is meaningful only within the + :meth:`.ConnectionEvents.dbapi_error` event. + + .. versionadded:: 0.9.7 + + .. seealso:: + + :attr:`.ExecutionContext.exception` + + :meth:`.ConnectionEvents.dbapi_error` + + """ + + def create_cursor(self): + """Return a new cursor generated from this ExecutionContext's + connection. + + Some dialects may wish to change the behavior of + connection.cursor(), such as postgresql which may return a PG + "server side" cursor. + """ + + raise NotImplementedError() + + def pre_exec(self): + """Called before an execution of a compiled statement. + + If a compiled statement was passed to this ExecutionContext, + the `statement` and `parameters` datamembers must be + initialized after this statement is complete. + """ + + raise NotImplementedError() + + def post_exec(self): + """Called after the execution of a compiled statement. + + If a compiled statement was passed to this ExecutionContext, + the `last_insert_ids`, `last_inserted_params`, etc. + datamembers should be available after this method completes. + """ + + raise NotImplementedError() + + def result(self): + """Return a result object corresponding to this ExecutionContext. + + Returns a ResultProxy. + """ + + raise NotImplementedError() + + def handle_dbapi_exception(self, e): + """Receive a DBAPI exception which occurred upon execute, result + fetch, etc.""" + + raise NotImplementedError() + + def should_autocommit_text(self, statement): + """Parse the given textual statement and return True if it refers to + a "committable" statement""" + + raise NotImplementedError() + + def lastrow_has_defaults(self): + """Return True if the last INSERT or UPDATE row contained + inlined or database-side defaults. + """ + + raise NotImplementedError() + + def get_rowcount(self): + """Return the DBAPI ``cursor.rowcount`` value, or in some + cases an interpreted value. + + See :attr:`.ResultProxy.rowcount` for details on this. + + """ + + raise NotImplementedError() + + +class Connectable(object): + """Interface for an object which supports execution of SQL constructs. + + The two implementations of :class:`.Connectable` are + :class:`.Connection` and :class:`.Engine`. + + Connectable must also implement the 'dialect' member which references a + :class:`.Dialect` instance. + + """ + + def connect(self, **kwargs): + """Return a :class:`.Connection` object. + + Depending on context, this may be ``self`` if this object + is already an instance of :class:`.Connection`, or a newly + procured :class:`.Connection` if this object is an instance + of :class:`.Engine`. + + """ + + def contextual_connect(self): + """Return a :class:`.Connection` object which may be part of an ongoing + context. + + Depending on context, this may be ``self`` if this object + is already an instance of :class:`.Connection`, or a newly + procured :class:`.Connection` if this object is an instance + of :class:`.Engine`. + + """ + + raise NotImplementedError() + + @util.deprecated( + "0.7", + "Use the create() method on the given schema " + "object directly, i.e. :meth:`.Table.create`, " + ":meth:`.Index.create`, :meth:`.MetaData.create_all`", + ) + def create(self, entity, **kwargs): + """Emit CREATE statements for the given schema entity. + """ + + raise NotImplementedError() + + @util.deprecated( + "0.7", + "Use the drop() method on the given schema " + "object directly, i.e. :meth:`.Table.drop`, " + ":meth:`.Index.drop`, :meth:`.MetaData.drop_all`", + ) + def drop(self, entity, **kwargs): + """Emit DROP statements for the given schema entity. + """ + + raise NotImplementedError() + + def execute(self, object_, *multiparams, **params): + """Executes the given construct and returns a :class:`.ResultProxy`.""" + raise NotImplementedError() + + def scalar(self, object_, *multiparams, **params): + """Executes and returns the first column of the first row. + + The underlying cursor is closed after execution. + """ + raise NotImplementedError() + + def _run_visitor(self, visitorcallable, element, **kwargs): + raise NotImplementedError() + + def _execute_clauseelement(self, elem, multiparams=None, params=None): + raise NotImplementedError() + + +class ExceptionContext(object): + """Encapsulate information about an error condition in progress. + + This object exists solely to be passed to the + :meth:`.ConnectionEvents.handle_error` event, supporting an interface that + can be extended without backwards-incompatibility. + + .. versionadded:: 0.9.7 + + """ + + connection = None + """The :class:`.Connection` in use during the exception. + + This member is present, except in the case of a failure when + first connecting. + + .. seealso:: + + :attr:`.ExceptionContext.engine` + + + """ + + engine = None + """The :class:`.Engine` in use during the exception. + + This member should always be present, even in the case of a failure + when first connecting. + + .. versionadded:: 1.0.0 + + """ + + cursor = None + """The DBAPI cursor object. + + May be None. + + """ + + statement = None + """String SQL statement that was emitted directly to the DBAPI. + + May be None. + + """ + + parameters = None + """Parameter collection that was emitted directly to the DBAPI. + + May be None. + + """ + + original_exception = None + """The exception object which was caught. + + This member is always present. + + """ + + sqlalchemy_exception = None + """The :class:`sqlalchemy.exc.StatementError` which wraps the original, + and will be raised if exception handling is not circumvented by the event. + + May be None, as not all exception types are wrapped by SQLAlchemy. + For DBAPI-level exceptions that subclass the dbapi's Error class, this + field will always be present. + + """ + + chained_exception = None + """The exception that was returned by the previous handler in the + exception chain, if any. + + If present, this exception will be the one ultimately raised by + SQLAlchemy unless a subsequent handler replaces it. + + May be None. + + """ + + execution_context = None + """The :class:`.ExecutionContext` corresponding to the execution + operation in progress. + + This is present for statement execution operations, but not for + operations such as transaction begin/end. It also is not present when + the exception was raised before the :class:`.ExecutionContext` + could be constructed. + + Note that the :attr:`.ExceptionContext.statement` and + :attr:`.ExceptionContext.parameters` members may represent a + different value than that of the :class:`.ExecutionContext`, + potentially in the case where a + :meth:`.ConnectionEvents.before_cursor_execute` event or similar + modified the statement/parameters to be sent. + + May be None. + + """ + + is_disconnect = None + """Represent whether the exception as occurred represents a "disconnect" + condition. + + This flag will always be True or False within the scope of the + :meth:`.ConnectionEvents.handle_error` handler. + + SQLAlchemy will defer to this flag in order to determine whether or not + the connection should be invalidated subsequently. That is, by + assigning to this flag, a "disconnect" event which then results in + a connection and pool invalidation can be invoked or prevented by + changing this flag. + + """ + + invalidate_pool_on_disconnect = True + """Represent whether all connections in the pool should be invalidated + when a "disconnect" condition is in effect. + + Setting this flag to False within the scope of the + :meth:`.ConnectionEvents.handle_error` event will have the effect such + that the full collection of connections in the pool will not be + invalidated during a disconnect; only the current connection that is the + subject of the error will actually be invalidated. + + The purpose of this flag is for custom disconnect-handling schemes where + the invalidation of other connections in the pool is to be performed + based on other conditions, or even on a per-connection basis. + + .. versionadded:: 1.0.3 + + """ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/reflection.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/reflection.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b4edcc7 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/reflection.py @@ -0,0 +1,978 @@ +# engine/reflection.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +"""Provides an abstraction for obtaining database schema information. + +Usage Notes: + +Here are some general conventions when accessing the low level inspector +methods such as get_table_names, get_columns, etc. + +1. Inspector methods return lists of dicts in most cases for the following + reasons: + + * They're both standard types that can be serialized. + * Using a dict instead of a tuple allows easy expansion of attributes. + * Using a list for the outer structure maintains order and is easy to work + with (e.g. list comprehension [d['name'] for d in cols]). + +2. Records that contain a name, such as the column name in a column record + use the key 'name'. So for most return values, each record will have a + 'name' attribute.. +""" + +from .base import Connectable +from .. import exc +from .. import inspection +from .. import sql +from .. import util +from ..sql import schema as sa_schema +from ..sql.type_api import TypeEngine +from ..util import deprecated +from ..util import topological + + +@util.decorator +def cache(fn, self, con, *args, **kw): + info_cache = kw.get("info_cache", None) + if info_cache is None: + return fn(self, con, *args, **kw) + key = ( + fn.__name__, + tuple(a for a in args if isinstance(a, util.string_types)), + tuple( + (k, v) + for k, v in kw.items() + if isinstance(v, util.string_types + util.int_types + (float,)) + ), + ) + ret = info_cache.get(key) + if ret is None: + ret = fn(self, con, *args, **kw) + info_cache[key] = ret + return ret + + +class Inspector(object): + """Performs database schema inspection. + + The Inspector acts as a proxy to the reflection methods of the + :class:`~sqlalchemy.engine.interfaces.Dialect`, providing a + consistent interface as well as caching support for previously + fetched metadata. + + A :class:`.Inspector` object is usually created via the + :func:`.inspect` function:: + + from sqlalchemy import inspect, create_engine + engine = create_engine('...') + insp = inspect(engine) + + The inspection method above is equivalent to using the + :meth:`.Inspector.from_engine` method, i.e.:: + + engine = create_engine('...') + insp = Inspector.from_engine(engine) + + Where above, the :class:`~sqlalchemy.engine.interfaces.Dialect` may opt + to return an :class:`.Inspector` subclass that provides additional + methods specific to the dialect's target database. + + """ + + def __init__(self, bind): + """Initialize a new :class:`.Inspector`. + + :param bind: a :class:`~sqlalchemy.engine.Connectable`, + which is typically an instance of + :class:`~sqlalchemy.engine.Engine` or + :class:`~sqlalchemy.engine.Connection`. + + For a dialect-specific instance of :class:`.Inspector`, see + :meth:`.Inspector.from_engine` + + """ + # this might not be a connection, it could be an engine. + self.bind = bind + + # set the engine + if hasattr(bind, "engine"): + self.engine = bind.engine + else: + self.engine = bind + + if self.engine is bind: + # if engine, ensure initialized + bind.connect().close() + + self.dialect = self.engine.dialect + self.info_cache = {} + + @classmethod + def from_engine(cls, bind): + """Construct a new dialect-specific Inspector object from the given + engine or connection. + + :param bind: a :class:`~sqlalchemy.engine.Connectable`, + which is typically an instance of + :class:`~sqlalchemy.engine.Engine` or + :class:`~sqlalchemy.engine.Connection`. + + This method differs from direct a direct constructor call of + :class:`.Inspector` in that the + :class:`~sqlalchemy.engine.interfaces.Dialect` is given a chance to + provide a dialect-specific :class:`.Inspector` instance, which may + provide additional methods. + + See the example at :class:`.Inspector`. + + """ + if hasattr(bind.dialect, "inspector"): + return bind.dialect.inspector(bind) + return Inspector(bind) + + @inspection._inspects(Connectable) + def _insp(bind): + return Inspector.from_engine(bind) + + @property + def default_schema_name(self): + """Return the default schema name presented by the dialect + for the current engine's database user. + + E.g. this is typically ``public`` for PostgreSQL and ``dbo`` + for SQL Server. + + """ + return self.dialect.default_schema_name + + def get_schema_names(self): + """Return all schema names. + """ + + if hasattr(self.dialect, "get_schema_names"): + return self.dialect.get_schema_names( + self.bind, info_cache=self.info_cache + ) + return [] + + def get_table_names(self, schema=None, order_by=None): + """Return all table names in referred to within a particular schema. + + The names are expected to be real tables only, not views. + Views are instead returned using the :meth:`.Inspector.get_view_names` + method. + + + :param schema: Schema name. If ``schema`` is left at ``None``, the + database's default schema is + used, else the named schema is searched. If the database does not + support named schemas, behavior is undefined if ``schema`` is not + passed as ``None``. For special quoting, use :class:`.quoted_name`. + + :param order_by: Optional, may be the string "foreign_key" to sort + the result on foreign key dependencies. Does not automatically + resolve cycles, and will raise :class:`.CircularDependencyError` + if cycles exist. + + .. deprecated:: 1.0.0 - see + :meth:`.Inspector.get_sorted_table_and_fkc_names` for a version + of this which resolves foreign key cycles between tables + automatically. + + .. versionchanged:: 0.8 the "foreign_key" sorting sorts tables + in order of dependee to dependent; that is, in creation + order, rather than in drop order. This is to maintain + consistency with similar features such as + :attr:`.MetaData.sorted_tables` and :func:`.util.sort_tables`. + + .. seealso:: + + :meth:`.Inspector.get_sorted_table_and_fkc_names` + + :attr:`.MetaData.sorted_tables` + + """ + + if hasattr(self.dialect, "get_table_names"): + tnames = self.dialect.get_table_names( + self.bind, schema, info_cache=self.info_cache + ) + else: + tnames = self.engine.table_names(schema) + if order_by == "foreign_key": + tuples = [] + for tname in tnames: + for fkey in self.get_foreign_keys(tname, schema): + if tname != fkey["referred_table"]: + tuples.append((fkey["referred_table"], tname)) + tnames = list(topological.sort(tuples, tnames)) + return tnames + + def get_sorted_table_and_fkc_names(self, schema=None): + """Return dependency-sorted table and foreign key constraint names in + referred to within a particular schema. + + This will yield 2-tuples of + ``(tablename, [(tname, fkname), (tname, fkname), ...])`` + consisting of table names in CREATE order grouped with the foreign key + constraint names that are not detected as belonging to a cycle. + The final element + will be ``(None, [(tname, fkname), (tname, fkname), ..])`` + which will consist of remaining + foreign key constraint names that would require a separate CREATE + step after-the-fact, based on dependencies between tables. + + .. versionadded:: 1.0.- + + .. seealso:: + + :meth:`.Inspector.get_table_names` + + :func:`.sort_tables_and_constraints` - similar method which works + with an already-given :class:`.MetaData`. + + """ + if hasattr(self.dialect, "get_table_names"): + tnames = self.dialect.get_table_names( + self.bind, schema, info_cache=self.info_cache + ) + else: + tnames = self.engine.table_names(schema) + + tuples = set() + remaining_fkcs = set() + + fknames_for_table = {} + for tname in tnames: + fkeys = self.get_foreign_keys(tname, schema) + fknames_for_table[tname] = set([fk["name"] for fk in fkeys]) + for fkey in fkeys: + if tname != fkey["referred_table"]: + tuples.add((fkey["referred_table"], tname)) + try: + candidate_sort = list(topological.sort(tuples, tnames)) + except exc.CircularDependencyError as err: + for edge in err.edges: + tuples.remove(edge) + remaining_fkcs.update( + (edge[1], fkc) for fkc in fknames_for_table[edge[1]] + ) + + candidate_sort = list(topological.sort(tuples, tnames)) + return [ + (tname, fknames_for_table[tname].difference(remaining_fkcs)) + for tname in candidate_sort + ] + [(None, list(remaining_fkcs))] + + def get_temp_table_names(self): + """return a list of temporary table names for the current bind. + + This method is unsupported by most dialects; currently + only SQLite implements it. + + .. versionadded:: 1.0.0 + + """ + return self.dialect.get_temp_table_names( + self.bind, info_cache=self.info_cache + ) + + def get_temp_view_names(self): + """return a list of temporary view names for the current bind. + + This method is unsupported by most dialects; currently + only SQLite implements it. + + .. versionadded:: 1.0.0 + + """ + return self.dialect.get_temp_view_names( + self.bind, info_cache=self.info_cache + ) + + def get_table_options(self, table_name, schema=None, **kw): + """Return a dictionary of options specified when the table of the + given name was created. + + This currently includes some options that apply to MySQL tables. + + :param table_name: string name of the table. For special quoting, + use :class:`.quoted_name`. + + :param schema: string schema name; if omitted, uses the default schema + of the database connection. For special quoting, + use :class:`.quoted_name`. + + """ + if hasattr(self.dialect, "get_table_options"): + return self.dialect.get_table_options( + self.bind, table_name, schema, info_cache=self.info_cache, **kw + ) + return {} + + def get_view_names(self, schema=None): + """Return all view names in `schema`. + + :param schema: Optional, retrieve names from a non-default schema. + For special quoting, use :class:`.quoted_name`. + + """ + + return self.dialect.get_view_names( + self.bind, schema, info_cache=self.info_cache + ) + + def get_view_definition(self, view_name, schema=None): + """Return definition for `view_name`. + + :param schema: Optional, retrieve names from a non-default schema. + For special quoting, use :class:`.quoted_name`. + + """ + + return self.dialect.get_view_definition( + self.bind, view_name, schema, info_cache=self.info_cache + ) + + def get_columns(self, table_name, schema=None, **kw): + """Return information about columns in `table_name`. + + Given a string `table_name` and an optional string `schema`, return + column information as a list of dicts with these keys: + + * ``name`` - the column's name + + * ``type`` - the type of this column; an instance of + :class:`~sqlalchemy.types.TypeEngine` + + * ``nullable`` - boolean flag if the column is NULL or NOT NULL + + * ``default`` - the column's server default value - this is returned + as a string SQL expression. + + * ``attrs`` - dict containing optional column attributes + + :param table_name: string name of the table. For special quoting, + use :class:`.quoted_name`. + + :param schema: string schema name; if omitted, uses the default schema + of the database connection. For special quoting, + use :class:`.quoted_name`. + + :return: list of dictionaries, each representing the definition of + a database column. + + """ + + col_defs = self.dialect.get_columns( + self.bind, table_name, schema, info_cache=self.info_cache, **kw + ) + for col_def in col_defs: + # make this easy and only return instances for coltype + coltype = col_def["type"] + if not isinstance(coltype, TypeEngine): + col_def["type"] = coltype() + return col_defs + + @deprecated( + "0.7", + "Call to deprecated method get_primary_keys." + " Use get_pk_constraint instead.", + ) + def get_primary_keys(self, table_name, schema=None, **kw): + """Return information about primary keys in `table_name`. + + Given a string `table_name`, and an optional string `schema`, return + primary key information as a list of column names. + """ + + return self.dialect.get_pk_constraint( + self.bind, table_name, schema, info_cache=self.info_cache, **kw + )["constrained_columns"] + + def get_pk_constraint(self, table_name, schema=None, **kw): + """Return information about primary key constraint on `table_name`. + + Given a string `table_name`, and an optional string `schema`, return + primary key information as a dictionary with these keys: + + constrained_columns + a list of column names that make up the primary key + + name + optional name of the primary key constraint. + + :param table_name: string name of the table. For special quoting, + use :class:`.quoted_name`. + + :param schema: string schema name; if omitted, uses the default schema + of the database connection. For special quoting, + use :class:`.quoted_name`. + + """ + return self.dialect.get_pk_constraint( + self.bind, table_name, schema, info_cache=self.info_cache, **kw + ) + + def get_foreign_keys(self, table_name, schema=None, **kw): + """Return information about foreign_keys in `table_name`. + + Given a string `table_name`, and an optional string `schema`, return + foreign key information as a list of dicts with these keys: + + constrained_columns + a list of column names that make up the foreign key + + referred_schema + the name of the referred schema + + referred_table + the name of the referred table + + referred_columns + a list of column names in the referred table that correspond to + constrained_columns + + name + optional name of the foreign key constraint. + + :param table_name: string name of the table. For special quoting, + use :class:`.quoted_name`. + + :param schema: string schema name; if omitted, uses the default schema + of the database connection. For special quoting, + use :class:`.quoted_name`. + + """ + + return self.dialect.get_foreign_keys( + self.bind, table_name, schema, info_cache=self.info_cache, **kw + ) + + def get_indexes(self, table_name, schema=None, **kw): + """Return information about indexes in `table_name`. + + Given a string `table_name` and an optional string `schema`, return + index information as a list of dicts with these keys: + + name + the index's name + + column_names + list of column names in order + + unique + boolean + + dialect_options + dict of dialect-specific index options. May not be present + for all dialects. + + .. versionadded:: 1.0.0 + + :param table_name: string name of the table. For special quoting, + use :class:`.quoted_name`. + + :param schema: string schema name; if omitted, uses the default schema + of the database connection. For special quoting, + use :class:`.quoted_name`. + + """ + + return self.dialect.get_indexes( + self.bind, table_name, schema, info_cache=self.info_cache, **kw + ) + + def get_unique_constraints(self, table_name, schema=None, **kw): + """Return information about unique constraints in `table_name`. + + Given a string `table_name` and an optional string `schema`, return + unique constraint information as a list of dicts with these keys: + + name + the unique constraint's name + + column_names + list of column names in order + + :param table_name: string name of the table. For special quoting, + use :class:`.quoted_name`. + + :param schema: string schema name; if omitted, uses the default schema + of the database connection. For special quoting, + use :class:`.quoted_name`. + + .. versionadded:: 0.8.4 + + """ + + return self.dialect.get_unique_constraints( + self.bind, table_name, schema, info_cache=self.info_cache, **kw + ) + + def get_table_comment(self, table_name, schema=None, **kw): + """Return information about the table comment for ``table_name``. + + Given a string ``table_name`` and an optional string ``schema``, + return table comment information as a dictionary with these keys: + + text + text of the comment. + + Raises ``NotImplementedError`` for a dialect that does not support + comments. + + .. versionadded:: 1.2 + + """ + + return self.dialect.get_table_comment( + self.bind, table_name, schema, info_cache=self.info_cache, **kw + ) + + def get_check_constraints(self, table_name, schema=None, **kw): + """Return information about check constraints in `table_name`. + + Given a string `table_name` and an optional string `schema`, return + check constraint information as a list of dicts with these keys: + + name + the check constraint's name + + sqltext + the check constraint's SQL expression + + :param table_name: string name of the table. For special quoting, + use :class:`.quoted_name`. + + :param schema: string schema name; if omitted, uses the default schema + of the database connection. For special quoting, + use :class:`.quoted_name`. + + .. versionadded:: 1.1.0 + + """ + + return self.dialect.get_check_constraints( + self.bind, table_name, schema, info_cache=self.info_cache, **kw + ) + + def reflecttable( + self, table, include_columns, exclude_columns=(), _extend_on=None + ): + """Given a Table object, load its internal constructs based on + introspection. + + This is the underlying method used by most dialects to produce + table reflection. Direct usage is like:: + + from sqlalchemy import create_engine, MetaData, Table + from sqlalchemy.engine.reflection import Inspector + + engine = create_engine('...') + meta = MetaData() + user_table = Table('user', meta) + insp = Inspector.from_engine(engine) + insp.reflecttable(user_table, None) + + :param table: a :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Table` instance. + :param include_columns: a list of string column names to include + in the reflection process. If ``None``, all columns are reflected. + + """ + + if _extend_on is not None: + if table in _extend_on: + return + else: + _extend_on.add(table) + + dialect = self.bind.dialect + + schema = self.bind.schema_for_object(table) + + table_name = table.name + + # get table-level arguments that are specifically + # intended for reflection, e.g. oracle_resolve_synonyms. + # these are unconditionally passed to related Table + # objects + reflection_options = dict( + (k, table.dialect_kwargs.get(k)) + for k in dialect.reflection_options + if k in table.dialect_kwargs + ) + + # reflect table options, like mysql_engine + tbl_opts = self.get_table_options( + table_name, schema, **table.dialect_kwargs + ) + if tbl_opts: + # add additional kwargs to the Table if the dialect + # returned them + table._validate_dialect_kwargs(tbl_opts) + + if util.py2k: + if isinstance(schema, str): + schema = schema.decode(dialect.encoding) + if isinstance(table_name, str): + table_name = table_name.decode(dialect.encoding) + + found_table = False + cols_by_orig_name = {} + + for col_d in self.get_columns( + table_name, schema, **table.dialect_kwargs + ): + found_table = True + + self._reflect_column( + table, + col_d, + include_columns, + exclude_columns, + cols_by_orig_name, + ) + + if not found_table: + raise exc.NoSuchTableError(table.name) + + self._reflect_pk( + table_name, schema, table, cols_by_orig_name, exclude_columns + ) + + self._reflect_fk( + table_name, + schema, + table, + cols_by_orig_name, + exclude_columns, + _extend_on, + reflection_options, + ) + + self._reflect_indexes( + table_name, + schema, + table, + cols_by_orig_name, + include_columns, + exclude_columns, + reflection_options, + ) + + self._reflect_unique_constraints( + table_name, + schema, + table, + cols_by_orig_name, + include_columns, + exclude_columns, + reflection_options, + ) + + self._reflect_check_constraints( + table_name, + schema, + table, + cols_by_orig_name, + include_columns, + exclude_columns, + reflection_options, + ) + + self._reflect_table_comment( + table_name, schema, table, reflection_options + ) + + def _reflect_column( + self, table, col_d, include_columns, exclude_columns, cols_by_orig_name + ): + + orig_name = col_d["name"] + + table.dispatch.column_reflect(self, table, col_d) + + # fetch name again as column_reflect is allowed to + # change it + name = col_d["name"] + if (include_columns and name not in include_columns) or ( + exclude_columns and name in exclude_columns + ): + return + + coltype = col_d["type"] + + col_kw = dict( + (k, col_d[k]) + for k in [ + "nullable", + "autoincrement", + "quote", + "info", + "key", + "comment", + ] + if k in col_d + ) + + colargs = [] + if col_d.get("default") is not None: + default = col_d["default"] + if isinstance(default, sql.elements.TextClause): + default = sa_schema.DefaultClause(default, _reflected=True) + elif not isinstance(default, sa_schema.FetchedValue): + default = sa_schema.DefaultClause( + sql.text(col_d["default"]), _reflected=True + ) + + colargs.append(default) + + if "sequence" in col_d: + self._reflect_col_sequence(col_d, colargs) + + cols_by_orig_name[orig_name] = col = sa_schema.Column( + name, coltype, *colargs, **col_kw + ) + + if col.key in table.primary_key: + col.primary_key = True + table.append_column(col) + + def _reflect_col_sequence(self, col_d, colargs): + if "sequence" in col_d: + # TODO: mssql and sybase are using this. + seq = col_d["sequence"] + sequence = sa_schema.Sequence(seq["name"], 1, 1) + if "start" in seq: + sequence.start = seq["start"] + if "increment" in seq: + sequence.increment = seq["increment"] + colargs.append(sequence) + + def _reflect_pk( + self, table_name, schema, table, cols_by_orig_name, exclude_columns + ): + pk_cons = self.get_pk_constraint( + table_name, schema, **table.dialect_kwargs + ) + if pk_cons: + pk_cols = [ + cols_by_orig_name[pk] + for pk in pk_cons["constrained_columns"] + if pk in cols_by_orig_name and pk not in exclude_columns + ] + + # update pk constraint name + table.primary_key.name = pk_cons.get("name") + + # tell the PKConstraint to re-initialize + # its column collection + table.primary_key._reload(pk_cols) + + def _reflect_fk( + self, + table_name, + schema, + table, + cols_by_orig_name, + exclude_columns, + _extend_on, + reflection_options, + ): + fkeys = self.get_foreign_keys( + table_name, schema, **table.dialect_kwargs + ) + for fkey_d in fkeys: + conname = fkey_d["name"] + # look for columns by orig name in cols_by_orig_name, + # but support columns that are in-Python only as fallback + constrained_columns = [ + cols_by_orig_name[c].key if c in cols_by_orig_name else c + for c in fkey_d["constrained_columns"] + ] + if exclude_columns and set(constrained_columns).intersection( + exclude_columns + ): + continue + referred_schema = fkey_d["referred_schema"] + referred_table = fkey_d["referred_table"] + referred_columns = fkey_d["referred_columns"] + refspec = [] + if referred_schema is not None: + sa_schema.Table( + referred_table, + table.metadata, + autoload=True, + schema=referred_schema, + autoload_with=self.bind, + _extend_on=_extend_on, + **reflection_options + ) + for column in referred_columns: + refspec.append( + ".".join([referred_schema, referred_table, column]) + ) + else: + sa_schema.Table( + referred_table, + table.metadata, + autoload=True, + autoload_with=self.bind, + schema=sa_schema.BLANK_SCHEMA, + _extend_on=_extend_on, + **reflection_options + ) + for column in referred_columns: + refspec.append(".".join([referred_table, column])) + if "options" in fkey_d: + options = fkey_d["options"] + else: + options = {} + table.append_constraint( + sa_schema.ForeignKeyConstraint( + constrained_columns, + refspec, + conname, + link_to_name=True, + **options + ) + ) + + def _reflect_indexes( + self, + table_name, + schema, + table, + cols_by_orig_name, + include_columns, + exclude_columns, + reflection_options, + ): + # Indexes + indexes = self.get_indexes(table_name, schema) + for index_d in indexes: + name = index_d["name"] + columns = index_d["column_names"] + unique = index_d["unique"] + flavor = index_d.get("type", "index") + dialect_options = index_d.get("dialect_options", {}) + + duplicates = index_d.get("duplicates_constraint") + if include_columns and not set(columns).issubset(include_columns): + util.warn( + "Omitting %s key for (%s), key covers omitted columns." + % (flavor, ", ".join(columns)) + ) + continue + if duplicates: + continue + # look for columns by orig name in cols_by_orig_name, + # but support columns that are in-Python only as fallback + idx_cols = [] + for c in columns: + try: + idx_col = ( + cols_by_orig_name[c] + if c in cols_by_orig_name + else table.c[c] + ) + except KeyError: + util.warn( + "%s key '%s' was not located in " + "columns for table '%s'" % (flavor, c, table_name) + ) + else: + idx_cols.append(idx_col) + + sa_schema.Index( + name, + *idx_cols, + _table=table, + **dict(list(dialect_options.items()) + [("unique", unique)]) + ) + + def _reflect_unique_constraints( + self, + table_name, + schema, + table, + cols_by_orig_name, + include_columns, + exclude_columns, + reflection_options, + ): + + # Unique Constraints + try: + constraints = self.get_unique_constraints(table_name, schema) + except NotImplementedError: + # optional dialect feature + return + + for const_d in constraints: + conname = const_d["name"] + columns = const_d["column_names"] + duplicates = const_d.get("duplicates_index") + if include_columns and not set(columns).issubset(include_columns): + util.warn( + "Omitting unique constraint key for (%s), " + "key covers omitted columns." % ", ".join(columns) + ) + continue + if duplicates: + continue + # look for columns by orig name in cols_by_orig_name, + # but support columns that are in-Python only as fallback + constrained_cols = [] + for c in columns: + try: + constrained_col = ( + cols_by_orig_name[c] + if c in cols_by_orig_name + else table.c[c] + ) + except KeyError: + util.warn( + "unique constraint key '%s' was not located in " + "columns for table '%s'" % (c, table_name) + ) + else: + constrained_cols.append(constrained_col) + table.append_constraint( + sa_schema.UniqueConstraint(*constrained_cols, name=conname) + ) + + def _reflect_check_constraints( + self, + table_name, + schema, + table, + cols_by_orig_name, + include_columns, + exclude_columns, + reflection_options, + ): + try: + constraints = self.get_check_constraints(table_name, schema) + except NotImplementedError: + # optional dialect feature + return + + for const_d in constraints: + table.append_constraint(sa_schema.CheckConstraint(**const_d)) + + def _reflect_table_comment( + self, table_name, schema, table, reflection_options + ): + try: + comment_dict = self.get_table_comment(table_name, schema) + except NotImplementedError: + return + else: + table.comment = comment_dict.get("text", None) diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/result.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/result.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..843b860 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/result.py @@ -0,0 +1,1533 @@ +# engine/result.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +"""Define result set constructs including :class:`.ResultProxy` +and :class:`.RowProxy.""" + + +import collections +import operator + +from .. import exc +from .. import util +from ..sql import expression +from ..sql import sqltypes +from ..sql import util as sql_util + +# This reconstructor is necessary so that pickles with the C extension or +# without use the same Binary format. +try: + # We need a different reconstructor on the C extension so that we can + # add extra checks that fields have correctly been initialized by + # __setstate__. + from sqlalchemy.cresultproxy import safe_rowproxy_reconstructor + + # The extra function embedding is needed so that the + # reconstructor function has the same signature whether or not + # the extension is present. + def rowproxy_reconstructor(cls, state): + return safe_rowproxy_reconstructor(cls, state) + + +except ImportError: + + def rowproxy_reconstructor(cls, state): + obj = cls.__new__(cls) + obj.__setstate__(state) + return obj + + +try: + from sqlalchemy.cresultproxy import BaseRowProxy + + _baserowproxy_usecext = True +except ImportError: + _baserowproxy_usecext = False + + class BaseRowProxy(object): + __slots__ = ("_parent", "_row", "_processors", "_keymap") + + def __init__(self, parent, row, processors, keymap): + """RowProxy objects are constructed by ResultProxy objects.""" + + self._parent = parent + self._row = row + self._processors = processors + self._keymap = keymap + + def __reduce__(self): + return ( + rowproxy_reconstructor, + (self.__class__, self.__getstate__()), + ) + + def values(self): + """Return the values represented by this RowProxy as a list.""" + return list(self) + + def __iter__(self): + for processor, value in zip(self._processors, self._row): + if processor is None: + yield value + else: + yield processor(value) + + def __len__(self): + return len(self._row) + + def __getitem__(self, key): + try: + processor, obj, index = self._keymap[key] + except KeyError: + processor, obj, index = self._parent._key_fallback(key) + except TypeError: + if isinstance(key, slice): + l = [] + for processor, value in zip( + self._processors[key], self._row[key] + ): + if processor is None: + l.append(value) + else: + l.append(processor(value)) + return tuple(l) + else: + raise + if index is None: + raise exc.InvalidRequestError( + "Ambiguous column name '%s' in " + "result set column descriptions" % obj + ) + if processor is not None: + return processor(self._row[index]) + else: + return self._row[index] + + def __getattr__(self, name): + try: + return self[name] + except KeyError as e: + raise AttributeError(e.args[0]) + + +class RowProxy(BaseRowProxy): + """Proxy values from a single cursor row. + + Mostly follows "ordered dictionary" behavior, mapping result + values to the string-based column name, the integer position of + the result in the row, as well as Column instances which can be + mapped to the original Columns that produced this result set (for + results that correspond to constructed SQL expressions). + """ + + __slots__ = () + + def __contains__(self, key): + return self._parent._has_key(key) + + def __getstate__(self): + return {"_parent": self._parent, "_row": tuple(self)} + + def __setstate__(self, state): + self._parent = parent = state["_parent"] + self._row = state["_row"] + self._processors = parent._processors + self._keymap = parent._keymap + + __hash__ = None + + def _op(self, other, op): + return ( + op(tuple(self), tuple(other)) + if isinstance(other, RowProxy) + else op(tuple(self), other) + ) + + def __lt__(self, other): + return self._op(other, operator.lt) + + def __le__(self, other): + return self._op(other, operator.le) + + def __ge__(self, other): + return self._op(other, operator.ge) + + def __gt__(self, other): + return self._op(other, operator.gt) + + def __eq__(self, other): + return self._op(other, operator.eq) + + def __ne__(self, other): + return self._op(other, operator.ne) + + def __repr__(self): + return repr(sql_util._repr_row(self)) + + def has_key(self, key): + """Return True if this RowProxy contains the given key.""" + + return self._parent._has_key(key) + + def items(self): + """Return a list of tuples, each tuple containing a key/value pair.""" + # TODO: no coverage here + return [(key, self[key]) for key in self.keys()] + + def keys(self): + """Return the list of keys as strings represented by this RowProxy.""" + + return self._parent.keys + + def iterkeys(self): + return iter(self._parent.keys) + + def itervalues(self): + return iter(self) + + +try: + # Register RowProxy with Sequence, + # so sequence protocol is implemented + util.collections_abc.Sequence.register(RowProxy) +except ImportError: + pass + + +class ResultMetaData(object): + """Handle cursor.description, applying additional info from an execution + context.""" + + __slots__ = ( + "_keymap", + "case_sensitive", + "matched_on_name", + "_processors", + "keys", + "_orig_processors", + ) + + def __init__(self, parent, cursor_description): + context = parent.context + dialect = context.dialect + self.case_sensitive = dialect.case_sensitive + self.matched_on_name = False + self._orig_processors = None + + if context.result_column_struct: + result_columns, cols_are_ordered, textual_ordered = ( + context.result_column_struct + ) + num_ctx_cols = len(result_columns) + else: + result_columns = ( + cols_are_ordered + ) = num_ctx_cols = textual_ordered = False + + # merge cursor.description with the column info + # present in the compiled structure, if any + raw = self._merge_cursor_description( + context, + cursor_description, + result_columns, + num_ctx_cols, + cols_are_ordered, + textual_ordered, + ) + + self._keymap = {} + if not _baserowproxy_usecext: + # keymap indexes by integer index: this is only used + # in the pure Python BaseRowProxy.__getitem__ + # implementation to avoid an expensive + # isinstance(key, util.int_types) in the most common + # case path + + len_raw = len(raw) + + self._keymap.update( + [(elem[0], (elem[3], elem[4], elem[0])) for elem in raw] + + [ + (elem[0] - len_raw, (elem[3], elem[4], elem[0])) + for elem in raw + ] + ) + + # processors in key order for certain per-row + # views like __iter__ and slices + self._processors = [elem[3] for elem in raw] + + # keymap by primary string... + by_key = dict([(elem[2], (elem[3], elem[4], elem[0])) for elem in raw]) + + # for compiled SQL constructs, copy additional lookup keys into + # the key lookup map, such as Column objects, labels, + # column keys and other names + if num_ctx_cols: + + # if by-primary-string dictionary smaller (or bigger?!) than + # number of columns, assume we have dupes, rewrite + # dupe records with "None" for index which results in + # ambiguous column exception when accessed. + if len(by_key) != num_ctx_cols: + seen = set() + for rec in raw: + key = rec[1] + if key in seen: + # this is an "ambiguous" element, replacing + # the full record in the map + key = key.lower() if not self.case_sensitive else key + by_key[key] = (None, key, None) + seen.add(key) + + # copy secondary elements from compiled columns + # into self._keymap, write in the potentially "ambiguous" + # element + self._keymap.update( + [ + (obj_elem, by_key[elem[2]]) + for elem in raw + if elem[4] + for obj_elem in elem[4] + ] + ) + + # if we did a pure positional match, then reset the + # original "expression element" back to the "unambiguous" + # entry. This is a new behavior in 1.1 which impacts + # TextAsFrom but also straight compiled SQL constructs. + if not self.matched_on_name: + self._keymap.update( + [ + (elem[4][0], (elem[3], elem[4], elem[0])) + for elem in raw + if elem[4] + ] + ) + else: + # no dupes - copy secondary elements from compiled + # columns into self._keymap + self._keymap.update( + [ + (obj_elem, (elem[3], elem[4], elem[0])) + for elem in raw + if elem[4] + for obj_elem in elem[4] + ] + ) + + # update keymap with primary string names taking + # precedence + self._keymap.update(by_key) + + # update keymap with "translated" names (sqlite-only thing) + if not num_ctx_cols and context._translate_colname: + self._keymap.update( + [(elem[5], self._keymap[elem[2]]) for elem in raw if elem[5]] + ) + + def _merge_cursor_description( + self, + context, + cursor_description, + result_columns, + num_ctx_cols, + cols_are_ordered, + textual_ordered, + ): + """Merge a cursor.description with compiled result column information. + + There are at least four separate strategies used here, selected + depending on the type of SQL construct used to start with. + + The most common case is that of the compiled SQL expression construct, + which generated the column names present in the raw SQL string and + which has the identical number of columns as were reported by + cursor.description. In this case, we assume a 1-1 positional mapping + between the entries in cursor.description and the compiled object. + This is also the most performant case as we disregard extracting / + decoding the column names present in cursor.description since we + already have the desired name we generated in the compiled SQL + construct. + + The next common case is that of the completely raw string SQL, + such as passed to connection.execute(). In this case we have no + compiled construct to work with, so we extract and decode the + names from cursor.description and index those as the primary + result row target keys. + + The remaining fairly common case is that of the textual SQL + that includes at least partial column information; this is when + we use a :class:`.TextAsFrom` construct. This contruct may have + unordered or ordered column information. In the ordered case, we + merge the cursor.description and the compiled construct's information + positionally, and warn if there are additional description names + present, however we still decode the names in cursor.description + as we don't have a guarantee that the names in the columns match + on these. In the unordered case, we match names in cursor.description + to that of the compiled construct based on name matching. + In both of these cases, the cursor.description names and the column + expression objects and names are indexed as result row target keys. + + The final case is much less common, where we have a compiled + non-textual SQL expression construct, but the number of columns + in cursor.description doesn't match what's in the compiled + construct. We make the guess here that there might be textual + column expressions in the compiled construct that themselves include + a comma in them causing them to split. We do the same name-matching + as with textual non-ordered columns. + + The name-matched system of merging is the same as that used by + SQLAlchemy for all cases up through te 0.9 series. Positional + matching for compiled SQL expressions was introduced in 1.0 as a + major performance feature, and positional matching for textual + :class:`.TextAsFrom` objects in 1.1. As name matching is no longer + a common case, it was acceptable to factor it into smaller generator- + oriented methods that are easier to understand, but incur slightly + more performance overhead. + + """ + + case_sensitive = context.dialect.case_sensitive + + if ( + num_ctx_cols + and cols_are_ordered + and not textual_ordered + and num_ctx_cols == len(cursor_description) + ): + self.keys = [elem[0] for elem in result_columns] + # pure positional 1-1 case; doesn't need to read + # the names from cursor.description + return [ + ( + idx, + key, + name.lower() if not case_sensitive else name, + context.get_result_processor( + type_, key, cursor_description[idx][1] + ), + obj, + None, + ) + for idx, (key, name, obj, type_) in enumerate(result_columns) + ] + else: + # name-based or text-positional cases, where we need + # to read cursor.description names + if textual_ordered: + # textual positional case + raw_iterator = self._merge_textual_cols_by_position( + context, cursor_description, result_columns + ) + elif num_ctx_cols: + # compiled SQL with a mismatch of description cols + # vs. compiled cols, or textual w/ unordered columns + raw_iterator = self._merge_cols_by_name( + context, cursor_description, result_columns + ) + else: + # no compiled SQL, just a raw string + raw_iterator = self._merge_cols_by_none( + context, cursor_description + ) + + return [ + ( + idx, + colname, + colname, + context.get_result_processor( + mapped_type, colname, coltype + ), + obj, + untranslated, + ) + for ( + idx, + colname, + mapped_type, + coltype, + obj, + untranslated, + ) in raw_iterator + ] + + def _colnames_from_description(self, context, cursor_description): + """Extract column names and data types from a cursor.description. + + Applies unicode decoding, column translation, "normalization", + and case sensitivity rules to the names based on the dialect. + + """ + + dialect = context.dialect + case_sensitive = dialect.case_sensitive + translate_colname = context._translate_colname + description_decoder = ( + dialect._description_decoder + if dialect.description_encoding + else None + ) + normalize_name = ( + dialect.normalize_name if dialect.requires_name_normalize else None + ) + untranslated = None + + self.keys = [] + + for idx, rec in enumerate(cursor_description): + colname = rec[0] + coltype = rec[1] + + if description_decoder: + colname = description_decoder(colname) + + if translate_colname: + colname, untranslated = translate_colname(colname) + + if normalize_name: + colname = normalize_name(colname) + + self.keys.append(colname) + if not case_sensitive: + colname = colname.lower() + + yield idx, colname, untranslated, coltype + + def _merge_textual_cols_by_position( + self, context, cursor_description, result_columns + ): + dialect = context.dialect + num_ctx_cols = len(result_columns) if result_columns else None + + if num_ctx_cols > len(cursor_description): + util.warn( + "Number of columns in textual SQL (%d) is " + "smaller than number of columns requested (%d)" + % (num_ctx_cols, len(cursor_description)) + ) + + seen = set() + for ( + idx, + colname, + untranslated, + coltype, + ) in self._colnames_from_description(context, cursor_description): + if idx < num_ctx_cols: + ctx_rec = result_columns[idx] + obj = ctx_rec[2] + mapped_type = ctx_rec[3] + if obj[0] in seen: + raise exc.InvalidRequestError( + "Duplicate column expression requested " + "in textual SQL: %r" % obj[0] + ) + seen.add(obj[0]) + else: + mapped_type = sqltypes.NULLTYPE + obj = None + + yield idx, colname, mapped_type, coltype, obj, untranslated + + def _merge_cols_by_name(self, context, cursor_description, result_columns): + dialect = context.dialect + case_sensitive = dialect.case_sensitive + result_map = self._create_result_map(result_columns, case_sensitive) + + self.matched_on_name = True + for ( + idx, + colname, + untranslated, + coltype, + ) in self._colnames_from_description(context, cursor_description): + try: + ctx_rec = result_map[colname] + except KeyError: + mapped_type = sqltypes.NULLTYPE + obj = None + else: + obj = ctx_rec[1] + mapped_type = ctx_rec[2] + yield idx, colname, mapped_type, coltype, obj, untranslated + + def _merge_cols_by_none(self, context, cursor_description): + dialect = context.dialect + for ( + idx, + colname, + untranslated, + coltype, + ) in self._colnames_from_description(context, cursor_description): + yield idx, colname, sqltypes.NULLTYPE, coltype, None, untranslated + + @classmethod + def _create_result_map(cls, result_columns, case_sensitive=True): + d = {} + for elem in result_columns: + key, rec = elem[0], elem[1:] + if not case_sensitive: + key = key.lower() + if key in d: + # conflicting keyname, just double up the list + # of objects. this will cause an "ambiguous name" + # error if an attempt is made by the result set to + # access. + e_name, e_obj, e_type = d[key] + d[key] = e_name, e_obj + rec[1], e_type + else: + d[key] = rec + return d + + def _key_fallback(self, key, raiseerr=True): + map_ = self._keymap + result = None + if isinstance(key, util.string_types): + result = map_.get(key if self.case_sensitive else key.lower()) + # fallback for targeting a ColumnElement to a textual expression + # this is a rare use case which only occurs when matching text() + # or colummn('name') constructs to ColumnElements, or after a + # pickle/unpickle roundtrip + elif isinstance(key, expression.ColumnElement): + if ( + key._label + and (key._label if self.case_sensitive else key._label.lower()) + in map_ + ): + result = map_[ + key._label if self.case_sensitive else key._label.lower() + ] + elif ( + hasattr(key, "name") + and (key.name if self.case_sensitive else key.name.lower()) + in map_ + ): + # match is only on name. + result = map_[ + key.name if self.case_sensitive else key.name.lower() + ] + # search extra hard to make sure this + # isn't a column/label name overlap. + # this check isn't currently available if the row + # was unpickled. + if result is not None and result[1] is not None: + for obj in result[1]: + if key._compare_name_for_result(obj): + break + else: + result = None + if result is None: + if raiseerr: + raise exc.NoSuchColumnError( + "Could not locate column in row for column '%s'" + % expression._string_or_unprintable(key) + ) + else: + return None + else: + map_[key] = result + return result + + def _has_key(self, key): + if key in self._keymap: + return True + else: + return self._key_fallback(key, False) is not None + + def _getter(self, key, raiseerr=True): + if key in self._keymap: + processor, obj, index = self._keymap[key] + else: + ret = self._key_fallback(key, raiseerr) + if ret is None: + return None + processor, obj, index = ret + + if index is None: + raise exc.InvalidRequestError( + "Ambiguous column name '%s' in " + "result set column descriptions" % obj + ) + + return operator.itemgetter(index) + + def __getstate__(self): + return { + "_pickled_keymap": dict( + (key, index) + for key, (processor, obj, index) in self._keymap.items() + if isinstance(key, util.string_types + util.int_types) + ), + "keys": self.keys, + "case_sensitive": self.case_sensitive, + "matched_on_name": self.matched_on_name, + } + + def __setstate__(self, state): + # the row has been processed at pickling time so we don't need any + # processor anymore + self._processors = [None for _ in range(len(state["keys"]))] + self._keymap = keymap = {} + for key, index in state["_pickled_keymap"].items(): + # not preserving "obj" here, unfortunately our + # proxy comparison fails with the unpickle + keymap[key] = (None, None, index) + self.keys = state["keys"] + self.case_sensitive = state["case_sensitive"] + self.matched_on_name = state["matched_on_name"] + + +class ResultProxy(object): + """Wraps a DB-API cursor object to provide easier access to row columns. + + Individual columns may be accessed by their integer position, + case-insensitive column name, or by ``schema.Column`` + object. e.g.:: + + row = fetchone() + + col1 = row[0] # access via integer position + + col2 = row['col2'] # access via name + + col3 = row[mytable.c.mycol] # access via Column object. + + ``ResultProxy`` also handles post-processing of result column + data using ``TypeEngine`` objects, which are referenced from + the originating SQL statement that produced this result set. + + """ + + _process_row = RowProxy + out_parameters = None + _autoclose_connection = False + _metadata = None + _soft_closed = False + closed = False + + def __init__(self, context): + self.context = context + self.dialect = context.dialect + self.cursor = self._saved_cursor = context.cursor + self.connection = context.root_connection + self._echo = ( + self.connection._echo and context.engine._should_log_debug() + ) + self._init_metadata() + + def _getter(self, key, raiseerr=True): + try: + getter = self._metadata._getter + except AttributeError: + return self._non_result(None) + else: + return getter(key, raiseerr) + + def _has_key(self, key): + try: + has_key = self._metadata._has_key + except AttributeError: + return self._non_result(None) + else: + return has_key(key) + + def _init_metadata(self): + cursor_description = self._cursor_description() + if cursor_description is not None: + if ( + self.context.compiled + and "compiled_cache" in self.context.execution_options + ): + if self.context.compiled._cached_metadata: + self._metadata = self.context.compiled._cached_metadata + else: + self._metadata = ( + self.context.compiled._cached_metadata + ) = ResultMetaData(self, cursor_description) + else: + self._metadata = ResultMetaData(self, cursor_description) + if self._echo: + self.context.engine.logger.debug( + "Col %r", tuple(x[0] for x in cursor_description) + ) + + def keys(self): + """Return the current set of string keys for rows.""" + if self._metadata: + return self._metadata.keys + else: + return [] + + @util.memoized_property + def rowcount(self): + """Return the 'rowcount' for this result. + + The 'rowcount' reports the number of rows *matched* + by the WHERE criterion of an UPDATE or DELETE statement. + + .. note:: + + Notes regarding :attr:`.ResultProxy.rowcount`: + + + * This attribute returns the number of rows *matched*, + which is not necessarily the same as the number of rows + that were actually *modified* - an UPDATE statement, for example, + may have no net change on a given row if the SET values + given are the same as those present in the row already. + Such a row would be matched but not modified. + On backends that feature both styles, such as MySQL, + rowcount is configured by default to return the match + count in all cases. + + * :attr:`.ResultProxy.rowcount` is *only* useful in conjunction + with an UPDATE or DELETE statement. Contrary to what the Python + DBAPI says, it does *not* return the + number of rows available from the results of a SELECT statement + as DBAPIs cannot support this functionality when rows are + unbuffered. + + * :attr:`.ResultProxy.rowcount` may not be fully implemented by + all dialects. In particular, most DBAPIs do not support an + aggregate rowcount result from an executemany call. + The :meth:`.ResultProxy.supports_sane_rowcount` and + :meth:`.ResultProxy.supports_sane_multi_rowcount` methods + will report from the dialect if each usage is known to be + supported. + + * Statements that use RETURNING may not return a correct + rowcount. + + """ + try: + return self.context.rowcount + except BaseException as e: + self.connection._handle_dbapi_exception( + e, None, None, self.cursor, self.context + ) + + @property + def lastrowid(self): + """return the 'lastrowid' accessor on the DBAPI cursor. + + This is a DBAPI specific method and is only functional + for those backends which support it, for statements + where it is appropriate. It's behavior is not + consistent across backends. + + Usage of this method is normally unnecessary when + using insert() expression constructs; the + :attr:`~ResultProxy.inserted_primary_key` attribute provides a + tuple of primary key values for a newly inserted row, + regardless of database backend. + + """ + try: + return self._saved_cursor.lastrowid + except BaseException as e: + self.connection._handle_dbapi_exception( + e, None, None, self._saved_cursor, self.context + ) + + @property + def returns_rows(self): + """True if this :class:`.ResultProxy` returns rows. + + I.e. if it is legal to call the methods + :meth:`~.ResultProxy.fetchone`, + :meth:`~.ResultProxy.fetchmany` + :meth:`~.ResultProxy.fetchall`. + + """ + return self._metadata is not None + + @property + def is_insert(self): + """True if this :class:`.ResultProxy` is the result + of a executing an expression language compiled + :func:`.expression.insert` construct. + + When True, this implies that the + :attr:`inserted_primary_key` attribute is accessible, + assuming the statement did not include + a user defined "returning" construct. + + """ + return self.context.isinsert + + def _cursor_description(self): + """May be overridden by subclasses.""" + + return self._saved_cursor.description + + def _soft_close(self): + """Soft close this :class:`.ResultProxy`. + + This releases all DBAPI cursor resources, but leaves the + ResultProxy "open" from a semantic perspective, meaning the + fetchXXX() methods will continue to return empty results. + + This method is called automatically when: + + * all result rows are exhausted using the fetchXXX() methods. + * cursor.description is None. + + This method is **not public**, but is documented in order to clarify + the "autoclose" process used. + + .. versionadded:: 1.0.0 + + .. seealso:: + + :meth:`.ResultProxy.close` + + + """ + if self._soft_closed: + return + self._soft_closed = True + cursor = self.cursor + self.connection._safe_close_cursor(cursor) + if self._autoclose_connection: + self.connection.close() + self.cursor = None + + def close(self): + """Close this ResultProxy. + + This closes out the underlying DBAPI cursor corresonding + to the statement execution, if one is still present. Note that the + DBAPI cursor is automatically released when the :class:`.ResultProxy` + exhausts all available rows. :meth:`.ResultProxy.close` is generally + an optional method except in the case when discarding a + :class:`.ResultProxy` that still has additional rows pending for fetch. + + In the case of a result that is the product of + :ref:`connectionless execution `, + the underlying :class:`.Connection` object is also closed, which + :term:`releases` DBAPI connection resources. + + After this method is called, it is no longer valid to call upon + the fetch methods, which will raise a :class:`.ResourceClosedError` + on subsequent use. + + .. versionchanged:: 1.0.0 - the :meth:`.ResultProxy.close` method + has been separated out from the process that releases the underlying + DBAPI cursor resource. The "auto close" feature of the + :class:`.Connection` now performs a so-called "soft close", which + releases the underlying DBAPI cursor, but allows the + :class:`.ResultProxy` to still behave as an open-but-exhausted + result set; the actual :meth:`.ResultProxy.close` method is never + called. It is still safe to discard a :class:`.ResultProxy` + that has been fully exhausted without calling this method. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`connections_toplevel` + + :meth:`.ResultProxy._soft_close` + + """ + + if not self.closed: + self._soft_close() + self.closed = True + + def __iter__(self): + """Implement iteration protocol.""" + + while True: + row = self.fetchone() + if row is None: + return + else: + yield row + + def __next__(self): + """Implement the next() protocol. + + .. versionadded:: 1.2 + + """ + row = self.fetchone() + if row is None: + raise StopIteration() + else: + return row + + next = __next__ + + @util.memoized_property + def inserted_primary_key(self): + """Return the primary key for the row just inserted. + + The return value is a list of scalar values + corresponding to the list of primary key columns + in the target table. + + This only applies to single row :func:`.insert` + constructs which did not explicitly specify + :meth:`.Insert.returning`. + + Note that primary key columns which specify a + server_default clause, + or otherwise do not qualify as "autoincrement" + columns (see the notes at :class:`.Column`), and were + generated using the database-side default, will + appear in this list as ``None`` unless the backend + supports "returning" and the insert statement executed + with the "implicit returning" enabled. + + Raises :class:`~sqlalchemy.exc.InvalidRequestError` if the executed + statement is not a compiled expression construct + or is not an insert() construct. + + """ + + if not self.context.compiled: + raise exc.InvalidRequestError( + "Statement is not a compiled " "expression construct." + ) + elif not self.context.isinsert: + raise exc.InvalidRequestError( + "Statement is not an insert() " "expression construct." + ) + elif self.context._is_explicit_returning: + raise exc.InvalidRequestError( + "Can't call inserted_primary_key " + "when returning() " + "is used." + ) + + return self.context.inserted_primary_key + + def last_updated_params(self): + """Return the collection of updated parameters from this + execution. + + Raises :class:`~sqlalchemy.exc.InvalidRequestError` if the executed + statement is not a compiled expression construct + or is not an update() construct. + + """ + if not self.context.compiled: + raise exc.InvalidRequestError( + "Statement is not a compiled " "expression construct." + ) + elif not self.context.isupdate: + raise exc.InvalidRequestError( + "Statement is not an update() " "expression construct." + ) + elif self.context.executemany: + return self.context.compiled_parameters + else: + return self.context.compiled_parameters[0] + + def last_inserted_params(self): + """Return the collection of inserted parameters from this + execution. + + Raises :class:`~sqlalchemy.exc.InvalidRequestError` if the executed + statement is not a compiled expression construct + or is not an insert() construct. + + """ + if not self.context.compiled: + raise exc.InvalidRequestError( + "Statement is not a compiled " "expression construct." + ) + elif not self.context.isinsert: + raise exc.InvalidRequestError( + "Statement is not an insert() " "expression construct." + ) + elif self.context.executemany: + return self.context.compiled_parameters + else: + return self.context.compiled_parameters[0] + + @property + def returned_defaults(self): + """Return the values of default columns that were fetched using + the :meth:`.ValuesBase.return_defaults` feature. + + The value is an instance of :class:`.RowProxy`, or ``None`` + if :meth:`.ValuesBase.return_defaults` was not used or if the + backend does not support RETURNING. + + .. versionadded:: 0.9.0 + + .. seealso:: + + :meth:`.ValuesBase.return_defaults` + + """ + return self.context.returned_defaults + + def lastrow_has_defaults(self): + """Return ``lastrow_has_defaults()`` from the underlying + :class:`.ExecutionContext`. + + See :class:`.ExecutionContext` for details. + + """ + + return self.context.lastrow_has_defaults() + + def postfetch_cols(self): + """Return ``postfetch_cols()`` from the underlying + :class:`.ExecutionContext`. + + See :class:`.ExecutionContext` for details. + + Raises :class:`~sqlalchemy.exc.InvalidRequestError` if the executed + statement is not a compiled expression construct + or is not an insert() or update() construct. + + """ + + if not self.context.compiled: + raise exc.InvalidRequestError( + "Statement is not a compiled " "expression construct." + ) + elif not self.context.isinsert and not self.context.isupdate: + raise exc.InvalidRequestError( + "Statement is not an insert() or update() " + "expression construct." + ) + return self.context.postfetch_cols + + def prefetch_cols(self): + """Return ``prefetch_cols()`` from the underlying + :class:`.ExecutionContext`. + + See :class:`.ExecutionContext` for details. + + Raises :class:`~sqlalchemy.exc.InvalidRequestError` if the executed + statement is not a compiled expression construct + or is not an insert() or update() construct. + + """ + + if not self.context.compiled: + raise exc.InvalidRequestError( + "Statement is not a compiled " "expression construct." + ) + elif not self.context.isinsert and not self.context.isupdate: + raise exc.InvalidRequestError( + "Statement is not an insert() or update() " + "expression construct." + ) + return self.context.prefetch_cols + + def supports_sane_rowcount(self): + """Return ``supports_sane_rowcount`` from the dialect. + + See :attr:`.ResultProxy.rowcount` for background. + + """ + + return self.dialect.supports_sane_rowcount + + def supports_sane_multi_rowcount(self): + """Return ``supports_sane_multi_rowcount`` from the dialect. + + See :attr:`.ResultProxy.rowcount` for background. + + """ + + return self.dialect.supports_sane_multi_rowcount + + def _fetchone_impl(self): + try: + return self.cursor.fetchone() + except AttributeError: + return self._non_result(None) + + def _fetchmany_impl(self, size=None): + try: + if size is None: + return self.cursor.fetchmany() + else: + return self.cursor.fetchmany(size) + except AttributeError: + return self._non_result([]) + + def _fetchall_impl(self): + try: + return self.cursor.fetchall() + except AttributeError: + return self._non_result([]) + + def _non_result(self, default): + if self._metadata is None: + raise exc.ResourceClosedError( + "This result object does not return rows. " + "It has been closed automatically." + ) + elif self.closed: + raise exc.ResourceClosedError("This result object is closed.") + else: + return default + + def process_rows(self, rows): + process_row = self._process_row + metadata = self._metadata + keymap = metadata._keymap + processors = metadata._processors + if self._echo: + log = self.context.engine.logger.debug + l = [] + for row in rows: + log("Row %r", sql_util._repr_row(row)) + l.append(process_row(metadata, row, processors, keymap)) + return l + else: + return [ + process_row(metadata, row, processors, keymap) for row in rows + ] + + def fetchall(self): + """Fetch all rows, just like DB-API ``cursor.fetchall()``. + + After all rows have been exhausted, the underlying DBAPI + cursor resource is released, and the object may be safely + discarded. + + Subsequent calls to :meth:`.ResultProxy.fetchall` will return + an empty list. After the :meth:`.ResultProxy.close` method is + called, the method will raise :class:`.ResourceClosedError`. + + .. versionchanged:: 1.0.0 - Added "soft close" behavior which + allows the result to be used in an "exhausted" state prior to + calling the :meth:`.ResultProxy.close` method. + + """ + + try: + l = self.process_rows(self._fetchall_impl()) + self._soft_close() + return l + except BaseException as e: + self.connection._handle_dbapi_exception( + e, None, None, self.cursor, self.context + ) + + def fetchmany(self, size=None): + """Fetch many rows, just like DB-API + ``cursor.fetchmany(size=cursor.arraysize)``. + + After all rows have been exhausted, the underlying DBAPI + cursor resource is released, and the object may be safely + discarded. + + Calls to :meth:`.ResultProxy.fetchmany` after all rows have been + exhausted will return + an empty list. After the :meth:`.ResultProxy.close` method is + called, the method will raise :class:`.ResourceClosedError`. + + .. versionchanged:: 1.0.0 - Added "soft close" behavior which + allows the result to be used in an "exhausted" state prior to + calling the :meth:`.ResultProxy.close` method. + + """ + + try: + l = self.process_rows(self._fetchmany_impl(size)) + if len(l) == 0: + self._soft_close() + return l + except BaseException as e: + self.connection._handle_dbapi_exception( + e, None, None, self.cursor, self.context + ) + + def fetchone(self): + """Fetch one row, just like DB-API ``cursor.fetchone()``. + + After all rows have been exhausted, the underlying DBAPI + cursor resource is released, and the object may be safely + discarded. + + Calls to :meth:`.ResultProxy.fetchone` after all rows have + been exhausted will return ``None``. + After the :meth:`.ResultProxy.close` method is + called, the method will raise :class:`.ResourceClosedError`. + + .. versionchanged:: 1.0.0 - Added "soft close" behavior which + allows the result to be used in an "exhausted" state prior to + calling the :meth:`.ResultProxy.close` method. + + """ + try: + row = self._fetchone_impl() + if row is not None: + return self.process_rows([row])[0] + else: + self._soft_close() + return None + except BaseException as e: + self.connection._handle_dbapi_exception( + e, None, None, self.cursor, self.context + ) + + def first(self): + """Fetch the first row and then close the result set unconditionally. + + Returns None if no row is present. + + After calling this method, the object is fully closed, + e.g. the :meth:`.ResultProxy.close` method will have been called. + + """ + if self._metadata is None: + return self._non_result(None) + + try: + row = self._fetchone_impl() + except BaseException as e: + self.connection._handle_dbapi_exception( + e, None, None, self.cursor, self.context + ) + + try: + if row is not None: + return self.process_rows([row])[0] + else: + return None + finally: + self.close() + + def scalar(self): + """Fetch the first column of the first row, and close the result set. + + Returns None if no row is present. + + After calling this method, the object is fully closed, + e.g. the :meth:`.ResultProxy.close` method will have been called. + + """ + row = self.first() + if row is not None: + return row[0] + else: + return None + + +class BufferedRowResultProxy(ResultProxy): + """A ResultProxy with row buffering behavior. + + ``ResultProxy`` that buffers the contents of a selection of rows + before ``fetchone()`` is called. This is to allow the results of + ``cursor.description`` to be available immediately, when + interfacing with a DB-API that requires rows to be consumed before + this information is available (currently psycopg2, when used with + server-side cursors). + + The pre-fetching behavior fetches only one row initially, and then + grows its buffer size by a fixed amount with each successive need + for additional rows up to a size of 1000. + + The size argument is configurable using the ``max_row_buffer`` + execution option:: + + with psycopg2_engine.connect() as conn: + + result = conn.execution_options( + stream_results=True, max_row_buffer=50 + ).execute("select * from table") + + .. versionadded:: 1.0.6 Added the ``max_row_buffer`` option. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`psycopg2_execution_options` + """ + + def _init_metadata(self): + self._max_row_buffer = self.context.execution_options.get( + "max_row_buffer", None + ) + self.__buffer_rows() + super(BufferedRowResultProxy, self)._init_metadata() + + # this is a "growth chart" for the buffering of rows. + # each successive __buffer_rows call will use the next + # value in the list for the buffer size until the max + # is reached + size_growth = { + 1: 5, + 5: 10, + 10: 20, + 20: 50, + 50: 100, + 100: 250, + 250: 500, + 500: 1000, + } + + def __buffer_rows(self): + if self.cursor is None: + return + size = getattr(self, "_bufsize", 1) + self.__rowbuffer = collections.deque(self.cursor.fetchmany(size)) + self._bufsize = self.size_growth.get(size, size) + if self._max_row_buffer is not None: + self._bufsize = min(self._max_row_buffer, self._bufsize) + + def _soft_close(self, **kw): + self.__rowbuffer.clear() + super(BufferedRowResultProxy, self)._soft_close(**kw) + + def _fetchone_impl(self): + if self.cursor is None: + return self._non_result(None) + if not self.__rowbuffer: + self.__buffer_rows() + if not self.__rowbuffer: + return None + return self.__rowbuffer.popleft() + + def _fetchmany_impl(self, size=None): + if size is None: + return self._fetchall_impl() + result = [] + for x in range(0, size): + row = self._fetchone_impl() + if row is None: + break + result.append(row) + return result + + def _fetchall_impl(self): + if self.cursor is None: + return self._non_result([]) + self.__rowbuffer.extend(self.cursor.fetchall()) + ret = self.__rowbuffer + self.__rowbuffer = collections.deque() + return ret + + +class FullyBufferedResultProxy(ResultProxy): + """A result proxy that buffers rows fully upon creation. + + Used for operations where a result is to be delivered + after the database conversation can not be continued, + such as MSSQL INSERT...OUTPUT after an autocommit. + + """ + + def _init_metadata(self): + super(FullyBufferedResultProxy, self)._init_metadata() + self.__rowbuffer = self._buffer_rows() + + def _buffer_rows(self): + return collections.deque(self.cursor.fetchall()) + + def _soft_close(self, **kw): + self.__rowbuffer.clear() + super(FullyBufferedResultProxy, self)._soft_close(**kw) + + def _fetchone_impl(self): + if self.__rowbuffer: + return self.__rowbuffer.popleft() + else: + return self._non_result(None) + + def _fetchmany_impl(self, size=None): + if size is None: + return self._fetchall_impl() + result = [] + for x in range(0, size): + row = self._fetchone_impl() + if row is None: + break + result.append(row) + return result + + def _fetchall_impl(self): + if not self.cursor: + return self._non_result([]) + ret = self.__rowbuffer + self.__rowbuffer = collections.deque() + return ret + + +class BufferedColumnRow(RowProxy): + def __init__(self, parent, row, processors, keymap): + # preprocess row + row = list(row) + # this is a tad faster than using enumerate + index = 0 + for processor in parent._orig_processors: + if processor is not None: + row[index] = processor(row[index]) + index += 1 + row = tuple(row) + super(BufferedColumnRow, self).__init__( + parent, row, processors, keymap + ) + + +class BufferedColumnResultProxy(ResultProxy): + """A ResultProxy with column buffering behavior. + + ``ResultProxy`` that loads all columns into memory each time + fetchone() is called. If fetchmany() or fetchall() are called, + the full grid of results is fetched. This is to operate with + databases where result rows contain "live" results that fall out + of scope unless explicitly fetched. + + .. versionchanged:: 1.2 This :class:`.ResultProxy` is not used by + any SQLAlchemy-included dialects. + + """ + + _process_row = BufferedColumnRow + + def _init_metadata(self): + super(BufferedColumnResultProxy, self)._init_metadata() + + metadata = self._metadata + + # don't double-replace the processors, in the case + # of a cached ResultMetaData + if metadata._orig_processors is None: + # orig_processors will be used to preprocess each row when + # they are constructed. + metadata._orig_processors = metadata._processors + # replace the all type processors by None processors. + metadata._processors = [None for _ in range(len(metadata.keys))] + keymap = {} + for k, (func, obj, index) in metadata._keymap.items(): + keymap[k] = (None, obj, index) + metadata._keymap = keymap + + def fetchall(self): + # can't call cursor.fetchall(), since rows must be + # fully processed before requesting more from the DBAPI. + l = [] + while True: + row = self.fetchone() + if row is None: + break + l.append(row) + return l + + def fetchmany(self, size=None): + # can't call cursor.fetchmany(), since rows must be + # fully processed before requesting more from the DBAPI. + if size is None: + return self.fetchall() + l = [] + for i in range(size): + row = self.fetchone() + if row is None: + break + l.append(row) + return l diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/strategies.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/strategies.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..14d5076 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/strategies.py @@ -0,0 +1,309 @@ +# engine/strategies.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +"""Strategies for creating new instances of Engine types. + +These are semi-private implementation classes which provide the +underlying behavior for the "strategy" keyword argument available on +:func:`~sqlalchemy.engine.create_engine`. Current available options are +``plain``, ``threadlocal``, and ``mock``. + +New strategies can be added via new ``EngineStrategy`` classes. +""" + +from operator import attrgetter + +from . import base +from . import threadlocal +from . import url +from .. import event +from .. import pool as poollib +from .. import util +from ..sql import schema + + +strategies = {} + + +class EngineStrategy(object): + """An adaptor that processes input arguments and produces an Engine. + + Provides a ``create`` method that receives input arguments and + produces an instance of base.Engine or a subclass. + + """ + + def __init__(self): + strategies[self.name] = self + + def create(self, *args, **kwargs): + """Given arguments, returns a new Engine instance.""" + + raise NotImplementedError() + + +class DefaultEngineStrategy(EngineStrategy): + """Base class for built-in strategies.""" + + def create(self, name_or_url, **kwargs): + # create url.URL object + u = url.make_url(name_or_url) + + plugins = u._instantiate_plugins(kwargs) + + u.query.pop("plugin", None) + kwargs.pop("plugins", None) + + entrypoint = u._get_entrypoint() + dialect_cls = entrypoint.get_dialect_cls(u) + + if kwargs.pop("_coerce_config", False): + + def pop_kwarg(key, default=None): + value = kwargs.pop(key, default) + if key in dialect_cls.engine_config_types: + value = dialect_cls.engine_config_types[key](value) + return value + + else: + pop_kwarg = kwargs.pop + + dialect_args = {} + # consume dialect arguments from kwargs + for k in util.get_cls_kwargs(dialect_cls): + if k in kwargs: + dialect_args[k] = pop_kwarg(k) + + dbapi = kwargs.pop("module", None) + if dbapi is None: + dbapi_args = {} + for k in util.get_func_kwargs(dialect_cls.dbapi): + if k in kwargs: + dbapi_args[k] = pop_kwarg(k) + dbapi = dialect_cls.dbapi(**dbapi_args) + + dialect_args["dbapi"] = dbapi + + for plugin in plugins: + plugin.handle_dialect_kwargs(dialect_cls, dialect_args) + + # create dialect + dialect = dialect_cls(**dialect_args) + + # assemble connection arguments + (cargs, cparams) = dialect.create_connect_args(u) + cparams.update(pop_kwarg("connect_args", {})) + cargs = list(cargs) # allow mutability + + # look for existing pool or create + pool = pop_kwarg("pool", None) + if pool is None: + + def connect(connection_record=None): + if dialect._has_events: + for fn in dialect.dispatch.do_connect: + connection = fn( + dialect, connection_record, cargs, cparams + ) + if connection is not None: + return connection + return dialect.connect(*cargs, **cparams) + + creator = pop_kwarg("creator", connect) + + poolclass = pop_kwarg("poolclass", None) + if poolclass is None: + poolclass = dialect_cls.get_pool_class(u) + pool_args = {"dialect": dialect} + + # consume pool arguments from kwargs, translating a few of + # the arguments + translate = { + "logging_name": "pool_logging_name", + "echo": "echo_pool", + "timeout": "pool_timeout", + "recycle": "pool_recycle", + "events": "pool_events", + "use_threadlocal": "pool_threadlocal", + "reset_on_return": "pool_reset_on_return", + "pre_ping": "pool_pre_ping", + } + for k in util.get_cls_kwargs(poolclass): + tk = translate.get(k, k) + if tk in kwargs: + pool_args[k] = pop_kwarg(tk) + + for plugin in plugins: + plugin.handle_pool_kwargs(poolclass, pool_args) + + pool = poolclass(creator, **pool_args) + else: + if isinstance(pool, poollib._DBProxy): + pool = pool.get_pool(*cargs, **cparams) + else: + pool = pool + + pool._dialect = dialect + + # create engine. + engineclass = self.engine_cls + engine_args = {} + for k in util.get_cls_kwargs(engineclass): + if k in kwargs: + engine_args[k] = pop_kwarg(k) + + _initialize = kwargs.pop("_initialize", True) + + # all kwargs should be consumed + if kwargs: + raise TypeError( + "Invalid argument(s) %s sent to create_engine(), " + "using configuration %s/%s/%s. Please check that the " + "keyword arguments are appropriate for this combination " + "of components." + % ( + ",".join("'%s'" % k for k in kwargs), + dialect.__class__.__name__, + pool.__class__.__name__, + engineclass.__name__, + ) + ) + + engine = engineclass(pool, dialect, u, **engine_args) + + if _initialize: + do_on_connect = dialect.on_connect() + if do_on_connect: + + def on_connect(dbapi_connection, connection_record): + conn = getattr( + dbapi_connection, "_sqla_unwrap", dbapi_connection + ) + if conn is None: + return + do_on_connect(conn) + + event.listen(pool, "first_connect", on_connect) + event.listen(pool, "connect", on_connect) + + def first_connect(dbapi_connection, connection_record): + c = base.Connection( + engine, connection=dbapi_connection, _has_events=False + ) + c._execution_options = util.immutabledict() + dialect.initialize(c) + + event.listen(pool, "first_connect", first_connect, once=True) + + dialect_cls.engine_created(engine) + if entrypoint is not dialect_cls: + entrypoint.engine_created(engine) + + for plugin in plugins: + plugin.engine_created(engine) + + return engine + + +class PlainEngineStrategy(DefaultEngineStrategy): + """Strategy for configuring a regular Engine.""" + + name = "plain" + engine_cls = base.Engine + + +PlainEngineStrategy() + + +class ThreadLocalEngineStrategy(DefaultEngineStrategy): + """Strategy for configuring an Engine with threadlocal behavior.""" + + name = "threadlocal" + engine_cls = threadlocal.TLEngine + + +ThreadLocalEngineStrategy() + + +class MockEngineStrategy(EngineStrategy): + """Strategy for configuring an Engine-like object with mocked execution. + + Produces a single mock Connectable object which dispatches + statement execution to a passed-in function. + + """ + + name = "mock" + + def create(self, name_or_url, executor, **kwargs): + # create url.URL object + u = url.make_url(name_or_url) + + dialect_cls = u.get_dialect() + + dialect_args = {} + # consume dialect arguments from kwargs + for k in util.get_cls_kwargs(dialect_cls): + if k in kwargs: + dialect_args[k] = kwargs.pop(k) + + # create dialect + dialect = dialect_cls(**dialect_args) + + return MockEngineStrategy.MockConnection(dialect, executor) + + class MockConnection(base.Connectable): + def __init__(self, dialect, execute): + self._dialect = dialect + self.execute = execute + + engine = property(lambda s: s) + dialect = property(attrgetter("_dialect")) + name = property(lambda s: s._dialect.name) + + schema_for_object = schema._schema_getter(None) + + def contextual_connect(self, **kwargs): + return self + + def execution_options(self, **kw): + return self + + def compiler(self, statement, parameters, **kwargs): + return self._dialect.compiler( + statement, parameters, engine=self, **kwargs + ) + + def create(self, entity, **kwargs): + kwargs["checkfirst"] = False + from sqlalchemy.engine import ddl + + ddl.SchemaGenerator(self.dialect, self, **kwargs).traverse_single( + entity + ) + + def drop(self, entity, **kwargs): + kwargs["checkfirst"] = False + from sqlalchemy.engine import ddl + + ddl.SchemaDropper(self.dialect, self, **kwargs).traverse_single( + entity + ) + + def _run_visitor( + self, visitorcallable, element, connection=None, **kwargs + ): + kwargs["checkfirst"] = False + visitorcallable(self.dialect, self, **kwargs).traverse_single( + element + ) + + def execute(self, object_, *multiparams, **params): + raise NotImplementedError() + + +MockEngineStrategy() diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/threadlocal.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/threadlocal.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..01d6ecb --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/threadlocal.py @@ -0,0 +1,149 @@ +# engine/threadlocal.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +"""Provides a thread-local transactional wrapper around the root Engine class. + +The ``threadlocal`` module is invoked when using the +``strategy="threadlocal"`` flag with :func:`~sqlalchemy.engine.create_engine`. +This module is semi-private and is invoked automatically when the threadlocal +engine strategy is used. +""" + +import weakref + +from . import base +from .. import util + + +class TLConnection(base.Connection): + def __init__(self, *arg, **kw): + super(TLConnection, self).__init__(*arg, **kw) + self.__opencount = 0 + + def _increment_connect(self): + self.__opencount += 1 + return self + + def close(self): + if self.__opencount == 1: + base.Connection.close(self) + self.__opencount -= 1 + + def _force_close(self): + self.__opencount = 0 + base.Connection.close(self) + + +class TLEngine(base.Engine): + """An Engine that includes support for thread-local managed + transactions. + + """ + + _tl_connection_cls = TLConnection + + def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): + super(TLEngine, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) + self._connections = util.threading.local() + + def contextual_connect(self, **kw): + if not hasattr(self._connections, "conn"): + connection = None + else: + connection = self._connections.conn() + + if connection is None or connection.closed: + # guards against pool-level reapers, if desired. + # or not connection.connection.is_valid: + connection = self._tl_connection_cls( + self, + self._wrap_pool_connect(self.pool.connect, connection), + **kw + ) + self._connections.conn = weakref.ref(connection) + + return connection._increment_connect() + + def begin_twophase(self, xid=None): + if not hasattr(self._connections, "trans"): + self._connections.trans = [] + self._connections.trans.append( + self.contextual_connect().begin_twophase(xid=xid) + ) + return self + + def begin_nested(self): + if not hasattr(self._connections, "trans"): + self._connections.trans = [] + self._connections.trans.append( + self.contextual_connect().begin_nested() + ) + return self + + def begin(self): + if not hasattr(self._connections, "trans"): + self._connections.trans = [] + self._connections.trans.append(self.contextual_connect().begin()) + return self + + def __enter__(self): + return self + + def __exit__(self, type_, value, traceback): + if type_ is None: + self.commit() + else: + self.rollback() + + def prepare(self): + if ( + not hasattr(self._connections, "trans") + or not self._connections.trans + ): + return + self._connections.trans[-1].prepare() + + def commit(self): + if ( + not hasattr(self._connections, "trans") + or not self._connections.trans + ): + return + trans = self._connections.trans.pop(-1) + trans.commit() + + def rollback(self): + if ( + not hasattr(self._connections, "trans") + or not self._connections.trans + ): + return + trans = self._connections.trans.pop(-1) + trans.rollback() + + def dispose(self): + self._connections = util.threading.local() + super(TLEngine, self).dispose() + + @property + def closed(self): + return ( + not hasattr(self._connections, "conn") + or self._connections.conn() is None + or self._connections.conn().closed + ) + + def close(self): + if not self.closed: + self.contextual_connect().close() + connection = self._connections.conn() + connection._force_close() + del self._connections.conn + self._connections.trans = [] + + def __repr__(self): + return "TLEngine(%r)" % self.url diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/url.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/url.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..536e21c --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/url.py @@ -0,0 +1,306 @@ +# engine/url.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +"""Provides the :class:`~sqlalchemy.engine.url.URL` class which encapsulates +information about a database connection specification. + +The URL object is created automatically when +:func:`~sqlalchemy.engine.create_engine` is called with a string +argument; alternatively, the URL is a public-facing construct which can +be used directly and is also accepted directly by ``create_engine()``. +""" + +import re + +from .interfaces import Dialect +from .. import exc +from .. import util +from ..dialects import plugins +from ..dialects import registry + + +class URL(object): + """ + Represent the components of a URL used to connect to a database. + + This object is suitable to be passed directly to a + :func:`~sqlalchemy.create_engine` call. The fields of the URL are parsed + from a string by the :func:`.make_url` function. the string + format of the URL is an RFC-1738-style string. + + All initialization parameters are available as public attributes. + + :param drivername: the name of the database backend. + This name will correspond to a module in sqlalchemy/databases + or a third party plug-in. + + :param username: The user name. + + :param password: database password. + + :param host: The name of the host. + + :param port: The port number. + + :param database: The database name. + + :param query: A dictionary of options to be passed to the + dialect and/or the DBAPI upon connect. + + """ + + def __init__( + self, + drivername, + username=None, + password=None, + host=None, + port=None, + database=None, + query=None, + ): + self.drivername = drivername + self.username = username + self.password_original = password + self.host = host + if port is not None: + self.port = int(port) + else: + self.port = None + self.database = database + self.query = query or {} + + def __to_string__(self, hide_password=True): + s = self.drivername + "://" + if self.username is not None: + s += _rfc_1738_quote(self.username) + if self.password is not None: + s += ":" + ( + "***" if hide_password else _rfc_1738_quote(self.password) + ) + s += "@" + if self.host is not None: + if ":" in self.host: + s += "[%s]" % self.host + else: + s += self.host + if self.port is not None: + s += ":" + str(self.port) + if self.database is not None: + s += "/" + self.database + if self.query: + keys = list(self.query) + keys.sort() + s += "?" + "&".join( + "%s=%s" % (k, element) + for k in keys + for element in util.to_list(self.query[k]) + ) + return s + + def __str__(self): + return self.__to_string__(hide_password=False) + + def __repr__(self): + return self.__to_string__() + + def __hash__(self): + return hash(str(self)) + + def __eq__(self, other): + return ( + isinstance(other, URL) + and self.drivername == other.drivername + and self.username == other.username + and self.password == other.password + and self.host == other.host + and self.database == other.database + and self.query == other.query + ) + + @property + def password(self): + if self.password_original is None: + return None + else: + return util.text_type(self.password_original) + + @password.setter + def password(self, password): + self.password_original = password + + def get_backend_name(self): + if "+" not in self.drivername: + return self.drivername + else: + return self.drivername.split("+")[0] + + def get_driver_name(self): + if "+" not in self.drivername: + return self.get_dialect().driver + else: + return self.drivername.split("+")[1] + + def _instantiate_plugins(self, kwargs): + plugin_names = util.to_list(self.query.get("plugin", ())) + plugin_names += kwargs.get("plugins", []) + + return [ + plugins.load(plugin_name)(self, kwargs) + for plugin_name in plugin_names + ] + + def _get_entrypoint(self): + """Return the "entry point" dialect class. + + This is normally the dialect itself except in the case when the + returned class implements the get_dialect_cls() method. + + """ + if "+" not in self.drivername: + name = self.drivername + else: + name = self.drivername.replace("+", ".") + cls = registry.load(name) + # check for legacy dialects that + # would return a module with 'dialect' as the + # actual class + if ( + hasattr(cls, "dialect") + and isinstance(cls.dialect, type) + and issubclass(cls.dialect, Dialect) + ): + return cls.dialect + else: + return cls + + def get_dialect(self): + """Return the SQLAlchemy database dialect class corresponding + to this URL's driver name. + """ + entrypoint = self._get_entrypoint() + dialect_cls = entrypoint.get_dialect_cls(self) + return dialect_cls + + def translate_connect_args(self, names=[], **kw): + r"""Translate url attributes into a dictionary of connection arguments. + + Returns attributes of this url (`host`, `database`, `username`, + `password`, `port`) as a plain dictionary. The attribute names are + used as the keys by default. Unset or false attributes are omitted + from the final dictionary. + + :param \**kw: Optional, alternate key names for url attributes. + + :param names: Deprecated. Same purpose as the keyword-based alternate + names, but correlates the name to the original positionally. + """ + + translated = {} + attribute_names = ["host", "database", "username", "password", "port"] + for sname in attribute_names: + if names: + name = names.pop(0) + elif sname in kw: + name = kw[sname] + else: + name = sname + if name is not None and getattr(self, sname, False): + translated[name] = getattr(self, sname) + return translated + + +def make_url(name_or_url): + """Given a string or unicode instance, produce a new URL instance. + + The given string is parsed according to the RFC 1738 spec. If an + existing URL object is passed, just returns the object. + """ + + if isinstance(name_or_url, util.string_types): + return _parse_rfc1738_args(name_or_url) + else: + return name_or_url + + +def _parse_rfc1738_args(name): + pattern = re.compile( + r""" + (?P[\w\+]+):// + (?: + (?P[^:/]*) + (?::(?P.*))? + @)? + (?: + (?: + \[(?P[^/]+)\] | + (?P[^/:]+) + )? + (?::(?P[^/]*))? + )? + (?:/(?P.*))? + """, + re.X, + ) + + m = pattern.match(name) + if m is not None: + components = m.groupdict() + if components["database"] is not None: + tokens = components["database"].split("?", 2) + components["database"] = tokens[0] + + if len(tokens) > 1: + query = {} + + for key, value in util.parse_qsl(tokens[1]): + if util.py2k: + key = key.encode("ascii") + if key in query: + query[key] = util.to_list(query[key]) + query[key].append(value) + else: + query[key] = value + else: + query = None + else: + query = None + components["query"] = query + + if components["username"] is not None: + components["username"] = _rfc_1738_unquote(components["username"]) + + if components["password"] is not None: + components["password"] = _rfc_1738_unquote(components["password"]) + + ipv4host = components.pop("ipv4host") + ipv6host = components.pop("ipv6host") + components["host"] = ipv4host or ipv6host + name = components.pop("name") + return URL(name, **components) + else: + raise exc.ArgumentError( + "Could not parse rfc1738 URL from string '%s'" % name + ) + + +def _rfc_1738_quote(text): + return re.sub(r"[:@/]", lambda m: "%%%X" % ord(m.group(0)), text) + + +def _rfc_1738_unquote(text): + return util.unquote(text) + + +def _parse_keyvalue_args(name): + m = re.match(r"(\w+)://(.*)", name) + if m is not None: + (name, args) = m.group(1, 2) + opts = dict(util.parse_qsl(args)) + return URL(name, *opts) + else: + return None diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/util.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/util.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f4f25dd --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/util.py @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +# engine/util.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +from .. import util + + +def connection_memoize(key): + """Decorator, memoize a function in a connection.info stash. + + Only applicable to functions which take no arguments other than a + connection. The memo will be stored in ``connection.info[key]``. + """ + + @util.decorator + def decorated(fn, self, connection): + connection = connection.connect() + try: + return connection.info[key] + except KeyError: + connection.info[key] = val = fn(self, connection) + return val + + return decorated + + +def py_fallback(): + def _distill_params(multiparams, params): # noqa + r"""Given arguments from the calling form \*multiparams, \**params, + return a list of bind parameter structures, usually a list of + dictionaries. + + In the case of 'raw' execution which accepts positional parameters, + it may be a list of tuples or lists. + + """ + + if not multiparams: + if params: + return [params] + else: + return [] + elif len(multiparams) == 1: + zero = multiparams[0] + if isinstance(zero, (list, tuple)): + if ( + not zero + or hasattr(zero[0], "__iter__") + and not hasattr(zero[0], "strip") + ): + # execute(stmt, [{}, {}, {}, ...]) + # execute(stmt, [(), (), (), ...]) + return zero + else: + # execute(stmt, ("value", "value")) + return [zero] + elif hasattr(zero, "keys"): + # execute(stmt, {"key":"value"}) + return [zero] + else: + # execute(stmt, "value") + return [[zero]] + else: + if hasattr(multiparams[0], "__iter__") and not hasattr( + multiparams[0], "strip" + ): + return multiparams + else: + return [multiparams] + + return locals() + + +try: + from sqlalchemy.cutils import _distill_params # noqa +except ImportError: + globals().update(py_fallback()) diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/event/__init__.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/event/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..50161b7 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/event/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +# event/__init__.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +from .api import CANCEL # noqa +from .api import contains # noqa +from .api import listen # noqa +from .api import listens_for # noqa +from .api import NO_RETVAL # noqa +from .api import remove # noqa +from .attr import RefCollection # noqa +from .base import dispatcher # noqa +from .base import Events # noqa +from .legacy import _legacy_signature # noqa diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/event/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/event/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b280bba Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/event/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/event/__pycache__/api.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/event/__pycache__/api.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bf4394a Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/event/__pycache__/api.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/event/__pycache__/attr.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/event/__pycache__/attr.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2a5f691 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/event/__pycache__/attr.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/event/__pycache__/base.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/event/__pycache__/base.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6a4bcda Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/event/__pycache__/base.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/event/__pycache__/legacy.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/event/__pycache__/legacy.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..97dab93 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/event/__pycache__/legacy.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/event/__pycache__/registry.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/event/__pycache__/registry.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bf5c2b2 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/event/__pycache__/registry.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/event/api.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/event/api.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..94d6883 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/event/api.py @@ -0,0 +1,192 @@ +# event/api.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +"""Public API functions for the event system. + +""" +from __future__ import absolute_import + +from .base import _registrars +from .registry import _EventKey +from .. import exc +from .. import util + +CANCEL = util.symbol("CANCEL") +NO_RETVAL = util.symbol("NO_RETVAL") + + +def _event_key(target, identifier, fn): + for evt_cls in _registrars[identifier]: + tgt = evt_cls._accept_with(target) + if tgt is not None: + return _EventKey(target, identifier, fn, tgt) + else: + raise exc.InvalidRequestError( + "No such event '%s' for target '%s'" % (identifier, target) + ) + + +def listen(target, identifier, fn, *args, **kw): + """Register a listener function for the given target. + + e.g.:: + + from sqlalchemy import event + from sqlalchemy.schema import UniqueConstraint + + def unique_constraint_name(const, table): + const.name = "uq_%s_%s" % ( + table.name, + list(const.columns)[0].name + ) + event.listen( + UniqueConstraint, + "after_parent_attach", + unique_constraint_name) + + + A given function can also be invoked for only the first invocation + of the event using the ``once`` argument:: + + def on_config(): + do_config() + + event.listen(Mapper, "before_configure", on_config, once=True) + + .. versionadded:: 0.9.4 Added ``once=True`` to :func:`.event.listen` + and :func:`.event.listens_for`. + + .. note:: + + The :func:`.listen` function cannot be called at the same time + that the target event is being run. This has implications + for thread safety, and also means an event cannot be added + from inside the listener function for itself. The list of + events to be run are present inside of a mutable collection + that can't be changed during iteration. + + Event registration and removal is not intended to be a "high + velocity" operation; it is a configurational operation. For + systems that need to quickly associate and deassociate with + events at high scale, use a mutable structure that is handled + from inside of a single listener. + + .. versionchanged:: 1.0.0 - a ``collections.deque()`` object is now + used as the container for the list of events, which explicitly + disallows collection mutation while the collection is being + iterated. + + .. seealso:: + + :func:`.listens_for` + + :func:`.remove` + + """ + + _event_key(target, identifier, fn).listen(*args, **kw) + + +def listens_for(target, identifier, *args, **kw): + """Decorate a function as a listener for the given target + identifier. + + e.g.:: + + from sqlalchemy import event + from sqlalchemy.schema import UniqueConstraint + + @event.listens_for(UniqueConstraint, "after_parent_attach") + def unique_constraint_name(const, table): + const.name = "uq_%s_%s" % ( + table.name, + list(const.columns)[0].name + ) + + A given function can also be invoked for only the first invocation + of the event using the ``once`` argument:: + + @event.listens_for(Mapper, "before_configure", once=True) + def on_config(): + do_config() + + + .. versionadded:: 0.9.4 Added ``once=True`` to :func:`.event.listen` + and :func:`.event.listens_for`. + + .. seealso:: + + :func:`.listen` - general description of event listening + + """ + + def decorate(fn): + listen(target, identifier, fn, *args, **kw) + return fn + + return decorate + + +def remove(target, identifier, fn): + """Remove an event listener. + + The arguments here should match exactly those which were sent to + :func:`.listen`; all the event registration which proceeded as a result + of this call will be reverted by calling :func:`.remove` with the same + arguments. + + e.g.:: + + # if a function was registered like this... + @event.listens_for(SomeMappedClass, "before_insert", propagate=True) + def my_listener_function(*arg): + pass + + # ... it's removed like this + event.remove(SomeMappedClass, "before_insert", my_listener_function) + + Above, the listener function associated with ``SomeMappedClass`` was also + propagated to subclasses of ``SomeMappedClass``; the :func:`.remove` + function will revert all of these operations. + + .. versionadded:: 0.9.0 + + .. note:: + + The :func:`.remove` function cannot be called at the same time + that the target event is being run. This has implications + for thread safety, and also means an event cannot be removed + from inside the listener function for itself. The list of + events to be run are present inside of a mutable collection + that can't be changed during iteration. + + Event registration and removal is not intended to be a "high + velocity" operation; it is a configurational operation. For + systems that need to quickly associate and deassociate with + events at high scale, use a mutable structure that is handled + from inside of a single listener. + + .. versionchanged:: 1.0.0 - a ``collections.deque()`` object is now + used as the container for the list of events, which explicitly + disallows collection mutation while the collection is being + iterated. + + .. seealso:: + + :func:`.listen` + + """ + _event_key(target, identifier, fn).remove() + + +def contains(target, identifier, fn): + """Return True if the given target/ident/fn is set up to listen. + + .. versionadded:: 0.9.0 + + """ + + return _event_key(target, identifier, fn).contains() diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/event/attr.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/event/attr.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f0f65e6 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/event/attr.py @@ -0,0 +1,421 @@ +# event/attr.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +"""Attribute implementation for _Dispatch classes. + +The various listener targets for a particular event class are represented +as attributes, which refer to collections of listeners to be fired off. +These collections can exist at the class level as well as at the instance +level. An event is fired off using code like this:: + + some_object.dispatch.first_connect(arg1, arg2) + +Above, ``some_object.dispatch`` would be an instance of ``_Dispatch`` and +``first_connect`` is typically an instance of ``_ListenerCollection`` +if event listeners are present, or ``_EmptyListener`` if none are present. + +The attribute mechanics here spend effort trying to ensure listener functions +are available with a minimum of function call overhead, that unnecessary +objects aren't created (i.e. many empty per-instance listener collections), +as well as that everything is garbage collectable when owning references are +lost. Other features such as "propagation" of listener functions across +many ``_Dispatch`` instances, "joining" of multiple ``_Dispatch`` instances, +as well as support for subclass propagation (e.g. events assigned to +``Pool`` vs. ``QueuePool``) are all implemented here. + +""" + +from __future__ import absolute_import +from __future__ import with_statement + +import collections +from itertools import chain +import weakref + +from . import legacy +from . import registry +from .. import exc +from .. import util +from ..util import threading + + +class RefCollection(util.MemoizedSlots): + __slots__ = ("ref",) + + def _memoized_attr_ref(self): + return weakref.ref(self, registry._collection_gced) + + +class _empty_collection(object): + def append(self, element): + pass + + def extend(self, other): + pass + + def remove(self, element): + pass + + def __iter__(self): + return iter([]) + + def clear(self): + pass + + +class _ClsLevelDispatch(RefCollection): + """Class-level events on :class:`._Dispatch` classes.""" + + __slots__ = ( + "name", + "arg_names", + "has_kw", + "legacy_signatures", + "_clslevel", + "__weakref__", + ) + + def __init__(self, parent_dispatch_cls, fn): + self.name = fn.__name__ + argspec = util.inspect_getargspec(fn) + self.arg_names = argspec.args[1:] + self.has_kw = bool(argspec.keywords) + self.legacy_signatures = list( + reversed( + sorted( + getattr(fn, "_legacy_signatures", []), key=lambda s: s[0] + ) + ) + ) + fn.__doc__ = legacy._augment_fn_docs(self, parent_dispatch_cls, fn) + + self._clslevel = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary() + + def _adjust_fn_spec(self, fn, named): + if named: + fn = self._wrap_fn_for_kw(fn) + if self.legacy_signatures: + try: + argspec = util.get_callable_argspec(fn, no_self=True) + except TypeError: + pass + else: + fn = legacy._wrap_fn_for_legacy(self, fn, argspec) + return fn + + def _wrap_fn_for_kw(self, fn): + def wrap_kw(*args, **kw): + argdict = dict(zip(self.arg_names, args)) + argdict.update(kw) + return fn(**argdict) + + return wrap_kw + + def insert(self, event_key, propagate): + target = event_key.dispatch_target + assert isinstance( + target, type + ), "Class-level Event targets must be classes." + if not getattr(target, "_sa_propagate_class_events", True): + raise exc.InvalidRequestError( + "Can't assign an event directly to the %s class" % target + ) + stack = [target] + while stack: + cls = stack.pop(0) + stack.extend(cls.__subclasses__()) + if cls is not target and cls not in self._clslevel: + self.update_subclass(cls) + else: + if cls not in self._clslevel: + self._assign_cls_collection(cls) + self._clslevel[cls].appendleft(event_key._listen_fn) + registry._stored_in_collection(event_key, self) + + def append(self, event_key, propagate): + target = event_key.dispatch_target + assert isinstance( + target, type + ), "Class-level Event targets must be classes." + if not getattr(target, "_sa_propagate_class_events", True): + raise exc.InvalidRequestError( + "Can't assign an event directly to the %s class" % target + ) + stack = [target] + while stack: + cls = stack.pop(0) + stack.extend(cls.__subclasses__()) + if cls is not target and cls not in self._clslevel: + self.update_subclass(cls) + else: + if cls not in self._clslevel: + self._assign_cls_collection(cls) + self._clslevel[cls].append(event_key._listen_fn) + registry._stored_in_collection(event_key, self) + + def _assign_cls_collection(self, target): + if getattr(target, "_sa_propagate_class_events", True): + self._clslevel[target] = collections.deque() + else: + self._clslevel[target] = _empty_collection() + + def update_subclass(self, target): + if target not in self._clslevel: + self._assign_cls_collection(target) + clslevel = self._clslevel[target] + for cls in target.__mro__[1:]: + if cls in self._clslevel: + clslevel.extend( + [fn for fn in self._clslevel[cls] if fn not in clslevel] + ) + + def remove(self, event_key): + target = event_key.dispatch_target + stack = [target] + while stack: + cls = stack.pop(0) + stack.extend(cls.__subclasses__()) + if cls in self._clslevel: + self._clslevel[cls].remove(event_key._listen_fn) + registry._removed_from_collection(event_key, self) + + def clear(self): + """Clear all class level listeners""" + + to_clear = set() + for dispatcher in self._clslevel.values(): + to_clear.update(dispatcher) + dispatcher.clear() + registry._clear(self, to_clear) + + def for_modify(self, obj): + """Return an event collection which can be modified. + + For _ClsLevelDispatch at the class level of + a dispatcher, this returns self. + + """ + return self + + +class _InstanceLevelDispatch(RefCollection): + __slots__ = () + + def _adjust_fn_spec(self, fn, named): + return self.parent._adjust_fn_spec(fn, named) + + +class _EmptyListener(_InstanceLevelDispatch): + """Serves as a proxy interface to the events + served by a _ClsLevelDispatch, when there are no + instance-level events present. + + Is replaced by _ListenerCollection when instance-level + events are added. + + """ + + propagate = frozenset() + listeners = () + + __slots__ = "parent", "parent_listeners", "name" + + def __init__(self, parent, target_cls): + if target_cls not in parent._clslevel: + parent.update_subclass(target_cls) + self.parent = parent # _ClsLevelDispatch + self.parent_listeners = parent._clslevel[target_cls] + self.name = parent.name + + def for_modify(self, obj): + """Return an event collection which can be modified. + + For _EmptyListener at the instance level of + a dispatcher, this generates a new + _ListenerCollection, applies it to the instance, + and returns it. + + """ + result = _ListenerCollection(self.parent, obj._instance_cls) + if getattr(obj, self.name) is self: + setattr(obj, self.name, result) + else: + assert isinstance(getattr(obj, self.name), _JoinedListener) + return result + + def _needs_modify(self, *args, **kw): + raise NotImplementedError("need to call for_modify()") + + exec_once = insert = append = remove = clear = _needs_modify + + def __call__(self, *args, **kw): + """Execute this event.""" + + for fn in self.parent_listeners: + fn(*args, **kw) + + def __len__(self): + return len(self.parent_listeners) + + def __iter__(self): + return iter(self.parent_listeners) + + def __bool__(self): + return bool(self.parent_listeners) + + __nonzero__ = __bool__ + + +class _CompoundListener(_InstanceLevelDispatch): + __slots__ = "_exec_once_mutex", "_exec_once" + + def _memoized_attr__exec_once_mutex(self): + return threading.Lock() + + def exec_once(self, *args, **kw): + """Execute this event, but only if it has not been + executed already for this collection.""" + + if not self._exec_once: + with self._exec_once_mutex: + if not self._exec_once: + try: + self(*args, **kw) + finally: + self._exec_once = True + + def __call__(self, *args, **kw): + """Execute this event.""" + + for fn in self.parent_listeners: + fn(*args, **kw) + for fn in self.listeners: + fn(*args, **kw) + + def __len__(self): + return len(self.parent_listeners) + len(self.listeners) + + def __iter__(self): + return chain(self.parent_listeners, self.listeners) + + def __bool__(self): + return bool(self.listeners or self.parent_listeners) + + __nonzero__ = __bool__ + + +class _ListenerCollection(_CompoundListener): + """Instance-level attributes on instances of :class:`._Dispatch`. + + Represents a collection of listeners. + + As of 0.7.9, _ListenerCollection is only first + created via the _EmptyListener.for_modify() method. + + """ + + __slots__ = ( + "parent_listeners", + "parent", + "name", + "listeners", + "propagate", + "__weakref__", + ) + + def __init__(self, parent, target_cls): + if target_cls not in parent._clslevel: + parent.update_subclass(target_cls) + self._exec_once = False + self.parent_listeners = parent._clslevel[target_cls] + self.parent = parent + self.name = parent.name + self.listeners = collections.deque() + self.propagate = set() + + def for_modify(self, obj): + """Return an event collection which can be modified. + + For _ListenerCollection at the instance level of + a dispatcher, this returns self. + + """ + return self + + def _update(self, other, only_propagate=True): + """Populate from the listeners in another :class:`_Dispatch` + object.""" + + existing_listeners = self.listeners + existing_listener_set = set(existing_listeners) + self.propagate.update(other.propagate) + other_listeners = [ + l + for l in other.listeners + if l not in existing_listener_set + and not only_propagate + or l in self.propagate + ] + + existing_listeners.extend(other_listeners) + + to_associate = other.propagate.union(other_listeners) + registry._stored_in_collection_multi(self, other, to_associate) + + def insert(self, event_key, propagate): + if event_key.prepend_to_list(self, self.listeners): + if propagate: + self.propagate.add(event_key._listen_fn) + + def append(self, event_key, propagate): + if event_key.append_to_list(self, self.listeners): + if propagate: + self.propagate.add(event_key._listen_fn) + + def remove(self, event_key): + self.listeners.remove(event_key._listen_fn) + self.propagate.discard(event_key._listen_fn) + registry._removed_from_collection(event_key, self) + + def clear(self): + registry._clear(self, self.listeners) + self.propagate.clear() + self.listeners.clear() + + +class _JoinedListener(_CompoundListener): + __slots__ = "parent", "name", "local", "parent_listeners" + + def __init__(self, parent, name, local): + self._exec_once = False + self.parent = parent + self.name = name + self.local = local + self.parent_listeners = self.local + + @property + def listeners(self): + return getattr(self.parent, self.name) + + def _adjust_fn_spec(self, fn, named): + return self.local._adjust_fn_spec(fn, named) + + def for_modify(self, obj): + self.local = self.parent_listeners = self.local.for_modify(obj) + return self + + def insert(self, event_key, propagate): + self.local.insert(event_key, propagate) + + def append(self, event_key, propagate): + self.local.append(event_key, propagate) + + def remove(self, event_key): + self.local.remove(event_key) + + def clear(self): + raise NotImplementedError() diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/event/base.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/event/base.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c9798db --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/event/base.py @@ -0,0 +1,289 @@ +# event/base.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +"""Base implementation classes. + +The public-facing ``Events`` serves as the base class for an event interface; +its public attributes represent different kinds of events. These attributes +are mirrored onto a ``_Dispatch`` class, which serves as a container for +collections of listener functions. These collections are represented both +at the class level of a particular ``_Dispatch`` class as well as within +instances of ``_Dispatch``. + +""" +from __future__ import absolute_import + +import weakref + +from .attr import _ClsLevelDispatch +from .attr import _EmptyListener +from .attr import _JoinedListener +from .. import util + +_registrars = util.defaultdict(list) + + +def _is_event_name(name): + return not name.startswith("_") and name != "dispatch" + + +class _UnpickleDispatch(object): + """Serializable callable that re-generates an instance of + :class:`_Dispatch` given a particular :class:`.Events` subclass. + + """ + + def __call__(self, _instance_cls): + for cls in _instance_cls.__mro__: + if "dispatch" in cls.__dict__: + return cls.__dict__["dispatch"].dispatch_cls._for_class( + _instance_cls + ) + else: + raise AttributeError("No class with a 'dispatch' member present.") + + +class _Dispatch(object): + """Mirror the event listening definitions of an Events class with + listener collections. + + Classes which define a "dispatch" member will return a + non-instantiated :class:`._Dispatch` subclass when the member + is accessed at the class level. When the "dispatch" member is + accessed at the instance level of its owner, an instance + of the :class:`._Dispatch` class is returned. + + A :class:`._Dispatch` class is generated for each :class:`.Events` + class defined, by the :func:`._create_dispatcher_class` function. + The original :class:`.Events` classes remain untouched. + This decouples the construction of :class:`.Events` subclasses from + the implementation used by the event internals, and allows + inspecting tools like Sphinx to work in an unsurprising + way against the public API. + + """ + + # in one ORM edge case, an attribute is added to _Dispatch, + # so __dict__ is used in just that case and potentially others. + __slots__ = "_parent", "_instance_cls", "__dict__", "_empty_listeners" + + _empty_listener_reg = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary() + + def __init__(self, parent, instance_cls=None): + self._parent = parent + self._instance_cls = instance_cls + if instance_cls: + try: + self._empty_listeners = self._empty_listener_reg[instance_cls] + except KeyError: + self._empty_listeners = self._empty_listener_reg[ + instance_cls + ] = dict( + (ls.name, _EmptyListener(ls, instance_cls)) + for ls in parent._event_descriptors + ) + else: + self._empty_listeners = {} + + def __getattr__(self, name): + # assign EmptyListeners as attributes on demand + # to reduce startup time for new dispatch objects + try: + ls = self._empty_listeners[name] + except KeyError: + raise AttributeError(name) + else: + setattr(self, ls.name, ls) + return ls + + @property + def _event_descriptors(self): + for k in self._event_names: + yield getattr(self, k) + + def _for_class(self, instance_cls): + return self.__class__(self, instance_cls) + + def _for_instance(self, instance): + instance_cls = instance.__class__ + return self._for_class(instance_cls) + + @property + def _listen(self): + return self._events._listen + + def _join(self, other): + """Create a 'join' of this :class:`._Dispatch` and another. + + This new dispatcher will dispatch events to both + :class:`._Dispatch` objects. + + """ + if "_joined_dispatch_cls" not in self.__class__.__dict__: + cls = type( + "Joined%s" % self.__class__.__name__, + (_JoinedDispatcher,), + {"__slots__": self._event_names}, + ) + + self.__class__._joined_dispatch_cls = cls + return self._joined_dispatch_cls(self, other) + + def __reduce__(self): + return _UnpickleDispatch(), (self._instance_cls,) + + def _update(self, other, only_propagate=True): + """Populate from the listeners in another :class:`_Dispatch` + object.""" + for ls in other._event_descriptors: + if isinstance(ls, _EmptyListener): + continue + getattr(self, ls.name).for_modify(self)._update( + ls, only_propagate=only_propagate + ) + + def _clear(self): + for ls in self._event_descriptors: + ls.for_modify(self).clear() + + +class _EventMeta(type): + """Intercept new Event subclasses and create + associated _Dispatch classes.""" + + def __init__(cls, classname, bases, dict_): + _create_dispatcher_class(cls, classname, bases, dict_) + return type.__init__(cls, classname, bases, dict_) + + +def _create_dispatcher_class(cls, classname, bases, dict_): + """Create a :class:`._Dispatch` class corresponding to an + :class:`.Events` class.""" + + # there's all kinds of ways to do this, + # i.e. make a Dispatch class that shares the '_listen' method + # of the Event class, this is the straight monkeypatch. + if hasattr(cls, "dispatch"): + dispatch_base = cls.dispatch.__class__ + else: + dispatch_base = _Dispatch + + event_names = [k for k in dict_ if _is_event_name(k)] + dispatch_cls = type( + "%sDispatch" % classname, (dispatch_base,), {"__slots__": event_names} + ) + + dispatch_cls._event_names = event_names + + dispatch_inst = cls._set_dispatch(cls, dispatch_cls) + for k in dispatch_cls._event_names: + setattr(dispatch_inst, k, _ClsLevelDispatch(cls, dict_[k])) + _registrars[k].append(cls) + + for super_ in dispatch_cls.__bases__: + if issubclass(super_, _Dispatch) and super_ is not _Dispatch: + for ls in super_._events.dispatch._event_descriptors: + setattr(dispatch_inst, ls.name, ls) + dispatch_cls._event_names.append(ls.name) + + if getattr(cls, "_dispatch_target", None): + cls._dispatch_target.dispatch = dispatcher(cls) + + +def _remove_dispatcher(cls): + for k in cls.dispatch._event_names: + _registrars[k].remove(cls) + if not _registrars[k]: + del _registrars[k] + + +class Events(util.with_metaclass(_EventMeta, object)): + """Define event listening functions for a particular target type.""" + + @staticmethod + def _set_dispatch(cls, dispatch_cls): + # this allows an Events subclass to define additional utility + # methods made available to the target via + # "self.dispatch._events." + # @staticemethod to allow easy "super" calls while in a metaclass + # constructor. + cls.dispatch = dispatch_cls(None) + dispatch_cls._events = cls + return cls.dispatch + + @classmethod + def _accept_with(cls, target): + # Mapper, ClassManager, Session override this to + # also accept classes, scoped_sessions, sessionmakers, etc. + if hasattr(target, "dispatch") and ( + isinstance(target.dispatch, cls.dispatch.__class__) + or ( + isinstance(target.dispatch, type) + and isinstance(target.dispatch, cls.dispatch.__class__) + ) + or ( + isinstance(target.dispatch, _JoinedDispatcher) + and isinstance(target.dispatch.parent, cls.dispatch.__class__) + ) + ): + return target + else: + return None + + @classmethod + def _listen(cls, event_key, propagate=False, insert=False, named=False): + event_key.base_listen(propagate=propagate, insert=insert, named=named) + + @classmethod + def _remove(cls, event_key): + event_key.remove() + + @classmethod + def _clear(cls): + cls.dispatch._clear() + + +class _JoinedDispatcher(object): + """Represent a connection between two _Dispatch objects.""" + + __slots__ = "local", "parent", "_instance_cls" + + def __init__(self, local, parent): + self.local = local + self.parent = parent + self._instance_cls = self.local._instance_cls + + def __getattr__(self, name): + # assign _JoinedListeners as attributes on demand + # to reduce startup time for new dispatch objects + ls = getattr(self.local, name) + jl = _JoinedListener(self.parent, ls.name, ls) + setattr(self, ls.name, jl) + return jl + + @property + def _listen(self): + return self.parent._listen + + +class dispatcher(object): + """Descriptor used by target classes to + deliver the _Dispatch class at the class level + and produce new _Dispatch instances for target + instances. + + """ + + def __init__(self, events): + self.dispatch_cls = events.dispatch + self.events = events + + def __get__(self, obj, cls): + if obj is None: + return self.dispatch_cls + obj.__dict__["dispatch"] = disp = self.dispatch_cls._for_instance(obj) + return disp diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/event/legacy.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/event/legacy.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..45e8a40 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/event/legacy.py @@ -0,0 +1,173 @@ +# event/legacy.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +"""Routines to handle adaption of legacy call signatures, +generation of deprecation notes and docstrings. + +""" + +from .. import util + + +def _legacy_signature(since, argnames, converter=None): + def leg(fn): + if not hasattr(fn, "_legacy_signatures"): + fn._legacy_signatures = [] + fn._legacy_signatures.append((since, argnames, converter)) + return fn + + return leg + + +def _wrap_fn_for_legacy(dispatch_collection, fn, argspec): + for since, argnames, conv in dispatch_collection.legacy_signatures: + if argnames[-1] == "**kw": + has_kw = True + argnames = argnames[0:-1] + else: + has_kw = False + + if len(argnames) == len(argspec.args) and has_kw is bool( + argspec.keywords + ): + + if conv: + assert not has_kw + + def wrap_leg(*args): + return fn(*conv(*args)) + + else: + + def wrap_leg(*args, **kw): + argdict = dict(zip(dispatch_collection.arg_names, args)) + args = [argdict[name] for name in argnames] + if has_kw: + return fn(*args, **kw) + else: + return fn(*args) + + return wrap_leg + else: + return fn + + +def _indent(text, indent): + return "\n".join(indent + line for line in text.split("\n")) + + +def _standard_listen_example(dispatch_collection, sample_target, fn): + example_kw_arg = _indent( + "\n".join( + "%(arg)s = kw['%(arg)s']" % {"arg": arg} + for arg in dispatch_collection.arg_names[0:2] + ), + " ", + ) + if dispatch_collection.legacy_signatures: + current_since = max( + since + for since, args, conv in dispatch_collection.legacy_signatures + ) + else: + current_since = None + text = ( + "from sqlalchemy import event\n\n" + "# standard decorator style%(current_since)s\n" + "@event.listens_for(%(sample_target)s, '%(event_name)s')\n" + "def receive_%(event_name)s(" + "%(named_event_arguments)s%(has_kw_arguments)s):\n" + " \"listen for the '%(event_name)s' event\"\n" + "\n # ... (event handling logic) ...\n" + ) + + if len(dispatch_collection.arg_names) > 3: + text += ( + "\n# named argument style (new in 0.9)\n" + "@event.listens_for(" + "%(sample_target)s, '%(event_name)s', named=True)\n" + "def receive_%(event_name)s(**kw):\n" + " \"listen for the '%(event_name)s' event\"\n" + "%(example_kw_arg)s\n" + "\n # ... (event handling logic) ...\n" + ) + + text %= { + "current_since": " (arguments as of %s)" % current_since + if current_since + else "", + "event_name": fn.__name__, + "has_kw_arguments": ", **kw" if dispatch_collection.has_kw else "", + "named_event_arguments": ", ".join(dispatch_collection.arg_names), + "example_kw_arg": example_kw_arg, + "sample_target": sample_target, + } + return text + + +def _legacy_listen_examples(dispatch_collection, sample_target, fn): + text = "" + for since, args, conv in dispatch_collection.legacy_signatures: + text += ( + "\n# legacy calling style (pre-%(since)s)\n" + "@event.listens_for(%(sample_target)s, '%(event_name)s')\n" + "def receive_%(event_name)s(" + "%(named_event_arguments)s%(has_kw_arguments)s):\n" + " \"listen for the '%(event_name)s' event\"\n" + "\n # ... (event handling logic) ...\n" + % { + "since": since, + "event_name": fn.__name__, + "has_kw_arguments": " **kw" + if dispatch_collection.has_kw + else "", + "named_event_arguments": ", ".join(args), + "sample_target": sample_target, + } + ) + return text + + +def _version_signature_changes(dispatch_collection): + since, args, conv = dispatch_collection.legacy_signatures[0] + return ( + "\n.. versionchanged:: %(since)s\n" + " The ``%(event_name)s`` event now accepts the \n" + " arguments ``%(named_event_arguments)s%(has_kw_arguments)s``.\n" + " Listener functions which accept the previous argument \n" + " signature(s) listed above will be automatically \n" + " adapted to the new signature." + % { + "since": since, + "event_name": dispatch_collection.name, + "named_event_arguments": ", ".join(dispatch_collection.arg_names), + "has_kw_arguments": ", **kw" if dispatch_collection.has_kw else "", + } + ) + + +def _augment_fn_docs(dispatch_collection, parent_dispatch_cls, fn): + header = ( + ".. container:: event_signatures\n\n" + " Example argument forms::\n" + "\n" + ) + + sample_target = getattr(parent_dispatch_cls, "_target_class_doc", "obj") + text = header + _indent( + _standard_listen_example(dispatch_collection, sample_target, fn), + " " * 8, + ) + if dispatch_collection.legacy_signatures: + text += _indent( + _legacy_listen_examples(dispatch_collection, sample_target, fn), + " " * 8, + ) + + text += _version_signature_changes(dispatch_collection) + + return util.inject_docstring_text(fn.__doc__, text, 1) diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/event/registry.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/event/registry.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..382e640 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/event/registry.py @@ -0,0 +1,274 @@ +# event/registry.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +"""Provides managed registration services on behalf of :func:`.listen` +arguments. + +By "managed registration", we mean that event listening functions and +other objects can be added to various collections in such a way that their +membership in all those collections can be revoked at once, based on +an equivalent :class:`._EventKey`. + +""" + +from __future__ import absolute_import + +import collections +import types +import weakref + +from .. import exc +from .. import util + + +_key_to_collection = collections.defaultdict(dict) +""" +Given an original listen() argument, can locate all +listener collections and the listener fn contained + +(target, identifier, fn) -> { + ref(listenercollection) -> ref(listener_fn) + ref(listenercollection) -> ref(listener_fn) + ref(listenercollection) -> ref(listener_fn) + } +""" + +_collection_to_key = collections.defaultdict(dict) +""" +Given a _ListenerCollection or _ClsLevelListener, can locate +all the original listen() arguments and the listener fn contained + +ref(listenercollection) -> { + ref(listener_fn) -> (target, identifier, fn), + ref(listener_fn) -> (target, identifier, fn), + ref(listener_fn) -> (target, identifier, fn), + } +""" + + +def _collection_gced(ref): + # defaultdict, so can't get a KeyError + if not _collection_to_key or ref not in _collection_to_key: + return + listener_to_key = _collection_to_key.pop(ref) + for key in listener_to_key.values(): + if key in _key_to_collection: + # defaultdict, so can't get a KeyError + dispatch_reg = _key_to_collection[key] + dispatch_reg.pop(ref) + if not dispatch_reg: + _key_to_collection.pop(key) + + +def _stored_in_collection(event_key, owner): + key = event_key._key + + dispatch_reg = _key_to_collection[key] + + owner_ref = owner.ref + listen_ref = weakref.ref(event_key._listen_fn) + + if owner_ref in dispatch_reg: + return False + + dispatch_reg[owner_ref] = listen_ref + + listener_to_key = _collection_to_key[owner_ref] + listener_to_key[listen_ref] = key + + return True + + +def _removed_from_collection(event_key, owner): + key = event_key._key + + dispatch_reg = _key_to_collection[key] + + listen_ref = weakref.ref(event_key._listen_fn) + + owner_ref = owner.ref + dispatch_reg.pop(owner_ref, None) + if not dispatch_reg: + del _key_to_collection[key] + + if owner_ref in _collection_to_key: + listener_to_key = _collection_to_key[owner_ref] + listener_to_key.pop(listen_ref) + + +def _stored_in_collection_multi(newowner, oldowner, elements): + if not elements: + return + + oldowner = oldowner.ref + newowner = newowner.ref + + old_listener_to_key = _collection_to_key[oldowner] + new_listener_to_key = _collection_to_key[newowner] + + for listen_fn in elements: + listen_ref = weakref.ref(listen_fn) + key = old_listener_to_key[listen_ref] + dispatch_reg = _key_to_collection[key] + if newowner in dispatch_reg: + assert dispatch_reg[newowner] == listen_ref + else: + dispatch_reg[newowner] = listen_ref + + new_listener_to_key[listen_ref] = key + + +def _clear(owner, elements): + if not elements: + return + + owner = owner.ref + listener_to_key = _collection_to_key[owner] + for listen_fn in elements: + listen_ref = weakref.ref(listen_fn) + key = listener_to_key[listen_ref] + dispatch_reg = _key_to_collection[key] + dispatch_reg.pop(owner, None) + + if not dispatch_reg: + del _key_to_collection[key] + + +class _EventKey(object): + """Represent :func:`.listen` arguments. + """ + + __slots__ = ( + "target", + "identifier", + "fn", + "fn_key", + "fn_wrap", + "dispatch_target", + ) + + def __init__(self, target, identifier, fn, dispatch_target, _fn_wrap=None): + self.target = target + self.identifier = identifier + self.fn = fn + if isinstance(fn, types.MethodType): + self.fn_key = id(fn.__func__), id(fn.__self__) + else: + self.fn_key = id(fn) + self.fn_wrap = _fn_wrap + self.dispatch_target = dispatch_target + + @property + def _key(self): + return (id(self.target), self.identifier, self.fn_key) + + def with_wrapper(self, fn_wrap): + if fn_wrap is self._listen_fn: + return self + else: + return _EventKey( + self.target, + self.identifier, + self.fn, + self.dispatch_target, + _fn_wrap=fn_wrap, + ) + + def with_dispatch_target(self, dispatch_target): + if dispatch_target is self.dispatch_target: + return self + else: + return _EventKey( + self.target, + self.identifier, + self.fn, + dispatch_target, + _fn_wrap=self.fn_wrap, + ) + + def listen(self, *args, **kw): + once = kw.pop("once", False) + named = kw.pop("named", False) + + target, identifier, fn = ( + self.dispatch_target, + self.identifier, + self._listen_fn, + ) + + dispatch_collection = getattr(target.dispatch, identifier) + + adjusted_fn = dispatch_collection._adjust_fn_spec(fn, named) + + self = self.with_wrapper(adjusted_fn) + + if once: + self.with_wrapper(util.only_once(self._listen_fn)).listen( + *args, **kw + ) + else: + self.dispatch_target.dispatch._listen(self, *args, **kw) + + def remove(self): + key = self._key + + if key not in _key_to_collection: + raise exc.InvalidRequestError( + "No listeners found for event %s / %r / %s " + % (self.target, self.identifier, self.fn) + ) + dispatch_reg = _key_to_collection.pop(key) + + for collection_ref, listener_ref in dispatch_reg.items(): + collection = collection_ref() + listener_fn = listener_ref() + if collection is not None and listener_fn is not None: + collection.remove(self.with_wrapper(listener_fn)) + + def contains(self): + """Return True if this event key is registered to listen. + """ + return self._key in _key_to_collection + + def base_listen( + self, propagate=False, insert=False, named=False, retval=None + ): + + target, identifier = self.dispatch_target, self.identifier + + dispatch_collection = getattr(target.dispatch, identifier) + + if insert: + dispatch_collection.for_modify(target.dispatch).insert( + self, propagate + ) + else: + dispatch_collection.for_modify(target.dispatch).append( + self, propagate + ) + + @property + def _listen_fn(self): + return self.fn_wrap or self.fn + + def append_to_list(self, owner, list_): + if _stored_in_collection(self, owner): + list_.append(self._listen_fn) + return True + else: + return False + + def remove_from_list(self, owner, list_): + _removed_from_collection(self, owner) + list_.remove(self._listen_fn) + + def prepend_to_list(self, owner, list_): + if _stored_in_collection(self, owner): + list_.appendleft(self._listen_fn) + return True + else: + return False diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/events.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/events.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e68e4e8 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/events.py @@ -0,0 +1,1296 @@ +# sqlalchemy/events.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +"""Core event interfaces.""" + +from . import event +from . import exc +from .engine import Connectable +from .engine import Dialect +from .engine import Engine +from .pool import Pool +from .sql.base import SchemaEventTarget + + +class DDLEvents(event.Events): + """ + Define event listeners for schema objects, + that is, :class:`.SchemaItem` and other :class:`.SchemaEventTarget` + subclasses, including :class:`.MetaData`, :class:`.Table`, + :class:`.Column`. + + :class:`.MetaData` and :class:`.Table` support events + specifically regarding when CREATE and DROP + DDL is emitted to the database. + + Attachment events are also provided to customize + behavior whenever a child schema element is associated + with a parent, such as, when a :class:`.Column` is associated + with its :class:`.Table`, when a :class:`.ForeignKeyConstraint` + is associated with a :class:`.Table`, etc. + + Example using the ``after_create`` event:: + + from sqlalchemy import event + from sqlalchemy import Table, Column, Metadata, Integer + + m = MetaData() + some_table = Table('some_table', m, Column('data', Integer)) + + def after_create(target, connection, **kw): + connection.execute("ALTER TABLE %s SET name=foo_%s" % + (target.name, target.name)) + + event.listen(some_table, "after_create", after_create) + + DDL events integrate closely with the + :class:`.DDL` class and the :class:`.DDLElement` hierarchy + of DDL clause constructs, which are themselves appropriate + as listener callables:: + + from sqlalchemy import DDL + event.listen( + some_table, + "after_create", + DDL("ALTER TABLE %(table)s SET name=foo_%(table)s") + ) + + The methods here define the name of an event as well + as the names of members that are passed to listener + functions. + + For all :class:`.DDLEvent` events, the ``propagate=True`` keyword argument + will ensure that a given event handler is propagated to copies of the + object, which are made when using the :meth:`.Table.tometadata` method:: + + from sqlalchemy import DDL + event.listen( + some_table, + "after_create", + DDL("ALTER TABLE %(table)s SET name=foo_%(table)s"), + propagate=True + ) + + new_table = some_table.tometadata(new_metadata) + + The above :class:`.DDL` object will also be associated with the + :class:`.Table` object represented by ``new_table``. + + + See also: + + :ref:`event_toplevel` + + :class:`.DDLElement` + + :class:`.DDL` + + :ref:`schema_ddl_sequences` + + """ + + _target_class_doc = "SomeSchemaClassOrObject" + _dispatch_target = SchemaEventTarget + + def before_create(self, target, connection, **kw): + r"""Called before CREATE statements are emitted. + + :param target: the :class:`.MetaData` or :class:`.Table` + object which is the target of the event. + :param connection: the :class:`.Connection` where the + CREATE statement or statements will be emitted. + :param \**kw: additional keyword arguments relevant + to the event. The contents of this dictionary + may vary across releases, and include the + list of tables being generated for a metadata-level + event, the checkfirst flag, and other + elements used by internal events. + + :func:`.event.listen` also accepts the ``propagate=True`` + modifier for this event; when True, the listener function will + be established for any copies made of the target object, + i.e. those copies that are generated when + :meth:`.Table.tometadata` is used. + + """ + + def after_create(self, target, connection, **kw): + r"""Called after CREATE statements are emitted. + + :param target: the :class:`.MetaData` or :class:`.Table` + object which is the target of the event. + :param connection: the :class:`.Connection` where the + CREATE statement or statements have been emitted. + :param \**kw: additional keyword arguments relevant + to the event. The contents of this dictionary + may vary across releases, and include the + list of tables being generated for a metadata-level + event, the checkfirst flag, and other + elements used by internal events. + + :func:`.event.listen` also accepts the ``propagate=True`` + modifier for this event; when True, the listener function will + be established for any copies made of the target object, + i.e. those copies that are generated when + :meth:`.Table.tometadata` is used. + + """ + + def before_drop(self, target, connection, **kw): + r"""Called before DROP statements are emitted. + + :param target: the :class:`.MetaData` or :class:`.Table` + object which is the target of the event. + :param connection: the :class:`.Connection` where the + DROP statement or statements will be emitted. + :param \**kw: additional keyword arguments relevant + to the event. The contents of this dictionary + may vary across releases, and include the + list of tables being generated for a metadata-level + event, the checkfirst flag, and other + elements used by internal events. + + :func:`.event.listen` also accepts the ``propagate=True`` + modifier for this event; when True, the listener function will + be established for any copies made of the target object, + i.e. those copies that are generated when + :meth:`.Table.tometadata` is used. + + """ + + def after_drop(self, target, connection, **kw): + r"""Called after DROP statements are emitted. + + :param target: the :class:`.MetaData` or :class:`.Table` + object which is the target of the event. + :param connection: the :class:`.Connection` where the + DROP statement or statements have been emitted. + :param \**kw: additional keyword arguments relevant + to the event. The contents of this dictionary + may vary across releases, and include the + list of tables being generated for a metadata-level + event, the checkfirst flag, and other + elements used by internal events. + + :func:`.event.listen` also accepts the ``propagate=True`` + modifier for this event; when True, the listener function will + be established for any copies made of the target object, + i.e. those copies that are generated when + :meth:`.Table.tometadata` is used. + + """ + + def before_parent_attach(self, target, parent): + """Called before a :class:`.SchemaItem` is associated with + a parent :class:`.SchemaItem`. + + :param target: the target object + :param parent: the parent to which the target is being attached. + + :func:`.event.listen` also accepts the ``propagate=True`` + modifier for this event; when True, the listener function will + be established for any copies made of the target object, + i.e. those copies that are generated when + :meth:`.Table.tometadata` is used. + + """ + + def after_parent_attach(self, target, parent): + """Called after a :class:`.SchemaItem` is associated with + a parent :class:`.SchemaItem`. + + :param target: the target object + :param parent: the parent to which the target is being attached. + + :func:`.event.listen` also accepts the ``propagate=True`` + modifier for this event; when True, the listener function will + be established for any copies made of the target object, + i.e. those copies that are generated when + :meth:`.Table.tometadata` is used. + + """ + + def column_reflect(self, inspector, table, column_info): + """Called for each unit of 'column info' retrieved when + a :class:`.Table` is being reflected. + + The dictionary of column information as returned by the + dialect is passed, and can be modified. The dictionary + is that returned in each element of the list returned + by :meth:`.reflection.Inspector.get_columns`: + + * ``name`` - the column's name + + * ``type`` - the type of this column, which should be an instance + of :class:`~sqlalchemy.types.TypeEngine` + + * ``nullable`` - boolean flag if the column is NULL or NOT NULL + + * ``default`` - the column's server default value. This is + normally specified as a plain string SQL expression, however the + event can pass a :class:`.FetchedValue`, :class:`.DefaultClause`, + or :func:`.sql.expression.text` object as well. + + .. versionchanged:: 1.1.6 + + The :meth:`.DDLEvents.column_reflect` event allows a non + string :class:`.FetchedValue`, + :func:`.sql.expression.text`, or derived object to be + specified as the value of ``default`` in the column + dictionary. + + * ``attrs`` - dict containing optional column attributes + + The event is called before any action is taken against + this dictionary, and the contents can be modified. + The :class:`.Column` specific arguments ``info``, ``key``, + and ``quote`` can also be added to the dictionary and + will be passed to the constructor of :class:`.Column`. + + Note that this event is only meaningful if either + associated with the :class:`.Table` class across the + board, e.g.:: + + from sqlalchemy.schema import Table + from sqlalchemy import event + + def listen_for_reflect(inspector, table, column_info): + "receive a column_reflect event" + # ... + + event.listen( + Table, + 'column_reflect', + listen_for_reflect) + + ...or with a specific :class:`.Table` instance using + the ``listeners`` argument:: + + def listen_for_reflect(inspector, table, column_info): + "receive a column_reflect event" + # ... + + t = Table( + 'sometable', + autoload=True, + listeners=[ + ('column_reflect', listen_for_reflect) + ]) + + This because the reflection process initiated by ``autoload=True`` + completes within the scope of the constructor for :class:`.Table`. + + :func:`.event.listen` also accepts the ``propagate=True`` + modifier for this event; when True, the listener function will + be established for any copies made of the target object, + i.e. those copies that are generated when + :meth:`.Table.tometadata` is used. + + """ + + +class PoolEvents(event.Events): + """Available events for :class:`.Pool`. + + The methods here define the name of an event as well + as the names of members that are passed to listener + functions. + + e.g.:: + + from sqlalchemy import event + + def my_on_checkout(dbapi_conn, connection_rec, connection_proxy): + "handle an on checkout event" + + event.listen(Pool, 'checkout', my_on_checkout) + + In addition to accepting the :class:`.Pool` class and + :class:`.Pool` instances, :class:`.PoolEvents` also accepts + :class:`.Engine` objects and the :class:`.Engine` class as + targets, which will be resolved to the ``.pool`` attribute of the + given engine or the :class:`.Pool` class:: + + engine = create_engine("postgresql://scott:tiger@localhost/test") + + # will associate with engine.pool + event.listen(engine, 'checkout', my_on_checkout) + + """ + + _target_class_doc = "SomeEngineOrPool" + _dispatch_target = Pool + + @classmethod + def _accept_with(cls, target): + if isinstance(target, type): + if issubclass(target, Engine): + return Pool + elif issubclass(target, Pool): + return target + elif isinstance(target, Engine): + return target.pool + else: + return target + + def connect(self, dbapi_connection, connection_record): + """Called at the moment a particular DBAPI connection is first + created for a given :class:`.Pool`. + + This event allows one to capture the point directly after which + the DBAPI module-level ``.connect()`` method has been used in order + to produce a new DBAPI connection. + + :param dbapi_connection: a DBAPI connection. + + :param connection_record: the :class:`._ConnectionRecord` managing the + DBAPI connection. + + """ + + def first_connect(self, dbapi_connection, connection_record): + """Called exactly once for the first time a DBAPI connection is + checked out from a particular :class:`.Pool`. + + The rationale for :meth:`.PoolEvents.first_connect` is to determine + information about a particular series of database connections based + on the settings used for all connections. Since a particular + :class:`.Pool` refers to a single "creator" function (which in terms + of a :class:`.Engine` refers to the URL and connection options used), + it is typically valid to make observations about a single connection + that can be safely assumed to be valid about all subsequent + connections, such as the database version, the server and client + encoding settings, collation settings, and many others. + + :param dbapi_connection: a DBAPI connection. + + :param connection_record: the :class:`._ConnectionRecord` managing the + DBAPI connection. + + """ + + def checkout(self, dbapi_connection, connection_record, connection_proxy): + """Called when a connection is retrieved from the Pool. + + :param dbapi_connection: a DBAPI connection. + + :param connection_record: the :class:`._ConnectionRecord` managing the + DBAPI connection. + + :param connection_proxy: the :class:`._ConnectionFairy` object which + will proxy the public interface of the DBAPI connection for the + lifespan of the checkout. + + If you raise a :class:`~sqlalchemy.exc.DisconnectionError`, the current + connection will be disposed and a fresh connection retrieved. + Processing of all checkout listeners will abort and restart + using the new connection. + + .. seealso:: :meth:`.ConnectionEvents.engine_connect` - a similar event + which occurs upon creation of a new :class:`.Connection`. + + """ + + def checkin(self, dbapi_connection, connection_record): + """Called when a connection returns to the pool. + + Note that the connection may be closed, and may be None if the + connection has been invalidated. ``checkin`` will not be called + for detached connections. (They do not return to the pool.) + + :param dbapi_connection: a DBAPI connection. + + :param connection_record: the :class:`._ConnectionRecord` managing the + DBAPI connection. + + """ + + def reset(self, dbapi_connection, connection_record): + """Called before the "reset" action occurs for a pooled connection. + + This event represents + when the ``rollback()`` method is called on the DBAPI connection + before it is returned to the pool. The behavior of "reset" can + be controlled, including disabled, using the ``reset_on_return`` + pool argument. + + + The :meth:`.PoolEvents.reset` event is usually followed by the + :meth:`.PoolEvents.checkin` event is called, except in those + cases where the connection is discarded immediately after reset. + + :param dbapi_connection: a DBAPI connection. + + :param connection_record: the :class:`._ConnectionRecord` managing the + DBAPI connection. + + .. versionadded:: 0.8 + + .. seealso:: + + :meth:`.ConnectionEvents.rollback` + + :meth:`.ConnectionEvents.commit` + + """ + + def invalidate(self, dbapi_connection, connection_record, exception): + """Called when a DBAPI connection is to be "invalidated". + + This event is called any time the :meth:`._ConnectionRecord.invalidate` + method is invoked, either from API usage or via "auto-invalidation", + without the ``soft`` flag. + + The event occurs before a final attempt to call ``.close()`` on the + connection occurs. + + :param dbapi_connection: a DBAPI connection. + + :param connection_record: the :class:`._ConnectionRecord` managing the + DBAPI connection. + + :param exception: the exception object corresponding to the reason + for this invalidation, if any. May be ``None``. + + .. versionadded:: 0.9.2 Added support for connection invalidation + listening. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`pool_connection_invalidation` + + """ + + def soft_invalidate(self, dbapi_connection, connection_record, exception): + """Called when a DBAPI connection is to be "soft invalidated". + + This event is called any time the :meth:`._ConnectionRecord.invalidate` + method is invoked with the ``soft`` flag. + + Soft invalidation refers to when the connection record that tracks + this connection will force a reconnect after the current connection + is checked in. It does not actively close the dbapi_connection + at the point at which it is called. + + .. versionadded:: 1.0.3 + + """ + + def close(self, dbapi_connection, connection_record): + """Called when a DBAPI connection is closed. + + The event is emitted before the close occurs. + + The close of a connection can fail; typically this is because + the connection is already closed. If the close operation fails, + the connection is discarded. + + The :meth:`.close` event corresponds to a connection that's still + associated with the pool. To intercept close events for detached + connections use :meth:`.close_detached`. + + .. versionadded:: 1.1 + + """ + + def detach(self, dbapi_connection, connection_record): + """Called when a DBAPI connection is "detached" from a pool. + + This event is emitted after the detach occurs. The connection + is no longer associated with the given connection record. + + .. versionadded:: 1.1 + + """ + + def close_detached(self, dbapi_connection): + """Called when a detached DBAPI connection is closed. + + The event is emitted before the close occurs. + + The close of a connection can fail; typically this is because + the connection is already closed. If the close operation fails, + the connection is discarded. + + .. versionadded:: 1.1 + + """ + + +class ConnectionEvents(event.Events): + """Available events for :class:`.Connectable`, which includes + :class:`.Connection` and :class:`.Engine`. + + The methods here define the name of an event as well as the names of + members that are passed to listener functions. + + An event listener can be associated with any :class:`.Connectable` + class or instance, such as an :class:`.Engine`, e.g.:: + + from sqlalchemy import event, create_engine + + def before_cursor_execute(conn, cursor, statement, parameters, context, + executemany): + log.info("Received statement: %s", statement) + + engine = create_engine('postgresql://scott:tiger@localhost/test') + event.listen(engine, "before_cursor_execute", before_cursor_execute) + + or with a specific :class:`.Connection`:: + + with engine.begin() as conn: + @event.listens_for(conn, 'before_cursor_execute') + def before_cursor_execute(conn, cursor, statement, parameters, + context, executemany): + log.info("Received statement: %s", statement) + + When the methods are called with a `statement` parameter, such as in + :meth:`.after_cursor_execute`, :meth:`.before_cursor_execute` and + :meth:`.dbapi_error`, the statement is the exact SQL string that was + prepared for transmission to the DBAPI ``cursor`` in the connection's + :class:`.Dialect`. + + The :meth:`.before_execute` and :meth:`.before_cursor_execute` + events can also be established with the ``retval=True`` flag, which + allows modification of the statement and parameters to be sent + to the database. The :meth:`.before_cursor_execute` event is + particularly useful here to add ad-hoc string transformations, such + as comments, to all executions:: + + from sqlalchemy.engine import Engine + from sqlalchemy import event + + @event.listens_for(Engine, "before_cursor_execute", retval=True) + def comment_sql_calls(conn, cursor, statement, parameters, + context, executemany): + statement = statement + " -- some comment" + return statement, parameters + + .. note:: :class:`.ConnectionEvents` can be established on any + combination of :class:`.Engine`, :class:`.Connection`, as well + as instances of each of those classes. Events across all + four scopes will fire off for a given instance of + :class:`.Connection`. However, for performance reasons, the + :class:`.Connection` object determines at instantiation time + whether or not its parent :class:`.Engine` has event listeners + established. Event listeners added to the :class:`.Engine` + class or to an instance of :class:`.Engine` *after* the instantiation + of a dependent :class:`.Connection` instance will usually + *not* be available on that :class:`.Connection` instance. The newly + added listeners will instead take effect for :class:`.Connection` + instances created subsequent to those event listeners being + established on the parent :class:`.Engine` class or instance. + + :param retval=False: Applies to the :meth:`.before_execute` and + :meth:`.before_cursor_execute` events only. When True, the + user-defined event function must have a return value, which + is a tuple of parameters that replace the given statement + and parameters. See those methods for a description of + specific return arguments. + + .. versionchanged:: 0.8 :class:`.ConnectionEvents` can now be associated + with any :class:`.Connectable` including :class:`.Connection`, + in addition to the existing support for :class:`.Engine`. + + """ + + _target_class_doc = "SomeEngine" + _dispatch_target = Connectable + + @classmethod + def _listen(cls, event_key, retval=False): + target, identifier, fn = ( + event_key.dispatch_target, + event_key.identifier, + event_key._listen_fn, + ) + + target._has_events = True + + if not retval: + if identifier == "before_execute": + orig_fn = fn + + def wrap_before_execute( + conn, clauseelement, multiparams, params + ): + orig_fn(conn, clauseelement, multiparams, params) + return clauseelement, multiparams, params + + fn = wrap_before_execute + elif identifier == "before_cursor_execute": + orig_fn = fn + + def wrap_before_cursor_execute( + conn, cursor, statement, parameters, context, executemany + ): + orig_fn( + conn, + cursor, + statement, + parameters, + context, + executemany, + ) + return statement, parameters + + fn = wrap_before_cursor_execute + elif retval and identifier not in ( + "before_execute", + "before_cursor_execute", + "handle_error", + ): + raise exc.ArgumentError( + "Only the 'before_execute', " + "'before_cursor_execute' and 'handle_error' engine " + "event listeners accept the 'retval=True' " + "argument." + ) + event_key.with_wrapper(fn).base_listen() + + def before_execute(self, conn, clauseelement, multiparams, params): + """Intercept high level execute() events, receiving uncompiled + SQL constructs and other objects prior to rendering into SQL. + + This event is good for debugging SQL compilation issues as well + as early manipulation of the parameters being sent to the database, + as the parameter lists will be in a consistent format here. + + This event can be optionally established with the ``retval=True`` + flag. The ``clauseelement``, ``multiparams``, and ``params`` + arguments should be returned as a three-tuple in this case:: + + @event.listens_for(Engine, "before_execute", retval=True) + def before_execute(conn, clauseelement, multiparams, params): + # do something with clauseelement, multiparams, params + return clauseelement, multiparams, params + + :param conn: :class:`.Connection` object + :param clauseelement: SQL expression construct, :class:`.Compiled` + instance, or string statement passed to :meth:`.Connection.execute`. + :param multiparams: Multiple parameter sets, a list of dictionaries. + :param params: Single parameter set, a single dictionary. + + See also: + + :meth:`.before_cursor_execute` + + """ + + def after_execute(self, conn, clauseelement, multiparams, params, result): + """Intercept high level execute() events after execute. + + + :param conn: :class:`.Connection` object + :param clauseelement: SQL expression construct, :class:`.Compiled` + instance, or string statement passed to :meth:`.Connection.execute`. + :param multiparams: Multiple parameter sets, a list of dictionaries. + :param params: Single parameter set, a single dictionary. + :param result: :class:`.ResultProxy` generated by the execution. + + """ + + def before_cursor_execute( + self, conn, cursor, statement, parameters, context, executemany + ): + """Intercept low-level cursor execute() events before execution, + receiving the string SQL statement and DBAPI-specific parameter list to + be invoked against a cursor. + + This event is a good choice for logging as well as late modifications + to the SQL string. It's less ideal for parameter modifications except + for those which are specific to a target backend. + + This event can be optionally established with the ``retval=True`` + flag. The ``statement`` and ``parameters`` arguments should be + returned as a two-tuple in this case:: + + @event.listens_for(Engine, "before_cursor_execute", retval=True) + def before_cursor_execute(conn, cursor, statement, + parameters, context, executemany): + # do something with statement, parameters + return statement, parameters + + See the example at :class:`.ConnectionEvents`. + + :param conn: :class:`.Connection` object + :param cursor: DBAPI cursor object + :param statement: string SQL statement, as to be passed to the DBAPI + :param parameters: Dictionary, tuple, or list of parameters being + passed to the ``execute()`` or ``executemany()`` method of the + DBAPI ``cursor``. In some cases may be ``None``. + :param context: :class:`.ExecutionContext` object in use. May + be ``None``. + :param executemany: boolean, if ``True``, this is an ``executemany()`` + call, if ``False``, this is an ``execute()`` call. + + See also: + + :meth:`.before_execute` + + :meth:`.after_cursor_execute` + + """ + + def after_cursor_execute( + self, conn, cursor, statement, parameters, context, executemany + ): + """Intercept low-level cursor execute() events after execution. + + :param conn: :class:`.Connection` object + :param cursor: DBAPI cursor object. Will have results pending + if the statement was a SELECT, but these should not be consumed + as they will be needed by the :class:`.ResultProxy`. + :param statement: string SQL statement, as passed to the DBAPI + :param parameters: Dictionary, tuple, or list of parameters being + passed to the ``execute()`` or ``executemany()`` method of the + DBAPI ``cursor``. In some cases may be ``None``. + :param context: :class:`.ExecutionContext` object in use. May + be ``None``. + :param executemany: boolean, if ``True``, this is an ``executemany()`` + call, if ``False``, this is an ``execute()`` call. + + """ + + def dbapi_error( + self, conn, cursor, statement, parameters, context, exception + ): + """Intercept a raw DBAPI error. + + This event is called with the DBAPI exception instance + received from the DBAPI itself, *before* SQLAlchemy wraps the + exception with it's own exception wrappers, and before any + other operations are performed on the DBAPI cursor; the + existing transaction remains in effect as well as any state + on the cursor. + + The use case here is to inject low-level exception handling + into an :class:`.Engine`, typically for logging and + debugging purposes. + + .. warning:: + + Code should **not** modify + any state or throw any exceptions here as this will + interfere with SQLAlchemy's cleanup and error handling + routines. For exception modification, please refer to the + new :meth:`.ConnectionEvents.handle_error` event. + + Subsequent to this hook, SQLAlchemy may attempt any + number of operations on the connection/cursor, including + closing the cursor, rolling back of the transaction in the + case of connectionless execution, and disposing of the entire + connection pool if a "disconnect" was detected. The + exception is then wrapped in a SQLAlchemy DBAPI exception + wrapper and re-thrown. + + :param conn: :class:`.Connection` object + :param cursor: DBAPI cursor object + :param statement: string SQL statement, as passed to the DBAPI + :param parameters: Dictionary, tuple, or list of parameters being + passed to the ``execute()`` or ``executemany()`` method of the + DBAPI ``cursor``. In some cases may be ``None``. + :param context: :class:`.ExecutionContext` object in use. May + be ``None``. + :param exception: The **unwrapped** exception emitted directly from the + DBAPI. The class here is specific to the DBAPI module in use. + + .. deprecated:: 0.9.7 - replaced by + :meth:`.ConnectionEvents.handle_error` + + """ + + def handle_error(self, exception_context): + r"""Intercept all exceptions processed by the :class:`.Connection`. + + This includes all exceptions emitted by the DBAPI as well as + within SQLAlchemy's statement invocation process, including + encoding errors and other statement validation errors. Other areas + in which the event is invoked include transaction begin and end, + result row fetching, cursor creation. + + Note that :meth:`.handle_error` may support new kinds of exceptions + and new calling scenarios at *any time*. Code which uses this + event must expect new calling patterns to be present in minor + releases. + + To support the wide variety of members that correspond to an exception, + as well as to allow extensibility of the event without backwards + incompatibility, the sole argument received is an instance of + :class:`.ExceptionContext`. This object contains data members + representing detail about the exception. + + Use cases supported by this hook include: + + * read-only, low-level exception handling for logging and + debugging purposes + * exception re-writing + * Establishing or disabling whether a connection or the owning + connection pool is invalidated or expired in response to a + specific exception. + + The hook is called while the cursor from the failed operation + (if any) is still open and accessible. Special cleanup operations + can be called on this cursor; SQLAlchemy will attempt to close + this cursor subsequent to this hook being invoked. If the connection + is in "autocommit" mode, the transaction also remains open within + the scope of this hook; the rollback of the per-statement transaction + also occurs after the hook is called. + + For the common case of detecting a "disconnect" situation which + is not currently handled by the SQLAlchemy dialect, the + :attr:`.ExceptionContext.is_disconnect` flag can be set to True which + will cause the exception to be considered as a disconnect situation, + which typically results in the connection pool being invalidated:: + + @event.listens_for(Engine, "handle_error") + def handle_exception(context): + if isinstance(context.original_exception, pyodbc.Error): + for code in ( + '08S01', '01002', '08003', + '08007', '08S02', '08001', 'HYT00', 'HY010'): + + if code in str(context.original_exception): + context.is_disconnect = True + + A handler function has two options for replacing + the SQLAlchemy-constructed exception into one that is user + defined. It can either raise this new exception directly, in + which case all further event listeners are bypassed and the + exception will be raised, after appropriate cleanup as taken + place:: + + @event.listens_for(Engine, "handle_error") + def handle_exception(context): + if isinstance(context.original_exception, + psycopg2.OperationalError) and \ + "failed" in str(context.original_exception): + raise MySpecialException("failed operation") + + .. warning:: Because the :meth:`.ConnectionEvents.handle_error` + event specifically provides for exceptions to be re-thrown as + the ultimate exception raised by the failed statement, + **stack traces will be misleading** if the user-defined event + handler itself fails and throws an unexpected exception; + the stack trace may not illustrate the actual code line that + failed! It is advised to code carefully here and use + logging and/or inline debugging if unexpected exceptions are + occurring. + + Alternatively, a "chained" style of event handling can be + used, by configuring the handler with the ``retval=True`` + modifier and returning the new exception instance from the + function. In this case, event handling will continue onto the + next handler. The "chained" exception is available using + :attr:`.ExceptionContext.chained_exception`:: + + @event.listens_for(Engine, "handle_error", retval=True) + def handle_exception(context): + if context.chained_exception is not None and \ + "special" in context.chained_exception.message: + return MySpecialException("failed", + cause=context.chained_exception) + + Handlers that return ``None`` may be used within the chain; when + a handler returns ``None``, the previous exception instance, + if any, is maintained as the current exception that is passed onto the + next handler. + + When a custom exception is raised or returned, SQLAlchemy raises + this new exception as-is, it is not wrapped by any SQLAlchemy + object. If the exception is not a subclass of + :class:`sqlalchemy.exc.StatementError`, + certain features may not be available; currently this includes + the ORM's feature of adding a detail hint about "autoflush" to + exceptions raised within the autoflush process. + + :param context: an :class:`.ExceptionContext` object. See this + class for details on all available members. + + .. versionadded:: 0.9.7 Added the + :meth:`.ConnectionEvents.handle_error` hook. + + .. versionchanged:: 1.1 The :meth:`.handle_error` event will now + receive all exceptions that inherit from ``BaseException``, + including ``SystemExit`` and ``KeyboardInterrupt``. The setting for + :attr:`.ExceptionContext.is_disconnect` is ``True`` in this case and + the default for + :attr:`.ExceptionContext.invalidate_pool_on_disconnect` is + ``False``. + + .. versionchanged:: 1.0.0 The :meth:`.handle_error` event is now + invoked when an :class:`.Engine` fails during the initial + call to :meth:`.Engine.connect`, as well as when a + :class:`.Connection` object encounters an error during a + reconnect operation. + + .. versionchanged:: 1.0.0 The :meth:`.handle_error` event is + not fired off when a dialect makes use of the + ``skip_user_error_events`` execution option. This is used + by dialects which intend to catch SQLAlchemy-specific exceptions + within specific operations, such as when the MySQL dialect detects + a table not present within the ``has_table()`` dialect method. + Prior to 1.0.0, code which implements :meth:`.handle_error` needs + to ensure that exceptions thrown in these scenarios are re-raised + without modification. + + """ + + def engine_connect(self, conn, branch): + """Intercept the creation of a new :class:`.Connection`. + + This event is called typically as the direct result of calling + the :meth:`.Engine.connect` method. + + It differs from the :meth:`.PoolEvents.connect` method, which + refers to the actual connection to a database at the DBAPI level; + a DBAPI connection may be pooled and reused for many operations. + In contrast, this event refers only to the production of a higher level + :class:`.Connection` wrapper around such a DBAPI connection. + + It also differs from the :meth:`.PoolEvents.checkout` event + in that it is specific to the :class:`.Connection` object, not the + DBAPI connection that :meth:`.PoolEvents.checkout` deals with, although + this DBAPI connection is available here via the + :attr:`.Connection.connection` attribute. But note there can in fact + be multiple :meth:`.PoolEvents.checkout` events within the lifespan + of a single :class:`.Connection` object, if that :class:`.Connection` + is invalidated and re-established. There can also be multiple + :class:`.Connection` objects generated for the same already-checked-out + DBAPI connection, in the case that a "branch" of a :class:`.Connection` + is produced. + + :param conn: :class:`.Connection` object. + :param branch: if True, this is a "branch" of an existing + :class:`.Connection`. A branch is generated within the course + of a statement execution to invoke supplemental statements, most + typically to pre-execute a SELECT of a default value for the purposes + of an INSERT statement. + + .. versionadded:: 0.9.0 + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`pool_disconnects_pessimistic` - illustrates how to use + :meth:`.ConnectionEvents.engine_connect` + to transparently ensure pooled connections are connected to the + database. + + :meth:`.PoolEvents.checkout` the lower-level pool checkout event + for an individual DBAPI connection + + :meth:`.ConnectionEvents.set_connection_execution_options` - a copy + of a :class:`.Connection` is also made when the + :meth:`.Connection.execution_options` method is called. + + """ + + def set_connection_execution_options(self, conn, opts): + """Intercept when the :meth:`.Connection.execution_options` + method is called. + + This method is called after the new :class:`.Connection` has been + produced, with the newly updated execution options collection, but + before the :class:`.Dialect` has acted upon any of those new options. + + Note that this method is not called when a new :class:`.Connection` + is produced which is inheriting execution options from its parent + :class:`.Engine`; to intercept this condition, use the + :meth:`.ConnectionEvents.engine_connect` event. + + :param conn: The newly copied :class:`.Connection` object + + :param opts: dictionary of options that were passed to the + :meth:`.Connection.execution_options` method. + + .. versionadded:: 0.9.0 + + .. seealso:: + + :meth:`.ConnectionEvents.set_engine_execution_options` - event + which is called when :meth:`.Engine.execution_options` is called. + + + """ + + def set_engine_execution_options(self, engine, opts): + """Intercept when the :meth:`.Engine.execution_options` + method is called. + + The :meth:`.Engine.execution_options` method produces a shallow + copy of the :class:`.Engine` which stores the new options. That new + :class:`.Engine` is passed here. A particular application of this + method is to add a :meth:`.ConnectionEvents.engine_connect` event + handler to the given :class:`.Engine` which will perform some per- + :class:`.Connection` task specific to these execution options. + + :param conn: The newly copied :class:`.Engine` object + + :param opts: dictionary of options that were passed to the + :meth:`.Connection.execution_options` method. + + .. versionadded:: 0.9.0 + + .. seealso:: + + :meth:`.ConnectionEvents.set_connection_execution_options` - event + which is called when :meth:`.Connection.execution_options` is + called. + + """ + + def engine_disposed(self, engine): + """Intercept when the :meth:`.Engine.dispose` method is called. + + The :meth:`.Engine.dispose` method instructs the engine to + "dispose" of it's connection pool (e.g. :class:`.Pool`), and + replaces it with a new one. Disposing of the old pool has the + effect that existing checked-in connections are closed. The new + pool does not establish any new connections until it is first used. + + This event can be used to indicate that resources related to the + :class:`.Engine` should also be cleaned up, keeping in mind that the + :class:`.Engine` can still be used for new requests in which case + it re-acquires connection resources. + + .. versionadded:: 1.0.5 + + """ + + def begin(self, conn): + """Intercept begin() events. + + :param conn: :class:`.Connection` object + + """ + + def rollback(self, conn): + """Intercept rollback() events, as initiated by a + :class:`.Transaction`. + + Note that the :class:`.Pool` also "auto-rolls back" + a DBAPI connection upon checkin, if the ``reset_on_return`` + flag is set to its default value of ``'rollback'``. + To intercept this + rollback, use the :meth:`.PoolEvents.reset` hook. + + :param conn: :class:`.Connection` object + + .. seealso:: + + :meth:`.PoolEvents.reset` + + """ + + def commit(self, conn): + """Intercept commit() events, as initiated by a + :class:`.Transaction`. + + Note that the :class:`.Pool` may also "auto-commit" + a DBAPI connection upon checkin, if the ``reset_on_return`` + flag is set to the value ``'commit'``. To intercept this + commit, use the :meth:`.PoolEvents.reset` hook. + + :param conn: :class:`.Connection` object + """ + + def savepoint(self, conn, name): + """Intercept savepoint() events. + + :param conn: :class:`.Connection` object + :param name: specified name used for the savepoint. + + """ + + def rollback_savepoint(self, conn, name, context): + """Intercept rollback_savepoint() events. + + :param conn: :class:`.Connection` object + :param name: specified name used for the savepoint. + :param context: :class:`.ExecutionContext` in use. May be ``None``. + + """ + + def release_savepoint(self, conn, name, context): + """Intercept release_savepoint() events. + + :param conn: :class:`.Connection` object + :param name: specified name used for the savepoint. + :param context: :class:`.ExecutionContext` in use. May be ``None``. + + """ + + def begin_twophase(self, conn, xid): + """Intercept begin_twophase() events. + + :param conn: :class:`.Connection` object + :param xid: two-phase XID identifier + + """ + + def prepare_twophase(self, conn, xid): + """Intercept prepare_twophase() events. + + :param conn: :class:`.Connection` object + :param xid: two-phase XID identifier + """ + + def rollback_twophase(self, conn, xid, is_prepared): + """Intercept rollback_twophase() events. + + :param conn: :class:`.Connection` object + :param xid: two-phase XID identifier + :param is_prepared: boolean, indicates if + :meth:`.TwoPhaseTransaction.prepare` was called. + + """ + + def commit_twophase(self, conn, xid, is_prepared): + """Intercept commit_twophase() events. + + :param conn: :class:`.Connection` object + :param xid: two-phase XID identifier + :param is_prepared: boolean, indicates if + :meth:`.TwoPhaseTransaction.prepare` was called. + + """ + + +class DialectEvents(event.Events): + """event interface for execution-replacement functions. + + These events allow direct instrumentation and replacement + of key dialect functions which interact with the DBAPI. + + .. note:: + + :class:`.DialectEvents` hooks should be considered **semi-public** + and experimental. + These hooks are not for general use and are only for those situations + where intricate re-statement of DBAPI mechanics must be injected onto + an existing dialect. For general-use statement-interception events, + please use the :class:`.ConnectionEvents` interface. + + .. seealso:: + + :meth:`.ConnectionEvents.before_cursor_execute` + + :meth:`.ConnectionEvents.before_execute` + + :meth:`.ConnectionEvents.after_cursor_execute` + + :meth:`.ConnectionEvents.after_execute` + + + .. versionadded:: 0.9.4 + + """ + + _target_class_doc = "SomeEngine" + _dispatch_target = Dialect + + @classmethod + def _listen(cls, event_key, retval=False): + target = event_key.dispatch_target + + target._has_events = True + event_key.base_listen() + + @classmethod + def _accept_with(cls, target): + if isinstance(target, type): + if issubclass(target, Engine): + return Dialect + elif issubclass(target, Dialect): + return target + elif isinstance(target, Engine): + return target.dialect + else: + return target + + def do_connect(self, dialect, conn_rec, cargs, cparams): + """Receive connection arguments before a connection is made. + + Return a DBAPI connection to halt further events from invoking; + the returned connection will be used. + + Alternatively, the event can manipulate the cargs and/or cparams + collections; cargs will always be a Python list that can be mutated + in-place and cparams a Python dictionary. Return None to + allow control to pass to the next event handler and ultimately + to allow the dialect to connect normally, given the updated + arguments. + + .. versionadded:: 1.0.3 + + """ + + def do_executemany(self, cursor, statement, parameters, context): + """Receive a cursor to have executemany() called. + + Return the value True to halt further events from invoking, + and to indicate that the cursor execution has already taken + place within the event handler. + + """ + + def do_execute_no_params(self, cursor, statement, context): + """Receive a cursor to have execute() with no parameters called. + + Return the value True to halt further events from invoking, + and to indicate that the cursor execution has already taken + place within the event handler. + + """ + + def do_execute(self, cursor, statement, parameters, context): + """Receive a cursor to have execute() called. + + Return the value True to halt further events from invoking, + and to indicate that the cursor execution has already taken + place within the event handler. + + """ + + def do_setinputsizes( + self, inputsizes, cursor, statement, parameters, context + ): + """Receive the setinputsizes dictionary for possible modification. + + This event is emitted in the case where the dialect makes use of the + DBAPI ``cursor.setinputsizes()`` method which passes information about + parameter binding for a particular statement. The given + ``inputsizes`` dictionary will contain :class:`.BindParameter` objects + as keys, linked to DBAPI-specific type objects as values; for + parameters that are not bound, they are added to the dictionary with + ``None`` as the value, which means the parameter will not be included + in the ultimate setinputsizes call. The event may be used to inspect + and/or log the datatypes that are being bound, as well as to modify the + dictionary in place. Parameters can be added, modified, or removed + from this dictionary. Callers will typically want to inspect the + :attr:`.BindParameter.type` attribute of the given bind objects in + order to make decisions about the DBAPI object. + + After the event, the ``inputsizes`` dictionary is converted into + an appropriate datastructure to be passed to ``cursor.setinputsizes``; + either a list for a positional bound parameter execution style, + or a dictionary of string parameter keys to DBAPI type objects for + a named bound parameter execution style. + + Most dialects **do not use** this method at all; the only built-in + dialect which uses this hook is the cx_Oracle dialect. The hook here + is made available so as to allow customization of how datatypes are set + up with the cx_Oracle DBAPI. + + .. versionadded:: 1.2.9 + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`cx_oracle_setinputsizes` + + """ + pass diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/exc.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/exc.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..938f28d --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/exc.py @@ -0,0 +1,538 @@ +# sqlalchemy/exc.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +"""Exceptions used with SQLAlchemy. + +The base exception class is :exc:`.SQLAlchemyError`. Exceptions which are +raised as a result of DBAPI exceptions are all subclasses of +:exc:`.DBAPIError`. + +""" + +from .util import compat + + +class SQLAlchemyError(Exception): + """Generic error class.""" + + code = None + + def __init__(self, *arg, **kw): + code = kw.pop("code", None) + if code is not None: + self.code = code + super(SQLAlchemyError, self).__init__(*arg, **kw) + + def _code_str(self): + if not self.code: + return "" + else: + return ( + "(Background on this error at: " + "http://sqlalche.me/e/%s)" % (self.code,) + ) + + def _message(self, as_unicode=compat.py3k): + # rules: + # + # 1. under py2k, for __str__ return single string arg as it was + # given without converting to unicode. for __unicode__ + # do a conversion but check that it's not unicode already just in + # case + # + # 2. under py3k, single arg string will usually be a unicode + # object, but since __str__() must return unicode, check for + # bytestring just in case + # + # 3. for multiple self.args, this is not a case in current + # SQLAlchemy though this is happening in at least one known external + # library, call str() which does a repr(). + # + if len(self.args) == 1: + text = self.args[0] + if as_unicode and isinstance(text, compat.binary_types): + return compat.decode_backslashreplace(text, "utf-8") + else: + return self.args[0] + else: + # this is not a normal case within SQLAlchemy but is here for + # compatibility with Exception.args - the str() comes out as + # a repr() of the tuple + return str(self.args) + + def _sql_message(self, as_unicode): + message = self._message(as_unicode) + + if self.code: + message = "%s %s" % (message, self._code_str()) + + return message + + def __str__(self): + return self._sql_message(compat.py3k) + + def __unicode__(self): + return self._sql_message(True) + + +class ArgumentError(SQLAlchemyError): + """Raised when an invalid or conflicting function argument is supplied. + + This error generally corresponds to construction time state errors. + + """ + + +class ObjectNotExecutableError(ArgumentError): + """Raised when an object is passed to .execute() that can't be + executed as SQL. + + .. versionadded:: 1.1 + + """ + + def __init__(self, target): + super(ObjectNotExecutableError, self).__init__( + "Not an executable object: %r" % target + ) + + +class NoSuchModuleError(ArgumentError): + """Raised when a dynamically-loaded module (usually a database dialect) + of a particular name cannot be located.""" + + +class NoForeignKeysError(ArgumentError): + """Raised when no foreign keys can be located between two selectables + during a join.""" + + +class AmbiguousForeignKeysError(ArgumentError): + """Raised when more than one foreign key matching can be located + between two selectables during a join.""" + + +class CircularDependencyError(SQLAlchemyError): + """Raised by topological sorts when a circular dependency is detected. + + There are two scenarios where this error occurs: + + * In a Session flush operation, if two objects are mutually dependent + on each other, they can not be inserted or deleted via INSERT or + DELETE statements alone; an UPDATE will be needed to post-associate + or pre-deassociate one of the foreign key constrained values. + The ``post_update`` flag described at :ref:`post_update` can resolve + this cycle. + * In a :attr:`.MetaData.sorted_tables` operation, two :class:`.ForeignKey` + or :class:`.ForeignKeyConstraint` objects mutually refer to each + other. Apply the ``use_alter=True`` flag to one or both, + see :ref:`use_alter`. + + """ + + def __init__(self, message, cycles, edges, msg=None, code=None): + if msg is None: + message += " (%s)" % ", ".join(repr(s) for s in cycles) + else: + message = msg + SQLAlchemyError.__init__(self, message, code=code) + self.cycles = cycles + self.edges = edges + + def __reduce__(self): + return self.__class__, (None, self.cycles, self.edges, self.args[0]) + + +class CompileError(SQLAlchemyError): + """Raised when an error occurs during SQL compilation""" + + +class UnsupportedCompilationError(CompileError): + """Raised when an operation is not supported by the given compiler. + + + .. versionadded:: 0.8.3 + + """ + + def __init__(self, compiler, element_type): + super(UnsupportedCompilationError, self).__init__( + "Compiler %r can't render element of type %s" + % (compiler, element_type) + ) + + +class IdentifierError(SQLAlchemyError): + """Raised when a schema name is beyond the max character limit""" + + +class DisconnectionError(SQLAlchemyError): + """A disconnect is detected on a raw DB-API connection. + + This error is raised and consumed internally by a connection pool. It can + be raised by the :meth:`.PoolEvents.checkout` event so that the host pool + forces a retry; the exception will be caught three times in a row before + the pool gives up and raises :class:`~sqlalchemy.exc.InvalidRequestError` + regarding the connection attempt. + + """ + + invalidate_pool = False + + +class InvalidatePoolError(DisconnectionError): + """Raised when the connection pool should invalidate all stale connections. + + A subclass of :class:`.DisconnectionError` that indicates that the + disconnect situation encountered on the connection probably means the + entire pool should be invalidated, as the database has been restarted. + + This exception will be handled otherwise the same way as + :class:`.DisconnectionError`, allowing three attempts to reconnect + before giving up. + + .. versionadded:: 1.2 + + """ + + invalidate_pool = True + + +class TimeoutError(SQLAlchemyError): # noqa + """Raised when a connection pool times out on getting a connection.""" + + +class InvalidRequestError(SQLAlchemyError): + """SQLAlchemy was asked to do something it can't do. + + This error generally corresponds to runtime state errors. + + """ + + +class NoInspectionAvailable(InvalidRequestError): + """A subject passed to :func:`sqlalchemy.inspection.inspect` produced + no context for inspection.""" + + +class ResourceClosedError(InvalidRequestError): + """An operation was requested from a connection, cursor, or other + object that's in a closed state.""" + + +class NoSuchColumnError(KeyError, InvalidRequestError): + """A nonexistent column is requested from a ``RowProxy``.""" + + +class NoReferenceError(InvalidRequestError): + """Raised by ``ForeignKey`` to indicate a reference cannot be resolved.""" + + +class NoReferencedTableError(NoReferenceError): + """Raised by ``ForeignKey`` when the referred ``Table`` cannot be + located. + + """ + + def __init__(self, message, tname): + NoReferenceError.__init__(self, message) + self.table_name = tname + + def __reduce__(self): + return self.__class__, (self.args[0], self.table_name) + + +class NoReferencedColumnError(NoReferenceError): + """Raised by ``ForeignKey`` when the referred ``Column`` cannot be + located. + + """ + + def __init__(self, message, tname, cname): + NoReferenceError.__init__(self, message) + self.table_name = tname + self.column_name = cname + + def __reduce__(self): + return ( + self.__class__, + (self.args[0], self.table_name, self.column_name), + ) + + +class NoSuchTableError(InvalidRequestError): + """Table does not exist or is not visible to a connection.""" + + +class UnreflectableTableError(InvalidRequestError): + """Table exists but can't be reflectted for some reason. + + .. versionadded:: 1.2 + + """ + + +class UnboundExecutionError(InvalidRequestError): + """SQL was attempted without a database connection to execute it on.""" + + +class DontWrapMixin(object): + """A mixin class which, when applied to a user-defined Exception class, + will not be wrapped inside of :exc:`.StatementError` if the error is + emitted within the process of executing a statement. + + E.g.:: + + from sqlalchemy.exc import DontWrapMixin + + class MyCustomException(Exception, DontWrapMixin): + pass + + class MySpecialType(TypeDecorator): + impl = String + + def process_bind_param(self, value, dialect): + if value == 'invalid': + raise MyCustomException("invalid!") + + """ + + +# Moved to orm.exc; compatibility definition installed by orm import until 0.6 +UnmappedColumnError = None + + +class StatementError(SQLAlchemyError): + """An error occurred during execution of a SQL statement. + + :class:`StatementError` wraps the exception raised + during execution, and features :attr:`.statement` + and :attr:`.params` attributes which supply context regarding + the specifics of the statement which had an issue. + + The wrapped exception object is available in + the :attr:`.orig` attribute. + + """ + + statement = None + """The string SQL statement being invoked when this exception occurred.""" + + params = None + """The parameter list being used when this exception occurred.""" + + orig = None + """The DBAPI exception object.""" + + def __init__(self, message, statement, params, orig, code=None): + SQLAlchemyError.__init__(self, message, code=code) + self.statement = statement + self.params = params + self.orig = orig + self.detail = [] + + def add_detail(self, msg): + self.detail.append(msg) + + def __reduce__(self): + return ( + self.__class__, + (self.args[0], self.statement, self.params, self.orig), + ) + + def _sql_message(self, as_unicode): + from sqlalchemy.sql import util + + details = [self._message(as_unicode=as_unicode)] + if self.statement: + details.append("[SQL: %r]" % self.statement) + if self.params: + params_repr = util._repr_params(self.params, 10) + details.append("[parameters: %r]" % params_repr) + code_str = self._code_str() + if code_str: + details.append(code_str) + return " ".join(["(%s)" % det for det in self.detail] + details) + + +class DBAPIError(StatementError): + """Raised when the execution of a database operation fails. + + Wraps exceptions raised by the DB-API underlying the + database operation. Driver-specific implementations of the standard + DB-API exception types are wrapped by matching sub-types of SQLAlchemy's + :class:`DBAPIError` when possible. DB-API's ``Error`` type maps to + :class:`DBAPIError` in SQLAlchemy, otherwise the names are identical. Note + that there is no guarantee that different DB-API implementations will + raise the same exception type for any given error condition. + + :class:`DBAPIError` features :attr:`~.StatementError.statement` + and :attr:`~.StatementError.params` attributes which supply context + regarding the specifics of the statement which had an issue, for the + typical case when the error was raised within the context of + emitting a SQL statement. + + The wrapped exception object is available in the + :attr:`~.StatementError.orig` attribute. Its type and properties are + DB-API implementation specific. + + """ + + code = "dbapi" + + @classmethod + def instance( + cls, + statement, + params, + orig, + dbapi_base_err, + connection_invalidated=False, + dialect=None, + ): + # Don't ever wrap these, just return them directly as if + # DBAPIError didn't exist. + if ( + isinstance(orig, BaseException) and not isinstance(orig, Exception) + ) or isinstance(orig, DontWrapMixin): + return orig + + if orig is not None: + # not a DBAPI error, statement is present. + # raise a StatementError + if isinstance(orig, SQLAlchemyError) and statement: + return StatementError( + "(%s.%s) %s" + % ( + orig.__class__.__module__, + orig.__class__.__name__, + orig.args[0], + ), + statement, + params, + orig, + code=orig.code, + ) + elif not isinstance(orig, dbapi_base_err) and statement: + return StatementError( + "(%s.%s) %s" + % ( + orig.__class__.__module__, + orig.__class__.__name__, + orig, + ), + statement, + params, + orig, + ) + + glob = globals() + for super_ in orig.__class__.__mro__: + name = super_.__name__ + if dialect: + name = dialect.dbapi_exception_translation_map.get( + name, name + ) + if name in glob and issubclass(glob[name], DBAPIError): + cls = glob[name] + break + + return cls( + statement, params, orig, connection_invalidated, code=cls.code + ) + + def __reduce__(self): + return ( + self.__class__, + ( + self.statement, + self.params, + self.orig, + self.connection_invalidated, + ), + ) + + def __init__( + self, statement, params, orig, connection_invalidated=False, code=None + ): + try: + text = str(orig) + except Exception as e: + text = "Error in str() of DB-API-generated exception: " + str(e) + StatementError.__init__( + self, + "(%s.%s) %s" + % (orig.__class__.__module__, orig.__class__.__name__, text), + statement, + params, + orig, + code=code, + ) + self.connection_invalidated = connection_invalidated + + +class InterfaceError(DBAPIError): + """Wraps a DB-API InterfaceError.""" + + code = "rvf5" + + +class DatabaseError(DBAPIError): + """Wraps a DB-API DatabaseError.""" + + code = "4xp6" + + +class DataError(DatabaseError): + """Wraps a DB-API DataError.""" + + code = "9h9h" + + +class OperationalError(DatabaseError): + """Wraps a DB-API OperationalError.""" + + code = "e3q8" + + +class IntegrityError(DatabaseError): + """Wraps a DB-API IntegrityError.""" + + code = "gkpj" + + +class InternalError(DatabaseError): + """Wraps a DB-API InternalError.""" + + code = "2j85" + + +class ProgrammingError(DatabaseError): + """Wraps a DB-API ProgrammingError.""" + + code = "f405" + + +class NotSupportedError(DatabaseError): + """Wraps a DB-API NotSupportedError.""" + + code = "tw8g" + + +# Warnings + + +class SADeprecationWarning(DeprecationWarning): + """Issued once per usage of a deprecated API.""" + + +class SAPendingDeprecationWarning(PendingDeprecationWarning): + """Issued once per usage of a deprecated API.""" + + +class SAWarning(RuntimeWarning): + """Issued at runtime.""" diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/ext/__init__.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/ext/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8e3c6f6 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/ext/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +# ext/__init__.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +from .. import util as _sa_util + +_sa_util.dependencies.resolve_all("sqlalchemy.ext") diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/ext/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/ext/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d125035 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/ext/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/ext/__pycache__/associationproxy.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/ext/__pycache__/associationproxy.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0104e7a Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/ext/__pycache__/associationproxy.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/ext/__pycache__/automap.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/ext/__pycache__/automap.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9a52ce3 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/ext/__pycache__/automap.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/ext/__pycache__/baked.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/ext/__pycache__/baked.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c35d886 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/ext/__pycache__/baked.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/ext/__pycache__/compiler.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/ext/__pycache__/compiler.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..86bc8d0 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/ext/__pycache__/compiler.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/ext/__pycache__/horizontal_shard.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/ext/__pycache__/horizontal_shard.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1a8cd2d Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/ext/__pycache__/horizontal_shard.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/ext/__pycache__/hybrid.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/ext/__pycache__/hybrid.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7e7c06c Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/ext/__pycache__/hybrid.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/ext/__pycache__/indexable.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/ext/__pycache__/indexable.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..30d110f Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/ext/__pycache__/indexable.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/ext/__pycache__/instrumentation.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/ext/__pycache__/instrumentation.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4fad508 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/ext/__pycache__/instrumentation.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/ext/__pycache__/mutable.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/ext/__pycache__/mutable.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cd6f982 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/ext/__pycache__/mutable.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/ext/__pycache__/orderinglist.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/ext/__pycache__/orderinglist.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6ff8a30 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/ext/__pycache__/orderinglist.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/ext/__pycache__/serializer.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/ext/__pycache__/serializer.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5347f02 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/ext/__pycache__/serializer.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/ext/associationproxy.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/ext/associationproxy.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..24af989 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/ext/associationproxy.py @@ -0,0 +1,1208 @@ +# ext/associationproxy.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +"""Contain the ``AssociationProxy`` class. + +The ``AssociationProxy`` is a Python property object which provides +transparent proxied access to the endpoint of an association object. + +See the example ``examples/association/proxied_association.py``. + +""" +import operator +import weakref + +from .. import exc +from .. import inspect +from .. import orm +from .. import util +from ..orm import collections +from ..orm import interfaces +from ..sql import or_ + + +def association_proxy(target_collection, attr, **kw): + r"""Return a Python property implementing a view of a target + attribute which references an attribute on members of the + target. + + The returned value is an instance of :class:`.AssociationProxy`. + + Implements a Python property representing a relationship as a collection + of simpler values, or a scalar value. The proxied property will mimic + the collection type of the target (list, dict or set), or, in the case of + a one to one relationship, a simple scalar value. + + :param target_collection: Name of the attribute we'll proxy to. + This attribute is typically mapped by + :func:`~sqlalchemy.orm.relationship` to link to a target collection, but + can also be a many-to-one or non-scalar relationship. + + :param attr: Attribute on the associated instance or instances we'll + proxy for. + + For example, given a target collection of [obj1, obj2], a list created + by this proxy property would look like [getattr(obj1, *attr*), + getattr(obj2, *attr*)] + + If the relationship is one-to-one or otherwise uselist=False, then + simply: getattr(obj, *attr*) + + :param creator: optional. + + When new items are added to this proxied collection, new instances of + the class collected by the target collection will be created. For list + and set collections, the target class constructor will be called with + the 'value' for the new instance. For dict types, two arguments are + passed: key and value. + + If you want to construct instances differently, supply a *creator* + function that takes arguments as above and returns instances. + + For scalar relationships, creator() will be called if the target is None. + If the target is present, set operations are proxied to setattr() on the + associated object. + + If you have an associated object with multiple attributes, you may set + up multiple association proxies mapping to different attributes. See + the unit tests for examples, and for examples of how creator() functions + can be used to construct the scalar relationship on-demand in this + situation. + + :param \*\*kw: Passes along any other keyword arguments to + :class:`.AssociationProxy`. + + """ + return AssociationProxy(target_collection, attr, **kw) + + +ASSOCIATION_PROXY = util.symbol("ASSOCIATION_PROXY") +"""Symbol indicating an :class:`InspectionAttr` that's + of type :class:`.AssociationProxy`. + + Is assigned to the :attr:`.InspectionAttr.extension_type` + attibute. + +""" + + +class AssociationProxy(interfaces.InspectionAttrInfo): + """A descriptor that presents a read/write view of an object attribute.""" + + is_attribute = False + extension_type = ASSOCIATION_PROXY + + def __init__( + self, + target_collection, + attr, + creator=None, + getset_factory=None, + proxy_factory=None, + proxy_bulk_set=None, + info=None, + ): + """Construct a new :class:`.AssociationProxy`. + + The :func:`.association_proxy` function is provided as the usual + entrypoint here, though :class:`.AssociationProxy` can be instantiated + and/or subclassed directly. + + :param target_collection: Name of the collection we'll proxy to, + usually created with :func:`.relationship`. + + :param attr: Attribute on the collected instances we'll proxy + for. For example, given a target collection of [obj1, obj2], a + list created by this proxy property would look like + [getattr(obj1, attr), getattr(obj2, attr)] + + :param creator: Optional. When new items are added to this proxied + collection, new instances of the class collected by the target + collection will be created. For list and set collections, the + target class constructor will be called with the 'value' for the + new instance. For dict types, two arguments are passed: + key and value. + + If you want to construct instances differently, supply a 'creator' + function that takes arguments as above and returns instances. + + :param getset_factory: Optional. Proxied attribute access is + automatically handled by routines that get and set values based on + the `attr` argument for this proxy. + + If you would like to customize this behavior, you may supply a + `getset_factory` callable that produces a tuple of `getter` and + `setter` functions. The factory is called with two arguments, the + abstract type of the underlying collection and this proxy instance. + + :param proxy_factory: Optional. The type of collection to emulate is + determined by sniffing the target collection. If your collection + type can't be determined by duck typing or you'd like to use a + different collection implementation, you may supply a factory + function to produce those collections. Only applicable to + non-scalar relationships. + + :param proxy_bulk_set: Optional, use with proxy_factory. See + the _set() method for details. + + :param info: optional, will be assigned to + :attr:`.AssociationProxy.info` if present. + + .. versionadded:: 1.0.9 + + """ + self.target_collection = target_collection + self.value_attr = attr + self.creator = creator + self.getset_factory = getset_factory + self.proxy_factory = proxy_factory + self.proxy_bulk_set = proxy_bulk_set + + self.owning_class = None + self.key = "_%s_%s_%s" % ( + type(self).__name__, + target_collection, + id(self), + ) + self.collection_class = None + if info: + self.info = info + + @property + def remote_attr(self): + """The 'remote' :class:`.MapperProperty` referenced by this + :class:`.AssociationProxy`. + + .. versionadded:: 0.7.3 + + See also: + + :attr:`.AssociationProxy.attr` + + :attr:`.AssociationProxy.local_attr` + + """ + return getattr(self.target_class, self.value_attr) + + @property + def local_attr(self): + """The 'local' :class:`.MapperProperty` referenced by this + :class:`.AssociationProxy`. + + .. versionadded:: 0.7.3 + + See also: + + :attr:`.AssociationProxy.attr` + + :attr:`.AssociationProxy.remote_attr` + + """ + return getattr(self.owning_class, self.target_collection) + + @property + def attr(self): + """Return a tuple of ``(local_attr, remote_attr)``. + + This attribute is convenient when specifying a join + using :meth:`.Query.join` across two relationships:: + + sess.query(Parent).join(*Parent.proxied.attr) + + .. versionadded:: 0.7.3 + + See also: + + :attr:`.AssociationProxy.local_attr` + + :attr:`.AssociationProxy.remote_attr` + + """ + return (self.local_attr, self.remote_attr) + + def _get_property(self): + owning_class = self.owning_class + if owning_class is None: + raise exc.InvalidRequestError( + "This association proxy has no mapped owning class; " + "can't locate a mapped property" + ) + return orm.class_mapper(owning_class).get_property( + self.target_collection + ) + + @util.memoized_property + def target_class(self): + """The intermediary class handled by this :class:`.AssociationProxy`. + + Intercepted append/set/assignment events will result + in the generation of new instances of this class. + + """ + return self._get_property().mapper.class_ + + @util.memoized_property + def scalar(self): + """Return ``True`` if this :class:`.AssociationProxy` proxies a scalar + relationship on the local side.""" + + scalar = not self._get_property().uselist + if scalar: + self._initialize_scalar_accessors() + return scalar + + @util.memoized_property + def _value_is_scalar(self): + return ( + not self._get_property() + .mapper.get_property(self.value_attr) + .uselist + ) + + @util.memoized_property + def _target_is_object(self): + return getattr(self.target_class, self.value_attr).impl.uses_objects + + def _calc_owner(self, obj, class_): + if obj is not None and class_ is None: + target_cls = type(obj) + elif class_ is not None: + target_cls = class_ + else: + return + + # we might be getting invoked for a subclass + # that is not mapped yet, in some declarative situations. + # save until we are mapped + try: + insp = inspect(target_cls) + except exc.NoInspectionAvailable: + # can't find a mapper, don't set owner. if we are a not-yet-mapped + # subclass, we can also scan through __mro__ to find a mapped + # class, but instead just wait for us to be called again against a + # mapped class normally. + return + + # note we can get our real .key here too + owner = insp.mapper.class_manager._locate_owning_manager(self) + if owner is not None: + self.owning_class = owner.class_ + else: + # the proxy is attached to a class that is not mapped + # (like a mixin), we are mapped, so, it's us. + self.owning_class = target_cls + + def __get__(self, obj, class_): + if self.owning_class is None: + self._calc_owner(obj, class_) + + if obj is None: + return self + + if self.scalar: + target = getattr(obj, self.target_collection) + return self._scalar_get(target) + else: + try: + # If the owning instance is reborn (orm session resurrect, + # etc.), refresh the proxy cache. + creator_id, proxy = getattr(obj, self.key) + if id(obj) == creator_id: + return proxy + except AttributeError: + pass + proxy = self._new(_lazy_collection(obj, self.target_collection)) + setattr(obj, self.key, (id(obj), proxy)) + return proxy + + def __set__(self, obj, values): + if self.owning_class is None: + self._calc_owner(obj, None) + + if self.scalar: + creator = self.creator and self.creator or self.target_class + target = getattr(obj, self.target_collection) + if target is None: + setattr(obj, self.target_collection, creator(values)) + else: + self._scalar_set(target, values) + else: + proxy = self.__get__(obj, None) + if proxy is not values: + proxy.clear() + self._set(proxy, values) + + def __delete__(self, obj): + if self.owning_class is None: + self._calc_owner(obj, None) + + delattr(obj, self.key) + + def _initialize_scalar_accessors(self): + if self.getset_factory: + get, set_ = self.getset_factory(None, self) + else: + get, set_ = self._default_getset(None) + self._scalar_get, self._scalar_set = get, set_ + + def _default_getset(self, collection_class): + attr = self.value_attr + _getter = operator.attrgetter(attr) + + def getter(target): + return _getter(target) if target is not None else None + + if collection_class is dict: + + def setter(o, k, v): + setattr(o, attr, v) + + else: + + def setter(o, v): + setattr(o, attr, v) + + return getter, setter + + def _new(self, lazy_collection): + creator = self.creator and self.creator or self.target_class + self.collection_class = util.duck_type_collection(lazy_collection()) + + if self.proxy_factory: + return self.proxy_factory( + lazy_collection, creator, self.value_attr, self + ) + + if self.getset_factory: + getter, setter = self.getset_factory(self.collection_class, self) + else: + getter, setter = self._default_getset(self.collection_class) + + if self.collection_class is list: + return _AssociationList( + lazy_collection, creator, getter, setter, self + ) + elif self.collection_class is dict: + return _AssociationDict( + lazy_collection, creator, getter, setter, self + ) + elif self.collection_class is set: + return _AssociationSet( + lazy_collection, creator, getter, setter, self + ) + else: + raise exc.ArgumentError( + "could not guess which interface to use for " + 'collection_class "%s" backing "%s"; specify a ' + "proxy_factory and proxy_bulk_set manually" + % (self.collection_class.__name__, self.target_collection) + ) + + def _inflate(self, proxy): + creator = self.creator and self.creator or self.target_class + + if self.getset_factory: + getter, setter = self.getset_factory(self.collection_class, self) + else: + getter, setter = self._default_getset(self.collection_class) + + proxy.creator = creator + proxy.getter = getter + proxy.setter = setter + + def _set(self, proxy, values): + if self.proxy_bulk_set: + self.proxy_bulk_set(proxy, values) + elif self.collection_class is list: + proxy.extend(values) + elif self.collection_class is dict: + proxy.update(values) + elif self.collection_class is set: + proxy.update(values) + else: + raise exc.ArgumentError( + "no proxy_bulk_set supplied for custom " + "collection_class implementation" + ) + + @property + def _comparator(self): + return self._get_property().comparator + + @util.memoized_property + def _unwrap_target_assoc_proxy(self): + attr = getattr(self.target_class, self.value_attr) + if isinstance(attr, AssociationProxy): + return attr + return None + + def _criterion_exists(self, criterion=None, **kwargs): + is_has = kwargs.pop("is_has", None) + + target_assoc = self._unwrap_target_assoc_proxy + if target_assoc is not None: + inner = target_assoc._criterion_exists( + criterion=criterion, **kwargs + ) + return self._comparator._criterion_exists(inner) + + if self._target_is_object: + prop = getattr(self.target_class, self.value_attr) + value_expr = prop._criterion_exists(criterion, **kwargs) + else: + if kwargs: + raise exc.ArgumentError( + "Can't apply keyword arguments to column-targeted " + "association proxy; use ==" + ) + elif is_has and criterion is not None: + raise exc.ArgumentError( + "Non-empty has() not allowed for " + "column-targeted association proxy; use ==" + ) + + value_expr = criterion + + return self._comparator._criterion_exists(value_expr) + + def any(self, criterion=None, **kwargs): + """Produce a proxied 'any' expression using EXISTS. + + This expression will be a composed product + using the :meth:`.RelationshipProperty.Comparator.any` + and/or :meth:`.RelationshipProperty.Comparator.has` + operators of the underlying proxied attributes. + + """ + if self._unwrap_target_assoc_proxy is None and ( + self.scalar + and (not self._target_is_object or self._value_is_scalar) + ): + raise exc.InvalidRequestError( + "'any()' not implemented for scalar " "attributes. Use has()." + ) + return self._criterion_exists( + criterion=criterion, is_has=False, **kwargs + ) + + def has(self, criterion=None, **kwargs): + """Produce a proxied 'has' expression using EXISTS. + + This expression will be a composed product + using the :meth:`.RelationshipProperty.Comparator.any` + and/or :meth:`.RelationshipProperty.Comparator.has` + operators of the underlying proxied attributes. + + """ + if self._unwrap_target_assoc_proxy is None and ( + not self.scalar + or (self._target_is_object and not self._value_is_scalar) + ): + raise exc.InvalidRequestError( + "'has()' not implemented for collections. " "Use any()." + ) + return self._criterion_exists( + criterion=criterion, is_has=True, **kwargs + ) + + def contains(self, obj): + """Produce a proxied 'contains' expression using EXISTS. + + This expression will be a composed product + using the :meth:`.RelationshipProperty.Comparator.any` + , :meth:`.RelationshipProperty.Comparator.has`, + and/or :meth:`.RelationshipProperty.Comparator.contains` + operators of the underlying proxied attributes. + """ + + target_assoc = self._unwrap_target_assoc_proxy + if target_assoc is not None: + return self._comparator._criterion_exists( + target_assoc.contains(obj) + if not target_assoc.scalar + else target_assoc == obj + ) + elif ( + self._target_is_object + and self.scalar + and not self._value_is_scalar + ): + return self._comparator.has( + getattr(self.target_class, self.value_attr).contains(obj) + ) + elif self._target_is_object and self.scalar and self._value_is_scalar: + raise exc.InvalidRequestError( + "contains() doesn't apply to a scalar endpoint; use ==" + ) + else: + + return self._comparator._criterion_exists(**{self.value_attr: obj}) + + def __eq__(self, obj): + # note the has() here will fail for collections; eq_() + # is only allowed with a scalar. + if obj is None: + return or_( + self._comparator.has(**{self.value_attr: obj}), + self._comparator == None, + ) + else: + return self._comparator.has(**{self.value_attr: obj}) + + def __ne__(self, obj): + # note the has() here will fail for collections; eq_() + # is only allowed with a scalar. + return self._comparator.has( + getattr(self.target_class, self.value_attr) != obj + ) + + def __repr__(self): + return "AssociationProxy(%r, %r)" % ( + self.target_collection, + self.value_attr, + ) + + +class _lazy_collection(object): + def __init__(self, obj, target): + self.ref = weakref.ref(obj) + self.target = target + + def __call__(self): + obj = self.ref() + if obj is None: + raise exc.InvalidRequestError( + "stale association proxy, parent object has gone out of " + "scope" + ) + return getattr(obj, self.target) + + def __getstate__(self): + return {"obj": self.ref(), "target": self.target} + + def __setstate__(self, state): + self.ref = weakref.ref(state["obj"]) + self.target = state["target"] + + +class _AssociationCollection(object): + def __init__(self, lazy_collection, creator, getter, setter, parent): + """Constructs an _AssociationCollection. + + This will always be a subclass of either _AssociationList, + _AssociationSet, or _AssociationDict. + + lazy_collection + A callable returning a list-based collection of entities (usually an + object attribute managed by a SQLAlchemy relationship()) + + creator + A function that creates new target entities. Given one parameter: + value. This assertion is assumed:: + + obj = creator(somevalue) + assert getter(obj) == somevalue + + getter + A function. Given an associated object, return the 'value'. + + setter + A function. Given an associated object and a value, store that + value on the object. + + """ + self.lazy_collection = lazy_collection + self.creator = creator + self.getter = getter + self.setter = setter + self.parent = parent + + col = property(lambda self: self.lazy_collection()) + + def __len__(self): + return len(self.col) + + def __bool__(self): + return bool(self.col) + + __nonzero__ = __bool__ + + def __getstate__(self): + return {"parent": self.parent, "lazy_collection": self.lazy_collection} + + def __setstate__(self, state): + self.parent = state["parent"] + self.lazy_collection = state["lazy_collection"] + self.parent._inflate(self) + + +class _AssociationList(_AssociationCollection): + """Generic, converting, list-to-list proxy.""" + + def _create(self, value): + return self.creator(value) + + def _get(self, object_): + return self.getter(object_) + + def _set(self, object_, value): + return self.setter(object_, value) + + def __getitem__(self, index): + if not isinstance(index, slice): + return self._get(self.col[index]) + else: + return [self._get(member) for member in self.col[index]] + + def __setitem__(self, index, value): + if not isinstance(index, slice): + self._set(self.col[index], value) + else: + if index.stop is None: + stop = len(self) + elif index.stop < 0: + stop = len(self) + index.stop + else: + stop = index.stop + step = index.step or 1 + + start = index.start or 0 + rng = list(range(index.start or 0, stop, step)) + if step == 1: + for i in rng: + del self[start] + i = start + for item in value: + self.insert(i, item) + i += 1 + else: + if len(value) != len(rng): + raise ValueError( + "attempt to assign sequence of size %s to " + "extended slice of size %s" % (len(value), len(rng)) + ) + for i, item in zip(rng, value): + self._set(self.col[i], item) + + def __delitem__(self, index): + del self.col[index] + + def __contains__(self, value): + for member in self.col: + # testlib.pragma exempt:__eq__ + if self._get(member) == value: + return True + return False + + def __getslice__(self, start, end): + return [self._get(member) for member in self.col[start:end]] + + def __setslice__(self, start, end, values): + members = [self._create(v) for v in values] + self.col[start:end] = members + + def __delslice__(self, start, end): + del self.col[start:end] + + def __iter__(self): + """Iterate over proxied values. + + For the actual domain objects, iterate over .col instead or + just use the underlying collection directly from its property + on the parent. + """ + + for member in self.col: + yield self._get(member) + return + + def append(self, value): + col = self.col + item = self._create(value) + col.append(item) + + def count(self, value): + return sum( + [ + 1 + for _ in util.itertools_filter( + lambda v: v == value, iter(self) + ) + ] + ) + + def extend(self, values): + for v in values: + self.append(v) + + def insert(self, index, value): + self.col[index:index] = [self._create(value)] + + def pop(self, index=-1): + return self.getter(self.col.pop(index)) + + def remove(self, value): + for i, val in enumerate(self): + if val == value: + del self.col[i] + return + raise ValueError("value not in list") + + def reverse(self): + """Not supported, use reversed(mylist)""" + + raise NotImplementedError + + def sort(self): + """Not supported, use sorted(mylist)""" + + raise NotImplementedError + + def clear(self): + del self.col[0 : len(self.col)] + + def __eq__(self, other): + return list(self) == other + + def __ne__(self, other): + return list(self) != other + + def __lt__(self, other): + return list(self) < other + + def __le__(self, other): + return list(self) <= other + + def __gt__(self, other): + return list(self) > other + + def __ge__(self, other): + return list(self) >= other + + def __cmp__(self, other): + return util.cmp(list(self), other) + + def __add__(self, iterable): + try: + other = list(iterable) + except TypeError: + return NotImplemented + return list(self) + other + + def __radd__(self, iterable): + try: + other = list(iterable) + except TypeError: + return NotImplemented + return other + list(self) + + def __mul__(self, n): + if not isinstance(n, int): + return NotImplemented + return list(self) * n + + __rmul__ = __mul__ + + def __iadd__(self, iterable): + self.extend(iterable) + return self + + def __imul__(self, n): + # unlike a regular list *=, proxied __imul__ will generate unique + # backing objects for each copy. *= on proxied lists is a bit of + # a stretch anyhow, and this interpretation of the __imul__ contract + # is more plausibly useful than copying the backing objects. + if not isinstance(n, int): + return NotImplemented + if n == 0: + self.clear() + elif n > 1: + self.extend(list(self) * (n - 1)) + return self + + def index(self, item, *args): + return list(self).index(item, *args) + + def copy(self): + return list(self) + + def __repr__(self): + return repr(list(self)) + + def __hash__(self): + raise TypeError("%s objects are unhashable" % type(self).__name__) + + for func_name, func in list(locals().items()): + if ( + util.callable(func) + and func.__name__ == func_name + and not func.__doc__ + and hasattr(list, func_name) + ): + func.__doc__ = getattr(list, func_name).__doc__ + del func_name, func + + +_NotProvided = util.symbol("_NotProvided") + + +class _AssociationDict(_AssociationCollection): + """Generic, converting, dict-to-dict proxy.""" + + def _create(self, key, value): + return self.creator(key, value) + + def _get(self, object_): + return self.getter(object_) + + def _set(self, object_, key, value): + return self.setter(object_, key, value) + + def __getitem__(self, key): + return self._get(self.col[key]) + + def __setitem__(self, key, value): + if key in self.col: + self._set(self.col[key], key, value) + else: + self.col[key] = self._create(key, value) + + def __delitem__(self, key): + del self.col[key] + + def __contains__(self, key): + # testlib.pragma exempt:__hash__ + return key in self.col + + def has_key(self, key): + # testlib.pragma exempt:__hash__ + return key in self.col + + def __iter__(self): + return iter(self.col.keys()) + + def clear(self): + self.col.clear() + + def __eq__(self, other): + return dict(self) == other + + def __ne__(self, other): + return dict(self) != other + + def __lt__(self, other): + return dict(self) < other + + def __le__(self, other): + return dict(self) <= other + + def __gt__(self, other): + return dict(self) > other + + def __ge__(self, other): + return dict(self) >= other + + def __cmp__(self, other): + return util.cmp(dict(self), other) + + def __repr__(self): + return repr(dict(self.items())) + + def get(self, key, default=None): + try: + return self[key] + except KeyError: + return default + + def setdefault(self, key, default=None): + if key not in self.col: + self.col[key] = self._create(key, default) + return default + else: + return self[key] + + def keys(self): + return self.col.keys() + + if util.py2k: + + def iteritems(self): + return ((key, self._get(self.col[key])) for key in self.col) + + def itervalues(self): + return (self._get(self.col[key]) for key in self.col) + + def iterkeys(self): + return self.col.iterkeys() + + def values(self): + return [self._get(member) for member in self.col.values()] + + def items(self): + return [(k, self._get(self.col[k])) for k in self] + + else: + + def items(self): + return ((key, self._get(self.col[key])) for key in self.col) + + def values(self): + return (self._get(self.col[key]) for key in self.col) + + def pop(self, key, default=_NotProvided): + if default is _NotProvided: + member = self.col.pop(key) + else: + member = self.col.pop(key, default) + return self._get(member) + + def popitem(self): + item = self.col.popitem() + return (item[0], self._get(item[1])) + + def update(self, *a, **kw): + if len(a) > 1: + raise TypeError( + "update expected at most 1 arguments, got %i" % len(a) + ) + elif len(a) == 1: + seq_or_map = a[0] + # discern dict from sequence - took the advice from + # http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/articles/duck_typing.shtml + # still not perfect :( + if hasattr(seq_or_map, "keys"): + for item in seq_or_map: + self[item] = seq_or_map[item] + else: + try: + for k, v in seq_or_map: + self[k] = v + except ValueError: + raise ValueError( + "dictionary update sequence " + "requires 2-element tuples" + ) + + for key, value in kw: + self[key] = value + + def copy(self): + return dict(self.items()) + + def __hash__(self): + raise TypeError("%s objects are unhashable" % type(self).__name__) + + for func_name, func in list(locals().items()): + if ( + util.callable(func) + and func.__name__ == func_name + and not func.__doc__ + and hasattr(dict, func_name) + ): + func.__doc__ = getattr(dict, func_name).__doc__ + del func_name, func + + +class _AssociationSet(_AssociationCollection): + """Generic, converting, set-to-set proxy.""" + + def _create(self, value): + return self.creator(value) + + def _get(self, object_): + return self.getter(object_) + + def __len__(self): + return len(self.col) + + def __bool__(self): + if self.col: + return True + else: + return False + + __nonzero__ = __bool__ + + def __contains__(self, value): + for member in self.col: + # testlib.pragma exempt:__eq__ + if self._get(member) == value: + return True + return False + + def __iter__(self): + """Iterate over proxied values. + + For the actual domain objects, iterate over .col instead or just use + the underlying collection directly from its property on the parent. + + """ + for member in self.col: + yield self._get(member) + return + + def add(self, value): + if value not in self: + self.col.add(self._create(value)) + + # for discard and remove, choosing a more expensive check strategy rather + # than call self.creator() + def discard(self, value): + for member in self.col: + if self._get(member) == value: + self.col.discard(member) + break + + def remove(self, value): + for member in self.col: + if self._get(member) == value: + self.col.discard(member) + return + raise KeyError(value) + + def pop(self): + if not self.col: + raise KeyError("pop from an empty set") + member = self.col.pop() + return self._get(member) + + def update(self, other): + for value in other: + self.add(value) + + def __ior__(self, other): + if not collections._set_binops_check_strict(self, other): + return NotImplemented + for value in other: + self.add(value) + return self + + def _set(self): + return set(iter(self)) + + def union(self, other): + return set(self).union(other) + + __or__ = union + + def difference(self, other): + return set(self).difference(other) + + __sub__ = difference + + def difference_update(self, other): + for value in other: + self.discard(value) + + def __isub__(self, other): + if not collections._set_binops_check_strict(self, other): + return NotImplemented + for value in other: + self.discard(value) + return self + + def intersection(self, other): + return set(self).intersection(other) + + __and__ = intersection + + def intersection_update(self, other): + want, have = self.intersection(other), set(self) + + remove, add = have - want, want - have + + for value in remove: + self.remove(value) + for value in add: + self.add(value) + + def __iand__(self, other): + if not collections._set_binops_check_strict(self, other): + return NotImplemented + want, have = self.intersection(other), set(self) + + remove, add = have - want, want - have + + for value in remove: + self.remove(value) + for value in add: + self.add(value) + return self + + def symmetric_difference(self, other): + return set(self).symmetric_difference(other) + + __xor__ = symmetric_difference + + def symmetric_difference_update(self, other): + want, have = self.symmetric_difference(other), set(self) + + remove, add = have - want, want - have + + for value in remove: + self.remove(value) + for value in add: + self.add(value) + + def __ixor__(self, other): + if not collections._set_binops_check_strict(self, other): + return NotImplemented + want, have = self.symmetric_difference(other), set(self) + + remove, add = have - want, want - have + + for value in remove: + self.remove(value) + for value in add: + self.add(value) + return self + + def issubset(self, other): + return set(self).issubset(other) + + def issuperset(self, other): + return set(self).issuperset(other) + + def clear(self): + self.col.clear() + + def copy(self): + return set(self) + + def __eq__(self, other): + return set(self) == other + + def __ne__(self, other): + return set(self) != other + + def __lt__(self, other): + return set(self) < other + + def __le__(self, other): + return set(self) <= other + + def __gt__(self, other): + return set(self) > other + + def __ge__(self, other): + return set(self) >= other + + def __repr__(self): + return repr(set(self)) + + def __hash__(self): + raise TypeError("%s objects are unhashable" % type(self).__name__) + + for func_name, func in list(locals().items()): + if ( + util.callable(func) + and func.__name__ == func_name + and not func.__doc__ + and hasattr(set, func_name) + ): + func.__doc__ = getattr(set, func_name).__doc__ + del func_name, func diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/ext/automap.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/ext/automap.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..47a7138 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/ext/automap.py @@ -0,0 +1,1098 @@ +# ext/automap.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +r"""Define an extension to the :mod:`sqlalchemy.ext.declarative` system +which automatically generates mapped classes and relationships from a database +schema, typically though not necessarily one which is reflected. + +.. versionadded:: 0.9.1 Added :mod:`sqlalchemy.ext.automap`. + +It is hoped that the :class:`.AutomapBase` system provides a quick +and modernized solution to the problem that the very famous +`SQLSoup `_ +also tries to solve, that of generating a quick and rudimentary object +model from an existing database on the fly. By addressing the issue strictly +at the mapper configuration level, and integrating fully with existing +Declarative class techniques, :class:`.AutomapBase` seeks to provide +a well-integrated approach to the issue of expediently auto-generating ad-hoc +mappings. + + +Basic Use +========= + +The simplest usage is to reflect an existing database into a new model. +We create a new :class:`.AutomapBase` class in a similar manner as to how +we create a declarative base class, using :func:`.automap_base`. +We then call :meth:`.AutomapBase.prepare` on the resulting base class, +asking it to reflect the schema and produce mappings:: + + from sqlalchemy.ext.automap import automap_base + from sqlalchemy.orm import Session + from sqlalchemy import create_engine + + Base = automap_base() + + # engine, suppose it has two tables 'user' and 'address' set up + engine = create_engine("sqlite:///mydatabase.db") + + # reflect the tables + Base.prepare(engine, reflect=True) + + # mapped classes are now created with names by default + # matching that of the table name. + User = Base.classes.user + Address = Base.classes.address + + session = Session(engine) + + # rudimentary relationships are produced + session.add(Address(email_address="foo@bar.com", user=User(name="foo"))) + session.commit() + + # collection-based relationships are by default named + # "_collection" + print (u1.address_collection) + +Above, calling :meth:`.AutomapBase.prepare` while passing along the +:paramref:`.AutomapBase.prepare.reflect` parameter indicates that the +:meth:`.MetaData.reflect` method will be called on this declarative base +classes' :class:`.MetaData` collection; then, each **viable** +:class:`.Table` within the :class:`.MetaData` will get a new mapped class +generated automatically. The :class:`.ForeignKeyConstraint` objects which +link the various tables together will be used to produce new, bidirectional +:func:`.relationship` objects between classes. The classes and relationships +follow along a default naming scheme that we can customize. At this point, +our basic mapping consisting of related ``User`` and ``Address`` classes is +ready to use in the traditional way. + +.. note:: By **viable**, we mean that for a table to be mapped, it must + specify a primary key. Additionally, if the table is detected as being + a pure association table between two other tables, it will not be directly + mapped and will instead be configured as a many-to-many table between + the mappings for the two referring tables. + +Generating Mappings from an Existing MetaData +============================================= + +We can pass a pre-declared :class:`.MetaData` object to :func:`.automap_base`. +This object can be constructed in any way, including programmatically, from +a serialized file, or from itself being reflected using +:meth:`.MetaData.reflect`. Below we illustrate a combination of reflection and +explicit table declaration:: + + from sqlalchemy import create_engine, MetaData, Table, Column, ForeignKey + from sqlalchemy.ext.automap import automap_base + engine = create_engine("sqlite:///mydatabase.db") + + # produce our own MetaData object + metadata = MetaData() + + # we can reflect it ourselves from a database, using options + # such as 'only' to limit what tables we look at... + metadata.reflect(engine, only=['user', 'address']) + + # ... or just define our own Table objects with it (or combine both) + Table('user_order', metadata, + Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True), + Column('user_id', ForeignKey('user.id')) + ) + + # we can then produce a set of mappings from this MetaData. + Base = automap_base(metadata=metadata) + + # calling prepare() just sets up mapped classes and relationships. + Base.prepare() + + # mapped classes are ready + User, Address, Order = Base.classes.user, Base.classes.address,\ + Base.classes.user_order + +Specifying Classes Explicitly +============================= + +The :mod:`.sqlalchemy.ext.automap` extension allows classes to be defined +explicitly, in a way similar to that of the :class:`.DeferredReflection` class. +Classes that extend from :class:`.AutomapBase` act like regular declarative +classes, but are not immediately mapped after their construction, and are +instead mapped when we call :meth:`.AutomapBase.prepare`. The +:meth:`.AutomapBase.prepare` method will make use of the classes we've +established based on the table name we use. If our schema contains tables +``user`` and ``address``, we can define one or both of the classes to be used:: + + from sqlalchemy.ext.automap import automap_base + from sqlalchemy import create_engine + + # automap base + Base = automap_base() + + # pre-declare User for the 'user' table + class User(Base): + __tablename__ = 'user' + + # override schema elements like Columns + user_name = Column('name', String) + + # override relationships too, if desired. + # we must use the same name that automap would use for the + # relationship, and also must refer to the class name that automap will + # generate for "address" + address_collection = relationship("address", collection_class=set) + + # reflect + engine = create_engine("sqlite:///mydatabase.db") + Base.prepare(engine, reflect=True) + + # we still have Address generated from the tablename "address", + # but User is the same as Base.classes.User now + + Address = Base.classes.address + + u1 = session.query(User).first() + print (u1.address_collection) + + # the backref is still there: + a1 = session.query(Address).first() + print (a1.user) + +Above, one of the more intricate details is that we illustrated overriding +one of the :func:`.relationship` objects that automap would have created. +To do this, we needed to make sure the names match up with what automap +would normally generate, in that the relationship name would be +``User.address_collection`` and the name of the class referred to, from +automap's perspective, is called ``address``, even though we are referring to +it as ``Address`` within our usage of this class. + +Overriding Naming Schemes +========================= + +:mod:`.sqlalchemy.ext.automap` is tasked with producing mapped classes and +relationship names based on a schema, which means it has decision points in how +these names are determined. These three decision points are provided using +functions which can be passed to the :meth:`.AutomapBase.prepare` method, and +are known as :func:`.classname_for_table`, +:func:`.name_for_scalar_relationship`, +and :func:`.name_for_collection_relationship`. Any or all of these +functions are provided as in the example below, where we use a "camel case" +scheme for class names and a "pluralizer" for collection names using the +`Inflect `_ package:: + + import re + import inflect + + def camelize_classname(base, tablename, table): + "Produce a 'camelized' class name, e.g. " + "'words_and_underscores' -> 'WordsAndUnderscores'" + + return str(tablename[0].upper() + \ + re.sub(r'_([a-z])', lambda m: m.group(1).upper(), tablename[1:])) + + _pluralizer = inflect.engine() + def pluralize_collection(base, local_cls, referred_cls, constraint): + "Produce an 'uncamelized', 'pluralized' class name, e.g. " + "'SomeTerm' -> 'some_terms'" + + referred_name = referred_cls.__name__ + uncamelized = re.sub(r'[A-Z]', + lambda m: "_%s" % m.group(0).lower(), + referred_name)[1:] + pluralized = _pluralizer.plural(uncamelized) + return pluralized + + from sqlalchemy.ext.automap import automap_base + + Base = automap_base() + + engine = create_engine("sqlite:///mydatabase.db") + + Base.prepare(engine, reflect=True, + classname_for_table=camelize_classname, + name_for_collection_relationship=pluralize_collection + ) + +From the above mapping, we would now have classes ``User`` and ``Address``, +where the collection from ``User`` to ``Address`` is called +``User.addresses``:: + + User, Address = Base.classes.User, Base.classes.Address + + u1 = User(addresses=[Address(email="foo@bar.com")]) + +Relationship Detection +====================== + +The vast majority of what automap accomplishes is the generation of +:func:`.relationship` structures based on foreign keys. The mechanism +by which this works for many-to-one and one-to-many relationships is as +follows: + +1. A given :class:`.Table`, known to be mapped to a particular class, + is examined for :class:`.ForeignKeyConstraint` objects. + +2. From each :class:`.ForeignKeyConstraint`, the remote :class:`.Table` + object present is matched up to the class to which it is to be mapped, + if any, else it is skipped. + +3. As the :class:`.ForeignKeyConstraint` we are examining corresponds to a + reference from the immediate mapped class, the relationship will be set up + as a many-to-one referring to the referred class; a corresponding + one-to-many backref will be created on the referred class referring + to this class. + +4. If any of the columns that are part of the :class:`.ForeignKeyConstraint` + are not nullable (e.g. ``nullable=False``), a + :paramref:`~.relationship.cascade` keyword argument + of ``all, delete-orphan`` will be added to the keyword arguments to + be passed to the relationship or backref. If the + :class:`.ForeignKeyConstraint` reports that + :paramref:`.ForeignKeyConstraint.ondelete` + is set to ``CASCADE`` for a not null or ``SET NULL`` for a nullable + set of columns, the option :paramref:`~.relationship.passive_deletes` + flag is set to ``True`` in the set of relationship keyword arguments. + Note that not all backends support reflection of ON DELETE. + + .. versionadded:: 1.0.0 - automap will detect non-nullable foreign key + constraints when producing a one-to-many relationship and establish + a default cascade of ``all, delete-orphan`` if so; additionally, + if the constraint specifies :paramref:`.ForeignKeyConstraint.ondelete` + of ``CASCADE`` for non-nullable or ``SET NULL`` for nullable columns, + the ``passive_deletes=True`` option is also added. + +5. The names of the relationships are determined using the + :paramref:`.AutomapBase.prepare.name_for_scalar_relationship` and + :paramref:`.AutomapBase.prepare.name_for_collection_relationship` + callable functions. It is important to note that the default relationship + naming derives the name from the **the actual class name**. If you've + given a particular class an explicit name by declaring it, or specified an + alternate class naming scheme, that's the name from which the relationship + name will be derived. + +6. The classes are inspected for an existing mapped property matching these + names. If one is detected on one side, but none on the other side, + :class:`.AutomapBase` attempts to create a relationship on the missing side, + then uses the :paramref:`.relationship.back_populates` parameter in order to + point the new relationship to the other side. + +7. In the usual case where no relationship is on either side, + :meth:`.AutomapBase.prepare` produces a :func:`.relationship` on the + "many-to-one" side and matches it to the other using the + :paramref:`.relationship.backref` parameter. + +8. Production of the :func:`.relationship` and optionally the :func:`.backref` + is handed off to the :paramref:`.AutomapBase.prepare.generate_relationship` + function, which can be supplied by the end-user in order to augment + the arguments passed to :func:`.relationship` or :func:`.backref` or to + make use of custom implementations of these functions. + +Custom Relationship Arguments +----------------------------- + +The :paramref:`.AutomapBase.prepare.generate_relationship` hook can be used +to add parameters to relationships. For most cases, we can make use of the +existing :func:`.automap.generate_relationship` function to return +the object, after augmenting the given keyword dictionary with our own +arguments. + +Below is an illustration of how to send +:paramref:`.relationship.cascade` and +:paramref:`.relationship.passive_deletes` +options along to all one-to-many relationships:: + + from sqlalchemy.ext.automap import generate_relationship + + def _gen_relationship(base, direction, return_fn, + attrname, local_cls, referred_cls, **kw): + if direction is interfaces.ONETOMANY: + kw['cascade'] = 'all, delete-orphan' + kw['passive_deletes'] = True + # make use of the built-in function to actually return + # the result. + return generate_relationship(base, direction, return_fn, + attrname, local_cls, referred_cls, **kw) + + from sqlalchemy.ext.automap import automap_base + from sqlalchemy import create_engine + + # automap base + Base = automap_base() + + engine = create_engine("sqlite:///mydatabase.db") + Base.prepare(engine, reflect=True, + generate_relationship=_gen_relationship) + +Many-to-Many relationships +-------------------------- + +:mod:`.sqlalchemy.ext.automap` will generate many-to-many relationships, e.g. +those which contain a ``secondary`` argument. The process for producing these +is as follows: + +1. A given :class:`.Table` is examined for :class:`.ForeignKeyConstraint` + objects, before any mapped class has been assigned to it. + +2. If the table contains two and exactly two :class:`.ForeignKeyConstraint` + objects, and all columns within this table are members of these two + :class:`.ForeignKeyConstraint` objects, the table is assumed to be a + "secondary" table, and will **not be mapped directly**. + +3. The two (or one, for self-referential) external tables to which the + :class:`.Table` refers to are matched to the classes to which they will be + mapped, if any. + +4. If mapped classes for both sides are located, a many-to-many bi-directional + :func:`.relationship` / :func:`.backref` pair is created between the two + classes. + +5. The override logic for many-to-many works the same as that of one-to-many/ + many-to-one; the :func:`.generate_relationship` function is called upon + to generate the strucures and existing attributes will be maintained. + +Relationships with Inheritance +------------------------------ + +:mod:`.sqlalchemy.ext.automap` will not generate any relationships between +two classes that are in an inheritance relationship. That is, with two +classes given as follows:: + + class Employee(Base): + __tablename__ = 'employee' + id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) + type = Column(String(50)) + __mapper_args__ = { + 'polymorphic_identity':'employee', 'polymorphic_on': type + } + + class Engineer(Employee): + __tablename__ = 'engineer' + id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('employee.id'), primary_key=True) + __mapper_args__ = { + 'polymorphic_identity':'engineer', + } + +The foreign key from ``Engineer`` to ``Employee`` is used not for a +relationship, but to establish joined inheritance between the two classes. + +Note that this means automap will not generate *any* relationships +for foreign keys that link from a subclass to a superclass. If a mapping +has actual relationships from subclass to superclass as well, those +need to be explicit. Below, as we have two separate foreign keys +from ``Engineer`` to ``Employee``, we need to set up both the relationship +we want as well as the ``inherit_condition``, as these are not things +SQLAlchemy can guess:: + + class Employee(Base): + __tablename__ = 'employee' + id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) + type = Column(String(50)) + + __mapper_args__ = { + 'polymorphic_identity':'employee', 'polymorphic_on':type + } + + class Engineer(Employee): + __tablename__ = 'engineer' + id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('employee.id'), primary_key=True) + favorite_employee_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('employee.id')) + + favorite_employee = relationship(Employee, + foreign_keys=favorite_employee_id) + + __mapper_args__ = { + 'polymorphic_identity':'engineer', + 'inherit_condition': id == Employee.id + } + +Handling Simple Naming Conflicts +-------------------------------- + +In the case of naming conflicts during mapping, override any of +:func:`.classname_for_table`, :func:`.name_for_scalar_relationship`, +and :func:`.name_for_collection_relationship` as needed. For example, if +automap is attempting to name a many-to-one relationship the same as an +existing column, an alternate convention can be conditionally selected. Given +a schema: + +.. sourcecode:: sql + + CREATE TABLE table_a ( + id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY + ); + + CREATE TABLE table_b ( + id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, + table_a INTEGER, + FOREIGN KEY(table_a) REFERENCES table_a(id) + ); + +The above schema will first automap the ``table_a`` table as a class named +``table_a``; it will then automap a relationship onto the class for ``table_b`` +with the same name as this related class, e.g. ``table_a``. This +relationship name conflicts with the mapping column ``table_b.table_a``, +and will emit an error on mapping. + +We can resolve this conflict by using an underscore as follows:: + + def name_for_scalar_relationship(base, local_cls, referred_cls, constraint): + name = referred_cls.__name__.lower() + local_table = local_cls.__table__ + if name in local_table.columns: + newname = name + "_" + warnings.warn( + "Already detected name %s present. using %s" % + (name, newname)) + return newname + return name + + + Base.prepare(engine, reflect=True, + name_for_scalar_relationship=name_for_scalar_relationship) + +Alternatively, we can change the name on the column side. The columns +that are mapped can be modified using the technique described at +:ref:`mapper_column_distinct_names`, by assigning the column explicitly +to a new name:: + + Base = automap_base() + + class TableB(Base): + __tablename__ = 'table_b' + _table_a = Column('table_a', ForeignKey('table_a.id')) + + Base.prepare(engine, reflect=True) + + +Using Automap with Explicit Declarations +======================================== + +As noted previously, automap has no dependency on reflection, and can make +use of any collection of :class:`.Table` objects within a :class:`.MetaData` +collection. From this, it follows that automap can also be used +generate missing relationships given an otherwise complete model that fully +defines table metadata:: + + from sqlalchemy.ext.automap import automap_base + from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer, String, ForeignKey + + Base = automap_base() + + class User(Base): + __tablename__ = 'user' + + id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) + name = Column(String) + + class Address(Base): + __tablename__ = 'address' + + id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) + email = Column(String) + user_id = Column(ForeignKey('user.id')) + + # produce relationships + Base.prepare() + + # mapping is complete, with "address_collection" and + # "user" relationships + a1 = Address(email='u1') + a2 = Address(email='u2') + u1 = User(address_collection=[a1, a2]) + assert a1.user is u1 + +Above, given mostly complete ``User`` and ``Address`` mappings, the +:class:`.ForeignKey` which we defined on ``Address.user_id`` allowed a +bidirectional relationship pair ``Address.user`` and +``User.address_collection`` to be generated on the mapped classes. + +Note that when subclassing :class:`.AutomapBase`, +the :meth:`.AutomapBase.prepare` method is required; if not called, the classes +we've declared are in an un-mapped state. + + +""" # noqa +from .declarative import declarative_base as _declarative_base +from .declarative.base import _DeferredMapperConfig +from .. import util +from ..orm import backref +from ..orm import interfaces +from ..orm import relationship +from ..orm.mapper import _CONFIGURE_MUTEX +from ..schema import ForeignKeyConstraint +from ..sql import and_ + + +def classname_for_table(base, tablename, table): + """Return the class name that should be used, given the name + of a table. + + The default implementation is:: + + return str(tablename) + + Alternate implementations can be specified using the + :paramref:`.AutomapBase.prepare.classname_for_table` + parameter. + + :param base: the :class:`.AutomapBase` class doing the prepare. + + :param tablename: string name of the :class:`.Table`. + + :param table: the :class:`.Table` object itself. + + :return: a string class name. + + .. note:: + + In Python 2, the string used for the class name **must** be a + non-Unicode object, e.g. a ``str()`` object. The ``.name`` attribute + of :class:`.Table` is typically a Python unicode subclass, so the + ``str()`` function should be applied to this name, after accounting for + any non-ASCII characters. + + """ + return str(tablename) + + +def name_for_scalar_relationship(base, local_cls, referred_cls, constraint): + """Return the attribute name that should be used to refer from one + class to another, for a scalar object reference. + + The default implementation is:: + + return referred_cls.__name__.lower() + + Alternate implementations can be specified using the + :paramref:`.AutomapBase.prepare.name_for_scalar_relationship` + parameter. + + :param base: the :class:`.AutomapBase` class doing the prepare. + + :param local_cls: the class to be mapped on the local side. + + :param referred_cls: the class to be mapped on the referring side. + + :param constraint: the :class:`.ForeignKeyConstraint` that is being + inspected to produce this relationship. + + """ + return referred_cls.__name__.lower() + + +def name_for_collection_relationship( + base, local_cls, referred_cls, constraint +): + """Return the attribute name that should be used to refer from one + class to another, for a collection reference. + + The default implementation is:: + + return referred_cls.__name__.lower() + "_collection" + + Alternate implementations + can be specified using the + :paramref:`.AutomapBase.prepare.name_for_collection_relationship` + parameter. + + :param base: the :class:`.AutomapBase` class doing the prepare. + + :param local_cls: the class to be mapped on the local side. + + :param referred_cls: the class to be mapped on the referring side. + + :param constraint: the :class:`.ForeignKeyConstraint` that is being + inspected to produce this relationship. + + """ + return referred_cls.__name__.lower() + "_collection" + + +def generate_relationship( + base, direction, return_fn, attrname, local_cls, referred_cls, **kw +): + r"""Generate a :func:`.relationship` or :func:`.backref` on behalf of two + mapped classes. + + An alternate implementation of this function can be specified using the + :paramref:`.AutomapBase.prepare.generate_relationship` parameter. + + The default implementation of this function is as follows:: + + if return_fn is backref: + return return_fn(attrname, **kw) + elif return_fn is relationship: + return return_fn(referred_cls, **kw) + else: + raise TypeError("Unknown relationship function: %s" % return_fn) + + :param base: the :class:`.AutomapBase` class doing the prepare. + + :param direction: indicate the "direction" of the relationship; this will + be one of :data:`.ONETOMANY`, :data:`.MANYTOONE`, :data:`.MANYTOMANY`. + + :param return_fn: the function that is used by default to create the + relationship. This will be either :func:`.relationship` or + :func:`.backref`. The :func:`.backref` function's result will be used to + produce a new :func:`.relationship` in a second step, so it is critical + that user-defined implementations correctly differentiate between the two + functions, if a custom relationship function is being used. + + :param attrname: the attribute name to which this relationship is being + assigned. If the value of :paramref:`.generate_relationship.return_fn` is + the :func:`.backref` function, then this name is the name that is being + assigned to the backref. + + :param local_cls: the "local" class to which this relationship or backref + will be locally present. + + :param referred_cls: the "referred" class to which the relationship or + backref refers to. + + :param \**kw: all additional keyword arguments are passed along to the + function. + + :return: a :func:`.relationship` or :func:`.backref` construct, as dictated + by the :paramref:`.generate_relationship.return_fn` parameter. + + """ + if return_fn is backref: + return return_fn(attrname, **kw) + elif return_fn is relationship: + return return_fn(referred_cls, **kw) + else: + raise TypeError("Unknown relationship function: %s" % return_fn) + + +class AutomapBase(object): + """Base class for an "automap" schema. + + The :class:`.AutomapBase` class can be compared to the "declarative base" + class that is produced by the :func:`.declarative.declarative_base` + function. In practice, the :class:`.AutomapBase` class is always used + as a mixin along with an actual declarative base. + + A new subclassable :class:`.AutomapBase` is typically instantated + using the :func:`.automap_base` function. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`automap_toplevel` + + """ + + __abstract__ = True + + classes = None + """An instance of :class:`.util.Properties` containing classes. + + This object behaves much like the ``.c`` collection on a table. Classes + are present under the name they were given, e.g.:: + + Base = automap_base() + Base.prepare(engine=some_engine, reflect=True) + + User, Address = Base.classes.User, Base.classes.Address + + """ + + @classmethod + def prepare( + cls, + engine=None, + reflect=False, + schema=None, + classname_for_table=classname_for_table, + collection_class=list, + name_for_scalar_relationship=name_for_scalar_relationship, + name_for_collection_relationship=name_for_collection_relationship, + generate_relationship=generate_relationship, + ): + """Extract mapped classes and relationships from the :class:`.MetaData` and + perform mappings. + + :param engine: an :class:`.Engine` or :class:`.Connection` with which + to perform schema reflection, if specified. + If the :paramref:`.AutomapBase.prepare.reflect` argument is False, + this object is not used. + + :param reflect: if True, the :meth:`.MetaData.reflect` method is called + on the :class:`.MetaData` associated with this :class:`.AutomapBase`. + The :class:`.Engine` passed via + :paramref:`.AutomapBase.prepare.engine` will be used to perform the + reflection if present; else, the :class:`.MetaData` should already be + bound to some engine else the operation will fail. + + :param classname_for_table: callable function which will be used to + produce new class names, given a table name. Defaults to + :func:`.classname_for_table`. + + :param name_for_scalar_relationship: callable function which will be + used to produce relationship names for scalar relationships. Defaults + to :func:`.name_for_scalar_relationship`. + + :param name_for_collection_relationship: callable function which will + be used to produce relationship names for collection-oriented + relationships. Defaults to :func:`.name_for_collection_relationship`. + + :param generate_relationship: callable function which will be used to + actually generate :func:`.relationship` and :func:`.backref` + constructs. Defaults to :func:`.generate_relationship`. + + :param collection_class: the Python collection class that will be used + when a new :func:`.relationship` object is created that represents a + collection. Defaults to ``list``. + + :param schema: When present in conjunction with the + :paramref:`.AutomapBase.prepare.reflect` flag, is passed to + :meth:`.MetaData.reflect` to indicate the primary schema where tables + should be reflected from. When omitted, the default schema in use + by the database connection is used. + + .. versionadded:: 1.1 + + """ + if reflect: + cls.metadata.reflect( + engine, + schema=schema, + extend_existing=True, + autoload_replace=False, + ) + + _CONFIGURE_MUTEX.acquire() + try: + table_to_map_config = dict( + (m.local_table, m) + for m in _DeferredMapperConfig.classes_for_base( + cls, sort=False + ) + ) + + many_to_many = [] + + for table in cls.metadata.tables.values(): + lcl_m2m, rem_m2m, m2m_const = _is_many_to_many(cls, table) + if lcl_m2m is not None: + many_to_many.append((lcl_m2m, rem_m2m, m2m_const, table)) + elif not table.primary_key: + continue + elif table not in table_to_map_config: + mapped_cls = type( + classname_for_table(cls, table.name, table), + (cls,), + {"__table__": table}, + ) + map_config = _DeferredMapperConfig.config_for_cls( + mapped_cls + ) + cls.classes[map_config.cls.__name__] = mapped_cls + table_to_map_config[table] = map_config + + for map_config in table_to_map_config.values(): + _relationships_for_fks( + cls, + map_config, + table_to_map_config, + collection_class, + name_for_scalar_relationship, + name_for_collection_relationship, + generate_relationship, + ) + + for lcl_m2m, rem_m2m, m2m_const, table in many_to_many: + _m2m_relationship( + cls, + lcl_m2m, + rem_m2m, + m2m_const, + table, + table_to_map_config, + collection_class, + name_for_scalar_relationship, + name_for_collection_relationship, + generate_relationship, + ) + + for map_config in _DeferredMapperConfig.classes_for_base(cls): + map_config.map() + finally: + _CONFIGURE_MUTEX.release() + + _sa_decl_prepare = True + """Indicate that the mapping of classes should be deferred. + + The presence of this attribute name indicates to declarative + that the call to mapper() should not occur immediately; instead, + information about the table and attributes to be mapped are gathered + into an internal structure called _DeferredMapperConfig. These + objects can be collected later using classes_for_base(), additional + mapping decisions can be made, and then the map() method will actually + apply the mapping. + + The only real reason this deferral of the whole + thing is needed is to support primary key columns that aren't reflected + yet when the class is declared; everything else can theoretically be + added to the mapper later. However, the _DeferredMapperConfig is a + nice interface in any case which exists at that not usually exposed point + at which declarative has the class and the Table but hasn't called + mapper() yet. + + """ + + +def automap_base(declarative_base=None, **kw): + r"""Produce a declarative automap base. + + This function produces a new base class that is a product of the + :class:`.AutomapBase` class as well a declarative base produced by + :func:`.declarative.declarative_base`. + + All parameters other than ``declarative_base`` are keyword arguments + that are passed directly to the :func:`.declarative.declarative_base` + function. + + :param declarative_base: an existing class produced by + :func:`.declarative.declarative_base`. When this is passed, the function + no longer invokes :func:`.declarative.declarative_base` itself, and all + other keyword arguments are ignored. + + :param \**kw: keyword arguments are passed along to + :func:`.declarative.declarative_base`. + + """ + if declarative_base is None: + Base = _declarative_base(**kw) + else: + Base = declarative_base + + return type( + Base.__name__, + (AutomapBase, Base), + {"__abstract__": True, "classes": util.Properties({})}, + ) + + +def _is_many_to_many(automap_base, table): + fk_constraints = [ + const + for const in table.constraints + if isinstance(const, ForeignKeyConstraint) + ] + if len(fk_constraints) != 2: + return None, None, None + + cols = sum( + [ + [fk.parent for fk in fk_constraint.elements] + for fk_constraint in fk_constraints + ], + [], + ) + + if set(cols) != set(table.c): + return None, None, None + + return ( + fk_constraints[0].elements[0].column.table, + fk_constraints[1].elements[0].column.table, + fk_constraints, + ) + + +def _relationships_for_fks( + automap_base, + map_config, + table_to_map_config, + collection_class, + name_for_scalar_relationship, + name_for_collection_relationship, + generate_relationship, +): + local_table = map_config.local_table + local_cls = map_config.cls # derived from a weakref, may be None + + if local_table is None or local_cls is None: + return + for constraint in local_table.constraints: + if isinstance(constraint, ForeignKeyConstraint): + fks = constraint.elements + referred_table = fks[0].column.table + referred_cfg = table_to_map_config.get(referred_table, None) + if referred_cfg is None: + continue + referred_cls = referred_cfg.cls + + if local_cls is not referred_cls and issubclass( + local_cls, referred_cls + ): + continue + + relationship_name = name_for_scalar_relationship( + automap_base, local_cls, referred_cls, constraint + ) + backref_name = name_for_collection_relationship( + automap_base, referred_cls, local_cls, constraint + ) + + o2m_kws = {} + nullable = False not in {fk.parent.nullable for fk in fks} + if not nullable: + o2m_kws["cascade"] = "all, delete-orphan" + + if ( + constraint.ondelete + and constraint.ondelete.lower() == "cascade" + ): + o2m_kws["passive_deletes"] = True + else: + if ( + constraint.ondelete + and constraint.ondelete.lower() == "set null" + ): + o2m_kws["passive_deletes"] = True + + create_backref = backref_name not in referred_cfg.properties + + if relationship_name not in map_config.properties: + if create_backref: + backref_obj = generate_relationship( + automap_base, + interfaces.ONETOMANY, + backref, + backref_name, + referred_cls, + local_cls, + collection_class=collection_class, + **o2m_kws + ) + else: + backref_obj = None + rel = generate_relationship( + automap_base, + interfaces.MANYTOONE, + relationship, + relationship_name, + local_cls, + referred_cls, + foreign_keys=[fk.parent for fk in constraint.elements], + backref=backref_obj, + remote_side=[fk.column for fk in constraint.elements], + ) + if rel is not None: + map_config.properties[relationship_name] = rel + if not create_backref: + referred_cfg.properties[ + backref_name + ].back_populates = relationship_name + elif create_backref: + rel = generate_relationship( + automap_base, + interfaces.ONETOMANY, + relationship, + backref_name, + referred_cls, + local_cls, + foreign_keys=[fk.parent for fk in constraint.elements], + back_populates=relationship_name, + collection_class=collection_class, + **o2m_kws + ) + if rel is not None: + referred_cfg.properties[backref_name] = rel + map_config.properties[ + relationship_name + ].back_populates = backref_name + + +def _m2m_relationship( + automap_base, + lcl_m2m, + rem_m2m, + m2m_const, + table, + table_to_map_config, + collection_class, + name_for_scalar_relationship, + name_for_collection_relationship, + generate_relationship, +): + + map_config = table_to_map_config.get(lcl_m2m, None) + referred_cfg = table_to_map_config.get(rem_m2m, None) + if map_config is None or referred_cfg is None: + return + + local_cls = map_config.cls + referred_cls = referred_cfg.cls + + relationship_name = name_for_collection_relationship( + automap_base, local_cls, referred_cls, m2m_const[0] + ) + backref_name = name_for_collection_relationship( + automap_base, referred_cls, local_cls, m2m_const[1] + ) + + create_backref = backref_name not in referred_cfg.properties + + if relationship_name not in map_config.properties: + if create_backref: + backref_obj = generate_relationship( + automap_base, + interfaces.MANYTOMANY, + backref, + backref_name, + referred_cls, + local_cls, + collection_class=collection_class, + ) + else: + backref_obj = None + rel = generate_relationship( + automap_base, + interfaces.MANYTOMANY, + relationship, + relationship_name, + local_cls, + referred_cls, + secondary=table, + primaryjoin=and_( + fk.column == fk.parent for fk in m2m_const[0].elements + ), + secondaryjoin=and_( + fk.column == fk.parent for fk in m2m_const[1].elements + ), + backref=backref_obj, + collection_class=collection_class, + ) + if rel is not None: + map_config.properties[relationship_name] = rel + + if not create_backref: + referred_cfg.properties[ + backref_name + ].back_populates = relationship_name + elif create_backref: + rel = generate_relationship( + automap_base, + interfaces.MANYTOMANY, + relationship, + backref_name, + referred_cls, + local_cls, + secondary=table, + primaryjoin=and_( + fk.column == fk.parent for fk in m2m_const[1].elements + ), + secondaryjoin=and_( + fk.column == fk.parent for fk in m2m_const[0].elements + ), + back_populates=relationship_name, + collection_class=collection_class, + ) + if rel is not None: + referred_cfg.properties[backref_name] = rel + map_config.properties[ + relationship_name + ].back_populates = backref_name diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/ext/baked.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/ext/baked.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c73479a --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/ext/baked.py @@ -0,0 +1,624 @@ +# sqlalchemy/ext/baked.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php +"""Baked query extension. + +Provides a creational pattern for the :class:`.query.Query` object which +allows the fully constructed object, Core select statement, and string +compiled result to be fully cached. + + +""" + +import copy +import logging + +from .. import exc as sa_exc +from .. import util +from ..orm import exc as orm_exc +from ..orm import strategy_options +from ..orm.query import Query +from ..sql import func +from ..sql import literal_column +from ..sql import util as sql_util + +log = logging.getLogger(__name__) + + +class Bakery(object): + """Callable which returns a :class:`.BakedQuery`. + + This object is returned by the class method + :meth:`.BakedQuery.bakery`. It exists as an object + so that the "cache" can be easily inspected. + + .. versionadded:: 1.2 + + + """ + + __slots__ = "cls", "cache" + + def __init__(self, cls_, cache): + self.cls = cls_ + self.cache = cache + + def __call__(self, initial_fn, *args): + return self.cls(self.cache, initial_fn, args) + + +class BakedQuery(object): + """A builder object for :class:`.query.Query` objects.""" + + __slots__ = "steps", "_bakery", "_cache_key", "_spoiled" + + def __init__(self, bakery, initial_fn, args=()): + self._cache_key = () + self._update_cache_key(initial_fn, args) + self.steps = [initial_fn] + self._spoiled = False + self._bakery = bakery + + @classmethod + def bakery(cls, size=200, _size_alert=None): + """Construct a new bakery. + + :return: an instance of :class:`.Bakery` + + """ + + return Bakery(cls, util.LRUCache(size, size_alert=_size_alert)) + + def _clone(self): + b1 = BakedQuery.__new__(BakedQuery) + b1._cache_key = self._cache_key + b1.steps = list(self.steps) + b1._bakery = self._bakery + b1._spoiled = self._spoiled + return b1 + + def _update_cache_key(self, fn, args=()): + self._cache_key += (fn.__code__,) + args + + def __iadd__(self, other): + if isinstance(other, tuple): + self.add_criteria(*other) + else: + self.add_criteria(other) + return self + + def __add__(self, other): + if isinstance(other, tuple): + return self.with_criteria(*other) + else: + return self.with_criteria(other) + + def add_criteria(self, fn, *args): + """Add a criteria function to this :class:`.BakedQuery`. + + This is equivalent to using the ``+=`` operator to + modify a :class:`.BakedQuery` in-place. + + """ + self._update_cache_key(fn, args) + self.steps.append(fn) + return self + + def with_criteria(self, fn, *args): + """Add a criteria function to a :class:`.BakedQuery` cloned from this one. + + This is equivalent to using the ``+`` operator to + produce a new :class:`.BakedQuery` with modifications. + + """ + return self._clone().add_criteria(fn, *args) + + def for_session(self, session): + """Return a :class:`.Result` object for this :class:`.BakedQuery`. + + This is equivalent to calling the :class:`.BakedQuery` as a + Python callable, e.g. ``result = my_baked_query(session)``. + + """ + return Result(self, session) + + def __call__(self, session): + return self.for_session(session) + + def spoil(self, full=False): + """Cancel any query caching that will occur on this BakedQuery object. + + The BakedQuery can continue to be used normally, however additional + creational functions will not be cached; they will be called + on every invocation. + + This is to support the case where a particular step in constructing + a baked query disqualifies the query from being cacheable, such + as a variant that relies upon some uncacheable value. + + :param full: if False, only functions added to this + :class:`.BakedQuery` object subsequent to the spoil step will be + non-cached; the state of the :class:`.BakedQuery` up until + this point will be pulled from the cache. If True, then the + entire :class:`.Query` object is built from scratch each + time, with all creational functions being called on each + invocation. + + """ + if not full and not self._spoiled: + _spoil_point = self._clone() + _spoil_point._cache_key += ("_query_only",) + self.steps = [_spoil_point._retrieve_baked_query] + self._spoiled = True + return self + + def _effective_key(self, session): + """Return the key that actually goes into the cache dictionary for + this :class:`.BakedQuery`, taking into account the given + :class:`.Session`. + + This basically means we also will include the session's query_class, + as the actual :class:`.Query` object is part of what's cached + and needs to match the type of :class:`.Query` that a later + session will want to use. + + """ + return self._cache_key + (session._query_cls,) + + def _with_lazyload_options(self, options, effective_path, cache_path=None): + """Cloning version of _add_lazyload_options. + """ + q = self._clone() + q._add_lazyload_options(options, effective_path, cache_path=cache_path) + return q + + def _add_lazyload_options(self, options, effective_path, cache_path=None): + """Used by per-state lazy loaders to add options to the + "lazy load" query from a parent query. + + Creates a cache key based on given load path and query options; + if a repeatable cache key cannot be generated, the query is + "spoiled" so that it won't use caching. + + """ + + key = () + + if not cache_path: + cache_path = effective_path + + if cache_path.path[0].is_aliased_class: + # paths that are against an AliasedClass are unsafe to cache + # with since the AliasedClass is an ad-hoc object. + self.spoil() + else: + for opt in options: + cache_key = opt._generate_cache_key(cache_path) + if cache_key is False: + self.spoil() + elif cache_key is not None: + key += cache_key + + self.add_criteria( + lambda q: q._with_current_path( + effective_path + )._conditional_options(*options), + cache_path.path, + key, + ) + + def _retrieve_baked_query(self, session): + query = self._bakery.get(self._effective_key(session), None) + if query is None: + query = self._as_query(session) + self._bakery[self._effective_key(session)] = query.with_session( + None + ) + return query.with_session(session) + + def _bake(self, session): + query = self._as_query(session) + + context = query._compile_context() + self._bake_subquery_loaders(session, context) + context.session = None + context.query = query = context.query.with_session(None) + query._execution_options = query._execution_options.union( + {"compiled_cache": self._bakery} + ) + # we'll be holding onto the query for some of its state, + # so delete some compilation-use-only attributes that can take up + # space + for attr in ( + "_correlate", + "_from_obj", + "_mapper_adapter_map", + "_joinpath", + "_joinpoint", + ): + query.__dict__.pop(attr, None) + self._bakery[self._effective_key(session)] = context + return context + + def _as_query(self, session): + query = self.steps[0](session) + + for step in self.steps[1:]: + query = step(query) + return query + + def _bake_subquery_loaders(self, session, context): + """convert subquery eager loaders in the cache into baked queries. + + For subquery eager loading to work, all we need here is that the + Query point to the correct session when it is run. However, since + we are "baking" anyway, we may as well also turn the query into + a "baked" query so that we save on performance too. + + """ + context.attributes["baked_queries"] = baked_queries = [] + for k, v in list(context.attributes.items()): + if isinstance(v, Query): + if "subquery" in k: + bk = BakedQuery(self._bakery, lambda *args: v) + bk._cache_key = self._cache_key + k + bk._bake(session) + baked_queries.append((k, bk._cache_key, v)) + del context.attributes[k] + + def _unbake_subquery_loaders( + self, session, context, params, post_criteria + ): + """Retrieve subquery eager loaders stored by _bake_subquery_loaders + and turn them back into Result objects that will iterate just + like a Query object. + + """ + for k, cache_key, query in context.attributes["baked_queries"]: + bk = BakedQuery( + self._bakery, lambda sess, q=query: q.with_session(sess) + ) + bk._cache_key = cache_key + q = bk.for_session(session) + for fn in post_criteria: + q = q.with_post_criteria(fn) + context.attributes[k] = q.params(**params) + + +class Result(object): + """Invokes a :class:`.BakedQuery` against a :class:`.Session`. + + The :class:`.Result` object is where the actual :class:`.query.Query` + object gets created, or retrieved from the cache, + against a target :class:`.Session`, and is then invoked for results. + + """ + + __slots__ = "bq", "session", "_params", "_post_criteria" + + def __init__(self, bq, session): + self.bq = bq + self.session = session + self._params = {} + self._post_criteria = [] + + def params(self, *args, **kw): + """Specify parameters to be replaced into the string SQL statement.""" + + if len(args) == 1: + kw.update(args[0]) + elif len(args) > 0: + raise sa_exc.ArgumentError( + "params() takes zero or one positional argument, " + "which is a dictionary." + ) + self._params.update(kw) + return self + + def _using_post_criteria(self, fns): + if fns: + self._post_criteria.extend(fns) + return self + + def with_post_criteria(self, fn): + """Add a criteria function that will be applied post-cache. + + This adds a function that will be run against the + :class:`.Query` object after it is retrieved from the + cache. Functions here can be used to alter the query in ways + that **do not affect the SQL output**, such as execution options + and shard identifiers (when using a shard-enabled query object) + + .. warning:: :meth:`.Result.with_post_criteria` functions are applied + to the :class:`.Query` object **after** the query's SQL statement + object has been retrieved from the cache. Any operations here + which intend to modify the SQL should ensure that + :meth:`.BakedQuery.spoil` was called first. + + .. versionadded:: 1.2 + + + """ + return self._using_post_criteria([fn]) + + def _as_query(self): + q = self.bq._as_query(self.session).params(self._params) + for fn in self._post_criteria: + q = fn(q) + return q + + def __str__(self): + return str(self._as_query()) + + def __iter__(self): + bq = self.bq + if not self.session.enable_baked_queries or bq._spoiled: + return iter(self._as_query()) + + baked_context = bq._bakery.get(bq._effective_key(self.session), None) + if baked_context is None: + baked_context = bq._bake(self.session) + + context = copy.copy(baked_context) + context.session = self.session + context.attributes = context.attributes.copy() + + bq._unbake_subquery_loaders( + self.session, context, self._params, self._post_criteria + ) + + context.statement.use_labels = True + if context.autoflush and not context.populate_existing: + self.session._autoflush() + q = context.query.params(self._params).with_session(self.session) + for fn in self._post_criteria: + q = fn(q) + + return q._execute_and_instances(context) + + def count(self): + """return the 'count'. + + Equivalent to :meth:`.Query.count`. + + Note this uses a subquery to ensure an accurate count regardless + of the structure of the original statement. + + .. versionadded:: 1.1.6 + + """ + + col = func.count(literal_column("*")) + bq = self.bq.with_criteria(lambda q: q.from_self(col)) + return bq.for_session(self.session).params(self._params).scalar() + + def scalar(self): + """Return the first element of the first result or None + if no rows present. If multiple rows are returned, + raises MultipleResultsFound. + + Equivalent to :meth:`.Query.scalar`. + + .. versionadded:: 1.1.6 + + """ + try: + ret = self.one() + if not isinstance(ret, tuple): + return ret + return ret[0] + except orm_exc.NoResultFound: + return None + + def first(self): + """Return the first row. + + Equivalent to :meth:`.Query.first`. + + """ + bq = self.bq.with_criteria(lambda q: q.slice(0, 1)) + ret = list( + bq.for_session(self.session) + .params(self._params) + ._using_post_criteria(self._post_criteria) + ) + if len(ret) > 0: + return ret[0] + else: + return None + + def one(self): + """Return exactly one result or raise an exception. + + Equivalent to :meth:`.Query.one`. + + """ + try: + ret = self.one_or_none() + except orm_exc.MultipleResultsFound: + raise orm_exc.MultipleResultsFound( + "Multiple rows were found for one()" + ) + else: + if ret is None: + raise orm_exc.NoResultFound("No row was found for one()") + return ret + + def one_or_none(self): + """Return one or zero results, or raise an exception for multiple + rows. + + Equivalent to :meth:`.Query.one_or_none`. + + .. versionadded:: 1.0.9 + + """ + ret = list(self) + + l = len(ret) + if l == 1: + return ret[0] + elif l == 0: + return None + else: + raise orm_exc.MultipleResultsFound( + "Multiple rows were found for one_or_none()" + ) + + def all(self): + """Return all rows. + + Equivalent to :meth:`.Query.all`. + + """ + return list(self) + + def get(self, ident): + """Retrieve an object based on identity. + + Equivalent to :meth:`.Query.get`. + + """ + + query = self.bq.steps[0](self.session) + return query._get_impl(ident, self._load_on_pk_identity) + + def _load_on_pk_identity(self, query, primary_key_identity): + """Load the given primary key identity from the database.""" + + mapper = query._mapper_zero() + + _get_clause, _get_params = mapper._get_clause + + def setup(query): + _lcl_get_clause = _get_clause + q = query._clone() + q._get_condition() + q._order_by = None + + # None present in ident - turn those comparisons + # into "IS NULL" + if None in primary_key_identity: + nones = set( + [ + _get_params[col].key + for col, value in zip( + mapper.primary_key, primary_key_identity + ) + if value is None + ] + ) + _lcl_get_clause = sql_util.adapt_criterion_to_null( + _lcl_get_clause, nones + ) + + _lcl_get_clause = q._adapt_clause(_lcl_get_clause, True, False) + q._criterion = _lcl_get_clause + for fn in self._post_criteria: + q = fn(q) + return q + + # cache the query against a key that includes + # which positions in the primary key are NULL + # (remember, we can map to an OUTER JOIN) + bq = self.bq + + # add the clause we got from mapper._get_clause to the cache + # key so that if a race causes multiple calls to _get_clause, + # we've cached on ours + bq = bq._clone() + bq._cache_key += (_get_clause,) + + bq = bq.with_criteria( + setup, tuple(elem is None for elem in primary_key_identity) + ) + + params = dict( + [ + (_get_params[primary_key].key, id_val) + for id_val, primary_key in zip( + primary_key_identity, mapper.primary_key + ) + ] + ) + + result = list(bq.for_session(self.session).params(**params)) + l = len(result) + if l > 1: + raise orm_exc.MultipleResultsFound() + elif l: + return result[0] + else: + return None + + +@util.deprecated( + "1.2", "Baked lazy loading is now the default implementation." +) +def bake_lazy_loaders(): + """Enable the use of baked queries for all lazyloaders systemwide. + + The "baked" implementation of lazy loading is now the sole implementation + for the base lazy loader; this method has no effect except for a warning. + + """ + pass + + +@util.deprecated( + "1.2", "Baked lazy loading is now the default implementation." +) +def unbake_lazy_loaders(): + """Disable the use of baked queries for all lazyloaders systemwide. + + This method now raises NotImplmentedError() as the "baked" implementation + is the only lazy load implementation. The + :paramref:`.relationship.bake_queries` flag may be used to disable + the caching of queries on a per-relationship basis. + + """ + raise NotImplementedError( + "Baked lazy loading is now the default implementation" + ) + + +@strategy_options.loader_option() +def baked_lazyload(loadopt, attr): + """Indicate that the given attribute should be loaded using "lazy" + loading with a "baked" query used in the load. + + """ + return loadopt.set_relationship_strategy(attr, {"lazy": "baked_select"}) + + +@baked_lazyload._add_unbound_fn +@util.deprecated( + "1.2", + "Baked lazy loading is now the default " + "implementation for lazy loading.", +) +def baked_lazyload(*keys): + return strategy_options._UnboundLoad._from_keys( + strategy_options._UnboundLoad.baked_lazyload, keys, False, {} + ) + + +@baked_lazyload._add_unbound_all_fn +@util.deprecated( + "1.2", + "Baked lazy loading is now the default " + "implementation for lazy loading.", +) +def baked_lazyload_all(*keys): + return strategy_options._UnboundLoad._from_keys( + strategy_options._UnboundLoad.baked_lazyload, keys, True, {} + ) + + +baked_lazyload = baked_lazyload._unbound_fn +baked_lazyload_all = baked_lazyload_all._unbound_all_fn + +bakery = BakedQuery.bakery diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/ext/compiler.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/ext/compiler.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1b6ad1c --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/ext/compiler.py @@ -0,0 +1,482 @@ +# ext/compiler.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +r"""Provides an API for creation of custom ClauseElements and compilers. + +Synopsis +======== + +Usage involves the creation of one or more +:class:`~sqlalchemy.sql.expression.ClauseElement` subclasses and one or +more callables defining its compilation:: + + from sqlalchemy.ext.compiler import compiles + from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import ColumnClause + + class MyColumn(ColumnClause): + pass + + @compiles(MyColumn) + def compile_mycolumn(element, compiler, **kw): + return "[%s]" % element.name + +Above, ``MyColumn`` extends :class:`~sqlalchemy.sql.expression.ColumnClause`, +the base expression element for named column objects. The ``compiles`` +decorator registers itself with the ``MyColumn`` class so that it is invoked +when the object is compiled to a string:: + + from sqlalchemy import select + + s = select([MyColumn('x'), MyColumn('y')]) + print str(s) + +Produces:: + + SELECT [x], [y] + +Dialect-specific compilation rules +================================== + +Compilers can also be made dialect-specific. The appropriate compiler will be +invoked for the dialect in use:: + + from sqlalchemy.schema import DDLElement + + class AlterColumn(DDLElement): + + def __init__(self, column, cmd): + self.column = column + self.cmd = cmd + + @compiles(AlterColumn) + def visit_alter_column(element, compiler, **kw): + return "ALTER COLUMN %s ..." % element.column.name + + @compiles(AlterColumn, 'postgresql') + def visit_alter_column(element, compiler, **kw): + return "ALTER TABLE %s ALTER COLUMN %s ..." % (element.table.name, + element.column.name) + +The second ``visit_alter_table`` will be invoked when any ``postgresql`` +dialect is used. + +Compiling sub-elements of a custom expression construct +======================================================= + +The ``compiler`` argument is the +:class:`~sqlalchemy.engine.interfaces.Compiled` object in use. This object +can be inspected for any information about the in-progress compilation, +including ``compiler.dialect``, ``compiler.statement`` etc. The +:class:`~sqlalchemy.sql.compiler.SQLCompiler` and +:class:`~sqlalchemy.sql.compiler.DDLCompiler` both include a ``process()`` +method which can be used for compilation of embedded attributes:: + + from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import Executable, ClauseElement + + class InsertFromSelect(Executable, ClauseElement): + def __init__(self, table, select): + self.table = table + self.select = select + + @compiles(InsertFromSelect) + def visit_insert_from_select(element, compiler, **kw): + return "INSERT INTO %s (%s)" % ( + compiler.process(element.table, asfrom=True), + compiler.process(element.select) + ) + + insert = InsertFromSelect(t1, select([t1]).where(t1.c.x>5)) + print insert + +Produces:: + + "INSERT INTO mytable (SELECT mytable.x, mytable.y, mytable.z + FROM mytable WHERE mytable.x > :x_1)" + +.. note:: + + The above ``InsertFromSelect`` construct is only an example, this actual + functionality is already available using the + :meth:`.Insert.from_select` method. + +.. note:: + + The above ``InsertFromSelect`` construct probably wants to have "autocommit" + enabled. See :ref:`enabling_compiled_autocommit` for this step. + +Cross Compiling between SQL and DDL compilers +--------------------------------------------- + +SQL and DDL constructs are each compiled using different base compilers - +``SQLCompiler`` and ``DDLCompiler``. A common need is to access the +compilation rules of SQL expressions from within a DDL expression. The +``DDLCompiler`` includes an accessor ``sql_compiler`` for this reason, such as +below where we generate a CHECK constraint that embeds a SQL expression:: + + @compiles(MyConstraint) + def compile_my_constraint(constraint, ddlcompiler, **kw): + return "CONSTRAINT %s CHECK (%s)" % ( + constraint.name, + ddlcompiler.sql_compiler.process( + constraint.expression, literal_binds=True) + ) + +Above, we add an additional flag to the process step as called by +:meth:`.SQLCompiler.process`, which is the ``literal_binds`` flag. This +indicates that any SQL expression which refers to a :class:`.BindParameter` +object or other "literal" object such as those which refer to strings or +integers should be rendered **in-place**, rather than being referred to as +a bound parameter; when emitting DDL, bound parameters are typically not +supported. + + +.. _enabling_compiled_autocommit: + +Enabling Autocommit on a Construct +================================== + +Recall from the section :ref:`autocommit` that the :class:`.Engine`, when +asked to execute a construct in the absence of a user-defined transaction, +detects if the given construct represents DML or DDL, that is, a data +modification or data definition statement, which requires (or may require, +in the case of DDL) that the transaction generated by the DBAPI be committed +(recall that DBAPI always has a transaction going on regardless of what +SQLAlchemy does). Checking for this is actually accomplished by checking for +the "autocommit" execution option on the construct. When building a +construct like an INSERT derivation, a new DDL type, or perhaps a stored +procedure that alters data, the "autocommit" option needs to be set in order +for the statement to function with "connectionless" execution +(as described in :ref:`dbengine_implicit`). + +Currently a quick way to do this is to subclass :class:`.Executable`, then +add the "autocommit" flag to the ``_execution_options`` dictionary (note this +is a "frozen" dictionary which supplies a generative ``union()`` method):: + + from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import Executable, ClauseElement + + class MyInsertThing(Executable, ClauseElement): + _execution_options = \ + Executable._execution_options.union({'autocommit': True}) + +More succinctly, if the construct is truly similar to an INSERT, UPDATE, or +DELETE, :class:`.UpdateBase` can be used, which already is a subclass +of :class:`.Executable`, :class:`.ClauseElement` and includes the +``autocommit`` flag:: + + from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import UpdateBase + + class MyInsertThing(UpdateBase): + def __init__(self, ...): + ... + + + + +DDL elements that subclass :class:`.DDLElement` already have the +"autocommit" flag turned on. + + + + +Changing the default compilation of existing constructs +======================================================= + +The compiler extension applies just as well to the existing constructs. When +overriding the compilation of a built in SQL construct, the @compiles +decorator is invoked upon the appropriate class (be sure to use the class, +i.e. ``Insert`` or ``Select``, instead of the creation function such +as ``insert()`` or ``select()``). + +Within the new compilation function, to get at the "original" compilation +routine, use the appropriate visit_XXX method - this +because compiler.process() will call upon the overriding routine and cause +an endless loop. Such as, to add "prefix" to all insert statements:: + + from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import Insert + + @compiles(Insert) + def prefix_inserts(insert, compiler, **kw): + return compiler.visit_insert(insert.prefix_with("some prefix"), **kw) + +The above compiler will prefix all INSERT statements with "some prefix" when +compiled. + +.. _type_compilation_extension: + +Changing Compilation of Types +============================= + +``compiler`` works for types, too, such as below where we implement the +MS-SQL specific 'max' keyword for ``String``/``VARCHAR``:: + + @compiles(String, 'mssql') + @compiles(VARCHAR, 'mssql') + def compile_varchar(element, compiler, **kw): + if element.length == 'max': + return "VARCHAR('max')" + else: + return compiler.visit_VARCHAR(element, **kw) + + foo = Table('foo', metadata, + Column('data', VARCHAR('max')) + ) + +Subclassing Guidelines +====================== + +A big part of using the compiler extension is subclassing SQLAlchemy +expression constructs. To make this easier, the expression and +schema packages feature a set of "bases" intended for common tasks. +A synopsis is as follows: + +* :class:`~sqlalchemy.sql.expression.ClauseElement` - This is the root + expression class. Any SQL expression can be derived from this base, and is + probably the best choice for longer constructs such as specialized INSERT + statements. + +* :class:`~sqlalchemy.sql.expression.ColumnElement` - The root of all + "column-like" elements. Anything that you'd place in the "columns" clause of + a SELECT statement (as well as order by and group by) can derive from this - + the object will automatically have Python "comparison" behavior. + + :class:`~sqlalchemy.sql.expression.ColumnElement` classes want to have a + ``type`` member which is expression's return type. This can be established + at the instance level in the constructor, or at the class level if its + generally constant:: + + class timestamp(ColumnElement): + type = TIMESTAMP() + +* :class:`~sqlalchemy.sql.functions.FunctionElement` - This is a hybrid of a + ``ColumnElement`` and a "from clause" like object, and represents a SQL + function or stored procedure type of call. Since most databases support + statements along the line of "SELECT FROM " + ``FunctionElement`` adds in the ability to be used in the FROM clause of a + ``select()`` construct:: + + from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import FunctionElement + + class coalesce(FunctionElement): + name = 'coalesce' + + @compiles(coalesce) + def compile(element, compiler, **kw): + return "coalesce(%s)" % compiler.process(element.clauses) + + @compiles(coalesce, 'oracle') + def compile(element, compiler, **kw): + if len(element.clauses) > 2: + raise TypeError("coalesce only supports two arguments on Oracle") + return "nvl(%s)" % compiler.process(element.clauses) + +* :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.DDLElement` - The root of all DDL expressions, + like CREATE TABLE, ALTER TABLE, etc. Compilation of ``DDLElement`` + subclasses is issued by a ``DDLCompiler`` instead of a ``SQLCompiler``. + ``DDLElement`` also features ``Table`` and ``MetaData`` event hooks via the + ``execute_at()`` method, allowing the construct to be invoked during CREATE + TABLE and DROP TABLE sequences. + +* :class:`~sqlalchemy.sql.expression.Executable` - This is a mixin which + should be used with any expression class that represents a "standalone" + SQL statement that can be passed directly to an ``execute()`` method. It + is already implicit within ``DDLElement`` and ``FunctionElement``. + +Further Examples +================ + +"UTC timestamp" function +------------------------- + +A function that works like "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP" except applies the +appropriate conversions so that the time is in UTC time. Timestamps are best +stored in relational databases as UTC, without time zones. UTC so that your +database doesn't think time has gone backwards in the hour when daylight +savings ends, without timezones because timezones are like character +encodings - they're best applied only at the endpoints of an application +(i.e. convert to UTC upon user input, re-apply desired timezone upon display). + +For PostgreSQL and Microsoft SQL Server:: + + from sqlalchemy.sql import expression + from sqlalchemy.ext.compiler import compiles + from sqlalchemy.types import DateTime + + class utcnow(expression.FunctionElement): + type = DateTime() + + @compiles(utcnow, 'postgresql') + def pg_utcnow(element, compiler, **kw): + return "TIMEZONE('utc', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)" + + @compiles(utcnow, 'mssql') + def ms_utcnow(element, compiler, **kw): + return "GETUTCDATE()" + +Example usage:: + + from sqlalchemy import ( + Table, Column, Integer, String, DateTime, MetaData + ) + metadata = MetaData() + event = Table("event", metadata, + Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True), + Column("description", String(50), nullable=False), + Column("timestamp", DateTime, server_default=utcnow()) + ) + +"GREATEST" function +------------------- + +The "GREATEST" function is given any number of arguments and returns the one +that is of the highest value - its equivalent to Python's ``max`` +function. A SQL standard version versus a CASE based version which only +accommodates two arguments:: + + from sqlalchemy.sql import expression + from sqlalchemy.ext.compiler import compiles + from sqlalchemy.types import Numeric + + class greatest(expression.FunctionElement): + type = Numeric() + name = 'greatest' + + @compiles(greatest) + def default_greatest(element, compiler, **kw): + return compiler.visit_function(element) + + @compiles(greatest, 'sqlite') + @compiles(greatest, 'mssql') + @compiles(greatest, 'oracle') + def case_greatest(element, compiler, **kw): + arg1, arg2 = list(element.clauses) + return "CASE WHEN %s > %s THEN %s ELSE %s END" % ( + compiler.process(arg1), + compiler.process(arg2), + compiler.process(arg1), + compiler.process(arg2), + ) + +Example usage:: + + Session.query(Account).\ + filter( + greatest( + Account.checking_balance, + Account.savings_balance) > 10000 + ) + +"false" expression +------------------ + +Render a "false" constant expression, rendering as "0" on platforms that +don't have a "false" constant:: + + from sqlalchemy.sql import expression + from sqlalchemy.ext.compiler import compiles + + class sql_false(expression.ColumnElement): + pass + + @compiles(sql_false) + def default_false(element, compiler, **kw): + return "false" + + @compiles(sql_false, 'mssql') + @compiles(sql_false, 'mysql') + @compiles(sql_false, 'oracle') + def int_false(element, compiler, **kw): + return "0" + +Example usage:: + + from sqlalchemy import select, union_all + + exp = union_all( + select([users.c.name, sql_false().label("enrolled")]), + select([customers.c.name, customers.c.enrolled]) + ) + +""" +from .. import exc +from ..sql import visitors + + +def compiles(class_, *specs): + """Register a function as a compiler for a + given :class:`.ClauseElement` type.""" + + def decorate(fn): + # get an existing @compiles handler + existing = class_.__dict__.get("_compiler_dispatcher", None) + + # get the original handler. All ClauseElement classes have one + # of these, but some TypeEngine classes will not. + existing_dispatch = getattr(class_, "_compiler_dispatch", None) + + if not existing: + existing = _dispatcher() + + if existing_dispatch: + + def _wrap_existing_dispatch(element, compiler, **kw): + try: + return existing_dispatch(element, compiler, **kw) + except exc.UnsupportedCompilationError: + raise exc.CompileError( + "%s construct has no default " + "compilation handler." % type(element) + ) + + existing.specs["default"] = _wrap_existing_dispatch + + # TODO: why is the lambda needed ? + setattr( + class_, + "_compiler_dispatch", + lambda *arg, **kw: existing(*arg, **kw), + ) + setattr(class_, "_compiler_dispatcher", existing) + + if specs: + for s in specs: + existing.specs[s] = fn + + else: + existing.specs["default"] = fn + return fn + + return decorate + + +def deregister(class_): + """Remove all custom compilers associated with a given + :class:`.ClauseElement` type.""" + + if hasattr(class_, "_compiler_dispatcher"): + # regenerate default _compiler_dispatch + visitors._generate_dispatch(class_) + # remove custom directive + del class_._compiler_dispatcher + + +class _dispatcher(object): + def __init__(self): + self.specs = {} + + def __call__(self, element, compiler, **kw): + # TODO: yes, this could also switch off of DBAPI in use. + fn = self.specs.get(compiler.dialect.name, None) + if not fn: + try: + fn = self.specs["default"] + except KeyError: + raise exc.CompileError( + "%s construct has no default " + "compilation handler." % type(element) + ) + + return fn(element, compiler, **kw) diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/ext/declarative/__init__.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/ext/declarative/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..db3f049 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/ext/declarative/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +# ext/declarative/__init__.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +from .api import AbstractConcreteBase +from .api import as_declarative +from .api import comparable_using +from .api import ConcreteBase +from .api import declarative_base +from .api import DeclarativeMeta +from .api import declared_attr +from .api import DeferredReflection +from .api import has_inherited_table +from .api import instrument_declarative +from .api import synonym_for + + +__all__ = [ + "declarative_base", + "synonym_for", + "has_inherited_table", + "comparable_using", + "instrument_declarative", + "declared_attr", + "as_declarative", + "ConcreteBase", + "AbstractConcreteBase", + "DeclarativeMeta", + "DeferredReflection", +] diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/ext/declarative/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/ext/declarative/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..27af427 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/ext/declarative/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/ext/declarative/__pycache__/api.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/ext/declarative/__pycache__/api.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..92bc426 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/ext/declarative/__pycache__/api.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/ext/declarative/__pycache__/base.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/ext/declarative/__pycache__/base.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3afdf1a Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/ext/declarative/__pycache__/base.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/ext/declarative/__pycache__/clsregistry.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/ext/declarative/__pycache__/clsregistry.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a33d9ba Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/ext/declarative/__pycache__/clsregistry.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/ext/declarative/api.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/ext/declarative/api.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..06d4bd6 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/ext/declarative/api.py @@ -0,0 +1,763 @@ +# ext/declarative/api.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php +"""Public API functions and helpers for declarative.""" + + +import re +import weakref + +from .base import _add_attribute +from .base import _as_declarative +from .base import _declarative_constructor +from .base import _DeferredMapperConfig +from .clsregistry import _class_resolver +from ... import exc +from ... import util +from ...orm import attributes +from ...orm import comparable_property +from ...orm import interfaces +from ...orm import properties +from ...orm import synonym as _orm_synonym +from ...orm.base import _mapper_or_none +from ...orm.util import polymorphic_union +from ...schema import MetaData +from ...schema import Table +from ...util import hybridmethod +from ...util import hybridproperty +from ...util import OrderedDict + + +def instrument_declarative(cls, registry, metadata): + """Given a class, configure the class declaratively, + using the given registry, which can be any dictionary, and + MetaData object. + + """ + if "_decl_class_registry" in cls.__dict__: + raise exc.InvalidRequestError( + "Class %r already has been " "instrumented declaratively" % cls + ) + cls._decl_class_registry = registry + cls.metadata = metadata + _as_declarative(cls, cls.__name__, cls.__dict__) + + +def has_inherited_table(cls): + """Given a class, return True if any of the classes it inherits from has a + mapped table, otherwise return False. + + This is used in declarative mixins to build attributes that behave + differently for the base class vs. a subclass in an inheritance + hierarchy. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`decl_mixin_inheritance` + + """ + for class_ in cls.__mro__[1:]: + if getattr(class_, "__table__", None) is not None: + return True + return False + + +class DeclarativeMeta(type): + def __init__(cls, classname, bases, dict_): + if "_decl_class_registry" not in cls.__dict__: + _as_declarative(cls, classname, cls.__dict__) + type.__init__(cls, classname, bases, dict_) + + def __setattr__(cls, key, value): + _add_attribute(cls, key, value) + + +def synonym_for(name, map_column=False): + """Decorator that produces an :func:`.orm.synonym` attribute in conjunction + with a Python descriptor. + + The function being decorated is passed to :func:`.orm.synonym` as the + :paramref:`.orm.synonym.descriptor` parameter:: + + class MyClass(Base): + __tablename__ = 'my_table' + + id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) + _job_status = Column("job_status", String(50)) + + @synonym_for("job_status") + @property + def job_status(self): + return "Status: %s" % self._job_status + + The :ref:`hybrid properties ` feature of SQLAlchemy + is typically preferred instead of synonyms, which is a more legacy + feature. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`synonyms` - Overview of synonyms + + :func:`.orm.synonym` - the mapper-level function + + :ref:`mapper_hybrids` - The Hybrid Attribute extension provides an + updated approach to augmenting attribute behavior more flexibly than + can be achieved with synonyms. + + """ + + def decorate(fn): + return _orm_synonym(name, map_column=map_column, descriptor=fn) + + return decorate + + +def comparable_using(comparator_factory): + """Decorator, allow a Python @property to be used in query criteria. + + This is a decorator front end to + :func:`~sqlalchemy.orm.comparable_property` that passes + through the comparator_factory and the function being decorated:: + + @comparable_using(MyComparatorType) + @property + def prop(self): + return 'special sauce' + + The regular ``comparable_property()`` is also usable directly in a + declarative setting and may be convenient for read/write properties:: + + prop = comparable_property(MyComparatorType) + + """ + + def decorate(fn): + return comparable_property(comparator_factory, fn) + + return decorate + + +class declared_attr(interfaces._MappedAttribute, property): + """Mark a class-level method as representing the definition of + a mapped property or special declarative member name. + + @declared_attr turns the attribute into a scalar-like + property that can be invoked from the uninstantiated class. + Declarative treats attributes specifically marked with + @declared_attr as returning a construct that is specific + to mapping or declarative table configuration. The name + of the attribute is that of what the non-dynamic version + of the attribute would be. + + @declared_attr is more often than not applicable to mixins, + to define relationships that are to be applied to different + implementors of the class:: + + class ProvidesUser(object): + "A mixin that adds a 'user' relationship to classes." + + @declared_attr + def user(self): + return relationship("User") + + It also can be applied to mapped classes, such as to provide + a "polymorphic" scheme for inheritance:: + + class Employee(Base): + id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) + type = Column(String(50), nullable=False) + + @declared_attr + def __tablename__(cls): + return cls.__name__.lower() + + @declared_attr + def __mapper_args__(cls): + if cls.__name__ == 'Employee': + return { + "polymorphic_on":cls.type, + "polymorphic_identity":"Employee" + } + else: + return {"polymorphic_identity":cls.__name__} + + .. versionchanged:: 0.8 :class:`.declared_attr` can be used with + non-ORM or extension attributes, such as user-defined attributes + or :func:`.association_proxy` objects, which will be assigned + to the class at class construction time. + + + """ + + def __init__(self, fget, cascading=False): + super(declared_attr, self).__init__(fget) + self.__doc__ = fget.__doc__ + self._cascading = cascading + + def __get__(desc, self, cls): + reg = cls.__dict__.get("_sa_declared_attr_reg", None) + if reg is None: + if ( + not re.match(r"^__.+__$", desc.fget.__name__) + and attributes.manager_of_class(cls) is None + ): + util.warn( + "Unmanaged access of declarative attribute %s from " + "non-mapped class %s" % (desc.fget.__name__, cls.__name__) + ) + return desc.fget(cls) + elif desc in reg: + return reg[desc] + else: + reg[desc] = obj = desc.fget(cls) + return obj + + @hybridmethod + def _stateful(cls, **kw): + return _stateful_declared_attr(**kw) + + @hybridproperty + def cascading(cls): + """Mark a :class:`.declared_attr` as cascading. + + This is a special-use modifier which indicates that a column + or MapperProperty-based declared attribute should be configured + distinctly per mapped subclass, within a mapped-inheritance scenario. + + .. warning:: + + The :attr:`.declared_attr.cascading` modifier has several + limitations: + + * The flag **only** applies to the use of :class:`.declared_attr` + on declarative mixin classes and ``__abstract__`` classes; it + currently has no effect when used on a mapped class directly. + + * The flag **only** applies to normally-named attributes, e.g. + not any special underscore attributes such as ``__tablename__``. + On these attributes it has **no** effect. + + * The flag currently **does not allow further overrides** down + the class hierarchy; if a subclass tries to override the + attribute, a warning is emitted and the overridden attribute + is skipped. This is a limitation that it is hoped will be + resolved at some point. + + Below, both MyClass as well as MySubClass will have a distinct + ``id`` Column object established:: + + class HasIdMixin(object): + @declared_attr.cascading + def id(cls): + if has_inherited_table(cls): + return Column( + ForeignKey('myclass.id'), primary_key=True) + else: + return Column(Integer, primary_key=True) + + class MyClass(HasIdMixin, Base): + __tablename__ = 'myclass' + # ... + + class MySubClass(MyClass): + "" + # ... + + The behavior of the above configuration is that ``MySubClass`` + will refer to both its own ``id`` column as well as that of + ``MyClass`` underneath the attribute named ``some_id``. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`declarative_inheritance` + + :ref:`mixin_inheritance_columns` + + + """ + return cls._stateful(cascading=True) + + +class _stateful_declared_attr(declared_attr): + def __init__(self, **kw): + self.kw = kw + + def _stateful(self, **kw): + new_kw = self.kw.copy() + new_kw.update(kw) + return _stateful_declared_attr(**new_kw) + + def __call__(self, fn): + return declared_attr(fn, **self.kw) + + +def declarative_base( + bind=None, + metadata=None, + mapper=None, + cls=object, + name="Base", + constructor=_declarative_constructor, + class_registry=None, + metaclass=DeclarativeMeta, +): + r"""Construct a base class for declarative class definitions. + + The new base class will be given a metaclass that produces + appropriate :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Table` objects and makes + the appropriate :func:`~sqlalchemy.orm.mapper` calls based on the + information provided declaratively in the class and any subclasses + of the class. + + :param bind: An optional + :class:`~sqlalchemy.engine.Connectable`, will be assigned + the ``bind`` attribute on the :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.MetaData` + instance. + + :param metadata: + An optional :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.MetaData` instance. All + :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Table` objects implicitly declared by + subclasses of the base will share this MetaData. A MetaData instance + will be created if none is provided. The + :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.MetaData` instance will be available via the + `metadata` attribute of the generated declarative base class. + + :param mapper: + An optional callable, defaults to :func:`~sqlalchemy.orm.mapper`. Will + be used to map subclasses to their Tables. + + :param cls: + Defaults to :class:`object`. A type to use as the base for the generated + declarative base class. May be a class or tuple of classes. + + :param name: + Defaults to ``Base``. The display name for the generated + class. Customizing this is not required, but can improve clarity in + tracebacks and debugging. + + :param constructor: + Defaults to + :func:`~sqlalchemy.ext.declarative.base._declarative_constructor`, an + __init__ implementation that assigns \**kwargs for declared + fields and relationships to an instance. If ``None`` is supplied, + no __init__ will be provided and construction will fall back to + cls.__init__ by way of the normal Python semantics. + + :param class_registry: optional dictionary that will serve as the + registry of class names-> mapped classes when string names + are used to identify classes inside of :func:`.relationship` + and others. Allows two or more declarative base classes + to share the same registry of class names for simplified + inter-base relationships. + + :param metaclass: + Defaults to :class:`.DeclarativeMeta`. A metaclass or __metaclass__ + compatible callable to use as the meta type of the generated + declarative base class. + + .. versionchanged:: 1.1 if :paramref:`.declarative_base.cls` is a + single class (rather than a tuple), the constructed base class will + inherit its docstring. + + .. seealso:: + + :func:`.as_declarative` + + """ + lcl_metadata = metadata or MetaData() + if bind: + lcl_metadata.bind = bind + + if class_registry is None: + class_registry = weakref.WeakValueDictionary() + + bases = not isinstance(cls, tuple) and (cls,) or cls + class_dict = dict( + _decl_class_registry=class_registry, metadata=lcl_metadata + ) + + if isinstance(cls, type): + class_dict["__doc__"] = cls.__doc__ + + if constructor: + class_dict["__init__"] = constructor + if mapper: + class_dict["__mapper_cls__"] = mapper + + return metaclass(name, bases, class_dict) + + +def as_declarative(**kw): + """ + Class decorator for :func:`.declarative_base`. + + Provides a syntactical shortcut to the ``cls`` argument + sent to :func:`.declarative_base`, allowing the base class + to be converted in-place to a "declarative" base:: + + from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import as_declarative + + @as_declarative() + class Base(object): + @declared_attr + def __tablename__(cls): + return cls.__name__.lower() + id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) + + class MyMappedClass(Base): + # ... + + All keyword arguments passed to :func:`.as_declarative` are passed + along to :func:`.declarative_base`. + + .. versionadded:: 0.8.3 + + .. seealso:: + + :func:`.declarative_base` + + """ + + def decorate(cls): + kw["cls"] = cls + kw["name"] = cls.__name__ + return declarative_base(**kw) + + return decorate + + +class ConcreteBase(object): + """A helper class for 'concrete' declarative mappings. + + :class:`.ConcreteBase` will use the :func:`.polymorphic_union` + function automatically, against all tables mapped as a subclass + to this class. The function is called via the + ``__declare_last__()`` function, which is essentially + a hook for the :meth:`.after_configured` event. + + :class:`.ConcreteBase` produces a mapped + table for the class itself. Compare to :class:`.AbstractConcreteBase`, + which does not. + + Example:: + + from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import ConcreteBase + + class Employee(ConcreteBase, Base): + __tablename__ = 'employee' + employee_id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) + name = Column(String(50)) + __mapper_args__ = { + 'polymorphic_identity':'employee', + 'concrete':True} + + class Manager(Employee): + __tablename__ = 'manager' + employee_id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) + name = Column(String(50)) + manager_data = Column(String(40)) + __mapper_args__ = { + 'polymorphic_identity':'manager', + 'concrete':True} + + .. seealso:: + + :class:`.AbstractConcreteBase` + + :ref:`concrete_inheritance` + + :ref:`inheritance_concrete_helpers` + + + """ + + @classmethod + def _create_polymorphic_union(cls, mappers): + return polymorphic_union( + OrderedDict( + (mp.polymorphic_identity, mp.local_table) for mp in mappers + ), + "type", + "pjoin", + ) + + @classmethod + def __declare_first__(cls): + m = cls.__mapper__ + if m.with_polymorphic: + return + + mappers = list(m.self_and_descendants) + pjoin = cls._create_polymorphic_union(mappers) + m._set_with_polymorphic(("*", pjoin)) + m._set_polymorphic_on(pjoin.c.type) + + +class AbstractConcreteBase(ConcreteBase): + """A helper class for 'concrete' declarative mappings. + + :class:`.AbstractConcreteBase` will use the :func:`.polymorphic_union` + function automatically, against all tables mapped as a subclass + to this class. The function is called via the + ``__declare_last__()`` function, which is essentially + a hook for the :meth:`.after_configured` event. + + :class:`.AbstractConcreteBase` does produce a mapped class + for the base class, however it is not persisted to any table; it + is instead mapped directly to the "polymorphic" selectable directly + and is only used for selecting. Compare to :class:`.ConcreteBase`, + which does create a persisted table for the base class. + + Example:: + + from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import AbstractConcreteBase + + class Employee(AbstractConcreteBase, Base): + pass + + class Manager(Employee): + __tablename__ = 'manager' + employee_id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) + name = Column(String(50)) + manager_data = Column(String(40)) + + __mapper_args__ = { + 'polymorphic_identity':'manager', + 'concrete':True} + + The abstract base class is handled by declarative in a special way; + at class configuration time, it behaves like a declarative mixin + or an ``__abstract__`` base class. Once classes are configured + and mappings are produced, it then gets mapped itself, but + after all of its decscendants. This is a very unique system of mapping + not found in any other SQLAlchemy system. + + Using this approach, we can specify columns and properties + that will take place on mapped subclasses, in the way that + we normally do as in :ref:`declarative_mixins`:: + + class Company(Base): + __tablename__ = 'company' + id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) + + class Employee(AbstractConcreteBase, Base): + employee_id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) + + @declared_attr + def company_id(cls): + return Column(ForeignKey('company.id')) + + @declared_attr + def company(cls): + return relationship("Company") + + class Manager(Employee): + __tablename__ = 'manager' + + name = Column(String(50)) + manager_data = Column(String(40)) + + __mapper_args__ = { + 'polymorphic_identity':'manager', + 'concrete':True} + + When we make use of our mappings however, both ``Manager`` and + ``Employee`` will have an independently usable ``.company`` attribute:: + + session.query(Employee).filter(Employee.company.has(id=5)) + + .. versionchanged:: 1.0.0 - The mechanics of :class:`.AbstractConcreteBase` + have been reworked to support relationships established directly + on the abstract base, without any special configurational steps. + + .. seealso:: + + :class:`.ConcreteBase` + + :ref:`concrete_inheritance` + + :ref:`inheritance_concrete_helpers` + + """ + + __no_table__ = True + + @classmethod + def __declare_first__(cls): + cls._sa_decl_prepare_nocascade() + + @classmethod + def _sa_decl_prepare_nocascade(cls): + if getattr(cls, "__mapper__", None): + return + + to_map = _DeferredMapperConfig.config_for_cls(cls) + + # can't rely on 'self_and_descendants' here + # since technically an immediate subclass + # might not be mapped, but a subclass + # may be. + mappers = [] + stack = list(cls.__subclasses__()) + while stack: + klass = stack.pop() + stack.extend(klass.__subclasses__()) + mn = _mapper_or_none(klass) + if mn is not None: + mappers.append(mn) + pjoin = cls._create_polymorphic_union(mappers) + + # For columns that were declared on the class, these + # are normally ignored with the "__no_table__" mapping, + # unless they have a different attribute key vs. col name + # and are in the properties argument. + # In that case, ensure we update the properties entry + # to the correct column from the pjoin target table. + declared_cols = set(to_map.declared_columns) + for k, v in list(to_map.properties.items()): + if v in declared_cols: + to_map.properties[k] = pjoin.c[v.key] + + to_map.local_table = pjoin + + m_args = to_map.mapper_args_fn or dict + + def mapper_args(): + args = m_args() + args["polymorphic_on"] = pjoin.c.type + return args + + to_map.mapper_args_fn = mapper_args + + m = to_map.map() + + for scls in cls.__subclasses__(): + sm = _mapper_or_none(scls) + if sm and sm.concrete and cls in scls.__bases__: + sm._set_concrete_base(m) + + +class DeferredReflection(object): + """A helper class for construction of mappings based on + a deferred reflection step. + + Normally, declarative can be used with reflection by + setting a :class:`.Table` object using autoload=True + as the ``__table__`` attribute on a declarative class. + The caveat is that the :class:`.Table` must be fully + reflected, or at the very least have a primary key column, + at the point at which a normal declarative mapping is + constructed, meaning the :class:`.Engine` must be available + at class declaration time. + + The :class:`.DeferredReflection` mixin moves the construction + of mappers to be at a later point, after a specific + method is called which first reflects all :class:`.Table` + objects created so far. Classes can define it as such:: + + from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base + from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import DeferredReflection + Base = declarative_base() + + class MyClass(DeferredReflection, Base): + __tablename__ = 'mytable' + + Above, ``MyClass`` is not yet mapped. After a series of + classes have been defined in the above fashion, all tables + can be reflected and mappings created using + :meth:`.prepare`:: + + engine = create_engine("someengine://...") + DeferredReflection.prepare(engine) + + The :class:`.DeferredReflection` mixin can be applied to individual + classes, used as the base for the declarative base itself, + or used in a custom abstract class. Using an abstract base + allows that only a subset of classes to be prepared for a + particular prepare step, which is necessary for applications + that use more than one engine. For example, if an application + has two engines, you might use two bases, and prepare each + separately, e.g.:: + + class ReflectedOne(DeferredReflection, Base): + __abstract__ = True + + class ReflectedTwo(DeferredReflection, Base): + __abstract__ = True + + class MyClass(ReflectedOne): + __tablename__ = 'mytable' + + class MyOtherClass(ReflectedOne): + __tablename__ = 'myothertable' + + class YetAnotherClass(ReflectedTwo): + __tablename__ = 'yetanothertable' + + # ... etc. + + Above, the class hierarchies for ``ReflectedOne`` and + ``ReflectedTwo`` can be configured separately:: + + ReflectedOne.prepare(engine_one) + ReflectedTwo.prepare(engine_two) + + .. versionadded:: 0.8 + + """ + + @classmethod + def prepare(cls, engine): + """Reflect all :class:`.Table` objects for all current + :class:`.DeferredReflection` subclasses""" + + to_map = _DeferredMapperConfig.classes_for_base(cls) + for thingy in to_map: + cls._sa_decl_prepare(thingy.local_table, engine) + thingy.map() + mapper = thingy.cls.__mapper__ + metadata = mapper.class_.metadata + for rel in mapper._props.values(): + if ( + isinstance(rel, properties.RelationshipProperty) + and rel.secondary is not None + ): + if isinstance(rel.secondary, Table): + cls._reflect_table(rel.secondary, engine) + elif isinstance(rel.secondary, _class_resolver): + rel.secondary._resolvers += ( + cls._sa_deferred_table_resolver(engine, metadata), + ) + + @classmethod + def _sa_deferred_table_resolver(cls, engine, metadata): + def _resolve(key): + t1 = Table(key, metadata) + cls._reflect_table(t1, engine) + return t1 + + return _resolve + + @classmethod + def _sa_decl_prepare(cls, local_table, engine): + # autoload Table, which is already + # present in the metadata. This + # will fill in db-loaded columns + # into the existing Table object. + if local_table is not None: + cls._reflect_table(local_table, engine) + + @classmethod + def _reflect_table(cls, table, engine): + Table( + table.name, + table.metadata, + extend_existing=True, + autoload_replace=False, + autoload=True, + autoload_with=engine, + schema=table.schema, + ) diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/ext/declarative/base.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/ext/declarative/base.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..124d273 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/ext/declarative/base.py @@ -0,0 +1,811 @@ +# ext/declarative/base.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php +"""Internal implementation for declarative.""" + +import collections +import weakref + +from sqlalchemy.orm import instrumentation +from . import clsregistry +from ... import event +from ... import exc +from ... import util +from ...orm import class_mapper +from ...orm import mapper +from ...orm import synonym +from ...orm.attributes import QueryableAttribute +from ...orm.base import _is_mapped_class +from ...orm.base import InspectionAttr +from ...orm.interfaces import MapperProperty +from ...orm.properties import ColumnProperty +from ...orm.properties import CompositeProperty +from ...schema import Column +from ...schema import Table +from ...sql import expression +from ...util import topological + +declared_attr = declarative_props = None + + +def _declared_mapping_info(cls): + # deferred mapping + if _DeferredMapperConfig.has_cls(cls): + return _DeferredMapperConfig.config_for_cls(cls) + # regular mapping + elif _is_mapped_class(cls): + return class_mapper(cls, configure=False) + else: + return None + + +def _resolve_for_abstract_or_classical(cls): + if cls is object: + return None + + if _get_immediate_cls_attr(cls, "__abstract__", strict=True): + for sup in cls.__bases__: + sup = _resolve_for_abstract_or_classical(sup) + if sup is not None: + return sup + else: + return None + else: + classical = _dive_for_classically_mapped_class(cls) + if classical is not None: + return classical + else: + return cls + + +def _dive_for_classically_mapped_class(cls): + # support issue #4321 + + # if we are within a base hierarchy, don't + # search at all for classical mappings + if hasattr(cls, "_decl_class_registry"): + return None + + manager = instrumentation.manager_of_class(cls) + if manager is not None: + return cls + else: + for sup in cls.__bases__: + mapper = _dive_for_classically_mapped_class(sup) + if mapper is not None: + return sup + else: + return None + + +def _get_immediate_cls_attr(cls, attrname, strict=False): + """return an attribute of the class that is either present directly + on the class, e.g. not on a superclass, or is from a superclass but + this superclass is a non-mapped mixin, that is, not a descendant of + the declarative base and is also not classically mapped. + + This is used to detect attributes that indicate something about + a mapped class independently from any mapped classes that it may + inherit from. + + """ + if not issubclass(cls, object): + return None + + for base in cls.__mro__: + _is_declarative_inherits = hasattr(base, "_decl_class_registry") + _is_classicial_inherits = ( + not _is_declarative_inherits + and _dive_for_classically_mapped_class(base) is not None + ) + + if attrname in base.__dict__ and ( + base is cls + or ( + (base in cls.__bases__ if strict else True) + and not _is_declarative_inherits + and not _is_classicial_inherits + ) + ): + return getattr(base, attrname) + else: + return None + + +def _as_declarative(cls, classname, dict_): + global declared_attr, declarative_props + if declared_attr is None: + from .api import declared_attr + + declarative_props = (declared_attr, util.classproperty) + + if _get_immediate_cls_attr(cls, "__abstract__", strict=True): + return + + _MapperConfig.setup_mapping(cls, classname, dict_) + + +def _check_declared_props_nocascade(obj, name, cls): + + if isinstance(obj, declarative_props): + if getattr(obj, "_cascading", False): + util.warn( + "@declared_attr.cascading is not supported on the %s " + "attribute on class %s. This attribute invokes for " + "subclasses in any case." % (name, cls) + ) + return True + else: + return False + + +class _MapperConfig(object): + @classmethod + def setup_mapping(cls, cls_, classname, dict_): + defer_map = _get_immediate_cls_attr( + cls_, "_sa_decl_prepare_nocascade", strict=True + ) or hasattr(cls_, "_sa_decl_prepare") + + if defer_map: + cfg_cls = _DeferredMapperConfig + else: + cfg_cls = _MapperConfig + cfg_cls(cls_, classname, dict_) + + def __init__(self, cls_, classname, dict_): + + self.cls = cls_ + + # dict_ will be a dictproxy, which we can't write to, and we need to! + self.dict_ = dict(dict_) + self.classname = classname + self.mapped_table = None + self.properties = util.OrderedDict() + self.declared_columns = set() + self.column_copies = {} + self._setup_declared_events() + + # temporary registry. While early 1.0 versions + # set up the ClassManager here, by API contract + # we can't do that until there's a mapper. + self.cls._sa_declared_attr_reg = {} + + self._scan_attributes() + + clsregistry.add_class(self.classname, self.cls) + + self._extract_mappable_attributes() + + self._extract_declared_columns() + + self._setup_table() + + self._setup_inheritance() + + self._early_mapping() + + def _early_mapping(self): + self.map() + + def _setup_declared_events(self): + if _get_immediate_cls_attr(self.cls, "__declare_last__"): + + @event.listens_for(mapper, "after_configured") + def after_configured(): + self.cls.__declare_last__() + + if _get_immediate_cls_attr(self.cls, "__declare_first__"): + + @event.listens_for(mapper, "before_configured") + def before_configured(): + self.cls.__declare_first__() + + def _scan_attributes(self): + cls = self.cls + dict_ = self.dict_ + column_copies = self.column_copies + mapper_args_fn = None + table_args = inherited_table_args = None + tablename = None + + for base in cls.__mro__: + class_mapped = ( + base is not cls + and _declared_mapping_info(base) is not None + and not _get_immediate_cls_attr( + base, "_sa_decl_prepare_nocascade", strict=True + ) + ) + + if not class_mapped and base is not cls: + self._produce_column_copies(base) + + for name, obj in vars(base).items(): + if name == "__mapper_args__": + check_decl = _check_declared_props_nocascade( + obj, name, cls + ) + if not mapper_args_fn and (not class_mapped or check_decl): + # don't even invoke __mapper_args__ until + # after we've determined everything about the + # mapped table. + # make a copy of it so a class-level dictionary + # is not overwritten when we update column-based + # arguments. + def mapper_args_fn(): + return dict(cls.__mapper_args__) + + elif name == "__tablename__": + check_decl = _check_declared_props_nocascade( + obj, name, cls + ) + if not tablename and (not class_mapped or check_decl): + tablename = cls.__tablename__ + elif name == "__table_args__": + check_decl = _check_declared_props_nocascade( + obj, name, cls + ) + if not table_args and (not class_mapped or check_decl): + table_args = cls.__table_args__ + if not isinstance( + table_args, (tuple, dict, type(None)) + ): + raise exc.ArgumentError( + "__table_args__ value must be a tuple, " + "dict, or None" + ) + if base is not cls: + inherited_table_args = True + elif class_mapped: + if isinstance(obj, declarative_props): + util.warn( + "Regular (i.e. not __special__) " + "attribute '%s.%s' uses @declared_attr, " + "but owning class %s is mapped - " + "not applying to subclass %s." + % (base.__name__, name, base, cls) + ) + continue + elif base is not cls: + # we're a mixin, abstract base, or something that is + # acting like that for now. + if isinstance(obj, Column): + # already copied columns to the mapped class. + continue + elif isinstance(obj, MapperProperty): + raise exc.InvalidRequestError( + "Mapper properties (i.e. deferred," + "column_property(), relationship(), etc.) must " + "be declared as @declared_attr callables " + "on declarative mixin classes." + ) + elif isinstance(obj, declarative_props): + oldclassprop = isinstance(obj, util.classproperty) + if not oldclassprop and obj._cascading: + if name in dict_: + # unfortunately, while we can use the user- + # defined attribute here to allow a clean + # override, if there's another + # subclass below then it still tries to use + # this. not sure if there is enough + # information here to add this as a feature + # later on. + util.warn( + "Attribute '%s' on class %s cannot be " + "processed due to " + "@declared_attr.cascading; " + "skipping" % (name, cls) + ) + dict_[name] = column_copies[ + obj + ] = ret = obj.__get__(obj, cls) + setattr(cls, name, ret) + else: + if oldclassprop: + util.warn_deprecated( + "Use of sqlalchemy.util.classproperty on " + "declarative classes is deprecated." + ) + # access attribute using normal class access + ret = getattr(cls, name) + + # correct for proxies created from hybrid_property + # or similar. note there is no known case that + # produces nested proxies, so we are only + # looking one level deep right now. + if ( + isinstance(ret, InspectionAttr) + and ret._is_internal_proxy + and not isinstance( + ret.original_property, MapperProperty + ) + ): + ret = ret.descriptor + + dict_[name] = column_copies[obj] = ret + if ( + isinstance(ret, (Column, MapperProperty)) + and ret.doc is None + ): + ret.doc = obj.__doc__ + # here, the attribute is some other kind of property that + # we assume is not part of the declarative mapping. + # however, check for some more common mistakes + else: + self._warn_for_decl_attributes(base, name, obj) + + if inherited_table_args and not tablename: + table_args = None + + self.table_args = table_args + self.tablename = tablename + self.mapper_args_fn = mapper_args_fn + + def _warn_for_decl_attributes(self, cls, key, c): + if isinstance(c, expression.ColumnClause): + util.warn( + "Attribute '%s' on class %s appears to be a non-schema " + "'sqlalchemy.sql.column()' " + "object; this won't be part of the declarative mapping" + % (key, cls) + ) + + def _produce_column_copies(self, base): + cls = self.cls + dict_ = self.dict_ + column_copies = self.column_copies + # copy mixin columns to the mapped class + for name, obj in vars(base).items(): + if isinstance(obj, Column): + if getattr(cls, name) is not obj: + # if column has been overridden + # (like by the InstrumentedAttribute of the + # superclass), skip + continue + elif obj.foreign_keys: + raise exc.InvalidRequestError( + "Columns with foreign keys to other columns " + "must be declared as @declared_attr callables " + "on declarative mixin classes. " + ) + elif name not in dict_ and not ( + "__table__" in dict_ + and (obj.name or name) in dict_["__table__"].c + ): + column_copies[obj] = copy_ = obj.copy() + copy_._creation_order = obj._creation_order + setattr(cls, name, copy_) + dict_[name] = copy_ + + def _extract_mappable_attributes(self): + cls = self.cls + dict_ = self.dict_ + + our_stuff = self.properties + + late_mapped = _get_immediate_cls_attr( + cls, "_sa_decl_prepare_nocascade", strict=True + ) + + for k in list(dict_): + + if k in ("__table__", "__tablename__", "__mapper_args__"): + continue + + value = dict_[k] + if isinstance(value, declarative_props): + if isinstance(value, declared_attr) and value._cascading: + util.warn( + "Use of @declared_attr.cascading only applies to " + "Declarative 'mixin' and 'abstract' classes. " + "Currently, this flag is ignored on mapped class " + "%s" % self.cls + ) + + value = getattr(cls, k) + + elif ( + isinstance(value, QueryableAttribute) + and value.class_ is not cls + and value.key != k + ): + # detect a QueryableAttribute that's already mapped being + # assigned elsewhere in userland, turn into a synonym() + value = synonym(value.key) + setattr(cls, k, value) + + if ( + isinstance(value, tuple) + and len(value) == 1 + and isinstance(value[0], (Column, MapperProperty)) + ): + util.warn( + "Ignoring declarative-like tuple value of attribute " + "'%s': possibly a copy-and-paste error with a comma " + "accidentally placed at the end of the line?" % k + ) + continue + elif not isinstance(value, (Column, MapperProperty)): + # using @declared_attr for some object that + # isn't Column/MapperProperty; remove from the dict_ + # and place the evaluated value onto the class. + if not k.startswith("__"): + dict_.pop(k) + self._warn_for_decl_attributes(cls, k, value) + if not late_mapped: + setattr(cls, k, value) + continue + # we expect to see the name 'metadata' in some valid cases; + # however at this point we see it's assigned to something trying + # to be mapped, so raise for that. + elif k == "metadata": + raise exc.InvalidRequestError( + "Attribute name 'metadata' is reserved " + "for the MetaData instance when using a " + "declarative base class." + ) + prop = clsregistry._deferred_relationship(cls, value) + our_stuff[k] = prop + + def _extract_declared_columns(self): + our_stuff = self.properties + + # set up attributes in the order they were created + our_stuff.sort(key=lambda key: our_stuff[key]._creation_order) + + # extract columns from the class dict + declared_columns = self.declared_columns + name_to_prop_key = collections.defaultdict(set) + for key, c in list(our_stuff.items()): + if isinstance(c, (ColumnProperty, CompositeProperty)): + for col in c.columns: + if isinstance(col, Column) and col.table is None: + _undefer_column_name(key, col) + if not isinstance(c, CompositeProperty): + name_to_prop_key[col.name].add(key) + declared_columns.add(col) + elif isinstance(c, Column): + _undefer_column_name(key, c) + name_to_prop_key[c.name].add(key) + declared_columns.add(c) + # if the column is the same name as the key, + # remove it from the explicit properties dict. + # the normal rules for assigning column-based properties + # will take over, including precedence of columns + # in multi-column ColumnProperties. + if key == c.key: + del our_stuff[key] + + for name, keys in name_to_prop_key.items(): + if len(keys) > 1: + util.warn( + "On class %r, Column object %r named " + "directly multiple times, " + "only one will be used: %s. " + "Consider using orm.synonym instead" + % (self.classname, name, (", ".join(sorted(keys)))) + ) + + def _setup_table(self): + cls = self.cls + tablename = self.tablename + table_args = self.table_args + dict_ = self.dict_ + declared_columns = self.declared_columns + + declared_columns = self.declared_columns = sorted( + declared_columns, key=lambda c: c._creation_order + ) + table = None + + if hasattr(cls, "__table_cls__"): + table_cls = util.unbound_method_to_callable(cls.__table_cls__) + else: + table_cls = Table + + if "__table__" not in dict_: + if tablename is not None: + + args, table_kw = (), {} + if table_args: + if isinstance(table_args, dict): + table_kw = table_args + elif isinstance(table_args, tuple): + if isinstance(table_args[-1], dict): + args, table_kw = table_args[0:-1], table_args[-1] + else: + args = table_args + + autoload = dict_.get("__autoload__") + if autoload: + table_kw["autoload"] = True + + cls.__table__ = table = table_cls( + tablename, + cls.metadata, + *(tuple(declared_columns) + tuple(args)), + **table_kw + ) + else: + table = cls.__table__ + if declared_columns: + for c in declared_columns: + if not table.c.contains_column(c): + raise exc.ArgumentError( + "Can't add additional column %r when " + "specifying __table__" % c.key + ) + self.local_table = table + + def _setup_inheritance(self): + table = self.local_table + cls = self.cls + table_args = self.table_args + declared_columns = self.declared_columns + + # since we search for classical mappings now, search for + # multiple mapped bases as well and raise an error. + inherits = [] + for c in cls.__bases__: + c = _resolve_for_abstract_or_classical(c) + if c is None: + continue + if _declared_mapping_info( + c + ) is not None and not _get_immediate_cls_attr( + c, "_sa_decl_prepare_nocascade", strict=True + ): + inherits.append(c) + + if inherits: + if len(inherits) > 1: + raise exc.InvalidRequestError( + "Class %s has multiple mapped bases: %r" % (cls, inherits) + ) + self.inherits = inherits[0] + else: + self.inherits = None + + if ( + table is None + and self.inherits is None + and not _get_immediate_cls_attr(cls, "__no_table__") + ): + + raise exc.InvalidRequestError( + "Class %r does not have a __table__ or __tablename__ " + "specified and does not inherit from an existing " + "table-mapped class." % cls + ) + elif self.inherits: + inherited_mapper = _declared_mapping_info(self.inherits) + inherited_table = inherited_mapper.local_table + inherited_mapped_table = inherited_mapper.mapped_table + + if table is None: + # single table inheritance. + # ensure no table args + if table_args: + raise exc.ArgumentError( + "Can't place __table_args__ on an inherited class " + "with no table." + ) + # add any columns declared here to the inherited table. + for c in declared_columns: + if c.name in inherited_table.c: + if inherited_table.c[c.name] is c: + continue + raise exc.ArgumentError( + "Column '%s' on class %s conflicts with " + "existing column '%s'" + % (c, cls, inherited_table.c[c.name]) + ) + if c.primary_key: + raise exc.ArgumentError( + "Can't place primary key columns on an inherited " + "class with no table." + ) + inherited_table.append_column(c) + if ( + inherited_mapped_table is not None + and inherited_mapped_table is not inherited_table + ): + inherited_mapped_table._refresh_for_new_column(c) + + def _prepare_mapper_arguments(self): + properties = self.properties + if self.mapper_args_fn: + mapper_args = self.mapper_args_fn() + else: + mapper_args = {} + + # make sure that column copies are used rather + # than the original columns from any mixins + for k in ("version_id_col", "polymorphic_on"): + if k in mapper_args: + v = mapper_args[k] + mapper_args[k] = self.column_copies.get(v, v) + + assert ( + "inherits" not in mapper_args + ), "Can't specify 'inherits' explicitly with declarative mappings" + + if self.inherits: + mapper_args["inherits"] = self.inherits + + if self.inherits and not mapper_args.get("concrete", False): + # single or joined inheritance + # exclude any cols on the inherited table which are + # not mapped on the parent class, to avoid + # mapping columns specific to sibling/nephew classes + inherited_mapper = _declared_mapping_info(self.inherits) + inherited_table = inherited_mapper.local_table + + if "exclude_properties" not in mapper_args: + mapper_args["exclude_properties"] = exclude_properties = set( + [ + c.key + for c in inherited_table.c + if c not in inherited_mapper._columntoproperty + ] + ).union(inherited_mapper.exclude_properties or ()) + exclude_properties.difference_update( + [c.key for c in self.declared_columns] + ) + + # look through columns in the current mapper that + # are keyed to a propname different than the colname + # (if names were the same, we'd have popped it out above, + # in which case the mapper makes this combination). + # See if the superclass has a similar column property. + # If so, join them together. + for k, col in list(properties.items()): + if not isinstance(col, expression.ColumnElement): + continue + if k in inherited_mapper._props: + p = inherited_mapper._props[k] + if isinstance(p, ColumnProperty): + # note here we place the subclass column + # first. See [ticket:1892] for background. + properties[k] = [col] + p.columns + result_mapper_args = mapper_args.copy() + result_mapper_args["properties"] = properties + self.mapper_args = result_mapper_args + + def map(self): + self._prepare_mapper_arguments() + if hasattr(self.cls, "__mapper_cls__"): + mapper_cls = util.unbound_method_to_callable( + self.cls.__mapper_cls__ + ) + else: + mapper_cls = mapper + + self.cls.__mapper__ = mp_ = mapper_cls( + self.cls, self.local_table, **self.mapper_args + ) + del self.cls._sa_declared_attr_reg + return mp_ + + +class _DeferredMapperConfig(_MapperConfig): + _configs = util.OrderedDict() + + def _early_mapping(self): + pass + + @property + def cls(self): + return self._cls() + + @cls.setter + def cls(self, class_): + self._cls = weakref.ref(class_, self._remove_config_cls) + self._configs[self._cls] = self + + @classmethod + def _remove_config_cls(cls, ref): + cls._configs.pop(ref, None) + + @classmethod + def has_cls(cls, class_): + # 2.6 fails on weakref if class_ is an old style class + return isinstance(class_, type) and weakref.ref(class_) in cls._configs + + @classmethod + def config_for_cls(cls, class_): + return cls._configs[weakref.ref(class_)] + + @classmethod + def classes_for_base(cls, base_cls, sort=True): + classes_for_base = [ + m + for m, cls_ in [(m, m.cls) for m in cls._configs.values()] + if cls_ is not None and issubclass(cls_, base_cls) + ] + + if not sort: + return classes_for_base + + all_m_by_cls = dict((m.cls, m) for m in classes_for_base) + + tuples = [] + for m_cls in all_m_by_cls: + tuples.extend( + (all_m_by_cls[base_cls], all_m_by_cls[m_cls]) + for base_cls in m_cls.__bases__ + if base_cls in all_m_by_cls + ) + return list(topological.sort(tuples, classes_for_base)) + + def map(self): + self._configs.pop(self._cls, None) + return super(_DeferredMapperConfig, self).map() + + +def _add_attribute(cls, key, value): + """add an attribute to an existing declarative class. + + This runs through the logic to determine MapperProperty, + adds it to the Mapper, adds a column to the mapped Table, etc. + + """ + + if "__mapper__" in cls.__dict__: + if isinstance(value, Column): + _undefer_column_name(key, value) + cls.__table__.append_column(value) + cls.__mapper__.add_property(key, value) + elif isinstance(value, ColumnProperty): + for col in value.columns: + if isinstance(col, Column) and col.table is None: + _undefer_column_name(key, col) + cls.__table__.append_column(col) + cls.__mapper__.add_property(key, value) + elif isinstance(value, MapperProperty): + cls.__mapper__.add_property( + key, clsregistry._deferred_relationship(cls, value) + ) + elif isinstance(value, QueryableAttribute) and value.key != key: + # detect a QueryableAttribute that's already mapped being + # assigned elsewhere in userland, turn into a synonym() + value = synonym(value.key) + cls.__mapper__.add_property( + key, clsregistry._deferred_relationship(cls, value) + ) + else: + type.__setattr__(cls, key, value) + else: + type.__setattr__(cls, key, value) + + +def _declarative_constructor(self, **kwargs): + """A simple constructor that allows initialization from kwargs. + + Sets attributes on the constructed instance using the names and + values in ``kwargs``. + + Only keys that are present as + attributes of the instance's class are allowed. These could be, + for example, any mapped columns or relationships. + """ + cls_ = type(self) + for k in kwargs: + if not hasattr(cls_, k): + raise TypeError( + "%r is an invalid keyword argument for %s" % (k, cls_.__name__) + ) + setattr(self, k, kwargs[k]) + + +_declarative_constructor.__name__ = "__init__" + + +def _undefer_column_name(key, column): + if column.key is None: + column.key = key + if column.name is None: + column.name = key diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/ext/declarative/clsregistry.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/ext/declarative/clsregistry.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..653df9c --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/ext/declarative/clsregistry.py @@ -0,0 +1,355 @@ +# ext/declarative/clsregistry.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php +"""Routines to handle the string class registry used by declarative. + +This system allows specification of classes and expressions used in +:func:`.relationship` using strings. + +""" +import weakref + +from ... import exc +from ... import inspection +from ... import util +from ...orm import class_mapper +from ...orm import interfaces +from ...orm.properties import ColumnProperty +from ...orm.properties import RelationshipProperty +from ...orm.properties import SynonymProperty +from ...schema import _get_table_key + +# strong references to registries which we place in +# the _decl_class_registry, which is usually weak referencing. +# the internal registries here link to classes with weakrefs and remove +# themselves when all references to contained classes are removed. +_registries = set() + + +def add_class(classname, cls): + """Add a class to the _decl_class_registry associated with the + given declarative class. + + """ + if classname in cls._decl_class_registry: + # class already exists. + existing = cls._decl_class_registry[classname] + if not isinstance(existing, _MultipleClassMarker): + existing = cls._decl_class_registry[ + classname + ] = _MultipleClassMarker([cls, existing]) + else: + cls._decl_class_registry[classname] = cls + + try: + root_module = cls._decl_class_registry["_sa_module_registry"] + except KeyError: + cls._decl_class_registry[ + "_sa_module_registry" + ] = root_module = _ModuleMarker("_sa_module_registry", None) + + tokens = cls.__module__.split(".") + + # build up a tree like this: + # modulename: myapp.snacks.nuts + # + # myapp->snack->nuts->(classes) + # snack->nuts->(classes) + # nuts->(classes) + # + # this allows partial token paths to be used. + while tokens: + token = tokens.pop(0) + module = root_module.get_module(token) + for token in tokens: + module = module.get_module(token) + module.add_class(classname, cls) + + +class _MultipleClassMarker(object): + """refers to multiple classes of the same name + within _decl_class_registry. + + """ + + __slots__ = "on_remove", "contents", "__weakref__" + + def __init__(self, classes, on_remove=None): + self.on_remove = on_remove + self.contents = set( + [weakref.ref(item, self._remove_item) for item in classes] + ) + _registries.add(self) + + def __iter__(self): + return (ref() for ref in self.contents) + + def attempt_get(self, path, key): + if len(self.contents) > 1: + raise exc.InvalidRequestError( + 'Multiple classes found for path "%s" ' + "in the registry of this declarative " + "base. Please use a fully module-qualified path." + % (".".join(path + [key])) + ) + else: + ref = list(self.contents)[0] + cls = ref() + if cls is None: + raise NameError(key) + return cls + + def _remove_item(self, ref): + self.contents.remove(ref) + if not self.contents: + _registries.discard(self) + if self.on_remove: + self.on_remove() + + def add_item(self, item): + # protect against class registration race condition against + # asynchronous garbage collection calling _remove_item, + # [ticket:3208] + modules = set( + [ + cls.__module__ + for cls in [ref() for ref in self.contents] + if cls is not None + ] + ) + if item.__module__ in modules: + util.warn( + "This declarative base already contains a class with the " + "same class name and module name as %s.%s, and will " + "be replaced in the string-lookup table." + % (item.__module__, item.__name__) + ) + self.contents.add(weakref.ref(item, self._remove_item)) + + +class _ModuleMarker(object): + """"refers to a module name within + _decl_class_registry. + + """ + + __slots__ = "parent", "name", "contents", "mod_ns", "path", "__weakref__" + + def __init__(self, name, parent): + self.parent = parent + self.name = name + self.contents = {} + self.mod_ns = _ModNS(self) + if self.parent: + self.path = self.parent.path + [self.name] + else: + self.path = [] + _registries.add(self) + + def __contains__(self, name): + return name in self.contents + + def __getitem__(self, name): + return self.contents[name] + + def _remove_item(self, name): + self.contents.pop(name, None) + if not self.contents and self.parent is not None: + self.parent._remove_item(self.name) + _registries.discard(self) + + def resolve_attr(self, key): + return getattr(self.mod_ns, key) + + def get_module(self, name): + if name not in self.contents: + marker = _ModuleMarker(name, self) + self.contents[name] = marker + else: + marker = self.contents[name] + return marker + + def add_class(self, name, cls): + if name in self.contents: + existing = self.contents[name] + existing.add_item(cls) + else: + existing = self.contents[name] = _MultipleClassMarker( + [cls], on_remove=lambda: self._remove_item(name) + ) + + +class _ModNS(object): + __slots__ = ("__parent",) + + def __init__(self, parent): + self.__parent = parent + + def __getattr__(self, key): + try: + value = self.__parent.contents[key] + except KeyError: + pass + else: + if value is not None: + if isinstance(value, _ModuleMarker): + return value.mod_ns + else: + assert isinstance(value, _MultipleClassMarker) + return value.attempt_get(self.__parent.path, key) + raise AttributeError( + "Module %r has no mapped classes " + "registered under the name %r" % (self.__parent.name, key) + ) + + +class _GetColumns(object): + __slots__ = ("cls",) + + def __init__(self, cls): + self.cls = cls + + def __getattr__(self, key): + mp = class_mapper(self.cls, configure=False) + if mp: + if key not in mp.all_orm_descriptors: + raise exc.InvalidRequestError( + "Class %r does not have a mapped column named %r" + % (self.cls, key) + ) + + desc = mp.all_orm_descriptors[key] + if desc.extension_type is interfaces.NOT_EXTENSION: + prop = desc.property + if isinstance(prop, SynonymProperty): + key = prop.name + elif not isinstance(prop, ColumnProperty): + raise exc.InvalidRequestError( + "Property %r is not an instance of" + " ColumnProperty (i.e. does not correspond" + " directly to a Column)." % key + ) + return getattr(self.cls, key) + + +inspection._inspects(_GetColumns)( + lambda target: inspection.inspect(target.cls) +) + + +class _GetTable(object): + __slots__ = "key", "metadata" + + def __init__(self, key, metadata): + self.key = key + self.metadata = metadata + + def __getattr__(self, key): + return self.metadata.tables[_get_table_key(key, self.key)] + + +def _determine_container(key, value): + if isinstance(value, _MultipleClassMarker): + value = value.attempt_get([], key) + return _GetColumns(value) + + +class _class_resolver(object): + def __init__(self, cls, prop, fallback, arg): + self.cls = cls + self.prop = prop + self.arg = self._declarative_arg = arg + self.fallback = fallback + self._dict = util.PopulateDict(self._access_cls) + self._resolvers = () + + def _access_cls(self, key): + cls = self.cls + if key in cls._decl_class_registry: + return _determine_container(key, cls._decl_class_registry[key]) + elif key in cls.metadata.tables: + return cls.metadata.tables[key] + elif key in cls.metadata._schemas: + return _GetTable(key, cls.metadata) + elif ( + "_sa_module_registry" in cls._decl_class_registry + and key in cls._decl_class_registry["_sa_module_registry"] + ): + registry = cls._decl_class_registry["_sa_module_registry"] + return registry.resolve_attr(key) + elif self._resolvers: + for resolv in self._resolvers: + value = resolv(key) + if value is not None: + return value + + return self.fallback[key] + + def __call__(self): + try: + x = eval(self.arg, globals(), self._dict) + + if isinstance(x, _GetColumns): + return x.cls + else: + return x + except NameError as n: + raise exc.InvalidRequestError( + "When initializing mapper %s, expression %r failed to " + "locate a name (%r). If this is a class name, consider " + "adding this relationship() to the %r class after " + "both dependent classes have been defined." + % (self.prop.parent, self.arg, n.args[0], self.cls) + ) + + +def _resolver(cls, prop): + import sqlalchemy + from sqlalchemy.orm import foreign, remote + + fallback = sqlalchemy.__dict__.copy() + fallback.update({"foreign": foreign, "remote": remote}) + + def resolve_arg(arg): + return _class_resolver(cls, prop, fallback, arg) + + return resolve_arg + + +def _deferred_relationship(cls, prop): + + if isinstance(prop, RelationshipProperty): + resolve_arg = _resolver(cls, prop) + + for attr in ( + "argument", + "order_by", + "primaryjoin", + "secondaryjoin", + "secondary", + "_user_defined_foreign_keys", + "remote_side", + ): + v = getattr(prop, attr) + if isinstance(v, util.string_types): + setattr(prop, attr, resolve_arg(v)) + + if prop.backref and isinstance(prop.backref, tuple): + key, kwargs = prop.backref + for attr in ( + "primaryjoin", + "secondaryjoin", + "secondary", + "foreign_keys", + "remote_side", + "order_by", + ): + if attr in kwargs and isinstance( + kwargs[attr], util.string_types + ): + kwargs[attr] = resolve_arg(kwargs[attr]) + + return prop diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/ext/horizontal_shard.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/ext/horizontal_shard.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b56fbe0 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/ext/horizontal_shard.py @@ -0,0 +1,209 @@ +# ext/horizontal_shard.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +"""Horizontal sharding support. + +Defines a rudimental 'horizontal sharding' system which allows a Session to +distribute queries and persistence operations across multiple databases. + +For a usage example, see the :ref:`examples_sharding` example included in +the source distribution. + +""" + +from .. import inspect +from .. import util +from ..orm.query import Query +from ..orm.session import Session + +__all__ = ["ShardedSession", "ShardedQuery"] + + +class ShardedQuery(Query): + def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): + super(ShardedQuery, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) + self.id_chooser = self.session.id_chooser + self.query_chooser = self.session.query_chooser + self._shard_id = None + + def set_shard(self, shard_id): + """return a new query, limited to a single shard ID. + + all subsequent operations with the returned query will + be against the single shard regardless of other state. + """ + + q = self._clone() + q._shard_id = shard_id + return q + + def _execute_and_instances(self, context): + def iter_for_shard(shard_id): + context.attributes["shard_id"] = context.identity_token = shard_id + result = self._connection_from_session( + mapper=self._mapper_zero(), shard_id=shard_id + ).execute(context.statement, self._params) + return self.instances(result, context) + + if context.identity_token is not None: + return iter_for_shard(context.identity_token) + elif self._shard_id is not None: + return iter_for_shard(self._shard_id) + else: + partial = [] + for shard_id in self.query_chooser(self): + partial.extend(iter_for_shard(shard_id)) + + # if some kind of in memory 'sorting' + # were done, this is where it would happen + return iter(partial) + + def _identity_lookup( + self, + mapper, + primary_key_identity, + identity_token=None, + lazy_loaded_from=None, + **kw + ): + """override the default Query._identity_lookup method so that we + search for a given non-token primary key identity across all + possible identity tokens (e.g. shard ids). + + """ + + if identity_token is not None: + return super(ShardedQuery, self)._identity_lookup( + mapper, + primary_key_identity, + identity_token=identity_token, + **kw + ) + else: + q = self.session.query(mapper) + if lazy_loaded_from: + q = q._set_lazyload_from(lazy_loaded_from) + for shard_id in self.id_chooser(q, primary_key_identity): + obj = super(ShardedQuery, self)._identity_lookup( + mapper, primary_key_identity, identity_token=shard_id, **kw + ) + if obj is not None: + return obj + + return None + + def _get_impl(self, primary_key_identity, db_load_fn, identity_token=None): + """Override the default Query._get_impl() method so that we emit + a query to the DB for each possible identity token, if we don't + have one already. + + """ + + def _db_load_fn(query, primary_key_identity): + # load from the database. The original db_load_fn will + # use the given Query object to load from the DB, so our + # shard_id is what will indicate the DB that we query from. + if self._shard_id is not None: + return db_load_fn(self, primary_key_identity) + else: + ident = util.to_list(primary_key_identity) + # build a ShardedQuery for each shard identifier and + # try to load from the DB + for shard_id in self.id_chooser(self, ident): + q = self.set_shard(shard_id) + o = db_load_fn(q, ident) + if o is not None: + return o + else: + return None + + if identity_token is None and self._shard_id is not None: + identity_token = self._shard_id + + return super(ShardedQuery, self)._get_impl( + primary_key_identity, _db_load_fn, identity_token=identity_token + ) + + +class ShardedSession(Session): + def __init__( + self, + shard_chooser, + id_chooser, + query_chooser, + shards=None, + query_cls=ShardedQuery, + **kwargs + ): + """Construct a ShardedSession. + + :param shard_chooser: A callable which, passed a Mapper, a mapped + instance, and possibly a SQL clause, returns a shard ID. This id + may be based off of the attributes present within the object, or on + some round-robin scheme. If the scheme is based on a selection, it + should set whatever state on the instance to mark it in the future as + participating in that shard. + + :param id_chooser: A callable, passed a query and a tuple of identity + values, which should return a list of shard ids where the ID might + reside. The databases will be queried in the order of this listing. + + :param query_chooser: For a given Query, returns the list of shard_ids + where the query should be issued. Results from all shards returned + will be combined together into a single listing. + + :param shards: A dictionary of string shard names + to :class:`~sqlalchemy.engine.Engine` objects. + + """ + super(ShardedSession, self).__init__(query_cls=query_cls, **kwargs) + self.shard_chooser = shard_chooser + self.id_chooser = id_chooser + self.query_chooser = query_chooser + self.__binds = {} + self.connection_callable = self.connection + if shards is not None: + for k in shards: + self.bind_shard(k, shards[k]) + + def _choose_shard_and_assign(self, mapper, instance, **kw): + if instance is not None: + state = inspect(instance) + if state.key: + token = state.key[2] + assert token is not None + return token + elif state.identity_token: + return state.identity_token + + shard_id = self.shard_chooser(mapper, instance, **kw) + if instance is not None: + state.identity_token = shard_id + return shard_id + + def connection(self, mapper=None, instance=None, shard_id=None, **kwargs): + if shard_id is None: + shard_id = self._choose_shard_and_assign(mapper, instance) + + if self.transaction is not None: + return self.transaction.connection(mapper, shard_id=shard_id) + else: + return self.get_bind( + mapper, shard_id=shard_id, instance=instance + ).contextual_connect(**kwargs) + + def get_bind( + self, mapper, shard_id=None, instance=None, clause=None, **kw + ): + if shard_id is None: + shard_id = self._choose_shard_and_assign( + mapper, instance, clause=clause + ) + return self.__binds[shard_id] + + def bind_shard(self, shard_id, bind): + self.__binds[shard_id] = bind diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/ext/hybrid.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/ext/hybrid.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4ca31a5 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/ext/hybrid.py @@ -0,0 +1,1156 @@ +# ext/hybrid.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +r"""Define attributes on ORM-mapped classes that have "hybrid" behavior. + +"hybrid" means the attribute has distinct behaviors defined at the +class level and at the instance level. + +The :mod:`~sqlalchemy.ext.hybrid` extension provides a special form of +method decorator, is around 50 lines of code and has almost no +dependencies on the rest of SQLAlchemy. It can, in theory, work with +any descriptor-based expression system. + +Consider a mapping ``Interval``, representing integer ``start`` and ``end`` +values. We can define higher level functions on mapped classes that produce SQL +expressions at the class level, and Python expression evaluation at the +instance level. Below, each function decorated with :class:`.hybrid_method` or +:class:`.hybrid_property` may receive ``self`` as an instance of the class, or +as the class itself:: + + from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer + from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base + from sqlalchemy.orm import Session, aliased + from sqlalchemy.ext.hybrid import hybrid_property, hybrid_method + + Base = declarative_base() + + class Interval(Base): + __tablename__ = 'interval' + + id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) + start = Column(Integer, nullable=False) + end = Column(Integer, nullable=False) + + def __init__(self, start, end): + self.start = start + self.end = end + + @hybrid_property + def length(self): + return self.end - self.start + + @hybrid_method + def contains(self, point): + return (self.start <= point) & (point <= self.end) + + @hybrid_method + def intersects(self, other): + return self.contains(other.start) | self.contains(other.end) + +Above, the ``length`` property returns the difference between the +``end`` and ``start`` attributes. With an instance of ``Interval``, +this subtraction occurs in Python, using normal Python descriptor +mechanics:: + + >>> i1 = Interval(5, 10) + >>> i1.length + 5 + +When dealing with the ``Interval`` class itself, the :class:`.hybrid_property` +descriptor evaluates the function body given the ``Interval`` class as +the argument, which when evaluated with SQLAlchemy expression mechanics +returns a new SQL expression:: + + >>> print Interval.length + interval."end" - interval.start + + >>> print Session().query(Interval).filter(Interval.length > 10) + SELECT interval.id AS interval_id, interval.start AS interval_start, + interval."end" AS interval_end + FROM interval + WHERE interval."end" - interval.start > :param_1 + +ORM methods such as :meth:`~.Query.filter_by` generally use ``getattr()`` to +locate attributes, so can also be used with hybrid attributes:: + + >>> print Session().query(Interval).filter_by(length=5) + SELECT interval.id AS interval_id, interval.start AS interval_start, + interval."end" AS interval_end + FROM interval + WHERE interval."end" - interval.start = :param_1 + +The ``Interval`` class example also illustrates two methods, +``contains()`` and ``intersects()``, decorated with +:class:`.hybrid_method`. This decorator applies the same idea to +methods that :class:`.hybrid_property` applies to attributes. The +methods return boolean values, and take advantage of the Python ``|`` +and ``&`` bitwise operators to produce equivalent instance-level and +SQL expression-level boolean behavior:: + + >>> i1.contains(6) + True + >>> i1.contains(15) + False + >>> i1.intersects(Interval(7, 18)) + True + >>> i1.intersects(Interval(25, 29)) + False + + >>> print Session().query(Interval).filter(Interval.contains(15)) + SELECT interval.id AS interval_id, interval.start AS interval_start, + interval."end" AS interval_end + FROM interval + WHERE interval.start <= :start_1 AND interval."end" > :end_1 + + >>> ia = aliased(Interval) + >>> print Session().query(Interval, ia).filter(Interval.intersects(ia)) + SELECT interval.id AS interval_id, interval.start AS interval_start, + interval."end" AS interval_end, interval_1.id AS interval_1_id, + interval_1.start AS interval_1_start, interval_1."end" AS interval_1_end + FROM interval, interval AS interval_1 + WHERE interval.start <= interval_1.start + AND interval."end" > interval_1.start + OR interval.start <= interval_1."end" + AND interval."end" > interval_1."end" + +.. _hybrid_distinct_expression: + +Defining Expression Behavior Distinct from Attribute Behavior +-------------------------------------------------------------- + +Our usage of the ``&`` and ``|`` bitwise operators above was +fortunate, considering our functions operated on two boolean values to +return a new one. In many cases, the construction of an in-Python +function and a SQLAlchemy SQL expression have enough differences that +two separate Python expressions should be defined. The +:mod:`~sqlalchemy.ext.hybrid` decorators define the +:meth:`.hybrid_property.expression` modifier for this purpose. As an +example we'll define the radius of the interval, which requires the +usage of the absolute value function:: + + from sqlalchemy import func + + class Interval(object): + # ... + + @hybrid_property + def radius(self): + return abs(self.length) / 2 + + @radius.expression + def radius(cls): + return func.abs(cls.length) / 2 + +Above the Python function ``abs()`` is used for instance-level +operations, the SQL function ``ABS()`` is used via the :data:`.func` +object for class-level expressions:: + + >>> i1.radius + 2 + + >>> print Session().query(Interval).filter(Interval.radius > 5) + SELECT interval.id AS interval_id, interval.start AS interval_start, + interval."end" AS interval_end + FROM interval + WHERE abs(interval."end" - interval.start) / :abs_1 > :param_1 + +.. note:: When defining an expression for a hybrid property or method, the + expression method **must** retain the name of the original hybrid, else + the new hybrid with the additional state will be attached to the class + with the non-matching name. To use the example above:: + + class Interval(object): + # ... + + @hybrid_property + def radius(self): + return abs(self.length) / 2 + + # WRONG - the non-matching name will cause this function to be + # ignored + @radius.expression + def radius_expression(cls): + return func.abs(cls.length) / 2 + + This is also true for other mutator methods, such as + :meth:`.hybrid_property.update_expression`. This is the same behavior + as that of the ``@property`` construct that is part of standard Python. + +Defining Setters +---------------- + +Hybrid properties can also define setter methods. If we wanted +``length`` above, when set, to modify the endpoint value:: + + class Interval(object): + # ... + + @hybrid_property + def length(self): + return self.end - self.start + + @length.setter + def length(self, value): + self.end = self.start + value + +The ``length(self, value)`` method is now called upon set:: + + >>> i1 = Interval(5, 10) + >>> i1.length + 5 + >>> i1.length = 12 + >>> i1.end + 17 + +.. _hybrid_bulk_update: + +Allowing Bulk ORM Update +------------------------ + +A hybrid can define a custom "UPDATE" handler for when using the +:meth:`.Query.update` method, allowing the hybrid to be used in the +SET clause of the update. + +Normally, when using a hybrid with :meth:`.Query.update`, the SQL +expression is used as the column that's the target of the SET. If our +``Interval`` class had a hybrid ``start_point`` that linked to +``Interval.start``, this could be substituted directly:: + + session.query(Interval).update({Interval.start_point: 10}) + +However, when using a composite hybrid like ``Interval.length``, this +hybrid represents more than one column. We can set up a handler that will +accommodate a value passed to :meth:`.Query.update` which can affect +this, using the :meth:`.hybrid_property.update_expression` decorator. +A handler that works similarly to our setter would be:: + + class Interval(object): + # ... + + @hybrid_property + def length(self): + return self.end - self.start + + @length.setter + def length(self, value): + self.end = self.start + value + + @length.update_expression + def length(cls, value): + return [ + (cls.end, cls.start + value) + ] + +Above, if we use ``Interval.length`` in an UPDATE expression as:: + + session.query(Interval).update( + {Interval.length: 25}, synchronize_session='fetch') + +We'll get an UPDATE statement along the lines of:: + + UPDATE interval SET end=start + :value + +In some cases, the default "evaluate" strategy can't perform the SET +expression in Python; while the addition operator we're using above +is supported, for more complex SET expressions it will usually be necessary +to use either the "fetch" or False synchronization strategy as illustrated +above. + +.. versionadded:: 1.2 added support for bulk updates to hybrid properties. + +Working with Relationships +-------------------------- + +There's no essential difference when creating hybrids that work with +related objects as opposed to column-based data. The need for distinct +expressions tends to be greater. The two variants we'll illustrate +are the "join-dependent" hybrid, and the "correlated subquery" hybrid. + +Join-Dependent Relationship Hybrid +^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ + +Consider the following declarative +mapping which relates a ``User`` to a ``SavingsAccount``:: + + from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer, ForeignKey, Numeric, String + from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship + from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base + from sqlalchemy.ext.hybrid import hybrid_property + + Base = declarative_base() + + class SavingsAccount(Base): + __tablename__ = 'account' + id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) + user_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('user.id'), nullable=False) + balance = Column(Numeric(15, 5)) + + class User(Base): + __tablename__ = 'user' + id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) + name = Column(String(100), nullable=False) + + accounts = relationship("SavingsAccount", backref="owner") + + @hybrid_property + def balance(self): + if self.accounts: + return self.accounts[0].balance + else: + return None + + @balance.setter + def balance(self, value): + if not self.accounts: + account = Account(owner=self) + else: + account = self.accounts[0] + account.balance = value + + @balance.expression + def balance(cls): + return SavingsAccount.balance + +The above hybrid property ``balance`` works with the first +``SavingsAccount`` entry in the list of accounts for this user. The +in-Python getter/setter methods can treat ``accounts`` as a Python +list available on ``self``. + +However, at the expression level, it's expected that the ``User`` class will +be used in an appropriate context such that an appropriate join to +``SavingsAccount`` will be present:: + + >>> print Session().query(User, User.balance).\ + ... join(User.accounts).filter(User.balance > 5000) + SELECT "user".id AS user_id, "user".name AS user_name, + account.balance AS account_balance + FROM "user" JOIN account ON "user".id = account.user_id + WHERE account.balance > :balance_1 + +Note however, that while the instance level accessors need to worry +about whether ``self.accounts`` is even present, this issue expresses +itself differently at the SQL expression level, where we basically +would use an outer join:: + + >>> from sqlalchemy import or_ + >>> print (Session().query(User, User.balance).outerjoin(User.accounts). + ... filter(or_(User.balance < 5000, User.balance == None))) + SELECT "user".id AS user_id, "user".name AS user_name, + account.balance AS account_balance + FROM "user" LEFT OUTER JOIN account ON "user".id = account.user_id + WHERE account.balance < :balance_1 OR account.balance IS NULL + +Correlated Subquery Relationship Hybrid +^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ + +We can, of course, forego being dependent on the enclosing query's usage +of joins in favor of the correlated subquery, which can portably be packed +into a single column expression. A correlated subquery is more portable, but +often performs more poorly at the SQL level. Using the same technique +illustrated at :ref:`mapper_column_property_sql_expressions`, +we can adjust our ``SavingsAccount`` example to aggregate the balances for +*all* accounts, and use a correlated subquery for the column expression:: + + from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer, ForeignKey, Numeric, String + from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship + from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base + from sqlalchemy.ext.hybrid import hybrid_property + from sqlalchemy import select, func + + Base = declarative_base() + + class SavingsAccount(Base): + __tablename__ = 'account' + id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) + user_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('user.id'), nullable=False) + balance = Column(Numeric(15, 5)) + + class User(Base): + __tablename__ = 'user' + id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) + name = Column(String(100), nullable=False) + + accounts = relationship("SavingsAccount", backref="owner") + + @hybrid_property + def balance(self): + return sum(acc.balance for acc in self.accounts) + + @balance.expression + def balance(cls): + return select([func.sum(SavingsAccount.balance)]).\ + where(SavingsAccount.user_id==cls.id).\ + label('total_balance') + +The above recipe will give us the ``balance`` column which renders +a correlated SELECT:: + + >>> print s.query(User).filter(User.balance > 400) + SELECT "user".id AS user_id, "user".name AS user_name + FROM "user" + WHERE (SELECT sum(account.balance) AS sum_1 + FROM account + WHERE account.user_id = "user".id) > :param_1 + +.. _hybrid_custom_comparators: + +Building Custom Comparators +--------------------------- + +The hybrid property also includes a helper that allows construction of +custom comparators. A comparator object allows one to customize the +behavior of each SQLAlchemy expression operator individually. They +are useful when creating custom types that have some highly +idiosyncratic behavior on the SQL side. + +.. note:: The :meth:`.hybrid_property.comparator` decorator introduced + in this section **replaces** the use of the + :meth:`.hybrid_property.expression` decorator. + They cannot be used together. + +The example class below allows case-insensitive comparisons on the attribute +named ``word_insensitive``:: + + from sqlalchemy.ext.hybrid import Comparator, hybrid_property + from sqlalchemy import func, Column, Integer, String + from sqlalchemy.orm import Session + from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base + + Base = declarative_base() + + class CaseInsensitiveComparator(Comparator): + def __eq__(self, other): + return func.lower(self.__clause_element__()) == func.lower(other) + + class SearchWord(Base): + __tablename__ = 'searchword' + id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) + word = Column(String(255), nullable=False) + + @hybrid_property + def word_insensitive(self): + return self.word.lower() + + @word_insensitive.comparator + def word_insensitive(cls): + return CaseInsensitiveComparator(cls.word) + +Above, SQL expressions against ``word_insensitive`` will apply the ``LOWER()`` +SQL function to both sides:: + + >>> print Session().query(SearchWord).filter_by(word_insensitive="Trucks") + SELECT searchword.id AS searchword_id, searchword.word AS searchword_word + FROM searchword + WHERE lower(searchword.word) = lower(:lower_1) + +The ``CaseInsensitiveComparator`` above implements part of the +:class:`.ColumnOperators` interface. A "coercion" operation like +lowercasing can be applied to all comparison operations (i.e. ``eq``, +``lt``, ``gt``, etc.) using :meth:`.Operators.operate`:: + + class CaseInsensitiveComparator(Comparator): + def operate(self, op, other): + return op(func.lower(self.__clause_element__()), func.lower(other)) + +.. _hybrid_reuse_subclass: + +Reusing Hybrid Properties across Subclasses +------------------------------------------- + +A hybrid can be referred to from a superclass, to allow modifying +methods like :meth:`.hybrid_property.getter`, :meth:`.hybrid_property.setter` +to be used to redefine those methods on a subclass. This is similar to +how the standard Python ``@property`` object works:: + + class FirstNameOnly(Base): + # ... + + first_name = Column(String) + + @hybrid_property + def name(self): + return self.first_name + + @name.setter + def name(self, value): + self.first_name = value + + class FirstNameLastName(FirstNameOnly): + # ... + + last_name = Column(String) + + @FirstNameOnly.name.getter + def name(self): + return self.first_name + ' ' + self.last_name + + @name.setter + def name(self, value): + self.first_name, self.last_name = value.split(' ', 1) + +Above, the ``FirstNameLastName`` class refers to the hybrid from +``FirstNameOnly.name`` to repurpose its getter and setter for the subclass. + +When overriding :meth:`.hybrid_property.expression` and +:meth:`.hybrid_property.comparator` alone as the first reference to the +superclass, these names conflict with the same-named accessors on the class- +level :class:`.QueryableAttribute` object returned at the class level. To +override these methods when referring directly to the parent class descriptor, +add the special qualifier :attr:`.hybrid_property.overrides`, which will de- +reference the instrumented attribute back to the hybrid object:: + + class FirstNameLastName(FirstNameOnly): + # ... + + last_name = Column(String) + + @FirstNameOnly.overrides.expression + def name(cls): + return func.concat(cls.first_name, ' ', cls.last_name) + +.. versionadded:: 1.2 Added :meth:`.hybrid_property.getter` as well as the + ability to redefine accessors per-subclass. + + +Hybrid Value Objects +-------------------- + +Note in our previous example, if we were to compare the ``word_insensitive`` +attribute of a ``SearchWord`` instance to a plain Python string, the plain +Python string would not be coerced to lower case - the +``CaseInsensitiveComparator`` we built, being returned by +``@word_insensitive.comparator``, only applies to the SQL side. + +A more comprehensive form of the custom comparator is to construct a *Hybrid +Value Object*. This technique applies the target value or expression to a value +object which is then returned by the accessor in all cases. The value object +allows control of all operations upon the value as well as how compared values +are treated, both on the SQL expression side as well as the Python value side. +Replacing the previous ``CaseInsensitiveComparator`` class with a new +``CaseInsensitiveWord`` class:: + + class CaseInsensitiveWord(Comparator): + "Hybrid value representing a lower case representation of a word." + + def __init__(self, word): + if isinstance(word, basestring): + self.word = word.lower() + elif isinstance(word, CaseInsensitiveWord): + self.word = word.word + else: + self.word = func.lower(word) + + def operate(self, op, other): + if not isinstance(other, CaseInsensitiveWord): + other = CaseInsensitiveWord(other) + return op(self.word, other.word) + + def __clause_element__(self): + return self.word + + def __str__(self): + return self.word + + key = 'word' + "Label to apply to Query tuple results" + +Above, the ``CaseInsensitiveWord`` object represents ``self.word``, which may +be a SQL function, or may be a Python native. By overriding ``operate()`` and +``__clause_element__()`` to work in terms of ``self.word``, all comparison +operations will work against the "converted" form of ``word``, whether it be +SQL side or Python side. Our ``SearchWord`` class can now deliver the +``CaseInsensitiveWord`` object unconditionally from a single hybrid call:: + + class SearchWord(Base): + __tablename__ = 'searchword' + id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) + word = Column(String(255), nullable=False) + + @hybrid_property + def word_insensitive(self): + return CaseInsensitiveWord(self.word) + +The ``word_insensitive`` attribute now has case-insensitive comparison behavior +universally, including SQL expression vs. Python expression (note the Python +value is converted to lower case on the Python side here):: + + >>> print Session().query(SearchWord).filter_by(word_insensitive="Trucks") + SELECT searchword.id AS searchword_id, searchword.word AS searchword_word + FROM searchword + WHERE lower(searchword.word) = :lower_1 + +SQL expression versus SQL expression:: + + >>> sw1 = aliased(SearchWord) + >>> sw2 = aliased(SearchWord) + >>> print Session().query( + ... sw1.word_insensitive, + ... sw2.word_insensitive).\ + ... filter( + ... sw1.word_insensitive > sw2.word_insensitive + ... ) + SELECT lower(searchword_1.word) AS lower_1, + lower(searchword_2.word) AS lower_2 + FROM searchword AS searchword_1, searchword AS searchword_2 + WHERE lower(searchword_1.word) > lower(searchword_2.word) + +Python only expression:: + + >>> ws1 = SearchWord(word="SomeWord") + >>> ws1.word_insensitive == "sOmEwOrD" + True + >>> ws1.word_insensitive == "XOmEwOrX" + False + >>> print ws1.word_insensitive + someword + +The Hybrid Value pattern is very useful for any kind of value that may have +multiple representations, such as timestamps, time deltas, units of +measurement, currencies and encrypted passwords. + +.. seealso:: + + `Hybrids and Value Agnostic Types + `_ + - on the techspot.zzzeek.org blog + + `Value Agnostic Types, Part II + `_ - + on the techspot.zzzeek.org blog + +.. _hybrid_transformers: + +Building Transformers +---------------------- + +A *transformer* is an object which can receive a :class:`.Query` object and +return a new one. The :class:`.Query` object includes a method +:meth:`.with_transformation` that returns a new :class:`.Query` transformed by +the given function. + +We can combine this with the :class:`.Comparator` class to produce one type +of recipe which can both set up the FROM clause of a query as well as assign +filtering criterion. + +Consider a mapped class ``Node``, which assembles using adjacency list into a +hierarchical tree pattern:: + + from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer, ForeignKey + from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship + from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base + Base = declarative_base() + + class Node(Base): + __tablename__ = 'node' + id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) + parent_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('node.id')) + parent = relationship("Node", remote_side=id) + +Suppose we wanted to add an accessor ``grandparent``. This would return the +``parent`` of ``Node.parent``. When we have an instance of ``Node``, this is +simple:: + + from sqlalchemy.ext.hybrid import hybrid_property + + class Node(Base): + # ... + + @hybrid_property + def grandparent(self): + return self.parent.parent + +For the expression, things are not so clear. We'd need to construct a +:class:`.Query` where we :meth:`~.Query.join` twice along ``Node.parent`` to +get to the ``grandparent``. We can instead return a transforming callable +that we'll combine with the :class:`.Comparator` class to receive any +:class:`.Query` object, and return a new one that's joined to the +``Node.parent`` attribute and filtered based on the given criterion:: + + from sqlalchemy.ext.hybrid import Comparator + + class GrandparentTransformer(Comparator): + def operate(self, op, other): + def transform(q): + cls = self.__clause_element__() + parent_alias = aliased(cls) + return q.join(parent_alias, cls.parent).\ + filter(op(parent_alias.parent, other)) + return transform + + Base = declarative_base() + + class Node(Base): + __tablename__ = 'node' + id =Column(Integer, primary_key=True) + parent_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('node.id')) + parent = relationship("Node", remote_side=id) + + @hybrid_property + def grandparent(self): + return self.parent.parent + + @grandparent.comparator + def grandparent(cls): + return GrandparentTransformer(cls) + +The ``GrandparentTransformer`` overrides the core :meth:`.Operators.operate` +method at the base of the :class:`.Comparator` hierarchy to return a query- +transforming callable, which then runs the given comparison operation in a +particular context. Such as, in the example above, the ``operate`` method is +called, given the :attr:`.Operators.eq` callable as well as the right side of +the comparison ``Node(id=5)``. A function ``transform`` is then returned which +will transform a :class:`.Query` first to join to ``Node.parent``, then to +compare ``parent_alias`` using :attr:`.Operators.eq` against the left and right +sides, passing into :class:`.Query.filter`: + +.. sourcecode:: pycon+sql + + >>> from sqlalchemy.orm import Session + >>> session = Session() + {sql}>>> session.query(Node).\ + ... with_transformation(Node.grandparent==Node(id=5)).\ + ... all() + SELECT node.id AS node_id, node.parent_id AS node_parent_id + FROM node JOIN node AS node_1 ON node_1.id = node.parent_id + WHERE :param_1 = node_1.parent_id + {stop} + +We can modify the pattern to be more verbose but flexible by separating the +"join" step from the "filter" step. The tricky part here is ensuring that +successive instances of ``GrandparentTransformer`` use the same +:class:`.AliasedClass` object against ``Node``. Below we use a simple +memoizing approach that associates a ``GrandparentTransformer`` with each +class:: + + class Node(Base): + + # ... + + @grandparent.comparator + def grandparent(cls): + # memoize a GrandparentTransformer + # per class + if '_gp' not in cls.__dict__: + cls._gp = GrandparentTransformer(cls) + return cls._gp + + class GrandparentTransformer(Comparator): + + def __init__(self, cls): + self.parent_alias = aliased(cls) + + @property + def join(self): + def go(q): + return q.join(self.parent_alias, Node.parent) + return go + + def operate(self, op, other): + return op(self.parent_alias.parent, other) + +.. sourcecode:: pycon+sql + + {sql}>>> session.query(Node).\ + ... with_transformation(Node.grandparent.join).\ + ... filter(Node.grandparent==Node(id=5)) + SELECT node.id AS node_id, node.parent_id AS node_parent_id + FROM node JOIN node AS node_1 ON node_1.id = node.parent_id + WHERE :param_1 = node_1.parent_id + {stop} + +The "transformer" pattern is an experimental pattern that starts to make usage +of some functional programming paradigms. While it's only recommended for +advanced and/or patient developers, there's probably a whole lot of amazing +things it can be used for. + +""" # noqa +from .. import util +from ..orm import attributes +from ..orm import interfaces + +HYBRID_METHOD = util.symbol("HYBRID_METHOD") +"""Symbol indicating an :class:`InspectionAttr` that's + of type :class:`.hybrid_method`. + + Is assigned to the :attr:`.InspectionAttr.extension_type` + attibute. + + .. seealso:: + + :attr:`.Mapper.all_orm_attributes` + +""" + +HYBRID_PROPERTY = util.symbol("HYBRID_PROPERTY") +"""Symbol indicating an :class:`InspectionAttr` that's + of type :class:`.hybrid_method`. + + Is assigned to the :attr:`.InspectionAttr.extension_type` + attibute. + + .. seealso:: + + :attr:`.Mapper.all_orm_attributes` + +""" + + +class hybrid_method(interfaces.InspectionAttrInfo): + """A decorator which allows definition of a Python object method with both + instance-level and class-level behavior. + + """ + + is_attribute = True + extension_type = HYBRID_METHOD + + def __init__(self, func, expr=None): + """Create a new :class:`.hybrid_method`. + + Usage is typically via decorator:: + + from sqlalchemy.ext.hybrid import hybrid_method + + class SomeClass(object): + @hybrid_method + def value(self, x, y): + return self._value + x + y + + @value.expression + def value(self, x, y): + return func.some_function(self._value, x, y) + + """ + self.func = func + self.expression(expr or func) + + def __get__(self, instance, owner): + if instance is None: + return self.expr.__get__(owner, owner.__class__) + else: + return self.func.__get__(instance, owner) + + def expression(self, expr): + """Provide a modifying decorator that defines a + SQL-expression producing method.""" + + self.expr = expr + if not self.expr.__doc__: + self.expr.__doc__ = self.func.__doc__ + return self + + +class hybrid_property(interfaces.InspectionAttrInfo): + """A decorator which allows definition of a Python descriptor with both + instance-level and class-level behavior. + + """ + + is_attribute = True + extension_type = HYBRID_PROPERTY + + def __init__( + self, + fget, + fset=None, + fdel=None, + expr=None, + custom_comparator=None, + update_expr=None, + ): + """Create a new :class:`.hybrid_property`. + + Usage is typically via decorator:: + + from sqlalchemy.ext.hybrid import hybrid_property + + class SomeClass(object): + @hybrid_property + def value(self): + return self._value + + @value.setter + def value(self, value): + self._value = value + + """ + self.fget = fget + self.fset = fset + self.fdel = fdel + self.expr = expr + self.custom_comparator = custom_comparator + self.update_expr = update_expr + util.update_wrapper(self, fget) + + def __get__(self, instance, owner): + if instance is None: + return self._expr_comparator(owner) + else: + return self.fget(instance) + + def __set__(self, instance, value): + if self.fset is None: + raise AttributeError("can't set attribute") + self.fset(instance, value) + + def __delete__(self, instance): + if self.fdel is None: + raise AttributeError("can't delete attribute") + self.fdel(instance) + + def _copy(self, **kw): + defaults = { + key: value + for key, value in self.__dict__.items() + if not key.startswith("_") + } + defaults.update(**kw) + return type(self)(**defaults) + + @property + def overrides(self): + """Prefix for a method that is overriding an existing attribute. + + The :attr:`.hybrid_property.overrides` accessor just returns + this hybrid object, which when called at the class level from + a parent class, will de-reference the "instrumented attribute" + normally returned at this level, and allow modifying decorators + like :meth:`.hybrid_property.expression` and + :meth:`.hybrid_property.comparator` + to be used without conflicting with the same-named attributes + normally present on the :class:`.QueryableAttribute`:: + + class SuperClass(object): + # ... + + @hybrid_property + def foobar(self): + return self._foobar + + class SubClass(SuperClass): + # ... + + @SuperClass.foobar.overrides.expression + def foobar(cls): + return func.subfoobar(self._foobar) + + .. versionadded:: 1.2 + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`hybrid_reuse_subclass` + + """ + return self + + def getter(self, fget): + """Provide a modifying decorator that defines a getter method. + + .. versionadded:: 1.2 + + """ + + return self._copy(fget=fget) + + def setter(self, fset): + """Provide a modifying decorator that defines a setter method.""" + + return self._copy(fset=fset) + + def deleter(self, fdel): + """Provide a modifying decorator that defines a deletion method.""" + + return self._copy(fdel=fdel) + + def expression(self, expr): + """Provide a modifying decorator that defines a SQL-expression + producing method. + + When a hybrid is invoked at the class level, the SQL expression given + here is wrapped inside of a specialized :class:`.QueryableAttribute`, + which is the same kind of object used by the ORM to represent other + mapped attributes. The reason for this is so that other class-level + attributes such as docstrings and a reference to the hybrid itself may + be maintained within the structure that's returned, without any + modifications to the original SQL expression passed in. + + .. note:: + + when referring to a hybrid property from an owning class (e.g. + ``SomeClass.some_hybrid``), an instance of + :class:`.QueryableAttribute` is returned, representing the + expression or comparator object as well as this hybrid object. + However, that object itself has accessors called ``expression`` and + ``comparator``; so when attempting to override these decorators on a + subclass, it may be necessary to qualify it using the + :attr:`.hybrid_property.overrides` modifier first. See that + modifier for details. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`hybrid_distinct_expression` + + """ + + return self._copy(expr=expr) + + def comparator(self, comparator): + """Provide a modifying decorator that defines a custom + comparator producing method. + + The return value of the decorated method should be an instance of + :class:`~.hybrid.Comparator`. + + .. note:: The :meth:`.hybrid_property.comparator` decorator + **replaces** the use of the :meth:`.hybrid_property.expression` + decorator. They cannot be used together. + + When a hybrid is invoked at the class level, the + :class:`~.hybrid.Comparator` object given here is wrapped inside of a + specialized :class:`.QueryableAttribute`, which is the same kind of + object used by the ORM to represent other mapped attributes. The + reason for this is so that other class-level attributes such as + docstrings and a reference to the hybrid itself may be maintained + within the structure that's returned, without any modifications to the + original comparator object passed in. + + .. note:: + + when referring to a hybrid property from an owning class (e.g. + ``SomeClass.some_hybrid``), an instance of + :class:`.QueryableAttribute` is returned, representing the + expression or comparator object as this hybrid object. However, + that object itself has accessors called ``expression`` and + ``comparator``; so when attempting to override these decorators on a + subclass, it may be necessary to qualify it using the + :attr:`.hybrid_property.overrides` modifier first. See that + modifier for details. + + """ + return self._copy(custom_comparator=comparator) + + def update_expression(self, meth): + """Provide a modifying decorator that defines an UPDATE tuple + producing method. + + The method accepts a single value, which is the value to be + rendered into the SET clause of an UPDATE statement. The method + should then process this value into individual column expressions + that fit into the ultimate SET clause, and return them as a + sequence of 2-tuples. Each tuple + contains a column expression as the key and a value to be rendered. + + E.g.:: + + class Person(Base): + # ... + + first_name = Column(String) + last_name = Column(String) + + @hybrid_property + def fullname(self): + return first_name + " " + last_name + + @fullname.update_expression + def fullname(cls, value): + fname, lname = value.split(" ", 1) + return [ + (cls.first_name, fname), + (cls.last_name, lname) + ] + + .. versionadded:: 1.2 + + """ + return self._copy(update_expr=meth) + + @util.memoized_property + def _expr_comparator(self): + if self.custom_comparator is not None: + return self._get_comparator(self.custom_comparator) + elif self.expr is not None: + return self._get_expr(self.expr) + else: + return self._get_expr(self.fget) + + def _get_expr(self, expr): + def _expr(cls): + return ExprComparator(cls, expr(cls), self) + + util.update_wrapper(_expr, expr) + + return self._get_comparator(_expr) + + def _get_comparator(self, comparator): + + proxy_attr = attributes.create_proxied_attribute(self) + + def expr_comparator(owner): + return proxy_attr( + owner, + self.__name__, + self, + comparator(owner), + doc=comparator.__doc__ or self.__doc__, + ) + + return expr_comparator + + +class Comparator(interfaces.PropComparator): + """A helper class that allows easy construction of custom + :class:`~.orm.interfaces.PropComparator` + classes for usage with hybrids.""" + + property = None + + def __init__(self, expression): + self.expression = expression + + def __clause_element__(self): + expr = self.expression + if hasattr(expr, "__clause_element__"): + expr = expr.__clause_element__() + return expr + + def adapt_to_entity(self, adapt_to_entity): + # interesting.... + return self + + +class ExprComparator(Comparator): + def __init__(self, cls, expression, hybrid): + self.cls = cls + self.expression = expression + self.hybrid = hybrid + + def __getattr__(self, key): + return getattr(self.expression, key) + + @property + def info(self): + return self.hybrid.info + + def _bulk_update_tuples(self, value): + if isinstance(self.expression, attributes.QueryableAttribute): + return self.expression._bulk_update_tuples(value) + elif self.hybrid.update_expr is not None: + return self.hybrid.update_expr(self.cls, value) + else: + return [(self.expression, value)] + + @property + def property(self): + return self.expression.property + + def operate(self, op, *other, **kwargs): + return op(self.expression, *other, **kwargs) + + def reverse_operate(self, op, other, **kwargs): + return op(other, self.expression, **kwargs) diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/ext/indexable.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/ext/indexable.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5f51c79 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/ext/indexable.py @@ -0,0 +1,351 @@ +# ext/index.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +"""Define attributes on ORM-mapped classes that have "index" attributes for +columns with :class:`~.types.Indexable` types. + +"index" means the attribute is associated with an element of an +:class:`~.types.Indexable` column with the predefined index to access it. +The :class:`~.types.Indexable` types include types such as +:class:`~.types.ARRAY`, :class:`~.types.JSON` and +:class:`~.postgresql.HSTORE`. + + + +The :mod:`~sqlalchemy.ext.indexable` extension provides +:class:`~.schema.Column`-like interface for any element of an +:class:`~.types.Indexable` typed column. In simple cases, it can be +treated as a :class:`~.schema.Column` - mapped attribute. + + +.. versionadded:: 1.1 + +Synopsis +======== + +Given ``Person`` as a model with a primary key and JSON data field. +While this field may have any number of elements encoded within it, +we would like to refer to the element called ``name`` individually +as a dedicated attribute which behaves like a standalone column:: + + from sqlalchemy import Column, JSON, Integer + from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base + from sqlalchemy.ext.indexable import index_property + + Base = declarative_base() + + class Person(Base): + __tablename__ = 'person' + + id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) + data = Column(JSON) + + name = index_property('data', 'name') + + +Above, the ``name`` attribute now behaves like a mapped column. We +can compose a new ``Person`` and set the value of ``name``:: + + >>> person = Person(name='Alchemist') + +The value is now accessible:: + + >>> person.name + 'Alchemist' + +Behind the scenes, the JSON field was initialized to a new blank dictionary +and the field was set:: + + >>> person.data + {"name": "Alchemist'} + +The field is mutable in place:: + + >>> person.name = 'Renamed' + >>> person.name + 'Renamed' + >>> person.data + {'name': 'Renamed'} + +When using :class:`.index_property`, the change that we make to the indexable +structure is also automatically tracked as history; we no longer need +to use :class:`~.mutable.MutableDict` in order to track this change +for the unit of work. + +Deletions work normally as well:: + + >>> del person.name + >>> person.data + {} + +Above, deletion of ``person.name`` deletes the value from the dictionary, +but not the dictionary itself. + +A missing key will produce ``AttributeError``:: + + >>> person = Person() + >>> person.name + ... + AttributeError: 'name' + +Unless you set a default value:: + + >>> class Person(Base): + >>> __tablename__ = 'person' + >>> + >>> id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) + >>> data = Column(JSON) + >>> + >>> name = index_property('data', 'name', default=None) # See default + + >>> person = Person() + >>> print(person.name) + None + + +The attributes are also accessible at the class level. +Below, we illustrate ``Person.name`` used to generate +an indexed SQL criteria:: + + >>> from sqlalchemy.orm import Session + >>> session = Session() + >>> query = session.query(Person).filter(Person.name == 'Alchemist') + +The above query is equivalent to:: + + >>> query = session.query(Person).filter(Person.data['name'] == 'Alchemist') + +Multiple :class:`.index_property` objects can be chained to produce +multiple levels of indexing:: + + from sqlalchemy import Column, JSON, Integer + from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base + from sqlalchemy.ext.indexable import index_property + + Base = declarative_base() + + class Person(Base): + __tablename__ = 'person' + + id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) + data = Column(JSON) + + birthday = index_property('data', 'birthday') + year = index_property('birthday', 'year') + month = index_property('birthday', 'month') + day = index_property('birthday', 'day') + +Above, a query such as:: + + q = session.query(Person).filter(Person.year == '1980') + +On a PostgreSQL backend, the above query will render as:: + + SELECT person.id, person.data + FROM person + WHERE person.data -> %(data_1)s -> %(param_1)s = %(param_2)s + +Default Values +============== + +:class:`.index_property` includes special behaviors for when the indexed +data structure does not exist, and a set operation is called: + +* For an :class:`.index_property` that is given an integer index value, + the default data structure will be a Python list of ``None`` values, + at least as long as the index value; the value is then set at its + place in the list. This means for an index value of zero, the list + will be initialized to ``[None]`` before setting the given value, + and for an index value of five, the list will be initialized to + ``[None, None, None, None, None]`` before setting the fifth element + to the given value. Note that an existing list is **not** extended + in place to receive a value. + +* for an :class:`.index_property` that is given any other kind of index + value (e.g. strings usually), a Python dictionary is used as the + default data structure. + +* The default data structure can be set to any Python callable using the + :paramref:`.index_property.datatype` parameter, overriding the previous + rules. + + +Subclassing +=========== + +:class:`.index_property` can be subclassed, in particular for the common +use case of providing coercion of values or SQL expressions as they are +accessed. Below is a common recipe for use with a PostgreSQL JSON type, +where we want to also include automatic casting plus ``astext()``:: + + class pg_json_property(index_property): + def __init__(self, attr_name, index, cast_type): + super(pg_json_property, self).__init__(attr_name, index) + self.cast_type = cast_type + + def expr(self, model): + expr = super(pg_json_property, self).expr(model) + return expr.astext.cast(self.cast_type) + +The above subclass can be used with the PostgreSQL-specific +version of :class:`.postgresql.JSON`:: + + from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer + from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base + from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import JSON + + Base = declarative_base() + + class Person(Base): + __tablename__ = 'person' + + id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) + data = Column(JSON) + + age = pg_json_property('data', 'age', Integer) + +The ``age`` attribute at the instance level works as before; however +when rendering SQL, PostgreSQL's ``->>`` operator will be used +for indexed access, instead of the usual index opearator of ``->``:: + + >>> query = session.query(Person).filter(Person.age < 20) + +The above query will render:: + + SELECT person.id, person.data + FROM person + WHERE CAST(person.data ->> %(data_1)s AS INTEGER) < %(param_1)s + +""" # noqa +from __future__ import absolute_import + +from sqlalchemy import inspect +from ..ext.hybrid import hybrid_property +from ..orm.attributes import flag_modified + + +__all__ = ["index_property"] + + +class index_property(hybrid_property): # noqa + """A property generator. The generated property describes an object + attribute that corresponds to an :class:`~.types.Indexable` + column. + + .. versionadded:: 1.1 + + .. seealso:: + + :mod:`sqlalchemy.ext.indexable` + + """ + + _NO_DEFAULT_ARGUMENT = object() + + def __init__( + self, + attr_name, + index, + default=_NO_DEFAULT_ARGUMENT, + datatype=None, + mutable=True, + onebased=True, + ): + """Create a new :class:`.index_property`. + + :param attr_name: + An attribute name of an `Indexable` typed column, or other + attribute that returns an indexable structure. + :param index: + The index to be used for getting and setting this value. This + should be the Python-side index value for integers. + :param default: + A value which will be returned instead of `AttributeError` + when there is not a value at given index. + :param datatype: default datatype to use when the field is empty. + By default, this is derived from the type of index used; a + Python list for an integer index, or a Python dictionary for + any other style of index. For a list, the list will be + initialized to a list of None values that is at least + ``index`` elements long. + :param mutable: if False, writes and deletes to the attribute will + be disallowed. + :param onebased: assume the SQL representation of this value is + one-based; that is, the first index in SQL is 1, not zero. + """ + + if mutable: + super(index_property, self).__init__( + self.fget, self.fset, self.fdel, self.expr + ) + else: + super(index_property, self).__init__( + self.fget, None, None, self.expr + ) + self.attr_name = attr_name + self.index = index + self.default = default + is_numeric = isinstance(index, int) + onebased = is_numeric and onebased + + if datatype is not None: + self.datatype = datatype + else: + if is_numeric: + self.datatype = lambda: [None for x in range(index + 1)] + else: + self.datatype = dict + self.onebased = onebased + + def _fget_default(self): + if self.default == self._NO_DEFAULT_ARGUMENT: + raise AttributeError(self.attr_name) + else: + return self.default + + def fget(self, instance): + attr_name = self.attr_name + column_value = getattr(instance, attr_name) + if column_value is None: + return self._fget_default() + try: + value = column_value[self.index] + except (KeyError, IndexError): + return self._fget_default() + else: + return value + + def fset(self, instance, value): + attr_name = self.attr_name + column_value = getattr(instance, attr_name, None) + if column_value is None: + column_value = self.datatype() + setattr(instance, attr_name, column_value) + column_value[self.index] = value + setattr(instance, attr_name, column_value) + if attr_name in inspect(instance).mapper.attrs: + flag_modified(instance, attr_name) + + def fdel(self, instance): + attr_name = self.attr_name + column_value = getattr(instance, attr_name) + if column_value is None: + raise AttributeError(self.attr_name) + try: + del column_value[self.index] + except KeyError: + raise AttributeError(self.attr_name) + else: + setattr(instance, attr_name, column_value) + flag_modified(instance, attr_name) + + def expr(self, model): + column = getattr(model, self.attr_name) + index = self.index + if self.onebased: + index += 1 + return column[index] diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/ext/instrumentation.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/ext/instrumentation.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3cff636 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/ext/instrumentation.py @@ -0,0 +1,431 @@ +"""Extensible class instrumentation. + +The :mod:`sqlalchemy.ext.instrumentation` package provides for alternate +systems of class instrumentation within the ORM. Class instrumentation +refers to how the ORM places attributes on the class which maintain +data and track changes to that data, as well as event hooks installed +on the class. + +.. note:: + The extension package is provided for the benefit of integration + with other object management packages, which already perform + their own instrumentation. It is not intended for general use. + +For examples of how the instrumentation extension is used, +see the example :ref:`examples_instrumentation`. + +.. versionchanged:: 0.8 + The :mod:`sqlalchemy.orm.instrumentation` was split out so + that all functionality having to do with non-standard + instrumentation was moved out to :mod:`sqlalchemy.ext.instrumentation`. + When imported, the module installs itself within + :mod:`sqlalchemy.orm.instrumentation` so that it + takes effect, including recognition of + ``__sa_instrumentation_manager__`` on mapped classes, as + well :data:`.instrumentation_finders` + being used to determine class instrumentation resolution. + +""" +import weakref + +from .. import util +from ..orm import attributes +from ..orm import base as orm_base +from ..orm import collections +from ..orm import exc as orm_exc +from ..orm import instrumentation as orm_instrumentation +from ..orm.instrumentation import _default_dict_getter +from ..orm.instrumentation import _default_manager_getter +from ..orm.instrumentation import _default_state_getter +from ..orm.instrumentation import ClassManager +from ..orm.instrumentation import InstrumentationFactory + +INSTRUMENTATION_MANAGER = "__sa_instrumentation_manager__" +"""Attribute, elects custom instrumentation when present on a mapped class. + +Allows a class to specify a slightly or wildly different technique for +tracking changes made to mapped attributes and collections. + +Only one instrumentation implementation is allowed in a given object +inheritance hierarchy. + +The value of this attribute must be a callable and will be passed a class +object. The callable must return one of: + + - An instance of an InstrumentationManager or subclass + - An object implementing all or some of InstrumentationManager (TODO) + - A dictionary of callables, implementing all or some of the above (TODO) + - An instance of a ClassManager or subclass + +This attribute is consulted by SQLAlchemy instrumentation +resolution, once the :mod:`sqlalchemy.ext.instrumentation` module +has been imported. If custom finders are installed in the global +instrumentation_finders list, they may or may not choose to honor this +attribute. + +""" + + +def find_native_user_instrumentation_hook(cls): + """Find user-specified instrumentation management for a class.""" + return getattr(cls, INSTRUMENTATION_MANAGER, None) + + +instrumentation_finders = [find_native_user_instrumentation_hook] +"""An extensible sequence of callables which return instrumentation +implementations + +When a class is registered, each callable will be passed a class object. +If None is returned, the +next finder in the sequence is consulted. Otherwise the return must be an +instrumentation factory that follows the same guidelines as +sqlalchemy.ext.instrumentation.INSTRUMENTATION_MANAGER. + +By default, the only finder is find_native_user_instrumentation_hook, which +searches for INSTRUMENTATION_MANAGER. If all finders return None, standard +ClassManager instrumentation is used. + +""" + + +class ExtendedInstrumentationRegistry(InstrumentationFactory): + """Extends :class:`.InstrumentationFactory` with additional + bookkeeping, to accommodate multiple types of + class managers. + + """ + + _manager_finders = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary() + _state_finders = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary() + _dict_finders = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary() + _extended = False + + def _locate_extended_factory(self, class_): + for finder in instrumentation_finders: + factory = finder(class_) + if factory is not None: + manager = self._extended_class_manager(class_, factory) + return manager, factory + else: + return None, None + + def _check_conflicts(self, class_, factory): + existing_factories = self._collect_management_factories_for( + class_ + ).difference([factory]) + if existing_factories: + raise TypeError( + "multiple instrumentation implementations specified " + "in %s inheritance hierarchy: %r" + % (class_.__name__, list(existing_factories)) + ) + + def _extended_class_manager(self, class_, factory): + manager = factory(class_) + if not isinstance(manager, ClassManager): + manager = _ClassInstrumentationAdapter(class_, manager) + + if factory != ClassManager and not self._extended: + # somebody invoked a custom ClassManager. + # reinstall global "getter" functions with the more + # expensive ones. + self._extended = True + _install_instrumented_lookups() + + self._manager_finders[class_] = manager.manager_getter() + self._state_finders[class_] = manager.state_getter() + self._dict_finders[class_] = manager.dict_getter() + return manager + + def _collect_management_factories_for(self, cls): + """Return a collection of factories in play or specified for a + hierarchy. + + Traverses the entire inheritance graph of a cls and returns a + collection of instrumentation factories for those classes. Factories + are extracted from active ClassManagers, if available, otherwise + instrumentation_finders is consulted. + + """ + hierarchy = util.class_hierarchy(cls) + factories = set() + for member in hierarchy: + manager = self.manager_of_class(member) + if manager is not None: + factories.add(manager.factory) + else: + for finder in instrumentation_finders: + factory = finder(member) + if factory is not None: + break + else: + factory = None + factories.add(factory) + factories.discard(None) + return factories + + def unregister(self, class_): + if class_ in self._manager_finders: + del self._manager_finders[class_] + del self._state_finders[class_] + del self._dict_finders[class_] + super(ExtendedInstrumentationRegistry, self).unregister(class_) + + def manager_of_class(self, cls): + if cls is None: + return None + try: + finder = self._manager_finders.get(cls, _default_manager_getter) + except TypeError: + # due to weakref lookup on invalid object + return None + else: + return finder(cls) + + def state_of(self, instance): + if instance is None: + raise AttributeError("None has no persistent state.") + return self._state_finders.get( + instance.__class__, _default_state_getter + )(instance) + + def dict_of(self, instance): + if instance is None: + raise AttributeError("None has no persistent state.") + return self._dict_finders.get( + instance.__class__, _default_dict_getter + )(instance) + + +orm_instrumentation._instrumentation_factory = ( + _instrumentation_factory +) = ExtendedInstrumentationRegistry() +orm_instrumentation.instrumentation_finders = instrumentation_finders + + +class InstrumentationManager(object): + """User-defined class instrumentation extension. + + :class:`.InstrumentationManager` can be subclassed in order + to change + how class instrumentation proceeds. This class exists for + the purposes of integration with other object management + frameworks which would like to entirely modify the + instrumentation methodology of the ORM, and is not intended + for regular usage. For interception of class instrumentation + events, see :class:`.InstrumentationEvents`. + + The API for this class should be considered as semi-stable, + and may change slightly with new releases. + + .. versionchanged:: 0.8 + :class:`.InstrumentationManager` was moved from + :mod:`sqlalchemy.orm.instrumentation` to + :mod:`sqlalchemy.ext.instrumentation`. + + """ + + # r4361 added a mandatory (cls) constructor to this interface. + # given that, perhaps class_ should be dropped from all of these + # signatures. + + def __init__(self, class_): + pass + + def manage(self, class_, manager): + setattr(class_, "_default_class_manager", manager) + + def dispose(self, class_, manager): + delattr(class_, "_default_class_manager") + + def manager_getter(self, class_): + def get(cls): + return cls._default_class_manager + + return get + + def instrument_attribute(self, class_, key, inst): + pass + + def post_configure_attribute(self, class_, key, inst): + pass + + def install_descriptor(self, class_, key, inst): + setattr(class_, key, inst) + + def uninstall_descriptor(self, class_, key): + delattr(class_, key) + + def install_member(self, class_, key, implementation): + setattr(class_, key, implementation) + + def uninstall_member(self, class_, key): + delattr(class_, key) + + def instrument_collection_class(self, class_, key, collection_class): + return collections.prepare_instrumentation(collection_class) + + def get_instance_dict(self, class_, instance): + return instance.__dict__ + + def initialize_instance_dict(self, class_, instance): + pass + + def install_state(self, class_, instance, state): + setattr(instance, "_default_state", state) + + def remove_state(self, class_, instance): + delattr(instance, "_default_state") + + def state_getter(self, class_): + return lambda instance: getattr(instance, "_default_state") + + def dict_getter(self, class_): + return lambda inst: self.get_instance_dict(class_, inst) + + +class _ClassInstrumentationAdapter(ClassManager): + """Adapts a user-defined InstrumentationManager to a ClassManager.""" + + def __init__(self, class_, override): + self._adapted = override + self._get_state = self._adapted.state_getter(class_) + self._get_dict = self._adapted.dict_getter(class_) + + ClassManager.__init__(self, class_) + + def manage(self): + self._adapted.manage(self.class_, self) + + def dispose(self): + self._adapted.dispose(self.class_) + + def manager_getter(self): + return self._adapted.manager_getter(self.class_) + + def instrument_attribute(self, key, inst, propagated=False): + ClassManager.instrument_attribute(self, key, inst, propagated) + if not propagated: + self._adapted.instrument_attribute(self.class_, key, inst) + + def post_configure_attribute(self, key): + super(_ClassInstrumentationAdapter, self).post_configure_attribute(key) + self._adapted.post_configure_attribute(self.class_, key, self[key]) + + def install_descriptor(self, key, inst): + self._adapted.install_descriptor(self.class_, key, inst) + + def uninstall_descriptor(self, key): + self._adapted.uninstall_descriptor(self.class_, key) + + def install_member(self, key, implementation): + self._adapted.install_member(self.class_, key, implementation) + + def uninstall_member(self, key): + self._adapted.uninstall_member(self.class_, key) + + def instrument_collection_class(self, key, collection_class): + return self._adapted.instrument_collection_class( + self.class_, key, collection_class + ) + + def initialize_collection(self, key, state, factory): + delegate = getattr(self._adapted, "initialize_collection", None) + if delegate: + return delegate(key, state, factory) + else: + return ClassManager.initialize_collection( + self, key, state, factory + ) + + def new_instance(self, state=None): + instance = self.class_.__new__(self.class_) + self.setup_instance(instance, state) + return instance + + def _new_state_if_none(self, instance): + """Install a default InstanceState if none is present. + + A private convenience method used by the __init__ decorator. + """ + if self.has_state(instance): + return False + else: + return self.setup_instance(instance) + + def setup_instance(self, instance, state=None): + self._adapted.initialize_instance_dict(self.class_, instance) + + if state is None: + state = self._state_constructor(instance, self) + + # the given instance is assumed to have no state + self._adapted.install_state(self.class_, instance, state) + return state + + def teardown_instance(self, instance): + self._adapted.remove_state(self.class_, instance) + + def has_state(self, instance): + try: + self._get_state(instance) + except orm_exc.NO_STATE: + return False + else: + return True + + def state_getter(self): + return self._get_state + + def dict_getter(self): + return self._get_dict + + +def _install_instrumented_lookups(): + """Replace global class/object management functions + with ExtendedInstrumentationRegistry implementations, which + allow multiple types of class managers to be present, + at the cost of performance. + + This function is called only by ExtendedInstrumentationRegistry + and unit tests specific to this behavior. + + The _reinstall_default_lookups() function can be called + after this one to re-establish the default functions. + + """ + _install_lookups( + dict( + instance_state=_instrumentation_factory.state_of, + instance_dict=_instrumentation_factory.dict_of, + manager_of_class=_instrumentation_factory.manager_of_class, + ) + ) + + +def _reinstall_default_lookups(): + """Restore simplified lookups.""" + _install_lookups( + dict( + instance_state=_default_state_getter, + instance_dict=_default_dict_getter, + manager_of_class=_default_manager_getter, + ) + ) + _instrumentation_factory._extended = False + + +def _install_lookups(lookups): + global instance_state, instance_dict, manager_of_class + instance_state = lookups["instance_state"] + instance_dict = lookups["instance_dict"] + manager_of_class = lookups["manager_of_class"] + orm_base.instance_state = ( + attributes.instance_state + ) = orm_instrumentation.instance_state = instance_state + orm_base.instance_dict = ( + attributes.instance_dict + ) = orm_instrumentation.instance_dict = instance_dict + orm_base.manager_of_class = ( + attributes.manager_of_class + ) = orm_instrumentation.manager_of_class = manager_of_class diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/ext/mutable.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/ext/mutable.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1518f6a --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/ext/mutable.py @@ -0,0 +1,962 @@ +# ext/mutable.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +r"""Provide support for tracking of in-place changes to scalar values, +which are propagated into ORM change events on owning parent objects. + +.. versionadded:: 0.7 :mod:`sqlalchemy.ext.mutable` replaces SQLAlchemy's + legacy approach to in-place mutations of scalar values; see + :ref:`07_migration_mutation_extension`. + +.. _mutable_scalars: + +Establishing Mutability on Scalar Column Values +=============================================== + +A typical example of a "mutable" structure is a Python dictionary. +Following the example introduced in :ref:`types_toplevel`, we +begin with a custom type that marshals Python dictionaries into +JSON strings before being persisted:: + + from sqlalchemy.types import TypeDecorator, VARCHAR + import json + + class JSONEncodedDict(TypeDecorator): + "Represents an immutable structure as a json-encoded string." + + impl = VARCHAR + + def process_bind_param(self, value, dialect): + if value is not None: + value = json.dumps(value) + return value + + def process_result_value(self, value, dialect): + if value is not None: + value = json.loads(value) + return value + +The usage of ``json`` is only for the purposes of example. The +:mod:`sqlalchemy.ext.mutable` extension can be used +with any type whose target Python type may be mutable, including +:class:`.PickleType`, :class:`.postgresql.ARRAY`, etc. + +When using the :mod:`sqlalchemy.ext.mutable` extension, the value itself +tracks all parents which reference it. Below, we illustrate a simple +version of the :class:`.MutableDict` dictionary object, which applies +the :class:`.Mutable` mixin to a plain Python dictionary:: + + from sqlalchemy.ext.mutable import Mutable + + class MutableDict(Mutable, dict): + @classmethod + def coerce(cls, key, value): + "Convert plain dictionaries to MutableDict." + + if not isinstance(value, MutableDict): + if isinstance(value, dict): + return MutableDict(value) + + # this call will raise ValueError + return Mutable.coerce(key, value) + else: + return value + + def __setitem__(self, key, value): + "Detect dictionary set events and emit change events." + + dict.__setitem__(self, key, value) + self.changed() + + def __delitem__(self, key): + "Detect dictionary del events and emit change events." + + dict.__delitem__(self, key) + self.changed() + +The above dictionary class takes the approach of subclassing the Python +built-in ``dict`` to produce a dict +subclass which routes all mutation events through ``__setitem__``. There are +variants on this approach, such as subclassing ``UserDict.UserDict`` or +``collections.MutableMapping``; the part that's important to this example is +that the :meth:`.Mutable.changed` method is called whenever an in-place +change to the datastructure takes place. + +We also redefine the :meth:`.Mutable.coerce` method which will be used to +convert any values that are not instances of ``MutableDict``, such +as the plain dictionaries returned by the ``json`` module, into the +appropriate type. Defining this method is optional; we could just as well +created our ``JSONEncodedDict`` such that it always returns an instance +of ``MutableDict``, and additionally ensured that all calling code +uses ``MutableDict`` explicitly. When :meth:`.Mutable.coerce` is not +overridden, any values applied to a parent object which are not instances +of the mutable type will raise a ``ValueError``. + +Our new ``MutableDict`` type offers a class method +:meth:`~.Mutable.as_mutable` which we can use within column metadata +to associate with types. This method grabs the given type object or +class and associates a listener that will detect all future mappings +of this type, applying event listening instrumentation to the mapped +attribute. Such as, with classical table metadata:: + + from sqlalchemy import Table, Column, Integer + + my_data = Table('my_data', metadata, + Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True), + Column('data', MutableDict.as_mutable(JSONEncodedDict)) + ) + +Above, :meth:`~.Mutable.as_mutable` returns an instance of ``JSONEncodedDict`` +(if the type object was not an instance already), which will intercept any +attributes which are mapped against this type. Below we establish a simple +mapping against the ``my_data`` table:: + + from sqlalchemy import mapper + + class MyDataClass(object): + pass + + # associates mutation listeners with MyDataClass.data + mapper(MyDataClass, my_data) + +The ``MyDataClass.data`` member will now be notified of in place changes +to its value. + +There's no difference in usage when using declarative:: + + from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base + + Base = declarative_base() + + class MyDataClass(Base): + __tablename__ = 'my_data' + id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) + data = Column(MutableDict.as_mutable(JSONEncodedDict)) + +Any in-place changes to the ``MyDataClass.data`` member +will flag the attribute as "dirty" on the parent object:: + + >>> from sqlalchemy.orm import Session + + >>> sess = Session() + >>> m1 = MyDataClass(data={'value1':'foo'}) + >>> sess.add(m1) + >>> sess.commit() + + >>> m1.data['value1'] = 'bar' + >>> assert m1 in sess.dirty + True + +The ``MutableDict`` can be associated with all future instances +of ``JSONEncodedDict`` in one step, using +:meth:`~.Mutable.associate_with`. This is similar to +:meth:`~.Mutable.as_mutable` except it will intercept all occurrences +of ``MutableDict`` in all mappings unconditionally, without +the need to declare it individually:: + + MutableDict.associate_with(JSONEncodedDict) + + class MyDataClass(Base): + __tablename__ = 'my_data' + id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) + data = Column(JSONEncodedDict) + + +Supporting Pickling +-------------------- + +The key to the :mod:`sqlalchemy.ext.mutable` extension relies upon the +placement of a ``weakref.WeakKeyDictionary`` upon the value object, which +stores a mapping of parent mapped objects keyed to the attribute name under +which they are associated with this value. ``WeakKeyDictionary`` objects are +not picklable, due to the fact that they contain weakrefs and function +callbacks. In our case, this is a good thing, since if this dictionary were +picklable, it could lead to an excessively large pickle size for our value +objects that are pickled by themselves outside of the context of the parent. +The developer responsibility here is only to provide a ``__getstate__`` method +that excludes the :meth:`~MutableBase._parents` collection from the pickle +stream:: + + class MyMutableType(Mutable): + def __getstate__(self): + d = self.__dict__.copy() + d.pop('_parents', None) + return d + +With our dictionary example, we need to return the contents of the dict itself +(and also restore them on __setstate__):: + + class MutableDict(Mutable, dict): + # .... + + def __getstate__(self): + return dict(self) + + def __setstate__(self, state): + self.update(state) + +In the case that our mutable value object is pickled as it is attached to one +or more parent objects that are also part of the pickle, the :class:`.Mutable` +mixin will re-establish the :attr:`.Mutable._parents` collection on each value +object as the owning parents themselves are unpickled. + +Receiving Events +---------------- + +The :meth:`.AttributeEvents.modified` event handler may be used to receive +an event when a mutable scalar emits a change event. This event handler +is called when the :func:`.attributes.flag_modified` function is called +from within the mutable extension:: + + from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base + from sqlalchemy import event + + Base = declarative_base() + + class MyDataClass(Base): + __tablename__ = 'my_data' + id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) + data = Column(MutableDict.as_mutable(JSONEncodedDict)) + + @event.listens_for(MyDataClass.data, "modified") + def modified_json(instance): + print("json value modified:", instance.data) + +.. _mutable_composites: + +Establishing Mutability on Composites +===================================== + +Composites are a special ORM feature which allow a single scalar attribute to +be assigned an object value which represents information "composed" from one +or more columns from the underlying mapped table. The usual example is that of +a geometric "point", and is introduced in :ref:`mapper_composite`. + +.. versionchanged:: 0.7 + The internals of :func:`.orm.composite` have been + greatly simplified and in-place mutation detection is no longer enabled by + default; instead, the user-defined value must detect changes on its own and + propagate them to all owning parents. The :mod:`sqlalchemy.ext.mutable` + extension provides the helper class :class:`.MutableComposite`, which is a + slight variant on the :class:`.Mutable` class. + +As is the case with :class:`.Mutable`, the user-defined composite class +subclasses :class:`.MutableComposite` as a mixin, and detects and delivers +change events to its parents via the :meth:`.MutableComposite.changed` method. +In the case of a composite class, the detection is usually via the usage of +Python descriptors (i.e. ``@property``), or alternatively via the special +Python method ``__setattr__()``. Below we expand upon the ``Point`` class +introduced in :ref:`mapper_composite` to subclass :class:`.MutableComposite` +and to also route attribute set events via ``__setattr__`` to the +:meth:`.MutableComposite.changed` method:: + + from sqlalchemy.ext.mutable import MutableComposite + + class Point(MutableComposite): + def __init__(self, x, y): + self.x = x + self.y = y + + def __setattr__(self, key, value): + "Intercept set events" + + # set the attribute + object.__setattr__(self, key, value) + + # alert all parents to the change + self.changed() + + def __composite_values__(self): + return self.x, self.y + + def __eq__(self, other): + return isinstance(other, Point) and \ + other.x == self.x and \ + other.y == self.y + + def __ne__(self, other): + return not self.__eq__(other) + +The :class:`.MutableComposite` class uses a Python metaclass to automatically +establish listeners for any usage of :func:`.orm.composite` that specifies our +``Point`` type. Below, when ``Point`` is mapped to the ``Vertex`` class, +listeners are established which will route change events from ``Point`` +objects to each of the ``Vertex.start`` and ``Vertex.end`` attributes:: + + from sqlalchemy.orm import composite, mapper + from sqlalchemy import Table, Column + + vertices = Table('vertices', metadata, + Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True), + Column('x1', Integer), + Column('y1', Integer), + Column('x2', Integer), + Column('y2', Integer), + ) + + class Vertex(object): + pass + + mapper(Vertex, vertices, properties={ + 'start': composite(Point, vertices.c.x1, vertices.c.y1), + 'end': composite(Point, vertices.c.x2, vertices.c.y2) + }) + +Any in-place changes to the ``Vertex.start`` or ``Vertex.end`` members +will flag the attribute as "dirty" on the parent object:: + + >>> from sqlalchemy.orm import Session + + >>> sess = Session() + >>> v1 = Vertex(start=Point(3, 4), end=Point(12, 15)) + >>> sess.add(v1) + >>> sess.commit() + + >>> v1.end.x = 8 + >>> assert v1 in sess.dirty + True + +Coercing Mutable Composites +--------------------------- + +The :meth:`.MutableBase.coerce` method is also supported on composite types. +In the case of :class:`.MutableComposite`, the :meth:`.MutableBase.coerce` +method is only called for attribute set operations, not load operations. +Overriding the :meth:`.MutableBase.coerce` method is essentially equivalent +to using a :func:`.validates` validation routine for all attributes which +make use of the custom composite type:: + + class Point(MutableComposite): + # other Point methods + # ... + + def coerce(cls, key, value): + if isinstance(value, tuple): + value = Point(*value) + elif not isinstance(value, Point): + raise ValueError("tuple or Point expected") + return value + +.. versionadded:: 0.7.10,0.8.0b2 + Support for the :meth:`.MutableBase.coerce` method in conjunction with + objects of type :class:`.MutableComposite`. + +Supporting Pickling +-------------------- + +As is the case with :class:`.Mutable`, the :class:`.MutableComposite` helper +class uses a ``weakref.WeakKeyDictionary`` available via the +:meth:`MutableBase._parents` attribute which isn't picklable. If we need to +pickle instances of ``Point`` or its owning class ``Vertex``, we at least need +to define a ``__getstate__`` that doesn't include the ``_parents`` dictionary. +Below we define both a ``__getstate__`` and a ``__setstate__`` that package up +the minimal form of our ``Point`` class:: + + class Point(MutableComposite): + # ... + + def __getstate__(self): + return self.x, self.y + + def __setstate__(self, state): + self.x, self.y = state + +As with :class:`.Mutable`, the :class:`.MutableComposite` augments the +pickling process of the parent's object-relational state so that the +:meth:`MutableBase._parents` collection is restored to all ``Point`` objects. + +""" +import weakref + +from .. import event +from .. import types +from ..orm import Mapper +from ..orm import mapper +from ..orm import object_mapper +from ..orm.attributes import flag_modified +from ..sql.base import SchemaEventTarget +from ..util import memoized_property + + +class MutableBase(object): + """Common base class to :class:`.Mutable` + and :class:`.MutableComposite`. + + """ + + @memoized_property + def _parents(self): + """Dictionary of parent object->attribute name on the parent. + + This attribute is a so-called "memoized" property. It initializes + itself with a new ``weakref.WeakKeyDictionary`` the first time + it is accessed, returning the same object upon subsequent access. + + """ + + return weakref.WeakKeyDictionary() + + @classmethod + def coerce(cls, key, value): + """Given a value, coerce it into the target type. + + Can be overridden by custom subclasses to coerce incoming + data into a particular type. + + By default, raises ``ValueError``. + + This method is called in different scenarios depending on if + the parent class is of type :class:`.Mutable` or of type + :class:`.MutableComposite`. In the case of the former, it is called + for both attribute-set operations as well as during ORM loading + operations. For the latter, it is only called during attribute-set + operations; the mechanics of the :func:`.composite` construct + handle coercion during load operations. + + + :param key: string name of the ORM-mapped attribute being set. + :param value: the incoming value. + :return: the method should return the coerced value, or raise + ``ValueError`` if the coercion cannot be completed. + + """ + if value is None: + return None + msg = "Attribute '%s' does not accept objects of type %s" + raise ValueError(msg % (key, type(value))) + + @classmethod + def _get_listen_keys(cls, attribute): + """Given a descriptor attribute, return a ``set()`` of the attribute + keys which indicate a change in the state of this attribute. + + This is normally just ``set([attribute.key])``, but can be overridden + to provide for additional keys. E.g. a :class:`.MutableComposite` + augments this set with the attribute keys associated with the columns + that comprise the composite value. + + This collection is consulted in the case of intercepting the + :meth:`.InstanceEvents.refresh` and + :meth:`.InstanceEvents.refresh_flush` events, which pass along a list + of attribute names that have been refreshed; the list is compared + against this set to determine if action needs to be taken. + + .. versionadded:: 1.0.5 + + """ + return {attribute.key} + + @classmethod + def _listen_on_attribute(cls, attribute, coerce, parent_cls): + """Establish this type as a mutation listener for the given + mapped descriptor. + + """ + key = attribute.key + if parent_cls is not attribute.class_: + return + + # rely on "propagate" here + parent_cls = attribute.class_ + + listen_keys = cls._get_listen_keys(attribute) + + def load(state, *args): + """Listen for objects loaded or refreshed. + + Wrap the target data member's value with + ``Mutable``. + + """ + val = state.dict.get(key, None) + if val is not None: + if coerce: + val = cls.coerce(key, val) + state.dict[key] = val + val._parents[state.obj()] = key + + def load_attrs(state, ctx, attrs): + if not attrs or listen_keys.intersection(attrs): + load(state) + + def set_(target, value, oldvalue, initiator): + """Listen for set/replace events on the target + data member. + + Establish a weak reference to the parent object + on the incoming value, remove it for the one + outgoing. + + """ + if value is oldvalue: + return value + + if not isinstance(value, cls): + value = cls.coerce(key, value) + if value is not None: + value._parents[target.obj()] = key + if isinstance(oldvalue, cls): + oldvalue._parents.pop(target.obj(), None) + return value + + def pickle(state, state_dict): + val = state.dict.get(key, None) + if val is not None: + if "ext.mutable.values" not in state_dict: + state_dict["ext.mutable.values"] = [] + state_dict["ext.mutable.values"].append(val) + + def unpickle(state, state_dict): + if "ext.mutable.values" in state_dict: + for val in state_dict["ext.mutable.values"]: + val._parents[state.obj()] = key + + event.listen(parent_cls, "load", load, raw=True, propagate=True) + event.listen( + parent_cls, "refresh", load_attrs, raw=True, propagate=True + ) + event.listen( + parent_cls, "refresh_flush", load_attrs, raw=True, propagate=True + ) + event.listen( + attribute, "set", set_, raw=True, retval=True, propagate=True + ) + event.listen(parent_cls, "pickle", pickle, raw=True, propagate=True) + event.listen( + parent_cls, "unpickle", unpickle, raw=True, propagate=True + ) + + +class Mutable(MutableBase): + """Mixin that defines transparent propagation of change + events to a parent object. + + See the example in :ref:`mutable_scalars` for usage information. + + """ + + def changed(self): + """Subclasses should call this method whenever change events occur.""" + + for parent, key in self._parents.items(): + flag_modified(parent, key) + + @classmethod + def associate_with_attribute(cls, attribute): + """Establish this type as a mutation listener for the given + mapped descriptor. + + """ + cls._listen_on_attribute(attribute, True, attribute.class_) + + @classmethod + def associate_with(cls, sqltype): + """Associate this wrapper with all future mapped columns + of the given type. + + This is a convenience method that calls + ``associate_with_attribute`` automatically. + + .. warning:: + + The listeners established by this method are *global* + to all mappers, and are *not* garbage collected. Only use + :meth:`.associate_with` for types that are permanent to an + application, not with ad-hoc types else this will cause unbounded + growth in memory usage. + + """ + + def listen_for_type(mapper, class_): + if mapper.non_primary: + return + for prop in mapper.column_attrs: + if isinstance(prop.columns[0].type, sqltype): + cls.associate_with_attribute(getattr(class_, prop.key)) + + event.listen(mapper, "mapper_configured", listen_for_type) + + @classmethod + def as_mutable(cls, sqltype): + """Associate a SQL type with this mutable Python type. + + This establishes listeners that will detect ORM mappings against + the given type, adding mutation event trackers to those mappings. + + The type is returned, unconditionally as an instance, so that + :meth:`.as_mutable` can be used inline:: + + Table('mytable', metadata, + Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True), + Column('data', MyMutableType.as_mutable(PickleType)) + ) + + Note that the returned type is always an instance, even if a class + is given, and that only columns which are declared specifically with + that type instance receive additional instrumentation. + + To associate a particular mutable type with all occurrences of a + particular type, use the :meth:`.Mutable.associate_with` classmethod + of the particular :class:`.Mutable` subclass to establish a global + association. + + .. warning:: + + The listeners established by this method are *global* + to all mappers, and are *not* garbage collected. Only use + :meth:`.as_mutable` for types that are permanent to an application, + not with ad-hoc types else this will cause unbounded growth + in memory usage. + + """ + sqltype = types.to_instance(sqltype) + + # a SchemaType will be copied when the Column is copied, + # and we'll lose our ability to link that type back to the original. + # so track our original type w/ columns + if isinstance(sqltype, SchemaEventTarget): + + @event.listens_for(sqltype, "before_parent_attach") + def _add_column_memo(sqltyp, parent): + parent.info["_ext_mutable_orig_type"] = sqltyp + + schema_event_check = True + else: + schema_event_check = False + + def listen_for_type(mapper, class_): + if mapper.non_primary: + return + for prop in mapper.column_attrs: + if ( + schema_event_check + and hasattr(prop.expression, "info") + and prop.expression.info.get("_ext_mutable_orig_type") + is sqltype + ) or (prop.columns[0].type is sqltype): + cls.associate_with_attribute(getattr(class_, prop.key)) + + event.listen(mapper, "mapper_configured", listen_for_type) + + return sqltype + + +class MutableComposite(MutableBase): + """Mixin that defines transparent propagation of change + events on a SQLAlchemy "composite" object to its + owning parent or parents. + + See the example in :ref:`mutable_composites` for usage information. + + """ + + @classmethod + def _get_listen_keys(cls, attribute): + return {attribute.key}.union(attribute.property._attribute_keys) + + def changed(self): + """Subclasses should call this method whenever change events occur.""" + + for parent, key in self._parents.items(): + + prop = object_mapper(parent).get_property(key) + for value, attr_name in zip( + self.__composite_values__(), prop._attribute_keys + ): + setattr(parent, attr_name, value) + + +def _setup_composite_listener(): + def _listen_for_type(mapper, class_): + for prop in mapper.iterate_properties: + if ( + hasattr(prop, "composite_class") + and isinstance(prop.composite_class, type) + and issubclass(prop.composite_class, MutableComposite) + ): + prop.composite_class._listen_on_attribute( + getattr(class_, prop.key), False, class_ + ) + + if not event.contains(Mapper, "mapper_configured", _listen_for_type): + event.listen(Mapper, "mapper_configured", _listen_for_type) + + +_setup_composite_listener() + + +class MutableDict(Mutable, dict): + """A dictionary type that implements :class:`.Mutable`. + + The :class:`.MutableDict` object implements a dictionary that will + emit change events to the underlying mapping when the contents of + the dictionary are altered, including when values are added or removed. + + Note that :class:`.MutableDict` does **not** apply mutable tracking to the + *values themselves* inside the dictionary. Therefore it is not a sufficient + solution for the use case of tracking deep changes to a *recursive* + dictionary structure, such as a JSON structure. To support this use case, + build a subclass of :class:`.MutableDict` that provides appropriate + coersion to the values placed in the dictionary so that they too are + "mutable", and emit events up to their parent structure. + + .. versionadded:: 0.8 + + .. seealso:: + + :class:`.MutableList` + + :class:`.MutableSet` + + """ + + def __setitem__(self, key, value): + """Detect dictionary set events and emit change events.""" + dict.__setitem__(self, key, value) + self.changed() + + def setdefault(self, key, value): + result = dict.setdefault(self, key, value) + self.changed() + return result + + def __delitem__(self, key): + """Detect dictionary del events and emit change events.""" + dict.__delitem__(self, key) + self.changed() + + def update(self, *a, **kw): + dict.update(self, *a, **kw) + self.changed() + + def pop(self, *arg): + result = dict.pop(self, *arg) + self.changed() + return result + + def popitem(self): + result = dict.popitem(self) + self.changed() + return result + + def clear(self): + dict.clear(self) + self.changed() + + @classmethod + def coerce(cls, key, value): + """Convert plain dictionary to instance of this class.""" + if not isinstance(value, cls): + if isinstance(value, dict): + return cls(value) + return Mutable.coerce(key, value) + else: + return value + + def __getstate__(self): + return dict(self) + + def __setstate__(self, state): + self.update(state) + + +class MutableList(Mutable, list): + """A list type that implements :class:`.Mutable`. + + The :class:`.MutableList` object implements a list that will + emit change events to the underlying mapping when the contents of + the list are altered, including when values are added or removed. + + Note that :class:`.MutableList` does **not** apply mutable tracking to the + *values themselves* inside the list. Therefore it is not a sufficient + solution for the use case of tracking deep changes to a *recursive* + mutable structure, such as a JSON structure. To support this use case, + build a subclass of :class:`.MutableList` that provides appropriate + coersion to the values placed in the dictionary so that they too are + "mutable", and emit events up to their parent structure. + + .. versionadded:: 1.1 + + .. seealso:: + + :class:`.MutableDict` + + :class:`.MutableSet` + + """ + + def __setitem__(self, index, value): + """Detect list set events and emit change events.""" + list.__setitem__(self, index, value) + self.changed() + + def __setslice__(self, start, end, value): + """Detect list set events and emit change events.""" + list.__setslice__(self, start, end, value) + self.changed() + + def __delitem__(self, index): + """Detect list del events and emit change events.""" + list.__delitem__(self, index) + self.changed() + + def __delslice__(self, start, end): + """Detect list del events and emit change events.""" + list.__delslice__(self, start, end) + self.changed() + + def pop(self, *arg): + result = list.pop(self, *arg) + self.changed() + return result + + def append(self, x): + list.append(self, x) + self.changed() + + def extend(self, x): + list.extend(self, x) + self.changed() + + def __iadd__(self, x): + self.extend(x) + return self + + def insert(self, i, x): + list.insert(self, i, x) + self.changed() + + def remove(self, i): + list.remove(self, i) + self.changed() + + def clear(self): + list.clear(self) + self.changed() + + def sort(self): + list.sort(self) + self.changed() + + def reverse(self): + list.reverse(self) + self.changed() + + @classmethod + def coerce(cls, index, value): + """Convert plain list to instance of this class.""" + if not isinstance(value, cls): + if isinstance(value, list): + return cls(value) + return Mutable.coerce(index, value) + else: + return value + + def __getstate__(self): + return list(self) + + def __setstate__(self, state): + self[:] = state + + +class MutableSet(Mutable, set): + """A set type that implements :class:`.Mutable`. + + The :class:`.MutableSet` object implements a set that will + emit change events to the underlying mapping when the contents of + the set are altered, including when values are added or removed. + + Note that :class:`.MutableSet` does **not** apply mutable tracking to the + *values themselves* inside the set. Therefore it is not a sufficient + solution for the use case of tracking deep changes to a *recursive* + mutable structure. To support this use case, + build a subclass of :class:`.MutableSet` that provides appropriate + coersion to the values placed in the dictionary so that they too are + "mutable", and emit events up to their parent structure. + + .. versionadded:: 1.1 + + .. seealso:: + + :class:`.MutableDict` + + :class:`.MutableList` + + + """ + + def update(self, *arg): + set.update(self, *arg) + self.changed() + + def intersection_update(self, *arg): + set.intersection_update(self, *arg) + self.changed() + + def difference_update(self, *arg): + set.difference_update(self, *arg) + self.changed() + + def symmetric_difference_update(self, *arg): + set.symmetric_difference_update(self, *arg) + self.changed() + + def __ior__(self, other): + self.update(other) + return self + + def __iand__(self, other): + self.intersection_update(other) + return self + + def __ixor__(self, other): + self.symmetric_difference_update(other) + return self + + def __isub__(self, other): + self.difference_update(other) + return self + + def add(self, elem): + set.add(self, elem) + self.changed() + + def remove(self, elem): + set.remove(self, elem) + self.changed() + + def discard(self, elem): + set.discard(self, elem) + self.changed() + + def pop(self, *arg): + result = set.pop(self, *arg) + self.changed() + return result + + def clear(self): + set.clear(self) + self.changed() + + @classmethod + def coerce(cls, index, value): + """Convert plain set to instance of this class.""" + if not isinstance(value, cls): + if isinstance(value, set): + return cls(value) + return Mutable.coerce(index, value) + else: + return value + + def __getstate__(self): + return set(self) + + def __setstate__(self, state): + self.update(state) + + def __reduce_ex__(self, proto): + return (self.__class__, (list(self),)) diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/ext/orderinglist.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/ext/orderinglist.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c8cfe2c --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/ext/orderinglist.py @@ -0,0 +1,388 @@ +# ext/orderinglist.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +"""A custom list that manages index/position information for contained +elements. + +:author: Jason Kirtland + +``orderinglist`` is a helper for mutable ordered relationships. It will +intercept list operations performed on a :func:`.relationship`-managed +collection and +automatically synchronize changes in list position onto a target scalar +attribute. + +Example: A ``slide`` table, where each row refers to zero or more entries +in a related ``bullet`` table. The bullets within a slide are +displayed in order based on the value of the ``position`` column in the +``bullet`` table. As entries are reordered in memory, the value of the +``position`` attribute should be updated to reflect the new sort order:: + + + Base = declarative_base() + + class Slide(Base): + __tablename__ = 'slide' + + id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) + name = Column(String) + + bullets = relationship("Bullet", order_by="Bullet.position") + + class Bullet(Base): + __tablename__ = 'bullet' + id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) + slide_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('slide.id')) + position = Column(Integer) + text = Column(String) + +The standard relationship mapping will produce a list-like attribute on each +``Slide`` containing all related ``Bullet`` objects, +but coping with changes in ordering is not handled automatically. +When appending a ``Bullet`` into ``Slide.bullets``, the ``Bullet.position`` +attribute will remain unset until manually assigned. When the ``Bullet`` +is inserted into the middle of the list, the following ``Bullet`` objects +will also need to be renumbered. + +The :class:`.OrderingList` object automates this task, managing the +``position`` attribute on all ``Bullet`` objects in the collection. It is +constructed using the :func:`.ordering_list` factory:: + + from sqlalchemy.ext.orderinglist import ordering_list + + Base = declarative_base() + + class Slide(Base): + __tablename__ = 'slide' + + id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) + name = Column(String) + + bullets = relationship("Bullet", order_by="Bullet.position", + collection_class=ordering_list('position')) + + class Bullet(Base): + __tablename__ = 'bullet' + id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) + slide_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('slide.id')) + position = Column(Integer) + text = Column(String) + +With the above mapping the ``Bullet.position`` attribute is managed:: + + s = Slide() + s.bullets.append(Bullet()) + s.bullets.append(Bullet()) + s.bullets[1].position + >>> 1 + s.bullets.insert(1, Bullet()) + s.bullets[2].position + >>> 2 + +The :class:`.OrderingList` construct only works with **changes** to a +collection, and not the initial load from the database, and requires that the +list be sorted when loaded. Therefore, be sure to specify ``order_by`` on the +:func:`.relationship` against the target ordering attribute, so that the +ordering is correct when first loaded. + +.. warning:: + + :class:`.OrderingList` only provides limited functionality when a primary + key column or unique column is the target of the sort. Operations + that are unsupported or are problematic include: + + * two entries must trade values. This is not supported directly in the + case of a primary key or unique constraint because it means at least + one row would need to be temporarily removed first, or changed to + a third, neutral value while the switch occurs. + + * an entry must be deleted in order to make room for a new entry. + SQLAlchemy's unit of work performs all INSERTs before DELETEs within a + single flush. In the case of a primary key, it will trade + an INSERT/DELETE of the same primary key for an UPDATE statement in order + to lessen the impact of this limitation, however this does not take place + for a UNIQUE column. + A future feature will allow the "DELETE before INSERT" behavior to be + possible, allevating this limitation, though this feature will require + explicit configuration at the mapper level for sets of columns that + are to be handled in this way. + +:func:`.ordering_list` takes the name of the related object's ordering +attribute as an argument. By default, the zero-based integer index of the +object's position in the :func:`.ordering_list` is synchronized with the +ordering attribute: index 0 will get position 0, index 1 position 1, etc. To +start numbering at 1 or some other integer, provide ``count_from=1``. + + +""" +from .. import util +from ..orm.collections import collection +from ..orm.collections import collection_adapter + +__all__ = ["ordering_list"] + + +def ordering_list(attr, count_from=None, **kw): + """Prepares an :class:`OrderingList` factory for use in mapper definitions. + + Returns an object suitable for use as an argument to a Mapper + relationship's ``collection_class`` option. e.g.:: + + from sqlalchemy.ext.orderinglist import ordering_list + + class Slide(Base): + __tablename__ = 'slide' + + id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) + name = Column(String) + + bullets = relationship("Bullet", order_by="Bullet.position", + collection_class=ordering_list('position')) + + :param attr: + Name of the mapped attribute to use for storage and retrieval of + ordering information + + :param count_from: + Set up an integer-based ordering, starting at ``count_from``. For + example, ``ordering_list('pos', count_from=1)`` would create a 1-based + list in SQL, storing the value in the 'pos' column. Ignored if + ``ordering_func`` is supplied. + + Additional arguments are passed to the :class:`.OrderingList` constructor. + + """ + + kw = _unsugar_count_from(count_from=count_from, **kw) + return lambda: OrderingList(attr, **kw) + + +# Ordering utility functions + + +def count_from_0(index, collection): + """Numbering function: consecutive integers starting at 0.""" + + return index + + +def count_from_1(index, collection): + """Numbering function: consecutive integers starting at 1.""" + + return index + 1 + + +def count_from_n_factory(start): + """Numbering function: consecutive integers starting at arbitrary start.""" + + def f(index, collection): + return index + start + + try: + f.__name__ = "count_from_%i" % start + except TypeError: + pass + return f + + +def _unsugar_count_from(**kw): + """Builds counting functions from keyword arguments. + + Keyword argument filter, prepares a simple ``ordering_func`` from a + ``count_from`` argument, otherwise passes ``ordering_func`` on unchanged. + """ + + count_from = kw.pop("count_from", None) + if kw.get("ordering_func", None) is None and count_from is not None: + if count_from == 0: + kw["ordering_func"] = count_from_0 + elif count_from == 1: + kw["ordering_func"] = count_from_1 + else: + kw["ordering_func"] = count_from_n_factory(count_from) + return kw + + +class OrderingList(list): + """A custom list that manages position information for its children. + + The :class:`.OrderingList` object is normally set up using the + :func:`.ordering_list` factory function, used in conjunction with + the :func:`.relationship` function. + + """ + + def __init__( + self, ordering_attr=None, ordering_func=None, reorder_on_append=False + ): + """A custom list that manages position information for its children. + + ``OrderingList`` is a ``collection_class`` list implementation that + syncs position in a Python list with a position attribute on the + mapped objects. + + This implementation relies on the list starting in the proper order, + so be **sure** to put an ``order_by`` on your relationship. + + :param ordering_attr: + Name of the attribute that stores the object's order in the + relationship. + + :param ordering_func: Optional. A function that maps the position in + the Python list to a value to store in the + ``ordering_attr``. Values returned are usually (but need not be!) + integers. + + An ``ordering_func`` is called with two positional parameters: the + index of the element in the list, and the list itself. + + If omitted, Python list indexes are used for the attribute values. + Two basic pre-built numbering functions are provided in this module: + ``count_from_0`` and ``count_from_1``. For more exotic examples + like stepped numbering, alphabetical and Fibonacci numbering, see + the unit tests. + + :param reorder_on_append: + Default False. When appending an object with an existing (non-None) + ordering value, that value will be left untouched unless + ``reorder_on_append`` is true. This is an optimization to avoid a + variety of dangerous unexpected database writes. + + SQLAlchemy will add instances to the list via append() when your + object loads. If for some reason the result set from the database + skips a step in the ordering (say, row '1' is missing but you get + '2', '3', and '4'), reorder_on_append=True would immediately + renumber the items to '1', '2', '3'. If you have multiple sessions + making changes, any of whom happen to load this collection even in + passing, all of the sessions would try to "clean up" the numbering + in their commits, possibly causing all but one to fail with a + concurrent modification error. + + Recommend leaving this with the default of False, and just call + ``reorder()`` if you're doing ``append()`` operations with + previously ordered instances or when doing some housekeeping after + manual sql operations. + + """ + self.ordering_attr = ordering_attr + if ordering_func is None: + ordering_func = count_from_0 + self.ordering_func = ordering_func + self.reorder_on_append = reorder_on_append + + # More complex serialization schemes (multi column, e.g.) are possible by + # subclassing and reimplementing these two methods. + def _get_order_value(self, entity): + return getattr(entity, self.ordering_attr) + + def _set_order_value(self, entity, value): + setattr(entity, self.ordering_attr, value) + + def reorder(self): + """Synchronize ordering for the entire collection. + + Sweeps through the list and ensures that each object has accurate + ordering information set. + + """ + for index, entity in enumerate(self): + self._order_entity(index, entity, True) + + # As of 0.5, _reorder is no longer semi-private + _reorder = reorder + + def _order_entity(self, index, entity, reorder=True): + have = self._get_order_value(entity) + + # Don't disturb existing ordering if reorder is False + if have is not None and not reorder: + return + + should_be = self.ordering_func(index, self) + if have != should_be: + self._set_order_value(entity, should_be) + + def append(self, entity): + super(OrderingList, self).append(entity) + self._order_entity(len(self) - 1, entity, self.reorder_on_append) + + def _raw_append(self, entity): + """Append without any ordering behavior.""" + + super(OrderingList, self).append(entity) + + _raw_append = collection.adds(1)(_raw_append) + + def insert(self, index, entity): + super(OrderingList, self).insert(index, entity) + self._reorder() + + def remove(self, entity): + super(OrderingList, self).remove(entity) + + adapter = collection_adapter(self) + if adapter and adapter._referenced_by_owner: + self._reorder() + + def pop(self, index=-1): + entity = super(OrderingList, self).pop(index) + self._reorder() + return entity + + def __setitem__(self, index, entity): + if isinstance(index, slice): + step = index.step or 1 + start = index.start or 0 + if start < 0: + start += len(self) + stop = index.stop or len(self) + if stop < 0: + stop += len(self) + + for i in range(start, stop, step): + self.__setitem__(i, entity[i]) + else: + self._order_entity(index, entity, True) + super(OrderingList, self).__setitem__(index, entity) + + def __delitem__(self, index): + super(OrderingList, self).__delitem__(index) + self._reorder() + + def __setslice__(self, start, end, values): + super(OrderingList, self).__setslice__(start, end, values) + self._reorder() + + def __delslice__(self, start, end): + super(OrderingList, self).__delslice__(start, end) + self._reorder() + + def __reduce__(self): + return _reconstitute, (self.__class__, self.__dict__, list(self)) + + for func_name, func in list(locals().items()): + if ( + util.callable(func) + and func.__name__ == func_name + and not func.__doc__ + and hasattr(list, func_name) + ): + func.__doc__ = getattr(list, func_name).__doc__ + del func_name, func + + +def _reconstitute(cls, dict_, items): + """ Reconstitute an :class:`.OrderingList`. + + This is the adjoint to :meth:`.OrderingList.__reduce__`. It is used for + unpickling :class:`.OrderingList` objects. + + """ + obj = cls.__new__(cls) + obj.__dict__.update(dict_) + list.extend(obj, items) + return obj diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/ext/serializer.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/ext/serializer.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d0f556a --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/ext/serializer.py @@ -0,0 +1,173 @@ +# ext/serializer.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +"""Serializer/Deserializer objects for usage with SQLAlchemy query structures, +allowing "contextual" deserialization. + +Any SQLAlchemy query structure, either based on sqlalchemy.sql.* +or sqlalchemy.orm.* can be used. The mappers, Tables, Columns, Session +etc. which are referenced by the structure are not persisted in serialized +form, but are instead re-associated with the query structure +when it is deserialized. + +Usage is nearly the same as that of the standard Python pickle module:: + + from sqlalchemy.ext.serializer import loads, dumps + metadata = MetaData(bind=some_engine) + Session = scoped_session(sessionmaker()) + + # ... define mappers + + query = Session.query(MyClass). + filter(MyClass.somedata=='foo').order_by(MyClass.sortkey) + + # pickle the query + serialized = dumps(query) + + # unpickle. Pass in metadata + scoped_session + query2 = loads(serialized, metadata, Session) + + print query2.all() + +Similar restrictions as when using raw pickle apply; mapped classes must be +themselves be pickleable, meaning they are importable from a module-level +namespace. + +The serializer module is only appropriate for query structures. It is not +needed for: + +* instances of user-defined classes. These contain no references to engines, + sessions or expression constructs in the typical case and can be serialized + directly. + +* Table metadata that is to be loaded entirely from the serialized structure + (i.e. is not already declared in the application). Regular + pickle.loads()/dumps() can be used to fully dump any ``MetaData`` object, + typically one which was reflected from an existing database at some previous + point in time. The serializer module is specifically for the opposite case, + where the Table metadata is already present in memory. + +""" + +import re + +from .. import Column +from .. import Table +from ..engine import Engine +from ..orm import class_mapper +from ..orm.attributes import QueryableAttribute +from ..orm.interfaces import MapperProperty +from ..orm.mapper import Mapper +from ..orm.session import Session +from ..util import b64decode +from ..util import b64encode +from ..util import byte_buffer +from ..util import pickle +from ..util import text_type + + +__all__ = ["Serializer", "Deserializer", "dumps", "loads"] + + +def Serializer(*args, **kw): + pickler = pickle.Pickler(*args, **kw) + + def persistent_id(obj): + # print "serializing:", repr(obj) + if isinstance(obj, QueryableAttribute): + cls = obj.impl.class_ + key = obj.impl.key + id_ = "attribute:" + key + ":" + b64encode(pickle.dumps(cls)) + elif isinstance(obj, Mapper) and not obj.non_primary: + id_ = "mapper:" + b64encode(pickle.dumps(obj.class_)) + elif isinstance(obj, MapperProperty) and not obj.parent.non_primary: + id_ = ( + "mapperprop:" + + b64encode(pickle.dumps(obj.parent.class_)) + + ":" + + obj.key + ) + elif isinstance(obj, Table): + id_ = "table:" + text_type(obj.key) + elif isinstance(obj, Column) and isinstance(obj.table, Table): + id_ = ( + "column:" + text_type(obj.table.key) + ":" + text_type(obj.key) + ) + elif isinstance(obj, Session): + id_ = "session:" + elif isinstance(obj, Engine): + id_ = "engine:" + else: + return None + return id_ + + pickler.persistent_id = persistent_id + return pickler + + +our_ids = re.compile( + r"(mapperprop|mapper|table|column|session|attribute|engine):(.*)" +) + + +def Deserializer(file, metadata=None, scoped_session=None, engine=None): + unpickler = pickle.Unpickler(file) + + def get_engine(): + if engine: + return engine + elif scoped_session and scoped_session().bind: + return scoped_session().bind + elif metadata and metadata.bind: + return metadata.bind + else: + return None + + def persistent_load(id_): + m = our_ids.match(text_type(id_)) + if not m: + return None + else: + type_, args = m.group(1, 2) + if type_ == "attribute": + key, clsarg = args.split(":") + cls = pickle.loads(b64decode(clsarg)) + return getattr(cls, key) + elif type_ == "mapper": + cls = pickle.loads(b64decode(args)) + return class_mapper(cls) + elif type_ == "mapperprop": + mapper, keyname = args.split(":") + cls = pickle.loads(b64decode(mapper)) + return class_mapper(cls).attrs[keyname] + elif type_ == "table": + return metadata.tables[args] + elif type_ == "column": + table, colname = args.split(":") + return metadata.tables[table].c[colname] + elif type_ == "session": + return scoped_session() + elif type_ == "engine": + return get_engine() + else: + raise Exception("Unknown token: %s" % type_) + + unpickler.persistent_load = persistent_load + return unpickler + + +def dumps(obj, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL): + buf = byte_buffer() + pickler = Serializer(buf, protocol) + pickler.dump(obj) + return buf.getvalue() + + +def loads(data, metadata=None, scoped_session=None, engine=None): + buf = byte_buffer(data) + unpickler = Deserializer(buf, metadata, scoped_session, engine) + return unpickler.load() diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/inspection.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/inspection.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..efd0352 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/inspection.py @@ -0,0 +1,94 @@ +# sqlalchemy/inspect.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +"""The inspection module provides the :func:`.inspect` function, +which delivers runtime information about a wide variety +of SQLAlchemy objects, both within the Core as well as the +ORM. + +The :func:`.inspect` function is the entry point to SQLAlchemy's +public API for viewing the configuration and construction +of in-memory objects. Depending on the type of object +passed to :func:`.inspect`, the return value will either be +a related object which provides a known interface, or in many +cases it will return the object itself. + +The rationale for :func:`.inspect` is twofold. One is that +it replaces the need to be aware of a large variety of "information +getting" functions in SQLAlchemy, such as :meth:`.Inspector.from_engine`, +:func:`.orm.attributes.instance_state`, :func:`.orm.class_mapper`, +and others. The other is that the return value of :func:`.inspect` +is guaranteed to obey a documented API, thus allowing third party +tools which build on top of SQLAlchemy configurations to be constructed +in a forwards-compatible way. + +.. versionadded:: 0.8 The :func:`.inspect` system is introduced + as of version 0.8. + +""" + +from . import exc +from . import util + +_registrars = util.defaultdict(list) + + +def inspect(subject, raiseerr=True): + """Produce an inspection object for the given target. + + The returned value in some cases may be the + same object as the one given, such as if a + :class:`.Mapper` object is passed. In other + cases, it will be an instance of the registered + inspection type for the given object, such as + if an :class:`.engine.Engine` is passed, an + :class:`.Inspector` object is returned. + + :param subject: the subject to be inspected. + :param raiseerr: When ``True``, if the given subject + does not + correspond to a known SQLAlchemy inspected type, + :class:`sqlalchemy.exc.NoInspectionAvailable` + is raised. If ``False``, ``None`` is returned. + + """ + type_ = type(subject) + for cls in type_.__mro__: + if cls in _registrars: + reg = _registrars[cls] + if reg is True: + return subject + ret = reg(subject) + if ret is not None: + break + else: + reg = ret = None + + if raiseerr and (reg is None or ret is None): + raise exc.NoInspectionAvailable( + "No inspection system is " + "available for object of type %s" % type_ + ) + return ret + + +def _inspects(*types): + def decorate(fn_or_cls): + for type_ in types: + if type_ in _registrars: + raise AssertionError( + "Type %s is already " "registered" % type_ + ) + _registrars[type_] = fn_or_cls + return fn_or_cls + + return decorate + + +def _self_inspects(cls): + _inspects(cls)(True) + return cls diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/interfaces.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/interfaces.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..80b1f76 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/interfaces.py @@ -0,0 +1,317 @@ +# sqlalchemy/interfaces.py +# Copyright (C) 2007-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# Copyright (C) 2007 Jason Kirtland jek@discorporate.us +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +"""Deprecated core event interfaces. + +This module is **deprecated** and is superseded by the +event system. + +""" + +from . import event +from . import util + + +class PoolListener(object): + """Hooks into the lifecycle of connections in a :class:`.Pool`. + + .. note:: + + :class:`.PoolListener` is deprecated. Please + refer to :class:`.PoolEvents`. + + Usage:: + + class MyListener(PoolListener): + def connect(self, dbapi_con, con_record): + '''perform connect operations''' + # etc. + + # create a new pool with a listener + p = QueuePool(..., listeners=[MyListener()]) + + # add a listener after the fact + p.add_listener(MyListener()) + + # usage with create_engine() + e = create_engine("url://", listeners=[MyListener()]) + + All of the standard connection :class:`~sqlalchemy.pool.Pool` types can + accept event listeners for key connection lifecycle events: + creation, pool check-out and check-in. There are no events fired + when a connection closes. + + For any given DB-API connection, there will be one ``connect`` + event, `n` number of ``checkout`` events, and either `n` or `n - 1` + ``checkin`` events. (If a ``Connection`` is detached from its + pool via the ``detach()`` method, it won't be checked back in.) + + These are low-level events for low-level objects: raw Python + DB-API connections, without the conveniences of the SQLAlchemy + ``Connection`` wrapper, ``Dialect`` services or ``ClauseElement`` + execution. If you execute SQL through the connection, explicitly + closing all cursors and other resources is recommended. + + Events also receive a ``_ConnectionRecord``, a long-lived internal + ``Pool`` object that basically represents a "slot" in the + connection pool. ``_ConnectionRecord`` objects have one public + attribute of note: ``info``, a dictionary whose contents are + scoped to the lifetime of the DB-API connection managed by the + record. You can use this shared storage area however you like. + + There is no need to subclass ``PoolListener`` to handle events. + Any class that implements one or more of these methods can be used + as a pool listener. The ``Pool`` will inspect the methods + provided by a listener object and add the listener to one or more + internal event queues based on its capabilities. In terms of + efficiency and function call overhead, you're much better off only + providing implementations for the hooks you'll be using. + + """ + + @classmethod + def _adapt_listener(cls, self, listener): + """Adapt a :class:`.PoolListener` to individual + :class:`event.Dispatch` events. + + """ + + listener = util.as_interface( + listener, + methods=("connect", "first_connect", "checkout", "checkin"), + ) + if hasattr(listener, "connect"): + event.listen(self, "connect", listener.connect) + if hasattr(listener, "first_connect"): + event.listen(self, "first_connect", listener.first_connect) + if hasattr(listener, "checkout"): + event.listen(self, "checkout", listener.checkout) + if hasattr(listener, "checkin"): + event.listen(self, "checkin", listener.checkin) + + def connect(self, dbapi_con, con_record): + """Called once for each new DB-API connection or Pool's ``creator()``. + + dbapi_con + A newly connected raw DB-API connection (not a SQLAlchemy + ``Connection`` wrapper). + + con_record + The ``_ConnectionRecord`` that persistently manages the connection + + """ + + def first_connect(self, dbapi_con, con_record): + """Called exactly once for the first DB-API connection. + + dbapi_con + A newly connected raw DB-API connection (not a SQLAlchemy + ``Connection`` wrapper). + + con_record + The ``_ConnectionRecord`` that persistently manages the connection + + """ + + def checkout(self, dbapi_con, con_record, con_proxy): + """Called when a connection is retrieved from the Pool. + + dbapi_con + A raw DB-API connection + + con_record + The ``_ConnectionRecord`` that persistently manages the connection + + con_proxy + The ``_ConnectionFairy`` which manages the connection for the span of + the current checkout. + + If you raise an ``exc.DisconnectionError``, the current + connection will be disposed and a fresh connection retrieved. + Processing of all checkout listeners will abort and restart + using the new connection. + """ + + def checkin(self, dbapi_con, con_record): + """Called when a connection returns to the pool. + + Note that the connection may be closed, and may be None if the + connection has been invalidated. ``checkin`` will not be called + for detached connections. (They do not return to the pool.) + + dbapi_con + A raw DB-API connection + + con_record + The ``_ConnectionRecord`` that persistently manages the connection + + """ + + +class ConnectionProxy(object): + """Allows interception of statement execution by Connections. + + .. note:: + + :class:`.ConnectionProxy` is deprecated. Please + refer to :class:`.ConnectionEvents`. + + Either or both of the ``execute()`` and ``cursor_execute()`` + may be implemented to intercept compiled statement and + cursor level executions, e.g.:: + + class MyProxy(ConnectionProxy): + def execute(self, conn, execute, clauseelement, + *multiparams, **params): + print "compiled statement:", clauseelement + return execute(clauseelement, *multiparams, **params) + + def cursor_execute(self, execute, cursor, statement, + parameters, context, executemany): + print "raw statement:", statement + return execute(cursor, statement, parameters, context) + + The ``execute`` argument is a function that will fulfill the default + execution behavior for the operation. The signature illustrated + in the example should be used. + + The proxy is installed into an :class:`~sqlalchemy.engine.Engine` via + the ``proxy`` argument:: + + e = create_engine('someurl://', proxy=MyProxy()) + + """ + + @classmethod + def _adapt_listener(cls, self, listener): + def adapt_execute(conn, clauseelement, multiparams, params): + def execute_wrapper(clauseelement, *multiparams, **params): + return clauseelement, multiparams, params + + return listener.execute( + conn, execute_wrapper, clauseelement, *multiparams, **params + ) + + event.listen(self, "before_execute", adapt_execute) + + def adapt_cursor_execute( + conn, cursor, statement, parameters, context, executemany + ): + def execute_wrapper(cursor, statement, parameters, context): + return statement, parameters + + return listener.cursor_execute( + execute_wrapper, + cursor, + statement, + parameters, + context, + executemany, + ) + + event.listen(self, "before_cursor_execute", adapt_cursor_execute) + + def do_nothing_callback(*arg, **kw): + pass + + def adapt_listener(fn): + def go(conn, *arg, **kw): + fn(conn, do_nothing_callback, *arg, **kw) + + return util.update_wrapper(go, fn) + + event.listen(self, "begin", adapt_listener(listener.begin)) + event.listen(self, "rollback", adapt_listener(listener.rollback)) + event.listen(self, "commit", adapt_listener(listener.commit)) + event.listen(self, "savepoint", adapt_listener(listener.savepoint)) + event.listen( + self, + "rollback_savepoint", + adapt_listener(listener.rollback_savepoint), + ) + event.listen( + self, + "release_savepoint", + adapt_listener(listener.release_savepoint), + ) + event.listen( + self, "begin_twophase", adapt_listener(listener.begin_twophase) + ) + event.listen( + self, "prepare_twophase", adapt_listener(listener.prepare_twophase) + ) + event.listen( + self, + "rollback_twophase", + adapt_listener(listener.rollback_twophase), + ) + event.listen( + self, "commit_twophase", adapt_listener(listener.commit_twophase) + ) + + def execute(self, conn, execute, clauseelement, *multiparams, **params): + """Intercept high level execute() events.""" + + return execute(clauseelement, *multiparams, **params) + + def cursor_execute( + self, execute, cursor, statement, parameters, context, executemany + ): + """Intercept low-level cursor execute() events.""" + + return execute(cursor, statement, parameters, context) + + def begin(self, conn, begin): + """Intercept begin() events.""" + + return begin() + + def rollback(self, conn, rollback): + """Intercept rollback() events.""" + + return rollback() + + def commit(self, conn, commit): + """Intercept commit() events.""" + + return commit() + + def savepoint(self, conn, savepoint, name=None): + """Intercept savepoint() events.""" + + return savepoint(name=name) + + def rollback_savepoint(self, conn, rollback_savepoint, name, context): + """Intercept rollback_savepoint() events.""" + + return rollback_savepoint(name, context) + + def release_savepoint(self, conn, release_savepoint, name, context): + """Intercept release_savepoint() events.""" + + return release_savepoint(name, context) + + def begin_twophase(self, conn, begin_twophase, xid): + """Intercept begin_twophase() events.""" + + return begin_twophase(xid) + + def prepare_twophase(self, conn, prepare_twophase, xid): + """Intercept prepare_twophase() events.""" + + return prepare_twophase(xid) + + def rollback_twophase(self, conn, rollback_twophase, xid, is_prepared): + """Intercept rollback_twophase() events.""" + + return rollback_twophase(xid, is_prepared) + + def commit_twophase(self, conn, commit_twophase, xid, is_prepared): + """Intercept commit_twophase() events.""" + + return commit_twophase(xid, is_prepared) diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/log.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/log.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..682c9ae --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/log.py @@ -0,0 +1,222 @@ +# sqlalchemy/log.py +# Copyright (C) 2006-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# Includes alterations by Vinay Sajip vinay_sajip@yahoo.co.uk +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +"""Logging control and utilities. + +Control of logging for SA can be performed from the regular python logging +module. The regular dotted module namespace is used, starting at +'sqlalchemy'. For class-level logging, the class name is appended. + +The "echo" keyword parameter, available on SQLA :class:`.Engine` +and :class:`.Pool` objects, corresponds to a logger specific to that +instance only. + +""" + +import logging +import sys + + +# set initial level to WARN. This so that +# log statements don't occur in the absence of explicit +# logging being enabled for 'sqlalchemy'. +rootlogger = logging.getLogger("sqlalchemy") +if rootlogger.level == logging.NOTSET: + rootlogger.setLevel(logging.WARN) + + +def _add_default_handler(logger): + handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) + handler.setFormatter( + logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(name)s %(message)s") + ) + logger.addHandler(handler) + + +_logged_classes = set() + + +def class_logger(cls): + logger = logging.getLogger(cls.__module__ + "." + cls.__name__) + cls._should_log_debug = lambda self: logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG) + cls._should_log_info = lambda self: logger.isEnabledFor(logging.INFO) + cls.logger = logger + _logged_classes.add(cls) + return cls + + +class Identified(object): + logging_name = None + + def _should_log_debug(self): + return self.logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG) + + def _should_log_info(self): + return self.logger.isEnabledFor(logging.INFO) + + +class InstanceLogger(object): + """A logger adapter (wrapper) for :class:`.Identified` subclasses. + + This allows multiple instances (e.g. Engine or Pool instances) + to share a logger, but have its verbosity controlled on a + per-instance basis. + + The basic functionality is to return a logging level + which is based on an instance's echo setting. + + Default implementation is: + + 'debug' -> logging.DEBUG + True -> logging.INFO + False -> Effective level of underlying logger ( + logging.WARNING by default) + None -> same as False + """ + + # Map echo settings to logger levels + _echo_map = { + None: logging.NOTSET, + False: logging.NOTSET, + True: logging.INFO, + "debug": logging.DEBUG, + } + + def __init__(self, echo, name): + self.echo = echo + self.logger = logging.getLogger(name) + + # if echo flag is enabled and no handlers, + # add a handler to the list + if self._echo_map[echo] <= logging.INFO and not self.logger.handlers: + _add_default_handler(self.logger) + + # + # Boilerplate convenience methods + # + def debug(self, msg, *args, **kwargs): + """Delegate a debug call to the underlying logger.""" + + self.log(logging.DEBUG, msg, *args, **kwargs) + + def info(self, msg, *args, **kwargs): + """Delegate an info call to the underlying logger.""" + + self.log(logging.INFO, msg, *args, **kwargs) + + def warning(self, msg, *args, **kwargs): + """Delegate a warning call to the underlying logger.""" + + self.log(logging.WARNING, msg, *args, **kwargs) + + warn = warning + + def error(self, msg, *args, **kwargs): + """ + Delegate an error call to the underlying logger. + """ + self.log(logging.ERROR, msg, *args, **kwargs) + + def exception(self, msg, *args, **kwargs): + """Delegate an exception call to the underlying logger.""" + + kwargs["exc_info"] = 1 + self.log(logging.ERROR, msg, *args, **kwargs) + + def critical(self, msg, *args, **kwargs): + """Delegate a critical call to the underlying logger.""" + + self.log(logging.CRITICAL, msg, *args, **kwargs) + + def log(self, level, msg, *args, **kwargs): + """Delegate a log call to the underlying logger. + + The level here is determined by the echo + flag as well as that of the underlying logger, and + logger._log() is called directly. + + """ + + # inline the logic from isEnabledFor(), + # getEffectiveLevel(), to avoid overhead. + + if self.logger.manager.disable >= level: + return + + selected_level = self._echo_map[self.echo] + if selected_level == logging.NOTSET: + selected_level = self.logger.getEffectiveLevel() + + if level >= selected_level: + self.logger._log(level, msg, args, **kwargs) + + def isEnabledFor(self, level): + """Is this logger enabled for level 'level'?""" + + if self.logger.manager.disable >= level: + return False + return level >= self.getEffectiveLevel() + + def getEffectiveLevel(self): + """What's the effective level for this logger?""" + + level = self._echo_map[self.echo] + if level == logging.NOTSET: + level = self.logger.getEffectiveLevel() + return level + + +def instance_logger(instance, echoflag=None): + """create a logger for an instance that implements :class:`.Identified`.""" + + if instance.logging_name: + name = "%s.%s.%s" % ( + instance.__class__.__module__, + instance.__class__.__name__, + instance.logging_name, + ) + else: + name = "%s.%s" % ( + instance.__class__.__module__, + instance.__class__.__name__, + ) + + instance._echo = echoflag + + if echoflag in (False, None): + # if no echo setting or False, return a Logger directly, + # avoiding overhead of filtering + logger = logging.getLogger(name) + else: + # if a specified echo flag, return an EchoLogger, + # which checks the flag, overrides normal log + # levels by calling logger._log() + logger = InstanceLogger(echoflag, name) + + instance.logger = logger + + +class echo_property(object): + __doc__ = """\ + When ``True``, enable log output for this element. + + This has the effect of setting the Python logging level for the namespace + of this element's class and object reference. A value of boolean ``True`` + indicates that the loglevel ``logging.INFO`` will be set for the logger, + whereas the string value ``debug`` will set the loglevel to + ``logging.DEBUG``. + """ + + def __get__(self, instance, owner): + if instance is None: + return self + else: + return instance._echo + + def __set__(self, instance, value): + instance_logger(instance, echoflag=value) diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/__init__.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..937d694 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1,291 @@ +# orm/__init__.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +""" +Functional constructs for ORM configuration. + +See the SQLAlchemy object relational tutorial and mapper configuration +documentation for an overview of how this module is used. + +""" + +from . import exc # noqa +from . import mapper as mapperlib # noqa +from . import strategy_options +from .deprecated_interfaces import AttributeExtension # noqa +from .deprecated_interfaces import MapperExtension # noqa +from .deprecated_interfaces import SessionExtension # noqa +from .descriptor_props import ComparableProperty # noqa +from .descriptor_props import CompositeProperty # noqa +from .descriptor_props import SynonymProperty # noqa +from .interfaces import EXT_CONTINUE # noqa +from .interfaces import EXT_STOP # noqa +from .interfaces import PropComparator # noqa +from .mapper import _mapper_registry +from .mapper import class_mapper # noqa +from .mapper import configure_mappers # noqa +from .mapper import Mapper # noqa +from .mapper import reconstructor # noqa +from .mapper import validates # noqa +from .properties import ColumnProperty # noqa +from .query import AliasOption # noqa +from .query import Bundle # noqa +from .query import Query # noqa +from .relationships import foreign # noqa +from .relationships import RelationshipProperty # noqa +from .relationships import remote # noqa +from .scoping import scoped_session # noqa +from .session import make_transient # noqa +from .session import make_transient_to_detached # noqa +from .session import object_session # noqa +from .session import Session # noqa +from .session import sessionmaker # noqa +from .strategy_options import Load # noqa +from .util import aliased # noqa +from .util import join # noqa +from .util import object_mapper # noqa +from .util import outerjoin # noqa +from .util import polymorphic_union # noqa +from .util import was_deleted # noqa +from .util import with_parent # noqa +from .util import with_polymorphic # noqa +from .. import sql as _sql +from .. import util as _sa_util +from ..util.langhelpers import public_factory + + +def create_session(bind=None, **kwargs): + r"""Create a new :class:`.Session` + with no automation enabled by default. + + This function is used primarily for testing. The usual + route to :class:`.Session` creation is via its constructor + or the :func:`.sessionmaker` function. + + :param bind: optional, a single Connectable to use for all + database access in the created + :class:`~sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session`. + + :param \*\*kwargs: optional, passed through to the + :class:`.Session` constructor. + + :returns: an :class:`~sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session` instance + + The defaults of create_session() are the opposite of that of + :func:`sessionmaker`; ``autoflush`` and ``expire_on_commit`` are + False, ``autocommit`` is True. In this sense the session acts + more like the "classic" SQLAlchemy 0.3 session with these. + + Usage:: + + >>> from sqlalchemy.orm import create_session + >>> session = create_session() + + It is recommended to use :func:`sessionmaker` instead of + create_session(). + + """ + kwargs.setdefault("autoflush", False) + kwargs.setdefault("autocommit", True) + kwargs.setdefault("expire_on_commit", False) + return Session(bind=bind, **kwargs) + + +relationship = public_factory(RelationshipProperty, ".orm.relationship") + + +def relation(*arg, **kw): + """A synonym for :func:`relationship`.""" + + return relationship(*arg, **kw) + + +def dynamic_loader(argument, **kw): + """Construct a dynamically-loading mapper property. + + This is essentially the same as + using the ``lazy='dynamic'`` argument with :func:`relationship`:: + + dynamic_loader(SomeClass) + + # is the same as + + relationship(SomeClass, lazy="dynamic") + + See the section :ref:`dynamic_relationship` for more details + on dynamic loading. + + """ + kw["lazy"] = "dynamic" + return relationship(argument, **kw) + + +column_property = public_factory(ColumnProperty, ".orm.column_property") +composite = public_factory(CompositeProperty, ".orm.composite") + + +def backref(name, **kwargs): + """Create a back reference with explicit keyword arguments, which are the + same arguments one can send to :func:`relationship`. + + Used with the ``backref`` keyword argument to :func:`relationship` in + place of a string argument, e.g.:: + + 'items':relationship( + SomeItem, backref=backref('parent', lazy='subquery')) + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`relationships_backref` + + """ + + return (name, kwargs) + + +def deferred(*columns, **kw): + r"""Indicate a column-based mapped attribute that by default will + not load unless accessed. + + :param \*columns: columns to be mapped. This is typically a single + :class:`.Column` object, however a collection is supported in order + to support multiple columns mapped under the same attribute. + + :param \**kw: additional keyword arguments passed to + :class:`.ColumnProperty`. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`deferred` + + """ + return ColumnProperty(deferred=True, *columns, **kw) + + +def query_expression(): + """Indicate an attribute that populates from a query-time SQL expression. + + .. versionadded:: 1.2 + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`mapper_query_expression` + + """ + prop = ColumnProperty(_sql.null()) + prop.strategy_key = (("query_expression", True),) + return prop + + +mapper = public_factory(Mapper, ".orm.mapper") + +synonym = public_factory(SynonymProperty, ".orm.synonym") + +comparable_property = public_factory( + ComparableProperty, ".orm.comparable_property" +) + + +@_sa_util.deprecated( + "0.7", + message=":func:`.compile_mappers` " + "is renamed to :func:`.configure_mappers`", +) +def compile_mappers(): + """Initialize the inter-mapper relationships of all mappers that have + been defined. + + """ + configure_mappers() + + +def clear_mappers(): + """Remove all mappers from all classes. + + This function removes all instrumentation from classes and disposes + of their associated mappers. Once called, the classes are unmapped + and can be later re-mapped with new mappers. + + :func:`.clear_mappers` is *not* for normal use, as there is literally no + valid usage for it outside of very specific testing scenarios. Normally, + mappers are permanent structural components of user-defined classes, and + are never discarded independently of their class. If a mapped class + itself is garbage collected, its mapper is automatically disposed of as + well. As such, :func:`.clear_mappers` is only for usage in test suites + that re-use the same classes with different mappings, which is itself an + extremely rare use case - the only such use case is in fact SQLAlchemy's + own test suite, and possibly the test suites of other ORM extension + libraries which intend to test various combinations of mapper construction + upon a fixed set of classes. + + """ + mapperlib._CONFIGURE_MUTEX.acquire() + try: + while _mapper_registry: + try: + # can't even reliably call list(weakdict) in jython + mapper, b = _mapper_registry.popitem() + mapper.dispose() + except KeyError: + pass + finally: + mapperlib._CONFIGURE_MUTEX.release() + + +joinedload = strategy_options.joinedload._unbound_fn +joinedload_all = strategy_options.joinedload._unbound_all_fn +contains_eager = strategy_options.contains_eager._unbound_fn +defer = strategy_options.defer._unbound_fn +undefer = strategy_options.undefer._unbound_fn +undefer_group = strategy_options.undefer_group._unbound_fn +with_expression = strategy_options.with_expression._unbound_fn +load_only = strategy_options.load_only._unbound_fn +lazyload = strategy_options.lazyload._unbound_fn +lazyload_all = strategy_options.lazyload_all._unbound_all_fn +subqueryload = strategy_options.subqueryload._unbound_fn +subqueryload_all = strategy_options.subqueryload_all._unbound_all_fn +selectinload = strategy_options.selectinload._unbound_fn +selectinload_all = strategy_options.selectinload_all._unbound_all_fn +immediateload = strategy_options.immediateload._unbound_fn +noload = strategy_options.noload._unbound_fn +raiseload = strategy_options.raiseload._unbound_fn +defaultload = strategy_options.defaultload._unbound_fn +selectin_polymorphic = strategy_options.selectin_polymorphic._unbound_fn + + +def eagerload(*args, **kwargs): + """A synonym for :func:`joinedload()`.""" + return joinedload(*args, **kwargs) + + +def eagerload_all(*args, **kwargs): + """A synonym for :func:`joinedload_all()`""" + return joinedload_all(*args, **kwargs) + + +contains_alias = public_factory(AliasOption, ".orm.contains_alias") + + +def __go(lcls): + global __all__ + from .. import util as sa_util # noqa + from . import dynamic # noqa + from . import events # noqa + from . import loading # noqa + import inspect as _inspect + + __all__ = sorted( + name + for name, obj in lcls.items() + if not (name.startswith("_") or _inspect.ismodule(obj)) + ) + + _sa_util.dependencies.resolve_all("sqlalchemy.orm") + _sa_util.dependencies.resolve_all("sqlalchemy.ext") + + +__go(locals()) diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..78be866 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/__pycache__/attributes.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/__pycache__/attributes.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e692c36 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/__pycache__/attributes.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/__pycache__/base.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/__pycache__/base.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..eeb32b2 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/__pycache__/base.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/__pycache__/collections.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/__pycache__/collections.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0a42891 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/__pycache__/collections.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/__pycache__/dependency.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/__pycache__/dependency.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..05cd6b9 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/__pycache__/dependency.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/__pycache__/deprecated_interfaces.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/__pycache__/deprecated_interfaces.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..25e8518 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/__pycache__/deprecated_interfaces.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/__pycache__/descriptor_props.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/__pycache__/descriptor_props.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1f56f3f Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/__pycache__/descriptor_props.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/__pycache__/dynamic.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/__pycache__/dynamic.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..963a12f Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/__pycache__/dynamic.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/__pycache__/evaluator.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/__pycache__/evaluator.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..50d0df7 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/__pycache__/evaluator.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/__pycache__/events.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/__pycache__/events.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7541c57 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/__pycache__/events.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/__pycache__/exc.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/__pycache__/exc.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..02b3e27 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/__pycache__/exc.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/__pycache__/identity.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/__pycache__/identity.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ec3325b Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/__pycache__/identity.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/__pycache__/instrumentation.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/__pycache__/instrumentation.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a5296dc Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/__pycache__/instrumentation.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/__pycache__/interfaces.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/__pycache__/interfaces.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5498ffb Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/__pycache__/interfaces.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/__pycache__/loading.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/__pycache__/loading.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4597720 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/__pycache__/loading.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/__pycache__/mapper.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/__pycache__/mapper.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..183eebe Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/__pycache__/mapper.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/__pycache__/path_registry.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/__pycache__/path_registry.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a66926a Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/__pycache__/path_registry.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/__pycache__/persistence.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/__pycache__/persistence.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5f1c041 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/__pycache__/persistence.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/__pycache__/properties.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/__pycache__/properties.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d43fa17 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/__pycache__/properties.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/__pycache__/query.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/__pycache__/query.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a0e5153 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/__pycache__/query.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/__pycache__/relationships.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/__pycache__/relationships.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b117975 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/__pycache__/relationships.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/__pycache__/scoping.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/__pycache__/scoping.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..55e0e1e Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/__pycache__/scoping.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/__pycache__/session.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/__pycache__/session.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5e9ae59 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/__pycache__/session.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/__pycache__/state.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/__pycache__/state.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..49ad494 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/__pycache__/state.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/__pycache__/strategies.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/__pycache__/strategies.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e330f47 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/__pycache__/strategies.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/__pycache__/strategy_options.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/__pycache__/strategy_options.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c7f5423 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/__pycache__/strategy_options.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/__pycache__/sync.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/__pycache__/sync.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4bdb436 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/__pycache__/sync.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/__pycache__/unitofwork.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/__pycache__/unitofwork.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7a0cb77 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/__pycache__/unitofwork.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/__pycache__/util.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/__pycache__/util.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a9446e1 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/__pycache__/util.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/attributes.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/attributes.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c131b08 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/attributes.py @@ -0,0 +1,1917 @@ +# orm/attributes.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +"""Defines instrumentation for class attributes and their interaction +with instances. + +This module is usually not directly visible to user applications, but +defines a large part of the ORM's interactivity. + + +""" + +import operator + +from . import collections +from . import exc as orm_exc +from . import interfaces +from .base import ATTR_EMPTY +from .base import ATTR_WAS_SET +from .base import CALLABLES_OK +from .base import INIT_OK +from .base import instance_dict +from .base import instance_state +from .base import instance_str +from .base import LOAD_AGAINST_COMMITTED +from .base import manager_of_class +from .base import NEVER_SET +from .base import NO_AUTOFLUSH +from .base import NO_CHANGE # noqa +from .base import NO_VALUE # noqa +from .base import NON_PERSISTENT_OK # noqa +from .base import PASSIVE_NO_FETCH # noqa +from .base import PASSIVE_NO_FETCH_RELATED # noqa +from .base import PASSIVE_NO_INITIALIZE +from .base import PASSIVE_NO_RESULT +from .base import PASSIVE_OFF +from .base import PASSIVE_ONLY_PERSISTENT +from .base import PASSIVE_RETURN_NEVER_SET +from .base import RELATED_OBJECT_OK # noqa +from .base import SQL_OK # noqa +from .base import state_str +from .. import event +from .. import inspection +from .. import util + + +@inspection._self_inspects +class QueryableAttribute( + interfaces._MappedAttribute, + interfaces.InspectionAttr, + interfaces.PropComparator, +): + """Base class for :term:`descriptor` objects that intercept + attribute events on behalf of a :class:`.MapperProperty` + object. The actual :class:`.MapperProperty` is accessible + via the :attr:`.QueryableAttribute.property` + attribute. + + + .. seealso:: + + :class:`.InstrumentedAttribute` + + :class:`.MapperProperty` + + :attr:`.Mapper.all_orm_descriptors` + + :attr:`.Mapper.attrs` + """ + + is_attribute = True + + def __init__( + self, + class_, + key, + impl=None, + comparator=None, + parententity=None, + of_type=None, + ): + self.class_ = class_ + self.key = key + self.impl = impl + self.comparator = comparator + self._parententity = parententity + self._of_type = of_type + + manager = manager_of_class(class_) + # manager is None in the case of AliasedClass + if manager: + # propagate existing event listeners from + # immediate superclass + for base in manager._bases: + if key in base: + self.dispatch._update(base[key].dispatch) + + @util.memoized_property + def _supports_population(self): + return self.impl.supports_population + + def get_history(self, instance, passive=PASSIVE_OFF): + return self.impl.get_history( + instance_state(instance), instance_dict(instance), passive + ) + + def __selectable__(self): + # TODO: conditionally attach this method based on clause_element ? + return self + + @util.memoized_property + def info(self): + """Return the 'info' dictionary for the underlying SQL element. + + The behavior here is as follows: + + * If the attribute is a column-mapped property, i.e. + :class:`.ColumnProperty`, which is mapped directly + to a schema-level :class:`.Column` object, this attribute + will return the :attr:`.SchemaItem.info` dictionary associated + with the core-level :class:`.Column` object. + + * If the attribute is a :class:`.ColumnProperty` but is mapped to + any other kind of SQL expression other than a :class:`.Column`, + the attribute will refer to the :attr:`.MapperProperty.info` + dictionary associated directly with the :class:`.ColumnProperty`, + assuming the SQL expression itself does not have its own ``.info`` + attribute (which should be the case, unless a user-defined SQL + construct has defined one). + + * If the attribute refers to any other kind of + :class:`.MapperProperty`, including :class:`.RelationshipProperty`, + the attribute will refer to the :attr:`.MapperProperty.info` + dictionary associated with that :class:`.MapperProperty`. + + * To access the :attr:`.MapperProperty.info` dictionary of the + :class:`.MapperProperty` unconditionally, including for a + :class:`.ColumnProperty` that's associated directly with a + :class:`.schema.Column`, the attribute can be referred to using + :attr:`.QueryableAttribute.property` attribute, as + ``MyClass.someattribute.property.info``. + + .. versionadded:: 0.8.0 + + .. seealso:: + + :attr:`.SchemaItem.info` + + :attr:`.MapperProperty.info` + + """ + return self.comparator.info + + @util.memoized_property + def parent(self): + """Return an inspection instance representing the parent. + + This will be either an instance of :class:`.Mapper` + or :class:`.AliasedInsp`, depending upon the nature + of the parent entity which this attribute is associated + with. + + """ + return inspection.inspect(self._parententity) + + @property + def expression(self): + return self.comparator.__clause_element__() + + def __clause_element__(self): + return self.comparator.__clause_element__() + + def _query_clause_element(self): + """like __clause_element__(), but called specifically + by :class:`.Query` to allow special behavior.""" + + return self.comparator._query_clause_element() + + def _bulk_update_tuples(self, value): + """Return setter tuples for a bulk UPDATE.""" + + return self.comparator._bulk_update_tuples(value) + + def adapt_to_entity(self, adapt_to_entity): + assert not self._of_type + return self.__class__( + adapt_to_entity.entity, + self.key, + impl=self.impl, + comparator=self.comparator.adapt_to_entity(adapt_to_entity), + parententity=adapt_to_entity, + ) + + def of_type(self, cls): + return QueryableAttribute( + self.class_, + self.key, + self.impl, + self.comparator.of_type(cls), + self._parententity, + of_type=cls, + ) + + def label(self, name): + return self._query_clause_element().label(name) + + def operate(self, op, *other, **kwargs): + return op(self.comparator, *other, **kwargs) + + def reverse_operate(self, op, other, **kwargs): + return op(other, self.comparator, **kwargs) + + def hasparent(self, state, optimistic=False): + return self.impl.hasparent(state, optimistic=optimistic) is not False + + def __getattr__(self, key): + try: + return getattr(self.comparator, key) + except AttributeError: + raise AttributeError( + "Neither %r object nor %r object associated with %s " + "has an attribute %r" + % ( + type(self).__name__, + type(self.comparator).__name__, + self, + key, + ) + ) + + def __str__(self): + return "%s.%s" % (self.class_.__name__, self.key) + + @util.memoized_property + def property(self): + """Return the :class:`.MapperProperty` associated with this + :class:`.QueryableAttribute`. + + + Return values here will commonly be instances of + :class:`.ColumnProperty` or :class:`.RelationshipProperty`. + + + """ + return self.comparator.property + + +class InstrumentedAttribute(QueryableAttribute): + """Class bound instrumented attribute which adds basic + :term:`descriptor` methods. + + See :class:`.QueryableAttribute` for a description of most features. + + + """ + + def __set__(self, instance, value): + self.impl.set( + instance_state(instance), instance_dict(instance), value, None + ) + + def __delete__(self, instance): + self.impl.delete(instance_state(instance), instance_dict(instance)) + + def __get__(self, instance, owner): + if instance is None: + return self + + dict_ = instance_dict(instance) + if self._supports_population and self.key in dict_: + return dict_[self.key] + else: + return self.impl.get(instance_state(instance), dict_) + + +def create_proxied_attribute(descriptor): + """Create an QueryableAttribute / user descriptor hybrid. + + Returns a new QueryableAttribute type that delegates descriptor + behavior and getattr() to the given descriptor. + """ + + # TODO: can move this to descriptor_props if the need for this + # function is removed from ext/hybrid.py + + class Proxy(QueryableAttribute): + """Presents the :class:`.QueryableAttribute` interface as a + proxy on top of a Python descriptor / :class:`.PropComparator` + combination. + + """ + + def __init__( + self, + class_, + key, + descriptor, + comparator, + adapt_to_entity=None, + doc=None, + original_property=None, + ): + self.class_ = class_ + self.key = key + self.descriptor = descriptor + self.original_property = original_property + self._comparator = comparator + self._adapt_to_entity = adapt_to_entity + self.__doc__ = doc + + _is_internal_proxy = True + + @property + def property(self): + return self.comparator.property + + @util.memoized_property + def comparator(self): + if util.callable(self._comparator): + self._comparator = self._comparator() + if self._adapt_to_entity: + self._comparator = self._comparator.adapt_to_entity( + self._adapt_to_entity + ) + return self._comparator + + def adapt_to_entity(self, adapt_to_entity): + return self.__class__( + adapt_to_entity.entity, + self.key, + self.descriptor, + self._comparator, + adapt_to_entity, + ) + + def __get__(self, instance, owner): + if instance is None: + return self + else: + return self.descriptor.__get__(instance, owner) + + def __str__(self): + return "%s.%s" % (self.class_.__name__, self.key) + + def __getattr__(self, attribute): + """Delegate __getattr__ to the original descriptor and/or + comparator.""" + + try: + return getattr(descriptor, attribute) + except AttributeError: + try: + return getattr(self.comparator, attribute) + except AttributeError: + raise AttributeError( + "Neither %r object nor %r object associated with %s " + "has an attribute %r" + % ( + type(descriptor).__name__, + type(self.comparator).__name__, + self, + attribute, + ) + ) + + Proxy.__name__ = type(descriptor).__name__ + "Proxy" + + util.monkeypatch_proxied_specials( + Proxy, type(descriptor), name="descriptor", from_instance=descriptor + ) + return Proxy + + +OP_REMOVE = util.symbol("REMOVE") +OP_APPEND = util.symbol("APPEND") +OP_REPLACE = util.symbol("REPLACE") +OP_BULK_REPLACE = util.symbol("BULK_REPLACE") +OP_MODIFIED = util.symbol("MODIFIED") + + +class Event(object): + """A token propagated throughout the course of a chain of attribute + events. + + Serves as an indicator of the source of the event and also provides + a means of controlling propagation across a chain of attribute + operations. + + The :class:`.Event` object is sent as the ``initiator`` argument + when dealing with events such as :meth:`.AttributeEvents.append`, + :meth:`.AttributeEvents.set`, + and :meth:`.AttributeEvents.remove`. + + The :class:`.Event` object is currently interpreted by the backref + event handlers, and is used to control the propagation of operations + across two mutually-dependent attributes. + + .. versionadded:: 0.9.0 + + :var impl: The :class:`.AttributeImpl` which is the current event + initiator. + + :var op: The symbol :attr:`.OP_APPEND`, :attr:`.OP_REMOVE`, + :attr:`.OP_REPLACE`, or :attr:`.OP_BULK_REPLACE`, indicating the + source operation. + + """ + + __slots__ = "impl", "op", "parent_token" + + def __init__(self, attribute_impl, op): + self.impl = attribute_impl + self.op = op + self.parent_token = self.impl.parent_token + + def __eq__(self, other): + return ( + isinstance(other, Event) + and other.impl is self.impl + and other.op == self.op + ) + + @property + def key(self): + return self.impl.key + + def hasparent(self, state): + return self.impl.hasparent(state) + + +class AttributeImpl(object): + """internal implementation for instrumented attributes.""" + + def __init__( + self, + class_, + key, + callable_, + dispatch, + trackparent=False, + extension=None, + compare_function=None, + active_history=False, + parent_token=None, + expire_missing=True, + send_modified_events=True, + accepts_scalar_loader=None, + **kwargs + ): + r"""Construct an AttributeImpl. + + \class_ + associated class + + key + string name of the attribute + + \callable_ + optional function which generates a callable based on a parent + instance, which produces the "default" values for a scalar or + collection attribute when it's first accessed, if not present + already. + + trackparent + if True, attempt to track if an instance has a parent attached + to it via this attribute. + + extension + a single or list of AttributeExtension object(s) which will + receive set/delete/append/remove/etc. events. Deprecated. + The event package is now used. + + compare_function + a function that compares two values which are normally + assignable to this attribute. + + active_history + indicates that get_history() should always return the "old" value, + even if it means executing a lazy callable upon attribute change. + + parent_token + Usually references the MapperProperty, used as a key for + the hasparent() function to identify an "owning" attribute. + Allows multiple AttributeImpls to all match a single + owner attribute. + + expire_missing + if False, don't add an "expiry" callable to this attribute + during state.expire_attributes(None), if no value is present + for this key. + + send_modified_events + if False, the InstanceState._modified_event method will have no + effect; this means the attribute will never show up as changed in a + history entry. + """ + self.class_ = class_ + self.key = key + self.callable_ = callable_ + self.dispatch = dispatch + self.trackparent = trackparent + self.parent_token = parent_token or self + self.send_modified_events = send_modified_events + if compare_function is None: + self.is_equal = operator.eq + else: + self.is_equal = compare_function + + if accepts_scalar_loader is not None: + self.accepts_scalar_loader = accepts_scalar_loader + else: + self.accepts_scalar_loader = self.default_accepts_scalar_loader + + # TODO: pass in the manager here + # instead of doing a lookup + attr = manager_of_class(class_)[key] + + for ext in util.to_list(extension or []): + ext._adapt_listener(attr, ext) + + if active_history: + self.dispatch._active_history = True + + self.expire_missing = expire_missing + self._modified_token = Event(self, OP_MODIFIED) + + __slots__ = ( + "class_", + "key", + "callable_", + "dispatch", + "trackparent", + "parent_token", + "send_modified_events", + "is_equal", + "expire_missing", + "_modified_token", + "accepts_scalar_loader", + ) + + def __str__(self): + return "%s.%s" % (self.class_.__name__, self.key) + + def _get_active_history(self): + """Backwards compat for impl.active_history""" + + return self.dispatch._active_history + + def _set_active_history(self, value): + self.dispatch._active_history = value + + active_history = property(_get_active_history, _set_active_history) + + def hasparent(self, state, optimistic=False): + """Return the boolean value of a `hasparent` flag attached to + the given state. + + The `optimistic` flag determines what the default return value + should be if no `hasparent` flag can be located. + + As this function is used to determine if an instance is an + *orphan*, instances that were loaded from storage should be + assumed to not be orphans, until a True/False value for this + flag is set. + + An instance attribute that is loaded by a callable function + will also not have a `hasparent` flag. + + """ + msg = "This AttributeImpl is not configured to track parents." + assert self.trackparent, msg + + return ( + state.parents.get(id(self.parent_token), optimistic) is not False + ) + + def sethasparent(self, state, parent_state, value): + """Set a boolean flag on the given item corresponding to + whether or not it is attached to a parent object via the + attribute represented by this ``InstrumentedAttribute``. + + """ + msg = "This AttributeImpl is not configured to track parents." + assert self.trackparent, msg + + id_ = id(self.parent_token) + if value: + state.parents[id_] = parent_state + else: + if id_ in state.parents: + last_parent = state.parents[id_] + + if ( + last_parent is not False + and last_parent.key != parent_state.key + ): + + if last_parent.obj() is None: + raise orm_exc.StaleDataError( + "Removing state %s from parent " + "state %s along attribute '%s', " + "but the parent record " + "has gone stale, can't be sure this " + "is the most recent parent." + % ( + state_str(state), + state_str(parent_state), + self.key, + ) + ) + + return + + state.parents[id_] = False + + def get_history(self, state, dict_, passive=PASSIVE_OFF): + raise NotImplementedError() + + def get_all_pending(self, state, dict_, passive=PASSIVE_NO_INITIALIZE): + """Return a list of tuples of (state, obj) + for all objects in this attribute's current state + + history. + + Only applies to object-based attributes. + + This is an inlining of existing functionality + which roughly corresponds to: + + get_state_history( + state, + key, + passive=PASSIVE_NO_INITIALIZE).sum() + + """ + raise NotImplementedError() + + def initialize(self, state, dict_): + """Initialize the given state's attribute with an empty value.""" + + value = None + for fn in self.dispatch.init_scalar: + ret = fn(state, value, dict_) + if ret is not ATTR_EMPTY: + value = ret + + return value + + def get(self, state, dict_, passive=PASSIVE_OFF): + """Retrieve a value from the given object. + If a callable is assembled on this object's attribute, and + passive is False, the callable will be executed and the + resulting value will be set as the new value for this attribute. + """ + if self.key in dict_: + return dict_[self.key] + else: + # if history present, don't load + key = self.key + if ( + key not in state.committed_state + or state.committed_state[key] is NEVER_SET + ): + if not passive & CALLABLES_OK: + return PASSIVE_NO_RESULT + + if key in state.expired_attributes: + value = state._load_expired(state, passive) + elif key in state.callables: + callable_ = state.callables[key] + value = callable_(state, passive) + elif self.callable_: + value = self.callable_(state, passive) + else: + value = ATTR_EMPTY + + if value is PASSIVE_NO_RESULT or value is NEVER_SET: + return value + elif value is ATTR_WAS_SET: + try: + return dict_[key] + except KeyError: + # TODO: no test coverage here. + raise KeyError( + "Deferred loader for attribute " + "%r failed to populate " + "correctly" % key + ) + elif value is not ATTR_EMPTY: + return self.set_committed_value(state, dict_, value) + + if not passive & INIT_OK: + return NEVER_SET + else: + # Return a new, empty value + return self.initialize(state, dict_) + + def append(self, state, dict_, value, initiator, passive=PASSIVE_OFF): + self.set(state, dict_, value, initiator, passive=passive) + + def remove(self, state, dict_, value, initiator, passive=PASSIVE_OFF): + self.set( + state, dict_, None, initiator, passive=passive, check_old=value + ) + + def pop(self, state, dict_, value, initiator, passive=PASSIVE_OFF): + self.set( + state, + dict_, + None, + initiator, + passive=passive, + check_old=value, + pop=True, + ) + + def set( + self, + state, + dict_, + value, + initiator, + passive=PASSIVE_OFF, + check_old=None, + pop=False, + ): + raise NotImplementedError() + + def get_committed_value(self, state, dict_, passive=PASSIVE_OFF): + """return the unchanged value of this attribute""" + + if self.key in state.committed_state: + value = state.committed_state[self.key] + if value in (NO_VALUE, NEVER_SET): + return None + else: + return value + else: + return self.get(state, dict_, passive=passive) + + def set_committed_value(self, state, dict_, value): + """set an attribute value on the given instance and 'commit' it.""" + + dict_[self.key] = value + state._commit(dict_, [self.key]) + return value + + +class ScalarAttributeImpl(AttributeImpl): + """represents a scalar value-holding InstrumentedAttribute.""" + + default_accepts_scalar_loader = True + uses_objects = False + supports_population = True + collection = False + dynamic = False + + __slots__ = "_replace_token", "_append_token", "_remove_token" + + def __init__(self, *arg, **kw): + super(ScalarAttributeImpl, self).__init__(*arg, **kw) + self._replace_token = self._append_token = Event(self, OP_REPLACE) + self._remove_token = Event(self, OP_REMOVE) + + def delete(self, state, dict_): + + # TODO: catch key errors, convert to attributeerror? + if self.dispatch._active_history: + old = self.get(state, dict_, PASSIVE_RETURN_NEVER_SET) + else: + old = dict_.get(self.key, NO_VALUE) + + if self.dispatch.remove: + self.fire_remove_event(state, dict_, old, self._remove_token) + state._modified_event(dict_, self, old) + del dict_[self.key] + + def get_history(self, state, dict_, passive=PASSIVE_OFF): + if self.key in dict_: + return History.from_scalar_attribute(self, state, dict_[self.key]) + else: + if passive & INIT_OK: + passive ^= INIT_OK + current = self.get(state, dict_, passive=passive) + if current is PASSIVE_NO_RESULT: + return HISTORY_BLANK + else: + return History.from_scalar_attribute(self, state, current) + + def set( + self, + state, + dict_, + value, + initiator, + passive=PASSIVE_OFF, + check_old=None, + pop=False, + ): + if self.dispatch._active_history: + old = self.get(state, dict_, PASSIVE_RETURN_NEVER_SET) + else: + old = dict_.get(self.key, NO_VALUE) + + if self.dispatch.set: + value = self.fire_replace_event( + state, dict_, value, old, initiator + ) + state._modified_event(dict_, self, old) + dict_[self.key] = value + + def fire_replace_event(self, state, dict_, value, previous, initiator): + for fn in self.dispatch.set: + value = fn( + state, value, previous, initiator or self._replace_token + ) + return value + + def fire_remove_event(self, state, dict_, value, initiator): + for fn in self.dispatch.remove: + fn(state, value, initiator or self._remove_token) + + @property + def type(self): + self.property.columns[0].type + + +class ScalarObjectAttributeImpl(ScalarAttributeImpl): + """represents a scalar-holding InstrumentedAttribute, + where the target object is also instrumented. + + Adds events to delete/set operations. + + """ + + default_accepts_scalar_loader = False + uses_objects = True + supports_population = True + collection = False + + __slots__ = () + + def delete(self, state, dict_): + old = self.get(state, dict_) + self.fire_remove_event(state, dict_, old, self._remove_token) + del dict_[self.key] + + def get_history(self, state, dict_, passive=PASSIVE_OFF): + if self.key in dict_: + return History.from_object_attribute(self, state, dict_[self.key]) + else: + if passive & INIT_OK: + passive ^= INIT_OK + current = self.get(state, dict_, passive=passive) + if current is PASSIVE_NO_RESULT: + return HISTORY_BLANK + else: + return History.from_object_attribute(self, state, current) + + def get_all_pending(self, state, dict_, passive=PASSIVE_NO_INITIALIZE): + if self.key in dict_: + current = dict_[self.key] + elif passive & CALLABLES_OK: + current = self.get(state, dict_, passive=passive) + else: + return [] + + # can't use __hash__(), can't use __eq__() here + if ( + current is not None + and current is not PASSIVE_NO_RESULT + and current is not NEVER_SET + ): + ret = [(instance_state(current), current)] + else: + ret = [(None, None)] + + if self.key in state.committed_state: + original = state.committed_state[self.key] + if ( + original is not None + and original is not PASSIVE_NO_RESULT + and original is not NEVER_SET + and original is not current + ): + + ret.append((instance_state(original), original)) + return ret + + def set( + self, + state, + dict_, + value, + initiator, + passive=PASSIVE_OFF, + check_old=None, + pop=False, + ): + """Set a value on the given InstanceState. + + """ + if self.dispatch._active_history: + old = self.get( + state, + dict_, + passive=PASSIVE_ONLY_PERSISTENT + | NO_AUTOFLUSH + | LOAD_AGAINST_COMMITTED, + ) + else: + old = self.get( + state, + dict_, + passive=PASSIVE_NO_FETCH ^ INIT_OK | LOAD_AGAINST_COMMITTED, + ) + + if ( + check_old is not None + and old is not PASSIVE_NO_RESULT + and check_old is not old + ): + if pop: + return + else: + raise ValueError( + "Object %s not associated with %s on attribute '%s'" + % (instance_str(check_old), state_str(state), self.key) + ) + + value = self.fire_replace_event(state, dict_, value, old, initiator) + dict_[self.key] = value + + def fire_remove_event(self, state, dict_, value, initiator): + if self.trackparent and value is not None: + self.sethasparent(instance_state(value), state, False) + + for fn in self.dispatch.remove: + fn(state, value, initiator or self._remove_token) + + state._modified_event(dict_, self, value) + + def fire_replace_event(self, state, dict_, value, previous, initiator): + if self.trackparent: + if previous is not value and previous not in ( + None, + PASSIVE_NO_RESULT, + NEVER_SET, + ): + self.sethasparent(instance_state(previous), state, False) + + for fn in self.dispatch.set: + value = fn( + state, value, previous, initiator or self._replace_token + ) + + state._modified_event(dict_, self, previous) + + if self.trackparent: + if value is not None: + self.sethasparent(instance_state(value), state, True) + + return value + + +class CollectionAttributeImpl(AttributeImpl): + """A collection-holding attribute that instruments changes in membership. + + Only handles collections of instrumented objects. + + InstrumentedCollectionAttribute holds an arbitrary, user-specified + container object (defaulting to a list) and brokers access to the + CollectionAdapter, a "view" onto that object that presents consistent bag + semantics to the orm layer independent of the user data implementation. + + """ + + default_accepts_scalar_loader = False + uses_objects = True + supports_population = True + collection = True + dynamic = False + + __slots__ = ( + "copy", + "collection_factory", + "_append_token", + "_remove_token", + "_bulk_replace_token", + "_duck_typed_as", + ) + + def __init__( + self, + class_, + key, + callable_, + dispatch, + typecallable=None, + trackparent=False, + extension=None, + copy_function=None, + compare_function=None, + **kwargs + ): + super(CollectionAttributeImpl, self).__init__( + class_, + key, + callable_, + dispatch, + trackparent=trackparent, + extension=extension, + compare_function=compare_function, + **kwargs + ) + + if copy_function is None: + copy_function = self.__copy + self.copy = copy_function + self.collection_factory = typecallable + self._append_token = Event(self, OP_APPEND) + self._remove_token = Event(self, OP_REMOVE) + self._bulk_replace_token = Event(self, OP_BULK_REPLACE) + self._duck_typed_as = util.duck_type_collection( + self.collection_factory() + ) + + if getattr(self.collection_factory, "_sa_linker", None): + + @event.listens_for(self, "init_collection") + def link(target, collection, collection_adapter): + collection._sa_linker(collection_adapter) + + @event.listens_for(self, "dispose_collection") + def unlink(target, collection, collection_adapter): + collection._sa_linker(None) + + def __copy(self, item): + return [y for y in collections.collection_adapter(item)] + + def get_history(self, state, dict_, passive=PASSIVE_OFF): + current = self.get(state, dict_, passive=passive) + if current is PASSIVE_NO_RESULT: + return HISTORY_BLANK + else: + return History.from_collection(self, state, current) + + def get_all_pending(self, state, dict_, passive=PASSIVE_NO_INITIALIZE): + # NOTE: passive is ignored here at the moment + + if self.key not in dict_: + return [] + + current = dict_[self.key] + current = getattr(current, "_sa_adapter") + + if self.key in state.committed_state: + original = state.committed_state[self.key] + if original not in (NO_VALUE, NEVER_SET): + current_states = [ + ((c is not None) and instance_state(c) or None, c) + for c in current + ] + original_states = [ + ((c is not None) and instance_state(c) or None, c) + for c in original + ] + + current_set = dict(current_states) + original_set = dict(original_states) + + return ( + [ + (s, o) + for s, o in current_states + if s not in original_set + ] + + [(s, o) for s, o in current_states if s in original_set] + + [ + (s, o) + for s, o in original_states + if s not in current_set + ] + ) + + return [(instance_state(o), o) for o in current] + + def fire_append_event(self, state, dict_, value, initiator): + for fn in self.dispatch.append: + value = fn(state, value, initiator or self._append_token) + + state._modified_event(dict_, self, NEVER_SET, True) + + if self.trackparent and value is not None: + self.sethasparent(instance_state(value), state, True) + + return value + + def fire_pre_remove_event(self, state, dict_, initiator): + state._modified_event(dict_, self, NEVER_SET, True) + + def fire_remove_event(self, state, dict_, value, initiator): + if self.trackparent and value is not None: + self.sethasparent(instance_state(value), state, False) + + for fn in self.dispatch.remove: + fn(state, value, initiator or self._remove_token) + + state._modified_event(dict_, self, NEVER_SET, True) + + def delete(self, state, dict_): + if self.key not in dict_: + return + + state._modified_event(dict_, self, NEVER_SET, True) + + collection = self.get_collection(state, state.dict) + collection.clear_with_event() + # TODO: catch key errors, convert to attributeerror? + del dict_[self.key] + + def initialize(self, state, dict_): + """Initialize this attribute with an empty collection.""" + + _, user_data = self._initialize_collection(state) + dict_[self.key] = user_data + return user_data + + def _initialize_collection(self, state): + + adapter, collection = state.manager.initialize_collection( + self.key, state, self.collection_factory + ) + + self.dispatch.init_collection(state, collection, adapter) + + return adapter, collection + + def append(self, state, dict_, value, initiator, passive=PASSIVE_OFF): + collection = self.get_collection(state, dict_, passive=passive) + if collection is PASSIVE_NO_RESULT: + value = self.fire_append_event(state, dict_, value, initiator) + assert ( + self.key not in dict_ + ), "Collection was loaded during event handling." + state._get_pending_mutation(self.key).append(value) + else: + collection.append_with_event(value, initiator) + + def remove(self, state, dict_, value, initiator, passive=PASSIVE_OFF): + collection = self.get_collection(state, state.dict, passive=passive) + if collection is PASSIVE_NO_RESULT: + self.fire_remove_event(state, dict_, value, initiator) + assert ( + self.key not in dict_ + ), "Collection was loaded during event handling." + state._get_pending_mutation(self.key).remove(value) + else: + collection.remove_with_event(value, initiator) + + def pop(self, state, dict_, value, initiator, passive=PASSIVE_OFF): + try: + # TODO: better solution here would be to add + # a "popper" role to collections.py to complement + # "remover". + self.remove(state, dict_, value, initiator, passive=passive) + except (ValueError, KeyError, IndexError): + pass + + def set( + self, + state, + dict_, + value, + initiator=None, + passive=PASSIVE_OFF, + pop=False, + _adapt=True, + ): + iterable = orig_iterable = value + + # pulling a new collection first so that an adaptation exception does + # not trigger a lazy load of the old collection. + new_collection, user_data = self._initialize_collection(state) + if _adapt: + if new_collection._converter is not None: + iterable = new_collection._converter(iterable) + else: + setting_type = util.duck_type_collection(iterable) + receiving_type = self._duck_typed_as + + if setting_type is not receiving_type: + given = ( + iterable is None + and "None" + or iterable.__class__.__name__ + ) + wanted = self._duck_typed_as.__name__ + raise TypeError( + "Incompatible collection type: %s is not %s-like" + % (given, wanted) + ) + + # If the object is an adapted collection, return the (iterable) + # adapter. + if hasattr(iterable, "_sa_iterator"): + iterable = iterable._sa_iterator() + elif setting_type is dict: + if util.py3k: + iterable = iterable.values() + else: + iterable = getattr( + iterable, "itervalues", iterable.values + )() + else: + iterable = iter(iterable) + new_values = list(iterable) + + evt = self._bulk_replace_token + + self.dispatch.bulk_replace(state, new_values, evt) + + old = self.get(state, dict_, passive=PASSIVE_ONLY_PERSISTENT) + if old is PASSIVE_NO_RESULT: + old = self.initialize(state, dict_) + elif old is orig_iterable: + # ignore re-assignment of the current collection, as happens + # implicitly with in-place operators (foo.collection |= other) + return + + # place a copy of "old" in state.committed_state + state._modified_event(dict_, self, old, True) + + old_collection = old._sa_adapter + + dict_[self.key] = user_data + + collections.bulk_replace( + new_values, old_collection, new_collection, initiator=evt + ) + + del old._sa_adapter + self.dispatch.dispose_collection(state, old, old_collection) + + def _invalidate_collection(self, collection): + adapter = getattr(collection, "_sa_adapter") + adapter.invalidated = True + + def set_committed_value(self, state, dict_, value): + """Set an attribute value on the given instance and 'commit' it.""" + + collection, user_data = self._initialize_collection(state) + + if value: + collection.append_multiple_without_event(value) + + state.dict[self.key] = user_data + + state._commit(dict_, [self.key]) + + if self.key in state._pending_mutations: + # pending items exist. issue a modified event, + # add/remove new items. + state._modified_event(dict_, self, user_data, True) + + pending = state._pending_mutations.pop(self.key) + added = pending.added_items + removed = pending.deleted_items + for item in added: + collection.append_without_event(item) + for item in removed: + collection.remove_without_event(item) + + return user_data + + def get_collection( + self, state, dict_, user_data=None, passive=PASSIVE_OFF + ): + """Retrieve the CollectionAdapter associated with the given state. + + Creates a new CollectionAdapter if one does not exist. + + """ + if user_data is None: + user_data = self.get(state, dict_, passive=passive) + if user_data is PASSIVE_NO_RESULT: + return user_data + + return getattr(user_data, "_sa_adapter") + + +def backref_listeners(attribute, key, uselist): + """Apply listeners to synchronize a two-way relationship.""" + + # use easily recognizable names for stack traces. + + # in the sections marked "tokens to test for a recursive loop", + # this is somewhat brittle and very performance-sensitive logic + # that is specific to how we might arrive at each event. a marker + # that can target us directly to arguments being invoked against + # the impl might be simpler, but could interfere with other systems. + + parent_token = attribute.impl.parent_token + parent_impl = attribute.impl + + def _acceptable_key_err(child_state, initiator, child_impl): + raise ValueError( + "Bidirectional attribute conflict detected: " + 'Passing object %s to attribute "%s" ' + 'triggers a modify event on attribute "%s" ' + 'via the backref "%s".' + % ( + state_str(child_state), + initiator.parent_token, + child_impl.parent_token, + attribute.impl.parent_token, + ) + ) + + def emit_backref_from_scalar_set_event(state, child, oldchild, initiator): + if oldchild is child: + return child + if ( + oldchild is not None + and oldchild is not PASSIVE_NO_RESULT + and oldchild is not NEVER_SET + ): + # With lazy=None, there's no guarantee that the full collection is + # present when updating via a backref. + old_state, old_dict = ( + instance_state(oldchild), + instance_dict(oldchild), + ) + impl = old_state.manager[key].impl + + # tokens to test for a recursive loop. + if not impl.collection and not impl.dynamic: + check_recursive_token = impl._replace_token + else: + check_recursive_token = impl._remove_token + + if initiator is not check_recursive_token: + impl.pop( + old_state, + old_dict, + state.obj(), + parent_impl._append_token, + passive=PASSIVE_NO_FETCH, + ) + + if child is not None: + child_state, child_dict = ( + instance_state(child), + instance_dict(child), + ) + child_impl = child_state.manager[key].impl + + if ( + initiator.parent_token is not parent_token + and initiator.parent_token is not child_impl.parent_token + ): + _acceptable_key_err(state, initiator, child_impl) + + # tokens to test for a recursive loop. + check_append_token = child_impl._append_token + check_bulk_replace_token = ( + child_impl._bulk_replace_token + if child_impl.collection + else None + ) + + if ( + initiator is not check_append_token + and initiator is not check_bulk_replace_token + ): + child_impl.append( + child_state, + child_dict, + state.obj(), + initiator, + passive=PASSIVE_NO_FETCH, + ) + return child + + def emit_backref_from_collection_append_event(state, child, initiator): + if child is None: + return + + child_state, child_dict = instance_state(child), instance_dict(child) + child_impl = child_state.manager[key].impl + + if ( + initiator.parent_token is not parent_token + and initiator.parent_token is not child_impl.parent_token + ): + _acceptable_key_err(state, initiator, child_impl) + + # tokens to test for a recursive loop. + check_append_token = child_impl._append_token + check_bulk_replace_token = ( + child_impl._bulk_replace_token if child_impl.collection else None + ) + + if ( + initiator is not check_append_token + and initiator is not check_bulk_replace_token + ): + child_impl.append( + child_state, + child_dict, + state.obj(), + initiator, + passive=PASSIVE_NO_FETCH, + ) + return child + + def emit_backref_from_collection_remove_event(state, child, initiator): + if child is not None: + child_state, child_dict = ( + instance_state(child), + instance_dict(child), + ) + child_impl = child_state.manager[key].impl + + # tokens to test for a recursive loop. + if not child_impl.collection and not child_impl.dynamic: + check_remove_token = child_impl._remove_token + check_replace_token = child_impl._replace_token + else: + check_remove_token = child_impl._remove_token + check_replace_token = ( + child_impl._bulk_replace_token + if child_impl.collection + else None + ) + + if ( + initiator is not check_remove_token + and initiator is not check_replace_token + ): + child_impl.pop( + child_state, + child_dict, + state.obj(), + initiator, + passive=PASSIVE_NO_FETCH, + ) + + if uselist: + event.listen( + attribute, + "append", + emit_backref_from_collection_append_event, + retval=True, + raw=True, + ) + else: + event.listen( + attribute, + "set", + emit_backref_from_scalar_set_event, + retval=True, + raw=True, + ) + # TODO: need coverage in test/orm/ of remove event + event.listen( + attribute, + "remove", + emit_backref_from_collection_remove_event, + retval=True, + raw=True, + ) + + +_NO_HISTORY = util.symbol("NO_HISTORY") +_NO_STATE_SYMBOLS = frozenset( + [id(PASSIVE_NO_RESULT), id(NO_VALUE), id(NEVER_SET)] +) + +History = util.namedtuple("History", ["added", "unchanged", "deleted"]) + + +class History(History): + """A 3-tuple of added, unchanged and deleted values, + representing the changes which have occurred on an instrumented + attribute. + + The easiest way to get a :class:`.History` object for a particular + attribute on an object is to use the :func:`.inspect` function:: + + from sqlalchemy import inspect + + hist = inspect(myobject).attrs.myattribute.history + + Each tuple member is an iterable sequence: + + * ``added`` - the collection of items added to the attribute (the first + tuple element). + + * ``unchanged`` - the collection of items that have not changed on the + attribute (the second tuple element). + + * ``deleted`` - the collection of items that have been removed from the + attribute (the third tuple element). + + """ + + def __bool__(self): + return self != HISTORY_BLANK + + __nonzero__ = __bool__ + + def empty(self): + """Return True if this :class:`.History` has no changes + and no existing, unchanged state. + + """ + + return not bool((self.added or self.deleted) or self.unchanged) + + def sum(self): + """Return a collection of added + unchanged + deleted.""" + + return ( + (self.added or []) + (self.unchanged or []) + (self.deleted or []) + ) + + def non_deleted(self): + """Return a collection of added + unchanged.""" + + return (self.added or []) + (self.unchanged or []) + + def non_added(self): + """Return a collection of unchanged + deleted.""" + + return (self.unchanged or []) + (self.deleted or []) + + def has_changes(self): + """Return True if this :class:`.History` has changes.""" + + return bool(self.added or self.deleted) + + def as_state(self): + return History( + [ + (c is not None) and instance_state(c) or None + for c in self.added + ], + [ + (c is not None) and instance_state(c) or None + for c in self.unchanged + ], + [ + (c is not None) and instance_state(c) or None + for c in self.deleted + ], + ) + + @classmethod + def from_scalar_attribute(cls, attribute, state, current): + original = state.committed_state.get(attribute.key, _NO_HISTORY) + + if original is _NO_HISTORY: + if current is NEVER_SET: + return cls((), (), ()) + else: + return cls((), [current], ()) + # don't let ClauseElement expressions here trip things up + elif attribute.is_equal(current, original) is True: + return cls((), [current], ()) + else: + # current convention on native scalars is to not + # include information + # about missing previous value in "deleted", but + # we do include None, which helps in some primary + # key situations + if id(original) in _NO_STATE_SYMBOLS: + deleted = () + else: + deleted = [original] + if current is NEVER_SET: + return cls((), (), deleted) + else: + return cls([current], (), deleted) + + @classmethod + def from_object_attribute(cls, attribute, state, current): + original = state.committed_state.get(attribute.key, _NO_HISTORY) + + if original is _NO_HISTORY: + if current is NO_VALUE or current is NEVER_SET: + return cls((), (), ()) + else: + return cls((), [current], ()) + elif current is original: + return cls((), [current], ()) + else: + # current convention on related objects is to not + # include information + # about missing previous value in "deleted", and + # to also not include None - the dependency.py rules + # ignore the None in any case. + if id(original) in _NO_STATE_SYMBOLS or original is None: + deleted = () + else: + deleted = [original] + if current is NO_VALUE or current is NEVER_SET: + return cls((), (), deleted) + else: + return cls([current], (), deleted) + + @classmethod + def from_collection(cls, attribute, state, current): + original = state.committed_state.get(attribute.key, _NO_HISTORY) + + if current is NO_VALUE or current is NEVER_SET: + return cls((), (), ()) + + current = getattr(current, "_sa_adapter") + if original in (NO_VALUE, NEVER_SET): + return cls(list(current), (), ()) + elif original is _NO_HISTORY: + return cls((), list(current), ()) + else: + + current_states = [ + ((c is not None) and instance_state(c) or None, c) + for c in current + ] + original_states = [ + ((c is not None) and instance_state(c) or None, c) + for c in original + ] + + current_set = dict(current_states) + original_set = dict(original_states) + + return cls( + [o for s, o in current_states if s not in original_set], + [o for s, o in current_states if s in original_set], + [o for s, o in original_states if s not in current_set], + ) + + +HISTORY_BLANK = History(None, None, None) + + +def get_history(obj, key, passive=PASSIVE_OFF): + """Return a :class:`.History` record for the given object + and attribute key. + + :param obj: an object whose class is instrumented by the + attributes package. + + :param key: string attribute name. + + :param passive: indicates loading behavior for the attribute + if the value is not already present. This is a + bitflag attribute, which defaults to the symbol + :attr:`.PASSIVE_OFF` indicating all necessary SQL + should be emitted. + + """ + if passive is True: + util.warn_deprecated( + "Passing True for 'passive' is deprecated. " + "Use attributes.PASSIVE_NO_INITIALIZE" + ) + passive = PASSIVE_NO_INITIALIZE + elif passive is False: + util.warn_deprecated( + "Passing False for 'passive' is " + "deprecated. Use attributes.PASSIVE_OFF" + ) + passive = PASSIVE_OFF + + return get_state_history(instance_state(obj), key, passive) + + +def get_state_history(state, key, passive=PASSIVE_OFF): + return state.get_history(key, passive) + + +def has_parent(cls, obj, key, optimistic=False): + """TODO""" + manager = manager_of_class(cls) + state = instance_state(obj) + return manager.has_parent(state, key, optimistic) + + +def register_attribute(class_, key, **kw): + comparator = kw.pop("comparator", None) + parententity = kw.pop("parententity", None) + doc = kw.pop("doc", None) + desc = register_descriptor(class_, key, comparator, parententity, doc=doc) + register_attribute_impl(class_, key, **kw) + return desc + + +def register_attribute_impl( + class_, + key, + uselist=False, + callable_=None, + useobject=False, + impl_class=None, + backref=None, + **kw +): + + manager = manager_of_class(class_) + if uselist: + factory = kw.pop("typecallable", None) + typecallable = manager.instrument_collection_class( + key, factory or list + ) + else: + typecallable = kw.pop("typecallable", None) + + dispatch = manager[key].dispatch + + if impl_class: + impl = impl_class(class_, key, typecallable, dispatch, **kw) + elif uselist: + impl = CollectionAttributeImpl( + class_, key, callable_, dispatch, typecallable=typecallable, **kw + ) + elif useobject: + impl = ScalarObjectAttributeImpl( + class_, key, callable_, dispatch, **kw + ) + else: + impl = ScalarAttributeImpl(class_, key, callable_, dispatch, **kw) + + manager[key].impl = impl + + if backref: + backref_listeners(manager[key], backref, uselist) + + manager.post_configure_attribute(key) + return manager[key] + + +def register_descriptor( + class_, key, comparator=None, parententity=None, doc=None +): + manager = manager_of_class(class_) + + descriptor = InstrumentedAttribute( + class_, key, comparator=comparator, parententity=parententity + ) + + descriptor.__doc__ = doc + + manager.instrument_attribute(key, descriptor) + return descriptor + + +def unregister_attribute(class_, key): + manager_of_class(class_).uninstrument_attribute(key) + + +def init_collection(obj, key): + """Initialize a collection attribute and return the collection adapter. + + This function is used to provide direct access to collection internals + for a previously unloaded attribute. e.g.:: + + collection_adapter = init_collection(someobject, 'elements') + for elem in values: + collection_adapter.append_without_event(elem) + + For an easier way to do the above, see + :func:`~sqlalchemy.orm.attributes.set_committed_value`. + + obj is an instrumented object instance. An InstanceState + is accepted directly for backwards compatibility but + this usage is deprecated. + + """ + state = instance_state(obj) + dict_ = state.dict + return init_state_collection(state, dict_, key) + + +def init_state_collection(state, dict_, key): + """Initialize a collection attribute and return the collection adapter.""" + + attr = state.manager[key].impl + user_data = attr.initialize(state, dict_) + return attr.get_collection(state, dict_, user_data) + + +def set_committed_value(instance, key, value): + """Set the value of an attribute with no history events. + + Cancels any previous history present. The value should be + a scalar value for scalar-holding attributes, or + an iterable for any collection-holding attribute. + + This is the same underlying method used when a lazy loader + fires off and loads additional data from the database. + In particular, this method can be used by application code + which has loaded additional attributes or collections through + separate queries, which can then be attached to an instance + as though it were part of its original loaded state. + + """ + state, dict_ = instance_state(instance), instance_dict(instance) + state.manager[key].impl.set_committed_value(state, dict_, value) + + +def set_attribute(instance, key, value, initiator=None): + """Set the value of an attribute, firing history events. + + This function may be used regardless of instrumentation + applied directly to the class, i.e. no descriptors are required. + Custom attribute management schemes will need to make usage + of this method to establish attribute state as understood + by SQLAlchemy. + + :param instance: the object that will be modified + + :param key: string name of the attribute + + :param value: value to assign + + :param initiator: an instance of :class:`.Event` that would have + been propagated from a previous event listener. This argument + is used when the :func:`.set_attribute` function is being used within + an existing event listening function where an :class:`.Event` object + is being supplied; the object may be used to track the origin of the + chain of events. + + .. versionadded:: 1.2.3 + + """ + state, dict_ = instance_state(instance), instance_dict(instance) + state.manager[key].impl.set(state, dict_, value, initiator) + + +def get_attribute(instance, key): + """Get the value of an attribute, firing any callables required. + + This function may be used regardless of instrumentation + applied directly to the class, i.e. no descriptors are required. + Custom attribute management schemes will need to make usage + of this method to make usage of attribute state as understood + by SQLAlchemy. + + """ + state, dict_ = instance_state(instance), instance_dict(instance) + return state.manager[key].impl.get(state, dict_) + + +def del_attribute(instance, key): + """Delete the value of an attribute, firing history events. + + This function may be used regardless of instrumentation + applied directly to the class, i.e. no descriptors are required. + Custom attribute management schemes will need to make usage + of this method to establish attribute state as understood + by SQLAlchemy. + + """ + state, dict_ = instance_state(instance), instance_dict(instance) + state.manager[key].impl.delete(state, dict_) + + +def flag_modified(instance, key): + """Mark an attribute on an instance as 'modified'. + + This sets the 'modified' flag on the instance and + establishes an unconditional change event for the given attribute. + The attribute must have a value present, else an + :class:`.InvalidRequestError` is raised. + + To mark an object "dirty" without referring to any specific attribute + so that it is considered within a flush, use the + :func:`.attributes.flag_dirty` call. + + .. seealso:: + + :func:`.attributes.flag_dirty` + + """ + state, dict_ = instance_state(instance), instance_dict(instance) + impl = state.manager[key].impl + impl.dispatch.modified(state, impl._modified_token) + state._modified_event(dict_, impl, NO_VALUE, is_userland=True) + + +def flag_dirty(instance): + """Mark an instance as 'dirty' without any specific attribute mentioned. + + This is a special operation that will allow the object to travel through + the flush process for interception by events such as + :meth:`.SessionEvents.before_flush`. Note that no SQL will be emitted in + the flush process for an object that has no changes, even if marked dirty + via this method. However, a :meth:`.SessionEvents.before_flush` handler + will be able to see the object in the :attr:`.Session.dirty` collection and + may establish changes on it, which will then be included in the SQL + emitted. + + .. versionadded:: 1.2 + + .. seealso:: + + :func:`.attributes.flag_modified` + + """ + + state, dict_ = instance_state(instance), instance_dict(instance) + state._modified_event(dict_, None, NO_VALUE, is_userland=True) diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/base.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/base.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9311a82 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/base.py @@ -0,0 +1,562 @@ +# orm/base.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +"""Constants and rudimental functions used throughout the ORM. + +""" + +import operator + +from . import exc +from .. import exc as sa_exc +from .. import inspection +from .. import util +from ..sql import expression + +PASSIVE_NO_RESULT = util.symbol( + "PASSIVE_NO_RESULT", + """Symbol returned by a loader callable or other attribute/history + retrieval operation when a value could not be determined, based + on loader callable flags. + """, +) + +ATTR_WAS_SET = util.symbol( + "ATTR_WAS_SET", + """Symbol returned by a loader callable to indicate the + retrieved value, or values, were assigned to their attributes + on the target object. + """, +) + +ATTR_EMPTY = util.symbol( + "ATTR_EMPTY", + """Symbol used internally to indicate an attribute had no callable.""", +) + +NO_VALUE = util.symbol( + "NO_VALUE", + """Symbol which may be placed as the 'previous' value of an attribute, + indicating no value was loaded for an attribute when it was modified, + and flags indicated we were not to load it. + """, +) + +NEVER_SET = util.symbol( + "NEVER_SET", + """Symbol which may be placed as the 'previous' value of an attribute + indicating that the attribute had not been assigned to previously. + """, +) + +NO_CHANGE = util.symbol( + "NO_CHANGE", + """No callables or SQL should be emitted on attribute access + and no state should change + """, + canonical=0, +) + +CALLABLES_OK = util.symbol( + "CALLABLES_OK", + """Loader callables can be fired off if a value + is not present. + """, + canonical=1, +) + +SQL_OK = util.symbol( + "SQL_OK", + """Loader callables can emit SQL at least on scalar value attributes.""", + canonical=2, +) + +RELATED_OBJECT_OK = util.symbol( + "RELATED_OBJECT_OK", + """Callables can use SQL to load related objects as well + as scalar value attributes. + """, + canonical=4, +) + +INIT_OK = util.symbol( + "INIT_OK", + """Attributes should be initialized with a blank + value (None or an empty collection) upon get, if no other + value can be obtained. + """, + canonical=8, +) + +NON_PERSISTENT_OK = util.symbol( + "NON_PERSISTENT_OK", + """Callables can be emitted if the parent is not persistent.""", + canonical=16, +) + +LOAD_AGAINST_COMMITTED = util.symbol( + "LOAD_AGAINST_COMMITTED", + """Callables should use committed values as primary/foreign keys during a + load. + """, + canonical=32, +) + +NO_AUTOFLUSH = util.symbol( + "NO_AUTOFLUSH", + """Loader callables should disable autoflush.""", + canonical=64, +) + +# pre-packaged sets of flags used as inputs +PASSIVE_OFF = util.symbol( + "PASSIVE_OFF", + "Callables can be emitted in all cases.", + canonical=( + RELATED_OBJECT_OK | NON_PERSISTENT_OK | INIT_OK | CALLABLES_OK | SQL_OK + ), +) +PASSIVE_RETURN_NEVER_SET = util.symbol( + "PASSIVE_RETURN_NEVER_SET", + """PASSIVE_OFF ^ INIT_OK""", + canonical=PASSIVE_OFF ^ INIT_OK, +) +PASSIVE_NO_INITIALIZE = util.symbol( + "PASSIVE_NO_INITIALIZE", + "PASSIVE_RETURN_NEVER_SET ^ CALLABLES_OK", + canonical=PASSIVE_RETURN_NEVER_SET ^ CALLABLES_OK, +) +PASSIVE_NO_FETCH = util.symbol( + "PASSIVE_NO_FETCH", "PASSIVE_OFF ^ SQL_OK", canonical=PASSIVE_OFF ^ SQL_OK +) +PASSIVE_NO_FETCH_RELATED = util.symbol( + "PASSIVE_NO_FETCH_RELATED", + "PASSIVE_OFF ^ RELATED_OBJECT_OK", + canonical=PASSIVE_OFF ^ RELATED_OBJECT_OK, +) +PASSIVE_ONLY_PERSISTENT = util.symbol( + "PASSIVE_ONLY_PERSISTENT", + "PASSIVE_OFF ^ NON_PERSISTENT_OK", + canonical=PASSIVE_OFF ^ NON_PERSISTENT_OK, +) + +DEFAULT_MANAGER_ATTR = "_sa_class_manager" +DEFAULT_STATE_ATTR = "_sa_instance_state" +_INSTRUMENTOR = ("mapper", "instrumentor") + +EXT_CONTINUE = util.symbol("EXT_CONTINUE") +EXT_STOP = util.symbol("EXT_STOP") + +ONETOMANY = util.symbol( + "ONETOMANY", + """Indicates the one-to-many direction for a :func:`.relationship`. + + This symbol is typically used by the internals but may be exposed within + certain API features. + + """, +) + +MANYTOONE = util.symbol( + "MANYTOONE", + """Indicates the many-to-one direction for a :func:`.relationship`. + + This symbol is typically used by the internals but may be exposed within + certain API features. + + """, +) + +MANYTOMANY = util.symbol( + "MANYTOMANY", + """Indicates the many-to-many direction for a :func:`.relationship`. + + This symbol is typically used by the internals but may be exposed within + certain API features. + + """, +) + +NOT_EXTENSION = util.symbol( + "NOT_EXTENSION", + """Symbol indicating an :class:`InspectionAttr` that's + not part of sqlalchemy.ext. + + Is assigned to the :attr:`.InspectionAttr.extension_type` + attibute. + + """, +) + +_never_set = frozenset([NEVER_SET]) + +_none_set = frozenset([None, NEVER_SET, PASSIVE_NO_RESULT]) + +_SET_DEFERRED_EXPIRED = util.symbol("SET_DEFERRED_EXPIRED") + +_DEFER_FOR_STATE = util.symbol("DEFER_FOR_STATE") + + +def _generative(*assertions): + """Mark a method as generative, e.g. method-chained.""" + + @util.decorator + def generate(fn, *args, **kw): + self = args[0]._clone() + for assertion in assertions: + assertion(self, fn.__name__) + fn(self, *args[1:], **kw) + return self + + return generate + + +# these can be replaced by sqlalchemy.ext.instrumentation +# if augmented class instrumentation is enabled. +def manager_of_class(cls): + return cls.__dict__.get(DEFAULT_MANAGER_ATTR, None) + + +instance_state = operator.attrgetter(DEFAULT_STATE_ATTR) + +instance_dict = operator.attrgetter("__dict__") + + +def instance_str(instance): + """Return a string describing an instance.""" + + return state_str(instance_state(instance)) + + +def state_str(state): + """Return a string describing an instance via its InstanceState.""" + + if state is None: + return "None" + else: + return "<%s at 0x%x>" % (state.class_.__name__, id(state.obj())) + + +def state_class_str(state): + """Return a string describing an instance's class via its + InstanceState. + """ + + if state is None: + return "None" + else: + return "<%s>" % (state.class_.__name__,) + + +def attribute_str(instance, attribute): + return instance_str(instance) + "." + attribute + + +def state_attribute_str(state, attribute): + return state_str(state) + "." + attribute + + +def object_mapper(instance): + """Given an object, return the primary Mapper associated with the object + instance. + + Raises :class:`sqlalchemy.orm.exc.UnmappedInstanceError` + if no mapping is configured. + + This function is available via the inspection system as:: + + inspect(instance).mapper + + Using the inspection system will raise + :class:`sqlalchemy.exc.NoInspectionAvailable` if the instance is + not part of a mapping. + + """ + return object_state(instance).mapper + + +def object_state(instance): + """Given an object, return the :class:`.InstanceState` + associated with the object. + + Raises :class:`sqlalchemy.orm.exc.UnmappedInstanceError` + if no mapping is configured. + + Equivalent functionality is available via the :func:`.inspect` + function as:: + + inspect(instance) + + Using the inspection system will raise + :class:`sqlalchemy.exc.NoInspectionAvailable` if the instance is + not part of a mapping. + + """ + state = _inspect_mapped_object(instance) + if state is None: + raise exc.UnmappedInstanceError(instance) + else: + return state + + +@inspection._inspects(object) +def _inspect_mapped_object(instance): + try: + return instance_state(instance) + # TODO: whats the py-2/3 syntax to catch two + # different kinds of exceptions at once ? + except exc.UnmappedClassError: + return None + except exc.NO_STATE: + return None + + +def _class_to_mapper(class_or_mapper): + insp = inspection.inspect(class_or_mapper, False) + if insp is not None: + return insp.mapper + else: + raise exc.UnmappedClassError(class_or_mapper) + + +def _mapper_or_none(entity): + """Return the :class:`.Mapper` for the given class or None if the + class is not mapped. + """ + + insp = inspection.inspect(entity, False) + if insp is not None: + return insp.mapper + else: + return None + + +def _is_mapped_class(entity): + """Return True if the given object is a mapped class, + :class:`.Mapper`, or :class:`.AliasedClass`. + """ + + insp = inspection.inspect(entity, False) + return ( + insp is not None + and not insp.is_clause_element + and (insp.is_mapper or insp.is_aliased_class) + ) + + +def _attr_as_key(attr): + if hasattr(attr, "key"): + return attr.key + else: + return expression._column_as_key(attr) + + +def _orm_columns(entity): + insp = inspection.inspect(entity, False) + if hasattr(insp, "selectable") and hasattr(insp.selectable, "c"): + return [c for c in insp.selectable.c] + else: + return [entity] + + +def _is_aliased_class(entity): + insp = inspection.inspect(entity, False) + return insp is not None and getattr(insp, "is_aliased_class", False) + + +def _entity_descriptor(entity, key): + """Return a class attribute given an entity and string name. + + May return :class:`.InstrumentedAttribute` or user-defined + attribute. + + """ + insp = inspection.inspect(entity) + if insp.is_selectable: + description = entity + entity = insp.c + elif insp.is_aliased_class: + entity = insp.entity + description = entity + elif hasattr(insp, "mapper"): + description = entity = insp.mapper.class_ + else: + description = entity + + try: + return getattr(entity, key) + except AttributeError: + raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError( + "Entity '%s' has no property '%s'" % (description, key) + ) + + +_state_mapper = util.dottedgetter("manager.mapper") + + +@inspection._inspects(type) +def _inspect_mapped_class(class_, configure=False): + try: + class_manager = manager_of_class(class_) + if not class_manager.is_mapped: + return None + mapper = class_manager.mapper + except exc.NO_STATE: + return None + else: + if configure and mapper._new_mappers: + mapper._configure_all() + return mapper + + +def class_mapper(class_, configure=True): + """Given a class, return the primary :class:`.Mapper` associated + with the key. + + Raises :exc:`.UnmappedClassError` if no mapping is configured + on the given class, or :exc:`.ArgumentError` if a non-class + object is passed. + + Equivalent functionality is available via the :func:`.inspect` + function as:: + + inspect(some_mapped_class) + + Using the inspection system will raise + :class:`sqlalchemy.exc.NoInspectionAvailable` if the class is not mapped. + + """ + mapper = _inspect_mapped_class(class_, configure=configure) + if mapper is None: + if not isinstance(class_, type): + raise sa_exc.ArgumentError( + "Class object expected, got '%r'." % (class_,) + ) + raise exc.UnmappedClassError(class_) + else: + return mapper + + +class InspectionAttr(object): + """A base class applied to all ORM objects that can be returned + by the :func:`.inspect` function. + + The attributes defined here allow the usage of simple boolean + checks to test basic facts about the object returned. + + While the boolean checks here are basically the same as using + the Python isinstance() function, the flags here can be used without + the need to import all of these classes, and also such that + the SQLAlchemy class system can change while leaving the flags + here intact for forwards-compatibility. + + """ + + __slots__ = () + + is_selectable = False + """Return True if this object is an instance of :class:`.Selectable`.""" + + is_aliased_class = False + """True if this object is an instance of :class:`.AliasedClass`.""" + + is_instance = False + """True if this object is an instance of :class:`.InstanceState`.""" + + is_mapper = False + """True if this object is an instance of :class:`.Mapper`.""" + + is_property = False + """True if this object is an instance of :class:`.MapperProperty`.""" + + is_attribute = False + """True if this object is a Python :term:`descriptor`. + + This can refer to one of many types. Usually a + :class:`.QueryableAttribute` which handles attributes events on behalf + of a :class:`.MapperProperty`. But can also be an extension type + such as :class:`.AssociationProxy` or :class:`.hybrid_property`. + The :attr:`.InspectionAttr.extension_type` will refer to a constant + identifying the specific subtype. + + .. seealso:: + + :attr:`.Mapper.all_orm_descriptors` + + """ + + _is_internal_proxy = False + """True if this object is an internal proxy object. + + .. versionadded:: 1.2.12 + + """ + + is_clause_element = False + """True if this object is an instance of :class:`.ClauseElement`.""" + + extension_type = NOT_EXTENSION + """The extension type, if any. + Defaults to :data:`.interfaces.NOT_EXTENSION` + + .. versionadded:: 0.8.0 + + .. seealso:: + + :data:`.HYBRID_METHOD` + + :data:`.HYBRID_PROPERTY` + + :data:`.ASSOCIATION_PROXY` + + """ + + +class InspectionAttrInfo(InspectionAttr): + """Adds the ``.info`` attribute to :class:`.InspectionAttr`. + + The rationale for :class:`.InspectionAttr` vs. :class:`.InspectionAttrInfo` + is that the former is compatible as a mixin for classes that specify + ``__slots__``; this is essentially an implementation artifact. + + """ + + @util.memoized_property + def info(self): + """Info dictionary associated with the object, allowing user-defined + data to be associated with this :class:`.InspectionAttr`. + + The dictionary is generated when first accessed. Alternatively, + it can be specified as a constructor argument to the + :func:`.column_property`, :func:`.relationship`, or :func:`.composite` + functions. + + .. versionadded:: 0.8 Added support for .info to all + :class:`.MapperProperty` subclasses. + + .. versionchanged:: 1.0.0 :attr:`.MapperProperty.info` is also + available on extension types via the + :attr:`.InspectionAttrInfo.info` attribute, so that it can apply + to a wider variety of ORM and extension constructs. + + .. seealso:: + + :attr:`.QueryableAttribute.info` + + :attr:`.SchemaItem.info` + + """ + return {} + + +class _MappedAttribute(object): + """Mixin for attributes which should be replaced by mapper-assigned + attributes. + + """ + + __slots__ = () diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/collections.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/collections.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9394c5c --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/collections.py @@ -0,0 +1,1627 @@ +# orm/collections.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +"""Support for collections of mapped entities. + +The collections package supplies the machinery used to inform the ORM of +collection membership changes. An instrumentation via decoration approach is +used, allowing arbitrary types (including built-ins) to be used as entity +collections without requiring inheritance from a base class. + +Instrumentation decoration relays membership change events to the +:class:`.CollectionAttributeImpl` that is currently managing the collection. +The decorators observe function call arguments and return values, tracking +entities entering or leaving the collection. Two decorator approaches are +provided. One is a bundle of generic decorators that map function arguments +and return values to events:: + + from sqlalchemy.orm.collections import collection + class MyClass(object): + # ... + + @collection.adds(1) + def store(self, item): + self.data.append(item) + + @collection.removes_return() + def pop(self): + return self.data.pop() + + +The second approach is a bundle of targeted decorators that wrap appropriate +append and remove notifiers around the mutation methods present in the +standard Python ``list``, ``set`` and ``dict`` interfaces. These could be +specified in terms of generic decorator recipes, but are instead hand-tooled +for increased efficiency. The targeted decorators occasionally implement +adapter-like behavior, such as mapping bulk-set methods (``extend``, +``update``, ``__setslice__``, etc.) into the series of atomic mutation events +that the ORM requires. + +The targeted decorators are used internally for automatic instrumentation of +entity collection classes. Every collection class goes through a +transformation process roughly like so: + +1. If the class is a built-in, substitute a trivial sub-class +2. Is this class already instrumented? +3. Add in generic decorators +4. Sniff out the collection interface through duck-typing +5. Add targeted decoration to any undecorated interface method + +This process modifies the class at runtime, decorating methods and adding some +bookkeeping properties. This isn't possible (or desirable) for built-in +classes like ``list``, so trivial sub-classes are substituted to hold +decoration:: + + class InstrumentedList(list): + pass + +Collection classes can be specified in ``relationship(collection_class=)`` as +types or a function that returns an instance. Collection classes are +inspected and instrumented during the mapper compilation phase. The +collection_class callable will be executed once to produce a specimen +instance, and the type of that specimen will be instrumented. Functions that +return built-in types like ``lists`` will be adapted to produce instrumented +instances. + +When extending a known type like ``list``, additional decorations are not +generally not needed. Odds are, the extension method will delegate to a +method that's already instrumented. For example:: + + class QueueIsh(list): + def push(self, item): + self.append(item) + def shift(self): + return self.pop(0) + +There's no need to decorate these methods. ``append`` and ``pop`` are already +instrumented as part of the ``list`` interface. Decorating them would fire +duplicate events, which should be avoided. + +The targeted decoration tries not to rely on other methods in the underlying +collection class, but some are unavoidable. Many depend on 'read' methods +being present to properly instrument a 'write', for example, ``__setitem__`` +needs ``__getitem__``. "Bulk" methods like ``update`` and ``extend`` may also +reimplemented in terms of atomic appends and removes, so the ``extend`` +decoration will actually perform many ``append`` operations and not call the +underlying method at all. + +Tight control over bulk operation and the firing of events is also possible by +implementing the instrumentation internally in your methods. The basic +instrumentation package works under the general assumption that collection +mutation will not raise unusual exceptions. If you want to closely +orchestrate append and remove events with exception management, internal +instrumentation may be the answer. Within your method, +``collection_adapter(self)`` will retrieve an object that you can use for +explicit control over triggering append and remove events. + +The owning object and :class:`.CollectionAttributeImpl` are also reachable +through the adapter, allowing for some very sophisticated behavior. + +""" + +import operator +import weakref + +from sqlalchemy.util.compat import inspect_getargspec +from . import base +from .. import exc as sa_exc +from .. import util +from ..sql import expression + +__all__ = [ + "collection", + "collection_adapter", + "mapped_collection", + "column_mapped_collection", + "attribute_mapped_collection", +] + +__instrumentation_mutex = util.threading.Lock() + + +class _PlainColumnGetter(object): + """Plain column getter, stores collection of Column objects + directly. + + Serializes to a :class:`._SerializableColumnGetterV2` + which has more expensive __call__() performance + and some rare caveats. + + """ + + def __init__(self, cols): + self.cols = cols + self.composite = len(cols) > 1 + + def __reduce__(self): + return _SerializableColumnGetterV2._reduce_from_cols(self.cols) + + def _cols(self, mapper): + return self.cols + + def __call__(self, value): + state = base.instance_state(value) + m = base._state_mapper(state) + + key = [ + m._get_state_attr_by_column(state, state.dict, col) + for col in self._cols(m) + ] + + if self.composite: + return tuple(key) + else: + return key[0] + + +class _SerializableColumnGetter(object): + """Column-based getter used in version 0.7.6 only. + + Remains here for pickle compatibility with 0.7.6. + + """ + + def __init__(self, colkeys): + self.colkeys = colkeys + self.composite = len(colkeys) > 1 + + def __reduce__(self): + return _SerializableColumnGetter, (self.colkeys,) + + def __call__(self, value): + state = base.instance_state(value) + m = base._state_mapper(state) + key = [ + m._get_state_attr_by_column( + state, state.dict, m.mapped_table.columns[k] + ) + for k in self.colkeys + ] + if self.composite: + return tuple(key) + else: + return key[0] + + +class _SerializableColumnGetterV2(_PlainColumnGetter): + """Updated serializable getter which deals with + multi-table mapped classes. + + Two extremely unusual cases are not supported. + Mappings which have tables across multiple metadata + objects, or which are mapped to non-Table selectables + linked across inheriting mappers may fail to function + here. + + """ + + def __init__(self, colkeys): + self.colkeys = colkeys + self.composite = len(colkeys) > 1 + + def __reduce__(self): + return self.__class__, (self.colkeys,) + + @classmethod + def _reduce_from_cols(cls, cols): + def _table_key(c): + if not isinstance(c.table, expression.TableClause): + return None + else: + return c.table.key + + colkeys = [(c.key, _table_key(c)) for c in cols] + return _SerializableColumnGetterV2, (colkeys,) + + def _cols(self, mapper): + cols = [] + metadata = getattr(mapper.local_table, "metadata", None) + for (ckey, tkey) in self.colkeys: + if tkey is None or metadata is None or tkey not in metadata: + cols.append(mapper.local_table.c[ckey]) + else: + cols.append(metadata.tables[tkey].c[ckey]) + return cols + + +def column_mapped_collection(mapping_spec): + """A dictionary-based collection type with column-based keying. + + Returns a :class:`.MappedCollection` factory with a keying function + generated from mapping_spec, which may be a Column or a sequence + of Columns. + + The key value must be immutable for the lifetime of the object. You + can not, for example, map on foreign key values if those key values will + change during the session, i.e. from None to a database-assigned integer + after a session flush. + + """ + cols = [ + expression._only_column_elements(q, "mapping_spec") + for q in util.to_list(mapping_spec) + ] + keyfunc = _PlainColumnGetter(cols) + return lambda: MappedCollection(keyfunc) + + +class _SerializableAttrGetter(object): + def __init__(self, name): + self.name = name + self.getter = operator.attrgetter(name) + + def __call__(self, target): + return self.getter(target) + + def __reduce__(self): + return _SerializableAttrGetter, (self.name,) + + +def attribute_mapped_collection(attr_name): + """A dictionary-based collection type with attribute-based keying. + + Returns a :class:`.MappedCollection` factory with a keying based on the + 'attr_name' attribute of entities in the collection, where ``attr_name`` + is the string name of the attribute. + + The key value must be immutable for the lifetime of the object. You + can not, for example, map on foreign key values if those key values will + change during the session, i.e. from None to a database-assigned integer + after a session flush. + + """ + getter = _SerializableAttrGetter(attr_name) + return lambda: MappedCollection(getter) + + +def mapped_collection(keyfunc): + """A dictionary-based collection type with arbitrary keying. + + Returns a :class:`.MappedCollection` factory with a keying function + generated from keyfunc, a callable that takes an entity and returns a + key value. + + The key value must be immutable for the lifetime of the object. You + can not, for example, map on foreign key values if those key values will + change during the session, i.e. from None to a database-assigned integer + after a session flush. + + """ + return lambda: MappedCollection(keyfunc) + + +class collection(object): + """Decorators for entity collection classes. + + The decorators fall into two groups: annotations and interception recipes. + + The annotating decorators (appender, remover, iterator, linker, converter, + internally_instrumented) indicate the method's purpose and take no + arguments. They are not written with parens:: + + @collection.appender + def append(self, append): ... + + The recipe decorators all require parens, even those that take no + arguments:: + + @collection.adds('entity') + def insert(self, position, entity): ... + + @collection.removes_return() + def popitem(self): ... + + """ + + # Bundled as a class solely for ease of use: packaging, doc strings, + # importability. + + @staticmethod + def appender(fn): + """Tag the method as the collection appender. + + The appender method is called with one positional argument: the value + to append. The method will be automatically decorated with 'adds(1)' + if not already decorated:: + + @collection.appender + def add(self, append): ... + + # or, equivalently + @collection.appender + @collection.adds(1) + def add(self, append): ... + + # for mapping type, an 'append' may kick out a previous value + # that occupies that slot. consider d['a'] = 'foo'- any previous + # value in d['a'] is discarded. + @collection.appender + @collection.replaces(1) + def add(self, entity): + key = some_key_func(entity) + previous = None + if key in self: + previous = self[key] + self[key] = entity + return previous + + If the value to append is not allowed in the collection, you may + raise an exception. Something to remember is that the appender + will be called for each object mapped by a database query. If the + database contains rows that violate your collection semantics, you + will need to get creative to fix the problem, as access via the + collection will not work. + + If the appender method is internally instrumented, you must also + receive the keyword argument '_sa_initiator' and ensure its + promulgation to collection events. + + """ + fn._sa_instrument_role = "appender" + return fn + + @staticmethod + def remover(fn): + """Tag the method as the collection remover. + + The remover method is called with one positional argument: the value + to remove. The method will be automatically decorated with + :meth:`removes_return` if not already decorated:: + + @collection.remover + def zap(self, entity): ... + + # or, equivalently + @collection.remover + @collection.removes_return() + def zap(self, ): ... + + If the value to remove is not present in the collection, you may + raise an exception or return None to ignore the error. + + If the remove method is internally instrumented, you must also + receive the keyword argument '_sa_initiator' and ensure its + promulgation to collection events. + + """ + fn._sa_instrument_role = "remover" + return fn + + @staticmethod + def iterator(fn): + """Tag the method as the collection remover. + + The iterator method is called with no arguments. It is expected to + return an iterator over all collection members:: + + @collection.iterator + def __iter__(self): ... + + """ + fn._sa_instrument_role = "iterator" + return fn + + @staticmethod + def internally_instrumented(fn): + """Tag the method as instrumented. + + This tag will prevent any decoration from being applied to the + method. Use this if you are orchestrating your own calls to + :func:`.collection_adapter` in one of the basic SQLAlchemy + interface methods, or to prevent an automatic ABC method + decoration from wrapping your implementation:: + + # normally an 'extend' method on a list-like class would be + # automatically intercepted and re-implemented in terms of + # SQLAlchemy events and append(). your implementation will + # never be called, unless: + @collection.internally_instrumented + def extend(self, items): ... + + """ + fn._sa_instrumented = True + return fn + + @staticmethod + def linker(fn): + """Tag the method as a "linked to attribute" event handler. + + This optional event handler will be called when the collection class + is linked to or unlinked from the InstrumentedAttribute. It is + invoked immediately after the '_sa_adapter' property is set on + the instance. A single argument is passed: the collection adapter + that has been linked, or None if unlinking. + + .. deprecated:: 1.0.0 - the :meth:`.collection.linker` handler + is superseded by the :meth:`.AttributeEvents.init_collection` + and :meth:`.AttributeEvents.dispose_collection` handlers. + + """ + fn._sa_instrument_role = "linker" + return fn + + link = linker + """deprecated; synonym for :meth:`.collection.linker`.""" + + @staticmethod + def converter(fn): + """Tag the method as the collection converter. + + This optional method will be called when a collection is being + replaced entirely, as in:: + + myobj.acollection = [newvalue1, newvalue2] + + The converter method will receive the object being assigned and should + return an iterable of values suitable for use by the ``appender`` + method. A converter must not assign values or mutate the collection, + its sole job is to adapt the value the user provides into an iterable + of values for the ORM's use. + + The default converter implementation will use duck-typing to do the + conversion. A dict-like collection will be convert into an iterable + of dictionary values, and other types will simply be iterated:: + + @collection.converter + def convert(self, other): ... + + If the duck-typing of the object does not match the type of this + collection, a TypeError is raised. + + Supply an implementation of this method if you want to expand the + range of possible types that can be assigned in bulk or perform + validation on the values about to be assigned. + + """ + fn._sa_instrument_role = "converter" + return fn + + @staticmethod + def adds(arg): + """Mark the method as adding an entity to the collection. + + Adds "add to collection" handling to the method. The decorator + argument indicates which method argument holds the SQLAlchemy-relevant + value. Arguments can be specified positionally (i.e. integer) or by + name:: + + @collection.adds(1) + def push(self, item): ... + + @collection.adds('entity') + def do_stuff(self, thing, entity=None): ... + + """ + + def decorator(fn): + fn._sa_instrument_before = ("fire_append_event", arg) + return fn + + return decorator + + @staticmethod + def replaces(arg): + """Mark the method as replacing an entity in the collection. + + Adds "add to collection" and "remove from collection" handling to + the method. The decorator argument indicates which method argument + holds the SQLAlchemy-relevant value to be added, and return value, if + any will be considered the value to remove. + + Arguments can be specified positionally (i.e. integer) or by name:: + + @collection.replaces(2) + def __setitem__(self, index, item): ... + + """ + + def decorator(fn): + fn._sa_instrument_before = ("fire_append_event", arg) + fn._sa_instrument_after = "fire_remove_event" + return fn + + return decorator + + @staticmethod + def removes(arg): + """Mark the method as removing an entity in the collection. + + Adds "remove from collection" handling to the method. The decorator + argument indicates which method argument holds the SQLAlchemy-relevant + value to be removed. Arguments can be specified positionally (i.e. + integer) or by name:: + + @collection.removes(1) + def zap(self, item): ... + + For methods where the value to remove is not known at call-time, use + collection.removes_return. + + """ + + def decorator(fn): + fn._sa_instrument_before = ("fire_remove_event", arg) + return fn + + return decorator + + @staticmethod + def removes_return(): + """Mark the method as removing an entity in the collection. + + Adds "remove from collection" handling to the method. The return + value of the method, if any, is considered the value to remove. The + method arguments are not inspected:: + + @collection.removes_return() + def pop(self): ... + + For methods where the value to remove is known at call-time, use + collection.remove. + + """ + + def decorator(fn): + fn._sa_instrument_after = "fire_remove_event" + return fn + + return decorator + + +collection_adapter = operator.attrgetter("_sa_adapter") +"""Fetch the :class:`.CollectionAdapter` for a collection.""" + + +class CollectionAdapter(object): + """Bridges between the ORM and arbitrary Python collections. + + Proxies base-level collection operations (append, remove, iterate) + to the underlying Python collection, and emits add/remove events for + entities entering or leaving the collection. + + The ORM uses :class:`.CollectionAdapter` exclusively for interaction with + entity collections. + + + """ + + __slots__ = ( + "attr", + "_key", + "_data", + "owner_state", + "_converter", + "invalidated", + ) + + def __init__(self, attr, owner_state, data): + self.attr = attr + self._key = attr.key + self._data = weakref.ref(data) + self.owner_state = owner_state + data._sa_adapter = self + self._converter = data._sa_converter + self.invalidated = False + + def _warn_invalidated(self): + util.warn("This collection has been invalidated.") + + @property + def data(self): + "The entity collection being adapted." + return self._data() + + @property + def _referenced_by_owner(self): + """return True if the owner state still refers to this collection. + + This will return False within a bulk replace operation, + where this collection is the one being replaced. + + """ + return self.owner_state.dict[self._key] is self._data() + + def bulk_appender(self): + return self._data()._sa_appender + + def append_with_event(self, item, initiator=None): + """Add an entity to the collection, firing mutation events.""" + + self._data()._sa_appender(item, _sa_initiator=initiator) + + def append_without_event(self, item): + """Add or restore an entity to the collection, firing no events.""" + self._data()._sa_appender(item, _sa_initiator=False) + + def append_multiple_without_event(self, items): + """Add or restore an entity to the collection, firing no events.""" + appender = self._data()._sa_appender + for item in items: + appender(item, _sa_initiator=False) + + def bulk_remover(self): + return self._data()._sa_remover + + def remove_with_event(self, item, initiator=None): + """Remove an entity from the collection, firing mutation events.""" + self._data()._sa_remover(item, _sa_initiator=initiator) + + def remove_without_event(self, item): + """Remove an entity from the collection, firing no events.""" + self._data()._sa_remover(item, _sa_initiator=False) + + def clear_with_event(self, initiator=None): + """Empty the collection, firing a mutation event for each entity.""" + + remover = self._data()._sa_remover + for item in list(self): + remover(item, _sa_initiator=initiator) + + def clear_without_event(self): + """Empty the collection, firing no events.""" + + remover = self._data()._sa_remover + for item in list(self): + remover(item, _sa_initiator=False) + + def __iter__(self): + """Iterate over entities in the collection.""" + + return iter(self._data()._sa_iterator()) + + def __len__(self): + """Count entities in the collection.""" + return len(list(self._data()._sa_iterator())) + + def __bool__(self): + return True + + __nonzero__ = __bool__ + + def fire_append_event(self, item, initiator=None): + """Notify that a entity has entered the collection. + + Initiator is a token owned by the InstrumentedAttribute that + initiated the membership mutation, and should be left as None + unless you are passing along an initiator value from a chained + operation. + + """ + if initiator is not False: + if self.invalidated: + self._warn_invalidated() + return self.attr.fire_append_event( + self.owner_state, self.owner_state.dict, item, initiator + ) + else: + return item + + def fire_remove_event(self, item, initiator=None): + """Notify that a entity has been removed from the collection. + + Initiator is the InstrumentedAttribute that initiated the membership + mutation, and should be left as None unless you are passing along + an initiator value from a chained operation. + + """ + if initiator is not False: + if self.invalidated: + self._warn_invalidated() + self.attr.fire_remove_event( + self.owner_state, self.owner_state.dict, item, initiator + ) + + def fire_pre_remove_event(self, initiator=None): + """Notify that an entity is about to be removed from the collection. + + Only called if the entity cannot be removed after calling + fire_remove_event(). + + """ + if self.invalidated: + self._warn_invalidated() + self.attr.fire_pre_remove_event( + self.owner_state, self.owner_state.dict, initiator=initiator + ) + + def __getstate__(self): + return { + "key": self._key, + "owner_state": self.owner_state, + "owner_cls": self.owner_state.class_, + "data": self.data, + "invalidated": self.invalidated, + } + + def __setstate__(self, d): + self._key = d["key"] + self.owner_state = d["owner_state"] + self._data = weakref.ref(d["data"]) + self._converter = d["data"]._sa_converter + d["data"]._sa_adapter = self + self.invalidated = d["invalidated"] + self.attr = getattr(d["owner_cls"], self._key).impl + + +def bulk_replace(values, existing_adapter, new_adapter, initiator=None): + """Load a new collection, firing events based on prior like membership. + + Appends instances in ``values`` onto the ``new_adapter``. Events will be + fired for any instance not present in the ``existing_adapter``. Any + instances in ``existing_adapter`` not present in ``values`` will have + remove events fired upon them. + + :param values: An iterable of collection member instances + + :param existing_adapter: A :class:`.CollectionAdapter` of + instances to be replaced + + :param new_adapter: An empty :class:`.CollectionAdapter` + to load with ``values`` + + + """ + + assert isinstance(values, list) + + idset = util.IdentitySet + existing_idset = idset(existing_adapter or ()) + constants = existing_idset.intersection(values or ()) + additions = idset(values or ()).difference(constants) + removals = existing_idset.difference(constants) + + appender = new_adapter.bulk_appender() + + for member in values or (): + if member in additions: + appender(member, _sa_initiator=initiator) + elif member in constants: + appender(member, _sa_initiator=False) + + if existing_adapter: + for member in removals: + existing_adapter.fire_remove_event(member, initiator=initiator) + + +def prepare_instrumentation(factory): + """Prepare a callable for future use as a collection class factory. + + Given a collection class factory (either a type or no-arg callable), + return another factory that will produce compatible instances when + called. + + This function is responsible for converting collection_class=list + into the run-time behavior of collection_class=InstrumentedList. + + """ + # Convert a builtin to 'Instrumented*' + if factory in __canned_instrumentation: + factory = __canned_instrumentation[factory] + + # Create a specimen + cls = type(factory()) + + # Did factory callable return a builtin? + if cls in __canned_instrumentation: + # Wrap it so that it returns our 'Instrumented*' + factory = __converting_factory(cls, factory) + cls = factory() + + # Instrument the class if needed. + if __instrumentation_mutex.acquire(): + try: + if getattr(cls, "_sa_instrumented", None) != id(cls): + _instrument_class(cls) + finally: + __instrumentation_mutex.release() + + return factory + + +def __converting_factory(specimen_cls, original_factory): + """Return a wrapper that converts a "canned" collection like + set, dict, list into the Instrumented* version. + + """ + + instrumented_cls = __canned_instrumentation[specimen_cls] + + def wrapper(): + collection = original_factory() + return instrumented_cls(collection) + + # often flawed but better than nothing + wrapper.__name__ = "%sWrapper" % original_factory.__name__ + wrapper.__doc__ = original_factory.__doc__ + + return wrapper + + +def _instrument_class(cls): + """Modify methods in a class and install instrumentation.""" + + # In the normal call flow, a request for any of the 3 basic collection + # types is transformed into one of our trivial subclasses + # (e.g. InstrumentedList). Catch anything else that sneaks in here... + if cls.__module__ == "__builtin__": + raise sa_exc.ArgumentError( + "Can not instrument a built-in type. Use a " + "subclass, even a trivial one." + ) + + roles, methods = _locate_roles_and_methods(cls) + + _setup_canned_roles(cls, roles, methods) + + _assert_required_roles(cls, roles, methods) + + _set_collection_attributes(cls, roles, methods) + + +def _locate_roles_and_methods(cls): + """search for _sa_instrument_role-decorated methods in + method resolution order, assign to roles. + + """ + + roles = {} + methods = {} + + for supercls in cls.__mro__: + for name, method in vars(supercls).items(): + if not util.callable(method): + continue + + # note role declarations + if hasattr(method, "_sa_instrument_role"): + role = method._sa_instrument_role + assert role in ( + "appender", + "remover", + "iterator", + "linker", + "converter", + ) + roles.setdefault(role, name) + + # transfer instrumentation requests from decorated function + # to the combined queue + before, after = None, None + if hasattr(method, "_sa_instrument_before"): + op, argument = method._sa_instrument_before + assert op in ("fire_append_event", "fire_remove_event") + before = op, argument + if hasattr(method, "_sa_instrument_after"): + op = method._sa_instrument_after + assert op in ("fire_append_event", "fire_remove_event") + after = op + if before: + methods[name] = before + (after,) + elif after: + methods[name] = None, None, after + return roles, methods + + +def _setup_canned_roles(cls, roles, methods): + """see if this class has "canned" roles based on a known + collection type (dict, set, list). Apply those roles + as needed to the "roles" dictionary, and also + prepare "decorator" methods + + """ + collection_type = util.duck_type_collection(cls) + if collection_type in __interfaces: + canned_roles, decorators = __interfaces[collection_type] + for role, name in canned_roles.items(): + roles.setdefault(role, name) + + # apply ABC auto-decoration to methods that need it + for method, decorator in decorators.items(): + fn = getattr(cls, method, None) + if ( + fn + and method not in methods + and not hasattr(fn, "_sa_instrumented") + ): + setattr(cls, method, decorator(fn)) + + +def _assert_required_roles(cls, roles, methods): + """ensure all roles are present, and apply implicit instrumentation if + needed + + """ + if "appender" not in roles or not hasattr(cls, roles["appender"]): + raise sa_exc.ArgumentError( + "Type %s must elect an appender method to be " + "a collection class" % cls.__name__ + ) + elif roles["appender"] not in methods and not hasattr( + getattr(cls, roles["appender"]), "_sa_instrumented" + ): + methods[roles["appender"]] = ("fire_append_event", 1, None) + + if "remover" not in roles or not hasattr(cls, roles["remover"]): + raise sa_exc.ArgumentError( + "Type %s must elect a remover method to be " + "a collection class" % cls.__name__ + ) + elif roles["remover"] not in methods and not hasattr( + getattr(cls, roles["remover"]), "_sa_instrumented" + ): + methods[roles["remover"]] = ("fire_remove_event", 1, None) + + if "iterator" not in roles or not hasattr(cls, roles["iterator"]): + raise sa_exc.ArgumentError( + "Type %s must elect an iterator method to be " + "a collection class" % cls.__name__ + ) + + +def _set_collection_attributes(cls, roles, methods): + """apply ad-hoc instrumentation from decorators, class-level defaults + and implicit role declarations + + """ + for method_name, (before, argument, after) in methods.items(): + setattr( + cls, + method_name, + _instrument_membership_mutator( + getattr(cls, method_name), before, argument, after + ), + ) + # intern the role map + for role, method_name in roles.items(): + setattr(cls, "_sa_%s" % role, getattr(cls, method_name)) + + cls._sa_adapter = None + + if not hasattr(cls, "_sa_converter"): + cls._sa_converter = None + cls._sa_instrumented = id(cls) + + +def _instrument_membership_mutator(method, before, argument, after): + """Route method args and/or return value through the collection + adapter.""" + # This isn't smart enough to handle @adds(1) for 'def fn(self, (a, b))' + if before: + fn_args = list(util.flatten_iterator(inspect_getargspec(method)[0])) + if isinstance(argument, int): + pos_arg = argument + named_arg = len(fn_args) > argument and fn_args[argument] or None + else: + if argument in fn_args: + pos_arg = fn_args.index(argument) + else: + pos_arg = None + named_arg = argument + del fn_args + + def wrapper(*args, **kw): + if before: + if pos_arg is None: + if named_arg not in kw: + raise sa_exc.ArgumentError( + "Missing argument %s" % argument + ) + value = kw[named_arg] + else: + if len(args) > pos_arg: + value = args[pos_arg] + elif named_arg in kw: + value = kw[named_arg] + else: + raise sa_exc.ArgumentError( + "Missing argument %s" % argument + ) + + initiator = kw.pop("_sa_initiator", None) + if initiator is False: + executor = None + else: + executor = args[0]._sa_adapter + + if before and executor: + getattr(executor, before)(value, initiator) + + if not after or not executor: + return method(*args, **kw) + else: + res = method(*args, **kw) + if res is not None: + getattr(executor, after)(res, initiator) + return res + + wrapper._sa_instrumented = True + if hasattr(method, "_sa_instrument_role"): + wrapper._sa_instrument_role = method._sa_instrument_role + wrapper.__name__ = method.__name__ + wrapper.__doc__ = method.__doc__ + return wrapper + + +def __set(collection, item, _sa_initiator=None): + """Run set events, may eventually be inlined into decorators.""" + + if _sa_initiator is not False: + executor = collection._sa_adapter + if executor: + item = executor.fire_append_event(item, _sa_initiator) + return item + + +def __del(collection, item, _sa_initiator=None): + """Run del events, may eventually be inlined into decorators.""" + if _sa_initiator is not False: + executor = collection._sa_adapter + if executor: + executor.fire_remove_event(item, _sa_initiator) + + +def __before_delete(collection, _sa_initiator=None): + """Special method to run 'commit existing value' methods""" + executor = collection._sa_adapter + if executor: + executor.fire_pre_remove_event(_sa_initiator) + + +def _list_decorators(): + """Tailored instrumentation wrappers for any list-like class.""" + + def _tidy(fn): + fn._sa_instrumented = True + fn.__doc__ = getattr(list, fn.__name__).__doc__ + + def append(fn): + def append(self, item, _sa_initiator=None): + item = __set(self, item, _sa_initiator) + fn(self, item) + + _tidy(append) + return append + + def remove(fn): + def remove(self, value, _sa_initiator=None): + __before_delete(self, _sa_initiator) + # testlib.pragma exempt:__eq__ + fn(self, value) + __del(self, value, _sa_initiator) + + _tidy(remove) + return remove + + def insert(fn): + def insert(self, index, value): + value = __set(self, value) + fn(self, index, value) + + _tidy(insert) + return insert + + def __setitem__(fn): + def __setitem__(self, index, value): + if not isinstance(index, slice): + existing = self[index] + if existing is not None: + __del(self, existing) + value = __set(self, value) + fn(self, index, value) + else: + # slice assignment requires __delitem__, insert, __len__ + step = index.step or 1 + start = index.start or 0 + if start < 0: + start += len(self) + if index.stop is not None: + stop = index.stop + else: + stop = len(self) + if stop < 0: + stop += len(self) + + if step == 1: + for i in range(start, stop, step): + if len(self) > start: + del self[start] + + for i, item in enumerate(value): + self.insert(i + start, item) + else: + rng = list(range(start, stop, step)) + if len(value) != len(rng): + raise ValueError( + "attempt to assign sequence of size %s to " + "extended slice of size %s" + % (len(value), len(rng)) + ) + for i, item in zip(rng, value): + self.__setitem__(i, item) + + _tidy(__setitem__) + return __setitem__ + + def __delitem__(fn): + def __delitem__(self, index): + if not isinstance(index, slice): + item = self[index] + __del(self, item) + fn(self, index) + else: + # slice deletion requires __getslice__ and a slice-groking + # __getitem__ for stepped deletion + # note: not breaking this into atomic dels + for item in self[index]: + __del(self, item) + fn(self, index) + + _tidy(__delitem__) + return __delitem__ + + if util.py2k: + + def __setslice__(fn): + def __setslice__(self, start, end, values): + for value in self[start:end]: + __del(self, value) + values = [__set(self, value) for value in values] + fn(self, start, end, values) + + _tidy(__setslice__) + return __setslice__ + + def __delslice__(fn): + def __delslice__(self, start, end): + for value in self[start:end]: + __del(self, value) + fn(self, start, end) + + _tidy(__delslice__) + return __delslice__ + + def extend(fn): + def extend(self, iterable): + for value in iterable: + self.append(value) + + _tidy(extend) + return extend + + def __iadd__(fn): + def __iadd__(self, iterable): + # list.__iadd__ takes any iterable and seems to let TypeError + # raise as-is instead of returning NotImplemented + for value in iterable: + self.append(value) + return self + + _tidy(__iadd__) + return __iadd__ + + def pop(fn): + def pop(self, index=-1): + __before_delete(self) + item = fn(self, index) + __del(self, item) + return item + + _tidy(pop) + return pop + + if not util.py2k: + + def clear(fn): + def clear(self, index=-1): + for item in self: + __del(self, item) + fn(self) + + _tidy(clear) + return clear + + # __imul__ : not wrapping this. all members of the collection are already + # present, so no need to fire appends... wrapping it with an explicit + # decorator is still possible, so events on *= can be had if they're + # desired. hard to imagine a use case for __imul__, though. + + l = locals().copy() + l.pop("_tidy") + return l + + +def _dict_decorators(): + """Tailored instrumentation wrappers for any dict-like mapping class.""" + + def _tidy(fn): + fn._sa_instrumented = True + fn.__doc__ = getattr(dict, fn.__name__).__doc__ + + Unspecified = util.symbol("Unspecified") + + def __setitem__(fn): + def __setitem__(self, key, value, _sa_initiator=None): + if key in self: + __del(self, self[key], _sa_initiator) + value = __set(self, value, _sa_initiator) + fn(self, key, value) + + _tidy(__setitem__) + return __setitem__ + + def __delitem__(fn): + def __delitem__(self, key, _sa_initiator=None): + if key in self: + __del(self, self[key], _sa_initiator) + fn(self, key) + + _tidy(__delitem__) + return __delitem__ + + def clear(fn): + def clear(self): + for key in self: + __del(self, self[key]) + fn(self) + + _tidy(clear) + return clear + + def pop(fn): + def pop(self, key, default=Unspecified): + if key in self: + __del(self, self[key]) + if default is Unspecified: + return fn(self, key) + else: + return fn(self, key, default) + + _tidy(pop) + return pop + + def popitem(fn): + def popitem(self): + __before_delete(self) + item = fn(self) + __del(self, item[1]) + return item + + _tidy(popitem) + return popitem + + def setdefault(fn): + def setdefault(self, key, default=None): + if key not in self: + self.__setitem__(key, default) + return default + else: + return self.__getitem__(key) + + _tidy(setdefault) + return setdefault + + def update(fn): + def update(self, __other=Unspecified, **kw): + if __other is not Unspecified: + if hasattr(__other, "keys"): + for key in list(__other): + if key not in self or self[key] is not __other[key]: + self[key] = __other[key] + else: + for key, value in __other: + if key not in self or self[key] is not value: + self[key] = value + for key in kw: + if key not in self or self[key] is not kw[key]: + self[key] = kw[key] + + _tidy(update) + return update + + l = locals().copy() + l.pop("_tidy") + l.pop("Unspecified") + return l + + +_set_binop_bases = (set, frozenset) + + +def _set_binops_check_strict(self, obj): + """Allow only set, frozenset and self.__class__-derived + objects in binops.""" + return isinstance(obj, _set_binop_bases + (self.__class__,)) + + +def _set_binops_check_loose(self, obj): + """Allow anything set-like to participate in set binops.""" + return ( + isinstance(obj, _set_binop_bases + (self.__class__,)) + or util.duck_type_collection(obj) == set + ) + + +def _set_decorators(): + """Tailored instrumentation wrappers for any set-like class.""" + + def _tidy(fn): + fn._sa_instrumented = True + fn.__doc__ = getattr(set, fn.__name__).__doc__ + + Unspecified = util.symbol("Unspecified") + + def add(fn): + def add(self, value, _sa_initiator=None): + if value not in self: + value = __set(self, value, _sa_initiator) + # testlib.pragma exempt:__hash__ + fn(self, value) + + _tidy(add) + return add + + def discard(fn): + def discard(self, value, _sa_initiator=None): + # testlib.pragma exempt:__hash__ + if value in self: + __del(self, value, _sa_initiator) + # testlib.pragma exempt:__hash__ + fn(self, value) + + _tidy(discard) + return discard + + def remove(fn): + def remove(self, value, _sa_initiator=None): + # testlib.pragma exempt:__hash__ + if value in self: + __del(self, value, _sa_initiator) + # testlib.pragma exempt:__hash__ + fn(self, value) + + _tidy(remove) + return remove + + def pop(fn): + def pop(self): + __before_delete(self) + item = fn(self) + __del(self, item) + return item + + _tidy(pop) + return pop + + def clear(fn): + def clear(self): + for item in list(self): + self.remove(item) + + _tidy(clear) + return clear + + def update(fn): + def update(self, value): + for item in value: + self.add(item) + + _tidy(update) + return update + + def __ior__(fn): + def __ior__(self, value): + if not _set_binops_check_strict(self, value): + return NotImplemented + for item in value: + self.add(item) + return self + + _tidy(__ior__) + return __ior__ + + def difference_update(fn): + def difference_update(self, value): + for item in value: + self.discard(item) + + _tidy(difference_update) + return difference_update + + def __isub__(fn): + def __isub__(self, value): + if not _set_binops_check_strict(self, value): + return NotImplemented + for item in value: + self.discard(item) + return self + + _tidy(__isub__) + return __isub__ + + def intersection_update(fn): + def intersection_update(self, other): + want, have = self.intersection(other), set(self) + remove, add = have - want, want - have + + for item in remove: + self.remove(item) + for item in add: + self.add(item) + + _tidy(intersection_update) + return intersection_update + + def __iand__(fn): + def __iand__(self, other): + if not _set_binops_check_strict(self, other): + return NotImplemented + want, have = self.intersection(other), set(self) + remove, add = have - want, want - have + + for item in remove: + self.remove(item) + for item in add: + self.add(item) + return self + + _tidy(__iand__) + return __iand__ + + def symmetric_difference_update(fn): + def symmetric_difference_update(self, other): + want, have = self.symmetric_difference(other), set(self) + remove, add = have - want, want - have + + for item in remove: + self.remove(item) + for item in add: + self.add(item) + + _tidy(symmetric_difference_update) + return symmetric_difference_update + + def __ixor__(fn): + def __ixor__(self, other): + if not _set_binops_check_strict(self, other): + return NotImplemented + want, have = self.symmetric_difference(other), set(self) + remove, add = have - want, want - have + + for item in remove: + self.remove(item) + for item in add: + self.add(item) + return self + + _tidy(__ixor__) + return __ixor__ + + l = locals().copy() + l.pop("_tidy") + l.pop("Unspecified") + return l + + +class InstrumentedList(list): + """An instrumented version of the built-in list.""" + + +class InstrumentedSet(set): + """An instrumented version of the built-in set.""" + + +class InstrumentedDict(dict): + """An instrumented version of the built-in dict.""" + + +__canned_instrumentation = { + list: InstrumentedList, + set: InstrumentedSet, + dict: InstrumentedDict, +} + +__interfaces = { + list: ( + {"appender": "append", "remover": "remove", "iterator": "__iter__"}, + _list_decorators(), + ), + set: ( + {"appender": "add", "remover": "remove", "iterator": "__iter__"}, + _set_decorators(), + ), + # decorators are required for dicts and object collections. + dict: ({"iterator": "values"}, _dict_decorators()) + if util.py3k + else ({"iterator": "itervalues"}, _dict_decorators()), +} + + +class MappedCollection(dict): + """A basic dictionary-based collection class. + + Extends dict with the minimal bag semantics that collection + classes require. ``set`` and ``remove`` are implemented in terms + of a keying function: any callable that takes an object and + returns an object for use as a dictionary key. + + """ + + def __init__(self, keyfunc): + """Create a new collection with keying provided by keyfunc. + + keyfunc may be any callable that takes an object and returns an object + for use as a dictionary key. + + The keyfunc will be called every time the ORM needs to add a member by + value-only (such as when loading instances from the database) or + remove a member. The usual cautions about dictionary keying apply- + ``keyfunc(object)`` should return the same output for the life of the + collection. Keying based on mutable properties can result in + unreachable instances "lost" in the collection. + + """ + self.keyfunc = keyfunc + + @collection.appender + @collection.internally_instrumented + def set(self, value, _sa_initiator=None): + """Add an item by value, consulting the keyfunc for the key.""" + + key = self.keyfunc(value) + self.__setitem__(key, value, _sa_initiator) + + @collection.remover + @collection.internally_instrumented + def remove(self, value, _sa_initiator=None): + """Remove an item by value, consulting the keyfunc for the key.""" + + key = self.keyfunc(value) + # Let self[key] raise if key is not in this collection + # testlib.pragma exempt:__ne__ + if self[key] != value: + raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError( + "Can not remove '%s': collection holds '%s' for key '%s'. " + "Possible cause: is the MappedCollection key function " + "based on mutable properties or properties that only obtain " + "values after flush?" % (value, self[key], key) + ) + self.__delitem__(key, _sa_initiator) + + @collection.converter + def _convert(self, dictlike): + """Validate and convert a dict-like object into values for set()ing. + + This is called behind the scenes when a MappedCollection is replaced + entirely by another collection, as in:: + + myobj.mappedcollection = {'a':obj1, 'b': obj2} # ... + + Raises a TypeError if the key in any (key, value) pair in the dictlike + object does not match the key that this collection's keyfunc would + have assigned for that value. + + """ + for incoming_key, value in util.dictlike_iteritems(dictlike): + new_key = self.keyfunc(value) + if incoming_key != new_key: + raise TypeError( + "Found incompatible key %r for value %r; this " + "collection's " + "keying function requires a key of %r for this value." + % (incoming_key, value, new_key) + ) + yield value + + +# ensure instrumentation is associated with +# these built-in classes; if a user-defined class +# subclasses these and uses @internally_instrumented, +# the superclass is otherwise not instrumented. +# see [ticket:2406]. +_instrument_class(MappedCollection) +_instrument_class(InstrumentedList) +_instrument_class(InstrumentedSet) diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/dependency.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/dependency.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d9a5f4b --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/dependency.py @@ -0,0 +1,1260 @@ +# orm/dependency.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +"""Relationship dependencies. + +""" + +from . import attributes +from . import exc +from . import sync +from . import unitofwork +from . import util as mapperutil +from .interfaces import MANYTOMANY +from .interfaces import MANYTOONE +from .interfaces import ONETOMANY +from .. import exc as sa_exc +from .. import sql +from .. import util + + +class DependencyProcessor(object): + def __init__(self, prop): + self.prop = prop + self.cascade = prop.cascade + self.mapper = prop.mapper + self.parent = prop.parent + self.secondary = prop.secondary + self.direction = prop.direction + self.post_update = prop.post_update + self.passive_deletes = prop.passive_deletes + self.passive_updates = prop.passive_updates + self.enable_typechecks = prop.enable_typechecks + if self.passive_deletes: + self._passive_delete_flag = attributes.PASSIVE_NO_INITIALIZE + else: + self._passive_delete_flag = attributes.PASSIVE_OFF + if self.passive_updates: + self._passive_update_flag = attributes.PASSIVE_NO_INITIALIZE + else: + self._passive_update_flag = attributes.PASSIVE_OFF + + self.key = prop.key + if not self.prop.synchronize_pairs: + raise sa_exc.ArgumentError( + "Can't build a DependencyProcessor for relationship %s. " + "No target attributes to populate between parent and " + "child are present" % self.prop + ) + + @classmethod + def from_relationship(cls, prop): + return _direction_to_processor[prop.direction](prop) + + def hasparent(self, state): + """return True if the given object instance has a parent, + according to the ``InstrumentedAttribute`` handled by this + ``DependencyProcessor``. + + """ + return self.parent.class_manager.get_impl(self.key).hasparent(state) + + def per_property_preprocessors(self, uow): + """establish actions and dependencies related to a flush. + + These actions will operate on all relevant states in + the aggregate. + + """ + uow.register_preprocessor(self, True) + + def per_property_flush_actions(self, uow): + after_save = unitofwork.ProcessAll(uow, self, False, True) + before_delete = unitofwork.ProcessAll(uow, self, True, True) + + parent_saves = unitofwork.SaveUpdateAll( + uow, self.parent.primary_base_mapper + ) + child_saves = unitofwork.SaveUpdateAll( + uow, self.mapper.primary_base_mapper + ) + + parent_deletes = unitofwork.DeleteAll( + uow, self.parent.primary_base_mapper + ) + child_deletes = unitofwork.DeleteAll( + uow, self.mapper.primary_base_mapper + ) + + self.per_property_dependencies( + uow, + parent_saves, + child_saves, + parent_deletes, + child_deletes, + after_save, + before_delete, + ) + + def per_state_flush_actions(self, uow, states, isdelete): + """establish actions and dependencies related to a flush. + + These actions will operate on all relevant states + individually. This occurs only if there are cycles + in the 'aggregated' version of events. + + """ + + child_base_mapper = self.mapper.primary_base_mapper + child_saves = unitofwork.SaveUpdateAll(uow, child_base_mapper) + child_deletes = unitofwork.DeleteAll(uow, child_base_mapper) + + # locate and disable the aggregate processors + # for this dependency + + if isdelete: + before_delete = unitofwork.ProcessAll(uow, self, True, True) + before_delete.disabled = True + else: + after_save = unitofwork.ProcessAll(uow, self, False, True) + after_save.disabled = True + + # check if the "child" side is part of the cycle + + if child_saves not in uow.cycles: + # based on the current dependencies we use, the saves/ + # deletes should always be in the 'cycles' collection + # together. if this changes, we will have to break up + # this method a bit more. + assert child_deletes not in uow.cycles + + # child side is not part of the cycle, so we will link per-state + # actions to the aggregate "saves", "deletes" actions + child_actions = [(child_saves, False), (child_deletes, True)] + child_in_cycles = False + else: + child_in_cycles = True + + # check if the "parent" side is part of the cycle + if not isdelete: + parent_saves = unitofwork.SaveUpdateAll( + uow, self.parent.base_mapper + ) + parent_deletes = before_delete = None + if parent_saves in uow.cycles: + parent_in_cycles = True + else: + parent_deletes = unitofwork.DeleteAll(uow, self.parent.base_mapper) + parent_saves = after_save = None + if parent_deletes in uow.cycles: + parent_in_cycles = True + + # now create actions /dependencies for each state. + + for state in states: + # detect if there's anything changed or loaded + # by a preprocessor on this state/attribute. In the + # case of deletes we may try to load missing items here as well. + sum_ = state.manager[self.key].impl.get_all_pending( + state, + state.dict, + self._passive_delete_flag + if isdelete + else attributes.PASSIVE_NO_INITIALIZE, + ) + + if not sum_: + continue + + if isdelete: + before_delete = unitofwork.ProcessState(uow, self, True, state) + if parent_in_cycles: + parent_deletes = unitofwork.DeleteState(uow, state) + else: + after_save = unitofwork.ProcessState(uow, self, False, state) + if parent_in_cycles: + parent_saves = unitofwork.SaveUpdateState(uow, state) + + if child_in_cycles: + child_actions = [] + for child_state, child in sum_: + if child_state not in uow.states: + child_action = (None, None) + else: + (deleted, listonly) = uow.states[child_state] + if deleted: + child_action = ( + unitofwork.DeleteState(uow, child_state), + True, + ) + else: + child_action = ( + unitofwork.SaveUpdateState(uow, child_state), + False, + ) + child_actions.append(child_action) + + # establish dependencies between our possibly per-state + # parent action and our possibly per-state child action. + for child_action, childisdelete in child_actions: + self.per_state_dependencies( + uow, + parent_saves, + parent_deletes, + child_action, + after_save, + before_delete, + isdelete, + childisdelete, + ) + + def presort_deletes(self, uowcommit, states): + return False + + def presort_saves(self, uowcommit, states): + return False + + def process_deletes(self, uowcommit, states): + pass + + def process_saves(self, uowcommit, states): + pass + + def prop_has_changes(self, uowcommit, states, isdelete): + if not isdelete or self.passive_deletes: + passive = attributes.PASSIVE_NO_INITIALIZE + elif self.direction is MANYTOONE: + passive = attributes.PASSIVE_NO_FETCH_RELATED + else: + passive = attributes.PASSIVE_OFF + + for s in states: + # TODO: add a high speed method + # to InstanceState which returns: attribute + # has a non-None value, or had one + history = uowcommit.get_attribute_history(s, self.key, passive) + if history and not history.empty(): + return True + else: + return ( + states + and not self.prop._is_self_referential + and self.mapper in uowcommit.mappers + ) + + def _verify_canload(self, state): + if self.prop.uselist and state is None: + raise exc.FlushError( + "Can't flush None value found in " + "collection %s" % (self.prop,) + ) + elif state is not None and not self.mapper._canload( + state, allow_subtypes=not self.enable_typechecks + ): + if self.mapper._canload(state, allow_subtypes=True): + raise exc.FlushError( + "Attempting to flush an item of type " + "%(x)s as a member of collection " + '"%(y)s". Expected an object of type ' + "%(z)s or a polymorphic subclass of " + "this type. If %(x)s is a subclass of " + '%(z)s, configure mapper "%(zm)s" to ' + "load this subtype polymorphically, or " + "set enable_typechecks=False to allow " + "any subtype to be accepted for flush. " + % { + "x": state.class_, + "y": self.prop, + "z": self.mapper.class_, + "zm": self.mapper, + } + ) + else: + raise exc.FlushError( + "Attempting to flush an item of type " + "%(x)s as a member of collection " + '"%(y)s". Expected an object of type ' + "%(z)s or a polymorphic subclass of " + "this type." + % { + "x": state.class_, + "y": self.prop, + "z": self.mapper.class_, + } + ) + + def _synchronize(self, state, child, associationrow, clearkeys, uowcommit): + raise NotImplementedError() + + def _get_reversed_processed_set(self, uow): + if not self.prop._reverse_property: + return None + + process_key = tuple( + sorted([self.key] + [p.key for p in self.prop._reverse_property]) + ) + return uow.memo(("reverse_key", process_key), set) + + def _post_update(self, state, uowcommit, related, is_m2o_delete=False): + for x in related: + if not is_m2o_delete or x is not None: + uowcommit.register_post_update( + state, [r for l, r in self.prop.synchronize_pairs] + ) + break + + def _pks_changed(self, uowcommit, state): + raise NotImplementedError() + + def __repr__(self): + return "%s(%s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.prop) + + +class OneToManyDP(DependencyProcessor): + def per_property_dependencies( + self, + uow, + parent_saves, + child_saves, + parent_deletes, + child_deletes, + after_save, + before_delete, + ): + if self.post_update: + child_post_updates = unitofwork.PostUpdateAll( + uow, self.mapper.primary_base_mapper, False + ) + child_pre_updates = unitofwork.PostUpdateAll( + uow, self.mapper.primary_base_mapper, True + ) + + uow.dependencies.update( + [ + (child_saves, after_save), + (parent_saves, after_save), + (after_save, child_post_updates), + (before_delete, child_pre_updates), + (child_pre_updates, parent_deletes), + (child_pre_updates, child_deletes), + ] + ) + else: + uow.dependencies.update( + [ + (parent_saves, after_save), + (after_save, child_saves), + (after_save, child_deletes), + (child_saves, parent_deletes), + (child_deletes, parent_deletes), + (before_delete, child_saves), + (before_delete, child_deletes), + ] + ) + + def per_state_dependencies( + self, + uow, + save_parent, + delete_parent, + child_action, + after_save, + before_delete, + isdelete, + childisdelete, + ): + + if self.post_update: + + child_post_updates = unitofwork.PostUpdateAll( + uow, self.mapper.primary_base_mapper, False + ) + child_pre_updates = unitofwork.PostUpdateAll( + uow, self.mapper.primary_base_mapper, True + ) + + # TODO: this whole block is not covered + # by any tests + if not isdelete: + if childisdelete: + uow.dependencies.update( + [ + (child_action, after_save), + (after_save, child_post_updates), + ] + ) + else: + uow.dependencies.update( + [ + (save_parent, after_save), + (child_action, after_save), + (after_save, child_post_updates), + ] + ) + else: + if childisdelete: + uow.dependencies.update( + [ + (before_delete, child_pre_updates), + (child_pre_updates, delete_parent), + ] + ) + else: + uow.dependencies.update( + [ + (before_delete, child_pre_updates), + (child_pre_updates, delete_parent), + ] + ) + elif not isdelete: + uow.dependencies.update( + [ + (save_parent, after_save), + (after_save, child_action), + (save_parent, child_action), + ] + ) + else: + uow.dependencies.update( + [(before_delete, child_action), (child_action, delete_parent)] + ) + + def presort_deletes(self, uowcommit, states): + # head object is being deleted, and we manage its list of + # child objects the child objects have to have their + # foreign key to the parent set to NULL + should_null_fks = ( + not self.cascade.delete and not self.passive_deletes == "all" + ) + + for state in states: + history = uowcommit.get_attribute_history( + state, self.key, self._passive_delete_flag + ) + if history: + for child in history.deleted: + if child is not None and self.hasparent(child) is False: + if self.cascade.delete_orphan: + uowcommit.register_object(child, isdelete=True) + else: + uowcommit.register_object(child) + + if should_null_fks: + for child in history.unchanged: + if child is not None: + uowcommit.register_object( + child, operation="delete", prop=self.prop + ) + + def presort_saves(self, uowcommit, states): + children_added = uowcommit.memo(("children_added", self), set) + + for state in states: + pks_changed = self._pks_changed(uowcommit, state) + + if not pks_changed or self.passive_updates: + passive = attributes.PASSIVE_NO_INITIALIZE + else: + passive = attributes.PASSIVE_OFF + + history = uowcommit.get_attribute_history(state, self.key, passive) + if history: + for child in history.added: + if child is not None: + uowcommit.register_object( + child, + cancel_delete=True, + operation="add", + prop=self.prop, + ) + + children_added.update(history.added) + + for child in history.deleted: + if not self.cascade.delete_orphan: + uowcommit.register_object( + child, + isdelete=False, + operation="delete", + prop=self.prop, + ) + elif self.hasparent(child) is False: + uowcommit.register_object( + child, + isdelete=True, + operation="delete", + prop=self.prop, + ) + for c, m, st_, dct_ in self.mapper.cascade_iterator( + "delete", child + ): + uowcommit.register_object(st_, isdelete=True) + + if pks_changed: + if history: + for child in history.unchanged: + if child is not None: + uowcommit.register_object( + child, + False, + self.passive_updates, + operation="pk change", + prop=self.prop, + ) + + def process_deletes(self, uowcommit, states): + # head object is being deleted, and we manage its list of + # child objects the child objects have to have their foreign + # key to the parent set to NULL this phase can be called + # safely for any cascade but is unnecessary if delete cascade + # is on. + + if self.post_update or not self.passive_deletes == "all": + children_added = uowcommit.memo(("children_added", self), set) + + for state in states: + history = uowcommit.get_attribute_history( + state, self.key, self._passive_delete_flag + ) + if history: + for child in history.deleted: + if ( + child is not None + and self.hasparent(child) is False + ): + self._synchronize( + state, child, None, True, uowcommit, False + ) + if self.post_update and child: + self._post_update(child, uowcommit, [state]) + + if self.post_update or not self.cascade.delete: + for child in set(history.unchanged).difference( + children_added + ): + if child is not None: + self._synchronize( + state, child, None, True, uowcommit, False + ) + if self.post_update and child: + self._post_update( + child, uowcommit, [state] + ) + + # technically, we can even remove each child from the + # collection here too. but this would be a somewhat + # inconsistent behavior since it wouldn't happen + # if the old parent wasn't deleted but child was moved. + + def process_saves(self, uowcommit, states): + for state in states: + history = uowcommit.get_attribute_history( + state, self.key, attributes.PASSIVE_NO_INITIALIZE + ) + if history: + for child in history.added: + self._synchronize( + state, child, None, False, uowcommit, False + ) + if child is not None and self.post_update: + self._post_update(child, uowcommit, [state]) + + for child in history.deleted: + if not self.cascade.delete_orphan and not self.hasparent( + child + ): + self._synchronize( + state, child, None, True, uowcommit, False + ) + + if self._pks_changed(uowcommit, state): + for child in history.unchanged: + self._synchronize( + state, child, None, False, uowcommit, True + ) + + def _synchronize( + self, state, child, associationrow, clearkeys, uowcommit, pks_changed + ): + source = state + dest = child + self._verify_canload(child) + if dest is None or ( + not self.post_update and uowcommit.is_deleted(dest) + ): + return + if clearkeys: + sync.clear(dest, self.mapper, self.prop.synchronize_pairs) + else: + sync.populate( + source, + self.parent, + dest, + self.mapper, + self.prop.synchronize_pairs, + uowcommit, + self.passive_updates and pks_changed, + ) + + def _pks_changed(self, uowcommit, state): + return sync.source_modified( + uowcommit, state, self.parent, self.prop.synchronize_pairs + ) + + +class ManyToOneDP(DependencyProcessor): + def __init__(self, prop): + DependencyProcessor.__init__(self, prop) + self.mapper._dependency_processors.append(DetectKeySwitch(prop)) + + def per_property_dependencies( + self, + uow, + parent_saves, + child_saves, + parent_deletes, + child_deletes, + after_save, + before_delete, + ): + + if self.post_update: + parent_post_updates = unitofwork.PostUpdateAll( + uow, self.parent.primary_base_mapper, False + ) + parent_pre_updates = unitofwork.PostUpdateAll( + uow, self.parent.primary_base_mapper, True + ) + + uow.dependencies.update( + [ + (child_saves, after_save), + (parent_saves, after_save), + (after_save, parent_post_updates), + (after_save, parent_pre_updates), + (before_delete, parent_pre_updates), + (parent_pre_updates, child_deletes), + (parent_pre_updates, parent_deletes), + ] + ) + else: + uow.dependencies.update( + [ + (child_saves, after_save), + (after_save, parent_saves), + (parent_saves, child_deletes), + (parent_deletes, child_deletes), + ] + ) + + def per_state_dependencies( + self, + uow, + save_parent, + delete_parent, + child_action, + after_save, + before_delete, + isdelete, + childisdelete, + ): + + if self.post_update: + + if not isdelete: + parent_post_updates = unitofwork.PostUpdateAll( + uow, self.parent.primary_base_mapper, False + ) + if childisdelete: + uow.dependencies.update( + [ + (after_save, parent_post_updates), + (parent_post_updates, child_action), + ] + ) + else: + uow.dependencies.update( + [ + (save_parent, after_save), + (child_action, after_save), + (after_save, parent_post_updates), + ] + ) + else: + parent_pre_updates = unitofwork.PostUpdateAll( + uow, self.parent.primary_base_mapper, True + ) + + uow.dependencies.update( + [ + (before_delete, parent_pre_updates), + (parent_pre_updates, delete_parent), + (parent_pre_updates, child_action), + ] + ) + + elif not isdelete: + if not childisdelete: + uow.dependencies.update( + [(child_action, after_save), (after_save, save_parent)] + ) + else: + uow.dependencies.update([(after_save, save_parent)]) + + else: + if childisdelete: + uow.dependencies.update([(delete_parent, child_action)]) + + def presort_deletes(self, uowcommit, states): + if self.cascade.delete or self.cascade.delete_orphan: + for state in states: + history = uowcommit.get_attribute_history( + state, self.key, self._passive_delete_flag + ) + if history: + if self.cascade.delete_orphan: + todelete = history.sum() + else: + todelete = history.non_deleted() + for child in todelete: + if child is None: + continue + uowcommit.register_object( + child, + isdelete=True, + operation="delete", + prop=self.prop, + ) + t = self.mapper.cascade_iterator("delete", child) + for c, m, st_, dct_ in t: + uowcommit.register_object(st_, isdelete=True) + + def presort_saves(self, uowcommit, states): + for state in states: + uowcommit.register_object(state, operation="add", prop=self.prop) + if self.cascade.delete_orphan: + history = uowcommit.get_attribute_history( + state, self.key, self._passive_delete_flag + ) + if history: + for child in history.deleted: + if self.hasparent(child) is False: + uowcommit.register_object( + child, + isdelete=True, + operation="delete", + prop=self.prop, + ) + + t = self.mapper.cascade_iterator("delete", child) + for c, m, st_, dct_ in t: + uowcommit.register_object(st_, isdelete=True) + + def process_deletes(self, uowcommit, states): + if ( + self.post_update + and not self.cascade.delete_orphan + and not self.passive_deletes == "all" + ): + + # post_update means we have to update our + # row to not reference the child object + # before we can DELETE the row + for state in states: + self._synchronize(state, None, None, True, uowcommit) + if state and self.post_update: + history = uowcommit.get_attribute_history( + state, self.key, self._passive_delete_flag + ) + if history: + self._post_update( + state, uowcommit, history.sum(), is_m2o_delete=True + ) + + def process_saves(self, uowcommit, states): + for state in states: + history = uowcommit.get_attribute_history( + state, self.key, attributes.PASSIVE_NO_INITIALIZE + ) + if history: + if history.added: + for child in history.added: + self._synchronize( + state, child, None, False, uowcommit, "add" + ) + if self.post_update: + self._post_update(state, uowcommit, history.sum()) + + def _synchronize( + self, + state, + child, + associationrow, + clearkeys, + uowcommit, + operation=None, + ): + if state is None or ( + not self.post_update and uowcommit.is_deleted(state) + ): + return + + if ( + operation is not None + and child is not None + and not uowcommit.session._contains_state(child) + ): + util.warn( + "Object of type %s not in session, %s " + "operation along '%s' won't proceed" + % (mapperutil.state_class_str(child), operation, self.prop) + ) + return + + if clearkeys or child is None: + sync.clear(state, self.parent, self.prop.synchronize_pairs) + else: + self._verify_canload(child) + sync.populate( + child, + self.mapper, + state, + self.parent, + self.prop.synchronize_pairs, + uowcommit, + False, + ) + + +class DetectKeySwitch(DependencyProcessor): + """For many-to-one relationships with no one-to-many backref, + searches for parents through the unit of work when a primary + key has changed and updates them. + + Theoretically, this approach could be expanded to support transparent + deletion of objects referenced via many-to-one as well, although + the current attribute system doesn't do enough bookkeeping for this + to be efficient. + + """ + + def per_property_preprocessors(self, uow): + if self.prop._reverse_property: + if self.passive_updates: + return + else: + if False in ( + prop.passive_updates + for prop in self.prop._reverse_property + ): + return + + uow.register_preprocessor(self, False) + + def per_property_flush_actions(self, uow): + parent_saves = unitofwork.SaveUpdateAll(uow, self.parent.base_mapper) + after_save = unitofwork.ProcessAll(uow, self, False, False) + uow.dependencies.update([(parent_saves, after_save)]) + + def per_state_flush_actions(self, uow, states, isdelete): + pass + + def presort_deletes(self, uowcommit, states): + pass + + def presort_saves(self, uow, states): + if not self.passive_updates: + # for non-passive updates, register in the preprocess stage + # so that mapper save_obj() gets a hold of changes + self._process_key_switches(states, uow) + + def prop_has_changes(self, uow, states, isdelete): + if not isdelete and self.passive_updates: + d = self._key_switchers(uow, states) + return bool(d) + + return False + + def process_deletes(self, uowcommit, states): + assert False + + def process_saves(self, uowcommit, states): + # for passive updates, register objects in the process stage + # so that we avoid ManyToOneDP's registering the object without + # the listonly flag in its own preprocess stage (results in UPDATE) + # statements being emitted + assert self.passive_updates + self._process_key_switches(states, uowcommit) + + def _key_switchers(self, uow, states): + switched, notswitched = uow.memo( + ("pk_switchers", self), lambda: (set(), set()) + ) + + allstates = switched.union(notswitched) + for s in states: + if s not in allstates: + if self._pks_changed(uow, s): + switched.add(s) + else: + notswitched.add(s) + return switched + + def _process_key_switches(self, deplist, uowcommit): + switchers = self._key_switchers(uowcommit, deplist) + if switchers: + # if primary key values have actually changed somewhere, perform + # a linear search through the UOW in search of a parent. + for state in uowcommit.session.identity_map.all_states(): + if not issubclass(state.class_, self.parent.class_): + continue + dict_ = state.dict + related = state.get_impl(self.key).get( + state, dict_, passive=self._passive_update_flag + ) + if ( + related is not attributes.PASSIVE_NO_RESULT + and related is not None + ): + related_state = attributes.instance_state(dict_[self.key]) + if related_state in switchers: + uowcommit.register_object( + state, False, self.passive_updates + ) + sync.populate( + related_state, + self.mapper, + state, + self.parent, + self.prop.synchronize_pairs, + uowcommit, + self.passive_updates, + ) + + def _pks_changed(self, uowcommit, state): + return bool(state.key) and sync.source_modified( + uowcommit, state, self.mapper, self.prop.synchronize_pairs + ) + + +class ManyToManyDP(DependencyProcessor): + def per_property_dependencies( + self, + uow, + parent_saves, + child_saves, + parent_deletes, + child_deletes, + after_save, + before_delete, + ): + + uow.dependencies.update( + [ + (parent_saves, after_save), + (child_saves, after_save), + (after_save, child_deletes), + # a rowswitch on the parent from deleted to saved + # can make this one occur, as the "save" may remove + # an element from the + # "deleted" list before we have a chance to + # process its child rows + (before_delete, parent_saves), + (before_delete, parent_deletes), + (before_delete, child_deletes), + (before_delete, child_saves), + ] + ) + + def per_state_dependencies( + self, + uow, + save_parent, + delete_parent, + child_action, + after_save, + before_delete, + isdelete, + childisdelete, + ): + if not isdelete: + if childisdelete: + uow.dependencies.update( + [(save_parent, after_save), (after_save, child_action)] + ) + else: + uow.dependencies.update( + [(save_parent, after_save), (child_action, after_save)] + ) + else: + uow.dependencies.update( + [(before_delete, child_action), (before_delete, delete_parent)] + ) + + def presort_deletes(self, uowcommit, states): + # TODO: no tests fail if this whole + # thing is removed !!!! + if not self.passive_deletes: + # if no passive deletes, load history on + # the collection, so that prop_has_changes() + # returns True + for state in states: + uowcommit.get_attribute_history( + state, self.key, self._passive_delete_flag + ) + + def presort_saves(self, uowcommit, states): + if not self.passive_updates: + # if no passive updates, load history on + # each collection where parent has changed PK, + # so that prop_has_changes() returns True + for state in states: + if self._pks_changed(uowcommit, state): + history = uowcommit.get_attribute_history( + state, self.key, attributes.PASSIVE_OFF + ) + + if not self.cascade.delete_orphan: + return + + # check for child items removed from the collection + # if delete_orphan check is turned on. + for state in states: + history = uowcommit.get_attribute_history( + state, self.key, attributes.PASSIVE_NO_INITIALIZE + ) + if history: + for child in history.deleted: + if self.hasparent(child) is False: + uowcommit.register_object( + child, + isdelete=True, + operation="delete", + prop=self.prop, + ) + for c, m, st_, dct_ in self.mapper.cascade_iterator( + "delete", child + ): + uowcommit.register_object(st_, isdelete=True) + + def process_deletes(self, uowcommit, states): + secondary_delete = [] + secondary_insert = [] + secondary_update = [] + + processed = self._get_reversed_processed_set(uowcommit) + tmp = set() + for state in states: + # this history should be cached already, as + # we loaded it in preprocess_deletes + history = uowcommit.get_attribute_history( + state, self.key, self._passive_delete_flag + ) + if history: + for child in history.non_added(): + if child is None or ( + processed is not None and (state, child) in processed + ): + continue + associationrow = {} + if not self._synchronize( + state, + child, + associationrow, + False, + uowcommit, + "delete", + ): + continue + secondary_delete.append(associationrow) + + tmp.update((c, state) for c in history.non_added()) + + if processed is not None: + processed.update(tmp) + + self._run_crud( + uowcommit, secondary_insert, secondary_update, secondary_delete + ) + + def process_saves(self, uowcommit, states): + secondary_delete = [] + secondary_insert = [] + secondary_update = [] + + processed = self._get_reversed_processed_set(uowcommit) + tmp = set() + + for state in states: + need_cascade_pks = not self.passive_updates and self._pks_changed( + uowcommit, state + ) + if need_cascade_pks: + passive = attributes.PASSIVE_OFF + else: + passive = attributes.PASSIVE_NO_INITIALIZE + history = uowcommit.get_attribute_history(state, self.key, passive) + if history: + for child in history.added: + if processed is not None and (state, child) in processed: + continue + associationrow = {} + if not self._synchronize( + state, child, associationrow, False, uowcommit, "add" + ): + continue + secondary_insert.append(associationrow) + for child in history.deleted: + if processed is not None and (state, child) in processed: + continue + associationrow = {} + if not self._synchronize( + state, + child, + associationrow, + False, + uowcommit, + "delete", + ): + continue + secondary_delete.append(associationrow) + + tmp.update((c, state) for c in history.added + history.deleted) + + if need_cascade_pks: + + for child in history.unchanged: + associationrow = {} + sync.update( + state, + self.parent, + associationrow, + "old_", + self.prop.synchronize_pairs, + ) + sync.update( + child, + self.mapper, + associationrow, + "old_", + self.prop.secondary_synchronize_pairs, + ) + + secondary_update.append(associationrow) + + if processed is not None: + processed.update(tmp) + + self._run_crud( + uowcommit, secondary_insert, secondary_update, secondary_delete + ) + + def _run_crud( + self, uowcommit, secondary_insert, secondary_update, secondary_delete + ): + connection = uowcommit.transaction.connection(self.mapper) + + if secondary_delete: + associationrow = secondary_delete[0] + statement = self.secondary.delete( + sql.and_( + *[ + c == sql.bindparam(c.key, type_=c.type) + for c in self.secondary.c + if c.key in associationrow + ] + ) + ) + result = connection.execute(statement, secondary_delete) + + if ( + result.supports_sane_multi_rowcount() + ) and result.rowcount != len(secondary_delete): + raise exc.StaleDataError( + "DELETE statement on table '%s' expected to delete " + "%d row(s); Only %d were matched." + % ( + self.secondary.description, + len(secondary_delete), + result.rowcount, + ) + ) + + if secondary_update: + associationrow = secondary_update[0] + statement = self.secondary.update( + sql.and_( + *[ + c == sql.bindparam("old_" + c.key, type_=c.type) + for c in self.secondary.c + if c.key in associationrow + ] + ) + ) + result = connection.execute(statement, secondary_update) + + if ( + result.supports_sane_multi_rowcount() + ) and result.rowcount != len(secondary_update): + raise exc.StaleDataError( + "UPDATE statement on table '%s' expected to update " + "%d row(s); Only %d were matched." + % ( + self.secondary.description, + len(secondary_update), + result.rowcount, + ) + ) + + if secondary_insert: + statement = self.secondary.insert() + connection.execute(statement, secondary_insert) + + def _synchronize( + self, state, child, associationrow, clearkeys, uowcommit, operation + ): + + # this checks for None if uselist=True + self._verify_canload(child) + + # but if uselist=False we get here. If child is None, + # no association row can be generated, so return. + if child is None: + return False + + if child is not None and not uowcommit.session._contains_state(child): + if not child.deleted: + util.warn( + "Object of type %s not in session, %s " + "operation along '%s' won't proceed" + % (mapperutil.state_class_str(child), operation, self.prop) + ) + return False + + sync.populate_dict( + state, self.parent, associationrow, self.prop.synchronize_pairs + ) + sync.populate_dict( + child, + self.mapper, + associationrow, + self.prop.secondary_synchronize_pairs, + ) + + return True + + def _pks_changed(self, uowcommit, state): + return sync.source_modified( + uowcommit, state, self.parent, self.prop.synchronize_pairs + ) + + +_direction_to_processor = { + ONETOMANY: OneToManyDP, + MANYTOONE: ManyToOneDP, + MANYTOMANY: ManyToManyDP, +} diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/deprecated_interfaces.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/deprecated_interfaces.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..10e9736 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/deprecated_interfaces.py @@ -0,0 +1,544 @@ +# orm/deprecated_interfaces.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +from .interfaces import EXT_CONTINUE +from .. import event +from .. import util + + +@util.langhelpers.dependency_for("sqlalchemy.orm.interfaces") +class MapperExtension(object): + """Base implementation for :class:`.Mapper` event hooks. + + .. note:: + + :class:`.MapperExtension` is deprecated. Please + refer to :func:`.event.listen` as well as + :class:`.MapperEvents`. + + New extension classes subclass :class:`.MapperExtension` and are specified + using the ``extension`` mapper() argument, which is a single + :class:`.MapperExtension` or a list of such:: + + from sqlalchemy.orm.interfaces import MapperExtension + + class MyExtension(MapperExtension): + def before_insert(self, mapper, connection, instance): + print "instance %s before insert !" % instance + + m = mapper(User, users_table, extension=MyExtension()) + + A single mapper can maintain a chain of ``MapperExtension`` + objects. When a particular mapping event occurs, the + corresponding method on each ``MapperExtension`` is invoked + serially, and each method has the ability to halt the chain + from proceeding further:: + + m = mapper(User, users_table, extension=[ext1, ext2, ext3]) + + Each ``MapperExtension`` method returns the symbol + EXT_CONTINUE by default. This symbol generally means "move + to the next ``MapperExtension`` for processing". For methods + that return objects like translated rows or new object + instances, EXT_CONTINUE means the result of the method + should be ignored. In some cases it's required for a + default mapper activity to be performed, such as adding a + new instance to a result list. + + The symbol EXT_STOP has significance within a chain + of ``MapperExtension`` objects that the chain will be stopped + when this symbol is returned. Like EXT_CONTINUE, it also + has additional significance in some cases that a default + mapper activity will not be performed. + + """ + + @classmethod + def _adapt_instrument_class(cls, self, listener): + cls._adapt_listener_methods(self, listener, ("instrument_class",)) + + @classmethod + def _adapt_listener(cls, self, listener): + cls._adapt_listener_methods( + self, + listener, + ( + "init_instance", + "init_failed", + "reconstruct_instance", + "before_insert", + "after_insert", + "before_update", + "after_update", + "before_delete", + "after_delete", + ), + ) + + @classmethod + def _adapt_listener_methods(cls, self, listener, methods): + + for meth in methods: + me_meth = getattr(MapperExtension, meth) + ls_meth = getattr(listener, meth) + + if not util.methods_equivalent(me_meth, ls_meth): + if meth == "reconstruct_instance": + + def go(ls_meth): + def reconstruct(instance, ctx): + ls_meth(self, instance) + + return reconstruct + + event.listen( + self.class_manager, + "load", + go(ls_meth), + raw=False, + propagate=True, + ) + elif meth == "init_instance": + + def go(ls_meth): + def init_instance(instance, args, kwargs): + ls_meth( + self, + self.class_, + self.class_manager.original_init, + instance, + args, + kwargs, + ) + + return init_instance + + event.listen( + self.class_manager, + "init", + go(ls_meth), + raw=False, + propagate=True, + ) + elif meth == "init_failed": + + def go(ls_meth): + def init_failed(instance, args, kwargs): + util.warn_exception( + ls_meth, + self, + self.class_, + self.class_manager.original_init, + instance, + args, + kwargs, + ) + + return init_failed + + event.listen( + self.class_manager, + "init_failure", + go(ls_meth), + raw=False, + propagate=True, + ) + else: + event.listen( + self, + "%s" % meth, + ls_meth, + raw=False, + retval=True, + propagate=True, + ) + + def instrument_class(self, mapper, class_): + """Receive a class when the mapper is first constructed, and has + applied instrumentation to the mapped class. + + The return value is only significant within the ``MapperExtension`` + chain; the parent mapper's behavior isn't modified by this method. + + """ + return EXT_CONTINUE + + def init_instance(self, mapper, class_, oldinit, instance, args, kwargs): + """Receive an instance when its constructor is called. + + This method is only called during a userland construction of + an object. It is not called when an object is loaded from the + database. + + The return value is only significant within the ``MapperExtension`` + chain; the parent mapper's behavior isn't modified by this method. + + """ + return EXT_CONTINUE + + def init_failed(self, mapper, class_, oldinit, instance, args, kwargs): + """Receive an instance when its constructor has been called, + and raised an exception. + + This method is only called during a userland construction of + an object. It is not called when an object is loaded from the + database. + + The return value is only significant within the ``MapperExtension`` + chain; the parent mapper's behavior isn't modified by this method. + + """ + return EXT_CONTINUE + + def reconstruct_instance(self, mapper, instance): + """Receive an object instance after it has been created via + ``__new__``, and after initial attribute population has + occurred. + + This typically occurs when the instance is created based on + incoming result rows, and is only called once for that + instance's lifetime. + + Note that during a result-row load, this method is called upon + the first row received for this instance. Note that some + attributes and collections may or may not be loaded or even + initialized, depending on what's present in the result rows. + + The return value is only significant within the ``MapperExtension`` + chain; the parent mapper's behavior isn't modified by this method. + + """ + return EXT_CONTINUE + + def before_insert(self, mapper, connection, instance): + """Receive an object instance before that instance is inserted + into its table. + + This is a good place to set up primary key values and such + that aren't handled otherwise. + + Column-based attributes can be modified within this method + which will result in the new value being inserted. However + *no* changes to the overall flush plan can be made, and + manipulation of the ``Session`` will not have the desired effect. + To manipulate the ``Session`` within an extension, use + ``SessionExtension``. + + The return value is only significant within the ``MapperExtension`` + chain; the parent mapper's behavior isn't modified by this method. + + """ + + return EXT_CONTINUE + + def after_insert(self, mapper, connection, instance): + """Receive an object instance after that instance is inserted. + + The return value is only significant within the ``MapperExtension`` + chain; the parent mapper's behavior isn't modified by this method. + + """ + + return EXT_CONTINUE + + def before_update(self, mapper, connection, instance): + """Receive an object instance before that instance is updated. + + Note that this method is called for all instances that are marked as + "dirty", even those which have no net changes to their column-based + attributes. An object is marked as dirty when any of its column-based + attributes have a "set attribute" operation called or when any of its + collections are modified. If, at update time, no column-based + attributes have any net changes, no UPDATE statement will be issued. + This means that an instance being sent to before_update is *not* a + guarantee that an UPDATE statement will be issued (although you can + affect the outcome here). + + To detect if the column-based attributes on the object have net + changes, and will therefore generate an UPDATE statement, use + ``object_session(instance).is_modified(instance, + include_collections=False)``. + + Column-based attributes can be modified within this method + which will result in the new value being updated. However + *no* changes to the overall flush plan can be made, and + manipulation of the ``Session`` will not have the desired effect. + To manipulate the ``Session`` within an extension, use + ``SessionExtension``. + + The return value is only significant within the ``MapperExtension`` + chain; the parent mapper's behavior isn't modified by this method. + + """ + + return EXT_CONTINUE + + def after_update(self, mapper, connection, instance): + """Receive an object instance after that instance is updated. + + The return value is only significant within the ``MapperExtension`` + chain; the parent mapper's behavior isn't modified by this method. + + """ + + return EXT_CONTINUE + + def before_delete(self, mapper, connection, instance): + """Receive an object instance before that instance is deleted. + + Note that *no* changes to the overall flush plan can be made + here; and manipulation of the ``Session`` will not have the + desired effect. To manipulate the ``Session`` within an + extension, use ``SessionExtension``. + + The return value is only significant within the ``MapperExtension`` + chain; the parent mapper's behavior isn't modified by this method. + + """ + + return EXT_CONTINUE + + def after_delete(self, mapper, connection, instance): + """Receive an object instance after that instance is deleted. + + The return value is only significant within the ``MapperExtension`` + chain; the parent mapper's behavior isn't modified by this method. + + """ + + return EXT_CONTINUE + + +@util.langhelpers.dependency_for("sqlalchemy.orm.interfaces") +class SessionExtension(object): + + """Base implementation for :class:`.Session` event hooks. + + .. note:: + + :class:`.SessionExtension` is deprecated. Please + refer to :func:`.event.listen` as well as + :class:`.SessionEvents`. + + Subclasses may be installed into a :class:`.Session` (or + :class:`.sessionmaker`) using the ``extension`` keyword + argument:: + + from sqlalchemy.orm.interfaces import SessionExtension + + class MySessionExtension(SessionExtension): + def before_commit(self, session): + print "before commit!" + + Session = sessionmaker(extension=MySessionExtension()) + + The same :class:`.SessionExtension` instance can be used + with any number of sessions. + + """ + + @classmethod + def _adapt_listener(cls, self, listener): + for meth in [ + "before_commit", + "after_commit", + "after_rollback", + "before_flush", + "after_flush", + "after_flush_postexec", + "after_begin", + "after_attach", + "after_bulk_update", + "after_bulk_delete", + ]: + me_meth = getattr(SessionExtension, meth) + ls_meth = getattr(listener, meth) + + if not util.methods_equivalent(me_meth, ls_meth): + event.listen(self, meth, getattr(listener, meth)) + + def before_commit(self, session): + """Execute right before commit is called. + + Note that this may not be per-flush if a longer running + transaction is ongoing.""" + + def after_commit(self, session): + """Execute after a commit has occurred. + + Note that this may not be per-flush if a longer running + transaction is ongoing.""" + + def after_rollback(self, session): + """Execute after a rollback has occurred. + + Note that this may not be per-flush if a longer running + transaction is ongoing.""" + + def before_flush(self, session, flush_context, instances): + """Execute before flush process has started. + + `instances` is an optional list of objects which were passed to + the ``flush()`` method. """ + + def after_flush(self, session, flush_context): + """Execute after flush has completed, but before commit has been + called. + + Note that the session's state is still in pre-flush, i.e. 'new', + 'dirty', and 'deleted' lists still show pre-flush state as well + as the history settings on instance attributes.""" + + def after_flush_postexec(self, session, flush_context): + """Execute after flush has completed, and after the post-exec + state occurs. + + This will be when the 'new', 'dirty', and 'deleted' lists are in + their final state. An actual commit() may or may not have + occurred, depending on whether or not the flush started its own + transaction or participated in a larger transaction. """ + + def after_begin(self, session, transaction, connection): + """Execute after a transaction is begun on a connection + + `transaction` is the SessionTransaction. This method is called + after an engine level transaction is begun on a connection. """ + + def after_attach(self, session, instance): + """Execute after an instance is attached to a session. + + This is called after an add, delete or merge. """ + + def after_bulk_update(self, session, query, query_context, result): + """Execute after a bulk update operation to the session. + + This is called after a session.query(...).update() + + `query` is the query object that this update operation was + called on. `query_context` was the query context object. + `result` is the result object returned from the bulk operation. + """ + + def after_bulk_delete(self, session, query, query_context, result): + """Execute after a bulk delete operation to the session. + + This is called after a session.query(...).delete() + + `query` is the query object that this delete operation was + called on. `query_context` was the query context object. + `result` is the result object returned from the bulk operation. + """ + + +@util.langhelpers.dependency_for("sqlalchemy.orm.interfaces") +class AttributeExtension(object): + """Base implementation for :class:`.AttributeImpl` event hooks, events + that fire upon attribute mutations in user code. + + .. note:: + + :class:`.AttributeExtension` is deprecated. Please + refer to :func:`.event.listen` as well as + :class:`.AttributeEvents`. + + :class:`.AttributeExtension` is used to listen for set, + remove, and append events on individual mapped attributes. + It is established on an individual mapped attribute using + the `extension` argument, available on + :func:`.column_property`, :func:`.relationship`, and + others:: + + from sqlalchemy.orm.interfaces import AttributeExtension + from sqlalchemy.orm import mapper, relationship, column_property + + class MyAttrExt(AttributeExtension): + def append(self, state, value, initiator): + print "append event !" + return value + + def set(self, state, value, oldvalue, initiator): + print "set event !" + return value + + mapper(SomeClass, sometable, properties={ + 'foo':column_property(sometable.c.foo, extension=MyAttrExt()), + 'bar':relationship(Bar, extension=MyAttrExt()) + }) + + Note that the :class:`.AttributeExtension` methods + :meth:`~.AttributeExtension.append` and + :meth:`~.AttributeExtension.set` need to return the + ``value`` parameter. The returned value is used as the + effective value, and allows the extension to change what is + ultimately persisted. + + AttributeExtension is assembled within the descriptors associated + with a mapped class. + + """ + + active_history = True + """indicates that the set() method would like to receive the 'old' value, + even if it means firing lazy callables. + + Note that ``active_history`` can also be set directly via + :func:`.column_property` and :func:`.relationship`. + + """ + + @classmethod + def _adapt_listener(cls, self, listener): + event.listen( + self, + "append", + listener.append, + active_history=listener.active_history, + raw=True, + retval=True, + ) + event.listen( + self, + "remove", + listener.remove, + active_history=listener.active_history, + raw=True, + retval=True, + ) + event.listen( + self, + "set", + listener.set, + active_history=listener.active_history, + raw=True, + retval=True, + ) + + def append(self, state, value, initiator): + """Receive a collection append event. + + The returned value will be used as the actual value to be + appended. + + """ + return value + + def remove(self, state, value, initiator): + """Receive a remove event. + + No return value is defined. + + """ + pass + + def set(self, state, value, oldvalue, initiator): + """Receive a set event. + + The returned value will be used as the actual value to be + set. + + """ + return value diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/descriptor_props.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/descriptor_props.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..eee2dc1 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/descriptor_props.py @@ -0,0 +1,778 @@ +# orm/descriptor_props.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +"""Descriptor properties are more "auxiliary" properties +that exist as configurational elements, but don't participate +as actively in the load/persist ORM loop. + +""" + +from . import attributes +from . import properties +from . import query +from .interfaces import MapperProperty +from .interfaces import PropComparator +from .util import _none_set +from .. import event +from .. import exc as sa_exc +from .. import schema +from .. import sql +from .. import util +from ..sql import expression + + +class DescriptorProperty(MapperProperty): + """:class:`.MapperProperty` which proxies access to a + user-defined descriptor.""" + + doc = None + + def instrument_class(self, mapper): + prop = self + + class _ProxyImpl(object): + accepts_scalar_loader = False + expire_missing = True + collection = False + + def __init__(self, key): + self.key = key + + if hasattr(prop, "get_history"): + + def get_history( + self, state, dict_, passive=attributes.PASSIVE_OFF + ): + return prop.get_history(state, dict_, passive) + + if self.descriptor is None: + desc = getattr(mapper.class_, self.key, None) + if mapper._is_userland_descriptor(desc): + self.descriptor = desc + + if self.descriptor is None: + + def fset(obj, value): + setattr(obj, self.name, value) + + def fdel(obj): + delattr(obj, self.name) + + def fget(obj): + return getattr(obj, self.name) + + self.descriptor = property(fget=fget, fset=fset, fdel=fdel) + + proxy_attr = attributes.create_proxied_attribute(self.descriptor)( + self.parent.class_, + self.key, + self.descriptor, + lambda: self._comparator_factory(mapper), + doc=self.doc, + original_property=self, + ) + proxy_attr.impl = _ProxyImpl(self.key) + mapper.class_manager.instrument_attribute(self.key, proxy_attr) + + +@util.langhelpers.dependency_for("sqlalchemy.orm.properties", add_to_all=True) +class CompositeProperty(DescriptorProperty): + """Defines a "composite" mapped attribute, representing a collection + of columns as one attribute. + + :class:`.CompositeProperty` is constructed using the :func:`.composite` + function. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`mapper_composite` + + """ + + def __init__(self, class_, *attrs, **kwargs): + r"""Return a composite column-based property for use with a Mapper. + + See the mapping documentation section :ref:`mapper_composite` for a + full usage example. + + The :class:`.MapperProperty` returned by :func:`.composite` + is the :class:`.CompositeProperty`. + + :param class\_: + The "composite type" class, or any classmethod or callable which + will produce a new instance of the composite object given the + column values in order. + + :param \*cols: + List of Column objects to be mapped. + + :param active_history=False: + When ``True``, indicates that the "previous" value for a + scalar attribute should be loaded when replaced, if not + already loaded. See the same flag on :func:`.column_property`. + + .. versionchanged:: 0.7 + This flag specifically becomes meaningful + - previously it was a placeholder. + + :param group: + A group name for this property when marked as deferred. + + :param deferred: + When True, the column property is "deferred", meaning that it does + not load immediately, and is instead loaded when the attribute is + first accessed on an instance. See also + :func:`~sqlalchemy.orm.deferred`. + + :param comparator_factory: a class which extends + :class:`.CompositeProperty.Comparator` which provides custom SQL + clause generation for comparison operations. + + :param doc: + optional string that will be applied as the doc on the + class-bound descriptor. + + :param info: Optional data dictionary which will be populated into the + :attr:`.MapperProperty.info` attribute of this object. + + .. versionadded:: 0.8 + + :param extension: + an :class:`.AttributeExtension` instance, + or list of extensions, which will be prepended to the list of + attribute listeners for the resulting descriptor placed on the + class. **Deprecated.** Please see :class:`.AttributeEvents`. + + """ + super(CompositeProperty, self).__init__() + + self.attrs = attrs + self.composite_class = class_ + self.active_history = kwargs.get("active_history", False) + self.deferred = kwargs.get("deferred", False) + self.group = kwargs.get("group", None) + self.comparator_factory = kwargs.pop( + "comparator_factory", self.__class__.Comparator + ) + if "info" in kwargs: + self.info = kwargs.pop("info") + + util.set_creation_order(self) + self._create_descriptor() + + def instrument_class(self, mapper): + super(CompositeProperty, self).instrument_class(mapper) + self._setup_event_handlers() + + def do_init(self): + """Initialization which occurs after the :class:`.CompositeProperty` + has been associated with its parent mapper. + + """ + self._setup_arguments_on_columns() + + def _create_descriptor(self): + """Create the Python descriptor that will serve as + the access point on instances of the mapped class. + + """ + + def fget(instance): + dict_ = attributes.instance_dict(instance) + state = attributes.instance_state(instance) + + if self.key not in dict_: + # key not present. Iterate through related + # attributes, retrieve their values. This + # ensures they all load. + values = [ + getattr(instance, key) for key in self._attribute_keys + ] + + # current expected behavior here is that the composite is + # created on access if the object is persistent or if + # col attributes have non-None. This would be better + # if the composite were created unconditionally, + # but that would be a behavioral change. + if self.key not in dict_ and ( + state.key is not None or not _none_set.issuperset(values) + ): + dict_[self.key] = self.composite_class(*values) + state.manager.dispatch.refresh(state, None, [self.key]) + + return dict_.get(self.key, None) + + def fset(instance, value): + dict_ = attributes.instance_dict(instance) + state = attributes.instance_state(instance) + attr = state.manager[self.key] + previous = dict_.get(self.key, attributes.NO_VALUE) + for fn in attr.dispatch.set: + value = fn(state, value, previous, attr.impl) + dict_[self.key] = value + if value is None: + for key in self._attribute_keys: + setattr(instance, key, None) + else: + for key, value in zip( + self._attribute_keys, value.__composite_values__() + ): + setattr(instance, key, value) + + def fdel(instance): + state = attributes.instance_state(instance) + dict_ = attributes.instance_dict(instance) + previous = dict_.pop(self.key, attributes.NO_VALUE) + attr = state.manager[self.key] + attr.dispatch.remove(state, previous, attr.impl) + for key in self._attribute_keys: + setattr(instance, key, None) + + self.descriptor = property(fget, fset, fdel) + + @util.memoized_property + def _comparable_elements(self): + return [getattr(self.parent.class_, prop.key) for prop in self.props] + + @util.memoized_property + def props(self): + props = [] + for attr in self.attrs: + if isinstance(attr, str): + prop = self.parent.get_property(attr, _configure_mappers=False) + elif isinstance(attr, schema.Column): + prop = self.parent._columntoproperty[attr] + elif isinstance(attr, attributes.InstrumentedAttribute): + prop = attr.property + else: + raise sa_exc.ArgumentError( + "Composite expects Column objects or mapped " + "attributes/attribute names as arguments, got: %r" + % (attr,) + ) + props.append(prop) + return props + + @property + def columns(self): + return [a for a in self.attrs if isinstance(a, schema.Column)] + + def _setup_arguments_on_columns(self): + """Propagate configuration arguments made on this composite + to the target columns, for those that apply. + + """ + for prop in self.props: + prop.active_history = self.active_history + if self.deferred: + prop.deferred = self.deferred + prop.strategy_key = (("deferred", True), ("instrument", True)) + prop.group = self.group + + def _setup_event_handlers(self): + """Establish events that populate/expire the composite attribute.""" + + def load_handler(state, *args): + _load_refresh_handler(state, args, is_refresh=False) + + def refresh_handler(state, *args): + _load_refresh_handler(state, args, is_refresh=True) + + def _load_refresh_handler(state, args, is_refresh): + dict_ = state.dict + + if not is_refresh and self.key in dict_: + return + + # if column elements aren't loaded, skip. + # __get__() will initiate a load for those + # columns + for k in self._attribute_keys: + if k not in dict_: + return + + dict_[self.key] = self.composite_class( + *[state.dict[key] for key in self._attribute_keys] + ) + + def expire_handler(state, keys): + if keys is None or set(self._attribute_keys).intersection(keys): + state.dict.pop(self.key, None) + + def insert_update_handler(mapper, connection, state): + """After an insert or update, some columns may be expired due + to server side defaults, or re-populated due to client side + defaults. Pop out the composite value here so that it + recreates. + + """ + + state.dict.pop(self.key, None) + + event.listen( + self.parent, "after_insert", insert_update_handler, raw=True + ) + event.listen( + self.parent, "after_update", insert_update_handler, raw=True + ) + event.listen( + self.parent, "load", load_handler, raw=True, propagate=True + ) + event.listen( + self.parent, "refresh", refresh_handler, raw=True, propagate=True + ) + event.listen( + self.parent, "expire", expire_handler, raw=True, propagate=True + ) + + # TODO: need a deserialize hook here + + @util.memoized_property + def _attribute_keys(self): + return [prop.key for prop in self.props] + + def get_history(self, state, dict_, passive=attributes.PASSIVE_OFF): + """Provided for userland code that uses attributes.get_history().""" + + added = [] + deleted = [] + + has_history = False + for prop in self.props: + key = prop.key + hist = state.manager[key].impl.get_history(state, dict_) + if hist.has_changes(): + has_history = True + + non_deleted = hist.non_deleted() + if non_deleted: + added.extend(non_deleted) + else: + added.append(None) + if hist.deleted: + deleted.extend(hist.deleted) + else: + deleted.append(None) + + if has_history: + return attributes.History( + [self.composite_class(*added)], + (), + [self.composite_class(*deleted)], + ) + else: + return attributes.History((), [self.composite_class(*added)], ()) + + def _comparator_factory(self, mapper): + return self.comparator_factory(self, mapper) + + class CompositeBundle(query.Bundle): + def __init__(self, property_, expr): + self.property = property_ + super(CompositeProperty.CompositeBundle, self).__init__( + property_.key, *expr + ) + + def create_row_processor(self, query, procs, labels): + def proc(row): + return self.property.composite_class( + *[proc(row) for proc in procs] + ) + + return proc + + class Comparator(PropComparator): + """Produce boolean, comparison, and other operators for + :class:`.CompositeProperty` attributes. + + See the example in :ref:`composite_operations` for an overview + of usage , as well as the documentation for :class:`.PropComparator`. + + See also: + + :class:`.PropComparator` + + :class:`.ColumnOperators` + + :ref:`types_operators` + + :attr:`.TypeEngine.comparator_factory` + + """ + + __hash__ = None + + @property + def clauses(self): + return self.__clause_element__() + + def __clause_element__(self): + return expression.ClauseList( + group=False, *self._comparable_elements + ) + + def _query_clause_element(self): + return CompositeProperty.CompositeBundle( + self.prop, self.__clause_element__() + ) + + def _bulk_update_tuples(self, value): + if value is None: + values = [None for key in self.prop._attribute_keys] + elif isinstance(value, self.prop.composite_class): + values = value.__composite_values__() + else: + raise sa_exc.ArgumentError( + "Can't UPDATE composite attribute %s to %r" + % (self.prop, value) + ) + + return zip(self._comparable_elements, values) + + @util.memoized_property + def _comparable_elements(self): + if self._adapt_to_entity: + return [ + getattr(self._adapt_to_entity.entity, prop.key) + for prop in self.prop._comparable_elements + ] + else: + return self.prop._comparable_elements + + def __eq__(self, other): + if other is None: + values = [None] * len(self.prop._comparable_elements) + else: + values = other.__composite_values__() + comparisons = [ + a == b for a, b in zip(self.prop._comparable_elements, values) + ] + if self._adapt_to_entity: + comparisons = [self.adapter(x) for x in comparisons] + return sql.and_(*comparisons) + + def __ne__(self, other): + return sql.not_(self.__eq__(other)) + + def __str__(self): + return str(self.parent.class_.__name__) + "." + self.key + + +@util.langhelpers.dependency_for("sqlalchemy.orm.properties", add_to_all=True) +class ConcreteInheritedProperty(DescriptorProperty): + """A 'do nothing' :class:`.MapperProperty` that disables + an attribute on a concrete subclass that is only present + on the inherited mapper, not the concrete classes' mapper. + + Cases where this occurs include: + + * When the superclass mapper is mapped against a + "polymorphic union", which includes all attributes from + all subclasses. + * When a relationship() is configured on an inherited mapper, + but not on the subclass mapper. Concrete mappers require + that relationship() is configured explicitly on each + subclass. + + """ + + def _comparator_factory(self, mapper): + comparator_callable = None + + for m in self.parent.iterate_to_root(): + p = m._props[self.key] + if not isinstance(p, ConcreteInheritedProperty): + comparator_callable = p.comparator_factory + break + return comparator_callable + + def __init__(self): + super(ConcreteInheritedProperty, self).__init__() + + def warn(): + raise AttributeError( + "Concrete %s does not implement " + "attribute %r at the instance level. Add " + "this property explicitly to %s." + % (self.parent, self.key, self.parent) + ) + + class NoninheritedConcreteProp(object): + def __set__(s, obj, value): + warn() + + def __delete__(s, obj): + warn() + + def __get__(s, obj, owner): + if obj is None: + return self.descriptor + warn() + + self.descriptor = NoninheritedConcreteProp() + + +@util.langhelpers.dependency_for("sqlalchemy.orm.properties", add_to_all=True) +class SynonymProperty(DescriptorProperty): + def __init__( + self, + name, + map_column=None, + descriptor=None, + comparator_factory=None, + doc=None, + info=None, + ): + """Denote an attribute name as a synonym to a mapped property, + in that the attribute will mirror the value and expression behavior + of another attribute. + + e.g.:: + + class MyClass(Base): + __tablename__ = 'my_table' + + id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) + job_status = Column(String(50)) + + status = synonym("job_status") + + + :param name: the name of the existing mapped property. This + can refer to the string name ORM-mapped attribute + configured on the class, including column-bound attributes + and relationships. + + :param descriptor: a Python :term:`descriptor` that will be used + as a getter (and potentially a setter) when this attribute is + accessed at the instance level. + + :param map_column: **For classical mappings and mappings against + an existing Table object only**. if ``True``, the :func:`.synonym` + construct will locate the :class:`.Column` object upon the mapped + table that would normally be associated with the attribute name of + this synonym, and produce a new :class:`.ColumnProperty` that instead + maps this :class:`.Column` to the alternate name given as the "name" + argument of the synonym; in this way, the usual step of redefining + the mapping of the :class:`.Column` to be under a different name is + unnecessary. This is usually intended to be used when a + :class:`.Column` is to be replaced with an attribute that also uses a + descriptor, that is, in conjunction with the + :paramref:`.synonym.descriptor` parameter:: + + my_table = Table( + "my_table", metadata, + Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True), + Column('job_status', String(50)) + ) + + class MyClass(object): + @property + def _job_status_descriptor(self): + return "Status: %s" % self._job_status + + + mapper( + MyClass, my_table, properties={ + "job_status": synonym( + "_job_status", map_column=True, + descriptor=MyClass._job_status_descriptor) + } + ) + + Above, the attribute named ``_job_status`` is automatically + mapped to the ``job_status`` column:: + + >>> j1 = MyClass() + >>> j1._job_status = "employed" + >>> j1.job_status + Status: employed + + When using Declarative, in order to provide a descriptor in + conjunction with a synonym, use the + :func:`sqlalchemy.ext.declarative.synonym_for` helper. However, + note that the :ref:`hybrid properties ` feature + should usually be preferred, particularly when redefining attribute + behavior. + + :param info: Optional data dictionary which will be populated into the + :attr:`.InspectionAttr.info` attribute of this object. + + .. versionadded:: 1.0.0 + + :param comparator_factory: A subclass of :class:`.PropComparator` + that will provide custom comparison behavior at the SQL expression + level. + + .. note:: + + For the use case of providing an attribute which redefines both + Python-level and SQL-expression level behavior of an attribute, + please refer to the Hybrid attribute introduced at + :ref:`mapper_hybrids` for a more effective technique. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`synonyms` - Overview of synonyms + + :func:`.synonym_for` - a helper oriented towards Declarative + + :ref:`mapper_hybrids` - The Hybrid Attribute extension provides an + updated approach to augmenting attribute behavior more flexibly + than can be achieved with synonyms. + + """ + super(SynonymProperty, self).__init__() + + self.name = name + self.map_column = map_column + self.descriptor = descriptor + self.comparator_factory = comparator_factory + self.doc = doc or (descriptor and descriptor.__doc__) or None + if info: + self.info = info + + util.set_creation_order(self) + + # TODO: when initialized, check _proxied_property, + # emit a warning if its not a column-based property + + @util.memoized_property + def _proxied_property(self): + attr = getattr(self.parent.class_, self.name) + if not hasattr(attr, "property") or not isinstance( + attr.property, MapperProperty + ): + raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError( + """synonym() attribute "%s.%s" only supports """ + """ORM mapped attributes, got %r""" + % (self.parent.class_.__name__, self.name, attr) + ) + return attr.property + + def _comparator_factory(self, mapper): + prop = self._proxied_property + + if self.comparator_factory: + comp = self.comparator_factory(prop, mapper) + else: + comp = prop.comparator_factory(prop, mapper) + return comp + + def set_parent(self, parent, init): + if self.map_column: + # implement the 'map_column' option. + if self.key not in parent.mapped_table.c: + raise sa_exc.ArgumentError( + "Can't compile synonym '%s': no column on table " + "'%s' named '%s'" + % (self.name, parent.mapped_table.description, self.key) + ) + elif ( + parent.mapped_table.c[self.key] in parent._columntoproperty + and parent._columntoproperty[ + parent.mapped_table.c[self.key] + ].key + == self.name + ): + raise sa_exc.ArgumentError( + "Can't call map_column=True for synonym %r=%r, " + "a ColumnProperty already exists keyed to the name " + "%r for column %r" + % (self.key, self.name, self.name, self.key) + ) + p = properties.ColumnProperty(parent.mapped_table.c[self.key]) + parent._configure_property(self.name, p, init=init, setparent=True) + p._mapped_by_synonym = self.key + + self.parent = parent + + +@util.langhelpers.dependency_for("sqlalchemy.orm.properties", add_to_all=True) +class ComparableProperty(DescriptorProperty): + """Instruments a Python property for use in query expressions.""" + + def __init__( + self, comparator_factory, descriptor=None, doc=None, info=None + ): + """Provides a method of applying a :class:`.PropComparator` + to any Python descriptor attribute. + + .. versionchanged:: 0.7 + :func:`.comparable_property` is superseded by + the :mod:`~sqlalchemy.ext.hybrid` extension. See the example + at :ref:`hybrid_custom_comparators`. + + Allows any Python descriptor to behave like a SQL-enabled + attribute when used at the class level in queries, allowing + redefinition of expression operator behavior. + + In the example below we redefine :meth:`.PropComparator.operate` + to wrap both sides of an expression in ``func.lower()`` to produce + case-insensitive comparison:: + + from sqlalchemy.orm import comparable_property + from sqlalchemy.orm.interfaces import PropComparator + from sqlalchemy.sql import func + from sqlalchemy import Integer, String, Column + from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base + + class CaseInsensitiveComparator(PropComparator): + def __clause_element__(self): + return self.prop + + def operate(self, op, other): + return op( + func.lower(self.__clause_element__()), + func.lower(other) + ) + + Base = declarative_base() + + class SearchWord(Base): + __tablename__ = 'search_word' + id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) + word = Column(String) + word_insensitive = comparable_property(lambda prop, mapper: + CaseInsensitiveComparator( + mapper.c.word, mapper) + ) + + + A mapping like the above allows the ``word_insensitive`` attribute + to render an expression like:: + + >>> print SearchWord.word_insensitive == "Trucks" + lower(search_word.word) = lower(:lower_1) + + :param comparator_factory: + A PropComparator subclass or factory that defines operator behavior + for this property. + + :param descriptor: + Optional when used in a ``properties={}`` declaration. The Python + descriptor or property to layer comparison behavior on top of. + + The like-named descriptor will be automatically retrieved from the + mapped class if left blank in a ``properties`` declaration. + + :param info: Optional data dictionary which will be populated into the + :attr:`.InspectionAttr.info` attribute of this object. + + .. versionadded:: 1.0.0 + + """ + super(ComparableProperty, self).__init__() + self.descriptor = descriptor + self.comparator_factory = comparator_factory + self.doc = doc or (descriptor and descriptor.__doc__) or None + if info: + self.info = info + util.set_creation_order(self) + + def _comparator_factory(self, mapper): + return self.comparator_factory(self, mapper) diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/dynamic.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/dynamic.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..20544db --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/dynamic.py @@ -0,0 +1,438 @@ +# orm/dynamic.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +"""Dynamic collection API. + +Dynamic collections act like Query() objects for read operations and support +basic add/delete mutation. + +""" + +from . import attributes +from . import exc as orm_exc +from . import object_mapper +from . import object_session +from . import properties +from . import strategies +from . import util as orm_util +from .query import Query +from .. import exc +from .. import log +from .. import util + + +@log.class_logger +@properties.RelationshipProperty.strategy_for(lazy="dynamic") +class DynaLoader(strategies.AbstractRelationshipLoader): + def init_class_attribute(self, mapper): + self.is_class_level = True + if not self.uselist: + raise exc.InvalidRequestError( + "On relationship %s, 'dynamic' loaders cannot be used with " + "many-to-one/one-to-one relationships and/or " + "uselist=False." % self.parent_property + ) + strategies._register_attribute( + self.parent_property, + mapper, + useobject=True, + impl_class=DynamicAttributeImpl, + target_mapper=self.parent_property.mapper, + order_by=self.parent_property.order_by, + query_class=self.parent_property.query_class, + ) + + +class DynamicAttributeImpl(attributes.AttributeImpl): + uses_objects = True + default_accepts_scalar_loader = False + supports_population = False + collection = False + dynamic = True + + def __init__( + self, + class_, + key, + typecallable, + dispatch, + target_mapper, + order_by, + query_class=None, + **kw + ): + super(DynamicAttributeImpl, self).__init__( + class_, key, typecallable, dispatch, **kw + ) + self.target_mapper = target_mapper + self.order_by = order_by + if not query_class: + self.query_class = AppenderQuery + elif AppenderMixin in query_class.mro(): + self.query_class = query_class + else: + self.query_class = mixin_user_query(query_class) + + def get(self, state, dict_, passive=attributes.PASSIVE_OFF): + if not passive & attributes.SQL_OK: + return self._get_collection_history( + state, attributes.PASSIVE_NO_INITIALIZE + ).added_items + else: + return self.query_class(self, state) + + def get_collection( + self, + state, + dict_, + user_data=None, + passive=attributes.PASSIVE_NO_INITIALIZE, + ): + if not passive & attributes.SQL_OK: + return self._get_collection_history(state, passive).added_items + else: + history = self._get_collection_history(state, passive) + return history.added_plus_unchanged + + @util.memoized_property + def _append_token(self): + return attributes.Event(self, attributes.OP_APPEND) + + @util.memoized_property + def _remove_token(self): + return attributes.Event(self, attributes.OP_REMOVE) + + def fire_append_event( + self, state, dict_, value, initiator, collection_history=None + ): + if collection_history is None: + collection_history = self._modified_event(state, dict_) + + collection_history.add_added(value) + + for fn in self.dispatch.append: + value = fn(state, value, initiator or self._append_token) + + if self.trackparent and value is not None: + self.sethasparent(attributes.instance_state(value), state, True) + + def fire_remove_event( + self, state, dict_, value, initiator, collection_history=None + ): + if collection_history is None: + collection_history = self._modified_event(state, dict_) + + collection_history.add_removed(value) + + if self.trackparent and value is not None: + self.sethasparent(attributes.instance_state(value), state, False) + + for fn in self.dispatch.remove: + fn(state, value, initiator or self._remove_token) + + def _modified_event(self, state, dict_): + + if self.key not in state.committed_state: + state.committed_state[self.key] = CollectionHistory(self, state) + + state._modified_event(dict_, self, attributes.NEVER_SET) + + # this is a hack to allow the fixtures.ComparableEntity fixture + # to work + dict_[self.key] = True + return state.committed_state[self.key] + + def set( + self, + state, + dict_, + value, + initiator=None, + passive=attributes.PASSIVE_OFF, + check_old=None, + pop=False, + _adapt=True, + ): + if initiator and initiator.parent_token is self.parent_token: + return + + if pop and value is None: + return + + iterable = value + new_values = list(iterable) + if state.has_identity: + old_collection = util.IdentitySet(self.get(state, dict_)) + + collection_history = self._modified_event(state, dict_) + if not state.has_identity: + old_collection = collection_history.added_items + else: + old_collection = old_collection.union( + collection_history.added_items + ) + + idset = util.IdentitySet + constants = old_collection.intersection(new_values) + additions = idset(new_values).difference(constants) + removals = old_collection.difference(constants) + + for member in new_values: + if member in additions: + self.fire_append_event( + state, + dict_, + member, + None, + collection_history=collection_history, + ) + + for member in removals: + self.fire_remove_event( + state, + dict_, + member, + None, + collection_history=collection_history, + ) + + def delete(self, *args, **kwargs): + raise NotImplementedError() + + def set_committed_value(self, state, dict_, value): + raise NotImplementedError( + "Dynamic attributes don't support " "collection population." + ) + + def get_history(self, state, dict_, passive=attributes.PASSIVE_OFF): + c = self._get_collection_history(state, passive) + return c.as_history() + + def get_all_pending( + self, state, dict_, passive=attributes.PASSIVE_NO_INITIALIZE + ): + c = self._get_collection_history(state, passive) + return [(attributes.instance_state(x), x) for x in c.all_items] + + def _get_collection_history(self, state, passive=attributes.PASSIVE_OFF): + if self.key in state.committed_state: + c = state.committed_state[self.key] + else: + c = CollectionHistory(self, state) + + if state.has_identity and (passive & attributes.INIT_OK): + return CollectionHistory(self, state, apply_to=c) + else: + return c + + def append( + self, state, dict_, value, initiator, passive=attributes.PASSIVE_OFF + ): + if initiator is not self: + self.fire_append_event(state, dict_, value, initiator) + + def remove( + self, state, dict_, value, initiator, passive=attributes.PASSIVE_OFF + ): + if initiator is not self: + self.fire_remove_event(state, dict_, value, initiator) + + def pop( + self, state, dict_, value, initiator, passive=attributes.PASSIVE_OFF + ): + self.remove(state, dict_, value, initiator, passive=passive) + + +class AppenderMixin(object): + query_class = None + + def __init__(self, attr, state): + super(AppenderMixin, self).__init__(attr.target_mapper, None) + self.instance = instance = state.obj() + self.attr = attr + + mapper = object_mapper(instance) + prop = mapper._props[self.attr.key] + + if prop.secondary is not None: + # this is a hack right now. The Query only knows how to + # make subsequent joins() without a given left-hand side + # from self._from_obj[0]. We need to ensure prop.secondary + # is in the FROM. So we purposly put the mapper selectable + # in _from_obj[0] to ensure a user-defined join() later on + # doesn't fail, and secondary is then in _from_obj[1]. + self._from_obj = (prop.mapper.selectable, prop.secondary) + + self._criterion = prop._with_parent(instance, alias_secondary=False) + + if self.attr.order_by: + self._order_by = self.attr.order_by + + def session(self): + sess = object_session(self.instance) + if ( + sess is not None + and self.autoflush + and sess.autoflush + and self.instance in sess + ): + sess.flush() + if not orm_util.has_identity(self.instance): + return None + else: + return sess + + session = property(session, lambda s, x: None) + + def __iter__(self): + sess = self.session + if sess is None: + return iter( + self.attr._get_collection_history( + attributes.instance_state(self.instance), + attributes.PASSIVE_NO_INITIALIZE, + ).added_items + ) + else: + return iter(self._clone(sess)) + + def __getitem__(self, index): + sess = self.session + if sess is None: + return self.attr._get_collection_history( + attributes.instance_state(self.instance), + attributes.PASSIVE_NO_INITIALIZE, + ).indexed(index) + else: + return self._clone(sess).__getitem__(index) + + def count(self): + sess = self.session + if sess is None: + return len( + self.attr._get_collection_history( + attributes.instance_state(self.instance), + attributes.PASSIVE_NO_INITIALIZE, + ).added_items + ) + else: + return self._clone(sess).count() + + def _clone(self, sess=None): + # note we're returning an entirely new Query class instance + # here without any assignment capabilities; the class of this + # query is determined by the session. + instance = self.instance + if sess is None: + sess = object_session(instance) + if sess is None: + raise orm_exc.DetachedInstanceError( + "Parent instance %s is not bound to a Session, and no " + "contextual session is established; lazy load operation " + "of attribute '%s' cannot proceed" + % (orm_util.instance_str(instance), self.attr.key) + ) + + if self.query_class: + query = self.query_class(self.attr.target_mapper, session=sess) + else: + query = sess.query(self.attr.target_mapper) + + query._criterion = self._criterion + query._from_obj = self._from_obj + query._order_by = self._order_by + + return query + + def extend(self, iterator): + for item in iterator: + self.attr.append( + attributes.instance_state(self.instance), + attributes.instance_dict(self.instance), + item, + None, + ) + + def append(self, item): + self.attr.append( + attributes.instance_state(self.instance), + attributes.instance_dict(self.instance), + item, + None, + ) + + def remove(self, item): + self.attr.remove( + attributes.instance_state(self.instance), + attributes.instance_dict(self.instance), + item, + None, + ) + + +class AppenderQuery(AppenderMixin, Query): + """A dynamic query that supports basic collection storage operations.""" + + +def mixin_user_query(cls): + """Return a new class with AppenderQuery functionality layered over.""" + name = "Appender" + cls.__name__ + return type(name, (AppenderMixin, cls), {"query_class": cls}) + + +class CollectionHistory(object): + """Overrides AttributeHistory to receive append/remove events directly.""" + + def __init__(self, attr, state, apply_to=None): + if apply_to: + coll = AppenderQuery(attr, state).autoflush(False) + self.unchanged_items = util.OrderedIdentitySet(coll) + self.added_items = apply_to.added_items + self.deleted_items = apply_to.deleted_items + self._reconcile_collection = True + else: + self.deleted_items = util.OrderedIdentitySet() + self.added_items = util.OrderedIdentitySet() + self.unchanged_items = util.OrderedIdentitySet() + self._reconcile_collection = False + + @property + def added_plus_unchanged(self): + return list(self.added_items.union(self.unchanged_items)) + + @property + def all_items(self): + return list( + self.added_items.union(self.unchanged_items).union( + self.deleted_items + ) + ) + + def as_history(self): + if self._reconcile_collection: + added = self.added_items.difference(self.unchanged_items) + deleted = self.deleted_items.intersection(self.unchanged_items) + unchanged = self.unchanged_items.difference(deleted) + else: + added, unchanged, deleted = ( + self.added_items, + self.unchanged_items, + self.deleted_items, + ) + return attributes.History(list(added), list(unchanged), list(deleted)) + + def indexed(self, index): + return list(self.added_items)[index] + + def add_added(self, value): + self.added_items.add(value) + + def add_removed(self, value): + if value in self.added_items: + self.added_items.remove(value) + else: + self.deleted_items.add(value) diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/evaluator.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/evaluator.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..999a4e6 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/evaluator.py @@ -0,0 +1,192 @@ +# orm/evaluator.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +import operator + +from .. import inspect +from .. import util +from ..sql import operators + + +class UnevaluatableError(Exception): + pass + + +_straight_ops = set( + getattr(operators, op) + for op in ( + "add", + "mul", + "sub", + "div", + "mod", + "truediv", + "lt", + "le", + "ne", + "gt", + "ge", + "eq", + ) +) + + +_notimplemented_ops = set( + getattr(operators, op) + for op in ( + "like_op", + "notlike_op", + "ilike_op", + "notilike_op", + "between_op", + "in_op", + "notin_op", + "endswith_op", + "concat_op", + ) +) + + +class EvaluatorCompiler(object): + def __init__(self, target_cls=None): + self.target_cls = target_cls + + def process(self, clause): + meth = getattr(self, "visit_%s" % clause.__visit_name__, None) + if not meth: + raise UnevaluatableError( + "Cannot evaluate %s" % type(clause).__name__ + ) + return meth(clause) + + def visit_grouping(self, clause): + return self.process(clause.element) + + def visit_null(self, clause): + return lambda obj: None + + def visit_false(self, clause): + return lambda obj: False + + def visit_true(self, clause): + return lambda obj: True + + def visit_column(self, clause): + if "parentmapper" in clause._annotations: + parentmapper = clause._annotations["parentmapper"] + if self.target_cls and not issubclass( + self.target_cls, parentmapper.class_ + ): + raise UnevaluatableError( + "Can't evaluate criteria against alternate class %s" + % parentmapper.class_ + ) + key = parentmapper._columntoproperty[clause].key + else: + key = clause.key + if ( + self.target_cls + and key in inspect(self.target_cls).column_attrs + ): + util.warn( + "Evaluating non-mapped column expression '%s' onto " + "ORM instances; this is a deprecated use case. Please " + "make use of the actual mapped columns in ORM-evaluated " + "UPDATE / DELETE expressions." % clause + ) + else: + raise UnevaluatableError("Cannot evaluate column: %s" % clause) + + get_corresponding_attr = operator.attrgetter(key) + return lambda obj: get_corresponding_attr(obj) + + def visit_clauselist(self, clause): + evaluators = list(map(self.process, clause.clauses)) + if clause.operator is operators.or_: + + def evaluate(obj): + has_null = False + for sub_evaluate in evaluators: + value = sub_evaluate(obj) + if value: + return True + has_null = has_null or value is None + if has_null: + return None + return False + + elif clause.operator is operators.and_: + + def evaluate(obj): + for sub_evaluate in evaluators: + value = sub_evaluate(obj) + if not value: + if value is None: + return None + return False + return True + + else: + raise UnevaluatableError( + "Cannot evaluate clauselist with operator %s" % clause.operator + ) + + return evaluate + + def visit_binary(self, clause): + eval_left, eval_right = list( + map(self.process, [clause.left, clause.right]) + ) + operator = clause.operator + if operator is operators.is_: + + def evaluate(obj): + return eval_left(obj) == eval_right(obj) + + elif operator is operators.isnot: + + def evaluate(obj): + return eval_left(obj) != eval_right(obj) + + elif operator in _straight_ops: + + def evaluate(obj): + left_val = eval_left(obj) + right_val = eval_right(obj) + if left_val is None or right_val is None: + return None + return operator(eval_left(obj), eval_right(obj)) + + else: + raise UnevaluatableError( + "Cannot evaluate %s with operator %s" + % (type(clause).__name__, clause.operator) + ) + return evaluate + + def visit_unary(self, clause): + eval_inner = self.process(clause.element) + if clause.operator is operators.inv: + + def evaluate(obj): + value = eval_inner(obj) + if value is None: + return None + return not value + + return evaluate + raise UnevaluatableError( + "Cannot evaluate %s with operator %s" + % (type(clause).__name__, clause.operator) + ) + + def visit_bindparam(self, clause): + if clause.callable: + val = clause.callable() + else: + val = clause.value + return lambda obj: val diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/events.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/events.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bcefac9 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/events.py @@ -0,0 +1,2322 @@ +# orm/events.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +"""ORM event interfaces. + +""" +import weakref + +from . import instrumentation +from . import interfaces +from . import mapperlib +from .attributes import QueryableAttribute +from .base import _mapper_or_none +from .query import Query +from .scoping import scoped_session +from .session import Session +from .session import sessionmaker +from .. import event +from .. import exc +from .. import util +from ..util.compat import inspect_getargspec + + +class InstrumentationEvents(event.Events): + """Events related to class instrumentation events. + + The listeners here support being established against + any new style class, that is any object that is a subclass + of 'type'. Events will then be fired off for events + against that class. If the "propagate=True" flag is passed + to event.listen(), the event will fire off for subclasses + of that class as well. + + The Python ``type`` builtin is also accepted as a target, + which when used has the effect of events being emitted + for all classes. + + Note the "propagate" flag here is defaulted to ``True``, + unlike the other class level events where it defaults + to ``False``. This means that new subclasses will also + be the subject of these events, when a listener + is established on a superclass. + + .. versionchanged:: 0.8 - events here will emit based + on comparing the incoming class to the type of class + passed to :func:`.event.listen`. Previously, the + event would fire for any class unconditionally regardless + of what class was sent for listening, despite + documentation which stated the contrary. + + """ + + _target_class_doc = "SomeBaseClass" + _dispatch_target = instrumentation.InstrumentationFactory + + @classmethod + def _accept_with(cls, target): + if isinstance(target, type): + return _InstrumentationEventsHold(target) + else: + return None + + @classmethod + def _listen(cls, event_key, propagate=True, **kw): + target, identifier, fn = ( + event_key.dispatch_target, + event_key.identifier, + event_key._listen_fn, + ) + + def listen(target_cls, *arg): + listen_cls = target() + if propagate and issubclass(target_cls, listen_cls): + return fn(target_cls, *arg) + elif not propagate and target_cls is listen_cls: + return fn(target_cls, *arg) + + def remove(ref): + key = event.registry._EventKey( + None, + identifier, + listen, + instrumentation._instrumentation_factory, + ) + getattr( + instrumentation._instrumentation_factory.dispatch, identifier + ).remove(key) + + target = weakref.ref(target.class_, remove) + + event_key.with_dispatch_target( + instrumentation._instrumentation_factory + ).with_wrapper(listen).base_listen(**kw) + + @classmethod + def _clear(cls): + super(InstrumentationEvents, cls)._clear() + instrumentation._instrumentation_factory.dispatch._clear() + + def class_instrument(self, cls): + """Called after the given class is instrumented. + + To get at the :class:`.ClassManager`, use + :func:`.manager_of_class`. + + """ + + def class_uninstrument(self, cls): + """Called before the given class is uninstrumented. + + To get at the :class:`.ClassManager`, use + :func:`.manager_of_class`. + + """ + + def attribute_instrument(self, cls, key, inst): + """Called when an attribute is instrumented.""" + + +class _InstrumentationEventsHold(object): + """temporary marker object used to transfer from _accept_with() to + _listen() on the InstrumentationEvents class. + + """ + + def __init__(self, class_): + self.class_ = class_ + + dispatch = event.dispatcher(InstrumentationEvents) + + +class InstanceEvents(event.Events): + """Define events specific to object lifecycle. + + e.g.:: + + from sqlalchemy import event + + def my_load_listener(target, context): + print "on load!" + + event.listen(SomeClass, 'load', my_load_listener) + + Available targets include: + + * mapped classes + * unmapped superclasses of mapped or to-be-mapped classes + (using the ``propagate=True`` flag) + * :class:`.Mapper` objects + * the :class:`.Mapper` class itself and the :func:`.mapper` + function indicate listening for all mappers. + + .. versionchanged:: 0.8.0 instance events can be associated with + unmapped superclasses of mapped classes. + + Instance events are closely related to mapper events, but + are more specific to the instance and its instrumentation, + rather than its system of persistence. + + When using :class:`.InstanceEvents`, several modifiers are + available to the :func:`.event.listen` function. + + :param propagate=False: When True, the event listener should + be applied to all inheriting classes as well as the + class which is the target of this listener. + :param raw=False: When True, the "target" argument passed + to applicable event listener functions will be the + instance's :class:`.InstanceState` management + object, rather than the mapped instance itself. + + """ + + _target_class_doc = "SomeClass" + + _dispatch_target = instrumentation.ClassManager + + @classmethod + def _new_classmanager_instance(cls, class_, classmanager): + _InstanceEventsHold.populate(class_, classmanager) + + @classmethod + @util.dependencies("sqlalchemy.orm") + def _accept_with(cls, orm, target): + if isinstance(target, instrumentation.ClassManager): + return target + elif isinstance(target, mapperlib.Mapper): + return target.class_manager + elif target is orm.mapper: + return instrumentation.ClassManager + elif isinstance(target, type): + if issubclass(target, mapperlib.Mapper): + return instrumentation.ClassManager + else: + manager = instrumentation.manager_of_class(target) + if manager: + return manager + else: + return _InstanceEventsHold(target) + return None + + @classmethod + def _listen(cls, event_key, raw=False, propagate=False, **kw): + target, identifier, fn = ( + event_key.dispatch_target, + event_key.identifier, + event_key._listen_fn, + ) + + if not raw: + + def wrap(state, *arg, **kw): + return fn(state.obj(), *arg, **kw) + + event_key = event_key.with_wrapper(wrap) + + event_key.base_listen(propagate=propagate, **kw) + + if propagate: + for mgr in target.subclass_managers(True): + event_key.with_dispatch_target(mgr).base_listen(propagate=True) + + @classmethod + def _clear(cls): + super(InstanceEvents, cls)._clear() + _InstanceEventsHold._clear() + + def first_init(self, manager, cls): + """Called when the first instance of a particular mapping is called. + + This event is called when the ``__init__`` method of a class + is called the first time for that particular class. The event + invokes before ``__init__`` actually proceeds as well as before + the :meth:`.InstanceEvents.init` event is invoked. + + """ + + def init(self, target, args, kwargs): + """Receive an instance when its constructor is called. + + This method is only called during a userland construction of + an object, in conjunction with the object's constructor, e.g. + its ``__init__`` method. It is not called when an object is + loaded from the database; see the :meth:`.InstanceEvents.load` + event in order to intercept a database load. + + The event is called before the actual ``__init__`` constructor + of the object is called. The ``kwargs`` dictionary may be + modified in-place in order to affect what is passed to + ``__init__``. + + :param target: the mapped instance. If + the event is configured with ``raw=True``, this will + instead be the :class:`.InstanceState` state-management + object associated with the instance. + :param args: positional arguments passed to the ``__init__`` method. + This is passed as a tuple and is currently immutable. + :param kwargs: keyword arguments passed to the ``__init__`` method. + This structure *can* be altered in place. + + .. seealso:: + + :meth:`.InstanceEvents.init_failure` + + :meth:`.InstanceEvents.load` + + """ + + def init_failure(self, target, args, kwargs): + """Receive an instance when its constructor has been called, + and raised an exception. + + This method is only called during a userland construction of + an object, in conjunction with the object's constructor, e.g. + its ``__init__`` method. It is not called when an object is loaded + from the database. + + The event is invoked after an exception raised by the ``__init__`` + method is caught. After the event + is invoked, the original exception is re-raised outwards, so that + the construction of the object still raises an exception. The + actual exception and stack trace raised should be present in + ``sys.exc_info()``. + + :param target: the mapped instance. If + the event is configured with ``raw=True``, this will + instead be the :class:`.InstanceState` state-management + object associated with the instance. + :param args: positional arguments that were passed to the ``__init__`` + method. + :param kwargs: keyword arguments that were passed to the ``__init__`` + method. + + .. seealso:: + + :meth:`.InstanceEvents.init` + + :meth:`.InstanceEvents.load` + + """ + + def load(self, target, context): + """Receive an object instance after it has been created via + ``__new__``, and after initial attribute population has + occurred. + + This typically occurs when the instance is created based on + incoming result rows, and is only called once for that + instance's lifetime. + + Note that during a result-row load, this method is called upon + the first row received for this instance. Note that some + attributes and collections may or may not be loaded or even + initialized, depending on what's present in the result rows. + + The :meth:`.InstanceEvents.load` event is also available in a + class-method decorator format called :func:`.orm.reconstructor`. + + :param target: the mapped instance. If + the event is configured with ``raw=True``, this will + instead be the :class:`.InstanceState` state-management + object associated with the instance. + :param context: the :class:`.QueryContext` corresponding to the + current :class:`.Query` in progress. This argument may be + ``None`` if the load does not correspond to a :class:`.Query`, + such as during :meth:`.Session.merge`. + + .. seealso:: + + :meth:`.InstanceEvents.init` + + :meth:`.InstanceEvents.refresh` + + :meth:`.SessionEvents.loaded_as_persistent` + + :ref:`mapping_constructors` + + """ + + def refresh(self, target, context, attrs): + """Receive an object instance after one or more attributes have + been refreshed from a query. + + Contrast this to the :meth:`.InstanceEvents.load` method, which + is invoked when the object is first loaded from a query. + + :param target: the mapped instance. If + the event is configured with ``raw=True``, this will + instead be the :class:`.InstanceState` state-management + object associated with the instance. + :param context: the :class:`.QueryContext` corresponding to the + current :class:`.Query` in progress. + :param attrs: sequence of attribute names which + were populated, or None if all column-mapped, non-deferred + attributes were populated. + + .. seealso:: + + :meth:`.InstanceEvents.load` + + """ + + def refresh_flush(self, target, flush_context, attrs): + """Receive an object instance after one or more attributes have + been refreshed within the persistence of the object. + + This event is the same as :meth:`.InstanceEvents.refresh` except + it is invoked within the unit of work flush process, and the values + here typically come from the process of handling an INSERT or + UPDATE, such as via the RETURNING clause or from Python-side default + values. + + .. versionadded:: 1.0.5 + + :param target: the mapped instance. If + the event is configured with ``raw=True``, this will + instead be the :class:`.InstanceState` state-management + object associated with the instance. + :param flush_context: Internal :class:`.UOWTransaction` object + which handles the details of the flush. + :param attrs: sequence of attribute names which + were populated. + + """ + + def expire(self, target, attrs): + """Receive an object instance after its attributes or some subset + have been expired. + + 'keys' is a list of attribute names. If None, the entire + state was expired. + + :param target: the mapped instance. If + the event is configured with ``raw=True``, this will + instead be the :class:`.InstanceState` state-management + object associated with the instance. + :param attrs: sequence of attribute + names which were expired, or None if all attributes were + expired. + + """ + + def pickle(self, target, state_dict): + """Receive an object instance when its associated state is + being pickled. + + :param target: the mapped instance. If + the event is configured with ``raw=True``, this will + instead be the :class:`.InstanceState` state-management + object associated with the instance. + :param state_dict: the dictionary returned by + :class:`.InstanceState.__getstate__`, containing the state + to be pickled. + + """ + + def unpickle(self, target, state_dict): + """Receive an object instance after its associated state has + been unpickled. + + :param target: the mapped instance. If + the event is configured with ``raw=True``, this will + instead be the :class:`.InstanceState` state-management + object associated with the instance. + :param state_dict: the dictionary sent to + :class:`.InstanceState.__setstate__`, containing the state + dictionary which was pickled. + + """ + + +class _EventsHold(event.RefCollection): + """Hold onto listeners against unmapped, uninstrumented classes. + + Establish _listen() for that class' mapper/instrumentation when + those objects are created for that class. + + """ + + def __init__(self, class_): + self.class_ = class_ + + @classmethod + def _clear(cls): + cls.all_holds.clear() + + class HoldEvents(object): + _dispatch_target = None + + @classmethod + def _listen(cls, event_key, raw=False, propagate=False, **kw): + target, identifier, fn = ( + event_key.dispatch_target, + event_key.identifier, + event_key.fn, + ) + + if target.class_ in target.all_holds: + collection = target.all_holds[target.class_] + else: + collection = target.all_holds[target.class_] = {} + + event.registry._stored_in_collection(event_key, target) + collection[event_key._key] = (event_key, raw, propagate) + + if propagate: + stack = list(target.class_.__subclasses__()) + while stack: + subclass = stack.pop(0) + stack.extend(subclass.__subclasses__()) + subject = target.resolve(subclass) + if subject is not None: + # we are already going through __subclasses__() + # so leave generic propagate flag False + event_key.with_dispatch_target(subject).listen( + raw=raw, propagate=False, **kw + ) + + def remove(self, event_key): + target, identifier, fn = ( + event_key.dispatch_target, + event_key.identifier, + event_key.fn, + ) + + if isinstance(target, _EventsHold): + collection = target.all_holds[target.class_] + del collection[event_key._key] + + @classmethod + def populate(cls, class_, subject): + for subclass in class_.__mro__: + if subclass in cls.all_holds: + collection = cls.all_holds[subclass] + for event_key, raw, propagate in collection.values(): + if propagate or subclass is class_: + # since we can't be sure in what order different + # classes in a hierarchy are triggered with + # populate(), we rely upon _EventsHold for all event + # assignment, instead of using the generic propagate + # flag. + event_key.with_dispatch_target(subject).listen( + raw=raw, propagate=False + ) + + +class _InstanceEventsHold(_EventsHold): + all_holds = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary() + + def resolve(self, class_): + return instrumentation.manager_of_class(class_) + + class HoldInstanceEvents(_EventsHold.HoldEvents, InstanceEvents): + pass + + dispatch = event.dispatcher(HoldInstanceEvents) + + +class MapperEvents(event.Events): + """Define events specific to mappings. + + e.g.:: + + from sqlalchemy import event + + def my_before_insert_listener(mapper, connection, target): + # execute a stored procedure upon INSERT, + # apply the value to the row to be inserted + target.calculated_value = connection.scalar( + "select my_special_function(%d)" + % target.special_number) + + # associate the listener function with SomeClass, + # to execute during the "before_insert" hook + event.listen( + SomeClass, 'before_insert', my_before_insert_listener) + + Available targets include: + + * mapped classes + * unmapped superclasses of mapped or to-be-mapped classes + (using the ``propagate=True`` flag) + * :class:`.Mapper` objects + * the :class:`.Mapper` class itself and the :func:`.mapper` + function indicate listening for all mappers. + + .. versionchanged:: 0.8.0 mapper events can be associated with + unmapped superclasses of mapped classes. + + Mapper events provide hooks into critical sections of the + mapper, including those related to object instrumentation, + object loading, and object persistence. In particular, the + persistence methods :meth:`~.MapperEvents.before_insert`, + and :meth:`~.MapperEvents.before_update` are popular + places to augment the state being persisted - however, these + methods operate with several significant restrictions. The + user is encouraged to evaluate the + :meth:`.SessionEvents.before_flush` and + :meth:`.SessionEvents.after_flush` methods as more + flexible and user-friendly hooks in which to apply + additional database state during a flush. + + When using :class:`.MapperEvents`, several modifiers are + available to the :func:`.event.listen` function. + + :param propagate=False: When True, the event listener should + be applied to all inheriting mappers and/or the mappers of + inheriting classes, as well as any + mapper which is the target of this listener. + :param raw=False: When True, the "target" argument passed + to applicable event listener functions will be the + instance's :class:`.InstanceState` management + object, rather than the mapped instance itself. + :param retval=False: when True, the user-defined event function + must have a return value, the purpose of which is either to + control subsequent event propagation, or to otherwise alter + the operation in progress by the mapper. Possible return + values are: + + * ``sqlalchemy.orm.interfaces.EXT_CONTINUE`` - continue event + processing normally. + * ``sqlalchemy.orm.interfaces.EXT_STOP`` - cancel all subsequent + event handlers in the chain. + * other values - the return value specified by specific listeners. + + """ + + _target_class_doc = "SomeClass" + _dispatch_target = mapperlib.Mapper + + @classmethod + def _new_mapper_instance(cls, class_, mapper): + _MapperEventsHold.populate(class_, mapper) + + @classmethod + @util.dependencies("sqlalchemy.orm") + def _accept_with(cls, orm, target): + if target is orm.mapper: + return mapperlib.Mapper + elif isinstance(target, type): + if issubclass(target, mapperlib.Mapper): + return target + else: + mapper = _mapper_or_none(target) + if mapper is not None: + return mapper + else: + return _MapperEventsHold(target) + else: + return target + + @classmethod + def _listen( + cls, event_key, raw=False, retval=False, propagate=False, **kw + ): + target, identifier, fn = ( + event_key.dispatch_target, + event_key.identifier, + event_key._listen_fn, + ) + + if ( + identifier in ("before_configured", "after_configured") + and target is not mapperlib.Mapper + ): + util.warn( + "'before_configured' and 'after_configured' ORM events " + "only invoke with the mapper() function or Mapper class " + "as the target." + ) + + if not raw or not retval: + if not raw: + meth = getattr(cls, identifier) + try: + target_index = ( + inspect_getargspec(meth)[0].index("target") - 1 + ) + except ValueError: + target_index = None + + def wrap(*arg, **kw): + if not raw and target_index is not None: + arg = list(arg) + arg[target_index] = arg[target_index].obj() + if not retval: + fn(*arg, **kw) + return interfaces.EXT_CONTINUE + else: + return fn(*arg, **kw) + + event_key = event_key.with_wrapper(wrap) + + if propagate: + for mapper in target.self_and_descendants: + event_key.with_dispatch_target(mapper).base_listen( + propagate=True, **kw + ) + else: + event_key.base_listen(**kw) + + @classmethod + def _clear(cls): + super(MapperEvents, cls)._clear() + _MapperEventsHold._clear() + + def instrument_class(self, mapper, class_): + r"""Receive a class when the mapper is first constructed, + before instrumentation is applied to the mapped class. + + This event is the earliest phase of mapper construction. + Most attributes of the mapper are not yet initialized. + + This listener can either be applied to the :class:`.Mapper` + class overall, or to any un-mapped class which serves as a base + for classes that will be mapped (using the ``propagate=True`` flag):: + + Base = declarative_base() + + @event.listens_for(Base, "instrument_class", propagate=True) + def on_new_class(mapper, cls_): + " ... " + + :param mapper: the :class:`.Mapper` which is the target + of this event. + :param class\_: the mapped class. + + """ + + def mapper_configured(self, mapper, class_): + r"""Called when a specific mapper has completed its own configuration + within the scope of the :func:`.configure_mappers` call. + + The :meth:`.MapperEvents.mapper_configured` event is invoked + for each mapper that is encountered when the + :func:`.orm.configure_mappers` function proceeds through the current + list of not-yet-configured mappers. + :func:`.orm.configure_mappers` is typically invoked + automatically as mappings are first used, as well as each time + new mappers have been made available and new mapper use is + detected. + + When the event is called, the mapper should be in its final + state, but **not including backrefs** that may be invoked from + other mappers; they might still be pending within the + configuration operation. Bidirectional relationships that + are instead configured via the + :paramref:`.orm.relationship.back_populates` argument + *will* be fully available, since this style of relationship does not + rely upon other possibly-not-configured mappers to know that they + exist. + + For an event that is guaranteed to have **all** mappers ready + to go including backrefs that are defined only on other + mappings, use the :meth:`.MapperEvents.after_configured` + event; this event invokes only after all known mappings have been + fully configured. + + The :meth:`.MapperEvents.mapper_configured` event, unlike + :meth:`.MapperEvents.before_configured` or + :meth:`.MapperEvents.after_configured`, + is called for each mapper/class individually, and the mapper is + passed to the event itself. It also is called exactly once for + a particular mapper. The event is therefore useful for + configurational steps that benefit from being invoked just once + on a specific mapper basis, which don't require that "backref" + configurations are necessarily ready yet. + + :param mapper: the :class:`.Mapper` which is the target + of this event. + :param class\_: the mapped class. + + .. seealso:: + + :meth:`.MapperEvents.before_configured` + + :meth:`.MapperEvents.after_configured` + + """ + # TODO: need coverage for this event + + def before_configured(self): + """Called before a series of mappers have been configured. + + The :meth:`.MapperEvents.before_configured` event is invoked + each time the :func:`.orm.configure_mappers` function is + invoked, before the function has done any of its work. + :func:`.orm.configure_mappers` is typically invoked + automatically as mappings are first used, as well as each time + new mappers have been made available and new mapper use is + detected. + + This event can **only** be applied to the :class:`.Mapper` class + or :func:`.mapper` function, and not to individual mappings or + mapped classes. It is only invoked for all mappings as a whole:: + + from sqlalchemy.orm import mapper + + @event.listens_for(mapper, "before_configured") + def go(): + # ... + + Contrast this event to :meth:`.MapperEvents.after_configured`, + which is invoked after the series of mappers has been configured, + as well as :meth:`.MapperEvents.mapper_configured`, which is invoked + on a per-mapper basis as each one is configured to the extent possible. + + Theoretically this event is called once per + application, but is actually called any time new mappers + are to be affected by a :func:`.orm.configure_mappers` + call. If new mappings are constructed after existing ones have + already been used, this event will likely be called again. To ensure + that a particular event is only called once and no further, the + ``once=True`` argument (new in 0.9.4) can be applied:: + + from sqlalchemy.orm import mapper + + @event.listens_for(mapper, "before_configured", once=True) + def go(): + # ... + + + .. versionadded:: 0.9.3 + + + .. seealso:: + + :meth:`.MapperEvents.mapper_configured` + + :meth:`.MapperEvents.after_configured` + + """ + + def after_configured(self): + """Called after a series of mappers have been configured. + + The :meth:`.MapperEvents.after_configured` event is invoked + each time the :func:`.orm.configure_mappers` function is + invoked, after the function has completed its work. + :func:`.orm.configure_mappers` is typically invoked + automatically as mappings are first used, as well as each time + new mappers have been made available and new mapper use is + detected. + + Contrast this event to the :meth:`.MapperEvents.mapper_configured` + event, which is called on a per-mapper basis while the configuration + operation proceeds; unlike that event, when this event is invoked, + all cross-configurations (e.g. backrefs) will also have been made + available for any mappers that were pending. + Also contrast to :meth:`.MapperEvents.before_configured`, + which is invoked before the series of mappers has been configured. + + This event can **only** be applied to the :class:`.Mapper` class + or :func:`.mapper` function, and not to individual mappings or + mapped classes. It is only invoked for all mappings as a whole:: + + from sqlalchemy.orm import mapper + + @event.listens_for(mapper, "after_configured") + def go(): + # ... + + Theoretically this event is called once per + application, but is actually called any time new mappers + have been affected by a :func:`.orm.configure_mappers` + call. If new mappings are constructed after existing ones have + already been used, this event will likely be called again. To ensure + that a particular event is only called once and no further, the + ``once=True`` argument (new in 0.9.4) can be applied:: + + from sqlalchemy.orm import mapper + + @event.listens_for(mapper, "after_configured", once=True) + def go(): + # ... + + .. seealso:: + + :meth:`.MapperEvents.mapper_configured` + + :meth:`.MapperEvents.before_configured` + + """ + + def before_insert(self, mapper, connection, target): + """Receive an object instance before an INSERT statement + is emitted corresponding to that instance. + + This event is used to modify local, non-object related + attributes on the instance before an INSERT occurs, as well + as to emit additional SQL statements on the given + connection. + + The event is often called for a batch of objects of the + same class before their INSERT statements are emitted at + once in a later step. In the extremely rare case that + this is not desirable, the :func:`.mapper` can be + configured with ``batch=False``, which will cause + batches of instances to be broken up into individual + (and more poorly performing) event->persist->event + steps. + + .. warning:: + + Mapper-level flush events only allow **very limited operations**, + on attributes local to the row being operated upon only, + as well as allowing any SQL to be emitted on the given + :class:`.Connection`. **Please read fully** the notes + at :ref:`session_persistence_mapper` for guidelines on using + these methods; generally, the :meth:`.SessionEvents.before_flush` + method should be preferred for general on-flush changes. + + :param mapper: the :class:`.Mapper` which is the target + of this event. + :param connection: the :class:`.Connection` being used to + emit INSERT statements for this instance. This + provides a handle into the current transaction on the + target database specific to this instance. + :param target: the mapped instance being persisted. If + the event is configured with ``raw=True``, this will + instead be the :class:`.InstanceState` state-management + object associated with the instance. + :return: No return value is supported by this event. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`session_persistence_events` + + """ + + def after_insert(self, mapper, connection, target): + """Receive an object instance after an INSERT statement + is emitted corresponding to that instance. + + This event is used to modify in-Python-only + state on the instance after an INSERT occurs, as well + as to emit additional SQL statements on the given + connection. + + The event is often called for a batch of objects of the + same class after their INSERT statements have been + emitted at once in a previous step. In the extremely + rare case that this is not desirable, the + :func:`.mapper` can be configured with ``batch=False``, + which will cause batches of instances to be broken up + into individual (and more poorly performing) + event->persist->event steps. + + .. warning:: + + Mapper-level flush events only allow **very limited operations**, + on attributes local to the row being operated upon only, + as well as allowing any SQL to be emitted on the given + :class:`.Connection`. **Please read fully** the notes + at :ref:`session_persistence_mapper` for guidelines on using + these methods; generally, the :meth:`.SessionEvents.before_flush` + method should be preferred for general on-flush changes. + + :param mapper: the :class:`.Mapper` which is the target + of this event. + :param connection: the :class:`.Connection` being used to + emit INSERT statements for this instance. This + provides a handle into the current transaction on the + target database specific to this instance. + :param target: the mapped instance being persisted. If + the event is configured with ``raw=True``, this will + instead be the :class:`.InstanceState` state-management + object associated with the instance. + :return: No return value is supported by this event. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`session_persistence_events` + + """ + + def before_update(self, mapper, connection, target): + """Receive an object instance before an UPDATE statement + is emitted corresponding to that instance. + + This event is used to modify local, non-object related + attributes on the instance before an UPDATE occurs, as well + as to emit additional SQL statements on the given + connection. + + This method is called for all instances that are + marked as "dirty", *even those which have no net changes + to their column-based attributes*. An object is marked + as dirty when any of its column-based attributes have a + "set attribute" operation called or when any of its + collections are modified. If, at update time, no + column-based attributes have any net changes, no UPDATE + statement will be issued. This means that an instance + being sent to :meth:`~.MapperEvents.before_update` is + *not* a guarantee that an UPDATE statement will be + issued, although you can affect the outcome here by + modifying attributes so that a net change in value does + exist. + + To detect if the column-based attributes on the object have net + changes, and will therefore generate an UPDATE statement, use + ``object_session(instance).is_modified(instance, + include_collections=False)``. + + The event is often called for a batch of objects of the + same class before their UPDATE statements are emitted at + once in a later step. In the extremely rare case that + this is not desirable, the :func:`.mapper` can be + configured with ``batch=False``, which will cause + batches of instances to be broken up into individual + (and more poorly performing) event->persist->event + steps. + + .. warning:: + + Mapper-level flush events only allow **very limited operations**, + on attributes local to the row being operated upon only, + as well as allowing any SQL to be emitted on the given + :class:`.Connection`. **Please read fully** the notes + at :ref:`session_persistence_mapper` for guidelines on using + these methods; generally, the :meth:`.SessionEvents.before_flush` + method should be preferred for general on-flush changes. + + :param mapper: the :class:`.Mapper` which is the target + of this event. + :param connection: the :class:`.Connection` being used to + emit UPDATE statements for this instance. This + provides a handle into the current transaction on the + target database specific to this instance. + :param target: the mapped instance being persisted. If + the event is configured with ``raw=True``, this will + instead be the :class:`.InstanceState` state-management + object associated with the instance. + :return: No return value is supported by this event. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`session_persistence_events` + + """ + + def after_update(self, mapper, connection, target): + """Receive an object instance after an UPDATE statement + is emitted corresponding to that instance. + + This event is used to modify in-Python-only + state on the instance after an UPDATE occurs, as well + as to emit additional SQL statements on the given + connection. + + This method is called for all instances that are + marked as "dirty", *even those which have no net changes + to their column-based attributes*, and for which + no UPDATE statement has proceeded. An object is marked + as dirty when any of its column-based attributes have a + "set attribute" operation called or when any of its + collections are modified. If, at update time, no + column-based attributes have any net changes, no UPDATE + statement will be issued. This means that an instance + being sent to :meth:`~.MapperEvents.after_update` is + *not* a guarantee that an UPDATE statement has been + issued. + + To detect if the column-based attributes on the object have net + changes, and therefore resulted in an UPDATE statement, use + ``object_session(instance).is_modified(instance, + include_collections=False)``. + + The event is often called for a batch of objects of the + same class after their UPDATE statements have been emitted at + once in a previous step. In the extremely rare case that + this is not desirable, the :func:`.mapper` can be + configured with ``batch=False``, which will cause + batches of instances to be broken up into individual + (and more poorly performing) event->persist->event + steps. + + .. warning:: + + Mapper-level flush events only allow **very limited operations**, + on attributes local to the row being operated upon only, + as well as allowing any SQL to be emitted on the given + :class:`.Connection`. **Please read fully** the notes + at :ref:`session_persistence_mapper` for guidelines on using + these methods; generally, the :meth:`.SessionEvents.before_flush` + method should be preferred for general on-flush changes. + + :param mapper: the :class:`.Mapper` which is the target + of this event. + :param connection: the :class:`.Connection` being used to + emit UPDATE statements for this instance. This + provides a handle into the current transaction on the + target database specific to this instance. + :param target: the mapped instance being persisted. If + the event is configured with ``raw=True``, this will + instead be the :class:`.InstanceState` state-management + object associated with the instance. + :return: No return value is supported by this event. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`session_persistence_events` + + """ + + def before_delete(self, mapper, connection, target): + """Receive an object instance before a DELETE statement + is emitted corresponding to that instance. + + This event is used to emit additional SQL statements on + the given connection as well as to perform application + specific bookkeeping related to a deletion event. + + The event is often called for a batch of objects of the + same class before their DELETE statements are emitted at + once in a later step. + + .. warning:: + + Mapper-level flush events only allow **very limited operations**, + on attributes local to the row being operated upon only, + as well as allowing any SQL to be emitted on the given + :class:`.Connection`. **Please read fully** the notes + at :ref:`session_persistence_mapper` for guidelines on using + these methods; generally, the :meth:`.SessionEvents.before_flush` + method should be preferred for general on-flush changes. + + :param mapper: the :class:`.Mapper` which is the target + of this event. + :param connection: the :class:`.Connection` being used to + emit DELETE statements for this instance. This + provides a handle into the current transaction on the + target database specific to this instance. + :param target: the mapped instance being deleted. If + the event is configured with ``raw=True``, this will + instead be the :class:`.InstanceState` state-management + object associated with the instance. + :return: No return value is supported by this event. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`session_persistence_events` + + """ + + def after_delete(self, mapper, connection, target): + """Receive an object instance after a DELETE statement + has been emitted corresponding to that instance. + + This event is used to emit additional SQL statements on + the given connection as well as to perform application + specific bookkeeping related to a deletion event. + + The event is often called for a batch of objects of the + same class after their DELETE statements have been emitted at + once in a previous step. + + .. warning:: + + Mapper-level flush events only allow **very limited operations**, + on attributes local to the row being operated upon only, + as well as allowing any SQL to be emitted on the given + :class:`.Connection`. **Please read fully** the notes + at :ref:`session_persistence_mapper` for guidelines on using + these methods; generally, the :meth:`.SessionEvents.before_flush` + method should be preferred for general on-flush changes. + + :param mapper: the :class:`.Mapper` which is the target + of this event. + :param connection: the :class:`.Connection` being used to + emit DELETE statements for this instance. This + provides a handle into the current transaction on the + target database specific to this instance. + :param target: the mapped instance being deleted. If + the event is configured with ``raw=True``, this will + instead be the :class:`.InstanceState` state-management + object associated with the instance. + :return: No return value is supported by this event. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`session_persistence_events` + + """ + + +class _MapperEventsHold(_EventsHold): + all_holds = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary() + + def resolve(self, class_): + return _mapper_or_none(class_) + + class HoldMapperEvents(_EventsHold.HoldEvents, MapperEvents): + pass + + dispatch = event.dispatcher(HoldMapperEvents) + + +class SessionEvents(event.Events): + """Define events specific to :class:`.Session` lifecycle. + + e.g.:: + + from sqlalchemy import event + from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker + + def my_before_commit(session): + print "before commit!" + + Session = sessionmaker() + + event.listen(Session, "before_commit", my_before_commit) + + The :func:`~.event.listen` function will accept + :class:`.Session` objects as well as the return result + of :class:`~.sessionmaker()` and :class:`~.scoped_session()`. + + Additionally, it accepts the :class:`.Session` class which + will apply listeners to all :class:`.Session` instances + globally. + + """ + + _target_class_doc = "SomeSessionOrFactory" + + _dispatch_target = Session + + @classmethod + def _accept_with(cls, target): + if isinstance(target, scoped_session): + + target = target.session_factory + if not isinstance(target, sessionmaker) and ( + not isinstance(target, type) or not issubclass(target, Session) + ): + raise exc.ArgumentError( + "Session event listen on a scoped_session " + "requires that its creation callable " + "is associated with the Session class." + ) + + if isinstance(target, sessionmaker): + return target.class_ + elif isinstance(target, type): + if issubclass(target, scoped_session): + return Session + elif issubclass(target, Session): + return target + elif isinstance(target, Session): + return target + else: + return None + + def after_transaction_create(self, session, transaction): + """Execute when a new :class:`.SessionTransaction` is created. + + This event differs from :meth:`~.SessionEvents.after_begin` + in that it occurs for each :class:`.SessionTransaction` + overall, as opposed to when transactions are begun + on individual database connections. It is also invoked + for nested transactions and subtransactions, and is always + matched by a corresponding + :meth:`~.SessionEvents.after_transaction_end` event + (assuming normal operation of the :class:`.Session`). + + :param session: the target :class:`.Session`. + :param transaction: the target :class:`.SessionTransaction`. + + To detect if this is the outermost + :class:`.SessionTransaction`, as opposed to a "subtransaction" or a + SAVEPOINT, test that the :attr:`.SessionTransaction.parent` attribute + is ``None``:: + + @event.listens_for(session, "after_transaction_create") + def after_transaction_create(session, transaction): + if transaction.parent is None: + # work with top-level transaction + + To detect if the :class:`.SessionTransaction` is a SAVEPOINT, use the + :attr:`.SessionTransaction.nested` attribute:: + + @event.listens_for(session, "after_transaction_create") + def after_transaction_create(session, transaction): + if transaction.nested: + # work with SAVEPOINT transaction + + + .. seealso:: + + :class:`.SessionTransaction` + + :meth:`~.SessionEvents.after_transaction_end` + + """ + + def after_transaction_end(self, session, transaction): + """Execute when the span of a :class:`.SessionTransaction` ends. + + This event differs from :meth:`~.SessionEvents.after_commit` + in that it corresponds to all :class:`.SessionTransaction` + objects in use, including those for nested transactions + and subtransactions, and is always matched by a corresponding + :meth:`~.SessionEvents.after_transaction_create` event. + + :param session: the target :class:`.Session`. + :param transaction: the target :class:`.SessionTransaction`. + + To detect if this is the outermost + :class:`.SessionTransaction`, as opposed to a "subtransaction" or a + SAVEPOINT, test that the :attr:`.SessionTransaction.parent` attribute + is ``None``:: + + @event.listens_for(session, "after_transaction_create") + def after_transaction_end(session, transaction): + if transaction.parent is None: + # work with top-level transaction + + To detect if the :class:`.SessionTransaction` is a SAVEPOINT, use the + :attr:`.SessionTransaction.nested` attribute:: + + @event.listens_for(session, "after_transaction_create") + def after_transaction_end(session, transaction): + if transaction.nested: + # work with SAVEPOINT transaction + + + .. seealso:: + + :class:`.SessionTransaction` + + :meth:`~.SessionEvents.after_transaction_create` + + """ + + def before_commit(self, session): + """Execute before commit is called. + + .. note:: + + The :meth:`~.SessionEvents.before_commit` hook is *not* per-flush, + that is, the :class:`.Session` can emit SQL to the database + many times within the scope of a transaction. + For interception of these events, use the + :meth:`~.SessionEvents.before_flush`, + :meth:`~.SessionEvents.after_flush`, or + :meth:`~.SessionEvents.after_flush_postexec` + events. + + :param session: The target :class:`.Session`. + + .. seealso:: + + :meth:`~.SessionEvents.after_commit` + + :meth:`~.SessionEvents.after_begin` + + :meth:`~.SessionEvents.after_transaction_create` + + :meth:`~.SessionEvents.after_transaction_end` + + """ + + def after_commit(self, session): + """Execute after a commit has occurred. + + .. note:: + + The :meth:`~.SessionEvents.after_commit` hook is *not* per-flush, + that is, the :class:`.Session` can emit SQL to the database + many times within the scope of a transaction. + For interception of these events, use the + :meth:`~.SessionEvents.before_flush`, + :meth:`~.SessionEvents.after_flush`, or + :meth:`~.SessionEvents.after_flush_postexec` + events. + + .. note:: + + The :class:`.Session` is not in an active transaction + when the :meth:`~.SessionEvents.after_commit` event is invoked, + and therefore can not emit SQL. To emit SQL corresponding to + every transaction, use the :meth:`~.SessionEvents.before_commit` + event. + + :param session: The target :class:`.Session`. + + .. seealso:: + + :meth:`~.SessionEvents.before_commit` + + :meth:`~.SessionEvents.after_begin` + + :meth:`~.SessionEvents.after_transaction_create` + + :meth:`~.SessionEvents.after_transaction_end` + + """ + + def after_rollback(self, session): + """Execute after a real DBAPI rollback has occurred. + + Note that this event only fires when the *actual* rollback against + the database occurs - it does *not* fire each time the + :meth:`.Session.rollback` method is called, if the underlying + DBAPI transaction has already been rolled back. In many + cases, the :class:`.Session` will not be in + an "active" state during this event, as the current + transaction is not valid. To acquire a :class:`.Session` + which is active after the outermost rollback has proceeded, + use the :meth:`.SessionEvents.after_soft_rollback` event, checking the + :attr:`.Session.is_active` flag. + + :param session: The target :class:`.Session`. + + """ + + def after_soft_rollback(self, session, previous_transaction): + """Execute after any rollback has occurred, including "soft" + rollbacks that don't actually emit at the DBAPI level. + + This corresponds to both nested and outer rollbacks, i.e. + the innermost rollback that calls the DBAPI's + rollback() method, as well as the enclosing rollback + calls that only pop themselves from the transaction stack. + + The given :class:`.Session` can be used to invoke SQL and + :meth:`.Session.query` operations after an outermost rollback + by first checking the :attr:`.Session.is_active` flag:: + + @event.listens_for(Session, "after_soft_rollback") + def do_something(session, previous_transaction): + if session.is_active: + session.execute("select * from some_table") + + :param session: The target :class:`.Session`. + :param previous_transaction: The :class:`.SessionTransaction` + transactional marker object which was just closed. The current + :class:`.SessionTransaction` for the given :class:`.Session` is + available via the :attr:`.Session.transaction` attribute. + + .. versionadded:: 0.7.3 + + """ + + def before_flush(self, session, flush_context, instances): + """Execute before flush process has started. + + :param session: The target :class:`.Session`. + :param flush_context: Internal :class:`.UOWTransaction` object + which handles the details of the flush. + :param instances: Usually ``None``, this is the collection of + objects which can be passed to the :meth:`.Session.flush` method + (note this usage is deprecated). + + .. seealso:: + + :meth:`~.SessionEvents.after_flush` + + :meth:`~.SessionEvents.after_flush_postexec` + + :ref:`session_persistence_events` + + """ + + def after_flush(self, session, flush_context): + """Execute after flush has completed, but before commit has been + called. + + Note that the session's state is still in pre-flush, i.e. 'new', + 'dirty', and 'deleted' lists still show pre-flush state as well + as the history settings on instance attributes. + + :param session: The target :class:`.Session`. + :param flush_context: Internal :class:`.UOWTransaction` object + which handles the details of the flush. + + .. seealso:: + + :meth:`~.SessionEvents.before_flush` + + :meth:`~.SessionEvents.after_flush_postexec` + + :ref:`session_persistence_events` + + """ + + def after_flush_postexec(self, session, flush_context): + """Execute after flush has completed, and after the post-exec + state occurs. + + This will be when the 'new', 'dirty', and 'deleted' lists are in + their final state. An actual commit() may or may not have + occurred, depending on whether or not the flush started its own + transaction or participated in a larger transaction. + + :param session: The target :class:`.Session`. + :param flush_context: Internal :class:`.UOWTransaction` object + which handles the details of the flush. + + + .. seealso:: + + :meth:`~.SessionEvents.before_flush` + + :meth:`~.SessionEvents.after_flush` + + :ref:`session_persistence_events` + + """ + + def after_begin(self, session, transaction, connection): + """Execute after a transaction is begun on a connection + + :param session: The target :class:`.Session`. + :param transaction: The :class:`.SessionTransaction`. + :param connection: The :class:`~.engine.Connection` object + which will be used for SQL statements. + + .. seealso:: + + :meth:`~.SessionEvents.before_commit` + + :meth:`~.SessionEvents.after_commit` + + :meth:`~.SessionEvents.after_transaction_create` + + :meth:`~.SessionEvents.after_transaction_end` + + """ + + def before_attach(self, session, instance): + """Execute before an instance is attached to a session. + + This is called before an add, delete or merge causes + the object to be part of the session. + + .. versionadded:: 0.8. Note that :meth:`~.SessionEvents.after_attach` + now fires off after the item is part of the session. + :meth:`.before_attach` is provided for those cases where + the item should not yet be part of the session state. + + .. seealso:: + + :meth:`~.SessionEvents.after_attach` + + :ref:`session_lifecycle_events` + + """ + + def after_attach(self, session, instance): + """Execute after an instance is attached to a session. + + This is called after an add, delete or merge. + + .. note:: + + As of 0.8, this event fires off *after* the item + has been fully associated with the session, which is + different than previous releases. For event + handlers that require the object not yet + be part of session state (such as handlers which + may autoflush while the target object is not + yet complete) consider the + new :meth:`.before_attach` event. + + .. seealso:: + + :meth:`~.SessionEvents.before_attach` + + :ref:`session_lifecycle_events` + + """ + + @event._legacy_signature( + "0.9", + ["session", "query", "query_context", "result"], + lambda update_context: ( + update_context.session, + update_context.query, + update_context.context, + update_context.result, + ), + ) + def after_bulk_update(self, update_context): + """Execute after a bulk update operation to the session. + + This is called as a result of the :meth:`.Query.update` method. + + :param update_context: an "update context" object which contains + details about the update, including these attributes: + + * ``session`` - the :class:`.Session` involved + * ``query`` -the :class:`.Query` object that this update operation + was called upon. + * ``context`` The :class:`.QueryContext` object, corresponding + to the invocation of an ORM query. + * ``result`` the :class:`.ResultProxy` returned as a result of the + bulk UPDATE operation. + + + """ + + @event._legacy_signature( + "0.9", + ["session", "query", "query_context", "result"], + lambda delete_context: ( + delete_context.session, + delete_context.query, + delete_context.context, + delete_context.result, + ), + ) + def after_bulk_delete(self, delete_context): + """Execute after a bulk delete operation to the session. + + This is called as a result of the :meth:`.Query.delete` method. + + :param delete_context: a "delete context" object which contains + details about the update, including these attributes: + + * ``session`` - the :class:`.Session` involved + * ``query`` -the :class:`.Query` object that this update operation + was called upon. + * ``context`` The :class:`.QueryContext` object, corresponding + to the invocation of an ORM query. + * ``result`` the :class:`.ResultProxy` returned as a result of the + bulk DELETE operation. + + + """ + + def transient_to_pending(self, session, instance): + """Intercept the "transient to pending" transition for a specific object. + + This event is a specialization of the + :meth:`.SessionEvents.after_attach` event which is only invoked + for this specific transition. It is invoked typically during the + :meth:`.Session.add` call. + + :param session: target :class:`.Session` + + :param instance: the ORM-mapped instance being operated upon. + + .. versionadded:: 1.1 + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`session_lifecycle_events` + + """ + + def pending_to_transient(self, session, instance): + """Intercept the "pending to transient" transition for a specific object. + + This less common transition occurs when an pending object that has + not been flushed is evicted from the session; this can occur + when the :meth:`.Session.rollback` method rolls back the transaction, + or when the :meth:`.Session.expunge` method is used. + + :param session: target :class:`.Session` + + :param instance: the ORM-mapped instance being operated upon. + + .. versionadded:: 1.1 + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`session_lifecycle_events` + + """ + + def persistent_to_transient(self, session, instance): + """Intercept the "persistent to transient" transition for a specific object. + + This less common transition occurs when an pending object that has + has been flushed is evicted from the session; this can occur + when the :meth:`.Session.rollback` method rolls back the transaction. + + :param session: target :class:`.Session` + + :param instance: the ORM-mapped instance being operated upon. + + .. versionadded:: 1.1 + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`session_lifecycle_events` + + """ + + def pending_to_persistent(self, session, instance): + """Intercept the "pending to persistent"" transition for a specific object. + + This event is invoked within the flush process, and is + similar to scanning the :attr:`.Session.new` collection within + the :meth:`.SessionEvents.after_flush` event. However, in this + case the object has already been moved to the persistent state + when the event is called. + + :param session: target :class:`.Session` + + :param instance: the ORM-mapped instance being operated upon. + + .. versionadded:: 1.1 + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`session_lifecycle_events` + + """ + + def detached_to_persistent(self, session, instance): + """Intercept the "detached to persistent" transition for a specific object. + + This event is a specialization of the + :meth:`.SessionEvents.after_attach` event which is only invoked + for this specific transition. It is invoked typically during the + :meth:`.Session.add` call, as well as during the + :meth:`.Session.delete` call if the object was not previously + associated with the + :class:`.Session` (note that an object marked as "deleted" remains + in the "persistent" state until the flush proceeds). + + .. note:: + + If the object becomes persistent as part of a call to + :meth:`.Session.delete`, the object is **not** yet marked as + deleted when this event is called. To detect deleted objects, + check the ``deleted`` flag sent to the + :meth:`.SessionEvents.persistent_to_detached` to event after the + flush proceeds, or check the :attr:`.Session.deleted` collection + within the :meth:`.SessionEvents.before_flush` event if deleted + objects need to be intercepted before the flush. + + :param session: target :class:`.Session` + + :param instance: the ORM-mapped instance being operated upon. + + .. versionadded:: 1.1 + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`session_lifecycle_events` + + """ + + def loaded_as_persistent(self, session, instance): + """Intercept the "loaded as persistent" transition for a specific object. + + This event is invoked within the ORM loading process, and is invoked + very similarly to the :meth:`.InstanceEvents.load` event. However, + the event here is linkable to a :class:`.Session` class or instance, + rather than to a mapper or class hierarchy, and integrates + with the other session lifecycle events smoothly. The object + is guaranteed to be present in the session's identity map when + this event is called. + + + :param session: target :class:`.Session` + + :param instance: the ORM-mapped instance being operated upon. + + .. versionadded:: 1.1 + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`session_lifecycle_events` + + """ + + def persistent_to_deleted(self, session, instance): + """Intercept the "persistent to deleted" transition for a specific object. + + This event is invoked when a persistent object's identity + is deleted from the database within a flush, however the object + still remains associated with the :class:`.Session` until the + transaction completes. + + If the transaction is rolled back, the object moves again + to the persistent state, and the + :meth:`.SessionEvents.deleted_to_persistent` event is called. + If the transaction is committed, the object becomes detached, + which will emit the :meth:`.SessionEvents.deleted_to_detached` + event. + + Note that while the :meth:`.Session.delete` method is the primary + public interface to mark an object as deleted, many objects + get deleted due to cascade rules, which are not always determined + until flush time. Therefore, there's no way to catch + every object that will be deleted until the flush has proceeded. + the :meth:`.SessionEvents.persistent_to_deleted` event is therefore + invoked at the end of a flush. + + .. versionadded:: 1.1 + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`session_lifecycle_events` + + """ + + def deleted_to_persistent(self, session, instance): + """Intercept the "deleted to persistent" transition for a specific object. + + This transition occurs only when an object that's been deleted + successfully in a flush is restored due to a call to + :meth:`.Session.rollback`. The event is not called under + any other circumstances. + + .. versionadded:: 1.1 + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`session_lifecycle_events` + + """ + + def deleted_to_detached(self, session, instance): + """Intercept the "deleted to detached" transition for a specific object. + + This event is invoked when a deleted object is evicted + from the session. The typical case when this occurs is when + the transaction for a :class:`.Session` in which the object + was deleted is committed; the object moves from the deleted + state to the detached state. + + It is also invoked for objects that were deleted in a flush + when the :meth:`.Session.expunge_all` or :meth:`.Session.close` + events are called, as well as if the object is individually + expunged from its deleted state via :meth:`.Session.expunge`. + + .. versionadded:: 1.1 + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`session_lifecycle_events` + + """ + + def persistent_to_detached(self, session, instance): + """Intercept the "persistent to detached" transition for a specific object. + + This event is invoked when a persistent object is evicted + from the session. There are many conditions that cause this + to happen, including: + + * using a method such as :meth:`.Session.expunge` + or :meth:`.Session.close` + + * Calling the :meth:`.Session.rollback` method, when the object + was part of an INSERT statement for that session's transaction + + + :param session: target :class:`.Session` + + :param instance: the ORM-mapped instance being operated upon. + + :param deleted: boolean. If True, indicates this object moved + to the detached state because it was marked as deleted and flushed. + + + .. versionadded:: 1.1 + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`session_lifecycle_events` + + """ + + +class AttributeEvents(event.Events): + r"""Define events for object attributes. + + These are typically defined on the class-bound descriptor for the + target class. + + e.g.:: + + from sqlalchemy import event + + def my_append_listener(target, value, initiator): + print "received append event for target: %s" % target + + event.listen(MyClass.collection, 'append', my_append_listener) + + Listeners have the option to return a possibly modified version + of the value, when the ``retval=True`` flag is passed + to :func:`~.event.listen`:: + + def validate_phone(target, value, oldvalue, initiator): + "Strip non-numeric characters from a phone number" + + return re.sub(r'\D', '', value) + + # setup listener on UserContact.phone attribute, instructing + # it to use the return value + listen(UserContact.phone, 'set', validate_phone, retval=True) + + A validation function like the above can also raise an exception + such as :exc:`ValueError` to halt the operation. + + Several modifiers are available to the :func:`~.event.listen` function. + + :param active_history=False: When True, indicates that the + "set" event would like to receive the "old" value being + replaced unconditionally, even if this requires firing off + database loads. Note that ``active_history`` can also be + set directly via :func:`.column_property` and + :func:`.relationship`. + + :param propagate=False: When True, the listener function will + be established not just for the class attribute given, but + for attributes of the same name on all current subclasses + of that class, as well as all future subclasses of that + class, using an additional listener that listens for + instrumentation events. + :param raw=False: When True, the "target" argument to the + event will be the :class:`.InstanceState` management + object, rather than the mapped instance itself. + :param retval=False: when True, the user-defined event + listening must return the "value" argument from the + function. This gives the listening function the opportunity + to change the value that is ultimately used for a "set" + or "append" event. + + """ + + _target_class_doc = "SomeClass.some_attribute" + _dispatch_target = QueryableAttribute + + @staticmethod + def _set_dispatch(cls, dispatch_cls): + dispatch = event.Events._set_dispatch(cls, dispatch_cls) + dispatch_cls._active_history = False + return dispatch + + @classmethod + def _accept_with(cls, target): + # TODO: coverage + if isinstance(target, interfaces.MapperProperty): + return getattr(target.parent.class_, target.key) + else: + return target + + @classmethod + def _listen( + cls, + event_key, + active_history=False, + raw=False, + retval=False, + propagate=False, + ): + + target, identifier, fn = ( + event_key.dispatch_target, + event_key.identifier, + event_key._listen_fn, + ) + + if active_history: + target.dispatch._active_history = True + + if not raw or not retval: + + def wrap(target, *arg): + if not raw: + target = target.obj() + if not retval: + if arg: + value = arg[0] + else: + value = None + fn(target, *arg) + return value + else: + return fn(target, *arg) + + event_key = event_key.with_wrapper(wrap) + + event_key.base_listen(propagate=propagate) + + if propagate: + manager = instrumentation.manager_of_class(target.class_) + + for mgr in manager.subclass_managers(True): + event_key.with_dispatch_target(mgr[target.key]).base_listen( + propagate=True + ) + + def append(self, target, value, initiator): + """Receive a collection append event. + + The append event is invoked for each element as it is appended + to the collection. This occurs for single-item appends as well + as for a "bulk replace" operation. + + :param target: the object instance receiving the event. + If the listener is registered with ``raw=True``, this will + be the :class:`.InstanceState` object. + :param value: the value being appended. If this listener + is registered with ``retval=True``, the listener + function must return this value, or a new value which + replaces it. + :param initiator: An instance of :class:`.attributes.Event` + representing the initiation of the event. May be modified + from its original value by backref handlers in order to control + chained event propagation, as well as be inspected for information + about the source of the event. + :return: if the event was registered with ``retval=True``, + the given value, or a new effective value, should be returned. + + .. seealso:: + + :meth:`.AttributeEvents.bulk_replace` + + """ + + def bulk_replace(self, target, values, initiator): + """Receive a collection 'bulk replace' event. + + This event is invoked for a sequence of values as they are incoming + to a bulk collection set operation, which can be + modified in place before the values are treated as ORM objects. + This is an "early hook" that runs before the bulk replace routine + attempts to reconcile which objects are already present in the + collection and which are being removed by the net replace operation. + + It is typical that this method be combined with use of the + :meth:`.AttributeEvents.append` event. When using both of these + events, note that a bulk replace operation will invoke + the :meth:`.AttributeEvents.append` event for all new items, + even after :meth:`.AttributeEvents.bulk_replace` has been invoked + for the collection as a whole. In order to determine if an + :meth:`.AttributeEvents.append` event is part of a bulk replace, + use the symbol :attr:`~.attributes.OP_BULK_REPLACE` to test the + incoming initiator:: + + from sqlalchemy.orm.attributes import OP_BULK_REPLACE + + @event.listens_for(SomeObject.collection, "bulk_replace") + def process_collection(target, values, initiator): + values[:] = [_make_value(value) for value in values] + + @event.listens_for(SomeObject.collection, "append", retval=True) + def process_collection(target, value, initiator): + # make sure bulk_replace didn't already do it + if initiator is None or initiator.op is not OP_BULK_REPLACE: + return _make_value(value) + else: + return value + + + + .. versionadded:: 1.2 + + :param target: the object instance receiving the event. + If the listener is registered with ``raw=True``, this will + be the :class:`.InstanceState` object. + :param value: a sequence (e.g. a list) of the values being set. The + handler can modify this list in place. + :param initiator: An instance of :class:`.attributes.Event` + representing the initiation of the event. + + """ + + def remove(self, target, value, initiator): + """Receive a collection remove event. + + :param target: the object instance receiving the event. + If the listener is registered with ``raw=True``, this will + be the :class:`.InstanceState` object. + :param value: the value being removed. + :param initiator: An instance of :class:`.attributes.Event` + representing the initiation of the event. May be modified + from its original value by backref handlers in order to control + chained event propagation. + + .. versionchanged:: 0.9.0 the ``initiator`` argument is now + passed as a :class:`.attributes.Event` object, and may be + modified by backref handlers within a chain of backref-linked + events. + + :return: No return value is defined for this event. + """ + + def set(self, target, value, oldvalue, initiator): + """Receive a scalar set event. + + :param target: the object instance receiving the event. + If the listener is registered with ``raw=True``, this will + be the :class:`.InstanceState` object. + :param value: the value being set. If this listener + is registered with ``retval=True``, the listener + function must return this value, or a new value which + replaces it. + :param oldvalue: the previous value being replaced. This + may also be the symbol ``NEVER_SET`` or ``NO_VALUE``. + If the listener is registered with ``active_history=True``, + the previous value of the attribute will be loaded from + the database if the existing value is currently unloaded + or expired. + :param initiator: An instance of :class:`.attributes.Event` + representing the initiation of the event. May be modified + from its original value by backref handlers in order to control + chained event propagation. + + .. versionchanged:: 0.9.0 the ``initiator`` argument is now + passed as a :class:`.attributes.Event` object, and may be + modified by backref handlers within a chain of backref-linked + events. + + :return: if the event was registered with ``retval=True``, + the given value, or a new effective value, should be returned. + + """ + + def init_scalar(self, target, value, dict_): + """Receive a scalar "init" event. + + This event is invoked when an uninitialized, unpersisted scalar + attribute is accessed, e.g. read:: + + + x = my_object.some_attribute + + The ORM's default behavior when this occurs for an un-initialized + attribute is to return the value ``None``; note this differs from + Python's usual behavior of raising ``AttributeError``. The + event here can be used to customize what value is actually returned, + with the assumption that the event listener would be mirroring + a default generator that is configured on the Core :class:`.Column` + object as well. + + Since a default generator on a :class:`.Column` might also produce + a changing value such as a timestamp, the + :meth:`.AttributeEvents.init_scalar` + event handler can also be used to **set** the newly returned value, so + that a Core-level default generation function effecively fires off + only once, but at the moment the attribute is accessed on the + non-persisted object. Normally, no change to the object's state + is made when an uninitialized attribute is accessed (much older + SQLAlchemy versions did in fact change the object's state). + + If a default generator on a column returned a particular constant, + a handler might be used as follows:: + + SOME_CONSTANT = 3.1415926 + + class MyClass(Base): + # ... + + some_attribute = Column(Numeric, default=SOME_CONSTANT) + + @event.listens_for( + MyClass.some_attribute, "init_scalar", + retval=True, propagate=True) + def _init_some_attribute(target, dict_, value): + dict_['some_attribute'] = SOME_CONSTANT + return SOME_CONSTANT + + Above, we initialize the attribute ``MyClass.some_attribute`` to the + value of ``SOME_CONSTANT``. The above code includes the following + features: + + * By setting the value ``SOME_CONSTANT`` in the given ``dict_``, + we indicate that this value is to be persisted to the database. + This supersedes the use of ``SOME_CONSTANT`` in the default generator + for the :class:`.Column`. The ``active_column_defaults.py`` + example given at :ref:`examples_instrumentation` illustrates using + the same approach for a changing default, e.g. a timestamp + generator. In this particular example, it is not strictly + necessary to do this since ``SOME_CONSTANT`` would be part of the + INSERT statement in either case. + + * By establishing the ``retval=True`` flag, the value we return + from the function will be returned by the attribute getter. + Without this flag, the event is assumed to be a passive observer + and the return value of our function is ignored. + + * The ``propagate=True`` flag is significant if the mapped class + includes inheriting subclasses, which would also make use of this + event listener. Without this flag, an inheriting subclass will + not use our event handler. + + In the above example, the attribute set event + :meth:`.AttributeEvents.set` as well as the related validation feature + provided by :obj:`.orm.validates` is **not** invoked when we apply our + value to the given ``dict_``. To have these events to invoke in + response to our newly generated value, apply the value to the given + object as a normal attribute set operation:: + + SOME_CONSTANT = 3.1415926 + + @event.listens_for( + MyClass.some_attribute, "init_scalar", + retval=True, propagate=True) + def _init_some_attribute(target, dict_, value): + # will also fire off attribute set events + target.some_attribute = SOME_CONSTANT + return SOME_CONSTANT + + When multiple listeners are set up, the generation of the value + is "chained" from one listener to the next by passing the value + returned by the previous listener that specifies ``retval=True`` + as the ``value`` argument of the next listener. + + .. versionadded:: 1.1 + + :param target: the object instance receiving the event. + If the listener is registered with ``raw=True``, this will + be the :class:`.InstanceState` object. + :param value: the value that is to be returned before this event + listener were invoked. This value begins as the value ``None``, + however will be the return value of the previous event handler + function if multiple listeners are present. + :param dict_: the attribute dictionary of this mapped object. + This is normally the ``__dict__`` of the object, but in all cases + represents the destination that the attribute system uses to get + at the actual value of this attribute. Placing the value in this + dictionary has the effect that the value will be used in the + INSERT statement generated by the unit of work. + + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`examples_instrumentation` - see the + ``active_column_defaults.py`` example. + + """ + + def init_collection(self, target, collection, collection_adapter): + """Receive a 'collection init' event. + + This event is triggered for a collection-based attribute, when + the initial "empty collection" is first generated for a blank + attribute, as well as for when the collection is replaced with + a new one, such as via a set event. + + E.g., given that ``User.addresses`` is a relationship-based + collection, the event is triggered here:: + + u1 = User() + u1.addresses.append(a1) # <- new collection + + and also during replace operations:: + + u1.addresses = [a2, a3] # <- new collection + + :param target: the object instance receiving the event. + If the listener is registered with ``raw=True``, this will + be the :class:`.InstanceState` object. + :param collection: the new collection. This will always be generated + from what was specified as + :paramref:`.RelationshipProperty.collection_class`, and will always + be empty. + :param collection_adpater: the :class:`.CollectionAdapter` that will + mediate internal access to the collection. + + .. versionadded:: 1.0.0 the :meth:`.AttributeEvents.init_collection` + and :meth:`.AttributeEvents.dispose_collection` events supersede + the :class:`.collection.linker` hook. + + """ + + def dispose_collection(self, target, collection, collection_adpater): + """Receive a 'collection dispose' event. + + This event is triggered for a collection-based attribute when + a collection is replaced, that is:: + + u1.addresses.append(a1) + + u1.addresses = [a2, a3] # <- old collection is disposed + + The old collection received will contain its previous contents. + + .. versionchanged:: 1.2 The collection passed to + :meth:`.AttributeEvents.dispose_collection` will now have its + contents before the dispose intact; previously, the collection + would be empty. + + .. versionadded:: 1.0.0 the :meth:`.AttributeEvents.init_collection` + and :meth:`.AttributeEvents.dispose_collection` events supersede + the :class:`.collection.linker` hook. + + """ + + def modified(self, target, initiator): + """Receive a 'modified' event. + + This event is triggered when the :func:`.attributes.flag_modified` + function is used to trigger a modify event on an attribute without + any specific value being set. + + .. versionadded:: 1.2 + + :param target: the object instance receiving the event. + If the listener is registered with ``raw=True``, this will + be the :class:`.InstanceState` object. + + :param initiator: An instance of :class:`.attributes.Event` + representing the initiation of the event. + + """ + + +class QueryEvents(event.Events): + """Represent events within the construction of a :class:`.Query` object. + + The events here are intended to be used with an as-yet-unreleased + inspection system for :class:`.Query`. Some very basic operations + are possible now, however the inspection system is intended to allow + complex query manipulations to be automated. + + .. versionadded:: 1.0.0 + + """ + + _target_class_doc = "SomeQuery" + _dispatch_target = Query + + def before_compile(self, query): + """Receive the :class:`.Query` object before it is composed into a + core :class:`.Select` object. + + This event is intended to allow changes to the query given:: + + @event.listens_for(Query, "before_compile", retval=True) + def no_deleted(query): + for desc in query.column_descriptions: + if desc['type'] is User: + entity = desc['entity'] + query = query.filter(entity.deleted == False) + return query + + The event should normally be listened with the ``retval=True`` + parameter set, so that the modified query may be returned. + + + """ + + @classmethod + def _listen(cls, event_key, retval=False, **kw): + fn = event_key._listen_fn + + if not retval: + + def wrap(*arg, **kw): + if not retval: + query = arg[0] + fn(*arg, **kw) + return query + else: + return fn(*arg, **kw) + + event_key = event_key.with_wrapper(wrap) + + event_key.base_listen(**kw) diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/exc.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/exc.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7b15c72 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/exc.py @@ -0,0 +1,175 @@ +# orm/exc.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +"""SQLAlchemy ORM exceptions.""" +from .. import exc as sa_exc +from .. import util + +NO_STATE = (AttributeError, KeyError) +"""Exception types that may be raised by instrumentation implementations.""" + + +class StaleDataError(sa_exc.SQLAlchemyError): + """An operation encountered database state that is unaccounted for. + + Conditions which cause this to happen include: + + * A flush may have attempted to update or delete rows + and an unexpected number of rows were matched during + the UPDATE or DELETE statement. Note that when + version_id_col is used, rows in UPDATE or DELETE statements + are also matched against the current known version + identifier. + + * A mapped object with version_id_col was refreshed, + and the version number coming back from the database does + not match that of the object itself. + + * A object is detached from its parent object, however + the object was previously attached to a different parent + identity which was garbage collected, and a decision + cannot be made if the new parent was really the most + recent "parent". + + .. versionadded:: 0.7.4 + + """ + + +ConcurrentModificationError = StaleDataError + + +class FlushError(sa_exc.SQLAlchemyError): + """A invalid condition was detected during flush().""" + + +class UnmappedError(sa_exc.InvalidRequestError): + """Base for exceptions that involve expected mappings not present.""" + + +class ObjectDereferencedError(sa_exc.SQLAlchemyError): + """An operation cannot complete due to an object being garbage + collected. + + """ + + +class DetachedInstanceError(sa_exc.SQLAlchemyError): + """An attempt to access unloaded attributes on a + mapped instance that is detached.""" + + code = "bhk3" + + +class UnmappedInstanceError(UnmappedError): + """An mapping operation was requested for an unknown instance.""" + + @util.dependencies("sqlalchemy.orm.base") + def __init__(self, base, obj, msg=None): + if not msg: + try: + base.class_mapper(type(obj)) + name = _safe_cls_name(type(obj)) + msg = ( + "Class %r is mapped, but this instance lacks " + "instrumentation. This occurs when the instance " + "is created before sqlalchemy.orm.mapper(%s) " + "was called." % (name, name) + ) + except UnmappedClassError: + msg = _default_unmapped(type(obj)) + if isinstance(obj, type): + msg += ( + "; was a class (%s) supplied where an instance was " + "required?" % _safe_cls_name(obj) + ) + UnmappedError.__init__(self, msg) + + def __reduce__(self): + return self.__class__, (None, self.args[0]) + + +class UnmappedClassError(UnmappedError): + """An mapping operation was requested for an unknown class.""" + + def __init__(self, cls, msg=None): + if not msg: + msg = _default_unmapped(cls) + UnmappedError.__init__(self, msg) + + def __reduce__(self): + return self.__class__, (None, self.args[0]) + + +class ObjectDeletedError(sa_exc.InvalidRequestError): + """A refresh operation failed to retrieve the database + row corresponding to an object's known primary key identity. + + A refresh operation proceeds when an expired attribute is + accessed on an object, or when :meth:`.Query.get` is + used to retrieve an object which is, upon retrieval, detected + as expired. A SELECT is emitted for the target row + based on primary key; if no row is returned, this + exception is raised. + + The true meaning of this exception is simply that + no row exists for the primary key identifier associated + with a persistent object. The row may have been + deleted, or in some cases the primary key updated + to a new value, outside of the ORM's management of the target + object. + + """ + + @util.dependencies("sqlalchemy.orm.base") + def __init__(self, base, state, msg=None): + if not msg: + msg = ( + "Instance '%s' has been deleted, or its " + "row is otherwise not present." % base.state_str(state) + ) + + sa_exc.InvalidRequestError.__init__(self, msg) + + def __reduce__(self): + return self.__class__, (None, self.args[0]) + + +class UnmappedColumnError(sa_exc.InvalidRequestError): + """Mapping operation was requested on an unknown column.""" + + +class NoResultFound(sa_exc.InvalidRequestError): + """A database result was required but none was found.""" + + +class MultipleResultsFound(sa_exc.InvalidRequestError): + """A single database result was required but more than one were found.""" + + +def _safe_cls_name(cls): + try: + cls_name = ".".join((cls.__module__, cls.__name__)) + except AttributeError: + cls_name = getattr(cls, "__name__", None) + if cls_name is None: + cls_name = repr(cls) + return cls_name + + +@util.dependencies("sqlalchemy.orm.base") +def _default_unmapped(base, cls): + try: + mappers = base.manager_of_class(cls).mappers + except NO_STATE: + mappers = {} + except TypeError: + mappers = {} + name = _safe_cls_name(cls) + + if not mappers: + return "Class '%s' is not mapped" % name diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/identity.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/identity.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2da5d66 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/identity.py @@ -0,0 +1,360 @@ +# orm/identity.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +import weakref + +from . import attributes +from . import util as orm_util +from .. import exc as sa_exc +from .. import util + + +class IdentityMap(object): + def __init__(self): + self._dict = {} + self._modified = set() + self._wr = weakref.ref(self) + + def keys(self): + return self._dict.keys() + + def replace(self, state): + raise NotImplementedError() + + def add(self, state): + raise NotImplementedError() + + def _add_unpresent(self, state, key): + """optional inlined form of add() which can assume item isn't present + in the map""" + self.add(state) + + def update(self, dict_): + raise NotImplementedError("IdentityMap uses add() to insert data") + + def clear(self): + raise NotImplementedError("IdentityMap uses remove() to remove data") + + def _manage_incoming_state(self, state): + state._instance_dict = self._wr + + if state.modified: + self._modified.add(state) + + def _manage_removed_state(self, state): + del state._instance_dict + if state.modified: + self._modified.discard(state) + + def _dirty_states(self): + return self._modified + + def check_modified(self): + """return True if any InstanceStates present have been marked + as 'modified'. + + """ + return bool(self._modified) + + def has_key(self, key): + return key in self + + def popitem(self): + raise NotImplementedError("IdentityMap uses remove() to remove data") + + def pop(self, key, *args): + raise NotImplementedError("IdentityMap uses remove() to remove data") + + def setdefault(self, key, default=None): + raise NotImplementedError("IdentityMap uses add() to insert data") + + def __len__(self): + return len(self._dict) + + def copy(self): + raise NotImplementedError() + + def __setitem__(self, key, value): + raise NotImplementedError("IdentityMap uses add() to insert data") + + def __delitem__(self, key): + raise NotImplementedError("IdentityMap uses remove() to remove data") + + +class WeakInstanceDict(IdentityMap): + def __getitem__(self, key): + state = self._dict[key] + o = state.obj() + if o is None: + raise KeyError(key) + return o + + def __contains__(self, key): + try: + if key in self._dict: + state = self._dict[key] + o = state.obj() + else: + return False + except KeyError: + return False + else: + return o is not None + + def contains_state(self, state): + if state.key in self._dict: + try: + return self._dict[state.key] is state + except KeyError: + return False + else: + return False + + def replace(self, state): + if state.key in self._dict: + try: + existing = self._dict[state.key] + except KeyError: + # catch gc removed the key after we just checked for it + pass + else: + if existing is not state: + self._manage_removed_state(existing) + else: + return + + self._dict[state.key] = state + self._manage_incoming_state(state) + + def add(self, state): + key = state.key + # inline of self.__contains__ + if key in self._dict: + try: + existing_state = self._dict[key] + except KeyError: + # catch gc removed the key after we just checked for it + pass + else: + if existing_state is not state: + o = existing_state.obj() + if o is not None: + raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError( + "Can't attach instance " + "%s; another instance with key %s is already " + "present in this session." + % (orm_util.state_str(state), state.key) + ) + else: + return False + self._dict[key] = state + self._manage_incoming_state(state) + return True + + def _add_unpresent(self, state, key): + # inlined form of add() called by loading.py + self._dict[key] = state + state._instance_dict = self._wr + + def get(self, key, default=None): + if key not in self._dict: + return default + try: + state = self._dict[key] + except KeyError: + # catch gc removed the key after we just checked for it + return default + else: + o = state.obj() + if o is None: + return default + return o + + def items(self): + values = self.all_states() + result = [] + for state in values: + value = state.obj() + if value is not None: + result.append((state.key, value)) + return result + + def values(self): + values = self.all_states() + result = [] + for state in values: + value = state.obj() + if value is not None: + result.append(value) + + return result + + def __iter__(self): + return iter(self.keys()) + + if util.py2k: + + def iteritems(self): + return iter(self.items()) + + def itervalues(self): + return iter(self.values()) + + def all_states(self): + if util.py2k: + return self._dict.values() + else: + return list(self._dict.values()) + + def _fast_discard(self, state): + # used by InstanceState for state being + # GC'ed, inlines _managed_removed_state + try: + st = self._dict[state.key] + except KeyError: + # catch gc removed the key after we just checked for it + pass + else: + if st is state: + self._dict.pop(state.key, None) + + def discard(self, state): + self.safe_discard(state) + + def safe_discard(self, state): + if state.key in self._dict: + try: + st = self._dict[state.key] + except KeyError: + # catch gc removed the key after we just checked for it + pass + else: + if st is state: + self._dict.pop(state.key, None) + self._manage_removed_state(state) + + def prune(self): + return 0 + + +class StrongInstanceDict(IdentityMap): + """A 'strong-referencing' version of the identity map. + + .. deprecated 1.1:: + The strong + reference identity map is legacy. See the + recipe at :ref:`session_referencing_behavior` for + an event-based approach to maintaining strong identity + references. + + + """ + + if util.py2k: + + def itervalues(self): + return self._dict.itervalues() + + def iteritems(self): + return self._dict.iteritems() + + def __iter__(self): + return iter(self.dict_) + + def __getitem__(self, key): + return self._dict[key] + + def __contains__(self, key): + return key in self._dict + + def get(self, key, default=None): + return self._dict.get(key, default) + + def values(self): + return self._dict.values() + + def items(self): + return self._dict.items() + + def all_states(self): + return [attributes.instance_state(o) for o in self.values()] + + def contains_state(self, state): + return ( + state.key in self + and attributes.instance_state(self[state.key]) is state + ) + + def replace(self, state): + if state.key in self._dict: + existing = self._dict[state.key] + existing = attributes.instance_state(existing) + if existing is not state: + self._manage_removed_state(existing) + else: + return + + self._dict[state.key] = state.obj() + self._manage_incoming_state(state) + + def add(self, state): + if state.key in self: + if attributes.instance_state(self._dict[state.key]) is not state: + raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError( + "Can't attach instance " + "%s; another instance with key %s is already " + "present in this session." + % (orm_util.state_str(state), state.key) + ) + return False + else: + self._dict[state.key] = state.obj() + self._manage_incoming_state(state) + return True + + def _add_unpresent(self, state, key): + # inlined form of add() called by loading.py + self._dict[key] = state.obj() + state._instance_dict = self._wr + + def _fast_discard(self, state): + # used by InstanceState for state being + # GC'ed, inlines _managed_removed_state + try: + obj = self._dict[state.key] + except KeyError: + # catch gc removed the key after we just checked for it + pass + else: + if attributes.instance_state(obj) is state: + self._dict.pop(state.key, None) + + def discard(self, state): + self.safe_discard(state) + + def safe_discard(self, state): + if state.key in self._dict: + obj = self._dict[state.key] + st = attributes.instance_state(obj) + if st is state: + self._dict.pop(state.key, None) + self._manage_removed_state(state) + + def prune(self): + """prune unreferenced, non-dirty states.""" + + ref_count = len(self) + dirty = [s.obj() for s in self.all_states() if s.modified] + + # work around http://bugs.python.org/issue6149 + keepers = weakref.WeakValueDictionary() + keepers.update(self) + + self._dict.clear() + self._dict.update(keepers) + self.modified = bool(dirty) + return ref_count - len(self) diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/instrumentation.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/instrumentation.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..59a43c8 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/instrumentation.py @@ -0,0 +1,595 @@ +# orm/instrumentation.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +"""Defines SQLAlchemy's system of class instrumentation. + +This module is usually not directly visible to user applications, but +defines a large part of the ORM's interactivity. + +instrumentation.py deals with registration of end-user classes +for state tracking. It interacts closely with state.py +and attributes.py which establish per-instance and per-class-attribute +instrumentation, respectively. + +The class instrumentation system can be customized on a per-class +or global basis using the :mod:`sqlalchemy.ext.instrumentation` +module, which provides the means to build and specify +alternate instrumentation forms. + +.. versionchanged: 0.8 + The instrumentation extension system was moved out of the + ORM and into the external :mod:`sqlalchemy.ext.instrumentation` + package. When that package is imported, it installs + itself within sqlalchemy.orm so that its more comprehensive + resolution mechanics take effect. + +""" + + +from . import base +from . import collections +from . import exc +from . import interfaces +from . import state +from .. import util + + +_memoized_key_collection = util.group_expirable_memoized_property() + + +class ClassManager(dict): + """tracks state information at the class level.""" + + MANAGER_ATTR = base.DEFAULT_MANAGER_ATTR + STATE_ATTR = base.DEFAULT_STATE_ATTR + + _state_setter = staticmethod(util.attrsetter(STATE_ATTR)) + + deferred_scalar_loader = None + + original_init = object.__init__ + + factory = None + + def __init__(self, class_): + self.class_ = class_ + self.info = {} + self.new_init = None + self.local_attrs = {} + self.originals = {} + + self._bases = [ + mgr + for mgr in [ + manager_of_class(base) + for base in self.class_.__bases__ + if isinstance(base, type) + ] + if mgr is not None + ] + + for base_ in self._bases: + self.update(base_) + + self.dispatch._events._new_classmanager_instance(class_, self) + # events._InstanceEventsHold.populate(class_, self) + + for basecls in class_.__mro__: + mgr = manager_of_class(basecls) + if mgr is not None: + self.dispatch._update(mgr.dispatch) + self.manage() + self._instrument_init() + + if "__del__" in class_.__dict__: + util.warn( + "__del__() method on class %s will " + "cause unreachable cycles and memory leaks, " + "as SQLAlchemy instrumentation often creates " + "reference cycles. Please remove this method." % class_ + ) + + def __hash__(self): + return id(self) + + def __eq__(self, other): + return other is self + + @property + def is_mapped(self): + return "mapper" in self.__dict__ + + @_memoized_key_collection + def _all_key_set(self): + return frozenset(self) + + @_memoized_key_collection + def _collection_impl_keys(self): + return frozenset( + [attr.key for attr in self.values() if attr.impl.collection] + ) + + @_memoized_key_collection + def _scalar_loader_impls(self): + return frozenset( + [ + attr.impl + for attr in self.values() + if attr.impl.accepts_scalar_loader + ] + ) + + @util.memoized_property + def mapper(self): + # raises unless self.mapper has been assigned + raise exc.UnmappedClassError(self.class_) + + def _locate_owning_manager(self, attribute): + """Scan through all instrumented classes in our hierarchy + searching for the given object as an attribute, and return + the bottommost owner. + + E.g.:: + + foo = foobar() + + class Parent: + attr = foo + + class Child(Parent): + pass + + Child.manager._locate_owning_manager(foo) would + give us Parent. + + Needed by association proxy to correctly figure out the + owning class when the attribute is accessed. + + """ + + stack = [None] + for supercls in self.class_.__mro__: + mgr = manager_of_class(supercls) + if not mgr: + continue + for key in set(supercls.__dict__): + val = supercls.__dict__[key] + if val is attribute: + stack.append(mgr) + continue + return stack[-1] + + def _all_sqla_attributes(self, exclude=None): + """return an iterator of all classbound attributes that are + implement :class:`.InspectionAttr`. + + This includes :class:`.QueryableAttribute` as well as extension + types such as :class:`.hybrid_property` and + :class:`.AssociationProxy`. + + """ + if exclude is None: + exclude = set() + for supercls in self.class_.__mro__: + for key in set(supercls.__dict__).difference(exclude): + exclude.add(key) + val = supercls.__dict__[key] + if isinstance(val, interfaces.InspectionAttr): + yield key, val + + def _get_class_attr_mro(self, key, default=None): + """return an attribute on the class without tripping it.""" + + for supercls in self.class_.__mro__: + if key in supercls.__dict__: + return supercls.__dict__[key] + else: + return default + + def _attr_has_impl(self, key): + """Return True if the given attribute is fully initialized. + + i.e. has an impl. + """ + + return key in self and self[key].impl is not None + + def _subclass_manager(self, cls): + """Create a new ClassManager for a subclass of this ClassManager's + class. + + This is called automatically when attributes are instrumented so that + the attributes can be propagated to subclasses against their own + class-local manager, without the need for mappers etc. to have already + pre-configured managers for the full class hierarchy. Mappers + can post-configure the auto-generated ClassManager when needed. + + """ + manager = manager_of_class(cls) + if manager is None: + manager = _instrumentation_factory.create_manager_for_cls(cls) + return manager + + def _instrument_init(self): + # TODO: self.class_.__init__ is often the already-instrumented + # __init__ from an instrumented superclass. We still need to make + # our own wrapper, but it would + # be nice to wrap the original __init__ and not our existing wrapper + # of such, since this adds method overhead. + self.original_init = self.class_.__init__ + self.new_init = _generate_init(self.class_, self) + self.install_member("__init__", self.new_init) + + def _uninstrument_init(self): + if self.new_init: + self.uninstall_member("__init__") + self.new_init = None + + @util.memoized_property + def _state_constructor(self): + self.dispatch.first_init(self, self.class_) + return state.InstanceState + + def manage(self): + """Mark this instance as the manager for its class.""" + + setattr(self.class_, self.MANAGER_ATTR, self) + + def dispose(self): + """Dissasociate this manager from its class.""" + + delattr(self.class_, self.MANAGER_ATTR) + + @util.hybridmethod + def manager_getter(self): + return _default_manager_getter + + @util.hybridmethod + def state_getter(self): + """Return a (instance) -> InstanceState callable. + + "state getter" callables should raise either KeyError or + AttributeError if no InstanceState could be found for the + instance. + """ + + return _default_state_getter + + @util.hybridmethod + def dict_getter(self): + return _default_dict_getter + + def instrument_attribute(self, key, inst, propagated=False): + if propagated: + if key in self.local_attrs: + return # don't override local attr with inherited attr + else: + self.local_attrs[key] = inst + self.install_descriptor(key, inst) + _memoized_key_collection.expire_instance(self) + self[key] = inst + + for cls in self.class_.__subclasses__(): + manager = self._subclass_manager(cls) + manager.instrument_attribute(key, inst, True) + + def subclass_managers(self, recursive): + for cls in self.class_.__subclasses__(): + mgr = manager_of_class(cls) + if mgr is not None and mgr is not self: + yield mgr + if recursive: + for m in mgr.subclass_managers(True): + yield m + + def post_configure_attribute(self, key): + _instrumentation_factory.dispatch.attribute_instrument( + self.class_, key, self[key] + ) + + def uninstrument_attribute(self, key, propagated=False): + if key not in self: + return + if propagated: + if key in self.local_attrs: + return # don't get rid of local attr + else: + del self.local_attrs[key] + self.uninstall_descriptor(key) + _memoized_key_collection.expire_instance(self) + del self[key] + for cls in self.class_.__subclasses__(): + manager = manager_of_class(cls) + if manager: + manager.uninstrument_attribute(key, True) + + def unregister(self): + """remove all instrumentation established by this ClassManager.""" + + self._uninstrument_init() + + self.mapper = self.dispatch = None + self.info.clear() + + for key in list(self): + if key in self.local_attrs: + self.uninstrument_attribute(key) + + def install_descriptor(self, key, inst): + if key in (self.STATE_ATTR, self.MANAGER_ATTR): + raise KeyError( + "%r: requested attribute name conflicts with " + "instrumentation attribute of the same name." % key + ) + setattr(self.class_, key, inst) + + def uninstall_descriptor(self, key): + delattr(self.class_, key) + + def install_member(self, key, implementation): + if key in (self.STATE_ATTR, self.MANAGER_ATTR): + raise KeyError( + "%r: requested attribute name conflicts with " + "instrumentation attribute of the same name." % key + ) + self.originals.setdefault(key, getattr(self.class_, key, None)) + setattr(self.class_, key, implementation) + + def uninstall_member(self, key): + original = self.originals.pop(key, None) + if original is not None: + setattr(self.class_, key, original) + + def instrument_collection_class(self, key, collection_class): + return collections.prepare_instrumentation(collection_class) + + def initialize_collection(self, key, state, factory): + user_data = factory() + adapter = collections.CollectionAdapter( + self.get_impl(key), state, user_data + ) + return adapter, user_data + + def is_instrumented(self, key, search=False): + if search: + return key in self + else: + return key in self.local_attrs + + def get_impl(self, key): + return self[key].impl + + @property + def attributes(self): + return iter(self.values()) + + # InstanceState management + + def new_instance(self, state=None): + instance = self.class_.__new__(self.class_) + if state is None: + state = self._state_constructor(instance, self) + self._state_setter(instance, state) + return instance + + def setup_instance(self, instance, state=None): + if state is None: + state = self._state_constructor(instance, self) + self._state_setter(instance, state) + + def teardown_instance(self, instance): + delattr(instance, self.STATE_ATTR) + + def _serialize(self, state, state_dict): + return _SerializeManager(state, state_dict) + + def _new_state_if_none(self, instance): + """Install a default InstanceState if none is present. + + A private convenience method used by the __init__ decorator. + + """ + if hasattr(instance, self.STATE_ATTR): + return False + elif self.class_ is not instance.__class__ and self.is_mapped: + # this will create a new ClassManager for the + # subclass, without a mapper. This is likely a + # user error situation but allow the object + # to be constructed, so that it is usable + # in a non-ORM context at least. + return self._subclass_manager( + instance.__class__ + )._new_state_if_none(instance) + else: + state = self._state_constructor(instance, self) + self._state_setter(instance, state) + return state + + def has_state(self, instance): + return hasattr(instance, self.STATE_ATTR) + + def has_parent(self, state, key, optimistic=False): + """TODO""" + return self.get_impl(key).hasparent(state, optimistic=optimistic) + + def __bool__(self): + """All ClassManagers are non-zero regardless of attribute state.""" + return True + + __nonzero__ = __bool__ + + def __repr__(self): + return "<%s of %r at %x>" % ( + self.__class__.__name__, + self.class_, + id(self), + ) + + +class _SerializeManager(object): + """Provide serialization of a :class:`.ClassManager`. + + The :class:`.InstanceState` uses ``__init__()`` on serialize + and ``__call__()`` on deserialize. + + """ + + def __init__(self, state, d): + self.class_ = state.class_ + manager = state.manager + manager.dispatch.pickle(state, d) + + def __call__(self, state, inst, state_dict): + state.manager = manager = manager_of_class(self.class_) + if manager is None: + raise exc.UnmappedInstanceError( + inst, + "Cannot deserialize object of type %r - " + "no mapper() has " + "been configured for this class within the current " + "Python process!" % self.class_, + ) + elif manager.is_mapped and not manager.mapper.configured: + manager.mapper._configure_all() + + # setup _sa_instance_state ahead of time so that + # unpickle events can access the object normally. + # see [ticket:2362] + if inst is not None: + manager.setup_instance(inst, state) + manager.dispatch.unpickle(state, state_dict) + + +class InstrumentationFactory(object): + """Factory for new ClassManager instances.""" + + def create_manager_for_cls(self, class_): + assert class_ is not None + assert manager_of_class(class_) is None + + # give a more complicated subclass + # a chance to do what it wants here + manager, factory = self._locate_extended_factory(class_) + + if factory is None: + factory = ClassManager + manager = factory(class_) + + self._check_conflicts(class_, factory) + + manager.factory = factory + + self.dispatch.class_instrument(class_) + return manager + + def _locate_extended_factory(self, class_): + """Overridden by a subclass to do an extended lookup.""" + return None, None + + def _check_conflicts(self, class_, factory): + """Overridden by a subclass to test for conflicting factories.""" + return + + def unregister(self, class_): + manager = manager_of_class(class_) + manager.unregister() + manager.dispose() + self.dispatch.class_uninstrument(class_) + if ClassManager.MANAGER_ATTR in class_.__dict__: + delattr(class_, ClassManager.MANAGER_ATTR) + + +# this attribute is replaced by sqlalchemy.ext.instrumentation +# when importred. +_instrumentation_factory = InstrumentationFactory() + +# these attributes are replaced by sqlalchemy.ext.instrumentation +# when a non-standard InstrumentationManager class is first +# used to instrument a class. +instance_state = _default_state_getter = base.instance_state + +instance_dict = _default_dict_getter = base.instance_dict + +manager_of_class = _default_manager_getter = base.manager_of_class + + +def register_class(class_): + """Register class instrumentation. + + Returns the existing or newly created class manager. + + """ + + manager = manager_of_class(class_) + if manager is None: + manager = _instrumentation_factory.create_manager_for_cls(class_) + return manager + + +def unregister_class(class_): + """Unregister class instrumentation.""" + + _instrumentation_factory.unregister(class_) + + +def is_instrumented(instance, key): + """Return True if the given attribute on the given instance is + instrumented by the attributes package. + + This function may be used regardless of instrumentation + applied directly to the class, i.e. no descriptors are required. + + """ + return manager_of_class(instance.__class__).is_instrumented( + key, search=True + ) + + +def _generate_init(class_, class_manager): + """Build an __init__ decorator that triggers ClassManager events.""" + + # TODO: we should use the ClassManager's notion of the + # original '__init__' method, once ClassManager is fixed + # to always reference that. + original__init__ = class_.__init__ + assert original__init__ + + # Go through some effort here and don't change the user's __init__ + # calling signature, including the unlikely case that it has + # a return value. + # FIXME: need to juggle local names to avoid constructor argument + # clashes. + func_body = """\ +def __init__(%(apply_pos)s): + new_state = class_manager._new_state_if_none(%(self_arg)s) + if new_state: + return new_state._initialize_instance(%(apply_kw)s) + else: + return original__init__(%(apply_kw)s) +""" + func_vars = util.format_argspec_init(original__init__, grouped=False) + func_text = func_body % func_vars + + if util.py2k: + func = getattr(original__init__, "im_func", original__init__) + func_defaults = getattr(func, "func_defaults", None) + else: + func_defaults = getattr(original__init__, "__defaults__", None) + func_kw_defaults = getattr(original__init__, "__kwdefaults__", None) + + env = locals().copy() + exec(func_text, env) + __init__ = env["__init__"] + __init__.__doc__ = original__init__.__doc__ + __init__._sa_original_init = original__init__ + + if func_defaults: + __init__.__defaults__ = func_defaults + if not util.py2k and func_kw_defaults: + __init__.__kwdefaults__ = func_kw_defaults + + return __init__ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/interfaces.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/interfaces.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f117d1a --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/interfaces.py @@ -0,0 +1,749 @@ +# orm/interfaces.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +""" + +Contains various base classes used throughout the ORM. + +Defines some key base classes prominent within the internals, +as well as the now-deprecated ORM extension classes. + +Other than the deprecated extensions, this module and the +classes within are mostly private, though some attributes +are exposed when inspecting mappings. + +""" + +from __future__ import absolute_import + +import collections + +from . import path_registry +from .base import _MappedAttribute # noqa +from .base import EXT_CONTINUE +from .base import EXT_STOP +from .base import InspectionAttr # noqa +from .base import InspectionAttrInfo # noqa +from .base import MANYTOMANY +from .base import MANYTOONE +from .base import NOT_EXTENSION +from .base import ONETOMANY +from .. import inspect +from .. import util +from ..sql import operators + +# imported later +MapperExtension = SessionExtension = AttributeExtension = None + +__all__ = ( + "AttributeExtension", + "EXT_CONTINUE", + "EXT_STOP", + "ONETOMANY", + "MANYTOMANY", + "MANYTOONE", + "NOT_EXTENSION", + "LoaderStrategy", + "MapperExtension", + "MapperOption", + "MapperProperty", + "PropComparator", + "SessionExtension", + "StrategizedProperty", +) + + +class MapperProperty(_MappedAttribute, InspectionAttr, util.MemoizedSlots): + """Represent a particular class attribute mapped by :class:`.Mapper`. + + The most common occurrences of :class:`.MapperProperty` are the + mapped :class:`.Column`, which is represented in a mapping as + an instance of :class:`.ColumnProperty`, + and a reference to another class produced by :func:`.relationship`, + represented in the mapping as an instance of + :class:`.RelationshipProperty`. + + """ + + __slots__ = ( + "_configure_started", + "_configure_finished", + "parent", + "key", + "info", + ) + + cascade = frozenset() + """The set of 'cascade' attribute names. + + This collection is checked before the 'cascade_iterator' method is called. + + The collection typically only applies to a RelationshipProperty. + + """ + + is_property = True + """Part of the InspectionAttr interface; states this object is a + mapper property. + + """ + + def _memoized_attr_info(self): + """Info dictionary associated with the object, allowing user-defined + data to be associated with this :class:`.InspectionAttr`. + + The dictionary is generated when first accessed. Alternatively, + it can be specified as a constructor argument to the + :func:`.column_property`, :func:`.relationship`, or :func:`.composite` + functions. + + .. versionadded:: 0.8 Added support for .info to all + :class:`.MapperProperty` subclasses. + + .. versionchanged:: 1.0.0 :attr:`.MapperProperty.info` is also + available on extension types via the + :attr:`.InspectionAttrInfo.info` attribute, so that it can apply + to a wider variety of ORM and extension constructs. + + .. seealso:: + + :attr:`.QueryableAttribute.info` + + :attr:`.SchemaItem.info` + + """ + return {} + + def setup(self, context, entity, path, adapter, **kwargs): + """Called by Query for the purposes of constructing a SQL statement. + + Each MapperProperty associated with the target mapper processes the + statement referenced by the query context, adding columns and/or + criterion as appropriate. + + """ + + def create_row_processor( + self, context, path, mapper, result, adapter, populators + ): + """Produce row processing functions and append to the given + set of populators lists. + + """ + + def cascade_iterator( + self, type_, state, visited_instances=None, halt_on=None + ): + """Iterate through instances related to the given instance for + a particular 'cascade', starting with this MapperProperty. + + Return an iterator3-tuples (instance, mapper, state). + + Note that the 'cascade' collection on this MapperProperty is + checked first for the given type before cascade_iterator is called. + + This method typically only applies to RelationshipProperty. + + """ + + return iter(()) + + def set_parent(self, parent, init): + """Set the parent mapper that references this MapperProperty. + + This method is overridden by some subclasses to perform extra + setup when the mapper is first known. + + """ + self.parent = parent + + def instrument_class(self, mapper): + """Hook called by the Mapper to the property to initiate + instrumentation of the class attribute managed by this + MapperProperty. + + The MapperProperty here will typically call out to the + attributes module to set up an InstrumentedAttribute. + + This step is the first of two steps to set up an InstrumentedAttribute, + and is called early in the mapper setup process. + + The second step is typically the init_class_attribute step, + called from StrategizedProperty via the post_instrument_class() + hook. This step assigns additional state to the InstrumentedAttribute + (specifically the "impl") which has been determined after the + MapperProperty has determined what kind of persistence + management it needs to do (e.g. scalar, object, collection, etc). + + """ + + def __init__(self): + self._configure_started = False + self._configure_finished = False + + def init(self): + """Called after all mappers are created to assemble + relationships between mappers and perform other post-mapper-creation + initialization steps. + + """ + self._configure_started = True + self.do_init() + self._configure_finished = True + + @property + def class_attribute(self): + """Return the class-bound descriptor corresponding to this + :class:`.MapperProperty`. + + This is basically a ``getattr()`` call:: + + return getattr(self.parent.class_, self.key) + + I.e. if this :class:`.MapperProperty` were named ``addresses``, + and the class to which it is mapped is ``User``, this sequence + is possible:: + + >>> from sqlalchemy import inspect + >>> mapper = inspect(User) + >>> addresses_property = mapper.attrs.addresses + >>> addresses_property.class_attribute is User.addresses + True + >>> User.addresses.property is addresses_property + True + + + """ + + return getattr(self.parent.class_, self.key) + + def do_init(self): + """Perform subclass-specific initialization post-mapper-creation + steps. + + This is a template method called by the ``MapperProperty`` + object's init() method. + + """ + + def post_instrument_class(self, mapper): + """Perform instrumentation adjustments that need to occur + after init() has completed. + + The given Mapper is the Mapper invoking the operation, which + may not be the same Mapper as self.parent in an inheritance + scenario; however, Mapper will always at least be a sub-mapper of + self.parent. + + This method is typically used by StrategizedProperty, which delegates + it to LoaderStrategy.init_class_attribute() to perform final setup + on the class-bound InstrumentedAttribute. + + """ + + def merge( + self, + session, + source_state, + source_dict, + dest_state, + dest_dict, + load, + _recursive, + _resolve_conflict_map, + ): + """Merge the attribute represented by this ``MapperProperty`` + from source to destination object. + + """ + + def __repr__(self): + return "<%s at 0x%x; %s>" % ( + self.__class__.__name__, + id(self), + getattr(self, "key", "no key"), + ) + + +class PropComparator(operators.ColumnOperators): + r"""Defines SQL operators for :class:`.MapperProperty` objects. + + SQLAlchemy allows for operators to + be redefined at both the Core and ORM level. :class:`.PropComparator` + is the base class of operator redefinition for ORM-level operations, + including those of :class:`.ColumnProperty`, + :class:`.RelationshipProperty`, and :class:`.CompositeProperty`. + + .. note:: With the advent of Hybrid properties introduced in SQLAlchemy + 0.7, as well as Core-level operator redefinition in + SQLAlchemy 0.8, the use case for user-defined :class:`.PropComparator` + instances is extremely rare. See :ref:`hybrids_toplevel` as well + as :ref:`types_operators`. + + User-defined subclasses of :class:`.PropComparator` may be created. The + built-in Python comparison and math operator methods, such as + :meth:`.operators.ColumnOperators.__eq__`, + :meth:`.operators.ColumnOperators.__lt__`, and + :meth:`.operators.ColumnOperators.__add__`, can be overridden to provide + new operator behavior. The custom :class:`.PropComparator` is passed to + the :class:`.MapperProperty` instance via the ``comparator_factory`` + argument. In each case, + the appropriate subclass of :class:`.PropComparator` should be used:: + + # definition of custom PropComparator subclasses + + from sqlalchemy.orm.properties import \ + ColumnProperty,\ + CompositeProperty,\ + RelationshipProperty + + class MyColumnComparator(ColumnProperty.Comparator): + def __eq__(self, other): + return self.__clause_element__() == other + + class MyRelationshipComparator(RelationshipProperty.Comparator): + def any(self, expression): + "define the 'any' operation" + # ... + + class MyCompositeComparator(CompositeProperty.Comparator): + def __gt__(self, other): + "redefine the 'greater than' operation" + + return sql.and_(*[a>b for a, b in + zip(self.__clause_element__().clauses, + other.__composite_values__())]) + + + # application of custom PropComparator subclasses + + from sqlalchemy.orm import column_property, relationship, composite + from sqlalchemy import Column, String + + class SomeMappedClass(Base): + some_column = column_property(Column("some_column", String), + comparator_factory=MyColumnComparator) + + some_relationship = relationship(SomeOtherClass, + comparator_factory=MyRelationshipComparator) + + some_composite = composite( + Column("a", String), Column("b", String), + comparator_factory=MyCompositeComparator + ) + + Note that for column-level operator redefinition, it's usually + simpler to define the operators at the Core level, using the + :attr:`.TypeEngine.comparator_factory` attribute. See + :ref:`types_operators` for more detail. + + See also: + + :class:`.ColumnProperty.Comparator` + + :class:`.RelationshipProperty.Comparator` + + :class:`.CompositeProperty.Comparator` + + :class:`.ColumnOperators` + + :ref:`types_operators` + + :attr:`.TypeEngine.comparator_factory` + + """ + + __slots__ = "prop", "property", "_parententity", "_adapt_to_entity" + + def __init__(self, prop, parentmapper, adapt_to_entity=None): + self.prop = self.property = prop + self._parententity = adapt_to_entity or parentmapper + self._adapt_to_entity = adapt_to_entity + + def __clause_element__(self): + raise NotImplementedError("%r" % self) + + def _query_clause_element(self): + return self.__clause_element__() + + def _bulk_update_tuples(self, value): + return [(self.__clause_element__(), value)] + + def adapt_to_entity(self, adapt_to_entity): + """Return a copy of this PropComparator which will use the given + :class:`.AliasedInsp` to produce corresponding expressions. + """ + return self.__class__(self.prop, self._parententity, adapt_to_entity) + + @property + def _parentmapper(self): + """legacy; this is renamed to _parententity to be + compatible with QueryableAttribute.""" + return inspect(self._parententity).mapper + + @property + def adapter(self): + """Produce a callable that adapts column expressions + to suit an aliased version of this comparator. + + """ + if self._adapt_to_entity is None: + return None + else: + return self._adapt_to_entity._adapt_element + + @property + def info(self): + return self.property.info + + @staticmethod + def any_op(a, b, **kwargs): + return a.any(b, **kwargs) + + @staticmethod + def has_op(a, b, **kwargs): + return a.has(b, **kwargs) + + @staticmethod + def of_type_op(a, class_): + return a.of_type(class_) + + def of_type(self, class_): + r"""Redefine this object in terms of a polymorphic subclass. + + Returns a new PropComparator from which further criterion can be + evaluated. + + e.g.:: + + query.join(Company.employees.of_type(Engineer)).\ + filter(Engineer.name=='foo') + + :param \class_: a class or mapper indicating that criterion will be + against this specific subclass. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`inheritance_of_type` + + """ + + return self.operate(PropComparator.of_type_op, class_) + + def any(self, criterion=None, **kwargs): + r"""Return true if this collection contains any member that meets the + given criterion. + + The usual implementation of ``any()`` is + :meth:`.RelationshipProperty.Comparator.any`. + + :param criterion: an optional ClauseElement formulated against the + member class' table or attributes. + + :param \**kwargs: key/value pairs corresponding to member class + attribute names which will be compared via equality to the + corresponding values. + + """ + + return self.operate(PropComparator.any_op, criterion, **kwargs) + + def has(self, criterion=None, **kwargs): + r"""Return true if this element references a member which meets the + given criterion. + + The usual implementation of ``has()`` is + :meth:`.RelationshipProperty.Comparator.has`. + + :param criterion: an optional ClauseElement formulated against the + member class' table or attributes. + + :param \**kwargs: key/value pairs corresponding to member class + attribute names which will be compared via equality to the + corresponding values. + + """ + + return self.operate(PropComparator.has_op, criterion, **kwargs) + + +class StrategizedProperty(MapperProperty): + """A MapperProperty which uses selectable strategies to affect + loading behavior. + + There is a single strategy selected by default. Alternate + strategies can be selected at Query time through the usage of + ``StrategizedOption`` objects via the Query.options() method. + + The mechanics of StrategizedProperty are used for every Query + invocation for every mapped attribute participating in that Query, + to determine first how the attribute will be rendered in SQL + and secondly how the attribute will retrieve a value from a result + row and apply it to a mapped object. The routines here are very + performance-critical. + + """ + + __slots__ = ( + "_strategies", + "strategy", + "_wildcard_token", + "_default_path_loader_key", + ) + + strategy_wildcard_key = None + + def _memoized_attr__wildcard_token(self): + return ( + "%s:%s" + % (self.strategy_wildcard_key, path_registry._WILDCARD_TOKEN), + ) + + def _memoized_attr__default_path_loader_key(self): + return ( + "loader", + ( + "%s:%s" + % (self.strategy_wildcard_key, path_registry._DEFAULT_TOKEN), + ), + ) + + def _get_context_loader(self, context, path): + load = None + + # use EntityRegistry.__getitem__()->PropRegistry here so + # that the path is stated in terms of our base + search_path = dict.__getitem__(path, self) + + # search among: exact match, "attr.*", "default" strategy + # if any. + for path_key in ( + search_path._loader_key, + search_path._wildcard_path_loader_key, + search_path._default_path_loader_key, + ): + if path_key in context.attributes: + load = context.attributes[path_key] + break + + return load + + def _get_strategy(self, key): + try: + return self._strategies[key] + except KeyError: + cls = self._strategy_lookup(*key) + self._strategies[key] = self._strategies[cls] = strategy = cls( + self, key + ) + return strategy + + def setup(self, context, entity, path, adapter, **kwargs): + loader = self._get_context_loader(context, path) + if loader and loader.strategy: + strat = self._get_strategy(loader.strategy) + else: + strat = self.strategy + strat.setup_query(context, entity, path, loader, adapter, **kwargs) + + def create_row_processor( + self, context, path, mapper, result, adapter, populators + ): + loader = self._get_context_loader(context, path) + if loader and loader.strategy: + strat = self._get_strategy(loader.strategy) + else: + strat = self.strategy + strat.create_row_processor( + context, path, loader, mapper, result, adapter, populators + ) + + def do_init(self): + self._strategies = {} + self.strategy = self._get_strategy(self.strategy_key) + + def post_instrument_class(self, mapper): + if ( + not self.parent.non_primary + and not mapper.class_manager._attr_has_impl(self.key) + ): + self.strategy.init_class_attribute(mapper) + + _all_strategies = collections.defaultdict(dict) + + @classmethod + def strategy_for(cls, **kw): + def decorate(dec_cls): + # ensure each subclass of the strategy has its + # own _strategy_keys collection + if "_strategy_keys" not in dec_cls.__dict__: + dec_cls._strategy_keys = [] + key = tuple(sorted(kw.items())) + cls._all_strategies[cls][key] = dec_cls + dec_cls._strategy_keys.append(key) + return dec_cls + + return decorate + + @classmethod + def _strategy_lookup(cls, *key): + for prop_cls in cls.__mro__: + if prop_cls in cls._all_strategies: + strategies = cls._all_strategies[prop_cls] + try: + return strategies[key] + except KeyError: + pass + raise Exception("can't locate strategy for %s %s" % (cls, key)) + + +class MapperOption(object): + """Describe a modification to a Query.""" + + propagate_to_loaders = False + """if True, indicate this option should be carried along + to "secondary" Query objects produced during lazy loads + or refresh operations. + + """ + + def process_query(self, query): + """Apply a modification to the given :class:`.Query`.""" + + def process_query_conditionally(self, query): + """same as process_query(), except that this option may not + apply to the given query. + + This is typically used during a lazy load or scalar refresh + operation to propagate options stated in the original Query to the + new Query being used for the load. It occurs for those options that + specify propagate_to_loaders=True. + + """ + + self.process_query(query) + + def _generate_cache_key(self, path): + """Used by the "baked lazy loader" to see if this option can be cached. + + The "baked lazy loader" refers to the :class:`.Query` that is + produced during a lazy load operation for a mapped relationship. + It does not yet apply to the "lazy" load operation for deferred + or expired column attributes, however this may change in the future. + + This loader generates SQL for a query only once and attempts to cache + it; from that point on, if the SQL has been cached it will no longer + run the :meth:`.Query.options` method of the :class:`.Query`. The + :class:`.MapperOption` object that wishes to participate within a lazy + load operation therefore needs to tell the baked loader that it either + needs to forego this caching, or that it needs to include the state of + the :class:`.MapperOption` itself as part of its cache key, otherwise + SQL or other query state that has been affected by the + :class:`.MapperOption` may be cached in place of a query that does not + include these modifications, or the option may not be invoked at all. + + By default, this method returns the value ``False``, which means + the :class:`.BakedQuery` generated by the lazy loader will + not cache the SQL when this :class:`.MapperOption` is present. + This is the safest option and ensures both that the option is + invoked every time, and also that the cache isn't filled up with + an unlimited number of :class:`.Query` objects for an unlimited + number of :class:`.MapperOption` objects. + + .. versionchanged:: 1.2.8 the default return value of + :meth:`.MapperOption._generate_cache_key` is False; previously it + was ``None`` indicating "safe to cache, don't include as part of + the cache key" + + To enable caching of :class:`.Query` objects within lazy loaders, a + given :class:`.MapperOption` that returns a cache key must return a key + that uniquely identifies the complete state of this option, which will + match any other :class:`.MapperOption` that itself retains the + identical state. This includes path options, flags, etc. It should + be a state that is repeatable and part of a limited set of possible + options. + + If the :class:`.MapperOption` does not apply to the given path and + would not affect query results on such a path, it should return None, + indicating the :class:`.Query` is safe to cache for this given + loader path and that this :class:`.MapperOption` need not be + part of the cache key. + + + """ + return False + + +class LoaderStrategy(object): + """Describe the loading behavior of a StrategizedProperty object. + + The ``LoaderStrategy`` interacts with the querying process in three + ways: + + * it controls the configuration of the ``InstrumentedAttribute`` + placed on a class to handle the behavior of the attribute. this + may involve setting up class-level callable functions to fire + off a select operation when the attribute is first accessed + (i.e. a lazy load) + + * it processes the ``QueryContext`` at statement construction time, + where it can modify the SQL statement that is being produced. + For example, simple column attributes will add their represented + column to the list of selected columns, a joined eager loader + may establish join clauses to add to the statement. + + * It produces "row processor" functions at result fetching time. + These "row processor" functions populate a particular attribute + on a particular mapped instance. + + """ + + __slots__ = ( + "parent_property", + "is_class_level", + "parent", + "key", + "strategy_key", + "strategy_opts", + ) + + def __init__(self, parent, strategy_key): + self.parent_property = parent + self.is_class_level = False + self.parent = self.parent_property.parent + self.key = self.parent_property.key + self.strategy_key = strategy_key + self.strategy_opts = dict(strategy_key) + + def init_class_attribute(self, mapper): + pass + + def setup_query(self, context, entity, path, loadopt, adapter, **kwargs): + """Establish column and other state for a given QueryContext. + + This method fulfills the contract specified by MapperProperty.setup(). + + StrategizedProperty delegates its setup() method + directly to this method. + + """ + + def create_row_processor( + self, context, path, loadopt, mapper, result, adapter, populators + ): + """Establish row processing functions for a given QueryContext. + + This method fulfills the contract specified by + MapperProperty.create_row_processor(). + + StrategizedProperty delegates its create_row_processor() method + directly to this method. + + """ + + def __str__(self): + return str(self.parent_property) diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/loading.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/loading.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fd283f4 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/loading.py @@ -0,0 +1,985 @@ +# orm/loading.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +"""private module containing functions used to convert database +rows into object instances and associated state. + +the functions here are called primarily by Query, Mapper, +as well as some of the attribute loading strategies. + +""" +from __future__ import absolute_import + +import collections + +from . import attributes +from . import exc as orm_exc +from . import path_registry +from . import strategy_options +from .base import _DEFER_FOR_STATE +from .base import _SET_DEFERRED_EXPIRED +from .util import _none_set +from .util import state_str +from .. import exc as sa_exc +from .. import util +from ..sql import util as sql_util + + +_new_runid = util.counter() + + +def instances(query, cursor, context): + """Return an ORM result as an iterator.""" + + context.runid = _new_runid() + context.post_load_paths = {} + + filtered = query._has_mapper_entities + + single_entity = ( + not query._only_return_tuples + and len(query._entities) == 1 + and query._entities[0].supports_single_entity + ) + + if filtered: + if single_entity: + filter_fn = id + else: + + def filter_fn(row): + return tuple( + id(item) if ent.use_id_for_hash else item + for ent, item in zip(query._entities, row) + ) + + try: + (process, labels) = list( + zip( + *[ + query_entity.row_processor(query, context, cursor) + for query_entity in query._entities + ] + ) + ) + + if not single_entity: + keyed_tuple = util.lightweight_named_tuple("result", labels) + + while True: + context.partials = {} + + if query._yield_per: + fetch = cursor.fetchmany(query._yield_per) + if not fetch: + break + else: + fetch = cursor.fetchall() + + if single_entity: + proc = process[0] + rows = [proc(row) for row in fetch] + else: + rows = [ + keyed_tuple([proc(row) for proc in process]) + for row in fetch + ] + + for path, post_load in context.post_load_paths.items(): + post_load.invoke(context, path) + + if filtered: + rows = util.unique_list(rows, filter_fn) + + for row in rows: + yield row + + if not query._yield_per: + break + except Exception as err: + cursor.close() + util.raise_from_cause(err) + + +@util.dependencies("sqlalchemy.orm.query") +def merge_result(querylib, query, iterator, load=True): + """Merge a result into this :class:`.Query` object's Session.""" + + session = query.session + if load: + # flush current contents if we expect to load data + session._autoflush() + + autoflush = session.autoflush + try: + session.autoflush = False + single_entity = len(query._entities) == 1 + if single_entity: + if isinstance(query._entities[0], querylib._MapperEntity): + result = [ + session._merge( + attributes.instance_state(instance), + attributes.instance_dict(instance), + load=load, + _recursive={}, + _resolve_conflict_map={}, + ) + for instance in iterator + ] + else: + result = list(iterator) + else: + mapped_entities = [ + i + for i, e in enumerate(query._entities) + if isinstance(e, querylib._MapperEntity) + ] + result = [] + keys = [ent._label_name for ent in query._entities] + keyed_tuple = util.lightweight_named_tuple("result", keys) + for row in iterator: + newrow = list(row) + for i in mapped_entities: + if newrow[i] is not None: + newrow[i] = session._merge( + attributes.instance_state(newrow[i]), + attributes.instance_dict(newrow[i]), + load=load, + _recursive={}, + _resolve_conflict_map={}, + ) + result.append(keyed_tuple(newrow)) + + return iter(result) + finally: + session.autoflush = autoflush + + +def get_from_identity(session, key, passive): + """Look up the given key in the given session's identity map, + check the object for expired state if found. + + """ + instance = session.identity_map.get(key) + if instance is not None: + + state = attributes.instance_state(instance) + + # expired - ensure it still exists + if state.expired: + if not passive & attributes.SQL_OK: + # TODO: no coverage here + return attributes.PASSIVE_NO_RESULT + elif not passive & attributes.RELATED_OBJECT_OK: + # this mode is used within a flush and the instance's + # expired state will be checked soon enough, if necessary + return instance + try: + state._load_expired(state, passive) + except orm_exc.ObjectDeletedError: + session._remove_newly_deleted([state]) + return None + return instance + else: + return None + + +def load_on_ident( + query, key, refresh_state=None, with_for_update=None, only_load_props=None +): + """Load the given identity key from the database.""" + + if key is not None: + ident = key[1] + identity_token = key[2] + else: + ident = identity_token = None + + return load_on_pk_identity( + query, + ident, + refresh_state=refresh_state, + with_for_update=with_for_update, + only_load_props=only_load_props, + identity_token=identity_token, + ) + + +def load_on_pk_identity( + query, + primary_key_identity, + refresh_state=None, + with_for_update=None, + only_load_props=None, + identity_token=None, +): + + """Load the given primary key identity from the database.""" + + if refresh_state is None: + q = query._clone() + q._get_condition() + else: + q = query._clone() + + if primary_key_identity is not None: + mapper = query._mapper_zero() + + (_get_clause, _get_params) = mapper._get_clause + + # None present in ident - turn those comparisons + # into "IS NULL" + if None in primary_key_identity: + nones = set( + [ + _get_params[col].key + for col, value in zip( + mapper.primary_key, primary_key_identity + ) + if value is None + ] + ) + _get_clause = sql_util.adapt_criterion_to_null(_get_clause, nones) + + _get_clause = q._adapt_clause(_get_clause, True, False) + q._criterion = _get_clause + + params = dict( + [ + (_get_params[primary_key].key, id_val) + for id_val, primary_key in zip( + primary_key_identity, mapper.primary_key + ) + ] + ) + + q._params = params + + # with_for_update needs to be query.LockmodeArg() + if with_for_update is not None: + version_check = True + q._for_update_arg = with_for_update + elif query._for_update_arg is not None: + version_check = True + q._for_update_arg = query._for_update_arg + else: + version_check = False + + q._get_options( + populate_existing=bool(refresh_state), + version_check=version_check, + only_load_props=only_load_props, + refresh_state=refresh_state, + identity_token=identity_token, + ) + q._order_by = None + + try: + return q.one() + except orm_exc.NoResultFound: + return None + + +def _setup_entity_query( + context, + mapper, + query_entity, + path, + adapter, + column_collection, + with_polymorphic=None, + only_load_props=None, + polymorphic_discriminator=None, + **kw +): + + if with_polymorphic: + poly_properties = mapper._iterate_polymorphic_properties( + with_polymorphic + ) + else: + poly_properties = mapper._polymorphic_properties + + quick_populators = {} + + path.set(context.attributes, "memoized_setups", quick_populators) + + for value in poly_properties: + if only_load_props and value.key not in only_load_props: + continue + value.setup( + context, + query_entity, + path, + adapter, + only_load_props=only_load_props, + column_collection=column_collection, + memoized_populators=quick_populators, + **kw + ) + + if ( + polymorphic_discriminator is not None + and polymorphic_discriminator is not mapper.polymorphic_on + ): + + if adapter: + pd = adapter.columns[polymorphic_discriminator] + else: + pd = polymorphic_discriminator + column_collection.append(pd) + + +def _instance_processor( + mapper, + context, + result, + path, + adapter, + only_load_props=None, + refresh_state=None, + polymorphic_discriminator=None, + _polymorphic_from=None, +): + """Produce a mapper level row processor callable + which processes rows into mapped instances.""" + + # note that this method, most of which exists in a closure + # called _instance(), resists being broken out, as + # attempts to do so tend to add significant function + # call overhead. _instance() is the most + # performance-critical section in the whole ORM. + + pk_cols = mapper.primary_key + + if adapter: + pk_cols = [adapter.columns[c] for c in pk_cols] + + identity_class = mapper._identity_class + + populators = collections.defaultdict(list) + + props = mapper._prop_set + if only_load_props is not None: + props = props.intersection(mapper._props[k] for k in only_load_props) + + quick_populators = path.get( + context.attributes, "memoized_setups", _none_set + ) + + for prop in props: + if prop in quick_populators: + # this is an inlined path just for column-based attributes. + col = quick_populators[prop] + if col is _DEFER_FOR_STATE: + populators["new"].append( + (prop.key, prop._deferred_column_loader) + ) + elif col is _SET_DEFERRED_EXPIRED: + # note that in this path, we are no longer + # searching in the result to see if the column might + # be present in some unexpected way. + populators["expire"].append((prop.key, False)) + else: + getter = None + # the "adapter" can be here via different paths, + # e.g. via adapter present at setup_query or adapter + # applied to the query afterwards via eager load subquery. + # If the column here + # were already a product of this adapter, sending it through + # the adapter again can return a totally new expression that + # won't be recognized in the result, and the ColumnAdapter + # currently does not accommodate for this. OTOH, if the + # column were never applied through this adapter, we may get + # None back, in which case we still won't get our "getter". + # so try both against result._getter(). See issue #4048 + if adapter: + adapted_col = adapter.columns[col] + if adapted_col is not None: + getter = result._getter(adapted_col, False) + if not getter: + getter = result._getter(col, False) + if getter: + populators["quick"].append((prop.key, getter)) + else: + # fall back to the ColumnProperty itself, which + # will iterate through all of its columns + # to see if one fits + prop.create_row_processor( + context, path, mapper, result, adapter, populators + ) + else: + prop.create_row_processor( + context, path, mapper, result, adapter, populators + ) + + propagate_options = context.propagate_options + load_path = ( + context.query._current_path + path + if context.query._current_path.path + else path + ) + + session_identity_map = context.session.identity_map + + populate_existing = context.populate_existing or mapper.always_refresh + load_evt = bool(mapper.class_manager.dispatch.load) + refresh_evt = bool(mapper.class_manager.dispatch.refresh) + persistent_evt = bool(context.session.dispatch.loaded_as_persistent) + if persistent_evt: + loaded_as_persistent = context.session.dispatch.loaded_as_persistent + instance_state = attributes.instance_state + instance_dict = attributes.instance_dict + session_id = context.session.hash_key + version_check = context.version_check + runid = context.runid + identity_token = context.identity_token + + if not refresh_state and _polymorphic_from is not None: + key = ("loader", path.path) + if key in context.attributes and context.attributes[key].strategy == ( + ("selectinload_polymorphic", True), + ): + selectin_load_via = mapper._should_selectin_load( + context.attributes[key].local_opts["entities"], + _polymorphic_from, + ) + else: + selectin_load_via = mapper._should_selectin_load( + None, _polymorphic_from + ) + + if selectin_load_via and selectin_load_via is not _polymorphic_from: + # only_load_props goes w/ refresh_state only, and in a refresh + # we are a single row query for the exact entity; polymorphic + # loading does not apply + assert only_load_props is None + + callable_ = _load_subclass_via_in(context, path, selectin_load_via) + + PostLoad.callable_for_path( + context, + load_path, + selectin_load_via.mapper, + selectin_load_via, + callable_, + selectin_load_via, + ) + + post_load = PostLoad.for_context(context, load_path, only_load_props) + + if refresh_state: + refresh_identity_key = refresh_state.key + if refresh_identity_key is None: + # super-rare condition; a refresh is being called + # on a non-instance-key instance; this is meant to only + # occur within a flush() + refresh_identity_key = mapper._identity_key_from_state( + refresh_state + ) + else: + refresh_identity_key = None + + if mapper.allow_partial_pks: + is_not_primary_key = _none_set.issuperset + else: + is_not_primary_key = _none_set.intersection + + def _instance(row): + + # determine the state that we'll be populating + if refresh_identity_key: + # fixed state that we're refreshing + state = refresh_state + instance = state.obj() + dict_ = instance_dict(instance) + isnew = state.runid != runid + currentload = True + loaded_instance = False + else: + # look at the row, see if that identity is in the + # session, or we have to create a new one + identitykey = ( + identity_class, + tuple([row[column] for column in pk_cols]), + identity_token, + ) + + instance = session_identity_map.get(identitykey) + + if instance is not None: + # existing instance + state = instance_state(instance) + dict_ = instance_dict(instance) + + isnew = state.runid != runid + currentload = not isnew + loaded_instance = False + + if version_check and not currentload: + _validate_version_id(mapper, state, dict_, row, adapter) + + else: + # create a new instance + + # check for non-NULL values in the primary key columns, + # else no entity is returned for the row + if is_not_primary_key(identitykey[1]): + return None + + isnew = True + currentload = True + loaded_instance = True + + instance = mapper.class_manager.new_instance() + + dict_ = instance_dict(instance) + state = instance_state(instance) + state.key = identitykey + state.identity_token = identity_token + + # attach instance to session. + state.session_id = session_id + session_identity_map._add_unpresent(state, identitykey) + + # populate. this looks at whether this state is new + # for this load or was existing, and whether or not this + # row is the first row with this identity. + if currentload or populate_existing: + # full population routines. Objects here are either + # just created, or we are doing a populate_existing + + # be conservative about setting load_path when populate_existing + # is in effect; want to maintain options from the original + # load. see test_expire->test_refresh_maintains_deferred_options + if isnew and (propagate_options or not populate_existing): + state.load_options = propagate_options + state.load_path = load_path + + _populate_full( + context, + row, + state, + dict_, + isnew, + load_path, + loaded_instance, + populate_existing, + populators, + ) + + if isnew: + if loaded_instance: + if load_evt: + state.manager.dispatch.load(state, context) + if persistent_evt: + loaded_as_persistent(context.session, state.obj()) + elif refresh_evt: + state.manager.dispatch.refresh( + state, context, only_load_props + ) + + if populate_existing or state.modified: + if refresh_state and only_load_props: + state._commit(dict_, only_load_props) + else: + state._commit_all(dict_, session_identity_map) + + if post_load: + post_load.add_state(state, True) + + else: + # partial population routines, for objects that were already + # in the Session, but a row matches them; apply eager loaders + # on existing objects, etc. + unloaded = state.unloaded + isnew = state not in context.partials + + if not isnew or unloaded or populators["eager"]: + # state is having a partial set of its attributes + # refreshed. Populate those attributes, + # and add to the "context.partials" collection. + + to_load = _populate_partial( + context, + row, + state, + dict_, + isnew, + load_path, + unloaded, + populators, + ) + + if isnew: + if refresh_evt: + state.manager.dispatch.refresh(state, context, to_load) + + state._commit(dict_, to_load) + + if post_load and context.invoke_all_eagers: + post_load.add_state(state, False) + + return instance + + if mapper.polymorphic_map and not _polymorphic_from and not refresh_state: + # if we are doing polymorphic, dispatch to a different _instance() + # method specific to the subclass mapper + _instance = _decorate_polymorphic_switch( + _instance, + context, + mapper, + result, + path, + polymorphic_discriminator, + adapter, + ) + + return _instance + + +def _load_subclass_via_in(context, path, entity): + mapper = entity.mapper + + zero_idx = len(mapper.base_mapper.primary_key) == 1 + + if entity.is_aliased_class: + q, enable_opt, disable_opt = mapper._subclass_load_via_in(entity) + else: + q, enable_opt, disable_opt = mapper._subclass_load_via_in_mapper + + def do_load(context, path, states, load_only, effective_entity): + orig_query = context.query + + q2 = q._with_lazyload_options( + (enable_opt,) + orig_query._with_options + (disable_opt,), + path.parent, + cache_path=path, + ) + + if orig_query._populate_existing: + q2.add_criteria(lambda q: q.populate_existing()) + + q2(context.session).params( + primary_keys=[ + state.key[1][0] if zero_idx else state.key[1] + for state, load_attrs in states + ] + ).all() + + return do_load + + +def _populate_full( + context, + row, + state, + dict_, + isnew, + load_path, + loaded_instance, + populate_existing, + populators, +): + if isnew: + # first time we are seeing a row with this identity. + state.runid = context.runid + + for key, getter in populators["quick"]: + dict_[key] = getter(row) + if populate_existing: + for key, set_callable in populators["expire"]: + dict_.pop(key, None) + if set_callable: + state.expired_attributes.add(key) + else: + for key, set_callable in populators["expire"]: + if set_callable: + state.expired_attributes.add(key) + for key, populator in populators["new"]: + populator(state, dict_, row) + for key, populator in populators["delayed"]: + populator(state, dict_, row) + elif load_path != state.load_path: + # new load path, e.g. object is present in more than one + # column position in a series of rows + state.load_path = load_path + + # if we have data, and the data isn't in the dict, OK, let's put + # it in. + for key, getter in populators["quick"]: + if key not in dict_: + dict_[key] = getter(row) + + # otherwise treat like an "already seen" row + for key, populator in populators["existing"]: + populator(state, dict_, row) + # TODO: allow "existing" populator to know this is + # a new path for the state: + # populator(state, dict_, row, new_path=True) + + else: + # have already seen rows with this identity in this same path. + for key, populator in populators["existing"]: + populator(state, dict_, row) + + # TODO: same path + # populator(state, dict_, row, new_path=False) + + +def _populate_partial( + context, row, state, dict_, isnew, load_path, unloaded, populators +): + + if not isnew: + to_load = context.partials[state] + for key, populator in populators["existing"]: + if key in to_load: + populator(state, dict_, row) + else: + to_load = unloaded + context.partials[state] = to_load + + for key, getter in populators["quick"]: + if key in to_load: + dict_[key] = getter(row) + for key, set_callable in populators["expire"]: + if key in to_load: + dict_.pop(key, None) + if set_callable: + state.expired_attributes.add(key) + for key, populator in populators["new"]: + if key in to_load: + populator(state, dict_, row) + for key, populator in populators["delayed"]: + if key in to_load: + populator(state, dict_, row) + for key, populator in populators["eager"]: + if key not in unloaded: + populator(state, dict_, row) + + return to_load + + +def _validate_version_id(mapper, state, dict_, row, adapter): + + version_id_col = mapper.version_id_col + + if version_id_col is None: + return + + if adapter: + version_id_col = adapter.columns[version_id_col] + + if ( + mapper._get_state_attr_by_column(state, dict_, mapper.version_id_col) + != row[version_id_col] + ): + raise orm_exc.StaleDataError( + "Instance '%s' has version id '%s' which " + "does not match database-loaded version id '%s'." + % ( + state_str(state), + mapper._get_state_attr_by_column( + state, dict_, mapper.version_id_col + ), + row[version_id_col], + ) + ) + + +def _decorate_polymorphic_switch( + instance_fn, + context, + mapper, + result, + path, + polymorphic_discriminator, + adapter, +): + if polymorphic_discriminator is not None: + polymorphic_on = polymorphic_discriminator + else: + polymorphic_on = mapper.polymorphic_on + if polymorphic_on is None: + return instance_fn + + if adapter: + polymorphic_on = adapter.columns[polymorphic_on] + + def configure_subclass_mapper(discriminator): + try: + sub_mapper = mapper.polymorphic_map[discriminator] + except KeyError: + raise AssertionError( + "No such polymorphic_identity %r is defined" % discriminator + ) + else: + if sub_mapper is mapper: + return None + + return _instance_processor( + sub_mapper, + context, + result, + path, + adapter, + _polymorphic_from=mapper, + ) + + polymorphic_instances = util.PopulateDict(configure_subclass_mapper) + + def polymorphic_instance(row): + discriminator = row[polymorphic_on] + if discriminator is not None: + _instance = polymorphic_instances[discriminator] + if _instance: + return _instance(row) + return instance_fn(row) + + return polymorphic_instance + + +class PostLoad(object): + """Track loaders and states for "post load" operations. + + """ + + __slots__ = "loaders", "states", "load_keys" + + def __init__(self): + self.loaders = {} + self.states = util.OrderedDict() + self.load_keys = None + + def add_state(self, state, overwrite): + # the states for a polymorphic load here are all shared + # within a single PostLoad object among multiple subtypes. + # Filtering of callables on a per-subclass basis needs to be done at + # the invocation level + self.states[state] = overwrite + + def invoke(self, context, path): + if not self.states: + return + path = path_registry.PathRegistry.coerce(path) + for token, limit_to_mapper, loader, arg, kw in self.loaders.values(): + states = [ + (state, overwrite) + for state, overwrite in self.states.items() + if state.manager.mapper.isa(limit_to_mapper) + ] + if states: + loader(context, path, states, self.load_keys, *arg, **kw) + self.states.clear() + + @classmethod + def for_context(cls, context, path, only_load_props): + pl = context.post_load_paths.get(path.path) + if pl is not None and only_load_props: + pl.load_keys = only_load_props + return pl + + @classmethod + def path_exists(self, context, path, key): + return ( + path.path in context.post_load_paths + and key in context.post_load_paths[path.path].loaders + ) + + @classmethod + def callable_for_path( + cls, context, path, limit_to_mapper, token, loader_callable, *arg, **kw + ): + if path.path in context.post_load_paths: + pl = context.post_load_paths[path.path] + else: + pl = context.post_load_paths[path.path] = PostLoad() + pl.loaders[token] = (token, limit_to_mapper, loader_callable, arg, kw) + + +def load_scalar_attributes(mapper, state, attribute_names): + """initiate a column-based attribute refresh operation.""" + + # assert mapper is _state_mapper(state) + session = state.session + if not session: + raise orm_exc.DetachedInstanceError( + "Instance %s is not bound to a Session; " + "attribute refresh operation cannot proceed" % (state_str(state)) + ) + + has_key = bool(state.key) + + result = False + + # in the case of inheritance, particularly concrete and abstract + # concrete inheritance, the class manager might have some keys + # of attributes on the superclass that we didn't actually map. + # These could be mapped as "concrete, dont load" or could be completely + # exluded from the mapping and we know nothing about them. Filter them + # here to prevent them from coming through. + if attribute_names: + attribute_names = attribute_names.intersection(mapper.attrs.keys()) + + if mapper.inherits and not mapper.concrete: + # because we are using Core to produce a select() that we + # pass to the Query, we aren't calling setup() for mapped + # attributes; in 1.0 this means deferred attrs won't get loaded + # by default + statement = mapper._optimized_get_statement(state, attribute_names) + if statement is not None: + result = load_on_ident( + session.query(mapper) + .options(strategy_options.Load(mapper).undefer("*")) + .from_statement(statement), + None, + only_load_props=attribute_names, + refresh_state=state, + ) + + if result is False: + if has_key: + identity_key = state.key + else: + # this codepath is rare - only valid when inside a flush, and the + # object is becoming persistent but hasn't yet been assigned + # an identity_key. + # check here to ensure we have the attrs we need. + pk_attrs = [ + mapper._columntoproperty[col].key for col in mapper.primary_key + ] + if state.expired_attributes.intersection(pk_attrs): + raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError( + "Instance %s cannot be refreshed - it's not " + " persistent and does not " + "contain a full primary key." % state_str(state) + ) + identity_key = mapper._identity_key_from_state(state) + + if ( + _none_set.issubset(identity_key) and not mapper.allow_partial_pks + ) or _none_set.issuperset(identity_key): + util.warn_limited( + "Instance %s to be refreshed doesn't " + "contain a full primary key - can't be refreshed " + "(and shouldn't be expired, either).", + state_str(state), + ) + return + + result = load_on_ident( + session.query(mapper), + identity_key, + refresh_state=state, + only_load_props=attribute_names, + ) + + # if instance is pending, a refresh operation + # may not complete (even if PK attributes are assigned) + if has_key and result is None: + raise orm_exc.ObjectDeletedError(state) diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/mapper.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/mapper.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6d3f00f --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/mapper.py @@ -0,0 +1,3355 @@ +# orm/mapper.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +"""Logic to map Python classes to and from selectables. + +Defines the :class:`~sqlalchemy.orm.mapper.Mapper` class, the central +configurational unit which associates a class with a database table. + +This is a semi-private module; the main configurational API of the ORM is +available in :class:`~sqlalchemy.orm.`. + +""" +from __future__ import absolute_import + +from collections import deque +from itertools import chain +import sys +import types +import weakref + +from . import attributes +from . import exc as orm_exc +from . import instrumentation +from . import loading +from . import properties +from . import util as orm_util +from .base import _class_to_mapper +from .base import _INSTRUMENTOR +from .base import _state_mapper +from .base import class_mapper +from .base import state_str +from .interfaces import _MappedAttribute +from .interfaces import InspectionAttr +from .interfaces import MapperProperty +from .path_registry import PathRegistry +from .. import event +from .. import exc as sa_exc +from .. import inspection +from .. import log +from .. import schema +from .. import sql +from .. import util +from ..sql import expression +from ..sql import operators +from ..sql import util as sql_util +from ..sql import visitors + + +_mapper_registry = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary() +_already_compiling = False + +_memoized_configured_property = util.group_expirable_memoized_property() + + +# a constant returned by _get_attr_by_column to indicate +# this mapper is not handling an attribute for a particular +# column +NO_ATTRIBUTE = util.symbol("NO_ATTRIBUTE") + +# lock used to synchronize the "mapper configure" step +_CONFIGURE_MUTEX = util.threading.RLock() + + +@inspection._self_inspects +@log.class_logger +class Mapper(InspectionAttr): + """Define the correlation of class attributes to database table + columns. + + The :class:`.Mapper` object is instantiated using the + :func:`~sqlalchemy.orm.mapper` function. For information + about instantiating new :class:`.Mapper` objects, see + that function's documentation. + + + When :func:`.mapper` is used + explicitly to link a user defined class with table + metadata, this is referred to as *classical mapping*. + Modern SQLAlchemy usage tends to favor the + :mod:`sqlalchemy.ext.declarative` extension for class + configuration, which + makes usage of :func:`.mapper` behind the scenes. + + Given a particular class known to be mapped by the ORM, + the :class:`.Mapper` which maintains it can be acquired + using the :func:`.inspect` function:: + + from sqlalchemy import inspect + + mapper = inspect(MyClass) + + A class which was mapped by the :mod:`sqlalchemy.ext.declarative` + extension will also have its mapper available via the ``__mapper__`` + attribute. + + + """ + + _new_mappers = False + + def __init__( + self, + class_, + local_table=None, + properties=None, + primary_key=None, + non_primary=False, + inherits=None, + inherit_condition=None, + inherit_foreign_keys=None, + extension=None, + order_by=False, + always_refresh=False, + version_id_col=None, + version_id_generator=None, + polymorphic_on=None, + _polymorphic_map=None, + polymorphic_identity=None, + concrete=False, + with_polymorphic=None, + polymorphic_load=None, + allow_partial_pks=True, + batch=True, + column_prefix=None, + include_properties=None, + exclude_properties=None, + passive_updates=True, + passive_deletes=False, + confirm_deleted_rows=True, + eager_defaults=False, + legacy_is_orphan=False, + _compiled_cache_size=100, + ): + r"""Return a new :class:`~.Mapper` object. + + This function is typically used behind the scenes + via the Declarative extension. When using Declarative, + many of the usual :func:`.mapper` arguments are handled + by the Declarative extension itself, including ``class_``, + ``local_table``, ``properties``, and ``inherits``. + Other options are passed to :func:`.mapper` using + the ``__mapper_args__`` class variable:: + + class MyClass(Base): + __tablename__ = 'my_table' + id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) + type = Column(String(50)) + alt = Column("some_alt", Integer) + + __mapper_args__ = { + 'polymorphic_on' : type + } + + + Explicit use of :func:`.mapper` + is often referred to as *classical mapping*. The above + declarative example is equivalent in classical form to:: + + my_table = Table("my_table", metadata, + Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True), + Column('type', String(50)), + Column("some_alt", Integer) + ) + + class MyClass(object): + pass + + mapper(MyClass, my_table, + polymorphic_on=my_table.c.type, + properties={ + 'alt':my_table.c.some_alt + }) + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`classical_mapping` - discussion of direct usage of + :func:`.mapper` + + :param class\_: The class to be mapped. When using Declarative, + this argument is automatically passed as the declared class + itself. + + :param local_table: The :class:`.Table` or other selectable + to which the class is mapped. May be ``None`` if + this mapper inherits from another mapper using single-table + inheritance. When using Declarative, this argument is + automatically passed by the extension, based on what + is configured via the ``__table__`` argument or via the + :class:`.Table` produced as a result of the ``__tablename__`` + and :class:`.Column` arguments present. + + :param always_refresh: If True, all query operations for this mapped + class will overwrite all data within object instances that already + exist within the session, erasing any in-memory changes with + whatever information was loaded from the database. Usage of this + flag is highly discouraged; as an alternative, see the method + :meth:`.Query.populate_existing`. + + :param allow_partial_pks: Defaults to True. Indicates that a + composite primary key with some NULL values should be considered as + possibly existing within the database. This affects whether a + mapper will assign an incoming row to an existing identity, as well + as if :meth:`.Session.merge` will check the database first for a + particular primary key value. A "partial primary key" can occur if + one has mapped to an OUTER JOIN, for example. + + :param batch: Defaults to ``True``, indicating that save operations + of multiple entities can be batched together for efficiency. + Setting to False indicates + that an instance will be fully saved before saving the next + instance. This is used in the extremely rare case that a + :class:`.MapperEvents` listener requires being called + in between individual row persistence operations. + + :param column_prefix: A string which will be prepended + to the mapped attribute name when :class:`.Column` + objects are automatically assigned as attributes to the + mapped class. Does not affect explicitly specified + column-based properties. + + See the section :ref:`column_prefix` for an example. + + :param concrete: If True, indicates this mapper should use concrete + table inheritance with its parent mapper. + + See the section :ref:`concrete_inheritance` for an example. + + :param confirm_deleted_rows: defaults to True; when a DELETE occurs + of one more rows based on specific primary keys, a warning is + emitted when the number of rows matched does not equal the number + of rows expected. This parameter may be set to False to handle the + case where database ON DELETE CASCADE rules may be deleting some of + those rows automatically. The warning may be changed to an + exception in a future release. + + .. versionadded:: 0.9.4 - added + :paramref:`.mapper.confirm_deleted_rows` as well as conditional + matched row checking on delete. + + :param eager_defaults: if True, the ORM will immediately fetch the + value of server-generated default values after an INSERT or UPDATE, + rather than leaving them as expired to be fetched on next access. + This can be used for event schemes where the server-generated values + are needed immediately before the flush completes. By default, + this scheme will emit an individual ``SELECT`` statement per row + inserted or updated, which note can add significant performance + overhead. However, if the + target database supports :term:`RETURNING`, the default values will + be returned inline with the INSERT or UPDATE statement, which can + greatly enhance performance for an application that needs frequent + access to just-generated server defaults. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`orm_server_defaults` + + .. versionchanged:: 0.9.0 The ``eager_defaults`` option can now + make use of :term:`RETURNING` for backends which support it. + + :param exclude_properties: A list or set of string column names to + be excluded from mapping. + + See :ref:`include_exclude_cols` for an example. + + :param extension: A :class:`.MapperExtension` instance or + list of :class:`.MapperExtension` instances which will be applied + to all operations by this :class:`.Mapper`. **Deprecated.** + Please see :class:`.MapperEvents`. + + :param include_properties: An inclusive list or set of string column + names to map. + + See :ref:`include_exclude_cols` for an example. + + :param inherits: A mapped class or the corresponding :class:`.Mapper` + of one indicating a superclass to which this :class:`.Mapper` + should *inherit* from. The mapped class here must be a subclass + of the other mapper's class. When using Declarative, this argument + is passed automatically as a result of the natural class + hierarchy of the declared classes. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`inheritance_toplevel` + + :param inherit_condition: For joined table inheritance, a SQL + expression which will + define how the two tables are joined; defaults to a natural join + between the two tables. + + :param inherit_foreign_keys: When ``inherit_condition`` is used and + the columns present are missing a :class:`.ForeignKey` + configuration, this parameter can be used to specify which columns + are "foreign". In most cases can be left as ``None``. + + :param legacy_is_orphan: Boolean, defaults to ``False``. + When ``True``, specifies that "legacy" orphan consideration + is to be applied to objects mapped by this mapper, which means + that a pending (that is, not persistent) object is auto-expunged + from an owning :class:`.Session` only when it is de-associated + from *all* parents that specify a ``delete-orphan`` cascade towards + this mapper. The new default behavior is that the object is + auto-expunged when it is de-associated with *any* of its parents + that specify ``delete-orphan`` cascade. This behavior is more + consistent with that of a persistent object, and allows behavior to + be consistent in more scenarios independently of whether or not an + orphanable object has been flushed yet or not. + + See the change note and example at :ref:`legacy_is_orphan_addition` + for more detail on this change. + + .. versionadded:: 0.8 - the consideration of a pending object as + an "orphan" has been modified to more closely match the + behavior as that of persistent objects, which is that the object + is expunged from the :class:`.Session` as soon as it is + de-associated from any of its orphan-enabled parents. Previously, + the pending object would be expunged only if de-associated + from all of its orphan-enabled parents. The new flag + ``legacy_is_orphan`` is added to :func:`.orm.mapper` which + re-establishes the legacy behavior. + + :param non_primary: Specify that this :class:`.Mapper` is in addition + to the "primary" mapper, that is, the one used for persistence. + The :class:`.Mapper` created here may be used for ad-hoc + mapping of the class to an alternate selectable, for loading + only. + + :paramref:`.Mapper.non_primary` is not an often used option, but + is useful in some specific :func:`.relationship` cases. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`relationship_non_primary_mapper` + + :param order_by: A single :class:`.Column` or list of :class:`.Column` + objects for which selection operations should use as the default + ordering for entities. By default mappers have no pre-defined + ordering. + + .. deprecated:: 1.1 The :paramref:`.Mapper.order_by` parameter + is deprecated. Use :meth:`.Query.order_by` to determine the + ordering of a result set. + + :param passive_deletes: Indicates DELETE behavior of foreign key + columns when a joined-table inheritance entity is being deleted. + Defaults to ``False`` for a base mapper; for an inheriting mapper, + defaults to ``False`` unless the value is set to ``True`` + on the superclass mapper. + + When ``True``, it is assumed that ON DELETE CASCADE is configured + on the foreign key relationships that link this mapper's table + to its superclass table, so that when the unit of work attempts + to delete the entity, it need only emit a DELETE statement for the + superclass table, and not this table. + + When ``False``, a DELETE statement is emitted for this mapper's + table individually. If the primary key attributes local to this + table are unloaded, then a SELECT must be emitted in order to + validate these attributes; note that the primary key columns + of a joined-table subclass are not part of the "primary key" of + the object as a whole. + + Note that a value of ``True`` is **always** forced onto the + subclass mappers; that is, it's not possible for a superclass + to specify passive_deletes without this taking effect for + all subclass mappers. + + .. versionadded:: 1.1 + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`passive_deletes` - description of similar feature as + used with :func:`.relationship` + + :paramref:`.mapper.passive_updates` - supporting ON UPDATE + CASCADE for joined-table inheritance mappers + + :param passive_updates: Indicates UPDATE behavior of foreign key + columns when a primary key column changes on a joined-table + inheritance mapping. Defaults to ``True``. + + When True, it is assumed that ON UPDATE CASCADE is configured on + the foreign key in the database, and that the database will handle + propagation of an UPDATE from a source column to dependent columns + on joined-table rows. + + When False, it is assumed that the database does not enforce + referential integrity and will not be issuing its own CASCADE + operation for an update. The unit of work process will + emit an UPDATE statement for the dependent columns during a + primary key change. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`passive_updates` - description of a similar feature as + used with :func:`.relationship` + + :paramref:`.mapper.passive_deletes` - supporting ON DELETE + CASCADE for joined-table inheritance mappers + + :param polymorphic_load: Specifies "polymorphic loading" behavior + for a subclass in an inheritance hierarchy (joined and single + table inheritance only). Valid values are: + + * "'inline'" - specifies this class should be part of the + "with_polymorphic" mappers, e.g. its columns will be included + in a SELECT query against the base. + + * "'selectin'" - specifies that when instances of this class + are loaded, an additional SELECT will be emitted to retrieve + the columns specific to this subclass. The SELECT uses + IN to fetch multiple subclasses at once. + + .. versionadded:: 1.2 + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`with_polymorphic_mapper_config` + + :ref:`polymorphic_selectin` + + :param polymorphic_on: Specifies the column, attribute, or + SQL expression used to determine the target class for an + incoming row, when inheriting classes are present. + + This value is commonly a :class:`.Column` object that's + present in the mapped :class:`.Table`:: + + class Employee(Base): + __tablename__ = 'employee' + + id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) + discriminator = Column(String(50)) + + __mapper_args__ = { + "polymorphic_on":discriminator, + "polymorphic_identity":"employee" + } + + It may also be specified + as a SQL expression, as in this example where we + use the :func:`.case` construct to provide a conditional + approach:: + + class Employee(Base): + __tablename__ = 'employee' + + id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) + discriminator = Column(String(50)) + + __mapper_args__ = { + "polymorphic_on":case([ + (discriminator == "EN", "engineer"), + (discriminator == "MA", "manager"), + ], else_="employee"), + "polymorphic_identity":"employee" + } + + It may also refer to any attribute + configured with :func:`.column_property`, or to the + string name of one:: + + class Employee(Base): + __tablename__ = 'employee' + + id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) + discriminator = Column(String(50)) + employee_type = column_property( + case([ + (discriminator == "EN", "engineer"), + (discriminator == "MA", "manager"), + ], else_="employee") + ) + + __mapper_args__ = { + "polymorphic_on":employee_type, + "polymorphic_identity":"employee" + } + + .. versionchanged:: 0.7.4 + ``polymorphic_on`` may be specified as a SQL expression, + or refer to any attribute configured with + :func:`.column_property`, or to the string name of one. + + When setting ``polymorphic_on`` to reference an + attribute or expression that's not present in the + locally mapped :class:`.Table`, yet the value + of the discriminator should be persisted to the database, + the value of the + discriminator is not automatically set on new + instances; this must be handled by the user, + either through manual means or via event listeners. + A typical approach to establishing such a listener + looks like:: + + from sqlalchemy import event + from sqlalchemy.orm import object_mapper + + @event.listens_for(Employee, "init", propagate=True) + def set_identity(instance, *arg, **kw): + mapper = object_mapper(instance) + instance.discriminator = mapper.polymorphic_identity + + Where above, we assign the value of ``polymorphic_identity`` + for the mapped class to the ``discriminator`` attribute, + thus persisting the value to the ``discriminator`` column + in the database. + + .. warning:: + + Currently, **only one discriminator column may be set**, typically + on the base-most class in the hierarchy. "Cascading" polymorphic + columns are not yet supported. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`inheritance_toplevel` + + :param polymorphic_identity: Specifies the value which + identifies this particular class as returned by the + column expression referred to by the ``polymorphic_on`` + setting. As rows are received, the value corresponding + to the ``polymorphic_on`` column expression is compared + to this value, indicating which subclass should + be used for the newly reconstructed object. + + :param properties: A dictionary mapping the string names of object + attributes to :class:`.MapperProperty` instances, which define the + persistence behavior of that attribute. Note that :class:`.Column` + objects present in + the mapped :class:`.Table` are automatically placed into + ``ColumnProperty`` instances upon mapping, unless overridden. + When using Declarative, this argument is passed automatically, + based on all those :class:`.MapperProperty` instances declared + in the declared class body. + + :param primary_key: A list of :class:`.Column` objects which define + the primary key to be used against this mapper's selectable unit. + This is normally simply the primary key of the ``local_table``, but + can be overridden here. + + :param version_id_col: A :class:`.Column` + that will be used to keep a running version id of rows + in the table. This is used to detect concurrent updates or + the presence of stale data in a flush. The methodology is to + detect if an UPDATE statement does not match the last known + version id, a + :class:`~sqlalchemy.orm.exc.StaleDataError` exception is + thrown. + By default, the column must be of :class:`.Integer` type, + unless ``version_id_generator`` specifies an alternative version + generator. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`mapper_version_counter` - discussion of version counting + and rationale. + + :param version_id_generator: Define how new version ids should + be generated. Defaults to ``None``, which indicates that + a simple integer counting scheme be employed. To provide a custom + versioning scheme, provide a callable function of the form:: + + def generate_version(version): + return next_version + + Alternatively, server-side versioning functions such as triggers, + or programmatic versioning schemes outside of the version id + generator may be used, by specifying the value ``False``. + Please see :ref:`server_side_version_counter` for a discussion + of important points when using this option. + + .. versionadded:: 0.9.0 ``version_id_generator`` supports + server-side version number generation. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`custom_version_counter` + + :ref:`server_side_version_counter` + + + :param with_polymorphic: A tuple in the form ``(, + )`` indicating the default style of "polymorphic" + loading, that is, which tables are queried at once. is + any single or list of mappers and/or classes indicating the + inherited classes that should be loaded at once. The special value + ``'*'`` may be used to indicate all descending classes should be + loaded immediately. The second tuple argument + indicates a selectable that will be used to query for multiple + classes. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`with_polymorphic` - discussion of polymorphic querying + techniques. + + """ + + self.class_ = util.assert_arg_type(class_, type, "class_") + + self.class_manager = None + + self._primary_key_argument = util.to_list(primary_key) + self.non_primary = non_primary + + if order_by is not False: + self.order_by = util.to_list(order_by) + util.warn_deprecated( + "Mapper.order_by is deprecated." + "Use Query.order_by() in order to affect the ordering of ORM " + "result sets." + ) + + else: + self.order_by = order_by + + self.always_refresh = always_refresh + + if isinstance(version_id_col, MapperProperty): + self.version_id_prop = version_id_col + self.version_id_col = None + else: + self.version_id_col = version_id_col + if version_id_generator is False: + self.version_id_generator = False + elif version_id_generator is None: + self.version_id_generator = lambda x: (x or 0) + 1 + else: + self.version_id_generator = version_id_generator + + self.concrete = concrete + self.single = False + self.inherits = inherits + self.local_table = local_table + self.inherit_condition = inherit_condition + self.inherit_foreign_keys = inherit_foreign_keys + self._init_properties = properties or {} + self._delete_orphans = [] + self.batch = batch + self.eager_defaults = eager_defaults + self.column_prefix = column_prefix + self.polymorphic_on = expression._clause_element_as_expr( + polymorphic_on + ) + self._dependency_processors = [] + self.validators = util.immutabledict() + self.passive_updates = passive_updates + self.passive_deletes = passive_deletes + self.legacy_is_orphan = legacy_is_orphan + self._clause_adapter = None + self._requires_row_aliasing = False + self._inherits_equated_pairs = None + self._memoized_values = {} + self._compiled_cache_size = _compiled_cache_size + self._reconstructor = None + self._deprecated_extensions = util.to_list(extension or []) + self.allow_partial_pks = allow_partial_pks + + if self.inherits and not self.concrete: + self.confirm_deleted_rows = False + else: + self.confirm_deleted_rows = confirm_deleted_rows + + if isinstance(self.local_table, expression.SelectBase): + raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError( + "When mapping against a select() construct, map against " + "an alias() of the construct instead." + "This because several databases don't allow a " + "SELECT from a subquery that does not have an alias." + ) + + self._set_with_polymorphic(with_polymorphic) + self.polymorphic_load = polymorphic_load + + # our 'polymorphic identity', a string name that when located in a + # result set row indicates this Mapper should be used to construct + # the object instance for that row. + self.polymorphic_identity = polymorphic_identity + + # a dictionary of 'polymorphic identity' names, associating those + # names with Mappers that will be used to construct object instances + # upon a select operation. + if _polymorphic_map is None: + self.polymorphic_map = {} + else: + self.polymorphic_map = _polymorphic_map + + if include_properties is not None: + self.include_properties = util.to_set(include_properties) + else: + self.include_properties = None + if exclude_properties: + self.exclude_properties = util.to_set(exclude_properties) + else: + self.exclude_properties = None + + self.configured = False + + # prevent this mapper from being constructed + # while a configure_mappers() is occurring (and defer a + # configure_mappers() until construction succeeds) + _CONFIGURE_MUTEX.acquire() + try: + self.dispatch._events._new_mapper_instance(class_, self) + self._configure_inheritance() + self._configure_legacy_instrument_class() + self._configure_class_instrumentation() + self._configure_listeners() + self._configure_properties() + self._configure_polymorphic_setter() + self._configure_pks() + Mapper._new_mappers = True + self._log("constructed") + self._expire_memoizations() + finally: + _CONFIGURE_MUTEX.release() + + # major attributes initialized at the classlevel so that + # they can be Sphinx-documented. + + is_mapper = True + """Part of the inspection API.""" + + represents_outer_join = False + + @property + def mapper(self): + """Part of the inspection API. + + Returns self. + + """ + return self + + @property + def entity(self): + r"""Part of the inspection API. + + Returns self.class\_. + + """ + return self.class_ + + local_table = None + """The :class:`.Selectable` which this :class:`.Mapper` manages. + + Typically is an instance of :class:`.Table` or :class:`.Alias`. + May also be ``None``. + + The "local" table is the + selectable that the :class:`.Mapper` is directly responsible for + managing from an attribute access and flush perspective. For + non-inheriting mappers, the local table is the same as the + "mapped" table. For joined-table inheritance mappers, local_table + will be the particular sub-table of the overall "join" which + this :class:`.Mapper` represents. If this mapper is a + single-table inheriting mapper, local_table will be ``None``. + + .. seealso:: + + :attr:`~.Mapper.mapped_table`. + + """ + + mapped_table = None + """The :class:`.Selectable` to which this :class:`.Mapper` is mapped. + + Typically an instance of :class:`.Table`, :class:`.Join`, or + :class:`.Alias`. + + The "mapped" table is the selectable that + the mapper selects from during queries. For non-inheriting + mappers, the mapped table is the same as the "local" table. + For joined-table inheritance mappers, mapped_table references the + full :class:`.Join` representing full rows for this particular + subclass. For single-table inheritance mappers, mapped_table + references the base table. + + .. seealso:: + + :attr:`~.Mapper.local_table`. + + """ + + inherits = None + """References the :class:`.Mapper` which this :class:`.Mapper` + inherits from, if any. + + This is a *read only* attribute determined during mapper construction. + Behavior is undefined if directly modified. + + """ + + configured = None + """Represent ``True`` if this :class:`.Mapper` has been configured. + + This is a *read only* attribute determined during mapper construction. + Behavior is undefined if directly modified. + + .. seealso:: + + :func:`.configure_mappers`. + + """ + + concrete = None + """Represent ``True`` if this :class:`.Mapper` is a concrete + inheritance mapper. + + This is a *read only* attribute determined during mapper construction. + Behavior is undefined if directly modified. + + """ + + tables = None + """An iterable containing the collection of :class:`.Table` objects + which this :class:`.Mapper` is aware of. + + If the mapper is mapped to a :class:`.Join`, or an :class:`.Alias` + representing a :class:`.Select`, the individual :class:`.Table` + objects that comprise the full construct will be represented here. + + This is a *read only* attribute determined during mapper construction. + Behavior is undefined if directly modified. + + """ + + primary_key = None + """An iterable containing the collection of :class:`.Column` objects + which comprise the 'primary key' of the mapped table, from the + perspective of this :class:`.Mapper`. + + This list is against the selectable in :attr:`~.Mapper.mapped_table`. In + the case of inheriting mappers, some columns may be managed by a + superclass mapper. For example, in the case of a :class:`.Join`, the + primary key is determined by all of the primary key columns across all + tables referenced by the :class:`.Join`. + + The list is also not necessarily the same as the primary key column + collection associated with the underlying tables; the :class:`.Mapper` + features a ``primary_key`` argument that can override what the + :class:`.Mapper` considers as primary key columns. + + This is a *read only* attribute determined during mapper construction. + Behavior is undefined if directly modified. + + """ + + class_ = None + """The Python class which this :class:`.Mapper` maps. + + This is a *read only* attribute determined during mapper construction. + Behavior is undefined if directly modified. + + """ + + class_manager = None + """The :class:`.ClassManager` which maintains event listeners + and class-bound descriptors for this :class:`.Mapper`. + + This is a *read only* attribute determined during mapper construction. + Behavior is undefined if directly modified. + + """ + + single = None + """Represent ``True`` if this :class:`.Mapper` is a single table + inheritance mapper. + + :attr:`~.Mapper.local_table` will be ``None`` if this flag is set. + + This is a *read only* attribute determined during mapper construction. + Behavior is undefined if directly modified. + + """ + + non_primary = None + """Represent ``True`` if this :class:`.Mapper` is a "non-primary" + mapper, e.g. a mapper that is used only to selet rows but not for + persistence management. + + This is a *read only* attribute determined during mapper construction. + Behavior is undefined if directly modified. + + """ + + polymorphic_on = None + """The :class:`.Column` or SQL expression specified as the + ``polymorphic_on`` argument + for this :class:`.Mapper`, within an inheritance scenario. + + This attribute is normally a :class:`.Column` instance but + may also be an expression, such as one derived from + :func:`.cast`. + + This is a *read only* attribute determined during mapper construction. + Behavior is undefined if directly modified. + + """ + + polymorphic_map = None + """A mapping of "polymorphic identity" identifiers mapped to + :class:`.Mapper` instances, within an inheritance scenario. + + The identifiers can be of any type which is comparable to the + type of column represented by :attr:`~.Mapper.polymorphic_on`. + + An inheritance chain of mappers will all reference the same + polymorphic map object. The object is used to correlate incoming + result rows to target mappers. + + This is a *read only* attribute determined during mapper construction. + Behavior is undefined if directly modified. + + """ + + polymorphic_identity = None + """Represent an identifier which is matched against the + :attr:`~.Mapper.polymorphic_on` column during result row loading. + + Used only with inheritance, this object can be of any type which is + comparable to the type of column represented by + :attr:`~.Mapper.polymorphic_on`. + + This is a *read only* attribute determined during mapper construction. + Behavior is undefined if directly modified. + + """ + + base_mapper = None + """The base-most :class:`.Mapper` in an inheritance chain. + + In a non-inheriting scenario, this attribute will always be this + :class:`.Mapper`. In an inheritance scenario, it references + the :class:`.Mapper` which is parent to all other :class:`.Mapper` + objects in the inheritance chain. + + This is a *read only* attribute determined during mapper construction. + Behavior is undefined if directly modified. + + """ + + columns = None + """A collection of :class:`.Column` or other scalar expression + objects maintained by this :class:`.Mapper`. + + The collection behaves the same as that of the ``c`` attribute on + any :class:`.Table` object, except that only those columns included in + this mapping are present, and are keyed based on the attribute name + defined in the mapping, not necessarily the ``key`` attribute of the + :class:`.Column` itself. Additionally, scalar expressions mapped + by :func:`.column_property` are also present here. + + This is a *read only* attribute determined during mapper construction. + Behavior is undefined if directly modified. + + """ + + validators = None + """An immutable dictionary of attributes which have been decorated + using the :func:`~.orm.validates` decorator. + + The dictionary contains string attribute names as keys + mapped to the actual validation method. + + """ + + c = None + """A synonym for :attr:`~.Mapper.columns`.""" + + @util.memoized_property + def _path_registry(self): + return PathRegistry.per_mapper(self) + + def _configure_inheritance(self): + """Configure settings related to inherting and/or inherited mappers + being present.""" + + # a set of all mappers which inherit from this one. + self._inheriting_mappers = util.WeakSequence() + + if self.inherits: + if isinstance(self.inherits, type): + self.inherits = class_mapper(self.inherits, configure=False) + if not issubclass(self.class_, self.inherits.class_): + raise sa_exc.ArgumentError( + "Class '%s' does not inherit from '%s'" + % (self.class_.__name__, self.inherits.class_.__name__) + ) + if self.non_primary != self.inherits.non_primary: + np = not self.non_primary and "primary" or "non-primary" + raise sa_exc.ArgumentError( + "Inheritance of %s mapper for class '%s' is " + "only allowed from a %s mapper" + % (np, self.class_.__name__, np) + ) + # inherit_condition is optional. + if self.local_table is None: + self.local_table = self.inherits.local_table + self.mapped_table = self.inherits.mapped_table + self.single = True + elif self.local_table is not self.inherits.local_table: + if self.concrete: + self.mapped_table = self.local_table + for mapper in self.iterate_to_root(): + if mapper.polymorphic_on is not None: + mapper._requires_row_aliasing = True + else: + if self.inherit_condition is None: + # figure out inherit condition from our table to the + # immediate table of the inherited mapper, not its + # full table which could pull in other stuff we don't + # want (allows test/inheritance.InheritTest4 to pass) + self.inherit_condition = sql_util.join_condition( + self.inherits.local_table, self.local_table + ) + self.mapped_table = sql.join( + self.inherits.mapped_table, + self.local_table, + self.inherit_condition, + ) + + fks = util.to_set(self.inherit_foreign_keys) + self._inherits_equated_pairs = sql_util.criterion_as_pairs( + self.mapped_table.onclause, + consider_as_foreign_keys=fks, + ) + else: + self.mapped_table = self.local_table + + if self.polymorphic_identity is not None and not self.concrete: + self._identity_class = self.inherits._identity_class + else: + self._identity_class = self.class_ + + if self.version_id_col is None: + self.version_id_col = self.inherits.version_id_col + self.version_id_generator = self.inherits.version_id_generator + elif ( + self.inherits.version_id_col is not None + and self.version_id_col is not self.inherits.version_id_col + ): + util.warn( + "Inheriting version_id_col '%s' does not match inherited " + "version_id_col '%s' and will not automatically populate " + "the inherited versioning column. " + "version_id_col should only be specified on " + "the base-most mapper that includes versioning." + % ( + self.version_id_col.description, + self.inherits.version_id_col.description, + ) + ) + + if ( + self.order_by is False + and not self.concrete + and self.inherits.order_by is not False + ): + self.order_by = self.inherits.order_by + + self.polymorphic_map = self.inherits.polymorphic_map + self.batch = self.inherits.batch + self.inherits._inheriting_mappers.append(self) + self.base_mapper = self.inherits.base_mapper + self.passive_updates = self.inherits.passive_updates + self.passive_deletes = ( + self.inherits.passive_deletes or self.passive_deletes + ) + self._all_tables = self.inherits._all_tables + + if self.polymorphic_identity is not None: + if self.polymorphic_identity in self.polymorphic_map: + util.warn( + "Reassigning polymorphic association for identity %r " + "from %r to %r: Check for duplicate use of %r as " + "value for polymorphic_identity." + % ( + self.polymorphic_identity, + self.polymorphic_map[self.polymorphic_identity], + self, + self.polymorphic_identity, + ) + ) + self.polymorphic_map[self.polymorphic_identity] = self + + if self.polymorphic_load and self.concrete: + raise sa_exc.ArgumentError( + "polymorphic_load is not currently supported " + "with concrete table inheritance" + ) + if self.polymorphic_load == "inline": + self.inherits._add_with_polymorphic_subclass(self) + elif self.polymorphic_load == "selectin": + pass + elif self.polymorphic_load is not None: + raise sa_exc.ArgumentError( + "unknown argument for polymorphic_load: %r" + % self.polymorphic_load + ) + + else: + self._all_tables = set() + self.base_mapper = self + self.mapped_table = self.local_table + if self.polymorphic_identity is not None: + self.polymorphic_map[self.polymorphic_identity] = self + self._identity_class = self.class_ + + if self.mapped_table is None: + raise sa_exc.ArgumentError( + "Mapper '%s' does not have a mapped_table specified." % self + ) + + def _set_with_polymorphic(self, with_polymorphic): + if with_polymorphic == "*": + self.with_polymorphic = ("*", None) + elif isinstance(with_polymorphic, (tuple, list)): + if isinstance( + with_polymorphic[0], util.string_types + (tuple, list) + ): + self.with_polymorphic = with_polymorphic + else: + self.with_polymorphic = (with_polymorphic, None) + elif with_polymorphic is not None: + raise sa_exc.ArgumentError("Invalid setting for with_polymorphic") + else: + self.with_polymorphic = None + + if isinstance(self.local_table, expression.SelectBase): + raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError( + "When mapping against a select() construct, map against " + "an alias() of the construct instead." + "This because several databases don't allow a " + "SELECT from a subquery that does not have an alias." + ) + + if self.with_polymorphic and isinstance( + self.with_polymorphic[1], expression.SelectBase + ): + self.with_polymorphic = ( + self.with_polymorphic[0], + self.with_polymorphic[1].alias(), + ) + + if self.configured: + self._expire_memoizations() + + def _add_with_polymorphic_subclass(self, mapper): + subcl = mapper.class_ + if self.with_polymorphic is None: + self._set_with_polymorphic((subcl,)) + elif self.with_polymorphic[0] != "*": + self._set_with_polymorphic( + (self.with_polymorphic[0] + (subcl,), self.with_polymorphic[1]) + ) + + def _set_concrete_base(self, mapper): + """Set the given :class:`.Mapper` as the 'inherits' for this + :class:`.Mapper`, assuming this :class:`.Mapper` is concrete + and does not already have an inherits.""" + + assert self.concrete + assert not self.inherits + assert isinstance(mapper, Mapper) + self.inherits = mapper + self.inherits.polymorphic_map.update(self.polymorphic_map) + self.polymorphic_map = self.inherits.polymorphic_map + for mapper in self.iterate_to_root(): + if mapper.polymorphic_on is not None: + mapper._requires_row_aliasing = True + self.batch = self.inherits.batch + for mp in self.self_and_descendants: + mp.base_mapper = self.inherits.base_mapper + self.inherits._inheriting_mappers.append(self) + self.passive_updates = self.inherits.passive_updates + self._all_tables = self.inherits._all_tables + + for key, prop in mapper._props.items(): + if key not in self._props and not self._should_exclude( + key, key, local=False, column=None + ): + self._adapt_inherited_property(key, prop, False) + + def _set_polymorphic_on(self, polymorphic_on): + self.polymorphic_on = polymorphic_on + self._configure_polymorphic_setter(True) + + def _configure_legacy_instrument_class(self): + + if self.inherits: + self.dispatch._update(self.inherits.dispatch) + super_extensions = set( + chain( + *[ + m._deprecated_extensions + for m in self.inherits.iterate_to_root() + ] + ) + ) + else: + super_extensions = set() + + for ext in self._deprecated_extensions: + if ext not in super_extensions: + ext._adapt_instrument_class(self, ext) + + def _configure_listeners(self): + if self.inherits: + super_extensions = set( + chain( + *[ + m._deprecated_extensions + for m in self.inherits.iterate_to_root() + ] + ) + ) + else: + super_extensions = set() + + for ext in self._deprecated_extensions: + if ext not in super_extensions: + ext._adapt_listener(self, ext) + + def _configure_class_instrumentation(self): + """If this mapper is to be a primary mapper (i.e. the + non_primary flag is not set), associate this Mapper with the + given class_ and entity name. + + Subsequent calls to ``class_mapper()`` for the class_/entity + name combination will return this mapper. Also decorate the + `__init__` method on the mapped class to include optional + auto-session attachment logic. + + """ + + manager = attributes.manager_of_class(self.class_) + + if self.non_primary: + if not manager or not manager.is_mapped: + raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError( + "Class %s has no primary mapper configured. Configure " + "a primary mapper first before setting up a non primary " + "Mapper." % self.class_ + ) + self.class_manager = manager + self._identity_class = manager.mapper._identity_class + _mapper_registry[self] = True + return + + if manager is not None: + assert manager.class_ is self.class_ + if manager.is_mapped: + raise sa_exc.ArgumentError( + "Class '%s' already has a primary mapper defined. " + "Use non_primary=True to " + "create a non primary Mapper. clear_mappers() will " + "remove *all* current mappers from all classes." + % self.class_ + ) + # else: + # a ClassManager may already exist as + # ClassManager.instrument_attribute() creates + # new managers for each subclass if they don't yet exist. + + _mapper_registry[self] = True + + # note: this *must be called before instrumentation.register_class* + # to maintain the documented behavior of instrument_class + self.dispatch.instrument_class(self, self.class_) + + if manager is None: + manager = instrumentation.register_class(self.class_) + + self.class_manager = manager + + manager.mapper = self + manager.deferred_scalar_loader = util.partial( + loading.load_scalar_attributes, self + ) + + # The remaining members can be added by any mapper, + # e_name None or not. + if manager.info.get(_INSTRUMENTOR, False): + return + + event.listen(manager, "first_init", _event_on_first_init, raw=True) + event.listen(manager, "init", _event_on_init, raw=True) + + for key, method in util.iterate_attributes(self.class_): + if key == "__init__" and hasattr(method, "_sa_original_init"): + method = method._sa_original_init + if isinstance(method, types.MethodType): + method = method.im_func + if isinstance(method, types.FunctionType): + if hasattr(method, "__sa_reconstructor__"): + self._reconstructor = method + event.listen(manager, "load", _event_on_load, raw=True) + elif hasattr(method, "__sa_validators__"): + validation_opts = method.__sa_validation_opts__ + for name in method.__sa_validators__: + if name in self.validators: + raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError( + "A validation function for mapped " + "attribute %r on mapper %s already exists." + % (name, self) + ) + self.validators = self.validators.union( + {name: (method, validation_opts)} + ) + + manager.info[_INSTRUMENTOR] = self + + @classmethod + def _configure_all(cls): + """Class-level path to the :func:`.configure_mappers` call. + """ + configure_mappers() + + def dispose(self): + # Disable any attribute-based compilation. + self.configured = True + + if hasattr(self, "_configure_failed"): + del self._configure_failed + + if ( + not self.non_primary + and self.class_manager is not None + and self.class_manager.is_mapped + and self.class_manager.mapper is self + ): + instrumentation.unregister_class(self.class_) + + def _configure_pks(self): + self.tables = sql_util.find_tables(self.mapped_table) + + self._pks_by_table = {} + self._cols_by_table = {} + + all_cols = util.column_set( + chain(*[col.proxy_set for col in self._columntoproperty]) + ) + + pk_cols = util.column_set(c for c in all_cols if c.primary_key) + + # identify primary key columns which are also mapped by this mapper. + tables = set(self.tables + [self.mapped_table]) + self._all_tables.update(tables) + for t in tables: + if t.primary_key and pk_cols.issuperset(t.primary_key): + # ordering is important since it determines the ordering of + # mapper.primary_key (and therefore query.get()) + self._pks_by_table[t] = util.ordered_column_set( + t.primary_key + ).intersection(pk_cols) + self._cols_by_table[t] = util.ordered_column_set(t.c).intersection( + all_cols + ) + + # if explicit PK argument sent, add those columns to the + # primary key mappings + if self._primary_key_argument: + for k in self._primary_key_argument: + if k.table not in self._pks_by_table: + self._pks_by_table[k.table] = util.OrderedSet() + self._pks_by_table[k.table].add(k) + + # otherwise, see that we got a full PK for the mapped table + elif ( + self.mapped_table not in self._pks_by_table + or len(self._pks_by_table[self.mapped_table]) == 0 + ): + raise sa_exc.ArgumentError( + "Mapper %s could not assemble any primary " + "key columns for mapped table '%s'" + % (self, self.mapped_table.description) + ) + elif self.local_table not in self._pks_by_table and isinstance( + self.local_table, schema.Table + ): + util.warn( + "Could not assemble any primary " + "keys for locally mapped table '%s' - " + "no rows will be persisted in this Table." + % self.local_table.description + ) + + if ( + self.inherits + and not self.concrete + and not self._primary_key_argument + ): + # if inheriting, the "primary key" for this mapper is + # that of the inheriting (unless concrete or explicit) + self.primary_key = self.inherits.primary_key + else: + # determine primary key from argument or mapped_table pks - + # reduce to the minimal set of columns + if self._primary_key_argument: + primary_key = sql_util.reduce_columns( + [ + self.mapped_table.corresponding_column(c) + for c in self._primary_key_argument + ], + ignore_nonexistent_tables=True, + ) + else: + primary_key = sql_util.reduce_columns( + self._pks_by_table[self.mapped_table], + ignore_nonexistent_tables=True, + ) + + if len(primary_key) == 0: + raise sa_exc.ArgumentError( + "Mapper %s could not assemble any primary " + "key columns for mapped table '%s'" + % (self, self.mapped_table.description) + ) + + self.primary_key = tuple(primary_key) + self._log("Identified primary key columns: %s", primary_key) + + # determine cols that aren't expressed within our tables; mark these + # as "read only" properties which are refreshed upon INSERT/UPDATE + self._readonly_props = set( + self._columntoproperty[col] + for col in self._columntoproperty + if self._columntoproperty[col] not in self._identity_key_props + and ( + not hasattr(col, "table") + or col.table not in self._cols_by_table + ) + ) + + def _configure_properties(self): + # Column and other ClauseElement objects which are mapped + self.columns = self.c = util.OrderedProperties() + + # object attribute names mapped to MapperProperty objects + self._props = util.OrderedDict() + + # table columns mapped to lists of MapperProperty objects + # using a list allows a single column to be defined as + # populating multiple object attributes + self._columntoproperty = _ColumnMapping(self) + + # load custom properties + if self._init_properties: + for key, prop in self._init_properties.items(): + self._configure_property(key, prop, False) + + # pull properties from the inherited mapper if any. + if self.inherits: + for key, prop in self.inherits._props.items(): + if key not in self._props and not self._should_exclude( + key, key, local=False, column=None + ): + self._adapt_inherited_property(key, prop, False) + + # create properties for each column in the mapped table, + # for those columns which don't already map to a property + for column in self.mapped_table.columns: + if column in self._columntoproperty: + continue + + column_key = (self.column_prefix or "") + column.key + + if self._should_exclude( + column.key, + column_key, + local=self.local_table.c.contains_column(column), + column=column, + ): + continue + + # adjust the "key" used for this column to that + # of the inheriting mapper + for mapper in self.iterate_to_root(): + if column in mapper._columntoproperty: + column_key = mapper._columntoproperty[column].key + + self._configure_property( + column_key, column, init=False, setparent=True + ) + + def _configure_polymorphic_setter(self, init=False): + """Configure an attribute on the mapper representing the + 'polymorphic_on' column, if applicable, and not + already generated by _configure_properties (which is typical). + + Also create a setter function which will assign this + attribute to the value of the 'polymorphic_identity' + upon instance construction, also if applicable. This + routine will run when an instance is created. + + """ + setter = False + + if self.polymorphic_on is not None: + setter = True + + if isinstance(self.polymorphic_on, util.string_types): + # polymorphic_on specified as a string - link + # it to mapped ColumnProperty + try: + self.polymorphic_on = self._props[self.polymorphic_on] + except KeyError: + raise sa_exc.ArgumentError( + "Can't determine polymorphic_on " + "value '%s' - no attribute is " + "mapped to this name." % self.polymorphic_on + ) + + if self.polymorphic_on in self._columntoproperty: + # polymorphic_on is a column that is already mapped + # to a ColumnProperty + prop = self._columntoproperty[self.polymorphic_on] + elif isinstance(self.polymorphic_on, MapperProperty): + # polymorphic_on is directly a MapperProperty, + # ensure it's a ColumnProperty + if not isinstance( + self.polymorphic_on, properties.ColumnProperty + ): + raise sa_exc.ArgumentError( + "Only direct column-mapped " + "property or SQL expression " + "can be passed for polymorphic_on" + ) + prop = self.polymorphic_on + elif not expression._is_column(self.polymorphic_on): + # polymorphic_on is not a Column and not a ColumnProperty; + # not supported right now. + raise sa_exc.ArgumentError( + "Only direct column-mapped " + "property or SQL expression " + "can be passed for polymorphic_on" + ) + else: + # polymorphic_on is a Column or SQL expression and + # doesn't appear to be mapped. this means it can be 1. + # only present in the with_polymorphic selectable or + # 2. a totally standalone SQL expression which we'd + # hope is compatible with this mapper's mapped_table + col = self.mapped_table.corresponding_column( + self.polymorphic_on + ) + if col is None: + # polymorphic_on doesn't derive from any + # column/expression isn't present in the mapped + # table. we will make a "hidden" ColumnProperty + # for it. Just check that if it's directly a + # schema.Column and we have with_polymorphic, it's + # likely a user error if the schema.Column isn't + # represented somehow in either mapped_table or + # with_polymorphic. Otherwise as of 0.7.4 we + # just go with it and assume the user wants it + # that way (i.e. a CASE statement) + setter = False + instrument = False + col = self.polymorphic_on + if isinstance(col, schema.Column) and ( + self.with_polymorphic is None + or self.with_polymorphic[1].corresponding_column(col) + is None + ): + raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError( + "Could not map polymorphic_on column " + "'%s' to the mapped table - polymorphic " + "loads will not function properly" + % col.description + ) + else: + # column/expression that polymorphic_on derives from + # is present in our mapped table + # and is probably mapped, but polymorphic_on itself + # is not. This happens when + # the polymorphic_on is only directly present in the + # with_polymorphic selectable, as when use + # polymorphic_union. + # we'll make a separate ColumnProperty for it. + instrument = True + key = getattr(col, "key", None) + if key: + if self._should_exclude(col.key, col.key, False, col): + raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError( + "Cannot exclude or override the " + "discriminator column %r" % col.key + ) + else: + self.polymorphic_on = col = col.label("_sa_polymorphic_on") + key = col.key + + prop = properties.ColumnProperty(col, _instrument=instrument) + self._configure_property(key, prop, init=init, setparent=True) + + # the actual polymorphic_on should be the first public-facing + # column in the property + self.polymorphic_on = prop.columns[0] + polymorphic_key = prop.key + + else: + # no polymorphic_on was set. + # check inheriting mappers for one. + for mapper in self.iterate_to_root(): + # determine if polymorphic_on of the parent + # should be propagated here. If the col + # is present in our mapped table, or if our mapped + # table is the same as the parent (i.e. single table + # inheritance), we can use it + if mapper.polymorphic_on is not None: + if self.mapped_table is mapper.mapped_table: + self.polymorphic_on = mapper.polymorphic_on + else: + self.polymorphic_on = ( + self.mapped_table.corresponding_column + )(mapper.polymorphic_on) + # we can use the parent mapper's _set_polymorphic_identity + # directly; it ensures the polymorphic_identity of the + # instance's mapper is used so is portable to subclasses. + if self.polymorphic_on is not None: + self._set_polymorphic_identity = ( + mapper._set_polymorphic_identity + ) + self._validate_polymorphic_identity = ( + mapper._validate_polymorphic_identity + ) + else: + self._set_polymorphic_identity = None + return + + if setter: + + def _set_polymorphic_identity(state): + dict_ = state.dict + state.get_impl(polymorphic_key).set( + state, + dict_, + state.manager.mapper.polymorphic_identity, + None, + ) + + def _validate_polymorphic_identity(mapper, state, dict_): + if ( + polymorphic_key in dict_ + and dict_[polymorphic_key] + not in mapper._acceptable_polymorphic_identities + ): + util.warn_limited( + "Flushing object %s with " + "incompatible polymorphic identity %r; the " + "object may not refresh and/or load correctly", + (state_str(state), dict_[polymorphic_key]), + ) + + self._set_polymorphic_identity = _set_polymorphic_identity + self._validate_polymorphic_identity = ( + _validate_polymorphic_identity + ) + else: + self._set_polymorphic_identity = None + + _validate_polymorphic_identity = None + + @_memoized_configured_property + def _version_id_prop(self): + if self.version_id_col is not None: + return self._columntoproperty[self.version_id_col] + else: + return None + + @_memoized_configured_property + def _acceptable_polymorphic_identities(self): + identities = set() + + stack = deque([self]) + while stack: + item = stack.popleft() + if item.mapped_table is self.mapped_table: + identities.add(item.polymorphic_identity) + stack.extend(item._inheriting_mappers) + + return identities + + @_memoized_configured_property + def _prop_set(self): + return frozenset(self._props.values()) + + def _adapt_inherited_property(self, key, prop, init): + if not self.concrete: + self._configure_property(key, prop, init=False, setparent=False) + elif key not in self._props: + # determine if the class implements this attribute; if not, + # or if it is implemented by the attribute that is handling the + # given superclass-mapped property, then we need to report that we + # can't use this at the instance level since we are a concrete + # mapper and we don't map this. don't trip user-defined + # descriptors that might have side effects when invoked. + implementing_attribute = self.class_manager._get_class_attr_mro( + key, prop + ) + if implementing_attribute is prop or ( + isinstance( + implementing_attribute, attributes.InstrumentedAttribute + ) + and implementing_attribute._parententity is prop.parent + ): + self._configure_property( + key, + properties.ConcreteInheritedProperty(), + init=init, + setparent=True, + ) + + def _configure_property(self, key, prop, init=True, setparent=True): + self._log("_configure_property(%s, %s)", key, prop.__class__.__name__) + + if not isinstance(prop, MapperProperty): + prop = self._property_from_column(key, prop) + + if isinstance(prop, properties.ColumnProperty): + col = self.mapped_table.corresponding_column(prop.columns[0]) + + # if the column is not present in the mapped table, + # test if a column has been added after the fact to the + # parent table (or their parent, etc.) [ticket:1570] + if col is None and self.inherits: + path = [self] + for m in self.inherits.iterate_to_root(): + col = m.local_table.corresponding_column(prop.columns[0]) + if col is not None: + for m2 in path: + m2.mapped_table._reset_exported() + col = self.mapped_table.corresponding_column( + prop.columns[0] + ) + break + path.append(m) + + # subquery expression, column not present in the mapped + # selectable. + if col is None: + col = prop.columns[0] + + # column is coming in after _readonly_props was + # initialized; check for 'readonly' + if hasattr(self, "_readonly_props") and ( + not hasattr(col, "table") + or col.table not in self._cols_by_table + ): + self._readonly_props.add(prop) + + else: + # if column is coming in after _cols_by_table was + # initialized, ensure the col is in the right set + if ( + hasattr(self, "_cols_by_table") + and col.table in self._cols_by_table + and col not in self._cols_by_table[col.table] + ): + self._cols_by_table[col.table].add(col) + + # if this properties.ColumnProperty represents the "polymorphic + # discriminator" column, mark it. We'll need this when rendering + # columns in SELECT statements. + if not hasattr(prop, "_is_polymorphic_discriminator"): + prop._is_polymorphic_discriminator = ( + col is self.polymorphic_on + or prop.columns[0] is self.polymorphic_on + ) + + self.columns[key] = col + for col in prop.columns + prop._orig_columns: + for col in col.proxy_set: + self._columntoproperty[col] = prop + + prop.key = key + + if setparent: + prop.set_parent(self, init) + + if key in self._props and getattr( + self._props[key], "_mapped_by_synonym", False + ): + syn = self._props[key]._mapped_by_synonym + raise sa_exc.ArgumentError( + "Can't call map_column=True for synonym %r=%r, " + "a ColumnProperty already exists keyed to the name " + "%r for column %r" % (syn, key, key, syn) + ) + + if ( + key in self._props + and not isinstance(prop, properties.ColumnProperty) + and not isinstance( + self._props[key], + ( + properties.ColumnProperty, + properties.ConcreteInheritedProperty, + ), + ) + ): + util.warn( + "Property %s on %s being replaced with new " + "property %s; the old property will be discarded" + % (self._props[key], self, prop) + ) + oldprop = self._props[key] + self._path_registry.pop(oldprop, None) + + self._props[key] = prop + + if not self.non_primary: + prop.instrument_class(self) + + for mapper in self._inheriting_mappers: + mapper._adapt_inherited_property(key, prop, init) + + if init: + prop.init() + prop.post_instrument_class(self) + + if self.configured: + self._expire_memoizations() + + def _property_from_column(self, key, prop): + """generate/update a :class:`.ColumnProprerty` given a + :class:`.Column` object. """ + + # we were passed a Column or a list of Columns; + # generate a properties.ColumnProperty + columns = util.to_list(prop) + column = columns[0] + if not expression._is_column(column): + raise sa_exc.ArgumentError( + "%s=%r is not an instance of MapperProperty or Column" + % (key, prop) + ) + + prop = self._props.get(key, None) + + if isinstance(prop, properties.ColumnProperty): + if ( + ( + not self._inherits_equated_pairs + or (prop.columns[0], column) + not in self._inherits_equated_pairs + ) + and not prop.columns[0].shares_lineage(column) + and prop.columns[0] is not self.version_id_col + and column is not self.version_id_col + ): + warn_only = prop.parent is not self + msg = ( + "Implicitly combining column %s with column " + "%s under attribute '%s'. Please configure one " + "or more attributes for these same-named columns " + "explicitly." % (prop.columns[-1], column, key) + ) + if warn_only: + util.warn(msg) + else: + raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError(msg) + + # existing properties.ColumnProperty from an inheriting + # mapper. make a copy and append our column to it + prop = prop.copy() + prop.columns.insert(0, column) + self._log( + "inserting column to existing list " + "in properties.ColumnProperty %s" % (key) + ) + return prop + elif prop is None or isinstance( + prop, properties.ConcreteInheritedProperty + ): + mapped_column = [] + for c in columns: + mc = self.mapped_table.corresponding_column(c) + if mc is None: + mc = self.local_table.corresponding_column(c) + if mc is not None: + # if the column is in the local table but not the + # mapped table, this corresponds to adding a + # column after the fact to the local table. + # [ticket:1523] + self.mapped_table._reset_exported() + mc = self.mapped_table.corresponding_column(c) + if mc is None: + raise sa_exc.ArgumentError( + "When configuring property '%s' on %s, " + "column '%s' is not represented in the mapper's " + "table. Use the `column_property()` function to " + "force this column to be mapped as a read-only " + "attribute." % (key, self, c) + ) + mapped_column.append(mc) + return properties.ColumnProperty(*mapped_column) + else: + raise sa_exc.ArgumentError( + "WARNING: when configuring property '%s' on %s, " + "column '%s' conflicts with property '%r'. " + "To resolve this, map the column to the class under a " + "different name in the 'properties' dictionary. Or, " + "to remove all awareness of the column entirely " + "(including its availability as a foreign key), " + "use the 'include_properties' or 'exclude_properties' " + "mapper arguments to control specifically which table " + "columns get mapped." % (key, self, column.key, prop) + ) + + def _post_configure_properties(self): + """Call the ``init()`` method on all ``MapperProperties`` + attached to this mapper. + + This is a deferred configuration step which is intended + to execute once all mappers have been constructed. + + """ + + self._log("_post_configure_properties() started") + l = [(key, prop) for key, prop in self._props.items()] + for key, prop in l: + self._log("initialize prop %s", key) + + if prop.parent is self and not prop._configure_started: + prop.init() + + if prop._configure_finished: + prop.post_instrument_class(self) + + self._log("_post_configure_properties() complete") + self.configured = True + + def add_properties(self, dict_of_properties): + """Add the given dictionary of properties to this mapper, + using `add_property`. + + """ + for key, value in dict_of_properties.items(): + self.add_property(key, value) + + def add_property(self, key, prop): + """Add an individual MapperProperty to this mapper. + + If the mapper has not been configured yet, just adds the + property to the initial properties dictionary sent to the + constructor. If this Mapper has already been configured, then + the given MapperProperty is configured immediately. + + """ + self._init_properties[key] = prop + self._configure_property(key, prop, init=self.configured) + + def _expire_memoizations(self): + for mapper in self.iterate_to_root(): + _memoized_configured_property.expire_instance(mapper) + + @property + def _log_desc(self): + return ( + "(" + + self.class_.__name__ + + "|" + + ( + self.local_table is not None + and self.local_table.description + or str(self.local_table) + ) + + (self.non_primary and "|non-primary" or "") + + ")" + ) + + def _log(self, msg, *args): + self.logger.info("%s " + msg, *((self._log_desc,) + args)) + + def _log_debug(self, msg, *args): + self.logger.debug("%s " + msg, *((self._log_desc,) + args)) + + def __repr__(self): + return "" % (id(self), self.class_.__name__) + + def __str__(self): + return "Mapper|%s|%s%s" % ( + self.class_.__name__, + self.local_table is not None + and self.local_table.description + or None, + self.non_primary and "|non-primary" or "", + ) + + def _is_orphan(self, state): + orphan_possible = False + for mapper in self.iterate_to_root(): + for (key, cls) in mapper._delete_orphans: + orphan_possible = True + + has_parent = attributes.manager_of_class(cls).has_parent( + state, key, optimistic=state.has_identity + ) + + if self.legacy_is_orphan and has_parent: + return False + elif not self.legacy_is_orphan and not has_parent: + return True + + if self.legacy_is_orphan: + return orphan_possible + else: + return False + + def has_property(self, key): + return key in self._props + + def get_property(self, key, _configure_mappers=True): + """return a MapperProperty associated with the given key. + """ + + if _configure_mappers and Mapper._new_mappers: + configure_mappers() + + try: + return self._props[key] + except KeyError: + raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError( + "Mapper '%s' has no property '%s'" % (self, key) + ) + + def get_property_by_column(self, column): + """Given a :class:`.Column` object, return the + :class:`.MapperProperty` which maps this column.""" + + return self._columntoproperty[column] + + @property + def iterate_properties(self): + """return an iterator of all MapperProperty objects.""" + if Mapper._new_mappers: + configure_mappers() + return iter(self._props.values()) + + def _mappers_from_spec(self, spec, selectable): + """given a with_polymorphic() argument, return the set of mappers it + represents. + + Trims the list of mappers to just those represented within the given + selectable, if present. This helps some more legacy-ish mappings. + + """ + if spec == "*": + mappers = list(self.self_and_descendants) + elif spec: + mappers = set() + for m in util.to_list(spec): + m = _class_to_mapper(m) + if not m.isa(self): + raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError( + "%r does not inherit from %r" % (m, self) + ) + + if selectable is None: + mappers.update(m.iterate_to_root()) + else: + mappers.add(m) + mappers = [m for m in self.self_and_descendants if m in mappers] + else: + mappers = [] + + if selectable is not None: + tables = set( + sql_util.find_tables(selectable, include_aliases=True) + ) + mappers = [m for m in mappers if m.local_table in tables] + return mappers + + def _selectable_from_mappers(self, mappers, innerjoin): + """given a list of mappers (assumed to be within this mapper's + inheritance hierarchy), construct an outerjoin amongst those mapper's + mapped tables. + + """ + from_obj = self.mapped_table + for m in mappers: + if m is self: + continue + if m.concrete: + raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError( + "'with_polymorphic()' requires 'selectable' argument " + "when concrete-inheriting mappers are used." + ) + elif not m.single: + if innerjoin: + from_obj = from_obj.join( + m.local_table, m.inherit_condition + ) + else: + from_obj = from_obj.outerjoin( + m.local_table, m.inherit_condition + ) + + return from_obj + + @_memoized_configured_property + def _single_table_criterion(self): + if self.single and self.inherits and self.polymorphic_on is not None: + return self.polymorphic_on.in_( + m.polymorphic_identity for m in self.self_and_descendants + ) + else: + return None + + @_memoized_configured_property + def _with_polymorphic_mappers(self): + if Mapper._new_mappers: + configure_mappers() + if not self.with_polymorphic: + return [] + return self._mappers_from_spec(*self.with_polymorphic) + + @_memoized_configured_property + def _with_polymorphic_selectable(self): + if not self.with_polymorphic: + return self.mapped_table + + spec, selectable = self.with_polymorphic + if selectable is not None: + return selectable + else: + return self._selectable_from_mappers( + self._mappers_from_spec(spec, selectable), False + ) + + with_polymorphic_mappers = _with_polymorphic_mappers + """The list of :class:`.Mapper` objects included in the + default "polymorphic" query. + + """ + + @_memoized_configured_property + def _insert_cols_evaluating_none(self): + return dict( + ( + table, + frozenset( + col for col in columns if col.type.should_evaluate_none + ), + ) + for table, columns in self._cols_by_table.items() + ) + + @_memoized_configured_property + def _insert_cols_as_none(self): + return dict( + ( + table, + frozenset( + col.key + for col in columns + if not col.primary_key + and not col.server_default + and not col.default + and not col.type.should_evaluate_none + ), + ) + for table, columns in self._cols_by_table.items() + ) + + @_memoized_configured_property + def _propkey_to_col(self): + return dict( + ( + table, + dict( + (self._columntoproperty[col].key, col) for col in columns + ), + ) + for table, columns in self._cols_by_table.items() + ) + + @_memoized_configured_property + def _pk_keys_by_table(self): + return dict( + (table, frozenset([col.key for col in pks])) + for table, pks in self._pks_by_table.items() + ) + + @_memoized_configured_property + def _pk_attr_keys_by_table(self): + return dict( + ( + table, + frozenset([self._columntoproperty[col].key for col in pks]), + ) + for table, pks in self._pks_by_table.items() + ) + + @_memoized_configured_property + def _server_default_cols(self): + return dict( + ( + table, + frozenset( + [ + col.key + for col in columns + if col.server_default is not None + ] + ), + ) + for table, columns in self._cols_by_table.items() + ) + + @_memoized_configured_property + def _server_default_plus_onupdate_propkeys(self): + result = set() + + for table, columns in self._cols_by_table.items(): + for col in columns: + if ( + col.server_default is not None + or col.server_onupdate is not None + ) and col in self._columntoproperty: + result.add(self._columntoproperty[col].key) + + return result + + @_memoized_configured_property + def _server_onupdate_default_cols(self): + return dict( + ( + table, + frozenset( + [ + col.key + for col in columns + if col.server_onupdate is not None + ] + ), + ) + for table, columns in self._cols_by_table.items() + ) + + @property + def selectable(self): + """The :func:`.select` construct this :class:`.Mapper` selects from + by default. + + Normally, this is equivalent to :attr:`.mapped_table`, unless + the ``with_polymorphic`` feature is in use, in which case the + full "polymorphic" selectable is returned. + + """ + return self._with_polymorphic_selectable + + def _with_polymorphic_args( + self, spec=None, selectable=False, innerjoin=False + ): + if self.with_polymorphic: + if not spec: + spec = self.with_polymorphic[0] + if selectable is False: + selectable = self.with_polymorphic[1] + elif selectable is False: + selectable = None + mappers = self._mappers_from_spec(spec, selectable) + if selectable is not None: + return mappers, selectable + else: + return mappers, self._selectable_from_mappers(mappers, innerjoin) + + @_memoized_configured_property + def _polymorphic_properties(self): + return list( + self._iterate_polymorphic_properties( + self._with_polymorphic_mappers + ) + ) + + def _iterate_polymorphic_properties(self, mappers=None): + """Return an iterator of MapperProperty objects which will render into + a SELECT.""" + if mappers is None: + mappers = self._with_polymorphic_mappers + + if not mappers: + for c in self.iterate_properties: + yield c + else: + # in the polymorphic case, filter out discriminator columns + # from other mappers, as these are sometimes dependent on that + # mapper's polymorphic selectable (which we don't want rendered) + for c in util.unique_list( + chain( + *[ + list(mapper.iterate_properties) + for mapper in [self] + mappers + ] + ) + ): + if getattr(c, "_is_polymorphic_discriminator", False) and ( + self.polymorphic_on is None + or c.columns[0] is not self.polymorphic_on + ): + continue + yield c + + @_memoized_configured_property + def attrs(self): + """A namespace of all :class:`.MapperProperty` objects + associated this mapper. + + This is an object that provides each property based on + its key name. For instance, the mapper for a + ``User`` class which has ``User.name`` attribute would + provide ``mapper.attrs.name``, which would be the + :class:`.ColumnProperty` representing the ``name`` + column. The namespace object can also be iterated, + which would yield each :class:`.MapperProperty`. + + :class:`.Mapper` has several pre-filtered views + of this attribute which limit the types of properties + returned, inclding :attr:`.synonyms`, :attr:`.column_attrs`, + :attr:`.relationships`, and :attr:`.composites`. + + .. warning:: + + The :attr:`.Mapper.attrs` accessor namespace is an + instance of :class:`.OrderedProperties`. This is + a dictionary-like object which includes a small number of + named methods such as :meth:`.OrderedProperties.items` + and :meth:`.OrderedProperties.values`. When + accessing attributes dynamically, favor using the dict-access + scheme, e.g. ``mapper.attrs[somename]`` over + ``getattr(mapper.attrs, somename)`` to avoid name collisions. + + .. seealso:: + + :attr:`.Mapper.all_orm_descriptors` + + """ + if Mapper._new_mappers: + configure_mappers() + return util.ImmutableProperties(self._props) + + @_memoized_configured_property + def all_orm_descriptors(self): + """A namespace of all :class:`.InspectionAttr` attributes associated + with the mapped class. + + These attributes are in all cases Python :term:`descriptors` + associated with the mapped class or its superclasses. + + This namespace includes attributes that are mapped to the class + as well as attributes declared by extension modules. + It includes any Python descriptor type that inherits from + :class:`.InspectionAttr`. This includes + :class:`.QueryableAttribute`, as well as extension types such as + :class:`.hybrid_property`, :class:`.hybrid_method` and + :class:`.AssociationProxy`. + + To distinguish between mapped attributes and extension attributes, + the attribute :attr:`.InspectionAttr.extension_type` will refer + to a constant that distinguishes between different extension types. + + When dealing with a :class:`.QueryableAttribute`, the + :attr:`.QueryableAttribute.property` attribute refers to the + :class:`.MapperProperty` property, which is what you get when + referring to the collection of mapped properties via + :attr:`.Mapper.attrs`. + + .. warning:: + + The :attr:`.Mapper.all_orm_descriptors` accessor namespace is an + instance of :class:`.OrderedProperties`. This is + a dictionary-like object which includes a small number of + named methods such as :meth:`.OrderedProperties.items` + and :meth:`.OrderedProperties.values`. When + accessing attributes dynamically, favor using the dict-access + scheme, e.g. ``mapper.all_orm_descriptors[somename]`` over + ``getattr(mapper.all_orm_descriptors, somename)`` to avoid name + collisions. + + .. versionadded:: 0.8.0 + + .. seealso:: + + :attr:`.Mapper.attrs` + + """ + return util.ImmutableProperties( + dict(self.class_manager._all_sqla_attributes()) + ) + + @_memoized_configured_property + def synonyms(self): + """Return a namespace of all :class:`.SynonymProperty` + properties maintained by this :class:`.Mapper`. + + .. seealso:: + + :attr:`.Mapper.attrs` - namespace of all :class:`.MapperProperty` + objects. + + """ + return self._filter_properties(properties.SynonymProperty) + + @_memoized_configured_property + def column_attrs(self): + """Return a namespace of all :class:`.ColumnProperty` + properties maintained by this :class:`.Mapper`. + + .. seealso:: + + :attr:`.Mapper.attrs` - namespace of all :class:`.MapperProperty` + objects. + + """ + return self._filter_properties(properties.ColumnProperty) + + @_memoized_configured_property + def relationships(self): + """A namespace of all :class:`.RelationshipProperty` properties + maintained by this :class:`.Mapper`. + + .. warning:: + + the :attr:`.Mapper.relationships` accessor namespace is an + instance of :class:`.OrderedProperties`. This is + a dictionary-like object which includes a small number of + named methods such as :meth:`.OrderedProperties.items` + and :meth:`.OrderedProperties.values`. When + accessing attributes dynamically, favor using the dict-access + scheme, e.g. ``mapper.relationships[somename]`` over + ``getattr(mapper.relationships, somename)`` to avoid name + collisions. + + .. seealso:: + + :attr:`.Mapper.attrs` - namespace of all :class:`.MapperProperty` + objects. + + """ + return self._filter_properties(properties.RelationshipProperty) + + @_memoized_configured_property + def composites(self): + """Return a namespace of all :class:`.CompositeProperty` + properties maintained by this :class:`.Mapper`. + + .. seealso:: + + :attr:`.Mapper.attrs` - namespace of all :class:`.MapperProperty` + objects. + + """ + return self._filter_properties(properties.CompositeProperty) + + def _filter_properties(self, type_): + if Mapper._new_mappers: + configure_mappers() + return util.ImmutableProperties( + util.OrderedDict( + (k, v) for k, v in self._props.items() if isinstance(v, type_) + ) + ) + + @_memoized_configured_property + def _get_clause(self): + """create a "get clause" based on the primary key. this is used + by query.get() and many-to-one lazyloads to load this item + by primary key. + + """ + params = [ + (primary_key, sql.bindparam(None, type_=primary_key.type)) + for primary_key in self.primary_key + ] + return ( + sql.and_(*[k == v for (k, v) in params]), + util.column_dict(params), + ) + + @_memoized_configured_property + def _equivalent_columns(self): + """Create a map of all equivalent columns, based on + the determination of column pairs that are equated to + one another based on inherit condition. This is designed + to work with the queries that util.polymorphic_union + comes up with, which often don't include the columns from + the base table directly (including the subclass table columns + only). + + The resulting structure is a dictionary of columns mapped + to lists of equivalent columns, e.g.:: + + { + tablea.col1: + {tableb.col1, tablec.col1}, + tablea.col2: + {tabled.col2} + } + + """ + result = util.column_dict() + + def visit_binary(binary): + if binary.operator == operators.eq: + if binary.left in result: + result[binary.left].add(binary.right) + else: + result[binary.left] = util.column_set((binary.right,)) + if binary.right in result: + result[binary.right].add(binary.left) + else: + result[binary.right] = util.column_set((binary.left,)) + + for mapper in self.base_mapper.self_and_descendants: + if mapper.inherit_condition is not None: + visitors.traverse( + mapper.inherit_condition, {}, {"binary": visit_binary} + ) + + return result + + def _is_userland_descriptor(self, obj): + if isinstance( + obj, + ( + _MappedAttribute, + instrumentation.ClassManager, + expression.ColumnElement, + ), + ): + return False + else: + return True + + def _should_exclude(self, name, assigned_name, local, column): + """determine whether a particular property should be implicitly + present on the class. + + This occurs when properties are propagated from an inherited class, or + are applied from the columns present in the mapped table. + + """ + + # check for class-bound attributes and/or descriptors, + # either local or from an inherited class + if local: + if self.class_.__dict__.get( + assigned_name, None + ) is not None and self._is_userland_descriptor( + self.class_.__dict__[assigned_name] + ): + return True + else: + attr = self.class_manager._get_class_attr_mro(assigned_name, None) + if attr is not None and self._is_userland_descriptor(attr): + return True + + if ( + self.include_properties is not None + and name not in self.include_properties + and (column is None or column not in self.include_properties) + ): + self._log("not including property %s" % (name)) + return True + + if self.exclude_properties is not None and ( + name in self.exclude_properties + or (column is not None and column in self.exclude_properties) + ): + self._log("excluding property %s" % (name)) + return True + + return False + + def common_parent(self, other): + """Return true if the given mapper shares a + common inherited parent as this mapper.""" + + return self.base_mapper is other.base_mapper + + def _canload(self, state, allow_subtypes): + s = self.primary_mapper() + if self.polymorphic_on is not None or allow_subtypes: + return _state_mapper(state).isa(s) + else: + return _state_mapper(state) is s + + def isa(self, other): + """Return True if the this mapper inherits from the given mapper.""" + + m = self + while m and m is not other: + m = m.inherits + return bool(m) + + def iterate_to_root(self): + m = self + while m: + yield m + m = m.inherits + + @_memoized_configured_property + def self_and_descendants(self): + """The collection including this mapper and all descendant mappers. + + This includes not just the immediately inheriting mappers but + all their inheriting mappers as well. + + """ + descendants = [] + stack = deque([self]) + while stack: + item = stack.popleft() + descendants.append(item) + stack.extend(item._inheriting_mappers) + return util.WeakSequence(descendants) + + def polymorphic_iterator(self): + """Iterate through the collection including this mapper and + all descendant mappers. + + This includes not just the immediately inheriting mappers but + all their inheriting mappers as well. + + To iterate through an entire hierarchy, use + ``mapper.base_mapper.polymorphic_iterator()``. + + """ + return iter(self.self_and_descendants) + + def primary_mapper(self): + """Return the primary mapper corresponding to this mapper's class key + (class).""" + + return self.class_manager.mapper + + @property + def primary_base_mapper(self): + return self.class_manager.mapper.base_mapper + + def _result_has_identity_key(self, result, adapter=None): + pk_cols = self.primary_key + if adapter: + pk_cols = [adapter.columns[c] for c in pk_cols] + for col in pk_cols: + if not result._has_key(col): + return False + else: + return True + + def identity_key_from_row(self, row, identity_token=None, adapter=None): + """Return an identity-map key for use in storing/retrieving an + item from the identity map. + + :param row: A :class:`.RowProxy` instance. The columns which are + mapped by this :class:`.Mapper` should be locatable in the row, + preferably via the :class:`.Column` object directly (as is the case + when a :func:`.select` construct is executed), or via string names of + the form ``_``. + + """ + pk_cols = self.primary_key + if adapter: + pk_cols = [adapter.columns[c] for c in pk_cols] + + return ( + self._identity_class, + tuple(row[column] for column in pk_cols), + identity_token, + ) + + def identity_key_from_primary_key(self, primary_key, identity_token=None): + """Return an identity-map key for use in storing/retrieving an + item from an identity map. + + :param primary_key: A list of values indicating the identifier. + + """ + return self._identity_class, tuple(primary_key), identity_token + + def identity_key_from_instance(self, instance): + """Return the identity key for the given instance, based on + its primary key attributes. + + If the instance's state is expired, calling this method + will result in a database check to see if the object has been deleted. + If the row no longer exists, + :class:`~sqlalchemy.orm.exc.ObjectDeletedError` is raised. + + This value is typically also found on the instance state under the + attribute name `key`. + + """ + state = attributes.instance_state(instance) + return self._identity_key_from_state(state, attributes.PASSIVE_OFF) + + def _identity_key_from_state( + self, state, passive=attributes.PASSIVE_RETURN_NEVER_SET + ): + dict_ = state.dict + manager = state.manager + return ( + self._identity_class, + tuple( + [ + manager[prop.key].impl.get(state, dict_, passive) + for prop in self._identity_key_props + ] + ), + state.identity_token, + ) + + def primary_key_from_instance(self, instance): + """Return the list of primary key values for the given + instance. + + If the instance's state is expired, calling this method + will result in a database check to see if the object has been deleted. + If the row no longer exists, + :class:`~sqlalchemy.orm.exc.ObjectDeletedError` is raised. + + """ + state = attributes.instance_state(instance) + identity_key = self._identity_key_from_state( + state, attributes.PASSIVE_OFF + ) + return identity_key[1] + + @_memoized_configured_property + def _identity_key_props(self): + return [self._columntoproperty[col] for col in self.primary_key] + + @_memoized_configured_property + def _all_pk_props(self): + collection = set() + for table in self.tables: + collection.update(self._pks_by_table[table]) + return collection + + @_memoized_configured_property + def _should_undefer_in_wildcard(self): + cols = set(self.primary_key) + if self.polymorphic_on is not None: + cols.add(self.polymorphic_on) + return cols + + @_memoized_configured_property + def _primary_key_propkeys(self): + return {prop.key for prop in self._all_pk_props} + + def _get_state_attr_by_column( + self, state, dict_, column, passive=attributes.PASSIVE_RETURN_NEVER_SET + ): + prop = self._columntoproperty[column] + return state.manager[prop.key].impl.get(state, dict_, passive=passive) + + def _set_committed_state_attr_by_column(self, state, dict_, column, value): + prop = self._columntoproperty[column] + state.manager[prop.key].impl.set_committed_value(state, dict_, value) + + def _set_state_attr_by_column(self, state, dict_, column, value): + prop = self._columntoproperty[column] + state.manager[prop.key].impl.set(state, dict_, value, None) + + def _get_committed_attr_by_column(self, obj, column): + state = attributes.instance_state(obj) + dict_ = attributes.instance_dict(obj) + return self._get_committed_state_attr_by_column( + state, dict_, column, passive=attributes.PASSIVE_OFF + ) + + def _get_committed_state_attr_by_column( + self, state, dict_, column, passive=attributes.PASSIVE_RETURN_NEVER_SET + ): + + prop = self._columntoproperty[column] + return state.manager[prop.key].impl.get_committed_value( + state, dict_, passive=passive + ) + + def _optimized_get_statement(self, state, attribute_names): + """assemble a WHERE clause which retrieves a given state by primary + key, using a minimized set of tables. + + Applies to a joined-table inheritance mapper where the + requested attribute names are only present on joined tables, + not the base table. The WHERE clause attempts to include + only those tables to minimize joins. + + """ + props = self._props + + tables = set( + chain( + *[ + sql_util.find_tables(c, check_columns=True) + for key in attribute_names + for c in props[key].columns + ] + ) + ) + + if self.base_mapper.local_table in tables: + return None + + class ColumnsNotAvailable(Exception): + pass + + def visit_binary(binary): + leftcol = binary.left + rightcol = binary.right + if leftcol is None or rightcol is None: + return + + if leftcol.table not in tables: + leftval = self._get_committed_state_attr_by_column( + state, + state.dict, + leftcol, + passive=attributes.PASSIVE_NO_INITIALIZE, + ) + if leftval in orm_util._none_set: + raise ColumnsNotAvailable() + binary.left = sql.bindparam( + None, leftval, type_=binary.right.type + ) + elif rightcol.table not in tables: + rightval = self._get_committed_state_attr_by_column( + state, + state.dict, + rightcol, + passive=attributes.PASSIVE_NO_INITIALIZE, + ) + if rightval in orm_util._none_set: + raise ColumnsNotAvailable() + binary.right = sql.bindparam( + None, rightval, type_=binary.right.type + ) + + allconds = [] + + try: + start = False + for mapper in reversed(list(self.iterate_to_root())): + if mapper.local_table in tables: + start = True + elif not isinstance( + mapper.local_table, expression.TableClause + ): + return None + if start and not mapper.single: + allconds.append( + visitors.cloned_traverse( + mapper.inherit_condition, + {}, + {"binary": visit_binary}, + ) + ) + except ColumnsNotAvailable: + return None + + cond = sql.and_(*allconds) + + cols = [] + for key in attribute_names: + cols.extend(props[key].columns) + return sql.select(cols, cond, use_labels=True) + + def _iterate_to_target_viawpoly(self, mapper): + if self.isa(mapper): + prev = self + for m in self.iterate_to_root(): + yield m + + if m is not prev and prev not in m._with_polymorphic_mappers: + break + + prev = m + if m is mapper: + break + + def _should_selectin_load(self, enabled_via_opt, polymorphic_from): + if not enabled_via_opt: + # common case, takes place for all polymorphic loads + mapper = polymorphic_from + for m in self._iterate_to_target_viawpoly(mapper): + if m.polymorphic_load == "selectin": + return m + else: + # uncommon case, selectin load options were used + enabled_via_opt = set(enabled_via_opt) + enabled_via_opt_mappers = {e.mapper: e for e in enabled_via_opt} + for entity in enabled_via_opt.union([polymorphic_from]): + mapper = entity.mapper + for m in self._iterate_to_target_viawpoly(mapper): + if ( + m.polymorphic_load == "selectin" + or m in enabled_via_opt_mappers + ): + return enabled_via_opt_mappers.get(m, m) + + return None + + @util.dependencies( + "sqlalchemy.ext.baked", "sqlalchemy.orm.strategy_options" + ) + def _subclass_load_via_in(self, baked, strategy_options, entity): + """Assemble a BakedQuery that can load the columns local to + this subclass as a SELECT with IN. + + """ + assert self.inherits + + polymorphic_prop = self._columntoproperty[self.polymorphic_on] + keep_props = set([polymorphic_prop] + self._identity_key_props) + + disable_opt = strategy_options.Load(entity) + enable_opt = strategy_options.Load(entity) + + for prop in self.attrs: + if prop.parent is self or prop in keep_props: + # "enable" options, to turn on the properties that we want to + # load by default (subject to options from the query) + enable_opt.set_generic_strategy( + (prop.key,), dict(prop.strategy_key) + ) + else: + # "disable" options, to turn off the properties from the + # superclass that we *don't* want to load, applied after + # the options from the query to override them + disable_opt.set_generic_strategy( + (prop.key,), {"do_nothing": True} + ) + + if len(self.primary_key) > 1: + in_expr = sql.tuple_(*self.primary_key) + else: + in_expr = self.primary_key[0] + + if entity.is_aliased_class: + assert entity.mapper is self + q = baked.BakedQuery( + self._compiled_cache, + lambda session: session.query(entity) + .select_entity_from(entity.selectable) + ._adapt_all_clauses(), + (self,), + ) + q.spoil() + else: + q = baked.BakedQuery( + self._compiled_cache, + lambda session: session.query(self), + (self,), + ) + + q += lambda q: q.filter( + in_expr.in_(sql.bindparam("primary_keys", expanding=True)) + ).order_by(*self.primary_key) + + return q, enable_opt, disable_opt + + @_memoized_configured_property + def _subclass_load_via_in_mapper(self): + return self._subclass_load_via_in(self) + + def cascade_iterator(self, type_, state, halt_on=None): + """Iterate each element and its mapper in an object graph, + for all relationships that meet the given cascade rule. + + :param type_: + The name of the cascade rule (i.e. ``"save-update"``, ``"delete"``, + etc.). + + .. note:: the ``"all"`` cascade is not accepted here. For a generic + object traversal function, see :ref:`faq_walk_objects`. + + :param state: + The lead InstanceState. child items will be processed per + the relationships defined for this object's mapper. + + :return: the method yields individual object instances. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`unitofwork_cascades` + + :ref:`faq_walk_objects` - illustrates a generic function to + traverse all objects without relying on cascades. + + """ + visited_states = set() + prp, mpp = object(), object() + + assert state.mapper.isa(self) + + visitables = deque( + [(deque(state.mapper._props.values()), prp, state, state.dict)] + ) + + while visitables: + iterator, item_type, parent_state, parent_dict = visitables[-1] + if not iterator: + visitables.pop() + continue + + if item_type is prp: + prop = iterator.popleft() + if type_ not in prop.cascade: + continue + queue = deque( + prop.cascade_iterator( + type_, + parent_state, + parent_dict, + visited_states, + halt_on, + ) + ) + if queue: + visitables.append((queue, mpp, None, None)) + elif item_type is mpp: + ( + instance, + instance_mapper, + corresponding_state, + corresponding_dict, + ) = iterator.popleft() + yield ( + instance, + instance_mapper, + corresponding_state, + corresponding_dict, + ) + visitables.append( + ( + deque(instance_mapper._props.values()), + prp, + corresponding_state, + corresponding_dict, + ) + ) + + @_memoized_configured_property + def _compiled_cache(self): + return util.LRUCache(self._compiled_cache_size) + + @_memoized_configured_property + def _sorted_tables(self): + table_to_mapper = {} + + for mapper in self.base_mapper.self_and_descendants: + for t in mapper.tables: + table_to_mapper.setdefault(t, mapper) + + extra_dependencies = [] + for table, mapper in table_to_mapper.items(): + super_ = mapper.inherits + if super_: + extra_dependencies.extend( + [(super_table, table) for super_table in super_.tables] + ) + + def skip(fk): + # attempt to skip dependencies that are not + # significant to the inheritance chain + # for two tables that are related by inheritance. + # while that dependency may be important, it's technically + # not what we mean to sort on here. + parent = table_to_mapper.get(fk.parent.table) + dep = table_to_mapper.get(fk.column.table) + if ( + parent is not None + and dep is not None + and dep is not parent + and dep.inherit_condition is not None + ): + cols = set(sql_util._find_columns(dep.inherit_condition)) + if parent.inherit_condition is not None: + cols = cols.union( + sql_util._find_columns(parent.inherit_condition) + ) + return fk.parent not in cols and fk.column not in cols + else: + return fk.parent not in cols + return False + + sorted_ = sql_util.sort_tables( + table_to_mapper, + skip_fn=skip, + extra_dependencies=extra_dependencies, + ) + + ret = util.OrderedDict() + for t in sorted_: + ret[t] = table_to_mapper[t] + return ret + + def _memo(self, key, callable_): + if key in self._memoized_values: + return self._memoized_values[key] + else: + self._memoized_values[key] = value = callable_() + return value + + @util.memoized_property + def _table_to_equated(self): + """memoized map of tables to collections of columns to be + synchronized upwards to the base mapper.""" + + result = util.defaultdict(list) + + for table in self._sorted_tables: + cols = set(table.c) + for m in self.iterate_to_root(): + if m._inherits_equated_pairs and cols.intersection( + util.reduce( + set.union, + [l.proxy_set for l, r in m._inherits_equated_pairs], + ) + ): + result[table].append((m, m._inherits_equated_pairs)) + + return result + + +def configure_mappers(): + """Initialize the inter-mapper relationships of all mappers that + have been constructed thus far. + + This function can be called any number of times, but in + most cases is invoked automatically, the first time mappings are used, + as well as whenever mappings are used and additional not-yet-configured + mappers have been constructed. + + Points at which this occur include when a mapped class is instantiated + into an instance, as well as when the :meth:`.Session.query` method + is used. + + The :func:`.configure_mappers` function provides several event hooks + that can be used to augment its functionality. These methods include: + + * :meth:`.MapperEvents.before_configured` - called once before + :func:`.configure_mappers` does any work; this can be used to establish + additional options, properties, or related mappings before the operation + proceeds. + + * :meth:`.MapperEvents.mapper_configured` - called as each indivudal + :class:`.Mapper` is configured within the process; will include all + mapper state except for backrefs set up by other mappers that are still + to be configured. + + * :meth:`.MapperEvents.after_configured` - called once after + :func:`.configure_mappers` is complete; at this stage, all + :class:`.Mapper` objects that are known to SQLAlchemy will be fully + configured. Note that the calling application may still have other + mappings that haven't been produced yet, such as if they are in modules + as yet unimported. + + """ + + if not Mapper._new_mappers: + return + + _CONFIGURE_MUTEX.acquire() + try: + global _already_compiling + if _already_compiling: + return + _already_compiling = True + try: + + # double-check inside mutex + if not Mapper._new_mappers: + return + + Mapper.dispatch._for_class(Mapper).before_configured() + # initialize properties on all mappers + # note that _mapper_registry is unordered, which + # may randomly conceal/reveal issues related to + # the order of mapper compilation + + for mapper in list(_mapper_registry): + if getattr(mapper, "_configure_failed", False): + e = sa_exc.InvalidRequestError( + "One or more mappers failed to initialize - " + "can't proceed with initialization of other " + "mappers. Triggering mapper: '%s'. " + "Original exception was: %s" + % (mapper, mapper._configure_failed) + ) + e._configure_failed = mapper._configure_failed + raise e + if not mapper.configured: + try: + mapper._post_configure_properties() + mapper._expire_memoizations() + mapper.dispatch.mapper_configured( + mapper, mapper.class_ + ) + except Exception: + exc = sys.exc_info()[1] + if not hasattr(exc, "_configure_failed"): + mapper._configure_failed = exc + raise + + Mapper._new_mappers = False + finally: + _already_compiling = False + finally: + _CONFIGURE_MUTEX.release() + Mapper.dispatch._for_class(Mapper).after_configured() + + +def reconstructor(fn): + """Decorate a method as the 'reconstructor' hook. + + Designates a method as the "reconstructor", an ``__init__``-like + method that will be called by the ORM after the instance has been + loaded from the database or otherwise reconstituted. + + The reconstructor will be invoked with no arguments. Scalar + (non-collection) database-mapped attributes of the instance will + be available for use within the function. Eagerly-loaded + collections are generally not yet available and will usually only + contain the first element. ORM state changes made to objects at + this stage will not be recorded for the next flush() operation, so + the activity within a reconstructor should be conservative. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`mapping_constructors` + + :meth:`.InstanceEvents.load` + + """ + fn.__sa_reconstructor__ = True + return fn + + +def validates(*names, **kw): + r"""Decorate a method as a 'validator' for one or more named properties. + + Designates a method as a validator, a method which receives the + name of the attribute as well as a value to be assigned, or in the + case of a collection, the value to be added to the collection. + The function can then raise validation exceptions to halt the + process from continuing (where Python's built-in ``ValueError`` + and ``AssertionError`` exceptions are reasonable choices), or can + modify or replace the value before proceeding. The function should + otherwise return the given value. + + Note that a validator for a collection **cannot** issue a load of that + collection within the validation routine - this usage raises + an assertion to avoid recursion overflows. This is a reentrant + condition which is not supported. + + :param \*names: list of attribute names to be validated. + :param include_removes: if True, "remove" events will be + sent as well - the validation function must accept an additional + argument "is_remove" which will be a boolean. + + .. versionadded:: 0.7.7 + :param include_backrefs: defaults to ``True``; if ``False``, the + validation function will not emit if the originator is an attribute + event related via a backref. This can be used for bi-directional + :func:`.validates` usage where only one validator should emit per + attribute operation. + + .. versionadded:: 0.9.0 + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`simple_validators` - usage examples for :func:`.validates` + + """ + include_removes = kw.pop("include_removes", False) + include_backrefs = kw.pop("include_backrefs", True) + + def wrap(fn): + fn.__sa_validators__ = names + fn.__sa_validation_opts__ = { + "include_removes": include_removes, + "include_backrefs": include_backrefs, + } + return fn + + return wrap + + +def _event_on_load(state, ctx): + instrumenting_mapper = state.manager.info[_INSTRUMENTOR] + if instrumenting_mapper._reconstructor: + instrumenting_mapper._reconstructor(state.obj()) + + +def _event_on_first_init(manager, cls): + """Initial mapper compilation trigger. + + instrumentation calls this one when InstanceState + is first generated, and is needed for legacy mutable + attributes to work. + """ + + instrumenting_mapper = manager.info.get(_INSTRUMENTOR) + if instrumenting_mapper: + if Mapper._new_mappers: + configure_mappers() + + +def _event_on_init(state, args, kwargs): + """Run init_instance hooks. + + This also includes mapper compilation, normally not needed + here but helps with some piecemeal configuration + scenarios (such as in the ORM tutorial). + + """ + + instrumenting_mapper = state.manager.info.get(_INSTRUMENTOR) + if instrumenting_mapper: + if Mapper._new_mappers: + configure_mappers() + if instrumenting_mapper._set_polymorphic_identity: + instrumenting_mapper._set_polymorphic_identity(state) + + +class _ColumnMapping(dict): + """Error reporting helper for mapper._columntoproperty.""" + + __slots__ = ("mapper",) + + def __init__(self, mapper): + self.mapper = mapper + + def __missing__(self, column): + prop = self.mapper._props.get(column) + if prop: + raise orm_exc.UnmappedColumnError( + "Column '%s.%s' is not available, due to " + "conflicting property '%s':%r" + % (column.table.name, column.name, column.key, prop) + ) + raise orm_exc.UnmappedColumnError( + "No column %s is configured on mapper %s..." + % (column, self.mapper) + ) diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/path_registry.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/path_registry.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d943df5 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/path_registry.py @@ -0,0 +1,276 @@ +# orm/path_registry.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php +"""Path tracking utilities, representing mapper graph traversals. + +""" + +from itertools import chain +import logging + +from .base import class_mapper +from .. import exc +from .. import inspection +from .. import util + +log = logging.getLogger(__name__) + + +def _unreduce_path(path): + return PathRegistry.deserialize(path) + + +_WILDCARD_TOKEN = "*" +_DEFAULT_TOKEN = "_sa_default" + + +class PathRegistry(object): + """Represent query load paths and registry functions. + + Basically represents structures like: + + (, "orders", , "items", ) + + These structures are generated by things like + query options (joinedload(), subqueryload(), etc.) and are + used to compose keys stored in the query._attributes dictionary + for various options. + + They are then re-composed at query compile/result row time as + the query is formed and as rows are fetched, where they again + serve to compose keys to look up options in the context.attributes + dictionary, which is copied from query._attributes. + + The path structure has a limited amount of caching, where each + "root" ultimately pulls from a fixed registry associated with + the first mapper, that also contains elements for each of its + property keys. However paths longer than two elements, which + are the exception rather than the rule, are generated on an + as-needed basis. + + """ + + is_token = False + is_root = False + + def __eq__(self, other): + return other is not None and self.path == other.path + + def set(self, attributes, key, value): + log.debug("set '%s' on path '%s' to '%s'", key, self, value) + attributes[(key, self.path)] = value + + def setdefault(self, attributes, key, value): + log.debug("setdefault '%s' on path '%s' to '%s'", key, self, value) + attributes.setdefault((key, self.path), value) + + def get(self, attributes, key, value=None): + key = (key, self.path) + if key in attributes: + return attributes[key] + else: + return value + + def __len__(self): + return len(self.path) + + @property + def length(self): + return len(self.path) + + def pairs(self): + path = self.path + for i in range(0, len(path), 2): + yield path[i], path[i + 1] + + def contains_mapper(self, mapper): + for path_mapper in [self.path[i] for i in range(0, len(self.path), 2)]: + if path_mapper.is_mapper and path_mapper.isa(mapper): + return True + else: + return False + + def contains(self, attributes, key): + return (key, self.path) in attributes + + def __reduce__(self): + return _unreduce_path, (self.serialize(),) + + def serialize(self): + path = self.path + return list( + zip( + [m.class_ for m in [path[i] for i in range(0, len(path), 2)]], + [path[i].key for i in range(1, len(path), 2)] + [None], + ) + ) + + @classmethod + def deserialize(cls, path): + if path is None: + return None + + p = tuple( + chain( + *[ + ( + class_mapper(mcls), + class_mapper(mcls).attrs[key] + if key is not None + else None, + ) + for mcls, key in path + ] + ) + ) + if p and p[-1] is None: + p = p[0:-1] + return cls.coerce(p) + + @classmethod + def per_mapper(cls, mapper): + return EntityRegistry(cls.root, mapper) + + @classmethod + def coerce(cls, raw): + return util.reduce(lambda prev, next: prev[next], raw, cls.root) + + def token(self, token): + if token.endswith(":" + _WILDCARD_TOKEN): + return TokenRegistry(self, token) + elif token.endswith(":" + _DEFAULT_TOKEN): + return TokenRegistry(self.root, token) + else: + raise exc.ArgumentError("invalid token: %s" % token) + + def __add__(self, other): + return util.reduce(lambda prev, next: prev[next], other.path, self) + + def __repr__(self): + return "%s(%r)" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.path) + + +class RootRegistry(PathRegistry): + """Root registry, defers to mappers so that + paths are maintained per-root-mapper. + + """ + + path = () + has_entity = False + is_aliased_class = False + is_root = True + + def __getitem__(self, entity): + return entity._path_registry + + +PathRegistry.root = RootRegistry() + + +class TokenRegistry(PathRegistry): + def __init__(self, parent, token): + self.token = token + self.parent = parent + self.path = parent.path + (token,) + + has_entity = False + + is_token = True + + def generate_for_superclasses(self): + if not self.parent.is_aliased_class and not self.parent.is_root: + for ent in self.parent.mapper.iterate_to_root(): + yield TokenRegistry(self.parent.parent[ent], self.token) + else: + yield self + + def __getitem__(self, entity): + raise NotImplementedError() + + +class PropRegistry(PathRegistry): + def __init__(self, parent, prop): + # restate this path in terms of the + # given MapperProperty's parent. + insp = inspection.inspect(parent[-1]) + if not insp.is_aliased_class or insp._use_mapper_path: + parent = parent.parent[prop.parent] + elif insp.is_aliased_class and insp.with_polymorphic_mappers: + if ( + prop.parent is not insp.mapper + and prop.parent in insp.with_polymorphic_mappers + ): + subclass_entity = parent[-1]._entity_for_mapper(prop.parent) + parent = parent.parent[subclass_entity] + + self.prop = prop + self.parent = parent + self.path = parent.path + (prop,) + + self._wildcard_path_loader_key = ( + "loader", + self.parent.path + self.prop._wildcard_token, + ) + self._default_path_loader_key = self.prop._default_path_loader_key + self._loader_key = ("loader", self.path) + + def __str__(self): + return " -> ".join(str(elem) for elem in self.path) + + @util.memoized_property + def has_entity(self): + return hasattr(self.prop, "mapper") + + @util.memoized_property + def entity(self): + return self.prop.mapper + + @property + def mapper(self): + return self.entity + + @property + def entity_path(self): + return self[self.entity] + + def __getitem__(self, entity): + if isinstance(entity, (int, slice)): + return self.path[entity] + else: + return EntityRegistry(self, entity) + + +class EntityRegistry(PathRegistry, dict): + is_aliased_class = False + has_entity = True + + def __init__(self, parent, entity): + self.key = entity + self.parent = parent + self.is_aliased_class = entity.is_aliased_class + self.entity = entity + self.path = parent.path + (entity,) + self.entity_path = self + + @property + def mapper(self): + return inspection.inspect(self.entity).mapper + + def __bool__(self): + return True + + __nonzero__ = __bool__ + + def __getitem__(self, entity): + if isinstance(entity, (int, slice)): + return self.path[entity] + else: + return dict.__getitem__(self, entity) + + def __missing__(self, key): + self[key] = item = PropRegistry(self, key) + return item diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/persistence.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/persistence.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..69de496 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/persistence.py @@ -0,0 +1,1954 @@ +# orm/persistence.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +"""private module containing functions used to emit INSERT, UPDATE +and DELETE statements on behalf of a :class:`.Mapper` and its descending +mappers. + +The functions here are called only by the unit of work functions +in unitofwork.py. + +""" + +from itertools import chain +from itertools import groupby +import operator + +from . import attributes +from . import evaluator +from . import exc as orm_exc +from . import loading +from . import sync +from .base import _entity_descriptor +from .base import state_str +from .. import exc as sa_exc +from .. import sql +from .. import util +from ..sql import expression +from ..sql.base import _from_objects + + +def _bulk_insert( + mapper, + mappings, + session_transaction, + isstates, + return_defaults, + render_nulls, +): + base_mapper = mapper.base_mapper + + cached_connections = _cached_connection_dict(base_mapper) + + if session_transaction.session.connection_callable: + raise NotImplementedError( + "connection_callable / per-instance sharding " + "not supported in bulk_insert()" + ) + + if isstates: + if return_defaults: + states = [(state, state.dict) for state in mappings] + mappings = [dict_ for (state, dict_) in states] + else: + mappings = [state.dict for state in mappings] + else: + mappings = list(mappings) + + connection = session_transaction.connection(base_mapper) + for table, super_mapper in base_mapper._sorted_tables.items(): + if not mapper.isa(super_mapper): + continue + + records = ( + ( + None, + state_dict, + params, + mapper, + connection, + value_params, + has_all_pks, + has_all_defaults, + ) + for ( + state, + state_dict, + params, + mp, + conn, + value_params, + has_all_pks, + has_all_defaults, + ) in _collect_insert_commands( + table, + ((None, mapping, mapper, connection) for mapping in mappings), + bulk=True, + return_defaults=return_defaults, + render_nulls=render_nulls, + ) + ) + _emit_insert_statements( + base_mapper, + None, + cached_connections, + super_mapper, + table, + records, + bookkeeping=return_defaults, + ) + + if return_defaults and isstates: + identity_cls = mapper._identity_class + identity_props = [p.key for p in mapper._identity_key_props] + for state, dict_ in states: + state.key = ( + identity_cls, + tuple([dict_[key] for key in identity_props]), + ) + + +def _bulk_update( + mapper, mappings, session_transaction, isstates, update_changed_only +): + base_mapper = mapper.base_mapper + + cached_connections = _cached_connection_dict(base_mapper) + + search_keys = mapper._primary_key_propkeys + if mapper._version_id_prop: + search_keys = {mapper._version_id_prop.key}.union(search_keys) + + def _changed_dict(mapper, state): + return dict( + (k, v) + for k, v in state.dict.items() + if k in state.committed_state or k in search_keys + ) + + if isstates: + if update_changed_only: + mappings = [_changed_dict(mapper, state) for state in mappings] + else: + mappings = [state.dict for state in mappings] + else: + mappings = list(mappings) + + if session_transaction.session.connection_callable: + raise NotImplementedError( + "connection_callable / per-instance sharding " + "not supported in bulk_update()" + ) + + connection = session_transaction.connection(base_mapper) + + for table, super_mapper in base_mapper._sorted_tables.items(): + if not mapper.isa(super_mapper): + continue + + records = _collect_update_commands( + None, + table, + ( + ( + None, + mapping, + mapper, + connection, + ( + mapping[mapper._version_id_prop.key] + if mapper._version_id_prop + else None + ), + ) + for mapping in mappings + ), + bulk=True, + ) + + _emit_update_statements( + base_mapper, + None, + cached_connections, + super_mapper, + table, + records, + bookkeeping=False, + ) + + +def save_obj(base_mapper, states, uowtransaction, single=False): + """Issue ``INSERT`` and/or ``UPDATE`` statements for a list + of objects. + + This is called within the context of a UOWTransaction during a + flush operation, given a list of states to be flushed. The + base mapper in an inheritance hierarchy handles the inserts/ + updates for all descendant mappers. + + """ + + # if batch=false, call _save_obj separately for each object + if not single and not base_mapper.batch: + for state in _sort_states(states): + save_obj(base_mapper, [state], uowtransaction, single=True) + return + + states_to_update = [] + states_to_insert = [] + cached_connections = _cached_connection_dict(base_mapper) + + for ( + state, + dict_, + mapper, + connection, + has_identity, + row_switch, + update_version_id, + ) in _organize_states_for_save(base_mapper, states, uowtransaction): + if has_identity or row_switch: + states_to_update.append( + (state, dict_, mapper, connection, update_version_id) + ) + else: + states_to_insert.append((state, dict_, mapper, connection)) + + for table, mapper in base_mapper._sorted_tables.items(): + if table not in mapper._pks_by_table: + continue + insert = _collect_insert_commands(table, states_to_insert) + + update = _collect_update_commands( + uowtransaction, table, states_to_update + ) + + _emit_update_statements( + base_mapper, + uowtransaction, + cached_connections, + mapper, + table, + update, + ) + + _emit_insert_statements( + base_mapper, + uowtransaction, + cached_connections, + mapper, + table, + insert, + ) + + _finalize_insert_update_commands( + base_mapper, + uowtransaction, + chain( + ( + (state, state_dict, mapper, connection, False) + for (state, state_dict, mapper, connection) in states_to_insert + ), + ( + (state, state_dict, mapper, connection, True) + for ( + state, + state_dict, + mapper, + connection, + update_version_id, + ) in states_to_update + ), + ), + ) + + +def post_update(base_mapper, states, uowtransaction, post_update_cols): + """Issue UPDATE statements on behalf of a relationship() which + specifies post_update. + + """ + cached_connections = _cached_connection_dict(base_mapper) + + states_to_update = list( + _organize_states_for_post_update(base_mapper, states, uowtransaction) + ) + + for table, mapper in base_mapper._sorted_tables.items(): + if table not in mapper._pks_by_table: + continue + + update = ( + ( + state, + state_dict, + sub_mapper, + connection, + mapper._get_committed_state_attr_by_column( + state, state_dict, mapper.version_id_col + ) + if mapper.version_id_col is not None + else None, + ) + for state, state_dict, sub_mapper, connection in states_to_update + if table in sub_mapper._pks_by_table + ) + + update = _collect_post_update_commands( + base_mapper, uowtransaction, table, update, post_update_cols + ) + + _emit_post_update_statements( + base_mapper, + uowtransaction, + cached_connections, + mapper, + table, + update, + ) + + +def delete_obj(base_mapper, states, uowtransaction): + """Issue ``DELETE`` statements for a list of objects. + + This is called within the context of a UOWTransaction during a + flush operation. + + """ + + cached_connections = _cached_connection_dict(base_mapper) + + states_to_delete = list( + _organize_states_for_delete(base_mapper, states, uowtransaction) + ) + + table_to_mapper = base_mapper._sorted_tables + + for table in reversed(list(table_to_mapper.keys())): + mapper = table_to_mapper[table] + if table not in mapper._pks_by_table: + continue + elif mapper.inherits and mapper.passive_deletes: + continue + + delete = _collect_delete_commands( + base_mapper, uowtransaction, table, states_to_delete + ) + + _emit_delete_statements( + base_mapper, + uowtransaction, + cached_connections, + mapper, + table, + delete, + ) + + for ( + state, + state_dict, + mapper, + connection, + update_version_id, + ) in states_to_delete: + mapper.dispatch.after_delete(mapper, connection, state) + + +def _organize_states_for_save(base_mapper, states, uowtransaction): + """Make an initial pass across a set of states for INSERT or + UPDATE. + + This includes splitting out into distinct lists for + each, calling before_insert/before_update, obtaining + key information for each state including its dictionary, + mapper, the connection to use for the execution per state, + and the identity flag. + + """ + + for state, dict_, mapper, connection in _connections_for_states( + base_mapper, uowtransaction, states + ): + + has_identity = bool(state.key) + + instance_key = state.key or mapper._identity_key_from_state(state) + + row_switch = update_version_id = None + + # call before_XXX extensions + if not has_identity: + mapper.dispatch.before_insert(mapper, connection, state) + else: + mapper.dispatch.before_update(mapper, connection, state) + + if mapper._validate_polymorphic_identity: + mapper._validate_polymorphic_identity(mapper, state, dict_) + + # detect if we have a "pending" instance (i.e. has + # no instance_key attached to it), and another instance + # with the same identity key already exists as persistent. + # convert to an UPDATE if so. + if ( + not has_identity + and instance_key in uowtransaction.session.identity_map + ): + instance = uowtransaction.session.identity_map[instance_key] + existing = attributes.instance_state(instance) + + if not uowtransaction.was_already_deleted(existing): + if not uowtransaction.is_deleted(existing): + raise orm_exc.FlushError( + "New instance %s with identity key %s conflicts " + "with persistent instance %s" + % (state_str(state), instance_key, state_str(existing)) + ) + + base_mapper._log_debug( + "detected row switch for identity %s. " + "will update %s, remove %s from " + "transaction", + instance_key, + state_str(state), + state_str(existing), + ) + + # remove the "delete" flag from the existing element + uowtransaction.remove_state_actions(existing) + row_switch = existing + + if (has_identity or row_switch) and mapper.version_id_col is not None: + update_version_id = mapper._get_committed_state_attr_by_column( + row_switch if row_switch else state, + row_switch.dict if row_switch else dict_, + mapper.version_id_col, + ) + + yield ( + state, + dict_, + mapper, + connection, + has_identity, + row_switch, + update_version_id, + ) + + +def _organize_states_for_post_update(base_mapper, states, uowtransaction): + """Make an initial pass across a set of states for UPDATE + corresponding to post_update. + + This includes obtaining key information for each state + including its dictionary, mapper, the connection to use for + the execution per state. + + """ + return _connections_for_states(base_mapper, uowtransaction, states) + + +def _organize_states_for_delete(base_mapper, states, uowtransaction): + """Make an initial pass across a set of states for DELETE. + + This includes calling out before_delete and obtaining + key information for each state including its dictionary, + mapper, the connection to use for the execution per state. + + """ + for state, dict_, mapper, connection in _connections_for_states( + base_mapper, uowtransaction, states + ): + + mapper.dispatch.before_delete(mapper, connection, state) + + if mapper.version_id_col is not None: + update_version_id = mapper._get_committed_state_attr_by_column( + state, dict_, mapper.version_id_col + ) + else: + update_version_id = None + + yield (state, dict_, mapper, connection, update_version_id) + + +def _collect_insert_commands( + table, + states_to_insert, + bulk=False, + return_defaults=False, + render_nulls=False, +): + """Identify sets of values to use in INSERT statements for a + list of states. + + """ + for state, state_dict, mapper, connection in states_to_insert: + if table not in mapper._pks_by_table: + continue + + params = {} + value_params = {} + + propkey_to_col = mapper._propkey_to_col[table] + + eval_none = mapper._insert_cols_evaluating_none[table] + + for propkey in set(propkey_to_col).intersection(state_dict): + value = state_dict[propkey] + col = propkey_to_col[propkey] + if value is None and col not in eval_none and not render_nulls: + continue + elif ( + not bulk + and hasattr(value, "__clause_element__") + or isinstance(value, sql.ClauseElement) + ): + value_params[col.key] = ( + value.__clause_element__() + if hasattr(value, "__clause_element__") + else value + ) + else: + params[col.key] = value + + if not bulk: + # for all the columns that have no default and we don't have + # a value and where "None" is not a special value, add + # explicit None to the INSERT. This is a legacy behavior + # which might be worth removing, as it should not be necessary + # and also produces confusion, given that "missing" and None + # now have distinct meanings + for colkey in ( + mapper._insert_cols_as_none[table] + .difference(params) + .difference(value_params) + ): + params[colkey] = None + + if not bulk or return_defaults: + # params are in terms of Column key objects, so + # compare to pk_keys_by_table + has_all_pks = mapper._pk_keys_by_table[table].issubset(params) + + if mapper.base_mapper.eager_defaults: + has_all_defaults = mapper._server_default_cols[table].issubset( + params + ) + else: + has_all_defaults = True + else: + has_all_defaults = has_all_pks = True + + if ( + mapper.version_id_generator is not False + and mapper.version_id_col is not None + and mapper.version_id_col in mapper._cols_by_table[table] + ): + params[mapper.version_id_col.key] = mapper.version_id_generator( + None + ) + + yield ( + state, + state_dict, + params, + mapper, + connection, + value_params, + has_all_pks, + has_all_defaults, + ) + + +def _collect_update_commands( + uowtransaction, table, states_to_update, bulk=False +): + """Identify sets of values to use in UPDATE statements for a + list of states. + + This function works intricately with the history system + to determine exactly what values should be updated + as well as how the row should be matched within an UPDATE + statement. Includes some tricky scenarios where the primary + key of an object might have been changed. + + """ + + for ( + state, + state_dict, + mapper, + connection, + update_version_id, + ) in states_to_update: + + if table not in mapper._pks_by_table: + continue + + pks = mapper._pks_by_table[table] + + value_params = {} + + propkey_to_col = mapper._propkey_to_col[table] + + if bulk: + # keys here are mapped attrbute keys, so + # look at mapper attribute keys for pk + params = dict( + (propkey_to_col[propkey].key, state_dict[propkey]) + for propkey in set(propkey_to_col) + .intersection(state_dict) + .difference(mapper._pk_attr_keys_by_table[table]) + ) + has_all_defaults = True + else: + params = {} + for propkey in set(propkey_to_col).intersection( + state.committed_state + ): + value = state_dict[propkey] + col = propkey_to_col[propkey] + + if hasattr(value, "__clause_element__") or isinstance( + value, sql.ClauseElement + ): + value_params[col] = ( + value.__clause_element__() + if hasattr(value, "__clause_element__") + else value + ) + # guard against values that generate non-__nonzero__ + # objects for __eq__() + elif ( + state.manager[propkey].impl.is_equal( + value, state.committed_state[propkey] + ) + is not True + ): + params[col.key] = value + + if mapper.base_mapper.eager_defaults: + has_all_defaults = ( + mapper._server_onupdate_default_cols[table] + ).issubset(params) + else: + has_all_defaults = True + + if ( + update_version_id is not None + and mapper.version_id_col in mapper._cols_by_table[table] + ): + + if not bulk and not (params or value_params): + # HACK: check for history in other tables, in case the + # history is only in a different table than the one + # where the version_id_col is. This logic was lost + # from 0.9 -> 1.0.0 and restored in 1.0.6. + for prop in mapper._columntoproperty.values(): + history = state.manager[prop.key].impl.get_history( + state, state_dict, attributes.PASSIVE_NO_INITIALIZE + ) + if history.added: + break + else: + # no net change, break + continue + + col = mapper.version_id_col + no_params = not params and not value_params + params[col._label] = update_version_id + + if ( + bulk or col.key not in params + ) and mapper.version_id_generator is not False: + val = mapper.version_id_generator(update_version_id) + params[col.key] = val + elif mapper.version_id_generator is False and no_params: + # no version id generator, no values set on the table, + # and version id wasn't manually incremented. + # set version id to itself so we get an UPDATE + # statement + params[col.key] = update_version_id + + elif not (params or value_params): + continue + + has_all_pks = True + if bulk: + # keys here are mapped attrbute keys, so + # look at mapper attribute keys for pk + pk_params = dict( + (propkey_to_col[propkey]._label, state_dict.get(propkey)) + for propkey in set(propkey_to_col).intersection( + mapper._pk_attr_keys_by_table[table] + ) + ) + else: + pk_params = {} + for col in pks: + propkey = mapper._columntoproperty[col].key + + history = state.manager[propkey].impl.get_history( + state, state_dict, attributes.PASSIVE_OFF + ) + + if history.added: + if ( + not history.deleted + or ("pk_cascaded", state, col) + in uowtransaction.attributes + ): + pk_params[col._label] = history.added[0] + params.pop(col.key, None) + else: + # else, use the old value to locate the row + pk_params[col._label] = history.deleted[0] + if col in value_params: + has_all_pks = False + else: + pk_params[col._label] = history.unchanged[0] + if pk_params[col._label] is None: + raise orm_exc.FlushError( + "Can't update table %s using NULL for primary " + "key value on column %s" % (table, col) + ) + + if params or value_params: + params.update(pk_params) + yield ( + state, + state_dict, + params, + mapper, + connection, + value_params, + has_all_defaults, + has_all_pks, + ) + + +def _collect_post_update_commands( + base_mapper, uowtransaction, table, states_to_update, post_update_cols +): + """Identify sets of values to use in UPDATE statements for a + list of states within a post_update operation. + + """ + + for ( + state, + state_dict, + mapper, + connection, + update_version_id, + ) in states_to_update: + + # assert table in mapper._pks_by_table + + pks = mapper._pks_by_table[table] + params = {} + hasdata = False + + for col in mapper._cols_by_table[table]: + if col in pks: + params[col._label] = mapper._get_state_attr_by_column( + state, state_dict, col, passive=attributes.PASSIVE_OFF + ) + + elif col in post_update_cols or col.onupdate is not None: + prop = mapper._columntoproperty[col] + history = state.manager[prop.key].impl.get_history( + state, state_dict, attributes.PASSIVE_NO_INITIALIZE + ) + if history.added: + value = history.added[0] + params[col.key] = value + hasdata = True + if hasdata: + if ( + update_version_id is not None + and mapper.version_id_col in mapper._cols_by_table[table] + ): + + col = mapper.version_id_col + params[col._label] = update_version_id + + if ( + bool(state.key) + and col.key not in params + and mapper.version_id_generator is not False + ): + val = mapper.version_id_generator(update_version_id) + params[col.key] = val + yield state, state_dict, mapper, connection, params + + +def _collect_delete_commands( + base_mapper, uowtransaction, table, states_to_delete +): + """Identify values to use in DELETE statements for a list of + states to be deleted.""" + + for ( + state, + state_dict, + mapper, + connection, + update_version_id, + ) in states_to_delete: + + if table not in mapper._pks_by_table: + continue + + params = {} + for col in mapper._pks_by_table[table]: + params[ + col.key + ] = value = mapper._get_committed_state_attr_by_column( + state, state_dict, col + ) + if value is None: + raise orm_exc.FlushError( + "Can't delete from table %s " + "using NULL for primary " + "key value on column %s" % (table, col) + ) + + if ( + update_version_id is not None + and mapper.version_id_col in mapper._cols_by_table[table] + ): + params[mapper.version_id_col.key] = update_version_id + yield params, connection + + +def _emit_update_statements( + base_mapper, + uowtransaction, + cached_connections, + mapper, + table, + update, + bookkeeping=True, +): + """Emit UPDATE statements corresponding to value lists collected + by _collect_update_commands().""" + + needs_version_id = ( + mapper.version_id_col is not None + and mapper.version_id_col in mapper._cols_by_table[table] + ) + + def update_stmt(): + clause = sql.and_() + + for col in mapper._pks_by_table[table]: + clause.clauses.append( + col == sql.bindparam(col._label, type_=col.type) + ) + + if needs_version_id: + clause.clauses.append( + mapper.version_id_col + == sql.bindparam( + mapper.version_id_col._label, + type_=mapper.version_id_col.type, + ) + ) + + stmt = table.update(clause) + return stmt + + cached_stmt = base_mapper._memo(("update", table), update_stmt) + + for ( + (connection, paramkeys, hasvalue, has_all_defaults, has_all_pks), + records, + ) in groupby( + update, + lambda rec: ( + rec[4], # connection + set(rec[2]), # set of parameter keys + bool(rec[5]), # whether or not we have "value" parameters + rec[6], # has_all_defaults + rec[7], # has all pks + ), + ): + rows = 0 + records = list(records) + + statement = cached_stmt + return_defaults = False + + if not has_all_pks: + statement = statement.return_defaults() + return_defaults = True + elif ( + bookkeeping + and not has_all_defaults + and mapper.base_mapper.eager_defaults + ): + statement = statement.return_defaults() + return_defaults = True + elif mapper.version_id_col is not None: + statement = statement.return_defaults(mapper.version_id_col) + return_defaults = True + + assert_singlerow = ( + connection.dialect.supports_sane_rowcount + if not return_defaults + else connection.dialect.supports_sane_rowcount_returning + ) + + assert_multirow = ( + assert_singlerow + and connection.dialect.supports_sane_multi_rowcount + ) + allow_multirow = has_all_defaults and not needs_version_id + + if hasvalue: + for ( + state, + state_dict, + params, + mapper, + connection, + value_params, + has_all_defaults, + has_all_pks, + ) in records: + c = connection.execute(statement.values(value_params), params) + if bookkeeping: + _postfetch( + mapper, + uowtransaction, + table, + state, + state_dict, + c, + c.context.compiled_parameters[0], + value_params, + ) + rows += c.rowcount + check_rowcount = assert_singlerow + else: + if not allow_multirow: + check_rowcount = assert_singlerow + for ( + state, + state_dict, + params, + mapper, + connection, + value_params, + has_all_defaults, + has_all_pks, + ) in records: + c = cached_connections[connection].execute( + statement, params + ) + + # TODO: why with bookkeeping=False? + if bookkeeping: + _postfetch( + mapper, + uowtransaction, + table, + state, + state_dict, + c, + c.context.compiled_parameters[0], + value_params, + ) + rows += c.rowcount + else: + multiparams = [rec[2] for rec in records] + + check_rowcount = assert_multirow or ( + assert_singlerow and len(multiparams) == 1 + ) + + c = cached_connections[connection].execute( + statement, multiparams + ) + + rows += c.rowcount + + for ( + state, + state_dict, + params, + mapper, + connection, + value_params, + has_all_defaults, + has_all_pks, + ) in records: + if bookkeeping: + _postfetch( + mapper, + uowtransaction, + table, + state, + state_dict, + c, + c.context.compiled_parameters[0], + value_params, + ) + + if check_rowcount: + if rows != len(records): + raise orm_exc.StaleDataError( + "UPDATE statement on table '%s' expected to " + "update %d row(s); %d were matched." + % (table.description, len(records), rows) + ) + + elif needs_version_id: + util.warn( + "Dialect %s does not support updated rowcount " + "- versioning cannot be verified." + % c.dialect.dialect_description + ) + + +def _emit_insert_statements( + base_mapper, + uowtransaction, + cached_connections, + mapper, + table, + insert, + bookkeeping=True, +): + """Emit INSERT statements corresponding to value lists collected + by _collect_insert_commands().""" + + cached_stmt = base_mapper._memo(("insert", table), table.insert) + + for ( + (connection, pkeys, hasvalue, has_all_pks, has_all_defaults), + records, + ) in groupby( + insert, + lambda rec: ( + rec[4], # connection + set(rec[2]), # parameter keys + bool(rec[5]), # whether we have "value" parameters + rec[6], + rec[7], + ), + ): + + statement = cached_stmt + + if ( + not bookkeeping + or ( + has_all_defaults + or not base_mapper.eager_defaults + or not connection.dialect.implicit_returning + ) + and has_all_pks + and not hasvalue + ): + + records = list(records) + multiparams = [rec[2] for rec in records] + + c = cached_connections[connection].execute(statement, multiparams) + + if bookkeeping: + for ( + ( + state, + state_dict, + params, + mapper_rec, + conn, + value_params, + has_all_pks, + has_all_defaults, + ), + last_inserted_params, + ) in zip(records, c.context.compiled_parameters): + if state: + _postfetch( + mapper_rec, + uowtransaction, + table, + state, + state_dict, + c, + last_inserted_params, + value_params, + ) + else: + _postfetch_bulk_save(mapper_rec, state_dict, table) + + else: + if not has_all_defaults and base_mapper.eager_defaults: + statement = statement.return_defaults() + elif mapper.version_id_col is not None: + statement = statement.return_defaults(mapper.version_id_col) + + for ( + state, + state_dict, + params, + mapper_rec, + connection, + value_params, + has_all_pks, + has_all_defaults, + ) in records: + + if value_params: + result = connection.execute( + statement.values(value_params), params + ) + else: + result = cached_connections[connection].execute( + statement, params + ) + + primary_key = result.context.inserted_primary_key + + if primary_key is not None: + # set primary key attributes + for pk, col in zip( + primary_key, mapper._pks_by_table[table] + ): + prop = mapper_rec._columntoproperty[col] + if state_dict.get(prop.key) is None: + state_dict[prop.key] = pk + if bookkeeping: + if state: + _postfetch( + mapper_rec, + uowtransaction, + table, + state, + state_dict, + result, + result.context.compiled_parameters[0], + value_params, + ) + else: + _postfetch_bulk_save(mapper_rec, state_dict, table) + + +def _emit_post_update_statements( + base_mapper, uowtransaction, cached_connections, mapper, table, update +): + """Emit UPDATE statements corresponding to value lists collected + by _collect_post_update_commands().""" + + needs_version_id = ( + mapper.version_id_col is not None + and mapper.version_id_col in mapper._cols_by_table[table] + ) + + def update_stmt(): + clause = sql.and_() + + for col in mapper._pks_by_table[table]: + clause.clauses.append( + col == sql.bindparam(col._label, type_=col.type) + ) + + if needs_version_id: + clause.clauses.append( + mapper.version_id_col + == sql.bindparam( + mapper.version_id_col._label, + type_=mapper.version_id_col.type, + ) + ) + + stmt = table.update(clause) + + if mapper.version_id_col is not None: + stmt = stmt.return_defaults(mapper.version_id_col) + + return stmt + + statement = base_mapper._memo(("post_update", table), update_stmt) + + # execute each UPDATE in the order according to the original + # list of states to guarantee row access order, but + # also group them into common (connection, cols) sets + # to support executemany(). + for key, records in groupby( + update, + lambda rec: (rec[3], set(rec[4])), # connection # parameter keys + ): + rows = 0 + + records = list(records) + connection = key[0] + + assert_singlerow = ( + connection.dialect.supports_sane_rowcount + if mapper.version_id_col is None + else connection.dialect.supports_sane_rowcount_returning + ) + assert_multirow = ( + assert_singlerow + and connection.dialect.supports_sane_multi_rowcount + ) + allow_multirow = not needs_version_id or assert_multirow + + if not allow_multirow: + check_rowcount = assert_singlerow + for state, state_dict, mapper_rec, connection, params in records: + c = cached_connections[connection].execute(statement, params) + _postfetch_post_update( + mapper_rec, + uowtransaction, + table, + state, + state_dict, + c, + c.context.compiled_parameters[0], + ) + rows += c.rowcount + else: + multiparams = [ + params + for state, state_dict, mapper_rec, conn, params in records + ] + + check_rowcount = assert_multirow or ( + assert_singlerow and len(multiparams) == 1 + ) + + c = cached_connections[connection].execute(statement, multiparams) + + rows += c.rowcount + for state, state_dict, mapper_rec, connection, params in records: + _postfetch_post_update( + mapper_rec, + uowtransaction, + table, + state, + state_dict, + c, + c.context.compiled_parameters[0], + ) + + if check_rowcount: + if rows != len(records): + raise orm_exc.StaleDataError( + "UPDATE statement on table '%s' expected to " + "update %d row(s); %d were matched." + % (table.description, len(records), rows) + ) + + elif needs_version_id: + util.warn( + "Dialect %s does not support updated rowcount " + "- versioning cannot be verified." + % c.dialect.dialect_description + ) + + +def _emit_delete_statements( + base_mapper, uowtransaction, cached_connections, mapper, table, delete +): + """Emit DELETE statements corresponding to value lists collected + by _collect_delete_commands().""" + + need_version_id = ( + mapper.version_id_col is not None + and mapper.version_id_col in mapper._cols_by_table[table] + ) + + def delete_stmt(): + clause = sql.and_() + for col in mapper._pks_by_table[table]: + clause.clauses.append( + col == sql.bindparam(col.key, type_=col.type) + ) + + if need_version_id: + clause.clauses.append( + mapper.version_id_col + == sql.bindparam( + mapper.version_id_col.key, type_=mapper.version_id_col.type + ) + ) + + return table.delete(clause) + + statement = base_mapper._memo(("delete", table), delete_stmt) + for connection, recs in groupby(delete, lambda rec: rec[1]): # connection + del_objects = [params for params, connection in recs] + + connection = cached_connections[connection] + + expected = len(del_objects) + rows_matched = -1 + only_warn = False + if connection.dialect.supports_sane_multi_rowcount: + c = connection.execute(statement, del_objects) + + if not need_version_id: + only_warn = True + + rows_matched = c.rowcount + + elif need_version_id: + if connection.dialect.supports_sane_rowcount: + rows_matched = 0 + # execute deletes individually so that versioned + # rows can be verified + for params in del_objects: + c = connection.execute(statement, params) + rows_matched += c.rowcount + else: + util.warn( + "Dialect %s does not support deleted rowcount " + "- versioning cannot be verified." + % connection.dialect.dialect_description, + stacklevel=12, + ) + connection.execute(statement, del_objects) + else: + c = connection.execute(statement, del_objects) + + if not need_version_id: + only_warn = True + + rows_matched = c.rowcount + + if ( + base_mapper.confirm_deleted_rows + and rows_matched > -1 + and expected != rows_matched + ): + if only_warn: + util.warn( + "DELETE statement on table '%s' expected to " + "delete %d row(s); %d were matched. Please set " + "confirm_deleted_rows=False within the mapper " + "configuration to prevent this warning." + % (table.description, expected, rows_matched) + ) + else: + raise orm_exc.StaleDataError( + "DELETE statement on table '%s' expected to " + "delete %d row(s); %d were matched. Please set " + "confirm_deleted_rows=False within the mapper " + "configuration to prevent this warning." + % (table.description, expected, rows_matched) + ) + + +def _finalize_insert_update_commands(base_mapper, uowtransaction, states): + """finalize state on states that have been inserted or updated, + including calling after_insert/after_update events. + + """ + for state, state_dict, mapper, connection, has_identity in states: + + if mapper._readonly_props: + readonly = state.unmodified_intersection( + [ + p.key + for p in mapper._readonly_props + if ( + p.expire_on_flush + and (not p.deferred or p.key in state.dict) + ) + or ( + not p.expire_on_flush + and not p.deferred + and p.key not in state.dict + ) + ] + ) + if readonly: + state._expire_attributes(state.dict, readonly) + + # if eager_defaults option is enabled, load + # all expired cols. Else if we have a version_id_col, make sure + # it isn't expired. + toload_now = [] + + if base_mapper.eager_defaults: + toload_now.extend( + state._unloaded_non_object.intersection( + mapper._server_default_plus_onupdate_propkeys + ) + ) + + if ( + mapper.version_id_col is not None + and mapper.version_id_generator is False + ): + if mapper._version_id_prop.key in state.unloaded: + toload_now.extend([mapper._version_id_prop.key]) + + if toload_now: + state.key = base_mapper._identity_key_from_state(state) + loading.load_on_ident( + uowtransaction.session.query(mapper), + state.key, + refresh_state=state, + only_load_props=toload_now, + ) + + # call after_XXX extensions + if not has_identity: + mapper.dispatch.after_insert(mapper, connection, state) + else: + mapper.dispatch.after_update(mapper, connection, state) + + if ( + mapper.version_id_generator is False + and mapper.version_id_col is not None + ): + if state_dict[mapper._version_id_prop.key] is None: + raise orm_exc.FlushError( + "Instance does not contain a non-NULL version value" + ) + + +def _postfetch_post_update( + mapper, uowtransaction, table, state, dict_, result, params +): + if uowtransaction.is_deleted(state): + return + + prefetch_cols = result.context.compiled.prefetch + postfetch_cols = result.context.compiled.postfetch + + if ( + mapper.version_id_col is not None + and mapper.version_id_col in mapper._cols_by_table[table] + ): + prefetch_cols = list(prefetch_cols) + [mapper.version_id_col] + + refresh_flush = bool(mapper.class_manager.dispatch.refresh_flush) + if refresh_flush: + load_evt_attrs = [] + + for c in prefetch_cols: + if c.key in params and c in mapper._columntoproperty: + dict_[mapper._columntoproperty[c].key] = params[c.key] + if refresh_flush: + load_evt_attrs.append(mapper._columntoproperty[c].key) + + if refresh_flush and load_evt_attrs: + mapper.class_manager.dispatch.refresh_flush( + state, uowtransaction, load_evt_attrs + ) + + if postfetch_cols: + state._expire_attributes( + state.dict, + [ + mapper._columntoproperty[c].key + for c in postfetch_cols + if c in mapper._columntoproperty + ], + ) + + +def _postfetch( + mapper, uowtransaction, table, state, dict_, result, params, value_params +): + """Expire attributes in need of newly persisted database state, + after an INSERT or UPDATE statement has proceeded for that + state.""" + + prefetch_cols = result.context.compiled.prefetch + postfetch_cols = result.context.compiled.postfetch + returning_cols = result.context.compiled.returning + + if ( + mapper.version_id_col is not None + and mapper.version_id_col in mapper._cols_by_table[table] + ): + prefetch_cols = list(prefetch_cols) + [mapper.version_id_col] + + refresh_flush = bool(mapper.class_manager.dispatch.refresh_flush) + if refresh_flush: + load_evt_attrs = [] + + if returning_cols: + row = result.context.returned_defaults + if row is not None: + for col in returning_cols: + # pk cols returned from insert are handled + # distinctly, don't step on the values here + if col.primary_key and result.context.isinsert: + continue + + # note that columns can be in the "return defaults" that are + # not mapped to this mapper, typically because they are + # "excluded", which can be specified directly or also occurs + # when using declarative w/ single table inheritance + prop = mapper._columntoproperty.get(col) + if prop: + dict_[prop.key] = row[col] + if refresh_flush: + load_evt_attrs.append(prop.key) + + for c in prefetch_cols: + if c.key in params and c in mapper._columntoproperty: + dict_[mapper._columntoproperty[c].key] = params[c.key] + if refresh_flush: + load_evt_attrs.append(mapper._columntoproperty[c].key) + + if refresh_flush and load_evt_attrs: + mapper.class_manager.dispatch.refresh_flush( + state, uowtransaction, load_evt_attrs + ) + + if postfetch_cols: + state._expire_attributes( + state.dict, + [ + mapper._columntoproperty[c].key + for c in postfetch_cols + if c in mapper._columntoproperty + ], + ) + + # synchronize newly inserted ids from one table to the next + # TODO: this still goes a little too often. would be nice to + # have definitive list of "columns that changed" here + for m, equated_pairs in mapper._table_to_equated[table]: + sync.populate( + state, + m, + state, + m, + equated_pairs, + uowtransaction, + mapper.passive_updates, + ) + + +def _postfetch_bulk_save(mapper, dict_, table): + for m, equated_pairs in mapper._table_to_equated[table]: + sync.bulk_populate_inherit_keys(dict_, m, equated_pairs) + + +def _connections_for_states(base_mapper, uowtransaction, states): + """Return an iterator of (state, state.dict, mapper, connection). + + The states are sorted according to _sort_states, then paired + with the connection they should be using for the given + unit of work transaction. + + """ + # if session has a connection callable, + # organize individual states with the connection + # to use for update + if uowtransaction.session.connection_callable: + connection_callable = uowtransaction.session.connection_callable + else: + connection = uowtransaction.transaction.connection(base_mapper) + connection_callable = None + + for state in _sort_states(states): + if connection_callable: + connection = connection_callable(base_mapper, state.obj()) + + mapper = state.manager.mapper + + yield state, state.dict, mapper, connection + + +def _cached_connection_dict(base_mapper): + # dictionary of connection->connection_with_cache_options. + return util.PopulateDict( + lambda conn: conn.execution_options( + compiled_cache=base_mapper._compiled_cache + ) + ) + + +def _sort_states(states): + pending = set(states) + persistent = set(s for s in pending if s.key is not None) + pending.difference_update(persistent) + return sorted(pending, key=operator.attrgetter("insert_order")) + sorted( + persistent, key=lambda q: q.key[1] + ) + + +class BulkUD(object): + """Handle bulk update and deletes via a :class:`.Query`.""" + + def __init__(self, query): + self.query = query.enable_eagerloads(False) + self.mapper = self.query._bind_mapper() + self._validate_query_state() + + def _validate_query_state(self): + for attr, methname, notset, op in ( + ("_limit", "limit()", None, operator.is_), + ("_offset", "offset()", None, operator.is_), + ("_order_by", "order_by()", False, operator.is_), + ("_group_by", "group_by()", False, operator.is_), + ("_distinct", "distinct()", False, operator.is_), + ( + "_from_obj", + "join(), outerjoin(), select_from(), or from_self()", + (), + operator.eq, + ), + ): + if not op(getattr(self.query, attr), notset): + raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError( + "Can't call Query.update() or Query.delete() " + "when %s has been called" % (methname,) + ) + + @property + def session(self): + return self.query.session + + @classmethod + def _factory(cls, lookup, synchronize_session, *arg): + try: + klass = lookup[synchronize_session] + except KeyError: + raise sa_exc.ArgumentError( + "Valid strategies for session synchronization " + "are %s" % (", ".join(sorted(repr(x) for x in lookup))) + ) + else: + return klass(*arg) + + def exec_(self): + self._do_pre() + self._do_pre_synchronize() + self._do_exec() + self._do_post_synchronize() + self._do_post() + + def _execute_stmt(self, stmt): + self.result = self.query.session.execute( + stmt, params=self.query._params, mapper=self.mapper + ) + self.rowcount = self.result.rowcount + + @util.dependencies("sqlalchemy.orm.query") + def _do_pre(self, querylib): + query = self.query + self.context = querylib.QueryContext(query) + + if isinstance(query._entities[0], querylib._ColumnEntity): + # check for special case of query(table) + tables = set() + for ent in query._entities: + if not isinstance(ent, querylib._ColumnEntity): + tables.clear() + break + else: + tables.update(_from_objects(ent.column)) + + if len(tables) != 1: + raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError( + "This operation requires only one Table or " + "entity be specified as the target." + ) + else: + self.primary_table = tables.pop() + + else: + self.primary_table = query._only_entity_zero( + "This operation requires only one Table or " + "entity be specified as the target." + ).mapper.local_table + + session = query.session + + if query._autoflush: + session._autoflush() + + def _do_pre_synchronize(self): + pass + + def _do_post_synchronize(self): + pass + + +class BulkEvaluate(BulkUD): + """BulkUD which does the 'evaluate' method of session state resolution.""" + + def _additional_evaluators(self, evaluator_compiler): + pass + + def _do_pre_synchronize(self): + query = self.query + target_cls = query._mapper_zero().class_ + + try: + evaluator_compiler = evaluator.EvaluatorCompiler(target_cls) + if query.whereclause is not None: + eval_condition = evaluator_compiler.process(query.whereclause) + else: + + def eval_condition(obj): + return True + + self._additional_evaluators(evaluator_compiler) + + except evaluator.UnevaluatableError as err: + raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError( + 'Could not evaluate current criteria in Python: "%s". ' + "Specify 'fetch' or False for the " + "synchronize_session parameter." % err + ) + + # TODO: detect when the where clause is a trivial primary key match + self.matched_objects = [ + obj + for ( + cls, + pk, + identity_token, + ), obj in query.session.identity_map.items() + if issubclass(cls, target_cls) and eval_condition(obj) + ] + + +class BulkFetch(BulkUD): + """BulkUD which does the 'fetch' method of session state resolution.""" + + def _do_pre_synchronize(self): + query = self.query + session = query.session + context = query._compile_context() + select_stmt = context.statement.with_only_columns( + self.primary_table.primary_key + ) + self.matched_rows = session.execute( + select_stmt, mapper=self.mapper, params=query._params + ).fetchall() + + +class BulkUpdate(BulkUD): + """BulkUD which handles UPDATEs.""" + + def __init__(self, query, values, update_kwargs): + super(BulkUpdate, self).__init__(query) + self.values = values + self.update_kwargs = update_kwargs + + @classmethod + def factory(cls, query, synchronize_session, values, update_kwargs): + return BulkUD._factory( + { + "evaluate": BulkUpdateEvaluate, + "fetch": BulkUpdateFetch, + False: BulkUpdate, + }, + synchronize_session, + query, + values, + update_kwargs, + ) + + @property + def _resolved_values(self): + values = [] + for k, v in ( + self.values.items() + if hasattr(self.values, "items") + else self.values + ): + if self.mapper: + if isinstance(k, util.string_types): + desc = _entity_descriptor(self.mapper, k) + values.extend(desc._bulk_update_tuples(v)) + elif isinstance(k, attributes.QueryableAttribute): + values.extend(k._bulk_update_tuples(v)) + else: + values.append((k, v)) + else: + values.append((k, v)) + return values + + @property + def _resolved_values_keys_as_propnames(self): + values = [] + for k, v in self._resolved_values: + if isinstance(k, attributes.QueryableAttribute): + values.append((k.key, v)) + continue + elif hasattr(k, "__clause_element__"): + k = k.__clause_element__() + + if self.mapper and isinstance(k, expression.ColumnElement): + try: + attr = self.mapper._columntoproperty[k] + except orm_exc.UnmappedColumnError: + pass + else: + values.append((attr.key, v)) + else: + raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError( + "Invalid expression type: %r" % k + ) + return values + + def _do_exec(self): + values = self._resolved_values + + if not self.update_kwargs.get("preserve_parameter_order", False): + values = dict(values) + + update_stmt = sql.update( + self.primary_table, + self.context.whereclause, + values, + **self.update_kwargs + ) + + self._execute_stmt(update_stmt) + + def _do_post(self): + session = self.query.session + session.dispatch.after_bulk_update(self) + + +class BulkDelete(BulkUD): + """BulkUD which handles DELETEs.""" + + def __init__(self, query): + super(BulkDelete, self).__init__(query) + + @classmethod + def factory(cls, query, synchronize_session): + return BulkUD._factory( + { + "evaluate": BulkDeleteEvaluate, + "fetch": BulkDeleteFetch, + False: BulkDelete, + }, + synchronize_session, + query, + ) + + def _do_exec(self): + delete_stmt = sql.delete(self.primary_table, self.context.whereclause) + + self._execute_stmt(delete_stmt) + + def _do_post(self): + session = self.query.session + session.dispatch.after_bulk_delete(self) + + +class BulkUpdateEvaluate(BulkEvaluate, BulkUpdate): + """BulkUD which handles UPDATEs using the "evaluate" + method of session resolution.""" + + def _additional_evaluators(self, evaluator_compiler): + self.value_evaluators = {} + values = self._resolved_values_keys_as_propnames + for key, value in values: + self.value_evaluators[key] = evaluator_compiler.process( + expression._literal_as_binds(value) + ) + + def _do_post_synchronize(self): + session = self.query.session + states = set() + evaluated_keys = list(self.value_evaluators.keys()) + for obj in self.matched_objects: + state, dict_ = ( + attributes.instance_state(obj), + attributes.instance_dict(obj), + ) + + # only evaluate unmodified attributes + to_evaluate = state.unmodified.intersection(evaluated_keys) + for key in to_evaluate: + dict_[key] = self.value_evaluators[key](obj) + + state.manager.dispatch.refresh(state, None, to_evaluate) + + state._commit(dict_, list(to_evaluate)) + + # expire attributes with pending changes + # (there was no autoflush, so they are overwritten) + state._expire_attributes( + dict_, set(evaluated_keys).difference(to_evaluate) + ) + states.add(state) + session._register_altered(states) + + +class BulkDeleteEvaluate(BulkEvaluate, BulkDelete): + """BulkUD which handles DELETEs using the "evaluate" + method of session resolution.""" + + def _do_post_synchronize(self): + self.query.session._remove_newly_deleted( + [attributes.instance_state(obj) for obj in self.matched_objects] + ) + + +class BulkUpdateFetch(BulkFetch, BulkUpdate): + """BulkUD which handles UPDATEs using the "fetch" + method of session resolution.""" + + def _do_post_synchronize(self): + session = self.query.session + target_mapper = self.query._mapper_zero() + + states = set( + [ + attributes.instance_state(session.identity_map[identity_key]) + for identity_key in [ + target_mapper.identity_key_from_primary_key( + list(primary_key) + ) + for primary_key in self.matched_rows + ] + if identity_key in session.identity_map + ] + ) + + values = self._resolved_values_keys_as_propnames + attrib = set(k for k, v in values) + for state in states: + to_expire = attrib.intersection(state.dict) + if to_expire: + session._expire_state(state, to_expire) + session._register_altered(states) + + +class BulkDeleteFetch(BulkFetch, BulkDelete): + """BulkUD which handles DELETEs using the "fetch" + method of session resolution.""" + + def _do_post_synchronize(self): + session = self.query.session + target_mapper = self.query._mapper_zero() + for primary_key in self.matched_rows: + # TODO: inline this and call remove_newly_deleted + # once + identity_key = target_mapper.identity_key_from_primary_key( + list(primary_key) + ) + if identity_key in session.identity_map: + session._remove_newly_deleted( + [ + attributes.instance_state( + session.identity_map[identity_key] + ) + ] + ) diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/properties.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/properties.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e0b94c5 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/properties.py @@ -0,0 +1,314 @@ +# orm/properties.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +"""MapperProperty implementations. + +This is a private module which defines the behavior of invidual ORM- +mapped attributes. + +""" +from __future__ import absolute_import + +from . import attributes +from .interfaces import PropComparator +from .interfaces import StrategizedProperty +from .util import _orm_full_deannotate +from .. import log +from .. import util +from ..sql import expression + +__all__ = ["ColumnProperty"] + + +@log.class_logger +class ColumnProperty(StrategizedProperty): + """Describes an object attribute that corresponds to a table column. + + Public constructor is the :func:`.orm.column_property` function. + + """ + + strategy_wildcard_key = "column" + + __slots__ = ( + "_orig_columns", + "columns", + "group", + "deferred", + "instrument", + "comparator_factory", + "descriptor", + "extension", + "active_history", + "expire_on_flush", + "info", + "doc", + "strategy_key", + "_creation_order", + "_is_polymorphic_discriminator", + "_mapped_by_synonym", + "_deferred_column_loader", + ) + + def __init__(self, *columns, **kwargs): + r"""Provide a column-level property for use with a Mapper. + + Column-based properties can normally be applied to the mapper's + ``properties`` dictionary using the :class:`.Column` element directly. + Use this function when the given column is not directly present within + the mapper's selectable; examples include SQL expressions, functions, + and scalar SELECT queries. + + Columns that aren't present in the mapper's selectable won't be + persisted by the mapper and are effectively "read-only" attributes. + + :param \*cols: + list of Column objects to be mapped. + + :param active_history=False: + When ``True``, indicates that the "previous" value for a + scalar attribute should be loaded when replaced, if not + already loaded. Normally, history tracking logic for + simple non-primary-key scalar values only needs to be + aware of the "new" value in order to perform a flush. This + flag is available for applications that make use of + :func:`.attributes.get_history` or :meth:`.Session.is_modified` + which also need to know + the "previous" value of the attribute. + + .. versionadded:: 0.6.6 + + :param comparator_factory: a class which extends + :class:`.ColumnProperty.Comparator` which provides custom SQL + clause generation for comparison operations. + + :param group: + a group name for this property when marked as deferred. + + :param deferred: + when True, the column property is "deferred", meaning that + it does not load immediately, and is instead loaded when the + attribute is first accessed on an instance. See also + :func:`~sqlalchemy.orm.deferred`. + + :param doc: + optional string that will be applied as the doc on the + class-bound descriptor. + + :param expire_on_flush=True: + Disable expiry on flush. A column_property() which refers + to a SQL expression (and not a single table-bound column) + is considered to be a "read only" property; populating it + has no effect on the state of data, and it can only return + database state. For this reason a column_property()'s value + is expired whenever the parent object is involved in a + flush, that is, has any kind of "dirty" state within a flush. + Setting this parameter to ``False`` will have the effect of + leaving any existing value present after the flush proceeds. + Note however that the :class:`.Session` with default expiration + settings still expires + all attributes after a :meth:`.Session.commit` call, however. + + .. versionadded:: 0.7.3 + + :param info: Optional data dictionary which will be populated into the + :attr:`.MapperProperty.info` attribute of this object. + + .. versionadded:: 0.8 + + :param extension: + an + :class:`.AttributeExtension` + instance, or list of extensions, which will be prepended + to the list of attribute listeners for the resulting + descriptor placed on the class. + **Deprecated.** Please see :class:`.AttributeEvents`. + + """ + super(ColumnProperty, self).__init__() + self._orig_columns = [expression._labeled(c) for c in columns] + self.columns = [ + expression._labeled(_orm_full_deannotate(c)) for c in columns + ] + self.group = kwargs.pop("group", None) + self.deferred = kwargs.pop("deferred", False) + self.instrument = kwargs.pop("_instrument", True) + self.comparator_factory = kwargs.pop( + "comparator_factory", self.__class__.Comparator + ) + self.descriptor = kwargs.pop("descriptor", None) + self.extension = kwargs.pop("extension", None) + self.active_history = kwargs.pop("active_history", False) + self.expire_on_flush = kwargs.pop("expire_on_flush", True) + + if "info" in kwargs: + self.info = kwargs.pop("info") + + if "doc" in kwargs: + self.doc = kwargs.pop("doc") + else: + for col in reversed(self.columns): + doc = getattr(col, "doc", None) + if doc is not None: + self.doc = doc + break + else: + self.doc = None + + if kwargs: + raise TypeError( + "%s received unexpected keyword argument(s): %s" + % (self.__class__.__name__, ", ".join(sorted(kwargs.keys()))) + ) + + util.set_creation_order(self) + + self.strategy_key = ( + ("deferred", self.deferred), + ("instrument", self.instrument), + ) + + @util.dependencies("sqlalchemy.orm.state", "sqlalchemy.orm.strategies") + def _memoized_attr__deferred_column_loader(self, state, strategies): + return state.InstanceState._instance_level_callable_processor( + self.parent.class_manager, + strategies.LoadDeferredColumns(self.key), + self.key, + ) + + @property + def expression(self): + """Return the primary column or expression for this ColumnProperty. + + """ + return self.columns[0] + + def instrument_class(self, mapper): + if not self.instrument: + return + + attributes.register_descriptor( + mapper.class_, + self.key, + comparator=self.comparator_factory(self, mapper), + parententity=mapper, + doc=self.doc, + ) + + def do_init(self): + super(ColumnProperty, self).do_init() + if len(self.columns) > 1 and set(self.parent.primary_key).issuperset( + self.columns + ): + util.warn( + ( + "On mapper %s, primary key column '%s' is being combined " + "with distinct primary key column '%s' in attribute '%s'. " + "Use explicit properties to give each column its own " + "mapped attribute name." + ) + % (self.parent, self.columns[1], self.columns[0], self.key) + ) + + def copy(self): + return ColumnProperty( + deferred=self.deferred, + group=self.group, + active_history=self.active_history, + *self.columns + ) + + def _getcommitted( + self, state, dict_, column, passive=attributes.PASSIVE_OFF + ): + return state.get_impl(self.key).get_committed_value( + state, dict_, passive=passive + ) + + def merge( + self, + session, + source_state, + source_dict, + dest_state, + dest_dict, + load, + _recursive, + _resolve_conflict_map, + ): + if not self.instrument: + return + elif self.key in source_dict: + value = source_dict[self.key] + + if not load: + dest_dict[self.key] = value + else: + impl = dest_state.get_impl(self.key) + impl.set(dest_state, dest_dict, value, None) + elif dest_state.has_identity and self.key not in dest_dict: + dest_state._expire_attributes( + dest_dict, [self.key], no_loader=True + ) + + class Comparator(util.MemoizedSlots, PropComparator): + """Produce boolean, comparison, and other operators for + :class:`.ColumnProperty` attributes. + + See the documentation for :class:`.PropComparator` for a brief + overview. + + See also: + + :class:`.PropComparator` + + :class:`.ColumnOperators` + + :ref:`types_operators` + + :attr:`.TypeEngine.comparator_factory` + + """ + + __slots__ = "__clause_element__", "info" + + def _memoized_method___clause_element__(self): + if self.adapter: + return self.adapter(self.prop.columns[0]) + else: + # no adapter, so we aren't aliased + # assert self._parententity is self._parentmapper + return self.prop.columns[0]._annotate( + { + "parententity": self._parententity, + "parentmapper": self._parententity, + } + ) + + def _memoized_attr_info(self): + ce = self.__clause_element__() + try: + return ce.info + except AttributeError: + return self.prop.info + + def _fallback_getattr(self, key): + """proxy attribute access down to the mapped column. + + this allows user-defined comparison methods to be accessed. + """ + return getattr(self.__clause_element__(), key) + + def operate(self, op, *other, **kwargs): + return op(self.__clause_element__(), *other, **kwargs) + + def reverse_operate(self, op, other, **kwargs): + col = self.__clause_element__() + return op(col._bind_param(op, other), col, **kwargs) + + def __str__(self): + return str(self.parent.class_.__name__) + "." + self.key diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/query.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/query.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d582908 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/query.py @@ -0,0 +1,4506 @@ +# orm/query.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +"""The Query class and support. + +Defines the :class:`.Query` class, the central +construct used by the ORM to construct database queries. + +The :class:`.Query` class should not be confused with the +:class:`.Select` class, which defines database +SELECT operations at the SQL (non-ORM) level. ``Query`` differs from +``Select`` in that it returns ORM-mapped objects and interacts with an +ORM session, whereas the ``Select`` construct interacts directly with the +database to return iterable result sets. + +""" + +from itertools import chain + +from . import attributes +from . import exc as orm_exc +from . import interfaces +from . import loading +from . import persistence +from . import properties +from .base import _entity_descriptor +from .base import _generative +from .base import _is_aliased_class +from .base import _is_mapped_class +from .base import _orm_columns +from .base import InspectionAttr +from .path_registry import PathRegistry +from .util import _entity_corresponds_to +from .util import aliased +from .util import AliasedClass +from .util import join as orm_join +from .util import object_mapper +from .util import ORMAdapter +from .util import with_parent +from .. import exc as sa_exc +from .. import inspect +from .. import inspection +from .. import log +from .. import sql +from .. import util +from ..sql import expression +from ..sql import util as sql_util +from ..sql import visitors +from ..sql.base import ColumnCollection +from ..sql.expression import _interpret_as_from +from ..sql.selectable import ForUpdateArg + +__all__ = ["Query", "QueryContext", "aliased"] + + +_path_registry = PathRegistry.root + + +@inspection._self_inspects +@log.class_logger +class Query(object): + """ORM-level SQL construction object. + + :class:`.Query` is the source of all SELECT statements generated by the + ORM, both those formulated by end-user query operations as well as by + high level internal operations such as related collection loading. It + features a generative interface whereby successive calls return a new + :class:`.Query` object, a copy of the former with additional + criteria and options associated with it. + + :class:`.Query` objects are normally initially generated using the + :meth:`~.Session.query` method of :class:`.Session`, and in + less common cases by instantiating the :class:`.Query` directly and + associating with a :class:`.Session` using the :meth:`.Query.with_session` + method. + + For a full walkthrough of :class:`.Query` usage, see the + :ref:`ormtutorial_toplevel`. + + """ + + _only_return_tuples = False + _enable_eagerloads = True + _enable_assertions = True + _with_labels = False + _criterion = None + _yield_per = None + _order_by = False + _group_by = False + _having = None + _distinct = False + _prefixes = None + _suffixes = None + _offset = None + _limit = None + _for_update_arg = None + _statement = None + _correlate = frozenset() + _populate_existing = False + _invoke_all_eagers = True + _version_check = False + _autoflush = True + _only_load_props = None + _refresh_state = None + _refresh_identity_token = None + _from_obj = () + _join_entities = () + _select_from_entity = None + _mapper_adapter_map = {} + _filter_aliases = None + _from_obj_alias = None + _joinpath = _joinpoint = util.immutabledict() + _execution_options = util.immutabledict() + _params = util.immutabledict() + _attributes = util.immutabledict() + _with_options = () + _with_hints = () + _enable_single_crit = True + _orm_only_adapt = True + _orm_only_from_obj_alias = True + _current_path = _path_registry + _has_mapper_entities = False + + lazy_loaded_from = None + """An :class:`.InstanceState` that is using this :class:`.Query` for a + lazy load operation. + + This can be used for extensions like the horizontal sharding extension + as well as event handlers and custom mapper options to determine + when a query is being used to lazy load a relationship on an object. + + .. versionadded:: 1.2.9 + + """ + + def __init__(self, entities, session=None): + """Construct a :class:`.Query` directly. + + E.g.:: + + q = Query([User, Address], session=some_session) + + The above is equivalent to:: + + q = some_session.query(User, Address) + + :param entities: a sequence of entities and/or SQL expressions. + + :param session: a :class:`.Session` with which the :class:`.Query` + will be associated. Optional; a :class:`.Query` can be associated + with a :class:`.Session` generatively via the + :meth:`.Query.with_session` method as well. + + .. seealso:: + + :meth:`.Session.query` + + :meth:`.Query.with_session` + + """ + self.session = session + self._polymorphic_adapters = {} + self._set_entities(entities) + + def _set_entities(self, entities, entity_wrapper=None): + if entity_wrapper is None: + entity_wrapper = _QueryEntity + self._entities = [] + self._primary_entity = None + self._has_mapper_entities = False + + # 1. don't run util.to_list() or _set_entity_selectables + # if no entities were passed - major performance bottleneck + # from lazy loader implementation when it seeks to use Query + # class for an identity lookup, causes test_orm.py to fail + # with thousands of extra function calls, see issue #4228 + # for why this use had to be added + # 2. can't use classmethod on Query because session.query_cls + # is an arbitrary callable in some user recipes, not + # necessarily a class, so we don't have the class available. + # see issue #4256 + # 3. can't do "if entities is not None" because we usually get here + # from session.query() which takes in *entities. + # 4. can't do "if entities" because users make use of undocumented + # to_list() behavior here and they pass clause expressions that + # can't be evaluated as boolean. See issue #4269. + # 5. the empty tuple is a singleton in cPython, take advantage of this + # so that we can skip for the empty "*entities" case without using + # any Python overloadable operators. + # + if entities is not (): + for ent in util.to_list(entities): + entity_wrapper(self, ent) + + self._set_entity_selectables(self._entities) + + def _set_entity_selectables(self, entities): + self._mapper_adapter_map = d = self._mapper_adapter_map.copy() + + for ent in entities: + for entity in ent.entities: + if entity not in d: + ext_info = inspect(entity) + if ( + not ext_info.is_aliased_class + and ext_info.mapper.with_polymorphic + ): + if ( + ext_info.mapper.mapped_table + not in self._polymorphic_adapters + ): + self._mapper_loads_polymorphically_with( + ext_info.mapper, + sql_util.ColumnAdapter( + ext_info.selectable, + ext_info.mapper._equivalent_columns, + ), + ) + aliased_adapter = None + elif ext_info.is_aliased_class: + aliased_adapter = ext_info._adapter + else: + aliased_adapter = None + + d[entity] = (ext_info, aliased_adapter) + ent.setup_entity(*d[entity]) + + def _mapper_loads_polymorphically_with(self, mapper, adapter): + for m2 in mapper._with_polymorphic_mappers or [mapper]: + self._polymorphic_adapters[m2] = adapter + for m in m2.iterate_to_root(): + self._polymorphic_adapters[m.local_table] = adapter + + def _set_select_from(self, obj, set_base_alias): + fa = [] + select_from_alias = None + + for from_obj in obj: + info = inspect(from_obj) + if hasattr(info, "mapper") and ( + info.is_mapper or info.is_aliased_class + ): + self._select_from_entity = info + if set_base_alias and not info.is_aliased_class: + raise sa_exc.ArgumentError( + "A selectable (FromClause) instance is " + "expected when the base alias is being set." + ) + fa.append(info.selectable) + elif not info.is_selectable: + raise sa_exc.ArgumentError( + "argument is not a mapped class, mapper, " + "aliased(), or FromClause instance." + ) + else: + if isinstance(from_obj, expression.SelectBase): + from_obj = from_obj.alias() + if set_base_alias: + select_from_alias = from_obj + fa.append(from_obj) + + self._from_obj = tuple(fa) + + if ( + set_base_alias + and len(self._from_obj) == 1 + and isinstance(select_from_alias, expression.Alias) + ): + equivs = self.__all_equivs() + self._from_obj_alias = sql_util.ColumnAdapter( + self._from_obj[0], equivs + ) + elif ( + set_base_alias + and len(self._from_obj) == 1 + and hasattr(info, "mapper") + and info.is_aliased_class + ): + self._from_obj_alias = info._adapter + + def _reset_polymorphic_adapter(self, mapper): + for m2 in mapper._with_polymorphic_mappers: + self._polymorphic_adapters.pop(m2, None) + for m in m2.iterate_to_root(): + self._polymorphic_adapters.pop(m.local_table, None) + + def _adapt_polymorphic_element(self, element): + if "parententity" in element._annotations: + search = element._annotations["parententity"] + alias = self._polymorphic_adapters.get(search, None) + if alias: + return alias.adapt_clause(element) + + if isinstance(element, expression.FromClause): + search = element + elif hasattr(element, "table"): + search = element.table + else: + return None + + alias = self._polymorphic_adapters.get(search, None) + if alias: + return alias.adapt_clause(element) + + def _adapt_col_list(self, cols): + return [ + self._adapt_clause( + expression._literal_as_label_reference(o), True, True + ) + for o in cols + ] + + @_generative() + def _set_lazyload_from(self, state): + self.lazy_loaded_from = state + + @_generative() + def _adapt_all_clauses(self): + self._orm_only_adapt = False + + def _adapt_clause(self, clause, as_filter, orm_only): + """Adapt incoming clauses to transformations which + have been applied within this query.""" + + adapters = [] + # do we adapt all expression elements or only those + # tagged as 'ORM' constructs ? + if not self._orm_only_adapt: + orm_only = False + + if as_filter and self._filter_aliases: + for fa in self._filter_aliases._visitor_iterator: + adapters.append((orm_only, fa.replace)) + + if self._from_obj_alias: + # for the "from obj" alias, apply extra rule to the + # 'ORM only' check, if this query were generated from a + # subquery of itself, i.e. _from_selectable(), apply adaption + # to all SQL constructs. + adapters.append( + ( + orm_only if self._orm_only_from_obj_alias else False, + self._from_obj_alias.replace, + ) + ) + + if self._polymorphic_adapters: + adapters.append((orm_only, self._adapt_polymorphic_element)) + + if not adapters: + return clause + + def replace(elem): + for _orm_only, adapter in adapters: + # if 'orm only', look for ORM annotations + # in the element before adapting. + if ( + not _orm_only + or "_orm_adapt" in elem._annotations + or "parententity" in elem._annotations + ): + + e = adapter(elem) + if e is not None: + return e + + return visitors.replacement_traverse(clause, {}, replace) + + def _query_entity_zero(self): + """Return the first QueryEntity.""" + return self._entities[0] + + def _mapper_zero(self): + """return the Mapper associated with the first QueryEntity.""" + return self._entities[0].mapper + + def _entity_zero(self): + """Return the 'entity' (mapper or AliasedClass) associated + with the first QueryEntity, or alternatively the 'select from' + entity if specified.""" + + return ( + self._select_from_entity + if self._select_from_entity is not None + else self._query_entity_zero().entity_zero + ) + + @property + def _mapper_entities(self): + for ent in self._entities: + if isinstance(ent, _MapperEntity): + yield ent + + def _joinpoint_zero(self): + return self._joinpoint.get("_joinpoint_entity", self._entity_zero()) + + def _bind_mapper(self): + ezero = self._entity_zero() + if ezero is not None: + insp = inspect(ezero) + if not insp.is_clause_element: + return insp.mapper + + return None + + def _only_full_mapper_zero(self, methname): + if self._entities != [self._primary_entity]: + raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError( + "%s() can only be used against " + "a single mapped class." % methname + ) + return self._primary_entity.entity_zero + + def _only_entity_zero(self, rationale=None): + if len(self._entities) > 1: + raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError( + rationale + or "This operation requires a Query " + "against a single mapper." + ) + return self._entity_zero() + + def __all_equivs(self): + equivs = {} + for ent in self._mapper_entities: + equivs.update(ent.mapper._equivalent_columns) + return equivs + + def _get_condition(self): + return self._no_criterion_condition( + "get", order_by=False, distinct=False + ) + + def _get_existing_condition(self): + self._no_criterion_assertion("get", order_by=False, distinct=False) + + def _no_criterion_assertion(self, meth, order_by=True, distinct=True): + if not self._enable_assertions: + return + if ( + self._criterion is not None + or self._statement is not None + or self._from_obj + or self._limit is not None + or self._offset is not None + or self._group_by + or (order_by and self._order_by) + or (distinct and self._distinct) + ): + raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError( + "Query.%s() being called on a " + "Query with existing criterion. " % meth + ) + + def _no_criterion_condition(self, meth, order_by=True, distinct=True): + self._no_criterion_assertion(meth, order_by, distinct) + + self._from_obj = () + self._statement = self._criterion = None + self._order_by = self._group_by = self._distinct = False + + def _no_clauseelement_condition(self, meth): + if not self._enable_assertions: + return + if self._order_by: + raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError( + "Query.%s() being called on a " + "Query with existing criterion. " % meth + ) + self._no_criterion_condition(meth) + + def _no_statement_condition(self, meth): + if not self._enable_assertions: + return + if self._statement is not None: + raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError( + ( + "Query.%s() being called on a Query with an existing full " + "statement - can't apply criterion." + ) + % meth + ) + + def _no_limit_offset(self, meth): + if not self._enable_assertions: + return + if self._limit is not None or self._offset is not None: + raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError( + "Query.%s() being called on a Query which already has LIMIT " + "or OFFSET applied. To modify the row-limited results of a " + " Query, call from_self() first. " + "Otherwise, call %s() before limit() or offset() " + "are applied." % (meth, meth) + ) + + def _get_options( + self, + populate_existing=None, + version_check=None, + only_load_props=None, + refresh_state=None, + identity_token=None, + ): + if populate_existing: + self._populate_existing = populate_existing + if version_check: + self._version_check = version_check + if refresh_state: + self._refresh_state = refresh_state + if only_load_props: + self._only_load_props = set(only_load_props) + if identity_token: + self._refresh_identity_token = identity_token + return self + + def _clone(self): + cls = self.__class__ + q = cls.__new__(cls) + q.__dict__ = self.__dict__.copy() + return q + + @property + def statement(self): + """The full SELECT statement represented by this Query. + + The statement by default will not have disambiguating labels + applied to the construct unless with_labels(True) is called + first. + + """ + + stmt = self._compile_context(labels=self._with_labels).statement + if self._params: + stmt = stmt.params(self._params) + + # TODO: there's no tests covering effects of + # the annotation not being there + return stmt._annotate({"no_replacement_traverse": True}) + + def subquery(self, name=None, with_labels=False, reduce_columns=False): + """return the full SELECT statement represented by + this :class:`.Query`, embedded within an :class:`.Alias`. + + Eager JOIN generation within the query is disabled. + + :param name: string name to be assigned as the alias; + this is passed through to :meth:`.FromClause.alias`. + If ``None``, a name will be deterministically generated + at compile time. + + :param with_labels: if True, :meth:`.with_labels` will be called + on the :class:`.Query` first to apply table-qualified labels + to all columns. + + :param reduce_columns: if True, :meth:`.Select.reduce_columns` will + be called on the resulting :func:`.select` construct, + to remove same-named columns where one also refers to the other + via foreign key or WHERE clause equivalence. + + .. versionchanged:: 0.8 the ``with_labels`` and ``reduce_columns`` + keyword arguments were added. + + """ + q = self.enable_eagerloads(False) + if with_labels: + q = q.with_labels() + q = q.statement + + if reduce_columns: + q = q.reduce_columns() + return q.alias(name=name) + + def cte(self, name=None, recursive=False): + r"""Return the full SELECT statement represented by this + :class:`.Query` represented as a common table expression (CTE). + + Parameters and usage are the same as those of the + :meth:`.SelectBase.cte` method; see that method for + further details. + + Here is the `PostgreSQL WITH + RECURSIVE example + `_. + Note that, in this example, the ``included_parts`` cte and the + ``incl_alias`` alias of it are Core selectables, which + means the columns are accessed via the ``.c.`` attribute. The + ``parts_alias`` object is an :func:`.orm.aliased` instance of the + ``Part`` entity, so column-mapped attributes are available + directly:: + + from sqlalchemy.orm import aliased + + class Part(Base): + __tablename__ = 'part' + part = Column(String, primary_key=True) + sub_part = Column(String, primary_key=True) + quantity = Column(Integer) + + included_parts = session.query( + Part.sub_part, + Part.part, + Part.quantity).\ + filter(Part.part=="our part").\ + cte(name="included_parts", recursive=True) + + incl_alias = aliased(included_parts, name="pr") + parts_alias = aliased(Part, name="p") + included_parts = included_parts.union_all( + session.query( + parts_alias.sub_part, + parts_alias.part, + parts_alias.quantity).\ + filter(parts_alias.part==incl_alias.c.sub_part) + ) + + q = session.query( + included_parts.c.sub_part, + func.sum(included_parts.c.quantity). + label('total_quantity') + ).\ + group_by(included_parts.c.sub_part) + + .. seealso:: + + :meth:`.HasCTE.cte` + + """ + return self.enable_eagerloads(False).statement.cte( + name=name, recursive=recursive + ) + + def label(self, name): + """Return the full SELECT statement represented by this + :class:`.Query`, converted + to a scalar subquery with a label of the given name. + + Analogous to :meth:`sqlalchemy.sql.expression.SelectBase.label`. + + .. versionadded:: 0.6.5 + + """ + + return self.enable_eagerloads(False).statement.label(name) + + def as_scalar(self): + """Return the full SELECT statement represented by this + :class:`.Query`, converted to a scalar subquery. + + Analogous to :meth:`sqlalchemy.sql.expression.SelectBase.as_scalar`. + + .. versionadded:: 0.6.5 + + """ + + return self.enable_eagerloads(False).statement.as_scalar() + + @property + def selectable(self): + """Return the :class:`.Select` object emitted by this :class:`.Query`. + + Used for :func:`.inspect` compatibility, this is equivalent to:: + + query.enable_eagerloads(False).with_labels().statement + + """ + return self.__clause_element__() + + def __clause_element__(self): + return self.enable_eagerloads(False).with_labels().statement + + @_generative() + def only_return_tuples(self, value): + """When set to True, the query results will always be a tuple, + specifically for single element queries. The default is False. + + . .. versionadded:: 1.2.5 + + """ + self._only_return_tuples = value + + @_generative() + def enable_eagerloads(self, value): + """Control whether or not eager joins and subqueries are + rendered. + + When set to False, the returned Query will not render + eager joins regardless of :func:`~sqlalchemy.orm.joinedload`, + :func:`~sqlalchemy.orm.subqueryload` options + or mapper-level ``lazy='joined'``/``lazy='subquery'`` + configurations. + + This is used primarily when nesting the Query's + statement into a subquery or other + selectable, or when using :meth:`.Query.yield_per`. + + """ + self._enable_eagerloads = value + + def _no_yield_per(self, message): + raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError( + "The yield_per Query option is currently not " + "compatible with %s eager loading. Please " + "specify lazyload('*') or query.enable_eagerloads(False) in " + "order to " + "proceed with query.yield_per()." % message + ) + + @_generative() + def with_labels(self): + """Apply column labels to the return value of Query.statement. + + Indicates that this Query's `statement` accessor should return + a SELECT statement that applies labels to all columns in the + form _; this is commonly used to + disambiguate columns from multiple tables which have the same + name. + + When the `Query` actually issues SQL to load rows, it always + uses column labeling. + + .. note:: The :meth:`.Query.with_labels` method *only* applies + the output of :attr:`.Query.statement`, and *not* to any of + the result-row invoking systems of :class:`.Query` itself, e.g. + :meth:`.Query.first`, :meth:`.Query.all`, etc. To execute + a query using :meth:`.Query.with_labels`, invoke the + :attr:`.Query.statement` using :meth:`.Session.execute`:: + + result = session.execute(query.with_labels().statement) + + + """ + self._with_labels = True + + @_generative() + def enable_assertions(self, value): + """Control whether assertions are generated. + + When set to False, the returned Query will + not assert its state before certain operations, + including that LIMIT/OFFSET has not been applied + when filter() is called, no criterion exists + when get() is called, and no "from_statement()" + exists when filter()/order_by()/group_by() etc. + is called. This more permissive mode is used by + custom Query subclasses to specify criterion or + other modifiers outside of the usual usage patterns. + + Care should be taken to ensure that the usage + pattern is even possible. A statement applied + by from_statement() will override any criterion + set by filter() or order_by(), for example. + + """ + self._enable_assertions = value + + @property + def whereclause(self): + """A readonly attribute which returns the current WHERE criterion for + this Query. + + This returned value is a SQL expression construct, or ``None`` if no + criterion has been established. + + """ + return self._criterion + + @_generative() + def _with_current_path(self, path): + """indicate that this query applies to objects loaded + within a certain path. + + Used by deferred loaders (see strategies.py) which transfer + query options from an originating query to a newly generated + query intended for the deferred load. + + """ + self._current_path = path + + @_generative(_no_clauseelement_condition) + def with_polymorphic( + self, cls_or_mappers, selectable=None, polymorphic_on=None + ): + """Load columns for inheriting classes. + + :meth:`.Query.with_polymorphic` applies transformations + to the "main" mapped class represented by this :class:`.Query`. + The "main" mapped class here means the :class:`.Query` + object's first argument is a full class, i.e. + ``session.query(SomeClass)``. These transformations allow additional + tables to be present in the FROM clause so that columns for a + joined-inheritance subclass are available in the query, both for the + purposes of load-time efficiency as well as the ability to use + these columns at query time. + + See the documentation section :ref:`with_polymorphic` for + details on how this method is used. + + .. versionchanged:: 0.8 + A new and more flexible function + :func:`.orm.with_polymorphic` supersedes + :meth:`.Query.with_polymorphic`, as it can apply the equivalent + functionality to any set of columns or classes in the + :class:`.Query`, not just the "zero mapper". See that + function for a description of arguments. + + """ + + if not self._primary_entity: + raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError( + "No primary mapper set up for this Query." + ) + entity = self._entities[0]._clone() + self._entities = [entity] + self._entities[1:] + entity.set_with_polymorphic( + self, + cls_or_mappers, + selectable=selectable, + polymorphic_on=polymorphic_on, + ) + + @_generative() + def yield_per(self, count): + r"""Yield only ``count`` rows at a time. + + The purpose of this method is when fetching very large result sets + (> 10K rows), to batch results in sub-collections and yield them + out partially, so that the Python interpreter doesn't need to declare + very large areas of memory which is both time consuming and leads + to excessive memory use. The performance from fetching hundreds of + thousands of rows can often double when a suitable yield-per setting + (e.g. approximately 1000) is used, even with DBAPIs that buffer + rows (which are most). + + The :meth:`.Query.yield_per` method **is not compatible + subqueryload eager loading or joinedload eager loading when + using collections**. It is potentially compatible with "select in" + eager loading, **provided the databse driver supports multiple, + independent cursors** (pysqlite and psycopg2 are known to work, + MySQL and SQL Server ODBC drivers do not). + + Therefore in some cases, it may be helpful to disable + eager loads, either unconditionally with + :meth:`.Query.enable_eagerloads`:: + + q = sess.query(Object).yield_per(100).enable_eagerloads(False) + + Or more selectively using :func:`.lazyload`; such as with + an asterisk to specify the default loader scheme:: + + q = sess.query(Object).yield_per(100).\ + options(lazyload('*'), joinedload(Object.some_related)) + + .. warning:: + + Use this method with caution; if the same instance is + present in more than one batch of rows, end-user changes + to attributes will be overwritten. + + In particular, it's usually impossible to use this setting + with eagerly loaded collections (i.e. any lazy='joined' or + 'subquery') since those collections will be cleared for a + new load when encountered in a subsequent result batch. + In the case of 'subquery' loading, the full result for all + rows is fetched which generally defeats the purpose of + :meth:`~sqlalchemy.orm.query.Query.yield_per`. + + Also note that while + :meth:`~sqlalchemy.orm.query.Query.yield_per` will set the + ``stream_results`` execution option to True, currently + this is only understood by + :mod:`~sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql.psycopg2`, + :mod:`~sqlalchemy.dialects.mysql.mysqldb` and + :mod:`~sqlalchemy.dialects.mysql.pymysql` dialects + which will stream results using server side cursors + instead of pre-buffer all rows for this query. Other + DBAPIs **pre-buffer all rows** before making them + available. The memory use of raw database rows is much less + than that of an ORM-mapped object, but should still be taken into + consideration when benchmarking. + + .. seealso:: + + :meth:`.Query.enable_eagerloads` + + """ + self._yield_per = count + self._execution_options = self._execution_options.union( + {"stream_results": True, "max_row_buffer": count} + ) + + def get(self, ident): + """Return an instance based on the given primary key identifier, + or ``None`` if not found. + + E.g.:: + + my_user = session.query(User).get(5) + + some_object = session.query(VersionedFoo).get((5, 10)) + + :meth:`~.Query.get` is special in that it provides direct + access to the identity map of the owning :class:`.Session`. + If the given primary key identifier is present + in the local identity map, the object is returned + directly from this collection and no SQL is emitted, + unless the object has been marked fully expired. + If not present, + a SELECT is performed in order to locate the object. + + :meth:`~.Query.get` also will perform a check if + the object is present in the identity map and + marked as expired - a SELECT + is emitted to refresh the object as well as to + ensure that the row is still present. + If not, :class:`~sqlalchemy.orm.exc.ObjectDeletedError` is raised. + + :meth:`~.Query.get` is only used to return a single + mapped instance, not multiple instances or + individual column constructs, and strictly + on a single primary key value. The originating + :class:`.Query` must be constructed in this way, + i.e. against a single mapped entity, + with no additional filtering criterion. Loading + options via :meth:`~.Query.options` may be applied + however, and will be used if the object is not + yet locally present. + + A lazy-loading, many-to-one attribute configured + by :func:`.relationship`, using a simple + foreign-key-to-primary-key criterion, will also use an + operation equivalent to :meth:`~.Query.get` in order to retrieve + the target value from the local identity map + before querying the database. See :doc:`/orm/loading_relationships` + for further details on relationship loading. + + :param ident: A scalar or tuple value representing + the primary key. For a composite primary key, + the order of identifiers corresponds in most cases + to that of the mapped :class:`.Table` object's + primary key columns. For a :func:`.mapper` that + was given the ``primary key`` argument during + construction, the order of identifiers corresponds + to the elements present in this collection. + + :return: The object instance, or ``None``. + + """ + return self._get_impl(ident, loading.load_on_pk_identity) + + def _identity_lookup( + self, + mapper, + primary_key_identity, + identity_token=None, + passive=attributes.PASSIVE_OFF, + lazy_loaded_from=None, + ): + """Locate an object in the identity map. + + Given a primary key identity, constructs an identity key and then + looks in the session's identity map. If present, the object may + be run through unexpiration rules (e.g. load unloaded attributes, + check if was deleted). + + For performance reasons, while the :class:`.Query` must be + instantiated, it may be instantiated with no entities, and the + mapper is passed:: + + obj = session.query()._identity_lookup(inspect(SomeClass), (1, )) + + :param mapper: mapper in use + :param primary_key_identity: the primary key we are searching for, as + a tuple. + :param identity_token: identity token that should be used to create + the identity key. Used as is, however overriding subclasses can + repurpose this in order to interpret the value in a special way, + such as if None then look among multple target tokens. + :param passive: passive load flag passed to + :func:`.loading.get_from_identity`, which impacts the behavior if + the object is found; the object may be validated and/or unexpired + if the flag allows for SQL to be emitted. + :param lazy_loaded_from: an :class:`.InstanceState` that is + specifically asking for this identity as a related identity. Used + for sharding schemes where there is a correspondence between an object + and a related object being lazy-loaded (or otherwise + relationship-loaded). + + .. versionadded:: 1.2.9 + + :return: None if the object is not found in the identity map, *or* + if the object was unexpired and found to have been deleted. + if passive flags disallow SQL and the object is expired, returns + PASSIVE_NO_RESULT. In all other cases the instance is returned. + + .. versionadded:: 1.2.7 + + """ + + key = mapper.identity_key_from_primary_key( + primary_key_identity, identity_token=identity_token + ) + return loading.get_from_identity(self.session, key, passive) + + def _get_impl(self, primary_key_identity, db_load_fn, identity_token=None): + # convert composite types to individual args + if hasattr(primary_key_identity, "__composite_values__"): + primary_key_identity = primary_key_identity.__composite_values__() + + primary_key_identity = util.to_list(primary_key_identity) + + mapper = self._only_full_mapper_zero("get") + + if len(primary_key_identity) != len(mapper.primary_key): + raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError( + "Incorrect number of values in identifier to formulate " + "primary key for query.get(); primary key columns are %s" + % ",".join("'%s'" % c for c in mapper.primary_key) + ) + + if ( + not self._populate_existing + and not mapper.always_refresh + and self._for_update_arg is None + ): + + instance = self._identity_lookup( + mapper, primary_key_identity, identity_token=identity_token + ) + + if instance is not None: + self._get_existing_condition() + # reject calls for id in identity map but class + # mismatch. + if not issubclass(instance.__class__, mapper.class_): + return None + return instance + + return db_load_fn(self, primary_key_identity) + + @_generative() + def correlate(self, *args): + """Return a :class:`.Query` construct which will correlate the given + FROM clauses to that of an enclosing :class:`.Query` or + :func:`~.expression.select`. + + The method here accepts mapped classes, :func:`.aliased` constructs, + and :func:`.mapper` constructs as arguments, which are resolved into + expression constructs, in addition to appropriate expression + constructs. + + The correlation arguments are ultimately passed to + :meth:`.Select.correlate` after coercion to expression constructs. + + The correlation arguments take effect in such cases + as when :meth:`.Query.from_self` is used, or when + a subquery as returned by :meth:`.Query.subquery` is + embedded in another :func:`~.expression.select` construct. + + """ + + for s in args: + if s is None: + self._correlate = self._correlate.union([None]) + else: + self._correlate = self._correlate.union( + sql_util.surface_selectables(_interpret_as_from(s)) + ) + + @_generative() + def autoflush(self, setting): + """Return a Query with a specific 'autoflush' setting. + + Note that a Session with autoflush=False will + not autoflush, even if this flag is set to True at the + Query level. Therefore this flag is usually used only + to disable autoflush for a specific Query. + + """ + self._autoflush = setting + + @_generative() + def populate_existing(self): + """Return a :class:`.Query` that will expire and refresh all instances + as they are loaded, or reused from the current :class:`.Session`. + + :meth:`.populate_existing` does not improve behavior when + the ORM is used normally - the :class:`.Session` object's usual + behavior of maintaining a transaction and expiring all attributes + after rollback or commit handles object state automatically. + This method is not intended for general use. + + """ + self._populate_existing = True + + @_generative() + def _with_invoke_all_eagers(self, value): + """Set the 'invoke all eagers' flag which causes joined- and + subquery loaders to traverse into already-loaded related objects + and collections. + + Default is that of :attr:`.Query._invoke_all_eagers`. + + """ + self._invoke_all_eagers = value + + def with_parent(self, instance, property=None, from_entity=None): # noqa + """Add filtering criterion that relates the given instance + to a child object or collection, using its attribute state + as well as an established :func:`.relationship()` + configuration. + + The method uses the :func:`.with_parent` function to generate + the clause, the result of which is passed to :meth:`.Query.filter`. + + Parameters are the same as :func:`.with_parent`, with the exception + that the given property can be None, in which case a search is + performed against this :class:`.Query` object's target mapper. + + :param instance: + An instance which has some :func:`.relationship`. + + :param property: + String property name, or class-bound attribute, which indicates + what relationship from the instance should be used to reconcile the + parent/child relationship. + + :param from_entity: + Entity in which to consider as the left side. This defaults to the + "zero" entity of the :class:`.Query` itself. + + """ + + if from_entity: + entity_zero = inspect(from_entity) + else: + entity_zero = self._entity_zero() + if property is None: + + mapper = object_mapper(instance) + + for prop in mapper.iterate_properties: + if ( + isinstance(prop, properties.RelationshipProperty) + and prop.mapper is entity_zero.mapper + ): + property = prop # noqa + break + else: + raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError( + "Could not locate a property which relates instances " + "of class '%s' to instances of class '%s'" + % ( + entity_zero.mapper.class_.__name__, + instance.__class__.__name__, + ) + ) + + return self.filter(with_parent(instance, property, entity_zero.entity)) + + @_generative() + def add_entity(self, entity, alias=None): + """add a mapped entity to the list of result columns + to be returned.""" + + if alias is not None: + entity = aliased(entity, alias) + + self._entities = list(self._entities) + m = _MapperEntity(self, entity) + self._set_entity_selectables([m]) + + @_generative() + def with_session(self, session): + """Return a :class:`.Query` that will use the given :class:`.Session`. + + While the :class:`.Query` object is normally instantiated using the + :meth:`.Session.query` method, it is legal to build the :class:`.Query` + directly without necessarily using a :class:`.Session`. Such a + :class:`.Query` object, or any :class:`.Query` already associated + with a different :class:`.Session`, can produce a new :class:`.Query` + object associated with a target session using this method:: + + from sqlalchemy.orm import Query + + query = Query([MyClass]).filter(MyClass.id == 5) + + result = query.with_session(my_session).one() + + """ + + self.session = session + + def from_self(self, *entities): + r"""return a Query that selects from this Query's + SELECT statement. + + :meth:`.Query.from_self` essentially turns the SELECT statement + into a SELECT of itself. Given a query such as:: + + q = session.query(User).filter(User.name.like('e%')) + + Given the :meth:`.Query.from_self` version:: + + q = session.query(User).filter(User.name.like('e%')).from_self() + + This query renders as: + + .. sourcecode:: sql + + SELECT anon_1.user_id AS anon_1_user_id, + anon_1.user_name AS anon_1_user_name + FROM (SELECT "user".id AS user_id, "user".name AS user_name + FROM "user" + WHERE "user".name LIKE :name_1) AS anon_1 + + There are lots of cases where :meth:`.Query.from_self` may be useful. + A simple one is where above, we may want to apply a row LIMIT to + the set of user objects we query against, and then apply additional + joins against that row-limited set:: + + q = session.query(User).filter(User.name.like('e%')).\ + limit(5).from_self().\ + join(User.addresses).filter(Address.email.like('q%')) + + The above query joins to the ``Address`` entity but only against the + first five results of the ``User`` query: + + .. sourcecode:: sql + + SELECT anon_1.user_id AS anon_1_user_id, + anon_1.user_name AS anon_1_user_name + FROM (SELECT "user".id AS user_id, "user".name AS user_name + FROM "user" + WHERE "user".name LIKE :name_1 + LIMIT :param_1) AS anon_1 + JOIN address ON anon_1.user_id = address.user_id + WHERE address.email LIKE :email_1 + + **Automatic Aliasing** + + Another key behavior of :meth:`.Query.from_self` is that it applies + **automatic aliasing** to the entities inside the subquery, when + they are referenced on the outside. Above, if we continue to + refer to the ``User`` entity without any additional aliasing applied + to it, those references wil be in terms of the subquery:: + + q = session.query(User).filter(User.name.like('e%')).\ + limit(5).from_self().\ + join(User.addresses).filter(Address.email.like('q%')).\ + order_by(User.name) + + The ORDER BY against ``User.name`` is aliased to be in terms of the + inner subquery: + + .. sourcecode:: sql + + SELECT anon_1.user_id AS anon_1_user_id, + anon_1.user_name AS anon_1_user_name + FROM (SELECT "user".id AS user_id, "user".name AS user_name + FROM "user" + WHERE "user".name LIKE :name_1 + LIMIT :param_1) AS anon_1 + JOIN address ON anon_1.user_id = address.user_id + WHERE address.email LIKE :email_1 ORDER BY anon_1.user_name + + The automatic aliasing feature only works in a **limited** way, + for simple filters and orderings. More ambitious constructions + such as referring to the entity in joins should prefer to use + explicit subquery objects, typically making use of the + :meth:`.Query.subquery` method to produce an explicit subquery object. + Always test the structure of queries by viewing the SQL to ensure + a particular structure does what's expected! + + **Changing the Entities** + + :meth:`.Query.from_self` also includes the ability to modify what + columns are being queried. In our example, we want ``User.id`` + to be queried by the inner query, so that we can join to the + ``Address`` entity on the outside, but we only wanted the outer + query to return the ``Address.email`` column:: + + q = session.query(User).filter(User.name.like('e%')).\ + limit(5).from_self(Address.email).\ + join(User.addresses).filter(Address.email.like('q%')) + + yielding: + + .. sourcecode:: sql + + SELECT address.email AS address_email + FROM (SELECT "user".id AS user_id, "user".name AS user_name + FROM "user" + WHERE "user".name LIKE :name_1 + LIMIT :param_1) AS anon_1 + JOIN address ON anon_1.user_id = address.user_id + WHERE address.email LIKE :email_1 + + **Looking out for Inner / Outer Columns** + + Keep in mind that when referring to columns that originate from + inside the subquery, we need to ensure they are present in the + columns clause of the subquery itself; this is an ordinary aspect of + SQL. For example, if we wanted to load from a joined entity inside + the subquery using :func:`.contains_eager`, we need to add those + columns. Below illustrates a join of ``Address`` to ``User``, + then a subquery, and then we'd like :func:`.contains_eager` to access + the ``User`` columns:: + + q = session.query(Address).join(Address.user).\ + filter(User.name.like('e%')) + + q = q.add_entity(User).from_self().\ + options(contains_eager(Address.user)) + + We use :meth:`.Query.add_entity` above **before** we call + :meth:`.Query.from_self` so that the ``User`` columns are present + in the inner subquery, so that they are available to the + :func:`.contains_eager` modifier we are using on the outside, + producing: + + .. sourcecode:: sql + + SELECT anon_1.address_id AS anon_1_address_id, + anon_1.address_email AS anon_1_address_email, + anon_1.address_user_id AS anon_1_address_user_id, + anon_1.user_id AS anon_1_user_id, + anon_1.user_name AS anon_1_user_name + FROM ( + SELECT address.id AS address_id, + address.email AS address_email, + address.user_id AS address_user_id, + "user".id AS user_id, + "user".name AS user_name + FROM address JOIN "user" ON "user".id = address.user_id + WHERE "user".name LIKE :name_1) AS anon_1 + + If we didn't call ``add_entity(User)``, but still asked + :func:`.contains_eager` to load the ``User`` entity, it would be + forced to add the table on the outside without the correct + join criteria - note the ``anon1, "user"`` phrase at + the end: + + .. sourcecode:: sql + + -- incorrect query + SELECT anon_1.address_id AS anon_1_address_id, + anon_1.address_email AS anon_1_address_email, + anon_1.address_user_id AS anon_1_address_user_id, + "user".id AS user_id, + "user".name AS user_name + FROM ( + SELECT address.id AS address_id, + address.email AS address_email, + address.user_id AS address_user_id + FROM address JOIN "user" ON "user".id = address.user_id + WHERE "user".name LIKE :name_1) AS anon_1, "user" + + :param \*entities: optional list of entities which will replace + those being selected. + + """ + fromclause = ( + self.with_labels() + .enable_eagerloads(False) + .statement.correlate(None) + ) + q = self._from_selectable(fromclause) + q._enable_single_crit = False + q._select_from_entity = self._entity_zero() + if entities: + q._set_entities(entities) + return q + + @_generative() + def _set_enable_single_crit(self, val): + self._enable_single_crit = val + + @_generative() + def _from_selectable(self, fromclause): + for attr in ( + "_statement", + "_criterion", + "_order_by", + "_group_by", + "_limit", + "_offset", + "_joinpath", + "_joinpoint", + "_distinct", + "_having", + "_prefixes", + "_suffixes", + ): + self.__dict__.pop(attr, None) + self._set_select_from([fromclause], True) + + # this enables clause adaptation for non-ORM + # expressions. + self._orm_only_from_obj_alias = False + + old_entities = self._entities + self._entities = [] + for e in old_entities: + e.adapt_to_selectable(self, self._from_obj[0]) + + def values(self, *columns): + """Return an iterator yielding result tuples corresponding + to the given list of columns""" + + if not columns: + return iter(()) + q = self._clone() + q._set_entities(columns, entity_wrapper=_ColumnEntity) + if not q._yield_per: + q._yield_per = 10 + return iter(q) + + _values = values + + def value(self, column): + """Return a scalar result corresponding to the given + column expression.""" + try: + return next(self.values(column))[0] + except StopIteration: + return None + + @_generative() + def with_entities(self, *entities): + r"""Return a new :class:`.Query` replacing the SELECT list with the + given entities. + + e.g.:: + + # Users, filtered on some arbitrary criterion + # and then ordered by related email address + q = session.query(User).\ + join(User.address).\ + filter(User.name.like('%ed%')).\ + order_by(Address.email) + + # given *only* User.id==5, Address.email, and 'q', what + # would the *next* User in the result be ? + subq = q.with_entities(Address.email).\ + order_by(None).\ + filter(User.id==5).\ + subquery() + q = q.join((subq, subq.c.email < Address.email)).\ + limit(1) + + .. versionadded:: 0.6.5 + + """ + self._set_entities(entities) + + @_generative() + def add_columns(self, *column): + """Add one or more column expressions to the list + of result columns to be returned.""" + + self._entities = list(self._entities) + l = len(self._entities) + for c in column: + _ColumnEntity(self, c) + # _ColumnEntity may add many entities if the + # given arg is a FROM clause + self._set_entity_selectables(self._entities[l:]) + + @util.pending_deprecation( + "0.7", + ":meth:`.add_column` is superseded " "by :meth:`.add_columns`", + False, + ) + def add_column(self, column): + """Add a column expression to the list of result columns to be + returned. + + Pending deprecation: :meth:`.add_column` will be superseded by + :meth:`.add_columns`. + + """ + return self.add_columns(column) + + def options(self, *args): + """Return a new Query object, applying the given list of + mapper options. + + Most supplied options regard changing how column- and + relationship-mapped attributes are loaded. See the sections + :ref:`deferred` and :doc:`/orm/loading_relationships` for reference + documentation. + + """ + return self._options(False, *args) + + def _conditional_options(self, *args): + return self._options(True, *args) + + @_generative() + def _options(self, conditional, *args): + # most MapperOptions write to the '_attributes' dictionary, + # so copy that as well + self._attributes = self._attributes.copy() + if "_unbound_load_dedupes" not in self._attributes: + self._attributes["_unbound_load_dedupes"] = set() + opts = tuple(util.flatten_iterator(args)) + self._with_options = self._with_options + opts + if conditional: + for opt in opts: + opt.process_query_conditionally(self) + else: + for opt in opts: + opt.process_query(self) + + def with_transformation(self, fn): + """Return a new :class:`.Query` object transformed by + the given function. + + E.g.:: + + def filter_something(criterion): + def transform(q): + return q.filter(criterion) + return transform + + q = q.with_transformation(filter_something(x==5)) + + This allows ad-hoc recipes to be created for :class:`.Query` + objects. See the example at :ref:`hybrid_transformers`. + + .. versionadded:: 0.7.4 + + """ + return fn(self) + + @_generative() + def with_hint(self, selectable, text, dialect_name="*"): + """Add an indexing or other executional context + hint for the given entity or selectable to + this :class:`.Query`. + + Functionality is passed straight through to + :meth:`~sqlalchemy.sql.expression.Select.with_hint`, + with the addition that ``selectable`` can be a + :class:`.Table`, :class:`.Alias`, or ORM entity / mapped class + /etc. + + .. seealso:: + + :meth:`.Query.with_statement_hint` + + """ + if selectable is not None: + selectable = inspect(selectable).selectable + + self._with_hints += ((selectable, text, dialect_name),) + + def with_statement_hint(self, text, dialect_name="*"): + """add a statement hint to this :class:`.Select`. + + This method is similar to :meth:`.Select.with_hint` except that + it does not require an individual table, and instead applies to the + statement as a whole. + + This feature calls down into :meth:`.Select.with_statement_hint`. + + .. versionadded:: 1.0.0 + + .. seealso:: + + :meth:`.Query.with_hint` + + """ + return self.with_hint(None, text, dialect_name) + + @_generative() + def execution_options(self, **kwargs): + """ Set non-SQL options which take effect during execution. + + The options are the same as those accepted by + :meth:`.Connection.execution_options`. + + Note that the ``stream_results`` execution option is enabled + automatically if the :meth:`~sqlalchemy.orm.query.Query.yield_per()` + method is used. + + """ + self._execution_options = self._execution_options.union(kwargs) + + @_generative() + def with_lockmode(self, mode): + """Return a new :class:`.Query` object with the specified "locking mode", + which essentially refers to the ``FOR UPDATE`` clause. + + .. deprecated:: 0.9.0 superseded by :meth:`.Query.with_for_update`. + + :param mode: a string representing the desired locking mode. + Valid values are: + + * ``None`` - translates to no lockmode + + * ``'update'`` - translates to ``FOR UPDATE`` + (standard SQL, supported by most dialects) + + * ``'update_nowait'`` - translates to ``FOR UPDATE NOWAIT`` + (supported by Oracle, PostgreSQL 8.1 upwards) + + * ``'read'`` - translates to ``LOCK IN SHARE MODE`` (for MySQL), + and ``FOR SHARE`` (for PostgreSQL) + + .. seealso:: + + :meth:`.Query.with_for_update` - improved API for + specifying the ``FOR UPDATE`` clause. + + """ + self._for_update_arg = LockmodeArg.parse_legacy_query(mode) + + @_generative() + def with_for_update( + self, + read=False, + nowait=False, + of=None, + skip_locked=False, + key_share=False, + ): + """return a new :class:`.Query` with the specified options for the + ``FOR UPDATE`` clause. + + The behavior of this method is identical to that of + :meth:`.SelectBase.with_for_update`. When called with no arguments, + the resulting ``SELECT`` statement will have a ``FOR UPDATE`` clause + appended. When additional arguments are specified, backend-specific + options such as ``FOR UPDATE NOWAIT`` or ``LOCK IN SHARE MODE`` + can take effect. + + E.g.:: + + q = sess.query(User).with_for_update(nowait=True, of=User) + + The above query on a PostgreSQL backend will render like:: + + SELECT users.id AS users_id FROM users FOR UPDATE OF users NOWAIT + + .. versionadded:: 0.9.0 :meth:`.Query.with_for_update` supersedes + the :meth:`.Query.with_lockmode` method. + + .. seealso:: + + :meth:`.GenerativeSelect.with_for_update` - Core level method with + full argument and behavioral description. + + """ + self._for_update_arg = LockmodeArg( + read=read, + nowait=nowait, + of=of, + skip_locked=skip_locked, + key_share=key_share, + ) + + @_generative() + def params(self, *args, **kwargs): + r"""add values for bind parameters which may have been + specified in filter(). + + parameters may be specified using \**kwargs, or optionally a single + dictionary as the first positional argument. The reason for both is + that \**kwargs is convenient, however some parameter dictionaries + contain unicode keys in which case \**kwargs cannot be used. + + """ + if len(args) == 1: + kwargs.update(args[0]) + elif len(args) > 0: + raise sa_exc.ArgumentError( + "params() takes zero or one positional argument, " + "which is a dictionary." + ) + self._params = self._params.copy() + self._params.update(kwargs) + + @_generative(_no_statement_condition, _no_limit_offset) + def filter(self, *criterion): + r"""apply the given filtering criterion to a copy + of this :class:`.Query`, using SQL expressions. + + e.g.:: + + session.query(MyClass).filter(MyClass.name == 'some name') + + Multiple criteria may be specified as comma separated; the effect + is that they will be joined together using the :func:`.and_` + function:: + + session.query(MyClass).\ + filter(MyClass.name == 'some name', MyClass.id > 5) + + The criterion is any SQL expression object applicable to the + WHERE clause of a select. String expressions are coerced + into SQL expression constructs via the :func:`.text` construct. + + .. seealso:: + + :meth:`.Query.filter_by` - filter on keyword expressions. + + """ + for criterion in list(criterion): + criterion = expression._expression_literal_as_text(criterion) + + criterion = self._adapt_clause(criterion, True, True) + + if self._criterion is not None: + self._criterion = self._criterion & criterion + else: + self._criterion = criterion + + def filter_by(self, **kwargs): + r"""apply the given filtering criterion to a copy + of this :class:`.Query`, using keyword expressions. + + e.g.:: + + session.query(MyClass).filter_by(name = 'some name') + + Multiple criteria may be specified as comma separated; the effect + is that they will be joined together using the :func:`.and_` + function:: + + session.query(MyClass).\ + filter_by(name = 'some name', id = 5) + + The keyword expressions are extracted from the primary + entity of the query, or the last entity that was the + target of a call to :meth:`.Query.join`. + + .. seealso:: + + :meth:`.Query.filter` - filter on SQL expressions. + + """ + + clauses = [ + _entity_descriptor(self._joinpoint_zero(), key) == value + for key, value in kwargs.items() + ] + return self.filter(sql.and_(*clauses)) + + @_generative(_no_statement_condition, _no_limit_offset) + def order_by(self, *criterion): + """apply one or more ORDER BY criterion to the query and return + the newly resulting ``Query`` + + All existing ORDER BY settings can be suppressed by + passing ``None`` - this will suppress any ORDER BY configured + on mappers as well. + + Alternatively, passing False will reset ORDER BY and additionally + re-allow default mapper.order_by to take place. Note mapper.order_by + is deprecated. + + """ + + if len(criterion) == 1: + if criterion[0] is False: + if "_order_by" in self.__dict__: + self._order_by = False + return + if criterion[0] is None: + self._order_by = None + return + + criterion = self._adapt_col_list(criterion) + + if self._order_by is False or self._order_by is None: + self._order_by = criterion + else: + self._order_by = self._order_by + criterion + + @_generative(_no_statement_condition, _no_limit_offset) + def group_by(self, *criterion): + """apply one or more GROUP BY criterion to the query and return + the newly resulting :class:`.Query` + + All existing GROUP BY settings can be suppressed by + passing ``None`` - this will suppress any GROUP BY configured + on mappers as well. + + .. versionadded:: 1.1 GROUP BY can be cancelled by passing None, + in the same way as ORDER BY. + + """ + + if len(criterion) == 1: + if criterion[0] is None: + self._group_by = False + return + + criterion = list(chain(*[_orm_columns(c) for c in criterion])) + criterion = self._adapt_col_list(criterion) + + if self._group_by is False: + self._group_by = criterion + else: + self._group_by = self._group_by + criterion + + @_generative(_no_statement_condition, _no_limit_offset) + def having(self, criterion): + r"""apply a HAVING criterion to the query and return the + newly resulting :class:`.Query`. + + :meth:`~.Query.having` is used in conjunction with + :meth:`~.Query.group_by`. + + HAVING criterion makes it possible to use filters on aggregate + functions like COUNT, SUM, AVG, MAX, and MIN, eg.:: + + q = session.query(User.id).\ + join(User.addresses).\ + group_by(User.id).\ + having(func.count(Address.id) > 2) + + """ + + criterion = expression._expression_literal_as_text(criterion) + + if criterion is not None and not isinstance( + criterion, sql.ClauseElement + ): + raise sa_exc.ArgumentError( + "having() argument must be of type " + "sqlalchemy.sql.ClauseElement or string" + ) + + criterion = self._adapt_clause(criterion, True, True) + + if self._having is not None: + self._having = self._having & criterion + else: + self._having = criterion + + def _set_op(self, expr_fn, *q): + return self._from_selectable( + expr_fn(*([self] + list(q))) + )._set_enable_single_crit(False) + + def union(self, *q): + """Produce a UNION of this Query against one or more queries. + + e.g.:: + + q1 = sess.query(SomeClass).filter(SomeClass.foo=='bar') + q2 = sess.query(SomeClass).filter(SomeClass.bar=='foo') + + q3 = q1.union(q2) + + The method accepts multiple Query objects so as to control + the level of nesting. A series of ``union()`` calls such as:: + + x.union(y).union(z).all() + + will nest on each ``union()``, and produces:: + + SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM X UNION + SELECT * FROM y) UNION SELECT * FROM Z) + + Whereas:: + + x.union(y, z).all() + + produces:: + + SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM X UNION SELECT * FROM y UNION + SELECT * FROM Z) + + Note that many database backends do not allow ORDER BY to + be rendered on a query called within UNION, EXCEPT, etc. + To disable all ORDER BY clauses including those configured + on mappers, issue ``query.order_by(None)`` - the resulting + :class:`.Query` object will not render ORDER BY within + its SELECT statement. + + """ + return self._set_op(expression.union, *q) + + def union_all(self, *q): + """Produce a UNION ALL of this Query against one or more queries. + + Works the same way as :meth:`~sqlalchemy.orm.query.Query.union`. See + that method for usage examples. + + """ + return self._set_op(expression.union_all, *q) + + def intersect(self, *q): + """Produce an INTERSECT of this Query against one or more queries. + + Works the same way as :meth:`~sqlalchemy.orm.query.Query.union`. See + that method for usage examples. + + """ + return self._set_op(expression.intersect, *q) + + def intersect_all(self, *q): + """Produce an INTERSECT ALL of this Query against one or more queries. + + Works the same way as :meth:`~sqlalchemy.orm.query.Query.union`. See + that method for usage examples. + + """ + return self._set_op(expression.intersect_all, *q) + + def except_(self, *q): + """Produce an EXCEPT of this Query against one or more queries. + + Works the same way as :meth:`~sqlalchemy.orm.query.Query.union`. See + that method for usage examples. + + """ + return self._set_op(expression.except_, *q) + + def except_all(self, *q): + """Produce an EXCEPT ALL of this Query against one or more queries. + + Works the same way as :meth:`~sqlalchemy.orm.query.Query.union`. See + that method for usage examples. + + """ + return self._set_op(expression.except_all, *q) + + def join(self, *props, **kwargs): + r"""Create a SQL JOIN against this :class:`.Query` object's criterion + and apply generatively, returning the newly resulting :class:`.Query`. + + **Simple Relationship Joins** + + Consider a mapping between two classes ``User`` and ``Address``, + with a relationship ``User.addresses`` representing a collection + of ``Address`` objects associated with each ``User``. The most + common usage of :meth:`~.Query.join` is to create a JOIN along this + relationship, using the ``User.addresses`` attribute as an indicator + for how this should occur:: + + q = session.query(User).join(User.addresses) + + Where above, the call to :meth:`~.Query.join` along ``User.addresses`` + will result in SQL equivalent to:: + + SELECT user.* FROM user JOIN address ON user.id = address.user_id + + In the above example we refer to ``User.addresses`` as passed to + :meth:`~.Query.join` as the *on clause*, that is, it indicates + how the "ON" portion of the JOIN should be constructed. For a + single-entity query such as the one above (i.e. we start by selecting + only from ``User`` and nothing else), the relationship can also be + specified by its string name:: + + q = session.query(User).join("addresses") + + :meth:`~.Query.join` can also accommodate multiple + "on clause" arguments to produce a chain of joins, such as below + where a join across four related entities is constructed:: + + q = session.query(User).join("orders", "items", "keywords") + + The above would be shorthand for three separate calls to + :meth:`~.Query.join`, each using an explicit attribute to indicate + the source entity:: + + q = session.query(User).\ + join(User.orders).\ + join(Order.items).\ + join(Item.keywords) + + **Joins to a Target Entity or Selectable** + + A second form of :meth:`~.Query.join` allows any mapped entity + or core selectable construct as a target. In this usage, + :meth:`~.Query.join` will attempt + to create a JOIN along the natural foreign key relationship between + two entities:: + + q = session.query(User).join(Address) + + The above calling form of :meth:`~.Query.join` will raise an error if + either there are no foreign keys between the two entities, or if + there are multiple foreign key linkages between them. In the + above calling form, :meth:`~.Query.join` is called upon to + create the "on clause" automatically for us. The target can + be any mapped entity or selectable, such as a :class:`.Table`:: + + q = session.query(User).join(addresses_table) + + **Joins to a Target with an ON Clause** + + The third calling form allows both the target entity as well + as the ON clause to be passed explicitly. Suppose for + example we wanted to join to ``Address`` twice, using + an alias the second time. We use :func:`~sqlalchemy.orm.aliased` + to create a distinct alias of ``Address``, and join + to it using the ``target, onclause`` form, so that the + alias can be specified explicitly as the target along with + the relationship to instruct how the ON clause should proceed:: + + a_alias = aliased(Address) + + q = session.query(User).\ + join(User.addresses).\ + join(a_alias, User.addresses).\ + filter(Address.email_address=='ed@foo.com').\ + filter(a_alias.email_address=='ed@bar.com') + + Where above, the generated SQL would be similar to:: + + SELECT user.* FROM user + JOIN address ON user.id = address.user_id + JOIN address AS address_1 ON user.id=address_1.user_id + WHERE address.email_address = :email_address_1 + AND address_1.email_address = :email_address_2 + + The two-argument calling form of :meth:`~.Query.join` + also allows us to construct arbitrary joins with SQL-oriented + "on clause" expressions, not relying upon configured relationships + at all. Any SQL expression can be passed as the ON clause + when using the two-argument form, which should refer to the target + entity in some way as well as an applicable source entity:: + + q = session.query(User).join(Address, User.id==Address.user_id) + + .. versionchanged:: 0.7 + In SQLAlchemy 0.6 and earlier, the two argument form of + :meth:`~.Query.join` requires the usage of a tuple: + ``query(User).join((Address, User.id==Address.user_id))``\ . + This calling form is accepted in 0.7 and further, though + is not necessary unless multiple join conditions are passed to + a single :meth:`~.Query.join` call, which itself is also not + generally necessary as it is now equivalent to multiple + calls (this wasn't always the case). + + **Advanced Join Targeting and Adaption** + + There is a lot of flexibility in what the "target" can be when using + :meth:`~.Query.join`. As noted previously, it also accepts + :class:`.Table` constructs and other selectables such as + :func:`.alias` and :func:`.select` constructs, with either the one + or two-argument forms:: + + addresses_q = select([Address.user_id]).\ + where(Address.email_address.endswith("@bar.com")).\ + alias() + + q = session.query(User).\ + join(addresses_q, addresses_q.c.user_id==User.id) + + :meth:`~.Query.join` also features the ability to *adapt* a + :meth:`~sqlalchemy.orm.relationship` -driven ON clause to the target + selectable. Below we construct a JOIN from ``User`` to a subquery + against ``Address``, allowing the relationship denoted by + ``User.addresses`` to *adapt* itself to the altered target:: + + address_subq = session.query(Address).\ + filter(Address.email_address == 'ed@foo.com').\ + subquery() + + q = session.query(User).join(address_subq, User.addresses) + + Producing SQL similar to:: + + SELECT user.* FROM user + JOIN ( + SELECT address.id AS id, + address.user_id AS user_id, + address.email_address AS email_address + FROM address + WHERE address.email_address = :email_address_1 + ) AS anon_1 ON user.id = anon_1.user_id + + The above form allows one to fall back onto an explicit ON + clause at any time:: + + q = session.query(User).\ + join(address_subq, User.id==address_subq.c.user_id) + + **Controlling what to Join From** + + While :meth:`~.Query.join` exclusively deals with the "right" + side of the JOIN, we can also control the "left" side, in those + cases where it's needed, using :meth:`~.Query.select_from`. + Below we construct a query against ``Address`` but can still + make usage of ``User.addresses`` as our ON clause by instructing + the :class:`.Query` to select first from the ``User`` + entity:: + + q = session.query(Address).select_from(User).\ + join(User.addresses).\ + filter(User.name == 'ed') + + Which will produce SQL similar to:: + + SELECT address.* FROM user + JOIN address ON user.id=address.user_id + WHERE user.name = :name_1 + + **Constructing Aliases Anonymously** + + :meth:`~.Query.join` can construct anonymous aliases + using the ``aliased=True`` flag. This feature is useful + when a query is being joined algorithmically, such as + when querying self-referentially to an arbitrary depth:: + + q = session.query(Node).\ + join("children", "children", aliased=True) + + When ``aliased=True`` is used, the actual "alias" construct + is not explicitly available. To work with it, methods such as + :meth:`.Query.filter` will adapt the incoming entity to + the last join point:: + + q = session.query(Node).\ + join("children", "children", aliased=True).\ + filter(Node.name == 'grandchild 1') + + When using automatic aliasing, the ``from_joinpoint=True`` + argument can allow a multi-node join to be broken into + multiple calls to :meth:`~.Query.join`, so that + each path along the way can be further filtered:: + + q = session.query(Node).\ + join("children", aliased=True).\ + filter(Node.name='child 1').\ + join("children", aliased=True, from_joinpoint=True).\ + filter(Node.name == 'grandchild 1') + + The filtering aliases above can then be reset back to the + original ``Node`` entity using :meth:`~.Query.reset_joinpoint`:: + + q = session.query(Node).\ + join("children", "children", aliased=True).\ + filter(Node.name == 'grandchild 1').\ + reset_joinpoint().\ + filter(Node.name == 'parent 1) + + For an example of ``aliased=True``, see the distribution + example :ref:`examples_xmlpersistence` which illustrates + an XPath-like query system using algorithmic joins. + + :param \*props: A collection of one or more join conditions, + each consisting of a relationship-bound attribute or string + relationship name representing an "on clause", or a single + target entity, or a tuple in the form of ``(target, onclause)``. + A special two-argument calling form of the form ``target, onclause`` + is also accepted. + :param aliased=False: If True, indicate that the JOIN target should be + anonymously aliased. Subsequent calls to :meth:`~.Query.filter` + and similar will adapt the incoming criterion to the target + alias, until :meth:`~.Query.reset_joinpoint` is called. + :param isouter=False: If True, the join used will be a left outer join, + just as if the :meth:`.Query.outerjoin` method were called. This + flag is here to maintain consistency with the same flag as accepted + by :meth:`.FromClause.join` and other Core constructs. + + + .. versionadded:: 1.0.0 + + :param full=False: render FULL OUTER JOIN; implies ``isouter``. + + .. versionadded:: 1.1 + + :param from_joinpoint=False: When using ``aliased=True``, a setting + of True here will cause the join to be from the most recent + joined target, rather than starting back from the original + FROM clauses of the query. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`ormtutorial_joins` in the ORM tutorial. + + :ref:`inheritance_toplevel` for details on how + :meth:`~.Query.join` is used for inheritance relationships. + + :func:`.orm.join` - a standalone ORM-level join function, + used internally by :meth:`.Query.join`, which in previous + SQLAlchemy versions was the primary ORM-level joining interface. + + """ + aliased, from_joinpoint, isouter, full = ( + kwargs.pop("aliased", False), + kwargs.pop("from_joinpoint", False), + kwargs.pop("isouter", False), + kwargs.pop("full", False), + ) + if kwargs: + raise TypeError( + "unknown arguments: %s" % ", ".join(sorted(kwargs)) + ) + return self._join( + props, + outerjoin=isouter, + full=full, + create_aliases=aliased, + from_joinpoint=from_joinpoint, + ) + + def outerjoin(self, *props, **kwargs): + """Create a left outer join against this ``Query`` object's criterion + and apply generatively, returning the newly resulting ``Query``. + + Usage is the same as the ``join()`` method. + + """ + aliased, from_joinpoint, full = ( + kwargs.pop("aliased", False), + kwargs.pop("from_joinpoint", False), + kwargs.pop("full", False), + ) + if kwargs: + raise TypeError( + "unknown arguments: %s" % ", ".join(sorted(kwargs)) + ) + return self._join( + props, + outerjoin=True, + full=full, + create_aliases=aliased, + from_joinpoint=from_joinpoint, + ) + + def _update_joinpoint(self, jp): + self._joinpoint = jp + # copy backwards to the root of the _joinpath + # dict, so that no existing dict in the path is mutated + while "prev" in jp: + f, prev = jp["prev"] + prev = prev.copy() + prev[f] = jp + jp["prev"] = (f, prev) + jp = prev + self._joinpath = jp + + @_generative(_no_statement_condition, _no_limit_offset) + def _join(self, keys, outerjoin, full, create_aliases, from_joinpoint): + """consumes arguments from join() or outerjoin(), places them into a + consistent format with which to form the actual JOIN constructs. + + """ + + if not from_joinpoint: + self._reset_joinpoint() + + if ( + len(keys) == 2 + and isinstance( + keys[0], (expression.FromClause, type, AliasedClass) + ) + and isinstance( + keys[1], + (str, expression.ClauseElement, interfaces.PropComparator), + ) + ): + # detect 2-arg form of join and + # convert to a tuple. + keys = (keys,) + + keylist = util.to_list(keys) + for idx, arg1 in enumerate(keylist): + if isinstance(arg1, tuple): + # "tuple" form of join, multiple + # tuples are accepted as well. The simpler + # "2-arg" form is preferred. May deprecate + # the "tuple" usage. + arg1, arg2 = arg1 + else: + arg2 = None + + # determine onclause/right_entity. there + # is a little bit of legacy behavior still at work here + # which means they might be in either order. may possibly + # lock this down to (right_entity, onclause) in 0.6. + if isinstance( + arg1, (interfaces.PropComparator, util.string_types) + ): + right_entity, onclause = arg2, arg1 + else: + right_entity, onclause = arg1, arg2 + + left_entity = prop = None + + if isinstance(onclause, interfaces.PropComparator): + of_type = getattr(onclause, "_of_type", None) + else: + of_type = None + + if isinstance(onclause, util.string_types): + left_entity = self._joinpoint_zero() + + descriptor = _entity_descriptor(left_entity, onclause) + onclause = descriptor + + # check for q.join(Class.propname, from_joinpoint=True) + # and Class is that of the current joinpoint + elif from_joinpoint and isinstance( + onclause, interfaces.PropComparator + ): + left_entity = onclause._parententity + + info = inspect(self._joinpoint_zero()) + left_mapper, left_selectable, left_is_aliased = ( + getattr(info, "mapper", None), + info.selectable, + getattr(info, "is_aliased_class", None), + ) + + if left_mapper is left_entity: + left_entity = self._joinpoint_zero() + descriptor = _entity_descriptor(left_entity, onclause.key) + onclause = descriptor + + if isinstance(onclause, interfaces.PropComparator): + if right_entity is None: + if of_type: + right_entity = of_type + else: + right_entity = onclause.property.mapper + + left_entity = onclause._parententity + + alias = self._polymorphic_adapters.get(left_entity, None) + # could be None or could be ColumnAdapter also + if isinstance(alias, ORMAdapter) and alias.mapper.isa( + left_entity + ): + left_entity = alias.aliased_class + onclause = getattr(left_entity, onclause.key) + + prop = onclause.property + if not isinstance(onclause, attributes.QueryableAttribute): + onclause = prop + + if not create_aliases: + # check for this path already present. + # don't render in that case. + edge = (left_entity, right_entity, prop.key) + if edge in self._joinpoint: + # The child's prev reference might be stale -- + # it could point to a parent older than the + # current joinpoint. If this is the case, + # then we need to update it and then fix the + # tree's spine with _update_joinpoint. Copy + # and then mutate the child, which might be + # shared by a different query object. + jp = self._joinpoint[edge].copy() + jp["prev"] = (edge, self._joinpoint) + self._update_joinpoint(jp) + + if idx == len(keylist) - 1: + util.warn( + "Pathed join target %s has already " + "been joined to; skipping" % prop + ) + continue + + elif onclause is not None and right_entity is None: + # TODO: no coverage here + raise NotImplementedError("query.join(a==b) not supported.") + + self._join_left_to_right( + left_entity, + right_entity, + onclause, + outerjoin, + full, + create_aliases, + prop, + ) + + def _join_left_to_right( + self, left, right, onclause, outerjoin, full, create_aliases, prop + ): + """append a JOIN to the query's from clause.""" + + self._polymorphic_adapters = self._polymorphic_adapters.copy() + + if left is None: + if self._from_obj: + left = self._from_obj[0] + elif self._entities: + left = self._entities[0].entity_zero_or_selectable + + if left is None: + if self._entities: + problem = "Don't know how to join from %s" % self._entities[0] + else: + problem = "No entities to join from" + + raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError( + "%s; please use " + "select_from() to establish the left " + "entity/selectable of this join" % problem + ) + + if left is right and not create_aliases: + raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError( + "Can't construct a join from %s to %s, they " + "are the same entity" % (left, right) + ) + + l_info = inspect(left) + r_info = inspect(right) + + overlap = False + if not create_aliases: + right_mapper = getattr(r_info, "mapper", None) + # if the target is a joined inheritance mapping, + # be more liberal about auto-aliasing. + if right_mapper and ( + right_mapper.with_polymorphic + or isinstance(right_mapper.mapped_table, expression.Join) + ): + for from_obj in self._from_obj or [l_info.selectable]: + if sql_util.selectables_overlap( + l_info.selectable, from_obj + ) and sql_util.selectables_overlap( + from_obj, r_info.selectable + ): + overlap = True + break + + if ( + overlap or not create_aliases + ) and l_info.selectable is r_info.selectable: + raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError( + "Can't join table/selectable '%s' to itself" + % l_info.selectable + ) + + right, onclause = self._prepare_right_side( + r_info, right, onclause, create_aliases, prop, overlap + ) + + # if joining on a MapperProperty path, + # track the path to prevent redundant joins + if not create_aliases and prop: + self._update_joinpoint( + { + "_joinpoint_entity": right, + "prev": ((left, right, prop.key), self._joinpoint), + } + ) + else: + self._joinpoint = {"_joinpoint_entity": right} + + self._join_to_left(l_info, left, right, onclause, outerjoin, full) + + def _prepare_right_side( + self, r_info, right, onclause, create_aliases, prop, overlap + ): + info = r_info + + right_mapper, right_selectable, right_is_aliased = ( + getattr(info, "mapper", None), + info.selectable, + getattr(info, "is_aliased_class", False), + ) + + if right_mapper: + self._join_entities += (info,) + + if ( + right_mapper + and prop + and not right_mapper.common_parent(prop.mapper) + ): + raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError( + "Join target %s does not correspond to " + "the right side of join condition %s" % (right, onclause) + ) + + if not right_mapper and prop: + right_mapper = prop.mapper + + need_adapter = False + + if r_info.is_clause_element and right_selectable._is_lateral: + # orm_only is disabled to suit the case where we have to + # adapt an explicit correlate(Entity) - the select() loses + # the ORM-ness in this case right now, ideally it would not + right = self._adapt_clause(right, True, False) + + if right_mapper and right is right_selectable: + if not right_selectable.is_derived_from(right_mapper.mapped_table): + raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError( + "Selectable '%s' is not derived from '%s'" + % ( + right_selectable.description, + right_mapper.mapped_table.description, + ) + ) + + if isinstance(right_selectable, expression.SelectBase): + # TODO: this isn't even covered now! + right_selectable = right_selectable.alias() + need_adapter = True + + right = aliased(right_mapper, right_selectable) + + aliased_entity = ( + right_mapper + and not right_is_aliased + and ( + right_mapper.with_polymorphic + and isinstance( + right_mapper._with_polymorphic_selectable, expression.Alias + ) + or overlap # test for overlap: + # orm/inheritance/relationships.py + # SelfReferentialM2MTest + ) + ) + + if not need_adapter and (create_aliases or aliased_entity): + right = aliased(right, flat=True) + need_adapter = True + + # if an alias() of the right side was generated here, + # apply an adapter to all subsequent filter() calls + # until reset_joinpoint() is called. + if need_adapter: + self._filter_aliases = ORMAdapter( + right, + equivalents=right_mapper + and right_mapper._equivalent_columns + or {}, + chain_to=self._filter_aliases, + ) + + # if the onclause is a ClauseElement, adapt it with any + # adapters that are in place right now + if isinstance(onclause, expression.ClauseElement): + onclause = self._adapt_clause(onclause, True, True) + + # if an alias() on the right side was generated, + # which is intended to wrap a the right side in a subquery, + # ensure that columns retrieved from this target in the result + # set are also adapted. + if aliased_entity and not create_aliases: + self._mapper_loads_polymorphically_with( + right_mapper, + ORMAdapter( + right, equivalents=right_mapper._equivalent_columns + ), + ) + + return right, onclause + + def _join_to_left(self, l_info, left, right, onclause, outerjoin, full): + info = l_info + left_mapper = getattr(info, "mapper", None) + left_selectable = info.selectable + + if self._from_obj: + replace_clause_index, clause = sql_util.find_join_source( + self._from_obj, left_selectable + ) + if clause is not None: + try: + clause = orm_join( + clause, right, onclause, isouter=outerjoin, full=full + ) + except sa_exc.ArgumentError as ae: + raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError( + "Could not find a FROM clause to join from. " + "Tried joining to %s, but got: %s" % (right, ae) + ) + + self._from_obj = ( + self._from_obj[:replace_clause_index] + + (clause,) + + self._from_obj[replace_clause_index + 1 :] + ) + return + + if left_mapper: + for ent in self._entities: + if ent.corresponds_to(left): + clause = ent.selectable + break + else: + clause = left + else: + clause = left_selectable + + assert clause is not None + try: + clause = orm_join( + clause, right, onclause, isouter=outerjoin, full=full + ) + except sa_exc.ArgumentError as ae: + raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError( + "Could not find a FROM clause to join from. " + "Tried joining to %s, but got: %s" % (right, ae) + ) + self._from_obj = self._from_obj + (clause,) + + def _reset_joinpoint(self): + self._joinpoint = self._joinpath + self._filter_aliases = None + + @_generative(_no_statement_condition) + def reset_joinpoint(self): + """Return a new :class:`.Query`, where the "join point" has + been reset back to the base FROM entities of the query. + + This method is usually used in conjunction with the + ``aliased=True`` feature of the :meth:`~.Query.join` + method. See the example in :meth:`~.Query.join` for how + this is used. + + """ + self._reset_joinpoint() + + @_generative(_no_clauseelement_condition) + def select_from(self, *from_obj): + r"""Set the FROM clause of this :class:`.Query` explicitly. + + :meth:`.Query.select_from` is often used in conjunction with + :meth:`.Query.join` in order to control which entity is selected + from on the "left" side of the join. + + The entity or selectable object here effectively replaces the + "left edge" of any calls to :meth:`~.Query.join`, when no + joinpoint is otherwise established - usually, the default "join + point" is the leftmost entity in the :class:`~.Query` object's + list of entities to be selected. + + A typical example:: + + q = session.query(Address).select_from(User).\ + join(User.addresses).\ + filter(User.name == 'ed') + + Which produces SQL equivalent to:: + + SELECT address.* FROM user + JOIN address ON user.id=address.user_id + WHERE user.name = :name_1 + + :param \*from_obj: collection of one or more entities to apply + to the FROM clause. Entities can be mapped classes, + :class:`.AliasedClass` objects, :class:`.Mapper` objects + as well as core :class:`.FromClause` elements like subqueries. + + .. versionchanged:: 0.9 + This method no longer applies the given FROM object + to be the selectable from which matching entities + select from; the :meth:`.select_entity_from` method + now accomplishes this. See that method for a description + of this behavior. + + .. seealso:: + + :meth:`~.Query.join` + + :meth:`.Query.select_entity_from` + + """ + + self._set_select_from(from_obj, False) + + @_generative(_no_clauseelement_condition) + def select_entity_from(self, from_obj): + r"""Set the FROM clause of this :class:`.Query` to a + core selectable, applying it as a replacement FROM clause + for corresponding mapped entities. + + The :meth:`.Query.select_entity_from` method supplies an alternative + approach to the use case of applying an :func:`.aliased` construct + explicitly throughout a query. Instead of referring to the + :func:`.aliased` construct explicitly, + :meth:`.Query.select_entity_from` automatically *adapts* all occurences + of the entity to the target selectable. + + Given a case for :func:`.aliased` such as selecting ``User`` + objects from a SELECT statement:: + + select_stmt = select([User]).where(User.id == 7) + user_alias = aliased(User, select_stmt) + + q = session.query(user_alias).\ + filter(user_alias.name == 'ed') + + Above, we apply the ``user_alias`` object explicitly throughout the + query. When it's not feasible for ``user_alias`` to be referenced + explicitly in many places, :meth:`.Query.select_entity_from` may be + used at the start of the query to adapt the existing ``User`` entity:: + + q = session.query(User).\ + select_entity_from(select_stmt).\ + filter(User.name == 'ed') + + Above, the generated SQL will show that the ``User`` entity is + adapted to our statement, even in the case of the WHERE clause: + + .. sourcecode:: sql + + SELECT anon_1.id AS anon_1_id, anon_1.name AS anon_1_name + FROM (SELECT "user".id AS id, "user".name AS name + FROM "user" + WHERE "user".id = :id_1) AS anon_1 + WHERE anon_1.name = :name_1 + + The :meth:`.Query.select_entity_from` method is similar to the + :meth:`.Query.select_from` method, in that it sets the FROM clause + of the query. The difference is that it additionally applies + adaptation to the other parts of the query that refer to the + primary entity. If above we had used :meth:`.Query.select_from` + instead, the SQL generated would have been: + + .. sourcecode:: sql + + -- uses plain select_from(), not select_entity_from() + SELECT "user".id AS user_id, "user".name AS user_name + FROM "user", (SELECT "user".id AS id, "user".name AS name + FROM "user" + WHERE "user".id = :id_1) AS anon_1 + WHERE "user".name = :name_1 + + To supply textual SQL to the :meth:`.Query.select_entity_from` method, + we can make use of the :func:`.text` construct. However, the + :func:`.text` construct needs to be aligned with the columns of our + entity, which is achieved by making use of the + :meth:`.TextClause.columns` method:: + + text_stmt = text("select id, name from user").columns( + User.id, User.name) + q = session.query(User).select_entity_from(text_stmt) + + :meth:`.Query.select_entity_from` itself accepts an :func:`.aliased` + object, so that the special options of :func:`.aliased` such as + :paramref:`.aliased.adapt_on_names` may be used within the + scope of the :meth:`.Query.select_entity_from` method's adaptation + services. Suppose + a view ``user_view`` also returns rows from ``user``. If + we reflect this view into a :class:`.Table`, this view has no + relationship to the :class:`.Table` to which we are mapped, however + we can use name matching to select from it:: + + user_view = Table('user_view', metadata, + autoload_with=engine) + user_view_alias = aliased( + User, user_view, adapt_on_names=True) + q = session.query(User).\ + select_entity_from(user_view_alias).\ + order_by(User.name) + + .. versionchanged:: 1.1.7 The :meth:`.Query.select_entity_from` + method now accepts an :func:`.aliased` object as an alternative + to a :class:`.FromClause` object. + + :param from_obj: a :class:`.FromClause` object that will replace + the FROM clause of this :class:`.Query`. It also may be an instance + of :func:`.aliased`. + + + + .. seealso:: + + :meth:`.Query.select_from` + + """ + + self._set_select_from([from_obj], True) + + def __getitem__(self, item): + if isinstance(item, slice): + start, stop, step = util.decode_slice(item) + + if ( + isinstance(stop, int) + and isinstance(start, int) + and stop - start <= 0 + ): + return [] + + # perhaps we should execute a count() here so that we + # can still use LIMIT/OFFSET ? + elif (isinstance(start, int) and start < 0) or ( + isinstance(stop, int) and stop < 0 + ): + return list(self)[item] + + res = self.slice(start, stop) + if step is not None: + return list(res)[None : None : item.step] + else: + return list(res) + else: + if item == -1: + return list(self)[-1] + else: + return list(self[item : item + 1])[0] + + @_generative(_no_statement_condition) + def slice(self, start, stop): + """Computes the "slice" of the :class:`.Query` represented by + the given indices and returns the resulting :class:`.Query`. + + The start and stop indices behave like the argument to Python's + built-in :func:`range` function. This method provides an + alternative to using ``LIMIT``/``OFFSET`` to get a slice of the + query. + + For example, :: + + session.query(User).order_by(User.id).slice(1, 3) + + renders as + + .. sourcecode:: sql + + SELECT users.id AS users_id, + users.name AS users_name + FROM users ORDER BY users.id + LIMIT ? OFFSET ? + (2, 1) + + .. seealso:: + + :meth:`.Query.limit` + + :meth:`.Query.offset` + + """ + if start is not None and stop is not None: + self._offset = (self._offset or 0) + start + self._limit = stop - start + elif start is None and stop is not None: + self._limit = stop + elif start is not None and stop is None: + self._offset = (self._offset or 0) + start + + if self._offset == 0: + self._offset = None + + @_generative(_no_statement_condition) + def limit(self, limit): + """Apply a ``LIMIT`` to the query and return the newly resulting + ``Query``. + + """ + self._limit = limit + + @_generative(_no_statement_condition) + def offset(self, offset): + """Apply an ``OFFSET`` to the query and return the newly resulting + ``Query``. + + """ + self._offset = offset + + @_generative(_no_statement_condition) + def distinct(self, *criterion): + r"""Apply a ``DISTINCT`` to the query and return the newly resulting + ``Query``. + + + .. note:: + + The :meth:`.distinct` call includes logic that will automatically + add columns from the ORDER BY of the query to the columns + clause of the SELECT statement, to satisfy the common need + of the database backend that ORDER BY columns be part of the + SELECT list when DISTINCT is used. These columns *are not* + added to the list of columns actually fetched by the + :class:`.Query`, however, so would not affect results. + The columns are passed through when using the + :attr:`.Query.statement` accessor, however. + + :param \*expr: optional column expressions. When present, + the PostgreSQL dialect will render a ``DISTINCT ON (>)`` + construct. + + """ + if not criterion: + self._distinct = True + else: + criterion = self._adapt_col_list(criterion) + if isinstance(self._distinct, list): + self._distinct += criterion + else: + self._distinct = criterion + + @_generative() + def prefix_with(self, *prefixes): + r"""Apply the prefixes to the query and return the newly resulting + ``Query``. + + :param \*prefixes: optional prefixes, typically strings, + not using any commas. In particular is useful for MySQL keywords. + + e.g.:: + + query = sess.query(User.name).\ + prefix_with('HIGH_PRIORITY').\ + prefix_with('SQL_SMALL_RESULT', 'ALL') + + Would render:: + + SELECT HIGH_PRIORITY SQL_SMALL_RESULT ALL users.name AS users_name + FROM users + + .. versionadded:: 0.7.7 + + .. seealso:: + + :meth:`.HasPrefixes.prefix_with` + + """ + if self._prefixes: + self._prefixes += prefixes + else: + self._prefixes = prefixes + + @_generative() + def suffix_with(self, *suffixes): + r"""Apply the suffix to the query and return the newly resulting + ``Query``. + + :param \*suffixes: optional suffixes, typically strings, + not using any commas. + + .. versionadded:: 1.0.0 + + .. seealso:: + + :meth:`.Query.prefix_with` + + :meth:`.HasSuffixes.suffix_with` + + """ + if self._suffixes: + self._suffixes += suffixes + else: + self._suffixes = suffixes + + def all(self): + """Return the results represented by this ``Query`` as a list. + + This results in an execution of the underlying query. + + """ + return list(self) + + @_generative(_no_clauseelement_condition) + def from_statement(self, statement): + """Execute the given SELECT statement and return results. + + This method bypasses all internal statement compilation, and the + statement is executed without modification. + + The statement is typically either a :func:`~.expression.text` + or :func:`~.expression.select` construct, and should return the set + of columns + appropriate to the entity class represented by this :class:`.Query`. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`orm_tutorial_literal_sql` - usage examples in the + ORM tutorial + + """ + statement = expression._expression_literal_as_text(statement) + + if not isinstance( + statement, (expression.TextClause, expression.SelectBase) + ): + raise sa_exc.ArgumentError( + "from_statement accepts text(), select(), " + "and union() objects only." + ) + + self._statement = statement + + def first(self): + """Return the first result of this ``Query`` or + None if the result doesn't contain any row. + + first() applies a limit of one within the generated SQL, so that + only one primary entity row is generated on the server side + (note this may consist of multiple result rows if join-loaded + collections are present). + + Calling :meth:`.Query.first` results in an execution of the underlying + query. + + .. seealso:: + + :meth:`.Query.one` + + :meth:`.Query.one_or_none` + + """ + if self._statement is not None: + ret = list(self)[0:1] + else: + ret = list(self[0:1]) + if len(ret) > 0: + return ret[0] + else: + return None + + def one_or_none(self): + """Return at most one result or raise an exception. + + Returns ``None`` if the query selects + no rows. Raises ``sqlalchemy.orm.exc.MultipleResultsFound`` + if multiple object identities are returned, or if multiple + rows are returned for a query that returns only scalar values + as opposed to full identity-mapped entities. + + Calling :meth:`.Query.one_or_none` results in an execution of the + underlying query. + + .. versionadded:: 1.0.9 + + Added :meth:`.Query.one_or_none` + + .. seealso:: + + :meth:`.Query.first` + + :meth:`.Query.one` + + """ + ret = list(self) + + l = len(ret) + if l == 1: + return ret[0] + elif l == 0: + return None + else: + raise orm_exc.MultipleResultsFound( + "Multiple rows were found for one_or_none()" + ) + + def one(self): + """Return exactly one result or raise an exception. + + Raises ``sqlalchemy.orm.exc.NoResultFound`` if the query selects + no rows. Raises ``sqlalchemy.orm.exc.MultipleResultsFound`` + if multiple object identities are returned, or if multiple + rows are returned for a query that returns only scalar values + as opposed to full identity-mapped entities. + + Calling :meth:`.one` results in an execution of the underlying query. + + .. seealso:: + + :meth:`.Query.first` + + :meth:`.Query.one_or_none` + + """ + try: + ret = self.one_or_none() + except orm_exc.MultipleResultsFound: + raise orm_exc.MultipleResultsFound( + "Multiple rows were found for one()" + ) + else: + if ret is None: + raise orm_exc.NoResultFound("No row was found for one()") + return ret + + def scalar(self): + """Return the first element of the first result or None + if no rows present. If multiple rows are returned, + raises MultipleResultsFound. + + >>> session.query(Item).scalar() + + >>> session.query(Item.id).scalar() + 1 + >>> session.query(Item.id).filter(Item.id < 0).scalar() + None + >>> session.query(Item.id, Item.name).scalar() + 1 + >>> session.query(func.count(Parent.id)).scalar() + 20 + + This results in an execution of the underlying query. + + """ + try: + ret = self.one() + if not isinstance(ret, tuple): + return ret + return ret[0] + except orm_exc.NoResultFound: + return None + + def __iter__(self): + context = self._compile_context() + context.statement.use_labels = True + if self._autoflush and not self._populate_existing: + self.session._autoflush() + return self._execute_and_instances(context) + + def __str__(self): + context = self._compile_context() + try: + bind = ( + self._get_bind_args(context, self.session.get_bind) + if self.session + else None + ) + except sa_exc.UnboundExecutionError: + bind = None + return str(context.statement.compile(bind)) + + def _connection_from_session(self, **kw): + conn = self.session.connection(**kw) + if self._execution_options: + conn = conn.execution_options(**self._execution_options) + return conn + + def _execute_and_instances(self, querycontext): + conn = self._get_bind_args( + querycontext, self._connection_from_session, close_with_result=True + ) + + result = conn.execute(querycontext.statement, self._params) + return loading.instances(querycontext.query, result, querycontext) + + def _get_bind_args(self, querycontext, fn, **kw): + return fn( + mapper=self._bind_mapper(), clause=querycontext.statement, **kw + ) + + @property + def column_descriptions(self): + """Return metadata about the columns which would be + returned by this :class:`.Query`. + + Format is a list of dictionaries:: + + user_alias = aliased(User, name='user2') + q = sess.query(User, User.id, user_alias) + + # this expression: + q.column_descriptions + + # would return: + [ + { + 'name':'User', + 'type':User, + 'aliased':False, + 'expr':User, + 'entity': User + }, + { + 'name':'id', + 'type':Integer(), + 'aliased':False, + 'expr':User.id, + 'entity': User + }, + { + 'name':'user2', + 'type':User, + 'aliased':True, + 'expr':user_alias, + 'entity': user_alias + } + ] + + """ + + return [ + { + "name": ent._label_name, + "type": ent.type, + "aliased": getattr(insp_ent, "is_aliased_class", False), + "expr": ent.expr, + "entity": getattr(insp_ent, "entity", None) + if ent.entity_zero is not None + and not insp_ent.is_clause_element + else None, + } + for ent, insp_ent in [ + ( + _ent, + ( + inspect(_ent.entity_zero) + if _ent.entity_zero is not None + else None + ), + ) + for _ent in self._entities + ] + ] + + def instances(self, cursor, __context=None): + """Given a ResultProxy cursor as returned by connection.execute(), + return an ORM result as an iterator. + + e.g.:: + + result = engine.execute("select * from users") + for u in session.query(User).instances(result): + print u + """ + context = __context + if context is None: + context = QueryContext(self) + + return loading.instances(self, cursor, context) + + def merge_result(self, iterator, load=True): + """Merge a result into this :class:`.Query` object's Session. + + Given an iterator returned by a :class:`.Query` of the same structure + as this one, return an identical iterator of results, with all mapped + instances merged into the session using :meth:`.Session.merge`. This + is an optimized method which will merge all mapped instances, + preserving the structure of the result rows and unmapped columns with + less method overhead than that of calling :meth:`.Session.merge` + explicitly for each value. + + The structure of the results is determined based on the column list of + this :class:`.Query` - if these do not correspond, unchecked errors + will occur. + + The 'load' argument is the same as that of :meth:`.Session.merge`. + + For an example of how :meth:`~.Query.merge_result` is used, see + the source code for the example :ref:`examples_caching`, where + :meth:`~.Query.merge_result` is used to efficiently restore state + from a cache back into a target :class:`.Session`. + + """ + + return loading.merge_result(self, iterator, load) + + @property + def _select_args(self): + return { + "limit": self._limit, + "offset": self._offset, + "distinct": self._distinct, + "prefixes": self._prefixes, + "suffixes": self._suffixes, + "group_by": self._group_by or None, + "having": self._having, + } + + @property + def _should_nest_selectable(self): + kwargs = self._select_args + return ( + kwargs.get("limit") is not None + or kwargs.get("offset") is not None + or kwargs.get("distinct", False) + ) + + def exists(self): + """A convenience method that turns a query into an EXISTS subquery + of the form EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM ... WHERE ...). + + e.g.:: + + q = session.query(User).filter(User.name == 'fred') + session.query(q.exists()) + + Producing SQL similar to:: + + SELECT EXISTS ( + SELECT 1 FROM users WHERE users.name = :name_1 + ) AS anon_1 + + The EXISTS construct is usually used in the WHERE clause:: + + session.query(User.id).filter(q.exists()).scalar() + + Note that some databases such as SQL Server don't allow an + EXISTS expression to be present in the columns clause of a + SELECT. To select a simple boolean value based on the exists + as a WHERE, use :func:`.literal`:: + + from sqlalchemy import literal + + session.query(literal(True)).filter(q.exists()).scalar() + + .. versionadded:: 0.8.1 + + """ + + # .add_columns() for the case that we are a query().select_from(X), + # so that ".statement" can be produced (#2995) but also without + # omitting the FROM clause from a query(X) (#2818); + # .with_only_columns() after we have a core select() so that + # we get just "SELECT 1" without any entities. + return sql.exists( + self.enable_eagerloads(False) + .add_columns("1") + .with_labels() + .statement.with_only_columns([1]) + ) + + def count(self): + r"""Return a count of rows this Query would return. + + This generates the SQL for this Query as follows:: + + SELECT count(1) AS count_1 FROM ( + SELECT + ) AS anon_1 + + .. versionchanged:: 0.7 + The above scheme is newly refined as of 0.7b3. + + For fine grained control over specific columns + to count, to skip the usage of a subquery or + otherwise control of the FROM clause, + or to use other aggregate functions, + use :attr:`~sqlalchemy.sql.expression.func` + expressions in conjunction + with :meth:`~.Session.query`, i.e.:: + + from sqlalchemy import func + + # count User records, without + # using a subquery. + session.query(func.count(User.id)) + + # return count of user "id" grouped + # by "name" + session.query(func.count(User.id)).\ + group_by(User.name) + + from sqlalchemy import distinct + + # count distinct "name" values + session.query(func.count(distinct(User.name))) + + """ + col = sql.func.count(sql.literal_column("*")) + return self.from_self(col).scalar() + + def delete(self, synchronize_session="evaluate"): + r"""Perform a bulk delete query. + + Deletes rows matched by this query from the database. + + E.g.:: + + sess.query(User).filter(User.age == 25).\ + delete(synchronize_session=False) + + sess.query(User).filter(User.age == 25).\ + delete(synchronize_session='evaluate') + + .. warning:: The :meth:`.Query.delete` method is a "bulk" operation, + which bypasses ORM unit-of-work automation in favor of greater + performance. **Please read all caveats and warnings below.** + + :param synchronize_session: chooses the strategy for the removal of + matched objects from the session. Valid values are: + + ``False`` - don't synchronize the session. This option is the most + efficient and is reliable once the session is expired, which + typically occurs after a commit(), or explicitly using + expire_all(). Before the expiration, objects may still remain in + the session which were in fact deleted which can lead to confusing + results if they are accessed via get() or already loaded + collections. + + ``'fetch'`` - performs a select query before the delete to find + objects that are matched by the delete query and need to be + removed from the session. Matched objects are removed from the + session. + + ``'evaluate'`` - Evaluate the query's criteria in Python straight + on the objects in the session. If evaluation of the criteria isn't + implemented, an error is raised. + + The expression evaluator currently doesn't account for differing + string collations between the database and Python. + + :return: the count of rows matched as returned by the database's + "row count" feature. + + .. warning:: **Additional Caveats for bulk query deletes** + + * This method does **not work for joined + inheritance mappings**, since the **multiple table + deletes are not supported by SQL** as well as that the + **join condition of an inheritance mapper is not + automatically rendered**. Care must be taken in any + multiple-table delete to first accommodate via some other means + how the related table will be deleted, as well as to + explicitly include the joining + condition between those tables, even in mappings where + this is normally automatic. E.g. if a class ``Engineer`` + subclasses ``Employee``, a DELETE against the ``Employee`` + table would look like:: + + session.query(Engineer).\ + filter(Engineer.id == Employee.id).\ + filter(Employee.name == 'dilbert').\ + delete() + + However the above SQL will not delete from the Engineer table, + unless an ON DELETE CASCADE rule is established in the database + to handle it. + + Short story, **do not use this method for joined inheritance + mappings unless you have taken the additional steps to make + this feasible**. + + * The polymorphic identity WHERE criteria is **not** included + for single- or + joined- table updates - this must be added **manually** even + for single table inheritance. + + * The method does **not** offer in-Python cascading of + relationships - it is assumed that ON DELETE CASCADE/SET + NULL/etc. is configured for any foreign key references + which require it, otherwise the database may emit an + integrity violation if foreign key references are being + enforced. + + After the DELETE, dependent objects in the + :class:`.Session` which were impacted by an ON DELETE + may not contain the current state, or may have been + deleted. This issue is resolved once the + :class:`.Session` is expired, which normally occurs upon + :meth:`.Session.commit` or can be forced by using + :meth:`.Session.expire_all`. Accessing an expired + object whose row has been deleted will invoke a SELECT + to locate the row; when the row is not found, an + :class:`~sqlalchemy.orm.exc.ObjectDeletedError` is + raised. + + * The ``'fetch'`` strategy results in an additional + SELECT statement emitted and will significantly reduce + performance. + + * The ``'evaluate'`` strategy performs a scan of + all matching objects within the :class:`.Session`; if the + contents of the :class:`.Session` are expired, such as + via a proceeding :meth:`.Session.commit` call, **this will + result in SELECT queries emitted for every matching object**. + + * The :meth:`.MapperEvents.before_delete` and + :meth:`.MapperEvents.after_delete` + events **are not invoked** from this method. Instead, the + :meth:`.SessionEvents.after_bulk_delete` method is provided to + act upon a mass DELETE of entity rows. + + .. seealso:: + + :meth:`.Query.update` + + :ref:`inserts_and_updates` - Core SQL tutorial + + """ + + delete_op = persistence.BulkDelete.factory(self, synchronize_session) + delete_op.exec_() + return delete_op.rowcount + + def update(self, values, synchronize_session="evaluate", update_args=None): + r"""Perform a bulk update query. + + Updates rows matched by this query in the database. + + E.g.:: + + sess.query(User).filter(User.age == 25).\ + update({User.age: User.age - 10}, synchronize_session=False) + + sess.query(User).filter(User.age == 25).\ + update({"age": User.age - 10}, synchronize_session='evaluate') + + + .. warning:: The :meth:`.Query.update` method is a "bulk" operation, + which bypasses ORM unit-of-work automation in favor of greater + performance. **Please read all caveats and warnings below.** + + + :param values: a dictionary with attributes names, or alternatively + mapped attributes or SQL expressions, as keys, and literal + values or sql expressions as values. If :ref:`parameter-ordered + mode ` is desired, the values can be + passed as a list of 2-tuples; + this requires that the + :paramref:`~sqlalchemy.sql.expression.update.preserve_parameter_order` + flag is passed to the :paramref:`.Query.update.update_args` dictionary + as well. + + .. versionchanged:: 1.0.0 - string names in the values dictionary + are now resolved against the mapped entity; previously, these + strings were passed as literal column names with no mapper-level + translation. + + :param synchronize_session: chooses the strategy to update the + attributes on objects in the session. Valid values are: + + ``False`` - don't synchronize the session. This option is the most + efficient and is reliable once the session is expired, which + typically occurs after a commit(), or explicitly using + expire_all(). Before the expiration, updated objects may still + remain in the session with stale values on their attributes, which + can lead to confusing results. + + ``'fetch'`` - performs a select query before the update to find + objects that are matched by the update query. The updated + attributes are expired on matched objects. + + ``'evaluate'`` - Evaluate the Query's criteria in Python straight + on the objects in the session. If evaluation of the criteria isn't + implemented, an exception is raised. + + The expression evaluator currently doesn't account for differing + string collations between the database and Python. + + :param update_args: Optional dictionary, if present will be passed + to the underlying :func:`.update` construct as the ``**kw`` for + the object. May be used to pass dialect-specific arguments such + as ``mysql_limit``, as well as other special arguments such as + :paramref:`~sqlalchemy.sql.expression.update.preserve_parameter_order`. + + .. versionadded:: 1.0.0 + + :return: the count of rows matched as returned by the database's + "row count" feature. + + .. warning:: **Additional Caveats for bulk query updates** + + * The method does **not** offer in-Python cascading of + relationships - it is assumed that ON UPDATE CASCADE is + configured for any foreign key references which require + it, otherwise the database may emit an integrity + violation if foreign key references are being enforced. + + After the UPDATE, dependent objects in the + :class:`.Session` which were impacted by an ON UPDATE + CASCADE may not contain the current state; this issue is + resolved once the :class:`.Session` is expired, which + normally occurs upon :meth:`.Session.commit` or can be + forced by using :meth:`.Session.expire_all`. + + * The ``'fetch'`` strategy results in an additional + SELECT statement emitted and will significantly reduce + performance. + + * The ``'evaluate'`` strategy performs a scan of + all matching objects within the :class:`.Session`; if the + contents of the :class:`.Session` are expired, such as + via a proceeding :meth:`.Session.commit` call, **this will + result in SELECT queries emitted for every matching object**. + + * The method supports multiple table updates, as detailed + in :ref:`multi_table_updates`, and this behavior does + extend to support updates of joined-inheritance and + other multiple table mappings. However, the **join + condition of an inheritance mapper is not + automatically rendered**. Care must be taken in any + multiple-table update to explicitly include the joining + condition between those tables, even in mappings where + this is normally automatic. E.g. if a class ``Engineer`` + subclasses ``Employee``, an UPDATE of the ``Engineer`` + local table using criteria against the ``Employee`` + local table might look like:: + + session.query(Engineer).\ + filter(Engineer.id == Employee.id).\ + filter(Employee.name == 'dilbert').\ + update({"engineer_type": "programmer"}) + + * The polymorphic identity WHERE criteria is **not** included + for single- or + joined- table updates - this must be added **manually**, even + for single table inheritance. + + * The :meth:`.MapperEvents.before_update` and + :meth:`.MapperEvents.after_update` + events **are not invoked from this method**. Instead, the + :meth:`.SessionEvents.after_bulk_update` method is provided to + act upon a mass UPDATE of entity rows. + + .. seealso:: + + :meth:`.Query.delete` + + :ref:`inserts_and_updates` - Core SQL tutorial + + """ + + update_args = update_args or {} + update_op = persistence.BulkUpdate.factory( + self, synchronize_session, values, update_args + ) + update_op.exec_() + return update_op.rowcount + + def _compile_context(self, labels=True): + if self.dispatch.before_compile: + for fn in self.dispatch.before_compile: + new_query = fn(self) + if new_query is not None: + self = new_query + + context = QueryContext(self) + + if context.statement is not None: + return context + + context.labels = labels + + context._for_update_arg = self._for_update_arg + + for entity in self._entities: + entity.setup_context(self, context) + + for rec in context.create_eager_joins: + strategy = rec[0] + strategy(*rec[1:]) + + if context.from_clause: + # "load from explicit FROMs" mode, + # i.e. when select_from() or join() is used + context.froms = list(context.from_clause) + # else "load from discrete FROMs" mode, + # i.e. when each _MappedEntity has its own FROM + + if self._enable_single_crit: + self._adjust_for_single_inheritance(context) + + if not context.primary_columns: + if self._only_load_props: + raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError( + "No column-based properties specified for " + "refresh operation. Use session.expire() " + "to reload collections and related items." + ) + else: + raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError( + "Query contains no columns with which to " "SELECT from." + ) + + if context.multi_row_eager_loaders and self._should_nest_selectable: + context.statement = self._compound_eager_statement(context) + else: + context.statement = self._simple_statement(context) + + return context + + def _compound_eager_statement(self, context): + # for eager joins present and LIMIT/OFFSET/DISTINCT, + # wrap the query inside a select, + # then append eager joins onto that + + if context.order_by: + order_by_col_expr = sql_util.expand_column_list_from_order_by( + context.primary_columns, context.order_by + ) + else: + context.order_by = None + order_by_col_expr = [] + + inner = sql.select( + context.primary_columns + order_by_col_expr, + context.whereclause, + from_obj=context.froms, + use_labels=context.labels, + # TODO: this order_by is only needed if + # LIMIT/OFFSET is present in self._select_args, + # else the application on the outside is enough + order_by=context.order_by, + **self._select_args + ) + + for hint in self._with_hints: + inner = inner.with_hint(*hint) + + if self._correlate: + inner = inner.correlate(*self._correlate) + + inner = inner.alias() + + equivs = self.__all_equivs() + + context.adapter = sql_util.ColumnAdapter(inner, equivs) + + statement = sql.select( + [inner] + context.secondary_columns, use_labels=context.labels + ) + + statement._for_update_arg = context._for_update_arg + + from_clause = inner + for eager_join in context.eager_joins.values(): + # EagerLoader places a 'stop_on' attribute on the join, + # giving us a marker as to where the "splice point" of + # the join should be + from_clause = sql_util.splice_joins( + from_clause, eager_join, eager_join.stop_on + ) + + statement.append_from(from_clause) + + if context.order_by: + statement.append_order_by( + *context.adapter.copy_and_process(context.order_by) + ) + + statement.append_order_by(*context.eager_order_by) + return statement + + def _simple_statement(self, context): + if not context.order_by: + context.order_by = None + + if self._distinct is True and context.order_by: + context.primary_columns += ( + sql_util.expand_column_list_from_order_by + )(context.primary_columns, context.order_by) + context.froms += tuple(context.eager_joins.values()) + + statement = sql.select( + context.primary_columns + context.secondary_columns, + context.whereclause, + from_obj=context.froms, + use_labels=context.labels, + order_by=context.order_by, + **self._select_args + ) + statement._for_update_arg = context._for_update_arg + + for hint in self._with_hints: + statement = statement.with_hint(*hint) + + if self._correlate: + statement = statement.correlate(*self._correlate) + + if context.eager_order_by: + statement.append_order_by(*context.eager_order_by) + return statement + + def _adjust_for_single_inheritance(self, context): + """Apply single-table-inheritance filtering. + + For all distinct single-table-inheritance mappers represented in + the columns clause of this query, as well as the "select from entity", + add criterion to the WHERE + clause of the given QueryContext such that only the appropriate + subtypes are selected from the total results. + + """ + + search = set(self._mapper_adapter_map.values()) + if ( + self._select_from_entity + and self._select_from_entity not in self._mapper_adapter_map + ): + insp = inspect(self._select_from_entity) + if insp.is_aliased_class: + adapter = insp._adapter + else: + adapter = None + search = search.union([(self._select_from_entity, adapter)]) + + for (ext_info, adapter) in search: + if ext_info in self._join_entities: + continue + single_crit = ext_info.mapper._single_table_criterion + if single_crit is not None: + if adapter: + single_crit = adapter.traverse(single_crit) + single_crit = self._adapt_clause(single_crit, False, False) + context.whereclause = sql.and_( + sql.True_._ifnone(context.whereclause), single_crit + ) + + +class LockmodeArg(ForUpdateArg): + @classmethod + def parse_legacy_query(self, mode): + if mode in (None, False): + return None + + if mode == "read": + read = True + nowait = False + elif mode == "update": + read = nowait = False + elif mode == "update_nowait": + nowait = True + read = False + else: + raise sa_exc.ArgumentError( + "Unknown with_lockmode argument: %r" % mode + ) + + return LockmodeArg(read=read, nowait=nowait) + + +class _QueryEntity(object): + """represent an entity column returned within a Query result.""" + + def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): + if cls is _QueryEntity: + entity = args[1] + if not isinstance(entity, util.string_types) and _is_mapped_class( + entity + ): + cls = _MapperEntity + elif isinstance(entity, Bundle): + cls = _BundleEntity + else: + cls = _ColumnEntity + return object.__new__(cls) + + def _clone(self): + q = self.__class__.__new__(self.__class__) + q.__dict__ = self.__dict__.copy() + return q + + +class _MapperEntity(_QueryEntity): + """mapper/class/AliasedClass entity""" + + def __init__(self, query, entity): + if not query._primary_entity: + query._primary_entity = self + query._entities.append(self) + query._has_mapper_entities = True + self.entities = [entity] + self.expr = entity + + supports_single_entity = True + + use_id_for_hash = True + + def setup_entity(self, ext_info, aliased_adapter): + self.mapper = ext_info.mapper + self.aliased_adapter = aliased_adapter + self.selectable = ext_info.selectable + self.is_aliased_class = ext_info.is_aliased_class + self._with_polymorphic = ext_info.with_polymorphic_mappers + self._polymorphic_discriminator = ext_info.polymorphic_on + self.entity_zero = ext_info + if ext_info.is_aliased_class: + self._label_name = self.entity_zero.name + else: + self._label_name = self.mapper.class_.__name__ + self.path = self.entity_zero._path_registry + + def set_with_polymorphic( + self, query, cls_or_mappers, selectable, polymorphic_on + ): + """Receive an update from a call to query.with_polymorphic(). + + Note the newer style of using a free standing with_polymporphic() + construct doesn't make use of this method. + + + """ + if self.is_aliased_class: + # TODO: invalidrequest ? + raise NotImplementedError( + "Can't use with_polymorphic() against " "an Aliased object" + ) + + if cls_or_mappers is None: + query._reset_polymorphic_adapter(self.mapper) + return + + mappers, from_obj = self.mapper._with_polymorphic_args( + cls_or_mappers, selectable + ) + self._with_polymorphic = mappers + self._polymorphic_discriminator = polymorphic_on + + self.selectable = from_obj + query._mapper_loads_polymorphically_with( + self.mapper, + sql_util.ColumnAdapter(from_obj, self.mapper._equivalent_columns), + ) + + @property + def type(self): + return self.mapper.class_ + + @property + def entity_zero_or_selectable(self): + return self.entity_zero + + def corresponds_to(self, entity): + return _entity_corresponds_to(self.entity_zero, entity) + + def adapt_to_selectable(self, query, sel): + query._entities.append(self) + + def _get_entity_clauses(self, query, context): + + adapter = None + + if not self.is_aliased_class: + if query._polymorphic_adapters: + adapter = query._polymorphic_adapters.get(self.mapper, None) + else: + adapter = self.aliased_adapter + + if adapter: + if query._from_obj_alias: + ret = adapter.wrap(query._from_obj_alias) + else: + ret = adapter + else: + ret = query._from_obj_alias + + return ret + + def row_processor(self, query, context, result): + adapter = self._get_entity_clauses(query, context) + + if context.adapter and adapter: + adapter = adapter.wrap(context.adapter) + elif not adapter: + adapter = context.adapter + + # polymorphic mappers which have concrete tables in + # their hierarchy usually + # require row aliasing unconditionally. + if not adapter and self.mapper._requires_row_aliasing: + adapter = sql_util.ColumnAdapter( + self.selectable, self.mapper._equivalent_columns + ) + + if query._primary_entity is self: + only_load_props = query._only_load_props + refresh_state = context.refresh_state + else: + only_load_props = refresh_state = None + + _instance = loading._instance_processor( + self.mapper, + context, + result, + self.path, + adapter, + only_load_props=only_load_props, + refresh_state=refresh_state, + polymorphic_discriminator=self._polymorphic_discriminator, + ) + + return _instance, self._label_name + + def setup_context(self, query, context): + adapter = self._get_entity_clauses(query, context) + + # if self._adapted_selectable is None: + context.froms += (self.selectable,) + + if context.order_by is False and self.mapper.order_by: + context.order_by = self.mapper.order_by + + # apply adaptation to the mapper's order_by if needed. + if adapter: + context.order_by = adapter.adapt_list( + util.to_list(context.order_by) + ) + + loading._setup_entity_query( + context, + self.mapper, + self, + self.path, + adapter, + context.primary_columns, + with_polymorphic=self._with_polymorphic, + only_load_props=query._only_load_props, + polymorphic_discriminator=self._polymorphic_discriminator, + ) + + def __str__(self): + return str(self.mapper) + + +@inspection._self_inspects +class Bundle(InspectionAttr): + """A grouping of SQL expressions that are returned by a :class:`.Query` + under one namespace. + + The :class:`.Bundle` essentially allows nesting of the tuple-based + results returned by a column-oriented :class:`.Query` object. It also + is extensible via simple subclassing, where the primary capability + to override is that of how the set of expressions should be returned, + allowing post-processing as well as custom return types, without + involving ORM identity-mapped classes. + + .. versionadded:: 0.9.0 + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`bundles` + + """ + + single_entity = False + """If True, queries for a single Bundle will be returned as a single + entity, rather than an element within a keyed tuple.""" + + is_clause_element = False + + is_mapper = False + + is_aliased_class = False + + def __init__(self, name, *exprs, **kw): + r"""Construct a new :class:`.Bundle`. + + e.g.:: + + bn = Bundle("mybundle", MyClass.x, MyClass.y) + + for row in session.query(bn).filter( + bn.c.x == 5).filter(bn.c.y == 4): + print(row.mybundle.x, row.mybundle.y) + + :param name: name of the bundle. + :param \*exprs: columns or SQL expressions comprising the bundle. + :param single_entity=False: if True, rows for this :class:`.Bundle` + can be returned as a "single entity" outside of any enclosing tuple + in the same manner as a mapped entity. + + """ + self.name = self._label = name + self.exprs = exprs + self.c = self.columns = ColumnCollection() + self.columns.update( + (getattr(col, "key", col._label), col) for col in exprs + ) + self.single_entity = kw.pop("single_entity", self.single_entity) + + columns = None + """A namespace of SQL expressions referred to by this :class:`.Bundle`. + + e.g.:: + + bn = Bundle("mybundle", MyClass.x, MyClass.y) + + q = sess.query(bn).filter(bn.c.x == 5) + + Nesting of bundles is also supported:: + + b1 = Bundle("b1", + Bundle('b2', MyClass.a, MyClass.b), + Bundle('b3', MyClass.x, MyClass.y) + ) + + q = sess.query(b1).filter( + b1.c.b2.c.a == 5).filter(b1.c.b3.c.y == 9) + + .. seealso:: + + :attr:`.Bundle.c` + + """ + + c = None + """An alias for :attr:`.Bundle.columns`.""" + + def _clone(self): + cloned = self.__class__.__new__(self.__class__) + cloned.__dict__.update(self.__dict__) + return cloned + + def __clause_element__(self): + return expression.ClauseList(group=False, *self.exprs) + + @property + def clauses(self): + return self.__clause_element__().clauses + + def label(self, name): + """Provide a copy of this :class:`.Bundle` passing a new label.""" + + cloned = self._clone() + cloned.name = name + return cloned + + def create_row_processor(self, query, procs, labels): + """Produce the "row processing" function for this :class:`.Bundle`. + + May be overridden by subclasses. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`bundles` - includes an example of subclassing. + + """ + keyed_tuple = util.lightweight_named_tuple("result", labels) + + def proc(row): + return keyed_tuple([proc(row) for proc in procs]) + + return proc + + +class _BundleEntity(_QueryEntity): + use_id_for_hash = False + + def __init__(self, query, bundle, setup_entities=True): + query._entities.append(self) + self.bundle = self.expr = bundle + self.type = type(bundle) + self._label_name = bundle.name + self._entities = [] + + if setup_entities: + for expr in bundle.exprs: + if isinstance(expr, Bundle): + _BundleEntity(self, expr) + else: + _ColumnEntity(self, expr, namespace=self) + + self.supports_single_entity = self.bundle.single_entity + + @property + def mapper(self): + return self.entity_zero.mapper + + @property + def entities(self): + entities = [] + for ent in self._entities: + entities.extend(ent.entities) + return entities + + @property + def entity_zero(self): + for ent in self._entities: + ezero = ent.entity_zero + if ezero is not None: + return ezero + else: + return None + + def corresponds_to(self, entity): + # TODO: this seems to have no effect for + # _ColumnEntity either + return False + + @property + def entity_zero_or_selectable(self): + for ent in self._entities: + ezero = ent.entity_zero_or_selectable + if ezero is not None: + return ezero + else: + return None + + def adapt_to_selectable(self, query, sel): + c = _BundleEntity(query, self.bundle, setup_entities=False) + # c._label_name = self._label_name + # c.entity_zero = self.entity_zero + # c.entities = self.entities + + for ent in self._entities: + ent.adapt_to_selectable(c, sel) + + def setup_entity(self, ext_info, aliased_adapter): + for ent in self._entities: + ent.setup_entity(ext_info, aliased_adapter) + + def setup_context(self, query, context): + for ent in self._entities: + ent.setup_context(query, context) + + def row_processor(self, query, context, result): + procs, labels = zip( + *[ + ent.row_processor(query, context, result) + for ent in self._entities + ] + ) + + proc = self.bundle.create_row_processor(query, procs, labels) + + return proc, self._label_name + + +class _ColumnEntity(_QueryEntity): + """Column/expression based entity.""" + + def __init__(self, query, column, namespace=None): + self.expr = column + self.namespace = namespace + search_entities = True + check_column = False + + if isinstance(column, util.string_types): + column = sql.literal_column(column) + self._label_name = column.name + search_entities = False + check_column = True + _entity = None + elif isinstance( + column, (attributes.QueryableAttribute, interfaces.PropComparator) + ): + _entity = getattr(column, "_parententity", None) + if _entity is not None: + search_entities = False + self._label_name = column.key + column = column._query_clause_element() + check_column = True + if isinstance(column, Bundle): + _BundleEntity(query, column) + return + + if not isinstance(column, sql.ColumnElement): + if hasattr(column, "_select_iterable"): + # break out an object like Table into + # individual columns + for c in column._select_iterable: + if c is column: + break + _ColumnEntity(query, c, namespace=column) + else: + return + + raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError( + "SQL expression, column, or mapped entity " + "expected - got '%r'" % (column,) + ) + elif not check_column: + self._label_name = getattr(column, "key", None) + search_entities = True + + self.type = type_ = column.type + self.use_id_for_hash = not type_.hashable + + # If the Column is unnamed, give it a + # label() so that mutable column expressions + # can be located in the result even + # if the expression's identity has been changed + # due to adaption. + + if not column._label and not getattr(column, "is_literal", False): + column = column.label(self._label_name) + + query._entities.append(self) + + self.column = column + self.froms = set() + + # look for ORM entities represented within the + # given expression. Try to count only entities + # for columns whose FROM object is in the actual list + # of FROMs for the overall expression - this helps + # subqueries which were built from ORM constructs from + # leaking out their entities into the main select construct + self.actual_froms = actual_froms = set(column._from_objects) + + if not search_entities: + self.entity_zero = _entity + if _entity: + self.entities = [_entity] + self.mapper = _entity.mapper + else: + self.entities = [] + self.mapper = None + self._from_entities = set(self.entities) + else: + all_elements = [ + elem + for elem in sql_util.surface_column_elements( + column, include_scalar_selects=False + ) + if "parententity" in elem._annotations + ] + + self.entities = util.unique_list( + [ + elem._annotations["parententity"] + for elem in all_elements + if "parententity" in elem._annotations + ] + ) + + self._from_entities = set( + [ + elem._annotations["parententity"] + for elem in all_elements + if "parententity" in elem._annotations + and actual_froms.intersection(elem._from_objects) + ] + ) + if self.entities: + self.entity_zero = self.entities[0] + self.mapper = self.entity_zero.mapper + elif self.namespace is not None: + self.entity_zero = self.namespace + self.mapper = None + else: + self.entity_zero = None + self.mapper = None + + supports_single_entity = False + + @property + def entity_zero_or_selectable(self): + if self.entity_zero is not None: + return self.entity_zero + elif self.actual_froms: + return list(self.actual_froms)[0] + else: + return None + + def adapt_to_selectable(self, query, sel): + c = _ColumnEntity(query, sel.corresponding_column(self.column)) + c._label_name = self._label_name + c.entity_zero = self.entity_zero + c.entities = self.entities + + def setup_entity(self, ext_info, aliased_adapter): + if "selectable" not in self.__dict__: + self.selectable = ext_info.selectable + + if self.actual_froms.intersection(ext_info.selectable._from_objects): + self.froms.add(ext_info.selectable) + + def corresponds_to(self, entity): + # TODO: just returning False here, + # no tests fail + if self.entity_zero is None: + return False + elif _is_aliased_class(entity): + # TODO: polymorphic subclasses ? + return entity is self.entity_zero + else: + return not _is_aliased_class( + self.entity_zero + ) and entity.common_parent(self.entity_zero) + + def row_processor(self, query, context, result): + if ("fetch_column", self) in context.attributes: + column = context.attributes[("fetch_column", self)] + else: + column = query._adapt_clause(self.column, False, True) + + if column._annotations: + # annotated columns perform more slowly in compiler and + # result due to the __eq__() method, so use deannotated + column = column._deannotate() + + if context.adapter: + column = context.adapter.columns[column] + + getter = result._getter(column) + return getter, self._label_name + + def setup_context(self, query, context): + column = query._adapt_clause(self.column, False, True) + + if column._annotations: + # annotated columns perform more slowly in compiler and + # result due to the __eq__() method, so use deannotated + column = column._deannotate() + + context.froms += tuple(self.froms) + context.primary_columns.append(column) + + context.attributes[("fetch_column", self)] = column + + def __str__(self): + return str(self.column) + + +class QueryContext(object): + __slots__ = ( + "multi_row_eager_loaders", + "adapter", + "froms", + "for_update", + "query", + "session", + "autoflush", + "populate_existing", + "invoke_all_eagers", + "version_check", + "refresh_state", + "primary_columns", + "secondary_columns", + "eager_order_by", + "eager_joins", + "create_eager_joins", + "propagate_options", + "attributes", + "statement", + "from_clause", + "whereclause", + "order_by", + "labels", + "_for_update_arg", + "runid", + "partials", + "post_load_paths", + "identity_token", + ) + + def __init__(self, query): + + if query._statement is not None: + if ( + isinstance(query._statement, expression.SelectBase) + and not query._statement._textual + and not query._statement.use_labels + ): + self.statement = query._statement.apply_labels() + else: + self.statement = query._statement + else: + self.statement = None + self.from_clause = query._from_obj + self.whereclause = query._criterion + self.order_by = query._order_by + + self.multi_row_eager_loaders = False + self.adapter = None + self.froms = () + self.for_update = None + self.query = query + self.session = query.session + self.autoflush = query._autoflush + self.populate_existing = query._populate_existing + self.invoke_all_eagers = query._invoke_all_eagers + self.version_check = query._version_check + self.refresh_state = query._refresh_state + self.primary_columns = [] + self.secondary_columns = [] + self.eager_order_by = [] + self.eager_joins = {} + self.create_eager_joins = [] + self.propagate_options = set( + o for o in query._with_options if o.propagate_to_loaders + ) + self.attributes = query._attributes.copy() + if self.refresh_state is not None: + self.identity_token = query._refresh_identity_token + else: + self.identity_token = None + + +class AliasOption(interfaces.MapperOption): + def __init__(self, alias): + r"""Return a :class:`.MapperOption` that will indicate to the :class:`.Query` + that the main table has been aliased. + + This is a seldom-used option to suit the + very rare case that :func:`.contains_eager` + is being used in conjunction with a user-defined SELECT + statement that aliases the parent table. E.g.:: + + # define an aliased UNION called 'ulist' + ulist = users.select(users.c.user_id==7).\ + union(users.select(users.c.user_id>7)).\ + alias('ulist') + + # add on an eager load of "addresses" + statement = ulist.outerjoin(addresses).\ + select().apply_labels() + + # create query, indicating "ulist" will be an + # alias for the main table, "addresses" + # property should be eager loaded + query = session.query(User).options( + contains_alias(ulist), + contains_eager(User.addresses)) + + # then get results via the statement + results = query.from_statement(statement).all() + + :param alias: is the string name of an alias, or a + :class:`~.sql.expression.Alias` object representing + the alias. + + """ + self.alias = alias + + def process_query(self, query): + if isinstance(self.alias, util.string_types): + alias = query._mapper_zero().mapped_table.alias(self.alias) + else: + alias = self.alias + query._from_obj_alias = sql_util.ColumnAdapter(alias) diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/relationships.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/relationships.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..75b6054 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/relationships.py @@ -0,0 +1,3157 @@ +# orm/relationships.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +"""Heuristics related to join conditions as used in +:func:`.relationship`. + +Provides the :class:`.JoinCondition` object, which encapsulates +SQL annotation and aliasing behavior focused on the `primaryjoin` +and `secondaryjoin` aspects of :func:`.relationship`. + +""" +from __future__ import absolute_import + +import collections +import weakref + +from . import attributes +from . import dependency +from . import mapper as mapperlib +from .interfaces import MANYTOMANY +from .interfaces import MANYTOONE +from .interfaces import ONETOMANY +from .interfaces import PropComparator +from .interfaces import StrategizedProperty +from .util import _orm_annotate +from .util import _orm_deannotate +from .util import CascadeOptions +from .. import exc as sa_exc +from .. import log +from .. import schema +from .. import sql +from .. import util +from ..inspection import inspect +from ..sql import expression +from ..sql import operators +from ..sql import visitors +from ..sql.util import _deep_deannotate +from ..sql.util import _shallow_annotate +from ..sql.util import adapt_criterion_to_null +from ..sql.util import ClauseAdapter +from ..sql.util import join_condition +from ..sql.util import selectables_overlap +from ..sql.util import visit_binary_product + + +def remote(expr): + """Annotate a portion of a primaryjoin expression + with a 'remote' annotation. + + See the section :ref:`relationship_custom_foreign` for a + description of use. + + .. versionadded:: 0.8 + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`relationship_custom_foreign` + + :func:`.foreign` + + """ + return _annotate_columns( + expression._clause_element_as_expr(expr), {"remote": True} + ) + + +def foreign(expr): + """Annotate a portion of a primaryjoin expression + with a 'foreign' annotation. + + See the section :ref:`relationship_custom_foreign` for a + description of use. + + .. versionadded:: 0.8 + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`relationship_custom_foreign` + + :func:`.remote` + + """ + + return _annotate_columns( + expression._clause_element_as_expr(expr), {"foreign": True} + ) + + +@log.class_logger +@util.langhelpers.dependency_for("sqlalchemy.orm.properties", add_to_all=True) +class RelationshipProperty(StrategizedProperty): + """Describes an object property that holds a single item or list + of items that correspond to a related database table. + + Public constructor is the :func:`.orm.relationship` function. + + See also: + + :ref:`relationship_config_toplevel` + + """ + + strategy_wildcard_key = "relationship" + + _dependency_processor = None + + def __init__( + self, + argument, + secondary=None, + primaryjoin=None, + secondaryjoin=None, + foreign_keys=None, + uselist=None, + order_by=False, + backref=None, + back_populates=None, + post_update=False, + cascade=False, + extension=None, + viewonly=False, + lazy="select", + collection_class=None, + passive_deletes=False, + passive_updates=True, + remote_side=None, + enable_typechecks=True, + join_depth=None, + comparator_factory=None, + single_parent=False, + innerjoin=False, + distinct_target_key=None, + doc=None, + active_history=False, + cascade_backrefs=True, + load_on_pending=False, + bake_queries=True, + _local_remote_pairs=None, + query_class=None, + info=None, + ): + """Provide a relationship between two mapped classes. + + This corresponds to a parent-child or associative table relationship. + The constructed class is an instance of + :class:`.RelationshipProperty`. + + A typical :func:`.relationship`, used in a classical mapping:: + + mapper(Parent, properties={ + 'children': relationship(Child) + }) + + Some arguments accepted by :func:`.relationship` optionally accept a + callable function, which when called produces the desired value. + The callable is invoked by the parent :class:`.Mapper` at "mapper + initialization" time, which happens only when mappers are first used, + and is assumed to be after all mappings have been constructed. This + can be used to resolve order-of-declaration and other dependency + issues, such as if ``Child`` is declared below ``Parent`` in the same + file:: + + mapper(Parent, properties={ + "children":relationship(lambda: Child, + order_by=lambda: Child.id) + }) + + When using the :ref:`declarative_toplevel` extension, the Declarative + initializer allows string arguments to be passed to + :func:`.relationship`. These string arguments are converted into + callables that evaluate the string as Python code, using the + Declarative class-registry as a namespace. This allows the lookup of + related classes to be automatic via their string name, and removes the + need to import related classes at all into the local module space:: + + from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base + + Base = declarative_base() + + class Parent(Base): + __tablename__ = 'parent' + id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) + children = relationship("Child", order_by="Child.id") + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`relationship_config_toplevel` - Full introductory and + reference documentation for :func:`.relationship`. + + :ref:`orm_tutorial_relationship` - ORM tutorial introduction. + + :param argument: + a mapped class, or actual :class:`.Mapper` instance, representing + the target of the relationship. + + :paramref:`~.relationship.argument` may also be passed as a callable + function which is evaluated at mapper initialization time, and may + be passed as a Python-evaluable string when using Declarative. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`declarative_configuring_relationships` - further detail + on relationship configuration when using Declarative. + + :param secondary: + for a many-to-many relationship, specifies the intermediary + table, and is typically an instance of :class:`.Table`. + In less common circumstances, the argument may also be specified + as an :class:`.Alias` construct, or even a :class:`.Join` construct. + + :paramref:`~.relationship.secondary` may + also be passed as a callable function which is evaluated at + mapper initialization time. When using Declarative, it may also + be a string argument noting the name of a :class:`.Table` that is + present in the :class:`.MetaData` collection associated with the + parent-mapped :class:`.Table`. + + The :paramref:`~.relationship.secondary` keyword argument is + typically applied in the case where the intermediary :class:`.Table` + is not otherwise expressed in any direct class mapping. If the + "secondary" table is also explicitly mapped elsewhere (e.g. as in + :ref:`association_pattern`), one should consider applying the + :paramref:`~.relationship.viewonly` flag so that this + :func:`.relationship` is not used for persistence operations which + may conflict with those of the association object pattern. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`relationships_many_to_many` - Reference example of "many + to many". + + :ref:`orm_tutorial_many_to_many` - ORM tutorial introduction to + many-to-many relationships. + + :ref:`self_referential_many_to_many` - Specifics on using + many-to-many in a self-referential case. + + :ref:`declarative_many_to_many` - Additional options when using + Declarative. + + :ref:`association_pattern` - an alternative to + :paramref:`~.relationship.secondary` when composing association + table relationships, allowing additional attributes to be + specified on the association table. + + :ref:`composite_secondary_join` - a lesser-used pattern which + in some cases can enable complex :func:`.relationship` SQL + conditions to be used. + + .. versionadded:: 0.9.2 :paramref:`~.relationship.secondary` works + more effectively when referring to a :class:`.Join` instance. + + :param active_history=False: + When ``True``, indicates that the "previous" value for a + many-to-one reference should be loaded when replaced, if + not already loaded. Normally, history tracking logic for + simple many-to-ones only needs to be aware of the "new" + value in order to perform a flush. This flag is available + for applications that make use of + :func:`.attributes.get_history` which also need to know + the "previous" value of the attribute. + + :param backref: + indicates the string name of a property to be placed on the related + mapper's class that will handle this relationship in the other + direction. The other property will be created automatically + when the mappers are configured. Can also be passed as a + :func:`.backref` object to control the configuration of the + new relationship. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`relationships_backref` - Introductory documentation and + examples. + + :paramref:`~.relationship.back_populates` - alternative form + of backref specification. + + :func:`.backref` - allows control over :func:`.relationship` + configuration when using :paramref:`~.relationship.backref`. + + + :param back_populates: + Takes a string name and has the same meaning as + :paramref:`~.relationship.backref`, except the complementing + property is **not** created automatically, and instead must be + configured explicitly on the other mapper. The complementing + property should also indicate + :paramref:`~.relationship.back_populates` to this relationship to + ensure proper functioning. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`relationships_backref` - Introductory documentation and + examples. + + :paramref:`~.relationship.backref` - alternative form + of backref specification. + + :param bake_queries=True: + Use the :class:`.BakedQuery` cache to cache the construction of SQL + used in lazy loads. True by default. Set to False if the + join condition of the relationship has unusual features that + might not respond well to statement caching. + + .. versionchanged:: 1.2 + "Baked" loading is the default implementation for the "select", + a.k.a. "lazy" loading strategy for relationships. + + .. versionadded:: 1.0.0 + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`baked_toplevel` + + :param cascade: + a comma-separated list of cascade rules which determines how + Session operations should be "cascaded" from parent to child. + This defaults to ``False``, which means the default cascade + should be used - this default cascade is ``"save-update, merge"``. + + The available cascades are ``save-update``, ``merge``, + ``expunge``, ``delete``, ``delete-orphan``, and ``refresh-expire``. + An additional option, ``all`` indicates shorthand for + ``"save-update, merge, refresh-expire, + expunge, delete"``, and is often used as in ``"all, delete-orphan"`` + to indicate that related objects should follow along with the + parent object in all cases, and be deleted when de-associated. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`unitofwork_cascades` - Full detail on each of the available + cascade options. + + :ref:`tutorial_delete_cascade` - Tutorial example describing + a delete cascade. + + :param cascade_backrefs=True: + a boolean value indicating if the ``save-update`` cascade should + operate along an assignment event intercepted by a backref. + When set to ``False``, the attribute managed by this relationship + will not cascade an incoming transient object into the session of a + persistent parent, if the event is received via backref. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`backref_cascade` - Full discussion and examples on how + the :paramref:`~.relationship.cascade_backrefs` option is used. + + :param collection_class: + a class or callable that returns a new list-holding object. will + be used in place of a plain list for storing elements. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`custom_collections` - Introductory documentation and + examples. + + :param comparator_factory: + a class which extends :class:`.RelationshipProperty.Comparator` + which provides custom SQL clause generation for comparison + operations. + + .. seealso:: + + :class:`.PropComparator` - some detail on redefining comparators + at this level. + + :ref:`custom_comparators` - Brief intro to this feature. + + + :param distinct_target_key=None: + Indicate if a "subquery" eager load should apply the DISTINCT + keyword to the innermost SELECT statement. When left as ``None``, + the DISTINCT keyword will be applied in those cases when the target + columns do not comprise the full primary key of the target table. + When set to ``True``, the DISTINCT keyword is applied to the + innermost SELECT unconditionally. + + It may be desirable to set this flag to False when the DISTINCT is + reducing performance of the innermost subquery beyond that of what + duplicate innermost rows may be causing. + + .. versionadded:: 0.8.3 - + :paramref:`~.relationship.distinct_target_key` allows the + subquery eager loader to apply a DISTINCT modifier to the + innermost SELECT. + + .. versionchanged:: 0.9.0 - + :paramref:`~.relationship.distinct_target_key` now defaults to + ``None``, so that the feature enables itself automatically for + those cases where the innermost query targets a non-unique + key. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`loading_toplevel` - includes an introduction to subquery + eager loading. + + :param doc: + docstring which will be applied to the resulting descriptor. + + :param extension: + an :class:`.AttributeExtension` instance, or list of extensions, + which will be prepended to the list of attribute listeners for + the resulting descriptor placed on the class. + + .. deprecated:: 0.7 Please see :class:`.AttributeEvents`. + + :param foreign_keys: + + a list of columns which are to be used as "foreign key" + columns, or columns which refer to the value in a remote + column, within the context of this :func:`.relationship` + object's :paramref:`~.relationship.primaryjoin` condition. + That is, if the :paramref:`~.relationship.primaryjoin` + condition of this :func:`.relationship` is ``a.id == + b.a_id``, and the values in ``b.a_id`` are required to be + present in ``a.id``, then the "foreign key" column of this + :func:`.relationship` is ``b.a_id``. + + In normal cases, the :paramref:`~.relationship.foreign_keys` + parameter is **not required.** :func:`.relationship` will + automatically determine which columns in the + :paramref:`~.relationship.primaryjoin` conditition are to be + considered "foreign key" columns based on those + :class:`.Column` objects that specify :class:`.ForeignKey`, + or are otherwise listed as referencing columns in a + :class:`.ForeignKeyConstraint` construct. + :paramref:`~.relationship.foreign_keys` is only needed when: + + 1. There is more than one way to construct a join from the local + table to the remote table, as there are multiple foreign key + references present. Setting ``foreign_keys`` will limit the + :func:`.relationship` to consider just those columns specified + here as "foreign". + + .. versionchanged:: 0.8 + A multiple-foreign key join ambiguity can be resolved by + setting the :paramref:`~.relationship.foreign_keys` + parameter alone, without the need to explicitly set + :paramref:`~.relationship.primaryjoin` as well. + + 2. The :class:`.Table` being mapped does not actually have + :class:`.ForeignKey` or :class:`.ForeignKeyConstraint` + constructs present, often because the table + was reflected from a database that does not support foreign key + reflection (MySQL MyISAM). + + 3. The :paramref:`~.relationship.primaryjoin` argument is used to + construct a non-standard join condition, which makes use of + columns or expressions that do not normally refer to their + "parent" column, such as a join condition expressed by a + complex comparison using a SQL function. + + The :func:`.relationship` construct will raise informative + error messages that suggest the use of the + :paramref:`~.relationship.foreign_keys` parameter when + presented with an ambiguous condition. In typical cases, + if :func:`.relationship` doesn't raise any exceptions, the + :paramref:`~.relationship.foreign_keys` parameter is usually + not needed. + + :paramref:`~.relationship.foreign_keys` may also be passed as a + callable function which is evaluated at mapper initialization time, + and may be passed as a Python-evaluable string when using + Declarative. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`relationship_foreign_keys` + + :ref:`relationship_custom_foreign` + + :func:`.foreign` - allows direct annotation of the "foreign" + columns within a :paramref:`~.relationship.primaryjoin` condition. + + .. versionadded:: 0.8 + The :func:`.foreign` annotation can also be applied + directly to the :paramref:`~.relationship.primaryjoin` + expression, which is an alternate, more specific system of + describing which columns in a particular + :paramref:`~.relationship.primaryjoin` should be considered + "foreign". + + :param info: Optional data dictionary which will be populated into the + :attr:`.MapperProperty.info` attribute of this object. + + .. versionadded:: 0.8 + + :param innerjoin=False: + when ``True``, joined eager loads will use an inner join to join + against related tables instead of an outer join. The purpose + of this option is generally one of performance, as inner joins + generally perform better than outer joins. + + This flag can be set to ``True`` when the relationship references an + object via many-to-one using local foreign keys that are not + nullable, or when the reference is one-to-one or a collection that + is guaranteed to have one or at least one entry. + + The option supports the same "nested" and "unnested" options as + that of :paramref:`.joinedload.innerjoin`. See that flag + for details on nested / unnested behaviors. + + .. seealso:: + + :paramref:`.joinedload.innerjoin` - the option as specified by + loader option, including detail on nesting behavior. + + :ref:`what_kind_of_loading` - Discussion of some details of + various loader options. + + + :param join_depth: + when non-``None``, an integer value indicating how many levels + deep "eager" loaders should join on a self-referring or cyclical + relationship. The number counts how many times the same Mapper + shall be present in the loading condition along a particular join + branch. When left at its default of ``None``, eager loaders + will stop chaining when they encounter a the same target mapper + which is already higher up in the chain. This option applies + both to joined- and subquery- eager loaders. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`self_referential_eager_loading` - Introductory documentation + and examples. + + :param lazy='select': specifies + how the related items should be loaded. Default value is + ``select``. Values include: + + * ``select`` - items should be loaded lazily when the property is + first accessed, using a separate SELECT statement, or identity map + fetch for simple many-to-one references. + + * ``immediate`` - items should be loaded as the parents are loaded, + using a separate SELECT statement, or identity map fetch for + simple many-to-one references. + + * ``joined`` - items should be loaded "eagerly" in the same query as + that of the parent, using a JOIN or LEFT OUTER JOIN. Whether + the join is "outer" or not is determined by the + :paramref:`~.relationship.innerjoin` parameter. + + * ``subquery`` - items should be loaded "eagerly" as the parents are + loaded, using one additional SQL statement, which issues a JOIN to + a subquery of the original statement, for each collection + requested. + + * ``selectin`` - items should be loaded "eagerly" as the parents + are loaded, using one or more additional SQL statements, which + issues a JOIN to the immediate parent object, specifying primary + key identifiers using an IN clause. + + .. versionadded:: 1.2 + + * ``noload`` - no loading should occur at any time. This is to + support "write-only" attributes, or attributes which are + populated in some manner specific to the application. + + * ``raise`` - lazy loading is disallowed; accessing + the attribute, if its value were not already loaded via eager + loading, will raise an :exc:`~sqlalchemy.exc.InvalidRequestError`. + This strategy can be used when objects are to be detached from + their attached :class:`.Session` after they are loaded. + + .. versionadded:: 1.1 + + * ``raise_on_sql`` - lazy loading that emits SQL is disallowed; + accessing the attribute, if its value were not already loaded via + eager loading, will raise an + :exc:`~sqlalchemy.exc.InvalidRequestError`, **if the lazy load + needs to emit SQL**. If the lazy load can pull the related value + from the identity map or determine that it should be None, the + value is loaded. This strategy can be used when objects will + remain associated with the attached :class:`.Session`, however + additional SELECT statements should be blocked. + + .. versionadded:: 1.1 + + * ``dynamic`` - the attribute will return a pre-configured + :class:`.Query` object for all read + operations, onto which further filtering operations can be + applied before iterating the results. See + the section :ref:`dynamic_relationship` for more details. + + * True - a synonym for 'select' + + * False - a synonym for 'joined' + + * None - a synonym for 'noload' + + .. seealso:: + + :doc:`/orm/loading_relationships` - Full documentation on + relationship loader configuration. + + :ref:`dynamic_relationship` - detail on the ``dynamic`` option. + + :ref:`collections_noload_raiseload` - notes on "noload" and "raise" + + :param load_on_pending=False: + Indicates loading behavior for transient or pending parent objects. + + When set to ``True``, causes the lazy-loader to + issue a query for a parent object that is not persistent, meaning it + has never been flushed. This may take effect for a pending object + when autoflush is disabled, or for a transient object that has been + "attached" to a :class:`.Session` but is not part of its pending + collection. + + The :paramref:`~.relationship.load_on_pending` flag does not improve + behavior when the ORM is used normally - object references should be + constructed at the object level, not at the foreign key level, so + that they are present in an ordinary way before a flush proceeds. + This flag is not not intended for general use. + + .. seealso:: + + :meth:`.Session.enable_relationship_loading` - this method + establishes "load on pending" behavior for the whole object, and + also allows loading on objects that remain transient or + detached. + + :param order_by: + indicates the ordering that should be applied when loading these + items. :paramref:`~.relationship.order_by` is expected to refer to + one of the :class:`.Column` objects to which the target class is + mapped, or the attribute itself bound to the target class which + refers to the column. + + :paramref:`~.relationship.order_by` may also be passed as a callable + function which is evaluated at mapper initialization time, and may + be passed as a Python-evaluable string when using Declarative. + + :param passive_deletes=False: + Indicates loading behavior during delete operations. + + A value of True indicates that unloaded child items should not + be loaded during a delete operation on the parent. Normally, + when a parent item is deleted, all child items are loaded so + that they can either be marked as deleted, or have their + foreign key to the parent set to NULL. Marking this flag as + True usually implies an ON DELETE rule is in + place which will handle updating/deleting child rows on the + database side. + + Additionally, setting the flag to the string value 'all' will + disable the "nulling out" of the child foreign keys, when the parent + object is deleted and there is no delete or delete-orphan cascade + enabled. This is typically used when a triggering or error raise + scenario is in place on the database side. Note that the foreign + key attributes on in-session child objects will not be changed after + a flush occurs so this is a very special use-case setting. + Additionally, the "nulling out" will still occur if the child + object is de-associated with the parent. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`passive_deletes` - Introductory documentation + and examples. + + :param passive_updates=True: + Indicates the persistence behavior to take when a referenced + primary key value changes in place, indicating that the referencing + foreign key columns will also need their value changed. + + When True, it is assumed that ``ON UPDATE CASCADE`` is configured on + the foreign key in the database, and that the database will + handle propagation of an UPDATE from a source column to + dependent rows. When False, the SQLAlchemy :func:`.relationship` + construct will attempt to emit its own UPDATE statements to + modify related targets. However note that SQLAlchemy **cannot** + emit an UPDATE for more than one level of cascade. Also, + setting this flag to False is not compatible in the case where + the database is in fact enforcing referential integrity, unless + those constraints are explicitly "deferred", if the target backend + supports it. + + It is highly advised that an application which is employing + mutable primary keys keeps ``passive_updates`` set to True, + and instead uses the referential integrity features of the database + itself in order to handle the change efficiently and fully. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`passive_updates` - Introductory documentation and + examples. + + :paramref:`.mapper.passive_updates` - a similar flag which + takes effect for joined-table inheritance mappings. + + :param post_update: + this indicates that the relationship should be handled by a + second UPDATE statement after an INSERT or before a + DELETE. Currently, it also will issue an UPDATE after the + instance was UPDATEd as well, although this technically should + be improved. This flag is used to handle saving bi-directional + dependencies between two individual rows (i.e. each row + references the other), where it would otherwise be impossible to + INSERT or DELETE both rows fully since one row exists before the + other. Use this flag when a particular mapping arrangement will + incur two rows that are dependent on each other, such as a table + that has a one-to-many relationship to a set of child rows, and + also has a column that references a single child row within that + list (i.e. both tables contain a foreign key to each other). If + a flush operation returns an error that a "cyclical + dependency" was detected, this is a cue that you might want to + use :paramref:`~.relationship.post_update` to "break" the cycle. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`post_update` - Introductory documentation and examples. + + :param primaryjoin: + a SQL expression that will be used as the primary + join of this child object against the parent object, or in a + many-to-many relationship the join of the primary object to the + association table. By default, this value is computed based on the + foreign key relationships of the parent and child tables (or + association table). + + :paramref:`~.relationship.primaryjoin` may also be passed as a + callable function which is evaluated at mapper initialization time, + and may be passed as a Python-evaluable string when using + Declarative. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`relationship_primaryjoin` + + :param remote_side: + used for self-referential relationships, indicates the column or + list of columns that form the "remote side" of the relationship. + + :paramref:`.relationship.remote_side` may also be passed as a + callable function which is evaluated at mapper initialization time, + and may be passed as a Python-evaluable string when using + Declarative. + + .. versionchanged:: 0.8 + The :func:`.remote` annotation can also be applied + directly to the ``primaryjoin`` expression, which is an + alternate, more specific system of describing which columns in a + particular ``primaryjoin`` should be considered "remote". + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`self_referential` - in-depth explanation of how + :paramref:`~.relationship.remote_side` + is used to configure self-referential relationships. + + :func:`.remote` - an annotation function that accomplishes the + same purpose as :paramref:`~.relationship.remote_side`, typically + when a custom :paramref:`~.relationship.primaryjoin` condition + is used. + + :param query_class: + a :class:`.Query` subclass that will be used as the base of the + "appender query" returned by a "dynamic" relationship, that + is, a relationship that specifies ``lazy="dynamic"`` or was + otherwise constructed using the :func:`.orm.dynamic_loader` + function. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`dynamic_relationship` - Introduction to "dynamic" + relationship loaders. + + :param secondaryjoin: + a SQL expression that will be used as the join of + an association table to the child object. By default, this value is + computed based on the foreign key relationships of the association + and child tables. + + :paramref:`~.relationship.secondaryjoin` may also be passed as a + callable function which is evaluated at mapper initialization time, + and may be passed as a Python-evaluable string when using + Declarative. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`relationship_primaryjoin` + + :param single_parent: + when True, installs a validator which will prevent objects + from being associated with more than one parent at a time. + This is used for many-to-one or many-to-many relationships that + should be treated either as one-to-one or one-to-many. Its usage + is optional, except for :func:`.relationship` constructs which + are many-to-one or many-to-many and also + specify the ``delete-orphan`` cascade option. The + :func:`.relationship` construct itself will raise an error + instructing when this option is required. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`unitofwork_cascades` - includes detail on when the + :paramref:`~.relationship.single_parent` flag may be appropriate. + + :param uselist: + a boolean that indicates if this property should be loaded as a + list or a scalar. In most cases, this value is determined + automatically by :func:`.relationship` at mapper configuration + time, based on the type and direction + of the relationship - one to many forms a list, many to one + forms a scalar, many to many is a list. If a scalar is desired + where normally a list would be present, such as a bi-directional + one-to-one relationship, set :paramref:`~.relationship.uselist` to + False. + + The :paramref:`~.relationship.uselist` flag is also available on an + existing :func:`.relationship` construct as a read-only attribute, + which can be used to determine if this :func:`.relationship` deals + with collections or scalar attributes:: + + >>> User.addresses.property.uselist + True + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`relationships_one_to_one` - Introduction to the "one to + one" relationship pattern, which is typically when the + :paramref:`~.relationship.uselist` flag is needed. + + :param viewonly=False: + when set to True, the relationship is used only for loading objects, + and not for any persistence operation. A :func:`.relationship` + which specifies :paramref:`~.relationship.viewonly` can work + with a wider range of SQL operations within the + :paramref:`~.relationship.primaryjoin` condition, including + operations that feature the use of a variety of comparison operators + as well as SQL functions such as :func:`~.sql.expression.cast`. The + :paramref:`~.relationship.viewonly` flag is also of general use when + defining any kind of :func:`~.relationship` that doesn't represent + the full set of related objects, to prevent modifications of the + collection from resulting in persistence operations. + + + """ + super(RelationshipProperty, self).__init__() + + self.uselist = uselist + self.argument = argument + self.secondary = secondary + self.primaryjoin = primaryjoin + self.secondaryjoin = secondaryjoin + self.post_update = post_update + self.direction = None + self.viewonly = viewonly + self.lazy = lazy + self.single_parent = single_parent + self._user_defined_foreign_keys = foreign_keys + self.collection_class = collection_class + self.passive_deletes = passive_deletes + self.cascade_backrefs = cascade_backrefs + self.passive_updates = passive_updates + self.remote_side = remote_side + self.enable_typechecks = enable_typechecks + self.query_class = query_class + self.innerjoin = innerjoin + self.distinct_target_key = distinct_target_key + self.doc = doc + self.active_history = active_history + self.join_depth = join_depth + self.local_remote_pairs = _local_remote_pairs + self.extension = extension + self.bake_queries = bake_queries + self.load_on_pending = load_on_pending + self.comparator_factory = ( + comparator_factory or RelationshipProperty.Comparator + ) + self.comparator = self.comparator_factory(self, None) + util.set_creation_order(self) + + if info is not None: + self.info = info + + self.strategy_key = (("lazy", self.lazy),) + + self._reverse_property = set() + + self.cascade = ( + cascade if cascade is not False else "save-update, merge" + ) + + self.order_by = order_by + + self.back_populates = back_populates + + if self.back_populates: + if backref: + raise sa_exc.ArgumentError( + "backref and back_populates keyword arguments " + "are mutually exclusive" + ) + self.backref = None + else: + self.backref = backref + + def instrument_class(self, mapper): + attributes.register_descriptor( + mapper.class_, + self.key, + comparator=self.comparator_factory(self, mapper), + parententity=mapper, + doc=self.doc, + ) + + class Comparator(PropComparator): + """Produce boolean, comparison, and other operators for + :class:`.RelationshipProperty` attributes. + + See the documentation for :class:`.PropComparator` for a brief + overview of ORM level operator definition. + + See also: + + :class:`.PropComparator` + + :class:`.ColumnProperty.Comparator` + + :class:`.ColumnOperators` + + :ref:`types_operators` + + :attr:`.TypeEngine.comparator_factory` + + """ + + _of_type = None + + def __init__( + self, prop, parentmapper, adapt_to_entity=None, of_type=None + ): + """Construction of :class:`.RelationshipProperty.Comparator` + is internal to the ORM's attribute mechanics. + + """ + self.prop = prop + self._parententity = parentmapper + self._adapt_to_entity = adapt_to_entity + if of_type: + self._of_type = of_type + + def adapt_to_entity(self, adapt_to_entity): + return self.__class__( + self.property, + self._parententity, + adapt_to_entity=adapt_to_entity, + of_type=self._of_type, + ) + + @util.memoized_property + def mapper(self): + """The target :class:`.Mapper` referred to by this + :class:`.RelationshipProperty.Comparator`. + + This is the "target" or "remote" side of the + :func:`.relationship`. + + """ + return self.property.mapper + + @util.memoized_property + def _parententity(self): + return self.property.parent + + def _source_selectable(self): + if self._adapt_to_entity: + return self._adapt_to_entity.selectable + else: + return self.property.parent._with_polymorphic_selectable + + def __clause_element__(self): + adapt_from = self._source_selectable() + if self._of_type: + of_type = inspect(self._of_type).mapper + else: + of_type = None + + ( + pj, + sj, + source, + dest, + secondary, + target_adapter, + ) = self.property._create_joins( + source_selectable=adapt_from, + source_polymorphic=True, + of_type=of_type, + ) + if sj is not None: + return pj & sj + else: + return pj + + def of_type(self, cls): + r"""Redefine this object in terms of a polymorphic subclass. + + See :meth:`.PropComparator.of_type` for an example. + + """ + return RelationshipProperty.Comparator( + self.property, + self._parententity, + adapt_to_entity=self._adapt_to_entity, + of_type=cls, + ) + + def in_(self, other): + """Produce an IN clause - this is not implemented + for :func:`~.orm.relationship`-based attributes at this time. + + """ + raise NotImplementedError( + "in_() not yet supported for " + "relationships. For a simple " + "many-to-one, use in_() against " + "the set of foreign key values." + ) + + __hash__ = None + + def __eq__(self, other): + """Implement the ``==`` operator. + + In a many-to-one context, such as:: + + MyClass.some_prop == + + this will typically produce a + clause such as:: + + mytable.related_id == + + Where ```` is the primary key of the given + object. + + The ``==`` operator provides partial functionality for non- + many-to-one comparisons: + + * Comparisons against collections are not supported. + Use :meth:`~.RelationshipProperty.Comparator.contains`. + * Compared to a scalar one-to-many, will produce a + clause that compares the target columns in the parent to + the given target. + * Compared to a scalar many-to-many, an alias + of the association table will be rendered as + well, forming a natural join that is part of the + main body of the query. This will not work for + queries that go beyond simple AND conjunctions of + comparisons, such as those which use OR. Use + explicit joins, outerjoins, or + :meth:`~.RelationshipProperty.Comparator.has` for + more comprehensive non-many-to-one scalar + membership tests. + * Comparisons against ``None`` given in a one-to-many + or many-to-many context produce a NOT EXISTS clause. + + """ + if isinstance(other, (util.NoneType, expression.Null)): + if self.property.direction in [ONETOMANY, MANYTOMANY]: + return ~self._criterion_exists() + else: + return _orm_annotate( + self.property._optimized_compare( + None, adapt_source=self.adapter + ) + ) + elif self.property.uselist: + raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError( + "Can't compare a collection to an object or collection; " + "use contains() to test for membership." + ) + else: + return _orm_annotate( + self.property._optimized_compare( + other, adapt_source=self.adapter + ) + ) + + def _criterion_exists(self, criterion=None, **kwargs): + if getattr(self, "_of_type", None): + info = inspect(self._of_type) + target_mapper, to_selectable, is_aliased_class = ( + info.mapper, + info.selectable, + info.is_aliased_class, + ) + if self.property._is_self_referential and not is_aliased_class: + to_selectable = to_selectable.alias() + + single_crit = target_mapper._single_table_criterion + if single_crit is not None: + if criterion is not None: + criterion = single_crit & criterion + else: + criterion = single_crit + else: + is_aliased_class = False + to_selectable = None + + if self.adapter: + source_selectable = self._source_selectable() + else: + source_selectable = None + + ( + pj, + sj, + source, + dest, + secondary, + target_adapter, + ) = self.property._create_joins( + dest_polymorphic=True, + dest_selectable=to_selectable, + source_selectable=source_selectable, + ) + + for k in kwargs: + crit = getattr(self.property.mapper.class_, k) == kwargs[k] + if criterion is None: + criterion = crit + else: + criterion = criterion & crit + + # annotate the *local* side of the join condition, in the case + # of pj + sj this is the full primaryjoin, in the case of just + # pj its the local side of the primaryjoin. + if sj is not None: + j = _orm_annotate(pj) & sj + else: + j = _orm_annotate(pj, exclude=self.property.remote_side) + + if ( + criterion is not None + and target_adapter + and not is_aliased_class + ): + # limit this adapter to annotated only? + criterion = target_adapter.traverse(criterion) + + # only have the "joined left side" of what we + # return be subject to Query adaption. The right + # side of it is used for an exists() subquery and + # should not correlate or otherwise reach out + # to anything in the enclosing query. + if criterion is not None: + criterion = criterion._annotate( + {"no_replacement_traverse": True} + ) + + crit = j & sql.True_._ifnone(criterion) + + if secondary is not None: + ex = sql.exists( + [1], crit, from_obj=[dest, secondary] + ).correlate_except(dest, secondary) + else: + ex = sql.exists([1], crit, from_obj=dest).correlate_except( + dest + ) + return ex + + def any(self, criterion=None, **kwargs): + """Produce an expression that tests a collection against + particular criterion, using EXISTS. + + An expression like:: + + session.query(MyClass).filter( + MyClass.somereference.any(SomeRelated.x==2) + ) + + + Will produce a query like:: + + SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE + EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM related WHERE related.my_id=my_table.id + AND related.x=2) + + Because :meth:`~.RelationshipProperty.Comparator.any` uses + a correlated subquery, its performance is not nearly as + good when compared against large target tables as that of + using a join. + + :meth:`~.RelationshipProperty.Comparator.any` is particularly + useful for testing for empty collections:: + + session.query(MyClass).filter( + ~MyClass.somereference.any() + ) + + will produce:: + + SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE + NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM related WHERE + related.my_id=my_table.id) + + :meth:`~.RelationshipProperty.Comparator.any` is only + valid for collections, i.e. a :func:`.relationship` + that has ``uselist=True``. For scalar references, + use :meth:`~.RelationshipProperty.Comparator.has`. + + """ + if not self.property.uselist: + raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError( + "'any()' not implemented for scalar " + "attributes. Use has()." + ) + + return self._criterion_exists(criterion, **kwargs) + + def has(self, criterion=None, **kwargs): + """Produce an expression that tests a scalar reference against + particular criterion, using EXISTS. + + An expression like:: + + session.query(MyClass).filter( + MyClass.somereference.has(SomeRelated.x==2) + ) + + + Will produce a query like:: + + SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE + EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM related WHERE + related.id==my_table.related_id AND related.x=2) + + Because :meth:`~.RelationshipProperty.Comparator.has` uses + a correlated subquery, its performance is not nearly as + good when compared against large target tables as that of + using a join. + + :meth:`~.RelationshipProperty.Comparator.has` is only + valid for scalar references, i.e. a :func:`.relationship` + that has ``uselist=False``. For collection references, + use :meth:`~.RelationshipProperty.Comparator.any`. + + """ + if self.property.uselist: + raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError( + "'has()' not implemented for collections. " "Use any()." + ) + return self._criterion_exists(criterion, **kwargs) + + def contains(self, other, **kwargs): + """Return a simple expression that tests a collection for + containment of a particular item. + + :meth:`~.RelationshipProperty.Comparator.contains` is + only valid for a collection, i.e. a + :func:`~.orm.relationship` that implements + one-to-many or many-to-many with ``uselist=True``. + + When used in a simple one-to-many context, an + expression like:: + + MyClass.contains(other) + + Produces a clause like:: + + mytable.id == + + Where ```` is the value of the foreign key + attribute on ``other`` which refers to the primary + key of its parent object. From this it follows that + :meth:`~.RelationshipProperty.Comparator.contains` is + very useful when used with simple one-to-many + operations. + + For many-to-many operations, the behavior of + :meth:`~.RelationshipProperty.Comparator.contains` + has more caveats. The association table will be + rendered in the statement, producing an "implicit" + join, that is, includes multiple tables in the FROM + clause which are equated in the WHERE clause:: + + query(MyClass).filter(MyClass.contains(other)) + + Produces a query like:: + + SELECT * FROM my_table, my_association_table AS + my_association_table_1 WHERE + my_table.id = my_association_table_1.parent_id + AND my_association_table_1.child_id = + + Where ```` would be the primary key of + ``other``. From the above, it is clear that + :meth:`~.RelationshipProperty.Comparator.contains` + will **not** work with many-to-many collections when + used in queries that move beyond simple AND + conjunctions, such as multiple + :meth:`~.RelationshipProperty.Comparator.contains` + expressions joined by OR. In such cases subqueries or + explicit "outer joins" will need to be used instead. + See :meth:`~.RelationshipProperty.Comparator.any` for + a less-performant alternative using EXISTS, or refer + to :meth:`.Query.outerjoin` as well as :ref:`ormtutorial_joins` + for more details on constructing outer joins. + + """ + if not self.property.uselist: + raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError( + "'contains' not implemented for scalar " + "attributes. Use ==" + ) + clause = self.property._optimized_compare( + other, adapt_source=self.adapter + ) + + if self.property.secondaryjoin is not None: + clause.negation_clause = self.__negated_contains_or_equals( + other + ) + + return clause + + def __negated_contains_or_equals(self, other): + if self.property.direction == MANYTOONE: + state = attributes.instance_state(other) + + def state_bindparam(x, state, col): + dict_ = state.dict + return sql.bindparam( + x, + unique=True, + callable_=self.property._get_attr_w_warn_on_none( + col, + self.property.mapper._get_state_attr_by_column, + state, + dict_, + col, + passive=attributes.PASSIVE_OFF, + ), + ) + + def adapt(col): + if self.adapter: + return self.adapter(col) + else: + return col + + if self.property._use_get: + return sql.and_( + *[ + sql.or_( + adapt(x) + != state_bindparam(adapt(x), state, y), + adapt(x) == None, + ) + for (x, y) in self.property.local_remote_pairs + ] + ) + + criterion = sql.and_( + *[ + x == y + for (x, y) in zip( + self.property.mapper.primary_key, + self.property.mapper.primary_key_from_instance(other), + ) + ] + ) + + return ~self._criterion_exists(criterion) + + def __ne__(self, other): + """Implement the ``!=`` operator. + + In a many-to-one context, such as:: + + MyClass.some_prop != + + This will typically produce a clause such as:: + + mytable.related_id != + + Where ```` is the primary key of the + given object. + + The ``!=`` operator provides partial functionality for non- + many-to-one comparisons: + + * Comparisons against collections are not supported. + Use + :meth:`~.RelationshipProperty.Comparator.contains` + in conjunction with :func:`~.expression.not_`. + * Compared to a scalar one-to-many, will produce a + clause that compares the target columns in the parent to + the given target. + * Compared to a scalar many-to-many, an alias + of the association table will be rendered as + well, forming a natural join that is part of the + main body of the query. This will not work for + queries that go beyond simple AND conjunctions of + comparisons, such as those which use OR. Use + explicit joins, outerjoins, or + :meth:`~.RelationshipProperty.Comparator.has` in + conjunction with :func:`~.expression.not_` for + more comprehensive non-many-to-one scalar + membership tests. + * Comparisons against ``None`` given in a one-to-many + or many-to-many context produce an EXISTS clause. + + """ + if isinstance(other, (util.NoneType, expression.Null)): + if self.property.direction == MANYTOONE: + return _orm_annotate( + ~self.property._optimized_compare( + None, adapt_source=self.adapter + ) + ) + + else: + return self._criterion_exists() + elif self.property.uselist: + raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError( + "Can't compare a collection" + " to an object or collection; use " + "contains() to test for membership." + ) + else: + return _orm_annotate(self.__negated_contains_or_equals(other)) + + @util.memoized_property + def property(self): + if mapperlib.Mapper._new_mappers: + mapperlib.Mapper._configure_all() + return self.prop + + def _with_parent(self, instance, alias_secondary=True, from_entity=None): + assert instance is not None + adapt_source = None + if from_entity is not None: + insp = inspect(from_entity) + if insp.is_aliased_class: + adapt_source = insp._adapter.adapt_clause + return self._optimized_compare( + instance, + value_is_parent=True, + adapt_source=adapt_source, + alias_secondary=alias_secondary, + ) + + def _optimized_compare( + self, + state, + value_is_parent=False, + adapt_source=None, + alias_secondary=True, + ): + if state is not None: + state = attributes.instance_state(state) + + reverse_direction = not value_is_parent + + if state is None: + return self._lazy_none_clause( + reverse_direction, adapt_source=adapt_source + ) + + if not reverse_direction: + criterion, bind_to_col = ( + self._lazy_strategy._lazywhere, + self._lazy_strategy._bind_to_col, + ) + else: + criterion, bind_to_col = ( + self._lazy_strategy._rev_lazywhere, + self._lazy_strategy._rev_bind_to_col, + ) + + if reverse_direction: + mapper = self.mapper + else: + mapper = self.parent + + dict_ = attributes.instance_dict(state.obj()) + + def visit_bindparam(bindparam): + if bindparam._identifying_key in bind_to_col: + bindparam.callable = self._get_attr_w_warn_on_none( + bind_to_col[bindparam._identifying_key], + mapper._get_state_attr_by_column, + state, + dict_, + bind_to_col[bindparam._identifying_key], + passive=attributes.PASSIVE_OFF, + ) + + if self.secondary is not None and alias_secondary: + criterion = ClauseAdapter(self.secondary.alias()).traverse( + criterion + ) + + criterion = visitors.cloned_traverse( + criterion, {}, {"bindparam": visit_bindparam} + ) + + if adapt_source: + criterion = adapt_source(criterion) + return criterion + + def _get_attr_w_warn_on_none(self, column, fn, *arg, **kw): + def _go(): + value = fn(*arg, **kw) + if value is None: + util.warn( + "Got None for value of column %s; this is unsupported " + "for a relationship comparison and will not " + "currently produce an IS comparison " + "(but may in a future release)" % column + ) + return value + + return _go + + def _lazy_none_clause(self, reverse_direction=False, adapt_source=None): + if not reverse_direction: + criterion, bind_to_col = ( + self._lazy_strategy._lazywhere, + self._lazy_strategy._bind_to_col, + ) + else: + criterion, bind_to_col = ( + self._lazy_strategy._rev_lazywhere, + self._lazy_strategy._rev_bind_to_col, + ) + + criterion = adapt_criterion_to_null(criterion, bind_to_col) + + if adapt_source: + criterion = adapt_source(criterion) + return criterion + + def __str__(self): + return str(self.parent.class_.__name__) + "." + self.key + + def merge( + self, + session, + source_state, + source_dict, + dest_state, + dest_dict, + load, + _recursive, + _resolve_conflict_map, + ): + + if load: + for r in self._reverse_property: + if (source_state, r) in _recursive: + return + + if "merge" not in self._cascade: + return + + if self.key not in source_dict: + return + + if self.uselist: + instances = source_state.get_impl(self.key).get( + source_state, source_dict + ) + if hasattr(instances, "_sa_adapter"): + # convert collections to adapters to get a true iterator + instances = instances._sa_adapter + + if load: + # for a full merge, pre-load the destination collection, + # so that individual _merge of each item pulls from identity + # map for those already present. + # also assumes CollectionAttrbiuteImpl behavior of loading + # "old" list in any case + dest_state.get_impl(self.key).get(dest_state, dest_dict) + + dest_list = [] + for current in instances: + current_state = attributes.instance_state(current) + current_dict = attributes.instance_dict(current) + _recursive[(current_state, self)] = True + obj = session._merge( + current_state, + current_dict, + load=load, + _recursive=_recursive, + _resolve_conflict_map=_resolve_conflict_map, + ) + if obj is not None: + dest_list.append(obj) + + if not load: + coll = attributes.init_state_collection( + dest_state, dest_dict, self.key + ) + for c in dest_list: + coll.append_without_event(c) + else: + dest_state.get_impl(self.key).set( + dest_state, dest_dict, dest_list, _adapt=False + ) + else: + current = source_dict[self.key] + if current is not None: + current_state = attributes.instance_state(current) + current_dict = attributes.instance_dict(current) + _recursive[(current_state, self)] = True + obj = session._merge( + current_state, + current_dict, + load=load, + _recursive=_recursive, + _resolve_conflict_map=_resolve_conflict_map, + ) + else: + obj = None + + if not load: + dest_dict[self.key] = obj + else: + dest_state.get_impl(self.key).set( + dest_state, dest_dict, obj, None + ) + + def _value_as_iterable( + self, state, dict_, key, passive=attributes.PASSIVE_OFF + ): + """Return a list of tuples (state, obj) for the given + key. + + returns an empty list if the value is None/empty/PASSIVE_NO_RESULT + """ + + impl = state.manager[key].impl + x = impl.get(state, dict_, passive=passive) + if x is attributes.PASSIVE_NO_RESULT or x is None: + return [] + elif hasattr(impl, "get_collection"): + return [ + (attributes.instance_state(o), o) + for o in impl.get_collection(state, dict_, x, passive=passive) + ] + else: + return [(attributes.instance_state(x), x)] + + def cascade_iterator( + self, type_, state, dict_, visited_states, halt_on=None + ): + # assert type_ in self._cascade + + # only actively lazy load on the 'delete' cascade + if type_ != "delete" or self.passive_deletes: + passive = attributes.PASSIVE_NO_INITIALIZE + else: + passive = attributes.PASSIVE_OFF + + if type_ == "save-update": + tuples = state.manager[self.key].impl.get_all_pending(state, dict_) + + else: + tuples = self._value_as_iterable( + state, dict_, self.key, passive=passive + ) + + skip_pending = ( + type_ == "refresh-expire" and "delete-orphan" not in self._cascade + ) + + for instance_state, c in tuples: + if instance_state in visited_states: + continue + + if c is None: + # would like to emit a warning here, but + # would not be consistent with collection.append(None) + # current behavior of silently skipping. + # see [ticket:2229] + continue + + instance_dict = attributes.instance_dict(c) + + if halt_on and halt_on(instance_state): + continue + + if skip_pending and not instance_state.key: + continue + + instance_mapper = instance_state.manager.mapper + + if not instance_mapper.isa(self.mapper.class_manager.mapper): + raise AssertionError( + "Attribute '%s' on class '%s' " + "doesn't handle objects " + "of type '%s'" + % (self.key, self.parent.class_, c.__class__) + ) + + visited_states.add(instance_state) + + yield c, instance_mapper, instance_state, instance_dict + + def _add_reverse_property(self, key): + other = self.mapper.get_property(key, _configure_mappers=False) + self._reverse_property.add(other) + other._reverse_property.add(self) + + if not other.mapper.common_parent(self.parent): + raise sa_exc.ArgumentError( + "reverse_property %r on " + "relationship %s references relationship %s, which " + "does not reference mapper %s" + % (key, self, other, self.parent) + ) + + if ( + self.direction in (ONETOMANY, MANYTOONE) + and self.direction == other.direction + ): + raise sa_exc.ArgumentError( + "%s and back-reference %s are " + "both of the same direction %r. Did you mean to " + "set remote_side on the many-to-one side ?" + % (other, self, self.direction) + ) + + @util.memoized_property + def mapper(self): + """Return the targeted :class:`.Mapper` for this + :class:`.RelationshipProperty`. + + This is a lazy-initializing static attribute. + + """ + if util.callable(self.argument) and not isinstance( + self.argument, (type, mapperlib.Mapper) + ): + argument = self.argument() + else: + argument = self.argument + + if isinstance(argument, type): + mapper_ = mapperlib.class_mapper(argument, configure=False) + elif isinstance(self.argument, mapperlib.Mapper): + mapper_ = argument + else: + raise sa_exc.ArgumentError( + "relationship '%s' expects " + "a class or a mapper argument (received: %s)" + % (self.key, type(argument)) + ) + return mapper_ + + @util.memoized_property + @util.deprecated("0.7", "Use .target") + def table(self): + """Return the selectable linked to this + :class:`.RelationshipProperty` object's target + :class:`.Mapper`. + """ + return self.target + + def do_init(self): + self._check_conflicts() + self._process_dependent_arguments() + self._setup_join_conditions() + self._check_cascade_settings(self._cascade) + self._post_init() + self._generate_backref() + self._join_condition._warn_for_conflicting_sync_targets() + super(RelationshipProperty, self).do_init() + self._lazy_strategy = self._get_strategy((("lazy", "select"),)) + + def _process_dependent_arguments(self): + """Convert incoming configuration arguments to their + proper form. + + Callables are resolved, ORM annotations removed. + + """ + # accept callables for other attributes which may require + # deferred initialization. This technique is used + # by declarative "string configs" and some recipes. + for attr in ( + "order_by", + "primaryjoin", + "secondaryjoin", + "secondary", + "_user_defined_foreign_keys", + "remote_side", + ): + attr_value = getattr(self, attr) + if util.callable(attr_value): + setattr(self, attr, attr_value()) + + # remove "annotations" which are present if mapped class + # descriptors are used to create the join expression. + for attr in "primaryjoin", "secondaryjoin": + val = getattr(self, attr) + if val is not None: + setattr( + self, + attr, + _orm_deannotate( + expression._only_column_elements(val, attr) + ), + ) + + # ensure expressions in self.order_by, foreign_keys, + # remote_side are all columns, not strings. + if self.order_by is not False and self.order_by is not None: + self.order_by = [ + expression._only_column_elements(x, "order_by") + for x in util.to_list(self.order_by) + ] + + self._user_defined_foreign_keys = util.column_set( + expression._only_column_elements(x, "foreign_keys") + for x in util.to_column_set(self._user_defined_foreign_keys) + ) + + self.remote_side = util.column_set( + expression._only_column_elements(x, "remote_side") + for x in util.to_column_set(self.remote_side) + ) + + self.target = self.mapper.mapped_table + + def _setup_join_conditions(self): + self._join_condition = jc = JoinCondition( + parent_selectable=self.parent.mapped_table, + child_selectable=self.mapper.mapped_table, + parent_local_selectable=self.parent.local_table, + child_local_selectable=self.mapper.local_table, + primaryjoin=self.primaryjoin, + secondary=self.secondary, + secondaryjoin=self.secondaryjoin, + parent_equivalents=self.parent._equivalent_columns, + child_equivalents=self.mapper._equivalent_columns, + consider_as_foreign_keys=self._user_defined_foreign_keys, + local_remote_pairs=self.local_remote_pairs, + remote_side=self.remote_side, + self_referential=self._is_self_referential, + prop=self, + support_sync=not self.viewonly, + can_be_synced_fn=self._columns_are_mapped, + ) + self.primaryjoin = jc.primaryjoin + self.secondaryjoin = jc.secondaryjoin + self.direction = jc.direction + self.local_remote_pairs = jc.local_remote_pairs + self.remote_side = jc.remote_columns + self.local_columns = jc.local_columns + self.synchronize_pairs = jc.synchronize_pairs + self._calculated_foreign_keys = jc.foreign_key_columns + self.secondary_synchronize_pairs = jc.secondary_synchronize_pairs + + def _check_conflicts(self): + """Test that this relationship is legal, warn about + inheritance conflicts.""" + + if self.parent.non_primary and not mapperlib.class_mapper( + self.parent.class_, configure=False + ).has_property(self.key): + raise sa_exc.ArgumentError( + "Attempting to assign a new " + "relationship '%s' to a non-primary mapper on " + "class '%s'. New relationships can only be added " + "to the primary mapper, i.e. the very first mapper " + "created for class '%s' " + % ( + self.key, + self.parent.class_.__name__, + self.parent.class_.__name__, + ) + ) + + def _get_cascade(self): + """Return the current cascade setting for this + :class:`.RelationshipProperty`. + """ + return self._cascade + + def _set_cascade(self, cascade): + cascade = CascadeOptions(cascade) + if "mapper" in self.__dict__: + self._check_cascade_settings(cascade) + self._cascade = cascade + + if self._dependency_processor: + self._dependency_processor.cascade = cascade + + cascade = property(_get_cascade, _set_cascade) + + def _check_cascade_settings(self, cascade): + if ( + cascade.delete_orphan + and not self.single_parent + and (self.direction is MANYTOMANY or self.direction is MANYTOONE) + ): + raise sa_exc.ArgumentError( + "On %s, delete-orphan cascade is not supported " + "on a many-to-many or many-to-one relationship " + "when single_parent is not set. Set " + "single_parent=True on the relationship()." % self + ) + if self.direction is MANYTOONE and self.passive_deletes: + util.warn( + "On %s, 'passive_deletes' is normally configured " + "on one-to-many, one-to-one, many-to-many " + "relationships only." % self + ) + + if self.passive_deletes == "all" and ( + "delete" in cascade or "delete-orphan" in cascade + ): + raise sa_exc.ArgumentError( + "On %s, can't set passive_deletes='all' in conjunction " + "with 'delete' or 'delete-orphan' cascade" % self + ) + + if cascade.delete_orphan: + self.mapper.primary_mapper()._delete_orphans.append( + (self.key, self.parent.class_) + ) + + def _persists_for(self, mapper): + """Return True if this property will persist values on behalf + of the given mapper. + + """ + + return ( + self.key in mapper.relationships + and mapper.relationships[self.key] is self + ) + + def _columns_are_mapped(self, *cols): + """Return True if all columns in the given collection are + mapped by the tables referenced by this :class:`.Relationship`. + + """ + for c in cols: + if ( + self.secondary is not None + and self.secondary.c.contains_column(c) + ): + continue + if not self.parent.mapped_table.c.contains_column( + c + ) and not self.target.c.contains_column(c): + return False + return True + + def _generate_backref(self): + """Interpret the 'backref' instruction to create a + :func:`.relationship` complementary to this one.""" + + if self.parent.non_primary: + return + if self.backref is not None and not self.back_populates: + if isinstance(self.backref, util.string_types): + backref_key, kwargs = self.backref, {} + else: + backref_key, kwargs = self.backref + mapper = self.mapper.primary_mapper() + + if not mapper.concrete: + check = set(mapper.iterate_to_root()).union( + mapper.self_and_descendants + ) + for m in check: + if m.has_property(backref_key) and not m.concrete: + raise sa_exc.ArgumentError( + "Error creating backref " + "'%s' on relationship '%s': property of that " + "name exists on mapper '%s'" + % (backref_key, self, m) + ) + + # determine primaryjoin/secondaryjoin for the + # backref. Use the one we had, so that + # a custom join doesn't have to be specified in + # both directions. + if self.secondary is not None: + # for many to many, just switch primaryjoin/ + # secondaryjoin. use the annotated + # pj/sj on the _join_condition. + pj = kwargs.pop( + "primaryjoin", + self._join_condition.secondaryjoin_minus_local, + ) + sj = kwargs.pop( + "secondaryjoin", + self._join_condition.primaryjoin_minus_local, + ) + else: + pj = kwargs.pop( + "primaryjoin", + self._join_condition.primaryjoin_reverse_remote, + ) + sj = kwargs.pop("secondaryjoin", None) + if sj: + raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError( + "Can't assign 'secondaryjoin' on a backref " + "against a non-secondary relationship." + ) + + foreign_keys = kwargs.pop( + "foreign_keys", self._user_defined_foreign_keys + ) + parent = self.parent.primary_mapper() + kwargs.setdefault("viewonly", self.viewonly) + kwargs.setdefault("post_update", self.post_update) + kwargs.setdefault("passive_updates", self.passive_updates) + self.back_populates = backref_key + relationship = RelationshipProperty( + parent, + self.secondary, + pj, + sj, + foreign_keys=foreign_keys, + back_populates=self.key, + **kwargs + ) + mapper._configure_property(backref_key, relationship) + + if self.back_populates: + self._add_reverse_property(self.back_populates) + + def _post_init(self): + if self.uselist is None: + self.uselist = self.direction is not MANYTOONE + if not self.viewonly: + self._dependency_processor = ( + dependency.DependencyProcessor.from_relationship + )(self) + + @util.memoized_property + def _use_get(self): + """memoize the 'use_get' attribute of this RelationshipLoader's + lazyloader.""" + + strategy = self._lazy_strategy + return strategy.use_get + + @util.memoized_property + def _is_self_referential(self): + return self.mapper.common_parent(self.parent) + + def _create_joins( + self, + source_polymorphic=False, + source_selectable=None, + dest_polymorphic=False, + dest_selectable=None, + of_type=None, + ): + if source_selectable is None: + if source_polymorphic and self.parent.with_polymorphic: + source_selectable = self.parent._with_polymorphic_selectable + + aliased = False + if dest_selectable is None: + if dest_polymorphic and self.mapper.with_polymorphic: + dest_selectable = self.mapper._with_polymorphic_selectable + aliased = True + else: + dest_selectable = self.mapper.mapped_table + + if self._is_self_referential and source_selectable is None: + dest_selectable = dest_selectable.alias() + aliased = True + else: + aliased = True + + dest_mapper = of_type or self.mapper + + single_crit = dest_mapper._single_table_criterion + aliased = aliased or (source_selectable is not None) + + ( + primaryjoin, + secondaryjoin, + secondary, + target_adapter, + dest_selectable, + ) = self._join_condition.join_targets( + source_selectable, dest_selectable, aliased, single_crit + ) + if source_selectable is None: + source_selectable = self.parent.local_table + if dest_selectable is None: + dest_selectable = self.mapper.local_table + return ( + primaryjoin, + secondaryjoin, + source_selectable, + dest_selectable, + secondary, + target_adapter, + ) + + +def _annotate_columns(element, annotations): + def clone(elem): + if isinstance(elem, expression.ColumnClause): + elem = elem._annotate(annotations.copy()) + elem._copy_internals(clone=clone) + return elem + + if element is not None: + element = clone(element) + return element + + +class JoinCondition(object): + def __init__( + self, + parent_selectable, + child_selectable, + parent_local_selectable, + child_local_selectable, + primaryjoin=None, + secondary=None, + secondaryjoin=None, + parent_equivalents=None, + child_equivalents=None, + consider_as_foreign_keys=None, + local_remote_pairs=None, + remote_side=None, + self_referential=False, + prop=None, + support_sync=True, + can_be_synced_fn=lambda *c: True, + ): + self.parent_selectable = parent_selectable + self.parent_local_selectable = parent_local_selectable + self.child_selectable = child_selectable + self.child_local_selectable = child_local_selectable + self.parent_equivalents = parent_equivalents + self.child_equivalents = child_equivalents + self.primaryjoin = primaryjoin + self.secondaryjoin = secondaryjoin + self.secondary = secondary + self.consider_as_foreign_keys = consider_as_foreign_keys + self._local_remote_pairs = local_remote_pairs + self._remote_side = remote_side + self.prop = prop + self.self_referential = self_referential + self.support_sync = support_sync + self.can_be_synced_fn = can_be_synced_fn + self._determine_joins() + self._sanitize_joins() + self._annotate_fks() + self._annotate_remote() + self._annotate_local() + self._annotate_parentmapper() + self._setup_pairs() + self._check_foreign_cols(self.primaryjoin, True) + if self.secondaryjoin is not None: + self._check_foreign_cols(self.secondaryjoin, False) + self._determine_direction() + self._check_remote_side() + self._log_joins() + + def _log_joins(self): + if self.prop is None: + return + log = self.prop.logger + log.info("%s setup primary join %s", self.prop, self.primaryjoin) + log.info("%s setup secondary join %s", self.prop, self.secondaryjoin) + log.info( + "%s synchronize pairs [%s]", + self.prop, + ",".join( + "(%s => %s)" % (l, r) for (l, r) in self.synchronize_pairs + ), + ) + log.info( + "%s secondary synchronize pairs [%s]", + self.prop, + ",".join( + "(%s => %s)" % (l, r) + for (l, r) in self.secondary_synchronize_pairs or [] + ), + ) + log.info( + "%s local/remote pairs [%s]", + self.prop, + ",".join( + "(%s / %s)" % (l, r) for (l, r) in self.local_remote_pairs + ), + ) + log.info( + "%s remote columns [%s]", + self.prop, + ",".join("%s" % col for col in self.remote_columns), + ) + log.info( + "%s local columns [%s]", + self.prop, + ",".join("%s" % col for col in self.local_columns), + ) + log.info("%s relationship direction %s", self.prop, self.direction) + + def _sanitize_joins(self): + """remove the parententity annotation from our join conditions which + can leak in here based on some declarative patterns and maybe others. + + We'd want to remove "parentmapper" also, but apparently there's + an exotic use case in _join_fixture_inh_selfref_w_entity + that relies upon it being present, see :ticket:`3364`. + + """ + + self.primaryjoin = _deep_deannotate( + self.primaryjoin, values=("parententity",) + ) + if self.secondaryjoin is not None: + self.secondaryjoin = _deep_deannotate( + self.secondaryjoin, values=("parententity",) + ) + + def _determine_joins(self): + """Determine the 'primaryjoin' and 'secondaryjoin' attributes, + if not passed to the constructor already. + + This is based on analysis of the foreign key relationships + between the parent and target mapped selectables. + + """ + if self.secondaryjoin is not None and self.secondary is None: + raise sa_exc.ArgumentError( + "Property %s specified with secondary " + "join condition but " + "no secondary argument" % self.prop + ) + + # find a join between the given mapper's mapped table and + # the given table. will try the mapper's local table first + # for more specificity, then if not found will try the more + # general mapped table, which in the case of inheritance is + # a join. + try: + consider_as_foreign_keys = self.consider_as_foreign_keys or None + if self.secondary is not None: + if self.secondaryjoin is None: + self.secondaryjoin = join_condition( + self.child_selectable, + self.secondary, + a_subset=self.child_local_selectable, + consider_as_foreign_keys=consider_as_foreign_keys, + ) + if self.primaryjoin is None: + self.primaryjoin = join_condition( + self.parent_selectable, + self.secondary, + a_subset=self.parent_local_selectable, + consider_as_foreign_keys=consider_as_foreign_keys, + ) + else: + if self.primaryjoin is None: + self.primaryjoin = join_condition( + self.parent_selectable, + self.child_selectable, + a_subset=self.parent_local_selectable, + consider_as_foreign_keys=consider_as_foreign_keys, + ) + except sa_exc.NoForeignKeysError: + if self.secondary is not None: + raise sa_exc.NoForeignKeysError( + "Could not determine join " + "condition between parent/child tables on " + "relationship %s - there are no foreign keys " + "linking these tables via secondary table '%s'. " + "Ensure that referencing columns are associated " + "with a ForeignKey or ForeignKeyConstraint, or " + "specify 'primaryjoin' and 'secondaryjoin' " + "expressions." % (self.prop, self.secondary) + ) + else: + raise sa_exc.NoForeignKeysError( + "Could not determine join " + "condition between parent/child tables on " + "relationship %s - there are no foreign keys " + "linking these tables. " + "Ensure that referencing columns are associated " + "with a ForeignKey or ForeignKeyConstraint, or " + "specify a 'primaryjoin' expression." % self.prop + ) + except sa_exc.AmbiguousForeignKeysError: + if self.secondary is not None: + raise sa_exc.AmbiguousForeignKeysError( + "Could not determine join " + "condition between parent/child tables on " + "relationship %s - there are multiple foreign key " + "paths linking the tables via secondary table '%s'. " + "Specify the 'foreign_keys' " + "argument, providing a list of those columns which " + "should be counted as containing a foreign key " + "reference from the secondary table to each of the " + "parent and child tables." % (self.prop, self.secondary) + ) + else: + raise sa_exc.AmbiguousForeignKeysError( + "Could not determine join " + "condition between parent/child tables on " + "relationship %s - there are multiple foreign key " + "paths linking the tables. Specify the " + "'foreign_keys' argument, providing a list of those " + "columns which should be counted as containing a " + "foreign key reference to the parent table." % self.prop + ) + + @property + def primaryjoin_minus_local(self): + return _deep_deannotate(self.primaryjoin, values=("local", "remote")) + + @property + def secondaryjoin_minus_local(self): + return _deep_deannotate(self.secondaryjoin, values=("local", "remote")) + + @util.memoized_property + def primaryjoin_reverse_remote(self): + """Return the primaryjoin condition suitable for the + "reverse" direction. + + If the primaryjoin was delivered here with pre-existing + "remote" annotations, the local/remote annotations + are reversed. Otherwise, the local/remote annotations + are removed. + + """ + if self._has_remote_annotations: + + def replace(element): + if "remote" in element._annotations: + v = element._annotations.copy() + del v["remote"] + v["local"] = True + return element._with_annotations(v) + elif "local" in element._annotations: + v = element._annotations.copy() + del v["local"] + v["remote"] = True + return element._with_annotations(v) + + return visitors.replacement_traverse(self.primaryjoin, {}, replace) + else: + if self._has_foreign_annotations: + # TODO: coverage + return _deep_deannotate( + self.primaryjoin, values=("local", "remote") + ) + else: + return _deep_deannotate(self.primaryjoin) + + def _has_annotation(self, clause, annotation): + for col in visitors.iterate(clause, {}): + if annotation in col._annotations: + return True + else: + return False + + @util.memoized_property + def _has_foreign_annotations(self): + return self._has_annotation(self.primaryjoin, "foreign") + + @util.memoized_property + def _has_remote_annotations(self): + return self._has_annotation(self.primaryjoin, "remote") + + def _annotate_fks(self): + """Annotate the primaryjoin and secondaryjoin + structures with 'foreign' annotations marking columns + considered as foreign. + + """ + if self._has_foreign_annotations: + return + + if self.consider_as_foreign_keys: + self._annotate_from_fk_list() + else: + self._annotate_present_fks() + + def _annotate_from_fk_list(self): + def check_fk(col): + if col in self.consider_as_foreign_keys: + return col._annotate({"foreign": True}) + + self.primaryjoin = visitors.replacement_traverse( + self.primaryjoin, {}, check_fk + ) + if self.secondaryjoin is not None: + self.secondaryjoin = visitors.replacement_traverse( + self.secondaryjoin, {}, check_fk + ) + + def _annotate_present_fks(self): + if self.secondary is not None: + secondarycols = util.column_set(self.secondary.c) + else: + secondarycols = set() + + def is_foreign(a, b): + if isinstance(a, schema.Column) and isinstance(b, schema.Column): + if a.references(b): + return a + elif b.references(a): + return b + + if secondarycols: + if a in secondarycols and b not in secondarycols: + return a + elif b in secondarycols and a not in secondarycols: + return b + + def visit_binary(binary): + if not isinstance( + binary.left, sql.ColumnElement + ) or not isinstance(binary.right, sql.ColumnElement): + return + + if ( + "foreign" not in binary.left._annotations + and "foreign" not in binary.right._annotations + ): + col = is_foreign(binary.left, binary.right) + if col is not None: + if col.compare(binary.left): + binary.left = binary.left._annotate({"foreign": True}) + elif col.compare(binary.right): + binary.right = binary.right._annotate( + {"foreign": True} + ) + + self.primaryjoin = visitors.cloned_traverse( + self.primaryjoin, {}, {"binary": visit_binary} + ) + if self.secondaryjoin is not None: + self.secondaryjoin = visitors.cloned_traverse( + self.secondaryjoin, {}, {"binary": visit_binary} + ) + + def _refers_to_parent_table(self): + """Return True if the join condition contains column + comparisons where both columns are in both tables. + + """ + pt = self.parent_selectable + mt = self.child_selectable + result = [False] + + def visit_binary(binary): + c, f = binary.left, binary.right + if ( + isinstance(c, expression.ColumnClause) + and isinstance(f, expression.ColumnClause) + and pt.is_derived_from(c.table) + and pt.is_derived_from(f.table) + and mt.is_derived_from(c.table) + and mt.is_derived_from(f.table) + ): + result[0] = True + + visitors.traverse(self.primaryjoin, {}, {"binary": visit_binary}) + return result[0] + + def _tables_overlap(self): + """Return True if parent/child tables have some overlap.""" + + return selectables_overlap( + self.parent_selectable, self.child_selectable + ) + + def _annotate_remote(self): + """Annotate the primaryjoin and secondaryjoin + structures with 'remote' annotations marking columns + considered as part of the 'remote' side. + + """ + if self._has_remote_annotations: + return + + if self.secondary is not None: + self._annotate_remote_secondary() + elif self._local_remote_pairs or self._remote_side: + self._annotate_remote_from_args() + elif self._refers_to_parent_table(): + self._annotate_selfref( + lambda col: "foreign" in col._annotations, False + ) + elif self._tables_overlap(): + self._annotate_remote_with_overlap() + else: + self._annotate_remote_distinct_selectables() + + def _annotate_remote_secondary(self): + """annotate 'remote' in primaryjoin, secondaryjoin + when 'secondary' is present. + + """ + + def repl(element): + if self.secondary.c.contains_column(element): + return element._annotate({"remote": True}) + + self.primaryjoin = visitors.replacement_traverse( + self.primaryjoin, {}, repl + ) + self.secondaryjoin = visitors.replacement_traverse( + self.secondaryjoin, {}, repl + ) + + def _annotate_selfref(self, fn, remote_side_given): + """annotate 'remote' in primaryjoin, secondaryjoin + when the relationship is detected as self-referential. + + """ + + def visit_binary(binary): + equated = binary.left.compare(binary.right) + if isinstance(binary.left, expression.ColumnClause) and isinstance( + binary.right, expression.ColumnClause + ): + # assume one to many - FKs are "remote" + if fn(binary.left): + binary.left = binary.left._annotate({"remote": True}) + if fn(binary.right) and not equated: + binary.right = binary.right._annotate({"remote": True}) + elif not remote_side_given: + self._warn_non_column_elements() + + self.primaryjoin = visitors.cloned_traverse( + self.primaryjoin, {}, {"binary": visit_binary} + ) + + def _annotate_remote_from_args(self): + """annotate 'remote' in primaryjoin, secondaryjoin + when the 'remote_side' or '_local_remote_pairs' + arguments are used. + + """ + if self._local_remote_pairs: + if self._remote_side: + raise sa_exc.ArgumentError( + "remote_side argument is redundant " + "against more detailed _local_remote_side " + "argument." + ) + + remote_side = [r for (l, r) in self._local_remote_pairs] + else: + remote_side = self._remote_side + + if self._refers_to_parent_table(): + self._annotate_selfref(lambda col: col in remote_side, True) + else: + + def repl(element): + if element in remote_side: + return element._annotate({"remote": True}) + + self.primaryjoin = visitors.replacement_traverse( + self.primaryjoin, {}, repl + ) + + def _annotate_remote_with_overlap(self): + """annotate 'remote' in primaryjoin, secondaryjoin + when the parent/child tables have some set of + tables in common, though is not a fully self-referential + relationship. + + """ + + def visit_binary(binary): + binary.left, binary.right = proc_left_right( + binary.left, binary.right + ) + binary.right, binary.left = proc_left_right( + binary.right, binary.left + ) + + check_entities = ( + self.prop is not None and self.prop.mapper is not self.prop.parent + ) + + def proc_left_right(left, right): + if isinstance(left, expression.ColumnClause) and isinstance( + right, expression.ColumnClause + ): + if self.child_selectable.c.contains_column( + right + ) and self.parent_selectable.c.contains_column(left): + right = right._annotate({"remote": True}) + elif ( + check_entities + and right._annotations.get("parentmapper") is self.prop.mapper + ): + right = right._annotate({"remote": True}) + elif ( + check_entities + and left._annotations.get("parentmapper") is self.prop.mapper + ): + left = left._annotate({"remote": True}) + else: + self._warn_non_column_elements() + + return left, right + + self.primaryjoin = visitors.cloned_traverse( + self.primaryjoin, {}, {"binary": visit_binary} + ) + + def _annotate_remote_distinct_selectables(self): + """annotate 'remote' in primaryjoin, secondaryjoin + when the parent/child tables are entirely + separate. + + """ + + def repl(element): + if self.child_selectable.c.contains_column(element) and ( + not self.parent_local_selectable.c.contains_column(element) + or self.child_local_selectable.c.contains_column(element) + ): + return element._annotate({"remote": True}) + + self.primaryjoin = visitors.replacement_traverse( + self.primaryjoin, {}, repl + ) + + def _warn_non_column_elements(self): + util.warn( + "Non-simple column elements in primary " + "join condition for property %s - consider using " + "remote() annotations to mark the remote side." % self.prop + ) + + def _annotate_local(self): + """Annotate the primaryjoin and secondaryjoin + structures with 'local' annotations. + + This annotates all column elements found + simultaneously in the parent table + and the join condition that don't have a + 'remote' annotation set up from + _annotate_remote() or user-defined. + + """ + if self._has_annotation(self.primaryjoin, "local"): + return + + if self._local_remote_pairs: + local_side = util.column_set( + [l for (l, r) in self._local_remote_pairs] + ) + else: + local_side = util.column_set(self.parent_selectable.c) + + def locals_(elem): + if "remote" not in elem._annotations and elem in local_side: + return elem._annotate({"local": True}) + + self.primaryjoin = visitors.replacement_traverse( + self.primaryjoin, {}, locals_ + ) + + def _annotate_parentmapper(self): + if self.prop is None: + return + + def parentmappers_(elem): + if "remote" in elem._annotations: + return elem._annotate({"parentmapper": self.prop.mapper}) + elif "local" in elem._annotations: + return elem._annotate({"parentmapper": self.prop.parent}) + + self.primaryjoin = visitors.replacement_traverse( + self.primaryjoin, {}, parentmappers_ + ) + + def _check_remote_side(self): + if not self.local_remote_pairs: + raise sa_exc.ArgumentError( + "Relationship %s could " + "not determine any unambiguous local/remote column " + "pairs based on join condition and remote_side " + "arguments. " + "Consider using the remote() annotation to " + "accurately mark those elements of the join " + "condition that are on the remote side of " + "the relationship." % (self.prop,) + ) + + def _check_foreign_cols(self, join_condition, primary): + """Check the foreign key columns collected and emit error + messages.""" + + can_sync = False + + foreign_cols = self._gather_columns_with_annotation( + join_condition, "foreign" + ) + + has_foreign = bool(foreign_cols) + + if primary: + can_sync = bool(self.synchronize_pairs) + else: + can_sync = bool(self.secondary_synchronize_pairs) + + if ( + self.support_sync + and can_sync + or (not self.support_sync and has_foreign) + ): + return + + # from here below is just determining the best error message + # to report. Check for a join condition using any operator + # (not just ==), perhaps they need to turn on "viewonly=True". + if self.support_sync and has_foreign and not can_sync: + err = ( + "Could not locate any simple equality expressions " + "involving locally mapped foreign key columns for " + "%s join condition " + "'%s' on relationship %s." + % ( + primary and "primary" or "secondary", + join_condition, + self.prop, + ) + ) + err += ( + " Ensure that referencing columns are associated " + "with a ForeignKey or ForeignKeyConstraint, or are " + "annotated in the join condition with the foreign() " + "annotation. To allow comparison operators other than " + "'==', the relationship can be marked as viewonly=True." + ) + + raise sa_exc.ArgumentError(err) + else: + err = ( + "Could not locate any relevant foreign key columns " + "for %s join condition '%s' on relationship %s." + % ( + primary and "primary" or "secondary", + join_condition, + self.prop, + ) + ) + err += ( + " Ensure that referencing columns are associated " + "with a ForeignKey or ForeignKeyConstraint, or are " + "annotated in the join condition with the foreign() " + "annotation." + ) + raise sa_exc.ArgumentError(err) + + def _determine_direction(self): + """Determine if this relationship is one to many, many to one, + many to many. + + """ + if self.secondaryjoin is not None: + self.direction = MANYTOMANY + else: + parentcols = util.column_set(self.parent_selectable.c) + targetcols = util.column_set(self.child_selectable.c) + + # fk collection which suggests ONETOMANY. + onetomany_fk = targetcols.intersection(self.foreign_key_columns) + + # fk collection which suggests MANYTOONE. + + manytoone_fk = parentcols.intersection(self.foreign_key_columns) + + if onetomany_fk and manytoone_fk: + # fks on both sides. test for overlap of local/remote + # with foreign key. + # we will gather columns directly from their annotations + # without deannotating, so that we can distinguish on a column + # that refers to itself. + + # 1. columns that are both remote and FK suggest + # onetomany. + onetomany_local = self._gather_columns_with_annotation( + self.primaryjoin, "remote", "foreign" + ) + + # 2. columns that are FK but are not remote (e.g. local) + # suggest manytoone. + manytoone_local = set( + [ + c + for c in self._gather_columns_with_annotation( + self.primaryjoin, "foreign" + ) + if "remote" not in c._annotations + ] + ) + + # 3. if both collections are present, remove columns that + # refer to themselves. This is for the case of + # and_(Me.id == Me.remote_id, Me.version == Me.version) + if onetomany_local and manytoone_local: + self_equated = self.remote_columns.intersection( + self.local_columns + ) + onetomany_local = onetomany_local.difference(self_equated) + manytoone_local = manytoone_local.difference(self_equated) + + # at this point, if only one or the other collection is + # present, we know the direction, otherwise it's still + # ambiguous. + + if onetomany_local and not manytoone_local: + self.direction = ONETOMANY + elif manytoone_local and not onetomany_local: + self.direction = MANYTOONE + else: + raise sa_exc.ArgumentError( + "Can't determine relationship" + " direction for relationship '%s' - foreign " + "key columns within the join condition are present " + "in both the parent and the child's mapped tables. " + "Ensure that only those columns referring " + "to a parent column are marked as foreign, " + "either via the foreign() annotation or " + "via the foreign_keys argument." % self.prop + ) + elif onetomany_fk: + self.direction = ONETOMANY + elif manytoone_fk: + self.direction = MANYTOONE + else: + raise sa_exc.ArgumentError( + "Can't determine relationship " + "direction for relationship '%s' - foreign " + "key columns are present in neither the parent " + "nor the child's mapped tables" % self.prop + ) + + def _deannotate_pairs(self, collection): + """provide deannotation for the various lists of + pairs, so that using them in hashes doesn't incur + high-overhead __eq__() comparisons against + original columns mapped. + + """ + return [(x._deannotate(), y._deannotate()) for x, y in collection] + + def _setup_pairs(self): + sync_pairs = [] + lrp = util.OrderedSet([]) + secondary_sync_pairs = [] + + def go(joincond, collection): + def visit_binary(binary, left, right): + if ( + "remote" in right._annotations + and "remote" not in left._annotations + and self.can_be_synced_fn(left) + ): + lrp.add((left, right)) + elif ( + "remote" in left._annotations + and "remote" not in right._annotations + and self.can_be_synced_fn(right) + ): + lrp.add((right, left)) + if binary.operator is operators.eq and self.can_be_synced_fn( + left, right + ): + if "foreign" in right._annotations: + collection.append((left, right)) + elif "foreign" in left._annotations: + collection.append((right, left)) + + visit_binary_product(visit_binary, joincond) + + for joincond, collection in [ + (self.primaryjoin, sync_pairs), + (self.secondaryjoin, secondary_sync_pairs), + ]: + if joincond is None: + continue + go(joincond, collection) + + self.local_remote_pairs = self._deannotate_pairs(lrp) + self.synchronize_pairs = self._deannotate_pairs(sync_pairs) + self.secondary_synchronize_pairs = self._deannotate_pairs( + secondary_sync_pairs + ) + + _track_overlapping_sync_targets = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary() + + def _warn_for_conflicting_sync_targets(self): + if not self.support_sync: + return + + # we would like to detect if we are synchronizing any column + # pairs in conflict with another relationship that wishes to sync + # an entirely different column to the same target. This is a + # very rare edge case so we will try to minimize the memory/overhead + # impact of this check + for from_, to_ in [ + (from_, to_) for (from_, to_) in self.synchronize_pairs + ] + [ + (from_, to_) for (from_, to_) in self.secondary_synchronize_pairs + ]: + # save ourselves a ton of memory and overhead by only + # considering columns that are subject to a overlapping + # FK constraints at the core level. This condition can arise + # if multiple relationships overlap foreign() directly, but + # we're going to assume it's typically a ForeignKeyConstraint- + # level configuration that benefits from this warning. + if len(to_.foreign_keys) < 2: + continue + + if to_ not in self._track_overlapping_sync_targets: + self._track_overlapping_sync_targets[ + to_ + ] = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary({self.prop: from_}) + else: + other_props = [] + prop_to_from = self._track_overlapping_sync_targets[to_] + + for pr, fr_ in prop_to_from.items(): + if ( + pr.mapper in mapperlib._mapper_registry + and ( + self.prop._persists_for(pr.parent) + or pr._persists_for(self.prop.parent) + ) + and fr_ is not from_ + and pr not in self.prop._reverse_property + ): + + other_props.append((pr, fr_)) + + if other_props: + util.warn( + "relationship '%s' will copy column %s to column %s, " + "which conflicts with relationship(s): %s. " + "Consider applying " + "viewonly=True to read-only relationships, or provide " + "a primaryjoin condition marking writable columns " + "with the foreign() annotation." + % ( + self.prop, + from_, + to_, + ", ".join( + "'%s' (copies %s to %s)" % (pr, fr_, to_) + for (pr, fr_) in other_props + ), + ) + ) + self._track_overlapping_sync_targets[to_][self.prop] = from_ + + @util.memoized_property + def remote_columns(self): + return self._gather_join_annotations("remote") + + @util.memoized_property + def local_columns(self): + return self._gather_join_annotations("local") + + @util.memoized_property + def foreign_key_columns(self): + return self._gather_join_annotations("foreign") + + def _gather_join_annotations(self, annotation): + s = set( + self._gather_columns_with_annotation(self.primaryjoin, annotation) + ) + if self.secondaryjoin is not None: + s.update( + self._gather_columns_with_annotation( + self.secondaryjoin, annotation + ) + ) + return {x._deannotate() for x in s} + + def _gather_columns_with_annotation(self, clause, *annotation): + annotation = set(annotation) + return set( + [ + col + for col in visitors.iterate(clause, {}) + if annotation.issubset(col._annotations) + ] + ) + + def join_targets( + self, source_selectable, dest_selectable, aliased, single_crit=None + ): + """Given a source and destination selectable, create a + join between them. + + This takes into account aliasing the join clause + to reference the appropriate corresponding columns + in the target objects, as well as the extra child + criterion, equivalent column sets, etc. + + """ + + # place a barrier on the destination such that + # replacement traversals won't ever dig into it. + # its internal structure remains fixed + # regardless of context. + dest_selectable = _shallow_annotate( + dest_selectable, {"no_replacement_traverse": True} + ) + + primaryjoin, secondaryjoin, secondary = ( + self.primaryjoin, + self.secondaryjoin, + self.secondary, + ) + + # adjust the join condition for single table inheritance, + # in the case that the join is to a subclass + # this is analogous to the + # "_adjust_for_single_table_inheritance()" method in Query. + + if single_crit is not None: + if secondaryjoin is not None: + secondaryjoin = secondaryjoin & single_crit + else: + primaryjoin = primaryjoin & single_crit + + if aliased: + if secondary is not None: + secondary = secondary.alias(flat=True) + primary_aliasizer = ClauseAdapter(secondary) + secondary_aliasizer = ClauseAdapter( + dest_selectable, equivalents=self.child_equivalents + ).chain(primary_aliasizer) + if source_selectable is not None: + primary_aliasizer = ClauseAdapter(secondary).chain( + ClauseAdapter( + source_selectable, + equivalents=self.parent_equivalents, + ) + ) + secondaryjoin = secondary_aliasizer.traverse(secondaryjoin) + else: + primary_aliasizer = ClauseAdapter( + dest_selectable, + exclude_fn=_ColInAnnotations("local"), + equivalents=self.child_equivalents, + ) + if source_selectable is not None: + primary_aliasizer.chain( + ClauseAdapter( + source_selectable, + exclude_fn=_ColInAnnotations("remote"), + equivalents=self.parent_equivalents, + ) + ) + secondary_aliasizer = None + + primaryjoin = primary_aliasizer.traverse(primaryjoin) + target_adapter = secondary_aliasizer or primary_aliasizer + target_adapter.exclude_fn = None + else: + target_adapter = None + return ( + primaryjoin, + secondaryjoin, + secondary, + target_adapter, + dest_selectable, + ) + + def create_lazy_clause(self, reverse_direction=False): + binds = util.column_dict() + equated_columns = util.column_dict() + + has_secondary = self.secondaryjoin is not None + + if has_secondary: + lookup = collections.defaultdict(list) + for l, r in self.local_remote_pairs: + lookup[l].append((l, r)) + equated_columns[r] = l + elif not reverse_direction: + for l, r in self.local_remote_pairs: + equated_columns[r] = l + else: + for l, r in self.local_remote_pairs: + equated_columns[l] = r + + def col_to_bind(col): + + if ( + (not reverse_direction and "local" in col._annotations) + or reverse_direction + and ( + (has_secondary and col in lookup) + or (not has_secondary and "remote" in col._annotations) + ) + ): + if col not in binds: + binds[col] = sql.bindparam( + None, None, type_=col.type, unique=True + ) + return binds[col] + return None + + lazywhere = self.primaryjoin + if self.secondaryjoin is None or not reverse_direction: + lazywhere = visitors.replacement_traverse( + lazywhere, {}, col_to_bind + ) + + if self.secondaryjoin is not None: + secondaryjoin = self.secondaryjoin + if reverse_direction: + secondaryjoin = visitors.replacement_traverse( + secondaryjoin, {}, col_to_bind + ) + lazywhere = sql.and_(lazywhere, secondaryjoin) + + bind_to_col = {binds[col].key: col for col in binds} + + return lazywhere, bind_to_col, equated_columns + + +class _ColInAnnotations(object): + """Seralizable equivalent to: + + lambda c: "name" in c._annotations + """ + + def __init__(self, name): + self.name = name + + def __call__(self, c): + return self.name in c._annotations diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/scoping.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/scoping.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b7d6d40 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/scoping.py @@ -0,0 +1,204 @@ +# orm/scoping.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +from . import class_mapper +from . import exc as orm_exc +from .session import Session +from .. import exc as sa_exc +from ..util import ScopedRegistry +from ..util import ThreadLocalRegistry +from ..util import warn + + +__all__ = ["scoped_session"] + + +class scoped_session(object): + """Provides scoped management of :class:`.Session` objects. + + See :ref:`unitofwork_contextual` for a tutorial. + + """ + + session_factory = None + """The `session_factory` provided to `__init__` is stored in this + attribute and may be accessed at a later time. This can be useful when + a new non-scoped :class:`.Session` or :class:`.Connection` to the + database is needed.""" + + def __init__(self, session_factory, scopefunc=None): + """Construct a new :class:`.scoped_session`. + + :param session_factory: a factory to create new :class:`.Session` + instances. This is usually, but not necessarily, an instance + of :class:`.sessionmaker`. + :param scopefunc: optional function which defines + the current scope. If not passed, the :class:`.scoped_session` + object assumes "thread-local" scope, and will use + a Python ``threading.local()`` in order to maintain the current + :class:`.Session`. If passed, the function should return + a hashable token; this token will be used as the key in a + dictionary in order to store and retrieve the current + :class:`.Session`. + + """ + self.session_factory = session_factory + + if scopefunc: + self.registry = ScopedRegistry(session_factory, scopefunc) + else: + self.registry = ThreadLocalRegistry(session_factory) + + def __call__(self, **kw): + r"""Return the current :class:`.Session`, creating it + using the :attr:`.scoped_session.session_factory` if not present. + + :param \**kw: Keyword arguments will be passed to the + :attr:`.scoped_session.session_factory` callable, if an existing + :class:`.Session` is not present. If the :class:`.Session` is present + and keyword arguments have been passed, + :exc:`~sqlalchemy.exc.InvalidRequestError` is raised. + + """ + if kw: + if self.registry.has(): + raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError( + "Scoped session is already present; " + "no new arguments may be specified." + ) + else: + sess = self.session_factory(**kw) + self.registry.set(sess) + return sess + else: + return self.registry() + + def remove(self): + """Dispose of the current :class:`.Session`, if present. + + This will first call :meth:`.Session.close` method + on the current :class:`.Session`, which releases any existing + transactional/connection resources still being held; transactions + specifically are rolled back. The :class:`.Session` is then + discarded. Upon next usage within the same scope, + the :class:`.scoped_session` will produce a new + :class:`.Session` object. + + """ + + if self.registry.has(): + self.registry().close() + self.registry.clear() + + def configure(self, **kwargs): + """reconfigure the :class:`.sessionmaker` used by this + :class:`.scoped_session`. + + See :meth:`.sessionmaker.configure`. + + """ + + if self.registry.has(): + warn( + "At least one scoped session is already present. " + " configure() can not affect sessions that have " + "already been created." + ) + + self.session_factory.configure(**kwargs) + + def query_property(self, query_cls=None): + """return a class property which produces a :class:`.Query` object + against the class and the current :class:`.Session` when called. + + e.g.:: + + Session = scoped_session(sessionmaker()) + + class MyClass(object): + query = Session.query_property() + + # after mappers are defined + result = MyClass.query.filter(MyClass.name=='foo').all() + + Produces instances of the session's configured query class by + default. To override and use a custom implementation, provide + a ``query_cls`` callable. The callable will be invoked with + the class's mapper as a positional argument and a session + keyword argument. + + There is no limit to the number of query properties placed on + a class. + + """ + + class query(object): + def __get__(s, instance, owner): + try: + mapper = class_mapper(owner) + if mapper: + if query_cls: + # custom query class + return query_cls(mapper, session=self.registry()) + else: + # session's configured query class + return self.registry().query(mapper) + except orm_exc.UnmappedClassError: + return None + + return query() + + +ScopedSession = scoped_session +"""Old name for backwards compatibility.""" + + +def instrument(name): + def do(self, *args, **kwargs): + return getattr(self.registry(), name)(*args, **kwargs) + + return do + + +for meth in Session.public_methods: + setattr(scoped_session, meth, instrument(meth)) + + +def makeprop(name): + def set_(self, attr): + setattr(self.registry(), name, attr) + + def get(self): + return getattr(self.registry(), name) + + return property(get, set_) + + +for prop in ( + "bind", + "dirty", + "deleted", + "new", + "identity_map", + "is_active", + "autoflush", + "no_autoflush", + "info", + "autocommit", +): + setattr(scoped_session, prop, makeprop(prop)) + + +def clslevel(name): + def do(cls, *args, **kwargs): + return getattr(Session, name)(*args, **kwargs) + + return classmethod(do) + + +for prop in ("close_all", "object_session", "identity_key"): + setattr(scoped_session, prop, clslevel(prop)) diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/session.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/session.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..78537f0 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/session.py @@ -0,0 +1,3311 @@ +# orm/session.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php +"""Provides the Session class and related utilities.""" + + +import itertools +import sys +import weakref + +from . import attributes +from . import exc +from . import identity +from . import loading +from . import persistence +from . import query +from . import state as statelib +from .base import _class_to_mapper +from .base import _none_set +from .base import _state_mapper +from .base import instance_str +from .base import object_mapper +from .base import object_state +from .base import state_str +from .deprecated_interfaces import SessionExtension +from .unitofwork import UOWTransaction +from .. import engine +from .. import exc as sa_exc +from .. import sql +from .. import util +from ..inspection import inspect +from ..sql import expression +from ..sql import util as sql_util + +__all__ = ["Session", "SessionTransaction", "SessionExtension", "sessionmaker"] + +_sessions = weakref.WeakValueDictionary() +"""Weak-referencing dictionary of :class:`.Session` objects. +""" + + +def _state_session(state): + """Given an :class:`.InstanceState`, return the :class:`.Session` + associated, if any. + """ + if state.session_id: + try: + return _sessions[state.session_id] + except KeyError: + pass + return None + + +class _SessionClassMethods(object): + """Class-level methods for :class:`.Session`, :class:`.sessionmaker`.""" + + @classmethod + def close_all(cls): + """Close *all* sessions in memory.""" + + for sess in _sessions.values(): + sess.close() + + @classmethod + @util.dependencies("sqlalchemy.orm.util") + def identity_key(cls, orm_util, *args, **kwargs): + """Return an identity key. + + This is an alias of :func:`.util.identity_key`. + + """ + return orm_util.identity_key(*args, **kwargs) + + @classmethod + def object_session(cls, instance): + """Return the :class:`.Session` to which an object belongs. + + This is an alias of :func:`.object_session`. + + """ + + return object_session(instance) + + +ACTIVE = util.symbol("ACTIVE") +PREPARED = util.symbol("PREPARED") +COMMITTED = util.symbol("COMMITTED") +DEACTIVE = util.symbol("DEACTIVE") +CLOSED = util.symbol("CLOSED") + + +class SessionTransaction(object): + """A :class:`.Session`-level transaction. + + :class:`.SessionTransaction` is a mostly behind-the-scenes object + not normally referenced directly by application code. It coordinates + among multiple :class:`.Connection` objects, maintaining a database + transaction for each one individually, committing or rolling them + back all at once. It also provides optional two-phase commit behavior + which can augment this coordination operation. + + The :attr:`.Session.transaction` attribute of :class:`.Session` + refers to the current :class:`.SessionTransaction` object in use, if any. + The :attr:`.SessionTransaction.parent` attribute refers to the parent + :class:`.SessionTransaction` in the stack of :class:`.SessionTransaction` + objects. If this attribute is ``None``, then this is the top of the stack. + If non-``None``, then this :class:`.SessionTransaction` refers either + to a so-called "subtransaction" or a "nested" transaction. A + "subtransaction" is a scoping concept that demarcates an inner portion + of the outermost "real" transaction. A nested transaction, which + is indicated when the :attr:`.SessionTransaction.nested` + attribute is also True, indicates that this :class:`.SessionTransaction` + corresponds to a SAVEPOINT. + + **Life Cycle** + + A :class:`.SessionTransaction` is associated with a :class:`.Session` + in its default mode of ``autocommit=False`` immediately, associated + with no database connections. As the :class:`.Session` is called upon + to emit SQL on behalf of various :class:`.Engine` or :class:`.Connection` + objects, a corresponding :class:`.Connection` and associated + :class:`.Transaction` is added to a collection within the + :class:`.SessionTransaction` object, becoming one of the + connection/transaction pairs maintained by the + :class:`.SessionTransaction`. The start of a :class:`.SessionTransaction` + can be tracked using the :meth:`.SessionEvents.after_transaction_create` + event. + + The lifespan of the :class:`.SessionTransaction` ends when the + :meth:`.Session.commit`, :meth:`.Session.rollback` or + :meth:`.Session.close` methods are called. At this point, the + :class:`.SessionTransaction` removes its association with its parent + :class:`.Session`. A :class:`.Session` that is in ``autocommit=False`` + mode will create a new :class:`.SessionTransaction` to replace it + immediately, whereas a :class:`.Session` that's in ``autocommit=True`` + mode will remain without a :class:`.SessionTransaction` until the + :meth:`.Session.begin` method is called. The end of a + :class:`.SessionTransaction` can be tracked using the + :meth:`.SessionEvents.after_transaction_end` event. + + **Nesting and Subtransactions** + + Another detail of :class:`.SessionTransaction` behavior is that it is + capable of "nesting". This means that the :meth:`.Session.begin` method + can be called while an existing :class:`.SessionTransaction` is already + present, producing a new :class:`.SessionTransaction` that temporarily + replaces the parent :class:`.SessionTransaction`. When a + :class:`.SessionTransaction` is produced as nested, it assigns itself to + the :attr:`.Session.transaction` attribute, and it additionally will assign + the previous :class:`.SessionTransaction` to its :attr:`.Session.parent` + attribute. The behavior is effectively a + stack, where :attr:`.Session.transaction` refers to the current head of + the stack, and the :attr:`.SessionTransaction.parent` attribute allows + traversal up the stack until :attr:`.SessionTransaction.parent` is + ``None``, indicating the top of the stack. + + When the scope of :class:`.SessionTransaction` is ended via + :meth:`.Session.commit` or :meth:`.Session.rollback`, it restores its + parent :class:`.SessionTransaction` back onto the + :attr:`.Session.transaction` attribute. + + The purpose of this stack is to allow nesting of + :meth:`.Session.rollback` or :meth:`.Session.commit` calls in context + with various flavors of :meth:`.Session.begin`. This nesting behavior + applies to when :meth:`.Session.begin_nested` is used to emit a + SAVEPOINT transaction, and is also used to produce a so-called + "subtransaction" which allows a block of code to use a + begin/rollback/commit sequence regardless of whether or not its enclosing + code block has begun a transaction. The :meth:`.flush` method, whether + called explicitly or via autoflush, is the primary consumer of the + "subtransaction" feature, in that it wishes to guarantee that it works + within in a transaction block regardless of whether or not the + :class:`.Session` is in transactional mode when the method is called. + + Note that the flush process that occurs within the "autoflush" feature + as well as when the :meth:`.Session.flush` method is used **always** + creates a :class:`.SessionTransaction` object. This object is normally + a subtransaction, unless the :class:`.Session` is in autocommit mode + and no transaction exists at all, in which case it's the outermost + transaction. Any event-handling logic or other inspection logic + needs to take into account whether a :class:`.SessionTransaction` + is the outermost transaction, a subtransaction, or a "nested" / SAVEPOINT + transaction. + + .. seealso:: + + :meth:`.Session.rollback` + + :meth:`.Session.commit` + + :meth:`.Session.begin` + + :meth:`.Session.begin_nested` + + :attr:`.Session.is_active` + + :meth:`.SessionEvents.after_transaction_create` + + :meth:`.SessionEvents.after_transaction_end` + + :meth:`.SessionEvents.after_commit` + + :meth:`.SessionEvents.after_rollback` + + :meth:`.SessionEvents.after_soft_rollback` + + """ + + _rollback_exception = None + + def __init__(self, session, parent=None, nested=False): + self.session = session + self._connections = {} + self._parent = parent + self.nested = nested + self._state = ACTIVE + if not parent and nested: + raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError( + "Can't start a SAVEPOINT transaction when no existing " + "transaction is in progress" + ) + + if self.session._enable_transaction_accounting: + self._take_snapshot() + + self.session.dispatch.after_transaction_create(self.session, self) + + @property + def parent(self): + """The parent :class:`.SessionTransaction` of this + :class:`.SessionTransaction`. + + If this attribute is ``None``, indicates this + :class:`.SessionTransaction` is at the top of the stack, and + corresponds to a real "COMMIT"/"ROLLBACK" + block. If non-``None``, then this is either a "subtransaction" + or a "nested" / SAVEPOINT transaction. If the + :attr:`.SessionTransaction.nested` attribute is ``True``, then + this is a SAVEPOINT, and if ``False``, indicates this a subtransaction. + + .. versionadded:: 1.0.16 - use ._parent for previous versions + + """ + return self._parent + + nested = False + """Indicates if this is a nested, or SAVEPOINT, transaction. + + When :attr:`.SessionTransaction.nested` is True, it is expected + that :attr:`.SessionTransaction.parent` will be True as well. + + """ + + @property + def is_active(self): + return self.session is not None and self._state is ACTIVE + + def _assert_active( + self, + prepared_ok=False, + rollback_ok=False, + deactive_ok=False, + closed_msg="This transaction is closed", + ): + if self._state is COMMITTED: + raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError( + "This session is in 'committed' state; no further " + "SQL can be emitted within this transaction." + ) + elif self._state is PREPARED: + if not prepared_ok: + raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError( + "This session is in 'prepared' state; no further " + "SQL can be emitted within this transaction." + ) + elif self._state is DEACTIVE: + if not deactive_ok and not rollback_ok: + if self._rollback_exception: + raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError( + "This Session's transaction has been rolled back " + "due to a previous exception during flush." + " To begin a new transaction with this Session, " + "first issue Session.rollback()." + " Original exception was: %s" + % self._rollback_exception + ) + elif not deactive_ok: + raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError( + "This session is in 'inactive' state, due to the " + "SQL transaction being rolled back; no further " + "SQL can be emitted within this transaction." + ) + elif self._state is CLOSED: + raise sa_exc.ResourceClosedError(closed_msg) + + @property + def _is_transaction_boundary(self): + return self.nested or not self._parent + + def connection(self, bindkey, execution_options=None, **kwargs): + self._assert_active() + bind = self.session.get_bind(bindkey, **kwargs) + return self._connection_for_bind(bind, execution_options) + + def _begin(self, nested=False): + self._assert_active() + return SessionTransaction(self.session, self, nested=nested) + + def _iterate_self_and_parents(self, upto=None): + + current = self + result = () + while current: + result += (current,) + if current._parent is upto: + break + elif current._parent is None: + raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError( + "Transaction %s is not on the active transaction list" + % (upto) + ) + else: + current = current._parent + + return result + + def _take_snapshot(self): + if not self._is_transaction_boundary: + self._new = self._parent._new + self._deleted = self._parent._deleted + self._dirty = self._parent._dirty + self._key_switches = self._parent._key_switches + return + + if not self.session._flushing: + self.session.flush() + + self._new = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary() + self._deleted = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary() + self._dirty = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary() + self._key_switches = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary() + + def _restore_snapshot(self, dirty_only=False): + """Restore the restoration state taken before a transaction began. + + Corresponds to a rollback. + + """ + assert self._is_transaction_boundary + + to_expunge = set(self._new).union(self.session._new) + self.session._expunge_states(to_expunge, to_transient=True) + + for s, (oldkey, newkey) in self._key_switches.items(): + # we probably can do this conditionally based on + # if we expunged or not, but safe_discard does that anyway + self.session.identity_map.safe_discard(s) + + # restore the old key + s.key = oldkey + + # now restore the object, but only if we didn't expunge + if s not in to_expunge: + self.session.identity_map.replace(s) + + for s in set(self._deleted).union(self.session._deleted): + self.session._update_impl(s, revert_deletion=True) + + assert not self.session._deleted + + for s in self.session.identity_map.all_states(): + if not dirty_only or s.modified or s in self._dirty: + s._expire(s.dict, self.session.identity_map._modified) + + def _remove_snapshot(self): + """Remove the restoration state taken before a transaction began. + + Corresponds to a commit. + + """ + assert self._is_transaction_boundary + + if not self.nested and self.session.expire_on_commit: + for s in self.session.identity_map.all_states(): + s._expire(s.dict, self.session.identity_map._modified) + + statelib.InstanceState._detach_states( + list(self._deleted), self.session + ) + self._deleted.clear() + elif self.nested: + self._parent._new.update(self._new) + self._parent._dirty.update(self._dirty) + self._parent._deleted.update(self._deleted) + self._parent._key_switches.update(self._key_switches) + + def _connection_for_bind(self, bind, execution_options): + self._assert_active() + + if bind in self._connections: + if execution_options: + util.warn( + "Connection is already established for the " + "given bind; execution_options ignored" + ) + return self._connections[bind][0] + + if self._parent: + conn = self._parent._connection_for_bind(bind, execution_options) + if not self.nested: + return conn + else: + if isinstance(bind, engine.Connection): + conn = bind + if conn.engine in self._connections: + raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError( + "Session already has a Connection associated for the " + "given Connection's Engine" + ) + else: + conn = bind.contextual_connect() + + if execution_options: + conn = conn.execution_options(**execution_options) + + if self.session.twophase and self._parent is None: + transaction = conn.begin_twophase() + elif self.nested: + transaction = conn.begin_nested() + else: + transaction = conn.begin() + + self._connections[conn] = self._connections[conn.engine] = ( + conn, + transaction, + conn is not bind, + ) + self.session.dispatch.after_begin(self.session, self, conn) + return conn + + def prepare(self): + if self._parent is not None or not self.session.twophase: + raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError( + "'twophase' mode not enabled, or not root transaction; " + "can't prepare." + ) + self._prepare_impl() + + def _prepare_impl(self): + self._assert_active() + if self._parent is None or self.nested: + self.session.dispatch.before_commit(self.session) + + stx = self.session.transaction + if stx is not self: + for subtransaction in stx._iterate_self_and_parents(upto=self): + subtransaction.commit() + + if not self.session._flushing: + for _flush_guard in range(100): + if self.session._is_clean(): + break + self.session.flush() + else: + raise exc.FlushError( + "Over 100 subsequent flushes have occurred within " + "session.commit() - is an after_flush() hook " + "creating new objects?" + ) + + if self._parent is None and self.session.twophase: + try: + for t in set(self._connections.values()): + t[1].prepare() + except: + with util.safe_reraise(): + self.rollback() + + self._state = PREPARED + + def commit(self): + self._assert_active(prepared_ok=True) + if self._state is not PREPARED: + self._prepare_impl() + + if self._parent is None or self.nested: + for t in set(self._connections.values()): + t[1].commit() + + self._state = COMMITTED + self.session.dispatch.after_commit(self.session) + + if self.session._enable_transaction_accounting: + self._remove_snapshot() + + self.close() + return self._parent + + def rollback(self, _capture_exception=False): + self._assert_active(prepared_ok=True, rollback_ok=True) + + stx = self.session.transaction + if stx is not self: + for subtransaction in stx._iterate_self_and_parents(upto=self): + subtransaction.close() + + boundary = self + rollback_err = None + if self._state in (ACTIVE, PREPARED): + for transaction in self._iterate_self_and_parents(): + if transaction._parent is None or transaction.nested: + try: + for t in set(transaction._connections.values()): + t[1].rollback() + + transaction._state = DEACTIVE + self.session.dispatch.after_rollback(self.session) + except: + rollback_err = sys.exc_info() + finally: + transaction._state = DEACTIVE + if self.session._enable_transaction_accounting: + transaction._restore_snapshot( + dirty_only=transaction.nested + ) + boundary = transaction + break + else: + transaction._state = DEACTIVE + + sess = self.session + + if ( + not rollback_err + and sess._enable_transaction_accounting + and not sess._is_clean() + ): + + # if items were added, deleted, or mutated + # here, we need to re-restore the snapshot + util.warn( + "Session's state has been changed on " + "a non-active transaction - this state " + "will be discarded." + ) + boundary._restore_snapshot(dirty_only=boundary.nested) + + self.close() + + if self._parent and _capture_exception: + self._parent._rollback_exception = sys.exc_info()[1] + + if rollback_err: + util.reraise(*rollback_err) + + sess.dispatch.after_soft_rollback(sess, self) + + return self._parent + + def close(self, invalidate=False): + self.session.transaction = self._parent + if self._parent is None: + for connection, transaction, autoclose in set( + self._connections.values() + ): + if invalidate: + connection.invalidate() + if autoclose: + connection.close() + else: + transaction.close() + + self._state = CLOSED + self.session.dispatch.after_transaction_end(self.session, self) + + if self._parent is None: + if not self.session.autocommit: + self.session.begin() + self.session = None + self._connections = None + + def __enter__(self): + return self + + def __exit__(self, type_, value, traceback): + self._assert_active(deactive_ok=True, prepared_ok=True) + if self.session.transaction is None: + return + if type_ is None: + try: + self.commit() + except: + with util.safe_reraise(): + self.rollback() + else: + self.rollback() + + +class Session(_SessionClassMethods): + """Manages persistence operations for ORM-mapped objects. + + The Session's usage paradigm is described at :doc:`/orm/session`. + + + """ + + public_methods = ( + "__contains__", + "__iter__", + "add", + "add_all", + "begin", + "begin_nested", + "close", + "commit", + "connection", + "delete", + "execute", + "expire", + "expire_all", + "expunge", + "expunge_all", + "flush", + "get_bind", + "is_modified", + "bulk_save_objects", + "bulk_insert_mappings", + "bulk_update_mappings", + "merge", + "query", + "refresh", + "rollback", + "scalar", + ) + + def __init__( + self, + bind=None, + autoflush=True, + expire_on_commit=True, + _enable_transaction_accounting=True, + autocommit=False, + twophase=False, + weak_identity_map=True, + binds=None, + extension=None, + enable_baked_queries=True, + info=None, + query_cls=query.Query, + ): + r"""Construct a new Session. + + See also the :class:`.sessionmaker` function which is used to + generate a :class:`.Session`-producing callable with a given + set of arguments. + + :param autocommit: + + .. warning:: + + The autocommit flag is **not for general use**, and if it is + used, queries should only be invoked within the span of a + :meth:`.Session.begin` / :meth:`.Session.commit` pair. Executing + queries outside of a demarcated transaction is a legacy mode + of usage, and can in some cases lead to concurrent connection + checkouts. + + Defaults to ``False``. When ``True``, the + :class:`.Session` does not keep a persistent transaction running, + and will acquire connections from the engine on an as-needed basis, + returning them immediately after their use. Flushes will begin and + commit (or possibly rollback) their own transaction if no + transaction is present. When using this mode, the + :meth:`.Session.begin` method is used to explicitly start + transactions. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`session_autocommit` + + :param autoflush: When ``True``, all query operations will issue a + :meth:`~.Session.flush` call to this ``Session`` before proceeding. + This is a convenience feature so that :meth:`~.Session.flush` need + not be called repeatedly in order for database queries to retrieve + results. It's typical that ``autoflush`` is used in conjunction + with ``autocommit=False``. In this scenario, explicit calls to + :meth:`~.Session.flush` are rarely needed; you usually only need to + call :meth:`~.Session.commit` (which flushes) to finalize changes. + + :param bind: An optional :class:`.Engine` or :class:`.Connection` to + which this ``Session`` should be bound. When specified, all SQL + operations performed by this session will execute via this + connectable. + + :param binds: A dictionary which may specify any number of + :class:`.Engine` or :class:`.Connection` objects as the source of + connectivity for SQL operations on a per-entity basis. The keys + of the dictionary consist of any series of mapped classes, + arbitrary Python classes that are bases for mapped classes, + :class:`.Table` objects and :class:`.Mapper` objects. The + values of the dictionary are then instances of :class:`.Engine` + or less commonly :class:`.Connection` objects. Operations which + proceed relative to a particular mapped class will consult this + dictionary for the closest matching entity in order to determine + which :class:`.Engine` should be used for a particular SQL + operation. The complete heuristics for resolution are + described at :meth:`.Session.get_bind`. Usage looks like:: + + Session = sessionmaker(binds={ + SomeMappedClass: create_engine('postgresql://engine1'), + SomeDeclarativeBase: create_engine('postgresql://engine2'), + some_mapper: create_engine('postgresql://engine3'), + some_table: create_engine('postgresql://engine4'), + }) + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`session_partitioning` + + :meth:`.Session.bind_mapper` + + :meth:`.Session.bind_table` + + :meth:`.Session.get_bind` + + + :param \class_: Specify an alternate class other than + ``sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session`` which should be used by the + returned class. This is the only argument that is local to the + :class:`.sessionmaker` function, and is not sent directly to the + constructor for ``Session``. + + :param enable_baked_queries: defaults to ``True``. A flag consumed + by the :mod:`sqlalchemy.ext.baked` extension to determine if + "baked queries" should be cached, as is the normal operation + of this extension. When set to ``False``, all caching is disabled, + including baked queries defined by the calling application as + well as those used internally. Setting this flag to ``False`` + can significantly reduce memory use, however will also degrade + performance for those areas that make use of baked queries + (such as relationship loaders). Additionally, baked query + logic in the calling application or potentially within the ORM + that may be malfunctioning due to cache key collisions or similar + can be flagged by observing if this flag resolves the issue. + + .. versionadded:: 1.2 + + :param _enable_transaction_accounting: Defaults to ``True``. A + legacy-only flag which when ``False`` disables *all* 0.5-style + object accounting on transaction boundaries, including auto-expiry + of instances on rollback and commit, maintenance of the "new" and + "deleted" lists upon rollback, and autoflush of pending changes + upon :meth:`~.Session.begin`, all of which are interdependent. + + :param expire_on_commit: Defaults to ``True``. When ``True``, all + instances will be fully expired after each :meth:`~.commit`, + so that all attribute/object access subsequent to a completed + transaction will load from the most recent database state. + + :param extension: An optional + :class:`~.SessionExtension` instance, or a list + of such instances, which will receive pre- and post- commit and + flush events, as well as a post-rollback event. **Deprecated.** + Please see :class:`.SessionEvents`. + + :param info: optional dictionary of arbitrary data to be associated + with this :class:`.Session`. Is available via the + :attr:`.Session.info` attribute. Note the dictionary is copied at + construction time so that modifications to the per- + :class:`.Session` dictionary will be local to that + :class:`.Session`. + + .. versionadded:: 0.9.0 + + :param query_cls: Class which should be used to create new Query + objects, as returned by the :meth:`~.Session.query` method. + Defaults to :class:`.Query`. + + :param twophase: When ``True``, all transactions will be started as + a "two phase" transaction, i.e. using the "two phase" semantics + of the database in use along with an XID. During a + :meth:`~.commit`, after :meth:`~.flush` has been issued for all + attached databases, the :meth:`~.TwoPhaseTransaction.prepare` + method on each database's :class:`.TwoPhaseTransaction` will be + called. This allows each database to roll back the entire + transaction, before each transaction is committed. + + :param weak_identity_map: Defaults to ``True`` - when set to + ``False``, objects placed in the :class:`.Session` will be + strongly referenced until explicitly removed or the + :class:`.Session` is closed. **Deprecated** - The strong + reference identity map is legacy. See the + recipe at :ref:`session_referencing_behavior` for + an event-based approach to maintaining strong identity + references. + + """ + + if weak_identity_map: + self._identity_cls = identity.WeakInstanceDict + else: + util.warn_deprecated( + "weak_identity_map=False is deprecated. " + "See the documentation on 'Session Referencing Behavior' " + "for an event-based approach to maintaining strong identity " + "references." + ) + + self._identity_cls = identity.StrongInstanceDict + self.identity_map = self._identity_cls() + + self._new = {} # InstanceState->object, strong refs object + self._deleted = {} # same + self.bind = bind + self.__binds = {} + self._flushing = False + self._warn_on_events = False + self.transaction = None + self.hash_key = _new_sessionid() + self.autoflush = autoflush + self.autocommit = autocommit + self.expire_on_commit = expire_on_commit + self.enable_baked_queries = enable_baked_queries + self._enable_transaction_accounting = _enable_transaction_accounting + self.twophase = twophase + self._query_cls = query_cls + if info: + self.info.update(info) + + if extension: + for ext in util.to_list(extension): + SessionExtension._adapt_listener(self, ext) + + if binds is not None: + for key, bind in binds.items(): + self._add_bind(key, bind) + + if not self.autocommit: + self.begin() + _sessions[self.hash_key] = self + + connection_callable = None + + transaction = None + """The current active or inactive :class:`.SessionTransaction`.""" + + @util.memoized_property + def info(self): + """A user-modifiable dictionary. + + The initial value of this dictionary can be populated using the + ``info`` argument to the :class:`.Session` constructor or + :class:`.sessionmaker` constructor or factory methods. The dictionary + here is always local to this :class:`.Session` and can be modified + independently of all other :class:`.Session` objects. + + .. versionadded:: 0.9.0 + + """ + return {} + + def begin(self, subtransactions=False, nested=False): + """Begin a transaction on this :class:`.Session`. + + .. warning:: + + The :meth:`.Session.begin` method is part of a larger pattern + of use with the :class:`.Session` known as **autocommit mode**. + This is essentially a **legacy mode of use** and is + not necessary for new applications. The :class:`.Session` + normally handles the work of "begin" transparently, which in + turn relies upon the Python DBAPI to transparently "begin" + transactions; there is **no need to explcitly begin transactions** + when using modern :class:`.Session` programming patterns. + In its default mode of ``autocommit=False``, the + :class:`.Session` does all of its work within + the context of a transaction, so as soon as you call + :meth:`.Session.commit`, the next transaction is implicitly + started when the next database operation is invoked. See + :ref:`session_autocommit` for further background. + + The method will raise an error if this :class:`.Session` is already + inside of a transaction, unless + :paramref:`~.Session.begin.subtransactions` or + :paramref:`~.Session.begin.nested` are specified. A "subtransaction" + is essentially a code embedding pattern that does not affect the + transactional state of the database connection unless a rollback is + emitted, in which case the whole transaction is rolled back. For + documentation on subtransactions, please see + :ref:`session_subtransactions`. + + :param subtransactions: if True, indicates that this + :meth:`~.Session.begin` can create a "subtransaction". + + :param nested: if True, begins a SAVEPOINT transaction and is + equivalent to calling :meth:`~.Session.begin_nested`. For + documentation on SAVEPOINT transactions, please see + :ref:`session_begin_nested`. + + :return: the :class:`.SessionTransaction` object. Note that + :class:`.SessionTransaction` + acts as a Python context manager, allowing :meth:`.Session.begin` + to be used in a "with" block. See :ref:`session_autocommit` for + an example. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`session_autocommit` + + :meth:`.Session.begin_nested` + + + """ + if self.transaction is not None: + if subtransactions or nested: + self.transaction = self.transaction._begin(nested=nested) + else: + raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError( + "A transaction is already begun. Use " + "subtransactions=True to allow subtransactions." + ) + else: + self.transaction = SessionTransaction(self, nested=nested) + return self.transaction # needed for __enter__/__exit__ hook + + def begin_nested(self): + """Begin a "nested" transaction on this Session, e.g. SAVEPOINT. + + The target database(s) and associated drivers must support SQL + SAVEPOINT for this method to function correctly. + + For documentation on SAVEPOINT + transactions, please see :ref:`session_begin_nested`. + + :return: the :class:`.SessionTransaction` object. Note that + :class:`.SessionTransaction` acts as a context manager, allowing + :meth:`.Session.begin_nested` to be used in a "with" block. + See :ref:`session_begin_nested` for a usage example. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`session_begin_nested` + + :ref:`pysqlite_serializable` - special workarounds required + with the SQLite driver in order for SAVEPOINT to work + correctly. + + """ + return self.begin(nested=True) + + def rollback(self): + """Rollback the current transaction in progress. + + If no transaction is in progress, this method is a pass-through. + + This method rolls back the current transaction or nested transaction + regardless of subtransactions being in effect. All subtransactions up + to the first real transaction are closed. Subtransactions occur when + :meth:`.begin` is called multiple times. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`session_rollback` + + """ + if self.transaction is None: + pass + else: + self.transaction.rollback() + + def commit(self): + """Flush pending changes and commit the current transaction. + + If no transaction is in progress, this method raises an + :exc:`~sqlalchemy.exc.InvalidRequestError`. + + By default, the :class:`.Session` also expires all database + loaded state on all ORM-managed attributes after transaction commit. + This so that subsequent operations load the most recent + data from the database. This behavior can be disabled using + the ``expire_on_commit=False`` option to :class:`.sessionmaker` or + the :class:`.Session` constructor. + + If a subtransaction is in effect (which occurs when begin() is called + multiple times), the subtransaction will be closed, and the next call + to ``commit()`` will operate on the enclosing transaction. + + When using the :class:`.Session` in its default mode of + ``autocommit=False``, a new transaction will + be begun immediately after the commit, but note that the newly begun + transaction does *not* use any connection resources until the first + SQL is actually emitted. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`session_committing` + + """ + if self.transaction is None: + if not self.autocommit: + self.begin() + else: + raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError("No transaction is begun.") + + self.transaction.commit() + + def prepare(self): + """Prepare the current transaction in progress for two phase commit. + + If no transaction is in progress, this method raises an + :exc:`~sqlalchemy.exc.InvalidRequestError`. + + Only root transactions of two phase sessions can be prepared. If the + current transaction is not such, an + :exc:`~sqlalchemy.exc.InvalidRequestError` is raised. + + """ + if self.transaction is None: + if not self.autocommit: + self.begin() + else: + raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError("No transaction is begun.") + + self.transaction.prepare() + + def connection( + self, + mapper=None, + clause=None, + bind=None, + close_with_result=False, + execution_options=None, + **kw + ): + r"""Return a :class:`.Connection` object corresponding to this + :class:`.Session` object's transactional state. + + If this :class:`.Session` is configured with ``autocommit=False``, + either the :class:`.Connection` corresponding to the current + transaction is returned, or if no transaction is in progress, a new + one is begun and the :class:`.Connection` returned (note that no + transactional state is established with the DBAPI until the first + SQL statement is emitted). + + Alternatively, if this :class:`.Session` is configured with + ``autocommit=True``, an ad-hoc :class:`.Connection` is returned + using :meth:`.Engine.contextual_connect` on the underlying + :class:`.Engine`. + + Ambiguity in multi-bind or unbound :class:`.Session` objects can be + resolved through any of the optional keyword arguments. This + ultimately makes usage of the :meth:`.get_bind` method for resolution. + + :param bind: + Optional :class:`.Engine` to be used as the bind. If + this engine is already involved in an ongoing transaction, + that connection will be used. This argument takes precedence + over ``mapper``, ``clause``. + + :param mapper: + Optional :func:`.mapper` mapped class, used to identify + the appropriate bind. This argument takes precedence over + ``clause``. + + :param clause: + A :class:`.ClauseElement` (i.e. :func:`~.sql.expression.select`, + :func:`~.sql.expression.text`, + etc.) which will be used to locate a bind, if a bind + cannot otherwise be identified. + + :param close_with_result: Passed to :meth:`.Engine.connect`, + indicating the :class:`.Connection` should be considered + "single use", automatically closing when the first result set is + closed. This flag only has an effect if this :class:`.Session` is + configured with ``autocommit=True`` and does not already have a + transaction in progress. + + :param execution_options: a dictionary of execution options that will + be passed to :meth:`.Connection.execution_options`, **when the + connection is first procured only**. If the connection is already + present within the :class:`.Session`, a warning is emitted and + the arguments are ignored. + + .. versionadded:: 0.9.9 + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`session_transaction_isolation` + + :param \**kw: + Additional keyword arguments are sent to :meth:`get_bind()`, + allowing additional arguments to be passed to custom + implementations of :meth:`get_bind`. + + """ + if bind is None: + bind = self.get_bind(mapper, clause=clause, **kw) + + return self._connection_for_bind( + bind, + close_with_result=close_with_result, + execution_options=execution_options, + ) + + def _connection_for_bind(self, engine, execution_options=None, **kw): + if self.transaction is not None: + return self.transaction._connection_for_bind( + engine, execution_options + ) + else: + conn = engine.contextual_connect(**kw) + if execution_options: + conn = conn.execution_options(**execution_options) + return conn + + def execute(self, clause, params=None, mapper=None, bind=None, **kw): + r"""Execute a SQL expression construct or string statement within + the current transaction. + + Returns a :class:`.ResultProxy` representing + results of the statement execution, in the same manner as that of an + :class:`.Engine` or + :class:`.Connection`. + + E.g.:: + + result = session.execute( + user_table.select().where(user_table.c.id == 5) + ) + + :meth:`~.Session.execute` accepts any executable clause construct, + such as :func:`~.sql.expression.select`, + :func:`~.sql.expression.insert`, + :func:`~.sql.expression.update`, + :func:`~.sql.expression.delete`, and + :func:`~.sql.expression.text`. Plain SQL strings can be passed + as well, which in the case of :meth:`.Session.execute` only + will be interpreted the same as if it were passed via a + :func:`~.expression.text` construct. That is, the following usage:: + + result = session.execute( + "SELECT * FROM user WHERE id=:param", + {"param":5} + ) + + is equivalent to:: + + from sqlalchemy import text + result = session.execute( + text("SELECT * FROM user WHERE id=:param"), + {"param":5} + ) + + The second positional argument to :meth:`.Session.execute` is an + optional parameter set. Similar to that of + :meth:`.Connection.execute`, whether this is passed as a single + dictionary, or a list of dictionaries, determines whether the DBAPI + cursor's ``execute()`` or ``executemany()`` is used to execute the + statement. An INSERT construct may be invoked for a single row:: + + result = session.execute( + users.insert(), {"id": 7, "name": "somename"}) + + or for multiple rows:: + + result = session.execute(users.insert(), [ + {"id": 7, "name": "somename7"}, + {"id": 8, "name": "somename8"}, + {"id": 9, "name": "somename9"} + ]) + + The statement is executed within the current transactional context of + this :class:`.Session`. The :class:`.Connection` which is used + to execute the statement can also be acquired directly by + calling the :meth:`.Session.connection` method. Both methods use + a rule-based resolution scheme in order to determine the + :class:`.Connection`, which in the average case is derived directly + from the "bind" of the :class:`.Session` itself, and in other cases + can be based on the :func:`.mapper` + and :class:`.Table` objects passed to the method; see the + documentation for :meth:`.Session.get_bind` for a full description of + this scheme. + + The :meth:`.Session.execute` method does *not* invoke autoflush. + + The :class:`.ResultProxy` returned by the :meth:`.Session.execute` + method is returned with the "close_with_result" flag set to true; + the significance of this flag is that if this :class:`.Session` is + autocommitting and does not have a transaction-dedicated + :class:`.Connection` available, a temporary :class:`.Connection` is + established for the statement execution, which is closed (meaning, + returned to the connection pool) when the :class:`.ResultProxy` has + consumed all available data. This applies *only* when the + :class:`.Session` is configured with autocommit=True and no + transaction has been started. + + :param clause: + An executable statement (i.e. an :class:`.Executable` expression + such as :func:`.expression.select`) or string SQL statement + to be executed. + + :param params: + Optional dictionary, or list of dictionaries, containing + bound parameter values. If a single dictionary, single-row + execution occurs; if a list of dictionaries, an + "executemany" will be invoked. The keys in each dictionary + must correspond to parameter names present in the statement. + + :param mapper: + Optional :func:`.mapper` or mapped class, used to identify + the appropriate bind. This argument takes precedence over + ``clause`` when locating a bind. See :meth:`.Session.get_bind` + for more details. + + :param bind: + Optional :class:`.Engine` to be used as the bind. If + this engine is already involved in an ongoing transaction, + that connection will be used. This argument takes + precedence over ``mapper`` and ``clause`` when locating + a bind. + + :param \**kw: + Additional keyword arguments are sent to :meth:`.Session.get_bind()` + to allow extensibility of "bind" schemes. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`sqlexpression_toplevel` - Tutorial on using Core SQL + constructs. + + :ref:`connections_toplevel` - Further information on direct + statement execution. + + :meth:`.Connection.execute` - core level statement execution + method, which is :meth:`.Session.execute` ultimately uses + in order to execute the statement. + + """ + clause = expression._literal_as_text(clause) + + if bind is None: + bind = self.get_bind(mapper, clause=clause, **kw) + + return self._connection_for_bind(bind, close_with_result=True).execute( + clause, params or {} + ) + + def scalar(self, clause, params=None, mapper=None, bind=None, **kw): + """Like :meth:`~.Session.execute` but return a scalar result.""" + + return self.execute( + clause, params=params, mapper=mapper, bind=bind, **kw + ).scalar() + + def close(self): + """Close this Session. + + This clears all items and ends any transaction in progress. + + If this session were created with ``autocommit=False``, a new + transaction is immediately begun. Note that this new transaction does + not use any connection resources until they are first needed. + + """ + self._close_impl(invalidate=False) + + def invalidate(self): + """Close this Session, using connection invalidation. + + This is a variant of :meth:`.Session.close` that will additionally + ensure that the :meth:`.Connection.invalidate` method will be called + on all :class:`.Connection` objects. This can be called when + the database is known to be in a state where the connections are + no longer safe to be used. + + E.g.:: + + try: + sess = Session() + sess.add(User()) + sess.commit() + except gevent.Timeout: + sess.invalidate() + raise + except: + sess.rollback() + raise + + This clears all items and ends any transaction in progress. + + If this session were created with ``autocommit=False``, a new + transaction is immediately begun. Note that this new transaction does + not use any connection resources until they are first needed. + + .. versionadded:: 0.9.9 + + """ + self._close_impl(invalidate=True) + + def _close_impl(self, invalidate): + self.expunge_all() + if self.transaction is not None: + for transaction in self.transaction._iterate_self_and_parents(): + transaction.close(invalidate) + + def expunge_all(self): + """Remove all object instances from this ``Session``. + + This is equivalent to calling ``expunge(obj)`` on all objects in this + ``Session``. + + """ + + all_states = self.identity_map.all_states() + list(self._new) + self.identity_map = self._identity_cls() + self._new = {} + self._deleted = {} + + statelib.InstanceState._detach_states(all_states, self) + + def _add_bind(self, key, bind): + try: + insp = inspect(key) + except sa_exc.NoInspectionAvailable: + if not isinstance(key, type): + raise sa_exc.ArgumentError( + "Not an acceptable bind target: %s" % key + ) + else: + self.__binds[key] = bind + else: + if insp.is_selectable: + self.__binds[insp] = bind + elif insp.is_mapper: + self.__binds[insp.class_] = bind + for selectable in insp._all_tables: + self.__binds[selectable] = bind + else: + raise sa_exc.ArgumentError( + "Not an acceptable bind target: %s" % key + ) + + def bind_mapper(self, mapper, bind): + """Associate a :class:`.Mapper` or arbitrary Python class with a + "bind", e.g. an :class:`.Engine` or :class:`.Connection`. + + The given entity is added to a lookup used by the + :meth:`.Session.get_bind` method. + + :param mapper: a :class:`.Mapper` object, or an instance of a mapped + class, or any Python class that is the base of a set of mapped + classes. + + :param bind: an :class:`.Engine` or :class:`.Connection` object. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`session_partitioning` + + :paramref:`.Session.binds` + + :meth:`.Session.bind_table` + + + """ + self._add_bind(mapper, bind) + + def bind_table(self, table, bind): + """Associate a :class:`.Table` with a "bind", e.g. an :class:`.Engine` + or :class:`.Connection`. + + The given :class:`.Table` is added to a lookup used by the + :meth:`.Session.get_bind` method. + + :param table: a :class:`.Table` object, which is typically the target + of an ORM mapping, or is present within a selectable that is + mapped. + + :param bind: an :class:`.Engine` or :class:`.Connection` object. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`session_partitioning` + + :paramref:`.Session.binds` + + :meth:`.Session.bind_mapper` + + + """ + self._add_bind(table, bind) + + def get_bind(self, mapper=None, clause=None): + """Return a "bind" to which this :class:`.Session` is bound. + + The "bind" is usually an instance of :class:`.Engine`, + except in the case where the :class:`.Session` has been + explicitly bound directly to a :class:`.Connection`. + + For a multiply-bound or unbound :class:`.Session`, the + ``mapper`` or ``clause`` arguments are used to determine the + appropriate bind to return. + + Note that the "mapper" argument is usually present + when :meth:`.Session.get_bind` is called via an ORM + operation such as a :meth:`.Session.query`, each + individual INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE operation within a + :meth:`.Session.flush`, call, etc. + + The order of resolution is: + + 1. if mapper given and session.binds is present, + locate a bind based first on the mapper in use, then + on the mapped class in use, then on any base classes that are + present in the ``__mro__`` of the mapped class, from more specific + superclasses to more general. + 2. if clause given and session.binds is present, + locate a bind based on :class:`.Table` objects + found in the given clause present in session.binds. + 3. if session.bind is present, return that. + 4. if clause given, attempt to return a bind + linked to the :class:`.MetaData` ultimately + associated with the clause. + 5. if mapper given, attempt to return a bind + linked to the :class:`.MetaData` ultimately + associated with the :class:`.Table` or other + selectable to which the mapper is mapped. + 6. No bind can be found, :exc:`~sqlalchemy.exc.UnboundExecutionError` + is raised. + + Note that the :meth:`.Session.get_bind` method can be overridden on + a user-defined subclass of :class:`.Session` to provide any kind + of bind resolution scheme. See the example at + :ref:`session_custom_partitioning`. + + :param mapper: + Optional :func:`.mapper` mapped class or instance of + :class:`.Mapper`. The bind can be derived from a :class:`.Mapper` + first by consulting the "binds" map associated with this + :class:`.Session`, and secondly by consulting the :class:`.MetaData` + associated with the :class:`.Table` to which the :class:`.Mapper` + is mapped for a bind. + + :param clause: + A :class:`.ClauseElement` (i.e. :func:`~.sql.expression.select`, + :func:`~.sql.expression.text`, + etc.). If the ``mapper`` argument is not present or could not + produce a bind, the given expression construct will be searched + for a bound element, typically a :class:`.Table` associated with + bound :class:`.MetaData`. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`session_partitioning` + + :paramref:`.Session.binds` + + :meth:`.Session.bind_mapper` + + :meth:`.Session.bind_table` + + """ + + if mapper is clause is None: + if self.bind: + return self.bind + else: + raise sa_exc.UnboundExecutionError( + "This session is not bound to a single Engine or " + "Connection, and no context was provided to locate " + "a binding." + ) + + if mapper is not None: + try: + mapper = inspect(mapper) + except sa_exc.NoInspectionAvailable: + if isinstance(mapper, type): + raise exc.UnmappedClassError(mapper) + else: + raise + + if self.__binds: + if mapper: + for cls in mapper.class_.__mro__: + if cls in self.__binds: + return self.__binds[cls] + if clause is None: + clause = mapper.mapped_table + + if clause is not None: + for t in sql_util.find_tables(clause, include_crud=True): + if t in self.__binds: + return self.__binds[t] + + if self.bind: + return self.bind + + if isinstance(clause, sql.expression.ClauseElement) and clause.bind: + return clause.bind + + if mapper and mapper.mapped_table.bind: + return mapper.mapped_table.bind + + context = [] + if mapper is not None: + context.append("mapper %s" % mapper) + if clause is not None: + context.append("SQL expression") + + raise sa_exc.UnboundExecutionError( + "Could not locate a bind configured on %s or this Session" + % (", ".join(context)) + ) + + def query(self, *entities, **kwargs): + """Return a new :class:`.Query` object corresponding to this + :class:`.Session`.""" + + return self._query_cls(entities, self, **kwargs) + + @property + @util.contextmanager + def no_autoflush(self): + """Return a context manager that disables autoflush. + + e.g.:: + + with session.no_autoflush: + + some_object = SomeClass() + session.add(some_object) + # won't autoflush + some_object.related_thing = session.query(SomeRelated).first() + + Operations that proceed within the ``with:`` block + will not be subject to flushes occurring upon query + access. This is useful when initializing a series + of objects which involve existing database queries, + where the uncompleted object should not yet be flushed. + + .. versionadded:: 0.7.6 + + """ + autoflush = self.autoflush + self.autoflush = False + try: + yield self + finally: + self.autoflush = autoflush + + def _autoflush(self): + if self.autoflush and not self._flushing: + try: + self.flush() + except sa_exc.StatementError as e: + # note we are reraising StatementError as opposed to + # raising FlushError with "chaining" to remain compatible + # with code that catches StatementError, IntegrityError, + # etc. + e.add_detail( + "raised as a result of Query-invoked autoflush; " + "consider using a session.no_autoflush block if this " + "flush is occurring prematurely" + ) + util.raise_from_cause(e) + + def refresh( + self, + instance, + attribute_names=None, + with_for_update=None, + lockmode=None, + ): + """Expire and refresh the attributes on the given instance. + + A query will be issued to the database and all attributes will be + refreshed with their current database value. + + Lazy-loaded relational attributes will remain lazily loaded, so that + the instance-wide refresh operation will be followed immediately by + the lazy load of that attribute. + + Eagerly-loaded relational attributes will eagerly load within the + single refresh operation. + + Note that a highly isolated transaction will return the same values as + were previously read in that same transaction, regardless of changes + in database state outside of that transaction - usage of + :meth:`~Session.refresh` usually only makes sense if non-ORM SQL + statement were emitted in the ongoing transaction, or if autocommit + mode is turned on. + + :param attribute_names: optional. An iterable collection of + string attribute names indicating a subset of attributes to + be refreshed. + + :param with_for_update: optional boolean ``True`` indicating FOR UPDATE + should be used, or may be a dictionary containing flags to + indicate a more specific set of FOR UPDATE flags for the SELECT; + flags should match the parameters of :meth:`.Query.with_for_update`. + Supersedes the :paramref:`.Session.refresh.lockmode` parameter. + + .. versionadded:: 1.2 + + :param lockmode: Passed to the :class:`~sqlalchemy.orm.query.Query` + as used by :meth:`~sqlalchemy.orm.query.Query.with_lockmode`. + Superseded by :paramref:`.Session.refresh.with_for_update`. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`session_expire` - introductory material + + :meth:`.Session.expire` + + :meth:`.Session.expire_all` + + """ + try: + state = attributes.instance_state(instance) + except exc.NO_STATE: + raise exc.UnmappedInstanceError(instance) + + self._expire_state(state, attribute_names) + + if with_for_update == {}: + raise sa_exc.ArgumentError( + "with_for_update should be the boolean value " + "True, or a dictionary with options. " + "A blank dictionary is ambiguous." + ) + + if lockmode: + with_for_update = query.LockmodeArg.parse_legacy_query(lockmode) + elif with_for_update is not None: + if with_for_update is True: + with_for_update = query.LockmodeArg() + elif with_for_update: + with_for_update = query.LockmodeArg(**with_for_update) + else: + with_for_update = None + + if ( + loading.load_on_ident( + self.query(object_mapper(instance)), + state.key, + refresh_state=state, + with_for_update=with_for_update, + only_load_props=attribute_names, + ) + is None + ): + raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError( + "Could not refresh instance '%s'" % instance_str(instance) + ) + + def expire_all(self): + """Expires all persistent instances within this Session. + + When any attributes on a persistent instance is next accessed, + a query will be issued using the + :class:`.Session` object's current transactional context in order to + load all expired attributes for the given instance. Note that + a highly isolated transaction will return the same values as were + previously read in that same transaction, regardless of changes + in database state outside of that transaction. + + To expire individual objects and individual attributes + on those objects, use :meth:`Session.expire`. + + The :class:`.Session` object's default behavior is to + expire all state whenever the :meth:`Session.rollback` + or :meth:`Session.commit` methods are called, so that new + state can be loaded for the new transaction. For this reason, + calling :meth:`Session.expire_all` should not be needed when + autocommit is ``False``, assuming the transaction is isolated. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`session_expire` - introductory material + + :meth:`.Session.expire` + + :meth:`.Session.refresh` + + """ + for state in self.identity_map.all_states(): + state._expire(state.dict, self.identity_map._modified) + + def expire(self, instance, attribute_names=None): + """Expire the attributes on an instance. + + Marks the attributes of an instance as out of date. When an expired + attribute is next accessed, a query will be issued to the + :class:`.Session` object's current transactional context in order to + load all expired attributes for the given instance. Note that + a highly isolated transaction will return the same values as were + previously read in that same transaction, regardless of changes + in database state outside of that transaction. + + To expire all objects in the :class:`.Session` simultaneously, + use :meth:`Session.expire_all`. + + The :class:`.Session` object's default behavior is to + expire all state whenever the :meth:`Session.rollback` + or :meth:`Session.commit` methods are called, so that new + state can be loaded for the new transaction. For this reason, + calling :meth:`Session.expire` only makes sense for the specific + case that a non-ORM SQL statement was emitted in the current + transaction. + + :param instance: The instance to be refreshed. + :param attribute_names: optional list of string attribute names + indicating a subset of attributes to be expired. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`session_expire` - introductory material + + :meth:`.Session.expire` + + :meth:`.Session.refresh` + + """ + try: + state = attributes.instance_state(instance) + except exc.NO_STATE: + raise exc.UnmappedInstanceError(instance) + self._expire_state(state, attribute_names) + + def _expire_state(self, state, attribute_names): + self._validate_persistent(state) + if attribute_names: + state._expire_attributes(state.dict, attribute_names) + else: + # pre-fetch the full cascade since the expire is going to + # remove associations + cascaded = list( + state.manager.mapper.cascade_iterator("refresh-expire", state) + ) + self._conditional_expire(state) + for o, m, st_, dct_ in cascaded: + self._conditional_expire(st_) + + def _conditional_expire(self, state): + """Expire a state if persistent, else expunge if pending""" + + if state.key: + state._expire(state.dict, self.identity_map._modified) + elif state in self._new: + self._new.pop(state) + state._detach(self) + + @util.deprecated( + "0.7", + "The non-weak-referencing identity map " + "feature is no longer needed.", + ) + def prune(self): + """Remove unreferenced instances cached in the identity map. + + Note that this method is only meaningful if "weak_identity_map" is set + to False. The default weak identity map is self-pruning. + + Removes any object in this Session's identity map that is not + referenced in user code, modified, new or scheduled for deletion. + Returns the number of objects pruned. + + """ + return self.identity_map.prune() + + def expunge(self, instance): + """Remove the `instance` from this ``Session``. + + This will free all internal references to the instance. Cascading + will be applied according to the *expunge* cascade rule. + + """ + try: + state = attributes.instance_state(instance) + except exc.NO_STATE: + raise exc.UnmappedInstanceError(instance) + if state.session_id is not self.hash_key: + raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError( + "Instance %s is not present in this Session" % state_str(state) + ) + + cascaded = list( + state.manager.mapper.cascade_iterator("expunge", state) + ) + self._expunge_states([state] + [st_ for o, m, st_, dct_ in cascaded]) + + def _expunge_states(self, states, to_transient=False): + for state in states: + if state in self._new: + self._new.pop(state) + elif self.identity_map.contains_state(state): + self.identity_map.safe_discard(state) + self._deleted.pop(state, None) + elif self.transaction: + # state is "detached" from being deleted, but still present + # in the transaction snapshot + self.transaction._deleted.pop(state, None) + statelib.InstanceState._detach_states( + states, self, to_transient=to_transient + ) + + def _register_newly_persistent(self, states): + pending_to_persistent = self.dispatch.pending_to_persistent or None + for state in states: + mapper = _state_mapper(state) + + # prevent against last minute dereferences of the object + obj = state.obj() + if obj is not None: + + instance_key = mapper._identity_key_from_state(state) + + if ( + _none_set.intersection(instance_key[1]) + and not mapper.allow_partial_pks + or _none_set.issuperset(instance_key[1]) + ): + raise exc.FlushError( + "Instance %s has a NULL identity key. If this is an " + "auto-generated value, check that the database table " + "allows generation of new primary key values, and " + "that the mapped Column object is configured to " + "expect these generated values. Ensure also that " + "this flush() is not occurring at an inappropriate " + "time, such as within a load() event." + % state_str(state) + ) + + if state.key is None: + state.key = instance_key + elif state.key != instance_key: + # primary key switch. use safe_discard() in case another + # state has already replaced this one in the identity + # map (see test/orm/test_naturalpks.py ReversePKsTest) + self.identity_map.safe_discard(state) + if state in self.transaction._key_switches: + orig_key = self.transaction._key_switches[state][0] + else: + orig_key = state.key + self.transaction._key_switches[state] = ( + orig_key, + instance_key, + ) + state.key = instance_key + + self.identity_map.replace(state) + state._orphaned_outside_of_session = False + + statelib.InstanceState._commit_all_states( + ((state, state.dict) for state in states), self.identity_map + ) + + self._register_altered(states) + + if pending_to_persistent is not None: + for state in states: + pending_to_persistent(self, state.obj()) + + # remove from new last, might be the last strong ref + for state in set(states).intersection(self._new): + self._new.pop(state) + + def _register_altered(self, states): + if self._enable_transaction_accounting and self.transaction: + for state in states: + if state in self._new: + self.transaction._new[state] = True + else: + self.transaction._dirty[state] = True + + def _remove_newly_deleted(self, states): + persistent_to_deleted = self.dispatch.persistent_to_deleted or None + for state in states: + if self._enable_transaction_accounting and self.transaction: + self.transaction._deleted[state] = True + + if persistent_to_deleted is not None: + # get a strong reference before we pop out of + # self._deleted + obj = state.obj() + + self.identity_map.safe_discard(state) + self._deleted.pop(state, None) + state._deleted = True + # can't call state._detach() here, because this state + # is still in the transaction snapshot and needs to be + # tracked as part of that + if persistent_to_deleted is not None: + persistent_to_deleted(self, obj) + + def add(self, instance, _warn=True): + """Place an object in the ``Session``. + + Its state will be persisted to the database on the next flush + operation. + + Repeated calls to ``add()`` will be ignored. The opposite of ``add()`` + is ``expunge()``. + + """ + if _warn and self._warn_on_events: + self._flush_warning("Session.add()") + + try: + state = attributes.instance_state(instance) + except exc.NO_STATE: + raise exc.UnmappedInstanceError(instance) + + self._save_or_update_state(state) + + def add_all(self, instances): + """Add the given collection of instances to this ``Session``.""" + + if self._warn_on_events: + self._flush_warning("Session.add_all()") + + for instance in instances: + self.add(instance, _warn=False) + + def _save_or_update_state(self, state): + state._orphaned_outside_of_session = False + self._save_or_update_impl(state) + + mapper = _state_mapper(state) + for o, m, st_, dct_ in mapper.cascade_iterator( + "save-update", state, halt_on=self._contains_state + ): + self._save_or_update_impl(st_) + + def delete(self, instance): + """Mark an instance as deleted. + + The database delete operation occurs upon ``flush()``. + + """ + if self._warn_on_events: + self._flush_warning("Session.delete()") + + try: + state = attributes.instance_state(instance) + except exc.NO_STATE: + raise exc.UnmappedInstanceError(instance) + + self._delete_impl(state, instance, head=True) + + def _delete_impl(self, state, obj, head): + + if state.key is None: + if head: + raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError( + "Instance '%s' is not persisted" % state_str(state) + ) + else: + return + + to_attach = self._before_attach(state, obj) + + if state in self._deleted: + return + + self.identity_map.add(state) + + if to_attach: + self._after_attach(state, obj) + + if head: + # grab the cascades before adding the item to the deleted list + # so that autoflush does not delete the item + # the strong reference to the instance itself is significant here + cascade_states = list( + state.manager.mapper.cascade_iterator("delete", state) + ) + + self._deleted[state] = obj + + if head: + for o, m, st_, dct_ in cascade_states: + self._delete_impl(st_, o, False) + + def merge(self, instance, load=True): + """Copy the state of a given instance into a corresponding instance + within this :class:`.Session`. + + :meth:`.Session.merge` examines the primary key attributes of the + source instance, and attempts to reconcile it with an instance of the + same primary key in the session. If not found locally, it attempts + to load the object from the database based on primary key, and if + none can be located, creates a new instance. The state of each + attribute on the source instance is then copied to the target + instance. The resulting target instance is then returned by the + method; the original source instance is left unmodified, and + un-associated with the :class:`.Session` if not already. + + This operation cascades to associated instances if the association is + mapped with ``cascade="merge"``. + + See :ref:`unitofwork_merging` for a detailed discussion of merging. + + .. versionchanged:: 1.1 - :meth:`.Session.merge` will now reconcile + pending objects with overlapping primary keys in the same way + as persistent. See :ref:`change_3601` for discussion. + + :param instance: Instance to be merged. + :param load: Boolean, when False, :meth:`.merge` switches into + a "high performance" mode which causes it to forego emitting history + events as well as all database access. This flag is used for + cases such as transferring graphs of objects into a :class:`.Session` + from a second level cache, or to transfer just-loaded objects + into the :class:`.Session` owned by a worker thread or process + without re-querying the database. + + The ``load=False`` use case adds the caveat that the given + object has to be in a "clean" state, that is, has no pending changes + to be flushed - even if the incoming object is detached from any + :class:`.Session`. This is so that when + the merge operation populates local attributes and + cascades to related objects and + collections, the values can be "stamped" onto the + target object as is, without generating any history or attribute + events, and without the need to reconcile the incoming data with + any existing related objects or collections that might not + be loaded. The resulting objects from ``load=False`` are always + produced as "clean", so it is only appropriate that the given objects + should be "clean" as well, else this suggests a mis-use of the + method. + + + .. seealso:: + + :func:`.make_transient_to_detached` - provides for an alternative + means of "merging" a single object into the :class:`.Session` + + """ + + if self._warn_on_events: + self._flush_warning("Session.merge()") + + _recursive = {} + _resolve_conflict_map = {} + + if load: + # flush current contents if we expect to load data + self._autoflush() + + object_mapper(instance) # verify mapped + autoflush = self.autoflush + try: + self.autoflush = False + return self._merge( + attributes.instance_state(instance), + attributes.instance_dict(instance), + load=load, + _recursive=_recursive, + _resolve_conflict_map=_resolve_conflict_map, + ) + finally: + self.autoflush = autoflush + + def _merge( + self, + state, + state_dict, + load=True, + _recursive=None, + _resolve_conflict_map=None, + ): + mapper = _state_mapper(state) + if state in _recursive: + return _recursive[state] + + new_instance = False + key = state.key + + if key is None: + if not load: + raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError( + "merge() with load=False option does not support " + "objects transient (i.e. unpersisted) objects. flush() " + "all changes on mapped instances before merging with " + "load=False." + ) + key = mapper._identity_key_from_state(state) + key_is_persistent = attributes.NEVER_SET not in key[1] and ( + not _none_set.intersection(key[1]) + or ( + mapper.allow_partial_pks + and not _none_set.issuperset(key[1]) + ) + ) + else: + key_is_persistent = True + + if key in self.identity_map: + try: + merged = self.identity_map[key] + except KeyError: + # object was GC'ed right as we checked for it + merged = None + else: + merged = None + + if merged is None: + if key_is_persistent and key in _resolve_conflict_map: + merged = _resolve_conflict_map[key] + + elif not load: + if state.modified: + raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError( + "merge() with load=False option does not support " + "objects marked as 'dirty'. flush() all changes on " + "mapped instances before merging with load=False." + ) + merged = mapper.class_manager.new_instance() + merged_state = attributes.instance_state(merged) + merged_state.key = key + self._update_impl(merged_state) + new_instance = True + + elif key_is_persistent: + merged = self.query(mapper.class_).get(key[1]) + + if merged is None: + merged = mapper.class_manager.new_instance() + merged_state = attributes.instance_state(merged) + merged_dict = attributes.instance_dict(merged) + new_instance = True + self._save_or_update_state(merged_state) + else: + merged_state = attributes.instance_state(merged) + merged_dict = attributes.instance_dict(merged) + + _recursive[state] = merged + _resolve_conflict_map[key] = merged + + # check that we didn't just pull the exact same + # state out. + if state is not merged_state: + # version check if applicable + if mapper.version_id_col is not None: + existing_version = mapper._get_state_attr_by_column( + state, + state_dict, + mapper.version_id_col, + passive=attributes.PASSIVE_NO_INITIALIZE, + ) + + merged_version = mapper._get_state_attr_by_column( + merged_state, + merged_dict, + mapper.version_id_col, + passive=attributes.PASSIVE_NO_INITIALIZE, + ) + + if ( + existing_version is not attributes.PASSIVE_NO_RESULT + and merged_version is not attributes.PASSIVE_NO_RESULT + and existing_version != merged_version + ): + raise exc.StaleDataError( + "Version id '%s' on merged state %s " + "does not match existing version '%s'. " + "Leave the version attribute unset when " + "merging to update the most recent version." + % ( + existing_version, + state_str(merged_state), + merged_version, + ) + ) + + merged_state.load_path = state.load_path + merged_state.load_options = state.load_options + + # since we are copying load_options, we need to copy + # the callables_ that would have been generated by those + # load_options. + # assumes that the callables we put in state.callables_ + # are not instance-specific (which they should not be) + merged_state._copy_callables(state) + + for prop in mapper.iterate_properties: + prop.merge( + self, + state, + state_dict, + merged_state, + merged_dict, + load, + _recursive, + _resolve_conflict_map, + ) + + if not load: + # remove any history + merged_state._commit_all(merged_dict, self.identity_map) + + if new_instance: + merged_state.manager.dispatch.load(merged_state, None) + return merged + + def _validate_persistent(self, state): + if not self.identity_map.contains_state(state): + raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError( + "Instance '%s' is not persistent within this Session" + % state_str(state) + ) + + def _save_impl(self, state): + if state.key is not None: + raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError( + "Object '%s' already has an identity - " + "it can't be registered as pending" % state_str(state) + ) + + obj = state.obj() + to_attach = self._before_attach(state, obj) + if state not in self._new: + self._new[state] = obj + state.insert_order = len(self._new) + if to_attach: + self._after_attach(state, obj) + + def _update_impl(self, state, revert_deletion=False): + if state.key is None: + raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError( + "Instance '%s' is not persisted" % state_str(state) + ) + + if state._deleted: + if revert_deletion: + if not state._attached: + return + del state._deleted + else: + raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError( + "Instance '%s' has been deleted. " + "Use the make_transient() " + "function to send this object back " + "to the transient state." % state_str(state) + ) + + obj = state.obj() + + # check for late gc + if obj is None: + return + + to_attach = self._before_attach(state, obj) + + self._deleted.pop(state, None) + if revert_deletion: + self.identity_map.replace(state) + else: + self.identity_map.add(state) + + if to_attach: + self._after_attach(state, obj) + elif revert_deletion: + self.dispatch.deleted_to_persistent(self, obj) + + def _save_or_update_impl(self, state): + if state.key is None: + self._save_impl(state) + else: + self._update_impl(state) + + def enable_relationship_loading(self, obj): + """Associate an object with this :class:`.Session` for related + object loading. + + .. warning:: + + :meth:`.enable_relationship_loading` exists to serve special + use cases and is not recommended for general use. + + Accesses of attributes mapped with :func:`.relationship` + will attempt to load a value from the database using this + :class:`.Session` as the source of connectivity. The values + will be loaded based on foreign key and primary key values + present on this object - if not present, then those relationships + will be unavailable. + + The object will be attached to this session, but will + **not** participate in any persistence operations; its state + for almost all purposes will remain either "transient" or + "detached", except for the case of relationship loading. + + Also note that backrefs will often not work as expected. + Altering a relationship-bound attribute on the target object + may not fire off a backref event, if the effective value + is what was already loaded from a foreign-key-holding value. + + The :meth:`.Session.enable_relationship_loading` method is + similar to the ``load_on_pending`` flag on :func:`.relationship`. + Unlike that flag, :meth:`.Session.enable_relationship_loading` allows + an object to remain transient while still being able to load + related items. + + To make a transient object associated with a :class:`.Session` + via :meth:`.Session.enable_relationship_loading` pending, add + it to the :class:`.Session` using :meth:`.Session.add` normally. + If the object instead represents an existing idenity in the database, + it should be merged using :meth:`.Session.merge`. + + :meth:`.Session.enable_relationship_loading` does not improve + behavior when the ORM is used normally - object references should be + constructed at the object level, not at the foreign key level, so + that they are present in an ordinary way before flush() + proceeds. This method is not intended for general use. + + .. versionadded:: 0.8 + + .. seealso:: + + ``load_on_pending`` at :func:`.relationship` - this flag + allows per-relationship loading of many-to-ones on items that + are pending. + + :func:`.make_transient_to_detached` - allows for an object to + be added to a :class:`.Session` without SQL emitted, which then + will unexpire attributes on access. + + """ + state = attributes.instance_state(obj) + to_attach = self._before_attach(state, obj) + state._load_pending = True + if to_attach: + self._after_attach(state, obj) + + def _before_attach(self, state, obj): + if state.session_id == self.hash_key: + return False + + if state.session_id and state.session_id in _sessions: + raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError( + "Object '%s' is already attached to session '%s' " + "(this is '%s')" + % (state_str(state), state.session_id, self.hash_key) + ) + + self.dispatch.before_attach(self, obj) + + return True + + def _after_attach(self, state, obj): + state.session_id = self.hash_key + if state.modified and state._strong_obj is None: + state._strong_obj = obj + self.dispatch.after_attach(self, obj) + + if state.key: + self.dispatch.detached_to_persistent(self, obj) + else: + self.dispatch.transient_to_pending(self, obj) + + def __contains__(self, instance): + """Return True if the instance is associated with this session. + + The instance may be pending or persistent within the Session for a + result of True. + + """ + try: + state = attributes.instance_state(instance) + except exc.NO_STATE: + raise exc.UnmappedInstanceError(instance) + return self._contains_state(state) + + def __iter__(self): + """Iterate over all pending or persistent instances within this + Session. + + """ + return iter( + list(self._new.values()) + list(self.identity_map.values()) + ) + + def _contains_state(self, state): + return state in self._new or self.identity_map.contains_state(state) + + def flush(self, objects=None): + """Flush all the object changes to the database. + + Writes out all pending object creations, deletions and modifications + to the database as INSERTs, DELETEs, UPDATEs, etc. Operations are + automatically ordered by the Session's unit of work dependency + solver. + + Database operations will be issued in the current transactional + context and do not affect the state of the transaction, unless an + error occurs, in which case the entire transaction is rolled back. + You may flush() as often as you like within a transaction to move + changes from Python to the database's transaction buffer. + + For ``autocommit`` Sessions with no active manual transaction, flush() + will create a transaction on the fly that surrounds the entire set of + operations into the flush. + + :param objects: Optional; restricts the flush operation to operate + only on elements that are in the given collection. + + This feature is for an extremely narrow set of use cases where + particular objects may need to be operated upon before the + full flush() occurs. It is not intended for general use. + + """ + + if self._flushing: + raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError("Session is already flushing") + + if self._is_clean(): + return + try: + self._flushing = True + self._flush(objects) + finally: + self._flushing = False + + def _flush_warning(self, method): + util.warn( + "Usage of the '%s' operation is not currently supported " + "within the execution stage of the flush process. " + "Results may not be consistent. Consider using alternative " + "event listeners or connection-level operations instead." % method + ) + + def _is_clean(self): + return ( + not self.identity_map.check_modified() + and not self._deleted + and not self._new + ) + + def _flush(self, objects=None): + + dirty = self._dirty_states + if not dirty and not self._deleted and not self._new: + self.identity_map._modified.clear() + return + + flush_context = UOWTransaction(self) + + if self.dispatch.before_flush: + self.dispatch.before_flush(self, flush_context, objects) + # re-establish "dirty states" in case the listeners + # added + dirty = self._dirty_states + + deleted = set(self._deleted) + new = set(self._new) + + dirty = set(dirty).difference(deleted) + + # create the set of all objects we want to operate upon + if objects: + # specific list passed in + objset = set() + for o in objects: + try: + state = attributes.instance_state(o) + except exc.NO_STATE: + raise exc.UnmappedInstanceError(o) + objset.add(state) + else: + objset = None + + # store objects whose fate has been decided + processed = set() + + # put all saves/updates into the flush context. detect top-level + # orphans and throw them into deleted. + if objset: + proc = new.union(dirty).intersection(objset).difference(deleted) + else: + proc = new.union(dirty).difference(deleted) + + for state in proc: + is_orphan = _state_mapper(state)._is_orphan(state) + + is_persistent_orphan = is_orphan and state.has_identity + + if ( + is_orphan + and not is_persistent_orphan + and state._orphaned_outside_of_session + ): + self._expunge_states([state]) + else: + _reg = flush_context.register_object( + state, isdelete=is_persistent_orphan + ) + assert _reg, "Failed to add object to the flush context!" + processed.add(state) + + # put all remaining deletes into the flush context. + if objset: + proc = deleted.intersection(objset).difference(processed) + else: + proc = deleted.difference(processed) + for state in proc: + _reg = flush_context.register_object(state, isdelete=True) + assert _reg, "Failed to add object to the flush context!" + + if not flush_context.has_work: + return + + flush_context.transaction = transaction = self.begin( + subtransactions=True + ) + try: + self._warn_on_events = True + try: + flush_context.execute() + finally: + self._warn_on_events = False + + self.dispatch.after_flush(self, flush_context) + + flush_context.finalize_flush_changes() + + if not objects and self.identity_map._modified: + len_ = len(self.identity_map._modified) + + statelib.InstanceState._commit_all_states( + [ + (state, state.dict) + for state in self.identity_map._modified + ], + instance_dict=self.identity_map, + ) + util.warn( + "Attribute history events accumulated on %d " + "previously clean instances " + "within inner-flush event handlers have been " + "reset, and will not result in database updates. " + "Consider using set_committed_value() within " + "inner-flush event handlers to avoid this warning." % len_ + ) + + # useful assertions: + # if not objects: + # assert not self.identity_map._modified + # else: + # assert self.identity_map._modified == \ + # self.identity_map._modified.difference(objects) + + self.dispatch.after_flush_postexec(self, flush_context) + + transaction.commit() + + except: + with util.safe_reraise(): + transaction.rollback(_capture_exception=True) + + def bulk_save_objects( + self, objects, return_defaults=False, update_changed_only=True + ): + """Perform a bulk save of the given list of objects. + + The bulk save feature allows mapped objects to be used as the + source of simple INSERT and UPDATE operations which can be more easily + grouped together into higher performing "executemany" + operations; the extraction of data from the objects is also performed + using a lower-latency process that ignores whether or not attributes + have actually been modified in the case of UPDATEs, and also ignores + SQL expressions. + + The objects as given are not added to the session and no additional + state is established on them, unless the ``return_defaults`` flag + is also set, in which case primary key attributes and server-side + default values will be populated. + + .. versionadded:: 1.0.0 + + .. warning:: + + The bulk save feature allows for a lower-latency INSERT/UPDATE + of rows at the expense of most other unit-of-work features. + Features such as object management, relationship handling, + and SQL clause support are **silently omitted** in favor of raw + INSERT/UPDATES of records. + + **Please read the list of caveats at** :ref:`bulk_operations` + **before using this method, and fully test and confirm the + functionality of all code developed using these systems.** + + :param objects: a list of mapped object instances. The mapped + objects are persisted as is, and are **not** associated with the + :class:`.Session` afterwards. + + For each object, whether the object is sent as an INSERT or an + UPDATE is dependent on the same rules used by the :class:`.Session` + in traditional operation; if the object has the + :attr:`.InstanceState.key` + attribute set, then the object is assumed to be "detached" and + will result in an UPDATE. Otherwise, an INSERT is used. + + In the case of an UPDATE, statements are grouped based on which + attributes have changed, and are thus to be the subject of each + SET clause. If ``update_changed_only`` is False, then all + attributes present within each object are applied to the UPDATE + statement, which may help in allowing the statements to be grouped + together into a larger executemany(), and will also reduce the + overhead of checking history on attributes. + + :param return_defaults: when True, rows that are missing values which + generate defaults, namely integer primary key defaults and sequences, + will be inserted **one at a time**, so that the primary key value + is available. In particular this will allow joined-inheritance + and other multi-table mappings to insert correctly without the need + to provide primary key values ahead of time; however, + :paramref:`.Session.bulk_save_objects.return_defaults` **greatly + reduces the performance gains** of the method overall. + + :param update_changed_only: when True, UPDATE statements are rendered + based on those attributes in each state that have logged changes. + When False, all attributes present are rendered into the SET clause + with the exception of primary key attributes. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`bulk_operations` + + :meth:`.Session.bulk_insert_mappings` + + :meth:`.Session.bulk_update_mappings` + + """ + for (mapper, isupdate), states in itertools.groupby( + (attributes.instance_state(obj) for obj in objects), + lambda state: (state.mapper, state.key is not None), + ): + self._bulk_save_mappings( + mapper, + states, + isupdate, + True, + return_defaults, + update_changed_only, + False, + ) + + def bulk_insert_mappings( + self, mapper, mappings, return_defaults=False, render_nulls=False + ): + """Perform a bulk insert of the given list of mapping dictionaries. + + The bulk insert feature allows plain Python dictionaries to be used as + the source of simple INSERT operations which can be more easily + grouped together into higher performing "executemany" + operations. Using dictionaries, there is no "history" or session + state management features in use, reducing latency when inserting + large numbers of simple rows. + + The values within the dictionaries as given are typically passed + without modification into Core :meth:`.Insert` constructs, after + organizing the values within them across the tables to which + the given mapper is mapped. + + .. versionadded:: 1.0.0 + + .. warning:: + + The bulk insert feature allows for a lower-latency INSERT + of rows at the expense of most other unit-of-work features. + Features such as object management, relationship handling, + and SQL clause support are **silently omitted** in favor of raw + INSERT of records. + + **Please read the list of caveats at** :ref:`bulk_operations` + **before using this method, and fully test and confirm the + functionality of all code developed using these systems.** + + :param mapper: a mapped class, or the actual :class:`.Mapper` object, + representing the single kind of object represented within the mapping + list. + + :param mappings: a list of dictionaries, each one containing the state + of the mapped row to be inserted, in terms of the attribute names + on the mapped class. If the mapping refers to multiple tables, + such as a joined-inheritance mapping, each dictionary must contain + all keys to be populated into all tables. + + :param return_defaults: when True, rows that are missing values which + generate defaults, namely integer primary key defaults and sequences, + will be inserted **one at a time**, so that the primary key value + is available. In particular this will allow joined-inheritance + and other multi-table mappings to insert correctly without the need + to provide primary + key values ahead of time; however, + :paramref:`.Session.bulk_insert_mappings.return_defaults` + **greatly reduces the performance gains** of the method overall. + If the rows + to be inserted only refer to a single table, then there is no + reason this flag should be set as the returned default information + is not used. + + :param render_nulls: When True, a value of ``None`` will result + in a NULL value being included in the INSERT statement, rather + than the column being omitted from the INSERT. This allows all + the rows being INSERTed to have the identical set of columns which + allows the full set of rows to be batched to the DBAPI. Normally, + each column-set that contains a different combination of NULL values + than the previous row must omit a different series of columns from + the rendered INSERT statement, which means it must be emitted as a + separate statement. By passing this flag, the full set of rows + are guaranteed to be batchable into one batch; the cost however is + that server-side defaults which are invoked by an omitted column will + be skipped, so care must be taken to ensure that these are not + necessary. + + .. warning:: + + When this flag is set, **server side default SQL values will + not be invoked** for those columns that are inserted as NULL; + the NULL value will be sent explicitly. Care must be taken + to ensure that no server-side default functions need to be + invoked for the operation as a whole. + + .. versionadded:: 1.1 + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`bulk_operations` + + :meth:`.Session.bulk_save_objects` + + :meth:`.Session.bulk_update_mappings` + + """ + self._bulk_save_mappings( + mapper, + mappings, + False, + False, + return_defaults, + False, + render_nulls, + ) + + def bulk_update_mappings(self, mapper, mappings): + """Perform a bulk update of the given list of mapping dictionaries. + + The bulk update feature allows plain Python dictionaries to be used as + the source of simple UPDATE operations which can be more easily + grouped together into higher performing "executemany" + operations. Using dictionaries, there is no "history" or session + state management features in use, reducing latency when updating + large numbers of simple rows. + + .. versionadded:: 1.0.0 + + .. warning:: + + The bulk update feature allows for a lower-latency UPDATE + of rows at the expense of most other unit-of-work features. + Features such as object management, relationship handling, + and SQL clause support are **silently omitted** in favor of raw + UPDATES of records. + + **Please read the list of caveats at** :ref:`bulk_operations` + **before using this method, and fully test and confirm the + functionality of all code developed using these systems.** + + :param mapper: a mapped class, or the actual :class:`.Mapper` object, + representing the single kind of object represented within the mapping + list. + + :param mappings: a list of dictionaries, each one containing the state + of the mapped row to be updated, in terms of the attribute names + on the mapped class. If the mapping refers to multiple tables, + such as a joined-inheritance mapping, each dictionary may contain + keys corresponding to all tables. All those keys which are present + and are not part of the primary key are applied to the SET clause + of the UPDATE statement; the primary key values, which are required, + are applied to the WHERE clause. + + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`bulk_operations` + + :meth:`.Session.bulk_insert_mappings` + + :meth:`.Session.bulk_save_objects` + + """ + self._bulk_save_mappings( + mapper, mappings, True, False, False, False, False + ) + + def _bulk_save_mappings( + self, + mapper, + mappings, + isupdate, + isstates, + return_defaults, + update_changed_only, + render_nulls, + ): + mapper = _class_to_mapper(mapper) + self._flushing = True + + transaction = self.begin(subtransactions=True) + try: + if isupdate: + persistence._bulk_update( + mapper, + mappings, + transaction, + isstates, + update_changed_only, + ) + else: + persistence._bulk_insert( + mapper, + mappings, + transaction, + isstates, + return_defaults, + render_nulls, + ) + transaction.commit() + + except: + with util.safe_reraise(): + transaction.rollback(_capture_exception=True) + finally: + self._flushing = False + + def is_modified(self, instance, include_collections=True, passive=True): + r"""Return ``True`` if the given instance has locally + modified attributes. + + This method retrieves the history for each instrumented + attribute on the instance and performs a comparison of the current + value to its previously committed value, if any. + + It is in effect a more expensive and accurate + version of checking for the given instance in the + :attr:`.Session.dirty` collection; a full test for + each attribute's net "dirty" status is performed. + + E.g.:: + + return session.is_modified(someobject) + + .. versionchanged:: 0.8 + When using SQLAlchemy 0.7 and earlier, the ``passive`` + flag should **always** be explicitly set to ``True``, + else SQL loads/autoflushes may proceed which can affect + the modified state itself: + ``session.is_modified(someobject, passive=True)``\ . + In 0.8 and above, the behavior is corrected and + this flag is ignored. + + A few caveats to this method apply: + + * Instances present in the :attr:`.Session.dirty` collection may + report ``False`` when tested with this method. This is because + the object may have received change events via attribute mutation, + thus placing it in :attr:`.Session.dirty`, but ultimately the state + is the same as that loaded from the database, resulting in no net + change here. + * Scalar attributes may not have recorded the previously set + value when a new value was applied, if the attribute was not loaded, + or was expired, at the time the new value was received - in these + cases, the attribute is assumed to have a change, even if there is + ultimately no net change against its database value. SQLAlchemy in + most cases does not need the "old" value when a set event occurs, so + it skips the expense of a SQL call if the old value isn't present, + based on the assumption that an UPDATE of the scalar value is + usually needed, and in those few cases where it isn't, is less + expensive on average than issuing a defensive SELECT. + + The "old" value is fetched unconditionally upon set only if the + attribute container has the ``active_history`` flag set to ``True``. + This flag is set typically for primary key attributes and scalar + object references that are not a simple many-to-one. To set this + flag for any arbitrary mapped column, use the ``active_history`` + argument with :func:`.column_property`. + + :param instance: mapped instance to be tested for pending changes. + :param include_collections: Indicates if multivalued collections + should be included in the operation. Setting this to ``False`` is a + way to detect only local-column based properties (i.e. scalar columns + or many-to-one foreign keys) that would result in an UPDATE for this + instance upon flush. + :param passive: + + .. versionchanged:: 0.8 + Ignored for backwards compatibility. + When using SQLAlchemy 0.7 and earlier, this flag should always + be set to ``True``. + + """ + state = object_state(instance) + + if not state.modified: + return False + + dict_ = state.dict + + for attr in state.manager.attributes: + if ( + not include_collections + and hasattr(attr.impl, "get_collection") + ) or not hasattr(attr.impl, "get_history"): + continue + + (added, unchanged, deleted) = attr.impl.get_history( + state, dict_, passive=attributes.NO_CHANGE + ) + + if added or deleted: + return True + else: + return False + + @property + def is_active(self): + """True if this :class:`.Session` is in "transaction mode" and + is not in "partial rollback" state. + + The :class:`.Session` in its default mode of ``autocommit=False`` + is essentially always in "transaction mode", in that a + :class:`.SessionTransaction` is associated with it as soon as + it is instantiated. This :class:`.SessionTransaction` is immediately + replaced with a new one as soon as it is ended, due to a rollback, + commit, or close operation. + + "Transaction mode" does *not* indicate whether + or not actual database connection resources are in use; the + :class:`.SessionTransaction` object coordinates among zero or more + actual database transactions, and starts out with none, accumulating + individual DBAPI connections as different data sources are used + within its scope. The best way to track when a particular + :class:`.Session` has actually begun to use DBAPI resources is to + implement a listener using the :meth:`.SessionEvents.after_begin` + method, which will deliver both the :class:`.Session` as well as the + target :class:`.Connection` to a user-defined event listener. + + The "partial rollback" state refers to when an "inner" transaction, + typically used during a flush, encounters an error and emits a + rollback of the DBAPI connection. At this point, the + :class:`.Session` is in "partial rollback" and awaits for the user to + call :meth:`.Session.rollback`, in order to close out the + transaction stack. It is in this "partial rollback" period that the + :attr:`.is_active` flag returns False. After the call to + :meth:`.Session.rollback`, the :class:`.SessionTransaction` is + replaced with a new one and :attr:`.is_active` returns ``True`` again. + + When a :class:`.Session` is used in ``autocommit=True`` mode, the + :class:`.SessionTransaction` is only instantiated within the scope + of a flush call, or when :meth:`.Session.begin` is called. So + :attr:`.is_active` will always be ``False`` outside of a flush or + :meth:`.Session.begin` block in this mode, and will be ``True`` + within the :meth:`.Session.begin` block as long as it doesn't enter + "partial rollback" state. + + From all the above, it follows that the only purpose to this flag is + for application frameworks that wish to detect is a "rollback" is + necessary within a generic error handling routine, for + :class:`.Session` objects that would otherwise be in + "partial rollback" mode. In a typical integration case, this is also + not necessary as it is standard practice to emit + :meth:`.Session.rollback` unconditionally within the outermost + exception catch. + + To track the transactional state of a :class:`.Session` fully, + use event listeners, primarily the :meth:`.SessionEvents.after_begin`, + :meth:`.SessionEvents.after_commit`, + :meth:`.SessionEvents.after_rollback` and related events. + + """ + return self.transaction and self.transaction.is_active + + identity_map = None + """A mapping of object identities to objects themselves. + + Iterating through ``Session.identity_map.values()`` provides + access to the full set of persistent objects (i.e., those + that have row identity) currently in the session. + + .. seealso:: + + :func:`.identity_key` - helper function to produce the keys used + in this dictionary. + + """ + + @property + def _dirty_states(self): + """The set of all persistent states considered dirty. + + This method returns all states that were modified including + those that were possibly deleted. + + """ + return self.identity_map._dirty_states() + + @property + def dirty(self): + """The set of all persistent instances considered dirty. + + E.g.:: + + some_mapped_object in session.dirty + + Instances are considered dirty when they were modified but not + deleted. + + Note that this 'dirty' calculation is 'optimistic'; most + attribute-setting or collection modification operations will + mark an instance as 'dirty' and place it in this set, even if + there is no net change to the attribute's value. At flush + time, the value of each attribute is compared to its + previously saved value, and if there's no net change, no SQL + operation will occur (this is a more expensive operation so + it's only done at flush time). + + To check if an instance has actionable net changes to its + attributes, use the :meth:`.Session.is_modified` method. + + """ + return util.IdentitySet( + [ + state.obj() + for state in self._dirty_states + if state not in self._deleted + ] + ) + + @property + def deleted(self): + "The set of all instances marked as 'deleted' within this ``Session``" + + return util.IdentitySet(list(self._deleted.values())) + + @property + def new(self): + "The set of all instances marked as 'new' within this ``Session``." + + return util.IdentitySet(list(self._new.values())) + + +class sessionmaker(_SessionClassMethods): + """A configurable :class:`.Session` factory. + + The :class:`.sessionmaker` factory generates new + :class:`.Session` objects when called, creating them given + the configurational arguments established here. + + e.g.:: + + # global scope + Session = sessionmaker(autoflush=False) + + # later, in a local scope, create and use a session: + sess = Session() + + Any keyword arguments sent to the constructor itself will override the + "configured" keywords:: + + Session = sessionmaker() + + # bind an individual session to a connection + sess = Session(bind=connection) + + The class also includes a method :meth:`.configure`, which can + be used to specify additional keyword arguments to the factory, which + will take effect for subsequent :class:`.Session` objects generated. + This is usually used to associate one or more :class:`.Engine` objects + with an existing :class:`.sessionmaker` factory before it is first + used:: + + # application starts + Session = sessionmaker() + + # ... later + engine = create_engine('sqlite:///foo.db') + Session.configure(bind=engine) + + sess = Session() + + .. seealso: + + :ref:`session_getting` - introductory text on creating + sessions using :class:`.sessionmaker`. + + """ + + def __init__( + self, + bind=None, + class_=Session, + autoflush=True, + autocommit=False, + expire_on_commit=True, + info=None, + **kw + ): + r"""Construct a new :class:`.sessionmaker`. + + All arguments here except for ``class_`` correspond to arguments + accepted by :class:`.Session` directly. See the + :meth:`.Session.__init__` docstring for more details on parameters. + + :param bind: a :class:`.Engine` or other :class:`.Connectable` with + which newly created :class:`.Session` objects will be associated. + :param class_: class to use in order to create new :class:`.Session` + objects. Defaults to :class:`.Session`. + :param autoflush: The autoflush setting to use with newly created + :class:`.Session` objects. + :param autocommit: The autocommit setting to use with newly created + :class:`.Session` objects. + :param expire_on_commit=True: the expire_on_commit setting to use + with newly created :class:`.Session` objects. + :param info: optional dictionary of information that will be available + via :attr:`.Session.info`. Note this dictionary is *updated*, not + replaced, when the ``info`` parameter is specified to the specific + :class:`.Session` construction operation. + + .. versionadded:: 0.9.0 + + :param \**kw: all other keyword arguments are passed to the + constructor of newly created :class:`.Session` objects. + + """ + kw["bind"] = bind + kw["autoflush"] = autoflush + kw["autocommit"] = autocommit + kw["expire_on_commit"] = expire_on_commit + if info is not None: + kw["info"] = info + self.kw = kw + # make our own subclass of the given class, so that + # events can be associated with it specifically. + self.class_ = type(class_.__name__, (class_,), {}) + + def __call__(self, **local_kw): + """Produce a new :class:`.Session` object using the configuration + established in this :class:`.sessionmaker`. + + In Python, the ``__call__`` method is invoked on an object when + it is "called" in the same way as a function:: + + Session = sessionmaker() + session = Session() # invokes sessionmaker.__call__() + + """ + for k, v in self.kw.items(): + if k == "info" and "info" in local_kw: + d = v.copy() + d.update(local_kw["info"]) + local_kw["info"] = d + else: + local_kw.setdefault(k, v) + return self.class_(**local_kw) + + def configure(self, **new_kw): + """(Re)configure the arguments for this sessionmaker. + + e.g.:: + + Session = sessionmaker() + + Session.configure(bind=create_engine('sqlite://')) + """ + self.kw.update(new_kw) + + def __repr__(self): + return "%s(class_=%r, %s)" % ( + self.__class__.__name__, + self.class_.__name__, + ", ".join("%s=%r" % (k, v) for k, v in self.kw.items()), + ) + + +def make_transient(instance): + """Alter the state of the given instance so that it is :term:`transient`. + + .. note:: + + :func:`.make_transient` is a special-case function for + advanced use cases only. + + The given mapped instance is assumed to be in the :term:`persistent` or + :term:`detached` state. The function will remove its association with any + :class:`.Session` as well as its :attr:`.InstanceState.identity`. The + effect is that the object will behave as though it were newly constructed, + except retaining any attribute / collection values that were loaded at the + time of the call. The :attr:`.InstanceState.deleted` flag is also reset + if this object had been deleted as a result of using + :meth:`.Session.delete`. + + .. warning:: + + :func:`.make_transient` does **not** "unexpire" or otherwise eagerly + load ORM-mapped attributes that are not currently loaded at the time + the function is called. This includes attributes which: + + * were expired via :meth:`.Session.expire` + + * were expired as the natural effect of committing a session + transaction, e.g. :meth:`.Session.commit` + + * are normally :term:`lazy loaded` but are not currently loaded + + * are "deferred" via :ref:`deferred` and are not yet loaded + + * were not present in the query which loaded this object, such as that + which is common in joined table inheritance and other scenarios. + + After :func:`.make_transient` is called, unloaded attributes such + as those above will normally resolve to the value ``None`` when + accessed, or an empty collection for a collection-oriented attribute. + As the object is transient and un-associated with any database + identity, it will no longer retrieve these values. + + .. seealso:: + + :func:`.make_transient_to_detached` + + """ + state = attributes.instance_state(instance) + s = _state_session(state) + if s: + s._expunge_states([state]) + + # remove expired state + state.expired_attributes.clear() + + # remove deferred callables + if state.callables: + del state.callables + + if state.key: + del state.key + if state._deleted: + del state._deleted + + +def make_transient_to_detached(instance): + """Make the given transient instance :term:`detached`. + + .. note:: + + :func:`.make_transient_to_detached` is a special-case function for + advanced use cases only. + + All attribute history on the given instance + will be reset as though the instance were freshly loaded + from a query. Missing attributes will be marked as expired. + The primary key attributes of the object, which are required, will be made + into the "key" of the instance. + + The object can then be added to a session, or merged + possibly with the load=False flag, at which point it will look + as if it were loaded that way, without emitting SQL. + + This is a special use case function that differs from a normal + call to :meth:`.Session.merge` in that a given persistent state + can be manufactured without any SQL calls. + + .. versionadded:: 0.9.5 + + .. seealso:: + + :func:`.make_transient` + + :meth:`.Session.enable_relationship_loading` + + """ + state = attributes.instance_state(instance) + if state.session_id or state.key: + raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError("Given object must be transient") + state.key = state.mapper._identity_key_from_state(state) + if state._deleted: + del state._deleted + state._commit_all(state.dict) + state._expire_attributes(state.dict, state.unloaded_expirable) + + +def object_session(instance): + """Return the :class:`.Session` to which the given instance belongs. + + This is essentially the same as the :attr:`.InstanceState.session` + accessor. See that attribute for details. + + """ + + try: + state = attributes.instance_state(instance) + except exc.NO_STATE: + raise exc.UnmappedInstanceError(instance) + else: + return _state_session(state) + + +_new_sessionid = util.counter() diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/state.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/state.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c018f9d --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/state.py @@ -0,0 +1,910 @@ +# orm/state.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +"""Defines instrumentation of instances. + +This module is usually not directly visible to user applications, but +defines a large part of the ORM's interactivity. + +""" + +import weakref + +from . import base +from . import exc as orm_exc +from . import interfaces +from .base import ATTR_WAS_SET +from .base import INIT_OK +from .base import NEVER_SET +from .base import NO_VALUE +from .base import PASSIVE_NO_INITIALIZE +from .base import PASSIVE_NO_RESULT +from .base import PASSIVE_OFF +from .base import SQL_OK +from .path_registry import PathRegistry +from .. import exc as sa_exc +from .. import inspection +from .. import util + + +@inspection._self_inspects +class InstanceState(interfaces.InspectionAttr): + """tracks state information at the instance level. + + The :class:`.InstanceState` is a key object used by the + SQLAlchemy ORM in order to track the state of an object; + it is created the moment an object is instantiated, typically + as a result of :term:`instrumentation` which SQLAlchemy applies + to the ``__init__()`` method of the class. + + :class:`.InstanceState` is also a semi-public object, + available for runtime inspection as to the state of a + mapped instance, including information such as its current + status within a particular :class:`.Session` and details + about data on individual attributes. The public API + in order to acquire a :class:`.InstanceState` object + is to use the :func:`.inspect` system:: + + >>> from sqlalchemy import inspect + >>> insp = inspect(some_mapped_object) + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`core_inspection_toplevel` + + """ + + session_id = None + key = None + runid = None + load_options = util.EMPTY_SET + load_path = () + insert_order = None + _strong_obj = None + modified = False + expired = False + _deleted = False + _load_pending = False + _orphaned_outside_of_session = False + is_instance = True + identity_token = None + + callables = () + """A namespace where a per-state loader callable can be associated. + + In SQLAlchemy 1.0, this is only used for lazy loaders / deferred + loaders that were set up via query option. + + Previously, callables was used also to indicate expired attributes + by storing a link to the InstanceState itself in this dictionary. + This role is now handled by the expired_attributes set. + + """ + + def __init__(self, obj, manager): + self.class_ = obj.__class__ + self.manager = manager + self.obj = weakref.ref(obj, self._cleanup) + self.committed_state = {} + self.expired_attributes = set() + + expired_attributes = None + """The set of keys which are 'expired' to be loaded by + the manager's deferred scalar loader, assuming no pending + changes. + + see also the ``unmodified`` collection which is intersected + against this set when a refresh operation occurs.""" + + @util.memoized_property + def attrs(self): + """Return a namespace representing each attribute on + the mapped object, including its current value + and history. + + The returned object is an instance of :class:`.AttributeState`. + This object allows inspection of the current data + within an attribute as well as attribute history + since the last flush. + + """ + return util.ImmutableProperties( + dict((key, AttributeState(self, key)) for key in self.manager) + ) + + @property + def transient(self): + """Return true if the object is :term:`transient`. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`session_object_states` + + """ + return self.key is None and not self._attached + + @property + def pending(self): + """Return true if the object is :term:`pending`. + + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`session_object_states` + + """ + return self.key is None and self._attached + + @property + def deleted(self): + """Return true if the object is :term:`deleted`. + + An object that is in the deleted state is guaranteed to + not be within the :attr:`.Session.identity_map` of its parent + :class:`.Session`; however if the session's transaction is rolled + back, the object will be restored to the persistent state and + the identity map. + + .. note:: + + The :attr:`.InstanceState.deleted` attribute refers to a specific + state of the object that occurs between the "persistent" and + "detached" states; once the object is :term:`detached`, the + :attr:`.InstanceState.deleted` attribute **no longer returns + True**; in order to detect that a state was deleted, regardless + of whether or not the object is associated with a + :class:`.Session`, use the :attr:`.InstanceState.was_deleted` + accessor. + + .. versionadded: 1.1 + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`session_object_states` + + """ + return self.key is not None and self._attached and self._deleted + + @property + def was_deleted(self): + """Return True if this object is or was previously in the + "deleted" state and has not been reverted to persistent. + + This flag returns True once the object was deleted in flush. + When the object is expunged from the session either explicitly + or via transaction commit and enters the "detached" state, + this flag will continue to report True. + + .. versionadded:: 1.1 - added a local method form of + :func:`.orm.util.was_deleted`. + + .. seealso:: + + :attr:`.InstanceState.deleted` - refers to the "deleted" state + + :func:`.orm.util.was_deleted` - standalone function + + :ref:`session_object_states` + + """ + return self._deleted + + @property + def persistent(self): + """Return true if the object is :term:`persistent`. + + An object that is in the persistent state is guaranteed to + be within the :attr:`.Session.identity_map` of its parent + :class:`.Session`. + + .. versionchanged:: 1.1 The :attr:`.InstanceState.persistent` + accessor no longer returns True for an object that was + "deleted" within a flush; use the :attr:`.InstanceState.deleted` + accessor to detect this state. This allows the "persistent" + state to guarantee membership in the identity map. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`session_object_states` + + """ + return self.key is not None and self._attached and not self._deleted + + @property + def detached(self): + """Return true if the object is :term:`detached`. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`session_object_states` + + """ + return self.key is not None and not self._attached + + @property + @util.dependencies("sqlalchemy.orm.session") + def _attached(self, sessionlib): + return ( + self.session_id is not None + and self.session_id in sessionlib._sessions + ) + + @property + @util.dependencies("sqlalchemy.orm.session") + def session(self, sessionlib): + """Return the owning :class:`.Session` for this instance, + or ``None`` if none available. + + Note that the result here can in some cases be *different* + from that of ``obj in session``; an object that's been deleted + will report as not ``in session``, however if the transaction is + still in progress, this attribute will still refer to that session. + Only when the transaction is completed does the object become + fully detached under normal circumstances. + + """ + return sessionlib._state_session(self) + + @property + def object(self): + """Return the mapped object represented by this + :class:`.InstanceState`.""" + return self.obj() + + @property + def identity(self): + """Return the mapped identity of the mapped object. + This is the primary key identity as persisted by the ORM + which can always be passed directly to + :meth:`.Query.get`. + + Returns ``None`` if the object has no primary key identity. + + .. note:: + An object which is :term:`transient` or :term:`pending` + does **not** have a mapped identity until it is flushed, + even if its attributes include primary key values. + + """ + if self.key is None: + return None + else: + return self.key[1] + + @property + def identity_key(self): + """Return the identity key for the mapped object. + + This is the key used to locate the object within + the :attr:`.Session.identity_map` mapping. It contains + the identity as returned by :attr:`.identity` within it. + + + """ + # TODO: just change .key to .identity_key across + # the board ? probably + return self.key + + @util.memoized_property + def parents(self): + return {} + + @util.memoized_property + def _pending_mutations(self): + return {} + + @util.memoized_property + def mapper(self): + """Return the :class:`.Mapper` used for this mapepd object.""" + return self.manager.mapper + + @property + def has_identity(self): + """Return ``True`` if this object has an identity key. + + This should always have the same value as the + expression ``state.persistent or state.detached``. + + """ + return bool(self.key) + + @classmethod + def _detach_states(self, states, session, to_transient=False): + persistent_to_detached = ( + session.dispatch.persistent_to_detached or None + ) + deleted_to_detached = session.dispatch.deleted_to_detached or None + pending_to_transient = session.dispatch.pending_to_transient or None + persistent_to_transient = ( + session.dispatch.persistent_to_transient or None + ) + + for state in states: + deleted = state._deleted + pending = state.key is None + persistent = not pending and not deleted + + state.session_id = None + + if to_transient and state.key: + del state.key + if persistent: + if to_transient: + if persistent_to_transient is not None: + obj = state.obj() + if obj is not None: + persistent_to_transient(session, obj) + elif persistent_to_detached is not None: + obj = state.obj() + if obj is not None: + persistent_to_detached(session, obj) + elif deleted and deleted_to_detached is not None: + obj = state.obj() + if obj is not None: + deleted_to_detached(session, obj) + elif pending and pending_to_transient is not None: + obj = state.obj() + if obj is not None: + pending_to_transient(session, obj) + + state._strong_obj = None + + def _detach(self, session=None): + if session: + InstanceState._detach_states([self], session) + else: + self.session_id = self._strong_obj = None + + def _dispose(self): + self._detach() + del self.obj + + def _cleanup(self, ref): + """Weakref callback cleanup. + + This callable cleans out the state when it is being garbage + collected. + + this _cleanup **assumes** that there are no strong refs to us! + Will not work otherwise! + + """ + + # Python builtins become undefined during interpreter shutdown. + # Guard against exceptions during this phase, as the method cannot + # proceed in any case if builtins have been undefined. + if dict is None: + return + + instance_dict = self._instance_dict() + if instance_dict is not None: + instance_dict._fast_discard(self) + del self._instance_dict + + # we can't possibly be in instance_dict._modified + # b.c. this is weakref cleanup only, that set + # is strong referencing! + # assert self not in instance_dict._modified + + self.session_id = self._strong_obj = None + del self.obj + + def obj(self): + return None + + @property + def dict(self): + """Return the instance dict used by the object. + + Under normal circumstances, this is always synonymous + with the ``__dict__`` attribute of the mapped object, + unless an alternative instrumentation system has been + configured. + + In the case that the actual object has been garbage + collected, this accessor returns a blank dictionary. + + """ + o = self.obj() + if o is not None: + return base.instance_dict(o) + else: + return {} + + def _initialize_instance(*mixed, **kwargs): + self, instance, args = mixed[0], mixed[1], mixed[2:] # noqa + manager = self.manager + + manager.dispatch.init(self, args, kwargs) + + try: + return manager.original_init(*mixed[1:], **kwargs) + except: + with util.safe_reraise(): + manager.dispatch.init_failure(self, args, kwargs) + + def get_history(self, key, passive): + return self.manager[key].impl.get_history(self, self.dict, passive) + + def get_impl(self, key): + return self.manager[key].impl + + def _get_pending_mutation(self, key): + if key not in self._pending_mutations: + self._pending_mutations[key] = PendingCollection() + return self._pending_mutations[key] + + def __getstate__(self): + state_dict = {"instance": self.obj()} + state_dict.update( + (k, self.__dict__[k]) + for k in ( + "committed_state", + "_pending_mutations", + "modified", + "expired", + "callables", + "key", + "parents", + "load_options", + "class_", + "expired_attributes", + ) + if k in self.__dict__ + ) + if self.load_path: + state_dict["load_path"] = self.load_path.serialize() + + state_dict["manager"] = self.manager._serialize(self, state_dict) + + return state_dict + + def __setstate__(self, state_dict): + inst = state_dict["instance"] + if inst is not None: + self.obj = weakref.ref(inst, self._cleanup) + self.class_ = inst.__class__ + else: + # None being possible here generally new as of 0.7.4 + # due to storage of state in "parents". "class_" + # also new. + self.obj = None + self.class_ = state_dict["class_"] + + self.committed_state = state_dict.get("committed_state", {}) + self._pending_mutations = state_dict.get("_pending_mutations", {}) + self.parents = state_dict.get("parents", {}) + self.modified = state_dict.get("modified", False) + self.expired = state_dict.get("expired", False) + if "callables" in state_dict: + self.callables = state_dict["callables"] + + try: + self.expired_attributes = state_dict["expired_attributes"] + except KeyError: + self.expired_attributes = set() + # 0.9 and earlier compat + for k in list(self.callables): + if self.callables[k] is self: + self.expired_attributes.add(k) + del self.callables[k] + else: + if "expired_attributes" in state_dict: + self.expired_attributes = state_dict["expired_attributes"] + else: + self.expired_attributes = set() + + self.__dict__.update( + [ + (k, state_dict[k]) + for k in ("key", "load_options") + if k in state_dict + ] + ) + if self.key: + try: + self.identity_token = self.key[2] + except IndexError: + # 1.1 and earlier compat before identity_token + assert len(self.key) == 2 + self.key = self.key + (None,) + self.identity_token = None + + if "load_path" in state_dict: + self.load_path = PathRegistry.deserialize(state_dict["load_path"]) + + state_dict["manager"](self, inst, state_dict) + + def _reset(self, dict_, key): + """Remove the given attribute and any + callables associated with it.""" + + old = dict_.pop(key, None) + if old is not None and self.manager[key].impl.collection: + self.manager[key].impl._invalidate_collection(old) + self.expired_attributes.discard(key) + if self.callables: + self.callables.pop(key, None) + + def _copy_callables(self, from_): + if "callables" in from_.__dict__: + self.callables = dict(from_.callables) + + @classmethod + def _instance_level_callable_processor(cls, manager, fn, key): + impl = manager[key].impl + if impl.collection: + + def _set_callable(state, dict_, row): + if "callables" not in state.__dict__: + state.callables = {} + old = dict_.pop(key, None) + if old is not None: + impl._invalidate_collection(old) + state.callables[key] = fn + + else: + + def _set_callable(state, dict_, row): + if "callables" not in state.__dict__: + state.callables = {} + state.callables[key] = fn + + return _set_callable + + def _expire(self, dict_, modified_set): + self.expired = True + + if self.modified: + modified_set.discard(self) + self.committed_state.clear() + self.modified = False + + self._strong_obj = None + + if "_pending_mutations" in self.__dict__: + del self.__dict__["_pending_mutations"] + + if "parents" in self.__dict__: + del self.__dict__["parents"] + + self.expired_attributes.update( + [ + impl.key + for impl in self.manager._scalar_loader_impls + if impl.expire_missing or impl.key in dict_ + ] + ) + + if self.callables: + for k in self.expired_attributes.intersection(self.callables): + del self.callables[k] + + for k in self.manager._collection_impl_keys.intersection(dict_): + collection = dict_.pop(k) + collection._sa_adapter.invalidated = True + + for key in self.manager._all_key_set.intersection(dict_): + del dict_[key] + + self.manager.dispatch.expire(self, None) + + def _expire_attributes(self, dict_, attribute_names, no_loader=False): + pending = self.__dict__.get("_pending_mutations", None) + + callables = self.callables + + for key in attribute_names: + impl = self.manager[key].impl + if impl.accepts_scalar_loader: + if no_loader and (impl.callable_ or key in callables): + continue + + self.expired_attributes.add(key) + if callables and key in callables: + del callables[key] + old = dict_.pop(key, None) + if impl.collection and old is not None: + impl._invalidate_collection(old) + + self.committed_state.pop(key, None) + if pending: + pending.pop(key, None) + + self.manager.dispatch.expire(self, attribute_names) + + def _load_expired(self, state, passive): + """__call__ allows the InstanceState to act as a deferred + callable for loading expired attributes, which is also + serializable (picklable). + + """ + + if not passive & SQL_OK: + return PASSIVE_NO_RESULT + + toload = self.expired_attributes.intersection(self.unmodified) + + self.manager.deferred_scalar_loader(self, toload) + + # if the loader failed, or this + # instance state didn't have an identity, + # the attributes still might be in the callables + # dict. ensure they are removed. + self.expired_attributes.clear() + + return ATTR_WAS_SET + + @property + def unmodified(self): + """Return the set of keys which have no uncommitted changes""" + + return set(self.manager).difference(self.committed_state) + + def unmodified_intersection(self, keys): + """Return self.unmodified.intersection(keys).""" + + return ( + set(keys) + .intersection(self.manager) + .difference(self.committed_state) + ) + + @property + def unloaded(self): + """Return the set of keys which do not have a loaded value. + + This includes expired attributes and any other attribute that + was never populated or modified. + + """ + return ( + set(self.manager) + .difference(self.committed_state) + .difference(self.dict) + ) + + @property + def unloaded_expirable(self): + """Return the set of keys which do not have a loaded value. + + This includes expired attributes and any other attribute that + was never populated or modified. + + """ + return self.unloaded.intersection( + attr + for attr in self.manager + if self.manager[attr].impl.expire_missing + ) + + @property + def _unloaded_non_object(self): + return self.unloaded.intersection( + attr + for attr in self.manager + if self.manager[attr].impl.accepts_scalar_loader + ) + + def _instance_dict(self): + return None + + def _modified_event( + self, dict_, attr, previous, collection=False, is_userland=False + ): + if attr: + if not attr.send_modified_events: + return + if is_userland and attr.key not in dict_: + raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError( + "Can't flag attribute '%s' modified; it's not present in " + "the object state" % attr.key + ) + if attr.key not in self.committed_state or is_userland: + if collection: + if previous is NEVER_SET: + if attr.key in dict_: + previous = dict_[attr.key] + + if previous not in (None, NO_VALUE, NEVER_SET): + previous = attr.copy(previous) + self.committed_state[attr.key] = previous + + # assert self._strong_obj is None or self.modified + + if (self.session_id and self._strong_obj is None) or not self.modified: + self.modified = True + instance_dict = self._instance_dict() + if instance_dict: + instance_dict._modified.add(self) + + # only create _strong_obj link if attached + # to a session + + inst = self.obj() + if self.session_id: + self._strong_obj = inst + + if inst is None and attr: + raise orm_exc.ObjectDereferencedError( + "Can't emit change event for attribute '%s' - " + "parent object of type %s has been garbage " + "collected." + % (self.manager[attr.key], base.state_class_str(self)) + ) + + def _commit(self, dict_, keys): + """Commit attributes. + + This is used by a partial-attribute load operation to mark committed + those attributes which were refreshed from the database. + + Attributes marked as "expired" can potentially remain "expired" after + this step if a value was not populated in state.dict. + + """ + for key in keys: + self.committed_state.pop(key, None) + + self.expired = False + + self.expired_attributes.difference_update( + set(keys).intersection(dict_) + ) + + # the per-keys commit removes object-level callables, + # while that of commit_all does not. it's not clear + # if this behavior has a clear rationale, however tests do + # ensure this is what it does. + if self.callables: + for key in ( + set(self.callables).intersection(keys).intersection(dict_) + ): + del self.callables[key] + + def _commit_all(self, dict_, instance_dict=None): + """commit all attributes unconditionally. + + This is used after a flush() or a full load/refresh + to remove all pending state from the instance. + + - all attributes are marked as "committed" + - the "strong dirty reference" is removed + - the "modified" flag is set to False + - any "expired" markers for scalar attributes loaded are removed. + - lazy load callables for objects / collections *stay* + + Attributes marked as "expired" can potentially remain + "expired" after this step if a value was not populated in state.dict. + + """ + self._commit_all_states([(self, dict_)], instance_dict) + + @classmethod + def _commit_all_states(self, iter_, instance_dict=None): + """Mass / highly inlined version of commit_all().""" + + for state, dict_ in iter_: + state_dict = state.__dict__ + + state.committed_state.clear() + + if "_pending_mutations" in state_dict: + del state_dict["_pending_mutations"] + + state.expired_attributes.difference_update(dict_) + + if instance_dict and state.modified: + instance_dict._modified.discard(state) + + state.modified = state.expired = False + state._strong_obj = None + + +class AttributeState(object): + """Provide an inspection interface corresponding + to a particular attribute on a particular mapped object. + + The :class:`.AttributeState` object is accessed + via the :attr:`.InstanceState.attrs` collection + of a particular :class:`.InstanceState`:: + + from sqlalchemy import inspect + + insp = inspect(some_mapped_object) + attr_state = insp.attrs.some_attribute + + """ + + def __init__(self, state, key): + self.state = state + self.key = key + + @property + def loaded_value(self): + """The current value of this attribute as loaded from the database. + + If the value has not been loaded, or is otherwise not present + in the object's dictionary, returns NO_VALUE. + + """ + return self.state.dict.get(self.key, NO_VALUE) + + @property + def value(self): + """Return the value of this attribute. + + This operation is equivalent to accessing the object's + attribute directly or via ``getattr()``, and will fire + off any pending loader callables if needed. + + """ + return self.state.manager[self.key].__get__( + self.state.obj(), self.state.class_ + ) + + @property + def history(self): + """Return the current pre-flush change history for + this attribute, via the :class:`.History` interface. + + This method will **not** emit loader callables if the value of the + attribute is unloaded. + + .. seealso:: + + :meth:`.AttributeState.load_history` - retrieve history + using loader callables if the value is not locally present. + + :func:`.attributes.get_history` - underlying function + + """ + return self.state.get_history(self.key, PASSIVE_NO_INITIALIZE) + + def load_history(self): + """Return the current pre-flush change history for + this attribute, via the :class:`.History` interface. + + This method **will** emit loader callables if the value of the + attribute is unloaded. + + .. seealso:: + + :attr:`.AttributeState.history` + + :func:`.attributes.get_history` - underlying function + + .. versionadded:: 0.9.0 + + """ + return self.state.get_history(self.key, PASSIVE_OFF ^ INIT_OK) + + +class PendingCollection(object): + """A writable placeholder for an unloaded collection. + + Stores items appended to and removed from a collection that has not yet + been loaded. When the collection is loaded, the changes stored in + PendingCollection are applied to it to produce the final result. + + """ + + def __init__(self): + self.deleted_items = util.IdentitySet() + self.added_items = util.OrderedIdentitySet() + + def append(self, value): + if value in self.deleted_items: + self.deleted_items.remove(value) + else: + self.added_items.add(value) + + def remove(self, value): + if value in self.added_items: + self.added_items.remove(value) + else: + self.deleted_items.add(value) diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/strategies.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/strategies.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0d805f9 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/strategies.py @@ -0,0 +1,2236 @@ +# orm/strategies.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +"""sqlalchemy.orm.interfaces.LoaderStrategy + implementations, and related MapperOptions.""" + +import itertools + +from . import attributes +from . import exc as orm_exc +from . import interfaces +from . import loading +from . import properties +from . import query +from . import unitofwork +from . import util as orm_util +from .base import _DEFER_FOR_STATE +from .base import _SET_DEFERRED_EXPIRED +from .interfaces import LoaderStrategy +from .interfaces import StrategizedProperty +from .session import _state_session +from .state import InstanceState +from .util import _none_set +from .util import aliased +from .. import event +from .. import exc as sa_exc +from .. import inspect +from .. import log +from .. import sql +from .. import util +from ..sql import util as sql_util +from ..sql import visitors + + +def _register_attribute( + prop, + mapper, + useobject, + compare_function=None, + typecallable=None, + callable_=None, + proxy_property=None, + active_history=False, + impl_class=None, + **kw +): + + attribute_ext = list(util.to_list(prop.extension, default=[])) + + listen_hooks = [] + + uselist = useobject and prop.uselist + + if useobject and prop.single_parent: + listen_hooks.append(single_parent_validator) + + if prop.key in prop.parent.validators: + fn, opts = prop.parent.validators[prop.key] + listen_hooks.append( + lambda desc, prop: orm_util._validator_events( + desc, prop.key, fn, **opts + ) + ) + + if useobject: + listen_hooks.append(unitofwork.track_cascade_events) + + # need to assemble backref listeners + # after the singleparentvalidator, mapper validator + if useobject: + backref = prop.back_populates + if backref: + listen_hooks.append( + lambda desc, prop: attributes.backref_listeners( + desc, backref, uselist + ) + ) + + # a single MapperProperty is shared down a class inheritance + # hierarchy, so we set up attribute instrumentation and backref event + # for each mapper down the hierarchy. + + # typically, "mapper" is the same as prop.parent, due to the way + # the configure_mappers() process runs, however this is not strongly + # enforced, and in the case of a second configure_mappers() run the + # mapper here might not be prop.parent; also, a subclass mapper may + # be called here before a superclass mapper. That is, can't depend + # on mappers not already being set up so we have to check each one. + + for m in mapper.self_and_descendants: + if prop is m._props.get( + prop.key + ) and not m.class_manager._attr_has_impl(prop.key): + + desc = attributes.register_attribute_impl( + m.class_, + prop.key, + parent_token=prop, + uselist=uselist, + compare_function=compare_function, + useobject=useobject, + extension=attribute_ext, + trackparent=useobject + and ( + prop.single_parent + or prop.direction is interfaces.ONETOMANY + ), + typecallable=typecallable, + callable_=callable_, + active_history=active_history, + impl_class=impl_class, + send_modified_events=not useobject or not prop.viewonly, + doc=prop.doc, + **kw + ) + + for hook in listen_hooks: + hook(desc, prop) + + +@properties.ColumnProperty.strategy_for(instrument=False, deferred=False) +class UninstrumentedColumnLoader(LoaderStrategy): + """Represent a non-instrumented MapperProperty. + + The polymorphic_on argument of mapper() often results in this, + if the argument is against the with_polymorphic selectable. + + """ + + __slots__ = ("columns",) + + def __init__(self, parent, strategy_key): + super(UninstrumentedColumnLoader, self).__init__(parent, strategy_key) + self.columns = self.parent_property.columns + + def setup_query( + self, + context, + entity, + path, + loadopt, + adapter, + column_collection=None, + **kwargs + ): + for c in self.columns: + if adapter: + c = adapter.columns[c] + column_collection.append(c) + + def create_row_processor( + self, context, path, loadopt, mapper, result, adapter, populators + ): + pass + + +@log.class_logger +@properties.ColumnProperty.strategy_for(instrument=True, deferred=False) +class ColumnLoader(LoaderStrategy): + """Provide loading behavior for a :class:`.ColumnProperty`.""" + + __slots__ = "columns", "is_composite" + + def __init__(self, parent, strategy_key): + super(ColumnLoader, self).__init__(parent, strategy_key) + self.columns = self.parent_property.columns + self.is_composite = hasattr(self.parent_property, "composite_class") + + def setup_query( + self, + context, + entity, + path, + loadopt, + adapter, + column_collection, + memoized_populators, + **kwargs + ): + + for c in self.columns: + if adapter: + c = adapter.columns[c] + column_collection.append(c) + + fetch = self.columns[0] + if adapter: + fetch = adapter.columns[fetch] + memoized_populators[self.parent_property] = fetch + + def init_class_attribute(self, mapper): + self.is_class_level = True + coltype = self.columns[0].type + # TODO: check all columns ? check for foreign key as well? + active_history = ( + self.parent_property.active_history + or self.columns[0].primary_key + or mapper.version_id_col in set(self.columns) + ) + + _register_attribute( + self.parent_property, + mapper, + useobject=False, + compare_function=coltype.compare_values, + active_history=active_history, + ) + + def create_row_processor( + self, context, path, loadopt, mapper, result, adapter, populators + ): + # look through list of columns represented here + # to see which, if any, is present in the row. + for col in self.columns: + if adapter: + col = adapter.columns[col] + getter = result._getter(col, False) + if getter: + populators["quick"].append((self.key, getter)) + break + else: + populators["expire"].append((self.key, True)) + + +@log.class_logger +@properties.ColumnProperty.strategy_for(query_expression=True) +class ExpressionColumnLoader(ColumnLoader): + def __init__(self, parent, strategy_key): + super(ExpressionColumnLoader, self).__init__(parent, strategy_key) + + def setup_query( + self, + context, + entity, + path, + loadopt, + adapter, + column_collection, + memoized_populators, + **kwargs + ): + + if loadopt and "expression" in loadopt.local_opts: + columns = [loadopt.local_opts["expression"]] + + for c in columns: + if adapter: + c = adapter.columns[c] + column_collection.append(c) + + fetch = columns[0] + if adapter: + fetch = adapter.columns[fetch] + memoized_populators[self.parent_property] = fetch + + def create_row_processor( + self, context, path, loadopt, mapper, result, adapter, populators + ): + # look through list of columns represented here + # to see which, if any, is present in the row. + if loadopt and "expression" in loadopt.local_opts: + columns = [loadopt.local_opts["expression"]] + + for col in columns: + if adapter: + col = adapter.columns[col] + getter = result._getter(col, False) + if getter: + populators["quick"].append((self.key, getter)) + break + else: + populators["expire"].append((self.key, True)) + + def init_class_attribute(self, mapper): + self.is_class_level = True + + _register_attribute( + self.parent_property, + mapper, + useobject=False, + compare_function=self.columns[0].type.compare_values, + accepts_scalar_loader=False, + ) + + +@log.class_logger +@properties.ColumnProperty.strategy_for(deferred=True, instrument=True) +@properties.ColumnProperty.strategy_for(do_nothing=True) +class DeferredColumnLoader(LoaderStrategy): + """Provide loading behavior for a deferred :class:`.ColumnProperty`.""" + + __slots__ = "columns", "group" + + def __init__(self, parent, strategy_key): + super(DeferredColumnLoader, self).__init__(parent, strategy_key) + if hasattr(self.parent_property, "composite_class"): + raise NotImplementedError( + "Deferred loading for composite " "types not implemented yet" + ) + self.columns = self.parent_property.columns + self.group = self.parent_property.group + + def create_row_processor( + self, context, path, loadopt, mapper, result, adapter, populators + ): + + # this path currently does not check the result + # for the column; this is because in most cases we are + # working just with the setup_query() directive which does + # not support this, and the behavior here should be consistent. + if not self.is_class_level: + set_deferred_for_local_state = ( + self.parent_property._deferred_column_loader + ) + populators["new"].append((self.key, set_deferred_for_local_state)) + else: + populators["expire"].append((self.key, False)) + + def init_class_attribute(self, mapper): + self.is_class_level = True + + _register_attribute( + self.parent_property, + mapper, + useobject=False, + compare_function=self.columns[0].type.compare_values, + callable_=self._load_for_state, + expire_missing=False, + ) + + def setup_query( + self, + context, + entity, + path, + loadopt, + adapter, + column_collection, + memoized_populators, + only_load_props=None, + **kw + ): + + if ( + ( + loadopt + and "undefer_pks" in loadopt.local_opts + and set(self.columns).intersection( + self.parent._should_undefer_in_wildcard + ) + ) + or ( + loadopt + and self.group + and loadopt.local_opts.get( + "undefer_group_%s" % self.group, False + ) + ) + or (only_load_props and self.key in only_load_props) + ): + self.parent_property._get_strategy( + (("deferred", False), ("instrument", True)) + ).setup_query( + context, + entity, + path, + loadopt, + adapter, + column_collection, + memoized_populators, + **kw + ) + elif self.is_class_level: + memoized_populators[self.parent_property] = _SET_DEFERRED_EXPIRED + else: + memoized_populators[self.parent_property] = _DEFER_FOR_STATE + + def _load_for_state(self, state, passive): + if not state.key: + return attributes.ATTR_EMPTY + + if not passive & attributes.SQL_OK: + return attributes.PASSIVE_NO_RESULT + + localparent = state.manager.mapper + + if self.group: + toload = [ + p.key + for p in localparent.iterate_properties + if isinstance(p, StrategizedProperty) + and isinstance(p.strategy, DeferredColumnLoader) + and p.group == self.group + ] + else: + toload = [self.key] + + # narrow the keys down to just those which have no history + group = [k for k in toload if k in state.unmodified] + + session = _state_session(state) + if session is None: + raise orm_exc.DetachedInstanceError( + "Parent instance %s is not bound to a Session; " + "deferred load operation of attribute '%s' cannot proceed" + % (orm_util.state_str(state), self.key) + ) + + query = session.query(localparent) + if ( + loading.load_on_ident( + query, state.key, only_load_props=group, refresh_state=state + ) + is None + ): + raise orm_exc.ObjectDeletedError(state) + + return attributes.ATTR_WAS_SET + + +class LoadDeferredColumns(object): + """serializable loader object used by DeferredColumnLoader""" + + def __init__(self, key): + self.key = key + + def __call__(self, state, passive=attributes.PASSIVE_OFF): + key = self.key + + localparent = state.manager.mapper + prop = localparent._props[key] + strategy = prop._strategies[DeferredColumnLoader] + return strategy._load_for_state(state, passive) + + +class AbstractRelationshipLoader(LoaderStrategy): + """LoaderStratgies which deal with related objects.""" + + __slots__ = "mapper", "target", "uselist" + + def __init__(self, parent, strategy_key): + super(AbstractRelationshipLoader, self).__init__(parent, strategy_key) + self.mapper = self.parent_property.mapper + self.target = self.parent_property.target + self.uselist = self.parent_property.uselist + + +@log.class_logger +@properties.RelationshipProperty.strategy_for(do_nothing=True) +class DoNothingLoader(LoaderStrategy): + """Relationship loader that makes no change to the object's state. + + Compared to NoLoader, this loader does not initialize the + collection/attribute to empty/none; the usual default LazyLoader will + take effect. + + """ + + +@log.class_logger +@properties.RelationshipProperty.strategy_for(lazy="noload") +@properties.RelationshipProperty.strategy_for(lazy=None) +class NoLoader(AbstractRelationshipLoader): + """Provide loading behavior for a :class:`.RelationshipProperty` + with "lazy=None". + + """ + + __slots__ = () + + def init_class_attribute(self, mapper): + self.is_class_level = True + + _register_attribute( + self.parent_property, + mapper, + useobject=True, + typecallable=self.parent_property.collection_class, + ) + + def create_row_processor( + self, context, path, loadopt, mapper, result, adapter, populators + ): + def invoke_no_load(state, dict_, row): + if self.uselist: + state.manager.get_impl(self.key).initialize(state, dict_) + else: + dict_[self.key] = None + + populators["new"].append((self.key, invoke_no_load)) + + +@log.class_logger +@properties.RelationshipProperty.strategy_for(lazy=True) +@properties.RelationshipProperty.strategy_for(lazy="select") +@properties.RelationshipProperty.strategy_for(lazy="raise") +@properties.RelationshipProperty.strategy_for(lazy="raise_on_sql") +@properties.RelationshipProperty.strategy_for(lazy="baked_select") +class LazyLoader(AbstractRelationshipLoader, util.MemoizedSlots): + """Provide loading behavior for a :class:`.RelationshipProperty` + with "lazy=True", that is loads when first accessed. + + """ + + __slots__ = ( + "_lazywhere", + "_rev_lazywhere", + "use_get", + "_bind_to_col", + "_equated_columns", + "_rev_bind_to_col", + "_rev_equated_columns", + "_simple_lazy_clause", + "_raise_always", + "_raise_on_sql", + "_bakery", + ) + + def __init__(self, parent, strategy_key): + super(LazyLoader, self).__init__(parent, strategy_key) + self._raise_always = self.strategy_opts["lazy"] == "raise" + self._raise_on_sql = self.strategy_opts["lazy"] == "raise_on_sql" + + join_condition = self.parent_property._join_condition + self._lazywhere, self._bind_to_col, self._equated_columns = ( + join_condition.create_lazy_clause() + ) + + ( + self._rev_lazywhere, + self._rev_bind_to_col, + self._rev_equated_columns, + ) = join_condition.create_lazy_clause(reverse_direction=True) + + self.logger.info("%s lazy loading clause %s", self, self._lazywhere) + + # determine if our "lazywhere" clause is the same as the mapper's + # get() clause. then we can just use mapper.get() + self.use_get = not self.uselist and self.mapper._get_clause[0].compare( + self._lazywhere, + use_proxies=True, + equivalents=self.mapper._equivalent_columns, + ) + + if self.use_get: + for col in list(self._equated_columns): + if col in self.mapper._equivalent_columns: + for c in self.mapper._equivalent_columns[col]: + self._equated_columns[c] = self._equated_columns[col] + + self.logger.info( + "%s will use query.get() to " "optimize instance loads", self + ) + + def init_class_attribute(self, mapper): + self.is_class_level = True + + active_history = ( + self.parent_property.active_history + or self.parent_property.direction is not interfaces.MANYTOONE + or not self.use_get + ) + + # MANYTOONE currently only needs the + # "old" value for delete-orphan + # cascades. the required _SingleParentValidator + # will enable active_history + # in that case. otherwise we don't need the + # "old" value during backref operations. + _register_attribute( + self.parent_property, + mapper, + useobject=True, + callable_=self._load_for_state, + typecallable=self.parent_property.collection_class, + active_history=active_history, + ) + + def _memoized_attr__simple_lazy_clause(self): + criterion, bind_to_col = (self._lazywhere, self._bind_to_col) + + params = [] + + def visit_bindparam(bindparam): + bindparam.unique = False + if bindparam._identifying_key in bind_to_col: + params.append( + ( + bindparam.key, + bind_to_col[bindparam._identifying_key], + None, + ) + ) + elif bindparam.callable is None: + params.append((bindparam.key, None, bindparam.value)) + + criterion = visitors.cloned_traverse( + criterion, {}, {"bindparam": visit_bindparam} + ) + + return criterion, params + + def _generate_lazy_clause(self, state, passive): + criterion, param_keys = self._simple_lazy_clause + + if state is None: + return sql_util.adapt_criterion_to_null( + criterion, [key for key, ident, value in param_keys] + ) + + mapper = self.parent_property.parent + + o = state.obj() # strong ref + dict_ = attributes.instance_dict(o) + + if passive & attributes.INIT_OK: + passive ^= attributes.INIT_OK + + params = {} + for key, ident, value in param_keys: + if ident is not None: + if passive and passive & attributes.LOAD_AGAINST_COMMITTED: + value = mapper._get_committed_state_attr_by_column( + state, dict_, ident, passive + ) + else: + value = mapper._get_state_attr_by_column( + state, dict_, ident, passive + ) + + params[key] = value + + return criterion, params + + def _invoke_raise_load(self, state, passive, lazy): + raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError( + "'%s' is not available due to lazy='%s'" % (self, lazy) + ) + + def _load_for_state(self, state, passive): + + if not state.key and ( + ( + not self.parent_property.load_on_pending + and not state._load_pending + ) + or not state.session_id + ): + return attributes.ATTR_EMPTY + + pending = not state.key + primary_key_identity = None + + if (not passive & attributes.SQL_OK and not self.use_get) or ( + not passive & attributes.NON_PERSISTENT_OK and pending + ): + return attributes.PASSIVE_NO_RESULT + + if self._raise_always: + self._invoke_raise_load(state, passive, "raise") + + session = _state_session(state) + if not session: + raise orm_exc.DetachedInstanceError( + "Parent instance %s is not bound to a Session; " + "lazy load operation of attribute '%s' cannot proceed" + % (orm_util.state_str(state), self.key) + ) + + # if we have a simple primary key load, check the + # identity map without generating a Query at all + if self.use_get: + primary_key_identity = self._get_ident_for_use_get( + session, state, passive + ) + if attributes.PASSIVE_NO_RESULT in primary_key_identity: + return attributes.PASSIVE_NO_RESULT + elif attributes.NEVER_SET in primary_key_identity: + return attributes.NEVER_SET + + if _none_set.issuperset(primary_key_identity): + return None + + # look for this identity in the identity map. Delegate to the + # Query class in use, as it may have special rules for how it + # does this, including how it decides what the correct + # identity_token would be for this identity. + instance = session.query()._identity_lookup( + self.mapper, + primary_key_identity, + passive=passive, + lazy_loaded_from=state, + ) + + if instance is not None: + return instance + elif ( + not passive & attributes.SQL_OK + or not passive & attributes.RELATED_OBJECT_OK + ): + return attributes.PASSIVE_NO_RESULT + + return self._emit_lazyload( + session, state, primary_key_identity, passive + ) + + def _get_ident_for_use_get(self, session, state, passive): + instance_mapper = state.manager.mapper + + if passive & attributes.LOAD_AGAINST_COMMITTED: + get_attr = instance_mapper._get_committed_state_attr_by_column + else: + get_attr = instance_mapper._get_state_attr_by_column + + dict_ = state.dict + + return [ + get_attr(state, dict_, self._equated_columns[pk], passive=passive) + for pk in self.mapper.primary_key + ] + + @util.dependencies("sqlalchemy.ext.baked") + def _memoized_attr__bakery(self, baked): + return baked.bakery(size=50) + + @util.dependencies("sqlalchemy.orm.strategy_options") + def _emit_lazyload( + self, strategy_options, session, state, primary_key_identity, passive + ): + # emit lazy load now using BakedQuery, to cut way down on the overhead + # of generating queries. + # there are two big things we are trying to guard against here: + # + # 1. two different lazy loads that need to have a different result, + # being cached on the same key. The results between two lazy loads + # can be different due to the options passed to the query, which + # take effect for descendant objects. Therefore we have to make + # sure paths and load options generate good cache keys, and if they + # don't, we don't cache. + # 2. a lazy load that gets cached on a key that includes some + # "throwaway" object, like a per-query AliasedClass, meaning + # the cache key will never be seen again and the cache itself + # will fill up. (the cache is an LRU cache, so while we won't + # run out of memory, it will perform terribly when it's full. A + # warning is emitted if this occurs.) We must prevent the + # generation of a cache key that is including a throwaway object + # in the key. + + # note that "lazy='select'" and "lazy=True" make two separate + # lazy loaders. Currently the LRU cache is local to the LazyLoader, + # however add ourselves to the initial cache key just to future + # proof in case it moves + q = self._bakery(lambda session: session.query(self.mapper), self) + + q.add_criteria( + lambda q: q._adapt_all_clauses()._with_invoke_all_eagers(False), + self.parent_property, + ) + + if not self.parent_property.bake_queries: + q.spoil(full=True) + + if self.parent_property.secondary is not None: + q.add_criteria( + lambda q: q.select_from( + self.mapper, self.parent_property.secondary + ) + ) + + pending = not state.key + + # don't autoflush on pending + if pending or passive & attributes.NO_AUTOFLUSH: + q.add_criteria(lambda q: q.autoflush(False)) + + if state.load_options: + # here, if any of the options cannot return a cache key, + # the BakedQuery "spoils" and caching will not occur. a path + # that features Cls.attribute.of_type(some_alias) will cancel + # caching, for example, since "some_alias" is user-defined and + # is usually a throwaway object. + effective_path = state.load_path[self.parent_property] + + q._add_lazyload_options(state.load_options, effective_path) + + if self.use_get: + if self._raise_on_sql: + self._invoke_raise_load(state, passive, "raise_on_sql") + + return ( + q(session) + .with_post_criteria(lambda q: q._set_lazyload_from(state)) + ._load_on_pk_identity( + session.query(self.mapper), primary_key_identity + ) + ) + + if self.parent_property.order_by: + q.add_criteria( + lambda q: q.order_by( + *util.to_list(self.parent_property.order_by) + ) + ) + + for rev in self.parent_property._reverse_property: + # reverse props that are MANYTOONE are loading *this* + # object from get(), so don't need to eager out to those. + if ( + rev.direction is interfaces.MANYTOONE + and rev._use_get + and not isinstance(rev.strategy, LazyLoader) + ): + + q.add_criteria( + lambda q: q.options( + strategy_options.Load.for_existing_path( + q._current_path[rev.parent] + ).lazyload(rev.key) + ) + ) + + lazy_clause, params = self._generate_lazy_clause(state, passive) + + if pending: + if util.has_intersection(orm_util._none_set, params.values()): + return None + + elif util.has_intersection(orm_util._never_set, params.values()): + return None + + if self._raise_on_sql: + self._invoke_raise_load(state, passive, "raise_on_sql") + + q.add_criteria(lambda q: q.filter(lazy_clause)) + + # set parameters in the query such that we don't overwrite + # parameters that are already set within it + def set_default_params(q): + params.update(q._params) + q._params = params + return q + + result = ( + q(session) + .with_post_criteria(lambda q: q._set_lazyload_from(state)) + .with_post_criteria(set_default_params) + .all() + ) + if self.uselist: + return result + else: + l = len(result) + if l: + if l > 1: + util.warn( + "Multiple rows returned with " + "uselist=False for lazily-loaded attribute '%s' " + % self.parent_property + ) + + return result[0] + else: + return None + + def create_row_processor( + self, context, path, loadopt, mapper, result, adapter, populators + ): + key = self.key + + if not self.is_class_level: + # we are not the primary manager for this attribute + # on this class - set up a + # per-instance lazyloader, which will override the + # class-level behavior. + # this currently only happens when using a + # "lazyload" option on a "no load" + # attribute - "eager" attributes always have a + # class-level lazyloader installed. + set_lazy_callable = ( + InstanceState._instance_level_callable_processor + )(mapper.class_manager, LoadLazyAttribute(key, self), key) + + populators["new"].append((self.key, set_lazy_callable)) + elif context.populate_existing or mapper.always_refresh: + + def reset_for_lazy_callable(state, dict_, row): + # we are the primary manager for this attribute on + # this class - reset its + # per-instance attribute state, so that the class-level + # lazy loader is + # executed when next referenced on this instance. + # this is needed in + # populate_existing() types of scenarios to reset + # any existing state. + state._reset(dict_, key) + + populators["new"].append((self.key, reset_for_lazy_callable)) + + +class LoadLazyAttribute(object): + """serializable loader object used by LazyLoader""" + + def __init__(self, key, initiating_strategy): + self.key = key + self.strategy_key = initiating_strategy.strategy_key + + def __call__(self, state, passive=attributes.PASSIVE_OFF): + key = self.key + instance_mapper = state.manager.mapper + prop = instance_mapper._props[key] + strategy = prop._strategies[self.strategy_key] + + return strategy._load_for_state(state, passive) + + +@properties.RelationshipProperty.strategy_for(lazy="immediate") +class ImmediateLoader(AbstractRelationshipLoader): + __slots__ = () + + def init_class_attribute(self, mapper): + self.parent_property._get_strategy( + (("lazy", "select"),) + ).init_class_attribute(mapper) + + def setup_query( + self, + context, + entity, + path, + loadopt, + adapter, + column_collection=None, + parentmapper=None, + **kwargs + ): + pass + + def create_row_processor( + self, context, path, loadopt, mapper, result, adapter, populators + ): + def load_immediate(state, dict_, row): + state.get_impl(self.key).get(state, dict_) + + populators["delayed"].append((self.key, load_immediate)) + + +@log.class_logger +@properties.RelationshipProperty.strategy_for(lazy="subquery") +class SubqueryLoader(AbstractRelationshipLoader): + __slots__ = ("join_depth",) + + def __init__(self, parent, strategy_key): + super(SubqueryLoader, self).__init__(parent, strategy_key) + self.join_depth = self.parent_property.join_depth + + def init_class_attribute(self, mapper): + self.parent_property._get_strategy( + (("lazy", "select"),) + ).init_class_attribute(mapper) + + def setup_query( + self, + context, + entity, + path, + loadopt, + adapter, + column_collection=None, + parentmapper=None, + **kwargs + ): + + if not context.query._enable_eagerloads: + return + elif context.query._yield_per: + context.query._no_yield_per("subquery") + + path = path[self.parent_property] + + # build up a path indicating the path from the leftmost + # entity to the thing we're subquery loading. + with_poly_info = path.get( + context.attributes, "path_with_polymorphic", None + ) + if with_poly_info is not None: + effective_entity = with_poly_info.entity + else: + effective_entity = self.mapper + + subq_path = context.attributes.get( + ("subquery_path", None), orm_util.PathRegistry.root + ) + + subq_path = subq_path + path + + # if not via query option, check for + # a cycle + if not path.contains(context.attributes, "loader"): + if self.join_depth: + if ( + ( + context.query._current_path.length + if context.query._current_path + else 0 + ) + + path.length + ) / 2 > self.join_depth: + return + elif subq_path.contains_mapper(self.mapper): + return + + ( + leftmost_mapper, + leftmost_attr, + leftmost_relationship, + ) = self._get_leftmost(subq_path) + + orig_query = context.attributes.get( + ("orig_query", SubqueryLoader), context.query + ) + + # generate a new Query from the original, then + # produce a subquery from it. + left_alias = self._generate_from_original_query( + orig_query, + leftmost_mapper, + leftmost_attr, + leftmost_relationship, + entity.entity_zero, + ) + + # generate another Query that will join the + # left alias to the target relationships. + # basically doing a longhand + # "from_self()". (from_self() itself not quite industrial + # strength enough for all contingencies...but very close) + q = orig_query.session.query(effective_entity) + q._attributes = { + ("orig_query", SubqueryLoader): orig_query, + ("subquery_path", None): subq_path, + } + + q = q._set_enable_single_crit(False) + to_join, local_attr, parent_alias = self._prep_for_joins( + left_alias, subq_path + ) + q = q.order_by(*local_attr) + q = q.add_columns(*local_attr) + q = self._apply_joins( + q, to_join, left_alias, parent_alias, effective_entity + ) + + q = self._setup_options(q, subq_path, orig_query, effective_entity) + q = self._setup_outermost_orderby(q) + + # add new query to attributes to be picked up + # by create_row_processor + path.set(context.attributes, "subquery", q) + + def _get_leftmost(self, subq_path): + subq_path = subq_path.path + subq_mapper = orm_util._class_to_mapper(subq_path[0]) + + # determine attributes of the leftmost mapper + if ( + self.parent.isa(subq_mapper) + and self.parent_property is subq_path[1] + ): + leftmost_mapper, leftmost_prop = self.parent, self.parent_property + else: + leftmost_mapper, leftmost_prop = subq_mapper, subq_path[1] + + leftmost_cols = leftmost_prop.local_columns + + leftmost_attr = [ + getattr( + subq_path[0].entity, leftmost_mapper._columntoproperty[c].key + ) + for c in leftmost_cols + ] + + return leftmost_mapper, leftmost_attr, leftmost_prop + + def _generate_from_original_query( + self, + orig_query, + leftmost_mapper, + leftmost_attr, + leftmost_relationship, + orig_entity, + ): + # reformat the original query + # to look only for significant columns + q = orig_query._clone().correlate(None) + + # set the query's "FROM" list explicitly to what the + # FROM list would be in any case, as we will be limiting + # the columns in the SELECT list which may no longer include + # all entities mentioned in things like WHERE, JOIN, etc. + if not q._from_obj: + q._set_select_from( + list( + set( + [ + ent["entity"] + for ent in orig_query.column_descriptions + if ent["entity"] is not None + ] + ) + ), + False, + ) + + # select from the identity columns of the outer (specifically, these + # are the 'local_cols' of the property). This will remove + # other columns from the query that might suggest the right entity + # which is why we do _set_select_from above. + target_cols = q._adapt_col_list(leftmost_attr) + q._set_entities(target_cols) + + distinct_target_key = leftmost_relationship.distinct_target_key + + if distinct_target_key is True: + q._distinct = True + elif distinct_target_key is None: + # if target_cols refer to a non-primary key or only + # part of a composite primary key, set the q as distinct + for t in set(c.table for c in target_cols): + if not set(target_cols).issuperset(t.primary_key): + q._distinct = True + break + + if q._order_by is False: + q._order_by = leftmost_mapper.order_by + + # don't need ORDER BY if no limit/offset + if q._limit is None and q._offset is None: + q._order_by = None + + # the original query now becomes a subquery + # which we'll join onto. + + embed_q = q.with_labels().subquery() + left_alias = orm_util.AliasedClass( + leftmost_mapper, embed_q, use_mapper_path=True + ) + return left_alias + + def _prep_for_joins(self, left_alias, subq_path): + # figure out what's being joined. a.k.a. the fun part + to_join = [] + pairs = list(subq_path.pairs()) + + for i, (mapper, prop) in enumerate(pairs): + if i > 0: + # look at the previous mapper in the chain - + # if it is as or more specific than this prop's + # mapper, use that instead. + # note we have an assumption here that + # the non-first element is always going to be a mapper, + # not an AliasedClass + + prev_mapper = pairs[i - 1][1].mapper + to_append = prev_mapper if prev_mapper.isa(mapper) else mapper + else: + to_append = mapper + + to_join.append((to_append, prop.key)) + + # determine the immediate parent class we are joining from, + # which needs to be aliased. + + if len(to_join) < 2: + # in the case of a one level eager load, this is the + # leftmost "left_alias". + parent_alias = left_alias + else: + info = inspect(to_join[-1][0]) + if info.is_aliased_class: + parent_alias = info.entity + else: + # alias a plain mapper as we may be + # joining multiple times + parent_alias = orm_util.AliasedClass( + info.entity, use_mapper_path=True + ) + + local_cols = self.parent_property.local_columns + + local_attr = [ + getattr(parent_alias, self.parent._columntoproperty[c].key) + for c in local_cols + ] + return to_join, local_attr, parent_alias + + def _apply_joins( + self, q, to_join, left_alias, parent_alias, effective_entity + ): + + ltj = len(to_join) + if ltj == 1: + to_join = [ + getattr(left_alias, to_join[0][1]).of_type(effective_entity) + ] + elif ltj == 2: + to_join = [ + getattr(left_alias, to_join[0][1]).of_type(parent_alias), + getattr(parent_alias, to_join[-1][1]).of_type( + effective_entity + ), + ] + elif ltj > 2: + middle = [ + ( + orm_util.AliasedClass(item[0]) + if not inspect(item[0]).is_aliased_class + else item[0].entity, + item[1], + ) + for item in to_join[1:-1] + ] + inner = [] + + while middle: + item = middle.pop(0) + attr = getattr(item[0], item[1]) + if middle: + attr = attr.of_type(middle[0][0]) + else: + attr = attr.of_type(parent_alias) + + inner.append(attr) + + to_join = ( + [getattr(left_alias, to_join[0][1]).of_type(inner[0].parent)] + + inner + + [ + getattr(parent_alias, to_join[-1][1]).of_type( + effective_entity + ) + ] + ) + + for attr in to_join: + q = q.join(attr, from_joinpoint=True) + return q + + def _setup_options(self, q, subq_path, orig_query, effective_entity): + # propagate loader options etc. to the new query. + # these will fire relative to subq_path. + q = q._with_current_path(subq_path) + q = q._conditional_options(*orig_query._with_options) + if orig_query._populate_existing: + q._populate_existing = orig_query._populate_existing + + return q + + def _setup_outermost_orderby(self, q): + if self.parent_property.order_by: + # if there's an ORDER BY, alias it the same + # way joinedloader does, but we have to pull out + # the "eagerjoin" from the query. + # this really only picks up the "secondary" table + # right now. + eagerjoin = q._from_obj[0] + eager_order_by = eagerjoin._target_adapter.copy_and_process( + util.to_list(self.parent_property.order_by) + ) + q = q.order_by(*eager_order_by) + return q + + class _SubqCollections(object): + """Given a :class:`.Query` used to emit the "subquery load", + provide a load interface that executes the query at the + first moment a value is needed. + + """ + + _data = None + + def __init__(self, subq): + self.subq = subq + + def get(self, key, default): + if self._data is None: + self._load() + return self._data.get(key, default) + + def _load(self): + self._data = dict( + (k, [vv[0] for vv in v]) + for k, v in itertools.groupby(self.subq, lambda x: x[1:]) + ) + + def loader(self, state, dict_, row): + if self._data is None: + self._load() + + def create_row_processor( + self, context, path, loadopt, mapper, result, adapter, populators + ): + if not self.parent.class_manager[self.key].impl.supports_population: + raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError( + "'%s' does not support object " + "population - eager loading cannot be applied." % self + ) + + path = path[self.parent_property] + + subq = path.get(context.attributes, "subquery") + + if subq is None: + return + + assert subq.session is context.session, ( + "Subquery session doesn't refer to that of " + "our context. Are there broken context caching " + "schemes being used?" + ) + + local_cols = self.parent_property.local_columns + + # cache the loaded collections in the context + # so that inheriting mappers don't re-load when they + # call upon create_row_processor again + collections = path.get(context.attributes, "collections") + if collections is None: + collections = self._SubqCollections(subq) + path.set(context.attributes, "collections", collections) + + if adapter: + local_cols = [adapter.columns[c] for c in local_cols] + + if self.uselist: + self._create_collection_loader( + context, collections, local_cols, populators + ) + else: + self._create_scalar_loader( + context, collections, local_cols, populators + ) + + def _create_collection_loader( + self, context, collections, local_cols, populators + ): + def load_collection_from_subq(state, dict_, row): + collection = collections.get( + tuple([row[col] for col in local_cols]), () + ) + state.get_impl(self.key).set_committed_value( + state, dict_, collection + ) + + def load_collection_from_subq_existing_row(state, dict_, row): + if self.key not in dict_: + load_collection_from_subq(state, dict_, row) + + populators["new"].append((self.key, load_collection_from_subq)) + populators["existing"].append( + (self.key, load_collection_from_subq_existing_row) + ) + + if context.invoke_all_eagers: + populators["eager"].append((self.key, collections.loader)) + + def _create_scalar_loader( + self, context, collections, local_cols, populators + ): + def load_scalar_from_subq(state, dict_, row): + collection = collections.get( + tuple([row[col] for col in local_cols]), (None,) + ) + if len(collection) > 1: + util.warn( + "Multiple rows returned with " + "uselist=False for eagerly-loaded attribute '%s' " % self + ) + + scalar = collection[0] + state.get_impl(self.key).set_committed_value(state, dict_, scalar) + + def load_scalar_from_subq_existing_row(state, dict_, row): + if self.key not in dict_: + load_scalar_from_subq(state, dict_, row) + + populators["new"].append((self.key, load_scalar_from_subq)) + populators["existing"].append( + (self.key, load_scalar_from_subq_existing_row) + ) + if context.invoke_all_eagers: + populators["eager"].append((self.key, collections.loader)) + + +@log.class_logger +@properties.RelationshipProperty.strategy_for(lazy="joined") +@properties.RelationshipProperty.strategy_for(lazy=False) +class JoinedLoader(AbstractRelationshipLoader): + """Provide loading behavior for a :class:`.RelationshipProperty` + using joined eager loading. + + """ + + __slots__ = "join_depth", "_aliased_class_pool" + + def __init__(self, parent, strategy_key): + super(JoinedLoader, self).__init__(parent, strategy_key) + self.join_depth = self.parent_property.join_depth + self._aliased_class_pool = [] + + def init_class_attribute(self, mapper): + self.parent_property._get_strategy( + (("lazy", "select"),) + ).init_class_attribute(mapper) + + def setup_query( + self, + context, + entity, + path, + loadopt, + adapter, + column_collection=None, + parentmapper=None, + chained_from_outerjoin=False, + **kwargs + ): + """Add a left outer join to the statement that's being constructed.""" + + if not context.query._enable_eagerloads: + return + elif context.query._yield_per and self.uselist: + context.query._no_yield_per("joined collection") + + path = path[self.parent_property] + + with_polymorphic = None + + user_defined_adapter = ( + self._init_user_defined_eager_proc(loadopt, context) + if loadopt + else False + ) + + if user_defined_adapter is not False: + ( + clauses, + adapter, + add_to_collection, + ) = self._setup_query_on_user_defined_adapter( + context, entity, path, adapter, user_defined_adapter + ) + else: + # if not via query option, check for + # a cycle + if not path.contains(context.attributes, "loader"): + if self.join_depth: + if path.length / 2 > self.join_depth: + return + elif path.contains_mapper(self.mapper): + return + + ( + clauses, + adapter, + add_to_collection, + chained_from_outerjoin, + ) = self._generate_row_adapter( + context, + entity, + path, + loadopt, + adapter, + column_collection, + parentmapper, + chained_from_outerjoin, + ) + + with_poly_info = path.get( + context.attributes, "path_with_polymorphic", None + ) + if with_poly_info is not None: + with_polymorphic = with_poly_info.with_polymorphic_mappers + else: + with_polymorphic = None + + path = path[self.mapper] + + loading._setup_entity_query( + context, + self.mapper, + entity, + path, + clauses, + add_to_collection, + with_polymorphic=with_polymorphic, + parentmapper=self.mapper, + chained_from_outerjoin=chained_from_outerjoin, + ) + + if with_poly_info is not None and None in set( + context.secondary_columns + ): + raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError( + "Detected unaliased columns when generating joined " + "load. Make sure to use aliased=True or flat=True " + "when using joined loading with with_polymorphic()." + ) + + def _init_user_defined_eager_proc(self, loadopt, context): + + # check if the opt applies at all + if "eager_from_alias" not in loadopt.local_opts: + # nope + return False + + path = loadopt.path.parent + + # the option applies. check if the "user_defined_eager_row_processor" + # has been built up. + adapter = path.get( + context.attributes, "user_defined_eager_row_processor", False + ) + if adapter is not False: + # just return it + return adapter + + # otherwise figure it out. + alias = loadopt.local_opts["eager_from_alias"] + + root_mapper, prop = path[-2:] + + # from .mapper import Mapper + # from .interfaces import MapperProperty + # assert isinstance(root_mapper, Mapper) + # assert isinstance(prop, MapperProperty) + + if alias is not None: + if isinstance(alias, str): + alias = prop.target.alias(alias) + adapter = sql_util.ColumnAdapter( + alias, equivalents=prop.mapper._equivalent_columns + ) + else: + if path.contains(context.attributes, "path_with_polymorphic"): + with_poly_info = path.get( + context.attributes, "path_with_polymorphic" + ) + adapter = orm_util.ORMAdapter( + with_poly_info.entity, + equivalents=prop.mapper._equivalent_columns, + ) + else: + adapter = context.query._polymorphic_adapters.get( + prop.mapper, None + ) + path.set( + context.attributes, "user_defined_eager_row_processor", adapter + ) + + return adapter + + def _setup_query_on_user_defined_adapter( + self, context, entity, path, adapter, user_defined_adapter + ): + + # apply some more wrapping to the "user defined adapter" + # if we are setting up the query for SQL render. + adapter = entity._get_entity_clauses(context.query, context) + + if adapter and user_defined_adapter: + user_defined_adapter = user_defined_adapter.wrap(adapter) + path.set( + context.attributes, + "user_defined_eager_row_processor", + user_defined_adapter, + ) + elif adapter: + user_defined_adapter = adapter + path.set( + context.attributes, + "user_defined_eager_row_processor", + user_defined_adapter, + ) + + add_to_collection = context.primary_columns + return user_defined_adapter, adapter, add_to_collection + + def _gen_pooled_aliased_class(self, context): + # keep a local pool of AliasedClass objects that get re-used. + # we need one unique AliasedClass per query per appearance of our + # entity in the query. + + key = ("joinedloader_ac", self) + if key not in context.attributes: + context.attributes[key] = idx = 0 + else: + context.attributes[key] = idx = context.attributes[key] + 1 + + if idx >= len(self._aliased_class_pool): + to_adapt = orm_util.AliasedClass( + self.mapper, flat=True, use_mapper_path=True + ) + # load up the .columns collection on the Alias() before + # the object becomes shared among threads. this prevents + # races for column identities. + inspect(to_adapt).selectable.c + + self._aliased_class_pool.append(to_adapt) + + return self._aliased_class_pool[idx] + + def _generate_row_adapter( + self, + context, + entity, + path, + loadopt, + adapter, + column_collection, + parentmapper, + chained_from_outerjoin, + ): + with_poly_info = path.get( + context.attributes, "path_with_polymorphic", None + ) + if with_poly_info: + to_adapt = with_poly_info.entity + else: + to_adapt = self._gen_pooled_aliased_class(context) + + clauses = inspect(to_adapt)._memo( + ("joinedloader_ormadapter", self), + orm_util.ORMAdapter, + to_adapt, + equivalents=self.mapper._equivalent_columns, + adapt_required=True, + allow_label_resolve=False, + anonymize_labels=True, + ) + + assert clauses.aliased_class is not None + + if self.parent_property.uselist: + context.multi_row_eager_loaders = True + + innerjoin = ( + loadopt.local_opts.get("innerjoin", self.parent_property.innerjoin) + if loadopt is not None + else self.parent_property.innerjoin + ) + + if not innerjoin: + # if this is an outer join, all non-nested eager joins from + # this path must also be outer joins + chained_from_outerjoin = True + + context.create_eager_joins.append( + ( + self._create_eager_join, + context, + entity, + path, + adapter, + parentmapper, + clauses, + innerjoin, + chained_from_outerjoin, + ) + ) + + add_to_collection = context.secondary_columns + path.set(context.attributes, "eager_row_processor", clauses) + + return clauses, adapter, add_to_collection, chained_from_outerjoin + + def _create_eager_join( + self, + context, + entity, + path, + adapter, + parentmapper, + clauses, + innerjoin, + chained_from_outerjoin, + ): + + if parentmapper is None: + localparent = entity.mapper + else: + localparent = parentmapper + + # whether or not the Query will wrap the selectable in a subquery, + # and then attach eager load joins to that (i.e., in the case of + # LIMIT/OFFSET etc.) + should_nest_selectable = ( + context.multi_row_eager_loaders + and context.query._should_nest_selectable + ) + + entity_key = None + + if ( + entity not in context.eager_joins + and not should_nest_selectable + and context.from_clause + ): + index, clause = sql_util.find_join_source( + context.from_clause, entity.selectable + ) + if clause is not None: + # join to an existing FROM clause on the query. + # key it to its list index in the eager_joins dict. + # Query._compile_context will adapt as needed and + # append to the FROM clause of the select(). + entity_key, default_towrap = index, clause + + if entity_key is None: + entity_key, default_towrap = entity, entity.selectable + + towrap = context.eager_joins.setdefault(entity_key, default_towrap) + + if adapter: + if getattr(adapter, "aliased_class", None): + # joining from an adapted entity. The adapted entity + # might be a "with_polymorphic", so resolve that to our + # specific mapper's entity before looking for our attribute + # name on it. + efm = inspect(adapter.aliased_class)._entity_for_mapper( + localparent + if localparent.isa(self.parent) + else self.parent + ) + + # look for our attribute on the adapted entity, else fall back + # to our straight property + onclause = getattr(efm.entity, self.key, self.parent_property) + else: + onclause = getattr( + orm_util.AliasedClass( + self.parent, adapter.selectable, use_mapper_path=True + ), + self.key, + self.parent_property, + ) + + else: + onclause = self.parent_property + + assert clauses.aliased_class is not None + + attach_on_outside = ( + not chained_from_outerjoin + or not innerjoin + or innerjoin == "unnested" + or entity.entity_zero.represents_outer_join + ) + + if attach_on_outside: + # this is the "classic" eager join case. + eagerjoin = orm_util._ORMJoin( + towrap, + clauses.aliased_class, + onclause, + isouter=not innerjoin + or entity.entity_zero.represents_outer_join + or (chained_from_outerjoin and isinstance(towrap, sql.Join)), + _left_memo=self.parent, + _right_memo=self.mapper, + ) + else: + # all other cases are innerjoin=='nested' approach + eagerjoin = self._splice_nested_inner_join( + path, towrap, clauses, onclause + ) + + context.eager_joins[entity_key] = eagerjoin + + # send a hint to the Query as to where it may "splice" this join + eagerjoin.stop_on = entity.selectable + + if not parentmapper: + # for parentclause that is the non-eager end of the join, + # ensure all the parent cols in the primaryjoin are actually + # in the + # columns clause (i.e. are not deferred), so that aliasing applied + # by the Query propagates those columns outward. + # This has the effect + # of "undefering" those columns. + for col in sql_util._find_columns( + self.parent_property.primaryjoin + ): + if localparent.mapped_table.c.contains_column(col): + if adapter: + col = adapter.columns[col] + context.primary_columns.append(col) + + if self.parent_property.order_by: + context.eager_order_by += ( + eagerjoin._target_adapter.copy_and_process + )(util.to_list(self.parent_property.order_by)) + + def _splice_nested_inner_join( + self, path, join_obj, clauses, onclause, splicing=False + ): + + if splicing is False: + # first call is always handed a join object + # from the outside + assert isinstance(join_obj, orm_util._ORMJoin) + elif isinstance(join_obj, sql.selectable.FromGrouping): + return self._splice_nested_inner_join( + path, join_obj.element, clauses, onclause, splicing + ) + elif not isinstance(join_obj, orm_util._ORMJoin): + if path[-2] is splicing: + return orm_util._ORMJoin( + join_obj, + clauses.aliased_class, + onclause, + isouter=False, + _left_memo=splicing, + _right_memo=path[-1].mapper, + ) + else: + # only here if splicing == True + return None + + target_join = self._splice_nested_inner_join( + path, join_obj.right, clauses, onclause, join_obj._right_memo + ) + if target_join is None: + right_splice = False + target_join = self._splice_nested_inner_join( + path, join_obj.left, clauses, onclause, join_obj._left_memo + ) + if target_join is None: + # should only return None when recursively called, + # e.g. splicing==True + assert ( + splicing is not False + ), "assertion failed attempting to produce joined eager loads" + return None + else: + right_splice = True + + if right_splice: + # for a right splice, attempt to flatten out + # a JOIN b JOIN c JOIN .. to avoid needless + # parenthesis nesting + if not join_obj.isouter and not target_join.isouter: + eagerjoin = join_obj._splice_into_center(target_join) + else: + eagerjoin = orm_util._ORMJoin( + join_obj.left, + target_join, + join_obj.onclause, + isouter=join_obj.isouter, + _left_memo=join_obj._left_memo, + ) + else: + eagerjoin = orm_util._ORMJoin( + target_join, + join_obj.right, + join_obj.onclause, + isouter=join_obj.isouter, + _right_memo=join_obj._right_memo, + ) + + eagerjoin._target_adapter = target_join._target_adapter + return eagerjoin + + def _create_eager_adapter(self, context, result, adapter, path, loadopt): + user_defined_adapter = ( + self._init_user_defined_eager_proc(loadopt, context) + if loadopt + else False + ) + + if user_defined_adapter is not False: + decorator = user_defined_adapter + # user defined eagerloads are part of the "primary" + # portion of the load. + # the adapters applied to the Query should be honored. + if context.adapter and decorator: + decorator = decorator.wrap(context.adapter) + elif context.adapter: + decorator = context.adapter + else: + decorator = path.get(context.attributes, "eager_row_processor") + if decorator is None: + return False + + if self.mapper._result_has_identity_key(result, decorator): + return decorator + else: + # no identity key - don't return a row + # processor, will cause a degrade to lazy + return False + + def create_row_processor( + self, context, path, loadopt, mapper, result, adapter, populators + ): + if not self.parent.class_manager[self.key].impl.supports_population: + raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError( + "'%s' does not support object " + "population - eager loading cannot be applied." % self + ) + + our_path = path[self.parent_property] + + eager_adapter = self._create_eager_adapter( + context, result, adapter, our_path, loadopt + ) + + if eager_adapter is not False: + key = self.key + + _instance = loading._instance_processor( + self.mapper, + context, + result, + our_path[self.mapper], + eager_adapter, + ) + + if not self.uselist: + self._create_scalar_loader(context, key, _instance, populators) + else: + self._create_collection_loader( + context, key, _instance, populators + ) + else: + self.parent_property._get_strategy( + (("lazy", "select"),) + ).create_row_processor( + context, path, loadopt, mapper, result, adapter, populators + ) + + def _create_collection_loader(self, context, key, _instance, populators): + def load_collection_from_joined_new_row(state, dict_, row): + collection = attributes.init_state_collection(state, dict_, key) + result_list = util.UniqueAppender( + collection, "append_without_event" + ) + context.attributes[(state, key)] = result_list + inst = _instance(row) + if inst is not None: + result_list.append(inst) + + def load_collection_from_joined_existing_row(state, dict_, row): + if (state, key) in context.attributes: + result_list = context.attributes[(state, key)] + else: + # appender_key can be absent from context.attributes + # with isnew=False when self-referential eager loading + # is used; the same instance may be present in two + # distinct sets of result columns + collection = attributes.init_state_collection( + state, dict_, key + ) + result_list = util.UniqueAppender( + collection, "append_without_event" + ) + context.attributes[(state, key)] = result_list + inst = _instance(row) + if inst is not None: + result_list.append(inst) + + def load_collection_from_joined_exec(state, dict_, row): + _instance(row) + + populators["new"].append( + (self.key, load_collection_from_joined_new_row) + ) + populators["existing"].append( + (self.key, load_collection_from_joined_existing_row) + ) + if context.invoke_all_eagers: + populators["eager"].append( + (self.key, load_collection_from_joined_exec) + ) + + def _create_scalar_loader(self, context, key, _instance, populators): + def load_scalar_from_joined_new_row(state, dict_, row): + # set a scalar object instance directly on the parent + # object, bypassing InstrumentedAttribute event handlers. + dict_[key] = _instance(row) + + def load_scalar_from_joined_existing_row(state, dict_, row): + # call _instance on the row, even though the object has + # been created, so that we further descend into properties + existing = _instance(row) + + # conflicting value already loaded, this shouldn't happen + if key in dict_: + if existing is not dict_[key]: + util.warn( + "Multiple rows returned with " + "uselist=False for eagerly-loaded attribute '%s' " + % self + ) + else: + # this case is when one row has multiple loads of the + # same entity (e.g. via aliasing), one has an attribute + # that the other doesn't. + dict_[key] = existing + + def load_scalar_from_joined_exec(state, dict_, row): + _instance(row) + + populators["new"].append((self.key, load_scalar_from_joined_new_row)) + populators["existing"].append( + (self.key, load_scalar_from_joined_existing_row) + ) + if context.invoke_all_eagers: + populators["eager"].append( + (self.key, load_scalar_from_joined_exec) + ) + + +@log.class_logger +@properties.RelationshipProperty.strategy_for(lazy="selectin") +class SelectInLoader(AbstractRelationshipLoader, util.MemoizedSlots): + __slots__ = ( + "join_depth", + "_parent_alias", + "_in_expr", + "_parent_pk_cols", + "_zero_idx", + "_bakery", + ) + + _chunksize = 500 + + def __init__(self, parent, strategy_key): + super(SelectInLoader, self).__init__(parent, strategy_key) + self.join_depth = self.parent_property.join_depth + self._parent_alias = aliased(self.parent.class_) + pa_insp = inspect(self._parent_alias) + self._parent_pk_cols = pk_cols = [ + pa_insp._adapt_element(col) for col in self.parent.primary_key + ] + if len(pk_cols) > 1: + self._in_expr = sql.tuple_(*pk_cols) + self._zero_idx = False + else: + self._in_expr = pk_cols[0] + self._zero_idx = True + + def init_class_attribute(self, mapper): + self.parent_property._get_strategy( + (("lazy", "select"),) + ).init_class_attribute(mapper) + + @util.dependencies("sqlalchemy.ext.baked") + def _memoized_attr__bakery(self, baked): + return baked.bakery(size=50) + + def create_row_processor( + self, context, path, loadopt, mapper, result, adapter, populators + ): + if not self.parent.class_manager[self.key].impl.supports_population: + raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError( + "'%s' does not support object " + "population - eager loading cannot be applied." % self + ) + + selectin_path = ( + context.query._current_path or orm_util.PathRegistry.root + ) + path + + if not orm_util._entity_isa(path[-1], self.parent): + return + + if loading.PostLoad.path_exists(context, selectin_path, self.key): + return + + path_w_prop = path[self.parent_property] + selectin_path_w_prop = selectin_path[self.parent_property] + + # build up a path indicating the path from the leftmost + # entity to the thing we're subquery loading. + with_poly_info = path_w_prop.get( + context.attributes, "path_with_polymorphic", None + ) + + if with_poly_info is not None: + effective_entity = with_poly_info.entity + else: + effective_entity = self.mapper + + if not path_w_prop.contains(context.attributes, "loader"): + if self.join_depth: + if selectin_path_w_prop.length / 2 > self.join_depth: + return + elif selectin_path_w_prop.contains_mapper(self.mapper): + return + + loading.PostLoad.callable_for_path( + context, + selectin_path, + self.parent, + self.key, + self._load_for_path, + effective_entity, + ) + + @util.dependencies("sqlalchemy.ext.baked") + def _load_for_path( + self, baked, context, path, states, load_only, effective_entity + ): + + if load_only and self.key not in load_only: + return + + our_states = [ + (state.key[1], state, overwrite) for state, overwrite in states + ] + + pk_cols = self._parent_pk_cols + pa = self._parent_alias + + q = self._bakery( + lambda session: session.query( + query.Bundle("pk", *pk_cols), effective_entity + ), + self, + ) + + q.add_criteria( + lambda q: q.select_from(pa) + .join( + getattr(pa, self.parent_property.key).of_type(effective_entity) + ) + .filter( + self._in_expr.in_( + sql.bindparam("primary_keys", expanding=True) + ) + ) + .order_by(*pk_cols) + ) + + orig_query = context.query + + q._add_lazyload_options( + orig_query._with_options, path[self.parent_property] + ) + + if orig_query._populate_existing: + q.add_criteria(lambda q: q.populate_existing()) + + if self.parent_property.order_by: + + def _setup_outermost_orderby(q): + # imitate the same method that + # subquery eager loading does it, looking for the + # adapted "secondary" table + eagerjoin = q._from_obj[0] + eager_order_by = eagerjoin._target_adapter.copy_and_process( + util.to_list(self.parent_property.order_by) + ) + return q.order_by(*eager_order_by) + + q.add_criteria(_setup_outermost_orderby) + + uselist = self.uselist + _empty_result = () if uselist else None + + while our_states: + chunk = our_states[0 : self._chunksize] + our_states = our_states[self._chunksize :] + + data = { + k: [vv[1] for vv in v] + for k, v in itertools.groupby( + q(context.session).params( + primary_keys=[ + key[0] if self._zero_idx else key + for key, state, overwrite in chunk + ] + ), + lambda x: x[0], + ) + } + + for key, state, overwrite in chunk: + + if not overwrite and self.key in state.dict: + continue + + collection = data.get(key, _empty_result) + + if not uselist and collection: + if len(collection) > 1: + util.warn( + "Multiple rows returned with " + "uselist=False for eagerly-loaded " + "attribute '%s' " % self + ) + state.get_impl(self.key).set_committed_value( + state, state.dict, collection[0] + ) + else: + state.get_impl(self.key).set_committed_value( + state, state.dict, collection + ) + + +def single_parent_validator(desc, prop): + def _do_check(state, value, oldvalue, initiator): + if value is not None and initiator.key == prop.key: + hasparent = initiator.hasparent(attributes.instance_state(value)) + if hasparent and oldvalue is not value: + raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError( + "Instance %s is already associated with an instance " + "of %s via its %s attribute, and is only allowed a " + "single parent." + % (orm_util.instance_str(value), state.class_, prop) + ) + return value + + def append(state, value, initiator): + return _do_check(state, value, None, initiator) + + def set_(state, value, oldvalue, initiator): + return _do_check(state, value, oldvalue, initiator) + + event.listen( + desc, "append", append, raw=True, retval=True, active_history=True + ) + event.listen(desc, "set", set_, raw=True, retval=True, active_history=True) diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/strategy_options.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/strategy_options.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9fec224 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/strategy_options.py @@ -0,0 +1,1523 @@ +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +""" + +""" + +from . import util as orm_util +from .attributes import QueryableAttribute +from .base import _class_to_mapper +from .base import _is_aliased_class +from .base import _is_mapped_class +from .base import InspectionAttr +from .interfaces import MapperOption +from .interfaces import PropComparator +from .path_registry import _DEFAULT_TOKEN +from .path_registry import _WILDCARD_TOKEN +from .path_registry import PathRegistry +from .path_registry import TokenRegistry +from .util import _orm_full_deannotate +from .. import exc as sa_exc +from .. import inspect +from .. import util +from ..sql import expression as sql_expr +from ..sql.base import _generative +from ..sql.base import Generative + + +class Load(Generative, MapperOption): + """Represents loader options which modify the state of a + :class:`.Query` in order to affect how various mapped attributes are + loaded. + + The :class:`.Load` object is in most cases used implicitly behind the + scenes when one makes use of a query option like :func:`.joinedload`, + :func:`.defer`, or similar. However, the :class:`.Load` object + can also be used directly, and in some cases can be useful. + + To use :class:`.Load` directly, instantiate it with the target mapped + class as the argument. This style of usage is + useful when dealing with a :class:`.Query` that has multiple entities:: + + myopt = Load(MyClass).joinedload("widgets") + + The above ``myopt`` can now be used with :meth:`.Query.options`, where it + will only take effect for the ``MyClass`` entity:: + + session.query(MyClass, MyOtherClass).options(myopt) + + One case where :class:`.Load` is useful as public API is when specifying + "wildcard" options that only take effect for a certain class:: + + session.query(Order).options(Load(Order).lazyload('*')) + + Above, all relationships on ``Order`` will be lazy-loaded, but other + attributes on those descendant objects will load using their normal + loader strategy. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`loading_toplevel` + + """ + + def __init__(self, entity): + insp = inspect(entity) + self.path = insp._path_registry + # note that this .context is shared among all descendant + # Load objects + self.context = util.OrderedDict() + self.local_opts = {} + self._of_type = None + self.is_class_strategy = False + + @classmethod + def for_existing_path(cls, path): + load = cls.__new__(cls) + load.path = path + load.context = {} + load.local_opts = {} + load._of_type = None + return load + + def _generate_cache_key(self, path): + if path.path[0].is_aliased_class: + return False + + serialized = [] + for (key, loader_path), obj in self.context.items(): + if key != "loader": + continue + + for local_elem, obj_elem in zip(self.path.path, loader_path): + if local_elem is not obj_elem: + break + else: + endpoint = obj._of_type or obj.path.path[-1] + chopped = self._chop_path(loader_path, path) + + if ( + # means loader_path and path are unrelated, + # this does not need to be part of a cache key + chopped + is None + ) or ( + # means no additional path with loader_path + path + # and the endpoint isn't using of_type so isn't modified + # into an alias or other unsafe entity + not chopped + and not obj._of_type + ): + continue + + serialized_path = [] + + for token in chopped: + if isinstance(token, util.string_types): + serialized_path.append(token) + elif token.is_aliased_class: + return False + elif token.is_property: + serialized_path.append(token.key) + else: + assert token.is_mapper + serialized_path.append(token.class_) + + if not serialized_path or endpoint != serialized_path[-1]: + if endpoint.is_mapper: + serialized_path.append(endpoint.class_) + elif endpoint.is_aliased_class: + return False + + serialized.append( + ( + tuple(serialized_path) + + (obj.strategy or ()) + + ( + tuple( + [ + (key, obj.local_opts[key]) + for key in sorted(obj.local_opts) + ] + ) + if obj.local_opts + else () + ) + ) + ) + if not serialized: + return None + else: + return tuple(serialized) + + def _generate(self): + cloned = super(Load, self)._generate() + cloned.local_opts = {} + return cloned + + is_opts_only = False + is_class_strategy = False + strategy = None + propagate_to_loaders = False + + def process_query(self, query): + self._process(query, True) + + def process_query_conditionally(self, query): + self._process(query, False) + + def _process(self, query, raiseerr): + current_path = query._current_path + if current_path: + for (token, start_path), loader in self.context.items(): + chopped_start_path = self._chop_path(start_path, current_path) + if chopped_start_path is not None: + query._attributes[(token, chopped_start_path)] = loader + else: + query._attributes.update(self.context) + + def _generate_path(self, path, attr, wildcard_key, raiseerr=True): + existing_of_type = self._of_type + self._of_type = None + + if raiseerr and not path.has_entity: + if isinstance(path, TokenRegistry): + raise sa_exc.ArgumentError( + "Wildcard token cannot be followed by another entity" + ) + else: + raise sa_exc.ArgumentError( + "Attribute '%s' of entity '%s' does not " + "refer to a mapped entity" + % (path.prop.key, path.parent.entity) + ) + + if isinstance(attr, util.string_types): + default_token = attr.endswith(_DEFAULT_TOKEN) + if attr.endswith(_WILDCARD_TOKEN) or default_token: + if default_token: + self.propagate_to_loaders = False + if wildcard_key: + attr = "%s:%s" % (wildcard_key, attr) + path = path.token(attr) + self.path = path + return path + + if existing_of_type: + ent = inspect(existing_of_type) + else: + ent = path.entity + try: + # use getattr on the class to work around + # synonyms, hybrids, etc. + attr = getattr(ent.class_, attr) + except AttributeError: + if raiseerr: + raise sa_exc.ArgumentError( + "Can't find property named '%s' on the " + "mapped entity %s in this Query. " % (attr, ent) + ) + else: + return None + else: + attr = attr.property + + path = path[attr] + elif _is_mapped_class(attr): + if not attr.common_parent(path.mapper): + if raiseerr: + raise sa_exc.ArgumentError( + "Attribute '%s' does not " + "link from element '%s'" % (attr, path.entity) + ) + else: + return None + else: + prop = attr.property + + if not prop.parent.common_parent(path.mapper): + if raiseerr: + raise sa_exc.ArgumentError( + "Attribute '%s' does not " + "link from element '%s'" % (attr, path.entity) + ) + else: + return None + + if getattr(attr, "_of_type", None): + ac = attr._of_type + ext_info = of_type_info = inspect(ac) + + existing = path.entity_path[prop].get( + self.context, "path_with_polymorphic" + ) + if not ext_info.is_aliased_class: + ac = orm_util.with_polymorphic( + ext_info.mapper.base_mapper, + ext_info.mapper, + aliased=True, + _use_mapper_path=True, + _existing_alias=existing, + ) + ext_info = inspect(ac) + elif not ext_info.with_polymorphic_mappers: + ext_info = orm_util.AliasedInsp( + ext_info.entity, + ext_info.mapper.base_mapper, + ext_info.selectable, + ext_info.name, + ext_info.with_polymorphic_mappers or [ext_info.mapper], + ext_info.polymorphic_on, + ext_info._base_alias, + ext_info._use_mapper_path, + ext_info._adapt_on_names, + ext_info.represents_outer_join, + ) + + path.entity_path[prop].set( + self.context, "path_with_polymorphic", ext_info + ) + + # the path here will go into the context dictionary and + # needs to match up to how the class graph is traversed. + # so we can't put an AliasedInsp in the path here, needs + # to be the base mapper. + path = path[prop][ext_info.mapper] + + # but, we need to know what the original of_type() + # argument is for cache key purposes. so....store that too. + # it might be better for "path" to really represent, + # "the path", but trying to keep the impact of the cache + # key feature localized for now + self._of_type = of_type_info + else: + path = path[prop] + + if path.has_entity: + path = path.entity_path + self.path = path + return path + + def __str__(self): + return "Load(strategy=%r)" % (self.strategy,) + + def _coerce_strat(self, strategy): + if strategy is not None: + strategy = tuple(sorted(strategy.items())) + return strategy + + @_generative + def set_relationship_strategy( + self, attr, strategy, propagate_to_loaders=True + ): + strategy = self._coerce_strat(strategy) + + self.is_class_strategy = False + self.propagate_to_loaders = propagate_to_loaders + # if the path is a wildcard, this will set propagate_to_loaders=False + self._generate_path(self.path, attr, "relationship") + self.strategy = strategy + if strategy is not None: + self._set_path_strategy() + + @_generative + def set_column_strategy(self, attrs, strategy, opts=None, opts_only=False): + strategy = self._coerce_strat(strategy) + + self.is_class_strategy = False + for attr in attrs: + cloned = self._generate() + cloned.strategy = strategy + cloned._generate_path(self.path, attr, "column") + cloned.propagate_to_loaders = True + if opts: + cloned.local_opts.update(opts) + if opts_only: + cloned.is_opts_only = True + cloned._set_path_strategy() + self.is_class_strategy = False + + @_generative + def set_generic_strategy(self, attrs, strategy): + strategy = self._coerce_strat(strategy) + + for attr in attrs: + path = self._generate_path(self.path, attr, None) + cloned = self._generate() + cloned.strategy = strategy + cloned.path = path + cloned.propagate_to_loaders = True + cloned._set_path_strategy() + + @_generative + def set_class_strategy(self, strategy, opts): + strategy = self._coerce_strat(strategy) + cloned = self._generate() + cloned.is_class_strategy = True + path = cloned._generate_path(self.path, None, None) + cloned.strategy = strategy + cloned.path = path + cloned.propagate_to_loaders = True + cloned._set_path_strategy() + cloned.local_opts.update(opts) + + def _set_for_path(self, context, path, replace=True, merge_opts=False): + if merge_opts or not replace: + existing = path.get(self.context, "loader") + + if existing: + if merge_opts: + existing.local_opts.update(self.local_opts) + else: + path.set(context, "loader", self) + else: + existing = path.get(self.context, "loader") + path.set(context, "loader", self) + if existing and existing.is_opts_only: + self.local_opts.update(existing.local_opts) + + def _set_path_strategy(self): + if not self.is_class_strategy and self.path.has_entity: + effective_path = self.path.parent + else: + effective_path = self.path + + self._set_for_path( + self.context, + effective_path, + replace=True, + merge_opts=self.is_opts_only, + ) + + def __getstate__(self): + d = self.__dict__.copy() + d["path"] = self.path.serialize() + return d + + def __setstate__(self, state): + self.__dict__.update(state) + self.path = PathRegistry.deserialize(self.path) + + def _chop_path(self, to_chop, path): + i = -1 + + for i, (c_token, p_token) in enumerate(zip(to_chop, path.path)): + if isinstance(c_token, util.string_types): + # TODO: this is approximated from the _UnboundLoad + # version and probably has issues, not fully covered. + + if i == 0 and c_token.endswith(":" + _DEFAULT_TOKEN): + return to_chop + elif ( + c_token != "relationship:%s" % (_WILDCARD_TOKEN,) + and c_token != p_token.key + ): + return None + + if c_token is p_token: + continue + elif ( + isinstance(c_token, InspectionAttr) + and c_token.is_mapper + and p_token.is_mapper + and c_token.isa(p_token) + ): + continue + else: + return None + return to_chop[i + 1 :] + + +class _UnboundLoad(Load): + """Represent a loader option that isn't tied to a root entity. + + The loader option will produce an entity-linked :class:`.Load` + object when it is passed :metfh:`.Query.options`. + + This provides compatibility with the traditional system + of freestanding options, e.g. ``joinedload('x.y.z')``. + + """ + + def __init__(self): + self.path = () + self._to_bind = [] + self.local_opts = {} + + _is_chain_link = False + + def _generate_cache_key(self, path): + serialized = () + for val in self._to_bind: + for local_elem, val_elem in zip(self.path, val.path): + if local_elem is not val_elem: + break + else: + opt = val._bind_loader([path.path[0]], None, None, False) + if opt: + c_key = opt._generate_cache_key(path) + if c_key is False: + return False + elif c_key: + serialized += c_key + if not serialized: + return None + else: + return serialized + + def _set_path_strategy(self): + self._to_bind.append(self) + + def _generate_path(self, path, attr, wildcard_key): + if ( + wildcard_key + and isinstance(attr, util.string_types) + and attr in (_WILDCARD_TOKEN, _DEFAULT_TOKEN) + ): + if attr == _DEFAULT_TOKEN: + self.propagate_to_loaders = False + attr = "%s:%s" % (wildcard_key, attr) + if path and _is_mapped_class(path[-1]) and not self.is_class_strategy: + path = path[0:-1] + if attr: + path = path + (attr,) + self.path = path + return path + + def __getstate__(self): + d = self.__dict__.copy() + d["path"] = self._serialize_path(self.path, filter_aliased_class=True) + return d + + def __setstate__(self, state): + ret = [] + for key in state["path"]: + if isinstance(key, tuple): + if len(key) == 2: + # support legacy + cls, propkey = key + of_type = None + else: + cls, propkey, of_type = key + prop = getattr(cls, propkey) + if of_type: + prop = prop.of_type(of_type) + ret.append(prop) + else: + ret.append(key) + state["path"] = tuple(ret) + self.__dict__ = state + + def _process(self, query, raiseerr): + dedupes = query._attributes["_unbound_load_dedupes"] + for val in self._to_bind: + if val not in dedupes: + dedupes.add(val) + val._bind_loader( + [ent.entity_zero for ent in query._mapper_entities], + query._current_path, + query._attributes, + raiseerr, + ) + + @classmethod + def _from_keys(cls, meth, keys, chained, kw): + opt = _UnboundLoad() + + def _split_key(key): + if isinstance(key, util.string_types): + # coerce fooload('*') into "default loader strategy" + if key == _WILDCARD_TOKEN: + return (_DEFAULT_TOKEN,) + # coerce fooload(".*") into "wildcard on default entity" + elif key.startswith("." + _WILDCARD_TOKEN): + key = key[1:] + return key.split(".") + else: + return (key,) + + all_tokens = [token for key in keys for token in _split_key(key)] + + for token in all_tokens[0:-1]: + if chained: + opt = meth(opt, token, **kw) + else: + opt = opt.defaultload(token) + opt._is_chain_link = True + + opt = meth(opt, all_tokens[-1], **kw) + opt._is_chain_link = False + + return opt + + def _chop_path(self, to_chop, path): + i = -1 + for i, (c_token, (p_entity, p_prop)) in enumerate( + zip(to_chop, path.pairs()) + ): + if isinstance(c_token, util.string_types): + if i == 0 and c_token.endswith(":" + _DEFAULT_TOKEN): + return to_chop + elif ( + c_token != "relationship:%s" % (_WILDCARD_TOKEN,) + and c_token != p_prop.key + ): + return None + elif isinstance(c_token, PropComparator): + if c_token.property is not p_prop or ( + c_token._parententity is not p_entity + and ( + not c_token._parententity.is_mapper + or not c_token._parententity.isa(p_entity) + ) + ): + return None + else: + i += 1 + + return to_chop[i:] + + def _serialize_path(self, path, filter_aliased_class=False): + ret = [] + for token in path: + if isinstance(token, QueryableAttribute): + if ( + filter_aliased_class + and token._of_type + and inspect(token._of_type).is_aliased_class + ): + ret.append((token._parentmapper.class_, token.key, None)) + else: + ret.append( + (token._parentmapper.class_, token.key, token._of_type) + ) + elif isinstance(token, PropComparator): + ret.append((token._parentmapper.class_, token.key, None)) + else: + ret.append(token) + return ret + + def _bind_loader(self, entities, current_path, context, raiseerr): + """Convert from an _UnboundLoad() object into a Load() object. + + The _UnboundLoad() uses an informal "path" and does not necessarily + refer to a lead entity as it may use string tokens. The Load() + OTOH refers to a complete path. This method reconciles from a + given Query into a Load. + + Example:: + + + query = session.query(User).options( + joinedload("orders").joinedload("items")) + + The above options will be an _UnboundLoad object along the lines + of (note this is not the exact API of _UnboundLoad):: + + _UnboundLoad( + _to_bind=[ + _UnboundLoad(["orders"], {"lazy": "joined"}), + _UnboundLoad(["orders", "items"], {"lazy": "joined"}), + ] + ) + + After this method, we get something more like this (again this is + not exact API):: + + Load( + User, + (User, User.orders.property)) + Load( + User, + (User, User.orders.property, Order, Order.items.property)) + + """ + + start_path = self.path + + if self.is_class_strategy and current_path: + start_path += (entities[0],) + + # _current_path implies we're in a + # secondary load with an existing path + + if current_path: + start_path = self._chop_path(start_path, current_path) + + if not start_path: + return None + + # look at the first token and try to locate within the Query + # what entity we are referring towards. + token = start_path[0] + + if isinstance(token, util.string_types): + entity = self._find_entity_basestring(entities, token, raiseerr) + elif isinstance(token, PropComparator): + prop = token.property + entity = self._find_entity_prop_comparator( + entities, prop.key, token._parententity, raiseerr + ) + elif self.is_class_strategy and _is_mapped_class(token): + entity = inspect(token) + if entity not in entities: + entity = None + else: + raise sa_exc.ArgumentError( + "mapper option expects " "string key or list of attributes" + ) + + if not entity: + return + + path_element = entity + + # transfer our entity-less state into a Load() object + # with a real entity path. Start with the lead entity + # we just located, then go through the rest of our path + # tokens and populate into the Load(). + loader = Load(path_element) + if context is not None: + loader.context = context + else: + context = loader.context + + loader.strategy = self.strategy + loader.is_opts_only = self.is_opts_only + loader.is_class_strategy = self.is_class_strategy + + path = loader.path + + if not loader.is_class_strategy: + for token in start_path: + if not loader._generate_path( + loader.path, token, None, raiseerr + ): + return + + loader.local_opts.update(self.local_opts) + + if not loader.is_class_strategy and loader.path.has_entity: + effective_path = loader.path.parent + else: + effective_path = loader.path + + # prioritize "first class" options over those + # that were "links in the chain", e.g. "x" and "y" in + # someload("x.y.z") versus someload("x") / someload("x.y") + + if effective_path.is_token: + for path in effective_path.generate_for_superclasses(): + loader._set_for_path( + context, + path, + replace=not self._is_chain_link, + merge_opts=self.is_opts_only, + ) + else: + loader._set_for_path( + context, + effective_path, + replace=not self._is_chain_link, + merge_opts=self.is_opts_only, + ) + + return loader + + def _find_entity_prop_comparator(self, entities, token, mapper, raiseerr): + if _is_aliased_class(mapper): + searchfor = mapper + else: + searchfor = _class_to_mapper(mapper) + for ent in entities: + if orm_util._entity_corresponds_to(ent, searchfor): + return ent + else: + if raiseerr: + if not list(entities): + raise sa_exc.ArgumentError( + "Query has only expression-based entities - " + "can't find property named '%s'." % (token,) + ) + else: + raise sa_exc.ArgumentError( + "Can't find property '%s' on any entity " + "specified in this Query. Note the full path " + "from root (%s) to target entity must be specified." + % (token, ",".join(str(x) for x in entities)) + ) + else: + return None + + def _find_entity_basestring(self, entities, token, raiseerr): + if token.endswith(":" + _WILDCARD_TOKEN): + if len(list(entities)) != 1: + if raiseerr: + raise sa_exc.ArgumentError( + "Wildcard loader can only be used with exactly " + "one entity. Use Load(ent) to specify " + "specific entities." + ) + elif token.endswith(_DEFAULT_TOKEN): + raiseerr = False + + for ent in entities: + # return only the first _MapperEntity when searching + # based on string prop name. Ideally object + # attributes are used to specify more exactly. + return ent + else: + if raiseerr: + raise sa_exc.ArgumentError( + "Query has only expression-based entities - " + "can't find property named '%s'." % (token,) + ) + else: + return None + + +class loader_option(object): + def __init__(self): + pass + + def __call__(self, fn): + self.name = name = fn.__name__ + self.fn = fn + if hasattr(Load, name): + raise TypeError("Load class already has a %s method." % (name)) + setattr(Load, name, fn) + + return self + + def _add_unbound_fn(self, fn): + self._unbound_fn = fn + fn_doc = self.fn.__doc__ + self.fn.__doc__ = """Produce a new :class:`.Load` object with the +:func:`.orm.%(name)s` option applied. + +See :func:`.orm.%(name)s` for usage examples. + +""" % { + "name": self.name + } + + fn.__doc__ = fn_doc + return self + + def _add_unbound_all_fn(self, fn): + self._unbound_all_fn = fn + fn.__doc__ = """Produce a standalone "all" option for :func:`.orm.%(name)s`. + +.. deprecated:: 0.9.0 + + The "_all()" style is replaced by method chaining, e.g.:: + + session.query(MyClass).options( + %(name)s("someattribute").%(name)s("anotherattribute") + ) + +""" % { + "name": self.name + } + return self + + +@loader_option() +def contains_eager(loadopt, attr, alias=None): + r"""Indicate that the given attribute should be eagerly loaded from + columns stated manually in the query. + + This function is part of the :class:`.Load` interface and supports + both method-chained and standalone operation. + + The option is used in conjunction with an explicit join that loads + the desired rows, i.e.:: + + sess.query(Order).\ + join(Order.user).\ + options(contains_eager(Order.user)) + + The above query would join from the ``Order`` entity to its related + ``User`` entity, and the returned ``Order`` objects would have the + ``Order.user`` attribute pre-populated. + + :func:`.contains_eager` also accepts an `alias` argument, which is the + string name of an alias, an :func:`~sqlalchemy.sql.expression.alias` + construct, or an :func:`~sqlalchemy.orm.aliased` construct. Use this when + the eagerly-loaded rows are to come from an aliased table:: + + user_alias = aliased(User) + sess.query(Order).\ + join((user_alias, Order.user)).\ + options(contains_eager(Order.user, alias=user_alias)) + + When using :func:`.contains_eager` in conjunction with inherited + subclasses, the :meth:`.RelationshipProperty.of_type` modifier should + also be used in order to set up the pathing properly:: + + sess.query(Company).\ + outerjoin(Company.employees.of_type(Manager)).\ + options( + contains_eager( + Company.employees.of_type(Manager), + alias=Manager) + ) + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`loading_toplevel` + + :ref:`contains_eager` + + """ + if alias is not None: + if not isinstance(alias, str): + info = inspect(alias) + alias = info.selectable + + elif getattr(attr, "_of_type", None): + ot = inspect(attr._of_type) + alias = ot.selectable + + cloned = loadopt.set_relationship_strategy( + attr, {"lazy": "joined"}, propagate_to_loaders=False + ) + cloned.local_opts["eager_from_alias"] = alias + return cloned + + +@contains_eager._add_unbound_fn +def contains_eager(*keys, **kw): + return _UnboundLoad()._from_keys( + _UnboundLoad.contains_eager, keys, True, kw + ) + + +@loader_option() +def load_only(loadopt, *attrs): + """Indicate that for a particular entity, only the given list + of column-based attribute names should be loaded; all others will be + deferred. + + This function is part of the :class:`.Load` interface and supports + both method-chained and standalone operation. + + Example - given a class ``User``, load only the ``name`` and ``fullname`` + attributes:: + + session.query(User).options(load_only("name", "fullname")) + + Example - given a relationship ``User.addresses -> Address``, specify + subquery loading for the ``User.addresses`` collection, but on each + ``Address`` object load only the ``email_address`` attribute:: + + session.query(User).options( + subqueryload("addresses").load_only("email_address") + ) + + For a :class:`.Query` that has multiple entities, the lead entity can be + specifically referred to using the :class:`.Load` constructor:: + + session.query(User, Address).join(User.addresses).options( + Load(User).load_only("name", "fullname"), + Load(Address).load_only("email_addres") + ) + + + .. versionadded:: 0.9.0 + + """ + cloned = loadopt.set_column_strategy( + attrs, {"deferred": False, "instrument": True} + ) + cloned.set_column_strategy( + "*", {"deferred": True, "instrument": True}, {"undefer_pks": True} + ) + return cloned + + +@load_only._add_unbound_fn +def load_only(*attrs): + return _UnboundLoad().load_only(*attrs) + + +@loader_option() +def joinedload(loadopt, attr, innerjoin=None): + """Indicate that the given attribute should be loaded using joined + eager loading. + + This function is part of the :class:`.Load` interface and supports + both method-chained and standalone operation. + + examples:: + + # joined-load the "orders" collection on "User" + query(User).options(joinedload(User.orders)) + + # joined-load Order.items and then Item.keywords + query(Order).options( + joinedload(Order.items).joinedload(Item.keywords)) + + # lazily load Order.items, but when Items are loaded, + # joined-load the keywords collection + query(Order).options( + lazyload(Order.items).joinedload(Item.keywords)) + + :param innerjoin: if ``True``, indicates that the joined eager load should + use an inner join instead of the default of left outer join:: + + query(Order).options(joinedload(Order.user, innerjoin=True)) + + In order to chain multiple eager joins together where some may be + OUTER and others INNER, right-nested joins are used to link them:: + + query(A).options( + joinedload(A.bs, innerjoin=False). + joinedload(B.cs, innerjoin=True) + ) + + The above query, linking A.bs via "outer" join and B.cs via "inner" join + would render the joins as "a LEFT OUTER JOIN (b JOIN c)". When using + older versions of SQLite (< 3.7.16), this form of JOIN is translated to + use full subqueries as this syntax is otherwise not directly supported. + + The ``innerjoin`` flag can also be stated with the term ``"unnested"``. + This indicates that an INNER JOIN should be used, *unless* the join + is linked to a LEFT OUTER JOIN to the left, in which case it + will render as LEFT OUTER JOIN. For example, supposing ``A.bs`` + is an outerjoin:: + + query(A).options( + joinedload(A.bs). + joinedload(B.cs, innerjoin="unnested") + ) + + The above join will render as "a LEFT OUTER JOIN b LEFT OUTER JOIN c", + rather than as "a LEFT OUTER JOIN (b JOIN c)". + + .. note:: The "unnested" flag does **not** affect the JOIN rendered + from a many-to-many association table, e.g. a table configured + as :paramref:`.relationship.secondary`, to the target table; for + correctness of results, these joins are always INNER and are + therefore right-nested if linked to an OUTER join. + + .. versionchanged:: 1.0.0 ``innerjoin=True`` now implies + ``innerjoin="nested"``, whereas in 0.9 it implied + ``innerjoin="unnested"``. In order to achieve the pre-1.0 "unnested" + inner join behavior, use the value ``innerjoin="unnested"``. + See :ref:`migration_3008`. + + .. note:: + + The joins produced by :func:`.orm.joinedload` are **anonymously + aliased**. The criteria by which the join proceeds cannot be + modified, nor can the :class:`.Query` refer to these joins in any way, + including ordering. See :ref:`zen_of_eager_loading` for further + detail. + + To produce a specific SQL JOIN which is explicitly available, use + :meth:`.Query.join`. To combine explicit JOINs with eager loading + of collections, use :func:`.orm.contains_eager`; see + :ref:`contains_eager`. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`loading_toplevel` + + :ref:`joined_eager_loading` + + """ + loader = loadopt.set_relationship_strategy(attr, {"lazy": "joined"}) + if innerjoin is not None: + loader.local_opts["innerjoin"] = innerjoin + return loader + + +@joinedload._add_unbound_fn +def joinedload(*keys, **kw): + return _UnboundLoad._from_keys(_UnboundLoad.joinedload, keys, False, kw) + + +@joinedload._add_unbound_all_fn +def joinedload_all(*keys, **kw): + return _UnboundLoad._from_keys(_UnboundLoad.joinedload, keys, True, kw) + + +@loader_option() +def subqueryload(loadopt, attr): + """Indicate that the given attribute should be loaded using + subquery eager loading. + + This function is part of the :class:`.Load` interface and supports + both method-chained and standalone operation. + + examples:: + + # subquery-load the "orders" collection on "User" + query(User).options(subqueryload(User.orders)) + + # subquery-load Order.items and then Item.keywords + query(Order).options( + subqueryload(Order.items).subqueryload(Item.keywords)) + + # lazily load Order.items, but when Items are loaded, + # subquery-load the keywords collection + query(Order).options( + lazyload(Order.items).subqueryload(Item.keywords)) + + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`loading_toplevel` + + :ref:`subquery_eager_loading` + + """ + return loadopt.set_relationship_strategy(attr, {"lazy": "subquery"}) + + +@subqueryload._add_unbound_fn +def subqueryload(*keys): + return _UnboundLoad._from_keys(_UnboundLoad.subqueryload, keys, False, {}) + + +@subqueryload._add_unbound_all_fn +def subqueryload_all(*keys): + return _UnboundLoad._from_keys(_UnboundLoad.subqueryload, keys, True, {}) + + +@loader_option() +def selectinload(loadopt, attr): + """Indicate that the given attribute should be loaded using + SELECT IN eager loading. + + This function is part of the :class:`.Load` interface and supports + both method-chained and standalone operation. + + examples:: + + # selectin-load the "orders" collection on "User" + query(User).options(selectinload(User.orders)) + + # selectin-load Order.items and then Item.keywords + query(Order).options( + selectinload(Order.items).selectinload(Item.keywords)) + + # lazily load Order.items, but when Items are loaded, + # selectin-load the keywords collection + query(Order).options( + lazyload(Order.items).selectinload(Item.keywords)) + + .. versionadded:: 1.2 + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`loading_toplevel` + + :ref:`selectin_eager_loading` + + """ + return loadopt.set_relationship_strategy(attr, {"lazy": "selectin"}) + + +@selectinload._add_unbound_fn +def selectinload(*keys): + return _UnboundLoad._from_keys(_UnboundLoad.selectinload, keys, False, {}) + + +@selectinload._add_unbound_all_fn +def selectinload_all(*keys): + return _UnboundLoad._from_keys(_UnboundLoad.selectinload, keys, True, {}) + + +@loader_option() +def lazyload(loadopt, attr): + """Indicate that the given attribute should be loaded using "lazy" + loading. + + This function is part of the :class:`.Load` interface and supports + both method-chained and standalone operation. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`loading_toplevel` + + :ref:`lazy_loading` + + """ + return loadopt.set_relationship_strategy(attr, {"lazy": "select"}) + + +@lazyload._add_unbound_fn +def lazyload(*keys): + return _UnboundLoad._from_keys(_UnboundLoad.lazyload, keys, False, {}) + + +@lazyload._add_unbound_all_fn +def lazyload_all(*keys): + return _UnboundLoad._from_keys(_UnboundLoad.lazyload, keys, True, {}) + + +@loader_option() +def immediateload(loadopt, attr): + """Indicate that the given attribute should be loaded using + an immediate load with a per-attribute SELECT statement. + + The :func:`.immediateload` option is superseded in general + by the :func:`.selectinload` option, which performs the same task + more efficiently by emitting a SELECT for all loaded objects. + + This function is part of the :class:`.Load` interface and supports + both method-chained and standalone operation. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`loading_toplevel` + + :ref:`selectin_eager_loading` + + """ + loader = loadopt.set_relationship_strategy(attr, {"lazy": "immediate"}) + return loader + + +@immediateload._add_unbound_fn +def immediateload(*keys): + return _UnboundLoad._from_keys(_UnboundLoad.immediateload, keys, False, {}) + + +@loader_option() +def noload(loadopt, attr): + """Indicate that the given relationship attribute should remain unloaded. + + This function is part of the :class:`.Load` interface and supports + both method-chained and standalone operation. + + :func:`.orm.noload` applies to :func:`.relationship` attributes; for + column-based attributes, see :func:`.orm.defer`. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`loading_toplevel` + + """ + + return loadopt.set_relationship_strategy(attr, {"lazy": "noload"}) + + +@noload._add_unbound_fn +def noload(*keys): + return _UnboundLoad._from_keys(_UnboundLoad.noload, keys, False, {}) + + +@loader_option() +def raiseload(loadopt, attr, sql_only=False): + """Indicate that the given relationship attribute should disallow lazy loads. + + A relationship attribute configured with :func:`.orm.raiseload` will + raise an :exc:`~sqlalchemy.exc.InvalidRequestError` upon access. The + typical way this is useful is when an application is attempting to ensure + that all relationship attributes that are accessed in a particular context + would have been already loaded via eager loading. Instead of having + to read through SQL logs to ensure lazy loads aren't occurring, this + strategy will cause them to raise immediately. + + :param sql_only: if True, raise only if the lazy load would emit SQL, + but not if it is only checking the identity map, or determining that + the related value should just be None due to missing keys. When False, + the strategy will raise for all varieties of lazyload. + + This function is part of the :class:`.Load` interface and supports + both method-chained and standalone operation. + + :func:`.orm.raiseload` applies to :func:`.relationship` attributes only. + + .. versionadded:: 1.1 + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`loading_toplevel` + + :ref:`prevent_lazy_with_raiseload` + + """ + + return loadopt.set_relationship_strategy( + attr, {"lazy": "raise_on_sql" if sql_only else "raise"} + ) + + +@raiseload._add_unbound_fn +def raiseload(*keys, **kw): + return _UnboundLoad._from_keys(_UnboundLoad.raiseload, keys, False, kw) + + +@loader_option() +def defaultload(loadopt, attr): + """Indicate an attribute should load using its default loader style. + + This method is used to link to other loader options further into + a chain of attributes without altering the loader style of the links + along the chain. For example, to set joined eager loading for an + element of an element:: + + session.query(MyClass).options( + defaultload(MyClass.someattribute). + joinedload(MyOtherClass.someotherattribute) + ) + + :func:`.defaultload` is also useful for setting column-level options + on a related class, namely that of :func:`.defer` and :func:`.undefer`:: + + session.query(MyClass).options( + defaultload(MyClass.someattribute). + defer("some_column"). + undefer("some_other_column") + ) + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`relationship_loader_options` + + :ref:`deferred_loading_w_multiple` + + """ + return loadopt.set_relationship_strategy(attr, None) + + +@defaultload._add_unbound_fn +def defaultload(*keys): + return _UnboundLoad._from_keys(_UnboundLoad.defaultload, keys, False, {}) + + +@loader_option() +def defer(loadopt, key): + r"""Indicate that the given column-oriented attribute should be deferred, e.g. + not loaded until accessed. + + This function is part of the :class:`.Load` interface and supports + both method-chained and standalone operation. + + e.g.:: + + from sqlalchemy.orm import defer + + session.query(MyClass).options( + defer("attribute_one"), + defer("attribute_two")) + + session.query(MyClass).options( + defer(MyClass.attribute_one), + defer(MyClass.attribute_two)) + + To specify a deferred load of an attribute on a related class, + the path can be specified one token at a time, specifying the loading + style for each link along the chain. To leave the loading style + for a link unchanged, use :func:`.orm.defaultload`:: + + session.query(MyClass).options(defaultload("someattr").defer("some_column")) + + A :class:`.Load` object that is present on a certain path can have + :meth:`.Load.defer` called multiple times, each will operate on the same + parent entity:: + + + session.query(MyClass).options( + defaultload("someattr"). + defer("some_column"). + defer("some_other_column"). + defer("another_column") + ) + + :param key: Attribute to be deferred. + + :param \*addl_attrs: Deprecated; this option supports the old 0.8 style + of specifying a path as a series of attributes, which is now superseded + by the method-chained style. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`deferred` + + :func:`.orm.undefer` + + """ + return loadopt.set_column_strategy( + (key,), {"deferred": True, "instrument": True} + ) + + +@defer._add_unbound_fn +def defer(key, *addl_attrs): + return _UnboundLoad._from_keys( + _UnboundLoad.defer, (key,) + addl_attrs, False, {} + ) + + +@loader_option() +def undefer(loadopt, key): + r"""Indicate that the given column-oriented attribute should be undeferred, + e.g. specified within the SELECT statement of the entity as a whole. + + The column being undeferred is typically set up on the mapping as a + :func:`.deferred` attribute. + + This function is part of the :class:`.Load` interface and supports + both method-chained and standalone operation. + + Examples:: + + # undefer two columns + session.query(MyClass).options(undefer("col1"), undefer("col2")) + + # undefer all columns specific to a single class using Load + * + session.query(MyClass, MyOtherClass).options( + Load(MyClass).undefer("*")) + + :param key: Attribute to be undeferred. + + :param \*addl_attrs: Deprecated; this option supports the old 0.8 style + of specifying a path as a series of attributes, which is now superseded + by the method-chained style. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`deferred` + + :func:`.orm.defer` + + :func:`.orm.undefer_group` + + """ + return loadopt.set_column_strategy( + (key,), {"deferred": False, "instrument": True} + ) + + +@undefer._add_unbound_fn +def undefer(key, *addl_attrs): + return _UnboundLoad._from_keys( + _UnboundLoad.undefer, (key,) + addl_attrs, False, {} + ) + + +@loader_option() +def undefer_group(loadopt, name): + """Indicate that columns within the given deferred group name should be + undeferred. + + The columns being undeferred are set up on the mapping as + :func:`.deferred` attributes and include a "group" name. + + E.g:: + + session.query(MyClass).options(undefer_group("large_attrs")) + + To undefer a group of attributes on a related entity, the path can be + spelled out using relationship loader options, such as + :func:`.orm.defaultload`:: + + session.query(MyClass).options( + defaultload("someattr").undefer_group("large_attrs")) + + .. versionchanged:: 0.9.0 :func:`.orm.undefer_group` is now specific to a + particiular entity load path. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`deferred` + + :func:`.orm.defer` + + :func:`.orm.undefer` + + """ + return loadopt.set_column_strategy( + "*", None, {"undefer_group_%s" % name: True}, opts_only=True + ) + + +@undefer_group._add_unbound_fn +def undefer_group(name): + return _UnboundLoad().undefer_group(name) + + +@loader_option() +def with_expression(loadopt, key, expression): + r"""Apply an ad-hoc SQL expression to a "deferred expression" attribute. + + This option is used in conjunction with the :func:`.orm.query_expression` + mapper-level construct that indicates an attribute which should be the + target of an ad-hoc SQL expression. + + E.g.:: + + + sess.query(SomeClass).options( + with_expression(SomeClass.x_y_expr, SomeClass.x + SomeClass.y) + ) + + .. versionadded:: 1.2 + + :param key: Attribute to be undeferred. + + :param expr: SQL expression to be applied to the attribute. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`mapper_query_expression` + + """ + + expression = sql_expr._labeled(_orm_full_deannotate(expression)) + + return loadopt.set_column_strategy( + (key,), {"query_expression": True}, opts={"expression": expression} + ) + + +@with_expression._add_unbound_fn +def with_expression(key, expression): + return _UnboundLoad._from_keys( + _UnboundLoad.with_expression, (key,), False, {"expression": expression} + ) + + +@loader_option() +def selectin_polymorphic(loadopt, classes): + """Indicate an eager load should take place for all attributes + specific to a subclass. + + This uses an additional SELECT with IN against all matched primary + key values, and is the per-query analogue to the ``"selectin"`` + setting on the :paramref:`.mapper.polymorphic_load` parameter. + + .. versionadded:: 1.2 + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`inheritance_polymorphic_load` + + """ + loadopt.set_class_strategy( + {"selectinload_polymorphic": True}, + opts={ + "entities": tuple( + sorted((inspect(cls) for cls in classes), key=id) + ) + }, + ) + return loadopt + + +@selectin_polymorphic._add_unbound_fn +def selectin_polymorphic(base_cls, classes): + ul = _UnboundLoad() + ul.is_class_strategy = True + ul.path = (inspect(base_cls),) + ul.selectin_polymorphic(classes) + return ul diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/sync.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/sync.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2fe1b4b --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/sync.py @@ -0,0 +1,160 @@ +# orm/sync.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +"""private module containing functions used for copying data +between instances based on join conditions. + +""" + +from . import attributes +from . import exc +from . import util as orm_util + + +def populate( + source, + source_mapper, + dest, + dest_mapper, + synchronize_pairs, + uowcommit, + flag_cascaded_pks, +): + source_dict = source.dict + dest_dict = dest.dict + + for l, r in synchronize_pairs: + try: + # inline of source_mapper._get_state_attr_by_column + prop = source_mapper._columntoproperty[l] + value = source.manager[prop.key].impl.get( + source, source_dict, attributes.PASSIVE_OFF + ) + except exc.UnmappedColumnError: + _raise_col_to_prop(False, source_mapper, l, dest_mapper, r) + + try: + # inline of dest_mapper._set_state_attr_by_column + prop = dest_mapper._columntoproperty[r] + dest.manager[prop.key].impl.set(dest, dest_dict, value, None) + except exc.UnmappedColumnError: + _raise_col_to_prop(True, source_mapper, l, dest_mapper, r) + + # technically the "r.primary_key" check isn't + # needed here, but we check for this condition to limit + # how often this logic is invoked for memory/performance + # reasons, since we only need this info for a primary key + # destination. + if ( + flag_cascaded_pks + and l.primary_key + and r.primary_key + and r.references(l) + ): + uowcommit.attributes[("pk_cascaded", dest, r)] = True + + +def bulk_populate_inherit_keys(source_dict, source_mapper, synchronize_pairs): + # a simplified version of populate() used by bulk insert mode + for l, r in synchronize_pairs: + try: + prop = source_mapper._columntoproperty[l] + value = source_dict[prop.key] + except exc.UnmappedColumnError: + _raise_col_to_prop(False, source_mapper, l, source_mapper, r) + + try: + prop = source_mapper._columntoproperty[r] + source_dict[prop.key] = value + except exc.UnmappedColumnError: + _raise_col_to_prop(True, source_mapper, l, source_mapper, r) + + +def clear(dest, dest_mapper, synchronize_pairs): + for l, r in synchronize_pairs: + if ( + r.primary_key + and dest_mapper._get_state_attr_by_column(dest, dest.dict, r) + not in orm_util._none_set + ): + + raise AssertionError( + "Dependency rule tried to blank-out primary key " + "column '%s' on instance '%s'" % (r, orm_util.state_str(dest)) + ) + try: + dest_mapper._set_state_attr_by_column(dest, dest.dict, r, None) + except exc.UnmappedColumnError: + _raise_col_to_prop(True, None, l, dest_mapper, r) + + +def update(source, source_mapper, dest, old_prefix, synchronize_pairs): + for l, r in synchronize_pairs: + try: + oldvalue = source_mapper._get_committed_attr_by_column( + source.obj(), l + ) + value = source_mapper._get_state_attr_by_column( + source, source.dict, l, passive=attributes.PASSIVE_OFF + ) + except exc.UnmappedColumnError: + _raise_col_to_prop(False, source_mapper, l, None, r) + dest[r.key] = value + dest[old_prefix + r.key] = oldvalue + + +def populate_dict(source, source_mapper, dict_, synchronize_pairs): + for l, r in synchronize_pairs: + try: + value = source_mapper._get_state_attr_by_column( + source, source.dict, l, passive=attributes.PASSIVE_OFF + ) + except exc.UnmappedColumnError: + _raise_col_to_prop(False, source_mapper, l, None, r) + + dict_[r.key] = value + + +def source_modified(uowcommit, source, source_mapper, synchronize_pairs): + """return true if the source object has changes from an old to a + new value on the given synchronize pairs + + """ + for l, r in synchronize_pairs: + try: + prop = source_mapper._columntoproperty[l] + except exc.UnmappedColumnError: + _raise_col_to_prop(False, source_mapper, l, None, r) + history = uowcommit.get_attribute_history( + source, prop.key, attributes.PASSIVE_NO_INITIALIZE + ) + if bool(history.deleted): + return True + else: + return False + + +def _raise_col_to_prop( + isdest, source_mapper, source_column, dest_mapper, dest_column +): + if isdest: + raise exc.UnmappedColumnError( + "Can't execute sync rule for " + "destination column '%s'; mapper '%s' does not map " + "this column. Try using an explicit `foreign_keys` " + "collection which does not include this column (or use " + "a viewonly=True relation)." % (dest_column, dest_mapper) + ) + else: + raise exc.UnmappedColumnError( + "Can't execute sync rule for " + "source column '%s'; mapper '%s' does not map this " + "column. Try using an explicit `foreign_keys` " + "collection which does not include destination column " + "'%s' (or use a viewonly=True relation)." + % (source_column, source_mapper, dest_column) + ) diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/unitofwork.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/unitofwork.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1efc510 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/unitofwork.py @@ -0,0 +1,725 @@ +# orm/unitofwork.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +"""The internals for the unit of work system. + +The session's flush() process passes objects to a contextual object +here, which assembles flush tasks based on mappers and their properties, +organizes them in order of dependency, and executes. + +""" + +from . import attributes +from . import exc as orm_exc +from . import persistence +from . import util as orm_util +from .. import event +from .. import util +from ..util import topological + + +def track_cascade_events(descriptor, prop): + """Establish event listeners on object attributes which handle + cascade-on-set/append. + + """ + key = prop.key + + def append(state, item, initiator): + # process "save_update" cascade rules for when + # an instance is appended to the list of another instance + + if item is None: + return + + sess = state.session + if sess: + if sess._warn_on_events: + sess._flush_warning("collection append") + + prop = state.manager.mapper._props[key] + item_state = attributes.instance_state(item) + if ( + prop._cascade.save_update + and (prop.cascade_backrefs or key == initiator.key) + and not sess._contains_state(item_state) + ): + sess._save_or_update_state(item_state) + return item + + def remove(state, item, initiator): + if item is None: + return + + sess = state.session + + prop = state.manager.mapper._props[key] + + if sess and sess._warn_on_events: + sess._flush_warning( + "collection remove" + if prop.uselist + else "related attribute delete" + ) + + # expunge pending orphans + item_state = attributes.instance_state(item) + + if prop._cascade.delete_orphan and prop.mapper._is_orphan(item_state): + if sess and item_state in sess._new: + sess.expunge(item) + else: + # the related item may or may not itself be in a + # Session, however the parent for which we are catching + # the event is not in a session, so memoize this on the + # item + item_state._orphaned_outside_of_session = True + + def set_(state, newvalue, oldvalue, initiator): + # process "save_update" cascade rules for when an instance + # is attached to another instance + if oldvalue is newvalue: + return newvalue + + sess = state.session + if sess: + + if sess._warn_on_events: + sess._flush_warning("related attribute set") + + prop = state.manager.mapper._props[key] + if newvalue is not None: + newvalue_state = attributes.instance_state(newvalue) + if ( + prop._cascade.save_update + and (prop.cascade_backrefs or key == initiator.key) + and not sess._contains_state(newvalue_state) + ): + sess._save_or_update_state(newvalue_state) + + if ( + oldvalue is not None + and oldvalue is not attributes.NEVER_SET + and oldvalue is not attributes.PASSIVE_NO_RESULT + and prop._cascade.delete_orphan + ): + # possible to reach here with attributes.NEVER_SET ? + oldvalue_state = attributes.instance_state(oldvalue) + + if oldvalue_state in sess._new and prop.mapper._is_orphan( + oldvalue_state + ): + sess.expunge(oldvalue) + return newvalue + + event.listen(descriptor, "append", append, raw=True, retval=True) + event.listen(descriptor, "remove", remove, raw=True, retval=True) + event.listen(descriptor, "set", set_, raw=True, retval=True) + + +class UOWTransaction(object): + def __init__(self, session): + self.session = session + + # dictionary used by external actors to + # store arbitrary state information. + self.attributes = {} + + # dictionary of mappers to sets of + # DependencyProcessors, which are also + # set to be part of the sorted flush actions, + # which have that mapper as a parent. + self.deps = util.defaultdict(set) + + # dictionary of mappers to sets of InstanceState + # items pending for flush which have that mapper + # as a parent. + self.mappers = util.defaultdict(set) + + # a dictionary of Preprocess objects, which gather + # additional states impacted by the flush + # and determine if a flush action is needed + self.presort_actions = {} + + # dictionary of PostSortRec objects, each + # one issues work during the flush within + # a certain ordering. + self.postsort_actions = {} + + # a set of 2-tuples, each containing two + # PostSortRec objects where the second + # is dependent on the first being executed + # first + self.dependencies = set() + + # dictionary of InstanceState-> (isdelete, listonly) + # tuples, indicating if this state is to be deleted + # or insert/updated, or just refreshed + self.states = {} + + # tracks InstanceStates which will be receiving + # a "post update" call. Keys are mappers, + # values are a set of states and a set of the + # columns which should be included in the update. + self.post_update_states = util.defaultdict(lambda: (set(), set())) + + @property + def has_work(self): + return bool(self.states) + + def was_already_deleted(self, state): + """return true if the given state is expired and was deleted + previously. + """ + if state.expired: + try: + state._load_expired(state, attributes.PASSIVE_OFF) + except orm_exc.ObjectDeletedError: + self.session._remove_newly_deleted([state]) + return True + return False + + def is_deleted(self, state): + """return true if the given state is marked as deleted + within this uowtransaction.""" + + return state in self.states and self.states[state][0] + + def memo(self, key, callable_): + if key in self.attributes: + return self.attributes[key] + else: + self.attributes[key] = ret = callable_() + return ret + + def remove_state_actions(self, state): + """remove pending actions for a state from the uowtransaction.""" + + isdelete = self.states[state][0] + + self.states[state] = (isdelete, True) + + def get_attribute_history( + self, state, key, passive=attributes.PASSIVE_NO_INITIALIZE + ): + """facade to attributes.get_state_history(), including + caching of results.""" + + hashkey = ("history", state, key) + + # cache the objects, not the states; the strong reference here + # prevents newly loaded objects from being dereferenced during the + # flush process + + if hashkey in self.attributes: + history, state_history, cached_passive = self.attributes[hashkey] + # if the cached lookup was "passive" and now + # we want non-passive, do a non-passive lookup and re-cache + + if ( + not cached_passive & attributes.SQL_OK + and passive & attributes.SQL_OK + ): + impl = state.manager[key].impl + history = impl.get_history( + state, + state.dict, + attributes.PASSIVE_OFF | attributes.LOAD_AGAINST_COMMITTED, + ) + if history and impl.uses_objects: + state_history = history.as_state() + else: + state_history = history + self.attributes[hashkey] = (history, state_history, passive) + else: + impl = state.manager[key].impl + # TODO: store the history as (state, object) tuples + # so we don't have to keep converting here + history = impl.get_history( + state, state.dict, passive | attributes.LOAD_AGAINST_COMMITTED + ) + if history and impl.uses_objects: + state_history = history.as_state() + else: + state_history = history + self.attributes[hashkey] = (history, state_history, passive) + + return state_history + + def has_dep(self, processor): + return (processor, True) in self.presort_actions + + def register_preprocessor(self, processor, fromparent): + key = (processor, fromparent) + if key not in self.presort_actions: + self.presort_actions[key] = Preprocess(processor, fromparent) + + def register_object( + self, + state, + isdelete=False, + listonly=False, + cancel_delete=False, + operation=None, + prop=None, + ): + if not self.session._contains_state(state): + # this condition is normal when objects are registered + # as part of a relationship cascade operation. it should + # not occur for the top-level register from Session.flush(). + if not state.deleted and operation is not None: + util.warn( + "Object of type %s not in session, %s operation " + "along '%s' will not proceed" + % (orm_util.state_class_str(state), operation, prop) + ) + return False + + if state not in self.states: + mapper = state.manager.mapper + + if mapper not in self.mappers: + self._per_mapper_flush_actions(mapper) + + self.mappers[mapper].add(state) + self.states[state] = (isdelete, listonly) + else: + if not listonly and (isdelete or cancel_delete): + self.states[state] = (isdelete, False) + return True + + def register_post_update(self, state, post_update_cols): + mapper = state.manager.mapper.base_mapper + states, cols = self.post_update_states[mapper] + states.add(state) + cols.update(post_update_cols) + + def _per_mapper_flush_actions(self, mapper): + saves = SaveUpdateAll(self, mapper.base_mapper) + deletes = DeleteAll(self, mapper.base_mapper) + self.dependencies.add((saves, deletes)) + + for dep in mapper._dependency_processors: + dep.per_property_preprocessors(self) + + for prop in mapper.relationships: + if prop.viewonly: + continue + dep = prop._dependency_processor + dep.per_property_preprocessors(self) + + @util.memoized_property + def _mapper_for_dep(self): + """return a dynamic mapping of (Mapper, DependencyProcessor) to + True or False, indicating if the DependencyProcessor operates + on objects of that Mapper. + + The result is stored in the dictionary persistently once + calculated. + + """ + return util.PopulateDict( + lambda tup: tup[0]._props.get(tup[1].key) is tup[1].prop + ) + + def filter_states_for_dep(self, dep, states): + """Filter the given list of InstanceStates to those relevant to the + given DependencyProcessor. + + """ + mapper_for_dep = self._mapper_for_dep + return [s for s in states if mapper_for_dep[(s.manager.mapper, dep)]] + + def states_for_mapper_hierarchy(self, mapper, isdelete, listonly): + checktup = (isdelete, listonly) + for mapper in mapper.base_mapper.self_and_descendants: + for state in self.mappers[mapper]: + if self.states[state] == checktup: + yield state + + def _generate_actions(self): + """Generate the full, unsorted collection of PostSortRecs as + well as dependency pairs for this UOWTransaction. + + """ + # execute presort_actions, until all states + # have been processed. a presort_action might + # add new states to the uow. + while True: + ret = False + for action in list(self.presort_actions.values()): + if action.execute(self): + ret = True + if not ret: + break + + # see if the graph of mapper dependencies has cycles. + self.cycles = cycles = topological.find_cycles( + self.dependencies, list(self.postsort_actions.values()) + ) + + if cycles: + # if yes, break the per-mapper actions into + # per-state actions + convert = dict( + (rec, set(rec.per_state_flush_actions(self))) for rec in cycles + ) + + # rewrite the existing dependencies to point to + # the per-state actions for those per-mapper actions + # that were broken up. + for edge in list(self.dependencies): + if ( + None in edge + or edge[0].disabled + or edge[1].disabled + or cycles.issuperset(edge) + ): + self.dependencies.remove(edge) + elif edge[0] in cycles: + self.dependencies.remove(edge) + for dep in convert[edge[0]]: + self.dependencies.add((dep, edge[1])) + elif edge[1] in cycles: + self.dependencies.remove(edge) + for dep in convert[edge[1]]: + self.dependencies.add((edge[0], dep)) + + return set( + [a for a in self.postsort_actions.values() if not a.disabled] + ).difference(cycles) + + def execute(self): + postsort_actions = self._generate_actions() + + # sort = topological.sort(self.dependencies, postsort_actions) + # print "--------------" + # print "\ndependencies:", self.dependencies + # print "\ncycles:", self.cycles + # print "\nsort:", list(sort) + # print "\nCOUNT OF POSTSORT ACTIONS", len(postsort_actions) + + # execute + if self.cycles: + for set_ in topological.sort_as_subsets( + self.dependencies, postsort_actions + ): + while set_: + n = set_.pop() + n.execute_aggregate(self, set_) + else: + for rec in topological.sort(self.dependencies, postsort_actions): + rec.execute(self) + + def finalize_flush_changes(self): + """mark processed objects as clean / deleted after a successful + flush(). + + this method is called within the flush() method after the + execute() method has succeeded and the transaction has been committed. + + """ + if not self.states: + return + + states = set(self.states) + isdel = set( + s for (s, (isdelete, listonly)) in self.states.items() if isdelete + ) + other = states.difference(isdel) + if isdel: + self.session._remove_newly_deleted(isdel) + if other: + self.session._register_newly_persistent(other) + + +class IterateMappersMixin(object): + def _mappers(self, uow): + if self.fromparent: + return iter( + m + for m in self.dependency_processor.parent.self_and_descendants + if uow._mapper_for_dep[(m, self.dependency_processor)] + ) + else: + return self.dependency_processor.mapper.self_and_descendants + + +class Preprocess(IterateMappersMixin): + __slots__ = ( + "dependency_processor", + "fromparent", + "processed", + "setup_flush_actions", + ) + + def __init__(self, dependency_processor, fromparent): + self.dependency_processor = dependency_processor + self.fromparent = fromparent + self.processed = set() + self.setup_flush_actions = False + + def execute(self, uow): + delete_states = set() + save_states = set() + + for mapper in self._mappers(uow): + for state in uow.mappers[mapper].difference(self.processed): + (isdelete, listonly) = uow.states[state] + if not listonly: + if isdelete: + delete_states.add(state) + else: + save_states.add(state) + + if delete_states: + self.dependency_processor.presort_deletes(uow, delete_states) + self.processed.update(delete_states) + if save_states: + self.dependency_processor.presort_saves(uow, save_states) + self.processed.update(save_states) + + if delete_states or save_states: + if not self.setup_flush_actions and ( + self.dependency_processor.prop_has_changes( + uow, delete_states, True + ) + or self.dependency_processor.prop_has_changes( + uow, save_states, False + ) + ): + self.dependency_processor.per_property_flush_actions(uow) + self.setup_flush_actions = True + return True + else: + return False + + +class PostSortRec(object): + __slots__ = ("disabled",) + + def __new__(cls, uow, *args): + key = (cls,) + args + if key in uow.postsort_actions: + return uow.postsort_actions[key] + else: + uow.postsort_actions[key] = ret = object.__new__(cls) + ret.disabled = False + return ret + + def execute_aggregate(self, uow, recs): + self.execute(uow) + + +class ProcessAll(IterateMappersMixin, PostSortRec): + __slots__ = "dependency_processor", "isdelete", "fromparent" + + def __init__(self, uow, dependency_processor, isdelete, fromparent): + self.dependency_processor = dependency_processor + self.isdelete = isdelete + self.fromparent = fromparent + uow.deps[dependency_processor.parent.base_mapper].add( + dependency_processor + ) + + def execute(self, uow): + states = self._elements(uow) + if self.isdelete: + self.dependency_processor.process_deletes(uow, states) + else: + self.dependency_processor.process_saves(uow, states) + + def per_state_flush_actions(self, uow): + # this is handled by SaveUpdateAll and DeleteAll, + # since a ProcessAll should unconditionally be pulled + # into per-state if either the parent/child mappers + # are part of a cycle + return iter([]) + + def __repr__(self): + return "%s(%s, isdelete=%s)" % ( + self.__class__.__name__, + self.dependency_processor, + self.isdelete, + ) + + def _elements(self, uow): + for mapper in self._mappers(uow): + for state in uow.mappers[mapper]: + (isdelete, listonly) = uow.states[state] + if isdelete == self.isdelete and not listonly: + yield state + + +class PostUpdateAll(PostSortRec): + __slots__ = "mapper", "isdelete" + + def __init__(self, uow, mapper, isdelete): + self.mapper = mapper + self.isdelete = isdelete + + def execute(self, uow): + states, cols = uow.post_update_states[self.mapper] + states = [s for s in states if uow.states[s][0] == self.isdelete] + + persistence.post_update(self.mapper, states, uow, cols) + + +class SaveUpdateAll(PostSortRec): + __slots__ = ("mapper",) + + def __init__(self, uow, mapper): + self.mapper = mapper + assert mapper is mapper.base_mapper + + def execute(self, uow): + persistence.save_obj( + self.mapper, + uow.states_for_mapper_hierarchy(self.mapper, False, False), + uow, + ) + + def per_state_flush_actions(self, uow): + states = list( + uow.states_for_mapper_hierarchy(self.mapper, False, False) + ) + base_mapper = self.mapper.base_mapper + delete_all = DeleteAll(uow, base_mapper) + for state in states: + # keep saves before deletes - + # this ensures 'row switch' operations work + action = SaveUpdateState(uow, state) + uow.dependencies.add((action, delete_all)) + yield action + + for dep in uow.deps[self.mapper]: + states_for_prop = uow.filter_states_for_dep(dep, states) + dep.per_state_flush_actions(uow, states_for_prop, False) + + def __repr__(self): + return "%s(%s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.mapper) + + +class DeleteAll(PostSortRec): + __slots__ = ("mapper",) + + def __init__(self, uow, mapper): + self.mapper = mapper + assert mapper is mapper.base_mapper + + def execute(self, uow): + persistence.delete_obj( + self.mapper, + uow.states_for_mapper_hierarchy(self.mapper, True, False), + uow, + ) + + def per_state_flush_actions(self, uow): + states = list( + uow.states_for_mapper_hierarchy(self.mapper, True, False) + ) + base_mapper = self.mapper.base_mapper + save_all = SaveUpdateAll(uow, base_mapper) + for state in states: + # keep saves before deletes - + # this ensures 'row switch' operations work + action = DeleteState(uow, state) + uow.dependencies.add((save_all, action)) + yield action + + for dep in uow.deps[self.mapper]: + states_for_prop = uow.filter_states_for_dep(dep, states) + dep.per_state_flush_actions(uow, states_for_prop, True) + + def __repr__(self): + return "%s(%s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.mapper) + + +class ProcessState(PostSortRec): + __slots__ = "dependency_processor", "isdelete", "state" + + def __init__(self, uow, dependency_processor, isdelete, state): + self.dependency_processor = dependency_processor + self.isdelete = isdelete + self.state = state + + def execute_aggregate(self, uow, recs): + cls_ = self.__class__ + dependency_processor = self.dependency_processor + isdelete = self.isdelete + our_recs = [ + r + for r in recs + if r.__class__ is cls_ + and r.dependency_processor is dependency_processor + and r.isdelete is isdelete + ] + recs.difference_update(our_recs) + states = [self.state] + [r.state for r in our_recs] + if isdelete: + dependency_processor.process_deletes(uow, states) + else: + dependency_processor.process_saves(uow, states) + + def __repr__(self): + return "%s(%s, %s, delete=%s)" % ( + self.__class__.__name__, + self.dependency_processor, + orm_util.state_str(self.state), + self.isdelete, + ) + + +class SaveUpdateState(PostSortRec): + __slots__ = "state", "mapper" + + def __init__(self, uow, state): + self.state = state + self.mapper = state.mapper.base_mapper + + def execute_aggregate(self, uow, recs): + cls_ = self.__class__ + mapper = self.mapper + our_recs = [ + r for r in recs if r.__class__ is cls_ and r.mapper is mapper + ] + recs.difference_update(our_recs) + persistence.save_obj( + mapper, [self.state] + [r.state for r in our_recs], uow + ) + + def __repr__(self): + return "%s(%s)" % ( + self.__class__.__name__, + orm_util.state_str(self.state), + ) + + +class DeleteState(PostSortRec): + __slots__ = "state", "mapper" + + def __init__(self, uow, state): + self.state = state + self.mapper = state.mapper.base_mapper + + def execute_aggregate(self, uow, recs): + cls_ = self.__class__ + mapper = self.mapper + our_recs = [ + r for r in recs if r.__class__ is cls_ and r.mapper is mapper + ] + recs.difference_update(our_recs) + states = [self.state] + [r.state for r in our_recs] + persistence.delete_obj( + mapper, [s for s in states if uow.states[s][0]], uow + ) + + def __repr__(self): + return "%s(%s)" % ( + self.__class__.__name__, + orm_util.state_str(self.state), + ) diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/util.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/util.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2ba8246 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/util.py @@ -0,0 +1,1247 @@ +# orm/util.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + + +import re + +from . import attributes # noqa +from .base import _class_to_mapper # noqa +from .base import _never_set # noqa +from .base import _none_set # noqa +from .base import attribute_str # noqa +from .base import class_mapper # noqa +from .base import InspectionAttr # noqa +from .base import instance_str # noqa +from .base import object_mapper # noqa +from .base import object_state # noqa +from .base import state_attribute_str # noqa +from .base import state_class_str # noqa +from .base import state_str # noqa +from .interfaces import MapperProperty # noqa +from .interfaces import PropComparator # noqa +from .path_registry import PathRegistry # noqa +from .. import event +from .. import exc as sa_exc +from .. import inspection +from .. import sql +from .. import util +from ..sql import expression +from ..sql import util as sql_util + + +all_cascades = frozenset( + ( + "delete", + "delete-orphan", + "all", + "merge", + "expunge", + "save-update", + "refresh-expire", + "none", + ) +) + + +class CascadeOptions(frozenset): + """Keeps track of the options sent to relationship().cascade""" + + _add_w_all_cascades = all_cascades.difference( + ["all", "none", "delete-orphan"] + ) + _allowed_cascades = all_cascades + + __slots__ = ( + "save_update", + "delete", + "refresh_expire", + "merge", + "expunge", + "delete_orphan", + ) + + def __new__(cls, value_list): + if isinstance(value_list, util.string_types) or value_list is None: + return cls.from_string(value_list) + values = set(value_list) + if values.difference(cls._allowed_cascades): + raise sa_exc.ArgumentError( + "Invalid cascade option(s): %s" + % ", ".join( + [ + repr(x) + for x in sorted( + values.difference(cls._allowed_cascades) + ) + ] + ) + ) + + if "all" in values: + values.update(cls._add_w_all_cascades) + if "none" in values: + values.clear() + values.discard("all") + + self = frozenset.__new__(CascadeOptions, values) + self.save_update = "save-update" in values + self.delete = "delete" in values + self.refresh_expire = "refresh-expire" in values + self.merge = "merge" in values + self.expunge = "expunge" in values + self.delete_orphan = "delete-orphan" in values + + if self.delete_orphan and not self.delete: + util.warn( + "The 'delete-orphan' cascade " "option requires 'delete'." + ) + return self + + def __repr__(self): + return "CascadeOptions(%r)" % (",".join([x for x in sorted(self)])) + + @classmethod + def from_string(cls, arg): + values = [c for c in re.split(r"\s*,\s*", arg or "") if c] + return cls(values) + + +def _validator_events(desc, key, validator, include_removes, include_backrefs): + """Runs a validation method on an attribute value to be set or + appended. + """ + + if not include_backrefs: + + def detect_is_backref(state, initiator): + impl = state.manager[key].impl + return initiator.impl is not impl + + if include_removes: + + def append(state, value, initiator): + if initiator.op is not attributes.OP_BULK_REPLACE and ( + include_backrefs or not detect_is_backref(state, initiator) + ): + return validator(state.obj(), key, value, False) + else: + return value + + def bulk_set(state, values, initiator): + if include_backrefs or not detect_is_backref(state, initiator): + obj = state.obj() + values[:] = [ + validator(obj, key, value, False) for value in values + ] + + def set_(state, value, oldvalue, initiator): + if include_backrefs or not detect_is_backref(state, initiator): + return validator(state.obj(), key, value, False) + else: + return value + + def remove(state, value, initiator): + if include_backrefs or not detect_is_backref(state, initiator): + validator(state.obj(), key, value, True) + + else: + + def append(state, value, initiator): + if initiator.op is not attributes.OP_BULK_REPLACE and ( + include_backrefs or not detect_is_backref(state, initiator) + ): + return validator(state.obj(), key, value) + else: + return value + + def bulk_set(state, values, initiator): + if include_backrefs or not detect_is_backref(state, initiator): + obj = state.obj() + values[:] = [validator(obj, key, value) for value in values] + + def set_(state, value, oldvalue, initiator): + if include_backrefs or not detect_is_backref(state, initiator): + return validator(state.obj(), key, value) + else: + return value + + event.listen(desc, "append", append, raw=True, retval=True) + event.listen(desc, "bulk_replace", bulk_set, raw=True) + event.listen(desc, "set", set_, raw=True, retval=True) + if include_removes: + event.listen(desc, "remove", remove, raw=True, retval=True) + + +def polymorphic_union( + table_map, typecolname, aliasname="p_union", cast_nulls=True +): + """Create a ``UNION`` statement used by a polymorphic mapper. + + See :ref:`concrete_inheritance` for an example of how + this is used. + + :param table_map: mapping of polymorphic identities to + :class:`.Table` objects. + :param typecolname: string name of a "discriminator" column, which will be + derived from the query, producing the polymorphic identity for + each row. If ``None``, no polymorphic discriminator is generated. + :param aliasname: name of the :func:`~sqlalchemy.sql.expression.alias()` + construct generated. + :param cast_nulls: if True, non-existent columns, which are represented + as labeled NULLs, will be passed into CAST. This is a legacy behavior + that is problematic on some backends such as Oracle - in which case it + can be set to False. + + """ + + colnames = util.OrderedSet() + colnamemaps = {} + types = {} + for key in table_map: + table = table_map[key] + + # mysql doesn't like selecting from a select; + # make it an alias of the select + if isinstance(table, sql.Select): + table = table.alias() + table_map[key] = table + + m = {} + for c in table.c: + colnames.add(c.key) + m[c.key] = c + types[c.key] = c.type + colnamemaps[table] = m + + def col(name, table): + try: + return colnamemaps[table][name] + except KeyError: + if cast_nulls: + return sql.cast(sql.null(), types[name]).label(name) + else: + return sql.type_coerce(sql.null(), types[name]).label(name) + + result = [] + for type_, table in table_map.items(): + if typecolname is not None: + result.append( + sql.select( + [col(name, table) for name in colnames] + + [ + sql.literal_column( + sql_util._quote_ddl_expr(type_) + ).label(typecolname) + ], + from_obj=[table], + ) + ) + else: + result.append( + sql.select( + [col(name, table) for name in colnames], from_obj=[table] + ) + ) + return sql.union_all(*result).alias(aliasname) + + +def identity_key(*args, **kwargs): + """Generate "identity key" tuples, as are used as keys in the + :attr:`.Session.identity_map` dictionary. + + This function has several call styles: + + * ``identity_key(class, ident, identity_token=token)`` + + This form receives a mapped class and a primary key scalar or + tuple as an argument. + + E.g.:: + + >>> identity_key(MyClass, (1, 2)) + (, (1, 2), None) + + :param class: mapped class (must be a positional argument) + :param ident: primary key, may be a scalar or tuple argument. + :param identity_token: optional identity token + + .. versionadded:: 1.2 added identity_token + + + * ``identity_key(instance=instance)`` + + This form will produce the identity key for a given instance. The + instance need not be persistent, only that its primary key attributes + are populated (else the key will contain ``None`` for those missing + values). + + E.g.:: + + >>> instance = MyClass(1, 2) + >>> identity_key(instance=instance) + (, (1, 2), None) + + In this form, the given instance is ultimately run though + :meth:`.Mapper.identity_key_from_instance`, which will have the + effect of performing a database check for the corresponding row + if the object is expired. + + :param instance: object instance (must be given as a keyword arg) + + * ``identity_key(class, row=row, identity_token=token)`` + + This form is similar to the class/tuple form, except is passed a + database result row as a :class:`.RowProxy` object. + + E.g.:: + + >>> row = engine.execute("select * from table where a=1 and b=2").\ +first() + >>> identity_key(MyClass, row=row) + (, (1, 2), None) + + :param class: mapped class (must be a positional argument) + :param row: :class:`.RowProxy` row returned by a :class:`.ResultProxy` + (must be given as a keyword arg) + :param identity_token: optional identity token + + .. versionadded:: 1.2 added identity_token + + """ + if args: + row = None + largs = len(args) + if largs == 1: + class_ = args[0] + try: + row = kwargs.pop("row") + except KeyError: + ident = kwargs.pop("ident") + elif largs in (2, 3): + class_, ident = args + else: + raise sa_exc.ArgumentError( + "expected up to three positional arguments, " "got %s" % largs + ) + + identity_token = kwargs.pop("identity_token", None) + if kwargs: + raise sa_exc.ArgumentError( + "unknown keyword arguments: %s" % ", ".join(kwargs) + ) + mapper = class_mapper(class_) + if row is None: + return mapper.identity_key_from_primary_key( + util.to_list(ident), identity_token=identity_token + ) + else: + return mapper.identity_key_from_row( + row, identity_token=identity_token + ) + else: + instance = kwargs.pop("instance") + if kwargs: + raise sa_exc.ArgumentError( + "unknown keyword arguments: %s" % ", ".join(kwargs.keys) + ) + mapper = object_mapper(instance) + return mapper.identity_key_from_instance(instance) + + +class ORMAdapter(sql_util.ColumnAdapter): + """ColumnAdapter subclass which excludes adaptation of entities from + non-matching mappers. + + """ + + def __init__( + self, + entity, + equivalents=None, + adapt_required=False, + chain_to=None, + allow_label_resolve=True, + anonymize_labels=False, + ): + info = inspection.inspect(entity) + + self.mapper = info.mapper + selectable = info.selectable + is_aliased_class = info.is_aliased_class + if is_aliased_class: + self.aliased_class = entity + else: + self.aliased_class = None + + sql_util.ColumnAdapter.__init__( + self, + selectable, + equivalents, + chain_to, + adapt_required=adapt_required, + allow_label_resolve=allow_label_resolve, + anonymize_labels=anonymize_labels, + include_fn=self._include_fn, + ) + + def _include_fn(self, elem): + entity = elem._annotations.get("parentmapper", None) + return not entity or entity.isa(self.mapper) + + +class AliasedClass(object): + r"""Represents an "aliased" form of a mapped class for usage with Query. + + The ORM equivalent of a :func:`sqlalchemy.sql.expression.alias` + construct, this object mimics the mapped class using a + __getattr__ scheme and maintains a reference to a + real :class:`~sqlalchemy.sql.expression.Alias` object. + + Usage is via the :func:`.orm.aliased` function, or alternatively + via the :func:`.orm.with_polymorphic` function. + + Usage example:: + + # find all pairs of users with the same name + user_alias = aliased(User) + session.query(User, user_alias).\ + join((user_alias, User.id > user_alias.id)).\ + filter(User.name==user_alias.name) + + The resulting object is an instance of :class:`.AliasedClass`. + This object implements an attribute scheme which produces the + same attribute and method interface as the original mapped + class, allowing :class:`.AliasedClass` to be compatible + with any attribute technique which works on the original class, + including hybrid attributes (see :ref:`hybrids_toplevel`). + + The :class:`.AliasedClass` can be inspected for its underlying + :class:`.Mapper`, aliased selectable, and other information + using :func:`.inspect`:: + + from sqlalchemy import inspect + my_alias = aliased(MyClass) + insp = inspect(my_alias) + + The resulting inspection object is an instance of :class:`.AliasedInsp`. + + See :func:`.aliased` and :func:`.with_polymorphic` for construction + argument descriptions. + + """ + + def __init__( + self, + cls, + alias=None, + name=None, + flat=False, + adapt_on_names=False, + # TODO: None for default here? + with_polymorphic_mappers=(), + with_polymorphic_discriminator=None, + base_alias=None, + use_mapper_path=False, + represents_outer_join=False, + ): + mapper = _class_to_mapper(cls) + if alias is None: + alias = mapper._with_polymorphic_selectable.alias( + name=name, flat=flat + ) + + self._aliased_insp = AliasedInsp( + self, + mapper, + alias, + name, + with_polymorphic_mappers + if with_polymorphic_mappers + else mapper.with_polymorphic_mappers, + with_polymorphic_discriminator + if with_polymorphic_discriminator is not None + else mapper.polymorphic_on, + base_alias, + use_mapper_path, + adapt_on_names, + represents_outer_join, + ) + + self.__name__ = "AliasedClass_%s" % mapper.class_.__name__ + + def __getattr__(self, key): + try: + _aliased_insp = self.__dict__["_aliased_insp"] + except KeyError: + raise AttributeError() + else: + for base in _aliased_insp._target.__mro__: + try: + attr = object.__getattribute__(base, key) + except AttributeError: + continue + else: + break + else: + raise AttributeError(key) + + if isinstance(attr, PropComparator): + ret = attr.adapt_to_entity(_aliased_insp) + setattr(self, key, ret) + return ret + elif hasattr(attr, "func_code"): + is_method = getattr(_aliased_insp._target, key, None) + if is_method and is_method.__self__ is not None: + return util.types.MethodType(attr.__func__, self, self) + else: + return None + elif hasattr(attr, "__get__"): + ret = attr.__get__(None, self) + if isinstance(ret, PropComparator): + return ret.adapt_to_entity(_aliased_insp) + else: + return ret + else: + return attr + + def __repr__(self): + return "" % ( + id(self), + self._aliased_insp._target.__name__, + ) + + +class AliasedInsp(InspectionAttr): + """Provide an inspection interface for an + :class:`.AliasedClass` object. + + The :class:`.AliasedInsp` object is returned + given an :class:`.AliasedClass` using the + :func:`.inspect` function:: + + from sqlalchemy import inspect + from sqlalchemy.orm import aliased + + my_alias = aliased(MyMappedClass) + insp = inspect(my_alias) + + Attributes on :class:`.AliasedInsp` + include: + + * ``entity`` - the :class:`.AliasedClass` represented. + * ``mapper`` - the :class:`.Mapper` mapping the underlying class. + * ``selectable`` - the :class:`.Alias` construct which ultimately + represents an aliased :class:`.Table` or :class:`.Select` + construct. + * ``name`` - the name of the alias. Also is used as the attribute + name when returned in a result tuple from :class:`.Query`. + * ``with_polymorphic_mappers`` - collection of :class:`.Mapper` objects + indicating all those mappers expressed in the select construct + for the :class:`.AliasedClass`. + * ``polymorphic_on`` - an alternate column or SQL expression which + will be used as the "discriminator" for a polymorphic load. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`inspection_toplevel` + + """ + + def __init__( + self, + entity, + mapper, + selectable, + name, + with_polymorphic_mappers, + polymorphic_on, + _base_alias, + _use_mapper_path, + adapt_on_names, + represents_outer_join, + ): + self.entity = entity + self.mapper = mapper + self.selectable = selectable + self.name = name + self.with_polymorphic_mappers = with_polymorphic_mappers + self.polymorphic_on = polymorphic_on + self._base_alias = _base_alias or self + self._use_mapper_path = _use_mapper_path + self.represents_outer_join = represents_outer_join + + self._adapter = sql_util.ColumnAdapter( + selectable, + equivalents=mapper._equivalent_columns, + adapt_on_names=adapt_on_names, + anonymize_labels=True, + ) + + self._adapt_on_names = adapt_on_names + self._target = mapper.class_ + + for poly in self.with_polymorphic_mappers: + if poly is not mapper: + setattr( + self.entity, + poly.class_.__name__, + AliasedClass( + poly.class_, + selectable, + base_alias=self, + adapt_on_names=adapt_on_names, + use_mapper_path=_use_mapper_path, + ), + ) + + is_aliased_class = True + "always returns True" + + @property + def class_(self): + """Return the mapped class ultimately represented by this + :class:`.AliasedInsp`.""" + return self.mapper.class_ + + @util.memoized_property + def _path_registry(self): + if self._use_mapper_path: + return self.mapper._path_registry + else: + return PathRegistry.per_mapper(self) + + def __getstate__(self): + return { + "entity": self.entity, + "mapper": self.mapper, + "alias": self.selectable, + "name": self.name, + "adapt_on_names": self._adapt_on_names, + "with_polymorphic_mappers": self.with_polymorphic_mappers, + "with_polymorphic_discriminator": self.polymorphic_on, + "base_alias": self._base_alias, + "use_mapper_path": self._use_mapper_path, + "represents_outer_join": self.represents_outer_join, + } + + def __setstate__(self, state): + self.__init__( + state["entity"], + state["mapper"], + state["alias"], + state["name"], + state["with_polymorphic_mappers"], + state["with_polymorphic_discriminator"], + state["base_alias"], + state["use_mapper_path"], + state["adapt_on_names"], + state["represents_outer_join"], + ) + + def _adapt_element(self, elem): + return self._adapter.traverse(elem)._annotate( + {"parententity": self, "parentmapper": self.mapper} + ) + + def _entity_for_mapper(self, mapper): + self_poly = self.with_polymorphic_mappers + if mapper in self_poly: + if mapper is self.mapper: + return self + else: + return getattr( + self.entity, mapper.class_.__name__ + )._aliased_insp + elif mapper.isa(self.mapper): + return self + else: + assert False, "mapper %s doesn't correspond to %s" % (mapper, self) + + @util.memoized_property + def _memoized_values(self): + return {} + + def _memo(self, key, callable_, *args, **kw): + if key in self._memoized_values: + return self._memoized_values[key] + else: + self._memoized_values[key] = value = callable_(*args, **kw) + return value + + def __repr__(self): + if self.with_polymorphic_mappers: + with_poly = "(%s)" % ", ".join( + mp.class_.__name__ for mp in self.with_polymorphic_mappers + ) + else: + with_poly = "" + return "" % ( + id(self), + self.class_.__name__, + with_poly, + ) + + +inspection._inspects(AliasedClass)(lambda target: target._aliased_insp) +inspection._inspects(AliasedInsp)(lambda target: target) + + +def aliased(element, alias=None, name=None, flat=False, adapt_on_names=False): + """Produce an alias of the given element, usually an :class:`.AliasedClass` + instance. + + E.g.:: + + my_alias = aliased(MyClass) + + session.query(MyClass, my_alias).filter(MyClass.id > my_alias.id) + + The :func:`.aliased` function is used to create an ad-hoc mapping + of a mapped class to a new selectable. By default, a selectable + is generated from the normally mapped selectable (typically a + :class:`.Table`) using the :meth:`.FromClause.alias` method. + However, :func:`.aliased` can also be used to link the class to + a new :func:`.select` statement. Also, the :func:`.with_polymorphic` + function is a variant of :func:`.aliased` that is intended to specify + a so-called "polymorphic selectable", that corresponds to the union + of several joined-inheritance subclasses at once. + + For convenience, the :func:`.aliased` function also accepts plain + :class:`.FromClause` constructs, such as a :class:`.Table` or + :func:`.select` construct. In those cases, the :meth:`.FromClause.alias` + method is called on the object and the new :class:`.Alias` object + returned. The returned :class:`.Alias` is not ORM-mapped in this case. + + :param element: element to be aliased. Is normally a mapped class, + but for convenience can also be a :class:`.FromClause` element. + + :param alias: Optional selectable unit to map the element to. This should + normally be a :class:`.Alias` object corresponding to the :class:`.Table` + to which the class is mapped, or to a :func:`.select` construct that + is compatible with the mapping. By default, a simple anonymous + alias of the mapped table is generated. + + :param name: optional string name to use for the alias, if not specified + by the ``alias`` parameter. The name, among other things, forms the + attribute name that will be accessible via tuples returned by a + :class:`.Query` object. + + :param flat: Boolean, will be passed through to the + :meth:`.FromClause.alias` call so that aliases of :class:`.Join` objects + don't include an enclosing SELECT. This can lead to more efficient + queries in many circumstances. A JOIN against a nested JOIN will be + rewritten as a JOIN against an aliased SELECT subquery on backends that + don't support this syntax. + + .. versionadded:: 0.9.0 + + .. seealso:: :meth:`.Join.alias` + + :param adapt_on_names: if True, more liberal "matching" will be used when + mapping the mapped columns of the ORM entity to those of the + given selectable - a name-based match will be performed if the + given selectable doesn't otherwise have a column that corresponds + to one on the entity. The use case for this is when associating + an entity with some derived selectable such as one that uses + aggregate functions:: + + class UnitPrice(Base): + __tablename__ = 'unit_price' + ... + unit_id = Column(Integer) + price = Column(Numeric) + + aggregated_unit_price = Session.query( + func.sum(UnitPrice.price).label('price') + ).group_by(UnitPrice.unit_id).subquery() + + aggregated_unit_price = aliased(UnitPrice, + alias=aggregated_unit_price, adapt_on_names=True) + + Above, functions on ``aggregated_unit_price`` which refer to + ``.price`` will return the + ``func.sum(UnitPrice.price).label('price')`` column, as it is + matched on the name "price". Ordinarily, the "price" function + wouldn't have any "column correspondence" to the actual + ``UnitPrice.price`` column as it is not a proxy of the original. + + .. versionadded:: 0.7.3 + + + """ + if isinstance(element, expression.FromClause): + if adapt_on_names: + raise sa_exc.ArgumentError( + "adapt_on_names only applies to ORM elements" + ) + return element.alias(name, flat=flat) + else: + return AliasedClass( + element, + alias=alias, + flat=flat, + name=name, + adapt_on_names=adapt_on_names, + ) + + +def with_polymorphic( + base, + classes, + selectable=False, + flat=False, + polymorphic_on=None, + aliased=False, + innerjoin=False, + _use_mapper_path=False, + _existing_alias=None, +): + """Produce an :class:`.AliasedClass` construct which specifies + columns for descendant mappers of the given base. + + Using this method will ensure that each descendant mapper's + tables are included in the FROM clause, and will allow filter() + criterion to be used against those tables. The resulting + instances will also have those columns already loaded so that + no "post fetch" of those columns will be required. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`with_polymorphic` - full discussion of + :func:`.orm.with_polymorphic`. + + :param base: Base class to be aliased. + + :param classes: a single class or mapper, or list of + class/mappers, which inherit from the base class. + Alternatively, it may also be the string ``'*'``, in which case + all descending mapped classes will be added to the FROM clause. + + :param aliased: when True, the selectable will be wrapped in an + alias, that is ``(SELECT * FROM ) AS anon_1``. + This can be important when using the with_polymorphic() + to create the target of a JOIN on a backend that does not + support parenthesized joins, such as SQLite and older + versions of MySQL. However if the + :paramref:`.with_polymorphic.selectable` parameter is in use + with an existing :class:`.Alias` construct, then you should not + set this flag. + + :param flat: Boolean, will be passed through to the + :meth:`.FromClause.alias` call so that aliases of :class:`.Join` + objects don't include an enclosing SELECT. This can lead to more + efficient queries in many circumstances. A JOIN against a nested JOIN + will be rewritten as a JOIN against an aliased SELECT subquery on + backends that don't support this syntax. + + Setting ``flat`` to ``True`` implies the ``aliased`` flag is + also ``True``. + + .. versionadded:: 0.9.0 + + .. seealso:: :meth:`.Join.alias` + + :param selectable: a table or select() statement that will + be used in place of the generated FROM clause. This argument is + required if any of the desired classes use concrete table + inheritance, since SQLAlchemy currently cannot generate UNIONs + among tables automatically. If used, the ``selectable`` argument + must represent the full set of tables and columns mapped by every + mapped class. Otherwise, the unaccounted mapped columns will + result in their table being appended directly to the FROM clause + which will usually lead to incorrect results. + + :param polymorphic_on: a column to be used as the "discriminator" + column for the given selectable. If not given, the polymorphic_on + attribute of the base classes' mapper will be used, if any. This + is useful for mappings that don't have polymorphic loading + behavior by default. + + :param innerjoin: if True, an INNER JOIN will be used. This should + only be specified if querying for one specific subtype only + """ + primary_mapper = _class_to_mapper(base) + if _existing_alias: + assert _existing_alias.mapper is primary_mapper + classes = util.to_set(classes) + new_classes = set( + [mp.class_ for mp in _existing_alias.with_polymorphic_mappers] + ) + if classes == new_classes: + return _existing_alias + else: + classes = classes.union(new_classes) + mappers, selectable = primary_mapper._with_polymorphic_args( + classes, selectable, innerjoin=innerjoin + ) + if aliased or flat: + selectable = selectable.alias(flat=flat) + return AliasedClass( + base, + selectable, + with_polymorphic_mappers=mappers, + with_polymorphic_discriminator=polymorphic_on, + use_mapper_path=_use_mapper_path, + represents_outer_join=not innerjoin, + ) + + +def _orm_annotate(element, exclude=None): + """Deep copy the given ClauseElement, annotating each element with the + "_orm_adapt" flag. + + Elements within the exclude collection will be cloned but not annotated. + + """ + return sql_util._deep_annotate(element, {"_orm_adapt": True}, exclude) + + +def _orm_deannotate(element): + """Remove annotations that link a column to a particular mapping. + + Note this doesn't affect "remote" and "foreign" annotations + passed by the :func:`.orm.foreign` and :func:`.orm.remote` + annotators. + + """ + + return sql_util._deep_deannotate( + element, values=("_orm_adapt", "parententity") + ) + + +def _orm_full_deannotate(element): + return sql_util._deep_deannotate(element) + + +class _ORMJoin(expression.Join): + """Extend Join to support ORM constructs as input.""" + + __visit_name__ = expression.Join.__visit_name__ + + def __init__( + self, + left, + right, + onclause=None, + isouter=False, + full=False, + _left_memo=None, + _right_memo=None, + ): + + left_info = inspection.inspect(left) + left_orm_info = getattr(left, "_joined_from_info", left_info) + + right_info = inspection.inspect(right) + adapt_to = right_info.selectable + + self._joined_from_info = right_info + + self._left_memo = _left_memo + self._right_memo = _right_memo + + if isinstance(onclause, util.string_types): + onclause = getattr(left_orm_info.entity, onclause) + + if isinstance(onclause, attributes.QueryableAttribute): + on_selectable = onclause.comparator._source_selectable() + prop = onclause.property + elif isinstance(onclause, MapperProperty): + prop = onclause + on_selectable = prop.parent.selectable + else: + prop = None + + if prop: + if sql_util.clause_is_present(on_selectable, left_info.selectable): + adapt_from = on_selectable + else: + adapt_from = left_info.selectable + + ( + pj, + sj, + source, + dest, + secondary, + target_adapter, + ) = prop._create_joins( + source_selectable=adapt_from, + dest_selectable=adapt_to, + source_polymorphic=True, + dest_polymorphic=True, + of_type=right_info.mapper, + ) + + if sj is not None: + if isouter: + # note this is an inner join from secondary->right + right = sql.join(secondary, right, sj) + onclause = pj + else: + left = sql.join(left, secondary, pj, isouter) + onclause = sj + else: + onclause = pj + self._target_adapter = target_adapter + + expression.Join.__init__(self, left, right, onclause, isouter, full) + + if ( + not prop + and getattr(right_info, "mapper", None) + and right_info.mapper.single + ): + # if single inheritance target and we are using a manual + # or implicit ON clause, augment it the same way we'd augment the + # WHERE. + single_crit = right_info.mapper._single_table_criterion + if single_crit is not None: + if right_info.is_aliased_class: + single_crit = right_info._adapter.traverse(single_crit) + self.onclause = self.onclause & single_crit + + def _splice_into_center(self, other): + """Splice a join into the center. + + Given join(a, b) and join(b, c), return join(a, b).join(c) + + """ + leftmost = other + while isinstance(leftmost, sql.Join): + leftmost = leftmost.left + + assert self.right is leftmost + + left = _ORMJoin( + self.left, + other.left, + self.onclause, + isouter=self.isouter, + _left_memo=self._left_memo, + _right_memo=other._left_memo, + ) + + return _ORMJoin( + left, + other.right, + other.onclause, + isouter=other.isouter, + _right_memo=other._right_memo, + ) + + def join( + self, + right, + onclause=None, + isouter=False, + full=False, + join_to_left=None, + ): + return _ORMJoin(self, right, onclause, full, isouter) + + def outerjoin(self, right, onclause=None, full=False, join_to_left=None): + return _ORMJoin(self, right, onclause, True, full=full) + + +def join( + left, right, onclause=None, isouter=False, full=False, join_to_left=None +): + r"""Produce an inner join between left and right clauses. + + :func:`.orm.join` is an extension to the core join interface + provided by :func:`.sql.expression.join()`, where the + left and right selectables may be not only core selectable + objects such as :class:`.Table`, but also mapped classes or + :class:`.AliasedClass` instances. The "on" clause can + be a SQL expression, or an attribute or string name + referencing a configured :func:`.relationship`. + + :func:`.orm.join` is not commonly needed in modern usage, + as its functionality is encapsulated within that of the + :meth:`.Query.join` method, which features a + significant amount of automation beyond :func:`.orm.join` + by itself. Explicit usage of :func:`.orm.join` + with :class:`.Query` involves usage of the + :meth:`.Query.select_from` method, as in:: + + from sqlalchemy.orm import join + session.query(User).\ + select_from(join(User, Address, User.addresses)).\ + filter(Address.email_address=='foo@bar.com') + + In modern SQLAlchemy the above join can be written more + succinctly as:: + + session.query(User).\ + join(User.addresses).\ + filter(Address.email_address=='foo@bar.com') + + See :meth:`.Query.join` for information on modern usage + of ORM level joins. + + .. versionchanged:: 0.8.1 - the ``join_to_left`` parameter + is no longer used, and is deprecated. + + """ + return _ORMJoin(left, right, onclause, isouter, full) + + +def outerjoin(left, right, onclause=None, full=False, join_to_left=None): + """Produce a left outer join between left and right clauses. + + This is the "outer join" version of the :func:`.orm.join` function, + featuring the same behavior except that an OUTER JOIN is generated. + See that function's documentation for other usage details. + + """ + return _ORMJoin(left, right, onclause, True, full) + + +def with_parent(instance, prop, from_entity=None): + """Create filtering criterion that relates this query's primary entity + to the given related instance, using established :func:`.relationship()` + configuration. + + The SQL rendered is the same as that rendered when a lazy loader + would fire off from the given parent on that attribute, meaning + that the appropriate state is taken from the parent object in + Python without the need to render joins to the parent table + in the rendered statement. + + :param instance: + An instance which has some :func:`.relationship`. + + :param property: + String property name, or class-bound attribute, which indicates + what relationship from the instance should be used to reconcile the + parent/child relationship. + + :param from_entity: + Entity in which to consider as the left side. This defaults to the + "zero" entity of the :class:`.Query` itself. + + .. versionadded:: 1.2 + + """ + if isinstance(prop, util.string_types): + mapper = object_mapper(instance) + prop = getattr(mapper.class_, prop).property + elif isinstance(prop, attributes.QueryableAttribute): + prop = prop.property + + return prop._with_parent(instance, from_entity=from_entity) + + +def has_identity(object_): + """Return True if the given object has a database + identity. + + This typically corresponds to the object being + in either the persistent or detached state. + + .. seealso:: + + :func:`.was_deleted` + + """ + state = attributes.instance_state(object_) + return state.has_identity + + +def was_deleted(object_): + """Return True if the given object was deleted + within a session flush. + + This is regardless of whether or not the object is + persistent or detached. + + .. versionadded:: 0.8.0 + + .. seealso:: + + :attr:`.InstanceState.was_deleted` + + """ + + state = attributes.instance_state(object_) + return state.was_deleted + + +def _entity_corresponds_to(given, entity): + """determine if 'given' corresponds to 'entity', in terms + of an entity passed to Query that would match the same entity + being referred to elsewhere in the query. + + """ + if entity.is_aliased_class: + if given.is_aliased_class: + if entity._base_alias is given._base_alias: + return True + return False + elif given.is_aliased_class: + if given._use_mapper_path: + return entity in given.with_polymorphic_mappers + else: + return entity is given + + return entity.common_parent(given) + + +def _entity_isa(given, mapper): + """determine if 'given' "is a" mapper, in terms of the given + would load rows of type 'mapper'. + + """ + if given.is_aliased_class: + return mapper in given.with_polymorphic_mappers or given.mapper.isa( + mapper + ) + elif given.with_polymorphic_mappers: + return mapper in given.with_polymorphic_mappers + else: + return given.isa(mapper) + + +def randomize_unitofwork(): + """Use random-ordering sets within the unit of work in order + to detect unit of work sorting issues. + + This is a utility function that can be used to help reproduce + inconsistent unit of work sorting issues. For example, + if two kinds of objects A and B are being inserted, and + B has a foreign key reference to A - the A must be inserted first. + However, if there is no relationship between A and B, the unit of work + won't know to perform this sorting, and an operation may or may not + fail, depending on how the ordering works out. Since Python sets + and dictionaries have non-deterministic ordering, such an issue may + occur on some runs and not on others, and in practice it tends to + have a great dependence on the state of the interpreter. This leads + to so-called "heisenbugs" where changing entirely irrelevant aspects + of the test program still cause the failure behavior to change. + + By calling ``randomize_unitofwork()`` when a script first runs, the + ordering of a key series of sets within the unit of work implementation + are randomized, so that the script can be minimized down to the + fundamental mapping and operation that's failing, while still reproducing + the issue on at least some runs. + + This utility is also available when running the test suite via the + ``--reversetop`` flag. + + .. versionadded:: 0.8.1 created a standalone version of the + ``--reversetop`` feature. + + """ + from sqlalchemy.orm import unitofwork, session, mapper, dependency + from sqlalchemy.util import topological + from sqlalchemy.testing.util import RandomSet + + topological.set = ( + unitofwork.set + ) = session.set = mapper.set = dependency.set = RandomSet diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/pool.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/pool.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..60d8502 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/pool.py @@ -0,0 +1,1561 @@ +# sqlalchemy/pool.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + + +"""Connection pooling for DB-API connections. + +Provides a number of connection pool implementations for a variety of +usage scenarios and thread behavior requirements imposed by the +application, DB-API or database itself. + +Also provides a DB-API 2.0 connection proxying mechanism allowing +regular DB-API connect() methods to be transparently managed by a +SQLAlchemy connection pool. +""" + +from collections import deque +import time +import traceback +import weakref + +from . import event +from . import exc +from . import interfaces +from . import log +from . import util +from .util import chop_traceback +from .util import memoized_property +from .util import queue as sqla_queue +from .util import threading + +proxies = {} + + +def manage(module, **params): + r"""Return a proxy for a DB-API module that automatically + pools connections. + + Given a DB-API 2.0 module and pool management parameters, returns + a proxy for the module that will automatically pool connections, + creating new connection pools for each distinct set of connection + arguments sent to the decorated module's connect() function. + + :param module: a DB-API 2.0 database module + + :param poolclass: the class used by the pool module to provide + pooling. Defaults to :class:`.QueuePool`. + + :param \**params: will be passed through to *poolclass* + + """ + try: + return proxies[module] + except KeyError: + return proxies.setdefault(module, _DBProxy(module, **params)) + + +def clear_managers(): + """Remove all current DB-API 2.0 managers. + + All pools and connections are disposed. + """ + + for manager in proxies.values(): + manager.close() + proxies.clear() + + +reset_rollback = util.symbol("reset_rollback") +reset_commit = util.symbol("reset_commit") +reset_none = util.symbol("reset_none") + + +class _ConnDialect(object): + + """partial implementation of :class:`.Dialect` + which provides DBAPI connection methods. + + When a :class:`.Pool` is combined with an :class:`.Engine`, + the :class:`.Engine` replaces this with its own + :class:`.Dialect`. + + """ + + def do_rollback(self, dbapi_connection): + dbapi_connection.rollback() + + def do_commit(self, dbapi_connection): + dbapi_connection.commit() + + def do_close(self, dbapi_connection): + dbapi_connection.close() + + def do_ping(self, dbapi_connection): + raise NotImplementedError( + "The ping feature requires that a dialect is " + "passed to the connection pool." + ) + + +class Pool(log.Identified): + + """Abstract base class for connection pools.""" + + _dialect = _ConnDialect() + + def __init__( + self, + creator, + recycle=-1, + echo=None, + use_threadlocal=False, + logging_name=None, + reset_on_return=True, + listeners=None, + events=None, + dialect=None, + pre_ping=False, + _dispatch=None, + ): + """ + Construct a Pool. + + :param creator: a callable function that returns a DB-API + connection object. The function will be called with + parameters. + + :param recycle: If set to a value other than -1, number of + seconds between connection recycling, which means upon + checkout, if this timeout is surpassed the connection will be + closed and replaced with a newly opened connection. Defaults to -1. + + :param logging_name: String identifier which will be used within + the "name" field of logging records generated within the + "sqlalchemy.pool" logger. Defaults to a hexstring of the object's + id. + + :param echo: If True, connections being pulled and retrieved + from the pool will be logged to the standard output, as well + as pool sizing information. Echoing can also be achieved by + enabling logging for the "sqlalchemy.pool" + namespace. Defaults to False. + + :param use_threadlocal: If set to True, repeated calls to + :meth:`connect` within the same application thread will be + guaranteed to return the same connection object, if one has + already been retrieved from the pool and has not been + returned yet. Offers a slight performance advantage at the + cost of individual transactions by default. The + :meth:`.Pool.unique_connection` method is provided to return + a consistently unique connection to bypass this behavior + when the flag is set. + + .. warning:: The :paramref:`.Pool.use_threadlocal` flag + **does not affect the behavior** of :meth:`.Engine.connect`. + :meth:`.Engine.connect` makes use of the + :meth:`.Pool.unique_connection` method which **does not use thread + local context**. To produce a :class:`.Connection` which refers + to the :meth:`.Pool.connect` method, use + :meth:`.Engine.contextual_connect`. + + Note that other SQLAlchemy connectivity systems such as + :meth:`.Engine.execute` as well as the orm + :class:`.Session` make use of + :meth:`.Engine.contextual_connect` internally, so these functions + are compatible with the :paramref:`.Pool.use_threadlocal` setting. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`threadlocal_strategy` - contains detail on the + "threadlocal" engine strategy, which provides a more comprehensive + approach to "threadlocal" connectivity for the specific + use case of using :class:`.Engine` and :class:`.Connection` objects + directly. + + :param reset_on_return: Determine steps to take on + connections as they are returned to the pool. + reset_on_return can have any of these values: + + * ``"rollback"`` - call rollback() on the connection, + to release locks and transaction resources. + This is the default value. The vast majority + of use cases should leave this value set. + * ``True`` - same as 'rollback', this is here for + backwards compatibility. + * ``"commit"`` - call commit() on the connection, + to release locks and transaction resources. + A commit here may be desirable for databases that + cache query plans if a commit is emitted, + such as Microsoft SQL Server. However, this + value is more dangerous than 'rollback' because + any data changes present on the transaction + are committed unconditionally. + * ``None`` - don't do anything on the connection. + This setting should generally only be made on a database + that has no transaction support at all, + namely MySQL MyISAM; when used on this backend, performance + can be improved as the "rollback" call is still expensive on + MySQL. It is **strongly recommended** that this setting not be + used for transaction-supporting databases in conjunction with + a persistent pool such as :class:`.QueuePool`, as it opens + the possibility for connections still in a transaction to be + idle in the pool. The setting may be appropriate in the + case of :class:`.NullPool` or special circumstances where + the connection pool in use is not being used to maintain connection + lifecycle. + + * ``False`` - same as None, this is here for + backwards compatibility. + + :param events: a list of 2-tuples, each of the form + ``(callable, target)`` which will be passed to :func:`.event.listen` + upon construction. Provided here so that event listeners + can be assigned via :func:`.create_engine` before dialect-level + listeners are applied. + + :param listeners: Deprecated. A list of + :class:`~sqlalchemy.interfaces.PoolListener`-like objects or + dictionaries of callables that receive events when DB-API + connections are created, checked out and checked in to the + pool. This has been superseded by + :func:`~sqlalchemy.event.listen`. + + :param dialect: a :class:`.Dialect` that will handle the job + of calling rollback(), close(), or commit() on DBAPI connections. + If omitted, a built-in "stub" dialect is used. Applications that + make use of :func:`~.create_engine` should not use this parameter + as it is handled by the engine creation strategy. + + .. versionadded:: 1.1 - ``dialect`` is now a public parameter + to the :class:`.Pool`. + + :param pre_ping: if True, the pool will emit a "ping" (typically + "SELECT 1", but is dialect-specific) on the connection + upon checkout, to test if the connection is alive or not. If not, + the connection is transparently re-connected and upon success, all + other pooled connections established prior to that timestamp are + invalidated. Requires that a dialect is passed as well to + interpret the disconnection error. + + .. versionadded:: 1.2 + + """ + if logging_name: + self.logging_name = self._orig_logging_name = logging_name + else: + self._orig_logging_name = None + + log.instance_logger(self, echoflag=echo) + self._threadconns = threading.local() + self._creator = creator + self._recycle = recycle + self._invalidate_time = 0 + self._use_threadlocal = use_threadlocal + self._pre_ping = pre_ping + if reset_on_return in ("rollback", True, reset_rollback): + self._reset_on_return = reset_rollback + elif reset_on_return in ("none", None, False, reset_none): + self._reset_on_return = reset_none + elif reset_on_return in ("commit", reset_commit): + self._reset_on_return = reset_commit + else: + raise exc.ArgumentError( + "Invalid value for 'reset_on_return': %r" % reset_on_return + ) + + self.echo = echo + + if _dispatch: + self.dispatch._update(_dispatch, only_propagate=False) + if dialect: + self._dialect = dialect + if events: + for fn, target in events: + event.listen(self, target, fn) + if listeners: + util.warn_deprecated( + "The 'listeners' argument to Pool (and " + "create_engine()) is deprecated. Use event.listen()." + ) + for l in listeners: + self.add_listener(l) + + @property + def _creator(self): + return self.__dict__["_creator"] + + @_creator.setter + def _creator(self, creator): + self.__dict__["_creator"] = creator + self._invoke_creator = self._should_wrap_creator(creator) + + def _should_wrap_creator(self, creator): + """Detect if creator accepts a single argument, or is sent + as a legacy style no-arg function. + + """ + + try: + argspec = util.get_callable_argspec(self._creator, no_self=True) + except TypeError: + return lambda crec: creator() + + defaulted = argspec[3] is not None and len(argspec[3]) or 0 + positionals = len(argspec[0]) - defaulted + + # look for the exact arg signature that DefaultStrategy + # sends us + if (argspec[0], argspec[3]) == (["connection_record"], (None,)): + return creator + # or just a single positional + elif positionals == 1: + return creator + # all other cases, just wrap and assume legacy "creator" callable + # thing + else: + return lambda crec: creator() + + def _close_connection(self, connection): + self.logger.debug("Closing connection %r", connection) + + try: + self._dialect.do_close(connection) + except Exception: + self.logger.error( + "Exception closing connection %r", connection, exc_info=True + ) + + @util.deprecated( + 2.7, "Pool.add_listener is deprecated. Use event.listen()" + ) + def add_listener(self, listener): + """Add a :class:`.PoolListener`-like object to this pool. + + ``listener`` may be an object that implements some or all of + PoolListener, or a dictionary of callables containing implementations + of some or all of the named methods in PoolListener. + + """ + interfaces.PoolListener._adapt_listener(self, listener) + + def unique_connection(self): + """Produce a DBAPI connection that is not referenced by any + thread-local context. + + This method is equivalent to :meth:`.Pool.connect` when the + :paramref:`.Pool.use_threadlocal` flag is not set to True. + When :paramref:`.Pool.use_threadlocal` is True, the + :meth:`.Pool.unique_connection` method provides a means of bypassing + the threadlocal context. + + """ + return _ConnectionFairy._checkout(self) + + def _create_connection(self): + """Called by subclasses to create a new ConnectionRecord.""" + + return _ConnectionRecord(self) + + def _invalidate(self, connection, exception=None, _checkin=True): + """Mark all connections established within the generation + of the given connection as invalidated. + + If this pool's last invalidate time is before when the given + connection was created, update the timestamp til now. Otherwise, + no action is performed. + + Connections with a start time prior to this pool's invalidation + time will be recycled upon next checkout. + """ + rec = getattr(connection, "_connection_record", None) + if not rec or self._invalidate_time < rec.starttime: + self._invalidate_time = time.time() + if _checkin and getattr(connection, "is_valid", False): + connection.invalidate(exception) + + def recreate(self): + """Return a new :class:`.Pool`, of the same class as this one + and configured with identical creation arguments. + + This method is used in conjunction with :meth:`dispose` + to close out an entire :class:`.Pool` and create a new one in + its place. + + """ + + raise NotImplementedError() + + def dispose(self): + """Dispose of this pool. + + This method leaves the possibility of checked-out connections + remaining open, as it only affects connections that are + idle in the pool. + + See also the :meth:`Pool.recreate` method. + + """ + + raise NotImplementedError() + + def connect(self): + """Return a DBAPI connection from the pool. + + The connection is instrumented such that when its + ``close()`` method is called, the connection will be returned to + the pool. + + """ + if not self._use_threadlocal: + return _ConnectionFairy._checkout(self) + + try: + rec = self._threadconns.current() + except AttributeError: + pass + else: + if rec is not None: + return rec._checkout_existing() + + return _ConnectionFairy._checkout(self, self._threadconns) + + def _return_conn(self, record): + """Given a _ConnectionRecord, return it to the :class:`.Pool`. + + This method is called when an instrumented DBAPI connection + has its ``close()`` method called. + + """ + if self._use_threadlocal: + try: + del self._threadconns.current + except AttributeError: + pass + self._do_return_conn(record) + + def _do_get(self): + """Implementation for :meth:`get`, supplied by subclasses.""" + + raise NotImplementedError() + + def _do_return_conn(self, conn): + """Implementation for :meth:`return_conn`, supplied by subclasses.""" + + raise NotImplementedError() + + def status(self): + raise NotImplementedError() + + +class _ConnectionRecord(object): + + """Internal object which maintains an individual DBAPI connection + referenced by a :class:`.Pool`. + + The :class:`._ConnectionRecord` object always exists for any particular + DBAPI connection whether or not that DBAPI connection has been + "checked out". This is in contrast to the :class:`._ConnectionFairy` + which is only a public facade to the DBAPI connection while it is checked + out. + + A :class:`._ConnectionRecord` may exist for a span longer than that + of a single DBAPI connection. For example, if the + :meth:`._ConnectionRecord.invalidate` + method is called, the DBAPI connection associated with this + :class:`._ConnectionRecord` + will be discarded, but the :class:`._ConnectionRecord` may be used again, + in which case a new DBAPI connection is produced when the :class:`.Pool` + next uses this record. + + The :class:`._ConnectionRecord` is delivered along with connection + pool events, including :meth:`.PoolEvents.connect` and + :meth:`.PoolEvents.checkout`, however :class:`._ConnectionRecord` still + remains an internal object whose API and internals may change. + + .. seealso:: + + :class:`._ConnectionFairy` + + """ + + def __init__(self, pool, connect=True): + self.__pool = pool + if connect: + self.__connect(first_connect_check=True) + self.finalize_callback = deque() + + fairy_ref = None + + starttime = None + + connection = None + """A reference to the actual DBAPI connection being tracked. + + May be ``None`` if this :class:`._ConnectionRecord` has been marked + as invalidated; a new DBAPI connection may replace it if the owning + pool calls upon this :class:`._ConnectionRecord` to reconnect. + + """ + + _soft_invalidate_time = 0 + + @util.memoized_property + def info(self): + """The ``.info`` dictionary associated with the DBAPI connection. + + This dictionary is shared among the :attr:`._ConnectionFairy.info` + and :attr:`.Connection.info` accessors. + + .. note:: + + The lifespan of this dictionary is linked to the + DBAPI connection itself, meaning that it is **discarded** each time + the DBAPI connection is closed and/or invalidated. The + :attr:`._ConnectionRecord.record_info` dictionary remains + persistent throughout the lifespan of the + :class:`._ConnectionRecord` container. + + """ + return {} + + @util.memoized_property + def record_info(self): + """An "info' dictionary associated with the connection record + itself. + + Unlike the :attr:`._ConnectionRecord.info` dictionary, which is linked + to the lifespan of the DBAPI connection, this dictionary is linked + to the lifespan of the :class:`._ConnectionRecord` container itself + and will remain persisent throughout the life of the + :class:`._ConnectionRecord`. + + .. versionadded:: 1.1 + + """ + return {} + + @classmethod + def checkout(cls, pool): + rec = pool._do_get() + try: + dbapi_connection = rec.get_connection() + except Exception as err: + with util.safe_reraise(): + rec._checkin_failed(err) + echo = pool._should_log_debug() + fairy = _ConnectionFairy(dbapi_connection, rec, echo) + rec.fairy_ref = weakref.ref( + fairy, + lambda ref: _finalize_fairy + and _finalize_fairy(None, rec, pool, ref, echo), + ) + _refs.add(rec) + if echo: + pool.logger.debug( + "Connection %r checked out from pool", dbapi_connection + ) + return fairy + + def _checkin_failed(self, err): + self.invalidate(e=err) + self.checkin(_no_fairy_ref=True) + + def checkin(self, _no_fairy_ref=False): + if self.fairy_ref is None and not _no_fairy_ref: + util.warn("Double checkin attempted on %s" % self) + return + self.fairy_ref = None + connection = self.connection + pool = self.__pool + while self.finalize_callback: + finalizer = self.finalize_callback.pop() + finalizer(connection) + if pool.dispatch.checkin: + pool.dispatch.checkin(connection, self) + pool._return_conn(self) + + @property + def in_use(self): + return self.fairy_ref is not None + + @property + def last_connect_time(self): + return self.starttime + + def close(self): + if self.connection is not None: + self.__close() + + def invalidate(self, e=None, soft=False): + """Invalidate the DBAPI connection held by this :class:`._ConnectionRecord`. + + This method is called for all connection invalidations, including + when the :meth:`._ConnectionFairy.invalidate` or + :meth:`.Connection.invalidate` methods are called, as well as when any + so-called "automatic invalidation" condition occurs. + + :param e: an exception object indicating a reason for the invalidation. + + :param soft: if True, the connection isn't closed; instead, this + connection will be recycled on next checkout. + + .. versionadded:: 1.0.3 + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`pool_connection_invalidation` + + """ + # already invalidated + if self.connection is None: + return + if soft: + self.__pool.dispatch.soft_invalidate(self.connection, self, e) + else: + self.__pool.dispatch.invalidate(self.connection, self, e) + if e is not None: + self.__pool.logger.info( + "%sInvalidate connection %r (reason: %s:%s)", + "Soft " if soft else "", + self.connection, + e.__class__.__name__, + e, + ) + else: + self.__pool.logger.info( + "%sInvalidate connection %r", + "Soft " if soft else "", + self.connection, + ) + if soft: + self._soft_invalidate_time = time.time() + else: + self.__close() + self.connection = None + + def get_connection(self): + recycle = False + if self.connection is None: + self.info.clear() + self.__connect() + elif ( + self.__pool._recycle > -1 + and time.time() - self.starttime > self.__pool._recycle + ): + self.__pool.logger.info( + "Connection %r exceeded timeout; recycling", self.connection + ) + recycle = True + elif self.__pool._invalidate_time > self.starttime: + self.__pool.logger.info( + "Connection %r invalidated due to pool invalidation; " + + "recycling", + self.connection, + ) + recycle = True + elif self._soft_invalidate_time > self.starttime: + self.__pool.logger.info( + "Connection %r invalidated due to local soft invalidation; " + + "recycling", + self.connection, + ) + recycle = True + + if recycle: + self.__close() + self.info.clear() + + self.__connect() + return self.connection + + def __close(self): + self.finalize_callback.clear() + if self.__pool.dispatch.close: + self.__pool.dispatch.close(self.connection, self) + self.__pool._close_connection(self.connection) + self.connection = None + + def __connect(self, first_connect_check=False): + pool = self.__pool + + # ensure any existing connection is removed, so that if + # creator fails, this attribute stays None + self.connection = None + try: + self.starttime = time.time() + connection = pool._invoke_creator(self) + pool.logger.debug("Created new connection %r", connection) + self.connection = connection + except Exception as e: + pool.logger.debug("Error on connect(): %s", e) + raise + else: + if first_connect_check: + pool.dispatch.first_connect.for_modify( + pool.dispatch + ).exec_once(self.connection, self) + if pool.dispatch.connect: + pool.dispatch.connect(self.connection, self) + + +def _finalize_fairy( + connection, connection_record, pool, ref, echo, fairy=None +): + """Cleanup for a :class:`._ConnectionFairy` whether or not it's already + been garbage collected. + + """ + _refs.discard(connection_record) + + if ref is not None: + if connection_record.fairy_ref is not ref: + return + assert connection is None + connection = connection_record.connection + + if connection is not None: + if connection_record and echo: + pool.logger.debug( + "Connection %r being returned to pool", connection + ) + + try: + fairy = fairy or _ConnectionFairy( + connection, connection_record, echo + ) + assert fairy.connection is connection + fairy._reset(pool) + + # Immediately close detached instances + if not connection_record: + if pool.dispatch.close_detached: + pool.dispatch.close_detached(connection) + pool._close_connection(connection) + except BaseException as e: + pool.logger.error( + "Exception during reset or similar", exc_info=True + ) + if connection_record: + connection_record.invalidate(e=e) + if not isinstance(e, Exception): + raise + + if connection_record and connection_record.fairy_ref is not None: + connection_record.checkin() + + +_refs = set() + + +class _ConnectionFairy(object): + + """Proxies a DBAPI connection and provides return-on-dereference + support. + + This is an internal object used by the :class:`.Pool` implementation + to provide context management to a DBAPI connection delivered by + that :class:`.Pool`. + + The name "fairy" is inspired by the fact that the + :class:`._ConnectionFairy` object's lifespan is transitory, as it lasts + only for the length of a specific DBAPI connection being checked out from + the pool, and additionally that as a transparent proxy, it is mostly + invisible. + + .. seealso:: + + :class:`._ConnectionRecord` + + """ + + def __init__(self, dbapi_connection, connection_record, echo): + self.connection = dbapi_connection + self._connection_record = connection_record + self._echo = echo + + connection = None + """A reference to the actual DBAPI connection being tracked.""" + + _connection_record = None + """A reference to the :class:`._ConnectionRecord` object associated + with the DBAPI connection. + + This is currently an internal accessor which is subject to change. + + """ + + _reset_agent = None + """Refer to an object with a ``.commit()`` and ``.rollback()`` method; + if non-None, the "reset-on-return" feature will call upon this object + rather than directly against the dialect-level do_rollback() and + do_commit() methods. + + In practice, a :class:`.Connection` assigns a :class:`.Transaction` object + to this variable when one is in scope so that the :class:`.Transaction` + takes the job of committing or rolling back on return if + :meth:`.Connection.close` is called while the :class:`.Transaction` + still exists. + + This is essentially an "event handler" of sorts but is simplified as an + instance variable both for performance/simplicity as well as that there + can only be one "reset agent" at a time. + """ + + @classmethod + def _checkout(cls, pool, threadconns=None, fairy=None): + if not fairy: + fairy = _ConnectionRecord.checkout(pool) + + fairy._pool = pool + fairy._counter = 0 + + if threadconns is not None: + threadconns.current = weakref.ref(fairy) + + if fairy.connection is None: + raise exc.InvalidRequestError("This connection is closed") + fairy._counter += 1 + + if ( + not pool.dispatch.checkout and not pool._pre_ping + ) or fairy._counter != 1: + return fairy + + # Pool listeners can trigger a reconnection on checkout, as well + # as the pre-pinger. + # there are three attempts made here, but note that if the database + # is not accessible from a connection standpoint, those won't proceed + # here. + attempts = 2 + while attempts > 0: + try: + if pool._pre_ping: + if fairy._echo: + pool.logger.debug( + "Pool pre-ping on connection %s", fairy.connection + ) + + result = pool._dialect.do_ping(fairy.connection) + if not result: + if fairy._echo: + pool.logger.debug( + "Pool pre-ping on connection %s failed, " + "will invalidate pool", + fairy.connection, + ) + raise exc.InvalidatePoolError() + + pool.dispatch.checkout( + fairy.connection, fairy._connection_record, fairy + ) + return fairy + except exc.DisconnectionError as e: + if e.invalidate_pool: + pool.logger.info( + "Disconnection detected on checkout, " + "invalidating all pooled connections prior to " + "current timestamp (reason: %r)", + e, + ) + fairy._connection_record.invalidate(e) + pool._invalidate(fairy, e, _checkin=False) + else: + pool.logger.info( + "Disconnection detected on checkout, " + "invalidating individual connection %s (reason: %r)", + fairy.connection, + e, + ) + fairy._connection_record.invalidate(e) + try: + fairy.connection = ( + fairy._connection_record.get_connection() + ) + except Exception as err: + with util.safe_reraise(): + fairy._connection_record._checkin_failed(err) + + attempts -= 1 + + pool.logger.info("Reconnection attempts exhausted on checkout") + fairy.invalidate() + raise exc.InvalidRequestError("This connection is closed") + + def _checkout_existing(self): + return _ConnectionFairy._checkout(self._pool, fairy=self) + + def _checkin(self): + _finalize_fairy( + self.connection, + self._connection_record, + self._pool, + None, + self._echo, + fairy=self, + ) + self.connection = None + self._connection_record = None + + _close = _checkin + + def _reset(self, pool): + if pool.dispatch.reset: + pool.dispatch.reset(self, self._connection_record) + if pool._reset_on_return is reset_rollback: + if self._echo: + pool.logger.debug( + "Connection %s rollback-on-return%s", + self.connection, + ", via agent" if self._reset_agent else "", + ) + if self._reset_agent: + self._reset_agent.rollback() + else: + pool._dialect.do_rollback(self) + elif pool._reset_on_return is reset_commit: + if self._echo: + pool.logger.debug( + "Connection %s commit-on-return%s", + self.connection, + ", via agent" if self._reset_agent else "", + ) + if self._reset_agent: + self._reset_agent.commit() + else: + pool._dialect.do_commit(self) + + @property + def _logger(self): + return self._pool.logger + + @property + def is_valid(self): + """Return True if this :class:`._ConnectionFairy` still refers + to an active DBAPI connection.""" + + return self.connection is not None + + @util.memoized_property + def info(self): + """Info dictionary associated with the underlying DBAPI connection + referred to by this :class:`.ConnectionFairy`, allowing user-defined + data to be associated with the connection. + + The data here will follow along with the DBAPI connection including + after it is returned to the connection pool and used again + in subsequent instances of :class:`._ConnectionFairy`. It is shared + with the :attr:`._ConnectionRecord.info` and :attr:`.Connection.info` + accessors. + + The dictionary associated with a particular DBAPI connection is + discarded when the connection itself is discarded. + + """ + return self._connection_record.info + + @property + def record_info(self): + """Info dictionary associated with the :class:`._ConnectionRecord + container referred to by this :class:`.ConnectionFairy`. + + Unlike the :attr:`._ConnectionFairy.info` dictionary, the lifespan + of this dictionary is persistent across connections that are + disconnected and/or invalidated within the lifespan of a + :class:`._ConnectionRecord`. + + .. versionadded:: 1.1 + + """ + if self._connection_record: + return self._connection_record.record_info + else: + return None + + def invalidate(self, e=None, soft=False): + """Mark this connection as invalidated. + + This method can be called directly, and is also called as a result + of the :meth:`.Connection.invalidate` method. When invoked, + the DBAPI connection is immediately closed and discarded from + further use by the pool. The invalidation mechanism proceeds + via the :meth:`._ConnectionRecord.invalidate` internal method. + + :param e: an exception object indicating a reason for the invalidation. + + :param soft: if True, the connection isn't closed; instead, this + connection will be recycled on next checkout. + + .. versionadded:: 1.0.3 + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`pool_connection_invalidation` + + """ + + if self.connection is None: + util.warn("Can't invalidate an already-closed connection.") + return + if self._connection_record: + self._connection_record.invalidate(e=e, soft=soft) + if not soft: + self.connection = None + self._checkin() + + def cursor(self, *args, **kwargs): + """Return a new DBAPI cursor for the underlying connection. + + This method is a proxy for the ``connection.cursor()`` DBAPI + method. + + """ + return self.connection.cursor(*args, **kwargs) + + def __getattr__(self, key): + return getattr(self.connection, key) + + def detach(self): + """Separate this connection from its Pool. + + This means that the connection will no longer be returned to the + pool when closed, and will instead be literally closed. The + containing ConnectionRecord is separated from the DB-API connection, + and will create a new connection when next used. + + Note that any overall connection limiting constraints imposed by a + Pool implementation may be violated after a detach, as the detached + connection is removed from the pool's knowledge and control. + """ + + if self._connection_record is not None: + rec = self._connection_record + _refs.remove(rec) + rec.fairy_ref = None + rec.connection = None + # TODO: should this be _return_conn? + self._pool._do_return_conn(self._connection_record) + self.info = self.info.copy() + self._connection_record = None + + if self._pool.dispatch.detach: + self._pool.dispatch.detach(self.connection, rec) + + def close(self): + self._counter -= 1 + if self._counter == 0: + self._checkin() + + +class SingletonThreadPool(Pool): + + """A Pool that maintains one connection per thread. + + Maintains one connection per each thread, never moving a connection to a + thread other than the one which it was created in. + + .. warning:: the :class:`.SingletonThreadPool` will call ``.close()`` + on arbitrary connections that exist beyond the size setting of + ``pool_size``, e.g. if more unique **thread identities** + than what ``pool_size`` states are used. This cleanup is + non-deterministic and not sensitive to whether or not the connections + linked to those thread identities are currently in use. + + :class:`.SingletonThreadPool` may be improved in a future release, + however in its current status it is generally used only for test + scenarios using a SQLite ``:memory:`` database and is not recommended + for production use. + + + Options are the same as those of :class:`.Pool`, as well as: + + :param pool_size: The number of threads in which to maintain connections + at once. Defaults to five. + + :class:`.SingletonThreadPool` is used by the SQLite dialect + automatically when a memory-based database is used. + See :ref:`sqlite_toplevel`. + + """ + + def __init__(self, creator, pool_size=5, **kw): + kw["use_threadlocal"] = True + Pool.__init__(self, creator, **kw) + self._conn = threading.local() + self._all_conns = set() + self.size = pool_size + + def recreate(self): + self.logger.info("Pool recreating") + return self.__class__( + self._creator, + pool_size=self.size, + recycle=self._recycle, + echo=self.echo, + logging_name=self._orig_logging_name, + use_threadlocal=self._use_threadlocal, + reset_on_return=self._reset_on_return, + _dispatch=self.dispatch, + dialect=self._dialect, + ) + + def dispose(self): + """Dispose of this pool.""" + + for conn in self._all_conns: + try: + conn.close() + except Exception: + # pysqlite won't even let you close a conn from a thread + # that didn't create it + pass + + self._all_conns.clear() + + def _cleanup(self): + while len(self._all_conns) >= self.size: + c = self._all_conns.pop() + c.close() + + def status(self): + return "SingletonThreadPool id:%d size: %d" % ( + id(self), + len(self._all_conns), + ) + + def _do_return_conn(self, conn): + pass + + def _do_get(self): + try: + c = self._conn.current() + if c: + return c + except AttributeError: + pass + c = self._create_connection() + self._conn.current = weakref.ref(c) + if len(self._all_conns) >= self.size: + self._cleanup() + self._all_conns.add(c) + return c + + +class QueuePool(Pool): + + """A :class:`.Pool` that imposes a limit on the number of open connections. + + :class:`.QueuePool` is the default pooling implementation used for + all :class:`.Engine` objects, unless the SQLite dialect is in use. + + """ + + def __init__( + self, creator, pool_size=5, max_overflow=10, timeout=30, **kw + ): + r""" + Construct a QueuePool. + + :param creator: a callable function that returns a DB-API + connection object, same as that of :paramref:`.Pool.creator`. + + :param pool_size: The size of the pool to be maintained, + defaults to 5. This is the largest number of connections that + will be kept persistently in the pool. Note that the pool + begins with no connections; once this number of connections + is requested, that number of connections will remain. + ``pool_size`` can be set to 0 to indicate no size limit; to + disable pooling, use a :class:`~sqlalchemy.pool.NullPool` + instead. + + :param max_overflow: The maximum overflow size of the + pool. When the number of checked-out connections reaches the + size set in pool_size, additional connections will be + returned up to this limit. When those additional connections + are returned to the pool, they are disconnected and + discarded. It follows then that the total number of + simultaneous connections the pool will allow is pool_size + + `max_overflow`, and the total number of "sleeping" + connections the pool will allow is pool_size. `max_overflow` + can be set to -1 to indicate no overflow limit; no limit + will be placed on the total number of concurrent + connections. Defaults to 10. + + :param timeout: The number of seconds to wait before giving up + on returning a connection. Defaults to 30. + + :param \**kw: Other keyword arguments including + :paramref:`.Pool.recycle`, :paramref:`.Pool.echo`, + :paramref:`.Pool.reset_on_return` and others are passed to the + :class:`.Pool` constructor. + + """ + Pool.__init__(self, creator, **kw) + self._pool = sqla_queue.Queue(pool_size) + self._overflow = 0 - pool_size + self._max_overflow = max_overflow + self._timeout = timeout + self._overflow_lock = threading.Lock() + + def _do_return_conn(self, conn): + try: + self._pool.put(conn, False) + except sqla_queue.Full: + try: + conn.close() + finally: + self._dec_overflow() + + def _do_get(self): + use_overflow = self._max_overflow > -1 + + try: + wait = use_overflow and self._overflow >= self._max_overflow + return self._pool.get(wait, self._timeout) + except sqla_queue.Empty: + # don't do things inside of "except Empty", because when we say + # we timed out or can't connect and raise, Python 3 tells + # people the real error is queue.Empty which it isn't. + pass + if use_overflow and self._overflow >= self._max_overflow: + if not wait: + return self._do_get() + else: + raise exc.TimeoutError( + "QueuePool limit of size %d overflow %d reached, " + "connection timed out, timeout %d" + % (self.size(), self.overflow(), self._timeout), + code="3o7r", + ) + + if self._inc_overflow(): + try: + return self._create_connection() + except: + with util.safe_reraise(): + self._dec_overflow() + else: + return self._do_get() + + def _inc_overflow(self): + if self._max_overflow == -1: + self._overflow += 1 + return True + with self._overflow_lock: + if self._overflow < self._max_overflow: + self._overflow += 1 + return True + else: + return False + + def _dec_overflow(self): + if self._max_overflow == -1: + self._overflow -= 1 + return True + with self._overflow_lock: + self._overflow -= 1 + return True + + def recreate(self): + self.logger.info("Pool recreating") + return self.__class__( + self._creator, + pool_size=self._pool.maxsize, + max_overflow=self._max_overflow, + timeout=self._timeout, + recycle=self._recycle, + echo=self.echo, + logging_name=self._orig_logging_name, + use_threadlocal=self._use_threadlocal, + reset_on_return=self._reset_on_return, + _dispatch=self.dispatch, + dialect=self._dialect, + ) + + def dispose(self): + while True: + try: + conn = self._pool.get(False) + conn.close() + except sqla_queue.Empty: + break + + self._overflow = 0 - self.size() + self.logger.info("Pool disposed. %s", self.status()) + + def status(self): + return ( + "Pool size: %d Connections in pool: %d " + "Current Overflow: %d Current Checked out " + "connections: %d" + % ( + self.size(), + self.checkedin(), + self.overflow(), + self.checkedout(), + ) + ) + + def size(self): + return self._pool.maxsize + + def checkedin(self): + return self._pool.qsize() + + def overflow(self): + return self._overflow + + def checkedout(self): + return self._pool.maxsize - self._pool.qsize() + self._overflow + + +class NullPool(Pool): + + """A Pool which does not pool connections. + + Instead it literally opens and closes the underlying DB-API connection + per each connection open/close. + + Reconnect-related functions such as ``recycle`` and connection + invalidation are not supported by this Pool implementation, since + no connections are held persistently. + + .. versionchanged:: 0.7 + :class:`.NullPool` is used by the SQlite dialect automatically + when a file-based database is used. See :ref:`sqlite_toplevel`. + + """ + + def status(self): + return "NullPool" + + def _do_return_conn(self, conn): + conn.close() + + def _do_get(self): + return self._create_connection() + + def recreate(self): + self.logger.info("Pool recreating") + + return self.__class__( + self._creator, + recycle=self._recycle, + echo=self.echo, + logging_name=self._orig_logging_name, + use_threadlocal=self._use_threadlocal, + reset_on_return=self._reset_on_return, + _dispatch=self.dispatch, + dialect=self._dialect, + ) + + def dispose(self): + pass + + +class StaticPool(Pool): + + """A Pool of exactly one connection, used for all requests. + + Reconnect-related functions such as ``recycle`` and connection + invalidation (which is also used to support auto-reconnect) are not + currently supported by this Pool implementation but may be implemented + in a future release. + + """ + + @memoized_property + def _conn(self): + return self._creator() + + @memoized_property + def connection(self): + return _ConnectionRecord(self) + + def status(self): + return "StaticPool" + + def dispose(self): + if "_conn" in self.__dict__: + self._conn.close() + self._conn = None + + def recreate(self): + self.logger.info("Pool recreating") + return self.__class__( + creator=self._creator, + recycle=self._recycle, + use_threadlocal=self._use_threadlocal, + reset_on_return=self._reset_on_return, + echo=self.echo, + logging_name=self._orig_logging_name, + _dispatch=self.dispatch, + dialect=self._dialect, + ) + + def _create_connection(self): + return self._conn + + def _do_return_conn(self, conn): + pass + + def _do_get(self): + return self.connection + + +class AssertionPool(Pool): + + """A :class:`.Pool` that allows at most one checked out connection at + any given time. + + This will raise an exception if more than one connection is checked out + at a time. Useful for debugging code that is using more connections + than desired. + + .. versionchanged:: 0.7 + :class:`.AssertionPool` also logs a traceback of where + the original connection was checked out, and reports + this in the assertion error raised. + + """ + + def __init__(self, *args, **kw): + self._conn = None + self._checked_out = False + self._store_traceback = kw.pop("store_traceback", True) + self._checkout_traceback = None + Pool.__init__(self, *args, **kw) + + def status(self): + return "AssertionPool" + + def _do_return_conn(self, conn): + if not self._checked_out: + raise AssertionError("connection is not checked out") + self._checked_out = False + assert conn is self._conn + + def dispose(self): + self._checked_out = False + if self._conn: + self._conn.close() + + def recreate(self): + self.logger.info("Pool recreating") + return self.__class__( + self._creator, + echo=self.echo, + logging_name=self._orig_logging_name, + _dispatch=self.dispatch, + dialect=self._dialect, + ) + + def _do_get(self): + if self._checked_out: + if self._checkout_traceback: + suffix = " at:\n%s" % "".join( + chop_traceback(self._checkout_traceback) + ) + else: + suffix = "" + raise AssertionError("connection is already checked out" + suffix) + + if not self._conn: + self._conn = self._create_connection() + + self._checked_out = True + if self._store_traceback: + self._checkout_traceback = traceback.format_stack() + return self._conn + + +class _DBProxy(object): + + """Layers connection pooling behavior on top of a standard DB-API module. + + Proxies a DB-API 2.0 connect() call to a connection pool keyed to the + specific connect parameters. Other functions and attributes are delegated + to the underlying DB-API module. + """ + + def __init__(self, module, poolclass=QueuePool, **kw): + """Initializes a new proxy. + + module + a DB-API 2.0 module + + poolclass + a Pool class, defaulting to QueuePool + + Other parameters are sent to the Pool object's constructor. + + """ + + self.module = module + self.kw = kw + self.poolclass = poolclass + self.pools = {} + self._create_pool_mutex = threading.Lock() + + def close(self): + for key in list(self.pools): + del self.pools[key] + + def __del__(self): + self.close() + + def __getattr__(self, key): + return getattr(self.module, key) + + def get_pool(self, *args, **kw): + key = self._serialize(*args, **kw) + try: + return self.pools[key] + except KeyError: + self._create_pool_mutex.acquire() + try: + if key not in self.pools: + kw.pop("sa_pool_key", None) + pool = self.poolclass( + lambda: self.module.connect(*args, **kw), **self.kw + ) + self.pools[key] = pool + return pool + else: + return self.pools[key] + finally: + self._create_pool_mutex.release() + + def connect(self, *args, **kw): + """Activate a connection to the database. + + Connect to the database using this DBProxy's module and the given + connect arguments. If the arguments match an existing pool, the + connection will be returned from the pool's current thread-local + connection instance, or if there is no thread-local connection + instance it will be checked out from the set of pooled connections. + + If the pool has no available connections and allows new connections + to be created, a new database connection will be made. + + """ + + return self.get_pool(*args, **kw).connect() + + def dispose(self, *args, **kw): + """Dispose the pool referenced by the given connect arguments.""" + + key = self._serialize(*args, **kw) + try: + del self.pools[key] + except KeyError: + pass + + def _serialize(self, *args, **kw): + if "sa_pool_key" in kw: + return kw["sa_pool_key"] + + return tuple(list(args) + [(k, kw[k]) for k in sorted(kw)]) diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/processors.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/processors.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..62fc6e9 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/processors.py @@ -0,0 +1,173 @@ +# sqlalchemy/processors.py +# Copyright (C) 2010-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# Copyright (C) 2010 Gaetan de Menten gdementen@gmail.com +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +"""defines generic type conversion functions, as used in bind and result +processors. + +They all share one common characteristic: None is passed through unchanged. + +""" + +import codecs +import datetime +import re + +from . import util + + +def str_to_datetime_processor_factory(regexp, type_): + rmatch = regexp.match + # Even on python2.6 datetime.strptime is both slower than this code + # and it does not support microseconds. + has_named_groups = bool(regexp.groupindex) + + def process(value): + if value is None: + return None + else: + try: + m = rmatch(value) + except TypeError: + raise ValueError( + "Couldn't parse %s string '%r' " + "- value is not a string." % (type_.__name__, value) + ) + if m is None: + raise ValueError( + "Couldn't parse %s string: " + "'%s'" % (type_.__name__, value) + ) + if has_named_groups: + groups = m.groupdict(0) + return type_( + **dict( + list( + zip( + iter(groups.keys()), + list(map(int, iter(groups.values()))), + ) + ) + ) + ) + else: + return type_(*list(map(int, m.groups(0)))) + + return process + + +def py_fallback(): + def to_unicode_processor_factory(encoding, errors=None): + decoder = codecs.getdecoder(encoding) + + def process(value): + if value is None: + return None + else: + # decoder returns a tuple: (value, len). Simply dropping the + # len part is safe: it is done that way in the normal + # 'xx'.decode(encoding) code path. + return decoder(value, errors)[0] + + return process + + def to_conditional_unicode_processor_factory(encoding, errors=None): + decoder = codecs.getdecoder(encoding) + + def process(value): + if value is None: + return None + elif isinstance(value, util.text_type): + return value + else: + # decoder returns a tuple: (value, len). Simply dropping the + # len part is safe: it is done that way in the normal + # 'xx'.decode(encoding) code path. + return decoder(value, errors)[0] + + return process + + def to_decimal_processor_factory(target_class, scale): + fstring = "%%.%df" % scale + + def process(value): + if value is None: + return None + else: + return target_class(fstring % value) + + return process + + def to_float(value): # noqa + if value is None: + return None + else: + return float(value) + + def to_str(value): # noqa + if value is None: + return None + else: + return str(value) + + def int_to_boolean(value): # noqa + if value is None: + return None + else: + return bool(value) + + DATETIME_RE = re.compile( + r"(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+) (\d+):(\d+):(\d+)(?:\.(\d+))?" + ) + TIME_RE = re.compile(r"(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)(?:\.(\d+))?") + DATE_RE = re.compile(r"(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+)") + + str_to_datetime = str_to_datetime_processor_factory( # noqa + DATETIME_RE, datetime.datetime + ) + str_to_time = str_to_datetime_processor_factory( # noqa + TIME_RE, datetime.time + ) # noqa + str_to_date = str_to_datetime_processor_factory( # noqa + DATE_RE, datetime.date + ) # noqa + return locals() + + +try: + from sqlalchemy.cprocessors import DecimalResultProcessor # noqa + from sqlalchemy.cprocessors import int_to_boolean # noqa + from sqlalchemy.cprocessors import str_to_date # noqa + from sqlalchemy.cprocessors import str_to_datetime # noqa + from sqlalchemy.cprocessors import str_to_time # noqa + from sqlalchemy.cprocessors import to_float # noqa + from sqlalchemy.cprocessors import to_str # noqa + from sqlalchemy.cprocessors import UnicodeResultProcessor # noqa + + def to_unicode_processor_factory(encoding, errors=None): + if errors is not None: + return UnicodeResultProcessor(encoding, errors).process + else: + return UnicodeResultProcessor(encoding).process + + def to_conditional_unicode_processor_factory(encoding, errors=None): + if errors is not None: + return UnicodeResultProcessor(encoding, errors).conditional_process + else: + return UnicodeResultProcessor(encoding).conditional_process + + def to_decimal_processor_factory(target_class, scale): + # Note that the scale argument is not taken into account for integer + # values in the C implementation while it is in the Python one. + # For example, the Python implementation might return + # Decimal('5.00000') whereas the C implementation will + # return Decimal('5'). These are equivalent of course. + return DecimalResultProcessor(target_class, "%%.%df" % scale).process + + +except ImportError: + globals().update(py_fallback()) diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/schema.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/schema.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6ddd12e --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/schema.py @@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ +# schema.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +"""Compatibility namespace for sqlalchemy.sql.schema and related. + +""" + +from .sql.base import SchemaVisitor # noqa +from .sql.ddl import _CreateDropBase # noqa +from .sql.ddl import _DDLCompiles # noqa +from .sql.ddl import _DropView # noqa +from .sql.ddl import AddConstraint # noqa +from .sql.ddl import CreateColumn # noqa +from .sql.ddl import CreateIndex # noqa +from .sql.ddl import CreateSchema # noqa +from .sql.ddl import CreateSequence # noqa +from .sql.ddl import CreateTable # noqa +from .sql.ddl import DDL # noqa +from .sql.ddl import DDLBase # noqa +from .sql.ddl import DDLElement # noqa +from .sql.ddl import DropColumnComment # noqa +from .sql.ddl import DropConstraint # noqa +from .sql.ddl import DropIndex # noqa +from .sql.ddl import DropSchema # noqa +from .sql.ddl import DropSequence # noqa +from .sql.ddl import DropTable # noqa +from .sql.ddl import DropTableComment # noqa +from .sql.ddl import SetColumnComment # noqa +from .sql.ddl import SetTableComment # noqa +from .sql.ddl import sort_tables # noqa +from .sql.ddl import sort_tables_and_constraints # noqa +from .sql.naming import conv # noqa +from .sql.schema import _get_table_key # noqa +from .sql.schema import BLANK_SCHEMA # noqa +from .sql.schema import CheckConstraint # noqa +from .sql.schema import Column # noqa +from .sql.schema import ColumnCollectionConstraint # noqa +from .sql.schema import ColumnCollectionMixin # noqa +from .sql.schema import ColumnDefault # noqa +from .sql.schema import Constraint # noqa +from .sql.schema import DefaultClause # noqa +from .sql.schema import DefaultGenerator # noqa +from .sql.schema import FetchedValue # noqa +from .sql.schema import ForeignKey # noqa +from .sql.schema import ForeignKeyConstraint # noqa +from .sql.schema import Index # noqa +from .sql.schema import MetaData # noqa +from .sql.schema import PassiveDefault # noqa +from .sql.schema import PrimaryKeyConstraint # noqa +from .sql.schema import SchemaItem # noqa +from .sql.schema import Sequence # noqa +from .sql.schema import Table # noqa +from .sql.schema import ThreadLocalMetaData # noqa +from .sql.schema import UniqueConstraint # noqa diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/__init__.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8968d29 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1,105 @@ +# sql/__init__.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +from .expression import Alias # noqa +from .expression import alias # noqa +from .expression import all_ # noqa +from .expression import and_ # noqa +from .expression import any_ # noqa +from .expression import asc # noqa +from .expression import between # noqa +from .expression import bindparam # noqa +from .expression import case # noqa +from .expression import cast # noqa +from .expression import ClauseElement # noqa +from .expression import collate # noqa +from .expression import column # noqa +from .expression import ColumnCollection # noqa +from .expression import ColumnElement # noqa +from .expression import CompoundSelect # noqa +from .expression import Delete # noqa +from .expression import delete # noqa +from .expression import desc # noqa +from .expression import distinct # noqa +from .expression import except_ # noqa +from .expression import except_all # noqa +from .expression import exists # noqa +from .expression import extract # noqa +from .expression import false # noqa +from .expression import False_ # noqa +from .expression import FromClause # noqa +from .expression import func # noqa +from .expression import funcfilter # noqa +from .expression import Insert # noqa +from .expression import insert # noqa +from .expression import intersect # noqa +from .expression import intersect_all # noqa +from .expression import Join # noqa +from .expression import join # noqa +from .expression import label # noqa +from .expression import lateral # noqa +from .expression import literal # noqa +from .expression import literal_column # noqa +from .expression import modifier # noqa +from .expression import not_ # noqa +from .expression import null # noqa +from .expression import nullsfirst # noqa +from .expression import nullslast # noqa +from .expression import or_ # noqa +from .expression import outerjoin # noqa +from .expression import outparam # noqa +from .expression import over # noqa +from .expression import quoted_name # noqa +from .expression import Select # noqa +from .expression import select # noqa +from .expression import Selectable # noqa +from .expression import subquery # noqa +from .expression import table # noqa +from .expression import TableClause # noqa +from .expression import TableSample # noqa +from .expression import tablesample # noqa +from .expression import text # noqa +from .expression import true # noqa +from .expression import True_ # noqa +from .expression import tuple_ # noqa +from .expression import type_coerce # noqa +from .expression import union # noqa +from .expression import union_all # noqa +from .expression import Update # noqa +from .expression import update # noqa +from .expression import within_group # noqa +from .visitors import ClauseVisitor # noqa + + +def __go(lcls): + global __all__ + from .. import util as _sa_util + + import inspect as _inspect + + __all__ = sorted( + name + for name, obj in lcls.items() + if not (name.startswith("_") or _inspect.ismodule(obj)) + ) + + from .annotation import _prepare_annotations + from .annotation import Annotated # noqa + from .elements import AnnotatedColumnElement + from .elements import ClauseList # noqa + from .selectable import AnnotatedFromClause # noqa + + _prepare_annotations(ColumnElement, AnnotatedColumnElement) + _prepare_annotations(FromClause, AnnotatedFromClause) + _prepare_annotations(ClauseList, Annotated) + + _sa_util.dependencies.resolve_all("sqlalchemy.sql") + + from . import naming # noqa + + +__go(locals()) diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..26388d2 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/__pycache__/annotation.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/__pycache__/annotation.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f13845c Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/__pycache__/annotation.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/__pycache__/base.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/__pycache__/base.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3980758 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/__pycache__/base.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/__pycache__/compiler.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/__pycache__/compiler.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3feac3c Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/__pycache__/compiler.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/__pycache__/crud.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/__pycache__/crud.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ffd242d Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/__pycache__/crud.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/__pycache__/ddl.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/__pycache__/ddl.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..68c92e5 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/__pycache__/ddl.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/__pycache__/default_comparator.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/__pycache__/default_comparator.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6d78e6e Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/__pycache__/default_comparator.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/__pycache__/dml.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/__pycache__/dml.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1f27734 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/__pycache__/dml.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/__pycache__/elements.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/__pycache__/elements.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4e9f1eb Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/__pycache__/elements.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/__pycache__/expression.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/__pycache__/expression.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8e602f1 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/__pycache__/expression.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/__pycache__/functions.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/__pycache__/functions.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0ae95eb Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/__pycache__/functions.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/__pycache__/naming.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/__pycache__/naming.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1c7c298 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/__pycache__/naming.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/__pycache__/operators.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/__pycache__/operators.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0c6e549 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/__pycache__/operators.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/__pycache__/schema.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/__pycache__/schema.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e1e95b6 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/__pycache__/schema.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/__pycache__/selectable.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/__pycache__/selectable.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2f5cdde Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/__pycache__/selectable.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/__pycache__/sqltypes.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/__pycache__/sqltypes.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fc14147 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/__pycache__/sqltypes.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/__pycache__/type_api.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/__pycache__/type_api.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..96be3a9 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/__pycache__/type_api.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/__pycache__/util.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/__pycache__/util.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..354c797 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/__pycache__/util.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/__pycache__/visitors.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/__pycache__/visitors.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b8189a9 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/__pycache__/visitors.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/annotation.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/annotation.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7fc9245 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/annotation.py @@ -0,0 +1,208 @@ +# sql/annotation.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +"""The :class:`.Annotated` class and related routines; creates hash-equivalent +copies of SQL constructs which contain context-specific markers and +associations. + +""" + +from . import operators +from .. import util + + +class Annotated(object): + """clones a ClauseElement and applies an 'annotations' dictionary. + + Unlike regular clones, this clone also mimics __hash__() and + __cmp__() of the original element so that it takes its place + in hashed collections. + + A reference to the original element is maintained, for the important + reason of keeping its hash value current. When GC'ed, the + hash value may be reused, causing conflicts. + + .. note:: The rationale for Annotated producing a brand new class, + rather than placing the functionality directly within ClauseElement, + is **performance**. The __hash__() method is absent on plain + ClauseElement which leads to significantly reduced function call + overhead, as the use of sets and dictionaries against ClauseElement + objects is prevalent, but most are not "annotated". + + """ + + def __new__(cls, *args): + if not args: + # clone constructor + return object.__new__(cls) + else: + element, values = args + # pull appropriate subclass from registry of annotated + # classes + try: + cls = annotated_classes[element.__class__] + except KeyError: + cls = _new_annotation_type(element.__class__, cls) + return object.__new__(cls) + + def __init__(self, element, values): + self.__dict__ = element.__dict__.copy() + self.__element = element + self._annotations = values + self._hash = hash(element) + + def _annotate(self, values): + _values = self._annotations.copy() + _values.update(values) + return self._with_annotations(_values) + + def _with_annotations(self, values): + clone = self.__class__.__new__(self.__class__) + clone.__dict__ = self.__dict__.copy() + clone._annotations = values + return clone + + def _deannotate(self, values=None, clone=True): + if values is None: + return self.__element + else: + _values = self._annotations.copy() + for v in values: + _values.pop(v, None) + return self._with_annotations(_values) + + def _compiler_dispatch(self, visitor, **kw): + return self.__element.__class__._compiler_dispatch(self, visitor, **kw) + + @property + def _constructor(self): + return self.__element._constructor + + def _clone(self): + clone = self.__element._clone() + if clone is self.__element: + # detect immutable, don't change anything + return self + else: + # update the clone with any changes that have occurred + # to this object's __dict__. + clone.__dict__.update(self.__dict__) + return self.__class__(clone, self._annotations) + + def __reduce__(self): + return self.__class__, (self.__element, self._annotations) + + def __hash__(self): + return self._hash + + def __eq__(self, other): + if isinstance(self.__element, operators.ColumnOperators): + return self.__element.__class__.__eq__(self, other) + else: + return hash(other) == hash(self) + + +# hard-generate Annotated subclasses. this technique +# is used instead of on-the-fly types (i.e. type.__new__()) +# so that the resulting objects are pickleable. +annotated_classes = {} + + +def _deep_annotate(element, annotations, exclude=None): + """Deep copy the given ClauseElement, annotating each element + with the given annotations dictionary. + + Elements within the exclude collection will be cloned but not annotated. + + """ + + def clone(elem): + if ( + exclude + and hasattr(elem, "proxy_set") + and elem.proxy_set.intersection(exclude) + ): + newelem = elem._clone() + elif annotations != elem._annotations: + newelem = elem._annotate(annotations) + else: + newelem = elem + newelem._copy_internals(clone=clone) + return newelem + + if element is not None: + element = clone(element) + return element + + +def _deep_deannotate(element, values=None): + """Deep copy the given element, removing annotations.""" + + cloned = util.column_dict() + + def clone(elem): + # if a values dict is given, + # the elem must be cloned each time it appears, + # as there may be different annotations in source + # elements that are remaining. if totally + # removing all annotations, can assume the same + # slate... + if values or elem not in cloned: + newelem = elem._deannotate(values=values, clone=True) + newelem._copy_internals(clone=clone) + if not values: + cloned[elem] = newelem + return newelem + else: + return cloned[elem] + + if element is not None: + element = clone(element) + return element + + +def _shallow_annotate(element, annotations): + """Annotate the given ClauseElement and copy its internals so that + internal objects refer to the new annotated object. + + Basically used to apply a "dont traverse" annotation to a + selectable, without digging throughout the whole + structure wasting time. + """ + element = element._annotate(annotations) + element._copy_internals() + return element + + +def _new_annotation_type(cls, base_cls): + if issubclass(cls, Annotated): + return cls + elif cls in annotated_classes: + return annotated_classes[cls] + + for super_ in cls.__mro__: + # check if an Annotated subclass more specific than + # the given base_cls is already registered, such + # as AnnotatedColumnElement. + if super_ in annotated_classes: + base_cls = annotated_classes[super_] + break + + annotated_classes[cls] = anno_cls = type( + "Annotated%s" % cls.__name__, (base_cls, cls), {} + ) + globals()["Annotated%s" % cls.__name__] = anno_cls + return anno_cls + + +def _prepare_annotations(target_hierarchy, base_cls): + stack = [target_hierarchy] + while stack: + cls = stack.pop() + stack.extend(cls.__subclasses__()) + + _new_annotation_type(cls, base_cls) diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/base.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/base.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..98a7fc1 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/base.py @@ -0,0 +1,656 @@ +# sql/base.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +"""Foundational utilities common to many sql modules. + +""" + + +import itertools +import re + +from .visitors import ClauseVisitor +from .. import exc +from .. import util + +PARSE_AUTOCOMMIT = util.symbol("PARSE_AUTOCOMMIT") +NO_ARG = util.symbol("NO_ARG") + + +class Immutable(object): + """mark a ClauseElement as 'immutable' when expressions are cloned.""" + + def unique_params(self, *optionaldict, **kwargs): + raise NotImplementedError("Immutable objects do not support copying") + + def params(self, *optionaldict, **kwargs): + raise NotImplementedError("Immutable objects do not support copying") + + def _clone(self): + return self + + +def _from_objects(*elements): + return itertools.chain(*[element._from_objects for element in elements]) + + +@util.decorator +def _generative(fn, *args, **kw): + """Mark a method as generative.""" + + self = args[0]._generate() + fn(self, *args[1:], **kw) + return self + + +class _DialectArgView(util.collections_abc.MutableMapping): + """A dictionary view of dialect-level arguments in the form + _. + + """ + + def __init__(self, obj): + self.obj = obj + + def _key(self, key): + try: + dialect, value_key = key.split("_", 1) + except ValueError: + raise KeyError(key) + else: + return dialect, value_key + + def __getitem__(self, key): + dialect, value_key = self._key(key) + + try: + opt = self.obj.dialect_options[dialect] + except exc.NoSuchModuleError: + raise KeyError(key) + else: + return opt[value_key] + + def __setitem__(self, key, value): + try: + dialect, value_key = self._key(key) + except KeyError: + raise exc.ArgumentError( + "Keys must be of the form _" + ) + else: + self.obj.dialect_options[dialect][value_key] = value + + def __delitem__(self, key): + dialect, value_key = self._key(key) + del self.obj.dialect_options[dialect][value_key] + + def __len__(self): + return sum( + len(args._non_defaults) + for args in self.obj.dialect_options.values() + ) + + def __iter__(self): + return ( + util.safe_kwarg("%s_%s" % (dialect_name, value_name)) + for dialect_name in self.obj.dialect_options + for value_name in self.obj.dialect_options[ + dialect_name + ]._non_defaults + ) + + +class _DialectArgDict(util.collections_abc.MutableMapping): + """A dictionary view of dialect-level arguments for a specific + dialect. + + Maintains a separate collection of user-specified arguments + and dialect-specified default arguments. + + """ + + def __init__(self): + self._non_defaults = {} + self._defaults = {} + + def __len__(self): + return len(set(self._non_defaults).union(self._defaults)) + + def __iter__(self): + return iter(set(self._non_defaults).union(self._defaults)) + + def __getitem__(self, key): + if key in self._non_defaults: + return self._non_defaults[key] + else: + return self._defaults[key] + + def __setitem__(self, key, value): + self._non_defaults[key] = value + + def __delitem__(self, key): + del self._non_defaults[key] + + +class DialectKWArgs(object): + """Establish the ability for a class to have dialect-specific arguments + with defaults and constructor validation. + + The :class:`.DialectKWArgs` interacts with the + :attr:`.DefaultDialect.construct_arguments` present on a dialect. + + .. seealso:: + + :attr:`.DefaultDialect.construct_arguments` + + """ + + @classmethod + def argument_for(cls, dialect_name, argument_name, default): + """Add a new kind of dialect-specific keyword argument for this class. + + E.g.:: + + Index.argument_for("mydialect", "length", None) + + some_index = Index('a', 'b', mydialect_length=5) + + The :meth:`.DialectKWArgs.argument_for` method is a per-argument + way adding extra arguments to the + :attr:`.DefaultDialect.construct_arguments` dictionary. This + dictionary provides a list of argument names accepted by various + schema-level constructs on behalf of a dialect. + + New dialects should typically specify this dictionary all at once as a + data member of the dialect class. The use case for ad-hoc addition of + argument names is typically for end-user code that is also using + a custom compilation scheme which consumes the additional arguments. + + :param dialect_name: name of a dialect. The dialect must be + locatable, else a :class:`.NoSuchModuleError` is raised. The + dialect must also include an existing + :attr:`.DefaultDialect.construct_arguments` collection, indicating + that it participates in the keyword-argument validation and default + system, else :class:`.ArgumentError` is raised. If the dialect does + not include this collection, then any keyword argument can be + specified on behalf of this dialect already. All dialects packaged + within SQLAlchemy include this collection, however for third party + dialects, support may vary. + + :param argument_name: name of the parameter. + + :param default: default value of the parameter. + + .. versionadded:: 0.9.4 + + """ + + construct_arg_dictionary = DialectKWArgs._kw_registry[dialect_name] + if construct_arg_dictionary is None: + raise exc.ArgumentError( + "Dialect '%s' does have keyword-argument " + "validation and defaults enabled configured" % dialect_name + ) + if cls not in construct_arg_dictionary: + construct_arg_dictionary[cls] = {} + construct_arg_dictionary[cls][argument_name] = default + + @util.memoized_property + def dialect_kwargs(self): + """A collection of keyword arguments specified as dialect-specific + options to this construct. + + The arguments are present here in their original ``_`` + format. Only arguments that were actually passed are included; + unlike the :attr:`.DialectKWArgs.dialect_options` collection, which + contains all options known by this dialect including defaults. + + The collection is also writable; keys are accepted of the + form ``_`` where the value will be assembled + into the list of options. + + .. versionadded:: 0.9.2 + + .. versionchanged:: 0.9.4 The :attr:`.DialectKWArgs.dialect_kwargs` + collection is now writable. + + .. seealso:: + + :attr:`.DialectKWArgs.dialect_options` - nested dictionary form + + """ + return _DialectArgView(self) + + @property + def kwargs(self): + """A synonym for :attr:`.DialectKWArgs.dialect_kwargs`.""" + return self.dialect_kwargs + + @util.dependencies("sqlalchemy.dialects") + def _kw_reg_for_dialect(dialects, dialect_name): + dialect_cls = dialects.registry.load(dialect_name) + if dialect_cls.construct_arguments is None: + return None + return dict(dialect_cls.construct_arguments) + + _kw_registry = util.PopulateDict(_kw_reg_for_dialect) + + def _kw_reg_for_dialect_cls(self, dialect_name): + construct_arg_dictionary = DialectKWArgs._kw_registry[dialect_name] + d = _DialectArgDict() + + if construct_arg_dictionary is None: + d._defaults.update({"*": None}) + else: + for cls in reversed(self.__class__.__mro__): + if cls in construct_arg_dictionary: + d._defaults.update(construct_arg_dictionary[cls]) + return d + + @util.memoized_property + def dialect_options(self): + """A collection of keyword arguments specified as dialect-specific + options to this construct. + + This is a two-level nested registry, keyed to ```` + and ````. For example, the ``postgresql_where`` + argument would be locatable as:: + + arg = my_object.dialect_options['postgresql']['where'] + + .. versionadded:: 0.9.2 + + .. seealso:: + + :attr:`.DialectKWArgs.dialect_kwargs` - flat dictionary form + + """ + + return util.PopulateDict( + util.portable_instancemethod(self._kw_reg_for_dialect_cls) + ) + + def _validate_dialect_kwargs(self, kwargs): + # validate remaining kwargs that they all specify DB prefixes + + if not kwargs: + return + + for k in kwargs: + m = re.match("^(.+?)_(.+)$", k) + if not m: + raise TypeError( + "Additional arguments should be " + "named _, got '%s'" % k + ) + dialect_name, arg_name = m.group(1, 2) + + try: + construct_arg_dictionary = self.dialect_options[dialect_name] + except exc.NoSuchModuleError: + util.warn( + "Can't validate argument %r; can't " + "locate any SQLAlchemy dialect named %r" + % (k, dialect_name) + ) + self.dialect_options[dialect_name] = d = _DialectArgDict() + d._defaults.update({"*": None}) + d._non_defaults[arg_name] = kwargs[k] + else: + if ( + "*" not in construct_arg_dictionary + and arg_name not in construct_arg_dictionary + ): + raise exc.ArgumentError( + "Argument %r is not accepted by " + "dialect %r on behalf of %r" + % (k, dialect_name, self.__class__) + ) + else: + construct_arg_dictionary[arg_name] = kwargs[k] + + +class Generative(object): + """Allow a ClauseElement to generate itself via the + @_generative decorator. + + """ + + def _generate(self): + s = self.__class__.__new__(self.__class__) + s.__dict__ = self.__dict__.copy() + return s + + +class Executable(Generative): + """Mark a ClauseElement as supporting execution. + + :class:`.Executable` is a superclass for all "statement" types + of objects, including :func:`select`, :func:`delete`, :func:`update`, + :func:`insert`, :func:`text`. + + """ + + supports_execution = True + _execution_options = util.immutabledict() + _bind = None + + @_generative + def execution_options(self, **kw): + """ Set non-SQL options for the statement which take effect during + execution. + + Execution options can be set on a per-statement or + per :class:`.Connection` basis. Additionally, the + :class:`.Engine` and ORM :class:`~.orm.query.Query` objects provide + access to execution options which they in turn configure upon + connections. + + The :meth:`execution_options` method is generative. A new + instance of this statement is returned that contains the options:: + + statement = select([table.c.x, table.c.y]) + statement = statement.execution_options(autocommit=True) + + Note that only a subset of possible execution options can be applied + to a statement - these include "autocommit" and "stream_results", + but not "isolation_level" or "compiled_cache". + See :meth:`.Connection.execution_options` for a full list of + possible options. + + .. seealso:: + + :meth:`.Connection.execution_options()` + + :meth:`.Query.execution_options()` + + """ + if "isolation_level" in kw: + raise exc.ArgumentError( + "'isolation_level' execution option may only be specified " + "on Connection.execution_options(), or " + "per-engine using the isolation_level " + "argument to create_engine()." + ) + if "compiled_cache" in kw: + raise exc.ArgumentError( + "'compiled_cache' execution option may only be specified " + "on Connection.execution_options(), not per statement." + ) + self._execution_options = self._execution_options.union(kw) + + def execute(self, *multiparams, **params): + """Compile and execute this :class:`.Executable`.""" + e = self.bind + if e is None: + label = getattr(self, "description", self.__class__.__name__) + msg = ( + "This %s is not directly bound to a Connection or Engine. " + "Use the .execute() method of a Connection or Engine " + "to execute this construct." % label + ) + raise exc.UnboundExecutionError(msg) + return e._execute_clauseelement(self, multiparams, params) + + def scalar(self, *multiparams, **params): + """Compile and execute this :class:`.Executable`, returning the + result's scalar representation. + + """ + return self.execute(*multiparams, **params).scalar() + + @property + def bind(self): + """Returns the :class:`.Engine` or :class:`.Connection` to + which this :class:`.Executable` is bound, or None if none found. + + This is a traversal which checks locally, then + checks among the "from" clauses of associated objects + until a bound engine or connection is found. + + """ + if self._bind is not None: + return self._bind + + for f in _from_objects(self): + if f is self: + continue + engine = f.bind + if engine is not None: + return engine + else: + return None + + +class SchemaEventTarget(object): + """Base class for elements that are the targets of :class:`.DDLEvents` + events. + + This includes :class:`.SchemaItem` as well as :class:`.SchemaType`. + + """ + + def _set_parent(self, parent): + """Associate with this SchemaEvent's parent object.""" + + def _set_parent_with_dispatch(self, parent): + self.dispatch.before_parent_attach(self, parent) + self._set_parent(parent) + self.dispatch.after_parent_attach(self, parent) + + +class SchemaVisitor(ClauseVisitor): + """Define the visiting for ``SchemaItem`` objects.""" + + __traverse_options__ = {"schema_visitor": True} + + +class ColumnCollection(util.OrderedProperties): + """An ordered dictionary that stores a list of ColumnElement + instances. + + Overrides the ``__eq__()`` method to produce SQL clauses between + sets of correlated columns. + + """ + + __slots__ = "_all_columns" + + def __init__(self, *columns): + super(ColumnCollection, self).__init__() + object.__setattr__(self, "_all_columns", []) + for c in columns: + self.add(c) + + def __str__(self): + return repr([str(c) for c in self]) + + def replace(self, column): + """add the given column to this collection, removing unaliased + versions of this column as well as existing columns with the + same key. + + e.g.:: + + t = Table('sometable', metadata, Column('col1', Integer)) + t.columns.replace(Column('col1', Integer, key='columnone')) + + will remove the original 'col1' from the collection, and add + the new column under the name 'columnname'. + + Used by schema.Column to override columns during table reflection. + + """ + remove_col = None + if column.name in self and column.key != column.name: + other = self[column.name] + if other.name == other.key: + remove_col = other + del self._data[other.key] + + if column.key in self._data: + remove_col = self._data[column.key] + + self._data[column.key] = column + if remove_col is not None: + self._all_columns[:] = [ + column if c is remove_col else c for c in self._all_columns + ] + else: + self._all_columns.append(column) + + def add(self, column): + """Add a column to this collection. + + The key attribute of the column will be used as the hash key + for this dictionary. + + """ + if not column.key: + raise exc.ArgumentError( + "Can't add unnamed column to column collection" + ) + self[column.key] = column + + def __delitem__(self, key): + raise NotImplementedError() + + def __setattr__(self, key, obj): + raise NotImplementedError() + + def __setitem__(self, key, value): + if key in self: + + # this warning is primarily to catch select() statements + # which have conflicting column names in their exported + # columns collection + + existing = self[key] + + if existing is value: + return + + if not existing.shares_lineage(value): + util.warn( + "Column %r on table %r being replaced by " + "%r, which has the same key. Consider " + "use_labels for select() statements." + % (key, getattr(existing, "table", None), value) + ) + + # pop out memoized proxy_set as this + # operation may very well be occurring + # in a _make_proxy operation + util.memoized_property.reset(value, "proxy_set") + + self._all_columns.append(value) + self._data[key] = value + + def clear(self): + raise NotImplementedError() + + def remove(self, column): + del self._data[column.key] + self._all_columns[:] = [ + c for c in self._all_columns if c is not column + ] + + def update(self, iter_): + cols = list(iter_) + all_col_set = set(self._all_columns) + self._all_columns.extend( + c for label, c in cols if c not in all_col_set + ) + self._data.update((label, c) for label, c in cols) + + def extend(self, iter_): + cols = list(iter_) + all_col_set = set(self._all_columns) + self._all_columns.extend(c for c in cols if c not in all_col_set) + self._data.update((c.key, c) for c in cols) + + __hash__ = None + + @util.dependencies("sqlalchemy.sql.elements") + def __eq__(self, elements, other): + l = [] + for c in getattr(other, "_all_columns", other): + for local in self._all_columns: + if c.shares_lineage(local): + l.append(c == local) + return elements.and_(*l) + + def __contains__(self, other): + if not isinstance(other, util.string_types): + raise exc.ArgumentError("__contains__ requires a string argument") + return util.OrderedProperties.__contains__(self, other) + + def __getstate__(self): + return {"_data": self._data, "_all_columns": self._all_columns} + + def __setstate__(self, state): + object.__setattr__(self, "_data", state["_data"]) + object.__setattr__(self, "_all_columns", state["_all_columns"]) + + def contains_column(self, col): + return col in set(self._all_columns) + + def as_immutable(self): + return ImmutableColumnCollection(self._data, self._all_columns) + + +class ImmutableColumnCollection(util.ImmutableProperties, ColumnCollection): + def __init__(self, data, all_columns): + util.ImmutableProperties.__init__(self, data) + object.__setattr__(self, "_all_columns", all_columns) + + extend = remove = util.ImmutableProperties._immutable + + +class ColumnSet(util.ordered_column_set): + def contains_column(self, col): + return col in self + + def extend(self, cols): + for col in cols: + self.add(col) + + def __add__(self, other): + return list(self) + list(other) + + @util.dependencies("sqlalchemy.sql.elements") + def __eq__(self, elements, other): + l = [] + for c in other: + for local in self: + if c.shares_lineage(local): + l.append(c == local) + return elements.and_(*l) + + def __hash__(self): + return hash(tuple(x for x in self)) + + +def _bind_or_error(schemaitem, msg=None): + bind = schemaitem.bind + if not bind: + name = schemaitem.__class__.__name__ + label = getattr( + schemaitem, "fullname", getattr(schemaitem, "name", None) + ) + if label: + item = "%s object %r" % (name, label) + else: + item = "%s object" % name + if msg is None: + msg = ( + "%s is not bound to an Engine or Connection. " + "Execution can not proceed without a database to execute " + "against." % item + ) + raise exc.UnboundExecutionError(msg) + return bind diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/compiler.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/compiler.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..19ebf23 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/compiler.py @@ -0,0 +1,3603 @@ +# sql/compiler.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +"""Base SQL and DDL compiler implementations. + +Classes provided include: + +:class:`.compiler.SQLCompiler` - renders SQL +strings + +:class:`.compiler.DDLCompiler` - renders DDL +(data definition language) strings + +:class:`.compiler.GenericTypeCompiler` - renders +type specification strings. + +To generate user-defined SQL strings, see +:doc:`/ext/compiler`. + +""" + +import contextlib +import itertools +import re + +from . import crud +from . import elements +from . import functions +from . import operators +from . import schema +from . import selectable +from . import sqltypes +from . import visitors +from .. import exc +from .. import util + +RESERVED_WORDS = set( + [ + "all", + "analyse", + "analyze", + "and", + "any", + "array", + "as", + "asc", + "asymmetric", + "authorization", + "between", + "binary", + "both", + "case", + "cast", + "check", + "collate", + "column", + "constraint", + "create", + "cross", + "current_date", + "current_role", + "current_time", + "current_timestamp", + "current_user", + "default", + "deferrable", + "desc", + "distinct", + "do", + "else", + "end", + "except", + "false", + "for", + "foreign", + "freeze", + "from", + "full", + "grant", + "group", + "having", + "ilike", + "in", + "initially", + "inner", + "intersect", + "into", + "is", + "isnull", + "join", + "leading", + "left", + "like", + "limit", + "localtime", + "localtimestamp", + "natural", + "new", + "not", + "notnull", + "null", + "off", + "offset", + "old", + "on", + "only", + "or", + "order", + "outer", + "overlaps", + "placing", + "primary", + "references", + "right", + "select", + "session_user", + "set", + "similar", + "some", + "symmetric", + "table", + "then", + "to", + "trailing", + "true", + "union", + "unique", + "user", + "using", + "verbose", + "when", + "where", + ] +) + +LEGAL_CHARACTERS = re.compile(r"^[A-Z0-9_$]+$", re.I) +ILLEGAL_INITIAL_CHARACTERS = {str(x) for x in range(0, 10)}.union(["$"]) + +BIND_PARAMS = re.compile(r"(? ", + operators.ge: " >= ", + operators.eq: " = ", + operators.is_distinct_from: " IS DISTINCT FROM ", + operators.isnot_distinct_from: " IS NOT DISTINCT FROM ", + operators.concat_op: " || ", + operators.match_op: " MATCH ", + operators.notmatch_op: " NOT MATCH ", + operators.in_op: " IN ", + operators.notin_op: " NOT IN ", + operators.comma_op: ", ", + operators.from_: " FROM ", + operators.as_: " AS ", + operators.is_: " IS ", + operators.isnot: " IS NOT ", + operators.collate: " COLLATE ", + # unary + operators.exists: "EXISTS ", + operators.distinct_op: "DISTINCT ", + operators.inv: "NOT ", + operators.any_op: "ANY ", + operators.all_op: "ALL ", + # modifiers + operators.desc_op: " DESC", + operators.asc_op: " ASC", + operators.nullsfirst_op: " NULLS FIRST", + operators.nullslast_op: " NULLS LAST", +} + +FUNCTIONS = { + functions.coalesce: "coalesce%(expr)s", + functions.current_date: "CURRENT_DATE", + functions.current_time: "CURRENT_TIME", + functions.current_timestamp: "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP", + functions.current_user: "CURRENT_USER", + functions.localtime: "LOCALTIME", + functions.localtimestamp: "LOCALTIMESTAMP", + functions.random: "random%(expr)s", + functions.sysdate: "sysdate", + functions.session_user: "SESSION_USER", + functions.user: "USER", + functions.cube: "CUBE%(expr)s", + functions.rollup: "ROLLUP%(expr)s", + functions.grouping_sets: "GROUPING SETS%(expr)s", +} + +EXTRACT_MAP = { + "month": "month", + "day": "day", + "year": "year", + "second": "second", + "hour": "hour", + "doy": "doy", + "minute": "minute", + "quarter": "quarter", + "dow": "dow", + "week": "week", + "epoch": "epoch", + "milliseconds": "milliseconds", + "microseconds": "microseconds", + "timezone_hour": "timezone_hour", + "timezone_minute": "timezone_minute", +} + +COMPOUND_KEYWORDS = { + selectable.CompoundSelect.UNION: "UNION", + selectable.CompoundSelect.UNION_ALL: "UNION ALL", + selectable.CompoundSelect.EXCEPT: "EXCEPT", + selectable.CompoundSelect.EXCEPT_ALL: "EXCEPT ALL", + selectable.CompoundSelect.INTERSECT: "INTERSECT", + selectable.CompoundSelect.INTERSECT_ALL: "INTERSECT ALL", +} + + +class Compiled(object): + + """Represent a compiled SQL or DDL expression. + + The ``__str__`` method of the ``Compiled`` object should produce + the actual text of the statement. ``Compiled`` objects are + specific to their underlying database dialect, and also may + or may not be specific to the columns referenced within a + particular set of bind parameters. In no case should the + ``Compiled`` object be dependent on the actual values of those + bind parameters, even though it may reference those values as + defaults. + """ + + _cached_metadata = None + + execution_options = util.immutabledict() + """ + Execution options propagated from the statement. In some cases, + sub-elements of the statement can modify these. + """ + + def __init__( + self, + dialect, + statement, + bind=None, + schema_translate_map=None, + compile_kwargs=util.immutabledict(), + ): + """Construct a new :class:`.Compiled` object. + + :param dialect: :class:`.Dialect` to compile against. + + :param statement: :class:`.ClauseElement` to be compiled. + + :param bind: Optional Engine or Connection to compile this + statement against. + + :param schema_translate_map: dictionary of schema names to be + translated when forming the resultant SQL + + .. versionadded:: 1.1 + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`schema_translating` + + :param compile_kwargs: additional kwargs that will be + passed to the initial call to :meth:`.Compiled.process`. + + + """ + + self.dialect = dialect + self.bind = bind + self.preparer = self.dialect.identifier_preparer + if schema_translate_map: + self.preparer = self.preparer._with_schema_translate( + schema_translate_map + ) + + if statement is not None: + self.statement = statement + self.can_execute = statement.supports_execution + if self.can_execute: + self.execution_options = statement._execution_options + self.string = self.process(self.statement, **compile_kwargs) + + @util.deprecated( + "0.7", + ":class:`.Compiled` objects now compile " "within the constructor.", + ) + def compile(self): + """Produce the internal string representation of this element. + """ + pass + + def _execute_on_connection(self, connection, multiparams, params): + if self.can_execute: + return connection._execute_compiled(self, multiparams, params) + else: + raise exc.ObjectNotExecutableError(self.statement) + + @property + def sql_compiler(self): + """Return a Compiled that is capable of processing SQL expressions. + + If this compiler is one, it would likely just return 'self'. + + """ + + raise NotImplementedError() + + def process(self, obj, **kwargs): + return obj._compiler_dispatch(self, **kwargs) + + def __str__(self): + """Return the string text of the generated SQL or DDL.""" + + return self.string or "" + + def construct_params(self, params=None): + """Return the bind params for this compiled object. + + :param params: a dict of string/object pairs whose values will + override bind values compiled in to the + statement. + """ + + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def params(self): + """Return the bind params for this compiled object.""" + return self.construct_params() + + def execute(self, *multiparams, **params): + """Execute this compiled object.""" + + e = self.bind + if e is None: + raise exc.UnboundExecutionError( + "This Compiled object is not bound to any Engine " + "or Connection.", + code="2afi", + ) + return e._execute_compiled(self, multiparams, params) + + def scalar(self, *multiparams, **params): + """Execute this compiled object and return the result's + scalar value.""" + + return self.execute(*multiparams, **params).scalar() + + +class TypeCompiler(util.with_metaclass(util.EnsureKWArgType, object)): + """Produces DDL specification for TypeEngine objects.""" + + ensure_kwarg = r"visit_\w+" + + def __init__(self, dialect): + self.dialect = dialect + + def process(self, type_, **kw): + return type_._compiler_dispatch(self, **kw) + + +class _CompileLabel(visitors.Visitable): + + """lightweight label object which acts as an expression.Label.""" + + __visit_name__ = "label" + __slots__ = "element", "name" + + def __init__(self, col, name, alt_names=()): + self.element = col + self.name = name + self._alt_names = (col,) + alt_names + + @property + def proxy_set(self): + return self.element.proxy_set + + @property + def type(self): + return self.element.type + + def self_group(self, **kw): + return self + + +class SQLCompiler(Compiled): + """Default implementation of :class:`.Compiled`. + + Compiles :class:`.ClauseElement` objects into SQL strings. + + """ + + extract_map = EXTRACT_MAP + + compound_keywords = COMPOUND_KEYWORDS + + isdelete = isinsert = isupdate = False + """class-level defaults which can be set at the instance + level to define if this Compiled instance represents + INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE + """ + + isplaintext = False + + returning = None + """holds the "returning" collection of columns if + the statement is CRUD and defines returning columns + either implicitly or explicitly + """ + + returning_precedes_values = False + """set to True classwide to generate RETURNING + clauses before the VALUES or WHERE clause (i.e. MSSQL) + """ + + render_table_with_column_in_update_from = False + """set to True classwide to indicate the SET clause + in a multi-table UPDATE statement should qualify + columns with the table name (i.e. MySQL only) + """ + + contains_expanding_parameters = False + """True if we've encountered bindparam(..., expanding=True). + + These need to be converted before execution time against the + string statement. + + """ + + ansi_bind_rules = False + """SQL 92 doesn't allow bind parameters to be used + in the columns clause of a SELECT, nor does it allow + ambiguous expressions like "? = ?". A compiler + subclass can set this flag to False if the target + driver/DB enforces this + """ + + _textual_ordered_columns = False + """tell the result object that the column names as rendered are important, + but they are also "ordered" vs. what is in the compiled object here. + """ + + _ordered_columns = True + """ + if False, means we can't be sure the list of entries + in _result_columns is actually the rendered order. Usually + True unless using an unordered TextAsFrom. + """ + + _numeric_binds = False + """ + True if paramstyle is "numeric". This paramstyle is trickier than + all the others. + + """ + + insert_prefetch = update_prefetch = () + + def __init__( + self, dialect, statement, column_keys=None, inline=False, **kwargs + ): + """Construct a new :class:`.SQLCompiler` object. + + :param dialect: :class:`.Dialect` to be used + + :param statement: :class:`.ClauseElement` to be compiled + + :param column_keys: a list of column names to be compiled into an + INSERT or UPDATE statement. + + :param inline: whether to generate INSERT statements as "inline", e.g. + not formatted to return any generated defaults + + :param kwargs: additional keyword arguments to be consumed by the + superclass. + + """ + self.column_keys = column_keys + + # compile INSERT/UPDATE defaults/sequences inlined (no pre- + # execute) + self.inline = inline or getattr(statement, "inline", False) + + # a dictionary of bind parameter keys to BindParameter + # instances. + self.binds = {} + + # a dictionary of BindParameter instances to "compiled" names + # that are actually present in the generated SQL + self.bind_names = util.column_dict() + + # stack which keeps track of nested SELECT statements + self.stack = [] + + # relates label names in the final SQL to a tuple of local + # column/label name, ColumnElement object (if any) and + # TypeEngine. ResultProxy uses this for type processing and + # column targeting + self._result_columns = [] + + # true if the paramstyle is positional + self.positional = dialect.positional + if self.positional: + self.positiontup = [] + self._numeric_binds = dialect.paramstyle == "numeric" + self.bindtemplate = BIND_TEMPLATES[dialect.paramstyle] + + self.ctes = None + + self.label_length = ( + dialect.label_length or dialect.max_identifier_length + ) + + # a map which tracks "anonymous" identifiers that are created on + # the fly here + self.anon_map = util.PopulateDict(self._process_anon) + + # a map which tracks "truncated" names based on + # dialect.label_length or dialect.max_identifier_length + self.truncated_names = {} + Compiled.__init__(self, dialect, statement, **kwargs) + + if ( + self.isinsert or self.isupdate or self.isdelete + ) and statement._returning: + self.returning = statement._returning + + if self.positional and self._numeric_binds: + self._apply_numbered_params() + + @property + def prefetch(self): + return list(self.insert_prefetch + self.update_prefetch) + + @util.memoized_instancemethod + def _init_cte_state(self): + """Initialize collections related to CTEs only if + a CTE is located, to save on the overhead of + these collections otherwise. + + """ + # collect CTEs to tack on top of a SELECT + self.ctes = util.OrderedDict() + self.ctes_by_name = {} + self.ctes_recursive = False + if self.positional: + self.cte_positional = {} + + @contextlib.contextmanager + def _nested_result(self): + """special API to support the use case of 'nested result sets'""" + result_columns, ordered_columns = ( + self._result_columns, + self._ordered_columns, + ) + self._result_columns, self._ordered_columns = [], False + + try: + if self.stack: + entry = self.stack[-1] + entry["need_result_map_for_nested"] = True + else: + entry = None + yield self._result_columns, self._ordered_columns + finally: + if entry: + entry.pop("need_result_map_for_nested") + self._result_columns, self._ordered_columns = ( + result_columns, + ordered_columns, + ) + + def _apply_numbered_params(self): + poscount = itertools.count(1) + self.string = re.sub( + r"\[_POSITION\]", lambda m: str(util.next(poscount)), self.string + ) + + @util.memoized_property + def _bind_processors(self): + return dict( + (key, value) + for key, value in ( + ( + self.bind_names[bindparam], + bindparam.type._cached_bind_processor(self.dialect), + ) + for bindparam in self.bind_names + ) + if value is not None + ) + + def is_subquery(self): + return len(self.stack) > 1 + + @property + def sql_compiler(self): + return self + + def construct_params(self, params=None, _group_number=None, _check=True): + """return a dictionary of bind parameter keys and values""" + + if params: + pd = {} + for bindparam in self.bind_names: + name = self.bind_names[bindparam] + if bindparam.key in params: + pd[name] = params[bindparam.key] + elif name in params: + pd[name] = params[name] + + elif _check and bindparam.required: + if _group_number: + raise exc.InvalidRequestError( + "A value is required for bind parameter %r, " + "in parameter group %d" + % (bindparam.key, _group_number), + code="cd3x", + ) + else: + raise exc.InvalidRequestError( + "A value is required for bind parameter %r" + % bindparam.key, + code="cd3x", + ) + + elif bindparam.callable: + pd[name] = bindparam.effective_value + else: + pd[name] = bindparam.value + return pd + else: + pd = {} + for bindparam in self.bind_names: + if _check and bindparam.required: + if _group_number: + raise exc.InvalidRequestError( + "A value is required for bind parameter %r, " + "in parameter group %d" + % (bindparam.key, _group_number), + code="cd3x", + ) + else: + raise exc.InvalidRequestError( + "A value is required for bind parameter %r" + % bindparam.key, + code="cd3x", + ) + + if bindparam.callable: + pd[self.bind_names[bindparam]] = bindparam.effective_value + else: + pd[self.bind_names[bindparam]] = bindparam.value + return pd + + @property + def params(self): + """Return the bind param dictionary embedded into this + compiled object, for those values that are present.""" + return self.construct_params(_check=False) + + @util.dependencies("sqlalchemy.engine.result") + def _create_result_map(self, result): + """utility method used for unit tests only.""" + return result.ResultMetaData._create_result_map(self._result_columns) + + def default_from(self): + """Called when a SELECT statement has no froms, and no FROM clause is + to be appended. + + Gives Oracle a chance to tack on a ``FROM DUAL`` to the string output. + + """ + return "" + + def visit_grouping(self, grouping, asfrom=False, **kwargs): + return "(" + grouping.element._compiler_dispatch(self, **kwargs) + ")" + + def visit_label_reference( + self, element, within_columns_clause=False, **kwargs + ): + if self.stack and self.dialect.supports_simple_order_by_label: + selectable = self.stack[-1]["selectable"] + + with_cols, only_froms, only_cols = selectable._label_resolve_dict + if within_columns_clause: + resolve_dict = only_froms + else: + resolve_dict = only_cols + + # this can be None in the case that a _label_reference() + # were subject to a replacement operation, in which case + # the replacement of the Label element may have changed + # to something else like a ColumnClause expression. + order_by_elem = element.element._order_by_label_element + + if ( + order_by_elem is not None + and order_by_elem.name in resolve_dict + and order_by_elem.shares_lineage( + resolve_dict[order_by_elem.name] + ) + ): + kwargs[ + "render_label_as_label" + ] = element.element._order_by_label_element + return self.process( + element.element, + within_columns_clause=within_columns_clause, + **kwargs + ) + + def visit_textual_label_reference( + self, element, within_columns_clause=False, **kwargs + ): + if not self.stack: + # compiling the element outside of the context of a SELECT + return self.process(element._text_clause) + + selectable = self.stack[-1]["selectable"] + with_cols, only_froms, only_cols = selectable._label_resolve_dict + try: + if within_columns_clause: + col = only_froms[element.element] + else: + col = with_cols[element.element] + except KeyError: + # treat it like text() + util.warn_limited( + "Can't resolve label reference %r; converting to text()", + util.ellipses_string(element.element), + ) + return self.process(element._text_clause) + else: + kwargs["render_label_as_label"] = col + return self.process( + col, within_columns_clause=within_columns_clause, **kwargs + ) + + def visit_label( + self, + label, + add_to_result_map=None, + within_label_clause=False, + within_columns_clause=False, + render_label_as_label=None, + **kw + ): + # only render labels within the columns clause + # or ORDER BY clause of a select. dialect-specific compilers + # can modify this behavior. + render_label_with_as = ( + within_columns_clause and not within_label_clause + ) + render_label_only = render_label_as_label is label + + if render_label_only or render_label_with_as: + if isinstance(label.name, elements._truncated_label): + labelname = self._truncated_identifier("colident", label.name) + else: + labelname = label.name + + if render_label_with_as: + if add_to_result_map is not None: + add_to_result_map( + labelname, + label.name, + (label, labelname) + label._alt_names, + label.type, + ) + + return ( + label.element._compiler_dispatch( + self, + within_columns_clause=True, + within_label_clause=True, + **kw + ) + + OPERATORS[operators.as_] + + self.preparer.format_label(label, labelname) + ) + elif render_label_only: + return self.preparer.format_label(label, labelname) + else: + return label.element._compiler_dispatch( + self, within_columns_clause=False, **kw + ) + + def _fallback_column_name(self, column): + raise exc.CompileError( + "Cannot compile Column object until " "its 'name' is assigned." + ) + + def visit_column( + self, column, add_to_result_map=None, include_table=True, **kwargs + ): + name = orig_name = column.name + if name is None: + name = self._fallback_column_name(column) + + is_literal = column.is_literal + if not is_literal and isinstance(name, elements._truncated_label): + name = self._truncated_identifier("colident", name) + + if add_to_result_map is not None: + add_to_result_map( + name, orig_name, (column, name, column.key), column.type + ) + + if is_literal: + name = self.escape_literal_column(name) + else: + name = self.preparer.quote(name) + table = column.table + if table is None or not include_table or not table.named_with_column: + return name + else: + effective_schema = self.preparer.schema_for_object(table) + + if effective_schema: + schema_prefix = ( + self.preparer.quote_schema(effective_schema) + "." + ) + else: + schema_prefix = "" + tablename = table.name + if isinstance(tablename, elements._truncated_label): + tablename = self._truncated_identifier("alias", tablename) + + return schema_prefix + self.preparer.quote(tablename) + "." + name + + def visit_collation(self, element, **kw): + return self.preparer.format_collation(element.collation) + + def visit_fromclause(self, fromclause, **kwargs): + return fromclause.name + + def visit_index(self, index, **kwargs): + return index.name + + def visit_typeclause(self, typeclause, **kw): + kw["type_expression"] = typeclause + return self.dialect.type_compiler.process(typeclause.type, **kw) + + def post_process_text(self, text): + if self.preparer._double_percents: + text = text.replace("%", "%%") + return text + + def escape_literal_column(self, text): + if self.preparer._double_percents: + text = text.replace("%", "%%") + return text + + def visit_textclause(self, textclause, **kw): + def do_bindparam(m): + name = m.group(1) + if name in textclause._bindparams: + return self.process(textclause._bindparams[name], **kw) + else: + return self.bindparam_string(name, **kw) + + if not self.stack: + self.isplaintext = True + + # un-escape any \:params + return BIND_PARAMS_ESC.sub( + lambda m: m.group(1), + BIND_PARAMS.sub( + do_bindparam, self.post_process_text(textclause.text) + ), + ) + + def visit_text_as_from( + self, taf, compound_index=None, asfrom=False, parens=True, **kw + ): + + toplevel = not self.stack + entry = self._default_stack_entry if toplevel else self.stack[-1] + + populate_result_map = ( + toplevel + or ( + compound_index == 0 + and entry.get("need_result_map_for_compound", False) + ) + or entry.get("need_result_map_for_nested", False) + ) + + if populate_result_map: + self._ordered_columns = ( + self._textual_ordered_columns + ) = taf.positional + for c in taf.column_args: + self.process( + c, + within_columns_clause=True, + add_to_result_map=self._add_to_result_map, + ) + + text = self.process(taf.element, **kw) + if asfrom and parens: + text = "(%s)" % text + return text + + def visit_null(self, expr, **kw): + return "NULL" + + def visit_true(self, expr, **kw): + if self.dialect.supports_native_boolean: + return "true" + else: + return "1" + + def visit_false(self, expr, **kw): + if self.dialect.supports_native_boolean: + return "false" + else: + return "0" + + def visit_clauselist(self, clauselist, **kw): + sep = clauselist.operator + if sep is None: + sep = " " + else: + sep = OPERATORS[clauselist.operator] + return sep.join( + s + for s in ( + c._compiler_dispatch(self, **kw) for c in clauselist.clauses + ) + if s + ) + + def visit_case(self, clause, **kwargs): + x = "CASE " + if clause.value is not None: + x += clause.value._compiler_dispatch(self, **kwargs) + " " + for cond, result in clause.whens: + x += ( + "WHEN " + + cond._compiler_dispatch(self, **kwargs) + + " THEN " + + result._compiler_dispatch(self, **kwargs) + + " " + ) + if clause.else_ is not None: + x += ( + "ELSE " + clause.else_._compiler_dispatch(self, **kwargs) + " " + ) + x += "END" + return x + + def visit_type_coerce(self, type_coerce, **kw): + return type_coerce.typed_expression._compiler_dispatch(self, **kw) + + def visit_cast(self, cast, **kwargs): + return "CAST(%s AS %s)" % ( + cast.clause._compiler_dispatch(self, **kwargs), + cast.typeclause._compiler_dispatch(self, **kwargs), + ) + + def _format_frame_clause(self, range_, **kw): + + return "%s AND %s" % ( + "UNBOUNDED PRECEDING" + if range_[0] is elements.RANGE_UNBOUNDED + else "CURRENT ROW" + if range_[0] is elements.RANGE_CURRENT + else "%s PRECEDING" + % (self.process(elements.literal(abs(range_[0])), **kw),) + if range_[0] < 0 + else "%s FOLLOWING" + % (self.process(elements.literal(range_[0]), **kw),), + "UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING" + if range_[1] is elements.RANGE_UNBOUNDED + else "CURRENT ROW" + if range_[1] is elements.RANGE_CURRENT + else "%s PRECEDING" + % (self.process(elements.literal(abs(range_[1])), **kw),) + if range_[1] < 0 + else "%s FOLLOWING" + % (self.process(elements.literal(range_[1]), **kw),), + ) + + def visit_over(self, over, **kwargs): + if over.range_: + range_ = "RANGE BETWEEN %s" % self._format_frame_clause( + over.range_, **kwargs + ) + elif over.rows: + range_ = "ROWS BETWEEN %s" % self._format_frame_clause( + over.rows, **kwargs + ) + else: + range_ = None + + return "%s OVER (%s)" % ( + over.element._compiler_dispatch(self, **kwargs), + " ".join( + [ + "%s BY %s" + % (word, clause._compiler_dispatch(self, **kwargs)) + for word, clause in ( + ("PARTITION", over.partition_by), + ("ORDER", over.order_by), + ) + if clause is not None and len(clause) + ] + + ([range_] if range_ else []) + ), + ) + + def visit_withingroup(self, withingroup, **kwargs): + return "%s WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY %s)" % ( + withingroup.element._compiler_dispatch(self, **kwargs), + withingroup.order_by._compiler_dispatch(self, **kwargs), + ) + + def visit_funcfilter(self, funcfilter, **kwargs): + return "%s FILTER (WHERE %s)" % ( + funcfilter.func._compiler_dispatch(self, **kwargs), + funcfilter.criterion._compiler_dispatch(self, **kwargs), + ) + + def visit_extract(self, extract, **kwargs): + field = self.extract_map.get(extract.field, extract.field) + return "EXTRACT(%s FROM %s)" % ( + field, + extract.expr._compiler_dispatch(self, **kwargs), + ) + + def visit_function(self, func, add_to_result_map=None, **kwargs): + if add_to_result_map is not None: + add_to_result_map(func.name, func.name, (), func.type) + + disp = getattr(self, "visit_%s_func" % func.name.lower(), None) + if disp: + return disp(func, **kwargs) + else: + name = FUNCTIONS.get(func.__class__, func.name + "%(expr)s") + return ".".join(list(func.packagenames) + [name]) % { + "expr": self.function_argspec(func, **kwargs) + } + + def visit_next_value_func(self, next_value, **kw): + return self.visit_sequence(next_value.sequence) + + def visit_sequence(self, sequence, **kw): + raise NotImplementedError( + "Dialect '%s' does not support sequence increments." + % self.dialect.name + ) + + def function_argspec(self, func, **kwargs): + return func.clause_expr._compiler_dispatch(self, **kwargs) + + def visit_compound_select( + self, cs, asfrom=False, parens=True, compound_index=0, **kwargs + ): + toplevel = not self.stack + entry = self._default_stack_entry if toplevel else self.stack[-1] + need_result_map = toplevel or ( + compound_index == 0 + and entry.get("need_result_map_for_compound", False) + ) + + self.stack.append( + { + "correlate_froms": entry["correlate_froms"], + "asfrom_froms": entry["asfrom_froms"], + "selectable": cs, + "need_result_map_for_compound": need_result_map, + } + ) + + keyword = self.compound_keywords.get(cs.keyword) + + text = (" " + keyword + " ").join( + ( + c._compiler_dispatch( + self, + asfrom=asfrom, + parens=False, + compound_index=i, + **kwargs + ) + for i, c in enumerate(cs.selects) + ) + ) + + text += self.group_by_clause(cs, **dict(asfrom=asfrom, **kwargs)) + text += self.order_by_clause(cs, **kwargs) + text += ( + (cs._limit_clause is not None or cs._offset_clause is not None) + and self.limit_clause(cs, **kwargs) + or "" + ) + + if self.ctes and toplevel: + text = self._render_cte_clause() + text + + self.stack.pop(-1) + if asfrom and parens: + return "(" + text + ")" + else: + return text + + def _get_operator_dispatch(self, operator_, qualifier1, qualifier2): + attrname = "visit_%s_%s%s" % ( + operator_.__name__, + qualifier1, + "_" + qualifier2 if qualifier2 else "", + ) + return getattr(self, attrname, None) + + def visit_unary(self, unary, **kw): + if unary.operator: + if unary.modifier: + raise exc.CompileError( + "Unary expression does not support operator " + "and modifier simultaneously" + ) + disp = self._get_operator_dispatch( + unary.operator, "unary", "operator" + ) + if disp: + return disp(unary, unary.operator, **kw) + else: + return self._generate_generic_unary_operator( + unary, OPERATORS[unary.operator], **kw + ) + elif unary.modifier: + disp = self._get_operator_dispatch( + unary.modifier, "unary", "modifier" + ) + if disp: + return disp(unary, unary.modifier, **kw) + else: + return self._generate_generic_unary_modifier( + unary, OPERATORS[unary.modifier], **kw + ) + else: + raise exc.CompileError( + "Unary expression has no operator or modifier" + ) + + def visit_istrue_unary_operator(self, element, operator, **kw): + if ( + element._is_implicitly_boolean + or self.dialect.supports_native_boolean + ): + return self.process(element.element, **kw) + else: + return "%s = 1" % self.process(element.element, **kw) + + def visit_isfalse_unary_operator(self, element, operator, **kw): + if ( + element._is_implicitly_boolean + or self.dialect.supports_native_boolean + ): + return "NOT %s" % self.process(element.element, **kw) + else: + return "%s = 0" % self.process(element.element, **kw) + + def visit_notmatch_op_binary(self, binary, operator, **kw): + return "NOT %s" % self.visit_binary( + binary, override_operator=operators.match_op + ) + + def _emit_empty_in_warning(self): + util.warn( + "The IN-predicate was invoked with an " + "empty sequence. This results in a " + "contradiction, which nonetheless can be " + "expensive to evaluate. Consider alternative " + "strategies for improved performance." + ) + + def visit_empty_in_op_binary(self, binary, operator, **kw): + if self.dialect._use_static_in: + return "1 != 1" + else: + if self.dialect._warn_on_empty_in: + self._emit_empty_in_warning() + return self.process(binary.left != binary.left) + + def visit_empty_notin_op_binary(self, binary, operator, **kw): + if self.dialect._use_static_in: + return "1 = 1" + else: + if self.dialect._warn_on_empty_in: + self._emit_empty_in_warning() + return self.process(binary.left == binary.left) + + def visit_binary( + self, binary, override_operator=None, eager_grouping=False, **kw + ): + + # don't allow "? = ?" to render + if ( + self.ansi_bind_rules + and isinstance(binary.left, elements.BindParameter) + and isinstance(binary.right, elements.BindParameter) + ): + kw["literal_binds"] = True + + operator_ = override_operator or binary.operator + disp = self._get_operator_dispatch(operator_, "binary", None) + if disp: + return disp(binary, operator_, **kw) + else: + try: + opstring = OPERATORS[operator_] + except KeyError: + raise exc.UnsupportedCompilationError(self, operator_) + else: + return self._generate_generic_binary(binary, opstring, **kw) + + def visit_mod_binary(self, binary, operator, **kw): + if self.preparer._double_percents: + return ( + self.process(binary.left, **kw) + + " %% " + + self.process(binary.right, **kw) + ) + else: + return ( + self.process(binary.left, **kw) + + " % " + + self.process(binary.right, **kw) + ) + + def visit_custom_op_binary(self, element, operator, **kw): + kw["eager_grouping"] = operator.eager_grouping + return self._generate_generic_binary( + element, " " + operator.opstring + " ", **kw + ) + + def visit_custom_op_unary_operator(self, element, operator, **kw): + return self._generate_generic_unary_operator( + element, operator.opstring + " ", **kw + ) + + def visit_custom_op_unary_modifier(self, element, operator, **kw): + return self._generate_generic_unary_modifier( + element, " " + operator.opstring, **kw + ) + + def _generate_generic_binary( + self, binary, opstring, eager_grouping=False, **kw + ): + + _in_binary = kw.get("_in_binary", False) + + kw["_in_binary"] = True + text = ( + binary.left._compiler_dispatch( + self, eager_grouping=eager_grouping, **kw + ) + + opstring + + binary.right._compiler_dispatch( + self, eager_grouping=eager_grouping, **kw + ) + ) + + if _in_binary and eager_grouping: + text = "(%s)" % text + return text + + def _generate_generic_unary_operator(self, unary, opstring, **kw): + return opstring + unary.element._compiler_dispatch(self, **kw) + + def _generate_generic_unary_modifier(self, unary, opstring, **kw): + return unary.element._compiler_dispatch(self, **kw) + opstring + + @util.memoized_property + def _like_percent_literal(self): + return elements.literal_column("'%'", type_=sqltypes.STRINGTYPE) + + def visit_contains_op_binary(self, binary, operator, **kw): + binary = binary._clone() + percent = self._like_percent_literal + binary.right = percent.__add__(binary.right).__add__(percent) + return self.visit_like_op_binary(binary, operator, **kw) + + def visit_notcontains_op_binary(self, binary, operator, **kw): + binary = binary._clone() + percent = self._like_percent_literal + binary.right = percent.__add__(binary.right).__add__(percent) + return self.visit_notlike_op_binary(binary, operator, **kw) + + def visit_startswith_op_binary(self, binary, operator, **kw): + binary = binary._clone() + percent = self._like_percent_literal + binary.right = percent.__radd__(binary.right) + return self.visit_like_op_binary(binary, operator, **kw) + + def visit_notstartswith_op_binary(self, binary, operator, **kw): + binary = binary._clone() + percent = self._like_percent_literal + binary.right = percent.__radd__(binary.right) + return self.visit_notlike_op_binary(binary, operator, **kw) + + def visit_endswith_op_binary(self, binary, operator, **kw): + binary = binary._clone() + percent = self._like_percent_literal + binary.right = percent.__add__(binary.right) + return self.visit_like_op_binary(binary, operator, **kw) + + def visit_notendswith_op_binary(self, binary, operator, **kw): + binary = binary._clone() + percent = self._like_percent_literal + binary.right = percent.__add__(binary.right) + return self.visit_notlike_op_binary(binary, operator, **kw) + + def visit_like_op_binary(self, binary, operator, **kw): + escape = binary.modifiers.get("escape", None) + + # TODO: use ternary here, not "and"/ "or" + return "%s LIKE %s" % ( + binary.left._compiler_dispatch(self, **kw), + binary.right._compiler_dispatch(self, **kw), + ) + ( + " ESCAPE " + self.render_literal_value(escape, sqltypes.STRINGTYPE) + if escape + else "" + ) + + def visit_notlike_op_binary(self, binary, operator, **kw): + escape = binary.modifiers.get("escape", None) + return "%s NOT LIKE %s" % ( + binary.left._compiler_dispatch(self, **kw), + binary.right._compiler_dispatch(self, **kw), + ) + ( + " ESCAPE " + self.render_literal_value(escape, sqltypes.STRINGTYPE) + if escape + else "" + ) + + def visit_ilike_op_binary(self, binary, operator, **kw): + escape = binary.modifiers.get("escape", None) + return "lower(%s) LIKE lower(%s)" % ( + binary.left._compiler_dispatch(self, **kw), + binary.right._compiler_dispatch(self, **kw), + ) + ( + " ESCAPE " + self.render_literal_value(escape, sqltypes.STRINGTYPE) + if escape + else "" + ) + + def visit_notilike_op_binary(self, binary, operator, **kw): + escape = binary.modifiers.get("escape", None) + return "lower(%s) NOT LIKE lower(%s)" % ( + binary.left._compiler_dispatch(self, **kw), + binary.right._compiler_dispatch(self, **kw), + ) + ( + " ESCAPE " + self.render_literal_value(escape, sqltypes.STRINGTYPE) + if escape + else "" + ) + + def visit_between_op_binary(self, binary, operator, **kw): + symmetric = binary.modifiers.get("symmetric", False) + return self._generate_generic_binary( + binary, " BETWEEN SYMMETRIC " if symmetric else " BETWEEN ", **kw + ) + + def visit_notbetween_op_binary(self, binary, operator, **kw): + symmetric = binary.modifiers.get("symmetric", False) + return self._generate_generic_binary( + binary, + " NOT BETWEEN SYMMETRIC " if symmetric else " NOT BETWEEN ", + **kw + ) + + def visit_bindparam( + self, + bindparam, + within_columns_clause=False, + literal_binds=False, + skip_bind_expression=False, + **kwargs + ): + if not skip_bind_expression and bindparam.type._has_bind_expression: + bind_expression = bindparam.type.bind_expression(bindparam) + return self.process(bind_expression, skip_bind_expression=True) + + if literal_binds or (within_columns_clause and self.ansi_bind_rules): + if bindparam.value is None and bindparam.callable is None: + raise exc.CompileError( + "Bind parameter '%s' without a " + "renderable value not allowed here." % bindparam.key + ) + return self.render_literal_bindparam( + bindparam, within_columns_clause=True, **kwargs + ) + + name = self._truncate_bindparam(bindparam) + + if name in self.binds: + existing = self.binds[name] + if existing is not bindparam: + if ( + existing.unique or bindparam.unique + ) and not existing.proxy_set.intersection(bindparam.proxy_set): + raise exc.CompileError( + "Bind parameter '%s' conflicts with " + "unique bind parameter of the same name" + % bindparam.key + ) + elif existing._is_crud or bindparam._is_crud: + raise exc.CompileError( + "bindparam() name '%s' is reserved " + "for automatic usage in the VALUES or SET " + "clause of this " + "insert/update statement. Please use a " + "name other than column name when using bindparam() " + "with insert() or update() (for example, 'b_%s')." + % (bindparam.key, bindparam.key) + ) + + self.binds[bindparam.key] = self.binds[name] = bindparam + + return self.bindparam_string( + name, expanding=bindparam.expanding, **kwargs + ) + + def render_literal_bindparam(self, bindparam, **kw): + value = bindparam.effective_value + return self.render_literal_value(value, bindparam.type) + + def render_literal_value(self, value, type_): + """Render the value of a bind parameter as a quoted literal. + + This is used for statement sections that do not accept bind parameters + on the target driver/database. + + This should be implemented by subclasses using the quoting services + of the DBAPI. + + """ + + processor = type_._cached_literal_processor(self.dialect) + if processor: + return processor(value) + else: + raise NotImplementedError( + "Don't know how to literal-quote value %r" % value + ) + + def _truncate_bindparam(self, bindparam): + if bindparam in self.bind_names: + return self.bind_names[bindparam] + + bind_name = bindparam.key + if isinstance(bind_name, elements._truncated_label): + bind_name = self._truncated_identifier("bindparam", bind_name) + + # add to bind_names for translation + self.bind_names[bindparam] = bind_name + + return bind_name + + def _truncated_identifier(self, ident_class, name): + if (ident_class, name) in self.truncated_names: + return self.truncated_names[(ident_class, name)] + + anonname = name.apply_map(self.anon_map) + + if len(anonname) > self.label_length - 6: + counter = self.truncated_names.get(ident_class, 1) + truncname = ( + anonname[0 : max(self.label_length - 6, 0)] + + "_" + + hex(counter)[2:] + ) + self.truncated_names[ident_class] = counter + 1 + else: + truncname = anonname + self.truncated_names[(ident_class, name)] = truncname + return truncname + + def _anonymize(self, name): + return name % self.anon_map + + def _process_anon(self, key): + (ident, derived) = key.split(" ", 1) + anonymous_counter = self.anon_map.get(derived, 1) + self.anon_map[derived] = anonymous_counter + 1 + return derived + "_" + str(anonymous_counter) + + def bindparam_string( + self, name, positional_names=None, expanding=False, **kw + ): + if self.positional: + if positional_names is not None: + positional_names.append(name) + else: + self.positiontup.append(name) + if expanding: + self.contains_expanding_parameters = True + return "([EXPANDING_%s])" % name + else: + return self.bindtemplate % {"name": name} + + def visit_cte( + self, + cte, + asfrom=False, + ashint=False, + fromhints=None, + visiting_cte=None, + **kwargs + ): + self._init_cte_state() + + kwargs["visiting_cte"] = cte + if isinstance(cte.name, elements._truncated_label): + cte_name = self._truncated_identifier("alias", cte.name) + else: + cte_name = cte.name + + is_new_cte = True + embedded_in_current_named_cte = False + + if cte_name in self.ctes_by_name: + existing_cte = self.ctes_by_name[cte_name] + embedded_in_current_named_cte = visiting_cte is existing_cte + + # we've generated a same-named CTE that we are enclosed in, + # or this is the same CTE. just return the name. + if cte in existing_cte._restates or cte is existing_cte: + is_new_cte = False + elif existing_cte in cte._restates: + # we've generated a same-named CTE that is + # enclosed in us - we take precedence, so + # discard the text for the "inner". + del self.ctes[existing_cte] + else: + raise exc.CompileError( + "Multiple, unrelated CTEs found with " + "the same name: %r" % cte_name + ) + + if asfrom or is_new_cte: + if cte._cte_alias is not None: + pre_alias_cte = cte._cte_alias + cte_pre_alias_name = cte._cte_alias.name + if isinstance(cte_pre_alias_name, elements._truncated_label): + cte_pre_alias_name = self._truncated_identifier( + "alias", cte_pre_alias_name + ) + else: + pre_alias_cte = cte + cte_pre_alias_name = None + + if is_new_cte: + self.ctes_by_name[cte_name] = cte + + # look for embedded DML ctes and propagate autocommit + if ( + "autocommit" in cte.element._execution_options + and "autocommit" not in self.execution_options + ): + self.execution_options = self.execution_options.union( + { + "autocommit": cte.element._execution_options[ + "autocommit" + ] + } + ) + + if pre_alias_cte not in self.ctes: + self.visit_cte(pre_alias_cte, **kwargs) + + if not cte_pre_alias_name and cte not in self.ctes: + if cte.recursive: + self.ctes_recursive = True + text = self.preparer.format_alias(cte, cte_name) + if cte.recursive: + if isinstance(cte.original, selectable.Select): + col_source = cte.original + elif isinstance(cte.original, selectable.CompoundSelect): + col_source = cte.original.selects[0] + else: + assert False + recur_cols = [ + c + for c in util.unique_list(col_source.inner_columns) + if c is not None + ] + + text += "(%s)" % ( + ", ".join( + self.preparer.format_column(ident) + for ident in recur_cols + ) + ) + + if self.positional: + kwargs["positional_names"] = self.cte_positional[cte] = [] + + text += " AS \n" + cte.original._compiler_dispatch( + self, asfrom=True, **kwargs + ) + + if cte._suffixes: + text += " " + self._generate_prefixes( + cte, cte._suffixes, **kwargs + ) + + self.ctes[cte] = text + + if asfrom: + if not is_new_cte and embedded_in_current_named_cte: + return self.preparer.format_alias(cte, cte_name) + + if cte_pre_alias_name: + text = self.preparer.format_alias(cte, cte_pre_alias_name) + if self.preparer._requires_quotes(cte_name): + cte_name = self.preparer.quote(cte_name) + text += self.get_render_as_alias_suffix(cte_name) + return text + else: + return self.preparer.format_alias(cte, cte_name) + + def visit_alias( + self, + alias, + asfrom=False, + ashint=False, + iscrud=False, + fromhints=None, + **kwargs + ): + if asfrom or ashint: + if isinstance(alias.name, elements._truncated_label): + alias_name = self._truncated_identifier("alias", alias.name) + else: + alias_name = alias.name + + if ashint: + return self.preparer.format_alias(alias, alias_name) + elif asfrom: + ret = alias.original._compiler_dispatch( + self, asfrom=True, **kwargs + ) + self.get_render_as_alias_suffix( + self.preparer.format_alias(alias, alias_name) + ) + + if fromhints and alias in fromhints: + ret = self.format_from_hint_text( + ret, alias, fromhints[alias], iscrud + ) + + return ret + else: + return alias.original._compiler_dispatch(self, **kwargs) + + def visit_lateral(self, lateral, **kw): + kw["lateral"] = True + return "LATERAL %s" % self.visit_alias(lateral, **kw) + + def visit_tablesample(self, tablesample, asfrom=False, **kw): + text = "%s TABLESAMPLE %s" % ( + self.visit_alias(tablesample, asfrom=True, **kw), + tablesample._get_method()._compiler_dispatch(self, **kw), + ) + + if tablesample.seed is not None: + text += " REPEATABLE (%s)" % ( + tablesample.seed._compiler_dispatch(self, **kw) + ) + + return text + + def get_render_as_alias_suffix(self, alias_name_text): + return " AS " + alias_name_text + + def _add_to_result_map(self, keyname, name, objects, type_): + self._result_columns.append((keyname, name, objects, type_)) + + def _label_select_column( + self, + select, + column, + populate_result_map, + asfrom, + column_clause_args, + name=None, + within_columns_clause=True, + ): + """produce labeled columns present in a select().""" + + if column.type._has_column_expression and populate_result_map: + col_expr = column.type.column_expression(column) + + def add_to_result_map(keyname, name, objects, type_): + self._add_to_result_map( + keyname, name, (column,) + objects, type_ + ) + + else: + col_expr = column + if populate_result_map: + add_to_result_map = self._add_to_result_map + else: + add_to_result_map = None + + if not within_columns_clause: + result_expr = col_expr + elif isinstance(column, elements.Label): + if col_expr is not column: + result_expr = _CompileLabel( + col_expr, column.name, alt_names=(column.element,) + ) + else: + result_expr = col_expr + + elif select is not None and name: + result_expr = _CompileLabel( + col_expr, name, alt_names=(column._key_label,) + ) + + elif ( + asfrom + and isinstance(column, elements.ColumnClause) + and not column.is_literal + and column.table is not None + and not isinstance(column.table, selectable.Select) + ): + result_expr = _CompileLabel( + col_expr, + elements._as_truncated(column.name), + alt_names=(column.key,), + ) + elif ( + not isinstance(column, elements.TextClause) + and ( + not isinstance(column, elements.UnaryExpression) + or column.wraps_column_expression + ) + and ( + not hasattr(column, "name") + or isinstance(column, functions.Function) + ) + ): + result_expr = _CompileLabel(col_expr, column.anon_label) + elif col_expr is not column: + # TODO: are we sure "column" has a .name and .key here ? + # assert isinstance(column, elements.ColumnClause) + result_expr = _CompileLabel( + col_expr, + elements._as_truncated(column.name), + alt_names=(column.key,), + ) + else: + result_expr = col_expr + + column_clause_args.update( + within_columns_clause=within_columns_clause, + add_to_result_map=add_to_result_map, + ) + return result_expr._compiler_dispatch(self, **column_clause_args) + + def format_from_hint_text(self, sqltext, table, hint, iscrud): + hinttext = self.get_from_hint_text(table, hint) + if hinttext: + sqltext += " " + hinttext + return sqltext + + def get_select_hint_text(self, byfroms): + return None + + def get_from_hint_text(self, table, text): + return None + + def get_crud_hint_text(self, table, text): + return None + + def get_statement_hint_text(self, hint_texts): + return " ".join(hint_texts) + + def _transform_select_for_nested_joins(self, select): + """Rewrite any "a JOIN (b JOIN c)" expression as + "a JOIN (select * from b JOIN c) AS anon", to support + databases that can't parse a parenthesized join correctly + (i.e. sqlite < 3.7.16). + + """ + cloned = {} + column_translate = [{}] + + def visit(element, **kw): + if element in column_translate[-1]: + return column_translate[-1][element] + + elif element in cloned: + return cloned[element] + + newelem = cloned[element] = element._clone() + + if ( + newelem.is_selectable + and newelem._is_join + and isinstance(newelem.right, selectable.FromGrouping) + ): + + newelem._reset_exported() + newelem.left = visit(newelem.left, **kw) + + right = visit(newelem.right, **kw) + + selectable_ = selectable.Select( + [right.element], use_labels=True + ).alias() + + for c in selectable_.c: + c._key_label = c.key + c._label = c.name + + translate_dict = dict( + zip(newelem.right.element.c, selectable_.c) + ) + + # translating from both the old and the new + # because different select() structures will lead us + # to traverse differently + translate_dict[right.element.left] = selectable_ + translate_dict[right.element.right] = selectable_ + translate_dict[newelem.right.element.left] = selectable_ + translate_dict[newelem.right.element.right] = selectable_ + + # propagate translations that we've gained + # from nested visit(newelem.right) outwards + # to the enclosing select here. this happens + # only when we have more than one level of right + # join nesting, i.e. "a JOIN (b JOIN (c JOIN d))" + for k, v in list(column_translate[-1].items()): + if v in translate_dict: + # remarkably, no current ORM tests (May 2013) + # hit this condition, only test_join_rewriting + # does. + column_translate[-1][k] = translate_dict[v] + + column_translate[-1].update(translate_dict) + + newelem.right = selectable_ + + newelem.onclause = visit(newelem.onclause, **kw) + + elif newelem._is_from_container: + # if we hit an Alias, CompoundSelect or ScalarSelect, put a + # marker in the stack. + kw["transform_clue"] = "select_container" + newelem._copy_internals(clone=visit, **kw) + elif newelem.is_selectable and newelem._is_select: + barrier_select = ( + kw.get("transform_clue", None) == "select_container" + ) + # if we're still descended from an + # Alias/CompoundSelect/ScalarSelect, we're + # in a FROM clause, so start with a new translate collection + if barrier_select: + column_translate.append({}) + kw["transform_clue"] = "inside_select" + newelem._copy_internals(clone=visit, **kw) + if barrier_select: + del column_translate[-1] + else: + newelem._copy_internals(clone=visit, **kw) + + return newelem + + return visit(select) + + def _transform_result_map_for_nested_joins( + self, select, transformed_select + ): + inner_col = dict( + (c._key_label, c) for c in transformed_select.inner_columns + ) + + d = dict((inner_col[c._key_label], c) for c in select.inner_columns) + + self._result_columns = [ + (key, name, tuple([d.get(col, col) for col in objs]), typ) + for key, name, objs, typ in self._result_columns + ] + + _default_stack_entry = util.immutabledict( + [("correlate_froms", frozenset()), ("asfrom_froms", frozenset())] + ) + + def _display_froms_for_select(self, select, asfrom, lateral=False): + # utility method to help external dialects + # get the correct from list for a select. + # specifically the oracle dialect needs this feature + # right now. + toplevel = not self.stack + entry = self._default_stack_entry if toplevel else self.stack[-1] + + correlate_froms = entry["correlate_froms"] + asfrom_froms = entry["asfrom_froms"] + + if asfrom and not lateral: + froms = select._get_display_froms( + explicit_correlate_froms=correlate_froms.difference( + asfrom_froms + ), + implicit_correlate_froms=(), + ) + else: + froms = select._get_display_froms( + explicit_correlate_froms=correlate_froms, + implicit_correlate_froms=asfrom_froms, + ) + return froms + + def visit_select( + self, + select, + asfrom=False, + parens=True, + fromhints=None, + compound_index=0, + nested_join_translation=False, + select_wraps_for=None, + lateral=False, + **kwargs + ): + + needs_nested_translation = ( + select.use_labels + and not nested_join_translation + and not self.stack + and not self.dialect.supports_right_nested_joins + ) + + if needs_nested_translation: + transformed_select = self._transform_select_for_nested_joins( + select + ) + text = self.visit_select( + transformed_select, + asfrom=asfrom, + parens=parens, + fromhints=fromhints, + compound_index=compound_index, + nested_join_translation=True, + **kwargs + ) + + toplevel = not self.stack + entry = self._default_stack_entry if toplevel else self.stack[-1] + + populate_result_map = ( + toplevel + or ( + compound_index == 0 + and entry.get("need_result_map_for_compound", False) + ) + or entry.get("need_result_map_for_nested", False) + ) + + # this was first proposed as part of #3372; however, it is not + # reached in current tests and could possibly be an assertion + # instead. + if not populate_result_map and "add_to_result_map" in kwargs: + del kwargs["add_to_result_map"] + + if needs_nested_translation: + if populate_result_map: + self._transform_result_map_for_nested_joins( + select, transformed_select + ) + return text + + froms = self._setup_select_stack(select, entry, asfrom, lateral) + + column_clause_args = kwargs.copy() + column_clause_args.update( + {"within_label_clause": False, "within_columns_clause": False} + ) + + text = "SELECT " # we're off to a good start ! + + if select._hints: + hint_text, byfrom = self._setup_select_hints(select) + if hint_text: + text += hint_text + " " + else: + byfrom = None + + if select._prefixes: + text += self._generate_prefixes(select, select._prefixes, **kwargs) + + text += self.get_select_precolumns(select, **kwargs) + # the actual list of columns to print in the SELECT column list. + inner_columns = [ + c + for c in [ + self._label_select_column( + select, + column, + populate_result_map, + asfrom, + column_clause_args, + name=name, + ) + for name, column in select._columns_plus_names + ] + if c is not None + ] + + if populate_result_map and select_wraps_for is not None: + # if this select is a compiler-generated wrapper, + # rewrite the targeted columns in the result map + + translate = dict( + zip( + [name for (key, name) in select._columns_plus_names], + [ + name + for (key, name) in select_wraps_for._columns_plus_names + ], + ) + ) + + self._result_columns = [ + (key, name, tuple(translate.get(o, o) for o in obj), type_) + for key, name, obj, type_ in self._result_columns + ] + + text = self._compose_select_body( + text, select, inner_columns, froms, byfrom, kwargs + ) + + if select._statement_hints: + per_dialect = [ + ht + for (dialect_name, ht) in select._statement_hints + if dialect_name in ("*", self.dialect.name) + ] + if per_dialect: + text += " " + self.get_statement_hint_text(per_dialect) + + if self.ctes and toplevel: + text = self._render_cte_clause() + text + + if select._suffixes: + text += " " + self._generate_prefixes( + select, select._suffixes, **kwargs + ) + + self.stack.pop(-1) + + if (asfrom or lateral) and parens: + return "(" + text + ")" + else: + return text + + def _setup_select_hints(self, select): + byfrom = dict( + [ + ( + from_, + hinttext + % {"name": from_._compiler_dispatch(self, ashint=True)}, + ) + for (from_, dialect), hinttext in select._hints.items() + if dialect in ("*", self.dialect.name) + ] + ) + hint_text = self.get_select_hint_text(byfrom) + return hint_text, byfrom + + def _setup_select_stack(self, select, entry, asfrom, lateral): + correlate_froms = entry["correlate_froms"] + asfrom_froms = entry["asfrom_froms"] + + if asfrom and not lateral: + froms = select._get_display_froms( + explicit_correlate_froms=correlate_froms.difference( + asfrom_froms + ), + implicit_correlate_froms=(), + ) + else: + froms = select._get_display_froms( + explicit_correlate_froms=correlate_froms, + implicit_correlate_froms=asfrom_froms, + ) + + new_correlate_froms = set(selectable._from_objects(*froms)) + all_correlate_froms = new_correlate_froms.union(correlate_froms) + + new_entry = { + "asfrom_froms": new_correlate_froms, + "correlate_froms": all_correlate_froms, + "selectable": select, + } + self.stack.append(new_entry) + + return froms + + def _compose_select_body( + self, text, select, inner_columns, froms, byfrom, kwargs + ): + text += ", ".join(inner_columns) + + if froms: + text += " \nFROM " + + if select._hints: + text += ", ".join( + [ + f._compiler_dispatch( + self, asfrom=True, fromhints=byfrom, **kwargs + ) + for f in froms + ] + ) + else: + text += ", ".join( + [ + f._compiler_dispatch(self, asfrom=True, **kwargs) + for f in froms + ] + ) + else: + text += self.default_from() + + if select._whereclause is not None: + t = select._whereclause._compiler_dispatch(self, **kwargs) + if t: + text += " \nWHERE " + t + + if select._group_by_clause.clauses: + text += self.group_by_clause(select, **kwargs) + + if select._having is not None: + t = select._having._compiler_dispatch(self, **kwargs) + if t: + text += " \nHAVING " + t + + if select._order_by_clause.clauses: + text += self.order_by_clause(select, **kwargs) + + if ( + select._limit_clause is not None + or select._offset_clause is not None + ): + text += self.limit_clause(select, **kwargs) + + if select._for_update_arg is not None: + text += self.for_update_clause(select, **kwargs) + + return text + + def _generate_prefixes(self, stmt, prefixes, **kw): + clause = " ".join( + prefix._compiler_dispatch(self, **kw) + for prefix, dialect_name in prefixes + if dialect_name is None or dialect_name == self.dialect.name + ) + if clause: + clause += " " + return clause + + def _render_cte_clause(self): + if self.positional: + self.positiontup = ( + sum([self.cte_positional[cte] for cte in self.ctes], []) + + self.positiontup + ) + cte_text = self.get_cte_preamble(self.ctes_recursive) + " " + cte_text += ", \n".join([txt for txt in self.ctes.values()]) + cte_text += "\n " + return cte_text + + def get_cte_preamble(self, recursive): + if recursive: + return "WITH RECURSIVE" + else: + return "WITH" + + def get_select_precolumns(self, select, **kw): + """Called when building a ``SELECT`` statement, position is just + before column list. + + """ + return select._distinct and "DISTINCT " or "" + + def group_by_clause(self, select, **kw): + """allow dialects to customize how GROUP BY is rendered.""" + + group_by = select._group_by_clause._compiler_dispatch(self, **kw) + if group_by: + return " GROUP BY " + group_by + else: + return "" + + def order_by_clause(self, select, **kw): + """allow dialects to customize how ORDER BY is rendered.""" + + order_by = select._order_by_clause._compiler_dispatch(self, **kw) + if order_by: + return " ORDER BY " + order_by + else: + return "" + + def for_update_clause(self, select, **kw): + return " FOR UPDATE" + + def returning_clause(self, stmt, returning_cols): + raise exc.CompileError( + "RETURNING is not supported by this " + "dialect's statement compiler." + ) + + def limit_clause(self, select, **kw): + text = "" + if select._limit_clause is not None: + text += "\n LIMIT " + self.process(select._limit_clause, **kw) + if select._offset_clause is not None: + if select._limit_clause is None: + text += "\n LIMIT -1" + text += " OFFSET " + self.process(select._offset_clause, **kw) + return text + + def visit_table( + self, + table, + asfrom=False, + iscrud=False, + ashint=False, + fromhints=None, + use_schema=True, + **kwargs + ): + if asfrom or ashint: + effective_schema = self.preparer.schema_for_object(table) + + if use_schema and effective_schema: + ret = ( + self.preparer.quote_schema(effective_schema) + + "." + + self.preparer.quote(table.name) + ) + else: + ret = self.preparer.quote(table.name) + if fromhints and table in fromhints: + ret = self.format_from_hint_text( + ret, table, fromhints[table], iscrud + ) + return ret + else: + return "" + + def visit_join(self, join, asfrom=False, **kwargs): + if join.full: + join_type = " FULL OUTER JOIN " + elif join.isouter: + join_type = " LEFT OUTER JOIN " + else: + join_type = " JOIN " + return ( + join.left._compiler_dispatch(self, asfrom=True, **kwargs) + + join_type + + join.right._compiler_dispatch(self, asfrom=True, **kwargs) + + " ON " + + join.onclause._compiler_dispatch(self, **kwargs) + ) + + def _setup_crud_hints(self, stmt, table_text): + dialect_hints = dict( + [ + (table, hint_text) + for (table, dialect), hint_text in stmt._hints.items() + if dialect in ("*", self.dialect.name) + ] + ) + if stmt.table in dialect_hints: + table_text = self.format_from_hint_text( + table_text, stmt.table, dialect_hints[stmt.table], True + ) + return dialect_hints, table_text + + def visit_insert(self, insert_stmt, asfrom=False, **kw): + toplevel = not self.stack + + self.stack.append( + { + "correlate_froms": set(), + "asfrom_froms": set(), + "selectable": insert_stmt, + } + ) + + crud_params = crud._setup_crud_params( + self, insert_stmt, crud.ISINSERT, **kw + ) + + if ( + not crud_params + and not self.dialect.supports_default_values + and not self.dialect.supports_empty_insert + ): + raise exc.CompileError( + "The '%s' dialect with current database " + "version settings does not support empty " + "inserts." % self.dialect.name + ) + + if insert_stmt._has_multi_parameters: + if not self.dialect.supports_multivalues_insert: + raise exc.CompileError( + "The '%s' dialect with current database " + "version settings does not support " + "in-place multirow inserts." % self.dialect.name + ) + crud_params_single = crud_params[0] + else: + crud_params_single = crud_params + + preparer = self.preparer + supports_default_values = self.dialect.supports_default_values + + text = "INSERT " + + if insert_stmt._prefixes: + text += self._generate_prefixes( + insert_stmt, insert_stmt._prefixes, **kw + ) + + text += "INTO " + table_text = preparer.format_table(insert_stmt.table) + + if insert_stmt._hints: + dialect_hints, table_text = self._setup_crud_hints( + insert_stmt, table_text + ) + else: + dialect_hints = None + + text += table_text + + if crud_params_single or not supports_default_values: + text += " (%s)" % ", ".join( + [preparer.format_column(c[0]) for c in crud_params_single] + ) + + if self.returning or insert_stmt._returning: + returning_clause = self.returning_clause( + insert_stmt, self.returning or insert_stmt._returning + ) + + if self.returning_precedes_values: + text += " " + returning_clause + else: + returning_clause = None + + if insert_stmt.select is not None: + select_text = self.process(self._insert_from_select, **kw) + + if self.ctes and toplevel and self.dialect.cte_follows_insert: + text += " %s%s" % (self._render_cte_clause(), select_text) + else: + text += " %s" % select_text + elif not crud_params and supports_default_values: + text += " DEFAULT VALUES" + elif insert_stmt._has_multi_parameters: + text += " VALUES %s" % ( + ", ".join( + "(%s)" % (", ".join(c[1] for c in crud_param_set)) + for crud_param_set in crud_params + ) + ) + else: + text += " VALUES (%s)" % ", ".join([c[1] for c in crud_params]) + + if insert_stmt._post_values_clause is not None: + post_values_clause = self.process( + insert_stmt._post_values_clause, **kw + ) + if post_values_clause: + text += " " + post_values_clause + + if returning_clause and not self.returning_precedes_values: + text += " " + returning_clause + + if self.ctes and toplevel and not self.dialect.cte_follows_insert: + text = self._render_cte_clause() + text + + self.stack.pop(-1) + + if asfrom: + return "(" + text + ")" + else: + return text + + def update_limit_clause(self, update_stmt): + """Provide a hook for MySQL to add LIMIT to the UPDATE""" + return None + + def update_tables_clause(self, update_stmt, from_table, extra_froms, **kw): + """Provide a hook to override the initial table clause + in an UPDATE statement. + + MySQL overrides this. + + """ + kw["asfrom"] = True + return from_table._compiler_dispatch(self, iscrud=True, **kw) + + def update_from_clause( + self, update_stmt, from_table, extra_froms, from_hints, **kw + ): + """Provide a hook to override the generation of an + UPDATE..FROM clause. + + MySQL and MSSQL override this. + + """ + raise NotImplementedError( + "This backend does not support multiple-table " + "criteria within UPDATE" + ) + + def visit_update(self, update_stmt, asfrom=False, **kw): + toplevel = not self.stack + + extra_froms = update_stmt._extra_froms + is_multitable = bool(extra_froms) + + if is_multitable: + # main table might be a JOIN + main_froms = set(selectable._from_objects(update_stmt.table)) + render_extra_froms = [ + f for f in extra_froms if f not in main_froms + ] + correlate_froms = main_froms.union(extra_froms) + else: + render_extra_froms = [] + correlate_froms = {update_stmt.table} + + self.stack.append( + { + "correlate_froms": correlate_froms, + "asfrom_froms": correlate_froms, + "selectable": update_stmt, + } + ) + + text = "UPDATE " + + if update_stmt._prefixes: + text += self._generate_prefixes( + update_stmt, update_stmt._prefixes, **kw + ) + + table_text = self.update_tables_clause( + update_stmt, update_stmt.table, render_extra_froms, **kw + ) + crud_params = crud._setup_crud_params( + self, update_stmt, crud.ISUPDATE, **kw + ) + + if update_stmt._hints: + dialect_hints, table_text = self._setup_crud_hints( + update_stmt, table_text + ) + else: + dialect_hints = None + + text += table_text + + text += " SET " + include_table = ( + is_multitable and self.render_table_with_column_in_update_from + ) + text += ", ".join( + c[0]._compiler_dispatch(self, include_table=include_table) + + "=" + + c[1] + for c in crud_params + ) + + if self.returning or update_stmt._returning: + if self.returning_precedes_values: + text += " " + self.returning_clause( + update_stmt, self.returning or update_stmt._returning + ) + + if extra_froms: + extra_from_text = self.update_from_clause( + update_stmt, + update_stmt.table, + render_extra_froms, + dialect_hints, + **kw + ) + if extra_from_text: + text += " " + extra_from_text + + if update_stmt._whereclause is not None: + t = self.process(update_stmt._whereclause, **kw) + if t: + text += " WHERE " + t + + limit_clause = self.update_limit_clause(update_stmt) + if limit_clause: + text += " " + limit_clause + + if ( + self.returning or update_stmt._returning + ) and not self.returning_precedes_values: + text += " " + self.returning_clause( + update_stmt, self.returning or update_stmt._returning + ) + + if self.ctes and toplevel: + text = self._render_cte_clause() + text + + self.stack.pop(-1) + + if asfrom: + return "(" + text + ")" + else: + return text + + @util.memoized_property + def _key_getters_for_crud_column(self): + return crud._key_getters_for_crud_column(self, self.statement) + + def delete_extra_from_clause( + self, update_stmt, from_table, extra_froms, from_hints, **kw + ): + """Provide a hook to override the generation of an + DELETE..FROM clause. + + This can be used to implement DELETE..USING for example. + + MySQL and MSSQL override this. + + """ + raise NotImplementedError( + "This backend does not support multiple-table " + "criteria within DELETE" + ) + + def delete_table_clause(self, delete_stmt, from_table, extra_froms): + return from_table._compiler_dispatch(self, asfrom=True, iscrud=True) + + def visit_delete(self, delete_stmt, asfrom=False, **kw): + toplevel = not self.stack + + crud._setup_crud_params(self, delete_stmt, crud.ISDELETE, **kw) + + extra_froms = delete_stmt._extra_froms + + correlate_froms = {delete_stmt.table}.union(extra_froms) + self.stack.append( + { + "correlate_froms": correlate_froms, + "asfrom_froms": correlate_froms, + "selectable": delete_stmt, + } + ) + + text = "DELETE " + + if delete_stmt._prefixes: + text += self._generate_prefixes( + delete_stmt, delete_stmt._prefixes, **kw + ) + + text += "FROM " + table_text = self.delete_table_clause( + delete_stmt, delete_stmt.table, extra_froms + ) + + if delete_stmt._hints: + dialect_hints, table_text = self._setup_crud_hints( + delete_stmt, table_text + ) + else: + dialect_hints = None + + text += table_text + + if delete_stmt._returning: + if self.returning_precedes_values: + text += " " + self.returning_clause( + delete_stmt, delete_stmt._returning + ) + + if extra_froms: + extra_from_text = self.delete_extra_from_clause( + delete_stmt, + delete_stmt.table, + extra_froms, + dialect_hints, + **kw + ) + if extra_from_text: + text += " " + extra_from_text + + if delete_stmt._whereclause is not None: + t = delete_stmt._whereclause._compiler_dispatch(self, **kw) + if t: + text += " WHERE " + t + + if delete_stmt._returning and not self.returning_precedes_values: + text += " " + self.returning_clause( + delete_stmt, delete_stmt._returning + ) + + if self.ctes and toplevel: + text = self._render_cte_clause() + text + + self.stack.pop(-1) + + if asfrom: + return "(" + text + ")" + else: + return text + + def visit_savepoint(self, savepoint_stmt): + return "SAVEPOINT %s" % self.preparer.format_savepoint(savepoint_stmt) + + def visit_rollback_to_savepoint(self, savepoint_stmt): + return "ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT %s" % self.preparer.format_savepoint( + savepoint_stmt + ) + + def visit_release_savepoint(self, savepoint_stmt): + return "RELEASE SAVEPOINT %s" % self.preparer.format_savepoint( + savepoint_stmt + ) + + +class StrSQLCompiler(SQLCompiler): + """"a compiler subclass with a few non-standard SQL features allowed. + + Used for stringification of SQL statements when a real dialect is not + available. + + """ + + def _fallback_column_name(self, column): + return "" + + def visit_getitem_binary(self, binary, operator, **kw): + return "%s[%s]" % ( + self.process(binary.left, **kw), + self.process(binary.right, **kw), + ) + + def visit_json_getitem_op_binary(self, binary, operator, **kw): + return self.visit_getitem_binary(binary, operator, **kw) + + def visit_json_path_getitem_op_binary(self, binary, operator, **kw): + return self.visit_getitem_binary(binary, operator, **kw) + + def returning_clause(self, stmt, returning_cols): + columns = [ + self._label_select_column(None, c, True, False, {}) + for c in elements._select_iterables(returning_cols) + ] + + return "RETURNING " + ", ".join(columns) + + def update_from_clause( + self, update_stmt, from_table, extra_froms, from_hints, **kw + ): + return "FROM " + ", ".join( + t._compiler_dispatch(self, asfrom=True, fromhints=from_hints, **kw) + for t in extra_froms + ) + + def delete_extra_from_clause( + self, update_stmt, from_table, extra_froms, from_hints, **kw + ): + return ", " + ", ".join( + t._compiler_dispatch(self, asfrom=True, fromhints=from_hints, **kw) + for t in extra_froms + ) + + +class DDLCompiler(Compiled): + @util.memoized_property + def sql_compiler(self): + return self.dialect.statement_compiler(self.dialect, None) + + @util.memoized_property + def type_compiler(self): + return self.dialect.type_compiler + + def construct_params(self, params=None): + return None + + def visit_ddl(self, ddl, **kwargs): + # table events can substitute table and schema name + context = ddl.context + if isinstance(ddl.target, schema.Table): + context = context.copy() + + preparer = self.preparer + path = preparer.format_table_seq(ddl.target) + if len(path) == 1: + table, sch = path[0], "" + else: + table, sch = path[-1], path[0] + + context.setdefault("table", table) + context.setdefault("schema", sch) + context.setdefault("fullname", preparer.format_table(ddl.target)) + + return self.sql_compiler.post_process_text(ddl.statement % context) + + def visit_create_schema(self, create): + schema = self.preparer.format_schema(create.element) + return "CREATE SCHEMA " + schema + + def visit_drop_schema(self, drop): + schema = self.preparer.format_schema(drop.element) + text = "DROP SCHEMA " + schema + if drop.cascade: + text += " CASCADE" + return text + + def visit_create_table(self, create): + table = create.element + preparer = self.preparer + + text = "\nCREATE " + if table._prefixes: + text += " ".join(table._prefixes) + " " + text += "TABLE " + preparer.format_table(table) + " " + + create_table_suffix = self.create_table_suffix(table) + if create_table_suffix: + text += create_table_suffix + " " + + text += "(" + + separator = "\n" + + # if only one primary key, specify it along with the column + first_pk = False + for create_column in create.columns: + column = create_column.element + try: + processed = self.process( + create_column, first_pk=column.primary_key and not first_pk + ) + if processed is not None: + text += separator + separator = ", \n" + text += "\t" + processed + if column.primary_key: + first_pk = True + except exc.CompileError as ce: + util.raise_from_cause( + exc.CompileError( + util.u("(in table '%s', column '%s'): %s") + % (table.description, column.name, ce.args[0]) + ) + ) + + const = self.create_table_constraints( + table, + _include_foreign_key_constraints=create.include_foreign_key_constraints, # noqa + ) + if const: + text += separator + "\t" + const + + text += "\n)%s\n\n" % self.post_create_table(table) + return text + + def visit_create_column(self, create, first_pk=False): + column = create.element + + if column.system: + return None + + text = self.get_column_specification(column, first_pk=first_pk) + const = " ".join( + self.process(constraint) for constraint in column.constraints + ) + if const: + text += " " + const + + return text + + def create_table_constraints( + self, table, _include_foreign_key_constraints=None + ): + + # On some DB order is significant: visit PK first, then the + # other constraints (engine.ReflectionTest.testbasic failed on FB2) + constraints = [] + if table.primary_key: + constraints.append(table.primary_key) + + all_fkcs = table.foreign_key_constraints + if _include_foreign_key_constraints is not None: + omit_fkcs = all_fkcs.difference(_include_foreign_key_constraints) + else: + omit_fkcs = set() + + constraints.extend( + [ + c + for c in table._sorted_constraints + if c is not table.primary_key and c not in omit_fkcs + ] + ) + + return ", \n\t".join( + p + for p in ( + self.process(constraint) + for constraint in constraints + if ( + constraint._create_rule is None + or constraint._create_rule(self) + ) + and ( + not self.dialect.supports_alter + or not getattr(constraint, "use_alter", False) + ) + ) + if p is not None + ) + + def visit_drop_table(self, drop): + return "\nDROP TABLE " + self.preparer.format_table(drop.element) + + def visit_drop_view(self, drop): + return "\nDROP VIEW " + self.preparer.format_table(drop.element) + + def _verify_index_table(self, index): + if index.table is None: + raise exc.CompileError( + "Index '%s' is not associated " "with any table." % index.name + ) + + def visit_create_index( + self, create, include_schema=False, include_table_schema=True + ): + index = create.element + self._verify_index_table(index) + preparer = self.preparer + text = "CREATE " + if index.unique: + text += "UNIQUE " + text += "INDEX %s ON %s (%s)" % ( + self._prepared_index_name(index, include_schema=include_schema), + preparer.format_table( + index.table, use_schema=include_table_schema + ), + ", ".join( + self.sql_compiler.process( + expr, include_table=False, literal_binds=True + ) + for expr in index.expressions + ), + ) + return text + + def visit_drop_index(self, drop): + index = drop.element + return "\nDROP INDEX " + self._prepared_index_name( + index, include_schema=True + ) + + def _prepared_index_name(self, index, include_schema=False): + if index.table is not None: + effective_schema = self.preparer.schema_for_object(index.table) + else: + effective_schema = None + if include_schema and effective_schema: + schema_name = self.preparer.quote_schema(effective_schema) + else: + schema_name = None + + ident = index.name + if isinstance(ident, elements._truncated_label): + max_ = ( + self.dialect.max_index_name_length + or self.dialect.max_identifier_length + ) + if len(ident) > max_: + ident = ident[0 : max_ - 8] + "_" + util.md5_hex(ident)[-4:] + else: + self.dialect.validate_identifier(ident) + + index_name = self.preparer.quote(ident) + + if schema_name: + index_name = schema_name + "." + index_name + return index_name + + def visit_add_constraint(self, create): + return "ALTER TABLE %s ADD %s" % ( + self.preparer.format_table(create.element.table), + self.process(create.element), + ) + + def visit_set_table_comment(self, create): + return "COMMENT ON TABLE %s IS %s" % ( + self.preparer.format_table(create.element), + self.sql_compiler.render_literal_value( + create.element.comment, sqltypes.String() + ), + ) + + def visit_drop_table_comment(self, drop): + return "COMMENT ON TABLE %s IS NULL" % self.preparer.format_table( + drop.element + ) + + def visit_set_column_comment(self, create): + return "COMMENT ON COLUMN %s IS %s" % ( + self.preparer.format_column( + create.element, use_table=True, use_schema=True + ), + self.sql_compiler.render_literal_value( + create.element.comment, sqltypes.String() + ), + ) + + def visit_drop_column_comment(self, drop): + return "COMMENT ON COLUMN %s IS NULL" % self.preparer.format_column( + drop.element, use_table=True + ) + + def visit_create_sequence(self, create): + text = "CREATE SEQUENCE %s" % self.preparer.format_sequence( + create.element + ) + if create.element.increment is not None: + text += " INCREMENT BY %d" % create.element.increment + if create.element.start is not None: + text += " START WITH %d" % create.element.start + if create.element.minvalue is not None: + text += " MINVALUE %d" % create.element.minvalue + if create.element.maxvalue is not None: + text += " MAXVALUE %d" % create.element.maxvalue + if create.element.nominvalue is not None: + text += " NO MINVALUE" + if create.element.nomaxvalue is not None: + text += " NO MAXVALUE" + if create.element.cache is not None: + text += " CACHE %d" % create.element.cache + if create.element.order is True: + text += " ORDER" + if create.element.cycle is not None: + text += " CYCLE" + return text + + def visit_drop_sequence(self, drop): + return "DROP SEQUENCE %s" % self.preparer.format_sequence(drop.element) + + def visit_drop_constraint(self, drop): + constraint = drop.element + if constraint.name is not None: + formatted_name = self.preparer.format_constraint(constraint) + else: + formatted_name = None + + if formatted_name is None: + raise exc.CompileError( + "Can't emit DROP CONSTRAINT for constraint %r; " + "it has no name" % drop.element + ) + return "ALTER TABLE %s DROP CONSTRAINT %s%s" % ( + self.preparer.format_table(drop.element.table), + formatted_name, + drop.cascade and " CASCADE" or "", + ) + + def get_column_specification(self, column, **kwargs): + colspec = ( + self.preparer.format_column(column) + + " " + + self.dialect.type_compiler.process( + column.type, type_expression=column + ) + ) + default = self.get_column_default_string(column) + if default is not None: + colspec += " DEFAULT " + default + + if not column.nullable: + colspec += " NOT NULL" + return colspec + + def create_table_suffix(self, table): + return "" + + def post_create_table(self, table): + return "" + + def get_column_default_string(self, column): + if isinstance(column.server_default, schema.DefaultClause): + if isinstance(column.server_default.arg, util.string_types): + return self.sql_compiler.render_literal_value( + column.server_default.arg, sqltypes.STRINGTYPE + ) + else: + return self.sql_compiler.process( + column.server_default.arg, literal_binds=True + ) + else: + return None + + def visit_check_constraint(self, constraint): + text = "" + if constraint.name is not None: + formatted_name = self.preparer.format_constraint(constraint) + if formatted_name is not None: + text += "CONSTRAINT %s " % formatted_name + text += "CHECK (%s)" % self.sql_compiler.process( + constraint.sqltext, include_table=False, literal_binds=True + ) + text += self.define_constraint_deferrability(constraint) + return text + + def visit_column_check_constraint(self, constraint): + text = "" + if constraint.name is not None: + formatted_name = self.preparer.format_constraint(constraint) + if formatted_name is not None: + text += "CONSTRAINT %s " % formatted_name + text += "CHECK (%s)" % self.sql_compiler.process( + constraint.sqltext, include_table=False, literal_binds=True + ) + text += self.define_constraint_deferrability(constraint) + return text + + def visit_primary_key_constraint(self, constraint): + if len(constraint) == 0: + return "" + text = "" + if constraint.name is not None: + formatted_name = self.preparer.format_constraint(constraint) + if formatted_name is not None: + text += "CONSTRAINT %s " % formatted_name + text += "PRIMARY KEY " + text += "(%s)" % ", ".join( + self.preparer.quote(c.name) + for c in ( + constraint.columns_autoinc_first + if constraint._implicit_generated + else constraint.columns + ) + ) + text += self.define_constraint_deferrability(constraint) + return text + + def visit_foreign_key_constraint(self, constraint): + preparer = self.preparer + text = "" + if constraint.name is not None: + formatted_name = self.preparer.format_constraint(constraint) + if formatted_name is not None: + text += "CONSTRAINT %s " % formatted_name + remote_table = list(constraint.elements)[0].column.table + text += "FOREIGN KEY(%s) REFERENCES %s (%s)" % ( + ", ".join( + preparer.quote(f.parent.name) for f in constraint.elements + ), + self.define_constraint_remote_table( + constraint, remote_table, preparer + ), + ", ".join( + preparer.quote(f.column.name) for f in constraint.elements + ), + ) + text += self.define_constraint_match(constraint) + text += self.define_constraint_cascades(constraint) + text += self.define_constraint_deferrability(constraint) + return text + + def define_constraint_remote_table(self, constraint, table, preparer): + """Format the remote table clause of a CREATE CONSTRAINT clause.""" + + return preparer.format_table(table) + + def visit_unique_constraint(self, constraint): + if len(constraint) == 0: + return "" + text = "" + if constraint.name is not None: + formatted_name = self.preparer.format_constraint(constraint) + text += "CONSTRAINT %s " % formatted_name + text += "UNIQUE (%s)" % ( + ", ".join(self.preparer.quote(c.name) for c in constraint) + ) + text += self.define_constraint_deferrability(constraint) + return text + + def define_constraint_cascades(self, constraint): + text = "" + if constraint.ondelete is not None: + text += " ON DELETE %s" % constraint.ondelete + if constraint.onupdate is not None: + text += " ON UPDATE %s" % constraint.onupdate + return text + + def define_constraint_deferrability(self, constraint): + text = "" + if constraint.deferrable is not None: + if constraint.deferrable: + text += " DEFERRABLE" + else: + text += " NOT DEFERRABLE" + if constraint.initially is not None: + text += " INITIALLY %s" % constraint.initially + return text + + def define_constraint_match(self, constraint): + text = "" + if constraint.match is not None: + text += " MATCH %s" % constraint.match + return text + + +class GenericTypeCompiler(TypeCompiler): + def visit_FLOAT(self, type_, **kw): + return "FLOAT" + + def visit_REAL(self, type_, **kw): + return "REAL" + + def visit_NUMERIC(self, type_, **kw): + if type_.precision is None: + return "NUMERIC" + elif type_.scale is None: + return "NUMERIC(%(precision)s)" % {"precision": type_.precision} + else: + return "NUMERIC(%(precision)s, %(scale)s)" % { + "precision": type_.precision, + "scale": type_.scale, + } + + def visit_DECIMAL(self, type_, **kw): + if type_.precision is None: + return "DECIMAL" + elif type_.scale is None: + return "DECIMAL(%(precision)s)" % {"precision": type_.precision} + else: + return "DECIMAL(%(precision)s, %(scale)s)" % { + "precision": type_.precision, + "scale": type_.scale, + } + + def visit_INTEGER(self, type_, **kw): + return "INTEGER" + + def visit_SMALLINT(self, type_, **kw): + return "SMALLINT" + + def visit_BIGINT(self, type_, **kw): + return "BIGINT" + + def visit_TIMESTAMP(self, type_, **kw): + return "TIMESTAMP" + + def visit_DATETIME(self, type_, **kw): + return "DATETIME" + + def visit_DATE(self, type_, **kw): + return "DATE" + + def visit_TIME(self, type_, **kw): + return "TIME" + + def visit_CLOB(self, type_, **kw): + return "CLOB" + + def visit_NCLOB(self, type_, **kw): + return "NCLOB" + + def _render_string_type(self, type_, name): + + text = name + if type_.length: + text += "(%d)" % type_.length + if type_.collation: + text += ' COLLATE "%s"' % type_.collation + return text + + def visit_CHAR(self, type_, **kw): + return self._render_string_type(type_, "CHAR") + + def visit_NCHAR(self, type_, **kw): + return self._render_string_type(type_, "NCHAR") + + def visit_VARCHAR(self, type_, **kw): + return self._render_string_type(type_, "VARCHAR") + + def visit_NVARCHAR(self, type_, **kw): + return self._render_string_type(type_, "NVARCHAR") + + def visit_TEXT(self, type_, **kw): + return self._render_string_type(type_, "TEXT") + + def visit_BLOB(self, type_, **kw): + return "BLOB" + + def visit_BINARY(self, type_, **kw): + return "BINARY" + (type_.length and "(%d)" % type_.length or "") + + def visit_VARBINARY(self, type_, **kw): + return "VARBINARY" + (type_.length and "(%d)" % type_.length or "") + + def visit_BOOLEAN(self, type_, **kw): + return "BOOLEAN" + + def visit_large_binary(self, type_, **kw): + return self.visit_BLOB(type_, **kw) + + def visit_boolean(self, type_, **kw): + return self.visit_BOOLEAN(type_, **kw) + + def visit_time(self, type_, **kw): + return self.visit_TIME(type_, **kw) + + def visit_datetime(self, type_, **kw): + return self.visit_DATETIME(type_, **kw) + + def visit_date(self, type_, **kw): + return self.visit_DATE(type_, **kw) + + def visit_big_integer(self, type_, **kw): + return self.visit_BIGINT(type_, **kw) + + def visit_small_integer(self, type_, **kw): + return self.visit_SMALLINT(type_, **kw) + + def visit_integer(self, type_, **kw): + return self.visit_INTEGER(type_, **kw) + + def visit_real(self, type_, **kw): + return self.visit_REAL(type_, **kw) + + def visit_float(self, type_, **kw): + return self.visit_FLOAT(type_, **kw) + + def visit_numeric(self, type_, **kw): + return self.visit_NUMERIC(type_, **kw) + + def visit_string(self, type_, **kw): + return self.visit_VARCHAR(type_, **kw) + + def visit_unicode(self, type_, **kw): + return self.visit_VARCHAR(type_, **kw) + + def visit_text(self, type_, **kw): + return self.visit_TEXT(type_, **kw) + + def visit_unicode_text(self, type_, **kw): + return self.visit_TEXT(type_, **kw) + + def visit_enum(self, type_, **kw): + return self.visit_VARCHAR(type_, **kw) + + def visit_null(self, type_, **kw): + raise exc.CompileError( + "Can't generate DDL for %r; " + "did you forget to specify a " + "type on this Column?" % type_ + ) + + def visit_type_decorator(self, type_, **kw): + return self.process(type_.type_engine(self.dialect), **kw) + + def visit_user_defined(self, type_, **kw): + return type_.get_col_spec(**kw) + + +class StrSQLTypeCompiler(GenericTypeCompiler): + def __getattr__(self, key): + if key.startswith("visit_"): + return self._visit_unknown + else: + raise AttributeError(key) + + def _visit_unknown(self, type_, **kw): + return "%s" % type_.__class__.__name__ + + +class IdentifierPreparer(object): + + """Handle quoting and case-folding of identifiers based on options.""" + + reserved_words = RESERVED_WORDS + + legal_characters = LEGAL_CHARACTERS + + illegal_initial_characters = ILLEGAL_INITIAL_CHARACTERS + + schema_for_object = schema._schema_getter(None) + + def __init__( + self, + dialect, + initial_quote='"', + final_quote=None, + escape_quote='"', + quote_case_sensitive_collations=True, + omit_schema=False, + ): + """Construct a new ``IdentifierPreparer`` object. + + initial_quote + Character that begins a delimited identifier. + + final_quote + Character that ends a delimited identifier. Defaults to + `initial_quote`. + + omit_schema + Prevent prepending schema name. Useful for databases that do + not support schemae. + """ + + self.dialect = dialect + self.initial_quote = initial_quote + self.final_quote = final_quote or self.initial_quote + self.escape_quote = escape_quote + self.escape_to_quote = self.escape_quote * 2 + self.omit_schema = omit_schema + self.quote_case_sensitive_collations = quote_case_sensitive_collations + self._strings = {} + self._double_percents = self.dialect.paramstyle in ( + "format", + "pyformat", + ) + + def _with_schema_translate(self, schema_translate_map): + prep = self.__class__.__new__(self.__class__) + prep.__dict__.update(self.__dict__) + prep.schema_for_object = schema._schema_getter(schema_translate_map) + return prep + + def _escape_identifier(self, value): + """Escape an identifier. + + Subclasses should override this to provide database-dependent + escaping behavior. + """ + + value = value.replace(self.escape_quote, self.escape_to_quote) + if self._double_percents: + value = value.replace("%", "%%") + return value + + def _unescape_identifier(self, value): + """Canonicalize an escaped identifier. + + Subclasses should override this to provide database-dependent + unescaping behavior that reverses _escape_identifier. + """ + + return value.replace(self.escape_to_quote, self.escape_quote) + + def quote_identifier(self, value): + """Quote an identifier. + + Subclasses should override this to provide database-dependent + quoting behavior. + """ + + return ( + self.initial_quote + + self._escape_identifier(value) + + self.final_quote + ) + + def _requires_quotes(self, value): + """Return True if the given identifier requires quoting.""" + lc_value = value.lower() + return ( + lc_value in self.reserved_words + or value[0] in self.illegal_initial_characters + or not self.legal_characters.match(util.text_type(value)) + or (lc_value != value) + ) + + def quote_schema(self, schema, force=None): + """Conditionally quote a schema. + + Subclasses can override this to provide database-dependent + quoting behavior for schema names. + + the 'force' flag should be considered deprecated. + + """ + return self.quote(schema, force) + + def quote(self, ident, force=None): + """Conditionally quote an identifier. + + the 'force' flag should be considered deprecated. + """ + + force = getattr(ident, "quote", None) + + if force is None: + if ident in self._strings: + return self._strings[ident] + else: + if self._requires_quotes(ident): + self._strings[ident] = self.quote_identifier(ident) + else: + self._strings[ident] = ident + return self._strings[ident] + elif force: + return self.quote_identifier(ident) + else: + return ident + + def format_collation(self, collation_name): + if self.quote_case_sensitive_collations: + return self.quote(collation_name) + else: + return collation_name + + def format_sequence(self, sequence, use_schema=True): + name = self.quote(sequence.name) + + effective_schema = self.schema_for_object(sequence) + + if ( + not self.omit_schema + and use_schema + and effective_schema is not None + ): + name = self.quote_schema(effective_schema) + "." + name + return name + + def format_label(self, label, name=None): + return self.quote(name or label.name) + + def format_alias(self, alias, name=None): + return self.quote(name or alias.name) + + def format_savepoint(self, savepoint, name=None): + # Running the savepoint name through quoting is unnecessary + # for all known dialects. This is here to support potential + # third party use cases + ident = name or savepoint.ident + if self._requires_quotes(ident): + ident = self.quote_identifier(ident) + return ident + + @util.dependencies("sqlalchemy.sql.naming") + def format_constraint(self, naming, constraint): + if isinstance(constraint.name, elements._defer_name): + name = naming._constraint_name_for_table( + constraint, constraint.table + ) + if name: + return self.quote(name) + elif isinstance(constraint.name, elements._defer_none_name): + return None + return self.quote(constraint.name) + + def format_table(self, table, use_schema=True, name=None): + """Prepare a quoted table and schema name.""" + + if name is None: + name = table.name + result = self.quote(name) + + effective_schema = self.schema_for_object(table) + + if not self.omit_schema and use_schema and effective_schema: + result = self.quote_schema(effective_schema) + "." + result + return result + + def format_schema(self, name, quote=None): + """Prepare a quoted schema name.""" + + return self.quote(name, quote) + + def format_column( + self, + column, + use_table=False, + name=None, + table_name=None, + use_schema=False, + ): + """Prepare a quoted column name.""" + + if name is None: + name = column.name + if not getattr(column, "is_literal", False): + if use_table: + return ( + self.format_table( + column.table, use_schema=use_schema, name=table_name + ) + + "." + + self.quote(name) + ) + else: + return self.quote(name) + else: + # literal textual elements get stuck into ColumnClause a lot, + # which shouldn't get quoted + + if use_table: + return ( + self.format_table( + column.table, use_schema=use_schema, name=table_name + ) + + "." + + name + ) + else: + return name + + def format_table_seq(self, table, use_schema=True): + """Format table name and schema as a tuple.""" + + # Dialects with more levels in their fully qualified references + # ('database', 'owner', etc.) could override this and return + # a longer sequence. + + effective_schema = self.schema_for_object(table) + + if not self.omit_schema and use_schema and effective_schema: + return ( + self.quote_schema(effective_schema), + self.format_table(table, use_schema=False), + ) + else: + return (self.format_table(table, use_schema=False),) + + @util.memoized_property + def _r_identifiers(self): + initial, final, escaped_final = [ + re.escape(s) + for s in ( + self.initial_quote, + self.final_quote, + self._escape_identifier(self.final_quote), + ) + ] + r = re.compile( + r"(?:" + r"(?:%(initial)s((?:%(escaped)s|[^%(final)s])+)%(final)s" + r"|([^\.]+))(?=\.|$))+" + % {"initial": initial, "final": final, "escaped": escaped_final} + ) + return r + + def unformat_identifiers(self, identifiers): + """Unpack 'schema.table.column'-like strings into components.""" + + r = self._r_identifiers + return [ + self._unescape_identifier(i) + for i in [a or b for a, b in r.findall(identifiers)] + ] diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/crud.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/crud.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..75e66db --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/crud.py @@ -0,0 +1,793 @@ +# sql/crud.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +"""Functions used by compiler.py to determine the parameters rendered +within INSERT and UPDATE statements. + +""" +import operator + +from . import dml +from . import elements +from .. import exc +from .. import util + +REQUIRED = util.symbol( + "REQUIRED", + """ +Placeholder for the value within a :class:`.BindParameter` +which is required to be present when the statement is passed +to :meth:`.Connection.execute`. + +This symbol is typically used when a :func:`.expression.insert` +or :func:`.expression.update` statement is compiled without parameter +values present. + +""", +) + +ISINSERT = util.symbol("ISINSERT") +ISUPDATE = util.symbol("ISUPDATE") +ISDELETE = util.symbol("ISDELETE") + + +def _setup_crud_params(compiler, stmt, local_stmt_type, **kw): + restore_isinsert = compiler.isinsert + restore_isupdate = compiler.isupdate + restore_isdelete = compiler.isdelete + + should_restore = ( + restore_isinsert or restore_isupdate or restore_isdelete + ) or len(compiler.stack) > 1 + + if local_stmt_type is ISINSERT: + compiler.isupdate = False + compiler.isinsert = True + elif local_stmt_type is ISUPDATE: + compiler.isupdate = True + compiler.isinsert = False + elif local_stmt_type is ISDELETE: + if not should_restore: + compiler.isdelete = True + else: + assert False, "ISINSERT, ISUPDATE, or ISDELETE expected" + + try: + if local_stmt_type in (ISINSERT, ISUPDATE): + return _get_crud_params(compiler, stmt, **kw) + finally: + if should_restore: + compiler.isinsert = restore_isinsert + compiler.isupdate = restore_isupdate + compiler.isdelete = restore_isdelete + + +def _get_crud_params(compiler, stmt, **kw): + """create a set of tuples representing column/string pairs for use + in an INSERT or UPDATE statement. + + Also generates the Compiled object's postfetch, prefetch, and + returning column collections, used for default handling and ultimately + populating the ResultProxy's prefetch_cols() and postfetch_cols() + collections. + + """ + + compiler.postfetch = [] + compiler.insert_prefetch = [] + compiler.update_prefetch = [] + compiler.returning = [] + + # no parameters in the statement, no parameters in the + # compiled params - return binds for all columns + if compiler.column_keys is None and stmt.parameters is None: + return [ + (c, _create_bind_param(compiler, c, None, required=True)) + for c in stmt.table.columns + ] + + if stmt._has_multi_parameters: + stmt_parameters = stmt.parameters[0] + else: + stmt_parameters = stmt.parameters + + # getters - these are normally just column.key, + # but in the case of mysql multi-table update, the rules for + # .key must conditionally take tablename into account + ( + _column_as_key, + _getattr_col_key, + _col_bind_name, + ) = _key_getters_for_crud_column(compiler, stmt) + + # if we have statement parameters - set defaults in the + # compiled params + if compiler.column_keys is None: + parameters = {} + else: + parameters = dict( + (_column_as_key(key), REQUIRED) + for key in compiler.column_keys + if not stmt_parameters or key not in stmt_parameters + ) + + # create a list of column assignment clauses as tuples + values = [] + + if stmt_parameters is not None: + _get_stmt_parameters_params( + compiler, parameters, stmt_parameters, _column_as_key, values, kw + ) + + check_columns = {} + + # special logic that only occurs for multi-table UPDATE + # statements + if compiler.isupdate and stmt._extra_froms and stmt_parameters: + _get_multitable_params( + compiler, + stmt, + stmt_parameters, + check_columns, + _col_bind_name, + _getattr_col_key, + values, + kw, + ) + + if compiler.isinsert and stmt.select_names: + _scan_insert_from_select_cols( + compiler, + stmt, + parameters, + _getattr_col_key, + _column_as_key, + _col_bind_name, + check_columns, + values, + kw, + ) + else: + _scan_cols( + compiler, + stmt, + parameters, + _getattr_col_key, + _column_as_key, + _col_bind_name, + check_columns, + values, + kw, + ) + + if parameters and stmt_parameters: + check = ( + set(parameters) + .intersection(_column_as_key(k) for k in stmt_parameters) + .difference(check_columns) + ) + if check: + raise exc.CompileError( + "Unconsumed column names: %s" + % (", ".join("%s" % c for c in check)) + ) + + if stmt._has_multi_parameters: + values = _extend_values_for_multiparams(compiler, stmt, values, kw) + + return values + + +def _create_bind_param( + compiler, col, value, process=True, required=False, name=None, **kw +): + if name is None: + name = col.key + bindparam = elements.BindParameter( + name, value, type_=col.type, required=required + ) + bindparam._is_crud = True + if process: + bindparam = bindparam._compiler_dispatch(compiler, **kw) + return bindparam + + +def _key_getters_for_crud_column(compiler, stmt): + if compiler.isupdate and stmt._extra_froms: + # when extra tables are present, refer to the columns + # in those extra tables as table-qualified, including in + # dictionaries and when rendering bind param names. + # the "main" table of the statement remains unqualified, + # allowing the most compatibility with a non-multi-table + # statement. + _et = set(stmt._extra_froms) + + def _column_as_key(key): + str_key = elements._column_as_key(key) + if hasattr(key, "table") and key.table in _et: + return (key.table.name, str_key) + else: + return str_key + + def _getattr_col_key(col): + if col.table in _et: + return (col.table.name, col.key) + else: + return col.key + + def _col_bind_name(col): + if col.table in _et: + return "%s_%s" % (col.table.name, col.key) + else: + return col.key + + else: + _column_as_key = elements._column_as_key + _getattr_col_key = _col_bind_name = operator.attrgetter("key") + + return _column_as_key, _getattr_col_key, _col_bind_name + + +def _scan_insert_from_select_cols( + compiler, + stmt, + parameters, + _getattr_col_key, + _column_as_key, + _col_bind_name, + check_columns, + values, + kw, +): + + ( + need_pks, + implicit_returning, + implicit_return_defaults, + postfetch_lastrowid, + ) = _get_returning_modifiers(compiler, stmt) + + cols = [stmt.table.c[_column_as_key(name)] for name in stmt.select_names] + + compiler._insert_from_select = stmt.select + + add_select_cols = [] + if stmt.include_insert_from_select_defaults: + col_set = set(cols) + for col in stmt.table.columns: + if col not in col_set and col.default: + cols.append(col) + + for c in cols: + col_key = _getattr_col_key(c) + if col_key in parameters and col_key not in check_columns: + parameters.pop(col_key) + values.append((c, None)) + else: + _append_param_insert_select_hasdefault( + compiler, stmt, c, add_select_cols, kw + ) + + if add_select_cols: + values.extend(add_select_cols) + compiler._insert_from_select = compiler._insert_from_select._generate() + compiler._insert_from_select._raw_columns = tuple( + compiler._insert_from_select._raw_columns + ) + tuple(expr for col, expr in add_select_cols) + + +def _scan_cols( + compiler, + stmt, + parameters, + _getattr_col_key, + _column_as_key, + _col_bind_name, + check_columns, + values, + kw, +): + + ( + need_pks, + implicit_returning, + implicit_return_defaults, + postfetch_lastrowid, + ) = _get_returning_modifiers(compiler, stmt) + + if stmt._parameter_ordering: + parameter_ordering = [ + _column_as_key(key) for key in stmt._parameter_ordering + ] + ordered_keys = set(parameter_ordering) + cols = [stmt.table.c[key] for key in parameter_ordering] + [ + c for c in stmt.table.c if c.key not in ordered_keys + ] + else: + cols = stmt.table.columns + + for c in cols: + col_key = _getattr_col_key(c) + + if col_key in parameters and col_key not in check_columns: + + _append_param_parameter( + compiler, + stmt, + c, + col_key, + parameters, + _col_bind_name, + implicit_returning, + implicit_return_defaults, + values, + kw, + ) + + elif compiler.isinsert: + if ( + c.primary_key + and need_pks + and ( + implicit_returning + or not postfetch_lastrowid + or c is not stmt.table._autoincrement_column + ) + ): + + if implicit_returning: + _append_param_insert_pk_returning( + compiler, stmt, c, values, kw + ) + else: + _append_param_insert_pk(compiler, stmt, c, values, kw) + + elif c.default is not None: + + _append_param_insert_hasdefault( + compiler, stmt, c, implicit_return_defaults, values, kw + ) + + elif c.server_default is not None: + if implicit_return_defaults and c in implicit_return_defaults: + compiler.returning.append(c) + elif not c.primary_key: + compiler.postfetch.append(c) + elif implicit_return_defaults and c in implicit_return_defaults: + compiler.returning.append(c) + elif ( + c.primary_key + and c is not stmt.table._autoincrement_column + and not c.nullable + ): + _warn_pk_with_no_anticipated_value(c) + + elif compiler.isupdate: + _append_param_update( + compiler, stmt, c, implicit_return_defaults, values, kw + ) + + +def _append_param_parameter( + compiler, + stmt, + c, + col_key, + parameters, + _col_bind_name, + implicit_returning, + implicit_return_defaults, + values, + kw, +): + value = parameters.pop(col_key) + if elements._is_literal(value): + value = _create_bind_param( + compiler, + c, + value, + required=value is REQUIRED, + name=_col_bind_name(c) + if not stmt._has_multi_parameters + else "%s_m0" % _col_bind_name(c), + **kw + ) + else: + if isinstance(value, elements.BindParameter) and value.type._isnull: + value = value._clone() + value.type = c.type + + if c.primary_key and implicit_returning: + compiler.returning.append(c) + value = compiler.process(value.self_group(), **kw) + elif implicit_return_defaults and c in implicit_return_defaults: + compiler.returning.append(c) + value = compiler.process(value.self_group(), **kw) + else: + compiler.postfetch.append(c) + value = compiler.process(value.self_group(), **kw) + values.append((c, value)) + + +def _append_param_insert_pk_returning(compiler, stmt, c, values, kw): + """Create a primary key expression in the INSERT statement and + possibly a RETURNING clause for it. + + If the column has a Python-side default, we will create a bound + parameter for it and "pre-execute" the Python function. If + the column has a SQL expression default, or is a sequence, + we will add it directly into the INSERT statement and add a + RETURNING element to get the new value. If the column has a + server side default or is marked as the "autoincrement" column, + we will add a RETRUNING element to get at the value. + + If all the above tests fail, that indicates a primary key column with no + noted default generation capabilities that has no parameter passed; + raise an exception. + + """ + if c.default is not None: + if c.default.is_sequence: + if compiler.dialect.supports_sequences and ( + not c.default.optional + or not compiler.dialect.sequences_optional + ): + proc = compiler.process(c.default, **kw) + values.append((c, proc)) + compiler.returning.append(c) + elif c.default.is_clause_element: + values.append( + (c, compiler.process(c.default.arg.self_group(), **kw)) + ) + compiler.returning.append(c) + else: + values.append((c, _create_insert_prefetch_bind_param(compiler, c))) + elif c is stmt.table._autoincrement_column or c.server_default is not None: + compiler.returning.append(c) + elif not c.nullable: + # no .default, no .server_default, not autoincrement, we have + # no indication this primary key column will have any value + _warn_pk_with_no_anticipated_value(c) + + +def _create_insert_prefetch_bind_param(compiler, c, process=True, name=None): + param = _create_bind_param(compiler, c, None, process=process, name=name) + compiler.insert_prefetch.append(c) + return param + + +def _create_update_prefetch_bind_param(compiler, c, process=True, name=None): + param = _create_bind_param(compiler, c, None, process=process, name=name) + compiler.update_prefetch.append(c) + return param + + +class _multiparam_column(elements.ColumnElement): + _is_multiparam_column = True + + def __init__(self, original, index): + self.index = index + self.key = "%s_m%d" % (original.key, index + 1) + self.original = original + self.default = original.default + self.type = original.type + + def __eq__(self, other): + return ( + isinstance(other, _multiparam_column) + and other.key == self.key + and other.original == self.original + ) + + +def _process_multiparam_default_bind(compiler, stmt, c, index, kw): + + if not c.default: + raise exc.CompileError( + "INSERT value for column %s is explicitly rendered as a bound" + "parameter in the VALUES clause; " + "a Python-side value or SQL expression is required" % c + ) + elif c.default.is_clause_element: + return compiler.process(c.default.arg.self_group(), **kw) + else: + col = _multiparam_column(c, index) + if isinstance(stmt, dml.Insert): + return _create_insert_prefetch_bind_param(compiler, col) + else: + return _create_update_prefetch_bind_param(compiler, col) + + +def _append_param_insert_pk(compiler, stmt, c, values, kw): + """Create a bound parameter in the INSERT statement to receive a + 'prefetched' default value. + + The 'prefetched' value indicates that we are to invoke a Python-side + default function or expliclt SQL expression before the INSERT statement + proceeds, so that we have a primary key value available. + + if the column has no noted default generation capabilities, it has + no value passed in either; raise an exception. + + """ + if ( + # column has a Python-side default + c.default is not None + and ( + # and it won't be a Sequence + not c.default.is_sequence + or compiler.dialect.supports_sequences + ) + ) or ( + # column is the "autoincrement column" + c is stmt.table._autoincrement_column + and ( + # and it's either a "sequence" or a + # pre-executable "autoincrement" sequence + compiler.dialect.supports_sequences + or compiler.dialect.preexecute_autoincrement_sequences + ) + ): + values.append((c, _create_insert_prefetch_bind_param(compiler, c))) + elif c.default is None and c.server_default is None and not c.nullable: + # no .default, no .server_default, not autoincrement, we have + # no indication this primary key column will have any value + _warn_pk_with_no_anticipated_value(c) + + +def _append_param_insert_hasdefault( + compiler, stmt, c, implicit_return_defaults, values, kw +): + + if c.default.is_sequence: + if compiler.dialect.supports_sequences and ( + not c.default.optional or not compiler.dialect.sequences_optional + ): + proc = compiler.process(c.default, **kw) + values.append((c, proc)) + if implicit_return_defaults and c in implicit_return_defaults: + compiler.returning.append(c) + elif not c.primary_key: + compiler.postfetch.append(c) + elif c.default.is_clause_element: + proc = compiler.process(c.default.arg.self_group(), **kw) + values.append((c, proc)) + + if implicit_return_defaults and c in implicit_return_defaults: + compiler.returning.append(c) + elif not c.primary_key: + # don't add primary key column to postfetch + compiler.postfetch.append(c) + else: + values.append((c, _create_insert_prefetch_bind_param(compiler, c))) + + +def _append_param_insert_select_hasdefault(compiler, stmt, c, values, kw): + + if c.default.is_sequence: + if compiler.dialect.supports_sequences and ( + not c.default.optional or not compiler.dialect.sequences_optional + ): + proc = c.default + values.append((c, proc.next_value())) + elif c.default.is_clause_element: + proc = c.default.arg.self_group() + values.append((c, proc)) + else: + values.append( + (c, _create_insert_prefetch_bind_param(compiler, c, process=False)) + ) + + +def _append_param_update( + compiler, stmt, c, implicit_return_defaults, values, kw +): + + if c.onupdate is not None and not c.onupdate.is_sequence: + if c.onupdate.is_clause_element: + values.append( + (c, compiler.process(c.onupdate.arg.self_group(), **kw)) + ) + if implicit_return_defaults and c in implicit_return_defaults: + compiler.returning.append(c) + else: + compiler.postfetch.append(c) + else: + values.append((c, _create_update_prefetch_bind_param(compiler, c))) + elif c.server_onupdate is not None: + if implicit_return_defaults and c in implicit_return_defaults: + compiler.returning.append(c) + else: + compiler.postfetch.append(c) + elif ( + implicit_return_defaults + and stmt._return_defaults is not True + and c in implicit_return_defaults + ): + compiler.returning.append(c) + + +def _get_multitable_params( + compiler, + stmt, + stmt_parameters, + check_columns, + _col_bind_name, + _getattr_col_key, + values, + kw, +): + + normalized_params = dict( + (elements._clause_element_as_expr(c), param) + for c, param in stmt_parameters.items() + ) + affected_tables = set() + for t in stmt._extra_froms: + for c in t.c: + if c in normalized_params: + affected_tables.add(t) + check_columns[_getattr_col_key(c)] = c + value = normalized_params[c] + if elements._is_literal(value): + value = _create_bind_param( + compiler, + c, + value, + required=value is REQUIRED, + name=_col_bind_name(c), + ) + else: + compiler.postfetch.append(c) + value = compiler.process(value.self_group(), **kw) + values.append((c, value)) + # determine tables which are actually to be updated - process onupdate + # and server_onupdate for these + for t in affected_tables: + for c in t.c: + if c in normalized_params: + continue + elif c.onupdate is not None and not c.onupdate.is_sequence: + if c.onupdate.is_clause_element: + values.append( + ( + c, + compiler.process( + c.onupdate.arg.self_group(), **kw + ), + ) + ) + compiler.postfetch.append(c) + else: + values.append( + ( + c, + _create_update_prefetch_bind_param( + compiler, c, name=_col_bind_name(c) + ), + ) + ) + elif c.server_onupdate is not None: + compiler.postfetch.append(c) + + +def _extend_values_for_multiparams(compiler, stmt, values, kw): + values_0 = values + values = [values] + + for i, row in enumerate(stmt.parameters[1:]): + extension = [] + for (col, param) in values_0: + if col in row or col.key in row: + key = col if col in row else col.key + + if elements._is_literal(row[key]): + new_param = _create_bind_param( + compiler, + col, + row[key], + name="%s_m%d" % (col.key, i + 1), + **kw + ) + else: + new_param = compiler.process(row[key].self_group(), **kw) + else: + new_param = _process_multiparam_default_bind( + compiler, stmt, col, i, kw + ) + + extension.append((col, new_param)) + + values.append(extension) + + return values + + +def _get_stmt_parameters_params( + compiler, parameters, stmt_parameters, _column_as_key, values, kw +): + for k, v in stmt_parameters.items(): + colkey = _column_as_key(k) + if colkey is not None: + parameters.setdefault(colkey, v) + else: + # a non-Column expression on the left side; + # add it to values() in an "as-is" state, + # coercing right side to bound param + if elements._is_literal(v): + v = compiler.process( + elements.BindParameter(None, v, type_=k.type), **kw + ) + else: + v = compiler.process(v.self_group(), **kw) + + values.append((k, v)) + + +def _get_returning_modifiers(compiler, stmt): + need_pks = ( + compiler.isinsert + and not compiler.inline + and not stmt._returning + and not stmt._has_multi_parameters + ) + + implicit_returning = ( + need_pks + and compiler.dialect.implicit_returning + and stmt.table.implicit_returning + ) + + if compiler.isinsert: + implicit_return_defaults = implicit_returning and stmt._return_defaults + elif compiler.isupdate: + implicit_return_defaults = ( + compiler.dialect.implicit_returning + and stmt.table.implicit_returning + and stmt._return_defaults + ) + else: + # this line is unused, currently we are always + # isinsert or isupdate + implicit_return_defaults = False # pragma: no cover + + if implicit_return_defaults: + if stmt._return_defaults is True: + implicit_return_defaults = set(stmt.table.c) + else: + implicit_return_defaults = set(stmt._return_defaults) + + postfetch_lastrowid = need_pks and compiler.dialect.postfetch_lastrowid + + return ( + need_pks, + implicit_returning, + implicit_return_defaults, + postfetch_lastrowid, + ) + + +def _warn_pk_with_no_anticipated_value(c): + msg = ( + "Column '%s.%s' is marked as a member of the " + "primary key for table '%s', " + "but has no Python-side or server-side default generator indicated, " + "nor does it indicate 'autoincrement=True' or 'nullable=True', " + "and no explicit value is passed. " + "Primary key columns typically may not store NULL." + % (c.table.fullname, c.name, c.table.fullname) + ) + if len(c.table.primary_key) > 1: + msg += ( + " Note that as of SQLAlchemy 1.1, 'autoincrement=True' must be " + "indicated explicitly for composite (e.g. multicolumn) primary " + "keys if AUTO_INCREMENT/SERIAL/IDENTITY " + "behavior is expected for one of the columns in the primary key. " + "CREATE TABLE statements are impacted by this change as well on " + "most backends." + ) + util.warn(msg) diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/ddl.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/ddl.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4b1b50c --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/ddl.py @@ -0,0 +1,1202 @@ +# sql/ddl.py +# Copyright (C) 2009-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php +""" +Provides the hierarchy of DDL-defining schema items as well as routines +to invoke them for a create/drop call. + +""" + +from .base import _bind_or_error +from .base import _generative +from .base import Executable +from .base import SchemaVisitor +from .elements import ClauseElement +from .. import event +from .. import exc +from .. import util +from ..util import topological + + +class _DDLCompiles(ClauseElement): + def _compiler(self, dialect, **kw): + """Return a compiler appropriate for this ClauseElement, given a + Dialect.""" + + return dialect.ddl_compiler(dialect, self, **kw) + + +class DDLElement(Executable, _DDLCompiles): + """Base class for DDL expression constructs. + + This class is the base for the general purpose :class:`.DDL` class, + as well as the various create/drop clause constructs such as + :class:`.CreateTable`, :class:`.DropTable`, :class:`.AddConstraint`, + etc. + + :class:`.DDLElement` integrates closely with SQLAlchemy events, + introduced in :ref:`event_toplevel`. An instance of one is + itself an event receiving callable:: + + event.listen( + users, + 'after_create', + AddConstraint(constraint).execute_if(dialect='postgresql') + ) + + .. seealso:: + + :class:`.DDL` + + :class:`.DDLEvents` + + :ref:`event_toplevel` + + :ref:`schema_ddl_sequences` + + """ + + _execution_options = Executable._execution_options.union( + {"autocommit": True} + ) + + target = None + on = None + dialect = None + callable_ = None + + def _execute_on_connection(self, connection, multiparams, params): + return connection._execute_ddl(self, multiparams, params) + + def execute(self, bind=None, target=None): + """Execute this DDL immediately. + + Executes the DDL statement in isolation using the supplied + :class:`.Connectable` or + :class:`.Connectable` assigned to the ``.bind`` + property, if not supplied. If the DDL has a conditional ``on`` + criteria, it will be invoked with None as the event. + + :param bind: + Optional, an ``Engine`` or ``Connection``. If not supplied, a valid + :class:`.Connectable` must be present in the + ``.bind`` property. + + :param target: + Optional, defaults to None. The target SchemaItem for the + execute call. Will be passed to the ``on`` callable if any, + and may also provide string expansion data for the + statement. See ``execute_at`` for more information. + + """ + + if bind is None: + bind = _bind_or_error(self) + + if self._should_execute(target, bind): + return bind.execute(self.against(target)) + else: + bind.engine.logger.info("DDL execution skipped, criteria not met.") + + @util.deprecated( + "0.7", + "See :class:`.DDLEvents`, as well as " + ":meth:`.DDLElement.execute_if`.", + ) + def execute_at(self, event_name, target): + """Link execution of this DDL to the DDL lifecycle of a SchemaItem. + + Links this ``DDLElement`` to a ``Table`` or ``MetaData`` instance, + executing it when that schema item is created or dropped. The DDL + statement will be executed using the same Connection and transactional + context as the Table create/drop itself. The ``.bind`` property of + this statement is ignored. + + :param event: + One of the events defined in the schema item's ``.ddl_events``; + e.g. 'before-create', 'after-create', 'before-drop' or 'after-drop' + + :param target: + The Table or MetaData instance for which this DDLElement will + be associated with. + + A DDLElement instance can be linked to any number of schema items. + + ``execute_at`` builds on the ``append_ddl_listener`` interface of + :class:`.MetaData` and :class:`.Table` objects. + + Caveat: Creating or dropping a Table in isolation will also trigger + any DDL set to ``execute_at`` that Table's MetaData. This may change + in a future release. + + """ + + def call_event(target, connection, **kw): + if self._should_execute_deprecated( + event_name, target, connection, **kw + ): + return connection.execute(self.against(target)) + + event.listen(target, "" + event_name.replace("-", "_"), call_event) + + @_generative + def against(self, target): + """Return a copy of this DDL against a specific schema item.""" + + self.target = target + + @_generative + def execute_if(self, dialect=None, callable_=None, state=None): + r"""Return a callable that will execute this + DDLElement conditionally. + + Used to provide a wrapper for event listening:: + + event.listen( + metadata, + 'before_create', + DDL("my_ddl").execute_if(dialect='postgresql') + ) + + :param dialect: May be a string, tuple or a callable + predicate. If a string, it will be compared to the name of the + executing database dialect:: + + DDL('something').execute_if(dialect='postgresql') + + If a tuple, specifies multiple dialect names:: + + DDL('something').execute_if(dialect=('postgresql', 'mysql')) + + :param callable\_: A callable, which will be invoked with + four positional arguments as well as optional keyword + arguments: + + :ddl: + This DDL element. + + :target: + The :class:`.Table` or :class:`.MetaData` object which is the + target of this event. May be None if the DDL is executed + explicitly. + + :bind: + The :class:`.Connection` being used for DDL execution + + :tables: + Optional keyword argument - a list of Table objects which are to + be created/ dropped within a MetaData.create_all() or drop_all() + method call. + + :state: + Optional keyword argument - will be the ``state`` argument + passed to this function. + + :checkfirst: + Keyword argument, will be True if the 'checkfirst' flag was + set during the call to ``create()``, ``create_all()``, + ``drop()``, ``drop_all()``. + + If the callable returns a true value, the DDL statement will be + executed. + + :param state: any value which will be passed to the callable\_ + as the ``state`` keyword argument. + + .. seealso:: + + :class:`.DDLEvents` + + :ref:`event_toplevel` + + """ + self.dialect = dialect + self.callable_ = callable_ + self.state = state + + def _should_execute(self, target, bind, **kw): + if self.on is not None and not self._should_execute_deprecated( + None, target, bind, **kw + ): + return False + + if isinstance(self.dialect, util.string_types): + if self.dialect != bind.engine.name: + return False + elif isinstance(self.dialect, (tuple, list, set)): + if bind.engine.name not in self.dialect: + return False + if self.callable_ is not None and not self.callable_( + self, target, bind, state=self.state, **kw + ): + return False + + return True + + def _should_execute_deprecated(self, event, target, bind, **kw): + if self.on is None: + return True + elif isinstance(self.on, util.string_types): + return self.on == bind.engine.name + elif isinstance(self.on, (tuple, list, set)): + return bind.engine.name in self.on + else: + return self.on(self, event, target, bind, **kw) + + def __call__(self, target, bind, **kw): + """Execute the DDL as a ddl_listener.""" + + if self._should_execute(target, bind, **kw): + return bind.execute(self.against(target)) + + def _check_ddl_on(self, on): + if on is not None and ( + not isinstance(on, util.string_types + (tuple, list, set)) + and not util.callable(on) + ): + raise exc.ArgumentError( + "Expected the name of a database dialect, a tuple " + "of names, or a callable for " + "'on' criteria, got type '%s'." % type(on).__name__ + ) + + def bind(self): + if self._bind: + return self._bind + + def _set_bind(self, bind): + self._bind = bind + + bind = property(bind, _set_bind) + + def _generate(self): + s = self.__class__.__new__(self.__class__) + s.__dict__ = self.__dict__.copy() + return s + + +class DDL(DDLElement): + """A literal DDL statement. + + Specifies literal SQL DDL to be executed by the database. DDL objects + function as DDL event listeners, and can be subscribed to those events + listed in :class:`.DDLEvents`, using either :class:`.Table` or + :class:`.MetaData` objects as targets. Basic templating support allows + a single DDL instance to handle repetitive tasks for multiple tables. + + Examples:: + + from sqlalchemy import event, DDL + + tbl = Table('users', metadata, Column('uid', Integer)) + event.listen(tbl, 'before_create', DDL('DROP TRIGGER users_trigger')) + + spow = DDL('ALTER TABLE %(table)s SET secretpowers TRUE') + event.listen(tbl, 'after_create', spow.execute_if(dialect='somedb')) + + drop_spow = DDL('ALTER TABLE users SET secretpowers FALSE') + connection.execute(drop_spow) + + When operating on Table events, the following ``statement`` + string substitions are available:: + + %(table)s - the Table name, with any required quoting applied + %(schema)s - the schema name, with any required quoting applied + %(fullname)s - the Table name including schema, quoted if needed + + The DDL's "context", if any, will be combined with the standard + substitutions noted above. Keys present in the context will override + the standard substitutions. + + """ + + __visit_name__ = "ddl" + + def __init__(self, statement, on=None, context=None, bind=None): + """Create a DDL statement. + + :param statement: + A string or unicode string to be executed. Statements will be + processed with Python's string formatting operator. See the + ``context`` argument and the ``execute_at`` method. + + A literal '%' in a statement must be escaped as '%%'. + + SQL bind parameters are not available in DDL statements. + + :param on: + .. deprecated:: 0.7 + See :meth:`.DDLElement.execute_if`. + + Optional filtering criteria. May be a string, tuple or a callable + predicate. If a string, it will be compared to the name of the + executing database dialect:: + + DDL('something', on='postgresql') + + If a tuple, specifies multiple dialect names:: + + DDL('something', on=('postgresql', 'mysql')) + + If a callable, it will be invoked with four positional arguments + as well as optional keyword arguments: + + :ddl: + This DDL element. + + :event: + The name of the event that has triggered this DDL, such as + 'after-create' Will be None if the DDL is executed explicitly. + + :target: + The ``Table`` or ``MetaData`` object which is the target of + this event. May be None if the DDL is executed explicitly. + + :connection: + The ``Connection`` being used for DDL execution + + :tables: + Optional keyword argument - a list of Table objects which are to + be created/ dropped within a MetaData.create_all() or drop_all() + method call. + + + If the callable returns a true value, the DDL statement will be + executed. + + :param context: + Optional dictionary, defaults to None. These values will be + available for use in string substitutions on the DDL statement. + + :param bind: + Optional. A :class:`.Connectable`, used by + default when ``execute()`` is invoked without a bind argument. + + + .. seealso:: + + :class:`.DDLEvents` + + :ref:`event_toplevel` + + """ + + if not isinstance(statement, util.string_types): + raise exc.ArgumentError( + "Expected a string or unicode SQL statement, got '%r'" + % statement + ) + + self.statement = statement + self.context = context or {} + + self._check_ddl_on(on) + self.on = on + self._bind = bind + + def __repr__(self): + return "<%s@%s; %s>" % ( + type(self).__name__, + id(self), + ", ".join( + [repr(self.statement)] + + [ + "%s=%r" % (key, getattr(self, key)) + for key in ("on", "context") + if getattr(self, key) + ] + ), + ) + + +class _CreateDropBase(DDLElement): + """Base class for DDL constructs that represent CREATE and DROP or + equivalents. + + The common theme of _CreateDropBase is a single + ``element`` attribute which refers to the element + to be created or dropped. + + """ + + def __init__(self, element, on=None, bind=None): + self.element = element + self._check_ddl_on(on) + self.on = on + self.bind = bind + + def _create_rule_disable(self, compiler): + """Allow disable of _create_rule using a callable. + + Pass to _create_rule using + util.portable_instancemethod(self._create_rule_disable) + to retain serializability. + + """ + return False + + +class CreateSchema(_CreateDropBase): + """Represent a CREATE SCHEMA statement. + + .. versionadded:: 0.7.4 + + The argument here is the string name of the schema. + + """ + + __visit_name__ = "create_schema" + + def __init__(self, name, quote=None, **kw): + """Create a new :class:`.CreateSchema` construct.""" + + self.quote = quote + super(CreateSchema, self).__init__(name, **kw) + + +class DropSchema(_CreateDropBase): + """Represent a DROP SCHEMA statement. + + The argument here is the string name of the schema. + + .. versionadded:: 0.7.4 + + """ + + __visit_name__ = "drop_schema" + + def __init__(self, name, quote=None, cascade=False, **kw): + """Create a new :class:`.DropSchema` construct.""" + + self.quote = quote + self.cascade = cascade + super(DropSchema, self).__init__(name, **kw) + + +class CreateTable(_CreateDropBase): + """Represent a CREATE TABLE statement.""" + + __visit_name__ = "create_table" + + def __init__( + self, element, on=None, bind=None, include_foreign_key_constraints=None + ): + """Create a :class:`.CreateTable` construct. + + :param element: a :class:`.Table` that's the subject + of the CREATE + :param on: See the description for 'on' in :class:`.DDL`. + :param bind: See the description for 'bind' in :class:`.DDL`. + :param include_foreign_key_constraints: optional sequence of + :class:`.ForeignKeyConstraint` objects that will be included + inline within the CREATE construct; if omitted, all foreign key + constraints that do not specify use_alter=True are included. + + .. versionadded:: 1.0.0 + + """ + super(CreateTable, self).__init__(element, on=on, bind=bind) + self.columns = [CreateColumn(column) for column in element.columns] + self.include_foreign_key_constraints = include_foreign_key_constraints + + +class _DropView(_CreateDropBase): + """Semi-public 'DROP VIEW' construct. + + Used by the test suite for dialect-agnostic drops of views. + This object will eventually be part of a public "view" API. + + """ + + __visit_name__ = "drop_view" + + +class CreateColumn(_DDLCompiles): + """Represent a :class:`.Column` as rendered in a CREATE TABLE statement, + via the :class:`.CreateTable` construct. + + This is provided to support custom column DDL within the generation + of CREATE TABLE statements, by using the + compiler extension documented in :ref:`sqlalchemy.ext.compiler_toplevel` + to extend :class:`.CreateColumn`. + + Typical integration is to examine the incoming :class:`.Column` + object, and to redirect compilation if a particular flag or condition + is found:: + + from sqlalchemy import schema + from sqlalchemy.ext.compiler import compiles + + @compiles(schema.CreateColumn) + def compile(element, compiler, **kw): + column = element.element + + if "special" not in column.info: + return compiler.visit_create_column(element, **kw) + + text = "%s SPECIAL DIRECTIVE %s" % ( + column.name, + compiler.type_compiler.process(column.type) + ) + default = compiler.get_column_default_string(column) + if default is not None: + text += " DEFAULT " + default + + if not column.nullable: + text += " NOT NULL" + + if column.constraints: + text += " ".join( + compiler.process(const) + for const in column.constraints) + return text + + The above construct can be applied to a :class:`.Table` as follows:: + + from sqlalchemy import Table, Metadata, Column, Integer, String + from sqlalchemy import schema + + metadata = MetaData() + + table = Table('mytable', MetaData(), + Column('x', Integer, info={"special":True}, primary_key=True), + Column('y', String(50)), + Column('z', String(20), info={"special":True}) + ) + + metadata.create_all(conn) + + Above, the directives we've added to the :attr:`.Column.info` collection + will be detected by our custom compilation scheme:: + + CREATE TABLE mytable ( + x SPECIAL DIRECTIVE INTEGER NOT NULL, + y VARCHAR(50), + z SPECIAL DIRECTIVE VARCHAR(20), + PRIMARY KEY (x) + ) + + The :class:`.CreateColumn` construct can also be used to skip certain + columns when producing a ``CREATE TABLE``. This is accomplished by + creating a compilation rule that conditionally returns ``None``. + This is essentially how to produce the same effect as using the + ``system=True`` argument on :class:`.Column`, which marks a column + as an implicitly-present "system" column. + + For example, suppose we wish to produce a :class:`.Table` which skips + rendering of the PostgreSQL ``xmin`` column against the PostgreSQL + backend, but on other backends does render it, in anticipation of a + triggered rule. A conditional compilation rule could skip this name only + on PostgreSQL:: + + from sqlalchemy.schema import CreateColumn + + @compiles(CreateColumn, "postgresql") + def skip_xmin(element, compiler, **kw): + if element.element.name == 'xmin': + return None + else: + return compiler.visit_create_column(element, **kw) + + + my_table = Table('mytable', metadata, + Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True), + Column('xmin', Integer) + ) + + Above, a :class:`.CreateTable` construct will generate a ``CREATE TABLE`` + which only includes the ``id`` column in the string; the ``xmin`` column + will be omitted, but only against the PostgreSQL backend. + + .. versionadded:: 0.8.3 The :class:`.CreateColumn` construct supports + skipping of columns by returning ``None`` from a custom compilation + rule. + + .. versionadded:: 0.8 The :class:`.CreateColumn` construct was added + to support custom column creation styles. + + """ + + __visit_name__ = "create_column" + + def __init__(self, element): + self.element = element + + +class DropTable(_CreateDropBase): + """Represent a DROP TABLE statement.""" + + __visit_name__ = "drop_table" + + +class CreateSequence(_CreateDropBase): + """Represent a CREATE SEQUENCE statement.""" + + __visit_name__ = "create_sequence" + + +class DropSequence(_CreateDropBase): + """Represent a DROP SEQUENCE statement.""" + + __visit_name__ = "drop_sequence" + + +class CreateIndex(_CreateDropBase): + """Represent a CREATE INDEX statement.""" + + __visit_name__ = "create_index" + + +class DropIndex(_CreateDropBase): + """Represent a DROP INDEX statement.""" + + __visit_name__ = "drop_index" + + +class AddConstraint(_CreateDropBase): + """Represent an ALTER TABLE ADD CONSTRAINT statement.""" + + __visit_name__ = "add_constraint" + + def __init__(self, element, *args, **kw): + super(AddConstraint, self).__init__(element, *args, **kw) + element._create_rule = util.portable_instancemethod( + self._create_rule_disable + ) + + +class DropConstraint(_CreateDropBase): + """Represent an ALTER TABLE DROP CONSTRAINT statement.""" + + __visit_name__ = "drop_constraint" + + def __init__(self, element, cascade=False, **kw): + self.cascade = cascade + super(DropConstraint, self).__init__(element, **kw) + element._create_rule = util.portable_instancemethod( + self._create_rule_disable + ) + + +class SetTableComment(_CreateDropBase): + """Represent a COMMENT ON TABLE IS statement.""" + + __visit_name__ = "set_table_comment" + + +class DropTableComment(_CreateDropBase): + """Represent a COMMENT ON TABLE '' statement. + + Note this varies a lot across database backends. + + """ + + __visit_name__ = "drop_table_comment" + + +class SetColumnComment(_CreateDropBase): + """Represent a COMMENT ON COLUMN IS statement.""" + + __visit_name__ = "set_column_comment" + + +class DropColumnComment(_CreateDropBase): + """Represent a COMMENT ON COLUMN IS NULL statement.""" + + __visit_name__ = "drop_column_comment" + + +class DDLBase(SchemaVisitor): + def __init__(self, connection): + self.connection = connection + + +class SchemaGenerator(DDLBase): + def __init__( + self, dialect, connection, checkfirst=False, tables=None, **kwargs + ): + super(SchemaGenerator, self).__init__(connection, **kwargs) + self.checkfirst = checkfirst + self.tables = tables + self.preparer = dialect.identifier_preparer + self.dialect = dialect + self.memo = {} + + def _can_create_table(self, table): + self.dialect.validate_identifier(table.name) + effective_schema = self.connection.schema_for_object(table) + if effective_schema: + self.dialect.validate_identifier(effective_schema) + return not self.checkfirst or not self.dialect.has_table( + self.connection, table.name, schema=effective_schema + ) + + def _can_create_sequence(self, sequence): + effective_schema = self.connection.schema_for_object(sequence) + + return self.dialect.supports_sequences and ( + (not self.dialect.sequences_optional or not sequence.optional) + and ( + not self.checkfirst + or not self.dialect.has_sequence( + self.connection, sequence.name, schema=effective_schema + ) + ) + ) + + def visit_metadata(self, metadata): + if self.tables is not None: + tables = self.tables + else: + tables = list(metadata.tables.values()) + + collection = sort_tables_and_constraints( + [t for t in tables if self._can_create_table(t)] + ) + + seq_coll = [ + s + for s in metadata._sequences.values() + if s.column is None and self._can_create_sequence(s) + ] + + event_collection = [t for (t, fks) in collection if t is not None] + metadata.dispatch.before_create( + metadata, + self.connection, + tables=event_collection, + checkfirst=self.checkfirst, + _ddl_runner=self, + ) + + for seq in seq_coll: + self.traverse_single(seq, create_ok=True) + + for table, fkcs in collection: + if table is not None: + self.traverse_single( + table, + create_ok=True, + include_foreign_key_constraints=fkcs, + _is_metadata_operation=True, + ) + else: + for fkc in fkcs: + self.traverse_single(fkc) + + metadata.dispatch.after_create( + metadata, + self.connection, + tables=event_collection, + checkfirst=self.checkfirst, + _ddl_runner=self, + ) + + def visit_table( + self, + table, + create_ok=False, + include_foreign_key_constraints=None, + _is_metadata_operation=False, + ): + if not create_ok and not self._can_create_table(table): + return + + table.dispatch.before_create( + table, + self.connection, + checkfirst=self.checkfirst, + _ddl_runner=self, + _is_metadata_operation=_is_metadata_operation, + ) + + for column in table.columns: + if column.default is not None: + self.traverse_single(column.default) + + if not self.dialect.supports_alter: + # e.g., don't omit any foreign key constraints + include_foreign_key_constraints = None + + self.connection.execute( + # fmt: off + CreateTable( + table, + include_foreign_key_constraints= # noqa + include_foreign_key_constraints, + ) + # fmt: on + ) + + if hasattr(table, "indexes"): + for index in table.indexes: + self.traverse_single(index) + + if self.dialect.supports_comments and not self.dialect.inline_comments: + if table.comment is not None: + self.connection.execute(SetTableComment(table)) + + for column in table.columns: + if column.comment is not None: + self.connection.execute(SetColumnComment(column)) + + table.dispatch.after_create( + table, + self.connection, + checkfirst=self.checkfirst, + _ddl_runner=self, + _is_metadata_operation=_is_metadata_operation, + ) + + def visit_foreign_key_constraint(self, constraint): + if not self.dialect.supports_alter: + return + self.connection.execute(AddConstraint(constraint)) + + def visit_sequence(self, sequence, create_ok=False): + if not create_ok and not self._can_create_sequence(sequence): + return + self.connection.execute(CreateSequence(sequence)) + + def visit_index(self, index): + self.connection.execute(CreateIndex(index)) + + +class SchemaDropper(DDLBase): + def __init__( + self, dialect, connection, checkfirst=False, tables=None, **kwargs + ): + super(SchemaDropper, self).__init__(connection, **kwargs) + self.checkfirst = checkfirst + self.tables = tables + self.preparer = dialect.identifier_preparer + self.dialect = dialect + self.memo = {} + + def visit_metadata(self, metadata): + if self.tables is not None: + tables = self.tables + else: + tables = list(metadata.tables.values()) + + try: + unsorted_tables = [t for t in tables if self._can_drop_table(t)] + collection = list( + reversed( + sort_tables_and_constraints( + unsorted_tables, + filter_fn=lambda constraint: False + if not self.dialect.supports_alter + or constraint.name is None + else None, + ) + ) + ) + except exc.CircularDependencyError as err2: + if not self.dialect.supports_alter: + util.warn( + "Can't sort tables for DROP; an " + "unresolvable foreign key " + "dependency exists between tables: %s, and backend does " + "not support ALTER. To restore at least a partial sort, " + "apply use_alter=True to ForeignKey and " + "ForeignKeyConstraint " + "objects involved in the cycle to mark these as known " + "cycles that will be ignored." + % (", ".join(sorted([t.fullname for t in err2.cycles]))) + ) + collection = [(t, ()) for t in unsorted_tables] + else: + util.raise_from_cause( + exc.CircularDependencyError( + err2.args[0], + err2.cycles, + err2.edges, + msg="Can't sort tables for DROP; an " + "unresolvable foreign key " + "dependency exists between tables: %s. Please ensure " + "that the ForeignKey and ForeignKeyConstraint objects " + "involved in the cycle have " + "names so that they can be dropped using " + "DROP CONSTRAINT." + % ( + ", ".join( + sorted([t.fullname for t in err2.cycles]) + ) + ), + ) + ) + + seq_coll = [ + s + for s in metadata._sequences.values() + if s.column is None and self._can_drop_sequence(s) + ] + + event_collection = [t for (t, fks) in collection if t is not None] + + metadata.dispatch.before_drop( + metadata, + self.connection, + tables=event_collection, + checkfirst=self.checkfirst, + _ddl_runner=self, + ) + + for table, fkcs in collection: + if table is not None: + self.traverse_single( + table, drop_ok=True, _is_metadata_operation=True + ) + else: + for fkc in fkcs: + self.traverse_single(fkc) + + for seq in seq_coll: + self.traverse_single(seq, drop_ok=True) + + metadata.dispatch.after_drop( + metadata, + self.connection, + tables=event_collection, + checkfirst=self.checkfirst, + _ddl_runner=self, + ) + + def _can_drop_table(self, table): + self.dialect.validate_identifier(table.name) + effective_schema = self.connection.schema_for_object(table) + if effective_schema: + self.dialect.validate_identifier(effective_schema) + return not self.checkfirst or self.dialect.has_table( + self.connection, table.name, schema=effective_schema + ) + + def _can_drop_sequence(self, sequence): + effective_schema = self.connection.schema_for_object(sequence) + return self.dialect.supports_sequences and ( + (not self.dialect.sequences_optional or not sequence.optional) + and ( + not self.checkfirst + or self.dialect.has_sequence( + self.connection, sequence.name, schema=effective_schema + ) + ) + ) + + def visit_index(self, index): + self.connection.execute(DropIndex(index)) + + def visit_table(self, table, drop_ok=False, _is_metadata_operation=False): + if not drop_ok and not self._can_drop_table(table): + return + + table.dispatch.before_drop( + table, + self.connection, + checkfirst=self.checkfirst, + _ddl_runner=self, + _is_metadata_operation=_is_metadata_operation, + ) + + self.connection.execute(DropTable(table)) + + # traverse client side defaults which may refer to server-side + # sequences. noting that some of these client side defaults may also be + # set up as server side defaults (see http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/ + # latest/core/defaults.html#associating-a-sequence-as-the-server-side- + # default), so have to be dropped after the table is dropped. + for column in table.columns: + if column.default is not None: + self.traverse_single(column.default) + + table.dispatch.after_drop( + table, + self.connection, + checkfirst=self.checkfirst, + _ddl_runner=self, + _is_metadata_operation=_is_metadata_operation, + ) + + def visit_foreign_key_constraint(self, constraint): + if not self.dialect.supports_alter: + return + self.connection.execute(DropConstraint(constraint)) + + def visit_sequence(self, sequence, drop_ok=False): + + if not drop_ok and not self._can_drop_sequence(sequence): + return + self.connection.execute(DropSequence(sequence)) + + +def sort_tables(tables, skip_fn=None, extra_dependencies=None): + """sort a collection of :class:`.Table` objects based on dependency. + + This is a dependency-ordered sort which will emit :class:`.Table` + objects such that they will follow their dependent :class:`.Table` objects. + Tables are dependent on another based on the presence of + :class:`.ForeignKeyConstraint` objects as well as explicit dependencies + added by :meth:`.Table.add_is_dependent_on`. + + .. warning:: + + The :func:`.sort_tables` function cannot by itself accommodate + automatic resolution of dependency cycles between tables, which + are usually caused by mutually dependent foreign key constraints. + To resolve these cycles, either the + :paramref:`.ForeignKeyConstraint.use_alter` parameter may be appled + to those constraints, or use the + :func:`.sql.sort_tables_and_constraints` function which will break + out foreign key constraints involved in cycles separately. + + :param tables: a sequence of :class:`.Table` objects. + + :param skip_fn: optional callable which will be passed a + :class:`.ForeignKey` object; if it returns True, this + constraint will not be considered as a dependency. Note this is + **different** from the same parameter in + :func:`.sort_tables_and_constraints`, which is + instead passed the owning :class:`.ForeignKeyConstraint` object. + + :param extra_dependencies: a sequence of 2-tuples of tables which will + also be considered as dependent on each other. + + .. seealso:: + + :func:`.sort_tables_and_constraints` + + :meth:`.MetaData.sorted_tables` - uses this function to sort + + + """ + + if skip_fn is not None: + + def _skip_fn(fkc): + for fk in fkc.elements: + if skip_fn(fk): + return True + else: + return None + + else: + _skip_fn = None + + return [ + t + for (t, fkcs) in sort_tables_and_constraints( + tables, filter_fn=_skip_fn, extra_dependencies=extra_dependencies + ) + if t is not None + ] + + +def sort_tables_and_constraints( + tables, filter_fn=None, extra_dependencies=None +): + """sort a collection of :class:`.Table` / :class:`.ForeignKeyConstraint` + objects. + + This is a dependency-ordered sort which will emit tuples of + ``(Table, [ForeignKeyConstraint, ...])`` such that each + :class:`.Table` follows its dependent :class:`.Table` objects. + Remaining :class:`.ForeignKeyConstraint` objects that are separate due to + dependency rules not satisfied by the sort are emitted afterwards + as ``(None, [ForeignKeyConstraint ...])``. + + Tables are dependent on another based on the presence of + :class:`.ForeignKeyConstraint` objects, explicit dependencies + added by :meth:`.Table.add_is_dependent_on`, as well as dependencies + stated here using the :paramref:`~.sort_tables_and_constraints.skip_fn` + and/or :paramref:`~.sort_tables_and_constraints.extra_dependencies` + parameters. + + :param tables: a sequence of :class:`.Table` objects. + + :param filter_fn: optional callable which will be passed a + :class:`.ForeignKeyConstraint` object, and returns a value based on + whether this constraint should definitely be included or excluded as + an inline constraint, or neither. If it returns False, the constraint + will definitely be included as a dependency that cannot be subject + to ALTER; if True, it will **only** be included as an ALTER result at + the end. Returning None means the constraint is included in the + table-based result unless it is detected as part of a dependency cycle. + + :param extra_dependencies: a sequence of 2-tuples of tables which will + also be considered as dependent on each other. + + .. versionadded:: 1.0.0 + + .. seealso:: + + :func:`.sort_tables` + + + """ + + fixed_dependencies = set() + mutable_dependencies = set() + + if extra_dependencies is not None: + fixed_dependencies.update(extra_dependencies) + + remaining_fkcs = set() + for table in tables: + for fkc in table.foreign_key_constraints: + if fkc.use_alter is True: + remaining_fkcs.add(fkc) + continue + + if filter_fn: + filtered = filter_fn(fkc) + + if filtered is True: + remaining_fkcs.add(fkc) + continue + + dependent_on = fkc.referred_table + if dependent_on is not table: + mutable_dependencies.add((dependent_on, table)) + + fixed_dependencies.update( + (parent, table) for parent in table._extra_dependencies + ) + + try: + candidate_sort = list( + topological.sort( + fixed_dependencies.union(mutable_dependencies), + tables, + deterministic_order=True, + ) + ) + except exc.CircularDependencyError as err: + for edge in err.edges: + if edge in mutable_dependencies: + table = edge[1] + can_remove = [ + fkc + for fkc in table.foreign_key_constraints + if filter_fn is None or filter_fn(fkc) is not False + ] + remaining_fkcs.update(can_remove) + for fkc in can_remove: + dependent_on = fkc.referred_table + if dependent_on is not table: + mutable_dependencies.discard((dependent_on, table)) + candidate_sort = list( + topological.sort( + fixed_dependencies.union(mutable_dependencies), + tables, + deterministic_order=True, + ) + ) + + return [ + (table, table.foreign_key_constraints.difference(remaining_fkcs)) + for table in candidate_sort + ] + [(None, list(remaining_fkcs))] diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/default_comparator.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/default_comparator.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8b0ad43 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/default_comparator.py @@ -0,0 +1,363 @@ +# sql/default_comparator.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +"""Default implementation of SQL comparison operations. +""" + +from . import operators +from . import type_api +from .elements import _clause_element_as_expr +from .elements import _const_expr +from .elements import _is_literal +from .elements import _literal_as_text +from .elements import and_ +from .elements import BinaryExpression +from .elements import BindParameter +from .elements import ClauseElement +from .elements import ClauseList +from .elements import collate +from .elements import CollectionAggregate +from .elements import ColumnElement +from .elements import False_ +from .elements import Null +from .elements import or_ +from .elements import TextClause +from .elements import True_ +from .elements import UnaryExpression +from .elements import Visitable +from .selectable import Alias +from .selectable import ScalarSelect +from .selectable import Selectable +from .selectable import SelectBase +from .. import exc +from .. import util + + +def _boolean_compare( + expr, + op, + obj, + negate=None, + reverse=False, + _python_is_types=(util.NoneType, bool), + result_type=None, + **kwargs +): + + if result_type is None: + result_type = type_api.BOOLEANTYPE + + if isinstance(obj, _python_is_types + (Null, True_, False_)): + + # allow x ==/!= True/False to be treated as a literal. + # this comes out to "== / != true/false" or "1/0" if those + # constants aren't supported and works on all platforms + if op in (operators.eq, operators.ne) and isinstance( + obj, (bool, True_, False_) + ): + return BinaryExpression( + expr, + _literal_as_text(obj), + op, + type_=result_type, + negate=negate, + modifiers=kwargs, + ) + elif op in (operators.is_distinct_from, operators.isnot_distinct_from): + return BinaryExpression( + expr, + _literal_as_text(obj), + op, + type_=result_type, + negate=negate, + modifiers=kwargs, + ) + else: + # all other None/True/False uses IS, IS NOT + if op in (operators.eq, operators.is_): + return BinaryExpression( + expr, + _const_expr(obj), + operators.is_, + negate=operators.isnot, + type_=result_type, + ) + elif op in (operators.ne, operators.isnot): + return BinaryExpression( + expr, + _const_expr(obj), + operators.isnot, + negate=operators.is_, + type_=result_type, + ) + else: + raise exc.ArgumentError( + "Only '=', '!=', 'is_()', 'isnot()', " + "'is_distinct_from()', 'isnot_distinct_from()' " + "operators can be used with None/True/False" + ) + else: + obj = _check_literal(expr, op, obj) + + if reverse: + return BinaryExpression( + obj, expr, op, type_=result_type, negate=negate, modifiers=kwargs + ) + else: + return BinaryExpression( + expr, obj, op, type_=result_type, negate=negate, modifiers=kwargs + ) + + +def _custom_op_operate(expr, op, obj, reverse=False, result_type=None, **kw): + if result_type is None: + if op.return_type: + result_type = op.return_type + elif op.is_comparison: + result_type = type_api.BOOLEANTYPE + + return _binary_operate( + expr, op, obj, reverse=reverse, result_type=result_type, **kw + ) + + +def _binary_operate(expr, op, obj, reverse=False, result_type=None, **kw): + obj = _check_literal(expr, op, obj) + + if reverse: + left, right = obj, expr + else: + left, right = expr, obj + + if result_type is None: + op, result_type = left.comparator._adapt_expression( + op, right.comparator + ) + + return BinaryExpression(left, right, op, type_=result_type, modifiers=kw) + + +def _conjunction_operate(expr, op, other, **kw): + if op is operators.and_: + return and_(expr, other) + elif op is operators.or_: + return or_(expr, other) + else: + raise NotImplementedError() + + +def _scalar(expr, op, fn, **kw): + return fn(expr) + + +def _in_impl(expr, op, seq_or_selectable, negate_op, **kw): + seq_or_selectable = _clause_element_as_expr(seq_or_selectable) + + if isinstance(seq_or_selectable, ScalarSelect): + return _boolean_compare(expr, op, seq_or_selectable, negate=negate_op) + elif isinstance(seq_or_selectable, SelectBase): + + # TODO: if we ever want to support (x, y, z) IN (select x, + # y, z from table), we would need a multi-column version of + # as_scalar() to produce a multi- column selectable that + # does not export itself as a FROM clause + + return _boolean_compare( + expr, op, seq_or_selectable.as_scalar(), negate=negate_op, **kw + ) + elif isinstance(seq_or_selectable, (Selectable, TextClause)): + return _boolean_compare( + expr, op, seq_or_selectable, negate=negate_op, **kw + ) + elif isinstance(seq_or_selectable, ClauseElement): + if ( + isinstance(seq_or_selectable, BindParameter) + and seq_or_selectable.expanding + ): + return _boolean_compare( + expr, op, seq_or_selectable, negate=negate_op + ) + else: + raise exc.InvalidRequestError( + "in_() accepts" + " either a list of expressions, " + 'a selectable, or an "expanding" bound parameter: %r' + % seq_or_selectable + ) + + # Handle non selectable arguments as sequences + args = [] + for o in seq_or_selectable: + if not _is_literal(o): + if not isinstance(o, operators.ColumnOperators): + raise exc.InvalidRequestError( + "in_() accepts" + " either a list of expressions, " + 'a selectable, or an "expanding" bound parameter: %r' % o + ) + elif o is None: + o = Null() + else: + o = expr._bind_param(op, o) + args.append(o) + + if len(args) == 0: + op, negate_op = ( + (operators.empty_in_op, operators.empty_notin_op) + if op is operators.in_op + else (operators.empty_notin_op, operators.empty_in_op) + ) + + return _boolean_compare( + expr, op, ClauseList(*args).self_group(against=op), negate=negate_op + ) + + +def _getitem_impl(expr, op, other, **kw): + if isinstance(expr.type, type_api.INDEXABLE): + other = _check_literal(expr, op, other) + return _binary_operate(expr, op, other, **kw) + else: + _unsupported_impl(expr, op, other, **kw) + + +def _unsupported_impl(expr, op, *arg, **kw): + raise NotImplementedError( + "Operator '%s' is not supported on " "this expression" % op.__name__ + ) + + +def _inv_impl(expr, op, **kw): + """See :meth:`.ColumnOperators.__inv__`.""" + if hasattr(expr, "negation_clause"): + return expr.negation_clause + else: + return expr._negate() + + +def _neg_impl(expr, op, **kw): + """See :meth:`.ColumnOperators.__neg__`.""" + return UnaryExpression(expr, operator=operators.neg, type_=expr.type) + + +def _match_impl(expr, op, other, **kw): + """See :meth:`.ColumnOperators.match`.""" + + return _boolean_compare( + expr, + operators.match_op, + _check_literal(expr, operators.match_op, other), + result_type=type_api.MATCHTYPE, + negate=operators.notmatch_op + if op is operators.match_op + else operators.match_op, + **kw + ) + + +def _distinct_impl(expr, op, **kw): + """See :meth:`.ColumnOperators.distinct`.""" + return UnaryExpression( + expr, operator=operators.distinct_op, type_=expr.type + ) + + +def _between_impl(expr, op, cleft, cright, **kw): + """See :meth:`.ColumnOperators.between`.""" + return BinaryExpression( + expr, + ClauseList( + _check_literal(expr, operators.and_, cleft), + _check_literal(expr, operators.and_, cright), + operator=operators.and_, + group=False, + group_contents=False, + ), + op, + negate=operators.notbetween_op + if op is operators.between_op + else operators.between_op, + modifiers=kw, + ) + + +def _collate_impl(expr, op, other, **kw): + return collate(expr, other) + + +# a mapping of operators with the method they use, along with +# their negated operator for comparison operators +operator_lookup = { + "and_": (_conjunction_operate,), + "or_": (_conjunction_operate,), + "inv": (_inv_impl,), + "add": (_binary_operate,), + "mul": (_binary_operate,), + "sub": (_binary_operate,), + "div": (_binary_operate,), + "mod": (_binary_operate,), + "truediv": (_binary_operate,), + "custom_op": (_custom_op_operate,), + "json_path_getitem_op": (_binary_operate,), + "json_getitem_op": (_binary_operate,), + "concat_op": (_binary_operate,), + "any_op": (_scalar, CollectionAggregate._create_any), + "all_op": (_scalar, CollectionAggregate._create_all), + "lt": (_boolean_compare, operators.ge), + "le": (_boolean_compare, operators.gt), + "ne": (_boolean_compare, operators.eq), + "gt": (_boolean_compare, operators.le), + "ge": (_boolean_compare, operators.lt), + "eq": (_boolean_compare, operators.ne), + "is_distinct_from": (_boolean_compare, operators.isnot_distinct_from), + "isnot_distinct_from": (_boolean_compare, operators.is_distinct_from), + "like_op": (_boolean_compare, operators.notlike_op), + "ilike_op": (_boolean_compare, operators.notilike_op), + "notlike_op": (_boolean_compare, operators.like_op), + "notilike_op": (_boolean_compare, operators.ilike_op), + "contains_op": (_boolean_compare, operators.notcontains_op), + "startswith_op": (_boolean_compare, operators.notstartswith_op), + "endswith_op": (_boolean_compare, operators.notendswith_op), + "desc_op": (_scalar, UnaryExpression._create_desc), + "asc_op": (_scalar, UnaryExpression._create_asc), + "nullsfirst_op": (_scalar, UnaryExpression._create_nullsfirst), + "nullslast_op": (_scalar, UnaryExpression._create_nullslast), + "in_op": (_in_impl, operators.notin_op), + "notin_op": (_in_impl, operators.in_op), + "is_": (_boolean_compare, operators.is_), + "isnot": (_boolean_compare, operators.isnot), + "collate": (_collate_impl,), + "match_op": (_match_impl,), + "notmatch_op": (_match_impl,), + "distinct_op": (_distinct_impl,), + "between_op": (_between_impl,), + "notbetween_op": (_between_impl,), + "neg": (_neg_impl,), + "getitem": (_getitem_impl,), + "lshift": (_unsupported_impl,), + "rshift": (_unsupported_impl,), + "contains": (_unsupported_impl,), +} + + +def _check_literal(expr, operator, other, bindparam_type=None): + if isinstance(other, (ColumnElement, TextClause)): + if isinstance(other, BindParameter) and other.type._isnull: + other = other._clone() + other.type = expr.type + return other + elif hasattr(other, "__clause_element__"): + other = other.__clause_element__() + elif isinstance(other, type_api.TypeEngine.Comparator): + other = other.expr + + if isinstance(other, (SelectBase, Alias)): + return other.as_scalar() + elif not isinstance(other, Visitable): + return expr._bind_param(operator, other, type_=bindparam_type) + else: + return other diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/dml.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/dml.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f803af9 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/dml.py @@ -0,0 +1,913 @@ +# sql/dml.py +# Copyright (C) 2009-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php +""" +Provide :class:`.Insert`, :class:`.Update` and :class:`.Delete`. + +""" + +from .base import _from_objects +from .base import _generative +from .base import DialectKWArgs +from .base import Executable +from .elements import _clone +from .elements import _column_as_key +from .elements import _literal_as_text +from .elements import and_ +from .elements import ClauseElement +from .elements import Null +from .selectable import _interpret_as_from +from .selectable import _interpret_as_select +from .selectable import HasCTE +from .selectable import HasPrefixes +from .. import exc +from .. import util + + +class UpdateBase( + HasCTE, DialectKWArgs, HasPrefixes, Executable, ClauseElement +): + """Form the base for ``INSERT``, ``UPDATE``, and ``DELETE`` statements. + + """ + + __visit_name__ = "update_base" + + _execution_options = Executable._execution_options.union( + {"autocommit": True} + ) + _hints = util.immutabledict() + _parameter_ordering = None + _prefixes = () + named_with_column = False + + def _process_colparams(self, parameters): + def process_single(p): + if isinstance(p, (list, tuple)): + return dict((c.key, pval) for c, pval in zip(self.table.c, p)) + else: + return p + + if self._preserve_parameter_order and parameters is not None: + if not isinstance(parameters, list) or ( + parameters and not isinstance(parameters[0], tuple) + ): + raise ValueError( + "When preserve_parameter_order is True, " + "values() only accepts a list of 2-tuples" + ) + self._parameter_ordering = [key for key, value in parameters] + + return dict(parameters), False + + if ( + isinstance(parameters, (list, tuple)) + and parameters + and isinstance(parameters[0], (list, tuple, dict)) + ): + + if not self._supports_multi_parameters: + raise exc.InvalidRequestError( + "This construct does not support " + "multiple parameter sets." + ) + + return [process_single(p) for p in parameters], True + else: + return process_single(parameters), False + + def params(self, *arg, **kw): + """Set the parameters for the statement. + + This method raises ``NotImplementedError`` on the base class, + and is overridden by :class:`.ValuesBase` to provide the + SET/VALUES clause of UPDATE and INSERT. + + """ + raise NotImplementedError( + "params() is not supported for INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE statements." + " To set the values for an INSERT or UPDATE statement, use" + " stmt.values(**parameters)." + ) + + def bind(self): + """Return a 'bind' linked to this :class:`.UpdateBase` + or a :class:`.Table` associated with it. + + """ + return self._bind or self.table.bind + + def _set_bind(self, bind): + self._bind = bind + + bind = property(bind, _set_bind) + + @_generative + def returning(self, *cols): + r"""Add a :term:`RETURNING` or equivalent clause to this statement. + + e.g.:: + + stmt = table.update().\ + where(table.c.data == 'value').\ + values(status='X').\ + returning(table.c.server_flag, + table.c.updated_timestamp) + + for server_flag, updated_timestamp in connection.execute(stmt): + print(server_flag, updated_timestamp) + + The given collection of column expressions should be derived from + the table that is + the target of the INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE. While :class:`.Column` + objects are typical, the elements can also be expressions:: + + stmt = table.insert().returning( + (table.c.first_name + " " + table.c.last_name). + label('fullname')) + + Upon compilation, a RETURNING clause, or database equivalent, + will be rendered within the statement. For INSERT and UPDATE, + the values are the newly inserted/updated values. For DELETE, + the values are those of the rows which were deleted. + + Upon execution, the values of the columns to be returned are made + available via the result set and can be iterated using + :meth:`.ResultProxy.fetchone` and similar. For DBAPIs which do not + natively support returning values (i.e. cx_oracle), SQLAlchemy will + approximate this behavior at the result level so that a reasonable + amount of behavioral neutrality is provided. + + Note that not all databases/DBAPIs + support RETURNING. For those backends with no support, + an exception is raised upon compilation and/or execution. + For those who do support it, the functionality across backends + varies greatly, including restrictions on executemany() + and other statements which return multiple rows. Please + read the documentation notes for the database in use in + order to determine the availability of RETURNING. + + .. seealso:: + + :meth:`.ValuesBase.return_defaults` - an alternative method tailored + towards efficient fetching of server-side defaults and triggers + for single-row INSERTs or UPDATEs. + + + """ + self._returning = cols + + @_generative + def with_hint(self, text, selectable=None, dialect_name="*"): + """Add a table hint for a single table to this + INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE statement. + + .. note:: + + :meth:`.UpdateBase.with_hint` currently applies only to + Microsoft SQL Server. For MySQL INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE hints, use + :meth:`.UpdateBase.prefix_with`. + + The text of the hint is rendered in the appropriate + location for the database backend in use, relative + to the :class:`.Table` that is the subject of this + statement, or optionally to that of the given + :class:`.Table` passed as the ``selectable`` argument. + + The ``dialect_name`` option will limit the rendering of a particular + hint to a particular backend. Such as, to add a hint + that only takes effect for SQL Server:: + + mytable.insert().with_hint("WITH (PAGLOCK)", dialect_name="mssql") + + .. versionadded:: 0.7.6 + + :param text: Text of the hint. + :param selectable: optional :class:`.Table` that specifies + an element of the FROM clause within an UPDATE or DELETE + to be the subject of the hint - applies only to certain backends. + :param dialect_name: defaults to ``*``, if specified as the name + of a particular dialect, will apply these hints only when + that dialect is in use. + """ + if selectable is None: + selectable = self.table + + self._hints = self._hints.union({(selectable, dialect_name): text}) + + +class ValuesBase(UpdateBase): + """Supplies support for :meth:`.ValuesBase.values` to + INSERT and UPDATE constructs.""" + + __visit_name__ = "values_base" + + _supports_multi_parameters = False + _has_multi_parameters = False + _preserve_parameter_order = False + select = None + _post_values_clause = None + + def __init__(self, table, values, prefixes): + self.table = _interpret_as_from(table) + self.parameters, self._has_multi_parameters = self._process_colparams( + values + ) + if prefixes: + self._setup_prefixes(prefixes) + + @_generative + def values(self, *args, **kwargs): + r"""specify a fixed VALUES clause for an INSERT statement, or the SET + clause for an UPDATE. + + Note that the :class:`.Insert` and :class:`.Update` constructs support + per-execution time formatting of the VALUES and/or SET clauses, + based on the arguments passed to :meth:`.Connection.execute`. + However, the :meth:`.ValuesBase.values` method can be used to "fix" a + particular set of parameters into the statement. + + Multiple calls to :meth:`.ValuesBase.values` will produce a new + construct, each one with the parameter list modified to include + the new parameters sent. In the typical case of a single + dictionary of parameters, the newly passed keys will replace + the same keys in the previous construct. In the case of a list-based + "multiple values" construct, each new list of values is extended + onto the existing list of values. + + :param \**kwargs: key value pairs representing the string key + of a :class:`.Column` mapped to the value to be rendered into the + VALUES or SET clause:: + + users.insert().values(name="some name") + + users.update().where(users.c.id==5).values(name="some name") + + :param \*args: As an alternative to passing key/value parameters, + a dictionary, tuple, or list of dictionaries or tuples can be passed + as a single positional argument in order to form the VALUES or + SET clause of the statement. The forms that are accepted vary + based on whether this is an :class:`.Insert` or an :class:`.Update` + construct. + + For either an :class:`.Insert` or :class:`.Update` construct, a + single dictionary can be passed, which works the same as that of + the kwargs form:: + + users.insert().values({"name": "some name"}) + + users.update().values({"name": "some new name"}) + + Also for either form but more typically for the :class:`.Insert` + construct, a tuple that contains an entry for every column in the + table is also accepted:: + + users.insert().values((5, "some name")) + + The :class:`.Insert` construct also supports being passed a list + of dictionaries or full-table-tuples, which on the server will + render the less common SQL syntax of "multiple values" - this + syntax is supported on backends such as SQLite, PostgreSQL, MySQL, + but not necessarily others:: + + users.insert().values([ + {"name": "some name"}, + {"name": "some other name"}, + {"name": "yet another name"}, + ]) + + The above form would render a multiple VALUES statement similar to:: + + INSERT INTO users (name) VALUES + (:name_1), + (:name_2), + (:name_3) + + It is essential to note that **passing multiple values is + NOT the same as using traditional executemany() form**. The above + syntax is a **special** syntax not typically used. To emit an + INSERT statement against multiple rows, the normal method is + to pass a multiple values list to the :meth:`.Connection.execute` + method, which is supported by all database backends and is generally + more efficient for a very large number of parameters. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`execute_multiple` - an introduction to + the traditional Core method of multiple parameter set + invocation for INSERTs and other statements. + + .. versionchanged:: 1.0.0 an INSERT that uses a multiple-VALUES + clause, even a list of length one, + implies that the :paramref:`.Insert.inline` flag is set to + True, indicating that the statement will not attempt to fetch + the "last inserted primary key" or other defaults. The + statement deals with an arbitrary number of rows, so the + :attr:`.ResultProxy.inserted_primary_key` accessor does not + apply. + + .. versionchanged:: 1.0.0 A multiple-VALUES INSERT now supports + columns with Python side default values and callables in the + same way as that of an "executemany" style of invocation; the + callable is invoked for each row. See :ref:`bug_3288` + for other details. + + The :class:`.Update` construct supports a special form which is a + list of 2-tuples, which when provided must be passed in conjunction + with the + :paramref:`~sqlalchemy.sql.expression.update.preserve_parameter_order` + parameter. + This form causes the UPDATE statement to render the SET clauses + using the order of parameters given to :meth:`.Update.values`, rather + than the ordering of columns given in the :class:`.Table`. + + .. versionadded:: 1.0.10 - added support for parameter-ordered + UPDATE statements via the + :paramref:`~sqlalchemy.sql.expression.update.preserve_parameter_order` + flag. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`updates_order_parameters` - full example of the + :paramref:`~sqlalchemy.sql.expression.update.preserve_parameter_order` + flag + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`inserts_and_updates` - SQL Expression + Language Tutorial + + :func:`~.expression.insert` - produce an ``INSERT`` statement + + :func:`~.expression.update` - produce an ``UPDATE`` statement + + """ + if self.select is not None: + raise exc.InvalidRequestError( + "This construct already inserts from a SELECT" + ) + if self._has_multi_parameters and kwargs: + raise exc.InvalidRequestError( + "This construct already has multiple parameter sets." + ) + + if args: + if len(args) > 1: + raise exc.ArgumentError( + "Only a single dictionary/tuple or list of " + "dictionaries/tuples is accepted positionally." + ) + v = args[0] + else: + v = {} + + if self.parameters is None: + ( + self.parameters, + self._has_multi_parameters, + ) = self._process_colparams(v) + else: + if self._has_multi_parameters: + self.parameters = list(self.parameters) + p, self._has_multi_parameters = self._process_colparams(v) + if not self._has_multi_parameters: + raise exc.ArgumentError( + "Can't mix single-values and multiple values " + "formats in one statement" + ) + + self.parameters.extend(p) + else: + self.parameters = self.parameters.copy() + p, self._has_multi_parameters = self._process_colparams(v) + if self._has_multi_parameters: + raise exc.ArgumentError( + "Can't mix single-values and multiple values " + "formats in one statement" + ) + self.parameters.update(p) + + if kwargs: + if self._has_multi_parameters: + raise exc.ArgumentError( + "Can't pass kwargs and multiple parameter sets " + "simultaneously" + ) + else: + self.parameters.update(kwargs) + + @_generative + def return_defaults(self, *cols): + """Make use of a :term:`RETURNING` clause for the purpose + of fetching server-side expressions and defaults. + + E.g.:: + + stmt = table.insert().values(data='newdata').return_defaults() + + result = connection.execute(stmt) + + server_created_at = result.returned_defaults['created_at'] + + When used against a backend that supports RETURNING, all column + values generated by SQL expression or server-side-default will be + added to any existing RETURNING clause, provided that + :meth:`.UpdateBase.returning` is not used simultaneously. The column + values will then be available on the result using the + :attr:`.ResultProxy.returned_defaults` accessor as a dictionary, + referring to values keyed to the :class:`.Column` object as well as + its ``.key``. + + This method differs from :meth:`.UpdateBase.returning` in these ways: + + 1. :meth:`.ValuesBase.return_defaults` is only intended for use with + an INSERT or an UPDATE statement that matches exactly one row. + While the RETURNING construct in the general sense supports + multiple rows for a multi-row UPDATE or DELETE statement, or for + special cases of INSERT that return multiple rows (e.g. INSERT from + SELECT, multi-valued VALUES clause), + :meth:`.ValuesBase.return_defaults` is intended only for an + "ORM-style" single-row INSERT/UPDATE statement. The row returned + by the statement is also consumed implicitly when + :meth:`.ValuesBase.return_defaults` is used. By contrast, + :meth:`.UpdateBase.returning` leaves the RETURNING result-set + intact with a collection of any number of rows. + + 2. It is compatible with the existing logic to fetch auto-generated + primary key values, also known as "implicit returning". Backends + that support RETURNING will automatically make use of RETURNING in + order to fetch the value of newly generated primary keys; while the + :meth:`.UpdateBase.returning` method circumvents this behavior, + :meth:`.ValuesBase.return_defaults` leaves it intact. + + 3. It can be called against any backend. Backends that don't support + RETURNING will skip the usage of the feature, rather than raising + an exception. The return value of + :attr:`.ResultProxy.returned_defaults` will be ``None`` + + :meth:`.ValuesBase.return_defaults` is used by the ORM to provide + an efficient implementation for the ``eager_defaults`` feature of + :func:`.mapper`. + + :param cols: optional list of column key names or :class:`.Column` + objects. If omitted, all column expressions evaluated on the server + are added to the returning list. + + .. versionadded:: 0.9.0 + + .. seealso:: + + :meth:`.UpdateBase.returning` + + :attr:`.ResultProxy.returned_defaults` + + """ + self._return_defaults = cols or True + + +class Insert(ValuesBase): + """Represent an INSERT construct. + + The :class:`.Insert` object is created using the + :func:`~.expression.insert()` function. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`coretutorial_insert_expressions` + + """ + + __visit_name__ = "insert" + + _supports_multi_parameters = True + + def __init__( + self, + table, + values=None, + inline=False, + bind=None, + prefixes=None, + returning=None, + return_defaults=False, + **dialect_kw + ): + """Construct an :class:`.Insert` object. + + Similar functionality is available via the + :meth:`~.TableClause.insert` method on + :class:`~.schema.Table`. + + :param table: :class:`.TableClause` which is the subject of the + insert. + + :param values: collection of values to be inserted; see + :meth:`.Insert.values` for a description of allowed formats here. + Can be omitted entirely; a :class:`.Insert` construct will also + dynamically render the VALUES clause at execution time based on + the parameters passed to :meth:`.Connection.execute`. + + :param inline: if True, no attempt will be made to retrieve the + SQL-generated default values to be provided within the statement; + in particular, + this allows SQL expressions to be rendered 'inline' within the + statement without the need to pre-execute them beforehand; for + backends that support "returning", this turns off the "implicit + returning" feature for the statement. + + If both `values` and compile-time bind parameters are present, the + compile-time bind parameters override the information specified + within `values` on a per-key basis. + + The keys within `values` can be either + :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Column` objects or their string + identifiers. Each key may reference one of: + + * a literal data value (i.e. string, number, etc.); + * a Column object; + * a SELECT statement. + + If a ``SELECT`` statement is specified which references this + ``INSERT`` statement's table, the statement will be correlated + against the ``INSERT`` statement. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`coretutorial_insert_expressions` - SQL Expression Tutorial + + :ref:`inserts_and_updates` - SQL Expression Tutorial + + """ + ValuesBase.__init__(self, table, values, prefixes) + self._bind = bind + self.select = self.select_names = None + self.include_insert_from_select_defaults = False + self.inline = inline + self._returning = returning + self._validate_dialect_kwargs(dialect_kw) + self._return_defaults = return_defaults + + def get_children(self, **kwargs): + if self.select is not None: + return (self.select,) + else: + return () + + @_generative + def from_select(self, names, select, include_defaults=True): + """Return a new :class:`.Insert` construct which represents + an ``INSERT...FROM SELECT`` statement. + + e.g.:: + + sel = select([table1.c.a, table1.c.b]).where(table1.c.c > 5) + ins = table2.insert().from_select(['a', 'b'], sel) + + :param names: a sequence of string column names or :class:`.Column` + objects representing the target columns. + :param select: a :func:`.select` construct, :class:`.FromClause` + or other construct which resolves into a :class:`.FromClause`, + such as an ORM :class:`.Query` object, etc. The order of + columns returned from this FROM clause should correspond to the + order of columns sent as the ``names`` parameter; while this + is not checked before passing along to the database, the database + would normally raise an exception if these column lists don't + correspond. + :param include_defaults: if True, non-server default values and + SQL expressions as specified on :class:`.Column` objects + (as documented in :ref:`metadata_defaults_toplevel`) not + otherwise specified in the list of names will be rendered + into the INSERT and SELECT statements, so that these values are also + included in the data to be inserted. + + .. note:: A Python-side default that uses a Python callable function + will only be invoked **once** for the whole statement, and **not + per row**. + + .. versionadded:: 1.0.0 - :meth:`.Insert.from_select` now renders + Python-side and SQL expression column defaults into the + SELECT statement for columns otherwise not included in the + list of column names. + + .. versionchanged:: 1.0.0 an INSERT that uses FROM SELECT + implies that the :paramref:`.insert.inline` flag is set to + True, indicating that the statement will not attempt to fetch + the "last inserted primary key" or other defaults. The statement + deals with an arbitrary number of rows, so the + :attr:`.ResultProxy.inserted_primary_key` accessor does not apply. + + .. versionadded:: 0.8.3 + + """ + if self.parameters: + raise exc.InvalidRequestError( + "This construct already inserts value expressions" + ) + + self.parameters, self._has_multi_parameters = self._process_colparams( + {_column_as_key(n): Null() for n in names} + ) + + self.select_names = names + self.inline = True + self.include_insert_from_select_defaults = include_defaults + self.select = _interpret_as_select(select) + + def _copy_internals(self, clone=_clone, **kw): + # TODO: coverage + self.parameters = self.parameters.copy() + if self.select is not None: + self.select = _clone(self.select) + + +class Update(ValuesBase): + """Represent an Update construct. + + The :class:`.Update` object is created using the :func:`update()` + function. + + """ + + __visit_name__ = "update" + + def __init__( + self, + table, + whereclause=None, + values=None, + inline=False, + bind=None, + prefixes=None, + returning=None, + return_defaults=False, + preserve_parameter_order=False, + **dialect_kw + ): + r"""Construct an :class:`.Update` object. + + E.g.:: + + from sqlalchemy import update + + stmt = update(users).where(users.c.id==5).\ + values(name='user #5') + + Similar functionality is available via the + :meth:`~.TableClause.update` method on + :class:`.Table`:: + + stmt = users.update().\ + where(users.c.id==5).\ + values(name='user #5') + + :param table: A :class:`.Table` object representing the database + table to be updated. + + :param whereclause: Optional SQL expression describing the ``WHERE`` + condition of the ``UPDATE`` statement. Modern applications + may prefer to use the generative :meth:`~Update.where()` + method to specify the ``WHERE`` clause. + + The WHERE clause can refer to multiple tables. + For databases which support this, an ``UPDATE FROM`` clause will + be generated, or on MySQL, a multi-table update. The statement + will fail on databases that don't have support for multi-table + update statements. A SQL-standard method of referring to + additional tables in the WHERE clause is to use a correlated + subquery:: + + users.update().values(name='ed').where( + users.c.name==select([addresses.c.email_address]).\ + where(addresses.c.user_id==users.c.id).\ + as_scalar() + ) + + .. versionchanged:: 0.7.4 + The WHERE clause of UPDATE can refer to multiple tables. + + :param values: + Optional dictionary which specifies the ``SET`` conditions of the + ``UPDATE``. If left as ``None``, the ``SET`` + conditions are determined from those parameters passed to the + statement during the execution and/or compilation of the + statement. When compiled standalone without any parameters, + the ``SET`` clause generates for all columns. + + Modern applications may prefer to use the generative + :meth:`.Update.values` method to set the values of the + UPDATE statement. + + :param inline: + if True, SQL defaults present on :class:`.Column` objects via + the ``default`` keyword will be compiled 'inline' into the statement + and not pre-executed. This means that their values will not + be available in the dictionary returned from + :meth:`.ResultProxy.last_updated_params`. + + :param preserve_parameter_order: if True, the update statement is + expected to receive parameters **only** via the + :meth:`.Update.values` method, and they must be passed as a Python + ``list`` of 2-tuples. The rendered UPDATE statement will emit the SET + clause for each referenced column maintaining this order. + + .. versionadded:: 1.0.10 + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`updates_order_parameters` - full example of the + :paramref:`~.update.preserve_parameter_order` flag + + If both ``values`` and compile-time bind parameters are present, the + compile-time bind parameters override the information specified + within ``values`` on a per-key basis. + + The keys within ``values`` can be either :class:`.Column` + objects or their string identifiers (specifically the "key" of the + :class:`.Column`, normally but not necessarily equivalent to + its "name"). Normally, the + :class:`.Column` objects used here are expected to be + part of the target :class:`.Table` that is the table + to be updated. However when using MySQL, a multiple-table + UPDATE statement can refer to columns from any of + the tables referred to in the WHERE clause. + + The values referred to in ``values`` are typically: + + * a literal data value (i.e. string, number, etc.) + * a SQL expression, such as a related :class:`.Column`, + a scalar-returning :func:`.select` construct, + etc. + + When combining :func:`.select` constructs within the values + clause of an :func:`.update` construct, + the subquery represented by the :func:`.select` should be + *correlated* to the parent table, that is, providing criterion + which links the table inside the subquery to the outer table + being updated:: + + users.update().values( + name=select([addresses.c.email_address]).\ + where(addresses.c.user_id==users.c.id).\ + as_scalar() + ) + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`inserts_and_updates` - SQL Expression + Language Tutorial + + + """ + self._preserve_parameter_order = preserve_parameter_order + ValuesBase.__init__(self, table, values, prefixes) + self._bind = bind + self._returning = returning + if whereclause is not None: + self._whereclause = _literal_as_text(whereclause) + else: + self._whereclause = None + self.inline = inline + self._validate_dialect_kwargs(dialect_kw) + self._return_defaults = return_defaults + + def get_children(self, **kwargs): + if self._whereclause is not None: + return (self._whereclause,) + else: + return () + + def _copy_internals(self, clone=_clone, **kw): + # TODO: coverage + self._whereclause = clone(self._whereclause, **kw) + self.parameters = self.parameters.copy() + + @_generative + def where(self, whereclause): + """return a new update() construct with the given expression added to + its WHERE clause, joined to the existing clause via AND, if any. + + """ + if self._whereclause is not None: + self._whereclause = and_( + self._whereclause, _literal_as_text(whereclause) + ) + else: + self._whereclause = _literal_as_text(whereclause) + + @property + def _extra_froms(self): + froms = [] + seen = {self.table} + + if self._whereclause is not None: + for item in _from_objects(self._whereclause): + if not seen.intersection(item._cloned_set): + froms.append(item) + seen.update(item._cloned_set) + + return froms + + +class Delete(UpdateBase): + """Represent a DELETE construct. + + The :class:`.Delete` object is created using the :func:`delete()` + function. + + """ + + __visit_name__ = "delete" + + def __init__( + self, + table, + whereclause=None, + bind=None, + returning=None, + prefixes=None, + **dialect_kw + ): + """Construct :class:`.Delete` object. + + Similar functionality is available via the + :meth:`~.TableClause.delete` method on + :class:`~.schema.Table`. + + :param table: The table to delete rows from. + + :param whereclause: A :class:`.ClauseElement` describing the ``WHERE`` + condition of the ``DELETE`` statement. Note that the + :meth:`~Delete.where()` generative method may be used instead. + + The WHERE clause can refer to multiple tables. + For databases which support this, a ``DELETE..USING`` or similar + clause will be generated. The statement + will fail on databases that don't have support for multi-table + delete statements. A SQL-standard method of referring to + additional tables in the WHERE clause is to use a correlated + subquery:: + + users.delete().where( + users.c.name==select([addresses.c.email_address]).\ + where(addresses.c.user_id==users.c.id).\ + as_scalar() + ) + + .. versionchanged:: 1.2.0 + The WHERE clause of DELETE can refer to multiple tables. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`deletes` - SQL Expression Tutorial + + """ + self._bind = bind + self.table = _interpret_as_from(table) + self._returning = returning + + if prefixes: + self._setup_prefixes(prefixes) + + if whereclause is not None: + self._whereclause = _literal_as_text(whereclause) + else: + self._whereclause = None + + self._validate_dialect_kwargs(dialect_kw) + + def get_children(self, **kwargs): + if self._whereclause is not None: + return (self._whereclause,) + else: + return () + + @_generative + def where(self, whereclause): + """Add the given WHERE clause to a newly returned delete construct.""" + + if self._whereclause is not None: + self._whereclause = and_( + self._whereclause, _literal_as_text(whereclause) + ) + else: + self._whereclause = _literal_as_text(whereclause) + + @property + def _extra_froms(self): + froms = [] + seen = {self.table} + + if self._whereclause is not None: + for item in _from_objects(self._whereclause): + if not seen.intersection(item._cloned_set): + froms.append(item) + seen.update(item._cloned_set) + + return froms + + def _copy_internals(self, clone=_clone, **kw): + # TODO: coverage + self._whereclause = clone(self._whereclause, **kw) diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/elements.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/elements.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..95d365d --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/elements.py @@ -0,0 +1,4613 @@ +# sql/elements.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +"""Core SQL expression elements, including :class:`.ClauseElement`, +:class:`.ColumnElement`, and derived classes. + +""" + +from __future__ import unicode_literals + +import itertools +import numbers +import operator +import re + +from . import operators +from . import type_api +from .annotation import Annotated +from .base import _generative +from .base import Executable +from .base import Immutable +from .base import NO_ARG +from .base import PARSE_AUTOCOMMIT +from .visitors import cloned_traverse +from .visitors import traverse +from .visitors import Visitable +from .. import exc +from .. import inspection +from .. import util + + +def _clone(element, **kw): + return element._clone() + + +def collate(expression, collation): + """Return the clause ``expression COLLATE collation``. + + e.g.:: + + collate(mycolumn, 'utf8_bin') + + produces:: + + mycolumn COLLATE utf8_bin + + The collation expression is also quoted if it is a case sensitive + identifier, e.g. contains uppercase characters. + + .. versionchanged:: 1.2 quoting is automatically applied to COLLATE + expressions if they are case sensitive. + + """ + + expr = _literal_as_binds(expression) + return BinaryExpression( + expr, CollationClause(collation), operators.collate, type_=expr.type + ) + + +def between(expr, lower_bound, upper_bound, symmetric=False): + """Produce a ``BETWEEN`` predicate clause. + + E.g.:: + + from sqlalchemy import between + stmt = select([users_table]).where(between(users_table.c.id, 5, 7)) + + Would produce SQL resembling:: + + SELECT id, name FROM user WHERE id BETWEEN :id_1 AND :id_2 + + The :func:`.between` function is a standalone version of the + :meth:`.ColumnElement.between` method available on all + SQL expressions, as in:: + + stmt = select([users_table]).where(users_table.c.id.between(5, 7)) + + All arguments passed to :func:`.between`, including the left side + column expression, are coerced from Python scalar values if a + the value is not a :class:`.ColumnElement` subclass. For example, + three fixed values can be compared as in:: + + print(between(5, 3, 7)) + + Which would produce:: + + :param_1 BETWEEN :param_2 AND :param_3 + + :param expr: a column expression, typically a :class:`.ColumnElement` + instance or alternatively a Python scalar expression to be coerced + into a column expression, serving as the left side of the ``BETWEEN`` + expression. + + :param lower_bound: a column or Python scalar expression serving as the + lower bound of the right side of the ``BETWEEN`` expression. + + :param upper_bound: a column or Python scalar expression serving as the + upper bound of the right side of the ``BETWEEN`` expression. + + :param symmetric: if True, will render " BETWEEN SYMMETRIC ". Note + that not all databases support this syntax. + + .. versionadded:: 0.9.5 + + .. seealso:: + + :meth:`.ColumnElement.between` + + """ + expr = _literal_as_binds(expr) + return expr.between(lower_bound, upper_bound, symmetric=symmetric) + + +def literal(value, type_=None): + r"""Return a literal clause, bound to a bind parameter. + + Literal clauses are created automatically when non- + :class:`.ClauseElement` objects (such as strings, ints, dates, etc.) are + used in a comparison operation with a :class:`.ColumnElement` subclass, + such as a :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Column` object. Use this function + to force the generation of a literal clause, which will be created as a + :class:`BindParameter` with a bound value. + + :param value: the value to be bound. Can be any Python object supported by + the underlying DB-API, or is translatable via the given type argument. + + :param type\_: an optional :class:`~sqlalchemy.types.TypeEngine` which + will provide bind-parameter translation for this literal. + + """ + return BindParameter(None, value, type_=type_, unique=True) + + +def outparam(key, type_=None): + """Create an 'OUT' parameter for usage in functions (stored procedures), + for databases which support them. + + The ``outparam`` can be used like a regular function parameter. + The "output" value will be available from the + :class:`~sqlalchemy.engine.ResultProxy` object via its ``out_parameters`` + attribute, which returns a dictionary containing the values. + + """ + return BindParameter(key, None, type_=type_, unique=False, isoutparam=True) + + +def not_(clause): + """Return a negation of the given clause, i.e. ``NOT(clause)``. + + The ``~`` operator is also overloaded on all + :class:`.ColumnElement` subclasses to produce the + same result. + + """ + return operators.inv(_literal_as_binds(clause)) + + +@inspection._self_inspects +class ClauseElement(Visitable): + """Base class for elements of a programmatically constructed SQL + expression. + + """ + + __visit_name__ = "clause" + + _annotations = {} + supports_execution = False + _from_objects = [] + bind = None + _is_clone_of = None + is_selectable = False + is_clause_element = True + + description = None + _order_by_label_element = None + _is_from_container = False + + def _clone(self): + """Create a shallow copy of this ClauseElement. + + This method may be used by a generative API. Its also used as + part of the "deep" copy afforded by a traversal that combines + the _copy_internals() method. + + """ + c = self.__class__.__new__(self.__class__) + c.__dict__ = self.__dict__.copy() + ClauseElement._cloned_set._reset(c) + ColumnElement.comparator._reset(c) + + # this is a marker that helps to "equate" clauses to each other + # when a Select returns its list of FROM clauses. the cloning + # process leaves around a lot of remnants of the previous clause + # typically in the form of column expressions still attached to the + # old table. + c._is_clone_of = self + + return c + + @property + def _constructor(self): + """return the 'constructor' for this ClauseElement. + + This is for the purposes for creating a new object of + this type. Usually, its just the element's __class__. + However, the "Annotated" version of the object overrides + to return the class of its proxied element. + + """ + return self.__class__ + + @util.memoized_property + def _cloned_set(self): + """Return the set consisting all cloned ancestors of this + ClauseElement. + + Includes this ClauseElement. This accessor tends to be used for + FromClause objects to identify 'equivalent' FROM clauses, regardless + of transformative operations. + + """ + s = util.column_set() + f = self + while f is not None: + s.add(f) + f = f._is_clone_of + return s + + def __getstate__(self): + d = self.__dict__.copy() + d.pop("_is_clone_of", None) + return d + + def _annotate(self, values): + """return a copy of this ClauseElement with annotations + updated by the given dictionary. + + """ + return Annotated(self, values) + + def _with_annotations(self, values): + """return a copy of this ClauseElement with annotations + replaced by the given dictionary. + + """ + return Annotated(self, values) + + def _deannotate(self, values=None, clone=False): + """return a copy of this :class:`.ClauseElement` with annotations + removed. + + :param values: optional tuple of individual values + to remove. + + """ + if clone: + # clone is used when we are also copying + # the expression for a deep deannotation + return self._clone() + else: + # if no clone, since we have no annotations we return + # self + return self + + def _execute_on_connection(self, connection, multiparams, params): + if self.supports_execution: + return connection._execute_clauseelement(self, multiparams, params) + else: + raise exc.ObjectNotExecutableError(self) + + def unique_params(self, *optionaldict, **kwargs): + """Return a copy with :func:`bindparam()` elements replaced. + + Same functionality as ``params()``, except adds `unique=True` + to affected bind parameters so that multiple statements can be + used. + + """ + return self._params(True, optionaldict, kwargs) + + def params(self, *optionaldict, **kwargs): + """Return a copy with :func:`bindparam()` elements replaced. + + Returns a copy of this ClauseElement with :func:`bindparam()` + elements replaced with values taken from the given dictionary:: + + >>> clause = column('x') + bindparam('foo') + >>> print clause.compile().params + {'foo':None} + >>> print clause.params({'foo':7}).compile().params + {'foo':7} + + """ + return self._params(False, optionaldict, kwargs) + + def _params(self, unique, optionaldict, kwargs): + if len(optionaldict) == 1: + kwargs.update(optionaldict[0]) + elif len(optionaldict) > 1: + raise exc.ArgumentError( + "params() takes zero or one positional dictionary argument" + ) + + def visit_bindparam(bind): + if bind.key in kwargs: + bind.value = kwargs[bind.key] + bind.required = False + if unique: + bind._convert_to_unique() + + return cloned_traverse(self, {}, {"bindparam": visit_bindparam}) + + def compare(self, other, **kw): + r"""Compare this ClauseElement to the given ClauseElement. + + Subclasses should override the default behavior, which is a + straight identity comparison. + + \**kw are arguments consumed by subclass compare() methods and + may be used to modify the criteria for comparison. + (see :class:`.ColumnElement`) + + """ + return self is other + + def _copy_internals(self, clone=_clone, **kw): + """Reassign internal elements to be clones of themselves. + + Called during a copy-and-traverse operation on newly + shallow-copied elements to create a deep copy. + + The given clone function should be used, which may be applying + additional transformations to the element (i.e. replacement + traversal, cloned traversal, annotations). + + """ + pass + + def get_children(self, **kwargs): + r"""Return immediate child elements of this :class:`.ClauseElement`. + + This is used for visit traversal. + + \**kwargs may contain flags that change the collection that is + returned, for example to return a subset of items in order to + cut down on larger traversals, or to return child items from a + different context (such as schema-level collections instead of + clause-level). + + """ + return [] + + def self_group(self, against=None): + """Apply a 'grouping' to this :class:`.ClauseElement`. + + This method is overridden by subclasses to return a + "grouping" construct, i.e. parenthesis. In particular + it's used by "binary" expressions to provide a grouping + around themselves when placed into a larger expression, + as well as by :func:`.select` constructs when placed into + the FROM clause of another :func:`.select`. (Note that + subqueries should be normally created using the + :meth:`.Select.alias` method, as many platforms require + nested SELECT statements to be named). + + As expressions are composed together, the application of + :meth:`self_group` is automatic - end-user code should never + need to use this method directly. Note that SQLAlchemy's + clause constructs take operator precedence into account - + so parenthesis might not be needed, for example, in + an expression like ``x OR (y AND z)`` - AND takes precedence + over OR. + + The base :meth:`self_group` method of :class:`.ClauseElement` + just returns self. + """ + return self + + @util.dependencies("sqlalchemy.engine.default") + def compile(self, default, bind=None, dialect=None, **kw): + """Compile this SQL expression. + + The return value is a :class:`~.Compiled` object. + Calling ``str()`` or ``unicode()`` on the returned value will yield a + string representation of the result. The + :class:`~.Compiled` object also can return a + dictionary of bind parameter names and values + using the ``params`` accessor. + + :param bind: An ``Engine`` or ``Connection`` from which a + ``Compiled`` will be acquired. This argument takes precedence over + this :class:`.ClauseElement`'s bound engine, if any. + + :param column_keys: Used for INSERT and UPDATE statements, a list of + column names which should be present in the VALUES clause of the + compiled statement. If ``None``, all columns from the target table + object are rendered. + + :param dialect: A ``Dialect`` instance from which a ``Compiled`` + will be acquired. This argument takes precedence over the `bind` + argument as well as this :class:`.ClauseElement`'s bound engine, + if any. + + :param inline: Used for INSERT statements, for a dialect which does + not support inline retrieval of newly generated primary key + columns, will force the expression used to create the new primary + key value to be rendered inline within the INSERT statement's + VALUES clause. This typically refers to Sequence execution but may + also refer to any server-side default generation function + associated with a primary key `Column`. + + :param compile_kwargs: optional dictionary of additional parameters + that will be passed through to the compiler within all "visit" + methods. This allows any custom flag to be passed through to + a custom compilation construct, for example. It is also used + for the case of passing the ``literal_binds`` flag through:: + + from sqlalchemy.sql import table, column, select + + t = table('t', column('x')) + + s = select([t]).where(t.c.x == 5) + + print s.compile(compile_kwargs={"literal_binds": True}) + + .. versionadded:: 0.9.0 + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`faq_sql_expression_string` + + """ + + if not dialect: + if bind: + dialect = bind.dialect + elif self.bind: + dialect = self.bind.dialect + bind = self.bind + else: + dialect = default.StrCompileDialect() + return self._compiler(dialect, bind=bind, **kw) + + def _compiler(self, dialect, **kw): + """Return a compiler appropriate for this ClauseElement, given a + Dialect.""" + + return dialect.statement_compiler(dialect, self, **kw) + + def __str__(self): + if util.py3k: + return str(self.compile()) + else: + return unicode(self.compile()).encode( # noqa + "ascii", "backslashreplace" + ) # noqa + + def __and__(self, other): + """'and' at the ClauseElement level. + + .. deprecated:: 0.9.5 - conjunctions are intended to be + at the :class:`.ColumnElement`. level + + """ + return and_(self, other) + + def __or__(self, other): + """'or' at the ClauseElement level. + + .. deprecated:: 0.9.5 - conjunctions are intended to be + at the :class:`.ColumnElement`. level + + """ + return or_(self, other) + + def __invert__(self): + if hasattr(self, "negation_clause"): + return self.negation_clause + else: + return self._negate() + + def _negate(self): + return UnaryExpression( + self.self_group(against=operators.inv), + operator=operators.inv, + negate=None, + ) + + def __bool__(self): + raise TypeError("Boolean value of this clause is not defined") + + __nonzero__ = __bool__ + + def __repr__(self): + friendly = self.description + if friendly is None: + return object.__repr__(self) + else: + return "<%s.%s at 0x%x; %s>" % ( + self.__module__, + self.__class__.__name__, + id(self), + friendly, + ) + + +class ColumnElement(operators.ColumnOperators, ClauseElement): + """Represent a column-oriented SQL expression suitable for usage in the + "columns" clause, WHERE clause etc. of a statement. + + While the most familiar kind of :class:`.ColumnElement` is the + :class:`.Column` object, :class:`.ColumnElement` serves as the basis + for any unit that may be present in a SQL expression, including + the expressions themselves, SQL functions, bound parameters, + literal expressions, keywords such as ``NULL``, etc. + :class:`.ColumnElement` is the ultimate base class for all such elements. + + A wide variety of SQLAlchemy Core functions work at the SQL expression + level, and are intended to accept instances of :class:`.ColumnElement` as + arguments. These functions will typically document that they accept a + "SQL expression" as an argument. What this means in terms of SQLAlchemy + usually refers to an input which is either already in the form of a + :class:`.ColumnElement` object, or a value which can be **coerced** into + one. The coercion rules followed by most, but not all, SQLAlchemy Core + functions with regards to SQL expressions are as follows: + + * a literal Python value, such as a string, integer or floating + point value, boolean, datetime, ``Decimal`` object, or virtually + any other Python object, will be coerced into a "literal bound + value". This generally means that a :func:`.bindparam` will be + produced featuring the given value embedded into the construct; the + resulting :class:`.BindParameter` object is an instance of + :class:`.ColumnElement`. The Python value will ultimately be sent + to the DBAPI at execution time as a parameterized argument to the + ``execute()`` or ``executemany()`` methods, after SQLAlchemy + type-specific converters (e.g. those provided by any associated + :class:`.TypeEngine` objects) are applied to the value. + + * any special object value, typically ORM-level constructs, which + feature a method called ``__clause_element__()``. The Core + expression system looks for this method when an object of otherwise + unknown type is passed to a function that is looking to coerce the + argument into a :class:`.ColumnElement` expression. The + ``__clause_element__()`` method, if present, should return a + :class:`.ColumnElement` instance. The primary use of + ``__clause_element__()`` within SQLAlchemy is that of class-bound + attributes on ORM-mapped classes; a ``User`` class which contains a + mapped attribute named ``.name`` will have a method + ``User.name.__clause_element__()`` which when invoked returns the + :class:`.Column` called ``name`` associated with the mapped table. + + * The Python ``None`` value is typically interpreted as ``NULL``, + which in SQLAlchemy Core produces an instance of :func:`.null`. + + A :class:`.ColumnElement` provides the ability to generate new + :class:`.ColumnElement` + objects using Python expressions. This means that Python operators + such as ``==``, ``!=`` and ``<`` are overloaded to mimic SQL operations, + and allow the instantiation of further :class:`.ColumnElement` instances + which are composed from other, more fundamental :class:`.ColumnElement` + objects. For example, two :class:`.ColumnClause` objects can be added + together with the addition operator ``+`` to produce + a :class:`.BinaryExpression`. + Both :class:`.ColumnClause` and :class:`.BinaryExpression` are subclasses + of :class:`.ColumnElement`:: + + >>> from sqlalchemy.sql import column + >>> column('a') + column('b') + + >>> print column('a') + column('b') + a + b + + .. seealso:: + + :class:`.Column` + + :func:`.expression.column` + + """ + + __visit_name__ = "column_element" + primary_key = False + foreign_keys = [] + + _label = None + """The named label that can be used to target + this column in a result set. + + This label is almost always the label used when + rendering AS AS "; typically columns that don't have + any parent table and are named the same as what the label would be + in any case. + + """ + + _resolve_label = None + """The name that should be used to identify this ColumnElement in a + select() object when "label resolution" logic is used; this refers + to using a string name in an expression like order_by() or group_by() + that wishes to target a labeled expression in the columns clause. + + The name is distinct from that of .name or ._label to account for the case + where anonymizing logic may be used to change the name that's actually + rendered at compile time; this attribute should hold onto the original + name that was user-assigned when producing a .label() construct. + + """ + + _allow_label_resolve = True + """A flag that can be flipped to prevent a column from being resolvable + by string label name.""" + + _is_implicitly_boolean = False + + _alt_names = () + + def self_group(self, against=None): + if ( + against in (operators.and_, operators.or_, operators._asbool) + and self.type._type_affinity is type_api.BOOLEANTYPE._type_affinity + ): + return AsBoolean(self, operators.istrue, operators.isfalse) + elif against in (operators.any_op, operators.all_op): + return Grouping(self) + else: + return self + + def _negate(self): + if self.type._type_affinity is type_api.BOOLEANTYPE._type_affinity: + # TODO: see the note in AsBoolean that it seems to assume + # the element is the True_() / False_() constant, so this + # is too broad + return AsBoolean(self, operators.isfalse, operators.istrue) + else: + return super(ColumnElement, self)._negate() + + @util.memoized_property + def type(self): + return type_api.NULLTYPE + + @util.memoized_property + def comparator(self): + try: + comparator_factory = self.type.comparator_factory + except AttributeError: + raise TypeError( + "Object %r associated with '.type' attribute " + "is not a TypeEngine class or object" % self.type + ) + else: + return comparator_factory(self) + + def __getattr__(self, key): + try: + return getattr(self.comparator, key) + except AttributeError: + raise AttributeError( + "Neither %r object nor %r object has an attribute %r" + % (type(self).__name__, type(self.comparator).__name__, key) + ) + + def operate(self, op, *other, **kwargs): + return op(self.comparator, *other, **kwargs) + + def reverse_operate(self, op, other, **kwargs): + return op(other, self.comparator, **kwargs) + + def _bind_param(self, operator, obj, type_=None): + return BindParameter( + None, + obj, + _compared_to_operator=operator, + type_=type_, + _compared_to_type=self.type, + unique=True, + ) + + @property + def expression(self): + """Return a column expression. + + Part of the inspection interface; returns self. + + """ + return self + + @property + def _select_iterable(self): + return (self,) + + @util.memoized_property + def base_columns(self): + return util.column_set( + c for c in self.proxy_set if not hasattr(c, "_proxies") + ) + + @util.memoized_property + def proxy_set(self): + s = util.column_set([self]) + if hasattr(self, "_proxies"): + for c in self._proxies: + s.update(c.proxy_set) + return s + + def shares_lineage(self, othercolumn): + """Return True if the given :class:`.ColumnElement` + has a common ancestor to this :class:`.ColumnElement`.""" + + return bool(self.proxy_set.intersection(othercolumn.proxy_set)) + + def _compare_name_for_result(self, other): + """Return True if the given column element compares to this one + when targeting within a result row.""" + + return ( + hasattr(other, "name") + and hasattr(self, "name") + and other.name == self.name + ) + + def _make_proxy( + self, selectable, name=None, name_is_truncatable=False, **kw + ): + """Create a new :class:`.ColumnElement` representing this + :class:`.ColumnElement` as it appears in the select list of a + descending selectable. + + """ + if name is None: + name = self.anon_label + if self.key: + key = self.key + else: + try: + key = str(self) + except exc.UnsupportedCompilationError: + key = self.anon_label + + else: + key = name + co = ColumnClause( + _as_truncated(name) if name_is_truncatable else name, + type_=getattr(self, "type", None), + _selectable=selectable, + ) + co._proxies = [self] + if selectable._is_clone_of is not None: + co._is_clone_of = selectable._is_clone_of.columns.get(key) + selectable._columns[key] = co + return co + + def compare(self, other, use_proxies=False, equivalents=None, **kw): + """Compare this ColumnElement to another. + + Special arguments understood: + + :param use_proxies: when True, consider two columns that + share a common base column as equivalent (i.e. shares_lineage()) + + :param equivalents: a dictionary of columns as keys mapped to sets + of columns. If the given "other" column is present in this + dictionary, if any of the columns in the corresponding set() pass + the comparison test, the result is True. This is used to expand the + comparison to other columns that may be known to be equivalent to + this one via foreign key or other criterion. + + """ + to_compare = (other,) + if equivalents and other in equivalents: + to_compare = equivalents[other].union(to_compare) + + for oth in to_compare: + if use_proxies and self.shares_lineage(oth): + return True + elif hash(oth) == hash(self): + return True + else: + return False + + def cast(self, type_): + """Produce a type cast, i.e. ``CAST( AS )``. + + This is a shortcut to the :func:`~.expression.cast` function. + + .. versionadded:: 1.0.7 + + """ + return Cast(self, type_) + + def label(self, name): + """Produce a column label, i.e. `` AS ``. + + This is a shortcut to the :func:`~.expression.label` function. + + if 'name' is None, an anonymous label name will be generated. + + """ + return Label(name, self, self.type) + + @util.memoized_property + def anon_label(self): + """provides a constant 'anonymous label' for this ColumnElement. + + This is a label() expression which will be named at compile time. + The same label() is returned each time anon_label is called so + that expressions can reference anon_label multiple times, producing + the same label name at compile time. + + the compiler uses this function automatically at compile time + for expressions that are known to be 'unnamed' like binary + expressions and function calls. + + """ + while self._is_clone_of is not None: + self = self._is_clone_of + + return _anonymous_label( + "%%(%d %s)s" % (id(self), getattr(self, "name", "anon")) + ) + + +class BindParameter(ColumnElement): + r"""Represent a "bound expression". + + :class:`.BindParameter` is invoked explicitly using the + :func:`.bindparam` function, as in:: + + from sqlalchemy import bindparam + + stmt = select([users_table]).\ + where(users_table.c.name == bindparam('username')) + + Detailed discussion of how :class:`.BindParameter` is used is + at :func:`.bindparam`. + + .. seealso:: + + :func:`.bindparam` + + """ + + __visit_name__ = "bindparam" + + _is_crud = False + + def __init__( + self, + key, + value=NO_ARG, + type_=None, + unique=False, + required=NO_ARG, + quote=None, + callable_=None, + expanding=False, + isoutparam=False, + _compared_to_operator=None, + _compared_to_type=None, + ): + r"""Produce a "bound expression". + + The return value is an instance of :class:`.BindParameter`; this + is a :class:`.ColumnElement` subclass which represents a so-called + "placeholder" value in a SQL expression, the value of which is + supplied at the point at which the statement in executed against a + database connection. + + In SQLAlchemy, the :func:`.bindparam` construct has + the ability to carry along the actual value that will be ultimately + used at expression time. In this way, it serves not just as + a "placeholder" for eventual population, but also as a means of + representing so-called "unsafe" values which should not be rendered + directly in a SQL statement, but rather should be passed along + to the :term:`DBAPI` as values which need to be correctly escaped + and potentially handled for type-safety. + + When using :func:`.bindparam` explicitly, the use case is typically + one of traditional deferment of parameters; the :func:`.bindparam` + construct accepts a name which can then be referred to at execution + time:: + + from sqlalchemy import bindparam + + stmt = select([users_table]).\ + where(users_table.c.name == bindparam('username')) + + The above statement, when rendered, will produce SQL similar to:: + + SELECT id, name FROM user WHERE name = :username + + In order to populate the value of ``:username`` above, the value + would typically be applied at execution time to a method + like :meth:`.Connection.execute`:: + + result = connection.execute(stmt, username='wendy') + + Explicit use of :func:`.bindparam` is also common when producing + UPDATE or DELETE statements that are to be invoked multiple times, + where the WHERE criterion of the statement is to change on each + invocation, such as:: + + stmt = (users_table.update(). + where(user_table.c.name == bindparam('username')). + values(fullname=bindparam('fullname')) + ) + + connection.execute( + stmt, [{"username": "wendy", "fullname": "Wendy Smith"}, + {"username": "jack", "fullname": "Jack Jones"}, + ] + ) + + SQLAlchemy's Core expression system makes wide use of + :func:`.bindparam` in an implicit sense. It is typical that Python + literal values passed to virtually all SQL expression functions are + coerced into fixed :func:`.bindparam` constructs. For example, given + a comparison operation such as:: + + expr = users_table.c.name == 'Wendy' + + The above expression will produce a :class:`.BinaryExpression` + construct, where the left side is the :class:`.Column` object + representing the ``name`` column, and the right side is a + :class:`.BindParameter` representing the literal value:: + + print(repr(expr.right)) + BindParameter('%(4327771088 name)s', 'Wendy', type_=String()) + + The expression above will render SQL such as:: + + user.name = :name_1 + + Where the ``:name_1`` parameter name is an anonymous name. The + actual string ``Wendy`` is not in the rendered string, but is carried + along where it is later used within statement execution. If we + invoke a statement like the following:: + + stmt = select([users_table]).where(users_table.c.name == 'Wendy') + result = connection.execute(stmt) + + We would see SQL logging output as:: + + SELECT "user".id, "user".name + FROM "user" + WHERE "user".name = %(name_1)s + {'name_1': 'Wendy'} + + Above, we see that ``Wendy`` is passed as a parameter to the database, + while the placeholder ``:name_1`` is rendered in the appropriate form + for the target database, in this case the PostgreSQL database. + + Similarly, :func:`.bindparam` is invoked automatically + when working with :term:`CRUD` statements as far as the "VALUES" + portion is concerned. The :func:`.insert` construct produces an + ``INSERT`` expression which will, at statement execution time, + generate bound placeholders based on the arguments passed, as in:: + + stmt = users_table.insert() + result = connection.execute(stmt, name='Wendy') + + The above will produce SQL output as:: + + INSERT INTO "user" (name) VALUES (%(name)s) + {'name': 'Wendy'} + + The :class:`.Insert` construct, at compilation/execution time, + rendered a single :func:`.bindparam` mirroring the column + name ``name`` as a result of the single ``name`` parameter + we passed to the :meth:`.Connection.execute` method. + + :param key: + the key (e.g. the name) for this bind param. + Will be used in the generated + SQL statement for dialects that use named parameters. This + value may be modified when part of a compilation operation, + if other :class:`BindParameter` objects exist with the same + key, or if its length is too long and truncation is + required. + + :param value: + Initial value for this bind param. Will be used at statement + execution time as the value for this parameter passed to the + DBAPI, if no other value is indicated to the statement execution + method for this particular parameter name. Defaults to ``None``. + + :param callable\_: + A callable function that takes the place of "value". The function + will be called at statement execution time to determine the + ultimate value. Used for scenarios where the actual bind + value cannot be determined at the point at which the clause + construct is created, but embedded bind values are still desirable. + + :param type\_: + A :class:`.TypeEngine` class or instance representing an optional + datatype for this :func:`.bindparam`. If not passed, a type + may be determined automatically for the bind, based on the given + value; for example, trivial Python types such as ``str``, + ``int``, ``bool`` + may result in the :class:`.String`, :class:`.Integer` or + :class:`.Boolean` types being automatically selected. + + The type of a :func:`.bindparam` is significant especially in that + the type will apply pre-processing to the value before it is + passed to the database. For example, a :func:`.bindparam` which + refers to a datetime value, and is specified as holding the + :class:`.DateTime` type, may apply conversion needed to the + value (such as stringification on SQLite) before passing the value + to the database. + + :param unique: + if True, the key name of this :class:`.BindParameter` will be + modified if another :class:`.BindParameter` of the same name + already has been located within the containing + expression. This flag is used generally by the internals + when producing so-called "anonymous" bound expressions, it + isn't generally applicable to explicitly-named :func:`.bindparam` + constructs. + + :param required: + If ``True``, a value is required at execution time. If not passed, + it defaults to ``True`` if neither :paramref:`.bindparam.value` + or :paramref:`.bindparam.callable` were passed. If either of these + parameters are present, then :paramref:`.bindparam.required` + defaults to ``False``. + + .. versionchanged:: 0.8 If the ``required`` flag is not specified, + it will be set automatically to ``True`` or ``False`` depending + on whether or not the ``value`` or ``callable`` parameters + were specified. + + :param quote: + True if this parameter name requires quoting and is not + currently known as a SQLAlchemy reserved word; this currently + only applies to the Oracle backend, where bound names must + sometimes be quoted. + + :param isoutparam: + if True, the parameter should be treated like a stored procedure + "OUT" parameter. This applies to backends such as Oracle which + support OUT parameters. + + :param expanding: + if True, this parameter will be treated as an "expanding" parameter + at execution time; the parameter value is expected to be a sequence, + rather than a scalar value, and the string SQL statement will + be transformed on a per-execution basis to accomodate the sequence + with a variable number of parameter slots passed to the DBAPI. + This is to allow statement caching to be used in conjunction with + an IN clause. + + .. seealso:: + + :meth:`.ColumnOperators.in_` + + :ref:`baked_in` - with baked queries + + .. note:: The "expanding" feature does not support "executemany"- + style parameter sets. In the 1.2 series it does not support + empty IN expressions, however it does support these in + version 1.3. + + .. versionadded:: 1.2 + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`coretutorial_bind_param` + + :ref:`coretutorial_insert_expressions` + + :func:`.outparam` + + """ + if isinstance(key, ColumnClause): + type_ = key.type + key = key.key + if required is NO_ARG: + required = value is NO_ARG and callable_ is None + if value is NO_ARG: + value = None + + if quote is not None: + key = quoted_name(key, quote) + + if unique: + self.key = _anonymous_label( + "%%(%d %s)s" % (id(self), key or "param") + ) + else: + self.key = key or _anonymous_label("%%(%d param)s" % id(self)) + + # identifying key that won't change across + # clones, used to identify the bind's logical + # identity + self._identifying_key = self.key + + # key that was passed in the first place, used to + # generate new keys + self._orig_key = key or "param" + + self.unique = unique + self.value = value + self.callable = callable_ + self.isoutparam = isoutparam + self.required = required + self.expanding = expanding + + if type_ is None: + if _compared_to_type is not None: + self.type = _compared_to_type.coerce_compared_value( + _compared_to_operator, value + ) + else: + self.type = type_api._resolve_value_to_type(value) + elif isinstance(type_, type): + self.type = type_() + else: + self.type = type_ + + def _with_value(self, value): + """Return a copy of this :class:`.BindParameter` with the given value + set. + """ + cloned = self._clone() + cloned.value = value + cloned.callable = None + cloned.required = False + if cloned.type is type_api.NULLTYPE: + cloned.type = type_api._resolve_value_to_type(value) + return cloned + + @property + def effective_value(self): + """Return the value of this bound parameter, + taking into account if the ``callable`` parameter + was set. + + The ``callable`` value will be evaluated + and returned if present, else ``value``. + + """ + if self.callable: + return self.callable() + else: + return self.value + + def _clone(self): + c = ClauseElement._clone(self) + if self.unique: + c.key = _anonymous_label( + "%%(%d %s)s" % (id(c), c._orig_key or "param") + ) + return c + + def _convert_to_unique(self): + if not self.unique: + self.unique = True + self.key = _anonymous_label( + "%%(%d %s)s" % (id(self), self._orig_key or "param") + ) + + def compare(self, other, **kw): + """Compare this :class:`BindParameter` to the given + clause.""" + + return ( + isinstance(other, BindParameter) + and self.type._compare_type_affinity(other.type) + and self.value == other.value + and self.callable == other.callable + ) + + def __getstate__(self): + """execute a deferred value for serialization purposes.""" + + d = self.__dict__.copy() + v = self.value + if self.callable: + v = self.callable() + d["callable"] = None + d["value"] = v + return d + + def __repr__(self): + return "BindParameter(%r, %r, type_=%r)" % ( + self.key, + self.value, + self.type, + ) + + +class TypeClause(ClauseElement): + """Handle a type keyword in a SQL statement. + + Used by the ``Case`` statement. + + """ + + __visit_name__ = "typeclause" + + def __init__(self, type_): + self.type = type_ + + +class TextClause(Executable, ClauseElement): + """Represent a literal SQL text fragment. + + E.g.:: + + from sqlalchemy import text + + t = text("SELECT * FROM users") + result = connection.execute(t) + + + The :class:`.Text` construct is produced using the :func:`.text` + function; see that function for full documentation. + + .. seealso:: + + :func:`.text` + + """ + + __visit_name__ = "textclause" + + _bind_params_regex = re.compile(r"(?`` + to specify bind parameters; they will be compiled to their + engine-specific format. + + :param autocommit: + Deprecated. Use .execution_options(autocommit=) + to set the autocommit option. + + :param bind: + an optional connection or engine to be used for this text query. + + :param bindparams: + Deprecated. A list of :func:`.bindparam` instances used to + provide information about parameters embedded in the statement. + This argument now invokes the :meth:`.TextClause.bindparams` + method on the construct before returning it. E.g.:: + + stmt = text("SELECT * FROM table WHERE id=:id", + bindparams=[bindparam('id', value=5, type_=Integer)]) + + Is equivalent to:: + + stmt = text("SELECT * FROM table WHERE id=:id").\ + bindparams(bindparam('id', value=5, type_=Integer)) + + .. deprecated:: 0.9.0 the :meth:`.TextClause.bindparams` method + supersedes the ``bindparams`` argument to :func:`.text`. + + :param typemap: + Deprecated. A dictionary mapping the names of columns + represented in the columns clause of a ``SELECT`` statement + to type objects, + which will be used to perform post-processing on columns within + the result set. This parameter now invokes the + :meth:`.TextClause.columns` method, which returns a + :class:`.TextAsFrom` construct that gains a ``.c`` collection and + can be embedded in other expressions. E.g.:: + + stmt = text("SELECT * FROM table", + typemap={'id': Integer, 'name': String}, + ) + + Is equivalent to:: + + stmt = text("SELECT * FROM table").columns(id=Integer, + name=String) + + Or alternatively:: + + from sqlalchemy.sql import column + stmt = text("SELECT * FROM table").columns( + column('id', Integer), + column('name', String) + ) + + .. deprecated:: 0.9.0 the :meth:`.TextClause.columns` method + supersedes the ``typemap`` argument to :func:`.text`. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`sqlexpression_text` - in the Core tutorial + + :ref:`orm_tutorial_literal_sql` - in the ORM tutorial + + """ + stmt = TextClause(text, bind=bind) + if bindparams: + stmt = stmt.bindparams(*bindparams) + if typemap: + stmt = stmt.columns(**typemap) + if autocommit is not None: + util.warn_deprecated( + "autocommit on text() is deprecated. " + "Use .execution_options(autocommit=True)" + ) + stmt = stmt.execution_options(autocommit=autocommit) + + return stmt + + @_generative + def bindparams(self, *binds, **names_to_values): + """Establish the values and/or types of bound parameters within + this :class:`.TextClause` construct. + + Given a text construct such as:: + + from sqlalchemy import text + stmt = text("SELECT id, name FROM user WHERE name=:name " + "AND timestamp=:timestamp") + + the :meth:`.TextClause.bindparams` method can be used to establish + the initial value of ``:name`` and ``:timestamp``, + using simple keyword arguments:: + + stmt = stmt.bindparams(name='jack', + timestamp=datetime.datetime(2012, 10, 8, 15, 12, 5)) + + Where above, new :class:`.BindParameter` objects + will be generated with the names ``name`` and ``timestamp``, and + values of ``jack`` and ``datetime.datetime(2012, 10, 8, 15, 12, 5)``, + respectively. The types will be + inferred from the values given, in this case :class:`.String` and + :class:`.DateTime`. + + When specific typing behavior is needed, the positional ``*binds`` + argument can be used in which to specify :func:`.bindparam` constructs + directly. These constructs must include at least the ``key`` + argument, then an optional value and type:: + + from sqlalchemy import bindparam + stmt = stmt.bindparams( + bindparam('name', value='jack', type_=String), + bindparam('timestamp', type_=DateTime) + ) + + Above, we specified the type of :class:`.DateTime` for the + ``timestamp`` bind, and the type of :class:`.String` for the ``name`` + bind. In the case of ``name`` we also set the default value of + ``"jack"``. + + Additional bound parameters can be supplied at statement execution + time, e.g.:: + + result = connection.execute(stmt, + timestamp=datetime.datetime(2012, 10, 8, 15, 12, 5)) + + The :meth:`.TextClause.bindparams` method can be called repeatedly, + where it will re-use existing :class:`.BindParameter` objects to add + new information. For example, we can call + :meth:`.TextClause.bindparams` first with typing information, and a + second time with value information, and it will be combined:: + + stmt = text("SELECT id, name FROM user WHERE name=:name " + "AND timestamp=:timestamp") + stmt = stmt.bindparams( + bindparam('name', type_=String), + bindparam('timestamp', type_=DateTime) + ) + stmt = stmt.bindparams( + name='jack', + timestamp=datetime.datetime(2012, 10, 8, 15, 12, 5) + ) + + + .. versionadded:: 0.9.0 The :meth:`.TextClause.bindparams` method + supersedes the argument ``bindparams`` passed to + :func:`~.expression.text`. + + + """ + self._bindparams = new_params = self._bindparams.copy() + + for bind in binds: + try: + existing = new_params[bind.key] + except KeyError: + raise exc.ArgumentError( + "This text() construct doesn't define a " + "bound parameter named %r" % bind.key + ) + else: + new_params[existing.key] = bind + + for key, value in names_to_values.items(): + try: + existing = new_params[key] + except KeyError: + raise exc.ArgumentError( + "This text() construct doesn't define a " + "bound parameter named %r" % key + ) + else: + new_params[key] = existing._with_value(value) + + @util.dependencies("sqlalchemy.sql.selectable") + def columns(self, selectable, *cols, **types): + """Turn this :class:`.TextClause` object into a :class:`.TextAsFrom` + object that can be embedded into another statement. + + This function essentially bridges the gap between an entirely + textual SELECT statement and the SQL expression language concept + of a "selectable":: + + from sqlalchemy.sql import column, text + + stmt = text("SELECT id, name FROM some_table") + stmt = stmt.columns(column('id'), column('name')).alias('st') + + stmt = select([mytable]).\ + select_from( + mytable.join(stmt, mytable.c.name == stmt.c.name) + ).where(stmt.c.id > 5) + + Above, we pass a series of :func:`.column` elements to the + :meth:`.TextClause.columns` method positionally. These :func:`.column` + elements now become first class elements upon the :attr:`.TextAsFrom.c` + column collection, just like any other selectable. + + The column expressions we pass to :meth:`.TextClause.columns` may + also be typed; when we do so, these :class:`.TypeEngine` objects become + the effective return type of the column, so that SQLAlchemy's + result-set-processing systems may be used on the return values. + This is often needed for types such as date or boolean types, as well + as for unicode processing on some dialect configurations:: + + stmt = text("SELECT id, name, timestamp FROM some_table") + stmt = stmt.columns( + column('id', Integer), + column('name', Unicode), + column('timestamp', DateTime) + ) + + for id, name, timestamp in connection.execute(stmt): + print(id, name, timestamp) + + As a shortcut to the above syntax, keyword arguments referring to + types alone may be used, if only type conversion is needed:: + + stmt = text("SELECT id, name, timestamp FROM some_table") + stmt = stmt.columns( + id=Integer, + name=Unicode, + timestamp=DateTime + ) + + for id, name, timestamp in connection.execute(stmt): + print(id, name, timestamp) + + The positional form of :meth:`.TextClause.columns` also provides the + unique feature of **positional column targeting**, which is + particularly useful when using the ORM with complex textual queries. If + we specify the columns from our model to :meth:`.TextClause.columns`, + the result set will match to those columns positionally, meaning the + name or origin of the column in the textual SQL doesn't matter:: + + stmt = text("SELECT users.id, addresses.id, users.id, " + "users.name, addresses.email_address AS email " + "FROM users JOIN addresses ON users.id=addresses.user_id " + "WHERE users.id = 1").columns( + User.id, + Address.id, + Address.user_id, + User.name, + Address.email_address + ) + + query = session.query(User).from_statement(stmt).options( + contains_eager(User.addresses)) + + .. versionadded:: 1.1 the :meth:`.TextClause.columns` method now + offers positional column targeting in the result set when + the column expressions are passed purely positionally. + + The :meth:`.TextClause.columns` method provides a direct + route to calling :meth:`.FromClause.alias` as well as + :meth:`.SelectBase.cte` against a textual SELECT statement:: + + stmt = stmt.columns(id=Integer, name=String).cte('st') + + stmt = select([sometable]).where(sometable.c.id == stmt.c.id) + + .. versionadded:: 0.9.0 :func:`.text` can now be converted into a + fully featured "selectable" construct using the + :meth:`.TextClause.columns` method. This method supersedes the + ``typemap`` argument to :func:`.text`. + + + """ + + positional_input_cols = [ + ColumnClause(col.key, types.pop(col.key)) + if col.key in types + else col + for col in cols + ] + keyed_input_cols = [ + ColumnClause(key, type_) for key, type_ in types.items() + ] + + return selectable.TextAsFrom( + self, + positional_input_cols + keyed_input_cols, + positional=bool(positional_input_cols) and not keyed_input_cols, + ) + + @property + def type(self): + return type_api.NULLTYPE + + @property + def comparator(self): + return self.type.comparator_factory(self) + + def self_group(self, against=None): + if against is operators.in_op: + return Grouping(self) + else: + return self + + def _copy_internals(self, clone=_clone, **kw): + self._bindparams = dict( + (b.key, clone(b, **kw)) for b in self._bindparams.values() + ) + + def get_children(self, **kwargs): + return list(self._bindparams.values()) + + def compare(self, other): + return isinstance(other, TextClause) and other.text == self.text + + +class Null(ColumnElement): + """Represent the NULL keyword in a SQL statement. + + :class:`.Null` is accessed as a constant via the + :func:`.null` function. + + """ + + __visit_name__ = "null" + + @util.memoized_property + def type(self): + return type_api.NULLTYPE + + @classmethod + def _instance(cls): + """Return a constant :class:`.Null` construct.""" + + return Null() + + def compare(self, other): + return isinstance(other, Null) + + +class False_(ColumnElement): + """Represent the ``false`` keyword, or equivalent, in a SQL statement. + + :class:`.False_` is accessed as a constant via the + :func:`.false` function. + + """ + + __visit_name__ = "false" + + @util.memoized_property + def type(self): + return type_api.BOOLEANTYPE + + def _negate(self): + return True_() + + @classmethod + def _instance(cls): + """Return a :class:`.False_` construct. + + E.g.:: + + >>> from sqlalchemy import false + >>> print select([t.c.x]).where(false()) + SELECT x FROM t WHERE false + + A backend which does not support true/false constants will render as + an expression against 1 or 0:: + + >>> print select([t.c.x]).where(false()) + SELECT x FROM t WHERE 0 = 1 + + The :func:`.true` and :func:`.false` constants also feature + "short circuit" operation within an :func:`.and_` or :func:`.or_` + conjunction:: + + >>> print select([t.c.x]).where(or_(t.c.x > 5, true())) + SELECT x FROM t WHERE true + + >>> print select([t.c.x]).where(and_(t.c.x > 5, false())) + SELECT x FROM t WHERE false + + .. versionchanged:: 0.9 :func:`.true` and :func:`.false` feature + better integrated behavior within conjunctions and on dialects + that don't support true/false constants. + + .. seealso:: + + :func:`.true` + + """ + + return False_() + + def compare(self, other): + return isinstance(other, False_) + + +class True_(ColumnElement): + """Represent the ``true`` keyword, or equivalent, in a SQL statement. + + :class:`.True_` is accessed as a constant via the + :func:`.true` function. + + """ + + __visit_name__ = "true" + + @util.memoized_property + def type(self): + return type_api.BOOLEANTYPE + + def _negate(self): + return False_() + + @classmethod + def _ifnone(cls, other): + if other is None: + return cls._instance() + else: + return other + + @classmethod + def _instance(cls): + """Return a constant :class:`.True_` construct. + + E.g.:: + + >>> from sqlalchemy import true + >>> print select([t.c.x]).where(true()) + SELECT x FROM t WHERE true + + A backend which does not support true/false constants will render as + an expression against 1 or 0:: + + >>> print select([t.c.x]).where(true()) + SELECT x FROM t WHERE 1 = 1 + + The :func:`.true` and :func:`.false` constants also feature + "short circuit" operation within an :func:`.and_` or :func:`.or_` + conjunction:: + + >>> print select([t.c.x]).where(or_(t.c.x > 5, true())) + SELECT x FROM t WHERE true + + >>> print select([t.c.x]).where(and_(t.c.x > 5, false())) + SELECT x FROM t WHERE false + + .. versionchanged:: 0.9 :func:`.true` and :func:`.false` feature + better integrated behavior within conjunctions and on dialects + that don't support true/false constants. + + .. seealso:: + + :func:`.false` + + """ + + return True_() + + def compare(self, other): + return isinstance(other, True_) + + +class ClauseList(ClauseElement): + """Describe a list of clauses, separated by an operator. + + By default, is comma-separated, such as a column listing. + + """ + + __visit_name__ = "clauselist" + + def __init__(self, *clauses, **kwargs): + self.operator = kwargs.pop("operator", operators.comma_op) + self.group = kwargs.pop("group", True) + self.group_contents = kwargs.pop("group_contents", True) + text_converter = kwargs.pop( + "_literal_as_text", _expression_literal_as_text + ) + if self.group_contents: + self.clauses = [ + text_converter(clause).self_group(against=self.operator) + for clause in clauses + ] + else: + self.clauses = [text_converter(clause) for clause in clauses] + self._is_implicitly_boolean = operators.is_boolean(self.operator) + + def __iter__(self): + return iter(self.clauses) + + def __len__(self): + return len(self.clauses) + + @property + def _select_iterable(self): + return iter(self) + + def append(self, clause): + if self.group_contents: + self.clauses.append( + _literal_as_text(clause).self_group(against=self.operator) + ) + else: + self.clauses.append(_literal_as_text(clause)) + + def _copy_internals(self, clone=_clone, **kw): + self.clauses = [clone(clause, **kw) for clause in self.clauses] + + def get_children(self, **kwargs): + return self.clauses + + @property + def _from_objects(self): + return list(itertools.chain(*[c._from_objects for c in self.clauses])) + + def self_group(self, against=None): + if self.group and operators.is_precedent(self.operator, against): + return Grouping(self) + else: + return self + + def compare(self, other, **kw): + """Compare this :class:`.ClauseList` to the given :class:`.ClauseList`, + including a comparison of all the clause items. + + """ + if not isinstance(other, ClauseList) and len(self.clauses) == 1: + return self.clauses[0].compare(other, **kw) + elif ( + isinstance(other, ClauseList) + and len(self.clauses) == len(other.clauses) + and self.operator is other.operator + ): + + if self.operator in (operators.and_, operators.or_): + completed = set() + for clause in self.clauses: + for other_clause in set(other.clauses).difference( + completed + ): + if clause.compare(other_clause, **kw): + completed.add(other_clause) + break + return len(completed) == len(other.clauses) + else: + for i in range(0, len(self.clauses)): + if not self.clauses[i].compare(other.clauses[i], **kw): + return False + else: + return True + else: + return False + + +class BooleanClauseList(ClauseList, ColumnElement): + __visit_name__ = "clauselist" + + def __init__(self, *arg, **kw): + raise NotImplementedError( + "BooleanClauseList has a private constructor" + ) + + @classmethod + def _construct(cls, operator, continue_on, skip_on, *clauses, **kw): + convert_clauses = [] + + clauses = [ + _expression_literal_as_text(clause) + for clause in util.coerce_generator_arg(clauses) + ] + for clause in clauses: + + if isinstance(clause, continue_on): + continue + elif isinstance(clause, skip_on): + return clause.self_group(against=operators._asbool) + + convert_clauses.append(clause) + + if len(convert_clauses) == 1: + return convert_clauses[0].self_group(against=operators._asbool) + elif not convert_clauses and clauses: + return clauses[0].self_group(against=operators._asbool) + + convert_clauses = [ + c.self_group(against=operator) for c in convert_clauses + ] + + self = cls.__new__(cls) + self.clauses = convert_clauses + self.group = True + self.operator = operator + self.group_contents = True + self.type = type_api.BOOLEANTYPE + self._is_implicitly_boolean = True + return self + + @classmethod + def and_(cls, *clauses): + """Produce a conjunction of expressions joined by ``AND``. + + E.g.:: + + from sqlalchemy import and_ + + stmt = select([users_table]).where( + and_( + users_table.c.name == 'wendy', + users_table.c.enrolled == True + ) + ) + + The :func:`.and_` conjunction is also available using the + Python ``&`` operator (though note that compound expressions + need to be parenthesized in order to function with Python + operator precedence behavior):: + + stmt = select([users_table]).where( + (users_table.c.name == 'wendy') & + (users_table.c.enrolled == True) + ) + + The :func:`.and_` operation is also implicit in some cases; + the :meth:`.Select.where` method for example can be invoked multiple + times against a statement, which will have the effect of each + clause being combined using :func:`.and_`:: + + stmt = select([users_table]).\ + where(users_table.c.name == 'wendy').\ + where(users_table.c.enrolled == True) + + .. seealso:: + + :func:`.or_` + + """ + return cls._construct(operators.and_, True_, False_, *clauses) + + @classmethod + def or_(cls, *clauses): + """Produce a conjunction of expressions joined by ``OR``. + + E.g.:: + + from sqlalchemy import or_ + + stmt = select([users_table]).where( + or_( + users_table.c.name == 'wendy', + users_table.c.name == 'jack' + ) + ) + + The :func:`.or_` conjunction is also available using the + Python ``|`` operator (though note that compound expressions + need to be parenthesized in order to function with Python + operator precedence behavior):: + + stmt = select([users_table]).where( + (users_table.c.name == 'wendy') | + (users_table.c.name == 'jack') + ) + + .. seealso:: + + :func:`.and_` + + """ + return cls._construct(operators.or_, False_, True_, *clauses) + + @property + def _select_iterable(self): + return (self,) + + def self_group(self, against=None): + if not self.clauses: + return self + else: + return super(BooleanClauseList, self).self_group(against=against) + + def _negate(self): + return ClauseList._negate(self) + + +and_ = BooleanClauseList.and_ +or_ = BooleanClauseList.or_ + + +class Tuple(ClauseList, ColumnElement): + """Represent a SQL tuple.""" + + def __init__(self, *clauses, **kw): + """Return a :class:`.Tuple`. + + Main usage is to produce a composite IN construct:: + + from sqlalchemy import tuple_ + + tuple_(table.c.col1, table.c.col2).in_( + [(1, 2), (5, 12), (10, 19)] + ) + + .. warning:: + + The composite IN construct is not supported by all backends, + and is currently known to work on PostgreSQL and MySQL, + but not SQLite. Unsupported backends will raise + a subclass of :class:`~sqlalchemy.exc.DBAPIError` when such + an expression is invoked. + + """ + + clauses = [_literal_as_binds(c) for c in clauses] + self._type_tuple = [arg.type for arg in clauses] + self.type = kw.pop( + "type_", + self._type_tuple[0] if self._type_tuple else type_api.NULLTYPE, + ) + + super(Tuple, self).__init__(*clauses, **kw) + + @property + def _select_iterable(self): + return (self,) + + def _bind_param(self, operator, obj, type_=None): + return Tuple( + *[ + BindParameter( + None, + o, + _compared_to_operator=operator, + _compared_to_type=compared_to_type, + unique=True, + type_=type_, + ) + for o, compared_to_type in zip(obj, self._type_tuple) + ] + ).self_group() + + +class Case(ColumnElement): + """Represent a ``CASE`` expression. + + :class:`.Case` is produced using the :func:`.case` factory function, + as in:: + + from sqlalchemy import case + + stmt = select([users_table]).\ + where( + case( + [ + (users_table.c.name == 'wendy', 'W'), + (users_table.c.name == 'jack', 'J') + ], + else_='E' + ) + ) + + Details on :class:`.Case` usage is at :func:`.case`. + + .. seealso:: + + :func:`.case` + + """ + + __visit_name__ = "case" + + def __init__(self, whens, value=None, else_=None): + r"""Produce a ``CASE`` expression. + + The ``CASE`` construct in SQL is a conditional object that + acts somewhat analogously to an "if/then" construct in other + languages. It returns an instance of :class:`.Case`. + + :func:`.case` in its usual form is passed a list of "when" + constructs, that is, a list of conditions and results as tuples:: + + from sqlalchemy import case + + stmt = select([users_table]).\ + where( + case( + [ + (users_table.c.name == 'wendy', 'W'), + (users_table.c.name == 'jack', 'J') + ], + else_='E' + ) + ) + + The above statement will produce SQL resembling:: + + SELECT id, name FROM user + WHERE CASE + WHEN (name = :name_1) THEN :param_1 + WHEN (name = :name_2) THEN :param_2 + ELSE :param_3 + END + + When simple equality expressions of several values against a single + parent column are needed, :func:`.case` also has a "shorthand" format + used via the + :paramref:`.case.value` parameter, which is passed a column + expression to be compared. In this form, the :paramref:`.case.whens` + parameter is passed as a dictionary containing expressions to be + compared against keyed to result expressions. The statement below is + equivalent to the preceding statement:: + + stmt = select([users_table]).\ + where( + case( + {"wendy": "W", "jack": "J"}, + value=users_table.c.name, + else_='E' + ) + ) + + The values which are accepted as result values in + :paramref:`.case.whens` as well as with :paramref:`.case.else_` are + coerced from Python literals into :func:`.bindparam` constructs. + SQL expressions, e.g. :class:`.ColumnElement` constructs, are accepted + as well. To coerce a literal string expression into a constant + expression rendered inline, use the :func:`.literal_column` construct, + as in:: + + from sqlalchemy import case, literal_column + + case( + [ + ( + orderline.c.qty > 100, + literal_column("'greaterthan100'") + ), + ( + orderline.c.qty > 10, + literal_column("'greaterthan10'") + ) + ], + else_=literal_column("'lessthan10'") + ) + + The above will render the given constants without using bound + parameters for the result values (but still for the comparison + values), as in:: + + CASE + WHEN (orderline.qty > :qty_1) THEN 'greaterthan100' + WHEN (orderline.qty > :qty_2) THEN 'greaterthan10' + ELSE 'lessthan10' + END + + :param whens: The criteria to be compared against, + :paramref:`.case.whens` accepts two different forms, based on + whether or not :paramref:`.case.value` is used. + + In the first form, it accepts a list of 2-tuples; each 2-tuple + consists of ``(, )``, where the SQL + expression is a boolean expression and "value" is a resulting value, + e.g.:: + + case([ + (users_table.c.name == 'wendy', 'W'), + (users_table.c.name == 'jack', 'J') + ]) + + In the second form, it accepts a Python dictionary of comparison + values mapped to a resulting value; this form requires + :paramref:`.case.value` to be present, and values will be compared + using the ``==`` operator, e.g.:: + + case( + {"wendy": "W", "jack": "J"}, + value=users_table.c.name + ) + + :param value: An optional SQL expression which will be used as a + fixed "comparison point" for candidate values within a dictionary + passed to :paramref:`.case.whens`. + + :param else\_: An optional SQL expression which will be the evaluated + result of the ``CASE`` construct if all expressions within + :paramref:`.case.whens` evaluate to false. When omitted, most + databases will produce a result of NULL if none of the "when" + expressions evaluate to true. + + + """ + + try: + whens = util.dictlike_iteritems(whens) + except TypeError: + pass + + if value is not None: + whenlist = [ + (_literal_as_binds(c).self_group(), _literal_as_binds(r)) + for (c, r) in whens + ] + else: + whenlist = [ + (_no_literals(c).self_group(), _literal_as_binds(r)) + for (c, r) in whens + ] + + if whenlist: + type_ = list(whenlist[-1])[-1].type + else: + type_ = None + + if value is None: + self.value = None + else: + self.value = _literal_as_binds(value) + + self.type = type_ + self.whens = whenlist + if else_ is not None: + self.else_ = _literal_as_binds(else_) + else: + self.else_ = None + + def _copy_internals(self, clone=_clone, **kw): + if self.value is not None: + self.value = clone(self.value, **kw) + self.whens = [(clone(x, **kw), clone(y, **kw)) for x, y in self.whens] + if self.else_ is not None: + self.else_ = clone(self.else_, **kw) + + def get_children(self, **kwargs): + if self.value is not None: + yield self.value + for x, y in self.whens: + yield x + yield y + if self.else_ is not None: + yield self.else_ + + @property + def _from_objects(self): + return list( + itertools.chain(*[x._from_objects for x in self.get_children()]) + ) + + +def literal_column(text, type_=None): + r"""Produce a :class:`.ColumnClause` object that has the + :paramref:`.column.is_literal` flag set to True. + + :func:`.literal_column` is similar to :func:`.column`, except that + it is more often used as a "standalone" column expression that renders + exactly as stated; while :func:`.column` stores a string name that + will be assumed to be part of a table and may be quoted as such, + :func:`.literal_column` can be that, or any other arbitrary column-oriented + expression. + + :param text: the text of the expression; can be any SQL expression. + Quoting rules will not be applied. To specify a column-name expression + which should be subject to quoting rules, use the :func:`column` + function. + + :param type\_: an optional :class:`~sqlalchemy.types.TypeEngine` + object which will + provide result-set translation and additional expression semantics for + this column. If left as None the type will be NullType. + + .. seealso:: + + :func:`.column` + + :func:`.text` + + :ref:`sqlexpression_literal_column` + + """ + return ColumnClause(text, type_=type_, is_literal=True) + + +class Cast(ColumnElement): + """Represent a ``CAST`` expression. + + :class:`.Cast` is produced using the :func:`.cast` factory function, + as in:: + + from sqlalchemy import cast, Numeric + + stmt = select([ + cast(product_table.c.unit_price, Numeric(10, 4)) + ]) + + Details on :class:`.Cast` usage is at :func:`.cast`. + + .. seealso:: + + :func:`.cast` + + """ + + __visit_name__ = "cast" + + def __init__(self, expression, type_): + r"""Produce a ``CAST`` expression. + + :func:`.cast` returns an instance of :class:`.Cast`. + + E.g.:: + + from sqlalchemy import cast, Numeric + + stmt = select([ + cast(product_table.c.unit_price, Numeric(10, 4)) + ]) + + The above statement will produce SQL resembling:: + + SELECT CAST(unit_price AS NUMERIC(10, 4)) FROM product + + The :func:`.cast` function performs two distinct functions when + used. The first is that it renders the ``CAST`` expression within + the resulting SQL string. The second is that it associates the given + type (e.g. :class:`.TypeEngine` class or instance) with the column + expression on the Python side, which means the expression will take + on the expression operator behavior associated with that type, + as well as the bound-value handling and result-row-handling behavior + of the type. + + .. versionchanged:: 0.9.0 :func:`.cast` now applies the given type + to the expression such that it takes effect on the bound-value, + e.g. the Python-to-database direction, in addition to the + result handling, e.g. database-to-Python, direction. + + An alternative to :func:`.cast` is the :func:`.type_coerce` function. + This function performs the second task of associating an expression + with a specific type, but does not render the ``CAST`` expression + in SQL. + + :param expression: A SQL expression, such as a :class:`.ColumnElement` + expression or a Python string which will be coerced into a bound + literal value. + + :param type\_: A :class:`.TypeEngine` class or instance indicating + the type to which the ``CAST`` should apply. + + .. seealso:: + + :func:`.type_coerce` - Python-side type coercion without emitting + CAST. + + """ + self.type = type_api.to_instance(type_) + self.clause = _literal_as_binds(expression, type_=self.type) + self.typeclause = TypeClause(self.type) + + def _copy_internals(self, clone=_clone, **kw): + self.clause = clone(self.clause, **kw) + self.typeclause = clone(self.typeclause, **kw) + + def get_children(self, **kwargs): + return self.clause, self.typeclause + + @property + def _from_objects(self): + return self.clause._from_objects + + +class TypeCoerce(ColumnElement): + """Represent a Python-side type-coercion wrapper. + + :class:`.TypeCoerce` supplies the :func:`.expression.type_coerce` + function; see that function for usage details. + + .. versionchanged:: 1.1 The :func:`.type_coerce` function now produces + a persistent :class:`.TypeCoerce` wrapper object rather than + translating the given object in place. + + .. seealso:: + + :func:`.expression.type_coerce` + + """ + + __visit_name__ = "type_coerce" + + def __init__(self, expression, type_): + r"""Associate a SQL expression with a particular type, without rendering + ``CAST``. + + E.g.:: + + from sqlalchemy import type_coerce + + stmt = select([ + type_coerce(log_table.date_string, StringDateTime()) + ]) + + The above construct will produce a :class:`.TypeCoerce` object, which + renders SQL that labels the expression, but otherwise does not + modify its value on the SQL side:: + + SELECT date_string AS anon_1 FROM log + + When result rows are fetched, the ``StringDateTime`` type + will be applied to result rows on behalf of the ``date_string`` column. + The rationale for the "anon_1" label is so that the type-coerced + column remains separate in the list of result columns vs. other + type-coerced or direct values of the target column. In order to + provide a named label for the expression, use + :meth:`.ColumnElement.label`:: + + stmt = select([ + type_coerce( + log_table.date_string, StringDateTime()).label('date') + ]) + + + A type that features bound-value handling will also have that behavior + take effect when literal values or :func:`.bindparam` constructs are + passed to :func:`.type_coerce` as targets. + For example, if a type implements the + :meth:`.TypeEngine.bind_expression` + method or :meth:`.TypeEngine.bind_processor` method or equivalent, + these functions will take effect at statement compilation/execution + time when a literal value is passed, as in:: + + # bound-value handling of MyStringType will be applied to the + # literal value "some string" + stmt = select([type_coerce("some string", MyStringType)]) + + :func:`.type_coerce` is similar to the :func:`.cast` function, + except that it does not render the ``CAST`` expression in the resulting + statement. + + :param expression: A SQL expression, such as a :class:`.ColumnElement` + expression or a Python string which will be coerced into a bound + literal value. + + :param type\_: A :class:`.TypeEngine` class or instance indicating + the type to which the expression is coerced. + + .. seealso:: + + :func:`.cast` + + """ + self.type = type_api.to_instance(type_) + self.clause = _literal_as_binds(expression, type_=self.type) + + def _copy_internals(self, clone=_clone, **kw): + self.clause = clone(self.clause, **kw) + self.__dict__.pop("typed_expression", None) + + def get_children(self, **kwargs): + return (self.clause,) + + @property + def _from_objects(self): + return self.clause._from_objects + + @util.memoized_property + def typed_expression(self): + if isinstance(self.clause, BindParameter): + bp = self.clause._clone() + bp.type = self.type + return bp + else: + return self.clause + + +class Extract(ColumnElement): + """Represent a SQL EXTRACT clause, ``extract(field FROM expr)``.""" + + __visit_name__ = "extract" + + def __init__(self, field, expr, **kwargs): + """Return a :class:`.Extract` construct. + + This is typically available as :func:`.extract` + as well as ``func.extract`` from the + :data:`.func` namespace. + + """ + self.type = type_api.INTEGERTYPE + self.field = field + self.expr = _literal_as_binds(expr, None) + + def _copy_internals(self, clone=_clone, **kw): + self.expr = clone(self.expr, **kw) + + def get_children(self, **kwargs): + return (self.expr,) + + @property + def _from_objects(self): + return self.expr._from_objects + + +class _label_reference(ColumnElement): + """Wrap a column expression as it appears in a 'reference' context. + + This expression is any that includes an _order_by_label_element, + which is a Label, or a DESC / ASC construct wrapping a Label. + + The production of _label_reference() should occur when an expression + is added to this context; this includes the ORDER BY or GROUP BY of a + SELECT statement, as well as a few other places, such as the ORDER BY + within an OVER clause. + + """ + + __visit_name__ = "label_reference" + + def __init__(self, element): + self.element = element + + def _copy_internals(self, clone=_clone, **kw): + self.element = clone(self.element, **kw) + + @property + def _from_objects(self): + return () + + +class _textual_label_reference(ColumnElement): + __visit_name__ = "textual_label_reference" + + def __init__(self, element): + self.element = element + + @util.memoized_property + def _text_clause(self): + return TextClause._create_text(self.element) + + +class UnaryExpression(ColumnElement): + """Define a 'unary' expression. + + A unary expression has a single column expression + and an operator. The operator can be placed on the left + (where it is called the 'operator') or right (where it is called the + 'modifier') of the column expression. + + :class:`.UnaryExpression` is the basis for several unary operators + including those used by :func:`.desc`, :func:`.asc`, :func:`.distinct`, + :func:`.nullsfirst` and :func:`.nullslast`. + + """ + + __visit_name__ = "unary" + + def __init__( + self, + element, + operator=None, + modifier=None, + type_=None, + negate=None, + wraps_column_expression=False, + ): + self.operator = operator + self.modifier = modifier + self.element = element.self_group( + against=self.operator or self.modifier + ) + self.type = type_api.to_instance(type_) + self.negate = negate + self.wraps_column_expression = wraps_column_expression + + @classmethod + def _create_nullsfirst(cls, column): + """Produce the ``NULLS FIRST`` modifier for an ``ORDER BY`` expression. + + :func:`.nullsfirst` is intended to modify the expression produced + by :func:`.asc` or :func:`.desc`, and indicates how NULL values + should be handled when they are encountered during ordering:: + + + from sqlalchemy import desc, nullsfirst + + stmt = select([users_table]).\ + order_by(nullsfirst(desc(users_table.c.name))) + + The SQL expression from the above would resemble:: + + SELECT id, name FROM user ORDER BY name DESC NULLS FIRST + + Like :func:`.asc` and :func:`.desc`, :func:`.nullsfirst` is typically + invoked from the column expression itself using + :meth:`.ColumnElement.nullsfirst`, rather than as its standalone + function version, as in:: + + stmt = (select([users_table]). + order_by(users_table.c.name.desc().nullsfirst()) + ) + + .. seealso:: + + :func:`.asc` + + :func:`.desc` + + :func:`.nullslast` + + :meth:`.Select.order_by` + + """ + return UnaryExpression( + _literal_as_label_reference(column), + modifier=operators.nullsfirst_op, + wraps_column_expression=False, + ) + + @classmethod + def _create_nullslast(cls, column): + """Produce the ``NULLS LAST`` modifier for an ``ORDER BY`` expression. + + :func:`.nullslast` is intended to modify the expression produced + by :func:`.asc` or :func:`.desc`, and indicates how NULL values + should be handled when they are encountered during ordering:: + + + from sqlalchemy import desc, nullslast + + stmt = select([users_table]).\ + order_by(nullslast(desc(users_table.c.name))) + + The SQL expression from the above would resemble:: + + SELECT id, name FROM user ORDER BY name DESC NULLS LAST + + Like :func:`.asc` and :func:`.desc`, :func:`.nullslast` is typically + invoked from the column expression itself using + :meth:`.ColumnElement.nullslast`, rather than as its standalone + function version, as in:: + + stmt = select([users_table]).\ + order_by(users_table.c.name.desc().nullslast()) + + .. seealso:: + + :func:`.asc` + + :func:`.desc` + + :func:`.nullsfirst` + + :meth:`.Select.order_by` + + """ + return UnaryExpression( + _literal_as_label_reference(column), + modifier=operators.nullslast_op, + wraps_column_expression=False, + ) + + @classmethod + def _create_desc(cls, column): + """Produce a descending ``ORDER BY`` clause element. + + e.g.:: + + from sqlalchemy import desc + + stmt = select([users_table]).order_by(desc(users_table.c.name)) + + will produce SQL as:: + + SELECT id, name FROM user ORDER BY name DESC + + The :func:`.desc` function is a standalone version of the + :meth:`.ColumnElement.desc` method available on all SQL expressions, + e.g.:: + + + stmt = select([users_table]).order_by(users_table.c.name.desc()) + + :param column: A :class:`.ColumnElement` (e.g. scalar SQL expression) + with which to apply the :func:`.desc` operation. + + .. seealso:: + + :func:`.asc` + + :func:`.nullsfirst` + + :func:`.nullslast` + + :meth:`.Select.order_by` + + """ + return UnaryExpression( + _literal_as_label_reference(column), + modifier=operators.desc_op, + wraps_column_expression=False, + ) + + @classmethod + def _create_asc(cls, column): + """Produce an ascending ``ORDER BY`` clause element. + + e.g.:: + + from sqlalchemy import asc + stmt = select([users_table]).order_by(asc(users_table.c.name)) + + will produce SQL as:: + + SELECT id, name FROM user ORDER BY name ASC + + The :func:`.asc` function is a standalone version of the + :meth:`.ColumnElement.asc` method available on all SQL expressions, + e.g.:: + + + stmt = select([users_table]).order_by(users_table.c.name.asc()) + + :param column: A :class:`.ColumnElement` (e.g. scalar SQL expression) + with which to apply the :func:`.asc` operation. + + .. seealso:: + + :func:`.desc` + + :func:`.nullsfirst` + + :func:`.nullslast` + + :meth:`.Select.order_by` + + """ + return UnaryExpression( + _literal_as_label_reference(column), + modifier=operators.asc_op, + wraps_column_expression=False, + ) + + @classmethod + def _create_distinct(cls, expr): + """Produce an column-expression-level unary ``DISTINCT`` clause. + + This applies the ``DISTINCT`` keyword to an individual column + expression, and is typically contained within an aggregate function, + as in:: + + from sqlalchemy import distinct, func + stmt = select([func.count(distinct(users_table.c.name))]) + + The above would produce an expression resembling:: + + SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT name) FROM user + + The :func:`.distinct` function is also available as a column-level + method, e.g. :meth:`.ColumnElement.distinct`, as in:: + + stmt = select([func.count(users_table.c.name.distinct())]) + + The :func:`.distinct` operator is different from the + :meth:`.Select.distinct` method of :class:`.Select`, + which produces a ``SELECT`` statement + with ``DISTINCT`` applied to the result set as a whole, + e.g. a ``SELECT DISTINCT`` expression. See that method for further + information. + + .. seealso:: + + :meth:`.ColumnElement.distinct` + + :meth:`.Select.distinct` + + :data:`.func` + + """ + expr = _literal_as_binds(expr) + return UnaryExpression( + expr, + operator=operators.distinct_op, + type_=expr.type, + wraps_column_expression=False, + ) + + @property + def _order_by_label_element(self): + if self.modifier in (operators.desc_op, operators.asc_op): + return self.element._order_by_label_element + else: + return None + + @property + def _from_objects(self): + return self.element._from_objects + + def _copy_internals(self, clone=_clone, **kw): + self.element = clone(self.element, **kw) + + def get_children(self, **kwargs): + return (self.element,) + + def compare(self, other, **kw): + """Compare this :class:`UnaryExpression` against the given + :class:`.ClauseElement`.""" + + return ( + isinstance(other, UnaryExpression) + and self.operator == other.operator + and self.modifier == other.modifier + and self.element.compare(other.element, **kw) + ) + + def _negate(self): + if self.negate is not None: + return UnaryExpression( + self.element, + operator=self.negate, + negate=self.operator, + modifier=self.modifier, + type_=self.type, + wraps_column_expression=self.wraps_column_expression, + ) + elif self.type._type_affinity is type_api.BOOLEANTYPE._type_affinity: + return UnaryExpression( + self.self_group(against=operators.inv), + operator=operators.inv, + type_=type_api.BOOLEANTYPE, + wraps_column_expression=self.wraps_column_expression, + negate=None, + ) + else: + return ClauseElement._negate(self) + + def self_group(self, against=None): + if self.operator and operators.is_precedent(self.operator, against): + return Grouping(self) + else: + return self + + +class CollectionAggregate(UnaryExpression): + """Forms the basis for right-hand collection operator modifiers + ANY and ALL. + + The ANY and ALL keywords are available in different ways on different + backends. On PostgreSQL, they only work for an ARRAY type. On + MySQL, they only work for subqueries. + + """ + + @classmethod + def _create_any(cls, expr): + """Produce an ANY expression. + + This may apply to an array type for some dialects (e.g. postgresql), + or to a subquery for others (e.g. mysql). e.g.:: + + # postgresql '5 = ANY (somearray)' + expr = 5 == any_(mytable.c.somearray) + + # mysql '5 = ANY (SELECT value FROM table)' + expr = 5 == any_(select([table.c.value])) + + .. versionadded:: 1.1 + + .. seealso:: + + :func:`.expression.all_` + + """ + + expr = _literal_as_binds(expr) + + if expr.is_selectable and hasattr(expr, "as_scalar"): + expr = expr.as_scalar() + expr = expr.self_group() + return CollectionAggregate( + expr, + operator=operators.any_op, + type_=type_api.NULLTYPE, + wraps_column_expression=False, + ) + + @classmethod + def _create_all(cls, expr): + """Produce an ALL expression. + + This may apply to an array type for some dialects (e.g. postgresql), + or to a subquery for others (e.g. mysql). e.g.:: + + # postgresql '5 = ALL (somearray)' + expr = 5 == all_(mytable.c.somearray) + + # mysql '5 = ALL (SELECT value FROM table)' + expr = 5 == all_(select([table.c.value])) + + .. versionadded:: 1.1 + + .. seealso:: + + :func:`.expression.any_` + + """ + + expr = _literal_as_binds(expr) + if expr.is_selectable and hasattr(expr, "as_scalar"): + expr = expr.as_scalar() + expr = expr.self_group() + return CollectionAggregate( + expr, + operator=operators.all_op, + type_=type_api.NULLTYPE, + wraps_column_expression=False, + ) + + # operate and reverse_operate are hardwired to + # dispatch onto the type comparator directly, so that we can + # ensure "reversed" behavior. + def operate(self, op, *other, **kwargs): + if not operators.is_comparison(op): + raise exc.ArgumentError( + "Only comparison operators may be used with ANY/ALL" + ) + kwargs["reverse"] = True + return self.comparator.operate(operators.mirror(op), *other, **kwargs) + + def reverse_operate(self, op, other, **kwargs): + # comparison operators should never call reverse_operate + assert not operators.is_comparison(op) + raise exc.ArgumentError( + "Only comparison operators may be used with ANY/ALL" + ) + + +class AsBoolean(UnaryExpression): + def __init__(self, element, operator, negate): + self.element = element + self.type = type_api.BOOLEANTYPE + self.operator = operator + self.negate = negate + self.modifier = None + self.wraps_column_expression = True + self._is_implicitly_boolean = element._is_implicitly_boolean + + def self_group(self, against=None): + return self + + def _negate(self): + # TODO: this assumes the element is the True_() or False_() + # object, but this assumption isn't enforced and + # ColumnElement._negate() can send any number of expressions here + return self.element._negate() + + +class BinaryExpression(ColumnElement): + """Represent an expression that is ``LEFT RIGHT``. + + A :class:`.BinaryExpression` is generated automatically + whenever two column expressions are used in a Python binary expression:: + + >>> from sqlalchemy.sql import column + >>> column('a') + column('b') + + >>> print column('a') + column('b') + a + b + + """ + + __visit_name__ = "binary" + + _is_implicitly_boolean = True + """Indicates that any database will know this is a boolean expression + even if the database does not have an explicit boolean datatype. + + """ + + def __init__( + self, left, right, operator, type_=None, negate=None, modifiers=None + ): + # allow compatibility with libraries that + # refer to BinaryExpression directly and pass strings + if isinstance(operator, util.string_types): + operator = operators.custom_op(operator) + self._orig = (left, right) + self.left = left.self_group(against=operator) + self.right = right.self_group(against=operator) + self.operator = operator + self.type = type_api.to_instance(type_) + self.negate = negate + self._is_implicitly_boolean = operators.is_boolean(operator) + + if modifiers is None: + self.modifiers = {} + else: + self.modifiers = modifiers + + def __bool__(self): + if self.operator in (operator.eq, operator.ne): + return self.operator(hash(self._orig[0]), hash(self._orig[1])) + else: + raise TypeError("Boolean value of this clause is not defined") + + __nonzero__ = __bool__ + + @property + def is_comparison(self): + return operators.is_comparison(self.operator) + + @property + def _from_objects(self): + return self.left._from_objects + self.right._from_objects + + def _copy_internals(self, clone=_clone, **kw): + self.left = clone(self.left, **kw) + self.right = clone(self.right, **kw) + + def get_children(self, **kwargs): + return self.left, self.right + + def compare(self, other, **kw): + """Compare this :class:`BinaryExpression` against the + given :class:`BinaryExpression`.""" + + return ( + isinstance(other, BinaryExpression) + and self.operator == other.operator + and ( + self.left.compare(other.left, **kw) + and self.right.compare(other.right, **kw) + or ( + operators.is_commutative(self.operator) + and self.left.compare(other.right, **kw) + and self.right.compare(other.left, **kw) + ) + ) + ) + + def self_group(self, against=None): + if operators.is_precedent(self.operator, against): + return Grouping(self) + else: + return self + + def _negate(self): + if self.negate is not None: + return BinaryExpression( + self.left, + self.right, + self.negate, + negate=self.operator, + type_=self.type, + modifiers=self.modifiers, + ) + else: + return super(BinaryExpression, self)._negate() + + +class Slice(ColumnElement): + """Represent SQL for a Python array-slice object. + + This is not a specific SQL construct at this level, but + may be interpreted by specific dialects, e.g. PostgreSQL. + + """ + + __visit_name__ = "slice" + + def __init__(self, start, stop, step): + self.start = start + self.stop = stop + self.step = step + self.type = type_api.NULLTYPE + + def self_group(self, against=None): + assert against is operator.getitem + return self + + +class IndexExpression(BinaryExpression): + """Represent the class of expressions that are like an "index" operation. + """ + + pass + + +class Grouping(ColumnElement): + """Represent a grouping within a column expression""" + + __visit_name__ = "grouping" + + def __init__(self, element): + self.element = element + self.type = getattr(element, "type", type_api.NULLTYPE) + + def self_group(self, against=None): + return self + + @util.memoized_property + def _is_implicitly_boolean(self): + return self.element._is_implicitly_boolean + + @property + def _key_label(self): + return self._label + + @property + def _label(self): + return getattr(self.element, "_label", None) or self.anon_label + + def _copy_internals(self, clone=_clone, **kw): + self.element = clone(self.element, **kw) + + def get_children(self, **kwargs): + return (self.element,) + + @property + def _from_objects(self): + return self.element._from_objects + + def __getattr__(self, attr): + return getattr(self.element, attr) + + def __getstate__(self): + return {"element": self.element, "type": self.type} + + def __setstate__(self, state): + self.element = state["element"] + self.type = state["type"] + + def compare(self, other, **kw): + return isinstance(other, Grouping) and self.element.compare( + other.element + ) + + +RANGE_UNBOUNDED = util.symbol("RANGE_UNBOUNDED") +RANGE_CURRENT = util.symbol("RANGE_CURRENT") + + +class Over(ColumnElement): + """Represent an OVER clause. + + This is a special operator against a so-called + "window" function, as well as any aggregate function, + which produces results relative to the result set + itself. It's supported only by certain database + backends. + + """ + + __visit_name__ = "over" + + order_by = None + partition_by = None + + def __init__( + self, element, partition_by=None, order_by=None, range_=None, rows=None + ): + r"""Produce an :class:`.Over` object against a function. + + Used against aggregate or so-called "window" functions, + for database backends that support window functions. + + :func:`~.expression.over` is usually called using + the :meth:`.FunctionElement.over` method, e.g.:: + + func.row_number().over(order_by=mytable.c.some_column) + + Would produce:: + + ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY some_column) + + Ranges are also possible using the :paramref:`.expression.over.range_` + and :paramref:`.expression.over.rows` parameters. These + mutually-exclusive parameters each accept a 2-tuple, which contains + a combination of integers and None:: + + func.row_number().over( + order_by=my_table.c.some_column, range_=(None, 0)) + + The above would produce:: + + ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY some_column + RANGE BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW) + + A value of None indicates "unbounded", a + value of zero indicates "current row", and negative / positive + integers indicate "preceding" and "following": + + * RANGE BETWEEN 5 PRECEDING AND 10 FOLLOWING:: + + func.row_number().over(order_by='x', range_=(-5, 10)) + + * ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW:: + + func.row_number().over(order_by='x', rows=(None, 0)) + + * RANGE BETWEEN 2 PRECEDING AND UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING:: + + func.row_number().over(order_by='x', range_=(-2, None)) + + * RANGE BETWEEN 1 FOLLOWING AND 3 FOLLOWING:: + + func.row_number().over(order_by='x', range_=(1, 3)) + + .. versionadded:: 1.1 support for RANGE / ROWS within a window + + + :param element: a :class:`.FunctionElement`, :class:`.WithinGroup`, + or other compatible construct. + :param partition_by: a column element or string, or a list + of such, that will be used as the PARTITION BY clause + of the OVER construct. + :param order_by: a column element or string, or a list + of such, that will be used as the ORDER BY clause + of the OVER construct. + :param range\_: optional range clause for the window. This is a + tuple value which can contain integer values or None, and will + render a RANGE BETWEEN PRECEDING / FOLLOWING clause + + .. versionadded:: 1.1 + + :param rows: optional rows clause for the window. This is a tuple + value which can contain integer values or None, and will render + a ROWS BETWEEN PRECEDING / FOLLOWING clause. + + .. versionadded:: 1.1 + + This function is also available from the :data:`~.expression.func` + construct itself via the :meth:`.FunctionElement.over` method. + + .. seealso:: + + :data:`.expression.func` + + :func:`.expression.within_group` + + """ + self.element = element + if order_by is not None: + self.order_by = ClauseList( + *util.to_list(order_by), + _literal_as_text=_literal_as_label_reference + ) + if partition_by is not None: + self.partition_by = ClauseList( + *util.to_list(partition_by), + _literal_as_text=_literal_as_label_reference + ) + + if range_: + self.range_ = self._interpret_range(range_) + if rows: + raise exc.ArgumentError( + "'range_' and 'rows' are mutually exclusive" + ) + else: + self.rows = None + elif rows: + self.rows = self._interpret_range(rows) + self.range_ = None + else: + self.rows = self.range_ = None + + def _interpret_range(self, range_): + if not isinstance(range_, tuple) or len(range_) != 2: + raise exc.ArgumentError("2-tuple expected for range/rows") + + if range_[0] is None: + lower = RANGE_UNBOUNDED + else: + try: + lower = int(range_[0]) + except ValueError: + raise exc.ArgumentError( + "Integer or None expected for range value" + ) + else: + if lower == 0: + lower = RANGE_CURRENT + + if range_[1] is None: + upper = RANGE_UNBOUNDED + else: + try: + upper = int(range_[1]) + except ValueError: + raise exc.ArgumentError( + "Integer or None expected for range value" + ) + else: + if upper == 0: + upper = RANGE_CURRENT + + return lower, upper + + @property + def func(self): + """the element referred to by this :class:`.Over` + clause. + + .. deprecated:: 1.1 the ``func`` element has been renamed to + ``.element``. The two attributes are synonymous though + ``.func`` is read-only. + + """ + return self.element + + @util.memoized_property + def type(self): + return self.element.type + + def get_children(self, **kwargs): + return [ + c + for c in (self.element, self.partition_by, self.order_by) + if c is not None + ] + + def _copy_internals(self, clone=_clone, **kw): + self.element = clone(self.element, **kw) + if self.partition_by is not None: + self.partition_by = clone(self.partition_by, **kw) + if self.order_by is not None: + self.order_by = clone(self.order_by, **kw) + + @property + def _from_objects(self): + return list( + itertools.chain( + *[ + c._from_objects + for c in (self.element, self.partition_by, self.order_by) + if c is not None + ] + ) + ) + + +class WithinGroup(ColumnElement): + """Represent a WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY) clause. + + This is a special operator against so-called + "ordered set aggregate" and "hypothetical + set aggregate" functions, including ``percentile_cont()``, + ``rank()``, ``dense_rank()``, etc. + + It's supported only by certain database backends, such as PostgreSQL, + Oracle and MS SQL Server. + + The :class:`.WithinGroup` construct extracts its type from the + method :meth:`.FunctionElement.within_group_type`. If this returns + ``None``, the function's ``.type`` is used. + + """ + + __visit_name__ = "withingroup" + + order_by = None + + def __init__(self, element, *order_by): + r"""Produce a :class:`.WithinGroup` object against a function. + + Used against so-called "ordered set aggregate" and "hypothetical + set aggregate" functions, including :class:`.percentile_cont`, + :class:`.rank`, :class:`.dense_rank`, etc. + + :func:`~.expression.within_group` is usually called using + the :meth:`.FunctionElement.within_group` method, e.g.:: + + from sqlalchemy import within_group + stmt = select([ + department.c.id, + func.percentile_cont(0.5).within_group( + department.c.salary.desc() + ) + ]) + + The above statement would produce SQL similar to + ``SELECT department.id, percentile_cont(0.5) + WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY department.salary DESC)``. + + :param element: a :class:`.FunctionElement` construct, typically + generated by :data:`~.expression.func`. + :param \*order_by: one or more column elements that will be used + as the ORDER BY clause of the WITHIN GROUP construct. + + .. versionadded:: 1.1 + + .. seealso:: + + :data:`.expression.func` + + :func:`.expression.over` + + """ + self.element = element + if order_by is not None: + self.order_by = ClauseList( + *util.to_list(order_by), + _literal_as_text=_literal_as_label_reference + ) + + def over(self, partition_by=None, order_by=None, range_=None, rows=None): + """Produce an OVER clause against this :class:`.WithinGroup` + construct. + + This function has the same signature as that of + :meth:`.FunctionElement.over`. + + """ + return Over( + self, + partition_by=partition_by, + order_by=order_by, + range_=range_, + rows=rows, + ) + + @util.memoized_property + def type(self): + wgt = self.element.within_group_type(self) + if wgt is not None: + return wgt + else: + return self.element.type + + def get_children(self, **kwargs): + return [c for c in (self.element, self.order_by) if c is not None] + + def _copy_internals(self, clone=_clone, **kw): + self.element = clone(self.element, **kw) + if self.order_by is not None: + self.order_by = clone(self.order_by, **kw) + + @property + def _from_objects(self): + return list( + itertools.chain( + *[ + c._from_objects + for c in (self.element, self.order_by) + if c is not None + ] + ) + ) + + +class FunctionFilter(ColumnElement): + """Represent a function FILTER clause. + + This is a special operator against aggregate and window functions, + which controls which rows are passed to it. + It's supported only by certain database backends. + + Invocation of :class:`.FunctionFilter` is via + :meth:`.FunctionElement.filter`:: + + func.count(1).filter(True) + + .. versionadded:: 1.0.0 + + .. seealso:: + + :meth:`.FunctionElement.filter` + + """ + + __visit_name__ = "funcfilter" + + criterion = None + + def __init__(self, func, *criterion): + """Produce a :class:`.FunctionFilter` object against a function. + + Used against aggregate and window functions, + for database backends that support the "FILTER" clause. + + E.g.:: + + from sqlalchemy import funcfilter + funcfilter(func.count(1), MyClass.name == 'some name') + + Would produce "COUNT(1) FILTER (WHERE myclass.name = 'some name')". + + This function is also available from the :data:`~.expression.func` + construct itself via the :meth:`.FunctionElement.filter` method. + + .. versionadded:: 1.0.0 + + .. seealso:: + + :meth:`.FunctionElement.filter` + + + """ + self.func = func + self.filter(*criterion) + + def filter(self, *criterion): + """Produce an additional FILTER against the function. + + This method adds additional criteria to the initial criteria + set up by :meth:`.FunctionElement.filter`. + + Multiple criteria are joined together at SQL render time + via ``AND``. + + + """ + + for criterion in list(criterion): + criterion = _expression_literal_as_text(criterion) + + if self.criterion is not None: + self.criterion = self.criterion & criterion + else: + self.criterion = criterion + + return self + + def over(self, partition_by=None, order_by=None, range_=None, rows=None): + """Produce an OVER clause against this filtered function. + + Used against aggregate or so-called "window" functions, + for database backends that support window functions. + + The expression:: + + func.rank().filter(MyClass.y > 5).over(order_by='x') + + is shorthand for:: + + from sqlalchemy import over, funcfilter + over(funcfilter(func.rank(), MyClass.y > 5), order_by='x') + + See :func:`~.expression.over` for a full description. + + """ + return Over( + self, + partition_by=partition_by, + order_by=order_by, + range_=range_, + rows=rows, + ) + + @util.memoized_property + def type(self): + return self.func.type + + def get_children(self, **kwargs): + return [c for c in (self.func, self.criterion) if c is not None] + + def _copy_internals(self, clone=_clone, **kw): + self.func = clone(self.func, **kw) + if self.criterion is not None: + self.criterion = clone(self.criterion, **kw) + + @property + def _from_objects(self): + return list( + itertools.chain( + *[ + c._from_objects + for c in (self.func, self.criterion) + if c is not None + ] + ) + ) + + +class Label(ColumnElement): + """Represents a column label (AS). + + Represent a label, as typically applied to any column-level + element using the ``AS`` sql keyword. + + """ + + __visit_name__ = "label" + + def __init__(self, name, element, type_=None): + """Return a :class:`Label` object for the + given :class:`.ColumnElement`. + + A label changes the name of an element in the columns clause of a + ``SELECT`` statement, typically via the ``AS`` SQL keyword. + + This functionality is more conveniently available via the + :meth:`.ColumnElement.label` method on :class:`.ColumnElement`. + + :param name: label name + + :param obj: a :class:`.ColumnElement`. + + """ + + if isinstance(element, Label): + self._resolve_label = element._label + + while isinstance(element, Label): + element = element.element + + if name: + self.name = name + self._resolve_label = self.name + else: + self.name = _anonymous_label( + "%%(%d %s)s" % (id(self), getattr(element, "name", "anon")) + ) + + self.key = self._label = self._key_label = self.name + self._element = element + self._type = type_ + self._proxies = [element] + + def __reduce__(self): + return self.__class__, (self.name, self._element, self._type) + + @util.memoized_property + def _is_implicitly_boolean(self): + return self.element._is_implicitly_boolean + + @util.memoized_property + def _allow_label_resolve(self): + return self.element._allow_label_resolve + + @property + def _order_by_label_element(self): + return self + + @util.memoized_property + def type(self): + return type_api.to_instance( + self._type or getattr(self._element, "type", None) + ) + + @util.memoized_property + def element(self): + return self._element.self_group(against=operators.as_) + + def self_group(self, against=None): + return self._apply_to_inner(self._element.self_group, against=against) + + def _negate(self): + return self._apply_to_inner(self._element._negate) + + def _apply_to_inner(self, fn, *arg, **kw): + sub_element = fn(*arg, **kw) + if sub_element is not self._element: + return Label(self.name, sub_element, type_=self._type) + else: + return self + + @property + def primary_key(self): + return self.element.primary_key + + @property + def foreign_keys(self): + return self.element.foreign_keys + + def get_children(self, **kwargs): + return (self.element,) + + def _copy_internals(self, clone=_clone, anonymize_labels=False, **kw): + self._element = clone(self._element, **kw) + self.__dict__.pop("element", None) + self.__dict__.pop("_allow_label_resolve", None) + if anonymize_labels: + self.name = self._resolve_label = _anonymous_label( + "%%(%d %s)s" + % (id(self), getattr(self.element, "name", "anon")) + ) + self.key = self._label = self._key_label = self.name + + @property + def _from_objects(self): + return self.element._from_objects + + def _make_proxy(self, selectable, name=None, **kw): + e = self.element._make_proxy( + selectable, name=name if name else self.name + ) + e._proxies.append(self) + if self._type is not None: + e.type = self._type + return e + + +class ColumnClause(Immutable, ColumnElement): + """Represents a column expression from any textual string. + + The :class:`.ColumnClause`, a lightweight analogue to the + :class:`.Column` class, is typically invoked using the + :func:`.column` function, as in:: + + from sqlalchemy import column + + id, name = column("id"), column("name") + stmt = select([id, name]).select_from("user") + + The above statement would produce SQL like:: + + SELECT id, name FROM user + + :class:`.ColumnClause` is the immediate superclass of the schema-specific + :class:`.Column` object. While the :class:`.Column` class has all the + same capabilities as :class:`.ColumnClause`, the :class:`.ColumnClause` + class is usable by itself in those cases where behavioral requirements + are limited to simple SQL expression generation. The object has none of + the associations with schema-level metadata or with execution-time + behavior that :class:`.Column` does, so in that sense is a "lightweight" + version of :class:`.Column`. + + Full details on :class:`.ColumnClause` usage is at :func:`.column`. + + .. seealso:: + + :func:`.column` + + :class:`.Column` + + """ + + __visit_name__ = "column" + + onupdate = default = server_default = server_onupdate = None + + _is_multiparam_column = False + + _memoized_property = util.group_expirable_memoized_property() + + def __init__(self, text, type_=None, is_literal=False, _selectable=None): + """Produce a :class:`.ColumnClause` object. + + The :class:`.ColumnClause` is a lightweight analogue to the + :class:`.Column` class. The :func:`.column` function can + be invoked with just a name alone, as in:: + + from sqlalchemy import column + + id, name = column("id"), column("name") + stmt = select([id, name]).select_from("user") + + The above statement would produce SQL like:: + + SELECT id, name FROM user + + Once constructed, :func:`.column` may be used like any other SQL + expression element such as within :func:`.select` constructs:: + + from sqlalchemy.sql import column + + id, name = column("id"), column("name") + stmt = select([id, name]).select_from("user") + + The text handled by :func:`.column` is assumed to be handled + like the name of a database column; if the string contains mixed case, + special characters, or matches a known reserved word on the target + backend, the column expression will render using the quoting + behavior determined by the backend. To produce a textual SQL + expression that is rendered exactly without any quoting, + use :func:`.literal_column` instead, or pass ``True`` as the + value of :paramref:`.column.is_literal`. Additionally, full SQL + statements are best handled using the :func:`.text` construct. + + :func:`.column` can be used in a table-like + fashion by combining it with the :func:`.table` function + (which is the lightweight analogue to :class:`.Table`) to produce + a working table construct with minimal boilerplate:: + + from sqlalchemy import table, column, select + + user = table("user", + column("id"), + column("name"), + column("description"), + ) + + stmt = select([user.c.description]).where(user.c.name == 'wendy') + + A :func:`.column` / :func:`.table` construct like that illustrated + above can be created in an + ad-hoc fashion and is not associated with any + :class:`.schema.MetaData`, DDL, or events, unlike its + :class:`.Table` counterpart. + + .. versionchanged:: 1.0.0 :func:`.expression.column` can now + be imported from the plain ``sqlalchemy`` namespace like any + other SQL element. + + :param text: the text of the element. + + :param type: :class:`.types.TypeEngine` object which can associate + this :class:`.ColumnClause` with a type. + + :param is_literal: if True, the :class:`.ColumnClause` is assumed to + be an exact expression that will be delivered to the output with no + quoting rules applied regardless of case sensitive settings. the + :func:`.literal_column()` function essentially invokes + :func:`.column` while passing ``is_literal=True``. + + .. seealso:: + + :class:`.Column` + + :func:`.literal_column` + + :func:`.table` + + :func:`.text` + + :ref:`sqlexpression_literal_column` + + """ + + self.key = self.name = text + self.table = _selectable + self.type = type_api.to_instance(type_) + self.is_literal = is_literal + + def _compare_name_for_result(self, other): + if ( + self.is_literal + or self.table is None + or self.table._textual + or not hasattr(other, "proxy_set") + or ( + isinstance(other, ColumnClause) + and ( + other.is_literal + or other.table is None + or other.table._textual + ) + ) + ): + return (hasattr(other, "name") and self.name == other.name) or ( + hasattr(other, "_label") and self._label == other._label + ) + else: + return other.proxy_set.intersection(self.proxy_set) + + def _get_table(self): + return self.__dict__["table"] + + def _set_table(self, table): + self._memoized_property.expire_instance(self) + self.__dict__["table"] = table + + table = property(_get_table, _set_table) + + @_memoized_property + def _from_objects(self): + t = self.table + if t is not None: + return [t] + else: + return [] + + @util.memoized_property + def description(self): + if util.py3k: + return self.name + else: + return self.name.encode("ascii", "backslashreplace") + + @_memoized_property + def _key_label(self): + if self.key != self.name: + return self._gen_label(self.key) + else: + return self._label + + @_memoized_property + def _label(self): + return self._gen_label(self.name) + + @_memoized_property + def _render_label_in_columns_clause(self): + return self.table is not None + + def _gen_label(self, name): + t = self.table + + if self.is_literal: + return None + + elif t is not None and t.named_with_column: + if getattr(t, "schema", None): + label = t.schema.replace(".", "_") + "_" + t.name + "_" + name + else: + label = t.name + "_" + name + + # propagate name quoting rules for labels. + if getattr(name, "quote", None) is not None: + if isinstance(label, quoted_name): + label.quote = name.quote + else: + label = quoted_name(label, name.quote) + elif getattr(t.name, "quote", None) is not None: + # can't get this situation to occur, so let's + # assert false on it for now + assert not isinstance(label, quoted_name) + label = quoted_name(label, t.name.quote) + + # ensure the label name doesn't conflict with that + # of an existing column + if label in t.c: + _label = label + counter = 1 + while _label in t.c: + _label = label + "_" + str(counter) + counter += 1 + label = _label + + return _as_truncated(label) + + else: + return name + + def _bind_param(self, operator, obj, type_=None): + return BindParameter( + self.key, + obj, + _compared_to_operator=operator, + _compared_to_type=self.type, + type_=type_, + unique=True, + ) + + def _make_proxy( + self, + selectable, + name=None, + attach=True, + name_is_truncatable=False, + **kw + ): + # propagate the "is_literal" flag only if we are keeping our name, + # otherwise its considered to be a label + is_literal = self.is_literal and (name is None or name == self.name) + c = self._constructor( + _as_truncated(name or self.name) + if name_is_truncatable + else (name or self.name), + type_=self.type, + _selectable=selectable, + is_literal=is_literal, + ) + if name is None: + c.key = self.key + c._proxies = [self] + if selectable._is_clone_of is not None: + c._is_clone_of = selectable._is_clone_of.columns.get(c.key) + + if attach: + selectable._columns[c.key] = c + return c + + +class CollationClause(ColumnElement): + __visit_name__ = "collation" + + def __init__(self, collation): + self.collation = collation + + +class _IdentifiedClause(Executable, ClauseElement): + + __visit_name__ = "identified" + _execution_options = Executable._execution_options.union( + {"autocommit": False} + ) + + def __init__(self, ident): + self.ident = ident + + +class SavepointClause(_IdentifiedClause): + __visit_name__ = "savepoint" + + +class RollbackToSavepointClause(_IdentifiedClause): + __visit_name__ = "rollback_to_savepoint" + + +class ReleaseSavepointClause(_IdentifiedClause): + __visit_name__ = "release_savepoint" + + +class quoted_name(util.MemoizedSlots, util.text_type): + """Represent a SQL identifier combined with quoting preferences. + + :class:`.quoted_name` is a Python unicode/str subclass which + represents a particular identifier name along with a + ``quote`` flag. This ``quote`` flag, when set to + ``True`` or ``False``, overrides automatic quoting behavior + for this identifier in order to either unconditionally quote + or to not quote the name. If left at its default of ``None``, + quoting behavior is applied to the identifier on a per-backend basis + based on an examination of the token itself. + + A :class:`.quoted_name` object with ``quote=True`` is also + prevented from being modified in the case of a so-called + "name normalize" option. Certain database backends, such as + Oracle, Firebird, and DB2 "normalize" case-insensitive names + as uppercase. The SQLAlchemy dialects for these backends + convert from SQLAlchemy's lower-case-means-insensitive convention + to the upper-case-means-insensitive conventions of those backends. + The ``quote=True`` flag here will prevent this conversion from occurring + to support an identifier that's quoted as all lower case against + such a backend. + + The :class:`.quoted_name` object is normally created automatically + when specifying the name for key schema constructs such as + :class:`.Table`, :class:`.Column`, and others. The class can also be + passed explicitly as the name to any function that receives a name which + can be quoted. Such as to use the :meth:`.Engine.has_table` method with + an unconditionally quoted name:: + + from sqlalchemy import create_engine + from sqlalchemy.sql import quoted_name + + engine = create_engine("oracle+cx_oracle://some_dsn") + engine.has_table(quoted_name("some_table", True)) + + The above logic will run the "has table" logic against the Oracle backend, + passing the name exactly as ``"some_table"`` without converting to + upper case. + + .. versionadded:: 0.9.0 + + .. versionchanged:: 1.2 The :class:`.quoted_name` construct is now + importable from ``sqlalchemy.sql``, in addition to the previous + location of ``sqlalchemy.sql.elements``. + + """ + + __slots__ = "quote", "lower", "upper" + + def __new__(cls, value, quote): + if value is None: + return None + # experimental - don't bother with quoted_name + # if quote flag is None. doesn't seem to make any dent + # in performance however + # elif not sprcls and quote is None: + # return value + elif isinstance(value, cls) and ( + quote is None or value.quote == quote + ): + return value + self = super(quoted_name, cls).__new__(cls, value) + self.quote = quote + return self + + def __reduce__(self): + return quoted_name, (util.text_type(self), self.quote) + + def _memoized_method_lower(self): + if self.quote: + return self + else: + return util.text_type(self).lower() + + def _memoized_method_upper(self): + if self.quote: + return self + else: + return util.text_type(self).upper() + + def __repr__(self): + backslashed = self.encode("ascii", "backslashreplace") + if not util.py2k: + backslashed = backslashed.decode("ascii") + return "'%s'" % backslashed + + +class _truncated_label(quoted_name): + """A unicode subclass used to identify symbolic " + "names that may require truncation.""" + + __slots__ = () + + def __new__(cls, value, quote=None): + quote = getattr(value, "quote", quote) + # return super(_truncated_label, cls).__new__(cls, value, quote, True) + return super(_truncated_label, cls).__new__(cls, value, quote) + + def __reduce__(self): + return self.__class__, (util.text_type(self), self.quote) + + def apply_map(self, map_): + return self + + +class conv(_truncated_label): + """Mark a string indicating that a name has already been converted + by a naming convention. + + This is a string subclass that indicates a name that should not be + subject to any further naming conventions. + + E.g. when we create a :class:`.Constraint` using a naming convention + as follows:: + + m = MetaData(naming_convention={ + "ck": "ck_%(table_name)s_%(constraint_name)s" + }) + t = Table('t', m, Column('x', Integer), + CheckConstraint('x > 5', name='x5')) + + The name of the above constraint will be rendered as ``"ck_t_x5"``. + That is, the existing name ``x5`` is used in the naming convention as the + ``constraint_name`` token. + + In some situations, such as in migration scripts, we may be rendering + the above :class:`.CheckConstraint` with a name that's already been + converted. In order to make sure the name isn't double-modified, the + new name is applied using the :func:`.schema.conv` marker. We can + use this explicitly as follows:: + + + m = MetaData(naming_convention={ + "ck": "ck_%(table_name)s_%(constraint_name)s" + }) + t = Table('t', m, Column('x', Integer), + CheckConstraint('x > 5', name=conv('ck_t_x5'))) + + Where above, the :func:`.schema.conv` marker indicates that the constraint + name here is final, and the name will render as ``"ck_t_x5"`` and not + ``"ck_t_ck_t_x5"`` + + .. versionadded:: 0.9.4 + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`constraint_naming_conventions` + + """ + + __slots__ = () + + +class _defer_name(_truncated_label): + """mark a name as 'deferred' for the purposes of automated name + generation. + + """ + + __slots__ = () + + def __new__(cls, value): + if value is None: + return _NONE_NAME + elif isinstance(value, conv): + return value + else: + return super(_defer_name, cls).__new__(cls, value) + + def __reduce__(self): + return self.__class__, (util.text_type(self),) + + +class _defer_none_name(_defer_name): + """indicate a 'deferred' name that was ultimately the value None.""" + + __slots__ = () + + +_NONE_NAME = _defer_none_name("_unnamed_") + +# for backwards compatibility in case +# someone is re-implementing the +# _truncated_identifier() sequence in a custom +# compiler +_generated_label = _truncated_label + + +class _anonymous_label(_truncated_label): + """A unicode subclass used to identify anonymously + generated names.""" + + __slots__ = () + + def __add__(self, other): + return _anonymous_label( + quoted_name( + util.text_type.__add__(self, util.text_type(other)), self.quote + ) + ) + + def __radd__(self, other): + return _anonymous_label( + quoted_name( + util.text_type.__add__(util.text_type(other), self), self.quote + ) + ) + + def apply_map(self, map_): + if self.quote is not None: + # preserve quoting only if necessary + return quoted_name(self % map_, self.quote) + else: + # else skip the constructor call + return self % map_ + + +def _as_truncated(value): + """coerce the given value to :class:`._truncated_label`. + + Existing :class:`._truncated_label` and + :class:`._anonymous_label` objects are passed + unchanged. + """ + + if isinstance(value, _truncated_label): + return value + else: + return _truncated_label(value) + + +def _string_or_unprintable(element): + if isinstance(element, util.string_types): + return element + else: + try: + return str(element) + except Exception: + return "unprintable element %r" % element + + +def _expand_cloned(elements): + """expand the given set of ClauseElements to be the set of all 'cloned' + predecessors. + + """ + return itertools.chain(*[x._cloned_set for x in elements]) + + +def _select_iterables(elements): + """expand tables into individual columns in the + given list of column expressions. + + """ + return itertools.chain(*[c._select_iterable for c in elements]) + + +def _cloned_intersection(a, b): + """return the intersection of sets a and b, counting + any overlap between 'cloned' predecessors. + + The returned set is in terms of the entities present within 'a'. + + """ + all_overlap = set(_expand_cloned(a)).intersection(_expand_cloned(b)) + return set( + elem for elem in a if all_overlap.intersection(elem._cloned_set) + ) + + +def _cloned_difference(a, b): + all_overlap = set(_expand_cloned(a)).intersection(_expand_cloned(b)) + return set( + elem for elem in a if not all_overlap.intersection(elem._cloned_set) + ) + + +@util.dependencies("sqlalchemy.sql.functions") +def _labeled(functions, element): + if not hasattr(element, "name") or isinstance( + element, functions.FunctionElement + ): + return element.label(None) + else: + return element + + +def _is_column(col): + """True if ``col`` is an instance of :class:`.ColumnElement`.""" + + return isinstance(col, ColumnElement) + + +def _find_columns(clause): + """locate Column objects within the given expression.""" + + cols = util.column_set() + traverse(clause, {}, {"column": cols.add}) + return cols + + +# there is some inconsistency here between the usage of +# inspect() vs. checking for Visitable and __clause_element__. +# Ideally all functions here would derive from inspect(), +# however the inspect() versions add significant callcount +# overhead for critical functions like _interpret_as_column_or_from(). +# Generally, the column-based functions are more performance critical +# and are fine just checking for __clause_element__(). It is only +# _interpret_as_from() where we'd like to be able to receive ORM entities +# that have no defined namespace, hence inspect() is needed there. + + +def _column_as_key(element): + if isinstance(element, util.string_types): + return element + if hasattr(element, "__clause_element__"): + element = element.__clause_element__() + try: + return element.key + except AttributeError: + return None + + +def _clause_element_as_expr(element): + if hasattr(element, "__clause_element__"): + return element.__clause_element__() + else: + return element + + +def _literal_as_label_reference(element): + if isinstance(element, util.string_types): + return _textual_label_reference(element) + + elif hasattr(element, "__clause_element__"): + element = element.__clause_element__() + + return _literal_as_text(element) + + +def _literal_and_labels_as_label_reference(element): + if isinstance(element, util.string_types): + return _textual_label_reference(element) + + elif hasattr(element, "__clause_element__"): + element = element.__clause_element__() + + if ( + isinstance(element, ColumnElement) + and element._order_by_label_element is not None + ): + return _label_reference(element) + else: + return _literal_as_text(element) + + +def _expression_literal_as_text(element): + return _literal_as_text(element, warn=True) + + +def _literal_as_text(element, warn=False): + if isinstance(element, Visitable): + return element + elif hasattr(element, "__clause_element__"): + return element.__clause_element__() + elif isinstance(element, util.string_types): + if warn: + util.warn_limited( + "Textual SQL expression %(expr)r should be " + "explicitly declared as text(%(expr)r)", + {"expr": util.ellipses_string(element)}, + ) + + return TextClause(util.text_type(element)) + elif isinstance(element, (util.NoneType, bool)): + return _const_expr(element) + else: + raise exc.ArgumentError( + "SQL expression object or string expected, got object of type %r " + "instead" % type(element) + ) + + +def _no_literals(element): + if hasattr(element, "__clause_element__"): + return element.__clause_element__() + elif not isinstance(element, Visitable): + raise exc.ArgumentError( + "Ambiguous literal: %r. Use the 'text()' " + "function to indicate a SQL expression " + "literal, or 'literal()' to indicate a " + "bound value." % (element,) + ) + else: + return element + + +def _is_literal(element): + return not isinstance(element, Visitable) and not hasattr( + element, "__clause_element__" + ) + + +def _only_column_elements_or_none(element, name): + if element is None: + return None + else: + return _only_column_elements(element, name) + + +def _only_column_elements(element, name): + if hasattr(element, "__clause_element__"): + element = element.__clause_element__() + if not isinstance(element, ColumnElement): + raise exc.ArgumentError( + "Column-based expression object expected for argument " + "'%s'; got: '%s', type %s" % (name, element, type(element)) + ) + return element + + +def _literal_as_binds(element, name=None, type_=None): + if hasattr(element, "__clause_element__"): + return element.__clause_element__() + elif not isinstance(element, Visitable): + if element is None: + return Null() + else: + return BindParameter(name, element, type_=type_, unique=True) + else: + return element + + +_guess_straight_column = re.compile(r"^\w\S*$", re.I) + + +def _interpret_as_column_or_from(element): + if isinstance(element, Visitable): + return element + elif hasattr(element, "__clause_element__"): + return element.__clause_element__() + + insp = inspection.inspect(element, raiseerr=False) + if insp is None: + if isinstance(element, (util.NoneType, bool)): + return _const_expr(element) + elif hasattr(insp, "selectable"): + return insp.selectable + + # be forgiving as this is an extremely common + # and known expression + if element == "*": + guess_is_literal = True + elif isinstance(element, (numbers.Number)): + return ColumnClause(str(element), is_literal=True) + else: + element = str(element) + # give into temptation, as this fact we are guessing about + # is not one we've previously ever needed our users tell us; + # but let them know we are not happy about it + guess_is_literal = not _guess_straight_column.match(element) + util.warn_limited( + "Textual column expression %(column)r should be " + "explicitly declared with text(%(column)r), " + "or use %(literal_column)s(%(column)r) " + "for more specificity", + { + "column": util.ellipses_string(element), + "literal_column": "literal_column" + if guess_is_literal + else "column", + }, + ) + return ColumnClause(element, is_literal=guess_is_literal) + + +def _const_expr(element): + if isinstance(element, (Null, False_, True_)): + return element + elif element is None: + return Null() + elif element is False: + return False_() + elif element is True: + return True_() + else: + raise exc.ArgumentError("Expected None, False, or True") + + +def _type_from_args(args): + for a in args: + if not a.type._isnull: + return a.type + else: + return type_api.NULLTYPE + + +def _corresponding_column_or_error(fromclause, column, require_embedded=False): + c = fromclause.corresponding_column( + column, require_embedded=require_embedded + ) + if c is None: + raise exc.InvalidRequestError( + "Given column '%s', attached to table '%s', " + "failed to locate a corresponding column from table '%s'" + % (column, getattr(column, "table", None), fromclause.description) + ) + return c + + +class AnnotatedColumnElement(Annotated): + def __init__(self, element, values): + Annotated.__init__(self, element, values) + ColumnElement.comparator._reset(self) + for attr in ("name", "key", "table"): + if self.__dict__.get(attr, False) is None: + self.__dict__.pop(attr) + + def _with_annotations(self, values): + clone = super(AnnotatedColumnElement, self)._with_annotations(values) + ColumnElement.comparator._reset(clone) + return clone + + @util.memoized_property + def name(self): + """pull 'name' from parent, if not present""" + return self._Annotated__element.name + + @util.memoized_property + def table(self): + """pull 'table' from parent, if not present""" + return self._Annotated__element.table + + @util.memoized_property + def key(self): + """pull 'key' from parent, if not present""" + return self._Annotated__element.key + + @util.memoized_property + def info(self): + return self._Annotated__element.info + + @util.memoized_property + def anon_label(self): + return self._Annotated__element.anon_label diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/expression.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/expression.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2a27d0b --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/expression.py @@ -0,0 +1,260 @@ +# sql/expression.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +"""Defines the public namespace for SQL expression constructs. + +Prior to version 0.9, this module contained all of "elements", "dml", +"default_comparator" and "selectable". The module was broken up +and most "factory" functions were moved to be grouped with their associated +class. + +""" + +__all__ = [ + "Alias", + "any_", + "all_", + "ClauseElement", + "ColumnCollection", + "ColumnElement", + "CompoundSelect", + "Delete", + "FromClause", + "Insert", + "Join", + "Lateral", + "Select", + "Selectable", + "TableClause", + "Update", + "alias", + "and_", + "asc", + "between", + "bindparam", + "case", + "cast", + "column", + "delete", + "desc", + "distinct", + "except_", + "except_all", + "exists", + "extract", + "func", + "modifier", + "collate", + "insert", + "intersect", + "intersect_all", + "join", + "label", + "lateral", + "literal", + "literal_column", + "not_", + "null", + "nullsfirst", + "nullslast", + "or_", + "outparam", + "outerjoin", + "over", + "select", + "subquery", + "table", + "text", + "tuple_", + "type_coerce", + "quoted_name", + "union", + "union_all", + "update", + "within_group", + "TableSample", + "tablesample", +] + + +from .base import _from_objects # noqa +from .base import ColumnCollection # noqa +from .base import Executable # noqa +from .base import Generative # noqa +from .base import PARSE_AUTOCOMMIT # noqa +from .dml import Delete # noqa +from .dml import Insert # noqa +from .dml import Update # noqa +from .dml import UpdateBase # noqa +from .dml import ValuesBase # noqa +from .elements import _clause_element_as_expr # noqa +from .elements import _clone # noqa +from .elements import _cloned_difference # noqa +from .elements import _cloned_intersection # noqa +from .elements import _column_as_key # noqa +from .elements import _corresponding_column_or_error # noqa +from .elements import _expression_literal_as_text # noqa +from .elements import _is_column # noqa +from .elements import _labeled # noqa +from .elements import _literal_as_binds # noqa +from .elements import _literal_as_label_reference # noqa +from .elements import _literal_as_text # noqa +from .elements import _only_column_elements # noqa +from .elements import _select_iterables # noqa +from .elements import _string_or_unprintable # noqa +from .elements import _truncated_label # noqa +from .elements import between # noqa +from .elements import BinaryExpression # noqa +from .elements import BindParameter # noqa +from .elements import BooleanClauseList # noqa +from .elements import Case # noqa +from .elements import Cast # noqa +from .elements import ClauseElement # noqa +from .elements import ClauseList # noqa +from .elements import collate # noqa +from .elements import CollectionAggregate # noqa +from .elements import ColumnClause # noqa +from .elements import ColumnElement # noqa +from .elements import Extract # noqa +from .elements import False_ # noqa +from .elements import FunctionFilter # noqa +from .elements import Grouping # noqa +from .elements import Label # noqa +from .elements import literal # noqa +from .elements import literal_column # noqa +from .elements import not_ # noqa +from .elements import Null # noqa +from .elements import outparam # noqa +from .elements import Over # noqa +from .elements import quoted_name # noqa +from .elements import ReleaseSavepointClause # noqa +from .elements import RollbackToSavepointClause # noqa +from .elements import SavepointClause # noqa +from .elements import TextClause # noqa +from .elements import True_ # noqa +from .elements import Tuple # noqa +from .elements import TypeClause # noqa +from .elements import TypeCoerce # noqa +from .elements import UnaryExpression # noqa +from .elements import WithinGroup # noqa +from .functions import func # noqa +from .functions import Function # noqa +from .functions import FunctionElement # noqa +from .functions import modifier # noqa +from .selectable import _interpret_as_from # noqa +from .selectable import Alias # noqa +from .selectable import alias # noqa +from .selectable import CompoundSelect # noqa +from .selectable import CTE # noqa +from .selectable import Exists # noqa +from .selectable import FromClause # noqa +from .selectable import FromGrouping # noqa +from .selectable import GenerativeSelect # noqa +from .selectable import HasCTE # noqa +from .selectable import HasPrefixes # noqa +from .selectable import HasSuffixes # noqa +from .selectable import Join # noqa +from .selectable import Lateral # noqa +from .selectable import lateral # noqa +from .selectable import ScalarSelect # noqa +from .selectable import Select # noqa +from .selectable import Selectable # noqa +from .selectable import SelectBase # noqa +from .selectable import subquery # noqa +from .selectable import TableClause # noqa +from .selectable import TableSample # noqa +from .selectable import tablesample # noqa +from .selectable import TextAsFrom # noqa +from .visitors import Visitable # noqa +from ..util.langhelpers import public_factory # noqa + + +# factory functions - these pull class-bound constructors and classmethods +# from SQL elements and selectables into public functions. This allows +# the functions to be available in the sqlalchemy.sql.* namespace and +# to be auto-cross-documenting from the function to the class itself. + +all_ = public_factory(CollectionAggregate._create_all, ".expression.all_") +any_ = public_factory(CollectionAggregate._create_any, ".expression.any_") +and_ = public_factory(BooleanClauseList.and_, ".expression.and_") +or_ = public_factory(BooleanClauseList.or_, ".expression.or_") +bindparam = public_factory(BindParameter, ".expression.bindparam") +select = public_factory(Select, ".expression.select") +text = public_factory(TextClause._create_text, ".expression.text") +table = public_factory(TableClause, ".expression.table") +column = public_factory(ColumnClause, ".expression.column") +over = public_factory(Over, ".expression.over") +within_group = public_factory(WithinGroup, ".expression.within_group") +label = public_factory(Label, ".expression.label") +case = public_factory(Case, ".expression.case") +cast = public_factory(Cast, ".expression.cast") +extract = public_factory(Extract, ".exp # noqaression.extract") +tuple_ = public_factory(Tuple, ".expression.tuple_") +except_ = public_factory(CompoundSelect._create_except, ".expression.except_") +except_all = public_factory( + CompoundSelect._create_except_all, ".expression.except_all" +) +intersect = public_factory( + CompoundSelect._create_intersect, ".expression.intersect" +) +intersect_all = public_factory( + CompoundSelect._create_intersect_all, ".expression.intersect_all" +) +union = public_factory(CompoundSelect._create_union, ".expression.union") +union_all = public_factory( + CompoundSelect._create_union_all, ".expression.union_all" +) +exists = public_factory(Exists, ".expression.exists") +nullsfirst = public_factory( + UnaryExpression._create_nullsfirst, ".expression.nullsfirst" +) +nullslast = public_factory( + UnaryExpression._create_nullslast, ".expression.nullslast" +) +asc = public_factory(UnaryExpression._create_asc, ".expression.asc") +desc = public_factory(UnaryExpression._create_desc, ".expression.desc") +distinct = public_factory( + UnaryExpression._create_distinct, ".expression.distinct" +) +type_coerce = public_factory(TypeCoerce, ".expression.type_coerce") +true = public_factory(True_._instance, ".expression.true") +false = public_factory(False_._instance, ".expression.false") +null = public_factory(Null._instance, ".expression.null") +join = public_factory(Join._create_join, ".expression.join") +outerjoin = public_factory(Join._create_outerjoin, ".expression.outerjoin") +insert = public_factory(Insert, ".expression.insert") +update = public_factory(Update, ".expression.update") +delete = public_factory(Delete, ".expression.delete") +funcfilter = public_factory(FunctionFilter, ".expression.funcfilter") + + +# internal functions still being called from tests and the ORM, +# these might be better off in some other namespace + + +# old names for compatibility +_Executable = Executable +_BindParamClause = BindParameter +_Label = Label +_SelectBase = SelectBase +_BinaryExpression = BinaryExpression +_Cast = Cast +_Null = Null +_False = False_ +_True = True_ +_TextClause = TextClause +_UnaryExpression = UnaryExpression +_Case = Case +_Tuple = Tuple +_Over = Over +_Generative = Generative +_TypeClause = TypeClause +_Extract = Extract +_Exists = Exists +_Grouping = Grouping +_FromGrouping = FromGrouping +_ScalarSelect = ScalarSelect diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/functions.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/functions.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..23fe7e9 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/functions.py @@ -0,0 +1,915 @@ +# sql/functions.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +"""SQL function API, factories, and built-in functions. + +""" +from . import annotation +from . import operators +from . import schema +from . import sqltypes +from . import util as sqlutil +from .base import ColumnCollection +from .base import Executable +from .elements import _clone +from .elements import _literal_as_binds +from .elements import _type_from_args +from .elements import BindParameter +from .elements import Cast +from .elements import ClauseList +from .elements import ColumnElement +from .elements import Extract +from .elements import FunctionFilter +from .elements import Grouping +from .elements import literal_column +from .elements import Over +from .elements import WithinGroup +from .selectable import Alias +from .selectable import FromClause +from .selectable import Select +from .visitors import VisitableType +from .. import util + +_registry = util.defaultdict(dict) + + +def register_function(identifier, fn, package="_default"): + """Associate a callable with a particular func. name. + + This is normally called by _GenericMeta, but is also + available by itself so that a non-Function construct + can be associated with the :data:`.func` accessor (i.e. + CAST, EXTRACT). + + """ + reg = _registry[package] + reg[identifier] = fn + + +class FunctionElement(Executable, ColumnElement, FromClause): + """Base for SQL function-oriented constructs. + + .. seealso:: + + :class:`.Function` - named SQL function. + + :data:`.func` - namespace which produces registered or ad-hoc + :class:`.Function` instances. + + :class:`.GenericFunction` - allows creation of registered function + types. + + """ + + packagenames = () + + def __init__(self, *clauses, **kwargs): + """Construct a :class:`.FunctionElement`. + """ + args = [_literal_as_binds(c, self.name) for c in clauses] + self.clause_expr = ClauseList( + operator=operators.comma_op, group_contents=True, *args + ).self_group() + + def _execute_on_connection(self, connection, multiparams, params): + return connection._execute_function(self, multiparams, params) + + @property + def columns(self): + """The set of columns exported by this :class:`.FunctionElement`. + + Function objects currently have no result column names built in; + this method returns a single-element column collection with + an anonymously named column. + + An interim approach to providing named columns for a function + as a FROM clause is to build a :func:`.select` with the + desired columns:: + + from sqlalchemy.sql import column + + stmt = select([column('x'), column('y')]).\ + select_from(func.myfunction()) + + + """ + return ColumnCollection(self.label(None)) + + @util.memoized_property + def clauses(self): + """Return the underlying :class:`.ClauseList` which contains + the arguments for this :class:`.FunctionElement`. + + """ + return self.clause_expr.element + + def over(self, partition_by=None, order_by=None, rows=None, range_=None): + """Produce an OVER clause against this function. + + Used against aggregate or so-called "window" functions, + for database backends that support window functions. + + The expression:: + + func.row_number().over(order_by='x') + + is shorthand for:: + + from sqlalchemy import over + over(func.row_number(), order_by='x') + + See :func:`~.expression.over` for a full description. + + .. versionadded:: 0.7 + + """ + return Over( + self, + partition_by=partition_by, + order_by=order_by, + rows=rows, + range_=range_, + ) + + def within_group(self, *order_by): + """Produce a WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY expr) clause against this function. + + Used against so-called "ordered set aggregate" and "hypothetical + set aggregate" functions, including :class:`.percentile_cont`, + :class:`.rank`, :class:`.dense_rank`, etc. + + See :func:`~.expression.within_group` for a full description. + + .. versionadded:: 1.1 + + + """ + return WithinGroup(self, *order_by) + + def filter(self, *criterion): + """Produce a FILTER clause against this function. + + Used against aggregate and window functions, + for database backends that support the "FILTER" clause. + + The expression:: + + func.count(1).filter(True) + + is shorthand for:: + + from sqlalchemy import funcfilter + funcfilter(func.count(1), True) + + .. versionadded:: 1.0.0 + + .. seealso:: + + :class:`.FunctionFilter` + + :func:`.funcfilter` + + + """ + if not criterion: + return self + return FunctionFilter(self, *criterion) + + @property + def _from_objects(self): + return self.clauses._from_objects + + def get_children(self, **kwargs): + return (self.clause_expr,) + + def _copy_internals(self, clone=_clone, **kw): + self.clause_expr = clone(self.clause_expr, **kw) + self._reset_exported() + FunctionElement.clauses._reset(self) + + def within_group_type(self, within_group): + """For types that define their return type as based on the criteria + within a WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY) expression, called by the + :class:`.WithinGroup` construct. + + Returns None by default, in which case the function's normal ``.type`` + is used. + + """ + + return None + + def alias(self, name=None, flat=False): + r"""Produce a :class:`.Alias` construct against this + :class:`.FunctionElement`. + + This construct wraps the function in a named alias which + is suitable for the FROM clause, in the style accepted for example + by PostgreSQL. + + e.g.:: + + from sqlalchemy.sql import column + + stmt = select([column('data_view')]).\ + select_from(SomeTable).\ + select_from(func.unnest(SomeTable.data).alias('data_view') + ) + + Would produce: + + .. sourcecode:: sql + + SELECT data_view + FROM sometable, unnest(sometable.data) AS data_view + + .. versionadded:: 0.9.8 The :meth:`.FunctionElement.alias` method + is now supported. Previously, this method's behavior was + undefined and did not behave consistently across versions. + + """ + + return Alias(self, name) + + def select(self): + """Produce a :func:`~.expression.select` construct + against this :class:`.FunctionElement`. + + This is shorthand for:: + + s = select([function_element]) + + """ + s = Select([self]) + if self._execution_options: + s = s.execution_options(**self._execution_options) + return s + + def scalar(self): + """Execute this :class:`.FunctionElement` against an embedded + 'bind' and return a scalar value. + + This first calls :meth:`~.FunctionElement.select` to + produce a SELECT construct. + + Note that :class:`.FunctionElement` can be passed to + the :meth:`.Connectable.scalar` method of :class:`.Connection` + or :class:`.Engine`. + + """ + return self.select().execute().scalar() + + def execute(self): + """Execute this :class:`.FunctionElement` against an embedded + 'bind'. + + This first calls :meth:`~.FunctionElement.select` to + produce a SELECT construct. + + Note that :class:`.FunctionElement` can be passed to + the :meth:`.Connectable.execute` method of :class:`.Connection` + or :class:`.Engine`. + + """ + return self.select().execute() + + def _bind_param(self, operator, obj, type_=None): + return BindParameter( + None, + obj, + _compared_to_operator=operator, + _compared_to_type=self.type, + unique=True, + type_=type_, + ) + + def self_group(self, against=None): + # for the moment, we are parenthesizing all array-returning + # expressions against getitem. This may need to be made + # more portable if in the future we support other DBs + # besides postgresql. + if against is operators.getitem and isinstance( + self.type, sqltypes.ARRAY + ): + return Grouping(self) + else: + return super(FunctionElement, self).self_group(against=against) + + +class _FunctionGenerator(object): + """Generate :class:`.Function` objects based on getattr calls.""" + + def __init__(self, **opts): + self.__names = [] + self.opts = opts + + def __getattr__(self, name): + # passthru __ attributes; fixes pydoc + if name.startswith("__"): + try: + return self.__dict__[name] + except KeyError: + raise AttributeError(name) + + elif name.endswith("_"): + name = name[0:-1] + f = _FunctionGenerator(**self.opts) + f.__names = list(self.__names) + [name] + return f + + def __call__(self, *c, **kwargs): + o = self.opts.copy() + o.update(kwargs) + + tokens = len(self.__names) + + if tokens == 2: + package, fname = self.__names + elif tokens == 1: + package, fname = "_default", self.__names[0] + else: + package = None + + if package is not None: + func = _registry[package].get(fname) + if func is not None: + return func(*c, **o) + + return Function( + self.__names[-1], packagenames=self.__names[0:-1], *c, **o + ) + + +func = _FunctionGenerator() +"""Generate SQL function expressions. + + :data:`.func` is a special object instance which generates SQL + functions based on name-based attributes, e.g.:: + + >>> print(func.count(1)) + count(:param_1) + + The element is a column-oriented SQL element like any other, and is + used in that way:: + + >>> print(select([func.count(table.c.id)])) + SELECT count(sometable.id) FROM sometable + + Any name can be given to :data:`.func`. If the function name is unknown to + SQLAlchemy, it will be rendered exactly as is. For common SQL functions + which SQLAlchemy is aware of, the name may be interpreted as a *generic + function* which will be compiled appropriately to the target database:: + + >>> print(func.current_timestamp()) + CURRENT_TIMESTAMP + + To call functions which are present in dot-separated packages, + specify them in the same manner:: + + >>> print(func.stats.yield_curve(5, 10)) + stats.yield_curve(:yield_curve_1, :yield_curve_2) + + SQLAlchemy can be made aware of the return type of functions to enable + type-specific lexical and result-based behavior. For example, to ensure + that a string-based function returns a Unicode value and is similarly + treated as a string in expressions, specify + :class:`~sqlalchemy.types.Unicode` as the type: + + >>> print(func.my_string(u'hi', type_=Unicode) + ' ' + + ... func.my_string(u'there', type_=Unicode)) + my_string(:my_string_1) || :my_string_2 || my_string(:my_string_3) + + The object returned by a :data:`.func` call is usually an instance of + :class:`.Function`. + This object meets the "column" interface, including comparison and labeling + functions. The object can also be passed the :meth:`~.Connectable.execute` + method of a :class:`.Connection` or :class:`.Engine`, where it will be + wrapped inside of a SELECT statement first:: + + print(connection.execute(func.current_timestamp()).scalar()) + + In a few exception cases, the :data:`.func` accessor + will redirect a name to a built-in expression such as :func:`.cast` + or :func:`.extract`, as these names have well-known meaning + but are not exactly the same as "functions" from a SQLAlchemy + perspective. + + .. versionadded:: 0.8 :data:`.func` can return non-function expression + constructs for common quasi-functional names like :func:`.cast` + and :func:`.extract`. + + Functions which are interpreted as "generic" functions know how to + calculate their return type automatically. For a listing of known generic + functions, see :ref:`generic_functions`. + + .. note:: + + The :data:`.func` construct has only limited support for calling + standalone "stored procedures", especially those with special + parameterization concerns. + + See the section :ref:`stored_procedures` for details on how to use + the DBAPI-level ``callproc()`` method for fully traditional stored + procedures. + +""" + +modifier = _FunctionGenerator(group=False) + + +class Function(FunctionElement): + """Describe a named SQL function. + + See the superclass :class:`.FunctionElement` for a description + of public methods. + + .. seealso:: + + :data:`.func` - namespace which produces registered or ad-hoc + :class:`.Function` instances. + + :class:`.GenericFunction` - allows creation of registered function + types. + + """ + + __visit_name__ = "function" + + def __init__(self, name, *clauses, **kw): + """Construct a :class:`.Function`. + + The :data:`.func` construct is normally used to construct + new :class:`.Function` instances. + + """ + self.packagenames = kw.pop("packagenames", None) or [] + self.name = name + self._bind = kw.get("bind", None) + self.type = sqltypes.to_instance(kw.get("type_", None)) + + FunctionElement.__init__(self, *clauses, **kw) + + def _bind_param(self, operator, obj, type_=None): + return BindParameter( + self.name, + obj, + _compared_to_operator=operator, + _compared_to_type=self.type, + type_=type_, + unique=True, + ) + + +class _GenericMeta(VisitableType): + def __init__(cls, clsname, bases, clsdict): + if annotation.Annotated not in cls.__mro__: + cls.name = name = clsdict.get("name", clsname) + cls.identifier = identifier = clsdict.get("identifier", name) + package = clsdict.pop("package", "_default") + # legacy + if "__return_type__" in clsdict: + cls.type = clsdict["__return_type__"] + register_function(identifier, cls, package) + super(_GenericMeta, cls).__init__(clsname, bases, clsdict) + + +class GenericFunction(util.with_metaclass(_GenericMeta, Function)): + """Define a 'generic' function. + + A generic function is a pre-established :class:`.Function` + class that is instantiated automatically when called + by name from the :data:`.func` attribute. Note that + calling any name from :data:`.func` has the effect that + a new :class:`.Function` instance is created automatically, + given that name. The primary use case for defining + a :class:`.GenericFunction` class is so that a function + of a particular name may be given a fixed return type. + It can also include custom argument parsing schemes as well + as additional methods. + + Subclasses of :class:`.GenericFunction` are automatically + registered under the name of the class. For + example, a user-defined function ``as_utc()`` would + be available immediately:: + + from sqlalchemy.sql.functions import GenericFunction + from sqlalchemy.types import DateTime + + class as_utc(GenericFunction): + type = DateTime + + print select([func.as_utc()]) + + User-defined generic functions can be organized into + packages by specifying the "package" attribute when defining + :class:`.GenericFunction`. Third party libraries + containing many functions may want to use this in order + to avoid name conflicts with other systems. For example, + if our ``as_utc()`` function were part of a package + "time":: + + class as_utc(GenericFunction): + type = DateTime + package = "time" + + The above function would be available from :data:`.func` + using the package name ``time``:: + + print select([func.time.as_utc()]) + + A final option is to allow the function to be accessed + from one name in :data:`.func` but to render as a different name. + The ``identifier`` attribute will override the name used to + access the function as loaded from :data:`.func`, but will retain + the usage of ``name`` as the rendered name:: + + class GeoBuffer(GenericFunction): + type = Geometry + package = "geo" + name = "ST_Buffer" + identifier = "buffer" + + The above function will render as follows:: + + >>> print func.geo.buffer() + ST_Buffer() + + .. versionadded:: 0.8 :class:`.GenericFunction` now supports + automatic registration of new functions as well as package + and custom naming support. + + .. versionchanged:: 0.8 The attribute name ``type`` is used + to specify the function's return type at the class level. + Previously, the name ``__return_type__`` was used. This + name is still recognized for backwards-compatibility. + + """ + + coerce_arguments = True + + def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): + parsed_args = kwargs.pop("_parsed_args", None) + if parsed_args is None: + parsed_args = [_literal_as_binds(c, self.name) for c in args] + self.packagenames = [] + self._bind = kwargs.get("bind", None) + self.clause_expr = ClauseList( + operator=operators.comma_op, group_contents=True, *parsed_args + ).self_group() + self.type = sqltypes.to_instance( + kwargs.pop("type_", None) or getattr(self, "type", None) + ) + + +register_function("cast", Cast) +register_function("extract", Extract) + + +class next_value(GenericFunction): + """Represent the 'next value', given a :class:`.Sequence` + as its single argument. + + Compiles into the appropriate function on each backend, + or will raise NotImplementedError if used on a backend + that does not provide support for sequences. + + """ + + type = sqltypes.Integer() + name = "next_value" + + def __init__(self, seq, **kw): + assert isinstance( + seq, schema.Sequence + ), "next_value() accepts a Sequence object as input." + self._bind = kw.get("bind", None) + self.sequence = seq + + @property + def _from_objects(self): + return [] + + +class AnsiFunction(GenericFunction): + def __init__(self, **kwargs): + GenericFunction.__init__(self, **kwargs) + + +class ReturnTypeFromArgs(GenericFunction): + """Define a function whose return type is the same as its arguments.""" + + def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): + args = [_literal_as_binds(c, self.name) for c in args] + kwargs.setdefault("type_", _type_from_args(args)) + kwargs["_parsed_args"] = args + super(ReturnTypeFromArgs, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) + + +class coalesce(ReturnTypeFromArgs): + pass + + +class max(ReturnTypeFromArgs): # noqa + pass + + +class min(ReturnTypeFromArgs): # noqa + pass + + +class sum(ReturnTypeFromArgs): # noqa + pass + + +class now(GenericFunction): # noqa + type = sqltypes.DateTime + + +class concat(GenericFunction): + type = sqltypes.String + + +class char_length(GenericFunction): + type = sqltypes.Integer + + def __init__(self, arg, **kwargs): + GenericFunction.__init__(self, arg, **kwargs) + + +class random(GenericFunction): + pass + + +class count(GenericFunction): + r"""The ANSI COUNT aggregate function. With no arguments, + emits COUNT \*. + + """ + type = sqltypes.Integer + + def __init__(self, expression=None, **kwargs): + if expression is None: + expression = literal_column("*") + super(count, self).__init__(expression, **kwargs) + + +class current_date(AnsiFunction): + type = sqltypes.Date + + +class current_time(AnsiFunction): + type = sqltypes.Time + + +class current_timestamp(AnsiFunction): + type = sqltypes.DateTime + + +class current_user(AnsiFunction): + type = sqltypes.String + + +class localtime(AnsiFunction): + type = sqltypes.DateTime + + +class localtimestamp(AnsiFunction): + type = sqltypes.DateTime + + +class session_user(AnsiFunction): + type = sqltypes.String + + +class sysdate(AnsiFunction): + type = sqltypes.DateTime + + +class user(AnsiFunction): + type = sqltypes.String + + +class array_agg(GenericFunction): + """support for the ARRAY_AGG function. + + The ``func.array_agg(expr)`` construct returns an expression of + type :class:`.types.ARRAY`. + + e.g.:: + + stmt = select([func.array_agg(table.c.values)[2:5]]) + + .. versionadded:: 1.1 + + .. seealso:: + + :func:`.postgresql.array_agg` - PostgreSQL-specific version that + returns :class:`.postgresql.ARRAY`, which has PG-specific operators + added. + + """ + + type = sqltypes.ARRAY + + def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): + args = [_literal_as_binds(c) for c in args] + + default_array_type = kwargs.pop("_default_array_type", sqltypes.ARRAY) + if "type_" not in kwargs: + + type_from_args = _type_from_args(args) + if isinstance(type_from_args, sqltypes.ARRAY): + kwargs["type_"] = type_from_args + else: + kwargs["type_"] = default_array_type(type_from_args) + kwargs["_parsed_args"] = args + super(array_agg, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) + + +class OrderedSetAgg(GenericFunction): + """Define a function where the return type is based on the sort + expression type as defined by the expression passed to the + :meth:`.FunctionElement.within_group` method.""" + + array_for_multi_clause = False + + def within_group_type(self, within_group): + func_clauses = self.clause_expr.element + order_by = sqlutil.unwrap_order_by(within_group.order_by) + if self.array_for_multi_clause and len(func_clauses.clauses) > 1: + return sqltypes.ARRAY(order_by[0].type) + else: + return order_by[0].type + + +class mode(OrderedSetAgg): + """implement the ``mode`` ordered-set aggregate function. + + This function must be used with the :meth:`.FunctionElement.within_group` + modifier to supply a sort expression to operate upon. + + The return type of this function is the same as the sort expression. + + .. versionadded:: 1.1 + + """ + + +class percentile_cont(OrderedSetAgg): + """implement the ``percentile_cont`` ordered-set aggregate function. + + This function must be used with the :meth:`.FunctionElement.within_group` + modifier to supply a sort expression to operate upon. + + The return type of this function is the same as the sort expression, + or if the arguments are an array, an :class:`.types.ARRAY` of the sort + expression's type. + + .. versionadded:: 1.1 + + """ + + array_for_multi_clause = True + + +class percentile_disc(OrderedSetAgg): + """implement the ``percentile_disc`` ordered-set aggregate function. + + This function must be used with the :meth:`.FunctionElement.within_group` + modifier to supply a sort expression to operate upon. + + The return type of this function is the same as the sort expression, + or if the arguments are an array, an :class:`.types.ARRAY` of the sort + expression's type. + + .. versionadded:: 1.1 + + """ + + array_for_multi_clause = True + + +class rank(GenericFunction): + """Implement the ``rank`` hypothetical-set aggregate function. + + This function must be used with the :meth:`.FunctionElement.within_group` + modifier to supply a sort expression to operate upon. + + The return type of this function is :class:`.Integer`. + + .. versionadded:: 1.1 + + """ + + type = sqltypes.Integer() + + +class dense_rank(GenericFunction): + """Implement the ``dense_rank`` hypothetical-set aggregate function. + + This function must be used with the :meth:`.FunctionElement.within_group` + modifier to supply a sort expression to operate upon. + + The return type of this function is :class:`.Integer`. + + .. versionadded:: 1.1 + + """ + + type = sqltypes.Integer() + + +class percent_rank(GenericFunction): + """Implement the ``percent_rank`` hypothetical-set aggregate function. + + This function must be used with the :meth:`.FunctionElement.within_group` + modifier to supply a sort expression to operate upon. + + The return type of this function is :class:`.Numeric`. + + .. versionadded:: 1.1 + + """ + + type = sqltypes.Numeric() + + +class cume_dist(GenericFunction): + """Implement the ``cume_dist`` hypothetical-set aggregate function. + + This function must be used with the :meth:`.FunctionElement.within_group` + modifier to supply a sort expression to operate upon. + + The return type of this function is :class:`.Numeric`. + + .. versionadded:: 1.1 + + """ + + type = sqltypes.Numeric() + + +class cube(GenericFunction): + r"""Implement the ``CUBE`` grouping operation. + + This function is used as part of the GROUP BY of a statement, + e.g. :meth:`.Select.group_by`:: + + stmt = select( + [func.sum(table.c.value), table.c.col_1, table.c.col_2] + ).group_by(func.cube(table.c.col_1, table.c.col_2)) + + .. versionadded:: 1.2 + + """ + + +class rollup(GenericFunction): + r"""Implement the ``ROLLUP`` grouping operation. + + This function is used as part of the GROUP BY of a statement, + e.g. :meth:`.Select.group_by`:: + + stmt = select( + [func.sum(table.c.value), table.c.col_1, table.c.col_2] + ).group_by(func.rollup(table.c.col_1, table.c.col_2)) + + .. versionadded:: 1.2 + + """ + + +class grouping_sets(GenericFunction): + r"""Implement the ``GROUPING SETS`` grouping operation. + + This function is used as part of the GROUP BY of a statement, + e.g. :meth:`.Select.group_by`:: + + stmt = select( + [func.sum(table.c.value), table.c.col_1, table.c.col_2] + ).group_by(func.grouping_sets(table.c.col_1, table.c.col_2)) + + In order to group by multiple sets, use the :func:`.tuple_` construct:: + + from sqlalchemy import tuple_ + + stmt = select( + [ + func.sum(table.c.value), + table.c.col_1, table.c.col_2, + table.c.col_3] + ).group_by( + func.grouping_sets( + tuple_(table.c.col_1, table.c.col_2), + tuple_(table.c.value, table.c.col_3), + ) + ) + + + .. versionadded:: 1.2 + + """ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/naming.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/naming.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3d1e476 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/naming.py @@ -0,0 +1,161 @@ +# sqlalchemy/naming.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +"""Establish constraint and index naming conventions. + + +""" + +import re + +from .elements import _defer_name +from .elements import _defer_none_name +from .elements import conv +from .schema import CheckConstraint +from .schema import Column +from .schema import Constraint +from .schema import ForeignKeyConstraint +from .schema import Index +from .schema import PrimaryKeyConstraint +from .schema import Table +from .schema import UniqueConstraint +from .. import event +from .. import events # noqa +from .. import exc + + +class ConventionDict(object): + def __init__(self, const, table, convention): + self.const = const + self._is_fk = isinstance(const, ForeignKeyConstraint) + self.table = table + self.convention = convention + self._const_name = const.name + + def _key_table_name(self): + return self.table.name + + def _column_X(self, idx): + if self._is_fk: + fk = self.const.elements[idx] + return fk.parent + else: + return list(self.const.columns)[idx] + + def _key_constraint_name(self): + if isinstance(self._const_name, (type(None), _defer_none_name)): + raise exc.InvalidRequestError( + "Naming convention including " + "%(constraint_name)s token requires that " + "constraint is explicitly named." + ) + if not isinstance(self._const_name, conv): + self.const.name = None + return self._const_name + + def _key_column_X_name(self, idx): + return self._column_X(idx).name + + def _key_column_X_label(self, idx): + return self._column_X(idx)._label + + def _key_referred_table_name(self): + fk = self.const.elements[0] + refs = fk.target_fullname.split(".") + if len(refs) == 3: + refschema, reftable, refcol = refs + else: + reftable, refcol = refs + return reftable + + def _key_referred_column_X_name(self, idx): + fk = self.const.elements[idx] + refs = fk.target_fullname.split(".") + if len(refs) == 3: + refschema, reftable, refcol = refs + else: + reftable, refcol = refs + return refcol + + def __getitem__(self, key): + if key in self.convention: + return self.convention[key](self.const, self.table) + elif hasattr(self, "_key_%s" % key): + return getattr(self, "_key_%s" % key)() + else: + col_template = re.match(r".*_?column_(\d+)_.+", key) + if col_template: + idx = col_template.group(1) + attr = "_key_" + key.replace(idx, "X") + idx = int(idx) + if hasattr(self, attr): + return getattr(self, attr)(idx) + raise KeyError(key) + + +_prefix_dict = { + Index: "ix", + PrimaryKeyConstraint: "pk", + CheckConstraint: "ck", + UniqueConstraint: "uq", + ForeignKeyConstraint: "fk", +} + + +def _get_convention(dict_, key): + + for super_ in key.__mro__: + if super_ in _prefix_dict and _prefix_dict[super_] in dict_: + return dict_[_prefix_dict[super_]] + elif super_ in dict_: + return dict_[super_] + else: + return None + + +def _constraint_name_for_table(const, table): + metadata = table.metadata + convention = _get_convention(metadata.naming_convention, type(const)) + + if isinstance(const.name, conv): + return const.name + elif ( + convention is not None + and not isinstance(const.name, conv) + and ( + const.name is None + or "constraint_name" in convention + or isinstance(const.name, _defer_name) + ) + ): + return conv( + convention + % ConventionDict(const, table, metadata.naming_convention) + ) + elif isinstance(convention, _defer_none_name): + return None + + +@event.listens_for(Constraint, "after_parent_attach") +@event.listens_for(Index, "after_parent_attach") +def _constraint_name(const, table): + if isinstance(table, Column): + # for column-attached constraint, set another event + # to link the column attached to the table as this constraint + # associated with the table. + event.listen( + table, + "after_parent_attach", + lambda col, table: _constraint_name(const, table), + ) + elif isinstance(table, Table): + if isinstance(const.name, (conv, _defer_name)): + return + + newname = _constraint_name_for_table(const, table) + if newname is not None: + const.name = newname diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/operators.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/operators.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0d356b6 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/operators.py @@ -0,0 +1,1473 @@ +# sql/operators.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +"""Defines operators used in SQL expressions.""" + +from operator import add +from operator import and_ +from operator import contains +from operator import eq +from operator import ge +from operator import getitem +from operator import gt +from operator import inv +from operator import le +from operator import lshift +from operator import lt +from operator import mod +from operator import mul +from operator import ne +from operator import neg +from operator import or_ +from operator import rshift +from operator import sub +from operator import truediv + +from .. import util + + +if util.py2k: + from operator import div +else: + div = truediv + + +class Operators(object): + """Base of comparison and logical operators. + + Implements base methods + :meth:`~sqlalchemy.sql.operators.Operators.operate` and + :meth:`~sqlalchemy.sql.operators.Operators.reverse_operate`, as well as + :meth:`~sqlalchemy.sql.operators.Operators.__and__`, + :meth:`~sqlalchemy.sql.operators.Operators.__or__`, + :meth:`~sqlalchemy.sql.operators.Operators.__invert__`. + + Usually is used via its most common subclass + :class:`.ColumnOperators`. + + """ + + __slots__ = () + + def __and__(self, other): + """Implement the ``&`` operator. + + When used with SQL expressions, results in an + AND operation, equivalent to + :func:`~.expression.and_`, that is:: + + a & b + + is equivalent to:: + + from sqlalchemy import and_ + and_(a, b) + + Care should be taken when using ``&`` regarding + operator precedence; the ``&`` operator has the highest precedence. + The operands should be enclosed in parenthesis if they contain + further sub expressions:: + + (a == 2) & (b == 4) + + """ + return self.operate(and_, other) + + def __or__(self, other): + """Implement the ``|`` operator. + + When used with SQL expressions, results in an + OR operation, equivalent to + :func:`~.expression.or_`, that is:: + + a | b + + is equivalent to:: + + from sqlalchemy import or_ + or_(a, b) + + Care should be taken when using ``|`` regarding + operator precedence; the ``|`` operator has the highest precedence. + The operands should be enclosed in parenthesis if they contain + further sub expressions:: + + (a == 2) | (b == 4) + + """ + return self.operate(or_, other) + + def __invert__(self): + """Implement the ``~`` operator. + + When used with SQL expressions, results in a + NOT operation, equivalent to + :func:`~.expression.not_`, that is:: + + ~a + + is equivalent to:: + + from sqlalchemy import not_ + not_(a) + + """ + return self.operate(inv) + + def op( + self, opstring, precedence=0, is_comparison=False, return_type=None + ): + """produce a generic operator function. + + e.g.:: + + somecolumn.op("*")(5) + + produces:: + + somecolumn * 5 + + This function can also be used to make bitwise operators explicit. For + example:: + + somecolumn.op('&')(0xff) + + is a bitwise AND of the value in ``somecolumn``. + + :param operator: a string which will be output as the infix operator + between this element and the expression passed to the + generated function. + + :param precedence: precedence to apply to the operator, when + parenthesizing expressions. A lower number will cause the expression + to be parenthesized when applied against another operator with + higher precedence. The default value of ``0`` is lower than all + operators except for the comma (``,``) and ``AS`` operators. + A value of 100 will be higher or equal to all operators, and -100 + will be lower than or equal to all operators. + + .. versionadded:: 0.8 - added the 'precedence' argument. + + :param is_comparison: if True, the operator will be considered as a + "comparison" operator, that is which evaluates to a boolean + true/false value, like ``==``, ``>``, etc. This flag should be set + so that ORM relationships can establish that the operator is a + comparison operator when used in a custom join condition. + + .. versionadded:: 0.9.2 - added the + :paramref:`.Operators.op.is_comparison` flag. + + :param return_type: a :class:`.TypeEngine` class or object that will + force the return type of an expression produced by this operator + to be of that type. By default, operators that specify + :paramref:`.Operators.op.is_comparison` will resolve to + :class:`.Boolean`, and those that do not will be of the same + type as the left-hand operand. + + .. versionadded:: 1.2.0b3 - added the + :paramref:`.Operators.op.return_type` argument. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`types_operators` + + :ref:`relationship_custom_operator` + + """ + operator = custom_op(opstring, precedence, is_comparison, return_type) + + def against(other): + return operator(self, other) + + return against + + def bool_op(self, opstring, precedence=0): + """Return a custom boolean operator. + + This method is shorthand for calling + :meth:`.Operators.op` and passing the + :paramref:`.Operators.op.is_comparison` + flag with True. + + .. versionadded:: 1.2.0b3 + + .. seealso:: + + :meth:`.Operators.op` + + """ + return self.op(opstring, precedence=precedence, is_comparison=True) + + def operate(self, op, *other, **kwargs): + r"""Operate on an argument. + + This is the lowest level of operation, raises + :class:`NotImplementedError` by default. + + Overriding this on a subclass can allow common + behavior to be applied to all operations. + For example, overriding :class:`.ColumnOperators` + to apply ``func.lower()`` to the left and right + side:: + + class MyComparator(ColumnOperators): + def operate(self, op, other): + return op(func.lower(self), func.lower(other)) + + :param op: Operator callable. + :param \*other: the 'other' side of the operation. Will + be a single scalar for most operations. + :param \**kwargs: modifiers. These may be passed by special + operators such as :meth:`ColumnOperators.contains`. + + + """ + raise NotImplementedError(str(op)) + + def reverse_operate(self, op, other, **kwargs): + """Reverse operate on an argument. + + Usage is the same as :meth:`operate`. + + """ + raise NotImplementedError(str(op)) + + +class custom_op(object): + """Represent a 'custom' operator. + + :class:`.custom_op` is normally instantiated when the + :meth:`.Operators.op` or :meth:`.Operators.bool_op` methods + are used to create a custom operator callable. The class can also be + used directly when programmatically constructing expressions. E.g. + to represent the "factorial" operation:: + + from sqlalchemy.sql import UnaryExpression + from sqlalchemy.sql import operators + from sqlalchemy import Numeric + + unary = UnaryExpression(table.c.somecolumn, + modifier=operators.custom_op("!"), + type_=Numeric) + + + .. seealso:: + + :meth:`.Operators.op` + + :meth:`.Operators.bool_op` + + """ + + __name__ = "custom_op" + + def __init__( + self, + opstring, + precedence=0, + is_comparison=False, + return_type=None, + natural_self_precedent=False, + eager_grouping=False, + ): + self.opstring = opstring + self.precedence = precedence + self.is_comparison = is_comparison + self.natural_self_precedent = natural_self_precedent + self.eager_grouping = eager_grouping + self.return_type = ( + return_type._to_instance(return_type) if return_type else None + ) + + def __eq__(self, other): + return isinstance(other, custom_op) and other.opstring == self.opstring + + def __hash__(self): + return id(self) + + def __call__(self, left, right, **kw): + return left.operate(self, right, **kw) + + +class ColumnOperators(Operators): + """Defines boolean, comparison, and other operators for + :class:`.ColumnElement` expressions. + + By default, all methods call down to + :meth:`.operate` or :meth:`.reverse_operate`, + passing in the appropriate operator function from the + Python builtin ``operator`` module or + a SQLAlchemy-specific operator function from + :mod:`sqlalchemy.expression.operators`. For example + the ``__eq__`` function:: + + def __eq__(self, other): + return self.operate(operators.eq, other) + + Where ``operators.eq`` is essentially:: + + def eq(a, b): + return a == b + + The core column expression unit :class:`.ColumnElement` + overrides :meth:`.Operators.operate` and others + to return further :class:`.ColumnElement` constructs, + so that the ``==`` operation above is replaced by a clause + construct. + + See also: + + :ref:`types_operators` + + :attr:`.TypeEngine.comparator_factory` + + :class:`.ColumnOperators` + + :class:`.PropComparator` + + """ + + __slots__ = () + + timetuple = None + """Hack, allows datetime objects to be compared on the LHS.""" + + def __lt__(self, other): + """Implement the ``<`` operator. + + In a column context, produces the clause ``a < b``. + + """ + return self.operate(lt, other) + + def __le__(self, other): + """Implement the ``<=`` operator. + + In a column context, produces the clause ``a <= b``. + + """ + return self.operate(le, other) + + __hash__ = Operators.__hash__ + + def __eq__(self, other): + """Implement the ``==`` operator. + + In a column context, produces the clause ``a = b``. + If the target is ``None``, produces ``a IS NULL``. + + """ + return self.operate(eq, other) + + def __ne__(self, other): + """Implement the ``!=`` operator. + + In a column context, produces the clause ``a != b``. + If the target is ``None``, produces ``a IS NOT NULL``. + + """ + return self.operate(ne, other) + + def is_distinct_from(self, other): + """Implement the ``IS DISTINCT FROM`` operator. + + Renders "a IS DISTINCT FROM b" on most platforms; + on some such as SQLite may render "a IS NOT b". + + .. versionadded:: 1.1 + + """ + return self.operate(is_distinct_from, other) + + def isnot_distinct_from(self, other): + """Implement the ``IS NOT DISTINCT FROM`` operator. + + Renders "a IS NOT DISTINCT FROM b" on most platforms; + on some such as SQLite may render "a IS b". + + .. versionadded:: 1.1 + + """ + return self.operate(isnot_distinct_from, other) + + def __gt__(self, other): + """Implement the ``>`` operator. + + In a column context, produces the clause ``a > b``. + + """ + return self.operate(gt, other) + + def __ge__(self, other): + """Implement the ``>=`` operator. + + In a column context, produces the clause ``a >= b``. + + """ + return self.operate(ge, other) + + def __neg__(self): + """Implement the ``-`` operator. + + In a column context, produces the clause ``-a``. + + """ + return self.operate(neg) + + def __contains__(self, other): + return self.operate(contains, other) + + def __getitem__(self, index): + """Implement the [] operator. + + This can be used by some database-specific types + such as PostgreSQL ARRAY and HSTORE. + + """ + return self.operate(getitem, index) + + def __lshift__(self, other): + """implement the << operator. + + Not used by SQLAlchemy core, this is provided + for custom operator systems which want to use + << as an extension point. + """ + return self.operate(lshift, other) + + def __rshift__(self, other): + """implement the >> operator. + + Not used by SQLAlchemy core, this is provided + for custom operator systems which want to use + >> as an extension point. + """ + return self.operate(rshift, other) + + def concat(self, other): + """Implement the 'concat' operator. + + In a column context, produces the clause ``a || b``, + or uses the ``concat()`` operator on MySQL. + + """ + return self.operate(concat_op, other) + + def like(self, other, escape=None): + r"""Implement the ``like`` operator. + + In a column context, produces the expression:: + + a LIKE other + + E.g.:: + + stmt = select([sometable]).\ + where(sometable.c.column.like("%foobar%")) + + :param other: expression to be compared + :param escape: optional escape character, renders the ``ESCAPE`` + keyword, e.g.:: + + somecolumn.like("foo/%bar", escape="/") + + .. seealso:: + + :meth:`.ColumnOperators.ilike` + + """ + return self.operate(like_op, other, escape=escape) + + def ilike(self, other, escape=None): + r"""Implement the ``ilike`` operator, e.g. case insensitive LIKE. + + In a column context, produces an expression either of the form:: + + lower(a) LIKE lower(other) + + Or on backends that support the ILIKE operator:: + + a ILIKE other + + E.g.:: + + stmt = select([sometable]).\ + where(sometable.c.column.ilike("%foobar%")) + + :param other: expression to be compared + :param escape: optional escape character, renders the ``ESCAPE`` + keyword, e.g.:: + + somecolumn.ilike("foo/%bar", escape="/") + + .. seealso:: + + :meth:`.ColumnOperators.like` + + """ + return self.operate(ilike_op, other, escape=escape) + + def in_(self, other): + """Implement the ``in`` operator. + + In a column context, produces the clause ``column IN ``. + + The given parameter ``other`` may be: + + * A list of literal values, e.g.:: + + stmt.where(column.in_([1, 2, 3])) + + In this calling form, the list of items is converted to a set of + bound parameters the same length as the list given:: + + WHERE COL IN (?, ?, ?) + + * An empty list, e.g.:: + + stmt.where(column.in_([])) + + In this calling form, the expression renders a "false" expression, + e.g.:: + + WHERE 1 != 1 + + This "false" expression has historically had different behaviors + in older SQLAlchemy versions, see + :paramref:`.create_engine.empty_in_strategy` for behavioral options. + + .. versionchanged:: 1.2 simplified the behavior of "empty in" + expressions + + * A bound parameter, e.g. :func:`.bindparam`, may be used if it + includes the :paramref:`.bindparam.expanding` flag:: + + stmt.where(column.in_(bindparam('value', expanding=True))) + + In this calling form, the expression renders a special non-SQL + placeholder expression that looks like:: + + WHERE COL IN ([EXPANDING_value]) + + This placeholder expression is intercepted at statement execution + time to be converted into the variable number of bound parameter + form illustrated earlier. If the statement were executed as:: + + connection.execute(stmt, {"value": [1, 2, 3]}) + + The database would be passed a bound parameter for each value:: + + WHERE COL IN (?, ?, ?) + + .. versionadded:: 1.2 added "expanding" bound parameters + + The "expanding" feature in version 1.2 of SQLAlchemy does not + support passing an empty list as a parameter value; however, + version 1.3 does support this. + + * a :func:`.select` construct, which is usually a correlated + scalar select:: + + stmt.where( + column.in_( + select([othertable.c.y]). + where(table.c.x == othertable.c.x) + ) + ) + + In this calling form, :meth:`.ColumnOperators.in_` renders as given:: + + WHERE COL IN (SELECT othertable.y + FROM othertable WHERE othertable.x = table.x) + + :param other: a list of literals, a :func:`.select` construct, + or a :func:`.bindparam` construct that includes the + :paramref:`.bindparam.expanding` flag set to True. + + """ + return self.operate(in_op, other) + + def notin_(self, other): + """implement the ``NOT IN`` operator. + + This is equivalent to using negation with + :meth:`.ColumnOperators.in_`, i.e. ``~x.in_(y)``. + + In the case that ``other`` is an empty sequence, the compiler + produces an "empty not in" expression. This defaults to the + expression "1 = 1" to produce true in all cases. The + :paramref:`.create_engine.empty_in_strategy` may be used to + alter this behavior. + + .. versionchanged:: 1.2 The :meth:`.ColumnOperators.in_` and + :meth:`.ColumnOperators.notin_` operators + now produce a "static" expression for an empty IN sequence + by default. + + .. seealso:: + + :meth:`.ColumnOperators.in_` + + """ + return self.operate(notin_op, other) + + def notlike(self, other, escape=None): + """implement the ``NOT LIKE`` operator. + + This is equivalent to using negation with + :meth:`.ColumnOperators.like`, i.e. ``~x.like(y)``. + + .. versionadded:: 0.8 + + .. seealso:: + + :meth:`.ColumnOperators.like` + + """ + return self.operate(notlike_op, other, escape=escape) + + def notilike(self, other, escape=None): + """implement the ``NOT ILIKE`` operator. + + This is equivalent to using negation with + :meth:`.ColumnOperators.ilike`, i.e. ``~x.ilike(y)``. + + .. versionadded:: 0.8 + + .. seealso:: + + :meth:`.ColumnOperators.ilike` + + """ + return self.operate(notilike_op, other, escape=escape) + + def is_(self, other): + """Implement the ``IS`` operator. + + Normally, ``IS`` is generated automatically when comparing to a + value of ``None``, which resolves to ``NULL``. However, explicit + usage of ``IS`` may be desirable if comparing to boolean values + on certain platforms. + + .. versionadded:: 0.7.9 + + .. seealso:: :meth:`.ColumnOperators.isnot` + + """ + return self.operate(is_, other) + + def isnot(self, other): + """Implement the ``IS NOT`` operator. + + Normally, ``IS NOT`` is generated automatically when comparing to a + value of ``None``, which resolves to ``NULL``. However, explicit + usage of ``IS NOT`` may be desirable if comparing to boolean values + on certain platforms. + + .. versionadded:: 0.7.9 + + .. seealso:: :meth:`.ColumnOperators.is_` + + """ + return self.operate(isnot, other) + + def startswith(self, other, **kwargs): + r"""Implement the ``startswith`` operator. + + Produces a LIKE expression that tests against a match for the start + of a string value:: + + column LIKE || '%' + + E.g.:: + + stmt = select([sometable]).\ + where(sometable.c.column.startswith("foobar")) + + Since the operator uses ``LIKE``, wildcard characters + ``"%"`` and ``"_"`` that are present inside the expression + will behave like wildcards as well. For literal string + values, the :paramref:`.ColumnOperators.startswith.autoescape` flag + may be set to ``True`` to apply escaping to occurences of these + characters within the string value so that they match as themselves + and not as wildcard characters. Alternatively, the + :paramref:`.ColumnOperators.startswith.escape` parameter will establish + a given character as an escape character which can be of use when + the target expression is not a literal string. + + :param other: expression to be compared. This is usually a plain + string value, but can also be an arbitrary SQL expression. LIKE + wildcard characters ``%`` and ``_`` are not escaped by default unless + the :paramref:`.ColumnOperators.startswith.autoescape` flag is + set to True. + + :param autoescape: boolean; when True, establishes an escape character + within the LIKE expression, then applies it to all occurrences of + ``"%"``, ``"_"`` and the escape character itself within the + comparison value, which is assumed to be a literal string and not a + SQL expression. + + An expression such as:: + + somecolumn.startswith("foo%bar", autoescape=True) + + Will render as:: + + somecolumn LIKE :param || '%' ESCAPE '/' + + With the value of :param as ``"foo/%bar"``. + + .. versionadded:: 1.2 + + .. versionchanged:: 1.2.0 The + :paramref:`.ColumnOperators.startswith.autoescape` parameter is + now a simple boolean rather than a character; the escape + character itself is also escaped, and defaults to a forwards + slash, which itself can be customized using the + :paramref:`.ColumnOperators.startswith.escape` parameter. + + :param escape: a character which when given will render with the + ``ESCAPE`` keyword to establish that character as the escape + character. This character can then be placed preceding occurrences + of ``%`` and ``_`` to allow them to act as themselves and not + wildcard characters. + + An expression such as:: + + somecolumn.startswith("foo/%bar", escape="^") + + Will render as:: + + somecolumn LIKE :param || '%' ESCAPE '^' + + The parameter may also be combined with + :paramref:`.ColumnOperators.startswith.autoescape`:: + + somecolumn.startswith("foo%bar^bat", escape="^", autoescape=True) + + Where above, the given literal parameter will be converted to + ``"foo^%bar^^bat"`` before being passed to the database. + + .. seealso:: + + :meth:`.ColumnOperators.endswith` + + :meth:`.ColumnOperators.contains` + + :meth:`.ColumnOperators.like` + + """ + return self.operate(startswith_op, other, **kwargs) + + def endswith(self, other, **kwargs): + r"""Implement the 'endswith' operator. + + Produces a LIKE expression that tests against a match for the end + of a string value:: + + column LIKE '%' || + + E.g.:: + + stmt = select([sometable]).\ + where(sometable.c.column.endswith("foobar")) + + Since the operator uses ``LIKE``, wildcard characters + ``"%"`` and ``"_"`` that are present inside the expression + will behave like wildcards as well. For literal string + values, the :paramref:`.ColumnOperators.endswith.autoescape` flag + may be set to ``True`` to apply escaping to occurences of these + characters within the string value so that they match as themselves + and not as wildcard characters. Alternatively, the + :paramref:`.ColumnOperators.endswith.escape` parameter will establish + a given character as an escape character which can be of use when + the target expression is not a literal string. + + :param other: expression to be compared. This is usually a plain + string value, but can also be an arbitrary SQL expression. LIKE + wildcard characters ``%`` and ``_`` are not escaped by default unless + the :paramref:`.ColumnOperators.endswith.autoescape` flag is + set to True. + + :param autoescape: boolean; when True, establishes an escape character + within the LIKE expression, then applies it to all occurrences of + ``"%"``, ``"_"`` and the escape character itself within the + comparison value, which is assumed to be a literal string and not a + SQL expression. + + An expression such as:: + + somecolumn.endswith("foo%bar", autoescape=True) + + Will render as:: + + somecolumn LIKE '%' || :param ESCAPE '/' + + With the value of :param as ``"foo/%bar"``. + + .. versionadded:: 1.2 + + .. versionchanged:: 1.2.0 The + :paramref:`.ColumnOperators.endswith.autoescape` parameter is + now a simple boolean rather than a character; the escape + character itself is also escaped, and defaults to a forwards + slash, which itself can be customized using the + :paramref:`.ColumnOperators.endswith.escape` parameter. + + :param escape: a character which when given will render with the + ``ESCAPE`` keyword to establish that character as the escape + character. This character can then be placed preceding occurrences + of ``%`` and ``_`` to allow them to act as themselves and not + wildcard characters. + + An expression such as:: + + somecolumn.endswith("foo/%bar", escape="^") + + Will render as:: + + somecolumn LIKE '%' || :param ESCAPE '^' + + The parameter may also be combined with + :paramref:`.ColumnOperators.endswith.autoescape`:: + + somecolumn.endswith("foo%bar^bat", escape="^", autoescape=True) + + Where above, the given literal parameter will be converted to + ``"foo^%bar^^bat"`` before being passed to the database. + + .. seealso:: + + :meth:`.ColumnOperators.startswith` + + :meth:`.ColumnOperators.contains` + + :meth:`.ColumnOperators.like` + + """ + return self.operate(endswith_op, other, **kwargs) + + def contains(self, other, **kwargs): + r"""Implement the 'contains' operator. + + Produces a LIKE expression that tests against a match for the middle + of a string value:: + + column LIKE '%' || || '%' + + E.g.:: + + stmt = select([sometable]).\ + where(sometable.c.column.contains("foobar")) + + Since the operator uses ``LIKE``, wildcard characters + ``"%"`` and ``"_"`` that are present inside the expression + will behave like wildcards as well. For literal string + values, the :paramref:`.ColumnOperators.contains.autoescape` flag + may be set to ``True`` to apply escaping to occurences of these + characters within the string value so that they match as themselves + and not as wildcard characters. Alternatively, the + :paramref:`.ColumnOperators.contains.escape` parameter will establish + a given character as an escape character which can be of use when + the target expression is not a literal string. + + :param other: expression to be compared. This is usually a plain + string value, but can also be an arbitrary SQL expression. LIKE + wildcard characters ``%`` and ``_`` are not escaped by default unless + the :paramref:`.ColumnOperators.contains.autoescape` flag is + set to True. + + :param autoescape: boolean; when True, establishes an escape character + within the LIKE expression, then applies it to all occurrences of + ``"%"``, ``"_"`` and the escape character itself within the + comparison value, which is assumed to be a literal string and not a + SQL expression. + + An expression such as:: + + somecolumn.contains("foo%bar", autoescape=True) + + Will render as:: + + somecolumn LIKE '%' || :param || '%' ESCAPE '/' + + With the value of :param as ``"foo/%bar"``. + + .. versionadded:: 1.2 + + .. versionchanged:: 1.2.0 The + :paramref:`.ColumnOperators.contains.autoescape` parameter is + now a simple boolean rather than a character; the escape + character itself is also escaped, and defaults to a forwards + slash, which itself can be customized using the + :paramref:`.ColumnOperators.contains.escape` parameter. + + :param escape: a character which when given will render with the + ``ESCAPE`` keyword to establish that character as the escape + character. This character can then be placed preceding occurrences + of ``%`` and ``_`` to allow them to act as themselves and not + wildcard characters. + + An expression such as:: + + somecolumn.contains("foo/%bar", escape="^") + + Will render as:: + + somecolumn LIKE '%' || :param || '%' ESCAPE '^' + + The parameter may also be combined with + :paramref:`.ColumnOperators.contains.autoescape`:: + + somecolumn.contains("foo%bar^bat", escape="^", autoescape=True) + + Where above, the given literal parameter will be converted to + ``"foo^%bar^^bat"`` before being passed to the database. + + .. seealso:: + + :meth:`.ColumnOperators.startswith` + + :meth:`.ColumnOperators.endswith` + + :meth:`.ColumnOperators.like` + + + """ + return self.operate(contains_op, other, **kwargs) + + def match(self, other, **kwargs): + """Implements a database-specific 'match' operator. + + :meth:`~.ColumnOperators.match` attempts to resolve to + a MATCH-like function or operator provided by the backend. + Examples include: + + * PostgreSQL - renders ``x @@ to_tsquery(y)`` + * MySQL - renders ``MATCH (x) AGAINST (y IN BOOLEAN MODE)`` + * Oracle - renders ``CONTAINS(x, y)`` + * other backends may provide special implementations. + * Backends without any special implementation will emit + the operator as "MATCH". This is compatible with SQlite, for + example. + + """ + return self.operate(match_op, other, **kwargs) + + def desc(self): + """Produce a :func:`~.expression.desc` clause against the + parent object.""" + return self.operate(desc_op) + + def asc(self): + """Produce a :func:`~.expression.asc` clause against the + parent object.""" + return self.operate(asc_op) + + def nullsfirst(self): + """Produce a :func:`~.expression.nullsfirst` clause against the + parent object.""" + return self.operate(nullsfirst_op) + + def nullslast(self): + """Produce a :func:`~.expression.nullslast` clause against the + parent object.""" + return self.operate(nullslast_op) + + def collate(self, collation): + """Produce a :func:`~.expression.collate` clause against + the parent object, given the collation string. + + .. seealso:: + + :func:`~.expression.collate` + + """ + return self.operate(collate, collation) + + def __radd__(self, other): + """Implement the ``+`` operator in reverse. + + See :meth:`.ColumnOperators.__add__`. + + """ + return self.reverse_operate(add, other) + + def __rsub__(self, other): + """Implement the ``-`` operator in reverse. + + See :meth:`.ColumnOperators.__sub__`. + + """ + return self.reverse_operate(sub, other) + + def __rmul__(self, other): + """Implement the ``*`` operator in reverse. + + See :meth:`.ColumnOperators.__mul__`. + + """ + return self.reverse_operate(mul, other) + + def __rdiv__(self, other): + """Implement the ``/`` operator in reverse. + + See :meth:`.ColumnOperators.__div__`. + + """ + return self.reverse_operate(div, other) + + def __rmod__(self, other): + """Implement the ``%`` operator in reverse. + + See :meth:`.ColumnOperators.__mod__`. + + """ + return self.reverse_operate(mod, other) + + def between(self, cleft, cright, symmetric=False): + """Produce a :func:`~.expression.between` clause against + the parent object, given the lower and upper range. + + """ + return self.operate(between_op, cleft, cright, symmetric=symmetric) + + def distinct(self): + """Produce a :func:`~.expression.distinct` clause against the + parent object. + + """ + return self.operate(distinct_op) + + def any_(self): + """Produce a :func:`~.expression.any_` clause against the + parent object. + + This operator is only appropriate against a scalar subquery + object, or for some backends an column expression that is + against the ARRAY type, e.g.:: + + # postgresql '5 = ANY (somearray)' + expr = 5 == mytable.c.somearray.any_() + + # mysql '5 = ANY (SELECT value FROM table)' + expr = 5 == select([table.c.value]).as_scalar().any_() + + .. seealso:: + + :func:`~.expression.any_` - standalone version + + :func:`~.expression.all_` - ALL operator + + .. versionadded:: 1.1 + + """ + return self.operate(any_op) + + def all_(self): + """Produce a :func:`~.expression.all_` clause against the + parent object. + + This operator is only appropriate against a scalar subquery + object, or for some backends an column expression that is + against the ARRAY type, e.g.:: + + # postgresql '5 = ALL (somearray)' + expr = 5 == mytable.c.somearray.all_() + + # mysql '5 = ALL (SELECT value FROM table)' + expr = 5 == select([table.c.value]).as_scalar().all_() + + .. seealso:: + + :func:`~.expression.all_` - standalone version + + :func:`~.expression.any_` - ANY operator + + .. versionadded:: 1.1 + + """ + return self.operate(all_op) + + def __add__(self, other): + """Implement the ``+`` operator. + + In a column context, produces the clause ``a + b`` + if the parent object has non-string affinity. + If the parent object has a string affinity, + produces the concatenation operator, ``a || b`` - + see :meth:`.ColumnOperators.concat`. + + """ + return self.operate(add, other) + + def __sub__(self, other): + """Implement the ``-`` operator. + + In a column context, produces the clause ``a - b``. + + """ + return self.operate(sub, other) + + def __mul__(self, other): + """Implement the ``*`` operator. + + In a column context, produces the clause ``a * b``. + + """ + return self.operate(mul, other) + + def __div__(self, other): + """Implement the ``/`` operator. + + In a column context, produces the clause ``a / b``. + + """ + return self.operate(div, other) + + def __mod__(self, other): + """Implement the ``%`` operator. + + In a column context, produces the clause ``a % b``. + + """ + return self.operate(mod, other) + + def __truediv__(self, other): + """Implement the ``//`` operator. + + In a column context, produces the clause ``a / b``. + + """ + return self.operate(truediv, other) + + def __rtruediv__(self, other): + """Implement the ``//`` operator in reverse. + + See :meth:`.ColumnOperators.__truediv__`. + + """ + return self.reverse_operate(truediv, other) + + +def from_(): + raise NotImplementedError() + + +def as_(): + raise NotImplementedError() + + +def exists(): + raise NotImplementedError() + + +def istrue(a): + raise NotImplementedError() + + +def isfalse(a): + raise NotImplementedError() + + +def is_distinct_from(a, b): + return a.is_distinct_from(b) + + +def isnot_distinct_from(a, b): + return a.isnot_distinct_from(b) + + +def is_(a, b): + return a.is_(b) + + +def isnot(a, b): + return a.isnot(b) + + +def collate(a, b): + return a.collate(b) + + +def op(a, opstring, b): + return a.op(opstring)(b) + + +def like_op(a, b, escape=None): + return a.like(b, escape=escape) + + +def notlike_op(a, b, escape=None): + return a.notlike(b, escape=escape) + + +def ilike_op(a, b, escape=None): + return a.ilike(b, escape=escape) + + +def notilike_op(a, b, escape=None): + return a.notilike(b, escape=escape) + + +def between_op(a, b, c, symmetric=False): + return a.between(b, c, symmetric=symmetric) + + +def notbetween_op(a, b, c, symmetric=False): + return a.notbetween(b, c, symmetric=symmetric) + + +def in_op(a, b): + return a.in_(b) + + +def notin_op(a, b): + return a.notin_(b) + + +def distinct_op(a): + return a.distinct() + + +def any_op(a): + return a.any_() + + +def all_op(a): + return a.all_() + + +def _escaped_like_impl(fn, other, escape, autoescape): + if autoescape: + if autoescape is not True: + util.warn( + "The autoescape parameter is now a simple boolean True/False" + ) + if escape is None: + escape = "/" + + if not isinstance(other, util.compat.string_types): + raise TypeError("String value expected when autoescape=True") + + if escape not in ("%", "_"): + other = other.replace(escape, escape + escape) + + other = other.replace("%", escape + "%").replace("_", escape + "_") + + return fn(other, escape=escape) + + +def startswith_op(a, b, escape=None, autoescape=False): + return _escaped_like_impl(a.startswith, b, escape, autoescape) + + +def notstartswith_op(a, b, escape=None, autoescape=False): + return ~_escaped_like_impl(a.startswith, b, escape, autoescape) + + +def endswith_op(a, b, escape=None, autoescape=False): + return _escaped_like_impl(a.endswith, b, escape, autoescape) + + +def notendswith_op(a, b, escape=None, autoescape=False): + return ~_escaped_like_impl(a.endswith, b, escape, autoescape) + + +def contains_op(a, b, escape=None, autoescape=False): + return _escaped_like_impl(a.contains, b, escape, autoescape) + + +def notcontains_op(a, b, escape=None, autoescape=False): + return ~_escaped_like_impl(a.contains, b, escape, autoescape) + + +def match_op(a, b, **kw): + return a.match(b, **kw) + + +def notmatch_op(a, b, **kw): + return a.notmatch(b, **kw) + + +def comma_op(a, b): + raise NotImplementedError() + + +def empty_in_op(a, b): + raise NotImplementedError() + + +def empty_notin_op(a, b): + raise NotImplementedError() + + +def concat_op(a, b): + return a.concat(b) + + +def desc_op(a): + return a.desc() + + +def asc_op(a): + return a.asc() + + +def nullsfirst_op(a): + return a.nullsfirst() + + +def nullslast_op(a): + return a.nullslast() + + +def json_getitem_op(a, b): + raise NotImplementedError() + + +def json_path_getitem_op(a, b): + raise NotImplementedError() + + +_commutative = {eq, ne, add, mul} + +_comparison = { + eq, + ne, + lt, + gt, + ge, + le, + between_op, + like_op, + is_, + isnot, + is_distinct_from, + isnot_distinct_from, +} + + +def is_comparison(op): + return op in _comparison or isinstance(op, custom_op) and op.is_comparison + + +def is_commutative(op): + return op in _commutative + + +def is_ordering_modifier(op): + return op in (asc_op, desc_op, nullsfirst_op, nullslast_op) + + +def is_natural_self_precedent(op): + return ( + op in _natural_self_precedent + or isinstance(op, custom_op) + and op.natural_self_precedent + ) + + +_booleans = (inv, istrue, isfalse, and_, or_) + + +def is_boolean(op): + return is_comparison(op) or op in _booleans + + +_mirror = {gt: lt, ge: le, lt: gt, le: ge} + + +def mirror(op): + """rotate a comparison operator 180 degrees. + + Note this is not the same as negation. + + """ + return _mirror.get(op, op) + + +_associative = _commutative.union([concat_op, and_, or_]).difference([eq, ne]) + +_natural_self_precedent = _associative.union( + [getitem, json_getitem_op, json_path_getitem_op] +) +"""Operators where if we have (a op b) op c, we don't want to +parenthesize (a op b). + +""" + + +_asbool = util.symbol("_asbool", canonical=-10) +_smallest = util.symbol("_smallest", canonical=-100) +_largest = util.symbol("_largest", canonical=100) + +_PRECEDENCE = { + from_: 15, + any_op: 15, + all_op: 15, + getitem: 15, + json_getitem_op: 15, + json_path_getitem_op: 15, + mul: 8, + truediv: 8, + div: 8, + mod: 8, + neg: 8, + add: 7, + sub: 7, + concat_op: 6, + match_op: 5, + notmatch_op: 5, + ilike_op: 5, + notilike_op: 5, + like_op: 5, + notlike_op: 5, + in_op: 5, + notin_op: 5, + is_: 5, + isnot: 5, + eq: 5, + ne: 5, + is_distinct_from: 5, + isnot_distinct_from: 5, + empty_in_op: 5, + empty_notin_op: 5, + gt: 5, + lt: 5, + ge: 5, + le: 5, + between_op: 5, + notbetween_op: 5, + distinct_op: 5, + inv: 5, + istrue: 5, + isfalse: 5, + and_: 3, + or_: 2, + comma_op: -1, + desc_op: 3, + asc_op: 3, + collate: 4, + as_: -1, + exists: 0, + _asbool: -10, + _smallest: _smallest, + _largest: _largest, +} + + +def is_precedent(operator, against): + if operator is against and is_natural_self_precedent(operator): + return False + else: + return _PRECEDENCE.get( + operator, getattr(operator, "precedence", _smallest) + ) <= _PRECEDENCE.get(against, getattr(against, "precedence", _largest)) diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/schema.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/schema.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1f5378f --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/schema.py @@ -0,0 +1,4348 @@ +# sql/schema.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +"""The schema module provides the building blocks for database metadata. + +Each element within this module describes a database entity which can be +created and dropped, or is otherwise part of such an entity. Examples include +tables, columns, sequences, and indexes. + +All entities are subclasses of :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.SchemaItem`, and as +defined in this module they are intended to be agnostic of any vendor-specific +constructs. + +A collection of entities are grouped into a unit called +:class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.MetaData`. MetaData serves as a logical grouping of +schema elements, and can also be associated with an actual database connection +such that operations involving the contained elements can contact the database +as needed. + +Two of the elements here also build upon their "syntactic" counterparts, which +are defined in :class:`~sqlalchemy.sql.expression.`, specifically +:class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Table` and :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Column`. +Since these objects are part of the SQL expression language, they are usable +as components in SQL expressions. + +""" +from __future__ import absolute_import + +import collections +import operator + +import sqlalchemy +from . import ddl +from . import type_api +from . import visitors +from .base import _bind_or_error +from .base import ColumnCollection +from .base import DialectKWArgs +from .base import SchemaEventTarget +from .elements import _as_truncated +from .elements import _literal_as_text +from .elements import ClauseElement +from .elements import ColumnClause +from .elements import ColumnElement +from .elements import quoted_name +from .elements import TextClause +from .selectable import TableClause +from .. import event +from .. import exc +from .. import inspection +from .. import util + +RETAIN_SCHEMA = util.symbol("retain_schema") + +BLANK_SCHEMA = util.symbol( + "blank_schema", + """Symbol indicating that a :class:`.Table` or :class:`.Sequence` + should have 'None' for its schema, even if the parent + :class:`.MetaData` has specified a schema. + + .. versionadded:: 1.0.14 + + """, +) + + +def _get_table_key(name, schema): + if schema is None: + return name + else: + return schema + "." + name + + +# this should really be in sql/util.py but we'd have to +# break an import cycle +def _copy_expression(expression, source_table, target_table): + def replace(col): + if ( + isinstance(col, Column) + and col.table is source_table + and col.key in source_table.c + ): + return target_table.c[col.key] + else: + return None + + return visitors.replacement_traverse(expression, {}, replace) + + +@inspection._self_inspects +class SchemaItem(SchemaEventTarget, visitors.Visitable): + """Base class for items that define a database schema.""" + + __visit_name__ = "schema_item" + + def _init_items(self, *args): + """Initialize the list of child items for this SchemaItem.""" + + for item in args: + if item is not None: + item._set_parent_with_dispatch(self) + + def get_children(self, **kwargs): + """used to allow SchemaVisitor access""" + return [] + + def __repr__(self): + return util.generic_repr(self, omit_kwarg=["info"]) + + @property + @util.deprecated("0.9", "Use ``.name.quote``") + def quote(self): + """Return the value of the ``quote`` flag passed + to this schema object, for those schema items which + have a ``name`` field. + + """ + + return self.name.quote + + @util.memoized_property + def info(self): + """Info dictionary associated with the object, allowing user-defined + data to be associated with this :class:`.SchemaItem`. + + The dictionary is automatically generated when first accessed. + It can also be specified in the constructor of some objects, + such as :class:`.Table` and :class:`.Column`. + + """ + return {} + + def _schema_item_copy(self, schema_item): + if "info" in self.__dict__: + schema_item.info = self.info.copy() + schema_item.dispatch._update(self.dispatch) + return schema_item + + def _translate_schema(self, effective_schema, map_): + return map_.get(effective_schema, effective_schema) + + +class Table(DialectKWArgs, SchemaItem, TableClause): + r"""Represent a table in a database. + + e.g.:: + + mytable = Table("mytable", metadata, + Column('mytable_id', Integer, primary_key=True), + Column('value', String(50)) + ) + + The :class:`.Table` object constructs a unique instance of itself based + on its name and optional schema name within the given + :class:`.MetaData` object. Calling the :class:`.Table` + constructor with the same name and same :class:`.MetaData` argument + a second time will return the *same* :class:`.Table` object - in this way + the :class:`.Table` constructor acts as a registry function. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`metadata_describing` - Introduction to database metadata + + Constructor arguments are as follows: + + :param name: The name of this table as represented in the database. + + The table name, along with the value of the ``schema`` parameter, + forms a key which uniquely identifies this :class:`.Table` within + the owning :class:`.MetaData` collection. + Additional calls to :class:`.Table` with the same name, metadata, + and schema name will return the same :class:`.Table` object. + + Names which contain no upper case characters + will be treated as case insensitive names, and will not be quoted + unless they are a reserved word or contain special characters. + A name with any number of upper case characters is considered + to be case sensitive, and will be sent as quoted. + + To enable unconditional quoting for the table name, specify the flag + ``quote=True`` to the constructor, or use the :class:`.quoted_name` + construct to specify the name. + + :param metadata: a :class:`.MetaData` object which will contain this + table. The metadata is used as a point of association of this table + with other tables which are referenced via foreign key. It also + may be used to associate this table with a particular + :class:`.Connectable`. + + :param \*args: Additional positional arguments are used primarily + to add the list of :class:`.Column` objects contained within this + table. Similar to the style of a CREATE TABLE statement, other + :class:`.SchemaItem` constructs may be added here, including + :class:`.PrimaryKeyConstraint`, and :class:`.ForeignKeyConstraint`. + + :param autoload: Defaults to False, unless :paramref:`.Table.autoload_with` + is set in which case it defaults to True; :class:`.Column` objects + for this table should be reflected from the database, possibly + augmenting or replacing existing :class:`.Column` objects that were + explicitly specified. + + .. versionchanged:: 1.0.0 setting the :paramref:`.Table.autoload_with` + parameter implies that :paramref:`.Table.autoload` will default + to True. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`metadata_reflection_toplevel` + + :param autoload_replace: Defaults to ``True``; when using + :paramref:`.Table.autoload` + in conjunction with :paramref:`.Table.extend_existing`, indicates + that :class:`.Column` objects present in the already-existing + :class:`.Table` object should be replaced with columns of the same + name retrieved from the autoload process. When ``False``, columns + already present under existing names will be omitted from the + reflection process. + + Note that this setting does not impact :class:`.Column` objects + specified programmatically within the call to :class:`.Table` that + also is autoloading; those :class:`.Column` objects will always + replace existing columns of the same name when + :paramref:`.Table.extend_existing` is ``True``. + + .. versionadded:: 0.7.5 + + .. seealso:: + + :paramref:`.Table.autoload` + + :paramref:`.Table.extend_existing` + + :param autoload_with: An :class:`.Engine` or :class:`.Connection` object + with which this :class:`.Table` object will be reflected; when + set to a non-None value, it implies that :paramref:`.Table.autoload` + is ``True``. If left unset, but :paramref:`.Table.autoload` is + explicitly set to ``True``, an autoload operation will attempt to + proceed by locating an :class:`.Engine` or :class:`.Connection` bound + to the underlying :class:`.MetaData` object. + + .. seealso:: + + :paramref:`.Table.autoload` + + :param extend_existing: When ``True``, indicates that if this + :class:`.Table` is already present in the given :class:`.MetaData`, + apply further arguments within the constructor to the existing + :class:`.Table`. + + If :paramref:`.Table.extend_existing` or + :paramref:`.Table.keep_existing` are not set, and the given name + of the new :class:`.Table` refers to a :class:`.Table` that is + already present in the target :class:`.MetaData` collection, and + this :class:`.Table` specifies additional columns or other constructs + or flags that modify the table's state, an + error is raised. The purpose of these two mutually-exclusive flags + is to specify what action should be taken when a :class:`.Table` + is specified that matches an existing :class:`.Table`, yet specifies + additional constructs. + + :paramref:`.Table.extend_existing` will also work in conjunction + with :paramref:`.Table.autoload` to run a new reflection + operation against the database, even if a :class:`.Table` + of the same name is already present in the target + :class:`.MetaData`; newly reflected :class:`.Column` objects + and other options will be added into the state of the + :class:`.Table`, potentially overwriting existing columns + and options of the same name. + + .. versionchanged:: 0.7.4 :paramref:`.Table.extend_existing` will + invoke a new reflection operation when combined with + :paramref:`.Table.autoload` set to True. + + As is always the case with :paramref:`.Table.autoload`, + :class:`.Column` objects can be specified in the same :class:`.Table` + constructor, which will take precedence. Below, the existing + table ``mytable`` will be augmented with :class:`.Column` objects + both reflected from the database, as well as the given :class:`.Column` + named "y":: + + Table("mytable", metadata, + Column('y', Integer), + extend_existing=True, + autoload=True, + autoload_with=engine + ) + + .. seealso:: + + :paramref:`.Table.autoload` + + :paramref:`.Table.autoload_replace` + + :paramref:`.Table.keep_existing` + + + :param implicit_returning: True by default - indicates that + RETURNING can be used by default to fetch newly inserted primary key + values, for backends which support this. Note that + create_engine() also provides an implicit_returning flag. + + :param include_columns: A list of strings indicating a subset of + columns to be loaded via the ``autoload`` operation; table columns who + aren't present in this list will not be represented on the resulting + ``Table`` object. Defaults to ``None`` which indicates all columns + should be reflected. + + :param info: Optional data dictionary which will be populated into the + :attr:`.SchemaItem.info` attribute of this object. + + :param keep_existing: When ``True``, indicates that if this Table + is already present in the given :class:`.MetaData`, ignore + further arguments within the constructor to the existing + :class:`.Table`, and return the :class:`.Table` object as + originally created. This is to allow a function that wishes + to define a new :class:`.Table` on first call, but on + subsequent calls will return the same :class:`.Table`, + without any of the declarations (particularly constraints) + being applied a second time. + + If :paramref:`.Table.extend_existing` or + :paramref:`.Table.keep_existing` are not set, and the given name + of the new :class:`.Table` refers to a :class:`.Table` that is + already present in the target :class:`.MetaData` collection, and + this :class:`.Table` specifies additional columns or other constructs + or flags that modify the table's state, an + error is raised. The purpose of these two mutually-exclusive flags + is to specify what action should be taken when a :class:`.Table` + is specified that matches an existing :class:`.Table`, yet specifies + additional constructs. + + .. seealso:: + + :paramref:`.Table.extend_existing` + + :param listeners: A list of tuples of the form ``(, )`` + which will be passed to :func:`.event.listen` upon construction. + This alternate hook to :func:`.event.listen` allows the establishment + of a listener function specific to this :class:`.Table` before + the "autoload" process begins. Particularly useful for + the :meth:`.DDLEvents.column_reflect` event:: + + def listen_for_reflect(table, column_info): + "handle the column reflection event" + # ... + + t = Table( + 'sometable', + autoload=True, + listeners=[ + ('column_reflect', listen_for_reflect) + ]) + + :param mustexist: When ``True``, indicates that this Table must already + be present in the given :class:`.MetaData` collection, else + an exception is raised. + + :param prefixes: + A list of strings to insert after CREATE in the CREATE TABLE + statement. They will be separated by spaces. + + :param quote: Force quoting of this table's name on or off, corresponding + to ``True`` or ``False``. When left at its default of ``None``, + the column identifier will be quoted according to whether the name is + case sensitive (identifiers with at least one upper case character are + treated as case sensitive), or if it's a reserved word. This flag + is only needed to force quoting of a reserved word which is not known + by the SQLAlchemy dialect. + + :param quote_schema: same as 'quote' but applies to the schema identifier. + + :param schema: The schema name for this table, which is required if + the table resides in a schema other than the default selected schema + for the engine's database connection. Defaults to ``None``. + + If the owning :class:`.MetaData` of this :class:`.Table` specifies its + own :paramref:`.MetaData.schema` parameter, then that schema name will + be applied to this :class:`.Table` if the schema parameter here is set + to ``None``. To set a blank schema name on a :class:`.Table` that + would otherwise use the schema set on the owning :class:`.MetaData`, + specify the special symbol :attr:`.BLANK_SCHEMA`. + + .. versionadded:: 1.0.14 Added the :attr:`.BLANK_SCHEMA` symbol to + allow a :class:`.Table` to have a blank schema name even when the + parent :class:`.MetaData` specifies :paramref:`.MetaData.schema`. + + The quoting rules for the schema name are the same as those for the + ``name`` parameter, in that quoting is applied for reserved words or + case-sensitive names; to enable unconditional quoting for the schema + name, specify the flag ``quote_schema=True`` to the constructor, or use + the :class:`.quoted_name` construct to specify the name. + + :param useexisting: Deprecated. Use :paramref:`.Table.extend_existing`. + + :param comment: Optional string that will render an SQL comment on table + creation. + + .. versionadded:: 1.2 Added the :paramref:`.Table.comment` parameter + to :class:`.Table`. + + :param \**kw: Additional keyword arguments not mentioned above are + dialect specific, and passed in the form ``_``. + See the documentation regarding an individual dialect at + :ref:`dialect_toplevel` for detail on documented arguments. + + """ + + __visit_name__ = "table" + + def __new__(cls, *args, **kw): + if not args: + # python3k pickle seems to call this + return object.__new__(cls) + + try: + name, metadata, args = args[0], args[1], args[2:] + except IndexError: + raise TypeError("Table() takes at least two arguments") + + schema = kw.get("schema", None) + if schema is None: + schema = metadata.schema + elif schema is BLANK_SCHEMA: + schema = None + keep_existing = kw.pop("keep_existing", False) + extend_existing = kw.pop("extend_existing", False) + if "useexisting" in kw: + msg = "useexisting is deprecated. Use extend_existing." + util.warn_deprecated(msg) + if extend_existing: + msg = "useexisting is synonymous with extend_existing." + raise exc.ArgumentError(msg) + extend_existing = kw.pop("useexisting", False) + + if keep_existing and extend_existing: + msg = "keep_existing and extend_existing are mutually exclusive." + raise exc.ArgumentError(msg) + + mustexist = kw.pop("mustexist", False) + key = _get_table_key(name, schema) + if key in metadata.tables: + if not keep_existing and not extend_existing and bool(args): + raise exc.InvalidRequestError( + "Table '%s' is already defined for this MetaData " + "instance. Specify 'extend_existing=True' " + "to redefine " + "options and columns on an " + "existing Table object." % key + ) + table = metadata.tables[key] + if extend_existing: + table._init_existing(*args, **kw) + return table + else: + if mustexist: + raise exc.InvalidRequestError("Table '%s' not defined" % (key)) + table = object.__new__(cls) + table.dispatch.before_parent_attach(table, metadata) + metadata._add_table(name, schema, table) + try: + table._init(name, metadata, *args, **kw) + table.dispatch.after_parent_attach(table, metadata) + return table + except: + with util.safe_reraise(): + metadata._remove_table(name, schema) + + @property + @util.deprecated("0.9", "Use ``table.schema.quote``") + def quote_schema(self): + """Return the value of the ``quote_schema`` flag passed + to this :class:`.Table`. + """ + + return self.schema.quote + + def __init__(self, *args, **kw): + """Constructor for :class:`~.schema.Table`. + + This method is a no-op. See the top-level + documentation for :class:`~.schema.Table` + for constructor arguments. + + """ + # __init__ is overridden to prevent __new__ from + # calling the superclass constructor. + + def _init(self, name, metadata, *args, **kwargs): + super(Table, self).__init__( + quoted_name(name, kwargs.pop("quote", None)) + ) + self.metadata = metadata + + self.schema = kwargs.pop("schema", None) + if self.schema is None: + self.schema = metadata.schema + elif self.schema is BLANK_SCHEMA: + self.schema = None + else: + quote_schema = kwargs.pop("quote_schema", None) + self.schema = quoted_name(self.schema, quote_schema) + + self.indexes = set() + self.constraints = set() + self._columns = ColumnCollection() + PrimaryKeyConstraint( + _implicit_generated=True + )._set_parent_with_dispatch(self) + self.foreign_keys = set() + self._extra_dependencies = set() + if self.schema is not None: + self.fullname = "%s.%s" % (self.schema, self.name) + else: + self.fullname = self.name + + autoload_with = kwargs.pop("autoload_with", None) + autoload = kwargs.pop("autoload", autoload_with is not None) + # this argument is only used with _init_existing() + kwargs.pop("autoload_replace", True) + _extend_on = kwargs.pop("_extend_on", None) + + include_columns = kwargs.pop("include_columns", None) + + self.implicit_returning = kwargs.pop("implicit_returning", True) + + self.comment = kwargs.pop("comment", None) + + if "info" in kwargs: + self.info = kwargs.pop("info") + if "listeners" in kwargs: + listeners = kwargs.pop("listeners") + for evt, fn in listeners: + event.listen(self, evt, fn) + + self._prefixes = kwargs.pop("prefixes", []) + + self._extra_kwargs(**kwargs) + + # load column definitions from the database if 'autoload' is defined + # we do it after the table is in the singleton dictionary to support + # circular foreign keys + if autoload: + self._autoload( + metadata, autoload_with, include_columns, _extend_on=_extend_on + ) + + # initialize all the column, etc. objects. done after reflection to + # allow user-overrides + self._init_items(*args) + + def _autoload( + self, + metadata, + autoload_with, + include_columns, + exclude_columns=(), + _extend_on=None, + ): + + if autoload_with: + autoload_with.run_callable( + autoload_with.dialect.reflecttable, + self, + include_columns, + exclude_columns, + _extend_on=_extend_on, + ) + else: + bind = _bind_or_error( + metadata, + msg="No engine is bound to this Table's MetaData. " + "Pass an engine to the Table via " + "autoload_with=, " + "or associate the MetaData with an engine via " + "metadata.bind=", + ) + bind.run_callable( + bind.dialect.reflecttable, + self, + include_columns, + exclude_columns, + _extend_on=_extend_on, + ) + + @property + def _sorted_constraints(self): + """Return the set of constraints as a list, sorted by creation + order. + + """ + return sorted(self.constraints, key=lambda c: c._creation_order) + + @property + def foreign_key_constraints(self): + """:class:`.ForeignKeyConstraint` objects referred to by this + :class:`.Table`. + + This list is produced from the collection of :class:`.ForeignKey` + objects currently associated. + + .. versionadded:: 1.0.0 + + """ + return set(fkc.constraint for fkc in self.foreign_keys) + + def _init_existing(self, *args, **kwargs): + autoload_with = kwargs.pop("autoload_with", None) + autoload = kwargs.pop("autoload", autoload_with is not None) + autoload_replace = kwargs.pop("autoload_replace", True) + schema = kwargs.pop("schema", None) + _extend_on = kwargs.pop("_extend_on", None) + + if schema and schema != self.schema: + raise exc.ArgumentError( + "Can't change schema of existing table from '%s' to '%s'", + (self.schema, schema), + ) + + include_columns = kwargs.pop("include_columns", None) + + if include_columns is not None: + for c in self.c: + if c.name not in include_columns: + self._columns.remove(c) + + for key in ("quote", "quote_schema"): + if key in kwargs: + raise exc.ArgumentError( + "Can't redefine 'quote' or 'quote_schema' arguments" + ) + + if "comment" in kwargs: + self.comment = kwargs.pop("comment", None) + + if "info" in kwargs: + self.info = kwargs.pop("info") + + if autoload: + if not autoload_replace: + # don't replace columns already present. + # we'd like to do this for constraints also however we don't + # have simple de-duping for unnamed constraints. + exclude_columns = [c.name for c in self.c] + else: + exclude_columns = () + self._autoload( + self.metadata, + autoload_with, + include_columns, + exclude_columns, + _extend_on=_extend_on, + ) + + self._extra_kwargs(**kwargs) + self._init_items(*args) + + def _extra_kwargs(self, **kwargs): + self._validate_dialect_kwargs(kwargs) + + def _init_collections(self): + pass + + def _reset_exported(self): + pass + + @property + def _autoincrement_column(self): + return self.primary_key._autoincrement_column + + @property + def key(self): + """Return the 'key' for this :class:`.Table`. + + This value is used as the dictionary key within the + :attr:`.MetaData.tables` collection. It is typically the same + as that of :attr:`.Table.name` for a table with no + :attr:`.Table.schema` set; otherwise it is typically of the form + ``schemaname.tablename``. + + """ + return _get_table_key(self.name, self.schema) + + def __repr__(self): + return "Table(%s)" % ", ".join( + [repr(self.name)] + + [repr(self.metadata)] + + [repr(x) for x in self.columns] + + ["%s=%s" % (k, repr(getattr(self, k))) for k in ["schema"]] + ) + + def __str__(self): + return _get_table_key(self.description, self.schema) + + @property + def bind(self): + """Return the connectable associated with this Table.""" + + return self.metadata and self.metadata.bind or None + + def add_is_dependent_on(self, table): + """Add a 'dependency' for this Table. + + This is another Table object which must be created + first before this one can, or dropped after this one. + + Usually, dependencies between tables are determined via + ForeignKey objects. However, for other situations that + create dependencies outside of foreign keys (rules, inheriting), + this method can manually establish such a link. + + """ + self._extra_dependencies.add(table) + + def append_column(self, column): + """Append a :class:`~.schema.Column` to this :class:`~.schema.Table`. + + The "key" of the newly added :class:`~.schema.Column`, i.e. the + value of its ``.key`` attribute, will then be available + in the ``.c`` collection of this :class:`~.schema.Table`, and the + column definition will be included in any CREATE TABLE, SELECT, + UPDATE, etc. statements generated from this :class:`~.schema.Table` + construct. + + Note that this does **not** change the definition of the table + as it exists within any underlying database, assuming that + table has already been created in the database. Relational + databases support the addition of columns to existing tables + using the SQL ALTER command, which would need to be + emitted for an already-existing table that doesn't contain + the newly added column. + + """ + + column._set_parent_with_dispatch(self) + + def append_constraint(self, constraint): + """Append a :class:`~.schema.Constraint` to this + :class:`~.schema.Table`. + + This has the effect of the constraint being included in any + future CREATE TABLE statement, assuming specific DDL creation + events have not been associated with the given + :class:`~.schema.Constraint` object. + + Note that this does **not** produce the constraint within the + relational database automatically, for a table that already exists + in the database. To add a constraint to an + existing relational database table, the SQL ALTER command must + be used. SQLAlchemy also provides the + :class:`.AddConstraint` construct which can produce this SQL when + invoked as an executable clause. + + """ + + constraint._set_parent_with_dispatch(self) + + def append_ddl_listener(self, event_name, listener): + """Append a DDL event listener to this ``Table``. + + .. deprecated:: 0.7 + See :class:`.DDLEvents`. + + """ + + def adapt_listener(target, connection, **kw): + listener(event_name, target, connection) + + event.listen(self, "" + event_name.replace("-", "_"), adapt_listener) + + def _set_parent(self, metadata): + metadata._add_table(self.name, self.schema, self) + self.metadata = metadata + + def get_children( + self, column_collections=True, schema_visitor=False, **kw + ): + if not schema_visitor: + return TableClause.get_children( + self, column_collections=column_collections, **kw + ) + else: + if column_collections: + return list(self.columns) + else: + return [] + + def exists(self, bind=None): + """Return True if this table exists.""" + + if bind is None: + bind = _bind_or_error(self) + + return bind.run_callable( + bind.dialect.has_table, self.name, schema=self.schema + ) + + def create(self, bind=None, checkfirst=False): + """Issue a ``CREATE`` statement for this + :class:`.Table`, using the given :class:`.Connectable` + for connectivity. + + .. seealso:: + + :meth:`.MetaData.create_all`. + + """ + + if bind is None: + bind = _bind_or_error(self) + bind._run_visitor(ddl.SchemaGenerator, self, checkfirst=checkfirst) + + def drop(self, bind=None, checkfirst=False): + """Issue a ``DROP`` statement for this + :class:`.Table`, using the given :class:`.Connectable` + for connectivity. + + .. seealso:: + + :meth:`.MetaData.drop_all`. + + """ + if bind is None: + bind = _bind_or_error(self) + bind._run_visitor(ddl.SchemaDropper, self, checkfirst=checkfirst) + + def tometadata( + self, + metadata, + schema=RETAIN_SCHEMA, + referred_schema_fn=None, + name=None, + ): + """Return a copy of this :class:`.Table` associated with a different + :class:`.MetaData`. + + E.g.:: + + m1 = MetaData() + + user = Table('user', m1, Column('id', Integer, priamry_key=True)) + + m2 = MetaData() + user_copy = user.tometadata(m2) + + :param metadata: Target :class:`.MetaData` object, into which the + new :class:`.Table` object will be created. + + :param schema: optional string name indicating the target schema. + Defaults to the special symbol :attr:`.RETAIN_SCHEMA` which indicates + that no change to the schema name should be made in the new + :class:`.Table`. If set to a string name, the new :class:`.Table` + will have this new name as the ``.schema``. If set to ``None``, the + schema will be set to that of the schema set on the target + :class:`.MetaData`, which is typically ``None`` as well, unless + set explicitly:: + + m2 = MetaData(schema='newschema') + + # user_copy_one will have "newschema" as the schema name + user_copy_one = user.tometadata(m2, schema=None) + + m3 = MetaData() # schema defaults to None + + # user_copy_two will have None as the schema name + user_copy_two = user.tometadata(m3, schema=None) + + :param referred_schema_fn: optional callable which can be supplied + in order to provide for the schema name that should be assigned + to the referenced table of a :class:`.ForeignKeyConstraint`. + The callable accepts this parent :class:`.Table`, the + target schema that we are changing to, the + :class:`.ForeignKeyConstraint` object, and the existing + "target schema" of that constraint. The function should return the + string schema name that should be applied. + E.g.:: + + def referred_schema_fn(table, to_schema, + constraint, referred_schema): + if referred_schema == 'base_tables': + return referred_schema + else: + return to_schema + + new_table = table.tometadata(m2, schema="alt_schema", + referred_schema_fn=referred_schema_fn) + + .. versionadded:: 0.9.2 + + :param name: optional string name indicating the target table name. + If not specified or None, the table name is retained. This allows + a :class:`.Table` to be copied to the same :class:`.MetaData` target + with a new name. + + .. versionadded:: 1.0.0 + + """ + if name is None: + name = self.name + if schema is RETAIN_SCHEMA: + schema = self.schema + elif schema is None: + schema = metadata.schema + key = _get_table_key(name, schema) + if key in metadata.tables: + util.warn( + "Table '%s' already exists within the given " + "MetaData - not copying." % self.description + ) + return metadata.tables[key] + + args = [] + for c in self.columns: + args.append(c.copy(schema=schema)) + table = Table( + name, + metadata, + schema=schema, + comment=self.comment, + *args, + **self.kwargs + ) + for c in self.constraints: + if isinstance(c, ForeignKeyConstraint): + referred_schema = c._referred_schema + if referred_schema_fn: + fk_constraint_schema = referred_schema_fn( + self, schema, c, referred_schema + ) + else: + fk_constraint_schema = ( + schema if referred_schema == self.schema else None + ) + table.append_constraint( + c.copy(schema=fk_constraint_schema, target_table=table) + ) + elif not c._type_bound: + # skip unique constraints that would be generated + # by the 'unique' flag on Column + if c._column_flag: + continue + + table.append_constraint( + c.copy(schema=schema, target_table=table) + ) + for index in self.indexes: + # skip indexes that would be generated + # by the 'index' flag on Column + if index._column_flag: + continue + Index( + index.name, + unique=index.unique, + *[ + _copy_expression(expr, self, table) + for expr in index.expressions + ], + _table=table, + **index.kwargs + ) + return self._schema_item_copy(table) + + +class Column(SchemaItem, ColumnClause): + """Represents a column in a database table.""" + + __visit_name__ = "column" + + def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): + r""" + Construct a new ``Column`` object. + + :param name: The name of this column as represented in the database. + This argument may be the first positional argument, or specified + via keyword. + + Names which contain no upper case characters + will be treated as case insensitive names, and will not be quoted + unless they are a reserved word. Names with any number of upper + case characters will be quoted and sent exactly. Note that this + behavior applies even for databases which standardize upper + case names as case insensitive such as Oracle. + + The name field may be omitted at construction time and applied + later, at any time before the Column is associated with a + :class:`.Table`. This is to support convenient + usage within the :mod:`~sqlalchemy.ext.declarative` extension. + + :param type\_: The column's type, indicated using an instance which + subclasses :class:`~sqlalchemy.types.TypeEngine`. If no arguments + are required for the type, the class of the type can be sent + as well, e.g.:: + + # use a type with arguments + Column('data', String(50)) + + # use no arguments + Column('level', Integer) + + The ``type`` argument may be the second positional argument + or specified by keyword. + + If the ``type`` is ``None`` or is omitted, it will first default to + the special type :class:`.NullType`. If and when this + :class:`.Column` is made to refer to another column using + :class:`.ForeignKey` and/or :class:`.ForeignKeyConstraint`, the type + of the remote-referenced column will be copied to this column as + well, at the moment that the foreign key is resolved against that + remote :class:`.Column` object. + + .. versionchanged:: 0.9.0 + Support for propagation of type to a :class:`.Column` from its + :class:`.ForeignKey` object has been improved and should be + more reliable and timely. + + :param \*args: Additional positional arguments include various + :class:`.SchemaItem` derived constructs which will be applied + as options to the column. These include instances of + :class:`.Constraint`, :class:`.ForeignKey`, :class:`.ColumnDefault`, + and :class:`.Sequence`. In some cases an equivalent keyword + argument is available such as ``server_default``, ``default`` + and ``unique``. + + :param autoincrement: Set up "auto increment" semantics for an integer + primary key column. The default value is the string ``"auto"`` + which indicates that a single-column primary key that is of + an INTEGER type with no stated client-side or python-side defaults + should receive auto increment semantics automatically; + all other varieties of primary key columns will not. This + includes that :term:`DDL` such as PostgreSQL SERIAL or MySQL + AUTO_INCREMENT will be emitted for this column during a table + create, as well as that the column is assumed to generate new + integer primary key values when an INSERT statement invokes which + will be retrieved by the dialect. + + The flag may be set to ``True`` to indicate that a column which + is part of a composite (e.g. multi-column) primary key should + have autoincrement semantics, though note that only one column + within a primary key may have this setting. It can also + be set to ``True`` to indicate autoincrement semantics on a + column that has a client-side or server-side default configured, + however note that not all dialects can accommodate all styles + of default as an "autoincrement". It can also be + set to ``False`` on a single-column primary key that has a + datatype of INTEGER in order to disable auto increment semantics + for that column. + + .. versionchanged:: 1.1 The autoincrement flag now defaults to + ``"auto"`` which indicates autoincrement semantics by default + for single-column integer primary keys only; for composite + (multi-column) primary keys, autoincrement is never implicitly + enabled; as always, ``autoincrement=True`` will allow for + at most one of those columns to be an "autoincrement" column. + ``autoincrement=True`` may also be set on a :class:`.Column` + that has an explicit client-side or server-side default, + subject to limitations of the backend database and dialect. + + + The setting *only* has an effect for columns which are: + + * Integer derived (i.e. INT, SMALLINT, BIGINT). + + * Part of the primary key + + * Not referring to another column via :class:`.ForeignKey`, unless + the value is specified as ``'ignore_fk'``:: + + # turn on autoincrement for this column despite + # the ForeignKey() + Column('id', ForeignKey('other.id'), + primary_key=True, autoincrement='ignore_fk') + + It is typically not desirable to have "autoincrement" enabled on a + column that refers to another via foreign key, as such a column is + required to refer to a value that originates from elsewhere. + + The setting has these two effects on columns that meet the + above criteria: + + * DDL issued for the column will include database-specific + keywords intended to signify this column as an + "autoincrement" column, such as AUTO INCREMENT on MySQL, + SERIAL on PostgreSQL, and IDENTITY on MS-SQL. It does + *not* issue AUTOINCREMENT for SQLite since this is a + special SQLite flag that is not required for autoincrementing + behavior. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`sqlite_autoincrement` + + * The column will be considered to be available using an + "autoincrement" method specific to the backend database, such + as calling upon ``cursor.lastrowid``, using RETURNING in an + INSERT statement to get at a sequence-generated value, or using + special functions such as "SELECT scope_identity()". + These methods are highly specific to the DBAPIs and databases in + use and vary greatly, so care should be taken when associating + ``autoincrement=True`` with a custom default generation function. + + + :param default: A scalar, Python callable, or + :class:`.ColumnElement` expression representing the + *default value* for this column, which will be invoked upon insert + if this column is otherwise not specified in the VALUES clause of + the insert. This is a shortcut to using :class:`.ColumnDefault` as + a positional argument; see that class for full detail on the + structure of the argument. + + Contrast this argument to :paramref:`.Column.server_default` + which creates a default generator on the database side. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`metadata_defaults_toplevel` + + :param doc: optional String that can be used by the ORM or similar + to document attributes on the Python side. This attribute does + **not** render SQL comments; use the :paramref:`.Column.comment` + parameter for this purpose. + + :param key: An optional string identifier which will identify this + ``Column`` object on the :class:`.Table`. When a key is provided, + this is the only identifier referencing the ``Column`` within the + application, including ORM attribute mapping; the ``name`` field + is used only when rendering SQL. + + :param index: When ``True``, indicates that the column is indexed. + This is a shortcut for using a :class:`.Index` construct on the + table. To specify indexes with explicit names or indexes that + contain multiple columns, use the :class:`.Index` construct + instead. + + :param info: Optional data dictionary which will be populated into the + :attr:`.SchemaItem.info` attribute of this object. + + :param nullable: When set to ``False``, will cause the "NOT NULL" + phrase to be added when generating DDL for the column. When + ``True``, will normally generate nothing (in SQL this defaults to + "NULL"), except in some very specific backend-specific edge cases + where "NULL" may render explicitly. Defaults to ``True`` unless + :paramref:`~.Column.primary_key` is also ``True``, in which case it + defaults to ``False``. This parameter is only used when issuing + CREATE TABLE statements. + + :param onupdate: A scalar, Python callable, or + :class:`~sqlalchemy.sql.expression.ClauseElement` representing a + default value to be applied to the column within UPDATE + statements, which will be invoked upon update if this column is not + present in the SET clause of the update. This is a shortcut to + using :class:`.ColumnDefault` as a positional argument with + ``for_update=True``. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`metadata_defaults` - complete discussion of onupdate + + :param primary_key: If ``True``, marks this column as a primary key + column. Multiple columns can have this flag set to specify + composite primary keys. As an alternative, the primary key of a + :class:`.Table` can be specified via an explicit + :class:`.PrimaryKeyConstraint` object. + + :param server_default: A :class:`.FetchedValue` instance, str, Unicode + or :func:`~sqlalchemy.sql.expression.text` construct representing + the DDL DEFAULT value for the column. + + String types will be emitted as-is, surrounded by single quotes:: + + Column('x', Text, server_default="val") + + x TEXT DEFAULT 'val' + + A :func:`~sqlalchemy.sql.expression.text` expression will be + rendered as-is, without quotes:: + + Column('y', DateTime, server_default=text('NOW()')) + + y DATETIME DEFAULT NOW() + + Strings and text() will be converted into a + :class:`.DefaultClause` object upon initialization. + + Use :class:`.FetchedValue` to indicate that an already-existing + column will generate a default value on the database side which + will be available to SQLAlchemy for post-fetch after inserts. This + construct does not specify any DDL and the implementation is left + to the database, such as via a trigger. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`server_defaults` - complete discussion of server side + defaults + + :param server_onupdate: A :class:`.FetchedValue` instance + representing a database-side default generation function, + such as a trigger. This + indicates to SQLAlchemy that a newly generated value will be + available after updates. This construct does not actually + implement any kind of generation function within the database, + which instead must be specified separately. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`triggered_columns` + + :param quote: Force quoting of this column's name on or off, + corresponding to ``True`` or ``False``. When left at its default + of ``None``, the column identifier will be quoted according to + whether the name is case sensitive (identifiers with at least one + upper case character are treated as case sensitive), or if it's a + reserved word. This flag is only needed to force quoting of a + reserved word which is not known by the SQLAlchemy dialect. + + :param unique: When ``True``, indicates that this column contains a + unique constraint, or if ``index`` is ``True`` as well, indicates + that the :class:`.Index` should be created with the unique flag. + To specify multiple columns in the constraint/index or to specify + an explicit name, use the :class:`.UniqueConstraint` or + :class:`.Index` constructs explicitly. + + :param system: When ``True``, indicates this is a "system" column, + that is a column which is automatically made available by the + database, and should not be included in the columns list for a + ``CREATE TABLE`` statement. + + For more elaborate scenarios where columns should be + conditionally rendered differently on different backends, + consider custom compilation rules for :class:`.CreateColumn`. + + .. versionadded:: 0.8.3 Added the ``system=True`` parameter to + :class:`.Column`. + + :param comment: Optional string that will render an SQL comment on + table creation. + + .. versionadded:: 1.2 Added the :paramref:`.Column.comment` + parameter to :class:`.Column`. + + + """ + + name = kwargs.pop("name", None) + type_ = kwargs.pop("type_", None) + args = list(args) + if args: + if isinstance(args[0], util.string_types): + if name is not None: + raise exc.ArgumentError( + "May not pass name positionally and as a keyword." + ) + name = args.pop(0) + if args: + coltype = args[0] + + if hasattr(coltype, "_sqla_type"): + if type_ is not None: + raise exc.ArgumentError( + "May not pass type_ positionally and as a keyword." + ) + type_ = args.pop(0) + + if name is not None: + name = quoted_name(name, kwargs.pop("quote", None)) + elif "quote" in kwargs: + raise exc.ArgumentError( + "Explicit 'name' is required when " "sending 'quote' argument" + ) + + super(Column, self).__init__(name, type_) + self.key = kwargs.pop("key", name) + self.primary_key = kwargs.pop("primary_key", False) + self.nullable = kwargs.pop("nullable", not self.primary_key) + self.default = kwargs.pop("default", None) + self.server_default = kwargs.pop("server_default", None) + self.server_onupdate = kwargs.pop("server_onupdate", None) + + # these default to None because .index and .unique is *not* + # an informational flag about Column - there can still be an + # Index or UniqueConstraint referring to this Column. + self.index = kwargs.pop("index", None) + self.unique = kwargs.pop("unique", None) + + self.system = kwargs.pop("system", False) + self.doc = kwargs.pop("doc", None) + self.onupdate = kwargs.pop("onupdate", None) + self.autoincrement = kwargs.pop("autoincrement", "auto") + self.constraints = set() + self.foreign_keys = set() + self.comment = kwargs.pop("comment", None) + + # check if this Column is proxying another column + if "_proxies" in kwargs: + self._proxies = kwargs.pop("_proxies") + # otherwise, add DDL-related events + elif isinstance(self.type, SchemaEventTarget): + self.type._set_parent_with_dispatch(self) + + if self.default is not None: + if isinstance(self.default, (ColumnDefault, Sequence)): + args.append(self.default) + else: + if getattr(self.type, "_warn_on_bytestring", False): + if isinstance(self.default, util.binary_type): + util.warn( + "Unicode column '%s' has non-unicode " + "default value %r specified." + % (self.key, self.default) + ) + args.append(ColumnDefault(self.default)) + + if self.server_default is not None: + if isinstance(self.server_default, FetchedValue): + args.append(self.server_default._as_for_update(False)) + else: + args.append(DefaultClause(self.server_default)) + + if self.onupdate is not None: + if isinstance(self.onupdate, (ColumnDefault, Sequence)): + args.append(self.onupdate) + else: + args.append(ColumnDefault(self.onupdate, for_update=True)) + + if self.server_onupdate is not None: + if isinstance(self.server_onupdate, FetchedValue): + args.append(self.server_onupdate._as_for_update(True)) + else: + args.append( + DefaultClause(self.server_onupdate, for_update=True) + ) + self._init_items(*args) + + util.set_creation_order(self) + + if "info" in kwargs: + self.info = kwargs.pop("info") + + if kwargs: + raise exc.ArgumentError( + "Unknown arguments passed to Column: " + repr(list(kwargs)) + ) + + # @property + # def quote(self): + # return getattr(self.name, "quote", None) + + def __str__(self): + if self.name is None: + return "(no name)" + elif self.table is not None: + if self.table.named_with_column: + return self.table.description + "." + self.description + else: + return self.description + else: + return self.description + + def references(self, column): + """Return True if this Column references the given column via foreign + key.""" + + for fk in self.foreign_keys: + if fk.column.proxy_set.intersection(column.proxy_set): + return True + else: + return False + + def append_foreign_key(self, fk): + fk._set_parent_with_dispatch(self) + + def __repr__(self): + kwarg = [] + if self.key != self.name: + kwarg.append("key") + if self.primary_key: + kwarg.append("primary_key") + if not self.nullable: + kwarg.append("nullable") + if self.onupdate: + kwarg.append("onupdate") + if self.default: + kwarg.append("default") + if self.server_default: + kwarg.append("server_default") + return "Column(%s)" % ", ".join( + [repr(self.name)] + + [repr(self.type)] + + [repr(x) for x in self.foreign_keys if x is not None] + + [repr(x) for x in self.constraints] + + [ + ( + self.table is not None + and "table=<%s>" % self.table.description + or "table=None" + ) + ] + + ["%s=%s" % (k, repr(getattr(self, k))) for k in kwarg] + ) + + def _set_parent(self, table): + if not self.name: + raise exc.ArgumentError( + "Column must be constructed with a non-blank name or " + "assign a non-blank .name before adding to a Table." + ) + if self.key is None: + self.key = self.name + + existing = getattr(self, "table", None) + if existing is not None and existing is not table: + raise exc.ArgumentError( + "Column object '%s' already assigned to Table '%s'" + % (self.key, existing.description) + ) + + if self.key in table._columns: + col = table._columns.get(self.key) + if col is not self: + for fk in col.foreign_keys: + table.foreign_keys.remove(fk) + if fk.constraint in table.constraints: + # this might have been removed + # already, if it's a composite constraint + # and more than one col being replaced + table.constraints.remove(fk.constraint) + + table._columns.replace(self) + + if self.primary_key: + table.primary_key._replace(self) + elif self.key in table.primary_key: + raise exc.ArgumentError( + "Trying to redefine primary-key column '%s' as a " + "non-primary-key column on table '%s'" + % (self.key, table.fullname) + ) + + self.table = table + + if self.index: + if isinstance(self.index, util.string_types): + raise exc.ArgumentError( + "The 'index' keyword argument on Column is boolean only. " + "To create indexes with a specific name, create an " + "explicit Index object external to the Table." + ) + Index(None, self, unique=bool(self.unique), _column_flag=True) + elif self.unique: + if isinstance(self.unique, util.string_types): + raise exc.ArgumentError( + "The 'unique' keyword argument on Column is boolean " + "only. To create unique constraints or indexes with a " + "specific name, append an explicit UniqueConstraint to " + "the Table's list of elements, or create an explicit " + "Index object external to the Table." + ) + table.append_constraint( + UniqueConstraint(self.key, _column_flag=True) + ) + + self._setup_on_memoized_fks(lambda fk: fk._set_remote_table(table)) + + def _setup_on_memoized_fks(self, fn): + fk_keys = [ + ((self.table.key, self.key), False), + ((self.table.key, self.name), True), + ] + for fk_key, link_to_name in fk_keys: + if fk_key in self.table.metadata._fk_memos: + for fk in self.table.metadata._fk_memos[fk_key]: + if fk.link_to_name is link_to_name: + fn(fk) + + def _on_table_attach(self, fn): + if self.table is not None: + fn(self, self.table) + else: + event.listen(self, "after_parent_attach", fn) + + def copy(self, **kw): + """Create a copy of this ``Column``, unitialized. + + This is used in ``Table.tometadata``. + + """ + + # Constraint objects plus non-constraint-bound ForeignKey objects + args = [ + c.copy(**kw) for c in self.constraints if not c._type_bound + ] + [c.copy(**kw) for c in self.foreign_keys if not c.constraint] + + type_ = self.type + if isinstance(type_, SchemaEventTarget): + type_ = type_.copy(**kw) + + c = self._constructor( + name=self.name, + type_=type_, + key=self.key, + primary_key=self.primary_key, + nullable=self.nullable, + unique=self.unique, + system=self.system, + # quote=self.quote, + index=self.index, + autoincrement=self.autoincrement, + default=self.default, + server_default=self.server_default, + onupdate=self.onupdate, + server_onupdate=self.server_onupdate, + doc=self.doc, + comment=self.comment, + *args + ) + return self._schema_item_copy(c) + + def _make_proxy( + self, selectable, name=None, key=None, name_is_truncatable=False, **kw + ): + """Create a *proxy* for this column. + + This is a copy of this ``Column`` referenced by a different parent + (such as an alias or select statement). The column should + be used only in select scenarios, as its full DDL/default + information is not transferred. + + """ + fk = [ + ForeignKey(f.column, _constraint=f.constraint) + for f in self.foreign_keys + ] + if name is None and self.name is None: + raise exc.InvalidRequestError( + "Cannot initialize a sub-selectable" + " with this Column object until its 'name' has " + "been assigned." + ) + try: + c = self._constructor( + _as_truncated(name or self.name) + if name_is_truncatable + else (name or self.name), + self.type, + key=key if key else name if name else self.key, + primary_key=self.primary_key, + nullable=self.nullable, + _proxies=[self], + *fk + ) + except TypeError: + util.raise_from_cause( + TypeError( + "Could not create a copy of this %r object. " + "Ensure the class includes a _constructor() " + "attribute or method which accepts the " + "standard Column constructor arguments, or " + "references the Column class itself." % self.__class__ + ) + ) + + c.table = selectable + selectable._columns.add(c) + if selectable._is_clone_of is not None: + c._is_clone_of = selectable._is_clone_of.columns[c.key] + if self.primary_key: + selectable.primary_key.add(c) + c.dispatch.after_parent_attach(c, selectable) + return c + + def get_children(self, schema_visitor=False, **kwargs): + if schema_visitor: + return ( + [x for x in (self.default, self.onupdate) if x is not None] + + list(self.foreign_keys) + + list(self.constraints) + ) + else: + return ColumnClause.get_children(self, **kwargs) + + +class ForeignKey(DialectKWArgs, SchemaItem): + """Defines a dependency between two columns. + + ``ForeignKey`` is specified as an argument to a :class:`.Column` object, + e.g.:: + + t = Table("remote_table", metadata, + Column("remote_id", ForeignKey("main_table.id")) + ) + + Note that ``ForeignKey`` is only a marker object that defines + a dependency between two columns. The actual constraint + is in all cases represented by the :class:`.ForeignKeyConstraint` + object. This object will be generated automatically when + a ``ForeignKey`` is associated with a :class:`.Column` which + in turn is associated with a :class:`.Table`. Conversely, + when :class:`.ForeignKeyConstraint` is applied to a :class:`.Table`, + ``ForeignKey`` markers are automatically generated to be + present on each associated :class:`.Column`, which are also + associated with the constraint object. + + Note that you cannot define a "composite" foreign key constraint, + that is a constraint between a grouping of multiple parent/child + columns, using ``ForeignKey`` objects. To define this grouping, + the :class:`.ForeignKeyConstraint` object must be used, and applied + to the :class:`.Table`. The associated ``ForeignKey`` objects + are created automatically. + + The ``ForeignKey`` objects associated with an individual + :class:`.Column` object are available in the `foreign_keys` collection + of that column. + + Further examples of foreign key configuration are in + :ref:`metadata_foreignkeys`. + + """ + + __visit_name__ = "foreign_key" + + def __init__( + self, + column, + _constraint=None, + use_alter=False, + name=None, + onupdate=None, + ondelete=None, + deferrable=None, + initially=None, + link_to_name=False, + match=None, + info=None, + **dialect_kw + ): + r""" + Construct a column-level FOREIGN KEY. + + The :class:`.ForeignKey` object when constructed generates a + :class:`.ForeignKeyConstraint` which is associated with the parent + :class:`.Table` object's collection of constraints. + + :param column: A single target column for the key relationship. A + :class:`.Column` object or a column name as a string: + ``tablename.columnkey`` or ``schema.tablename.columnkey``. + ``columnkey`` is the ``key`` which has been assigned to the column + (defaults to the column name itself), unless ``link_to_name`` is + ``True`` in which case the rendered name of the column is used. + + .. versionadded:: 0.7.4 + Note that if the schema name is not included, and the + underlying :class:`.MetaData` has a "schema", that value will + be used. + + :param name: Optional string. An in-database name for the key if + `constraint` is not provided. + + :param onupdate: Optional string. If set, emit ON UPDATE when + issuing DDL for this constraint. Typical values include CASCADE, + DELETE and RESTRICT. + + :param ondelete: Optional string. If set, emit ON DELETE when + issuing DDL for this constraint. Typical values include CASCADE, + DELETE and RESTRICT. + + :param deferrable: Optional bool. If set, emit DEFERRABLE or NOT + DEFERRABLE when issuing DDL for this constraint. + + :param initially: Optional string. If set, emit INITIALLY when + issuing DDL for this constraint. + + :param link_to_name: if True, the string name given in ``column`` is + the rendered name of the referenced column, not its locally + assigned ``key``. + + :param use_alter: passed to the underlying + :class:`.ForeignKeyConstraint` to indicate the constraint should + be generated/dropped externally from the CREATE TABLE/ DROP TABLE + statement. See :paramref:`.ForeignKeyConstraint.use_alter` + for further description. + + .. seealso:: + + :paramref:`.ForeignKeyConstraint.use_alter` + + :ref:`use_alter` + + :param match: Optional string. If set, emit MATCH when issuing + DDL for this constraint. Typical values include SIMPLE, PARTIAL + and FULL. + + :param info: Optional data dictionary which will be populated into the + :attr:`.SchemaItem.info` attribute of this object. + + .. versionadded:: 1.0.0 + + :param \**dialect_kw: Additional keyword arguments are dialect + specific, and passed in the form ``_``. The + arguments are ultimately handled by a corresponding + :class:`.ForeignKeyConstraint`. See the documentation regarding + an individual dialect at :ref:`dialect_toplevel` for detail on + documented arguments. + + .. versionadded:: 0.9.2 + + """ + + self._colspec = column + if isinstance(self._colspec, util.string_types): + self._table_column = None + else: + if hasattr(self._colspec, "__clause_element__"): + self._table_column = self._colspec.__clause_element__() + else: + self._table_column = self._colspec + + if not isinstance(self._table_column, ColumnClause): + raise exc.ArgumentError( + "String, Column, or Column-bound argument " + "expected, got %r" % self._table_column + ) + elif not isinstance( + self._table_column.table, (util.NoneType, TableClause) + ): + raise exc.ArgumentError( + "ForeignKey received Column not bound " + "to a Table, got: %r" % self._table_column.table + ) + + # the linked ForeignKeyConstraint. + # ForeignKey will create this when parent Column + # is attached to a Table, *or* ForeignKeyConstraint + # object passes itself in when creating ForeignKey + # markers. + self.constraint = _constraint + self.parent = None + self.use_alter = use_alter + self.name = name + self.onupdate = onupdate + self.ondelete = ondelete + self.deferrable = deferrable + self.initially = initially + self.link_to_name = link_to_name + self.match = match + if info: + self.info = info + self._unvalidated_dialect_kw = dialect_kw + + def __repr__(self): + return "ForeignKey(%r)" % self._get_colspec() + + def copy(self, schema=None): + """Produce a copy of this :class:`.ForeignKey` object. + + The new :class:`.ForeignKey` will not be bound + to any :class:`.Column`. + + This method is usually used by the internal + copy procedures of :class:`.Column`, :class:`.Table`, + and :class:`.MetaData`. + + :param schema: The returned :class:`.ForeignKey` will + reference the original table and column name, qualified + by the given string schema name. + + """ + + fk = ForeignKey( + self._get_colspec(schema=schema), + use_alter=self.use_alter, + name=self.name, + onupdate=self.onupdate, + ondelete=self.ondelete, + deferrable=self.deferrable, + initially=self.initially, + link_to_name=self.link_to_name, + match=self.match, + **self._unvalidated_dialect_kw + ) + return self._schema_item_copy(fk) + + def _get_colspec(self, schema=None, table_name=None): + """Return a string based 'column specification' for this + :class:`.ForeignKey`. + + This is usually the equivalent of the string-based "tablename.colname" + argument first passed to the object's constructor. + + """ + if schema: + _schema, tname, colname = self._column_tokens + if table_name is not None: + tname = table_name + return "%s.%s.%s" % (schema, tname, colname) + elif table_name: + schema, tname, colname = self._column_tokens + if schema: + return "%s.%s.%s" % (schema, table_name, colname) + else: + return "%s.%s" % (table_name, colname) + elif self._table_column is not None: + return "%s.%s" % ( + self._table_column.table.fullname, + self._table_column.key, + ) + else: + return self._colspec + + @property + def _referred_schema(self): + return self._column_tokens[0] + + def _table_key(self): + if self._table_column is not None: + if self._table_column.table is None: + return None + else: + return self._table_column.table.key + else: + schema, tname, colname = self._column_tokens + return _get_table_key(tname, schema) + + target_fullname = property(_get_colspec) + + def references(self, table): + """Return True if the given :class:`.Table` is referenced by this + :class:`.ForeignKey`.""" + + return table.corresponding_column(self.column) is not None + + def get_referent(self, table): + """Return the :class:`.Column` in the given :class:`.Table` + referenced by this :class:`.ForeignKey`. + + Returns None if this :class:`.ForeignKey` does not reference the given + :class:`.Table`. + + """ + + return table.corresponding_column(self.column) + + @util.memoized_property + def _column_tokens(self): + """parse a string-based _colspec into its component parts.""" + + m = self._get_colspec().split(".") + if m is None: + raise exc.ArgumentError( + "Invalid foreign key column specification: %s" % self._colspec + ) + if len(m) == 1: + tname = m.pop() + colname = None + else: + colname = m.pop() + tname = m.pop() + + # A FK between column 'bar' and table 'foo' can be + # specified as 'foo', 'foo.bar', 'dbo.foo.bar', + # 'otherdb.dbo.foo.bar'. Once we have the column name and + # the table name, treat everything else as the schema + # name. Some databases (e.g. Sybase) support + # inter-database foreign keys. See tickets#1341 and -- + # indirectly related -- Ticket #594. This assumes that '.' + # will never appear *within* any component of the FK. + + if len(m) > 0: + schema = ".".join(m) + else: + schema = None + return schema, tname, colname + + def _resolve_col_tokens(self): + if self.parent is None: + raise exc.InvalidRequestError( + "this ForeignKey object does not yet have a " + "parent Column associated with it." + ) + + elif self.parent.table is None: + raise exc.InvalidRequestError( + "this ForeignKey's parent column is not yet associated " + "with a Table." + ) + + parenttable = self.parent.table + + # assertion, can be commented out. + # basically Column._make_proxy() sends the actual + # target Column to the ForeignKey object, so the + # string resolution here is never called. + for c in self.parent.base_columns: + if isinstance(c, Column): + assert c.table is parenttable + break + else: + assert False + ###################### + + schema, tname, colname = self._column_tokens + + if schema is None and parenttable.metadata.schema is not None: + schema = parenttable.metadata.schema + + tablekey = _get_table_key(tname, schema) + return parenttable, tablekey, colname + + def _link_to_col_by_colstring(self, parenttable, table, colname): + if not hasattr(self.constraint, "_referred_table"): + self.constraint._referred_table = table + else: + assert self.constraint._referred_table is table + + _column = None + if colname is None: + # colname is None in the case that ForeignKey argument + # was specified as table name only, in which case we + # match the column name to the same column on the + # parent. + key = self.parent + _column = table.c.get(self.parent.key, None) + elif self.link_to_name: + key = colname + for c in table.c: + if c.name == colname: + _column = c + else: + key = colname + _column = table.c.get(colname, None) + + if _column is None: + raise exc.NoReferencedColumnError( + "Could not initialize target column " + "for ForeignKey '%s' on table '%s': " + "table '%s' has no column named '%s'" + % (self._colspec, parenttable.name, table.name, key), + table.name, + key, + ) + + self._set_target_column(_column) + + def _set_target_column(self, column): + # propagate TypeEngine to parent if it didn't have one + if self.parent.type._isnull: + self.parent.type = column.type + + # super-edgy case, if other FKs point to our column, + # they'd get the type propagated out also. + if isinstance(self.parent.table, Table): + + def set_type(fk): + if fk.parent.type._isnull: + fk.parent.type = column.type + + self.parent._setup_on_memoized_fks(set_type) + + self.column = column + + @util.memoized_property + def column(self): + """Return the target :class:`.Column` referenced by this + :class:`.ForeignKey`. + + If no target column has been established, an exception + is raised. + + .. versionchanged:: 0.9.0 + Foreign key target column resolution now occurs as soon as both + the ForeignKey object and the remote Column to which it refers + are both associated with the same MetaData object. + + """ + + if isinstance(self._colspec, util.string_types): + + parenttable, tablekey, colname = self._resolve_col_tokens() + + if tablekey not in parenttable.metadata: + raise exc.NoReferencedTableError( + "Foreign key associated with column '%s' could not find " + "table '%s' with which to generate a " + "foreign key to target column '%s'" + % (self.parent, tablekey, colname), + tablekey, + ) + elif parenttable.key not in parenttable.metadata: + raise exc.InvalidRequestError( + "Table %s is no longer associated with its " + "parent MetaData" % parenttable + ) + else: + raise exc.NoReferencedColumnError( + "Could not initialize target column for " + "ForeignKey '%s' on table '%s': " + "table '%s' has no column named '%s'" + % (self._colspec, parenttable.name, tablekey, colname), + tablekey, + colname, + ) + elif hasattr(self._colspec, "__clause_element__"): + _column = self._colspec.__clause_element__() + return _column + else: + _column = self._colspec + return _column + + def _set_parent(self, column): + if self.parent is not None and self.parent is not column: + raise exc.InvalidRequestError( + "This ForeignKey already has a parent !" + ) + self.parent = column + self.parent.foreign_keys.add(self) + self.parent._on_table_attach(self._set_table) + + def _set_remote_table(self, table): + parenttable, tablekey, colname = self._resolve_col_tokens() + self._link_to_col_by_colstring(parenttable, table, colname) + self.constraint._validate_dest_table(table) + + def _remove_from_metadata(self, metadata): + parenttable, table_key, colname = self._resolve_col_tokens() + fk_key = (table_key, colname) + + if self in metadata._fk_memos[fk_key]: + # TODO: no test coverage for self not in memos + metadata._fk_memos[fk_key].remove(self) + + def _set_table(self, column, table): + # standalone ForeignKey - create ForeignKeyConstraint + # on the hosting Table when attached to the Table. + if self.constraint is None and isinstance(table, Table): + self.constraint = ForeignKeyConstraint( + [], + [], + use_alter=self.use_alter, + name=self.name, + onupdate=self.onupdate, + ondelete=self.ondelete, + deferrable=self.deferrable, + initially=self.initially, + match=self.match, + **self._unvalidated_dialect_kw + ) + self.constraint._append_element(column, self) + self.constraint._set_parent_with_dispatch(table) + table.foreign_keys.add(self) + + # set up remote ".column" attribute, or a note to pick it + # up when the other Table/Column shows up + if isinstance(self._colspec, util.string_types): + parenttable, table_key, colname = self._resolve_col_tokens() + fk_key = (table_key, colname) + if table_key in parenttable.metadata.tables: + table = parenttable.metadata.tables[table_key] + try: + self._link_to_col_by_colstring(parenttable, table, colname) + except exc.NoReferencedColumnError: + # this is OK, we'll try later + pass + parenttable.metadata._fk_memos[fk_key].append(self) + elif hasattr(self._colspec, "__clause_element__"): + _column = self._colspec.__clause_element__() + self._set_target_column(_column) + else: + _column = self._colspec + self._set_target_column(_column) + + +class _NotAColumnExpr(object): + def _not_a_column_expr(self): + raise exc.InvalidRequestError( + "This %s cannot be used directly " + "as a column expression." % self.__class__.__name__ + ) + + __clause_element__ = self_group = lambda self: self._not_a_column_expr() + _from_objects = property(lambda self: self._not_a_column_expr()) + + +class DefaultGenerator(_NotAColumnExpr, SchemaItem): + """Base class for column *default* values.""" + + __visit_name__ = "default_generator" + + is_sequence = False + is_server_default = False + column = None + + def __init__(self, for_update=False): + self.for_update = for_update + + def _set_parent(self, column): + self.column = column + if self.for_update: + self.column.onupdate = self + else: + self.column.default = self + + def execute(self, bind=None, **kwargs): + if bind is None: + bind = _bind_or_error(self) + return bind._execute_default(self, **kwargs) + + def _execute_on_connection(self, connection, multiparams, params): + return connection._execute_default(self, multiparams, params) + + @property + def bind(self): + """Return the connectable associated with this default.""" + if getattr(self, "column", None) is not None: + return self.column.table.bind + else: + return None + + +class ColumnDefault(DefaultGenerator): + """A plain default value on a column. + + This could correspond to a constant, a callable function, + or a SQL clause. + + :class:`.ColumnDefault` is generated automatically + whenever the ``default``, ``onupdate`` arguments of + :class:`.Column` are used. A :class:`.ColumnDefault` + can be passed positionally as well. + + For example, the following:: + + Column('foo', Integer, default=50) + + Is equivalent to:: + + Column('foo', Integer, ColumnDefault(50)) + + + """ + + def __init__(self, arg, **kwargs): + """"Construct a new :class:`.ColumnDefault`. + + + :param arg: argument representing the default value. + May be one of the following: + + * a plain non-callable Python value, such as a + string, integer, boolean, or other simple type. + The default value will be used as is each time. + * a SQL expression, that is one which derives from + :class:`.ColumnElement`. The SQL expression will + be rendered into the INSERT or UPDATE statement, + or in the case of a primary key column when + RETURNING is not used may be + pre-executed before an INSERT within a SELECT. + * A Python callable. The function will be invoked for each + new row subject to an INSERT or UPDATE. + The callable must accept exactly + zero or one positional arguments. The one-argument form + will receive an instance of the :class:`.ExecutionContext`, + which provides contextual information as to the current + :class:`.Connection` in use as well as the current + statement and parameters. + + """ + super(ColumnDefault, self).__init__(**kwargs) + if isinstance(arg, FetchedValue): + raise exc.ArgumentError( + "ColumnDefault may not be a server-side default type." + ) + if util.callable(arg): + arg = self._maybe_wrap_callable(arg) + self.arg = arg + + @util.memoized_property + def is_callable(self): + return util.callable(self.arg) + + @util.memoized_property + def is_clause_element(self): + return isinstance(self.arg, ClauseElement) + + @util.memoized_property + def is_scalar(self): + return ( + not self.is_callable + and not self.is_clause_element + and not self.is_sequence + ) + + @util.memoized_property + @util.dependencies("sqlalchemy.sql.sqltypes") + def _arg_is_typed(self, sqltypes): + if self.is_clause_element: + return not isinstance(self.arg.type, sqltypes.NullType) + else: + return False + + def _maybe_wrap_callable(self, fn): + """Wrap callables that don't accept a context. + + This is to allow easy compatibility with default callables + that aren't specific to accepting of a context. + + """ + try: + argspec = util.get_callable_argspec(fn, no_self=True) + except TypeError: + return util.wrap_callable(lambda ctx: fn(), fn) + + defaulted = argspec[3] is not None and len(argspec[3]) or 0 + positionals = len(argspec[0]) - defaulted + + if positionals == 0: + return util.wrap_callable(lambda ctx: fn(), fn) + + elif positionals == 1: + return fn + else: + raise exc.ArgumentError( + "ColumnDefault Python function takes zero or one " + "positional arguments" + ) + + def _visit_name(self): + if self.for_update: + return "column_onupdate" + else: + return "column_default" + + __visit_name__ = property(_visit_name) + + def __repr__(self): + return "ColumnDefault(%r)" % (self.arg,) + + +class Sequence(DefaultGenerator): + """Represents a named database sequence. + + The :class:`.Sequence` object represents the name and configurational + parameters of a database sequence. It also represents + a construct that can be "executed" by a SQLAlchemy :class:`.Engine` + or :class:`.Connection`, rendering the appropriate "next value" function + for the target database and returning a result. + + The :class:`.Sequence` is typically associated with a primary key column:: + + some_table = Table( + 'some_table', metadata, + Column('id', Integer, Sequence('some_table_seq'), + primary_key=True) + ) + + When CREATE TABLE is emitted for the above :class:`.Table`, if the + target platform supports sequences, a CREATE SEQUENCE statement will + be emitted as well. For platforms that don't support sequences, + the :class:`.Sequence` construct is ignored. + + .. seealso:: + + :class:`.CreateSequence` + + :class:`.DropSequence` + + """ + + __visit_name__ = "sequence" + + is_sequence = True + + def __init__( + self, + name, + start=None, + increment=None, + minvalue=None, + maxvalue=None, + nominvalue=None, + nomaxvalue=None, + cycle=None, + schema=None, + cache=None, + order=None, + optional=False, + quote=None, + metadata=None, + quote_schema=None, + for_update=False, + ): + """Construct a :class:`.Sequence` object. + + :param name: The name of the sequence. + :param start: the starting index of the sequence. This value is + used when the CREATE SEQUENCE command is emitted to the database + as the value of the "START WITH" clause. If ``None``, the + clause is omitted, which on most platforms indicates a starting + value of 1. + :param increment: the increment value of the sequence. This + value is used when the CREATE SEQUENCE command is emitted to + the database as the value of the "INCREMENT BY" clause. If ``None``, + the clause is omitted, which on most platforms indicates an + increment of 1. + :param minvalue: the minimum value of the sequence. This + value is used when the CREATE SEQUENCE command is emitted to + the database as the value of the "MINVALUE" clause. If ``None``, + the clause is omitted, which on most platforms indicates a + minvalue of 1 and -2^63-1 for ascending and descending sequences, + respectively. + + .. versionadded:: 1.0.7 + + :param maxvalue: the maximum value of the sequence. This + value is used when the CREATE SEQUENCE command is emitted to + the database as the value of the "MAXVALUE" clause. If ``None``, + the clause is omitted, which on most platforms indicates a + maxvalue of 2^63-1 and -1 for ascending and descending sequences, + respectively. + + .. versionadded:: 1.0.7 + + :param nominvalue: no minimum value of the sequence. This + value is used when the CREATE SEQUENCE command is emitted to + the database as the value of the "NO MINVALUE" clause. If ``None``, + the clause is omitted, which on most platforms indicates a + minvalue of 1 and -2^63-1 for ascending and descending sequences, + respectively. + + .. versionadded:: 1.0.7 + + :param nomaxvalue: no maximum value of the sequence. This + value is used when the CREATE SEQUENCE command is emitted to + the database as the value of the "NO MAXVALUE" clause. If ``None``, + the clause is omitted, which on most platforms indicates a + maxvalue of 2^63-1 and -1 for ascending and descending sequences, + respectively. + + .. versionadded:: 1.0.7 + + :param cycle: allows the sequence to wrap around when the maxvalue + or minvalue has been reached by an ascending or descending sequence + respectively. This value is used when the CREATE SEQUENCE command + is emitted to the database as the "CYCLE" clause. If the limit is + reached, the next number generated will be the minvalue or maxvalue, + respectively. If cycle=False (the default) any calls to nextval + after the sequence has reached its maximum value will return an + error. + + .. versionadded:: 1.0.7 + + :param schema: Optional schema name for the sequence, if located + in a schema other than the default. The rules for selecting the + schema name when a :class:`.MetaData` is also present are the same + as that of :paramref:`.Table.schema`. + + :param cache: optional integer value; number of future values in the + sequence which are calculated in advance. Renders the CACHE keyword + understood by Oracle and PostgreSQL. + + .. versionadded:: 1.1.12 + + :param order: optional boolean value; if true, renders the + ORDER keyword, understood by Oracle, indicating the sequence is + definitively ordered. May be necessary to provide deterministic + ordering using Oracle RAC. + + .. versionadded:: 1.1.12 + + :param optional: boolean value, when ``True``, indicates that this + :class:`.Sequence` object only needs to be explicitly generated + on backends that don't provide another way to generate primary + key identifiers. Currently, it essentially means, "don't create + this sequence on the PostgreSQL backend, where the SERIAL keyword + creates a sequence for us automatically". + :param quote: boolean value, when ``True`` or ``False``, explicitly + forces quoting of the schema name on or off. When left at its + default of ``None``, normal quoting rules based on casing and + reserved words take place. + :param quote_schema: set the quoting preferences for the ``schema`` + name. + + :param metadata: optional :class:`.MetaData` object which this + :class:`.Sequence` will be associated with. A :class:`.Sequence` + that is associated with a :class:`.MetaData` gains the following + capabilities: + + * The :class:`.Sequence` will inherit the :paramref:`.MetaData.schema` + parameter specified to the target :class:`.MetaData`, which + affects the production of CREATE / DROP DDL, if any. + + * The :meth:`.Sequence.create` and :meth:`.Sequence.drop` methods + automatically use the engine bound to the :class:`.MetaData` + object, if any. + + * The :meth:`.MetaData.create_all` and :meth:`.MetaData.drop_all` + methods will emit CREATE / DROP for this :class:`.Sequence`, + even if the :class:`.Sequence` is not associated with any + :class:`.Table` / :class:`.Column` that's a member of this + :class:`.MetaData`. + + The above behaviors can only occur if the :class:`.Sequence` is + explicitly associated with the :class:`.MetaData` via this parameter. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`sequence_metadata` - full discussion of the + :paramref:`.Sequence.metadata` parameter. + + :param for_update: Indicates this :class:`.Sequence`, when associated + with a :class:`.Column`, should be invoked for UPDATE statements + on that column's table, rather than for INSERT statements, when + no value is otherwise present for that column in the statement. + + """ + super(Sequence, self).__init__(for_update=for_update) + self.name = quoted_name(name, quote) + self.start = start + self.increment = increment + self.minvalue = minvalue + self.maxvalue = maxvalue + self.nominvalue = nominvalue + self.nomaxvalue = nomaxvalue + self.cycle = cycle + self.cache = cache + self.order = order + self.optional = optional + if schema is BLANK_SCHEMA: + self.schema = schema = None + elif metadata is not None and schema is None and metadata.schema: + self.schema = schema = metadata.schema + else: + self.schema = quoted_name(schema, quote_schema) + self.metadata = metadata + self._key = _get_table_key(name, schema) + if metadata: + self._set_metadata(metadata) + + @util.memoized_property + def is_callable(self): + return False + + @util.memoized_property + def is_clause_element(self): + return False + + @util.dependencies("sqlalchemy.sql.functions.func") + def next_value(self, func): + """Return a :class:`.next_value` function element + which will render the appropriate increment function + for this :class:`.Sequence` within any SQL expression. + + """ + return func.next_value(self, bind=self.bind) + + def _set_parent(self, column): + super(Sequence, self)._set_parent(column) + column._on_table_attach(self._set_table) + + def _set_table(self, column, table): + self._set_metadata(table.metadata) + + def _set_metadata(self, metadata): + self.metadata = metadata + self.metadata._sequences[self._key] = self + + @property + def bind(self): + if self.metadata: + return self.metadata.bind + else: + return None + + def create(self, bind=None, checkfirst=True): + """Creates this sequence in the database.""" + + if bind is None: + bind = _bind_or_error(self) + bind._run_visitor(ddl.SchemaGenerator, self, checkfirst=checkfirst) + + def drop(self, bind=None, checkfirst=True): + """Drops this sequence from the database.""" + + if bind is None: + bind = _bind_or_error(self) + bind._run_visitor(ddl.SchemaDropper, self, checkfirst=checkfirst) + + def _not_a_column_expr(self): + raise exc.InvalidRequestError( + "This %s cannot be used directly " + "as a column expression. Use func.next_value(sequence) " + "to produce a 'next value' function that's usable " + "as a column element." % self.__class__.__name__ + ) + + +@inspection._self_inspects +class FetchedValue(_NotAColumnExpr, SchemaEventTarget): + """A marker for a transparent database-side default. + + Use :class:`.FetchedValue` when the database is configured + to provide some automatic default for a column. + + E.g.:: + + Column('foo', Integer, FetchedValue()) + + Would indicate that some trigger or default generator + will create a new value for the ``foo`` column during an + INSERT. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`triggered_columns` + + """ + + is_server_default = True + reflected = False + has_argument = False + + def __init__(self, for_update=False): + self.for_update = for_update + + def _as_for_update(self, for_update): + if for_update == self.for_update: + return self + else: + return self._clone(for_update) + + def _clone(self, for_update): + n = self.__class__.__new__(self.__class__) + n.__dict__.update(self.__dict__) + n.__dict__.pop("column", None) + n.for_update = for_update + return n + + def _set_parent(self, column): + self.column = column + if self.for_update: + self.column.server_onupdate = self + else: + self.column.server_default = self + + def __repr__(self): + return util.generic_repr(self) + + +class DefaultClause(FetchedValue): + """A DDL-specified DEFAULT column value. + + :class:`.DefaultClause` is a :class:`.FetchedValue` + that also generates a "DEFAULT" clause when + "CREATE TABLE" is emitted. + + :class:`.DefaultClause` is generated automatically + whenever the ``server_default``, ``server_onupdate`` arguments of + :class:`.Column` are used. A :class:`.DefaultClause` + can be passed positionally as well. + + For example, the following:: + + Column('foo', Integer, server_default="50") + + Is equivalent to:: + + Column('foo', Integer, DefaultClause("50")) + + """ + + has_argument = True + + def __init__(self, arg, for_update=False, _reflected=False): + util.assert_arg_type( + arg, (util.string_types[0], ClauseElement, TextClause), "arg" + ) + super(DefaultClause, self).__init__(for_update) + self.arg = arg + self.reflected = _reflected + + def __repr__(self): + return "DefaultClause(%r, for_update=%r)" % (self.arg, self.for_update) + + +class PassiveDefault(DefaultClause): + """A DDL-specified DEFAULT column value. + + .. deprecated:: 0.6 + :class:`.PassiveDefault` is deprecated. + Use :class:`.DefaultClause`. + """ + + @util.deprecated( + "0.6", + ":class:`.PassiveDefault` is deprecated. " + "Use :class:`.DefaultClause`.", + False, + ) + def __init__(self, *arg, **kw): + DefaultClause.__init__(self, *arg, **kw) + + +class Constraint(DialectKWArgs, SchemaItem): + """A table-level SQL constraint.""" + + __visit_name__ = "constraint" + + def __init__( + self, + name=None, + deferrable=None, + initially=None, + _create_rule=None, + info=None, + _type_bound=False, + **dialect_kw + ): + r"""Create a SQL constraint. + + :param name: + Optional, the in-database name of this ``Constraint``. + + :param deferrable: + Optional bool. If set, emit DEFERRABLE or NOT DEFERRABLE when + issuing DDL for this constraint. + + :param initially: + Optional string. If set, emit INITIALLY when issuing DDL + for this constraint. + + :param info: Optional data dictionary which will be populated into the + :attr:`.SchemaItem.info` attribute of this object. + + .. versionadded:: 1.0.0 + + :param _create_rule: + a callable which is passed the DDLCompiler object during + compilation. Returns True or False to signal inline generation of + this Constraint. + + The AddConstraint and DropConstraint DDL constructs provide + DDLElement's more comprehensive "conditional DDL" approach that is + passed a database connection when DDL is being issued. _create_rule + is instead called during any CREATE TABLE compilation, where there + may not be any transaction/connection in progress. However, it + allows conditional compilation of the constraint even for backends + which do not support addition of constraints through ALTER TABLE, + which currently includes SQLite. + + _create_rule is used by some types to create constraints. + Currently, its call signature is subject to change at any time. + + :param \**dialect_kw: Additional keyword arguments are dialect + specific, and passed in the form ``_``. See + the documentation regarding an individual dialect at + :ref:`dialect_toplevel` for detail on documented arguments. + + """ + + self.name = name + self.deferrable = deferrable + self.initially = initially + if info: + self.info = info + self._create_rule = _create_rule + self._type_bound = _type_bound + util.set_creation_order(self) + self._validate_dialect_kwargs(dialect_kw) + + @property + def table(self): + try: + if isinstance(self.parent, Table): + return self.parent + except AttributeError: + pass + raise exc.InvalidRequestError( + "This constraint is not bound to a table. Did you " + "mean to call table.append_constraint(constraint) ?" + ) + + def _set_parent(self, parent): + self.parent = parent + parent.constraints.add(self) + + def copy(self, **kw): + raise NotImplementedError() + + +def _to_schema_column(element): + if hasattr(element, "__clause_element__"): + element = element.__clause_element__() + if not isinstance(element, Column): + raise exc.ArgumentError("schema.Column object expected") + return element + + +def _to_schema_column_or_string(element): + if hasattr(element, "__clause_element__"): + element = element.__clause_element__() + if not isinstance(element, util.string_types + (ColumnElement,)): + msg = "Element %r is not a string name or column element" + raise exc.ArgumentError(msg % element) + return element + + +class ColumnCollectionMixin(object): + + columns = None + """A :class:`.ColumnCollection` of :class:`.Column` objects. + + This collection represents the columns which are referred to by + this object. + + """ + + _allow_multiple_tables = False + + def __init__(self, *columns, **kw): + _autoattach = kw.pop("_autoattach", True) + self._column_flag = kw.pop("_column_flag", False) + self.columns = ColumnCollection() + self._pending_colargs = [ + _to_schema_column_or_string(c) for c in columns + ] + if _autoattach and self._pending_colargs: + self._check_attach() + + @classmethod + def _extract_col_expression_collection(cls, expressions): + for expr in expressions: + strname = None + column = None + if hasattr(expr, "__clause_element__"): + expr = expr.__clause_element__() + + if not isinstance(expr, (ColumnElement, TextClause)): + # this assumes a string + strname = expr + else: + cols = [] + visitors.traverse(expr, {}, {"column": cols.append}) + if cols: + column = cols[0] + add_element = column if column is not None else strname + yield expr, column, strname, add_element + + def _check_attach(self, evt=False): + col_objs = [c for c in self._pending_colargs if isinstance(c, Column)] + + cols_w_table = [c for c in col_objs if isinstance(c.table, Table)] + + cols_wo_table = set(col_objs).difference(cols_w_table) + + if cols_wo_table: + # feature #3341 - place event listeners for Column objects + # such that when all those cols are attached, we autoattach. + assert not evt, "Should not reach here on event call" + + # issue #3411 - don't do the per-column auto-attach if some of the + # columns are specified as strings. + has_string_cols = set(self._pending_colargs).difference(col_objs) + if not has_string_cols: + + def _col_attached(column, table): + # this isinstance() corresponds with the + # isinstance() above; only want to count Table-bound + # columns + if isinstance(table, Table): + cols_wo_table.discard(column) + if not cols_wo_table: + self._check_attach(evt=True) + + self._cols_wo_table = cols_wo_table + for col in cols_wo_table: + col._on_table_attach(_col_attached) + return + + columns = cols_w_table + + tables = {c.table for c in columns} + if len(tables) == 1: + self._set_parent_with_dispatch(tables.pop()) + elif len(tables) > 1 and not self._allow_multiple_tables: + table = columns[0].table + others = [c for c in columns[1:] if c.table is not table] + if others: + raise exc.ArgumentError( + "Column(s) %s are not part of table '%s'." + % ( + ", ".join("'%s'" % c for c in others), + table.description, + ) + ) + + def _set_parent(self, table): + for col in self._pending_colargs: + if isinstance(col, util.string_types): + col = table.c[col] + self.columns.add(col) + + +class ColumnCollectionConstraint(ColumnCollectionMixin, Constraint): + """A constraint that proxies a ColumnCollection.""" + + def __init__(self, *columns, **kw): + r""" + :param \*columns: + A sequence of column names or Column objects. + + :param name: + Optional, the in-database name of this constraint. + + :param deferrable: + Optional bool. If set, emit DEFERRABLE or NOT DEFERRABLE when + issuing DDL for this constraint. + + :param initially: + Optional string. If set, emit INITIALLY when issuing DDL + for this constraint. + + :param \**kw: other keyword arguments including dialect-specific + arguments are propagated to the :class:`.Constraint` superclass. + + """ + _autoattach = kw.pop("_autoattach", True) + _column_flag = kw.pop("_column_flag", False) + Constraint.__init__(self, **kw) + ColumnCollectionMixin.__init__( + self, *columns, _autoattach=_autoattach, _column_flag=_column_flag + ) + + columns = None + """A :class:`.ColumnCollection` representing the set of columns + for this constraint. + + """ + + def _set_parent(self, table): + Constraint._set_parent(self, table) + ColumnCollectionMixin._set_parent(self, table) + + def __contains__(self, x): + return x in self.columns + + def copy(self, **kw): + c = self.__class__( + name=self.name, + deferrable=self.deferrable, + initially=self.initially, + *self.columns.keys() + ) + return self._schema_item_copy(c) + + def contains_column(self, col): + """Return True if this constraint contains the given column. + + Note that this object also contains an attribute ``.columns`` + which is a :class:`.ColumnCollection` of :class:`.Column` objects. + + """ + + return self.columns.contains_column(col) + + def __iter__(self): + # inlining of + # return iter(self.columns) + # ColumnCollection->OrderedProperties->OrderedDict + ordered_dict = self.columns._data + return (ordered_dict[key] for key in ordered_dict._list) + + def __len__(self): + return len(self.columns._data) + + +class CheckConstraint(ColumnCollectionConstraint): + """A table- or column-level CHECK constraint. + + Can be included in the definition of a Table or Column. + """ + + _allow_multiple_tables = True + + def __init__( + self, + sqltext, + name=None, + deferrable=None, + initially=None, + table=None, + info=None, + _create_rule=None, + _autoattach=True, + _type_bound=False, + ): + r"""Construct a CHECK constraint. + + :param sqltext: + A string containing the constraint definition, which will be used + verbatim, or a SQL expression construct. If given as a string, + the object is converted to a :class:`.Text` object. If the textual + string includes a colon character, escape this using a backslash:: + + CheckConstraint(r"foo ~ E'a(?\:b|c)d") + + :param name: + Optional, the in-database name of the constraint. + + :param deferrable: + Optional bool. If set, emit DEFERRABLE or NOT DEFERRABLE when + issuing DDL for this constraint. + + :param initially: + Optional string. If set, emit INITIALLY when issuing DDL + for this constraint. + + :param info: Optional data dictionary which will be populated into the + :attr:`.SchemaItem.info` attribute of this object. + + .. versionadded:: 1.0.0 + + """ + + self.sqltext = _literal_as_text(sqltext, warn=False) + + columns = [] + visitors.traverse(self.sqltext, {}, {"column": columns.append}) + + super(CheckConstraint, self).__init__( + name=name, + deferrable=deferrable, + initially=initially, + _create_rule=_create_rule, + info=info, + _type_bound=_type_bound, + _autoattach=_autoattach, + *columns + ) + if table is not None: + self._set_parent_with_dispatch(table) + + def __visit_name__(self): + if isinstance(self.parent, Table): + return "check_constraint" + else: + return "column_check_constraint" + + __visit_name__ = property(__visit_name__) + + def copy(self, target_table=None, **kw): + if target_table is not None: + sqltext = _copy_expression(self.sqltext, self.table, target_table) + else: + sqltext = self.sqltext + c = CheckConstraint( + sqltext, + name=self.name, + initially=self.initially, + deferrable=self.deferrable, + _create_rule=self._create_rule, + table=target_table, + _autoattach=False, + _type_bound=self._type_bound, + ) + return self._schema_item_copy(c) + + +class ForeignKeyConstraint(ColumnCollectionConstraint): + """A table-level FOREIGN KEY constraint. + + Defines a single column or composite FOREIGN KEY ... REFERENCES + constraint. For a no-frills, single column foreign key, adding a + :class:`.ForeignKey` to the definition of a :class:`.Column` is a + shorthand equivalent for an unnamed, single column + :class:`.ForeignKeyConstraint`. + + Examples of foreign key configuration are in :ref:`metadata_foreignkeys`. + + """ + + __visit_name__ = "foreign_key_constraint" + + def __init__( + self, + columns, + refcolumns, + name=None, + onupdate=None, + ondelete=None, + deferrable=None, + initially=None, + use_alter=False, + link_to_name=False, + match=None, + table=None, + info=None, + **dialect_kw + ): + r"""Construct a composite-capable FOREIGN KEY. + + :param columns: A sequence of local column names. The named columns + must be defined and present in the parent Table. The names should + match the ``key`` given to each column (defaults to the name) unless + ``link_to_name`` is True. + + :param refcolumns: A sequence of foreign column names or Column + objects. The columns must all be located within the same Table. + + :param name: Optional, the in-database name of the key. + + :param onupdate: Optional string. If set, emit ON UPDATE when + issuing DDL for this constraint. Typical values include CASCADE, + DELETE and RESTRICT. + + :param ondelete: Optional string. If set, emit ON DELETE when + issuing DDL for this constraint. Typical values include CASCADE, + DELETE and RESTRICT. + + :param deferrable: Optional bool. If set, emit DEFERRABLE or NOT + DEFERRABLE when issuing DDL for this constraint. + + :param initially: Optional string. If set, emit INITIALLY when + issuing DDL for this constraint. + + :param link_to_name: if True, the string name given in ``column`` is + the rendered name of the referenced column, not its locally assigned + ``key``. + + :param use_alter: If True, do not emit the DDL for this constraint as + part of the CREATE TABLE definition. Instead, generate it via an + ALTER TABLE statement issued after the full collection of tables + have been created, and drop it via an ALTER TABLE statement before + the full collection of tables are dropped. + + The use of :paramref:`.ForeignKeyConstraint.use_alter` is + particularly geared towards the case where two or more tables + are established within a mutually-dependent foreign key constraint + relationship; however, the :meth:`.MetaData.create_all` and + :meth:`.MetaData.drop_all` methods will perform this resolution + automatically, so the flag is normally not needed. + + .. versionchanged:: 1.0.0 Automatic resolution of foreign key + cycles has been added, removing the need to use the + :paramref:`.ForeignKeyConstraint.use_alter` in typical use + cases. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`use_alter` + + :param match: Optional string. If set, emit MATCH when issuing + DDL for this constraint. Typical values include SIMPLE, PARTIAL + and FULL. + + :param info: Optional data dictionary which will be populated into the + :attr:`.SchemaItem.info` attribute of this object. + + .. versionadded:: 1.0.0 + + :param \**dialect_kw: Additional keyword arguments are dialect + specific, and passed in the form ``_``. See + the documentation regarding an individual dialect at + :ref:`dialect_toplevel` for detail on documented arguments. + + .. versionadded:: 0.9.2 + + """ + + Constraint.__init__( + self, + name=name, + deferrable=deferrable, + initially=initially, + info=info, + **dialect_kw + ) + self.onupdate = onupdate + self.ondelete = ondelete + self.link_to_name = link_to_name + self.use_alter = use_alter + self.match = match + + if len(set(columns)) != len(refcolumns): + if len(set(columns)) != len(columns): + # e.g. FOREIGN KEY (a, a) REFERENCES r (b, c) + raise exc.ArgumentError( + "ForeignKeyConstraint with duplicate source column " + "references are not supported." + ) + else: + # e.g. FOREIGN KEY (a) REFERENCES r (b, c) + # paraphrasing https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.2/static/\ + # ddl-constraints.html + raise exc.ArgumentError( + "ForeignKeyConstraint number " + "of constrained columns must match the number of " + "referenced columns." + ) + + # standalone ForeignKeyConstraint - create + # associated ForeignKey objects which will be applied to hosted + # Column objects (in col.foreign_keys), either now or when attached + # to the Table for string-specified names + self.elements = [ + ForeignKey( + refcol, + _constraint=self, + name=self.name, + onupdate=self.onupdate, + ondelete=self.ondelete, + use_alter=self.use_alter, + link_to_name=self.link_to_name, + match=self.match, + deferrable=self.deferrable, + initially=self.initially, + **self.dialect_kwargs + ) + for refcol in refcolumns + ] + + ColumnCollectionMixin.__init__(self, *columns) + if table is not None: + if hasattr(self, "parent"): + assert table is self.parent + self._set_parent_with_dispatch(table) + + def _append_element(self, column, fk): + self.columns.add(column) + self.elements.append(fk) + + columns = None + """A :class:`.ColumnCollection` representing the set of columns + for this constraint. + + """ + + elements = None + """A sequence of :class:`.ForeignKey` objects. + + Each :class:`.ForeignKey` represents a single referring column/referred + column pair. + + This collection is intended to be read-only. + + """ + + @property + def _elements(self): + # legacy - provide a dictionary view of (column_key, fk) + return util.OrderedDict(zip(self.column_keys, self.elements)) + + @property + def _referred_schema(self): + for elem in self.elements: + return elem._referred_schema + else: + return None + + @property + def referred_table(self): + """The :class:`.Table` object to which this + :class:`.ForeignKeyConstraint` references. + + This is a dynamically calculated attribute which may not be available + if the constraint and/or parent table is not yet associated with + a metadata collection that contains the referred table. + + .. versionadded:: 1.0.0 + + """ + return self.elements[0].column.table + + def _validate_dest_table(self, table): + table_keys = set([elem._table_key() for elem in self.elements]) + if None not in table_keys and len(table_keys) > 1: + elem0, elem1 = sorted(table_keys)[0:2] + raise exc.ArgumentError( + "ForeignKeyConstraint on %s(%s) refers to " + "multiple remote tables: %s and %s" + % (table.fullname, self._col_description, elem0, elem1) + ) + + @property + def column_keys(self): + """Return a list of string keys representing the local + columns in this :class:`.ForeignKeyConstraint`. + + This list is either the original string arguments sent + to the constructor of the :class:`.ForeignKeyConstraint`, + or if the constraint has been initialized with :class:`.Column` + objects, is the string .key of each element. + + .. versionadded:: 1.0.0 + + """ + if hasattr(self, "parent"): + return self.columns.keys() + else: + return [ + col.key if isinstance(col, ColumnElement) else str(col) + for col in self._pending_colargs + ] + + @property + def _col_description(self): + return ", ".join(self.column_keys) + + def _set_parent(self, table): + Constraint._set_parent(self, table) + + try: + ColumnCollectionConstraint._set_parent(self, table) + except KeyError as ke: + raise exc.ArgumentError( + "Can't create ForeignKeyConstraint " + "on table '%s': no column " + "named '%s' is present." % (table.description, ke.args[0]) + ) + + for col, fk in zip(self.columns, self.elements): + if not hasattr(fk, "parent") or fk.parent is not col: + fk._set_parent_with_dispatch(col) + + self._validate_dest_table(table) + + def copy(self, schema=None, target_table=None, **kw): + fkc = ForeignKeyConstraint( + [x.parent.key for x in self.elements], + [ + x._get_colspec( + schema=schema, + table_name=target_table.name + if target_table is not None + and x._table_key() == x.parent.table.key + else None, + ) + for x in self.elements + ], + name=self.name, + onupdate=self.onupdate, + ondelete=self.ondelete, + use_alter=self.use_alter, + deferrable=self.deferrable, + initially=self.initially, + link_to_name=self.link_to_name, + match=self.match, + ) + for self_fk, other_fk in zip(self.elements, fkc.elements): + self_fk._schema_item_copy(other_fk) + return self._schema_item_copy(fkc) + + +class PrimaryKeyConstraint(ColumnCollectionConstraint): + """A table-level PRIMARY KEY constraint. + + The :class:`.PrimaryKeyConstraint` object is present automatically + on any :class:`.Table` object; it is assigned a set of + :class:`.Column` objects corresponding to those marked with + the :paramref:`.Column.primary_key` flag:: + + >>> my_table = Table('mytable', metadata, + ... Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True), + ... Column('version_id', Integer, primary_key=True), + ... Column('data', String(50)) + ... ) + >>> my_table.primary_key + PrimaryKeyConstraint( + Column('id', Integer(), table=, + primary_key=True, nullable=False), + Column('version_id', Integer(), table=, + primary_key=True, nullable=False) + ) + + The primary key of a :class:`.Table` can also be specified by using + a :class:`.PrimaryKeyConstraint` object explicitly; in this mode of usage, + the "name" of the constraint can also be specified, as well as other + options which may be recognized by dialects:: + + my_table = Table('mytable', metadata, + Column('id', Integer), + Column('version_id', Integer), + Column('data', String(50)), + PrimaryKeyConstraint('id', 'version_id', + name='mytable_pk') + ) + + The two styles of column-specification should generally not be mixed. + An warning is emitted if the columns present in the + :class:`.PrimaryKeyConstraint` + don't match the columns that were marked as ``primary_key=True``, if both + are present; in this case, the columns are taken strictly from the + :class:`.PrimaryKeyConstraint` declaration, and those columns otherwise + marked as ``primary_key=True`` are ignored. This behavior is intended to + be backwards compatible with previous behavior. + + .. versionchanged:: 0.9.2 Using a mixture of columns within a + :class:`.PrimaryKeyConstraint` in addition to columns marked as + ``primary_key=True`` now emits a warning if the lists don't match. + The ultimate behavior of ignoring those columns marked with the flag + only is currently maintained for backwards compatibility; this warning + may raise an exception in a future release. + + For the use case where specific options are to be specified on the + :class:`.PrimaryKeyConstraint`, but the usual style of using + ``primary_key=True`` flags is still desirable, an empty + :class:`.PrimaryKeyConstraint` may be specified, which will take on the + primary key column collection from the :class:`.Table` based on the + flags:: + + my_table = Table('mytable', metadata, + Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True), + Column('version_id', Integer, primary_key=True), + Column('data', String(50)), + PrimaryKeyConstraint(name='mytable_pk', + mssql_clustered=True) + ) + + .. versionadded:: 0.9.2 an empty :class:`.PrimaryKeyConstraint` may now + be specified for the purposes of establishing keyword arguments with + the constraint, independently of the specification of "primary key" + columns within the :class:`.Table` itself; columns marked as + ``primary_key=True`` will be gathered into the empty constraint's + column collection. + + """ + + __visit_name__ = "primary_key_constraint" + + def __init__(self, *columns, **kw): + self._implicit_generated = kw.pop("_implicit_generated", False) + super(PrimaryKeyConstraint, self).__init__(*columns, **kw) + + def _set_parent(self, table): + super(PrimaryKeyConstraint, self)._set_parent(table) + + if table.primary_key is not self: + table.constraints.discard(table.primary_key) + table.primary_key = self + table.constraints.add(self) + + table_pks = [c for c in table.c if c.primary_key] + if ( + self.columns + and table_pks + and set(table_pks) != set(self.columns.values()) + ): + util.warn( + "Table '%s' specifies columns %s as primary_key=True, " + "not matching locally specified columns %s; setting the " + "current primary key columns to %s. This warning " + "may become an exception in a future release" + % ( + table.name, + ", ".join("'%s'" % c.name for c in table_pks), + ", ".join("'%s'" % c.name for c in self.columns), + ", ".join("'%s'" % c.name for c in self.columns), + ) + ) + table_pks[:] = [] + + for c in self.columns: + c.primary_key = True + c.nullable = False + self.columns.extend(table_pks) + + def _reload(self, columns): + """repopulate this :class:`.PrimaryKeyConstraint` given + a set of columns. + + Existing columns in the table that are marked as primary_key=True + are maintained. + + Also fires a new event. + + This is basically like putting a whole new + :class:`.PrimaryKeyConstraint` object on the parent + :class:`.Table` object without actually replacing the object. + + The ordering of the given list of columns is also maintained; these + columns will be appended to the list of columns after any which + are already present. + + """ + + # set the primary key flag on new columns. + # note any existing PK cols on the table also have their + # flag still set. + for col in columns: + col.primary_key = True + + self.columns.extend(columns) + + PrimaryKeyConstraint._autoincrement_column._reset(self) + self._set_parent_with_dispatch(self.table) + + def _replace(self, col): + PrimaryKeyConstraint._autoincrement_column._reset(self) + self.columns.replace(col) + + @property + def columns_autoinc_first(self): + autoinc = self._autoincrement_column + + if autoinc is not None: + return [autoinc] + [c for c in self.columns if c is not autoinc] + else: + return list(self.columns) + + @util.memoized_property + def _autoincrement_column(self): + def _validate_autoinc(col, autoinc_true): + if col.type._type_affinity is None or not issubclass( + col.type._type_affinity, type_api.INTEGERTYPE._type_affinity + ): + if autoinc_true: + raise exc.ArgumentError( + "Column type %s on column '%s' is not " + "compatible with autoincrement=True" % (col.type, col) + ) + else: + return False + elif ( + not isinstance(col.default, (type(None), Sequence)) + and not autoinc_true + ): + return False + elif col.server_default is not None and not autoinc_true: + return False + elif col.foreign_keys and col.autoincrement not in ( + True, + "ignore_fk", + ): + return False + return True + + if len(self.columns) == 1: + col = list(self.columns)[0] + + if col.autoincrement is True: + _validate_autoinc(col, True) + return col + elif col.autoincrement in ( + "auto", + "ignore_fk", + ) and _validate_autoinc(col, False): + return col + + else: + autoinc = None + for col in self.columns: + if col.autoincrement is True: + _validate_autoinc(col, True) + if autoinc is not None: + raise exc.ArgumentError( + "Only one Column may be marked " + "autoincrement=True, found both %s and %s." + % (col.name, autoinc.name) + ) + else: + autoinc = col + + return autoinc + + +class UniqueConstraint(ColumnCollectionConstraint): + """A table-level UNIQUE constraint. + + Defines a single column or composite UNIQUE constraint. For a no-frills, + single column constraint, adding ``unique=True`` to the ``Column`` + definition is a shorthand equivalent for an unnamed, single column + UniqueConstraint. + """ + + __visit_name__ = "unique_constraint" + + +class Index(DialectKWArgs, ColumnCollectionMixin, SchemaItem): + """A table-level INDEX. + + Defines a composite (one or more column) INDEX. + + E.g.:: + + sometable = Table("sometable", metadata, + Column("name", String(50)), + Column("address", String(100)) + ) + + Index("some_index", sometable.c.name) + + For a no-frills, single column index, adding + :class:`.Column` also supports ``index=True``:: + + sometable = Table("sometable", metadata, + Column("name", String(50), index=True) + ) + + For a composite index, multiple columns can be specified:: + + Index("some_index", sometable.c.name, sometable.c.address) + + Functional indexes are supported as well, typically by using the + :data:`.func` construct in conjunction with table-bound + :class:`.Column` objects:: + + Index("some_index", func.lower(sometable.c.name)) + + .. versionadded:: 0.8 support for functional and expression-based indexes. + + An :class:`.Index` can also be manually associated with a :class:`.Table`, + either through inline declaration or using + :meth:`.Table.append_constraint`. When this approach is used, the names + of the indexed columns can be specified as strings:: + + Table("sometable", metadata, + Column("name", String(50)), + Column("address", String(100)), + Index("some_index", "name", "address") + ) + + To support functional or expression-based indexes in this form, the + :func:`.text` construct may be used:: + + from sqlalchemy import text + + Table("sometable", metadata, + Column("name", String(50)), + Column("address", String(100)), + Index("some_index", text("lower(name)")) + ) + + .. versionadded:: 0.9.5 the :func:`.text` construct may be used to + specify :class:`.Index` expressions, provided the :class:`.Index` + is explicitly associated with the :class:`.Table`. + + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`schema_indexes` - General information on :class:`.Index`. + + :ref:`postgresql_indexes` - PostgreSQL-specific options available for + the :class:`.Index` construct. + + :ref:`mysql_indexes` - MySQL-specific options available for the + :class:`.Index` construct. + + :ref:`mssql_indexes` - MSSQL-specific options available for the + :class:`.Index` construct. + + """ + + __visit_name__ = "index" + + def __init__(self, name, *expressions, **kw): + r"""Construct an index object. + + :param name: + The name of the index + + :param \*expressions: + Column expressions to include in the index. The expressions + are normally instances of :class:`.Column`, but may also + be arbitrary SQL expressions which ultimately refer to a + :class:`.Column`. + + :param unique=False: + Keyword only argument; if True, create a unique index. + + :param quote=None: + Keyword only argument; whether to apply quoting to the name of + the index. Works in the same manner as that of + :paramref:`.Column.quote`. + + :param info=None: Optional data dictionary which will be populated + into the :attr:`.SchemaItem.info` attribute of this object. + + .. versionadded:: 1.0.0 + + :param \**kw: Additional keyword arguments not mentioned above are + dialect specific, and passed in the form + ``_``. See the documentation regarding an + individual dialect at :ref:`dialect_toplevel` for detail on + documented arguments. + + """ + self.table = table = None + + columns = [] + processed_expressions = [] + for ( + expr, + column, + strname, + add_element, + ) in self._extract_col_expression_collection(expressions): + if add_element is not None: + columns.append(add_element) + processed_expressions.append(expr) + + self.expressions = processed_expressions + self.name = quoted_name(name, kw.pop("quote", None)) + self.unique = kw.pop("unique", False) + _column_flag = kw.pop("_column_flag", False) + if "info" in kw: + self.info = kw.pop("info") + + # TODO: consider "table" argument being public, but for + # the purpose of the fix here, it starts as private. + if "_table" in kw: + table = kw.pop("_table") + + self._validate_dialect_kwargs(kw) + + # will call _set_parent() if table-bound column + # objects are present + ColumnCollectionMixin.__init__( + self, *columns, _column_flag=_column_flag + ) + + if table is not None: + self._set_parent(table) + + def _set_parent(self, table): + ColumnCollectionMixin._set_parent(self, table) + + if self.table is not None and table is not self.table: + raise exc.ArgumentError( + "Index '%s' is against table '%s', and " + "cannot be associated with table '%s'." + % (self.name, self.table.description, table.description) + ) + self.table = table + table.indexes.add(self) + + self.expressions = [ + expr if isinstance(expr, ClauseElement) else colexpr + for expr, colexpr in util.zip_longest( + self.expressions, self.columns + ) + ] + + @property + def bind(self): + """Return the connectable associated with this Index.""" + + return self.table.bind + + def create(self, bind=None): + """Issue a ``CREATE`` statement for this + :class:`.Index`, using the given :class:`.Connectable` + for connectivity. + + .. seealso:: + + :meth:`.MetaData.create_all`. + + """ + if bind is None: + bind = _bind_or_error(self) + bind._run_visitor(ddl.SchemaGenerator, self) + return self + + def drop(self, bind=None): + """Issue a ``DROP`` statement for this + :class:`.Index`, using the given :class:`.Connectable` + for connectivity. + + .. seealso:: + + :meth:`.MetaData.drop_all`. + + """ + if bind is None: + bind = _bind_or_error(self) + bind._run_visitor(ddl.SchemaDropper, self) + + def __repr__(self): + return "Index(%s)" % ( + ", ".join( + [repr(self.name)] + + [repr(e) for e in self.expressions] + + (self.unique and ["unique=True"] or []) + ) + ) + + +DEFAULT_NAMING_CONVENTION = util.immutabledict({"ix": "ix_%(column_0_label)s"}) + + +class MetaData(SchemaItem): + """A collection of :class:`.Table` objects and their associated schema + constructs. + + Holds a collection of :class:`.Table` objects as well as + an optional binding to an :class:`.Engine` or + :class:`.Connection`. If bound, the :class:`.Table` objects + in the collection and their columns may participate in implicit SQL + execution. + + The :class:`.Table` objects themselves are stored in the + :attr:`.MetaData.tables` dictionary. + + :class:`.MetaData` is a thread-safe object for read operations. + Construction of new tables within a single :class:`.MetaData` object, + either explicitly or via reflection, may not be completely thread-safe. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`metadata_describing` - Introduction to database metadata + + """ + + __visit_name__ = "metadata" + + def __init__( + self, + bind=None, + reflect=False, + schema=None, + quote_schema=None, + naming_convention=DEFAULT_NAMING_CONVENTION, + info=None, + ): + """Create a new MetaData object. + + :param bind: + An Engine or Connection to bind to. May also be a string or URL + instance, these are passed to create_engine() and this MetaData will + be bound to the resulting engine. + + :param reflect: + Optional, automatically load all tables from the bound database. + Defaults to False. ``bind`` is required when this option is set. + + .. deprecated:: 0.8 + Please use the :meth:`.MetaData.reflect` method. + + :param schema: + The default schema to use for the :class:`.Table`, + :class:`.Sequence`, and potentially other objects associated with + this :class:`.MetaData`. Defaults to ``None``. + + When this value is set, any :class:`.Table` or :class:`.Sequence` + which specifies ``None`` for the schema parameter will instead + have this schema name defined. To build a :class:`.Table` + or :class:`.Sequence` that still has ``None`` for the schema + even when this parameter is present, use the :attr:`.BLANK_SCHEMA` + symbol. + + .. note:: + + As refered above, the :paramref:`.MetaData.schema` parameter + only refers to the **default value** that will be applied to + the :paramref:`.Table.schema` parameter of an incoming + :class:`.Table` object. It does not refer to how the + :class:`.Table` is catalogued within the :class:`.MetaData`, + which remains consistent vs. a :class:`.MetaData` collection + that does not define this parameter. The :class:`.Table` + within the :class:`.MetaData` will still be keyed based on its + schema-qualified name, e.g. + ``my_metadata.tables["some_schema.my_table"]``. + + The current behavior of the :class:`.ForeignKey` object is to + circumvent this restriction, where it can locate a table given + the table name alone, where the schema will be assumed to be + present from this value as specified on the owning + :class:`.MetaData` collection. However, this implies that a + table qualified with BLANK_SCHEMA cannot currently be referred + to by string name from :class:`.ForeignKey`. Other parts of + SQLAlchemy such as Declarative may not have similar behaviors + built in, however may do so in a future release, along with a + consistent method of referring to a table in BLANK_SCHEMA. + + + .. seealso:: + + :paramref:`.Table.schema` + + :paramref:`.Sequence.schema` + + :param quote_schema: + Sets the ``quote_schema`` flag for those :class:`.Table`, + :class:`.Sequence`, and other objects which make usage of the + local ``schema`` name. + + :param info: Optional data dictionary which will be populated into the + :attr:`.SchemaItem.info` attribute of this object. + + .. versionadded:: 1.0.0 + + :param naming_convention: a dictionary referring to values which + will establish default naming conventions for :class:`.Constraint` + and :class:`.Index` objects, for those objects which are not given + a name explicitly. + + The keys of this dictionary may be: + + * a constraint or Index class, e.g. the :class:`.UniqueConstraint`, + :class:`.ForeignKeyConstraint` class, the :class:`.Index` class + + * a string mnemonic for one of the known constraint classes; + ``"fk"``, ``"pk"``, ``"ix"``, ``"ck"``, ``"uq"`` for foreign key, + primary key, index, check, and unique constraint, respectively. + + * the string name of a user-defined "token" that can be used + to define new naming tokens. + + The values associated with each "constraint class" or "constraint + mnemonic" key are string naming templates, such as + ``"uq_%(table_name)s_%(column_0_name)s"``, + which describe how the name should be composed. The values + associated with user-defined "token" keys should be callables of the + form ``fn(constraint, table)``, which accepts the constraint/index + object and :class:`.Table` as arguments, returning a string + result. + + The built-in names are as follows, some of which may only be + available for certain types of constraint: + + * ``%(table_name)s`` - the name of the :class:`.Table` object + associated with the constraint. + + * ``%(referred_table_name)s`` - the name of the :class:`.Table` + object associated with the referencing target of a + :class:`.ForeignKeyConstraint`. + + * ``%(column_0_name)s`` - the name of the :class:`.Column` at + index position "0" within the constraint. + + * ``%(column_0_label)s`` - the label of the :class:`.Column` at + index position "0", e.g. :attr:`.Column.label` + + * ``%(column_0_key)s`` - the key of the :class:`.Column` at + index position "0", e.g. :attr:`.Column.key` + + * ``%(referred_column_0_name)s`` - the name of a :class:`.Column` + at index position "0" referenced by a + :class:`.ForeignKeyConstraint`. + + * ``%(constraint_name)s`` - a special key that refers to the + existing name given to the constraint. When this key is + present, the :class:`.Constraint` object's existing name will be + replaced with one that is composed from template string that + uses this token. When this token is present, it is required that + the :class:`.Constraint` is given an explicit name ahead of time. + + * user-defined: any additional token may be implemented by passing + it along with a ``fn(constraint, table)`` callable to the + naming_convention dictionary. + + .. versionadded:: 0.9.2 + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`constraint_naming_conventions` - for detailed usage + examples. + + """ + self.tables = util.immutabledict() + self.schema = quoted_name(schema, quote_schema) + self.naming_convention = naming_convention + if info: + self.info = info + self._schemas = set() + self._sequences = {} + self._fk_memos = collections.defaultdict(list) + + self.bind = bind + if reflect: + util.warn_deprecated( + "reflect=True is deprecate; please " + "use the reflect() method." + ) + if not bind: + raise exc.ArgumentError( + "A bind must be supplied in conjunction " + "with reflect=True" + ) + self.reflect() + + tables = None + """A dictionary of :class:`.Table` objects keyed to their name or "table key". + + The exact key is that determined by the :attr:`.Table.key` attribute; + for a table with no :attr:`.Table.schema` attribute, this is the same + as :attr:`.Table.name`. For a table with a schema, it is typically of the + form ``schemaname.tablename``. + + .. seealso:: + + :attr:`.MetaData.sorted_tables` + + """ + + def __repr__(self): + return "MetaData(bind=%r)" % self.bind + + def __contains__(self, table_or_key): + if not isinstance(table_or_key, util.string_types): + table_or_key = table_or_key.key + return table_or_key in self.tables + + def _add_table(self, name, schema, table): + key = _get_table_key(name, schema) + dict.__setitem__(self.tables, key, table) + if schema: + self._schemas.add(schema) + + def _remove_table(self, name, schema): + key = _get_table_key(name, schema) + removed = dict.pop(self.tables, key, None) + if removed is not None: + for fk in removed.foreign_keys: + fk._remove_from_metadata(self) + if self._schemas: + self._schemas = set( + [ + t.schema + for t in self.tables.values() + if t.schema is not None + ] + ) + + def __getstate__(self): + return { + "tables": self.tables, + "schema": self.schema, + "schemas": self._schemas, + "sequences": self._sequences, + "fk_memos": self._fk_memos, + "naming_convention": self.naming_convention, + } + + def __setstate__(self, state): + self.tables = state["tables"] + self.schema = state["schema"] + self.naming_convention = state["naming_convention"] + self._bind = None + self._sequences = state["sequences"] + self._schemas = state["schemas"] + self._fk_memos = state["fk_memos"] + + def is_bound(self): + """True if this MetaData is bound to an Engine or Connection.""" + + return self._bind is not None + + def bind(self): + """An :class:`.Engine` or :class:`.Connection` to which this + :class:`.MetaData` is bound. + + Typically, a :class:`.Engine` is assigned to this attribute + so that "implicit execution" may be used, or alternatively + as a means of providing engine binding information to an + ORM :class:`.Session` object:: + + engine = create_engine("someurl://") + metadata.bind = engine + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`dbengine_implicit` - background on "bound metadata" + + """ + return self._bind + + @util.dependencies("sqlalchemy.engine.url") + def _bind_to(self, url, bind): + """Bind this MetaData to an Engine, Connection, string or URL.""" + + if isinstance(bind, util.string_types + (url.URL,)): + self._bind = sqlalchemy.create_engine(bind) + else: + self._bind = bind + + bind = property(bind, _bind_to) + + def clear(self): + """Clear all Table objects from this MetaData.""" + + dict.clear(self.tables) + self._schemas.clear() + self._fk_memos.clear() + + def remove(self, table): + """Remove the given Table object from this MetaData.""" + + self._remove_table(table.name, table.schema) + + @property + def sorted_tables(self): + """Returns a list of :class:`.Table` objects sorted in order of + foreign key dependency. + + The sorting will place :class:`.Table` objects that have dependencies + first, before the dependencies themselves, representing the + order in which they can be created. To get the order in which + the tables would be dropped, use the ``reversed()`` Python built-in. + + .. warning:: + + The :attr:`.sorted_tables` accessor cannot by itself accommodate + automatic resolution of dependency cycles between tables, which + are usually caused by mutually dependent foreign key constraints. + To resolve these cycles, either the + :paramref:`.ForeignKeyConstraint.use_alter` parameter may be appled + to those constraints, or use the + :func:`.schema.sort_tables_and_constraints` function which will + break out foreign key constraints involved in cycles separately. + + .. seealso:: + + :func:`.schema.sort_tables` + + :func:`.schema.sort_tables_and_constraints` + + :attr:`.MetaData.tables` + + :meth:`.Inspector.get_table_names` + + :meth:`.Inspector.get_sorted_table_and_fkc_names` + + + """ + return ddl.sort_tables( + sorted(self.tables.values(), key=lambda t: t.key) + ) + + def reflect( + self, + bind=None, + schema=None, + views=False, + only=None, + extend_existing=False, + autoload_replace=True, + **dialect_kwargs + ): + r"""Load all available table definitions from the database. + + Automatically creates ``Table`` entries in this ``MetaData`` for any + table available in the database but not yet present in the + ``MetaData``. May be called multiple times to pick up tables recently + added to the database, however no special action is taken if a table + in this ``MetaData`` no longer exists in the database. + + :param bind: + A :class:`.Connectable` used to access the database; if None, uses + the existing bind on this ``MetaData``, if any. + + :param schema: + Optional, query and reflect tables from an alterate schema. + If None, the schema associated with this :class:`.MetaData` + is used, if any. + + :param views: + If True, also reflect views. + + :param only: + Optional. Load only a sub-set of available named tables. May be + specified as a sequence of names or a callable. + + If a sequence of names is provided, only those tables will be + reflected. An error is raised if a table is requested but not + available. Named tables already present in this ``MetaData`` are + ignored. + + If a callable is provided, it will be used as a boolean predicate to + filter the list of potential table names. The callable is called + with a table name and this ``MetaData`` instance as positional + arguments and should return a true value for any table to reflect. + + :param extend_existing: Passed along to each :class:`.Table` as + :paramref:`.Table.extend_existing`. + + .. versionadded:: 0.9.1 + + :param autoload_replace: Passed along to each :class:`.Table` as + :paramref:`.Table.autoload_replace`. + + .. versionadded:: 0.9.1 + + :param \**dialect_kwargs: Additional keyword arguments not mentioned + above are dialect specific, and passed in the form + ``_``. See the documentation regarding an + individual dialect at :ref:`dialect_toplevel` for detail on + documented arguments. + + .. versionadded:: 0.9.2 - Added + :paramref:`.MetaData.reflect.**dialect_kwargs` to support + dialect-level reflection options for all :class:`.Table` + objects reflected. + + """ + if bind is None: + bind = _bind_or_error(self) + + with bind.connect() as conn: + + reflect_opts = { + "autoload": True, + "autoload_with": conn, + "extend_existing": extend_existing, + "autoload_replace": autoload_replace, + "_extend_on": set(), + } + + reflect_opts.update(dialect_kwargs) + + if schema is None: + schema = self.schema + + if schema is not None: + reflect_opts["schema"] = schema + + available = util.OrderedSet( + bind.engine.table_names(schema, connection=conn) + ) + if views: + available.update(bind.dialect.get_view_names(conn, schema)) + + if schema is not None: + available_w_schema = util.OrderedSet( + ["%s.%s" % (schema, name) for name in available] + ) + else: + available_w_schema = available + + current = set(self.tables) + + if only is None: + load = [ + name + for name, schname in zip(available, available_w_schema) + if extend_existing or schname not in current + ] + elif util.callable(only): + load = [ + name + for name, schname in zip(available, available_w_schema) + if (extend_existing or schname not in current) + and only(name, self) + ] + else: + missing = [name for name in only if name not in available] + if missing: + s = schema and (" schema '%s'" % schema) or "" + raise exc.InvalidRequestError( + "Could not reflect: requested table(s) not available " + "in %r%s: (%s)" % (bind.engine, s, ", ".join(missing)) + ) + load = [ + name + for name in only + if extend_existing or name not in current + ] + + for name in load: + try: + Table(name, self, **reflect_opts) + except exc.UnreflectableTableError as uerr: + util.warn("Skipping table %s: %s" % (name, uerr)) + + def append_ddl_listener(self, event_name, listener): + """Append a DDL event listener to this ``MetaData``. + + .. deprecated:: 0.7 + See :class:`.DDLEvents`. + + """ + + def adapt_listener(target, connection, **kw): + tables = kw["tables"] + listener(event, target, connection, tables=tables) + + event.listen(self, "" + event_name.replace("-", "_"), adapt_listener) + + def create_all(self, bind=None, tables=None, checkfirst=True): + """Create all tables stored in this metadata. + + Conditional by default, will not attempt to recreate tables already + present in the target database. + + :param bind: + A :class:`.Connectable` used to access the + database; if None, uses the existing bind on this ``MetaData``, if + any. + + :param tables: + Optional list of ``Table`` objects, which is a subset of the total + tables in the ``MetaData`` (others are ignored). + + :param checkfirst: + Defaults to True, don't issue CREATEs for tables already present + in the target database. + + """ + if bind is None: + bind = _bind_or_error(self) + bind._run_visitor( + ddl.SchemaGenerator, self, checkfirst=checkfirst, tables=tables + ) + + def drop_all(self, bind=None, tables=None, checkfirst=True): + """Drop all tables stored in this metadata. + + Conditional by default, will not attempt to drop tables not present in + the target database. + + :param bind: + A :class:`.Connectable` used to access the + database; if None, uses the existing bind on this ``MetaData``, if + any. + + :param tables: + Optional list of ``Table`` objects, which is a subset of the + total tables in the ``MetaData`` (others are ignored). + + :param checkfirst: + Defaults to True, only issue DROPs for tables confirmed to be + present in the target database. + + """ + if bind is None: + bind = _bind_or_error(self) + bind._run_visitor( + ddl.SchemaDropper, self, checkfirst=checkfirst, tables=tables + ) + + +class ThreadLocalMetaData(MetaData): + """A MetaData variant that presents a different ``bind`` in every thread. + + Makes the ``bind`` property of the MetaData a thread-local value, allowing + this collection of tables to be bound to different ``Engine`` + implementations or connections in each thread. + + The ThreadLocalMetaData starts off bound to None in each thread. Binds + must be made explicitly by assigning to the ``bind`` property or using + ``connect()``. You can also re-bind dynamically multiple times per + thread, just like a regular ``MetaData``. + + """ + + __visit_name__ = "metadata" + + def __init__(self): + """Construct a ThreadLocalMetaData.""" + + self.context = util.threading.local() + self.__engines = {} + super(ThreadLocalMetaData, self).__init__() + + def bind(self): + """The bound Engine or Connection for this thread. + + This property may be assigned an Engine or Connection, or assigned a + string or URL to automatically create a basic Engine for this bind + with ``create_engine()``.""" + + return getattr(self.context, "_engine", None) + + @util.dependencies("sqlalchemy.engine.url") + def _bind_to(self, url, bind): + """Bind to a Connectable in the caller's thread.""" + + if isinstance(bind, util.string_types + (url.URL,)): + try: + self.context._engine = self.__engines[bind] + except KeyError: + e = sqlalchemy.create_engine(bind) + self.__engines[bind] = e + self.context._engine = e + else: + # TODO: this is squirrely. we shouldn't have to hold onto engines + # in a case like this + if bind not in self.__engines: + self.__engines[bind] = bind + self.context._engine = bind + + bind = property(bind, _bind_to) + + def is_bound(self): + """True if there is a bind for this thread.""" + return ( + hasattr(self.context, "_engine") + and self.context._engine is not None + ) + + def dispose(self): + """Dispose all bound engines, in all thread contexts.""" + + for e in self.__engines.values(): + if hasattr(e, "dispose"): + e.dispose() + + +class _SchemaTranslateMap(object): + """Provide translation of schema names based on a mapping. + + Also provides helpers for producing cache keys and optimized + access when no mapping is present. + + Used by the :paramref:`.Connection.execution_options.schema_translate_map` + feature. + + .. versionadded:: 1.1 + + + """ + + __slots__ = "map_", "__call__", "hash_key", "is_default" + + _default_schema_getter = operator.attrgetter("schema") + + def __init__(self, map_): + self.map_ = map_ + if map_ is not None: + + def schema_for_object(obj): + effective_schema = self._default_schema_getter(obj) + effective_schema = obj._translate_schema( + effective_schema, map_ + ) + return effective_schema + + self.__call__ = schema_for_object + self.hash_key = ";".join( + "%s=%s" % (k, map_[k]) for k in sorted(map_, key=str) + ) + self.is_default = False + else: + self.hash_key = 0 + self.__call__ = self._default_schema_getter + self.is_default = True + + @classmethod + def _schema_getter(cls, map_): + if map_ is None: + return _default_schema_map + elif isinstance(map_, _SchemaTranslateMap): + return map_ + else: + return _SchemaTranslateMap(map_) + + +_default_schema_map = _SchemaTranslateMap(None) +_schema_getter = _SchemaTranslateMap._schema_getter diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/selectable.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/selectable.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fe70c88 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/selectable.py @@ -0,0 +1,3910 @@ +# sql/selectable.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +"""The :class:`.FromClause` class of SQL expression elements, representing +SQL tables and derived rowsets. + +""" + +import collections +import itertools +import operator +from operator import attrgetter + +from sqlalchemy.sql.visitors import Visitable +from . import operators +from . import type_api +from .annotation import Annotated +from .base import _from_objects +from .base import _generative +from .base import ColumnCollection +from .base import ColumnSet +from .base import Executable +from .base import Generative +from .base import Immutable +from .elements import _anonymous_label +from .elements import _clause_element_as_expr +from .elements import _clone +from .elements import _cloned_difference +from .elements import _cloned_intersection +from .elements import _expand_cloned +from .elements import _interpret_as_column_or_from +from .elements import _literal_and_labels_as_label_reference +from .elements import _literal_as_label_reference +from .elements import _literal_as_text +from .elements import _select_iterables +from .elements import and_ +from .elements import BindParameter +from .elements import ClauseElement +from .elements import ClauseList +from .elements import Grouping +from .elements import literal_column +from .elements import TextClause +from .elements import True_ +from .elements import UnaryExpression +from .. import exc +from .. import inspection +from .. import util + + +def _interpret_as_from(element): + insp = inspection.inspect(element, raiseerr=False) + if insp is None: + if isinstance(element, util.string_types): + util.warn_limited( + "Textual SQL FROM expression %(expr)r should be " + "explicitly declared as text(%(expr)r), " + "or use table(%(expr)r) for more specificity", + {"expr": util.ellipses_string(element)}, + ) + + return TextClause(util.text_type(element)) + try: + return insp.selectable + except AttributeError: + raise exc.ArgumentError("FROM expression expected") + + +def _interpret_as_select(element): + element = _interpret_as_from(element) + if isinstance(element, Alias): + element = element.original + if not isinstance(element, SelectBase): + element = element.select() + return element + + +class _OffsetLimitParam(BindParameter): + @property + def _limit_offset_value(self): + return self.effective_value + + +def _offset_or_limit_clause(element, name=None, type_=None): + """Convert the given value to an "offset or limit" clause. + + This handles incoming integers and converts to an expression; if + an expression is already given, it is passed through. + + """ + if element is None: + return None + elif hasattr(element, "__clause_element__"): + return element.__clause_element__() + elif isinstance(element, Visitable): + return element + else: + value = util.asint(element) + return _OffsetLimitParam(name, value, type_=type_, unique=True) + + +def _offset_or_limit_clause_asint(clause, attrname): + """Convert the "offset or limit" clause of a select construct to an + integer. + + This is only possible if the value is stored as a simple bound parameter. + Otherwise, a compilation error is raised. + + """ + if clause is None: + return None + try: + value = clause._limit_offset_value + except AttributeError: + raise exc.CompileError( + "This SELECT structure does not use a simple " + "integer value for %s" % attrname + ) + else: + return util.asint(value) + + +def subquery(alias, *args, **kwargs): + r"""Return an :class:`.Alias` object derived + from a :class:`.Select`. + + name + alias name + + \*args, \**kwargs + + all other arguments are delivered to the + :func:`select` function. + + """ + return Select(*args, **kwargs).alias(alias) + + +def alias(selectable, name=None, flat=False): + """Return an :class:`.Alias` object. + + An :class:`.Alias` represents any :class:`.FromClause` + with an alternate name assigned within SQL, typically using the ``AS`` + clause when generated, e.g. ``SELECT * FROM table AS aliasname``. + + Similar functionality is available via the + :meth:`~.FromClause.alias` method + available on all :class:`.FromClause` subclasses. + + When an :class:`.Alias` is created from a :class:`.Table` object, + this has the effect of the table being rendered + as ``tablename AS aliasname`` in a SELECT statement. + + For :func:`.select` objects, the effect is that of creating a named + subquery, i.e. ``(select ...) AS aliasname``. + + The ``name`` parameter is optional, and provides the name + to use in the rendered SQL. If blank, an "anonymous" name + will be deterministically generated at compile time. + Deterministic means the name is guaranteed to be unique against + other constructs used in the same statement, and will also be the + same name for each successive compilation of the same statement + object. + + :param selectable: any :class:`.FromClause` subclass, + such as a table, select statement, etc. + + :param name: string name to be assigned as the alias. + If ``None``, a name will be deterministically generated + at compile time. + + :param flat: Will be passed through to if the given selectable + is an instance of :class:`.Join` - see :meth:`.Join.alias` + for details. + + .. versionadded:: 0.9.0 + + """ + return _interpret_as_from(selectable).alias(name=name, flat=flat) + + +def lateral(selectable, name=None): + """Return a :class:`.Lateral` object. + + :class:`.Lateral` is an :class:`.Alias` subclass that represents + a subquery with the LATERAL keyword applied to it. + + The special behavior of a LATERAL subquery is that it appears in the + FROM clause of an enclosing SELECT, but may correlate to other + FROM clauses of that SELECT. It is a special case of subquery + only supported by a small number of backends, currently more recent + PostgreSQL versions. + + .. versionadded:: 1.1 + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`lateral_selects` - overview of usage. + + """ + return _interpret_as_from(selectable).lateral(name=name) + + +def tablesample(selectable, sampling, name=None, seed=None): + """Return a :class:`.TableSample` object. + + :class:`.TableSample` is an :class:`.Alias` subclass that represents + a table with the TABLESAMPLE clause applied to it. + :func:`~.expression.tablesample` + is also available from the :class:`.FromClause` class via the + :meth:`.FromClause.tablesample` method. + + The TABLESAMPLE clause allows selecting a randomly selected approximate + percentage of rows from a table. It supports multiple sampling methods, + most commonly BERNOULLI and SYSTEM. + + e.g.:: + + from sqlalchemy import func + + selectable = people.tablesample( + func.bernoulli(1), + name='alias', + seed=func.random()) + stmt = select([selectable.c.people_id]) + + Assuming ``people`` with a column ``people_id``, the above + statement would render as:: + + SELECT alias.people_id FROM + people AS alias TABLESAMPLE bernoulli(:bernoulli_1) + REPEATABLE (random()) + + .. versionadded:: 1.1 + + :param sampling: a ``float`` percentage between 0 and 100 or + :class:`.functions.Function`. + + :param name: optional alias name + + :param seed: any real-valued SQL expression. When specified, the + REPEATABLE sub-clause is also rendered. + + """ + return _interpret_as_from(selectable).tablesample( + sampling, name=name, seed=seed + ) + + +class Selectable(ClauseElement): + """mark a class as being selectable""" + + __visit_name__ = "selectable" + + is_selectable = True + + @property + def selectable(self): + return self + + +class HasPrefixes(object): + _prefixes = () + + @_generative + def prefix_with(self, *expr, **kw): + r"""Add one or more expressions following the statement keyword, i.e. + SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE. Generative. + + This is used to support backend-specific prefix keywords such as those + provided by MySQL. + + E.g.:: + + stmt = table.insert().prefix_with("LOW_PRIORITY", dialect="mysql") + + Multiple prefixes can be specified by multiple calls + to :meth:`.prefix_with`. + + :param \*expr: textual or :class:`.ClauseElement` construct which + will be rendered following the INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE + keyword. + :param \**kw: A single keyword 'dialect' is accepted. This is an + optional string dialect name which will + limit rendering of this prefix to only that dialect. + + """ + dialect = kw.pop("dialect", None) + if kw: + raise exc.ArgumentError( + "Unsupported argument(s): %s" % ",".join(kw) + ) + self._setup_prefixes(expr, dialect) + + def _setup_prefixes(self, prefixes, dialect=None): + self._prefixes = self._prefixes + tuple( + [(_literal_as_text(p, warn=False), dialect) for p in prefixes] + ) + + +class HasSuffixes(object): + _suffixes = () + + @_generative + def suffix_with(self, *expr, **kw): + r"""Add one or more expressions following the statement as a whole. + + This is used to support backend-specific suffix keywords on + certain constructs. + + E.g.:: + + stmt = select([col1, col2]).cte().suffix_with( + "cycle empno set y_cycle to 1 default 0", dialect="oracle") + + Multiple suffixes can be specified by multiple calls + to :meth:`.suffix_with`. + + :param \*expr: textual or :class:`.ClauseElement` construct which + will be rendered following the target clause. + :param \**kw: A single keyword 'dialect' is accepted. This is an + optional string dialect name which will + limit rendering of this suffix to only that dialect. + + """ + dialect = kw.pop("dialect", None) + if kw: + raise exc.ArgumentError( + "Unsupported argument(s): %s" % ",".join(kw) + ) + self._setup_suffixes(expr, dialect) + + def _setup_suffixes(self, suffixes, dialect=None): + self._suffixes = self._suffixes + tuple( + [(_literal_as_text(p, warn=False), dialect) for p in suffixes] + ) + + +class FromClause(Selectable): + """Represent an element that can be used within the ``FROM`` + clause of a ``SELECT`` statement. + + The most common forms of :class:`.FromClause` are the + :class:`.Table` and the :func:`.select` constructs. Key + features common to all :class:`.FromClause` objects include: + + * a :attr:`.c` collection, which provides per-name access to a collection + of :class:`.ColumnElement` objects. + * a :attr:`.primary_key` attribute, which is a collection of all those + :class:`.ColumnElement` objects that indicate the ``primary_key`` flag. + * Methods to generate various derivations of a "from" clause, including + :meth:`.FromClause.alias`, :meth:`.FromClause.join`, + :meth:`.FromClause.select`. + + + """ + + __visit_name__ = "fromclause" + named_with_column = False + _hide_froms = [] + + _is_join = False + _is_select = False + _is_from_container = False + + _is_lateral = False + + _textual = False + """a marker that allows us to easily distinguish a :class:`.TextAsFrom` + or similar object from other kinds of :class:`.FromClause` objects.""" + + schema = None + """Define the 'schema' attribute for this :class:`.FromClause`. + + This is typically ``None`` for most objects except that of + :class:`.Table`, where it is taken as the value of the + :paramref:`.Table.schema` argument. + + """ + + def _translate_schema(self, effective_schema, map_): + return effective_schema + + _memoized_property = util.group_expirable_memoized_property(["_columns"]) + + @util.deprecated( + "1.1", + message="``FromClause.count()`` is deprecated. Counting " + "rows requires that the correct column expression and " + "accommodations for joins, DISTINCT, etc. must be made, " + "otherwise results may not be what's expected. " + "Please use an appropriate ``func.count()`` expression " + "directly.", + ) + @util.dependencies("sqlalchemy.sql.functions") + def count(self, functions, whereclause=None, **params): + """return a SELECT COUNT generated against this + :class:`.FromClause`. + + The function generates COUNT against the + first column in the primary key of the table, or against + the first column in the table overall. Explicit use of + ``func.count()`` should be preferred:: + + row_count = conn.scalar( + select([func.count('*')]).select_from(table) + ) + + + .. seealso:: + + :data:`.func` + + """ + + if self.primary_key: + col = list(self.primary_key)[0] + else: + col = list(self.columns)[0] + return Select( + [functions.func.count(col).label("tbl_row_count")], + whereclause, + from_obj=[self], + **params + ) + + def select(self, whereclause=None, **params): + """return a SELECT of this :class:`.FromClause`. + + .. seealso:: + + :func:`~.sql.expression.select` - general purpose + method which allows for arbitrary column lists. + + """ + + return Select([self], whereclause, **params) + + def join(self, right, onclause=None, isouter=False, full=False): + """Return a :class:`.Join` from this :class:`.FromClause` + to another :class:`FromClause`. + + E.g.:: + + from sqlalchemy import join + + j = user_table.join(address_table, + user_table.c.id == address_table.c.user_id) + stmt = select([user_table]).select_from(j) + + would emit SQL along the lines of:: + + SELECT user.id, user.name FROM user + JOIN address ON user.id = address.user_id + + :param right: the right side of the join; this is any + :class:`.FromClause` object such as a :class:`.Table` object, and + may also be a selectable-compatible object such as an ORM-mapped + class. + + :param onclause: a SQL expression representing the ON clause of the + join. If left at ``None``, :meth:`.FromClause.join` will attempt to + join the two tables based on a foreign key relationship. + + :param isouter: if True, render a LEFT OUTER JOIN, instead of JOIN. + + :param full: if True, render a FULL OUTER JOIN, instead of LEFT OUTER + JOIN. Implies :paramref:`.FromClause.join.isouter`. + + .. versionadded:: 1.1 + + .. seealso:: + + :func:`.join` - standalone function + + :class:`.Join` - the type of object produced + + """ + + return Join(self, right, onclause, isouter, full) + + def outerjoin(self, right, onclause=None, full=False): + """Return a :class:`.Join` from this :class:`.FromClause` + to another :class:`FromClause`, with the "isouter" flag set to + True. + + E.g.:: + + from sqlalchemy import outerjoin + + j = user_table.outerjoin(address_table, + user_table.c.id == address_table.c.user_id) + + The above is equivalent to:: + + j = user_table.join( + address_table, + user_table.c.id == address_table.c.user_id, + isouter=True) + + :param right: the right side of the join; this is any + :class:`.FromClause` object such as a :class:`.Table` object, and + may also be a selectable-compatible object such as an ORM-mapped + class. + + :param onclause: a SQL expression representing the ON clause of the + join. If left at ``None``, :meth:`.FromClause.join` will attempt to + join the two tables based on a foreign key relationship. + + :param full: if True, render a FULL OUTER JOIN, instead of + LEFT OUTER JOIN. + + .. versionadded:: 1.1 + + .. seealso:: + + :meth:`.FromClause.join` + + :class:`.Join` + + """ + + return Join(self, right, onclause, True, full) + + def alias(self, name=None, flat=False): + """return an alias of this :class:`.FromClause`. + + This is shorthand for calling:: + + from sqlalchemy import alias + a = alias(self, name=name) + + See :func:`~.expression.alias` for details. + + """ + + return Alias(self, name) + + def lateral(self, name=None): + """Return a LATERAL alias of this :class:`.FromClause`. + + The return value is the :class:`.Lateral` construct also + provided by the top-level :func:`~.expression.lateral` function. + + .. versionadded:: 1.1 + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`lateral_selects` - overview of usage. + + """ + return Lateral(self, name) + + def tablesample(self, sampling, name=None, seed=None): + """Return a TABLESAMPLE alias of this :class:`.FromClause`. + + The return value is the :class:`.TableSample` construct also + provided by the top-level :func:`~.expression.tablesample` function. + + .. versionadded:: 1.1 + + .. seealso:: + + :func:`~.expression.tablesample` - usage guidelines and parameters + + """ + return TableSample(self, sampling, name, seed) + + def is_derived_from(self, fromclause): + """Return True if this FromClause is 'derived' from the given + FromClause. + + An example would be an Alias of a Table is derived from that Table. + + """ + # this is essentially an "identity" check in the base class. + # Other constructs override this to traverse through + # contained elements. + return fromclause in self._cloned_set + + def _is_lexical_equivalent(self, other): + """Return True if this FromClause and the other represent + the same lexical identity. + + This tests if either one is a copy of the other, or + if they are the same via annotation identity. + + """ + return self._cloned_set.intersection(other._cloned_set) + + @util.dependencies("sqlalchemy.sql.util") + def replace_selectable(self, sqlutil, old, alias): + """replace all occurrences of FromClause 'old' with the given Alias + object, returning a copy of this :class:`.FromClause`. + + """ + + return sqlutil.ClauseAdapter(alias).traverse(self) + + def correspond_on_equivalents(self, column, equivalents): + """Return corresponding_column for the given column, or if None + search for a match in the given dictionary. + + """ + col = self.corresponding_column(column, require_embedded=True) + if col is None and col in equivalents: + for equiv in equivalents[col]: + nc = self.corresponding_column(equiv, require_embedded=True) + if nc: + return nc + return col + + def corresponding_column(self, column, require_embedded=False): + """Given a :class:`.ColumnElement`, return the exported + :class:`.ColumnElement` object from this :class:`.Selectable` + which corresponds to that original + :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Column` via a common ancestor + column. + + :param column: the target :class:`.ColumnElement` to be matched + + :param require_embedded: only return corresponding columns for + the given :class:`.ColumnElement`, if the given + :class:`.ColumnElement` is actually present within a sub-element + of this :class:`.FromClause`. Normally the column will match if + it merely shares a common ancestor with one of the exported + columns of this :class:`.FromClause`. + + """ + + def embedded(expanded_proxy_set, target_set): + for t in target_set.difference(expanded_proxy_set): + if not set(_expand_cloned([t])).intersection( + expanded_proxy_set + ): + return False + return True + + # don't dig around if the column is locally present + if self.c.contains_column(column): + return column + col, intersect = None, None + target_set = column.proxy_set + cols = self.c._all_columns + for c in cols: + expanded_proxy_set = set(_expand_cloned(c.proxy_set)) + i = target_set.intersection(expanded_proxy_set) + if i and ( + not require_embedded + or embedded(expanded_proxy_set, target_set) + ): + if col is None: + + # no corresponding column yet, pick this one. + + col, intersect = c, i + elif len(i) > len(intersect): + + # 'c' has a larger field of correspondence than + # 'col'. i.e. selectable.c.a1_x->a1.c.x->table.c.x + # matches a1.c.x->table.c.x better than + # selectable.c.x->table.c.x does. + + col, intersect = c, i + elif i == intersect: + + # they have the same field of correspondence. see + # which proxy_set has fewer columns in it, which + # indicates a closer relationship with the root + # column. Also take into account the "weight" + # attribute which CompoundSelect() uses to give + # higher precedence to columns based on vertical + # position in the compound statement, and discard + # columns that have no reference to the target + # column (also occurs with CompoundSelect) + + col_distance = util.reduce( + operator.add, + [ + sc._annotations.get("weight", 1) + for sc in col.proxy_set + if sc.shares_lineage(column) + ], + ) + c_distance = util.reduce( + operator.add, + [ + sc._annotations.get("weight", 1) + for sc in c.proxy_set + if sc.shares_lineage(column) + ], + ) + if c_distance < col_distance: + col, intersect = c, i + return col + + @property + def description(self): + """a brief description of this FromClause. + + Used primarily for error message formatting. + + """ + return getattr(self, "name", self.__class__.__name__ + " object") + + def _reset_exported(self): + """delete memoized collections when a FromClause is cloned.""" + + self._memoized_property.expire_instance(self) + + @_memoized_property + def columns(self): + """A named-based collection of :class:`.ColumnElement` objects + maintained by this :class:`.FromClause`. + + The :attr:`.columns`, or :attr:`.c` collection, is the gateway + to the construction of SQL expressions using table-bound or + other selectable-bound columns:: + + select([mytable]).where(mytable.c.somecolumn == 5) + + """ + + if "_columns" not in self.__dict__: + self._init_collections() + self._populate_column_collection() + return self._columns.as_immutable() + + @_memoized_property + def primary_key(self): + """Return the collection of Column objects which comprise the + primary key of this FromClause.""" + + self._init_collections() + self._populate_column_collection() + return self.primary_key + + @_memoized_property + def foreign_keys(self): + """Return the collection of ForeignKey objects which this + FromClause references.""" + + self._init_collections() + self._populate_column_collection() + return self.foreign_keys + + c = property( + attrgetter("columns"), + doc="An alias for the :attr:`.columns` attribute.", + ) + _select_iterable = property(attrgetter("columns")) + + def _init_collections(self): + assert "_columns" not in self.__dict__ + assert "primary_key" not in self.__dict__ + assert "foreign_keys" not in self.__dict__ + + self._columns = ColumnCollection() + self.primary_key = ColumnSet() + self.foreign_keys = set() + + @property + def _cols_populated(self): + return "_columns" in self.__dict__ + + def _populate_column_collection(self): + """Called on subclasses to establish the .c collection. + + Each implementation has a different way of establishing + this collection. + + """ + + def _refresh_for_new_column(self, column): + """Given a column added to the .c collection of an underlying + selectable, produce the local version of that column, assuming this + selectable ultimately should proxy this column. + + this is used to "ping" a derived selectable to add a new column + to its .c. collection when a Column has been added to one of the + Table objects it ultimtely derives from. + + If the given selectable hasn't populated its .c. collection yet, + it should at least pass on the message to the contained selectables, + but it will return None. + + This method is currently used by Declarative to allow Table + columns to be added to a partially constructed inheritance + mapping that may have already produced joins. The method + isn't public right now, as the full span of implications + and/or caveats aren't yet clear. + + It's also possible that this functionality could be invoked by + default via an event, which would require that + selectables maintain a weak referencing collection of all + derivations. + + """ + if not self._cols_populated: + return None + elif column.key in self.columns and self.columns[column.key] is column: + return column + else: + return None + + +class Join(FromClause): + """represent a ``JOIN`` construct between two :class:`.FromClause` + elements. + + The public constructor function for :class:`.Join` is the module-level + :func:`.join()` function, as well as the :meth:`.FromClause.join` method + of any :class:`.FromClause` (e.g. such as :class:`.Table`). + + .. seealso:: + + :func:`.join` + + :meth:`.FromClause.join` + + """ + + __visit_name__ = "join" + + _is_join = True + + def __init__(self, left, right, onclause=None, isouter=False, full=False): + """Construct a new :class:`.Join`. + + The usual entrypoint here is the :func:`~.expression.join` + function or the :meth:`.FromClause.join` method of any + :class:`.FromClause` object. + + """ + self.left = _interpret_as_from(left) + self.right = _interpret_as_from(right).self_group() + + if onclause is None: + self.onclause = self._match_primaries(self.left, self.right) + else: + self.onclause = onclause + + self.isouter = isouter + self.full = full + + @classmethod + def _create_outerjoin(cls, left, right, onclause=None, full=False): + """Return an ``OUTER JOIN`` clause element. + + The returned object is an instance of :class:`.Join`. + + Similar functionality is also available via the + :meth:`~.FromClause.outerjoin()` method on any + :class:`.FromClause`. + + :param left: The left side of the join. + + :param right: The right side of the join. + + :param onclause: Optional criterion for the ``ON`` clause, is + derived from foreign key relationships established between + left and right otherwise. + + To chain joins together, use the :meth:`.FromClause.join` or + :meth:`.FromClause.outerjoin` methods on the resulting + :class:`.Join` object. + + """ + return cls(left, right, onclause, isouter=True, full=full) + + @classmethod + def _create_join( + cls, left, right, onclause=None, isouter=False, full=False + ): + """Produce a :class:`.Join` object, given two :class:`.FromClause` + expressions. + + E.g.:: + + j = join(user_table, address_table, + user_table.c.id == address_table.c.user_id) + stmt = select([user_table]).select_from(j) + + would emit SQL along the lines of:: + + SELECT user.id, user.name FROM user + JOIN address ON user.id = address.user_id + + Similar functionality is available given any + :class:`.FromClause` object (e.g. such as a :class:`.Table`) using + the :meth:`.FromClause.join` method. + + :param left: The left side of the join. + + :param right: the right side of the join; this is any + :class:`.FromClause` object such as a :class:`.Table` object, and + may also be a selectable-compatible object such as an ORM-mapped + class. + + :param onclause: a SQL expression representing the ON clause of the + join. If left at ``None``, :meth:`.FromClause.join` will attempt to + join the two tables based on a foreign key relationship. + + :param isouter: if True, render a LEFT OUTER JOIN, instead of JOIN. + + :param full: if True, render a FULL OUTER JOIN, instead of JOIN. + + .. versionadded:: 1.1 + + .. seealso:: + + :meth:`.FromClause.join` - method form, based on a given left side + + :class:`.Join` - the type of object produced + + """ + + return cls(left, right, onclause, isouter, full) + + @property + def description(self): + return "Join object on %s(%d) and %s(%d)" % ( + self.left.description, + id(self.left), + self.right.description, + id(self.right), + ) + + def is_derived_from(self, fromclause): + return ( + fromclause is self + or self.left.is_derived_from(fromclause) + or self.right.is_derived_from(fromclause) + ) + + def self_group(self, against=None): + return FromGrouping(self) + + @util.dependencies("sqlalchemy.sql.util") + def _populate_column_collection(self, sqlutil): + columns = [c for c in self.left.columns] + [ + c for c in self.right.columns + ] + + self.primary_key.extend( + sqlutil.reduce_columns( + (c for c in columns if c.primary_key), self.onclause + ) + ) + self._columns.update((col._label, col) for col in columns) + self.foreign_keys.update( + itertools.chain(*[col.foreign_keys for col in columns]) + ) + + def _refresh_for_new_column(self, column): + col = self.left._refresh_for_new_column(column) + if col is None: + col = self.right._refresh_for_new_column(column) + if col is not None: + if self._cols_populated: + self._columns[col._label] = col + self.foreign_keys.update(col.foreign_keys) + if col.primary_key: + self.primary_key.add(col) + return col + return None + + def _copy_internals(self, clone=_clone, **kw): + self._reset_exported() + self.left = clone(self.left, **kw) + self.right = clone(self.right, **kw) + self.onclause = clone(self.onclause, **kw) + + def get_children(self, **kwargs): + return self.left, self.right, self.onclause + + def _match_primaries(self, left, right): + if isinstance(left, Join): + left_right = left.right + else: + left_right = None + return self._join_condition(left, right, a_subset=left_right) + + @classmethod + def _join_condition( + cls, + a, + b, + ignore_nonexistent_tables=False, + a_subset=None, + consider_as_foreign_keys=None, + ): + """create a join condition between two tables or selectables. + + e.g.:: + + join_condition(tablea, tableb) + + would produce an expression along the lines of:: + + tablea.c.id==tableb.c.tablea_id + + The join is determined based on the foreign key relationships + between the two selectables. If there are multiple ways + to join, or no way to join, an error is raised. + + :param ignore_nonexistent_tables: Deprecated - this + flag is no longer used. Only resolution errors regarding + the two given tables are propagated. + + :param a_subset: An optional expression that is a sub-component + of ``a``. An attempt will be made to join to just this sub-component + first before looking at the full ``a`` construct, and if found + will be successful even if there are other ways to join to ``a``. + This allows the "right side" of a join to be passed thereby + providing a "natural join". + + """ + constraints = cls._joincond_scan_left_right( + a, a_subset, b, consider_as_foreign_keys + ) + + if len(constraints) > 1: + cls._joincond_trim_constraints( + a, b, constraints, consider_as_foreign_keys + ) + + if len(constraints) == 0: + if isinstance(b, FromGrouping): + hint = ( + " Perhaps you meant to convert the right side to a " + "subquery using alias()?" + ) + else: + hint = "" + raise exc.NoForeignKeysError( + "Can't find any foreign key relationships " + "between '%s' and '%s'.%s" + % (a.description, b.description, hint) + ) + + crit = [(x == y) for x, y in list(constraints.values())[0]] + if len(crit) == 1: + return crit[0] + else: + return and_(*crit) + + @classmethod + def _joincond_scan_left_right( + cls, a, a_subset, b, consider_as_foreign_keys + ): + constraints = collections.defaultdict(list) + + for left in (a_subset, a): + if left is None: + continue + for fk in sorted( + b.foreign_keys, key=lambda fk: fk.parent._creation_order + ): + if ( + consider_as_foreign_keys is not None + and fk.parent not in consider_as_foreign_keys + ): + continue + try: + col = fk.get_referent(left) + except exc.NoReferenceError as nrte: + if nrte.table_name == left.name: + raise + else: + continue + + if col is not None: + constraints[fk.constraint].append((col, fk.parent)) + if left is not b: + for fk in sorted( + left.foreign_keys, key=lambda fk: fk.parent._creation_order + ): + if ( + consider_as_foreign_keys is not None + and fk.parent not in consider_as_foreign_keys + ): + continue + try: + col = fk.get_referent(b) + except exc.NoReferenceError as nrte: + if nrte.table_name == b.name: + raise + else: + continue + + if col is not None: + constraints[fk.constraint].append((col, fk.parent)) + if constraints: + break + return constraints + + @classmethod + def _joincond_trim_constraints( + cls, a, b, constraints, consider_as_foreign_keys + ): + # more than one constraint matched. narrow down the list + # to include just those FKCs that match exactly to + # "consider_as_foreign_keys". + if consider_as_foreign_keys: + for const in list(constraints): + if set(f.parent for f in const.elements) != set( + consider_as_foreign_keys + ): + del constraints[const] + + # if still multiple constraints, but + # they all refer to the exact same end result, use it. + if len(constraints) > 1: + dedupe = set(tuple(crit) for crit in constraints.values()) + if len(dedupe) == 1: + key = list(constraints)[0] + constraints = {key: constraints[key]} + + if len(constraints) != 1: + raise exc.AmbiguousForeignKeysError( + "Can't determine join between '%s' and '%s'; " + "tables have more than one foreign key " + "constraint relationship between them. " + "Please specify the 'onclause' of this " + "join explicitly." % (a.description, b.description) + ) + + def select(self, whereclause=None, **kwargs): + r"""Create a :class:`.Select` from this :class:`.Join`. + + The equivalent long-hand form, given a :class:`.Join` object + ``j``, is:: + + from sqlalchemy import select + j = select([j.left, j.right], **kw).\ + where(whereclause).\ + select_from(j) + + :param whereclause: the WHERE criterion that will be sent to + the :func:`select()` function + + :param \**kwargs: all other kwargs are sent to the + underlying :func:`select()` function. + + """ + collist = [self.left, self.right] + + return Select(collist, whereclause, from_obj=[self], **kwargs) + + @property + def bind(self): + return self.left.bind or self.right.bind + + @util.dependencies("sqlalchemy.sql.util") + def alias(self, sqlutil, name=None, flat=False): + r"""return an alias of this :class:`.Join`. + + The default behavior here is to first produce a SELECT + construct from this :class:`.Join`, then to produce an + :class:`.Alias` from that. So given a join of the form:: + + j = table_a.join(table_b, table_a.c.id == table_b.c.a_id) + + The JOIN by itself would look like:: + + table_a JOIN table_b ON table_a.id = table_b.a_id + + Whereas the alias of the above, ``j.alias()``, would in a + SELECT context look like:: + + (SELECT table_a.id AS table_a_id, table_b.id AS table_b_id, + table_b.a_id AS table_b_a_id + FROM table_a + JOIN table_b ON table_a.id = table_b.a_id) AS anon_1 + + The equivalent long-hand form, given a :class:`.Join` object + ``j``, is:: + + from sqlalchemy import select, alias + j = alias( + select([j.left, j.right]).\ + select_from(j).\ + with_labels(True).\ + correlate(False), + name=name + ) + + The selectable produced by :meth:`.Join.alias` features the same + columns as that of the two individual selectables presented under + a single name - the individual columns are "auto-labeled", meaning + the ``.c.`` collection of the resulting :class:`.Alias` represents + the names of the individual columns using a + ``_`` scheme:: + + j.c.table_a_id + j.c.table_b_a_id + + :meth:`.Join.alias` also features an alternate + option for aliasing joins which produces no enclosing SELECT and + does not normally apply labels to the column names. The + ``flat=True`` option will call :meth:`.FromClause.alias` + against the left and right sides individually. + Using this option, no new ``SELECT`` is produced; + we instead, from a construct as below:: + + j = table_a.join(table_b, table_a.c.id == table_b.c.a_id) + j = j.alias(flat=True) + + we get a result like this:: + + table_a AS table_a_1 JOIN table_b AS table_b_1 ON + table_a_1.id = table_b_1.a_id + + The ``flat=True`` argument is also propagated to the contained + selectables, so that a composite join such as:: + + j = table_a.join( + table_b.join(table_c, + table_b.c.id == table_c.c.b_id), + table_b.c.a_id == table_a.c.id + ).alias(flat=True) + + Will produce an expression like:: + + table_a AS table_a_1 JOIN ( + table_b AS table_b_1 JOIN table_c AS table_c_1 + ON table_b_1.id = table_c_1.b_id + ) ON table_a_1.id = table_b_1.a_id + + The standalone :func:`~.expression.alias` function as well as the + base :meth:`.FromClause.alias` method also support the ``flat=True`` + argument as a no-op, so that the argument can be passed to the + ``alias()`` method of any selectable. + + .. versionadded:: 0.9.0 Added the ``flat=True`` option to create + "aliases" of joins without enclosing inside of a SELECT + subquery. + + :param name: name given to the alias. + + :param flat: if True, produce an alias of the left and right + sides of this :class:`.Join` and return the join of those + two selectables. This produces join expression that does not + include an enclosing SELECT. + + .. versionadded:: 0.9.0 + + .. seealso:: + + :func:`~.expression.alias` + + """ + if flat: + assert name is None, "Can't send name argument with flat" + left_a, right_a = ( + self.left.alias(flat=True), + self.right.alias(flat=True), + ) + adapter = sqlutil.ClauseAdapter(left_a).chain( + sqlutil.ClauseAdapter(right_a) + ) + + return left_a.join( + right_a, + adapter.traverse(self.onclause), + isouter=self.isouter, + full=self.full, + ) + else: + return self.select(use_labels=True, correlate=False).alias(name) + + @property + def _hide_froms(self): + return itertools.chain( + *[_from_objects(x.left, x.right) for x in self._cloned_set] + ) + + @property + def _from_objects(self): + return ( + [self] + + self.onclause._from_objects + + self.left._from_objects + + self.right._from_objects + ) + + +class Alias(FromClause): + """Represents an table or selectable alias (AS). + + Represents an alias, as typically applied to any table or + sub-select within a SQL statement using the ``AS`` keyword (or + without the keyword on certain databases such as Oracle). + + This object is constructed from the :func:`~.expression.alias` module + level function as well as the :meth:`.FromClause.alias` method available + on all :class:`.FromClause` subclasses. + + """ + + __visit_name__ = "alias" + named_with_column = True + + _is_from_container = True + + def __init__(self, selectable, name=None): + baseselectable = selectable + while isinstance(baseselectable, Alias): + baseselectable = baseselectable.element + self.original = baseselectable + self.supports_execution = baseselectable.supports_execution + if self.supports_execution: + self._execution_options = baseselectable._execution_options + self.element = selectable + if name is None: + if self.original.named_with_column: + name = getattr(self.original, "name", None) + name = _anonymous_label("%%(%d %s)s" % (id(self), name or "anon")) + self.name = name + + def self_group(self, against=None): + if ( + isinstance(against, CompoundSelect) + and isinstance(self.original, Select) + and self.original._needs_parens_for_grouping() + ): + return FromGrouping(self) + + return super(Alias, self).self_group(against=against) + + @property + def description(self): + if util.py3k: + return self.name + else: + return self.name.encode("ascii", "backslashreplace") + + def as_scalar(self): + try: + return self.element.as_scalar() + except AttributeError: + raise AttributeError( + "Element %s does not support " "'as_scalar()'" % self.element + ) + + def is_derived_from(self, fromclause): + if fromclause in self._cloned_set: + return True + return self.element.is_derived_from(fromclause) + + def _populate_column_collection(self): + for col in self.element.columns._all_columns: + col._make_proxy(self) + + def _refresh_for_new_column(self, column): + col = self.element._refresh_for_new_column(column) + if col is not None: + if not self._cols_populated: + return None + else: + return col._make_proxy(self) + else: + return None + + def _copy_internals(self, clone=_clone, **kw): + # don't apply anything to an aliased Table + # for now. May want to drive this from + # the given **kw. + if isinstance(self.element, TableClause): + return + self._reset_exported() + self.element = clone(self.element, **kw) + baseselectable = self.element + while isinstance(baseselectable, Alias): + baseselectable = baseselectable.element + self.original = baseselectable + + def get_children(self, column_collections=True, **kw): + if column_collections: + for c in self.c: + yield c + yield self.element + + @property + def _from_objects(self): + return [self] + + @property + def bind(self): + return self.element.bind + + +class Lateral(Alias): + """Represent a LATERAL subquery. + + This object is constructed from the :func:`~.expression.lateral` module + level function as well as the :meth:`.FromClause.lateral` method available + on all :class:`.FromClause` subclasses. + + While LATERAL is part of the SQL standard, curently only more recent + PostgreSQL versions provide support for this keyword. + + .. versionadded:: 1.1 + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`lateral_selects` - overview of usage. + + """ + + __visit_name__ = "lateral" + _is_lateral = True + + +class TableSample(Alias): + """Represent a TABLESAMPLE clause. + + This object is constructed from the :func:`~.expression.tablesample` module + level function as well as the :meth:`.FromClause.tablesample` method + available on all :class:`.FromClause` subclasses. + + .. versionadded:: 1.1 + + .. seealso:: + + :func:`~.expression.tablesample` + + """ + + __visit_name__ = "tablesample" + + def __init__(self, selectable, sampling, name=None, seed=None): + self.sampling = sampling + self.seed = seed + super(TableSample, self).__init__(selectable, name=name) + + @util.dependencies("sqlalchemy.sql.functions") + def _get_method(self, functions): + if isinstance(self.sampling, functions.Function): + return self.sampling + else: + return functions.func.system(self.sampling) + + +class CTE(Generative, HasSuffixes, Alias): + """Represent a Common Table Expression. + + The :class:`.CTE` object is obtained using the + :meth:`.SelectBase.cte` method from any selectable. + See that method for complete examples. + + .. versionadded:: 0.7.6 + + """ + + __visit_name__ = "cte" + + def __init__( + self, + selectable, + name=None, + recursive=False, + _cte_alias=None, + _restates=frozenset(), + _suffixes=None, + ): + self.recursive = recursive + self._cte_alias = _cte_alias + self._restates = _restates + if _suffixes: + self._suffixes = _suffixes + super(CTE, self).__init__(selectable, name=name) + + def _copy_internals(self, clone=_clone, **kw): + super(CTE, self)._copy_internals(clone, **kw) + if self._cte_alias is not None: + self._cte_alias = clone(self._cte_alias, **kw) + self._restates = frozenset( + [clone(elem, **kw) for elem in self._restates] + ) + + @util.dependencies("sqlalchemy.sql.dml") + def _populate_column_collection(self, dml): + if isinstance(self.element, dml.UpdateBase): + for col in self.element._returning: + col._make_proxy(self) + else: + for col in self.element.columns._all_columns: + col._make_proxy(self) + + def alias(self, name=None, flat=False): + return CTE( + self.original, + name=name, + recursive=self.recursive, + _cte_alias=self, + _suffixes=self._suffixes, + ) + + def union(self, other): + return CTE( + self.original.union(other), + name=self.name, + recursive=self.recursive, + _restates=self._restates.union([self]), + _suffixes=self._suffixes, + ) + + def union_all(self, other): + return CTE( + self.original.union_all(other), + name=self.name, + recursive=self.recursive, + _restates=self._restates.union([self]), + _suffixes=self._suffixes, + ) + + +class HasCTE(object): + """Mixin that declares a class to include CTE support. + + .. versionadded:: 1.1 + + """ + + def cte(self, name=None, recursive=False): + r"""Return a new :class:`.CTE`, or Common Table Expression instance. + + Common table expressions are a SQL standard whereby SELECT + statements can draw upon secondary statements specified along + with the primary statement, using a clause called "WITH". + Special semantics regarding UNION can also be employed to + allow "recursive" queries, where a SELECT statement can draw + upon the set of rows that have previously been selected. + + CTEs can also be applied to DML constructs UPDATE, INSERT + and DELETE on some databases, both as a source of CTE rows + when combined with RETURNING, as well as a consumer of + CTE rows. + + SQLAlchemy detects :class:`.CTE` objects, which are treated + similarly to :class:`.Alias` objects, as special elements + to be delivered to the FROM clause of the statement as well + as to a WITH clause at the top of the statement. + + .. versionchanged:: 1.1 Added support for UPDATE/INSERT/DELETE as + CTE, CTEs added to UPDATE/INSERT/DELETE. + + :param name: name given to the common table expression. Like + :meth:`._FromClause.alias`, the name can be left as ``None`` + in which case an anonymous symbol will be used at query + compile time. + :param recursive: if ``True``, will render ``WITH RECURSIVE``. + A recursive common table expression is intended to be used in + conjunction with UNION ALL in order to derive rows + from those already selected. + + The following examples include two from PostgreSQL's documentation at + http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/queries-with.html, + as well as additional examples. + + Example 1, non recursive:: + + from sqlalchemy import (Table, Column, String, Integer, + MetaData, select, func) + + metadata = MetaData() + + orders = Table('orders', metadata, + Column('region', String), + Column('amount', Integer), + Column('product', String), + Column('quantity', Integer) + ) + + regional_sales = select([ + orders.c.region, + func.sum(orders.c.amount).label('total_sales') + ]).group_by(orders.c.region).cte("regional_sales") + + + top_regions = select([regional_sales.c.region]).\ + where( + regional_sales.c.total_sales > + select([ + func.sum(regional_sales.c.total_sales)/10 + ]) + ).cte("top_regions") + + statement = select([ + orders.c.region, + orders.c.product, + func.sum(orders.c.quantity).label("product_units"), + func.sum(orders.c.amount).label("product_sales") + ]).where(orders.c.region.in_( + select([top_regions.c.region]) + )).group_by(orders.c.region, orders.c.product) + + result = conn.execute(statement).fetchall() + + Example 2, WITH RECURSIVE:: + + from sqlalchemy import (Table, Column, String, Integer, + MetaData, select, func) + + metadata = MetaData() + + parts = Table('parts', metadata, + Column('part', String), + Column('sub_part', String), + Column('quantity', Integer), + ) + + included_parts = select([ + parts.c.sub_part, + parts.c.part, + parts.c.quantity]).\ + where(parts.c.part=='our part').\ + cte(recursive=True) + + + incl_alias = included_parts.alias() + parts_alias = parts.alias() + included_parts = included_parts.union_all( + select([ + parts_alias.c.sub_part, + parts_alias.c.part, + parts_alias.c.quantity + ]). + where(parts_alias.c.part==incl_alias.c.sub_part) + ) + + statement = select([ + included_parts.c.sub_part, + func.sum(included_parts.c.quantity). + label('total_quantity') + ]).\ + group_by(included_parts.c.sub_part) + + result = conn.execute(statement).fetchall() + + Example 3, an upsert using UPDATE and INSERT with CTEs:: + + from datetime import date + from sqlalchemy import (MetaData, Table, Column, Integer, + Date, select, literal, and_, exists) + + metadata = MetaData() + + visitors = Table('visitors', metadata, + Column('product_id', Integer, primary_key=True), + Column('date', Date, primary_key=True), + Column('count', Integer), + ) + + # add 5 visitors for the product_id == 1 + product_id = 1 + day = date.today() + count = 5 + + update_cte = ( + visitors.update() + .where(and_(visitors.c.product_id == product_id, + visitors.c.date == day)) + .values(count=visitors.c.count + count) + .returning(literal(1)) + .cte('update_cte') + ) + + upsert = visitors.insert().from_select( + [visitors.c.product_id, visitors.c.date, visitors.c.count], + select([literal(product_id), literal(day), literal(count)]) + .where(~exists(update_cte.select())) + ) + + connection.execute(upsert) + + .. seealso:: + + :meth:`.orm.query.Query.cte` - ORM version of + :meth:`.HasCTE.cte`. + + """ + return CTE(self, name=name, recursive=recursive) + + +class FromGrouping(FromClause): + """Represent a grouping of a FROM clause""" + + __visit_name__ = "grouping" + + def __init__(self, element): + self.element = element + + def _init_collections(self): + pass + + @property + def columns(self): + return self.element.columns + + @property + def primary_key(self): + return self.element.primary_key + + @property + def foreign_keys(self): + return self.element.foreign_keys + + def is_derived_from(self, element): + return self.element.is_derived_from(element) + + def alias(self, **kw): + return FromGrouping(self.element.alias(**kw)) + + @property + def _hide_froms(self): + return self.element._hide_froms + + def get_children(self, **kwargs): + return (self.element,) + + def _copy_internals(self, clone=_clone, **kw): + self.element = clone(self.element, **kw) + + @property + def _from_objects(self): + return self.element._from_objects + + def __getattr__(self, attr): + return getattr(self.element, attr) + + def __getstate__(self): + return {"element": self.element} + + def __setstate__(self, state): + self.element = state["element"] + + +class TableClause(Immutable, FromClause): + """Represents a minimal "table" construct. + + This is a lightweight table object that has only a name and a + collection of columns, which are typically produced + by the :func:`.expression.column` function:: + + from sqlalchemy import table, column + + user = table("user", + column("id"), + column("name"), + column("description"), + ) + + The :class:`.TableClause` construct serves as the base for + the more commonly used :class:`~.schema.Table` object, providing + the usual set of :class:`~.expression.FromClause` services including + the ``.c.`` collection and statement generation methods. + + It does **not** provide all the additional schema-level services + of :class:`~.schema.Table`, including constraints, references to other + tables, or support for :class:`.MetaData`-level services. It's useful + on its own as an ad-hoc construct used to generate quick SQL + statements when a more fully fledged :class:`~.schema.Table` + is not on hand. + + """ + + __visit_name__ = "table" + + named_with_column = True + + implicit_returning = False + """:class:`.TableClause` doesn't support having a primary key or column + -level defaults, so implicit returning doesn't apply.""" + + _autoincrement_column = None + """No PK or default support so no autoincrement column.""" + + def __init__(self, name, *columns): + """Produce a new :class:`.TableClause`. + + The object returned is an instance of :class:`.TableClause`, which + represents the "syntactical" portion of the schema-level + :class:`~.schema.Table` object. + It may be used to construct lightweight table constructs. + + .. versionchanged:: 1.0.0 :func:`.expression.table` can now + be imported from the plain ``sqlalchemy`` namespace like any + other SQL element. + + :param name: Name of the table. + + :param columns: A collection of :func:`.expression.column` constructs. + + """ + + super(TableClause, self).__init__() + self.name = self.fullname = name + self._columns = ColumnCollection() + self.primary_key = ColumnSet() + self.foreign_keys = set() + for c in columns: + self.append_column(c) + + def _init_collections(self): + pass + + @util.memoized_property + def description(self): + if util.py3k: + return self.name + else: + return self.name.encode("ascii", "backslashreplace") + + def append_column(self, c): + self._columns[c.key] = c + c.table = self + + def get_children(self, column_collections=True, **kwargs): + if column_collections: + return [c for c in self.c] + else: + return [] + + @util.dependencies("sqlalchemy.sql.dml") + def insert(self, dml, values=None, inline=False, **kwargs): + """Generate an :func:`.insert` construct against this + :class:`.TableClause`. + + E.g.:: + + table.insert().values(name='foo') + + See :func:`.insert` for argument and usage information. + + """ + + return dml.Insert(self, values=values, inline=inline, **kwargs) + + @util.dependencies("sqlalchemy.sql.dml") + def update( + self, dml, whereclause=None, values=None, inline=False, **kwargs + ): + """Generate an :func:`.update` construct against this + :class:`.TableClause`. + + E.g.:: + + table.update().where(table.c.id==7).values(name='foo') + + See :func:`.update` for argument and usage information. + + """ + + return dml.Update( + self, + whereclause=whereclause, + values=values, + inline=inline, + **kwargs + ) + + @util.dependencies("sqlalchemy.sql.dml") + def delete(self, dml, whereclause=None, **kwargs): + """Generate a :func:`.delete` construct against this + :class:`.TableClause`. + + E.g.:: + + table.delete().where(table.c.id==7) + + See :func:`.delete` for argument and usage information. + + """ + + return dml.Delete(self, whereclause, **kwargs) + + @property + def _from_objects(self): + return [self] + + +class ForUpdateArg(ClauseElement): + @classmethod + def parse_legacy_select(self, arg): + """Parse the for_update argument of :func:`.select`. + + :param mode: Defines the lockmode to use. + + ``None`` - translates to no lockmode + + ``'update'`` - translates to ``FOR UPDATE`` + (standard SQL, supported by most dialects) + + ``'nowait'`` - translates to ``FOR UPDATE NOWAIT`` + (supported by Oracle, PostgreSQL 8.1 upwards) + + ``'read'`` - translates to ``LOCK IN SHARE MODE`` (for MySQL), + and ``FOR SHARE`` (for PostgreSQL) + + ``'read_nowait'`` - translates to ``FOR SHARE NOWAIT`` + (supported by PostgreSQL). ``FOR SHARE`` and + ``FOR SHARE NOWAIT`` (PostgreSQL). + + """ + if arg in (None, False): + return None + + nowait = read = False + if arg == "nowait": + nowait = True + elif arg == "read": + read = True + elif arg == "read_nowait": + read = nowait = True + elif arg is not True: + raise exc.ArgumentError("Unknown for_update argument: %r" % arg) + + return ForUpdateArg(read=read, nowait=nowait) + + @property + def legacy_for_update_value(self): + if self.read and not self.nowait: + return "read" + elif self.read and self.nowait: + return "read_nowait" + elif self.nowait: + return "nowait" + else: + return True + + def __eq__(self, other): + return ( + isinstance(other, ForUpdateArg) + and other.nowait == self.nowait + and other.read == self.read + and other.skip_locked == self.skip_locked + and other.key_share == self.key_share + and other.of is self.of + ) + + def __hash__(self): + return id(self) + + def _copy_internals(self, clone=_clone, **kw): + if self.of is not None: + self.of = [clone(col, **kw) for col in self.of] + + def __init__( + self, + nowait=False, + read=False, + of=None, + skip_locked=False, + key_share=False, + ): + """Represents arguments specified to :meth:`.Select.for_update`. + + .. versionadded:: 0.9.0 + + """ + + self.nowait = nowait + self.read = read + self.skip_locked = skip_locked + self.key_share = key_share + if of is not None: + self.of = [ + _interpret_as_column_or_from(elem) for elem in util.to_list(of) + ] + else: + self.of = None + + +class SelectBase(HasCTE, Executable, FromClause): + """Base class for SELECT statements. + + + This includes :class:`.Select`, :class:`.CompoundSelect` and + :class:`.TextAsFrom`. + + + """ + + def as_scalar(self): + """return a 'scalar' representation of this selectable, which can be + used as a column expression. + + Typically, a select statement which has only one column in its columns + clause is eligible to be used as a scalar expression. + + The returned object is an instance of + :class:`ScalarSelect`. + + """ + return ScalarSelect(self) + + def label(self, name): + """return a 'scalar' representation of this selectable, embedded as a + subquery with a label. + + .. seealso:: + + :meth:`~.SelectBase.as_scalar`. + + """ + return self.as_scalar().label(name) + + @_generative + @util.deprecated( + "0.6", + message="``autocommit()`` is deprecated. Use " + ":meth:`.Executable.execution_options` with the " + "'autocommit' flag.", + ) + def autocommit(self): + """return a new selectable with the 'autocommit' flag set to + True. + """ + + self._execution_options = self._execution_options.union( + {"autocommit": True} + ) + + def _generate(self): + """Override the default _generate() method to also clear out + exported collections.""" + + s = self.__class__.__new__(self.__class__) + s.__dict__ = self.__dict__.copy() + s._reset_exported() + return s + + @property + def _from_objects(self): + return [self] + + +class GenerativeSelect(SelectBase): + """Base class for SELECT statements where additional elements can be + added. + + This serves as the base for :class:`.Select` and :class:`.CompoundSelect` + where elements such as ORDER BY, GROUP BY can be added and column + rendering can be controlled. Compare to :class:`.TextAsFrom`, which, + while it subclasses :class:`.SelectBase` and is also a SELECT construct, + represents a fixed textual string which cannot be altered at this level, + only wrapped as a subquery. + + .. versionadded:: 0.9.0 :class:`.GenerativeSelect` was added to + provide functionality specific to :class:`.Select` and + :class:`.CompoundSelect` while allowing :class:`.SelectBase` to be + used for other SELECT-like objects, e.g. :class:`.TextAsFrom`. + + """ + + _order_by_clause = ClauseList() + _group_by_clause = ClauseList() + _limit_clause = None + _offset_clause = None + _for_update_arg = None + + def __init__( + self, + use_labels=False, + for_update=False, + limit=None, + offset=None, + order_by=None, + group_by=None, + bind=None, + autocommit=None, + ): + self.use_labels = use_labels + + if for_update is not False: + self._for_update_arg = ForUpdateArg.parse_legacy_select(for_update) + + if autocommit is not None: + util.warn_deprecated( + "autocommit on select() is " + "deprecated. Use .execution_options(a" + "utocommit=True)" + ) + self._execution_options = self._execution_options.union( + {"autocommit": autocommit} + ) + if limit is not None: + self._limit_clause = _offset_or_limit_clause(limit) + if offset is not None: + self._offset_clause = _offset_or_limit_clause(offset) + self._bind = bind + + if order_by is not None: + self._order_by_clause = ClauseList( + *util.to_list(order_by), + _literal_as_text=_literal_and_labels_as_label_reference + ) + if group_by is not None: + self._group_by_clause = ClauseList( + *util.to_list(group_by), + _literal_as_text=_literal_as_label_reference + ) + + @property + def for_update(self): + """Provide legacy dialect support for the ``for_update`` attribute. + """ + if self._for_update_arg is not None: + return self._for_update_arg.legacy_for_update_value + else: + return None + + @for_update.setter + def for_update(self, value): + self._for_update_arg = ForUpdateArg.parse_legacy_select(value) + + @_generative + def with_for_update( + self, + nowait=False, + read=False, + of=None, + skip_locked=False, + key_share=False, + ): + """Specify a ``FOR UPDATE`` clause for this :class:`.GenerativeSelect`. + + E.g.:: + + stmt = select([table]).with_for_update(nowait=True) + + On a database like PostgreSQL or Oracle, the above would render a + statement like:: + + SELECT table.a, table.b FROM table FOR UPDATE NOWAIT + + on other backends, the ``nowait`` option is ignored and instead + would produce:: + + SELECT table.a, table.b FROM table FOR UPDATE + + When called with no arguments, the statement will render with + the suffix ``FOR UPDATE``. Additional arguments can then be + provided which allow for common database-specific + variants. + + :param nowait: boolean; will render ``FOR UPDATE NOWAIT`` on Oracle + and PostgreSQL dialects. + + :param read: boolean; will render ``LOCK IN SHARE MODE`` on MySQL, + ``FOR SHARE`` on PostgreSQL. On PostgreSQL, when combined with + ``nowait``, will render ``FOR SHARE NOWAIT``. + + :param of: SQL expression or list of SQL expression elements + (typically :class:`.Column` objects or a compatible expression) which + will render into a ``FOR UPDATE OF`` clause; supported by PostgreSQL + and Oracle. May render as a table or as a column depending on + backend. + + :param skip_locked: boolean, will render ``FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED`` + on Oracle and PostgreSQL dialects or ``FOR SHARE SKIP LOCKED`` if + ``read=True`` is also specified. + + .. versionadded:: 1.1.0 + + :param key_share: boolean, will render ``FOR NO KEY UPDATE``, + or if combined with ``read=True`` will render ``FOR KEY SHARE``, + on the PostgreSQL dialect. + + .. versionadded:: 1.1.0 + + """ + self._for_update_arg = ForUpdateArg( + nowait=nowait, + read=read, + of=of, + skip_locked=skip_locked, + key_share=key_share, + ) + + @_generative + def apply_labels(self): + """return a new selectable with the 'use_labels' flag set to True. + + This will result in column expressions being generated using labels + against their table name, such as "SELECT somecolumn AS + tablename_somecolumn". This allows selectables which contain multiple + FROM clauses to produce a unique set of column names regardless of + name conflicts among the individual FROM clauses. + + """ + self.use_labels = True + + @property + def _limit(self): + """Get an integer value for the limit. This should only be used + by code that cannot support a limit as a BindParameter or + other custom clause as it will throw an exception if the limit + isn't currently set to an integer. + + """ + return _offset_or_limit_clause_asint(self._limit_clause, "limit") + + @property + def _simple_int_limit(self): + """True if the LIMIT clause is a simple integer, False + if it is not present or is a SQL expression. + """ + return isinstance(self._limit_clause, _OffsetLimitParam) + + @property + def _simple_int_offset(self): + """True if the OFFSET clause is a simple integer, False + if it is not present or is a SQL expression. + """ + return isinstance(self._offset_clause, _OffsetLimitParam) + + @property + def _offset(self): + """Get an integer value for the offset. This should only be used + by code that cannot support an offset as a BindParameter or + other custom clause as it will throw an exception if the + offset isn't currently set to an integer. + + """ + return _offset_or_limit_clause_asint(self._offset_clause, "offset") + + @_generative + def limit(self, limit): + """return a new selectable with the given LIMIT criterion + applied. + + This is a numerical value which usually renders as a ``LIMIT`` + expression in the resulting select. Backends that don't + support ``LIMIT`` will attempt to provide similar + functionality. + + .. versionchanged:: 1.0.0 - :meth:`.Select.limit` can now + accept arbitrary SQL expressions as well as integer values. + + :param limit: an integer LIMIT parameter, or a SQL expression + that provides an integer result. + + """ + + self._limit_clause = _offset_or_limit_clause(limit) + + @_generative + def offset(self, offset): + """return a new selectable with the given OFFSET criterion + applied. + + + This is a numeric value which usually renders as an ``OFFSET`` + expression in the resulting select. Backends that don't + support ``OFFSET`` will attempt to provide similar + functionality. + + + .. versionchanged:: 1.0.0 - :meth:`.Select.offset` can now + accept arbitrary SQL expressions as well as integer values. + + :param offset: an integer OFFSET parameter, or a SQL expression + that provides an integer result. + + """ + + self._offset_clause = _offset_or_limit_clause(offset) + + @_generative + def order_by(self, *clauses): + """return a new selectable with the given list of ORDER BY + criterion applied. + + The criterion will be appended to any pre-existing ORDER BY + criterion. + + """ + + self.append_order_by(*clauses) + + @_generative + def group_by(self, *clauses): + """return a new selectable with the given list of GROUP BY + criterion applied. + + The criterion will be appended to any pre-existing GROUP BY + criterion. + + """ + + self.append_group_by(*clauses) + + def append_order_by(self, *clauses): + """Append the given ORDER BY criterion applied to this selectable. + + The criterion will be appended to any pre-existing ORDER BY criterion. + + This is an **in-place** mutation method; the + :meth:`~.GenerativeSelect.order_by` method is preferred, as it + provides standard :term:`method chaining`. + + """ + if len(clauses) == 1 and clauses[0] is None: + self._order_by_clause = ClauseList() + else: + if getattr(self, "_order_by_clause", None) is not None: + clauses = list(self._order_by_clause) + list(clauses) + self._order_by_clause = ClauseList( + *clauses, + _literal_as_text=_literal_and_labels_as_label_reference + ) + + def append_group_by(self, *clauses): + """Append the given GROUP BY criterion applied to this selectable. + + The criterion will be appended to any pre-existing GROUP BY criterion. + + This is an **in-place** mutation method; the + :meth:`~.GenerativeSelect.group_by` method is preferred, as it + provides standard :term:`method chaining`. + + """ + if len(clauses) == 1 and clauses[0] is None: + self._group_by_clause = ClauseList() + else: + if getattr(self, "_group_by_clause", None) is not None: + clauses = list(self._group_by_clause) + list(clauses) + self._group_by_clause = ClauseList( + *clauses, _literal_as_text=_literal_as_label_reference + ) + + @property + def _label_resolve_dict(self): + raise NotImplementedError() + + def _copy_internals(self, clone=_clone, **kw): + if self._limit_clause is not None: + self._limit_clause = clone(self._limit_clause, **kw) + if self._offset_clause is not None: + self._offset_clause = clone(self._offset_clause, **kw) + + +class CompoundSelect(GenerativeSelect): + """Forms the basis of ``UNION``, ``UNION ALL``, and other + SELECT-based set operations. + + + .. seealso:: + + :func:`.union` + + :func:`.union_all` + + :func:`.intersect` + + :func:`.intersect_all` + + :func:`.except` + + :func:`.except_all` + + """ + + __visit_name__ = "compound_select" + + UNION = util.symbol("UNION") + UNION_ALL = util.symbol("UNION ALL") + EXCEPT = util.symbol("EXCEPT") + EXCEPT_ALL = util.symbol("EXCEPT ALL") + INTERSECT = util.symbol("INTERSECT") + INTERSECT_ALL = util.symbol("INTERSECT ALL") + + _is_from_container = True + + def __init__(self, keyword, *selects, **kwargs): + self._auto_correlate = kwargs.pop("correlate", False) + self.keyword = keyword + self.selects = [] + + numcols = None + + # some DBs do not like ORDER BY in the inner queries of a UNION, etc. + for n, s in enumerate(selects): + s = _clause_element_as_expr(s) + + if not numcols: + numcols = len(s.c._all_columns) + elif len(s.c._all_columns) != numcols: + raise exc.ArgumentError( + "All selectables passed to " + "CompoundSelect must have identical numbers of " + "columns; select #%d has %d columns, select " + "#%d has %d" + % ( + 1, + len(self.selects[0].c._all_columns), + n + 1, + len(s.c._all_columns), + ) + ) + + self.selects.append(s.self_group(against=self)) + + GenerativeSelect.__init__(self, **kwargs) + + @property + def _label_resolve_dict(self): + d = dict((c.key, c) for c in self.c) + return d, d, d + + @classmethod + def _create_union(cls, *selects, **kwargs): + r"""Return a ``UNION`` of multiple selectables. + + The returned object is an instance of + :class:`.CompoundSelect`. + + A similar :func:`union()` method is available on all + :class:`.FromClause` subclasses. + + \*selects + a list of :class:`.Select` instances. + + \**kwargs + available keyword arguments are the same as those of + :func:`select`. + + """ + return CompoundSelect(CompoundSelect.UNION, *selects, **kwargs) + + @classmethod + def _create_union_all(cls, *selects, **kwargs): + r"""Return a ``UNION ALL`` of multiple selectables. + + The returned object is an instance of + :class:`.CompoundSelect`. + + A similar :func:`union_all()` method is available on all + :class:`.FromClause` subclasses. + + \*selects + a list of :class:`.Select` instances. + + \**kwargs + available keyword arguments are the same as those of + :func:`select`. + + """ + return CompoundSelect(CompoundSelect.UNION_ALL, *selects, **kwargs) + + @classmethod + def _create_except(cls, *selects, **kwargs): + r"""Return an ``EXCEPT`` of multiple selectables. + + The returned object is an instance of + :class:`.CompoundSelect`. + + \*selects + a list of :class:`.Select` instances. + + \**kwargs + available keyword arguments are the same as those of + :func:`select`. + + """ + return CompoundSelect(CompoundSelect.EXCEPT, *selects, **kwargs) + + @classmethod + def _create_except_all(cls, *selects, **kwargs): + r"""Return an ``EXCEPT ALL`` of multiple selectables. + + The returned object is an instance of + :class:`.CompoundSelect`. + + \*selects + a list of :class:`.Select` instances. + + \**kwargs + available keyword arguments are the same as those of + :func:`select`. + + """ + return CompoundSelect(CompoundSelect.EXCEPT_ALL, *selects, **kwargs) + + @classmethod + def _create_intersect(cls, *selects, **kwargs): + r"""Return an ``INTERSECT`` of multiple selectables. + + The returned object is an instance of + :class:`.CompoundSelect`. + + \*selects + a list of :class:`.Select` instances. + + \**kwargs + available keyword arguments are the same as those of + :func:`select`. + + """ + return CompoundSelect(CompoundSelect.INTERSECT, *selects, **kwargs) + + @classmethod + def _create_intersect_all(cls, *selects, **kwargs): + r"""Return an ``INTERSECT ALL`` of multiple selectables. + + The returned object is an instance of + :class:`.CompoundSelect`. + + \*selects + a list of :class:`.Select` instances. + + \**kwargs + available keyword arguments are the same as those of + :func:`select`. + + """ + return CompoundSelect(CompoundSelect.INTERSECT_ALL, *selects, **kwargs) + + def _scalar_type(self): + return self.selects[0]._scalar_type() + + def self_group(self, against=None): + return FromGrouping(self) + + def is_derived_from(self, fromclause): + for s in self.selects: + if s.is_derived_from(fromclause): + return True + return False + + def _populate_column_collection(self): + for cols in zip(*[s.c._all_columns for s in self.selects]): + + # this is a slightly hacky thing - the union exports a + # column that resembles just that of the *first* selectable. + # to get at a "composite" column, particularly foreign keys, + # you have to dig through the proxies collection which we + # generate below. We may want to improve upon this, such as + # perhaps _make_proxy can accept a list of other columns + # that are "shared" - schema.column can then copy all the + # ForeignKeys in. this would allow the union() to have all + # those fks too. + + proxy = cols[0]._make_proxy( + self, + name=cols[0]._label if self.use_labels else None, + key=cols[0]._key_label if self.use_labels else None, + ) + + # hand-construct the "_proxies" collection to include all + # derived columns place a 'weight' annotation corresponding + # to how low in the list of select()s the column occurs, so + # that the corresponding_column() operation can resolve + # conflicts + + proxy._proxies = [ + c._annotate({"weight": i + 1}) for (i, c) in enumerate(cols) + ] + + def _refresh_for_new_column(self, column): + for s in self.selects: + s._refresh_for_new_column(column) + + if not self._cols_populated: + return None + + raise NotImplementedError( + "CompoundSelect constructs don't support " + "addition of columns to underlying " + "selectables" + ) + + def _copy_internals(self, clone=_clone, **kw): + super(CompoundSelect, self)._copy_internals(clone, **kw) + self._reset_exported() + self.selects = [clone(s, **kw) for s in self.selects] + if hasattr(self, "_col_map"): + del self._col_map + for attr in ( + "_order_by_clause", + "_group_by_clause", + "_for_update_arg", + ): + if getattr(self, attr) is not None: + setattr(self, attr, clone(getattr(self, attr), **kw)) + + def get_children(self, column_collections=True, **kwargs): + return ( + (column_collections and list(self.c) or []) + + [self._order_by_clause, self._group_by_clause] + + list(self.selects) + ) + + def bind(self): + if self._bind: + return self._bind + for s in self.selects: + e = s.bind + if e: + return e + else: + return None + + def _set_bind(self, bind): + self._bind = bind + + bind = property(bind, _set_bind) + + +class Select(HasPrefixes, HasSuffixes, GenerativeSelect): + """Represents a ``SELECT`` statement. + + """ + + __visit_name__ = "select" + + _prefixes = () + _suffixes = () + _hints = util.immutabledict() + _statement_hints = () + _distinct = False + _from_cloned = None + _correlate = () + _correlate_except = None + _memoized_property = SelectBase._memoized_property + _is_select = True + + def __init__( + self, + columns=None, + whereclause=None, + from_obj=None, + distinct=False, + having=None, + correlate=True, + prefixes=None, + suffixes=None, + **kwargs + ): + """Construct a new :class:`.Select`. + + Similar functionality is also available via the + :meth:`.FromClause.select` method on any :class:`.FromClause`. + + All arguments which accept :class:`.ClauseElement` arguments also + accept string arguments, which will be converted as appropriate into + either :func:`text()` or :func:`literal_column()` constructs. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`coretutorial_selecting` - Core Tutorial description of + :func:`.select`. + + :param columns: + A list of :class:`.ColumnElement` or :class:`.FromClause` + objects which will form the columns clause of the resulting + statement. For those objects that are instances of + :class:`.FromClause` (typically :class:`.Table` or :class:`.Alias` + objects), the :attr:`.FromClause.c` collection is extracted + to form a collection of :class:`.ColumnElement` objects. + + This parameter will also accept :class:`.Text` constructs as + given, as well as ORM-mapped classes. + + .. note:: + + The :paramref:`.select.columns` parameter is not available + in the method form of :func:`.select`, e.g. + :meth:`.FromClause.select`. + + .. seealso:: + + :meth:`.Select.column` + + :meth:`.Select.with_only_columns` + + :param whereclause: + A :class:`.ClauseElement` expression which will be used to form the + ``WHERE`` clause. It is typically preferable to add WHERE + criterion to an existing :class:`.Select` using method chaining + with :meth:`.Select.where`. + + .. seealso:: + + :meth:`.Select.where` + + :param from_obj: + A list of :class:`.ClauseElement` objects which will be added to the + ``FROM`` clause of the resulting statement. This is equivalent + to calling :meth:`.Select.select_from` using method chaining on + an existing :class:`.Select` object. + + .. seealso:: + + :meth:`.Select.select_from` - full description of explicit + FROM clause specification. + + :param autocommit: + Deprecated. Use ``.execution_options(autocommit=)`` + to set the autocommit option. + + .. seealso:: + + :meth:`.Executable.execution_options` + + :param bind=None: + an :class:`~.Engine` or :class:`~.Connection` instance + to which the + resulting :class:`.Select` object will be bound. The + :class:`.Select` object will otherwise automatically bind to + whatever :class:`~.base.Connectable` instances can be located within + its contained :class:`.ClauseElement` members. + + :param correlate=True: + indicates that this :class:`.Select` object should have its + contained :class:`.FromClause` elements "correlated" to an enclosing + :class:`.Select` object. It is typically preferable to specify + correlations on an existing :class:`.Select` construct using + :meth:`.Select.correlate`. + + .. seealso:: + + :meth:`.Select.correlate` - full description of correlation. + + :param distinct=False: + when ``True``, applies a ``DISTINCT`` qualifier to the columns + clause of the resulting statement. + + The boolean argument may also be a column expression or list + of column expressions - this is a special calling form which + is understood by the PostgreSQL dialect to render the + ``DISTINCT ON ()`` syntax. + + ``distinct`` is also available on an existing :class:`.Select` + object via the :meth:`~.Select.distinct` method. + + .. seealso:: + + :meth:`.Select.distinct` + + :param for_update=False: + when ``True``, applies ``FOR UPDATE`` to the end of the + resulting statement. + + .. deprecated:: 0.9.0 - use + :meth:`.Select.with_for_update` to specify the + structure of the ``FOR UPDATE`` clause. + + ``for_update`` accepts various string values interpreted by + specific backends, including: + + * ``"read"`` - on MySQL, translates to ``LOCK IN SHARE MODE``; + on PostgreSQL, translates to ``FOR SHARE``. + * ``"nowait"`` - on PostgreSQL and Oracle, translates to + ``FOR UPDATE NOWAIT``. + * ``"read_nowait"`` - on PostgreSQL, translates to + ``FOR SHARE NOWAIT``. + + .. seealso:: + + :meth:`.Select.with_for_update` - improved API for + specifying the ``FOR UPDATE`` clause. + + :param group_by: + a list of :class:`.ClauseElement` objects which will comprise the + ``GROUP BY`` clause of the resulting select. This parameter + is typically specified more naturally using the + :meth:`.Select.group_by` method on an existing :class:`.Select`. + + .. seealso:: + + :meth:`.Select.group_by` + + :param having: + a :class:`.ClauseElement` that will comprise the ``HAVING`` clause + of the resulting select when ``GROUP BY`` is used. This parameter + is typically specified more naturally using the + :meth:`.Select.having` method on an existing :class:`.Select`. + + .. seealso:: + + :meth:`.Select.having` + + :param limit=None: + a numerical value which usually renders as a ``LIMIT`` + expression in the resulting select. Backends that don't + support ``LIMIT`` will attempt to provide similar + functionality. This parameter is typically specified more + naturally using the :meth:`.Select.limit` method on an existing + :class:`.Select`. + + .. seealso:: + + :meth:`.Select.limit` + + :param offset=None: + a numeric value which usually renders as an ``OFFSET`` + expression in the resulting select. Backends that don't + support ``OFFSET`` will attempt to provide similar + functionality. This parameter is typically specified more naturally + using the :meth:`.Select.offset` method on an existing + :class:`.Select`. + + .. seealso:: + + :meth:`.Select.offset` + + :param order_by: + a scalar or list of :class:`.ClauseElement` objects which will + comprise the ``ORDER BY`` clause of the resulting select. + This parameter is typically specified more naturally using the + :meth:`.Select.order_by` method on an existing :class:`.Select`. + + .. seealso:: + + :meth:`.Select.order_by` + + :param use_labels=False: + when ``True``, the statement will be generated using labels + for each column in the columns clause, which qualify each + column with its parent table's (or aliases) name so that name + conflicts between columns in different tables don't occur. + The format of the label is _. The "c" + collection of the resulting :class:`.Select` object will use these + names as well for targeting column members. + + This parameter can also be specified on an existing + :class:`.Select` object using the :meth:`.Select.apply_labels` + method. + + .. seealso:: + + :meth:`.Select.apply_labels` + + """ + self._auto_correlate = correlate + if distinct is not False: + if distinct is True: + self._distinct = True + else: + self._distinct = [ + _literal_as_text(e) for e in util.to_list(distinct) + ] + + if from_obj is not None: + self._from_obj = util.OrderedSet( + _interpret_as_from(f) for f in util.to_list(from_obj) + ) + else: + self._from_obj = util.OrderedSet() + + try: + cols_present = bool(columns) + except TypeError: + raise exc.ArgumentError( + "columns argument to select() must " + "be a Python list or other iterable" + ) + + if cols_present: + self._raw_columns = [] + for c in columns: + c = _interpret_as_column_or_from(c) + if isinstance(c, ScalarSelect): + c = c.self_group(against=operators.comma_op) + self._raw_columns.append(c) + else: + self._raw_columns = [] + + if whereclause is not None: + self._whereclause = _literal_as_text(whereclause).self_group( + against=operators._asbool + ) + else: + self._whereclause = None + + if having is not None: + self._having = _literal_as_text(having).self_group( + against=operators._asbool + ) + else: + self._having = None + + if prefixes: + self._setup_prefixes(prefixes) + + if suffixes: + self._setup_suffixes(suffixes) + + GenerativeSelect.__init__(self, **kwargs) + + @property + def _froms(self): + # would love to cache this, + # but there's just enough edge cases, particularly now that + # declarative encourages construction of SQL expressions + # without tables present, to just regen this each time. + froms = [] + seen = set() + translate = self._from_cloned + + for item in itertools.chain( + _from_objects(*self._raw_columns), + _from_objects(self._whereclause) + if self._whereclause is not None + else (), + self._from_obj, + ): + if item is self: + raise exc.InvalidRequestError( + "select() construct refers to itself as a FROM" + ) + if translate and item in translate: + item = translate[item] + if not seen.intersection(item._cloned_set): + froms.append(item) + seen.update(item._cloned_set) + + return froms + + def _get_display_froms( + self, explicit_correlate_froms=None, implicit_correlate_froms=None + ): + """Return the full list of 'from' clauses to be displayed. + + Takes into account a set of existing froms which may be + rendered in the FROM clause of enclosing selects; this Select + may want to leave those absent if it is automatically + correlating. + + """ + froms = self._froms + + toremove = set( + itertools.chain(*[_expand_cloned(f._hide_froms) for f in froms]) + ) + if toremove: + # if we're maintaining clones of froms, + # add the copies out to the toremove list. only include + # clones that are lexical equivalents. + if self._from_cloned: + toremove.update( + self._from_cloned[f] + for f in toremove.intersection(self._from_cloned) + if self._from_cloned[f]._is_lexical_equivalent(f) + ) + # filter out to FROM clauses not in the list, + # using a list to maintain ordering + froms = [f for f in froms if f not in toremove] + + if self._correlate: + to_correlate = self._correlate + if to_correlate: + froms = [ + f + for f in froms + if f + not in _cloned_intersection( + _cloned_intersection( + froms, explicit_correlate_froms or () + ), + to_correlate, + ) + ] + + if self._correlate_except is not None: + + froms = [ + f + for f in froms + if f + not in _cloned_difference( + _cloned_intersection( + froms, explicit_correlate_froms or () + ), + self._correlate_except, + ) + ] + + if ( + self._auto_correlate + and implicit_correlate_froms + and len(froms) > 1 + ): + + froms = [ + f + for f in froms + if f + not in _cloned_intersection(froms, implicit_correlate_froms) + ] + + if not len(froms): + raise exc.InvalidRequestError( + "Select statement '%s" + "' returned no FROM clauses " + "due to auto-correlation; " + "specify correlate() " + "to control correlation " + "manually." % self + ) + + return froms + + def _scalar_type(self): + elem = self._raw_columns[0] + cols = list(elem._select_iterable) + return cols[0].type + + @property + def froms(self): + """Return the displayed list of FromClause elements.""" + + return self._get_display_froms() + + def with_statement_hint(self, text, dialect_name="*"): + """add a statement hint to this :class:`.Select`. + + This method is similar to :meth:`.Select.with_hint` except that + it does not require an individual table, and instead applies to the + statement as a whole. + + Hints here are specific to the backend database and may include + directives such as isolation levels, file directives, fetch directives, + etc. + + .. versionadded:: 1.0.0 + + .. seealso:: + + :meth:`.Select.with_hint` + + """ + return self.with_hint(None, text, dialect_name) + + @_generative + def with_hint(self, selectable, text, dialect_name="*"): + r"""Add an indexing or other executional context hint for the given + selectable to this :class:`.Select`. + + The text of the hint is rendered in the appropriate + location for the database backend in use, relative + to the given :class:`.Table` or :class:`.Alias` passed as the + ``selectable`` argument. The dialect implementation + typically uses Python string substitution syntax + with the token ``%(name)s`` to render the name of + the table or alias. E.g. when using Oracle, the + following:: + + select([mytable]).\ + with_hint(mytable, "index(%(name)s ix_mytable)") + + Would render SQL as:: + + select /*+ index(mytable ix_mytable) */ ... from mytable + + The ``dialect_name`` option will limit the rendering of a particular + hint to a particular backend. Such as, to add hints for both Oracle + and Sybase simultaneously:: + + select([mytable]).\ + with_hint(mytable, "index(%(name)s ix_mytable)", 'oracle').\ + with_hint(mytable, "WITH INDEX ix_mytable", 'sybase') + + .. seealso:: + + :meth:`.Select.with_statement_hint` + + """ + if selectable is None: + self._statement_hints += ((dialect_name, text),) + else: + self._hints = self._hints.union({(selectable, dialect_name): text}) + + @property + def type(self): + raise exc.InvalidRequestError( + "Select objects don't have a type. " + "Call as_scalar() on this Select " + "object to return a 'scalar' version " + "of this Select." + ) + + @_memoized_property.method + def locate_all_froms(self): + """return a Set of all FromClause elements referenced by this Select. + + This set is a superset of that returned by the ``froms`` property, + which is specifically for those FromClause elements that would + actually be rendered. + + """ + froms = self._froms + return froms + list(_from_objects(*froms)) + + @property + def inner_columns(self): + """an iterator of all ColumnElement expressions which would + be rendered into the columns clause of the resulting SELECT statement. + + """ + return _select_iterables(self._raw_columns) + + @_memoized_property + def _label_resolve_dict(self): + with_cols = dict( + (c._resolve_label or c._label or c.key, c) + for c in _select_iterables(self._raw_columns) + if c._allow_label_resolve + ) + only_froms = dict( + (c.key, c) + for c in _select_iterables(self.froms) + if c._allow_label_resolve + ) + only_cols = with_cols.copy() + for key, value in only_froms.items(): + with_cols.setdefault(key, value) + + return with_cols, only_froms, only_cols + + def is_derived_from(self, fromclause): + if self in fromclause._cloned_set: + return True + + for f in self.locate_all_froms(): + if f.is_derived_from(fromclause): + return True + return False + + def _copy_internals(self, clone=_clone, **kw): + super(Select, self)._copy_internals(clone, **kw) + + # Select() object has been cloned and probably adapted by the + # given clone function. Apply the cloning function to internal + # objects + + # 1. keep a dictionary of the froms we've cloned, and what + # they've become. This is consulted later when we derive + # additional froms from "whereclause" and the columns clause, + # which may still reference the uncloned parent table. + # as of 0.7.4 we also put the current version of _froms, which + # gets cleared on each generation. previously we were "baking" + # _froms into self._from_obj. + self._from_cloned = from_cloned = dict( + (f, clone(f, **kw)) for f in self._from_obj.union(self._froms) + ) + + # 3. update persistent _from_obj with the cloned versions. + self._from_obj = util.OrderedSet( + from_cloned[f] for f in self._from_obj + ) + + # the _correlate collection is done separately, what can happen + # here is the same item is _correlate as in _from_obj but the + # _correlate version has an annotation on it - (specifically + # RelationshipProperty.Comparator._criterion_exists() does + # this). Also keep _correlate liberally open with its previous + # contents, as this set is used for matching, not rendering. + self._correlate = set(clone(f) for f in self._correlate).union( + self._correlate + ) + # 4. clone other things. The difficulty here is that Column + # objects are not actually cloned, and refer to their original + # .table, resulting in the wrong "from" parent after a clone + # operation. Hence _from_cloned and _from_obj supersede what is + # present here. + self._raw_columns = [clone(c, **kw) for c in self._raw_columns] + for attr in ( + "_whereclause", + "_having", + "_order_by_clause", + "_group_by_clause", + "_for_update_arg", + ): + if getattr(self, attr) is not None: + setattr(self, attr, clone(getattr(self, attr), **kw)) + + # erase exported column list, _froms collection, + # etc. + self._reset_exported() + + def get_children(self, column_collections=True, **kwargs): + """return child elements as per the ClauseElement specification.""" + + return ( + (column_collections and list(self.columns) or []) + + self._raw_columns + + list(self._froms) + + [ + x + for x in ( + self._whereclause, + self._having, + self._order_by_clause, + self._group_by_clause, + ) + if x is not None + ] + ) + + @_generative + def column(self, column): + """return a new select() construct with the given column expression + added to its columns clause. + + E.g.:: + + my_select = my_select.column(table.c.new_column) + + See the documentation for :meth:`.Select.with_only_columns` + for guidelines on adding /replacing the columns of a + :class:`.Select` object. + + """ + self.append_column(column) + + @util.dependencies("sqlalchemy.sql.util") + def reduce_columns(self, sqlutil, only_synonyms=True): + """Return a new :func`.select` construct with redundantly + named, equivalently-valued columns removed from the columns clause. + + "Redundant" here means two columns where one refers to the + other either based on foreign key, or via a simple equality + comparison in the WHERE clause of the statement. The primary purpose + of this method is to automatically construct a select statement + with all uniquely-named columns, without the need to use + table-qualified labels as :meth:`.apply_labels` does. + + When columns are omitted based on foreign key, the referred-to + column is the one that's kept. When columns are omitted based on + WHERE eqivalence, the first column in the columns clause is the + one that's kept. + + :param only_synonyms: when True, limit the removal of columns + to those which have the same name as the equivalent. Otherwise, + all columns that are equivalent to another are removed. + + .. versionadded:: 0.8 + + """ + return self.with_only_columns( + sqlutil.reduce_columns( + self.inner_columns, + only_synonyms=only_synonyms, + *(self._whereclause,) + tuple(self._from_obj) + ) + ) + + @_generative + def with_only_columns(self, columns): + r"""Return a new :func:`.select` construct with its columns + clause replaced with the given columns. + + This method is exactly equivalent to as if the original + :func:`.select` had been called with the given columns + clause. I.e. a statement:: + + s = select([table1.c.a, table1.c.b]) + s = s.with_only_columns([table1.c.b]) + + should be exactly equivalent to:: + + s = select([table1.c.b]) + + This means that FROM clauses which are only derived + from the column list will be discarded if the new column + list no longer contains that FROM:: + + >>> table1 = table('t1', column('a'), column('b')) + >>> table2 = table('t2', column('a'), column('b')) + >>> s1 = select([table1.c.a, table2.c.b]) + >>> print s1 + SELECT t1.a, t2.b FROM t1, t2 + >>> s2 = s1.with_only_columns([table2.c.b]) + >>> print s2 + SELECT t2.b FROM t1 + + The preferred way to maintain a specific FROM clause + in the construct, assuming it won't be represented anywhere + else (i.e. not in the WHERE clause, etc.) is to set it using + :meth:`.Select.select_from`:: + + >>> s1 = select([table1.c.a, table2.c.b]).\ + ... select_from(table1.join(table2, + ... table1.c.a==table2.c.a)) + >>> s2 = s1.with_only_columns([table2.c.b]) + >>> print s2 + SELECT t2.b FROM t1 JOIN t2 ON t1.a=t2.a + + Care should also be taken to use the correct + set of column objects passed to :meth:`.Select.with_only_columns`. + Since the method is essentially equivalent to calling the + :func:`.select` construct in the first place with the given + columns, the columns passed to :meth:`.Select.with_only_columns` + should usually be a subset of those which were passed + to the :func:`.select` construct, not those which are available + from the ``.c`` collection of that :func:`.select`. That + is:: + + s = select([table1.c.a, table1.c.b]).select_from(table1) + s = s.with_only_columns([table1.c.b]) + + and **not**:: + + # usually incorrect + s = s.with_only_columns([s.c.b]) + + The latter would produce the SQL:: + + SELECT b + FROM (SELECT t1.a AS a, t1.b AS b + FROM t1), t1 + + Since the :func:`.select` construct is essentially being + asked to select both from ``table1`` as well as itself. + + """ + self._reset_exported() + rc = [] + for c in columns: + c = _interpret_as_column_or_from(c) + if isinstance(c, ScalarSelect): + c = c.self_group(against=operators.comma_op) + rc.append(c) + self._raw_columns = rc + + @_generative + def where(self, whereclause): + """return a new select() construct with the given expression added to + its WHERE clause, joined to the existing clause via AND, if any. + + """ + + self.append_whereclause(whereclause) + + @_generative + def having(self, having): + """return a new select() construct with the given expression added to + its HAVING clause, joined to the existing clause via AND, if any. + + """ + self.append_having(having) + + @_generative + def distinct(self, *expr): + r"""Return a new select() construct which will apply DISTINCT to its + columns clause. + + :param \*expr: optional column expressions. When present, + the PostgreSQL dialect will render a ``DISTINCT ON (>)`` + construct. + + """ + if expr: + expr = [_literal_as_label_reference(e) for e in expr] + if isinstance(self._distinct, list): + self._distinct = self._distinct + expr + else: + self._distinct = expr + else: + self._distinct = True + + @_generative + def select_from(self, fromclause): + r"""return a new :func:`.select` construct with the + given FROM expression + merged into its list of FROM objects. + + E.g.:: + + table1 = table('t1', column('a')) + table2 = table('t2', column('b')) + s = select([table1.c.a]).\ + select_from( + table1.join(table2, table1.c.a==table2.c.b) + ) + + The "from" list is a unique set on the identity of each element, + so adding an already present :class:`.Table` or other selectable + will have no effect. Passing a :class:`.Join` that refers + to an already present :class:`.Table` or other selectable will have + the effect of concealing the presence of that selectable as + an individual element in the rendered FROM list, instead + rendering it into a JOIN clause. + + While the typical purpose of :meth:`.Select.select_from` is to + replace the default, derived FROM clause with a join, it can + also be called with individual table elements, multiple times + if desired, in the case that the FROM clause cannot be fully + derived from the columns clause:: + + select([func.count('*')]).select_from(table1) + + """ + self.append_from(fromclause) + + @_generative + def correlate(self, *fromclauses): + r"""return a new :class:`.Select` which will correlate the given FROM + clauses to that of an enclosing :class:`.Select`. + + Calling this method turns off the :class:`.Select` object's + default behavior of "auto-correlation". Normally, FROM elements + which appear in a :class:`.Select` that encloses this one via + its :term:`WHERE clause`, ORDER BY, HAVING or + :term:`columns clause` will be omitted from this :class:`.Select` + object's :term:`FROM clause`. + Setting an explicit correlation collection using the + :meth:`.Select.correlate` method provides a fixed list of FROM objects + that can potentially take place in this process. + + When :meth:`.Select.correlate` is used to apply specific FROM clauses + for correlation, the FROM elements become candidates for + correlation regardless of how deeply nested this :class:`.Select` + object is, relative to an enclosing :class:`.Select` which refers to + the same FROM object. This is in contrast to the behavior of + "auto-correlation" which only correlates to an immediate enclosing + :class:`.Select`. Multi-level correlation ensures that the link + between enclosed and enclosing :class:`.Select` is always via + at least one WHERE/ORDER BY/HAVING/columns clause in order for + correlation to take place. + + If ``None`` is passed, the :class:`.Select` object will correlate + none of its FROM entries, and all will render unconditionally + in the local FROM clause. + + :param \*fromclauses: a list of one or more :class:`.FromClause` + constructs, or other compatible constructs (i.e. ORM-mapped + classes) to become part of the correlate collection. + + .. versionchanged:: 0.8.0 ORM-mapped classes are accepted by + :meth:`.Select.correlate`. + + .. versionchanged:: 0.8.0 The :meth:`.Select.correlate` method no + longer unconditionally removes entries from the FROM clause; + instead, the candidate FROM entries must also be matched by a FROM + entry located in an enclosing :class:`.Select`, which ultimately + encloses this one as present in the WHERE clause, ORDER BY clause, + HAVING clause, or columns clause of an enclosing :meth:`.Select`. + + .. versionchanged:: 0.8.2 explicit correlation takes place + via any level of nesting of :class:`.Select` objects; in previous + 0.8 versions, correlation would only occur relative to the + immediate enclosing :class:`.Select` construct. + + .. seealso:: + + :meth:`.Select.correlate_except` + + :ref:`correlated_subqueries` + + """ + self._auto_correlate = False + if fromclauses and fromclauses[0] is None: + self._correlate = () + else: + self._correlate = set(self._correlate).union( + _interpret_as_from(f) for f in fromclauses + ) + + @_generative + def correlate_except(self, *fromclauses): + r"""return a new :class:`.Select` which will omit the given FROM + clauses from the auto-correlation process. + + Calling :meth:`.Select.correlate_except` turns off the + :class:`.Select` object's default behavior of + "auto-correlation" for the given FROM elements. An element + specified here will unconditionally appear in the FROM list, while + all other FROM elements remain subject to normal auto-correlation + behaviors. + + .. versionchanged:: 0.8.2 The :meth:`.Select.correlate_except` + method was improved to fully prevent FROM clauses specified here + from being omitted from the immediate FROM clause of this + :class:`.Select`. + + If ``None`` is passed, the :class:`.Select` object will correlate + all of its FROM entries. + + .. versionchanged:: 0.8.2 calling ``correlate_except(None)`` will + correctly auto-correlate all FROM clauses. + + :param \*fromclauses: a list of one or more :class:`.FromClause` + constructs, or other compatible constructs (i.e. ORM-mapped + classes) to become part of the correlate-exception collection. + + .. seealso:: + + :meth:`.Select.correlate` + + :ref:`correlated_subqueries` + + """ + + self._auto_correlate = False + if fromclauses and fromclauses[0] is None: + self._correlate_except = () + else: + self._correlate_except = set(self._correlate_except or ()).union( + _interpret_as_from(f) for f in fromclauses + ) + + def append_correlation(self, fromclause): + """append the given correlation expression to this select() + construct. + + This is an **in-place** mutation method; the + :meth:`~.Select.correlate` method is preferred, as it provides + standard :term:`method chaining`. + + """ + + self._auto_correlate = False + self._correlate = set(self._correlate).union( + _interpret_as_from(f) for f in fromclause + ) + + def append_column(self, column): + """append the given column expression to the columns clause of this + select() construct. + + E.g.:: + + my_select.append_column(some_table.c.new_column) + + This is an **in-place** mutation method; the + :meth:`~.Select.column` method is preferred, as it provides standard + :term:`method chaining`. + + See the documentation for :meth:`.Select.with_only_columns` + for guidelines on adding /replacing the columns of a + :class:`.Select` object. + + """ + self._reset_exported() + column = _interpret_as_column_or_from(column) + + if isinstance(column, ScalarSelect): + column = column.self_group(against=operators.comma_op) + + self._raw_columns = self._raw_columns + [column] + + def append_prefix(self, clause): + """append the given columns clause prefix expression to this select() + construct. + + This is an **in-place** mutation method; the + :meth:`~.Select.prefix_with` method is preferred, as it provides + standard :term:`method chaining`. + + """ + clause = _literal_as_text(clause) + self._prefixes = self._prefixes + (clause,) + + def append_whereclause(self, whereclause): + """append the given expression to this select() construct's WHERE + criterion. + + The expression will be joined to existing WHERE criterion via AND. + + This is an **in-place** mutation method; the + :meth:`~.Select.where` method is preferred, as it provides standard + :term:`method chaining`. + + """ + + self._reset_exported() + self._whereclause = and_(True_._ifnone(self._whereclause), whereclause) + + def append_having(self, having): + """append the given expression to this select() construct's HAVING + criterion. + + The expression will be joined to existing HAVING criterion via AND. + + This is an **in-place** mutation method; the + :meth:`~.Select.having` method is preferred, as it provides standard + :term:`method chaining`. + + """ + self._reset_exported() + self._having = and_(True_._ifnone(self._having), having) + + def append_from(self, fromclause): + """append the given FromClause expression to this select() construct's + FROM clause. + + This is an **in-place** mutation method; the + :meth:`~.Select.select_from` method is preferred, as it provides + standard :term:`method chaining`. + + """ + self._reset_exported() + fromclause = _interpret_as_from(fromclause) + self._from_obj = self._from_obj.union([fromclause]) + + @_memoized_property + def _columns_plus_names(self): + if self.use_labels: + names = set() + + def name_for_col(c): + if c._label is None or not c._render_label_in_columns_clause: + return (None, c) + + name = c._label + if name in names: + name = c.anon_label + else: + names.add(name) + return name, c + + return [ + name_for_col(c) + for c in util.unique_list(_select_iterables(self._raw_columns)) + ] + else: + return [ + (None, c) + for c in util.unique_list(_select_iterables(self._raw_columns)) + ] + + def _populate_column_collection(self): + for name, c in self._columns_plus_names: + if not hasattr(c, "_make_proxy"): + continue + if name is None: + key = None + elif self.use_labels: + key = c._key_label + if key is not None and key in self.c: + key = c.anon_label + else: + key = None + + c._make_proxy(self, key=key, name=name, name_is_truncatable=True) + + def _refresh_for_new_column(self, column): + for fromclause in self._froms: + col = fromclause._refresh_for_new_column(column) + if col is not None: + if col in self.inner_columns and self._cols_populated: + our_label = col._key_label if self.use_labels else col.key + if our_label not in self.c: + return col._make_proxy( + self, + name=col._label if self.use_labels else None, + key=col._key_label if self.use_labels else None, + name_is_truncatable=True, + ) + return None + return None + + def _needs_parens_for_grouping(self): + return ( + self._limit_clause is not None + or self._offset_clause is not None + or bool(self._order_by_clause.clauses) + ) + + def self_group(self, against=None): + """return a 'grouping' construct as per the ClauseElement + specification. + + This produces an element that can be embedded in an expression. Note + that this method is called automatically as needed when constructing + expressions and should not require explicit use. + + """ + if ( + isinstance(against, CompoundSelect) + and not self._needs_parens_for_grouping() + ): + return self + return FromGrouping(self) + + def union(self, other, **kwargs): + """return a SQL UNION of this select() construct against the given + selectable.""" + + return CompoundSelect._create_union(self, other, **kwargs) + + def union_all(self, other, **kwargs): + """return a SQL UNION ALL of this select() construct against the given + selectable. + + """ + return CompoundSelect._create_union_all(self, other, **kwargs) + + def except_(self, other, **kwargs): + """return a SQL EXCEPT of this select() construct against the given + selectable.""" + + return CompoundSelect._create_except(self, other, **kwargs) + + def except_all(self, other, **kwargs): + """return a SQL EXCEPT ALL of this select() construct against the + given selectable. + + """ + return CompoundSelect._create_except_all(self, other, **kwargs) + + def intersect(self, other, **kwargs): + """return a SQL INTERSECT of this select() construct against the given + selectable. + + """ + return CompoundSelect._create_intersect(self, other, **kwargs) + + def intersect_all(self, other, **kwargs): + """return a SQL INTERSECT ALL of this select() construct against the + given selectable. + + """ + return CompoundSelect._create_intersect_all(self, other, **kwargs) + + def bind(self): + if self._bind: + return self._bind + froms = self._froms + if not froms: + for c in self._raw_columns: + e = c.bind + if e: + self._bind = e + return e + else: + e = list(froms)[0].bind + if e: + self._bind = e + return e + + return None + + def _set_bind(self, bind): + self._bind = bind + + bind = property(bind, _set_bind) + + +class ScalarSelect(Generative, Grouping): + _from_objects = [] + _is_from_container = True + _is_implicitly_boolean = False + + def __init__(self, element): + self.element = element + self.type = element._scalar_type() + + @property + def columns(self): + raise exc.InvalidRequestError( + "Scalar Select expression has no " + "columns; use this object directly " + "within a column-level expression." + ) + + c = columns + + @_generative + def where(self, crit): + """Apply a WHERE clause to the SELECT statement referred to + by this :class:`.ScalarSelect`. + + """ + self.element = self.element.where(crit) + + def self_group(self, **kwargs): + return self + + +class Exists(UnaryExpression): + """Represent an ``EXISTS`` clause. + + """ + + __visit_name__ = UnaryExpression.__visit_name__ + _from_objects = [] + + def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): + """Construct a new :class:`.Exists` against an existing + :class:`.Select` object. + + Calling styles are of the following forms:: + + # use on an existing select() + s = select([table.c.col1]).where(table.c.col2==5) + s = exists(s) + + # construct a select() at once + exists(['*'], **select_arguments).where(criterion) + + # columns argument is optional, generates "EXISTS (SELECT *)" + # by default. + exists().where(table.c.col2==5) + + """ + if args and isinstance(args[0], (SelectBase, ScalarSelect)): + s = args[0] + else: + if not args: + args = ([literal_column("*")],) + s = Select(*args, **kwargs).as_scalar().self_group() + + UnaryExpression.__init__( + self, + s, + operator=operators.exists, + type_=type_api.BOOLEANTYPE, + wraps_column_expression=True, + ) + + def select(self, whereclause=None, **params): + return Select([self], whereclause, **params) + + def correlate(self, *fromclause): + e = self._clone() + e.element = self.element.correlate(*fromclause).self_group() + return e + + def correlate_except(self, *fromclause): + e = self._clone() + e.element = self.element.correlate_except(*fromclause).self_group() + return e + + def select_from(self, clause): + """return a new :class:`.Exists` construct, applying the given + expression to the :meth:`.Select.select_from` method of the select + statement contained. + + """ + e = self._clone() + e.element = self.element.select_from(clause).self_group() + return e + + def where(self, clause): + """return a new exists() construct with the given expression added to + its WHERE clause, joined to the existing clause via AND, if any. + + """ + e = self._clone() + e.element = self.element.where(clause).self_group() + return e + + +class TextAsFrom(SelectBase): + """Wrap a :class:`.TextClause` construct within a :class:`.SelectBase` + interface. + + This allows the :class:`.TextClause` object to gain a ``.c`` collection + and other FROM-like capabilities such as :meth:`.FromClause.alias`, + :meth:`.SelectBase.cte`, etc. + + The :class:`.TextAsFrom` construct is produced via the + :meth:`.TextClause.columns` method - see that method for details. + + .. versionadded:: 0.9.0 + + .. seealso:: + + :func:`.text` + + :meth:`.TextClause.columns` + + """ + + __visit_name__ = "text_as_from" + + _textual = True + + def __init__(self, text, columns, positional=False): + self.element = text + self.column_args = columns + self.positional = positional + + @property + def _bind(self): + return self.element._bind + + @_generative + def bindparams(self, *binds, **bind_as_values): + self.element = self.element.bindparams(*binds, **bind_as_values) + + def _populate_column_collection(self): + for c in self.column_args: + c._make_proxy(self) + + def _copy_internals(self, clone=_clone, **kw): + self._reset_exported() + self.element = clone(self.element, **kw) + + def _scalar_type(self): + return self.column_args[0].type + + +class AnnotatedFromClause(Annotated): + def __init__(self, element, values): + # force FromClause to generate their internal + # collections into __dict__ + element.c + Annotated.__init__(self, element, values) diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/sqltypes.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/sqltypes.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e41bf62 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/sqltypes.py @@ -0,0 +1,2822 @@ +# sql/sqltypes.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +"""SQL specific types. + +""" + +import codecs +import datetime as dt +import decimal +import json + +from . import elements +from . import operators +from . import type_api +from .base import _bind_or_error +from .base import SchemaEventTarget +from .elements import _defer_name +from .elements import _literal_as_binds +from .elements import quoted_name +from .elements import Slice +from .elements import TypeCoerce as type_coerce +from .type_api import Emulated +from .type_api import NativeForEmulated # noqa +from .type_api import to_instance +from .type_api import TypeDecorator +from .type_api import TypeEngine +from .type_api import Variant +from .. import event +from .. import exc +from .. import inspection +from .. import processors +from .. import util +from ..util import compat +from ..util import pickle + +if util.jython: + import array + + +class _LookupExpressionAdapter(object): + + """Mixin expression adaptations based on lookup tables. + + These rules are currenly used by the numeric, integer and date types + which have detailed cross-expression coercion rules. + + """ + + @property + def _expression_adaptations(self): + raise NotImplementedError() + + class Comparator(TypeEngine.Comparator): + _blank_dict = util.immutabledict() + + def _adapt_expression(self, op, other_comparator): + othertype = other_comparator.type._type_affinity + lookup = self.type._expression_adaptations.get( + op, self._blank_dict + ).get(othertype, self.type) + if lookup is othertype: + return (op, other_comparator.type) + elif lookup is self.type._type_affinity: + return (op, self.type) + else: + return (op, to_instance(lookup)) + + comparator_factory = Comparator + + +class Concatenable(object): + + """A mixin that marks a type as supporting 'concatenation', + typically strings.""" + + class Comparator(TypeEngine.Comparator): + def _adapt_expression(self, op, other_comparator): + if op is operators.add and isinstance( + other_comparator, + (Concatenable.Comparator, NullType.Comparator), + ): + return operators.concat_op, self.expr.type + else: + return super(Concatenable.Comparator, self)._adapt_expression( + op, other_comparator + ) + + comparator_factory = Comparator + + +class Indexable(object): + """A mixin that marks a type as supporting indexing operations, + such as array or JSON structures. + + + .. versionadded:: 1.1.0 + + + """ + + class Comparator(TypeEngine.Comparator): + def _setup_getitem(self, index): + raise NotImplementedError() + + def __getitem__(self, index): + ( + adjusted_op, + adjusted_right_expr, + result_type, + ) = self._setup_getitem(index) + return self.operate( + adjusted_op, adjusted_right_expr, result_type=result_type + ) + + comparator_factory = Comparator + + +class String(Concatenable, TypeEngine): + + """The base for all string and character types. + + In SQL, corresponds to VARCHAR. Can also take Python unicode objects + and encode to the database's encoding in bind params (and the reverse for + result sets.) + + The `length` field is usually required when the `String` type is + used within a CREATE TABLE statement, as VARCHAR requires a length + on most databases. + + """ + + __visit_name__ = "string" + + def __init__( + self, + length=None, + collation=None, + convert_unicode=False, + unicode_error=None, + _warn_on_bytestring=False, + ): + """ + Create a string-holding type. + + :param length: optional, a length for the column for use in + DDL and CAST expressions. May be safely omitted if no ``CREATE + TABLE`` will be issued. Certain databases may require a + ``length`` for use in DDL, and will raise an exception when + the ``CREATE TABLE`` DDL is issued if a ``VARCHAR`` + with no length is included. Whether the value is + interpreted as bytes or characters is database specific. + + :param collation: Optional, a column-level collation for + use in DDL and CAST expressions. Renders using the + COLLATE keyword supported by SQLite, MySQL, and PostgreSQL. + E.g.:: + + >>> from sqlalchemy import cast, select, String + >>> print select([cast('some string', String(collation='utf8'))]) + SELECT CAST(:param_1 AS VARCHAR COLLATE utf8) AS anon_1 + + .. versionadded:: 0.8 Added support for COLLATE to all + string types. + + :param convert_unicode: When set to ``True``, the + :class:`.String` type will assume that + input is to be passed as Python Unicode objects under Python 2, + and results returned as Python Unicode objects. + In the rare circumstance that the DBAPI does not support + Python unicode under Python 2, SQLAlchemy will use its own + encoder/decoder functionality on strings, referring to the + value of the :paramref:`.create_engine.encoding` parameter + parameter passed to :func:`.create_engine` as the encoding. + + For the extremely rare case that Python Unicode + is to be encoded/decoded by SQLAlchemy on a backend + that *does* natively support Python Unicode, + the string value ``"force"`` can be passed here which will + cause SQLAlchemy's encode/decode services to be + used unconditionally. + + .. note:: + + SQLAlchemy's unicode-conversion flags and features only apply + to Python 2; in Python 3, all string objects are Unicode objects. + For this reason, as well as the fact that virtually all modern + DBAPIs now support Unicode natively even under Python 2, + the :paramref:`.String.convert_unicode` flag is inherently a + legacy feature. + + .. note:: + + In the vast majority of cases, the :class:`.Unicode` or + :class:`.UnicodeText` datatypes should be used for a + :class:`.Column` that expects to store non-ascii data. These + datatypes will ensure that the correct types are used on the + database side as well as set up the correct Unicode behaviors + under Python 2. + + .. seealso:: + + :paramref:`.create_engine.convert_unicode` - + :class:`.Engine`-wide parameter + + :param unicode_error: Optional, a method to use to handle Unicode + conversion errors. Behaves like the ``errors`` keyword argument to + the standard library's ``string.decode()`` functions. This flag + requires that :paramref:`.String.convert_unicode` is set to + ``"force"`` - otherwise, + SQLAlchemy is not guaranteed to handle the task of unicode + conversion. Note that this flag adds significant performance + overhead to row-fetching operations for backends that already + return unicode objects natively (which most DBAPIs do). This + flag should only be used as a last resort for reading + strings from a column with varied or corrupted encodings. + + """ + if unicode_error is not None and convert_unicode != "force": + raise exc.ArgumentError( + "convert_unicode must be 'force' " "when unicode_error is set." + ) + + self.length = length + self.collation = collation + self.convert_unicode = convert_unicode + self.unicode_error = unicode_error + self._warn_on_bytestring = _warn_on_bytestring + + def literal_processor(self, dialect): + def process(value): + value = value.replace("'", "''") + + if dialect.identifier_preparer._double_percents: + value = value.replace("%", "%%") + + return "'%s'" % value + + return process + + def bind_processor(self, dialect): + if self.convert_unicode or dialect.convert_unicode: + if ( + dialect.supports_unicode_binds + and self.convert_unicode != "force" + ): + if self._warn_on_bytestring: + + def process(value): + if isinstance(value, util.binary_type): + util.warn_limited( + "Unicode type received non-unicode " + "bind param value %r.", + (util.ellipses_string(value),), + ) + return value + + return process + else: + return None + else: + encoder = codecs.getencoder(dialect.encoding) + warn_on_bytestring = self._warn_on_bytestring + + def process(value): + if isinstance(value, util.text_type): + return encoder(value, self.unicode_error)[0] + elif warn_on_bytestring and value is not None: + util.warn_limited( + "Unicode type received non-unicode bind " + "param value %r.", + (util.ellipses_string(value),), + ) + return value + + return process + else: + return None + + def result_processor(self, dialect, coltype): + wants_unicode = self.convert_unicode or dialect.convert_unicode + needs_convert = wants_unicode and ( + dialect.returns_unicode_strings is not True + or self.convert_unicode in ("force", "force_nocheck") + ) + needs_isinstance = ( + needs_convert + and dialect.returns_unicode_strings + and self.convert_unicode != "force_nocheck" + ) + if needs_convert: + if needs_isinstance: + return processors.to_conditional_unicode_processor_factory( + dialect.encoding, self.unicode_error + ) + else: + return processors.to_unicode_processor_factory( + dialect.encoding, self.unicode_error + ) + else: + return None + + @property + def python_type(self): + if self.convert_unicode: + return util.text_type + else: + return str + + def get_dbapi_type(self, dbapi): + return dbapi.STRING + + +class Text(String): + + """A variably sized string type. + + In SQL, usually corresponds to CLOB or TEXT. Can also take Python + unicode objects and encode to the database's encoding in bind + params (and the reverse for result sets.) In general, TEXT objects + do not have a length; while some databases will accept a length + argument here, it will be rejected by others. + + """ + + __visit_name__ = "text" + + +class Unicode(String): + + """A variable length Unicode string type. + + The :class:`.Unicode` type is a :class:`.String` subclass + that assumes input and output as Python ``unicode`` data, + and in that regard is equivalent to the usage of the + ``convert_unicode`` flag with the :class:`.String` type. + However, unlike plain :class:`.String`, it also implies an + underlying column type that is explicitly supporting of non-ASCII + data, such as ``NVARCHAR`` on Oracle and SQL Server. + This can impact the output of ``CREATE TABLE`` statements + and ``CAST`` functions at the dialect level, and can + also affect the handling of bound parameters in some + specific DBAPI scenarios. + + The encoding used by the :class:`.Unicode` type is usually + determined by the DBAPI itself; most modern DBAPIs + feature support for Python ``unicode`` objects as bound + values and result set values, and the encoding should + be configured as detailed in the notes for the target + DBAPI in the :ref:`dialect_toplevel` section. + + For those DBAPIs which do not support, or are not configured + to accommodate Python ``unicode`` objects + directly, SQLAlchemy does the encoding and decoding + outside of the DBAPI. The encoding in this scenario + is determined by the ``encoding`` flag passed to + :func:`.create_engine`. + + When using the :class:`.Unicode` type, it is only appropriate + to pass Python ``unicode`` objects, and not plain ``str``. + If a plain ``str`` is passed under Python 2, a warning + is emitted. If you notice your application emitting these warnings but + you're not sure of the source of them, the Python + ``warnings`` filter, documented at + http://docs.python.org/library/warnings.html, + can be used to turn these warnings into exceptions + which will illustrate a stack trace:: + + import warnings + warnings.simplefilter('error') + + For an application that wishes to pass plain bytestrings + and Python ``unicode`` objects to the ``Unicode`` type + equally, the bytestrings must first be decoded into + unicode. The recipe at :ref:`coerce_to_unicode` illustrates + how this is done. + + See also: + + :class:`.UnicodeText` - unlengthed textual counterpart + to :class:`.Unicode`. + + """ + + __visit_name__ = "unicode" + + def __init__(self, length=None, **kwargs): + """ + Create a :class:`.Unicode` object. + + Parameters are the same as that of :class:`.String`, + with the exception that ``convert_unicode`` + defaults to ``True``. + + """ + kwargs.setdefault("convert_unicode", True) + kwargs.setdefault("_warn_on_bytestring", True) + super(Unicode, self).__init__(length=length, **kwargs) + + +class UnicodeText(Text): + + """An unbounded-length Unicode string type. + + See :class:`.Unicode` for details on the unicode + behavior of this object. + + Like :class:`.Unicode`, usage the :class:`.UnicodeText` type implies a + unicode-capable type being used on the backend, such as + ``NCLOB``, ``NTEXT``. + + """ + + __visit_name__ = "unicode_text" + + def __init__(self, length=None, **kwargs): + """ + Create a Unicode-converting Text type. + + Parameters are the same as that of :class:`.Text`, + with the exception that ``convert_unicode`` + defaults to ``True``. + + """ + kwargs.setdefault("convert_unicode", True) + kwargs.setdefault("_warn_on_bytestring", True) + super(UnicodeText, self).__init__(length=length, **kwargs) + + +class Integer(_LookupExpressionAdapter, TypeEngine): + + """A type for ``int`` integers.""" + + __visit_name__ = "integer" + + def get_dbapi_type(self, dbapi): + return dbapi.NUMBER + + @property + def python_type(self): + return int + + def literal_processor(self, dialect): + def process(value): + return str(value) + + return process + + @util.memoized_property + def _expression_adaptations(self): + # TODO: need a dictionary object that will + # handle operators generically here, this is incomplete + return { + operators.add: { + Date: Date, + Integer: self.__class__, + Numeric: Numeric, + }, + operators.mul: { + Interval: Interval, + Integer: self.__class__, + Numeric: Numeric, + }, + operators.div: {Integer: self.__class__, Numeric: Numeric}, + operators.truediv: {Integer: self.__class__, Numeric: Numeric}, + operators.sub: {Integer: self.__class__, Numeric: Numeric}, + } + + +class SmallInteger(Integer): + + """A type for smaller ``int`` integers. + + Typically generates a ``SMALLINT`` in DDL, and otherwise acts like + a normal :class:`.Integer` on the Python side. + + """ + + __visit_name__ = "small_integer" + + +class BigInteger(Integer): + + """A type for bigger ``int`` integers. + + Typically generates a ``BIGINT`` in DDL, and otherwise acts like + a normal :class:`.Integer` on the Python side. + + """ + + __visit_name__ = "big_integer" + + +class Numeric(_LookupExpressionAdapter, TypeEngine): + + """A type for fixed precision numbers, such as ``NUMERIC`` or ``DECIMAL``. + + This type returns Python ``decimal.Decimal`` objects by default, unless + the :paramref:`.Numeric.asdecimal` flag is set to False, in which case + they are coerced to Python ``float`` objects. + + .. note:: + + The :class:`.Numeric` type is designed to receive data from a database + type that is explicitly known to be a decimal type + (e.g. ``DECIMAL``, ``NUMERIC``, others) and not a floating point + type (e.g. ``FLOAT``, ``REAL``, others). + If the database column on the server is in fact a floating-point type + type, such as ``FLOAT`` or ``REAL``, use the :class:`.Float` + type or a subclass, otherwise numeric coercion between + ``float``/``Decimal`` may or may not function as expected. + + .. note:: + + The Python ``decimal.Decimal`` class is generally slow + performing; cPython 3.3 has now switched to use the `cdecimal + `_ library natively. For + older Python versions, the ``cdecimal`` library can be patched + into any application where it will replace the ``decimal`` + library fully, however this needs to be applied globally and + before any other modules have been imported, as follows:: + + import sys + import cdecimal + sys.modules["decimal"] = cdecimal + + Note that the ``cdecimal`` and ``decimal`` libraries are **not + compatible with each other**, so patching ``cdecimal`` at the + global level is the only way it can be used effectively with + various DBAPIs that hardcode to import the ``decimal`` library. + + """ + + __visit_name__ = "numeric" + + _default_decimal_return_scale = 10 + + def __init__( + self, + precision=None, + scale=None, + decimal_return_scale=None, + asdecimal=True, + ): + """ + Construct a Numeric. + + :param precision: the numeric precision for use in DDL ``CREATE + TABLE``. + + :param scale: the numeric scale for use in DDL ``CREATE TABLE``. + + :param asdecimal: default True. Return whether or not + values should be sent as Python Decimal objects, or + as floats. Different DBAPIs send one or the other based on + datatypes - the Numeric type will ensure that return values + are one or the other across DBAPIs consistently. + + :param decimal_return_scale: Default scale to use when converting + from floats to Python decimals. Floating point values will typically + be much longer due to decimal inaccuracy, and most floating point + database types don't have a notion of "scale", so by default the + float type looks for the first ten decimal places when converting. + Specfiying this value will override that length. Types which + do include an explicit ".scale" value, such as the base + :class:`.Numeric` as well as the MySQL float types, will use the + value of ".scale" as the default for decimal_return_scale, if not + otherwise specified. + + .. versionadded:: 0.9.0 + + When using the ``Numeric`` type, care should be taken to ensure + that the asdecimal setting is apppropriate for the DBAPI in use - + when Numeric applies a conversion from Decimal->float or float-> + Decimal, this conversion incurs an additional performance overhead + for all result columns received. + + DBAPIs that return Decimal natively (e.g. psycopg2) will have + better accuracy and higher performance with a setting of ``True``, + as the native translation to Decimal reduces the amount of floating- + point issues at play, and the Numeric type itself doesn't need + to apply any further conversions. However, another DBAPI which + returns floats natively *will* incur an additional conversion + overhead, and is still subject to floating point data loss - in + which case ``asdecimal=False`` will at least remove the extra + conversion overhead. + + """ + self.precision = precision + self.scale = scale + self.decimal_return_scale = decimal_return_scale + self.asdecimal = asdecimal + + @property + def _effective_decimal_return_scale(self): + if self.decimal_return_scale is not None: + return self.decimal_return_scale + elif getattr(self, "scale", None) is not None: + return self.scale + else: + return self._default_decimal_return_scale + + def get_dbapi_type(self, dbapi): + return dbapi.NUMBER + + def literal_processor(self, dialect): + def process(value): + return str(value) + + return process + + @property + def python_type(self): + if self.asdecimal: + return decimal.Decimal + else: + return float + + def bind_processor(self, dialect): + if dialect.supports_native_decimal: + return None + else: + return processors.to_float + + def result_processor(self, dialect, coltype): + if self.asdecimal: + if dialect.supports_native_decimal: + # we're a "numeric", DBAPI will give us Decimal directly + return None + else: + util.warn( + "Dialect %s+%s does *not* support Decimal " + "objects natively, and SQLAlchemy must " + "convert from floating point - rounding " + "errors and other issues may occur. Please " + "consider storing Decimal numbers as strings " + "or integers on this platform for lossless " + "storage." % (dialect.name, dialect.driver) + ) + + # we're a "numeric", DBAPI returns floats, convert. + return processors.to_decimal_processor_factory( + decimal.Decimal, + self.scale + if self.scale is not None + else self._default_decimal_return_scale, + ) + else: + if dialect.supports_native_decimal: + return processors.to_float + else: + return None + + @util.memoized_property + def _expression_adaptations(self): + return { + operators.mul: { + Interval: Interval, + Numeric: self.__class__, + Integer: self.__class__, + }, + operators.div: {Numeric: self.__class__, Integer: self.__class__}, + operators.truediv: { + Numeric: self.__class__, + Integer: self.__class__, + }, + operators.add: {Numeric: self.__class__, Integer: self.__class__}, + operators.sub: {Numeric: self.__class__, Integer: self.__class__}, + } + + +class Float(Numeric): + + """Type representing floating point types, such as ``FLOAT`` or ``REAL``. + + This type returns Python ``float`` objects by default, unless the + :paramref:`.Float.asdecimal` flag is set to True, in which case they + are coerced to ``decimal.Decimal`` objects. + + .. note:: + + The :class:`.Float` type is designed to receive data from a database + type that is explicitly known to be a floating point type + (e.g. ``FLOAT``, ``REAL``, others) + and not a decimal type (e.g. ``DECIMAL``, ``NUMERIC``, others). + If the database column on the server is in fact a Numeric + type, such as ``DECIMAL`` or ``NUMERIC``, use the :class:`.Numeric` + type or a subclass, otherwise numeric coercion between + ``float``/``Decimal`` may or may not function as expected. + + """ + + __visit_name__ = "float" + + scale = None + + def __init__( + self, + precision=None, + asdecimal=False, + decimal_return_scale=None, + **kwargs + ): + r""" + Construct a Float. + + :param precision: the numeric precision for use in DDL ``CREATE + TABLE``. + + :param asdecimal: the same flag as that of :class:`.Numeric`, but + defaults to ``False``. Note that setting this flag to ``True`` + results in floating point conversion. + + :param decimal_return_scale: Default scale to use when converting + from floats to Python decimals. Floating point values will typically + be much longer due to decimal inaccuracy, and most floating point + database types don't have a notion of "scale", so by default the + float type looks for the first ten decimal places when converting. + Specfiying this value will override that length. Note that the + MySQL float types, which do include "scale", will use "scale" + as the default for decimal_return_scale, if not otherwise specified. + + .. versionadded:: 0.9.0 + + :param \**kwargs: deprecated. Additional arguments here are ignored + by the default :class:`.Float` type. For database specific + floats that support additional arguments, see that dialect's + documentation for details, such as + :class:`sqlalchemy.dialects.mysql.FLOAT`. + + """ + self.precision = precision + self.asdecimal = asdecimal + self.decimal_return_scale = decimal_return_scale + if kwargs: + util.warn_deprecated( + "Additional keyword arguments " "passed to Float ignored." + ) + + def result_processor(self, dialect, coltype): + if self.asdecimal: + return processors.to_decimal_processor_factory( + decimal.Decimal, self._effective_decimal_return_scale + ) + elif dialect.supports_native_decimal: + return processors.to_float + else: + return None + + +class DateTime(_LookupExpressionAdapter, TypeEngine): + + """A type for ``datetime.datetime()`` objects. + + Date and time types return objects from the Python ``datetime`` + module. Most DBAPIs have built in support for the datetime + module, with the noted exception of SQLite. In the case of + SQLite, date and time types are stored as strings which are then + converted back to datetime objects when rows are returned. + + For the time representation within the datetime type, some + backends include additional options, such as timezone support and + fractional seconds support. For fractional seconds, use the + dialect-specific datatype, such as :class:`.mysql.TIME`. For + timezone support, use at least the :class:`~.types.TIMESTAMP` datatype, + if not the dialect-specific datatype object. + + """ + + __visit_name__ = "datetime" + + def __init__(self, timezone=False): + """Construct a new :class:`.DateTime`. + + :param timezone: boolean. Indicates that the datetime type should + enable timezone support, if available on the + **base date/time-holding type only**. It is recommended + to make use of the :class:`~.types.TIMESTAMP` datatype directly when + using this flag, as some databases include separate generic + date/time-holding types distinct from the timezone-capable + TIMESTAMP datatype, such as Oracle. + + + """ + self.timezone = timezone + + def get_dbapi_type(self, dbapi): + return dbapi.DATETIME + + @property + def python_type(self): + return dt.datetime + + @util.memoized_property + def _expression_adaptations(self): + + # Based on http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/\ + # static/functions-datetime.html. + + return { + operators.add: {Interval: self.__class__}, + operators.sub: {Interval: self.__class__, DateTime: Interval}, + } + + +class Date(_LookupExpressionAdapter, TypeEngine): + + """A type for ``datetime.date()`` objects.""" + + __visit_name__ = "date" + + def get_dbapi_type(self, dbapi): + return dbapi.DATETIME + + @property + def python_type(self): + return dt.date + + @util.memoized_property + def _expression_adaptations(self): + # Based on http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/\ + # static/functions-datetime.html. + + return { + operators.add: { + Integer: self.__class__, + Interval: DateTime, + Time: DateTime, + }, + operators.sub: { + # date - integer = date + Integer: self.__class__, + # date - date = integer. + Date: Integer, + Interval: DateTime, + # date - datetime = interval, + # this one is not in the PG docs + # but works + DateTime: Interval, + }, + } + + +class Time(_LookupExpressionAdapter, TypeEngine): + + """A type for ``datetime.time()`` objects.""" + + __visit_name__ = "time" + + def __init__(self, timezone=False): + self.timezone = timezone + + def get_dbapi_type(self, dbapi): + return dbapi.DATETIME + + @property + def python_type(self): + return dt.time + + @util.memoized_property + def _expression_adaptations(self): + # Based on http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/\ + # static/functions-datetime.html. + + return { + operators.add: {Date: DateTime, Interval: self.__class__}, + operators.sub: {Time: Interval, Interval: self.__class__}, + } + + +class _Binary(TypeEngine): + + """Define base behavior for binary types.""" + + def __init__(self, length=None): + self.length = length + + def literal_processor(self, dialect): + def process(value): + value = value.decode(dialect.encoding).replace("'", "''") + return "'%s'" % value + + return process + + @property + def python_type(self): + return util.binary_type + + # Python 3 - sqlite3 doesn't need the `Binary` conversion + # here, though pg8000 does to indicate "bytea" + def bind_processor(self, dialect): + if dialect.dbapi is None: + return None + + DBAPIBinary = dialect.dbapi.Binary + + def process(value): + if value is not None: + return DBAPIBinary(value) + else: + return None + + return process + + # Python 3 has native bytes() type + # both sqlite3 and pg8000 seem to return it, + # psycopg2 as of 2.5 returns 'memoryview' + if util.py2k: + + def result_processor(self, dialect, coltype): + if util.jython: + + def process(value): + if value is not None: + if isinstance(value, array.array): + return value.tostring() + return str(value) + else: + return None + + else: + process = processors.to_str + return process + + else: + + def result_processor(self, dialect, coltype): + def process(value): + if value is not None: + value = bytes(value) + return value + + return process + + def coerce_compared_value(self, op, value): + """See :meth:`.TypeEngine.coerce_compared_value` for a description.""" + + if isinstance(value, util.string_types): + return self + else: + return super(_Binary, self).coerce_compared_value(op, value) + + def get_dbapi_type(self, dbapi): + return dbapi.BINARY + + +class LargeBinary(_Binary): + + """A type for large binary byte data. + + The :class:`.LargeBinary` type corresponds to a large and/or unlengthed + binary type for the target platform, such as BLOB on MySQL and BYTEA for + PostgreSQL. It also handles the necessary conversions for the DBAPI. + + """ + + __visit_name__ = "large_binary" + + def __init__(self, length=None): + """ + Construct a LargeBinary type. + + :param length: optional, a length for the column for use in + DDL statements, for those binary types that accept a length, + such as the MySQL BLOB type. + + """ + _Binary.__init__(self, length=length) + + +class Binary(LargeBinary): + + """Deprecated. Renamed to LargeBinary.""" + + def __init__(self, *arg, **kw): + util.warn_deprecated( + "The Binary type has been renamed to " "LargeBinary." + ) + LargeBinary.__init__(self, *arg, **kw) + + +class SchemaType(SchemaEventTarget): + + """Mark a type as possibly requiring schema-level DDL for usage. + + Supports types that must be explicitly created/dropped (i.e. PG ENUM type) + as well as types that are complimented by table or schema level + constraints, triggers, and other rules. + + :class:`.SchemaType` classes can also be targets for the + :meth:`.DDLEvents.before_parent_attach` and + :meth:`.DDLEvents.after_parent_attach` events, where the events fire off + surrounding the association of the type object with a parent + :class:`.Column`. + + .. seealso:: + + :class:`.Enum` + + :class:`.Boolean` + + + """ + + def __init__( + self, + name=None, + schema=None, + metadata=None, + inherit_schema=False, + quote=None, + _create_events=True, + ): + if name is not None: + self.name = quoted_name(name, quote) + else: + self.name = None + self.schema = schema + self.metadata = metadata + self.inherit_schema = inherit_schema + self._create_events = _create_events + + if _create_events and self.metadata: + event.listen( + self.metadata, + "before_create", + util.portable_instancemethod(self._on_metadata_create), + ) + event.listen( + self.metadata, + "after_drop", + util.portable_instancemethod(self._on_metadata_drop), + ) + + def _translate_schema(self, effective_schema, map_): + return map_.get(effective_schema, effective_schema) + + def _set_parent(self, column): + column._on_table_attach(util.portable_instancemethod(self._set_table)) + + def _variant_mapping_for_set_table(self, column): + if isinstance(column.type, Variant): + variant_mapping = column.type.mapping.copy() + variant_mapping["_default"] = column.type.impl + else: + variant_mapping = None + return variant_mapping + + def _set_table(self, column, table): + if self.inherit_schema: + self.schema = table.schema + + if not self._create_events: + return + + variant_mapping = self._variant_mapping_for_set_table(column) + + event.listen( + table, + "before_create", + util.portable_instancemethod( + self._on_table_create, {"variant_mapping": variant_mapping} + ), + ) + event.listen( + table, + "after_drop", + util.portable_instancemethod( + self._on_table_drop, {"variant_mapping": variant_mapping} + ), + ) + if self.metadata is None: + # TODO: what's the difference between self.metadata + # and table.metadata here ? + event.listen( + table.metadata, + "before_create", + util.portable_instancemethod( + self._on_metadata_create, + {"variant_mapping": variant_mapping}, + ), + ) + event.listen( + table.metadata, + "after_drop", + util.portable_instancemethod( + self._on_metadata_drop, + {"variant_mapping": variant_mapping}, + ), + ) + + def copy(self, **kw): + return self.adapt(self.__class__, _create_events=True) + + def adapt(self, impltype, **kw): + schema = kw.pop("schema", self.schema) + metadata = kw.pop("metadata", self.metadata) + _create_events = kw.pop("_create_events", False) + return impltype( + name=self.name, + schema=schema, + inherit_schema=self.inherit_schema, + metadata=metadata, + _create_events=_create_events, + **kw + ) + + @property + def bind(self): + return self.metadata and self.metadata.bind or None + + def create(self, bind=None, checkfirst=False): + """Issue CREATE ddl for this type, if applicable.""" + + if bind is None: + bind = _bind_or_error(self) + t = self.dialect_impl(bind.dialect) + if t.__class__ is not self.__class__ and isinstance(t, SchemaType): + t.create(bind=bind, checkfirst=checkfirst) + + def drop(self, bind=None, checkfirst=False): + """Issue DROP ddl for this type, if applicable.""" + + if bind is None: + bind = _bind_or_error(self) + t = self.dialect_impl(bind.dialect) + if t.__class__ is not self.__class__ and isinstance(t, SchemaType): + t.drop(bind=bind, checkfirst=checkfirst) + + def _on_table_create(self, target, bind, **kw): + if not self._is_impl_for_variant(bind.dialect, kw): + return + + t = self.dialect_impl(bind.dialect) + if t.__class__ is not self.__class__ and isinstance(t, SchemaType): + t._on_table_create(target, bind, **kw) + + def _on_table_drop(self, target, bind, **kw): + if not self._is_impl_for_variant(bind.dialect, kw): + return + + t = self.dialect_impl(bind.dialect) + if t.__class__ is not self.__class__ and isinstance(t, SchemaType): + t._on_table_drop(target, bind, **kw) + + def _on_metadata_create(self, target, bind, **kw): + if not self._is_impl_for_variant(bind.dialect, kw): + return + + t = self.dialect_impl(bind.dialect) + if t.__class__ is not self.__class__ and isinstance(t, SchemaType): + t._on_metadata_create(target, bind, **kw) + + def _on_metadata_drop(self, target, bind, **kw): + if not self._is_impl_for_variant(bind.dialect, kw): + return + + t = self.dialect_impl(bind.dialect) + if t.__class__ is not self.__class__ and isinstance(t, SchemaType): + t._on_metadata_drop(target, bind, **kw) + + def _is_impl_for_variant(self, dialect, kw): + variant_mapping = kw.pop("variant_mapping", None) + if variant_mapping is None: + return True + + if ( + dialect.name in variant_mapping + and variant_mapping[dialect.name] is self + ): + return True + elif dialect.name not in variant_mapping: + return variant_mapping["_default"] is self + + +class Enum(Emulated, String, SchemaType): + """Generic Enum Type. + + The :class:`.Enum` type provides a set of possible string values + which the column is constrained towards. + + The :class:`.Enum` type will make use of the backend's native "ENUM" + type if one is available; otherwise, it uses a VARCHAR datatype and + produces a CHECK constraint. Use of the backend-native enum type + can be disabled using the :paramref:`.Enum.native_enum` flag, and + the production of the CHECK constraint is configurable using the + :paramref:`.Enum.create_constraint` flag. + + The :class:`.Enum` type also provides in-Python validation of string + values during both read and write operations. When reading a value + from the database in a result set, the string value is always checked + against the list of possible values and a ``LookupError`` is raised + if no match is found. When passing a value to the database as a + plain string within a SQL statement, if the + :paramref:`.Enum.validate_strings` parameter is + set to True, a ``LookupError`` is raised for any string value that's + not located in the given list of possible values; note that this + impacts usage of LIKE expressions with enumerated values (an unusual + use case). + + .. versionchanged:: 1.1 the :class:`.Enum` type now provides in-Python + validation of input values as well as on data being returned by + the database. + + The source of enumerated values may be a list of string values, or + alternatively a PEP-435-compliant enumerated class. For the purposes + of the :class:`.Enum` datatype, this class need only provide a + ``__members__`` method. + + When using an enumerated class, the enumerated objects are used + both for input and output, rather than strings as is the case with + a plain-string enumerated type:: + + import enum + class MyEnum(enum.Enum): + one = 1 + two = 2 + three = 3 + + + t = Table( + 'data', MetaData(), + Column('value', Enum(MyEnum)) + ) + + connection.execute(t.insert(), {"value": MyEnum.two}) + assert connection.scalar(t.select()) is MyEnum.two + + Above, the string names of each element, e.g. "one", "two", "three", + are persisted to the database; the values of the Python Enum, here + indicated as integers, are **not** used; the value of each enum can + therefore be any kind of Python object whether or not it is persistable. + + In order to persist the values and not the names, the + :paramref:`.Enum.values_callable` parameter may be used. The value of + this parameter is a user-supplied callable, which is intended to be used + with a PEP-435-compliant enumerated class and returns a list of string + values to be persisted. For a simple enumeration that uses string values, + a callable such as ``lambda x: [e.value for e in x]`` is sufficient. + + .. versionadded:: 1.1 - support for PEP-435-style enumerated + classes. + + + .. seealso:: + + :class:`.postgresql.ENUM` - PostgreSQL-specific type, + which has additional functionality. + + :class:`.mysql.ENUM` - MySQL-specific type + + """ + + __visit_name__ = "enum" + + def __init__(self, *enums, **kw): + r"""Construct an enum. + + Keyword arguments which don't apply to a specific backend are ignored + by that backend. + + :param \*enums: either exactly one PEP-435 compliant enumerated type + or one or more string or unicode enumeration labels. If unicode + labels are present, the `convert_unicode` flag is auto-enabled. + + .. versionadded:: 1.1 a PEP-435 style enumerated class may be + passed. + + :param convert_unicode: Enable unicode-aware bind parameter and + result-set processing for this Enum's data. This is set + automatically based on the presence of unicode label strings. + + :param create_constraint: defaults to True. When creating a non-native + enumerated type, also build a CHECK constraint on the database + against the valid values. + + .. versionadded:: 1.1 - added :paramref:`.Enum.create_constraint` + which provides the option to disable the production of the + CHECK constraint for a non-native enumerated type. + + :param metadata: Associate this type directly with a ``MetaData`` + object. For types that exist on the target database as an + independent schema construct (PostgreSQL), this type will be + created and dropped within ``create_all()`` and ``drop_all()`` + operations. If the type is not associated with any ``MetaData`` + object, it will associate itself with each ``Table`` in which it is + used, and will be created when any of those individual tables are + created, after a check is performed for its existence. The type is + only dropped when ``drop_all()`` is called for that ``Table`` + object's metadata, however. + + :param name: The name of this type. This is required for PostgreSQL + and any future supported database which requires an explicitly + named type, or an explicitly named constraint in order to generate + the type and/or a table that uses it. If a PEP-435 enumerated + class was used, its name (converted to lower case) is used by + default. + + :param native_enum: Use the database's native ENUM type when + available. Defaults to True. When False, uses VARCHAR + check + constraint for all backends. + + :param schema: Schema name of this type. For types that exist on the + target database as an independent schema construct (PostgreSQL), + this parameter specifies the named schema in which the type is + present. + + .. note:: + + The ``schema`` of the :class:`.Enum` type does not + by default make use of the ``schema`` established on the + owning :class:`.Table`. If this behavior is desired, + set the ``inherit_schema`` flag to ``True``. + + :param quote: Set explicit quoting preferences for the type's name. + + :param inherit_schema: When ``True``, the "schema" from the owning + :class:`.Table` will be copied to the "schema" attribute of this + :class:`.Enum`, replacing whatever value was passed for the + ``schema`` attribute. This also takes effect when using the + :meth:`.Table.tometadata` operation. + + :param validate_strings: when True, string values that are being + passed to the database in a SQL statement will be checked + for validity against the list of enumerated values. Unrecognized + values will result in a ``LookupError`` being raised. + + .. versionadded:: 1.1.0b2 + + :param values_callable: A callable which will be passed the PEP-435 + compliant enumerated type, which should then return a list of string + values to be persisted. This allows for alternate usages such as + using the string value of an enum to be persisted to the database + instead of its name. + + .. versionadded:: 1.2.3 + + """ + self._enum_init(enums, kw) + + @property + def _enums_argument(self): + if self.enum_class is not None: + return [self.enum_class] + else: + return self.enums + + def _enum_init(self, enums, kw): + """internal init for :class:`.Enum` and subclasses. + + friendly init helper used by subclasses to remove + all the Enum-specific keyword arguments from kw. Allows all + other arguments in kw to pass through. + + """ + self.native_enum = kw.pop("native_enum", True) + self.create_constraint = kw.pop("create_constraint", True) + self.values_callable = kw.pop("values_callable", None) + + values, objects = self._parse_into_values(enums, kw) + self._setup_for_values(values, objects, kw) + + convert_unicode = kw.pop("convert_unicode", None) + self.validate_strings = kw.pop("validate_strings", False) + + if convert_unicode is None: + for e in self.enums: + if isinstance(e, util.text_type): + convert_unicode = True + break + else: + convert_unicode = False + + if self.enums: + length = max(len(x) for x in self.enums) + else: + length = 0 + self._valid_lookup[None] = self._object_lookup[None] = None + + super(Enum, self).__init__( + length=length, convert_unicode=convert_unicode + ) + + if self.enum_class: + kw.setdefault("name", self.enum_class.__name__.lower()) + SchemaType.__init__( + self, + name=kw.pop("name", None), + schema=kw.pop("schema", None), + metadata=kw.pop("metadata", None), + inherit_schema=kw.pop("inherit_schema", False), + quote=kw.pop("quote", None), + _create_events=kw.pop("_create_events", True), + ) + + def _parse_into_values(self, enums, kw): + if not enums and "_enums" in kw: + enums = kw.pop("_enums") + + if len(enums) == 1 and hasattr(enums[0], "__members__"): + self.enum_class = enums[0] + if self.values_callable: + values = self.values_callable(self.enum_class) + else: + values = list(self.enum_class.__members__) + objects = [ + self.enum_class.__members__[k] + for k in self.enum_class.__members__ + ] + return values, objects + else: + self.enum_class = None + return enums, enums + + def _setup_for_values(self, values, objects, kw): + self.enums = list(values) + + self._valid_lookup = dict(zip(reversed(objects), reversed(values))) + + self._object_lookup = dict(zip(values, objects)) + + self._valid_lookup.update( + [ + (value, self._valid_lookup[self._object_lookup[value]]) + for value in values + ] + ) + + @property + def native(self): + return self.native_enum + + def _db_value_for_elem(self, elem): + try: + return self._valid_lookup[elem] + except KeyError: + # for unknown string values, we return as is. While we can + # validate these if we wanted, that does not allow for lesser-used + # end-user use cases, such as using a LIKE comparison with an enum, + # or for an application that wishes to apply string tests to an + # ENUM (see [ticket:3725]). While we can decide to differentiate + # here between an INSERT statement and a criteria used in a SELECT, + # for now we're staying conservative w/ behavioral changes (perhaps + # someone has a trigger that handles strings on INSERT) + if not self.validate_strings and isinstance( + elem, compat.string_types + ): + return elem + else: + raise LookupError( + '"%s" is not among the defined enum values' % elem + ) + + class Comparator(String.Comparator): + def _adapt_expression(self, op, other_comparator): + op, typ = super(Enum.Comparator, self)._adapt_expression( + op, other_comparator + ) + if op is operators.concat_op: + typ = String( + self.type.length, convert_unicode=self.type.convert_unicode + ) + return op, typ + + comparator_factory = Comparator + + def _object_value_for_elem(self, elem): + try: + return self._object_lookup[elem] + except KeyError: + raise LookupError( + '"%s" is not among the defined enum values' % elem + ) + + def __repr__(self): + return util.generic_repr( + self, + additional_kw=[("native_enum", True)], + to_inspect=[Enum, SchemaType], + ) + + def adapt_to_emulated(self, impltype, **kw): + kw.setdefault("convert_unicode", self.convert_unicode) + kw.setdefault("validate_strings", self.validate_strings) + kw.setdefault("name", self.name) + kw.setdefault("schema", self.schema) + kw.setdefault("inherit_schema", self.inherit_schema) + kw.setdefault("metadata", self.metadata) + kw.setdefault("_create_events", False) + kw.setdefault("native_enum", self.native_enum) + kw.setdefault("values_callable", self.values_callable) + kw.setdefault("create_constraint", self.create_constraint) + assert "_enums" in kw + return impltype(**kw) + + def adapt(self, impltype, **kw): + kw["_enums"] = self._enums_argument + return super(Enum, self).adapt(impltype, **kw) + + def _should_create_constraint(self, compiler, **kw): + if not self._is_impl_for_variant(compiler.dialect, kw): + return False + return ( + not self.native_enum or not compiler.dialect.supports_native_enum + ) + + @util.dependencies("sqlalchemy.sql.schema") + def _set_table(self, schema, column, table): + SchemaType._set_table(self, column, table) + + if not self.create_constraint: + return + + variant_mapping = self._variant_mapping_for_set_table(column) + + e = schema.CheckConstraint( + type_coerce(column, self).in_(self.enums), + name=_defer_name(self.name), + _create_rule=util.portable_instancemethod( + self._should_create_constraint, + {"variant_mapping": variant_mapping}, + ), + _type_bound=True, + ) + assert e.table is table + + def literal_processor(self, dialect): + parent_processor = super(Enum, self).literal_processor(dialect) + + def process(value): + value = self._db_value_for_elem(value) + if parent_processor: + value = parent_processor(value) + return value + + return process + + def bind_processor(self, dialect): + def process(value): + value = self._db_value_for_elem(value) + if parent_processor: + value = parent_processor(value) + return value + + parent_processor = super(Enum, self).bind_processor(dialect) + return process + + def result_processor(self, dialect, coltype): + parent_processor = super(Enum, self).result_processor(dialect, coltype) + + def process(value): + if parent_processor: + value = parent_processor(value) + + value = self._object_value_for_elem(value) + return value + + return process + + def copy(self, **kw): + return SchemaType.copy(self, **kw) + + @property + def python_type(self): + if self.enum_class: + return self.enum_class + else: + return super(Enum, self).python_type + + +class PickleType(TypeDecorator): + """Holds Python objects, which are serialized using pickle. + + PickleType builds upon the Binary type to apply Python's + ``pickle.dumps()`` to incoming objects, and ``pickle.loads()`` on + the way out, allowing any pickleable Python object to be stored as + a serialized binary field. + + To allow ORM change events to propagate for elements associated + with :class:`.PickleType`, see :ref:`mutable_toplevel`. + + """ + + impl = LargeBinary + + def __init__( + self, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL, pickler=None, comparator=None + ): + """ + Construct a PickleType. + + :param protocol: defaults to ``pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL``. + + :param pickler: defaults to cPickle.pickle or pickle.pickle if + cPickle is not available. May be any object with + pickle-compatible ``dumps` and ``loads`` methods. + + :param comparator: a 2-arg callable predicate used + to compare values of this type. If left as ``None``, + the Python "equals" operator is used to compare values. + + """ + self.protocol = protocol + self.pickler = pickler or pickle + self.comparator = comparator + super(PickleType, self).__init__() + + def __reduce__(self): + return PickleType, (self.protocol, None, self.comparator) + + def bind_processor(self, dialect): + impl_processor = self.impl.bind_processor(dialect) + dumps = self.pickler.dumps + protocol = self.protocol + if impl_processor: + + def process(value): + if value is not None: + value = dumps(value, protocol) + return impl_processor(value) + + else: + + def process(value): + if value is not None: + value = dumps(value, protocol) + return value + + return process + + def result_processor(self, dialect, coltype): + impl_processor = self.impl.result_processor(dialect, coltype) + loads = self.pickler.loads + if impl_processor: + + def process(value): + value = impl_processor(value) + if value is None: + return None + return loads(value) + + else: + + def process(value): + if value is None: + return None + return loads(value) + + return process + + def compare_values(self, x, y): + if self.comparator: + return self.comparator(x, y) + else: + return x == y + + +class Boolean(Emulated, TypeEngine, SchemaType): + + """A bool datatype. + + :class:`.Boolean` typically uses BOOLEAN or SMALLINT on the DDL side, + and on the Python side deals in ``True`` or ``False``. + + The :class:`.Boolean` datatype currently has two levels of assertion + that the values persisted are simple true/false values. For all + backends, only the Python values ``None``, ``True``, ``False``, ``1`` + or ``0`` are accepted as parameter values. For those backends that + don't support a "native boolean" datatype, a CHECK constraint is also + created on the target column. Production of the CHECK constraint + can be disabled by passing the :paramref:`.Boolean.create_constraint` + flag set to ``False``. + + .. versionchanged:: 1.2 the :class:`.Boolean` datatype now asserts that + incoming Python values are already in pure boolean form. + + + """ + + __visit_name__ = "boolean" + native = True + + def __init__(self, create_constraint=True, name=None, _create_events=True): + """Construct a Boolean. + + :param create_constraint: defaults to True. If the boolean + is generated as an int/smallint, also create a CHECK constraint + on the table that ensures 1 or 0 as a value. + + :param name: if a CHECK constraint is generated, specify + the name of the constraint. + + """ + self.create_constraint = create_constraint + self.name = name + self._create_events = _create_events + + def _should_create_constraint(self, compiler, **kw): + if not self._is_impl_for_variant(compiler.dialect, kw): + return False + return ( + not compiler.dialect.supports_native_boolean + and compiler.dialect.non_native_boolean_check_constraint + ) + + @util.dependencies("sqlalchemy.sql.schema") + def _set_table(self, schema, column, table): + if not self.create_constraint: + return + + variant_mapping = self._variant_mapping_for_set_table(column) + + e = schema.CheckConstraint( + type_coerce(column, self).in_([0, 1]), + name=_defer_name(self.name), + _create_rule=util.portable_instancemethod( + self._should_create_constraint, + {"variant_mapping": variant_mapping}, + ), + _type_bound=True, + ) + assert e.table is table + + @property + def python_type(self): + return bool + + _strict_bools = frozenset([None, True, False]) + + def _strict_as_bool(self, value): + if value not in self._strict_bools: + if not isinstance(value, int): + raise TypeError("Not a boolean value: %r" % value) + else: + raise ValueError( + "Value %r is not None, True, or False" % value + ) + return value + + def literal_processor(self, dialect): + compiler = dialect.statement_compiler(dialect, None) + true = compiler.visit_true(None) + false = compiler.visit_false(None) + + def process(value): + return true if self._strict_as_bool(value) else false + + return process + + def bind_processor(self, dialect): + _strict_as_bool = self._strict_as_bool + if dialect.supports_native_boolean: + _coerce = bool + else: + _coerce = int + + def process(value): + value = _strict_as_bool(value) + if value is not None: + value = _coerce(value) + return value + + return process + + def result_processor(self, dialect, coltype): + if dialect.supports_native_boolean: + return None + else: + return processors.int_to_boolean + + +class _AbstractInterval(_LookupExpressionAdapter, TypeEngine): + @util.memoized_property + def _expression_adaptations(self): + # Based on http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/\ + # static/functions-datetime.html. + + return { + operators.add: { + Date: DateTime, + Interval: self.__class__, + DateTime: DateTime, + Time: Time, + }, + operators.sub: {Interval: self.__class__}, + operators.mul: {Numeric: self.__class__}, + operators.truediv: {Numeric: self.__class__}, + operators.div: {Numeric: self.__class__}, + } + + @property + def _type_affinity(self): + return Interval + + def coerce_compared_value(self, op, value): + """See :meth:`.TypeEngine.coerce_compared_value` for a description.""" + return self.impl.coerce_compared_value(op, value) + + +class Interval(Emulated, _AbstractInterval, TypeDecorator): + + """A type for ``datetime.timedelta()`` objects. + + The Interval type deals with ``datetime.timedelta`` objects. In + PostgreSQL, the native ``INTERVAL`` type is used; for others, the + value is stored as a date which is relative to the "epoch" + (Jan. 1, 1970). + + Note that the ``Interval`` type does not currently provide date arithmetic + operations on platforms which do not support interval types natively. Such + operations usually require transformation of both sides of the expression + (such as, conversion of both sides into integer epoch values first) which + currently is a manual procedure (such as via + :attr:`~sqlalchemy.sql.expression.func`). + + """ + + impl = DateTime + epoch = dt.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0) + + def __init__(self, native=True, second_precision=None, day_precision=None): + """Construct an Interval object. + + :param native: when True, use the actual + INTERVAL type provided by the database, if + supported (currently PostgreSQL, Oracle). + Otherwise, represent the interval data as + an epoch value regardless. + + :param second_precision: For native interval types + which support a "fractional seconds precision" parameter, + i.e. Oracle and PostgreSQL + + :param day_precision: for native interval types which + support a "day precision" parameter, i.e. Oracle. + + """ + super(Interval, self).__init__() + self.native = native + self.second_precision = second_precision + self.day_precision = day_precision + + @property + def python_type(self): + return dt.timedelta + + def adapt_to_emulated(self, impltype, **kw): + return _AbstractInterval.adapt(self, impltype, **kw) + + def bind_processor(self, dialect): + impl_processor = self.impl.bind_processor(dialect) + epoch = self.epoch + if impl_processor: + + def process(value): + if value is not None: + value = epoch + value + return impl_processor(value) + + else: + + def process(value): + if value is not None: + value = epoch + value + return value + + return process + + def result_processor(self, dialect, coltype): + impl_processor = self.impl.result_processor(dialect, coltype) + epoch = self.epoch + if impl_processor: + + def process(value): + value = impl_processor(value) + if value is None: + return None + return value - epoch + + else: + + def process(value): + if value is None: + return None + return value - epoch + + return process + + +class JSON(Indexable, TypeEngine): + """Represent a SQL JSON type. + + .. note:: :class:`.types.JSON` is provided as a facade for vendor-specific + JSON types. Since it supports JSON SQL operations, it only + works on backends that have an actual JSON type, currently + PostgreSQL as well as certain versions of MySQL. + + :class:`.types.JSON` is part of the Core in support of the growing + popularity of native JSON datatypes. + + The :class:`.types.JSON` type stores arbitrary JSON format data, e.g.:: + + data_table = Table('data_table', metadata, + Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True), + Column('data', JSON) + ) + + with engine.connect() as conn: + conn.execute( + data_table.insert(), + data = {"key1": "value1", "key2": "value2"} + ) + + The base :class:`.types.JSON` provides these two operations: + + * Keyed index operations:: + + data_table.c.data['some key'] + + * Integer index operations:: + + data_table.c.data[3] + + * Path index operations:: + + data_table.c.data[('key_1', 'key_2', 5, ..., 'key_n')] + + Additional operations are available from the dialect-specific versions + of :class:`.types.JSON`, such as :class:`.postgresql.JSON` and + :class:`.postgresql.JSONB`, each of which offer more operators than + just the basic type. + + Index operations return an expression object whose type defaults to + :class:`.JSON` by default, so that further JSON-oriented instructions may + be called upon the result type. Note that there are backend-specific + idiosyncracies here, including that the PostgreSQL database does not + generally compare a "json" to a "json" structure without type casts. These + idiosyncracies can be accommodated in a backend-neutral way by making + explicit use of the :func:`.cast` and :func:`.type_coerce` constructs. + Comparison of specific index elements of a :class:`.JSON` object to other + objects works best if the **left hand side is CAST to a string** and the + **right hand side is rendered as a JSON string**; a future SQLAlchemy + feature such as a generic "astext" modifier may simplify this at some + point: + + * **Compare an element of a JSON structure to a string**:: + + from sqlalchemy import cast, type_coerce + from sqlalchemy import String, JSON + + cast( + data_table.c.data['some_key'], String + ) == '"some_value"' + + cast( + data_table.c.data['some_key'], String + ) == type_coerce("some_value", JSON) + + * **Compare an element of a JSON structure to an integer**:: + + from sqlalchemy import cast, type_coerce + from sqlalchemy import String, JSON + + cast(data_table.c.data['some_key'], String) == '55' + + cast( + data_table.c.data['some_key'], String + ) == type_coerce(55, JSON) + + * **Compare an element of a JSON structure to some other JSON structure** + - note that Python dictionaries are typically not ordered so care should + be taken here to assert that the JSON structures are identical:: + + from sqlalchemy import cast, type_coerce + from sqlalchemy import String, JSON + import json + + cast( + data_table.c.data['some_key'], String + ) == json.dumps({"foo": "bar"}) + + cast( + data_table.c.data['some_key'], String + ) == type_coerce({"foo": "bar"}, JSON) + + The :class:`.JSON` type, when used with the SQLAlchemy ORM, does not + detect in-place mutations to the structure. In order to detect these, the + :mod:`sqlalchemy.ext.mutable` extension must be used. This extension will + allow "in-place" changes to the datastructure to produce events which + will be detected by the unit of work. See the example at :class:`.HSTORE` + for a simple example involving a dictionary. + + When working with NULL values, the :class:`.JSON` type recommends the + use of two specific constants in order to differentiate between a column + that evaluates to SQL NULL, e.g. no value, vs. the JSON-encoded string + of ``"null"``. To insert or select against a value that is SQL NULL, + use the constant :func:`.null`:: + + from sqlalchemy import null + conn.execute(table.insert(), json_value=null()) + + To insert or select against a value that is JSON ``"null"``, use the + constant :attr:`.JSON.NULL`:: + + conn.execute(table.insert(), json_value=JSON.NULL) + + The :class:`.JSON` type supports a flag + :paramref:`.JSON.none_as_null` which when set to True will result + in the Python constant ``None`` evaluating to the value of SQL + NULL, and when set to False results in the Python constant + ``None`` evaluating to the value of JSON ``"null"``. The Python + value ``None`` may be used in conjunction with either + :attr:`.JSON.NULL` and :func:`.null` in order to indicate NULL + values, but care must be taken as to the value of the + :paramref:`.JSON.none_as_null` in these cases. + + .. seealso:: + + :class:`.postgresql.JSON` + + :class:`.postgresql.JSONB` + + :class:`.mysql.JSON` + + .. versionadded:: 1.1 + + + """ + + __visit_name__ = "JSON" + + hashable = False + NULL = util.symbol("JSON_NULL") + """Describe the json value of NULL. + + This value is used to force the JSON value of ``"null"`` to be + used as the value. A value of Python ``None`` will be recognized + either as SQL NULL or JSON ``"null"``, based on the setting + of the :paramref:`.JSON.none_as_null` flag; the :attr:`.JSON.NULL` + constant can be used to always resolve to JSON ``"null"`` regardless + of this setting. This is in contrast to the :func:`.sql.null` construct, + which always resolves to SQL NULL. E.g.:: + + from sqlalchemy import null + from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import JSON + + # will *always* insert SQL NULL + obj1 = MyObject(json_value=null()) + + # will *always* insert JSON string "null" + obj2 = MyObject(json_value=JSON.NULL) + + session.add_all([obj1, obj2]) + session.commit() + + In order to set JSON NULL as a default value for a column, the most + transparent method is to use :func:`.text`:: + + Table( + 'my_table', metadata, + Column('json_data', JSON, default=text("'null'")) + ) + + While it is possible to use :attr:`.JSON.NULL` in this context, the + :attr:`.JSON.NULL` value will be returned as the value of the column, + which in the context of the ORM or other repurposing of the default + value, may not be desirable. Using a SQL expression means the value + will be re-fetched from the database within the context of retrieving + generated defaults. + + + """ + + def __init__(self, none_as_null=False): + """Construct a :class:`.types.JSON` type. + + :param none_as_null=False: if True, persist the value ``None`` as a + SQL NULL value, not the JSON encoding of ``null``. Note that + when this flag is False, the :func:`.null` construct can still + be used to persist a NULL value:: + + from sqlalchemy import null + conn.execute(table.insert(), data=null()) + + .. note:: + + :paramref:`.JSON.none_as_null` does **not** apply to the + values passed to :paramref:`.Column.default` and + :paramref:`.Column.server_default`; a value of ``None`` + passed for these parameters means "no default present". + + .. seealso:: + + :attr:`.types.JSON.NULL` + + """ + self.none_as_null = none_as_null + + class JSONElementType(TypeEngine): + """common function for index / path elements in a JSON expression.""" + + _integer = Integer() + _string = String() + + def string_bind_processor(self, dialect): + return self._string._cached_bind_processor(dialect) + + def string_literal_processor(self, dialect): + return self._string._cached_literal_processor(dialect) + + def bind_processor(self, dialect): + int_processor = self._integer._cached_bind_processor(dialect) + string_processor = self.string_bind_processor(dialect) + + def process(value): + if int_processor and isinstance(value, int): + value = int_processor(value) + elif string_processor and isinstance(value, util.string_types): + value = string_processor(value) + return value + + return process + + def literal_processor(self, dialect): + int_processor = self._integer._cached_literal_processor(dialect) + string_processor = self.string_literal_processor(dialect) + + def process(value): + if int_processor and isinstance(value, int): + value = int_processor(value) + elif string_processor and isinstance(value, util.string_types): + value = string_processor(value) + return value + + return process + + class JSONIndexType(JSONElementType): + """Placeholder for the datatype of a JSON index value. + + This allows execution-time processing of JSON index values + for special syntaxes. + + """ + + class JSONPathType(JSONElementType): + """Placeholder type for JSON path operations. + + This allows execution-time processing of a path-based + index value into a specific SQL syntax. + + """ + + class Comparator(Indexable.Comparator, Concatenable.Comparator): + """Define comparison operations for :class:`.types.JSON`.""" + + @util.dependencies("sqlalchemy.sql.default_comparator") + def _setup_getitem(self, default_comparator, index): + if not isinstance(index, util.string_types) and isinstance( + index, compat.collections_abc.Sequence + ): + index = default_comparator._check_literal( + self.expr, + operators.json_path_getitem_op, + index, + bindparam_type=JSON.JSONPathType, + ) + + operator = operators.json_path_getitem_op + else: + index = default_comparator._check_literal( + self.expr, + operators.json_getitem_op, + index, + bindparam_type=JSON.JSONIndexType, + ) + operator = operators.json_getitem_op + + return operator, index, self.type + + comparator_factory = Comparator + + @property + def python_type(self): + return dict + + @property + def should_evaluate_none(self): + return not self.none_as_null + + @util.memoized_property + def _str_impl(self): + return String(convert_unicode=True) + + def bind_processor(self, dialect): + string_process = self._str_impl.bind_processor(dialect) + + json_serializer = dialect._json_serializer or json.dumps + + def process(value): + if value is self.NULL: + value = None + elif isinstance(value, elements.Null) or ( + value is None and self.none_as_null + ): + return None + + serialized = json_serializer(value) + if string_process: + serialized = string_process(serialized) + return serialized + + return process + + def result_processor(self, dialect, coltype): + string_process = self._str_impl.result_processor(dialect, coltype) + json_deserializer = dialect._json_deserializer or json.loads + + def process(value): + if value is None: + return None + if string_process: + value = string_process(value) + return json_deserializer(value) + + return process + + +class ARRAY(SchemaEventTarget, Indexable, Concatenable, TypeEngine): + """Represent a SQL Array type. + + .. note:: This type serves as the basis for all ARRAY operations. + However, currently **only the PostgreSQL backend has support + for SQL arrays in SQLAlchemy**. It is recommended to use the + :class:`.postgresql.ARRAY` type directly when using ARRAY types + with PostgreSQL, as it provides additional operators specific + to that backend. + + :class:`.types.ARRAY` is part of the Core in support of various SQL + standard functions such as :class:`.array_agg` which explicitly involve + arrays; however, with the exception of the PostgreSQL backend and possibly + some third-party dialects, no other SQLAlchemy built-in dialect has support + for this type. + + An :class:`.types.ARRAY` type is constructed given the "type" + of element:: + + mytable = Table("mytable", metadata, + Column("data", ARRAY(Integer)) + ) + + The above type represents an N-dimensional array, + meaning a supporting backend such as PostgreSQL will interpret values + with any number of dimensions automatically. To produce an INSERT + construct that passes in a 1-dimensional array of integers:: + + connection.execute( + mytable.insert(), + data=[1,2,3] + ) + + The :class:`.types.ARRAY` type can be constructed given a fixed number + of dimensions:: + + mytable = Table("mytable", metadata, + Column("data", ARRAY(Integer, dimensions=2)) + ) + + Sending a number of dimensions is optional, but recommended if the + datatype is to represent arrays of more than one dimension. This number + is used: + + * When emitting the type declaration itself to the database, e.g. + ``INTEGER[][]`` + + * When translating Python values to database values, and vice versa, e.g. + an ARRAY of :class:`.Unicode` objects uses this number to efficiently + access the string values inside of array structures without resorting + to per-row type inspection + + * When used with the Python ``getitem`` accessor, the number of dimensions + serves to define the kind of type that the ``[]`` operator should + return, e.g. for an ARRAY of INTEGER with two dimensions:: + + >>> expr = table.c.column[5] # returns ARRAY(Integer, dimensions=1) + >>> expr = expr[6] # returns Integer + + For 1-dimensional arrays, an :class:`.types.ARRAY` instance with no + dimension parameter will generally assume single-dimensional behaviors. + + SQL expressions of type :class:`.types.ARRAY` have support for "index" and + "slice" behavior. The Python ``[]`` operator works normally here, given + integer indexes or slices. Arrays default to 1-based indexing. + The operator produces binary expression + constructs which will produce the appropriate SQL, both for + SELECT statements:: + + select([mytable.c.data[5], mytable.c.data[2:7]]) + + as well as UPDATE statements when the :meth:`.Update.values` method + is used:: + + mytable.update().values({ + mytable.c.data[5]: 7, + mytable.c.data[2:7]: [1, 2, 3] + }) + + The :class:`.types.ARRAY` type also provides for the operators + :meth:`.types.ARRAY.Comparator.any` and + :meth:`.types.ARRAY.Comparator.all`. The PostgreSQL-specific version of + :class:`.types.ARRAY` also provides additional operators. + + .. versionadded:: 1.1.0 + + .. seealso:: + + :class:`.postgresql.ARRAY` + + """ + + __visit_name__ = "ARRAY" + + zero_indexes = False + """if True, Python zero-based indexes should be interpreted as one-based + on the SQL expression side.""" + + class Comparator(Indexable.Comparator, Concatenable.Comparator): + + """Define comparison operations for :class:`.types.ARRAY`. + + More operators are available on the dialect-specific form + of this type. See :class:`.postgresql.ARRAY.Comparator`. + + """ + + def _setup_getitem(self, index): + if isinstance(index, slice): + return_type = self.type + if self.type.zero_indexes: + index = slice(index.start + 1, index.stop + 1, index.step) + index = Slice( + _literal_as_binds( + index.start, + name=self.expr.key, + type_=type_api.INTEGERTYPE, + ), + _literal_as_binds( + index.stop, + name=self.expr.key, + type_=type_api.INTEGERTYPE, + ), + _literal_as_binds( + index.step, + name=self.expr.key, + type_=type_api.INTEGERTYPE, + ), + ) + else: + if self.type.zero_indexes: + index += 1 + if self.type.dimensions is None or self.type.dimensions == 1: + return_type = self.type.item_type + else: + adapt_kw = {"dimensions": self.type.dimensions - 1} + return_type = self.type.adapt( + self.type.__class__, **adapt_kw + ) + + return operators.getitem, index, return_type + + def contains(self, *arg, **kw): + raise NotImplementedError( + "ARRAY.contains() not implemented for the base " + "ARRAY type; please use the dialect-specific ARRAY type" + ) + + @util.dependencies("sqlalchemy.sql.elements") + def any(self, elements, other, operator=None): + """Return ``other operator ANY (array)`` clause. + + Argument places are switched, because ANY requires array + expression to be on the right hand-side. + + E.g.:: + + from sqlalchemy.sql import operators + + conn.execute( + select([table.c.data]).where( + table.c.data.any(7, operator=operators.lt) + ) + ) + + :param other: expression to be compared + :param operator: an operator object from the + :mod:`sqlalchemy.sql.operators` + package, defaults to :func:`.operators.eq`. + + .. seealso:: + + :func:`.sql.expression.any_` + + :meth:`.types.ARRAY.Comparator.all` + + """ + operator = operator if operator else operators.eq + return operator( + elements._literal_as_binds(other), + elements.CollectionAggregate._create_any(self.expr), + ) + + @util.dependencies("sqlalchemy.sql.elements") + def all(self, elements, other, operator=None): + """Return ``other operator ALL (array)`` clause. + + Argument places are switched, because ALL requires array + expression to be on the right hand-side. + + E.g.:: + + from sqlalchemy.sql import operators + + conn.execute( + select([table.c.data]).where( + table.c.data.all(7, operator=operators.lt) + ) + ) + + :param other: expression to be compared + :param operator: an operator object from the + :mod:`sqlalchemy.sql.operators` + package, defaults to :func:`.operators.eq`. + + .. seealso:: + + :func:`.sql.expression.all_` + + :meth:`.types.ARRAY.Comparator.any` + + """ + operator = operator if operator else operators.eq + return operator( + elements._literal_as_binds(other), + elements.CollectionAggregate._create_all(self.expr), + ) + + comparator_factory = Comparator + + def __init__( + self, item_type, as_tuple=False, dimensions=None, zero_indexes=False + ): + """Construct an :class:`.types.ARRAY`. + + E.g.:: + + Column('myarray', ARRAY(Integer)) + + Arguments are: + + :param item_type: The data type of items of this array. Note that + dimensionality is irrelevant here, so multi-dimensional arrays like + ``INTEGER[][]``, are constructed as ``ARRAY(Integer)``, not as + ``ARRAY(ARRAY(Integer))`` or such. + + :param as_tuple=False: Specify whether return results + should be converted to tuples from lists. This parameter is + not generally needed as a Python list corresponds well + to a SQL array. + + :param dimensions: if non-None, the ARRAY will assume a fixed + number of dimensions. This impacts how the array is declared + on the database, how it goes about interpreting Python and + result values, as well as how expression behavior in conjunction + with the "getitem" operator works. See the description at + :class:`.types.ARRAY` for additional detail. + + :param zero_indexes=False: when True, index values will be converted + between Python zero-based and SQL one-based indexes, e.g. + a value of one will be added to all index values before passing + to the database. + + """ + if isinstance(item_type, ARRAY): + raise ValueError( + "Do not nest ARRAY types; ARRAY(basetype) " + "handles multi-dimensional arrays of basetype" + ) + if isinstance(item_type, type): + item_type = item_type() + self.item_type = item_type + self.as_tuple = as_tuple + self.dimensions = dimensions + self.zero_indexes = zero_indexes + + @property + def hashable(self): + return self.as_tuple + + @property + def python_type(self): + return list + + def compare_values(self, x, y): + return x == y + + def _set_parent(self, column): + """Support SchemaEventTarget""" + + if isinstance(self.item_type, SchemaEventTarget): + self.item_type._set_parent(column) + + def _set_parent_with_dispatch(self, parent): + """Support SchemaEventTarget""" + + super(ARRAY, self)._set_parent_with_dispatch(parent) + + if isinstance(self.item_type, SchemaEventTarget): + self.item_type._set_parent_with_dispatch(parent) + + +class REAL(Float): + + """The SQL REAL type.""" + + __visit_name__ = "REAL" + + +class FLOAT(Float): + + """The SQL FLOAT type.""" + + __visit_name__ = "FLOAT" + + +class NUMERIC(Numeric): + + """The SQL NUMERIC type.""" + + __visit_name__ = "NUMERIC" + + +class DECIMAL(Numeric): + + """The SQL DECIMAL type.""" + + __visit_name__ = "DECIMAL" + + +class INTEGER(Integer): + + """The SQL INT or INTEGER type.""" + + __visit_name__ = "INTEGER" + + +INT = INTEGER + + +class SMALLINT(SmallInteger): + + """The SQL SMALLINT type.""" + + __visit_name__ = "SMALLINT" + + +class BIGINT(BigInteger): + + """The SQL BIGINT type.""" + + __visit_name__ = "BIGINT" + + +class TIMESTAMP(DateTime): + + """The SQL TIMESTAMP type. + + :class:`~.types.TIMESTAMP` datatypes have support for timezone + storage on some backends, such as PostgreSQL and Oracle. Use the + :paramref:`~types.TIMESTAMP.timezone` argument in order to enable + "TIMESTAMP WITH TIMEZONE" for these backends. + + """ + + __visit_name__ = "TIMESTAMP" + + def __init__(self, timezone=False): + """Construct a new :class:`.TIMESTAMP`. + + :param timezone: boolean. Indicates that the TIMESTAMP type should + enable timezone support, if available on the target database. + On a per-dialect basis is similar to "TIMESTAMP WITH TIMEZONE". + If the target database does not support timezones, this flag is + ignored. + + + """ + super(TIMESTAMP, self).__init__(timezone=timezone) + + def get_dbapi_type(self, dbapi): + return dbapi.TIMESTAMP + + +class DATETIME(DateTime): + + """The SQL DATETIME type.""" + + __visit_name__ = "DATETIME" + + +class DATE(Date): + + """The SQL DATE type.""" + + __visit_name__ = "DATE" + + +class TIME(Time): + + """The SQL TIME type.""" + + __visit_name__ = "TIME" + + +class TEXT(Text): + + """The SQL TEXT type.""" + + __visit_name__ = "TEXT" + + +class CLOB(Text): + + """The CLOB type. + + This type is found in Oracle and Informix. + """ + + __visit_name__ = "CLOB" + + +class VARCHAR(String): + + """The SQL VARCHAR type.""" + + __visit_name__ = "VARCHAR" + + +class NVARCHAR(Unicode): + + """The SQL NVARCHAR type.""" + + __visit_name__ = "NVARCHAR" + + +class CHAR(String): + + """The SQL CHAR type.""" + + __visit_name__ = "CHAR" + + +class NCHAR(Unicode): + + """The SQL NCHAR type.""" + + __visit_name__ = "NCHAR" + + +class BLOB(LargeBinary): + + """The SQL BLOB type.""" + + __visit_name__ = "BLOB" + + +class BINARY(_Binary): + + """The SQL BINARY type.""" + + __visit_name__ = "BINARY" + + +class VARBINARY(_Binary): + + """The SQL VARBINARY type.""" + + __visit_name__ = "VARBINARY" + + +class BOOLEAN(Boolean): + + """The SQL BOOLEAN type.""" + + __visit_name__ = "BOOLEAN" + + +class NullType(TypeEngine): + + """An unknown type. + + :class:`.NullType` is used as a default type for those cases where + a type cannot be determined, including: + + * During table reflection, when the type of a column is not recognized + by the :class:`.Dialect` + * When constructing SQL expressions using plain Python objects of + unknown types (e.g. ``somecolumn == my_special_object``) + * When a new :class:`.Column` is created, and the given type is passed + as ``None`` or is not passed at all. + + The :class:`.NullType` can be used within SQL expression invocation + without issue, it just has no behavior either at the expression + construction level or at the bind-parameter/result processing level. + :class:`.NullType` will result in a :exc:`.CompileError` if the compiler + is asked to render the type itself, such as if it is used in a + :func:`.cast` operation or within a schema creation operation such as that + invoked by :meth:`.MetaData.create_all` or the :class:`.CreateTable` + construct. + + """ + + __visit_name__ = "null" + + _isnull = True + + hashable = False + + def literal_processor(self, dialect): + def process(value): + return "NULL" + + return process + + class Comparator(TypeEngine.Comparator): + def _adapt_expression(self, op, other_comparator): + if isinstance( + other_comparator, NullType.Comparator + ) or not operators.is_commutative(op): + return op, self.expr.type + else: + return other_comparator._adapt_expression(op, self) + + comparator_factory = Comparator + + +class MatchType(Boolean): + """Refers to the return type of the MATCH operator. + + As the :meth:`.ColumnOperators.match` is probably the most open-ended + operator in generic SQLAlchemy Core, we can't assume the return type + at SQL evaluation time, as MySQL returns a floating point, not a boolean, + and other backends might do something different. So this type + acts as a placeholder, currently subclassing :class:`.Boolean`. + The type allows dialects to inject result-processing functionality + if needed, and on MySQL will return floating-point values. + + .. versionadded:: 1.0.0 + + """ + + +NULLTYPE = NullType() +BOOLEANTYPE = Boolean() +STRINGTYPE = String() +INTEGERTYPE = Integer() +MATCHTYPE = MatchType() + +_type_map = { + int: Integer(), + float: Float(), + bool: BOOLEANTYPE, + decimal.Decimal: Numeric(), + dt.date: Date(), + dt.datetime: DateTime(), + dt.time: Time(), + dt.timedelta: Interval(), + util.NoneType: NULLTYPE, +} + +if util.py3k: + _type_map[bytes] = LargeBinary() # noqa + _type_map[str] = Unicode() +else: + _type_map[unicode] = Unicode() # noqa + _type_map[str] = String() + +_type_map_get = _type_map.get + + +def _resolve_value_to_type(value): + _result_type = _type_map_get(type(value), False) + if _result_type is False: + # use inspect() to detect SQLAlchemy built-in + # objects. + insp = inspection.inspect(value, False) + if ( + insp is not None + and + # foil mock.Mock() and other impostors by ensuring + # the inspection target itself self-inspects + insp.__class__ in inspection._registrars + ): + raise exc.ArgumentError( + "Object %r is not legal as a SQL literal value" % value + ) + return NULLTYPE + else: + return _result_type + + +# back-assign to type_api +type_api.BOOLEANTYPE = BOOLEANTYPE +type_api.STRINGTYPE = STRINGTYPE +type_api.INTEGERTYPE = INTEGERTYPE +type_api.NULLTYPE = NULLTYPE +type_api.MATCHTYPE = MATCHTYPE +type_api.INDEXABLE = Indexable +type_api._resolve_value_to_type = _resolve_value_to_type +TypeEngine.Comparator.BOOLEANTYPE = BOOLEANTYPE diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/type_api.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/type_api.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9460ba8 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/type_api.py @@ -0,0 +1,1441 @@ +# sql/types_api.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +"""Base types API. + +""" + + +from . import operators +from .base import SchemaEventTarget +from .visitors import Visitable +from .visitors import VisitableType +from .. import exc +from .. import util + +# these are back-assigned by sqltypes. +BOOLEANTYPE = None +INTEGERTYPE = None +NULLTYPE = None +STRINGTYPE = None +MATCHTYPE = None +INDEXABLE = None +_resolve_value_to_type = None + + +class TypeEngine(Visitable): + """The ultimate base class for all SQL datatypes. + + Common subclasses of :class:`.TypeEngine` include + :class:`.String`, :class:`.Integer`, and :class:`.Boolean`. + + For an overview of the SQLAlchemy typing system, see + :ref:`types_toplevel`. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`types_toplevel` + + """ + + _sqla_type = True + _isnull = False + + class Comparator(operators.ColumnOperators): + """Base class for custom comparison operations defined at the + type level. See :attr:`.TypeEngine.comparator_factory`. + + + """ + + __slots__ = "expr", "type" + + default_comparator = None + + def __init__(self, expr): + self.expr = expr + self.type = expr.type + + @util.dependencies("sqlalchemy.sql.default_comparator") + def operate(self, default_comparator, op, *other, **kwargs): + o = default_comparator.operator_lookup[op.__name__] + return o[0](self.expr, op, *(other + o[1:]), **kwargs) + + @util.dependencies("sqlalchemy.sql.default_comparator") + def reverse_operate(self, default_comparator, op, other, **kwargs): + o = default_comparator.operator_lookup[op.__name__] + return o[0](self.expr, op, other, reverse=True, *o[1:], **kwargs) + + def _adapt_expression(self, op, other_comparator): + """evaluate the return type of , + and apply any adaptations to the given operator. + + This method determines the type of a resulting binary expression + given two source types and an operator. For example, two + :class:`.Column` objects, both of the type :class:`.Integer`, will + produce a :class:`.BinaryExpression` that also has the type + :class:`.Integer` when compared via the addition (``+``) operator. + However, using the addition operator with an :class:`.Integer` + and a :class:`.Date` object will produce a :class:`.Date`, assuming + "days delta" behavior by the database (in reality, most databases + other than PostgreSQL don't accept this particular operation). + + The method returns a tuple of the form , . + The resulting operator and type will be those applied to the + resulting :class:`.BinaryExpression` as the final operator and the + right-hand side of the expression. + + Note that only a subset of operators make usage of + :meth:`._adapt_expression`, + including math operators and user-defined operators, but not + boolean comparison or special SQL keywords like MATCH or BETWEEN. + + """ + + return op, self.type + + def __reduce__(self): + return _reconstitute_comparator, (self.expr,) + + hashable = True + """Flag, if False, means values from this type aren't hashable. + + Used by the ORM when uniquing result lists. + + """ + + comparator_factory = Comparator + """A :class:`.TypeEngine.Comparator` class which will apply + to operations performed by owning :class:`.ColumnElement` objects. + + The :attr:`.comparator_factory` attribute is a hook consulted by + the core expression system when column and SQL expression operations + are performed. When a :class:`.TypeEngine.Comparator` class is + associated with this attribute, it allows custom re-definition of + all existing operators, as well as definition of new operators. + Existing operators include those provided by Python operator overloading + such as :meth:`.operators.ColumnOperators.__add__` and + :meth:`.operators.ColumnOperators.__eq__`, + those provided as standard + attributes of :class:`.operators.ColumnOperators` such as + :meth:`.operators.ColumnOperators.like` + and :meth:`.operators.ColumnOperators.in_`. + + Rudimentary usage of this hook is allowed through simple subclassing + of existing types, or alternatively by using :class:`.TypeDecorator`. + See the documentation section :ref:`types_operators` for examples. + + .. versionadded:: 0.8 The expression system was enhanced to support + customization of operators on a per-type level. + + """ + + should_evaluate_none = False + """If True, the Python constant ``None`` is considered to be handled + explicitly by this type. + + The ORM uses this flag to indicate that a positive value of ``None`` + is passed to the column in an INSERT statement, rather than omitting + the column from the INSERT statement which has the effect of firing + off column-level defaults. It also allows types which have special + behavior for Python None, such as a JSON type, to indicate that + they'd like to handle the None value explicitly. + + To set this flag on an existing type, use the + :meth:`.TypeEngine.evaluates_none` method. + + .. seealso:: + + :meth:`.TypeEngine.evaluates_none` + + .. versionadded:: 1.1 + + + """ + + def evaluates_none(self): + """Return a copy of this type which has the :attr:`.should_evaluate_none` + flag set to True. + + E.g.:: + + Table( + 'some_table', metadata, + Column( + String(50).evaluates_none(), + nullable=True, + server_default='no value') + ) + + The ORM uses this flag to indicate that a positive value of ``None`` + is passed to the column in an INSERT statement, rather than omitting + the column from the INSERT statement which has the effect of firing + off column-level defaults. It also allows for types which have + special behavior associated with the Python None value to indicate + that the value doesn't necessarily translate into SQL NULL; a + prime example of this is a JSON type which may wish to persist the + JSON value ``'null'``. + + In all cases, the actual NULL SQL value can be always be + persisted in any column by using + the :obj:`~.expression.null` SQL construct in an INSERT statement + or associated with an ORM-mapped attribute. + + .. note:: + + The "evaulates none" flag does **not** apply to a value + of ``None`` passed to :paramref:`.Column.default` or + :paramref:`.Column.server_default`; in these cases, ``None`` + still means "no default". + + .. versionadded:: 1.1 + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`session_forcing_null` - in the ORM documentation + + :paramref:`.postgresql.JSON.none_as_null` - PostgreSQL JSON + interaction with this flag. + + :attr:`.TypeEngine.should_evaluate_none` - class-level flag + + """ + typ = self.copy() + typ.should_evaluate_none = True + return typ + + def copy(self, **kw): + return self.adapt(self.__class__) + + def compare_against_backend(self, dialect, conn_type): + """Compare this type against the given backend type. + + This function is currently not implemented for SQLAlchemy + types, and for all built in types will return ``None``. However, + it can be implemented by a user-defined type + where it can be consumed by schema comparison tools such as + Alembic autogenerate. + + A future release of SQLAlchemy will potentially impement this method + for builtin types as well. + + The function should return True if this type is equivalent to the + given type; the type is typically reflected from the database + so should be database specific. The dialect in use is also + passed. It can also return False to assert that the type is + not equivalent. + + :param dialect: a :class:`.Dialect` that is involved in the comparison. + + :param conn_type: the type object reflected from the backend. + + .. versionadded:: 1.0.3 + + """ + return None + + def copy_value(self, value): + return value + + def literal_processor(self, dialect): + """Return a conversion function for processing literal values that are + to be rendered directly without using binds. + + This function is used when the compiler makes use of the + "literal_binds" flag, typically used in DDL generation as well + as in certain scenarios where backends don't accept bound parameters. + + .. versionadded:: 0.9.0 + + """ + return None + + def bind_processor(self, dialect): + """Return a conversion function for processing bind values. + + Returns a callable which will receive a bind parameter value + as the sole positional argument and will return a value to + send to the DB-API. + + If processing is not necessary, the method should return ``None``. + + :param dialect: Dialect instance in use. + + """ + return None + + def result_processor(self, dialect, coltype): + """Return a conversion function for processing result row values. + + Returns a callable which will receive a result row column + value as the sole positional argument and will return a value + to return to the user. + + If processing is not necessary, the method should return ``None``. + + :param dialect: Dialect instance in use. + + :param coltype: DBAPI coltype argument received in cursor.description. + + """ + return None + + def column_expression(self, colexpr): + """Given a SELECT column expression, return a wrapping SQL expression. + + This is typically a SQL function that wraps a column expression + as rendered in the columns clause of a SELECT statement. + It is used for special data types that require + columns to be wrapped in some special database function in order + to coerce the value before being sent back to the application. + It is the SQL analogue of the :meth:`.TypeEngine.result_processor` + method. + + The method is evaluated at statement compile time, as opposed + to statement construction time. + + See also: + + :ref:`types_sql_value_processing` + + """ + + return None + + @util.memoized_property + def _has_column_expression(self): + """memoized boolean, check if column_expression is implemented. + + Allows the method to be skipped for the vast majority of expression + types that don't use this feature. + + """ + + return ( + self.__class__.column_expression.__code__ + is not TypeEngine.column_expression.__code__ + ) + + def bind_expression(self, bindvalue): + """"Given a bind value (i.e. a :class:`.BindParameter` instance), + return a SQL expression in its place. + + This is typically a SQL function that wraps the existing bound + parameter within the statement. It is used for special data types + that require literals being wrapped in some special database function + in order to coerce an application-level value into a database-specific + format. It is the SQL analogue of the + :meth:`.TypeEngine.bind_processor` method. + + The method is evaluated at statement compile time, as opposed + to statement construction time. + + Note that this method, when implemented, should always return + the exact same structure, without any conditional logic, as it + may be used in an executemany() call against an arbitrary number + of bound parameter sets. + + See also: + + :ref:`types_sql_value_processing` + + """ + return None + + @util.memoized_property + def _has_bind_expression(self): + """memoized boolean, check if bind_expression is implemented. + + Allows the method to be skipped for the vast majority of expression + types that don't use this feature. + + """ + + return ( + self.__class__.bind_expression.__code__ + is not TypeEngine.bind_expression.__code__ + ) + + @staticmethod + def _to_instance(cls_or_self): + return to_instance(cls_or_self) + + def compare_values(self, x, y): + """Compare two values for equality.""" + + return x == y + + def get_dbapi_type(self, dbapi): + """Return the corresponding type object from the underlying DB-API, if + any. + + This can be useful for calling ``setinputsizes()``, for example. + + """ + return None + + @property + def python_type(self): + """Return the Python type object expected to be returned + by instances of this type, if known. + + Basically, for those types which enforce a return type, + or are known across the board to do such for all common + DBAPIs (like ``int`` for example), will return that type. + + If a return type is not defined, raises + ``NotImplementedError``. + + Note that any type also accommodates NULL in SQL which + means you can also get back ``None`` from any type + in practice. + + """ + raise NotImplementedError() + + def with_variant(self, type_, dialect_name): + r"""Produce a new type object that will utilize the given + type when applied to the dialect of the given name. + + e.g.:: + + from sqlalchemy.types import String + from sqlalchemy.dialects import mysql + + s = String() + + s = s.with_variant(mysql.VARCHAR(collation='foo'), 'mysql') + + The construction of :meth:`.TypeEngine.with_variant` is always + from the "fallback" type to that which is dialect specific. + The returned type is an instance of :class:`.Variant`, which + itself provides a :meth:`.Variant.with_variant` + that can be called repeatedly. + + :param type\_: a :class:`.TypeEngine` that will be selected + as a variant from the originating type, when a dialect + of the given name is in use. + :param dialect_name: base name of the dialect which uses + this type. (i.e. ``'postgresql'``, ``'mysql'``, etc.) + + .. versionadded:: 0.7.2 + + """ + return Variant(self, {dialect_name: to_instance(type_)}) + + @util.memoized_property + def _type_affinity(self): + """Return a rudimental 'affinity' value expressing the general class + of type.""" + + typ = None + for t in self.__class__.__mro__: + if t in (TypeEngine, UserDefinedType): + return typ + elif issubclass(t, (TypeEngine, UserDefinedType)): + typ = t + else: + return self.__class__ + + def dialect_impl(self, dialect): + """Return a dialect-specific implementation for this + :class:`.TypeEngine`. + + """ + try: + return dialect._type_memos[self]["impl"] + except KeyError: + return self._dialect_info(dialect)["impl"] + + def _unwrapped_dialect_impl(self, dialect): + """Return the 'unwrapped' dialect impl for this type. + + For a type that applies wrapping logic (e.g. TypeDecorator), give + us the real, actual dialect-level type that is used. + + This is used for class-based lookups by dialects. + + """ + return self.dialect_impl(dialect) + + def _cached_literal_processor(self, dialect): + """Return a dialect-specific literal processor for this type.""" + try: + return dialect._type_memos[self]["literal"] + except KeyError: + d = self._dialect_info(dialect) + d["literal"] = lp = d["impl"].literal_processor(dialect) + return lp + + def _cached_bind_processor(self, dialect): + """Return a dialect-specific bind processor for this type.""" + + try: + return dialect._type_memos[self]["bind"] + except KeyError: + d = self._dialect_info(dialect) + d["bind"] = bp = d["impl"].bind_processor(dialect) + return bp + + def _cached_result_processor(self, dialect, coltype): + """Return a dialect-specific result processor for this type.""" + + try: + return dialect._type_memos[self][coltype] + except KeyError: + d = self._dialect_info(dialect) + # key assumption: DBAPI type codes are + # constants. Else this dictionary would + # grow unbounded. + d[coltype] = rp = d["impl"].result_processor(dialect, coltype) + return rp + + def _cached_custom_processor(self, dialect, key, fn): + try: + return dialect._type_memos[self][key] + except KeyError: + d = self._dialect_info(dialect) + impl = d["impl"] + d[key] = result = fn(impl) + return result + + def _dialect_info(self, dialect): + """Return a dialect-specific registry which + caches a dialect-specific implementation, bind processing + function, and one or more result processing functions.""" + + if self in dialect._type_memos: + return dialect._type_memos[self] + else: + impl = self._gen_dialect_impl(dialect) + if impl is self: + impl = self.adapt(type(self)) + # this can't be self, else we create a cycle + assert impl is not self + dialect._type_memos[self] = d = {"impl": impl} + return d + + def _gen_dialect_impl(self, dialect): + return dialect.type_descriptor(self) + + def adapt(self, cls, **kw): + """Produce an "adapted" form of this type, given an "impl" class + to work with. + + This method is used internally to associate generic + types with "implementation" types that are specific to a particular + dialect. + """ + return util.constructor_copy(self, cls, **kw) + + def coerce_compared_value(self, op, value): + """Suggest a type for a 'coerced' Python value in an expression. + + Given an operator and value, gives the type a chance + to return a type which the value should be coerced into. + + The default behavior here is conservative; if the right-hand + side is already coerced into a SQL type based on its + Python type, it is usually left alone. + + End-user functionality extension here should generally be via + :class:`.TypeDecorator`, which provides more liberal behavior in that + it defaults to coercing the other side of the expression into this + type, thus applying special Python conversions above and beyond those + needed by the DBAPI to both ides. It also provides the public method + :meth:`.TypeDecorator.coerce_compared_value` which is intended for + end-user customization of this behavior. + + """ + _coerced_type = _resolve_value_to_type(value) + if ( + _coerced_type is NULLTYPE + or _coerced_type._type_affinity is self._type_affinity + ): + return self + else: + return _coerced_type + + def _compare_type_affinity(self, other): + return self._type_affinity is other._type_affinity + + def compile(self, dialect=None): + """Produce a string-compiled form of this :class:`.TypeEngine`. + + When called with no arguments, uses a "default" dialect + to produce a string result. + + :param dialect: a :class:`.Dialect` instance. + + """ + # arg, return value is inconsistent with + # ClauseElement.compile()....this is a mistake. + + if not dialect: + dialect = self._default_dialect() + + return dialect.type_compiler.process(self) + + @util.dependencies("sqlalchemy.engine.default") + def _default_dialect(self, default): + if self.__class__.__module__.startswith("sqlalchemy.dialects"): + tokens = self.__class__.__module__.split(".")[0:3] + mod = ".".join(tokens) + return getattr(__import__(mod).dialects, tokens[-1]).dialect() + else: + return default.DefaultDialect() + + def __str__(self): + if util.py2k: + return unicode(self.compile()).encode( # noqa + "ascii", "backslashreplace" + ) # noqa + else: + return str(self.compile()) + + def __repr__(self): + return util.generic_repr(self) + + +class VisitableCheckKWArg(util.EnsureKWArgType, VisitableType): + pass + + +class UserDefinedType(util.with_metaclass(VisitableCheckKWArg, TypeEngine)): + """Base for user defined types. + + This should be the base of new types. Note that + for most cases, :class:`.TypeDecorator` is probably + more appropriate:: + + import sqlalchemy.types as types + + class MyType(types.UserDefinedType): + def __init__(self, precision = 8): + self.precision = precision + + def get_col_spec(self, **kw): + return "MYTYPE(%s)" % self.precision + + def bind_processor(self, dialect): + def process(value): + return value + return process + + def result_processor(self, dialect, coltype): + def process(value): + return value + return process + + Once the type is made, it's immediately usable:: + + table = Table('foo', meta, + Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True), + Column('data', MyType(16)) + ) + + The ``get_col_spec()`` method will in most cases receive a keyword + argument ``type_expression`` which refers to the owning expression + of the type as being compiled, such as a :class:`.Column` or + :func:`.cast` construct. This keyword is only sent if the method + accepts keyword arguments (e.g. ``**kw``) in its argument signature; + introspection is used to check for this in order to support legacy + forms of this function. + + .. versionadded:: 1.0.0 the owning expression is passed to + the ``get_col_spec()`` method via the keyword argument + ``type_expression``, if it receives ``**kw`` in its signature. + + """ + + __visit_name__ = "user_defined" + + ensure_kwarg = "get_col_spec" + + class Comparator(TypeEngine.Comparator): + __slots__ = () + + def _adapt_expression(self, op, other_comparator): + if hasattr(self.type, "adapt_operator"): + util.warn_deprecated( + "UserDefinedType.adapt_operator is deprecated. Create " + "a UserDefinedType.Comparator subclass instead which " + "generates the desired expression constructs, given a " + "particular operator." + ) + return self.type.adapt_operator(op), self.type + else: + return super( + UserDefinedType.Comparator, self + )._adapt_expression(op, other_comparator) + + comparator_factory = Comparator + + def coerce_compared_value(self, op, value): + """Suggest a type for a 'coerced' Python value in an expression. + + Default behavior for :class:`.UserDefinedType` is the + same as that of :class:`.TypeDecorator`; by default it returns + ``self``, assuming the compared value should be coerced into + the same type as this one. See + :meth:`.TypeDecorator.coerce_compared_value` for more detail. + + .. versionchanged:: 0.8 :meth:`.UserDefinedType.coerce_compared_value` + now returns ``self`` by default, rather than falling onto the + more fundamental behavior of + :meth:`.TypeEngine.coerce_compared_value`. + + """ + + return self + + +class Emulated(object): + """Mixin for base types that emulate the behavior of a DB-native type. + + An :class:`.Emulated` type will use an available database type + in conjunction with Python-side routines and/or database constraints + in order to approximate the behavior of a database type that is provided + natively by some backends. When a native-providing backend is in + use, the native version of the type is used. This native version + should include the :class:`.NativeForEmulated` mixin to allow it to be + distinguished from :class:`.Emulated`. + + Current examples of :class:`.Emulated` are: :class:`.Interval`, + :class:`.Enum`, :class:`.Boolean`. + + .. versionadded:: 1.2.0b3 + + """ + + def adapt_to_emulated(self, impltype, **kw): + """Given an impl class, adapt this type to the impl assuming "emulated". + + The impl should also be an "emulated" version of this type, + most likely the same class as this type itself. + + e.g.: sqltypes.Enum adapts to the Enum class. + + """ + return super(Emulated, self).adapt(impltype, **kw) + + def adapt(self, impltype, **kw): + if hasattr(impltype, "adapt_emulated_to_native"): + + if self.native: + # native support requested, dialect gave us a native + # implementor, pass control over to it + return impltype.adapt_emulated_to_native(self, **kw) + else: + # impltype adapts to native, and we are not native, + # so reject the impltype in favor of "us" + impltype = self.__class__ + + if issubclass(impltype, self.__class__): + return self.adapt_to_emulated(impltype, **kw) + else: + return super(Emulated, self).adapt(impltype, **kw) + + +class NativeForEmulated(object): + """Indicates DB-native types supported by an :class:`.Emulated` type. + + .. versionadded:: 1.2.0b3 + + """ + + @classmethod + def adapt_emulated_to_native(cls, impl, **kw): + """Given an impl, adapt this type's class to the impl assuming "native". + + The impl will be an :class:`.Emulated` class but not a + :class:`.NativeForEmulated`. + + e.g.: postgresql.ENUM produces a type given an Enum instance. + + """ + return cls(**kw) + + +class TypeDecorator(SchemaEventTarget, TypeEngine): + """Allows the creation of types which add additional functionality + to an existing type. + + This method is preferred to direct subclassing of SQLAlchemy's + built-in types as it ensures that all required functionality of + the underlying type is kept in place. + + Typical usage:: + + import sqlalchemy.types as types + + class MyType(types.TypeDecorator): + '''Prefixes Unicode values with "PREFIX:" on the way in and + strips it off on the way out. + ''' + + impl = types.Unicode + + def process_bind_param(self, value, dialect): + return "PREFIX:" + value + + def process_result_value(self, value, dialect): + return value[7:] + + def copy(self, **kw): + return MyType(self.impl.length) + + The class-level "impl" attribute is required, and can reference any + TypeEngine class. Alternatively, the load_dialect_impl() method + can be used to provide different type classes based on the dialect + given; in this case, the "impl" variable can reference + ``TypeEngine`` as a placeholder. + + Types that receive a Python type that isn't similar to the ultimate type + used may want to define the :meth:`TypeDecorator.coerce_compared_value` + method. This is used to give the expression system a hint when coercing + Python objects into bind parameters within expressions. Consider this + expression:: + + mytable.c.somecol + datetime.date(2009, 5, 15) + + Above, if "somecol" is an ``Integer`` variant, it makes sense that + we're doing date arithmetic, where above is usually interpreted + by databases as adding a number of days to the given date. + The expression system does the right thing by not attempting to + coerce the "date()" value into an integer-oriented bind parameter. + + However, in the case of ``TypeDecorator``, we are usually changing an + incoming Python type to something new - ``TypeDecorator`` by default will + "coerce" the non-typed side to be the same type as itself. Such as below, + we define an "epoch" type that stores a date value as an integer:: + + class MyEpochType(types.TypeDecorator): + impl = types.Integer + + epoch = datetime.date(1970, 1, 1) + + def process_bind_param(self, value, dialect): + return (value - self.epoch).days + + def process_result_value(self, value, dialect): + return self.epoch + timedelta(days=value) + + Our expression of ``somecol + date`` with the above type will coerce the + "date" on the right side to also be treated as ``MyEpochType``. + + This behavior can be overridden via the + :meth:`~TypeDecorator.coerce_compared_value` method, which returns a type + that should be used for the value of the expression. Below we set it such + that an integer value will be treated as an ``Integer``, and any other + value is assumed to be a date and will be treated as a ``MyEpochType``:: + + def coerce_compared_value(self, op, value): + if isinstance(value, int): + return Integer() + else: + return self + + .. warning:: + + Note that the **behavior of coerce_compared_value is not inherited + by default from that of the base type**. + If the :class:`.TypeDecorator` is augmenting a + type that requires special logic for certain types of operators, + this method **must** be overridden. A key example is when decorating + the :class:`.postgresql.JSON` and :class:`.postgresql.JSONB` types; + the default rules of :meth:`.TypeEngine.coerce_compared_value` should + be used in order to deal with operators like index operations:: + + class MyJsonType(TypeDecorator): + impl = postgresql.JSON + + def coerce_compared_value(self, op, value): + return self.impl.coerce_compared_value(op, value) + + Without the above step, index operations such as ``mycol['foo']`` + will cause the index value ``'foo'`` to be JSON encoded. + + """ + + __visit_name__ = "type_decorator" + + def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): + """Construct a :class:`.TypeDecorator`. + + Arguments sent here are passed to the constructor + of the class assigned to the ``impl`` class level attribute, + assuming the ``impl`` is a callable, and the resulting + object is assigned to the ``self.impl`` instance attribute + (thus overriding the class attribute of the same name). + + If the class level ``impl`` is not a callable (the unusual case), + it will be assigned to the same instance attribute 'as-is', + ignoring those arguments passed to the constructor. + + Subclasses can override this to customize the generation + of ``self.impl`` entirely. + + """ + + if not hasattr(self.__class__, "impl"): + raise AssertionError( + "TypeDecorator implementations " + "require a class-level variable " + "'impl' which refers to the class of " + "type being decorated" + ) + self.impl = to_instance(self.__class__.impl, *args, **kwargs) + + coerce_to_is_types = (util.NoneType,) + """Specify those Python types which should be coerced at the expression + level to "IS " when compared using ``==`` (and same for + ``IS NOT`` in conjunction with ``!=``. + + For most SQLAlchemy types, this includes ``NoneType``, as well as + ``bool``. + + :class:`.TypeDecorator` modifies this list to only include ``NoneType``, + as typedecorator implementations that deal with boolean types are common. + + Custom :class:`.TypeDecorator` classes can override this attribute to + return an empty tuple, in which case no values will be coerced to + constants. + + .. versionadded:: 0.8.2 + Added :attr:`.TypeDecorator.coerce_to_is_types` to allow for easier + control of ``__eq__()`` ``__ne__()`` operations. + + """ + + class Comparator(TypeEngine.Comparator): + __slots__ = () + + def operate(self, op, *other, **kwargs): + kwargs["_python_is_types"] = self.expr.type.coerce_to_is_types + return super(TypeDecorator.Comparator, self).operate( + op, *other, **kwargs + ) + + def reverse_operate(self, op, other, **kwargs): + kwargs["_python_is_types"] = self.expr.type.coerce_to_is_types + return super(TypeDecorator.Comparator, self).reverse_operate( + op, other, **kwargs + ) + + @property + def comparator_factory(self): + if TypeDecorator.Comparator in self.impl.comparator_factory.__mro__: + return self.impl.comparator_factory + else: + return type( + "TDComparator", + (TypeDecorator.Comparator, self.impl.comparator_factory), + {}, + ) + + def _gen_dialect_impl(self, dialect): + """ + #todo + """ + adapted = dialect.type_descriptor(self) + if adapted is not self: + return adapted + + # otherwise adapt the impl type, link + # to a copy of this TypeDecorator and return + # that. + typedesc = self._unwrapped_dialect_impl(dialect) + tt = self.copy() + if not isinstance(tt, self.__class__): + raise AssertionError( + "Type object %s does not properly " + "implement the copy() method, it must " + "return an object of type %s" % (self, self.__class__) + ) + tt.impl = typedesc + return tt + + @property + def _type_affinity(self): + """ + #todo + """ + return self.impl._type_affinity + + def _set_parent(self, column): + """Support SchemaEventTarget""" + + super(TypeDecorator, self)._set_parent(column) + + if isinstance(self.impl, SchemaEventTarget): + self.impl._set_parent(column) + + def _set_parent_with_dispatch(self, parent): + """Support SchemaEventTarget""" + + super(TypeDecorator, self)._set_parent_with_dispatch(parent) + + if isinstance(self.impl, SchemaEventTarget): + self.impl._set_parent_with_dispatch(parent) + + def type_engine(self, dialect): + """Return a dialect-specific :class:`.TypeEngine` instance + for this :class:`.TypeDecorator`. + + In most cases this returns a dialect-adapted form of + the :class:`.TypeEngine` type represented by ``self.impl``. + Makes usage of :meth:`dialect_impl` but also traverses + into wrapped :class:`.TypeDecorator` instances. + Behavior can be customized here by overriding + :meth:`load_dialect_impl`. + + """ + adapted = dialect.type_descriptor(self) + if not isinstance(adapted, type(self)): + return adapted + elif isinstance(self.impl, TypeDecorator): + return self.impl.type_engine(dialect) + else: + return self.load_dialect_impl(dialect) + + def load_dialect_impl(self, dialect): + """Return a :class:`.TypeEngine` object corresponding to a dialect. + + This is an end-user override hook that can be used to provide + differing types depending on the given dialect. It is used + by the :class:`.TypeDecorator` implementation of :meth:`type_engine` + to help determine what type should ultimately be returned + for a given :class:`.TypeDecorator`. + + By default returns ``self.impl``. + + """ + return self.impl + + def _unwrapped_dialect_impl(self, dialect): + """Return the 'unwrapped' dialect impl for this type. + + For a type that applies wrapping logic (e.g. TypeDecorator), give + us the real, actual dialect-level type that is used. + + This is used for class-based lookups by dialects. + + """ + return self.load_dialect_impl(dialect).dialect_impl(dialect) + + def __getattr__(self, key): + """Proxy all other undefined accessors to the underlying + implementation.""" + return getattr(self.impl, key) + + def process_literal_param(self, value, dialect): + """Receive a literal parameter value to be rendered inline within + a statement. + + This method is used when the compiler renders a + literal value without using binds, typically within DDL + such as in the "server default" of a column or an expression + within a CHECK constraint. + + The returned string will be rendered into the output string. + + .. versionadded:: 0.9.0 + + """ + raise NotImplementedError() + + def process_bind_param(self, value, dialect): + """Receive a bound parameter value to be converted. + + Subclasses override this method to return the + value that should be passed along to the underlying + :class:`.TypeEngine` object, and from there to the + DBAPI ``execute()`` method. + + The operation could be anything desired to perform custom + behavior, such as transforming or serializing data. + This could also be used as a hook for validating logic. + + This operation should be designed with the reverse operation + in mind, which would be the process_result_value method of + this class. + + :param value: Data to operate upon, of any type expected by + this method in the subclass. Can be ``None``. + :param dialect: the :class:`.Dialect` in use. + + """ + + raise NotImplementedError() + + def process_result_value(self, value, dialect): + """Receive a result-row column value to be converted. + + Subclasses should implement this method to operate on data + fetched from the database. + + Subclasses override this method to return the + value that should be passed back to the application, + given a value that is already processed by + the underlying :class:`.TypeEngine` object, originally + from the DBAPI cursor method ``fetchone()`` or similar. + + The operation could be anything desired to perform custom + behavior, such as transforming or serializing data. + This could also be used as a hook for validating logic. + + :param value: Data to operate upon, of any type expected by + this method in the subclass. Can be ``None``. + :param dialect: the :class:`.Dialect` in use. + + This operation should be designed to be reversible by + the "process_bind_param" method of this class. + + """ + + raise NotImplementedError() + + @util.memoized_property + def _has_bind_processor(self): + """memoized boolean, check if process_bind_param is implemented. + + Allows the base process_bind_param to raise + NotImplementedError without needing to test an expensive + exception throw. + + """ + + return ( + self.__class__.process_bind_param.__code__ + is not TypeDecorator.process_bind_param.__code__ + ) + + @util.memoized_property + def _has_literal_processor(self): + """memoized boolean, check if process_literal_param is implemented. + + + """ + + return ( + self.__class__.process_literal_param.__code__ + is not TypeDecorator.process_literal_param.__code__ + ) + + def literal_processor(self, dialect): + """Provide a literal processing function for the given + :class:`.Dialect`. + + Subclasses here will typically override + :meth:`.TypeDecorator.process_literal_param` instead of this method + directly. + + By default, this method makes use of + :meth:`.TypeDecorator.process_bind_param` if that method is + implemented, where :meth:`.TypeDecorator.process_literal_param` is + not. The rationale here is that :class:`.TypeDecorator` typically + deals with Python conversions of data that are above the layer of + database presentation. With the value converted by + :meth:`.TypeDecorator.process_bind_param`, the underlying type will + then handle whether it needs to be presented to the DBAPI as a bound + parameter or to the database as an inline SQL value. + + .. versionadded:: 0.9.0 + + """ + if self._has_literal_processor: + process_param = self.process_literal_param + elif self._has_bind_processor: + # the bind processor should normally be OK + # for TypeDecorator since it isn't doing DB-level + # handling, the handling here won't be different for bound vs. + # literals. + process_param = self.process_bind_param + else: + process_param = None + + if process_param: + impl_processor = self.impl.literal_processor(dialect) + if impl_processor: + + def process(value): + return impl_processor(process_param(value, dialect)) + + else: + + def process(value): + return process_param(value, dialect) + + return process + else: + return self.impl.literal_processor(dialect) + + def bind_processor(self, dialect): + """Provide a bound value processing function for the + given :class:`.Dialect`. + + This is the method that fulfills the :class:`.TypeEngine` + contract for bound value conversion. :class:`.TypeDecorator` + will wrap a user-defined implementation of + :meth:`process_bind_param` here. + + User-defined code can override this method directly, + though its likely best to use :meth:`process_bind_param` so that + the processing provided by ``self.impl`` is maintained. + + :param dialect: Dialect instance in use. + + This method is the reverse counterpart to the + :meth:`result_processor` method of this class. + + """ + if self._has_bind_processor: + process_param = self.process_bind_param + impl_processor = self.impl.bind_processor(dialect) + if impl_processor: + + def process(value): + return impl_processor(process_param(value, dialect)) + + else: + + def process(value): + return process_param(value, dialect) + + return process + else: + return self.impl.bind_processor(dialect) + + @util.memoized_property + def _has_result_processor(self): + """memoized boolean, check if process_result_value is implemented. + + Allows the base process_result_value to raise + NotImplementedError without needing to test an expensive + exception throw. + + """ + return ( + self.__class__.process_result_value.__code__ + is not TypeDecorator.process_result_value.__code__ + ) + + def result_processor(self, dialect, coltype): + """Provide a result value processing function for the given + :class:`.Dialect`. + + This is the method that fulfills the :class:`.TypeEngine` + contract for result value conversion. :class:`.TypeDecorator` + will wrap a user-defined implementation of + :meth:`process_result_value` here. + + User-defined code can override this method directly, + though its likely best to use :meth:`process_result_value` so that + the processing provided by ``self.impl`` is maintained. + + :param dialect: Dialect instance in use. + :param coltype: A SQLAlchemy data type + + This method is the reverse counterpart to the + :meth:`bind_processor` method of this class. + + """ + if self._has_result_processor: + process_value = self.process_result_value + impl_processor = self.impl.result_processor(dialect, coltype) + if impl_processor: + + def process(value): + return process_value(impl_processor(value), dialect) + + else: + + def process(value): + return process_value(value, dialect) + + return process + else: + return self.impl.result_processor(dialect, coltype) + + def coerce_compared_value(self, op, value): + """Suggest a type for a 'coerced' Python value in an expression. + + By default, returns self. This method is called by + the expression system when an object using this type is + on the left or right side of an expression against a plain Python + object which does not yet have a SQLAlchemy type assigned:: + + expr = table.c.somecolumn + 35 + + Where above, if ``somecolumn`` uses this type, this method will + be called with the value ``operator.add`` + and ``35``. The return value is whatever SQLAlchemy type should + be used for ``35`` for this particular operation. + + """ + return self + + def copy(self, **kw): + """Produce a copy of this :class:`.TypeDecorator` instance. + + This is a shallow copy and is provided to fulfill part of + the :class:`.TypeEngine` contract. It usually does not + need to be overridden unless the user-defined :class:`.TypeDecorator` + has local state that should be deep-copied. + + """ + + instance = self.__class__.__new__(self.__class__) + instance.__dict__.update(self.__dict__) + return instance + + def get_dbapi_type(self, dbapi): + """Return the DBAPI type object represented by this + :class:`.TypeDecorator`. + + By default this calls upon :meth:`.TypeEngine.get_dbapi_type` of the + underlying "impl". + """ + return self.impl.get_dbapi_type(dbapi) + + def compare_values(self, x, y): + """Given two values, compare them for equality. + + By default this calls upon :meth:`.TypeEngine.compare_values` + of the underlying "impl", which in turn usually + uses the Python equals operator ``==``. + + This function is used by the ORM to compare + an original-loaded value with an intercepted + "changed" value, to determine if a net change + has occurred. + + """ + return self.impl.compare_values(x, y) + + def __repr__(self): + return util.generic_repr(self, to_inspect=self.impl) + + +class Variant(TypeDecorator): + """A wrapping type that selects among a variety of + implementations based on dialect in use. + + The :class:`.Variant` type is typically constructed + using the :meth:`.TypeEngine.with_variant` method. + + .. versionadded:: 0.7.2 + + .. seealso:: :meth:`.TypeEngine.with_variant` for an example of use. + + """ + + def __init__(self, base, mapping): + """Construct a new :class:`.Variant`. + + :param base: the base 'fallback' type + :param mapping: dictionary of string dialect names to + :class:`.TypeEngine` instances. + + """ + self.impl = base + self.mapping = mapping + + def coerce_compared_value(self, operator, value): + result = self.impl.coerce_compared_value(operator, value) + if result is self.impl: + return self + else: + return result + + def load_dialect_impl(self, dialect): + if dialect.name in self.mapping: + return self.mapping[dialect.name] + else: + return self.impl + + def _set_parent(self, column): + """Support SchemaEventTarget""" + + if isinstance(self.impl, SchemaEventTarget): + self.impl._set_parent(column) + for impl in self.mapping.values(): + if isinstance(impl, SchemaEventTarget): + impl._set_parent(column) + + def _set_parent_with_dispatch(self, parent): + """Support SchemaEventTarget""" + + if isinstance(self.impl, SchemaEventTarget): + self.impl._set_parent_with_dispatch(parent) + for impl in self.mapping.values(): + if isinstance(impl, SchemaEventTarget): + impl._set_parent_with_dispatch(parent) + + def with_variant(self, type_, dialect_name): + r"""Return a new :class:`.Variant` which adds the given + type + dialect name to the mapping, in addition to the + mapping present in this :class:`.Variant`. + + :param type\_: a :class:`.TypeEngine` that will be selected + as a variant from the originating type, when a dialect + of the given name is in use. + :param dialect_name: base name of the dialect which uses + this type. (i.e. ``'postgresql'``, ``'mysql'``, etc.) + + """ + + if dialect_name in self.mapping: + raise exc.ArgumentError( + "Dialect '%s' is already present in " + "the mapping for this Variant" % dialect_name + ) + mapping = self.mapping.copy() + mapping[dialect_name] = type_ + return Variant(self.impl, mapping) + + @property + def comparator_factory(self): + """express comparison behavior in terms of the base type""" + return self.impl.comparator_factory + + +def _reconstitute_comparator(expression): + return expression.comparator + + +def to_instance(typeobj, *arg, **kw): + if typeobj is None: + return NULLTYPE + + if util.callable(typeobj): + return typeobj(*arg, **kw) + else: + return typeobj + + +def adapt_type(typeobj, colspecs): + if isinstance(typeobj, type): + typeobj = typeobj() + for t in typeobj.__class__.__mro__[0:-1]: + try: + impltype = colspecs[t] + break + except KeyError: + pass + else: + # couldn't adapt - so just return the type itself + # (it may be a user-defined type) + return typeobj + # if we adapted the given generic type to a database-specific type, + # but it turns out the originally given "generic" type + # is actually a subclass of our resulting type, then we were already + # given a more specific type than that required; so use that. + if issubclass(typeobj.__class__, impltype): + return typeobj + return typeobj.adapt(impltype) diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/util.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/util.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..37250fa --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/util.py @@ -0,0 +1,828 @@ +# sql/util.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +"""High level utilities which build upon other modules here. + +""" + +from collections import deque +from itertools import chain + +from . import operators +from . import visitors +from .annotation import _deep_annotate # noqa +from .annotation import _deep_deannotate # noqa +from .annotation import _shallow_annotate # noqa +from .base import _from_objects +from .base import ColumnSet +from .ddl import sort_tables # noqa +from .elements import _find_columns # noqa +from .elements import _label_reference +from .elements import _textual_label_reference +from .elements import BindParameter +from .elements import ColumnClause +from .elements import ColumnElement +from .elements import Null +from .elements import UnaryExpression +from .schema import Column +from .selectable import FromClause +from .selectable import FromGrouping +from .selectable import Join +from .selectable import ScalarSelect +from .selectable import SelectBase +from .. import exc +from .. import util + + +join_condition = util.langhelpers.public_factory( + Join._join_condition, ".sql.util.join_condition" +) + + +def find_join_source(clauses, join_to): + """Given a list of FROM clauses and a selectable, + return the first index and element from the list of + clauses which can be joined against the selectable. returns + None, None if no match is found. + + e.g.:: + + clause1 = table1.join(table2) + clause2 = table4.join(table5) + + join_to = table2.join(table3) + + find_join_source([clause1, clause2], join_to) == clause1 + + """ + + selectables = list(_from_objects(join_to)) + for i, f in enumerate(clauses): + for s in selectables: + if f.is_derived_from(s): + return i, f + else: + return None, None + + +def visit_binary_product(fn, expr): + """Produce a traversal of the given expression, delivering + column comparisons to the given function. + + The function is of the form:: + + def my_fn(binary, left, right) + + For each binary expression located which has a + comparison operator, the product of "left" and + "right" will be delivered to that function, + in terms of that binary. + + Hence an expression like:: + + and_( + (a + b) == q + func.sum(e + f), + j == r + ) + + would have the traversal:: + + a q + a e + a f + b q + b e + b f + j r + + That is, every combination of "left" and + "right" that doesn't further contain + a binary comparison is passed as pairs. + + """ + stack = [] + + def visit(element): + if isinstance(element, ScalarSelect): + # we don't want to dig into correlated subqueries, + # those are just column elements by themselves + yield element + elif element.__visit_name__ == "binary" and operators.is_comparison( + element.operator + ): + stack.insert(0, element) + for l in visit(element.left): + for r in visit(element.right): + fn(stack[0], l, r) + stack.pop(0) + for elem in element.get_children(): + visit(elem) + else: + if isinstance(element, ColumnClause): + yield element + for elem in element.get_children(): + for e in visit(elem): + yield e + + list(visit(expr)) + + +def find_tables( + clause, + check_columns=False, + include_aliases=False, + include_joins=False, + include_selects=False, + include_crud=False, +): + """locate Table objects within the given expression.""" + + tables = [] + _visitors = {} + + if include_selects: + _visitors["select"] = _visitors["compound_select"] = tables.append + + if include_joins: + _visitors["join"] = tables.append + + if include_aliases: + _visitors["alias"] = tables.append + + if include_crud: + _visitors["insert"] = _visitors["update"] = _visitors[ + "delete" + ] = lambda ent: tables.append(ent.table) + + if check_columns: + + def visit_column(column): + tables.append(column.table) + + _visitors["column"] = visit_column + + _visitors["table"] = tables.append + + visitors.traverse(clause, {"column_collections": False}, _visitors) + return tables + + +def unwrap_order_by(clause): + """Break up an 'order by' expression into individual column-expressions, + without DESC/ASC/NULLS FIRST/NULLS LAST""" + + cols = util.column_set() + result = [] + stack = deque([clause]) + while stack: + t = stack.popleft() + if isinstance(t, ColumnElement) and ( + not isinstance(t, UnaryExpression) + or not operators.is_ordering_modifier(t.modifier) + ): + if isinstance(t, _label_reference): + t = t.element + if isinstance(t, (_textual_label_reference)): + continue + if t not in cols: + cols.add(t) + result.append(t) + else: + for c in t.get_children(): + stack.append(c) + return result + + +def unwrap_label_reference(element): + def replace(elem): + if isinstance(elem, (_label_reference, _textual_label_reference)): + return elem.element + + return visitors.replacement_traverse(element, {}, replace) + + +def expand_column_list_from_order_by(collist, order_by): + """Given the columns clause and ORDER BY of a selectable, + return a list of column expressions that can be added to the collist + corresponding to the ORDER BY, without repeating those already + in the collist. + + """ + cols_already_present = set( + [ + col.element if col._order_by_label_element is not None else col + for col in collist + ] + ) + + return [ + col + for col in chain(*[unwrap_order_by(o) for o in order_by]) + if col not in cols_already_present + ] + + +def clause_is_present(clause, search): + """Given a target clause and a second to search within, return True + if the target is plainly present in the search without any + subqueries or aliases involved. + + Basically descends through Joins. + + """ + + for elem in surface_selectables(search): + if clause == elem: # use == here so that Annotated's compare + return True + else: + return False + + +def surface_selectables(clause): + stack = [clause] + while stack: + elem = stack.pop() + yield elem + if isinstance(elem, Join): + stack.extend((elem.left, elem.right)) + elif isinstance(elem, FromGrouping): + stack.append(elem.element) + + +def surface_column_elements(clause, include_scalar_selects=True): + """traverse and yield only outer-exposed column elements, such as would + be addressable in the WHERE clause of a SELECT if this element were + in the columns clause.""" + + filter_ = (FromGrouping,) + if not include_scalar_selects: + filter_ += (SelectBase,) + + stack = deque([clause]) + while stack: + elem = stack.popleft() + yield elem + for sub in elem.get_children(): + if isinstance(sub, filter_): + continue + stack.append(sub) + + +def selectables_overlap(left, right): + """Return True if left/right have some overlapping selectable""" + + return bool( + set(surface_selectables(left)).intersection(surface_selectables(right)) + ) + + +def bind_values(clause): + """Return an ordered list of "bound" values in the given clause. + + E.g.:: + + >>> expr = and_( + ... table.c.foo==5, table.c.foo==7 + ... ) + >>> bind_values(expr) + [5, 7] + """ + + v = [] + + def visit_bindparam(bind): + v.append(bind.effective_value) + + visitors.traverse(clause, {}, {"bindparam": visit_bindparam}) + return v + + +def _quote_ddl_expr(element): + if isinstance(element, util.string_types): + element = element.replace("'", "''") + return "'%s'" % element + else: + return repr(element) + + +class _repr_base(object): + _LIST = 0 + _TUPLE = 1 + _DICT = 2 + + __slots__ = ("max_chars",) + + def trunc(self, value): + rep = repr(value) + lenrep = len(rep) + if lenrep > self.max_chars: + segment_length = self.max_chars // 2 + rep = ( + rep[0:segment_length] + + ( + " ... (%d characters truncated) ... " + % (lenrep - self.max_chars) + ) + + rep[-segment_length:] + ) + return rep + + +class _repr_row(_repr_base): + """Provide a string view of a row.""" + + __slots__ = ("row",) + + def __init__(self, row, max_chars=300): + self.row = row + self.max_chars = max_chars + + def __repr__(self): + trunc = self.trunc + return "(%s%s)" % ( + ", ".join(trunc(value) for value in self.row), + "," if len(self.row) == 1 else "", + ) + + +class _repr_params(_repr_base): + """Provide a string view of bound parameters. + + Truncates display to a given numnber of 'multi' parameter sets, + as well as long values to a given number of characters. + + """ + + __slots__ = "params", "batches" + + def __init__(self, params, batches, max_chars=300): + self.params = params + self.batches = batches + self.max_chars = max_chars + + def __repr__(self): + if isinstance(self.params, list): + typ = self._LIST + ismulti = self.params and isinstance( + self.params[0], (list, dict, tuple) + ) + elif isinstance(self.params, tuple): + typ = self._TUPLE + ismulti = self.params and isinstance( + self.params[0], (list, dict, tuple) + ) + elif isinstance(self.params, dict): + typ = self._DICT + ismulti = False + else: + return self.trunc(self.params) + + if ismulti and len(self.params) > self.batches: + msg = " ... displaying %i of %i total bound parameter sets ... " + return " ".join( + ( + self._repr_multi(self.params[: self.batches - 2], typ)[ + 0:-1 + ], + msg % (self.batches, len(self.params)), + self._repr_multi(self.params[-2:], typ)[1:], + ) + ) + elif ismulti: + return self._repr_multi(self.params, typ) + else: + return self._repr_params(self.params, typ) + + def _repr_multi(self, multi_params, typ): + if multi_params: + if isinstance(multi_params[0], list): + elem_type = self._LIST + elif isinstance(multi_params[0], tuple): + elem_type = self._TUPLE + elif isinstance(multi_params[0], dict): + elem_type = self._DICT + else: + assert False, "Unknown parameter type %s" % ( + type(multi_params[0]) + ) + + elements = ", ".join( + self._repr_params(params, elem_type) for params in multi_params + ) + else: + elements = "" + + if typ == self._LIST: + return "[%s]" % elements + else: + return "(%s)" % elements + + def _repr_params(self, params, typ): + trunc = self.trunc + if typ is self._DICT: + return "{%s}" % ( + ", ".join( + "%r: %s" % (key, trunc(value)) + for key, value in params.items() + ) + ) + elif typ is self._TUPLE: + return "(%s%s)" % ( + ", ".join(trunc(value) for value in params), + "," if len(params) == 1 else "", + ) + else: + return "[%s]" % (", ".join(trunc(value) for value in params)) + + +def adapt_criterion_to_null(crit, nulls): + """given criterion containing bind params, convert selected elements + to IS NULL. + + """ + + def visit_binary(binary): + if ( + isinstance(binary.left, BindParameter) + and binary.left._identifying_key in nulls + ): + # reverse order if the NULL is on the left side + binary.left = binary.right + binary.right = Null() + binary.operator = operators.is_ + binary.negate = operators.isnot + elif ( + isinstance(binary.right, BindParameter) + and binary.right._identifying_key in nulls + ): + binary.right = Null() + binary.operator = operators.is_ + binary.negate = operators.isnot + + return visitors.cloned_traverse(crit, {}, {"binary": visit_binary}) + + +def splice_joins(left, right, stop_on=None): + if left is None: + return right + + stack = [(right, None)] + + adapter = ClauseAdapter(left) + ret = None + while stack: + (right, prevright) = stack.pop() + if isinstance(right, Join) and right is not stop_on: + right = right._clone() + right._reset_exported() + right.onclause = adapter.traverse(right.onclause) + stack.append((right.left, right)) + else: + right = adapter.traverse(right) + if prevright is not None: + prevright.left = right + if ret is None: + ret = right + + return ret + + +def reduce_columns(columns, *clauses, **kw): + r"""given a list of columns, return a 'reduced' set based on natural + equivalents. + + the set is reduced to the smallest list of columns which have no natural + equivalent present in the list. A "natural equivalent" means that two + columns will ultimately represent the same value because they are related + by a foreign key. + + \*clauses is an optional list of join clauses which will be traversed + to further identify columns that are "equivalent". + + \**kw may specify 'ignore_nonexistent_tables' to ignore foreign keys + whose tables are not yet configured, or columns that aren't yet present. + + This function is primarily used to determine the most minimal "primary + key" from a selectable, by reducing the set of primary key columns present + in the selectable to just those that are not repeated. + + """ + ignore_nonexistent_tables = kw.pop("ignore_nonexistent_tables", False) + only_synonyms = kw.pop("only_synonyms", False) + + columns = util.ordered_column_set(columns) + + omit = util.column_set() + for col in columns: + for fk in chain(*[c.foreign_keys for c in col.proxy_set]): + for c in columns: + if c is col: + continue + try: + fk_col = fk.column + except exc.NoReferencedColumnError: + # TODO: add specific coverage here + # to test/sql/test_selectable ReduceTest + if ignore_nonexistent_tables: + continue + else: + raise + except exc.NoReferencedTableError: + # TODO: add specific coverage here + # to test/sql/test_selectable ReduceTest + if ignore_nonexistent_tables: + continue + else: + raise + if fk_col.shares_lineage(c) and ( + not only_synonyms or c.name == col.name + ): + omit.add(col) + break + + if clauses: + + def visit_binary(binary): + if binary.operator == operators.eq: + cols = util.column_set( + chain(*[c.proxy_set for c in columns.difference(omit)]) + ) + if binary.left in cols and binary.right in cols: + for c in reversed(columns): + if c.shares_lineage(binary.right) and ( + not only_synonyms or c.name == binary.left.name + ): + omit.add(c) + break + + for clause in clauses: + if clause is not None: + visitors.traverse(clause, {}, {"binary": visit_binary}) + + return ColumnSet(columns.difference(omit)) + + +def criterion_as_pairs( + expression, + consider_as_foreign_keys=None, + consider_as_referenced_keys=None, + any_operator=False, +): + """traverse an expression and locate binary criterion pairs.""" + + if consider_as_foreign_keys and consider_as_referenced_keys: + raise exc.ArgumentError( + "Can only specify one of " + "'consider_as_foreign_keys' or " + "'consider_as_referenced_keys'" + ) + + def col_is(a, b): + # return a is b + return a.compare(b) + + def visit_binary(binary): + if not any_operator and binary.operator is not operators.eq: + return + if not isinstance(binary.left, ColumnElement) or not isinstance( + binary.right, ColumnElement + ): + return + + if consider_as_foreign_keys: + if binary.left in consider_as_foreign_keys and ( + col_is(binary.right, binary.left) + or binary.right not in consider_as_foreign_keys + ): + pairs.append((binary.right, binary.left)) + elif binary.right in consider_as_foreign_keys and ( + col_is(binary.left, binary.right) + or binary.left not in consider_as_foreign_keys + ): + pairs.append((binary.left, binary.right)) + elif consider_as_referenced_keys: + if binary.left in consider_as_referenced_keys and ( + col_is(binary.right, binary.left) + or binary.right not in consider_as_referenced_keys + ): + pairs.append((binary.left, binary.right)) + elif binary.right in consider_as_referenced_keys and ( + col_is(binary.left, binary.right) + or binary.left not in consider_as_referenced_keys + ): + pairs.append((binary.right, binary.left)) + else: + if isinstance(binary.left, Column) and isinstance( + binary.right, Column + ): + if binary.left.references(binary.right): + pairs.append((binary.right, binary.left)) + elif binary.right.references(binary.left): + pairs.append((binary.left, binary.right)) + + pairs = [] + visitors.traverse(expression, {}, {"binary": visit_binary}) + return pairs + + +class ClauseAdapter(visitors.ReplacingCloningVisitor): + """Clones and modifies clauses based on column correspondence. + + E.g.:: + + table1 = Table('sometable', metadata, + Column('col1', Integer), + Column('col2', Integer) + ) + table2 = Table('someothertable', metadata, + Column('col1', Integer), + Column('col2', Integer) + ) + + condition = table1.c.col1 == table2.c.col1 + + make an alias of table1:: + + s = table1.alias('foo') + + calling ``ClauseAdapter(s).traverse(condition)`` converts + condition to read:: + + s.c.col1 == table2.c.col1 + + """ + + def __init__( + self, + selectable, + equivalents=None, + include_fn=None, + exclude_fn=None, + adapt_on_names=False, + anonymize_labels=False, + ): + self.__traverse_options__ = { + "stop_on": [selectable], + "anonymize_labels": anonymize_labels, + } + self.selectable = selectable + self.include_fn = include_fn + self.exclude_fn = exclude_fn + self.equivalents = util.column_dict(equivalents or {}) + self.adapt_on_names = adapt_on_names + + def _corresponding_column( + self, col, require_embedded, _seen=util.EMPTY_SET + ): + newcol = self.selectable.corresponding_column( + col, require_embedded=require_embedded + ) + if newcol is None and col in self.equivalents and col not in _seen: + for equiv in self.equivalents[col]: + newcol = self._corresponding_column( + equiv, + require_embedded=require_embedded, + _seen=_seen.union([col]), + ) + if newcol is not None: + return newcol + if self.adapt_on_names and newcol is None: + newcol = self.selectable.c.get(col.name) + return newcol + + def replace(self, col): + if isinstance(col, FromClause) and self.selectable.is_derived_from( + col + ): + return self.selectable + elif not isinstance(col, ColumnElement): + return None + elif self.include_fn and not self.include_fn(col): + return None + elif self.exclude_fn and self.exclude_fn(col): + return None + else: + return self._corresponding_column(col, True) + + +class ColumnAdapter(ClauseAdapter): + """Extends ClauseAdapter with extra utility functions. + + Key aspects of ColumnAdapter include: + + * Expressions that are adapted are stored in a persistent + .columns collection; so that an expression E adapted into + an expression E1, will return the same object E1 when adapted + a second time. This is important in particular for things like + Label objects that are anonymized, so that the ColumnAdapter can + be used to present a consistent "adapted" view of things. + + * Exclusion of items from the persistent collection based on + include/exclude rules, but also independent of hash identity. + This because "annotated" items all have the same hash identity as their + parent. + + * "wrapping" capability is added, so that the replacement of an expression + E can proceed through a series of adapters. This differs from the + visitor's "chaining" feature in that the resulting object is passed + through all replacing functions unconditionally, rather than stopping + at the first one that returns non-None. + + * An adapt_required option, used by eager loading to indicate that + We don't trust a result row column that is not translated. + This is to prevent a column from being interpreted as that + of the child row in a self-referential scenario, see + inheritance/test_basic.py->EagerTargetingTest.test_adapt_stringency + + """ + + def __init__( + self, + selectable, + equivalents=None, + chain_to=None, + adapt_required=False, + include_fn=None, + exclude_fn=None, + adapt_on_names=False, + allow_label_resolve=True, + anonymize_labels=False, + ): + ClauseAdapter.__init__( + self, + selectable, + equivalents, + include_fn=include_fn, + exclude_fn=exclude_fn, + adapt_on_names=adapt_on_names, + anonymize_labels=anonymize_labels, + ) + + if chain_to: + self.chain(chain_to) + self.columns = util.populate_column_dict(self._locate_col) + if self.include_fn or self.exclude_fn: + self.columns = self._IncludeExcludeMapping(self, self.columns) + self.adapt_required = adapt_required + self.allow_label_resolve = allow_label_resolve + self._wrap = None + + class _IncludeExcludeMapping(object): + def __init__(self, parent, columns): + self.parent = parent + self.columns = columns + + def __getitem__(self, key): + if ( + self.parent.include_fn and not self.parent.include_fn(key) + ) or (self.parent.exclude_fn and self.parent.exclude_fn(key)): + if self.parent._wrap: + return self.parent._wrap.columns[key] + else: + return key + return self.columns[key] + + def wrap(self, adapter): + ac = self.__class__.__new__(self.__class__) + ac.__dict__.update(self.__dict__) + ac._wrap = adapter + ac.columns = util.populate_column_dict(ac._locate_col) + if ac.include_fn or ac.exclude_fn: + ac.columns = self._IncludeExcludeMapping(ac, ac.columns) + + return ac + + def traverse(self, obj): + return self.columns[obj] + + adapt_clause = traverse + adapt_list = ClauseAdapter.copy_and_process + + def _locate_col(self, col): + + c = ClauseAdapter.traverse(self, col) + + if self._wrap: + c2 = self._wrap._locate_col(c) + if c2 is not None: + c = c2 + + if self.adapt_required and c is col: + return None + + c._allow_label_resolve = self.allow_label_resolve + + return c + + def __getstate__(self): + d = self.__dict__.copy() + del d["columns"] + return d + + def __setstate__(self, state): + self.__dict__.update(state) + self.columns = util.PopulateDict(self._locate_col) diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/visitors.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/visitors.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9880f79 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/visitors.py @@ -0,0 +1,341 @@ +# sql/visitors.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +"""Visitor/traversal interface and library functions. + +SQLAlchemy schema and expression constructs rely on a Python-centric +version of the classic "visitor" pattern as the primary way in which +they apply functionality. The most common use of this pattern +is statement compilation, where individual expression classes match +up to rendering methods that produce a string result. Beyond this, +the visitor system is also used to inspect expressions for various +information and patterns, as well as for usage in +some kinds of expression transformation. Other kinds of transformation +use a non-visitor traversal system. + +For many examples of how the visit system is used, see the +sqlalchemy.sql.util and the sqlalchemy.sql.compiler modules. +For an introduction to clause adaption, see +http://techspot.zzzeek.org/2008/01/23/expression-transformations/ + +""" + +from collections import deque +import operator + +from .. import exc +from .. import util + +__all__ = [ + "VisitableType", + "Visitable", + "ClauseVisitor", + "CloningVisitor", + "ReplacingCloningVisitor", + "iterate", + "iterate_depthfirst", + "traverse_using", + "traverse", + "traverse_depthfirst", + "cloned_traverse", + "replacement_traverse", +] + + +class VisitableType(type): + """Metaclass which assigns a `_compiler_dispatch` method to classes + having a `__visit_name__` attribute. + + The _compiler_dispatch attribute becomes an instance method which + looks approximately like the following:: + + def _compiler_dispatch (self, visitor, **kw): + '''Look for an attribute named "visit_" + self.__visit_name__ + on the visitor, and call it with the same kw params.''' + visit_attr = 'visit_%s' % self.__visit_name__ + return getattr(visitor, visit_attr)(self, **kw) + + Classes having no __visit_name__ attribute will remain unaffected. + """ + + def __init__(cls, clsname, bases, clsdict): + if clsname != "Visitable" and hasattr(cls, "__visit_name__"): + _generate_dispatch(cls) + + super(VisitableType, cls).__init__(clsname, bases, clsdict) + + +def _generate_dispatch(cls): + """Return an optimized visit dispatch function for the cls + for use by the compiler. + """ + if "__visit_name__" in cls.__dict__: + visit_name = cls.__visit_name__ + if isinstance(visit_name, str): + # There is an optimization opportunity here because the + # the string name of the class's __visit_name__ is known at + # this early stage (import time) so it can be pre-constructed. + getter = operator.attrgetter("visit_%s" % visit_name) + + def _compiler_dispatch(self, visitor, **kw): + try: + meth = getter(visitor) + except AttributeError: + raise exc.UnsupportedCompilationError(visitor, cls) + else: + return meth(self, **kw) + + else: + # The optimization opportunity is lost for this case because the + # __visit_name__ is not yet a string. As a result, the visit + # string has to be recalculated with each compilation. + def _compiler_dispatch(self, visitor, **kw): + visit_attr = "visit_%s" % self.__visit_name__ + try: + meth = getattr(visitor, visit_attr) + except AttributeError: + raise exc.UnsupportedCompilationError(visitor, cls) + else: + return meth(self, **kw) + + _compiler_dispatch.__doc__ = """Look for an attribute named "visit_" + self.__visit_name__ + on the visitor, and call it with the same kw params. + """ + cls._compiler_dispatch = _compiler_dispatch + + +class Visitable(util.with_metaclass(VisitableType, object)): + """Base class for visitable objects, applies the + ``VisitableType`` metaclass. + + """ + + +class ClauseVisitor(object): + """Base class for visitor objects which can traverse using + the traverse() function. + + """ + + __traverse_options__ = {} + + def traverse_single(self, obj, **kw): + for v in self._visitor_iterator: + meth = getattr(v, "visit_%s" % obj.__visit_name__, None) + if meth: + return meth(obj, **kw) + + def iterate(self, obj): + """traverse the given expression structure, returning an iterator + of all elements. + + """ + return iterate(obj, self.__traverse_options__) + + def traverse(self, obj): + """traverse and visit the given expression structure.""" + + return traverse(obj, self.__traverse_options__, self._visitor_dict) + + @util.memoized_property + def _visitor_dict(self): + visitors = {} + + for name in dir(self): + if name.startswith("visit_"): + visitors[name[6:]] = getattr(self, name) + return visitors + + @property + def _visitor_iterator(self): + """iterate through this visitor and each 'chained' visitor.""" + + v = self + while v: + yield v + v = getattr(v, "_next", None) + + def chain(self, visitor): + """'chain' an additional ClauseVisitor onto this ClauseVisitor. + + the chained visitor will receive all visit events after this one. + + """ + tail = list(self._visitor_iterator)[-1] + tail._next = visitor + return self + + +class CloningVisitor(ClauseVisitor): + """Base class for visitor objects which can traverse using + the cloned_traverse() function. + + """ + + def copy_and_process(self, list_): + """Apply cloned traversal to the given list of elements, and return + the new list. + + """ + return [self.traverse(x) for x in list_] + + def traverse(self, obj): + """traverse and visit the given expression structure.""" + + return cloned_traverse( + obj, self.__traverse_options__, self._visitor_dict + ) + + +class ReplacingCloningVisitor(CloningVisitor): + """Base class for visitor objects which can traverse using + the replacement_traverse() function. + + """ + + def replace(self, elem): + """receive pre-copied elements during a cloning traversal. + + If the method returns a new element, the element is used + instead of creating a simple copy of the element. Traversal + will halt on the newly returned element if it is re-encountered. + """ + return None + + def traverse(self, obj): + """traverse and visit the given expression structure.""" + + def replace(elem): + for v in self._visitor_iterator: + e = v.replace(elem) + if e is not None: + return e + + return replacement_traverse(obj, self.__traverse_options__, replace) + + +def iterate(obj, opts): + """traverse the given expression structure, returning an iterator. + + traversal is configured to be breadth-first. + + """ + # fasttrack for atomic elements like columns + children = obj.get_children(**opts) + if not children: + return [obj] + + traversal = deque() + stack = deque([obj]) + while stack: + t = stack.popleft() + traversal.append(t) + for c in t.get_children(**opts): + stack.append(c) + return iter(traversal) + + +def iterate_depthfirst(obj, opts): + """traverse the given expression structure, returning an iterator. + + traversal is configured to be depth-first. + + """ + # fasttrack for atomic elements like columns + children = obj.get_children(**opts) + if not children: + return [obj] + + stack = deque([obj]) + traversal = deque() + while stack: + t = stack.pop() + traversal.appendleft(t) + for c in t.get_children(**opts): + stack.append(c) + return iter(traversal) + + +def traverse_using(iterator, obj, visitors): + """visit the given expression structure using the given iterator of + objects. + + """ + for target in iterator: + meth = visitors.get(target.__visit_name__, None) + if meth: + meth(target) + return obj + + +def traverse(obj, opts, visitors): + """traverse and visit the given expression structure using the default + iterator. + + """ + return traverse_using(iterate(obj, opts), obj, visitors) + + +def traverse_depthfirst(obj, opts, visitors): + """traverse and visit the given expression structure using the + depth-first iterator. + + """ + return traverse_using(iterate_depthfirst(obj, opts), obj, visitors) + + +def cloned_traverse(obj, opts, visitors): + """clone the given expression structure, allowing + modifications by visitors.""" + + cloned = {} + stop_on = set(opts.get("stop_on", [])) + + def clone(elem): + if elem in stop_on: + return elem + else: + if id(elem) not in cloned: + cloned[id(elem)] = newelem = elem._clone() + newelem._copy_internals(clone=clone) + meth = visitors.get(newelem.__visit_name__, None) + if meth: + meth(newelem) + return cloned[id(elem)] + + if obj is not None: + obj = clone(obj) + return obj + + +def replacement_traverse(obj, opts, replace): + """clone the given expression structure, allowing element + replacement by a given replacement function.""" + + cloned = {} + stop_on = {id(x) for x in opts.get("stop_on", [])} + + def clone(elem, **kw): + if ( + id(elem) in stop_on + or "no_replacement_traverse" in elem._annotations + ): + return elem + else: + newelem = replace(elem) + if newelem is not None: + stop_on.add(id(newelem)) + return newelem + else: + if elem not in cloned: + cloned[elem] = newelem = elem._clone() + newelem._copy_internals(clone=clone, **kw) + return cloned[elem] + + if obj is not None: + obj = clone(obj, **opts) + return obj diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/__init__.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c52e9a7 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ +# testing/__init__.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + + +from . import config # noqa +from . import mock # noqa +from .assertions import assert_raises # noqa +from .assertions import assert_raises_message # noqa +from .assertions import AssertsCompiledSQL # noqa +from .assertions import AssertsExecutionResults # noqa +from .assertions import ComparesTables # noqa +from .assertions import emits_warning # noqa +from .assertions import emits_warning_on # noqa +from .assertions import eq_ # noqa +from .assertions import eq_ignore_whitespace # noqa +from .assertions import eq_regex # noqa +from .assertions import expect_deprecated # noqa +from .assertions import expect_warnings # noqa +from .assertions import in_ # noqa +from .assertions import is_ # noqa +from .assertions import is_false # noqa +from .assertions import is_not_ # noqa +from .assertions import is_true # noqa +from .assertions import le_ # noqa +from .assertions import ne_ # noqa +from .assertions import not_in_ # noqa +from .assertions import startswith_ # noqa +from .assertions import uses_deprecated # noqa +from .config import db # noqa +from .config import requirements as requires # noqa +from .exclusions import _is_excluded # noqa +from .exclusions import _server_version # noqa +from .exclusions import against as _against # noqa +from .exclusions import db_spec # noqa +from .exclusions import exclude # noqa +from .exclusions import fails # noqa +from .exclusions import fails_if # noqa +from .exclusions import fails_on # noqa +from .exclusions import fails_on_everything_except # noqa +from .exclusions import future # noqa +from .exclusions import only_if # noqa +from .exclusions import only_on # noqa +from .exclusions import skip # noqa +from .exclusions import skip_if # noqa +from .util import adict # noqa +from .util import fail # noqa +from .util import force_drop_names # noqa +from .util import provide_metadata # noqa +from .util import rowset # noqa +from .util import run_as_contextmanager # noqa +from .util import teardown_events # noqa +from .warnings import assert_warnings # noqa + + +def against(*queries): + return _against(config._current, *queries) + + +crashes = skip diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..28bfd1a Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/__pycache__/assertions.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/__pycache__/assertions.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6347c8a Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/__pycache__/assertions.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/__pycache__/assertsql.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/__pycache__/assertsql.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..32352ac Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/__pycache__/assertsql.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/__pycache__/config.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/__pycache__/config.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ec00181 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/__pycache__/config.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/__pycache__/engines.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/__pycache__/engines.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d622529 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/__pycache__/engines.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/__pycache__/entities.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/__pycache__/entities.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..558065a Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/__pycache__/entities.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/__pycache__/exclusions.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/__pycache__/exclusions.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a236161 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/__pycache__/exclusions.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/__pycache__/fixtures.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/__pycache__/fixtures.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f7ae54f Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/__pycache__/fixtures.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/__pycache__/mock.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/__pycache__/mock.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1afc933 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/__pycache__/mock.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/__pycache__/pickleable.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/__pycache__/pickleable.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..076b7aa Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/__pycache__/pickleable.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/__pycache__/profiling.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/__pycache__/profiling.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..25f7a38 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/__pycache__/profiling.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/__pycache__/provision.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/__pycache__/provision.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e99ae3f Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/__pycache__/provision.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/__pycache__/replay_fixture.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/__pycache__/replay_fixture.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..df74ae0 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/__pycache__/replay_fixture.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/__pycache__/requirements.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/__pycache__/requirements.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ef64ebb Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/__pycache__/requirements.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/__pycache__/runner.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/__pycache__/runner.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c41e9a1 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/__pycache__/runner.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/__pycache__/schema.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/__pycache__/schema.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cb5f99b Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/__pycache__/schema.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/__pycache__/util.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/__pycache__/util.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..af29092 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/__pycache__/util.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/__pycache__/warnings.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/__pycache__/warnings.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1f738b3 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/__pycache__/warnings.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/assertions.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/assertions.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d8038e2 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/assertions.py @@ -0,0 +1,588 @@ +# testing/assertions.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +from __future__ import absolute_import + +import contextlib +import re +import warnings + +from . import assertsql +from . import config +from . import mock +from . import util as testutil +from .exclusions import db_spec +from .util import fail +from .. import exc as sa_exc +from .. import orm +from .. import pool +from .. import schema +from .. import types as sqltypes +from .. import util +from ..engine import default +from ..engine import url +from ..util import compat +from ..util import decorator + + +def expect_warnings(*messages, **kw): + """Context manager which expects one or more warnings. + + With no arguments, squelches all SAWarnings emitted via + sqlalchemy.util.warn and sqlalchemy.util.warn_limited. Otherwise + pass string expressions that will match selected warnings via regex; + all non-matching warnings are sent through. + + The expect version **asserts** that the warnings were in fact seen. + + Note that the test suite sets SAWarning warnings to raise exceptions. + + """ + return _expect_warnings(sa_exc.SAWarning, messages, **kw) + + +@contextlib.contextmanager +def expect_warnings_on(db, *messages, **kw): + """Context manager which expects one or more warnings on specific + dialects. + + The expect version **asserts** that the warnings were in fact seen. + + """ + spec = db_spec(db) + + if isinstance(db, util.string_types) and not spec(config._current): + yield + else: + with expect_warnings(*messages, **kw): + yield + + +def emits_warning(*messages): + """Decorator form of expect_warnings(). + + Note that emits_warning does **not** assert that the warnings + were in fact seen. + + """ + + @decorator + def decorate(fn, *args, **kw): + with expect_warnings(assert_=False, *messages): + return fn(*args, **kw) + + return decorate + + +def expect_deprecated(*messages, **kw): + return _expect_warnings(sa_exc.SADeprecationWarning, messages, **kw) + + +def emits_warning_on(db, *messages): + """Mark a test as emitting a warning on a specific dialect. + + With no arguments, squelches all SAWarning failures. Or pass one or more + strings; these will be matched to the root of the warning description by + warnings.filterwarnings(). + + Note that emits_warning_on does **not** assert that the warnings + were in fact seen. + + """ + + @decorator + def decorate(fn, *args, **kw): + with expect_warnings_on(db, assert_=False, *messages): + return fn(*args, **kw) + + return decorate + + +def uses_deprecated(*messages): + """Mark a test as immune from fatal deprecation warnings. + + With no arguments, squelches all SADeprecationWarning failures. + Or pass one or more strings; these will be matched to the root + of the warning description by warnings.filterwarnings(). + + As a special case, you may pass a function name prefixed with // + and it will be re-written as needed to match the standard warning + verbiage emitted by the sqlalchemy.util.deprecated decorator. + + Note that uses_deprecated does **not** assert that the warnings + were in fact seen. + + """ + + @decorator + def decorate(fn, *args, **kw): + with expect_deprecated(*messages, assert_=False): + return fn(*args, **kw) + + return decorate + + +@contextlib.contextmanager +def _expect_warnings( + exc_cls, messages, regex=True, assert_=True, py2konly=False +): + + if regex: + filters = [re.compile(msg, re.I | re.S) for msg in messages] + else: + filters = messages + + seen = set(filters) + + real_warn = warnings.warn + + def our_warn(msg, *arg, **kw): + if isinstance(msg, exc_cls): + exception = msg + msg = str(exception) + elif arg: + exception = arg[0] + else: + exception = None + if not exception or not issubclass(exception, exc_cls): + return real_warn(msg, *arg, **kw) + + if not filters: + return + + for filter_ in filters: + if (regex and filter_.match(msg)) or ( + not regex and filter_ == msg + ): + seen.discard(filter_) + break + else: + real_warn(msg, *arg, **kw) + + with mock.patch("warnings.warn", our_warn): + yield + + if assert_ and (not py2konly or not compat.py3k): + assert not seen, "Warnings were not seen: %s" % ", ".join( + "%r" % (s.pattern if regex else s) for s in seen + ) + + +def global_cleanup_assertions(): + """Check things that have to be finalized at the end of a test suite. + + Hardcoded at the moment, a modular system can be built here + to support things like PG prepared transactions, tables all + dropped, etc. + + """ + _assert_no_stray_pool_connections() + + +_STRAY_CONNECTION_FAILURES = 0 + + +def _assert_no_stray_pool_connections(): + global _STRAY_CONNECTION_FAILURES + + # lazy gc on cPython means "do nothing." pool connections + # shouldn't be in cycles, should go away. + testutil.lazy_gc() + + # however, once in awhile, on an EC2 machine usually, + # there's a ref in there. usually just one. + if pool._refs: + + # OK, let's be somewhat forgiving. + _STRAY_CONNECTION_FAILURES += 1 + + print( + "Encountered a stray connection in test cleanup: %s" + % str(pool._refs) + ) + # then do a real GC sweep. We shouldn't even be here + # so a single sweep should really be doing it, otherwise + # there's probably a real unreachable cycle somewhere. + testutil.gc_collect() + + # if we've already had two of these occurrences, or + # after a hard gc sweep we still have pool._refs?! + # now we have to raise. + if pool._refs: + err = str(pool._refs) + + # but clean out the pool refs collection directly, + # reset the counter, + # so the error doesn't at least keep happening. + pool._refs.clear() + _STRAY_CONNECTION_FAILURES = 0 + warnings.warn( + "Stray connection refused to leave " "after gc.collect(): %s" % err + ) + elif _STRAY_CONNECTION_FAILURES > 10: + assert False, "Encountered more than 10 stray connections" + _STRAY_CONNECTION_FAILURES = 0 + + +def eq_regex(a, b, msg=None): + assert re.match(b, a), msg or "%r !~ %r" % (a, b) + + +def eq_(a, b, msg=None): + """Assert a == b, with repr messaging on failure.""" + assert a == b, msg or "%r != %r" % (a, b) + + +def ne_(a, b, msg=None): + """Assert a != b, with repr messaging on failure.""" + assert a != b, msg or "%r == %r" % (a, b) + + +def le_(a, b, msg=None): + """Assert a <= b, with repr messaging on failure.""" + assert a <= b, msg or "%r != %r" % (a, b) + + +def is_true(a, msg=None): + is_(a, True, msg=msg) + + +def is_false(a, msg=None): + is_(a, False, msg=msg) + + +def is_(a, b, msg=None): + """Assert a is b, with repr messaging on failure.""" + assert a is b, msg or "%r is not %r" % (a, b) + + +def is_not_(a, b, msg=None): + """Assert a is not b, with repr messaging on failure.""" + assert a is not b, msg or "%r is %r" % (a, b) + + +def in_(a, b, msg=None): + """Assert a in b, with repr messaging on failure.""" + assert a in b, msg or "%r not in %r" % (a, b) + + +def not_in_(a, b, msg=None): + """Assert a in not b, with repr messaging on failure.""" + assert a not in b, msg or "%r is in %r" % (a, b) + + +def startswith_(a, fragment, msg=None): + """Assert a.startswith(fragment), with repr messaging on failure.""" + assert a.startswith(fragment), msg or "%r does not start with %r" % ( + a, + fragment, + ) + + +def eq_ignore_whitespace(a, b, msg=None): + a = re.sub(r"^\s+?|\n", "", a) + a = re.sub(r" {2,}", " ", a) + b = re.sub(r"^\s+?|\n", "", b) + b = re.sub(r" {2,}", " ", b) + + assert a == b, msg or "%r != %r" % (a, b) + + +def assert_raises(except_cls, callable_, *args, **kw): + try: + callable_(*args, **kw) + success = False + except except_cls: + success = True + + # assert outside the block so it works for AssertionError too ! + assert success, "Callable did not raise an exception" + + +def assert_raises_message(except_cls, msg, callable_, *args, **kwargs): + try: + callable_(*args, **kwargs) + assert False, "Callable did not raise an exception" + except except_cls as e: + assert re.search(msg, util.text_type(e), re.UNICODE), "%r !~ %s" % ( + msg, + e, + ) + print(util.text_type(e).encode("utf-8")) + + +class AssertsCompiledSQL(object): + def assert_compile( + self, + clause, + result, + params=None, + checkparams=None, + dialect=None, + checkpositional=None, + check_prefetch=None, + use_default_dialect=False, + allow_dialect_select=False, + literal_binds=False, + schema_translate_map=None, + ): + if use_default_dialect: + dialect = default.DefaultDialect() + elif allow_dialect_select: + dialect = None + else: + if dialect is None: + dialect = getattr(self, "__dialect__", None) + + if dialect is None: + dialect = config.db.dialect + elif dialect == "default": + dialect = default.DefaultDialect() + elif dialect == "default_enhanced": + dialect = default.StrCompileDialect() + elif isinstance(dialect, util.string_types): + dialect = url.URL(dialect).get_dialect()() + + kw = {} + compile_kwargs = {} + + if schema_translate_map: + kw["schema_translate_map"] = schema_translate_map + + if params is not None: + kw["column_keys"] = list(params) + + if literal_binds: + compile_kwargs["literal_binds"] = True + + if isinstance(clause, orm.Query): + context = clause._compile_context() + context.statement.use_labels = True + clause = context.statement + elif isinstance(clause, orm.persistence.BulkUD): + with mock.patch.object(clause, "_execute_stmt") as stmt_mock: + clause.exec_() + clause = stmt_mock.mock_calls[0][1][0] + + if compile_kwargs: + kw["compile_kwargs"] = compile_kwargs + + c = clause.compile(dialect=dialect, **kw) + + param_str = repr(getattr(c, "params", {})) + + if util.py3k: + param_str = param_str.encode("utf-8").decode("ascii", "ignore") + print( + ("\nSQL String:\n" + util.text_type(c) + param_str).encode( + "utf-8" + ) + ) + else: + print( + "\nSQL String:\n" + + util.text_type(c).encode("utf-8") + + param_str + ) + + cc = re.sub(r"[\n\t]", "", util.text_type(c)) + + eq_(cc, result, "%r != %r on dialect %r" % (cc, result, dialect)) + + if checkparams is not None: + eq_(c.construct_params(params), checkparams) + if checkpositional is not None: + p = c.construct_params(params) + eq_(tuple([p[x] for x in c.positiontup]), checkpositional) + if check_prefetch is not None: + eq_(c.prefetch, check_prefetch) + + +class ComparesTables(object): + def assert_tables_equal(self, table, reflected_table, strict_types=False): + assert len(table.c) == len(reflected_table.c) + for c, reflected_c in zip(table.c, reflected_table.c): + eq_(c.name, reflected_c.name) + assert reflected_c is reflected_table.c[c.name] + eq_(c.primary_key, reflected_c.primary_key) + eq_(c.nullable, reflected_c.nullable) + + if strict_types: + msg = "Type '%s' doesn't correspond to type '%s'" + assert isinstance(reflected_c.type, type(c.type)), msg % ( + reflected_c.type, + c.type, + ) + else: + self.assert_types_base(reflected_c, c) + + if isinstance(c.type, sqltypes.String): + eq_(c.type.length, reflected_c.type.length) + + eq_( + {f.column.name for f in c.foreign_keys}, + {f.column.name for f in reflected_c.foreign_keys}, + ) + if c.server_default: + assert isinstance( + reflected_c.server_default, schema.FetchedValue + ) + + assert len(table.primary_key) == len(reflected_table.primary_key) + for c in table.primary_key: + assert reflected_table.primary_key.columns[c.name] is not None + + def assert_types_base(self, c1, c2): + assert c1.type._compare_type_affinity(c2.type), ( + "On column %r, type '%s' doesn't correspond to type '%s'" + % (c1.name, c1.type, c2.type) + ) + + +class AssertsExecutionResults(object): + def assert_result(self, result, class_, *objects): + result = list(result) + print(repr(result)) + self.assert_list(result, class_, objects) + + def assert_list(self, result, class_, list_): + self.assert_( + len(result) == len(list_), + "result list is not the same size as test list, " + + "for class " + + class_.__name__, + ) + for i in range(0, len(list_)): + self.assert_row(class_, result[i], list_[i]) + + def assert_row(self, class_, rowobj, desc): + self.assert_( + rowobj.__class__ is class_, "item class is not " + repr(class_) + ) + for key, value in desc.items(): + if isinstance(value, tuple): + if isinstance(value[1], list): + self.assert_list(getattr(rowobj, key), value[0], value[1]) + else: + self.assert_row(value[0], getattr(rowobj, key), value[1]) + else: + self.assert_( + getattr(rowobj, key) == value, + "attribute %s value %s does not match %s" + % (key, getattr(rowobj, key), value), + ) + + def assert_unordered_result(self, result, cls, *expected): + """As assert_result, but the order of objects is not considered. + + The algorithm is very expensive but not a big deal for the small + numbers of rows that the test suite manipulates. + """ + + class immutabledict(dict): + def __hash__(self): + return id(self) + + found = util.IdentitySet(result) + expected = {immutabledict(e) for e in expected} + + for wrong in util.itertools_filterfalse( + lambda o: isinstance(o, cls), found + ): + fail( + 'Unexpected type "%s", expected "%s"' + % (type(wrong).__name__, cls.__name__) + ) + + if len(found) != len(expected): + fail( + 'Unexpected object count "%s", expected "%s"' + % (len(found), len(expected)) + ) + + NOVALUE = object() + + def _compare_item(obj, spec): + for key, value in spec.items(): + if isinstance(value, tuple): + try: + self.assert_unordered_result( + getattr(obj, key), value[0], *value[1] + ) + except AssertionError: + return False + else: + if getattr(obj, key, NOVALUE) != value: + return False + return True + + for expected_item in expected: + for found_item in found: + if _compare_item(found_item, expected_item): + found.remove(found_item) + break + else: + fail( + "Expected %s instance with attributes %s not found." + % (cls.__name__, repr(expected_item)) + ) + return True + + def sql_execution_asserter(self, db=None): + if db is None: + from . import db as db + + return assertsql.assert_engine(db) + + def assert_sql_execution(self, db, callable_, *rules): + with self.sql_execution_asserter(db) as asserter: + result = callable_() + asserter.assert_(*rules) + return result + + def assert_sql(self, db, callable_, rules): + + newrules = [] + for rule in rules: + if isinstance(rule, dict): + newrule = assertsql.AllOf( + *[assertsql.CompiledSQL(k, v) for k, v in rule.items()] + ) + else: + newrule = assertsql.CompiledSQL(*rule) + newrules.append(newrule) + + return self.assert_sql_execution(db, callable_, *newrules) + + def assert_sql_count(self, db, callable_, count): + self.assert_sql_execution( + db, callable_, assertsql.CountStatements(count) + ) + + def assert_multiple_sql_count(self, dbs, callable_, counts): + recs = [ + (self.sql_execution_asserter(db), db, count) + for (db, count) in zip(dbs, counts) + ] + asserters = [] + for ctx, db, count in recs: + asserters.append(ctx.__enter__()) + try: + return callable_() + finally: + for asserter, (ctx, db, count) in zip(asserters, recs): + ctx.__exit__(None, None, None) + asserter.assert_(assertsql.CountStatements(count)) + + @contextlib.contextmanager + def assert_execution(self, db, *rules): + with self.sql_execution_asserter(db) as asserter: + yield + asserter.assert_(*rules) + + def assert_statement_count(self, db, count): + return self.assert_execution(db, assertsql.CountStatements(count)) diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/assertsql.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/assertsql.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..00496d5 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/assertsql.py @@ -0,0 +1,412 @@ +# testing/assertsql.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +import collections +import contextlib +import re + +from .. import event +from .. import util +from ..engine import url +from ..engine.default import DefaultDialect +from ..engine.util import _distill_params +from ..schema import _DDLCompiles + + +class AssertRule(object): + + is_consumed = False + errormessage = None + consume_statement = True + + def process_statement(self, execute_observed): + pass + + def no_more_statements(self): + assert False, ( + "All statements are complete, but pending " + "assertion rules remain" + ) + + +class SQLMatchRule(AssertRule): + pass + + +class CursorSQL(SQLMatchRule): + consume_statement = False + + def __init__(self, statement, params=None): + self.statement = statement + self.params = params + + def process_statement(self, execute_observed): + stmt = execute_observed.statements[0] + if self.statement != stmt.statement or ( + self.params is not None and self.params != stmt.parameters + ): + self.errormessage = ( + "Testing for exact SQL %s parameters %s received %s %s" + % ( + self.statement, + self.params, + stmt.statement, + stmt.parameters, + ) + ) + else: + execute_observed.statements.pop(0) + self.is_consumed = True + if not execute_observed.statements: + self.consume_statement = True + + +class CompiledSQL(SQLMatchRule): + def __init__(self, statement, params=None, dialect="default"): + self.statement = statement + self.params = params + self.dialect = dialect + + def _compare_sql(self, execute_observed, received_statement): + stmt = re.sub(r"[\n\t]", "", self.statement) + return received_statement == stmt + + def _compile_dialect(self, execute_observed): + if self.dialect == "default": + return DefaultDialect() + else: + # ugh + if self.dialect == "postgresql": + params = {"implicit_returning": True} + else: + params = {} + return url.URL(self.dialect).get_dialect()(**params) + + def _received_statement(self, execute_observed): + """reconstruct the statement and params in terms + of a target dialect, which for CompiledSQL is just DefaultDialect.""" + + context = execute_observed.context + compare_dialect = self._compile_dialect(execute_observed) + if isinstance(context.compiled.statement, _DDLCompiles): + compiled = context.compiled.statement.compile( + dialect=compare_dialect, + schema_translate_map=context.execution_options.get( + "schema_translate_map" + ), + ) + else: + compiled = context.compiled.statement.compile( + dialect=compare_dialect, + column_keys=context.compiled.column_keys, + inline=context.compiled.inline, + schema_translate_map=context.execution_options.get( + "schema_translate_map" + ), + ) + _received_statement = re.sub(r"[\n\t]", "", util.text_type(compiled)) + parameters = execute_observed.parameters + + if not parameters: + _received_parameters = [compiled.construct_params()] + else: + _received_parameters = [ + compiled.construct_params(m) for m in parameters + ] + + return _received_statement, _received_parameters + + def process_statement(self, execute_observed): + context = execute_observed.context + + _received_statement, _received_parameters = self._received_statement( + execute_observed + ) + params = self._all_params(context) + + equivalent = self._compare_sql(execute_observed, _received_statement) + + if equivalent: + if params is not None: + all_params = list(params) + all_received = list(_received_parameters) + while all_params and all_received: + param = dict(all_params.pop(0)) + + for idx, received in enumerate(list(all_received)): + # do a positive compare only + for param_key in param: + # a key in param did not match current + # 'received' + if ( + param_key not in received + or received[param_key] != param[param_key] + ): + break + else: + # all keys in param matched 'received'; + # onto next param + del all_received[idx] + break + else: + # param did not match any entry + # in all_received + equivalent = False + break + if all_params or all_received: + equivalent = False + + if equivalent: + self.is_consumed = True + self.errormessage = None + else: + self.errormessage = self._failure_message(params) % { + "received_statement": _received_statement, + "received_parameters": _received_parameters, + } + + def _all_params(self, context): + if self.params: + if util.callable(self.params): + params = self.params(context) + else: + params = self.params + if not isinstance(params, list): + params = [params] + return params + else: + return None + + def _failure_message(self, expected_params): + return ( + "Testing for compiled statement %r partial params %r, " + "received %%(received_statement)r with params " + "%%(received_parameters)r" + % (self.statement.replace("%", "%%"), expected_params) + ) + + +class RegexSQL(CompiledSQL): + def __init__(self, regex, params=None): + SQLMatchRule.__init__(self) + self.regex = re.compile(regex) + self.orig_regex = regex + self.params = params + self.dialect = "default" + + def _failure_message(self, expected_params): + return ( + "Testing for compiled statement ~%r partial params %r, " + "received %%(received_statement)r with params " + "%%(received_parameters)r" % (self.orig_regex, expected_params) + ) + + def _compare_sql(self, execute_observed, received_statement): + return bool(self.regex.match(received_statement)) + + +class DialectSQL(CompiledSQL): + def _compile_dialect(self, execute_observed): + return execute_observed.context.dialect + + def _compare_no_space(self, real_stmt, received_stmt): + stmt = re.sub(r"[\n\t]", "", real_stmt) + return received_stmt == stmt + + def _received_statement(self, execute_observed): + received_stmt, received_params = super( + DialectSQL, self + )._received_statement(execute_observed) + + # TODO: why do we need this part? + for real_stmt in execute_observed.statements: + if self._compare_no_space(real_stmt.statement, received_stmt): + break + else: + raise AssertionError( + "Can't locate compiled statement %r in list of " + "statements actually invoked" % received_stmt + ) + + return received_stmt, execute_observed.context.compiled_parameters + + def _compare_sql(self, execute_observed, received_statement): + stmt = re.sub(r"[\n\t]", "", self.statement) + # convert our comparison statement to have the + # paramstyle of the received + paramstyle = execute_observed.context.dialect.paramstyle + if paramstyle == "pyformat": + stmt = re.sub(r":([\w_]+)", r"%(\1)s", stmt) + else: + # positional params + repl = None + if paramstyle == "qmark": + repl = "?" + elif paramstyle == "format": + repl = r"%s" + elif paramstyle == "numeric": + repl = None + stmt = re.sub(r":([\w_]+)", repl, stmt) + + return received_statement == stmt + + +class CountStatements(AssertRule): + def __init__(self, count): + self.count = count + self._statement_count = 0 + + def process_statement(self, execute_observed): + self._statement_count += 1 + + def no_more_statements(self): + if self.count != self._statement_count: + assert False, "desired statement count %d does not match %d" % ( + self.count, + self._statement_count, + ) + + +class AllOf(AssertRule): + def __init__(self, *rules): + self.rules = set(rules) + + def process_statement(self, execute_observed): + for rule in list(self.rules): + rule.errormessage = None + rule.process_statement(execute_observed) + if rule.is_consumed: + self.rules.discard(rule) + if not self.rules: + self.is_consumed = True + break + elif not rule.errormessage: + # rule is not done yet + self.errormessage = None + break + else: + self.errormessage = list(self.rules)[0].errormessage + + +class EachOf(AssertRule): + def __init__(self, *rules): + self.rules = list(rules) + + def process_statement(self, execute_observed): + while self.rules: + rule = self.rules[0] + rule.process_statement(execute_observed) + if rule.is_consumed: + self.rules.pop(0) + elif rule.errormessage: + self.errormessage = rule.errormessage + if rule.consume_statement: + break + + if not self.rules: + self.is_consumed = True + + def no_more_statements(self): + if self.rules and not self.rules[0].is_consumed: + self.rules[0].no_more_statements() + elif self.rules: + super(EachOf, self).no_more_statements() + + +class Or(AllOf): + def process_statement(self, execute_observed): + for rule in self.rules: + rule.process_statement(execute_observed) + if rule.is_consumed: + self.is_consumed = True + break + else: + self.errormessage = list(self.rules)[0].errormessage + + +class SQLExecuteObserved(object): + def __init__(self, context, clauseelement, multiparams, params): + self.context = context + self.clauseelement = clauseelement + self.parameters = _distill_params(multiparams, params) + self.statements = [] + + +class SQLCursorExecuteObserved( + collections.namedtuple( + "SQLCursorExecuteObserved", + ["statement", "parameters", "context", "executemany"], + ) +): + pass + + +class SQLAsserter(object): + def __init__(self): + self.accumulated = [] + + def _close(self): + self._final = self.accumulated + del self.accumulated + + def assert_(self, *rules): + rule = EachOf(*rules) + + observed = list(self._final) + while observed: + statement = observed.pop(0) + rule.process_statement(statement) + if rule.is_consumed: + break + elif rule.errormessage: + assert False, rule.errormessage + if observed: + assert False, "Additional SQL statements remain" + elif not rule.is_consumed: + rule.no_more_statements() + + +@contextlib.contextmanager +def assert_engine(engine): + asserter = SQLAsserter() + + orig = [] + + @event.listens_for(engine, "before_execute") + def connection_execute(conn, clauseelement, multiparams, params): + # grab the original statement + params before any cursor + # execution + orig[:] = clauseelement, multiparams, params + + @event.listens_for(engine, "after_cursor_execute") + def cursor_execute( + conn, cursor, statement, parameters, context, executemany + ): + if not context: + return + # then grab real cursor statements and associate them all + # around a single context + if ( + asserter.accumulated + and asserter.accumulated[-1].context is context + ): + obs = asserter.accumulated[-1] + else: + obs = SQLExecuteObserved(context, orig[0], orig[1], orig[2]) + asserter.accumulated.append(obs) + obs.statements.append( + SQLCursorExecuteObserved( + statement, parameters, context, executemany + ) + ) + + try: + yield asserter + finally: + event.remove(engine, "after_cursor_execute", cursor_execute) + event.remove(engine, "before_execute", connection_execute) + asserter._close() diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/config.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/config.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f94c5b3 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/config.py @@ -0,0 +1,97 @@ +# testing/config.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +import collections +from unittest import SkipTest as _skip_test_exception + +requirements = None +db = None +db_url = None +db_opts = None +file_config = None +test_schema = None +test_schema_2 = None +_current = None + + +class Config(object): + def __init__(self, db, db_opts, options, file_config): + self._set_name(db) + self.db = db + self.db_opts = db_opts + self.options = options + self.file_config = file_config + self.test_schema = "test_schema" + self.test_schema_2 = "test_schema_2" + + _stack = collections.deque() + _configs = set() + + def _set_name(self, db): + if db.dialect.server_version_info: + svi = ".".join(str(tok) for tok in db.dialect.server_version_info) + self.name = "%s+%s_[%s]" % (db.name, db.driver, svi) + else: + self.name = "%s+%s" % (db.name, db.driver) + + @classmethod + def register(cls, db, db_opts, options, file_config): + """add a config as one of the global configs. + + If there are no configs set up yet, this config also + gets set as the "_current". + """ + cfg = Config(db, db_opts, options, file_config) + cls._configs.add(cfg) + return cfg + + @classmethod + def set_as_current(cls, config, namespace): + global db, _current, db_url, test_schema, test_schema_2, db_opts + _current = config + db_url = config.db.url + db_opts = config.db_opts + test_schema = config.test_schema + test_schema_2 = config.test_schema_2 + namespace.db = db = config.db + + @classmethod + def push_engine(cls, db, namespace): + assert _current, "Can't push without a default Config set up" + cls.push( + Config( + db, _current.db_opts, _current.options, _current.file_config + ), + namespace, + ) + + @classmethod + def push(cls, config, namespace): + cls._stack.append(_current) + cls.set_as_current(config, namespace) + + @classmethod + def reset(cls, namespace): + if cls._stack: + cls.set_as_current(cls._stack[0], namespace) + cls._stack.clear() + + @classmethod + def all_configs(cls): + return cls._configs + + @classmethod + def all_dbs(cls): + for cfg in cls.all_configs(): + yield cfg.db + + def skip_test(self, msg): + skip_test(msg) + + +def skip_test(msg): + raise _skip_test_exception(msg) diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/engines.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/engines.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..22faa23 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/engines.py @@ -0,0 +1,373 @@ +# testing/engines.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +from __future__ import absolute_import + +import re +import warnings +import weakref + +from . import config +from .util import decorator +from .. import event +from .. import pool + + +class ConnectionKiller(object): + def __init__(self): + self.proxy_refs = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary() + self.testing_engines = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary() + self.conns = set() + + def add_engine(self, engine): + self.testing_engines[engine] = True + + def connect(self, dbapi_conn, con_record): + self.conns.add((dbapi_conn, con_record)) + + def checkout(self, dbapi_con, con_record, con_proxy): + self.proxy_refs[con_proxy] = True + + def invalidate(self, dbapi_con, con_record, exception): + self.conns.discard((dbapi_con, con_record)) + + def _safe(self, fn): + try: + fn() + except Exception as e: + warnings.warn( + "testing_reaper couldn't " "rollback/close connection: %s" % e + ) + + def rollback_all(self): + for rec in list(self.proxy_refs): + if rec is not None and rec.is_valid: + self._safe(rec.rollback) + + def close_all(self): + for rec in list(self.proxy_refs): + if rec is not None and rec.is_valid: + self._safe(rec._close) + + def _after_test_ctx(self): + # this can cause a deadlock with pg8000 - pg8000 acquires + # prepared statement lock inside of rollback() - if async gc + # is collecting in finalize_fairy, deadlock. + # not sure if this should be if pypy/jython only. + # note that firebird/fdb definitely needs this though + for conn, rec in list(self.conns): + if rec.connection is None: + # this is a hint that the connection is closed, which + # is causing segfaults on mysqlclient due to + # https://github.com/PyMySQL/mysqlclient-python/issues/270; + # try to work around here + continue + self._safe(conn.rollback) + + def _stop_test_ctx(self): + if config.options.low_connections: + self._stop_test_ctx_minimal() + else: + self._stop_test_ctx_aggressive() + + def _stop_test_ctx_minimal(self): + self.close_all() + + self.conns = set() + + for rec in list(self.testing_engines): + if rec is not config.db: + rec.dispose() + + def _stop_test_ctx_aggressive(self): + self.close_all() + for conn, rec in list(self.conns): + self._safe(conn.close) + rec.connection = None + + self.conns = set() + for rec in list(self.testing_engines): + rec.dispose() + + def assert_all_closed(self): + for rec in self.proxy_refs: + if rec.is_valid: + assert False + + +testing_reaper = ConnectionKiller() + + +def drop_all_tables(metadata, bind): + testing_reaper.close_all() + if hasattr(bind, "close"): + bind.close() + + if not config.db.dialect.supports_alter: + from . import assertions + + with assertions.expect_warnings("Can't sort tables", assert_=False): + metadata.drop_all(bind) + else: + metadata.drop_all(bind) + + +@decorator +def assert_conns_closed(fn, *args, **kw): + try: + fn(*args, **kw) + finally: + testing_reaper.assert_all_closed() + + +@decorator +def rollback_open_connections(fn, *args, **kw): + """Decorator that rolls back all open connections after fn execution.""" + + try: + fn(*args, **kw) + finally: + testing_reaper.rollback_all() + + +@decorator +def close_first(fn, *args, **kw): + """Decorator that closes all connections before fn execution.""" + + testing_reaper.close_all() + fn(*args, **kw) + + +@decorator +def close_open_connections(fn, *args, **kw): + """Decorator that closes all connections after fn execution.""" + try: + fn(*args, **kw) + finally: + testing_reaper.close_all() + + +def all_dialects(exclude=None): + import sqlalchemy.databases as d + + for name in d.__all__: + # TEMPORARY + if exclude and name in exclude: + continue + mod = getattr(d, name, None) + if not mod: + mod = getattr( + __import__("sqlalchemy.databases.%s" % name).databases, name + ) + yield mod.dialect() + + +class ReconnectFixture(object): + def __init__(self, dbapi): + self.dbapi = dbapi + self.connections = [] + self.is_stopped = False + + def __getattr__(self, key): + return getattr(self.dbapi, key) + + def connect(self, *args, **kwargs): + + conn = self.dbapi.connect(*args, **kwargs) + if self.is_stopped: + self._safe(conn.close) + curs = conn.cursor() # should fail on Oracle etc. + # should fail for everything that didn't fail + # above, connection is closed + curs.execute("select 1") + assert False, "simulated connect failure didn't work" + else: + self.connections.append(conn) + return conn + + def _safe(self, fn): + try: + fn() + except Exception as e: + warnings.warn( + "ReconnectFixture couldn't " "close connection: %s" % e + ) + + def shutdown(self, stop=False): + # TODO: this doesn't cover all cases + # as nicely as we'd like, namely MySQLdb. + # would need to implement R. Brewer's + # proxy server idea to get better + # coverage. + self.is_stopped = stop + for c in list(self.connections): + self._safe(c.close) + self.connections = [] + + def restart(self): + self.is_stopped = False + + +def reconnecting_engine(url=None, options=None): + url = url or config.db.url + dbapi = config.db.dialect.dbapi + if not options: + options = {} + options["module"] = ReconnectFixture(dbapi) + engine = testing_engine(url, options) + _dispose = engine.dispose + + def dispose(): + engine.dialect.dbapi.shutdown() + engine.dialect.dbapi.is_stopped = False + _dispose() + + engine.test_shutdown = engine.dialect.dbapi.shutdown + engine.test_restart = engine.dialect.dbapi.restart + engine.dispose = dispose + return engine + + +def testing_engine(url=None, options=None): + """Produce an engine configured by --options with optional overrides.""" + + from sqlalchemy import create_engine + from sqlalchemy.engine.url import make_url + + if not options: + use_reaper = True + else: + use_reaper = options.pop("use_reaper", True) + + url = url or config.db.url + + url = make_url(url) + if options is None: + if config.db is None or url.drivername == config.db.url.drivername: + options = config.db_opts + else: + options = {} + elif config.db is not None and url.drivername == config.db.url.drivername: + default_opt = config.db_opts.copy() + default_opt.update(options) + + engine = create_engine(url, **options) + engine._has_events = True # enable event blocks, helps with profiling + + if isinstance(engine.pool, pool.QueuePool): + engine.pool._timeout = 0 + engine.pool._max_overflow = 0 + if use_reaper: + event.listen(engine.pool, "connect", testing_reaper.connect) + event.listen(engine.pool, "checkout", testing_reaper.checkout) + event.listen(engine.pool, "invalidate", testing_reaper.invalidate) + testing_reaper.add_engine(engine) + + return engine + + +def mock_engine(dialect_name=None): + """Provides a mocking engine based on the current testing.db. + + This is normally used to test DDL generation flow as emitted + by an Engine. + + It should not be used in other cases, as assert_compile() and + assert_sql_execution() are much better choices with fewer + moving parts. + + """ + + from sqlalchemy import create_engine + + if not dialect_name: + dialect_name = config.db.name + + buffer = [] + + def executor(sql, *a, **kw): + buffer.append(sql) + + def assert_sql(stmts): + recv = [re.sub(r"[\n\t]", "", str(s)) for s in buffer] + assert recv == stmts, recv + + def print_sql(): + d = engine.dialect + return "\n".join(str(s.compile(dialect=d)) for s in engine.mock) + + engine = create_engine( + dialect_name + "://", strategy="mock", executor=executor + ) + assert not hasattr(engine, "mock") + engine.mock = buffer + engine.assert_sql = assert_sql + engine.print_sql = print_sql + return engine + + +class DBAPIProxyCursor(object): + """Proxy a DBAPI cursor. + + Tests can provide subclasses of this to intercept + DBAPI-level cursor operations. + + """ + + def __init__(self, engine, conn, *args, **kwargs): + self.engine = engine + self.connection = conn + self.cursor = conn.cursor(*args, **kwargs) + + def execute(self, stmt, parameters=None, **kw): + if parameters: + return self.cursor.execute(stmt, parameters, **kw) + else: + return self.cursor.execute(stmt, **kw) + + def executemany(self, stmt, params, **kw): + return self.cursor.executemany(stmt, params, **kw) + + def __getattr__(self, key): + return getattr(self.cursor, key) + + +class DBAPIProxyConnection(object): + """Proxy a DBAPI connection. + + Tests can provide subclasses of this to intercept + DBAPI-level connection operations. + + """ + + def __init__(self, engine, cursor_cls): + self.conn = self._sqla_unwrap = engine.pool._creator() + self.engine = engine + self.cursor_cls = cursor_cls + + def cursor(self, *args, **kwargs): + return self.cursor_cls(self.engine, self.conn, *args, **kwargs) + + def close(self): + self.conn.close() + + def __getattr__(self, key): + return getattr(self.conn, key) + + +def proxying_engine( + conn_cls=DBAPIProxyConnection, cursor_cls=DBAPIProxyCursor +): + """Produce an engine that provides proxy hooks for + common methods. + + """ + + def mock_conn(): + return conn_cls(config.db, cursor_cls) + + return testing_engine(options={"creator": mock_conn}) diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/entities.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/entities.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b894979 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/entities.py @@ -0,0 +1,107 @@ +# testing/entities.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +import sqlalchemy as sa +from .. import exc as sa_exc + + +_repr_stack = set() + + +class BasicEntity(object): + def __init__(self, **kw): + for key, value in kw.items(): + setattr(self, key, value) + + def __repr__(self): + if id(self) in _repr_stack: + return object.__repr__(self) + _repr_stack.add(id(self)) + try: + return "%s(%s)" % ( + (self.__class__.__name__), + ", ".join( + [ + "%s=%r" % (key, getattr(self, key)) + for key in sorted(self.__dict__.keys()) + if not key.startswith("_") + ] + ), + ) + finally: + _repr_stack.remove(id(self)) + + +_recursion_stack = set() + + +class ComparableEntity(BasicEntity): + def __hash__(self): + return hash(self.__class__) + + def __ne__(self, other): + return not self.__eq__(other) + + def __eq__(self, other): + """'Deep, sparse compare. + + Deeply compare two entities, following the non-None attributes of the + non-persisted object, if possible. + + """ + if other is self: + return True + elif not self.__class__ == other.__class__: + return False + + if id(self) in _recursion_stack: + return True + _recursion_stack.add(id(self)) + + try: + # pick the entity that's not SA persisted as the source + try: + self_key = sa.orm.attributes.instance_state(self).key + except sa.orm.exc.NO_STATE: + self_key = None + + if other is None: + a = self + b = other + elif self_key is not None: + a = other + b = self + else: + a = self + b = other + + for attr in list(a.__dict__): + if attr.startswith("_"): + continue + value = getattr(a, attr) + + try: + # handle lazy loader errors + battr = getattr(b, attr) + except (AttributeError, sa_exc.UnboundExecutionError): + return False + + if hasattr(value, "__iter__"): + if hasattr(value, "__getitem__") and not hasattr( + value, "keys" + ): + if list(value) != list(battr): + return False + else: + if set(value) != set(battr): + return False + else: + if value is not None and value != battr: + return False + return True + finally: + _recursion_stack.remove(id(self)) diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/exclusions.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/exclusions.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bfb239d --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/exclusions.py @@ -0,0 +1,446 @@ +# testing/exclusions.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + + +import contextlib +import operator +import re + +from . import config +from .. import util +from ..util import decorator +from ..util.compat import inspect_getargspec + + +def skip_if(predicate, reason=None): + rule = compound() + pred = _as_predicate(predicate, reason) + rule.skips.add(pred) + return rule + + +def fails_if(predicate, reason=None): + rule = compound() + pred = _as_predicate(predicate, reason) + rule.fails.add(pred) + return rule + + +class compound(object): + def __init__(self): + self.fails = set() + self.skips = set() + self.tags = set() + + def __add__(self, other): + return self.add(other) + + def add(self, *others): + copy = compound() + copy.fails.update(self.fails) + copy.skips.update(self.skips) + copy.tags.update(self.tags) + for other in others: + copy.fails.update(other.fails) + copy.skips.update(other.skips) + copy.tags.update(other.tags) + return copy + + def not_(self): + copy = compound() + copy.fails.update(NotPredicate(fail) for fail in self.fails) + copy.skips.update(NotPredicate(skip) for skip in self.skips) + copy.tags.update(self.tags) + return copy + + @property + def enabled(self): + return self.enabled_for_config(config._current) + + def enabled_for_config(self, config): + for predicate in self.skips.union(self.fails): + if predicate(config): + return False + else: + return True + + def matching_config_reasons(self, config): + return [ + predicate._as_string(config) + for predicate in self.skips.union(self.fails) + if predicate(config) + ] + + def include_test(self, include_tags, exclude_tags): + return bool( + not self.tags.intersection(exclude_tags) + and (not include_tags or self.tags.intersection(include_tags)) + ) + + def _extend(self, other): + self.skips.update(other.skips) + self.fails.update(other.fails) + self.tags.update(other.tags) + + def __call__(self, fn): + if hasattr(fn, "_sa_exclusion_extend"): + fn._sa_exclusion_extend._extend(self) + return fn + + @decorator + def decorate(fn, *args, **kw): + return self._do(config._current, fn, *args, **kw) + + decorated = decorate(fn) + decorated._sa_exclusion_extend = self + return decorated + + @contextlib.contextmanager + def fail_if(self): + all_fails = compound() + all_fails.fails.update(self.skips.union(self.fails)) + + try: + yield + except Exception as ex: + all_fails._expect_failure(config._current, ex) + else: + all_fails._expect_success(config._current) + + def _do(self, cfg, fn, *args, **kw): + for skip in self.skips: + if skip(cfg): + msg = "'%s' : %s" % (fn.__name__, skip._as_string(cfg)) + config.skip_test(msg) + + try: + return_value = fn(*args, **kw) + except Exception as ex: + self._expect_failure(cfg, ex, name=fn.__name__) + else: + self._expect_success(cfg, name=fn.__name__) + return return_value + + def _expect_failure(self, config, ex, name="block"): + for fail in self.fails: + if fail(config): + print( + ( + "%s failed as expected (%s): %s " + % (name, fail._as_string(config), str(ex)) + ) + ) + break + else: + util.raise_from_cause(ex) + + def _expect_success(self, config, name="block"): + if not self.fails: + return + for fail in self.fails: + if not fail(config): + break + else: + raise AssertionError( + "Unexpected success for '%s' (%s)" + % ( + name, + " and ".join( + fail._as_string(config) for fail in self.fails + ), + ) + ) + + +def requires_tag(tagname): + return tags([tagname]) + + +def tags(tagnames): + comp = compound() + comp.tags.update(tagnames) + return comp + + +def only_if(predicate, reason=None): + predicate = _as_predicate(predicate) + return skip_if(NotPredicate(predicate), reason) + + +def succeeds_if(predicate, reason=None): + predicate = _as_predicate(predicate) + return fails_if(NotPredicate(predicate), reason) + + +class Predicate(object): + @classmethod + def as_predicate(cls, predicate, description=None): + if isinstance(predicate, compound): + return cls.as_predicate(predicate.enabled_for_config, description) + elif isinstance(predicate, Predicate): + if description and predicate.description is None: + predicate.description = description + return predicate + elif isinstance(predicate, (list, set)): + return OrPredicate( + [cls.as_predicate(pred) for pred in predicate], description + ) + elif isinstance(predicate, tuple): + return SpecPredicate(*predicate) + elif isinstance(predicate, util.string_types): + tokens = re.match( + r"([\+\w]+)\s*(?:(>=|==|!=|<=|<|>)\s*([\d\.]+))?", predicate + ) + if not tokens: + raise ValueError( + "Couldn't locate DB name in predicate: %r" % predicate + ) + db = tokens.group(1) + op = tokens.group(2) + spec = ( + tuple(int(d) for d in tokens.group(3).split(".")) + if tokens.group(3) + else None + ) + + return SpecPredicate(db, op, spec, description=description) + elif util.callable(predicate): + return LambdaPredicate(predicate, description) + else: + assert False, "unknown predicate type: %s" % predicate + + def _format_description(self, config, negate=False): + bool_ = self(config) + if negate: + bool_ = not negate + return self.description % { + "driver": config.db.url.get_driver_name() + if config + else "", + "database": config.db.url.get_backend_name() + if config + else "", + "doesnt_support": "doesn't support" if bool_ else "does support", + "does_support": "does support" if bool_ else "doesn't support", + } + + def _as_string(self, config=None, negate=False): + raise NotImplementedError() + + +class BooleanPredicate(Predicate): + def __init__(self, value, description=None): + self.value = value + self.description = description or "boolean %s" % value + + def __call__(self, config): + return self.value + + def _as_string(self, config, negate=False): + return self._format_description(config, negate=negate) + + +class SpecPredicate(Predicate): + def __init__(self, db, op=None, spec=None, description=None): + self.db = db + self.op = op + self.spec = spec + self.description = description + + _ops = { + "<": operator.lt, + ">": operator.gt, + "==": operator.eq, + "!=": operator.ne, + "<=": operator.le, + ">=": operator.ge, + "in": operator.contains, + "between": lambda val, pair: val >= pair[0] and val <= pair[1], + } + + def __call__(self, config): + engine = config.db + + if "+" in self.db: + dialect, driver = self.db.split("+") + else: + dialect, driver = self.db, None + + if dialect and engine.name != dialect: + return False + if driver is not None and engine.driver != driver: + return False + + if self.op is not None: + assert driver is None, "DBAPI version specs not supported yet" + + version = _server_version(engine) + oper = ( + hasattr(self.op, "__call__") and self.op or self._ops[self.op] + ) + return oper(version, self.spec) + else: + return True + + def _as_string(self, config, negate=False): + if self.description is not None: + return self._format_description(config) + elif self.op is None: + if negate: + return "not %s" % self.db + else: + return "%s" % self.db + else: + if negate: + return "not %s %s %s" % (self.db, self.op, self.spec) + else: + return "%s %s %s" % (self.db, self.op, self.spec) + + +class LambdaPredicate(Predicate): + def __init__(self, lambda_, description=None, args=None, kw=None): + spec = inspect_getargspec(lambda_) + if not spec[0]: + self.lambda_ = lambda db: lambda_() + else: + self.lambda_ = lambda_ + self.args = args or () + self.kw = kw or {} + if description: + self.description = description + elif lambda_.__doc__: + self.description = lambda_.__doc__ + else: + self.description = "custom function" + + def __call__(self, config): + return self.lambda_(config) + + def _as_string(self, config, negate=False): + return self._format_description(config) + + +class NotPredicate(Predicate): + def __init__(self, predicate, description=None): + self.predicate = predicate + self.description = description + + def __call__(self, config): + return not self.predicate(config) + + def _as_string(self, config, negate=False): + if self.description: + return self._format_description(config, not negate) + else: + return self.predicate._as_string(config, not negate) + + +class OrPredicate(Predicate): + def __init__(self, predicates, description=None): + self.predicates = predicates + self.description = description + + def __call__(self, config): + for pred in self.predicates: + if pred(config): + return True + return False + + def _eval_str(self, config, negate=False): + if negate: + conjunction = " and " + else: + conjunction = " or " + return conjunction.join( + p._as_string(config, negate=negate) for p in self.predicates + ) + + def _negation_str(self, config): + if self.description is not None: + return "Not " + self._format_description(config) + else: + return self._eval_str(config, negate=True) + + def _as_string(self, config, negate=False): + if negate: + return self._negation_str(config) + else: + if self.description is not None: + return self._format_description(config) + else: + return self._eval_str(config) + + +_as_predicate = Predicate.as_predicate + + +def _is_excluded(db, op, spec): + return SpecPredicate(db, op, spec)(config._current) + + +def _server_version(engine): + """Return a server_version_info tuple.""" + + # force metadata to be retrieved + conn = engine.connect() + version = getattr(engine.dialect, "server_version_info", None) + if version is None: + version = () + conn.close() + return version + + +def db_spec(*dbs): + return OrPredicate([Predicate.as_predicate(db) for db in dbs]) + + +def open(): # noqa + return skip_if(BooleanPredicate(False, "mark as execute")) + + +def closed(): + return skip_if(BooleanPredicate(True, "marked as skip")) + + +def fails(reason=None): + return fails_if(BooleanPredicate(True, reason or "expected to fail")) + + +@decorator +def future(fn, *arg): + return fails_if(LambdaPredicate(fn), "Future feature") + + +def fails_on(db, reason=None): + return fails_if(db, reason) + + +def fails_on_everything_except(*dbs): + return succeeds_if(OrPredicate([Predicate.as_predicate(db) for db in dbs])) + + +def skip(db, reason=None): + return skip_if(db, reason) + + +def only_on(dbs, reason=None): + return only_if( + OrPredicate( + [Predicate.as_predicate(db, reason) for db in util.to_list(dbs)] + ) + ) + + +def exclude(db, op, spec, reason=None): + return skip_if(SpecPredicate(db, op, spec), reason) + + +def against(config, *queries): + assert queries, "no queries sent!" + return OrPredicate([Predicate.as_predicate(query) for query in queries])( + config + ) diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/fixtures.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/fixtures.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..64d9328 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/fixtures.py @@ -0,0 +1,394 @@ +# testing/fixtures.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +import sys + +import sqlalchemy as sa +from . import assertions +from . import config +from . import schema +from .engines import drop_all_tables +from .entities import BasicEntity +from .entities import ComparableEntity +from .util import adict +from .. import event +from .. import util +from ..ext.declarative import declarative_base +from ..ext.declarative import DeclarativeMeta + + +# whether or not we use unittest changes things dramatically, +# as far as how py.test collection works. + + +class TestBase(object): + # A sequence of database names to always run, regardless of the + # constraints below. + __whitelist__ = () + + # A sequence of requirement names matching testing.requires decorators + __requires__ = () + + # A sequence of dialect names to exclude from the test class. + __unsupported_on__ = () + + # If present, test class is only runnable for the *single* specified + # dialect. If you need multiple, use __unsupported_on__ and invert. + __only_on__ = None + + # A sequence of no-arg callables. If any are True, the entire testcase is + # skipped. + __skip_if__ = None + + def assert_(self, val, msg=None): + assert val, msg + + # apparently a handful of tests are doing this....OK + def setup(self): + if hasattr(self, "setUp"): + self.setUp() + + def teardown(self): + if hasattr(self, "tearDown"): + self.tearDown() + + +class TablesTest(TestBase): + + # 'once', None + run_setup_bind = "once" + + # 'once', 'each', None + run_define_tables = "once" + + # 'once', 'each', None + run_create_tables = "once" + + # 'once', 'each', None + run_inserts = "each" + + # 'each', None + run_deletes = "each" + + # 'once', None + run_dispose_bind = None + + bind = None + metadata = None + tables = None + other = None + + @classmethod + def setup_class(cls): + cls._init_class() + + cls._setup_once_tables() + + cls._setup_once_inserts() + + @classmethod + def _init_class(cls): + if cls.run_define_tables == "each": + if cls.run_create_tables == "once": + cls.run_create_tables = "each" + assert cls.run_inserts in ("each", None) + + cls.other = adict() + cls.tables = adict() + + cls.bind = cls.setup_bind() + cls.metadata = sa.MetaData() + cls.metadata.bind = cls.bind + + @classmethod + def _setup_once_inserts(cls): + if cls.run_inserts == "once": + cls._load_fixtures() + cls.insert_data() + + @classmethod + def _setup_once_tables(cls): + if cls.run_define_tables == "once": + cls.define_tables(cls.metadata) + if cls.run_create_tables == "once": + cls.metadata.create_all(cls.bind) + cls.tables.update(cls.metadata.tables) + + def _setup_each_tables(self): + if self.run_define_tables == "each": + self.tables.clear() + if self.run_create_tables == "each": + drop_all_tables(self.metadata, self.bind) + self.metadata.clear() + self.define_tables(self.metadata) + if self.run_create_tables == "each": + self.metadata.create_all(self.bind) + self.tables.update(self.metadata.tables) + elif self.run_create_tables == "each": + drop_all_tables(self.metadata, self.bind) + self.metadata.create_all(self.bind) + + def _setup_each_inserts(self): + if self.run_inserts == "each": + self._load_fixtures() + self.insert_data() + + def _teardown_each_tables(self): + # no need to run deletes if tables are recreated on setup + if self.run_define_tables != "each" and self.run_deletes == "each": + with self.bind.connect() as conn: + for table in reversed(self.metadata.sorted_tables): + try: + conn.execute(table.delete()) + except sa.exc.DBAPIError as ex: + util.print_( + ("Error emptying table %s: %r" % (table, ex)), + file=sys.stderr, + ) + + def setup(self): + self._setup_each_tables() + self._setup_each_inserts() + + def teardown(self): + self._teardown_each_tables() + + @classmethod + def _teardown_once_metadata_bind(cls): + if cls.run_create_tables: + drop_all_tables(cls.metadata, cls.bind) + + if cls.run_dispose_bind == "once": + cls.dispose_bind(cls.bind) + + cls.metadata.bind = None + + if cls.run_setup_bind is not None: + cls.bind = None + + @classmethod + def teardown_class(cls): + cls._teardown_once_metadata_bind() + + @classmethod + def setup_bind(cls): + return config.db + + @classmethod + def dispose_bind(cls, bind): + if hasattr(bind, "dispose"): + bind.dispose() + elif hasattr(bind, "close"): + bind.close() + + @classmethod + def define_tables(cls, metadata): + pass + + @classmethod + def fixtures(cls): + return {} + + @classmethod + def insert_data(cls): + pass + + def sql_count_(self, count, fn): + self.assert_sql_count(self.bind, fn, count) + + def sql_eq_(self, callable_, statements): + self.assert_sql(self.bind, callable_, statements) + + @classmethod + def _load_fixtures(cls): + """Insert rows as represented by the fixtures() method.""" + headers, rows = {}, {} + for table, data in cls.fixtures().items(): + if len(data) < 2: + continue + if isinstance(table, util.string_types): + table = cls.tables[table] + headers[table] = data[0] + rows[table] = data[1:] + for table in cls.metadata.sorted_tables: + if table not in headers: + continue + cls.bind.execute( + table.insert(), + [ + dict(zip(headers[table], column_values)) + for column_values in rows[table] + ], + ) + + +class RemovesEvents(object): + @util.memoized_property + def _event_fns(self): + return set() + + def event_listen(self, target, name, fn, **kw): + self._event_fns.add((target, name, fn)) + event.listen(target, name, fn, **kw) + + def teardown(self): + for key in self._event_fns: + event.remove(*key) + super_ = super(RemovesEvents, self) + if hasattr(super_, "teardown"): + super_.teardown() + + +class _ORMTest(object): + @classmethod + def teardown_class(cls): + sa.orm.session.Session.close_all() + sa.orm.clear_mappers() + + +class ORMTest(_ORMTest, TestBase): + pass + + +class MappedTest(_ORMTest, TablesTest, assertions.AssertsExecutionResults): + # 'once', 'each', None + run_setup_classes = "once" + + # 'once', 'each', None + run_setup_mappers = "each" + + classes = None + + @classmethod + def setup_class(cls): + cls._init_class() + + if cls.classes is None: + cls.classes = adict() + + cls._setup_once_tables() + cls._setup_once_classes() + cls._setup_once_mappers() + cls._setup_once_inserts() + + @classmethod + def teardown_class(cls): + cls._teardown_once_class() + cls._teardown_once_metadata_bind() + + def setup(self): + self._setup_each_tables() + self._setup_each_classes() + self._setup_each_mappers() + self._setup_each_inserts() + + def teardown(self): + sa.orm.session.Session.close_all() + self._teardown_each_mappers() + self._teardown_each_classes() + self._teardown_each_tables() + + @classmethod + def _teardown_once_class(cls): + cls.classes.clear() + _ORMTest.teardown_class() + + @classmethod + def _setup_once_classes(cls): + if cls.run_setup_classes == "once": + cls._with_register_classes(cls.setup_classes) + + @classmethod + def _setup_once_mappers(cls): + if cls.run_setup_mappers == "once": + cls._with_register_classes(cls.setup_mappers) + + def _setup_each_mappers(self): + if self.run_setup_mappers == "each": + self._with_register_classes(self.setup_mappers) + + def _setup_each_classes(self): + if self.run_setup_classes == "each": + self._with_register_classes(self.setup_classes) + + @classmethod + def _with_register_classes(cls, fn): + """Run a setup method, framing the operation with a Base class + that will catch new subclasses to be established within + the "classes" registry. + + """ + cls_registry = cls.classes + + class FindFixture(type): + def __init__(cls, classname, bases, dict_): + cls_registry[classname] = cls + return type.__init__(cls, classname, bases, dict_) + + class _Base(util.with_metaclass(FindFixture, object)): + pass + + class Basic(BasicEntity, _Base): + pass + + class Comparable(ComparableEntity, _Base): + pass + + cls.Basic = Basic + cls.Comparable = Comparable + fn() + + def _teardown_each_mappers(self): + # some tests create mappers in the test bodies + # and will define setup_mappers as None - + # clear mappers in any case + if self.run_setup_mappers != "once": + sa.orm.clear_mappers() + + def _teardown_each_classes(self): + if self.run_setup_classes != "once": + self.classes.clear() + + @classmethod + def setup_classes(cls): + pass + + @classmethod + def setup_mappers(cls): + pass + + +class DeclarativeMappedTest(MappedTest): + run_setup_classes = "once" + run_setup_mappers = "once" + + @classmethod + def _setup_once_tables(cls): + pass + + @classmethod + def _with_register_classes(cls, fn): + cls_registry = cls.classes + + class FindFixtureDeclarative(DeclarativeMeta): + def __init__(cls, classname, bases, dict_): + cls_registry[classname] = cls + return DeclarativeMeta.__init__(cls, classname, bases, dict_) + + class DeclarativeBasic(object): + __table_cls__ = schema.Table + + _DeclBase = declarative_base( + metadata=cls.metadata, + metaclass=FindFixtureDeclarative, + cls=DeclarativeBasic, + ) + cls.DeclarativeBasic = _DeclBase + fn() + + if cls.metadata.tables and cls.run_create_tables: + cls.metadata.create_all(config.db) diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/mock.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/mock.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f42cf8e --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/mock.py @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +# testing/mock.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +"""Import stub for mock library. +""" +from __future__ import absolute_import + +from ..util import py33 + + +if py33: + from unittest.mock import MagicMock + from unittest.mock import Mock + from unittest.mock import call + from unittest.mock import patch + from unittest.mock import ANY +else: + try: + from mock import MagicMock # noqa + from mock import Mock # noqa + from mock import call # noqa + from mock import patch # noqa + from mock import ANY # noqa + except ImportError: + raise ImportError( + "SQLAlchemy's test suite requires the " + "'mock' library as of 0.8.2." + ) diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/pickleable.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/pickleable.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6d97a1f --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/pickleable.py @@ -0,0 +1,141 @@ +# testing/pickleable.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +"""Classes used in pickling tests, need to be at the module level for +unpickling. +""" + +from . import fixtures + + +class User(fixtures.ComparableEntity): + pass + + +class Order(fixtures.ComparableEntity): + pass + + +class Dingaling(fixtures.ComparableEntity): + pass + + +class EmailUser(User): + pass + + +class Address(fixtures.ComparableEntity): + pass + + +# TODO: these are kind of arbitrary.... +class Child1(fixtures.ComparableEntity): + pass + + +class Child2(fixtures.ComparableEntity): + pass + + +class Parent(fixtures.ComparableEntity): + pass + + +class Screen(object): + def __init__(self, obj, parent=None): + self.obj = obj + self.parent = parent + + +class Foo(object): + def __init__(self, moredata): + self.data = "im data" + self.stuff = "im stuff" + self.moredata = moredata + + __hash__ = object.__hash__ + + def __eq__(self, other): + return ( + other.data == self.data + and other.stuff == self.stuff + and other.moredata == self.moredata + ) + + +class Bar(object): + def __init__(self, x, y): + self.x = x + self.y = y + + __hash__ = object.__hash__ + + def __eq__(self, other): + return ( + other.__class__ is self.__class__ + and other.x == self.x + and other.y == self.y + ) + + def __str__(self): + return "Bar(%d, %d)" % (self.x, self.y) + + +class OldSchool: + def __init__(self, x, y): + self.x = x + self.y = y + + def __eq__(self, other): + return ( + other.__class__ is self.__class__ + and other.x == self.x + and other.y == self.y + ) + + +class OldSchoolWithoutCompare: + def __init__(self, x, y): + self.x = x + self.y = y + + +class BarWithoutCompare(object): + def __init__(self, x, y): + self.x = x + self.y = y + + def __str__(self): + return "Bar(%d, %d)" % (self.x, self.y) + + +class NotComparable(object): + def __init__(self, data): + self.data = data + + def __hash__(self): + return id(self) + + def __eq__(self, other): + return NotImplemented + + def __ne__(self, other): + return NotImplemented + + +class BrokenComparable(object): + def __init__(self, data): + self.data = data + + def __hash__(self): + return id(self) + + def __eq__(self, other): + raise NotImplementedError + + def __ne__(self, other): + raise NotImplementedError diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/plugin/__init__.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/plugin/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/plugin/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/plugin/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..df9a11e Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/plugin/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/plugin/__pycache__/bootstrap.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/plugin/__pycache__/bootstrap.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7a4eb39 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/plugin/__pycache__/bootstrap.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/plugin/__pycache__/noseplugin.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/plugin/__pycache__/noseplugin.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..03cde50 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/plugin/__pycache__/noseplugin.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/plugin/__pycache__/plugin_base.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/plugin/__pycache__/plugin_base.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e89a2b0 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/plugin/__pycache__/plugin_base.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/plugin/__pycache__/pytestplugin.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/plugin/__pycache__/pytestplugin.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..666d5cf Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/plugin/__pycache__/pytestplugin.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/plugin/bootstrap.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/plugin/bootstrap.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bb52c12 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/plugin/bootstrap.py @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +""" +Bootstrapper for nose/pytest plugins. + +The entire rationale for this system is to get the modules in plugin/ +imported without importing all of the supporting library, so that we can +set up things for testing before coverage starts. + +The rationale for all of plugin/ being *in* the supporting library in the +first place is so that the testing and plugin suite is available to other +libraries, mainly external SQLAlchemy and Alembic dialects, to make use +of the same test environment and standard suites available to +SQLAlchemy/Alembic themselves without the need to ship/install a separate +package outside of SQLAlchemy. + +NOTE: copied/adapted from SQLAlchemy master for backwards compatibility; +this should be removable when Alembic targets SQLAlchemy 1.0.0. + +""" + +import os +import sys + +bootstrap_file = locals()["bootstrap_file"] +to_bootstrap = locals()["to_bootstrap"] + + +def load_file_as_module(name): + path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(bootstrap_file), "%s.py" % name) + if sys.version_info >= (3, 3): + from importlib import machinery + + mod = machinery.SourceFileLoader(name, path).load_module() + else: + import imp + + mod = imp.load_source(name, path) + return mod + + +if to_bootstrap == "pytest": + sys.modules["sqla_plugin_base"] = load_file_as_module("plugin_base") + sys.modules["sqla_pytestplugin"] = load_file_as_module("pytestplugin") +elif to_bootstrap == "nose": + sys.modules["sqla_plugin_base"] = load_file_as_module("plugin_base") + sys.modules["sqla_noseplugin"] = load_file_as_module("noseplugin") +else: + raise Exception("unknown bootstrap: %s" % to_bootstrap) # noqa diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/plugin/noseplugin.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/plugin/noseplugin.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e08fa40 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/plugin/noseplugin.py @@ -0,0 +1,112 @@ +# plugin/noseplugin.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +"""Enhance nose with extra options and behaviors for running SQLAlchemy tests. + +Must be run via ./sqla_nose.py so that it is imported in the expected +way (e.g. as a package-less import). + +""" + +try: + # installed by bootstrap.py + import sqla_plugin_base as plugin_base +except ImportError: + # assume we're a package, use traditional import + from . import plugin_base + + +import os +import sys + +import nose +from nose.plugins import Plugin + +fixtures = None + +py3k = sys.version_info >= (3, 0) + + +class NoseSQLAlchemy(Plugin): + enabled = True + + name = "sqla_testing" + score = 100 + + def options(self, parser, env=os.environ): + Plugin.options(self, parser, env) + opt = parser.add_option + + def make_option(name, **kw): + callback_ = kw.pop("callback", None) or kw.pop( + "zeroarg_callback", None + ) + if callback_: + + def wrap_(option, opt_str, value, parser): + callback_(opt_str, value, parser) + + kw["callback"] = wrap_ + opt(name, **kw) + + plugin_base.setup_options(make_option) + plugin_base.read_config() + + def configure(self, options, conf): + super(NoseSQLAlchemy, self).configure(options, conf) + plugin_base.pre_begin(options) + + plugin_base.set_coverage_flag(options.enable_plugin_coverage) + + plugin_base.set_skip_test(nose.SkipTest) + + def begin(self): + global fixtures + from sqlalchemy.testing import fixtures # noqa + + plugin_base.post_begin() + + def describeTest(self, test): + return "" + + def wantFunction(self, fn): + return False + + def wantMethod(self, fn): + if py3k: + if not hasattr(fn.__self__, "cls"): + return False + cls = fn.__self__.cls + else: + cls = fn.im_class + return plugin_base.want_method(cls, fn) + + def wantClass(self, cls): + return plugin_base.want_class(cls) + + def beforeTest(self, test): + if not hasattr(test.test, "cls"): + return + plugin_base.before_test( + test, + test.test.cls.__module__, + test.test.cls, + test.test.method.__name__, + ) + + def afterTest(self, test): + plugin_base.after_test(test) + + def startContext(self, ctx): + if not isinstance(ctx, type) or not issubclass(ctx, fixtures.TestBase): + return + plugin_base.start_test_class(ctx) + + def stopContext(self, ctx): + if not isinstance(ctx, type) or not issubclass(ctx, fixtures.TestBase): + return + plugin_base.stop_test_class(ctx) diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/plugin/plugin_base.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/plugin/plugin_base.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7dbc0f9 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/plugin/plugin_base.py @@ -0,0 +1,680 @@ +# plugin/plugin_base.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +"""Testing extensions. + +this module is designed to work as a testing-framework-agnostic library, +so that we can continue to support nose and also begin adding new +functionality via py.test. + +""" + +from __future__ import absolute_import + +import re +import sys + +py3k = sys.version_info >= (3, 0) + +if py3k: + import configparser +else: + import ConfigParser as configparser + +# late imports +fixtures = None +engines = None +exclusions = None +warnings = None +profiling = None +assertions = None +requirements = None +config = None +testing = None +util = None +file_config = None + + +logging = None +include_tags = set() +exclude_tags = set() +options = None + + +def setup_options(make_option): + make_option( + "--log-info", + action="callback", + type="string", + callback=_log, + help="turn on info logging for (multiple OK)", + ) + make_option( + "--log-debug", + action="callback", + type="string", + callback=_log, + help="turn on debug logging for (multiple OK)", + ) + make_option( + "--db", + action="append", + type="string", + dest="db", + help="Use prefab database uri. Multiple OK, " + "first one is run by default.", + ) + make_option( + "--dbs", + action="callback", + zeroarg_callback=_list_dbs, + help="List available prefab dbs", + ) + make_option( + "--dburi", + action="append", + type="string", + dest="dburi", + help="Database uri. Multiple OK, " "first one is run by default.", + ) + make_option( + "--dropfirst", + action="store_true", + dest="dropfirst", + help="Drop all tables in the target database first", + ) + make_option( + "--backend-only", + action="store_true", + dest="backend_only", + help="Run only tests marked with __backend__", + ) + make_option( + "--nomemory", + action="store_true", + dest="nomemory", + help="Don't run memory profiling tests", + ) + make_option( + "--postgresql-templatedb", + type="string", + help="name of template database to use for PostgreSQL " + "CREATE DATABASE (defaults to current database)", + ) + make_option( + "--low-connections", + action="store_true", + dest="low_connections", + help="Use a low number of distinct connections - " + "i.e. for Oracle TNS", + ) + make_option( + "--write-idents", + type="string", + dest="write_idents", + help="write out generated follower idents to , " + "when -n is used", + ) + make_option( + "--reversetop", + action="store_true", + dest="reversetop", + default=False, + help="Use a random-ordering set implementation in the ORM " + "(helps reveal dependency issues)", + ) + make_option( + "--requirements", + action="callback", + type="string", + callback=_requirements_opt, + help="requirements class for testing, overrides setup.cfg", + ) + make_option( + "--with-cdecimal", + action="store_true", + dest="cdecimal", + default=False, + help="Monkeypatch the cdecimal library into Python 'decimal' " + "for all tests", + ) + make_option( + "--include-tag", + action="callback", + callback=_include_tag, + type="string", + help="Include tests with tag ", + ) + make_option( + "--exclude-tag", + action="callback", + callback=_exclude_tag, + type="string", + help="Exclude tests with tag ", + ) + make_option( + "--write-profiles", + action="store_true", + dest="write_profiles", + default=False, + help="Write/update failing profiling data.", + ) + make_option( + "--force-write-profiles", + action="store_true", + dest="force_write_profiles", + default=False, + help="Unconditionally write/update profiling data.", + ) + + +def configure_follower(follower_ident): + """Configure required state for a follower. + + This invokes in the parent process and typically includes + database creation. + + """ + from sqlalchemy.testing import provision + + provision.FOLLOWER_IDENT = follower_ident + + +def memoize_important_follower_config(dict_): + """Store important configuration we will need to send to a follower. + + This invokes in the parent process after normal config is set up. + + This is necessary as py.test seems to not be using forking, so we + start with nothing in memory, *but* it isn't running our argparse + callables, so we have to just copy all of that over. + + """ + dict_["memoized_config"] = { + "include_tags": include_tags, + "exclude_tags": exclude_tags, + } + + +def restore_important_follower_config(dict_): + """Restore important configuration needed by a follower. + + This invokes in the follower process. + + """ + global include_tags, exclude_tags + include_tags.update(dict_["memoized_config"]["include_tags"]) + exclude_tags.update(dict_["memoized_config"]["exclude_tags"]) + + +def read_config(): + global file_config + file_config = configparser.ConfigParser() + file_config.read(["setup.cfg", "test.cfg"]) + + +def pre_begin(opt): + """things to set up early, before coverage might be setup.""" + global options + options = opt + for fn in pre_configure: + fn(options, file_config) + + +def set_coverage_flag(value): + options.has_coverage = value + + +_skip_test_exception = None + + +def set_skip_test(exc): + global _skip_test_exception + _skip_test_exception = exc + + +def post_begin(): + """things to set up later, once we know coverage is running.""" + # Lazy setup of other options (post coverage) + for fn in post_configure: + fn(options, file_config) + + # late imports, has to happen after config as well + # as nose plugins like coverage + global util, fixtures, engines, exclusions, assertions + global warnings, profiling, config, testing + from sqlalchemy import testing # noqa + from sqlalchemy.testing import fixtures, engines, exclusions # noqa + from sqlalchemy.testing import assertions, warnings, profiling # noqa + from sqlalchemy.testing import config # noqa + from sqlalchemy import util # noqa + + warnings.setup_filters() + + +def _log(opt_str, value, parser): + global logging + if not logging: + import logging + + logging.basicConfig() + + if opt_str.endswith("-info"): + logging.getLogger(value).setLevel(logging.INFO) + elif opt_str.endswith("-debug"): + logging.getLogger(value).setLevel(logging.DEBUG) + + +def _list_dbs(*args): + print("Available --db options (use --dburi to override)") + for macro in sorted(file_config.options("db")): + print("%20s\t%s" % (macro, file_config.get("db", macro))) + sys.exit(0) + + +def _requirements_opt(opt_str, value, parser): + _setup_requirements(value) + + +def _exclude_tag(opt_str, value, parser): + exclude_tags.add(value.replace("-", "_")) + + +def _include_tag(opt_str, value, parser): + include_tags.add(value.replace("-", "_")) + + +pre_configure = [] +post_configure = [] + + +def pre(fn): + pre_configure.append(fn) + return fn + + +def post(fn): + post_configure.append(fn) + return fn + + +@pre +def _setup_options(opt, file_config): + global options + options = opt + + +@pre +def _set_nomemory(opt, file_config): + if opt.nomemory: + exclude_tags.add("memory_intensive") + + +@pre +def _monkeypatch_cdecimal(options, file_config): + if options.cdecimal: + import cdecimal + + sys.modules["decimal"] = cdecimal + + +@post +def _init_skiptest(options, file_config): + from sqlalchemy.testing import config + + config._skip_test_exception = _skip_test_exception + + +@post +def _engine_uri(options, file_config): + from sqlalchemy.testing import config + from sqlalchemy import testing + from sqlalchemy.testing import provision + + if options.dburi: + db_urls = list(options.dburi) + else: + db_urls = [] + + if options.db: + for db_token in options.db: + for db in re.split(r"[,\s]+", db_token): + if db not in file_config.options("db"): + raise RuntimeError( + "Unknown URI specifier '%s'. " + "Specify --dbs for known uris." % db + ) + else: + db_urls.append(file_config.get("db", db)) + + if not db_urls: + db_urls.append(file_config.get("db", "default")) + + config._current = None + for db_url in db_urls: + + if options.write_idents and provision.FOLLOWER_IDENT: # != 'master': + with open(options.write_idents, "a") as file_: + file_.write(provision.FOLLOWER_IDENT + " " + db_url + "\n") + + cfg = provision.setup_config( + db_url, options, file_config, provision.FOLLOWER_IDENT + ) + + if not config._current: + cfg.set_as_current(cfg, testing) + + +@post +def _requirements(options, file_config): + + requirement_cls = file_config.get("sqla_testing", "requirement_cls") + _setup_requirements(requirement_cls) + + +def _setup_requirements(argument): + from sqlalchemy.testing import config + from sqlalchemy import testing + + if config.requirements is not None: + return + + modname, clsname = argument.split(":") + + # importlib.import_module() only introduced in 2.7, a little + # late + mod = __import__(modname) + for component in modname.split(".")[1:]: + mod = getattr(mod, component) + req_cls = getattr(mod, clsname) + + config.requirements = testing.requires = req_cls() + + +@post +def _prep_testing_database(options, file_config): + from sqlalchemy.testing import config, util + from sqlalchemy.testing.exclusions import against + from sqlalchemy import schema, inspect + + if options.dropfirst: + for cfg in config.Config.all_configs(): + e = cfg.db + inspector = inspect(e) + try: + view_names = inspector.get_view_names() + except NotImplementedError: + pass + else: + for vname in view_names: + e.execute( + schema._DropView( + schema.Table(vname, schema.MetaData()) + ) + ) + + if config.requirements.schemas.enabled_for_config(cfg): + try: + view_names = inspector.get_view_names(schema="test_schema") + except NotImplementedError: + pass + else: + for vname in view_names: + e.execute( + schema._DropView( + schema.Table( + vname, + schema.MetaData(), + schema="test_schema", + ) + ) + ) + + util.drop_all_tables(e, inspector) + + if config.requirements.schemas.enabled_for_config(cfg): + util.drop_all_tables(e, inspector, schema=cfg.test_schema) + + if against(cfg, "postgresql"): + from sqlalchemy.dialects import postgresql + + for enum in inspector.get_enums("*"): + e.execute( + postgresql.DropEnumType( + postgresql.ENUM( + name=enum["name"], schema=enum["schema"] + ) + ) + ) + + +@post +def _reverse_topological(options, file_config): + if options.reversetop: + from sqlalchemy.orm.util import randomize_unitofwork + + randomize_unitofwork() + + +@post +def _post_setup_options(opt, file_config): + from sqlalchemy.testing import config + + config.options = options + config.file_config = file_config + + +@post +def _setup_profiling(options, file_config): + from sqlalchemy.testing import profiling + + profiling._profile_stats = profiling.ProfileStatsFile( + file_config.get("sqla_testing", "profile_file") + ) + + +def want_class(cls): + if not issubclass(cls, fixtures.TestBase): + return False + elif cls.__name__.startswith("_"): + return False + elif config.options.backend_only and not getattr( + cls, "__backend__", False + ): + return False + else: + return True + + +def want_method(cls, fn): + if not fn.__name__.startswith("test_"): + return False + elif fn.__module__ is None: + return False + elif include_tags: + return ( + hasattr(cls, "__tags__") + and exclusions.tags(cls.__tags__).include_test( + include_tags, exclude_tags + ) + ) or ( + hasattr(fn, "_sa_exclusion_extend") + and fn._sa_exclusion_extend.include_test( + include_tags, exclude_tags + ) + ) + elif exclude_tags and hasattr(cls, "__tags__"): + return exclusions.tags(cls.__tags__).include_test( + include_tags, exclude_tags + ) + elif exclude_tags and hasattr(fn, "_sa_exclusion_extend"): + return fn._sa_exclusion_extend.include_test(include_tags, exclude_tags) + else: + return True + + +def generate_sub_tests(cls, module): + if getattr(cls, "__backend__", False): + for cfg in _possible_configs_for_cls(cls): + orig_name = cls.__name__ + + # we can have special chars in these names except for the + # pytest junit plugin, which is tripped up by the brackets + # and periods, so sanitize + + alpha_name = re.sub(r"[_\[\]\.]+", "_", cfg.name) + alpha_name = re.sub(r"_+$", "", alpha_name) + name = "%s_%s" % (cls.__name__, alpha_name) + subcls = type( + name, + (cls,), + {"_sa_orig_cls_name": orig_name, "__only_on_config__": cfg}, + ) + setattr(module, name, subcls) + yield subcls + else: + yield cls + + +def start_test_class(cls): + _do_skips(cls) + _setup_engine(cls) + + +def stop_test_class(cls): + # from sqlalchemy import inspect + # assert not inspect(testing.db).get_table_names() + engines.testing_reaper._stop_test_ctx() + try: + if not options.low_connections: + assertions.global_cleanup_assertions() + finally: + _restore_engine() + + +def _restore_engine(): + config._current.reset(testing) + + +def final_process_cleanup(): + engines.testing_reaper._stop_test_ctx_aggressive() + assertions.global_cleanup_assertions() + _restore_engine() + + +def _setup_engine(cls): + if getattr(cls, "__engine_options__", None): + eng = engines.testing_engine(options=cls.__engine_options__) + config._current.push_engine(eng, testing) + + +def before_test(test, test_module_name, test_class, test_name): + + # like a nose id, e.g.: + # "test.aaa_profiling.test_compiler.CompileTest.test_update_whereclause" + + name = getattr(test_class, "_sa_orig_cls_name", test_class.__name__) + + id_ = "%s.%s.%s" % (test_module_name, name, test_name) + + profiling._current_test = id_ + + +def after_test(test): + engines.testing_reaper._after_test_ctx() + + +def _possible_configs_for_cls(cls, reasons=None): + all_configs = set(config.Config.all_configs()) + + if cls.__unsupported_on__: + spec = exclusions.db_spec(*cls.__unsupported_on__) + for config_obj in list(all_configs): + if spec(config_obj): + all_configs.remove(config_obj) + + if getattr(cls, "__only_on__", None): + spec = exclusions.db_spec(*util.to_list(cls.__only_on__)) + for config_obj in list(all_configs): + if not spec(config_obj): + all_configs.remove(config_obj) + + if getattr(cls, "__only_on_config__", None): + all_configs.intersection_update([cls.__only_on_config__]) + + if hasattr(cls, "__requires__"): + requirements = config.requirements + for config_obj in list(all_configs): + for requirement in cls.__requires__: + check = getattr(requirements, requirement) + + skip_reasons = check.matching_config_reasons(config_obj) + if skip_reasons: + all_configs.remove(config_obj) + if reasons is not None: + reasons.extend(skip_reasons) + break + + if hasattr(cls, "__prefer_requires__"): + non_preferred = set() + requirements = config.requirements + for config_obj in list(all_configs): + for requirement in cls.__prefer_requires__: + check = getattr(requirements, requirement) + + if not check.enabled_for_config(config_obj): + non_preferred.add(config_obj) + if all_configs.difference(non_preferred): + all_configs.difference_update(non_preferred) + + return all_configs + + +def _do_skips(cls): + reasons = [] + all_configs = _possible_configs_for_cls(cls, reasons) + + if getattr(cls, "__skip_if__", False): + for c in getattr(cls, "__skip_if__"): + if c(): + config.skip_test( + "'%s' skipped by %s" % (cls.__name__, c.__name__) + ) + + if not all_configs: + msg = "'%s' unsupported on any DB implementation %s%s" % ( + cls.__name__, + ", ".join( + "'%s(%s)+%s'" + % ( + config_obj.db.name, + ".".join( + str(dig) + for dig in exclusions._server_version(config_obj.db) + ), + config_obj.db.driver, + ) + for config_obj in config.Config.all_configs() + ), + ", ".join(reasons), + ) + config.skip_test(msg) + elif hasattr(cls, "__prefer_backends__"): + non_preferred = set() + spec = exclusions.db_spec(*util.to_list(cls.__prefer_backends__)) + for config_obj in all_configs: + if not spec(config_obj): + non_preferred.add(config_obj) + if all_configs.difference(non_preferred): + all_configs.difference_update(non_preferred) + + if config._current not in all_configs: + _setup_config(all_configs.pop(), cls) + + +def _setup_config(config_obj, ctx): + config._current.push(config_obj, testing) diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/plugin/pytestplugin.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/plugin/pytestplugin.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ed85922 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/plugin/pytestplugin.py @@ -0,0 +1,237 @@ +try: + # installed by bootstrap.py + import sqla_plugin_base as plugin_base +except ImportError: + # assume we're a package, use traditional import + from . import plugin_base + +import argparse +import collections +import inspect +import os + +import pytest + +try: + import xdist # noqa + + has_xdist = True +except ImportError: + has_xdist = False + + +def pytest_addoption(parser): + group = parser.getgroup("sqlalchemy") + + def make_option(name, **kw): + callback_ = kw.pop("callback", None) + if callback_: + + class CallableAction(argparse.Action): + def __call__( + self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None + ): + callback_(option_string, values, parser) + + kw["action"] = CallableAction + + zeroarg_callback = kw.pop("zeroarg_callback", None) + if zeroarg_callback: + + class CallableAction(argparse.Action): + def __init__( + self, + option_strings, + dest, + default=False, + required=False, + help=None, # noqa + ): + super(CallableAction, self).__init__( + option_strings=option_strings, + dest=dest, + nargs=0, + const=True, + default=default, + required=required, + help=help, + ) + + def __call__( + self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None + ): + zeroarg_callback(option_string, values, parser) + + kw["action"] = CallableAction + + group.addoption(name, **kw) + + plugin_base.setup_options(make_option) + plugin_base.read_config() + + +def pytest_configure(config): + if hasattr(config, "slaveinput"): + plugin_base.restore_important_follower_config(config.slaveinput) + plugin_base.configure_follower(config.slaveinput["follower_ident"]) + else: + if config.option.write_idents and os.path.exists( + config.option.write_idents + ): + os.remove(config.option.write_idents) + + plugin_base.pre_begin(config.option) + + plugin_base.set_coverage_flag( + bool(getattr(config.option, "cov_source", False)) + ) + + plugin_base.set_skip_test(pytest.skip.Exception) + + +def pytest_sessionstart(session): + plugin_base.post_begin() + + +def pytest_sessionfinish(session): + plugin_base.final_process_cleanup() + + +if has_xdist: + import uuid + + def pytest_configure_node(node): + # the master for each node fills slaveinput dictionary + # which pytest-xdist will transfer to the subprocess + + plugin_base.memoize_important_follower_config(node.slaveinput) + + node.slaveinput["follower_ident"] = "test_%s" % uuid.uuid4().hex[0:12] + from sqlalchemy.testing import provision + + provision.create_follower_db(node.slaveinput["follower_ident"]) + + def pytest_testnodedown(node, error): + from sqlalchemy.testing import provision + + provision.drop_follower_db(node.slaveinput["follower_ident"]) + + +def pytest_collection_modifyitems(session, config, items): + # look for all those classes that specify __backend__ and + # expand them out into per-database test cases. + + # this is much easier to do within pytest_pycollect_makeitem, however + # pytest is iterating through cls.__dict__ as makeitem is + # called which causes a "dictionary changed size" error on py3k. + # I'd submit a pullreq for them to turn it into a list first, but + # it's to suit the rather odd use case here which is that we are adding + # new classes to a module on the fly. + + rebuilt_items = collections.defaultdict(list) + items[:] = [ + item + for item in items + if isinstance(item.parent, pytest.Instance) + and not item.parent.parent.name.startswith("_") + ] + test_classes = set(item.parent for item in items) + for test_class in test_classes: + for sub_cls in plugin_base.generate_sub_tests( + test_class.cls, test_class.parent.module + ): + if sub_cls is not test_class.cls: + list_ = rebuilt_items[test_class.cls] + + for inst in pytest.Class( + sub_cls.__name__, parent=test_class.parent.parent + ).collect(): + list_.extend(inst.collect()) + + newitems = [] + for item in items: + if item.parent.cls in rebuilt_items: + newitems.extend(rebuilt_items[item.parent.cls]) + rebuilt_items[item.parent.cls][:] = [] + else: + newitems.append(item) + + # seems like the functions attached to a test class aren't sorted already? + # is that true and why's that? (when using unittest, they're sorted) + items[:] = sorted( + newitems, + key=lambda item: ( + item.parent.parent.parent.name, + item.parent.parent.name, + item.name, + ), + ) + + +def pytest_pycollect_makeitem(collector, name, obj): + if inspect.isclass(obj) and plugin_base.want_class(obj): + return pytest.Class(name, parent=collector) + elif ( + inspect.isfunction(obj) + and isinstance(collector, pytest.Instance) + and plugin_base.want_method(collector.cls, obj) + ): + return pytest.Function(name, parent=collector) + else: + return [] + + +_current_class = None + + +def pytest_runtest_setup(item): + # here we seem to get called only based on what we collected + # in pytest_collection_modifyitems. So to do class-based stuff + # we have to tear that out. + global _current_class + + if not isinstance(item, pytest.Function): + return + + # ... so we're doing a little dance here to figure it out... + if _current_class is None: + class_setup(item.parent.parent) + _current_class = item.parent.parent + + # this is needed for the class-level, to ensure that the + # teardown runs after the class is completed with its own + # class-level teardown... + def finalize(): + global _current_class + class_teardown(item.parent.parent) + _current_class = None + + item.parent.parent.addfinalizer(finalize) + + test_setup(item) + + +def pytest_runtest_teardown(item): + # ...but this works better as the hook here rather than + # using a finalizer, as the finalizer seems to get in the way + # of the test reporting failures correctly (you get a bunch of + # py.test assertion stuff instead) + test_teardown(item) + + +def test_setup(item): + plugin_base.before_test( + item, item.parent.module.__name__, item.parent.cls, item.name + ) + + +def test_teardown(item): + plugin_base.after_test(item) + + +def class_setup(item): + plugin_base.start_test_class(item.cls) + + +def class_teardown(item): + plugin_base.stop_test_class(item.cls) diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/profiling.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/profiling.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..aa99a74 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/profiling.py @@ -0,0 +1,268 @@ +# testing/profiling.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +"""Profiling support for unit and performance tests. + +These are special purpose profiling methods which operate +in a more fine-grained way than nose's profiling plugin. + +""" + +import collections +import contextlib +import os +import pstats +import sys + +from . import config +from .util import gc_collect +from ..util import jython +from ..util import pypy +from ..util import update_wrapper +from ..util import win32 + +try: + import cProfile +except ImportError: + cProfile = None + +_current_test = None + +# ProfileStatsFile instance, set up in plugin_base +_profile_stats = None + + +class ProfileStatsFile(object): + """"Store per-platform/fn profiling results in a file. + + We're still targeting Py2.5, 2.4 on 0.7 with no dependencies, + so no json lib :( need to roll something silly + + """ + + def __init__(self, filename): + self.force_write = ( + config.options is not None and config.options.force_write_profiles + ) + self.write = self.force_write or ( + config.options is not None and config.options.write_profiles + ) + self.fname = os.path.abspath(filename) + self.short_fname = os.path.split(self.fname)[-1] + self.data = collections.defaultdict( + lambda: collections.defaultdict(dict) + ) + self._read() + if self.write: + # rewrite for the case where features changed, + # etc. + self._write() + + @property + def platform_key(self): + + dbapi_key = config.db.name + "_" + config.db.driver + + # keep it at 2.7, 3.1, 3.2, etc. for now. + py_version = ".".join([str(v) for v in sys.version_info[0:2]]) + + platform_tokens = [py_version] + platform_tokens.append(dbapi_key) + if jython: + platform_tokens.append("jython") + if pypy: + platform_tokens.append("pypy") + if win32: + platform_tokens.append("win") + platform_tokens.append( + "nativeunicode" + if config.db.dialect.convert_unicode + else "dbapiunicode" + ) + _has_cext = config.requirements._has_cextensions() + platform_tokens.append(_has_cext and "cextensions" or "nocextensions") + return "_".join(platform_tokens) + + def has_stats(self): + test_key = _current_test + return ( + test_key in self.data and self.platform_key in self.data[test_key] + ) + + def result(self, callcount): + test_key = _current_test + per_fn = self.data[test_key] + per_platform = per_fn[self.platform_key] + + if "counts" not in per_platform: + per_platform["counts"] = counts = [] + else: + counts = per_platform["counts"] + + if "current_count" not in per_platform: + per_platform["current_count"] = current_count = 0 + else: + current_count = per_platform["current_count"] + + has_count = len(counts) > current_count + + if not has_count: + counts.append(callcount) + if self.write: + self._write() + result = None + else: + result = per_platform["lineno"], counts[current_count] + per_platform["current_count"] += 1 + return result + + def replace(self, callcount): + test_key = _current_test + per_fn = self.data[test_key] + per_platform = per_fn[self.platform_key] + counts = per_platform["counts"] + current_count = per_platform["current_count"] + if current_count < len(counts): + counts[current_count - 1] = callcount + else: + counts[-1] = callcount + if self.write: + self._write() + + def _header(self): + return ( + "# %s\n" + "# This file is written out on a per-environment basis.\n" + "# For each test in aaa_profiling, the corresponding " + "function and \n" + "# environment is located within this file. " + "If it doesn't exist,\n" + "# the test is skipped.\n" + "# If a callcount does exist, it is compared " + "to what we received. \n" + "# assertions are raised if the counts do not match.\n" + "# \n" + "# To add a new callcount test, apply the function_call_count \n" + "# decorator and re-run the tests using the --write-profiles \n" + "# option - this file will be rewritten including the new count.\n" + "# \n" + ) % (self.fname) + + def _read(self): + try: + profile_f = open(self.fname) + except IOError: + return + for lineno, line in enumerate(profile_f): + line = line.strip() + if not line or line.startswith("#"): + continue + + test_key, platform_key, counts = line.split() + per_fn = self.data[test_key] + per_platform = per_fn[platform_key] + c = [int(count) for count in counts.split(",")] + per_platform["counts"] = c + per_platform["lineno"] = lineno + 1 + per_platform["current_count"] = 0 + profile_f.close() + + def _write(self): + print(("Writing profile file %s" % self.fname)) + profile_f = open(self.fname, "w") + profile_f.write(self._header()) + for test_key in sorted(self.data): + + per_fn = self.data[test_key] + profile_f.write("\n# TEST: %s\n\n" % test_key) + for platform_key in sorted(per_fn): + per_platform = per_fn[platform_key] + c = ",".join(str(count) for count in per_platform["counts"]) + profile_f.write("%s %s %s\n" % (test_key, platform_key, c)) + profile_f.close() + + +def function_call_count(variance=0.05): + """Assert a target for a test case's function call count. + + The main purpose of this assertion is to detect changes in + callcounts for various functions - the actual number is not as important. + Callcounts are stored in a file keyed to Python version and OS platform + information. This file is generated automatically for new tests, + and versioned so that unexpected changes in callcounts will be detected. + + """ + + def decorate(fn): + def wrap(*args, **kw): + with count_functions(variance=variance): + return fn(*args, **kw) + + return update_wrapper(wrap, fn) + + return decorate + + +@contextlib.contextmanager +def count_functions(variance=0.05): + if cProfile is None: + raise config._skip_test_exception("cProfile is not installed") + + if not _profile_stats.has_stats() and not _profile_stats.write: + config.skip_test( + "No profiling stats available on this " + "platform for this function. Run tests with " + "--write-profiles to add statistics to %s for " + "this platform." % _profile_stats.short_fname + ) + + gc_collect() + + pr = cProfile.Profile() + pr.enable() + # began = time.time() + yield + # ended = time.time() + pr.disable() + + # s = compat.StringIO() + stats = pstats.Stats(pr, stream=sys.stdout) + + # timespent = ended - began + callcount = stats.total_calls + + expected = _profile_stats.result(callcount) + + if expected is None: + expected_count = None + else: + line_no, expected_count = expected + + print(("Pstats calls: %d Expected %s" % (callcount, expected_count))) + stats.sort_stats("cumulative") + stats.print_stats() + + if expected_count: + deviance = int(callcount * variance) + failed = abs(callcount - expected_count) > deviance + + if failed or _profile_stats.force_write: + if _profile_stats.write: + _profile_stats.replace(callcount) + else: + raise AssertionError( + "Adjusted function call count %s not within %s%% " + "of expected %s, platform %s. Rerun with " + "--write-profiles to " + "regenerate this callcount." + % ( + callcount, + (variance * 100), + expected_count, + _profile_stats.platform_key, + ) + ) diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/provision.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/provision.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..db3ea0b --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/provision.py @@ -0,0 +1,440 @@ +import collections +import logging +import os +import time + +from . import config +from . import engines +from .. import create_engine +from .. import exc +from .. import text +from ..engine import url as sa_url +from ..util import compat + + +log = logging.getLogger(__name__) + +FOLLOWER_IDENT = None + + +class register(object): + def __init__(self): + self.fns = {} + + @classmethod + def init(cls, fn): + return register().for_db("*")(fn) + + def for_db(self, dbname): + def decorate(fn): + self.fns[dbname] = fn + return self + + return decorate + + def __call__(self, cfg, *arg): + if isinstance(cfg, compat.string_types): + url = sa_url.make_url(cfg) + elif isinstance(cfg, sa_url.URL): + url = cfg + else: + url = cfg.db.url + backend = url.get_backend_name() + if backend in self.fns: + return self.fns[backend](cfg, *arg) + else: + return self.fns["*"](cfg, *arg) + + +def create_follower_db(follower_ident): + for cfg in _configs_for_db_operation(): + log.info("CREATE database %s, URI %r", follower_ident, cfg.db.url) + _create_db(cfg, cfg.db, follower_ident) + + +def configure_follower(follower_ident): + for cfg in config.Config.all_configs(): + _configure_follower(cfg, follower_ident) + + +def setup_config(db_url, options, file_config, follower_ident): + if follower_ident: + db_url = _follower_url_from_main(db_url, follower_ident) + db_opts = {} + _update_db_opts(db_url, db_opts) + eng = engines.testing_engine(db_url, db_opts) + _post_configure_engine(db_url, eng, follower_ident) + eng.connect().close() + + cfg = config.Config.register(eng, db_opts, options, file_config) + if follower_ident: + _configure_follower(cfg, follower_ident) + return cfg + + +def drop_follower_db(follower_ident): + for cfg in _configs_for_db_operation(): + log.info("DROP database %s, URI %r", follower_ident, cfg.db.url) + _drop_db(cfg, cfg.db, follower_ident) + + +def _configs_for_db_operation(): + hosts = set() + + for cfg in config.Config.all_configs(): + cfg.db.dispose() + + for cfg in config.Config.all_configs(): + url = cfg.db.url + backend = url.get_backend_name() + host_conf = (backend, url.username, url.host, url.database) + + if host_conf not in hosts: + yield cfg + hosts.add(host_conf) + + for cfg in config.Config.all_configs(): + cfg.db.dispose() + + +@register.init +def _create_db(cfg, eng, ident): + raise NotImplementedError("no DB creation routine for cfg: %s" % eng.url) + + +@register.init +def _drop_db(cfg, eng, ident): + raise NotImplementedError("no DB drop routine for cfg: %s" % eng.url) + + +@register.init +def _update_db_opts(db_url, db_opts): + pass + + +@register.init +def _configure_follower(cfg, ident): + pass + + +@register.init +def _post_configure_engine(url, engine, follower_ident): + pass + + +@register.init +def _follower_url_from_main(url, ident): + url = sa_url.make_url(url) + url.database = ident + return url + + +@_update_db_opts.for_db("mssql") +def _mssql_update_db_opts(db_url, db_opts): + db_opts["legacy_schema_aliasing"] = False + + +@_follower_url_from_main.for_db("sqlite") +def _sqlite_follower_url_from_main(url, ident): + url = sa_url.make_url(url) + if not url.database or url.database == ":memory:": + return url + else: + return sa_url.make_url("sqlite:///%s.db" % ident) + + +@_post_configure_engine.for_db("sqlite") +def _sqlite_post_configure_engine(url, engine, follower_ident): + from sqlalchemy import event + + @event.listens_for(engine, "connect") + def connect(dbapi_connection, connection_record): + # use file DBs in all cases, memory acts kind of strangely + # as an attached + if not follower_ident: + dbapi_connection.execute( + 'ATTACH DATABASE "test_schema.db" AS test_schema' + ) + else: + dbapi_connection.execute( + 'ATTACH DATABASE "%s_test_schema.db" AS test_schema' + % follower_ident + ) + + +@_create_db.for_db("postgresql") +def _pg_create_db(cfg, eng, ident): + template_db = cfg.options.postgresql_templatedb + + with eng.connect().execution_options(isolation_level="AUTOCOMMIT") as conn: + try: + _pg_drop_db(cfg, conn, ident) + except Exception: + pass + if not template_db: + template_db = conn.scalar("select current_database()") + + attempt = 0 + while True: + try: + conn.execute( + "CREATE DATABASE %s TEMPLATE %s" % (ident, template_db) + ) + except exc.OperationalError as err: + attempt += 1 + if attempt >= 3: + raise + if "accessed by other users" in str(err): + log.info( + "Waiting to create %s, URI %r, " + "template DB %s is in use sleeping for .5", + ident, + eng.url, + template_db, + ) + time.sleep(0.5) + else: + break + + +@_create_db.for_db("mysql") +def _mysql_create_db(cfg, eng, ident): + with eng.connect() as conn: + try: + _mysql_drop_db(cfg, conn, ident) + except Exception: + pass + + # using utf8mb4 we are getting collation errors on UNIONS: + # test/orm/inheritance/test_polymorphic_rel.py" + # 1271, u"Illegal mix of collations for operation 'UNION'" + conn.execute("CREATE DATABASE %s CHARACTER SET utf8mb3" % ident) + conn.execute( + "CREATE DATABASE %s_test_schema CHARACTER SET utf8mb3" % ident + ) + conn.execute( + "CREATE DATABASE %s_test_schema_2 CHARACTER SET utf8mb3" % ident + ) + + +@_configure_follower.for_db("mysql") +def _mysql_configure_follower(config, ident): + config.test_schema = "%s_test_schema" % ident + config.test_schema_2 = "%s_test_schema_2" % ident + + +@_create_db.for_db("sqlite") +def _sqlite_create_db(cfg, eng, ident): + pass + + +@_drop_db.for_db("postgresql") +def _pg_drop_db(cfg, eng, ident): + with eng.connect().execution_options(isolation_level="AUTOCOMMIT") as conn: + conn.execute( + text( + "select pg_terminate_backend(pid) from pg_stat_activity " + "where usename=current_user and pid != pg_backend_pid() " + "and datname=:dname" + ), + dname=ident, + ) + conn.execute("DROP DATABASE %s" % ident) + + +@_drop_db.for_db("sqlite") +def _sqlite_drop_db(cfg, eng, ident): + if ident: + os.remove("%s_test_schema.db" % ident) + else: + os.remove("%s.db" % ident) + + +@_drop_db.for_db("mysql") +def _mysql_drop_db(cfg, eng, ident): + with eng.connect() as conn: + conn.execute("DROP DATABASE %s_test_schema" % ident) + conn.execute("DROP DATABASE %s_test_schema_2" % ident) + conn.execute("DROP DATABASE %s" % ident) + + +@_create_db.for_db("oracle") +def _oracle_create_db(cfg, eng, ident): + # NOTE: make sure you've run "ALTER DATABASE default tablespace users" or + # similar, so that the default tablespace is not "system"; reflection will + # fail otherwise + with eng.connect() as conn: + conn.execute("create user %s identified by xe" % ident) + conn.execute("create user %s_ts1 identified by xe" % ident) + conn.execute("create user %s_ts2 identified by xe" % ident) + conn.execute("grant dba to %s" % (ident,)) + conn.execute("grant unlimited tablespace to %s" % ident) + conn.execute("grant unlimited tablespace to %s_ts1" % ident) + conn.execute("grant unlimited tablespace to %s_ts2" % ident) + + +@_configure_follower.for_db("oracle") +def _oracle_configure_follower(config, ident): + config.test_schema = "%s_ts1" % ident + config.test_schema_2 = "%s_ts2" % ident + + +def _ora_drop_ignore(conn, dbname): + try: + conn.execute("drop user %s cascade" % dbname) + log.info("Reaped db: %s", dbname) + return True + except exc.DatabaseError as err: + log.warning("couldn't drop db: %s", err) + return False + + +@_drop_db.for_db("oracle") +def _oracle_drop_db(cfg, eng, ident): + with eng.connect() as conn: + # cx_Oracle seems to occasionally leak open connections when a large + # suite it run, even if we confirm we have zero references to + # connection objects. + # while there is a "kill session" command in Oracle, + # it unfortunately does not release the connection sufficiently. + _ora_drop_ignore(conn, ident) + _ora_drop_ignore(conn, "%s_ts1" % ident) + _ora_drop_ignore(conn, "%s_ts2" % ident) + + +@_update_db_opts.for_db("oracle") +def _oracle_update_db_opts(db_url, db_opts): + pass + + +def reap_dbs(idents_file): + log.info("Reaping databases...") + + urls = collections.defaultdict(set) + idents = collections.defaultdict(set) + + with open(idents_file) as file_: + for line in file_: + line = line.strip() + db_name, db_url = line.split(" ") + url_obj = sa_url.make_url(db_url) + url_key = (url_obj.get_backend_name(), url_obj.host) + urls[url_key].add(db_url) + idents[url_key].add(db_name) + + for url_key in urls: + backend = url_key[0] + url = list(urls[url_key])[0] + ident = idents[url_key] + if backend == "oracle": + _reap_oracle_dbs(url, ident) + elif backend == "mssql": + _reap_mssql_dbs(url, ident) + + +def _reap_oracle_dbs(url, idents): + log.info("db reaper connecting to %r", url) + eng = create_engine(url) + with eng.connect() as conn: + + log.info("identifiers in file: %s", ", ".join(idents)) + + to_reap = conn.execute( + "select u.username from all_users u where username " + "like 'TEST_%' and not exists (select username " + "from v$session where username=u.username)" + ) + all_names = {username.lower() for (username,) in to_reap} + to_drop = set() + for name in all_names: + if name.endswith("_ts1") or name.endswith("_ts2"): + continue + elif name in idents: + to_drop.add(name) + if "%s_ts1" % name in all_names: + to_drop.add("%s_ts1" % name) + if "%s_ts2" % name in all_names: + to_drop.add("%s_ts2" % name) + + dropped = total = 0 + for total, username in enumerate(to_drop, 1): + if _ora_drop_ignore(conn, username): + dropped += 1 + log.info( + "Dropped %d out of %d stale databases detected", dropped, total + ) + + +@_follower_url_from_main.for_db("oracle") +def _oracle_follower_url_from_main(url, ident): + url = sa_url.make_url(url) + url.username = ident + url.password = "xe" + return url + + +@_create_db.for_db("mssql") +def _mssql_create_db(cfg, eng, ident): + with eng.connect().execution_options(isolation_level="AUTOCOMMIT") as conn: + conn.execute("create database %s" % ident) + conn.execute( + "ALTER DATABASE %s SET ALLOW_SNAPSHOT_ISOLATION ON" % ident + ) + conn.execute( + "ALTER DATABASE %s SET READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT ON" % ident + ) + conn.execute("use %s" % ident) + conn.execute("create schema test_schema") + conn.execute("create schema test_schema_2") + + +@_drop_db.for_db("mssql") +def _mssql_drop_db(cfg, eng, ident): + with eng.connect().execution_options(isolation_level="AUTOCOMMIT") as conn: + _mssql_drop_ignore(conn, ident) + + +def _mssql_drop_ignore(conn, ident): + try: + # typically when this happens, we can't KILL the session anyway, + # so let the cleanup process drop the DBs + # for row in conn.execute( + # "select session_id from sys.dm_exec_sessions " + # "where database_id=db_id('%s')" % ident): + # log.info("killing SQL server sesssion %s", row['session_id']) + # conn.execute("kill %s" % row['session_id']) + + conn.execute("drop database %s" % ident) + log.info("Reaped db: %s", ident) + return True + except exc.DatabaseError as err: + log.warning("couldn't drop db: %s", err) + return False + + +def _reap_mssql_dbs(url, idents): + log.info("db reaper connecting to %r", url) + eng = create_engine(url) + with eng.connect().execution_options(isolation_level="AUTOCOMMIT") as conn: + + log.info("identifiers in file: %s", ", ".join(idents)) + + to_reap = conn.execute( + "select d.name from sys.databases as d where name " + "like 'TEST_%' and not exists (select session_id " + "from sys.dm_exec_sessions " + "where database_id=d.database_id)" + ) + all_names = {dbname.lower() for (dbname,) in to_reap} + to_drop = set() + for name in all_names: + if name in idents: + to_drop.add(name) + + dropped = total = 0 + for total, dbname in enumerate(to_drop, 1): + if _mssql_drop_ignore(conn, dbname): + dropped += 1 + log.info( + "Dropped %d out of %d stale databases detected", dropped, total + ) diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/replay_fixture.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/replay_fixture.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..613d757 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/replay_fixture.py @@ -0,0 +1,209 @@ +from collections import deque +import contextlib +import types + +from . import config +from . import fixtures +from . import profiling +from .. import create_engine +from .. import MetaData +from .. import util +from ..orm import Session + + +class ReplayFixtureTest(fixtures.TestBase): + @contextlib.contextmanager + def _dummy_ctx(self, *arg, **kw): + yield + + def test_invocation(self): + + dbapi_session = ReplayableSession() + creator = config.db.pool._creator + + def recorder(): + return dbapi_session.recorder(creator()) + + engine = create_engine( + config.db.url, creator=recorder, use_native_hstore=False + ) + self.metadata = MetaData(engine) + self.engine = engine + self.session = Session(engine) + + self.setup_engine() + try: + self._run_steps(ctx=self._dummy_ctx) + finally: + self.teardown_engine() + engine.dispose() + + def player(): + return dbapi_session.player() + + engine = create_engine( + config.db.url, creator=player, use_native_hstore=False + ) + + self.metadata = MetaData(engine) + self.engine = engine + self.session = Session(engine) + + self.setup_engine() + try: + self._run_steps(ctx=profiling.count_functions) + finally: + self.session.close() + engine.dispose() + + def setup_engine(self): + pass + + def teardown_engine(self): + pass + + def _run_steps(self, ctx): + raise NotImplementedError() + + +class ReplayableSession(object): + """A simple record/playback tool. + + This is *not* a mock testing class. It only records a session for later + playback and makes no assertions on call consistency whatsoever. It's + unlikely to be suitable for anything other than DB-API recording. + + """ + + Callable = object() + NoAttribute = object() + + if util.py2k: + Natives = set( + [getattr(types, t) for t in dir(types) if not t.startswith("_")] + ).difference( + [ + getattr(types, t) + for t in ( + "FunctionType", + "BuiltinFunctionType", + "MethodType", + "BuiltinMethodType", + "LambdaType", + "UnboundMethodType", + ) + ] + ) + else: + Natives = ( + set( + [ + getattr(types, t) + for t in dir(types) + if not t.startswith("_") + ] + ) + .union( + [ + type(t) if not isinstance(t, type) else t + for t in __builtins__.values() + ] + ) + .difference( + [ + getattr(types, t) + for t in ( + "FunctionType", + "BuiltinFunctionType", + "MethodType", + "BuiltinMethodType", + "LambdaType", + ) + ] + ) + ) + + def __init__(self): + self.buffer = deque() + + def recorder(self, base): + return self.Recorder(self.buffer, base) + + def player(self): + return self.Player(self.buffer) + + class Recorder(object): + def __init__(self, buffer, subject): + self._buffer = buffer + self._subject = subject + + def __call__(self, *args, **kw): + subject, buffer = [ + object.__getattribute__(self, x) + for x in ("_subject", "_buffer") + ] + + result = subject(*args, **kw) + if type(result) not in ReplayableSession.Natives: + buffer.append(ReplayableSession.Callable) + return type(self)(buffer, result) + else: + buffer.append(result) + return result + + @property + def _sqla_unwrap(self): + return self._subject + + def __getattribute__(self, key): + try: + return object.__getattribute__(self, key) + except AttributeError: + pass + + subject, buffer = [ + object.__getattribute__(self, x) + for x in ("_subject", "_buffer") + ] + try: + result = type(subject).__getattribute__(subject, key) + except AttributeError: + buffer.append(ReplayableSession.NoAttribute) + raise + else: + if type(result) not in ReplayableSession.Natives: + buffer.append(ReplayableSession.Callable) + return type(self)(buffer, result) + else: + buffer.append(result) + return result + + class Player(object): + def __init__(self, buffer): + self._buffer = buffer + + def __call__(self, *args, **kw): + buffer = object.__getattribute__(self, "_buffer") + result = buffer.popleft() + if result is ReplayableSession.Callable: + return self + else: + return result + + @property + def _sqla_unwrap(self): + return None + + def __getattribute__(self, key): + try: + return object.__getattribute__(self, key) + except AttributeError: + pass + buffer = object.__getattribute__(self, "_buffer") + result = buffer.popleft() + if result is ReplayableSession.Callable: + return self + elif result is ReplayableSession.NoAttribute: + raise AttributeError(key) + else: + return result diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/requirements.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/requirements.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c34420e --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/requirements.py @@ -0,0 +1,938 @@ +# testing/requirements.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +"""Global database feature support policy. + +Provides decorators to mark tests requiring specific feature support from the +target database. + +External dialect test suites should subclass SuiteRequirements +to provide specific inclusion/exclusions. + +""" + +import sys + +from . import exclusions +from .. import util + + +class Requirements(object): + pass + + +class SuiteRequirements(Requirements): + @property + def create_table(self): + """target platform can emit basic CreateTable DDL.""" + + return exclusions.open() + + @property + def drop_table(self): + """target platform can emit basic DropTable DDL.""" + + return exclusions.open() + + @property + def foreign_keys(self): + """Target database must support foreign keys.""" + + return exclusions.open() + + @property + def on_update_cascade(self): + """"target database must support ON UPDATE..CASCADE behavior in + foreign keys.""" + + return exclusions.open() + + @property + def non_updating_cascade(self): + """target database must *not* support ON UPDATE..CASCADE behavior in + foreign keys.""" + return exclusions.closed() + + @property + def deferrable_fks(self): + return exclusions.closed() + + @property + def on_update_or_deferrable_fks(self): + # TODO: exclusions should be composable, + # somehow only_if([x, y]) isn't working here, negation/conjunctions + # getting confused. + return exclusions.only_if( + lambda: self.on_update_cascade.enabled + or self.deferrable_fks.enabled + ) + + @property + def self_referential_foreign_keys(self): + """Target database must support self-referential foreign keys.""" + + return exclusions.open() + + @property + def foreign_key_ddl(self): + """Target database must support the DDL phrases for FOREIGN KEY.""" + + return exclusions.open() + + @property + def named_constraints(self): + """target database must support names for constraints.""" + + return exclusions.open() + + @property + def subqueries(self): + """Target database must support subqueries.""" + + return exclusions.open() + + @property + def offset(self): + """target database can render OFFSET, or an equivalent, in a + SELECT. + """ + + return exclusions.open() + + @property + def bound_limit_offset(self): + """target database can render LIMIT and/or OFFSET using a bound + parameter + """ + + return exclusions.open() + + @property + def parens_in_union_contained_select_w_limit_offset(self): + """Target database must support parenthesized SELECT in UNION + when LIMIT/OFFSET is specifically present. + + E.g. (SELECT ...) UNION (SELECT ..) + + This is known to fail on SQLite. + + """ + return exclusions.open() + + @property + def parens_in_union_contained_select_wo_limit_offset(self): + """Target database must support parenthesized SELECT in UNION + when OFFSET/LIMIT is specifically not present. + + E.g. (SELECT ... LIMIT ..) UNION (SELECT .. OFFSET ..) + + This is known to fail on SQLite. It also fails on Oracle + because without LIMIT/OFFSET, there is currently no step that + creates an additional subquery. + + """ + return exclusions.open() + + @property + def boolean_col_expressions(self): + """Target database must support boolean expressions as columns""" + + return exclusions.closed() + + @property + def nullsordering(self): + """Target backends that support nulls ordering.""" + + return exclusions.closed() + + @property + def standalone_binds(self): + """target database/driver supports bound parameters as column expressions + without being in the context of a typed column. + + """ + return exclusions.closed() + + @property + def intersect(self): + """Target database must support INTERSECT or equivalent.""" + return exclusions.closed() + + @property + def except_(self): + """Target database must support EXCEPT or equivalent (i.e. MINUS).""" + return exclusions.closed() + + @property + def window_functions(self): + """Target database must support window functions.""" + return exclusions.closed() + + @property + def ctes(self): + """Target database supports CTEs""" + + return exclusions.closed() + + @property + def ctes_with_update_delete(self): + """target database supports CTES that ride on top of a normal UPDATE + or DELETE statement which refers to the CTE in a correlated subquery. + + """ + + return exclusions.closed() + + @property + def ctes_on_dml(self): + """target database supports CTES which consist of INSERT, UPDATE + or DELETE *within* the CTE, e.g. WITH x AS (UPDATE....)""" + + return exclusions.closed() + + @property + def autoincrement_insert(self): + """target platform generates new surrogate integer primary key values + when insert() is executed, excluding the pk column.""" + + return exclusions.open() + + @property + def fetch_rows_post_commit(self): + """target platform will allow cursor.fetchone() to proceed after a + COMMIT. + + Typically this refers to an INSERT statement with RETURNING which + is invoked within "autocommit". If the row can be returned + after the autocommit, then this rule can be open. + + """ + + return exclusions.open() + + @property + def group_by_complex_expression(self): + """target platform supports SQL expressions in GROUP BY + + e.g. + + SELECT x + y AS somelabel FROM table GROUP BY x + y + + """ + + return exclusions.open() + + @property + def sane_rowcount(self): + return exclusions.skip_if( + lambda config: not config.db.dialect.supports_sane_rowcount, + "driver doesn't support 'sane' rowcount", + ) + + @property + def sane_multi_rowcount(self): + return exclusions.fails_if( + lambda config: not config.db.dialect.supports_sane_multi_rowcount, + "driver %(driver)s %(doesnt_support)s 'sane' multi row count", + ) + + @property + def sane_rowcount_w_returning(self): + return exclusions.fails_if( + lambda config: not ( + config.db.dialect.supports_sane_rowcount_returning + ), + "driver doesn't support 'sane' rowcount when returning is on", + ) + + @property + def empty_inserts(self): + """target platform supports INSERT with no values, i.e. + INSERT DEFAULT VALUES or equivalent.""" + + return exclusions.only_if( + lambda config: config.db.dialect.supports_empty_insert + or config.db.dialect.supports_default_values, + "empty inserts not supported", + ) + + @property + def insert_from_select(self): + """target platform supports INSERT from a SELECT.""" + + return exclusions.open() + + @property + def returning(self): + """target platform supports RETURNING.""" + + return exclusions.only_if( + lambda config: config.db.dialect.implicit_returning, + "%(database)s %(does_support)s 'returning'", + ) + + @property + def tuple_in(self): + """Target platform supports the syntax + "(x, y) IN ((x1, y1), (x2, y2), ...)" + """ + + return exclusions.closed() + + @property + def duplicate_names_in_cursor_description(self): + """target platform supports a SELECT statement that has + the same name repeated more than once in the columns list.""" + + return exclusions.open() + + @property + def denormalized_names(self): + """Target database must have 'denormalized', i.e. + UPPERCASE as case insensitive names.""" + + return exclusions.skip_if( + lambda config: not config.db.dialect.requires_name_normalize, + "Backend does not require denormalized names.", + ) + + @property + def multivalues_inserts(self): + """target database must support multiple VALUES clauses in an + INSERT statement.""" + + return exclusions.skip_if( + lambda config: not config.db.dialect.supports_multivalues_insert, + "Backend does not support multirow inserts.", + ) + + @property + def implements_get_lastrowid(self): + """"target dialect implements the executioncontext.get_lastrowid() + method without reliance on RETURNING. + + """ + return exclusions.open() + + @property + def emulated_lastrowid(self): + """"target dialect retrieves cursor.lastrowid, or fetches + from a database-side function after an insert() construct executes, + within the get_lastrowid() method. + + Only dialects that "pre-execute", or need RETURNING to get last + inserted id, would return closed/fail/skip for this. + + """ + return exclusions.closed() + + @property + def dbapi_lastrowid(self): + """"target platform includes a 'lastrowid' accessor on the DBAPI + cursor object. + + """ + return exclusions.closed() + + @property + def views(self): + """Target database must support VIEWs.""" + + return exclusions.closed() + + @property + def schemas(self): + """Target database must support external schemas, and have one + named 'test_schema'.""" + + return exclusions.closed() + + @property + def server_side_cursors(self): + """Target dialect must support server side cursors.""" + + return exclusions.only_if( + [lambda config: config.db.dialect.supports_server_side_cursors], + "no server side cursors support", + ) + + @property + def sequences(self): + """Target database must support SEQUENCEs.""" + + return exclusions.only_if( + [lambda config: config.db.dialect.supports_sequences], + "no sequence support", + ) + + @property + def sequences_optional(self): + """Target database supports sequences, but also optionally + as a means of generating new PK values.""" + + return exclusions.only_if( + [ + lambda config: config.db.dialect.supports_sequences + and config.db.dialect.sequences_optional + ], + "no sequence support, or sequences not optional", + ) + + @property + def reflects_pk_names(self): + return exclusions.closed() + + @property + def table_reflection(self): + return exclusions.open() + + @property + def comment_reflection(self): + return exclusions.closed() + + @property + def view_column_reflection(self): + """target database must support retrieval of the columns in a view, + similarly to how a table is inspected. + + This does not include the full CREATE VIEW definition. + + """ + return self.views + + @property + def view_reflection(self): + """target database must support inspection of the full CREATE VIEW definition. + """ + return self.views + + @property + def schema_reflection(self): + return self.schemas + + @property + def primary_key_constraint_reflection(self): + return exclusions.open() + + @property + def foreign_key_constraint_reflection(self): + return exclusions.open() + + @property + def foreign_key_constraint_option_reflection_ondelete(self): + return exclusions.closed() + + @property + def foreign_key_constraint_option_reflection_onupdate(self): + return exclusions.closed() + + @property + def temp_table_reflection(self): + return exclusions.open() + + @property + def temp_table_names(self): + """target dialect supports listing of temporary table names""" + return exclusions.closed() + + @property + def temporary_tables(self): + """target database supports temporary tables""" + return exclusions.open() + + @property + def temporary_views(self): + """target database supports temporary views""" + return exclusions.closed() + + @property + def index_reflection(self): + return exclusions.open() + + @property + def indexes_with_expressions(self): + """target database supports CREATE INDEX against SQL expressions.""" + return exclusions.closed() + + @property + def unique_constraint_reflection(self): + """target dialect supports reflection of unique constraints""" + return exclusions.open() + + @property + def check_constraint_reflection(self): + """target dialect supports reflection of check constraints""" + return exclusions.closed() + + @property + def duplicate_key_raises_integrity_error(self): + """target dialect raises IntegrityError when reporting an INSERT + with a primary key violation. (hint: it should) + + """ + return exclusions.open() + + @property + def unbounded_varchar(self): + """Target database must support VARCHAR with no length""" + + return exclusions.open() + + @property + def unicode_data(self): + """Target database/dialect must support Python unicode objects with + non-ASCII characters represented, delivered as bound parameters + as well as in result rows. + + """ + return exclusions.open() + + @property + def unicode_ddl(self): + """Target driver must support some degree of non-ascii symbol + names. + """ + return exclusions.closed() + + @property + def datetime_literals(self): + """target dialect supports rendering of a date, time, or datetime as a + literal string, e.g. via the TypeEngine.literal_processor() method. + + """ + + return exclusions.closed() + + @property + def datetime(self): + """target dialect supports representation of Python + datetime.datetime() objects.""" + + return exclusions.open() + + @property + def datetime_microseconds(self): + """target dialect supports representation of Python + datetime.datetime() with microsecond objects.""" + + return exclusions.open() + + @property + def timestamp_microseconds(self): + """target dialect supports representation of Python + datetime.datetime() with microsecond objects but only + if TIMESTAMP is used.""" + return exclusions.closed() + + @property + def datetime_historic(self): + """target dialect supports representation of Python + datetime.datetime() objects with historic (pre 1970) values.""" + + return exclusions.closed() + + @property + def date(self): + """target dialect supports representation of Python + datetime.date() objects.""" + + return exclusions.open() + + @property + def date_coerces_from_datetime(self): + """target dialect accepts a datetime object as the target + of a date column.""" + + return exclusions.open() + + @property + def date_historic(self): + """target dialect supports representation of Python + datetime.datetime() objects with historic (pre 1970) values.""" + + return exclusions.closed() + + @property + def time(self): + """target dialect supports representation of Python + datetime.time() objects.""" + + return exclusions.open() + + @property + def time_microseconds(self): + """target dialect supports representation of Python + datetime.time() with microsecond objects.""" + + return exclusions.open() + + @property + def binary_comparisons(self): + """target database/driver can allow BLOB/BINARY fields to be compared + against a bound parameter value. + """ + + return exclusions.open() + + @property + def binary_literals(self): + """target backend supports simple binary literals, e.g. an + expression like:: + + SELECT CAST('foo' AS BINARY) + + Where ``BINARY`` is the type emitted from :class:`.LargeBinary`, + e.g. it could be ``BLOB`` or similar. + + Basically fails on Oracle. + + """ + + return exclusions.open() + + @property + def autocommit(self): + """target dialect supports 'AUTOCOMMIT' as an isolation_level""" + return exclusions.closed() + + @property + def json_type(self): + """target platform implements a native JSON type.""" + + return exclusions.closed() + + @property + def json_array_indexes(self): + """"target platform supports numeric array indexes + within a JSON structure""" + + return self.json_type + + @property + def precision_numerics_general(self): + """target backend has general support for moderately high-precision + numerics.""" + return exclusions.open() + + @property + def precision_numerics_enotation_small(self): + """target backend supports Decimal() objects using E notation + to represent very small values.""" + return exclusions.closed() + + @property + def precision_numerics_enotation_large(self): + """target backend supports Decimal() objects using E notation + to represent very large values.""" + return exclusions.closed() + + @property + def precision_numerics_many_significant_digits(self): + """target backend supports values with many digits on both sides, + such as 319438950232418390.273596, 87673.594069654243 + + """ + return exclusions.closed() + + @property + def nested_aggregates(self): + """target database can select an aggregate from a subquery that's + also using an aggregate + + """ + return exclusions.open() + + @property + def recursive_fk_cascade(self): + """target database must support ON DELETE CASCADE on a self-referential + foreign key + + """ + return exclusions.open() + + @property + def precision_numerics_retains_significant_digits(self): + """A precision numeric type will return empty significant digits, + i.e. a value such as 10.000 will come back in Decimal form with + the .000 maintained.""" + + return exclusions.closed() + + @property + def precision_generic_float_type(self): + """target backend will return native floating point numbers with at + least seven decimal places when using the generic Float type. + + """ + return exclusions.open() + + @property + def floats_to_four_decimals(self): + """target backend can return a floating-point number with four + significant digits (such as 15.7563) accurately + (i.e. without FP inaccuracies, such as 15.75629997253418). + + """ + return exclusions.open() + + @property + def fetch_null_from_numeric(self): + """target backend doesn't crash when you try to select a NUMERIC + value that has a value of NULL. + + Added to support Pyodbc bug #351. + """ + + return exclusions.open() + + @property + def text_type(self): + """Target database must support an unbounded Text() " + "type such as TEXT or CLOB""" + + return exclusions.open() + + @property + def empty_strings_varchar(self): + """target database can persist/return an empty string with a + varchar. + + """ + return exclusions.open() + + @property + def empty_strings_text(self): + """target database can persist/return an empty string with an + unbounded text.""" + + return exclusions.open() + + @property + def selectone(self): + """target driver must support the literal statement 'select 1'""" + return exclusions.open() + + @property + def savepoints(self): + """Target database must support savepoints.""" + + return exclusions.closed() + + @property + def two_phase_transactions(self): + """Target database must support two-phase transactions.""" + + return exclusions.closed() + + @property + def update_from(self): + """Target must support UPDATE..FROM syntax""" + return exclusions.closed() + + @property + def delete_from(self): + """Target must support DELETE FROM..FROM or DELETE..USING syntax""" + return exclusions.closed() + + @property + def update_where_target_in_subquery(self): + """Target must support UPDATE (or DELETE) where the same table is + present in a subquery in the WHERE clause. + + This is an ANSI-standard syntax that apparently MySQL can't handle, + such as:: + + UPDATE documents SET flag=1 WHERE documents.title IN + (SELECT max(documents.title) AS title + FROM documents GROUP BY documents.user_id + ) + + """ + return exclusions.open() + + @property + def mod_operator_as_percent_sign(self): + """target database must use a plain percent '%' as the 'modulus' + operator.""" + return exclusions.closed() + + @property + def percent_schema_names(self): + """target backend supports weird identifiers with percent signs + in them, e.g. 'some % column'. + + this is a very weird use case but often has problems because of + DBAPIs that use python formatting. It's not a critical use + case either. + + """ + return exclusions.closed() + + @property + def order_by_label_with_expression(self): + """target backend supports ORDER BY a column label within an + expression. + + Basically this:: + + select data as foo from test order by foo || 'bar' + + Lots of databases including PostgreSQL don't support this, + so this is off by default. + + """ + return exclusions.closed() + + @property + def order_by_collation(self): + def check(config): + try: + self.get_order_by_collation(config) + return False + except NotImplementedError: + return True + + return exclusions.skip_if(check) + + def get_order_by_collation(self, config): + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def unicode_connections(self): + """Target driver must support non-ASCII characters being passed at + all. + """ + return exclusions.open() + + @property + def graceful_disconnects(self): + """Target driver must raise a DBAPI-level exception, such as + InterfaceError, when the underlying connection has been closed + and the execute() method is called. + """ + return exclusions.open() + + @property + def skip_mysql_on_windows(self): + """Catchall for a large variety of MySQL on Windows failures""" + return exclusions.open() + + @property + def ad_hoc_engines(self): + """Test environment must allow ad-hoc engine/connection creation. + + DBs that scale poorly for many connections, even when closed, i.e. + Oracle, may use the "--low-connections" option which flags this + requirement as not present. + + """ + return exclusions.skip_if( + lambda config: config.options.low_connections + ) + + @property + def timing_intensive(self): + return exclusions.requires_tag("timing_intensive") + + @property + def memory_intensive(self): + return exclusions.requires_tag("memory_intensive") + + @property + def threading_with_mock(self): + """Mark tests that use threading and mock at the same time - stability + issues have been observed with coverage + python 3.3 + + """ + return exclusions.skip_if( + lambda config: util.py3k and config.options.has_coverage, + "Stability issues with coverage + py3k", + ) + + @property + def python2(self): + return exclusions.skip_if( + lambda: sys.version_info >= (3,), + "Python version 2.xx is required.", + ) + + @property + def python3(self): + return exclusions.skip_if( + lambda: sys.version_info < (3,), "Python version 3.xx is required." + ) + + @property + def cpython(self): + return exclusions.only_if( + lambda: util.cpython, "cPython interpreter needed" + ) + + @property + def non_broken_pickle(self): + from sqlalchemy.util import pickle + + return exclusions.only_if( + lambda: not util.pypy + and pickle.__name__ == "cPickle" + or sys.version_info >= (3, 2), + "Needs cPickle+cPython or newer Python 3 pickle", + ) + + @property + def predictable_gc(self): + """target platform must remove all cycles unconditionally when + gc.collect() is called, as well as clean out unreferenced subclasses. + + """ + return self.cpython + + @property + def no_coverage(self): + """Test should be skipped if coverage is enabled. + + This is to block tests that exercise libraries that seem to be + sensitive to coverage, such as PostgreSQL notice logging. + + """ + return exclusions.skip_if( + lambda config: config.options.has_coverage, + "Issues observed when coverage is enabled", + ) + + def _has_mysql_on_windows(self, config): + return False + + def _has_mysql_fully_case_sensitive(self, config): + return False + + @property + def sqlite(self): + return exclusions.skip_if(lambda: not self._has_sqlite()) + + @property + def cextensions(self): + return exclusions.skip_if( + lambda: not self._has_cextensions(), "C extensions not installed" + ) + + def _has_sqlite(self): + from sqlalchemy import create_engine + + try: + create_engine("sqlite://") + return True + except ImportError: + return False + + def _has_cextensions(self): + try: + from sqlalchemy import cresultproxy, cprocessors # noqa + + return True + except ImportError: + return False diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/runner.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/runner.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ac5ff40 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/runner.py @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python +# testing/runner.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php +""" +Nose test runner module. + +This script is a front-end to "nosetests" which +installs SQLAlchemy's testing plugin into the local environment. + +The script is intended to be used by third-party dialects and extensions +that run within SQLAlchemy's testing framework. The runner can +be invoked via:: + + python -m sqlalchemy.testing.runner + +The script is then essentially the same as the "nosetests" script, including +all of the usual Nose options. The test environment requires that a +setup.cfg is locally present including various required options. + +Note that when using this runner, Nose's "coverage" plugin will not be +able to provide coverage for SQLAlchemy itself, since SQLAlchemy is +imported into sys.modules before coverage is started. The special +script sqla_nose.py is provided as a top-level script which loads the +plugin in a special (somewhat hacky) way so that coverage against +SQLAlchemy itself is possible. + +""" + +import nose + +from .plugin.noseplugin import NoseSQLAlchemy + + +def main(): + nose.main(addplugins=[NoseSQLAlchemy()]) + + +def setup_py_test(): + """Runner to use for the 'test_suite' entry of your setup.py. + + Prevents any name clash shenanigans from the command line + argument "test" that the "setup.py test" command sends + to nose. + + """ + nose.main(addplugins=[NoseSQLAlchemy()], argv=["runner"]) diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/schema.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/schema.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e72ed7b --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/schema.py @@ -0,0 +1,115 @@ +# testing/schema.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +from . import config +from . import exclusions +from .. import event +from .. import schema + +__all__ = ["Table", "Column"] + +table_options = {} + + +def Table(*args, **kw): + """A schema.Table wrapper/hook for dialect-specific tweaks.""" + + test_opts = {k: kw.pop(k) for k in list(kw) if k.startswith("test_")} + + kw.update(table_options) + + if exclusions.against(config._current, "mysql"): + if ( + "mysql_engine" not in kw + and "mysql_type" not in kw + and "autoload_with" not in kw + ): + if "test_needs_fk" in test_opts or "test_needs_acid" in test_opts: + kw["mysql_engine"] = "InnoDB" + else: + kw["mysql_engine"] = "MyISAM" + + # Apply some default cascading rules for self-referential foreign keys. + # MySQL InnoDB has some issues around seleting self-refs too. + if exclusions.against(config._current, "firebird"): + table_name = args[0] + unpack = config.db.dialect.identifier_preparer.unformat_identifiers + + # Only going after ForeignKeys in Columns. May need to + # expand to ForeignKeyConstraint too. + fks = [ + fk + for col in args + if isinstance(col, schema.Column) + for fk in col.foreign_keys + ] + + for fk in fks: + # root around in raw spec + ref = fk._colspec + if isinstance(ref, schema.Column): + name = ref.table.name + else: + # take just the table name: on FB there cannot be + # a schema, so the first element is always the + # table name, possibly followed by the field name + name = unpack(ref)[0] + if name == table_name: + if fk.ondelete is None: + fk.ondelete = "CASCADE" + if fk.onupdate is None: + fk.onupdate = "CASCADE" + + return schema.Table(*args, **kw) + + +def Column(*args, **kw): + """A schema.Column wrapper/hook for dialect-specific tweaks.""" + + test_opts = {k: kw.pop(k) for k in list(kw) if k.startswith("test_")} + + if not config.requirements.foreign_key_ddl.enabled_for_config(config): + args = [arg for arg in args if not isinstance(arg, schema.ForeignKey)] + + col = schema.Column(*args, **kw) + if test_opts.get("test_needs_autoincrement", False) and kw.get( + "primary_key", False + ): + + if col.default is None and col.server_default is None: + col.autoincrement = True + + # allow any test suite to pick up on this + col.info["test_needs_autoincrement"] = True + + # hardcoded rule for firebird, oracle; this should + # be moved out + if exclusions.against(config._current, "firebird", "oracle"): + + def add_seq(c, tbl): + c._init_items( + schema.Sequence( + _truncate_name( + config.db.dialect, tbl.name + "_" + c.name + "_seq" + ), + optional=True, + ) + ) + + event.listen(col, "after_parent_attach", add_seq, propagate=True) + return col + + +def _truncate_name(dialect, name): + if len(name) > dialect.max_identifier_length: + return ( + name[0 : max(dialect.max_identifier_length - 6, 0)] + + "_" + + hex(hash(name) % 64)[2:] + ) + else: + return name diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/suite/__init__.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/suite/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..465a6cf --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/suite/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +from .test_cte import * # noqa +from .test_ddl import * # noqa +from .test_dialect import * # noqa +from .test_insert import * # noqa +from .test_reflection import * # noqa +from .test_results import * # noqa +from .test_select import * # noqa +from .test_sequence import * # noqa +from .test_types import * # noqa +from .test_update_delete import * # noqa diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/suite/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/suite/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c04d176 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/suite/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/suite/__pycache__/test_cte.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/suite/__pycache__/test_cte.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6915192 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/suite/__pycache__/test_cte.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/suite/__pycache__/test_ddl.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/suite/__pycache__/test_ddl.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0d3d852 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/suite/__pycache__/test_ddl.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/suite/__pycache__/test_dialect.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/suite/__pycache__/test_dialect.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d41534b Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/suite/__pycache__/test_dialect.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/suite/__pycache__/test_insert.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/suite/__pycache__/test_insert.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..963217b Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/suite/__pycache__/test_insert.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/suite/__pycache__/test_reflection.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/suite/__pycache__/test_reflection.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..79436fc Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/suite/__pycache__/test_reflection.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/suite/__pycache__/test_results.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/suite/__pycache__/test_results.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e087da3 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/suite/__pycache__/test_results.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/suite/__pycache__/test_select.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/suite/__pycache__/test_select.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..799cd4e Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/suite/__pycache__/test_select.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/suite/__pycache__/test_sequence.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/suite/__pycache__/test_sequence.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bafdf5b Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/suite/__pycache__/test_sequence.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/suite/__pycache__/test_types.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/suite/__pycache__/test_types.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..aac202a Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/suite/__pycache__/test_types.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/suite/__pycache__/test_update_delete.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/suite/__pycache__/test_update_delete.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f2cbee3 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/suite/__pycache__/test_update_delete.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/suite/test_cte.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/suite/test_cte.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..012de79 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/suite/test_cte.py @@ -0,0 +1,211 @@ +from .. import config +from .. import fixtures +from ..assertions import eq_ +from ..schema import Column +from ..schema import Table +from ... import ForeignKey +from ... import Integer +from ... import select +from ... import String +from ... import testing + + +class CTETest(fixtures.TablesTest): + __backend__ = True + __requires__ = ("ctes",) + + run_inserts = "each" + run_deletes = "each" + + @classmethod + def define_tables(cls, metadata): + Table( + "some_table", + metadata, + Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True), + Column("data", String(50)), + Column("parent_id", ForeignKey("some_table.id")), + ) + + Table( + "some_other_table", + metadata, + Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True), + Column("data", String(50)), + Column("parent_id", Integer), + ) + + @classmethod + def insert_data(cls): + config.db.execute( + cls.tables.some_table.insert(), + [ + {"id": 1, "data": "d1", "parent_id": None}, + {"id": 2, "data": "d2", "parent_id": 1}, + {"id": 3, "data": "d3", "parent_id": 1}, + {"id": 4, "data": "d4", "parent_id": 3}, + {"id": 5, "data": "d5", "parent_id": 3}, + ], + ) + + def test_select_nonrecursive_round_trip(self): + some_table = self.tables.some_table + + with config.db.connect() as conn: + cte = ( + select([some_table]) + .where(some_table.c.data.in_(["d2", "d3", "d4"])) + .cte("some_cte") + ) + result = conn.execute( + select([cte.c.data]).where(cte.c.data.in_(["d4", "d5"])) + ) + eq_(result.fetchall(), [("d4",)]) + + def test_select_recursive_round_trip(self): + some_table = self.tables.some_table + + with config.db.connect() as conn: + cte = ( + select([some_table]) + .where(some_table.c.data.in_(["d2", "d3", "d4"])) + .cte("some_cte", recursive=True) + ) + + cte_alias = cte.alias("c1") + st1 = some_table.alias() + # note that SQL Server requires this to be UNION ALL, + # can't be UNION + cte = cte.union_all( + select([st1]).where(st1.c.id == cte_alias.c.parent_id) + ) + result = conn.execute( + select([cte.c.data]) + .where(cte.c.data != "d2") + .order_by(cte.c.data.desc()) + ) + eq_( + result.fetchall(), + [("d4",), ("d3",), ("d3",), ("d1",), ("d1",), ("d1",)], + ) + + def test_insert_from_select_round_trip(self): + some_table = self.tables.some_table + some_other_table = self.tables.some_other_table + + with config.db.connect() as conn: + cte = ( + select([some_table]) + .where(some_table.c.data.in_(["d2", "d3", "d4"])) + .cte("some_cte") + ) + conn.execute( + some_other_table.insert().from_select( + ["id", "data", "parent_id"], select([cte]) + ) + ) + eq_( + conn.execute( + select([some_other_table]).order_by(some_other_table.c.id) + ).fetchall(), + [(2, "d2", 1), (3, "d3", 1), (4, "d4", 3)], + ) + + @testing.requires.ctes_with_update_delete + @testing.requires.update_from + def test_update_from_round_trip(self): + some_table = self.tables.some_table + some_other_table = self.tables.some_other_table + + with config.db.connect() as conn: + conn.execute( + some_other_table.insert().from_select( + ["id", "data", "parent_id"], select([some_table]) + ) + ) + + cte = ( + select([some_table]) + .where(some_table.c.data.in_(["d2", "d3", "d4"])) + .cte("some_cte") + ) + conn.execute( + some_other_table.update() + .values(parent_id=5) + .where(some_other_table.c.data == cte.c.data) + ) + eq_( + conn.execute( + select([some_other_table]).order_by(some_other_table.c.id) + ).fetchall(), + [ + (1, "d1", None), + (2, "d2", 5), + (3, "d3", 5), + (4, "d4", 5), + (5, "d5", 3), + ], + ) + + @testing.requires.ctes_with_update_delete + @testing.requires.delete_from + def test_delete_from_round_trip(self): + some_table = self.tables.some_table + some_other_table = self.tables.some_other_table + + with config.db.connect() as conn: + conn.execute( + some_other_table.insert().from_select( + ["id", "data", "parent_id"], select([some_table]) + ) + ) + + cte = ( + select([some_table]) + .where(some_table.c.data.in_(["d2", "d3", "d4"])) + .cte("some_cte") + ) + conn.execute( + some_other_table.delete().where( + some_other_table.c.data == cte.c.data + ) + ) + eq_( + conn.execute( + select([some_other_table]).order_by(some_other_table.c.id) + ).fetchall(), + [(1, "d1", None), (5, "d5", 3)], + ) + + @testing.requires.ctes_with_update_delete + def test_delete_scalar_subq_round_trip(self): + + some_table = self.tables.some_table + some_other_table = self.tables.some_other_table + + with config.db.connect() as conn: + conn.execute( + some_other_table.insert().from_select( + ["id", "data", "parent_id"], select([some_table]) + ) + ) + + cte = ( + select([some_table]) + .where(some_table.c.data.in_(["d2", "d3", "d4"])) + .cte("some_cte") + ) + conn.execute( + some_other_table.delete().where( + some_other_table.c.data + == select([cte.c.data]).where( + cte.c.id == some_other_table.c.id + ) + ) + ) + eq_( + conn.execute( + select([some_other_table]).order_by(some_other_table.c.id) + ).fetchall(), + [(1, "d1", None), (5, "d5", 3)], + ) diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/suite/test_ddl.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/suite/test_ddl.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fe6911c --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/suite/test_ddl.py @@ -0,0 +1,83 @@ +from .. import config +from .. import fixtures +from .. import util +from ..assertions import eq_ +from ..config import requirements +from ... import Column +from ... import inspect +from ... import Integer +from ... import schema +from ... import String +from ... import Table + + +class TableDDLTest(fixtures.TestBase): + __backend__ = True + + def _simple_fixture(self): + return Table( + "test_table", + self.metadata, + Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=False), + Column("data", String(50)), + ) + + def _underscore_fixture(self): + return Table( + "_test_table", + self.metadata, + Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=False), + Column("_data", String(50)), + ) + + def _simple_roundtrip(self, table): + with config.db.begin() as conn: + conn.execute(table.insert().values((1, "some data"))) + result = conn.execute(table.select()) + eq_(result.first(), (1, "some data")) + + @requirements.create_table + @util.provide_metadata + def test_create_table(self): + table = self._simple_fixture() + table.create(config.db, checkfirst=False) + self._simple_roundtrip(table) + + @requirements.drop_table + @util.provide_metadata + def test_drop_table(self): + table = self._simple_fixture() + table.create(config.db, checkfirst=False) + table.drop(config.db, checkfirst=False) + + @requirements.create_table + @util.provide_metadata + def test_underscore_names(self): + table = self._underscore_fixture() + table.create(config.db, checkfirst=False) + self._simple_roundtrip(table) + + @requirements.comment_reflection + @util.provide_metadata + def test_add_table_comment(self): + table = self._simple_fixture() + table.create(config.db, checkfirst=False) + table.comment = "a comment" + config.db.execute(schema.SetTableComment(table)) + eq_( + inspect(config.db).get_table_comment("test_table"), + {"text": "a comment"}, + ) + + @requirements.comment_reflection + @util.provide_metadata + def test_drop_table_comment(self): + table = self._simple_fixture() + table.create(config.db, checkfirst=False) + table.comment = "a comment" + config.db.execute(schema.SetTableComment(table)) + config.db.execute(schema.DropTableComment(table)) + eq_(inspect(config.db).get_table_comment("test_table"), {"text": None}) + + +__all__ = ("TableDDLTest",) diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/suite/test_dialect.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/suite/test_dialect.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1b33070 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/suite/test_dialect.py @@ -0,0 +1,156 @@ +#! coding: utf-8 + +from .. import assert_raises +from .. import config +from .. import eq_ +from .. import fixtures +from .. import provide_metadata +from ..config import requirements +from ..schema import Column +from ..schema import Table +from ... import exc +from ... import Integer +from ... import literal_column +from ... import select +from ... import String +from ...util import compat + + +class ExceptionTest(fixtures.TablesTest): + """Test basic exception wrapping. + + DBAPIs vary a lot in exception behavior so to actually anticipate + specific exceptions from real round trips, we need to be conservative. + + """ + + run_deletes = "each" + + __backend__ = True + + @classmethod + def define_tables(cls, metadata): + Table( + "manual_pk", + metadata, + Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=False), + Column("data", String(50)), + ) + + @requirements.duplicate_key_raises_integrity_error + def test_integrity_error(self): + + with config.db.connect() as conn: + + trans = conn.begin() + conn.execute( + self.tables.manual_pk.insert(), {"id": 1, "data": "d1"} + ) + + assert_raises( + exc.IntegrityError, + conn.execute, + self.tables.manual_pk.insert(), + {"id": 1, "data": "d1"}, + ) + + trans.rollback() + + def test_exception_with_non_ascii(self): + with config.db.connect() as conn: + try: + # try to create an error message that likely has non-ascii + # characters in the DBAPI's message string. unfortunately + # there's no way to make this happen with some drivers like + # mysqlclient, pymysql. this at least does produce a non- + # ascii error message for cx_oracle, psycopg2 + conn.execute(select([literal_column(u"méil")])) + assert False + except exc.DBAPIError as err: + err_str = str(err) + + assert str(err.orig) in str(err) + + # test that we are actually getting string on Py2k, unicode + # on Py3k. + if compat.py2k: + assert isinstance(err_str, str) + else: + assert isinstance(err_str, str) + + +class AutocommitTest(fixtures.TablesTest): + + run_deletes = "each" + + __requires__ = ("autocommit",) + + __backend__ = True + + @classmethod + def define_tables(cls, metadata): + Table( + "some_table", + metadata, + Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=False), + Column("data", String(50)), + test_needs_acid=True, + ) + + def _test_conn_autocommits(self, conn, autocommit): + trans = conn.begin() + conn.execute( + self.tables.some_table.insert(), {"id": 1, "data": "some data"} + ) + trans.rollback() + + eq_( + conn.scalar(select([self.tables.some_table.c.id])), + 1 if autocommit else None, + ) + + conn.execute(self.tables.some_table.delete()) + + def test_autocommit_on(self): + conn = config.db.connect() + c2 = conn.execution_options(isolation_level="AUTOCOMMIT") + self._test_conn_autocommits(c2, True) + conn.invalidate() + self._test_conn_autocommits(conn, False) + + def test_autocommit_off(self): + conn = config.db.connect() + self._test_conn_autocommits(conn, False) + + +class EscapingTest(fixtures.TestBase): + @provide_metadata + def test_percent_sign_round_trip(self): + """test that the DBAPI accommodates for escaped / nonescaped + percent signs in a way that matches the compiler + + """ + m = self.metadata + t = Table("t", m, Column("data", String(50))) + t.create(config.db) + with config.db.begin() as conn: + conn.execute(t.insert(), dict(data="some % value")) + conn.execute(t.insert(), dict(data="some %% other value")) + + eq_( + conn.scalar( + select([t.c.data]).where( + t.c.data == literal_column("'some % value'") + ) + ), + "some % value", + ) + + eq_( + conn.scalar( + select([t.c.data]).where( + t.c.data == literal_column("'some %% other value'") + ) + ), + "some %% other value", + ) diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/suite/test_insert.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/suite/test_insert.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1b14e8e --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/suite/test_insert.py @@ -0,0 +1,317 @@ +from .. import config +from .. import engines +from .. import fixtures +from ..assertions import eq_ +from ..config import requirements +from ..schema import Column +from ..schema import Table +from ... import Integer +from ... import literal +from ... import literal_column +from ... import select +from ... import String + + +class LastrowidTest(fixtures.TablesTest): + run_deletes = "each" + + __backend__ = True + + __requires__ = "implements_get_lastrowid", "autoincrement_insert" + + __engine_options__ = {"implicit_returning": False} + + @classmethod + def define_tables(cls, metadata): + Table( + "autoinc_pk", + metadata, + Column( + "id", Integer, primary_key=True, test_needs_autoincrement=True + ), + Column("data", String(50)), + ) + + Table( + "manual_pk", + metadata, + Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=False), + Column("data", String(50)), + ) + + def _assert_round_trip(self, table, conn): + row = conn.execute(table.select()).first() + eq_(row, (config.db.dialect.default_sequence_base, "some data")) + + def test_autoincrement_on_insert(self): + + config.db.execute(self.tables.autoinc_pk.insert(), data="some data") + self._assert_round_trip(self.tables.autoinc_pk, config.db) + + def test_last_inserted_id(self): + + r = config.db.execute( + self.tables.autoinc_pk.insert(), data="some data" + ) + pk = config.db.scalar(select([self.tables.autoinc_pk.c.id])) + eq_(r.inserted_primary_key, [pk]) + + # failed on pypy1.9 but seems to be OK on pypy 2.1 + # @exclusions.fails_if(lambda: util.pypy, + # "lastrowid not maintained after " + # "connection close") + @requirements.dbapi_lastrowid + def test_native_lastrowid_autoinc(self): + r = config.db.execute( + self.tables.autoinc_pk.insert(), data="some data" + ) + lastrowid = r.lastrowid + pk = config.db.scalar(select([self.tables.autoinc_pk.c.id])) + eq_(lastrowid, pk) + + +class InsertBehaviorTest(fixtures.TablesTest): + run_deletes = "each" + __backend__ = True + + @classmethod + def define_tables(cls, metadata): + Table( + "autoinc_pk", + metadata, + Column( + "id", Integer, primary_key=True, test_needs_autoincrement=True + ), + Column("data", String(50)), + ) + Table( + "manual_pk", + metadata, + Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=False), + Column("data", String(50)), + ) + Table( + "includes_defaults", + metadata, + Column( + "id", Integer, primary_key=True, test_needs_autoincrement=True + ), + Column("data", String(50)), + Column("x", Integer, default=5), + Column( + "y", + Integer, + default=literal_column("2", type_=Integer) + literal(2), + ), + ) + + def test_autoclose_on_insert(self): + if requirements.returning.enabled: + engine = engines.testing_engine( + options={"implicit_returning": False} + ) + else: + engine = config.db + + r = engine.execute(self.tables.autoinc_pk.insert(), data="some data") + assert r._soft_closed + assert not r.closed + assert r.is_insert + assert not r.returns_rows + + @requirements.returning + def test_autoclose_on_insert_implicit_returning(self): + r = config.db.execute( + self.tables.autoinc_pk.insert(), data="some data" + ) + assert r._soft_closed + assert not r.closed + assert r.is_insert + assert not r.returns_rows + + @requirements.empty_inserts + def test_empty_insert(self): + r = config.db.execute(self.tables.autoinc_pk.insert()) + assert r._soft_closed + assert not r.closed + + r = config.db.execute( + self.tables.autoinc_pk.select().where( + self.tables.autoinc_pk.c.id != None + ) + ) + + assert len(r.fetchall()) + + @requirements.insert_from_select + def test_insert_from_select_autoinc(self): + src_table = self.tables.manual_pk + dest_table = self.tables.autoinc_pk + config.db.execute( + src_table.insert(), + [ + dict(id=1, data="data1"), + dict(id=2, data="data2"), + dict(id=3, data="data3"), + ], + ) + + result = config.db.execute( + dest_table.insert().from_select( + ("data",), + select([src_table.c.data]).where( + src_table.c.data.in_(["data2", "data3"]) + ), + ) + ) + + eq_(result.inserted_primary_key, [None]) + + result = config.db.execute( + select([dest_table.c.data]).order_by(dest_table.c.data) + ) + eq_(result.fetchall(), [("data2",), ("data3",)]) + + @requirements.insert_from_select + def test_insert_from_select_autoinc_no_rows(self): + src_table = self.tables.manual_pk + dest_table = self.tables.autoinc_pk + + result = config.db.execute( + dest_table.insert().from_select( + ("data",), + select([src_table.c.data]).where( + src_table.c.data.in_(["data2", "data3"]) + ), + ) + ) + eq_(result.inserted_primary_key, [None]) + + result = config.db.execute( + select([dest_table.c.data]).order_by(dest_table.c.data) + ) + + eq_(result.fetchall(), []) + + @requirements.insert_from_select + def test_insert_from_select(self): + table = self.tables.manual_pk + config.db.execute( + table.insert(), + [ + dict(id=1, data="data1"), + dict(id=2, data="data2"), + dict(id=3, data="data3"), + ], + ) + + config.db.execute( + table.insert(inline=True).from_select( + ("id", "data"), + select([table.c.id + 5, table.c.data]).where( + table.c.data.in_(["data2", "data3"]) + ), + ) + ) + + eq_( + config.db.execute( + select([table.c.data]).order_by(table.c.data) + ).fetchall(), + [("data1",), ("data2",), ("data2",), ("data3",), ("data3",)], + ) + + @requirements.insert_from_select + def test_insert_from_select_with_defaults(self): + table = self.tables.includes_defaults + config.db.execute( + table.insert(), + [ + dict(id=1, data="data1"), + dict(id=2, data="data2"), + dict(id=3, data="data3"), + ], + ) + + config.db.execute( + table.insert(inline=True).from_select( + ("id", "data"), + select([table.c.id + 5, table.c.data]).where( + table.c.data.in_(["data2", "data3"]) + ), + ) + ) + + eq_( + config.db.execute( + select([table]).order_by(table.c.data, table.c.id) + ).fetchall(), + [ + (1, "data1", 5, 4), + (2, "data2", 5, 4), + (7, "data2", 5, 4), + (3, "data3", 5, 4), + (8, "data3", 5, 4), + ], + ) + + +class ReturningTest(fixtures.TablesTest): + run_create_tables = "each" + __requires__ = "returning", "autoincrement_insert" + __backend__ = True + + __engine_options__ = {"implicit_returning": True} + + def _assert_round_trip(self, table, conn): + row = conn.execute(table.select()).first() + eq_(row, (config.db.dialect.default_sequence_base, "some data")) + + @classmethod + def define_tables(cls, metadata): + Table( + "autoinc_pk", + metadata, + Column( + "id", Integer, primary_key=True, test_needs_autoincrement=True + ), + Column("data", String(50)), + ) + + @requirements.fetch_rows_post_commit + def test_explicit_returning_pk_autocommit(self): + engine = config.db + table = self.tables.autoinc_pk + r = engine.execute( + table.insert().returning(table.c.id), data="some data" + ) + pk = r.first()[0] + fetched_pk = config.db.scalar(select([table.c.id])) + eq_(fetched_pk, pk) + + def test_explicit_returning_pk_no_autocommit(self): + engine = config.db + table = self.tables.autoinc_pk + with engine.begin() as conn: + r = conn.execute( + table.insert().returning(table.c.id), data="some data" + ) + pk = r.first()[0] + fetched_pk = config.db.scalar(select([table.c.id])) + eq_(fetched_pk, pk) + + def test_autoincrement_on_insert_implcit_returning(self): + + config.db.execute(self.tables.autoinc_pk.insert(), data="some data") + self._assert_round_trip(self.tables.autoinc_pk, config.db) + + def test_last_inserted_id_implicit_returning(self): + + r = config.db.execute( + self.tables.autoinc_pk.insert(), data="some data" + ) + pk = config.db.scalar(select([self.tables.autoinc_pk.c.id])) + eq_(r.inserted_primary_key, [pk]) + + +__all__ = ("LastrowidTest", "InsertBehaviorTest", "ReturningTest") diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/suite/test_reflection.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/suite/test_reflection.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d589c04 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/suite/test_reflection.py @@ -0,0 +1,1105 @@ +import operator +import re + +import sqlalchemy as sa +from .. import assert_raises_message +from .. import config +from .. import engines +from .. import eq_ +from .. import expect_warnings +from .. import fixtures +from .. import is_ +from ..schema import Column +from ..schema import Table +from ... import event +from ... import exc as sa_exc +from ... import ForeignKey +from ... import inspect +from ... import Integer +from ... import MetaData +from ... import String +from ... import testing +from ... import types as sql_types +from ...engine.reflection import Inspector +from ...schema import DDL +from ...schema import Index +from ...sql.elements import quoted_name + + +metadata, users = None, None + + +class HasTableTest(fixtures.TablesTest): + __backend__ = True + + @classmethod + def define_tables(cls, metadata): + Table( + "test_table", + metadata, + Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True), + Column("data", String(50)), + ) + + def test_has_table(self): + with config.db.begin() as conn: + assert config.db.dialect.has_table(conn, "test_table") + assert not config.db.dialect.has_table(conn, "nonexistent_table") + + +class ComponentReflectionTest(fixtures.TablesTest): + run_inserts = run_deletes = None + + __backend__ = True + + @classmethod + def setup_bind(cls): + if config.requirements.independent_connections.enabled: + from sqlalchemy import pool + + return engines.testing_engine( + options=dict(poolclass=pool.StaticPool) + ) + else: + return config.db + + @classmethod + def define_tables(cls, metadata): + cls.define_reflected_tables(metadata, None) + if testing.requires.schemas.enabled: + cls.define_reflected_tables(metadata, testing.config.test_schema) + + @classmethod + def define_reflected_tables(cls, metadata, schema): + if schema: + schema_prefix = schema + "." + else: + schema_prefix = "" + + if testing.requires.self_referential_foreign_keys.enabled: + users = Table( + "users", + metadata, + Column("user_id", sa.INT, primary_key=True), + Column("test1", sa.CHAR(5), nullable=False), + Column("test2", sa.Float(5), nullable=False), + Column( + "parent_user_id", + sa.Integer, + sa.ForeignKey( + "%susers.user_id" % schema_prefix, name="user_id_fk" + ), + ), + schema=schema, + test_needs_fk=True, + ) + else: + users = Table( + "users", + metadata, + Column("user_id", sa.INT, primary_key=True), + Column("test1", sa.CHAR(5), nullable=False), + Column("test2", sa.Float(5), nullable=False), + schema=schema, + test_needs_fk=True, + ) + + Table( + "dingalings", + metadata, + Column("dingaling_id", sa.Integer, primary_key=True), + Column( + "address_id", + sa.Integer, + sa.ForeignKey("%semail_addresses.address_id" % schema_prefix), + ), + Column("data", sa.String(30)), + schema=schema, + test_needs_fk=True, + ) + Table( + "email_addresses", + metadata, + Column("address_id", sa.Integer), + Column( + "remote_user_id", sa.Integer, sa.ForeignKey(users.c.user_id) + ), + Column("email_address", sa.String(20)), + sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint("address_id", name="email_ad_pk"), + schema=schema, + test_needs_fk=True, + ) + Table( + "comment_test", + metadata, + Column("id", sa.Integer, primary_key=True, comment="id comment"), + Column("data", sa.String(20), comment="data % comment"), + Column( + "d2", + sa.String(20), + comment=r"""Comment types type speedily ' " \ '' Fun!""", + ), + schema=schema, + comment=r"""the test % ' " \ table comment""", + ) + + if testing.requires.cross_schema_fk_reflection.enabled: + if schema is None: + Table( + "local_table", + metadata, + Column("id", sa.Integer, primary_key=True), + Column("data", sa.String(20)), + Column( + "remote_id", + ForeignKey( + "%s.remote_table_2.id" % testing.config.test_schema + ), + ), + test_needs_fk=True, + schema=config.db.dialect.default_schema_name, + ) + else: + Table( + "remote_table", + metadata, + Column("id", sa.Integer, primary_key=True), + Column( + "local_id", + ForeignKey( + "%s.local_table.id" + % config.db.dialect.default_schema_name + ), + ), + Column("data", sa.String(20)), + schema=schema, + test_needs_fk=True, + ) + Table( + "remote_table_2", + metadata, + Column("id", sa.Integer, primary_key=True), + Column("data", sa.String(20)), + schema=schema, + test_needs_fk=True, + ) + + if testing.requires.index_reflection.enabled: + cls.define_index(metadata, users) + + if not schema: + # test_needs_fk is at the moment to force MySQL InnoDB + noncol_idx_test_nopk = Table( + "noncol_idx_test_nopk", + metadata, + Column("q", sa.String(5)), + test_needs_fk=True, + ) + + noncol_idx_test_pk = Table( + "noncol_idx_test_pk", + metadata, + Column("id", sa.Integer, primary_key=True), + Column("q", sa.String(5)), + test_needs_fk=True, + ) + Index("noncol_idx_nopk", noncol_idx_test_nopk.c.q.desc()) + Index("noncol_idx_pk", noncol_idx_test_pk.c.q.desc()) + + if testing.requires.view_column_reflection.enabled: + cls.define_views(metadata, schema) + if not schema and testing.requires.temp_table_reflection.enabled: + cls.define_temp_tables(metadata) + + @classmethod + def define_temp_tables(cls, metadata): + # cheat a bit, we should fix this with some dialect-level + # temp table fixture + if testing.against("oracle"): + kw = { + "prefixes": ["GLOBAL TEMPORARY"], + "oracle_on_commit": "PRESERVE ROWS", + } + else: + kw = {"prefixes": ["TEMPORARY"]} + + user_tmp = Table( + "user_tmp", + metadata, + Column("id", sa.INT, primary_key=True), + Column("name", sa.VARCHAR(50)), + Column("foo", sa.INT), + sa.UniqueConstraint("name", name="user_tmp_uq"), + sa.Index("user_tmp_ix", "foo"), + **kw + ) + if ( + testing.requires.view_reflection.enabled + and testing.requires.temporary_views.enabled + ): + event.listen( + user_tmp, + "after_create", + DDL( + "create temporary view user_tmp_v as " + "select * from user_tmp" + ), + ) + event.listen(user_tmp, "before_drop", DDL("drop view user_tmp_v")) + + @classmethod + def define_index(cls, metadata, users): + Index("users_t_idx", users.c.test1, users.c.test2) + Index("users_all_idx", users.c.user_id, users.c.test2, users.c.test1) + + @classmethod + def define_views(cls, metadata, schema): + for table_name in ("users", "email_addresses"): + fullname = table_name + if schema: + fullname = "%s.%s" % (schema, table_name) + view_name = fullname + "_v" + query = "CREATE VIEW %s AS SELECT * FROM %s" % ( + view_name, + fullname, + ) + + event.listen(metadata, "after_create", DDL(query)) + event.listen( + metadata, "before_drop", DDL("DROP VIEW %s" % view_name) + ) + + @testing.requires.schema_reflection + def test_get_schema_names(self): + insp = inspect(testing.db) + + self.assert_(testing.config.test_schema in insp.get_schema_names()) + + @testing.requires.schema_reflection + def test_dialect_initialize(self): + engine = engines.testing_engine() + assert not hasattr(engine.dialect, "default_schema_name") + inspect(engine) + assert hasattr(engine.dialect, "default_schema_name") + + @testing.requires.schema_reflection + def test_get_default_schema_name(self): + insp = inspect(testing.db) + eq_(insp.default_schema_name, testing.db.dialect.default_schema_name) + + @testing.provide_metadata + def _test_get_table_names( + self, schema=None, table_type="table", order_by=None + ): + _ignore_tables = [ + "comment_test", + "noncol_idx_test_pk", + "noncol_idx_test_nopk", + "local_table", + "remote_table", + "remote_table_2", + ] + meta = self.metadata + users, addresses, dingalings = ( + self.tables.users, + self.tables.email_addresses, + self.tables.dingalings, + ) + insp = inspect(meta.bind) + + if table_type == "view": + table_names = insp.get_view_names(schema) + table_names.sort() + answer = ["email_addresses_v", "users_v"] + eq_(sorted(table_names), answer) + else: + table_names = [ + t + for t in insp.get_table_names(schema, order_by=order_by) + if t not in _ignore_tables + ] + + if order_by == "foreign_key": + answer = ["users", "email_addresses", "dingalings"] + eq_(table_names, answer) + else: + answer = ["dingalings", "email_addresses", "users"] + eq_(sorted(table_names), answer) + + @testing.requires.temp_table_names + def test_get_temp_table_names(self): + insp = inspect(self.bind) + temp_table_names = insp.get_temp_table_names() + eq_(sorted(temp_table_names), ["user_tmp"]) + + @testing.requires.view_reflection + @testing.requires.temp_table_names + @testing.requires.temporary_views + def test_get_temp_view_names(self): + insp = inspect(self.bind) + temp_table_names = insp.get_temp_view_names() + eq_(sorted(temp_table_names), ["user_tmp_v"]) + + @testing.requires.table_reflection + def test_get_table_names(self): + self._test_get_table_names() + + @testing.requires.table_reflection + @testing.requires.foreign_key_constraint_reflection + def test_get_table_names_fks(self): + self._test_get_table_names(order_by="foreign_key") + + @testing.requires.comment_reflection + def test_get_comments(self): + self._test_get_comments() + + @testing.requires.comment_reflection + @testing.requires.schemas + def test_get_comments_with_schema(self): + self._test_get_comments(testing.config.test_schema) + + def _test_get_comments(self, schema=None): + insp = inspect(testing.db) + + eq_( + insp.get_table_comment("comment_test", schema=schema), + {"text": r"""the test % ' " \ table comment"""}, + ) + + eq_(insp.get_table_comment("users", schema=schema), {"text": None}) + + eq_( + [ + {"name": rec["name"], "comment": rec["comment"]} + for rec in insp.get_columns("comment_test", schema=schema) + ], + [ + {"comment": "id comment", "name": "id"}, + {"comment": "data % comment", "name": "data"}, + { + "comment": ( + r"""Comment types type speedily ' " \ '' Fun!""" + ), + "name": "d2", + }, + ], + ) + + @testing.requires.table_reflection + @testing.requires.schemas + def test_get_table_names_with_schema(self): + self._test_get_table_names(testing.config.test_schema) + + @testing.requires.view_column_reflection + def test_get_view_names(self): + self._test_get_table_names(table_type="view") + + @testing.requires.view_column_reflection + @testing.requires.schemas + def test_get_view_names_with_schema(self): + self._test_get_table_names( + testing.config.test_schema, table_type="view" + ) + + @testing.requires.table_reflection + @testing.requires.view_column_reflection + def test_get_tables_and_views(self): + self._test_get_table_names() + self._test_get_table_names(table_type="view") + + def _test_get_columns(self, schema=None, table_type="table"): + meta = MetaData(testing.db) + users, addresses, dingalings = ( + self.tables.users, + self.tables.email_addresses, + self.tables.dingalings, + ) + table_names = ["users", "email_addresses"] + if table_type == "view": + table_names = ["users_v", "email_addresses_v"] + insp = inspect(meta.bind) + for table_name, table in zip(table_names, (users, addresses)): + schema_name = schema + cols = insp.get_columns(table_name, schema=schema_name) + self.assert_(len(cols) > 0, len(cols)) + + # should be in order + + for i, col in enumerate(table.columns): + eq_(col.name, cols[i]["name"]) + ctype = cols[i]["type"].__class__ + ctype_def = col.type + if isinstance(ctype_def, sa.types.TypeEngine): + ctype_def = ctype_def.__class__ + + # Oracle returns Date for DateTime. + + if testing.against("oracle") and ctype_def in ( + sql_types.Date, + sql_types.DateTime, + ): + ctype_def = sql_types.Date + + # assert that the desired type and return type share + # a base within one of the generic types. + + self.assert_( + len( + set(ctype.__mro__) + .intersection(ctype_def.__mro__) + .intersection( + [ + sql_types.Integer, + sql_types.Numeric, + sql_types.DateTime, + sql_types.Date, + sql_types.Time, + sql_types.String, + sql_types._Binary, + ] + ) + ) + > 0, + "%s(%s), %s(%s)" + % (col.name, col.type, cols[i]["name"], ctype), + ) + + if not col.primary_key: + assert cols[i]["default"] is None + + @testing.requires.table_reflection + def test_get_columns(self): + self._test_get_columns() + + @testing.provide_metadata + def _type_round_trip(self, *types): + t = Table( + "t", + self.metadata, + *[Column("t%d" % i, type_) for i, type_ in enumerate(types)] + ) + t.create() + + return [ + c["type"] for c in inspect(self.metadata.bind).get_columns("t") + ] + + @testing.requires.table_reflection + def test_numeric_reflection(self): + for typ in self._type_round_trip(sql_types.Numeric(18, 5)): + assert isinstance(typ, sql_types.Numeric) + eq_(typ.precision, 18) + eq_(typ.scale, 5) + + @testing.requires.table_reflection + def test_varchar_reflection(self): + typ = self._type_round_trip(sql_types.String(52))[0] + assert isinstance(typ, sql_types.String) + eq_(typ.length, 52) + + @testing.requires.table_reflection + @testing.provide_metadata + def test_nullable_reflection(self): + t = Table( + "t", + self.metadata, + Column("a", Integer, nullable=True), + Column("b", Integer, nullable=False), + ) + t.create() + eq_( + dict( + (col["name"], col["nullable"]) + for col in inspect(self.metadata.bind).get_columns("t") + ), + {"a": True, "b": False}, + ) + + @testing.requires.table_reflection + @testing.requires.schemas + def test_get_columns_with_schema(self): + self._test_get_columns(schema=testing.config.test_schema) + + @testing.requires.temp_table_reflection + def test_get_temp_table_columns(self): + meta = MetaData(self.bind) + user_tmp = self.tables.user_tmp + insp = inspect(meta.bind) + cols = insp.get_columns("user_tmp") + self.assert_(len(cols) > 0, len(cols)) + + for i, col in enumerate(user_tmp.columns): + eq_(col.name, cols[i]["name"]) + + @testing.requires.temp_table_reflection + @testing.requires.view_column_reflection + @testing.requires.temporary_views + def test_get_temp_view_columns(self): + insp = inspect(self.bind) + cols = insp.get_columns("user_tmp_v") + eq_([col["name"] for col in cols], ["id", "name", "foo"]) + + @testing.requires.view_column_reflection + def test_get_view_columns(self): + self._test_get_columns(table_type="view") + + @testing.requires.view_column_reflection + @testing.requires.schemas + def test_get_view_columns_with_schema(self): + self._test_get_columns( + schema=testing.config.test_schema, table_type="view" + ) + + @testing.provide_metadata + def _test_get_pk_constraint(self, schema=None): + meta = self.metadata + users, addresses = self.tables.users, self.tables.email_addresses + insp = inspect(meta.bind) + + users_cons = insp.get_pk_constraint(users.name, schema=schema) + users_pkeys = users_cons["constrained_columns"] + eq_(users_pkeys, ["user_id"]) + + addr_cons = insp.get_pk_constraint(addresses.name, schema=schema) + addr_pkeys = addr_cons["constrained_columns"] + eq_(addr_pkeys, ["address_id"]) + + with testing.requires.reflects_pk_names.fail_if(): + eq_(addr_cons["name"], "email_ad_pk") + + @testing.requires.primary_key_constraint_reflection + def test_get_pk_constraint(self): + self._test_get_pk_constraint() + + @testing.requires.table_reflection + @testing.requires.primary_key_constraint_reflection + @testing.requires.schemas + def test_get_pk_constraint_with_schema(self): + self._test_get_pk_constraint(schema=testing.config.test_schema) + + @testing.requires.table_reflection + @testing.provide_metadata + def test_deprecated_get_primary_keys(self): + meta = self.metadata + users = self.tables.users + insp = Inspector(meta.bind) + assert_raises_message( + sa_exc.SADeprecationWarning, + "Call to deprecated method get_primary_keys." + " Use get_pk_constraint instead.", + insp.get_primary_keys, + users.name, + ) + + @testing.provide_metadata + def _test_get_foreign_keys(self, schema=None): + meta = self.metadata + users, addresses, dingalings = ( + self.tables.users, + self.tables.email_addresses, + self.tables.dingalings, + ) + insp = inspect(meta.bind) + expected_schema = schema + # users + + if testing.requires.self_referential_foreign_keys.enabled: + users_fkeys = insp.get_foreign_keys(users.name, schema=schema) + fkey1 = users_fkeys[0] + + with testing.requires.named_constraints.fail_if(): + eq_(fkey1["name"], "user_id_fk") + + eq_(fkey1["referred_schema"], expected_schema) + eq_(fkey1["referred_table"], users.name) + eq_(fkey1["referred_columns"], ["user_id"]) + if testing.requires.self_referential_foreign_keys.enabled: + eq_(fkey1["constrained_columns"], ["parent_user_id"]) + + # addresses + addr_fkeys = insp.get_foreign_keys(addresses.name, schema=schema) + fkey1 = addr_fkeys[0] + + with testing.requires.implicitly_named_constraints.fail_if(): + self.assert_(fkey1["name"] is not None) + + eq_(fkey1["referred_schema"], expected_schema) + eq_(fkey1["referred_table"], users.name) + eq_(fkey1["referred_columns"], ["user_id"]) + eq_(fkey1["constrained_columns"], ["remote_user_id"]) + + @testing.requires.foreign_key_constraint_reflection + def test_get_foreign_keys(self): + self._test_get_foreign_keys() + + @testing.requires.foreign_key_constraint_reflection + @testing.requires.schemas + def test_get_foreign_keys_with_schema(self): + self._test_get_foreign_keys(schema=testing.config.test_schema) + + @testing.requires.cross_schema_fk_reflection + @testing.requires.schemas + def test_get_inter_schema_foreign_keys(self): + local_table, remote_table, remote_table_2 = self.tables( + "%s.local_table" % testing.db.dialect.default_schema_name, + "%s.remote_table" % testing.config.test_schema, + "%s.remote_table_2" % testing.config.test_schema, + ) + + insp = inspect(config.db) + + local_fkeys = insp.get_foreign_keys(local_table.name) + eq_(len(local_fkeys), 1) + + fkey1 = local_fkeys[0] + eq_(fkey1["referred_schema"], testing.config.test_schema) + eq_(fkey1["referred_table"], remote_table_2.name) + eq_(fkey1["referred_columns"], ["id"]) + eq_(fkey1["constrained_columns"], ["remote_id"]) + + remote_fkeys = insp.get_foreign_keys( + remote_table.name, schema=testing.config.test_schema + ) + eq_(len(remote_fkeys), 1) + + fkey2 = remote_fkeys[0] + + assert fkey2["referred_schema"] in ( + None, + testing.db.dialect.default_schema_name, + ) + eq_(fkey2["referred_table"], local_table.name) + eq_(fkey2["referred_columns"], ["id"]) + eq_(fkey2["constrained_columns"], ["local_id"]) + + @testing.requires.foreign_key_constraint_option_reflection_ondelete + def test_get_foreign_key_options_ondelete(self): + self._test_get_foreign_key_options(ondelete="CASCADE") + + @testing.requires.foreign_key_constraint_option_reflection_onupdate + def test_get_foreign_key_options_onupdate(self): + self._test_get_foreign_key_options(onupdate="SET NULL") + + @testing.provide_metadata + def _test_get_foreign_key_options(self, **options): + meta = self.metadata + + Table( + "x", + meta, + Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True), + test_needs_fk=True, + ) + + Table( + "table", + meta, + Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True), + Column("x_id", Integer, sa.ForeignKey("x.id", name="xid")), + Column("test", String(10)), + test_needs_fk=True, + ) + + Table( + "user", + meta, + Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True), + Column("name", String(50), nullable=False), + Column("tid", Integer), + sa.ForeignKeyConstraint( + ["tid"], ["table.id"], name="myfk", **options + ), + test_needs_fk=True, + ) + + meta.create_all() + + insp = inspect(meta.bind) + + # test 'options' is always present for a backend + # that can reflect these, since alembic looks for this + opts = insp.get_foreign_keys("table")[0]["options"] + + eq_(dict((k, opts[k]) for k in opts if opts[k]), {}) + + opts = insp.get_foreign_keys("user")[0]["options"] + eq_(dict((k, opts[k]) for k in opts if opts[k]), options) + + def _assert_insp_indexes(self, indexes, expected_indexes): + index_names = [d["name"] for d in indexes] + for e_index in expected_indexes: + assert e_index["name"] in index_names + index = indexes[index_names.index(e_index["name"])] + for key in e_index: + eq_(e_index[key], index[key]) + + @testing.provide_metadata + def _test_get_indexes(self, schema=None): + meta = self.metadata + users, addresses, dingalings = ( + self.tables.users, + self.tables.email_addresses, + self.tables.dingalings, + ) + # The database may decide to create indexes for foreign keys, etc. + # so there may be more indexes than expected. + insp = inspect(meta.bind) + indexes = insp.get_indexes("users", schema=schema) + expected_indexes = [ + { + "unique": False, + "column_names": ["test1", "test2"], + "name": "users_t_idx", + }, + { + "unique": False, + "column_names": ["user_id", "test2", "test1"], + "name": "users_all_idx", + }, + ] + self._assert_insp_indexes(indexes, expected_indexes) + + @testing.requires.index_reflection + def test_get_indexes(self): + self._test_get_indexes() + + @testing.requires.index_reflection + @testing.requires.schemas + def test_get_indexes_with_schema(self): + self._test_get_indexes(schema=testing.config.test_schema) + + @testing.provide_metadata + def _test_get_noncol_index(self, tname, ixname): + meta = self.metadata + insp = inspect(meta.bind) + indexes = insp.get_indexes(tname) + + # reflecting an index that has "x DESC" in it as the column. + # the DB may or may not give us "x", but make sure we get the index + # back, it has a name, it's connected to the table. + expected_indexes = [{"unique": False, "name": ixname}] + self._assert_insp_indexes(indexes, expected_indexes) + + t = Table(tname, meta, autoload_with=meta.bind) + eq_(len(t.indexes), 1) + is_(list(t.indexes)[0].table, t) + eq_(list(t.indexes)[0].name, ixname) + + @testing.requires.index_reflection + def test_get_noncol_index_no_pk(self): + self._test_get_noncol_index("noncol_idx_test_nopk", "noncol_idx_nopk") + + @testing.requires.index_reflection + def test_get_noncol_index_pk(self): + self._test_get_noncol_index("noncol_idx_test_pk", "noncol_idx_pk") + + @testing.requires.indexes_with_expressions + @testing.provide_metadata + def test_reflect_expression_based_indexes(self): + Table( + "t", + self.metadata, + Column("x", String(30)), + Column("y", String(30)), + ) + event.listen( + self.metadata, + "after_create", + DDL("CREATE INDEX t_idx ON t(lower(x), lower(y))"), + ) + event.listen( + self.metadata, "after_create", DDL("CREATE INDEX t_idx_2 ON t(x)") + ) + self.metadata.create_all() + + insp = inspect(self.metadata.bind) + + with expect_warnings( + "Skipped unsupported reflection of expression-based index t_idx" + ): + eq_( + insp.get_indexes("t"), + [{"name": "t_idx_2", "column_names": ["x"], "unique": 0}], + ) + + @testing.requires.unique_constraint_reflection + def test_get_unique_constraints(self): + self._test_get_unique_constraints() + + @testing.requires.temp_table_reflection + @testing.requires.unique_constraint_reflection + def test_get_temp_table_unique_constraints(self): + insp = inspect(self.bind) + reflected = insp.get_unique_constraints("user_tmp") + for refl in reflected: + # Different dialects handle duplicate index and constraints + # differently, so ignore this flag + refl.pop("duplicates_index", None) + eq_(reflected, [{"column_names": ["name"], "name": "user_tmp_uq"}]) + + @testing.requires.temp_table_reflection + def test_get_temp_table_indexes(self): + insp = inspect(self.bind) + indexes = insp.get_indexes("user_tmp") + for ind in indexes: + ind.pop("dialect_options", None) + eq_( + # TODO: we need to add better filtering for indexes/uq constraints + # that are doubled up + [idx for idx in indexes if idx["name"] == "user_tmp_ix"], + [ + { + "unique": False, + "column_names": ["foo"], + "name": "user_tmp_ix", + } + ], + ) + + @testing.requires.unique_constraint_reflection + @testing.requires.schemas + def test_get_unique_constraints_with_schema(self): + self._test_get_unique_constraints(schema=testing.config.test_schema) + + @testing.provide_metadata + def _test_get_unique_constraints(self, schema=None): + # SQLite dialect needs to parse the names of the constraints + # separately from what it gets from PRAGMA index_list(), and + # then matches them up. so same set of column_names in two + # constraints will confuse it. Perhaps we should no longer + # bother with index_list() here since we have the whole + # CREATE TABLE? + uniques = sorted( + [ + {"name": "unique_a", "column_names": ["a"]}, + {"name": "unique_a_b_c", "column_names": ["a", "b", "c"]}, + {"name": "unique_c_a_b", "column_names": ["c", "a", "b"]}, + {"name": "unique_asc_key", "column_names": ["asc", "key"]}, + {"name": "i.have.dots", "column_names": ["b"]}, + {"name": "i have spaces", "column_names": ["c"]}, + ], + key=operator.itemgetter("name"), + ) + orig_meta = self.metadata + table = Table( + "testtbl", + orig_meta, + Column("a", sa.String(20)), + Column("b", sa.String(30)), + Column("c", sa.Integer), + # reserved identifiers + Column("asc", sa.String(30)), + Column("key", sa.String(30)), + schema=schema, + ) + for uc in uniques: + table.append_constraint( + sa.UniqueConstraint(*uc["column_names"], name=uc["name"]) + ) + orig_meta.create_all() + + inspector = inspect(orig_meta.bind) + reflected = sorted( + inspector.get_unique_constraints("testtbl", schema=schema), + key=operator.itemgetter("name"), + ) + + names_that_duplicate_index = set() + + for orig, refl in zip(uniques, reflected): + # Different dialects handle duplicate index and constraints + # differently, so ignore this flag + dupe = refl.pop("duplicates_index", None) + if dupe: + names_that_duplicate_index.add(dupe) + eq_(orig, refl) + + reflected_metadata = MetaData() + reflected = Table( + "testtbl", + reflected_metadata, + autoload_with=orig_meta.bind, + schema=schema, + ) + + # test "deduplicates for index" logic. MySQL and Oracle + # "unique constraints" are actually unique indexes (with possible + # exception of a unique that is a dupe of another one in the case + # of Oracle). make sure # they aren't duplicated. + idx_names = set([idx.name for idx in reflected.indexes]) + uq_names = set( + [ + uq.name + for uq in reflected.constraints + if isinstance(uq, sa.UniqueConstraint) + ] + ).difference(["unique_c_a_b"]) + + assert not idx_names.intersection(uq_names) + if names_that_duplicate_index: + eq_(names_that_duplicate_index, idx_names) + eq_(uq_names, set()) + + @testing.requires.check_constraint_reflection + def test_get_check_constraints(self): + self._test_get_check_constraints() + + @testing.requires.check_constraint_reflection + @testing.requires.schemas + def test_get_check_constraints_schema(self): + self._test_get_check_constraints(schema=testing.config.test_schema) + + @testing.provide_metadata + def _test_get_check_constraints(self, schema=None): + orig_meta = self.metadata + Table( + "sa_cc", + orig_meta, + Column("a", Integer()), + sa.CheckConstraint("a > 1 AND a < 5", name="cc1"), + sa.CheckConstraint("a = 1 OR (a > 2 AND a < 5)", name="cc2"), + schema=schema, + ) + + orig_meta.create_all() + + inspector = inspect(orig_meta.bind) + reflected = sorted( + inspector.get_check_constraints("sa_cc", schema=schema), + key=operator.itemgetter("name"), + ) + + # trying to minimize effect of quoting, parenthesis, etc. + # may need to add more to this as new dialects get CHECK + # constraint reflection support + def normalize(sqltext): + return " ".join( + re.findall(r"and|\d|=|a|or|<|>", sqltext.lower(), re.I) + ) + + reflected = [ + {"name": item["name"], "sqltext": normalize(item["sqltext"])} + for item in reflected + ] + eq_( + reflected, + [ + {"name": "cc1", "sqltext": "a > 1 and a < 5"}, + {"name": "cc2", "sqltext": "a = 1 or a > 2 and a < 5"}, + ], + ) + + @testing.provide_metadata + def _test_get_view_definition(self, schema=None): + meta = self.metadata + users, addresses, dingalings = ( + self.tables.users, + self.tables.email_addresses, + self.tables.dingalings, + ) + view_name1 = "users_v" + view_name2 = "email_addresses_v" + insp = inspect(meta.bind) + v1 = insp.get_view_definition(view_name1, schema=schema) + self.assert_(v1) + v2 = insp.get_view_definition(view_name2, schema=schema) + self.assert_(v2) + + @testing.requires.view_reflection + def test_get_view_definition(self): + self._test_get_view_definition() + + @testing.requires.view_reflection + @testing.requires.schemas + def test_get_view_definition_with_schema(self): + self._test_get_view_definition(schema=testing.config.test_schema) + + @testing.only_on("postgresql", "PG specific feature") + @testing.provide_metadata + def _test_get_table_oid(self, table_name, schema=None): + meta = self.metadata + users, addresses, dingalings = ( + self.tables.users, + self.tables.email_addresses, + self.tables.dingalings, + ) + insp = inspect(meta.bind) + oid = insp.get_table_oid(table_name, schema) + self.assert_(isinstance(oid, int)) + + def test_get_table_oid(self): + self._test_get_table_oid("users") + + @testing.requires.schemas + def test_get_table_oid_with_schema(self): + self._test_get_table_oid("users", schema=testing.config.test_schema) + + @testing.requires.table_reflection + @testing.provide_metadata + def test_autoincrement_col(self): + """test that 'autoincrement' is reflected according to sqla's policy. + + Don't mark this test as unsupported for any backend ! + + (technically it fails with MySQL InnoDB since "id" comes before "id2") + + A backend is better off not returning "autoincrement" at all, + instead of potentially returning "False" for an auto-incrementing + primary key column. + + """ + + meta = self.metadata + insp = inspect(meta.bind) + + for tname, cname in [ + ("users", "user_id"), + ("email_addresses", "address_id"), + ("dingalings", "dingaling_id"), + ]: + cols = insp.get_columns(tname) + id_ = {c["name"]: c for c in cols}[cname] + assert id_.get("autoincrement", True) + + +class NormalizedNameTest(fixtures.TablesTest): + __requires__ = ("denormalized_names",) + __backend__ = True + + @classmethod + def define_tables(cls, metadata): + Table( + quoted_name("t1", quote=True), + metadata, + Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True), + ) + Table( + quoted_name("t2", quote=True), + metadata, + Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True), + Column("t1id", ForeignKey("t1.id")), + ) + + def test_reflect_lowercase_forced_tables(self): + + m2 = MetaData(testing.db) + t2_ref = Table(quoted_name("t2", quote=True), m2, autoload=True) + t1_ref = m2.tables["t1"] + assert t2_ref.c.t1id.references(t1_ref.c.id) + + m3 = MetaData(testing.db) + m3.reflect(only=lambda name, m: name.lower() in ("t1", "t2")) + assert m3.tables["t2"].c.t1id.references(m3.tables["t1"].c.id) + + def test_get_table_names(self): + tablenames = [ + t + for t in inspect(testing.db).get_table_names() + if t.lower() in ("t1", "t2") + ] + + eq_(tablenames[0].upper(), tablenames[0].lower()) + eq_(tablenames[1].upper(), tablenames[1].lower()) + + +__all__ = ("ComponentReflectionTest", "HasTableTest", "NormalizedNameTest") diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/suite/test_results.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/suite/test_results.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..aa98a50 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/suite/test_results.py @@ -0,0 +1,370 @@ +import datetime + +from .. import config +from .. import engines +from .. import fixtures +from ..assertions import eq_ +from ..config import requirements +from ..schema import Column +from ..schema import Table +from ... import DateTime +from ... import func +from ... import Integer +from ... import select +from ... import sql +from ... import String +from ... import testing +from ... import text + + +class RowFetchTest(fixtures.TablesTest): + __backend__ = True + + @classmethod + def define_tables(cls, metadata): + Table( + "plain_pk", + metadata, + Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True), + Column("data", String(50)), + ) + Table( + "has_dates", + metadata, + Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True), + Column("today", DateTime), + ) + + @classmethod + def insert_data(cls): + config.db.execute( + cls.tables.plain_pk.insert(), + [ + {"id": 1, "data": "d1"}, + {"id": 2, "data": "d2"}, + {"id": 3, "data": "d3"}, + ], + ) + + config.db.execute( + cls.tables.has_dates.insert(), + [{"id": 1, "today": datetime.datetime(2006, 5, 12, 12, 0, 0)}], + ) + + def test_via_string(self): + row = config.db.execute( + self.tables.plain_pk.select().order_by(self.tables.plain_pk.c.id) + ).first() + + eq_(row["id"], 1) + eq_(row["data"], "d1") + + def test_via_int(self): + row = config.db.execute( + self.tables.plain_pk.select().order_by(self.tables.plain_pk.c.id) + ).first() + + eq_(row[0], 1) + eq_(row[1], "d1") + + def test_via_col_object(self): + row = config.db.execute( + self.tables.plain_pk.select().order_by(self.tables.plain_pk.c.id) + ).first() + + eq_(row[self.tables.plain_pk.c.id], 1) + eq_(row[self.tables.plain_pk.c.data], "d1") + + @requirements.duplicate_names_in_cursor_description + def test_row_with_dupe_names(self): + result = config.db.execute( + select( + [ + self.tables.plain_pk.c.data, + self.tables.plain_pk.c.data.label("data"), + ] + ).order_by(self.tables.plain_pk.c.id) + ) + row = result.first() + eq_(result.keys(), ["data", "data"]) + eq_(row, ("d1", "d1")) + + def test_row_w_scalar_select(self): + """test that a scalar select as a column is returned as such + and that type conversion works OK. + + (this is half a SQLAlchemy Core test and half to catch database + backends that may have unusual behavior with scalar selects.) + + """ + datetable = self.tables.has_dates + s = select([datetable.alias("x").c.today]).as_scalar() + s2 = select([datetable.c.id, s.label("somelabel")]) + row = config.db.execute(s2).first() + + eq_(row["somelabel"], datetime.datetime(2006, 5, 12, 12, 0, 0)) + + +class PercentSchemaNamesTest(fixtures.TablesTest): + """tests using percent signs, spaces in table and column names. + + This is a very fringe use case, doesn't work for MySQL + or PostgreSQL. the requirement, "percent_schema_names", + is marked "skip" by default. + + """ + + __requires__ = ("percent_schema_names",) + + __backend__ = True + + @classmethod + def define_tables(cls, metadata): + cls.tables.percent_table = Table( + "percent%table", + metadata, + Column("percent%", Integer), + Column("spaces % more spaces", Integer), + ) + cls.tables.lightweight_percent_table = sql.table( + "percent%table", + sql.column("percent%"), + sql.column("spaces % more spaces"), + ) + + def test_single_roundtrip(self): + percent_table = self.tables.percent_table + for params in [ + {"percent%": 5, "spaces % more spaces": 12}, + {"percent%": 7, "spaces % more spaces": 11}, + {"percent%": 9, "spaces % more spaces": 10}, + {"percent%": 11, "spaces % more spaces": 9}, + ]: + config.db.execute(percent_table.insert(), params) + self._assert_table() + + def test_executemany_roundtrip(self): + percent_table = self.tables.percent_table + config.db.execute( + percent_table.insert(), {"percent%": 5, "spaces % more spaces": 12} + ) + config.db.execute( + percent_table.insert(), + [ + {"percent%": 7, "spaces % more spaces": 11}, + {"percent%": 9, "spaces % more spaces": 10}, + {"percent%": 11, "spaces % more spaces": 9}, + ], + ) + self._assert_table() + + def _assert_table(self): + percent_table = self.tables.percent_table + lightweight_percent_table = self.tables.lightweight_percent_table + + for table in ( + percent_table, + percent_table.alias(), + lightweight_percent_table, + lightweight_percent_table.alias(), + ): + eq_( + list( + config.db.execute( + table.select().order_by(table.c["percent%"]) + ) + ), + [(5, 12), (7, 11), (9, 10), (11, 9)], + ) + + eq_( + list( + config.db.execute( + table.select() + .where(table.c["spaces % more spaces"].in_([9, 10])) + .order_by(table.c["percent%"]) + ) + ), + [(9, 10), (11, 9)], + ) + + row = config.db.execute( + table.select().order_by(table.c["percent%"]) + ).first() + eq_(row["percent%"], 5) + eq_(row["spaces % more spaces"], 12) + + eq_(row[table.c["percent%"]], 5) + eq_(row[table.c["spaces % more spaces"]], 12) + + config.db.execute( + percent_table.update().values( + {percent_table.c["spaces % more spaces"]: 15} + ) + ) + + eq_( + list( + config.db.execute( + percent_table.select().order_by( + percent_table.c["percent%"] + ) + ) + ), + [(5, 15), (7, 15), (9, 15), (11, 15)], + ) + + +class ServerSideCursorsTest( + fixtures.TestBase, testing.AssertsExecutionResults +): + + __requires__ = ("server_side_cursors",) + + __backend__ = True + + def _is_server_side(self, cursor): + if self.engine.dialect.driver == "psycopg2": + return cursor.name + elif self.engine.dialect.driver == "pymysql": + sscursor = __import__("pymysql.cursors").cursors.SSCursor + return isinstance(cursor, sscursor) + elif self.engine.dialect.driver == "mysqldb": + sscursor = __import__("MySQLdb.cursors").cursors.SSCursor + return isinstance(cursor, sscursor) + else: + return False + + def _fixture(self, server_side_cursors): + self.engine = engines.testing_engine( + options={"server_side_cursors": server_side_cursors} + ) + return self.engine + + def tearDown(self): + engines.testing_reaper.close_all() + self.engine.dispose() + + def test_global_string(self): + engine = self._fixture(True) + result = engine.execute("select 1") + assert self._is_server_side(result.cursor) + + def test_global_text(self): + engine = self._fixture(True) + result = engine.execute(text("select 1")) + assert self._is_server_side(result.cursor) + + def test_global_expr(self): + engine = self._fixture(True) + result = engine.execute(select([1])) + assert self._is_server_side(result.cursor) + + def test_global_off_explicit(self): + engine = self._fixture(False) + result = engine.execute(text("select 1")) + + # It should be off globally ... + + assert not self._is_server_side(result.cursor) + + def test_stmt_option(self): + engine = self._fixture(False) + + s = select([1]).execution_options(stream_results=True) + result = engine.execute(s) + + # ... but enabled for this one. + + assert self._is_server_side(result.cursor) + + def test_conn_option(self): + engine = self._fixture(False) + + # and this one + result = ( + engine.connect() + .execution_options(stream_results=True) + .execute("select 1") + ) + assert self._is_server_side(result.cursor) + + def test_stmt_enabled_conn_option_disabled(self): + engine = self._fixture(False) + + s = select([1]).execution_options(stream_results=True) + + # not this one + result = ( + engine.connect().execution_options(stream_results=False).execute(s) + ) + assert not self._is_server_side(result.cursor) + + def test_stmt_option_disabled(self): + engine = self._fixture(True) + s = select([1]).execution_options(stream_results=False) + result = engine.execute(s) + assert not self._is_server_side(result.cursor) + + def test_aliases_and_ss(self): + engine = self._fixture(False) + s1 = select([1]).execution_options(stream_results=True).alias() + result = engine.execute(s1) + assert self._is_server_side(result.cursor) + + # s1's options shouldn't affect s2 when s2 is used as a + # from_obj. + s2 = select([1], from_obj=s1) + result = engine.execute(s2) + assert not self._is_server_side(result.cursor) + + def test_for_update_expr(self): + engine = self._fixture(True) + s1 = select([1], for_update=True) + result = engine.execute(s1) + assert self._is_server_side(result.cursor) + + def test_for_update_string(self): + engine = self._fixture(True) + result = engine.execute("SELECT 1 FOR UPDATE") + assert self._is_server_side(result.cursor) + + def test_text_no_ss(self): + engine = self._fixture(False) + s = text("select 42") + result = engine.execute(s) + assert not self._is_server_side(result.cursor) + + def test_text_ss_option(self): + engine = self._fixture(False) + s = text("select 42").execution_options(stream_results=True) + result = engine.execute(s) + assert self._is_server_side(result.cursor) + + @testing.provide_metadata + def test_roundtrip(self): + md = self.metadata + + engine = self._fixture(True) + test_table = Table( + "test_table", + md, + Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True), + Column("data", String(50)), + ) + test_table.create(checkfirst=True) + test_table.insert().execute(data="data1") + test_table.insert().execute(data="data2") + eq_( + test_table.select().order_by(test_table.c.id).execute().fetchall(), + [(1, "data1"), (2, "data2")], + ) + test_table.update().where(test_table.c.id == 2).values( + data=test_table.c.data + " updated" + ).execute() + eq_( + test_table.select().order_by(test_table.c.id).execute().fetchall(), + [(1, "data1"), (2, "data2 updated")], + ) + test_table.delete().execute() + eq_(select([func.count("*")]).select_from(test_table).scalar(), 0) diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/suite/test_select.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/suite/test_select.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..51cce85 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/suite/test_select.py @@ -0,0 +1,524 @@ +from .. import config +from .. import fixtures +from ..assertions import eq_ +from ..schema import Column +from ..schema import Table +from ... import bindparam +from ... import func +from ... import Integer +from ... import literal_column +from ... import select +from ... import String +from ... import testing +from ... import tuple_ +from ... import union +from ... import util + + +class CollateTest(fixtures.TablesTest): + __backend__ = True + + @classmethod + def define_tables(cls, metadata): + Table( + "some_table", + metadata, + Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True), + Column("data", String(100)), + ) + + @classmethod + def insert_data(cls): + config.db.execute( + cls.tables.some_table.insert(), + [ + {"id": 1, "data": "collate data1"}, + {"id": 2, "data": "collate data2"}, + ], + ) + + def _assert_result(self, select, result): + eq_(config.db.execute(select).fetchall(), result) + + @testing.requires.order_by_collation + def test_collate_order_by(self): + collation = testing.requires.get_order_by_collation(testing.config) + + self._assert_result( + select([self.tables.some_table]).order_by( + self.tables.some_table.c.data.collate(collation).asc() + ), + [(1, "collate data1"), (2, "collate data2")], + ) + + +class OrderByLabelTest(fixtures.TablesTest): + """Test the dialect sends appropriate ORDER BY expressions when + labels are used. + + This essentially exercises the "supports_simple_order_by_label" + setting. + + """ + + __backend__ = True + + @classmethod + def define_tables(cls, metadata): + Table( + "some_table", + metadata, + Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True), + Column("x", Integer), + Column("y", Integer), + Column("q", String(50)), + Column("p", String(50)), + ) + + @classmethod + def insert_data(cls): + config.db.execute( + cls.tables.some_table.insert(), + [ + {"id": 1, "x": 1, "y": 2, "q": "q1", "p": "p3"}, + {"id": 2, "x": 2, "y": 3, "q": "q2", "p": "p2"}, + {"id": 3, "x": 3, "y": 4, "q": "q3", "p": "p1"}, + ], + ) + + def _assert_result(self, select, result): + eq_(config.db.execute(select).fetchall(), result) + + def test_plain(self): + table = self.tables.some_table + lx = table.c.x.label("lx") + self._assert_result(select([lx]).order_by(lx), [(1,), (2,), (3,)]) + + def test_composed_int(self): + table = self.tables.some_table + lx = (table.c.x + table.c.y).label("lx") + self._assert_result(select([lx]).order_by(lx), [(3,), (5,), (7,)]) + + def test_composed_multiple(self): + table = self.tables.some_table + lx = (table.c.x + table.c.y).label("lx") + ly = (func.lower(table.c.q) + table.c.p).label("ly") + self._assert_result( + select([lx, ly]).order_by(lx, ly.desc()), + [(3, util.u("q1p3")), (5, util.u("q2p2")), (7, util.u("q3p1"))], + ) + + def test_plain_desc(self): + table = self.tables.some_table + lx = table.c.x.label("lx") + self._assert_result( + select([lx]).order_by(lx.desc()), [(3,), (2,), (1,)] + ) + + def test_composed_int_desc(self): + table = self.tables.some_table + lx = (table.c.x + table.c.y).label("lx") + self._assert_result( + select([lx]).order_by(lx.desc()), [(7,), (5,), (3,)] + ) + + @testing.requires.group_by_complex_expression + def test_group_by_composed(self): + table = self.tables.some_table + expr = (table.c.x + table.c.y).label("lx") + stmt = ( + select([func.count(table.c.id), expr]) + .group_by(expr) + .order_by(expr) + ) + self._assert_result(stmt, [(1, 3), (1, 5), (1, 7)]) + + +class LimitOffsetTest(fixtures.TablesTest): + __backend__ = True + + @classmethod + def define_tables(cls, metadata): + Table( + "some_table", + metadata, + Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True), + Column("x", Integer), + Column("y", Integer), + ) + + @classmethod + def insert_data(cls): + config.db.execute( + cls.tables.some_table.insert(), + [ + {"id": 1, "x": 1, "y": 2}, + {"id": 2, "x": 2, "y": 3}, + {"id": 3, "x": 3, "y": 4}, + {"id": 4, "x": 4, "y": 5}, + ], + ) + + def _assert_result(self, select, result, params=()): + eq_(config.db.execute(select, params).fetchall(), result) + + def test_simple_limit(self): + table = self.tables.some_table + self._assert_result( + select([table]).order_by(table.c.id).limit(2), + [(1, 1, 2), (2, 2, 3)], + ) + + @testing.requires.offset + def test_simple_offset(self): + table = self.tables.some_table + self._assert_result( + select([table]).order_by(table.c.id).offset(2), + [(3, 3, 4), (4, 4, 5)], + ) + + @testing.requires.offset + def test_simple_limit_offset(self): + table = self.tables.some_table + self._assert_result( + select([table]).order_by(table.c.id).limit(2).offset(1), + [(2, 2, 3), (3, 3, 4)], + ) + + @testing.requires.offset + def test_limit_offset_nobinds(self): + """test that 'literal binds' mode works - no bound params.""" + + table = self.tables.some_table + stmt = select([table]).order_by(table.c.id).limit(2).offset(1) + sql = stmt.compile( + dialect=config.db.dialect, compile_kwargs={"literal_binds": True} + ) + sql = str(sql) + + self._assert_result(sql, [(2, 2, 3), (3, 3, 4)]) + + @testing.requires.bound_limit_offset + def test_bound_limit(self): + table = self.tables.some_table + self._assert_result( + select([table]).order_by(table.c.id).limit(bindparam("l")), + [(1, 1, 2), (2, 2, 3)], + params={"l": 2}, + ) + + @testing.requires.bound_limit_offset + def test_bound_offset(self): + table = self.tables.some_table + self._assert_result( + select([table]).order_by(table.c.id).offset(bindparam("o")), + [(3, 3, 4), (4, 4, 5)], + params={"o": 2}, + ) + + @testing.requires.bound_limit_offset + def test_bound_limit_offset(self): + table = self.tables.some_table + self._assert_result( + select([table]) + .order_by(table.c.id) + .limit(bindparam("l")) + .offset(bindparam("o")), + [(2, 2, 3), (3, 3, 4)], + params={"l": 2, "o": 1}, + ) + + +class CompoundSelectTest(fixtures.TablesTest): + __backend__ = True + + @classmethod + def define_tables(cls, metadata): + Table( + "some_table", + metadata, + Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True), + Column("x", Integer), + Column("y", Integer), + ) + + @classmethod + def insert_data(cls): + config.db.execute( + cls.tables.some_table.insert(), + [ + {"id": 1, "x": 1, "y": 2}, + {"id": 2, "x": 2, "y": 3}, + {"id": 3, "x": 3, "y": 4}, + {"id": 4, "x": 4, "y": 5}, + ], + ) + + def _assert_result(self, select, result, params=()): + eq_(config.db.execute(select, params).fetchall(), result) + + def test_plain_union(self): + table = self.tables.some_table + s1 = select([table]).where(table.c.id == 2) + s2 = select([table]).where(table.c.id == 3) + + u1 = union(s1, s2) + self._assert_result(u1.order_by(u1.c.id), [(2, 2, 3), (3, 3, 4)]) + + def test_select_from_plain_union(self): + table = self.tables.some_table + s1 = select([table]).where(table.c.id == 2) + s2 = select([table]).where(table.c.id == 3) + + u1 = union(s1, s2).alias().select() + self._assert_result(u1.order_by(u1.c.id), [(2, 2, 3), (3, 3, 4)]) + + @testing.requires.order_by_col_from_union + @testing.requires.parens_in_union_contained_select_w_limit_offset + def test_limit_offset_selectable_in_unions(self): + table = self.tables.some_table + s1 = ( + select([table]) + .where(table.c.id == 2) + .limit(1) + .order_by(table.c.id) + ) + s2 = ( + select([table]) + .where(table.c.id == 3) + .limit(1) + .order_by(table.c.id) + ) + + u1 = union(s1, s2).limit(2) + self._assert_result(u1.order_by(u1.c.id), [(2, 2, 3), (3, 3, 4)]) + + @testing.requires.parens_in_union_contained_select_wo_limit_offset + def test_order_by_selectable_in_unions(self): + table = self.tables.some_table + s1 = select([table]).where(table.c.id == 2).order_by(table.c.id) + s2 = select([table]).where(table.c.id == 3).order_by(table.c.id) + + u1 = union(s1, s2).limit(2) + self._assert_result(u1.order_by(u1.c.id), [(2, 2, 3), (3, 3, 4)]) + + def test_distinct_selectable_in_unions(self): + table = self.tables.some_table + s1 = select([table]).where(table.c.id == 2).distinct() + s2 = select([table]).where(table.c.id == 3).distinct() + + u1 = union(s1, s2).limit(2) + self._assert_result(u1.order_by(u1.c.id), [(2, 2, 3), (3, 3, 4)]) + + @testing.requires.parens_in_union_contained_select_w_limit_offset + def test_limit_offset_in_unions_from_alias(self): + table = self.tables.some_table + s1 = ( + select([table]) + .where(table.c.id == 2) + .limit(1) + .order_by(table.c.id) + ) + s2 = ( + select([table]) + .where(table.c.id == 3) + .limit(1) + .order_by(table.c.id) + ) + + # this necessarily has double parens + u1 = union(s1, s2).alias() + self._assert_result( + u1.select().limit(2).order_by(u1.c.id), [(2, 2, 3), (3, 3, 4)] + ) + + def test_limit_offset_aliased_selectable_in_unions(self): + table = self.tables.some_table + s1 = ( + select([table]) + .where(table.c.id == 2) + .limit(1) + .order_by(table.c.id) + .alias() + .select() + ) + s2 = ( + select([table]) + .where(table.c.id == 3) + .limit(1) + .order_by(table.c.id) + .alias() + .select() + ) + + u1 = union(s1, s2).limit(2) + self._assert_result(u1.order_by(u1.c.id), [(2, 2, 3), (3, 3, 4)]) + + +class ExpandingBoundInTest(fixtures.TablesTest): + __backend__ = True + + @classmethod + def define_tables(cls, metadata): + Table( + "some_table", + metadata, + Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True), + Column("x", Integer), + Column("y", Integer), + ) + + @classmethod + def insert_data(cls): + config.db.execute( + cls.tables.some_table.insert(), + [ + {"id": 1, "x": 1, "y": 2}, + {"id": 2, "x": 2, "y": 3}, + {"id": 3, "x": 3, "y": 4}, + {"id": 4, "x": 4, "y": 5}, + ], + ) + + def _assert_result(self, select, result, params=()): + eq_(config.db.execute(select, params).fetchall(), result) + + def test_bound_in_scalar(self): + table = self.tables.some_table + + stmt = ( + select([table.c.id]) + .where(table.c.x.in_(bindparam("q", expanding=True))) + .order_by(table.c.id) + ) + + self._assert_result(stmt, [(2,), (3,), (4,)], params={"q": [2, 3, 4]}) + + @testing.requires.tuple_in + def test_bound_in_two_tuple(self): + table = self.tables.some_table + + stmt = ( + select([table.c.id]) + .where( + tuple_(table.c.x, table.c.y).in_( + bindparam("q", expanding=True) + ) + ) + .order_by(table.c.id) + ) + + self._assert_result( + stmt, [(2,), (3,), (4,)], params={"q": [(2, 3), (3, 4), (4, 5)]} + ) + + +class LikeFunctionsTest(fixtures.TablesTest): + __backend__ = True + + run_inserts = "once" + run_deletes = None + + @classmethod + def define_tables(cls, metadata): + Table( + "some_table", + metadata, + Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True), + Column("data", String(50)), + ) + + @classmethod + def insert_data(cls): + config.db.execute( + cls.tables.some_table.insert(), + [ + {"id": 1, "data": "abcdefg"}, + {"id": 2, "data": "ab/cdefg"}, + {"id": 3, "data": "ab%cdefg"}, + {"id": 4, "data": "ab_cdefg"}, + {"id": 5, "data": "abcde/fg"}, + {"id": 6, "data": "abcde%fg"}, + {"id": 7, "data": "ab#cdefg"}, + {"id": 8, "data": "ab9cdefg"}, + {"id": 9, "data": "abcde#fg"}, + {"id": 10, "data": "abcd9fg"}, + ], + ) + + def _test(self, expr, expected): + some_table = self.tables.some_table + + with config.db.connect() as conn: + rows = { + value + for value, in conn.execute( + select([some_table.c.id]).where(expr) + ) + } + + eq_(rows, expected) + + def test_startswith_unescaped(self): + col = self.tables.some_table.c.data + self._test(col.startswith("ab%c"), {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}) + + def test_startswith_autoescape(self): + col = self.tables.some_table.c.data + self._test(col.startswith("ab%c", autoescape=True), {3}) + + def test_startswith_sqlexpr(self): + col = self.tables.some_table.c.data + self._test( + col.startswith(literal_column("'ab%c'")), + {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}, + ) + + def test_startswith_escape(self): + col = self.tables.some_table.c.data + self._test(col.startswith("ab##c", escape="#"), {7}) + + def test_startswith_autoescape_escape(self): + col = self.tables.some_table.c.data + self._test(col.startswith("ab%c", autoescape=True, escape="#"), {3}) + self._test(col.startswith("ab#c", autoescape=True, escape="#"), {7}) + + def test_endswith_unescaped(self): + col = self.tables.some_table.c.data + self._test(col.endswith("e%fg"), {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}) + + def test_endswith_sqlexpr(self): + col = self.tables.some_table.c.data + self._test( + col.endswith(literal_column("'e%fg'")), {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9} + ) + + def test_endswith_autoescape(self): + col = self.tables.some_table.c.data + self._test(col.endswith("e%fg", autoescape=True), {6}) + + def test_endswith_escape(self): + col = self.tables.some_table.c.data + self._test(col.endswith("e##fg", escape="#"), {9}) + + def test_endswith_autoescape_escape(self): + col = self.tables.some_table.c.data + self._test(col.endswith("e%fg", autoescape=True, escape="#"), {6}) + self._test(col.endswith("e#fg", autoescape=True, escape="#"), {9}) + + def test_contains_unescaped(self): + col = self.tables.some_table.c.data + self._test(col.contains("b%cde"), {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}) + + def test_contains_autoescape(self): + col = self.tables.some_table.c.data + self._test(col.contains("b%cde", autoescape=True), {3}) + + def test_contains_escape(self): + col = self.tables.some_table.c.data + self._test(col.contains("b##cde", escape="#"), {7}) + + def test_contains_autoescape_escape(self): + col = self.tables.some_table.c.data + self._test(col.contains("b%cd", autoescape=True, escape="#"), {3}) + self._test(col.contains("b#cd", autoescape=True, escape="#"), {7}) diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/suite/test_sequence.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/suite/test_sequence.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..22ae7d4 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/suite/test_sequence.py @@ -0,0 +1,156 @@ +from .. import config +from .. import fixtures +from ..assertions import eq_ +from ..config import requirements +from ..schema import Column +from ..schema import Table +from ... import Integer +from ... import MetaData +from ... import schema +from ... import Sequence +from ... import String +from ... import testing + + +class SequenceTest(fixtures.TablesTest): + __requires__ = ("sequences",) + __backend__ = True + + run_create_tables = "each" + + @classmethod + def define_tables(cls, metadata): + Table( + "seq_pk", + metadata, + Column("id", Integer, Sequence("tab_id_seq"), primary_key=True), + Column("data", String(50)), + ) + + Table( + "seq_opt_pk", + metadata, + Column( + "id", + Integer, + Sequence("tab_id_seq", optional=True), + primary_key=True, + ), + Column("data", String(50)), + ) + + def test_insert_roundtrip(self): + config.db.execute(self.tables.seq_pk.insert(), data="some data") + self._assert_round_trip(self.tables.seq_pk, config.db) + + def test_insert_lastrowid(self): + r = config.db.execute(self.tables.seq_pk.insert(), data="some data") + eq_(r.inserted_primary_key, [1]) + + def test_nextval_direct(self): + r = config.db.execute(self.tables.seq_pk.c.id.default) + eq_(r, 1) + + @requirements.sequences_optional + def test_optional_seq(self): + r = config.db.execute( + self.tables.seq_opt_pk.insert(), data="some data" + ) + eq_(r.inserted_primary_key, [1]) + + def _assert_round_trip(self, table, conn): + row = conn.execute(table.select()).first() + eq_(row, (1, "some data")) + + +class SequenceCompilerTest(testing.AssertsCompiledSQL, fixtures.TestBase): + __requires__ = ("sequences",) + __backend__ = True + + def test_literal_binds_inline_compile(self): + table = Table( + "x", + MetaData(), + Column("y", Integer, Sequence("y_seq")), + Column("q", Integer), + ) + + stmt = table.insert().values(q=5) + + seq_nextval = testing.db.dialect.statement_compiler( + statement=None, dialect=testing.db.dialect + ).visit_sequence(Sequence("y_seq")) + self.assert_compile( + stmt, + "INSERT INTO x (y, q) VALUES (%s, 5)" % (seq_nextval,), + literal_binds=True, + dialect=testing.db.dialect, + ) + + +class HasSequenceTest(fixtures.TestBase): + __requires__ = ("sequences",) + __backend__ = True + + def test_has_sequence(self): + s1 = Sequence("user_id_seq") + testing.db.execute(schema.CreateSequence(s1)) + try: + eq_( + testing.db.dialect.has_sequence(testing.db, "user_id_seq"), + True, + ) + finally: + testing.db.execute(schema.DropSequence(s1)) + + @testing.requires.schemas + def test_has_sequence_schema(self): + s1 = Sequence("user_id_seq", schema=config.test_schema) + testing.db.execute(schema.CreateSequence(s1)) + try: + eq_( + testing.db.dialect.has_sequence( + testing.db, "user_id_seq", schema=config.test_schema + ), + True, + ) + finally: + testing.db.execute(schema.DropSequence(s1)) + + def test_has_sequence_neg(self): + eq_(testing.db.dialect.has_sequence(testing.db, "user_id_seq"), False) + + @testing.requires.schemas + def test_has_sequence_schemas_neg(self): + eq_( + testing.db.dialect.has_sequence( + testing.db, "user_id_seq", schema=config.test_schema + ), + False, + ) + + @testing.requires.schemas + def test_has_sequence_default_not_in_remote(self): + s1 = Sequence("user_id_seq") + testing.db.execute(schema.CreateSequence(s1)) + try: + eq_( + testing.db.dialect.has_sequence( + testing.db, "user_id_seq", schema=config.test_schema + ), + False, + ) + finally: + testing.db.execute(schema.DropSequence(s1)) + + @testing.requires.schemas + def test_has_sequence_remote_not_in_default(self): + s1 = Sequence("user_id_seq", schema=config.test_schema) + testing.db.execute(schema.CreateSequence(s1)) + try: + eq_( + testing.db.dialect.has_sequence(testing.db, "user_id_seq"), + False, + ) + finally: + testing.db.execute(schema.DropSequence(s1)) diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/suite/test_types.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/suite/test_types.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0109c47 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/suite/test_types.py @@ -0,0 +1,932 @@ +# coding: utf-8 + +import datetime +import decimal + +from .. import config +from .. import fixtures +from ..assertions import eq_ +from ..config import requirements +from ..schema import Column +from ..schema import Table +from ... import and_ +from ... import BigInteger +from ... import Boolean +from ... import cast +from ... import Date +from ... import DateTime +from ... import Float +from ... import Integer +from ... import JSON +from ... import literal +from ... import MetaData +from ... import null +from ... import Numeric +from ... import select +from ... import String +from ... import testing +from ... import Text +from ... import Time +from ... import TIMESTAMP +from ... import type_coerce +from ... import Unicode +from ... import UnicodeText +from ... import util +from ...ext.declarative import declarative_base +from ...orm import Session +from ...util import u + + +class _LiteralRoundTripFixture(object): + @testing.provide_metadata + def _literal_round_trip(self, type_, input_, output, filter_=None): + """test literal rendering """ + + # for literal, we test the literal render in an INSERT + # into a typed column. we can then SELECT it back as its + # official type; ideally we'd be able to use CAST here + # but MySQL in particular can't CAST fully + t = Table("t", self.metadata, Column("x", type_)) + t.create() + + for value in input_: + ins = ( + t.insert() + .values(x=literal(value)) + .compile( + dialect=testing.db.dialect, + compile_kwargs=dict(literal_binds=True), + ) + ) + testing.db.execute(ins) + + for row in t.select().execute(): + value = row[0] + if filter_ is not None: + value = filter_(value) + assert value in output + + +class _UnicodeFixture(_LiteralRoundTripFixture): + __requires__ = ("unicode_data",) + + data = u( + "Alors vous imaginez ma surprise, au lever du jour, " + "quand une drôle de petite voix m’a réveillé. Elle " + "disait: « S’il vous plaît… dessine-moi un mouton! »" + ) + + @classmethod + def define_tables(cls, metadata): + Table( + "unicode_table", + metadata, + Column( + "id", Integer, primary_key=True, test_needs_autoincrement=True + ), + Column("unicode_data", cls.datatype), + ) + + def test_round_trip(self): + unicode_table = self.tables.unicode_table + + config.db.execute(unicode_table.insert(), {"unicode_data": self.data}) + + row = config.db.execute(select([unicode_table.c.unicode_data])).first() + + eq_(row, (self.data,)) + assert isinstance(row[0], util.text_type) + + def test_round_trip_executemany(self): + unicode_table = self.tables.unicode_table + + config.db.execute( + unicode_table.insert(), + [{"unicode_data": self.data} for i in range(3)], + ) + + rows = config.db.execute( + select([unicode_table.c.unicode_data]) + ).fetchall() + eq_(rows, [(self.data,) for i in range(3)]) + for row in rows: + assert isinstance(row[0], util.text_type) + + def _test_empty_strings(self): + unicode_table = self.tables.unicode_table + + config.db.execute(unicode_table.insert(), {"unicode_data": u("")}) + row = config.db.execute(select([unicode_table.c.unicode_data])).first() + eq_(row, (u(""),)) + + def test_literal(self): + self._literal_round_trip(self.datatype, [self.data], [self.data]) + + +class UnicodeVarcharTest(_UnicodeFixture, fixtures.TablesTest): + __requires__ = ("unicode_data",) + __backend__ = True + + datatype = Unicode(255) + + @requirements.empty_strings_varchar + def test_empty_strings_varchar(self): + self._test_empty_strings() + + +class UnicodeTextTest(_UnicodeFixture, fixtures.TablesTest): + __requires__ = "unicode_data", "text_type" + __backend__ = True + + datatype = UnicodeText() + + @requirements.empty_strings_text + def test_empty_strings_text(self): + self._test_empty_strings() + + +class TextTest(_LiteralRoundTripFixture, fixtures.TablesTest): + __requires__ = ("text_type",) + __backend__ = True + + @classmethod + def define_tables(cls, metadata): + Table( + "text_table", + metadata, + Column( + "id", Integer, primary_key=True, test_needs_autoincrement=True + ), + Column("text_data", Text), + ) + + def test_text_roundtrip(self): + text_table = self.tables.text_table + + config.db.execute(text_table.insert(), {"text_data": "some text"}) + row = config.db.execute(select([text_table.c.text_data])).first() + eq_(row, ("some text",)) + + def test_text_empty_strings(self): + text_table = self.tables.text_table + + config.db.execute(text_table.insert(), {"text_data": ""}) + row = config.db.execute(select([text_table.c.text_data])).first() + eq_(row, ("",)) + + def test_literal(self): + self._literal_round_trip(Text, ["some text"], ["some text"]) + + def test_literal_quoting(self): + data = """some 'text' hey "hi there" that's text""" + self._literal_round_trip(Text, [data], [data]) + + def test_literal_backslashes(self): + data = r"backslash one \ backslash two \\ end" + self._literal_round_trip(Text, [data], [data]) + + def test_literal_percentsigns(self): + data = r"percent % signs %% percent" + self._literal_round_trip(Text, [data], [data]) + + +class StringTest(_LiteralRoundTripFixture, fixtures.TestBase): + __backend__ = True + + @requirements.unbounded_varchar + def test_nolength_string(self): + metadata = MetaData() + foo = Table("foo", metadata, Column("one", String)) + + foo.create(config.db) + foo.drop(config.db) + + def test_literal(self): + self._literal_round_trip(String(40), ["some text"], ["some text"]) + + def test_literal_quoting(self): + data = """some 'text' hey "hi there" that's text""" + self._literal_round_trip(String(40), [data], [data]) + + def test_literal_backslashes(self): + data = r"backslash one \ backslash two \\ end" + self._literal_round_trip(String(40), [data], [data]) + + +class _DateFixture(_LiteralRoundTripFixture): + compare = None + + @classmethod + def define_tables(cls, metadata): + Table( + "date_table", + metadata, + Column( + "id", Integer, primary_key=True, test_needs_autoincrement=True + ), + Column("date_data", cls.datatype), + ) + + def test_round_trip(self): + date_table = self.tables.date_table + + config.db.execute(date_table.insert(), {"date_data": self.data}) + + row = config.db.execute(select([date_table.c.date_data])).first() + + compare = self.compare or self.data + eq_(row, (compare,)) + assert isinstance(row[0], type(compare)) + + def test_null(self): + date_table = self.tables.date_table + + config.db.execute(date_table.insert(), {"date_data": None}) + + row = config.db.execute(select([date_table.c.date_data])).first() + eq_(row, (None,)) + + @testing.requires.datetime_literals + def test_literal(self): + compare = self.compare or self.data + self._literal_round_trip(self.datatype, [self.data], [compare]) + + +class DateTimeTest(_DateFixture, fixtures.TablesTest): + __requires__ = ("datetime",) + __backend__ = True + datatype = DateTime + data = datetime.datetime(2012, 10, 15, 12, 57, 18) + + +class DateTimeMicrosecondsTest(_DateFixture, fixtures.TablesTest): + __requires__ = ("datetime_microseconds",) + __backend__ = True + datatype = DateTime + data = datetime.datetime(2012, 10, 15, 12, 57, 18, 396) + + +class TimestampMicrosecondsTest(_DateFixture, fixtures.TablesTest): + __requires__ = ("timestamp_microseconds",) + __backend__ = True + datatype = TIMESTAMP + data = datetime.datetime(2012, 10, 15, 12, 57, 18, 396) + + +class TimeTest(_DateFixture, fixtures.TablesTest): + __requires__ = ("time",) + __backend__ = True + datatype = Time + data = datetime.time(12, 57, 18) + + +class TimeMicrosecondsTest(_DateFixture, fixtures.TablesTest): + __requires__ = ("time_microseconds",) + __backend__ = True + datatype = Time + data = datetime.time(12, 57, 18, 396) + + +class DateTest(_DateFixture, fixtures.TablesTest): + __requires__ = ("date",) + __backend__ = True + datatype = Date + data = datetime.date(2012, 10, 15) + + +class DateTimeCoercedToDateTimeTest(_DateFixture, fixtures.TablesTest): + __requires__ = "date", "date_coerces_from_datetime" + __backend__ = True + datatype = Date + data = datetime.datetime(2012, 10, 15, 12, 57, 18) + compare = datetime.date(2012, 10, 15) + + +class DateTimeHistoricTest(_DateFixture, fixtures.TablesTest): + __requires__ = ("datetime_historic",) + __backend__ = True + datatype = DateTime + data = datetime.datetime(1850, 11, 10, 11, 52, 35) + + +class DateHistoricTest(_DateFixture, fixtures.TablesTest): + __requires__ = ("date_historic",) + __backend__ = True + datatype = Date + data = datetime.date(1727, 4, 1) + + +class IntegerTest(_LiteralRoundTripFixture, fixtures.TestBase): + __backend__ = True + + def test_literal(self): + self._literal_round_trip(Integer, [5], [5]) + + def test_huge_int(self): + self._round_trip(BigInteger, 1376537018368127) + + @testing.provide_metadata + def _round_trip(self, datatype, data): + metadata = self.metadata + int_table = Table( + "integer_table", + metadata, + Column( + "id", Integer, primary_key=True, test_needs_autoincrement=True + ), + Column("integer_data", datatype), + ) + + metadata.create_all(config.db) + + config.db.execute(int_table.insert(), {"integer_data": data}) + + row = config.db.execute(select([int_table.c.integer_data])).first() + + eq_(row, (data,)) + + if util.py3k: + assert isinstance(row[0], int) + else: + assert isinstance(row[0], (long, int)) # noqa + + +class NumericTest(_LiteralRoundTripFixture, fixtures.TestBase): + __backend__ = True + + @testing.emits_warning(r".*does \*not\* support Decimal objects natively") + @testing.provide_metadata + def _do_test(self, type_, input_, output, filter_=None, check_scale=False): + metadata = self.metadata + t = Table("t", metadata, Column("x", type_)) + t.create() + t.insert().execute([{"x": x} for x in input_]) + + result = {row[0] for row in t.select().execute()} + output = set(output) + if filter_: + result = set(filter_(x) for x in result) + output = set(filter_(x) for x in output) + eq_(result, output) + if check_scale: + eq_([str(x) for x in result], [str(x) for x in output]) + + @testing.emits_warning(r".*does \*not\* support Decimal objects natively") + def test_render_literal_numeric(self): + self._literal_round_trip( + Numeric(precision=8, scale=4), + [15.7563, decimal.Decimal("15.7563")], + [decimal.Decimal("15.7563")], + ) + + @testing.emits_warning(r".*does \*not\* support Decimal objects natively") + def test_render_literal_numeric_asfloat(self): + self._literal_round_trip( + Numeric(precision=8, scale=4, asdecimal=False), + [15.7563, decimal.Decimal("15.7563")], + [15.7563], + ) + + def test_render_literal_float(self): + self._literal_round_trip( + Float(4), + [15.7563, decimal.Decimal("15.7563")], + [15.7563], + filter_=lambda n: n is not None and round(n, 5) or None, + ) + + @testing.requires.precision_generic_float_type + def test_float_custom_scale(self): + self._do_test( + Float(None, decimal_return_scale=7, asdecimal=True), + [15.7563827, decimal.Decimal("15.7563827")], + [decimal.Decimal("15.7563827")], + check_scale=True, + ) + + def test_numeric_as_decimal(self): + self._do_test( + Numeric(precision=8, scale=4), + [15.7563, decimal.Decimal("15.7563")], + [decimal.Decimal("15.7563")], + ) + + def test_numeric_as_float(self): + self._do_test( + Numeric(precision=8, scale=4, asdecimal=False), + [15.7563, decimal.Decimal("15.7563")], + [15.7563], + ) + + @testing.requires.fetch_null_from_numeric + def test_numeric_null_as_decimal(self): + self._do_test(Numeric(precision=8, scale=4), [None], [None]) + + @testing.requires.fetch_null_from_numeric + def test_numeric_null_as_float(self): + self._do_test( + Numeric(precision=8, scale=4, asdecimal=False), [None], [None] + ) + + @testing.requires.floats_to_four_decimals + def test_float_as_decimal(self): + self._do_test( + Float(precision=8, asdecimal=True), + [15.7563, decimal.Decimal("15.7563"), None], + [decimal.Decimal("15.7563"), None], + ) + + def test_float_as_float(self): + self._do_test( + Float(precision=8), + [15.7563, decimal.Decimal("15.7563")], + [15.7563], + filter_=lambda n: n is not None and round(n, 5) or None, + ) + + def test_float_coerce_round_trip(self): + expr = 15.7563 + + val = testing.db.scalar(select([literal(expr)])) + eq_(val, expr) + + # TODO: this one still breaks on MySQL + # def test_decimal_coerce_round_trip(self): + # expr = decimal.Decimal("15.7563") + # + # val = testing.db.scalar( + # select([literal(expr)]) + # ) + # eq_(val, expr) + + @testing.requires.precision_numerics_general + def test_precision_decimal(self): + numbers = set( + [ + decimal.Decimal("54.234246451650"), + decimal.Decimal("0.004354"), + decimal.Decimal("900.0"), + ] + ) + + self._do_test(Numeric(precision=18, scale=12), numbers, numbers) + + @testing.requires.precision_numerics_enotation_large + def test_enotation_decimal(self): + """test exceedingly small decimals. + + Decimal reports values with E notation when the exponent + is greater than 6. + + """ + + numbers = set( + [ + decimal.Decimal("1E-2"), + decimal.Decimal("1E-3"), + decimal.Decimal("1E-4"), + decimal.Decimal("1E-5"), + decimal.Decimal("1E-6"), + decimal.Decimal("1E-7"), + decimal.Decimal("1E-8"), + decimal.Decimal("0.01000005940696"), + decimal.Decimal("0.00000005940696"), + decimal.Decimal("0.00000000000696"), + decimal.Decimal("0.70000000000696"), + decimal.Decimal("696E-12"), + ] + ) + self._do_test(Numeric(precision=18, scale=14), numbers, numbers) + + @testing.requires.precision_numerics_enotation_large + def test_enotation_decimal_large(self): + """test exceedingly large decimals. + + """ + + numbers = set( + [ + decimal.Decimal("4E+8"), + decimal.Decimal("5748E+15"), + decimal.Decimal("1.521E+15"), + decimal.Decimal("00000000000000.1E+12"), + ] + ) + self._do_test(Numeric(precision=25, scale=2), numbers, numbers) + + @testing.requires.precision_numerics_many_significant_digits + def test_many_significant_digits(self): + numbers = set( + [ + decimal.Decimal("31943874831932418390.01"), + decimal.Decimal("319438950232418390.273596"), + decimal.Decimal("87673.594069654243"), + ] + ) + self._do_test(Numeric(precision=38, scale=12), numbers, numbers) + + @testing.requires.precision_numerics_retains_significant_digits + def test_numeric_no_decimal(self): + numbers = set([decimal.Decimal("1.000")]) + self._do_test( + Numeric(precision=5, scale=3), numbers, numbers, check_scale=True + ) + + +class BooleanTest(_LiteralRoundTripFixture, fixtures.TablesTest): + __backend__ = True + + @classmethod + def define_tables(cls, metadata): + Table( + "boolean_table", + metadata, + Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=False), + Column("value", Boolean), + Column("unconstrained_value", Boolean(create_constraint=False)), + ) + + def test_render_literal_bool(self): + self._literal_round_trip(Boolean(), [True, False], [True, False]) + + def test_round_trip(self): + boolean_table = self.tables.boolean_table + + config.db.execute( + boolean_table.insert(), + {"id": 1, "value": True, "unconstrained_value": False}, + ) + + row = config.db.execute( + select( + [boolean_table.c.value, boolean_table.c.unconstrained_value] + ) + ).first() + + eq_(row, (True, False)) + assert isinstance(row[0], bool) + + def test_null(self): + boolean_table = self.tables.boolean_table + + config.db.execute( + boolean_table.insert(), + {"id": 1, "value": None, "unconstrained_value": None}, + ) + + row = config.db.execute( + select( + [boolean_table.c.value, boolean_table.c.unconstrained_value] + ) + ).first() + + eq_(row, (None, None)) + + def test_whereclause(self): + # testing "WHERE " renders a compatible expression + boolean_table = self.tables.boolean_table + + with config.db.connect() as conn: + conn.execute( + boolean_table.insert(), + [ + {"id": 1, "value": True, "unconstrained_value": True}, + {"id": 2, "value": False, "unconstrained_value": False}, + ], + ) + + eq_( + conn.scalar( + select([boolean_table.c.id]).where(boolean_table.c.value) + ), + 1, + ) + eq_( + conn.scalar( + select([boolean_table.c.id]).where( + boolean_table.c.unconstrained_value + ) + ), + 1, + ) + eq_( + conn.scalar( + select([boolean_table.c.id]).where(~boolean_table.c.value) + ), + 2, + ) + eq_( + conn.scalar( + select([boolean_table.c.id]).where( + ~boolean_table.c.unconstrained_value + ) + ), + 2, + ) + + +class JSONTest(_LiteralRoundTripFixture, fixtures.TablesTest): + __requires__ = ("json_type",) + __backend__ = True + + datatype = JSON + + data1 = {"key1": "value1", "key2": "value2"} + + data2 = { + "Key 'One'": "value1", + "key two": "value2", + "key three": "value ' three '", + } + + data3 = { + "key1": [1, 2, 3], + "key2": ["one", "two", "three"], + "key3": [{"four": "five"}, {"six": "seven"}], + } + + data4 = ["one", "two", "three"] + + data5 = { + "nested": { + "elem1": [{"a": "b", "c": "d"}, {"e": "f", "g": "h"}], + "elem2": {"elem3": {"elem4": "elem5"}}, + } + } + + data6 = {"a": 5, "b": "some value", "c": {"foo": "bar"}} + + @classmethod + def define_tables(cls, metadata): + Table( + "data_table", + metadata, + Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True), + Column("name", String(30), nullable=False), + Column("data", cls.datatype), + Column("nulldata", cls.datatype(none_as_null=True)), + ) + + def test_round_trip_data1(self): + self._test_round_trip(self.data1) + + def _test_round_trip(self, data_element): + data_table = self.tables.data_table + + config.db.execute( + data_table.insert(), {"name": "row1", "data": data_element} + ) + + row = config.db.execute(select([data_table.c.data])).first() + + eq_(row, (data_element,)) + + def test_round_trip_none_as_sql_null(self): + col = self.tables.data_table.c["nulldata"] + + with config.db.connect() as conn: + conn.execute( + self.tables.data_table.insert(), {"name": "r1", "data": None} + ) + + eq_( + conn.scalar( + select([self.tables.data_table.c.name]).where( + col.is_(null()) + ) + ), + "r1", + ) + + eq_(conn.scalar(select([col])), None) + + def test_round_trip_json_null_as_json_null(self): + col = self.tables.data_table.c["data"] + + with config.db.connect() as conn: + conn.execute( + self.tables.data_table.insert(), + {"name": "r1", "data": JSON.NULL}, + ) + + eq_( + conn.scalar( + select([self.tables.data_table.c.name]).where( + cast(col, String) == "null" + ) + ), + "r1", + ) + + eq_(conn.scalar(select([col])), None) + + def test_round_trip_none_as_json_null(self): + col = self.tables.data_table.c["data"] + + with config.db.connect() as conn: + conn.execute( + self.tables.data_table.insert(), {"name": "r1", "data": None} + ) + + eq_( + conn.scalar( + select([self.tables.data_table.c.name]).where( + cast(col, String) == "null" + ) + ), + "r1", + ) + + eq_(conn.scalar(select([col])), None) + + def _criteria_fixture(self): + config.db.execute( + self.tables.data_table.insert(), + [ + {"name": "r1", "data": self.data1}, + {"name": "r2", "data": self.data2}, + {"name": "r3", "data": self.data3}, + {"name": "r4", "data": self.data4}, + {"name": "r5", "data": self.data5}, + {"name": "r6", "data": self.data6}, + ], + ) + + def _test_index_criteria(self, crit, expected, test_literal=True): + self._criteria_fixture() + with config.db.connect() as conn: + stmt = select([self.tables.data_table.c.name]).where(crit) + + eq_(conn.scalar(stmt), expected) + + if test_literal: + literal_sql = str( + stmt.compile( + config.db, compile_kwargs={"literal_binds": True} + ) + ) + + eq_(conn.scalar(literal_sql), expected) + + def test_crit_spaces_in_key(self): + name = self.tables.data_table.c.name + col = self.tables.data_table.c["data"] + + # limit the rows here to avoid PG error + # "cannot extract field from a non-object", which is + # fixed in 9.4 but may exist in 9.3 + self._test_index_criteria( + and_( + name.in_(["r1", "r2", "r3"]), + cast(col["key two"], String) == '"value2"', + ), + "r2", + ) + + @config.requirements.json_array_indexes + def test_crit_simple_int(self): + name = self.tables.data_table.c.name + col = self.tables.data_table.c["data"] + + # limit the rows here to avoid PG error + # "cannot extract array element from a non-array", which is + # fixed in 9.4 but may exist in 9.3 + self._test_index_criteria( + and_(name == "r4", cast(col[1], String) == '"two"'), "r4" + ) + + def test_crit_mixed_path(self): + col = self.tables.data_table.c["data"] + self._test_index_criteria( + cast(col[("key3", 1, "six")], String) == '"seven"', "r3" + ) + + def test_crit_string_path(self): + col = self.tables.data_table.c["data"] + self._test_index_criteria( + cast(col[("nested", "elem2", "elem3", "elem4")], String) + == '"elem5"', + "r5", + ) + + def test_crit_against_string_basic(self): + name = self.tables.data_table.c.name + col = self.tables.data_table.c["data"] + + self._test_index_criteria( + and_(name == "r6", cast(col["b"], String) == '"some value"'), "r6" + ) + + def test_crit_against_string_coerce_type(self): + name = self.tables.data_table.c.name + col = self.tables.data_table.c["data"] + + self._test_index_criteria( + and_( + name == "r6", + cast(col["b"], String) == type_coerce("some value", JSON), + ), + "r6", + test_literal=False, + ) + + def test_crit_against_int_basic(self): + name = self.tables.data_table.c.name + col = self.tables.data_table.c["data"] + + self._test_index_criteria( + and_(name == "r6", cast(col["a"], String) == "5"), "r6" + ) + + def test_crit_against_int_coerce_type(self): + name = self.tables.data_table.c.name + col = self.tables.data_table.c["data"] + + self._test_index_criteria( + and_(name == "r6", cast(col["a"], String) == type_coerce(5, JSON)), + "r6", + test_literal=False, + ) + + def test_unicode_round_trip(self): + with config.db.connect() as conn: + conn.execute( + self.tables.data_table.insert(), + { + "name": "r1", + "data": { + util.u("réveillé"): util.u("réveillé"), + "data": {"k1": util.u("drôle")}, + }, + }, + ) + + eq_( + conn.scalar(select([self.tables.data_table.c.data])), + { + util.u("réveillé"): util.u("réveillé"), + "data": {"k1": util.u("drôle")}, + }, + ) + + def test_eval_none_flag_orm(self): + + Base = declarative_base() + + class Data(Base): + __table__ = self.tables.data_table + + s = Session(testing.db) + + d1 = Data(name="d1", data=None, nulldata=None) + s.add(d1) + s.commit() + + s.bulk_insert_mappings( + Data, [{"name": "d2", "data": None, "nulldata": None}] + ) + eq_( + s.query( + cast( + self.tables.data_table.c.data, + String(convert_unicode="force"), + ), + cast(self.tables.data_table.c.nulldata, String), + ) + .filter(self.tables.data_table.c.name == "d1") + .first(), + ("null", None), + ) + eq_( + s.query( + cast( + self.tables.data_table.c.data, + String(convert_unicode="force"), + ), + cast(self.tables.data_table.c.nulldata, String), + ) + .filter(self.tables.data_table.c.name == "d2") + .first(), + ("null", None), + ) + + +__all__ = ( + "UnicodeVarcharTest", + "UnicodeTextTest", + "JSONTest", + "DateTest", + "DateTimeTest", + "TextTest", + "NumericTest", + "IntegerTest", + "DateTimeHistoricTest", + "DateTimeCoercedToDateTimeTest", + "TimeMicrosecondsTest", + "TimestampMicrosecondsTest", + "TimeTest", + "DateTimeMicrosecondsTest", + "DateHistoricTest", + "StringTest", + "BooleanTest", +) diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/suite/test_update_delete.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/suite/test_update_delete.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..97bdf0a --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/suite/test_update_delete.py @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +from .. import config +from .. import fixtures +from ..assertions import eq_ +from ..schema import Column +from ..schema import Table +from ... import Integer +from ... import String + + +class SimpleUpdateDeleteTest(fixtures.TablesTest): + run_deletes = "each" + __backend__ = True + + @classmethod + def define_tables(cls, metadata): + Table( + "plain_pk", + metadata, + Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True), + Column("data", String(50)), + ) + + @classmethod + def insert_data(cls): + config.db.execute( + cls.tables.plain_pk.insert(), + [ + {"id": 1, "data": "d1"}, + {"id": 2, "data": "d2"}, + {"id": 3, "data": "d3"}, + ], + ) + + def test_update(self): + t = self.tables.plain_pk + r = config.db.execute(t.update().where(t.c.id == 2), data="d2_new") + assert not r.is_insert + assert not r.returns_rows + + eq_( + config.db.execute(t.select().order_by(t.c.id)).fetchall(), + [(1, "d1"), (2, "d2_new"), (3, "d3")], + ) + + def test_delete(self): + t = self.tables.plain_pk + r = config.db.execute(t.delete().where(t.c.id == 2)) + assert not r.is_insert + assert not r.returns_rows + eq_( + config.db.execute(t.select().order_by(t.c.id)).fetchall(), + [(1, "d1"), (3, "d3")], + ) + + +__all__ = ("SimpleUpdateDeleteTest",) diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/util.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/util.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..37f852b --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/util.py @@ -0,0 +1,301 @@ +# testing/util.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +import decimal +import gc +import random +import sys +import time +import types + +from ..util import decorator +from ..util import defaultdict +from ..util import jython +from ..util import py2k +from ..util import pypy + +if jython: + + def jython_gc_collect(*args): + """aggressive gc.collect for tests.""" + gc.collect() + time.sleep(0.1) + gc.collect() + gc.collect() + return 0 + + # "lazy" gc, for VM's that don't GC on refcount == 0 + gc_collect = lazy_gc = jython_gc_collect +elif pypy: + + def pypy_gc_collect(*args): + gc.collect() + gc.collect() + + gc_collect = lazy_gc = pypy_gc_collect +else: + # assume CPython - straight gc.collect, lazy_gc() is a pass + gc_collect = gc.collect + + def lazy_gc(): + pass + + +def picklers(): + picklers = set() + if py2k: + try: + import cPickle + + picklers.add(cPickle) + except ImportError: + pass + + import pickle + + picklers.add(pickle) + + # yes, this thing needs this much testing + for pickle_ in picklers: + for protocol in -1, 0, 1, 2: + yield pickle_.loads, lambda d: pickle_.dumps(d, protocol) + + +def round_decimal(value, prec): + if isinstance(value, float): + return round(value, prec) + + # can also use shift() here but that is 2.6 only + return (value * decimal.Decimal("1" + "0" * prec)).to_integral( + decimal.ROUND_FLOOR + ) / pow(10, prec) + + +class RandomSet(set): + def __iter__(self): + l = list(set.__iter__(self)) + random.shuffle(l) + return iter(l) + + def pop(self): + index = random.randint(0, len(self) - 1) + item = list(set.__iter__(self))[index] + self.remove(item) + return item + + def union(self, other): + return RandomSet(set.union(self, other)) + + def difference(self, other): + return RandomSet(set.difference(self, other)) + + def intersection(self, other): + return RandomSet(set.intersection(self, other)) + + def copy(self): + return RandomSet(self) + + +def conforms_partial_ordering(tuples, sorted_elements): + """True if the given sorting conforms to the given partial ordering.""" + + deps = defaultdict(set) + for parent, child in tuples: + deps[parent].add(child) + for i, node in enumerate(sorted_elements): + for n in sorted_elements[i:]: + if node in deps[n]: + return False + else: + return True + + +def all_partial_orderings(tuples, elements): + edges = defaultdict(set) + for parent, child in tuples: + edges[child].add(parent) + + def _all_orderings(elements): + + if len(elements) == 1: + yield list(elements) + else: + for elem in elements: + subset = set(elements).difference([elem]) + if not subset.intersection(edges[elem]): + for sub_ordering in _all_orderings(subset): + yield [elem] + sub_ordering + + return iter(_all_orderings(elements)) + + +def function_named(fn, name): + """Return a function with a given __name__. + + Will assign to __name__ and return the original function if possible on + the Python implementation, otherwise a new function will be constructed. + + This function should be phased out as much as possible + in favor of @decorator. Tests that "generate" many named tests + should be modernized. + + """ + try: + fn.__name__ = name + except TypeError: + fn = types.FunctionType( + fn.__code__, fn.__globals__, name, fn.__defaults__, fn.__closure__ + ) + return fn + + +def run_as_contextmanager(ctx, fn, *arg, **kw): + """Run the given function under the given contextmanager, + simulating the behavior of 'with' to support older + Python versions. + + This is not necessary anymore as we have placed 2.6 + as minimum Python version, however some tests are still using + this structure. + + """ + + obj = ctx.__enter__() + try: + result = fn(obj, *arg, **kw) + ctx.__exit__(None, None, None) + return result + except: + exc_info = sys.exc_info() + raise_ = ctx.__exit__(*exc_info) + if not raise_: + raise + else: + return raise_ + + +def rowset(results): + """Converts the results of sql execution into a plain set of column tuples. + + Useful for asserting the results of an unordered query. + """ + + return {tuple(row) for row in results} + + +def fail(msg): + assert False, msg + + +@decorator +def provide_metadata(fn, *args, **kw): + """Provide bound MetaData for a single test, dropping afterwards.""" + + from . import config + from . import engines + from sqlalchemy import schema + + metadata = schema.MetaData(config.db) + self = args[0] + prev_meta = getattr(self, "metadata", None) + self.metadata = metadata + try: + return fn(*args, **kw) + finally: + engines.drop_all_tables(metadata, config.db) + self.metadata = prev_meta + + +def force_drop_names(*names): + """Force the given table names to be dropped after test complete, + isolating for foreign key cycles + + """ + from . import config + from sqlalchemy import inspect + + @decorator + def go(fn, *args, **kw): + + try: + return fn(*args, **kw) + finally: + drop_all_tables(config.db, inspect(config.db), include_names=names) + + return go + + +class adict(dict): + """Dict keys available as attributes. Shadows.""" + + def __getattribute__(self, key): + try: + return self[key] + except KeyError: + return dict.__getattribute__(self, key) + + def __call__(self, *keys): + return tuple([self[key] for key in keys]) + + get_all = __call__ + + +def drop_all_tables(engine, inspector, schema=None, include_names=None): + from sqlalchemy import ( + Column, + Table, + Integer, + MetaData, + ForeignKeyConstraint, + ) + from sqlalchemy.schema import DropTable, DropConstraint + + if include_names is not None: + include_names = set(include_names) + + with engine.connect() as conn: + for tname, fkcs in reversed( + inspector.get_sorted_table_and_fkc_names(schema=schema) + ): + if tname: + if include_names is not None and tname not in include_names: + continue + conn.execute( + DropTable(Table(tname, MetaData(), schema=schema)) + ) + elif fkcs: + if not engine.dialect.supports_alter: + continue + for tname, fkc in fkcs: + if ( + include_names is not None + and tname not in include_names + ): + continue + tb = Table( + tname, + MetaData(), + Column("x", Integer), + Column("y", Integer), + schema=schema, + ) + conn.execute( + DropConstraint( + ForeignKeyConstraint([tb.c.x], [tb.c.y], name=fkc) + ) + ) + + +def teardown_events(event_cls): + @decorator + def decorate(fn, *arg, **kw): + try: + return fn(*arg, **kw) + finally: + event_cls._clear() + + return decorate diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/warnings.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/warnings.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2692450 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/warnings.py @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +# testing/warnings.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +from __future__ import absolute_import + +import warnings + +from . import assertions +from .. import exc as sa_exc + + +def setup_filters(): + """Set global warning behavior for the test suite.""" + + warnings.filterwarnings( + "ignore", category=sa_exc.SAPendingDeprecationWarning + ) + warnings.filterwarnings("error", category=sa_exc.SADeprecationWarning) + warnings.filterwarnings("error", category=sa_exc.SAWarning) + + # some selected deprecations... + warnings.filterwarnings("error", category=DeprecationWarning) + warnings.filterwarnings( + "ignore", category=DeprecationWarning, message=".*StopIteration" + ) + warnings.filterwarnings( + "ignore", category=DeprecationWarning, message=".*inspect.getargspec" + ) + + +def assert_warnings(fn, warning_msgs, regex=False): + """Assert that each of the given warnings are emitted by fn. + + Deprecated. Please use assertions.expect_warnings(). + + """ + + with assertions._expect_warnings( + sa_exc.SAWarning, warning_msgs, regex=regex + ): + return fn() diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/types.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/types.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c833b40 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/types.py @@ -0,0 +1,117 @@ +# types.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +"""Compatibility namespace for sqlalchemy.sql.types. + +""" + +__all__ = [ + "TypeEngine", + "TypeDecorator", + "UserDefinedType", + "INT", + "CHAR", + "VARCHAR", + "NCHAR", + "NVARCHAR", + "TEXT", + "Text", + "FLOAT", + "NUMERIC", + "REAL", + "DECIMAL", + "TIMESTAMP", + "DATETIME", + "CLOB", + "BLOB", + "BINARY", + "VARBINARY", + "BOOLEAN", + "BIGINT", + "SMALLINT", + "INTEGER", + "DATE", + "TIME", + "String", + "Integer", + "SmallInteger", + "BigInteger", + "Numeric", + "Float", + "DateTime", + "Date", + "Time", + "LargeBinary", + "Binary", + "Boolean", + "Unicode", + "Concatenable", + "UnicodeText", + "PickleType", + "Interval", + "Enum", + "Indexable", + "ARRAY", + "JSON", +] + +from .sql.sqltypes import _Binary # noqa +from .sql.sqltypes import ARRAY # noqa +from .sql.sqltypes import BIGINT # noqa +from .sql.sqltypes import BigInteger # noqa +from .sql.sqltypes import BINARY # noqa +from .sql.sqltypes import Binary # noqa +from .sql.sqltypes import BLOB # noqa +from .sql.sqltypes import BOOLEAN # noqa +from .sql.sqltypes import Boolean # noqa +from .sql.sqltypes import CHAR # noqa +from .sql.sqltypes import CLOB # noqa +from .sql.sqltypes import Concatenable # noqa +from .sql.sqltypes import DATE # noqa +from .sql.sqltypes import Date # noqa +from .sql.sqltypes import DATETIME # noqa +from .sql.sqltypes import DateTime # noqa +from .sql.sqltypes import DECIMAL # noqa +from .sql.sqltypes import Enum # noqa +from .sql.sqltypes import FLOAT # noqa +from .sql.sqltypes import Float # noqa +from .sql.sqltypes import Indexable # noqa +from .sql.sqltypes import INT # noqa +from .sql.sqltypes import INTEGER # noqa +from .sql.sqltypes import Integer # noqa +from .sql.sqltypes import Interval # noqa +from .sql.sqltypes import JSON # noqa +from .sql.sqltypes import LargeBinary # noqa +from .sql.sqltypes import MatchType # noqa +from .sql.sqltypes import NCHAR # noqa +from .sql.sqltypes import NULLTYPE # noqa +from .sql.sqltypes import NullType # noqa +from .sql.sqltypes import NUMERIC # noqa +from .sql.sqltypes import Numeric # noqa +from .sql.sqltypes import NVARCHAR # noqa +from .sql.sqltypes import PickleType # noqa +from .sql.sqltypes import REAL # noqa +from .sql.sqltypes import SchemaType # noqa +from .sql.sqltypes import SMALLINT # noqa +from .sql.sqltypes import SmallInteger # noqa +from .sql.sqltypes import String # noqa +from .sql.sqltypes import STRINGTYPE # noqa +from .sql.sqltypes import TEXT # noqa +from .sql.sqltypes import Text # noqa +from .sql.sqltypes import TIME # noqa +from .sql.sqltypes import Time # noqa +from .sql.sqltypes import TIMESTAMP # noqa +from .sql.sqltypes import Unicode # noqa +from .sql.sqltypes import UnicodeText # noqa +from .sql.sqltypes import VARBINARY # noqa +from .sql.sqltypes import VARCHAR # noqa +from .sql.type_api import adapt_type # noqa +from .sql.type_api import to_instance # noqa +from .sql.type_api import TypeDecorator # noqa +from .sql.type_api import TypeEngine # noqa +from .sql.type_api import UserDefinedType # noqa +from .sql.type_api import Variant # noqa diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/util/__init__.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/util/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d07b9a7 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/util/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1,142 @@ +# util/__init__.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + + +from collections import defaultdict # noqa +from contextlib import contextmanager # noqa +from functools import partial # noqa +from functools import update_wrapper # noqa + +from ._collections import coerce_generator_arg # noqa +from ._collections import collections_abc # noqa +from ._collections import column_dict # noqa +from ._collections import column_set # noqa +from ._collections import EMPTY_SET # noqa +from ._collections import flatten_iterator # noqa +from ._collections import has_intersection # noqa +from ._collections import IdentitySet # noqa +from ._collections import ImmutableContainer # noqa +from ._collections import immutabledict # noqa +from ._collections import ImmutableProperties # noqa +from ._collections import KeyedTuple # noqa +from ._collections import lightweight_named_tuple # noqa +from ._collections import LRUCache # noqa +from ._collections import ordered_column_set # noqa +from ._collections import OrderedDict # noqa +from ._collections import OrderedIdentitySet # noqa +from ._collections import OrderedProperties # noqa +from ._collections import OrderedSet # noqa +from ._collections import populate_column_dict # noqa +from ._collections import PopulateDict # noqa +from ._collections import Properties # noqa +from ._collections import ScopedRegistry # noqa +from ._collections import ThreadLocalRegistry # noqa +from ._collections import to_column_set # noqa +from ._collections import to_list # noqa +from ._collections import to_set # noqa +from ._collections import unique_list # noqa +from ._collections import UniqueAppender # noqa +from ._collections import update_copy # noqa +from ._collections import WeakSequence # noqa +from .compat import b # noqa +from .compat import b64decode # noqa +from .compat import b64encode # noqa +from .compat import binary_type # noqa +from .compat import byte_buffer # noqa +from .compat import callable # noqa +from .compat import cmp # noqa +from .compat import cpython # noqa +from .compat import decode_backslashreplace # noqa +from .compat import dottedgetter # noqa +from .compat import inspect_getargspec # noqa +from .compat import int_types # noqa +from .compat import iterbytes # noqa +from .compat import itertools_filter # noqa +from .compat import itertools_filterfalse # noqa +from .compat import jython # noqa +from .compat import namedtuple # noqa +from .compat import nested # noqa +from .compat import next # noqa +from .compat import parse_qsl # noqa +from .compat import pickle # noqa +from .compat import print_ # noqa +from .compat import py2k # noqa +from .compat import py33 # noqa +from .compat import py36 # noqa +from .compat import py3k # noqa +from .compat import pypy # noqa +from .compat import quote_plus # noqa +from .compat import raise_from_cause # noqa +from .compat import reduce # noqa +from .compat import reraise # noqa +from .compat import safe_kwarg # noqa +from .compat import string_types # noqa +from .compat import StringIO # noqa +from .compat import text_type # noqa +from .compat import threading # noqa +from .compat import u # noqa +from .compat import ue # noqa +from .compat import unquote # noqa +from .compat import unquote_plus # noqa +from .compat import win32 # noqa +from .compat import with_metaclass # noqa +from .compat import zip_longest # noqa +from .deprecations import deprecated # noqa +from .deprecations import inject_docstring_text # noqa +from .deprecations import pending_deprecation # noqa +from .deprecations import warn_deprecated # noqa +from .deprecations import warn_pending_deprecation # noqa +from .langhelpers import as_interface # noqa +from .langhelpers import asbool # noqa +from .langhelpers import asint # noqa +from .langhelpers import assert_arg_type # noqa +from .langhelpers import attrsetter # noqa +from .langhelpers import bool_or_str # noqa +from .langhelpers import chop_traceback # noqa +from .langhelpers import class_hierarchy # noqa +from .langhelpers import classproperty # noqa +from .langhelpers import coerce_kw_type # noqa +from .langhelpers import constructor_copy # noqa +from .langhelpers import counter # noqa +from .langhelpers import decode_slice # noqa +from .langhelpers import decorator # noqa +from .langhelpers import dependencies # noqa +from .langhelpers import dictlike_iteritems # noqa +from .langhelpers import duck_type_collection # noqa +from .langhelpers import ellipses_string # noqa +from .langhelpers import EnsureKWArgType # noqa +from .langhelpers import format_argspec_init # noqa +from .langhelpers import format_argspec_plus # noqa +from .langhelpers import generic_repr # noqa +from .langhelpers import get_callable_argspec # noqa +from .langhelpers import get_cls_kwargs # noqa +from .langhelpers import get_func_kwargs # noqa +from .langhelpers import getargspec_init # noqa +from .langhelpers import group_expirable_memoized_property # noqa +from .langhelpers import hybridmethod # noqa +from .langhelpers import hybridproperty # noqa +from .langhelpers import iterate_attributes # noqa +from .langhelpers import map_bits # noqa +from .langhelpers import md5_hex # noqa +from .langhelpers import memoized_instancemethod # noqa +from .langhelpers import memoized_property # noqa +from .langhelpers import MemoizedSlots # noqa +from .langhelpers import methods_equivalent # noqa +from .langhelpers import monkeypatch_proxied_specials # noqa +from .langhelpers import NoneType # noqa +from .langhelpers import only_once # noqa +from .langhelpers import PluginLoader # noqa +from .langhelpers import portable_instancemethod # noqa +from .langhelpers import quoted_token_parser # noqa +from .langhelpers import safe_reraise # noqa +from .langhelpers import set_creation_order # noqa +from .langhelpers import symbol # noqa +from .langhelpers import unbound_method_to_callable # noqa +from .langhelpers import warn # noqa +from .langhelpers import warn_exception # noqa +from .langhelpers import warn_limited # noqa +from .langhelpers import wrap_callable # noqa diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/util/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/util/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ec95571 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/util/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/util/__pycache__/_collections.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/util/__pycache__/_collections.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b5f6211 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/util/__pycache__/_collections.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/util/__pycache__/compat.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/util/__pycache__/compat.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3e62457 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/util/__pycache__/compat.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/util/__pycache__/deprecations.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/util/__pycache__/deprecations.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fb653d7 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/util/__pycache__/deprecations.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/util/__pycache__/langhelpers.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/util/__pycache__/langhelpers.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0f80421 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/util/__pycache__/langhelpers.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/util/__pycache__/queue.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/util/__pycache__/queue.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b19dd2c Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/util/__pycache__/queue.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/util/__pycache__/topological.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/util/__pycache__/topological.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..35db0e1 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/util/__pycache__/topological.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/util/_collections.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/util/_collections.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..78057d3 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/util/_collections.py @@ -0,0 +1,1071 @@ +# util/_collections.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +"""Collection classes and helpers.""" + +from __future__ import absolute_import + +import operator +import types +import weakref + +from .compat import binary_types +from .compat import collections_abc +from .compat import itertools_filterfalse +from .compat import py2k +from .compat import string_types +from .compat import threading + + +EMPTY_SET = frozenset() + + +class AbstractKeyedTuple(tuple): + __slots__ = () + + def keys(self): + """Return a list of string key names for this :class:`.KeyedTuple`. + + .. seealso:: + + :attr:`.KeyedTuple._fields` + + """ + + return list(self._fields) + + +class KeyedTuple(AbstractKeyedTuple): + """``tuple`` subclass that adds labeled names. + + E.g.:: + + >>> k = KeyedTuple([1, 2, 3], labels=["one", "two", "three"]) + >>> k.one + 1 + >>> k.two + 2 + + Result rows returned by :class:`.Query` that contain multiple + ORM entities and/or column expressions make use of this + class to return rows. + + The :class:`.KeyedTuple` exhibits similar behavior to the + ``collections.namedtuple()`` construct provided in the Python + standard library, however is architected very differently. + Unlike ``collections.namedtuple()``, :class:`.KeyedTuple` is + does not rely on creation of custom subtypes in order to represent + a new series of keys, instead each :class:`.KeyedTuple` instance + receives its list of keys in place. The subtype approach + of ``collections.namedtuple()`` introduces significant complexity + and performance overhead, which is not necessary for the + :class:`.Query` object's use case. + + .. versionchanged:: 0.8 + Compatibility methods with ``collections.namedtuple()`` have been + added including :attr:`.KeyedTuple._fields` and + :meth:`.KeyedTuple._asdict`. + + .. seealso:: + + :ref:`ormtutorial_querying` + + """ + + def __new__(cls, vals, labels=None): + t = tuple.__new__(cls, vals) + if labels: + t.__dict__.update(zip(labels, vals)) + else: + labels = [] + t.__dict__["_labels"] = labels + return t + + @property + def _fields(self): + """Return a tuple of string key names for this :class:`.KeyedTuple`. + + This method provides compatibility with ``collections.namedtuple()``. + + .. versionadded:: 0.8 + + .. seealso:: + + :meth:`.KeyedTuple.keys` + + """ + return tuple([l for l in self._labels if l is not None]) + + def __setattr__(self, key, value): + raise AttributeError("Can't set attribute: %s" % key) + + def _asdict(self): + """Return the contents of this :class:`.KeyedTuple` as a dictionary. + + This method provides compatibility with ``collections.namedtuple()``, + with the exception that the dictionary returned is **not** ordered. + + .. versionadded:: 0.8 + + """ + return {key: self.__dict__[key] for key in self.keys()} + + +class _LW(AbstractKeyedTuple): + __slots__ = () + + def __new__(cls, vals): + return tuple.__new__(cls, vals) + + def __reduce__(self): + # for pickling, degrade down to the regular + # KeyedTuple, thus avoiding anonymous class pickling + # difficulties + return KeyedTuple, (list(self), self._real_fields) + + def _asdict(self): + """Return the contents of this :class:`.KeyedTuple` as a dictionary.""" + + d = dict(zip(self._real_fields, self)) + d.pop(None, None) + return d + + +class ImmutableContainer(object): + def _immutable(self, *arg, **kw): + raise TypeError("%s object is immutable" % self.__class__.__name__) + + __delitem__ = __setitem__ = __setattr__ = _immutable + + +class immutabledict(ImmutableContainer, dict): + + clear = pop = popitem = setdefault = update = ImmutableContainer._immutable + + def __new__(cls, *args): + new = dict.__new__(cls) + dict.__init__(new, *args) + return new + + def __init__(self, *args): + pass + + def __reduce__(self): + return immutabledict, (dict(self),) + + def union(self, d): + if not d: + return self + elif not self: + if isinstance(d, immutabledict): + return d + else: + return immutabledict(d) + else: + d2 = immutabledict(self) + dict.update(d2, d) + return d2 + + def __repr__(self): + return "immutabledict(%s)" % dict.__repr__(self) + + +class Properties(object): + """Provide a __getattr__/__setattr__ interface over a dict.""" + + __slots__ = ("_data",) + + def __init__(self, data): + object.__setattr__(self, "_data", data) + + def __len__(self): + return len(self._data) + + def __iter__(self): + return iter(list(self._data.values())) + + def __add__(self, other): + return list(self) + list(other) + + def __setitem__(self, key, obj): + self._data[key] = obj + + def __getitem__(self, key): + return self._data[key] + + def __delitem__(self, key): + del self._data[key] + + def __setattr__(self, key, obj): + self._data[key] = obj + + def __getstate__(self): + return {"_data": self._data} + + def __setstate__(self, state): + object.__setattr__(self, "_data", state["_data"]) + + def __getattr__(self, key): + try: + return self._data[key] + except KeyError: + raise AttributeError(key) + + def __contains__(self, key): + return key in self._data + + def as_immutable(self): + """Return an immutable proxy for this :class:`.Properties`.""" + + return ImmutableProperties(self._data) + + def update(self, value): + self._data.update(value) + + def get(self, key, default=None): + if key in self: + return self[key] + else: + return default + + def keys(self): + return list(self._data) + + def values(self): + return list(self._data.values()) + + def items(self): + return list(self._data.items()) + + def has_key(self, key): + return key in self._data + + def clear(self): + self._data.clear() + + +class OrderedProperties(Properties): + """Provide a __getattr__/__setattr__ interface with an OrderedDict + as backing store.""" + + __slots__ = () + + def __init__(self): + Properties.__init__(self, OrderedDict()) + + +class ImmutableProperties(ImmutableContainer, Properties): + """Provide immutable dict/object attribute to an underlying dictionary.""" + + __slots__ = () + + +class OrderedDict(dict): + """A dict that returns keys/values/items in the order they were added.""" + + __slots__ = ("_list",) + + def __reduce__(self): + return OrderedDict, (self.items(),) + + def __init__(self, ____sequence=None, **kwargs): + self._list = [] + if ____sequence is None: + if kwargs: + self.update(**kwargs) + else: + self.update(____sequence, **kwargs) + + def clear(self): + self._list = [] + dict.clear(self) + + def copy(self): + return self.__copy__() + + def __copy__(self): + return OrderedDict(self) + + def sort(self, *arg, **kw): + self._list.sort(*arg, **kw) + + def update(self, ____sequence=None, **kwargs): + if ____sequence is not None: + if hasattr(____sequence, "keys"): + for key in ____sequence.keys(): + self.__setitem__(key, ____sequence[key]) + else: + for key, value in ____sequence: + self[key] = value + if kwargs: + self.update(kwargs) + + def setdefault(self, key, value): + if key not in self: + self.__setitem__(key, value) + return value + else: + return self.__getitem__(key) + + def __iter__(self): + return iter(self._list) + + def keys(self): + return list(self) + + def values(self): + return [self[key] for key in self._list] + + def items(self): + return [(key, self[key]) for key in self._list] + + if py2k: + + def itervalues(self): + return iter(self.values()) + + def iterkeys(self): + return iter(self) + + def iteritems(self): + return iter(self.items()) + + def __setitem__(self, key, obj): + if key not in self: + try: + self._list.append(key) + except AttributeError: + # work around Python pickle loads() with + # dict subclass (seems to ignore __setstate__?) + self._list = [key] + dict.__setitem__(self, key, obj) + + def __delitem__(self, key): + dict.__delitem__(self, key) + self._list.remove(key) + + def pop(self, key, *default): + present = key in self + value = dict.pop(self, key, *default) + if present: + self._list.remove(key) + return value + + def popitem(self): + item = dict.popitem(self) + self._list.remove(item[0]) + return item + + +class OrderedSet(set): + def __init__(self, d=None): + set.__init__(self) + self._list = [] + if d is not None: + self._list = unique_list(d) + set.update(self, self._list) + else: + self._list = [] + + def add(self, element): + if element not in self: + self._list.append(element) + set.add(self, element) + + def remove(self, element): + set.remove(self, element) + self._list.remove(element) + + def insert(self, pos, element): + if element not in self: + self._list.insert(pos, element) + set.add(self, element) + + def discard(self, element): + if element in self: + self._list.remove(element) + set.remove(self, element) + + def clear(self): + set.clear(self) + self._list = [] + + def __getitem__(self, key): + return self._list[key] + + def __iter__(self): + return iter(self._list) + + def __add__(self, other): + return self.union(other) + + def __repr__(self): + return "%s(%r)" % (self.__class__.__name__, self._list) + + __str__ = __repr__ + + def update(self, iterable): + for e in iterable: + if e not in self: + self._list.append(e) + set.add(self, e) + return self + + __ior__ = update + + def union(self, other): + result = self.__class__(self) + result.update(other) + return result + + __or__ = union + + def intersection(self, other): + other = set(other) + return self.__class__(a for a in self if a in other) + + __and__ = intersection + + def symmetric_difference(self, other): + other = set(other) + result = self.__class__(a for a in self if a not in other) + result.update(a for a in other if a not in self) + return result + + __xor__ = symmetric_difference + + def difference(self, other): + other = set(other) + return self.__class__(a for a in self if a not in other) + + __sub__ = difference + + def intersection_update(self, other): + other = set(other) + set.intersection_update(self, other) + self._list = [a for a in self._list if a in other] + return self + + __iand__ = intersection_update + + def symmetric_difference_update(self, other): + set.symmetric_difference_update(self, other) + self._list = [a for a in self._list if a in self] + self._list += [a for a in other._list if a in self] + return self + + __ixor__ = symmetric_difference_update + + def difference_update(self, other): + set.difference_update(self, other) + self._list = [a for a in self._list if a in self] + return self + + __isub__ = difference_update + + +class IdentitySet(object): + """A set that considers only object id() for uniqueness. + + This strategy has edge cases for builtin types- it's possible to have + two 'foo' strings in one of these sets, for example. Use sparingly. + + """ + + _working_set = set + + def __init__(self, iterable=None): + self._members = dict() + if iterable: + for o in iterable: + self.add(o) + + def add(self, value): + self._members[id(value)] = value + + def __contains__(self, value): + return id(value) in self._members + + def remove(self, value): + del self._members[id(value)] + + def discard(self, value): + try: + self.remove(value) + except KeyError: + pass + + def pop(self): + try: + pair = self._members.popitem() + return pair[1] + except KeyError: + raise KeyError("pop from an empty set") + + def clear(self): + self._members.clear() + + def __cmp__(self, other): + raise TypeError("cannot compare sets using cmp()") + + def __eq__(self, other): + if isinstance(other, IdentitySet): + return self._members == other._members + else: + return False + + def __ne__(self, other): + if isinstance(other, IdentitySet): + return self._members != other._members + else: + return True + + def issubset(self, iterable): + other = type(self)(iterable) + + if len(self) > len(other): + return False + for m in itertools_filterfalse( + other._members.__contains__, iter(self._members.keys()) + ): + return False + return True + + def __le__(self, other): + if not isinstance(other, IdentitySet): + return NotImplemented + return self.issubset(other) + + def __lt__(self, other): + if not isinstance(other, IdentitySet): + return NotImplemented + return len(self) < len(other) and self.issubset(other) + + def issuperset(self, iterable): + other = type(self)(iterable) + + if len(self) < len(other): + return False + + for m in itertools_filterfalse( + self._members.__contains__, iter(other._members.keys()) + ): + return False + return True + + def __ge__(self, other): + if not isinstance(other, IdentitySet): + return NotImplemented + return self.issuperset(other) + + def __gt__(self, other): + if not isinstance(other, IdentitySet): + return NotImplemented + return len(self) > len(other) and self.issuperset(other) + + def union(self, iterable): + result = type(self)() + # testlib.pragma exempt:__hash__ + members = self._member_id_tuples() + other = _iter_id(iterable) + result._members.update(self._working_set(members).union(other)) + return result + + def __or__(self, other): + if not isinstance(other, IdentitySet): + return NotImplemented + return self.union(other) + + def update(self, iterable): + self._members = self.union(iterable)._members + + def __ior__(self, other): + if not isinstance(other, IdentitySet): + return NotImplemented + self.update(other) + return self + + def difference(self, iterable): + result = type(self)() + # testlib.pragma exempt:__hash__ + members = self._member_id_tuples() + other = _iter_id(iterable) + result._members.update(self._working_set(members).difference(other)) + return result + + def __sub__(self, other): + if not isinstance(other, IdentitySet): + return NotImplemented + return self.difference(other) + + def difference_update(self, iterable): + self._members = self.difference(iterable)._members + + def __isub__(self, other): + if not isinstance(other, IdentitySet): + return NotImplemented + self.difference_update(other) + return self + + def intersection(self, iterable): + result = type(self)() + # testlib.pragma exempt:__hash__ + members = self._member_id_tuples() + other = _iter_id(iterable) + result._members.update(self._working_set(members).intersection(other)) + return result + + def __and__(self, other): + if not isinstance(other, IdentitySet): + return NotImplemented + return self.intersection(other) + + def intersection_update(self, iterable): + self._members = self.intersection(iterable)._members + + def __iand__(self, other): + if not isinstance(other, IdentitySet): + return NotImplemented + self.intersection_update(other) + return self + + def symmetric_difference(self, iterable): + result = type(self)() + # testlib.pragma exempt:__hash__ + members = self._member_id_tuples() + other = _iter_id(iterable) + result._members.update( + self._working_set(members).symmetric_difference(other) + ) + return result + + def _member_id_tuples(self): + return ((id(v), v) for v in self._members.values()) + + def __xor__(self, other): + if not isinstance(other, IdentitySet): + return NotImplemented + return self.symmetric_difference(other) + + def symmetric_difference_update(self, iterable): + self._members = self.symmetric_difference(iterable)._members + + def __ixor__(self, other): + if not isinstance(other, IdentitySet): + return NotImplemented + self.symmetric_difference(other) + return self + + def copy(self): + return type(self)(iter(self._members.values())) + + __copy__ = copy + + def __len__(self): + return len(self._members) + + def __iter__(self): + return iter(self._members.values()) + + def __hash__(self): + raise TypeError("set objects are unhashable") + + def __repr__(self): + return "%s(%r)" % (type(self).__name__, list(self._members.values())) + + +class WeakSequence(object): + def __init__(self, __elements=()): + self._storage = [ + weakref.ref(element, self._remove) for element in __elements + ] + + def append(self, item): + self._storage.append(weakref.ref(item, self._remove)) + + def _remove(self, ref): + self._storage.remove(ref) + + def __len__(self): + return len(self._storage) + + def __iter__(self): + return ( + obj for obj in (ref() for ref in self._storage) if obj is not None + ) + + def __getitem__(self, index): + try: + obj = self._storage[index] + except KeyError: + raise IndexError("Index %s out of range" % index) + else: + return obj() + + +class OrderedIdentitySet(IdentitySet): + class _working_set(OrderedSet): + # a testing pragma: exempt the OIDS working set from the test suite's + # "never call the user's __hash__" assertions. this is a big hammer, + # but it's safe here: IDS operates on (id, instance) tuples in the + # working set. + __sa_hash_exempt__ = True + + def __init__(self, iterable=None): + IdentitySet.__init__(self) + self._members = OrderedDict() + if iterable: + for o in iterable: + self.add(o) + + +class PopulateDict(dict): + """A dict which populates missing values via a creation function. + + Note the creation function takes a key, unlike + collections.defaultdict. + + """ + + def __init__(self, creator): + self.creator = creator + + def __missing__(self, key): + self[key] = val = self.creator(key) + return val + + +# Define collections that are capable of storing +# ColumnElement objects as hashable keys/elements. +# At this point, these are mostly historical, things +# used to be more complicated. +column_set = set +column_dict = dict +ordered_column_set = OrderedSet +populate_column_dict = PopulateDict + + +_getters = PopulateDict(operator.itemgetter) + +_property_getters = PopulateDict( + lambda idx: property(operator.itemgetter(idx)) +) + + +def unique_list(seq, hashfunc=None): + seen = set() + seen_add = seen.add + if not hashfunc: + return [x for x in seq if x not in seen and not seen_add(x)] + else: + return [ + x + for x in seq + if hashfunc(x) not in seen and not seen_add(hashfunc(x)) + ] + + +class UniqueAppender(object): + """Appends items to a collection ensuring uniqueness. + + Additional appends() of the same object are ignored. Membership is + determined by identity (``is a``) not equality (``==``). + """ + + def __init__(self, data, via=None): + self.data = data + self._unique = {} + if via: + self._data_appender = getattr(data, via) + elif hasattr(data, "append"): + self._data_appender = data.append + elif hasattr(data, "add"): + self._data_appender = data.add + + def append(self, item): + id_ = id(item) + if id_ not in self._unique: + self._data_appender(item) + self._unique[id_] = True + + def __iter__(self): + return iter(self.data) + + +def coerce_generator_arg(arg): + if len(arg) == 1 and isinstance(arg[0], types.GeneratorType): + return list(arg[0]) + else: + return arg + + +def to_list(x, default=None): + if x is None: + return default + if not isinstance(x, collections_abc.Iterable) or isinstance( + x, string_types + binary_types + ): + return [x] + elif isinstance(x, list): + return x + else: + return list(x) + + +def has_intersection(set_, iterable): + r"""return True if any items of set\_ are present in iterable. + + Goes through special effort to ensure __hash__ is not called + on items in iterable that don't support it. + + """ + # TODO: optimize, write in C, etc. + return bool(set_.intersection([i for i in iterable if i.__hash__])) + + +def to_set(x): + if x is None: + return set() + if not isinstance(x, set): + return set(to_list(x)) + else: + return x + + +def to_column_set(x): + if x is None: + return column_set() + if not isinstance(x, column_set): + return column_set(to_list(x)) + else: + return x + + +def update_copy(d, _new=None, **kw): + """Copy the given dict and update with the given values.""" + + d = d.copy() + if _new: + d.update(_new) + d.update(**kw) + return d + + +def flatten_iterator(x): + """Given an iterator of which further sub-elements may also be + iterators, flatten the sub-elements into a single iterator. + + """ + for elem in x: + if not isinstance(elem, str) and hasattr(elem, "__iter__"): + for y in flatten_iterator(elem): + yield y + else: + yield elem + + +class LRUCache(dict): + """Dictionary with 'squishy' removal of least + recently used items. + + Note that either get() or [] should be used here, but + generally its not safe to do an "in" check first as the dictionary + can change subsequent to that call. + + """ + + __slots__ = "capacity", "threshold", "size_alert", "_counter", "_mutex" + + def __init__(self, capacity=100, threshold=0.5, size_alert=None): + self.capacity = capacity + self.threshold = threshold + self.size_alert = size_alert + self._counter = 0 + self._mutex = threading.Lock() + + def _inc_counter(self): + self._counter += 1 + return self._counter + + def get(self, key, default=None): + item = dict.get(self, key, default) + if item is not default: + item[2] = self._inc_counter() + return item[1] + else: + return default + + def __getitem__(self, key): + item = dict.__getitem__(self, key) + item[2] = self._inc_counter() + return item[1] + + def values(self): + return [i[1] for i in dict.values(self)] + + def setdefault(self, key, value): + if key in self: + return self[key] + else: + self[key] = value + return value + + def __setitem__(self, key, value): + item = dict.get(self, key) + if item is None: + item = [key, value, self._inc_counter()] + dict.__setitem__(self, key, item) + else: + item[1] = value + self._manage_size() + + @property + def size_threshold(self): + return self.capacity + self.capacity * self.threshold + + def _manage_size(self): + if not self._mutex.acquire(False): + return + try: + size_alert = bool(self.size_alert) + while len(self) > self.capacity + self.capacity * self.threshold: + if size_alert: + size_alert = False + self.size_alert(self) + by_counter = sorted( + dict.values(self), key=operator.itemgetter(2), reverse=True + ) + for item in by_counter[self.capacity :]: + try: + del self[item[0]] + except KeyError: + # deleted elsewhere; skip + continue + finally: + self._mutex.release() + + +_lw_tuples = LRUCache(100) + + +def lightweight_named_tuple(name, fields): + hash_ = (name,) + tuple(fields) + tp_cls = _lw_tuples.get(hash_) + if tp_cls: + return tp_cls + + tp_cls = type( + name, + (_LW,), + dict( + [ + (field, _property_getters[idx]) + for idx, field in enumerate(fields) + if field is not None + ] + + [("__slots__", ())] + ), + ) + + tp_cls._real_fields = fields + tp_cls._fields = tuple([f for f in fields if f is not None]) + + _lw_tuples[hash_] = tp_cls + return tp_cls + + +class ScopedRegistry(object): + """A Registry that can store one or multiple instances of a single + class on the basis of a "scope" function. + + The object implements ``__call__`` as the "getter", so by + calling ``myregistry()`` the contained object is returned + for the current scope. + + :param createfunc: + a callable that returns a new object to be placed in the registry + + :param scopefunc: + a callable that will return a key to store/retrieve an object. + """ + + def __init__(self, createfunc, scopefunc): + """Construct a new :class:`.ScopedRegistry`. + + :param createfunc: A creation function that will generate + a new value for the current scope, if none is present. + + :param scopefunc: A function that returns a hashable + token representing the current scope (such as, current + thread identifier). + + """ + self.createfunc = createfunc + self.scopefunc = scopefunc + self.registry = {} + + def __call__(self): + key = self.scopefunc() + try: + return self.registry[key] + except KeyError: + return self.registry.setdefault(key, self.createfunc()) + + def has(self): + """Return True if an object is present in the current scope.""" + + return self.scopefunc() in self.registry + + def set(self, obj): + """Set the value for the current scope.""" + + self.registry[self.scopefunc()] = obj + + def clear(self): + """Clear the current scope, if any.""" + + try: + del self.registry[self.scopefunc()] + except KeyError: + pass + + +class ThreadLocalRegistry(ScopedRegistry): + """A :class:`.ScopedRegistry` that uses a ``threading.local()`` + variable for storage. + + """ + + def __init__(self, createfunc): + self.createfunc = createfunc + self.registry = threading.local() + + def __call__(self): + try: + return self.registry.value + except AttributeError: + val = self.registry.value = self.createfunc() + return val + + def has(self): + return hasattr(self.registry, "value") + + def set(self, obj): + self.registry.value = obj + + def clear(self): + try: + del self.registry.value + except AttributeError: + pass + + +def _iter_id(iterable): + """Generator: ((id(o), o) for o in iterable).""" + + for item in iterable: + yield id(item), item diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/util/compat.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/util/compat.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..298c807 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/util/compat.py @@ -0,0 +1,371 @@ +# util/compat.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +"""Handle Python version/platform incompatibilities.""" + +import collections +from collections import namedtuple # noqa +from contextlib import contextmanager +from operator import attrgetter as dottedgetter # noqa +import sys +import time + +try: + import threading +except ImportError: + import dummy_threading as threading # noqa + +py36 = sys.version_info >= (3, 6) +py33 = sys.version_info >= (3, 3) +py35 = sys.version_info >= (3, 5) +py32 = sys.version_info >= (3, 2) +py3k = sys.version_info >= (3, 0) +py2k = sys.version_info < (3, 0) +py265 = sys.version_info >= (2, 6, 5) +jython = sys.platform.startswith("java") +pypy = hasattr(sys, "pypy_version_info") +win32 = sys.platform.startswith("win") +cpython = not pypy and not jython # TODO: something better for this ? + +next = next # noqa + +if py3k: + import pickle +else: + try: + import cPickle as pickle + except ImportError: + import pickle # noqa + +# work around http://bugs.python.org/issue2646 +if py265: + safe_kwarg = lambda arg: arg # noqa +else: + safe_kwarg = str + +ArgSpec = collections.namedtuple( + "ArgSpec", ["args", "varargs", "keywords", "defaults"] +) + +if py3k: + import builtins + + from inspect import getfullargspec as inspect_getfullargspec + from urllib.parse import ( + quote_plus, + unquote_plus, + parse_qsl, + quote, + unquote, + ) + import configparser + from io import StringIO + + from io import BytesIO as byte_buffer + + def inspect_getargspec(func): + return ArgSpec(*inspect_getfullargspec(func)[0:4]) + + string_types = (str,) + binary_types = (bytes,) + binary_type = bytes + text_type = str + int_types = (int,) + iterbytes = iter + + def u(s): + return s + + def ue(s): + return s + + def b(s): + return s.encode("latin-1") + + if py32: + callable = callable # noqa + else: + + def callable(fn): # noqa + return hasattr(fn, "__call__") + + def decode_backslashreplace(text, encoding): + return text.decode(encoding, errors="backslashreplace") + + def cmp(a, b): + return (a > b) - (a < b) + + from functools import reduce + + print_ = getattr(builtins, "print") + + import_ = getattr(builtins, "__import__") + + import itertools + + itertools_filterfalse = itertools.filterfalse + itertools_filter = filter + itertools_imap = map + from itertools import zip_longest + + import base64 + + def b64encode(x): + return base64.b64encode(x).decode("ascii") + + def b64decode(x): + return base64.b64decode(x.encode("ascii")) + + +else: + from inspect import getargspec as inspect_getfullargspec + + inspect_getargspec = inspect_getfullargspec + from urllib import quote_plus, unquote_plus, quote, unquote # noqa + from urlparse import parse_qsl # noqa + import ConfigParser as configparser # noqa + from StringIO import StringIO # noqa + from cStringIO import StringIO as byte_buffer # noqa + + string_types = (basestring,) # noqa + binary_types = (bytes,) + binary_type = str + text_type = unicode # noqa + int_types = int, long # noqa + + def iterbytes(buf): + return (ord(byte) for byte in buf) + + def u(s): + # this differs from what six does, which doesn't support non-ASCII + # strings - we only use u() with + # literal source strings, and all our source files with non-ascii + # in them (all are tests) are utf-8 encoded. + return unicode(s, "utf-8") # noqa + + def ue(s): + return unicode(s, "unicode_escape") # noqa + + def b(s): + return s + + def import_(*args): + if len(args) == 4: + args = args[0:3] + ([str(arg) for arg in args[3]],) + return __import__(*args) + + callable = callable # noqa + cmp = cmp + reduce = reduce + + import base64 + + b64encode = base64.b64encode + b64decode = base64.b64decode + + def print_(*args, **kwargs): + fp = kwargs.pop("file", sys.stdout) + if fp is None: + return + for arg in enumerate(args): + if not isinstance(arg, basestring): # noqa + arg = str(arg) + fp.write(arg) + + import itertools + + def decode_backslashreplace(text, encoding): + try: + return text.decode(encoding) + except UnicodeDecodeError: + # regular "backslashreplace" for an incompatible encoding raises: + # "TypeError: don't know how to handle UnicodeDecodeError in + # error callback" + return repr(text)[1:-1].decode() + + itertools_filterfalse = itertools.ifilterfalse + itertools_filter = itertools.ifilter + itertools_imap = itertools.imap + from itertools import izip_longest as zip_longest # noqa + +if py35: + from inspect import formatannotation + + def inspect_formatargspec( + args, + varargs=None, + varkw=None, + defaults=None, + kwonlyargs=(), + kwonlydefaults={}, + annotations={}, + formatarg=str, + formatvarargs=lambda name: "*" + name, + formatvarkw=lambda name: "**" + name, + formatvalue=lambda value: "=" + repr(value), + formatreturns=lambda text: " -> " + text, + formatannotation=formatannotation, + ): + """Copy formatargspec from python 3.7 standard library. + + Python 3 has deprecated formatargspec and requested that Signature + be used instead, however this requires a full reimplementation + of formatargspec() in terms of creating Parameter objects and such. + Instead of introducing all the object-creation overhead and having + to reinvent from scratch, just copy their compatibility routine. + + Utimately we would need to rewrite our "decorator" routine completely + which is not really worth it right now, until all Python 2.x support + is dropped. + + """ + + def formatargandannotation(arg): + result = formatarg(arg) + if arg in annotations: + result += ": " + formatannotation(annotations[arg]) + return result + + specs = [] + if defaults: + firstdefault = len(args) - len(defaults) + for i, arg in enumerate(args): + spec = formatargandannotation(arg) + if defaults and i >= firstdefault: + spec = spec + formatvalue(defaults[i - firstdefault]) + specs.append(spec) + if varargs is not None: + specs.append(formatvarargs(formatargandannotation(varargs))) + else: + if kwonlyargs: + specs.append("*") + if kwonlyargs: + for kwonlyarg in kwonlyargs: + spec = formatargandannotation(kwonlyarg) + if kwonlydefaults and kwonlyarg in kwonlydefaults: + spec += formatvalue(kwonlydefaults[kwonlyarg]) + specs.append(spec) + if varkw is not None: + specs.append(formatvarkw(formatargandannotation(varkw))) + result = "(" + ", ".join(specs) + ")" + if "return" in annotations: + result += formatreturns(formatannotation(annotations["return"])) + return result + + +else: + from inspect import formatargspec as inspect_formatargspec # noqa + +if win32 or jython: + time_func = time.clock +else: + time_func = time.time + + +if py3k: + + def reraise(tp, value, tb=None, cause=None): + if cause is not None: + assert cause is not value, "Same cause emitted" + value.__cause__ = cause + if value.__traceback__ is not tb: + raise value.with_traceback(tb) + raise value + + +else: + # not as nice as that of Py3K, but at least preserves + # the code line where the issue occurred + exec( + "def reraise(tp, value, tb=None, cause=None):\n" + " if cause is not None:\n" + " assert cause is not value, 'Same cause emitted'\n" + " raise tp, value, tb\n" + ) + + +def raise_from_cause(exception, exc_info=None): + if exc_info is None: + exc_info = sys.exc_info() + exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb = exc_info + cause = exc_value if exc_value is not exception else None + reraise(type(exception), exception, tb=exc_tb, cause=cause) + + +if py3k: + exec_ = getattr(builtins, "exec") +else: + + def exec_(func_text, globals_, lcl=None): + if lcl is None: + exec("exec func_text in globals_") + else: + exec("exec func_text in globals_, lcl") + + +def with_metaclass(meta, *bases): + """Create a base class with a metaclass. + + Drops the middle class upon creation. + + Source: http://lucumr.pocoo.org/2013/5/21/porting-to-python-3-redux/ + + """ + + class metaclass(meta): + __call__ = type.__call__ + __init__ = type.__init__ + + def __new__(cls, name, this_bases, d): + if this_bases is None: + return type.__new__(cls, name, (), d) + return meta(name, bases, d) + + return metaclass("temporary_class", None, {}) + + +@contextmanager +def nested(*managers): + """Implement contextlib.nested, mostly for unit tests. + + As tests still need to run on py2.6 we can't use multiple-with yet. + + Function is removed in py3k but also emits deprecation warning in 2.7 + so just roll it here for everyone. + + """ + + exits = [] + vars_ = [] + exc = (None, None, None) + try: + for mgr in managers: + exit_ = mgr.__exit__ + enter = mgr.__enter__ + vars_.append(enter()) + exits.append(exit_) + yield vars_ + except: + exc = sys.exc_info() + finally: + while exits: + exit_ = exits.pop() + try: + if exit_(*exc): + exc = (None, None, None) + except: + exc = sys.exc_info() + if exc != (None, None, None): + reraise(exc[0], exc[1], exc[2]) + + +# Fix deprecation of accessing ABCs straight from collections module +# (which will stop working in 3.8). +if py33: + import collections.abc as collections_abc +else: + import collections as collections_abc # noqa diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/util/deprecations.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/util/deprecations.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e7b972d --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/util/deprecations.py @@ -0,0 +1,157 @@ +# util/deprecations.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +"""Helpers related to deprecation of functions, methods, classes, other +functionality.""" + +import re +import textwrap +import warnings + +from .langhelpers import decorator +from .. import exc + + +def warn_deprecated(msg, stacklevel=3): + warnings.warn(msg, exc.SADeprecationWarning, stacklevel=stacklevel) + + +def warn_pending_deprecation(msg, stacklevel=3): + warnings.warn(msg, exc.SAPendingDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=stacklevel) + + +def deprecated(version, message=None, add_deprecation_to_docstring=True): + """Decorates a function and issues a deprecation warning on use. + + :param version: + Issue version in the warning. + + :param message: + If provided, issue message in the warning. A sensible default + is used if not provided. + + :param add_deprecation_to_docstring: + Default True. If False, the wrapped function's __doc__ is left + as-is. If True, the 'message' is prepended to the docs if + provided, or sensible default if message is omitted. + + """ + + if add_deprecation_to_docstring: + header = ".. deprecated:: %s %s" % (version, (message or "")) + else: + header = None + + if message is None: + message = "Call to deprecated function %(func)s" + + def decorate(fn): + return _decorate_with_warning( + fn, + exc.SADeprecationWarning, + message % dict(func=fn.__name__), + header, + ) + + return decorate + + +def pending_deprecation( + version, message=None, add_deprecation_to_docstring=True +): + """Decorates a function and issues a pending deprecation warning on use. + + :param version: + An approximate future version at which point the pending deprecation + will become deprecated. Not used in messaging. + + :param message: + If provided, issue message in the warning. A sensible default + is used if not provided. + + :param add_deprecation_to_docstring: + Default True. If False, the wrapped function's __doc__ is left + as-is. If True, the 'message' is prepended to the docs if + provided, or sensible default if message is omitted. + """ + + if add_deprecation_to_docstring: + header = ".. deprecated:: %s (pending) %s" % (version, (message or "")) + else: + header = None + + if message is None: + message = "Call to deprecated function %(func)s" + + def decorate(fn): + return _decorate_with_warning( + fn, + exc.SAPendingDeprecationWarning, + message % dict(func=fn.__name__), + header, + ) + + return decorate + + +def _sanitize_restructured_text(text): + def repl(m): + type_, name = m.group(1, 2) + if type_ in ("func", "meth"): + name += "()" + return name + + return re.sub(r"\:(\w+)\:`~?\.?(.+?)`", repl, text) + + +def _decorate_with_warning(func, wtype, message, docstring_header=None): + """Wrap a function with a warnings.warn and augmented docstring.""" + + message = _sanitize_restructured_text(message) + + @decorator + def warned(fn, *args, **kwargs): + warnings.warn(message, wtype, stacklevel=3) + return fn(*args, **kwargs) + + doc = func.__doc__ is not None and func.__doc__ or "" + if docstring_header is not None: + docstring_header %= dict(func=func.__name__) + + doc = inject_docstring_text(doc, docstring_header, 1) + + decorated = warned(func) + decorated.__doc__ = doc + return decorated + + +def _dedent_docstring(text): + split_text = text.split("\n", 1) + if len(split_text) == 1: + return text + else: + firstline, remaining = split_text + if not firstline.startswith(" "): + return firstline + "\n" + textwrap.dedent(remaining) + else: + return textwrap.dedent(text) + + +def inject_docstring_text(doctext, injecttext, pos): + doctext = _dedent_docstring(doctext or "") + lines = doctext.split("\n") + injectlines = textwrap.dedent(injecttext).split("\n") + if injectlines[0]: + injectlines.insert(0, "") + + blanks = [num for num, line in enumerate(lines) if not line.strip()] + blanks.insert(0, 0) + + inject_pos = blanks[min(pos, len(blanks) - 1)] + + lines = lines[0:inject_pos] + injectlines + lines[inject_pos:] + return "\n".join(lines) diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/util/langhelpers.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/util/langhelpers.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9437744 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/util/langhelpers.py @@ -0,0 +1,1555 @@ +# util/langhelpers.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +"""Routines to help with the creation, loading and introspection of +modules, classes, hierarchies, attributes, functions, and methods. + +""" +from functools import update_wrapper +import hashlib +import inspect +import itertools +import operator +import re +import sys +import types +import warnings + +from . import _collections +from . import compat +from .. import exc + + +def md5_hex(x): + if compat.py3k: + x = x.encode("utf-8") + m = hashlib.md5() + m.update(x) + return m.hexdigest() + + +class safe_reraise(object): + """Reraise an exception after invoking some + handler code. + + Stores the existing exception info before + invoking so that it is maintained across a potential + coroutine context switch. + + e.g.:: + + try: + sess.commit() + except: + with safe_reraise(): + sess.rollback() + + """ + + __slots__ = ("warn_only", "_exc_info") + + def __init__(self, warn_only=False): + self.warn_only = warn_only + + def __enter__(self): + self._exc_info = sys.exc_info() + + def __exit__(self, type_, value, traceback): + # see #2703 for notes + if type_ is None: + exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb = self._exc_info + self._exc_info = None # remove potential circular references + if not self.warn_only: + compat.reraise(exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb) + else: + if not compat.py3k and self._exc_info and self._exc_info[1]: + # emulate Py3K's behavior of telling us when an exception + # occurs in an exception handler. + warn( + "An exception has occurred during handling of a " + "previous exception. The previous exception " + "is:\n %s %s\n" % (self._exc_info[0], self._exc_info[1]) + ) + self._exc_info = None # remove potential circular references + compat.reraise(type_, value, traceback) + + +def decode_slice(slc): + """decode a slice object as sent to __getitem__. + + takes into account the 2.5 __index__() method, basically. + + """ + ret = [] + for x in slc.start, slc.stop, slc.step: + if hasattr(x, "__index__"): + x = x.__index__() + ret.append(x) + return tuple(ret) + + +def _unique_symbols(used, *bases): + used = set(used) + for base in bases: + pool = itertools.chain( + (base,), + compat.itertools_imap(lambda i: base + str(i), range(1000)), + ) + for sym in pool: + if sym not in used: + used.add(sym) + yield sym + break + else: + raise NameError("exhausted namespace for symbol base %s" % base) + + +def map_bits(fn, n): + """Call the given function given each nonzero bit from n.""" + + while n: + b = n & (~n + 1) + yield fn(b) + n ^= b + + +def decorator(target): + """A signature-matching decorator factory.""" + + def decorate(fn): + if not inspect.isfunction(fn): + raise Exception("not a decoratable function") + spec = compat.inspect_getfullargspec(fn) + names = tuple(spec[0]) + spec[1:3] + (fn.__name__,) + targ_name, fn_name = _unique_symbols(names, "target", "fn") + + metadata = dict(target=targ_name, fn=fn_name) + metadata.update(format_argspec_plus(spec, grouped=False)) + metadata["name"] = fn.__name__ + code = ( + """\ +def %(name)s(%(args)s): + return %(target)s(%(fn)s, %(apply_kw)s) +""" + % metadata + ) + decorated = _exec_code_in_env( + code, {targ_name: target, fn_name: fn}, fn.__name__ + ) + decorated.__defaults__ = getattr(fn, "im_func", fn).__defaults__ + decorated.__wrapped__ = fn + return update_wrapper(decorated, fn) + + return update_wrapper(decorate, target) + + +def _exec_code_in_env(code, env, fn_name): + exec(code, env) + return env[fn_name] + + +def public_factory(target, location): + """Produce a wrapping function for the given cls or classmethod. + + Rationale here is so that the __init__ method of the + class can serve as documentation for the function. + + """ + if isinstance(target, type): + fn = target.__init__ + callable_ = target + doc = ( + "Construct a new :class:`.%s` object. \n\n" + "This constructor is mirrored as a public API function; " + "see :func:`~%s` " + "for a full usage and argument description." + % (target.__name__, location) + ) + else: + fn = callable_ = target + doc = ( + "This function is mirrored; see :func:`~%s` " + "for a description of arguments." % location + ) + + location_name = location.split(".")[-1] + spec = compat.inspect_getfullargspec(fn) + del spec[0][0] + metadata = format_argspec_plus(spec, grouped=False) + metadata["name"] = location_name + code = ( + """\ +def %(name)s(%(args)s): + return cls(%(apply_kw)s) +""" + % metadata + ) + env = {"cls": callable_, "symbol": symbol} + exec(code, env) + decorated = env[location_name] + decorated.__doc__ = fn.__doc__ + decorated.__module__ = "sqlalchemy" + location.rsplit(".", 1)[0] + if compat.py2k or hasattr(fn, "__func__"): + fn.__func__.__doc__ = doc + else: + fn.__doc__ = doc + return decorated + + +class PluginLoader(object): + def __init__(self, group, auto_fn=None): + self.group = group + self.impls = {} + self.auto_fn = auto_fn + + def clear(self): + self.impls.clear() + + def load(self, name): + if name in self.impls: + return self.impls[name]() + + if self.auto_fn: + loader = self.auto_fn(name) + if loader: + self.impls[name] = loader + return loader() + + try: + import pkg_resources + except ImportError: + pass + else: + for impl in pkg_resources.iter_entry_points(self.group, name): + self.impls[name] = impl.load + return impl.load() + + raise exc.NoSuchModuleError( + "Can't load plugin: %s:%s" % (self.group, name) + ) + + def register(self, name, modulepath, objname): + def load(): + mod = compat.import_(modulepath) + for token in modulepath.split(".")[1:]: + mod = getattr(mod, token) + return getattr(mod, objname) + + self.impls[name] = load + + +def get_cls_kwargs(cls, _set=None): + r"""Return the full set of inherited kwargs for the given `cls`. + + Probes a class's __init__ method, collecting all named arguments. If the + __init__ defines a \**kwargs catch-all, then the constructor is presumed + to pass along unrecognized keywords to its base classes, and the + collection process is repeated recursively on each of the bases. + + Uses a subset of inspect.getargspec() to cut down on method overhead. + No anonymous tuple arguments please ! + + """ + toplevel = _set is None + if toplevel: + _set = set() + + ctr = cls.__dict__.get("__init__", False) + + has_init = ( + ctr + and isinstance(ctr, types.FunctionType) + and isinstance(ctr.__code__, types.CodeType) + ) + + if has_init: + names, has_kw = inspect_func_args(ctr) + _set.update(names) + + if not has_kw and not toplevel: + return None + + if not has_init or has_kw: + for c in cls.__bases__: + if get_cls_kwargs(c, _set) is None: + break + + _set.discard("self") + return _set + + +try: + # TODO: who doesn't have this constant? + from inspect import CO_VARKEYWORDS + + def inspect_func_args(fn): + co = fn.__code__ + nargs = co.co_argcount + names = co.co_varnames + args = list(names[:nargs]) + has_kw = bool(co.co_flags & CO_VARKEYWORDS) + return args, has_kw + + +except ImportError: + + def inspect_func_args(fn): + names, _, has_kw, _ = compat.inspect_getargspec(fn) + return names, bool(has_kw) + + +def get_func_kwargs(func): + """Return the set of legal kwargs for the given `func`. + + Uses getargspec so is safe to call for methods, functions, + etc. + + """ + + return compat.inspect_getargspec(func)[0] + + +def get_callable_argspec(fn, no_self=False, _is_init=False): + """Return the argument signature for any callable. + + All pure-Python callables are accepted, including + functions, methods, classes, objects with __call__; + builtins and other edge cases like functools.partial() objects + raise a TypeError. + + """ + if inspect.isbuiltin(fn): + raise TypeError("Can't inspect builtin: %s" % fn) + elif inspect.isfunction(fn): + if _is_init and no_self: + spec = compat.inspect_getargspec(fn) + return compat.ArgSpec( + spec.args[1:], spec.varargs, spec.keywords, spec.defaults + ) + else: + return compat.inspect_getargspec(fn) + elif inspect.ismethod(fn): + if no_self and (_is_init or fn.__self__): + spec = compat.inspect_getargspec(fn.__func__) + return compat.ArgSpec( + spec.args[1:], spec.varargs, spec.keywords, spec.defaults + ) + else: + return compat.inspect_getargspec(fn.__func__) + elif inspect.isclass(fn): + return get_callable_argspec( + fn.__init__, no_self=no_self, _is_init=True + ) + elif hasattr(fn, "__func__"): + return compat.inspect_getargspec(fn.__func__) + elif hasattr(fn, "__call__"): + if inspect.ismethod(fn.__call__): + return get_callable_argspec(fn.__call__, no_self=no_self) + else: + raise TypeError("Can't inspect callable: %s" % fn) + else: + raise TypeError("Can't inspect callable: %s" % fn) + + +def format_argspec_plus(fn, grouped=True): + """Returns a dictionary of formatted, introspected function arguments. + + A enhanced variant of inspect.formatargspec to support code generation. + + fn + An inspectable callable or tuple of inspect getargspec() results. + grouped + Defaults to True; include (parens, around, argument) lists + + Returns: + + args + Full inspect.formatargspec for fn + self_arg + The name of the first positional argument, varargs[0], or None + if the function defines no positional arguments. + apply_pos + args, re-written in calling rather than receiving syntax. Arguments are + passed positionally. + apply_kw + Like apply_pos, except keyword-ish args are passed as keywords. + + Example:: + + >>> format_argspec_plus(lambda self, a, b, c=3, **d: 123) + {'args': '(self, a, b, c=3, **d)', + 'self_arg': 'self', + 'apply_kw': '(self, a, b, c=c, **d)', + 'apply_pos': '(self, a, b, c, **d)'} + + """ + if compat.callable(fn): + spec = compat.inspect_getfullargspec(fn) + else: + # we accept an existing argspec... + spec = fn + args = compat.inspect_formatargspec(*spec) + if spec[0]: + self_arg = spec[0][0] + elif spec[1]: + self_arg = "%s[0]" % spec[1] + else: + self_arg = None + + if compat.py3k: + apply_pos = compat.inspect_formatargspec( + spec[0], spec[1], spec[2], None, spec[4] + ) + num_defaults = 0 + if spec[3]: + num_defaults += len(spec[3]) + if spec[4]: + num_defaults += len(spec[4]) + name_args = spec[0] + spec[4] + else: + apply_pos = compat.inspect_formatargspec(spec[0], spec[1], spec[2]) + num_defaults = 0 + if spec[3]: + num_defaults += len(spec[3]) + name_args = spec[0] + + if num_defaults: + defaulted_vals = name_args[0 - num_defaults :] + else: + defaulted_vals = () + + apply_kw = compat.inspect_formatargspec( + name_args, + spec[1], + spec[2], + defaulted_vals, + formatvalue=lambda x: "=" + x, + ) + if grouped: + return dict( + args=args, + self_arg=self_arg, + apply_pos=apply_pos, + apply_kw=apply_kw, + ) + else: + return dict( + args=args[1:-1], + self_arg=self_arg, + apply_pos=apply_pos[1:-1], + apply_kw=apply_kw[1:-1], + ) + + +def format_argspec_init(method, grouped=True): + """format_argspec_plus with considerations for typical __init__ methods + + Wraps format_argspec_plus with error handling strategies for typical + __init__ cases:: + + object.__init__ -> (self) + other unreflectable (usually C) -> (self, *args, **kwargs) + + """ + if method is object.__init__: + args = grouped and "(self)" or "self" + else: + try: + return format_argspec_plus(method, grouped=grouped) + except TypeError: + args = ( + grouped + and "(self, *args, **kwargs)" + or "self, *args, **kwargs" + ) + return dict(self_arg="self", args=args, apply_pos=args, apply_kw=args) + + +def getargspec_init(method): + """inspect.getargspec with considerations for typical __init__ methods + + Wraps inspect.getargspec with error handling for typical __init__ cases:: + + object.__init__ -> (self) + other unreflectable (usually C) -> (self, *args, **kwargs) + + """ + try: + return compat.inspect_getargspec(method) + except TypeError: + if method is object.__init__: + return (["self"], None, None, None) + else: + return (["self"], "args", "kwargs", None) + + +def unbound_method_to_callable(func_or_cls): + """Adjust the incoming callable such that a 'self' argument is not + required. + + """ + + if isinstance(func_or_cls, types.MethodType) and not func_or_cls.__self__: + return func_or_cls.__func__ + else: + return func_or_cls + + +def generic_repr(obj, additional_kw=(), to_inspect=None, omit_kwarg=()): + """Produce a __repr__() based on direct association of the __init__() + specification vs. same-named attributes present. + + """ + if to_inspect is None: + to_inspect = [obj] + else: + to_inspect = _collections.to_list(to_inspect) + + missing = object() + + pos_args = [] + kw_args = _collections.OrderedDict() + vargs = None + for i, insp in enumerate(to_inspect): + try: + (_args, _vargs, vkw, defaults) = compat.inspect_getargspec( + insp.__init__ + ) + except TypeError: + continue + else: + default_len = defaults and len(defaults) or 0 + if i == 0: + if _vargs: + vargs = _vargs + if default_len: + pos_args.extend(_args[1:-default_len]) + else: + pos_args.extend(_args[1:]) + else: + kw_args.update( + [(arg, missing) for arg in _args[1:-default_len]] + ) + + if default_len: + kw_args.update( + [ + (arg, default) + for arg, default in zip(_args[-default_len:], defaults) + ] + ) + output = [] + + output.extend(repr(getattr(obj, arg, None)) for arg in pos_args) + + if vargs is not None and hasattr(obj, vargs): + output.extend([repr(val) for val in getattr(obj, vargs)]) + + for arg, defval in kw_args.items(): + if arg in omit_kwarg: + continue + try: + val = getattr(obj, arg, missing) + if val is not missing and val != defval: + output.append("%s=%r" % (arg, val)) + except Exception: + pass + + if additional_kw: + for arg, defval in additional_kw: + try: + val = getattr(obj, arg, missing) + if val is not missing and val != defval: + output.append("%s=%r" % (arg, val)) + except Exception: + pass + + return "%s(%s)" % (obj.__class__.__name__, ", ".join(output)) + + +class portable_instancemethod(object): + """Turn an instancemethod into a (parent, name) pair + to produce a serializable callable. + + """ + + __slots__ = "target", "name", "kwargs", "__weakref__" + + def __getstate__(self): + return { + "target": self.target, + "name": self.name, + "kwargs": self.kwargs, + } + + def __setstate__(self, state): + self.target = state["target"] + self.name = state["name"] + self.kwargs = state.get("kwargs", ()) + + def __init__(self, meth, kwargs=()): + self.target = meth.__self__ + self.name = meth.__name__ + self.kwargs = kwargs + + def __call__(self, *arg, **kw): + kw.update(self.kwargs) + return getattr(self.target, self.name)(*arg, **kw) + + +def class_hierarchy(cls): + """Return an unordered sequence of all classes related to cls. + + Traverses diamond hierarchies. + + Fibs slightly: subclasses of builtin types are not returned. Thus + class_hierarchy(class A(object)) returns (A, object), not A plus every + class systemwide that derives from object. + + Old-style classes are discarded and hierarchies rooted on them + will not be descended. + + """ + if compat.py2k: + if isinstance(cls, types.ClassType): + return list() + + hier = {cls} + process = list(cls.__mro__) + while process: + c = process.pop() + if compat.py2k: + if isinstance(c, types.ClassType): + continue + bases = ( + _ + for _ in c.__bases__ + if _ not in hier and not isinstance(_, types.ClassType) + ) + else: + bases = (_ for _ in c.__bases__ if _ not in hier) + + for b in bases: + process.append(b) + hier.add(b) + + if compat.py3k: + if c.__module__ == "builtins" or not hasattr(c, "__subclasses__"): + continue + else: + if c.__module__ == "__builtin__" or not hasattr( + c, "__subclasses__" + ): + continue + + for s in [_ for _ in c.__subclasses__() if _ not in hier]: + process.append(s) + hier.add(s) + return list(hier) + + +def iterate_attributes(cls): + """iterate all the keys and attributes associated + with a class, without using getattr(). + + Does not use getattr() so that class-sensitive + descriptors (i.e. property.__get__()) are not called. + + """ + keys = dir(cls) + for key in keys: + for c in cls.__mro__: + if key in c.__dict__: + yield (key, c.__dict__[key]) + break + + +def monkeypatch_proxied_specials( + into_cls, + from_cls, + skip=None, + only=None, + name="self.proxy", + from_instance=None, +): + """Automates delegation of __specials__ for a proxying type.""" + + if only: + dunders = only + else: + if skip is None: + skip = ( + "__slots__", + "__del__", + "__getattribute__", + "__metaclass__", + "__getstate__", + "__setstate__", + ) + dunders = [ + m + for m in dir(from_cls) + if ( + m.startswith("__") + and m.endswith("__") + and not hasattr(into_cls, m) + and m not in skip + ) + ] + + for method in dunders: + try: + fn = getattr(from_cls, method) + if not hasattr(fn, "__call__"): + continue + fn = getattr(fn, "im_func", fn) + except AttributeError: + continue + try: + spec = compat.inspect_getargspec(fn) + fn_args = compat.inspect_formatargspec(spec[0]) + d_args = compat.inspect_formatargspec(spec[0][1:]) + except TypeError: + fn_args = "(self, *args, **kw)" + d_args = "(*args, **kw)" + + py = ( + "def %(method)s%(fn_args)s: " + "return %(name)s.%(method)s%(d_args)s" % locals() + ) + + env = from_instance is not None and {name: from_instance} or {} + compat.exec_(py, env) + try: + env[method].__defaults__ = fn.__defaults__ + except AttributeError: + pass + setattr(into_cls, method, env[method]) + + +def methods_equivalent(meth1, meth2): + """Return True if the two methods are the same implementation.""" + + return getattr(meth1, "__func__", meth1) is getattr( + meth2, "__func__", meth2 + ) + + +def as_interface(obj, cls=None, methods=None, required=None): + """Ensure basic interface compliance for an instance or dict of callables. + + Checks that ``obj`` implements public methods of ``cls`` or has members + listed in ``methods``. If ``required`` is not supplied, implementing at + least one interface method is sufficient. Methods present on ``obj`` that + are not in the interface are ignored. + + If ``obj`` is a dict and ``dict`` does not meet the interface + requirements, the keys of the dictionary are inspected. Keys present in + ``obj`` that are not in the interface will raise TypeErrors. + + Raises TypeError if ``obj`` does not meet the interface criteria. + + In all passing cases, an object with callable members is returned. In the + simple case, ``obj`` is returned as-is; if dict processing kicks in then + an anonymous class is returned. + + obj + A type, instance, or dictionary of callables. + cls + Optional, a type. All public methods of cls are considered the + interface. An ``obj`` instance of cls will always pass, ignoring + ``required``.. + methods + Optional, a sequence of method names to consider as the interface. + required + Optional, a sequence of mandatory implementations. If omitted, an + ``obj`` that provides at least one interface method is considered + sufficient. As a convenience, required may be a type, in which case + all public methods of the type are required. + + """ + if not cls and not methods: + raise TypeError("a class or collection of method names are required") + + if isinstance(cls, type) and isinstance(obj, cls): + return obj + + interface = set(methods or [m for m in dir(cls) if not m.startswith("_")]) + implemented = set(dir(obj)) + + complies = operator.ge + if isinstance(required, type): + required = interface + elif not required: + required = set() + complies = operator.gt + else: + required = set(required) + + if complies(implemented.intersection(interface), required): + return obj + + # No dict duck typing here. + if not isinstance(obj, dict): + qualifier = complies is operator.gt and "any of" or "all of" + raise TypeError( + "%r does not implement %s: %s" + % (obj, qualifier, ", ".join(interface)) + ) + + class AnonymousInterface(object): + """A callable-holding shell.""" + + if cls: + AnonymousInterface.__name__ = "Anonymous" + cls.__name__ + found = set() + + for method, impl in dictlike_iteritems(obj): + if method not in interface: + raise TypeError("%r: unknown in this interface" % method) + if not compat.callable(impl): + raise TypeError("%r=%r is not callable" % (method, impl)) + setattr(AnonymousInterface, method, staticmethod(impl)) + found.add(method) + + if complies(found, required): + return AnonymousInterface + + raise TypeError( + "dictionary does not contain required keys %s" + % ", ".join(required - found) + ) + + +class memoized_property(object): + """A read-only @property that is only evaluated once.""" + + def __init__(self, fget, doc=None): + self.fget = fget + self.__doc__ = doc or fget.__doc__ + self.__name__ = fget.__name__ + + def __get__(self, obj, cls): + if obj is None: + return self + obj.__dict__[self.__name__] = result = self.fget(obj) + return result + + def _reset(self, obj): + memoized_property.reset(obj, self.__name__) + + @classmethod + def reset(cls, obj, name): + obj.__dict__.pop(name, None) + + +def memoized_instancemethod(fn): + """Decorate a method memoize its return value. + + Best applied to no-arg methods: memoization is not sensitive to + argument values, and will always return the same value even when + called with different arguments. + + """ + + def oneshot(self, *args, **kw): + result = fn(self, *args, **kw) + + def memo(*a, **kw): + return result + + memo.__name__ = fn.__name__ + memo.__doc__ = fn.__doc__ + self.__dict__[fn.__name__] = memo + return result + + return update_wrapper(oneshot, fn) + + +class group_expirable_memoized_property(object): + """A family of @memoized_properties that can be expired in tandem.""" + + def __init__(self, attributes=()): + self.attributes = [] + if attributes: + self.attributes.extend(attributes) + + def expire_instance(self, instance): + """Expire all memoized properties for *instance*.""" + stash = instance.__dict__ + for attribute in self.attributes: + stash.pop(attribute, None) + + def __call__(self, fn): + self.attributes.append(fn.__name__) + return memoized_property(fn) + + def method(self, fn): + self.attributes.append(fn.__name__) + return memoized_instancemethod(fn) + + +class MemoizedSlots(object): + """Apply memoized items to an object using a __getattr__ scheme. + + This allows the functionality of memoized_property and + memoized_instancemethod to be available to a class using __slots__. + + """ + + __slots__ = () + + def _fallback_getattr(self, key): + raise AttributeError(key) + + def __getattr__(self, key): + if key.startswith("_memoized"): + raise AttributeError(key) + elif hasattr(self, "_memoized_attr_%s" % key): + value = getattr(self, "_memoized_attr_%s" % key)() + setattr(self, key, value) + return value + elif hasattr(self, "_memoized_method_%s" % key): + fn = getattr(self, "_memoized_method_%s" % key) + + def oneshot(*args, **kw): + result = fn(*args, **kw) + + def memo(*a, **kw): + return result + + memo.__name__ = fn.__name__ + memo.__doc__ = fn.__doc__ + setattr(self, key, memo) + return result + + oneshot.__doc__ = fn.__doc__ + return oneshot + else: + return self._fallback_getattr(key) + + +def dependency_for(modulename, add_to_all=False): + def decorate(obj): + tokens = modulename.split(".") + mod = compat.import_( + ".".join(tokens[0:-1]), globals(), locals(), [tokens[-1]] + ) + mod = getattr(mod, tokens[-1]) + setattr(mod, obj.__name__, obj) + if add_to_all and hasattr(mod, "__all__"): + mod.__all__.append(obj.__name__) + return obj + + return decorate + + +class dependencies(object): + """Apply imported dependencies as arguments to a function. + + E.g.:: + + @util.dependencies( + "sqlalchemy.sql.widget", + "sqlalchemy.engine.default" + ); + def some_func(self, widget, default, arg1, arg2, **kw): + # ... + + Rationale is so that the impact of a dependency cycle can be + associated directly with the few functions that cause the cycle, + and not pollute the module-level namespace. + + """ + + def __init__(self, *deps): + self.import_deps = [] + for dep in deps: + tokens = dep.split(".") + self.import_deps.append( + dependencies._importlater(".".join(tokens[0:-1]), tokens[-1]) + ) + + def __call__(self, fn): + import_deps = self.import_deps + spec = compat.inspect_getfullargspec(fn) + + spec_zero = list(spec[0]) + hasself = spec_zero[0] in ("self", "cls") + + for i in range(len(import_deps)): + spec[0][i + (1 if hasself else 0)] = "import_deps[%r]" % i + + inner_spec = format_argspec_plus(spec, grouped=False) + + for impname in import_deps: + del spec_zero[1 if hasself else 0] + spec[0][:] = spec_zero + + outer_spec = format_argspec_plus(spec, grouped=False) + + code = "lambda %(args)s: fn(%(apply_kw)s)" % { + "args": outer_spec["args"], + "apply_kw": inner_spec["apply_kw"], + } + + decorated = eval(code, locals()) + decorated.__defaults__ = getattr(fn, "im_func", fn).__defaults__ + return update_wrapper(decorated, fn) + + @classmethod + def resolve_all(cls, path): + for m in list(dependencies._unresolved): + if m._full_path.startswith(path): + m._resolve() + + _unresolved = set() + _by_key = {} + + class _importlater(object): + _unresolved = set() + + _by_key = {} + + def __new__(cls, path, addtl): + key = path + "." + addtl + if key in dependencies._by_key: + return dependencies._by_key[key] + else: + dependencies._by_key[key] = imp = object.__new__(cls) + return imp + + def __init__(self, path, addtl): + self._il_path = path + self._il_addtl = addtl + dependencies._unresolved.add(self) + + @property + def _full_path(self): + return self._il_path + "." + self._il_addtl + + @memoized_property + def module(self): + if self in dependencies._unresolved: + raise ImportError( + "importlater.resolve_all() hasn't " + "been called (this is %s %s)" + % (self._il_path, self._il_addtl) + ) + + return getattr(self._initial_import, self._il_addtl) + + def _resolve(self): + dependencies._unresolved.discard(self) + self._initial_import = compat.import_( + self._il_path, globals(), locals(), [self._il_addtl] + ) + + def __getattr__(self, key): + if key == "module": + raise ImportError( + "Could not resolve module %s" % self._full_path + ) + try: + attr = getattr(self.module, key) + except AttributeError: + raise AttributeError( + "Module %s has no attribute '%s'" % (self._full_path, key) + ) + self.__dict__[key] = attr + return attr + + +# from paste.deploy.converters +def asbool(obj): + if isinstance(obj, compat.string_types): + obj = obj.strip().lower() + if obj in ["true", "yes", "on", "y", "t", "1"]: + return True + elif obj in ["false", "no", "off", "n", "f", "0"]: + return False + else: + raise ValueError("String is not true/false: %r" % obj) + return bool(obj) + + +def bool_or_str(*text): + """Return a callable that will evaluate a string as + boolean, or one of a set of "alternate" string values. + + """ + + def bool_or_value(obj): + if obj in text: + return obj + else: + return asbool(obj) + + return bool_or_value + + +def asint(value): + """Coerce to integer.""" + + if value is None: + return value + return int(value) + + +def coerce_kw_type(kw, key, type_, flexi_bool=True): + r"""If 'key' is present in dict 'kw', coerce its value to type 'type\_' if + necessary. If 'flexi_bool' is True, the string '0' is considered false + when coercing to boolean. + """ + + if key in kw and not isinstance(kw[key], type_) and kw[key] is not None: + if type_ is bool and flexi_bool: + kw[key] = asbool(kw[key]) + else: + kw[key] = type_(kw[key]) + + +def constructor_copy(obj, cls, *args, **kw): + """Instantiate cls using the __dict__ of obj as constructor arguments. + + Uses inspect to match the named arguments of ``cls``. + + """ + + names = get_cls_kwargs(cls) + kw.update( + (k, obj.__dict__[k]) for k in names.difference(kw) if k in obj.__dict__ + ) + return cls(*args, **kw) + + +def counter(): + """Return a threadsafe counter function.""" + + lock = compat.threading.Lock() + counter = itertools.count(1) + + # avoid the 2to3 "next" transformation... + def _next(): + lock.acquire() + try: + return next(counter) + finally: + lock.release() + + return _next + + +def duck_type_collection(specimen, default=None): + """Given an instance or class, guess if it is or is acting as one of + the basic collection types: list, set and dict. If the __emulates__ + property is present, return that preferentially. + """ + + if hasattr(specimen, "__emulates__"): + # canonicalize set vs sets.Set to a standard: the builtin set + if specimen.__emulates__ is not None and issubclass( + specimen.__emulates__, set + ): + return set + else: + return specimen.__emulates__ + + isa = isinstance(specimen, type) and issubclass or isinstance + if isa(specimen, list): + return list + elif isa(specimen, set): + return set + elif isa(specimen, dict): + return dict + + if hasattr(specimen, "append"): + return list + elif hasattr(specimen, "add"): + return set + elif hasattr(specimen, "set"): + return dict + else: + return default + + +def assert_arg_type(arg, argtype, name): + if isinstance(arg, argtype): + return arg + else: + if isinstance(argtype, tuple): + raise exc.ArgumentError( + "Argument '%s' is expected to be one of type %s, got '%s'" + % (name, " or ".join("'%s'" % a for a in argtype), type(arg)) + ) + else: + raise exc.ArgumentError( + "Argument '%s' is expected to be of type '%s', got '%s'" + % (name, argtype, type(arg)) + ) + + +def dictlike_iteritems(dictlike): + """Return a (key, value) iterator for almost any dict-like object.""" + + if compat.py3k: + if hasattr(dictlike, "items"): + return list(dictlike.items()) + else: + if hasattr(dictlike, "iteritems"): + return dictlike.iteritems() + elif hasattr(dictlike, "items"): + return iter(dictlike.items()) + + getter = getattr(dictlike, "__getitem__", getattr(dictlike, "get", None)) + if getter is None: + raise TypeError("Object '%r' is not dict-like" % dictlike) + + if hasattr(dictlike, "iterkeys"): + + def iterator(): + for key in dictlike.iterkeys(): + yield key, getter(key) + + return iterator() + elif hasattr(dictlike, "keys"): + return iter((key, getter(key)) for key in dictlike.keys()) + else: + raise TypeError("Object '%r' is not dict-like" % dictlike) + + +class classproperty(property): + """A decorator that behaves like @property except that operates + on classes rather than instances. + + The decorator is currently special when using the declarative + module, but note that the + :class:`~.sqlalchemy.ext.declarative.declared_attr` + decorator should be used for this purpose with declarative. + + """ + + def __init__(self, fget, *arg, **kw): + super(classproperty, self).__init__(fget, *arg, **kw) + self.__doc__ = fget.__doc__ + + def __get__(desc, self, cls): + return desc.fget(cls) + + +class hybridproperty(object): + def __init__(self, func): + self.func = func + + def __get__(self, instance, owner): + if instance is None: + clsval = self.func(owner) + clsval.__doc__ = self.func.__doc__ + return clsval + else: + return self.func(instance) + + +class hybridmethod(object): + """Decorate a function as cls- or instance- level.""" + + def __init__(self, func): + self.func = func + + def __get__(self, instance, owner): + if instance is None: + return self.func.__get__(owner, owner.__class__) + else: + return self.func.__get__(instance, owner) + + +class _symbol(int): + def __new__(self, name, doc=None, canonical=None): + """Construct a new named symbol.""" + assert isinstance(name, compat.string_types) + if canonical is None: + canonical = hash(name) + v = int.__new__(_symbol, canonical) + v.name = name + if doc: + v.__doc__ = doc + return v + + def __reduce__(self): + return symbol, (self.name, "x", int(self)) + + def __str__(self): + return repr(self) + + def __repr__(self): + return "symbol(%r)" % self.name + + +_symbol.__name__ = "symbol" + + +class symbol(object): + """A constant symbol. + + >>> symbol('foo') is symbol('foo') + True + >>> symbol('foo') + + + A slight refinement of the MAGICCOOKIE=object() pattern. The primary + advantage of symbol() is its repr(). They are also singletons. + + Repeated calls of symbol('name') will all return the same instance. + + The optional ``doc`` argument assigns to ``__doc__``. This + is strictly so that Sphinx autoattr picks up the docstring we want + (it doesn't appear to pick up the in-module docstring if the datamember + is in a different module - autoattribute also blows up completely). + If Sphinx fixes/improves this then we would no longer need + ``doc`` here. + + """ + + symbols = {} + _lock = compat.threading.Lock() + + def __new__(cls, name, doc=None, canonical=None): + cls._lock.acquire() + try: + sym = cls.symbols.get(name) + if sym is None: + cls.symbols[name] = sym = _symbol(name, doc, canonical) + return sym + finally: + symbol._lock.release() + + +_creation_order = 1 + + +def set_creation_order(instance): + """Assign a '_creation_order' sequence to the given instance. + + This allows multiple instances to be sorted in order of creation + (typically within a single thread; the counter is not particularly + threadsafe). + + """ + global _creation_order + instance._creation_order = _creation_order + _creation_order += 1 + + +def warn_exception(func, *args, **kwargs): + """executes the given function, catches all exceptions and converts to + a warning. + + """ + try: + return func(*args, **kwargs) + except Exception: + warn("%s('%s') ignored" % sys.exc_info()[0:2]) + + +def ellipses_string(value, len_=25): + try: + if len(value) > len_: + return "%s..." % value[0:len_] + else: + return value + except TypeError: + return value + + +class _hash_limit_string(compat.text_type): + """A string subclass that can only be hashed on a maximum amount + of unique values. + + This is used for warnings so that we can send out parameterized warnings + without the __warningregistry__ of the module, or the non-overridable + "once" registry within warnings.py, overloading memory, + + + """ + + def __new__(cls, value, num, args): + interpolated = (value % args) + ( + " (this warning may be suppressed after %d occurrences)" % num + ) + self = super(_hash_limit_string, cls).__new__(cls, interpolated) + self._hash = hash("%s_%d" % (value, hash(interpolated) % num)) + return self + + def __hash__(self): + return self._hash + + def __eq__(self, other): + return hash(self) == hash(other) + + +def warn(msg): + """Issue a warning. + + If msg is a string, :class:`.exc.SAWarning` is used as + the category. + + """ + warnings.warn(msg, exc.SAWarning, stacklevel=2) + + +def warn_limited(msg, args): + """Issue a warning with a paramterized string, limiting the number + of registrations. + + """ + if args: + msg = _hash_limit_string(msg, 10, args) + warnings.warn(msg, exc.SAWarning, stacklevel=2) + + +def only_once(fn): + """Decorate the given function to be a no-op after it is called exactly + once.""" + + once = [fn] + + def go(*arg, **kw): + if once: + once_fn = once.pop() + return once_fn(*arg, **kw) + + return go + + +_SQLA_RE = re.compile(r"sqlalchemy/([a-z_]+/){0,2}[a-z_]+\.py") +_UNITTEST_RE = re.compile(r"unit(?:2|test2?/)") + + +def chop_traceback(tb, exclude_prefix=_UNITTEST_RE, exclude_suffix=_SQLA_RE): + """Chop extraneous lines off beginning and end of a traceback. + + :param tb: + a list of traceback lines as returned by ``traceback.format_stack()`` + + :param exclude_prefix: + a regular expression object matching lines to skip at beginning of + ``tb`` + + :param exclude_suffix: + a regular expression object matching lines to skip at end of ``tb`` + """ + start = 0 + end = len(tb) - 1 + while start <= end and exclude_prefix.search(tb[start]): + start += 1 + while start <= end and exclude_suffix.search(tb[end]): + end -= 1 + return tb[start : end + 1] + + +NoneType = type(None) + + +def attrsetter(attrname): + code = "def set(obj, value):" " obj.%s = value" % attrname + env = locals().copy() + exec(code, env) + return env["set"] + + +class EnsureKWArgType(type): + r"""Apply translation of functions to accept \**kw arguments if they + don't already. + + """ + + def __init__(cls, clsname, bases, clsdict): + fn_reg = cls.ensure_kwarg + if fn_reg: + for key in clsdict: + m = re.match(fn_reg, key) + if m: + fn = clsdict[key] + spec = compat.inspect_getargspec(fn) + if not spec.keywords: + clsdict[key] = wrapped = cls._wrap_w_kw(fn) + setattr(cls, key, wrapped) + super(EnsureKWArgType, cls).__init__(clsname, bases, clsdict) + + def _wrap_w_kw(self, fn): + def wrap(*arg, **kw): + return fn(*arg) + + return update_wrapper(wrap, fn) + + +def wrap_callable(wrapper, fn): + """Augment functools.update_wrapper() to work with objects with + a ``__call__()`` method. + + :param fn: + object with __call__ method + + """ + if hasattr(fn, "__name__"): + return update_wrapper(wrapper, fn) + else: + _f = wrapper + _f.__name__ = fn.__class__.__name__ + if hasattr(fn, "__module__"): + _f.__module__ = fn.__module__ + + if hasattr(fn.__call__, "__doc__") and fn.__call__.__doc__: + _f.__doc__ = fn.__call__.__doc__ + elif fn.__doc__: + _f.__doc__ = fn.__doc__ + + return _f + + +def quoted_token_parser(value): + """Parse a dotted identifier with accomodation for quoted names. + + Includes support for SQL-style double quotes as a literal character. + + E.g.:: + + >>> quoted_token_parser("name") + ["name"] + >>> quoted_token_parser("schema.name") + ["schema", "name"] + >>> quoted_token_parser('"Schema"."Name"') + ['Schema', 'Name'] + >>> quoted_token_parser('"Schema"."Name""Foo"') + ['Schema', 'Name""Foo'] + + """ + + if '"' not in value: + return value.split(".") + + # 0 = outside of quotes + # 1 = inside of quotes + state = 0 + result = [[]] + idx = 0 + lv = len(value) + while idx < lv: + char = value[idx] + if char == '"': + if state == 1 and idx < lv - 1 and value[idx + 1] == '"': + result[-1].append('"') + idx += 1 + else: + state ^= 1 + elif char == "." and state == 0: + result.append([]) + else: + result[-1].append(char) + idx += 1 + + return ["".join(token) for token in result] diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/util/queue.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/util/queue.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5ec200a --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/util/queue.py @@ -0,0 +1,200 @@ +# util/queue.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +"""An adaptation of Py2.3/2.4's Queue module which supports reentrant +behavior, using RLock instead of Lock for its mutex object. The +Queue object is used exclusively by the sqlalchemy.pool.QueuePool +class. + +This is to support the connection pool's usage of weakref callbacks to return +connections to the underlying Queue, which can in extremely +rare cases be invoked within the ``get()`` method of the Queue itself, +producing a ``put()`` inside the ``get()`` and therefore a reentrant +condition. + +""" + +from collections import deque +from time import time as _time + +from .compat import threading + + +__all__ = ["Empty", "Full", "Queue"] + + +class Empty(Exception): + "Exception raised by Queue.get(block=0)/get_nowait()." + + pass + + +class Full(Exception): + "Exception raised by Queue.put(block=0)/put_nowait()." + + pass + + +class Queue: + def __init__(self, maxsize=0): + """Initialize a queue object with a given maximum size. + + If `maxsize` is <= 0, the queue size is infinite. + """ + + self._init(maxsize) + # mutex must be held whenever the queue is mutating. All methods + # that acquire mutex must release it before returning. mutex + # is shared between the two conditions, so acquiring and + # releasing the conditions also acquires and releases mutex. + self.mutex = threading.RLock() + # Notify not_empty whenever an item is added to the queue; a + # thread waiting to get is notified then. + self.not_empty = threading.Condition(self.mutex) + # Notify not_full whenever an item is removed from the queue; + # a thread waiting to put is notified then. + self.not_full = threading.Condition(self.mutex) + + def qsize(self): + """Return the approximate size of the queue (not reliable!).""" + + self.mutex.acquire() + n = self._qsize() + self.mutex.release() + return n + + def empty(self): + """Return True if the queue is empty, False otherwise (not + reliable!).""" + + self.mutex.acquire() + n = self._empty() + self.mutex.release() + return n + + def full(self): + """Return True if the queue is full, False otherwise (not + reliable!).""" + + self.mutex.acquire() + n = self._full() + self.mutex.release() + return n + + def put(self, item, block=True, timeout=None): + """Put an item into the queue. + + If optional args `block` is True and `timeout` is None (the + default), block if necessary until a free slot is + available. If `timeout` is a positive number, it blocks at + most `timeout` seconds and raises the ``Full`` exception if no + free slot was available within that time. Otherwise (`block` + is false), put an item on the queue if a free slot is + immediately available, else raise the ``Full`` exception + (`timeout` is ignored in that case). + """ + + self.not_full.acquire() + try: + if not block: + if self._full(): + raise Full + elif timeout is None: + while self._full(): + self.not_full.wait() + else: + if timeout < 0: + raise ValueError("'timeout' must be a positive number") + endtime = _time() + timeout + while self._full(): + remaining = endtime - _time() + if remaining <= 0.0: + raise Full + self.not_full.wait(remaining) + self._put(item) + self.not_empty.notify() + finally: + self.not_full.release() + + def put_nowait(self, item): + """Put an item into the queue without blocking. + + Only enqueue the item if a free slot is immediately available. + Otherwise raise the ``Full`` exception. + """ + return self.put(item, False) + + def get(self, block=True, timeout=None): + """Remove and return an item from the queue. + + If optional args `block` is True and `timeout` is None (the + default), block if necessary until an item is available. If + `timeout` is a positive number, it blocks at most `timeout` + seconds and raises the ``Empty`` exception if no item was + available within that time. Otherwise (`block` is false), + return an item if one is immediately available, else raise the + ``Empty`` exception (`timeout` is ignored in that case). + """ + self.not_empty.acquire() + try: + if not block: + if self._empty(): + raise Empty + elif timeout is None: + while self._empty(): + self.not_empty.wait() + else: + if timeout < 0: + raise ValueError("'timeout' must be a positive number") + endtime = _time() + timeout + while self._empty(): + remaining = endtime - _time() + if remaining <= 0.0: + raise Empty + self.not_empty.wait(remaining) + item = self._get() + self.not_full.notify() + return item + finally: + self.not_empty.release() + + def get_nowait(self): + """Remove and return an item from the queue without blocking. + + Only get an item if one is immediately available. Otherwise + raise the ``Empty`` exception. + """ + + return self.get(False) + + # Override these methods to implement other queue organizations + # (e.g. stack or priority queue). + # These will only be called with appropriate locks held + + # Initialize the queue representation + def _init(self, maxsize): + self.maxsize = maxsize + self.queue = deque() + + def _qsize(self): + return len(self.queue) + + # Check whether the queue is empty + def _empty(self): + return not self.queue + + # Check whether the queue is full + def _full(self): + return self.maxsize > 0 and len(self.queue) == self.maxsize + + # Put a new item in the queue + def _put(self, item): + self.queue.append(item) + + # Get an item from the queue + def _get(self): + return self.queue.popleft() diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/util/topological.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/util/topological.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6ade5ad --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/util/topological.py @@ -0,0 +1,96 @@ +# util/topological.py +# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors +# +# +# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under +# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + +"""Topological sorting algorithms.""" + +from .. import util +from ..exc import CircularDependencyError + +__all__ = ["sort", "sort_as_subsets", "find_cycles"] + + +def sort_as_subsets(tuples, allitems, deterministic_order=False): + + edges = util.defaultdict(set) + for parent, child in tuples: + edges[child].add(parent) + + Set = util.OrderedSet if deterministic_order else set + + todo = Set(allitems) + + while todo: + output = Set() + for node in todo: + if todo.isdisjoint(edges[node]): + output.add(node) + + if not output: + raise CircularDependencyError( + "Circular dependency detected.", + find_cycles(tuples, allitems), + _gen_edges(edges), + ) + + todo.difference_update(output) + yield output + + +def sort(tuples, allitems, deterministic_order=False): + """sort the given list of items by dependency. + + 'tuples' is a list of tuples representing a partial ordering. + 'deterministic_order' keeps items within a dependency tier in list order. + """ + + for set_ in sort_as_subsets(tuples, allitems, deterministic_order): + for s in set_: + yield s + + +def find_cycles(tuples, allitems): + # adapted from: + # http://neopythonic.blogspot.com/2009/01/detecting-cycles-in-directed-graph.html + + edges = util.defaultdict(set) + for parent, child in tuples: + edges[parent].add(child) + nodes_to_test = set(edges) + + output = set() + + # we'd like to find all nodes that are + # involved in cycles, so we do the full + # pass through the whole thing for each + # node in the original list. + + # we can go just through parent edge nodes. + # if a node is only a child and never a parent, + # by definition it can't be part of a cycle. same + # if it's not in the edges at all. + for node in nodes_to_test: + stack = [node] + todo = nodes_to_test.difference(stack) + while stack: + top = stack[-1] + for node in edges[top]: + if node in stack: + cyc = stack[stack.index(node) :] + todo.difference_update(cyc) + output.update(cyc) + + if node in todo: + stack.append(node) + todo.remove(node) + break + else: + node = stack.pop() + return output + + +def _gen_edges(edges): + return set([(right, left) for left in edges for right in edges[left]]) diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/__init__.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ae85bb6 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +""" +WTForms +======= + +WTForms is a flexible forms validation and rendering library for python web +development. + +:copyright: Copyright (c) 2008 by the WTForms team. +:license: BSD, see LICENSE.rst for details. +""" +from wtforms import validators, widgets +from wtforms.fields import * +from wtforms.form import Form +from wtforms.validators import ValidationError + +__version__ = '2.2.1' diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..aaa262f Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/__pycache__/compat.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/__pycache__/compat.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f14d810 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/__pycache__/compat.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/__pycache__/form.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/__pycache__/form.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..378f91e Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/__pycache__/form.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/__pycache__/i18n.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/__pycache__/i18n.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..27562e4 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/__pycache__/i18n.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/__pycache__/meta.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/__pycache__/meta.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4f78522 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/__pycache__/meta.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/__pycache__/utils.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/__pycache__/utils.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3ffee94 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/__pycache__/utils.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/__pycache__/validators.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/__pycache__/validators.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e6b88bf Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/__pycache__/validators.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/compat.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/compat.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a6fd200 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/compat.py @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +import sys + +__all__ = ( + 'text_type', 'string_types', 'izip', 'iteritems', 'itervalues', + 'with_metaclass', +) + +if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: + text_type = str + string_types = (str, ) + izip = zip + + def iteritems(o): + return o.items() + + def itervalues(o): + return o.values() + +else: + text_type = unicode + string_types = (basestring, ) + from itertools import izip + + def iteritems(o): + return o.iteritems() + + def itervalues(o): + return o.itervalues() + + +def with_metaclass(meta, base=object): + return meta("NewBase", (base,), {}) diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/csrf/__init__.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/csrf/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/csrf/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/csrf/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c76fc84 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/csrf/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/csrf/__pycache__/core.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/csrf/__pycache__/core.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2a96414 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/csrf/__pycache__/core.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/csrf/__pycache__/session.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/csrf/__pycache__/session.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1993af8 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/csrf/__pycache__/session.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/csrf/core.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/csrf/core.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..64dc752 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/csrf/core.py @@ -0,0 +1,98 @@ +from wtforms.validators import ValidationError +from wtforms.fields import HiddenField + +__all__ = ('CSRFTokenField', 'CSRF') + + +class CSRFTokenField(HiddenField): + """ + A subclass of HiddenField designed for sending the CSRF token that is used + for most CSRF protection schemes. + + Notably different from a normal field, this field always renders the + current token regardless of the submitted value, and also will not be + populated over to object data via populate_obj + """ + current_token = None + + def __init__(self, *args, **kw): + self.csrf_impl = kw.pop('csrf_impl') + super(CSRFTokenField, self).__init__(*args, **kw) + + def _value(self): + """ + We want to always return the current token on render, regardless of + whether a good or bad token was passed. + """ + return self.current_token + + def populate_obj(self, *args): + """ + Don't populate objects with the CSRF token + """ + pass + + def pre_validate(self, form): + """ + Handle validation of this token field. + """ + self.csrf_impl.validate_csrf_token(form, self) + + def process(self, *args): + super(CSRFTokenField, self).process(*args) + self.current_token = self.csrf_impl.generate_csrf_token(self) + + +class CSRF(object): + field_class = CSRFTokenField + + def setup_form(self, form): + """ + Receive the form we're attached to and set up fields. + + The default implementation creates a single field of + type :attr:`field_class` with name taken from the + ``csrf_field_name`` of the class meta. + + :param form: + The form instance we're attaching to. + :return: + A sequence of `(field_name, unbound_field)` 2-tuples which + are unbound fields to be added to the form. + """ + meta = form.meta + field_name = meta.csrf_field_name + unbound_field = self.field_class( + label='CSRF Token', + csrf_impl=self + ) + return [(field_name, unbound_field)] + + def generate_csrf_token(self, csrf_token_field): + """ + Implementations must override this to provide a method with which one + can get a CSRF token for this form. + + A CSRF token is usually a string that is generated deterministically + based on some sort of user data, though it can be anything which you + can validate on a subsequent request. + + :param csrf_token_field: + The field which is being used for CSRF. + :return: + A generated CSRF string. + """ + raise NotImplementedError() + + def validate_csrf_token(self, form, field): + """ + Override this method to provide custom CSRF validation logic. + + The default CSRF validation logic simply checks if the recently + generated token equals the one we received as formdata. + + :param form: The form which has this CSRF token. + :param field: The CSRF token field. + """ + if field.current_token != field.data: + raise ValidationError(field.gettext('Invalid CSRF Token')) diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/csrf/session.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/csrf/session.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..35237f8 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/csrf/session.py @@ -0,0 +1,88 @@ +""" +A provided CSRF implementation which puts CSRF data in a session. + +This can be used fairly comfortably with many `request.session` type +objects, including the Werkzeug/Flask session store, Django sessions, and +potentially other similar objects which use a dict-like API for storing +session keys. + +The basic concept is a randomly generated value is stored in the user's +session, and an hmac-sha1 of it (along with an optional expiration time, +for extra security) is used as the value of the csrf_token. If this token +validates with the hmac of the random value + expiration time, and the +expiration time is not passed, the CSRF validation will pass. +""" +from __future__ import unicode_literals + +import hmac +import os + +from hashlib import sha1 +from datetime import datetime, timedelta + +from ..validators import ValidationError +from .core import CSRF + +__all__ = ('SessionCSRF', ) + + +class SessionCSRF(CSRF): + TIME_FORMAT = '%Y%m%d%H%M%S' + + def setup_form(self, form): + self.form_meta = form.meta + return super(SessionCSRF, self).setup_form(form) + + def generate_csrf_token(self, csrf_token_field): + meta = self.form_meta + if meta.csrf_secret is None: + raise Exception('must set `csrf_secret` on class Meta for SessionCSRF to work') + if meta.csrf_context is None: + raise TypeError('Must provide a session-like object as csrf context') + + session = self.session + + if 'csrf' not in session: + session['csrf'] = sha1(os.urandom(64)).hexdigest() + + if self.time_limit: + expires = (self.now() + self.time_limit).strftime(self.TIME_FORMAT) + csrf_build = '%s%s' % (session['csrf'], expires) + else: + expires = '' + csrf_build = session['csrf'] + + hmac_csrf = hmac.new(meta.csrf_secret, csrf_build.encode('utf8'), digestmod=sha1) + return '%s##%s' % (expires, hmac_csrf.hexdigest()) + + def validate_csrf_token(self, form, field): + meta = self.form_meta + if not field.data or '##' not in field.data: + raise ValidationError(field.gettext('CSRF token missing')) + + expires, hmac_csrf = field.data.split('##', 1) + + check_val = (self.session['csrf'] + expires).encode('utf8') + + hmac_compare = hmac.new(meta.csrf_secret, check_val, digestmod=sha1) + if hmac_compare.hexdigest() != hmac_csrf: + raise ValidationError(field.gettext('CSRF failed')) + + if self.time_limit: + now_formatted = self.now().strftime(self.TIME_FORMAT) + if now_formatted > expires: + raise ValidationError(field.gettext('CSRF token expired')) + + def now(self): + """ + Get the current time. Used for test mocking/overriding mainly. + """ + return datetime.now() + + @property + def time_limit(self): + return getattr(self.form_meta, 'csrf_time_limit', timedelta(minutes=30)) + + @property + def session(self): + return getattr(self.form_meta.csrf_context, 'session', self.form_meta.csrf_context) diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/__init__.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8bfa05e Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/appengine/__init__.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/appengine/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4fd07f9 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/appengine/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +import warnings + +warnings.warn( + 'wtforms.ext.appengine is deprecated, and will be removed in WTForms 3.0. ' + 'The package has been split out into its own package, wtforms-appengine: ' + 'https://github.com/wtforms/wtforms-appengine ', + DeprecationWarning +) diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/appengine/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/appengine/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c9bc397 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/appengine/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/appengine/__pycache__/db.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/appengine/__pycache__/db.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..afbc513 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/appengine/__pycache__/db.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/appengine/__pycache__/fields.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/appengine/__pycache__/fields.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b77c432 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/appengine/__pycache__/fields.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/appengine/__pycache__/ndb.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/appengine/__pycache__/ndb.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7efd1c3 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/appengine/__pycache__/ndb.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/appengine/db.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/appengine/db.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..eaf932d --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/appengine/db.py @@ -0,0 +1,464 @@ +""" +Form generation utilities for App Engine's ``db.Model`` class. + +The goal of ``model_form()`` is to provide a clean, explicit and predictable +way to create forms based on ``db.Model`` classes. No malabarism or black +magic should be necessary to generate a form for models, and to add custom +non-model related fields: ``model_form()`` simply generates a form class +that can be used as it is, or that can be extended directly or even be used +to create other forms using ``model_form()``. + +Example usage: + +.. code-block:: python + + from google.appengine.ext import db + from tipfy.ext.model.form import model_form + + # Define an example model and add a record. + class Contact(db.Model): + name = db.StringProperty(required=True) + city = db.StringProperty() + age = db.IntegerProperty(required=True) + is_admin = db.BooleanProperty(default=False) + + new_entity = Contact(key_name='test', name='Test Name', age=17) + new_entity.put() + + # Generate a form based on the model. + ContactForm = model_form(Contact) + + # Get a form populated with entity data. + entity = Contact.get_by_key_name('test') + form = ContactForm(obj=entity) + +Properties from the model can be excluded from the generated form, or it can +include just a set of properties. For example: + +.. code-block:: python + + # Generate a form based on the model, excluding 'city' and 'is_admin'. + ContactForm = model_form(Contact, exclude=('city', 'is_admin')) + + # or... + + # Generate a form based on the model, only including 'name' and 'age'. + ContactForm = model_form(Contact, only=('name', 'age')) + +The form can be generated setting field arguments: + +.. code-block:: python + + ContactForm = model_form(Contact, only=('name', 'age'), field_args={ + 'name': { + 'label': 'Full name', + 'description': 'Your name', + }, + 'age': { + 'label': 'Age', + 'validators': [validators.NumberRange(min=14, max=99)], + } + }) + +The class returned by ``model_form()`` can be used as a base class for forms +mixing non-model fields and/or other model forms. For example: + +.. code-block:: python + + # Generate a form based on the model. + BaseContactForm = model_form(Contact) + + # Generate a form based on other model. + ExtraContactForm = model_form(MyOtherModel) + + class ContactForm(BaseContactForm): + # Add an extra, non-model related field. + subscribe_to_news = f.BooleanField() + + # Add the other model form as a subform. + extra = f.FormField(ExtraContactForm) + +The class returned by ``model_form()`` can also extend an existing form +class: + +.. code-block:: python + + class BaseContactForm(Form): + # Add an extra, non-model related field. + subscribe_to_news = f.BooleanField() + + # Generate a form based on the model. + ContactForm = model_form(Contact, base_class=BaseContactForm) + +""" +from wtforms import Form, validators, widgets, fields as f +from wtforms.compat import iteritems +from wtforms.ext.appengine.fields import GeoPtPropertyField, ReferencePropertyField, StringListPropertyField + + +def get_TextField(kwargs): + """ + Returns a ``TextField``, applying the ``db.StringProperty`` length limit + of 500 bytes. + """ + kwargs['validators'].append(validators.length(max=500)) + return f.TextField(**kwargs) + + +def get_IntegerField(kwargs): + """ + Returns an ``IntegerField``, applying the ``db.IntegerProperty`` range + limits. + """ + v = validators.NumberRange(min=-0x8000000000000000, max=0x7fffffffffffffff) + kwargs['validators'].append(v) + return f.IntegerField(**kwargs) + + +def convert_StringProperty(model, prop, kwargs): + """Returns a form field for a ``db.StringProperty``.""" + if prop.multiline: + kwargs['validators'].append(validators.length(max=500)) + return f.TextAreaField(**kwargs) + else: + return get_TextField(kwargs) + + +def convert_ByteStringProperty(model, prop, kwargs): + """Returns a form field for a ``db.ByteStringProperty``.""" + return get_TextField(kwargs) + + +def convert_BooleanProperty(model, prop, kwargs): + """Returns a form field for a ``db.BooleanProperty``.""" + return f.BooleanField(**kwargs) + + +def convert_IntegerProperty(model, prop, kwargs): + """Returns a form field for a ``db.IntegerProperty``.""" + return get_IntegerField(kwargs) + + +def convert_FloatProperty(model, prop, kwargs): + """Returns a form field for a ``db.FloatProperty``.""" + return f.FloatField(**kwargs) + + +def convert_DateTimeProperty(model, prop, kwargs): + """Returns a form field for a ``db.DateTimeProperty``.""" + if prop.auto_now or prop.auto_now_add: + return None + + kwargs.setdefault('format', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') + return f.DateTimeField(**kwargs) + + +def convert_DateProperty(model, prop, kwargs): + """Returns a form field for a ``db.DateProperty``.""" + if prop.auto_now or prop.auto_now_add: + return None + + kwargs.setdefault('format', '%Y-%m-%d') + return f.DateField(**kwargs) + + +def convert_TimeProperty(model, prop, kwargs): + """Returns a form field for a ``db.TimeProperty``.""" + if prop.auto_now or prop.auto_now_add: + return None + + kwargs.setdefault('format', '%H:%M:%S') + return f.DateTimeField(**kwargs) + + +def convert_ListProperty(model, prop, kwargs): + """Returns a form field for a ``db.ListProperty``.""" + return None + + +def convert_StringListProperty(model, prop, kwargs): + """Returns a form field for a ``db.StringListProperty``.""" + return StringListPropertyField(**kwargs) + + +def convert_ReferenceProperty(model, prop, kwargs): + """Returns a form field for a ``db.ReferenceProperty``.""" + kwargs['reference_class'] = prop.reference_class + kwargs.setdefault('allow_blank', not prop.required) + return ReferencePropertyField(**kwargs) + + +def convert_SelfReferenceProperty(model, prop, kwargs): + """Returns a form field for a ``db.SelfReferenceProperty``.""" + return None + + +def convert_UserProperty(model, prop, kwargs): + """Returns a form field for a ``db.UserProperty``.""" + return None + + +def convert_BlobProperty(model, prop, kwargs): + """Returns a form field for a ``db.BlobProperty``.""" + return f.FileField(**kwargs) + + +def convert_TextProperty(model, prop, kwargs): + """Returns a form field for a ``db.TextProperty``.""" + return f.TextAreaField(**kwargs) + + +def convert_CategoryProperty(model, prop, kwargs): + """Returns a form field for a ``db.CategoryProperty``.""" + return get_TextField(kwargs) + + +def convert_LinkProperty(model, prop, kwargs): + """Returns a form field for a ``db.LinkProperty``.""" + kwargs['validators'].append(validators.url()) + return get_TextField(kwargs) + + +def convert_EmailProperty(model, prop, kwargs): + """Returns a form field for a ``db.EmailProperty``.""" + kwargs['validators'].append(validators.email()) + return get_TextField(kwargs) + + +def convert_GeoPtProperty(model, prop, kwargs): + """Returns a form field for a ``db.GeoPtProperty``.""" + return GeoPtPropertyField(**kwargs) + + +def convert_IMProperty(model, prop, kwargs): + """Returns a form field for a ``db.IMProperty``.""" + return None + + +def convert_PhoneNumberProperty(model, prop, kwargs): + """Returns a form field for a ``db.PhoneNumberProperty``.""" + return get_TextField(kwargs) + + +def convert_PostalAddressProperty(model, prop, kwargs): + """Returns a form field for a ``db.PostalAddressProperty``.""" + return get_TextField(kwargs) + + +def convert_RatingProperty(model, prop, kwargs): + """Returns a form field for a ``db.RatingProperty``.""" + kwargs['validators'].append(validators.NumberRange(min=0, max=100)) + return f.IntegerField(**kwargs) + + +class ModelConverter(object): + """ + Converts properties from a ``db.Model`` class to form fields. + + Default conversions between properties and fields: + + +====================+===================+==============+==================+ + | Property subclass | Field subclass | datatype | notes | + +====================+===================+==============+==================+ + | StringProperty | TextField | unicode | TextArea | + | | | | if multiline | + +--------------------+-------------------+--------------+------------------+ + | ByteStringProperty | TextField | str | | + +--------------------+-------------------+--------------+------------------+ + | BooleanProperty | BooleanField | bool | | + +--------------------+-------------------+--------------+------------------+ + | IntegerProperty | IntegerField | int or long | | + +--------------------+-------------------+--------------+------------------+ + | FloatProperty | TextField | float | | + +--------------------+-------------------+--------------+------------------+ + | DateTimeProperty | DateTimeField | datetime | skipped if | + | | | | auto_now[_add] | + +--------------------+-------------------+--------------+------------------+ + | DateProperty | DateField | date | skipped if | + | | | | auto_now[_add] | + +--------------------+-------------------+--------------+------------------+ + | TimeProperty | DateTimeField | time | skipped if | + | | | | auto_now[_add] | + +--------------------+-------------------+--------------+------------------+ + | ListProperty | None | list | always skipped | + +--------------------+-------------------+--------------+------------------+ + | StringListProperty | TextAreaField | list of str | | + +--------------------+-------------------+--------------+------------------+ + | ReferenceProperty | ReferencePropertyF| db.Model | | + +--------------------+-------------------+--------------+------------------+ + | SelfReferenceP. | ReferencePropertyF| db.Model | | + +--------------------+-------------------+--------------+------------------+ + | UserProperty | None | users.User | always skipped | + +--------------------+-------------------+--------------+------------------+ + | BlobProperty | FileField | str | | + +--------------------+-------------------+--------------+------------------+ + | TextProperty | TextAreaField | unicode | | + +--------------------+-------------------+--------------+------------------+ + | CategoryProperty | TextField | unicode | | + +--------------------+-------------------+--------------+------------------+ + | LinkProperty | TextField | unicode | | + +--------------------+-------------------+--------------+------------------+ + | EmailProperty | TextField | unicode | | + +--------------------+-------------------+--------------+------------------+ + | GeoPtProperty | TextField | db.GeoPt | | + +--------------------+-------------------+--------------+------------------+ + | IMProperty | None | db.IM | always skipped | + +--------------------+-------------------+--------------+------------------+ + | PhoneNumberProperty| TextField | unicode | | + +--------------------+-------------------+--------------+------------------+ + | PostalAddressP. | TextField | unicode | | + +--------------------+-------------------+--------------+------------------+ + | RatingProperty | IntegerField | int or long | | + +--------------------+-------------------+--------------+------------------+ + | _ReverseReferenceP.| None | | always skipped | + +====================+===================+==============+==================+ + """ + default_converters = { + 'StringProperty': convert_StringProperty, + 'ByteStringProperty': convert_ByteStringProperty, + 'BooleanProperty': convert_BooleanProperty, + 'IntegerProperty': convert_IntegerProperty, + 'FloatProperty': convert_FloatProperty, + 'DateTimeProperty': convert_DateTimeProperty, + 'DateProperty': convert_DateProperty, + 'TimeProperty': convert_TimeProperty, + 'ListProperty': convert_ListProperty, + 'StringListProperty': convert_StringListProperty, + 'ReferenceProperty': convert_ReferenceProperty, + 'SelfReferenceProperty': convert_SelfReferenceProperty, + 'UserProperty': convert_UserProperty, + 'BlobProperty': convert_BlobProperty, + 'TextProperty': convert_TextProperty, + 'CategoryProperty': convert_CategoryProperty, + 'LinkProperty': convert_LinkProperty, + 'EmailProperty': convert_EmailProperty, + 'GeoPtProperty': convert_GeoPtProperty, + 'IMProperty': convert_IMProperty, + 'PhoneNumberProperty': convert_PhoneNumberProperty, + 'PostalAddressProperty': convert_PostalAddressProperty, + 'RatingProperty': convert_RatingProperty, + } + + # Don't automatically add a required validator for these properties + NO_AUTO_REQUIRED = frozenset(['ListProperty', 'StringListProperty', 'BooleanProperty']) + + def __init__(self, converters=None): + """ + Constructs the converter, setting the converter callables. + + :param converters: + A dictionary of converter callables for each property type. The + callable must accept the arguments (model, prop, kwargs). + """ + self.converters = converters or self.default_converters + + def convert(self, model, prop, field_args): + """ + Returns a form field for a single model property. + + :param model: + The ``db.Model`` class that contains the property. + :param prop: + The model property: a ``db.Property`` instance. + :param field_args: + Optional keyword arguments to construct the field. + """ + prop_type_name = type(prop).__name__ + kwargs = { + 'label': prop.name.replace('_', ' ').title(), + 'default': prop.default_value(), + 'validators': [], + } + if field_args: + kwargs.update(field_args) + + if prop.required and prop_type_name not in self.NO_AUTO_REQUIRED: + kwargs['validators'].append(validators.required()) + + if prop.choices: + # Use choices in a select field if it was not provided in field_args + if 'choices' not in kwargs: + kwargs['choices'] = [(v, v) for v in prop.choices] + return f.SelectField(**kwargs) + else: + converter = self.converters.get(prop_type_name, None) + if converter is not None: + return converter(model, prop, kwargs) + + +def model_fields(model, only=None, exclude=None, field_args=None, + converter=None): + """ + Extracts and returns a dictionary of form fields for a given + ``db.Model`` class. + + :param model: + The ``db.Model`` class to extract fields from. + :param only: + An optional iterable with the property names that should be included in + the form. Only these properties will have fields. + :param exclude: + An optional iterable with the property names that should be excluded + from the form. All other properties will have fields. + :param field_args: + An optional dictionary of field names mapping to a keyword arguments + used to construct each field object. + :param converter: + A converter to generate the fields based on the model properties. If + not set, ``ModelConverter`` is used. + """ + converter = converter or ModelConverter() + field_args = field_args or {} + + # Get the field names we want to include or exclude, starting with the + # full list of model properties. + props = model.properties() + sorted_props = sorted(iteritems(props), key=lambda prop: prop[1].creation_counter) + field_names = list(x[0] for x in sorted_props) + + if only: + field_names = list(f for f in only if f in field_names) + elif exclude: + field_names = list(f for f in field_names if f not in exclude) + + # Create all fields. + field_dict = {} + for name in field_names: + field = converter.convert(model, props[name], field_args.get(name)) + if field is not None: + field_dict[name] = field + + return field_dict + + +def model_form(model, base_class=Form, only=None, exclude=None, field_args=None, + converter=None): + """ + Creates and returns a dynamic ``wtforms.Form`` class for a given + ``db.Model`` class. The form class can be used as it is or serve as a base + for extended form classes, which can then mix non-model related fields, + subforms with other model forms, among other possibilities. + + :param model: + The ``db.Model`` class to generate a form for. + :param base_class: + Base form class to extend from. Must be a ``wtforms.Form`` subclass. + :param only: + An optional iterable with the property names that should be included in + the form. Only these properties will have fields. + :param exclude: + An optional iterable with the property names that should be excluded + from the form. All other properties will have fields. + :param field_args: + An optional dictionary of field names mapping to keyword arguments + used to construct each field object. + :param converter: + A converter to generate the fields based on the model properties. If + not set, ``ModelConverter`` is used. + """ + # Extract the fields from the model. + field_dict = model_fields(model, only, exclude, field_args, converter) + + # Return a dynamically created form class, extending from base_class and + # including the created fields as properties. + return type(model.kind() + 'Form', (base_class,), field_dict) diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/appengine/fields.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/appengine/fields.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7f1737f --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/appengine/fields.py @@ -0,0 +1,215 @@ +from __future__ import unicode_literals + +import decimal +import operator + +from wtforms import fields, widgets +from wtforms.compat import text_type, string_types + + +class ReferencePropertyField(fields.SelectFieldBase): + """ + A field for ``db.ReferenceProperty``. The list items are rendered in a + select. + + :param reference_class: + A db.Model class which will be used to generate the default query + to make the list of items. If this is not specified, The `query` + property must be overridden before validation. + :param get_label: + If a string, use this attribute on the model class as the label + associated with each option. If a one-argument callable, this callable + will be passed model instance and expected to return the label text. + Otherwise, the model object's `__str__` or `__unicode__` will be used. + :param allow_blank: + If set to true, a blank choice will be added to the top of the list + to allow `None` to be chosen. + :param blank_text: + Use this to override the default blank option's label. + """ + widget = widgets.Select() + + def __init__(self, label=None, validators=None, reference_class=None, + get_label=None, allow_blank=False, + blank_text='', **kwargs): + super(ReferencePropertyField, self).__init__(label, validators, + **kwargs) + if get_label is None: + self.get_label = lambda x: x + elif isinstance(get_label, string_types): + self.get_label = operator.attrgetter(get_label) + else: + self.get_label = get_label + + self.allow_blank = allow_blank + self.blank_text = blank_text + self._set_data(None) + if reference_class is not None: + self.query = reference_class.all() + + def _get_data(self): + if self._formdata is not None: + for obj in self.query: + if str(obj.key()) == self._formdata: + self._set_data(obj) + break + return self._data + + def _set_data(self, data): + self._data = data + self._formdata = None + + data = property(_get_data, _set_data) + + def iter_choices(self): + if self.allow_blank: + yield ('__None', self.blank_text, self.data is None) + + for obj in self.query: + key = str(obj.key()) + label = self.get_label(obj) + yield (key, label, (self.data.key() == obj.key()) if self.data else False) + + def process_formdata(self, valuelist): + if valuelist: + if valuelist[0] == '__None': + self.data = None + else: + self._data = None + self._formdata = valuelist[0] + + def pre_validate(self, form): + if not self.allow_blank or self.data is not None: + for obj in self.query: + if str(self.data.key()) == str(obj.key()): + break + else: + raise ValueError(self.gettext('Not a valid choice')) + + +class KeyPropertyField(fields.SelectFieldBase): + """ + A field for ``ndb.KeyProperty``. The list items are rendered in a select. + + :param reference_class: + A db.Model class which will be used to generate the default query + to make the list of items. If this is not specified, The `query` + property must be overridden before validation. + :param get_label: + If a string, use this attribute on the model class as the label + associated with each option. If a one-argument callable, this callable + will be passed model instance and expected to return the label text. + Otherwise, the model object's `__str__` or `__unicode__` will be used. + :param allow_blank: + If set to true, a blank choice will be added to the top of the list + to allow `None` to be chosen. + :param blank_text: + Use this to override the default blank option's label. + """ + widget = widgets.Select() + + def __init__(self, label=None, validators=None, reference_class=None, + get_label=None, allow_blank=False, blank_text='', **kwargs): + super(KeyPropertyField, self).__init__(label, validators, **kwargs) + if get_label is None: + self.get_label = lambda x: x + elif isinstance(get_label, basestring): + self.get_label = operator.attrgetter(get_label) + else: + self.get_label = get_label + + self.allow_blank = allow_blank + self.blank_text = blank_text + self._set_data(None) + if reference_class is not None: + self.query = reference_class.query() + + def _get_data(self): + if self._formdata is not None: + for obj in self.query: + if str(obj.key.id()) == self._formdata: + self._set_data(obj) + break + return self._data + + def _set_data(self, data): + self._data = data + self._formdata = None + + data = property(_get_data, _set_data) + + def iter_choices(self): + if self.allow_blank: + yield ('__None', self.blank_text, self.data is None) + + for obj in self.query: + key = str(obj.key.id()) + label = self.get_label(obj) + yield (key, label, (self.data.key == obj.key) if self.data else False) + + def process_formdata(self, valuelist): + if valuelist: + if valuelist[0] == '__None': + self.data = None + else: + self._data = None + self._formdata = valuelist[0] + + def pre_validate(self, form): + if self.data is not None: + for obj in self.query: + if self.data.key == obj.key: + break + else: + raise ValueError(self.gettext('Not a valid choice')) + elif not self.allow_blank: + raise ValueError(self.gettext('Not a valid choice')) + + +class StringListPropertyField(fields.TextAreaField): + """ + A field for ``db.StringListProperty``. The list items are rendered in a + textarea. + """ + def _value(self): + if self.raw_data: + return self.raw_data[0] + else: + return self.data and text_type("\n".join(self.data)) or '' + + def process_formdata(self, valuelist): + if valuelist: + try: + self.data = valuelist[0].splitlines() + except ValueError: + raise ValueError(self.gettext('Not a valid list')) + + +class IntegerListPropertyField(fields.TextAreaField): + """ + A field for ``db.StringListProperty``. The list items are rendered in a + textarea. + """ + def _value(self): + if self.raw_data: + return self.raw_data[0] + else: + return text_type('\n'.join(self.data)) if self.data else '' + + def process_formdata(self, valuelist): + if valuelist: + try: + self.data = [int(value) for value in valuelist[0].splitlines()] + except ValueError: + raise ValueError(self.gettext('Not a valid integer list')) + + +class GeoPtPropertyField(fields.TextField): + + def process_formdata(self, valuelist): + if valuelist: + try: + lat, lon = valuelist[0].split(',') + self.data = '%s,%s' % (decimal.Decimal(lat.strip()), decimal.Decimal(lon.strip()),) + except (decimal.InvalidOperation, ValueError): + raise ValueError('Not a valid coordinate location') diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/appengine/ndb.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/appengine/ndb.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bb07768 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/appengine/ndb.py @@ -0,0 +1,418 @@ +""" +Form generation utilities for App Engine's new ``ndb.Model`` class. + +The goal of ``model_form()`` is to provide a clean, explicit and predictable +way to create forms based on ``ndb.Model`` classes. No malabarism or black +magic should be necessary to generate a form for models, and to add custom +non-model related fields: ``model_form()`` simply generates a form class +that can be used as it is, or that can be extended directly or even be used +to create other forms using ``model_form()``. + +Example usage: + +.. code-block:: python + + from google.appengine.ext import ndb + from wtforms.ext.appengine.ndb import model_form + + # Define an example model and add a record. + class Contact(ndb.Model): + name = ndb.StringProperty(required=True) + city = ndb.StringProperty() + age = ndb.IntegerProperty(required=True) + is_admin = ndb.BooleanProperty(default=False) + + new_entity = Contact(key_name='test', name='Test Name', age=17) + new_entity.put() + + # Generate a form based on the model. + ContactForm = model_form(Contact) + + # Get a form populated with entity data. + entity = Contact.get_by_key_name('test') + form = ContactForm(obj=entity) + +Properties from the model can be excluded from the generated form, or it can +include just a set of properties. For example: + +.. code-block:: python + + # Generate a form based on the model, excluding 'city' and 'is_admin'. + ContactForm = model_form(Contact, exclude=('city', 'is_admin')) + + # or... + + # Generate a form based on the model, only including 'name' and 'age'. + ContactForm = model_form(Contact, only=('name', 'age')) + +The form can be generated setting field arguments: + +.. code-block:: python + + ContactForm = model_form(Contact, only=('name', 'age'), field_args={ + 'name': { + 'label': 'Full name', + 'description': 'Your name', + }, + 'age': { + 'label': 'Age', + 'validators': [validators.NumberRange(min=14, max=99)], + } + }) + +The class returned by ``model_form()`` can be used as a base class for forms +mixing non-model fields and/or other model forms. For example: + +.. code-block:: python + + # Generate a form based on the model. + BaseContactForm = model_form(Contact) + + # Generate a form based on other model. + ExtraContactForm = model_form(MyOtherModel) + + class ContactForm(BaseContactForm): + # Add an extra, non-model related field. + subscribe_to_news = f.BooleanField() + + # Add the other model form as a subform. + extra = f.FormField(ExtraContactForm) + +The class returned by ``model_form()`` can also extend an existing form +class: + +.. code-block:: python + + class BaseContactForm(Form): + # Add an extra, non-model related field. + subscribe_to_news = f.BooleanField() + + # Generate a form based on the model. + ContactForm = model_form(Contact, base_class=BaseContactForm) + +""" +from wtforms import Form, validators, fields as f +from wtforms.compat import string_types +from wtforms.ext.appengine.fields import GeoPtPropertyField, KeyPropertyField, StringListPropertyField, IntegerListPropertyField + + +def get_TextField(kwargs): + """ + Returns a ``TextField``, applying the ``ndb.StringProperty`` length limit + of 500 bytes. + """ + kwargs['validators'].append(validators.length(max=500)) + return f.TextField(**kwargs) + + +def get_IntegerField(kwargs): + """ + Returns an ``IntegerField``, applying the ``ndb.IntegerProperty`` range + limits. + """ + v = validators.NumberRange(min=-0x8000000000000000, max=0x7fffffffffffffff) + kwargs['validators'].append(v) + return f.IntegerField(**kwargs) + + +class ModelConverterBase(object): + def __init__(self, converters=None): + """ + Constructs the converter, setting the converter callables. + + :param converters: + A dictionary of converter callables for each property type. The + callable must accept the arguments (model, prop, kwargs). + """ + self.converters = {} + + for name in dir(self): + if not name.startswith('convert_'): + continue + self.converters[name[8:]] = getattr(self, name) + + def convert(self, model, prop, field_args): + """ + Returns a form field for a single model property. + + :param model: + The ``db.Model`` class that contains the property. + :param prop: + The model property: a ``db.Property`` instance. + :param field_args: + Optional keyword arguments to construct the field. + """ + + prop_type_name = type(prop).__name__ + + # Check for generic property + if(prop_type_name == "GenericProperty"): + # Try to get type from field args + generic_type = field_args.get("type") + if generic_type: + prop_type_name = field_args.get("type") + + # If no type is found, the generic property uses string set in convert_GenericProperty + + kwargs = { + 'label': prop._code_name.replace('_', ' ').title(), + 'default': prop._default, + 'validators': [], + } + if field_args: + kwargs.update(field_args) + + if prop._required and prop_type_name not in self.NO_AUTO_REQUIRED: + kwargs['validators'].append(validators.required()) + + if kwargs.get('choices', None): + # Use choices in a select field. + kwargs['choices'] = [(v, v) for v in kwargs.get('choices')] + return f.SelectField(**kwargs) + + if prop._choices: + # Use choices in a select field. + kwargs['choices'] = [(v, v) for v in prop._choices] + return f.SelectField(**kwargs) + + else: + converter = self.converters.get(prop_type_name, None) + if converter is not None: + return converter(model, prop, kwargs) + else: + return self.fallback_converter(model, prop, kwargs) + + +class ModelConverter(ModelConverterBase): + """ + Converts properties from a ``ndb.Model`` class to form fields. + + Default conversions between properties and fields: + + +====================+===================+==============+==================+ + | Property subclass | Field subclass | datatype | notes | + +====================+===================+==============+==================+ + | StringProperty | TextField | unicode | TextArea | repeated support + | | | | if multiline | + +--------------------+-------------------+--------------+------------------+ + | BooleanProperty | BooleanField | bool | | + +--------------------+-------------------+--------------+------------------+ + | IntegerProperty | IntegerField | int or long | | repeated support + +--------------------+-------------------+--------------+------------------+ + | FloatProperty | TextField | float | | + +--------------------+-------------------+--------------+------------------+ + | DateTimeProperty | DateTimeField | datetime | skipped if | + | | | | auto_now[_add] | + +--------------------+-------------------+--------------+------------------+ + | DateProperty | DateField | date | skipped if | + | | | | auto_now[_add] | + +--------------------+-------------------+--------------+------------------+ + | TimeProperty | DateTimeField | time | skipped if | + | | | | auto_now[_add] | + +--------------------+-------------------+--------------+------------------+ + | TextProperty | TextAreaField | unicode | | + +--------------------+-------------------+--------------+------------------+ + | GeoPtProperty | TextField | db.GeoPt | | + +--------------------+-------------------+--------------+------------------+ + | KeyProperty | KeyProperyField | ndb.Key | | + +--------------------+-------------------+--------------+------------------+ + | BlobKeyProperty | None | ndb.BlobKey | always skipped | + +--------------------+-------------------+--------------+------------------+ + | UserProperty | None | users.User | always skipped | + +--------------------+-------------------+--------------+------------------+ + | StructuredProperty | None | ndb.Model | always skipped | + +--------------------+-------------------+--------------+------------------+ + | LocalStructuredPro | None | ndb.Model | always skipped | + +--------------------+-------------------+--------------+------------------+ + | JsonProperty | TextField | unicode | | + +--------------------+-------------------+--------------+------------------+ + | PickleProperty | None | bytedata | always skipped | + +--------------------+-------------------+--------------+------------------+ + | GenericProperty | None | generic | always skipped | + +--------------------+-------------------+--------------+------------------+ + | ComputedProperty | none | | always skipped | + +====================+===================+==============+==================+ + + """ + # Don't automatically add a required validator for these properties + NO_AUTO_REQUIRED = frozenset(['ListProperty', 'StringListProperty', 'BooleanProperty']) + + def convert_StringProperty(self, model, prop, kwargs): + """Returns a form field for a ``ndb.StringProperty``.""" + if prop._repeated: + return StringListPropertyField(**kwargs) + kwargs['validators'].append(validators.length(max=500)) + return get_TextField(kwargs) + + def convert_BooleanProperty(self, model, prop, kwargs): + """Returns a form field for a ``ndb.BooleanProperty``.""" + return f.BooleanField(**kwargs) + + def convert_IntegerProperty(self, model, prop, kwargs): + """Returns a form field for a ``ndb.IntegerProperty``.""" + if prop._repeated: + return IntegerListPropertyField(**kwargs) + return get_IntegerField(kwargs) + + def convert_FloatProperty(self, model, prop, kwargs): + """Returns a form field for a ``ndb.FloatProperty``.""" + return f.FloatField(**kwargs) + + def convert_DateTimeProperty(self, model, prop, kwargs): + """Returns a form field for a ``ndb.DateTimeProperty``.""" + if prop._auto_now or prop._auto_now_add: + return None + + return f.DateTimeField(format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', **kwargs) + + def convert_DateProperty(self, model, prop, kwargs): + """Returns a form field for a ``ndb.DateProperty``.""" + if prop._auto_now or prop._auto_now_add: + return None + + return f.DateField(format='%Y-%m-%d', **kwargs) + + def convert_TimeProperty(self, model, prop, kwargs): + """Returns a form field for a ``ndb.TimeProperty``.""" + if prop._auto_now or prop._auto_now_add: + return None + + return f.DateTimeField(format='%H:%M:%S', **kwargs) + + def convert_RepeatedProperty(self, model, prop, kwargs): + """Returns a form field for a ``ndb.ListProperty``.""" + return None + + def convert_UserProperty(self, model, prop, kwargs): + """Returns a form field for a ``ndb.UserProperty``.""" + return None + + def convert_StructuredProperty(self, model, prop, kwargs): + """Returns a form field for a ``ndb.ListProperty``.""" + return None + + def convert_LocalStructuredProperty(self, model, prop, kwargs): + """Returns a form field for a ``ndb.ListProperty``.""" + return None + + def convert_JsonProperty(self, model, prop, kwargs): + """Returns a form field for a ``ndb.ListProperty``.""" + return None + + def convert_PickleProperty(self, model, prop, kwargs): + """Returns a form field for a ``ndb.ListProperty``.""" + return None + + def convert_GenericProperty(self, model, prop, kwargs): + """Returns a form field for a ``ndb.ListProperty``.""" + kwargs['validators'].append(validators.length(max=500)) + return get_TextField(kwargs) + + def convert_BlobKeyProperty(self, model, prop, kwargs): + """Returns a form field for a ``ndb.BlobKeyProperty``.""" + return f.FileField(**kwargs) + + def convert_TextProperty(self, model, prop, kwargs): + """Returns a form field for a ``ndb.TextProperty``.""" + return f.TextAreaField(**kwargs) + + def convert_ComputedProperty(self, model, prop, kwargs): + """Returns a form field for a ``ndb.ComputedProperty``.""" + return None + + def convert_GeoPtProperty(self, model, prop, kwargs): + """Returns a form field for a ``ndb.GeoPtProperty``.""" + return GeoPtPropertyField(**kwargs) + + def convert_KeyProperty(self, model, prop, kwargs): + """Returns a form field for a ``ndb.KeyProperty``.""" + if 'reference_class' not in kwargs: + try: + reference_class = prop._kind + except AttributeError: + reference_class = prop._reference_class + + if isinstance(reference_class, string_types): + # reference class is a string, try to retrieve the model object. + mod = __import__(model.__module__, None, None, [reference_class], 0) + reference_class = getattr(mod, reference_class) + kwargs['reference_class'] = reference_class + kwargs.setdefault('allow_blank', not prop._required) + return KeyPropertyField(**kwargs) + + +def model_fields(model, only=None, exclude=None, field_args=None, + converter=None): + """ + Extracts and returns a dictionary of form fields for a given + ``db.Model`` class. + + :param model: + The ``db.Model`` class to extract fields from. + :param only: + An optional iterable with the property names that should be included in + the form. Only these properties will have fields. + :param exclude: + An optional iterable with the property names that should be excluded + from the form. All other properties will have fields. + :param field_args: + An optional dictionary of field names mapping to a keyword arguments + used to construct each field object. + :param converter: + A converter to generate the fields based on the model properties. If + not set, ``ModelConverter`` is used. + """ + converter = converter or ModelConverter() + field_args = field_args or {} + + # Get the field names we want to include or exclude, starting with the + # full list of model properties. + props = model._properties + field_names = list(x[0] for x in sorted(props.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]._creation_counter)) + + if only: + field_names = list(f for f in only if f in field_names) + elif exclude: + field_names = list(f for f in field_names if f not in exclude) + + # Create all fields. + field_dict = {} + for name in field_names: + field = converter.convert(model, props[name], field_args.get(name)) + if field is not None: + field_dict[name] = field + + return field_dict + + +def model_form(model, base_class=Form, only=None, exclude=None, field_args=None, + converter=None): + """ + Creates and returns a dynamic ``wtforms.Form`` class for a given + ``ndb.Model`` class. The form class can be used as it is or serve as a base + for extended form classes, which can then mix non-model related fields, + subforms with other model forms, among other possibilities. + + :param model: + The ``ndb.Model`` class to generate a form for. + :param base_class: + Base form class to extend from. Must be a ``wtforms.Form`` subclass. + :param only: + An optional iterable with the property names that should be included in + the form. Only these properties will have fields. + :param exclude: + An optional iterable with the property names that should be excluded + from the form. All other properties will have fields. + :param field_args: + An optional dictionary of field names mapping to keyword arguments + used to construct each field object. + :param converter: + A converter to generate the fields based on the model properties. If + not set, ``ModelConverter`` is used. + """ + # Extract the fields from the model. + field_dict = model_fields(model, only, exclude, field_args, converter) + + # Return a dynamically created form class, extending from base_class and + # including the created fields as properties. + return type(model._get_kind() + 'Form', (base_class,), field_dict) diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/csrf/__init__.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/csrf/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ab5bbca --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/csrf/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +from wtforms.ext.csrf.form import SecureForm diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/csrf/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/csrf/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..72611dd Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/csrf/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/csrf/__pycache__/fields.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/csrf/__pycache__/fields.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b1914f2 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/csrf/__pycache__/fields.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/csrf/__pycache__/form.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/csrf/__pycache__/form.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f4a8ee7 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/csrf/__pycache__/form.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/csrf/__pycache__/session.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/csrf/__pycache__/session.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..afef6b2 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/csrf/__pycache__/session.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/csrf/fields.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/csrf/fields.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7d06638 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/csrf/fields.py @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +from wtforms.fields import HiddenField + + +class CSRFTokenField(HiddenField): + current_token = None + + def _value(self): + """ + We want to always return the current token on render, regardless of + whether a good or bad token was passed. + """ + return self.current_token + + def populate_obj(self, *args): + """ + Don't populate objects with the CSRF token + """ + pass diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/csrf/form.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/csrf/form.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..88f645d --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/csrf/form.py @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +from __future__ import unicode_literals + +from wtforms.form import Form +from wtforms.validators import ValidationError + +from .fields import CSRFTokenField + + +class SecureForm(Form): + """ + Form that enables CSRF processing via subclassing hooks. + """ + csrf_token = CSRFTokenField() + + def __init__(self, formdata=None, obj=None, prefix='', csrf_context=None, **kwargs): + """ + :param csrf_context: + Optional extra data which is passed transparently to your + CSRF implementation. + """ + super(SecureForm, self).__init__(formdata, obj, prefix, **kwargs) + self.csrf_token.current_token = self.generate_csrf_token(csrf_context) + + def generate_csrf_token(self, csrf_context): + """ + Implementations must override this to provide a method with which one + can get a CSRF token for this form. + + A CSRF token should be a string which can be generated + deterministically so that on the form POST, the generated string is + (usually) the same assuming the user is using the site normally. + + :param csrf_context: + A transparent object which can be used as contextual info for + generating the token. + """ + raise NotImplementedError() + + def validate_csrf_token(self, field): + """ + Override this method to provide custom CSRF validation logic. + + The default CSRF validation logic simply checks if the recently + generated token equals the one we received as formdata. + """ + if field.current_token != field.data: + raise ValidationError(field.gettext('Invalid CSRF Token')) + + @property + def data(self): + d = super(SecureForm, self).data + d.pop('csrf_token') + return d diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/csrf/session.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/csrf/session.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9eaf06e --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/csrf/session.py @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ +""" +A provided CSRF implementation which puts CSRF data in a session. + +This can be used fairly comfortably with many `request.session` type +objects, including the Werkzeug/Flask session store, Django sessions, and +potentially other similar objects which use a dict-like API for storing +session keys. + +The basic concept is a randomly generated value is stored in the user's +session, and an hmac-sha1 of it (along with an optional expiration time, +for extra security) is used as the value of the csrf_token. If this token +validates with the hmac of the random value + expiration time, and the +expiration time is not passed, the CSRF validation will pass. +""" +from __future__ import unicode_literals + +import hmac +import os + +from hashlib import sha1 +from datetime import datetime, timedelta + +from ...validators import ValidationError +from .form import SecureForm + +__all__ = ('SessionSecureForm', ) + + +class SessionSecureForm(SecureForm): + TIME_FORMAT = '%Y%m%d%H%M%S' + TIME_LIMIT = timedelta(minutes=30) + SECRET_KEY = None + + def generate_csrf_token(self, csrf_context): + if self.SECRET_KEY is None: + raise Exception('must set SECRET_KEY in a subclass of this form for it to work') + if csrf_context is None: + raise TypeError('Must provide a session-like object as csrf context') + + session = getattr(csrf_context, 'session', csrf_context) + + if 'csrf' not in session: + session['csrf'] = sha1(os.urandom(64)).hexdigest() + + self.csrf_token.csrf_key = session['csrf'] + if self.TIME_LIMIT: + expires = (datetime.now() + self.TIME_LIMIT).strftime(self.TIME_FORMAT) + csrf_build = '%s%s' % (session['csrf'], expires) + else: + expires = '' + csrf_build = session['csrf'] + + hmac_csrf = hmac.new(self.SECRET_KEY, csrf_build.encode('utf8'), digestmod=sha1) + return '%s##%s' % (expires, hmac_csrf.hexdigest()) + + def validate_csrf_token(self, field): + if not field.data or '##' not in field.data: + raise ValidationError(field.gettext('CSRF token missing')) + + expires, hmac_csrf = field.data.split('##') + + check_val = (field.csrf_key + expires).encode('utf8') + + hmac_compare = hmac.new(self.SECRET_KEY, check_val, digestmod=sha1) + if hmac_compare.hexdigest() != hmac_csrf: + raise ValidationError(field.gettext('CSRF failed')) + + if self.TIME_LIMIT: + now_formatted = datetime.now().strftime(self.TIME_FORMAT) + if now_formatted > expires: + raise ValidationError(field.gettext('CSRF token expired')) diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/dateutil/__init__.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/dateutil/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/dateutil/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/dateutil/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d5470af Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/dateutil/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/dateutil/__pycache__/fields.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/dateutil/__pycache__/fields.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2504e2f Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/dateutil/__pycache__/fields.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/dateutil/fields.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/dateutil/fields.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e78b7e3 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/dateutil/fields.py @@ -0,0 +1,97 @@ +""" +A DateTimeField and DateField that use the `dateutil` package for parsing. +""" +from __future__ import unicode_literals + +from dateutil import parser + +from wtforms.fields import Field +from wtforms.validators import ValidationError +from wtforms.widgets import TextInput + + +__all__ = ( + 'DateTimeField', 'DateField', +) + + +# This is a fix to handle issues in dateutil which arose in version 2.2. +# A bug ticket is filed: https://bugs.launchpad.net/dateutil/+bug/1247643 +try: + parser.parse('foobar') +except TypeError: + DATEUTIL_TYPEERROR_ISSUE = True +except ValueError: + DATEUTIL_TYPEERROR_ISSUE = False +else: + import warnings + warnings.warn('In testing for a dateutil issue, we ran into a very strange error.', ImportWarning) + + +class DateTimeField(Field): + """ + DateTimeField represented by a text input, accepts all input text formats + that `dateutil.parser.parse` will. + + :param parse_kwargs: + A dictionary of keyword args to pass to the dateutil parse() function. + See dateutil docs for available keywords. + :param display_format: + A format string to pass to strftime() to format dates for display. + """ + widget = TextInput() + + def __init__(self, label=None, validators=None, parse_kwargs=None, + display_format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M', **kwargs): + super(DateTimeField, self).__init__(label, validators, **kwargs) + if parse_kwargs is None: + parse_kwargs = {} + self.parse_kwargs = parse_kwargs + self.display_format = display_format + + def _value(self): + if self.raw_data: + return ' '.join(self.raw_data) + else: + return self.data and self.data.strftime(self.display_format) or '' + + def process_formdata(self, valuelist): + if valuelist: + date_str = ' '.join(valuelist) + if not date_str: + self.data = None + raise ValidationError(self.gettext('Please input a date/time value')) + + parse_kwargs = self.parse_kwargs.copy() + if 'default' not in parse_kwargs: + try: + parse_kwargs['default'] = self.default() + except TypeError: + parse_kwargs['default'] = self.default + try: + self.data = parser.parse(date_str, **parse_kwargs) + except ValueError: + self.data = None + raise ValidationError(self.gettext('Invalid date/time input')) + except TypeError: + if not DATEUTIL_TYPEERROR_ISSUE: + raise + + # If we're using dateutil 2.2, then consider it a normal + # ValidationError. Hopefully dateutil fixes this issue soon. + self.data = None + raise ValidationError(self.gettext('Invalid date/time input')) + + +class DateField(DateTimeField): + """ + Same as the DateTimeField, but stores only the date portion. + """ + def __init__(self, label=None, validators=None, parse_kwargs=None, + display_format='%Y-%m-%d', **kwargs): + super(DateField, self).__init__(label, validators, parse_kwargs=parse_kwargs, display_format=display_format, **kwargs) + + def process_formdata(self, valuelist): + super(DateField, self).process_formdata(valuelist) + if self.data is not None and hasattr(self.data, 'date'): + self.data = self.data.date() diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/django/__init__.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/django/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..698226e --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/django/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +import warnings + +warnings.warn( + 'wtforms.ext.django is deprecated, and will be removed in WTForms 3.0. ' + 'The package has been split out into its own package, wtforms-django: ' + 'https://github.com/wtforms/wtforms-django', + DeprecationWarning +) diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/django/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/django/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d667c0f Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/django/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/django/__pycache__/fields.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/django/__pycache__/fields.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c5d27b3 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/django/__pycache__/fields.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/django/__pycache__/i18n.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/django/__pycache__/i18n.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7d0c75a Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/django/__pycache__/i18n.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/django/__pycache__/orm.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/django/__pycache__/orm.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d669b3d Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/django/__pycache__/orm.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/django/fields.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/django/fields.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c29bd46 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/django/fields.py @@ -0,0 +1,133 @@ +""" +Useful form fields for use with the Django ORM. +""" +from __future__ import unicode_literals + +import datetime +import operator + +try: + from django.conf import settings + from django.utils import timezone + has_timezone = True +except ImportError: + has_timezone = False + +from wtforms import fields, widgets +from wtforms.compat import string_types +from wtforms.validators import ValidationError + +__all__ = ( + 'ModelSelectField', 'QuerySetSelectField', 'DateTimeField' +) + + +class QuerySetSelectField(fields.SelectFieldBase): + """ + Given a QuerySet either at initialization or inside a view, will display a + select drop-down field of choices. The `data` property actually will + store/keep an ORM model instance, not the ID. Submitting a choice which is + not in the queryset will result in a validation error. + + Specify `get_label` to customize the label associated with each option. If + a string, this is the name of an attribute on the model object to use as + the label text. If a one-argument callable, this callable will be passed + model instance and expected to return the label text. Otherwise, the model + object's `__str__` or `__unicode__` will be used. + + If `allow_blank` is set to `True`, then a blank choice will be added to the + top of the list. Selecting this choice will result in the `data` property + being `None`. The label for the blank choice can be set by specifying the + `blank_text` parameter. + """ + widget = widgets.Select() + + def __init__(self, label=None, validators=None, queryset=None, get_label=None, allow_blank=False, blank_text='', **kwargs): + super(QuerySetSelectField, self).__init__(label, validators, **kwargs) + self.allow_blank = allow_blank + self.blank_text = blank_text + self._set_data(None) + if queryset is not None: + self.queryset = queryset.all() # Make sure the queryset is fresh + + if get_label is None: + self.get_label = lambda x: x + elif isinstance(get_label, string_types): + self.get_label = operator.attrgetter(get_label) + else: + self.get_label = get_label + + def _get_data(self): + if self._formdata is not None: + for obj in self.queryset: + if obj.pk == self._formdata: + self._set_data(obj) + break + return self._data + + def _set_data(self, data): + self._data = data + self._formdata = None + + data = property(_get_data, _set_data) + + def iter_choices(self): + if self.allow_blank: + yield ('__None', self.blank_text, self.data is None) + + for obj in self.queryset: + yield (obj.pk, self.get_label(obj), obj == self.data) + + def process_formdata(self, valuelist): + if valuelist: + if valuelist[0] == '__None': + self.data = None + else: + self._data = None + self._formdata = int(valuelist[0]) + + def pre_validate(self, form): + if not self.allow_blank or self.data is not None: + for obj in self.queryset: + if self.data == obj: + break + else: + raise ValidationError(self.gettext('Not a valid choice')) + + +class ModelSelectField(QuerySetSelectField): + """ + Like a QuerySetSelectField, except takes a model class instead of a + queryset and lists everything in it. + """ + def __init__(self, label=None, validators=None, model=None, **kwargs): + super(ModelSelectField, self).__init__(label, validators, queryset=model._default_manager.all(), **kwargs) + + +class DateTimeField(fields.DateTimeField): + """ + Adds support for Django's timezone utilities. + Requires Django >= 1.5 + """ + def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): + if not has_timezone: + raise ImportError('DateTimeField requires Django >= 1.5') + + super(DateTimeField, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) + + def process_formdata(self, valuelist): + super(DateTimeField, self).process_formdata(valuelist) + + date = self.data + + if settings.USE_TZ and date is not None and timezone.is_naive(date): + current_timezone = timezone.get_current_timezone() + self.data = timezone.make_aware(date, current_timezone) + + def _value(self): + date = self.data + + if settings.USE_TZ and isinstance(date, datetime.datetime) and timezone.is_aware(date): + self.data = timezone.localtime(date) + + return super(DateTimeField, self)._value() diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/django/i18n.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/django/i18n.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..662ef97 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/django/i18n.py @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +from django.utils.translation import ugettext, ungettext +from wtforms import form + + +class DjangoTranslations(object): + """ + A translations object for WTForms that gets its messages from django's + translations providers. + """ + def gettext(self, string): + return ugettext(string) + + def ngettext(self, singular, plural, n): + return ungettext(singular, plural, n) + + +class Form(form.Form): + """ + A Form derivative which uses the translations engine from django. + """ + _django_translations = DjangoTranslations() + + def _get_translations(self): + return self._django_translations diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/django/orm.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/django/orm.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0cb5f25 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/django/orm.py @@ -0,0 +1,168 @@ +""" +Tools for generating forms based on Django models. +""" +from wtforms import fields as f +from wtforms import Form +from wtforms import validators +from wtforms.compat import iteritems +from wtforms.ext.django.fields import ModelSelectField + + +__all__ = ( + 'model_fields', 'model_form', +) + + +class ModelConverterBase(object): + def __init__(self, converters): + self.converters = converters + + def convert(self, model, field, field_args): + kwargs = { + 'label': field.verbose_name, + 'description': field.help_text, + 'validators': [], + 'filters': [], + 'default': field.default, + } + if field_args: + kwargs.update(field_args) + + if field.blank: + kwargs['validators'].append(validators.Optional()) + if field.max_length is not None and field.max_length > 0: + kwargs['validators'].append(validators.Length(max=field.max_length)) + + ftype = type(field).__name__ + if field.choices: + kwargs['choices'] = field.choices + return f.SelectField(**kwargs) + elif ftype in self.converters: + return self.converters[ftype](model, field, kwargs) + else: + converter = getattr(self, 'conv_%s' % ftype, None) + if converter is not None: + return converter(model, field, kwargs) + + +class ModelConverter(ModelConverterBase): + DEFAULT_SIMPLE_CONVERSIONS = { + f.IntegerField: ['AutoField', 'IntegerField', 'SmallIntegerField', 'PositiveIntegerField', 'PositiveSmallIntegerField'], + f.DecimalField: ['DecimalField', 'FloatField'], + f.FileField: ['FileField', 'FilePathField', 'ImageField'], + f.DateTimeField: ['DateTimeField'], + f.DateField: ['DateField'], + f.BooleanField: ['BooleanField'], + f.TextField: ['CharField', 'PhoneNumberField', 'SlugField'], + f.TextAreaField: ['TextField', 'XMLField'], + } + + def __init__(self, extra_converters=None, simple_conversions=None): + converters = {} + if simple_conversions is None: + simple_conversions = self.DEFAULT_SIMPLE_CONVERSIONS + for field_type, django_fields in iteritems(simple_conversions): + converter = self.make_simple_converter(field_type) + for name in django_fields: + converters[name] = converter + + if extra_converters: + converters.update(extra_converters) + super(ModelConverter, self).__init__(converters) + + def make_simple_converter(self, field_type): + def _converter(model, field, kwargs): + return field_type(**kwargs) + return _converter + + def conv_ForeignKey(self, model, field, kwargs): + return ModelSelectField(model=field.rel.to, **kwargs) + + def conv_TimeField(self, model, field, kwargs): + def time_only(obj): + try: + return obj.time() + except AttributeError: + return obj + kwargs['filters'].append(time_only) + return f.DateTimeField(format='%H:%M:%S', **kwargs) + + def conv_EmailField(self, model, field, kwargs): + kwargs['validators'].append(validators.email()) + return f.TextField(**kwargs) + + def conv_IPAddressField(self, model, field, kwargs): + kwargs['validators'].append(validators.ip_address()) + return f.TextField(**kwargs) + + def conv_URLField(self, model, field, kwargs): + kwargs['validators'].append(validators.url()) + return f.TextField(**kwargs) + + def conv_NullBooleanField(self, model, field, kwargs): + from django.db.models.fields import NOT_PROVIDED + + def coerce_nullbool(value): + d = {'None': None, None: None, 'True': True, 'False': False} + if isinstance(value, NOT_PROVIDED): + return None + elif value in d: + return d[value] + else: + return bool(int(value)) + + choices = ((None, 'Unknown'), (True, 'Yes'), (False, 'No')) + return f.SelectField(choices=choices, coerce=coerce_nullbool, **kwargs) + + +def model_fields(model, only=None, exclude=None, field_args=None, converter=None): + """ + Generate a dictionary of fields for a given Django model. + + See `model_form` docstring for description of parameters. + """ + converter = converter or ModelConverter() + field_args = field_args or {} + + model_fields = ((f.attname, f) for f in model._meta.fields) + if only: + model_fields = (x for x in model_fields if x[0] in only) + elif exclude: + model_fields = (x for x in model_fields if x[0] not in exclude) + + field_dict = {} + for name, model_field in model_fields: + field = converter.convert(model, model_field, field_args.get(name)) + if field is not None: + field_dict[name] = field + + return field_dict + + +def model_form(model, base_class=Form, only=None, exclude=None, field_args=None, converter=None): + """ + Create a wtforms Form for a given Django model class:: + + from wtforms.ext.django.orm import model_form + from myproject.myapp.models import User + UserForm = model_form(User) + + :param model: + A Django ORM model class + :param base_class: + Base form class to extend from. Must be a ``wtforms.Form`` subclass. + :param only: + An optional iterable with the property names that should be included in + the form. Only these properties will have fields. + :param exclude: + An optional iterable with the property names that should be excluded + from the form. All other properties will have fields. + :param field_args: + An optional dictionary of field names mapping to keyword arguments used + to construct each field object. + :param converter: + A converter to generate the fields based on the model properties. If + not set, ``ModelConverter`` is used. + """ + field_dict = model_fields(model, only, exclude, field_args, converter) + return type(model._meta.object_name + 'Form', (base_class, ), field_dict) diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/django/templatetags/__init__.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/django/templatetags/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/django/templatetags/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/django/templatetags/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..56f0e95 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/django/templatetags/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/django/templatetags/__pycache__/wtforms.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/django/templatetags/__pycache__/wtforms.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7f81f82 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/django/templatetags/__pycache__/wtforms.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/django/templatetags/wtforms.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/django/templatetags/wtforms.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..809b5ad --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/django/templatetags/wtforms.py @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +""" +Template tags for easy WTForms access in Django templates. +""" +from __future__ import unicode_literals + +import re + +from django import template +from django.conf import settings +from django.template import Variable + +from ....compat import iteritems + +register = template.Library() + + +class FormFieldNode(template.Node): + def __init__(self, field_var, html_attrs): + self.field_var = field_var + self.html_attrs = html_attrs + + def render(self, context): + try: + if '.' in self.field_var: + base, field_name = self.field_var.rsplit('.', 1) + field = getattr(Variable(base).resolve(context), field_name) + else: + field = context[self.field_var] + except (template.VariableDoesNotExist, KeyError, AttributeError): + return settings.TEMPLATE_STRING_IF_INVALID + + h_attrs = {} + for k, v in iteritems(self.html_attrs): + try: + h_attrs[k] = v.resolve(context) + except template.VariableDoesNotExist: + h_attrs[k] = settings.TEMPLATE_STRING_IF_INVALID + + return field(**h_attrs) + + +@register.tag(name='form_field') +def do_form_field(parser, token): + """ + Render a WTForms form field allowing optional HTML attributes. + Invocation looks like this: + {% form_field form.username class="big_text" onclick="alert('hello')" %} + where form.username is the path to the field value we want. Any number + of key="value" arguments are supported. Unquoted values are resolved as + template variables. + """ + parts = token.contents.split(' ', 2) + if len(parts) < 2: + error_text = '%r tag must have the form field name as the first value, followed by optional key="value" attributes.' + raise template.TemplateSyntaxError(error_text % parts[0]) + + html_attrs = {} + if len(parts) == 3: + raw_args = list(args_split(parts[2])) + if (len(raw_args) % 2) != 0: + raise template.TemplateSyntaxError('%r tag received the incorrect number of key=value arguments.' % parts[0]) + for x in range(0, len(raw_args), 2): + html_attrs[str(raw_args[x])] = Variable(raw_args[x + 1]) + + return FormFieldNode(parts[1], html_attrs) + + +args_split_re = re.compile(r'''("(?:[^"\\]*(?:\\.[^"\\]*)*)"|'(?:[^'\\]*(?:\\.[^'\\]*)*)'|[^\s=]+)''') + + +def args_split(text): + """ Split space-separated key=value arguments. Keeps quoted strings intact. """ + for bit in args_split_re.finditer(text): + bit = bit.group(0) + if bit[0] == '"' and bit[-1] == '"': + yield '"' + bit[1:-1].replace('\\"', '"').replace('\\\\', '\\') + '"' + elif bit[0] == "'" and bit[-1] == "'": + yield "'" + bit[1:-1].replace("\\'", "'").replace("\\\\", "\\") + "'" + else: + yield bit diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/i18n/__init__.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/i18n/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/i18n/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/i18n/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a8dd23e Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/i18n/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/i18n/__pycache__/form.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/i18n/__pycache__/form.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c5b8d2c Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/i18n/__pycache__/form.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/i18n/__pycache__/utils.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/i18n/__pycache__/utils.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..86c57e6 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/i18n/__pycache__/utils.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/i18n/form.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/i18n/form.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3060b9c --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/i18n/form.py @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +import warnings +from wtforms import form +from wtforms.ext.i18n.utils import get_translations + +translations_cache = {} + + +class Form(form.Form): + """ + Base form for a simple localized WTForms form. + + **NOTE** this class is now un-necessary as the i18n features have + been moved into the core of WTForms, and will be removed in WTForms 3.0. + + This will use the stdlib gettext library to retrieve an appropriate + translations object for the language, by default using the locale + information from the environment. + + If the LANGUAGES class variable is overridden and set to a sequence of + strings, this will be a list of languages by priority to use instead, e.g:: + + LANGUAGES = ['en_GB', 'en'] + + One can also provide the languages by passing `LANGUAGES=` to the + constructor of the form. + + Translations objects are cached to prevent having to get a new one for the + same languages every instantiation. + """ + LANGUAGES = None + + def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): + warnings.warn( + 'i18n is now in core, wtforms.ext.i18n will be removed in WTForms 3.0', + DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2 + ) + if 'LANGUAGES' in kwargs: + self.LANGUAGES = kwargs.pop('LANGUAGES') + super(Form, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) + + def _get_translations(self): + languages = tuple(self.LANGUAGES) if self.LANGUAGES else (self.meta.locales or None) + if languages not in translations_cache: + translations_cache[languages] = get_translations(languages) + return translations_cache[languages] diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/i18n/utils.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/i18n/utils.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5db33b3 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/i18n/utils.py @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +""" +Module is just here for compatibility reasons, and will be removed in a future release. + +Importing this will cause a DeprecationWarning. +""" +from wtforms.i18n import (messages_path, get_builtin_gnu_translations, get_translations, DefaultTranslations) +import warnings + +__all__ = ('messages_path', 'get_builtin_gnu_translations', 'get_translations', 'DefaultTranslations') + + +warnings.warn( + 'i18n utils have been merged into core, and this module will go away in WTForms 3.0', + category=DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2 +) diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/sqlalchemy/__init__.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/sqlalchemy/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3bbfa84 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/sqlalchemy/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +import warnings + +warnings.warn( + 'wtforms.ext.sqlalchemy is deprecated, and will be removed in WTForms 3.0. ' + 'The package has been extracted to a separate package wtforms_sqlalchemy: ' + 'https://github.com/wtforms/wtforms-sqlalchemy .\n' + 'Or alternately, check out the WTForms-Alchemy package which provides declarative mapping and more: ' + 'https://github.com/kvesteri/wtforms-alchemy', + DeprecationWarning +) diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/sqlalchemy/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/sqlalchemy/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2b0263b Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/sqlalchemy/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/sqlalchemy/__pycache__/fields.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/sqlalchemy/__pycache__/fields.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1eef496 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/sqlalchemy/__pycache__/fields.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/sqlalchemy/__pycache__/orm.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/sqlalchemy/__pycache__/orm.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7f3e303 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/sqlalchemy/__pycache__/orm.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/sqlalchemy/fields.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/sqlalchemy/fields.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2096645 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/sqlalchemy/fields.py @@ -0,0 +1,190 @@ +""" +Useful form fields for use with SQLAlchemy ORM. +""" +from __future__ import unicode_literals + +import operator + +from wtforms import widgets +from wtforms.compat import text_type, string_types +from wtforms.fields import SelectFieldBase +from wtforms.validators import ValidationError + +try: + from sqlalchemy.orm.util import identity_key + has_identity_key = True +except ImportError: + has_identity_key = False + + +__all__ = ( + 'QuerySelectField', 'QuerySelectMultipleField', +) + + +class QuerySelectField(SelectFieldBase): + """ + Will display a select drop-down field to choose between ORM results in a + sqlalchemy `Query`. The `data` property actually will store/keep an ORM + model instance, not the ID. Submitting a choice which is not in the query + will result in a validation error. + + This field only works for queries on models whose primary key column(s) + have a consistent string representation. This means it mostly only works + for those composed of string, unicode, and integer types. For the most + part, the primary keys will be auto-detected from the model, alternately + pass a one-argument callable to `get_pk` which can return a unique + comparable key. + + The `query` property on the field can be set from within a view to assign + a query per-instance to the field. If the property is not set, the + `query_factory` callable passed to the field constructor will be called to + obtain a query. + + Specify `get_label` to customize the label associated with each option. If + a string, this is the name of an attribute on the model object to use as + the label text. If a one-argument callable, this callable will be passed + model instance and expected to return the label text. Otherwise, the model + object's `__str__` or `__unicode__` will be used. + + If `allow_blank` is set to `True`, then a blank choice will be added to the + top of the list. Selecting this choice will result in the `data` property + being `None`. The label for this blank choice can be set by specifying the + `blank_text` parameter. + """ + widget = widgets.Select() + + def __init__(self, label=None, validators=None, query_factory=None, + get_pk=None, get_label=None, allow_blank=False, + blank_text='', **kwargs): + super(QuerySelectField, self).__init__(label, validators, **kwargs) + self.query_factory = query_factory + + if get_pk is None: + if not has_identity_key: + raise Exception('The sqlalchemy identity_key function could not be imported.') + self.get_pk = get_pk_from_identity + else: + self.get_pk = get_pk + + if get_label is None: + self.get_label = lambda x: x + elif isinstance(get_label, string_types): + self.get_label = operator.attrgetter(get_label) + else: + self.get_label = get_label + + self.allow_blank = allow_blank + self.blank_text = blank_text + self.query = None + self._object_list = None + + def _get_data(self): + if self._formdata is not None: + for pk, obj in self._get_object_list(): + if pk == self._formdata: + self._set_data(obj) + break + return self._data + + def _set_data(self, data): + self._data = data + self._formdata = None + + data = property(_get_data, _set_data) + + def _get_object_list(self): + if self._object_list is None: + query = self.query or self.query_factory() + get_pk = self.get_pk + self._object_list = list((text_type(get_pk(obj)), obj) for obj in query) + return self._object_list + + def iter_choices(self): + if self.allow_blank: + yield ('__None', self.blank_text, self.data is None) + + for pk, obj in self._get_object_list(): + yield (pk, self.get_label(obj), obj == self.data) + + def process_formdata(self, valuelist): + if valuelist: + if self.allow_blank and valuelist[0] == '__None': + self.data = None + else: + self._data = None + self._formdata = valuelist[0] + + def pre_validate(self, form): + data = self.data + if data is not None: + for pk, obj in self._get_object_list(): + if data == obj: + break + else: + raise ValidationError(self.gettext('Not a valid choice')) + elif self._formdata or not self.allow_blank: + raise ValidationError(self.gettext('Not a valid choice')) + + +class QuerySelectMultipleField(QuerySelectField): + """ + Very similar to QuerySelectField with the difference that this will + display a multiple select. The data property will hold a list with ORM + model instances and will be an empty list when no value is selected. + + If any of the items in the data list or submitted form data cannot be + found in the query, this will result in a validation error. + """ + widget = widgets.Select(multiple=True) + + def __init__(self, label=None, validators=None, default=None, **kwargs): + if default is None: + default = [] + super(QuerySelectMultipleField, self).__init__(label, validators, default=default, **kwargs) + if kwargs.get('allow_blank', False): + import warnings + warnings.warn('allow_blank=True does not do anything for QuerySelectMultipleField.') + self._invalid_formdata = False + + def _get_data(self): + formdata = self._formdata + if formdata is not None: + data = [] + for pk, obj in self._get_object_list(): + if not formdata: + break + elif pk in formdata: + formdata.remove(pk) + data.append(obj) + if formdata: + self._invalid_formdata = True + self._set_data(data) + return self._data + + def _set_data(self, data): + self._data = data + self._formdata = None + + data = property(_get_data, _set_data) + + def iter_choices(self): + for pk, obj in self._get_object_list(): + yield (pk, self.get_label(obj), obj in self.data) + + def process_formdata(self, valuelist): + self._formdata = set(valuelist) + + def pre_validate(self, form): + if self._invalid_formdata: + raise ValidationError(self.gettext('Not a valid choice')) + elif self.data: + obj_list = list(x[1] for x in self._get_object_list()) + for v in self.data: + if v not in obj_list: + raise ValidationError(self.gettext('Not a valid choice')) + + +def get_pk_from_identity(obj): + key = identity_key(instance=obj)[1] + return ':'.join(text_type(x) for x in key) diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/sqlalchemy/orm.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/sqlalchemy/orm.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3743917 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/ext/sqlalchemy/orm.py @@ -0,0 +1,304 @@ +""" +Tools for generating forms based on SQLAlchemy models. +""" +from __future__ import unicode_literals + +import inspect + +from wtforms import fields as f +from wtforms import validators +from wtforms.form import Form +from .fields import QuerySelectField, QuerySelectMultipleField + +__all__ = ( + 'model_fields', 'model_form', +) + + +def converts(*args): + def _inner(func): + func._converter_for = frozenset(args) + return func + return _inner + + +class ModelConversionError(Exception): + def __init__(self, message): + Exception.__init__(self, message) + + +class ModelConverterBase(object): + def __init__(self, converters, use_mro=True): + self.use_mro = use_mro + + if not converters: + converters = {} + + for name in dir(self): + obj = getattr(self, name) + if hasattr(obj, '_converter_for'): + for classname in obj._converter_for: + converters[classname] = obj + + self.converters = converters + + def convert(self, model, mapper, prop, field_args, db_session=None): + if not hasattr(prop, 'columns') and not hasattr(prop, 'direction'): + return + elif not hasattr(prop, 'direction') and len(prop.columns) != 1: + raise TypeError( + 'Do not know how to convert multiple-column properties currently' + ) + + kwargs = { + 'validators': [], + 'filters': [], + 'default': None, + } + + converter = None + column = None + types = None + + if not hasattr(prop, 'direction'): + column = prop.columns[0] + # Support sqlalchemy.schema.ColumnDefault, so users can benefit + # from setting defaults for fields, e.g.: + # field = Column(DateTimeField, default=datetime.utcnow) + + default = getattr(column, 'default', None) + + if default is not None: + # Only actually change default if it has an attribute named + # 'arg' that's callable. + callable_default = getattr(default, 'arg', None) + + if callable_default is not None: + # ColumnDefault(val).arg can be also a plain value + default = callable_default(None) if callable(callable_default) else callable_default + + kwargs['default'] = default + + if column.nullable: + kwargs['validators'].append(validators.Optional()) + else: + kwargs['validators'].append(validators.Required()) + + if self.use_mro: + types = inspect.getmro(type(column.type)) + else: + types = [type(column.type)] + + for col_type in types: + type_string = '%s.%s' % (col_type.__module__, col_type.__name__) + if type_string.startswith('sqlalchemy'): + type_string = type_string[11:] + + if type_string in self.converters: + converter = self.converters[type_string] + break + else: + for col_type in types: + if col_type.__name__ in self.converters: + converter = self.converters[col_type.__name__] + break + else: + raise ModelConversionError('Could not find field converter for %s (%r).' % (prop.key, types[0])) + else: + # We have a property with a direction. + if not db_session: + raise ModelConversionError("Cannot convert field %s, need DB session." % prop.key) + + foreign_model = prop.mapper.class_ + + nullable = True + for pair in prop.local_remote_pairs: + if not pair[0].nullable: + nullable = False + + kwargs.update({ + 'allow_blank': nullable, + 'query_factory': lambda: db_session.query(foreign_model).all() + }) + + converter = self.converters[prop.direction.name] + + if field_args: + kwargs.update(field_args) + + return converter( + model=model, + mapper=mapper, + prop=prop, + column=column, + field_args=kwargs + ) + + +class ModelConverter(ModelConverterBase): + def __init__(self, extra_converters=None, use_mro=True): + super(ModelConverter, self).__init__(extra_converters, use_mro=use_mro) + + @classmethod + def _string_common(cls, column, field_args, **extra): + if column.type.length: + field_args['validators'].append(validators.Length(max=column.type.length)) + + @converts('String', 'Unicode') + def conv_String(self, field_args, **extra): + self._string_common(field_args=field_args, **extra) + return f.TextField(**field_args) + + @converts('types.Text', 'UnicodeText', 'types.LargeBinary', 'types.Binary', 'sql.sqltypes.Text') + def conv_Text(self, field_args, **extra): + self._string_common(field_args=field_args, **extra) + return f.TextAreaField(**field_args) + + @converts('Boolean') + def conv_Boolean(self, field_args, **extra): + return f.BooleanField(**field_args) + + @converts('Date') + def conv_Date(self, field_args, **extra): + return f.DateField(**field_args) + + @converts('DateTime') + def conv_DateTime(self, field_args, **extra): + return f.DateTimeField(**field_args) + + @converts('Enum') + def conv_Enum(self, column, field_args, **extra): + if 'choices' not in field_args: + field_args['choices'] = [(e, e) for e in column.type.enums] + return f.SelectField(**field_args) + + @converts('Integer', 'SmallInteger') + def handle_integer_types(self, column, field_args, **extra): + unsigned = getattr(column.type, 'unsigned', False) + if unsigned: + field_args['validators'].append(validators.NumberRange(min=0)) + return f.IntegerField(**field_args) + + @converts('Numeric', 'Float') + def handle_decimal_types(self, column, field_args, **extra): + places = getattr(column.type, 'scale', 2) + if places is not None: + field_args['places'] = places + return f.DecimalField(**field_args) + + @converts('databases.mysql.MSYear', 'dialects.mysql.base.YEAR') + def conv_MSYear(self, field_args, **extra): + field_args['validators'].append(validators.NumberRange(min=1901, max=2155)) + return f.TextField(**field_args) + + @converts('databases.postgres.PGInet', 'dialects.postgresql.base.INET') + def conv_PGInet(self, field_args, **extra): + field_args.setdefault('label', 'IP Address') + field_args['validators'].append(validators.IPAddress()) + return f.TextField(**field_args) + + @converts('dialects.postgresql.base.MACADDR') + def conv_PGMacaddr(self, field_args, **extra): + field_args.setdefault('label', 'MAC Address') + field_args['validators'].append(validators.MacAddress()) + return f.TextField(**field_args) + + @converts('dialects.postgresql.base.UUID') + def conv_PGUuid(self, field_args, **extra): + field_args.setdefault('label', 'UUID') + field_args['validators'].append(validators.UUID()) + return f.TextField(**field_args) + + @converts('MANYTOONE') + def conv_ManyToOne(self, field_args, **extra): + return QuerySelectField(**field_args) + + @converts('MANYTOMANY', 'ONETOMANY') + def conv_ManyToMany(self, field_args, **extra): + return QuerySelectMultipleField(**field_args) + + +def model_fields(model, db_session=None, only=None, exclude=None, + field_args=None, converter=None, exclude_pk=False, + exclude_fk=False): + """ + Generate a dictionary of fields for a given SQLAlchemy model. + + See `model_form` docstring for description of parameters. + """ + mapper = model._sa_class_manager.mapper + converter = converter or ModelConverter() + field_args = field_args or {} + properties = [] + + for prop in mapper.iterate_properties: + if getattr(prop, 'columns', None): + if exclude_fk and prop.columns[0].foreign_keys: + continue + elif exclude_pk and prop.columns[0].primary_key: + continue + + properties.append((prop.key, prop)) + + # ((p.key, p) for p in mapper.iterate_properties) + if only: + properties = (x for x in properties if x[0] in only) + elif exclude: + properties = (x for x in properties if x[0] not in exclude) + + field_dict = {} + for name, prop in properties: + field = converter.convert( + model, mapper, prop, + field_args.get(name), db_session + ) + if field is not None: + field_dict[name] = field + + return field_dict + + +def model_form(model, db_session=None, base_class=Form, only=None, + exclude=None, field_args=None, converter=None, exclude_pk=True, + exclude_fk=True, type_name=None): + """ + Create a wtforms Form for a given SQLAlchemy model class:: + + from wtforms.ext.sqlalchemy.orm import model_form + from myapp.models import User + UserForm = model_form(User) + + :param model: + A SQLAlchemy mapped model class. + :param db_session: + An optional SQLAlchemy Session. + :param base_class: + Base form class to extend from. Must be a ``wtforms.Form`` subclass. + :param only: + An optional iterable with the property names that should be included in + the form. Only these properties will have fields. + :param exclude: + An optional iterable with the property names that should be excluded + from the form. All other properties will have fields. + :param field_args: + An optional dictionary of field names mapping to keyword arguments used + to construct each field object. + :param converter: + A converter to generate the fields based on the model properties. If + not set, ``ModelConverter`` is used. + :param exclude_pk: + An optional boolean to force primary key exclusion. + :param exclude_fk: + An optional boolean to force foreign keys exclusion. + :param type_name: + An optional string to set returned type name. + """ + if not hasattr(model, '_sa_class_manager'): + raise TypeError('model must be a sqlalchemy mapped model') + + type_name = type_name or str(model.__name__ + 'Form') + field_dict = model_fields( + model, db_session, only, exclude, field_args, converter, + exclude_pk=exclude_pk, exclude_fk=exclude_fk + ) + return type(type_name, (base_class, ), field_dict) diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/fields/__init__.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/fields/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6477f43 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/fields/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +from wtforms.fields.core import * + +from wtforms.fields.simple import * + +# Compatibility imports +from wtforms.fields.core import Label, Field, SelectFieldBase, Flags +from wtforms.utils import unset_value as _unset_value diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/fields/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/fields/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9300c29 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/fields/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/fields/__pycache__/core.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/fields/__pycache__/core.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a3acac6 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/fields/__pycache__/core.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/fields/__pycache__/html5.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/fields/__pycache__/html5.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8c9ed42 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/fields/__pycache__/html5.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/fields/__pycache__/simple.cpython-36.pyc b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/fields/__pycache__/simple.cpython-36.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..82b1594 Binary files /dev/null and b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/fields/__pycache__/simple.cpython-36.pyc differ diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/fields/core.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/fields/core.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..514be4b --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/fields/core.py @@ -0,0 +1,1007 @@ +from __future__ import unicode_literals + +import datetime +import decimal +import itertools + +from copy import copy + +from wtforms import widgets +from wtforms.compat import text_type, izip +from wtforms.i18n import DummyTranslations +from wtforms.validators import StopValidation +from wtforms.utils import unset_value + + +__all__ = ( + 'BooleanField', 'DecimalField', 'DateField', 'DateTimeField', 'FieldList', + 'FloatField', 'FormField', 'IntegerField', 'RadioField', 'SelectField', + 'SelectMultipleField', 'StringField', 'TimeField', +) + + +class Field(object): + """ + Field base class + """ + errors = tuple() + process_errors = tuple() + raw_data = None + validators = tuple() + widget = None + _formfield = True + _translations = DummyTranslations() + do_not_call_in_templates = True # Allow Django 1.4 traversal + + def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): + if '_form' in kwargs and '_name' in kwargs: + return super(Field, cls).__new__(cls) + else: + return UnboundField(cls, *args, **kwargs) + + def __init__(self, label=None, validators=None, filters=tuple(), + description='', id=None, default=None, widget=None, + render_kw=None, _form=None, _name=None, _prefix='', + _translations=None, _meta=None): + """ + Construct a new field. + + :param label: + The label of the field. + :param validators: + A sequence of validators to call when `validate` is called. + :param filters: + A sequence of filters which are run on input data by `process`. + :param description: + A description for the field, typically used for help text. + :param id: + An id to use for the field. A reasonable default is set by the form, + and you shouldn't need to set this manually. + :param default: + The default value to assign to the field, if no form or object + input is provided. May be a callable. + :param widget: + If provided, overrides the widget used to render the field. + :param dict render_kw: + If provided, a dictionary which provides default keywords that + will be given to the widget at render time. + :param _form: + The form holding this field. It is passed by the form itself during + construction. You should never pass this value yourself. + :param _name: + The name of this field, passed by the enclosing form during its + construction. You should never pass this value yourself. + :param _prefix: + The prefix to prepend to the form name of this field, passed by + the enclosing form during construction. + :param _translations: + A translations object providing message translations. Usually + passed by the enclosing form during construction. See + :doc:`I18n docs ` for information on message translations. + :param _meta: + If provided, this is the 'meta' instance from the form. You usually + don't pass this yourself. + + If `_form` and `_name` isn't provided, an :class:`UnboundField` will be + returned instead. Call its :func:`bind` method with a form instance and + a name to construct the field. + """ + if _translations is not None: + self._translations = _translations + + if _meta is not None: + self.meta = _meta + elif _form is not None: + self.meta = _form.meta + else: + raise TypeError("Must provide one of _form or _meta") + + self.default = default + self.description = description + self.render_kw = render_kw + self.filters = filters + self.flags = Flags() + self.name = _prefix + _name + self.short_name = _name + self.type = type(self).__name__ + self.validators = validators or list(self.validators) + + self.id = id or self.name + self.label = Label(self.id, label if label is not None else self.gettext(_name.replace('_', ' ').title())) + + if widget is not None: + self.widget = widget + + for v in itertools.chain(self.validators, [self.widget]): + flags = getattr(v, 'field_flags', ()) + for f in flags: + setattr(self.flags, f, True) + + def __unicode__(self): + """ + Returns a HTML representation of the field. For more powerful rendering, + see the `__call__` method. + """ + return self() + + def __str__(self): + """ + Returns a HTML representation of the field. For more powerful rendering, + see the `__call__` method. + """ + return self() + + def __html__(self): + """ + Returns a HTML representation of the field. For more powerful rendering, + see the :meth:`__call__` method. + """ + return self() + + def __call__(self, **kwargs): + """ + Render this field as HTML, using keyword args as additional attributes. + + This delegates rendering to + :meth:`meta.render_field ` + whose default behavior is to call the field's widget, passing any + keyword arguments from this call along to the widget. + + In all of the WTForms HTML widgets, keyword arguments are turned to + HTML attributes, though in theory a widget is free to do anything it + wants with the supplied keyword arguments, and widgets don't have to + even do anything related to HTML. + """ + return self.meta.render_field(self, kwargs) + + def gettext(self, string): + """ + Get a translation for the given message. + + This proxies for the internal translations object. + + :param string: A unicode string to be translated. + :return: A unicode string which is the translated output. + """ + return self._translations.gettext(string) + + def ngettext(self, singular, plural, n): + """ + Get a translation for a message which can be pluralized. + + :param str singular: The singular form of the message. + :param str plural: The plural form of the message. + :param int n: The number of elements this message is referring to + """ + return self._translations.ngettext(singular, plural, n) + + def validate(self, form, extra_validators=tuple()): + """ + Validates the field and returns True or False. `self.errors` will + contain any errors raised during validation. This is usually only + called by `Form.validate`. + + Subfields shouldn't override this, but rather override either + `pre_validate`, `post_validate` or both, depending on needs. + + :param form: The form the field belongs to. + :param extra_validators: A sequence of extra validators to run. + """ + self.errors = list(self.process_errors) + stop_validation = False + + # Call pre_validate + try: + self.pre_validate(form) + except StopValidation as e: + if e.args and e.args[0]: + self.errors.append(e.args[0]) + stop_validation = True + except ValueError as e: + self.errors.append(e.args[0]) + + # Run validators + if not stop_validation: + chain = itertools.chain(self.validators, extra_validators) + stop_validation = self._run_validation_chain(form, chain) + + # Call post_validate + try: + self.post_validate(form, stop_validation) + except ValueError as e: + self.errors.append(e.args[0]) + + return len(self.errors) == 0 + + def _run_validation_chain(self, form, validators): + """ + Run a validation chain, stopping if any validator raises StopValidation. + + :param form: The Form instance this field belongs to. + :param validators: a sequence or iterable of validator callables. + :return: True if validation was stopped, False otherwise. + """ + for validator in validators: + try: + validator(form, self) + except StopValidation as e: + if e.args and e.args[0]: + self.errors.append(e.args[0]) + return True + except ValueError as e: + self.errors.append(e.args[0]) + + return False + + def pre_validate(self, form): + """ + Override if you need field-level validation. Runs before any other + validators. + + :param form: The form the field belongs to. + """ + pass + + def post_validate(self, form, validation_stopped): + """ + Override if you need to run any field-level validation tasks after + normal validation. This shouldn't be needed in most cases. + + :param form: The form the field belongs to. + :param validation_stopped: + `True` if any validator raised StopValidation. + """ + pass + + def process(self, formdata, data=unset_value): + """ + Process incoming data, calling process_data, process_formdata as needed, + and run filters. + + If `data` is not provided, process_data will be called on the field's + default. + + Field subclasses usually won't override this, instead overriding the + process_formdata and process_data methods. Only override this for + special advanced processing, such as when a field encapsulates many + inputs. + """ + self.process_errors = [] + if data is unset_value: + try: + data = self.default() + except TypeError: + data = self.default + + self.object_data = data + + try: + self.process_data(data) + except ValueError as e: + self.process_errors.append(e.args[0]) + + if formdata is not None: + if self.name in formdata: + self.raw_data = formdata.getlist(self.name) + else: + self.raw_data = [] + + try: + self.process_formdata(self.raw_data) + except ValueError as e: + self.process_errors.append(e.args[0]) + + try: + for filter in self.filters: + self.data = filter(self.data) + except ValueError as e: + self.process_errors.append(e.args[0]) + + def process_data(self, value): + """ + Process the Python data applied to this field and store the result. + + This will be called during form construction by the form's `kwargs` or + `obj` argument. + + :param value: The python object containing the value to process. + """ + self.data = value + + def process_formdata(self, valuelist): + """ + Process data received over the wire from a form. + + This will be called during form construction with data supplied + through the `formdata` argument. + + :param valuelist: A list of strings to process. + """ + if valuelist: + self.data = valuelist[0] + + def populate_obj(self, obj, name): + """ + Populates `obj.` with the field's data. + + :note: This is a destructive operation. If `obj.` already exists, + it will be overridden. Use with caution. + """ + setattr(obj, name, self.data) + + +class UnboundField(object): + _formfield = True + creation_counter = 0 + + def __init__(self, field_class, *args, **kwargs): + UnboundField.creation_counter += 1 + self.field_class = field_class + self.args = args + self.kwargs = kwargs + self.creation_counter = UnboundField.creation_counter + + def bind(self, form, name, prefix='', translations=None, **kwargs): + kw = dict( + self.kwargs, + _form=form, + _prefix=prefix, + _name=name, + _translations=translations, + **kwargs + ) + return self.field_class(*self.args, **kw) + + def __repr__(self): + return '' % (self.field_class.__name__, self.args, self.kwargs) + + +class Flags(object): + """ + Holds a set of boolean flags as attributes. + + Accessing a non-existing attribute returns False for its value. + """ + def __getattr__(self, name): + if name.startswith('_'): + return super(Flags, self).__getattr__(name) + return False + + def __contains__(self, name): + return getattr(self, name) + + def __repr__(self): + flags = (name for name in dir(self) if not name.startswith('_')) + return '' % ', '.join(flags) + + +class Label(object): + """ + An HTML form label. + """ + def __init__(self, field_id, text): + self.field_id = field_id + self.text = text + + def __str__(self): + return self() + + def __unicode__(self): + return self() + + def __html__(self): + return self() + + def __call__(self, text=None, **kwargs): + if 'for_' in kwargs: + kwargs['for'] = kwargs.pop('for_') + else: + kwargs.setdefault('for', self.field_id) + + attributes = widgets.html_params(**kwargs) + return widgets.HTMLString('' % (attributes, text or self.text)) + + def __repr__(self): + return 'Label(%r, %r)' % (self.field_id, self.text) + + +class SelectFieldBase(Field): + option_widget = widgets.Option() + + """ + Base class for fields which can be iterated to produce options. + + This isn't a field, but an abstract base class for fields which want to + provide this functionality. + """ + def __init__(self, label=None, validators=None, option_widget=None, **kwargs): + super(SelectFieldBase, self).__init__(label, validators, **kwargs) + + if option_widget is not None: + self.option_widget = option_widget + + def iter_choices(self): + """ + Provides data for choice widget rendering. Must return a sequence or + iterable of (value, label, selected) tuples. + """ + raise NotImplementedError() + + def __iter__(self): + opts = dict(widget=self.option_widget, _name=self.name, _form=None, _meta=self.meta) + for i, (value, label, checked) in enumerate(self.iter_choices()): + opt = self._Option(label=label, id='%s-%d' % (self.id, i), **opts) + opt.process(None, value) + opt.checked = checked + yield opt + + class _Option(Field): + checked = False + + def _value(self): + return text_type(self.data) + + +class SelectField(SelectFieldBase): + widget = widgets.Select() + + def __init__(self, label=None, validators=None, coerce=text_type, choices=None, **kwargs): + super(SelectField, self).__init__(label, validators, **kwargs) + self.coerce = coerce + self.choices = copy(choices) + + def iter_choices(self): + for value, label in self.choices: + yield (value, label, self.coerce(value) == self.data) + + def process_data(self, value): + try: + self.data = self.coerce(value) + except (ValueError, TypeError): + self.data = None + + def process_formdata(self, valuelist): + if valuelist: + try: + self.data = self.coerce(valuelist[0]) + except ValueError: + raise ValueError(self.gettext('Invalid Choice: could not coerce')) + + def pre_validate(self, form): + for v, _ in self.choices: + if self.data == v: + break + else: + raise ValueError(self.gettext('Not a valid choice')) + + +class SelectMultipleField(SelectField): + """ + No different from a normal select field, except this one can take (and + validate) multiple choices. You'll need to specify the HTML `size` + attribute to the select field when rendering. + """ + widget = widgets.Select(multiple=True) + + def iter_choices(self): + for value, label in self.choices: + selected = self.data is not None and self.coerce(value) in self.data + yield (value, label, selected) + + def process_data(self, value): + try: + self.data = list(self.coerce(v) for v in value) + except (ValueError, TypeError): + self.data = None + + def process_formdata(self, valuelist): + try: + self.data = list(self.coerce(x) for x in valuelist) + except ValueError: + raise ValueError(self.gettext('Invalid choice(s): one or more data inputs could not be coerced')) + + def pre_validate(self, form): + if self.data: + values = list(c[0] for c in self.choices) + for d in self.data: + if d not in values: + raise ValueError(self.gettext("'%(value)s' is not a valid choice for this field") % dict(value=d)) + + +class RadioField(SelectField): + """ + Like a SelectField, except displays a list of radio buttons. + + Iterating the field will produce subfields (each containing a label as + well) in order to allow custom rendering of the individual radio fields. + """ + widget = widgets.ListWidget(prefix_label=False) + option_widget = widgets.RadioInput() + + +class StringField(Field): + """ + This field is the base for most of the more complicated fields, and + represents an ````. + """ + widget = widgets.TextInput() + + def process_formdata(self, valuelist): + if valuelist: + self.data = valuelist[0] + elif self.data is None: + self.data = '' + + def _value(self): + return text_type(self.data) if self.data is not None else '' + + +class LocaleAwareNumberField(Field): + """ + Base class for implementing locale-aware number parsing. + + Locale-aware numbers require the 'babel' package to be present. + """ + def __init__(self, label=None, validators=None, use_locale=False, number_format=None, **kwargs): + super(LocaleAwareNumberField, self).__init__(label, validators, **kwargs) + self.use_locale = use_locale + if use_locale: + self.number_format = number_format + self.locale = kwargs['_form'].meta.locales[0] + self._init_babel() + + def _init_babel(self): + try: + from babel import numbers + self.babel_numbers = numbers + except ImportError: + raise ImportError('Using locale-aware decimals requires the babel library.') + + def _parse_decimal(self, value): + return self.babel_numbers.parse_decimal(value, self.locale) + + def _format_decimal(self, value): + return self.babel_numbers.format_decimal(value, self.number_format, self.locale) + + +class IntegerField(Field): + """ + A text field, except all input is coerced to an integer. Erroneous input + is ignored and will not be accepted as a value. + """ + widget = widgets.TextInput() + + def __init__(self, label=None, validators=None, **kwargs): + super(IntegerField, self).__init__(label, validators, **kwargs) + + def _value(self): + if self.raw_data: + return self.raw_data[0] + elif self.data is not None: + return text_type(self.data) + else: + return '' + + def process_formdata(self, valuelist): + if valuelist: + try: + self.data = int(valuelist[0]) + except ValueError: + self.data = None + raise ValueError(self.gettext('Not a valid integer value')) + + +class DecimalField(LocaleAwareNumberField): + """ + A text field which displays and coerces data of the `decimal.Decimal` type. + + :param places: + How many decimal places to quantize the value to for display on form. + If None, does not quantize value. + :param rounding: + How to round the value during quantize, for example + `decimal.ROUND_UP`. If unset, uses the rounding value from the + current thread's context. + :param use_locale: + If True, use locale-based number formatting. Locale-based number + formatting requires the 'babel' package. + :param number_format: + Optional number format for locale. If omitted, use the default decimal + format for the locale. + """ + widget = widgets.TextInput() + + def __init__(self, label=None, validators=None, places=unset_value, rounding=None, **kwargs): + super(DecimalField, self).__init__(label, validators, **kwargs) + if self.use_locale and (places is not unset_value or rounding is not None): + raise TypeError("When using locale-aware numbers, 'places' and 'rounding' are ignored.") + + if places is unset_value: + places = 2 + self.places = places + self.rounding = rounding + + def _value(self): + if self.raw_data: + return self.raw_data[0] + elif self.data is not None: + if self.use_locale: + return text_type(self._format_decimal(self.data)) + elif self.places is not None: + if hasattr(self.data, 'quantize'): + exp = decimal.Decimal('.1') ** self.places + if self.rounding is None: + quantized = self.data.quantize(exp) + else: + quantized = self.data.quantize(exp, rounding=self.rounding) + return text_type(quantized) + else: + # If for some reason, data is a float or int, then format + # as we would for floats using string formatting. + format = '%%0.%df' % self.places + return format % self.data + else: + return text_type(self.data) + else: + return '' + + def process_formdata(self, valuelist): + if valuelist: + try: + if self.use_locale: + self.data = self._parse_decimal(valuelist[0]) + else: + self.data = decimal.Decimal(valuelist[0]) + except (decimal.InvalidOperation, ValueError): + self.data = None + raise ValueError(self.gettext('Not a valid decimal value')) + + +class FloatField(Field): + """ + A text field, except all input is coerced to an float. Erroneous input + is ignored and will not be accepted as a value. + """ + widget = widgets.TextInput() + + def __init__(self, label=None, validators=None, **kwargs): + super(FloatField, self).__init__(label, validators, **kwargs) + + def _value(self): + if self.raw_data: + return self.raw_data[0] + elif self.data is not None: + return text_type(self.data) + else: + return '' + + def process_formdata(self, valuelist): + if valuelist: + try: + self.data = float(valuelist[0]) + except ValueError: + self.data = None + raise ValueError(self.gettext('Not a valid float value')) + + +class BooleanField(Field): + """ + Represents an ````. Set the ``checked``-status by using the + ``default``-option. Any value for ``default``, e.g. ``default="checked"`` puts + ``checked`` into the html-element and sets the ``data`` to ``True`` + + :param false_values: + If provided, a sequence of strings each of which is an exact match + string of what is considered a "false" value. Defaults to the tuple + ``('false', '')`` + """ + widget = widgets.CheckboxInput() + false_values = (False, 'false', '') + + def __init__(self, label=None, validators=None, false_values=None, **kwargs): + super(BooleanField, self).__init__(label, validators, **kwargs) + if false_values is not None: + self.false_values = false_values + + def process_data(self, value): + self.data = bool(value) + + def process_formdata(self, valuelist): + if not valuelist or valuelist[0] in self.false_values: + self.data = False + else: + self.data = True + + def _value(self): + if self.raw_data: + return text_type(self.raw_data[0]) + else: + return 'y' + + +class DateTimeField(Field): + """ + A text field which stores a `datetime.datetime` matching a format. + """ + widget = widgets.TextInput() + + def __init__(self, label=None, validators=None, format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', **kwargs): + super(DateTimeField, self).__init__(label, validators, **kwargs) + self.format = format + + def _value(self): + if self.raw_data: + return ' '.join(self.raw_data) + else: + return self.data and self.data.strftime(self.format) or '' + + def process_formdata(self, valuelist): + if valuelist: + date_str = ' '.join(valuelist) + try: + self.data = datetime.datetime.strptime(date_str, self.format) + except ValueError: + self.data = None + raise ValueError(self.gettext('Not a valid datetime value')) + + +class DateField(DateTimeField): + """ + Same as DateTimeField, except stores a `datetime.date`. + """ + def __init__(self, label=None, validators=None, format='%Y-%m-%d', **kwargs): + super(DateField, self).__init__(label, validators, format, **kwargs) + + def process_formdata(self, valuelist): + if valuelist: + date_str = ' '.join(valuelist) + try: + self.data = datetime.datetime.strptime(date_str, self.format).date() + except ValueError: + self.data = None + raise ValueError(self.gettext('Not a valid date value')) + + +class TimeField(DateTimeField): + """ + Same as DateTimeField, except stores a `time`. + """ + def __init__(self, label=None, validators=None, format='%H:%M', **kwargs): + super(TimeField, self).__init__(label, validators, format, **kwargs) + + def process_formdata(self, valuelist): + if valuelist: + time_str = ' '.join(valuelist) + try: + self.data = datetime.datetime.strptime(time_str, self.format).time() + except ValueError: + self.data = None + raise ValueError(self.gettext('Not a valid time value')) + + +class FormField(Field): + """ + Encapsulate a form as a field in another form. + + :param form_class: + A subclass of Form that will be encapsulated. + :param separator: + A string which will be suffixed to this field's name to create the + prefix to enclosed fields. The default is fine for most uses. + """ + widget = widgets.TableWidget() + + def __init__(self, form_class, label=None, validators=None, separator='-', **kwargs): + super(FormField, self).__init__(label, validators, **kwargs) + self.form_class = form_class + self.separator = separator + self._obj = None + if self.filters: + raise TypeError('FormField cannot take filters, as the encapsulated data is not mutable.') + if validators: + raise TypeError('FormField does not accept any validators. Instead, define them on the enclosed form.') + + def process(self, formdata, data=unset_value): + if data is unset_value: + try: + data = self.default() + except TypeError: + data = self.default + self._obj = data + + self.object_data = data + + prefix = self.name + self.separator + if isinstance(data, dict): + self.form = self.form_class(formdata=formdata, prefix=prefix, **data) + else: + self.form = self.form_class(formdata=formdata, obj=data, prefix=prefix) + + def validate(self, form, extra_validators=tuple()): + if extra_validators: + raise TypeError('FormField does not accept in-line validators, as it gets errors from the enclosed form.') + return self.form.validate() + + def populate_obj(self, obj, name): + candidate = getattr(obj, name, None) + if candidate is None: + if self._obj is None: + raise TypeError('populate_obj: cannot find a value to populate from the provided obj or input data/defaults') + candidate = self._obj + setattr(obj, name, candidate) + + self.form.populate_obj(candidate) + + def __iter__(self): + return iter(self.form) + + def __getitem__(self, name): + return self.form[name] + + def __getattr__(self, name): + return getattr(self.form, name) + + @property + def data(self): + return self.form.data + + @property + def errors(self): + return self.form.errors + + +class FieldList(Field): + """ + Encapsulate an ordered list of multiple instances of the same field type, + keeping data as a list. + + >>> authors = FieldList(StringField('Name', [validators.required()])) + + :param unbound_field: + A partially-instantiated field definition, just like that would be + defined on a form directly. + :param min_entries: + if provided, always have at least this many entries on the field, + creating blank ones if the provided input does not specify a sufficient + amount. + :param max_entries: + accept no more than this many entries as input, even if more exist in + formdata. + """ + widget = widgets.ListWidget() + + def __init__(self, unbound_field, label=None, validators=None, min_entries=0, + max_entries=None, default=tuple(), **kwargs): + super(FieldList, self).__init__(label, validators, default=default, **kwargs) + if self.filters: + raise TypeError('FieldList does not accept any filters. Instead, define them on the enclosed field.') + assert isinstance(unbound_field, UnboundField), 'Field must be unbound, not a field class' + self.unbound_field = unbound_field + self.min_entries = min_entries + self.max_entries = max_entries + self.last_index = -1 + self._prefix = kwargs.get('_prefix', '') + + def process(self, formdata, data=unset_value): + self.entries = [] + if data is unset_value or not data: + try: + data = self.default() + except TypeError: + data = self.default + + self.object_data = data + + if formdata: + indices = sorted(set(self._extract_indices(self.name, formdata))) + if self.max_entries: + indices = indices[:self.max_entries] + + idata = iter(data) + for index in indices: + try: + obj_data = next(idata) + except StopIteration: + obj_data = unset_value + self._add_entry(formdata, obj_data, index=index) + else: + for obj_data in data: + self._add_entry(formdata, obj_data) + + while len(self.entries) < self.min_entries: + self._add_entry(formdata) + + def _extract_indices(self, prefix, formdata): + """ + Yield indices of any keys with given prefix. + + formdata must be an object which will produce keys when iterated. For + example, if field 'foo' contains keys 'foo-0-bar', 'foo-1-baz', then + the numbers 0 and 1 will be yielded, but not neccesarily in order. + """ + offset = len(prefix) + 1 + for k in formdata: + if k.startswith(prefix): + k = k[offset:].split('-', 1)[0] + if k.isdigit(): + yield int(k) + + def validate(self, form, extra_validators=tuple()): + """ + Validate this FieldList. + + Note that FieldList validation differs from normal field validation in + that FieldList validates all its enclosed fields first before running any + of its own validators. + """ + self.errors = [] + + # Run validators on all entries within + for subfield in self.entries: + if not subfield.validate(form): + self.errors.append(subfield.errors) + + chain = itertools.chain(self.validators, extra_validators) + self._run_validation_chain(form, chain) + + return len(self.errors) == 0 + + def populate_obj(self, obj, name): + values = getattr(obj, name, None) + try: + ivalues = iter(values) + except TypeError: + ivalues = iter([]) + + candidates = itertools.chain(ivalues, itertools.repeat(None)) + _fake = type(str('_fake'), (object, ), {}) + output = [] + for field, data in izip(self.entries, candidates): + fake_obj = _fake() + fake_obj.data = data + field.populate_obj(fake_obj, 'data') + output.append(fake_obj.data) + + setattr(obj, name, output) + + def _add_entry(self, formdata=None, data=unset_value, index=None): + assert not self.max_entries or len(self.entries) < self.max_entries, \ + 'You cannot have more than max_entries entries in this FieldList' + if index is None: + index = self.last_index + 1 + self.last_index = index + name = '%s-%d' % (self.short_name, index) + id = '%s-%d' % (self.id, index) + field = self.unbound_field.bind(form=None, name=name, prefix=self._prefix, id=id, _meta=self.meta, + translations=self._translations) + field.process(formdata, data) + self.entries.append(field) + return field + + def append_entry(self, data=unset_value): + """ + Create a new entry with optional default data. + + Entries added in this way will *not* receive formdata however, and can + only receive object data. + """ + return self._add_entry(data=data) + + def pop_entry(self): + """ Removes the last entry from the list and returns it. """ + entry = self.entries.pop() + self.last_index -= 1 + return entry + + def __iter__(self): + return iter(self.entries) + + def __len__(self): + return len(self.entries) + + def __getitem__(self, index): + return self.entries[index] + + @property + def data(self): + return [f.data for f in self.entries] diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/fields/html5.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/fields/html5.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1cf2ec8 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/fields/html5.py @@ -0,0 +1,95 @@ +""" +Fields to support various HTML5 input types. +""" +from ..widgets import html5 as widgets +from . import core + +__all__ = ( + 'DateField', 'DateTimeField', 'DateTimeLocalField', 'DecimalField', + 'DecimalRangeField', 'EmailField', 'IntegerField', 'IntegerRangeField', + 'SearchField', 'TelField', 'TimeField', 'URLField', +) + + +class SearchField(core.StringField): + """ + Represents an ````. + """ + widget = widgets.SearchInput() + + +class TelField(core.StringField): + """ + Represents an ````. + """ + widget = widgets.TelInput() + + +class URLField(core.StringField): + """ + Represents an ````. + """ + widget = widgets.URLInput() + + +class EmailField(core.StringField): + """ + Represents an ````. + """ + widget = widgets.EmailInput() + + +class DateTimeField(core.DateTimeField): + """ + Represents an ````. + """ + widget = widgets.DateTimeInput() + + +class DateField(core.DateField): + """ + Represents an ````. + """ + widget = widgets.DateInput() + + +class TimeField(core.TimeField): + """ + Represents an ````. + """ + widget = widgets.TimeInput() + + +class DateTimeLocalField(core.DateTimeField): + """ + Represents an ````. + """ + widget = widgets.DateTimeLocalInput() + + +class IntegerField(core.IntegerField): + """ + Represents an ````. + """ + widget = widgets.NumberInput(step='1') + + +class DecimalField(core.DecimalField): + """ + Represents an ````. + """ + widget = widgets.NumberInput(step='any') + + +class IntegerRangeField(core.IntegerField): + """ + Represents an ````. + """ + widget = widgets.RangeInput(step='1') + + +class DecimalRangeField(core.DecimalField): + """ + Represents an ````. + """ + widget = widgets.RangeInput(step='any') diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/fields/simple.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/fields/simple.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ee7d806 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/fields/simple.py @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +import warnings + +from .. import widgets +from .core import Field, StringField, BooleanField + + +__all__ = ( + 'BooleanField', 'TextAreaField', 'PasswordField', 'FileField', 'MultipleFileField', + 'HiddenField', 'SubmitField', 'TextField' +) + + +class TextField(StringField): + """ + Legacy alias for StringField + + .. deprecated:: 2.0 + """ + def __init__(self, *args, **kw): + super(TextField, self).__init__(*args, **kw) + warnings.warn( + 'The TextField alias for StringField has been deprecated and will be removed in WTForms 3.0', + DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2 + ) + + +class TextAreaField(StringField): + """ + This field represents an HTML ``' % ( + html_params(name=field.name, **kwargs), + escape(text_type(field._value()), quote=False) + )) + + +class Select(object): + """ + Renders a select field. + + If `multiple` is True, then the `size` property should be specified on + rendering to make the field useful. + + The field must provide an `iter_choices()` method which the widget will + call on rendering; this method must yield tuples of + `(value, label, selected)`. + """ + def __init__(self, multiple=False): + self.multiple = multiple + + def __call__(self, field, **kwargs): + kwargs.setdefault('id', field.id) + if self.multiple: + kwargs['multiple'] = True + if 'required' not in kwargs and 'required' in getattr(field, 'flags', []): + kwargs['required'] = True + html = ['') + return HTMLString(''.join(html)) + + @classmethod + def render_option(cls, value, label, selected, **kwargs): + if value is True: + # Handle the special case of a 'True' value. + value = text_type(value) + + options = dict(kwargs, value=value) + if selected: + options['selected'] = True + return HTMLString('' % (html_params(**options), escape_html(label, quote=False))) + + +class Option(object): + """ + Renders the individual option from a select field. + + This is just a convenience for various custom rendering situations, and an + option by itself does not constitute an entire field. + """ + def __call__(self, field, **kwargs): + return Select.render_option(field._value(), field.label.text, field.checked, **kwargs) diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/widgets/html5.py b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/widgets/html5.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c333d00 --- /dev/null +++ b/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wtforms/widgets/html5.py @@ -0,0 +1,124 @@ +""" +Widgets for various HTML5 input types. +""" + +from .core import Input + +__all__ = ( + 'ColorInput', 'DateInput', 'DateTimeInput', 'DateTimeLocalInput', + 'EmailInput', 'MonthInput', 'NumberInput', 'RangeInput', 'SearchInput', + 'TelInput', 'TimeInput', 'URLInput', 'WeekInput', +) + + +class SearchInput(Input): + """ + Renders an input with type "search". + """ + input_type = 'search' + + +class TelInput(Input): + """ + Renders an input with type "tel". + """ + input_type = 'tel' + + +class URLInput(Input): + """ + Renders an input with type "url". + """ + input_type = 'url' + + +class EmailInput(Input): + """ + Renders an input with type "email". + """ + input_type = 'email' + + +class DateTimeInput(Input): + """ + Renders an input with type "datetime". + """ + input_type = 'datetime' + + +class DateInput(Input): + """ + Renders an input with type "date". + """ + input_type = 'date' + + +class MonthInput(Input): + """ + Renders an input with type "month". + """ + input_type = 'month' + + +class WeekInput(Input): + """ + Renders an input with type "week". + """ + input_type = 'week' + + +class TimeInput(Input): + """ + Renders an input with type "time". + """ + input_type = 'time' + + +class DateTimeLocalInput(Input): + """ + Renders an input with type "datetime-local". + """ + input_type = 'datetime-local' + + +class NumberInput(Input): + """ + Renders an input with type "number". + """ + input_type = 'number' + + def __init__(self, step=None, min=None, max=None): + self.step = step + self.min = min + self.max = max + + def __call__(self, field, **kwargs): + if self.step is not None: + kwargs.setdefault('step', self.step) + if self.min is not None: + kwargs.setdefault('min', self.min) + if self.max is not None: + kwargs.setdefault('max', self.max) + return super(NumberInput, self).__call__(field, **kwargs) + + +class RangeInput(Input): + """ + Renders an input with type "range". + """ + input_type = 'range' + + def __init__(self, step=None): + self.step = step + + def __call__(self, field, **kwargs): + if self.step is not None: + kwargs.setdefault('step', self.step) + return super(RangeInput, self).__call__(field, **kwargs) + + +class ColorInput(Input): + """ + Renders an input with type "color". + """ + input_type = 'color'