# Pushing and Pulling Images

Now that you have a user with an organization in place; you can now push and pull in to this repo. You can also manages who has access to what repo based on the teams in your organization.

## Creating a Repository

First thing you have to do is login to this new repo.

firefox http://quay.${ocproute}/repository

Once logged in, click on the right had side on your organization, in my case, I clicked on `marketing`


On this page it will say `This namespace doesn't have any viewable repositories.`. Click on `creating a new repository`


Once you've clicked that, you'll see the `Create New Repository` page. Here fill in the name as `welcome-php` and leave the access as `Private` (which is the default if you're doing it from the command line). It should look like this...


Now click on `Create Private Repository`

## Push an Image to the repo

For this section, I will be pulling an image from the hostend Quay and then pushing it into this private instance.

***NOTE*** You need to add your quay's domain name as an insecure registry. (This process may differ depending on what you're running on your client.

For example
$ sudo grep -B1 quay /etc/containers/registries.conf
registries = ['quay.apps.']

Once you've gotten that set up, pull the `quay.io/redhatworkshops/welcome-php` image to your local machine.

$ docker pull quay.io/redhatworkshops/welcome-php
Trying to pull quay.io/redhatworkshops/welcome-php...Getting image source signatures
Copying blob sha256:92058cf44053377a006500dd6593e87ff8ca67dc664f49a7a55b1dcda11af599
 71.48 MB / 71.48 MB [======================================================] 3s
Copying blob sha256:8d846904080d377a49f8b4b1ab24c51e85ab24417ff494bb6cb986aaa7df3134
 1.25 KB / 1.25 KB [========================================================] 0s
Copying blob sha256:89518257a7daa63c87cdd9cb2085f709cd73747549ac48561a3dd0059021f1e5
 6.39 MB / 6.39 MB [========================================================] 0s
Copying blob sha256:061b2d93ca071f14e1d4b0bfa35b131b72b3aaae215f829c099aa2ad689c3b82
 79.78 MB / 79.78 MB [======================================================] 3s
Copying blob sha256:a6219b80903c6c4c25a32a4506d817efe15beac3028533fe47e4af871696202a
 43.16 MB / 43.16 MB [======================================================] 1s
Copying blob sha256:95b7cb38207ae46872653e4f8e7f5379f263b8290dd3ebbb564569ed4f1b18cb
 243.46 KB / 243.46 KB [====================================================] 0s
Writing manifest to image destination

Now  check to see if you have the image locally...it should look like this

$ docker images | grep welcome-php
REPOSITORY                            TAG      IMAGE ID       CREATED       SIZE
quay.io/redhatworkshops/welcome-php   latest   b57beebcb38c   5 weeks ago   592 MB

Now login to your Quay instance using the cli as `user1` (the user who has access to the `marketing` org)

$ docker login quay.${ocproute}
Username: user1
Password: *******
Login Succeeded!

Now tag the image to prepare it to be pushed/uploaded...

docker tag quay.io/redhatworkshops/welcome-php:latest quay.${ocproute}/marketing/welcome-php:latest

Now push this up to your instance

$ docker push quay.${ocproute}/marketing/welcome-php:latest
Getting image source signatures
Copying blob sha256:20a1b4e9f75b380b79e95e10028abbc659d9e2da4f4c3e0d17b1dd2ae37fd717
 200.91 MB / 200.91 MB [===================================================] 27s
Copying blob sha256:8a325f8a1c47d5ebed8a831dc6059cd844fa786437f0eba44a6e4127edb74d7f
 10.00 KB / 10.00 KB [======================================================] 0s
Copying blob sha256:21c4b876b68b4ecedb708c6434c66ef4df000bef55252f283cfb5be29b1a2e17
 20.18 MB / 20.18 MB [======================================================] 2s
Copying blob sha256:cd8f678e75d4c7b1ff3e69b315d8b4fd391d2be527717a958627f81ecaf850c7
 238.60 MB / 238.60 MB [===================================================] 32s
Copying blob sha256:95eeb452da25fb3ff40d7b6f5fb1b2d7ece2f2e2a37942c1666546678ee8025d
 104.59 MB / 104.59 MB [===================================================] 17s
Copying blob sha256:de821eccf491b687d8a1d91b046a6abca476e1172b7677e58dda45fab4d46ab5
 469.00 KB / 469.00 KB [====================================================] 0s
Writing manifest to image destination
Storing signatures

You've successfully pushed an image into your quay instance!

## Pull an Image from the repo

To test this, we will first delete the images (**WARNING** the following command will delete ALL your local images that have a name like `welcome-php`)

docker rmi --force $(docker images | grep welcome | awk '{print $3}')

Also logout of your instance

docker logout quay.${ocproute}

You should now not have the `welcome-php` in your local machine

$ docker images
$ docker ps

Try pulling the image...you should see an `unauthorized` error message

$ docker pull quay.${ocproute}/marketing/welcome-php:latest
Trying to pull quay.apps.
error pulling image "quay.apps.": unable to pull quay.apps. unable to pull image: Error determining manifest MIME type for docker://quay.apps. Error reading manifest latest in quay.apps. unauthorized: access to the requested resource is not authorized

Now login as `user1`

$ docker login -u user1 quay.${ocproute}
Login Succeeded!

You should be now be able to pull the image

$ docker pull quay.${ocproute}/marketing/welcome-php:latest
Trying to pull quay.apps. image source signatures
Copying blob sha256:92058cf44053377a006500dd6593e87ff8ca67dc664f49a7a55b1dcda11af599
 71.48 MB / 71.48 MB [======================================================] 6s
Copying blob sha256:8d846904080d377a49f8b4b1ab24c51e85ab24417ff494bb6cb986aaa7df3134
 1.25 KB / 1.25 KB [========================================================] 0s
Copying blob sha256:89518257a7daa63c87cdd9cb2085f709cd73747549ac48561a3dd0059021f1e5
 6.39 MB / 6.39 MB [========================================================] 0s
Copying blob sha256:061b2d93ca071f14e1d4b0bfa35b131b72b3aaae215f829c099aa2ad689c3b82
 79.78 MB / 79.78 MB [======================================================] 4s
Copying blob sha256:a6219b80903c6c4c25a32a4506d817efe15beac3028533fe47e4af871696202a
 43.16 MB / 43.16 MB [======================================================] 2s
Copying blob sha256:95b7cb38207ae46872653e4f8e7f5379f263b8290dd3ebbb564569ed4f1b18cb
 243.46 KB / 243.46 KB [====================================================] 0s
Writing manifest to image destination
Storing signatures

You should have your image now locally

$ docker images
REPOSITORY                                             TAG      IMAGE ID       CREATED       SIZE
quay.apps.   latest   b57beebcb38c   5 weeks ago   592 MB

## Verifying Clair scan

Clair, by default, scans all images for vulnerabilites. This is queued up as soon as the push finishes. Open up your browser to the `marketing` organization and login as `user1`

firefox quay.${ocproute}/organization/marketing

Once logged in, you should see this page


Once you're here click on the `welcome-php` repo you just pushed into.


On this page click on the tag icon ![tag](images/tag.png) on the left hand side. This will bring up the tag overview page. Here you can see the image has been scanned and issues have been found. 


Click on the `12 high` (number might differ on yours) link to see an overview page. Feel free to browse around and see the issues and their fixes.


That's it! you can continue on to [Assigning Users to Teams](5.userstoteams.md)