In this lab we will be going through installing Quay and it's prereqs.
In the current release of Quay, you'll only be able to install on a project called quay-enterprise
. This project needs to have anyuid
capabilites. This means this entire workshop needs to be run as system:admin
oc login -u system:admin
Create the project quay-enterprise
and give it access to run anyuid
oc new-project quay-enterprise
oc adm policy add-scc-to-user anyuid -z default -n quay-enterprise
For ease of use, export your OpenShift's default route.
export ocproute=$(oc get routes -n default docker-registry -o jsonpath='{}' | cut -d'.' -f2-)
Download the installation/setup YAMLs. We will be using these for the installation.
cd ~
mkdir ./quaydeploy
cd ./quaydeploy
Make sure you have either podman
or docker
installed. If not, install it and verify it with the following command
docker version
You should switch to the quay-enterprise
$ oc project quay-enterprise
In order to deploy Quay, you'll need access to the container images via a docker config file. You can get one by simply running docker login
against the registry. You can get the login command from this kbase article
Copy the command from the KBASE article above ^ in the terminal
docker login -u="coreos+rhcp" -p="[ GET THIS PART FORM THE KBASE ARTICLE ABOVE ^^^^^^^ ]"
This should create/update the ~/.docker/config.json
$ ls -ld ~/.docker/config.json
-rw-------. 1 ec2-user ec2-user 400 Jan 15 00:19 /home/ec2-user/.docker/config.json
Copy this file to the quaydeploy
working directory
$ cp ~/.docker/config.json ~/quaydeploy/
Once you have this file, upload it to OpenShift and create the config secret
oc create -f quay-enterprise-config-secret.yml
oc create secret generic coreos-pull-secret \
--from-file=".dockerconfigjson=config.json" --type='' -n quay-enterprise
Now you have to create the role and it's corresponding bindings (you must run this as system:admin
). You have to add anyuid
to this new role.
oc create -f quay-servicetoken-role-k8s1-6.yaml -n quay-enterprise
oc create -f quay-servicetoken-role-binding-k8s1-6.yaml -n quay-enterprise
oc adm policy add-scc-to-user anyuid system:serviceaccount:quay-enterprise-serviceaccount:default
You are now ready to deploy Redis and Quay.
oc create -f quay-enterprise-redis.yml
oc create -f quay-enterprise-app-rc.yml -f quay-enterprise-service-loadbalancer.yml
Expose the route.
oc expose svc quay-enterprise --name=quay --hostname=quay.${ocproute}
If you visit this URL, you'll see something like this...
That means it's up and running! Before we set this up; we'll have to deploy a database first.
Quay supports mysql/mariadb and postgresql. We will be deploying a postgresql db, since clair (the image scanning tool) uses pgsql. Ideally, in a production installation, this would be handeled by your DBA. But for the purposes of this workshop, we'll spin one up.
Make sure you're still the the quay-enterprise
oc project quay-enterprise
Use the postgresql template with persistant storage
oc new-app --name=postgresql -l app=postgresql --template=postgresql-persistent \
Once the postgresql pod is up, run an oc rsh
to login to the pod. We will set it up from within the pod.
oc rsh $(oc get pods -l app=postgresql -o jsonpath='{.items[*]}')
Once inside this pod, verify that the admin pack is installed
sh-4.2$ echo "SELECT * FROM pg_available_extensions" | /opt/rh/rh-postgresql96/root/usr/bin/psql | grep admin
Next, we create the pg_trgm
sh-4.2$ echo "CREATE EXTENSION pg_trgm" | /opt/rh/rh-postgresql96/root/usr/bin/psql
Now, make the quay
user, an admin
sh-4.2$ echo "ALTER USER quay WITH SUPERUSER;" | /opt/rh/rh-postgresql96/root/usr/bin/psql
Finally, since we're here, let's create the clair
database to use later in this workshop
sh-4.2$ echo "create database clair;" | /opt/rh/rh-postgresql96/root/usr/bin/psql
You can exit the pod
sh-4.2$ exit
Database is ready to go!
Quay, for production use, needs to use object storage. We will be deploying minio for object storage. Minio is an S3 compatiable Object Storage that runs inside Kubernetes. For more information you can visit minio's website.
If you already have Object storage in place or if you're planning on using cloud based object storage (like S3); you can skip this section.
For those of us who need it, let's get it deployed!
First download the template from this repo
Next, export something for the access key and secret key (you can generate these randomly)
export MINIO_ACCESS_KEY=$(cat /dev/urandom | LC_ALL=C tr -dc 'A-Z0-9' | fold -w 20 | head -1)
export MINIO_SECRET_KEY=$(cat /dev/urandom | LC_ALL=C tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' | fold -w 40 | head -1)
Use envsubst
to replace these values from the template
envsubst < minio-deployment-TEMPLATE.yaml > minio-deployment.yaml
NOTE MacOSX users; to get envsubst
run the following
brew install gettext
brew link --force gettext
Verify that the values got replaced
$ grep -A1 MINIO minio-deployment.yaml
value: "WxgZlbN4GlX5MKcZZZVyOBtbP4VDwUPMR8lWw9ki"
Deploy minio using the newly created yaml
oc create -f minio-deployment.yaml
Create a route for minio
oc expose svc minio-service --name=minio --hostname=minio.${ocproute}
Download the minio client and put it in your path
sudo wget -O /usr/local/bin/mc
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/mc
Create a bucket where quay can store the images
mc config host add minio http://minio.${ocproute} ${MINIO_ACCESS_KEY} ${MINIO_SECRET_KEY}
mc mb minio/quay
Verify the bucket has been created with
mc ls minio
That's it! You've installed quay and you may now move on to Configuring Quay