#!/bin/bash export APP_NAME="rbac" # name of app-sre "application" folder this component lives in export COMPONENT_NAME="rbac" # name of app-sre "resourceTemplate" in deploy.yaml for this component export IMAGE="quay.io/cloudservices/rbac" # the image location on quay # These are not currently needed but leaving them commented out in case they are needed in the future #export COMPONENTS_W_RESOURCES="rbac" # components which should preserve resource settings #export EXTRA_DEPLOY_ARGS="--set-parameter rbac/MIN_WORKER_REPLICAS=1" export IQE_ENV="ephemeral" export IQE_PLUGINS="rbac" # name of the IQE plugin for this APP export IQE_MARKER_EXPRESSION="" # This is the value passed to pytest -m export IQE_FILTER_EXPRESSION="" # This is the value passed to pytest -k export IQE_TEST_IMPORTANCE="critical" # This is the value passed to iqe --testImportance export IQE_CJI_TIMEOUT="30m" # This is the time to wait for smoke test to complete or fail export IQE_PARALLEL_ENABLED="false" # Install bonfire repo/initialize CICD_URL=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RedHatInsights/bonfire/master/cicd curl -s $CICD_URL/bootstrap.sh > .cicd_bootstrap.sh && source .cicd_bootstrap.sh # Build the image and push to quay source $CICD_ROOT/build.sh # Deploy rbac to an ephemeral namespace for testing source $CICD_ROOT/deploy_ephemeral_env.sh # Run smoke tests with ClowdJobInvocation source $CICD_ROOT/cji_smoke_test.sh # Run the new image for the unit_tests and run the unit tests source $APP_ROOT/unit_test.sh