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th798@cmp2986 MINGW64 ~/projects/proved-it (master)
$ R --vanilla < ~/R/datatable-print-trunc-cols.R
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> options(datatable.print.trunc.cols=TRUE)
> DT=data.table::fread(text=("sample,channel,Time,RFU,bases,relative.height,milli.bases,diff.prev,offset,chromStart,chromEnd,count,Sample
+ mixture,4,2708,-29,90.0787401574803,0.0411348318837306,90078,,39,90039,90118,20,mixture
> DT
sample channel Time RFU bases relative.height milli.bases diff.prev
1: mixture 4 2708 -29 90.07874 0.041134832 90078 NA
2: 4 5106 -44 289.86547 -0.002745175 289865 90
5 variables not shown: [offset, chromStart, chromEnd, count, Sample]
>, lapply(1:101, function(i)DT[1]))
sample channel Time RFU bases relative.height milli.bases diff.prev
1: mixture 4 2708 -29 90.07874 0.04113483 90078 NA
2: mixture 4 2708 -29 90.07874 0.04113483 90078 NA
3: mixture 4 2708 -29 90.07874 0.04113483 90078 NA
4: mixture 4 2708 -29 90.07874 0.04113483 90078 NA
5: mixture 4 2708 -29 90.07874 0.04113483 90078 NA
97: mixture 4 2708 -29 90.07874 0.04113483 90078 NA
98: mixture 4 2708 -29 90.07874 0.04113483 90078 NA
99: mixture 4 2708 -29 90.07874 0.04113483 90078 NA
100: mixture 4 2708 -29 90.07874 0.04113483 90078 NA
101: mixture 4 2708 -29 90.07874 0.04113483 90078 NA
5 variables not shown: [offset, chromStart, chromEnd, count, Sample]
>, lapply(1:101, function(i)DT))
sample channel Time RFU bases relative.height milli.bases
1: mixture 4 2708 -29 90.07874 0.041134832 90078
2: 4 5106 -44 289.86547 -0.002745175 289865
3: mixture 4 2708 -29 90.07874 0.041134832 90078
4: 4 5106 -44 289.86547 -0.002745175 289865
5: mixture 4 2708 -29 90.07874 0.041134832 90078
198: 4 5106 -44 289.86547 -0.002745175 289865
199: mixture 4 2708 -29 90.07874 0.041134832 90078
200: 4 5106 -44 289.86547 -0.002745175 289865
201: mixture 4 2708 -29 90.07874 0.041134832 90078
202: 4 5106 -44 289.86547 -0.002745175 289865
1: NA
2: 90
3: NA
4: 90
5: NA
198: 90
199: NA
200: 90
201: NA
202: 90
5 variables not shown: [offset, chromStart, chromEnd, count, Sample]
th798@cmp2986 MINGW64 ~/projects/proved-it (master)
I expected that the print output should always fit on one scree. Here in the last line of code I expected that the diff.prev column should not be shown, but it was shown.
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:
hi all especially @TysonStanley @jangorecki @MichaelChirico who reviewed the related PR #4074
I found a data set which prints incorrectly using the new trunc.cols feature. Here is the minimal code:
Here is the output on my system:
I expected that the print output should always fit on one scree. Here in the last line of code I expected that the diff.prev column should not be shown, but it was shown.
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: