- Hopefully fixed und removed debugging for ISSUE #14
- Updated dependencies
- New debugging for #14
- Updated dependencies
- Bugfix for Nullpointer.
- Bugfix for Nullpointer. Thanks to SebKranz (#11)
- Bugfix for Nullpointer in config
- Zones based on rooms instead of devices
- New 'clearcache' config-option to delete old devices cache and create new devices
- BETA! New 'frozen' config-option to prevent deleting devices
- New dependencies
- No logger error on startup
- Virtual Zone should always start now
- Fixed Virtual Zone Switch
- Updated Raumfeld server
- Still trying to get deletion of devices right
- Fixed Nullpointer
- Not readding devices when they have spaces in their name
- Fixed some NullPointer and better error handling
- Correctly deleting speakers which do not exist anymore or have changed names
- Speaker-Switches now put speakers to stand-by directly
- Switching on speakers will add them to the currently playing "Virtual Zone" automatically
- "Virtual Zone"-Switch working
- Updated console.log to homebridge-log-system
- Bugfix Nullpointer
- added elementree as dependency in package.json
- initial release with minimal functionality and many bugs