For modules that contain a file named .build-airlift-docker
the Maven properties below are used to generate a docker image during the
package phase and to deploy/push that image during the delpoy phase. This
docker file is
used to build the image.
Note: modules must also contain .build-airlift
so that the Airlift
launcher tarball is generated. The Maven build will fail if this file
is missing.
Name | Default Value | Details |
air.docker.skip | false | skip all docker executions |
air.docker.skip-build | false | skip docker build |
air.docker.skip-deploy | false | skip docker deploy |
air.docker.skip-tag | false | skip docker tagging |
air.docker.verbose | false | enable verbose mode for dockerfile-maven-plugin |
air.docker.repository | ${project.groupId}/${project.artifactId} | Docker repo image name | | airlift |
AIRLIFT_DIRECTORY in AirliftDockerfile
air.docker.jdk | openjdk:${}-jdk-buster |
JAVA_VERSION in AirliftDockerfile
air.docker.maintainer | ${project.groupId} |
MAINTAINER in AirliftDockerfile
air.docker.user | airlift |
USER in AirliftDockerfile
air.docker.port | 8080 |
APPLICATION_PORT in AirliftDockerfile
air.docker.tag | latest | Docker tag |