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You are welcome to participate in the development of this tool, in this file some information and rules for the development are described.


If changes are made to the interface or functionality, the screenshots and documentation should also be updated.


To add new icons to the user interface, use the Material Design icons from Google Fonts. They can be downloaded here for free. Use the default settings and always download a dark and a light theme icon as an SVG file.


To contribute, please create a fork of the repository, work on the develop branch and create a pull request in the develop branch. Once ci has run successfully with the tests, it can be merged into the develop branch. As soon as a new version is to be made available, the version is set and the develop branch is merged into the master branch.


The versioning of the app is set in the DisplayVersion (e.g. 1.0.25) and also the ApplicationVersion (e.g. 25) in the file Directory.Build.props. Once the application has been published on the Play Store, it is no longer possible to republish it with the same ApplicationVersion.


The workflows are described in the following table:

Workflow File name Trigger Description
ci build-test-cleanup.yml Commits to any branch except master, and pull requests to develop and master Builds and tests the software
release test-build-upload-cleanup.yml Commits or merges to master Builds, tests and publishes the app to Google Play Store

Secrets and variables

To publish this app on the play store, you need first to create a keystore and upload your signing key to Google Play Console. You also need a Google Service Account, that has the permission to upload app bundles, check out this guide to create this account.


The secrets are described in the following table:

Name Type Description
KEYSTORE_ALIAS Secret A label for specific key within a keystore
KEYSTORE_BASE64 Secret Encode your keystore
KEYSTORE_FILENAME Secret File name of your keystore
KEYSTORE_PASSWORD Secret The password of your key store
PLAY_STORE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT Secret The Google service account JSON
SYNCFUSION_LICENSE Secret The Snycfusion license you have to apply for here


The variables are described in the following table:

Name Value Description
AAB_NAME com.ramo.personalrecord-Signed.aab Name of the signed AAB file that will be uploaded to Google Play Store
APP_NAME PersonalRecord.App Folder name of the startup project
APP_PROJECT src\PersonalRecord.App\PersonalRecord.App.csproj Startup project path
BUILD_CONFIGURATION Release Build configuration that will be used the dotnet publish command
PACKAGE_NAME com.ramo.personalrecord Package name that will be published to Google Play Store
TARGET_FRAMEWORK net8.0-android Target framework that will be used for .NET MAUI deployment
UNIT_TEST_PROJECTS src\PersonalRecord.Services.UnitTests\ PersonalRecord.Services.UnitTests.csproj Relative path of the unit test projects, space separated
INTEGRATION_TEST_PROJECTS src\PersonalRecord.Infrastructure.IntegrationTests\ PersonalRecord.Infrastructure.IntegrationTests.csproj Relative path of the integration test projects, space separated
WHATS_NEW_DIRECTORY .dist/whatsnew Folder that contains the what's new files (see documentation)



EF Core cannot be used to migrate projects that targets platform Android. The official way is to create a new project with a supported platform and perform the migration there. When adding the migration to this project, the following error appears:

Startup project 'PersonalRecord.App' targets platform 'Android'. The Entity Framework Core Package Manager Console Tools don't support this platform. See for more information.

Bug Report on MAUI: dotnet/maui#9940

Documentation of EF Core:

Migrations Repository

I have created a separate project so that the migrations can be created. The entities can be extended in the project, the migrations can be added, and the result can be copied to this repository.

Checkout this repository for the migrations:

Database fields

Primary key

Primary keys of a table have a suffix ID after the table name. For example, the table Movement has the field MovementID as GUID.

All fields

All fields except the primary key fields follow a prefix with the shortened 3-letter name of the table. For the table Movement we can use Mov for the field MovName.

Foreign Keys

Foreign key fields follow the given pattern:

  • Mvr as the general preffix of the table MovementRecord
  • MovementID same name as the primary key field of the referenced table
  • _FK as a suffix to highlight that it is a foreign key

So we have a foreign key field named MvrMovementID_FK.


A new language can be added very easily, you need Visual Studio, you can download it here. In this example, we will add Spanish as a new language.

Resource file

Create a new resource file in the folder Languages and provide your language code between the file name AppResources and the extension resx, for example Copy all the keys from the default language file which is English, and add the translations. Check out this Microsoft documentation to learn more about resource files.

Integration Tests

There are a few integration tests, that will ensure that all the language keys, that exist in the English version, have also been translated to the new language. Please run these tests before creating a pull request.

Language enum

Extend the Language enum with your language name that will be displayed on the settings page e.g. Spanish.

Map the language to a culture

Go to the class App.xaml.cs and register your language withing the method SetLanguage() with the corresponding culture.

culture = settings.Language switch
    Infrastructure.Language.English => "en-US",
    Infrastructure.Language.German => "de-DE",
    // Map your new language here like this one
    Infrastructure.Language.Spanish => "es-ES",
    _ => "en-US",