A test case json file contains an array of test object that contains the necessary to run tests
- testId can be a unique identifier for a test
- testDescription, description of the test
- steps, a list of function to execute with the persona name in "()"
- sends an insert request to the queue with the reference id of the persona.
- callback url will be sent in request from which the ABIS will fetch cbeff associated with the persona
identify(persona_1, persona_2, persona_3,..,...)
- sends an identify request to the queue with the reference id and reference url of person_1
- gallery of reference ids of persona_2, persona_3,...
- if only persona_1 is provided, then it will send no gallery and the match will happen with all inserted data
identify_ref(persona_1, persona_2, persona_3,..,...)
- sends an identify request to the queue with the reference id of person_1
- gallery of reference ids of persona_2, persona_3,...
- if only persona_1 is provided, then it will send no gallery and the match will happen with all inserted data
identify_url(persona_1, persona_2, persona_3,..,...)
- sends an identify request to the queue with the reference url of person_1
- gallery of reference ids of persona_2, persona_3,...
- if only persona_1 is provided, then it will send no gallery and the match will happen with all inserted data
- sends an delete request to the queue with the reference id of person_1
- sends an ping request to the queue to get service status
- sends pending_jobs request to the queue to get pending Jobs count
- sends an reference_count request to the queue
You can add expectation to a step by adding "expect(, )"
type can be:
- returnValue (applicable on all steps)
- failureReason (applicable on all steps)
- count (applicable only for ping)
- jobscount (applicable only for reference_count)
- candidateListCount (applicable only for identify, identify_url)
- candidateReferenceId (applicable only for identify, identify_url)
value is the expected value.
Matches for the returnValue field's value in response with expected value.
Example: expect(returnValue, 1)
Matches for the failureReason field's value in response with expected value.
Example: expect(failureReason, 7)
Matches for the count field's value in response with expected value
Example: expect(count, 10)
Matches for the jobscount field's value in response with expected value
Example: expect(jobscount, 10)
Matches for the candidateList->count field's value in response with expected value.
Example: expect(candidateListCount, 2)
Matches for the candidates reference_id field's value in response with expected value.
Example: expect(candidateReferenceId, person1)
For example
.expect(returnValue, 2) - response.returnValue == 2, expected [2] & actual [response.returnValue] .expect(!returnValue, 2) - response.returnValue != 2, expected [not 2] & actual [response.returnValue]
Orchestrator will check whether the expect condition is fulfilled, if not then it will set the status as failed
* By default every step has an inbuilt expectation of returnValue 1. But if you add any expectation then you have to explicitly write the returnValue expect too
"testId": "x1",
"testDescription": "y1",
"steps": [
"insert(person1)", "insert(person2)", "identify(person3, person1, person2).expect(returnValue, 1).expect(candidates, 2)"
"testId": "x2",
"testDescription": "y2",
"steps": [
"insert(person1)", "insert(person2)", "ping().expect(returnValue, 1).expect(jobscount, 2)"