Important terminologies in (React):
- Props
- State
- Context
- Hooks
- Life Cycle
Interface Composition, React is composition-focused
Main things in React:
- Components
- Props
- State
Developers don't build pages in React instead we build components
This helps us to think in a modular way(view the whole project in small parts), design individual component before putting together a page or view
JSX compiled into valid javascript
- they are the building block of any react-app
- they are like javascript function that accept arbitrary inputs (props) and return react elements describing what should be displayed on the screen
Functional component
function badge(props){
return <h1> Hello, my name is {} </h1>
before hooks were invented, simple components(stateless components) with no state and no lifecycle are made by functional components
advanced components with state and lifecycle methods
Functional components can now make everything
if the function is being used into many things in the project, then you should make it a components
state has local and global conditions (State management) for global state - we use context api or redux or any other libraries
make your component - pure function (mainly depends on props & events) - make state the last stage for you to think about
1.mounting 2.rendering 3.dismounting
componentDidMount() runs after the component output has been rendered to the dom componentWillUnmount() is invoked immediately before a component is unmounted and destroyed
shouldComponentUpdate() is invoked before rendering when new props or state are being received ComponentDidUpdate() is invoked immediately after updating occurs. both of them {Not called for the initial render}
one of the techniques or patterns used in react It's an advanced technique in react for reusing a component logic Which is a function that takes a component and returns a new component while the normal component transforms props into ui
when you want to pass data from a component into another one, all of this are passed via props but this may create so many issues, this may lead to bad code and maintenance issues(Prop drilling) then instead of passing props, you used global state which helps you in sharing the data between components without having to pass a prop through any level of hierarchy (we can avoid passing props through intermediate elements)
Break the ui into a hierarchy component