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Delino - User Guide

1. Introduction

This user guide provides in-depth documentation on the Delino desktop application: quick start guide, features, FAQ, command summary, and glossary.

Delino is for couriers who prefer to use a desktop app for managing their delivery tasks. It is optimised for those who have a strong preference towards Command Line Interface (CLI) while still enjoying the benefits of a Graphical User Interface (GUI). Sounds interesting? Have a quick look at our tutorial Section 2, “Quick Start” to get started. Have a delightful journey using Delino!

Figure 1. Graphical User Interface (GUI) of Delino

1.1. Product Information

Are you still using pen and papers or Excel to keep track of all your orders?

With Delino, you can be rest assured that it will help you to keep track of a large number of orders in the most efficient way possible. Are you interested in improving your parcel delivery management? Read further to discover the features of Delino!

1.2. How to navigate this user guide

Throughout this user guide, you might encounter additional symbols. These symbols are used to highlight important information.
This user guide uses the following symbols:


This block contains additional notes.
It contains more information regarding complex content that you should take note of.


This block contains additional tips.


This block contains warning information.


This block contains important information that you should be mindful of.

text markup : This is used to indicate keywords such as command arguments to Delino. (e.g. exit)

[FLAG] : For the various commands, you might encounter keywords placed in square brackets.
(e.g. nearby [FLAG] AREA)
These indicate the optional arguments to a command.

Keywords that are capitalized represent all possible combinations of an argument.
(e.g. [FLAG] represents all possible flag arguments available).
For the list of all possible combinations of an argument, you can refer to the glossary

Finally, you will encounter links to external web pages for additional information. These links will look like this.

2. Quick Start

  1. Ensure you have Java 11 or above installed in your Computer.

  2. Download the latest CS2103T-W12-1.Delino.jar here.

  3. Copy the file to the folder you want to use as the home folder for your Delino.

  4. Double-click the file to start the app. The GUI should appear in a few seconds.

    1. If you are a Mac user and are unable to open the jar file after double-clicking, please open Terminal and change the directory to the directory that the jar file was downloaded at. Then, type the following command to open the Delino application:
      java -jar CS2103T-W12-1.Delino.jar

    2. If you are a Windows user and are unable to open the jar file after double-clicking, please open Command Prompt and change the directory to the directory that the jar file was downloaded at. Then, type the following command to open the Delino application:
      java -jar CS2103T-W12-1.Delino.jar

  5. Type the command in the command box and press Enter to execute it.
    e.g. typing help and pressing Enter will open the help window.

  6. Some example commands you can try:

    • list done : lists all delivered orders and return orders.

    • insert tid/1023456789 n/Amos Cheong a/Blk 572 Hougang st 51 #11-37 S530572 p/90010019 dts/2020-06-10 1650 w/Marsiling cod/$5 c/Leave it at the riser type/glass : adds an order where the receiver name is Amos Cheong into Delino.

    • delete -o 3 : deletes the 3rd delivery order shown in the current order list

    • exit : exits the app

  7. Refer to Section 3, “Features” for a more detailed explanation of each command.

3. Features

In this section you will be able to learn about the various features of Delino.

Current Features















Command Format

  • Words in UPPER_CASE are the parameters to be supplied by you e.g. in insert n/CUSTOMER_NAME, CUSTOMER_NAME is a parameter which can be used as insert n/John Doe.

  • Items in square brackets are optional e.g n/CUSTOMER_NAME [c/COMMENT] can be used as n/John Doe c/Leave the parcel outside or as n/John Doe.

  • Parameters can be in any order e.g. if the command specifies n/CUSTOMER_NAME p/PHONE_NUMBER,
    p/PHONE_NUMBER n/CUSTOMER_NAME is also acceptable.

3.1. Showing the Help message - help [Done by - Cher Wei Jie]

  • In this section, you will learn more about the help command and how to use it.
    Why would you want to use the help command? You can use this help command to see a summary of all available features of Delino.

3.1.1. How to use the Help command?

Here is how you can use the help command to show a summary of all available commands in Delino.

Step 1 : Type in the keyword help.
Step 2 : Press Enter on your keyboard to see the magic!

3.1.2. What constitutes a valid Help command?

The syntax for a valid help command can be seen below!

  • help

Table 1. Possible Combinations of Help command
Scenario Command Result

If you want to view all the available commands in Delino.


A pop-up window will be shown that includes a summary to briefly explain all the commands that Delino offers.

3.2. Inserting an order: insert [Done by Amos Cheong Jit Hon]

This section shows you how to use the insert Command and the relevant examples.

Whenever you have a new delivery order to make, you have to add it into your list of orders. The insert Command is in charge of this functionality.

3.2.1. How to use the Insert Command


Orders inserted are sorted by their delivery date and time.

Here are the steps on using the insert Command:

Step 1 : Type in the keyword insert


Step 3 (Optional) : Add in the Customer comment and type of item using the prefixes [COMMENT_BY_CUSTOMER] [TYPE_OF_ITEM]

Step 4 : Press Enter on your keyboard to see the magic!

3.2.2. What constitutes a valid Insert command

  • The TRANSACTION_ID refers to the transaction id of the order.

  • The CUSTOMER_NAME refers to the name of the recipient of the order.

  • The ADDRESS refers to the address of the recipient.

  • The PHONE_NUMBER refers to the phone number of the recipient.

  • The EMAIL refers to the email address of the recipient.

  • The DELIVERY_DATE_&_TIME refers to the delivery date and time of the order.

  • The WAREHOUSE_LOCATION refers to the warehouse that the courier should collect the order from.

  • The CASH_ON_DELIVERY refers to the money earned from delivering the particular order.

  • The [COMMENTS_BY_CUSTOMER] refers to the comment made by the recipient to the courier.

  • The [TYPE_OF_ITEM] refers to the type of item that the courier is delivering.


  • The prefixes c/COMMENTS_BY_CUSTOMER type/TYPE_OF_ITEM are optional.

  • Any compulsory prefixes that is absent will result in the App displaying an error message.

  • There should be a spacing in between every prefixes. For example, tid/TRANSACTION_ID n/CUSTOMER_NAME is allowed but tid/TRANSACTION_IDn/CUSTOMER_NAME will be an invalid command input.

  • TRANSACTION_ID must be alphanumeric (No numbers or special characters allowed).

  • ADDRESS should contain a valid Singapore address followed by a postal code.

  • EMAIL should be a valid email address.

  • CASH_ON_DELIVERY must start with a dollar sign followed by the value.

  • CASH_ON_DELIVERY value must be strictly less than $10,000. If there is a need to add decimal places, you can only add two.

  • Do not add any commas in the value of CASH_ON_DELIVERY

  • To add the Delivery Date and Time, first type in the date in this format : YYYY-MM-DD. Followed by adding the time in 24 hour format.

  • The value for DELIVERY_DATE_AND_TIME must be a time in the future. For example, if the date and time now is 2020-04-03 1200, you are not allowed to add 2020-04-03 1159 as the DELIVERY_DATE_AND_TIME.

  • TYPE_OF_ITEM must consist of only alphabets (No numbers or special characters allowed).

  • CUSTOMER_NAME must consist of only alphabets (No numbers or special characters allowed).

  • PHONE_NUMBER should not have a spacing in between. n/90011009 is allowed,
    but n/9001 1009 is not allowed.

  • Only numbers are allowed in PHONE_NUMBER.

These are the possible combinations of the insert command:

Table 2. Possible combinations of Insert Command
Scenario Command Result

Insert the order without a comment and no item type.

insert tid/A094844 n/John Doe a/Blk 505 Tampines #10-33 S520505 p/98761111 e/ dts/2020-05-20 1300 w/Yishun cod/$4

You should be able to see that the order with transaction id A094844 will be inserted into the list of delivery orders.

Insert the order with all the order attributes including the non-compulsory ones.

insert tid/C1023456789 n/Amos Cheong a/Blk 571 Hougang st 51 #02-02 S530571 e/ p/90010019 dts/2020-05-10 1650 w/Marsiling cod/$5 c/Leave it at the riser type/glass

You should see that the order with transaction id C1023456789 is inserted into the list of delivery orders.

  • List of order attribute prefixes can be found here.

3.3. Returning an order : return [Done by - Cher Wei Jie]

  • In this section, you will learn more about the return command and how to use it.
    Why would you want to use the return command? You can use this return command to create a new return order to be added into the return order list.

3.3.1. How to use the Return command?


Return orders inserted are sorted by their delivery date and time.

Here is how you can convert an order into a return order or create a new return order by following the steps below:

Step 1 : Type in the keyword return.
Step 2a : If you would like to convert an existing order into a return order, provide the TRANSACTION_ID and the RETURN_DATE_AND_TIME to the order to be converted.
Step 2b: If you would like to create a new return order in the return order list, provide the TRANSACTION_ID CUSTOMER_NAME ADDRESS PHONE_NUMBER RETURN_DATE_AND_TIME WAREHOUSE_LOCATION EMAIL [COMMENTS_BY_CUSTOMER] [TYPE_OF_ITEM] of the parcel.
Step 3 : Press Enter on your keyboard to see the magic!

  • Please include a whitespace in between the keyword & transaction id or keyword & the attributes aforementioned.
    i.e. return tid/123abcd rts/2020-05-05 1500
    return tid/A999999 n/John Doe p/98765432 a/311 Clementi Ave 2 #02-25 S120363 e/ rts/2020-05-05 1500 w/5 Toh Guan Rd E #02-30 S608831 c/NIL type/glass

3.3.2. What constitutes a valid Return command?

The syntax for a valid return command can be seen below!

  • The TRANSACTION_ID refers to the transaction id of a parcel.

  • The CUSTOMER_NAME refers to the name of the recipient of the parcel.

  • The ADDRESS refers to the location which the return should be picked up from. It must have a postal code.

  • The WAREHOUSE_LOCATION refers to the location which the return should be delivered to.

  • The PHONE_NUMBER refers to the phone number of the customer.

  • The RETURN_TIMESTAMP refers to the return date and time of the parcel. This field cannot be earlier than the current date and time. Also, it cannot be before the delivery time stamp of the order to be converted.

  • The COMMENTS_BY_CUSTOMER is an optional attribute which can be included if the customer has special requests.

  • The TYPE_OF_ITEM is an optional attribute which can be included if the item requires special attention. For example, it can be used when the item is fragile.

These are the possible combinations of the return command:

Table 3. Possible Combinations of Return command
Scenario Command Result

If you want to convert the order with Transaction Id abc1234 into a return order and display it on returns list.

return tid/abc1234 rts/2020-05-05 1600

This order will be removed from the order list and be added into the returns list as a return order with the updated return time stamp.

If you want to create a new return order in the return order list.

return tid/123abcd n/weijie a/311 Clementi Ave 2 #02-25 S120363 p/92123412 w/5 Toh Guan Rd E #02-30 S608831 rts/2020-05-05 1600

A return order with the input attributes will be created into the return order list.

  • The TRANSACTION_ID given belongs to the return order that will be created.

  • The RETURN_TIMESTAMP has to be before the delivery time stamp of the order.

  • A return order will be created after executing this return command.

  • If the parcel is an existing order, it will be removed from the order list and converted into a return order and added into the return order list.

  • If the parcel is a new return order, it will be created and added into the return order list.

  • All return orders will not have the CASH_ON_DELIVERY attribute as the item was already delivered and the money already was collected upon delivery.

  • The conversion of an order into a return order can only be done if the order was already delivered.

  • The TRANSACTION_ID is alphanumeric, e.g: 123asd, 1234567, abcdef.

  • The CUSTOMER_NAME must consist of only alphabets.

  • The ADDRESS is alphanumeric.

  • The CUSTOMER_PHONE must be numeric

  • The WAREHOUSE_LOCATION is alphanumeric

  • The RETURN_TIMESTAMP must follow the yyyy-mm-dd format must not be earlier than the current date and time

  • The COMMENTS_BY_CUSTOMER is alphanumeric

  • The TYPE_OF_ITEM must consist of only alphabets (No numbers or special characters allowed).

  • The resulting created return order will not have the CASH_ON_DELIVERY field as the money was already collected.

3.4. Editing an order : edit [Done by - Kenny Ho Si Chong]

In this section, you will be able to find out how to properly use the edit command and the relevant examples.
Why will you want to use the edit command? If you wish to edit any field of a parcel, the edit command will provide you the means to do so.

3.4.1. How to use the Edit command

Here is how you can edit the details of any parcel by following the steps below:

Step 1 : Type in the keyword edit
Step 2 : Provide the FLAG corresponding to the parcel order type you want to edit
Step 3 : Provide the INDEX of the parcel displayed on the screen that you wish to edit
Step 4 : Provide the ORDER_ATTRIBUTE_PREFIX coupled with a front slash / and the new value you want to change to.
Step 5 : Press Enter on your keyboard to see the magic!

  • In between each step please put a whitespace!

  • If you can’t see any orders or returns use the list command to view existing parcel! If nothing is showing up means you got to add some order or return parcel and start doing work!

3.4.2. What constitutes a valid Edit command

The syntax for a valid edit command can be seen below:

  • edit is the command word for this feature.

  • FLAG is to differentiate the different kind of parcel (orders or returns).

  • The INDEX given is the parcel you will be editing on.

  • ORDER_ATTRIBUTE_PREFIX is the field of the parcel you want to change

  • NEW_VALUE is the new value you want to replace the old value with.

These are the possible combinations of the edit command:

Table 4. Possible Combinations of Edit command
Scenario Command Result

If you want to edit the name of the first return order displayed on returns list

edit -r 1 n/Xuan En

The index 1 customer’s name of the return order list will be changed to Xuan En.

If you want to edit the phone number of the second order displayed on the orders list.

edit -o 2 p/99994444

The index 2 customer’s phone number of the order list will be changed changed to 99994444.

If you want to edit the address of the first order displayed on the orders list.

edit -o 1 a/Blk 123 Pasir Ris Street 51 #12-21 S510123

The index 1 customer’s address of the order list will be changed to Blk 123 Pasir Ris Street 51 #12-21 S510123.

If you want to edit the name, phone number and address of the third return order displayed on the returns list.

edit -r 3 n/Mr Tan p/96959321 a/Blk 141 Yishun st 71 #09-09 S760141

The index 3 customer’s name, phone and address of the return order list will be changed accordingly to the prefix.

  • The INDEX must be a positive integer, e.g: 1, 2, 3, …​

  • The INDEX must be in range of the number of displayed orders

  • Only can be used when there is at least an order displayed.

  • The FLAG can only be either -o or -r.

3.5. Deleting an order : delete [Done by - Loh Jeremy Wen Jun]

In this section, you will learn more about the delete command, how to use it and the possible usage scenarios of the delete command.

The delete command is useful if you would like to delete a specific order from either the order list or return order list.
This would allow you to correct any accidental additions that you may have made when inserting orders or importing an order file.

3.5.1. How to use the Delete command

In this section, you learn more about the exact inputs required to use the delete command.

Here are the steps you should follow to delete an order using the delete command:
Step 1 : Type in the keyword delete

Step 2 : Provide a FLAG to indicate which list to delete your order from


A FLAG can be either -o or -r.
A -o flag indicates the order list.
A -r flag indicates the return order list.

Step 3 : Provide an INDEX to indicate the specific order to delete based on the list


The INDEX refers to the INDEX number shown in the displayed list.
The INDEX must be a positive integer i.e. 1, 2, 3, …​

Step 4 : Press Enter on your keyboard to see the magic!

3.5.2. What constitutes a valid Delete command

In this section, you will learn more about the syntax of the delete command

The syntax for a valid delete command is the following:

3.5.3. Delete command usage scenarios

In this section, you will learn more about the various usage scenarios of the delete command!

These are the possible combinations of the delete command:

Table 5. Possible Combinations of Delete command
Scenario Command Result

If you want to delete the second order from the order list.

delete -o 2

Deletes the 2nd order from the order list.

If you want to delete the third order from the return order list.

delete -r 3

Deletes the 3rd return order from the return order list.

If you want delete the first order that belongs to the customer 'Betsy'.

search -o Betsy
delete -o 1

Deletes the 1st order in the results of the search command (search all orders with customer’s name Betsy).

If you want to obtain all orders in the return order list located in the central region of Singapore.

search -r Aaron
delete -r 1

Deletes the 1st return order in the results of the search command (search all return orders with customer’s name Aaron).

3.6. Clearing all entries : clear [Done by - Eng Xuan En]

In this section, you will be able to find out how to use the clear command and the possible combinations of the clear command.

If you wish to delete huge amount of orders and return orders from Delino, the clear command will provide you the means to do so.

3.6.1. How to use the Clear command

Here is how you can clear the order list and return order list by following the steps below:

Step 1 : Type in the keyword clear.
Step 2 (Optional) : Provides the -f flag if you confirm that you would like to force clear both order list and return order list.
Step 3 (Optional) : Provides the -o or -r flag if you only want to clear either order list or return order list respectively.
Step 4 : Press Enter on your keyboard to send the instruction to Delino.

  • A space is required in between the command and flags. Refer to the examples below for more information.

  • If no -o or -r flag is given, it will be treated as both. Both order list and return order list will be cleared.

  • Flags can be in any order such that clear -f -o and clear -o -f indicate to force clear the order list.

  • If an -f flag is given, no user confirmation will be requested.

3.6.2. What constitutes a valid Clear command

In this section, you will learn about the syntax for a valid clear command and the possible combinations of the command.

The syntax for a valid clear command can be seen below:

  • clear is the command word for the clear feature

  • FLAG could be either -f, -r and -o; whereby -f flag indicate force clear and
    -r and -o indicates the return order list and order list respectively.

These are the possible combinations of the clear command:

Table 6. Possible Combinations of Clear command
Scenario Command Result

If you want to have a confirmation notice before clearing both lists.


Pop-up will appear and ask the user for confirmation to clear both order list and return order list.

If you don’t want to get prompt before clearing both lists.

clear -f

Both order list and return order list will be cleared immediately.

If you want to have a confirmation notice before clearing return order list.

clear -r

Pop-up will appear and ask the user for confirmation to clear the return order list.

If you don’t want to get prompt before clearing return order list.

clear -f -r

Only return order list is cleared immediately.

If you want to have a confirmation notice before clearing order list.

clear -o

Pop-up will appear and ask the user for confirmation to clear the order list.

If you don’t want to get prompt before clearing order list.

clear -o -f

Only order list is cleared immediately.

3.7. Importing a list of orders : import [Done by - Eng Xuan En]

In this section, you will be able to find out how to use the import command and the possible combination of the import command.

If you wish to add huge amount of orders and return orders to Delino, the import command will provide you the means to do so.

3.7.1. How to use Import command

Here is how you can import the orders and return orders into Delino by following the steps below:

Step 1 : Type in the keyword import.
Step 2 : Provide the CSV file name that you would like to import with the .csv extension behind.
Step 3 : Press Enter on your keyboard to send the instruction to Delino.

3.7.2. What constitutes a valid Import command

In this section, you will learn about the syntax of a valid import command, the format for both orders and return orders in the CSV file and the possible combination for the import command.

The syntax for a valid import command can be seen below:

  • import FILE_NAME
    import is the command and FILE_NAME is the file name that is required to import with the .csv extension behind.

  • Only CSV file could be imported.

  • Only one CSV file can be imported at one time.

  • The FILE_NAME should include the extension. For example: orders.csv.

  • The folder, data, which the CSV files are stored in, should be in the same directory as the JAR file.

  • CSV file should be saved only as CSV (Comma delimited), as shown in the figure below:

Figure 2. CSV File Save Type

The data in the CSV file should be written in the following format:

  • Order data format:


Figure 3. Order data format in CSV file
  • Return order data format:


Figure 4. Return order data format in CSV file
  • Commas , are required in between the different fields.

  • Prefixes are required before any value for that field.

  • ORDER_TYPE can only be either order or return.

  • Only COMMENTS_BY_CUSTOMER and TYPE_OF_ITEM are optional.

  • ORDER_TYPE denote the start of an delivery order or return order.

  • If there are 2 or more ORDER_TYPE within a single CSV row, it will be treated as 2 or more orders.

  • The last value of the same type will be stored if duplicate prefix type is found in a single order sentence.

  • Duplicate and invalid order or return order will not be imported into Delino.

  • You could download a sample CSV file in our release under assets to start with.

There is only one possible combination for the import Command:

Table 7. Possible combination of Import command
Scenario Command Result

If you want to import all of the orders and return orders at once via a CSV file.

import orders.csv

Import the contents of the CSV file, orders.csv, to Delino.

In this section, you will be able to find out how to properly use the search command and the relevant examples.
Why will you want to use the search command? If you wish to search for a parcel with specific keywords, the search command will provide you the means to do so.

3.8.1. How to use the Search command?

Here is how you can search for any parcel containing the keywords given by the following steps below:

Step 1 : Type in the keyword search
Step 2 (optional) : Provide -o flag if you want to only search for parcels in the order list. A -r flag also can be used to only search for parcels in the return order list.


If no flag is given in this step, search command will be performed on both the order and return order list.

Step 3 (optional) : If you wish to only specifically search for keywords in a field, you should provide the ORDER_ATTRIBUTE_PREFIX coupled with a front slash / and the keyword you want to search for.
Step 4 : Provide any number of alphanumeric words you wish to search for in the parcel.
Step 5 : Press Enter on your keyboard to see the magic!

  • In between each step please put a whitespace!

  • If nothing is displaying means you have no parcel containing the keyword you have given!

  • Keyword searches are case-insensitive, e.g: Jeremy matches jErEmY or jeremy or any alphabet casing permutations.

3.8.2. What constitutes a valid Search command?

The syntax for a valid search command can be seen below:

  • search is the command word for this feature.

  • FLAG is to differentiate the different kind of parcel (orders or returns).

  • The KEYWORD is the word you want to search for in any of the parcel and it is case-insensitive.

  • ORDER_ATTRIBUTE_PREFIX is the field of the parcel you want to search for

These are the possible combinations of the search command:

Table 8. Possible Combinations of Search command
Scenario Command Result

If you want to search for any return parcel containing the keyword Jeremy or Loh.

search -r Jeremy Loh

Return all return order(s) containing keyword of jeremy, Jeremy Loh or loh or any of the above as long as it appears in any of the parcel field.

If you want to search for any order parcel that contain the transaction id of asj2od3943.

search -o tid/asj2od3943

Return all order(s) with transaction ID of asj2od3943.

If you want to search for any return parcel that contain the phone number of 92039999.

search -r p/92039999

Return all return order(s) with phone number of 92039999

If you want to only search for any order parcel that contains either the phone number 92039999, transaction id of asj2od3943 or the name jeremy.

search -o p/92039999 tid/asj2od3943 n/jeremy

Return all order(s) with either phone number of 92039999 or transaction ID of asj2od3943 or name of jeremy or any of the above combinations.

If you want to search for any parcel containing the name Jeremy.

search n/Jeremy

Return all parcel(s) with the name of Jeremy

  • The search is case insensitive. e.g hans will match Hans

  • The sequence of the keywords does not matter. e.g. Hans Bo will match Bo Hans

  • Only full words will be matched e.g. Han will not match Hans

  • Orders matching at least one keyword will be returned (i.e. OR search). e.g. Hans Bo will return Hans Gruber, Bo Yang

3.9. Viewing orders located at the same area or postal sector: nearby [Done by - Loh Jeremy Wen Jun]

In this section, you will learn more about the nearby command, how to use it and the possible usage scenarios of the nearby command.

The nearby command is useful if you would like to obtain all orders located in the same postal sector or region of Singapore. This would allow you to be more efficient with your delivery orders.

3.9.1. How to use the nearby command

In this section, you learn more about the exact inputs required to use the nearby command.

Here are the steps you should follow to obtain all orders using the nearby command:
Step 1 : Type in the keyword nearby

Step 2 (optional) : Provide an optional FLAG that indicates which order list to search (order list or return order list).


A -o flag indicates searching of nearby orders using the order list.
A -r flag indicates searching of the nearby orders using the return order list.

By default, if no FLAG is provided, both order list and return order list will be searched.

Step 3 : Provide either a POSTAL SECTOR or an AREA


A POSTAL_SECTOR refers to the first two digits of a six digit Singapore postal code.
Example: The postal code 140239 has a POSTAL_SECTOR of 14.
The list of postal sectors and their corresponding general locations can be found here.

An AREA refers to one of the five areas of Singapore

  1. Central

  2. East

  3. North East

  4. West

  5. North

A quick reference for the five areas of Singapore can be found here.

You can obtain more detailed information about each area from this website

Step 4 : Press Enter on your keyboard to see the magic!

3.9.2. What constitutes a valid nearby command

In this section, you will learn more about the syntax of the nearby command

The syntax for a valid nearby command can be one of the following:
2. nearby [FLAG] AREA


An optional FLAG can be provided to indicate which list to search on.
A -o flag indicates searching of nearby orders using the order list.
A -r flag indicates searching of the nearby orders using the return order list.
By default, if no FLAG is provided, both order list and return order list will be searched.

A POSTAL_SECTOR refers to the first two digits of a six digit Singapore postal code.
Example: The postal code 140239 has a POSTAL_SECTOR of 14
The list of postal sectors and their corresponding general locations can be found here.

An AREA refers to one of the five areas of Singapore:

  1. Central

  2. East

  3. North East

  4. West

  5. North

A quick reference for the five areas of Singapore can be found here

3.9.3. Nearby command usage scenarios

In this section, you will learn more about the various usage scenarios of the nearby command!

These are the possible combinations of the nearby command:

Table 9. Possible Combinations of nearby command
Scenario Command Result

If you want to obtain all orders in both the order list and return order list located in the the north region of Singapore.

nearby north

All orders in the order list and return order list that are located in the north region of Singapore will be displayed.

If you want to obtain all orders in the order list located in the general location of Queenstown, Tiong Bahru.

nearby -o 14

All orders in the order list that are located in postal sector 14 (Queenstown, Tiong Bahru) will be displayed.

If you want to obtain all orders in the return order list located in the general location of Raffles Place, Cecil, Marina, People’s Park.

nearby -r 04

All orders in the return order list that are located in the postal sector 04 (Raffles Place, Cecil, Marina, People’s Park) will be displayed.

If you want to obtain all orders in the return order list located in the central region of Singapore.

nearby -r central

All orders in the return order list that are located in the central region of Singapore will be displayed.

Suppose you are delivering an order to Buona Vista and would like to know all the orders located near that region (central region of Singapore). Are you going manually look through all of your orders and find those that are located near Buona Vista?
If only there was a way to efficiently find all orders based on a given region or postal sector!
This would allow you to complete more orders!

nearby -o central

All orders in the order list that are located in the central region of Singapore will be displayed.

You can obtain more information about the various postal sectors in the following table:

Table 10. Postal Sectors in Singapore
Postal Sector General Location

01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06

Raffles Place, Cecil, Marina, People’s Park

07, 08

Anson, Tanjong Pagar

14, 15, 16

Queenstown, Tiong Bahru

09, 10

Telok Blangah, Harbourfront

11, 12, 13

Pasir Panjang, Hong Leong Garden, Clementi New Town


High Street, Beach Road (part)

18, 19

Middle Road, Golden Mile

20, 21

Little India

22, 23

Orchard, Cairnhill, River Valley

24, 25, 26, 27

Ardmore, Bukit Timah, Holland Road, Tanglin

28, 29, 30

Watten Estate, Novena, Thomson

31, 32, 33

Balestier, Toa Payoh, Serangoon

34, 35, 36, 37

Macpherson, Braddell

38, 39, 40, 41

Geylang, Eunos

42, 43, 44, 45

Katong, Joo Chiat, Amber Road

46, 47, 48

Bedok, Upper East Coast, Eastwood, Kew Drive

49, 50, 81

Loyang, Changi

51, 52

Tampines, Pasir Ris

53, 54, 55, 82

Serangoon Garden, Hougang, Punggol

56, 57

Bishan, Ang Mo Kio

58, 59

Upper Bukit Timah, Clementi Park, Ulu Pandan

60, 61, 62, 63, 64


65, 66, 67, 68

Hillview, Dairy Farm, Bukit Panjang, Choa Chu Kang

69, 70, 71

Lim Chu Kang, Tengah

72, 73

Kranji, Woodgrove

77, 78

Upper Thomson, Springleaf

75, 76

Yishun, Sembawang

79, 80


3.10. Listing orders : list [Done by Amos Cheong Jit Hon]

In this section, you will learn more about the list command and how to use it.

As a courier, you would want to take a look at all the orders that you have in your list of orders regardless of the type of orders or the order status. The list Command will enable you to view all these orders.

3.10.1. How does the List Command works

Here are the steps to execute the list command:

Step 1 : Type in the keyword list.

Step 2 : If you want to simply see all your delivery and return orders. Otherwise, please proceed to Step 3. Else, skip to Step 4

Step 3 : Provide the following [KEYWORD] : done (Show all your completed orders) or undone (Show all your uncompleted orders)

Step 4 : Press Enter on your keyboard and see the magic!

3.10.2. What constitutes a valid List command

The syntax of a valid list command is as shown: list [KEYWORD]

These are the possible combinations of the list command:

Table 11. Possible combinations of List Command
Scenario Command Result

Display all orders.


Show two lists of all orders. One list for delivery orders, the other for return orders

Display all completed orders.

list done

Show two lists of all completed orders. One list for delivery orders, the other for return orders

Display all uncompleted orders.

list undone

Show two lists of all uncompleted orders. One list for delivery orders, the other for return orders

  • KEYWORD can only be either done or undone.

3.11. Delivering an order or return order : delivered [Done by - Cher Wei Jie]

In this section, you will learn more about the delivered command and how to use it.
Why would you want to use the delivered command? If you have delivered an order or return order, you can mark it as delivered with the delivered command.

3.11.1. How to use the Delivered command

This section will explain the steps needed to use the delivered command.

Here is how you can mark the details of any order or return order by following the steps below:

Step 1 : Type in the keyword delivered
Step 2 : Provide the FLAG corresponding to the parcel order type you want to mark as delivered
Step 3 : Provide the INDEX of the parcel displayed on the screen that you wish to mark as delivered
Step 4 : Press Enter on your keyboard to see the magic!

  • Please include a whitespace in between the keyword, command flag and index. i.e. delivered -o 1

  • If you can’t see any orders use the list command to view existing parcel! If nothing is showing up, it means you got to insert or return some parcel and start doing work!

3.11.2. What constitutes a valid Delivered command

The syntax for a valid delivered command can be seen below!

  • delivered FLAG INDEX

These are the possible combinations of the delivered command:

Table 12. Possible Combinations of Delivered command
Scenario Command Result

If you want to mark the first return order displayed on returns list as delivered.

delivered -r 1

The delivery status of the first return order displayed on the returns list will be changed to "Returned to Warehouse"

If you want to mark the second order displayed on the orders list.

delivered -o 2

The delivery status of the second order in the order list will be changed to "Delivered".

  • The INDEX given is the parcel you will be marking as delivered.

  • The parcel will be marked as delivered after executing this delivered command.

  • If the parcel is an order, its delivery status will be changed from "Not Delivered" to "Delivered".

  • If the parcel is a return order, its delivery status will be changed from "Not returned to warehouse" to "Returned to warehouse".

  • The INDEX must be a positive integer, e.g: 1, 2, 3, …​

  • The INDEX must be in range of the number of displayed orders.

  • Only can be used when there is at least an order or return order displayed.

  • The FLAG can only be either -o or -r.

3.12. Showing statistics : show [Done by Amos Cheong Jit Hon]

This section will explain more about the show command and how to use it.

At some point of time, you would want to know how many orders have you delivered or what is your earnings for today. Therefore, you have to use the show command to view those information.

3.12.1. How to use the Show command

In this section, you will learn how to use the show Command.

Here is how you can show the statistics of your orders:

Step 1 : Type show

Step 2 : If you want to see your statistics for all the orders, simply type all and skip to Step 5

Step 3 : Type today to show the statistics for today or simply type in a date in a date format of yyyy-mm-dd

Step 4 (Optional) : Type another date in yyyy-mm-dd format to see the statistics within the date range. This date must be after or equal to the date provided previously

Step 5 : Press Enter on your keyboard to see the magic!


The show command opens up a new window that displays the following information :

  • Earnings

  • Orders Delivered

  • Orders Returned

  • PieChart that display numbers for orders delivered, not delivered, returned and not returned

3.12.2. What constitutes a valid Show Command

In this section, you will learn about the correct syntax for a valid show command and all the different combinations of the command.

All the syntax for a valid show command is shown below:


  • show all

  • show today

  • show DATE

  • Only one or two arguments is allowed for the show command.

  • The value of START_DATE can be just the word today (Showing statistics just for today)

  • END_DATE is an optional field. If included, the command will show statistics based on the given range (inclusive) of dates

  • START_DATE cannot be a date after END_DATE

  • show all command is the only command that accepts only one argument. It shows all the statistics in the list regardless of the dates

These are the possible combinations of the show command:

Table 13. Possible combinations of Show Command
Scenario Command Result

Showing all the orders statistics regardless of date.

show all

You will be brought to the Statistics tab and the statistics of all orders will be displayed to you.

Showing the statistics for today.

show today

You will be brought to the Statistics tab and the statistics for today’s orders will be displayed to you.

Showing the statistics for the date between today and the end date provided.

show today 2020-12-03

You will be brought to the Statistics tab and the statistics between today’s date and 2020-12-03 will be displayed to you.

Showing the statistics for just the given date.

show 2020-12-03

You will be brought to the Statistics tab and the statistics in 2020-12-03 will be displayed to you.

Showing the statistics within two given dates.

show 2020-12-03 2021-01-01

You will be brought to the Statistics tab and the statistics for the date between 2020-12-03 and 2021-01-01 will be displayed to you.

3.13. Exiting the program : exit

In this section, you will be able to find out how to properly use the exit command and the relevant examples.
Why will you want to use the exit command? If you wish to exit the application, the exit command will allow you to do so.

3.13.1. How to use the Exit command

Here is how you can exit the application:

Step 1 : Type in the keyword exit
Step 2 : Say bye to Delino!

Optionally you can click on the cross button of the application to exit!

3.13.2. What constitutes a valid Exit command

  • exit

exit is the command word for this feature.
Table 14. Possible Combinations of Exit command




If you wish to exit the application because you’re en-route to delivering or after a long day of work.


Delino will silently close the application window and awaits for your next usage.

3.14. Saving the data

In this section, you will learn more about how Delino save your data.

  • Data is saved as JSON file in the hard disk automatically after any command that changes the data that is present.

  • There is no need for you to save manually.


It is intended behaviour for allowing the order or return order to have a timestamp before the current time when the data is loaded from JSON files.


There is no need to alter the JSON file in the data folder!
If you still insist on changing the data in JSON file, please ensure that all amended fields are in the valid format.

4. FAQ

  1. Question: How do I transfer my data to another Computer?
    Answer: You can transfer your data by:

    1. Installing the app in the new computer.

    2. From your current Delino folder, transfer the data folder to your new Delino folder.

    3. Overwrite any files if needed.

  2. Question: If I am currently using Microsoft Excel to manage my orders, why should I use Delino?
    Answer: Excel is not exactly optimized to display large amounts of data and it can be quite daunting to look at.
    With Delino, we offer a centralized platform to easily manage all of your delivery orders!
    The process to transfer all of your orders in Microsoft Excel is simple!
    Simply use the import command!

  3. Question: How can I obtain more information about the various commands in Delino?
    Answer: You can use the help command!

  4. Question: What is the difference between Orders and Return Orders?
    Answer: Orders are used for delivering goods to the end user.
    Return Orders are used for delivering goods that are rejected by the user.

  5. Question: Where can I find the INDEX of an order/return order?
    Answer: They can be found in the numbers located beside each individual order.

index location FAQ
  1. Question: How do I know the delivery status of an existing order/return order?

Orders/Return orders that are delivered are indicated by the following icon:


Orders/Return orders that are not delivered are indicated by the following icon:

not delivered

An example is shown below:

delivered symbol
  1. Question: What does the other symbols in the app mean?

This icon represents an address:


This icon represents a comment:

comments icon

This icon represents an email:


This icon represents a name:


This icon represents a phone:


5. Command Summary

In this section, you can find out more about the commands supported by Delino (their respective format and example).

If you would like to know more about a specific command, you can view more information by clicking the provided link in the table below.

Table 15. Command Summary
Command Format Example



insert tid/0123456789 n/Eng Xuan En a/Tampines St 84 Blk 877 S520877 #01-123 p/87654321 e/ dts/2020-02-20 1300 w/Yishun industry cod/$4.50 c/please knock the door three times :D type/heavy


clear [FLAG]

clear -f
clear -r
clear -f -r
clear -o
clear -o -f



delete -o 2


delivered FLAG INDEX

delivered -r 2
delivered -o 1



edit -r 2 n/Xuan En
edit -o 2 p/99994444
edit -o 1 a/Blk 123 Pasir Ris Street 51 #12-21 S510123
edit -r 3 n/Mr Tan p/99994567 a/Blk 141 Yishun st 71 #09-09 S760141






search -r tid/ac1e345x7s
search -r Jeremy Loh
search -o tid/asj2od3943
search -r p/92039999
search -o p/92039999 tid/asj2od3943 n/jeremy






show 2020-01-01 2020-12-31

show all

show all

show today

show today

show DATE

show 2020-03-20


import FILE_NAME

import orders.csv



list done
list undone



return tid/ac17s2a n/BOBBY TAN a/123 Delta Road #03-333, Singapore S169814 p/91230456 rts/2020-12-12 1301 w/Jurong Warehouse c/NIL type/glass
return tid/ac17s2a

return tid/b1230512 n/Aaron Teo a/256 Delta Road #03-222, Singapore S169256 p/91230456 e/ rts/2020-12-12 1400 w/Jurong Warehouse c/Leave it at the lobby type/metal


return tid/ac17s2a rts/2020-12-12 1301


nearby [FLAG] AREA

nearby east
nearby -o 14
nearby -r north

6. Glossary

6.1. Command Prefix

Table 16. Command Prefix
Prefix Order Attributes Used in the following Command(s)


Order Type



Transaction ID

Edit, Insert, Return, Search, Import


Customer Name

Edit, Insert, Return, Search, Import



Edit, Insert, Return, Search, Import


Phone Number

Edit, Insert, Return, Search, Import



Edit, Insert, Return, Search, Import


Delivery Date And Time

Edit, Insert, Return, Search, Import


Return Date and Time

Return, Search, Import


Warehouse Location

Edit, Insert, Return, Search, Import


Cash On Delivery

Edit, Insert, Search, Import


Comments by Customer

Edit, Insert, Return, Search, Import


Type of Item

Edit, Insert, Return, Search, Import

6.2. Command Flags

Table 17. Possible Command Flags
Flag Meaning Used in the following Command(s)


Force clear, no user confirmation will be requested



Order flag, Operation on order list

Clear, Delete, Delivered, Edit, Nearby, Search


Return Order flag, Operation on return order list

Clear, Delete, Delivered, Edit, Nearby, Search

6.3. Area Information of Singapore

Click here to navigate back to the Nearby Command!

Table 18. Central
District Areas Location


Marina Area

  • Boat Quay

  • Chinatown

  • Havelock Road

  • Marina Square

  • Raffles Place

  • Suntec City



  • Anson Road

  • Chinatown

  • Neil Road

  • Raffles Place

  • Shenton Way

  • Tanjong Pagar


Central South

  • Alexandra Road

  • Tiong Bahru

  • Queenstown



  • Keppel

  • Mount Faber

  • Sentosa

  • Telok Blangah


South West

  • Buona Vista

  • Dover

  • Pasir Panjang

  • West Coast


City Hall

  • City Hall

  • High Street

  • North Bridge Road


Beach Road

  • Beach Road

  • Bencoolen Road

  • Bugis

  • Rochor


Little India

  • Little India

  • Farrer Park

  • Serangoon Road



  • Cairnhill

  • Killiney

  • Leonie Hill

  • Orchard

  • Oxley



  • Balmoral

  • Bukit Timah

  • Grange Road

  • Holland

  • Orchard Boulevard

  • River Valley

  • Tanglin Road



  • Chancery

  • Bukit Timah

  • Dunearn Road

  • Newton


Toa Payoh

  • Balestier

  • Moulmein

  • Novena

  • Toa Payoh


Central East

  • Potong Pasir

  • Macpherson



  • Eunos

  • Geylang

  • Kembangan

  • Paya Lebar


East Coast

  • Katong

  • Marine Parade

  • Siglap

  • Tanjong Rhu


Central West

  • Clementi

  • Upper Bukit Timah

  • Hume Avenue

Table 19. East
District Areas Location


Upper East Coast

  • Bayshore

  • Bedok

  • Chai Chee


Far East

  • Changi

  • Loyang

  • Pasir Ris



  • Pasir Ris

  • Simei

  • Tampines

Table 20. North East
District Areas Location


North East

  • Hougang

  • Punggol

  • Sengkang


Ang Mo Kio

  • Ang Mo Kio

  • Bishan

  • Braddell Road

  • Thomson


North East

  • Seletar

  • Yio Chu Kang

Table 21. West
District Areas Location


Far West

  • Boon Lay

  • Jurong

  • Tuas


North West

  • Bukit Batok

  • Choa Chu Kang

  • Hillview Avenue

  • Upper Bukit Timah


Far North West

  • Kranji

  • Lim Chu Kang

  • Sungei Gedong

  • Tengah

Table 22. North
District Areas Location


Far North

  • Admiralty

  • Woodlands



  • Tagore

  • Yio Chu Kang


Far North

  • Admiralty

  • Sembawang

  • Yishun