- ✅ It receives a POST request at /api/signup
- ✅ It validates required fields name, email, password and passwordConfirmation
- ✅ It validates that password and passwordConfirmation are equals
- ✅ It validates email is a valid email
- ✅ It validates if that email is taken
- ✅ It generates a hashed password
- ✅ It creates a user account, replacing the password with the hashed password
- ✅ It generates an access token by the user id
- ✅ It updates the user data with the access token
- ✅ It will return a 200 with the access token and the user name
- ✅ It will return error 404 if endpoint doesn't exist
- ✅ It will return error 400 if name, email, password or passwordConfirmation aren't provided
- ✅ It will return error 400 if password and passwordConfirmation aren't
- ✅ It will return error 400 if email is an invalid email
- ✅ It will return error 403 if the provided email has already been taken
- ✅ It will return error 500 if there is an error while trying to hash password
- ✅ It will return error 500 if there is an error while trying to create an account
- ✅ It will return error 500 if there is an error while trying generate an access token
- ✅ It will return error 500 if there is an error while trying update the user with the access token