This library is configured to release artifacts to The Central Repository Open Source Software Repository Hosting (OSSRH).
If you have all of the requirements fulfilled, this project is easy to release using the Maven Release Plugin
mvn release:clean release:prepare
mvn release:perform
- Release the deployment from OSSRH staging to the Central Repository
RENCI has an associated project and namespace in OSSRH, but you will need your own login to deploy artifacts. Create a JIRA account using your RENCI email address, and then Create a ticket to add yourself to the list of allowed deployers.
Everything in this project is configured to use Apache Maven to build deployable artifacts, but you will need to configure your development environment too. You need to be able to sign components using GPG.
You will probably want to configure Apache Maven to use encrypted passwords. Maven will use your OSSRH Jira password to push artifacts to the OSSRH Nexus server.
If you are using the development VM, you may need to setup a ssh config to specify the correct IdentityFile to use when connecting to GitHub.