- Update junit5 monorepo to v5.9.0 (#45)
- Update dependency androidx.test:orchestrator to v1.4.1 (#47)
- Update plugin com.github.ben-manes.versions to v0.42.0 (#49)
- Update coroutines to v1.6.4 (#30)
- Update dependency com.android.tools.build:gradle to v7 (#42)
- Update actions/checkout action to v3 (#40)
- Update kotlin to v1.7.10 (#39)
- Update mikepenz/action-junit-report action to v3 (#44)
- Update dependency net.swiftzer.semver:semver to v1.2.0 (#36)
- Update dependency gradle to v7.5 (#34)
- Update dependency com.squareup:kotlinpoet to v1.12.0 (#33)
- Update dependency com.github.javaparser:javaparser-symbol-solver-core to v3.24.2 (#31)
- Update junit5 monorepo to v5.8.2 (#38)
- Update kotest to v4.6.4 (#29)
- Update dependency io.mockk:mockk to v1.12.4 (#35)
- Update groovy monorepo to v3.0.12 (#27)
now has an optionalcleanUpTestCoroutines
argument. If false,TestCoroutineScope.cleanupTestCoroutines()
will not be called even for a TestCoroutineScope.
now takes a CoroutineScope factory (() -> T
) instead of a single instance.resets { ... }
's lambda argument is now asuspend
- The project and modules have been renamed.
- Project is now called Hermit.
- All base packages are now
- hermit-coroutines provides the ability to bind a CoroutineScope to the ResetManager.
- hermit-mockk automatically clears all answers and recorded calls with ResetManager, using a single MockK object.
- HermitRule JUnit4 Rule
- AutoReset interface with HermitExtension for JUnit5
- ResetManager class for bulk resets
- LazyResets delegate class for automatically binding to the ResetManager
- by resets function
- HermitRule JUnit4 Rule
- AutoReset interface with HermitExtension for JUnit5