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Azure Kubernetes Cluster Terraform Module

Terraform module to create a Managed Kubernetes Cluster.

Table of Contents

Azure Resource Naming Convention

Resource names should clearly indicate their type, workload, environment, and region. Using a consistent naming convention ensures clarity, uniformity, and easy identification across all repositories.




Component Description Example
resource_prefix Short abbreviation for the resource type. rg (Resource Group)
app_or_project Identifier for the application or project. qoh
environment Environment where the resource is deployed (prod, dev, test, etc.). prod
region Azure region where the resource resides (e.g., cus for centralus). cus
optional_unique_suffix Optional unique string for ensuring name uniqueness, often random or incremental. abcd, a42n


To create and configure SSH keys for accessing the AKS cluster:

  1. Create the directory for storing SSH keys:

    mkdir $HOME/.ssh/VeeraBhadraDevOps
  2. Generate the SSH key pair:

    ssh-keygen \
        -m PEM \
        -t rsa \
        -b 4096 \
        -C "VeeraBhadraDevOps@LAPTOP-XXXXXXX" \
        -f ~/.ssh/VeeraBhadraDevOps/VeeraBhadraDevOps_id_rsa \
        -N "mypassphrase"
  3. Verify the keys are created:

    ls -lrt $HOME/.ssh/VeeraBhadraDevOps

ACI Connector for AKS

To configure the AKS virtual node subnet with delegation for ACI (Azure Container Instances):

  • Add a delegation to the subnet to ensure AKS works with ACI properly and to prevent future issues:

    resource "azurerm_subnet" "virtual" {
      # Add your other subnet configurations here
      delegation {
        name = "aciDelegation"
        service_delegation {
          name    = "Microsoft.ContainerInstance/containerGroups"
          actions = ["Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/subnets/action"]

Ingress Application Gateway

If using an Application Gateway as an ingress controller, ensure the following configuration:

  • The Application Gateway is deployed inside a Virtual Network. The users (and Service Principals) operating the Application Gateway must have the Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/subnets/join/action permission on the Virtual Network or Subnet.

For more details, please refer to Virtual Network Permissions.

  • When using the ingress_application_gateway, at least one of the following parameters must be specified: gateway_id, subnet_id, or subnet_cidr.


  • If using ingress_application_gateway in conjunction with the only_critical_addons_enabled option, the AGIC (Azure Application Gateway Ingress Controller) pod will fail to start. In this case, create a separate azurerm_kubernetes_cluster_node_pool to run the AGIC pod successfully, as AGIC is classified as a "non-critical addon."


Name Version
terraform >=0.13
azuread >=3.0.2
azurerm >=4.0.0


Name Version
azurerm >=4.0.0


No modules.


Name Type
azurerm_kubernetes_cluster.kubernetes_cluster resource
azurerm_kubernetes_cluster_extension.aks_extension resource
azurerm_kubernetes_cluster_node_pool.kubernetes_cluster_node_pool resource
azurerm_client_config.current data source
azurerm_kubernetes_service_versions.current data source


Name Description Type Default Required
aci_connector_linux (Optional) A aci_connector_linux block any {} no
aks_extension AKS Extension any {} no
api_server_access_profile (Optional) An api_server_access_profile block any {} no
auto_scaler_profile (Optional) A auto_scaler_profile block any {} no
automatic_upgrade_channel (Optional) The upgrade channel for this Kubernetes Cluster. Possible values are patch, rapid, node-image and stable. Omitting this field sets this value to none. string null no
azure_active_directory_role_based_access_control (Optional) A azure_active_directory_role_based_access_control block any {} no
azure_policy_enabled (Optional) Should the Azure Policy Add-On be enabled? bool null no
confidential_computing (Optional) A confidential_computing block any {} no
cost_analysis_enabled (Optional) Should cost analysis be enabled for this Kubernetes Cluster? Defaults to false. The sku_tier must be set to Standard or Premium to enable this feature. Enabling this will add Kubernetes Namespace and Deployment details to the Cost Analysis views in the Azure portal. bool false no
default_node_pool (Required) A default_node_pool block any n/a yes
disk_encryption_set_id (Optional) The ID of the Disk Encryption Set which should be used for the Nodes and Volumes. More information can be found in the documentation. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. string null no
dns_prefix_private_cluster (Optional) Specifies the DNS prefix to use with private clusters. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. string null no
edge_zone (Optional) Specifies the Edge Zone within the Azure Region where this Managed Kubernetes Cluster should exist. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. string null no
http_application_routing_enabled (Optional) Should HTTP Application Routing be enabled? bool null no
http_proxy_config (Optional) A http_proxy_config block any {} no
identity (Optional) An identity block any {} no
image_cleaner_enabled (Optional) Specifies whether Image Cleaner is enabled. bool null no
image_cleaner_interval_hours (Optional) Specifies the interval in hours when images should be cleaned up. Defaults to 48. number 48 no
ingress_application_gateway (Optional) A ingress_application_gateway block any {} no
key_management_service (Optional) A key_management_service block any {} no
key_vault_secrets_provider (Optional) A key_vault_secrets_provider block any {} no
kubelet_identity (Optional) A kubelet_identity block any {} no
kubernetes_cluster_node_pool One or more kubernetes_cluster_node_pool blocks map {} no
linux_profile (Optional) A linux_profile block any {} no
local_account_disabled (Optional) If true local accounts will be disabled. bool null no
location (Required) The location where the Managed Kubernetes Cluster should be created. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. string n/a yes
maintenance_window (Optional) A maintenance_window block any {} no
maintenance_window_auto_upgrade (Optional) A maintenance_window_auto_upgrade block any {} no
maintenance_window_node_os (Optional) A maintenance_window_node_os block any {} no
microsoft_defender (Optional) A microsoft_defender block any {} no
monitor_metrics (Optional) A monitor_metrics block any {} no
name (Required) The name of the Managed Kubernetes Cluster to create. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. string n/a yes
network_profile (Optional) A network_profile block any {} no
node_os_upgrade_channel (Optional) The upgrade channel for this Kubernetes Cluster Nodes' OS Image. Possible values are Unmanaged, SecurityPatch, NodeImage and None. string "NodeImage" no
node_resource_group (Optional) The name of the Resource Group where the Kubernetes Nodes should exist. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. string null no
nodepool_subnet_id AKS Nodepool Subnet ID string null no
oidc_issuer_enabled (Optional) Enable or Disable the OIDC issuer URL bool null no
oms_agent (Optional) A oms_agent block any {} no
open_service_mesh_enabled (Optional) Is Open Service Mesh enabled? bool null no
private_cluster_enabled (Optional) Should this Kubernetes Cluster have its API server only exposed on internal IP addresses? This provides a Private IP Address for the Kubernetes API on the Virtual Network where the Kubernetes Cluster is located. Defaults to false. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. bool false no
private_cluster_public_fqdn_enabled (Optional) Specifies whether a Public FQDN for this Private Cluster should be added. Defaults to false. bool false no
private_dns_zone_id (Optional) Either the ID of Private DNS Zone which should be delegated to this Cluster, System to have AKS manage this or None. In case of None you will need to bring your own DNS server and set up resolving, otherwise, the cluster will have issues after provisioning. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. string null no
resource_group_name (Required) Specifies the Resource Group where the Managed Kubernetes Cluster should exist. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. string n/a yes
role_based_access_control_enabled (Optional) Whether Role Based Access Control for the Kubernetes Cluster should be enabled. Defaults to true. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. bool true no
run_command_enabled (Optional) Whether to enable run command for the cluster or not. Defaults to true. bool true no
service_mesh_profile (Optional) A service_mesh_profile block any {} no
service_principal (Optional) A service_principal block any {} no
sku_tier (Optional) The SKU Tier that should be used for this Kubernetes Cluster. Possible values are Free, Standard (which includes the Uptime SLA) and Premium. Defaults to Free. string null no
storage_profile (Optional) A storage_profile block any {} no
support_plan (Optional) Specifies the support plan which should be used for this Kubernetes Cluster. Possible values are KubernetesOfficial and AKSLongTermSupport. Defaults to KubernetesOfficial. string "KubernetesOfficial" no
tags (Optional) A mapping of tags to assign to the resource. map(any) {} no
web_app_routing (Optional) A web_app_routing block any {} no
windows_profile (Optional) A windows_profile block any {} no
workload_autoscaler_profile (Optional) A workload_autoscaler_profile block any {} no
workload_identity_enabled (Optional) Specifies whether Azure AD Workload Identity should be enabled for the Cluster. Defaults to false. bool false no


Name Description
default_version The N-1 minor non-preview version and latest patch.
id n/a
kubernetes_cluster_node_pool --------------- AKS Node Pool ---------------
latest_version The most recent version available. If include_preview == false, this is the most recent non-preview version available.
name -------------------------- Azure Kubernetes Cluster --------------------------
versions The list of all supported versions.