From 42ad8d87565a4ed95c3eeca3ed948b7223aecc0f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: solareon <> Date: Sat, 8 Jun 2024 10:46:09 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] fix(client): yield until logged in --- client/main.lua | 1082 +++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------ 1 file changed, 541 insertions(+), 541 deletions(-) diff --git a/client/main.lua b/client/main.lua index 8a6fc47..d6cb928 100644 --- a/client/main.lua +++ b/client/main.lua @@ -1,541 +1,541 @@ -local config = require 'config.client' -local carryPackage = nil -local packageCoords = nil -local onDuty = false - --- zone check -local entranceTargetID = 'entranceTarget' - -local exitTargetID = 'exitTarget' -local exitZone = nil - -local deliveryTargetID = 'deliveryTarget' -local deliveryZone = nil - -local dutyTargetID = 'dutyTarget' -local dutyZone = nil - -local pickupTargetID = 'pickupTarget' -local pickupZone = nil - --- Functions -local function destroyPickupTarget() - if not pickupZone then - return - end - - if config.useTarget then - exports.ox_target:removeZone(pickupTargetID) - pickupZone = nil - else - pickupZone:remove() - pickupZone = nil - end -end - -local function registerEntranceTarget() - local coords = vector3(config.outsideLocation.x, config.outsideLocation.y, config.outsideLocation.z) - - if config.useTarget then - exports.ox_target:addBoxZone({ - name = entranceTargetID, - coords = coords, - rotation = config.outsideLocation.w, - size = vec3(4.7, 1.7, 3.75), - debug = config.debugPoly, - options = { - { - icon = 'fa-solid fa-house', - type = 'client', - event = 'qbx_recyclejob:client:target:enterLocation', - label = locale("text.enter_warehouse"), - distance = 1 - }, - }, - }) - else -{ - coords = coords, - rotation = config.outsideLocation.w, - size = vec3(4.7, 1.7, 3.75), - debug = config.debugPoly, - onEnter = function() - lib.showTextUI(locale("text.point_enter_warehouse")) - end, - onExit = function() - lib.hideTextUI() - end, - inside = function() - if IsControlJustReleased(0, 38) then - TriggerEvent('qbx_recyclejob:client:target:enterLocation') - lib.hideTextUI() - end - end - }) - end -end - -local function registerExitTarget() - local coords = vector3(config.insideLocation.x, config.insideLocation.y, config.insideLocation.z) - - if config.useTarget then - exitZone = exports.ox_target:addBoxZone({ - name = exitTargetID, - coords = coords, - rotation = 0.0, - size = vec3(1.7, 4.7, 3.75), - debug = config.debugPoly, - options = { - { - icon = 'fa-solid fa-house', - type = 'client', - event = 'qbx_recyclejob:client:target:exitLocation', - label = locale("text.exit_warehouse"), - distance = 1 - }, - }, - }) - else - exitZone ={ - coords = coords, - rotation = 0.0, - size = vec3(1.55, 4.95, 3.75), - debug = config.debugPoly, - onEnter = function() - lib.showTextUI(locale("text.point_exit_warehouse")) - end, - onExit = function() - lib.hideTextUI() - end, - inside = function() - if IsControlJustReleased(0, 38) then - TriggerEvent('qbx_recyclejob:client:target:exitLocation') - lib.hideTextUI() - end - end - }) - end -end - -local function destroyExitTarget() - if not exitZone then - return - end - - if config.useTarget then - exports.ox_target:removeZone(exitTargetID) - exitZone = nil - else - exitZone:remove() - exitZone = nil - end -end - -local function getDutyTargetText() - if config.useTarget then - local text = onDuty and locale("text.clock_out") or locale("text.clock_in") - return text - else - local text = onDuty and locale("text.point_clock_out") or locale("text.point_clock_in") - return text - end -end - -local function registerDutyTarget() - local coords = vector3(config.dutyLocation.x, config.dutyLocation.y, config.dutyLocation.z) - - if config.useTarget then - dutyZone = exports.ox_target:addBoxZone({ - name = dutyTargetID, - coords = coords, - rotation = 0.0, - size = vec3(1.8, 2.65, 2.0), - distance = 1.0, - debug = config.debugPoly, - options = { - { - icon = 'fa-solid fa-house', - type = 'client', - event = 'qbx_recyclejob:client:target:toggleDuty', - label = getDutyTargetText(), - distance = 1 - }, - }, - }) - else - dutyZone ={ - coords = coords, - rotation = 0.0, - size = vec3(1.8, 2.65, 2.0), - debug = config.debugPoly, - onEnter = function() - lib.showTextUI(getDutyTargetText()) - end, - onExit = function() - lib.hideTextUI() - end, - inside = function() - if IsControlJustReleased(0, 38) then - TriggerEvent('qbx_recyclejob:client:target:toggleDuty') - lib.hideTextUI() - end - end - }) - end -end - -local function destroyDutyTarget() - if not dutyZone then - return - end - - if config.useTarget then - exports.ox_target:removeZone(dutyTargetID) - dutyZone = nil - else - dutyZone:remove() - dutyZone = nil - end -end - -local function refreshDutyTarget() - destroyDutyTarget() - registerDutyTarget() -end - -local function registerDeliveryTarget() - local coords = vector3(config.dropLocation.x, config.dropLocation.y, config.dropLocation.z) - - if config.useTarget then - deliveryZone = exports.ox_target:addBoxZone({ - name = deliveryTargetID, - coords = coords, - rotation = 0.0, - size = vec3(0.95, 1.25, 2.5), - debug = config.debugPoly, - options = { - { - icon = 'fa-solid fa-house', - type = 'client', - event = 'qbx_recyclejob:client:target:dropPackage', - label = locale("text.hand_in_package"), - distance = 1 - }, - }, - }) - else - deliveryZone ={ - coords = coords, - rotation = 0.0, - size = vec3(0.95, 1.25, 2.5), - debug = config.debugPoly, - onEnter = function() - lib.showTextUI(locale("text.point_hand_in_package")) - end, - onExit = function() - lib.hideTextUI() - end, - inside = function() - if carryPackage then - if IsControlJustReleased(0, 38) then - TriggerEvent('qbx_recyclejob:client:target:dropPackage') - lib.hideTextUI() - end - end - end - }) - end -end - -local function destroyDeliveryTarget() - if not deliveryZone then - return - end - - if config.useTarget then - exports.ox_target:removeZone(deliveryTargetID) - deliveryZone = nil - else - deliveryZone:remove() - deliveryZone = nil - end -end - -local function destroyInsideZones() - destroyPickupTarget() - destroyExitTarget() - destroyDutyTarget() - destroyDeliveryTarget() -end - -local function scrapAnim() - local time = 5 - - lib.requestAnimDict('mp_car_bomb') - TaskPlayAnim(cache.ped, 'mp_car_bomb', 'car_bomb_mechanic', 3.0, 3.0, -1, 16, 0, false, false, false) - local openingDoor = true - - CreateThread(function() - while openingDoor do - TaskPlayAnim(cache.ped, 'mp_car_bomb', 'car_bomb_mechanic', 3.0, 3.0, -1, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0) - Wait(1000) - time = time - 1 - if time <= 0 then - openingDoor = false - StopAnimTask(cache.ped, 'mp_car_bomb', 'car_bomb_mechanic', 1.0) - end - end - end) -end - -local function getRandomPackage() - packageCoords = config.pickupLocations[math.random(1, #config.pickupLocations)] - RegisterPickupTarget(packageCoords) -end - -local function pickupPackage() - local pos = GetEntityCoords(cache.ped, true) - local boxModel = config.pickupBoxModel - lib.requestModel(boxModel) - RequestAnimDict('anim@heists@box_carry@') - - while not HasAnimDictLoaded('anim@heists@box_carry@') do - Wait(7) - end - - TaskPlayAnim(cache.ped, 'anim@heists@box_carry@', 'idle', 5.0, -1, -1, 50, 0, false, false, false) - - while not HasModelLoaded(boxModel) do - Wait(0) - end - - local object = CreateObject(boxModel, pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, true, true, true) - AttachEntityToEntity(object, cache.ped, GetPedBoneIndex(cache.ped, 57005), 0.05, 0.1, -0.3, 300.0, 250.0, 20.0, true, true, false, true, 1, true) - carryPackage = object -end - -local function dropPackage() - ClearPedTasks(cache.ped) - DetachEntity(carryPackage, true, true) - DeleteObject(carryPackage) - carryPackage = nil -end - -local function setLocationBlip() - local RecycleBlip = AddBlipForCoord(config.outsideLocation.x, config.outsideLocation.y, config.outsideLocation.z) - SetBlipSprite(RecycleBlip, 365) - SetBlipColour(RecycleBlip, 2) - SetBlipScale(RecycleBlip, 0.8) - SetBlipAsShortRange(RecycleBlip, true) - BeginTextCommandSetBlipName('STRING') - AddTextComponentString('Recycle Center') - EndTextCommandSetBlipName(RecycleBlip) -end - -local function buildInteriorDesign() - for _, pickuploc in pairs(config.pickupLocations) do - local model = GetHashKey(config.warehouseObjects[math.random(1, #config.warehouseObjects)]) - lib.requestModel(model) - - while not HasModelLoaded(model) do - Wait(0) - end - - local obj = CreateObject(model, pickuploc.x, pickuploc.y, pickuploc.z, false, true, true) - PlaceObjectOnGroundProperly(obj) - FreezeEntityPosition(obj, true) - end -end - -local function enterLocation() - DoScreenFadeOut(500) - - while not IsScreenFadedOut() do - Wait(10) - end - - SetEntityCoords(cache.ped, config.insideLocation.x, config.insideLocation.y, config.insideLocation.z) - buildInteriorDesign() - DoScreenFadeIn(500) - - destroyInsideZones() - registerExitTarget() - registerDutyTarget() -end - -local function exitLocation() - DoScreenFadeOut(500) - - while not IsScreenFadedOut() do - Wait(10) - end - - SetEntityCoords(cache.ped, config.outsideLocation.x, config.outsideLocation.y, config.outsideLocation.z + 1) - DoScreenFadeIn(500) - - onDuty = false - - destroyInsideZones() - - if carryPackage then - dropPackage() - end -end - -function RegisterPickupTarget(coords) - local targetCoords = vector3(coords.x, coords.y, coords.z) - - if config.useTarget then - pickupZone = exports.ox_target:addBoxZone({ - name = pickupTargetID, - coords = targetCoords, - rotation = 0.0, - size = vec3(2.4, 2.35, 4.0), - debug = config.debugPoly, - options = { - { - icon = 'fa-solid fa-house', - type = 'client', - event = 'qbx_recyclejob:client:target:pickupPackage', - label = locale("text.get_package"), - distance = 1 - }, - }, - }) - else - pickupZone ={ - coords = targetCoords, - rotation = 0.0, - size = vec3(2.4, 2.45, 4.0), - debug = config.debugPoly, - onEnter = function() - lib.showTextUI(locale("text.point_get_package")) - end, - onExit = function() - lib.hideTextUI() - end, - inside = function () - if onDuty then - if not carryPackage then - if IsControlJustReleased(0, 38) then - TriggerEvent('qbx_recyclejob:client:target:pickupPackage') - lib.hideTextUI() - end - end - end - end - }) - end -end - -local function DrawPackageLocationBlip() - if not config.drawPackageLocationBlip then - return - end - - DrawMarker(2, packageCoords.x, packageCoords.y, packageCoords.z + 3, 0, 0, 0, 180.0, 0, 0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 255, 255, 0, 100, false, false, 2, true, nil, nil, false) -end - --- Events -RegisterNetEvent('qbx_recyclejob:client:target:enterLocation', function() - enterLocation() -end) - -RegisterNetEvent('qbx_recyclejob:client:target:exitLocation', function() - exitLocation() -end) - -RegisterNetEvent('qbx_recyclejob:client:target:toggleDuty', function() - onDuty = not onDuty - - if onDuty then - exports.qbx_core:Notify(locale("success.you_have_been_clocked_in"), 'success') - getRandomPackage() - else - exports.qbx_core:Notify(locale("error.you_have_clocked_out"), 'error') - destroyPickupTarget() - end - - if carryPackage then - dropPackage() - end - - refreshDutyTarget() - destroyDeliveryTarget() -end) - -RegisterNetEvent('qbx_recyclejob:client:target:pickupPackage', function() - if not pickupZone or carryPackage then - return - end - - scrapAnim() - - if lib.progressBar({ - duration = config.pickupActionDuration, - label = locale("text.picking_up_the_package"), - useWhileDead = false, - canCancel = true, - disable = { - move = true, - car = true, - mouse = true, - combat = true - }, - }) then - packageCoords = nil - StopAnimTask(cache.ped, 'mp_car_bomb', 'car_bomb_mechanic', 1.0) - ClearPedTasks(cache.ped) - pickupPackage() - destroyPickupTarget() - registerDeliveryTarget() - else - exports.qbx_core:Notify(locale('error.canceled'), 'error') - end -end) - -RegisterNetEvent('qbx_recyclejob:client:target:dropPackage', function() - if not carryPackage or not deliveryZone then - return - end - - dropPackage() - scrapAnim() - destroyDeliveryTarget() - - if lib.progressBar({ - duration = config.deliveryActionDuration, - label = locale("text.unpacking_the_package"), - useWhileDead = false, - canCancel = true, - disable = { - move = true, - car = true, - mouse = true, - combat = true - }, - }) then - StopAnimTask(cache.ped, 'mp_car_bomb', 'car_bomb_mechanic', 1.0) - TriggerServerEvent('qbx_recycle:server:getItem') - getRandomPackage() - else - exports.qbx_core:Notify(locale('error.canceled'), 'error') - end -end) - --- Threads -CreateThread(function() - if not LocalPlayer.state.isLoggedIn then return end - - setLocationBlip() - registerEntranceTarget() - - while true do - if onDuty and packageCoords and not carryPackage and config.drawPackageLocationBlip then - DrawPackageLocationBlip() - Wait(0) - else - Wait(500) - end - end -end) +local config = require 'config.client' +local carryPackage = nil +local packageCoords = nil +local onDuty = false + +-- zone check +local entranceTargetID = 'entranceTarget' + +local exitTargetID = 'exitTarget' +local exitZone = nil + +local deliveryTargetID = 'deliveryTarget' +local deliveryZone = nil + +local dutyTargetID = 'dutyTarget' +local dutyZone = nil + +local pickupTargetID = 'pickupTarget' +local pickupZone = nil + +-- Functions +local function destroyPickupTarget() + if not pickupZone then + return + end + + if config.useTarget then + exports.ox_target:removeZone(pickupTargetID) + pickupZone = nil + else + pickupZone:remove() + pickupZone = nil + end +end + +local function registerEntranceTarget() + local coords = vector3(config.outsideLocation.x, config.outsideLocation.y, config.outsideLocation.z) + + if config.useTarget then + exports.ox_target:addBoxZone({ + name = entranceTargetID, + coords = coords, + rotation = config.outsideLocation.w, + size = vec3(4.7, 1.7, 3.75), + debug = config.debugPoly, + options = { + { + icon = 'fa-solid fa-house', + type = 'client', + event = 'qbx_recyclejob:client:target:enterLocation', + label = locale("text.enter_warehouse"), + distance = 1 + }, + }, + }) + else +{ + coords = coords, + rotation = config.outsideLocation.w, + size = vec3(4.7, 1.7, 3.75), + debug = config.debugPoly, + onEnter = function() + lib.showTextUI(locale("text.point_enter_warehouse")) + end, + onExit = function() + lib.hideTextUI() + end, + inside = function() + if IsControlJustReleased(0, 38) then + TriggerEvent('qbx_recyclejob:client:target:enterLocation') + lib.hideTextUI() + end + end + }) + end +end + +local function registerExitTarget() + local coords = vector3(config.insideLocation.x, config.insideLocation.y, config.insideLocation.z) + + if config.useTarget then + exitZone = exports.ox_target:addBoxZone({ + name = exitTargetID, + coords = coords, + rotation = 0.0, + size = vec3(1.7, 4.7, 3.75), + debug = config.debugPoly, + options = { + { + icon = 'fa-solid fa-house', + type = 'client', + event = 'qbx_recyclejob:client:target:exitLocation', + label = locale("text.exit_warehouse"), + distance = 1 + }, + }, + }) + else + exitZone ={ + coords = coords, + rotation = 0.0, + size = vec3(1.55, 4.95, 3.75), + debug = config.debugPoly, + onEnter = function() + lib.showTextUI(locale("text.point_exit_warehouse")) + end, + onExit = function() + lib.hideTextUI() + end, + inside = function() + if IsControlJustReleased(0, 38) then + TriggerEvent('qbx_recyclejob:client:target:exitLocation') + lib.hideTextUI() + end + end + }) + end +end + +local function destroyExitTarget() + if not exitZone then + return + end + + if config.useTarget then + exports.ox_target:removeZone(exitTargetID) + exitZone = nil + else + exitZone:remove() + exitZone = nil + end +end + +local function getDutyTargetText() + if config.useTarget then + local text = onDuty and locale("text.clock_out") or locale("text.clock_in") + return text + else + local text = onDuty and locale("text.point_clock_out") or locale("text.point_clock_in") + return text + end +end + +local function registerDutyTarget() + local coords = vector3(config.dutyLocation.x, config.dutyLocation.y, config.dutyLocation.z) + + if config.useTarget then + dutyZone = exports.ox_target:addBoxZone({ + name = dutyTargetID, + coords = coords, + rotation = 0.0, + size = vec3(1.8, 2.65, 2.0), + distance = 1.0, + debug = config.debugPoly, + options = { + { + icon = 'fa-solid fa-house', + type = 'client', + event = 'qbx_recyclejob:client:target:toggleDuty', + label = getDutyTargetText(), + distance = 1 + }, + }, + }) + else + dutyZone ={ + coords = coords, + rotation = 0.0, + size = vec3(1.8, 2.65, 2.0), + debug = config.debugPoly, + onEnter = function() + lib.showTextUI(getDutyTargetText()) + end, + onExit = function() + lib.hideTextUI() + end, + inside = function() + if IsControlJustReleased(0, 38) then + TriggerEvent('qbx_recyclejob:client:target:toggleDuty') + lib.hideTextUI() + end + end + }) + end +end + +local function destroyDutyTarget() + if not dutyZone then + return + end + + if config.useTarget then + exports.ox_target:removeZone(dutyTargetID) + dutyZone = nil + else + dutyZone:remove() + dutyZone = nil + end +end + +local function refreshDutyTarget() + destroyDutyTarget() + registerDutyTarget() +end + +local function registerDeliveryTarget() + local coords = vector3(config.dropLocation.x, config.dropLocation.y, config.dropLocation.z) + + if config.useTarget then + deliveryZone = exports.ox_target:addBoxZone({ + name = deliveryTargetID, + coords = coords, + rotation = 0.0, + size = vec3(0.95, 1.25, 2.5), + debug = config.debugPoly, + options = { + { + icon = 'fa-solid fa-house', + type = 'client', + event = 'qbx_recyclejob:client:target:dropPackage', + label = locale("text.hand_in_package"), + distance = 1 + }, + }, + }) + else + deliveryZone ={ + coords = coords, + rotation = 0.0, + size = vec3(0.95, 1.25, 2.5), + debug = config.debugPoly, + onEnter = function() + lib.showTextUI(locale("text.point_hand_in_package")) + end, + onExit = function() + lib.hideTextUI() + end, + inside = function() + if carryPackage then + if IsControlJustReleased(0, 38) then + TriggerEvent('qbx_recyclejob:client:target:dropPackage') + lib.hideTextUI() + end + end + end + }) + end +end + +local function destroyDeliveryTarget() + if not deliveryZone then + return + end + + if config.useTarget then + exports.ox_target:removeZone(deliveryTargetID) + deliveryZone = nil + else + deliveryZone:remove() + deliveryZone = nil + end +end + +local function destroyInsideZones() + destroyPickupTarget() + destroyExitTarget() + destroyDutyTarget() + destroyDeliveryTarget() +end + +local function scrapAnim() + local time = 5 + + lib.requestAnimDict('mp_car_bomb') + TaskPlayAnim(cache.ped, 'mp_car_bomb', 'car_bomb_mechanic', 3.0, 3.0, -1, 16, 0, false, false, false) + local openingDoor = true + + CreateThread(function() + while openingDoor do + TaskPlayAnim(cache.ped, 'mp_car_bomb', 'car_bomb_mechanic', 3.0, 3.0, -1, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0) + Wait(1000) + time = time - 1 + if time <= 0 then + openingDoor = false + StopAnimTask(cache.ped, 'mp_car_bomb', 'car_bomb_mechanic', 1.0) + end + end + end) +end + +local function getRandomPackage() + packageCoords = config.pickupLocations[math.random(1, #config.pickupLocations)] + RegisterPickupTarget(packageCoords) +end + +local function pickupPackage() + local pos = GetEntityCoords(cache.ped, true) + local boxModel = config.pickupBoxModel + lib.requestModel(boxModel) + RequestAnimDict('anim@heists@box_carry@') + + while not HasAnimDictLoaded('anim@heists@box_carry@') do + Wait(7) + end + + TaskPlayAnim(cache.ped, 'anim@heists@box_carry@', 'idle', 5.0, -1, -1, 50, 0, false, false, false) + + while not HasModelLoaded(boxModel) do + Wait(0) + end + + local object = CreateObject(boxModel, pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, true, true, true) + AttachEntityToEntity(object, cache.ped, GetPedBoneIndex(cache.ped, 57005), 0.05, 0.1, -0.3, 300.0, 250.0, 20.0, true, true, false, true, 1, true) + carryPackage = object +end + +local function dropPackage() + ClearPedTasks(cache.ped) + DetachEntity(carryPackage, true, true) + DeleteObject(carryPackage) + carryPackage = nil +end + +local function setLocationBlip() + local RecycleBlip = AddBlipForCoord(config.outsideLocation.x, config.outsideLocation.y, config.outsideLocation.z) + SetBlipSprite(RecycleBlip, 365) + SetBlipColour(RecycleBlip, 2) + SetBlipScale(RecycleBlip, 0.8) + SetBlipAsShortRange(RecycleBlip, true) + BeginTextCommandSetBlipName('STRING') + AddTextComponentString('Recycle Center') + EndTextCommandSetBlipName(RecycleBlip) +end + +local function buildInteriorDesign() + for _, pickuploc in pairs(config.pickupLocations) do + local model = GetHashKey(config.warehouseObjects[math.random(1, #config.warehouseObjects)]) + lib.requestModel(model) + + while not HasModelLoaded(model) do + Wait(0) + end + + local obj = CreateObject(model, pickuploc.x, pickuploc.y, pickuploc.z, false, true, true) + PlaceObjectOnGroundProperly(obj) + FreezeEntityPosition(obj, true) + end +end + +local function enterLocation() + DoScreenFadeOut(500) + + while not IsScreenFadedOut() do + Wait(10) + end + + SetEntityCoords(cache.ped, config.insideLocation.x, config.insideLocation.y, config.insideLocation.z) + buildInteriorDesign() + DoScreenFadeIn(500) + + destroyInsideZones() + registerExitTarget() + registerDutyTarget() +end + +local function exitLocation() + DoScreenFadeOut(500) + + while not IsScreenFadedOut() do + Wait(10) + end + + SetEntityCoords(cache.ped, config.outsideLocation.x, config.outsideLocation.y, config.outsideLocation.z + 1) + DoScreenFadeIn(500) + + onDuty = false + + destroyInsideZones() + + if carryPackage then + dropPackage() + end +end + +function RegisterPickupTarget(coords) + local targetCoords = vector3(coords.x, coords.y, coords.z) + + if config.useTarget then + pickupZone = exports.ox_target:addBoxZone({ + name = pickupTargetID, + coords = targetCoords, + rotation = 0.0, + size = vec3(2.4, 2.35, 4.0), + debug = config.debugPoly, + options = { + { + icon = 'fa-solid fa-house', + type = 'client', + event = 'qbx_recyclejob:client:target:pickupPackage', + label = locale("text.get_package"), + distance = 1 + }, + }, + }) + else + pickupZone ={ + coords = targetCoords, + rotation = 0.0, + size = vec3(2.4, 2.45, 4.0), + debug = config.debugPoly, + onEnter = function() + lib.showTextUI(locale("text.point_get_package")) + end, + onExit = function() + lib.hideTextUI() + end, + inside = function () + if onDuty then + if not carryPackage then + if IsControlJustReleased(0, 38) then + TriggerEvent('qbx_recyclejob:client:target:pickupPackage') + lib.hideTextUI() + end + end + end + end + }) + end +end + +local function DrawPackageLocationBlip() + if not config.drawPackageLocationBlip then + return + end + + DrawMarker(2, packageCoords.x, packageCoords.y, packageCoords.z + 3, 0, 0, 0, 180.0, 0, 0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 255, 255, 0, 100, false, false, 2, true, nil, nil, false) +end + +-- Events +RegisterNetEvent('qbx_recyclejob:client:target:enterLocation', function() + enterLocation() +end) + +RegisterNetEvent('qbx_recyclejob:client:target:exitLocation', function() + exitLocation() +end) + +RegisterNetEvent('qbx_recyclejob:client:target:toggleDuty', function() + onDuty = not onDuty + + if onDuty then + exports.qbx_core:Notify(locale("success.you_have_been_clocked_in"), 'success') + getRandomPackage() + else + exports.qbx_core:Notify(locale("error.you_have_clocked_out"), 'error') + destroyPickupTarget() + end + + if carryPackage then + dropPackage() + end + + refreshDutyTarget() + destroyDeliveryTarget() +end) + +RegisterNetEvent('qbx_recyclejob:client:target:pickupPackage', function() + if not pickupZone or carryPackage then + return + end + + scrapAnim() + + if lib.progressBar({ + duration = config.pickupActionDuration, + label = locale("text.picking_up_the_package"), + useWhileDead = false, + canCancel = true, + disable = { + move = true, + car = true, + mouse = true, + combat = true + }, + }) then + packageCoords = nil + StopAnimTask(cache.ped, 'mp_car_bomb', 'car_bomb_mechanic', 1.0) + ClearPedTasks(cache.ped) + pickupPackage() + destroyPickupTarget() + registerDeliveryTarget() + else + exports.qbx_core:Notify(locale('error.canceled'), 'error') + end +end) + +RegisterNetEvent('qbx_recyclejob:client:target:dropPackage', function() + if not carryPackage or not deliveryZone then + return + end + + dropPackage() + scrapAnim() + destroyDeliveryTarget() + + if lib.progressBar({ + duration = config.deliveryActionDuration, + label = locale("text.unpacking_the_package"), + useWhileDead = false, + canCancel = true, + disable = { + move = true, + car = true, + mouse = true, + combat = true + }, + }) then + StopAnimTask(cache.ped, 'mp_car_bomb', 'car_bomb_mechanic', 1.0) + TriggerServerEvent('qbx_recycle:server:getItem') + getRandomPackage() + else + exports.qbx_core:Notify(locale('error.canceled'), 'error') + end +end) + +-- Threads +CreateThread(function() + while not LocalPlayer.state.isLoggedIn do Wait(500) end + + setLocationBlip() + registerEntranceTarget() + + while true do + if onDuty and packageCoords and not carryPackage and config.drawPackageLocationBlip then + DrawPackageLocationBlip() + Wait(0) + else + Wait(500) + end + end +end)