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Releases: PyMoDAQ/pymodaq_plugin_manager

new config module

17 Nov 14:47
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using new configuration module

src and MIT license

10 Nov 20:43
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src and MIT license

Using qtpy Qt5 wrapper for PySide2 or PyQt5

10 Nov 18:02
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QVariant patch using qtpy

Subprocess patch

11 May 19:40
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patch for issue #5

Patch new fecthing in simple pypi server

18 Mar 12:42
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version 0.13 release

patch on the plugin name and the plugin descipriton that was faulty

fetch plugins from pypi server

19 Feb 21:28
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The source code of the plugins was fetch from their repository (from an rl saved into a json file within pymodaq_plugin_manager repo). But this meant each time a plugin is modified, the plugin_manager must be edited and a new release made. It was not a good idea.

Now: the list of the plugins is still within this repo to control the official plugins. However the source code is now fetched directly from pypi. Moreover github actions are used in most plugins repo to automatically publish on pypi when a new release is made on github. This should facilitate the update of the multiple plugins...

let me know!

added console script entry point

12 Nov 12:10
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added a console script entry point

patch on setup to include plugin list

10 Nov 16:30
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update manager for better display

Now contains all the plugins previsously in the default plugin repo

10 Nov 13:27
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