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Proligence.Orchard.Testing is a library which aids in unit testing Orchard modules by providing implementation of mocks for many components commonly used in Orchard.

The library supports two unit testing frameworks - NUnit and XUnit. Mocking functionality depends on the Moq library.

Getting Started

To best way to use Proligence.Orchard.Testing library in your Orchard projects is to check out the source code to some directory and map that directory to your Orchard source code directory using a hard link. This can be easily done using the MapToOrchard.cmd script. After cloning the repository for Proligence.Orchard.Testing, execute the script from cmd.exe and specify the path to the root directory of your Orchard project.

For example, let's say that Proligence.Orchard.Testing is located in C:\Projects\OrchardTesting and your Orchard solution is located in C:\Projects\Orchard. Just open cmd.exe and run:

cd C:\Projects\OrchardTesting
MapToOrchard.cmd C:\Projects\Orchard

This will create a hardlink in C:\Projects\Orchard\src\Tools\Proligence.Orchard.Testing pointing to C:\Projects\OrchardTesting\Proligence.Orchard.Testing. Next, you need to add the Proligence.Orchard.Testing project to your Orchard solution. Add Proligence.Orchard.Testing.NUnit.csproj if you are using NUNit or add Proligence.Orchard.Testing.XUnit.csproj if you are using XUnit.

Mocking ILogger

The LoggerMock class can be used to easily mock out the ILogger interface, assert that specific messages should be written to the logger and validate these assertions after you run your test code. Just create an instance of LoggerMock, set up message assertions, pass the mock to the code you are testing (the LoggerMock.Object property returns a mock instance of ILogger type) and after the code finishes executing, verify the assertions by calling VerifyAll on the logger mock object. For example:

var loggerMock = new LoggerMock();
loggerMock.ExpectInformation("Operation completed successfully.");
// TODO: Invoke tested code here.


Mocking INotifier

The NotifierMock class can be used to easily mock out the INotifier interface, assert specific notification messages should be displayed and validate these assertions after you run your test code. Just create an instance of NotifierMock, set up notification assertions, pass the mock to the code you are testing (the NotifierMock.Object property returns a mock instance of INotifier type) and after the code finishes executing, verify the assertions by calling VerifyAll on the notifier mock object. For example:

var notifierMock = new NotifierMock();
notifierMock.ExpectInformation("Operation completed successfully.");

// TODO: Invoke tested code here.


Mocking IAuthorizer

The AuthorizerMock class can be used to easily mock out authorization code which uses the IAuthorizer interface. You can assert that specific permissions are checked and validate these assertions after you run your test code. Just create an instance of AuthorizerMock, set up permission assertions, pass the mock to the code you are testing (the AuthorizerMock.Object property returns a mock instance of IAuthorizer type) and after the code finishes executing, verify the assertions by calling VerifyAll on the mock object. For example:

var authorizerMock = new AuthorizerMock();
authorizerMock.Allow(Permissions.ViewContent, contentItem);

// TODO: Invoke tested code here.


Note, that if you are using the IAuthorizer.Authorize overload which takes a LocalizedString parameter in your test code, then you must use AuthorizerMock.Allow and AuthorizerMock.Deny methods to set up your assertions. If you are using the IAuthorizer.Authorize overload without the LocalizedString parameter, you must use AuthorizerMock.AllowWithoutMessage and AuthorizerMock.DenyWithoutMessage.

Mocking the Transaction Manager

The TransactionManagerMock class can be used to mock out the ITransactionManager interface. Use the ExpectDemand method to assert that the ITransactionManager.Demand method should be called. Use the ExpectCancel method to assert that the ITransactionManager.Cancel method should be called. After the test code finishes executing, you can verify the assertions by calling VerifyAll on the mock object. For example:

var transactionManager = new TransactionManagerMock();

// TODO: Invoke tested code here.

Mocking Shapes

Sometimes when unit testing Orchard applications, you need to test whether correct data is passed to shapes (for example in content drivers). As shapes are dynamic objects, which heavily rely on conventions implemented in Orchard core, they are difficult to mock.

The ShapeFactoryMock class provides an implementation of the IShapeFactory interface, which builds shape objects which you can examine in your unit tests. All shapes built by ShapeFactoryMock are of type ShapeMock, which expose all data passed to the shape.

Although you can use the ShapeFactoryMock directly, usually the easiest way is to use the extension methods in ContentShapeResultExtensions and CombinedResultExtensions to build a mock shape from a ContentShapeResult or CombinedResult. The following example illustrates how shape mocking can be used in your unit tests.

// TODO: Invoke code which builds a shape result

Assert.That(result, Is.InstanceOf<ContentShapeResult>());
var shapeResult = (ContentShapeResult)result;
ShapeMock shapeMock = shapeResult.BuildShapeMock();
Assert.That(shapeMock.Type, Is.EqualTo("My_Shape_Type"));
Assert.That(shapeMock["TemplateName"], Is.SameAs("Parts/My.Shape"));
Assert.That(shapeMock["Model"], Is.SameAs(model));
Assert.That(shapeMock["Prefix"], Is.EqualTo("MyPrefix"));

For more details about testing content drivers, see Testing Content Drivers later in this document.

Creating Mock Content Items

The ContentFactory class can be used to generate fake, memory-only content items in your unit tests. While it is possible to manually build content items, initializing all the underlying structures is quite complex and error prone. The ContentFactory class takes care of that for you.

For example, the following code creates a content item of content type Foo with a TitlePart and a CommonPart. Additionally, 123 is assigned as the content item's identifier.

var contentItem = ContentFactory.CreateContentItem(123, "Foo". new TitlePart(), new CommonPart());
Assert.Equal(123, contentItem.Id);
Assert.Equal("Foo", contentItem.ContentType);

Mocking the Content Definition Manager and Content Manager

You can use the ContentDefinitionManagerMock class to mock the IContentDefinitionManager interface. Once you create an instance of ContentDefinitionManagerMock you can easily setup expectations for content definitions using methods the ExpectGetTypeDefinition and ExpectGetPartDefinition. To create a mock content type definition, you can use the CreateTypeDefinition.

For example, the following code creates a dummy content type definition (for test purposes only) for a content type called Foo which contains the TitlePart and CommonPart. Next, it asserts that the ContentDefinitionManagerMock should return the definition and verifies this assertion after running the test code.

_contentDefinitionManager = new ContentDefinitionManagerMock();
var definition = _contentDefinitionManager.CreateTypeDefinition("Foo", "TitlePart", "CommonPart");
_contentDefinitionManager.ExpectGetTypeDefinition("Foo", definition);

// TODO: Invoke tested code here.


The ContentManagerMock class enables mocking out simple operations on content items through the IContentManager interface. The class implements methods such as ExpectGetItem, ExpectNewItem, ExpectPublishItem, etc. which can be used to set up expected operations on the mock. After the test code finishes executing, you can verify the assertions by calling VerifyAll on the mock object.

If you need any assertions which are not covered by the API exposed by the ContentManagerMock, you can use the regular Moq API on the ContentManagerMock (such as the Setup method).

The following code illustrates a simple test which mocks out getting a content item with ID 123 from the content manager:

var contentManager = new ContentManagerMock();
var contentItem = ContentFactory.CreateContentItem(123);
contentManager.ExpectGetItem(123, contentItem);

// TODO: Execute code which uses the content manager to get the content item with ID 123.


Testing Content Drivers

For testing content drivers, you can use the ContentDriverTestFixture class as a base class for your test fixture. This base class automatically provides some useful components, mostly important the special implementation of the shape factory which can be accessed using the ShapeFactory property.

You can override the Setup method and create an instance of you content driver there. Make sure to call the base implementation of the Setup method.

In your tests, you can easily invoke your content driver logic using the extensions methods in ContentPartDriverExtensions - InvokeDisplay and InvokeEditor. As the shape helper (factory), pass the object returned from the ShapeFactory, which is implemented in the base class. As the result of a content driver is usually a shape, you will probably want to use the extension methods in ContentShapeResultExtensions to build a mock shape and verify the data passed to the shape.

The following code illustrates a single test fixture for testing a content driver.

public class MyPartDriverTests : ContentDriverTestFixture
    private MyPartDriver _driver;
    public override void Setup()
        _driver = new MyPartDriver();
    public void EditorShouldReturnShapeWithValidData()
        var part = new MyPart();
        DriverResult result = _driver.InvokeEditor(part, ShapeFactory);
        Assert.That(result, Is.InstanceOf<ContentShapeResult>());
        var shapeResult = (ContentShapeResult)result;
        var shape = shapeResult.BuildShapeMock();
        Assert.That(shape.Type, Is.EqualTo("Parts_My_Edit"));
        Assert.That(shape["TemplateName"], Is.SameAs("Parts/My.Edit"));
        Assert.That(shape["Model"], Is.SameAs(part));
        Assert.That(shape["Prefix"], Is.EqualTo("MyPart"));

Testing Content Handlers

For testing content handlers, you can use the ContentHandlerTestFixture<THandler> class as a base class for your test fixture and specify the type of your content handler as the generic parameter. This base class provides methods to invoke specific content handler events. For example, the InvokeActivating method calls the OnActivated handler method, InvokePublished calls OnPublished, and so on.

If you need any per-test initialization code, you can override the Setup method. Make sure to call the base implementation, which takes care of creating an instance of your content handler.

The following example illustrates a simple test fixture containing a test which checks if the OnPublished content handler initializes the title of the content item to a non-null value.

public class MyPartHandlerTests : ContentHandlerTestFixture<MyPartHandler>
    public override void Setup()
        // TODO: Perform per-test initialization
    public void PublishedShouldInitializeTitle()
        var contentItem = ContentFactory.CreateContentItem(123, "Foo", new TitlePart());
        this.InvokePublished(new PublishContentContext(contentItem, null));

Testing Tokens

The TokenProviderTestFixture<T> class is a base class for fixtures which tests token implementations. This base class providers an infrastructure to expand specific tokens, with the specified parameters, using Orchard's token engine.

When creating a test fixture for your token provider, specify the type of the token provider as the generic type parameter of the TokenProviderTestFixture<T> base class. If your token provider relies on any components, make sure to override the Register method and register these components. In your tests, you can access the tokenizer using the Tokenizer property.

The following code illustrates a simple test fixture testing date tokens.

public class DateTokensTests : TokenProviderTestFixture<DateTokens>
    private Mock<IWorkContextAccessor> _wca;
    private Mock<IClock> _clock;
    protected override void Register(ContainerBuilder builder)
        var ctx = new WorkContextMock();
        ctx.CurrentCulture = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.Name;
        _wca = new Mock<IWorkContextAccessor>();
        _wca.Setup(x => x.GetContext()).Returns(ctx);
        _clock = new Mock<IClock>();
    public void ShouldReturnYearPartOfDate()
        var dateDt = DateTime.Parse("06/22/2014", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
        var result = Tokenizer.Replace("{Date.Year}", new { Date = dateDt });
        Assert.Equal("2014", result);
    public void ShouldReturnMonthPartOfDate()
        var dateDt = DateTime.Parse("06/22/2014", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
        var result = Tokenizer.Replace("{Date.Month}", new { Date = dateDt });
        Assert.Equal("6", result);
    public void ShouldReturnDayPartOfDate()
        var dateDt = DateTime.Parse("06/22/2014", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
        var result = Tokenizer.Replace("{Date.Day}", new { Date = dateDt });
        Assert.Equal("22", result);