diff --git a/components.js b/components.js index 7523fae381..a7005728af 100644 --- a/components.js +++ b/components.js @@ -326,6 +326,10 @@ var components = { "require": "javascript", "owner": "vkbansal" }, + "vhdl": { + "title": "VHDL", + "owner": "a-rey" + }, "wiki": { "title": "Wiki markup", "require": "markup", diff --git a/components/prism-vhdl.js b/components/prism-vhdl.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..bed5ffece6 --- /dev/null +++ b/components/prism-vhdl.js @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +Prism.languages.vhdl = { + 'comment': /--.+/, + // support for all logic vectors + 'vhdl-vectors': { + 'pattern': /\b[oxb]"[\da-f_]+"|"[01uxzwlh-]+"/i, + 'alias': 'number' + }, + 'string': /"(\\\n|\\?.)*?"/, + 'constant': /\b(use|library)\b/i, + // support for predefined attributes included + 'keyword': /\b('active|'ascending|'base|'delayed|'driving|'driving_value|'event|'high|'image|'instance_name|'last_active|'last_event|'last_value|'left|'leftof|'length|'low|'path_name|'pos|'pred|'quiet|'range|'reverse_range|'right|'rightof|'simple_name|'stable|'succ|'transaction|'val|'value|access|after|alias|all|architecture|array|assert|attribute|begin|block|body|buffer|bus|case|component|configuration|constant|disconnect|downto|else|elsif|end|entity|exit|file|for|function|generate|generic|group|guarded|if|impure|in|inertial|inout|is|label|library|linkage|literal|loop|map|new|next|null|of|on|open|others|out|package|port|postponed|procedure|process|pure|range|record|register|reject|report|return|select|severity|shared|signal|subtype|then|to|transport|type|unaffected|units|until|use|variable|wait|when|while|with)\b/i, + 'boolean': /\b(true|false)\b/i, + 'function': { + // support for operator overloading included + pattern: /([a-z0-9_]+|"\S+")\(/i, + inside: { + punctuation: /\(/ + } + }, + // decimal, based, physical, and exponential numbers supported + 'number': /'[01uxzwlh-]'|\b\d+[_.]*(#[\da-f_.]+#)?(e[-+]?\d+)?/i, + 'operator': /<=?|>=?|:=|[-+*/&=]|\b(abs|not|mod|rem|sll|srl|sla|sra|rol|ror|and|or|nand|xnor|xor|nor)\b/i, + 'punctuation': /[{}[\];(),.:]/ +}; diff --git a/components/prism-vhdl.min.js b/components/prism-vhdl.min.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3680f052e9 --- /dev/null +++ b/components/prism-vhdl.min.js @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +Prism.languages.vhdl={comment:/--.+/,"vhdl-vectors":{pattern:/\b[oxb]"[\da-f_]+"|"[01uxzwlh-]+"/i,alias:"number"},string:/"(\\\n|\\?.)*?"/,constant:/\b(use|library)\b/i,keyword:/\b('active|'ascending|'base|'delayed|'driving|'driving_value|'event|'high|'image|'instance_name|'last_active|'last_event|'last_value|'left|'leftof|'length|'low|'path_name|'pos|'pred|'quiet|'range|'reverse_range|'right|'rightof|'simple_name|'stable|'succ|'transaction|'val|'value|access|after|alias|all|architecture|array|assert|attribute|begin|block|body|buffer|bus|case|component|configuration|constant|disconnect|downto|else|elsif|end|entity|exit|file|for|function|generate|generic|group|guarded|if|impure|in|inertial|inout|is|label|library|linkage|literal|loop|map|new|next|null|of|on|open|others|out|package|port|postponed|procedure|process|pure|range|record|register|reject|report|return|select|severity|shared|signal|subtype|then|to|transport|type|unaffected|units|until|use|variable|wait|when|while|with)\b/i,"boolean":/\b(true|false)\b/i,"function":{pattern:/([a-z0-9_]+|"\S+")\(/i,inside:{punctuation:/\(/}},number:/'[01uxzwlh-]'|\b\d+[_.]*(#[\da-f_.]+#)?(e[-+]?\d+)?/i,operator:/<=?|>=?|:=|[-+*/&=]|\b(abs|not|mod|rem|sll|srl|sla|sra|rol|ror|and|or|nand|xnor|xor|nor)\b/i,punctuation:/[{}[\];(),.:]/}; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/examples/prism-vhdl.html b/examples/prism-vhdl.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1dbf649f79 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/prism-vhdl.html @@ -0,0 +1,95 @@ +
To use this language, use the class "language-vhdl".
+ +-- I am a comment
+I am not
+constant FREEZE : integer := 32;
+constant TEMP : real := 32.0;
+A_INT <= 16#FF#;
+B_INT <= 2#1010_1010#;
+MONEY := 1_000_000.0;
+FACTOR := 2.2E-6;
+constant DEL1 :time := 10 ns;
+constant DEL2 :time := 2.27 us;
+type MY_LOGIC is ('X','0','1','Z');
+signal CLK : MY_LOGIC := '0';
+signal STATE : T_STATE := IDLE;
+constant FLAG :bit_vector(0 to 7) := "11111111";
+constant MSG : string := "Hello";
+BIT_8_BUS <= B"1111_1111";
+BIT_9_BUS <= O"353";
+BIT_16_BUS <= X"AA55";
+constant TWO_LINE_MSG : string := "Hello" & CR & "World";
+-- example code from: http://www.csee.umbc.edu/portal/help/VHDL/samples/samples.html
+library IEEE;
+use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
+entity fadd is -- full adder stage, interface
+ port(a : in std_logic;
+ b : in std_logic;
+ cin : in std_logic;
+ s : out std_logic;
+ cout : out std_logic);
+end entity fadd;
+architecture circuits of fadd is -- full adder stage, body
+begin -- circuits of fadd
+ s <= a xor b xor cin after 1 ns;
+ cout <= (a and b) or (a and cin) or (b and cin) after 1 ns;
+end architecture circuits; -- of fadd
+library IEEE;
+use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
+entity add32 is -- simple 32 bit ripple carry adder
+ port(a : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
+ b : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
+ cin : in std_logic;
+ sum : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
+ cout : out std_logic);
+end entity add32;
+architecture circuits of add32 is
+ signal c : std_logic_vector(0 to 30); -- internal carry signals
+begin -- circuits of add32
+ a0: entity WORK.fadd port map(a(0), b(0), cin, sum(0), c(0));
+ stage: for I in 1 to 30 generate
+ as: entity WORK.fadd port map(a(I), b(I), c(I-1) , sum(I), c(I));
+ end generate stage;
+ a31: entity WORK.fadd port map(a(31), b(31), c(30) , sum(31), cout);
+end architecture circuits; -- of add32
+use STD.textio.all;
+library IEEE;
+use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
+use IEEE.std_logic_textio.all;
+entity signal_trace is
+end signal_trace;
+architecture circuits of signal_trace is
+ signal a: std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"00000000";
+ signal b: std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"FFFFFFFF";
+ signal cin: std_logic := '1';
+ signal cout: std_logic;
+ signal sum: std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
+begin -- circuits of signal_trace
+ adder: entity WORK.add32 port map(a, b, cin, sum, cout); -- parallel circuit
+ prtsum: process (sum)
+ variable my_line : LINE;
+ alias swrite is write [line, string, side, width] ;
+ begin
+ swrite(my_line, "sum=");
+ write(my_line, sum);
+ swrite(my_line, ", at=");
+ write(my_line, now);
+ writeline(output, my_line);
+ end process prtsum;
+end architecture circuits; -- of signal_trace