Its a Android app with a unique idea where tourist can hire guide as per their need.TravelBuddy is an Android app which is intended to make the traveling easy, with features like providing various locations in India with their accomplished description, How to reach a defined location, Attractive places to visit and main motivation of the app is to provide a Personal Guide hiring facility which increases employment. Intended Users of this application are Admin, registered guides and our customers.
Explaining the complete flow of the TravelBuddy App:
Firstly user signups or logins to TravelBuddy App, reaches to Home page of the application. On selecting search option, user can select one city and view recommended places for that city. Also user can select a particular place to view more details about that place which includes small description about the place, timings, images etc. On selecting Hire Guide options, user can view list of available guides along with guide details like name, languages known to him, ratings at that moment in selected city. After selecting guide, user can choose a plans made available by guide. A Plan is package available to tourist which includes details like plan name, price, duration to complete plan and list of places covered in a particular plan by this user can selects plan as per his/her needs. After confirming particular plan, user has to fill a form about his personal information like number person in trip, address etc. to which guide hired successfully. On selecting History tab, user can see all his past completed trips. The app has features like Account page to view users profile which includes Email, name etc.
This app has following functionalities:
- Login and Signup
- Searching of Particular city.
- Showing list of best places to visit in a particuler selected city.
- Expanding a single place by viewing more details about that place eg. small description, timings etc.
- Hire guide in a particular city by selecting proper plan provided by Guides.
- Displaying all the past completed trips to user.
- Account management( features like Verify Email, Change password, Deactivate account, Logout etc)
- Receiving email upon events like Registering new user, Hiring a guide etc.
Check out TravelBuddy in running demo:
link -
Check out the Guide Appliction associated to TravelBuddy: