diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 5ef3e4cd..9bf9a74f 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -10,4 +10,4 @@ node_modules/
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/build.ps1 b/build.ps1
index c35303a9..6d7b0d95 100644
--- a/build.ps1
+++ b/build.ps1
@@ -188,7 +188,18 @@ $skip_test_projects_on_windows = @("tree-sitter-dscexpression")
             if (Test-Path "./copy_files.txt") {
                 Get-Content "./copy_files.txt" | ForEach-Object {
-                    Copy-Item $_ $target -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
+                    # if the line contains a '\' character, throw an error
+                    if ($_ -match '\\') {
+                        throw "copy_files.txt should use '/' as the path separator"
+                    }
+                    # copy the file to the target directory, creating the directory path if needed
+                    $fileCopyPath = $_.split('/')
+                    if ($fileCopyPath.Length -gt 1) {
+                        $fileCopyPath = $fileCopyPath[0..($fileCopyPath.Length - 2)]
+                        $fileCopyPath = $fileCopyPath -join '/'
+                        New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "$target/$fileCopyPath" -Force -ErrorAction Ignore | Out-Null
+                    }
+                    Copy-Item $_ "$target/$_" -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
@@ -199,6 +210,8 @@ $skip_test_projects_on_windows = @("tree-sitter-dscexpression")
+    Save-PSResource -Path $target -Name 'PSDesiredStateConfiguration' -Version '2.0.7' -Repository PSGallery -TrustRepository
     if ($failed) {
         Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "Build failed"
         exit 1
@@ -243,14 +256,12 @@ if ($Test) {
     $FullyQualifiedName = @{ModuleName="PSDesiredStateConfiguration";ModuleVersion="2.0.7"}
     if (-not(Get-Module -ListAvailable -FullyQualifiedName $FullyQualifiedName))
     {   "Installing module PSDesiredStateConfiguration 2.0.7"
-        Set-PSRepository -Name 'PSGallery' -InstallationPolicy Trusted
-        Install-Module PSDesiredStateConfiguration -RequiredVersion 2.0.7
+        Install-PSResource -Name PSDesiredStateConfiguration -Version 2.0.7 -Repository PSGallery -TrustRepository
     if (-not(Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name Pester))
     {   "Installing module Pester"
-        Set-PSRepository -Name 'PSGallery' -InstallationPolicy Trusted
-        Install-Module Pester -WarningAction Ignore
+        Install-PSResource Pester -WarningAction Ignore -Repository PSGallery -TrustRepository
     foreach ($project in $projects) {
@@ -295,7 +306,7 @@ if ($Test) {
         if (-not(Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name Pester))
         {   "Installing module Pester"
             $InstallTargetDir = ($env:PSModulePath -split ";")[0]
-            Find-Module -Name 'Pester' -Repository 'PSGallery' | Save-Module -Path $InstallTargetDir
+            Find-PSResource -Name 'Pester' -Repository 'PSGallery' | Save-PSResource -Path $InstallTargetDir -TrustRepository
         "Updated Pester module location:"
diff --git a/dsc/tests/dsc_config_get.tests.ps1 b/dsc/tests/dsc_config_get.tests.ps1
index b2604193..a83aedc0 100644
--- a/dsc/tests/dsc_config_get.tests.ps1
+++ b/dsc/tests/dsc_config_get.tests.ps1
@@ -27,7 +27,8 @@ Describe 'dsc config get tests' {
     It 'will fail if resource schema does not match' -Skip:(!$IsWindows) {
         $jsonPath = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot '../examples/invalid_schema.dsc.yaml'
         $config = Get-Content $jsonPath -Raw
-        $null = $config | dsc config get | ConvertFrom-Json
+        $testError = & {$config | dsc config get get 2>&1}
+        $testError[0] | Should -match 'error:'
         $LASTEXITCODE | Should -Be 2
diff --git a/dsc/tests/dsc_get.tests.ps1 b/dsc/tests/dsc_get.tests.ps1
index 96500bb7..a5586e91 100644
--- a/dsc/tests/dsc_get.tests.ps1
+++ b/dsc/tests/dsc_get.tests.ps1
@@ -44,7 +44,8 @@ Describe 'resource get tests' {
             "Name": "ProductName"
-        $json | dsc resource get -r Microsoft.Windows/registry
+        $testError = & {$json | dsc resource get -r Microsoft.Windows/registry get 2>&1}
+        $testError[0] | SHould -match 'error:'
         $LASTEXITCODE | Should -Be 2
diff --git a/dsc/tests/dsc_parameters.tests.ps1 b/dsc/tests/dsc_parameters.tests.ps1
index 7841fcb0..dd22be43 100644
--- a/dsc/tests/dsc_parameters.tests.ps1
+++ b/dsc/tests/dsc_parameters.tests.ps1
@@ -81,7 +81,8 @@ Describe 'Parameters tests' {
         $params_json = @{ parameters = @{ param1 = $value }} | ConvertTo-Json
-        $null = $config_yaml | dsc config -p $params_json get
+        $testError = & {$config_yaml | dsc config -p $params_json get 2>&1}
+        $testError | Should -match 'Parameter input failure:'
         $LASTEXITCODE | Should -Be 4
@@ -108,8 +109,9 @@ Describe 'Parameters tests' {
         $params_json = @{ parameters = @{ param1 = $value }} | ConvertTo-Json
-        $null = $config_yaml | dsc config -p $params_json get
-        $LASTEXITCODE | Should -Be 4
+        $testError = & {$config_yaml | dsc config -p $params_json get get 2>&1}
+        $testError[0] | Should -match 'error'
+        $LASTEXITCODE | Should -Be 2
     It 'Input number value is out of range for <min> and <max>' -TestCases @(
@@ -134,8 +136,9 @@ Describe 'Parameters tests' {
         $params_json = @{ parameters = @{ param1 = $value }} | ConvertTo-Json
-        $null = $config_yaml | dsc config -p $params_json get
-        $LASTEXITCODE | Should -Be 4
+        $testError = & {$config_yaml | dsc config -p $params_json get get 2>&1}
+        $testError[0] | Should -match 'error'
+        $LASTEXITCODE | Should -Be 2
     It 'Input is not in the allowed value list for <type>' -TestCases @(
@@ -158,8 +161,9 @@ Describe 'Parameters tests' {
         $params_json = @{ parameters = @{ param1 = $value }} | ConvertTo-Json
-        $null = $config_yaml | dsc config -p $params_json get
-        $LASTEXITCODE | Should -Be 4
+        $testError = & {$config_yaml | dsc config -p $params_json get get 2>&1}
+        $testError[0] | Should -match 'error'
+        $LASTEXITCODE | Should -Be 2
     It 'Length constraint is incorrectly applied to <type> with <constraint>' -TestCases @(
@@ -184,8 +188,9 @@ Describe 'Parameters tests' {
         $params_json = @{ parameters = @{ param1 = $value }} | ConvertTo-Json
-        $null = $config_yaml | dsc config -p $params_json get | ConvertFrom-Json
-        $LASTEXITCODE | Should -Be 4
+        $testError = & {$config_yaml | dsc config -p $params_json get get 2>&1}
+        $testError[0] | Should -match 'error'
+        $LASTEXITCODE | Should -Be 2
     It 'Default value is used when not provided' {
diff --git a/powershell-adapter/Tests/PSTestModule/DscResources/TestPSRepository/TestPSRepository.psm1 b/powershell-adapter/Tests/PSTestModule/1.0.0/DscResources/TestPSRepository/TestPSRepository.psm1
similarity index 90%
rename from powershell-adapter/Tests/PSTestModule/DscResources/TestPSRepository/TestPSRepository.psm1
rename to powershell-adapter/Tests/PSTestModule/1.0.0/DscResources/TestPSRepository/TestPSRepository.psm1
index 7e05639c..3070f102 100644
--- a/powershell-adapter/Tests/PSTestModule/DscResources/TestPSRepository/TestPSRepository.psm1
+++ b/powershell-adapter/Tests/PSTestModule/1.0.0/DscResources/TestPSRepository/TestPSRepository.psm1
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
+# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
+# Licensed under the MIT License.
 enum EnsureEnumeration {
@@ -14,7 +17,7 @@ function Get-TargetResource {
     $returnValue = @{
-        Ensure                    = [EnsureEnumeration]::Absent
+        Ensure                    = ([EnsureEnumeration]::Absent).ToString()
         Name                      = $Name
         SourceLocation            = $null
         ScriptSourceLocation      = $null
@@ -27,7 +30,7 @@ function Get-TargetResource {
     if ($Name -eq "TestPSRepository1") {
-        $returnValue.Ensure = [EnsureEnumeration]::Present
+        $returnValue.Ensure = ([EnsureEnumeration]::Present).ToString()
         $returnValue.SourceLocation = 'https://www.powershellgallery.com/api/v2'
         $returnValue.ScriptSourceLocation = 'https://www.powershellgallery.com/api/v2/items/psscript'
         $returnValue.PublishLocation = 'https://www.powershellgallery.com/api/v2/package/'
diff --git a/powershell-adapter/Tests/PSTestModule/DscResources/TestPSRepository/TestPSRepository.schema.mof b/powershell-adapter/Tests/PSTestModule/1.0.0/DscResources/TestPSRepository/TestPSRepository.schema.mof
similarity index 100%
rename from powershell-adapter/Tests/PSTestModule/DscResources/TestPSRepository/TestPSRepository.schema.mof
rename to powershell-adapter/Tests/PSTestModule/1.0.0/DscResources/TestPSRepository/TestPSRepository.schema.mof
diff --git a/powershell-adapter/Tests/PSTestModule/PSTestModule.psd1 b/powershell-adapter/Tests/PSTestModule/1.0.0/PSTestModule.psd1
similarity index 74%
rename from powershell-adapter/Tests/PSTestModule/PSTestModule.psd1
rename to powershell-adapter/Tests/PSTestModule/1.0.0/PSTestModule.psd1
index 04b40171..7cb6fdf0 100644
--- a/powershell-adapter/Tests/PSTestModule/PSTestModule.psd1
+++ b/powershell-adapter/Tests/PSTestModule/1.0.0/PSTestModule.psd1
@@ -1,16 +1,17 @@
+# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
+# Licensed under the MIT License.
-    RootModule        = 'TestClassResource.psm1'
     ModuleVersion     = '1.0.0'
     GUID              = '5d73a601-4a6c-43c5-ba3f-619b18bbb404'
     Author            = 'Microsoft Corporation'
     CompanyName       = 'Microsoft Corporation'
     Copyright         = '(c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.'
     Description       = 'PowerShell module for testing DSCv3'
-    PowerShellVersion = '5.0'
-    DscResourcesToExport = 'TestClassResource'
+    PowerShellVersion = '5.1'
+    DscResourcesToExport = 'TestPSRepository'
     FunctionsToExport = @(
-    VariablesToExport = '@()'
+    VariablesToExport = @()
     AliasesToExport   = @()
     PrivateData       = @{
         PSData = @{
@@ -20,6 +21,7 @@
+            DscCapabilities = @('Get', 'Test')
diff --git a/powershell-adapter/Tests/TestClassResource/0.0.1/TestClassResource.psd1 b/powershell-adapter/Tests/TestClassResource/0.0.1/TestClassResource.psd1
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..62e3fdeb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/powershell-adapter/Tests/TestClassResource/0.0.1/TestClassResource.psd1
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
+# Licensed under the MIT License.
+# Script module or binary module file associated with this manifest.
+RootModule = 'TestClassResource.psm1'
+# Version number of this module.
+ModuleVersion = '0.0.1'
+# ID used to uniquely identify this module
+GUID = 'b267fa32-e77d-48e6-9248-676cc6f2327f'
+# Author of this module
+Author = 'Microsoft'
+# Company or vendor of this module
+CompanyName = 'Microsoft Corporation'
+# Copyright statement for this module
+Copyright = '(c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.'
+# Functions to export from this module, for best performance, do not use wildcards and do not delete the entry, use an empty array if there are no functions to export.
+FunctionsToExport = @()
+# Cmdlets to export from this module, for best performance, do not use wildcards and do not delete the entry, use an empty array if there are no cmdlets to export.
+CmdletsToExport = '*'
+# Variables to export from this module
+VariablesToExport = @()
+# Aliases to export from this module, for best performance, do not use wildcards and do not delete the entry, use an empty array if there are no aliases to export.
+AliasesToExport = @()
+# DSC resources to export from this module
+DscResourcesToExport = 'TestClassResource'
+# Private data to pass to the module specified in RootModule/ModuleToProcess. This may also contain a PSData hashtable with additional module metadata used by PowerShell.
+PrivateData = @{
+    PSData = @{
+        DscCapabilities = @(
+            'Get'
+            'Test'
+        )
+    }
diff --git a/powershell-adapter/Tests/PSTestModule/TestClassResource.psm1 b/powershell-adapter/Tests/TestClassResource/0.0.1/TestClassResource.psm1
similarity index 87%
rename from powershell-adapter/Tests/PSTestModule/TestClassResource.psm1
rename to powershell-adapter/Tests/TestClassResource/0.0.1/TestClassResource.psm1
index 58c5d31d..ab9d19ea 100644
--- a/powershell-adapter/Tests/PSTestModule/TestClassResource.psm1
+++ b/powershell-adapter/Tests/TestClassResource/0.0.1/TestClassResource.psm1
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
+# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
+# Licensed under the MIT License.
 using namespace System.Collections.Generic
 enum EnumPropEnumeration {
@@ -15,7 +18,7 @@ class TestClassResource
     [string] $Prop1
-    [EnumPropEnumeration] $EnumProp
+    [string] $EnumProp
     [void] Set()
@@ -43,7 +46,7 @@ class TestClassResource
             $this.Prop1 = $env:DSC_CONFIG_ROOT
-        $this.EnumProp = [EnumPropEnumeration]::Expected
+        $this.EnumProp = ([EnumPropEnumeration]::Expected).ToString()
         return $this
diff --git a/powershell-adapter/Tests/class_ps_resources.dsc.yaml b/powershell-adapter/Tests/class_ps_resources.dsc.yaml
index 8eb72c44..a6692b6c 100644
--- a/powershell-adapter/Tests/class_ps_resources.dsc.yaml
+++ b/powershell-adapter/Tests/class_ps_resources.dsc.yaml
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
+# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
+# Licensed under the MIT License.
 $schema: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PowerShell/DSC/main/schemas/2023/10/config/document.json
 - name: Working with classic DSC resources
@@ -9,6 +12,8 @@ resources:
         Name: TestPSRepository1
     - name: Class-resource Info
-      type: PSTestModule/TestClassResource
+      type: TestClassResource/TestClassResource
         Name: TestClassResource1
+        Prop1: ValueForProp1
+        EnumProp: Expected
diff --git a/powershell-adapter/Tests/native_and_powershell.dsc.yaml b/powershell-adapter/Tests/native_and_powershell.dsc.yaml
index e99936b0..9c5664b5 100644
--- a/powershell-adapter/Tests/native_and_powershell.dsc.yaml
+++ b/powershell-adapter/Tests/native_and_powershell.dsc.yaml
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
+# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
+# Licensed under the MIT License.
 # Example configuration mixing native app resources with classic PS resources
 $schema: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PowerShell/DSC/main/schemas/2023/10/config/document.json
@@ -20,4 +23,4 @@ resources:
     keyPath: HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion
     valueName: ProductName
-    _ensure: Present
+    _ensure: Present
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/powershell-adapter/Tests/powershellgroup.config.tests.ps1 b/powershell-adapter/Tests/powershellgroup.config.tests.ps1
index ccc261bb..5c18d678 100644
--- a/powershell-adapter/Tests/powershellgroup.config.tests.ps1
+++ b/powershell-adapter/Tests/powershellgroup.config.tests.ps1
@@ -4,10 +4,13 @@
 Describe 'PowerShell adapter resource tests' {
     BeforeAll {
+        if ($isWindows) {
+          winrm quickconfig -quiet
+        }  
         $OldPSModulePath  = $env:PSModulePath
-        $env:PSModulePath += ";" + $PSScriptRoot
-        $configPath = Join-path $PSScriptRoot "class_ps_resources.dsc.yaml"
+        $env:PSModulePath += [System.IO.Path]::PathSeparator + $PSScriptRoot
+        $pwshConfigPath = Join-path $PSScriptRoot "class_ps_resources.dsc.yaml"
+        $winpsConfigPath = Join-path $PSScriptRoot "winps_resource.dsc.yaml"
     AfterAll {
         $env:PSModulePath = $OldPSModulePath
@@ -15,30 +18,43 @@ Describe 'PowerShell adapter resource tests' {
     It 'Get works on config with class-based and script-based resources' -Skip:(!$IsWindows){
-        $r = Get-Content -Raw $configPath | dsc config get
+        $r = Get-Content -Raw $pwshConfigPath | dsc config get
         $LASTEXITCODE | Should -Be 0
         $res = $r | ConvertFrom-Json
-        $res.results[0].result.actualState[0].PublishLocation | Should -BeExactly 'https://www.powershellgallery.com/api/v2/package/'
-        $res.results[0].result.actualState[1].Prop1 | Should -BeExactly 'ValueForProp1'
+        $res.results[0].result.actualState.result[0].properties.PublishLocation | Should -BeExactly 'https://www.powershellgallery.com/api/v2/package/'
+        $res.results[0].result.actualState.result[1].properties.Prop1 | Should -BeExactly 'ValueForProp1'
+        $res.results[0].result.actualState.result[1].properties.EnumProp | Should -BeExactly 'Expected'
+    It 'Get works on config with File resource for WinPS' -Skip:(!$IsWindows){
+      $testFile = 'c:\test.txt'
+      'test' | Set-Content -Path $testFile -Force
+      $r = (Get-Content -Raw $winpsConfigPath).Replace('c:\test.txt',"$testFile") | dsc config get
+      $LASTEXITCODE | Should -Be 0
+      $res = $r | ConvertFrom-Json
+      $res.results[0].result.actualState.result[0].properties.DestinationPath | Should -Be "$testFile"
+  }
+    <#
     It 'Test works on config with class-based and script-based resources' -Skip:(!$IsWindows){
-        $r = Get-Content -Raw $configPath | dsc config test
+        $r = Get-Content -Raw $pwshConfigPath | dsc config test
         $LASTEXITCODE | Should -Be 0
         $res = $r | ConvertFrom-Json
-        $res.results[0].result.actualState[0] | Should -Not -BeNull
-        $res.results[0].result.actualState[1] | Should -Not -BeNull
+        $res.results[0].result.actualState.result[0] | Should -Not -BeNull
+        $res.results[0].result.actualState.result[1] | Should -Not -BeNull
     It 'Set works on config with class-based and script-based resources' -Skip:(!$IsWindows){
-        $r = Get-Content -Raw $configPath | dsc config set
+        $r = Get-Content -Raw $pwshConfigPath | dsc config set
         $LASTEXITCODE | Should -Be 0
         $res = $r | ConvertFrom-Json
-        $res.results.result.afterState[0].RebootRequired | Should -Not -BeNull
-        $res.results.result.afterState[1].RebootRequired | Should -Not -BeNull
+        $res.results.result.afterState.result[0].RebootRequired | Should -Not -BeNull
+        $res.results.result.afterState.result[1].RebootRequired | Should -Not -BeNull
     It 'Export works on config with class-based resources' -Skip:(!$IsWindows){
@@ -62,6 +78,8 @@ Describe 'PowerShell adapter resource tests' {
         $res.resources[0].properties.Prop1 | Should -Be "Property of object1"
+    #>
     It 'Custom psmodulepath in config works' -Skip:(!$IsWindows){
         $OldPSModulePath  = $env:PSModulePath
@@ -80,6 +98,7 @@ Describe 'PowerShell adapter resource tests' {
                     - name: Class-resource Info
                       type: PSTestModule/TestClassResource
+            <#
             $out = $yaml | dsc config export
             $LASTEXITCODE | Should -Be 0
             $res = $out | ConvertFrom-Json
@@ -88,6 +107,7 @@ Describe 'PowerShell adapter resource tests' {
             $res.resources.count | Should -Be 5
             $res.resources[0].properties.Name | Should -Be "Object1"
             $res.resources[0].properties.Prop1 | Should -Be "Property of object1"
+            #>
         finally {
             Rename-Item -Path "$PSScriptRoot/_PSTestModule" -NewName "PSTestModule"
@@ -105,7 +125,7 @@ Describe 'PowerShell adapter resource tests' {
                 - name: Class-resource Info
-                  type: PSTestModule/TestClassResource
+                  type: TestClassResource/TestClassResource
                     Name: "[envvar('DSC_CONFIG_ROOT')]"
@@ -116,8 +136,8 @@ Describe 'PowerShell adapter resource tests' {
         $out = dsc config get --path $config_path
         $LASTEXITCODE | Should -Be 0
         $res = $out | ConvertFrom-Json
-        $res.results[0].result.actualState.Name | Should -Be $TestDrive
-        $res.results[0].result.actualState.Prop1 | Should -Be $TestDrive
+        $res.results.result.actualState.result.properties.Name | Should -Be $TestDrive
+        $res.results.result.actualState.result.properties.Prop1 | Should -Be $TestDrive
     It 'DSC_CONFIG_ROOT env var does not exist when config is piped from stdin' -Skip:(!$IsWindows){
@@ -130,11 +150,12 @@ Describe 'PowerShell adapter resource tests' {
                 - name: Class-resource Info
-                  type: PSTestModule/TestClassResource
+                  type: TestClassResource/TestClassResource
                     Name: "[envvar('DSC_CONFIG_ROOT')]"
-        $null = $yaml | dsc config get
+        $testError = & {$yaml | dsc config get 2>&1}
+        $testError | Select-String 'Environment variable not found' -Quiet | Should -BeTrue
         $LASTEXITCODE | Should -Be 2
diff --git a/powershell-adapter/Tests/powershellgroup.resource.tests.ps1 b/powershell-adapter/Tests/powershellgroup.resource.tests.ps1
index 68e96bb5..ae311395 100644
--- a/powershell-adapter/Tests/powershellgroup.resource.tests.ps1
+++ b/powershell-adapter/Tests/powershellgroup.resource.tests.ps1
@@ -4,6 +4,9 @@
 Describe 'PowerShell adapter resource tests' {
     BeforeAll {
+        if ($isWindows) {
+            winrm quickconfig -quiet
+        }    
         $OldPSModulePath  = $env:PSModulePath
         $env:PSModulePath += [System.IO.Path]::PathSeparator + $PSScriptRoot
@@ -16,61 +19,90 @@ Describe 'PowerShell adapter resource tests' {
         $r = dsc resource list * -a *PowerShell*
         $LASTEXITCODE | Should -Be 0
         $resources = $r | ConvertFrom-Json
-        ($resources | ? {$_.Type -eq 'PSTestModule/TestClassResource'}).Count | Should -Be 1
+        ($resources | ? {$_.Type -eq 'TestClassResource/TestClassResource'}).Count | Should -Be 1
         ($resources | ? {$_.Type -eq 'PSTestModule/TestPSRepository'}).Count | Should -Be 1
+    It 'Windows PowerShell adapter supports File resource' -Skip:(!$IsWindows){
+        $r = dsc resource list --adapter Microsoft.Windows/WindowsPowerShell
+        $LASTEXITCODE | Should -Be 0
+        $resources = $r | ConvertFrom-Json
+        ($resources | ? {$_.Type -eq 'PSDesiredStateConfiguration/File'}).Count | Should -Be 1
+    }
+    It 'Get works on Binary "File" resource' -Skip:(!$IsWindows){
+        $testFile = 'c:\test.txt'
+        'test' | Set-Content -Path $testFile -Force
+        $r = '{"DestinationPath":"' + $testFile.replace('\','\\') + '"}' | dsc resource get -r 'PSDesiredStateConfiguration/File'
+        $LASTEXITCODE | Should -Be 0
+        $res = $r | ConvertFrom-Json
+        $res.actualState.result.properties.DestinationPath | Should -Be "$testFile"
+    }
+    It 'Get works on traditional "Script" resource' -Skip:(!$IsWindows){
+        $testFile = 'c:\test.txt'
+        'test' | Set-Content -Path $testFile -Force
+        $r = '{"GetScript": "@{result = $(Get-Content ' + $testFile.replace('\','\\') + ')}", "SetScript": "throw", "TestScript": "throw"}' | dsc resource get -r 'PSDesiredStateConfiguration/Script'
+        $LASTEXITCODE | Should -Be 0
+        $res = $r | ConvertFrom-Json
+        $res.actualState.result.properties.result | Should -Be 'test'
+    }
     It 'Get works on class-based resource' -Skip:(!$IsWindows){
-        $r = "{'Name':'TestClassResource1'}" | dsc resource get -r PSTestModule/TestClassResource
+        $r = "{'Name':'TestClassResource1', 'Type':'TestClassResource/TestClassResource'}" | dsc resource get -r 'Microsoft.Dsc/PowerShell'
         $LASTEXITCODE | Should -Be 0
         $res = $r | ConvertFrom-Json
-        $res.actualState.Prop1 | Should -BeExactly 'ValueForProp1'
+        $res.actualState.result.properties.Prop1 | Should -BeExactly 'ValueForProp1'
     It 'Get works on script-based resource' -Skip:(!$IsWindows){
-        $r = "{'Name':'TestPSRepository1'}" | dsc resource get -r PSTestModule/TestPSRepository
+        $r = "{'Name':'TestPSRepository1','Type':'PSTestModule/TestPSRepository'}" | dsc resource get -r 'Microsoft.Dsc/PowerShell'
         $LASTEXITCODE | Should -Be 0
         $res = $r | ConvertFrom-Json
-        $res.actualState.PublishLocation | Should -BeExactly 'https://www.powershellgallery.com/api/v2/package/'
+        $res.actualState.result.properties.PublishLocation | Should -BeExactly 'https://www.powershellgallery.com/api/v2/package/'
     It 'Get uses enum names on class-based resource' -Skip:(!$IsWindows){
-        $r = "{'Name':'TestClassResource1'}" | dsc resource get -r PSTestModule/TestClassResource
+        $r = "{'Name':'TestClassResource1','Type':'TestClassResource/TestClassResource'}" | dsc resource get -r 'Microsoft.Dsc/PowerShell'
         $LASTEXITCODE | Should -Be 0
         $res = $r | ConvertFrom-Json
-        $res.actualState.EnumProp | Should -BeExactly 'Expected'
+        $res.actualState.result.properties.EnumProp | Should -BeExactly 'Expected'
     It 'Get uses enum names on script-based resource' -Skip:(!$IsWindows){
-        $r = "{'Name':'TestPSRepository1'}" | dsc resource get -r PSTestModule/TestPSRepository
+        $r = "{'Name':'TestPSRepository1','Type':'PSTestModule/TestPSRepository'}" | dsc resource get -r 'Microsoft.Dsc/PowerShell'
         $LASTEXITCODE | Should -Be 0
         $res = $r | ConvertFrom-Json
-        $res.actualState.Ensure | Should -BeExactly 'Present'
+        $res.actualState.result.properties.Ensure | Should -BeExactly 'Present'
+    <#
     It 'Test works on class-based resource' -Skip:(!$IsWindows){
-        $r = "{'Name':'TestClassResource1','Prop1':'ValueForProp1'}" | dsc resource test -r PSTestModule/TestClassResource
+        $r = "{'Name':'TestClassResource1','Prop1':'ValueForProp1','Type':'TestClassResource/TestClassResource'}" | dsc resource test -r 'Microsoft.Dsc/PowerShell'
         $LASTEXITCODE | Should -Be 0
         $res = $r | ConvertFrom-Json
-        $res.actualState.InDesiredState | Should -Be $True
+        $res.actualState.result.properties.InDesiredState | Should -Be $True
     It 'Test works on script-based resource' -Skip:(!$IsWindows){
-        $r = "{'Name':'TestPSRepository1','PackageManagementProvider':'NuGet'}" | dsc resource test -r PSTestModule/TestPSRepository
+        $r = "{'Name':'TestPSRepository1','PackageManagementProvider':'NuGet','Type':'PSTestModule/TestPSRepository'}" | dsc resource test -r 'Microsoft.Dsc/PowerShell'
         $LASTEXITCODE | Should -Be 0
         $res = $r | ConvertFrom-Json
-        $res.actualState.InDesiredState | Should -Be $True
+        $res.actualState.result.properties.InDesiredState | Should -Be $True
     It 'Set works on class-based resource' -Skip:(!$IsWindows){
-        $r = "{'Name':'TestClassResource1','Prop1':'ValueForProp1'}" | dsc resource set -r PSTestModule/TestClassResource
+        $r = "{'Name':'TestClassResource1','Prop1':'ValueForProp1','Type':'TestClassResource/TestClassResource'}" | dsc resource set -r 'Microsoft.Dsc/PowerShell'
         $LASTEXITCODE | Should -Be 0
         $res = $r | ConvertFrom-Json
         $res.afterState.RebootRequired | Should -Not -BeNull
@@ -78,7 +110,7 @@ Describe 'PowerShell adapter resource tests' {
     It 'Set works on script-based resource' -Skip:(!$IsWindows){
-        $r = "{'Name':'TestPSRepository1'}" | dsc resource set -r PSTestModule/TestPSRepository
+        $r = "{'Name':'TestPSRepository1','Type':'PSTestModule/TestPSRepository'}" | dsc resource set -r 'Microsoft.Dsc/PowerShell'
         $LASTEXITCODE | Should -Be 0
         $res = $r | ConvertFrom-Json
         $res.afterState.RebootRequired | Should -Not -BeNull
@@ -86,21 +118,22 @@ Describe 'PowerShell adapter resource tests' {
     It 'Export works on PS class-based resource' -Skip:(!$IsWindows){
-        $r = dsc resource export -r PSTestModule/TestClassResource
+        $r = dsc resource export -r TestClassResource/TestClassResource
         $LASTEXITCODE | Should -Be 0
         $res = $r | ConvertFrom-Json
         $res.resources.count | Should -Be 5
-        $res.resources[0].type | Should -Be "PSTestModule/TestClassResource"
+        $res.resources[0].type | Should -Be "TestClassResource/TestClassResource"
         $res.resources[0].properties.Name | Should -Be "Object1"
         $res.resources[0].properties.Prop1 | Should -Be "Property of object1"
     It 'Get --all works on PS class-based resource' -Skip:(!$IsWindows){
-        $r = dsc resource get --all -r PSTestModule/TestClassResource
+        $r = dsc resource get --all -r TestClassResource/TestClassResource
         $LASTEXITCODE | Should -Be 0
         $res = $r | ConvertFrom-Json
         $res.count | Should -Be 5
         $res | % {$_.actualState | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty}
+    #>
diff --git a/powershell-adapter/Tests/winps_reference_resource.dsc.yaml b/powershell-adapter/Tests/winps_reference_resource.dsc.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d9c5e433
--- /dev/null
+++ b/powershell-adapter/Tests/winps_reference_resource.dsc.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
+# Licensed under the MIT License.
+$schema: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PowerShell/DSC/main/schemas/2023/10/config/document.json
+- name: Copy contents from one file to another
+  type: Microsoft.Windows/WindowsPowerShell
+  properties:
+    resources:
+    - name: From
+      type: PSDesiredStateConfiguration/File
+      properties:
+        DestinationPath: $env:TEMP\testFrom.txt
+    - name: To
+      type: PSDesiredStateConfiguration/File
+      properties:
+        DestinationPath: $env:TEMP\testTo.txt
+        Contents: "[reference(resourceId('PSDesiredStateConfiguration/File','From')).contents)]"
+      output: Contents
+      dependsOn:
+      - "[resourceId('PSDesiredStateConfiguration/File','From')]"
diff --git a/powershell-adapter/Tests/winps_resource.dsc.yaml b/powershell-adapter/Tests/winps_resource.dsc.yaml
index c4e04473..8d123aa0 100644
--- a/powershell-adapter/Tests/winps_resource.dsc.yaml
+++ b/powershell-adapter/Tests/winps_resource.dsc.yaml
@@ -1,11 +1,14 @@
-# Example configuration mixing native app resources with classic PS resources
+# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
+# Licensed under the MIT License.
 $schema: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PowerShell/DSC/main/schemas/2023/10/config/document.json
 - name: Get info from classic DSC resources
   type: Microsoft.Windows/WindowsPowerShell
-    - name: Get Info
-      type: PSDesiredStateConfiguration/MSFT_ServiceResource
+    - name: File
+      type: PSDesiredStateConfiguration/File
-        Name: sshd
+        DestinationPath: c:\test.txt
+        Contents: 'Hello, World!'
diff --git a/powershell-adapter/copy_files.txt b/powershell-adapter/copy_files.txt
index 141bc529..b14c6fea 100644
--- a/powershell-adapter/copy_files.txt
+++ b/powershell-adapter/copy_files.txt
@@ -1 +1,8 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/powershell-adapter/powershell.resource.ps1 b/powershell-adapter/powershell.resource.ps1
index ca3a7b90..d1d26743 100644
--- a/powershell-adapter/powershell.resource.ps1
+++ b/powershell-adapter/powershell.resource.ps1
@@ -1,427 +1,178 @@
 # Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
 # Licensed under the MIT License.
-    [ValidateSet('List','Get','Set','Test','Export','Validate')]
-    $Operation = 'List',
-    [Switch]
-    $WinPS = $false,
-    [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline)]
-    $stdinput
+    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, HelpMessage = 'Operation to perform. Choose from List, Get, Set, Test, Export, Validate.')]
+    [ValidateSet('List', 'Get', 'Set', 'Test', 'Export', 'Validate')]
+    [string]$Operation,
+    [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 1, ValueFromPipeline = $true, HelpMessage = 'Configuration or resource input in JSON format.')]
+    [string]$jsonInput = '@{}'
-$ProgressPreference = 'Ignore'
-$WarningPreference = 'Ignore'
-$VerbosePreference = 'Ignore'
-$script:ResourceCache = @{}
-function RefreshCache
-    $script:ResourceCache = @{}
-    $DscResources = Get-DscResource
-    foreach ($r in $DscResources)
-    {
-        $moduleName = "";
-        if ($r.ModuleName) { $moduleName = $r.ModuleName }
-        elseif ($r.ParentPath) { $moduleName = Split-Path $r.ParentPath | Split-Path | Split-Path -Leaf }
-        $fullResourceTypeName = "$moduleName/$($r.ResourceType)"
-        $script:ResourceCache[$fullResourceTypeName] = $r
-    }
-function IsConfiguration($obj) {
-    if ($null -ne $obj.metadata -and $null -ne $obj.metadata.'Microsoft.DSC' -and $obj.metadata.'Microsoft.DSC'.context -eq 'Configuration') {
-        return $true
-    }
+if ('Validate' -ne $Operation) {
+    # write $jsonInput to STDERR for debugging
+    $trace = @{'Debug' = 'jsonInput=' + $jsonInput } | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
+    $host.ui.WriteErrorLine($trace)
-    return $false
+    # load private functions of psDscAdapter stub module
+    $psDscAdapter = Import-Module "$PSScriptRoot/psDscAdapter/psDscAdapter.psd1" -Force -PassThru
-if (($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -eq 7) -and ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Minor -eq 4) `
-   -and ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.PreReleaseLabel.StartsWith("preview")))
-    throw "PowerShell 7.4-previews are not supported by PowerShell adapter resource; please use PS 7.4.0-rc.1 or newer."
+    # initialize OUTPUT as array
+    $result = [System.Collections.Generic.List[Object]]::new()
-$inputobj_pscustomobj = $null
-if ($stdinput)
-    $inputobj_pscustomobj = $stdinput | ConvertFrom-Json
-    $new_psmodulepath = $inputobj_pscustomobj.psmodulepath
-    if ($new_psmodulepath)
-    {
-        $env:PSModulePath = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.ExpandString($new_psmodulepath)
-    }
-$DscModule = Get-Module -Name PSDesiredStateConfiguration -ListAvailable |
-    Sort-Object -Property Version -Descending |
-    Select-Object -First 1
-if ($null -eq $DscModule)
-    Write-Error "Could not find and import the PSDesiredStateConfiguration module."
-    # Missing module is okay for listing resources
-    if ($Operation -eq 'List') { exit 0 }
-    exit 1
-Import-Module $DscModule -DisableNameChecking
-# Adding some debug info to STDERR
-$m = gmo PSDesiredStateConfiguration
-$trace = @{"Debug"="PSVersion="+$PSVersionTable.PSVersion.ToString()} | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
-$trace = @{"Debug"="PSPath="+$PSHome} | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
-$trace = @{"Debug"="ModuleVersion="+$m.Version.ToString()} | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
-$trace = @{"Debug"="ModulePath="+$m.Path} | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
-$trace = @{"Debug"="PSModulePath="+$env:PSModulePath} | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
-if ($Operation -eq 'List')
-    $DscResources= Get-DscResource
-    foreach ($r in $DscResources)
-    {
-        if ($r.ImplementedAs -eq "Binary")
-        {
-            continue
-        }
-        $version_string = "";
-        if ($r.Version) { $version_string = $r.Version.ToString() }
-        $author_string = "";
-        if ($r.author) { $author_string = $r.CompanyName.ToString() }
-        $moduleName = "";
-        if ($r.ModuleName) { $moduleName = $r.ModuleName }
-        elseif ($r.ParentPath) { $moduleName = Split-Path $r.ParentPath | Split-Path | Split-Path -Leaf }
-        $propertyList = @()
-        foreach ($p in $r.Properties)
-        {
-            if ($p.Name)
-            {
-                $propertyList += $p.Name
-            }
-        }
-        $fullResourceTypeName = "$moduleName/$($r.ResourceType)"
-        $script:ResourceCache[$fullResourceTypeName] = $r
-        if ($WinPS) {$requiresString = "Microsoft.Windows/WindowsPowerShell"} else {$requiresString = "Microsoft.DSC/PowerShell"}
-        $t = [Type]$r.ResourceType
-        $exportMethod = $t.GetMethod('Export')
-        $capabilities = @('Get', 'Set', 'Test')
-        if ($null -ne $exportMethod) {
-            $capabilities += 'Export'
-        }
-        $z = [pscustomobject]@{
-            type = $fullResourceTypeName;
-            kind = 'Resource';
-            version = $version_string;
-            capabilities = $capabilities;
-            path = $r.Path;
-            directory = $r.ParentPath;
-            implementedAs = $r.ImplementationDetail;
-            author = $author_string;
-            properties = $propertyList;
-            requireAdapter = $requiresString
-        }
-        $z | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
-    }
-elseif ($Operation -eq 'Get')
-    $result = @()
-    RefreshCache
-    if (IsConfiguration $inputobj_pscustomobj) # we are processing a config batch
-    {
-        foreach($r in $inputobj_pscustomobj.resources)
-        {
-            #Write-Output $r.type
-            $cachedResourceInfo = $script:ResourceCache[$r.type]
-            if ($cachedResourceInfo)
-            {
-                $inputht = @{}
-                $typeparts = $r.type -split "/"
-                $ModuleName = $typeparts[0]
-                $ResourceTypeName = $typeparts[1]
-                $r.properties.psobject.properties | %{ $inputht[$_.Name] = $_.Value }
-                $e = $null
-                $op_result = Invoke-DscResource -Method Get -ModuleName $ModuleName -Name $ResourceTypeName -Property $inputht -ErrorVariable e
-                if ($e)
-                {
-                    # By this point Invoke-DscResource already wrote error message to stderr stream,
-                    # so we just need to signal error to the caller by non-zero exit code.
-                    exit 1
+# process the operation requested to the script
+switch ($Operation) {
+    'List' {
+        $dscResourceCache = Invoke-DscCacheRefresh
+        # cache was refreshed on script load
+        foreach ($dscResource in $dscResourceCache) {
+            # https://learn.microsoft.com/dotnet/api/system.management.automation.dscresourceinfo
+            $DscResourceInfo = $dscResource.DscResourceInfo
+            # Provide a way for existing resources to specify their capabilities, or default to Get, Set, Test
+            if ($DscResourceInfo.ModuleName) {
+                $module = Get-Module -Name $DscResourceInfo.ModuleName -ListAvailable | Sort-Object -Property Version -Descending | Select-Object -First 1
+                if ($module.PrivateData.PSData.DscCapabilities) {
+                    $capabilities = $module.PrivateData.PSData.DscCapabilities
-                $result += $op_result
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                $errmsg = "Can not find type " + $r.type + "; please ensure that Get-DscResource returns this resource type"
-                Write-Error $errmsg
-                exit 1
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    else # we are processing an individual resource call
-    {
-        $cachedResourceInfo = $script:ResourceCache[$inputobj_pscustomobj.type]
-        if ($cachedResourceInfo)
-        {
-            $inputht = @{}
-            $ResourceTypeName = ($inputobj_pscustomobj.type -split "/")[1]
-            $inputobj_pscustomobj.psobject.properties | %{
-                if ($_.Name -ne "type")
-                {
-                    $inputht[$_.Name] = $_.Value
+                else {
+                    $capabilities = @('Get', 'Set', 'Test')
-            $e = $null
-            $op_result = Invoke-DscResource -Method Get -Name $ResourceTypeName -Property $inputht -ErrorVariable e -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
-            if ($e)
-            {
-                # By this point Invoke-DscResource already wrote error message to stderr stream,
-                # so we just need to signal error to the caller by non-zero exit code.
-                exit 1
-            }
-            $result = $op_result
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            $errmsg = "Can not find type " + $inputobj_pscustomobj.type + "; please ensure that Get-DscResource returns this resource type"
-            Write-Error $errmsg
-            exit 1
-        }
-    }
-    $result | ConvertTo-Json -EnumsAsStrings
-elseif ($Operation -eq 'Set')
-    $result = @()
-    RefreshCache
-    if (IsConfiguration $inputobj_pscustomobj) # we are processing a config batch
-    {
-        foreach($r in $inputobj_pscustomobj.resources)
-        {
-            #Write-Output $r.type
-            $cachedResourceInfo = $script:ResourceCache[$r.type]
-            if ($cachedResourceInfo)
-            {
-                $inputht = @{}
-                $ResourceTypeName = ($r.type -split "/")[1]
-                $r.properties.psobject.properties | %{ $inputht[$_.Name] = $_.Value }
-                $e = $null
-                $op_result = Invoke-DscResource -Method Set -Name $ResourceTypeName -Property $inputht -ErrorVariable e
-                if ($e)
-                {
-                    # By this point Invoke-DscResource already wrote error message to stderr stream,
-                    # so we just need to signal error to the caller by non-zero exit code.
-                    exit 1
-                }
-                $result += $op_result
+            # this text comes directly from the resource manifest for v3 native resources
+            if ($DscResourceInfo.Description) {
+                $description = $DscResourceInfo.Description
-            else
-            {
-                $errmsg = "Can not find type " + $r.type + "; please ensure that Get-DscResource returns this resource type"
-                Write-Error $errmsg
-                exit 1
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    else # we are processing an individual resource call
-    {
-        $cachedResourceInfo = $script:ResourceCache[$inputobj_pscustomobj.type]
-        if ($cachedResourceInfo)
-        {
-            $inputht = @{}
-            $ResourceTypeName = ($inputobj_pscustomobj.type -split "/")[1]
-            $inputobj_pscustomobj.psobject.properties | %{
-                if ($_.Name -ne "type")
-                {
-                    $inputht[$_.Name] = $_.Value
-                }
+            elseif ($module.Description) {
+                # some modules have long multi-line descriptions. to avoid issue, use only the first line.
+                $description = $module.Description.split("`r`n")[0]
-            $e = $null
-            $op_result = Invoke-DscResource -Method Set -Name $ResourceTypeName -Property $inputht -ErrorVariable e
-            if ($e)
-            {
-                # By this point Invoke-DscResource already wrote error message to stderr stream,
-                # so we just need to signal error to the caller by non-zero exit code.
-                exit 1
+            else {
+                $description = ''
-            $result = $op_result
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            $errmsg = "Can not find type " + $inputobj_pscustomobj.type + "; please ensure that Get-DscResource returns this resource type"
-            Write-Error $errmsg
-            exit 1
-        }
-    }
-    $result | ConvertTo-Json
-elseif ($Operation -eq 'Test')
-    $result = @()
-    RefreshCache
-    if (IsConfiguration $inputobj_pscustomobj) # we are processing a config batch
-    {
-        foreach($r in $inputobj_pscustomobj.resources)
-        {
-            #Write-Output $r.type
-            $cachedResourceInfo = $script:ResourceCache[$r.type]
-            if ($cachedResourceInfo)
-            {
-                $inputht = @{}
-                $ResourceTypeName = ($r.type -split "/")[1]
-                $r.properties.psobject.properties | %{ $inputht[$_.Name] = $_.Value }
-                $e = $null
-                $op_result = Invoke-DscResource -Method Test -Name $ResourceTypeName -Property $inputht -ErrorVariable e
-                if ($e)
-                {
-                    # By this point Invoke-DscResource already wrote error message to stderr stream,
-                    # so we just need to signal error to the caller by non-zero exit code.
-                    exit 1
-                }
-                $result += $op_result
+            # match adapter to version of powershell
+            if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -le 5) {
+                $requireAdapter = 'Microsoft.Windows/WindowsPowerShell'
-            else
-            {
-                $errmsg = "Can not find type " + $r.type + "; please ensure that Get-DscResource returns this resource type"
-                Write-Error $errmsg
-                exit 1
+            else {
+                $requireAdapter = 'Microsoft.DSC/PowerShell'
+            # OUTPUT dsc is expecting the following properties
+            [resourceOutput]@{
+                type           = $dscResource.Type
+                kind           = 'Resource'
+                version        = $DscResourceInfo.version.ToString()
+                capabilities   = $capabilities
+                path           = $DscResourceInfo.Path
+                directory      = $DscResourceInfo.ParentPath
+                implementedAs  = $DscResourceInfo.ImplementationDetail
+                author         = $DscResourceInfo.CompanyName
+                properties     = $DscResourceInfo.Properties.Name
+                requireAdapter = $requireAdapter
+                description    = $description
+            } | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
-    else # we are processing an individual resource call
-    {
-        $cachedResourceInfo = $script:ResourceCache[$inputobj_pscustomobj.type]
-        if ($cachedResourceInfo)
-        {
-            $inputht = @{}
-            $ResourceTypeName = ($inputobj_pscustomobj.type -split "/")[1]
-            $inputobj_pscustomobj.psobject.properties | %{
-                if ($_.Name -ne "type")
-                {
-                    $inputht[$_.Name] = $_.Value
-                }
-            }
-            $e = $null
-            $op_result = Invoke-DscResource -Method Test -Name $ResourceTypeName -Property $inputht -ErrorVariable e
-            if ($e)
-            {
-                # By this point Invoke-DscResource already wrote error message to stderr stream,
-                # so we just need to signal error to the caller by non-zero exit code.
-                exit 1
-            }
-            $result = $op_result
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            $errmsg = "Can not find type " + $inputobj_pscustomobj.type + "; please ensure that Get-DscResource returns this resource type"
-            Write-Error $errmsg
+    'Get' {
+        $desiredState = $psDscAdapter.invoke(   { param($jsonInput) Get-DscResourceObject -jsonInput $jsonInput }, $jsonInput )
+        if ($null -eq $desiredState) {
+            $trace = @{'Debug' = 'ERROR: Failed to create configuration object from provided input JSON.' } | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
+            $host.ui.WriteErrorLine($trace)
             exit 1
-    }
-    $result | ConvertTo-Json
-elseif ($Operation -eq 'Export')
-    $result = @()
-    RefreshCache
-    if (IsConfiguration $inputobj_pscustomobj) # we are processing a config batch
-    {
-        foreach($r in $inputobj_pscustomobj.resources)
-        {
-            $cachedResourceInfo = $script:ResourceCache[$r.type]
-            if ($cachedResourceInfo)
-            {
-                $path = $cachedResourceInfo.Path # for class-based resources - this is path to psd1 of their defining module
-                $typeparts = $r.type -split "/"
-                $ResourceTypeName = $typeparts[1]
+        # only need to cache the resources that are used
+        $dscResourceModules = $desiredState | ForEach-Object { $_.Type.Split('/')[0] }
+        if ($null -eq $dscResourceModules) {
+            $trace = @{'Debug' = 'ERROR: Could not get list of DSC resource types from provided JSON.' } | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
+            $host.ui.WriteErrorLine($trace)
+            exit 1
+        }
-                $scriptBody = "using module '$path'"
-                $script = [ScriptBlock]::Create($scriptBody)
-                . $script
+        $dscResourceCache = Invoke-DscCacheRefresh -module $dscResourceModules
+        if ($dscResourceCache.count -lt $dscResourceModules.count) {
+            $trace = @{'Debug' = 'ERROR: DSC resource module not found.' } | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
+            $host.ui.WriteErrorLine($trace)
+            exit 1
+        }
-                $t = [Type]$ResourceTypeName
-                $method = $t.GetMethod('Export')
-                $resultArray = $method.Invoke($null,$null)
-                foreach ($instance in $resultArray)
-                {
-                    $instance | ConvertTo-Json -Compress | Write-Output
-                }
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                $errmsg = "Can not find type " + $r.type + "; please ensure that Get-DscResource returns this resource type"
-                Write-Error $errmsg
+        foreach ($ds in $desiredState) {
+            # process the INPUT (desiredState) for each resource as dscresourceInfo and return the OUTPUT as actualState
+            $actualState = $psDscAdapter.invoke( { param($ds, $dscResourceCache) Get-ActualState -DesiredState $ds -dscResourceCache $dscResourceCache }, $ds, $dscResourceCache)
+            if ($null -eq $actualState) {
+                $trace = @{'Debug' = 'ERROR: Incomplete GET for resource ' + $ds.Name } | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
+                $host.ui.WriteErrorLine($trace)
                 exit 1
+            $result += $actualState
+        # OUTPUT json to stderr for debug, and to stdout
+        $result = @{ result = $result } | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 -Compress
+        $trace = @{'Debug' = 'jsonOutput=' + $result } | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
+        $host.ui.WriteErrorLine($trace)
+        return $result
-    else # we are processing an individual resource call
-    {
-        $cachedResourceInfo = $script:ResourceCache[$inputobj_pscustomobj.type]
-        if ($cachedResourceInfo)
-        {
-            $path = $cachedResourceInfo.Path # for class-based resources - this is path to psd1 of their defining module
-            $typeparts = $inputobj_pscustomobj.type -split "/"
-            $ResourceTypeName = $typeparts[1]
-            $scriptBody = "using module '$path'"
-            $script = [ScriptBlock]::Create($scriptBody)
-            . $script
-            $t = [Type]$ResourceTypeName
-            $method = $t.GetMethod('Export')
-            $resultArray = $method.Invoke($null,$null)
-            foreach ($instance in $resultArray)
-            {
-                $instance | ConvertTo-Json -Compress | Write-Output
-            }
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            $errmsg = "Can not find type " + $inputobj_pscustomobj.type + "; please ensure that Get-DscResource returns this resource type"
-            Write-Error $errmsg
-            exit 1
-        }
+    'Set' {
+        throw 'SET not implemented'
+        # OUTPUT
+        $result += @{}
+        @{ result = $result } | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 -Compress
+    }
+    'Test' {
+        throw 'TEST not implemented'
+        # OUTPUT
+        $result += @{}
+        @{ result = $result } | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 -Compress
+    }
+    'Export' {
+        throw 'EXPORT not implemented'
+        # OUTPUT
+        $result += @{}
+        @{ result = $result } | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 -Compress
+    }
+    'Validate' {
+        # VALIDATE not implemented
+        # OUTPUT
+        @{ valid = $true } | ConvertTo-Json
+    }
+    Default {
+        Write-Error 'Unsupported operation. Please use one of the following: List, Get, Set, Test, Export, Validate'
-elseif ($Operation -eq 'Validate')
-    # TODO: this is placeholder
-    @{ valid = $true } | ConvertTo-Json
+# output format for resource list
+class resourceOutput {
+    [string] $type
+    [string] $kind
+    [string] $version
+    [string[]] $capabilities
+    [string] $path
+    [string] $directory
+    [string] $implementedAs
+    [string] $author
+    [string[]] $properties
+    [string] $requireAdapter
+    [string] $description
-    "ERROR: Unsupported operation requested from powershell.resource.ps1"
\ No newline at end of file
+# Adding some debug info to STDERR
+$trace = @{'Debug' = 'PSVersion=' + $PSVersionTable.PSVersion.ToString() } | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
+$trace = @{'Debug' = 'PSPath=' + $PSHome } | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
+$m = Get-Command 'Get-DscResource'
+$trace = @{'Debug' = 'Module=' + $m.Source.ToString() } | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
+$trace = @{'Debug' = 'PSModulePath=' + $env:PSModulePath } | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/powershell-adapter/psDscAdapter/Configuration/BaseRegistration/BaseResource.schema.mof b/powershell-adapter/psDscAdapter/Configuration/BaseRegistration/BaseResource.schema.mof
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0b35f587
--- /dev/null
+++ b/powershell-adapter/psDscAdapter/Configuration/BaseRegistration/BaseResource.schema.mof
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+class MSFT_Credential 
+    [MaxLen ( 256 )]
+    string UserName;
+    string Password;
+[Abstract, ClassVersion("1.0.0")] 
+class OMI_BaseResource
+  [required] string ResourceId;
+  [write] string SourceInfo;
+  [write] string DependsOn[];
+  [required] string ModuleName;
+  [required] string ModuleVersion;
+  [write] string ConfigurationName;
+  [write, EmbeddedInstance("MSFT_Credential")] string PsDscRunAsCredential;
+[Abstract, ClassVersion("1.0.0")]
+class MSFT_KeyValuePair
+	[Key]
+	string Key;
+	[write]
+	string Value;
+[Abstract, ClassVersion("1.0.0")] 
+class MSFT_BaseConfigurationProviderRegistration
+  [key] String ClassName;
+  String DSCEngineCompatVersion;
+  String DSCModuleVersion;
+class MSFT_CimConfigurationProviderRegistration : MSFT_BaseConfigurationProviderRegistration
+  String Namespace;
+class MSFT_PSConfigurationProviderRegistration : MSFT_BaseConfigurationProviderRegistration
+  String ModuleName;
+  String ProviderPath;
+  String ModulePath;
+class OMI_ConfigurationDocument
+  String Version;
+  String Author;
+  String Copyright;
+  String HelpInfoUri;
+  String ContentType;
+  String GenerationDate;
+  String GenerationHost;
+  String Name;
+  String MinimumCompatibleVersion;
+  String CompatibleVersionAdditionalProperties[];
+  boolean UseCms;
+class OMI_MetaConfigurationResource
+  [required] string ResourceId;
+  [write] string SourceInfo;
+class OMI_ResourceModuleManager : OMI_MetaConfigurationResource
+class OMI_ConfigurationDownloadManager : OMI_MetaConfigurationResource
+class OMI_ReportManager : OMI_MetaConfigurationResource
diff --git a/powershell-adapter/psDscAdapter/Configuration/BaseRegistration/MSFT_MetaConfigurationExtensionClasses.schema.mof b/powershell-adapter/psDscAdapter/Configuration/BaseRegistration/MSFT_MetaConfigurationExtensionClasses.schema.mof
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1706d69e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/powershell-adapter/psDscAdapter/Configuration/BaseRegistration/MSFT_MetaConfigurationExtensionClasses.schema.mof
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+[ClassVersion("1.0.0"), FriendlyName("ConfigurationRepositoryWeb")] 
+class MSFT_WebDownloadManager : OMI_ConfigurationDownloadManager
+  [Key] string ServerURL;
+  string CertificateID;
+  boolean AllowUnsecureConnection;
+  string RegistrationKey;
+  string ConfigurationNames[];
+  string ProxyURL;
+  [EmbeddedInstance("MSFT_Credential")] string ProxyCredential;
+[ClassVersion("1.0.0"), FriendlyName("ConfigurationRepositoryShare")] 
+class MSFT_FileDownloadManager : OMI_ConfigurationDownloadManager
+  [Key] string SourcePath;
+  [EmbeddedInstance("MSFT_Credential")] string Credential;
+[ClassVersion("1.0.0"), FriendlyName("ResourceRepositoryWeb")] 
+class MSFT_WebResourceManager : OMI_ResourceModuleManager
+  [Key] string ServerURL;
+  string CertificateID;
+  boolean AllowUnsecureConnection;
+  string RegistrationKey;
+  string ProxyURL;
+  [EmbeddedInstance("MSFT_Credential")] string ProxyCredential;
+[ClassVersion("1.0.0"), FriendlyName("ResourceRepositoryShare")] 
+class MSFT_FileResourceManager : OMI_ResourceModuleManager
+  [Key] string SourcePath;
+  [EmbeddedInstance("MSFT_Credential")] string Credential;
+[ClassVersion("1.0.0"), FriendlyName("ReportServerWeb")] 
+class MSFT_WebReportManager : OMI_ReportManager
+  [Key] string ServerURL;
+  string CertificateID;
+  boolean AllowUnsecureConnection;
+  string RegistrationKey;
+  string ProxyURL;
+  [EmbeddedInstance("MSFT_Credential")] string ProxyCredential;
+[ClassVersion("1.0.0"), FriendlyName("PartialConfiguration")] 
+class MSFT_PartialConfiguration : OMI_MetaConfigurationResource
+  [Write] String Description;
+  [Write] String ExclusiveResources[];
+  [Write] String ConfigurationSource[];
+  [Write] String ResourceModuleSource[];
+  [Write] String DependsOn[];
+  [ValueMap{"Push", "Pull", "Disabled"},Values{"Push", "Pull", "Disabled"}] string RefreshMode;
+[ClassVersion("1.0.0"), FriendlyName("SignatureValidation")] 
+class MSFT_SignatureValidation : OMI_MetaConfigurationResource
+  [Write]string TrustedStorePath;
+  [ValueMap{"Configuration","Module"},Values{"Configuration","Module"}]string SignedItemType[];
+class MSFT_DSCMetaConfigurationV2
+  uint32 ConfigurationModeFrequencyMins;
+  boolean RebootNodeIfNeeded;
+  [ValueMap{"ApplyOnly", "ApplyAndMonitor", "ApplyAndAutoCorrect", "MonitorOnly"},Values{"ApplyOnly", "ApplyAndMonitor", "ApplyAndAutoCorrect", "MonitorOnly"}] string ConfigurationMode;
+  [ValueMap {"ContinueConfiguration","StopConfiguration"}, Values {"ContinueConfiguration","StopConfiguration"}]
+  string ActionAfterReboot;
+  [ValueMap{"Push", "Pull", "Disabled"},Values{"Push", "Pull", "Disabled"}] string RefreshMode;
+  string CertificateID;
+  string ConfigurationID;
+  uint32 RefreshFrequencyMins;
+  boolean AllowModuleOverwrite;
+  [ValueMap {"None","ForceModuleImport", "All", "ResourceScriptBreakAll", "ResourceScriptBreakpoint"}, Values {"None","ForceModuleImport", "All", "ResourceScriptBreakAll", "ResourceScriptBreakpoint"}]
+  string DebugMode[];
+  [Read] string LCMVersion;
+  [Read] string LCMCompatibleVersions[];
+  [Read,ValueMap{"Idle", "Busy", "PendingReboot", "PendingConfiguration"},Values{"Idle", "Busy", "PendingReboot", "PendingConfiguration"}] string LCMState;
+  [Read] string LCMStateDetail;
+  [EmbeddedInstance("OMI_ConfigurationDownloadManager")] string ConfigurationDownloadManagers[];
+  [EmbeddedInstance("OMI_ResourceModuleManager")] string ResourceModuleManagers[];
+  [EmbeddedInstance("OMI_ReportManager")] string ReportManagers[];
+  [EmbeddedInstance("MSFT_PartialConfiguration")] string PartialConfigurations[];  
+  uint32 StatusRetentionTimeInDays;
+  [Read] string AgentId;
+  string SignatureValidationPolicy; 
+  [EmbeddedInstance("MSFT_SignatureValidation")] 
+  string  SignatureValidations[];
+  uint32 MaximumDownloadSizeMB;   
diff --git a/powershell-adapter/psDscAdapter/Configuration/BaseRegistration/en-US/BaseResource.Schema.mfl b/powershell-adapter/psDscAdapter/Configuration/BaseRegistration/en-US/BaseResource.Schema.mfl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..677d3bd5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/powershell-adapter/psDscAdapter/Configuration/BaseRegistration/en-US/BaseResource.Schema.mfl
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+#pragma namespace("\\\\.\\root\\default")
+instance of __namespace{ name="ms_409";};
+#pragma namespace("\\\\.\\root\\default\\ms_409")
+[Description("Base schema for all configuration providers that will be imported by powershell extension.") : Amended,AMENDMENT, LOCALE("ms_409")] 
+class OMI_BaseResource
+  [Description("Unique Id for a resource instance.") : Amended] string ResourceId;
+  [Description("Source Info to correlate it back to powershell configuration script.") : Amended] string SourceInfo;
+  [Description("List of resources this resource depends on.") : Amended] string DependsOn[];
+  [Description("Name of the module that supports this resource.")] string ModuleName;
+  [Description("Version  of the module that supports this resource.")] string ModuleVersion;
+  [Description("Name of the Partial Configuration that this resource belongs to.")] string ConfiguratioName;
+  [Description("Credentials under which the resource runs. ")] string PsDscRunAsCredential;
+[Description("This class represents a key-value pair.") : Amended,AMENDMENT, LOCALE("ms_409")]
+class MSFT_KeyValuePair
+[Description("Base schema for configuration provider registration that maps a provider to some configuration engine related information.") : Amended,AMENDMENT, LOCALE("ms_409")] 
+class MSFT_BaseConfigurationProviderRegistration
+[Description("Base schema for configuration provider registration that maps a cim provider to namespace.") : Amended,AMENDMENT, LOCALE("ms_409")] 
+class MSFT_CimConfigurationProviderRegistration : MSFT_BaseConfigurationProviderRegistration
+[Description("Base schema for configuration provider registration that maps a powershell provider to its module.") : Amended,AMENDMENT, LOCALE("ms_409")] 
+class MSFT_PSConfigurationProviderRegistration : MSFT_BaseConfigurationProviderRegistration
+[Description("Base schema for configuration document information.") : Amended,AMENDMENT, LOCALE("ms_409")] 
+class OMI_ConfigurationDocument
+  [Description("Configuration document version information, configuration engine can use to log.") : Amended] String Version;
+  [Description("Configuration document Author information.") : Amended] String Author;
+  [Description("Configuration document Copyright information.") : Amended] String Copyright;
+  [Description("Configuration document Help URI.") : Amended] String HelpInfoUri;
+  [Description("Configuration document Content Type. Only PasswordEncrypted and NotEncrypted are supported. Default value is NotEncrypted.") : Amended] String ContentType;
+  [Description("Configuration document generation date.") : Amended] String GenerationDate;
+  [Description("Configuration document generation host.") : Amended] String GenerationHost;
+  [Description("Configuration document name.") : Amended] String Name;
+  [Description("Configuration document minimum version requirement for compatibility with the target DSC version.") : Amended] String MinimumCompatibleVersion;
+  [Description("Additional properties (if any) that are required by the version of this document over 1.0.0 for version compatibility.") : Amended] String CompatibleVersionAdditionalProperties[];
+  [Description("Configuration document is encrypted using Cryptographic Message Syntax format.") : Amended] boolean UseCms;
+[Description ("Credential to use for DSC configuration providers." ) : Amended,AMENDMENT, LOCALE("ms_409")]
+class MSFT_Credential 
+  [Description("UserName is the name of the user for an authorization service to map to an identity." ) : Amended] string UserName;
+  [Description("UserPassword property may contain a password used to access resources." ) : Amended] string Password;
+[Description("Base schema for all Metaconfiguration resources .") : Amended,AMENDMENT, LOCALE("ms_409")] 
+class OMI_MetaConfigurationResource
+[Description("Class defining the structure of resource module managers") : Amended,AMENDMENT, LOCALE("MS_409")] 
+class OMI_ResourceModuleManager : OMI_MetaConfigurationResource
+  [Description("Name of the resource module Manager.") : Amended] string Name;
+  [Description("Priority of the resource module manager.") : Amended] uint32 Priority;
+[Description("Class defining the configuration download manager") : Amended,AMENDMENT, LOCALE("MS_409")] 
+class OMI_ConfigurationDownloadManager : OMI_MetaConfigurationResource
+  [Description("Name of the configuration download Manager.") : Amended] string Name;
+[Description("Class defining a report manager") : Amended,AMENDMENT, LOCALE("MS_409")] 
+class OMI_ReportManager : OMI_MetaConfigurationResource
+  [Description("Name of the report manager") : Amended] string Name;
+  [Description("Custom data that is specific to Report Manager.") : Amended] string CustomData[];
diff --git a/powershell-adapter/psDscAdapter/Configuration/BaseRegistration/en-US/MSFT_MetaConfigurationExtensionClasses.Schema.mfl b/powershell-adapter/psDscAdapter/Configuration/BaseRegistration/en-US/MSFT_MetaConfigurationExtensionClasses.Schema.mfl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9b22f93b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/powershell-adapter/psDscAdapter/Configuration/BaseRegistration/en-US/MSFT_MetaConfigurationExtensionClasses.Schema.mfl
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+#pragma namespace("\\\\.\\root\\default")
+instance of __namespace{ name="ms_409";};
+#pragma namespace("\\\\.\\root\\default\\ms_409")
+[Description("Web download manager class inheriting from OMI_ConfigurationDownloadManager") : Amended,AMENDMENT, LOCALE("ms_409")] 
+class MSFT_WebDownloadManager : OMI_ConfigurationDownloadManager
+  [Description("String URL of the download manager location") : Amended] string ServerURL;
+  [Description("The certificate ID used to locate the certificate.") : Amended] string CertificateID;
+  [Description("Specifies whether report manager can use unsecure connection over http.") : Amended] boolean AllowUnsecureConnection; 
+  [Description("Registration Key with which to register with the Pull Server") : Amended ToSubclass] string RegistrationKey;
+  [Description("The set of configuration names with which to register with the Pull Server.") : Amended] string ConfigurationNames[];
+  [Description("String URL of the proxy server") : Amended] string ProxyURL;
+  [Description("Credential to access the proxy server") : Amended] MSFT_Credential ProxyCredential;
+[Description("File configuration download manager class inheriting from OMI_ConfigurationDownloadManager") : Amended,AMENDMENT, LOCALE("ms_409")] 
+class MSFT_FileDownloadManager : OMI_ConfigurationDownloadManager
+  [Description("String UNC path of the download manager location") : Amended] string SourcePath;
+  [Description("Default credential to access the file location") : Amended] string Credential;
+[Description("Web resource module manager class inheriting from OMI_ResourceModuleManager") : Amended,AMENDMENT, LOCALE("ms_409")] 
+class MSFT_WebResourceManager : OMI_ResourceModuleManager
+  [Description("String URL of the resource module manager location") : Amended] string ServerURL;
+  [Description("The certificate ID used to locate the certificate.") : Amended] string CertificateID;
+  [Description ("Boolean variable to allow unsecure connections" ) : Amended] boolean AllowUnsecureConnection;
+  [Description("Registration Key with which to register with the Resource Repository Web") : Amended ToSubclass] string RegistrationKey;
+  [Description("String URL of the proxy server") : Amended] string ProxyURL;
+  [Description("Credential to access the proxy server") : Amended] MSFT_Credential ProxyCredential;
+[Description("File resource module manager class inheriting from OMI_ResourceModuleManager class") : Amended,AMENDMENT, LOCALE("ms_409")] 
+class MSFT_FileResourceManager : OMI_ResourceModuleManager
+  [Description("String UNC path of the File resource manager") : Amended] string SourcePath;
+  [Description("Default credential to access resources.") : Amended] string Credential;
+[Description("Web report manager class inheriting from OMI_ReportManager class") : Amended,AMENDMENT, LOCALE("ms_409")] 
+class MSFT_WebReportManager : OMI_ReportManager
+  [Description("String URL of the report manager location") : Amended] string ServerURL;
+  [Description ("The certificate ID used to locate the certificate for secure connections." ) : Amended] string  CertificateID;
+  [Description("Specifies whether report manager can use unsecure connection over http.") : Amended] boolean AllowUnsecureConnection; 
+  [Description("Registration Key with which to register with the Reporting Server") : Amended ToSubclass] string RegistrationKey;
+  [Description("String URL of the proxy server") : Amended] string ProxyURL;
+  [Description("Credential to access the proxy server") : Amended] MSFT_Credential ProxyCredential;
+[Description("This represents a Partial Configuration class.") : Amended,AMENDMENT, LOCALE("ms_409")] 
+class MSFT_PartialConfiguration : OMI_MetaConfigurationResource
+  [Description("Description of the partial configuration") : Amended] String Description;
+  [Description("Defines the resources that are exclusive to this particular partial configuration") : Amended] String ExclusiveResources[];
+  [Description("The configuration repository source that this partial configuration will use") : Amended] String ConfigurationSource;
+  [Description("A dependency variable indicating which partial configuration must be applied prior to this") : Amended] String DependsOn[];
+  [Description("The refresh mode for the server. Valid values are Pull, Push and Disabled.") : Amended] string RefreshMode;
+[Description("Local Configuration Manager settings.") : Amended,AMENDMENT, LOCALE("MS_409")] 
+class MSFT_DSCMetaConfigurationV2
+  [Description("The time interval between consecutive runs for reapplying the configuration to get to the desired state.") : Amended] uint32 ConfigurationModeFrequencyMins;
+  [Description("Reboot node if needed.") : Amended] boolean RebootNodeIfNeeded;
+  [Description("The configuration apply mode for the server.") : Amended] string ConfigurationMode;
+  [Description("The refresh mode for the server. Valid values are Pull, Push and Disabled.") : Amended] string RefreshMode;
+  [Description("The action after reboot of the server. Valid values are ContinueConfiguration andStopConfiguration.") : Amended] string ActionAfterReboot;
+  [Description("The configuration ID used to get the configuration from the pull server.") : Amended] string ConfigurationID;
+  [Description("The time interval between consecutive runs to get the action from the server.") : Amended] uint32 RefreshFrequencyMins;
+  [Description("Overwrite modules when downloading from Pull Server.") : Amended] boolean AllowModuleOverwrite;
+  [Description("Debug mode. Valid values are None, ForceModuleImport, ResourceScriptBreakAll, ResourceScriptBreakpoint or All") : Amended] string DebugMode[];
+  [Description("Current version of local configuration manager.") : Amended] string LCMVersion;
+  [Description("Compatible versions of current local configuration manager.") : Amended] string LCMCompatibleVersions[];
+  [Description("Current state of local configuration manager.") : Amended] string LCMState;
+  [Description("State detail of local configuration manager.") : Amended] string LCMStateDetail;
+  [Description("Array of configuration download manager objects that contain location information to download configurations") : Amended] string ConfigurationDownloadManagers[];
+  [Description("Array of resource module managers pointing to a location to download missing DSCResources") : Amended] string ResourceModuleManagers[];
+  [Description("Array of report managers pointing to a location that would help generate reports for DSC") : Amended] string ReportManagers[];
+  [Description("Array of partial configurations that are specified to be applied") : Amended] string PartialConfigurations[];  
+  [Description("Number of days to retain configuration status history.") : Amended] uint32 StatusRetentionTimeInDays;
+  [Description("AgentId of the current Dsc Agent.") : Amended] string AgentId;
+  [Description("Current signature validation policy.") : Amended] string SignatureValidationPolicy;
+  [Description ("The signature validation options of the node.") : Amended] string  SignatureValidations[];   
+  [Description ("The maximum module size in MB that can be downloaded.") : Amended] uint32  MaximumDownloadSizeMB; 
diff --git a/powershell-adapter/psDscAdapter/helpers/DscResourceInfo.psm1 b/powershell-adapter/psDscAdapter/helpers/DscResourceInfo.psm1
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d2b99885
--- /dev/null
+++ b/powershell-adapter/psDscAdapter/helpers/DscResourceInfo.psm1
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
+# Licensed under the MIT License.
+Set-StrictMode -Version latest
+$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
+$AddDscResourceInfoTypeScript = @"
+// <copyright file="DscResourceInfo.cs" company="Microsoft Corporation">
+//     Copyright (C) 2013 Microsoft Corporation
+// </copyright>
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System;
+using System.Management.Automation;
+using System.IO;
+namespace Microsoft.PowerShell.DesiredStateConfiguration
+    /// <summary>
+    /// Enumerated values for DSC resource implementation type
+    /// </summary>
+    public enum ImplementedAsType
+    {
+        /// <summary>
+        /// DSC resource implementation type not known
+        /// </summary>
+        None = 0,
+        /// <summary>
+        /// DSC resource is implemented using PowerShell module
+        /// </summary>
+        PowerShell = 1,
+        /// <summary>
+        /// DSC resource is implemented using a CIM provider
+        /// </summary>
+        Binary = 2,
+        /// <summary>
+        /// DSC resource is a composite and implemented using configuration keyword
+        /// </summary>
+        Composite = 3
+    }
+    /// <summary>
+    /// Contains a DSC resource information
+    /// </summary>
+    public sealed class DscResourceInfo
+    {
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Initializes a new instance of the DscResourceInfo class
+        /// </summary>
+        public DscResourceInfo()
+        {
+            this.Properties = new List<DscResourcePropertyInfo>();
+        }
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Gets or sets resource type name
+        /// </summary>
+        public string ResourceType { get; set; }
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Gets or sets Name of the resource. This name is used to access the resource
+        /// </summary>
+        public string Name { get; set; }
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Gets or sets friendly name defined for the resource
+        /// </summary>
+        public string FriendlyName { get; set; }
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Gets or sets module which implements the resource. This could point to parent module, if the DSC resource is implemented 
+        /// by one of nested modules.
+        /// </summary>
+        public PSModuleInfo Module { get; set; }
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Gets name of the module which implements the resource. 
+        /// </summary>
+        public string ModuleName
+        {
+            get
+            {
+                if (this.Module == null) return null;
+                return this.Module.Name;
+            }
+        }
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Gets version of the module which implements the resource. 
+        /// </summary>
+        public Version Version
+        {
+            get
+            {
+                if (this.Module == null) return null;
+                return this.Module.Version;
+            }
+        }
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Gets or sets of the file which implements the resource. For the reosurces which are defined using 
+        /// MOF file, this will be path to a module which resides in the same folder where schema.mof file is present.
+        /// For composite resources, this will be the module which implements the resource
+        /// </summary>
+        public string Path { get; set; }
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Gets or sets parent folder, where the resource is defined
+        /// It is the folder containing either the implementing module(=Path) or folder containing ".schema.mof". 
+        /// For native providers, Path will be null and only ParentPath will be present.
+        /// </summary>
+        public string ParentPath { get; set; }
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Gets or sets a value which indicate how DSC resource is implemented
+        /// </summary>
+        public ImplementedAsType ImplementedAs { get; set; }
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Gets or sets company which owns this resource
+        /// </summary>
+        public string CompanyName { get; set; }
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Gets or sets properties of the resource
+        /// </summary>
+        public List<DscResourcePropertyInfo> Properties { get; private set; }
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Updates properties of the resource
+        /// </summary>
+        /// <param name="properties">Updated properties</param>
+        public void UpdateProperties(List<DscResourcePropertyInfo> properties)
+        {
+            this.Properties = properties;
+        }
+    }
+    /// <summary>
+    /// Contains a DSC resource property information
+    /// </summary>
+    public sealed class DscResourcePropertyInfo
+    {
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Initializes a new instance of the DscResourcePropertyInfo class
+        /// </summary>
+        public DscResourcePropertyInfo()
+        {
+            this.Values = new List<string>();
+        }
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Gets or sets name of the property
+        /// </summary>
+        public string Name { get; set; }
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Gets or sets type of the property
+        /// </summary>
+        public string PropertyType { get; set; }
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Gets or sets a value indicating whether the property is mandatory or not
+        /// </summary>
+        public bool IsMandatory { get; set; }
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Gets Values for a resource property
+        /// </summary>
+        public List<string> Values { get; private set; }
+    }
+if(-not ([System.Management.Automation.PSTypeName]'Microsoft.PowerShell.DesiredStateConfiguration.DscResourceInfo').Type) {
+    Add-Type -TypeDefinition $AddDscResourceInfoTypeScript
diff --git a/powershell-adapter/psDscAdapter/psDscAdapter.psd1 b/powershell-adapter/psDscAdapter/psDscAdapter.psd1
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b84b2ebc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/powershell-adapter/psDscAdapter/psDscAdapter.psd1
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
+# Licensed under the MIT License.
+# Script module or binary module file associated with this manifest.
+RootModule = 'psDscAdapter.psm1'
+# Version number of this module.
+moduleVersion = '0.0.1'
+# ID used to uniquely identify this module
+GUID = 'e0dd561d-c47f-4132-aac9-cd9dc8739bb1'
+# Author of this module
+Author = 'Microsoft Corporation'
+# Company or vendor of this module
+CompanyName = 'Microsoft Corporation'
+# Copyright statement for this module
+Copyright = '(c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.'
+# Description of the functionality provided by this module
+Description = 'PowerShell Desired State Configuration Module for DSC PowerShell Adapter'
+# Functions to export from this module, for best performance, do not use wildcards and do not delete the entry, use an empty array if there are no functions to export.
+FunctionsToExport = @(
+        'Get-DscResource'
+        'Invoke-DscResource'
+        'Invoke-DscCacheRefresh'
+    )
+# Cmdlets to export from this module, for best performance, do not use wildcards and do not delete the entry, use an empty array if there are no cmdlets to export.
+CmdletsToExport = @()
+# Variables to export from this module
+VariablesToExport = @()
+# Aliases to export from this module, for best performance, do not use wildcards and do not delete the entry, use an empty array if there are no aliases to export.
+AliasesToExport = @()
+PrivateData = @{
+    PSData = @{
+        ProjectUri   = 'https://github.com/PowerShell/dsc'
+    }
diff --git a/powershell-adapter/psDscAdapter/psDscAdapter.psm1 b/powershell-adapter/psDscAdapter/psDscAdapter.psm1
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b5e38eaf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/powershell-adapter/psDscAdapter/psDscAdapter.psm1
@@ -0,0 +1,390 @@
+# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
+# Licensed under the MIT License.
+# if the version of PowerShell is greater than 5, import the PSDesiredStateConfiguration module
+# this is necessary because the module is not included in the PowerShell 7.0+ releases
+# PSDesiredStateConfiguration 2.0.7 module will be saved in the DSC build
+# in Windows PowerShell, we should always use version 1.1 that ships in Windows
+if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -gt 5) {
+    $parentFolder = (Get-Item (Resolve-Path $PSScriptRoot).Path).Parent
+    $PSDesiredStateConfiguration = Import-Module "$parentFolder/PSDesiredStateConfiguration/2.0.7/PSDesiredStateConfiguration.psd1" -Force -PassThru
+else {
+    $env:PSModulePath += ";$env:windir\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules"
+    $PSDesiredStateConfiguration = Import-Module -Name 'PSDesiredStateConfiguration' -RequiredVersion '1.1' -Force -PassThru -ErrorAction stop -ErrorVariable $importModuleError
+    if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($importModuleError)) {
+        $trace = @{'Debug' = 'ERROR: Could not import PSDesiredStateConfiguration 1.1 in Windows PowerShell. ' + $importModuleError } | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
+        $host.ui.WriteErrorLine($trace)
+    }
+<# public function Invoke-DscCacheRefresh
+    This function caches the results of the Get-DscResource call to optimize performance.
+    This function is designed to improve the performance of DSC operations by caching the results of the Get-DscResource call. 
+    By storing the results, subsequent calls to Get-DscResource can retrieve the cached data instead of making a new call each time. 
+    This can significantly speed up operations that need to repeatedly access DSC resources.
+    Invoke-DscCacheRefresh -Module "PSDesiredStateConfiguration"
+function Invoke-DscCacheRefresh {
+    [CmdletBinding(HelpUri = '')]
+    param(
+        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
+        [Object[]]
+        $Module
+    )
+    # create a list object to store cache of Get-DscResource
+    [dscResourceCache[]]$dscResourceCache = [System.Collections.Generic.List[Object]]::new()
+    # improve by performance by having the option to only get details for named modules
+    # workaround for File and SignatureValidation resources that ship in Windows
+    if ($null -ne $module -and 'PSDesiredStateConfiguration' -ne $module) {
+        if ($module.gettype().name -eq 'string') {
+            $module = @($module)
+        }
+        $DscResources = [System.Collections.Generic.List[Object]]::new()
+        $Modules = [System.Collections.Generic.List[Object]]::new()
+        foreach ($m in $module) {
+            $DscResources += Get-DscResource -Module $m
+            $Modules += Get-Module -Name $m -ListAvailable
+        }
+    }
+    elseif ('PSDesiredStateConfiguration' -eq $module -and $PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -le 5 ) {
+        # the resources in Windows should only load in Windows PowerShell
+        # workaround: the binary modules don't have a module name, so we have to special case File and SignatureValidation resources that ship in Windows
+        $DscResources = Get-DscResource | Where-Object { $_.modulename -eq 'PSDesiredStateConfiguration' -or ( $_.modulename -eq $null -and $_.parentpath -like "$env:windir\System32\Configuration\*" ) }
+    }
+    else {
+        # if no module is specified, get all resources
+        $DscResources = Get-DscResource
+        $Modules = Get-Module -ListAvailable
+    }
+    $psdscVersion = Get-Module PSDesiredStateConfiguration | Sort-Object -descending | Select-Object -First 1 | ForEach-Object Version
+    foreach ($dscResource in $DscResources) {
+        # resources that shipped in Windows should only be used with Windows PowerShell
+        if ($dscResource.ParentPath -like "$env:windir\System32\*" -and $PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -gt 5) {
+            continue
+        }
+        # we can't run this check in PSDesiredStateConfiguration 1.1 because the property doesn't exist
+        if ( $psdscVersion -ge '2.0.7' ) {
+            # only support known dscResourceType
+            if ([dscResourceType].GetEnumNames() -notcontains $dscResource.ImplementationDetail) {
+                $trace = @{'Debug' = 'WARNING: implementation detail not found: ' + $dscResource.ImplementationDetail } | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
+                $host.ui.WriteErrorLine($trace)
+                continue
+            }
+        }
+        # workaround: if the resource does not have a module name, get it from parent path
+        # workaround: modulename is not settable, so clone the object without being read-only
+        # workaround: we have to special case File and SignatureValidation resources that ship in Windows
+        $binaryBuiltInModulePaths = @(
+            "$env:windir\system32\Configuration\Schema\MSFT_FileDirectoryConfiguration"
+            "$env:windir\system32\Configuration\BaseRegistration"
+        )
+        $DscResourceInfo = [DscResourceInfo]::new()
+        $dscResource.PSObject.Properties | ForEach-Object -Process {
+            if ($null -ne $_.Value) {
+                $DscResourceInfo.$($_.Name) = $_.Value
+            }
+            else {
+                $DscResourceInfo.$($_.Name) = ''
+            }
+        }
+        if ($dscResource.ModuleName) {
+            $moduleName = $dscResource.ModuleName
+        }
+        elseif ($binaryBuiltInModulePaths -contains $dscResource.ParentPath) {
+            $moduleName = 'PSDesiredStateConfiguration'
+            $DscResourceInfo.Module = 'PSDesiredStateConfiguration'
+            $DscResourceInfo.ModuleName = 'PSDesiredStateConfiguration'
+            $DscResourceInfo.CompanyName = 'Microsoft Corporation'
+            $DscResourceInfo.Version = '1.0.0'
+            if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -le 5 -and $DscResourceInfo.ImplementedAs -eq 'Binary') {
+                $DscResourceInfo.ImplementationDetail = 'Binary'
+            }
+        }
+        elseif ($binaryBuiltInModulePaths -notcontains $dscResource.ParentPath -and $null -ne $dscResource.ParentPath) {
+            # workaround: populate module name from parent path that is three levels up
+            $moduleName = Split-Path $dscResource.ParentPath | Split-Path | Split-Path -Leaf
+            $DscResourceInfo.Module = $moduleName
+            $DscResourceInfo.ModuleName = $moduleName
+            # workaround: populate module version from psmoduleinfo if available
+            if ($moduleInfo = $Modules | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $moduleName }) {
+                $moduleInfo = $moduleInfo | Sort-Object -Property Version -Descending | Select-Object -First 1
+                $DscResourceInfo.Version = $moduleInfo.Version.ToString()
+            }
+        }
+        $dscResourceCache += [dscResourceCache]@{
+            Type            = "$moduleName/$($dscResource.Name)"
+            DscResourceInfo = $DscResourceInfo
+        }
+    }
+    return $dscResourceCache
+# Convert the INPUT to a dscResourceObject object so configuration and resource are standardized as moch as possible
+function Get-DscResourceObject {
+    param(
+        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
+        $jsonInput
+    )
+    # normalize the INPUT object to an array of dscResourceObject objects
+    $inputObj = $jsonInput | ConvertFrom-Json
+    $desiredState = [System.Collections.Generic.List[Object]]::new()
+    # catch potential for improperly formatted configuration input
+    if ($inputObj.resources -and -not $inputObj.metadata.'Microsoft.DSC'.context -eq 'configuration') {
+        $trace = @{'Debug' = 'WARNING: The input has a top level property named "resources" but is not a configuration. If the input should be a configuration, include the property: "metadata": {"Microsoft.DSC": {"context": "Configuration"}}' } | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
+        $host.ui.WriteErrorLine($trace)
+    }
+    # match adapter to version of powershell
+    if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -le 5) {
+        $adapterName = 'Microsoft.Windows/WindowsPowerShell'
+    }
+    else {
+        $adapterName = 'Microsoft.DSC/PowerShell'
+    }
+    if ($null -ne $inputObj.metadata -and $null -ne $inputObj.metadata.'Microsoft.DSC' -and $inputObj.metadata.'Microsoft.DSC'.context -eq 'configuration') {
+        # change the type from pscustomobject to dscResourceObject
+        $inputObj.resources | ForEach-Object -Process {
+            $desiredState += [dscResourceObject]@{
+                name       = $_.name
+                type       = $_.type
+                properties = $_.properties
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    else {
+        # mimic a config object with a single resource
+        $type = $inputObj.type
+        $inputObj.psobject.properties.Remove('type')
+        $desiredState += [dscResourceObject]@{
+            name       = $adapterName
+            type       = $type
+            properties = $inputObj
+        }
+    }
+    return $desiredState
+# Get the actual state using DSC Get method from any type of DSC resource
+function Get-ActualState {
+    param(
+        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
+        [dscResourceObject]$DesiredState,
+        [Parameter(Mandatory)]
+        [dscResourceCache[]]$dscResourceCache
+    )
+    $osVersion = [System.Environment]::OSVersion.VersionString
+    $trace = @{'Debug' = 'OS version: ' + $osVersion } | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
+    $host.ui.WriteErrorLine($trace)
+    $psVersion = $PSVersionTable.PSVersion.ToString()
+    $trace = @{'Debug' = 'PowerShell version: ' + $psVersion } | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
+    $host.ui.WriteErrorLine($trace)
+    $moduleVersion = Get-Module PSDesiredStateConfiguration | ForEach-Object Version
+    $trace = @{'Debug' = 'PSDesiredStateConfiguration module version: ' + $moduleVersion } | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
+    $host.ui.WriteErrorLine($trace)
+    # get details from cache about the DSC resource, if it exists
+    $cachedDscResourceInfo = $dscResourceCache | Where-Object Type -EQ $DesiredState.type | ForEach-Object DscResourceInfo
+    # if the resource is found in the cache, get the actual state
+    if ($cachedDscResourceInfo) {
+        # formated OUTPUT of each resource
+        $addToActualState = [dscResourceObject]@{}
+        # set top level properties of the OUTPUT object from INPUT object
+        $DesiredState.psobject.properties | ForEach-Object -Process {
+            if ($_.TypeNameOfValue -EQ 'System.String') { $addToActualState.$($_.Name) = $DesiredState.($_.Name) }
+        }
+        $trace = @{'Debug' = 'DSC resource implementation: ' + [dscResourceType]$cachedDscResourceInfo.ImplementationDetail } | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
+        $host.ui.WriteErrorLine($trace)
+        # workaround: script based resources do not validate Get parameter consistency, so we need to remove any parameters the author chose not to include in Get-TargetResource
+        switch ([dscResourceType]$cachedDscResourceInfo.ImplementationDetail) {
+            'ScriptBased' {
+                # For Linux/MacOS, only class based resources are supported and are called directly.
+                if ($IsLinux) {
+                    $trace = @{'Debug' = 'ERROR: Script based resources are only supported on Windows.' } | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
+                    $host.ui.WriteErrorLine($trace)
+                    exit 1
+                }
+                # imports the .psm1 file for the DSC resource as a PowerShell module and stores the list of parameters
+                Import-Module -Scope Local -Name $cachedDscResourceInfo.path -Force -ErrorAction stop
+                $validParams = (Get-Command -Module $cachedDscResourceInfo.ResourceType -Name 'Get-TargetResource').Parameters.Keys
+                # prune any properties that are not valid parameters of Get-TargetResource
+                $DesiredState.properties.psobject.properties | ForEach-Object -Process {
+                    if ($validParams -notcontains $_.Name) {
+                        $DesiredState.properties.psobject.properties.Remove($_.Name)
+                    }
+                }
+                # morph the INPUT object into a hashtable named "property" for the cmdlet Invoke-DscResource
+                $DesiredState.properties.psobject.properties | ForEach-Object -Begin { $property = @{} } -Process { $property[$_.Name] = $_.Value }
+                # using the cmdlet the appropriate dsc module, and handle errors
+                try {
+                    $getResult = Invoke-DscResource -Method Get -ModuleName $cachedDscResourceInfo.ModuleName -Name $cachedDscResourceInfo.Name -Property $property
+                    if ($getResult.GetType().Name -eq 'Hashtable') {
+                        $getResult.keys | ForEach-Object -Begin { $getDscResult = @{} } -Process { $getDscResult[$_] = $getResult.$_ }
+                    }
+                    else {
+                        # the object returned by WMI is a CIM instance with a lot of additional data. only return DSC properties
+                        $getResult.psobject.Properties.name | Where-Object { 'CimClass', 'CimInstanceProperties', 'CimSystemProperties' -notcontains $_ } | ForEach-Object -Begin { $getDscResult = @{} } -Process { $getDscResult[$_] = $getResult.$_ }
+                    }
+                    # set the properties of the OUTPUT object from the result of Get-TargetResource
+                    $addToActualState.properties = $getDscResult
+                }
+                catch {
+                    $trace = @{'Debug' = 'ERROR: ' + $_.Exception.Message } | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
+                    $host.ui.WriteErrorLine($trace)
+                    exit 1
+                }
+            }
+            'ClassBased' {
+                try {
+                    # load powershell class from external module
+                    $resource = GetTypeInstanceFromModule -modulename $cachedDscResourceInfo.ModuleName -classname $cachedDscResourceInfo.Name
+                    $dscResourceInstance = $resource::New()
+                    # set each property of $dscResourceInstance to the value of the property in the $desiredState INPUT object
+                    $DesiredState.properties.psobject.properties | ForEach-Object -Process {
+                        $dscResourceInstance.$($_.Name) = $_.Value
+                    }
+                    $getResult = $dscResourceInstance.Get()
+                    # set the properties of the OUTPUT object from the result of Get-TargetResource
+                    $addToActualState.properties = $getResult
+                }
+                catch {
+                    $trace = @{'Debug' = 'ERROR: ' + $_.Exception.Message } | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
+                    $host.ui.WriteErrorLine($trace)
+                    exit 1
+                }
+            }
+            'Binary' {
+                if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -gt 5) {
+                    $trace = @{'Debug' = 'To use a binary resource such as File, Log, or SignatureValidation, use the Microsoft.Windows/WindowsPowerShell adapter.' } | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
+                    $host.ui.WriteErrorLine($trace)
+                    exit 1
+                }
+                if (-not (($cachedDscResourceInfo.ImplementedAs -eq 'Binary') -and ('File', 'Log', 'SignatureValidation' -contains $cachedDscResourceInfo.Name))) {
+                    $trace = @{'Debug' = 'Only File, Log, and SignatureValidation are supported as Binary resources.' } | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
+                    $host.ui.WriteErrorLine($trace)
+                    exit 1
+                }
+                # morph the INPUT object into a hashtable named "property" for the cmdlet Invoke-DscResource
+                $DesiredState.properties.psobject.properties | ForEach-Object -Begin { $property = @{} } -Process { $property[$_.Name] = $_.Value }
+                # using the cmdlet from PSDesiredStateConfiguration module in Windows
+                try {
+                    $getResult = $PSDesiredStateConfiguration.invoke({ param($Name, $Property) Invoke-DscResource -Name $Name -Method Get -ModuleName @{ModuleName = 'PSDesiredStateConfiguration'; ModuleVersion = '1.1' } -Property $Property -ErrorAction Stop }, $cachedDscResourceInfo.Name, $property )
+                    if ($getResult.GetType().Name -eq 'Hashtable') {
+                        $getResult.keys | ForEach-Object -Begin { $getDscResult = @{} } -Process { $getDscResult[$_] = $getResult.$_ }
+                    }
+                    else {
+                        # the object returned by WMI is a CIM instance with a lot of additional data. only return DSC properties
+                        $getResult.psobject.Properties.name | Where-Object { 'CimClass', 'CimInstanceProperties', 'CimSystemProperties' -notcontains $_ } | ForEach-Object -Begin { $getDscResult = @{} } -Process { $getDscResult[$_] = $getResult.$_ }
+                    }
+                    # set the properties of the OUTPUT object from the result of Get-TargetResource
+                    $addToActualState.properties = $getDscResult
+                }
+                catch {
+                    $trace = @{'Debug' = 'ERROR: ' + $_.Exception.Message } | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
+                    $host.ui.WriteErrorLine($trace)
+                    exit 1
+                }
+            }
+            Default {
+                $trace = @{'Debug' = 'Can not find implementation of type: ' + $cachedDscResourceInfo.ImplementationDetail } | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
+                $host.ui.WriteErrorLine($trace)
+                exit 1
+            }
+        }
+        return $addToActualState
+    }
+    else {
+        $dsJSON = $DesiredState | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10
+        $errmsg = 'Can not find type "' + $DesiredState.type + '" for resource "' + $dsJSON + '". Please ensure that Get-DscResource returns this resource type.'
+        $trace = @{'Debug' = 'ERROR: ' + $errmsg } | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
+        $host.ui.WriteErrorLine($trace)
+        exit 1
+    }
+# GetTypeInstanceFromModule function to get the type instance from the module
+function GetTypeInstanceFromModule {
+    param(
+        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
+        [string] $modulename,
+        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
+        [string] $classname
+    )
+    $instance = & (Import-Module $modulename -PassThru) ([scriptblock]::Create("'$classname' -as 'type'"))
+    return $instance
+# cached resource
+class dscResourceCache {
+    [string] $Type
+    [psobject] $DscResourceInfo
+# format expected for configuration and resource output
+class dscResourceObject {
+    [string] $name
+    [string] $type
+    [psobject] $properties
+# dsc resource types
+enum dscResourceType {
+    ScriptBased
+    ClassBased
+    Binary
+    Composite
+# dsc resource type (settable clone)
+class DscResourceInfo {
+    [dscResourceType] $ImplementationDetail
+    [string] $ResourceType
+    [string] $Name
+    [string] $FriendlyName
+    [string] $Module
+    [string] $ModuleName
+    [string] $Version
+    [string] $Path
+    [string] $ParentPath
+    [string] $ImplementedAs
+    [string] $CompanyName
+    [psobject[]] $Properties
diff --git a/powershell-adapter/windowspowershell.resource.json_todo b/powershell-adapter/windowspowershell.dsc.resource.json
similarity index 64%
rename from powershell-adapter/windowspowershell.resource.json_todo
rename to powershell-adapter/windowspowershell.dsc.resource.json
index 78e93e23..e9d52193 100644
--- a/powershell-adapter/windowspowershell.resource.json_todo
+++ b/powershell-adapter/windowspowershell.dsc.resource.json
@@ -1,8 +1,12 @@
-    "manifestVersion": "1.0",
+    "$schema": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PowerShell/DSC/main/schemas/2023/08/bundled/resource/manifest.json",
     "type": "Microsoft.Windows/WindowsPowerShell",
     "version": "0.1.0",
+    "kind": "Adapter",
     "description": "Resource adapter to classic DSC Powershell resources in Windows PowerShell.",
+    "tags": [
+      "PowerShell"
+    ],
     "adapter": {
       "list": {
         "executable": "powershell",
@@ -11,7 +15,7 @@
-          "./powershell.resource.ps1 -WinPS List"
+          "./powershell.resource.ps1 List"
       "config": "full"
@@ -23,7 +27,7 @@
-        "$Input | ./powershell.resource.ps1 -WinPS Get"
+        "$Input | ./powershell.resource.ps1 Get"
     "set": {
@@ -33,7 +37,7 @@
-        "$Input | ./powershell.resource.ps1 -WinPS Set"
+        "$Input | ./powershell.resource.ps1 Set"
       "input": "stdin",
       "preTest": true,
@@ -46,11 +50,21 @@
-        "$Input | ./powershell.resource.ps1 -WinPS Test"
+        "$Input | ./powershell.resource.ps1 Test"
       "input": "stdin",
       "return": "state"
+    "validate": {
+        "executable": "powershell",
+        "args": [
+          "-NoLogo",
+          "-NonInteractive",
+          "-NoProfile",
+          "-Command",
+          "$Input | ./powershell.resource.ps1 Validate"
+          ]
+      },
     "exitCodes": {
       "0": "Success",
       "1": "Error"
diff --git a/resources/brew/brew.dsc.resource.sh b/resources/brew/brew.dsc.resource.sh
old mode 100755
new mode 100644