Nebula can connect and interact with a local node using RPC.
For example, to interact with the Umee network you will need to access an Umee node.
Running an Umee node is easy with Starport.
- Install Starport using
go install
go install
- Clone the Umee respoitory
git clone && cd umee
- Use Starport to serve the chain
starport chain serve -c
# create a local binary
make build
# alternatively, install to the GOBIN path
go install -v ./...
Create a new account.
$ export ACCOUNT=$(./nebula --network=umee account)
$ echo $ACCOUNT | jq
"address": "umee1ldxhrcu4vpr4xcgaffs587j5zunul8gu2c9cxd",
"private_key": "9c9038a9bfd0bba17ac0eb709bb1db88c8f12663e0e93d11e5694b0fec0f5842"
Fund the account using a faucet. Assuming you are running starport
, you might have a faucet available at localhost:4500.
$ export ADDRESS=$(echo $ACCOUNT | jq -r .address)
$ curl -X POST http://localhost:4500 -d '{"address":"'"$ADDRESS"'","coins":["2000uumee"]}'
Check the balance and retrieve the Account Number.
$ curl http://localhost:1317/auth/accounts/$ADDRESS
"height": "25812",
"result": {
"type": "cosmos-sdk/BaseAccount",
"value": {
"address": "umee1ldxhrcu4vpr4xcgaffs587j5zunul8gu2c9cxd",
"account_number": "13"
$ export ACC_NUMBER=$(curl http://localhost:1317/auth/accounts/$ADDRESS | jq -r .result.value.account_number)
Alternatively, check the balance and Account number using nebula.
$ nebula --network=umee balance -address=$ADDRESS
$ nebula --network=umee account_info -address=$ADDRESS | jq
"address": "umee1x7kxvhzruz3q7tlt5x5hx2yjgqyzk37wkmlljv",
"publickey": "",
"sequence": 0,
"number": 13,
Try sending a transaction.
$ export SK=$(echo $ACCOUNT | jq -r .private_key)
$ nebula --network=umee bank_send --recipient=$ADDRESS --amount=1000 --fee=1 --gas_limit=400000 --timeout_height=100000 --private_key=$SK --acc_number=$ACC_NUMBER --acc_sequence=0 --memo="bank send"
Umee Leverage transactions
$ export SK=$(echo $ACCOUNT | jq -r .private_key)
$ nebula --network=umee lend_asset --amount=100 --fee=1 --gas_limit=400000 --timeout_height=100000 --private_key=$SK --acc_number=$ACC_NUMBER --acc_sequence=0 --memo="lend asset"
$ nebula --network=umee withdraw_asset --amount=100 --fee=1 --gas_limit=400000 --timeout_height=1000000 --private_key=$SK --acc_number=$ACC_NUMBER --acc_sequence=0 --memo="withdraw asset"
$ nebula --network=umee set_collateral --enabled=true --fee=1 --gas_limit=400000 --timeout_height=1000000 --private_key=$SK --acc_number=$ACC_NUMBER --acc_sequence=0 --memo="set collateral"
$ nebula --network=umee repay_asset --amount=100 --fee=1 --gas_limit=400000 --timeout_height=1000000 --private_key=$SK --acc_number=$ACC_NUMBER --acc_sequence=0 --memo="repay asset"