Releases: PaulSquires/WinFBE
Releases · PaulSquires/WinFBE
WinFBE Version 2.0.5
- Fixed: Multiple Tab Controls on a form would result in code generation error.
- Fixed: Regression: Forms with StatusBar would make ListBoxes and Labels not display their contents.
- Fixed: If no valid Menu items exist then "Display on Form" checkbox in the Menu Editor is cleared and no menu code is generated.
WinFBE Version 2.0.4
- Added: UpDown control.
- Changed: StatusBar Panels are now OwnerDraw which allowed for defining Fore/ForeHot/Back/BackHot Colors, on a per-Panel basis.
- Changed: Use of StatusBar BorderStyle is now deprecated as it has no effect in WinFBE programs where Windows Themes are enabled.
- Changed: StatusBar Panel ToolTips now act like regular tooltips and are not restricted by the limitations per the SB_SETTIPTEXT Win32 message documentation.
- Changed: New Chinese lanuage file thanks to ganlinlao.
- Fixed: Regression in WinForms code whereby KeyDown, KeyUp and KeyPress fired twice instead of once.
- Fixed: ListView possible GPF when invoking Items Clear method (disabled redraw of ListView to prevent accessing a now deleted Item).
- Fixed: The Width and MinWidth properties of StatusBar Panels were not being generated in code correctly.
- Fixed: StatusBar Panels with AutoSize set to Contents were not calculating space needed for any associated Panel image.
- Fixed: StatusBar Panel with AutoSize set to Spring can now be any panel (not just the last panel). However, only one panel can be designated as Spring.
- Fixed: An assigned Button control Image would not necessarily display the correct size at design time.
WinFBE Version 2.0.3
- Added: ListView property OddRowColorEnabled (True/False).
- Changed: ListView removed property "Sorting" until such time as sorting code is added to the control. In the meantime, use the SortByColumn method.
- Fixed: ListView now draws significantly faster becase only affected changed visible line items invoke a redraw of the ListView only if the BeginUpdate flag is False. Enclosing many ListView row/col changes in BeginUpdate/EndUpdate continues to be the best approach for optimal performance.
- Fixed: Visual Designer code generated for redisplaying closed forms would not correctly show previous statusbar, or toolbar, or mainmenu.
- Fixed: MainMenus with only one defined entry would fail to display in the visual designer when the Menu Editor was closed.
- Fixed: Visual Designer code generated for KeyUp, KeyDown, KeyPress events were not cancelling the key input when e.Handled = True.
- Fixed: Setting StatusBar font via code was not working. Example: frmMain.StatusBar.Font = New wfxFont("Consolas", 10, FontStyles.Bold, FontCharset.Default)
WinFBE Version 2.0.2
- Fixed: ToolTip needed to have at least 1 character set at design time in order for ToolTip to display at runtime because the hWndToolTip would not be created.
- Fixed: ListBox code regression in WM_ERASEBKGND handler that caused excessive visual flicker (ControlType.ListBox was accidently set to ControlType.ListView).
- Fixed: ListView now draws significantly faster becase only affected changed visible line items invoke a redraw of the ListView. Uses ListView_IsItemVisible to determine if item is visible.
WinFBE Version 2.0.1
- Added: Month Calendar control.
- Added: DateTimePicker control.
- Added: TabControl control. (still a work in progress but it is currently usable).
- Added: ToolTip and ToolTipBalloon properties for most controls.
- Added: New form property called ChildForm. Creates form with WS_CHILD style and is used when specifying child Tab Pages for Tab Control.
- Changed: Updated German language file as provided by Joerg Buckel.
- Fixed: ListView Hover event was not removed from the Visual Designer list of selectable methods.
- Fixed: ListView GPF if number of defined subitems did not match number of defined columns.
- Fixed: ListView regression whereby mouse clicking on checkbox item was not being recognized.
- Fixed: ListView GPF if horizontal scroll bar moved to the right and then all columns deleted.
- Fixed: ListView text property changes were not being immediately displayed (programmer would have to do a manual call to Refresh first).
- Fixed: Attempting to close an unsaved new file belonging to an open project would not remove the reference to that file from the project.
- Fixed: Bug whereby switching amongst Forms would cause changed Property values to also follow to the newly selected form and cause that form to show as "dirty" and needing to be saved.
- Fixed: RichEdit TextAlign property not showing a list of valid choices.
WinFBE Version 2.0.0
- Added: New Project template options: None; Blank Document; Visual Designer; Console; Windows DLL; Static Library.
- Added: ListView sort (ascending or descending) by a specified SubItem column index. ListView.Items.SortByColumn( nSortColumn, bSortAscend ).
- Added: ListView Click event now sets e.KeyChar = 13, e.KeyCode = VK_RETURN, whenever ENTER is pressed on a selected row.
- Fixed: ListView would "automatically" select the row under the cursor even if you don't click on it. Fix required removing the ListView MouseHover event.
- Fixed: "Open Templates" menu option was disabled if no file/project was already opened.
- Fixed: Removed extra separator bar between the "Replace" and "Goto Line" top menu items.
WinFBE Version 1.9.9
- Added: New method Form.ShowChild allows displaying a Form as a child (WS_CHILD). This allows forms to act like child panel controls.
- Added: ListView DoubleClick, RightClick events.
- Added: ListView Click event will now also fire if ENTER is pressed on a ListView line.
- Changed: ListView Columns.Add now only requires Text parameter with Width (default 100 pixels) and Alignment (TextAlignment.Left) being optional.
- Fixed: ListView Click event was not returning correct e.ListViewRow, e.ListViewColumn values.
- Fixed: When items are insert/remove from ListView/ListBox/ComboBox then their Index properties are now updated to accurately reflect their new position within the collections.
- Fixed: Bug in Replace All whereby start search position was incremented by length of the find phrase rather than the replace phrase.
- Fixed: Compile would fail if RichEdit exists in a project but no TextBoxes also exist in the project.
WinFBE Version 1.9.8
- Added: ListView ItemSelectionChanged event.
- Added: ListView ColumnClick event.
- Added: ListView.BeginUpdate and ListView.EndUpdate for situations when adding many items during a bulk add.
- Added: ListViewRow, ListViewColumn to the e EventArgs passed to certain ListView event handlers.
- Added: Code to manipulate ListView Columns Text, Width, Alignment, Add, Insert, Remove, Clear for situations outside of the Form's Initialize event.
- Fixed: Much faster deallocation of memory for large collections of items for controls like ListView and ListBox.
- Fixed: ListView Click event now only fires once rather then three times when fired.
- Fixed: freebasic_keywords.txt to remove duplicate entries (thanks cbruce).
- Fixed: Regression fixed whereby compile would fail for source code files that have spaces in their full path filename. However, the problem still persists if your WinFBE installation folder contains spaces. Install WinFBE to locations with folder paths containing no spaces until a permanent fix can be found for this problem.
WinFBE Version 1.9.7
- Fixed: ListView notifications (Events) failing on 64 bit compiles.
- Fixed: Added back several missing Codetip popup items for the ListView.
WinFBE Version 1.9.6
Version 1.9.6 (November 2, 2019)
- Added: ListView HitTest method. Determines what (if any) ListView Item and/or SubItem has been clicked on. HitTest( iItem, iSubItem )
- Fixed: Removed "TextChanged" event from the ListView.
- Fixed: ListView Events were not firing due to missing integration code.