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This is the changelog for the Azure Mobile Apps .NET server SDK, which are in the nuget packages Microsoft.Azure.Mobile.Server.*

Note: this applies only to the new Server SDK that's designed for App Service, not Mobile Services. Mobile Apps is only available in the new Azure portal.

Release 2.0.0 (January 2017)

  • Fixed Issue #164: Support .NET Framework 4.6 as a base version

  • Fixed Issue #173: Remove the Push Registration Endpoint

  • Fixed Issue #171: Mobile Apps Swagger NuGet package not available

Release (February 2016)

Release 1.0.119 (December 2015 | GA)

  • (Breaking change) Renamed MobileAppTokenHandler (and related methods) to AppServiceTokenHandler

  • (Breaking change) Removed unused HttpConfiguration and HttpRequestMessage extension methods

  • (Breaking change) Removed the public MobileAppSettingsProvider property on MobileAppConfiguration

Release 0.3.36 (November 2015 | RC)

For details, see this blog post: Azure Mobile Apps November 2015 Update

  • (New!) Added Login package for creating tokens that can be authenticated by App Service Authentication.

  • (Breaking change) System properties no longer start with double underscores (__)

  • (Breaking change) ZUMO-API-VERSION header or query string parameter with value of 2.0.0 is now required

  • (Breaking change) Removed MobileAppUser. Authenticated users are now of type ClaimsPrincipal.

  • (Breaking change) AppServiceAuthenticationMiddleware now mimics App Service Authentication; this middleware should now only be used during local debugging.

  • (Breaking change) Removed SigningKey from MobileAppSettingsDictionary.

  • (Breaking change) GetIdentityAsync<>() has been removed in favor of GetAppServiceIdentityAsync<>(), an extension method on IPrincipal. The new method targets App Service Authentication rather than the Gateway.

  • (Breaking change) Any classes starting with MobileAppAuth have been renamed AppServiceAuth.

Release 0.2.575 (September 2015)

For details, see this blog post:

  • (New!) Support for Azure Table Storage

  • (Breaking change) Removed automatic OWIN setup, to better integrate with ASP.NET. You should now add your own OWIN startup class.

  • (Breaking change) Changed authentication middleware setup. The method MobileAppConfiguration.AddAppServiceAuthentication() has been removed. You should instead call the method IAppBuilder.UseMobileAppAuthentication(HttpConfiguration) in your OWIN startup class.

  • (Breaking change) Removed MobileAppSettingsDictionary.GetSchemaName()

  • (Server quickstart change) web.config no longer specifes the key and value for MS_MobileServiceName.

  • (Server quickstart change) Removed the Global.asax files and App_Start/WebApiConfig.cs. Added the OWIN startup class Startup.cs and App_Start/Startup.MobileApp.cs.

  • Note: you can view the latest server quickstart on GitHub here:

Release 0.2.553 (August 2015)
For details, see this blog post:

  • (Breaking change) ServiceSettingsDictionary has been renamed to MobileAppSettingsDictionary

    From a table controller method, you would use this code:

    MobileAppSettingsDictionary settings =  
  • (Bugfix) System properties now have the correct json serializer settings applied

Release 0.2.549 (July 2015)
For more details, see this blog post:

  • (New) Server nugets are now split up so you can use just the parts you need. Added new NuGet package Microsoft.Azure.Mobile.Server.Quickstart, with these dependencies:

  • (Breaking change) Removed the custom Mobile [AuthorizeLevel] attribute. You should now decorate controllers with the standard ASP.NET [Authorize] attribute.

  • (Breaking change) Application Key and Master Key are no longer used by the SDK. We also no longer assume Application Key protection for APIs by default. The reason for the change is that an Application Key provides no real protection, and a Master Key should never be distributed for an app. We recommend that you use user authentication using the [Authorize] attribute.

  • (Breaking change) By default, ApiControllers are no longer mapped to a route or given any mobile-specific configuration. To designate an ApiController as a mobile controller, specify the [MobileAppController] attribute on your class.

  • (Feature change) The "Try out out" autogenerated help page is no longer available, since we removed the Master Key setting. We're bringing it back in a future release! In the meantime, we recommend using a REST testing tool like Fiddler or Postman.