A LinqToJIRA provider allows to query a JIRA server using Linq syntax:
// create a connection to JIRA using the Rest client
var jira = Jira.CreateRestClient("http://<your_jira_server>", "<user>", "<password>");
// use LINQ syntax to retrieve issues
var issues = from i in jira.Issues.Queryable
where i.Assignee == "admin" && i.Priority == "Major"
orderby i.Created
select i;
Some Jira server URLs need HTTPS for authentication to work.
By default, string comparisons are translated using the JIRA contains operator ('~'). A literal match can be forced by wrapping the string with the LiteralMatch class:
var issues = from i in jira.Issues.Queryable
where i.Summary == new LiteralMatch("My Title")
select i;
See the JQL Page for a list of supported fields and operators.
var issue = jira.CreateIssue("My Project");
issue.Type = "Bug";
issue.Priority = "Major";
issue.Summary = "Issue Summary";
await issue.SaveChangesAsync();
var issue = await jira.Issues.GetIssueAsync("TST-5");
issue.Summary = "Updated Summary";
await issue.SaveChangesAsync();
var issue = await jira.Issues.GetIssueAsync("TST-5");
Console.WriteLine(issue.Priority.Name); // returns the string of the priority field, for example "Critical"
Console.WriteLine(issue.Type.Name); // returns the string of the issue type field, for example "Bug"
Console.WriteLine(issue["My CustomField"]); // returns the string of the custom field named "My CustomField"
var issue = (from i in jira.Issues.Queryable
where i["My CustomField"] == "Custom Field Value"
select i).First();
issue["My CustomField"] = "Updated Field"; // No need to know the id of the custom field.
issue.CustomFields.AddArray("Custom Labels Field", "label1", "label2"); // Adds an array value to a custom field.
issue.CustomFields.AddCascadingSelectField("Custom Cascading Select Field", "Option3"); // Adds a value to a cascading select field.
await issue.SaveChangesAsync();
var cascadingSelect = issue.CustomFields.GetCascadingSelectField("Custom Cascading Select Field"); // Gets the value of a cascading field.
For more information and advanced scenarios see the Custom Fields page.
var issue = await jira.Issues.GetIssueAsync("TST-5");
// get attachments
var attachments = await issue.GetAttachmentsAsync();
// download an attachment
var tempFile = Path.GetTempFileName();
// upload an attachment
await issue.AddAttachmentsAsync("fileToAdd.txt");
var issue = await jira.Issues.GetIssueAsync("TST-5");
// get comments
var comments = await issue.GetCommentsAsync();
// add comment
await issue.AddCommentAsync("new comment");
var issue = await jira.Issues.GetIssueAsync("TST-5");
// add a worklog
await issue.AddWorklogAsync("1h");
// add worklog with new remaining estimate
await issue.AddWorklogAsync("1m", WorklogStrategy.NewRemainingEstimate, "4h");
// retrieve worklogs
var worklogs = await issue.GetWorklogsAsync();
var issue = jira.CreateIssue("My Project", "PARENTISSUE-1");
issue.Type = "5"; // the id of the sub-task issue type
issue.Summary = "A sub task";
await issue.SaveChangesAsync();
Workflowtransitions can be used to update the status of an issue.
You can either use one of the pre-set functions such as:
var issue = await jira.Issues.GetIssueAsync("TST-5");
issue.Resolution = "Won't Fix";
await issue.WorkflowTransitionAsync(WorkflowActions.Resolve);
Or you can pretty much have a lookout for the button which executes the function which you are looking for:
// Sets the ticket status to Pending
// Removes status Pending
issue.WorkflowTransitionAsync("Back to open");